NEWSS News Northeastern Weed Science Society May 2013 COMMENTS FROM THE PRESIDENT Dwight Lingenfelter It was only a little over a year ago in Hawaii, that I was making initial program plans with the WSSA folks to host our first ever joint meeting between WSSA and NEWSS. And now as I look back, the 67 th Annual Meeting of NEWSS and the 53 rd Annual Meeting of WSSA held February 4-7, 2013 at the Hilton Baltimore was a success. The two societies worked well together and most of the sessions were seamlessly combined yet we were able to maintain our identity during certain sessions. Thanks to all from our Executive Committee and to those from WSSA, namely Jim Kells, Joyce Lancaster, and Kate Counter, whose efforts made this a worthwhile event. The attendance at the overall meeting was 508, and of those, about 135 were affiliated with NEWSS. We again boasted a very successful NEWSS student contest in which 24 students from our society participated in the oral contest and 12 were involved in the poster session. Dispersed among the topical/commodity sections there were several symposia including: 1) Herbicide Application in the 21 st Century; 2) Herbicide Resistance Management The Path Forward; 3) Re-aligning your Course to Improve Student Learning; 4) Environmental Assessment of Herbicide Resistance; and 5) Holistic Invasive Weed Management: Integration of Science, Regulation, and Public/Private Policy. In addition to the meeting sessions, there were two social events including our popular nightcap/dessert gathering. Thanks to Renee Keese and the industry sponsors (BASF, Bayer, Monsanto and Syngenta) for making this dessert social a great success! During the meeting, several of our members were presented with NEWSS awards and/or WSSA awards. Award recipients at the 2013 meeting were the following: William Curran NEWSS Fellow and WSSA Outstanding Extension Award James Brosnan and Richard Stalter NEWSS Outstanding Researchers Henry Wilson NEWSS Award of Merit Randall Prostak NEWSS Outstanding Educator Angela Post Robert D. Sweet Outstanding Graduate Student and WSSA Outstanding Graduate Student Quintin Johnson M. Garry Schnappinger Service Recognition Award Glenn Evans, Robin Bellinder and Russ Hahn Outstanding Paper in Weed Technology

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NEWSS NewsNortheastern Weed Science Society

May 2013


Dwight Lingenfelter

It was only a little over a year ago in Hawaii,

that I was making initial program plans with the

WSSA folks to host our first ever joint meeting

between WSSA and NEWSS. And now as I look

back, the 67th

Annual Meeting of NEWSS and the


Annual Meeting of WSSA held February 4-7,

2013 at the Hilton Baltimore was a success. The

two societies worked well together and most of the

sessions were seamlessly combined yet we were

able to maintain our identity during certain sessions.

Thanks to all from our Executive Committee and to

those from WSSA, namely Jim Kells, Joyce

Lancaster, and Kate Counter, whose efforts made

this a worthwhile event. The attendance at the

overall meeting was 508, and of those, about 135

were affiliated with NEWSS.

We again boasted a very successful NEWSS

student contest in which 24 students from our

society participated in the oral contest and 12 were

involved in the poster session. Dispersed among

the topical/commodity sections there were several

symposia including: 1) Herbicide Application in the

21st Century; 2) Herbicide Resistance Management

– The Path Forward; 3) Re-aligning your Course to

Improve Student Learning; 4) Environmental

Assessment of Herbicide Resistance; and 5) Holistic

Invasive Weed Management: Integration of

Science, Regulation, and Public/Private Policy. In

addition to the meeting sessions, there were two

social events including our popular nightcap/dessert

gathering. Thanks to Renee Keese and the industry

sponsors (BASF, Bayer, Monsanto and Syngenta)

for making this dessert social a great success!

During the meeting, several of our members

were presented with NEWSS awards and/or WSSA

awards. Award recipients at the 2013 meeting were

the following:

William Curran – NEWSS Fellow and WSSA

Outstanding Extension Award

James Brosnan and Richard Stalter – NEWSS

Outstanding Researchers

Henry Wilson – NEWSS Award of Merit

Randall Prostak – NEWSS Outstanding Educator

Angela Post – Robert D. Sweet Outstanding

Graduate Student and WSSA Outstanding

Graduate Student

Quintin Johnson – M. Garry Schnappinger Service

Recognition Award

Glenn Evans, Robin Bellinder and Russ Hahn –

Outstanding Paper in Weed Technology

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Graduate Student Presentation Awards went to the

following students:

Morning session: Kelly Patches (First place) and

John Orlowski (Second place)

Afternoon Session: Katherine Ghantous (First

place) and Dan Tekiela (Second place)

The Graduate Poster Awards went to: Kate Venner

(First place) and Rachel Atwell (Second place).

