-J 7L_ & *. r"l *W > GRANDMA8 WHKEL. Of th* t'! Civii Wai HAND LOOMS IN DIXIELAND pjff OF THE OLD-T1MK PLANTATION IN- DV8TR1E8 KEPT UP. tyrsVlSO. BXlTTIXa AND BOAP-MAKIKO PTI1.I. ,,0Mt, THC1R OWS kt WOMAX'g WORK IX INI NBQROEg PRKTKB T>0- BgRVlCX. hangei In B luthern llfa Blnce tho tomi ol Ihi i" oi _tt~m '...' t broughl trklc ndlt itatlon Hf. »:. k" ' *" w-r)t n (.,:¦ on bj thi lower elsu of whltl yfo,\f. T! i '.¦¦.' icattered, aeeklng g^pleya. Ilel al hlgh. r wag i than gU ... obtaln nt oraa Thon who in nepoef to buy thelr naasaa N .-¦>. .'. from out tbalr i wagei * and $t a month, nnd pMsrtt il the Me. ra ol all thelr hi i V:. ... . rem iln b«y ehi ar- Ill-madi eloth* ln-',;. the old "llavea" eke .-ut lheir | ly wlth »plnnlng aool for atock- tnft aa Itted garmi ti Thi aaore fori to onei tbe san Bnan- erhtti wlth th dlffi .- nn theli than ths whlti -. whi lattci. _\_kX\ DAYB' IND1 BTRIEfl. la thi ilavt i wei eoopers. iaa Bacmakera, il Ini en weaven knlttei tnd .-.. .- rhe s irnlshed ttaber for tl.. ¦ tor the Th? eatl imptlon and pgtdik iu ai leatl makns. the ahees gava wool, and th Belda pro- fneet eetton and lax for the weevera and apln- frull for tbe dlal The \ .- ta In Qtilrr 1 by th. eatabltihmi nl »*av ..- k- rine teature Di '",. t. r'a famlly Tha dlitllier made AU peralm .nd Vi ... Ir.?. worr. mon by t tren MAK1NG tbert wera f.w p - '.'.¦ -, A" * _*. " ;'*' aartty and plenty: n..w p-.vcrty and acknty 11*.l»K ro 1 .1 ln hand. Tha l.<-Kr-> cal.lt,* ar.; f.tllltiK lnto ,,.> the hou.fa tn whlch the plantatton tn- SSatrtee were carrled on have long alnce dliap- band f°, _?... .,..-.. l!1 tl*e "ll1 caotna. CARDINQ AND BP1NN1NQ WOOL t. .... a fortunati neugh t gather togetl r a I f stock llve iMni t thel n ly ln- ln« w""' «vn m'.Klnr. m9< ...... my mdustrl ... he '. Vlrglnla sras a fine rolU, ls ¦.. bsck -.-., -.- M a w wa. uaed in 1 tork ?_ |" _.,. t patterne.1 aianda ln ,.;.... -..,!¦ bureau k et tor ..¦.:-- 11 'Jt> narm BOJ r Bt >A1 t!vt_ plantatloi ajttat :)1 '.'.'. "-" '. . -, The Bi tm.-.tf I A rrel ta _,.*} v. poured on them Ull a_\ ¦¦ ,. thi igh a bole n.. da ln the barrei. into a ai nuit l a .i ". Brlye, P*i q .... i? thr ear an ¦ ni ::* i. the are ¦. : : r pot over r. f> - \ do i- ui..!. r th. »hade of «oor*.-r.. tr-i roap when ¦¦¦ ¦.. . '¦¦'¦ * ¦'".'* * Har.; mt wlth w of ¦ b lybern » hl h sroa - i rn woodi While maklng, Oa ioi n ,. Thfhni tr»\a »¦ .... .. .men ha vt llttle ilmt er ti rnt labor of thelr an- n tlon m |een ...¦*. i mployei '.;.» tahei t. i foi loklns and ei >g BB kelp emuneratlve all tati ¦¦ ¦ waa ih. .... they Ni> (-,. j,,,. n.l :<.,k wit*l ind latrlei ol thelr grand- IMSBti n .. .-. ... work" to ihe Patien- .»¦.. fu: old ¦>. opli at.d xr-» "mi-vr.i: ..v e traa ? terrjtt of ;///¦ bok bopbavo. Bai Q .... . .-¦ returned J*5*svei .. .... .... iang at many of thi U^Mlona ,.-. . th, blennial of thi Natlonal r>>r»ti-r ci N wlth marked auc« et«. '1 C&;ort [ the ^.rnaha BnpoaltlOO he Udies' Tailoring" ¦ ,l ji not done th. artistic elegancc and jauntv beauty tbat make our suits so War; ihe quality of the goods and the *ft W workfalso help. fc- i?0sl e«cting say our suits are per- " ls worth someting to know this. Our FALL MODELS, in End- KS V.iricty, nnw on exhibitiou. J28 West 42d Street. Pn-7* ii-t^nt'.'i !**»lefl 'Ircular .(.ntalnlne te»tlm-nl__i **. euo_t*:Jkat aii. luir ggee-allaa. aaa the ¦ .. l Mr- Clement Chase, rhe preal- hrit or the Executive Board of lh. Commltt. ilnii nt, to a hom h. a/ai Introri i.i by Mra, Margarel Bang.ter, wh, la greatl) Inten ,n Httl" Barl ii- tooh pan ln th- exerclaea ihal lay at Omaha. and, belng a llttle hoj len years >M, «;,s llonlsed bj tr- w -., en a- r.o I'e.-i* llonlaed before, Krancla Flacher Powen i.. ri i maater, id charge of the muslcnl Mr. P ver* s,,i.i that Barl never *ang better than be lai before that large assembl* ol people, I *i -Wl *A J _#> THE 77,7/;. XE MENU. FOR _/'r\/Mi. BEPTEMBER 19. BREAKF .:-. T ra*. H,>::. .. * nr snd .ream. I.am'. ..¦. Bweel RI4 lai Pots rowi Vlenna i ,' ffee. I.rXCHEON readed. ,'V:rr :e ;-.;. ... pol Itoel BrOW.br. rr:rri!n !e. 'I'. DINNER jeiiie.i boulllon. S'.l -eA .¦¦¦¦'..¦ 1'. K.nn. n, whlte aa-. re. _..¦«. grouie Irii.-d sweel ; »tai - a. Mln ed iri li Iraa n rtt. r a pu Mlng. I. .Jv flngei ¦' ffee METHINQ ABOI T OAME Amerlean our. ho! Ii to whlch gam. nexpei t use lt sa n lt ta In m irkei ln hui n ihorl tlme and olfera a dellrioua rarietj In isy meat ourre. lt la true ihat rly evei y portlon <.'. the marfci . ir.d lt ia a)rnr>at a matrer Bt rei.ret thar Is mry to add pamo sl Ible eeaeoi. and i rohlMI II larlng aprlng. Tet, thla !.» Natura's rol., whl, arr.vides a rlct*. dlet, Wblch ls be.1 for mai rreaturaa la aui prapara for tha omlng -. . ci-.rvw. and lo most ereature. lh. season of gama li true ' an if one wai ket ther. Mmes whei -, lai g Ivea '" »¦"¦¦ ll is nn more dlfneull er expemtve to pi tabla wlth II 'han arlth ord ' whlch on. an ', ¦> al u -. ¦' Oi iaa la i aa ehe.p aa ehlckan II la a rlch, dark, le- tbe whlt. me il if ,i partrldg. but a dellghtl Ird .: ban and Ihe ptarmlgan, ar- aai tnd aerved. They requlre BO .la',"rate SSU ;. *', ': ...... t u requlred Th. q .- rly half the lae of Ihe ther Wrds of ramlly Tl ... :..,.. \ ir wtngi Bpartnglv; _re tl I. r ar. 1 nre nevei rtmmed off as tl ..¦ ' woodc k tlwayi ar. Tl I Eng rhym. jf ,.. thlgh, He'd l that e'. The brei f all thes. Irdi is pan reoulrai i e well i aucceed ln remo.¦ >m< of the thlgha i io make l r llttle Ires st leaai ¦- ¦. int of i ..'".¦. =-. H th- tl in the Lr. ,. i. ia hardl) posall e to :, u ill lo one r m b aerved the li. Qui la are ,.,. y. ,i nd ai-rvi iii i braleer bul lh. f.,.;, roasted, 'ir r am kind partrldge hen or pi irmlaan sre mor. oflei m any othei way, an V ". h Is pr. ferred h< ause 11 -. ristlc flavor ol * snd . marked t'. . '¦' K pta any other sauc wlih ".-. ...-¦¦; ". .. heeause no I.rr b. .'¦ laed VALUAtiLE HINTi. Sre thal lha Wrda are well plcked, freed from .'. ihol and drawn carefuUy, remembeiing ll ln .-dtaaetroua a thlng ta br.«* the gall bladder of ,., ,f i domeatlc fowl lntended for food. Urd the braaal and lege, or tta ihln Uyen of lard. Ing ',,rk m.-r the breaal and leg. wlth twlne II mor. eonv-nleni I irefully InaMa and out nith aall and pp. r ,, ,n«. blrd la larded nol arrapped tr, pork, rub ll In iddltlon wlth butter. id any caa. dradg. wi flour and lay 11 In n drtp- .ina-pan on Iti back. lt la hardlj. ry iha! nogama .*\iBmX though » aak. d bl ;,< ipl. a ho hav- nevi , repea ...... .nk/. on|on u liH '"r:". '; ,_.., i. rds oi a >!', i>, Ihe amaller lll io i,rr(,.,ii .. | r,... H z, .,,.,,_ -. ,,1(.,.h or any other blrd of tha l ini » ,.,rd of a cup ''V, li. r \: 'r two cupa of mllk .¦ut th.-m In doubl. bollar wi¦ .** . ,...k iri,l . thlrd of an onlr,n allc 1. .'¦ ; «^ f_tTr% aleve an_ add two Uberal tabh .poor.fuis of ' o.i. ,.., ii Pour s llttle out oi a hot piai "?___ lav .hn irda roaated on lt. Fmx the reat of er and la> tne mi j*. . , ..o-thlrd. «f » ajt^wssKtaii ; up Ot COaree ur«v h ,,r)rnl«h <t ?var tha Wrda and Bauce^ar , rreen p.-irsl. > " *¦" <lurks ,nipe and WBl [ !9_Si rieh. brown, rtmatad ^uT1^?^11?; brough the autumn w.-ods. WALK1XQ OBACBFULLY. Althongn. parhnp* >.<¦' -»¦. ¦._ "xc',;ionr'(,;i";!; B woman" tthal honor havlng baan aeeordad ta »,_ i, .we-t vo:,r"i, yer, -.r.-ilny. nn tne w.» a . erscefu ;0.< .very*»i«r. Jl.«. tja;to iR ^ « ^u -nd ga ;eo.id'h;rc0mmo.ly ^Si. A ROLPIERS' SAN1TARIUM. THI8 IS THK I.ATKST <',IFT OF TIIK TRAINED NURBE AUX1LIARY. Tlio OTHER .ilt lt'H HOaggg TO Bl KiTTi:!- ri' AT ON K AM- PROV1DBD WITH MKI-K'.M. AI!'. Th-^ : mltl.'f thi Red Cross for th.