304A LMC Elections deadline today! If you want to stand for Bromley LMC you have until 5pm today (Friday 1 st June) to get your nomination form to Electoral Reform Services. Although electronic copies are not accepted you can fax your form to 020 8365 7013 and it’s a good idea to email a typed version of the election statement to [email protected] , as well. A copy of the nomination pack is in the attached documentation in case you have lost your copy! If you have any queries then please contact Helen Musson on 020 7387 2034. 304B Reminder CCG constitution meeting Bromley CCG is holding an evening meeting on Tuesday 12 th June at Bromley Court Hotel (7.30-9.30pm) at which the draft CCG constitution will be presented. So far, less than half of Bromley’s practices are represented and we encourage you to take this opportunity to influence the proposed constitution, which you will be required to sign in due course in order to hold a contract to offer services as a GP. The LMC is available for advice if you have any concerns about the process or specific issues. Please contact [email protected] to book your place. 304C Extended deadline for performance submissions The PCT is aware of the long bank holiday weekend (!) and that some GPs have experienced significant ICT issues recently which have prevented them from getting online to complete the SEL GP Performance Management Approach via the Capita website. The deadline for submission of the 2011-12 GP annual return has therefore been extended until 12pm on Wednesday 6 th June . If you have any queries, contact [email protected]. 304D Industrial dispute ballot results 53.18% of BMA member GPs voted in the recent ballot. 78.96% of them said ‘Yes’ to taking part in industrial action short of a strike and 63.25% said ‘Yes’ to a strike. The BMA has announced a day of industrial action on Thursday 21 June about which further information is available on the BMA website. It is not the role of the LMC to express a view on the rights and wrongs of the ballot or of strike action but we shall do our best to help with any individual queries. See BMA advice and Frequently Asked Questions on the below links http://www.bma.org.uk/images/iaguidancegp_tcm41-212688.pdf http://www.bma.org.uk/employmentandcontracts/pensions/nhs_pensions_reform/iafaqsmay.jsp Bromley LMC News Update w/c 28 05 2012 304 2011 258 Fo-ti or He shou wu Chinese root used for greying hair, premature aging, weakness, and erectile dysfunction.

News Update - Londonwide LMCs...Londonwide LMCs is the brand name of Londonwide Local Medical Committees Limited Registered and office address: Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square,

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Page 1: News Update - Londonwide LMCs...Londonwide LMCs is the brand name of Londonwide Local Medical Committees Limited Registered and office address: Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square,

304A LMC Elections – deadline today!

If you want to stand for Bromley LMC you have until 5pm today (Friday 1

st June) to get your

nomination form to Electoral Reform Services. Although electronic copies are not accepted you can fax your form to 020 8365 7013 and it’s a good idea to email a typed version of the election statement to [email protected], as well. A copy of the nomination pack is in the attached documentation in case you have lost your copy!

If you have any queries then please contact Helen Musson on 020 7387 2034.

304B Reminder – CCG constitution meeting

Bromley CCG is holding an evening meeting on Tuesday 12

th June at Bromley Court Hotel

(7.30-9.30pm) at which the draft CCG constitution will be presented.

So far, less than half of Bromley’s practices are represented and we encourage you to take this opportunity to influence the proposed constitution, which you will be required to sign in due course in order to hold a contract to offer services as a GP. The LMC is available for advice if you have any concerns about the process or specific issues.

Please contact [email protected] to book your place.

304C Extended deadline for performance submissions

The PCT is aware of the long bank holiday weekend (!) and that some GPs have experienced significant ICT issues recently which have prevented them from getting online to complete the SEL GP Performance Management Approach via the Capita website.

The deadline for submission of the 2011-12 GP annual return has therefore been extended until 12pm on Wednesday 6

th June. If you have any queries, contact [email protected].

304D Industrial dispute – ballot results

53.18% of BMA member GPs voted in the recent ballot. 78.96% of them said ‘Yes’ to taking part in industrial action short of a strike and 63.25% said ‘Yes’ to a strike.

The BMA has announced a day of industrial action on Thursday 21 June about which further information is available on the BMA website. It is not the role of the LMC to express a view on the rights and wrongs of the ballot or of strike action but we shall do our best to help with any individual queries. See BMA advice and Frequently Asked Questions on the below links



Bromley LMC

News Update

w/c 28 05 2012 304 2011 258

Fo-ti or He shou wu

Chinese root

used for greying hair, premature

aging, weakness, and

erectile dysfunction.

Page 2: News Update - Londonwide LMCs...Londonwide LMCs is the brand name of Londonwide Local Medical Committees Limited Registered and office address: Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square,

Londonwide LMCs is the brand name of Londonwide Local Medical Committees Limited Registered and office address: Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9HX. T. 020 7387 2034/7418 F. 020 7383 7442 E. [email protected] www.lmc.org.uk. Registered in England No. 6391298. Londonwide Local Medical Committees Limited is registered as a Company Limited by Guarantee. Chief Executive: Dr Michelle Drage

304E Eye Emergencies – advising patients

Attached is an information sheet which has a list of eye problems which should be considered as emergencies together with information on opening times at the Rapid Access Eye Clinic at QMS, alternatives where patients can be seen outside of these times and information and travel directions for patients.

During June GPs will be asked to Choose & Book routine eye referrals to the PRC so that data can be collected for a community/intermediate eye service proposal and your co-operation on this important data collection is appreciated.

304F Bank holiday pharmacy opening times

Attached is a list of the pharmacy opening times over this bank holiday weekend which you may wish to retain for the addresses and telephone numbers.

