1 NewsCheck Are You Taking Care of Our Planet? (See more on Page 2) The Most Effective Remedy for a Positive and Healthy Living! (See more on Page 5) Death Penalty: YES OR NOT? (See more on Page 8)


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Are You Taking

Care of Our Planet?

(See more on Page 2)

The Most Effective Remedy

for a Positive and

Healthy Living! (See more on Page 5)





(See more on Page 8)

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By: Karen Campos Sandoval

Pollution is one of the most important causes of

the deterioration of our planet and one of the

biggest problems on the planet. Pollution is the

introduction of agents that do not belong to the

environment, such as garbage, aerosols, chemicals

and many others. Many people pollute the

environment with bad habits such as that use of

sprays that damage the atmosphere, or use of

chemicals that pollute the water and the air;

these and many more are the reasons for problems

by, for example, changing our bad habits.

One of the main consequences of pollution on

our planet is global warming, which is an increase

in the surface temperature, which has reduced the

north polar ice areas plus many icebergs have

melted, causing the death of many marine species.

Global warming has significantly influenced the

climate, increasing the temperature; another

consequence is the increase in respiratory and

cardiovascular diseases in people. These are some

of the many consequences that cause global warming

on our planet and the people and animals that

inhabit it.

Water is one of the main elements for human

survival without water is impossible to survive

and have a healthy ecosystem. Today the water is

being polluted by many people around the world, as

the irrational use causes water be contaminated

and depleted. Among the reasons why we need to

conserve water are, for our health, environmental,

electricity productions, among others. Water is a

finite resource; we all need to care and reserve,

The Deterioration of the


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not only for our survival but also for our


The damage we are causing to our planet will

end with exhaustible resources like the water, the

pure air and others, so it is time that we should

be conscious about our actions and make a change.

Making changes to save water, such as closing the

shower while we put the soap and turning off the

faucet while brushing our teeth we collaborate

with the planet. Other ways to reduce the damage

to the planet is recycling the waste we produce,

such as classifying and reusing waste. For example

waste from fruits and vegetables can be used as

fertilizer on our plants; plastic bottles, glass

and cans can be taken to recycling centers and in

this way you can reuse them. If we all did things

as simple as these, on the planet would be reduced

on a large scale so that each of us must initiate

the change and give back to the planet a little

bit of everything that gives us.

In conclusion, I believe that each of us must

consider changing our bad habits, because they are

damaging the environment, and natural resources

are finite, and if we continue with these bad

practices the future generations who are ours

children or grandchildren will not enjoy these

resources. For example, they will not enjoy pure

air, swim in a clean river, and have a reversed

order and a lot of things that we can enjoy.

Finally, I think if we change our bad habits, the

damage of the planet will reduce significantly. I

is time to change and give back a little of what

our nature gives us.

‘’Save the future and Go Green’’.

If you want to be part of our green

group call us! (506) 25213940

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By Alicia Gamboa Gómez

To smile brings a lot of benefits and it is a

healthy practice. That is why everyone should

smile frequently. Grin feeds the soul and purifies

the world. It is a therapy which is for free. A

smile is contagious, friendly and it is

inexpensive. There are three benefits that are the

most important to have a good lifestyle, just with

a simple smile.

The first benefit of smiling (gerund) is that

it can provide healing and longevity. Smiling in

the dark moments does not mean faking a mood. Such

an attitude of positivism attracts good vibes that

could turn around a situation. It is a powerful

psychological mechanism, which increases the

efficiency when we have difficult situations and

projects. Everyone must do it with frequency. In

bad situations are easier to cry than smile to

revive ourselves.

Scientific studies on this subject have come

to interesting conclusions that contribute to our

health. Laugh prepares the lungs with 12 liters of

air, 400 muscles are activated, it tones the face,

and it produces endorphins and adrenaline.

Adrenaline releases our creativity and

imagination. Moreover, endorphins are a type of

natural sedatives that act as a drug in our body.

However it is natural. That means that it not

attributes bad consequences. Another benefit is

that it lubricates our eyes with tears of

happiness. Mild laugh produces movements in our

Smile Secrets

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head and this movement clears the nose and ears of

all the types of accumulations.

During the day, we make different activities

that over the time it becomes in habits. A habit

is any task that we often do and it form part of

our daily routine. Most people should have habits

like bathing, brushing teeth and hair, exercising,

eating, and going to work or study. But here is

the question: do we include a daily smile in all

these occupations? If your answer is no I will

invite to make a compromise with it as therapy or

as an exercise. During the day it is good to take

a break at least three minutes to take a deep

breath, relax and smile. This has an automatic

effect on the 'cosmos', in our mind and in our

heart and it is so powerful and it influences in

our society, our jobs and our charism in a

positive way.

All this seems to confirm that a smile is the

best medicine, the best therapy and the best habit

you could have. It is necessary for a better

lifestyle, to give a better face to the world when

there is a difficult day or situation. The best

treatment to eliminate stress and repel diseases

and bad vibes it is a smile. A long life is

synonymous with a happy life. If it brings many

benefits a simple gesture of happiness why not

applying it in our daily lives? A smile is a gift

that comes from our lips and ends in our mind,

soul and heart.

‘We all smile in the same language’.

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Everyone is happy...

…Do you know why? They are taking the fabulous pill of Smilirine!

