yoL. UV...N** 17,896. NEW-YORK. PRIDAY, JAfll"ARV I*, I805.-FOURTEEN PAGES. i'RICE THREE CENTa *L FAURK THK PRESIDENT. TBJSNCB RADICA LS DEFEA TED pAMDOHraa**'* wcckmor elected jlY THK NATIONAL AttEMBLY. mg/ggoy SECOXD IS TBE i:\Ci:. Y nBBTLT AXNOVNCED AMII> A BOCIAt I8T TUMULT. LITTir. tSTHVXlAKM AMOVSEJi l\ lililS. MCMCB MAMO OX Tiir: BECOXD BAI.L0T BT A ^ &r ,'.¦> ti> mi roa m. bbhwon.thb ,n: w PRF.81DEKT OOEfl TO THB i:i.Vsi:i: AND | THB BB8IONATK)N« OF THH IIISI8TEBB.Hli BLBCTIOB BE- OABDBB Ai A BIXTO TO PROTEC- T1,,N- 1 IIR DVC D'ORIJSANS IHgl «. MANlFBnp. r.iris. J.:m- ;: ~Th" Natloral Aaacmbly, alt- lli ( at v> - -. ti is afternoon, on the s-'cornl tallot electH -M Frnn<;olf» lYIix Fauro. niem- j>^r of tt: Chamber of Depatlefl for Brtne-In- ^rf^ure. and Wniater «>f Marlnc In the Cablnal Df M. I>upuy. I'i. sid. nt of tho Frencli Re- FKUX FAVRE. ¦X>uhHc, to BVCCeed M- raslmir-r^ri'T. Whoee tealgnatlon waa read In Parliament yeaterday. The rota waa 130 for M. Paur* ;«rnl T,61 f^r M. Henrl Brlaa n, the candldate of the Radkabi Bnd Sni iailsts. The announcemenl of the result waa made timld ii tremendoua uproar. Tha aupportera of >t Brfcwou were eo buay groantng, eheerlng &nd reproacbing th- ir nelghbora, that th"y pald no attentloa t.> M. Challemel-Lacour when he rooa to read th>- flgui -.¦». Tha Prealdent'i volce \va>» inau<iii;l"\ and his liands treaabled rlolent- |y. it waa flve mlnutea aft.r be epoke before nll the aaembera of the As:-< inbly kii'.w the r<- pult. The flfftirea were then only approxlmate, but they aufficed to ahow thal Fells Faure «u the new Preaident of France. Tbe ncene Mi abooJutely devold <.( aolemnlty or even diKiiity. Tbe Brbnonltea, whu bad aot once ceaaed bowllng, were Joined by ottaer malcon- t>-ntB. and tbe wlndowi a'ere falrly ahaken by the Indeacrtbable tumult. The Radlcala tnounted chain and benchea, ahoutlng "Down vith this Preaident eli I I by the Rlgbt!" The Boctaltata ran up and down the alsl<-s howllng: "Down wlth th<- thlevee;" "Down wtth the Congo adventurera!" "Down wlth the Panama acoundrela!" 0 a onally, when the dln aub- ¦Ided for a moment the Soclallata would yell In HM ear-eplltting ch< rua "llurrah for the Boclal Republlc!" "Hurrah for the So lal Revolu- Uon! Baudiy d'Aaaon, the Orleanlat, «<>t a eonapicu- oua place near M Chall mel-Lacour, and, wtth purple face and wavlng arma, proclalmed a hun- «lr">l tinrs that tbe Preatdency was uaeleaa nri<l tbe Republlc mual end. H- eventually mounted the roatruro, t>ut only l.. be met there by tbe Boclallata Baudln, Vlvlania Mldhelln and Touaaalnt, who, In deflance of hlm and the Preaident of the Aaaembly, proteated againat t.».. excluelon of Gtrault-Richard and Mlrman. The Inveature of the nea Prealdeni wtth hla officlal powera look place In the llbrary ol Veraal! Palace. it conalated merely In the r«-a<itn>T to hlm by M. Cballemel-Laoour of the .nlnutfB (,f the AaaemDl) The aroa l m Ide the palace waa ln atrange f ntraat to tbe Aaaembly. n waa neJtber exclted ii'-r enthuMiacti. It waited wlthoul eagerneaa for the '-onilfiK of th- new Preaident. The i-arrlage whlch rarrtad II. Caaimlr-Perler back t<. Parla g#me «i\ moatha ago atood In the courtyard wtth the artllktry eaeort arby. THE RBTURM To PARIA The Mg pataca fiock atruck n aa tbe Preaident, arbo bad baea reoetrtng ofBelal oongratuiattona, ptaMiil tbrougb the saiie dea Torobeaua between 1.,,,.^ ,,f aoldktra wlth ttxed bayoneta. .'!-. was precadad i'> aahera and fotlowed by Cablnet .Mlriihl<-iK. The crowd hearU the baatlng of tiiuins aad aaw the Praahleat eome <»ut bowtng rlght and kft, but it gaae no rign "f welcome There arga an occaakmai harrah, but no attempt lo ralat a hearty chaer. Two men eren ahouted '.j.'.nx liva BrlaaonT' Mounted lancera aur- rounded the rarrlage aflar 11 Faare eatered it an'i eaeorted hlm to the atatloa Outatde tbe palace there were balf a doaea cheera for Faare and two or thrta tat Brtaaoa when the Preaident enter '1 th< traln. The traln was a apeclai oji" and eatremely it reacbed the Bi Laaare Btatlon la I'arin at tive mlnutea paal 9 By that tlme the newe <>r tbe electlon bad apread far and wide and a vant throng had gathered In the Place du Htvre out¬ atde th- atatlon. The Preaident waa recelved wlth a few crlea of "Long live F«n Faurar but ti.< re wai no ntbualaa a. TH1 m:\\ PBaailDBNT .'>.' THE Kl.YSKK Geajaaaj Marder. Mlnlater of Wai, an<i M. Han'.taux. ftUnlatci of Forelgn Affaira, met M. Faare at tbe stat!<»n and accorapankd hlm to th- Bjraee Th- palace was brlUtantly llKht. <i and oahara in Kaii Hrery atood at tbe doorm H C i-i'n:r-i'(.rier avleonied '.""'' congratolated hla HUre.-SM,,. Pi'einler iMip'IV thel) |.iesellt"d the realgnatloa of the Cablnet. M. Faure returned t.. the ifialatrjr of Ifarlne for the nlghl Uia young- tst daagbtar Lude, mat hlm at tha.door <-r hi« apartmenm, anad thrtw her arma rooftd hla neck. klf».«ir>K him nml CTjrlng repeatedJy; "I am M happy, papar The crowd outaide tbc Mlniatry chaered with ronelderable fervoi and M. Paure was perauaded by frlenda t.> ahow blmaelf <>n th<- balcony. H<- waa recetved for the flral tlme to-day wlth p<-n- ulne enthualaam. Everybody ahouted: "Hurrah for Paure!" and every bow and »iiiillu from th>- Preeldent waa the algnal f"i" a new demonatra- tlon. When the Preeldent refntered the aalon ii»- aald to M. Blondel, hla aecretary: I have paaaed the moal preeioua niommts of tny polltlcal rareer in this bulMtng. To-morrow the Preeldent wiU recetve the offl- cera <>f t)i» ataff, M. Paure la a tau, rnpoclng Bgure, whoae Hoea ahow the tralnlng he goi la earty lif.- aa ¦ mechanlc. Althuugb a mllllonalre ahlpowner, he haa almple taatea. 11i-^ electlon i* a blow to t)i.' protectl .ni.-'t party. The aubatltutlon of recl- proclty treatlea for the Meiinc tariff la only a queatton of tlme. M MMIne'a newapaper organ, "La Rtpubllque Prancalee," admitted yeeterday th.it Paure'» electlon would mean the aame aa tarlff reform. The reault of the electlon la re- celved enthualaatlcally In Lyona, AN ORLEANIST MANIPBBTO I88UED. Early thla evenlng the Unlted Preaa corre- Fpondenl taw ;i copy of the letteraent l>y the Due d'Orleana to Benator Buffet, Jt waa mailed al Dover laat evenlag. it is virtually ¦ manlfeato, declarlng that at beat the Republlo In Prance can be only provislunal and that )io atanda ready !.¦ atep ;n and help 111. people Ihe moment they call him. The letter la generally rfdlculed, Th<> poltce aetzed ah >rtly betore mldntght u Hj"' i;il i- Ittlon ''f the "Solell" whlch oontained the letter. The effort waa auperfluoua aa nobody waa buylng thr paper and the boulevarda were as caltn as the reet of the cfty, A dlapatch from Dover aaya that the Duc d'Orleana will return to London to-morrow mornlng, The RoyaliaU who are led by the Comte d'Hauaaonville, reoelved seven lelegrama from the Duc d'Orleana durlng the nlghl in regard '.> the latter'a m.uii:<<t >. whlch waa t" be laaned i"- <la>. Prince Vlctor Napoleon i- ;ii>" reported be preparlng a manlfeata Ordera have been given a: the frontlera to prevenl ih«- Importa tlon of th<'>-' documenta Into Franco. Th<> s niaiists have laaned a manlfeato de- noun^ing the Republleana aa traltora to the country, and aaaertlng thal K. Faur< waa choaen merely aa h ahleld f'-r the clerlral and capltallat polltlriana M. Faure wlll begln l.i* dutiea by glvlng 20.0M franea to ihe po . ol Parla. IN THE KATJONAL ASSEMBLY. II*.w THE BENATORA AND DEPtTTIEfl ELECTED A PRE8IDENT. THE PAL \CK BTROSOl.T Ot'ARDET) PROCEBDINOH OPRNRD BT M H \i...r.M.:i. i.\< ... i: the aoci tuara i rb j.m two BAUX/ra nsci waky. Parla, Jan 17 Th" d.) opened qulet, and nothlna. !n the appearance "i demean. i of the p*ople, elthei In Paiii t>r Veraalllea, Indleat. Ihal the eountn v.-.^ .-a the ev- -f an electlon to flll tha blgbeai 0ff] .. ,[, tbe Natlon, wWch bad been voluntarllj v icated by a Preal li nl I. ¦ '' - more than rt% montha ago. Baeepl thal a fon.f aoldleri waa maaat al each of Ihe rallway aut fbur aappera and mlnera were auardlai each rall m iy brldge and grade cro**lng between Pai llm, there waa nothlng to th m thal anythlna extraordlnary wa n or anyth ng unuaual contemplati L Kach detachment ol aoldleri al Ih. autlona and each guard of aappara and mlnera al ihe croaalnga waa aurrounded by an a Imlr ng group ,:1 ,.,,.., but bayond thia ao latereal w,s,.i.>. .vlnced Few people arrlved al Veraal ...... .oon bui after that hour eaerj traln wai D-cked wlth Benatora. Deputlea. newapaper reporten and atghtaeera A «.' aaaaberlaa perhap* ?*. .tood oppoalta tbe entranea to ;,;.,.u,h wblcn tn.. Benatora and Deputlea p. ,.., .atched thementer. There wai no dea.tra ,u.t. .Ithera. th. atatton o. atth. ... Bmallgroupa ol a, rt ttot .were- aambled ,. ... anaroachea to tha Palace and al tbe rallwa) .!.,' nTS!efir.( of ib. Bea.tora.nd Daatka feai in number, begaa to .rrlva at n o'eloch tolegraph operatora. wi.h tbeh ..." paratue. were Inetalled m the Palace, huadred. of aitache. arrlved. aad Ihe prlntlng prenaea a/ere tnad.ready to record the ofMclal^report ofthvro cewl,n« of the Natlond Aaaembly. H. balleBM Ucour. P«-denl o! tbe Benate. -eM"** » hi. officlal aeeretarlea, atarted from P.rl roi Ve lau^-t a-« ,»,....-n, r.. the Hontpa. ralrway attfkm. and upon bla errhral there aa ..-v".i i.) the Palace In en open carrlag*. i^rkmea bad taaea aagaged .11 mgbtJ. flttlag up ,.,.,!. the Palace In a-hlch Iba WattonalI from the Oarda Mauble. A force of BM «i. < ,Taenl fron. Parfca early In tbe aaoralag. and the ,h ,i the rerular poltce force vaa greatlj Str"!1" , i*.n, f- red ihat tbe Anarchlata mlgh. Sro. bc.5. eomml. otberjutt^ea. but £ f...H were grooadleaa, aa aofJMng arora. than caalUt raporing* .amd throaghou. ihe day. The -Raluad" rtepabUcaaa. ... a w " "( prlor to tbe eonaeatag ,f iba A.d.h ... '; ; v..... for M. Faura Th- men.ra of tbe n ,.,,, . a^tlnc bui di.i aoi dedda ........ aa) eandi <l:)'e. TilK AaaUEHBLt OPKKBD. Tha Natkaaal Afsemi.lv »«« ealled to order bj M. Ohallemel-Lacaur at 1:M p. m. M. Challemel-lAeour ... ¦ i.rief apeech announced th<- laatgnatlan of Ptaajdaat Caataalr-Parler, aad read t>»- »rtioies <>f the Oonetttattoa raguaatlag n." akjctlon of a i*r«-si- daat. Aa :'..»». hk tha pmldlai oftVar bad eeaaed apeaklag, M. Mlcbelto, Bodaliat, apraag t.< bla faal and Dourlahed a eopy of a motlon for redaloo of Iba Conatltuttoa, abanthag: "W« eughl not to haaa a Preaident!" M de Baodry dfAaaoa, Royallat, oemanded to ba baard, and. In wplte of the Rinrm of pialaata from all parta of th»> hall, lnal«ted u^n apeaklng from (ontlnued on Klfth Faare. THERE MAY HE THRER IT LOOKfl as |F THERE WOULD BE MORE THAN < N"!: CUP DEFENDER A BYNDICATS nOMPOKBD OF W. K VANDEBBILT, C. O isi:u.\ AND B. I> MOROAN WIIA lirir,!> ONB MH. GOt'LD MAT OBDEB OXE wi> ANOTHBB HTKOICATB MAT BB FOBalBD. In spite of the bard tlmea and Ihe general la^k of money whlch rlch men can Inveol In ¦ cup d< fendi r, li appeara, after all, that the only com- motlon In the New-Torh Taeht nnn In regard to the bullding ol a cup defender lx rauaed by i generoua rlvalry among the membera aa to who ahall have the l.r ..r bullding a boal I ''.- fend the trophy. The outcome of all thla waa a bulletln poated by Vlce-Commodore Brown lael i.iL'ht In the New-Torh Tachl Club, aaytag thal a cup defender would !>.. bulll by W. K. Vander- bllt, c. «». laelln and B. Morgan,end that Mr. laelln would have rharge of the ayndlcate. This aaaurea one cnp defender, and ahe i* to be bollt by the Herreahoffa. It doea more lhan that, f-r it inakea a aurety of ne, If nol two m..r.' boata t" be bulll for the trlal racea. it la an open aecrel in the New-Yorh Tachl Club that Oeorge J. Oould waa anxloua to Joln thla ayndlcate, and ih.it Augual Belmonl waa nol averae to comlng in. A atrong feellng agalnal Mr Oould developed at the laal meetlng A he dub. Mr. Oould had prevloualy announced hla Intentlon of bHng .i member of a ayndlcate and offered to furnlah al leaat half the money n fceaaary l bulld .1 up defender. Thla announcement wan looked upon by rertaln membera of the lub aa an attempl on Mr. Oould'a parl I wln too mueh glory, and for Bome reaa n or other Ihe nerotal geetre of Mr. Belmonl waa alao looked unon aakance. The reaull waa thal when the offictal reaull of the f irmatlon »f whal haa been known as the Brown ayndlcate waa announced laal nlght, there «.v nol unlveraal aatlafactlon. Vlce-Commodore Brown l* alnted for th<- nrxt commodore of Ihe club, and it waa natural thal the n<>rk of the formatlont»f a ayndlcate ahould bc pti.d in hla handa As he haa J"*t boughl a yachl r.r hla Bagahlp. II H alao natural thal hla name ahould nol appear aa a member of Ihe 8vr.di.at.'. whlch la called by hla name. Now Mr Oould wlll bulld a cup defender wtthout doubt.and aotwoare provlded for. Then there ,re many othei membera of the club £***"* of theli falr ahare of thla worlda g«£«, "L1*0 would llke to have a ahare In the worfc ofde- fendlna the greal trophy. and there la e%erj ,..:.'..., ,,f ihe formatlon of a thlrd ¦rndirate. The order for the bullding of the Brej boal .',,' ."readyl." «1ven -the Herreahoffa. and uork on II «ni t- rx gun on M»ndaj There na« n general feellng nmong Ihe meiri h-li ,,f tl.luh laal nlghl thal Ihe ayndt ate . , 1.mi .' i" »1 :"- .i:''1 ,! ... -,,.. ,.¦ ihe bulld ng ler. All...).. -utalde ihe club ¦,,.. rather BTlad ¦»! the Itttle ..ntrovi ray. f"i " ;:;,..:!;,:.. .>,»..!.., -.. i.:.,.d.-.. ^. that. wlth all lt« fa< ' " riuh la n. h a bad .ftrr all When r* pl- atrlve wlth 1 »rh t,. 11 H rup fend< r ihe 1 phj li In llttb dan ...... ,,f rolnc t" lh«' othei facl 1,. hul .,. .,l-rs f lh< ..:..'. - t.i bulld .< up ... fender I.:-' ihe comln* ¦¦ up a rllh ua. 1 have 1 h In Mr Herreal 1 '..'«.a beit< uhan 1 \ - II any bulll .'¦ Valkyrte li! an Impi ¦.¦. -'! ¦' N .", .' " FOUGHT O.V PLIPPERT TIES. pr,LICEMEN BATTLE WITII BX (»S THE BLEVATED ROAD. KVICT? nJK ... IMINAU IFTF.H BKATtKU * T,,Ki T IIOPFEB IIAVB M \- ii in rnosr "I V IU' TlMI A Beree Aa V, Itl >TI.|V't 1IUIV A n Bit'Moin ..,.,, ex-i DDt a '' and flve A '." hortl) lH-for« mldnlghl la li ol . Thlrd-av. '' ,. ., .¦. rwenn - '. ., ,.., Brhwarta. wlthoul paylna thrtt n..i. "».«*'"« "",!; m ,y,.g .tunned on the plalform ,,;»,..¦ n-.,.,d .low..1 aralked i.I h-tf - ,.k aouih along il» track. arhera the, prgan ta . m m " «"ro. -1.",-r nfl lha -,,..,,. ..,.,,- and their k.u-1 yell- a. ,,.,....wd on Ihe atrel below. Beveral peo r, ill.lna th. lanaei °« tl..inata ".«" -t iraln, ran ...*-' £««£**£ .,.,... ihe iraln al lhal atatlon. Pha tl kei 1 . .,.. .,:. ,.. putform li. Ihe mean Ilme JLfi boii. :":' cmJ"n« f;,r . polh-eman. Ilefora II.«««>¦ "¦'"' couM :,: ,, i, ,,i kfl the lowei atatk »" '»¦ i, wbere lha two men la) clln ....¦" ."' :i,.. track. Ttw engtneer, bowever. dleoovered them l. , ,... ,., atop ti.nglne wtthln ihree f-< of Ihem l»ollreman Hulllvan, of the Baal Thlrty lUik al ,.,,..,. Htwtion, had bj thla Ilme bewrd the crl< of ,,.. ,. kei rhopper and eame runnlng up the Jta- ,,,,,, ., . ,,.i oul on Ihe track. >> hen Ihe two ilrunken m.-n aa him thry ma.de ¦ w»J ge aiitnek ,,,, him »n. ol Ihem alruck him on lh« f >reni a.i ,. ... i"fi eyi Inflb ilng h deap wound by a : v lll;. whl. h wore. The other rui a ga«h HullM ... ilrea reii.i ..,, traek lowar.1 II atatlon At the tlral ;,,.,,.. h, ii. a hla whb.ll. belp. Polh-eman john Mci'ullough wa th. tlral to anaarer lle re- ,..,,.. ;, iriiah on the rorehead aiao rhe iwo dmnken men wera powerfull) bulll and wire inore ihan a maich lor ih«- lari..>>..." on m- > Im ol lha irark. Whlle lbe> «.> nghtlna loward he aiatton I'ollctinen Jl.c'«rthy Henley and .lohnaon cuma up. All together tbey Mt upon Ihe ... and aftei a rlubWng lhal lha two alH membei foi aome llroe ovarpoarerwl and ¦rrealed ih<m The llghl had laaled iwenty ralnulea. V lown tralna were atopped and a blg erowd gatbered in ihe atreal !.< low. The tv\.. men when l.ruuyht t<. tt.-- ¦tatlon-houae r-vi ibelr .......- .. V.'llllam iVBrten. of So. Jel K..-.I I-..MV elghih-at.. and Thomaa Wllaon. -f No. M9 i;:,-t u. ...y -iKliii. Kt M.i.h namea and a«l .,,,...... .... i, l,.-v. lo Ih flf tllloiiJ De.tlv- Ri-riceant Mei'affery. Imn Ihe Central Offlce, recog f?iz,,i triirleii aa Jark IJohertv. wbom, wlth '"- notorloua John (Blmore. ol Klmlra fame. ha ... naifd In nVptember. I«M, for robblng the h.m^ ..f Thomaa Woola, ol No 130 Beeond-ave. Wllaon waa ,,.,. reeognlaril by an) of the pollce up lo a late hour Pollcemen Bulllvan and M ¦.'iiIIoiikIi had Ibelr wounda dreaae.1 by a phyalclan. and both arenl home with a pl.-ntifui ^ni>i*l> of bandagea around ihelr beada The prlaonera were locked up In the Kaal Thlrty-flfth-Bt. mmii.ui, and wlll be taUf-n ;.; rha Torkvlna Pollce Courl thla mornlBg MF.i KtT£M TOM inr W. 0. m: r.irw nn\rrt\r Kew-Albany. Ind., Jaa. IT..Tha Pldellty Truat Company ol I^aulavllh ".«.h to-day appotated ...- eelver of the w. c. i>.- Pauw Coeapany, awnafael urera of wlndow-gtaaa In Alanandrta, lad.. and thla ,.,,, The planti are ralued al IUSMd*. ihrea tlmea fhV'lndebtedneaa of Ihe rompany. Tha atep waa "i,-n owlng to th«- Clttaena' Bank of Balem. Ind., Irvylng on the worka at Alexandrta and atopplng operatToni fAMt MOMMMM MOLD Ar 9UWWAL0 Baffalo, Jan. n.-Patti- D. r ItH) and Doetor raton '¦' |sl«' w*"' tha aenaatloaal perfceaaera aoM a. Tatteraaira i->-<i«y. Tha former waa i" Ki""»l demaad, and atveral bwaaiaaa wara aa kaad pra- nared lo pay fancy agurea f<.r the daughter of PStlmua Bhe waa aoM t..r |LfJ0 lo Krnnk tl. Bmitlj. h. well-known atartmg Judga for Joe Woolfort. ', J Unb l.tor Catoa wi.i to John Bandk*. of KMhaater. (or p.Wft Thlrtv-ela head wera tald, and the amount rrallred waa $9,500. EDWARD LAUTERBACH WINS, 8UCGB88 OF THOMAS C. PLATt. HIS HAN BLBCTED TEMPORARY REPUBLI- CAN COUNTT CHAIRMAK. BBMARKABLI gPVJBCH OF tiii: N'l'.w irTICtR AKD H.s IMPI.IKK PRAMK "!" I'llK QBNTLEMAN PROM TUXBA WHO si:i:ks TO tVCCKKD MB. CROKER As' RUUCR OF NKW- TORK IT r.\.s.:s <¦. N. BI4B8, OKNERAL THOMAS, AND OBNRRAL COLLIfl TO WmtDRAW IN DISOI'BT. Tha elemenl of th- Republlcan party of thls dty whlch la domlnated by Mr. ria.t won the Bral aklrmlah In its n<h agalnal Mr. Brook- fldd laal evenlng. Edward Lauterbacb, the cbolce .>r the "comblna," waa choaen temporary chairman of the Republlcan County Commlttee at one of the m.ist ex< Itlng meetlnga of the klnd h"ii in New-York for yeara. The vote st.i: Lauterbacb, U; Brookfleld, 12. M.-. Pl.tt'a adberanta dul n..t complete th"ir trliinii.h. it was thetr programme to ruab through tbe conteata whlch came up from four Aaaembly Dlatrlcta laal nlghl before permlttlng' th" adjournmenl of*the commlttee and t.> elecl Mr Lauterbacb permanenl preaident of the com¬ mlttee. Warn-l by the el iquenl proteal of Oeneral Anaon '<¦ McCook, who leil th- oppoal- Uon to the Patteraon-Olbba-Murray-Van Cott r terle, calllng aitentlon t.. the unaeemly and humlltatlng poattlon auch haaty actlon would place tha greal rlctorioua Republlcan party of Ihla city, th.- rooler headed among the majorlty advlaed a halt In the prw.dlnga and the com¬ mlttee adjourned to awall the report of tbe Com¬ mlttee "h Contaated Beata A JAM AT THE II \ll- Flfth Avenue Hall, in Weal Forty-aecond-at., I. n.rrow llttle meetlng-ro. m uaed for one- boree ahowa and amall aoclal affalra, waa be- KieK"! wlth all aorta of people eagar to wltneaa th.- conteal before T p. m., and Berge.nt-.t- Arma Thomaa J. Callaghan bad h.s patlence aad bla muacular ablllty pul to many aevere teata Delegatea* tlcketa bad been kwued to many m«.t" |."rs....s than the llttl" hall WOUld H.-at. an.l membera >.f tha commlttee wh.> came as !...