Photo Contest winners were: Larissa Smith (First

place) and Farnaz Kordbacheh (Second place).

Other memorable moments from the meeting

included having Anne Schnappinger and her

daughters Lee and Amy dedicate the M. Garry

Schnappinger Service Award. Anne gave a very

gracious and heartfelt speech thanking the society

for bestowing this honor to her late husband, Garry.

She presented the award to its first recipient,

Quintin Johnson. Also during the business meeting,

Greg Armel updated the membership on the

approval of establishing an NEWSS endowment.

He mentioned that the NEWSS board had approved

the allocation of $5,000 from a budget surplus to

help fund the endowment. Information on ways to

donate to this endowment fund can be found on the

NEWSS website (www.newss.org).

We welcome the following new members to the

Executive Committee: Rakesh Chandran as our

Vice President, Erin Hitchner as our Treasurer, Art

Gover as our Editor, Keith Burnell as our

Membership Chair, Todd Mervosh as our Public

Relations Representative, Bryan Dillehay as our

Research & Education Coordinator, and John

Orlowski as our Graduate Student Representative.

Thanks also go to out-going Treasurer/Secretary

Melissa Bravo, Editor Darren Lycan, PR Rep Javi

Vargas, Res. & Ed. Coordinator John Willis and

Grad Student Rep Adam Smith for jobs well done!

The Executive Committee is a great group of

volunteers who donate their time for the benefit on

the NEWSS. The EC is listed on the website if you

need to contact anyone.

As a result of last year’s poll to select a new

NEWSS logo, we are in the process of transitioning

our emblem to the new design. It is a fresh looking

logo that will be used on letterhead, websites,

banners, plaques, apparel, and the like. (Ed. note:

the new NEWSS logos are displayed on the first

page of this newsletter.)

In 2012, the NEWSS Weed Science Contest was

held at Rutgers University's Snyder Research Farm

located in Pittstown, NJ. Overall, it was a very

good event and well attended. The 2013 Contest

will be a combined event with the NEWSS and

NCWSS hosted by Monsanto at their research

facility in Monmouth, IL, on July 24 and 25. It

should be a great experience for those involved.

More details will be posted on the NEWSS website

very soon.

The Board has already begun working on the


Annual Meeting to be held January 6-9, 2014 at

the Sheraton Society Hill in Philadelphia, PA.

Please note this is one week later than usual, due to

New Year’s Day falling mid-week. Greg Armel is

working on the General Session and some symposia

and workshops. We are pleased that the Northeast

Region of the American Society of Horticulture

Science (NE-ASHS) will join us again. This

partnership has worked well in the past and should

allow for some opportunities to interact once again.

Make plans this year to participate in the Weed

Contest in July and our Annual Meeting next

January. Be thinking of titles to submit, and if you

have ideas for a symposium or workshop, please

forward those to Greg Armel. It takes input from

the membership to keep the NEWSS a functioning

and relevant society in order to deal with current

issues. I look forward to graciously serving as your

president this year.

Dwight Lingenfelter

NEWSS President


Antonio DiTommaso

I thank all of you who attended the 2013 Joint

Annual Meeting of the NEWSS/WSSA in early

February in Baltimore, MD. The meeting was well

attended and Program Chairs Dwight Lingenfelter

and Jim Kells did a masterful job in putting together

a most interesting and varied program. I would also

like to thank all of you for approving the creation of

a NEWSS Endowment Fund to support educational

programs for our graduate and undergraduate

students. I encourage you to contribute to the Fund

what you can by visiting our NEWSS website.

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As Past-President, my duties include Chair of

the Awards Committee. As such, I am looking for

nominations for the following NEWSS awards to be

presented at the 2014 Annual meeting in

Philadelphia. This is the first call for nominations:

• Fellow Award

• Award of Merit

• Outstanding Educator

• Outstanding Researcher

• Robert D. Sweet Outstanding Graduate

Student Award

• M. Garry Schnappinger Service Recognition


Please consider nominating a worthy colleague for

one of our NEWSS Awards.

Criteria and nomination forms for all awards are

posted on-line at:


Scroll to the bottom and click on the Manual of

Operating Procedures and Addendum 6.

Please contact Antonio DiTommaso 607.254.4702

or [email protected] for more information.

More details to follow in our August Newsletter.

Another duty of the Past-President is to announce

the opening for nominations for Vice-President.

The Chair of the Nomination Committee is Mark

VanGessel: [email protected]

Please provide him with names of any individuals

you think we should consider.

Toni DiTommaso

Past President


Gregory Armel

Our annual NEWSS will be meeting at the

Sheraton Society Hill on the week of Jan 6th 2014.

