OUR RMTE8 0N THE "X" * t BASIS Vci RGIO 0N THE X IOVAVIP. S * flR." THE CHEAPEST. DOVER. MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JjERSEY, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1,1893. NO. 40 : . POBUeHRIW Airn PIIOPIUETORR Oficr. <mIlladitiiey Strmt next Hoar Titan or juMoBirtioir IMV*BJ hiniuanaittxiloraiUaa, Local nntto. (UH»noaa6|ll f COOPER, JIA»TKlli»b»OIJClTOlllNCUANCKHT j- 1 .•';,:•'.;.'. OflejjJiTtlMltaa B«lHto», OTM J. A, Lion's StoRI, 'DOVER, X. 1 |i > ri BO, o. cuimms, u. p,," •••: . ^Vf.OKKERAU TftAOTITIONEH, ;' AKD MBOIMMT UTBBTOATHINT Of M .illortiid*'rf Blii-.il « m t and M M M n I X tluiaiwt, AHOHITBOT,••;,- : ;' LOnn VlML QO .TO; ;'V:V.' J . X'V ..••,••'.;• ••;• : K*KOO»Kft HOBICINU'H BMCBRY /or /c«b B™ad,,(Wa«l Fl« <Uilr X /or /c«b B™ i.<r»a «oek ol 9 HUAVINOAlii) HUH pDTTIHa SALOON, Tti.vle*.»«.lW»oUr»l/ rt «W>Kl!nan t ;." ; inamier.. UAIaVaaatjalk&w'i Hair 5?- WISSB, ijgiiORB, HHI/LRB AND i All oriUi* br iiuUl will rMlvt prompt •tt«i- 5 f, OcmlraMa.lalaa (or all alai «( laora la BSS BoiWi lioioofiriiii Bl«m Hpn li*A«»K».vcl«ltj. ~ ; . :-;:Oriflcii WuaOIKTIUI.PIPOT •; »3-ljr :: O»»Jcl-t!LACIWF.[,T.BT., ? ii; iil w 12. H. Q7.1VEBS. FREBHAH, OARPKOTgRANDBUIUUItEl, Maaaaad HEATH &DIAKE A WORD TO OUT-OF-TOWN 5H0PPEBS. UBBML BUStmt XSr«0D3. Tlornigli Orguu'ratiou, Prompt- neu and Accunrj littiB.nl] coin- billed to baild tip our Mall Order Department to its premsnt Urge prapotlious This deputmpnt, by giving at all tlmaa tbevery belt atltmtion to ont of iovn slioppon, bu popularlzec tte bajiog of goods bj mail, anJ now readies its patrons with tU« very beat ansorlmont of Dill Goods tbat themarkets of 111 world afiurd. Mo dmtiuotioo i nado ID qutlHy or prio« betwoeu goods bought at the cosutera ui< those purchased IJITOHKII tbe ma ; k ORDERS «illlio promntl; filled »nd forirardsd to deBlmatioii at tbe earliest possible moment. SAMPLES of what ever la de- sired will be Bunt to any address upon application, We an now offering APTBATTIVE TALUKS IN EVEET DBPAETMENT. fill/K BBE99 GOODS, TVABIT FABBIOB, WHITE GOODS, IiACEB, EMBBOIDERY, MUS- LIN ONDEEWEAR, 8HIRT WAISTS, ffBAPS, PARABOLS, HOUSEKEEPING MNEN8.UP- HOLSTEBT, CARPETS, 1IAT- TINOS, Etc,Eto. HEATH & DHAEE, 777 &779 Broad St., NEWARK, N. J. ESTABLISHED 1880. OE9BUK £. VOOttHEES, kOBRISTOWW N. J., HARDWARE —AND— IRON MERCHANT, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT! S»~ MtaTKkh Houatetpini ALL aiZUOTr— LASD iKD DBAIV TILE, BARB VIBE FMltiT and ataqillD N.lliu Aim a lull laaol JaealBana, H.frtjB.%. anJWr CooWn, Babj Cuikan Not* the Name AMOS over the door before entering-lie Store. Euyttrai, Telephone 880. Elevator to every Floor. Qoodi DeUvered FRKK OF CHARGE to any Part of' he State. .SALE OF BUILDING SITES! } pEAROE&llONEZ, F :rAm*NTBB8 AHP BUII.DBKB, -rpHOS MOSailEHTB, BEADSTOKES, UANTKtS •nlUlwortlnlbrbteuiiaiulla All wort * <Ml«t tmht ud pri<»i nMomblt, ABOUT 1S6 LOTS 1UNU1NU IN I'KIOS FKOU $100 u mot IJIOATXDON '.•k U d Mtuntaln Avtl. and Vlimliy, BlacKwsIl and Union Sts i -Richards mil Mjrtl. « v « , Lawrtnn Si. and on Ford Ava> , N.irSl.Miry.Ctarch. •-TIBKS UBKRAb, -• I1RTAI.VENT PLAN IP DKfllBBO. TOR MAPS AND ALL l.TOIUUTION Smith & Jenkins, INRUIUNCK, REM. ESTATE, CIVIL ANDMINIlsG KNQINEEIllhQ, B A I * BUILDIHO, Dnvin, KJ. FOB SALE. A dwallliv >llk nbmt tw«».-« ol inniid wHUO Real Sstate Agency 8HITH ft JENKINS, Bainc BDIUMIKI, ' DOVER, N.J. DR. EDWARDS'S Blackberry Brandy •"AID— ozisrca-HiFt.. ATIOKNEY-AT.I.ATV, . SOLICITOR MD MAStltR in CHAMCllkT UI HOTAHY TOBUO, SMiraora, H. J OLD RELIABLE HOUSE -or- -»a Hi/. VplioliUiisg ui h n l t s n Wtfk, Uoaamlli.. (Bana «n RmM, Pom. J. J. CARPENTER-BUILDER, EOGEKE wmm 9 i 7 Cleods -ASH- Orteery Sttre. ' SUSSEX STBEET, DOVER, W. J. It itodteil vrllli IIIB bMt of aTBTjUilaff la UUM l!o« «nd Bid u living prim. Cill fnd l l uck wlvrlov. All uy put nt t DOtlo living pri ml tuck wlv gwidi dvurerad to u y put . * tie town at Hurt DOtloa. EUGENE BITOQANAN. " Hbtice of Settlement. Natiaa la hwebj rfwn that tba taoaant. of ONE-HALF OFF CAEPETS AND FURNITUBE ON ACCOUNT OFTHE FINANCIAL DEPIIE3SION AND DULL 8EA8ON, Amos H.Van Horn (LIMITED) WILL T A K | OFF JDST ONE-HALF OF BEGULAH SELUNO PRICES. BED1100AJ SUITS. PAllLOlt SUITS. 35 FtrlnrRulU,uulingany ftnlniiccl frtnw,(n i>tu«facovering,r?K* t»'c ttt..lt»Uiw*l tnW(Mi C AH PETS. UiluCAltnKI . .Rrduml Ui (VI tft pieces of Tapsetrr Brusseh Carpet, regular price per yard »>.• . . Kertuoed to A1 »5 pleote nt Bod y Brasuls Carpet, i*ultr price per yard $IM . , . . iUducedtoat ctt lT6t Carpet, multrprk* p« jart %\ 90 Htluoedtotncti Carp*t,r#gularprl»pervardtl.4() Harfiir-wl toTHrti 3IATT1NG. To dp" out tb« taluo. of our ipriiif itock Kill HII Quod Fully M.tltog,.P»r inril onlf Mo PORTLAND RANGES. Wi itull comauM from ibU I U U to pub UMPurtUw* Ruigo, • • it IIAI no njm] More mid tlun inj otlw rutif* WcmnUtl In enry waj or iinuiejr rufumlM 73 Market Street, Near Plane S t . NEWARK. ECONOMY! COMFORT! SAFETY! )wn THF(- 1 bar* a loll lies of them at lowest prlcM OIL STOVES AND. O H GAB 8TOVE3, EEFRIOBHAT0BB. CREAM FREEZERS. IaliallMlltliti NEW DEERINQ MOWER, wbiob hu given Hie bail satiafaotioD. One of theee in naa nix yearn, costing only 76 «rat» for repaint. Plumbing, Tinnlnc, SU«m HMttnit ud Hot Water UeaUng done in the belt manner. !>. S. 4IXEN. Dover, N. J. LOCAL- COMPETITION IN SHOES is healthy and I like it. The advantage of having the largest stock made by the best manufacturers in the country, keep- ing everything from Ato E, the leading trade in the pities of Dover, Boonton uni Passaic, justifying large purchases at headquarters: are substantial reasons for inviting customers to share advantages that competitors cannot give, fflfy Spring styles are superior to anything over shown in Morris County and are not excelled any- where. Ladies, call and examine my su- perb assortment of Ties and Slippers in all colors, width)* and prices, ranging from 80c. to $30Q| Gentlemen's styles in Bus- set aud Chocplato colored Bluchers and Bals. in addition to the largest line of reg- ular goods ever shown in the county. 1,01)0 pair If Children's Shoes froni 33c to 89c, being]one-third of their value- P. O. HEAGAN. ALWAYS BUSY! BwtHatua BestHbQuhten IE Urge Salt llerrlnp .,, Urge Box Smoked Herrings ft Kvajiorated AprlmU. ,! , »Ita Prunes '„, Coodu«dMllk.... 51b. P«ll Jelly. 2I». 9 111. Hot Kim I .... 17c. 81b. BMtRurdj 14c. 3Iti.Botain.rBo.pe ,...»«. It III. DettUale. Gnlcker. My., 20c, HERE!!' |-A THE PINKST UlNNKHOfA |-ATI<NT FI.HOIl HAtll:, ONI.V JU I - r PKR II LAIVII! KIT HP NKH I'AT MA1.T MAOKIiltltl, HO I, ONLY lit 'H\ UNK 1VUN11 OK EX I HA ('INK TEAAVI) IX POIINIIH III'.ST UHAMII.ATKI) HUflAH AM. VOH Blj, & Co. - NEXT DOOR TO THE POST-OFFICE, DOVHR, •' INT. ff. Lh« next UklTir dAji kit Knofe nust anil ihiU r* BOMftt33 per cent lua tbaa builnna ailnnbeninb an U>. bol*j of U» dar wo Uke Ibli matbixl to •oll< It sour •UetUoil In kind bnlnaa war. Nemnilier LIVINGSTON UROH, AT THHIH OIIKAT UIXtTHINO HIAHD, KKKf A l.AHUB STOCKOP FIHB OlOfHIHG •Iffajpg on band. Our goodn hAve baen Klrcttrl with Ter^ graat CM«. Call oarlf and Mo wben you litre tlm» to IMIU AmnniiMcU lielng mtuU «ltb linportora and JoltJort In tbe wbolcwle Umd», *e are pnpaml to furnish you too&t at Inw pritWn and the beat thut are mtil*.. LaRGE STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS. Tba Ulert I s d m of tlocki. VMI will rind luttor naortmmt <lth mUian at »n r U.lnUall FI1VE1 8HIRTI9. Wo bare a t a r f i *ock of Fine 8birta-N.w York M Ills-the rheancat and l>eat you cu HIM) DOnot forget to call and fee us Keep this In your mind AIM Plaited ojil Ojieu Bosom Embroidered Bblrta of the beat material * CENTS' LINEN AND CELLULOID COLLARS S N ot lbs latest rtjlM, fmpUhri Alnot frptn UM Iroporton for tlw rttall tradi MTWa arvmtbliif room for Fall Good*. Great Rtductton fu j-rloe*, Ui which h u (WTCT t««i known tafote JEWELRY OF ALLKOTD3. Livingston Brothers, Blaokwell Btiett, opp. Baker Opera House, DOVEE, N. J VAXERO'OKS: Cor. Blacbwell and Morris Sts M Dover. " J. R. DALRYMPLE, Manager, Aln dealer in Small Kutdod Initraaunta of all kinds. Trim- mingi and SappUei, 8he«t «oiio and Muaio B«ok«. ' n e t d n FnunM en band and mada to order. Older, takei for Craron anil Oil Fortran* DOYBR LUMBER 00., . BLACKWELL STREET, -DEALER! IM- -;- LUMBER OF ALL KINDS -:- Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &c. •RACKET AND ICKOLL UWINO DONE TO ORDER. GOAL, VOOB iHB BDILDIIfi 1ATEBIAL *DRT AND SCREENED COAX.* Im, tbe Ilk. cl 0LO0K os BlDEWAIJf. J. Hairhomse, WATOSHAKEB AMD JEWELER, DULKIJ Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,: Silver and Silver-flated Ware, Bold Pens, Silver-Flateil Knlvei, Forks and Spoons, AT THH L0WBST HAHKKT THICE. WEDDING AND BIRTHDAY PRESENTS, SOU- YENIS BPOOJSS, the lantMt ajsorlinsnt erer ihown ID Dover. A full line of Bmctarliwanj K>. UltMa. In frame, of (loll Btol andllublier, protwl; fltlnl to Uie «je 1 am oonitantljr repWbMoR my cuick In all ita deiiut- nieiu. You rill almr. rind Ibeiateat palterna anj atyua. | 9 - All kind! of WATCHES, 0DO0KB and JBWEI.RY lUiPAIKSD or otberwln nporatad ai nqalnd FINE WAT0UE8 ADJUSTED TO TEMPEIUTUIIK AND FOBITION. Watches Sold on Instalments. THE HI BEEN IA CONCRNTRiTINO | PLANT. Hlnne tbo djBiavrry of Uie iif|i n w l l t which IKnow ao universally ugej to locate magnet h tltoro bas been uu appllcj or maguetiitin to Iron mil Important an tbe process of magnetic conceutration. Thin proewn haft beenbut recently mtrodutwd, and coualdering tliat Isuef.ltmiylwconalderedaauocets, That it is only at the present time Mug perfected lw attributed direct,/ to the recant di mand« of blait-furoace manager*. Ton o in yean, alnce (t waa not ountdderod p*«- to uw «vtJP a partial uliarge of fine on without pnxludDg a scaffold or salamander In other words. It wa« not cauldered iioui ble for tbe air bloat tn permeate through tb of HueljT crushed ore. Aaolhw reason why the magnetic concentrator w u not pei I earlier was because blast furnace inan- would accept and pay a high prico for what ts now tennwl lean ore, having at pres- put no orinitiiuiTial value In ftir crude condi- tion—tint It, ore containing about 4S p mt. of metallic Iron. Afew yeans linco 8-1 percc-it ure was corulitered rlitb ; at preteu M per cwit. ore iluos not meet with a ready wle and Mper cotit. and (K) per twiit, lanot conalitared exceptionally Huh. This demand riolier ore naturally liicrouec tha roiluoaa the output nf thotlifpftog are alao incmuea tboamount of Ii on?, containing from 35 per cant, to «i per oeut, nietalllnfroi), wh'eb Is of uo VAIUO ever, hut ou tho contrary la a source tf great :psaiie Tor lisnrtli g, an It fn.]i»ntly hap- peimtliattbeduiiiplngKround in tlie Imme- diate vicinity of tlie mine Is limited. Tbs province of tbe magnetic concentrator la to utltliethli watte nutorlaland produce a very )l«b grarto of ortf, freed to a great extent ran many Impurities, nuch an Bulpbi pborUK, &ts. It must be ranomb i red tbat in a mine producing murcbantsble ore wlilch can be shipped airoot to the furuaow ID lump at a prullt, the coat of mining the Beoood clam, or concentrating ore, ahould not be charROd njaintt th« conooutrator, as in any it It ban to be Ukeo from tbe vein wltb :tie Ht(t class nra u>id selected or <ta :i«rtvtti-il, If« Ronceiitr4tlDg 1'laot U prop- •ly looaU-tl tbo vost of tlelWevIng tbe ore Into tbe mill, at tbe mouth of tba crusher*, Is no greater than tbo cost ol hauling It to the watte dump. The concentrating plant of the Glendoi •ou Company waa designed ly c. G liu cbanau ol New York. Ttiis plant will treal the low gr&da ores from the Hltiernfo. N. J. t linen belonging tn tlie Ulendon Iron Com- pany of flastou, Pa, The travel of the ore tbrouRh tbe mill Is 'entirely automatic. Tfai uoor of. tlie aruxUer hou» Is about 40 feet below the level of Uie mice tunnel The •approach Is a tubitaaUtl treaila work, ter- mloating In a large ore bin capable of hold- ing 4W to 600 tons, and placed dtreutly above aud In front of tba larga crustier, thus fur- nishing an are renerve, BOtbat tbe mill will not be entirely dependent on tbs ore can for a steady supply of ore. After pawing through tbe cruthere, rolls and scraecB, It la fod by gravity to tie separators,' which are •o arranged that the conoentratM are fed bj spout luto a bucket elevator, which die- barge* into a receiving hln, holding MO to&a, placed over a branch of the main railroad. Thin hla tudirnMiod wltb* aumber of . and gates, so thit CATScan be loaded quickly and without hartiilliiB UIB ore. Tha track ta "•"'-' BO tbat "empties" can be dropped iown bygravity (rom the,main line. The illlcgi are conveyed by means of an elevator and « rubber belt conveyor over tha top of the loading bin and deposited about 200 feet from tbe mill. This conveyor rues upon a light trestle-worktt»feet hlgb, and Ii BO«• ranged that wbeu it twconiee iwrastary it can itwliig to either tide or can be lengthened, rlre roiratransmlRion and angio'iheam or "bcnili" being used for^hat luitiwee, ~ itt insuliltiery lu Llio mill Ii tu ttx'M Inch Ilachaivanore breaker (weight tt.,000 pounilfJi two Buchanan GiltO Inch granulrton (weight ot 111,000 pounds), and tbreo teta of Buchanan atMl cruihtng nlla (two seta ot ittxlB foot, weight 31,000 pounds euch, and one set of % M tnc'ae« by 14 Ivet, weight 111,000 i»unds.) Tharo are tiro revoWIng tcreens, SztO feet, two very besvy LI ok Belt elevaton, and two beiagonal screens, (1 ((ot Ip diameter and10 feet lung, with 5,^ Inch hammered steel shafts. The main line of shafting Is 4X Inches ID dlamoter, «p«d 9)0 revolutions, while tbalnto-niediato Hue Is VA IROBM In diameter, running at U00 rcvolutloni. All the heavy imchlowy U operated by friction pulleys, so tbat any of the machines canbo Infttantly stopped wlUimit itoppicg tho en- liumtud litti balanue «>t Uu, will. Tbopotrerplatttuanalsteot one 18*30 loch automatic engine, made by the Morris County Machinefe Iron Company of Dover,,N.'J,, runclng at a speed of 1U0 revolutloaa, and one hlgh-apeed IS bomapowerengine for tbe dynamo, made by Tbo Beckett Foundry & Machine Company. electric*] plant consults of one fidtson lynanio moclilae of lui amrsrw and 110 roJta. Tdora are two Buchanan m&RneUo leparaton, modified and Improved, with roller feed, Tiiey are fitted with nou mag- aetlc belt* over tbe rolls, Instead of feeding Mrectly upon the vftlt, u f oTnatrly. Tbe operation of tbe mill Is as follows: ho ure la drawn from the receiving bin and pasaed through tbe large lftitM Inch breaker utd reduced to abmit 3 Inches. It falls from the crusher upon a SO-lnch rubber inclined xinvojor, runnlog on ooccay&l Uvu lullars, and is dtschargod Into two 3x10 feet boiler plate aoreeni drilled with l.Vlneb holtf. All A passes through tfae screena la flae enough For recruihlnjt: in rolls and Is conveyed by another 20-tnchru'betconveyor to tbenuta elevator*. All tbat Is too ooarae to go through the 1,^-Inch balea (a UraKsreen pauei it of ths end of the screeui and Isfeddl- reotlj Into the two liiSO Inch fine oruahen or grannlators. Tba produot of the"granulatora Falls upon tbe SO-kch conveyor (oommon to both) and ta elevated to oar of the hexagonal screens. AnInclined screen Is placed above cfauta to tbe screen having J^-looh holes, the overflow from which go«s to tfae coarse crushing rolls and tbe flno direct to tbe Krecn, By the Introduction of tbla screen uoduewMrls prevented In tbe floe tonea, The overflow from UIB bexagonal screen also fBd luto tula Mt of roll., WbiU all tbat pastes tbrougb lie meshes of the screea falla luto the' ore bla over tbe MpwsUm. Tbe product from tfaa first aet of rollsis dlsoliargqd Into a tfcoond Unit belt elevator and elevated to llie second uewgunal wnwu, the fine ore dropping Into Va* ore bin and tbe overflow going back to tbe second net of fine rolla for recrusbing. I t Is tben agoia fed Into same elevator and ncroeti, thus making the proees* automttic and contluuoiu. Ai before itated, the cruibod ore In fod bygravity from tbe bin to tfao separators, tbs concentrate* are. elsvated to tbe loading bins over the track and tbe. tailings are conveyed auto- matically to tho dumping ground. Tbt scrana, gratuUtors. elevators and rolls be- ing la dupUc*te are to arraoRfcl that sbould anyone break or get out of order or need renewal of parts tho now of ore can be di- verted from one side to the other and tbe mill be enabled to run on about tbree-faurtht ipaclty, Chutw, Bwhging gates and spouts ire provided for tils purpose. Ths capacity • this mill Ii from 200 to S00 lona of crude material per day. Eicepting the mala en> tbe machinery w u built byTbe Beckett "oondryA: Mactilna Company cf Arlington, 1.1., from rlesigm imdu by their engineer, J. (». llucbatian, 148 Liberty Bt, Hew York, JOHN J. ECKHART, (BUMOMT to Hmlth AXckbart.) MASON AND BUILDER ContrKtt taken and materials furakbed for UU1LDINGH, BRIDOGS. whiUxr of BRICKor BTONE. - Shop on Morris rtrwt, next to former HWB Bu buCdlBf, Dovtr, IT, J. MANT OFTHKXOT8 THAT BCStS. U a B A T I I offered at | HED0CED BATES , havo boon taken. When tho rest have been sold tho price will bo SOOHK BYIHDINUB: ftocknwayA.C. 0 0 0 D 0 0 3 0 (J—2 Irotuldta ft- II 0 II DO H x—ti TbrecUwhlt.A.Rotbfita. Two IMUB bltfl, F. FJohter, HauHar. Base on IM|[S, by Hatif- \»JL BtruckouLby Hatftw T, by pay 4. Umpire, Thomas Ilogera. BOONTOM Vft. O, ( t * W. B. H. Tbere waa a rumorcirculahsd around BJOO- ton WMk before last to UIB effort tbat Daj was to leavo tbe Boontoa team. Thin rumor has become true and Day, toe former Boon- ton pitcher, baa now donned A Rockawav ilform. Tbts waa no doubt a surprise among the cranks but tbe step baa been made necetr sery by tbB perforiuanoea of thli twlrler of late. Tfae brunt of the work lately baa bten plaosd on Mlher and D»y, Hllner haa done brilliant work and to him Is duea great daal for the position tbe Boontotu hold in Horria county. KefotlaUoMweracotameootd i '" another pftctar, a abort, well built young man, wltb tight auburn balr and % Peamyl- vanla expreealon on bis ttc*, acted ai.a pitcher for the Boontona lait Uaturday. and pitcher he la, a pitcher that knows how to pitch. H.i namo Is McDonald and he oon- trola a curve tbat would hoop a hofflbetd. To Hand at a distance and look at McDonald In repose one would naturally think be con Id not pitch coppers. But hii looks belle his talents, fie can make that drop of hla dodge bata mMt'toasmgty. Well, this HoDona'd Jutstood out la the diamond and w s l i h S tbe ball over the plate and the Nacfla nine mods ten distinct stratus to puih th« p«aVy iMr, _, f KtniiT, TbQM wUlng Ix.ti,wl!l do well A. Hoqaebold Treaaure. I \ V.'. VMOT, r,f Cunajobarlo, P. V , uyi that he alwayi kespi Dr. King's New Dis- covery ID tto bduw and liln family bai al- ways fmitid tbe very tx»f result* follow that OB would not be without It, It procurable. U,A. Uykemao, Draggiet, Cats- kill, N. V., uyi tbat Dr. King's New Dis- covery Is undoubtedly tbe butt Cough rtrasdy; that be baa used It In bis family for right yean, and It uaa torer failed to da all that Is claimed for It.' Wfay not try a remedy to long triad and tula). Trial battiei tree at Robert KIHgore'i Drug Htorp. Dover; It P. Qnm ft Co, Fort Onm; P.N. Drug Btore.ChwUr, N.J. BABE BALL. HOTKAWAV A. (!. Vfl HUIHHIDIH. If the H. A. C. hail bad u good a man at tbird base last Katurday u tbey bad at first tbe Irmutilu would bavn gone taotne feated. Day, wbo has Iwn pltcblnK for Uuonton, made bis flr*t appmrunc* wltb the U. A. C , and after tbe lint Inning put up great gaiuo, only two btu being made Inthe last eight Innings. "Arty" White, of this town, played short, andadded strengthto tbe team. Hurley at third IKout of his pli and Wall did uot plaj at Mcood anywhere near aa good a game ai he does staburt. ID tact tba whole nine with ttia eioeplion of Cavanaugb'were either now playera with Ihla club or Indifferent iweltlona fr in which they bavu boeu playlag. Tut gtvi.o by reason of the general good playing ou the uartottht H. A. C. vhould h i i K t e n wmi by them, but fatal arnira at tlilrdtattbe game. A i t t wat> Uie game wu one of tbtj moat Iiitereatlng played tbta saatoti i grouudH. Tlw liberty Uyc)« Band hire all got back from their vacations aud their ex- wlient wuiio (ran ono ot tbe features of tbi afternoon's enjoyment. CarUr, who dsserted the K. A, O, In mioh a waWmptlblu way t' weeks ago was ou tfae grounds and would like to get lack ou Uie team, aud It latootrad tbat no good a player should liave made suuli a bad tirrnk. The following la the wore In full; BOCKAWAT .aer, c Hurley.adb 'ftvaoeugU, U t b . . i, Vail, Mb.. ... /. WcbUr.oi(..i!..i p «eman,l. f It. 1H If). A. ^u;::r.::: I), l-'iciitor, r. r. Total " *. Rothfuj, o 1 H. RDWUI, U h t Hilli, i, a , I Bustaoe. -Id b . . . I J. Hotbfui.lttti 1 laufler. p. 0 WeisboeVer, 1,1 0 !ogan, c f. (I Kurge.r. ( II Total B int. ro, A. :i 13 3 little spereawayand made ten Tlit Utllroed film pbr»p.rMl rorab, iiorted tlH3Uflrefl verj rauob, nw\ donmimtd great deal of molecular tlisua, but with flultatiut could bocouBtod. Tbe sum total of wbat tboy did during tba afternoon agalatt tbe pltcblng'of McDonald was three single bit*. Q. Wootton played abort whlleK.P.LookariiUrsedasffollanJaw. On the other band the Naefle nine wai ooap-wM of euoh men as Prile, auppossd to ba one of Patenon'stwat catchera, and then they had Motidon the allt^dgad pitcher of the Jaraeytt that flourished under the management of Baunders. Thenttu two Nattle boy a; Geo. NaeHe Iried tn play abort and D. Naefle played right (Itld.uid mver a bail flew lo hit terri- tory. Then, too, tha rest came from Klngi- ld and other minor pluses. Welt, with leae noted players up agatnit tbo Booptona jou would think the Boontons would be eailly taken iu, but it wa«. mtbtng o[ tbe kind. The Ii. C. hntninend Uoudon'n balls vldously all over tfae Hold. Naeile at ihort fumbled balli until he was dl%usted. Kollowlag ii tbe tcore i P.* L. A W. R. It. I 0 0 3 II (I I 1 0— fi Boontuus 7 0 & !1 II (I 0 3. U—17 Tomorrow ths Uoonbtna play tba Uncas •an. oi D«nvllle. Thin team has lioon rein- farced, which, wltb, the Dlnkerson brothers, promlsea to lw a itrong nine. Tbuy any they are coining down to win—win whatr We defeat ? Wflll,jutt uutll attar tha ball and we bball M flll,jutt kaM" I, bouie run, Parrdl; poased Ulla, lUcbordi 3; wJU pitcbtw, tihupe; IMLMSOD ball. 8hup* 4; itruok by Hhjpo H, by Hllsr T; left on buas, iandolpliii S HtAta U(M|iiUil 8, Time of giro* 1 hmiraiiii 55mlDUtes. Umpire Dr. Rlafca. BASE UKtVNOTtM. inJutitlretotlePortUramolub we woidd nay, tbey bad no Idea of niQDlng against UaokettHtonn and Pbllllpatiurg wen, in tiolr Ratoe wltb Oift Y. M. C. A, on Haturday lost and tbey iLaiid ready At any time to playtbe Y. M. U. A. dub of Dover, on in* grounds neutral. jrt Urnni club HIII phy tbe lute |«ll cluliof Uie Anyluni on H*turdey at MorrU I'lalua and the Kutnii dub on Momlay, tt i'jrt (Jraiti. Tliu Boirerys mot anddofeatcil tliti crack ^gltaUiraftf JJOTBroa UiePurtOraiiigrouadi. n Hdturdty hit. Tbii tning tbe third ganwi of the seawn, tliu How*rya were d"t«rrolned to UkQ ana. Ho Ui«y pUyoi t«|| and the romblne.. efforts nf Holler, Hedden and Ua/.w In the Uie WW« iitmloas, tor they could not atop die sluggiug ,>f tlie Jlowurys. It, pitclieil a magnldciiiit came, only five tails going out of the diamond and hli sup' port lieblud the bat waa perfect, tbe catching doing done by Jos. Hill. Uitcbell'a flaying at wrond wm a feature and the Agitator* looked weary when tbe game cloned. Ttio Bowery Jmilmi ntftaUd tbe Ulne Hill uiilom on U«n.Uy lout, byaioore of 18 to HE. BULLOOK'S TROUBLES. H u Hia Third Wife Arrested for Biramy and She InTurn Has Him Arrntad for Threat*, nte* Her Ufo. Tlindnmutic dlHWIUwflf Tbotnu O. Hul- lock a wealthy tic* iinpoitor of How York, who rexldea In a liaudaome tuinmer villa, known as Arbor Vita* Lodge, at BuBcaaunoa 1'lalns, Morris county, have ended In tbe ar- rat of that genUeni.n. Uurlog hU lifetime bo bos been married thrice. Hla fint inatri- nionlal venture waa In Ut*b. After a brief ftfmarriad lire bu obUined s divorce 'rom hla flrat wife, Mubeuiuently the dl< ' wire procured a divorro from Bullork DnthoirouDds tbat lit bad procured an 11- legal dlvotve In Utah. Aa soon a* all the lc«al proceedlngx hod beeu settled Bullock married Lydln Buttoo.ayflunj; wonua living " • • -Wp. All went wel) until a tbfrd wortun mado her appearance on the seeue, and (a now one of tbe leading charac- ter*, in the ioincttlu drama which tbt lamia County Court baa bwn called upon to settle. Tfals woman fia» th* camte of another dl voroa for Bullock. Bullock^ InfatukUou rorberprored n great tbat nbouc one year ago lie Installed ber In Arbor Vltm Lodge u MM. Bullock number three. During the brief time tbat sho baa' been iin. Bullock one bu prospered wonder- fully, oiid all would still have been serene had not Bullock learned (ram nms souroa that previoustobis marriage to her ahe bore >ftawoof BiitburUndand tliat ber busband « a i^aldensot Brooklyn. The couple for ;ha pMt few montbs have quarrelled fra- o,ueiiUylaudtl»lr d i ^ U e U v e resulted la landing tbe wlTe in tbe Uorrii County Jail at onach&rgt of bigamy, and ttie of Bullock, who is charted by bit wife with threateningtoihoot ber. HeTeral mootba ago, and lieforv Bullock leaned ot tha facta which ba avers claaaaa wife among bigamists, hetransferrod to ber the property situated at Suoouuotia Plains. The deed la registered In County Clark Mo offloe at the Court House In Morriitown, and shows that BoUock soil tbe. propertytoA, K. Traven ror^l'and that tbe Uttertraiitferr*! Ittolttf.'Bullock(or nt UMIVWay Mro-BullcMk, learning that Q^OtbuffUd c*u*ed Jiutire i%ncher/o[ Suocuuona fiiinai ' ' jrtntffjT ber arrest on charge or bigamy, ca-as to Uirrlatowo and, visit- Idt Juitteeof the Pewe AxMll, caused a war* rasttobelasuBd for Hjllnck 1 . arrwt, cliarf- Ing bim with tbresaUnlng ber llf«, The war- rant was given to Constable Plenon, who drove to Buccaaunna, Plains Friday nlgbt. When he reached Bullock's reeldenca ha WM MDfrontedbyfiiur italwari hired man, wbo refuHd him adraiialon to the houn«,»nd Mid it their employer was not at home. Tbo constable, however, deollned to ba bluffed, id replied tbat tie would remain until Bui- - cck returned. As waiting proved to bo moaotonoin. Cou- ntable flenon deetdtd to fttarcb tlia honw, ba being of tbe opinion that Rullock wa« bom* and had concealed hbnaelf. Tbe four nion on guard at first refused to unlock the door. Vhully, upon botng Intormid by the constable tliat If Ma re*]ue«t was not uJtnplJal with he ww;)d force Mi.entranoe and then arrest tbe men, they unlocked the front door and allowed the officer to enter tbe house. To irpr.ee Copitabfo Flerwn found enterUlaing Juatloa of tba 'hen Bullock was placed undur arrett he utiandad be arraigned befon Squire fcneber. That oatdol accepted Bullock's pormnal recogniionce on a IMJI Itorul tokeep tha peace, and all that r&nialiwd for Pterum t« (in w utoreturn toMonistown. Whil«tb*6bovBwubclT*tr«]isa(led Con- stable ftiy, armed with •warrant hsned by alaitloe of UIB Veoco Kaachar, wu rtding tround the country searcfalng for Urt. Bollock. Doally aucceoded In arresting ber and brought her to ths Morris Count; Jail, rhtr* abo waabemieil over to the care of Under Sheriff Munsou. The latter locked bla fair prisoner up In one of the rooms u»ad as a boepltai word. Mrs. Bullock Satmday re- tained the legal Mrvioea of ei-Pnitmorter Quayle. As judge Cutler waa out of towa counsel for the prisoner could nqt seeureher reluee on ball, but nude the neotoat; »p> plication Monday morning, i i » W i n Mnrrblown Saturday night that Mm. Bullock on Friday was seeking purchasers for thft property at Buccaiunna PJalu tratuferred tober I17Bullock. Tbo latter, hearing ot the attempU being mods to sell tbe property, Instructed bti legal repre- sentative to file paper* with County Clerk Mott, restraining Mrs. Bullock from dEspoting if tbe property until tlie c u e can be settled a tbe courts. IVa understand that Mr. Bullock cbartored some c a n and has removed aome of his fatm- IBK machinery. , A FEABFUL BTOBV. A itorm of i ibor Day the Bootitaua play that strong muJ well Ttcom. raeiijed nine, tbe Newark fluid Club, of On Salu'diy the Hoonton Juniors earns to Hockaway to ulay the Kickawa; B. It. C. with the Intention of winning but ware greatly •Lirprfawd, ttliuu ibe HBUIU vuded tho wore waa 10 to.T In favor of llockatvay B. B. C. Thli U tbe oecond game that the B. Jl. O. baa won off the Boonton's thii year. The wore was aa follawt by Innings i BoontonJr OflOSOflOOO—S BocUway 3 1 1 0 I) (J 1 A x-lti Jiarned ruua, Itockaway B.B,C,C,Uoouton fr. 1; base on batlt, by Bolster, 3; by Bailey I; struck out, by Bolster 7, by lttll< tares bane hit, Brookj; two hoMhlU.Baach2, Brook* S, BaMudftra, Toakln, Tippllt, Conn. Time of game, lh:45 min. Umpire J. Berry. On M>m<lay tbo llwtVaway B. B. C. met tin b* what tbey supposol would be the Liberty Juuinn, bnt when play ball wai called there wai but one liberty Junior In tbe Itell The Bockaway B. B. O. toot tbe Held with Mike •vanaugb. one of tbe 11. A. C. tassm tobat, tt he went out at first Hurley was another go out tbe lame way, Put as It was tbo Bockaway B. B, C, won tbe gams with ease. r ear waa another of tbe K. A. C. team, nuk- ing three of tlie R A, 0., but It dona no good as the Hockaway B, B. O, wou the. game by a, score of 17 to n . the following [g the snare Roekaway 0 0 0 (I 0 0 3 8 ((— (1 Uocktwmyt»*>* S 0 ! 4 II I I 1 . AaiTATOlW VS. BOWKRV8. Tbft AgSt*tor» wai taken Into camp by the Boweryti of Port Gram but Saturday, and were badly defeated. ToeAgitators were "ntUed" froni tbe start and played with very little spirit. Tbe Bowerys played a, good game, but did not win by any great playing on their part but by the errors of the litators. Eicimw on the part of th» Agi- tators ore out of tbe question, and all we faavetoaay is tbat tbo boya have tried to play ball without practice. ThflgaaiBwai a cinch, web as the Bowsrya never had bbton, nor do we think tbey will have another such a «uap. The Agitators won two out ot the three gomes played with Urn Boweryt. The Agitator* bad ten men left on bases, and tbe Bowerys nine. Score by Innimri 1 Agiiaton O3000U00 1—3 Uowerys 8 0 0 4 3 0 !I a x-Zl The Agitators wtre timt«d very veil by tho Bowerys, but tboro WMtonmuch foreign iiilomuHlon to make it very pleasant, The Handoipba were very badly defeated at Konia ritOna last Batunlay by tba SMto Hospital team. They went there expecting to find the oame team that played tbo Agi- tators a few weeks ago but to their surprise found luch nfe& as catcher Halaiagtr Arst ind second base Carlln and r'arrell formerlj of the Olympics of PaUnan, Donahue, of. - - . tho famous old Ked Htockloea o( Sewark, Tbe storm was control tsar Portland, ate., and pitcher Hiler. With aucb men ai their lMt«TenIng,and alone the coast of Hova 'win* 80010 by Innings. "* * (needing towa-d the far north. 'Ifmoy be janitai 53U&03G0 SW18 thtt thu llQd wtu *• g * tia ""^ b J * • Randolph,.',... I 1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 &~ I [ forces of the cyclone. It la said that there ru^lU^olphl t BUteUt^talfi*'aniQiUi»tion>lli»tafaunit»i»ia raging in base hlto, Budolphi 1, State Uoipltal 9t the Quit of Uexleo, g bavoo raged along the Atlantic coast Hon- ly and while It did not reach this section la all Ita fury BtlU com fluids were devastated and peach trees plucked of their fruit. Tbe ew York Tribune thus describes the storm : utottheBoaUicatni* a demon. He beck- oned to the winds, and from Uulr pavilions tUdoudii they Hew wdobhi bidding. Tbt rytrmUs wheeled Intd a whirling column. - anil iwept ovar the gunny southland. Tbty Itft. behind them wreck and ruin. Vatr citlea were laid low, and the mourners wsnt about tbB rtmta. Tho hofe tell upon the sea and g n a t vessel* dragged their anchors and were rended upon the rocks. . They whirled through manfav and raged In the depths of tangled foreata. Tbuy swept over deserted fltldi and populous towns alike. From ths reefs of Florida to the shone of tfov* Scotia tbey swept aa nalatleai as tha tide. ThayorerturnedthedirelllBgBofmBn. They hurled themselves against lofty build- Inga (hook and crnttibled. So came tbe cy- dono. It ttarted tram the Florida coait a, woek ago, and came howling along tbo Atlan- ttowaabooid. tt svrtpt ttivwioah, Oa,, Iron, tbe face of tbe earth, and apread terror aud l l h g h H swept down tho telegraph wins and the click of tlie sounder wmtiHod. Communtcatlcwbetween,, tbe North and the RouUi w u at an end. There came from out of-tbe-wayplacea ru- mor* ol what bad been done by the cyclone. Tlie storm paaaed on to the north. By forced marches it harried through Virginia, PemtfYlvAnla, New York and New England.