- Malntenan..' Tralned Kureea mei "n Thurs- day the home of Mra tVhltelaw Reld, Me r.i Mi ... Mi >* Bayard Cutttng praaMed, preaeni wera Mr- W Lnnman Bull, Mn VVhH Iaa Reld, Mrs Luctui K. vTllmerdlng, Mrt Oeorge ¥. Bhrady, Jr.. Mrs Winthrop Cowdtn Btory. Blnee ll s u di .Ided I glve up the general hoa¬ pltal al Montauk pltals of N'ew-Tork a.i.l Brooklyn have expertenced dlfflculty at Umee In placlng convali ... »oldleri In outalde l..-m<-~. ao ,.fn :,. iy i. ma Ifl t -r tbe elch who nre eon- .r..in Camp Wikoff and alaewhsre ii, on '-t ln rellevlng thli pressnra Mt W, Bayai uttlni hai ei ¦bllahed al Oakdale, nltarium, whleh i*> dl- er aa ¦ eontrthutlon t the .....i. of Auxlllary n->. .. The houae, whleh li i. ted i r the ehorea of < Ireal t'... r, ... ommodate twenty-llve patlents, and hsa ill Blnce the day ll opened The eppeala t r further scsommodatlons of thla kli have a ao urgc-nl Iq thi last fsw days that th. aua leclded t- a. pl tl .- offi r mreh of the Incarnatlon of thls clty, mads ihi lugh Mi v. ilti law Rt IA, tenderlng ths use of its Rummi r Home I »r Chlldren al Peeksktll. H. V r-ant, snd wlll secommodats flfty patlenti, and alao the t'hepel Hlll Kr.-.-h Air Mle- Bl, n li"..-. ian) Highlanda N J., offered by thr truate*. of tho Reed Alumnae League, whlch wlll accomi dghty-flve p itlenta The auxll- re dlrtaton nnd maln- ten .i both homra. provldlng every eomforl ¦nd a thoroughl) equlppcd etaff pt tralned nuraea .: ir .i'ii. ln addition lo theae the aoclety hai seenrad, rh Mri w | iiel m Ri Id ths uss ol iwo largi dri \ na room ¥t in mln and i a W'agi .-. whi h run etween Umi liland 'ltj md M ntauk Polnl ¦, ilPI ed krj for the uae of aol Hei - w ive Camp ... ... rl Ii In ordlnary coai heo. l>r, Bn ¦.'. ih ta ¦ riti and four tralned : Emmoi Uii - Bln >naoi Ml Penl I rar tha ..'k. v ... i: Ci auxlllai ea havi i- ¦.! rork ol Ihelr iul ii .th in Auxl .¦¦ S ¦¦ Th- orl ter brai -: ppllei . I at I ,,, ia and ralaed Ml«. whlch fund lt .. intended 1 r the li a of an enter- talnmi .......; Mla W I. .111...!. B . week "nt in 1,200 |< poi ,it N .. Kl Broadway. r N, , Ilng Wappin ¦ - nd Klahkl -n-Hud i ... A ||t i rmai M «reni < K .... . ¦. mlttri l ll 1.1 .* f i ety to aa ti i ot an ... i i. Mra I "." ' {....I ¦ "'¦"... II II v , .,..,., ,'. ¦i ii . .. '.' ion ... i i.i .. ... nye . i-i ,' ...,:. ¦, , . ¦I j .,,... an Mr* - Mn. ll.iti ifloji v,;;' ." M '.' U ..1 Hl aa '....< '.:.n IAI \o no inooo ..ir-. . ... a ....... . M ¦. *>' .... I Kel'.i I ". " .... ..-..¦ Mra na! tf arl .'- klexntuutt \\ u .!.. wota Mr*. . UrlewoM, j.r o,r ladlee . v ROI M i. . |2 ... m r im .. r fi . '.'"' M *. . .'¦"" ¦..¦...'" r i,ri«t Cburra, t»i M U.'.l- o .... i:.... 'i, aa ,.f N..rlh I<..iral-rn-. tr<-_ An . iv. Itajanl ''.iit'nr . J22 . "' '*" ¦' ... -i . :.' Si -.'"" :..... .. Mfa i i \ i -'.'. as ¦ri y .". i.-.i fn .'. ot s Mn et U inaberrr, wss Mr*. I .,...¦ -.¦ y .... ...... mn il ol . 2 __\ ¦...¦< ..."-1 Hra J P ... \ .-¦ -"w' ¦. BiHwl . ¦: .! | . g Wi rr - . ¦b. Nrw Torb. **>on . !". " m a m 2*. .«. IM on i.-.... ggg n -«. ¦> - Uooo, . I52<5 x, .. v . rn .»> .-.. ImbeWe 1- l/u-'iiroM. »«> r V k* - .. .. - ri. n nt u mwtlni *t I*«ul Pm.th'* (N. V II 1*1. -....--.rr _. ISIg v.« atcphra I' Kaah. f>'" :::::::::::::::::::::::::::'. «<« p v ii*. . . ,'""" Thrr-.ip>. v.a. Wllllam l'-.f-t- .v Nnhtinai.1* . r.. 1 Mr*. Oeerfa I Bowdoln. tnoon M.r i> VaocrUrMOM. 1S» Charlaa Staaxt hmlth._luuou Tet_l .WJ*11 (tATHERING autumn hebbs. THEBE CAN BE UTILIZED rOR THK FAM- ILT AND THE ri_T CAT. FA,*Tt* ABOCT THK OOLDBM ROt*. *¦¦ "MAV OF TMi: BARTfl" AND OTHBB MiHsrM.IER A*kl> KAI.I. rl-OWKHS ln mldatimm-r th- roadsldo. gieam and g-low wlth tirtiliHiit eotora, and aii th- trlbe. of atrong-gro.Ing aral Strong-BCented planU pr.-fer th- late aummer montha. Among otbera, th.* stnguiar desme- dlum, ,,r bueh trafoll, ik inureatlng fr.un havlng ti.v leavea and Bowera rrr"**.' an aepamte planta, un- oonMeted apparantly, ar.d often aome little dls- tanee apart The larre iproadlng leavea srnvv on a stalk ns if' thev had nothlng to do wlth anythlng tim, if one graap thi. pluma b! lanvaa h. aill Bad that the root loada along undorground untll auddenly up come. anothar planl -a tall atetn, ivlth pankrlaa <.f purpllah How. An thea. p cullarlttea becom. dellghtrul to tho obaervlng ey. The groundnut, er wlld bean, Ih b I.. laome II >er, ind peeullar In appearance. .j flowera are rlch brown and whlte. growlng rary ihlch and havlng the aoaat , .., .,-.... ¦.,! p| ,,:. oft. '. I Itl ir- Try tO Hnd th. remarka'ole planl belongtng ln th. convol- Vtllil. fain.ly. th- .'. lld POUtO vil.-, .,: "man '¦'' lh. earth it la nol taslly nverlooked. Baveral atam. aprlng from th. Him. root. growlng or twtnlng f. ,r or flve feel hlgh. The leavea are inrge, heart- ahaped, polnted and Bddlo-eh.ped. Th. flowof Hke ih. garden mornlng glory ll 'u aometlmaa raiied "wlkJ morning glory" whlte and pinkish purple. Thli remarkable vlna la found ln aandy n-iiis and Isldea ln swampy placea, and on the edg. - ol sall m< adowa ,\ famoua "man ol the earth" planl growa al lha end of an old country brldge ln Connectleut. Tha ¦tcmi an long snd atout, Ihey grow Irow a hug. thal would « >igh Bfteen or twenty pounda. .r. beautlful 1111*40 >,f autumn mak. Balda and m. .wa gay: Ihe stately pole yellow llly, spoi ed aith brown or purple. ihe dark'-r yellow, and the ti-rv red, or tlg< i llly. c >nti tal tn II wl h the whlta ,.r I,,]!..,.' treeaei lf la sometlmei ,.,n.,i inth Now the radlanl heads <>t ti -v. rs en hlgh. il and moal .mi.i b walk or drivo along a country road iuch maai i "f color bi to arrest ar.d tn- tho m.'Mt unob. rvanl eye. Ths moal conspl 'uoua amon f th.mpoalt. or coropound Bowera i numbei ol amall Bowera cr, wded Into ona head -re the arll lunflotrara, and mtlkwi od, Ai- il ona hun¬ dred and twenty dlfferenl ipccraa ol BBter ara ln the l'nlted State. There are many va- rletle. of ng, from deepeel purple I || ren ler and . hlt*. Blghi pedei rolden rod are natlv. to the I'nlied Bi »Vh< n lh. lov. .tt 1 maral tiful Moaaoma, tha nn,in er l. -r ..iv ii.-ed Ureat maaaaa i eolor flui h the Bll m irsh. i Th. ....- re.t. BTato. ind lovlngly on th. mldi immer plcture; the | | ped «irh the soft, de.p green marah i ¦ of lha bnrkground, tb. blue saa ar.d iky Ai (| ,. ,, _ , odrool blosaoma ¦eom fll I promli. .. i the telj marah- -,-. tb th. matuiit; and I ilfllm. ni >,f the greatesi her of n ui i water runa ind. In . ol blll *. on - almo.t ... out above ' . 11 ... ¦ ¦' -. , the ,ir,> . f th« lll | ll ... i wlth .howy - .... .¦¦. dry. rhe wl -'¦ rn loohl ln iti aftei thal ring wlth tl ,,, |tB Intense s<*arle) from irahe.1i . Ihe .,. ;. V Unie for bi "I ¦¦-- ' mnke - r ,, - | ol garrel r wl. ..¦.-. f .i .¦.¦ intry | ..,.. r fnrg. ll Rl! ll ""'ia t,.trm i may now be I ind In meadow ind fleld r.,-i*v, , isll, pepper- ... tnlp, .... .... . . ng ml ,. nr-1- and luati «* Ith * g though li »ome ,...¦¦.: .... roloi ...... Itoe. ml ¦ighlv ........ ' - If a f the hei I. held In Ihe h tnd A j |p li nn ever freah dellghl io iring ihe a li ter m nll »um imn gatherlng of herba la ,.ften a wln« ... THE TOl KGEBT CLUB MEMBER. Hllf. IS UIBB IMIYl.I.IS I'l.Ar.K. ANP IS KNOWN Ar. THK "LOTUB BUD." M!«s phyllli Joaephlne Clarh enjoya lh. dlatlno- ... ngeal elub mimber on n * only wn i rarj m. mr*. r of of th. i-.Tr.ai Brotherhood, ln [..¦. .. Bran, h la llmlt, .! to hli- dren, i, who la thi the "I_.tui n pl ui .. ,,-,.. wner of a untque awlng. mada model of ona In I n ' . D Urndrlrksoi Irloom thal ged to hla been ln tl ¦. famtly for nearly a hundred .. na Th. aaat li made of B m.lon LOTUI BUD IN ORANDMA'I BWINO. ihalr aeat, wlth a lioU- hored ln each of the four coraera. Four atrong ptoee. of eord, eaoh at,out . iv feel In length, ar.