This venue was used for one of our previous

meetings and it turned out to be a great meeting

venue for a fantastic time near the historic district of

downtown Philadelphia. Once again we are

fortunate to be meeting jointly with the

Northeastern American Society for Horticultural

Sciences (NEASHS). The theme of our 2014

meeting will revolve around “Weed Control in the

Future.” As always, we would like your input and

ask for your ideas and insights for specific

workshops or symposia you would like to see at this

meeting. If you have any topics of interest please

let me know as soon as possible

([email protected] or 919-547-2674).

Also, I recently initiated some polling to

determine our 2015 location for the NEWSS

meeting. It was my hope to take us to a location

either outside our region or in our region where we

have never been or have not been for a long time.

Through two rounds of surveying, we have

identified three locations that a vast majority of our

membership have found acceptable for an NEWSS

meeting. Those locations are Williamsburg, VA;

Raleigh, NC; and Orlando, FL. Professional groups

in each location have offered assistance and the

desire to participate jointly with us in some fashion

so this could be an outstanding opportunity for us to

network and educate weed enthusiasts (or weed

haters depending on your perspective) in new

geographies. Over the next several months we will

be assessing costs and determining which venue

offers the best chance for a positive educational and

networking experience in the most cost effective


Greg Armel


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Dwight Lingenfelter PRESIDENT Penn State University Ph.: (814) 865-2242

[email protected]

Greg Armel PRESIDENT-ELECT BASF – The Chemical Company

Ph.: (919) 547-2674 [email protected]

Rakesh Chandran VICE PRESIDENT West Virginia University

Ph.: (304) 293-2603

[email protected]

Erin Hitchner TREASURER Syngenta

Ph.: (609) 980-8832 [email protected]

Antonio DiTommaso PAST PRESIDENT Cornell University

Ph: (607) 254-4702 [email protected]


Randall Prostak CAST REPRESENTATIVE University of Massachusetts

Ph.: (413) 577-1738

[email protected]

Art Gover EDITOR Penn State University Ph.: (814) 863-9904

[email protected]

John Orlowski GRADUATE STUDENT REP University of Kentucky

Ph.: (518) 596-9311 [email protected]

Todd Mervosh PUBLIC RELATIONS REP The Connecticut Agricultural Exp. Station

Ph: (860) 683-4984

[email protected]

Bryan Dillehay RESEARCH & EDUCATION CHAIR Monsanto Company

Ph.: (814) 404-2683 [email protected]

John O’Barr SUSTAINING MEMBER CHAIR BASF - The Chemical Company

Ph.: (717) 386-8259

[email protected]

Jacob Barney WSSA REPRESENTATIVE Virginia Tech

Ph.: (540) 231-6323

[email protected]

Keith Burnell MEMBERSHIP CHAIR Syngenta

Ph.: (315) 209-7580 [email protected]


Rakesh Chandran

As I begin to write this report, I have to reflect

and recall how quickly the years have gone by since

the first NEWSS annual meeting I attended back in

1994. Ron Ritter presided that meeting over a

packed audience in the Baltimore Hyatt Regency

ballroom. Although the attendance at our annual

meetings reduced since then, partly due to leaps in

weed management technology and communication,

we continue to meet as a core group and provide

cutting edge scientific information to weed science

professionals as well as end-users.

To keep up this trend the Executive Committee

is working hard to come up with suitable topics for

the symposia and workshop for the 2014 meeting.

For the 2014 meetings the program chair is working

to put together a symposium related to weed

management in the future. We are exploring the

idea of inviting several experts regarding innovative

methods to manage weeds. A workshop on weed

management in ornamentals is also being planned.

It is never too early to plan for subsequent meetings,

and suggestions towards future meetings are kindly

requested from the membership.

As a member of NEWSS, you play a critical

role to maintain the high level of scholarship and

service we provide as a society. As we try get a

handle on herbicide-resistant weed biotypes in row-

crops, please consider presenting relevant research

or literature to address this important issue, as well

as other developments in row-crop weed

management in the Agronomy Section. The

Northeast region has a strong history of delivering

state-of-the-art information in ornamental weed

management, and we have a symposium planned in

2014 to boost this effort. Also consider presenting

recent important developments related to weed

management in Turfgrass and Plant Growth

Regulator Section. Our region can boast again

being home to the Headquarters of the IR-4 Project

and advances in weed control in the diverse minor

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crops of are always well-received in the Vegetables

and Fruit Section.