304G CQC registration – what you need to know

As previously mentioned, the GPC has published useful guidance on CQC registration. http://www.bma.org.uk/employmentandcontracts/independent_contractors/cqcreg.jsp Londonwide LMCs is offering two educational events to all practices on Tuesday 10 July 2012 in central London. : Care Quality Commission Seminar – a free seminar running from 10.00am – 12.00pm which will counter myths and rumours and find out what the CQC process entails. For full details and to book see: http://www.lmc.org.uk/visageimages/Events/2012/July/CQC%20Seminar%20(AM)%2010%20July%202012.pdf

Practical Tips to meet Care Quality Commission (CQC) Requirements – a practical workshop costing £75 running from 1.00 – 5.00pm. For full details and to book see:


304H A message from Londonwide LMCs CEO

Last week LMCs from across the country gathered for our annual conference to debate key issues affecting the profession. If you follow the trade press I am sure you would have seen the headlines: ‘CQC registration, GMS contracts and the future of commissioning’. London LMC representatives spoke on a variety of motions ranging from revalidation to GMC responsible officers and the NHS in economic crisis, for which Kishor Vasant from Southwark LMC received a big round of applause. If you missed the coverage visit the press cuttings section for a summary of Londonwide LMCs coverage at the conference. Have you had a chance to checkout our new and improved website? It now includes many new features, from easier navigation and a quicker search function, bookable online events to video and Twitter content. There is also a secure area for LMC members to access their committee papers and for practice colleagues to update contact details (to help us keep you informed of issues affecting general practice). By now, you should have received your personal log in details which allow you to update your details online. If you’ve not received these details, or if you have any feedback, please contact Amandeep Chahal [email protected] .

Page 3: News Update - Londonwide LMCs...Londonwide LMCs is the brand name of Londonwide Local Medical Committees Limited Registered and office address: Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square,

Londonwide LMCs is the brand name of Londonwide Local Medical Committees Limited Registered and office address: Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9HX. T. 020 7387 2034/7418 F. 020 7383 7442 E. [email protected] www.lmc.org.uk. Registered in England No. 6391298. Londonwide Local Medical Committees Limited is registered as a Company Limited by Guarantee. Chief Executive: Dr Michelle Drage

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter at @LondonwideLMCs. We are looking forward to hearing, following and re-tweeting news and views on a variety of topics relevant to general practice. Finally, I am delighted to announce Dr Theodora Kalentzi will be joining the Londonwide LMCs Medical Director team. Currently the GP Medical Director at NHS East London and City, Dr Kalentzi brings a variety of experience in General Practice and NHS systems.

Dr Michelle Drage FRCGP, Chief Executive, Londonwide LMCs

James Heathcote ( Secretary ) Jackie Peake ( Committee Liaison Executive )

Bromley Local Medical Committee, Londonwide LMCs, Bassetts House, Broadwater Gardens, Farnborough, Kent. BR6 7UA Tel: 01689 880550 Fax: 01689 855298

[email protected] [email protected]

Disclaimer: This publication is written for health care professionals in Bromley and information may not be appropriate for use elsewhere. Editorial comments do not necessarily represent the views of the LMC committee.

Olympics trivia …

At the London 1908 Olympics, it was decided that the royal family needed a better view of the marathon race and organisers added an extra 385 yards so the finish line would be in front of the royal box. The marathon distance has been 26 miles, 385 yards ever since. Read more: Olympic Fun Facts — Infoplease.com http://www.infoplease.com/spot/olympics-

trivia.html#ixzz1wM52eylmDr Benjamin Spock, the American

paediatrician and writer of the bestselling ‘Baby and

Childcare’, won a rowing gold medal in Paris 1924.

(30 Sept is Jeans for Genes day)

Page 4: News Update - Londonwide LMCs...Londonwide LMCs is the brand name of Londonwide Local Medical Committees Limited Registered and office address: Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square,

Londonwide LMCs is the brand name of Londonwide Local Medical Committees Limited Registered and office address: Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9HX. T. 020 7387 2034/7418 F. 020 7383 7442 E. [email protected] www.lmc.org.uk Registered in England No. 6391298. Londonwide Local Medical Committees Limited is registered as a Company Limited by Guarantee Chief Executive: Dr Michelle Drage

May 2012 Dear Colleague LMC Elections 2012: Your chance to make a real difference to general practice in London This letter explains how you can play an important role in securing the future of general practice by joining your Local Medical Committee. LMCs across London build strong local relationships with CCGs, PCT clusters, local authorities and a raft of other health organisations to support the development of high quality general practice in their borough. You can find out more about the role of LMCs and the support Londonwide LMCs provide on our website www.lmc.org.uk . You can find our annual report which outlines the achievements of LMCs at www.lmc.org.uk/uploads/files/annual_report_2010_2011.pdf As PCTs and NHS London are abolished and CCGs become real, your profession and your patients need strong representation of your provider role and this is your opportunity to make a lasting difference. This pack enables you to stand for election and comprises of:

• Frequently asked questions • Roles and responsibilities • An outline of your local LMC’s meeting schedule • Nomination form

Balanced LMCs that include representation from all practice disciplines including partners, salaried, sessional and freelance GPs ensure that all views are reflected. We would particularly welcome nominations from those GPs who are under-represented on current LMCs. If you would like to stand for election please complete the enclosed nomination form (Pg. 13) and return it to Electoral Reform Services in the enclosed prepaid envelope as soon as possible, with an absolute deadline of 5.00pm on Friday 1 June 2012. If you would like to find out more about being an LMC member you can attend a drop in networking event on Tuesday 15 May 2012 7.00 – 8.30pm to meet with Londonwide LMCs staff. Please contact Karen Cooper ([email protected]) on 020 7387 2034 Ext. 261 if you would like to attend. I look forward to continuing to work with you to secure the future of general practice. Yours faithfully