- run through the h.iloa, and a u -..,t ai thi end faaieni them and.rn.ath. Round plecea ot wood aboul th. dtaasoter <>f a chalr leg Bnd -at four in-hea ln length IN tlOllOWed ,.ut Iike hsmboo, in.i four ptaeoa ara .ming llk. iarK>' beada, one n each rapo. Rounded plecei of wood, ui th- length of each ild. of lh. aquare aeat, ara uni nhed oft and » bola borad through from ni.io to u.i,. ,.i each end of evarj pleca, whleh aomawhat reaemble th. rung of a ladd-T. Theae hara are then ¦¦r'-uur, on ihi ropea, with tha enda <>f the i,:. overlapplng each othor al the cornera, and form a llttle iquara laclosure, whleh ii supported away from the saal by tha sla-lnch woodan twada. Kour mor. .' tba arooden baadfl ar. thaa atrung ,,,i. followed nv fouTr mora hars. nnd tiu- awlng Im c,,mplete The baby is placed la th<- taetoaura, r.mi her feet paaa out l,etv.-een th.* aeat and the low-r rung of the iBddorttkl inr-losure. lf It la dcalrrd to st tlmea ava bul on. row ol tti*** border to incloae the -hlid ihe upper row f wood can b. pulled up on iy. It li Impoaalblfl for the chlld to'fall out, aa tha .,a.,e ...tw...., thr, seat .nd ihe lower bar of wood, w-hlle amyle f.,r the ',.:!; :.,;,i ,,.,. io pass throt gh. wlll not sdmlt of the UoirP-_.t. tii. attractiva homfl ln whlch E. H. Ulark (E3BfA "Pure anrl Sure." levdands BB* fiAKING POWDEfc, Made of [>urc crystal cream of tartar.a product of the grape and most wholcsomc Alum, ammonia and photphates are cheap substitutes for cream of tartar. No adulteration of any kind in " Cleveland's." haa recently eetabHahed Ma famlly nptown ¥ ¦ playground, nn.l here ope ot three awlnge haa an proctfd for lttti** Phylfli. ii ieen ln tho pieture. h the doorway of Hr. Clark'i home another ol tt-.. >.. iwlnga doei duty. lt is m arranged That lt can be pul up or removed al ¦ momeat'a notlce. in each ildi ..r thu top of thi* loom .:. ¦ large arr* w liook h.i* l»*-n ins.-rtf-.l, from whlch to ¦*_*. pend the framework on whlch the ¦wlng la Hed. Thf framework oonalete ot a ttu.-k har of wood the wldth of the doorway, wirh a larga acrew-eyi The rones of the awlng ara tk d rhi* bar of wood, whlch, auapsnded by the screw- md ho.-ks. twlngi gently back and forth with ,' ,..,,-.. ,. nf th. wlng ln thw eleverly arranged "oany-tender" the "l.otus Bud" apenda many happy houra every day while Mrs. Clark attende to her houaahold dutlea. \v\. i.r.niKht ititn tlu- rm-m where the awlng guanendod th*- baby imm.ately pushes aaldi al her pretty toyi and, creeplng on her hsnds snd kn^-s to the swlng, extendi her srms toward u m nn am il tn i-<- iift».fi In. The expi-nai of havlng one of then swlngs rnnie ¦I homa or pul togeth. r by a oarp*nter woul be ao tririinr aa to place them wlthln the reach ot a 11. ¦nd thecareeof many ... overworked mother could be greatly llghtened hv ualng Ihls awlng. whchls another llluatratlon of thi fact thal wlth al thi un-to-date Inventlona on the market to nssli1 ln entsrtnlnlng bablei md chlldren lt li rrequently found thnt "Oi-l thlngl BW DSSt TOTS ARE TAUGHT TO BBW. LTTTLa OIIU.S OP THK RO0BMARY CLUB BBINO KBPT BUST. OTHBR THIROfl BBSIDES THB ART nr THB SSAM BTRETC ABg UBARNBD AT THB IIBHTniai etrMOtfg gAYWOg OP THB PUPIUI THB WORK wni.l. DONE. Up thr.-* Mgtltl Of lUIW ln I ba. k rnom of e tenement-housc la .- elub of llttle gtrti whs in Iren og to staki ihi Ir own eli thsa Thsy ara is- ceedlngly proud of thelr name, "Th Roaemary i'luh." f -r roiemary .... ¦' '¦'*>' bai ¦ io much lo remember dayi '.'i tha week all aummer they hnve alven two houra lo thelr icwtng snd have learm many thlngs. heeldee »ddlng to thelr aeanty ward. robs. Ons llttle ons ha« k all Bummsr. bul h*-r eewlng ¦ got.n, f'.r al thelr own Miggee- tt-.n each glrl as ihe llnleheo Ker pleee glvei ¦ .1,, to Meggle'i work befors beginnlng aomethlng In this llttle elub thera la tba promlse >l ¦ mi M:... band-eewera Aa faal si they learn ... do B thng they make a prnetl al sppllcatlon of the knowledge, ind when ihey llnleh a garment II be- longi la tbi bi ,,,. .... ..: ii informed a nsw .. ttot .., | if you d ... . do noi ilng to lt. but « i you begln It la hard." there sn to whom vsrlous t ilnga nr,. ....: y m thi -.-..-..' a ayl QUEER WORDfl AND W.Wrf. ai flrat rhfir llttli ehatter aavorad of the itreeti ¦n of thi ilum but they bevi .¦¦ gradually taughl to look for klnd Ihi iga In thli world. ind i) -nl thal thi mora Ihey look the mon they || rted I idd to the llel .. edi of thi Ir own. (»ne llttli glrl thi ther * . mei wlth ... ataelea In grleve I -U .... . alwaya easy to -lo klnd thlngl when [found ''"l took r' n m the butcher*a gel II -. got there n tt wai i innlng ar mnd thi n. ln wlth a amall n ,-..... thim .- - .-.. irked wlth one of the *. l , r irthdai a of muah. . iei bad broughl her. ah< aald vi mei ,r.i? U'hal wera they llki di arr n n nake Vlth ¦ wlatful mk la ber blue eyea i ,, , .i don'i know: my ilater had iten them ill be- ,,,-,. [ | thera wai »nli the **mpty i *. The i ¦¦. toi mtieed ¦ trlp . Central Park ... ahe bad to -tay at h me n KBLP II NEBDED Uck of meana baa kepl the Roaemary Club ¦mall, but thi belp dURculty wltl twon be ramedled. A fea of ths bssl Kirls wlll bs put ln ..a prlman .hera, ind one day*ln thi week wlll tei h a tea of beglnnsra snd prepara them for ". m rb The reet of the clul wlll make thelr beit ef¬ forl r) *.t "11 lha ' t't"1 ., mor than \t ,... v f.-r neceiiar) >x| from v t of mualln wlthout itarch ¦ b ill pntty but aomethlng ... it wlll waih, ... of tinnli Ha:... il I ¦.¦ aai a ara aal winter nothlng waa mora workera among thi poor lhan tli** ilghl of iren lylng around th. ir oor h -me* aale- oft. n arlth * ani) eoveHng. and alwaya wlth little «ra trmi lo -kli * aa ...-.loT It la ordalned i thla bev) (irla ahall »'¦<¦¦¦? ln warm -wn f thelr own n. iklug whrn the .*oM tu^hia centa ng i'.:: iH HILDREN'S «#? J& ORNER ¦ D h JP-J Uttle Dalsy wai f. nd of iweei milk One day i ^ ot buttermllk waa pul besldi hsr i.'.ate nt dlnner Bhe taated It. put ll hack on her tray nn.l aald, "Mamma, dld ¦ bad « lai thli milk? ll' i WERE TOU. ir i ¦ Uttle glrl oould be, w all -juat iik-. .. Wirh ll|- as pi sy. chi ka a* falr, fl ii h eyea of bl '-mn halr. Wh..- io v.. thlnk l'd r 1 wear ao hrlght and aweel .i smlla |*d bi ao lovlna all the while, r.l bi «o helprul wlth tn> hand. k an gei mand, ¦\, »oon would n Thal ivery one would turn to aay: «Xli good to i". th .: chlld to-d iy," gee, yei, my blrd, lhat'i what I'J .lo ir I Wl rr you. >r ir i ehaneed be ¦ boy, i.ike aoma i knoa. with .-r'-.p curla anarkllna ln the aun, And ..<¦<.* aii beamlng brlght wi.h fun- Ah. if could bs HO. 1'rl utrtv," nn.l Itrlvi wlth all my mlKht T.. be trua, io bra ¦¦ polll Th it in mi iseh one rnieht !-. hold a hero ii in dayi of ol 'Twould i- i loy To bur one, looking al me, tay. "Ui cheer an.l eomfori all the day. Yf*. if i were a boy l know .iBydney Dayra, In Independent what 'SIN'.'. A s-.N.i OFBIXPEMCE" MEAMi v, a all kaost ibli rbyms, bui have you svsr heard what ll rsally meana? Th- f.mrnn.l-tw.ntv bUckblrdl repreesnl the twenty-four houra. Ths bottom of ths pls li thi world. while tbs top crust i. thi ak> thal ovei arehea II Thi openlng of the pla la the day "avm when tha blrde b.-ftin to -Inu. and eurely auch a llght U Bl for a klng. Vi .* itlng Who I- nepraeented ilttlag ln hla parlor countlng out his money. ts th.. aun, while tbe I ild piece. thai allp through bla flngera a. be counta ih-'in ire ih-- K-jl-l.-.i lunbeama. The aueen who aitn In th** .lark kltchen, is the moon, an.i ti.^ boney wlth whlch ahe rega ea beraeu ls ibe moonllght. , Th.- 1n-l.istrU.ui inal-l. who la In th.. garden at work hefore her k\n_ -th.- lun.bss tven, ls th.- ,ir,v dawn, snd the elotbsa ahe hangi out an .- .toudi Thi him who so tragteally endi tbeaong by "nlpplng -rr her soss" ls ths auniet. Bo wa i..,v.