/v Kf^i^iliS^-!5^ K*-?A_J F\" &'& j >IK_4' 'Wi'Y_s_^._*'.'^-___5*w. _u-..wrjM|7. ^Ff'^ ^--_4" <f^.___-, -..BTU"-.* Vo».\IJV...JN°13,(h3 NEW YORK, TUESDAY, APRIL ¦>, 1884 PRICE THREE CENTS. pi t..1. III'V'lll' ,t i.,,.r!,f -n-l ho. mon ti.'ivc- Lilfou pu m_ MniiRTsnva nmirvAi_r.E THE OUTLOOK AT UTICA. BTRRNGTB OP im BLAINE HES GROWING; AKiin'R D__4tOAT__ BOT KUM cmvlk^ai. aii- - mi Of M:\V-YORK CITY POUlfclAKB-OEr. liAM/AlKlS I'LA^S. [BT TK1.ROBAPH TO THK TllIBl SF..] UTICA. April 91..8evf-ral of thedelcuates to tba Republican BUM I'onvt'iitioii sad matty politicians srriv.'il herc to-night. It is reported lint Ben- ntur MillerhssreachedIns homo nt Herkimer on Ins way from Washington to this place. Thc hotel proprietors have received Bootes of telegrams tren Republicans engaging timms, sud it la st Idsot from llif naini's appcntifd to these dtepstebea snd from UM list Ol eeieirut.-s. that tilt' I'linvi'lltioii lr. tO ba ll highly tcpreoentattvaone. Mr. Vreoman, eecretary nf Um State Committee, ha* boon bnsj sll .lay mak¬ in.? Ansi srrsogeoMnta forssstingthedeleEstea rn theUticsOpen lions.-. Nearly all of the delegates, lt te thought, will bs in theeitj bj to-morrow st Midnight. Allot the delegate! who ssa bete sn opposed to holding a second Ststa Convention, iiii.l lave, thc n.'iiiimitioii now of csndidstet foi Judges of the Court of Appaate and the eleetlon of n new Stets Committee. Colonel W. D. Dickey, ni Newberg, the naembsf ol th* State Committee imiii llio XVtli COBgtesslOBSl District, h:,:,1 t<>- niirht: "If I am to loee uo bead, 1 would sa goon here it eat off now sa in the fall, lt would ¦.¦ ss patti dteturbsnce non tl.an then. I think n ougbl in Hoot the nea Stats < ommittee nml Dominate tbs Judges nt thi* eonven- \ c.,ion.-I Dickeys declaration is the inn.' significant because he favon tbe norn- inatn-n ol Hie President st Chicago, and i; l..i-beenBususcted that the President's friend-are oppoeed to any reorgaaisstioii of theStste Com¬ mittee, feeling that it ls now more friendly to hu ca -H I'.! ny tbs it wi mill bs If reconstructed Ly the Btste Convention. From the list af delegsteoil ls evident thatthere will hs au lacrosse of the pro¬ portion of Blaine men on theState Coaunittee >f there should he sn election bow "f it-, members. 1,1 tl.Vl - 1 i SUTH NOT OYEBEST1MATED, AU Ute delegatea noa here asy that Mr. Blaine's gtrength luis been nndeiestimsted rather than over¬ rated; -till it it th..unlit that no aiteri'iit will be made by Mr. Blainc/a friends |o inetrnot the delegatea at IsTgs iu his favor. The delegatee-at-lsrge »r.- not likely torepreaeut ouy one element iu the Republican party, lt is the faners! opinion that thc* will be Blaine and Eduninda na a, representing two controlling ele¬ ments in thf eonventkm. lt ts doubtful il there will bc sn Arthur delegate-at-large, yet !. isibly it may be decided ti. kim-th.- Preaident a lepreeeut stive. Joseph B. Can. Secretary .>t State, i* mi-.itinned a-t the Al bm delegate who niav be a tested, lt k.i. he will be Vii.o.-n t.. give every element ir. the party repre¬ sentation. Washington County will present the cann: of Congressman Henry 0, Burleigh. Mr. Burleigh baa slresdy been elected a delegate from the XVHIth Congressional District snd han sn- Bounced himself sa foi Arthur, 'lhe leading can- didau fi di l< gatea-at-large are ex-Govi nor Cor. nell, Senators Millet ami Lapham, li.mk His, .t.k. Theodore Roosevelt and others, lo-dsy the i ,.i ex-bpesker Ueorge B, S16sn, >>i 'intM---., may be considered sa added to the Hat. h Bloan waa defeated in the X\\ IIMi Congres¬ sional Districl convention onFriday, because be geld be favored th nomination <>f Rr. Edmunds, that convention di dring to send Blaine mea t.. Chicago. Bot it is felt ihat Mr. Sloan would well represent the Edmunds sentiment, snd it is u.st^ known tnat L.< is opposed t.