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Page 1: NEWARK, N. J. ALWAYS BUSY!test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1893/... · nado ID qutlHy or prio« betwoeu goods bought at the cosutera ui< those purchased IJITOHKII







Oficr. <m Illaditiiey Strmt next Hoar

Titan or juMoBirtioir IMV*BJ

hiniuanaittxiloraiUaa, Local nntto.(UH»noaa6|l l



j-1.•';,:•'.;.'. OflejjJiTtlMltaa B«lHto»,

O T M J. A, Lion's StoRI, 'DOVER, X. 1

|i > ri BO, o. cuimms, u. p,," •••:. ^V f.OKKERAU TftAOTITIONEH,


. i l lort i id*'rf B l i i - . i l « m t and

M M M n I X tluiaiwt,

• AHOHITBOT,••; , - :

; ' L Onn VlML

Q O .TO; ;'V:V.'J. X ' V ..••,••'.;• ••;•


/or /c«b B™ad, , (Wa«l Fl« <Uilr X/or /c«b B™i.<r»a «oek ol


Tti .vle*.»«. lW»oUr»l/ r t«W>K l !nant ;." ; inamier.. UAIaVaaatjalk&w'i Hair


i All oriUi* br iiuUl will rMlvt prompt •tt«i-

5f, OcmlraMa.lalaa (or all a lai «( laora la

B S S BoiWi lioioofiriiii Bl«m Hpnl i*A«»K».vcl«ltj. ~ ; .:-;:Oriflcii WuaOIKTIUI.PIPOT •; »3-ljr

:: O»»Jcl-t!LACIWF.[,T.BT.,

? ii; iil w 12. H.





UBBML BUStmt XSr«0D3.Tlornigli Orguu'ratiou, Prompt-

neu and Accunrj littiB.nl] coin-billed to baild tip our

Mall Order Departmentto its premsnt Urge prapotliousThis deputmpnt, by giving at alltlmaa tbevery belt atltmtion to ontof iovn slioppon, b u popularlzectte bajiog of goods b j mail, anJnow readies its patrons with tU«very beat ansorlmont of D i l lGoods tbat the markets of 111world afiurd. Mo dmtiuotioo inado ID qutlHy or prio« betwoeugoods bought at the cosutera ui<those purchased IJITOHKII tbe ma;k

ORDERS «illlio promntl; filled»nd forirardsd to deBlmatioii at tbeearliest possible moment.

SAMPLES of what ever la de-sired will be Bunt to any addressupon application,

We a n now offering



H E A T H & D H A E E ,

777 & 779 Broad St.,NEWARK, N. J.






S » ~MtaTKkhHouatetpini



FMltiT and ataqillD N.l l iu Aim a lulllaaol JaealBana, H.frtjB.%. anJWr

CooWn, Babj Cuikan

Not* the Name AMOS over the door before entering-lie Store.

E u y t t r a i , Telephone 880. Elevator to every Floor.

Qoodi DeUvered FRKK OF CHARGE to any Part of' he State.







•nlUlwortlnlbrbteuiiaiulla All wort* <M l « t tmht u d pri<»i nMomblt,


$100 u motIJIOATXDON

'.•k U d Mtuntaln Avtl. and Vlimliy,BlacKwsIl and Union Sts i

-Richards mil Mjrtl. « v « ,Lawrtnn Si. and on Ford Ava>

, N.irSl.Miry.Ctarch.•-TIBKS UBKRAb, - •





B A I * BUILDIHO, Dnvin, K J.

FOB SALE.A dwallliv >llk nbmt tw«».-« ol inniid


Real Sstate Agency0»8HITH ft JENKINS,

Bainc BDIUMIKI, ' DOVER, N . J .


Blackberry Brandy•"AID—





SMiraora, H. J


-»a Hi/.VplioliUiisg u i h n l t s n Wtfk,

Uoaamlli.. (Bana « n RmM, Pom.


EOGEKE w m m9i7 Cleods

- A S H -

Orteery Sttre.' SUSSEX STBEET,


It itodteil vrllli IIIB bMt of aTBTjUilaff la UUMl!o« «nd Bid u living prim. Cill fnd

l l uck wlvr lov . Allu y put ntt DOtlo

living priml tuck w l v

gwidi dvurerad to u y put. * t ie town at Hurt DOtloa.


" Hbtice of Settlement.Natiaa la hwebj rfwn that tba taoaant. of





Amos H.Van Horn(L IMITED)




PAllLOlt SUITS.35 FtrlnrRulU,uulingany ftnlniiccl frtnw,(n i>tu«facovering,r?K* t»'c ttt..lt»Uiw*l tnW(Mi


. .Rrduml Ui (VI

tft pieces of Tapsetrr Brusseh Carpet, regular price per yard »>.• . . Kertuoed to A1

»5 pleote nt Bod y Brasuls Carpet, i *u l tr price per yard $IM . , . . iUduced to at ctt

lT6t Carpet, m u l t r p r k * p « jart %\ 90 Htluoedtotncti

Carp*t,r#gularprl»pervardtl.4() Harfiir-wl toTHrti

3IATT1NG.To dp" out tb« taluo. of our ipriiif itock Kill HII Quod Fully M.tltog,.P»r inril onlf Mo

PORTLAND RANGES.Wi itull comauM from ibU IUU to pub UM PurtUw* Ruigo, • • it IIAI no njm] More

mid tlun inj otlw rutif* WcmnUtl In enry waj or iinuiejr rufumlM

73 Market Street,Near Plane St. NEWARK.


1 bar* a loll lies of them at lowest prlcM




NEW DEERINQ MOWER,wbiob h u given Hie bail satiafaotioD. One of theee in naa nix yearn,

costing only 76 «rat» for repaint.

Plumbing, Tinnlnc, SU«m HMttnit u d Hot Water UeaUngdone in the belt manner.

!>. S. 4IXEN. Dover, N. J.


is healthy and I like it. The advantageof having the largest stock made by thebest manufacturers in the country, keep-ing everything from A to E, the leadingtrade in the pities of Dover, Boonton uniPassaic, justifying large purchases atheadquarters: are substantial reasons forinviting customers to share advantagesthat competitors cannot give, fflfy Springstyles are superior to anything over shownin Morris County and are not excelled any-where. Ladies, call and examine my su-perb assortment of Ties and Slippers in allcolors, width)* and prices, ranging from80c. to $30Q| Gentlemen's styles in Bus-set aud Chocplato colored Bluchers andBals. in addition to the largest line of reg-ular goods ever shown in the county.

1,01)0 pair I f Children's Shoes froni 33cto 89c, being]one-third of their value-


ALWAYS BUSY!BwtHatuaBestHbQuhtenIE Urge Salt llerrlnp . , ,Urge Box Smoked Herrings ft

Kvajiorated AprlmU. ,! ,»Ita Prunes ' „ ,

Coodu«dMllk....51b. P«ll Jelly. 2I».

9 111. Hot Kim I.... 17c.81b. BMtRurdj 14c.3Iti .Botain.rBo.pe , . . . »« .

It III. DettUale. Gnlcker.My., 20c,




HUflAH AM. VOH B l j ,


D O V H R , • •' INT. ff.

Lh« next UklTir dAji kit Knofe nust anil ihiU r* BOM ftt 33 per cent lua tbaabuilnna a i lnnben inb a n U>. bol*j of U» dar wo Uke Ibli matbixl to

•oll< It sour •UetUoil In • kind bnlnaa war. Nemnilier LIVINGSTON UROH, ATTHHIH OIIKAT UIXtTHINO HIAHD, KKKf A l.AHUB STOCK OP

FIHB OlOfHIHG•Iffajpg on band. Our goodn hAve baen Klrcttrl with Ter^ graat CM«. Call oarlf and Mowben you litre tlm» to I M I U AmnniiMcU lielng mtuU «ltb linportora and JoltJort In tbewbolcwle Umd», *e are pnpaml to furnish you too&t at Inw pritWn and the beat thut aremtil*..

LaRGE STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS.Tba Ulert I s d m of tlocki. VMI will rind • luttor naortmmt <lth m Uian at » n r

U . l n U a l l

FI1VE1 8HIRTI9.Wo bare a tarf i *ock of Fine 8birta-N.w York M Ills-the rheancat and l>eat you

c u HIM) DO not forget to call and fee us Keep this In your mind AIM Plaited ojilOjieu Bosom Embroidered Bblrta of the beat material *

CENTS' LINEN AND CELLULOID COLLARSS Not lbs latest rtjlM, fmpUhri Alnot frptn UM Iroporton for tlw rttall tradi

MTWa arvmtbliif room for Fall Good*. Great Rtductton fu j-rloe*, Uiwhich h u (WTCT t««i known tafote


Livingston Brothers,Blaokwell Btiett, opp. Baker Opera House, DOVEE, N. J


Cor. Blacbwell and Morris StsM Dover." J. R. DALRYMPLE, Manager,

Aln dealer in Small Kutdod Initraaunta of all kinds. Trim-mingi and SappUei, 8he«t «oiio and Muaio B«ok«. '

n e t d n FnunM en band and mada to order. Older, takei for Craron anil Oil Fortran*




Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &c.•RACKET AND ICKOLL UWINO DONE TO ORDER.


Im, tbe Ilk. cl






Diamonds, Watches, Clocks,Jewelry,: Silver and Silver-flated Ware, Bold

Pens, Silver-Flateil Knlvei, Forks and Spoons,AT THH L0WBST HAHKKT THICE.


the lantMt ajsorlinsnt erer ihown ID Dover. A full line of Bmctarliw anjK>. UltMa. In frame, of (loll Btol and llublier, protwl; fltlnl to

Uie «je 1 am oonitantljr repWbMoR my cuick In all ita deiiut-nieiu. You rill a lmr. rind Ibeiateat palterna anj atyua.

| 9 - All kind! of WATCHES, 0DO0KB and JBWEI.RY lUiPAIKSDor otberwln nporatad ai nqalnd


Watches Sold on Instalments.


Hlnne tbo djBiavrry of Uie iif|i nwllt whichIK now ao universally ugej to locate magnet h

tltoro bas been uu appllcjor maguetiitin to Iron mil

Important an tbe process of magneticconceutration. Thin proewn haft been butrecently mtrodutwd, and coualdering tliatIsuef.ltmiylwconalderedaauocets, Thatit is only at the present time Mug perfected

lw attributed direct,/ to the recant dimand« of blait-furoace manager*. Ton o

in yean, alnce (t waa not ountdderod p*«-to uw «vtJP a partial uliarge of fine on

without pnxludDg a scaffold or salamanderIn other words. It wa« not cauldered iiouible for tbe air bloat tn permeate through tb

of HueljT crushed ore. • Aaolhw reasonwhy the magnetic concentrator w u not pei

I earlier was because blast furnace inan-would accept and pay a high prico for

what ts now tennwl lean ore, having at pres-put no orinitiiuiTial value In ftir crude condi-tion—tint It, ore containing about 4S p

mt. of metallic Iron. A few yeans linco 8-1percc-it ure was corulitered rlitb ; at preteuM per cwit. ore iluos not meet with a readywle and M per cotit. and (K) per twiit, la notconalitared exceptionally Huh. This demand

riolier ore naturally liicrouec tharoiluoaa the output nf tho tlifpftog arealao incmuea tbo amount of Ii

on?, containing from 35 per cant, to «i peroeut, nietalllnfroi), wh'eb Is of uo VAIUOever, hut ou tho contrary la a source tf great

:psaiie Tor lisnrtli g, an It fn.]i»ntly hap-peimtliattbeduiiiplngKround in tlie Imme-diate vicinity of tlie mine Is limited. Tbsprovince of tbe magnetic concentrator la toutltliethli watte nutorlaland produce a very)l«b grarto of ortf, freed to a great extentran many Impurities, nuch an Bulpbi

pborUK, &ts. It must be ranomb i red tbat ina mine producing murcbantsble ore wlilchcan be shipped airoot to the furuaow ID lumpat a prullt, the coat of mining the Beooodclam, or concentrating ore, ahould not becharROd njaintt th« conooutrator, as in any

it It ban to be Ukeo from tbe vein wltb:tie Ht(t class nra u>id selected or <ta

:i«rtvtti-il, If« Ronceiitr4tlDg 1'laot U prop-•ly looaU-tl tbo vost of tlelWevIng tbe ore Into

tbe mill, at tbe mouth of tba crusher*, Is nogreater than tbo cost ol hauling It to thewatte dump.

The concentrating plant of the Glendoi•ou Company waa designed ly c. G liu

cbanau ol New York. Ttiis plant will trealthe low gr&da ores from the Hltiernfo. N. J.t

linen belonging tn tlie Ulendon Iron Com-pany of flastou, Pa, The travel of the oretbrouRh tbe mill Is 'entirely automatic. Tfaiuoor of. tlie aruxUer hou» Is about 40 feetbelow the level of Uie mice tunnel The•approach Is a tubitaaUtl treaila work, ter-mloating In a large ore bin capable of hold-ing 4W to 600 tons, and placed dtreutly aboveaud In front of tba larga crustier, thus fur-nishing an are renerve, BO tbat tbe mill willnot be entirely dependent on tbs ore can fora steady supply of ore. After pawingthrough tbe cruthere, rolls and scraecB, It lafod by gravity to tie separators,' which are•o arranged that the conoentratM are fed b j

spout luto a bucket elevator, which die-barge* into a receiving hln, holding MO to&a,

placed over a branch of the main railroad.Thin hla tudirnMiod wltb * aumber of .and gates, so thit CATS can be loaded quicklyand without hartiilliiB UIB ore. Tha track ta

"•"'-' BO tbat "empties" can be droppediown by gravity (rom the,main line. The

illlcgi are conveyed by means of an elevatorand « rubber belt conveyor over tha top ofthe loading bin and deposited about 200 feetfrom tbe mill. This conveyor rues upon alight trestle-work tt» feet hlgb, and Ii BO « •ranged that wbeu it twconiee iwrastary it canitwliig to either tide or can be lengthened,

rlre roiratransmlRion and angio'iheam or"bcnili" being used for^hat luitiwee,

~ itt insuliltiery lu Llio mill Ii tu

ttx'M Inch Ilachaivan ore breaker (weighttt.,000 pounilfJi two Buchanan GiltO Inch

granulrton (weight ot111,000 pounds), and tbreo teta of BuchananatMl cruihtng nlla (two seta ot ittxlB foot,weight 31,000 pounds euch, and one set of %Mtnc'ae« by 14 Ivet, weight 111,000 i»unds.)Tharo are tiro revoWIng tcreens, SztO feet,two very besvy LI ok Belt elevaton, and twobeiagonal screens, (1 ((ot Ip diameter and 10feet lung, with 5,^ Inch hammered steelshafts. The main line of shafting Is 4XInches ID dlamoter, «p«d 9)0 revolutions,while tbalnto-niediato Hue Is VA IROBM Indiameter, running at U00 rcvolutloni. Allthe heavy imchlowy U operated by frictionpulleys, so tbat any of the machines can boInfttantly stopped wlUimit itoppicg tho en-liumtud litti balanue «>t Uu, will.

Tbopotrerplatttuanalsteot one 18*30 lochautomatic engine, made by the Morris CountyMachinefe Iron Company of Dover,,N.'J,,runclng at a speed of 1U0 revolutloaa, andone hlgh-apeed IS bomapowerengine for tbedynamo, made by Tbo Beckett Foundry &Machine Company.

electric*] plant consults of one fidtsonlynanio moclilae of lui amrsrw and 110roJta. Tdora are two Buchanan m&RneUoleparaton, modified and Improved, withroller feed, Tiiey are fitted with nou mag-aetlc belt* over tbe rolls, Instead of feedingMrectly upon the vftlt, u f oTnatrly.

Tbe operation of tbe mill Is as follows:ho ure la drawn from the receiving bin and

pasaed through tbe large lftitM Inch breakerutd reduced to abmit 3 Inches. It falls fromthe crusher upon a SO-lnch rubber inclinedxinvojor, runnlog on ooccay&l Uvu lullars,and is dtschargod Into two 3x10 feet boilerplate aoreeni drilled with l.Vlneb holtf. All

A passes through tfae screena la flae enoughFor recruihlnjt: in rolls and Is conveyed byanother 20-tnchru'betconveyor to tbenutaelevator*. All tbat Is too ooarae to gothrough the 1, -Inch balea (a UraKsreen pauei

it of ths end of the screeui and Isfeddl-reotlj Into the two liiSO Inch fine oruahen orgrannlators. Tba produot of the"granulatoraFalls upon tbe SO-kch conveyor (oommon toboth) and ta elevated to oar of the hexagonalscreens. An Inclined screen Is placed above

cfauta to tbe screen having J^-looh holes,the overflow from which go«s to tfae coarsecrushing rolls and tbe flno direct to tbeKrecn, By the Introduction of tbla screenuoduewMrls prevented In tbe floe tonea,The overflow from UIB bexagonal screen also

fBd luto tula Mt of roll., WbiU all tbatpastes tbrougb l ie meshes of the screea fallaluto the' ore bla over tbe MpwsUm. Tbeproduct from tfaa first aet of rollsis dlsoliargqdInto a tfcoond Unit belt elevator and elevatedto llie second uewgunal wnwu, the fine oredropping Into Va* ore bin and tbe overflowgoing back to tbe second net of fine rolla forrecrusbing. I t Is tben agoia fed Into sameelevator and ncroeti, thus making the proees*automttic and contluuoiu. Ai before itated,the cruibod ore In fod by gravity from tbe

bin to tfao separators, tbs concentrate*are. elsvated to tbe loading bins over thetrack and tbe. tailings are conveyed auto-matically to tho dumping ground. Tbtscrana, gratuUtors. elevators and rolls be-ing la dupUc*te are to arraoRfcl that sbouldanyone break or get out of order or needrenewal of parts tho now of ore can be di-verted from one side to the other and tbemill be enabled to run on about tbree-faurtht

ipaclty, Chutw, Bwhging gates and spoutsire provided for ti ls purpose. Ths capacity• this mill Ii from 200 to S00 lona of crude

material per day. Eicepting the mala en>tbe machinery w u built byTbe Beckett

"oondryA: Mactilna Company cf Arlington,1.1., from rlesigm imdu by their engineer,J. (». llucbatian, 148 Liberty Bt , Hew York,

JOHN J. ECKHART,(BUMOMT to Hmlth A Xckbart.)


ContrKtt taken and materials furakbed for


whiUxr of BRICK or BTONE. -

Shop on Morris rtrwt, next to former HWB

B u buCdlBf, Dovtr, IT, J.


BCStS. UaBATIIoffered at |

HED0CED BATES ,havo boon taken. When tho

rest have been sold thoprice will bo

SOOHK BY IHDINUB:ftocknwayA.C. 0 0 0 D 0 0 3 0 (J—2Irotuldta ft- II 0 II DO H x—ti

TbrecUwhlt.A.Rotbfita. Two IMUB bltfl,F. FJohter, HauHar. Base on IM|[S, by Hatif-\»JL BtruckouLby Hatftw T, by pay 4.Umpire, Thomas Ilogera.

BOONTOM Vft. O,( t * W. B. H.Tbere waa a rumorcirculahsd around BJOO-

ton WMk before last to UIB effort tbat Dajwas to leavo tbe Boontoa team. Thin rumorhas become true and Day, toe former Boon-ton pitcher, baa now donned A Rockawav

ilform. Tbts waa no doubt a surprise amongthe cranks but tbe step baa been made necetrsery by tbB perforiuanoea of thli twlrler oflate. Tfae brunt of the work lately baa btenplaosd on Mlher and D»y, Hllner haa donebrilliant work and to him Is duea great daalfor the position tbe Boontotu hold in Horriacounty. KefotlaUoMweracotameootd i '"another pftctar, a abort, well built youngman, wltb tight auburn balr and % Peamyl-vanla expreealon on bis ttc*, acted a i .apitcher for the Boontona lait Uaturday. and

pitcher he la, a pitcher that knows how topitch. H.i namo Is McDonald and he oon-trola a curve tbat would hoop a hofflbetd.To Hand at a distance and look at McDonaldIn repose one would naturally think be con Idnot pitch coppers. But hii looks belle histalents, fie can make that drop of hla dodgebata mMt'toasmgty. Well, this HoDona'dJutstood out la the diamond and wslihStbe ball over the plate and the Nacfla ninemods ten distinct stratus to puih th« p«aVy

iMr, _, f KtniiT,TbQM wUlng Ix.ti,wl!l do well

A. Hoqaebold Treaaure.I \ V.'. VMOT, r,f Cunajobarlo, P. V , u y i

that he alwayi kespi Dr. King's New Dis-covery ID tto bduw and liln family bai al-ways fmitid tbe very tx»f result* follow

that OB would not be without It, Itprocurable. U,A. Uykemao, Draggiet, Cats-kill, N. V., u y i tbat Dr. King's New Dis-covery Is undoubtedly tbe butt Cough rtrasdy;that be baa used It In bis family for rightyean, and It uaa torer failed to da all thatIs claimed for It.' Wfay not try a remedy tolong triad and tula) . Trial battiei tree atRobert KIHgore'i Drug Htorp. Dover; It P.Q n m ft Co, Fort Onm; P .N .Drug Btore.ChwUr, N.J.



If the H. A. C. hail bad u good a man attbird base last Katurday u tbey bad at firsttbe Irmutilu would bavn gone taotnefeated. Day, wbo has Iwn pltcblnK forUuonton, made bis flr*t appmrunc* wltb theU. A. C , and after tbe lint Inning put upgreat gaiuo, only two btu being made In thelast eight Innings. "Arty" White, of thistown, played short, and added strength totbe team. Hurley at third IK out of his pliand Wall did uot plaj at Mcood anywherenear aa good a game ai he does staburt. IDtact tba whole nine with ttia eioeplion ofCavanaugb'were either now playera withIhla club or In different iweltlona frin which they bavu boeu playlag. Tut gtvi.oby reason of the general good playing ou theuartottht H. A. C. vhould h i i K t e n wmiby them, but fatal arnira at tlilrd tat tbegame. A i t t wat> Uie game w u one of tbtjmoat Iiitereatlng played tbta saatoti igrouudH. Tlw liberty Uyc)« Band hire allgot back from their vacations aud their ex-wlient wuiio (ran ono ot tbe features of tbiafternoon's enjoyment. CarUr, who dssertedthe K. A, O, In mioh a waWmptlblu way t'weeks ago was ou tfae grounds and would liketo get lack ou Uie team, aud It la too tradtbat no good a player should liave made suulia bad tirrnk. The following la the wore Infull;


.aer, cHurley.adb'ftvaoeugU, U t b . . i,Vail, Mb.. . . .

/ . WcbUr.oi(..i!..ip«eman,l. f

It. 1H If). A.

^u;::r.:::I), l-'iciitor, r. r.