- thi wnole day. if nol lu a nutshrll. iti a pls - a l-RFTTY WEDDIVQ DEC0BAT10VB. geptember nn.l Ostober are favorlte m-itith-i for weddlnga snd In looking for deeoraUom fOr konas nr Chsneel one does BO! bSVS tr> nearoh fnr. Tho srnall ptirple and whlte datsies, pol.len rad :.! wtM earrot blusiOBSS may re \i*vt\ wlth mn»t aar- lefaCI -r> resalta Theee small ilalalrs. f-omettmea i-alle.l tho "MlehSBlmai dalllM." may Ijo plcke.l nn.l arrnnm-oil Ihe -lny before they are DSldsd. Th.-y ahould bfl Dlcked w'.th long items, and when pi.in'J in Doiltlon over nlght Ihey wlll bi found the n.*xt dav eloeed nr.d looking like deUoate tiny bude. rt'. baeked wlth young Uiiht green cedar, make ¦ beautlful chancel deeoratton. At a r.v*..nt wsd- .Ina thf l-oll whl-li hunjj .-vrr thr happy pnlr w.-.a .wnpoa.-d of these aame flowrrs. It waa m,u!e on» four.J.tlon of wtre wlth aspurugua green ae a back- gTound. *ffioi a £_!___* ..... ,iii;i:k li.ve had s kindama .r-wat Pa*. "Twaa n ¦' t r |. u ..;. r.e. | I. . ll .-,. v; itt. vr.ra, l_t i! v r.ara. Tlll In (.. a\ tx |t n. di r. Ask Ood to glv. .!.- -kiil In eomfO**t*fl art. That thou Bl art apart t'nt'i i llfe ol For heavy I* the weighl -t woe ln every heart, And comfi r *. led much Of Chrlatllke touch. (A I' llamllton. Duty ts a power whleh rta. arlth aa in the morn- Ing anrl gOBB to r-at Wlth u* Bt BtgDl It tn tho ahadow which cleavea to aa, g . whi - we wlll, and whi-li only leavea ua when _.¦ leave the iiKiit o_ Hfe. (Oladal ba Arranged by \ k I1. fTENCT OF 04 'P'S l.oVK. At all tlmea the wta. ~"n Bl th» worM hava agreed that tb. awat potent thlng in t.',.- aatvatBB w <;,*i lov.. Lov. f,,r thfl Blasaed One flora n,t go ag.lnst nai ir*i it ,.r-.ly glVM lt B blgBSf and BMTfl ¦#-*-.»___ dlr. tlon. If we lov. Ood wlth "thal ¦¦ a deh ti.e n<-n- dli rlml itlng huve fi r ths fl eeti of th. lenaea a Blll In turn receh from Ood great whl, h brlngi iigi-t. |oy, hi aith, hai tran |Ull_ty Th. memory ,,f <;..! doei not oi lo th, .elflsn We r, e< me ul si d do - ,. d to ol era; be klr.d. gentle snd lovlna t- sll The mor. we do thla, th. m,,r>- our h, irti v* he purifkd, ,.¦ Q d'a lov* win be ln l mi then, will ona how potei s la "The poor are Q ai :. an. *'ho lufferi la Hli repr. lentatlve." Wlthoul glvlng to the hungry thal pei n vv .. ita and enjor. -at- Ing li enjoylng iln, I'nlesa we glvi klndly ihougM to other. a Ood and ar. aat la a ro- ceptlvs condltlon to recetve Hi* greal wva, THK LAROKR PRATRR, At Bral iyed for Llght; Could I bi r a, a the way, j| ... IWlftl) would I walk a.. .. ri ietlng daj Ar.d n-xr 1 prayed for Streagth, . Tl Bt I mlghl rr, rol tb. road flrm, unf ¦¦ rlflg i aad wf_ i m rt ii.- aboda And then I aaked for Falth;a lll [| -. .-t ir.v ijrvl, I'd rd ln Hla pe«e_ Though I v BoroBn. But n. w i i ray for Lovo, lov. to O l andP man. A lll BOI f--.ll. Ilowi rei dark Hla plan. And Llghl Bgth and Fslth Are _. i¦-. v. here! Ood niy a Ited for me tlll I i rai ed the larger pr.tyer. (Ednah I»ow rheney. i by F, H. A "B1IART" WOMAN. Mra M "-:.-:.. i. I. Mo., la property irt" woman. Bba goaa th. work .n a Mlasourl ran h for elght men wlthoul rtce. Last iprlng ahe ralaed four hun- dr. i-r nd her roquest .--..-.¦- Ung iBtti r, ae ¦he k Bui ahlafl BMBB*. her n .v iln .enda the Woman'a Pagea to Mre. k, irtell her r,n the r ited ii, thla aaaa*. getl w WHT NOTI a i ild. n path of inllghl :.. :. ipward i thi iky a ." ii phlra ',;,. the > hy An<l lo. on evei re. The »ft Iike pearla. ijntl ... iui ler whirls \ ver of dl im n li \. .... .'. oerB days, u ith earth so falr to aee, 1*1,... i wi'h jewe.Ied xtrnprn Can we noi keep a awael falth, Th igh lei ,1 iwi fall, [.-_,... ,.,.,. .me. a wrsita Ani; kl ' Witii twtilghl iiuei the fter g.ow if ri .1 ai d !¦¦ ¦' . al heart, tat, lf wa a . ¦.¦-. U >". _ _ - . ¦T ., itertfl H. Dene-lot .-'.;. >t« 1 y F. M ''" A .Imil.'.r puasla to thar sent hy J. M. B. hai a*» f, | .y .. ¦¦ .mn. s, N N BT. Ptrength for the day! At -trlv dawn I stand lleipless and weak Bnd wlth inreatad e>-es Watchlng for das Befi - Ita portal lle. \ low black el iud a hi avy ln n ban lj gl u |y . - ii .- lift. d from th.* land tnd peai: and amber gl< tm a rosi th. .kiee. ,; my upward i ne wlth iweet surprlso. 1 own ie slgn kn iw 'hai He whoae hand Hath fi ." ¦ '".¦ ¦, "."' , y rl¦*f*, Vnd ehanged Ih to moltan gold, Wlll t.. my wander ng si. - be gulde and niy '-.',¦ mv wavt-rlng heart. His rest for ayst \.,d iiv< n.v wai foldl I palm» to hold Hia bleeeed m. rnlng boori itrength for the day. a bMutlful thought aataeted bv J- H. T, A OOOD IUOOE_mON. Ptoald. r.r-.,. .¦. rai of tho T I Ri whiie I ws» -. ... um Btteatlon waa aaWad tm mmty thin»r thal I thoughl rrlnht intereat some of the .shut-lns." and perhaps othsr. A frtand »'h«rf.f wl, it0| Ing had several blndera ahout the B_N of sn ordlnary magaalne 1 aaked h.r *hat sh. waa dolng wlth them lha laid ahe had aever.il ,'.,,'.,'::. U ulnei a ilned many v-ll- . bul alao man) thal w, re of no vamo n and ihe had ibtalned a n imb. r of hinders. or / i;, wss I klng rh- old nuintH-ra t_ g whi v- rarad to mv. mto fhem The ms fr im h f an m :b acroM the back to an ti lai tlf. and there are two . ,,., ,ch ildi f i .¦>, k. through whleh i oratrli r ol mj kli ifi I .*. Of < * ...;.-v rnun i.. made ln th. leavea of the mag zll..v th .' ire to be saved. lo rr. pond wlth uman ,. when artli le naa a ". m the op- rda the ilng eia. to b. ! e obtalnM I. n 1 have not r-v\ w.r is ou a page, snd somethlna on the ,,,,. t la noi worth * ivlng, tn. few wa may be typewrltten n irltten by pen. leavlng -,*i of the page blank imethlng eia. to _ated '.por ll Tl es< mlrj ohtall ,..,.,,..... e by the doaen 1 have n .,.ri .bh tn ar. ertaln the prhe f-r a xlnglc one Paper of sultiible * >¦¦ to match the roagaali puvei can be obtalned for » eenti a pound. Tf magastna This -i in wrlting th. fen m rd» when it I. not dealrabl. to keep th. wh. I< lf. The frlend v. io ihowed rr. Ihe ind-ra tol 1 me " I a larg, and valuaMe 11- brarv snd one shelf was Blled with th.-.r, Mitdarg ..,. he h ,1 laved He congldorad ll a al ii '' ta_BO« neceaaary t. bui papci r,r ,in\ Iiar°r ". '..'* rut the proper sls. by ualng a llttle eara. Thi- may noi appeal io i >u .x-> il dld lo mr, hut I have often saved old fllra of tna-.iilnes that I ind y-t they contalned ,.'.,,;v i ili g. l 'I .. n Iike to part wlth. Thkj .... m-.i su h . good i i\ to lave them that It mlght intereat 'shui Ina" wha tlr.,1 tlme hanglng hesvy on their hand. I foraoi to »sy thal my frlend sug- puttlng artlclei of the sam. nature to- e-ether ihal I*. artlclra upon acl.nc. in one book, art'-lea upon art ln anoth. r, ,*t Your. tru'.y. Southlr'Kton, fann. S. C IJ. II' H.-'oMH. Iln Nelaoa Maaa, of jandnlph Maaa, wlll send .The Houaehold" for tb. eum at paa* to any me_a> h-r wh.. eatx * f..r It ^_ TO A PRINORD (IKNTIAN. lt neath th. tmider autumn aky. Th. rlver softlj murmura by. _nd on Ita bank of fading green. I ie. tha. lift thy sh nder hrud, And. -tartlnK from thy mo.sv bed, Toward the watera gcntly lean. Thou art the last of summor's traln, ror whan ahe eearad her que.nl*' relgn, She hurrled on. and left thee here; nut th. U, Bhy, hopeful llttle n.n. An Btlll eonteni lf wlnd und lun But laava th. »ky and wnters dear. Becaua. ro n-ar tho Fad year's close, Thou art more dear than any rone Thut ever graced ttte hoart of Jun.t And t:o r ,ae ever lifted up Bo pur- a month tn heaven a cup As thou. thla mellow autumn noon. O azure llttle Optlmist! Hv all the nutumn l r.-ezes klssed. 1 would I had your patienee true! T wou d. when wlntry death ls near, That i may he a-s fuu of chaav And hope. my little frirnd. aa you. ^^ BDWARD WILBL'i MABOOR. Contrlbuted by the author.