> the nomination of the President, sud thal hie second ohoice ia Mr. Blaine. There have been » uthiii di ,. .1 i" the Btatf vention in the disguise of Edmnnda men, ao that it i- thonghl beal by the anti-Arthot men lo be ii.ii lecting Edmunds men aa deleaatcs- ap-large witLou1 knowing their second choice, '! lu nutnbel ol genuine r-dmuntU men ls ki...\. i, t be sinai.. IU. W lill- l Ll sim \ i'. si |.r,,:. ni;- m K. I'- President's support is also kuown nol to1»c gf a trustworthy nature. I w-York dele- jr ii.s may di clare vooifero fi ii- j are for Arthur, but they only nominal)) favoi lus nomina¬ tion. They reaHy mean to give tbt i votes to some one else, aud in private conversation In", si . rt of hisi indi- dacj i- ..n..> a eoigne .1 rnntage, from whicli thej Intend to look upon politics! movements li have iel< uti il lie man they Inti ud to l'u ident. rhey acknowledge freely that they do rm think the President ess be bondi au:*., weakens the President's fon both at thia btate Convention ami at the Nstionsl Convention thusthey il" nol intend to take au B'-me pail if un' sn .ttt.-,-ii th.-Arthur and Blaine leaden for the naming ol the Lon .I- arge. i heil a divided delegution-at-large to the < Vent:,>'i. For this rea soj they will ovpoa thc .lei-.at.'-. hell la-k ol eal leal i pp thc Prcaidi il sill nave nearly the efleel .-1 an a live opposition tn him. Ordinarily the New- Tork Uepnblican leaders are the earUeal in a eon- \. iitn.n tu.tii Not om- is in the pity to-uight. 'J hey are aol m ... ,,. brenuous exert ions to coutroi the i onvention in the Presidents Inten st, HI >.K.. lM/ll,"\ ,.l Lu I .. \ , 11. v. lt te presumed that, following the pre >. '.. ¦,' ..t . >su, th.- ini;i delegalcs-st-large will be selected li, s committee sad then approved bj tue cou ven¬ tion, rho chairman of the convention will proha- hly nsme the committee C. > uatoi _, |.. ruts, et Albion, is freqnentlj uauictl by thi gelegstea as thou choice foi the poaitiou. Mr, Pitta baa been sleeted us a delegste to the Rational Convention from tha _XXlst i- I. .ii iiisimt, and has announced tluit '.. foi 1 ailie, 1 lc i. in!»ira it i-1 ia 11 m.i ii, il ia likely, will I it |.i un.im n ii..i niau, 1; la r-- t nun.ni ie., will m.! ii.mn ,i tempor¬ al, chairman, bul leave thal dutj t.. the Souveution, 1 nc liii'in i.- o' a tempura rs li airman by the fctate Committee in iss_- j,,,,-, '_,,. ;, ,,,,,_ i t, io .-ii", i-.it which were felt thru uhoul the BL'...in aud materially coutrihuted tu Mi. Cleveland's large majority. A -e <-. t <.n .,: thisotlicei In open- convention oj thc ..ti-- if thc delegates themselves wit hool my ret-oi imendatioB b\ Hi. btate Committee ii thuivfoie thnugut lo be L lue Slate Committee will meei al lia.'.'s Motel to-morrow night, lt is probable thai the < .mi ',t i lie p die «*r rt;- pf fi ipecting ti. ) ..;i-]..i. ci lirmunship will tln*n he decided. .-e.,....,i Vt.i.,.-I Millet will preecnl i.> the r*tatc Convention ii.- plan foi the reorganization <.; the psrt.v. An outline ..l this plsn was giveu bj the iScustor in the course ol his speech pu iln au btate < invention n, ..1 ai ti. springsConvention Issi fall In brief i in clectiug delegates to Stale conveutiona directly from the towns wit bout the intervention ol town ca. i. ,.-.'- aud Assembly llistricl Lonvent ions. In this lilah uer, thc rienstoi argues, a great desi "i Intriguing for the control ol Lue Bte e < ouveutiona v..uni ,,.. prcveuted. Politicians would lose th.- po wei oi shspngtbe decisions ol Btate Co lions by gaining control ol the Aasembh Distr.cl Louyrniions ott.ii^r to the umnberol towns t v..ni.i lie uupoHsible tm any " machine" ui. tin- plsn to grind out auy sort ol btate L'i ti.in it pleated. The btste Convention wu laiV'-U iii.'inisei in uuuibera, butit would fsi !.> t- t.-i repieeeut the actual opinion ol the lb-publican jiaity respecting eeudidstea lor oliico. I ne Sena- tors plan also provides for a concentration of the You of am i, ......:. .,- hos. nh a small tmu. in.