Dr Michelle Drage FRCGP Chief Executive, Londonwide LMCs


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Notice of Election............................................................................... Pg. 3 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – LMC Elections 2012............. Pgs. 4 – 7 LMC Committee Members Roles and Responsibilities...................... Pgs. 8 – 10 Outline Meeting Schedule for your LMC........................................... Pg. 11 Nomination Form 2012 for your LMC and Constituency.................... Pgs. 13 – 14


Page 6: News Update - Londonwide LMCs...Londonwide LMCs is the brand name of Londonwide Local Medical Committees Limited Registered and office address: Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square,

Bromley Local Medical Committee

Notice of Election

Constituency of Bromley

Nominations are sought from GPs working in the above constituency.

8 places are available for a 4 year term

The Single Transferable Vote (STV) method will be used to determine the result of any election.

The election will be conducted by Electoral Reform Services as follows:

Close of nominations: 1 June 2012 at 5.00pm

Voting papers issued: 27 June 2012

Close of voting: 18 July 2012 at 5.00pm

Publication of results: 25 July 2012

Dr Michelle Drage FRCGP CEO Londonwide LMCs

Returning Officer


Page 7: News Update - Londonwide LMCs...Londonwide LMCs is the brand name of Londonwide Local Medical Committees Limited Registered and office address: Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square,

FAQs on the 2012 LMC Elections

Being an LMC Member

Dr Eleanor Scott, Medical Director, Londonwide LMCs and sessional GP

What is the Local Medical Committee? A Local Medical Committee (LMC) is the representative professional organisation elected by GPs to represent all NHS GPs and practice teams on issues of local interest to general practice. The LMC is an independent self-financing body with statutory functions and is constituted under the NHS Act. It is not a trade union. Each LMC is the professional, local voice for all NHS GPs, whatever type of practice you yourself work in, and whether you are a GP on a GMS or PMS contract as a partner or as a sessional GP, a GP Trainee, or someone working on the Retainer or Flexible schemes.

Dr Claire Chalmers-Watson, Chair of Camden LMC and a GP principal

What is the connection between Londonwide LMCs and my local LMC? The Local Medical Committee is an elected body established through statute which represents the interests of all local NHS GPs and their teams. Londonwide LMCs is the umbrella body for Local Medical Committees (LMCs) that cover 26 of the 31 PCT areas in London. Londonwide LMCs is the professional voice for London's 6000+ GPs and their practice teams across the capital. Londonwide LMCs is represented on the BMA’s national negotiating body, the General Practitioners Committee, ensuring the voice of general practice across London is heard and respected. Further information about Londonwide LMCs and your local LMC can be found here.

What is the time commitment of being an LMC Member? On average an LMC meeting lasts between two and three hours but this varies by agenda and local arrangement. The meeting may be split into two parts, with the first part being for LMC members only and the second part for the LMC members to meet with representatives from the borough such as PCT representatives, CCG representatives and in some cases Local Authority representatives. In some LMC areas the meetings with borough representatives may take place separately and these usually last two hours although there might be an LMC members only pre-meeting before such meeting. Please look in the nomination pack for details of the LMC meeting schedule as this will explain the time commitment in your area.

“I found joining the LMC as a recently qualified sessional GP invaluable. It helped me understand the issues at play in both the local area and the wider health economy, without putting unsustainable demands on my time. In our current health environment it is even more crucial that we as GP ‘performers’ have a strong voice at the table alongside the GP commissioners and the other statutory bodies.”

I am a Sessional GP, can I stand for election? Yes. Any GP, on a PCT Medical Performers list, working in the area can stand for election.


Page 8: News Update - Londonwide LMCs...Londonwide LMCs is the brand name of Londonwide Local Medical Committees Limited Registered and office address: Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square,

From time to time LMC members will be sent emails from the Londonwide LMCs office outside of meetings seeking their views and/or comments upon particular issues. In addition the Cluster and local borough PCT offices often seek LMC representation on working groups. The agenda and papers for LMC hosted meetings are sent to members a week before the meeting and currently this is done by email and post. Members are expected to have read the papers before the meeting as set out in the enclosed “Roles and Responsibilities of being an LMC member” document.

Will I be paid for attending meetings? Yes, an honorarium is paid for attending LMC meetings, which is a notional flat-rate payment, inclusive of expenses. The level of the honorarium is determined by the Board of Directors of Londonwide LMCs on an annual basis. When LMC representation is invited on to a non LMC working group or committee it is usually the host organisation which will reimburse the member.

Dr Tony Grewal, Medical Director, Londonwide LMCs and Vice Chair Hillingdon LMC

Do I need to know how the NHS works? You will already have knowledge of how the NHS works, which is all that is required. You may however not be familiar with the detail of some areas of the NHS if you have not been involved, eg Clinical Commissioning. Some of these areas may be addressed as part of an LMC induction programme. All LMC constituents are kept regularly informed via LMC newsletters of NHS organisational and policy changes.

How do I know if I am eligible to stand for election to the LMC? You need to be a GP working in the relevant LMC area in which you wish to stand and be registered on a PCT Medical Performers list by 3 April 2012.

I work in more than one constituency area, where am I eligible to stand? A GP working in more than one constituency should stand in the constituency area where they do the majority of their work.

I work equally across two constituencies or two PCT areas? A GP working for equal amounts of time in two different PCT areas can choose which constituency area they wish to stand in. A GP is only allowed to stand in one PCT area.