¦ aa h o'doch found thelr placea occupled by -I.tat.ira who ahould never bave bean al- k a In a meetlng-room of auch llmlted ca- padty N.a.iv every man arho r.me, delegate nr ape. lator, Mtn..k">l a dgar or a Plgarette, and the place was blue wlth sm..k" before the hour arrlved f.-. ralllng the body to order. Am >ng thoae wte. n.de thelr way through the thr :.n 10 partldpate In th. tneetlng a/era <r-u eral Bamuel Thomaa, Oeneral «'. H T C Cornellua N Bllaa, Columbua 0 Johnaon, <'."i. eral Anaon .; M Cook, P B Olbba, T I. Itamll lon, Oeorge Htlllard, John F. Baker, Henry C llotty, .' rnellua V'an Cott, John Bablne Bmlth, Wlllt.m Brookfleld, Abraham Oruber. Edw.rd l. i. V'.n Allen, .1 ihn Relaenw .¦¦. v Piammer, John C <»'«' >nor, Frank il Platl Henn '. ' Hetn. Ja. >b M Patti i,. it i'r,n". Jamea M Doremua, .1 hn Blmp- «..n. >'a'^l H. Blmma, Alfred R. P.ge, Oeorge \i ...¦ Bmlth, Dr. H. RrilUama, C M, Boree, J-. .i h R v.m Wormer, wiuiam H. Heber, Col- . V. R, Crugar, John J. Colllna, Oeorga w. Hanmaher Jeirtfflab rangb. rav i>r. K J. Palmar, ,t iba :. a j ;.'i <; illo, Oeorge H. Deana, Ifoward CjtoII, Wllll.m Henkel, John P. Wln- Eagat \ Ifred '".. Naaoa. Char|e« c Bru.ler. Thomaa P aVentworth, Ben- .i i| Ounner and Frank Itra ird MR RROOKFIELD t'HEERED. \". h n Mt Bt kl Id ih »w< d hlmai n i perf rm the dut) d-¦-. ilvlng upon hlm ,i4 preaident r the Commltttee <<f lv>4 ->f cal Ing tlng I he w..- i. ted arlth rlng- Ing eheera Becret.ry Ten Ey k r.lled the roll f ii tlfled by Ihe Aaaembly Dlatrl :t b .'. Ing I-- n . lected I the rom- mlttee, and onlj two of the Ii I choaen f.lle I anaa t.. . >.. i. nam. i. .;.. .:ii \t .. ,<. t the XXIel Dlatrlct, i d \\ ... a Brookfleld In nomlnatlon for tempurarj rhalrman In a brlef bui aplrtt. apee. b, de. iiing that Mr Brookfleld was ihe rbotce ... the great m.jortt) of the Repuhllcana of New-York. Ex-Judge Erneal Hall, <.f the XXIXth Dla¬ trlct, nomlnated Edw.rd Lauterbacb In a I"..k addreaa, In whlch he euloglied hla candldato as a fervenl Bupporter of the electlon-dlatrlcl ayatem, one who bad been preaenl al Ihe blrth ,r the s\s."tii and'had nureed It Into vlgoruua v'.uth and manh.i lf. .a b.<| b en aaaerted, ihe eleotlon-dlatrtct ayatem araa ...i trlal, .." Btancher .dherent ..f tbal prodwl of the Com¬ mlttee of Thlrty could t>. found. il>- had i.n i, tnember "f thal commlttee, and had aJ proved one of the ableat membera ... the 111 Conatltutlonal Conventlon Mr. Hall had onl) worda of pralae for Jhe prealdenl of Ihe rommlttee >.f lia4, Mr Brookfleld. but the partj in s/w Tork, he aald, maal plead gullty ... puverty ir thla b«Kly ol I..: Republlcan., elected by a conatltuency M.000 alrong, rould preaenl onl} ...i" namc for leaderahlp. Mr Hall cloaed by nomlnatlng tbal "magnlflcent, atalwart, .niii- ...in Republlcan, Edward l^auterbach." Before Oeneral McCook had pul Mr. Brookfleld In I. .nilnatlon Ihe latter had r.lled the tirst vla prealdenl "f laal year'a commlttee, ex-Judga Piammer, ... th chalr, and durlng Ihe epeechea Mr. Brookfleld aat bealde Oeneral Thomaa In the XXIst Dfatrtcl d. legatlon Actlng Chairman FUunmar aaked lf there were a.iv more nomlnatlona f.-. temporary chairman, and heartng none, ordered the Becret.ry to pro- . l with tbe roll. 'ii I...TII BXCU8KD PROM V'OTIMO. u h. n Mr. Lauterbach'a name waa read In tha vnith Dlatrlct, h" aaked "to be excuaed rrom rotlng for the preaant,'' arhlch requeal the chair¬ man granted. Mr, Brookfleld, arhen hla naraa was called, i"i|ii.-si"d t.. ba excuaed from votlng altogathar. Heartng thla, Mr Lauterbacb made a simiiai re.|.i".-it, an.l both, .... moUoo, wera ax- cuaed from k'ottng. The lat and iid dlatrlcta voted .... Ilrooktleld; the in.i for Lauterbacb; the IVth and Vth, th.- latter l-d by John Blmpaon, f..r Brookfleld. Then uii" ihe vith, vii'ii. viiith. IXth and Xth; all fnr Lauterbacb, Htlllard, PAtteraon. \:m Cotl an.l Deane, ..f the I'la.t roterle, brlnging up th.ir rollowera In aolld phalanx for Lauterbacb. The Xlth, headed bj Cornellua N. Bllaa, voted f..r Brookfleld, wlth the exceptlon ... Ihe colored tnember Caktb ll. Blmma, who flopped over an.l ..ast hla vi.te for Lauterbacb. Brothar Blmma ls credlted wlth "reaaona" for h.s actlon, vlx., a aofl ii.rth al Aibanj in the Aaaembly. The xillth. under Ihe foaterlng care ..f Olbba, ¦upported Lauterbacb, and l.'olowl Crugar led tha XlVth for Brookflald. The XVtb and XVItb aupported Lauterbacb; Mr. Flam. and tha xvil.h were rm- Brookfleld; ao were John Relaen- weberand tha xix.h, and Naaon and the XXth. Th- XXlal atood aolldly for Brookfleld, but Ounner and the xxnd ware tbe othar way. Tha xxnid votad .'. i" '¦'. f" Lauterbacb; Oeneral (.i.uis and bui XXlVth Dtatrlcl men, wlth ona exceptlon, Bupported Brookfleld. Dr. Palmar and the XXVth had bean capturad for Lauterbach Columbua »». Johnaon caal hls ei^iit Btralghl v.itea In tbe XX'Vll.h for Brookfleld, and tbe XXVIHth Dlatrlcl men. atx In number, dld like- wbw Mr 1'iatt's Uautananta abova tha Harlem ahowed the flna work up then- by v..tin»? nmst «,f the in-nthers for Laotaftaac'll THK KKrii l.'i' AHHOUHCMD. Secretary Ten Eyck qulrkly footed up and an- nonn^e.1 the renult. He »al1 thAt Eiward Lauter¬ bach had rerelved elghty-flve votea, and that Wllllam Brookfleld had alxty-two. Ex-Judge Plammer appolnted ax-Aaaemblyman Van Allen, of the vnith. an.l Oeneral CoHle, of th» XXIVth, to conduct the lucceaaful candldate t<» the plat- fonn. Mr. Lauterbach'a appearance on the roetrum waa greeted by eheertng, and be proceeded to mak- an addreea to the eommlttee. whlch waa genermlly regarded ns extraordlnary In a tem- porary chalrman. He aald that u had been Buggeated to blm that it misht be in order t<> addreea the delegatea on the pollcy and results whlch the electlon <>f hlmaelf mtght portend. He had .>ri" regret he aald. and that WM that it had fallen t.. hla lol t.. be choaen over one who had borne hlmaelf s> bravely and wetl and wlth ao much devotlon to the Republlcan eauae as the preeldent of th<> County Commlttee for IM4, Mr. Brookfleld. The nomlnatlon >f nn<>th. r tban Mr. Brook¬ fleld, however, he thouKht. ecarcely needed apol- ogy. lt waa th«- dutf <>f tln.s.- who repreaented the 125,000 Republkmns of thla dty now and then to make changea In the peraonnel of thoae who conduct the maehlnery of the party, In order thal new m.-n may be trled to Inure them to the trlala and labor* <<( leaderahlp. A change at this tlme could nol be conaldered atrai ge. There were other reaaoni whlch justi- fled a change. The nomlnatlon of Wlillam Brookfleld by Itaelf would have called for a unanlmoua verdlcl in his behalf. But, unhap- plly ror hla candldacy, hle frlenda hla mlataken frlenda had choaen t.. aurround his canvaaa wlth declaratlona and chargee whlch made his aucceaa Impoaalble. It had l.n aaaerted and Benl broadcast over tha land thal his buc<:eea meant the downfall of aome >>( the m->st nohle and dlatlngulahed Republlcana of this dty.that a verdlcl in hla favor meanl the eondemnatlon of men equally wlth blm entltled to conetdere- tlon and reapect. It waa to reaent this deelaratlon. Mr. Lauter- imrh s:.id. that aome other one had t.n aele< t- ed last nlght WTTHDRAWALB. At thla polnl In Mr. Lauterbach'a remarka, Oent ral «' P.la reached over 'h- rep rtera who *at In front of ihe platform, aelected his overcoat from a plle of othera, and atarted out He w.is Immediately followed by Cornellua N. BUee and nenerml Bamuel Thomaa As Oeneral Thomaa ar -. to gt>, he turned toward the temporary chalrman and aald; "To prevent mlaapprehenalon, l wlah to aay that l do not care to Btay here any longer and be lectured for votlng for Mr. Brookfleld." "Very well." replied Mr. Lauterbach. urbanely. "The gentleman Is exeuaed from further attend- at. ¦.¦ at the meettng to-nlght." There waa aome llttle dlaturbance In the rear <.r tii" ii.ill as the membera named were making thelr way out, and th" temporary chalrman re- queater ""t!-.-" ...You come t.. or ler fli if." Bhouted a vo. *om the bodj of the balL Mr Lauterbach wenl on then to euloglae the electlon-dlatrlci ayatem and pledged to it hla everlaatlng fealty. lt had I.n atated agatn and agaln he aald, that bla electlon meant its nbolltlon. He not only pledged hla own, but every nne of the elghty-flve v..t.-s caat for blm t,, preaerve the ayatem Intacl in all its featurea, a.,d aald there ahould be no return to the aya¬ tem or lack of syatem whlch prevaued previ- oualy lo its adoptlon. Bome other prlnclplea nad l.n enundated by his electlon, Mr. Lauterbach aald. One waa that the Republlcana could nol now be accuaed laaa dlacrimlnatlona, bul thal all honeat Beptibllcana hereafter could be aaaured of equal rlghta To belong to the Republtcan party m.n.it ihe abolltlon of ..li daaa dlffereneea and raclal dlatlnctlona. _ , This rap nt the Unl »n Lengue ( lub waa further emphaalged by pralae for the Republl- ,,,. r|Ub of the Clty of New-York, whlch per- no clnaa or ra ¦¦¦ dlffereneea, but whose a<H'lal appolntmenta made II a power f«>r g.i Onl) two prerequlaltea for memberahlp were known In the Republlcan Club thal the appl- ranl ahould be an boneal man and a H^puidi- rnn The club had. therefore. become an lm- portnnl factor In the Republlcan party of the Mr" lauterbach uwevrated In Bubatance thal the County Commlttee now repreaented tne ir.ooo Republlcana of Kew-York «'ity. and in the dlatrlbutlon of the honora whlch wnt to the vlctorloua party, Nattonal. BUte and local. h" propoaed to adhere 10 the dlctrtne that that Republlcan vote waa entltled to falr play. iCheera. led by Olbbg and Patteraon.) Hl QOEBTED "CCTTlNa IT gHORT." Mr Wantneker, taklng the applauaa «s the orcaalon, aald thal he waa aorry to Interrupt the epeaker, bul 11 waa gettlng late. and there waa oth. r bualneaa lo be d. n.. Mr Lauterbach Bpeedlly brought hla sr.h to an .,.! aaylng thal he waa profoundly grate- f.l nol onl) to thoae who Had voted for him, i.,t to the reat. and aald that he would treal ,.. |atter aa well as the f< rmer. wlth proper conalderatlon. li waa declded that there waa no neceeelty lo ..;..., a temporary1 aecretarv and Mr. Ten Eyck wiii held over unUI the permanent organuuMlon |a completed. The chalrman aald thai he had been Informed ,,v the aecretary lhal there were a number of '''Mr^ltane rnnved tha! the conteata be referred to the Commltl.n Conteata to be app¦¦!. t-1_ and Ihat th.nmlttee proceed at once to heai ...i ,ii«rtoae of the conteata with..ut d.dav. 1M vP.un,m togo m wlth thla bualneaa tv niajht-' aked Oeneral McCaik. and i.lv ng an Xnatlveanawer. ^'V'd T 'f^vVr^oTllow the table ll waa wlthdruwn. bowever. to aiiow ... .,.,,..