Total "

*. Rothfuj, o 1H. R D W U I , U h tHilli, i, a , IBustaoe. -Id b . . . IJ. Hotbfui.lttti 1laufler. p. 0

WeisboeVer, 1,1 0!ogan, c f. (I

Kurge.r. ( II

Total B

int. ro, A.:i 13 3

little spereawayand made tenTlit Utllroed film pbr»p.rMl rorab,

iiorted tlH3Uflrefl verj rauob, nw\ donmimtdgreat deal of molecular tlisua, but withflultatiut could bocouBtod. Tbe sum total

of wbat tboy did during tba afternoon agalatttbe pltcblng'of McDonald was three single

bit*. Q. Wootton played abortwhlleK.P.LookariiUrsedasffollanJaw. Onthe other band the Naefle nine wai ooap-wMof euoh men as Prile, auppossd to ba one ofPatenon'stwat catchera, and then they hadMotidon the allt^dgad pitcher of the Jaraeyttthat flourished under the management ofBaunders. Thenttu two Nattle boy a; Geo.NaeHe Iried tn play abort and D. Naefle playedright (Itld.uid mver a bail flew lo hit terri-tory. Then, too, tha rest came from Klngi-l d and other minor pluses. Welt, with

leae noted players up agatnit tbo Booptonajou would think the Boontons would be eaillytaken iu, but it wa«. mtbtng o[ tbe kind. The

Ii. C. hntninend Uoudon'n balls vldouslyall over tfae Hold. Naeile at ihort fumbledballi until he was dl%usted. Kollowlag iitbe tcore iP.* L. A W. R. It. I 0 0 3 II (I I 1 0— fiBoontuus 7 0 & !1 II (I 0 3. U—17

Tomorrow ths Uoonbtna play tba Uncas•an. oi D«nvllle. Thin team has lioon rein-

farced, which, wltb, the Dlnkerson brothers,promlsea to lw a itrong nine. Tbuy any theyare coining down to win—win whatr We

defeat ? Wflll,jutt uutll attar thaball and we bball M

flll,juttkaM" I,

bouie run, Parrdl; poased Ulla, lUcbordi 3;wJU pitcbtw, tihupe; IMLMSOD ball. 8hup* 4;itruok by Hhjpo H, by Hllsr T; left on buas,iandolpliii S HtAta U(M|iiUil 8, Time of giro*1 hmiraiiii 55mlDUtes. Umpire Dr. Rlafca.

BASE UKtV NOTtM.inJutitlretotlePortUramolub we woidd

nay, tbey bad no Idea of niQDlng againstUaokettHtonn and Pbllllpatiurg wen, in tiolrRatoe wltb Oift Y. M. C. A, on Haturday lostand tbey iLaiid ready At any time to play tbeY. M. U. A. dub of Dover, on in* groundsneutral.

jrt Urnni club HIII phy tbe lute |«llcluliof Uie Anyluni on H*turdey at MorrUI'lalua and the Kutnii dub on Momlay,tt i'jrt (Jraiti.

Tliu Boirerys mot and dofeatcil tliti crack^gltaUiraftf JJOTBroa UiePurtOraiiigrouadi.n Hdturdty hit. Tbii tning tbe third ganwi

of the seawn, tliu How*rya were d"t«rrolnedto UkQ ana. Ho Ui«y pUyoi t«| | and theromblne.. efforts nf Holler, Hedden andUa/.w In the Uie WW« iitmloas, tor they couldnot atop die sluggiug ,>f tlie Jlowurys. It,

pitclieil a magnldciiiit came, only fivetails going out of the diamond and hli sup'port lieblud the bat waa perfect, tbe catchingdoing done by Jos. Hill. Uitcbell'a flaying atwrond wm a feature and the Agitator*looked weary when tbe game cloned.

Ttio Bowery Jmilmi ntftaUd tbe Ulne Hilluiilom on U«n.Uy lout, byaioore of 18 to


H u Hia Third Wife Arrested for Biramyand She In Turn Has Him Arrntadfor Threat*, nte* Her Ufo.

Tlindnmutic dlHWIUwflf Tbotnu O. Hul-lock a wealthy tic* iinpoitor of How York,who rexldea In a liaudaome tuinmer villa,known as Arbor Vita* Lodge, at BuBcaaunoa1'lalns, Morris county, have ended In tbe ar-rat of that genUeni.n. Uurlog hU lifetimebo bos been married thrice. Hla fint inatri-nionlal venture waa In Ut*b. After a brief

ftfmarriad lire bu obUined s divorce'rom hla flrat wife, Mubeuiuently the dl<

' wire procured a divorro from BullorkDnthoirouDds tbat lit bad procured an 11-legal dlvotve In Utah. Aa soon a* all thelc«al proceedlngx hod beeu settled Bullockmarried Lydln Buttoo.ayflunj; wonua living

" • • -Wp. All went wel) until atbfrd wortun mado her appearance on theseeue, and (a now one of tbe leading charac-ter*, in the ioincttlu drama which tbt lamiaCounty Court baa bwn called upon to settle.Tfals woman fia» th* camte of another dl voroafor Bullock.

Bullock^ InfatukUou rorberprored n greattbat nbouc one year ago lie Installed ber InArbor Vltm Lodge u MM. Bullock numberthree. During the brief time tbat sho baa'been iin. Bullock one bu prospered wonder-fully, oiid all would still have been serenehad not Bullock learned (ram nms souroathat previous to bis marriage to her ahe bore

> ftawoof BiitburUndand tliat ber busband« a i^aldensot Brooklyn. The couple for

;ha pMt few montbs have quarrelled fra-o,ueiiUylaudtl»lr d i ^ U e U v e resulted lalanding tbe wlTe in tbe Uorrii County Jail at

onach&rgt of bigamy, and ttieof Bullock, who is charted by bit wife

with threatening to ihoot ber.HeTeral mootba ago, and lieforv Bullock

leaned ot tha facta which ba avers claaaaawife among bigamists, hetransferrod to

ber the property situated at SuoouuotiaPlains. The deed la registered In CountyClark Mo V» offloe at the Court House InMorriitown, and shows that BoUock soil tbe.property to A, K. Traven ror^l'and thattbe Uttertraiitferr*! Ittolttf.'Bullock(or

nt UMIVWay Mro-BullcMk,learning that Q^OtbuffUd c*u*ed Jiutire

i%ncher/o[ Suocuuona fiiinai ' 'jrtntffjT ber arrest on • charge

or bigamy, ca-as to Uirrlatowo and, visit-Idt Juitteeof the Pewe AxMll, caused a war*rasttobelasuBd for Hjllnck1. arrwt, cliarf-Ing bim with tbresaUnlng ber llf«, The war-rant was given to Constable Plenon, whodrove to Buccaaunna, Plains Friday nlgbt.When he reached Bullock's reeldenca ha WMMDfrontedbyfiiur italwari hired man, wborefuHd him adraiialon to the houn«,»nd Mid

it their employer was not at home. Tboconstable, however, deollned to ba bluffed,

id replied tbat tie would remain until Bui- -cck returned.As waiting proved to bo moaotonoin. Cou-

ntable flenon deetdtd to fttarcb tlia honw,ba being of tbe opinion that Rullock wa«bom* and had concealed hbnaelf. Tbe fournion on guard at first refused to unlock thedoor. Vhully, upon botng Intormid by theconstable tliat If Ma re*]ue«t was not uJtnplJalwith he ww;)d force Mi.entranoe and thenarrest tbe men, they unlocked the front doorand allowed the officer to enter tbe house. To

irpr.ee Copitabfo Flerwn foundenterUlaing Juatloa of tba

'hen Bullock was placed undur arrett heutiandad t« be arraigned befon Squire

fcneber. That oatdol accepted Bullock'spormnal recogniionce on a IMJI Itorul to keeptha peace, and all that r&nialiwd for Pterumt« (in w u to return to Monistown.

Whil«tb*6bovBwubclT*tr«]isa(led Con-stable ftiy, armed with •warrant hsned byalaitloe of UIB Veoco Kaachar, w u rtdingtround the country searcfalng for Urt. Bollock.

Doally aucceoded In arresting ber andbrought her to ths Morris Count; Jail, rhtr*abo waabemieil over to the care of UnderSheriff Munsou. The latter locked bla fairprisoner up In one of the rooms u»ad as aboepltai word. Mrs. Bullock Satmday re-tained the legal Mrvioea of ei-PnitmorterQuayle. As judge Cutler waa out of towacounsel for the prisoner could nqt seeure herreluee on ball, but nude the neotoat; »p>plication Monday morning,

i i » W i n Mnrrblown Saturday nightthat Mm. Bullock on Friday was seekingpurchasers for thft property at BuccaiunnaPJalu tratuferred to ber I17 Bullock. Tbolatter, hearing ot the attempU being modsto sell tbe property, Instructed bti legal repre-sentative to file paper* with County ClerkMott, restraining Mrs. Bullock from dEspotingif tbe property until tlie cue can be settleda tbe courts.IVa understand that Mr. Bullock cbartored

some can and has removed aome of his fatm-IBK machinery. ,

A FEABFUL BTOBV.A itorm of i

ibor Day theBootitaua play that strong muJ well Ttcom.raeiijed nine, tbe Newark fluid Club, of

On Salu'diy the Hoonton Juniors earns toHockaway to ulay the Kickawa; B. It. C.with the Intention of winning but ware greatly•Lirprfawd, ttliuu ibe HBUIU vuded tho worewaa 10 to.T In favor of llockatvay B. B. C.Thli U tbe oecond game that the B. Jl. O. baawon off the Boonton's thii year. The worewas aa follawt by Innings iBoontonJr O f l O S O f l O O O — SBocUway 3 1 1 0 I) (J 1 A x- lt i

Jiarned ruua, Itockaway B.B,C,C,Uooutonfr. 1; base on batlt, by Bolster, 3; by Bailey

I; struck out, by Bolster 7, by lttll<tares bane hit, Brookj; two hoMhlU.Baach 2,Brook* S, BaMudftra, Toakln, Tippllt, Conn.Time of game, lh:45 min. Umpire J. Berry.

On M>m<lay tbo llwtVaway B. B. C. met tinb* what tbey supposol would be the Liberty

Juuinn, bnt when play ball wai called therewai but one liberty Junior In tbe Itell TheBockaway B. B. O. toot tbe Held with Mike

•vanaugb. one of tbe 11. A. C. tassm to bat,tt he went out at first Hurley was anothergo out tbe lame way, Put as It was tbo

Bockaway B. B, C, won tbe gams with ease.rear waa another of tbe K. A. C. team, nuk-

ing three of tlie R A, 0., but It dona no goodas the Hockaway B, B. O, wou the. game by a,score of 17 to n. the following [g the snare

Roekaway 0 0 0 (I 0 0 3 8 ((— (1Uocktwmyt»*>* S 0 ! 4 II I I 1

. AaiTATOlW VS. BOW KRV8.Tbft AgSt*tor» wai taken Into camp by the

Boweryti of Port Gram but Saturday, andwere badly defeated. Toe Agitators were"ntUed" froni tbe start and played withvery little spirit. Tbe Bowerys played a,good game, but did not win by any greatplaying on their part but by the errors of the

litators. Eicimw on the part of th» Agi-tators ore out of tbe question, and all wefaave to aay is tbat tbo boya have tried toplay ball without practice. ThflgaaiBwai acinch, web as the Bowsrya never had bbton,nor do we think tbey will have another sucha «uap. The Agitators won two out ot thethree gomes played with Urn Boweryt. TheAgitator* bad ten men left on bases, and tbeBowerys nine. Score by Innimri 1Agiiaton O 3 0 0 0 U 0 0 1—3Uowerys 8 0 0 4 3 0 !I a x-Zl

The Agitators wtre timt«d very veil bytho Bowerys, but tboro WM ton much foreigniiilomuHlon to make it very pleasant,

The Handoipba were very badly defeated atKonia ritOna last Batunlay by tba SMtoHospital team. They went there expectingto find the oame team that played tbo Agi-tators a few weeks ago but to their surprisefound luch nfe& as catcher Halaiagtr Arstind second base Carlln and r'arrell formerljof the Olympics of PaUnan, Donahue, of. - - .tho famous old Ked Htockloea o( Sewark, Tbe storm was control tsar Portland, ate.,and pitcher Hiler. With aucb men ai their lMt«TenIng,and alone the coast of Hova

'win* 80010 by Innings. "* * (needing towa-d the far north. 'Ifmoy bejanitai 5 3 U & 0 3 G 0 SW18 t h t t t h u l l Q d w t u *• g*tia " " ^ bJ * •

Randolph,.',... I 1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 &~ I [ forces of the cyclone. It la said that thereru^lU^olphl tBUteUt^talfi*'aniQiUi»tion>ll i»tafaunit»i»ia raging in

base hlto, Budolphi 1, State Uoipltal 9t the Quit of Uexleo,

gbavoo raged along the Atlantic coast Hon-

ly and while It did not reach this section laall Ita fury BtlU com fluids were devastatedand peach trees plucked of their fruit. Tbe

ew York Tribune thus describes the storm :utottheBoaUicatni* a demon. He beck-

oned to the winds, and from Uulr pavilionstUdoudii they Hew wdobhi bidding. Tbt

rytrmUs wheeled Intd a whirling column. -anil iwept ovar the gunny southland. TbtyItft. behind them wreck and ruin. Vatrcitlea were laid low, and the mourners wsntabout tbB rtmta. Tho hofe tell upon thesea and gnat vessel* dragged their anchorsand were rended upon the rocks. . Theywhirled through manfav and raged In thedepths of tangled foreata. Tbuy swept overdeserted fltldi and populous towns alike.

From ths reefs of Florida to the shone oftfov* Scotia tbey swept aa nalatleai as thatide. ThayorerturnedthedirelllBgBofmBn.They hurled themselves against lofty build-Inga (hook and crnttibled. So came tbe cy-dono. I t ttarted tram the Florida coait a,woek ago, and came howling along tbo Atlan-ttowaabooid. tt svrtpt ttivwioah, Oa,, Iron,tbe face of tbe earth, and apread terror aud

l l h g h H sweptdown tho telegraph wins and the click of tliesounder wmtiHod. Communtcatlcwbetween,,tbe North and the RouUi w u at an end.There came from out of-tbe-wayplacea ru-mor* ol what bad been done by the cyclone.

Tlie storm paaaed on to the north. Byforced marches it harried through Virginia,PemtfYlvAnla, New York and New England.

Page 2: NEWARK, N. J. ALWAYS BUSY!test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1893/... · nado ID qutlHy or prio« betwoeu goods bought at the cosutera ui< those purchased IJITOHKII

iUBfEBA.The Dover Printing Company


Frlduj, Sept. I, I81J3.The announcement that President Cleve-

land had undergone a surglenl Deration forthe removal of a cancerous growth Irvai hiajaw bjue, will awnkou ft great deal of anxietyrind bo|» Itat KM further gnmtli may bo ar-rested. It U something of the untureuf tlio<llsmM that ended Ueneral Uraut'a life, audthe jieoplo will ho(* that It las Iwn taken Intime.

U'D would liavt iwtm tjlad of tliu <>i'[«>r-tMiIty to compliment Jamtw O. Uoojwr uponIMH rea})|joltituiuiit BJJ Count)' SujwrinU'iuk'Utof J'libllc Seluxiliv The State Honnl of Kilti-cation Imve ik-rided otlierwwe, ami no mustar.juliwtt) In Hint action. Mr. Cwjwr rt-Un'sfrum tbooilioe with tljur«f]wi't of the toiuli-urn ajid tho txwils of triwterai of tlie county,mill with Uit> Kik!i>tfncli(iti of Imviiig jxtrfoniiiMltlm duties of a most trying und dllllcuit \x>-

wnrtliy uf the ItigliLwt juaiw.-.

A« aut«d in thete columiu last week tlieCounty School Kuiwriutcndeiit i|uet>Uon wii*practically settled and It only neoded tliogetting logeUior of enough members of tlietitate Board uf Fjluestlou to fonn a <iuoruniIn confirm tbo actUm that HUB agreed uponjirlorto the tailing of tlie »[>ccial ntwtlnglnit week. Ou Tutwday tlie Hoard met andMartin Lutbor Cox, of thJi towii, receivedthe Hp]wlut[iieat. Air. Cut is a practicalttneher of nine yearn' oiporiunci', and liwlds

- a first grade certificate with tbo highest per-centage of any now In force in tlie county.He U a jroutiK man of ulgh cbiiracter, nmlbrines U> the ufllca a biiQTTitxjgo of BCIHKIIwork and an enthusiasm for educational ed-vamtmeut tbat promise well. He ban <ii«ncilmi oltlce next door to tfie Eli*, lu Uie roomfurmurly occupied by Malilon 1'ltuoy, mid weearnestly liujie liu muy lie an lucceasful aa lieanticlpat«i. We extend our coin jill menu andcongratulations, and give lilm tbe awmrai toof hearty support in everything that will Iwfur tbo advancement end betterment (it ourpublic school*.

Thu Wilson MlHorUm n-ix-uluf thuHiusliig elauso of the Huernmn silver hilll-iuteed tliu llmiw on Monday l>y tlie fiilli

PORT MORRIS.Tbu well fn the HIatibu)Nt Union Otueterjdon't) aliuut-I-J IVtil uuil tbe; w»rv talking

bout stftniii^ it up tbe <ith«r day.Our Huintfly tcb(M>| folk* bad tbelr plcnlr

irt Kriday. It wns a delightful day, too,i'iugh tbe Ur*. two Tburwlays (o tvbicli ll

oas Djipointed wnre raiay, but tin- rain wttworth more to tbe country than tbe picnicand nobody kicked. There were two carttili uf the plcniclwre; tbey went by rail

to flopatiting null thence \<y the lido wbeolsteamers to Nolan'* Point on the take,

Tbo ilethtxllHt atid I'n»byteriau Huwlujihoob are to have thnlr outing in Love

«:V «

into I Ii! di. IIT t<> I ton ;'ln IiHtoi Itti am ll»to I Il>! '£>> Ijiitoj i-'i -JT: Ii!ltiii<l-AllUoivnd...i:ui :'.:.Kiiml jiuiMtgu 'J Id Mi) I

In tliu llnal doUito on tin- bill lust Mo tun laytliu ((out HK>LH;1H'S of Uio twu tveokh1 talk wornmuitu, UIKI tliu following from Tom It<K]iooi'h HO ixiiiiUHlIy ami truly ili-nicld tinfiiuiics of Uio jirt>M.'tit (lejirosxi'in tlmt wlirutluco It;

What tliu Democrat.c party iirojmM-to dtiwith thu power wlik'li h in their lututliIKMIV can nay, 'DIP/ do not t>vi>n know them-selvtw, and ht'jHii they are nut nUh to ini|>urtIt to utliL>n>. For my part, Itlo not t>x|H-cLtlio itouiucratlc jmrty to lw> utterly liail.du uol twIievD they will IHJ [KiimitUii U l*> HIif tlwy whouhl nodenlro. tiuchitt tlttirestmiii'Ing influence of tliu {H.t]])k>, ut'un unwolwtitm, that 1 Iwliuvf tlmt llirMiifjliall ilisjiiilrw.s,through nil tliu numb* wlite]. thin lint, tltmvviiuvur tlio w Julius uf tliu jwojilu, ntvortlieli's.-.,llitine whin* will be wiiTied out. Hut »ttill,luiheut time HU uiau ran know whit "III Uthe result of thu actluii of Uila Connri>s "foiltliu nmiiufuctureu of tliln country, l'ltiiiiluoiit among thu KyiuptoitiH of t tii> jirowiittLjadlUoitof niruirxUtliudwitiKof mills in alliwrta of tlifl country. Tlie ourront'y ijiutitfoiihas something to do »Itli that, but tlmt .vlik'liis uf moHt ini])o)'[aiKv in tliu imroiUidity iw Uithu liaxln upon whli'li iimiiuriiiUurt'H aru to goon, AUiiufaeturou to-tiny uru in nu r^in-clthu HUltjecUof cluauruuriiilrioctlciilntidli. Althu fltiiioiiU of L-ost aru so ttiorou^lily uniturHUKXJ, all tliu vluiiimiU wJileli miter into [iroiluctioii ore HO thoroughly uuitijiroliundiHlthat that it is Impossible fur niaiiufaulurus Ugo nn, excupt upaii tliu basis of HI null l)Utniroprofits, UulutM the inanufticturercuii (sue liiiway directly to that he luu no object lu runnitiK hla mill, anil uulf us In tliu future liu cantm that that mill will go Da siitlufactorily,there Is no object ou earth for him to coutinuulilnrnanufaeturesand hla urgouiitatloii. Tinfnre, you may tlepenj U|H>O It, that until thequestion fa nettled, until men know thi) termsupon wblcli they arts to uomitete ivlth foreignuompetitore, no loom will be In niotioii worntlinn U iiucessitry, owl tm nliecl will turi*pt with tho proHjiOL-t of iuintcnlinte jirotlL* * * * It Is jierioctly true tlmt the Dem-ocratic party Is rcsjwimihle for whatever oc-curs in the future and aud whatever does notoccur. They have tlie I'mtdent; they havan enormous majority iu tho House of Heprmeiitativeg, and they have the Senaio Uthuinstiivoi. For the llntt time In tlilrty yearsthey have been reinural frotn the lowk\of the uriUdwn of the ncta o[ othurs, aihave been lilted to tho uijjh level of resimmlillitynnil uerfoninuico. It could not bo ejierteil that they would chunse tholr natureIn a twinkling of nn eye. Election* might]rat them iu jwwer, hut only the lapse of timeran give tlmin the iiroiur gense of rentWilly.

MT.Air. Frank Freer, of Itliaco, N. Y., b tbe

guext of Mr. Grant Htralt thU week.Mr. E. I.. Dunne and clifldnm of Hlioi

IIIIlB, weretheguratsof Mr, nr<d Mra. J. Il»we, last Sunday.

Mr. Frank Lelghtoit mot with i{iiito n m.riouH ftceidBUt last week by running ft nailthrough the centre of fits linm). lllmx!|K)isonluK vrftaat flr-t fuanil, but nt Ic:^i-iiuuut lie van ttolug nicely.

A iiumbtr of friends of Mr. mill Mrs. H. G.linker gatlieretl at their homo nn last TinAny evening and gave thoiu a surprise i>artyIn honor of Mr. anil Mm. dcxirgo Coojwr,pruvious to their Btartlug for their home inUoslinilale, Maw. The party mot al tlie resi-dence of Mr. I,ou Uftrtli and weitt from thereto Mr. llalier'B. It was a thorough unnone uf the family biiowiug anything aboutit, unil was therefore greatly enjoyed. Uandug won Indulged iu, music being funifulidby Kent and Search, The hi-el mul toe jralIiy little Jere Baker van a source of grt«tBinuseiiient. The party \iroke up ouoiit one

, o'clock, anil the i*articlponw returned Uitheir respective hoinea well jileawvl wtbanuwlra and evitry one CIMJ.

Allsa Utttid Hall, formerly Iiouselieciwr „UoUlUresIlii,andMftatorQoorgioi!n)ckway,»m uf u r , U. M, Brockway, will sat] for

• Kurri|« neH Wedrnwlny, Thoy mjmot to '>cultwiit about six weeks, during wlilcli timethey will visit England, Paris, and othorplaces ot Interest. lVe wish thi

. nye.Mira Jlary IJarth, of Ledgen-ood, t» at Hill

Hide Lodge for a cuuplo of weckn.Mlw Hue Coursen went to Nowton on In

Tuesdny to ntU'ud Uio wettdlng of her couaitJUlffl Nellie Coursen of tliat place, on U'cd-niwlfty.

Mr. ami Hn. A. H. Lamsou, of 1'hiladel-phia, oud Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hater, of EastUnwge, are registtired at Uio Bristol.

Mrs. M. E. Tuttle who has been 111 for thepast week, wa are eorry U, say is not muchimproved at this writing.

On Thursday about noon as Mr. W. A,Dimlap WOK riding his sadJlo horse lu frontof HoUtl BraUn ths Htlrrun nuddunly brokithrowing Uio rider heavily to the gruuud an_cutting a deep gosh iu hln liwul. Ur. TaylurWAI at once summoned mid two physician,from Now York limiuoUnfcly telegraphed fonnd at present tlie jMitlenth lying in n very

The elegant largo room in tlie CorjKirationImlldlng direcUy over the Coum-ll Cluuiibernt Ml. Arlington, hat be«u fitted up for apublic Mboo! in the very latest np)>rovi>d style,with indK-ldual rteekn nU(l iwalu, ttvo largestate hlack-boanli uiouutal tijwu castor*,Kindergarten table and smalt ennint for thelittle folks.

Him Praden, one of the shining llgl tx _Morrb County's educational corj* bas beeuengaged to t«ach. Hioa l'ruden will opeu

, this icboclTuoaday September 5th, anil wetrttrttho people of Ait- Arlington will takupride In Bonding their chihlren to school OH

- -we think no better opiwrtunlty will eveoffer.

• K. F . TotUn, the genial proprietor uf thQloa Houso luu boon making uver}'lwdy tak<durt on the rood, hut be wan a t Uorrlstownlast week and got left.

. 0. £ . Cook b u been enlarging hli hurt-coa by adding masonry.

K Chaplin, looluoutror-tlght In those tanpbpea and whlt« cap. C

XlUftd on the Bail.George Crono, o( Itoaerllle, wna killed

while attempting; to jump on a morning trainbetween HackettBtonm and I'ort Murray yea*terday. With a companloii ho hod left thecity for tlie purpose of Becarfog work andhad been over to Traoquility faruu, but badfailed to wcura employment They thiwent on towards Washington and when ncool train carao OIOD; they decided to catcha ride. Crono made a jump but rainod hitfooting and went under the can, tha n-heetipaivinjr ovar tila breast and alio crtiabinjr onleg. Be wai picked op and taken to Hack-ettatown where an onilartakor took charge

. Of tlw bodywd lai t s lfht was sent to hit

tbemsdvw.TLere will be work of interest to /ill 0.1 ilellows in the hall of Olive Lodge, No. II, I.

I). 0. V., Netcotiff, next Monday evening.It is not everybody Uncle Haul would trust

with aii million dollars iu gold, yet when tbeold gentleman want* to sent tbat amount of

* ' n Ban Franelaro to New York besends It over the I)., h. and W. Itttitroa.J.Tiiut's n-liat's tbe matter.

1 am vorry U) dear of the duatb af theilaugbtor uf Leon Otm/.slpr, lint it won't du

ir Dr. Everutt or any other iloclitritiuto the duatb l» drinking tbe water ofike UojmUMiajj. When 1 came up b«re Jlrut

ilmcMt everybody bud the nfue antl 1 got Itfirst tnoutb I wai bent. To nay tbat we

were a nhaky lot might not eipress the truthexactly, but we uatd to dua gcod dual ufsuaking. It certainly wm not the water, forwe havn got the beet during between Heranton

id Uohokon. I don't pretend to say whate cause of It was; I only know it was a

Tact. Ami wbeu tbe dootunt did not know•tly wbat tint mutter wai wlLh a man

tliey called It malaria aud 1ft It go s t that,lalaria," tuu Newark barber uiid as a

fellow with a Bm.-I.ed bead win it Into bin sbojiUi bo bliuvud, " Sla'nriu, eb ( Wbeu 1 was it'oung man we used to call it drunk." Nowhta eaiiia Laky Uojiatcong in one of theirottiuHt HlieeU of n«t*r in New Jersey andtan liocu litru, for all anybody known to Uioontrnry, Bvor xlmw tbe earth wu cruat«d,

and nuludy was evur heard to dlo frum drink'ing it* waters lie fore. Tobenureafuwyoareago BIJIIIO j»rtlm undertook to prove tliut thi

:ld etrajjing from tbo I'orcito l'owiler wurhiInto thu lake wan btlllus the Huh, but If 1 re-

ibar rightly they did not succeed itlug It, It l» unfortunate that Ulwzalcr should have died of rover, butwi

don't want l)r, Kvervtt ur ouy otlur doctoigive l-diku Hopateong u bad name. 1

drluklng tlie water or tbo hike would kill(ilka 1 Btiould have been deail long ago ami1 uui not tie only ono who liaa drank of theftntarti of Irtife UojuUMUg ami lived, by a

nji shut. Try again, (iuctor.I hoar of a Newark man uaiiml VVUIittm

tiwaiu, nhu ordered a bottlu uf gliujtir tt\,taken to 1IH rmnn at l^ako Km) Howl one

dug Jost week. It was lokfii u[i thererdlng to lilt onler. Instuad uf takingcork out he took bla toutli hrusli and

KoinutUIng elne aud drove tlio cork down iutho Imttla when the bottle exploded, pnUlug

of tltt ejcu dixl endai>guijng tue mL*of the other, but I odlevu tbu duouir sas* bu

ttve tbe ottier eye. Dues this mouu thatyou muu uut diluk any itmra KingiTyou don't wuiit to get your eye nut uutiiucti, 1 guimti, an tliu uthi-r IIIOHIIB "don'tdrink llu|ialcong watvr II yi\i dun'i want todie.'-

(juuday, Auguet L'Htli, the AtiRelutt hullmudud from tliu lunist of thu Httuiau

Ullmliu Oliurcb of Our Udy of tbe Liltf,rear thu Hresllu Hutel. I^ike Huiwicung.

Urady xuys bu is liaj^iy to say nu-borly hulds a mortgage on that bell. Uwlug

deal, allow HID to say, to tbeunergyaud pluck ut Katber Itrady, who Is ouo of tbe

; of the |irk>ils of Mew JerM>y atidthai Is u j ing a gu>xl deal.

Did you liavu mucli uf a blutv down inVoviV Muuday nigbt ( Ou Tuealuy inI fuund the upricoi tree in my >nrlIUHII. U WOH thu only one iu thin soutiouthat I know df. A young locust had beentwiotcd and laid over the fence. Uver InHuuitiojw tbo wind twlstfd a lifg limb oir amapJu in front of Mr. Coin's garden and laidit oerues the roed. A Irtw blew duwu id rearof J. II. Case'u, one near Henry JJoyd'u,Lanrouce King had to out one down iu frontof tlie Bloru, while over lu Netcou'g Mr.1'ardee's lawn woaitnmn with the llmha olicuat tree, A wild tiberry tree fn front ol

J. T. Ullft'B bardwor« ature and t Uiluk aajilo ou the other blilo of tbe ttreut, whileur or five large treec In 8. H. Wills' VTOUUHere laid levul with tlie ground, and yet wemnt ourselves fnrtuuate tbat It WAS no

worse, considering the reports we get fromdavannab. and Charleston. There are worseplaces to lire than Jersey, though downaround Iludion aiid Kuex counties notbo folks have a pretty bad reputation,

Mrs. Hockett (uea titacltbuuBt) went hometo-day. tjn« haH been at her sister Kiln'* in

If I buy a package uf BUnipod envdouestuid inluUrect one ot them will It do to cuttbe stamp on* aud stick ll on anothar enve-lu]wl AciiBeoflhat Itfud occurred here Urnutborjlay when the mall agent on the mailtrain refused to take tbe letter because, liebAfd, tho sunup wai tnutllatod. How Is that!Ones the simple cutting ofT of the stauiji on anUrapal ouvelo|» mutilate the .Btanipl I 'for informiitJou.

And now Ibey have bad a horrible accidentnil a railroad on Long Itlaud and soma of ftiewH]M.|ien are auggettlng tbe stale Jukeiiiaklug a director rids on tho cowcatcher ofaViry iHuaenger train. It don't make anyiirfereni-o about freight traiui, you know, eaonly railroaders are euiubyed ou thorn anifafewof them Ket killed It won't make HU..jifference. Tho world will jog along Just tbusame. IluttheJeisoo to bo derived Irom Itail la that the famous block system, of whichtve read ao much and kuow so little, 1J not In-fallible utter all. Wbere the block system Isiu vogue on a railroad when tboy havc.au ao-cfdflnt wiuoLKKly usually goU killed nod Itgenerally gives tbo edltur ui tho average uict-i oixilitaii dully a chance to swing himself atrbow botviuucli be knows about ruuniugrailroad, when, the fact Is, that hundred*bis readers think they bnow more about run-ning a nowspa[>er than he doet.