I am GP Trainee, can I stand for election? A GP Trainee is eligible to stand for election to the LMC, if they are on the PCT Medical Performers List for the LMC area.

Do I need a knowledge of medical politics? You will be supported by your LMC leaders in learning about medical politics and how to understand the jargon. So, regardless of your involvement in medical politics or your level of understanding of GP issues you will be welcomed, supported and fully informed as a new LMC member.


Page 9: News Update - Londonwide LMCs...Londonwide LMCs is the brand name of Londonwide Local Medical Committees Limited Registered and office address: Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square,

Will I receive training and/or additional information once elected? LMC members will be invited to attend an induction event at the beginning of their term. Consideration is currently being given to the programme and dates for 2012 and also a future rolling programme of refresher training for LMC members. Ongoing support is available from the Londonwide LMCs’ office.

Dr Joanna Yong, Member of Barnet LMC and GP Trainee

Nomination forms

Who do I return my nomination form to? Completed nomination forms need to be sent to the Electoral Reform Services in the pre-paid envelope provided with the nomination pack. It can also be faxed to them on 020 8365 7013 or sent to Electoral Reform Services, The Election Centre, 33 Clarendon Road, London N8 0NW.

Can I have a nomination form emailed to me? Yes, please email [email protected] and a nomination form will be emailed to you. When emailing, please give your full name and which constituency you would like the nomination form for.

What happens if I write more than 50 words in my statement? Candidates are advised on the nomination form that their election statement should not exceed 50 words. If a candidate writes more than 50 words, the statement is cut off after the 50th word.

Who do I need to get to support me on my nomination form? You need to be supported by two GPs working in the LMC constituency area. The supporters must provide their name, practice and signature in the supporters section of the nomination form.

Can a nominee be self-supported? No, a nominee needs to be supported by two GPs working in the LMC constituency area.


What voting system is used? The single transferable voting system is used.

What is a single-transferable vote? The single transferable vote (or STV) is an electoral system that produces proportional representation while at the same time giving voters more choice and a clear link with their representatives. Each voter has a single vote but they can list in order of preference, those candidates they would like to support.

“As a GP trainee in Barnet, representation on the LMC has provided a unique opportunity and good foundations to understand the political and logistical interface of our role in provision of healthcare during this challenging political and economic time. Salaried, sessional and trainee GPs are underrepresented. Barnet LMC meetings have a friendly supportive atmosphere. As a female less than full time ST3 due to transition to a permanent position, I have found the experience invaluable and would encourage fellow colleagues to stand for representation.”


Page 10: News Update - Londonwide LMCs...Londonwide LMCs is the brand name of Londonwide Local Medical Committees Limited Registered and office address: Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square,

What does a transferable vote mean? If the candidate who is your first choice receives more votes than he or she needs to be elected, the surplus votes will be transferred to your second choice. If, in turn, that candidate has more votes than are needed, then the surplus is again transferred to the next preferences as indicated by the voters. However, if the candidate who is your first choice has so few votes that he or she does not have enough support to be elected, your vote will be transferred to your second choice. Similarly, if that candidate does not have enough support, your vote will be transferred to your third choice and so on.

Can I vote on-line? Yes, when you receive your ballot paper, it will have a web address and two security codes printed on it. If you access the website and enter the two security codes, you can vote on-line. Alternatively, you can send the ballet paper back in the enclosed pre-paid envelope.

If I vote on-line and send the ballot paper back by post will my vote be counted more than once? No, you can only vote by postal vote or by the internet, and once the two security codes provided have been activated they can’t be accessed again.

What do I do if I don’t receive a ballot paper? The ballot papers will be sent out on 27 June 2012 for those constituencies going to ballot. If you do not receive a ballot paper, please contact the Electoral Reform Services on 020 8889 9203 and they will send you a duplicate.

What do I do if I lose my ballot paper? If you lose your ballot paper please contact the Electoral Reform Services on 020 8889 9203 and they will send you a duplicate.


How will I know if I have been elected or not? By 25 July 2012, you will be informed by letter stating whether you have been elected or not and the names of the elected candidates will be provided.

Who do I contact if I have a query on the ballot process and results? If you have a query regarding the ballot process or results, please put this in writing to the Returning Officer, Dr Michelle Drage at Londonwide Local Medical Committees Limited, Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9HX.

Who do I contact at the Londonwide LMCs’ office if I have any queries about the elections? You can send an email query to [email protected] or contact Helen Musson, Business Resources Manager, on 020 7387 2034. To find out more about Londonwide LMCs log on to www.lmc.org.uk where you can read all our latest news, press cuttings and releases, along with more information regarding your local LMC and much more!


Page 11: News Update - Londonwide LMCs...Londonwide LMCs is the brand name of Londonwide Local Medical Committees Limited Registered and office address: Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square,

LMC Committee Members Roles and Responsibilities

Title: LMC Committee Member

Accountable to: The LMC Chair, Committee and constituent GPs and practice

teams in association with the Chief Executive of Londonwide LMCs and the Medical Director/LMC Secretary.

Appointment as a member of a Local Medical Committee brings with it definite responsibilities and an expectation from colleagues that certain standards of representation will be met. These are set out below, under roles and responsibilities. Appointment to the Committee Members are appointed to the Committee through the election process which requires a candidate to be proposed and supported by General Practitioner colleagues working in the same constituency. Some LMC members may be appointed by co-option because of special experience or expertise. Attendance at Meetings Members are expected to attend regularly at full meetings of the LMC and, if appointed to any additional group as required by the LMC. Non-attendance at three successive meetings (any combination of full and liaison meetings) without good reason may result in the member being asked to stand down. Role of Committee Member

1. Members are elected by constituents and are expected to: • represent them • make themselves available to them • listen to and seek their views • ensure that those views are fairly represented

• agree to use emails as a major form of communication.