(, rv to read th' documenta on hla tabe ,:..,::., Pto lha Count) .:. y;?*,n5 K5 mth vlllth Aaaembb- Dla- Commlttee of ia» -.' ,,,,..., ivrrlitaii vhv.n 1 trlc. rornel Vkn&^SnV- l-wa.,n ,::.¦.;:,!;.,,'>,, tS-<- .¦" """-^ Thevtolallo pf.ArUc WT&£ \. prevalled al ,. .-.. a in itlon II .! I'V tll' r-''- l co,nmlt« mtnJtlon " receaa waa taken th, retlrementd \ (|1 , l)ne ot lh,. commlttee in< ni ... - , periwni rommltlee r. id the riamn .a ;, ,.'';;;. v;:¦,.,,l;"."..... «..-< '"-' ^\/¦"¦-¦ ".'.'..v' ... named are nol all rep- >n 1,1- klh Keil cr< '.. nl ... N M uro\< -. iuii ..;.' ,; thr. u- \f known or haa i.n known as ¦ real- d^Vnl|?folndddHre,»"iith Klectlon DlBtrlct; John R. ,;'¦;:.,.>,'. Dlatrlct: Henry cl I) ;' ;. .:'....,. iMatrlct; John W. Boha ,..;,.,.; i'i.:-i.n DUtrlct; Krederlek Btrelcher, S.xth .;",,, I. '..; John aaaiagher. Flfth Blec-t on Dulrlet" Alberi J. Wlrlh, F urih Klectlon Dlatrtct. The proteata havlng all been read and they arere generally long and verboee Mr. Dcane renewed hla motlon for .. commlttee of flve on Ponteated neata. Thla waa cgrrled, after whlch a dlacuaalon aroae as to ihe length of tlme whlch n falr hearlng of the conteata would take. Ai- fred R. Page thoughl two weeki waa not too long and ni..ved that when Ihe commlttee ad- lourn lt be for thal length of tlme. Mr. Page an Oeneral McCo«.k apoke In favor of auch an adj enn.n.nt. but ih.- motlon araa loat. Coionei Cruger ...-ved thal the commlttee adjourn lo on"week from Monday evenlng al I P. rn. Thal m. certalnly nol too much tlme for hearten the wltneeaea. AOAINST r.M.n: HAaTTE. Oeneral MoCook mada an Impaaaloaed apeech agalnat ruahlng through the report of the Com¬ mlttee on Conteata. The eeal even of the tem¬ porary chalrman, Mr. Lauterbach. Had juat Irarned from tha papera read. waa eoBtaated. ko orth tm.t the chalrman of this Republlcan bod) had appolnted a commlttee hlmaelf t,, 4le- ,i,i hi, rlghl to his aeat, and had cauaad (he commlttee to reporl the aame rlghl grantlnthlm lils piaoe aa h member. Chalrman Lauterbach replied that if all the conteata were aa frivoloua as the one agalnat him and hla colleaguea In the vnith Dlatricl they could be declded In flve mlnutea Oeneral McCook dlaclalmed an) parpoae of .¦aitinK an iinputati... upon Mr Lauterbach. li.. only wanted t<> call gttentlon t>. the Deceaalt) f ir deHberatlon. After LL Van All«n had made a s;.eeeh ln favorofan adjournmenl to n.\t Monday evenlng an.i Meeare. Mayer and Johnaon ha.i appeaied for mora tlme, ex-Judwe Krneat Hall offered, aa a Cinllniinl on Thlrd r.ig.\ x !,£*.,"inal bVb, KY^,ShT'berm"h^l- Chat prevall. a. lh.i- >"¦ ott ..,.,,, w, re a in itlon waa made » :..: m beforemenii. neo » cha|r ,vi A BI-PARTISAX BOARD. LEXOJPS HECOMMEXDATIONS THKKK POI4CI RKOIUJANIZATIOX COM- MISSIONKRS TO B> NAMED BT THK QOVKRNOR. THB K«w CHDJF or roi.KE to m: iN\taT»D WTTH ALL POWEM COBMaXTBD WTTH AND AFFBCTIKO THB DWCIPUSB. COXTROL am> BfTicnprcT or thb inriroRMn rORCB THRJUt r.n.i.s aUXBDOT- IXt; THK VIKWS OK THE MA.IoIUTY OF TIIR COMMITTKK Albany, Jan. 17..The report of the Lex..w In- veatlgatlng Commlttee was ajHrtn to the publlo tontght and wM be preaantad m the Banato to- morrow mornlng. it is a document ..f about ls.000 worda, the glat of frhlch is cootalnad la the fol- IowI.ik: a .As a BUmmary of th< r. ...mmrndations h.-re- Inbefore made, your commlttae reepectfutty reo- ommenda: "Ftrat.The coneentratlon in the handa of a Superlntendent of Pottca, to be hereafter known aa <-nief of Pottoe, of all thoae powara eoawaetai wlth and whlch affect tha dledpUne, control and efflclency ..t the .ntlre .inlformad force, in.lud- i.iK aaalgnmenl and tranafer, wbereby tha ex- rcutlve runotlona of tha departnaant ahall be lodged wholly In his hands, and he ahall be, in fait, the reeponaibte fingle head of the unlformed force. "Becond.Tbe lodgment in the hands of auch a Chlef "f Pollca >.f ;h<- aummary power (¦> sua- pend aubordlnatea without pay and t.» raeoaa. Jn-iid offlcera f-r promotlon, wlth su.-h limita- ... ns -..s th- bllla herawltb preaented Impoaa. .Thlrd-Tbat th- Board of Potice CommbMitoia, ,.,< Bhall by law be BUde ¦ bi-partisan board. "th exclualve authorlty over tha admlnlatraUfa and ludldal functlona of the- department aa wai ai over those whlch affed the electlve tnx*M* .Kourth-That all promotlona shai beiautdata conformlty wlth the rulea of the dvl>.*>£¦J* merlt and Buperlor capadtj only. wlthln the 1 ra- RaUona preacrtbed by th- bttl h-rewith submtt- '".¦Flfth- That the PoUce C.mmi^i. ners ahall baai ...wer to appolnt a Board of ChrlMJrvto. Examtoera. conalatlngof one toapector *nd four ekotalna of pollca, to be approved bj the Btata i'1 ',. !¦,!! Bervlc. Examlnera. to paaa upon {hTelegtblUty of candldate. for appo.ntm-nt. and that the preaeut matbod be aboUabed. »Bt«rh-JThat the penalon law ahall he to amJnded 2 to kav! U *£*»££$« \f£ ^^l^^^^'h^^nL^'the.lep.rtment be . x.m.ned or audlted In th- at me rnanneraa .,;,. "eaccounta of othar departaarnta of the m$£BLSET^ reorganl»t«o. of th. d"i;rtn,MKl,"ma.iehyc,a,:niT. V".Ha;,/;.ued f,,r that Durooae, up m whom ahall be conferreo. ,,,. toapprov.il by th, Mayor, abaolute and SSaSSaBg The l\n.s laid -L.wn in the hill for that purpoae B^3^Th.tVhnur^mltteebeccntl««ed^ the^ope oflt. authorlty in :reaaed to contonaita ^f^nun^^ ,; iU,»- O'Connor. RobartaoB and the aubject-mattar Involvad PROPOBED POUCE LECHBLATIOH. MlowUlg %ra th- threa M]\>^V\>ot£ Commlttae far tha ItaarganlxaUoB of the l oiiea irtment <.:' New-Tork: SKfeS *g ,?' n. lf the senate ahall appolnt three pereooa ,,r-N','*'Ysa!d ComnMaaloBarB Bhall botd ofltae far totoeaaUafactlonof th jfau "^^OaMoum haaa u n..,^,a.y for'the complete p^rfonnan ilutiei Impoi s. ttl.lK f'«t .xi.nl the '..";''...,. ..,..¦-., blm aeem proper .ma '"^ .iongerperiod .^maj ^^r tnrJ, ,nanthi .». .ffhf2«S^ expedlent. noi «tch7V.mlnatTon herelnbefore pro- "P^J'Jr'hC. and .dth rteadvtce .... 1 eonaent of 'S* *iJ«at2 durma the «ealon ot the Benate. Any ..".' ".'¦¦' ..,'.. .':',.< n he number of the Commla- 7 "r". w...';,.',.¦ Vn.i..¦ ahall not be la aaaatoa ."."' ', ' ii, Vn-'ifa iv to perform the dutlea :;;,:U,v: .-. - 'ibeti-l'ln the .,ffl,v of the "' '" ., V ,Vd .e.m.v of Xew-York nol later ,.,, rk ,,, the >' .;'"',:, !Vn,. ,f hi« ...... xntment. tn than fendaya t ..... t ''..¦' ,' .,, ,,lV1Vt. r«fuaed POMMIBBlOXBRi OF RBORfJAKIZATIOM. witbln !"¦» daya ..fter the flliag af the .,,;, ;,f sa.d rommlaalonera tbay ahaJI awd aad ,,,,,.,1 The board arbaa ao organlaad ;;;r;:n.'i:t'.n.l.st....li-h.u.eSandre;uU- nrooer exerrtae ot tbe powe.s. func- ;:::;:: r, ££ ¦;.;...,.¦»... ««..-..'-"»d ..liilll'.e ali'i i"" ' ¦"¦ tr.tlon of aald departaaaa*. PBOVIBION FOR DIBMIBaUIA . - rjaealaetery tweaty daya durlag tha i*aa> . .n,,,.iiv iad examlnatloo aald Comnata. ^^rSS .,,.,., ...aU-er,,., J ,«*r thelr Blgaaturaa, Ifl the form of a re- r;r To.i mi.-r ot the dty of Naw-Tark. for Jin.-,! h" nam-s M au-h persona attaehed to ' : an o'rn,-.. force. or -onne.-ted wlth th- PattN , ,,(. tha eitv of Kew-York, wboae frenoral MncTtlSna not in thdr judgmeat aucB! aa to ,|a.ili... aii.'.'s .' ,,,,,.,;...,,. 0f the n.onile. the .tta- Hp"uuTafl the efffnt coadud or adaatototrattaa of ^^Tb^report m tha foregotng aaetlen gawddaj foTah.ll contaln oppoalte the aame of ench peraoa [hereln certlfled tor^lamUwal a eonclae Bt.tement ,f th"mmu for dUmiaaal, wlth auch referenca t.Htimony prevloua record. charge. °r "thef gToJnd f"r! dlamlBaal aa ahall enable Sie M.yor of the dty of New-Vork to determlna wbether or not su.-h dlamtBB.1 was to'inded upon graunda in hla judgment raaaonable and auffldent. In caae leaa than tbe whole number of sa.d . ommlaalonera siall In .'ne or more caaaa concur In certifylna for dla- mlaaal the Commlaakmer ao non-coneurrlng shaii. oppoalte ihe name of the pe.son or peraana In arhoaa dlamlaaal he falls to coacur, state eom-isely the rea- aona foi su.-h non-coocurrence. ._ Bec I Wlthln t*n daya after recetpt by hlm ot a re¬ port from said Commlaatonera, made In conformlty wlth the provletona of thls act. the Mayor of tha dty of x.w-York ahall Indorae thereon h.s app.o\ai or dlaapproval of tbe aame. lf he Indoraa upon aaM report ..approvei.'1 the peraonaiao ceWflad 1or <u». mlssal ahallha held and daVmed from the datjof auag indoraemenl dlamlaaed .rom aald *«»KJ!B5^*,B thelr pay ahall forthwlth caaaa .»* **fr"2*e' ia he l.niorse thereon 'dk«pproyad."i^B»yilJ certlfled for dlamlaaal abaU be daeajaaal aKauaaa. But aaM Mayor m.y appraaa aatd reiaaii aa aome, aad may dtaaiaprava the aame M to omara Of Ihe perBBBa B0 named thereln for dlamlaaal iay mdlcattag thereon tbe per-ona in ,^ose du... s.-a he eon.-urs and those lu whose diMtit^al he no concura. And In su.-h waa ;h^'. h'l w he therehv aporovea ahall be hel.l and ileem'i, "rom the date of auel. approv.l. dMaMaaad from. aag department. and thelr pay shallfort wlth reaw and determlne. and thoae In whose dlamuteai aa non-roncura aKall be deemed retalned. Noth ng hereln oontalned ahall be eonMraad aa f^JJ""** »>*- Commlsalonera from csnlfylng agaln for dls-