- plsn. .t adopted, will bring about thm ¦liberalization ol the party thal rieustot Millci , ' tbe Richfield Springs Convention ia neces¬ sary, il the pally is ti. retain tba support ol votw reran slleged " boas" Senator Millei ls com giuguUuiy ni ki. ss .n thoa fsvoi na » plan which will oflectuaUy pul sa eadto the "bo that Las somi'timt'.i prevailed lo the party, rna nutaiDI m uri".si i, nv yi.u ilh Thara will hu many well-known delegatea amt Republican politteis-ta pnssut at tbs cunvsatioa, Rx«_eastot rbonaaC Platt haa eagaged rooms ii Bag's Uotsl, sad will t_kf an active part la opposi- Usa ts th-- soattoJ ol t!i<- eoaveatioo by Pif-M.ii'iit Arih'ir's frteada Mr. Platt will also go to the SutiiHial Cont tn) iou aa a delegate ft mu the WVlih Congressional Dtetrlet nader a "re- qaeai " to vote for Mr. lila me. Mr. Platen appear¬ ance here in opposition to Preaident Arthur cauasa general astonishment, thia plat e la ex-Senator Roe- ooe Conkling'a nome. A week ano it was supposed by politicians all over the state tint dslegatea bad been elected tu the Congressional Convention of thia districi who would elect two Arthur delegates io the National Convention, butauddenlya myaterions haml pulled Ont two or thiee pegs ami two anti- Arthur tleltiptto»: were elected to the National Con¬ vention by the Congressional Convention, lt is be¬ lieved here by tbe Arthur mea thal the myaterioaa haml was th_t nt Roscoe < !onkling. Among the delegates snd politicians .rim arrived to-day w.n. .lames D. Wainn, of Buffalo, chair¬ man of the Republican stale Committee; Charles E. Pitch, etlit..r of Ike hocheeter Democrat and t hn,nilli ; Cheater8. ('ole, captain of the Pori <>f New-York) Jeremiah Drew, of Newborns Isaac V, Bsker, superintendent *>f prisons; Senator I'homss: Edward NV. Johnson, one ol the secre¬ taries ol the Republican Mute Committee: ex- Police Commissioner DeWitt C. Wheeler, ol New- York e\-i anal Appraiser Bostwick, of Ithaca, and Colonel Archibald Baxter, ol Almira. Riajmshave been engaged at the bo ela for Theodore Rooai reit, John J. O'Brien, Walter Howe. J. R.Lyde ker, J mies W. Harper, jr., and Bernard Biglin, of New-York j ex-Liouteuanl (iovernor Je'in C. Robinson, ol Binghamton : Collei tor William ll. Robertson ; ex- Cougroasman James S, Rmart, of1 ambridge; Car¬ roll I?. Smith, >.! Hyrscuae; I'.-master .1. ll, l>,.k.t,rn Kewbtirg; (Jenernl N. M. lintis, of Ogdcusburgi silas B. Dutcher ami Sena¬ tor DagRettj nf Brooklyn: Assemblyman Ponyth, <.i West Troy; B. r. I'lagl. r. of Magura Kalla; ex-Wpeaker Rusted; Senator l/ow,oi Mid¬ dletown; ex-Senator M. Arthur, of fro) : ex- Lieutenaut-ffOvcrnor Hoskins, and A *einhlyman Haskill, .'i dad.County. <- A GLAM 1' A THE LIST OF DELEGATK8. .A 1I..I.V Ol Alli I. AMI \I RH \t ll REP1 ll LASS .Sour, tn i in: ii \i>im, HEW. Utica, Ai.ni 21..An inspection of the roU of del, enies showa thai the convention that meeta hereon Wedne*dsj will contain manj "I the moat aagacioua andexperienccflof the New-York Re- publii .ms. (k'sri ely a e.ninty is inndeqnatelj rep¬ resented, while nearly every one would seem lo have entered noon the _utj of selecting del with tho praiseworthy determination of coa- tnbnting to the convention prudent, capsble snd trustworthy counsellors.men who would know what it wai lu 1 to do this Presidential year umi how io i!o it. Alban)' County heada lhe roll. Tie conspicuous figure in the delegation is Hamilton Hal te He is commonly regarded ss one of the most astute poll- ticianain the state. Foi several yean he waa chairman of thc Repnblii sn < lommitvee, ami be bat represented bte district in the Senate snd Aaaem> hiv. John S. Fowler, who heads the Csynga dele gation, luis boen Ray u of Auburn sud ;i member of the Iii ia rd of State Assessors Assemblyman Horton is a member <>l the i bantanqna delegation. Archie B. Baxter, a gallant soldier who was the Republi¬ can candidate for Congress l;i the XXIXtb Dteti iol two years iurn, leads the Chsmnug dele¬ gation, Assemblyman \. Judson Kneelnud is one of Cortland's representatives. John H. Ketcham appears in the list of Doti d< li tratea. He hr.