Does aujtwdy thliik that any wiiguluR tu throw & «it I tcli wrong on j)tir(»jso,,hatbe may hear < be cries ot tbe woundedand the groans of the dying f When a brake-man iiuli a torpedo ou the track or a red flaghe krnm lib ilguol will be heededr but wUehe depeudB on tbe blmik iveiem be doiknow whether It will block. D. J.

EOCKAWAY.Su Cleveland's tjjocial wsslou lit to iiiiee tariff tinkering at <>m». Wi'U betterthan bo ket'pthe country luriKRr In nuH|K)mf,

OH It ht jilaiiily evident tbjtt with even a pott-hibillty of f w trade «r a materlut rwlucUiinuf tho prvtwnt torifT uver-ithadoH-iiiK tincountry's conllileuMi cannot be restored s f-llcient to induce tlie tliou«auda of Idle whw'L)of our great factories to again revolve asthuy have done lor years to within tlie lastftw moutns. Hert' in Hot^kaway, as ludued.hmuglmiitthecouHtry, we «re jmyiutf tlieMiaity of tbe ratifluatlou by tbe voter* ofhe Chicago freu trade platform lout Novem-

Two-and a uulf yeain ago under tlieiibllcau tarilf which jilaoed a duty of 4Ucent, on tuauiifactiirud bliyclas one ofniwtpromising niuiiufautorlea tlmt everuni a cuuntry txiwn, sj>rang up in our

midst and cimtuiued to flourish until therero frfW wage uurntrs umjiloyod, aud ourugrew as if by magic. All was pros-ity aud Im)>i>hieu9, butvritli this oe'rBUad-iiiK proHiwt of fit* trade there came a

liouge and to-iluy our fucLory Is ldlu, its eiu-;iloyet.'s itouttered, several buudred thousandsA iuvcHtvtl capital lying donaant, and none•an lelt whun it will bo revived, If ever.•ike many other protected Induatriea, theiropriuUini muat w»it and mm the outcomejf this groat tw-callwl tori IT reform eongrei**lii<U Heuukir UUI truly bays the people

dwltb their eyes wide open, knowing:bey were pledged to free trade.

Its too bad Johnny Kellvy, ono of ourmug men, IK a cripple far life. It happeued

in Tuumla)' nn Conductor liiuighurt'tt train•at liauU tlie ore Iratwtxin hero and I'liiliip*-urg over thu High Bridge Hranch. Home-•here duivn the nwil the train broke in twoud Johnny juimwd from tbo first section Innior Ui liold the ttveund section hut la hisurry he clipped under the wlioelx whichtt***l over and HO tuuiigled his lug below thelira that ainpiitutloii was nuceisary. Hektui brought tu his home on Conductor.iitmk'struin in the (uunlng, Juhnny.is a;ood iHiy uiid WOH a frcat liolp tu his widowed•lather with whom he lived. He formerlyvurked In tlio bicycle works whore hfa

liable iviiysmade him acroutiuauy friendstvliu will he sorry to hear of Ills misfortune.

Tho Kreat sUiriu ot Holiday night, wbiclInyed HUL-h Bad havoc on iu long Journeyrum tho Kaat Imlia Ifilandg, did considerableuma^e liulf, -\ltmy t>hode flnd fndt treesruns eithur turn uj> by the rooteor broken olf.k Hoctiun uf the atlilotiu ground fence wasiluivn donii and at Shady Kids villa two skyIghto wure torn viX and demolished.Un Hfttnr.lay Jtut«her A. 1-ittle had tht)

ilKfiirlutin In rut hi* hnmi ipiilc fovurelyud on tho tuiiuu iluy bin win Charley ilrt>[>j>edkuifu in bin lug, cutting ijulU' a gusli whlcb

ik-d pmfuw-'ly before it could be stopped.On Monday M.I). Kltcliel, W. J. Conhoy

OHESTEK.iSiu Lltzle JtuUiiB, ot Newark, Is vlalUog

her brother, P. N. Jenkins.• Our publlo school cqmmenccil on Uopdaymoniiag Instwith Mr. KaiwraitdUiwLsng-don M teaeners.

Several of our young tuon made a trip ontheir bicycle* to Lake Hopatcong last Sunday.

Tho MIBM flurd are maWng a shoit Willat Hillside Lodge, Like Hoptatcong.

Tbe dally [teach shipments from tbfa pointthis week will average nearly twe ty-flvehundred btvshata.

On last Sabbath evening the Rev. B. B.lioglaud iireu'.'bud a vary able serinoa. Al-though the weather was excessively warm thechurch wan crowded, »nd I don't think anyregretted coming:

Mr.andUr&P.H JenklaaandJ.M DHnk-water spent Monday at tbe Uke.

Tbe Mimes Dunitan and brother,of Uorrla-town, a n tbe guest* of their (later, Un. T,iVnugbrlght.

The Hutehiu Bitten, of Hprlngndd, K. J.gave a very luterealjug muilntl entTtainraent to a full house at Musio Hall on UuCrldty evening. Tbe receipts were aboulteventy dollars.

Mr. Will Harvey, of East Orange, ipenlIsst Sunday with Mln KltUa BalmoR.

A number of Cheater people attended theSmith picnic on Wednesday of tbis week.

Many of our people who attended tbe fairat Kuirmount last week were caught In thoatorm and i ecoived a thorough drenching.

Two large performing bears pasted throughthis placa one day hut week and furnishedniucb amutenient for our little fulkc-

The Handera and Chester halt clubs crbata upon the grounds of tbe Cheater Clubcnlast Saturday, which resulted In a victory forOberter. Score 1W to H

Tbo heavy wind which accompanied thottonn of Monday night did considerable datn-•ge hereabout*. II. P. Drake's barn wasblown down, tlie Mr tin*] 1st Church sued wasblown from Its foundation. Maay trees wereuprooted or broken un* and the peach, appleand pear crops were marly ruined.

IXANPEKS.Ml» LIEXIB Atno, of SUnhope, N. J . ipent

Sunday with her ciiuain, &tlw llrnc-e O.Sovereign nf tbln place.

Mrs. J . W, Uowell'a night bloomingceretu IIBII thrtfl Llosnoiim on last weak,three consecutive nights. The beautifulflower, which opened on Friday evening trilirga and omitted a heavy porfunie. Thiflower was admired by several persons and avery pleasant evening wu spent by a fewfriends who uune to mlnilm UIB lovelyIdossom

Tbe "Itell Itingon" had a very gootaudience to listen to their pnigraniinB on 'Wednesday evening.

Ur. ami Mrs. Vaunatta, of Earton, arevisiting with Mr. and Un. itobert Trice.

Ucssre. Jno. Doering and H, II. D inlandleft on Tuesday for a two week's trip toChicago to attend tho Fair.

Mus Elizabeth B.-Hopldn*, spent Sund>Jwith Miss Aliouio Frwrnan of Dover.

Mrs. Carrie Cnunor and children, of litrlitown, spent Sunday with Mrs. Unuuer'istater, Mr*. J. W. Larison, Miss MaudeCramer remaining for some time

Hn-Unrry JUndolph Nicholasanddaughterleft for their home in Brooklyn on U wine*.

Tbe Girl'i MIKIIU Band grotcfultjnounoed on but Sabbatb morning Uis not

Ipti of-UieCUppIog B w to 1» 183.00.


Outing Shirts, #Outingp Cas,

Outing Belts,Straw Hats,

Hammocks,*-. all other coods in gent's fnrnisbing line tending to make one!omfortab!e in Hot Weather, can be had'of TAYLOR BROaiheaper than- any other place in the State See our dnndr line ofShirts for Summer wear and you'll say as aaual, TAYLOR BROS,are tlie LEADEBS for STYLE and - QUALITY of garments. BeBare fo visit


Sussex Street, Dover, £1.,

i foi t'rly imuiufncturlngI'mid anJ returnedand other flab of

.•ut, for thu Itoclcuwayjmnj- took ii trip to (irciwith n thie wiU-h nf he

' Hot-crt 1'orkhm, acting fur thu Tuiviisiilj)CfiuuitUti^sdoiiigciiiuldorableinia-h-newltHlroad repairs giving cinploymt<iit to a muf Ills omjiloj-wx*.

I). O, Jlurr^ luu tlo contract to erect«line•esldoncu for V. A. Htrnlt ou Church Street.

Tbe now grocery firm of Tuttle & Bhvkujtiimenced business un Bnturdny last. Uothmo VVL'II nwjunlntod ivitli tlie details of thouslnt-BK aud well worthy of n share of i»t-iHiiige.IVin. llallvr liojt Iwfii Insulted as assistant

to Mr. Freeman iu B.JZ. & H. H. Htipkle'slianlwnre xtore and 1 timber yard.

ATHLETIC.Ob, those JrousiiledGermans from Newark.

I'liey defeated our Athletics again. Cutnever tuliiri, boys, tbat'it only two notches In

lat side of thu stick thin season.Oa Saturday, Heptember Wd, the Hurray

[lillclub, who boaut of tho proud title ofimateur champions of tbegrcatBtate of PewVork, will again visit Uoobaffay and en-deavor to get even for their last defeat, and«B this IB the Unit of a series of Saturdaygames for tbe benefit of tbe R, A. C. ball

mi all should turn out and show their ap-preciation of tbe club's endearor to give usgood clean base bait game* during the wason.

Monday next (Labor Day) the It. A. C. willimve for tbelr oppoutnti tho gentlemanlyand ever welcome O.N. T. club of Newark.tVo games will be played at 10 and ii o'clock.it h well known how evenly matched tieeetwo teatna aro and great ball nity be ex-pected, and in addition the cooinilttte b&vflat a comidBrable expense engaged the greatculurea chwnplon biuyole trick rider Prof. IkeJohnson, whose performance on a high wheelis eald to be tbe best In tbe world, to give anexhibition prevloui to tb» guinea.

U. 8. Freeman, II. A. C, it entered f<three raoet a t Boonton on Labor Day. HsnU\ try to win laurels for hli club In tbo halfulle wratcn, one tulle H. 0, and one mileinamploneWp.raoM. AVinfleldHall,of Roox-away, Is alao entered for the one mile noviceand two mile H, 0. races.

Talk abuut your Cuban Giants and negrou-loka you should j w Ike Johnson do tricksun a high wheel, You'd think you never sawLridu before.

l'ae promising youngster Ed. Tlppett nildon an It, A. 0 uniform on Baturday forthe first-

Two of the players who duerbed the R. A.C. two weeltaago have asked to be taken bickIn the nine. .

Day, the It. A. C.'s new pitcher, showed upwell after the first Iniing. Waer alio showedhimielftheaaniflold Willie Waer behind tbeliat after tlidt dlnstraua flnt tuning.

Wail Foi Tfie Real BigCOM:IKQ- SQONI

-COMING S 0 R E T 0 ~

Bigger and grander than ever.


BENVILLE.D. M. Righter is visiting the World's Fair.Mrs. Win, Ureen expect* to leava for Chi-

cago next Monday.Tbe wind and rain storm baa raised havoc

'Ufa the corn fields In this place. Ital'otilewn number of trees down,

I t Is expected that AVra. T. Letgbtoa willhave charge ol the Cheatutt Grove school tbcuming school year,

Ifatbanlol CtnkPnum bad his arm crushedthis week on the Morris Piains gravel trainnu wWoh tmin be Is employed as brakeman.

The Uncos clnbheld tbelr annual electionMondny evnnlnffiast and MrotM thofo!lo«r!Dguflicera: \V, L. Price, President, who Is nowtraveling In Europe, J . D, Cook, Vtoe Presi-dent; Wm, Reeves, Secretary; B. F . Kurd,Treaturer; Blinw Dlckenon, Captain; D, U.Righter, Lieutenant; P. U Dicierson, Trus-tee to serve two years.

Mrs. Jlendenhot, of Jersey City, has beenpaying Mrs. J . W. Vanderboof a visit thistreeb.

OCT. Werta's official actions do not ieem tcsuit the Democratic factiona somehow. Billwho over heard of a mantliat could suit(ilease all the spoils liunbm. Tbe Governor,I believe, is making on effort to restore to thepeople their rights which have been takenfrom them nnder past admlnlitrsuMons. Thereis not much danger of his bulldJpg a Rupub-llcan machine. He Is too much of a Demo-crat for tbat,

Mr*. J . h. Gardner baa taken up her rttl-denc* with her son Joseph. Her son Elbertucoupitw the butuestead.

esH-ra Diokenon, Stephen Dleienbn'sadopted daughter, and Peter Luguir, formerlyof llontgomery, New York, but now of Chi-cago1! i r e r a married Thursday evening of laitweek at tbe bride's home, A few Intimatefriends wore present who wlibcd UM coupleall tbe Joys of union and a long and merrrlife. Ttaey left tbe following dayforChlcxowhere they will make there home for thepresent Rev. C. R. Bnydw performed theceremony.

SHOES.Another " racy "translation utteredwith upright headought to inspirethe morning primeshoe buying circleto bridge over anoccasional intrin-sic worth. Reced-ing beating downthe advocacy ofdarkness againstepping forwardpreserving witlijealous care themodern hue wMclihas semblance olthe dames andknights of antiquedays.



Black and White Satine Waists


MEN'S OUTING SHIRTS.reduced in. price.

Wei« flOO






Big SUDW 10 DB Here Tfiis TearCheap Excursions on all Railroads



Musical Instruments.—AGEHT FOB— ,

Peek A S«»ff Opera Piuei,' Decker Brei. Pluei, •

0. P. Bowl»y»« frf«M.Can furnliti Initnimentf of »nj nitke Jwrfred chnper tbui uTOtber dssOan In tbti aotiao'.

Cuh or ewy monthly iwymenta, Cttl and tee our iDitrumenta before poicfaHlnff,u wo omn mvt jou moMj, • .., - , ; " • • .

WABEBOOMS: •.'-..; ::' :; V


All our


0OMEAGAIH. .Hameea

\\y<.' .HAND MADE am

HAND SEWED, tmlithe beat Oak Leather uwd

. ^-—m « . „ ~ - y . Bay diteot from the manofaotnrerf y j ^ y ^ ^ / ^ i l jon oni't get »" Fisher"

^•^(VvWWiV >^7ftom J 0 U r deolore. All goods o u batamed if not BafefMtory,. TOD BUN NO KI8K.



u own) i'Born4hi»!>gon with bli otliu b u i «n d B 8U B r

Brush In eonugUon wih bli otliu b u i «ammtt Blukwen u d Bornii 8U.. Bpnr.Tfa b l I I h * « • WMllMl d

ud f m i

- Geo. MoOrackeni

FOR SALE!1 SORREL HORSE,good size fine road-ster, suitable for roador draft sold, for wanto f u s e . .• .'•::.:;••:;:;'<-V,iV-

BRIDGE SALEirsifoed will rtoelre MSJ«t>» mason work ot Utt &r th* FiocaUnny Powder De]

(I, SEPT. « l ' 8 3atth« TARE HOTEL, Dover, »t 3:30 p. M,

Bidi for the stotM work to t » by UM cubicar t tod the brick work by the tbotutDd,TUCommittearraerret tberlgbt to reject

any or all bids. i : : ' '.''•',"'•••'''SpeoflcaUons miy ba m n a t l i e nsideace

of William 0111, Rockawsy, or Geo. PiBrson,D o v e r . '• . . . . " ' . • • .

• - ' • • . W M i G l L L ,

• . . - / • . - Q K O B O E F n c B f l o i t ,

- : . E . A B l O K K B , :••-. -: V JoM D. BmTa, -

u-. . - 'lUxtiKCOOK,.V , - . - ! - • • r. ••.,:< •• O o r o m l t t a t , -

Notice of Diwolution.

name of Klnnerft . .tbii day bMiidlsMlred bymntMl .Tbe btisliieM wlU be oootlontd by Mr.,and an debt, owlnf b j . tba sail firmpaid' by him iod all, mooayi dp a i d to[ faf f l i i " - , ; • , . ; • " - • • - • - • - ,

l l


. 72





LADIES' SHIET WAISTS.(/licviol, and Percale Wai^ls

50 cents, now 40 cents85 " ." 05 "95 •'

#1.001.25 "

WHITE WAISTS.60 cents, now 40 cents.85 " . " 65 "

$1.00 " " 75 "



Ladies' Swiss Hoimcings

Formerly $180 Suit, noixr ^ ':36

2.25 " ^ ^ 1-60" 400 " " SIM

' 61& 'V;;;.-:g2f;a83• 5^53 "


Were $1.00« 1.25


Were 75 cents.rOO

no»v 50 cents.75 "

now( k

, (


. 1


i t

1.251501.051.752.003.252 50

• •





YOUTHS'OUTING SHIRTSl75 cents, . how

' n n • . ' • • • . - . • • • ' • : ; - ; ' ' . < « :•-

50 cents.


CLEARING SALEO|SH0ES;150 pair Womeirt Fine Shoes

broken lots, sold re^arly at $2 60


75 -pair;-Lapjieii Tipped-'' '

Ties, w ^ | | | i ! 6 npw llv pair,-

120; Child's Cenuine Don-

gola, llfipped, Spring Heel Shoes,

sizes j|;|i l6 Ir2, at 98c. pair. ;|

120: pairs" Misses. 0enume|3)ph-gpla 3Mpped Spring Heel Shoes,• •..;;';-i:-.:0V-;s!;-'.'^> ' ' ' • • • . . • : . • • . • ' ) • • • ; - - : . ' : • • . • •

sizes 11 to 2, $1.35 per pair. SS ;t

Meii's Veal Calf Oxford |Ties


1';!.. CALLS iTTEhTioN TO ran ppiibwma.:•..';•':;, ..'....It rira-me pleasire to aoqnaint my frieuis

with the (act that they oan liove teeth eitrncteltritbont pain by the n»e o( Pr. Jessop'e localAnniBthetio at the office o( Dr. Freeman, Dover.

C ' K / : / ;: Booli«w>yN.J.,April8th, 1893.•':"•.' Try t i e ".Looai Ahnsthetio at Dr..Freeman's•office ttud beiohvinoed that it is all that is olniuedr f b r . i t . : , . ; • : • . H U B . H . E S T W I O B , , . ; • " • . • : •;';\•-,:•• ; s ; t:~ ; : ,::;^Netoobg;3N.J., April 21st, 1883.

' I can elieerfnlly recommend the "Local Antes-" thetio" for extracting teeth. ; - ••'..',•':• " - • ' Mns. THOIOS KENKA, • • . - . . •KU ;.::«'..•--.',.",'. •.:'•, PortOrani, AprilUOt, 1893. .

Dns. FREEMAN Ain> V H K E U S D : ; :".'.•.':• .DEAH S I E S : — I am so; well plonsed with the nse

of the Local Anmstbetio in having teeth oxtractodthat yon have my permission to nso wy name any

"way yon please as reference.Mn. LEWIS WHnE.

., :'...•'-•,,:• S t a n h o p e , N . J , M a y , 1st, 1893.


PUBLIC SALE• - O F - • • .


•DB. R. 0 VREELAND,after ten years experience, having a well knownreputation for extracting teeth, Eos accepted aposition with Dr. Freeman.

DB. FREEMAN has the exclnsi vt-ri(;Llio nseDr. Jessop's Xooal Anseathetic.

And othora who hngli at Ready-made Clothing, who tliiuk it im-possible to find really stylish andbeooming garments exoept in cus-tom work, ore espeoUll; invited tocall and see onr. saperb line ofbetter grade Men's Suite.

We are serving and pleasinggentlomen this season who neverbefore, thought of wearing a ready,made Bait.

The entire Hoe of Fine DressSuite from '•'.•" '•

$16 to $24,either in the nobby; single ordouble breasted "Ejaots'7 or; thestylish Cnlawaj-B.areobject lessons

sfyle and beaaly,tto legs-thanof economy: .. '-';,y ;•..; ..' / -

MephanicsAnd all others who have to workhard for their dollars ami naturallydesire to make them go as far aspossible are given on equally cor-dial invitation to examine onr linesof business Suits between . ,

$9 and $15:There isn't a store in tho country

where yon oan.spend yonr moneyto ecjnal advantage. As makers ofevery garment :wo sell, yon getthem of us first hand at first cost

"Eon'll discover a fit and stylenbont our olotliing, even in gar-ments of the most moderate price,that you- and your friendi will notfail to appreciate.

MCGREGOR & Co.850 & 852; Broad St., NEWARK, N. J

1N8DHE TOUH ' ;:

Property and Furniture- •"'; •. : \htjmt. ' . r: /{.,•: ';


ASSETS, - -:.-:'• $10,915,829,63'.

t iBmrano* ami ni«I E«UU A u n t



FUMITCHE, CABPBTS,Bedding,Shades, Curtains,

; :PoieB, o u p i o t b . , ;•••••••'

BABTT C A R R I A G E S , &o.


',aumm* wm^txnn, n, J^i ^ 'ihs'''^-'- .W

Men!s Sliqes

in Oxford Ties, Bluchers a n d L _ _ ran,l I t . NEW BUTTON SHOE. .H.™ ,„„ » « , it | II ; h , i » I f ^ S . H

• • • ' : W e b a r . . l o t 01 ' ' ; ; ' . ; - • • : • • : : • • • r i i : J . 1 . ' > . V - -

Men s Dongola Shoes, were $1.75, now 81.60. vOood Bhon for Rummfr l',»t m txd for Wintor. ' T . " •.'.:•":;•- -«: .- :



ld BaroutrthrSS

Is directed, will on Hondav tha

two o'oloa In &, aftarnoon at tba Mounthnrf * 5 " ' i '1 ' ° " " " l d Borounb, Mil tbeland., and real eatata taereundor dnoribed atS ™««MorUieahort«ttenii not a.^™J"| "V^y F*a«, for which any iwmn Ofr*l%tA »ill adrw to take the aamu and Dav*

bfnthep with all

A: AllanbnuJ, lot. I and a.ArltoBlonPart. raidu»»75

Miss Nolan's

. from atinatjjndnid jSfit

iJ oolora, roitaU.'fc; M M t i V

uio' Tn""lj' 1(" 8' Uol!k "• Ta« do.

&£' T r°°d l ' ' lot *• Uock * T" dn"l,2^-«I i™1*i |» l»1«"la,««*14. Tai

Tax duo

before the conclu-tho property will

' w 4 - t r ' . Collector of Tweet.

TUB above soli etuidl postponed to

MONDAY, AUGUST Uth,lSUl, at Ihs hour ot 2 o'clock In Un'aftanon

H. E. Green^rass,BARGAIN STORE,


COMMENCING AUGUSM4th.Call in and get » nrioe hst or

send for one by mail, and thencome expeoling 'more for yonrmoney tlian yon ever got bafore,and we will guarantee yon will notbe disappoir'-' *




* f »10O.00O

KobertF. Onuri;^Tn)i l lTBudd,

Tirdpor (OTt^tmatUJowoJm monbalance of «scp and npirarin, SUUICT"»AFT.-;B«ouL:Bim;<M 'HUM of •!,«»m<l up-vd . Wltor i daWla Ua»••;,.

,Tn. m^WofHi^rioBrlii, d»'d,tor aale Ibe followlm print , prbpttt]':


THE BECOND TRACT conUto 03 J-100Una, ll oorend with iproot. and U altnatflo«r Danlejrtlte on'.am nxd «> HaoHtu-»mi, adiolnlv' tha: l ud i of lira, Baanaa3 t 6 t j W W t t t a

Page 3: NEWARK, N. J. ALWAYS BUSY!test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1893/... · nado ID qutlHy or prio« betwoeu goods bought at the cosutera ui< those purchased IJITOHKII


Friday, Sept. 1,1893.

Bpeeial mettlag ot UM Gpmmnn Cnutioil

TDepoblloacboolawJUreopMi uomoreing: :• ' ' .

. Many-ol OUT Dorerltea epept BilndayMount T«bor.:,. •. . . : • , - . . •

"borne Matrown perwoaare. pilMffing rulu-alileiioe»liilao>rinoi>£1 To, yaldattoo of lealeod perennal

M l n WThere niU bi a special tneetloB of the Com-

tnoo Council at 8 o'clock tills evening. •

W'ltnr.L. Main'i Is the next aud prob-ably the last ojroas we'll ba»e this season.

Hherud UcF.II and MIM Annie VaoOrJoa,of Biter's stars, were niarrisi last Sunday

• a U r a o o n . • - . : ' . . / ' • '• - -. • . . •

K • Morris COUDW Is to htva a new director;,. It will be pabtlibed by Roblano. Upl-I

; ; If el*«bllnmls nett to Qodliiwsi. It li alia~ woitli wMIe to remember that muHeanUneai

:=. If vsry time to disease.

Prank Eoff desires to Under bli thanks to- t t» friends u d neighbors who svlifod him In

hlsnomtbernvtment. • '. ,

Tb» Urn of Klnoey & Beujimjo has beedlatolved-by nmtnal "oansent. Mr. KnopjwillaoatlDD* the business,: j '• •.'

\ - Tb.BoutiieLrMtCUurel)choir, of" Morrl*-'' town, b*T# returned from tbelr yacstfonnand-:-wtn ID tbrir pUoon last Bunda;,'

Wliiiam Howell, of the Baker Htore Com-pany, W4» iiuninootxl to Hparta ou Tundey

, by tbi sudden death of hli mother.Over 400 boarders are dooiloled Jit and

about Sparta, and not lea thai 400 have been. turned away for lack of acoonitnoditlun,'' Next Friday evening* the wtmheri of Handolpb Ittd|e Ho. 180, L'O O. F.willoelebratothef r twenty.fif ih anniversary la Uie Armory,,

. A train carrying |J,0W.O0O ID ' gold fromDie Ban PraooUoomlot to tin SubTrmurjt t New YorV passed Uiciugb here onMomUy.

. : U«XT|«1< Clark will build anew realdsm• on Wsshlsiloa- itreet, Horrlitown, ta owt

W.MtV Work-will be oomniutoed Imiuedl-

O. Irving Unnloj . the Trsnqulllty raer-'"•• chant, Is a candidate for Assembly iu duwez

county. Tha o!aV veteran, Job J. Iteclter, is.whlfldhii^ndldaoy,' . • " ./•':"

. TtM United States Eijirws Company gtnotice that.on aeoouut of tbe Diiauclaltroubles, iea money will be sent by. telegraphorder until f urther notice. •.,

TvElilitj-flTt tJiotuand dnllRrs have been ex-' jwutol on Madison's water supply, aud therel i t probability thai a futura exfenstoti of

. Ita* phot wilt ha urosmry, . ' .• A D employing Carpenter luWUmaeye that bs bas many offersfrom bands who

•. n u t to work for »2 per day. La*t: Hprlngtb*y|ot'|a.BO.-Jett«yni»ii._' ' .. .

•. SIMM llay 16 there have been fi.rty.fl<'patients from Essex oounty fn tbe Morris

l-.sJni Ooip.t«l-UHrly.e!aht from Nttwsrb:aivis«Ten from the towuhlpt. -'. Tb»fli-ewbiotiriftd Ib P u u l o peadowsfcslow Uauonr last week dwtrojpi 1S.OO0

• swnia i f bay, besld«<rmaoyhayrloki iJontalu-; Ion bandnds of tons of outhay. ••-

Jay Rls l i Uocle Tom'. Cabin CompanywlU prodooo this tVroriU drams In Baiter

;OperaHotiMoa.BepUmbar.yU.;::Ttie CND-' pinjb #.wey abore tbe «nni(i . ' ' :V'/" •; > •-;'. • Tba Chatham Towruhlp CommitteeIbai

dvclded not to pay. otor anf read money to;the Vlllat* Truitaea until a.iurvey of.the/(obortmUd.riUj^efaasbee^• " pbysidaoa Iu New York faWdtwoyered, that o i n c « i ^ b a checked or cured by juoo-^ulatam tbapaUtt.t with tba germa pF ery^p*

': flit,W-lirw.of AlUmuchy, b W a i r a y IlllytySltWalklll , tfaraaynnpld; tl>at KarnsU bandUng on tbe local track. Shs U TerypromWaf wilb a gait tb»t protnlm niuob

parlor to the munlc of a wedding marchwhich was pUjed by Ufss Kata Dinney, orOxford, on a viulla, accouip»nW by HistI/ixle Hunsan, ou the yisno. Moors- M. L.Cox and George Bilor aoted u udien. Thsooupla took tbelr placet under a floral wed-ding bell and the .Itev. llr. Ketd perfornicdtbe aoUa.il oereuoiiy whlcb uutde thua n uaud wjfft Tbuu IrlKudi cruwded around toofTor oongratnlaUuni and nearly ttbook the

K off the couple before they all got aroundA* tbeyato uutli well kootrnand blgbly re-epeoted, mud M of tlm large numbtr offrleodi Rbo could posuflily got tliera werapresent, luoiudluK' a uumbar from otbertowns, ,

The brlile was neatly attired In a doioolored traveling dresi wltb itovl trlmoilngiand carried a bouquet ot 'white rqwa as didalso tbe briiianualil. After qunRhituUtJtUia Hibflfnla Cur'uet Build gave ttvinBerenade and rendered some very sweet

lUflloV.Theu came the wedding tupper,ADd wbu a ipread it wan. Urt. Hilerspared uelthvr time, labor, nor tx|wrj|R touase l tacra l i t toher tkllllu tbsoulIlDdeparlwent and bbo sucoweded far IMJIberfupdeet anticipation*. Nuibtiig w u luftundona and tlio guwts ffure mado to feel aimuobathomatu H tbe; Were In their ownhomes. Mn. Hiler was ably atsUcad by tbother members of bur /amilf and by sirs,Auguvtua Uuuwuu tuid a lew iifrendi.of tb* To.lancing began. Jfurnisbod splendidold and young alike Ulpped ths light fantastictoo and wlibed touiebutly would gat lunrrle'every nlgbt If It would alTnd them mobample oppjrtunltle* for -ejij-jyuwit an theybad oo tbts occasion/ Uut wemuHtiiat forgeiMr. Cbri*. Kelley nod Mrs. Mnl<me. Tn-jwera the life.ot tliu dsnoun anil nhsii i

W quick "tepi they, ai.d they uluiie,were Iu It, TUe'nm*w did imt departuntil nearly' tlmo to go to work tho nomorning and they trcre gurry whuu thu time

uio to go; Tiwy all loft wblilng Mr. andMrs. PoiigUly iniuiy lioppy yeira of weddedlife and thuhldng Mr. aud Mn. Hiler /or (JIBentertainment thoy bud pieixirHl for them.

Tbe newly wedded couple left HHjenifu onthoearly traiuTfaumlay mom.ug>to go toPatersod, whore i lr . l*eii)rUly. b u ' a housebandsomDly furnlsbsd for bl» brido.

Tho present* received. !>y tbo.ooujilo wereboth mtefnJ apd oruniueuUl aad uliuwed theeateeni in which; they"w*n liold by tholr

rieiids. Among thorn were; castors, ailvorcaio baHkots, pickle castora, stiver sugar

, Itutyes, forku, rooluir*, lomM, rug*,i, biittor dbhcB.'spuons,' chliia •

m\*,eUk '' . - _ '_ " ' : . .'

,;•} •.;•-• J0HKM rplVBRil

Jobti M. I'timiri, aged 70 jura , II monthsand 17 ddje, died at tbe rwfn>n« «>f bisd h M l b h near Morris

A, U .daughter' Mrs. tlosepb

n Saturday morning lait n

i V ; ; i , > . : . ; / , , ,MoEwa»Broa.!niiIllIJiWnlp[«iu,etllVre.