New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1895-01-18.chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1895-01-18/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · NEW-YORK. PRIDAY, JAfll"ARV I*, I805.-FOURTEEN PAGES. i'RICE THREE

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pAMDOHraa**'* wcckmor elected


mg/ggoy SECOXD IS TBE i:\Ci:.





^ &r ,'.¦> ti> mi roa m. bbhwon.thb

,n: w PRF.81DEKT OOEfl TO THB i:i.Vsi:i:





IHgl «. MANlFBnp.

r.iris. J.:m- ;: ~Th" Natloral Aaacmbly, alt-

lli ( at v> - -. ti is afternoon, on the s-'cornl

tallot electH -M Frnn<;olf» lYIix Fauro. niem-

j>^r of tt: Chamber of Depatlefl for Brtne-In-

^rf^ure. and Wniater «>f Marlnc In the CablnalDf M. I>upuy. I'i. sid. nt of tho Frencli Re-


¦X>uhHc, to BVCCeed M- raslmir-r^ri'T. Whoee

tealgnatlon waa read In Parliament yeaterday.The rota waa 130 for M. Paur* ;«rnl T,61 f^r M.

Henrl Brlaa n, the candldate of the RadkabiBnd Sni iailsts.The announcemenl of the result waa made

timld ii tremendoua uproar. Tha aupportera of

>t Brfcwou were eo buay groantng, eheerlng&nd reproacbing th- ir nelghbora, that th"y paldno attentloa t.> M. Challemel-Lacour when herooa to read th>- flgui -.¦». Tha Prealdent'i volce\va>» inau<iii;l"\ and his liands treaabled rlolent-|y. it waa flve mlnutea aft.r be epoke beforenll the aaembera of the As:-< inbly kii'.w the r<-

pult. The flfftirea were then only approxlmate,but they aufficed to ahow thal Fells Faure«u the new Preaident of France. Tbe nceneMi abooJutely devold <.( aolemnlty or even

diKiiity. Tbe Brbnonltea, whu bad aot onceceaaed bowllng, were Joined by ottaer malcon-t>-ntB. and tbe wlndowi a'ere falrly ahaken bythe Indeacrtbable tumult. The Radlcalatnounted chain and benchea, ahoutlng "Downvith this Preaident eli I I by the Rlgbt!" TheBoctaltata ran up and down the alsl<-s howllng:"Down wlth th<- thlevee;" "Down wtth theCongo adventurera!" "Down wlth the Panamaacoundrela!" 0 a onally, when the dln aub-¦Ided for a moment the Soclallata would yell InHM ear-eplltting ch< rua "llurrah for the BoclalRepubllc!" "Hurrah for the So lal Revolu-Uon!Baudiy d'Aaaon, the Orleanlat, «<>t a eonapicu-

oua place near M Chall mel-Lacour, and, wtthpurple face and wavlng arma, proclalmed a hun-«lr">l tinrs that tbe Preatdency was uaeleaanri<l tbe Republlc mual end. H- eventuallymounted the roatruro, t>ut only l.. be met thereby tbe Boclallata Baudln, Vlvlania Mldhelln andTouaaalnt, who, In deflance of hlm and thePreaident of the Aaaembly, proteated againatt.».. excluelon of Gtrault-Richard and Mlrman.The Inveature of the nea Prealdeni wtth hla

officlal powera look place In the llbrary olVeraal! Palace. it conalated merely In ther«-a<itn>T to hlm by M. Cballemel-Laoour of the.nlnutfB (,f the AaaemDl)The aroa l m Ide the palace waa ln atrange

f ntraat to tbe Aaaembly. n waa neJtber excltedii'-r enthuMiacti. It waited wlthoul eagerneaa forthe '-onilfiK of th- new Preaident. The i-arrlagewhlch rarrtad II. Caaimlr-Perler back t<. Parlag#me «i\ moatha ago atood In the courtyard wtththe artllktry eaeort n« arby.

THE RBTURM To PARIAThe Mg pataca fiock atruck n aa tbe Preaident,

arbo bad baea reoetrtng ofBelal oongratuiattona,ptaMiil tbrougb the saiie dea Torobeaua between1.,,,.^ ,,f aoldktra wlth ttxed bayoneta. .'!-. was

precadad i'> aahera and fotlowed by Cablnet.Mlriihl<-iK. The crowd hearU the baatlng oftiiuins aad aaw the Praahleat eome <»ut bowtngrlght and kft, but it gaae no rign "f welcomeThere arga an occaakmai harrah, but no attemptlo ralat a hearty chaer. Two men eren ahouted'.j.'.nx liva BrlaaonT' Mounted lancera aur-rounded the rarrlage aflar 11 Faare eatered itan'i eaeorted hlm to the atatloa Outatde tbepalace there were balf a doaea cheera forFaare and two or thrta tat Brtaaoa when thePreaident enter '1 th< traln.The traln was a apeclai oji" and eatremely

it reacbed the Bi Laaare Btatlon la I'arinat tive mlnutea paal 9 By that tlme the newe <>rtbe electlon bad apread far and wide and a vant

throng had gathered In the Place du Htvre out¬atde th- atatlon. The Preaident waa recelvedwlth a few crlea of "Long live F«n Faurar butti.< re wai no ntbualaa a.

TH1 m:\\ PBaailDBNT .'>.' THE Kl.YSKK

Geajaaaj Marder. Mlnlater of Wai, an<i M.

Han'.taux. ftUnlatci of Forelgn Affaira, met M.Faare at tbe stat!<»n and accorapankd hlm to th-

Bjraee Th- palace was brlUtantly llKht. <i andoahara in Kaii Hrery atood at tbe doorm HC i-i'n:r-i'(.rier avleonied '.""'' congratolated hlaHUre.-SM,,. Pi'einler iMip'IV thel) |.iesellt"d therealgnatloa of the Cablnet. M. Faure returned t..the ifialatrjr of Ifarlne for the nlghl Uia young-tst daagbtar Lude, mat hlm at tha.door <-r hi«apartmenm, anad thrtw her arma rooftd hla neck.

klf».«ir>K him nml CTjrlng repeatedJy; "I am Mhappy, paparThe crowd outaide tbc Mlniatry chaered with

ronelderable fervoi and M. Paure was perauadedby frlenda t.> ahow blmaelf <>n th<- balcony. H<-waa recetved for the flral tlme to-day wlth p<-n-ulne enthualaam. Everybody ahouted: "Hurrahfor Paure!" and every bow and »iiiillu from th>-Preeldent waa the algnal f"i" a new demonatra-tlon. When the Preeldent refntered the aalon ii»-aald to M. Blondel, hla aecretary:

I have paaaed the moal preeioua niommts of tnypolltlcal rareer in this bulMtng.To-morrow the Preeldent wiU recetve the offl-cera <>f t)i» ataff,

M. Paure la a tau, rnpoclng Bgure, whoae Hoeaahow the tralnlng he goi la earty lif.- aa ¦mechanlc. Althuugb a mllllonalre ahlpowner, hehaa almple taatea. 11i-^ electlon i* a blow to t)i.'protectl .ni.-'t party. The aubatltutlon of recl-proclty treatlea for the Meiinc tariff la only aqueatton of tlme. M MMIne'a newapaper organ,"La Rtpubllque Prancalee," admitted yeeterdayth.it Paure'» electlon would mean the aame aatarlff reform. The reault of the electlon la re-celved enthualaatlcally In Lyona,

AN ORLEANIST MANIPBBTO I88UED.Early thla evenlng the Unlted Preaa corre-

Fpondenl taw ;i copy of the letteraent l>y the Dued'Orleana to Benator Buffet, Jt waa mailed alDover laat evenlag. it is virtually ¦ manlfeato,declarlng that at beat the Republlo In Prancecan be only provislunal and that )io atanda ready!.¦ atep ;n and help 111. people Ihe moment theycall him. The letter la generally rfdlculed,

Th<> poltce aetzed ah >rtly betore mldntght uHj"' i;il i- Ittlon ''f the "Solell" whlch oontained theletter. The effort waa auperfluoua aa nobodywaa buylng thr paper and the boulevarda wereas caltn as the reet of the cfty, A dlapatch fromDover aaya that the Duc d'Orleana will return toLondon to-morrow mornlng,The RoyaliaU who are led by the Comte

d'Hauaaonville, reoelved seven lelegrama fromthe Duc d'Orleana durlng the nlghl in regard '.>

the latter'a m.uii:<<t >. whlch waa t" be laaned i"-

<la>. Prince Vlctor Napoleon i- ;ii>" reportedbe preparlng a manlfeata Ordera have beengiven a: the frontlera to prevenl ih«- Importatlon of th<'>-' documenta Into Franco.Th<> s niaiists have laaned a manlfeato de-

noun^ing the Republleana aa traltora to the

country, and aaaertlng thal K. Faur< waachoaen merely aa h ahleld f'-r the clerlral andcapltallat polltlriana M. Faure wlll begln l.i*dutiea by glvlng 20.0M franea to ihe po . olParla.




OPRNRD BT M H \i...r.M.:i. i.\< ... i:

the aoci tuara i rb j.m two

BAUX/ra nsci waky.

Parla, Jan 17 Th" d.) opened qulet, and nothlna.!n the appearance "i demean. i of the p*ople, elthei

In Paiii t>r Veraalllea, Indleat. Ihal the eountnv.-.^ .-a the ev- -f an electlon to flll tha blgbeai0ff] .. ,[, tbe Natlon, wWch bad been voluntarlljv icated by a Preal li nl I. ¦ '' - more than

rt% montha ago. Baeepl thal a fon.f aoldleriwaa maaat al each of Ihe rallway aut

fbur aappera and mlnera were auardlai each rall

m iy brldge and grade cro**lng between Pai

llm, there waa nothlng to th m thal anythlnaextraordlnary wa n or anyth ng unuaual

contemplati L Kach detachment ol aoldleri al Ih.

autlona and each guard of aappara and mlnera al

ihe croaalnga waa aurrounded by an a Imlr ng group

,:1 ,.,,.., but bayond thia ao latereal w,s,.i.>.

.vlnced Few people arrlved al Veraal

...... .oon bui after that hour eaerj traln wai

D-cked wlth Benatora. Deputlea. newapaper reportenand atghtaeera A «.' aaaaberlaa perhap*?*. .tood oppoalta tbe entranea to

;,;.,.u,h wblcn tn.. Benatora and Deputlea p.

,.., .atched thementer. There wai no dea.tra

,u.t. .Ithera. th. atatton o. atth.

... Bmallgroupa ol a, rt ttot .were- aambled

,. ... anaroachea to tha Palace and al tbe rallwa).!.,' nTS!efir.( of ib. Bea.tora.nd Daatka

feai in number, begaa to .rrlvaat n o'eloch tolegraph operatora. wi.h tbeh ..."

paratue. were Inetalled m the Palace, huadred. of

aitache. arrlved. aad Ihe prlntlng prenaea a/ere

tnad.ready to record the ofMclal^report ofthvrocewl,n« of the Natlond Aaaembly. H. balleBM

Ucour. P«-denl o! tbe Benate. -eM"** »

hi. officlal aeeretarlea, atarted from P.rl roi Ve

lau^-t a-« ,»,....-n, r.. the Hontpa.

ralrway attfkm. and upon bla errhral there aa

..-v".i i.) the Palace In en open carrlag*.i^rkmea bad taaea aagaged .11 mgbtJ. flttlag up

,.,.,!. l» the Palace In a-hlch Iba WattonalI

from the Oarda Mauble. A force of BM «i. <

,Taenl fron. Parfca early In tbe aaoralag. and the

,h ,i the rerular poltce force vaa greatljStr"!1"

, i*.n, f- red ihat tbe Anarchlata mlgh.

