NEWSLETTER EDITION 96 DECEMBER 2016 A donation of 50p will defray our costs. DECEMBER AT A GLANCE Event information is on page 12 unless specified otherwise. 1 Lantern Procession 3 Waynflete Singers Concert 9 Christmas Concert 10 Chamber Choir Concert 11 3.30: A Christmas Celebration 16 Jethro Tull Concert 18 The Fourth Sunday of Advent 7.40: M, 8.00: HC, 10.00: SE 3.30: A Christmas Celebration 19 Carol Service (also 21 & 22) 23 1.00: A Ceremony of Carols 24 CHRISTMAS EVE 11.00 & 3.00: Family Services 5.30: Choral Evensong & Blessing of the Crib 11.30: Midnight Eucharist 25 CHRISTMAS DAY 8.00: HC, 10.00: CM, 11.15: SE, 3.30: CE 26 STEPHEN, DEACON, FIRST MARTYR 27 JOHN, APOSTLE & EVANGELIST 28 THE HOLY INNOCENTS KEY TO SERVICES HC Holy Communion (always said) CM Choral Mattins (M = said) SE Sung Eucharist (always sung) CE Choral Evensong (E = said) THE ACTING DEAN WRITES. . . How can things never change and yet always be different? That’s the paradox of Christmas, as we celebrate it. In my childhood Christmas was extremely traditional. There were decorations on our tinsel tree that had belonged to our mother as a child in the 1930s. Each piece of tinsel around the house went in exactly the same place every year. The only variable, apart from the presents given and received around the tree, was the size of the Christmas bird, which every year had to be bigger than the one before, till we reached the point where we were gobbling turkey-with-anything sandwiches well into Epiphany. An unchanging Christmas gives a sense of stability. I look back on those celebrations with gratitude for the loving sanctuary that they offered in the same house for over forty years, and count them as a priceless gift. There must be many who come to Winchester Cathedral reaching for this sort of memory or aspiration, seeking the reassurance that strengthens us at the roots of our being. No-one seeking stability with us will be disappointed: our liturgical journey through Advent to Christmas follows beloved, familiar lines. We are not apologetic about providing this sort of continuity as it speaks of a God who is faithful to us. The world may be in uproar and darkness be closing in, but at the heart of this seething reality is a wellspring of mercy. When we listen to the prophets, when we travel with the shepherds to Bethlehem, we step towards the source.

NEWSLETTER EDITION 96 DECEMBER 2016 - … · NEWSLETTER EDITION 96 DECEMBER 2016 ... 16 Jethro Tull Concert 18 The Fourth Sunday of Advent 7.40: M, 8.00: HC, 10.00: SE 3.30: A Christmas

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NEWSLETTER EDITION 96 DECEMBER 2016 A donation of 50p will defray our costs.

DECEMBER AT A GLANCE Event information is on page 12

unless specified otherwise.

1 Lantern Procession 3 Waynflete Singers Concert 9 Christmas Concert 10 Chamber Choir Concert 11 3.30: A Christmas Celebration 16 Jethro Tull Concert 18 The Fourth Sunday of Advent 7.40: M, 8.00: HC, 10.00: SE 3.30: A Christmas Celebration 19 Carol Service (also 21 & 22) 23 1.00: A Ceremony of Carols 24 CHRISTMAS EVE 11.00 & 3.00: Family Services 5.30: Choral Evensong & Blessing of the Crib 11.30: Midnight Eucharist 25 CHRISTMAS DAY 8.00: HC, 10.00: CM, 11.15: SE, 3.30: CE 26 STEPHEN, DEACON, FIRST MARTYR 27 JOHN, APOSTLE & EVANGELIST 28 THE HOLY INNOCENTS

KEY TO SERVICES HC Holy Communion (always said) CM Choral Mattins (M = said) SE Sung Eucharist (always sung) CE Choral Evensong (E = said)

THE ACTING DEAN WRITES. . . How can things never change and yet always be different? That’s the paradox of Christmas, as we celebrate it.

In my childhood Christmas was extremely traditional. There were decorations on our tinsel tree that had belonged to our mother as a child in the 1930s. Each piece of tinsel around the house went in exactly the same place every year. The only variable, apart from the presents given and received around the tree, was the size of the Christmas bird, which every year had to be bigger than the one before, till we reached the point where we were gobbling turkey-with-anything sandwiches well into Epiphany.