- mi red in the state and National lures and te a member of the present Con He entered the Union snny ns a e..hun l ul ruse tn the rank of brevel M ir-General. Ene mi .ls, among oth< rt oblj oien Bingham. Assemblyman N. C. Boynton leada the 1 -si x delegation; another Assemblyman, L. L. Boyce, the Fulton delegation, Bud still another one, Lucian If. Bailey, 1 ¦¦ ¦¦ fl lega¬ tion. I mt. il States Heuatoi Warner Miller and Speaker Sbeard "I thsAssemblj are two of Her¬ kimer's iii h The Kings Count) il legation contsina a nnmbei mg min. Channing ProthiuKhau las well-| known Brooklyn independent, Ethan Allen Doty ia a member of the Independent Republican Con¬ ference Committee, Mr. Heath sa einberofthc .'¦Iv. Mr. I i.-.t is g membei ..f the Repnblii n State Committee. The Madison delegation ia A. M. H' lines. Conj ad ex-State Controller Jami ll, Wadsworth leads the Li\ in ition. Mo iroe will ju- ik through such men in Mayor Parsons, ol Rochester, and t barlee E. Pitch, Editor oi I hr Ii,,,,... mt end Vhroni V of that citv. Pinong the ¦. . (ieneral O. McCook.Assemblyni ni Roosevelt, rjena»or Gibbs Joseph W. Ii ll i Gardner, George Bliss, Solon B. Ss:, th, 1 lutor, ,I:i.t i. e Jacob M. I.it' re n and John .moog tho N'.a-'.i:., is Willard A. Cobb, /' ¦ Loci I Journal. Niagara will unusual stu mn.a in this convention, thal she i- part of th WXIlI.l I Dist let, which w ia nt able t< !..!-,- o| ri pi, si ni ai iou for 11 < 'a the 'rang in arc Mow t D. ll) .' r' of ih .- - aud .In.1,,-.- John J. Beattie. As- peiiiblymaii (!. M. rjweet in oneWil I ¦¦ . dole- Minn:. li. Kdick, nu ex-Senator, ut a < l ,n VoillllfH ls a tt-t.-ii am! .1 s | raylh are amoi u R u- e. I.,.-i re present al i\t -. I .... man 1 one .-I the Rh hmoud \- iemb N. M. < urua, who ed ent ol New- Voik in the assault upon Pori r'isher, and t nan l'i k al-' amollg t li vt. I .a ,\ el ne i',, I, Anol bel gullaul sui.In i an.I ex-Af tet man, Benji min P, Ba i, snd Congress- . . We ii w ,11 help e ipreH, ti..- view-,,i ...,,... '--. lily man John W. Ved dei leatlr the s. |, ,,,. i.,,i ,,, ;.. ation, ami ex A b'yman Tv atm tin- ,-cnecu delegation. Thorne* C. presid nt "i tl United State* Eiprea* ( oin- j,.i:.v jul ex-l ni ed States Scuator. aud VVi Smyth, ex-eiup rlntendenl ..f the Inanrunrc l>- 1 .-ii H nt, ;... fioga'arepresentatives. War¬ ren County ia lepre entcdin part bj A. r. Cheri tr, e and R. Locke. Mr. 1 beritrse w,i- a membei <.! tioual ( on tent ion ol i si,Tami ii.,, been Ihstrict-Aiforuej of Warren, Mi. Locke is the presi it Assemblyman )..i the t.uty. <'n the i{--it loll an I .,|,.'i. s.m.ni Bul '.-il'!:. Assemblyman Baker a -I ex tsKimihlyman larry, Pliny T. fextoa, president ni lhe Pirsi Nstiuiiiil il I',linyia, who \mis 11,.- Repnblii an amii- ,. e for State Treasurer last fall, lead* the VVa as delegation. The Wyoming delegation i.s led bj x- Licntenant-dovi rnoi llo Kins, snd t '!.. Yates, gal "ii L\ Siei lien B. \ir the I toi ,.i Th, i ttti6 t a miti i h ron ii le. , LAI I. I t( TUE 1 / \ Jill, i fl \ TRY. IBTTF.LI RAPI1 To 1 HI I BIBI NB.1 VVii.kksbarre, April 21..A luce factorj is shoat 1.tarted here, which will bi the only une ot its ltin.l in ih. I'ini dSlates. Tbe project wei latiodm-ed bj J.C. Atkin, a linn,ula. ii.1.1 ..! Nottingham, L-. who has been in the city for some day- consulting willi local c-pltaUsts. li i- believed hst thr enterprise will '... .i li ui..: «-i.. i: i i.ie a.al mieli leading elli/-li- BS J. II. -I.ueioaki i. J,.im w, Hi s Holli iliai k and -. L Bros iBterestine themselves In iii. Blatter. I. capital ,e- ijulied elli '¦> >:,.."... and 23 pei cent or thl« U a !. idy suba. ribed lt ls t mi d i ti become stfN'khoitlei-n ni tile t'otnpnn.v, ami Hie slut. la. rd at ir lou rn,, Bluer; tt I I ne iinperted from Kn land, aid when lu running tn t will glvi employment to over -lOOper- .out, ? .4 KEW-YORE BOT l\ TROUBLE rat iii' i-i ru run rsiBtxg.