New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1898-09-18 [p 7]. · ,.,,f i domeatlc fowl lntended for food. Urd the braaal and lege, or tta ihln Uyen of lard. Ing ',,rk m.-r the breaal and leg

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1898-09-18 [p 7]. · ,.,,f i domeatlc fowl lntended for food. Urd the braaal and lege, or tta ihln Uyen of lard. Ing ',,rk m.-r the breaal and leg


7L_& *.

r"l *W>


Of th* t'!

Civii Wai






BgRVlCX.hangei In B luthern llfa Blnce tho

tomi ol Ihi i" oi

_tt~m '...' t broughltrklc ndlt itatlon

Hf. »:.k" ' *"

w-r)t n (.,:¦ on bj thi lower elsu of whltl

yfo,\f. T! i '.¦¦.' icattered, aeeklngg^pleya. Ilel al hlgh. r wag i thangU ... obtaln nt oraa Thon who in

nepoef to buy thelr naasaa N .-¦>. .'. from

out tbalr i wagei * and $t a month, nnd

pMsrtt il the Me. ra ol all thelr hi i

V:. ... . rem iln b«y ehi ar- Ill-madi eloth*ln-',;. the old "llavea" eke .-ut

lheir | ly wlth »plnnlng aool for atock-

tnft aa Itted garmi ti

Thi aaore fori to onei tbe san Bnan-erhtti wlth th dlffi.- nn thelithan ths whlti -. whi


_\_kX\ DAYB' IND1 BTRIEfl.la thi

ilavt i wei

eoopers. iaaBacmakera, il Ini en weaven knltteitnd .-.. .- rhe s irnlshed ttaberfor tl.. ¦ tor theTh? eatl imptlon and

pgtdik iu ai leatlmakns. the ahees gava wool, and th Belda pro-fneet eetton and lax for the weevera and apln-

frull for tbe dlalThe \ .- ta In

Qtilrr 1 by th. eatabltihmi nl »*av..- k-

.¦ rine teatureDi '",. t. r'a famlly Tha dlitllier made

AU peralm

.nd Vi ...

Ir.?. worr.mon by ttren


tbert wera f.w p - '.'.¦ -, A"* _*. " ;'*'

aartty and plenty: n..w p-.vcrty and acknty 11*.l»Kro 1 .1 ln hand. Tha l.<-Kr-> cal.lt,* ar.; f.tllltiK lnto

,,.> the hou.fa tn whlch the plantatton tn-SSatrtee were carrled on have long alnce dliap-


f°, _?....,..-.. '¦ l!1 tl*e "ll1 caotna.

CARDINQ AND BP1NN1NQ WOOLt..... a fortunati

neugh t gather togetl r a I f stock llveiMni t thel n ly ln-

ln« w""' «vn m'.Klnr.

m9<...... my mdustrl

...he '.

Vlrglnla sras a

fine rolU, ls¦.. bsck

-.-., -.-

M a w wa. uaed in 1tork ?_ |"

_.,. t patterne.1 aianda ln,.;.... -..,!¦


k et tor ..¦.:--

11'Jt> narm

BOJ r Bt >A1

t!vt_ plantatloiajttat :)1 '.'.'. "-" '.

. -, The Bitm.-.tf I A rrel ta_,.*} v. poured on them Ulla_\ i» ¦¦

,. thi igh a bole n.. da ln thebarrei. into a ainuit l a .i ".

Brlye,P*i q .... i? thr ear an¦ ni::* i.the are ¦. : : r pot over

r. f> - \ do i- ui..!. r th. »hade of«oor*.-r.. tr-i roap when ¦¦¦ ¦.. . '¦¦'¦ * ¦'".'*


Har.;mt wlth w of ¦ b lybern » hl h sroa -

i rn woodi While maklng,Oa ioin ,. Thfhnitr»\a »¦

.... .. .men ha vt llttleilmt er ti rnt labor of thelr an-

n tlonm |een ...¦*. i mployei'.;.» tahei t. i foi loklns and ei >g

BB kelpemuneratlve all tati ¦¦ ¦waa ih. .... they

Ni> (-,. j,,,. n.l :<.,k wit*lind latrlei ol thelr grand-

IMSBti n .. .-. ... work" to ihePatien- .»¦.. fu: old ¦>. opli at.dxr-» "mi-vr.i: ..v e traa


terrjtt of ;///¦ bok bopbavo.Bai Q .... . .-¦ returnedJ*5*svei .. .... .... iang at many of thiU^Mlona ,.-. . th, blennial of thi Natlonalr>>r»ti-r ci N wlth marked auc«et«.

'1 C&;ort [ the ^.rnaha BnpoaltlOO he

Udies' Tailoring"¦

,l ji not done th. artistic elegancc andjauntv beauty tbat make our suits soWar; ihe quality of the goods and the*ft W workfalso help.fc- i?0sl e«cting say our suits are per-

" ls worth someting to know this.Our FALL MODELS, in End-

KS V.iricty, nnw on exhibitiou.

J28 West 42d Street.

Pn-7* ii-t^nt'.'i !**»lefl 'Ircular .(.ntalnlne te»tlm-nl__i**. euo_t*:Jkat aii. luir ggee-allaa.

aaa the ¦ .. l Mr- Clement Chase, rhe preal-hrit or the Executive Board of lh. Commltt.

ilnii nt, to a hom h. a/ai Introri i.i byMra, Margarel Bang.ter, wh, la greatl) Inten,n Httl" Barl ii- tooh pan ln th- exerclaea ihallay at Omaha. and, belng a llttle hoj len years>M, «;,s llonlsed bj tr- w -., en a- r.oI'e.-i* llonlaed before, Krancla Flacher Poweni.. ri i maater, id charge of the muslcnl Mr.P ver* s,,i.i that Barl never *ang better than belai before that large assembl* ol people,

I *i -Wl *A J

_#>THE 77,7/;. XE MENU.

FOR _/'r\/Mi. BEPTEMBER 19.

BREAKF .:-. Tra*.

H,>::. .. * nr snd .ream.I.am'. ..¦. Bweel RI4 lai

Pots rowiVlenna i

,' ffee.I.rXCHEON

readed.,'V:rr :e ;-.;. ... pol Itoel

BrOW.br. rr:rri!n !e.'I'.

DINNERjeiiie.i boulllon.

S'.l -eA .¦¦¦¦'..¦ 1'.K.nn. n, whlte aa-. re.

_..¦«. grouie Irii.-d sweel ; »tai - a.

Mln ed iri li Iraa n rtt. ra pu Mlng.

I. .Jv flngei¦' ffee

METHINQ ABOI T OAMEAmerlean our. ho! Ii to whlch gam.

nexpei t use lt sa n

lt ta In m irkei ln hui n

ihorl tlme and olfera a dellrioua rarietj Inisy meat ourre. lt la true ihat

rly evei y portlon <.'. the marfci .

ir.d lt ia a)rnr>at a matrer Bt rei.ret thar Ismry to add pamo sl Ible eeaeoi. and i rohlMI II

larlng aprlng. Tet, thla !.» Natura's rol., whl,arr.vides a rlct*. dlet, Wblch ls be.1 for mai

rreaturaa la aui prapara for tha omlng -.

. ci-.rvw. and lo most ereature. lh. season of

.¦ gama litrue ' an if one wai ket ther.Mmes whei -, lai g Ivea '" »¦"¦¦

ll is nn more dlfneull er expemtve to pitabla wlth II 'han arlth ord '

whlch on. an ', ¦> al u -. ¦' Oi iaa la i

aa ehe.p aa ehlckan II la a rlch, dark, le-tbe whlt. me il

if ,i partrldg. but a dellghtl Ird


ban and Ihe ptarmlgan, ar- aaitnd aerved. They requlre BO .la',"rate SSU

;. *', ':

...... t u requlred Th. q.- rly half the lae of Ihe ther Wrds of

ramlly Tl ... :..,.. \ir wtngi Bpartnglv;

_re tl I. r ar. 1 nre nevei

rtmmed off as tl ..¦' woodc k

tlwayi ar. Tl I Eng rhym.jf ,.. thlgh,

He'd l that e'.

The brei f all thes. Irdiis pan reoulrai i .¦ e well

i aucceed ln remo.¦ >m< of thethlgha i io make l

r llttleIres st leaai

¦- ¦.

int of i..'".¦. =-. H th-

tl in the Lr.,. i. ia hardl) posall e to

:, u ill lo one r mb aerved theli. Qui la are

,.,. y. ,i nd ai-rvi iii i braleer bul lh.f.,.;, roasted, 'ir r am kind partrldgehen or pi irmlaan sre mor. oflei

m any othei way, anV ". h Is pr. ferred h< ause 11 -.

ristlc flavor ol * snd. marked t'. . '¦' K

pta any other sauc wlih ".-.

...-¦¦; ". .. heeause no I.rrb. .'¦ laed

VALUAtiLE HINTi.Sre thal lha Wrda are well plcked, freed from

.'. ihol and drawn carefuUy, remembeiing ll ln

.-dtaaetroua a thlng ta br.«* the gall bladder of,., ,f i domeatlc fowl lntended for food.

Urd the braaal and lege, or tta ihln Uyen of lard.

Ing ',,rk m.-r the breaal and leg. wlthtwlne II mor. eonv-nleni I

irefully InaMa and out nith aall and pp. r

,, ,n«. blrd la larded nol arrapped tr, pork, rub ll In

iddltlon wlth butter.id any caa. dradg. wi flour and lay 11 In n drtp-

.ina-pan on Iti back. lt la hardlj. ry

iha! nogama .*\iBmX though» aak. d bl ;,< ipl. a ho hav- nevi

, repea ...... .nk/. on|on u liH'"r:". '; ,_.., i. rds oi a >!', i>, Ihe amaller

lllio i,rr(,.,ii .. | r,... H z, .,,.,,_ -.

,,1(.,.h or any other blrd of tha l ini »

,.,rd of a cup ''V, li. r \: 'r two cupa of mllk.¦ut th.-m In doubl. bollar wi¦ .**

. ,...kiri,l . thlrd of an onlr,n allc 1. .'¦ ; «^f_tTr% aleve an_ add two Uberal tabh .poor.fuis of

' o.i. ,.., ii Pour s llttle out oi a hot piai"?___ lav .hn irda roaated on lt. Fmx the reat ofer and la> tne mi j*. .