An unchanging Christmas gives a sense of stability. I look back on those celebrations with gratitude for the loving sanctuary that they offered in the same house for over forty years, and count them as a priceless gift. There must be many who come to Winchester Cathedral reaching for this sort of memory or aspiration, seeking the reassurance that strengthens us at the roots of our being.

No-one seeking stability with us will be disappointed: our liturgical journey through Advent to Christmas follows beloved, familiar lines. We are not apologetic about providing this sort of continuity as it speaks of a God who is faithful to us. The world may be in uproar and darkness be closing in, but at the heart of this seething reality is a wellspring of mercy. When we listen to the prophets, when we travel with the shepherds to Bethlehem, we step towards the source.



But a wellspring is an image of both continuity and change. In our heart of hearts we know that we cannot stand against the tide of time like some latter-day Canute. What is always different about Christmas is the offer of salvation given in Jesus Christ. It is an offer of freedom and joy, but one always tailored to our circumstances. The gift of the Incarnation is the Word-made-flesh in Jesus Christ; but the principle of incarnation is that this gift is given anew, year by year, day by day, moment by moment, fashioned to particular circumstances, as it first was in first-century Judea. You may wonder what this means in practice. Time will run on. The draft rota for December has come out and the clergy know the routine for the month ahead, preaching, presiding and praying. That is the outward form of things, the horizontal dimension. At any point in time, however, eternity may break into the present moment. As St John testifies, dazzled by the gift, ‘We have beheld his glory, the glory of God’s one and only Son’. The glory of the Word of God coming in the flesh is always transformative, always spoken afresh, and if we accept it, can never leave our comforting routines and rituals unchanged. The theme of continuity and change continues in the comings and goings in our Cathedral community since August. Those arriving are: Robert Taite, Apprentice Gardener; Jack Comerford, Lay Clerk; Ross Lovett (formerly a mason with us), Working Site Foreman; and Svetlana Cochrane, Retail Manager. Svetlana is covering a period of leave for Susan Gilmour, though Susan herself has now returned to us, working on other projects for the time being. Those leaving us are: Karen Housby, Visitor Services Team Member; Nicky Cambrook, Fundraiser; Jamie Franklin, Part-Time Virger, whose son Rafe Edward we recently baptised; and Katheryn Wood, Apprentice Gardener. We

thank them all as they depart for their service. There is one other departure and transformation to mention. Canon Ian Tomlinson died at the end of October. Ian was the longest-serving Rector of the Diocese and the longest-serving member of the College of Canons. One of his last acts for us was to be on the appointing panel for our new Dean, where I am told he made a fine contribution. Ian didn’t fit into a mould. One of his great gifts was to make a routine and rather dull meeting prone to unexpected flights of imagination. He could be direct with his honest critique of guff, but he could also be delightfully affirming of small deeds and virtues. Ian was a lovable man, though he never sought even to be liked and rarely made concessions to the conventional. The more grey-minded among us will miss his owlish mischief-making and merriment, but we entrust him to God in confidence and hope, giving thanks for the taste that he gave us for the unexpected in-breaking of truth.

Canon Roly

Canon Ian Tomlinson (1950—2016)


AN ADVENT PROCESSION The wonderful season of Advent has arrived in the Cathedral and with it one of my favourite services, the Advent Procession, which begins in darkness. Golden light then gradually fills the Cathedral from West to East as the choirs implore Jesus Christ to return calling him by his Messianic titles; ‘Key of David’, ‘Root of Jesse’ and ‘King of the Nations’. We will have lots of visitors over the Advent and Christmas season, including a number of schools from across Hampshire and we very much enjoy hearing the children perform with such grace and talent at their services. The Cathedral Carol Concert on Friday 9th is another highlight in the Cathedral diary and will include the celebrated opera singers Claire Rutter and Stephen Gadd within a creatively lit cathedral nave. It is presented by Sally Taylor. The Chamber Choir concert has become more and more popular every year. This year it takes place on Saturday 10th at 1pm and the atmosphere will be very special with a nave full of people. For those who wish to experience a small taste of the season of Advent as the monks of old experienced it, an early service of Compline (night prayer) sung to Gregorian chant will take place on Wednesday 14th at 7pm in the quire. Unlike the monks of old, we will, however, be singing most of the service in English. If you would like to learn how to chant Compline and sing with us, there will be a rehearsal at 5.30pm in the Cathedral followed by refreshments.