Invasive weeds are becoming more of a concern

in both natural and disturbed systems in the region

research findings related to their biology and

management will be timely for the Vegetation

Management and Restoration session. Some of the

most interesting research in Weed Science is

presented in the Weed Biology and Ecology

Section. The poster session has always served as a

stage for stimulating discussions and interaction for

the attendees of the meeting. Please consider

presenting your important work to your friendly

peers, especially if you have not done so recently.

Collectively, we play an important role to meet

the basic needs of our fellow citizens locally and

globally, while protecting our environment. Most

everything we do is of practical relevance and is

worthwhile information. The society thrives on

your energy and dedication!

Rakesh Chandran

Vice President


Erin Hitchner

NEWSS Financial Report

Account Balances on March 31, 2013

Savings Balance $66,772.29

Checking Balance $14,191.32

CD Balance (meeting in reserve) $24,979.98

CD Balance (weed contest) $10,105.82

Total Net Assets as of March 31, 2013 $116,049.41

Hardcopies of the 2013 NEWSS Proceedings

are still available for purchase. Go to

www.newss.org for ordering information.

Front row (L to R): Erin Hitchner, Rakesh Chandran,

Toni DiTommaso, Dwight Lingenfelter, Greg Armel.

Back row (L to R): Todd Mervosh, Bryan Dillehay,

Randy Prostak, Art Gover, Keith Burnell, John

Orlowski, Jacob Barney. Not in picture: John O’Barr

and Lee VanWychen.


Dwight Lingenfelter President

Greg Armel President-Elect

Rakesh Chandran Vice President

Erin Hitchner Treasurer

Antonio DiTommaso Past President

Keith Burnell Membership Chair

Art Gover Editor

John Orlowski Graduate Student Rep.

Bryan Dillehay Research & Education

John O'Barr Sustaining Membership

Todd Mervosh Public Relations Rep.

Jacob Barney WSSA Representative

Randy Prostak CAST Representative

Lee Van Wychen Science Policy Director


Greg Armel President-Elect / Chair

Rakesh Chandran Vice President

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Richard Richtmyer Chair

Bryan Dillehay Chair-Elect


Jon Johnson Chair

Javier Vargas Chair-Elect


Kathleen Hester Chair

Jeff Dobbs Chair-Elect


Jennifer D'Appollonio-Cote Chair

TBD Chair-Elect


Aaron Patton Chair

Matt Elmore Chair-Elect


Dan Kunkel Chair

Jennifer D'Appollonio-Cote Chair-Elect


Steven Mirsky Chair

Katherine Ghantous Chair-Elect


Greg Armel President-Elect / Chair

Dwight Lingenfelter President

Erin Hitchner Treasurer

Keith Burnell Membership Chair


Antonio DiTommaso Past President / Chair

Mark VanGessel

Hilary Sandler

David Yarborough

Jerry Baron


Mark VanGessel Chair

Sudeep Mathew

Katherine Ghantous

William Curran

Larissa Smith


Andy Senesac Chair

Courtney Stokes

Jennifer D'Appollonio-Cote


Dwight Lingenfelter President / Chair

Antonio DiTommaso

Greg Armel

John Orlowski

TBD (2)


Erin Hitchner Treasurer / Chair

Melissa Bravo

Jim Steffel

Todd Mervosh


Dan Kunkel Chair

Antonio DiTommaso Past President


TBD Chair

Matt Mahoney

Erin Hitchner

Javier Vargas

Art Gover

TBD - volunteer

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Antonio DiTommaso Past President / Chair

Mark VanGessel

Hilary Sandler

David Yarborough

Jerry Baron


Keith Burnell Chair

Quintin Johnson

Donald Ganske

Art Gover

Todd Mervosh


Bryan Dillehay Chair

Quintin Johnson


Roy Johnson Chair

Antonio DiTommaso


Mark VanGessel Chair

Russ Hahn

Bill Curran

Brian Olson

Dan Kunkel

Dave Mayonado


Greg Armel Chair

Renee Keese

Jeff Derr

Erin Hitchner

Hillary Sandler

John O’Barr


My name is John Orlowski from the University

of Kentucky and I am your newly elected NEWSS

Graduate Student Representative for the next two

years. Let me start off by thanking Adam Smith of

Virginia Tech for being an outstanding Grad

Student Rep for the past two years. I would also

like to thank everyone who organized, judged and

participated in the student paper and poster contests

at the NEWSS/WSSA joint annual meeting held in

Baltimore. All of presenters did an excellent job.

As we get ready for the field season, make sure

you make some time this summer to attend the

summer Collegiate Weed Science Contest. This

summer’s contest will be held in conjunction with

the North Central Weed Science Society’s summer

contest. It will be hosted by Monsanto at their

Learning Center in Monmouth, Illinois.