, ..o-thlrd. «f »ajt^wssKtaii ;up Ot COaree ur«vh ,,r)rnl«h <t

?var tha Wrda and Bauce^ar ,

rreen p.-irsl. > " *¦"<lurks ,nipe and WBl [

!9_Si rieh. brown, rtmatad ^uT1^?^11?;brough the autumn w.-ods.

WALK1XQ OBACBFULLY.Althongn. parhnp* >.<¦' -»¦. ¦._ "xc',;ionr'(,;i";!;B woman" tthal honor havlng baan aeeordad ta

»,_ i, .we-t vo:,r"i, yer, -.r.-ilny. nntne w.» a

. erscefu

;0.< .very*»i«r. Jl.«. tja;to iR ^« ^u -nd ga

;eo.id'h;rc0mmo.ly ^Si.



Tlio OTHER .ilt lt'H HOaggg TO Bl KiTTi:!- ri'


MKI-K'.M. AI!'.

Th-^: mltl.'f thi Red Cross forth.- Malntenan..' Tralned Kureea mei "n Thurs-

day the home of Mra tVhltelaw Reld, Me r.iMi ... Mi >* Bayard Cutttng praaMed,

preaeni wera Mr- W Lnnman Bull,Mn VVhH Iaa Reld, Mrs Luctui K. vTllmerdlng,Mrt Oeorge ¥. Bhrady, Jr.. Mrs Winthrop Cowdtn

Btory.Blnee ll s u di .Ided I glve up the general hoa¬

pltal al Montauk pltals of N'ew-Tork a.i.l

Brooklyn have expertenced dlfflculty at Umee Inplaclng convali ... »oldleri In outalde l..-m<-~. ao

,.fn :,. iy i. ma Ifl t -r tbe elch who nre eon-.r..in Camp Wikoff and alaewhsre

ii, on '-t ln rellevlng thli pressnra MtW, Bayai uttlni hai ei ¦bllahed al Oakdale,

nltarium, whleh i*> dl-er aa ¦ eontrthutlon t

the .....i. of Auxlllary n->. .. The houae, whleh lii. ted i r the ehorea of < Ireal t'... r,... ommodate twenty-llve patlents, and hsa

ill Blnce the day ll openedThe eppeala t r further scsommodatlons of thla

kli have a ao urgc-nl Iq thi last fsw days thatth. aua leclded t- a. pl tl .- offi r

mreh of the Incarnatlon of thls clty, madsihi lugh Mi v. ilti law Rt IA, tenderlng ths use ofits Rummi r Home I »r Chlldren al Peeksktll. H. V

r-ant, snd wlll secommodats flftypatlenti, and alao the t'hepel Hlll Kr.-.-h Air Mle-Bl, n li"..-. ian) Highlanda N J., offered bythr truate*. of tho Reed Alumnae League, whlchwlll accomi dghty-flve p itlenta The auxll-

re dlrtaton nnd maln-ten .i both homra. provldlng every eomforl¦nd a thoroughl) equlppcd etaff pt tralned nuraea

.: ir .i'ii.ln addition lo theae the aoclety hai seenrad,

rh Mri w | iiel m Ri Id ths uss ol iwo largidri \ na room ¥t in mln and i a

W'agi .-. whi h run etween Umi liland'ltj md M ntauk Polnl ¦, ilPI ed

krj for the uae of aol Hei - w l« ive Camp... ... rl Ii In ordlnary coai heo. l>r,

Bn .¦ ¦.'. ih ta ¦ riti and four tralned: Emmoi Uii - Bln >naoi Ml Penl

I rar tha ..'k.v ... i: Ci auxlllai ea havi i- ¦.!

rork ol Ihelr iul ii

.th in Auxl .¦¦ S ¦¦ Th- orlter brai -: ppllei . I at I,,, ia and ralaed Ml«. whlch fund lt.. intended 1 r the li a of an enter-talnmi .......;

Mla W I. .111...!. B.week "nt in 1,200

|< poi ,it N .. Kl Broadway.r N, , Ilng Wappin ¦

- nd Klahkl -n-Hudi... A ||t i


M«reni <



. ¦. mlttri l ll 1.1.*


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..-..¦ Mra na!

tfarl .'- klexntuutt

\\ u .!.. wotaMr*. . UrlewoM,

j.r o,r ladlee. v ROI M

i. . |2... m r im ..


fi . '.'"'M *. .


r i,ri«t Cburra, t»i

M U.'.l- o.... i:.... 'i, aa ,.f N..rlh

I<..iral-rn-. tr<-_

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iv. Itajanl ''.iit'nr. J22

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-i .

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:..... .. Mfai i \ i -'.'. as

¦ri y .". i.-.i fn .'. ot sMn et U inaberrr,

wssMr*. I .,...¦ -.¦y

.......... mn il ol

. 2 __\¦...¦< ..."-1Hra J P


\ .-¦ -"w'¦. BiHwl .

¦: .¦ .! | . gWi rr - .

¦b. Nrw Torb. **>on. !". "

m a m

2*. .«.

IM oni.-....

gggn -«.


- Uooo, . I52<5x, .. v . rn .»>

.-.. ImbeWe 1- l/u-'iiroM. »«>r V k* - .. ..

- ri. n nt u mwtlni *t I*«ul Pm.th'* (N.V II 1*1. -....--.rr _. ISIg

v.« atcphra I' Kaah. f>'":::::::::::::::::::::::::::'. «<«

p v ii*. . .,'"""

Thrr-.ip>. v.a. Wllllam l'-.f-t-.v Nnhtinai.1* .

r.. 1Mr*. Oeerfa I Bowdoln. tnoonM.r i> VaocrUrMOM. 1S»Charlaa Staaxt hmlth._luuouTet_l .WJ*11





A*kl> KAI.I. rl-OWKHS

ln mldatimm-r th- roadsldo. gieam and g-low wlth

tirtiliHiit eotora, and aii th- trlbe. of atrong-gro.Ingaral Strong-BCented planU pr.-fer th- late aummer

montha. Among otbera, th.* stnguiar desme-dlum, ,,r bueh trafoll, ik inureatlng fr.un havlngti.v leavea and Bowera rrr"**.' an aepamte planta, un-

oonMeted apparantly, ar.d often aome little dls-

tanee apartThe larre iproadlng leavea srnvv on a stalk ns if'

thev had nothlng to do wlth anythlng tim, if one

graap thi. pluma b! lanvaa h. aill Bad that the

root loada along undorground untll auddenly up

come. anothar planl -a tall atetn, ivlth pankrlaa <.f

purpllah How.An thea. p cullarlttea becom. dellghtrul to tho

obaervlng ey. The groundnut, er wlld bean, Ih b

I.. laome II >er, ind peeullar In appearance..j flowera are rlch brown andwhlte. growlng rary ihlch and havlng the aoaat

, .., .,-.... ¦.,! p| ,,:. oft. '. I Itl ir- Try tOHnd th. remarka'ole planl belongtng ln th. convol-Vtllil. fain.ly. th- .'. lld POUtO vil.-, .,: "man '¦'' lh.earth it la nol taslly nverlooked. Baveral atam.

aprlng from th. Him. root. growlng or twtnlngf. ,r or flve feel hlgh. The leavea are inrge, heart-

ahaped, polnted and Bddlo-eh.ped. Th. flowof l«

Hke ih. garden mornlng glory ll 'u aometlmaaraiied "wlkJ morning glory" whlte and pinkishpurple. Thli remarkable vlna la found ln aandyn-iiis and Isldea ln swampy placea, and on

the edg. - ol sall m< adowa,\ famoua "man ol the earth" planl growa al lha

end of an old country brldge ln Connectleut. Tha¦tcmi an long snd atout, Ihey grow Irow a hug.

thal would « >igh Bfteen or twenty pounda..r. beautlful 1111*40 >,f autumn mak. Balda and

m. .wa gay: Ihe stately pole yellow llly, spoi edaith brown or purple. ihe dark'-r yellow, and theti-rv red, or tlg< i llly. c >nti tal tn II wl h the whlta

,.r I,,]!..,.' treeaei lf la sometlmei,.,n.,i inth Now the radlanl heads <>t

ti -v. rs en hlgh. il and moal.mi.i b walk or drivo along a country roadiuch maai i "f color bi to arrest ar.d tn-

tho m.'Mt unob. rvanl eye.Ths moal conspl 'uoua amon f th.mpoalt. or

coropound Bowera i numbei ol amall Boweracr, wded Into ona head -re the arll lunflotrara,

and mtlkwi od, Ai- il ona hun¬dred and twenty dlfferenl ipccraa ol BBter ara

ln the l'nlted State. There are many va-

rletle. of ng, from deepeel purple t«

I || ren ler and . hlt*.Blghi pedei rolden rod are natlv. to the

I'nlied Bi »Vh< n lh. lov. .tt 1

maral tiful Moaaoma, thann,in er l. -r ..iv ii.-ed Ureat maaaaa ieolor flui h the Bll m irsh. i Th. ....- re.t. BTato.

ind lovlngly on th. mldi immer plcture; the

| | ped «irh the soft, de.p greenmarah i ¦ of lha bnrkground, tb. blue saa ar.d

ikyAi (| ,. ,, _ , odrool blosaoma

¦eom fll I promli... i the telj marah-

-,-. tb th. matuiit; and I ilfllm. ni >,f

the greatesi her ofn ui

i water runaind. In


ol blll *. on - almo.t... out

above ' . .¦ 11... ¦



, the ,ir,>. f th«

lll | ;¦ ll... i wlth .howy


.... .¦¦. dry.rhe wl -'¦ rn loohl

ln itiaftei

thalring wlth tl

,,, |tB Intense s<*arle) fromirahe.1i . Ihe

.,. ;. V

Unie for bi "I ¦¦-- ' mnke-

r ,,- | ol

garrelr wl. ..¦.-. f .i .¦.¦ intry

| ..,.. r fnrg. ll Rl! ll ""'ia t,.trmi may now be I ind Inmeadow ind fleld

r.,-i*v, , isll, pepper-... tnlp,

.... .....