. naloaeloead "In UHisaabllmaUMyanmak-'1 iDf'eome Iejpru7eoi~t. and repaln.wblcli

were laid oat bafora the. DemooratU cyclone

IlaeetoaM th»o«h U» nljbl air d o . « i tairaeielUi our theater train, ai'It hid to-be

•: ran iotbe car ahopa on Towlay to' bave.-the\ windoea,aoa1.;d«)ni looaened .op an ae^tbey. wooMoprnandahat'eaallj.1/ .• '',^ . / ' - ; ' .:;.,',TIM moonlllibt eaeunrfoa onTneeday nlgbt^:td Lake Bopatooig wae.a inoceu, about two; biindredpeteon"jrlli»llnfX:Vl|llantgiuilnei:Comnaai'won't alake much m.ueyodt of It,bet (bay baye the mmory of a very pleaaant

',ud*'~'.iS%'.<,*: ••'£.'.••.. ; -U- 'v •.'.••-"•••'•:;::• ,*. ember of barreh of lime, itored on (be: Hemlnary erounda at Madhon, for.uw on.tbenew dormitoriee, oaU|U on arc Wrineeday

. nlgbtqflaatweBk.'andwaratoballydeitroyiHl,. Tbe flnV Wai caneed by epbDtaneona combiie*

A ( * a « | : r , p ^ . ;wbokae been In uainhirat tt» rklnllon

. Army;Barnv*e,'..Maamrk, for lbs ptet elxi Bwollu,' bai bean appointed, a Captala ami: detailed to take charge of Uo atatlon at'. RI.T<::arhead,'Lolig'IalaBd .:.:• *.'y:-. ^:^V^,V:.'.' Oyater' loyara aro pleeaed; oiei;' Ibe'; proa-pert ofaooabolul able to irallfj tlirrroppc-

't lU for1 thla'palatablo food pmdnct. Theaaaaoa opene today 'and. from- repnfta re<c a l i a d W u p p I r and quality of tbe otaterwill be on a par wltb former bl»n»«me..: :

iSveuialeilforioay i l lbt, . by tome .meaoii,-iaraad 'eaa one: of: the clt; bydranU at tbe-enrnet'oC'Ilm atreat and Madlaoo, atenuo,and Hooded tba atraeh f or Undreda of yardalhareebouli- ' If oeojbt, the dty •nlhorlUeeprom'ua to make It warm for them ^-Hadlion

••• A latrga ptirty of'thejlrlecdj of, lli-.'«ndH n . J. P. Woodhiill t«odend theui « > r -priM.Tiilt Urt.?rWiy tilibt and s p o t the•T*nlDC »erj RleMMitly on the ip«,ouiy»r-.•oda tod Uwn-with-itngllif, gun«* »nd thet>d»J MneulUM thit make" -uoh.rocailoni)

'. Fnd, .Cu' Mtu-tclud' umimliT, of hi*itriMidi>t ft progrntlf* -hut p«rtj at bitrooms In the brick Mock DD Friday eveninglot . : It w u m"coDgenl«lc«m[»"J »oditbe•Ttoltiff <ru (Ullltitfiily (pent:. MIw I « «firiwt won tint priMtun) M!M Btnmft Blrnp.

d7^Alteliu^ \

V 'nwigiUton d«r«lBd tba Liberty Jonlori: WtdMdaj by tbeolCM ioorB of 0 Xa\\The. ( U M > u « Rood one fromnt«t > flnUh tod- tlw AirJtmton |itaj«l «mt tall In-tin MT•nth to «in *••!• tb« (core it»ndfof[ tt*et:one i |«liu. tbfin,.tut the ie7Pntlii«tbelr^ I j d U « m « 4 j » f l \ ' s n i i i *

-*; Joha Noonan and WillLom Harris,; two' Newark boatmen, -were stalled hare l u t Sat*• nntay night, aad celebrated Uby getting very. drunk.- :About 1 o'clock Marshal Hasan andAssistant Marshal Bryan n n them in, aid on

:''ttandsy~' afternoon • Alderman BronTi floedtown (I each and costs, which thoy ^ f d . ^ • •

'; Walter I*i Meln's dreui" will aiblblt' la•• lfovet on tbe sa*. and the nputatloa be. has. |aln«li?niii ifch p ,

make his nmlng now a •ouree ot pbyurable'upaotalloo to , lo»m U the Mwdu».arena.. -.TiJribow; la alm«t intJrdy m*; vttj^litUe

of tba old thow having been left froat^tbe; ; ; d i k t t s H o ' ; " ^ ' ^ V ^

homsili the redpleat-ol «BtkantaUTermsdalKata token of graUtnd*fratnlllH JUy' l*" 1 ^ <* BoMkai, ti

rfUkUpaipcMtoaJuUfeh«t«TrfMUpp; Tb« UM ot the.BWdAl bean tbe follow Intr In-." icript," ATokeii of OmtlWda V, aud on! the

^ . . jUuUay (-*•»-«, 7+TW,nintI otj the fif*: o f the b a r " H . M.Tboiau.". Mr. Tnom>.s

JBuibeiaoX d«d and dying fiih W«fe toaicfld d r f lr t we* lnKdghtt

^poodlt ihB.IWtolftldiedal-.Tcii^lloi': r^omi. : It is tbe opinion of nwny that dur-•'iiia TueMlay uikbt-wme nnhuown |«rtiei

•UtWT wploded dynamite in tiwforid.'ox• Dlaoed a quanllW of quick HIUB in UM water

for the porpow > prwuring carp, > t k h" .botuuti to toTpwl,', auw,Pl*b Protector

U t ilwniiown. ti lii»«tlBitlng tJbs

ParadB. . . . . . . :; .: ,to hold a, Fireinan1!

WBDSINO A T HIBBBNIA.Ooeof the prettiest liimw WKIIIIUKJ that

•rertook plan In tUU w«cUni, «sa tbat ofJdftt Laura aUw. u( Biberuia, and Mr JfhoPa»gil!y, ot Pateraou, at tbe retldenoe ofthe bride's pwenUon Wbdoeaday evenlnx.The parlor.was beautifully deoorated wlU>ferns and potted plants and r*fl«t«d Rreatcredit oti the artistic ability of tbedeooraton.

At promptly. 8"o'clock the. oontmctiojd d i fAUd l M

p p ypartiei tnarcbtd down Hairs d ly Mr.Irving HUer and Ulw Lottiu COUIMM, thu Eugeuo J. Schwari, (best man and bridrHaald and anterei ths | n town Tuwday, •

PEHIlOHAL.HUh Paby Nottklrr: Is at Kingston,Ualilon fiLuey, of Horrlitown, was fn town

Tuesday.George Jonklni la sipeDdJLng bis vecatloa at

CpeMay... Ur. John Honell spent Sunday nt Manbat-

QuUesoh.. Frank Bolitho returned from Lake Uopat-

cong WudnMday.of Htrourl-lturg, wai

Alkr Hiipper tbalent,' ^ Hocksway.

uuilo for t>e ocraalon ani

H'e w u a oar|«nter by trade and has beena life long lesldont vf Uandnlpb. towntblp,where by bid bonMt and upright Ilfu be w<.many f rlendn who mourn blslow In poll'1

hi was a strong Bepublicau, .nud during bislout !"• baa wltuttued the rapid gntirtb audprospOTlty of the country he loved. Kindand botpltebln to his frleoda and neighbori, It

ru always & pleariira for them to yluttUncle John, as he wai familiarly called, andwhere tje'alnays mada th«ui ireloome., BiddeVoled mite, to whom be *OA foudly nttaohed,died on tbs 4th of April last and MondayattaraooiiSSlb lait be tru tenderly aud lotlog-lyr laid by ber aide intbeTiOflustHllI cemetery.Loving In life, Indeith they were uot lonj di-vided.' Ills father's name was John Foirenand'falsmuther^tuaiden name Hannah Mill.,Tbey were ble««t with four ions and fourdaugbteri of whom tbe deceasal wai the last•urvlvor. Toe gurvlvlug '.ob>ldreii< o f tbiiag»d Bentltman are MM. Jeste.leoni]jg»,'Mr*,/osepb Iioiey, Mrt. J. M. hmy, Un . W. W.3lcli.ee,- Elmer: ponera' and Mlt> AuguiUPowers. ThideoeaBod; hail' been' for niartyyeart a member ol, t ie BpisoopalChuroi) ofDover.' Tiie rector, of which Bar. lit. PiokfrlayoffloiatedatthefuneralaerrlcesIn wblohhe w u kindly >*Uted bjr the obolr. of theObrystal Btreet Uburohiv^v^; / - : 1 - - -^ ..;

N o t i c e s * 6 I * . . . . . .of the Mt TlCOMJit mines at .Port Oram Uieflrsiflf tlio wwk,that•on";;tlift flrat of Septem-

er the niboH woilld ebutdotvii, and wbeii itwan asked when they would. start again nodefinite answer coutd be gifen. It was hopedau'dexpeoted tbat these nilues VouW bo »ble

i /continue working,'' notwitluitAivlin^'thoiiKtahiharkelv but this_aoUon orilhei part

of the company ihow^ very,conclusively thatIron mining In this section is:«ui of th« Wbuens,'forif this mine cannot be operated ata. prpflt there are' none others that can. The>rdor» wero to keep tho water out of tboMt.

Pleasant mine, bgt the Orchard mine will beallowed to Ail.': It was rumored this morningthat tlie company would keep tha'mines dpeiir « , i ' .

J. . ° _ t J ' L_J ' . ' . i T ^ _ . . l l . ' i f ^ i . ^a* &.-«.

emfties dpeiimitlM of tenio men would ept A mtlM

cont. in their wages, but 'wo have notboen able to verify tlie report.'^ ; !"> . • . -:MeiW how & Bilker willlieit'wejk bcidn

io run livei;daye of .-eight boifni oocli a vmk\iiutUiojrhavei^ui»atl«iIrforc6 forty BauitH

id mnde a cut tu wages .of toil pbr.uent.The chr sliopa oiily worked HTC ilnyn last

week again, and It looknabe pontiiiuwl iridHuitciy>

i tliiiuglt that nilgbt

!':::-":',i-'!."-'A Fake Show;,'.^;; 'X*':•<•'••Last Friday; nljiht was a very hfit'nlght,

ret udt*iihitandfi>g that fnot a Intgjo nnAlr

lace aawmblod at Baker Opera UOOM tu wlt<i"Tbe Ltdy ot Cblcann," as InterpnledHnniphfoyy. Comtdtans,:^Leaving, ont

John J. Kennedy tbecomidlani wera conicalonly In: tbeir: attempta/, to be'; (unniy. .Thewomuu weie: A Iroway 'looking set aiii) tbe

Y: were/nawky and .epi»alllngly put'ofplaoe..- Th»y: stooil around on' Uie stage rep-nnenllng' dUTercnt .degrees, of Intellectualvaouitj,-and when'thoy att'oinpUil.to alpg,Muttc. lieayenl/ niald,.sttHT«d oattonlu berMrs atid'flew:iut cf ihawimiow Into tfaenlghtVwIdei darkwss.', U Iheorchwtra wai tbeone r«deenilng fwiturc, and tbat was as fineai soy that ever appeared at this, buuie withany thow, Keniirdy bas been .hers; balore,and brougltt a llrttrate show, and bis uamacarried weight enough with Mr, Raker-tohave hteiihow hoqkedy:V '•i'^l;'''•••'' . \


.|L ; ,' IWlld Ho* Hunt, ', - : -; .

Tuesday of last week a party-Cf twrlvamen with two dogr ktartod out on anotbef-hunt for the'hnga that escaped from J. B.Eicbanii, of thN place, last March. Thehogi had been;dplnn a *"** deal of damageto the corn ..and'the hunt wai started'as amatter of self-protocUbtt'.ThB hunt,provedaniticceiiful and tbe hogs continued to growfat 00 ths;. Jiiioy joiing corn' fU'ldn' of tbevloinli-y and tbeyruliicd two-thirds of a fouracre fleld beloi.RU.g, to Jtri; Xrowbrldg*. ofCentre Grove, and • olWdid : oonilderabladamage to'1/ J.' 0." Dalrymples fields.'. OnTbiinday nljibt lant Mr. :Dnlrrn.|ile,. Byl-T«ter Oiwn acd'hia hin*d man, starteil onanother, bunt eiid-wcro lucceafuyiD •loot-ing one of tiiein. bntthere' ia anolbw one leftto annoy tbctn^'It is also reported that three

' o b«ri hiilodat BlackPund!;.; V : . • ""

'••* -Wardena Have a'Time,"',.Lait'Kdilay evening-the Wmbtrsof the

Board of Fire Wardens recelvedTvnotice thatthere wnuld be a ipeotai meetliig of the torn-paoy that, nlgbt. When tbey'usembled.atIbelrniptbs they were ^ery pleaanntly irarfprlied to find thattfify were to adjourn lothehoinfl'ot their oniireJft. Conrad Maim; for ap o p y ow more about whenthfy.:gbt.t*erfc;,Mr,1; and Mrm. Mann hadatrrsbgtd toenterti lnjDm andrit was doneto the qu»uyi'oBt«.;;:An.J.elfgBnt.DoyattooWas' served, anil. tfca*;.ife»Iog was madaabthorougblf «ijojah]a that tbt Wardeni, be-fore they left, peiwrd a-'vote of .than*! to'• Coonei" and bit eitlmable wife fur thavery*oourtfloui and genernuJ. manner InT whichthey had i s ' H ^ t h r i h I W I t / '

Lajt Saturday aigbt was vtry worm, and•.bout nine Vdork tha llremen wlio ran'inanswBr'toau alarm of Ore agreed tbatltwosinlghty hot ; A flro'wjM 'itartal by* Mrs; Mi>Nally InDr,Cutnoiln^ bultJlnganil'tuue affwas no beavy that the smoke all nttled downIn f i w t o f ^ ^ d o o t o r ' i Pyelled j ! flre," " ^ e bell W

rf. 9. Rlubard*, of Itrwj Qity,relative* in town.

Dr. S. B, Joboiton bas retuniBi from hisouting Bt Cudd'iLoke.: Judge Cbilds, of Morristown, was at Ui

MAMIOP House Mondar.'Mtirtimer Richards, ot Orange, la Ti*ftb

bU brother A. L. Rlebards.Mr*. F. H. Ulckerson and child are atOoean

Orore for tbt Uly'i health.The fier. Or, Adamr, of UonUtown, hai

reluroed from hb vacation.J. Frank Mats and wife returned from

take. Hnpotarag Wednesday.

Mr. Fred. Ooz started on a K'X week's tripto the World's Pair yeitwrday..

Mr. B. Bin and family, of Morris «aitw.Blurt for Flrt Island on Monday,

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hobblna, of Morrli-to-vn, ore In the White Uttuotalai.

Mn. Ij-iuauua Langdon, of Cbetter, la Ti»-lDK the family of W, B. QUIen.L. O. Bierwlrth roturned Saturday from a

four week's huelnMt trip to Virginia.

ThomM Mullen caught a tery flqa blackbats at Luke Ucpataoug Wednesday.

sir. and lira. W. F. Day, of MorrUtowo,•tartcd for the World's Fair on

Her. ffm, Day has gone to Ocean Drovefur a w«|l earned vacation of two weeks.

James Uoerlngand Bttphcn Dorland startedTuesday for tbe World'. Fair at Chicago.

Mr. Jame* P. LUgbton bss entered uponupon his duties us teacher of the Parkerschool. '

Mrr. Richardson hu.MWcl H i u QarranAbouse, an Elm «treei> Morrlitown, for thswinter.

K. U. Hfliioy and foody,took the (0:18 train Thursday mnrulng.forIhlcagn. , . . . ••Ur. B. 0 . Uop|w, of Ht. Augu*11ne, FU., b

the guest of Dr. Wlgglm and family, at 8ut>aiunna. . ' -Mr. Geo. Kanouao entertained a party of

friend* at bli home oo Morris Btrest ou Tues-day evening.

MtMNaunle Hicks,:of Brooklyn N. Y.( livUttlng old acqualDUnces In tills place sodLake Hopatcong. - ,

Ur. and Mn. W. K, Rockwell, of Orange,and MIuLuttte Wllli«D,of Uovor.are spending a week at Hopatooni. .

Dr. BveretCRusHll, ofMadUKm. has beenpromoted to saaUtuit mrgtoD of the Freaby-t«rtaii HoeplUl, New York city. ,

Ura A. KaDouwand daughter, Addle, ex-pect to atari for Ooean Urove today to enjoytbebi-Hieatthatsuminarresart, . .

Mra. Frank Pill and child, of Callfon, arespending a ttw dayi wltb Mr*. 1'ill's oOunios,MlHea Maggie and Maramle Bakar.v .

Mr. Jowphk Hathaway, of East DoverJnnptlon,. la spending A fe* dayi amongfriends and nktivea at Hacketuack, N. J,

Harry Thomas received Batarday a varyhandioma badge from IUM May Lei.ii foraavluR her Ufeat Lake Hopatcong July 4tb.,

Mra. J, Fnnk Griffith, ot Roeevllle, andMin Lena Keller, ot Newark, wen UM gusstsof Mrs. L. I). Bohwarx, on SUBKX itnft, last.week.,...,. . • V .'.-',:' • . . . ; ,

Mlas Maud L, Apgar, of Froapeot Street,who was prostrated with the heat, is •omerwbat better, but la troubled with much painIn bar beid moat of the time. .

.William Bttokle of the Oeorge RlobardaCo.'i store, BUrt*d Monday on hli vacationtaking In Newark, Long Branch, and otherplacw of Internet on the New Jersey ooaat,

Mlaa Addle Cole, of Mt, Hope Avenoe, wimarried last Thursday nlgbt Io tuba a Wat-von, of Mllford, Fa., and tbe txwly marriedcout>le will be at home to their friends there.Kev. Wm Day of UM First Milbod 1st Churchprerormed theceremonr.:.~ .1 - •,' v'> '

MinEAdaltt.de Hosklngs, of Obeater, whohas been visiting bar auot Mrs.* F, P. Apgar,of frosptot Btmet, also stopping at Lake Ho-patoougaad Tabor la about to retara to barhcmsagaln. We wUlmiai her very puchae

isle a very bright and Int«lU««nt y « o g

Mr: Jolm H. Raymor, of the Baker.StoreCo,, "tartod Sunday morning for Harlem,Now York, on a bicycle, to apend the weekwithbia brother, who willahowhlm the righUaround the gnat metropolis. He expected toattend the bate ball games and races and de-'ote one day crab fUblng, ;.'•.' . : ' , V -

Mr. and Mr* P. B. Oasiln and daughter, olthe Qllaey House, New .York, Mrs. John Mc-Borley and daughUre,Badle and Minnie; WatBin-Is DennIo,11lH BusIeat.Lougblln.otNew

'ork^Mners. John and Frank Larkio, otf oaken and air. Josepb R-tllly, nf Paaksklll,f. V , oro tbogUMti ef Mn.B, O'Connell, of

. MluNatioHeiick,of Dover, N . ^ h v i s ^•ting Mln Titlla VanP^lt, of Bayard :MTMLMIsaMellokliwiployed In tha^Dwer fortoillce,' where tha is engaged fti mailing olerk,i petition wbioU It bas been tbougbt lonpoa-ilblaforaiadytoiuobMafullyflll. Mia Ma-lick, however, eatbfaotoriljr dliebar|M tbe

" 6fherpo^U(Hl,'atidhaat|Uproud'dls-J-ieing tba only female mailiiif

clerk In'ihls vpctloo of the United Btatm.M<sa Meliok' bi a oharmtng young woman,who seems fully ahle to take care of beneltand •• b<r pfnilion.—New Hrunswtrk' Home

Au applloatiou for wboliole lioprasented f rom L. Lehman Ik Co. and referralto Ltoause Commlttas. Tbe Committee re-tarned It tmappraved and on moUoo thelloanse waa refused. Several bills were readaad laid over until the regular meeting. ~

Tbe Flrt end Lunp Committee recom-mended tfaat a janitor be employed to boldoffice at tbe pleasure of tbe Council; thatshould be hie duty to take oare of t U bnlld-uig aad apparatus and keep them In order atall ttmes; tbst the. •usual appropriationthe several companies should be dlsoostlnuBd.Ths Committee ala'i rvo jmineaded tbe ap-pedntmstetof * fieco-id Aatlitant Oblef -En-gineer, and further reobmmended that rib liraapparatus of the town be loaned without Uiconsent of the Common Council and tbenonly with tbe express undmtandlng that theborrower par tbs expense of transporUtlonboth ways, and all damage* that inlgbt eniueto tbe apparatus, and also that In cue of•taatn Ore eogloe tfae ngular engliuer abaaooompany It and bit expenses ba paid. Ur.Broadwell In advocating tbe adoption of ttireaommendatlon stated tbat WIMQ. (bestaamar had been loaned to Newton tbe towU d to pay katweeu »2U0 and vm for rapaln,and he did not think It wai just to the tax-payers to ask them to pay for damages donaby other parties.. All tbe recommendationswera adopted, but the lait doos not apply tothe engine nvw bring usal by tba MorrlstoirnFire Department.

A oonununloaUon w u read trom VigilantEngine Company No, S, asking that In casetba appointment of a socond assistant obtbe claims ol tbat company to the odloa bereoognlted and they submitted tbe name ofJames B. Mellck for tbe |w.Uion. Tbe Oreordinance will be amended at the next meet-ing and Mr. Mellck will be elected to tbethe office,

A oommuuloaUan was read from A com-mittee of all tba tire ooiupattles asking tileCouncil to appoint the tfafnt Wednesday Ineach year as annual Inipwtloo day, This willalio ba embodied In the new ordinance,

A communication noa read from EagfaoComptnyNo.-l.rsportlnjtbenatnee of Kd.C. Clark. William Hurt! and T. A, Searing uhaving been elected to membenblp In thatoumpany. They w#ro approved by ChiefVrecland aad the Council counnned them.

Fire am} Lamp Couimlttee reported 82V)tat of hose on lisuJ all Iu flnt-olsti condition•xoeptSOOfeek '

Tbe Police Committee reported that thoybad Invsaligtled the charge* agaloit tbe Msr-ahal, and owing to rolUgatiog olroumitanon,they would recommend that no action bet a k e n . . • • • • " • . . ' »

The Police Ccumnlttw S)M> reported In re-lation to the application of residents ef EastBlaokwtll street for police protection, and n*oommended that the Uarabal visit tbat lo-cality Tuesday and Friday evenings, and tbat

~ tant Manual B) ram go an duty tfaowiwaevenlnja at 0 o'clock. .

The Fire aud Luup CoaniittM reportnlUut tbe eleclrio light poles by H n . UcDavlt'sproperty would ha via to be moved.

lothe matter of elsctrlS "bells, Mr. Browifor the B t m t CoaitnltUe, nported that habad an appointment with au olllolal of theCentral railroad ou Wednesday wbtti UiqustUon of proper guards at tbe crossingswould be setthd. .

In the matter or the Street Commlatlonernothing w u done and the pmeut wastefdand extravagant system1 of road making w u

mlttedtb be continued became tb« Cora-a Council haven't bukbooe enough to ao-

knowlsdgea mistake.There wUl be another apsolal meellng- ot

.the Common Council to-night to trabefer tbeiW J. J. Backoff' to Holler & On.

LABOE DAT A T T » A 0 T I 0 l l i . '.'',' ~•Tbe Fort OVam AtbleUo AasoolaUoQ wlU

oelebnte Labor Day on Mondar n n t withappropriate MerdsM. At 10,30 *, u, Hoq,

A H f N Y k i t U l k, y V

i the Pine Qrovo, "At J o'dook sharp the Sills Uoydo rue* on Mala street lor Ont and

second pr!«r; connbtiDf of a palrotUcyoWridingihws anda bl^cUitVdiinkiogeop;

d to al l ; entnnoa fee 00c. At 1:» a 1Wdid dasb, oprn to local talent only oa Mala

' 2Btmt for a tllvrrb

I'M 25c,Tbefp-rta will then be oonlloo«l |M tbe ballground' where there will be a mck race, thrss-ipgged rim an* ball throwing contest. AtB y'cl«k the ball gama.betwten tbeJtastooand Port Oratn dabs.;;Admluion to grouadlo.centa;ladlea.l0 ocnta, Aftw tba gam*the f«tiial aad dance la Us loww pioe(trove, f<W which the Kalaer Brae, orobeatrawiUfurniihmi»lo.r RrfMthmwitaran hit Iwlon the |rcuudB,v! CJommittee ol e&msge-menta, Wm. WlUuuna, Daniel Kettrick, Wm.Champion and Ofw.Flartey. . ' • .

Tbfl liockaway AtbleUc Awodatloo b a narranged for a gala day on Monday and havesecured Prof. Ike Johnson; tba colored trick

Haw. York, art beridMwlUof ball with tbe famous O.Newark." Johnson Is a won-

play t m gameaN T t fderful rider and don not oonflne hii tricks tothe safety but la" equally expert with thehlgbold ityle wheel, The morning ball gamewill bo atlO o'clock and tbe afternooo game

18, - Admiaatan to each game will be 15c.In Dover the chief atUacUon will bs the

base., tin)] game, between. No,' 1 and Jfo.Engine, companlei In tba morning, and be-tween Uie winner and tba truck In Uie after-noon, - All ot tl« wmpaolei baTe meralgood plajerr, bat the gamea will bs tbt moatenterti'alng by rauon of the playing of thosewhadoBOtOalenjoontbt ball flaU. TtwnwlU be big crowds at thtse gamaa no doubt.Tbe gamts will be played on tba old rye fieldon Ulcktrson i tmt and an admtisioQ of 10cents wi

.. u[\\ ,r.;; Thp Angalu*.From the turret of the Chorchpf OnrLady

of the Lake at Laia Hopatoong the Angeltubell wai sounded OD 8undjiyt the fiOth, for thefirst tlniB.'anl as themeUowtbnea Boated'over the water and along UJB circling hillsbuoJreds: of devout Catholics bowed theirbeads toita'sireet admonition,' The church^Deliand all, la enttiely free from debt,Father Brady !• to;ba oqngrfttulated on •»•curing so ;pleasant a. meeting place for thepersonsof buifaith whoo/me to this prettyInland watering place to ipond tlio'hoatod

Aik for the "Bicycle Stocking, which ireguarantee In color and wear, from Uo. to 16c,a«onlltigtotheilie^wTXtidouble.: Infant'iiwttoipe^y.cor. CanalsDcvw.M.J.^

.!ThelloridaBt . L

. ;?* mnstrfW dreuUn sand, to Ths Fnd-

cor/HoiL FBoasBSitras,A spralal meeting of the'Caaim<iq* Council

w«* held Monday nlgbt Prewnt, MsyoiMoGrackeu, Ahterman Brown and Baker:PonncUmen Broad well, Ricbards, Rodda nV l d

Freeholdera Zntai'talned.Director William i t King entertain?) tbe

members of tba Board of Freeholders at LateHopatcong yesterday. The day waa atleotedon aocouut of the expected pleasant weetbtraid DOM w m surprised to find no niibaka

the day. Tbe morning wai spent •teaming•bout the lake on tbe double decker Hopat-cong and viaiting the. various points of Inter.a t Tie bridge now being built by Ccntrao-

Thoa, J. Allen for the county over GlenBrook an Wlndermara avenue In BreailnPark, was visited by the party and quite as*ay at JTolaa'a Point waa made, where Mi-tral vwy good records at'rifle ahoot4nf weremade, eapwialiy that of the ia-UxrepcwenU'ttve." From Nolan's, Point tha party em-baritid and atswned to Woodport when theywns> mat by " tbe rental bort" of the ffood-port House, Thoa. Bright, who bad providedon* of thoee sumpluoua and elegant dinnersthat haa «nad« thiahouae famous Tbe giieati,'•bout thirty In number,'arat«d ait one longUble with the Director at tbe bead phduo«laa effect of which any county: would be proud

own at their suparylion, From Wood-port tbe party sailed down the west ude of

lake, up Byram bay paying a Tblt toRaoooon Ialand and so to Landing.. - 'i: Fraebolder Qlll, aa speaker for tbe Board,

ed Mr. King the hearty vole of tbanki!or tba hospitality extended them by blm.tfr. King, la napouae, said It was a plwure

eutartain such a body of men aud would• glad to repeat. Those ipre-eot were iE. A. Backer, J. D. Bmltb, J, H.

Mayor McCracken, A. H. Faulraler, 0. -iHopklnH, F. M.' Htcpbens,:T. H. Boagtacd;

rU Kutcbir, Jarnu Uacen, Willlan, (Jill,Geo. W. Howall, Surrogate Plenon, L. D.Cary, X U. Frost, ira J. Cos, Msrlla Cook,John a Dickamou, Giles B Miller, J.- Hleraoo, A. 0 Hulcomba, Alex. Ollland, J,If. ClUt L. D. Tillyer, W, Burd, Jr., Oto. T,:eecb, Thomas Utarhey, D. L Brlaht, .A pktara of the party .wai uken at be

Lake 2ud Hotel. ,: '

by porter* bearing thli beadlnir, held by tbaoongngatlon of the Palrmoant FreebyterlaoChnrch, aswrnbled a ?ait iJrowd u d broufhtinto tee oaibler'i drawer, owr $9,300 aa thegroaa receipts from salei of various articles.

ivml Wn bavi beta bflU rlno* by UM twochnrobea, each of which reaped the benefit ofthe gnat reputation made by the fair abovealluded to and proved iittayi luooearful. Itli aald that provldenos always has smiledupon the enterprise and1 that It hai neverilormed upou tha dayi MlwUit

Thli'year, however, proved <iulte other-wise. The people of the Presbyterian Church•etUed upon Wednesday and Thunday oflaat wsek, npon which days to bold their fair.Vest preparations were maoVfcnd, no doubtthe raoltt woutd Uvs been proportloaitclyvsst bat for the Mvere cyclone etorm of wlpdaad rain, which began about nine o'clock on

" I tday evening, pnnnUng many fromattending aad driving many borne who 'preeent before ttselrcaahjvas expanded. The•(orm fDOTsased In fury tnd looa after mid-night the Urge tent, under which aU waredriven for refuge, wu blown down and tornto Bhradt, Tba torrent* of rmln mad* kdtuvpo with the fanoy goods, confeetiooeryand" provWons and wrought much damage,

fine piano, famlshtt. for the raeaaloa byN. Jeoklai, of Obeatar, shared mil ch of

the exposure,' but fortunately was found toi unlajund, having < been pmteeted byivers. .Tfai fair wai coatinued u well aa

oculd be done during Thuraday evening andIn spite of tlw dlsutrous dreumaUnosi r earlyt'-W waa. taken In u gross, raotlpti. TboUarmantown Band furpikthed good music aadid alio an orobHtn,tlndtr th* l«aderablp of,Prof. R. L, Apgar, of AnuaodaJe. One oftbe features of the ocoasion waa a "flyingetMus," whtob, however, did not mast with

i lima! If btral patronage and unfortunately

. A Pit saant Picnic.Oh Wednesday morning a Jolly party com-

posed of Mr: and Mm. W. B.OIllfluanaUiolrdaughter Beaile, Miss Louanua Luigdon otOhfKter, Mlsfl Mary D. Jaulnon of Ledge-wood,MiMAfln,eL.Kon»aad8. V. Wolfe

Dover, with a number' «f basketa, palliu d boxes boarded a large1* three-twated car-riage with Glllen's fine block team for motive.tower headejdfor.Qroen Pond, via IjikoDenmark. JTho day was lovely, just mich aine would have.maila for the oecaidoiu Hev*

eral of the party hail never before been overthe charming route, and the wild iixiitlibeauty of the romantic scenery was hugelyenjoyed, by aJL -'.