Check it out:



I know it may seem like quite a hike from some

of your schools, but the experience is worth it. The

summer contests are a great way to sharpen your

weed identification, herbicide identification, sprayer

calibration and weed science problem solving skills.

Support for travel to the contest may be provided by

NEWSS, so if you are planning on going please e-

mail me so we can get an estimate of attendees

([email protected]).

Finally, I will be working on planning a

graduate student program for our 2014 annual

meeting in Philadelphia. PLEASE, PLEASE

PLEASE, if you have any ideas or suggestions for

activities that you would like to see at next year’s

meetings, let me know. I wish you all a stellar

growing season and hit me up if you need anything.

John Orlowski

Graduate Student Representative

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April 2013

Randall G. Prostak

NEWSS CAST representative

News from CAST

Upon the retirement of Dr. John M. Bonner,

Executive Vice President/CEO in January 2013, the

Board of Directors of the Council for Agricultural

Science and Technology has appointed Linda

Chimenti, current Chief Operating Officer (COO)

of CAST, as the next Executive Vice President of

the 40-year-old organization. Ms. Chimenti has

years of experience as a CAST administrator, and

she is committed to the organization's mission. As

she says, "It is an honor to have the opportunity to

take on a new role in CAST, an organization that I

have served for twelve years with growing

responsibilities." In 2008, Ms. Chimenti was

promoted to Director of Council Operations and

added staff supervision and management duties to

her responsibilities. She assisted the Board of

Directors and Board of Representatives with a

major restructuring of the organization's governance

in 2009. Since 2010, Ms. Chimenti has served as

COO, working closely with Dr. Bonner on

initiatives to expand CAST's impact and broaden its

audience. According to Dr. Phil Stahlman, CAST

President, "We are very pleased that this transition

of leadership will take place within the CAST

organization now that Dr. Bonner is stepping down

to pursue other interests. We are deeply grateful for

all he has done for CAST, and we wish him all the

best. We welcome Ms. Chimenti to her new role

and look forward to working with her in this


Issue paper now available in Spanish:

Herbicide-resistant Weeds Threaten Soil

Conservation Gains: Finding a Balance for Soil and

Farm Sustainability Issue Papers - February 2012,

additional online video

Herbicides were developed during the 20th

century to be used with conventional tillage for

weed control. Conservation (or minimum) tillage

subsequently evolved, which enabled less soil

damage when used with herbicides. Selection

pressure, however, has resulted in weed species that

have made adaptations for survival in conjunction

with tillage. The U.S. government has put several

federal policies and programs in place that help

determine the selection and implementation of crops

and conservation programs in relation to herbicides

and tillage. This Issue Paper examines the impact of

certain weed management practices on soil

conservation objectives and addresses ways to

mitigate negative effects. Chair: David R. Shaw,

Office of Research and Economic Development,

Mississippi State University, Mississippi State.

News from the NEWSS CAST representative:

The 2013 CAST board meeting will be held in

October in Atlanta, GA.

Western Society of Weed Science’s Phillip

Stahlman, professor of weed science at the Kansas

State University, became CAST president for 2012-


Randy Prostak finished his term as chair of Plant

Agriculture and Environmental Issues Working

Group in October 2012. At the request of CAST

leadership, he will chair a new committee that has

been created to mentor individuals new to the

CAST board. Randy will also serve on the 2013

CAST nominating committee.

Forthcoming Publications:

Agricultural Innovation to Sustainably Feed the

World by 2050 (Issue Paper)

Animal Feed vs. Human Food: Challenges and

Opportunities in Sustaining Animal Agriculture

Toward 2050 (Issue Paper)

The Contributions of Pesticides to Meeting the

Global Need for Food Production and Public Health

by 2050 (Issue Paper)

Food, Fuel, and Plant Nutrient Use in the Future

(Issue Paper)

Impact of the Precautionary Principle in Feeding

Current and Future Generations (Issue Paper)

(Chair) Gary Marchant, Arizona State University

Integrated Nutrient Cycling: Key to Long-term

Food Production (Issue Paper)

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Health Benefits and Dietary

Recommendations (Special Publication)

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April 1, 2013

Lee Van Wychen

Science Policy Director

Congress Approves Final FY 2013 Spending Bill

The federal government ran on a continuing

resolution for the first six months of FY 2013 as

Congress punted any spending decisions into the

new year well after last year’s elections. On March

21, the House of Representatives voted to adopt the

Senate amended spending plan, H.R. 933, to fund

the federal government through the remainder of the

fiscal year to Sept 30, 2013.