2. Members must be aware that, by their election, they have a mandate to make decisions on behalf of their constituents.

3. LMC members are expected to read all relevant papers prior to a meeting. The office will ensure, wherever possible, that papers are sent out seven days before a meeting either by post or in electronic format.

4. Members are expected to respond promptly to all communications, including emails, whether from the Londonwide LMCs’ office, constituents or other organisations, and wherever possible, within five working days.

5. Communication from the Londonwide LMCs’ office will mainly be in electronic format.

6. Members of the LMC are expected to follow established LMC policy and to fairly represent the LMC’s views to outside organisations.

7. If members express a personal view, rather than LMC policy, this should be made clear in any discussion.


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Responsibilities of Committee Members

1. If unable to attend, members are expected to give their apologies to the Londonwide LMCs’ office before a meeting. Non-attendance at three successive meetings (any combination of full and liaison meetings) without good reason may result in the member being asked to stand down.

2. Members are expected to keep themselves up to date with local policies, proposals and processes, including LMC portfolios, affecting their constituents and to be aware of national issues affecting the whole profession and the impact locally.

3. Members are expected to use email as their primary method of communication outside of committee meetings.

4. If the committee operates a networking structure, members must ensure that it functions correctly.

5. Members are expected to complete the Members’ Register of Interests in line with the policy of Londonwide LMCs.

6. Members are expected to advise the Londonwide LMCs’ office of any changes in their interests.

7. Members are expected to declare any pecuniary or other interest in any matter under discussion.

8. Members are not expected to raise issues relating to them personally, or to their practices, unless using the issue to introduce or illustrate a point. If they do, the LMC Chair reserves the right to correct the member/s and revert to generic principles.

9. LMC members, who are also PEC/CCG members, should make it clear in which capacity they are acting when involved in discussions or attending meetings. Once stated it is expected that a member will represent the views of that organisation during any meeting or ensuing discussion. Any member who feels unable to avoid a conflict of interest should withdraw from that discussion or meeting.

10. Diversity and Equal Opportunities. LMC members will be expected to abide by Londonwide LMCs’ policy of not tolerating sexual harassment or any other form of harassment, victimisation, bullying or other unfair discrimination on any grounds including age, disability, ethnic or national origin, race or colour, gender, religion and belief, marital status, responsibility for dependants, sexual orientation, or because a person intends to undergo, is undergoing or has undergone gender reassignment.

11. Londonwide LMCs is incorporated as a Company Limited by Guarantee. This means the liability of individual LMC members is limited to £1 as long as each LMC member:

• Completes a Subscribers’ Form, Proxy Vote Form and Memorandum of

Understanding provided by Londonwide LMCs’ office. • Accompanies all written communications in their capacity as an LMC member with

the Company disclaimer.


Page 13: News Update - Londonwide LMCs...Londonwide LMCs is the brand name of Londonwide Local Medical Committees Limited Registered and office address: Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square,

Honoraria for Attendance

1. Honoraria for attending LMC meetings are notional flat-rate payments, inclusive of expenses.

2. The level of the honorarium will be determined by the Board of Directors of

Londonwide LMCs on an annual basis.

3. By signing the attendance register members are deemed to be making a claim for honoraria.

4. Members are expected to attend for an entire meeting unless prior notification has been received by the office.

5. Members arriving after the start of a meeting or leaving before the end of the meeting and who have not previously notified the office may be paid a reduced honorarium.

6. Members are responsible for ensuring that information relating to honoraria is

accurate and up to date. Honoraria are paid by Londonwide LMCs’ office on a quarterly basis net of tax and national insurance directly into a bank account nominated by the LMC member. Members are required to provide the office with their national insurance number and bank account details.

Reviewed August 2009

Please note that these roles and responsibilities are currently being reviewed and are therefore subject to change.


Page 14: News Update - Londonwide LMCs...Londonwide LMCs is the brand name of Londonwide Local Medical Committees Limited Registered and office address: Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square,

Bromley LMC

Outline meetings schedule for Bromley LMC

The following information has been provided in order to give candidates an idea of potential time commitments in becoming an LMC member. Details of Bromley LMC

meetings are given below.

Please note that all meetings schedules are subject to review and may therefore change. The new committee will agree the meeting dates for 2013 onwards but it is

likely that they will follow the schedule outlined below.

Frequency: The second Tuesday of odd months

Start time: 7.30pm

Duration of meeting: 3 hours

Venue: Bromley Park Medical Centre, Daly Drive, Bickley,

Kent BR1 2FF

LMC Meeting Schedule for 2012

13 March 2012

8 May 2012

3 July 2012

11 September 2012

13 November 2012


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Bromley Local Medical Committee (LMC) Nomination Form 2012 for the Bromley constituency PLEASE USE BLOCK CAPITALS

Section one: Candidate’s details (to be completed by the candidate)

In order to stand for election a candidate must:

1. be a GP working in the LMC constituency area 2. be supported by two other GPs in the LMC constituency area

Candidates will be listed in alphabetical order on the ballot paper. A candidate’s first name will be listed but not their title. The candidate’s election statement will be circulated with the ballot paper.