| lUi.nvo i.. April 21..William Eplirium. a bright-looking fruin Kev York City, was arrest morning charged witn raiding Isaac Weinberg, Broom i: ab ,ol di .. Phe boy la Hs came here a few days ago In sean, of work. IL- s ntly di SS his BOllt, iiinl Weinl.er.'s et -I. lhe ytnii!_-t. will ca. Ill llii.l. Alli.hi', Mu SI i. ."/ 'I I i. I " // / .et ni. iru a i" '<. ia -. I'm ism h.;, April 21..Jiweph McCormick, of Mew-York city, willie iBioxicated Hes .ill, -1. ,1 bj U,<- Melt.' D I ...i.i from Un- .ttl. Mr, ba lumped Into ii.,- Uouon Uiver, bul wea rescued. Yest, daj he Un* foi nd In a p .u i ',i..-.i. having ms a several s limel and breast with a rust) pocketknife. Il - hospital, and t-.-iij'. ii li rt-, I ht dla, ? A i li. il li ..I I Ok > " VO LOt HRH. 'mi iii i' i it r nu i Bursa I Villa Rioa, Od., April 21. I lin Parnier, a gtrt of flfteea ass tot Mans tttue ii mu iIhu. tm- krui'- dlaappeaiaui tfee day .-.> led to tim ariesi of linn .ni a ebsrgs nf kldnsppisg; aad n eeuth ii si hool t»-u< ii. i aam< -i Dowdli il »f h-d-Utpftag, foi -lulling- -UL « _rlii uudt.r s.e. 'lins mus i ..un mi such a rbsrge. PROFESSOR ll A. SEWTON RESIGNS. a aaaioua nu inri tv thu has satin iv rai wiM'lli -ii l; OB RBVATOai ai YAi.r. Ill Tl I i.UAI'll Ti> Till TKIIIISK.] N'iu-Mavin, April 21..College wciety, In- t'lntlin. the fucuty Itself, waa la-r S-itur- dayeoBstderabty atartlsd Lythe repast Omi Prefeaee Hubert a Newton had toslamil his plsea as .intitor sad Seed of iii" Winchester Observatory. There wera Biaay stories and Btneh aanalaa ss ts tba esuae of tbe Professor's sudden reatgAttofl sf his psat* Bon, ta tba work of whisk he haa shown special interest iiml pride, lt was known that asa MUUVUUtt UtA tn un.-.I between him snd I>r. Leonard Waldo. te bead .a the I.louies! ami tbertaometrloeJ bureau.I other nineers "f the Institution. Ii now appears thal Professor Ellas I.mis. one of the Board of Managers nf tho observatory, haa lolned Professor Newton and s-nt In hts reittirnatlon. Sntne years .ii.-.i hr. 1 e..;.uni Waldo, who hal Jireviiiiisly i. .a e.mrie. le.i ttii the femBridge Obaei i story, visited Professors Loomis, Newton mal other tm nh. or th* We tu alt] and asked their sanction snd aid In establlslilug tbs obaerratory, with tho provlao iiiii i* ihonld require no direet Dusnclal md from the collegs ami that li* net re- oelpta i.t.-r and al>..te p.j.ODO should eaeh year be paid Into i treasury. I)r. Waldo then established tbe bureen which .'¦frwurtl was io.iineit I,, ii,,- ii -w observatory building "ti th.- pr.>,.rriv given hy ihe late -Mr. Winchester f"r BstranomteMi purpose*, lt er since the hnresu was e-r it '|.',. i, Professor Newton hss Hii.lltert ii- accounts, 'I ne Immedlal ean«e <>r tue pre ent trouble a.. ordlngto the managers ollbe ohsen dory, who bi m a i,..p.ram io know, Uss i.n l>r. Waldos edbrt to tull .-li,irue of I...-..i.--it at.ii v, iiii.l lu extend li linn'lions t.et oti.i: ii " ft is asserted that be bas regarded ins awn place a- superior ts that of Prof, s. ni n- 'wi, in. thit ,ei occasion he baa not hest- i ,f, .1 r.. rm iptatn that h hive he< n hiinipered by the otisei -story managers, ihat ba lias dropped his nt'e ns merelj head of tbe bun-tn. mil has on the line puire ..f hs annual report n,:.p- it ,i 1,,ms,.ir "tho Astronomer el tim Winchester Observatory," and that in the observatory, itself, i.e has taken more room mi his work than wasjnst. andlm- I laired tbe building form.regulai astronomical laves- lis'ati..ii. 1 nally e..ii,,-- M ti!.,ri> si'ions a lertlon. Members of ihe Board of afanagrra s*y that Dr. Wsldo, Inpnrsu- BBce of his pi o nf obtHlninc more control oj fbi ob -itntorv. eiri,|-' '¦,,,,) ie, eiii v of ih management n. the Corporation of tha College mi that in de¬ em his .. mi j.i Int, a committee of Ihe Corporation ting ol in IcrtckJ. Kingsbury, of Waterbury, and M.---Mi Young, ol Nee York, both members ..f the i orpuratlon, we . appointed n eoinmlttee to Investigate the liii un .