Depending on how you look at the numbers, most

USDA research, education and extension programs

took a 7.8 percent cut compared to their FY 2012

appropriations. This includes Hatch Act, Smith

Lever Act, the IR-4 program, the Sustainable Ag

Research and Education program and the Regional

IPM Centers. The Senate did pick a few programs

to get more money than they did in FY 2012 which

included the Agriculture and Food Research

Initiative (AFRI) that will get $275 million in FY

2013, compared to $264 million it received in FY

2012. There were also some programs like the

Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI) and the

Organic Agriculture and Extension Initiative

(OREI) that did not get any funding for FY 2013

because Congress did not pass a new Farm Bill, nor

did they extend funding for those programs in the

FY 2013 final spending bill.

One provision in the FY 2013 Consolidated and

Further Continuing Appropriations Act of, 2013

(H.R. 933), that has generated some controversy is

the “Farmer Assurance Provision” under Sec. 735

and stems from past litigation over procedural

issues unrelated to sound science or the safety of

biotech crops such as RR sugar beets. Basically,

the provision says that if a farmer plants a crop that

was legal to plant at planting, the Secretary of

Agriculture will ensure that the farmer gets to

harvest it, even if some lawsuit is upheld in a court.

This provision has been supported by many

different trade associations over the past couple of

years, including the Biotech Industry Organization

and the American Seed Trade Association. The

trade groups contend that environmental activists

and judges have “inappropriately” interfered with

already-approved products that are being planted,

and that the provision “provides certainty” to

farmers, even if a court ruled against the USDA’s

approval of the product. This provision will expire

on Sept. 30, 2013. In the meantime, Secretary

Vilsack has asked USDA’s Office of General

Counsel to review the farmer assurance provision

“as it appears to pre-empt judicial review of a

deregulatory action which may make the provision


New Ag Appropriations Committee Chairman

With the new Congress, comes new chairman of

both the House and Senate Agriculture

Appropriations Subcommittees. On the House side,

Rep. Bob Aderholt from Alabama’s 4th

Congressional District will take over as chair from

Jack Kingston of Georgia. Rep. Aderholt will be

serving in his 9th

term from northern Alabama and

served as chair of Homeland Security Approps in

the 112th Congress. Prior to his election to

Congress, Aderholt served as an aide to Governor

Fob James and as a Municipal Judge in Haleyville,

Alabama. Educated through Alabama's public

school system, Aderholt went on to graduate from

Birmingham Southern College and from the

Cumberland School of Law at Samford University.

On the Senate side, Sen. Herb Kohl from Wisconsin

has retired from Congress after 24 years in office.

Senator Mark Pryor from Arkansas will take over as

the new chair of the Senate Ag Approps

Subcommittee, with Sen. Roy Blunt from Missouri

serving as the ranking member. Pryor grew up in

both Arkansas and the Washington D.C. area. He

received a B.A. in History and his law degree from

the University of Arkansas and worked in private

legal practice for over ten years. Pryor was first

elected to public office in 1990 as a member of the

Arkansas State House of Representatives. In 1998

he was elected Arkansas' Attorney General. He was

first elected to the U.S. Senate in 2002 and was re-

elected in 2008, where he received more votes than

any statewide elected official in Arkansas history.

Vilsack Stays, but EPA and Interior Will Get

New Leaders

USDA Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack will

remain Secretary of Agriculture during the second

term of the Obama Administration. There was

speculation that the former Iowa governor would

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run for the U.S. Senate seat in Iowa being vacated

by the Sen. Tom Harkin in 2014.

At EPA, Administrator Lisa P. Jackson announced

she was leaving about a month after it was revealed

she was using an alias email account to conduct

official business. Jackson used a private email

under the alias “Richard Windsor” to correspond

with EPA colleagues, a decision her staff defended

by saying that her official email account received

too many messages for her to use it efficiently.

Jackson spearheaded efforts to begin regulating

greenhouse gas emissions, including setting new

standards to clean up mercury and other toxic

emissions from coal power plants, and established

new fuel economy standards for motor vehicles.

Many of those initiatives occurred under Gina

McCarthy, the agency’s assistant administrator for

air and radiation, who was nominated in February to

take over the EPA reign’s from Jackson.

McCarthy has worked for Democrats and

Republicans alike in state governments. However,

her role as the point person in developing rules

limiting emissions from industrial sources like

power plants and boilers is likely to make her a

proxy during the confirmation process for the

administration’s broader efforts to address climate


Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar also

announced he will be leaving the administration this

spring. In his place, President Obama nominated

Sally Jewell, head of the outdoor recreation

equipment cooperative REI. The nomination of

Jewell, a high-profile business executive with

strong support among conservation groups, marks a

departure from the recent tradition of naming

Western political figures to lead the Department of

Interior, which manages millions of acres of public

land. Jewell is president and CEO of Recreational

Equipment Inc., a retailer with $2 billion in annual

sales based in Kent, Washington. She spent 19 years

in the commercial banking industry before joining

REI, the nation’s largest consumer cooperative,

with more than 100 stores.