Thepionloattbe lower end of the lake-e row to the dther end, the clambering oue Immeaso rockBon the western shore, ando many other pleasurable iucldeuts will hotinon forgotten by tbe ilollghted purty.All agreed that a pleastnter days' outtnj

n o t b e b a d . ' r , • , • • : ' ' • • " •' '

- - The Lake Carnival. .Tba Carnival at tba Lake last Saturday

nlght'waa tbe moat beautiful and yet tbemost disappointingj.ot any yet held. Tbltawmtng paradox la explained by ttatlng thatthe - lHumlnationa w e n tbe moat elaborateand beautiful ever seen on the lake, bat tfalparade was • dean failure, This is accountedfor by the fact that many of those who bad

previous yean take*, part In the parade.ttlsjeardeterffllnedtobe spectators sod u

oonsequanoe there were not man than aboats In the procmlon. Those Ust did

take part were very prettily d«ormt*d \ade a charming sight with their multicol-

rs! lights, but they wore so few Uut theparade did uct go over the entire route, cIng much 'disappointment to many who hailspsot a groat-deal of time and money Inllliimlnatlnir.

A Haw Gran Club.The Hopatoong Bod an4 Quo Club was or*

ganltnl at Moont ArllDKton but night withhs following Inoorporaton: H. P. Froth

Ingham, Bobert Dunlap, Frank L. Bcbafar, i,TV.Vanlfortwick, Cyrus E Cook, RichardChapUn/iofanD Smith, D. W. Swopa, Ai-bert W. Hunkltrlck. The d u b ; was org»c-lad nndsr theJswa of the SUtoprovidlpgforaiaoclations for Uie preservation'of gams andj f l i b . Tfae duti is prganlaad by. meawho hava a oommunllj of interest fn protaoUng the game and iUb.Bndlt is' » f e to mythat there will be no part of the Btatewfaere

re win be fewer fnaturaa o[ thBgamelamsn about Lake Hopatcong, ...

A Tuerk Water motor, No.,12, rated at foafbores power, oompletJi/w.th BoverSnr, oQcups and gats valvaa." It la in flntclaas ooo-ditioo and will be told at mlmpAa. Apply

'•M ' ,; / ;Wirtioatoliother«.'AbeauUhil dljrpUjotlnfanU'weax to bo

•wa at tbe DOTW Bee Hive Store.

THE BA0B TB&OKWIHfl.To THtt EmroH or run IBOM ERA ;

Tho Have Track Trio—Drake, Kyirn tuAdraJii, have nooeeded In de/eatlug tberappointment of tbe most, worthy CourtBuperlntendant that Morrii County baa everhod. WeaayUie Kaoe Track Trb becauMthey aU supported the Race Track bill, •all worked together to defeat Mr, Cooper.

Yet they oould not h*v« moweded bad toeGovernor tha courage of his oonvfctloni, at,lie admitted tbat If tbe case were settled ac-cording to Uie justice of tbe cow, Sir. Cooperwould be the only one oonetdored. And he•aid further, that while tbe appointmentformaUymade by tlie State Board, It waireally made by tfae representative of Uieoounty. With the exception of Adraln andPlynn, every otber member waa dssiroui ofvoting for Mr, Cooper providing the Governorwould give them an opportunity.

The Secretary of State sold Uut Ur.Cooper ahould be re-appointed, and be waadesirous of voting for him, but be would n<oppose the Governor » It wu U$ homecounty.

County Superintendent Cooper has ad-ranoed the cause of education in thti oountyuntil our schools rank second tu none in UieState, .

Mr, Cooper'i nrvioea, aj estimated by thoaawho know beet of what they speak, are ac-knowledged to have been, worth to thlacounty tiJ.mtXi yearly; and tlie course ofrtudy alone whioh"Mr. Cooper bas preparedand had adopted iu nearly all of the schools,Isoalil. by one of the Superintendents or thecounty who baa examined It carefully, woulbe worth' at least a thousand dollars to th"county, But all of tall good work BO wellbegun, and wisely prosecuted, haa failed ofIts higher purpose, because fallen into bandsof another than he who conceived It, andtherefor could not have that sympathy forand faith iu it that tbe originator bad, c

be bad tits abllitj anil experience to carry

It Is an extremely unfortunate tiling fcUr. Cooper to be tlirowo but .of employmentat thli time of the year'wken all potions lathe work which he bas followed all hb lifeore filled; but Uie one thing, matt to be re*gretted Is that tbe Race Track combinationcan dictate wbo eliall euptrrino the schoolwork In tills county at tlie expense of ourschools, our children, and all that Is high,noble, and moral.


"Fox Hill Against;Tha World."SUCCABUNNA.

Mr. Charles Hall, of Bpringfield, Is Rpand-Ing a few weeks In tils place.

Mi* Mena Voorfaess anil Mka Tfoa Hunk-ley, of New York, are visiting at -K. N. Cor-'ID'S.The "boys "are making raids nightly on

Mr. A. M Hunter'* peach orchard. We ,sorry to note toat wo have boya iti this placewho will steal. Hoyj, please roinemlwr that)atwlaiiinlBaBEulaud touted! IKOCIIgreater.Him Del rancher, of Patoraon, has boon

spending a few weeks tu this place visitingrelative* aad friends.

Mbs WIlcox, of Pusalc, spent laot wook onle guest of Mlu Clara Tliotnpsnu.Mr. W. T. PlUherbertspentafuwdaysltut

week at Edison and Hilton.Mfai Katie tfUberbert and Mlns Utira

Bediord, of Newark, are tha guests of MntSamuel Harris, of Kenvil.

Charlea Flonurfelt.of Caliron, spent a rowdays In thli place laat week,

Wilson Lfbby, of Bound^rook, waa theguest of Min Lluta Corwin last Satunlay.

Louis Larrison hasreslgned his poBltlon aabaker for Theo. Crater, of tliii place, aud sic-oepted a place with Mr. Worto,of Haotettn-town. Fred Alpaugli, of thia place hastakeirba plaoe vaonted by Ur. LOITIMD.We notice In one of the Morristown papersiestatemeDtthat"ftttee,Hth6great''Woodea

Wonder," has never been beaten a game ofchecksra. Toourcertainknowiedgoweknowtbat statement to be false, as W. T. Fibber-bert, of this plaoe, and Thomas Hoskln, of

:A caue lnvoi,lDa;a wagooaiod a batter w u

trM before Juatloe ol LkeFeeo HcOrath onieadar. It appear, thai turn tine am

Palneaa Oarrlaon waa working for Jotan H.llartlD and rreaUj admired a wafola baloBf-Iw to. tbe latter. Be enquired tbe n i n etHaoed upon It by taeoaraer and Mr. Martintold him be oould b a n It for'tWOO. Tblawaa more Dioue/ tfban Mr. Garrlaon ooutdfford Io par, hut ba aald he would give aue young heifer In,'an avan trade. -Mr.

MarUn agreed, bat (be! neat daj Oarrlaonmet bin aad'-'aald be U d a eaah oireraadthorafora oould not:take the wagon, talawee aatiafaetorr to Mr.. Martin and he eup>

d l i e mattrr waa ended, but one eveninga be returned boina hla boj told blm tbat

Oarrlaod wanted.tba:wegnn, add tbe beltda? the/went np and got tbe heifer. Qarrl*

odldnoteiiooMd In aalling the wagon aeespnted to and than demanded tba baiter

bask, cffeTtog a s m lo'eren it up, but Mr.MarUnrafaBadandbaiioeUiaault. Tbejoa-tW ga,e a Verdict for S2S In favor "of aairl-n i aol tbe oaee will he appealed, P R .Bnltb appeared for pblntllf and O. H Oa|efor defendant. > _ . _ . . " ;.".."

A 5,rloua"A»iilaeht. : .Willlun Umlap, adnof Bobert Datilap, or

Mount Arlington, met wllb an aooMest jeeUMa? l iat may j e t UrmlMle fatally.About noon hii alerted, out. for a lUe. He

a iplrlted bore, and bad Karoaly moreiinrUrted »bon tbe animal bolted. I t aalety cllpinblaatlrrupwaaellker broken orotlnvVtoa and whan tba bone made a euj.

den turn be Urn* Mi rider. Mr. Uuolapfellon bla bead and ueck, and tke aratlmpraaloil

ttboaewhowltneeeed the fall'waa that hawaa dead.' Ha waa'plc^ed'np nnconedouaand oarrlad to the Hotel Braalta and Er. J. L.

aylor.wait aummoiiei'i ^u; eiaroloatlona&pwedtaattaere ware no bouea Lrokaa nttbat there waa oonouaeun of the brain. Dr.

yatb.oC New York, Mm. out laat nightand oonoured In t i e dlagnnala of Dr. lay lor.

be young nan waa oWerfenia laat night, and•bile the injury.!, rot Deoeeeerily ratal, ye ,

era are good grounda for fearing the w o n tr. poQlapbtoueof the moat popular goeitatbe hotel and ba haa bode of Irienda who

hope for bla apeedy and eompleta rrcovery.-

fit Hia We"M,ln, a «M of a wealtby lum

maTcbant,of Newark, waa a. boarder atthe Late End Hotel, at Lending, Up to Sat-urday morning lad. wben be .met with an

ccident which came near coating Um theION of both eyea. He'tried to,open a bottle

ginger ale.by bammering tbe oork downthe bottle with a hammer and tooth bruab

Inrtead of waiting to go after a ooraaorew.The bottle eioloded and a pieoa of Hyingglaae atruok blm In Che ejeooUlog It n badlytbat I t r a n o u t A dootor'wae aammoned

ho ordered him wot to a boapltal at onoe aaat one* awould bbe was afraid tbe right of the oOer

treoled.- A telegram wot Mat to Newarkasking his father, mother and a doctor to be

t too itatlon to meet aim and be started forbcaiB at onoa. Word has alnoe beenfay M •-. Knight, t ie landlord,' tbat the doctor

ill Iw able to saw the other ey»,

H I M * HILL.Bcho 1 commaaoet text week.Qyitides visited our. town on Bnnday and

Wt Wnlunday.Tho itorm we had Tuesday morning did

onDHliterafale, damage blowing down treesnd destroying fruit,James IteKanna Is going to move to his

iw faouMMXt week, nsarBt. Mary's Churob,Jobn Lockman, of this place,, made a vUthis family but weak, but has returned

again to the saltmines.^; V ' '.Htepban Furguien is', weather boarding, hti

ouse which greatly Improre* I t . i 'I^tarDentdnlsTlsltiiigirtands In this rl-

d n l t y . ". - : •' •• *yf - •'-. -: • '" -. :They a n repalrtaf the rood.below theboolhotue which It w*l«ii badly.Ben VanOordon is going to move to Fort

Imm this'week, - ; - - : > . . V .diaries Lamaon mad*; I ilylngTlsit to

Willie Curm onBaturday>

: ' H u r r a h for Low Prloss.All mminar goods marked away down re-

girdlestof cost Coma aarly and neureaotnaof the great bargain, now offered ^at tbe

fif J H O l

Mason ft Hamlln Orrana u d Pianos.W N. JanUaa. Agtnt. Charter, H. J.

".? - --. For Bale. '. •' / '•. -A two-fleai.vragtm, canopy, top, pj-jd iu

now. Price iim.

STANHOPE.Sonford Biiyder, who rail the Blai

bakery for awhile aud left hem about olglyearn ago, is back on a visit for tbe improvimeet of bis health.

Tbe girl's big 1M story is a fake. Tbo flabwere caught with a silver bait. Tho foil

caught out of a lot that Brad had chargiof at tbat Umo, Apietty good Jolte.

B*nJ. t. Ketohum and wtft> have beenitiug In tills plaoe for some time past, amongtbelr relatives and friends.

Allan K. Shay, of Nowtou, candidate fisurrogate of Huswi, wan In town on Wednes-day of tbls week looking after his liitunjirtatbe campaign. AI. u never caui "lie Is a native of fiandyston t t . _will oarry tbat and Montague sure.

The union picnic for the Stanhope U. £.and Preabyterlaa Sunday schools in sot downnow sure for Friday, September], It will beIn Love-lane Grave, tbe same place aa last

Bar.It is stated currently that Rev. I. II. Con-

dit has tendered hii resignation as pastor ofUie Stanhope Presbyterian Churcb. It willbe hanl to g» t another pastor to 1111 the po-sltioa as well as he haa since bis i>aatorat<

are,Four rowdies would have occupied tlie Stan-

hope lockup -last Bsturday if it bad not beenfor the lieuienoy of T. J. Knight. Haveyourfun, boys, where you get your bug juice.Uont run over Into another county to disturbfolks.

Tbe Stanhope tnu» ball dab want to 51ArliogtoH to pUy with tbe ii\ Arlingtonclub but Saturday attomoou and were beatenby a acoro of 1 to 13. The ML Arlingtonclub was to play a return game on Wednes-day afternoon of this week, but telegraphedthey could not conu, af tor our boys put onthe war paiut and uniform*, ready tothem.

Matthew Hatton, a veteran of tbe Inttiwar,a member pr Company K, tfUi Itogiineut, N.J. Volunteera, died at ths residence of Jolinlegal. In Newton on tbe Ucltli of August,ttatthew waa well and favorably known Inda regiimnt and throughout Sussex oounty.

He was a good violin player, and oliiuud attlmei that he could play a million of tuute.We B W him about a month - ago and Beemtxla* lively u ever, although ttf years of pge,He drew a pension of $ IU per month.

George Ike, who Ii suffering froina cancer,i stopping wltb hli daughter, Mm, Georgeeat* at present. He came from Dover

Tuesday.- Dog Ogfata are quite common In tbls place,and bumanltr generally gets in a row over

It dopondn irhoso dog couioa out ouplop, you know.

F. K. C fu know. . _Crane, of tlie Necong bakery, fi mif-

ferbig from blood puiauu, caiuo<l tiy a burn.Stauhopa and vicinity are improving,

though times are hard, ' AMUJLH.

Miss Annie BceJa, of Higb Srldge. spentfow days laat week with her frleud MiBlanche Cool.

Mrs. Johnson, of New York, and MrBohenua. of Houtb Orange, bave been vldliDgMn LfninnKIce.

Quite a number from this place attendithe Fox Hill (air .art week. Tbe usual iiuau-tity cfj*-«DuU were sold on tbe grounds andthe crowd was immense not with standing tbeunfavorable weather.

Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose HoLTinan, of HighBridge, spent Sunday wltli Mr. and Mn.John VanFleet,

Mr. and Mn. Simpson, of Brooklyn, arevtsiUog Mn. i. W. Willet. u Is also Mi»fteta Chanibre, of Dover

Mra. Carrie Bmltb and daughter, nf Bucca-sunra, spent tho latter part ut last week withUn. Joa. Hniltb.

Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Wise, of Bomorvlll*have been otijoylng a Bbort vaoaUon withfriondi ben In town aud Callfon.

UBO. Bwarkbamer was taken quite ill laitweek, but we are glad to note be Is on tbe

ay to recovery now,Mr. aud Mrs. Jamee Cortrlgbt retimed

last week from an extended visit to tlie fawest and pralee very highly the World'i Falat Chicago.

We had a heavy rain fall on Monday nven-ig with a terrific wind-on Tuesday morning.Bartloy King li moving into blanuwhouss

itely erected by M. T. Welsh.Mrs, Bebaumbacb, of Newark, Is vi.iting

t tbe homo of Mm L. II. Sclioenfaelt.Charles Nuon and Jesse Hoffman are push'

Ing tbelr new houses through quite rapidly,and will looii be re&dy fui uGuupauuj.

A Dumber of brotborti from tbe Kulgbta of'ytblai Lodga of Call fun, psld a fraternalFIaJt to this lodge ou Saturday evening.

Peaches arc loniowhat cheaper, owinga recent storm.It Is reported there are about 101 boarder,

ill at Doriucourt.Juhn Welsh bas puroheHed a new blcyclt

wltb pneumatlo tire.

, this plaoe, and Thomas Hewark, have each beaten him several tiiKw.Rmory Eopps, of Cottage City, Man,, in

stopping at Dr. Wiggins1 this week. • .Albert Wiggins, ot Newton, was In'town

Wednesday, .-Mr. and Mrs. Gregory, of New York, are

rlsttlng at W. H. Young's tbls week..Hotry Colemaa, of Newark, w u In town» day tbls week,Miw, Anna Davenport, of Splcertown, is

'Idling Mr. and Mrs. William Htinrp tlifa

MlsiIratwWIgglnR leaves for Blaintownnext Tuesday, where she will attend schoolthe coming year. '

OurpublloaohoolB will reopen nn Monday,

MENDHAM,Tbo long drouth Is brokon at hu*t, anil we

>ro having an abundance of rain. The drypull lnnted from June 27th to Augiwt ajtli,lotldug moro Uiau an oocoKional alightprinklo falling during tbat time, It baa

shortened uwirly all crojm, and tlio oorly[wacbes, now being picked, aro uuly abliair Bite.

The wind storm laflt Tuosdny blow down alargo willow troe on John Aublcs 'place. Itfell against the bouse and unuudKHl tlio cliiuiiitty and rnuf Boinowlmt.

The bridge at the Cromwell plaoe IRIIIIIDIIO.,ud It is one of the noatost ID the county,I believo some af the I'fdcock gaug huvo

loauredajudftmont for W,m agalnx, p\\Bilockaway Valley H. It. Co. and the HhofilTtos levjud ou tho rolling stock,

Mr, James Bird liaa been elck, but li iagain now.

The carpenters about hero voted far _hangekut Novointwr, and bave juatgotitinbo sliapo of B IX) jwr ooiit, itHluutinn in their

Moi'lus ltoblnson ban boon appointedinonter and tbe olllcti bos boon tnovod ncroiubbo Gtreet.

Tha Smith family re-union and plculo, heldWednesday, w u as successful as any of theeighteen pncodlng onea The crowd wusomething to look at, and theie waa funenough to go around among It all, It IH a

-ery large day In Uie reajiaek nelRbbortiootliid outranks Thanksgiving, ChrUttuoH oibo Fourth of July. Coinp mooting in notli-ng compared with It uow-a-days. ,

MBHUI. Aublo, Walter Gorahrant and Qoo,lyram have boon to tlio World's Fair, ami I

llovo others are Rolns from bare later.

It Leada Them All.Klllnore's Ice Cold Boda Water. Try It.

dlaa* Bnsravett Vlsltinc Carda,Utert styles at tha loon ERA OIIIM,

September II. P011KK0.

B U T L 1 T .Mtai Uixle Trimmer, of Dover, iptnt Hun-

day with ber sister, Mn, JohnDeCue. •Wm. fi. t*almon, of Orange, was la town

on Monday,.. . .- Wm. Hobler, Jaooti Hopler, Barah Hopler

d Abbt* Bartky sprot Sunday withfrlendiMorristown. •Wm. Wettarvelt and John Conover took a

trip to Lake Bonatoong but Saturday on

Msssri. Wm. Btrlltr on) sooibavB eetapstaam saw mill on tbelr (root ot Umber on

Thaichod bouse bubem put Jn.readlwwfor school by gtvlnc it a thorough scrubbingoDdokanirtf, It'liouMtavebemkalsoriiliied.

Bman wl Crispla and BJBUT, of Statea Inland,tJMOt part of tbe week with Mr, and Mrs. R.C. Hartley. • ' •

If 1M Janole Balmon, of Boon ton, and Kittle9a.ffl00.oI Cbwtrr, attended UePrabyterianralrat MtOllve wltb friendsfromUils pUco.

J. CHjIl madsa fl/ing trip to Newark onfondsy.Quito a dumber of jounK and old attended

tk«ttoltfa|doiil«rrainbareWediisaday. Somew*nt on Ueyolea brcaaat they bad no fan topay and BOOM stared at borne IwctitM theybad no way to go at all. '

MissB*rgant,of Hopewrll.fa visiting heraunt, Mrs. J. M Conorer.

Tbe Bartley Bum Band will furnish musioit the M K. fab at Chester. . Tbs boys a nplaying very nicely, .

John Conovar will att*od H I M Msgle's>laet Mhoot tfae coming year. 'PMer Williamson, of Flantlem, has |:ur-

obaast] a ntw peach waion of Bsrtley HeHoplsr. It was made according to " Peter'ar

ordar,andk«knDwahowltBhnuldbe. .Jot Oray b ipendlDg bin vocation at bU old

o m e . • • • . • • . - - , • • „ . - . • . ' •

P. Parks Is Improving hli property wltb afence,

1JU^!.CCH rouowed ilUiwntheilrstrvf^bBweek. WHY.

WOODPOBT.Tbe wind storm of last Monday nigbt

\ • great deal ol damage, tearing down.. , uprooting trees, dlaoonnectlng tele-

pbooe wires, &a In Sussex It played greatbavoo with bockwbtat and corn and - thepeach orobards'tolTered greatly, -

Quite a M Inns accident took plaoe on MaaeMouotainlait Friday. A team owned by R.Cbtpmu, of Mt Arlington, took fright andran away, upMttlng the wagon with threeladles, and Uie driver beneath I t The teamthen broke loose and ran down the mountainat break-neck speed. They ran by a carriageIn which wan Mrs. P. HarrJgan. ST., and atody friend, giving their horn such a frigbttbat he plunged backwards, Injuring Mn.Earrifan quite badly and wrecking thewagon, but fortunately the otber lady nor thebone w u not hurt.

Work for the laboring class of people lalultoHarce In thla section. Free trade ami

rloe li needed.Steve la the happiest man In town. It's a

girL - •We are pleased to see tbe pleasant faces ofIn. end HUB Hyde, of Newton, among tuill w-ek. . - - .Ireuas Richards and family have gono to

Bcrmntoa, Pa,, far a week's recroaUm.,Catfish and pickerel a n biting very goodpresent. . :"•• '

For men will dab, yea men wilt lie,And boast of oatoblns tbe fish they buy.

H n May Fedrlok, of Dover,'Is visiting hera n a * , Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Duffle, of Fordline, . • • ' HABOTACC.

XORBIfl PZiATJra.J. J..M>g'tahin, of Morristown, bsjrent«a

B, Evsna new- bouse and expects to start abakery In tbe near future.' ' .'1 Tba pnblk, school will re-open next Tues-

day.1 I understand' we ore going to have anew teacher, our former teacher Miss H.Llnclaberrylw a'batter situation I believe,wt o n very wrry to lots ber u she WM anexcellent teacher.' We with ber SUCOMS where

* U going. .Young People's raoetlDg Bnnday eveolng

was led by MiM BMIIS Hayv, oho chon forher subject" Inre." It proved to be very

I4ndaberry Is visiting Mrs.

Mist Annie Robinson, New York, Is vlHlMliizzIaBbnn. .

WhU makes that brood smite on Andrewfobnson's face! Another boy.We hod another terrlfla storm Tu«dsy

wbldi did a great deal of damage, but not somuch here as elsawhtre.

I think eoma of cor. putty folba Mnndajnlgbt muit have got pretty well soaked.


Sptolol Potato Phoiphtte| trtsh from tha fs«torythii spring. TheKen-LM m a ; • » « a t toe u m r BO? mva owre. --r \ • new,-•• rnoe iow. , * • - •• • • i ircssirom H U nwiory u u spring.

^ ^ f t V ^ ; 1 ; ^ ^ ^ ^ ; ; - ^ TO I*TOI»aj id Oool On. ..

OEEMAW VALLEY,Mr. and Mrs. Doll y, orOuiiierville, n<n>ntlj

spent a few <Uyn at N. Hyda's hold.Mra. Ueo. Praster. of Newark, spent•*»..«;

weeks as the guwt of Mrs. Elmer H-hamer.

Mr. and MIK. Kliner Elmer Hendenhotwere entertained a few day s last week by Ur.and tin. C. B. Hendenhot.

MIM Mary Belle, of Newark, bos b«i•pending her vacation wltb friend* In town

MiM Maty Neighbor, of Lower Valley,ipeat a d*y but week ai tbe guest or Mlvt

Tbe flint anniversary of tbe Y. 1'. 8. C. E.held In tbe Prfcsbyterian Church a Bbort timaago was blgbly Interesting. Everybody w upleased wltb tbe eddrew of Kev, Kuglaudand Kev. llewblnney.

Bzra Horton and family, of Newark, werei town last week for a few days.Miss Crane, of Washlugtoii, recently vlalUd

THE BDFF BBICE BUILDING,Cor. Blackwell and Morris Sts., Dover, N". J.



Don't Bliss It .The great midsummer clearing sols at

irlcM far below oast at the Dover Baur ofH. Grimm.. '


fonrauteed to shoot eqnal to any high-priced gnn in the market.

$115 SAFETY FOR $85,' —AND- ' •


l a w n fertUlaera'or « ! • b ; JaaMiu, Buck * Co., Mlae Bill.

STRAYED OR STOLENim the suhtcriber's prom'sas on Aug. 7tb,

Urge Red Spotted Cow. Any iBfunniUoni regard to her would be thankfully re-ived and a' liberal reward alveu for her re-

Ofery. ALLEN M. HUNTER,. . . Buocasunns, N. J,

Notice of Settlement.NotlcBliherebv given that the *ocaunti of

subtoriber, Kxecutor of Ann King de-ied, will be audited and lUted by tfae

urrogata.and reporUd for aettlement to theirphaua1 Court of the County of Morrii.onlonday the (Ixtli day of November nextDated Auguit iHltb, 1893,

•JO-0-w. - , ALBERT FRY.

S. Elizaboth Brotherton.•acher of riano Forte and Mason*! Methodouch and Tecbnlo Graduate of Huilca!ourso at Hackettstown Institute and Pupil

DR. WM. MAHON, will H |v0 lossoni Inver, beginning Hept, 12ih. Tfrres reason*

ile. Address P. O. Box 144, Dover, K. J.88-lm. • • ' •


he Prospect Hill School111 re-ni«cn Mnmlay, Kept. 11th.

Dover, M. J,


HYSICIAN AND SURGEON.Clliilrni AfiK't. tt. V., Optti. nm. Aurnl UM.

(Dr. Knniiim).

mm* of / i > , Knr, Kim mut Tlwaat, andl-rmliitfiUhy Ktrtirirtly fl|*rrlnlllnt.


II-H i Tiien, Wed. Thurs. nnd Snt. i to »-y>,nJ G-J-J tn 8 I'. M. Sunday r M1-30 UKt.V.


SflTURDHY, SEPTE1T1BER 9 .Afternoon and Evening.



Cabin.The only vmion cordially endorsed by Mrs.

Harriet Bwcher HUiwe, with all the grandpach of Bllnrian Bloodhounds, iitcludlni tbe>ri» winners or two eottlnetit*, FRITi. and


GflpusReaiisilGScep,fln incomparaDie casi.

Afternoon at 2,Evening at 8


KeepYour Eye



OOQ FULLNext Week.





AT ALL 1'lllUES.





Vests and




Our Great Special.FINE STORI SERGE- = A L L W O O L = -

ETDH SUITS.Full Skirts, Derby Ool-lar, Large Sleeves.reg-ular price $8.00, burprice now

$4.98.The Same Suit in Eng-lish-WHITE DUCK,

$2.98,WAS $6.00.

BICYCLES. . BICYCLES.We have a few left same grade as we

ha ye been selling at less than half price.

Sizes suitable for Men, Ladies, Youths,Boys and Girte.


$25.00 to $78.00.Come quick if you want a bargain.


Page 4: NEWARK, N. J. ALWAYS BUSY!test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1893/... · nado ID qutlHy or prio« betwoeu goods bought at the cosutera ui< those purchased IJITOHKII

FOR SALE.Tlit hnuce, liarn and lot ou J 'rwpwt gtrrut

at Uw U«tii of Uwrtnut street. Will bt- t.o)dat low figure* either oa n nhci]* or wiliiuutllir- ui>i>oi-portion of lut to in it |'ut i-hu«.-i

h. U. lill i l lWUiTH,K«fiit«r ..( astute of Win. ( i iwge, .




Kicko1 oui business, tvi-n luiinR tlie:because good square dealing, fliiiibusiness nutiiods pay. Wv mark EVER1

THING In plain figures, a) Imd invite inspection,

And it Pays!You can walk lhroii;;li row altt-i row

FURNITURE(it isn't crowded, nnd I I R - F R I C E .so.wthere] nnd examine it .it your Itisuif.

Our latest addition, lyrouu I f!(Wi> v.us nearly two r.cios of tlnur .'-pate, mothai, any ollitr tonciitn in j t i svy I)


ami ivcry other Household need.


, .! marked ia


tract, mi,] tb>- ililnl o>'ii»r nf Ml., iifutb trai

niiiiii tisiitu H'mill llfly i j ^ r c a went ulnebu

<>r tilt) iiihifiic of PrA-i-^t avmue in lullon ruilif map. Ibriit-o 1'iJ al.iiii; tbo middlet>t l'roci>-ctftv<.'iiu>- mink forty-five i l ^wti-t MJ> t'U iiuii:lrtid t u J .lijc'y fitt, imiri|i's«, t."i u p -liit i'i thi- lutiHtu ut lliu f i>rki

tltt-uiv ;*'-! lij & riiivf '*» tlie ris'it fellingIjmliilc i)I HIH uii'st iiurtbcrly fink uf KD<

tli-' Unities ilta ri'uil, [bum1© \1] alltniiWIe uf »ui'l DrakrttviJlij rani initUifour tiiiiiiirt'I (iti'l nitivly i'v'-, in in> ";Ilii' iilacujf bcjtiimiuK- Kuirt {latvt'titijcIltiM'bM 1 J, l-.»i).

ith W of In.-. J'iv.-J,t*< aviLUA S i i i i i t i i . i u .iUUilim BAtMlHS mill VlR'HUllU QVHI110 UU& ttnibt'svillf n«i'l a.s Ik' witliiu HIH Ituuud.

MIK) imrcrl an nU>ve net fiirtl.


Itatwm) lUttart Iluulnji, oiiiiiirlainni.it, urThB Umlfo Jlntrl tntl Laud Uot»i.-.iiy anJHIJIPH II. llrcillu, itcIcndanU), unit KuiloljK. ll»l*, IHIirliaet V. Urow, Niclmlns 11'Vtiry HIH] Alfne C. Mori, lutcrveutcl^irrieH VI. I-'a. far Kdfo or mortRUMlrrniiVefi. lltjtunmblo to Uetolwr Term, A


M Y virtue .if thu n.H.vt! M,ik'<] ivril ot tie.fViriiui in my fmti.l.x, I slmll .'XIHIM.' Mrw

iil j.iilill.- y.m.lm- nt the Cm it ll'uisc fn MiI'istntt'it, -V, J , , (inMONDAY, tlie iJtli tloy «f Be pit... ber de;* . 1). isi'n, betm-en the bourn of |:> M. OIKI(M'lix'k \: u , l i s t is lo my nt -J uVluek (tt tuf tern win nf w>|il day, nil the following i

i«l c uf sIwti.t«\ whirl, kudu nr« xll.iB

(it tliu tivwtiHt)tp»f Ilttkbiiiy, In Urn UnuiityMurriti and HtuW or Nun- Jersey.