Full name Address for correspondence

Postcode Contact telephone number

Please note: Address and telephone information is for the sole use of Electoral Reform Services (ERS) so that they can contact you about your nomination form. This information will remain confidential. I, the above named candidate, consent to my nomination and agree to stand for election. I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the information provided on (or with) this form is accurate. Signature Date

Section two: supporters’ details (to be completed by two supporters from the LMC constituency area)

1. Full name

Practice Signature

2. Full name

Practice Signature

please turn over

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Page 17: News Update - Londonwide LMCs...Londonwide LMCs is the brand name of Londonwide Local Medical Committees Limited Registered and office address: Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square,

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Election statement (to be completed by the candidate)

Candidate’s election statement preparation instructions

• You are invited to provide an election statement, either on this form or on a separate sheet of paper. This will be reproduced and circulated to voters with the ballot papers.

• The election statement should describe why you think you should be elected.

• The election statement must not be more than 50 words and where possible should be word-processed. If this is not an option please print clearly below.

• Please state the total number of words used at the end of the election statement.

• The organisation reserves the right not to publish, or to edit, any election statement that exceeds the maximum 50 word limit, is factually inaccurate or contains libellous material.

Please print your statement here using block capitals

Total number of words used (maximum 50) _____

Close of nominations

• This nomination form must REACH Electoral Reform Services (ERS), The Election Centre, 33 Clarendon Road, London N8 0NW no later than 5.00pm on Friday 1 June 2012. Nomination forms received after this date will not be considered valid.

• You can also send your election statement by email to [email protected]. You should put ‘Londonwide LMCs’ and your name as the subject title. Please note that you should still send the nomination form in with a copy of the printed statement attached.

• A faxed nomination form will be accepted – fax number 020 8365 7013. Please note that faxes can be difficult to read so when sending forms by fax, candidates are strongly encouraged to email a typed version of the election statement to [email protected] to prevent transcription errors.

• The safe return of this form is the responsibility of the candidate. All nomination forms received will be acknowledged within three working days by second class post and email to the addresses provided.

• If you require any further information on completing this nomination form please contact ERS on 020 8889 9203 (9.00am–5.00pm) or by email [email protected]

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Page 18: News Update - Londonwide LMCs...Londonwide LMCs is the brand name of Londonwide Local Medical Committees Limited Registered and office address: Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square,

Bexley Clinical Commissioning Group

Greenwich Clinical Commissioning Group

GP and Optometrist INFORMATION

Eye Emergencies

What is an eye emergency?

Substances eg. plaster, chemicals splashed in the eye ( ? alkali burn)

An injury involving laceration of the eye ball or lids by sharp instruments or metal or stone

fragments entering the eye ( ? penetrating injury)

A suddenly blind or painful eye which causes sickness and general malaise ( ? acute glaucoma)

After an eye operation, an unexpectedly painful, red, swollen eye with reduced vision


Patients with any eye symptoms following corneal graft surgery ( ? graft rejection)

Recent onset of shadows or ‘curtaining’ in the field of vision, typically associated with flashing

lights or an increase in seeing specs or blobs (floaters) ( ? retinal tear/ detachment)

A red and painful eye associated with wearing contact lenses ( ? corneal abscess)

Sudden loss of vision with no other symptoms ( ? retinal/ optic nerve vascular event)

A swollen, painful, red eye with blurred or double vision and malaise, especially in a child

(?orbital cellulitis)

Patients require a referral letter unless they are already under the care of Hospital Eye Service at Queen Mary's Hospital

Find us and contact us

Eye emergency opening times: QMS Ophthalmic Rapid Access Unit Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 4.00 pm last patient registered. The Ophthalmic Rapid Access Unit is situated on the 2nd Floor, Block B, , Sidcup, Kent DA14 6LT. Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Patients will be seen in the Urgent Care Centre (QMS) situated on ground floor, Block A by the on-site ophthalmologist.

Outside these times – alternative treatment sites patients can be assessed at any of the following 3 sites: Princess Royal University Hospital, Farnborough Urgent Care Centre (open 24/7) Queen Mary’s Hospital, Sidcup Urgent Care Centre (open 24/7) Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woolwich Urgent Care Centre (open 24/7) Following assessment, patients may be advised to attend the next available Ophthalmic Rapid Access Clinic at QMS or be referred to Moorfields Eye Emergency Department if it is considered they cannot wait until then.

Page 19: News Update - Londonwide LMCs...Londonwide LMCs is the brand name of Londonwide Local Medical Committees Limited Registered and office address: Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square,

Emergency Eye Services – Patient Information sheet


Bus Route Towards The hospital is at the intersection of the A222 and the A20 Sidcup Bypass.

Coming from the A20, London-bound

Take the second exit inside the M25 (A222 Sidcup/Chislehurst)

At the roundabout, take the third exit, towards Sidcup

As soon as you exit the roundabout, Queen Mary's is immediately on your right

Coming from the A20, Dover-bound

Take the first exit after crossways at New Eltham, signposted A222 Sidcup/Chislehurst.

At the roundabout, take the first exit, towards Sidcup As soon as you exit the roundabout, Queen Mary's is immediately on

your right

B14 Bexleyheath, Orpington

R11 Green Street Green

160 Catford, Sidcup

229 Thamesmead

269 Bexleyheath, Bromley North and Greenwich

286 Greenwich

Eye emergency opening times: Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 4.00 pm last patient registered. The Ophthalmic Rapid Access Unit is situated on the 2nd Floor, Block B, Queen Mary’s Hospital, Sidcup, Kent DA14 6LT. Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Patients will be seen in the Urgent Care Centre situated on the ground floor, Block A, Queen Mary’s Hospital, Sidcup by the on-site ophthalmologist.