EPA Excludes Arundo and Pennisetum From

Biofuel Rule

For the past year, EPA had been working to finalize

a federal rule which would allow fuel made from

two known noxious weeds, Arundo donax (giant

reed) and Pennisetum purpureum (napier grass or

elephant grass), to count toward federally-mandated

renewable fuels targets. The National and Regional

Weed Science Societies are opposed the rule and

have been working with other stakeholder groups to

prevent parts of the rule from becoming law.

Much to our relief, EPA announced on February 22

that it EXCLUDED Arundo donax and Pennisetum

purpureum from its final rule. Other parts of the

rule were approved, which included the use of

camelina and energy cane as eligible biofuel

feedstocks under the Renewable Fuel Program.

EPA said they would continue to consider

determinations on biofuels produced from Arundo

donax and Pennisetum purpureum and make a final

decision at a later time. The final rule is at:



EPA definitely made the right decision at this time,

but I have no doubt that they will continue to look

at Arundo and Pennisetum going forward. In our

meetings with EPA, we have stressed that if EPA

approves Arundo donax and similarly high risk

feedstocks, we believe that the a federal rule must

include – at the very minimum— guidelines or a

permit process that requires stringent best

management practices to reduce the risk of escape.

These guidelines should be written with the

guidance of the National Invasive Species Council

and relevant federal agencies.

NPDES Bill Reintroduced in 113th Congress

The National and Regional Weed Science Societies

were among the 90 plus public and private

stakeholder groups that supported the introduction

of the “Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act of 2013”,

H.R. 935, in the 113th Congress. The legislation

clarifies Congressional intent that Clean Water Act

permits are NOT required for the lawful application

of FIFRA-approved pesticides. In 2009, the 6th

Circuit Court of Appeals screwed up and double

regulated pesticide applications in, over, or near

water. This legislation has had over 2/3’s majority

support by the House and Senate in the last session

of Congress, but unfortunately the Senate leadership

would not allow to it come to floor for a vote.

Federal Court Says NOAA Must Use “Sound

Science” for Endangered Species Rules

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The U.S. 4th District Court of Appeals out of

Richmond, Virginia threw the book at NOAA’s

National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) for not

using sound science in their decisions on

endangered species protections. Quite frankly,

NMFS has had a terrible activist driven track

record. Basically, the court ruled that NMFS lied in

its 2008 biological opinion claiming twenty-seven

species of salmon were jeopardized by agricultural

practices, when they were not. And that significant

data and standards used in the biological opinions

were not logical or even rational.

The Chair and Ranking Member of the House Ag

Committee have a great summary of the court case,

as well as background information, that you find at:




Lee Van Wychen, Ph.D.

Science Policy Director

National and Regional Weed Science Societies

5720 Glenmullen Place

Alexandria, VA 22303

[email protected]

cell: 202-746-4686


The historic “Emerson Bromo-Seltzer Clock

Tower” built in 1911 in downtown Baltimore.

The building has been converted by the

Baltimore Office of Promotion & the Arts into

the “Bromo-Seltzer Arts Tower.”

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Compiled by Bryan Dillehay

Research & Education Representative

University Location Date Time Contact Email Additional

Virginia Tech Painter, VA June 25 Henry Wilson [email protected]

Penn State Landisville, PA June 26 4:30 pm Bill Curran [email protected]

U. Delaware Georgetown, DE June 26 Mark VanGessel [email protected]

U. Maryland Queenstown, MD June 27 8:30 am Ron Ritter [email protected]

U. Maryland Beltsville, MD June 27 2:00 pm Ron Ritter [email protected]

Penn State Rock Springs, PA July 10 8:30 am Bill Curran [email protected]

Cornell Aurora, NY July 17 1:00 pm Russ Hahn [email protected] BBQ: 11:30

Rutgers By Appointment Brad Majek [email protected]


John O’Barr

We have 19 sustaining members for 2013. This is an increase of one organization from 2012 as well as an

increase in sustaining revenue of $250 over last year.

The 2013 Sustaining Membership breakdown is as follows: 2-Platinum, 6-Gold, 5-Silver, and 6-Bronze

confirmed for a total commitment of $15,000, of which $5,000 will be committed to the weed contest fund.