1'nrre, ISiiuitier OI:P—IncliiJiuK stivtntthree (r.lj t b n m of tliu raiitta) clook uf TheJ,alie HoiHitcaiii; TraiiMnrtalioii ami Httainl.uat Cuti)|xi'y,'ttuiHl«,ittc«rtttlr.nU('.(iimiid. "AuKlfliiM t'. C'utillcM,'' und ,ivi tain trmft *>f laud ilf KCrttiwl us (olimr

He!tin tiiesanic whd'li wm crmvpywl liy TbiI.HUR HnjiaU'iiiia; limn) mill liuprovuiiei(Jdliijimiy tutl)eJ,akoHi)|>fltcoim 1n»Ui>l>orUUnti ami rit^oiiibuat Conipauy liy Jfed dateNcpUinlior L1 Ji b, 1KM1, end r«Kirdt4 In ttMorris Comity (Jlerk'a Uttktj, lu Hook X 1(if DMIIS, IHlgl'H 1^1, tVc, Ulltl iH JJHltlailBT1

ilewrjbeij a» tolluns •licfiiniiiiiK a t u point ou (lie jiorth-wtHtut

Hiilo uf Wlmlenneru nvt>nuo wlitra lbn <-aliniindary line uf Lot N». 8 in Block No. JintersectK SAII! tiifa of Wiuduttmro avfi.untnltlieitttt running [l]tinithfttitt«t,rdlynlnii|xaid nortb wenUily tide u( Wtinknnure avoIIIIB about five LuniJml anil llfty fcot u> tinc<t\tre!(i.Q of Altenl>ratii> avpinie, I'i) mirthwfntnardly HIOIIK the centri' liim ut Altenlir&nil tivftiua etbfUvoevttr tlie Olstauiv tnlie to tlie fliore of J^ake llo(iatcong, [it] Mmirth-we«t *nr<ily tlirough tbu ceutru orwHarf at thu foot uf Alttutiraiut nvoiiua tu tit*eitdof said Wharf In tbo lake. {41 nnnrh . -wnattily fri'iu Ktw conUv Utw nt lUo etitt nf »awhan to tbn iH>fut of li.uwcctlnii <if DIB at,east Iwuntiaty linPot l ^ t M». H, in Btcclt K:i:t, wltli tbe ilioru of J^ku libjmicoi.K, LP>Huutb-mHlTrnrdlv aloutt ttio wiiil out bciiiiriarjIltiB nf Iho mill Lot No. M about t n o bmiiJitd

nty f'.<et vo the jiting.wl BIM all the

lk l

r pl«cr nt

., In, lilx'rtiep, em, „... wWdi " f io mtivej-cd l>y Tin

' IM'V Hojiniccug Ijmd und ItiiprrComjmoy to Tbu Laku UojialtunK Ti . . . . ,~tatlun and Httaiu tKwt Conii>auy in dted dutolHontftnbor iSttb, 18S0, nnd ncurdrd in saClerk's cllleo, Iti Hook X 11 ot I'ml*. pa sMl'. A c , nhlcli tlfjbtei, UbtTlluK, prlvilcijiand ea*taicotB ielt\it> *i«l jwitnii. Ui livo rslain tr«ct« of land particularly (imTilitil i(lie Ia»tn.entlDi.M deed.

Farwl Numlcr lVo~InrlLitl.ii)> iw o a>tflln tric'H of land, hcltiR dip twfirih «mtlttrtecutb tr&cU dAwtHm) Sit tbf> IHDHUOKPmade by Tbo flrtiUn Hotel nml Unri Coinjinny toRtiliertDunlarinnd JaiiiL-ilJ I! 'doted Dec. -7tb, ISSii.snd lielrK olss tbitwo lot* described in a certain n g n .made twtweon Daniel Bobnfer mid Auemtft.bla wife, of the first part, und the hotel tin-n-lin Vlll* Comnany, of the wwiiil iiart, ilntnlKm. l i t , 18S7, and rccorrfwl in the Morrit 'ouuty Ghik'a ofliw, tu Book P 12 of Deeil

tmcts (leecribpil In a deed of ron vcynnce frnmIfae Mid Unulfl end Augusta r>cbnfer tu TheIlrecllii Hotfl nud Land Coinjwiny. rlnt^lAlarch Illfa, MK>,and rteordwl In Ikwk W Vof U«a*, u>Kf«-W, A " , ft""' 'meot described as follows:

TlwTtnVtb tA t -Hf s lw at n mint in tbitmUide line of the whole trai-t nn itinvryf il |<i>ald warties of tba first ,>art, aid \niat lielcaii.Ko hi the neat tide If UP of Arlington aveouetlience [I] along Bald w « t »Me vvutb loit^wveii dvgrctB, thlrty-ono inltiutes, #?ai.|eevepty-Qpe ttv% to tbo »ortli BMB ol I'mnvraue, thence [L1] a.Umf the u m o southttt^MVeD d^reee, tViiitj-jiijie mltiutcavest three hundred and four fcot Co tlio COBlint tit Fiwpect avenue, thencv [:J] along thoMine north fifty-two degre**, twenty-onm.mitt-f, wd,t two liiitiilrtHl and nJitj-flrfeet, liir,re or lets, t<i the outelde liiw aforewid of |J)6 wboln tract, lluut-c HJ along thhfline north itlxty-ntne <lcgr«ff, vh.ns-niunitaulftL cott t l u « liui.drfd m d Mxtyfoufeet tu tbe placo of beg.n.iit<|{.

Tlie TUIrtaentt Lot-BigiuN at tlio c o n uof Park KIA Ariingion avenm-8, mi-) runthence [1] otonjc lite west side of ArllLBt«iiavenue touth forty ueven iiHRro*», UiirtymiPHI leu tea, e u t UEO tinndred f « L Uitive 12]KtiuUi tblrty-Bevon degrfM, thfrty-tilue mmmes, west ttro buiuited and ninety two Iwtto tbe east side of Prwprirt avenuo, tbtuw 1-1]atone - a KUCO uortb IHtj-two deer»«,twenty-ono mlnuW, wwt one liurnlml fta t t»«pu th line ui i'urjc avenue, theiiM

• along the same north tbirty-wven de(trwsIhtrty-nlne minutes, east thrwi hundred nncnnft feet to the place of bfginnlDK.

Said loti are «ubj«;t tn tbe prior encunbnuiMOt aoerUln m m t p m n'ade by Tbei l m l l n Haiti and l*nd Company to tbu.Tnu tmoC t t r tUouat ArlliitEtoo Vark Awo-ctaUon, dated March (J. lSim. and ncorded Inthe MorrU CmaAv c l e rks olJlci", In Hoot H 1of mortgigM, p. M.&v.

Exeeptlpg therefrom, buwever, a iiarwIn pflaud conveyed by tha tatd Bntl tn Hul*l bin:Land Comraoy to Albert Tilt by deed datedon or about July « , 1KB, and not yet ncorded.

rarcel Kuoiber Th iw-I te ing a wrtalutract of land, Beginning In tbo middle ot, gg ddle o t t b eUrnioiTllie road as (howo upon a map em(-tied "WapNcSotJlountAiI lr iBttm, mi LakoHopAtoonjiilorrui Count/ N a J " i I l

oJlountAiIlriBttm, mi Laoptonjiilorrui Count/, NawJertuy."iIli

la tbe Clerk'i effic* of Morrhi Uouuty NB1,Jemy, said point being In tbo lltm or bum*fomerJyof pllwVanEreryand now O*m-<1by Jtobert Dankn, and from laid point ru" t l l t h U t y l b r e e d o g r e l"ngtllnuthtUtylbreedogreefl nal mvell.ty-tiiatc«t,man or leaa, to « rock with Across on It, being tbe fourth corner of »«Unoond tract and of nld MT«nth Waot u dt-scrJbnd.ln nald mortgagea, thanee jaj nortiilortj-rour degreei eon Motg the line* uf Ml JncoitfuidnraiUitraca and of aid tixtbtract, being tlao Us line ol raid Van Every]iroperty, nine hundred and thirty feet, morecrlm, wUwmMtnortherlj corner of said»brU) tract, thtmoe 18] along tbe cmLorljtoundarj of Bald aizu tract and of Mid a wcod and •ormtli taoU, betag also In the lln*of tbsnlstli tract, waih eleven degree* eaatelorea banlnd and tbirty.thre« f eei, mort orUrn, to tb» mort eaiterJy1 and beginning- cor-per of aftMBecotxl tract ana otiald wrena

• yeJ |jy The l.^li" I{>>iiuU><>U£ Lundliii|iri)i-i'iiiL>nlt'i.iiijfiili>-, UlAl ii I'xwy :-f,.t , - . mill ;l, In lilsmfc y>'. H,«wiv*«ytdtol>i'. Truinlv, TrutUf, Itv ile<ul .latwl Oct.

l J l i » A Djis.".\ 11 o(f Hlpart, of Iy.it:!, fn Itiitck X,

ii-li KUI i-.iiivt.yiHl in Uiivid T. 'l'ruu<ljMw, r.y fU'ttd ilifiil Mnri.-li 1<>, ISs;, i•li-d In Hook 7, 11 of.UH-'ita, iiu. ;,'*( A-.4 1 and L', jit HfLK-k 1,"', convojwl tu l i d

AlU-iilumid \>y liifJiliiUii April 7, Ibyi,.•urJtii iu Hoik S IL .if LliHMfU. uji. -1H1 fcLuis :t, I nnd ft, In Uluck S<». 1.1, irimiejwlIVdlduii f. I'lUlilie l\y tlt*mi linUvljtjli'yis-tl, ru'Ainlol in ll.iuli H II uf Dut'di, pp.\ r i Luln 1, 'i. 27 und '-'*, in Ulwk Ho,(Duvi'yctl t j Wiimud M, IVjgjjor l>y doI.MHI. (*fi)t*iiiijiTS, I'-'-T, rtourilwl In Htwk

Kitld r-si-fel of Uml int.uljJvi.-L Ui tilt- right

Jlii»lln [irofitrly, ti.' lay, maintain andkwp

ijml purct-i uf Inml iu ji» full, uiii|ilt)Hiid U>u

ilitf I.uUu Hii|iiitcuiiK Jlutul CouipuDy liy I.

tei-.iidt.-Oiu .luuli V UJuf livt<d«, pj>. >(b iVI'uivf) Nuuitiur l-'utir—Qfluua ci'ituiutra

, lii,.1 lulislHiinvil) uiwl « ( u i l i t i H U i m i n Miiilirni'Liioriu JurtJh-ud^fftti, twelvu iniiiiiU'tj, "estoi^lJl I]IIii. til uuik Hixty-nl^hi uml tHfj-Pix onu tini , l l h a fict M(i[ioiittiii Urn Uruki'.U'lHi'rw

nti tliu fiiiiiU'i-ulU comer nf m'd irnciii* [L'luortu liirty-llm iKnif^, lldwii milt?, I'UHL, uluuc Mild ltrnUt'jivillu mud t midri-d UIH! litij t*«i, iiwru ut- k-to,

ntierti tlu> ci'ntri: Jsnu (if tMiid IMU>1twttli


<|- i-.h3, i.i Km i.. tl.Hii't' I 'I «i>vlr.ii.-L Buuui IIUI uml tAi-til

ci-I NIIIII1I«>I- Kive—Ii^liii,' * (vrt»fn tt'J. L'tuuiiiMiiK l«'tt« I, '-i, :i, 4, S, (1 Wntuli Nu. II (N!id cumiirl.-ifnii tliu nlioln

llMount Arlington, u]( 1,-iUf. Hojulcmi),', M<i..Oniiay, NL-W J,»IN..V." »mv ,m tl u in tin' Mor

.«• liin'iir Udiiiin^iiK avoiiiii', its niidivisaidump, ut lite jioiiit whurv On* Uiundurlino •>( laiiiio iurmei ly nf UBIIICI ttnd August1 1 [«r (c imi ' ied loltiemtiy Ljri*« Allw

ilHiid liiinlianii bydmlcliiledNov. 1,1^cu itdinl In llutik L II uf llHni», un ]>URI

•LVf, i t i i J ciotufM ttaid nvtiiuf, and ruin Iiitia

iiilnutca, L-ahttbrw liundrtd and fijfhty IUivvl, mure or IPB?, to Hit) I't'atm lino uf ArJitijton avenue, a» sliuwu un uuld map, tlit'tuii (.-'nurtliive&terly ttluog the middle uf AilliiKt^iivL'nuo four huudrcd and twi-uty fwt, mor>r iixB, to tbe JnUmctlon ttioruof ivltb HinCntlii lillO ut tlupUtCUUg laVOtlM", tlHMH'floutbtrcHierJy along ttiuiufildleDt Utiimtc.VL'iiuo £u\ir umiiliet, ami twenty Itul, n>r lets, tu tho place of iwuliiiifiii;-

Purcel Nuiubei-Hix-lIclug a certain ti>f land, comtu-itiing Lota (t, IU, Ut, 14, 15,17 nud IH, In Hlwk No. J ', M utionn u" JIaii Ny. U, <j[ Jlijujit AiltusVoi), un 1ilupuuxuig, MuriiuUuuuty.Hun Jut'K'y/'uon"U l.le li. Uiu llurrle Uuuuiy Olerk'd itlllre' lieitiuniii|{ lit it [ uitit in (fat* imrthraBU-rly »lVrlin«iou u> mua us ehawa oil laid map, tuniuln- Iwliig tue muBt Hcutlitrly cornur uf lutlo, Ii, in block No. I:!, uiid ruiw tbt-cui H3iur.heui.it.ly slung ttiu lino ot luto \( awi liwu unudted liHit tu Uiu HuutliKcalm ly Hiilu olitlgtmere avouue, ui aliowu un »Mil )I.HI>UKIIC-! ISJ souttieHNUjrlj HIQUJ; tlie oldc m Kii*iiiif* tiVtiiUu oiiu liumirtd leti lo llu1 n>mf UUMI X'luce, a» uotv laia out uuu ojifiK*tng alau lb» mort eauUirly curuurof LoCfi

S, UI BtlOHil Ull Mild IHUp, ttltliCU I')] tH>UIvo-ttrly ii OIIK tliu Hilu uf jtono l imtj tiiinniri*. tutL tu tliu uurtUetiiiltii'ly etile 'i i l iut tua «venue, ot iliusouiliLrly COIUIT .'ttt No. IT, Ui«ut«U] uu.tLT.vbUirljIilDiigvhtIlia ut Aliltlntuu OVI-LUO ubo llUtiditd ttul W

ii feet In uidtb Ijlritr Utneon Uiu liirtmrlv of Ulivtr Vttn Every (nowowned tn

:t(iti<rt Dui'lnr)) ami lie rear Uu«Bnt ttie Lei'nniprfpinK Mlwl; 1)1 n* hhntf ii on a map fitlnl "Map No. '£ n( Mount Arllutston, .!.nbc HojiatciiiiK, MOITIK County, New Jer-

iy," IHIW «» IIU in the Mori 1B Counly nitTk',Ui'p, eaidMtrlpof Inml cxtundlnK front tinmro of LnkoHdpalcniiR,*!! tlio foot of Ho

imtcong avenup, tn t i e middle of JWgemenivriiiip, on fbiiivn en cald f ap. Hnld ».tr(p P:land Is Biil.J-ct lo (he rlKhtufttiootviteraoi he Hotel fires I in to Iny, maintain and reimiii llnu of tower vhid ulonj; tlie satno lu RH fulliinplf, mid IwnHlclnl a niBnneras saiilrigb•vas raiivoyed tiy The I«ka ISopntcnng iium•"!•' IsiprsTi-nieiit O'lni'miy u> 1»« i.alti'llppatcftna ltot*l Coiiipatiy W dci il dnUiilApril at, JKSf, utul rcnordpd in Hook O |!l.l> edff, on itagctt SH8. Jtc.

IMrcrl NUHIIMT Klttt— PelnR n Email potk,>r plot rif ground, stiinnt upon a map entitleMu|i fio. '2 of Mount AvStupLon, on LuV

ioimtcoiiK, Morris County, New Jersey," noi» t',b ii. tbe Uonls t'ouniy Clerksotlk-e,anR boundtii tin the north by Ettftemere aveituiiHslinrtiinn «ijd nmji, bouitdid on tun iniy Winilerimrt- avtmn1, mi tLe sontb dy tiir>rllK>rl7 iii"> of L"t No, Ji, in Block No.,tid uii thu ivcst 1'j* Kdgemero avtniif.

1'arcel Nutiilwr Ninv—Int-liidei. tnn Job*

'Jut: FIRST In tbe eau.o lut nhldi ivas coivrn3tid liv I'^Uiu I). I, U'ii-kH to Tkv HoU-ltireelii) Villa Uituumi}' tiy d«c<J iint?a July ?,• - - - it m u n l t d tn tliu i l o n i s f «u i -

lUu>tin Hiwk U 1*2 of Deeds, un poi:V2, iVc.t find tljerclu described a» follows : -

tteglimlng at u jHiltit In tbe centra IIJMJ,now Jocutfd, un a Lrai.ulj railroad of UieLdbiHoi«tuonR Hallnad n-bcre tbB said o n t r eHim (rowws tlie (JlufBiQiLUim t*et«iic(iUit> JaiiJnof Jartifitll. Fmicher and tho party of tlie findjwirt, o.»d from the»ve rumilng [I) uorib'Igbty-nine di'gt-f*s, llftuoii niluuitw, nee" out v\w lmnorcf, and I.tty leet to tho lino oi» Jiiiidt) ot ibo Lake Jlojatwng J.anii ami]iro7tment Coiuiiuiiy, anil (pirn ttipni'unliiE t-j nl<jti(t Ltiu louudaiy lint* IteUceiBjniidsnf tbo lialie iloiintcoiii. Land amiprovement Company nud t'Awia U. Ltfks, nortb ttifrlt*n III-KIWI wu»t tour uuu

irtd. mid lltty t te t tu a (tului tukty feet ntijjIitaDRleaiiMllitasterJy from tfaeceutrelint'>t ittW brant'li, a»il troni tlieuce [»] iKiutliorlmil parallel with Mild twnti-o line, and tklrl]cot diutaut therelroui, about four liuudretnd t-lxty TcbL to tlie Hueof tbu limdmif Ja(VeiI. Fanciitr, tlii'nra (JJ north tlKlity-niuo diretm, lilt ten mjuuit<«, neat utmut. lliirty t«tu tbo pluuo of brtjiuiiltig. ConUtnlu^ ntoiime auU Uirwi utiu-buududtbttucieti.

THE BECO.VJI T I U C T IB thu tamo lut wbkhas conveyetl by IMUH K. Culver aod litrnry.Heidtrm.d, I'tumeus, tu the Untliu tduleiill Lftcd Ooriipan) nyijeed dated SfpttiuUrISMt, aud recorded iu Hook K 1'.. ut Uaedn,

in pagey itl). . t o , being tho coiie Jut of Inuot,tnch was ciwvejert t>y Jniuba H. Kaucnar lu

- "aid CIIIvor aud Aiteutiraud, Trusteen, bydated May ).), l»i) , ana rtcunttHl lu liuobof JJtwJs, ii>. .'>!, <fco., awj tbeix-lu ue-

•Htwiiug at u ixiiut in tlw dlvUluu linebutnctiU Imidsof **td J-'ancber aud Albt-it H.

nnil nbuiu the a t iUe l lueo t tlie Luk<!oug nud I'it)is V u k Ifallrood, aa tionI, rroasta Uiu iu ioe^nd ruunicg ttienci

Dutb tw^Dtynine dp^itt!) and ulna uutnitaast llitrty-tivp i t t t to a ulaktj, ttjeiiCt) by Lirvutuiattlt:Et«ttb.i\t i idlu» ot wnftn nunred and tiixt>eu I t t t a ottUuco at luelvtmdiwl aud illLj-twuttetto vto line ol laudbitvietiB sild >'auclier aiid the UolF CBtalS or.t-'k», ice a b o > e d a u i b e d Hue being the

mirv liue, and ibe laiitt hereby canvevnl(•tig aud belii^thirt>'lbrraft:et wiili) ou iacUIdti iLerxof, «mf couminilig one rnul ntoetj

ti iLetof, oitl t iehundmlttidacttti.

iinW tvtu tots RI t bulijeul tu the I IK tit ui tbemiten ot tliti iioul flfttllu {irupt'i ty to lay,rmiuitttu and kwp tu icjmtr » w-rtain Una o

rpipo upon lutiu lauud, Iu os full, atunliuU Leuuociat a ntnuu«ratibalJ right wagconrjtd t>; tLe liuiol iitthliu Vilta Ufluipaoy U>it) Luka HoiwUmiiK Uutel CoiujwDy Uy dst-diku May 4 t 1M3, flt.d tw*rd«d la Book O VIUt-tOB, 1«4(B# UU3, Sec

1'arcf 1 Nuuitwr Ton—BtlcR a certain tractlucd, In log <MWotUiiMUi»trBcte describeda deed u couveyoitce trotu Louln Altcu-nndurtflbutbittKl to th« l^ake Uupntwng

1-tu.d und lmproTtmniL Uompimy (lutedAugustft>, IWSi, and ri'conlnl Iu iiook ** JII U d HLI fcc d t t i d


r o n n l Iu iHLI, -fcc. nnd tt

BtHuLluRnliiCLriiwuf n tract of fllty •oneintf twputj 'fin' liiiDdrmltlin acrw reuifnuJ toilluCcaiulct Frlinjnry r. ]SH, anil i t cord wl

IJotik H 12, ]»ge -t«, In the Uurreyur Gen-n)'» clllcn ut r'erth A in boy, tbence runnliig

tti tbirty-thrM JeKreaa ne«t ntneWenaiKl lo i ty llnkn, lv] umtk llftj-tbree

egreeg emt »ix ohalus uuu rtity*flvo imki toJnwph HufTi line, [:ij tiy tbe name b u , t b six-eea degrt-w etui twueualu* nutl ill IT Diiki to[ufTicorcer, tbence [-f] ftjulti Hfty-flve de-(M«euMNiit»: 'lUc map >nn<exta to wildtenhrniid deed given this ecwm a t bOUtb

ini ' .nye d-nrw,'. ml,) HVO uhauiM auJ nine' lfuka to a btiap of sioiiw OU UieouUido Uue(tld Udct, [5] uonh flf ly-nlne tlrgreM c u to te : Sniix map m e t tnla oaurM w north

fifty degrees east,) owo cfadiii and fllt^ llnkt,

!fl] north tweuty>tlu-ee d?greea woclialiu mid mty |Iuk« to a rock tfitb (

th d Ilne kil [7] h l

eigluoe <

tbe u |d lime bfln, [7] iiortli ele<Kroen e&hl utgUteen ctinlim sod tblrieeu liult-j Juhu Cotuina'n cornt-r, («] aViutU eltf li'-y anDiiU'littlf (If urees wiwt elgtit clialui toCorilnts'il^iniiiiiK cornrr, ['.ilitouth ton degruet e u llirteei) ctaiuj iN i i e : Tbls la an error foi'•Jgbt cbalUtj aud llfty Unlc^ Ui tbe begin,iiogc >ntalaiu)t twenty «ort«,

B«iitx ibBxaiuepMiniie^uouveyrv) by UaII. Dickereon and ivifn to Henry T. (JaiwoI)PM1 daWl Avrll !>tb, IMJJ, reourdad [II MorC.iunty Clerk., otllue, in Llliar Q fi, we 1and by tbe helm of *ald Captui conveyedibo party of t ie (Irflt purt ( I / IU-M Alteubratwhyrfyc-l dated Ai.ril n th . OSS. and recordsin HQIJ Clprk'a t tilce, tu U l « r U UI, yt

Kxfcptlnt>, htiwevor, frum llie above dicritw.1 wuct, two email \Awtn of land coiuiuinK t>i);utber mm and seventy-nine oiuinirwlthn aoren, wblub were couvoyuJ.iui.sa AlWn'iranil and liuiuoud to Tbe LL

HujiaU- 'HK Ualh-ouJ C'titupiuy by duul datedApril iM, l ^ y tt,,J recorded In tba Morrisiiunijr CleMc'K ofl|L-e, In lluuk U 10 at Deedi

lo r.wd wftli AlUMsLrniid avenueHS ahowu upuii Map No. 2 (,I Mouut ArlmgtoDmi Lake iiopatoong, Mnrrin County, NeiJursey, now ou lite In the Uorrfa Count:i'lerk'8ulUce, and ruua thence [I] northwestrly along tbe middle uf Alte&brand a''i the fdttjrSecllaii theteuf witli ttie SI.IU uf Wiudttnntire avenue, thence [2i eoutli-

utemectlou thereof wltb the niiJUIe hueionlh Ulcn BTenue, IIHJIIM ,3J noutlierly aiolie middle of South Ulen ovouue to tlie Inter-notion tlibHiof with SUhset Terrace, thtneeI] ivwtcrly alous tha middle of Huuset T(

race nud along thu noutherly aide of tMouut Harry trm:t to tiia tntenttetion•*\tmt Turraei) wltti Boulb i'urk Way,UMUO

, aoutlieasUjrly tUtiiiK tlie middle of Soutlirk U'ay to tbe iuuneAtloii tberoof wiii Ltntrs l(«o of tue l)roVe»»llie road, IHIM the middle of the Urakcaville roud aoutu-ateriy lo tliu ouUlde Hue uf tbe lando of

uild Urenliu lioUilaud Luud Company, tbeaou*] easterly, nurthurlv. and tijrtlnra?«tarjlung thf* ouUidti lines of thu property Of sdld.eHlln llottl and Land Company (iududir

ull the lauda of unlit Company which lie to teiwt of tlie Urakesviliu road aud to the southof tliu .Hilda fotmorly uf Unuk-J aai Augusta

infer), until said nut* id a lines of tuu Faudabu.ii Hri^Htk Hutt.'. mid Ij^iid Comp&tij

U-rstetitjialii with tbe veiitro line of saidaiti-nvllit1 i-nuil, tlionce [H] nortliurly ulang

id Dnibesvpllaioad to the place of bcginulii,1 the liitorK'ctlnii uf tbo UrokeaTiJto roai>illi Altinliraii'l av^uuu. Hatd uaruel ID-

'£1, Hi, '£>, -H.l, JH1 Biid ill uponiimp No. '^ul Movmt Arilugtoo,

o Bar ;e Uo-

Eicpjiting, bu,

-relurcrosDld mid convoyed, Ibal Ia toit 2, lu filwl-. 114, wiivtyed by the Lakettxruiig Lund ami Iiiiprovotnont Cunijiaoy t tug.\\i\o i'uttltsr by And tinted Beptetuber 13Ml. un.l re.'«r<l«| fu Buult W 11 ol JJ^la .pp\\ JVL>., «1HO tbe right to lay and maintain ai:tiduritrijuud >vat«r pijm from tbu nuriug onot -4, in Kloclt ^i , across Block UI as conlyed by t»ld L'oiiHiany to said fouler b1

txl ilaU-il Ueiit. l.f. lii-W, and rtcurded Juok (V 11 of U<iwU,uu paucB 1W i:c. U

io. 10. in Jll'uk No. ai), conveyed liy ttaldJ»tni»i.y to Muttlia Tulton by deed datedJut. 14, IHHil, nud recorded In i W 11 1'J ofJit-rig, UII i ^ w IM &«. L»l 17, in Ulock III,Liuvuved by naid Cumpany W David T.

ly by deed dntod Alurch 21, IHsr.aodre-

i), in Itlucb III, conveyed by wid (Joiniuny tolivid T. Truudy lij de«t datwl CJut. H, mi,id rooordwl iu Hwk li VJ uf !)td«l*, tip, ""B.i I^ta W, t:it I* und i:>, in Block 81, w . .'ywi by euid Ootntiauy to Merrick It. L»ic-uti) by ilw-Hl dalwiUL-t. 1^,1!^;, and recordedHiKik E, VI of Uewiir, ii]>. UH fix'.: Lot «, In

lock S-l, couvoyed by KID tirctiUii Hotel andtnd (/'omiiutiy to AuKtistiiio i'mtler by deniite.i April T, ib'M, u n d tecurded In Hook "A y>

tiuei-t Uuii.Qp to tlie said AUKuotlne PuttierIntud April IL1, IMMI,n»dr«!ordedlnH()uk-)or

•-'aiQS, pi>. (I] ,Vc.; J-ut!', In iilock Uf, cuu;d liy said jlre.'lln Hold and Land ComV tu Martha Tollou hy dcwl ilatod March$W, mid recurdod in lluak I' lit of Deeds,U .Vr,, .Hilcli lut Ix a!no dtftrikxl in aIBO nmdo liy tlio «aid Broslin nuil Dunlaplid Slartha Tot ten dated April ID, 1SJ0,record«) In UIKIII -1 ol Itoleoses, pp. 1)5 &o,

. -in-el Nittulwr TweWo-licSng a cerUiomet of hud, twRlnuftiK at a point fo tlin ceo*

- line i>t W'lndDrmcre aTotiup.UB shorrii uponip ND. L' of Mount Arlington, ou Lake Ko-icoug, MonlnCounty, Now Jersey, wblobi|i is now on lllo In tbe Morris Countyxrk'a oflli-e, said point l«liig at tbe intorsec-

mi of Wiitderniero Qvetme tvltli tha ceotreno of Houlh tlten avenue, EH slioirn on saidup, thence running [ l ] nestvtly along thetitrelineof Wludermure avonue to « pointrange Vfiih tlie easlcrly boundary Una o t

rfit No. H, in Block 33, DB ebon-ii ou said map,iituee [3] u^rlherty aloug tue easterly line of'il Lot Ma 8 two hundred atid ninoty feet,iro or leaf, to tbe shore of Lako IlopatcoDg,•ticfl L3] north-easterly iu a utraigUl Una t otend of n wbarf lylugat tue foot of Alten-md «venue a t & point where the tantre linenaiii whm-f m continued from Altauorandenue iue«la th» eiitl ol mil. wbarl, thence

IJ running along tha l>oundary line of lbslurisfomitrly ot LnuielandAugusU BcuifernoorttiwesU;rJy direction tu tlie outalden of the lauds uf said JJraliu Hotel andluti Cotnuanr in tbo watur* of L«ka Hotnt-uft. thence [51 soutli-wtBterly atuugufdouO

[dts Him tu a point vdtefts telil line is tutet:(d by tbe centre line tif Lake Terrftce,Uuwa nn raid, map, nhcti »alu laal menttgnad

litre Hue Is extended totbenortb-weeLword,one* L*V) «outu eaakrly along tbe Centre line•aid Lake Ttrraco to tlie liiUrBecilou of

>Ve Terrace with the centre lino of Sutiwturaoo, Uioncc tH easterly ami tsoutlierlylong the centre lino of Uuueet Terraco to thait<?raectb»L tuereof with Uta centre line otuutb Gleu avenue, thence (ty narth-eABter'iiduonbeTly along the centra HUB of Soullien avenuu to tbe |)laceof bpclnnlnK,Including within tha aliove desorlbod10(18 the whole of Rl«ck 2^, nsibown upoaI map, and so tnticli of Block .13 at li» towestward of a trai-t ot land which * »

iveyed by the Lake Hnpatconfr I^and end_provement Company to the Lako Hopot-

Bong iraitBportatlon and Steamboat Com-po»y bf dee.) ilnted Reptemlwr 29, mO, andr e w r d c d l n . B w k X l l o l Dteda, pp. WL &ft;mid Including also so much of the land lyingicder tbe waters of La.Ua Hopatooog, *; —

Ite to mid Block No. 33, as io /deluded'wlie rotitro line of Lake Terrace and the

joundnry Hue of the above mentioned lai 'tonM-l; o! Dante) and Augii«« f^h' tsr .