Page 20: News Update - Londonwide LMCs...Londonwide LMCs is the brand name of Londonwide Local Medical Committees Limited Registered and office address: Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square,

Chem 40 Th Gl BR1 1DN

Jubilee Bank Holiday - Bromley

Normal Working DayBank Holiday

Red = Request for Change to CoreBlue = Change to SupplementaryGreen = Opening on Bank Holiday

Pharmacy Address

Beckenham Pharmacy 171-173 High Street, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 1AH

Beckenham Pharmacy70 High Street, Beckenham, Kent,


Blackwells Chemist 245 Croydon Road, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 3PS

Boots the Chemist 125 Burnt Ash Lane, Bromley, Kent, BR1 5AB

Boots the Chemist 15 Station Approach, Hayes, Kent, BR2 7EQ

Boots the Chemist Main Road, Biggin Hill, Kent, TN16 3JZ

Boots the Chemist 77-81 High St, Bromley, Kent, BR1 1JY

Boots the ChemistBoots the ist 40 The Glades Bromley Kent BR1 1DN e ades, Bromley, Kent,

Boots the Chemist 182 High Street, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 1EW

Boots the Chemist 90 Station Road, West Wickham, Kent, BR4 0PU

Boots the Chemist 77 Queensway, Petts Wood, Kent, BR5 1DQ

Boots the Chemist 216 High Street, Orpington, Kent, BR6 0LS

Boots the Chemist5 Colman House, High Street, Penge, London, SE20


Caxton Pharmacy 3 Widmore Rd, Bromley, Kent, BR1 1RL

Coney Hall Pharmacy 5 Kingsway, Coney Hall, West Wickham, Kent, BR4


Crayhill Chemist88 Cotmandene Crescent, St Paul's Cray, Orpington,

Kent, BR5 2RG

Crofton Pharmacy 1 Place Farm Ave, Orpington, Kent, BR6 8DG

Day Lewis (Biggin Hill) 136 Main Road, Biggin Hill, Kent, TN16 3BA

Day Lewis (Bromley) 195 Widmore Road, Bromley, Kent, BR1 2RG

Page 21: News Update - Londonwide LMCs...Londonwide LMCs is the brand name of Londonwide Local Medical Committees Limited Registered and office address: Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square,


Day Lewis (Hayes) 5 Station Approach, Hayes, Kent, BR2 7EQ

Eldred Drive Pharmacy 25 Eldred Drive, Orpington, Kent, BR5 4PE

Elmers Pharmacy172 Upper Elmers End Rd, Beckenham, Kent, BR3


Farncray Ltd 330 High Street, Orpington, Kent, BR6 0NQ

Farrants Chemist 13 Station Square, Petts Wood, Kent, BR5 1LY

Gordon Davie Chemist 195 Southborough Lane, Bromley, Kent, BR2 8AR

Hamlet Pharmacy 45 Anerley Road, Anerley, London, SE19 2AS

Kamsons Pharmacy 121 Anerley Road, Anerley, Kent, SE20 8AJ

L M Williams 89-93 High Street, Chislehurst, Kent, BR8 5AG

Lloyds Pharmacy 3 Roundways, Biggin Hill, Kent, TN16 3XZ

Lloyds Pharmacy 108 High Street, West Wickham, Kent, BR4 0LT

Lloyds Pharmacy34 Marion Crescent, St Mary Cray, Orpington, Kent,


Ll d PhLloyds Pharmacy13 Windsor Drive, Chelsfield, Orpington, Kent, BR6


Lloyds Pharmacy 59 High Street, Chislehurst, Kent, BR7 5AF

Lloyds Pharmacy4/6 Cranley Parade, Beavonsfield Road, Mottingham,

Kent, SE9 4DZ

London Lane Pharmacy 84 London Lane, Bromley, Kent, BR1 4HE

Lotus Pharmacy 119 Croydon Road, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 3RA

Macks Pharmacy 2 Eden Park Avenue, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 3HN

Macks Pharmacy 165 High Street, Penge, London, SE20 7PF

Osbon Pharmacy55 High Street, St Mary Cray, Orpington, Kent, BR5


Park Langley Pharmacy 90 Wickham Road, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 6QH

Paydens Pharmacy399-401 Croydon Road, Elmers End, Beckenham,

Kent, BR3 3PR

Peters Chemist 15 Bromley Road, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 2NT

Petts Wood Pharmacy83 Queensway, Petts Wood, Orpington, Kent, BR5


Page 22: News Update - Londonwide LMCs...Londonwide LMCs is the brand name of Londonwide Local Medical Committees Limited Registered and office address: Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square,


Priory Pharmacy 8 Carlton Parade, Orpington, Kent, BR6 0JB

Rowlands Pharmacy 121 Westmoreland Rd, Bromley, BR2 0TY

Rowlands Pharmacy 10 Crescent Way, Orpington, Kent, BR6 9LP

Sainbury’s PharmacyPallant Way, Locksbottom, Farnborough, Kent, BR6


Scotts Pharmacy 7 High Street, Bromley, Kent, BR1 1LF

Silversands Ltd1 Kent Road, St Mary Cray, Orpington, Kent, BR5


Stevens Chemist 5 High Street, Green Street Green, Orpington, Kent,


Superdrug Pharmacy 190-192 High Street, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 1EA

Superdrug Pharmacy 207-217 High Street, Orpington, Kent, BR6 0PS

Tesco Extra 10 Augustus Lane, Orpington, Kent, BR6 0NH

Tesco Superstore Edgington Way, Sidcup, Kent, DA14 5BN

TT Pharmacy 174 Croydon Road, Penge, London, SE20 7YZ

U it d PhUnited Pharmacy5 The Parade, Croydon Road, Penge, London, SE20


Village Pharmacy 131 High Street, Farnborough, Kent, BR6 7AZ

Wallace Pring & Co 40 Chatterton Road, Bromley, Kent, BR2 9QF

Westchem 89 Station Road, West Wickham, Kent, BR4 0PX

Page 23: News Update - Londonwide LMCs...Londonwide LMCs is the brand name of Londonwide Local Medical Committees Limited Registered and office address: Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square,