There are a number of carol services this year that are particularly suitable for families and young children. Family carol services will take place at 3.30pm on Sunday 11th and Sunday 18th and at 11am and 3pm our usual Christmas Eve services will once again include an opportunity to dress up as a character from the Christmas story. Our main Cathedral Carol Services will take place on Monday 19th, Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd December. Monday’s service will be ticketed but Wednesday’s and Thursday’s services are open to all. After Christmas there are not normally sung services of Evensong. However, this year we have a visiting choir, Projecti Voces from Holland, who will be singing Evensong with us (at the earlier time than usual of 4pm) to mark Holy Innocents day on the 28th. This is a chance for us to pray for those innocents who are suffering around the world, and for grieving parents. Looking ahead to January a date to put in your diary is 28th January, when Mark Williams will be leading a group of forty singers, performing Spem in Alium as a surround sound experience at 12pm and 1pm in an empty nave, with the audience in the middle of the space. Finally I’m sure you would join me in giving my warmest congratulations to Richard Pratt, our liturgy administrator, and Zoe Thesiger who will be married on New Year’s Eve. May God bring them many years of happiness together.

Canon Sue

ANDREW LUMSDEN ON MUSIC IN DECEMBER As has become ‘traditional’ for Advent, our Men’s Voice Evensongs move into the very special atmosphere of the Retroquire with some equally enchanting music, including William Byrd’s Vigilate (12th), Orlande di Lasso’s setting of the Magnificat based on a folk song of the time (6th) and Franz Biebl’s setting of the Ave Maria (17th). We build up to Christmas in the usual way with our Carol services, the Girl Choristers singing the Eucharist on Advent IV (18th - this year it will be Gabriel Fauré’s Messe Basse) and the boys and girls singing Benjamin Britten’s A Ceremony of Carols (23rd). Christmas Eve Evensong will include Michael Head’s beautiful carol The Little Road to Bethlehem and, as ever, we conclude our festivities at Christmas Day Evensong with the timeless anthem by Morten Lauridsen, O magnum mysterium.


First on the Ice were the Boy Choristers in their tra



ditional pose which has already hit the nationals.



The Penguins are back. Alternatively you could ‘Have a Banana’.

And marshmallows are a must in your hot chocolate!



And the Girl Choristers led us in carols.

Canon Roly took to the Ice and the Mayor cut the ribbon.



And then the professionals showed us how to do it...

...as they wowed a crowd of around 500 people surrounding the rink.



SURROUND SOUND III 40 part Motets: Thomas Tallis Spem in alium and David Bednall Lux orta Saturday 28th January 2017 Performances at 12 noon and 1 pm

Immerse yourself in the splendour of live choral music whilst admiring the open space of the nave. Index Cantorum returns to give performances of two choral pieces employing 40 voices, Thomas Tallis’ 16th century masterwork Spem in alium, and a recent composition, David Bednall’s Lux orta est iusto. Experience the music as ‘promenaders’, or sit informally in the middle of the nave, with the singers encircling the audience to provide ‘Quadragintophonic’ sound. Duration: 20 minutes each performance Admission free, with retiring collection in aid of the Cathedral Music Fund.

The Cathedral's Family Welcome team with Children's Church leaders cared for children during the Remembrance Sunday Service in the North Transept. Geraldine Guthrie's educational display provides a fitting background here to poppies made by the children.

SOUL MATTERS A series of four talks from two renowned


Brian Draper 1st & 8th February - In two talks entitled,

‘Soulfulness’ Brian Draper asks, what might a Christian dis-tinctive of the popular ‘Mindfulness’ look like,

not least for such a time as this?

Patrick Woodhouse 15th & 22nd February - In two talks entitled, ‘The practice of Faith in a Dismissive World’, Patrick Woodhouse addresses the idea that

the practice of the contemplative way of faith can, despite everything, make profound sense

– and lead to a different kind of knowing.

at The United Church, Jewry Street Winchester

Wednesday lunchtimes in February 12.30 - 1pm

No entrance charge but your donations are most welcome

Sandwiches available after the talk




The memorial to Sir John Tavener, which was unveiled in the South Presbytery Aisle at a ceremony on 11 November. The inscription reads 'Nipson anomēmata mē monan opsin' meaning 'Cleanse your sins, not only your face'.