„• howover, from the above do-•crlbed tract certain parccU thereof whichlore Vifen heretofore sold and convejwJ, thati to u y : - U t 7 , iu UloCk Ifo. US. conveyed

\ nmnif i i in Hook 1) 12..-, Lot 5, in Rlock ttS, oonv.Id Company to Tbomag S Qulnn liy deed

' "" 17S8.18S7, and recorded in Book Dfrt P|». 115 & c ; Lotfl, in. Block 33,by eald Company to Afarabatn Van

iplson tiy <!eed dated Aug. IA, 1687, and re*onledin Book D 1!3, on paKet SM & c : Lotawid fi, In Block 2S, conveyed by I b o Brertin

lotu] nnd l^ind Company to Ueorge G. Orwndwd datod Dec. '-'3,1B83, and rerorded Intik 0 1 2 of peeda, pp. JHXJ &c,; Lote 1 and 4,

id the WMterlypartof fiotfl, in Block 28,nd alto Lot 4, in Block ,13, convejed by tbeirealln Hold and Land Company to Georgef. Oreen by deed dated July 14, IGW, and re-a rded inUookAlSof Deeds, pp. 40Q &c. t

itch are RIBO «te>ciibed in two deeds ol re-so made by Jamot H. Breilln and Robertinlajito Bald Company, one dated July 12,

lew, nod recorded In Boob 4 of iieletuet, pp.ir.7 &n, and tnn other dated July TO, 1830, aud:conied In Book 4 of Releases, pp. 187 & a ;ot 10, In Block IS, conveyed by n l d Ocm-

wny to Emma Amat t t i ; deed dated July 14,81)0, and recorded in Book B ID of Deedi,«goa m. &o,. &ud whicli la also {.escribedin aolrare niado by Jnmofl H, Bresiin and Robertluohvp to Mid Company dated July ITnd recorded in Book 4 of Releases, pp. 1At 1, ID Block J3, conveyed by said Company3 Albert Altenbmnd by deed dated J n l y U ,

iSiX). and recorded in Book B IS of Deeds, pp.403 . to . , wbfcli is also dweribed ia «, r t t e u emade tiy said Breslin and Dunlap to saidConHMiuy d * W July 12, 1K», »nd recorded

Book 4 ol Reletuea, pp. IKtI'sroel Numlwr Thirteen—Being a certain

Irnct ol land, UglutilnKottbeinterwcOon o!ibe centra llno of Lake Terraoo with toe cm-treUa« OB BUbMt Terrace, aa Bbown upon a.n u b entitled <• J U p No. Hot Mount Arilogtoa,

iAktt Uopatcons, Morris County, New Jer-•," now oa (lie fn the MorrisCountyClcrkV

ifllce. and rum thence[]]aIoDgU]flcentrelineif Mfco Terrnce nnrtbwntetly about WTtaluudrolandnlxtyelxhtreettotheihorellnBof

, y ystorm, kept up a heavy How of water Friday,bringing wi tb l ta large quantity of refusewhich lodged agalmt tbt temporary bridge

a t New Brunswick, causing It to weaken. AtIt o'clock Ia*t nlgltt a Motion ODD hundred feellong eollapwd and wai carried down dream,The Brunnwlck Boat ClubhouM bad been ad-

itionally anchored to offMtsucO an accident,ortunately tbe break occurred to tbe left

the boathouM and It ewaped the rashbroken timber*.

Lis t IVrduesdsy Charles I^ee, tbe owner oltraveling olrotii, went to Rutherford ai

secured a tioaofee (roni tbe Village Truakc*to exhibit bli th iw. His wsgoni and aniinelairrlved nn tbe grounds, but Lee wan met by a

bl who told him tbat 150 cltluusuf ItuthBrfonl had signed a [wlltftra aHklngthat the circa* be not given. Tbe 1'ree Ideutat the village, upon fceariogof tbeopposltioo,revoked tbe permit. Friday Lee went tcUuiberfonI and stld be would bring suitagainst the village for not psruilting him to

ive bis exhibition, although be bail a license.

OAK B I D Q E .Tills pl&ce waa visited by a very defllruetlvoind storm on Tuesday morning almost de-

molishing tbe apple crop.Frank Uudestw&tenum tbe well knownileiman from New York, waa bare among

Ills inauy customers aod friends lait week.Aln. T. Bmltb, ot Smith Hills, and Mrs.moions, of Patersou, were the guest* of

Aunt Betsy Davenport, Friday.U l u Gertrude Hblnerls Waiting Mlu Annieinitb.Mrs. John Thunton bas returned to Now-

irk after spending two months with herparents here.

Mlsa Martha Tallman 1* visiting friends inewark.The Atlases BpeuoerB, of Berkshire, are

imoug their friends here.Mr. JJayton Hemitover, of Sparta, was the

ueatol U1u Dannie Wlnterbottotn, Sunday.Kre. \Y. H, Coursen attended the weddingher netce at Still water, Wednesday.

Mr, aud Mrs. Cook, of Newark, ere boardog with Mr. Jacob Tallman.

M M . Arthur Bert, of South Orange, iatlaB tier t*r«nt* Mr. and lira, Louis

Davenport.Ui A lUiss AnnlB Helena, of New York, returned

tiome Suturdty, Wa hopa to w«Iconw herback neit autntner,_ M T . Bearcb, our ohuroh janitor, U verymuch elated o m the trrlt t i c( & boutv'

»by boy.Mi. Frank Smith will more Into tbe faoueeir tbe station toon. Mr, Wallace h*» h*d tt

repaired and i t bat put on a fery neat ap'yearuioe.

Two gentlemen from Dorer entertained thaongregation at the I*re<b;terhn Cburah oalunday evening, giving lores Tery good>o(ot« far the Cbrlstlan RoAmjor.

ioitatcoBB BIHI oontinuins thu __„,„.....o in DRtmfKht line, be the dfitance more

v IMS, from taii shore to tbe ooWdo line olland* of Mid Breslin Hotel and Land Com-pany tn the wafcjra of Lake HonatcoEg;

ence pfj totitli westerly alone silo outsideIM and following tbe MTen.1 cDunu anditancea of the outslda boundftrie* of, nit!nda In tha waters of Lake Eopatconn untila said ouUWe houndar; oweta again wllfaieehoreof»aidLakojthence[3]eoutbe«t«r]yOCR the most southwesterly outside line of

be land* of nld Bresllo Hotel sort Irtnd Com*Any .intil said ouUlde line raeeU with theentre Hue of the Unkosrille road; thmceH]irtberlr along the centre Jlnoof said Drakea-Ille road to the tnttrsectfon thereof with the

•xe line tl South Park Way at shown onMop No. a or Mount Arlington; Uienw

"i?ri . « ? " ' a '°ng tbe centre line ofnub PwlcWftv to U» iatmwtion thoptofth the centre line of Sunset Terrace, theocanprtbwnterly Bud northerly alongthecen-

Ine of Sunset Terrace andalong tbe south.iMtetly bounds or tbo Mount Harry tract tolepjaoe of beginning at the lutonecUoa <rfis centre line of Sunset Terrace with Lakearrace. .

Includlnitin tbe above described tract thebole rt Block a) and Bluck S4, M shown mild map, together with so much of Winder-icreAvenntaa l(«a within uid boundi/andrJudlng al«o all tho lands of said Bretlinateland Lund Company which are rarer*!

ay tint waten of Uke RopateonR lying inrroat of stld Block No, .14 and botwMn themitre tine cf Uka Terrace produced north-wecterly Into U» waien of u ld laka and th*inmt'Kmtb<wett«r1jr honnaarj ol tbi landi of

Idcjrapftny. -':jroe] Number FuurUen-Bcfng all that

,rt ol He ttcond tract ot land dsacrlbaa todeed of conveyance made by Louisa AJtetfrand and husband to Too Lske Hopatcong

I and Jaiju-OTBtntmt Comptny datedtistSS, 1695. and recorded ItTtto Morris

Jty Clerk's uflloo, in Hook P 11 of Deeds,jtn 149. &c wbicb )• flowed b ; tho waterslaka Kopalooog.



Brier NoUs of ths Havppanmm of s W<in Naw Jorwy.

A.tnw>n Monday tbe Onlemu HniM,Aihury Pa^k, dloawd if doors for the •e*wonTill* IN tbe fimt largo hotel along tbe JCTMJcout to clnae.

Gottrell »ud W-Jfemlsa, faoiWy manutaoturers of Cetmdao, mupmi'lsd binines* Man,day. Liabilities amount to |1(J,OIIU;not known. The Qrtn ateted thtt Itpay every cent of it*. (odebledn«m.

Mary Bowen, the leader of the Balratton Army at Paterton, has tear* srrerted ona charge of atrocious auaultand batterythree-year-old Loulss Getgit, wlriaatw tlitoto tilt) grouud, fracturing hurcollarbaiie.

Adam Jlu'toi, aged IK. of JI .boken, wasarrested l>y the polios Monday afternoon on acharge of attempted arson preferredMre. noraBcbioidtof 111 Adupt street,had threatened to burn the buu-je, which hebad once owned,

John Xeitnke, forty-flre years old, of Hoboken, wag found drowned yesterday in a pondtbat bad gathered oil tbe meadows at Ninthstreet. As lie bad not teen teen ttaoe W<nettlay eight it la bettered that be wsnder

to the meadoira during the storm and be-came eibtvuited.

The Karltan Hirer, awollei



- SHILOHSCUREOnsoeatftdotB.

For Coosunptlan f t u

sattoH^fAaaBL,CH1L0I iBRH


W. V. S |While everyone is disouBB-ing the Finanoial 0,uostion,we desire to oall your atten-tion to the OMiAtJNDBHEDSHIRT Question:

FIRST-Om Shirts are made ofiterials of onr own selection, are

»t after onr own patterns, andre given to experienced hnnils totake.

IEC0ND—Oor steadily increas-tliat

they giv* entire satisfaction to outoustomera, TlieyareABSOFiUTE-LY THE BEST SHIRTS thato&n be produced for the money.

48-I I>E OF "DW10HTANCH0B" S1DSI.IN.All-IJne»seMn borom. assorted Ifnjthio! eleevai, THE CHEAPEST BHIBTIn America,

50c. each.LOT 727-

[ABK OlfDOTOHT ANCBOR" HUBLIN.Floe AlNLInes boeoin. band-male bntum

oot,an>rted length or •!«>« (tMUtv»lo. for tbf monw cnnol be foundanywhere). , ;'

65c. each,$3.75 Half Doz.

. O T 6 - •.••vi-ggfADS OF "DWIOHIASCHOB." KUBUH

Fine AII-Lteeu Baom,lMiaMiiliblntfaaihoH »K»llmt «orkn>»n*lpcut. TUil i iB


$4.00 Half Doz.

Pou^F17 extra flat A U ' U M O .boom,workmjuuklp*eqiiil .to that of 'euitoni'aadegoodl. TfallfeteeBlilrt walike toni l , for it Ivtoumi to ( i n «tUI«cUoo Inaru7 .raped . ' : 'jV.''-'^-:,-.'.',.'.• .-.•

$5.50 Half Doz.01, 703, 70S BROAD ST.,





Btorln uf cblldniD are alwaya ioteraitliParenU ofted via wllb euli otber In welngirblub can tell the beat stflrj or most Inter-lUng auecdoto about Uielr children.But bere la e story told by one I

rblcb, wlille It niay awaka eoboes ot sadaeesa llie mlodB u»d kvaru ot vma JM

•111 lie to OHK'K a mesuge IranjUt withope and Joj,

Tnecblld.wboe sliart liletory ot mingledBorrow aod sladueu is nere ghea Udaughter of tbe well-known Ura. J. Lmouth, wbo reeldH at 77t> Brosdwsy, Soulloeton, Uaai."At ten jesra o[age,"eald Hn. Laarmpntli,tar deugbter iMCeio. ar7ecl«J wita a nerv-

ous condition which soon dereloped loto Ut.Vitns' danoe, It w u pronounced byattending pbyefcl.Q to be a very wvere

teck.Toe mouth would be drawn spasmodical};

far to one side, tbe bands and arms wererertkws and onnaUntiy twltohlog. Ber llm

'esk ; her ankles bent under berlalmoet Impoadble to walk.

also wentbat It


MU «u uervoui tbat abe would •areamalmost Ittee a manlao and tbeo bare DU ofcrying' After two months' treatment with-ut a cure, I concluded to try Dr. Qroue'nlervura blood and nerve remed/."Three botttefuU entiielj cured ber. She-now thirteen years old and baa been well

ever «ino« And to-day If a picture ot boaltb."Children are prone to have weak oervea

and delicate health. Neglect of • nervousondition, a pale look, a disordered digestion

or a general lack ot health and vigor in ailld otay result (a flU, Bt. Vltua' da&ct, or

some other serious nervous dlwaae.Give yoar tofanta and children tbls glor-

loi» children's remedy, Dr. Greene's Her-vura blood and nerve remedy Jn tbe. betjialog of the disease— whan you see them oerr-mi, ratios*, walceful, pale, Bplrltlaas, witfa-

t appetite, or with kppttita irreguUr andiwel< constipated. It will make theirervei itrang, their blood pure, their stopMind, natural and ntmbln*. lo '*<* ttll make them welt avnd ttroog.It Ii purely vegetable and fcannletc and

alidrugglitfl sell U for «100,verv and prescription ol a pbjalolan, Dr.reece of a1} W. Hih atnet, Netr York, wrll

known u the moit auooe»fuj ipedallat Inirlng ocrvoua aad chronlo dleeaaw. Tbe

loctor oan be counlbed (nt, penoniJly or>y letter.

The Same Story.A personal friend writing to thi editor from

tha great Fair » J I ; " W« reached Chicagoweek ago Wednesday moraiDg and put tn

ven solid data at the Fair nw more thancould tell you In a year. Was told jester-

.hat II three mlsutee were epent to each ei-lblt It would take 27 yean to lee all so tt is

iry to cultivate a gift of light to Me1. at a glance and dlscate those thingsulokly Uut least Interest one to bo able to>ver tha ground In a couple of weeks. But

Its bard work. OaeU so anxious to tee I talltbat be keeps at It H long as be baa strength

aUnd up and wheu night comes lie Isloroughly tired out. ' Oos can form no Ideat the magnitude of this Bbow without seeingi and he then must realise that the U. a. ts

a miall part of tbe world after all. Tbeit li i welling herself. Her exhibit* In ag-Uurflaad minerals are great. Host of

tbelrHUtebufldtngsareaihawhy themselves.I have spent tba lait two days Id tbe city

reeling11 and have been well taken cere of.buildings ire wonderful. Tbe Masoolo

emple Is ft dandy, perbapa tbi top of it fi unear heaveu aa many of th» Chicago people

ill ever have tbe oiiportunlty of gettlpg.e took the elevator to tha tilth floor and

walked tbe rest of the way.1?

StillWith the advent of cooler weather, and tbe

irn of the. Tn«t army of metropolitanleatrB-gotra who annually mlfinta to tbelouutalns, lakes and wuhore during theldsummer months, tbe att«ndanc« at tfaairoadwayTbeatre, New York City, wbar*Panjandtum " sHll holds siiay, humddeclycreaied, and during MDM O* p

tnances of the past two wseki at tbat total**,pciotu ttaougli It d, bt.i ocmtauMd but fair'scant e-ata. Ooeot tbeBContaot "Paiijan-Inim1. " *ucoesi iln In the f«ot tlwt tie avar-

aadltor Is not BathOed In bearing th*a once but oiten returns a moouit third

fourth time to listen to tbiprotty nwtodh*and laugh at UIB fun, wb'oh tr« coosklwablynhanced by many addltioni that are oon

ntly given in the perfarmanoa, • •;• '.:•••On lut Monday evening Mr. Hopper befan

be aerenfaenth weak, and ttalatt bat four ollongengmgwnentrt the Broadmtj Theatre

.nd he will not agiita appearta tbe toMropoHaorovarayear. Delia Fox will b e V p

ger on tbe ParU, which arrivae In Raw. Yorkom Southampton on Saturtaj, 8n*«ti*«

6he will mako ber rHpfMajmttct^ •«•squlta in " Fanjandruin,n at tbe Prowl way'beatn on tbe foUowlof Monday •McJof.

itembor4th- ''. " ' ^''""''lVi1' '

a. H. Clifford, Hnr Caseol, Wlsconrin, wasmubled vdtn Neuralgia aod Rheumatuao,'its Stomach was dlaorderad, bis* liver'waiITected Uran •^"m'rg dagna,appetUafaU

away, and be was terribly lednoeoVla'fleshand strength. Three boMles' tt EkotrloBlt-tarscured him.' '-,•:'..''; • •'-'•'!' - s ' r': •'-:.'.

Edward Bliepberd,'Harrlabur(, 111., had'*-uEiuugeareoa his leg of oigtt Teen'stand-

ing. Used three botUea oTKleotrlo.Bitter,and seven boxee of *BneklaD*a Aroioa. Salve,and hU leg Is sound and vJaffi ' j o h i Spealier,Catawba, O.,;had flm-laro "toar.'aoreecaiisles,do«tonBtid bi. vaa^tnMinble.' O Mottle Electrio BlUers ioH bats bai BaeUan-amloa Balva cured him eo^lrelj. Sold by

Robert KIHgoreVKoi Btca*, BoTer.'Orani,Hanoj ft Go's^^UriitStore, Pjrt Oram, and F,W. JerAlm'Drag Store. Cberter. • ;..•.•.

; Dr. Bale's Ki iachoU Olntn.otil Ibe flme> remedy la tbe world. It ahe3-itely oor.a"oai«rfhi'slt onrea neuralgia awlwmr,allsm,r Comgttes lite.magic. -Cnrealit rbeum In ttimoat ajottlng juanoer.

Cures InOunedandgranolattd eyelUs. Curesoooaliiaiyj coldv-Cin M taksn InlmuaUy.ArpostUvs'speoinb for pneumoiila.*' Cats,brniea., bnrnB,cbIlbIalna, Boms ot long atsnd-Ing, coma* and baalons areenrad qolokly |different f rom all else; superior^to all alee i itbas-no equal. 23c. and Wo. boiei Large

clt.pe.1.Mr Drugstore, Dover. H.' i.'

"Put Sonar u . T t r Porsa.'How I Save doctor". Mils, alweja keep

m hand a bottle of taat'nnaat ol remediea.Jr. Hal.'. Household Cough Cera to alky

the lint Irritation cettsrt by a, cold, Don'ttblok you can fix ns sfmt*hlnal lost aa good

forSSc. or sou JOB ou.haT* ttarasnl.jeara oj practice and asperlBBoa espeDded

In making thle oraparaUon. •baolutsly thebeet For aal. at Robert Klllgore'. ComerDrug Store, Dover,!?. J. -

Buoalea's Amlca Salve. 'Tbebart salve hi the world Jop Cote, Bores,

Iratae, Dloen, Belt Ehaon,; Fever Boies,Patter, Cbapptd Hano\' Cbllrjlalns, Coma«d all Bklo EropUona, ami podtlra y cure,

w,or»opajr.qalreo. It Is qnarenteedgive perfect eeUeractJoo, or moosy re-ided. Price twanty.nve canbj per box.

•or sale by Robert Klllgore,' Dover, Orera,& Co., Port Oram, and P. N. Jenkins,

'heater.. . • •<yj /_ '"V .• ' •

. .' Any Peraoii .that U tronhled with ooniUpaUon can getImmediate and permanent relief by using Dr,Hall's Honaebold Tea. Ona does a d«y-atbrittoe, Sao. and Mo. paokagea at Robert

HILL'SUULJLUUUJUUUUULfJfS ODitUaTEK k CCU I / \ ^\4and iuvlta tbe mort _f ^J w^

u u u oor reepoajlbu- ^ ^^% • •tsofourTablete.

Double Chloride of Gold Tabletsedge of 1U» paUtut, wh» wlU volu»£rUy t)U>p BiuokU>s or cbuwlus tn u fnnmrr/DUin?W anil VHDHUTIIF V l P t T umlwcunxlat l iDme^nd

tbe paUont, by the ueeof our BPECIAL FORMULA 00UP CURE TABLETTS.p l t t t oUenU ere allowed tlio free titto of Liquor or UoT

I M fllliU 1O V4****V "*»e» **•»*• ™ * " «•••- — » ^ »-• \"~"* "r ™" m

Uouwltb pereoiiswlioliftvebcencured by the unoofu.HILL'* TABLETS are tat sola bj sU I

•ndwe^ill aoila you.uy returii iuaU,'iijmot(UB«o;

WrlW sour name anil address plainly, &od eUtewhether Tablets are for Tobiocc, Morphine —liquor Habit

DO NOT BB DECEIVED Into purcbaslnganyof tbfiVitrlousiitiBtruinti thut urn W"*offered fur eule. Afik for H I I i L ' lrr* T^f. 'HTff And tetllii HO oLlettr.


OHIO CHEMICAL CO,,61,63 *650pei




from personswho have been

cured by the uee of

Hills Tablets.dowboty

JfJBUIOAI. CO.:jgjtit Sin:—1 liave boeit ttaitip; out

cure far tubnovo habit, noil found It ffmild" wliot you clului for lw t unfU ten touts

b of tht'Mtron/jwitflaewJag iubncoofldny.i tu Dve cigars, o r ! nuulu funulcfl

, .-.-typliM-Mof tobacco lla\a diewod^lunoktAtOTlwf - - - •

of your1" "

f vortbtfljid ' r o u ) x.*>^ *•» — •

r iroio ton to lortypiiMana Riroktid for twrnty-

J. • • . . ' • PlTTSItPsaH, P ir T H E OHIO Cnzuicil Oo.i—OKKTtKMeKt—It givon me «It»surti to •[icnlf ft

word or nrntiw far your Tablets. Jtyeun tvunBtroiiKlyntldlctodtotheuBOOfHqiior.nnatlirouBhayrienajwiisledtotryyourTMbTetJi U a w t u a b c a v T • n d

cDnniivui tlr.uk«T, W aft«riiBli.(,yuiir'rab)t:t(i.mttJirou<lHy8),t(iuitdrln1[Iiv.id wJllnottouoUUauuroftiMyitliid. Itmvo Wi'iu-U i W natitli before WrlUnffiu orUcr to buow UieuvruvnapviiuuiviiU l o u r s t ruly,

KTLEMlK^roarTftblinaliMejporfonrieOsniiritoItJli.nijrc'"*'*>blno, bypnlarnslaallyt lor auvon yean, ana nuvobet jupumi I I I U I B U M O X

' j*ourTtibItite,aad«jmontaayeffortoainyp»rt, W. h, MIT.BQ.iY.Addrefl* all Orders to .



Antbrsclt«'coal uud excltlMvely, It),oleanllnns and comfort.



Pot New Tork, Newsii and Eliz-Aetb, al 6:46,11:34 A. M.; 3 20,6:BC'. u. SUNDAYS, 0 00 i'. u.

Fot Philadelpliia nt 6 40, 11:34. u ; 3:20 P. M.

Foe Long Bcwcb, Ocean Ore-.abnry.Park and points oa N<fork and Long Branch Euilroadit 6:4(i, 11:34 A. M j 3:20 p. M.

For all Btatjous to High ]3ridgeat 6 40, 1134 A, M.; 3:20, 6:60 p,


For Like Hopatoong at 6.4C:68, 11:34 A. ll.; 3:20, 6:50 P. MIDND4YS, 10:18 A. >i.

Foi all stations to Edison at G:4G1:68 A. M.; 330 p. M.

For Rookawnj at 8:00,9:20,11:4!M.; 2:55, 0:18, 737 Y. «. Siw

LYS, 10:41 A. H.; 0 :23 P.M.

For Hibernia at 8:00, 9:20 A. Ji1:66 P, M.

For Enirton.Alleu town awl MauohJlrank at 0:40, 11:34 A. M.; 3:20,i:50 P. M. 8DNDAT8,6:00 r. M.

B . B 1 " TT H. KTIKT O-.Loupe New York ut 0:00, 8:46,

.1:46 A. M.J 4:80 p. M. SoNDAya,:16 AM.

Leave Rockaway at 0:37, 8:17,.1:24 A. II.; 3:10, 5:40 r. M BON-IAVS, 10K)9A M.; 5:60P.M.: :•

176 Port Oram at 7:t6, l):16i1:40 A. M:-, 2:60, 0:18, 732 ri• x,IUKDAXS, 10^36A.M.;~fi:18r;H; '

Leave Hi|;li Bridge tit 815,10:87Jt.[ 1:47,0:22p. jr.' SBKDAV»,9:30

Oenl.ttu'ut..'JLP. ' i iA i iDwi ir , "• •••.•'. O»n. l 'u«. A l t ,

Thln()5 Sold There That Make


^DepartmentBoyii', Two rieco Soils l»y«' Tli»e 1'IOM Bultn (uliort jianUi)So j 'KmSulH;SjsKmSHIoj«'B«UorBolti!Boja' Jeney Suite •Boys'HoeferSalja..Jk^B1 Orercoata "B^'Box-Ooats

F t l S

SOTS'Bionacalioj-B'WMhVnnis BullsBoys'Odd PoaU -. •.Boys' Wnlsto ,Hoys' Hata atid Cnpfl .^Boy»' Bnllii.iii Sulla .Hen's Sammer OontB ni«l VcslftMen's White anil Kuniff YwilaMen's JlathtoBSnlla : 'Men's Braokliig Juckols .M ' I l l l M

707 to 721 BROAD ST.

Mall Orders ttalckly .Filled,


P. P. BIRCH, - - Proprietor.

Obtmloillw o™ Bucket, and illkuidl otBbm Iron Work.


•*Sgrss*;sstS£ aSTsSu'S

Your Painterhas often wasted time and material Intrying to obtain a shade of color, anthas even resorted to the us* of read;mixed paints, the iegred cats of whicihe knew nothing, because or tUu dlliculty in making; a shade of color \>if

white lead. This waste can be avoirjcby the use of National Leutl Company

Pure White LeadTinting ColorsTheae tints are a combination of per-fectly pure colors, put up in snittl! cans,and prepared so tbat one pound willtint 25 pounds of Strictly PtirJ WhiteLead to the shade atiowa on the can.By this means you will have the best'paint ia the world, because made oltbe best materials— . '

Strictly Pure '"y,White l^ead j

and pure colors,'. InilaVoii havias; oneof the breads o( whllt lt»<i that mestandard, ntnibctudi l bjr'tno '.'OldDutch" procesB/r.iwd.knpwrr.'to be;tillurtt:--?.;?:;;^;:!'^';;;.,

ti'! # B i a d l ^" Atlantic'! # B i y ^" Brooklyn'? ?^Jewett" •

Theae fada r BlHtiy P White C dTheae fartnda or BlHttiy PUTS White Ctadand Natlanal Liad Co.'* Pure White LeadTintldR Colors we for «tt« by the mort tf-UkblB dealers in paints everywhere. •-.'; '•;

if you are eolnt to.nalat; It will pay you.to lend to ui Tor iiboolr contai i i l f r ftion that may save ypu mtiny aonly coityou • poiul t«rd. ; • •

THE Koaais oooirar


Hainptoit O. afanh,-PblUpJI,BblIoiaii;cbU.7. awio.M. D: ;; n. n>i»j , •

jol^jftj ' is is .^.v.K.iSfi i , u.l.i ,4ia,iw.K

D u B d f i ' m l l o n i ' ' i » ( ! 6 3 i l l f l « ' • • • ' •

Iiitaraait> dnlandaiul paid In Januair andJuly ot flaoh year from t&e profits of thB pre-YlotuBixmonUis'lmaiseW . ,'.: DepoettsniKte on or botnr* tho 3d oaya olanuary, April, July 'and October, draw in-

terest front toe 1st daysot said months ra-p a o O w l y - •• : - M - - - ' : : - • • :

;:B A . « . to 4 r.'il. dally, except tjatnrdartetnrdaTsfrcim 9 a. it. to 18 H. Inoon) andtmtoitavr.-u '• - •- ,



50VEB, W.'J,'

Tinning, Plumbing,

STEAM FITTING' JlialllWrtaanelwa >


Perfect Steam Heatert n. ji wn'or

Second-hand P»flor StoveiIn gond ctHldidon and for asle At a bargainH u n nj»|ra or all kind, mil b . I "r»UbS , t

SStl'lS ftrtl1 "UU "IHaotirell Htreet, opp Park Hotel



Steam Heaters,Diifta.StounaMH^WaUr Staters. The;an made4)f'vroii|bt boiler Irou, have copperfluee, BwlrJBlin euperiorty In tile folk. .D | points v.PrestteoonoaiTin fuel I BlmpUcIty ot oanetruotloij I MounecoiHwIiile jointe 1tw lobf'flttes'or heating surface ullUcnlt tok«t» rleaa I Has; to nansBe I N o c m l t o l l f t' - ' ' - lUppIa larKeua in l i l s l l'srteot safety I

;'-Aiijuxis nf Plumblni!, Rooflng anil BloetIron Work aaltoraotort executed In ttock atamtunesBtoreeudHotAlrFornioesoteriJeecrtptloniHar<l»are,Cutlery,Tin ware,.__"•-••- Carpet., ete leblati and Scranton^ - a m p j Paint,. Oils, lalrbsnli'i Balesaud Boj l> Ituliber Bucket Cnaln Pumps


Fancy Goods,Material for Fanoy Work'

Stamped Goods,Silks, Ljoos, Kid Glovos,•;':.•; - Hosiery.


Spring and Summer Underwear



Cor, Sussex tod Ilickmlt Sti.••.HI maintains Ida raputattoo lor keeping

(ullamloipllrttj 7


PROVISIONSPlllsbury's Best Brand


CHEESE, EGOS, Etc.Bmnptf. llsltlst Dotar are lailUd to fall

•ndasanlDemrloods, Popular prkM plaotthan wllaloSinai* of Ihtie Jim a & ua n limited, and nty floe asaortaoant aaBaucMl to plea* and isllet, la. moat crtsSl

JOBaf I '

H. F. knarF fleBruoy pmuhdna pu teg, s l i t ati no eru-Baelp doog n wo yht ot rlpmiisega oht lla hguorht gninnlptdeunitnoo sah yllufeoargbclhw ertneo riio ta ylU»f.daeta os keea yhw yob ymeeht slia tahW :'niht wonI eroferebw ,daetb tot kianos tnaryt duorp I'luiltiJdraoh eb nehw mlb dstbcll-edtl ;<4%

J. O. KAMINSKI,DOVBB, Sf. J., '%'d

A CAUTION!When jou oslt tw IUHanUnB*" Export, bi

hire you gut It. Do not tcoept.BDy othiiif*AT1 SEA i P h l a n i k b f e B t . B la. B^ j . . _ * ^ _ . >





Soda and Mineral Waters






1I'91^*"J"a'»«iDc&tion. Indorsnl

ShSjsr^toSiriSss:"1* WrUo"it

l lr H. CXlUatAN, Mndnal.

IF lOff WANT .B«conilhan,l Fornlty™ 0 ( n | | W n d ~ R l < i , K

ana crerjtUnj else; or If yon »anta»OTdprice for ecrai> Iron of all kinds, go to

JAB. E. TRHDaiAll,

W I L O O X & B E E B T ,Carpenters and Builders,- • Dover, N. J.

Plam w>»moHranrorliullll«iB, routraclstaken flniir'"*""1"1-•— '-• ••

Jobbing Promptlj Atteniltd to..

SLAm HOOPS_H> (urnlrfi l lnto lu .slate and put on •lateroohbjgoodinochanlcs.

flaotat'. BbratWng r . p , , ri.ay. on nand0IU« and Bliopon DUckKQll Ht., next to

Dover Lumber (Jimnanv* MillK B. WiLwix, A. B BMII





Rial, £ a u n KB BAU oa Eio»i»oa.


', OOV1«. » . I.

i . 3 . 8 .ilifSf




UbhTIMf ,


Wall PaperAT A. O BUCK'S,


Tin, Copper and 8he«t Iron

HoofingJZino, SheetJLtjdd, -Lead Hpe, Pumpiykii^



Wearemaklnel Ihs fliaaatoireradtotlieiiukltudIndloaUtbat vZt

HBOBEN Of., •atelxn.araraiOIOVM. J.




. xAKorAoroatin AID iomn.or

Soda and Mineral W«terc,1 «' JU - >,r"SILT2P.B,,VifattY, Km

Hinchliffe'i Celebrated Ultra

BUger . Porter.'eko. ,HBar.0UR3OO0DflASPK0IAl.TV.

,:.'• : single.

\EARING ami PULLEYS, Urgeand small