-. ol ihe "ii- rvatory snd the alleged defects mi'- organisation mel in ... I mit iee ii- work s>.me weeks ago. Complaint i- mads tb t lt pursued Itu Investbj in nu srbltrary and sae sided *-i>irtr. One member nf the Board of Observatory M ne - niar no quoted saving tl, 11 tim aeeonnts were found ii et. suddenly and to the amazement ofgtbe mans era, the eommittee through Its en.min..a, Mr. Young, reported a plan mr . reorgj The new >.i * alia di p Ided :¦.! the entiie al oil lon of Ihe bonni of Mai igi . ¦ l»r. Waldo nea and enlarged powers, and ll retaining Professor Newton ii, a I Mresfnr, largely ii 1111 *-«i hts function! n",l Buthority. riilsrcport bj the Prudential Committee of tbe corporation, which Includes almost one-half ol ihat body, whereupon Pro¬ fessor Newton prompt I j ri'i-i. in .!, an ii"t uliie'n li.is Ju»t hr- n followed by i il ono ¦ li is. uhr-'.I also tba! tbeothei members ol thi Ob- r. noni.i of MansgTg disapprove strongly «f the proponed rec and thai olnci resignation* may soou m.low. ? A SEW PETROLEUM E.\< ll A <,.''. ,' ,,i! mu r.> ntl 11-1 it: vf. \ li; i-i'.i wu, April 21..Pittaburg'a handsome new Petrol, um Exchange was opt ned al B: IO a. m. with prayorby tbe Kev. sir. Ms-weU,of Trii ty. mi I '. lu lor, City -ttl 1.. H. Smith, : iew-York Pi troll um Exchange, snd many others delivered rlef addi * Mr. Smith, s.nise, apolOgiZ' d fur the hrevltj ofhisspet rh bj saying thal nevei before had be in n ailed upon t.. s,.e ,¦. .;, public ¦. sm it m be morn- Ina. N. V i, of t v- i pi trolenm Bx- , h it tail.-I t ' re spend. The scene wuicti followed the sounding or tin .--,.- tho liveliest I h. opt ning ni rrj i,int. ii ld, it is ..¦ leveil tbi Brst ti msat lion S :., el- t.. Ii.... .. ..in " \V ,' .,., ,, bio. 1. :il nh" .1. .' .lin. il ¦--it'll (turing the ii mi ml>. i -atti ..f '-"-¦"..'b ol i.'."in are also men A NEW STORY ' F THE HI I I .' V Ml HDLB. iRAI'li .ni .BIBI Min 'in., April _1 .-Shi'iili \\ illiarii- .'! thc murder . Piiil.i- ,,, iilug, i ie brotbi r ur IU In this --Inn i ii a- rvoiu ,,:i i lion ..un Ince. Men' fest Int one Many have -'i-!« ii' d that, ii be I i- m.mr to il,,-, in- would make some -tn. mern regarding the ... 'i -ii -limit,I- lt, ¦1 ii, re sn those lu 1 I,.,," .1 in the ii .-. t, r. m ;.i be coi st-tenn ut mud. Irs. Jo] tt lien Iel] In ..:¦ ii made, would wliln.rn doubt orimiuate otb r un ? THE ill! El ASD COUNt IL JS IA / PROAR. M'-VI-.i RS) O s I'l lt Al:i: - lu ..ni !¦:--,.i f 11 (II. vi f. \M>, A it il L'I.An im iii'., i-i-tii- oe- cnn. ii ni the City f linnell Cb tinner L>- nffcbt It was the L-l In. s- nf the nhl :,..., t s I lltot foi three j,-.ii s. j he l.n* i st a -'l i ni on account ofdl seutJoo Ihej ware unable to elect. After lt then h. in- nearly ll o'clock the i',t. ul t si,,, p. i, ii,' earn the li'-'.t e.nil low ihould tu ii.-he.i tt, u landy to tin- front sf the lent's di it and demanded to be sworn lu. .,ie ir . onfiisl ,n niel i railed for tea lu lint- pro li ni ir ti,,- chair, oi under .,' rest, hui, becki i bj thc opt alon ol the < li y -miic- i ilenletl the legal existeuci of rim ,, ,i council. mal ileciai ¦..: i he ki o autboritv. 1 . . ting :ill .'I.'U.I- osus. Al ( IDEN1 io JIU. STl AMER s HUT UGA. bi 'I'M .au*b ro rMi itum m Troy, April Ul..There wan the wildes! ex¬ citement here r ni hi al the rej. ilnktn stcamboal S rn .' itriklng a plei Idgs. Ii appear* that shortly af.-r li aving the i... k, lie hythe tug Charles 8. Many, of tlbauy, lt u..s tue Uiteal i-u- uni... Iraw of the Congress rttreul Bi u-..,.l butun appro cl ng lt the wind was so strong thal 1: waa ...,i ed Inward tbe weil ami bad to -m li on ii...i side, In iem: s'i in k the, s .. 1. Lid .ti, i<-. t..I-si,,-,,. in tb. title, rle in .-,,,.. is hearing m. imilling ,.,,,!¦ a ,-iitspin ¦ hfr j, The " :. ¦..,-'. ,-v ilene-:. '1 le- ), -.i,i. .- ni' J. bo ., :. ii, tin- eaptain ill was ii t, mid i -i ii..,i-u. An slam i nnd the tires nrlerexl drawn. Several in'-.rnin' io tin n<si-,ir ,. ,,r lhe Saratoga wai as it-1: to thi lou ,:¦. k it waa found ili-.t th ii,,-,,:- and fl ring li ml been .LiuiHKt.l uiitl thc I..