. ng ml,. nr-1- and luati «* Ith * g

though li »ome,...¦¦.: .... roloi

...... Itoe.ml


' - If a

f the hei I. held In Ihe h tnd Aj |p li nn ever freah dellghl io

iring ihe a li ter m nll »umimn gatherlng of herba la ,.ften a wln«




KNOWN Ar. THK "LOTUB BUD."M!«s phyllli Joaephlne Clarh enjoya lh. dlatlno-

... ngeal elub mimber on n* only

wn i rarj m. mr*. r ofof th. i-.Tr.ai Brotherhood, ln

[..¦. .. Bran, h la llmlt, .! to hli-dren, i, who la thi

the "I_.tui npl ui .. ,,-,.. wner of a untque awlng. mada

model of ona In I n '. D

Urndrlrksoi Irloom thal ged to hlabeen ln tl ¦. famtly for nearly

a hundred .. na Th. aaat li made of B m.lon

LOTUI BUD IN ORANDMA'I BWINO.ihalr aeat, wlth a lioU- hored ln each of the fourcoraera. Four atrong ptoee. of eord, eaoh at,out. iv feel In length, ar.- run through the h.iloa, and a

u -..,t ai thi end faaieni them and.rn.ath. Roundplecea ot wood aboul th. dtaasoter <>f a chalr legBnd -at four in-hea ln length IN tlOllOWed ,.ut Iike

hsmboo, in.i four ptaeoa ara .ming llk. iarK>'

beada, one n each rapo. Rounded plecei of wood,ui th- length of each ild. of lh. aquare aeat, ara

uni nhed oft and » bola borad through from ni.io to

u.i,. ,.i each end of evarj pleca, whleh aomawhatreaemble th. rung of a ladd-T. Theae hara are

then ¦¦r'-uur, on ihi ropea, with tha enda <>f the

i,:. overlapplng each othor al the cornera, and

form a llttle iquara laclosure, whleh ii supportedaway from the saal by tha sla-lnch woodan twada.Kour mor. .' tba arooden baadfl ar. thaa atrung,,,i. followed nv fouTr mora hars. nnd tiu- awlng Im

c,,mpleteThe baby is placed la th<- taetoaura, r.mi her feet

paaa out l,etv.-een th.* aeat and the low-r rung of

the iBddorttkl inr-losure. lf It la dcalrrd to st

tlmea ava bul on. row ol tti*** border to incloae the-hlid ihe upper row f wood can b. pulled up on

iy. It li Impoaalblfl for thechlld to'fall out, aa tha .,a.,e ...tw...., thr, seat.nd ihe lower bar of wood, w-hlle amyle f.,r the',.:!; :.,;,i ,,.,. io pass throt gh. wlll not sdmlt of the

UoirP-_.t. tii. attractiva homfl ln whlch E. H. Ulark

(E3BfA "Pure anrl Sure."

levdandsBB* fiAKING POWDEfc,

Made of [>urc crystal cream of tartar.a product ofthe grape and most wholcsomc Alum, ammonia andphotphates are cheap substitutes for cream of tartar.

No adulteration of any kind in " Cleveland's."

haa recently eetabHahed Ma famlly nptown ¥ ¦playground, nn.l here ope ot three awlnge haa anproctfd for lttti** Phylfli. ii ieen ln tho pieture.h the doorway of Hr. Clark'i home another oltt-.. >.. iwlnga doei duty. lt is m arranged That ltcan be pul up or removed al ¦ momeat'a notlce.in each ildi ..r thu top of thi* loom .:. ¦ largearr* w liook h.i* l»*-n ins.-rtf-.l, from whlch to ¦*_*.pend the framework on whlch the ¦wlng la Hed.Thf framework oonalete ot a ttu.-k har of woodthe wldth of the doorway, wirh a larga acrew-eyi

The rones of the awlng ara tk drhi* bar of wood, whlch, auapsnded by the screw-

md ho.-ks. twlngi gently back and forth with,' ,..,,-.. ,. nf th. wlng ln thw eleverly arranged"oany-tender" the "l.otus Bud" apenda many

happy houra every day while Mrs. Clark attendeto her houaahold dutlea.\v\. i.r.niKht ititn tlu- rm-m where the awlng i«

guanendod th*- baby imm.ately pushes aaldi alher pretty toyi and, creeplng on her hsnds sndkn^-s to the swlng, extendi her srms toward u mnn am .¦ il tn i-<- iift».fi In.The expi-nai of havlng one of then swlngs rnnie

¦I homa or pul togeth. r by a oarp*nter woul be ao

tririinr aa to place them wlthln the reach ot a 11.

¦nd thecareeof many ... overworked mother couldbe greatly llghtened hv ualng Ihls awlng. whchlsanother llluatratlon of thi fact thal wlth al thiun-to-date Inventlona on the market to nssli1 lnentsrtnlnlng bablei md chlldren lt li rrequentlyfound thnt "Oi-l thlngl BW DSSt








Up thr.-* Mgtltl Of lUIW ln I ba. k rnom of e

tenement-housc la .- elub of llttle gtrti whs in

Iren og to staki ihi Ir own eli thsa Thsy ara is-

ceedlngly proud of thelr name, "Th Roaemaryi'luh." f -r roiemary .... ¦' '¦'*>'

bai ¦ io much lo rememberdayi '.'i tha week all aummer they hnve

alven two houra lo thelr icwtng snd have learmmany thlngs. heeldee »ddlng to thelr aeanty ward.

robs. Ons llttle ons ha« k all Bummsr. bulh*-r eewlng !¦ ¦ got.n, f'.r al thelr own Miggee-tt-.n each glrl as ihe llnleheo Ker pleee glvei ¦

.1,, to Meggle'i work befors beginnlng aomethlng

In this llttle elub thera la tba promlse >l ¦ mi

M:... band-eewera Aa faal si they learn ... do B

thng they make a prnetl al sppllcatlon of the

knowledge, ind when ihey llnleh a garment II be-

longi la tbi bi,,,. .... ..: ii informed a nsw

.. ttot .., | if you d ... .

do noi ilng to lt. but « i you begln It la hard."there sn to whom vsrlous t ilnga

nr,. ....: y m thi -.-..-..' a aylQUEER WORDfl AND W.Wrf.

ai flrat rhfir llttli ehatter aavorad of the itreeti¦n of thi ilum but they bevi .¦¦ graduallytaughl to look for klnd Ihi iga In thli world. ind

i) -nl thal thi mora Ihey look the mon they|| rted I idd to the llel

.. edi of thi Ir own. (»ne llttli glrl thi ther* . mei wlth ... ataelea In grleve I

-U .... . alwaya easy to -lo klnd thlngl when[found .¦ ''"l

took :¦ .¦ r' n m the butcher*a gel II-. got there n

tt wai i innlng ar mnd thi

n. ln wlth a amall n

,-..... thim .- - .-.. irked wlth one of the *. l, r irthdai a of muah.

. iei bad broughl her. ah< aaldvi mei ,r.i? U'hal wera they llki di arr n n

nake Vlth ¦ wlatful mk la ber blue eyea i,, ,

.i don'i know: my ilater had iten them ill be-,,,-,. [ | thera wai »nli the **mpty

i *. The i ¦¦. toi mtieed ¦ trlp . Central Park... ahe bad to -tay at h men

KBLP II NEBDEDUck of meana baa kepl the Roaemary Club

¦mall, but thi belp dURculty wltl twon be ramedled.A fea of ths bssl Kirls wlll bs put ln ..a prlman.hera, ind one day*ln thi week wlll tei h a tea

of beglnnsra snd prepara them for ".

m rb The reet of the clul wlll make thelr beit ef¬forl r) *.t "11 lha ' t't"1

., mor than\t ,... v f.-r neceiiar) >x| from

v t of mualln wlthout itarch ¦ b illpntty but aomethlng ... it wlll waih, ...

of tinnli Ha:... il I ¦.¦ aai a ara

aal winter nothlng waa moraworkera among thi poor lhan tli** ilghl of

iren lylng around th. ir oor h -me* aale- oft. narlth * ani) eoveHng. and alwaya wlth little «ratrmi lo -kli * aa ...-.loT It la ordalned i thla bev)

(irla ahall »'¦<¦¦¦? ln warm -wn f thelr own

n. iklug whrn the .*oM tu^hia centa ng i'.::


v£ORNER ¦ D hJP-JUttle Dalsy wai f. nd of iweei milk One day i

^ ot buttermllk waa pul besldi hsr i.'.ate nt

dlnner Bhe taated It. put ll hack on her traynn.l aald,"Mamma, dld ¦ bad « lai thli milk?

ll' i WERE TOU.ir i ¦ Uttle glrl oould be,w all -juat iik-. ..

Wirh ll|- as pi sy. chi ka a* falr,fl ii h eyea of bl '-mn halr.Wh..- io v.. thlnk l'd

r 1 wear ao hrlght and aweel .i smlla|*d bi ao lovlna all the while,r.l bi «o helprul wlth tn> hand.

k an gei mand,¦\, »oon would n

Thal ivery one would turn to aay:«Xli good to i". th .: chlld to-d iy,"

gee, yei, my blrd, lhat'i what I'J .loir I Wl rr you.

>r ir i ehaneed be ¦ boy,i.ike aoma i knoa.

with .-r'-.p curla anarkllna ln the aun,And ..<¦<.* aii beamlng brlght wi.h fun-Ah. if could bs HO.

1'rl utrtv," nn.l Itrlvi wlth all my mlKhtT.. be f» trua, io bra ¦¦ polllTh it in mi iseh one rnieht !-. holda hero ii in dayi of ol'Twould i- i loy

To bur one, looking al me, tay."Ui cheer an.l eomfori all the day.

Yf*. if i were a boy l know

.iBydney Dayra, In Independent

what 'SIN'.'. A s-.N.i OFBIXPEMCE" MEAMiv, a all kaost ibli rbyms, bui have you svsr

heard what ll rsally meana?Th- f.mrnn.l-tw.ntv bUckblrdl repreesnl the

twenty-four houra. Ths bottom of ths pls li thiworld. while tbs top crust i. thi ak> thal ovei

arehea II Thi openlng of the pla la the day"avm when tha blrde b.-ftin to -Inu. and eurelyauch a llght U Bl for a klng.Vi .* itlng Who I- nepraeented ilttlag ln hla parlorcountlng out his money. ts th.. aun, while tbe I ildpiece. thai allp through bla flngera a. be countaih-'in ire ih-- K-jl-l.-.i lunbeama.The aueen who aitn In th** .lark kltchen, is the

moon, an.i ti.^ boney wlth whlch ahe rega ea beraeuls ibe moonllght. ,

Th.- 1n-l.istrU.ui inal-l. who la In th.. garden at

work hefore her k\n_ -th.- lun.bss tven, ls th.-,ir,v dawn, snd the elotbsa ahe hangi out an .-

.toudi Thi him who so tragteally endi tbeaongby "nlpplng -rr her soss" ls ths auniet. Bo wai..,v.- thi wnole day. if nol lu a nutshrll. iti a pls

- a

l-RFTTY WEDDIVQ DEC0BAT10VB.geptember nn.l Ostober are favorlte m-itith-i for

weddlnga snd In looking for deeoraUom fOr konasnr Chsneel one does BO! bSVS tr> nearoh fnr. Thosrnall ptirple and whlte datsies, pol.len rad :.!

wtM earrot blusiOBSS may re \i*vt\ wlth mn»t aar-

lefaCI -r> resalta Theee small ilalalrs. f-omettmea

i-alle.l tho "MlehSBlmai dalllM." may Ijo plcke.l nn.l

arrnnm-oil Ihe -lny before they are DSldsd. Th.-yahould bfl Dlcked w'.th long items, and when pi.in'Jin Doiltlon over nlght Ihey wlll bi found the n.*xtdav eloeed nr.d looking like deUoate tiny bude.rt'. a» baeked wlth young Uiiht green cedar, make¦ beautlful chancel deeoratton. At a r.v*..nt wsd-.Ina thf l-oll whl-li hunjj .-vrr thr happy pnlr w.-.a

.wnpoa.-d of these aame flowrrs. It waa m,u!e on»

four.J.tlon of wtre wlth aspurugua green ae a back-gTound.