020 8464 0231 0208 464 3842 11

Tel. No. Fax. No. Saturday 2nd June 2012 Sunday 3rd 2012

020 8658 9596 020 8663 1837 9am-5.30pm Closed

020 8650 6076 020 8650 6076 9am-5.30pm Closed

020 8650 0417 020 8650 0417 9am-5.30pm Closed

020 8290 1233 020 8290 1258 9am-1.30pm & 2pm-5.30pm Closed

020 8462 1422 0208 462 1422 9am-5.30pm Closed

01959 571932 01959 570842 8.30am-7pm 10am-4pm

020 8290 6958 020 8290 6963 9.30am-2pm & 3pm-6pm Closed

020 8464 0231 0208 464 3842 8 30 68.30am-6pm 11am 5pmam-5pm

020 8650 0640 0208 658 2281 9am-5.30pm Closed

020 8777 1772 020 8777 3147 8.45am-12pm & 1pm-5.45pm 10am-4pm

01689 821573 01689 823293 9am-1pm & 2pm-6pm Closed

01689 821611 01689 873244 9am-5.30pm 10am-4pm

020 8778 9859 020 8659 9243 9am-5.30pm Closed

020 8460 0377 020 8460 0377 9am-5pm Closed

020 8462 7511 0208 462 7511 9am-5.30pm Closed

020 8300 7341 020 8308 1349 9am-4pm Closed

01689 870888 01689 602537 9am-2pm Closed

01959 576484 01959 576484 9am-5pm Closed

020 8460 0346 020 8460 0346 9am-4pm Closed

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020 8462 5333 020 8462 5333 9am-1pm Closed

01689 872522 01689 872522 9am-1pm Closed

020 8650 2967 0208 663 9052 9am-1pm Closed

01689 831113 01689 831113 Closed Closed

01689 820949 01689 820949 9am-4pm Closed

020 8467 3835 0208 295 0565 9am-1pm Closed

020 8778 7529 020 8778 7529 9am-1pm Closed

020 8659 8040 020 8659 5521 9am-6pm Closed

020 8467 8229 020 8468 7258 8.30am-5.30pm Closed

01959 575887 01959 575887 9am-12pm & 1pm-5pm Closed

020 8916 9610 020 8916 9607 9am-5pm 10am-4pm

01689 826047 01689 872879 9am-1pm Closed

01689 85241701689 852417 01689 86250901689 862509 9am-5.30pm Cl dClosed

020 8467 3158 0208 467 8563 9am-5.30pm Closed

020 8857 3930 0208 857 3930 9am-5.30pm Closed

020 8249 8255 020 8249 8254 9am-12pm Closed

020 8650 0491 0208 663 3784 9am-4pm Closed

020 8650 0087 020 8650 0087 9am-4pm Closed

020 8778 5307 0208 778 4250 9am-5.30pm Closed

01689 837575 01689 837575 9am-5pm Closed

020 8650 1213 0208 650 1213 9am-5pm Closed

020 8650 8089 020 8658 7396 7am-8pm 8am-8pm

020 8650 1731 0208 650 1731 9am-5.30pm Closed

01689 898580 01689 896055 8am-11pm 8am-11pm

Page 25: News Update - Londonwide LMCs...Londonwide LMCs is the brand name of Londonwide Local Medical Committees Limited Registered and office address: Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square,

01689 823826 01689 823 826 9am-5pm Closed

020 8460 4249 0208 460 4249 9am-5.30pm Closed

01689 856345 01689 856345 9am-5.30pm Closed

01689 857042 01689 857042 8am-1pm & 2pm-8pm 10am-4pm

020 8460 3431 020 8466 6393 9am-5.30pm Closed

01689 827785 01689 871807 9am-12pm Closed

01689 861094 01689 861094 9am-1pm & 2pm-4pm Closed

020 8658 3205 020 8658 3205 8.30am-6pm Closed

01689 872199 01689 872199 8.30am-5.30pm Closed

01689 307447 01689 307449 6.30am-10pm 10am-4pm

020 3283 7447 020 8258 9449 6.30am-10pm 10am-4pm

020 8659 7991 0208 659 7991 Closed Closed

020 8778 8285020 8778 8285 020 8778 8285020 8778 8285 9am-1pm Cl dClosed

01689 818534 n/a 9am-1pm Closed

020 84601897 0208 466 7854 9am-1pm & 2pm-5.30pm Closed

020 8777 0021 0208 777 7054 9am-5.30pm Closed

Page 26: News Update - Londonwide LMCs...Londonwide LMCs is the brand name of Londonwide Local Medical Committees Limited Registered and office address: Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square,

Jubilee Bank Holiday Jubilee Bank HolidayMonday 4th June 2012 Tuesday 5th June 2012

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

9am-5pm 9am-5pm

10am-4pm 10am-4pm

10am 5pm10am-5pm 10am 5pm10am-5pm

Closed Closed

10am-4pm 10am-4pm

Closed Closed

10am-4pm 10am-4pm

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

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Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Cl dClosed Cl dClosed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

8am-10pm 8am-10pm

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Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

9am-7pm 9am-7pm

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

9am-6pm 6.30am-10.30pm

9am-6pm 6.30am-10.30pm

Closed Closed

Cl dClosed Cl dClosed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed

Closed Closed