- i ide moved. .,V< Ol lt IGISH All IS < III ll tND. rm ri li in len ru rae raine*! I (: 111 lash, April 21. -i in- will of H. B. n . Jay. 'i I." bulk ..' -i 300,000, goos to his wife until ber ld t ltj Hospita] will p- sin ..:¦.. ||, up fl,000,01 lo li.!, e i. Uti '. lo I'. n,, ,1 ill tile ( ulm: < a sd casi ti lies -n i ieli gi: u h. \S I NBA NI I ts \ sud im. lenlu; -iii. i' R, April '.I ,. is .,, iee, tree ix ls of Ht Michael, hss ¦-. -n srrestetl ..n-l held In il.¦.-.un nf Itali, barged *nu m.p..].|,ri_iius li .'nu.ls I'.iiiL el l-l.) IU NI M Hi J Ml Pun tm i nm, April -.Hu iud llorstwy* Ililli lf',1 -tl.'ltV I'. .,U I ..et I" 'I "I selling pools on hon ra<-s rite udgt saatenoed li ll.Url,ll ,.-i lo -'I, IS un, iiduiiU toals wet lu iu; ,ii..nmeui asea* MA-SOAUllKS KN MU'iiVWi. TWO THOUSAND PERSONS KILLED. ormcBAt. ooaoox'a movbxbxtb . koymian wu N WCI AI. All Mils. rABIS, April '-'I.. The liy,ira'* correspondent at Cairo Bends the following details of the recent shemi\ maBBBcresi Three humlreil Egyptian troopsand ali hundred non-eomhatants, an terri ig to aisha tha hasardons attempt to march to Berber to itarvmg Inside af chandy, set mit from the latter pla. e. "nit of the Bamber went sin viv hy steamer down the river, while tho othetl DUTched along the river hank. When two hours distance from Shandy they wei- attaekeil liv Ai a hs, nml alter a rh.-it fight an t ne troops excepting a few wen- masaacred. .im Araba afterward captured bhendy. Tl <. Eg, ptian tr....ns there had discarded their bi n's snd uniforms in tbe hope of being spared. Pew, houri ur, escaped the general massa, rc. Two thous¬ and men, women anti children were slaughtered. Many of tin :.- i\ i re refugees from Khartoum. LtiMtnN'. April 21. The foreign eonsuls al Khar¬ toum report, April 9, thal General Gordon considen that the time fur retreating haa arrived. <¦. Qordon will asod with Colonel Stewart and Vlce- I.il Bwer, who are to return to Lower l> pt by way of Abyssinia, all foreigners who choos" to accompany them. Oenersl Oontoo bas himself no iutent ion of retiring, lie hopes thai England aili yel *eu I Lui sid. The German, Austin-11 un gai ian ami Italian Gov- pnts have given their assenl to Earl Oran ville'.-|...-al-n, mo.hiv the Egyptian Isw ol liquidation. Althosgh English newspapers believe thru a e..nt.-ii'ii, enn i!ie snMeet is certain, it is il,mut tal whether anch a i.terence will he called. Cairo. April 21..General Orsham and Sir I'.Ml.tu Raring have started foi London. His be¬ lieved that 8ir Evelyn Bal n will not return to Egypt, General Graham nasaummnned io Eng* laud to explain military affaire in the Soudan, ORXKRAX OOBDON INDIONANT. London, April -M../A- stemiurefi correspond tm ut Cairo aaya i General Gordon has Bent a telegram t<> Bir Evelyn Hanni.' e.preasing tin utmost Indignstion at the manuel In which he bad h.'-n abandoned by the English Government, m.d Miving that henceforth he will cul him¬ self eu) nely adi i!t fl.Un those v. ho ll ive iii- silted him, on whom Will rest the h'.,. .1 uni tineas of all lives her "after lost In the Soudan, lt is iie:n-\eii that the (rovernment has determined to dispatch the utmo<rt available loree of all aunt of the Egyptian Army to Khartoum. It is hoped thal the force will he re...ly to stan lu hiv wat ks. - .+.- FIRE AND PANIC IN - CIRCUS. rm in ad bodies roe ko many im l-i.n- in - nilli IU Mis- ;s.,. Viinna, April 31..While the performance was going.>n at the Bidali drona, lu Bucharest, this evening, th- roof nf tho etructure fell in npon tim spectators. Tho lights were extinguished hy th" rrri'-li, and a ter- rihle pauio ensued, which «n- Incressed hy an outbreak "t ii'.'. Five dead bodies sud ino wounded have been carried trom the spot, A large i.inn!., nf persona a-"" in DISCI ss|m, mi. DYNAMITE POLK 1. I iil-.tliWs willi guUB IBIBIIMKH IN PARIS 0> Mil nona .if ai.11 ai ion, I.,.vi".N, April 21..The I'm is cdrrespoudenl nf ike 'i'll levi ral I Ishim :. lu tbe French rapltol, such ns Patrlok Cssev, of the" Monl- .',,,. / ni* .', J IS, tniiiu :!y the bead centre, John 0'i.eary, who used to be the editor ol runt People, ami i thet Hogan, of Mn- < a sj is -r ongly in favor of rh.