*ffioi a

£_!___*..... ,iii;i:k

li.ve had s kindama .r-watPa*.

"Twaa n ¦' _¦ t r |. u ..;. r.e.|

I. . ll .-,. v; itt. vr.ra,l_t i! v r.ara.Tlll In (.. a\ tx

|t n.

di r.Ask Ood to glv. .!.- -kiil In eomfO**t*fl art.That thou Bl art apart

t'nt'i i llfe olFor heavy I* the weighl -t woe ln every heart,

And comfi r *. led muchOf Chrlatllke touch.

(A I' llamllton.Duty ts a power whleh rta. arlth aa in the morn-

Ing anrl gOBB to r-at Wlth u* Bt BtgDl It tn thoahadow which cleavea to aa, g . whi - we wlll, andwhi-li only leavea ua when _.¦ leave the iiKiit o_

Hfe. (Oladal baArranged by \ k

I1. fTENCT OF 04 'P'S l.oVK.At all tlmea the wta. ~"n Bl th» worM hava

agreed that tb. awat potent thlng in t.',.- aatvatBBw <;,*i lov..Lov. f,,r thfl Blasaed One flora n,t go ag.lnst

nai ir*i it ,.r-.ly glVM lt B blgBSf and BMTfl ¦#-*-.»___dlr. tlon.

If we lov. Ood wlth "thal ¦¦ a deh ti.e n<-n-dli rlml itlng huve fi r ths fl eeti of th.lenaea a Blll In turn receh from Ood great

whl, h brlngi iigi-t.|oy, hi aith, hai tran |Ull_ty Th.

memory ,,f <;..! doei not oi lo th, .elflsn Wer, e< me ul si d do - ,. d to ol era; be klr.d.gentle snd lovlna t- sll The mor. we do thla, th.m,,r>- our h, irti v* he purifkd, ,.¦ Q d'a lov*win be ln l mi then, will ona

how potei s la"The poor are Q ai :. an. *'ho

lufferi la Hli repr. lentatlve." Wlthoul glvlng tothe hungry thal pei n vv .. ita and enjor. -at-Ing li enjoylng iln, I'nlesa we glvi klndly ihougMto other. a Ood and ar. aat la a ro-

ceptlvs condltlon to recetve Hi* greal wva,

THK LAROKR PRATRR,At Bral iyed for Llght;Could I bi r a, a the way,

j| ... IWlftl) would I walka.. .. ri ietlng daj

Ar.d n-xr 1 prayed for Streagth, .Tl Bt I mlghl rr, rol tb. road

flrm, unf ¦¦ rlflg i aad wf_i m rt ii.- aboda

And then I aaked for Falth;alll [| -. .-t ir.v ijrvl,

I'd rd ln Hla pe«e_Though I v BoroBn.

But n. w i i ray for Lovo,lov. to O l andP man.

A lll BOI f--.ll.Ilowi rei dark Hla plan.

And Llghl Bgth and FslthAre _. i¦-. v. here!

Ood niy a Ited for me tlllI i rai ed the larger pr.tyer.

(Ednah I»ow rheney.i .¦ by F, H.

A "B1IART" WOMAN.Mra M "-:.-:.. i. I. Mo., la property

irt" woman. Bba goaa th.work .n a Mlasourl ran h for elght men wlthoul

rtce. Last iprlng ahe ralaed four hun-dr. i-rnd herroquest .--..-.¦- Ung iBtti r, ae

¦he k Bui ahlafl BMBB*.her n .v iln .enda the Woman'aPagea to Mre. k, irtell her r,n the

r ited ii, thla aaaa*.getl w

WHT NOTIa i ild. n path of inllghl

:.. :. ipward i thi ikya ." ii phlra

',;,. the > hyAn<l lo. on evei re.The »ft Iike pearla.ijntl ... iui ler whirls

\ ver of dl im n li\. .... .'. oerB days,u ith earth so falr to aee,

1*1,...i wi'h jewe.Ied xtrnprn

Can we noi keep a awael falth,Th igh lei ,1 iwi fall,

[.-_,... ,.,.,. .me. a wrsitaAni; kl '

Witii twtilghl iiuei the fter g.owif ri .1 ai d !¦¦ ¦' . al heart,

tat, lf wa a . ¦.¦-. U >"._ _ - .

¦T ., itertfl H. Dene-lot.-'.;. >t« 1 y F. M ''"

A .Imil.'.r puasla to thar sent hy J. M. B. hai a*»f, | .y .. ¦¦ .mn.

s, N N BT.Ptrength for the day! At -trlv dawn I standlleipless and weak Bnd wlth inreatad e>-esWatchlng for das Befi - Ita portal lle.\ low black el iud a hi avy ln n ban ljgl u |y . - ii .- lift. d from th.* landtnd peai: and amber gl< tm a rosi th. .kiee.,; my upward i ne wlth iweet surprlso.1 own ie slgn kn iw 'hai He whoae handHath fi ." ¦ '".¦ ¦, "."'

,y rl¦*f*,

Vnd ehanged Ih to moltan gold,Wlll t.. my wander ng si. - be gulde and niy

'-.',¦ mv wavt-rlng heart. His rest for ayst\.,d iiv< n.v wai foldl I palm» to holdHia bleeeed m. rnlng boori itrength for the day.a bMutlful thought aataeted bv J- H. T,

A OOOD IUOOE_mON.Ptoald. r.r-.,. .¦. rai of tho T I Ri whiie I ws»

-. ... um Btteatlon waa aaWad tm mmtythin»r thal I thoughl rrlnht intereat some of the

.shut-lns." and perhaps othsr. A frtand »'h«rf.fwl, it0| Ing had several blndera ahout the B_Nof sn ordlnary magaalne 1 aaked h.r *hat sh.waa dolng wlth them lha laid ahe had aever.il,'.,,'.,'::. U ulnei a ilned many v-ll-

. bul alao man) thal w, re of no vamon ,« and ihe had ibtalned a n imb. r of hinders. or

/ i;, wss I klng rh- old nuintH-ra t_

g whi v- rarad to mv. mtofhem The ms fr im h f an m :b acroMthe back to an ti lai tlf. and there are two

. ,,., ,ch ildi f i .¦>, k. through whleh ioratrli r ol mj kli ifi I .*. Of < .¦ *

...;.-v rnun i.. made ln th. leavea of the magzll..v th .' ire to be saved. lo rr. pond wlth uman

,. when artli le naa a". m the op-


ilng eia. to b.! e obtalnM

I. n 1 have not

r-v\ w.r is ou a page, snd somethlna on the,,,,. t la noi worth * ivlng, tn. few wa

may be typewrltten n irltten by pen. leavlng-,*i of the page blank imethlng eia. to_ated '.por ll Tl es< mlrj ohtall,..,.,,..... e by the doaen 1 have n

.,.ri .bh tn ar. ertaln the prhe f-r a xlnglc one

Paper of sultiible * >¦¦ to match the roagaalipuvei can be obtalned for » eenti a pound. Tf


-i in wrlting th. fen m rd» when it I.not dealrabl. to keep th. wh. I< lf.The frlend v. io ihowed rr. Ihe ind-ra tol 1 me" I a larg, and valuaMe 11-

brarv snd one shelf was Blled with th.-.r, Mitdarg..,. he h ,1 laved He congldorad ll

a alii '' ta_BO« neceaaaryt. bui papci r,r ,in\ Iiar°r". '..'* rut the proper sls. by ualng a llttle eara.Thi- may noi appeal io i >u .x-> il dld lo mr, hut Ihave often saved old fllra of tna-.iilnes that I

ind y-t they contalned,.'.,,;v i ili g. l 'I .. n Iike to part wlth. Thkj.... m-.i su h . good i i\ to lave them that It mlghtintereat 'shui Ina" wha tlr.,1 tlme hanglng hesvyon their hand. I foraoi to »sy thal my frlend sug-

puttlng artlclei of the sam. nature to-e-ether ihal I*. artlclra upon acl.nc. in one book,art'-lea upon art ln anoth. r, ,*t Your. tru'.y.Southlr'Kton, fann. S. C IJ. II' H.-'oMH.

Iln Nelaoa Maaa, of jandnlph Maaa, wlll send.The Houaehold" for tb. eum at paa* to any me_a>h-r wh.. eatx * f..r It


TO A PRINORD (IKNTIAN.lt neath th. tmider autumn aky.Th. rlver softlj murmura by.

_nd on Ita bank of fading green.I ie. tha. lift thy sh nder hrud,And. -tartlnK from thy mo.sv bed,Toward the watera gcntly lean.

Thou art the last of summor's traln,ror whan ahe eearad her que.nl*' relgn,She hurrled on. and left thee here;

nut th. U, Bhy, hopeful llttle n.n.An Btlll eonteni lf wlnd und lun

But laava th. »ky and wnters dear.

Becaua. ro n-ar tho Fad year's close,Thou art more dear than any rone

Thut ever graced ttte hoart of Jun.tAnd t:o r ,ae ever lifted upBo pur- a month tn heaven a cupAs thou. thla mellow autumn noon.

O azure llttle Optlmist!Hv all the nutumn l r.-ezes klssed.

1 would I had your patienee true!T wou d. when wlntry death ls near,That i may he a-s fuu of chaavAnd hope. my little frirnd. aa you. ^^BDWARD WILBL'i MABOOR.

Contrlbuted by the author.