Sro. bc.5. eomml. otberjutt^ea. but £f...H were grooadleaa, aa aofJMng arora. than

caalUt raporing* .amd throaghou. ihe day.The -Raluad" rtepabUcaaa. ... a w " "(

prlor to tbe eonaeatag ,f iba A.d.h ... '; ;v..... for M. Faura Th- men.ra of tbe n

,.,,, . a^tlnc bui di.i aoi dedda ........ aa) eandi


TilK AaaUEHBLt OPKKBD.Tha Natkaaal Afsemi.lv »«« ealled to order bj M.

Ohallemel-Lacaur at 1:M p. m. M. Challemel-lAeour... ¦ i.rief apeech announced th<- laatgnatlan ofPtaajdaat Caataalr-Parler, aad read t>»- »rtioies <>f

the Oonetttattoa raguaatlag n." akjctlon of a i*r«-si-

daat. Aa :'..»». hk tha pmldlai oftVar bad eeaaedapeaklag, M. Mlcbelto, Bodaliat, apraag t.< bla faaland Dourlahed a eopy of a motlon for redaloo ofIba Conatltuttoa, abanthag: "W« eughl not to haaaa Preaident!"M de Baodry dfAaaoa, Royallat, oemanded to ba

baard, and. In wplte of the Rinrm of pialaata from

all parta of th»> hall, lnal«ted u^n apeaklng from

(ontlnued on Klfth Faare.




C. O isi:u.\ AND B. I> MOROAN WIIA



In spite of the bard tlmea and Ihe general la^kof money whlch rlch men can Inveol In ¦ cupd< fendi r, li appeara, after all, that the only com-

motlon In the New-Torh Taeht nnn In regard tothe bullding ol a cup defender lx rauaed by i

generoua rlvalry among the membera aa to whoahall have the l.r ..r bullding a boal I ''.-

fend the trophy. The outcome of all thla waa a

bulletln poated by Vlce-Commodore Brown laeli.iL'ht In the New-Torh Tachl Club, aaytag thala cup defender would !>.. bulll by W. K. Vander-bllt, c. «». laelln and B. i» Morgan,end that Mr.

laelln would have rharge of the ayndlcate. This

aaaurea one cnp defender, and ahe i* to be bollt

by the Herreahoffa. It doea more lhan that, f-r it

inakea a aurety of ne, If nol two m..r.' boata t"

be bulll for the trlal racea. it la an open aecrelin the New-Yorh Tachl Club that Oeorge J.Oould waa anxloua to Joln thla ayndlcate, andih.it Augual Belmonl waa nol averae to comlngin.A atrong feellng agalnal Mr Oould developed

at the laal meetlng A he dub. Mr. Oould had

prevloualy announced hla Intentlon of bHng .i

member of a ayndlcate and offered to furnlah al

leaat half the money n fceaaary l bulld .1 updefender. Thla announcement wan looked uponby rertaln membera of the lub aa an attempl on

Mr. Oould'a parl I wln too mueh glory, and for

Bome reaa n or other Ihe *¦ nerotal geetre of Mr.Belmonl waa alao looked unon aakance. Thereaull waa thal when the offictal reaull of thef irmatlon »f whal haa been known as the Brown

ayndlcate waa announced laal nlght, there «.v

nol unlveraal aatlafactlon.Vlce-Commodore Brown l* alnted for th<- nrxt

commodore of Ihe club, and it waa natural thalthe n<>rk of the formatlont»f a ayndlcate ahouldbc pti.d in hla handa As he haa J"*t boughla yachl r.r hla Bagahlp. II H alao natural thalhla name ahould nol appear aa a member of Ihe

8vr.di.at.'. whlch la called by hla name. NowMr Oould wlll bulld a cup defender wtthout

doubt.and aotwoare provlded for. Then there

,re many othei membera of the club £***"*of theli falr ahare of thla worlda g«£«, "L1*0would llke to have a ahare In the worfc ofde-fendlna the greal trophy. and there la e%erj

,..:.'..., ,,f ihe formatlon of a thlrd ¦rndirate.The order for the bullding of the Brej boal.',,' ."readyl." «1ven -the Herreahoffa. anduork on II «ni t- rx gun on M»ndajThere na« n general feellng nmong Ihe meiri

h-li ,,f tl.luh laal nlghl thal Ihe ayndt ate. ,1.mi .' i" »1 :"- .i:''1 ,!... -,,.. ,.¦ ihe bulld ng

ler. All...).. -utalde ihe club¦,,.. rather BTlad ¦»! the Itttle ..ntrovi ray. f"i "

;:;,..:!;,:.. .>,»..!.., -.. i.:.,.d.-..^.that. wlth all lt« fa< ' "

riuh la n. h a bad.ftrr all When r* pl- atrlve wlth 1 »rh

t,. 11 H rup d« fend< r ihe 1 phj li In llttb dan...... ,,f rolnc t" lh«' othei

facl1,. hul.,. .,l-rs f lh< ..:..'.

- '« t.i bulld .< up ...

fender I.:-'ihe comln* ¦¦

up a rllh ua. 1 have 1 h In

Mr Herreal

1 '..'«.a beit< uhan 1

\ - M« II

any bulll .'¦Valkyrte li! an Impi ¦.¦. -'! ¦' N .", .' "






M \- ii in rnosr "I


A Beree Aa

V, Itl >TI.|V't


n Bit'Moin..,.,, ex-i DDt a '' and flve

A '."hortl) lH-for« mldnlghl lali ol . Thlrd-av. ''

,. ., .¦. rwenn - '.

., ,.., Brhwarta. wlthoul paylna thrtt

n..i. "».«*'"« "",!; "¦

m ,y,.g .tunned on the plalform,,;»,..¦ n-.,.,d .low..1 aralked i.I h-tf -

,.k aouih along il» track. arhera the, prgan ta

. m m " «"ro. -1.",-r nfl lha

-,,..,,. ..,.,,- and their k.u-1 yell- a.

,,.,....wd on Ihe atrel below. Beveral peor, ill.lna th. lanaei °« tl..inata ".«"

-t iraln, ran ...*-' £««£**£.,.,... ihe iraln al lhal atatlon. Pha tl kei

1. .,.. .,:. ,.. putform li. Ihe mean Ilme

JLfi boii. :":' cmJ"n« f;,r. polh-eman. Ilefora II.«««>¦ "¦'"' couM:,: ,, i, ,,i kfl the lowei atatk '¦ »" '»¦

i, wbere lha two men la) clln ....¦" ."'

:i,.. track. Ttw engtneer, bowever. dleoovered them

l. , ,... ,., atop ti.nglne wtthln ihree f-< of Iheml»ollreman Hulllvan, of the Baal Thlrty lUik al

,.,,..,. Htwtion, had bj thla Ilme bewrd the crl< of

,,.. ,. kei rhopper and eame runnlng up the Jta-,,,,,, ., . ,,.i oul on Ihe track. >> hen Ihe two

ilrunken m.-n aa him thry ma.de ¦ w»J ge aiitnek,,,, him »n. ol Ihem alruck him on lh« f >reni a.i

,. ... i"fi eyi Inflb ilng h deap wound by a

: v lll;. whl. h h« wore. The other rui a ga«hHullM ... ilrea reii.i

..,, traek lowar.1 II atatlon At the tlral;,,.,,.. h, ii. a hla whb.ll. belp. Polh-emanjohn Mci'ullough wa th. tlral to anaarer lle re-

,..,,.. ;, iriiah on the rorehead aiao rhe iwo

dmnken men wera powerfull) bulll and wire inore

ihan a maich lor ih«- lari..>>..." on m- >

Im ol lha irark. Whlle lbe> «.> nghtlna lowardhe aiatton I'ollctinen Jl.c'«rthy Henley and.lohnaon cuma up. All together tbey Mt upon Ihe... and aftei a rlubWng lhal lha two alHmembei foi aome llroe ovarpoarerwl and ¦rrealedih<m The llghl had laaled iwenty ralnulea. Vlown tralna were atopped and a blg erowd gatberedin ihe atreal !.< low.The tv\.. men when l.ruuyht t<. tt.-- ¦tatlon-houae

r-vi ibelr .......- .. V.'llllam iVBrten. of So. JelK..-.I I-..MV elghih-at.. and Thomaa Wllaon. -f No.M9 i;:,-t u. ...y -iKliii. Kt M.i.h namea and a«l.,,,...... .... i, l,.-v. lo Ih flf tllloiiJ De.tlv-Ri-riceant Mei'affery. Imn Ihe Central Offlce, recogf?iz,,i triirleii aa Jark IJohertv. wbom, wlth '"-

notorloua John (Blmore. ol Klmlra fame. ha ...

naifd In nVptember. I«M, for robblng the h.m^ ..fThomaa Woola, ol No 130 Beeond-ave. Wllaon waa

,,.,. reeognlaril by an) of the pollce up lo a latehour Pollcemen Bulllvan and M ¦.'iiIIoiikIi had Ibelrwounda dreaae.1 by a phyalclan. and both arenlhome with a pl.-ntifui ^ni>i*l> of bandagea aroundihelr beada The prlaonera were locked up In theKaal Thlrty-flfth-Bt. mmii.ui, and wlll be taUf-n ;.;

rha Torkvlna Pollce Courl thla mornlBg

MF.i KtT£M TOM inr W. 0. m: r.irw nn\rrt\r

Kew-Albany. Ind., Jaa. IT..Tha Pldellty TruatCompany ol I^aulavllh ".«.h to-day appotated ...-

eelver of the w. c. i>.- Pauw Coeapany, awnafaelurera of wlndow-gtaaa In Alanandrta, lad.. and thla,.,,, The planti are ralued al IUSMd*. ihrea tlmeafhV'lndebtedneaa of Ihe rompany. Tha atep waa

"i,-n owlng to th«- Clttaena' Bank of Balem. Ind.,Irvylng on the worka at Alexandrta and atopplngoperatToni

fAMt MOMMMM MOLD Ar 9UWWAL0Baffalo, Jan. n.-Patti- D. r ItH) and Doetor

raton '¦' |sl«' w*"' tha aenaatloaal perfceaaera aoMa. Tatteraaira i->-<i«y. Tha former waa i" Ki""»ldemaad, and atveral bwaaiaaa wara aa kaad pra-nared lo pay fancy agurea f<.r the daughter ofPStlmua Bhe waa aoM t..r |LfJ0 lo Krnnk tl. Bmitlj.h. well-known atartmg Judga for Joe Woolfort.

', J Unb l.tor Catoa wi.i to John Bandk*.of KMhaater. (or p.Wft Thlrtv-ela head wera tald,and the amount rrallred waa $9,500.








DISOI'BT.Tha elemenl of th- Republlcan party of thls

dty whlch la domlnated by Mr. ria.t won theBral aklrmlah In its n<h agalnal Mr. Brook-fldd laal evenlng. Edward Lauterbacb, thecbolce .>r the "comblna," waa choaen temporarychairman of the Republlcan County Commltteeat one of the m.ist ex< Itlng meetlnga of the klndh"ii in New-York for yeara.The vote st.i: Lauterbacb, U; Brookfleld, 12.M.-. Pl.tt'a adberanta dul n..t complete th"ir

trliinii.h. it was thetr programme to ruabthrough tbe conteata whlch came up from fourAaaembly Dlatrlcta laal nlghl before permlttlng'th" adjournmenl of*the commlttee and t.> eleclMr Lauterbacb permanenl preaident of the com¬

mlttee. Warn-l by the el iquenl proteal ofOeneral Anaon '<¦ McCook, who leil th- oppoal-Uon to the Patteraon-Olbba-Murray-Van Cottr terle, calllng aitentlon t.. the unaeemly and

humlltatlng poattlon auch haaty actlon wouldplace tha greal rlctorioua Republlcan party ofIhla city, th.- rooler headed among the majorltyadvlaed a halt In the prw.dlnga and the com¬

mlttee adjourned to awall the report of tbe Com¬mlttee "h Contaated Beata


Flfth Avenue Hall, in Weal Forty-aecond-at.,I. n.rrow llttle meetlng-ro. m uaed for one-

boree ahowa and amall aoclal affalra, waa be-KieK"! wlth all aorta of people eagar to wltneaath.- conteal before T p. m., and Berge.nt-.t-Arma Thomaa J. Callaghan bad h.s patlenceaad bla muacular ablllty pul to many aevere

teata Delegatea* tlcketa bad been kwued to

many m«.t" |."rs....s than the llttl" hall WOUldH.-at. an.l membera >.f tha commlttee wh.> cameas !...¦ aa h o'doch found thelr placea occupledby -I.tat.ira who ahould never bave bean al-k a In a meetlng-room of auch llmlted ca-

padty N.a.iv every man arho r.me, delegatenr ape. lator, Mtn..k">l a dgar or a Plgarette, andthe place was blue wlth sm..k" before the hourarrlved f.-. ralllng the body to order.Am >ng thoae wte. n.de thelr way through the

thr :.n 10 partldpate In th. tneetlng a/era <r-u

eral Bamuel Thomaa, Oeneral «'. H T CCornellua N Bllaa, Columbua 0 Johnaon, <'."i.