Cathedral Office, 9 The Close, Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 9LS Tel: 01962 857 200 Cathedral Box Office, Inner Close, Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 9LS Tel: 01962 857 275

On-line: www.winchester-cathedral.org.uk

Continues to 20th CHRISTMAS MARKET Founded in 2006, the Christmas Market celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. Now recognised as one of the best in Europe with its unique location, high quality exhibitors and bustling atmosphere. Wonderful Christmas gifts, decorations and festive foods can be found in abundance.

Continues to 2nd January 2017 ICE RINK Winchester Cathedral Ice Rink gets a brand new makeover—and a clear-span roof! If an exhilarating (and rain-free) skate on a cold winter’s day or beneath a star-filled night sky sparks your imagination, this is definitely the ice rink for you. Pre-book your session and take advantage of the new food and drink packages now available at the Ice Rink Café and The Refectory.

1 December, 6pm LANTERN PROCESSION A highlight of the Christmas events calendar. Take part or watch as participants process with their homemade paper lanterns through the Cathedral grounds. The event will include community carols led by Churches Together in Winchester and conclude with fireworks. To find out how to take part please see the website.

Various dates to 17th December CHRISTMAS & TWILIGHT TOWER TOURS Experience the best views over Winchester and the Cathedral Christmas Market and Ice Rink from the top of the Cathedral tower. Christmas Tours (12.15 or 2.15pm) are followed by tea/coffee and a mince pie in the Cathedral Refectory. Twilight Tours (3.30pm) are followed by mulled wine and mine pies in the stunning setting of the Undercroft.

3rd December, 7.30pm A CHRISTMAS FANTASIA Music for the festive season, including Poulenc's Gloria, Finzi's In Terra Pax, Vaughan Williams's Fantasia on Christmas Carols, and Carols for choir and audience. The Waynflete Singers are joined by the English Chamber Orchestra and conducted by Andrew Lumsden. 9th December, 7.30pm CATHEDRAL CHRISTMAS CAROL CONCERT This year's Cathedral Christmas Carol Concert features the Cathedral Choir and celebrated opera singers Claire Rutter and Stephen Gadd. The evening will be introduced by BBC South Today's Sally Taylor. 10th December, 1pm CATHEDRAL CHAMBER CHOIR CHRISTMAS CONCERT Come and enjoy this free lunchtime concert performed by the Cathedral Chamber Choir. A retiring collection will be taken. All welcome. 10th December, 7.30pm A DICKENSIAN CHRISTMAS A Christmas Carol: Charles Dickens' timeless story of redemption, will be told through a combination of performance, music and carols. The event takes place the atmospheric setting of the Cathedral retroquire with mulled wine and mince pies served during the interval. 16th Dec 2016 IAN ANDERSON PLAYS THE CHRISTMAS JETHRO TULL A tasty aperitif of seasonal tunes and Tulloid classics to whet the appetite for the Christmas feast.

EVENTS All events should be booked through the Cathedral Box Office (details below)

unless specified otherwise. Please see the website for full details of these and future events.

SERVICES DECEMBER 2016 Holy Communion is celebrated on Sundays and weekdays at 8.00 and Thursdays and Saints' Days at 12 noon also. Morning Prayer is said on weekdays at 7.40, preceded by ten minutes’ silence at 7.30. Choral services are sung by the Boy Choristers and Lay Clerks unless specified otherwise.

In residence: 1st-3rd Mark Collinson; 4th-10th Brian Rees; 11th-17th Sue Wallace; 18th-24th Gregory Clifton-Smith; 25th-31st Brian Rees

1 THURSDAY 12.00 Holy Communion 5.00 Evening Prayer 2 FRIDAY 11.00 HAMPSHIRE SPECIAL SCHOOLS’ CAROL SERVICE 2.00 PRINCES MEAD CAROL SERVICE 5.30 EVENSONG Responses: Shephard Canticles: Holmes Fauxbourdons Service Anthem: Joubert There is no rose SATURDAY 10.00 Roman Catholic Mass 12.30 Prayers for Advent 5.30 Evening Prayer 7.30 Concert: Waynflete Singers Tickets: 01962 857 275 and online 4 The Second SUNDAY of Advent 8.00 Holy Communion (Canon Roland Riem) 9.45 MATTINS – Girl Choristers and Lay Clerks Responses: Tomkins Benedictus: Moore Fauxbourdons Service Anthem: Praetorius/Cashmore Es ist ein Ros’ entsprungen Sermon: Canon Gregory Clifton-Smith