On behalf of the NEWSS, I would like to personally thank these 19 organizations for their contributions for

2013. These contributions are critical to the financial health of the society and I invite other companies and

organizations to consider becoming a sustaining member today!

All membership levels receive a copy of the proceedings and an exhibit table and recognition at the annual

meeting and in the quarterly newsletters. The tiered fee structure provides benefits such as complementary

conference registration(s) (depending on the level of support,) company link on the NEWSS website, etc.

Platinum and Gold Sustaining members automatically make a contribution to the collegiate weed contest.

Silver and Bronze members are encouraged to make a separate donation for the collegiate weed competition. If

you are interested in becoming a sustaining member or would like to contribute to the weed contest, please

contact John O’Barr ([email protected], 717-386-8259).

Please see last page of Newsletter for list of our Sustaining Members.

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( )

Mark VanGessel, NEWSS Awards Committee Chair

Mark presented the NEWSS Fellow Award to Bill

Curran of Penn State University

William Curran, NEWSS Fellow

Henry Wilson of Virginia Tech was honored with the

NEWSS Award of Merit (received by Kurt Vollmer)

The NEWSS Outstanding Educator Award was

presented to Randy Prostak of UMass Extension

Randall Prostak, Outstanding Educator

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James Brosnan of University of Tennessee was

given the NEWSS Outstanding Researcher Award

(received by Matt Elmore)

Richard Stalter of St. John’s University was also

honored by NEWSS as an Outstanding Researcher

Mark presented the M. Garry Schnappinger Service

Recognition Award to Quintin Johnson of the

University of Delaware

Quintin Johnson, recipient of the M. Garry

Schnappinger Service Recognition Award

Mark presented the Robert D. Sweet Outstanding

Graduate Student Award to Angela Post, a Ph.D.

candidate at Virginia Tech

Angela Post, recipient of the Robert D. Sweet

Outstanding Graduate Student Award

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James Kells, President-Elect

(now President) of WSSA

Dwight Lingenfelter, President-Elect

(now President) of NEWSS

John Jachetta presented the WSSA Outstanding

Extension Award to Bill Curran

Angela Post, recipient of the WSSA Outstanding

Graduate Student Award

Robin Bellinder accepted the award for

Outstanding Paper in Weed Technology

Mark VanGessel with Edward Kee, Secretary of

Agriculture for the State of Delaware, who gave the

Welcoming Address to WSSA and NEWSS

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Antonio DiTommaso presided at the NEWSS

Business Meeting

Kelly Patches (Penn State)


Place, Student Paper Presentation (A.M.)

John Orlowski (Univ. of Kentucky)


Place, Student Paper Presentation (A.M.)

Toni DiTommaso presented his Presidential

Address about his early years in Italy and Canada

before becoming a weed scientist at Cornell

University, then President of NEWSS

Katherine Ghantous (Univ. of Massachusetts)


Place, Student Paper Presentation (P.M.)

Daniel Tekiela (Virginia Tech)


Place, Student Paper Presentation (P.M.)

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Kate Venner (Virginia Tech)


Place, Student Poster Presentation

Rachel Atwell (North Carolina State Univ.)


Place, Student Poster Presentation

Melissa Bravo, outgoing Treasurer, received an

Award of Appreciation for Outstanding Service

from Toni DiTommaso.

Larissa Smith (Virginia Tech)


Place, Photo Contest

Farnaz Kordbacheh (Univ. of Tehran / Cornell Univ.)


Place, Photo Contest

Anne Schnappinger (right) thanked NEWSS for

naming the Service Recognition Award in honor of

her late husband, M. Garry Schnappinger. With

Anne are her daughters and Quintin Johnson,

current recipient of this award.

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Near the end of the Business Meeting, the

Presidency of NEWSS was passed from Toni

DiTommaso to Dwight Lingenfelter.

New President Dwight Lingenfelter with

his copy of “Robert’s Rules of Order.”

At the WSSA Business Meeting, transfer of the Presidency

from Rodney Lym (left) to Jim Kells.

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Front row (L to R): David Yarborough, Joseph Neal, Hilary Sandler, Prasanta Bhowmik, James

Parochetti, Robin Bellinder, Renee Keese. Back row (L to R): Jeffrey Derr, William Curran,

Mark VanGessel, Brian Olson, Bradley Majek, Roy Johnson.

NEWSS NEWS was compiled by Todd Mervosh, Public Relations Representative.

Please contact Todd at 860-683-4984 or at [email protected] with any corrections,

suggestions, or items to include in the next newsletter (August 2013 issue).

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Gylling Data Management Crop Management Strategies

ACDS Research TeeJet® Technologies

Weeds, Inc. LABServices



2013 Sustaining Members