It is totally free and it is in your

heart, just take your time and be


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By Daniel Rodriguez Araya

No doubt, the death penalty is one of the most

controversial topics ever. It is because there a

lot of contrasting opinions and positions about

it; many people agree and support it, but there

are a lot of people too who are against and do not

support at all this punishment. It is a relevant,

tiring, long and unfinished discussion about the

human life right, because one strong position

defends the human life, and another position

believes that human life can be taken when someone

takes the life of another person. It is not easy

to find a consensual position or opinion about

this topic, and no doubt, it means a challenge to

our societies; a challenge for every one of us.

What the death penalty means is an answer with a

lot of definitions, but without a real consensus.

However, we can understand the death penalty like

many people say it is. First, here we have people

who believe that the death penalty is the best

punishment these days, when everything looks to be

without control. Crimes and violence can be

stopped and finished with this punishment; it is

what these people believe. On the other hand, here

we have people who believe that the death penalty

is the worst, cruel, extreme, unacceptable and

inhuman punishment. All these people do not

believe that the death penalty is the best way to

The Death Penalty

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stop ad finish the violence and the crimes in our

societies. As we can see, the question still does

not have a consensus answer. Finally, we can be

neutral and think about the death penalty like the

execution of a person that has been condemned by

the state for an offense, whenever this punishment

is allowed by the legislation. These are three

definitions that trying to show us what the death

penalty is. The answer to this question and what

we believe about it, this depends on us.

It is the best way to stop the crime and the

violence in our societies. This is what a lot of

people think and believe about the death penalty.

A lot of crimes, a big increase of violence and

insecurity in many societies and countries cause

that people think and believe about the death

penalty like the best way to stop all these social

problems. These people do not trust, do not

believe, and do not hope that regular punishment

is a good way to stop these problems. They have

several arguments and agree with the death

penalty; but here I will speak about three of

them. The first argument these people use is that

it saves cost in prisons like feeding, cleaning,

and security. If the death penalty works, there

will not be a lot of prisoners in jail, and it

means that the cost will be reduced. The second

argument is to avoid and eliminate recidivism.

These people say that it is customary that, when a

criminal is released, it will commit another

crime, and the death penalty will avoid it.

Finally, the third argument says that the death

penalty discourages other criminals; for example,

if a criminal knows that the death penalty works

in his society, and that he is exposed to be

killed depending on crime he committed, so he will

not do anything that exposes him to this

punishment. All these three arguments are used by

these people to promote and support the death

penalty; believing in this or not is our decision.

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It is the cruelest, worst, extreme, degrading,

inhuman and inacceptable way of punishment in ours

days. This is what a lot of people against the

death penalty think and believe. The death penalty

means a big human life right violation worthy of a

prehistoric society; this is the perception these

people have about the death penalty. Like

arguments in favor, there are also a lot of

arguments against the death penalty, but like I

previously did about pro death penalty arguments,

here I will just speak about three of them. The

first argument these people have is that only God

can decide about a human being life, no one else.

A human being cannot decide about the life of

another human because this person does not have

(should not) the authority for do it; this is what

these people say and promote. The second argument

is that the death penalty does not reduce the

violence and insecurity of ours days, neither

discourages criminals. An example of this is that

in countries where the death penalty exists,

kidnappings, rapes, etc., have not been reduced.

Finally, the third argument these people use is

that in every legal system there are mistakes, and

it means there are many innocent people in jail

who will be executed. There are a lot of examples

about it, when fortunately innocent people have

been released at time; but what happens with all

those innocent people who have been killed? The

error in these cases is incorrigible. These are

some arguments people who are against the death

penalty have and use.

Until this part of my essay, I have spoken about

the arguments in favor and against the death

penalty trying to be neutral. Now it is time to

say what I think about it, so, here I will give my

opinion and position about this controversial

topic. I want to say what the death penalty means

for me, and I want to do it quoting Victor Hugo

who said: “the death penalty is a peculiar sign of

barbarism.” The death penalty means the same to

me; the extreme, cruel, degrading, inhuman,

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prehistoric and inacceptable way of punishment

ever. As can be seen, I am absolutely against the

death penalty and I agree with all these people

who fight to protect human life and promote the

death penalty abolition around the entire world.

My first argument to be against the death penalty

is that I believe just God, no one else, can

decide about human life. A human being is no one

to decide about the life of someone else. No one

has the authority to decide if someone lives or

dies. It is unacceptable to see how a simple human

being chooses whether another human being lives or

dies. My second argument is that it is a big lie

the death penalty is the best way to stop crime

and violence. I say it because a lot of crimes,

violence and insecurity in many societies and

countries in which the death penalty works, have

not been reduced. Opposite to this, researches

have proven that the death penalty does not

discourage criminals. So, to say that the death

penalty is a good way to stop all the crimes and

the violence of ours days is absolutely false.

Finally, the third argument I have is the same

that people who are against the death penalty

have. And this is that in all legal system there

are mistakes, and it means there are many innocent

people in jail that will be executed. As humans we

can make mistakes, and if we do it in these cases

the end may be terrible, because errors in these

cases are incorrigibles. These are my arguments.

This is what I think and believe. To say no the

death penalty means to say yes to life! Think

about it! We are no one to decide if someone lives

or dies. It does not matter what that person did.

Just God can decide about human beings’ lives,

just Him!

“The existence of soldiers in addition to the death penalty is

the most ominous sign of human barbarity.”

Alfred Victor de Vigny

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Photo of the Month

Winners of Lottery:

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Written by:

Karen Campos

Daniel Rodríguez

Alicia Gamboa