eral Anaon .; M Cook, P B Olbba, T I. Itamlllon, Oeorge Htlllard, John F. Baker, Henry Cllotty, .' rnellua V'an Cott, John Bablne Bmlth,Wlllt.m Brookfleld, Abraham Oruber. Edw.rd

l. i. V'.n Allen, .1 ihn Relaenw .¦¦.

v Piammer, John C <»'«' >nor, Frank ilPlatl Henn '. ' Hetn. Ja. >b M Pattii,. it i'r,n". Jamea M Doremua, .1 hn Blmp-«..n. >'a'^l H. Blmma, Alfred R. P.ge, Oeorge\i ...¦ Bmlth, Dr. H. RrilUama, C M, Boree, J-..i h R v.m Wormer, wiuiam H. Heber, Col-

. V. R, Crugar, John J. Colllna, Oeorga w.Hanmaher Jeirtfflab rangb. rav i>r. K J. Palmar,,t iba :. a j ;.'i <; illo, Oeorge H. Deana,Ifoward CjtoII, Wllll.m Henkel, John P. Wln-

Eagat \ Ifred '".. Naaoa.Char|e« c Bru.ler. Thomaa P aVentworth, Ben-

.i i| Ounner and FrankItra ird

MR RROOKFIELD t'HEERED.\". h n Mt Bt kl Id ih »w< d hlmai

n i perf rm the dut) d-¦-. ilvlng upon hlm,i4 preaident r the Commltttee <<f lv>4 ->f cal Ing

tlng I he w..- i. ted arlth rlng-Ing eheera Becret.ry Ten Ey k r.lled the roll

f ii tlfled by Ihe Aaaembly Dlatrl :tb .'. Ing I-- n . lected I the rom-

mlttee, and onlj two of the Ii I choaen f.lle Ianaa t.. . >.. i. nam. i.

.;.. .:ii \t .. ,<. t the XXIel Dlatrlct, i d\\ ... a Brookfleld In nomlnatlon for tempurarjrhalrman In a brlef bui aplrtt. apee. b, de. iiingthat Mr Brookfleld was ihe rbotce ... the greatm.jortt) of the Repuhllcana of New-York.Ex-Judge Erneal Hall, <.f the XXIXth Dla¬

trlct, nomlnated Edw.rd Lauterbacb In a I"..k

addreaa, In whlch he euloglied hla candldatoas a fervenl Bupporter of the electlon-dlatrlclayatem, one who bad been preaenl al Ihe blrth,r the s\s."tii and'had nureed It Into vlgoruuav'.uth and manh.i lf. .a b.<| b en aaaerted,ihe eleotlon-dlatrtct ayatem araa ...i trlal, .."

Btancher .dherent ..f tbal prodwl of the Com¬mlttee of Thlrty could t>. found. il>- had i.ni, tnember "f thal commlttee, and had aJproved one of the ableat membera ... the

111 Conatltutlonal Conventlon Mr. Hall hadonl) worda of pralae for Jhe prealdenl of Iherommlttee >.f lia4, Mr Brookfleld. but the partjin s/w Tork, he aald, maal plead gullty ...

puverty ir thla b«Kly ol I..: Republlcan., electedby a conatltuency M.000 alrong, rould preaenlonl} ...i" namc for leaderahlp. Mr Hall cloaedby nomlnatlng tbal "magnlflcent, atalwart, .niii-...in Republlcan, Edward l^auterbach."

Before Oeneral McCook had pul Mr. BrookfleldIn I. .nilnatlon Ihe latter had r.lled the tirst vlaprealdenl "f laal year'a commlttee, ex-JudgaPiammer, ... th chalr, and durlng Ihe epeecheaMr. Brookfleld aat bealde Oeneral Thomaa In theXXIst Dfatrtcl d. legatlonActlng Chairman FUunmar aaked lf there were

a.iv more nomlnatlona f.-. temporary chairman,and heartng none, ordered the Becret.ry to pro-. l with tbe roll. 'ii

I...TII BXCU8KD PROM V'OTIMO.u h. n Mr. Lauterbach'a name waa read In tha

vnith Dlatrlct, h" aaked "to be excuaed rromrotlng for the preaant,'' arhlch requeal the chair¬man granted. Mr, Brookfleld, arhen hla naraawas called, i"i|ii.-si"d t.. ba excuaed from votlngaltogathar. Heartng thla, Mr Lauterbacb madea simiiai re.|.i".-it, an.l both, .... moUoo, wera ax-cuaed from k'ottng.The lat and iid dlatrlcta voted .... Ilrooktleld;

the in.i for Lauterbacb; the IVth and Vth, th.-

latter l-d by John Blmpaon, f..r Brookfleld. Thenuii" ihe vith, vii'ii. viiith. IXth and Xth; all

fnr Lauterbacb, Htlllard, PAtteraon. \:m Cotlan.l Deane, ..f the I'la.t roterle, brlnging upth.ir rollowera In aolld phalanx for Lauterbacb.The Xlth, headed bj Cornellua N. Bllaa, votedf..r Brookfleld, wlth the exceptlon ... Ihe coloredtnember Caktb ll. Blmma, who flopped over an.l..ast hla vi.te for Lauterbacb. Brothar Blmma lscredlted wlth "reaaona" for h.s actlon, vlx., a

aofl ii.rth al Aibanj in the Aaaembly.The xillth. under Ihe foaterlng care ..f Olbba,

¦upported Lauterbacb, and l.'olowl Crugar ledtha XlVth for Brookflald. The XVtb and XVItbaupported Lauterbacb; Mr. Flam. and thaxvil.h were rm- Brookfleld; ao were John Relaen-weberand tha xix.h, and Naaon and the XXth.Th- XXlal atood aolldly for Brookfleld, but

Ounner and the xxnd ware tbe othar way. Thaxxnid votad .'. i" '¦'. f" Lauterbacb; Oeneral(.i.uis and bui XXlVth Dtatrlcl men, wlth onaexceptlon, Bupported Brookfleld. Dr. Palmar andthe XXVth had bean capturad for LauterbachColumbua »». Johnaon caal hls ei^iit Btralghlv.itea In tbe XX'Vll.h for Brookfleld, and tbeXXVIHth Dlatrlcl men. atx In number, dld like-

wbw Mr 1'iatt's Uautananta abova tha Harlemahowed the flna work up then- by v..tin»? nmst

«,f the in-nthers for Laotaftaac'llTHK KKrii l.'i' AHHOUHCMD.

Secretary Ten Eyck qulrkly footed up and an-

nonn^e.1 the renult. He »al1 thAt Eiward Lauter¬bach had rerelved elghty-flve votea, and thatWllllam Brookfleld had alxty-two. Ex-Judge

Plammer appolnted ax-Aaaemblyman Van Allen,of the vnith. an.l Oeneral CoHle, of th» XXIVth,to conduct the lucceaaful candldate t<» the plat-fonn.

Mr. Lauterbach'a appearance on the roetrumwaa greeted by eheertng, and be proceeded tomak- an addreea to the eommlttee. whlch waa

genermlly regarded ns extraordlnary In a tem-porary chalrman. He aald that u had beenBuggeated to blm that it misht be in order t<>addreea the delegatea on the pollcy and resultswhlch the electlon <>f hlmaelf mtght portend.He had .>ri" regret he aald. and that WM thatit had fallen t.. hla lol t.. be choaen over onewho had borne hlmaelf s> bravely and wetl andwlth ao much devotlon to the Republlcan eauaeas the preeldent of th<> County Commlttee forIM4, Mr. Brookfleld.The nomlnatlon >f nn<>th. r tban Mr. Brook¬

fleld, however, he thouKht. ecarcely needed apol-ogy. lt waa th«- dutf <>f tln.s.- who repreaentedthe 125,000 Republkmns of thla dty now andthen to make changea In the peraonnel of thoaewho conduct the maehlnery of the party, Inorder thal new m.-n may be trled to Inurethem to the trlala and labor* <<( leaderahlp.A change at this tlme could nol be conaldered

atrai ge. There were other reaaoni whlch justi-fled a change. The nomlnatlon of WlillamBrookfleld by Itaelf would have called for a

unanlmoua verdlcl in his behalf. But, unhap-plly ror hla candldacy, hle frlenda hla mlatakenfrlenda had choaen t.. aurround his canvaaawlth declaratlona and chargee whlch made hisaucceaa Impoaalble. It had l.n aaaerted andBenl broadcast over tha land thal his buc<:eeameant the downfall of aome >>( the m->st nohleand dlatlngulahed Republlcana of this dty.thata verdlcl in hla favor meanl the eondemnatlonof men equally wlth blm entltled to conetdere-tlon and reapect.

It waa to reaent this deelaratlon. Mr. Lauter-imrh s:.id. that aome other one had t.n aele< t-

ed last nlghtWTTHDRAWALB.

At thla polnl In Mr. Lauterbach'a remarka,Oent ral «' P.la reached over 'h- rep rtera who *at

In front of ihe platform, aelected his overcoatfrom a plle of othera, and atarted out He w.is

Immediately followed by Cornellua N. BUee and

nenerml Bamuel Thomaa As Oeneral Thomaaar -. to gt>, he turned toward the temporarychalrman and aald;"To prevent mlaapprehenalon, l wlah to aay

that l do not care to Btay here any longer andbe lectured for votlng for Mr. Brookfleld.""Very well." replied Mr. Lauterbach. urbanely.

"The gentleman Is exeuaed from further attend-at. ¦.¦ at the meettng to-nlght."There waa aome llttle dlaturbance In the rear

<.r tii" ii.ill as the membera named were makingthelr way out, and th" temporary chalrman re-

queater ""t!-.-"...You come t.. or ler fli if." Bhouted a vo. *om

the bodj of the balLMr Lauterbach wenl on then to euloglae the

electlon-dlatrlci ayatem and pledged to it hlaeverlaatlng fealty. lt had I.n atated agatnand agaln he aald, that bla electlon meant itsnbolltlon. He not only pledged hla own, butevery nne of the elghty-flve v..t.-s caat for blmt,, preaerve the ayatem Intacl in all its featurea,a.,d aald there ahould be no return to the aya¬tem or lack of syatem whlch prevaued previ-oualy lo its adoptlon.Bome other prlnclplea nad l.n enundated by

his electlon, Mr. Lauterbach aald. One waathat the Republlcana could nol now be accuaed

laaa dlacrimlnatlona, bul thal all honeatBeptibllcana hereafter could be aaaured of equalrlghta To belong to the Republtcan partym.n.it ihe abolltlon of ..li daaa dlffereneea andraclal dlatlnctlona. _ ,

This rap nt the Unl »n Lengue ( lub waa

further emphaalged by pralae for the Republl-,,,. r|Ub of the Clty of New-York, whlch per-

no clnaa or ra ¦¦¦ dlffereneea, but whosea<H'lal appolntmenta made II a power f«>r g.iOnl) two prerequlaltea for memberahlp were

known In the Republlcan Club thal the appl-ranl ahould be an boneal man and a H^puidi-rnn The club had. therefore. become an lm-

portnnl factor In the Republlcan party of the

Mr" lauterbach uwevrated In Bubatance thalthe County Commlttee now repreaented tne

ir.ooo Republlcana of Kew-York «'ity. and in

the dlatrlbutlon of the honora whlch wnt to

the vlctorloua party, Nattonal. BUte and local.h" propoaed to adhere 10 the dlctrtne that thatRepubllcan vote waa entltled to falr play.iCheera. led by Olbbg and Patteraon.)

Hl QOEBTED "CCTTlNa IT gHORT."Mr Wantneker, taklng the applauaa «s the

orcaalon, aald thal he waa aorry to Interruptthe epeaker, bul 11 waa gettlng late. and therewaa oth. r bualneaa lo be d. n..