11.00 SUNG EUCHARIST Children’s Church will take place in the Undercroft during this service. President: Canon Sue Wallace Homily: Canon Howard Mellor Setting: Moore Canterbury Mass Coffee is available in the South Nave Aisle after this service — all are welcome 3.30 EVENSONG Responses: Shephard Canticles: Blair in B minor Anthem: Gowers Ad te levavi Sermon: Canon Roland Riem 6.00 Taizé Service

5 MONDAY 2.30 Cathedral Intercession Group (Learning Centre) 5.30 Evening Prayer 7.30 PETER SYMONDS CAROL SERVICE 6 TUESDAY – Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, c326 4.45 Cathedral Stillness - Guardian Angels’ Chapel 5.30 EVENSONG – Men’s Voices in the Retroquire Responses: Tallis Canticles: di Lasso Magnificat (Susanne un jour) Anthem: Mundi Sive vigilem 7.30 KINGS’ SCHOOL CAROL SERVICE

7 WEDNESDAY – Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, Teacher of the Faith, 397 8.35 Cathedral Stillness - Guardian Angels’ Chapel 10.30 Mothers’ Union Prayers in Undercroft 3.30 THE PILGRIMS’ SCHOOL CAROL SERVICE 5.30 Evening Prayer 7.30 NAOMI HOUSE – LIGHT UP A LIFE 8 THURSDAY – Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary 7.10 Cathedral Stillness – West End 10.30 ST SWITHUN’S SCHOOL CAROL SERVICE 12.00 Holy Communion 5.30 Evening Prayer 7.30 WESTGATE SCHOOL CAROL SERVICE 9 FRIDAY 4.15 Evening Prayer 7.30 CATHEDRAL CAROL CONCERT Tickets: 01962 857 275 and online 10 SATURDAY 12.30 Prayers for Advent 1.00 CHAMBER CHOIR CONCERT Admission free. Retiring Collection. 5.30 EVENSONG Responses: Clucas Canticles: Stanford in C Anthem: EW Naylor Vox dicentis 7.30 A DICKENSIAN CHRISTMAS Tickets: 01962 857 275 and online 11 The Third SUNDAY of Advent 8.00 Holy Communion (Canon Brian Rees) 9.45 MATTINS Responses: Clucas Benedictus: Stanford in C Anthem: Wood O thou the central orb Sermon: Canon Mark Collinson 11.00 SUNG EUCHARIST President: Canon Mark Collinson Homily: The Rev’d Jono Harvey Setting: Byrd Mass for five voices Coffee is available in the South Nave Aisle after this service — all are welcome 3.30 A CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION – Girl Choristers and Lay Clerks 4.30 Evening Prayer

12 MONDAY 5.30 EVENSONG – Men’s Voices in the Retroquire Responses: Byrd/Quinney Magnificat: Binchois Nunc dimittis: Pepys MS Anthem: Byrd Vigilate 13 TUESDAY – Lucy, Martyr at Syracuse, 304 4.45 Cathedral Stillness - Guardian Angels’ Chapel 5.30 Evening Prayer 14 WEDNESDAY – John of the Cross, Poet, Teacher of the Faith, 1591 8.35 Cathedral Stillness - Guardian Angels’ Chapel 5.00 Evening Prayer 7.00 COMPLINE sung by Winchester Cathedral Nave Choir 15 THURSDAY – Isaac Walton, Author, 1683 7.10 Cathedral Stillness – West End 12.00 Holy Communion 5.30 Evening Prayer 16 FRIDAY 6.00 Evening Prayer 7.30 Concert: Ian Anderson plays The Christmas Jethro Tull Tickets: 01962 857 275 and online 17 SATURDAY – O Sapientia 12.30 Prayers for Advent 5.30 EVENSONG – Men’s Voices in the Retroquire Responses: Sharpe Canticles: Moore in A Anthem: Biebl Ave Maria 18 The Fourth SUNDAY of Advent O Adonaï 7.35 Morning Prayer 8.00 Holy Communion (Canon Sue Wallace) 10.00 SUNG EUCHARIST – Girl Choristers President: Canon Gregory Clifton-Smith Homily: Canon Brian Rees Setting: Fauré Messe Basse Coffee is available in the South Nave Aisle 3.30 A CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION 4.30 Evening Prayer