Mr Lauterbach Bpeedlly brought hla sr.h to

an .,.! aaylng thal he waa profoundly grate-f.l nol onl) to thoae who Had voted for him,i.,t to the reat. and aald that he would treal

,.. |atter aa well as the f< rmer. wlth properconalderatlon.

li waa declded that there waa no neceeelty lo

..;..., a temporary1 aecretarv and Mr. Ten Eyckwiii held over unUI the permanent organuuMlon|a completed.The chalrman aald thai he had been Informed

,,v the aecretary lhal there were a number of

'''Mr^ltane rnnved tha! the conteata be referredto the Commltl.n Conteata to be app¦¦!. t-1_and Ihat th.nmlttee proceed at once to heai...i ,ii«rtoae of the conteata with..ut d.dav.1M vP.un,m togo m wlth thla bualneaa tv

niajht-' aked Oeneral McCaik. and i.lv ng an

Xnatlveanawer. ^'V'd T 'f^vVr^oTllowthe table ll waa wlthdruwn. bowever. to aiiow

... .,.,,..(, rv to read th' documenta on hla tabe

,:..,::., Pto lha Count).:. y;?*,n5 K5 mth vlllth Aaaembb- Dla-Commlttee of ia» -.'

,,,,..., ivrrlitaii vhv.n 1trlc. rornel Vkn&^SnV- l-wa.,n

,::.¦.;:,!;.,,'>,, tS-<- .¦" """-^

Thevtolallo pf.ArUc WT&£\.

prevalled al,. .-.. a in itlon

II .! .¦ I'V tll'r-''- l co,nmlt« mtnJtlon "

receaa waa taken

th, retlrementd \ (|1 , l)ne ot lh,.commlttee in< ni ... - , periwnirommltlee r. id the riamn .a

;, ,.'';;;. v;:¦,.,,l;"."..... «..-< '"-' ^\/¦"¦-¦".'.'..v' ... named are nol all rep-

>n 1,1- klh Keil cr< '.. nl ... N M uro\< -. iuii

..;.' ,; thr. u- \f known or haa i.n known as ¦ real-

d^Vnl|?folndddHre,»"iith Klectlon DlBtrlct; John R.,;'¦;:.,.>,'. Dlatrlct: Henry cl I);' ;. .:'....,. iMatrlct; John W. Boha

,..;,.,.; i'i.:-i.n DUtrlct; Krederlek Btrelcher, S.xth.;",,, I. '..; John aaaiagher. Flfth Blec-t on

Dulrlet" Alberi J. Wlrlh, F urih Klectlon Dlatrtct.The proteata havlng all been read and they

arere generally long and verboee Mr. Dcanerenewed hla motlon for .. commlttee of flve on

Ponteated neata. Thla waa cgrrled, after whlcha dlacuaalon aroae as to ihe length of tlme whlchn falr hearlng of the conteata would take. Ai-

fred R. Page thoughl two weeki waa not too

long and ni..ved that when Ihe commlttee ad-lourn lt be for thal length of tlme. Mr. Pagean Oeneral McCo«.k apoke In favor of auch an

adj enn.n.nt. but ih.- motlon araa loat. Coionei

Cruger ...-ved thal the commlttee adjourn lo

on"week from Monday evenlng al I P. rn. Thalm. certalnly nol too much tlme for hearten thewltneeaea.

AOAINST r.M.n: HAaTTE.Oeneral MoCook mada an Impaaaloaed apeech

agalnat ruahlng through the report of the Com¬

mlttee on Conteata. The eeal even of the tem¬

porary chalrman, Mr. Lauterbach. h« Had juatIrarned from tha papera read. waa eoBtaated.

ko orth tm.t the chalrman of this Republlcanbod) had appolnted a commlttee hlmaelf t,, 4le-,i,i hi, rlghl to his aeat, and had cauaad (hecommlttee to reporl the aame rlghl grantlnthlmlils piaoe aa h member.Chalrman Lauterbach replied that if all the

conteata were aa frivoloua as the one agalnathim and hla colleaguea In the vnith Dlatriclthey could be declded In flve mlnuteaOeneral McCook dlaclalmed an) parpoae of

.¦aitinK an iinputati... upon Mr Lauterbach.li.. only wanted t<> call gttentlon t>. the Deceaalt)f ir deHberatlon.After L L Van All«n had made a s;.eeeh ln

favorofan adjournmenl to n.\t Monday evenlngan.i Meeare. Mayer and Johnaon ha.i appeaiedfor mora tlme, ex-Judwe Krneat Hall offered, aa a

Cinllniinl on Thlrd r.ig.\

x !,£*.,"inal bVb,KY^,ShT'berm"h^l- Chat prevall. a. lh.i->"¦ ott ..,.,,, w, re a in itlon waa made» :..: m beforemenii. neo » cha|r ,vi






THB K«w CHDJF or roi.KE to m: iN\taT»D



am> BfTicnprcT or thb inriroRMn





Albany, Jan. 17..The report of the Lex..w In-

veatlgatlng Commlttee was ajHrtn to the publlotontght and wM be preaantad m the Banato to-

morrow mornlng. it is a document ..f about ls.000worda, the glat of frhlch is cootalnad la the fol-

IowI.ik: a

.As a BUmmary of th< r. ...mmrndations h.-re-

Inbefore made, your commlttae reepectfutty reo-

ommenda:"Ftrat.The coneentratlon in the handa of a

Superlntendent of Pottca, to be hereafter knownaa <-nief of Pottoe, of all thoae powara eoawaetaiwlth and whlch affect tha dledpUne, control and

efflclency ..t the .ntlre .inlformad force, in.lud-i.iK aaalgnmenl and tranafer, wbereby tha ex-

rcutlve runotlona of tha departnaant ahall be

lodged wholly In his hands, and he ahall be, in

fait, the reeponaibte fingle head of the unlformedforce."Becond.Tbe lodgment in the hands of auch a

Chlef "f Pollca >.f ;h<- aummary power (¦> sua-

pend aubordlnatea without pay and t.» raeoaa.Jn-iid offlcera f-r promotlon, wlth su.-h limita-

... ns -..s th- bllla herawltb preaented Impoaa..Thlrd-Tbat th- Board of Potice CommbMitoia,

,.,< Bhall by law be BUde ¦ bi-partisan board."th exclualve authorlty over tha admlnlatraUfaand ludldal functlona of the- department aa waiai over those whlch affed the electlve tnx*M*.Kourth-That all promotlona shai beiautdata

conformlty wlth the rulea of the dvl>.*>£¦J*merlt and Buperlor capadtj only. wlthln the 1 ra-

RaUona preacrtbed by th- bttl h-rewith submtt-

'".¦Flfth- That the PoUce C.mmi^i. ners ahall

baai ...wer to appolnt a Board of ChrlMJrvto.Examtoera. conalatlngof one toapector *nd fourekotalna of pollca, to be approved bj the Btatai'1 ',. !¦,!! Bervlc. Examlnera. to paaa upon

{hTelegtblUty of candldate. for appo.ntm-nt. and

that the preaeut matbod be aboUabed.»Bt«rh-JThat the penalon law ahall he to

amJnded 2 to kav! U *£*»££$« \f£

^^l^^^^'h^^nL^'the.lep.rtmentbe . x.m.ned or audlted In th- at me rnanneraa.,;,. "eaccounta of othar departaarnta of the

m$£BLSET^ reorganl»t«o. of th.

d"i;rtn,MKl,"ma.iehyc,a,:niT. V".Ha;,/;.uedf,,r that Durooae, up m whom ahall be conferreo.

,,,. toapprov.il by th, Mayor, abaolute and

SSaSSaBgThe l\n.s laid -L.wn in the hill for that purpoae

B^3^Th.tVhnur^mltteebeccntl««ed^the^ope oflt. authorlty in :reaaed to contonaita

^f^nun^^,; iU,»- O'Connor. RobartaoB and

the aubject-mattar Involvad

PROPOBED POUCE LECHBLATIOH.MlowUlg %ra th- threa M]\>^V\>ot£

Commlttae far tha ItaarganlxaUoB of the l oiiea

irtment <.:' New-Tork:

SKfeS *g,?'n. lf the senate ahall appolnt three pereooa

,,r-N','*'Ysa!d ComnMaaloBarB Bhall botd ofltae far

totoeaaUafactlonof th jfau "^^OaMoum haaa

u n..,^,a.y for'the complete p^rfonnanilutiei Impois. ttl.lK f'«t.xi.nl the '..";''...,. ..,..¦-., blm aeem proper .ma

'"^ .iongerperiod .^maj ^^r tnrJ, ,nanthi

.»..ffhf2«S^expedlent. noi «tch7V.mlnatTon herelnbefore pro-

"P^J'Jr'hC. and .dth rteadvtce .... 1 eonaent of'S* *iJ«at2 durma the «ealon ot the Benate. Any..".' ".'¦¦' ..,'.. .':',.< n he number of the Commla-7 "r". w...';,.',.¦ Vn.i..¦ ahall not be la aaaatoa

."."' ', 'ii, Vn-'ifa iv to perform the dutlea

:;;,:U,v: .-. - 'ibeti-l'ln the .,ffl,v of the"' '"

., V ,Vd .e.m.v of Xew-York nol later,.,, rk ,,, the >' .;'"',:, !Vn,. ,f hi« ...... xntment. tnthan fendaya t ..... t ''..¦' ,' .,, ,,lV1Vt. r«fuaed

POMMIBBlOXBRi OF RBORfJAKIZATIOM.witbln !"¦» daya ..fter the flliag af the

.,,;, ;,f sa.d rommlaalonera tbay ahaJI awd aad,,,,,.,1 The board arbaa ao organlaad;;;r;:n.'i:t'.n.l.st....li-h.u.eSandre;uU-nrooer exerrtae ot tbe powe.s. func-

;:::;:: r, ££ ¦;.;...,.¦»...««..-..'-"»d

..liilll'.e ali'i i"" ' ¦"¦

tr.tlon of aald departaaaa*.PBOVIBION FOR DIBMIBaUIA

. - rjaealaetery tweaty daya durlag tha i*aa>. .n,,,.iiv iad examlnatloo aald Comnata.

^^rSS .,,.,., ...aU-er,,., J,«*r thelr Blgaaturaa, Ifl the form of a re-

r;r To.i mi.-r ot the dty of Naw-Tark. for

Jin.-,! h" nam-s M au-h persona attaehed to' : an o'rn,-.. force. or -onne.-ted wlth th- PattN

, ,,(. tha eitv of Kew-York, wboae frenoralMncTtlSna a« not in thdr judgmeat aucB! aa to,|a.ili... aii.'.'s .'

,,,,,.,;...,,. 0f the n.onile. the .tta-

Hp"uuTafl the efffnt coadud or adaatototrattaa of

^^Tb^report m tha foregotng aaetlen gawddajfoTah.ll contaln oppoalte the aame of ench peraoa[hereln certlfled tor^lamUwal a eonclae Bt.tement,f th"mmu for dUmiaaal, wlth auch referenca

t.Htimony prevloua record. charge. °r "thef

gToJnd f"r! dlamlBaal aa ahall enable Sie M.yor ofthe dty of New-Vork to determlna wbether or notsu.-h dlamtBB.1 was to'inded upon graunda in hla

judgment raaaonable and auffldent. In caae leaathan tbe whole number of sa.d . ommlaalonera siallIn .'ne or more caaaa concur In certifylna for dla-mlaaal the Commlaakmer ao non-coneurrlng shaii.oppoalte ihe name of the pe.son or peraana In arhoaadlamlaaal he falls to coacur, state eom-isely the rea-

aona foi su.-h non-coocurrence. ._

Bec I Wlthln t*n daya after recetpt by hlm ot a re¬

port from said Commlaatonera, made In conformltywlth the provletona of thls act. the Mayor of thadty of x.w-York ahall Indorae thereon h.s app.o\aior dlaapproval of tbe aame. lf he Indoraa upon aaMreport ..approvei.'1 the peraonaiao ceWflad 1or <u».mlssal ahallha held and daVmed from the datjof auagindoraemenl dlamlaaed .rom aald *«»KJ!B5^*,Bthelr pay ahall forthwlth caaaa .»* **fr"2*e' iahe l.niorse thereon 'dk«pproyad."i^B»yilJcertlfled for dlamlaaal abaU be daeajaaal aKauaaa.But aaM Mayor m.y appraaa aatd reiaaii aaaome, aad may dtaaiaprava the aame M to omaraOf Ihe perBBBa B0 named thereln for dlamlaaal iaymdlcattag thereon tbe per-ona in ,^ose du... s.-a

he eon.-urs and those lu whose diMtit^al he no

concura. And In su.-h waa ;h^'. h'l whe therehv aporovea ahall be hel.l and ileem'i,"rom the date of auel. approv.l. dMaMaaad from. aagdepartment. and thelr pay shallfort wlth reaw

and determlne. and thoae In whose dlamuteai aanon-roncura aKall be deemed retalned. Noth nghereln oontalned ahall be eonMraad aa f^JJ""**»>*- Commlsalonera from csnlfylng agaln for dls-