19 MONDAY – O Radix Jesse 3.00 Evening Prayer (Retroquire) – Cathedral closed from 3.30-5.30 6.30 CATHEDRAL CAROL SERVICE Free Tickets: 01962 857 275 20 TUESDAY – O Clavis David 11.00 Ceremony of Remembrance 4.45 Cathedral Stillness - Guardian Angels’ Chapel 5.30 Evening Prayer 21 WEDNESDAY – O Oriens 8.35 Cathedral Stillness - Guardian Angels’ Chapel 3.30 Evening Prayer 6.30 CATHEDRAL CAROL SERVICE No tickets required – please be seated by 5.50 22 THURSDAY – O Rex Gentium 7.10 Cathedral Stillness - Guardian Angels’ Chapel 12.00 Holy Communion 3.30 Evening Prayer in Retroquire 6.30 CATHEDRAL CAROL SERVICE No tickets required – please be seated by 5.50 23 FRIDAY– O Emmanuel 1.00 BENJAMIN BRITTEN: A CEREMONY OF CAROLS Admission Free. Retiring Collection. 5.30 Evening Prayer 24 SATURDAY – CHRISTMAS EVE 11.00 FAMILY CHRISTMAS SERVICE Children attending are invited to dress up as Angels, Shepherds or Kings and join us at the crib during this service. 3.00 FAMILY CHRISTMAS SERVICE – See 11.00 5.30 EVENSONG & Blessing of the Crib – Boys’ Voices Responses: Plainsong Canticles: Moore Second Service Anthem: Head As I walked down the road Carol at the Crib: Rocking Carol 11.30 MIDNIGHT EUCHARIST — Senior and Former Girl Choristers with Lay Clerks President: The Bishop of Winchester

Introit: JS Bach Break forth BWV248 Setting: Dove Missa brevis Communion Carol: arr Wilberg Still, still, still 25 SUNDAY – CHRISTMAS DAY 8.00 Holy Communion (Canon Richard Lindley) 10.00 MATTINS – Boy and Girl Choristers with Lay Clerks Responses: Rose Te Deum: Howells Collegium Regale Anthem: Praetorius Resonet in laudibus Sermon: The Bishop of Winchester 11.15 SUNG EUCHARIST President & Homily: Canon Roland Riem Setting: Peeters Missa Festiva Carol: arr Hill Away in a manger 3.30 EVENSONG & Procession to the Christmas Tree Responses: Rose Canticles: Wood Collegium Regale Anthem: Lauridsen O magnum mysterium Carol: O little one sweet 26 MONDAY STEPHEN, DEACON, FIRST MARTYR The Cathedral will be open to visitors from 8.30am – 5pm 10.00 Mattins (said) 10.30 Holy Communion 4.00 Evening Prayer 27 TUESDAY – JOHN, APOSTLE AND

EVANGELIST The Cathedral will be open to visitors from 8.30am – 5pm 9.00 Mattins (said) 9.30 Holy Communion 4.00 Evening Prayer 28 WEDNESDAY – THE HOLY INNOCENTS The Cathedral will be open to visitors from

8.30am – 5pm


9.00 Mattins (said) 9.30 Holy Communion 4.00 FESTAL EVENSONG sung by Projecti Voces Holland Responses: Snoek Canticles: Snoek Anthem: Rutter Christmas Lullaby 29 THURSDAY – Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, Martyr, 1170 The Cathedral will be open to visitors from 8.30am – 5pm 9.00 Mattins (said) 9.30 Holy Communion 12.00 Holy Communion 4.00 Evening Prayer 30 FRIDAY The Cathedral will be open to visitors from 8.30am – 5pm 9.00 Mattins (said) 9.30 Holy Communion 4.00 Evening Prayer 31 SATURDAY The Cathedral will be open to visitors from 8.30am – 4pm 9.00 Mattins (said) 9.30 Holy Communion 4.00 Wedding


LARGE PRINT VERSIONS ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE OFFICE. Cathedral Office, 9, The Close, Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 9LS. Tel: 01962 857 200

Cathedral Box Office, Inner Close, Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 9LS. Tel: 01962 857 275


This leaflet is printed on recyclable paper.

Our Christmas in Winchester Guide is in the Cathedral and on our website. It contains details of services and events across the district.