- ,- i.ili, y, nial n;,' Invite lb les in the .!,. trim - i nt .it,..'., in,,! ii" ,1,, i,,, ,. 'in- .ita, imlte pu l< i a ll ne ex- : blowing ii;* "f .vu..mk- pass ng< r sh uni iift.-ru iiril.of merchnutmem thus ruining England's . Stephens, however, condemns thi¬ es .mi pi estes .ni m i.1 rt 11 u "ie.' of tin mite poller, b. thinks, means the certain death of revo¬ lutionary i',.il il "ll dill '.-' tl.*-- I'l', pu perbaps for evei lt n i.i besides i lil- lead to th -linn ii I:,mi I":, .ir,.I. John < Lear; like* lae disappro imlte >n tl..- er i-iii ,,f i's tm (pedi, net Ile is I ..-I .m.; Lils-.ii. h.- tl,lui,-. Hon.,I irive thc i .plo tn Ann lo tin ,,, i: itber. he nits :, flem the ,'. otbei « '-'¦ mipiHii nf 1 .1 el nu,-, pi i, .. i ,:,,! tt -.ii :., i. rule lo the nurse ,.t time. f thu rec. If U,, lil-h ii i,r li ft from ,, ll:.li SUJ r.-n.'li authorities .lent ¦- ,s been reported private dynauil in.iiii ni Al\ss|\| \ ami EXOLA Ii. I..'Ni"..s, April _1..Tho King of Abrasinnt asks, through tumbrel Hem ell, for direct diplomat ,-!. Hi a Ishes I lon to Loudon to conclude a trentj .1, iiiiiu-r tbe boundaries of Aby ssl te nu I fl .-¦ tribute i., riie cost m. Ii ip iini it ta,- English Bl i,i". nt Iii a-seiil to Li. ? - KIN-. FROM BM ILLPOX IN 4 THAR London, Ont., April -"...<>m- Little, an Eng¬ lish Immigrant, ». ¦- pu an board a ..,,. id lt.ui. oar ai tjedeni li last Dight Ihe oouduetoi bad n.m exsmlaed .it the fit->t -' rion ,.\ I, io, ii physician, who pronoun disease chi .- s waa removed to tba baa UP .' nil I,IP ill l and again exsmiued. 1 bi rn be smallpox. . ? NEWS NOTEH i HOM LONDON. Losnoa, April 21. k l.i.n ii him Oiar.l Ham v. Oak.-\ Ball, ev- Mayor of New-York, writes to ."" Times denouncing the I/.,u ion ii,,M ii melli mil. tie say* that a syatsna of irrand centralized inuuiclnal governmenl waa tried tem- ,n Nen Tork aaJ pron I to be untenable. PaiBf'B Victob or W ilks. There .ne reports to the effect that Prln s Victor of Wales on attaining hil Itv, which rill occur on January 8, i--,., i-ill be raised tn the ;., erage v. ;.tli th,- Urie linke or 1> iblln, nml tl ,-. si.Icu.,- in [rel md. I' stefadtbs ., ;:..,.i irish Puslleere. lill I' ,,'- TllAlil.. 1 le ,, tth .111 the n, Hon of wages 1b tbe manufa ired li n trade In Non hern Lin. awl waa referred h.is .1. .Met noon a redaction ind a haif fier cent. The employers de les.;. .1 .;,. mi ul ti n j.ci ei '. .te.l :,. th.- hospital '. is il.eli discovered At.I T.liuS issi'Klfi.t ll.iN IN CitA. I IU N I s ni :;is roi tNKT OPER.tl'loNH Ol i\-i rui ¦¦ ih. Elsi un:: ailvi,-. s'.l \\,: il ] 7 sa) : " Hie follou lng bi a trustwon ij account ol Agu ru's movements from tba lime tu tandi until h to thi t) Juris¬ dictions of Colon and Chnfm-gos. shortly after landing he t.."k io ihe dense forests,lim pries, toilotng tuL.- obliged iii. authorities of a neighboring KUieiueal to furnish bim with ¦ Until April 'I aol bins waa best t of him, On thatday be ippcared on thc Plantation M ,f I Imoaser, whare then Ls s post of Civil uaards and Volunteers. ... tiis plant*Hon befonud three negroes hu the These sad others be liberated, placing lathe stoekat.a -.ei--.', "i Hies ives H .:, i r ia i .' ni;..., it h. r j ni, rue di patched to <'ar¬ il n.is, u,1,,; [ben el continued in them the , ¦ I -. I the M lo,* h, re ii : ion ¦ of iiiti .l Ihat point of the eutbnri i.~ to .mimili ,i,. |., , ,t tm ..n ., ... I,,,,,,, t.-,,,-. \ ;, ,:: :. Ph* . , - - HOT. Ullin lit ll.i fe lie ,. ni iee i, ' ,- .iel a'.- I-. ' ii i|ied -.'.m.I .,_, In (hst nf Ut ts ..in p- ol /...|.,, . .... i ls. III". lbs e. h..| .nm, ..,,( . ,, irs nts; li la ala..!.',, sari ....,|.. -i,..aid nt- .. .niu.iu.lcl b] '" k"..r t. h il the) ..ie shoat." Lu LnUii, ii/,.i.M,i,ii,.i ut vi.,ii asia! " Airesdj iu_ sion ,.f ti..-ii nhl Held of operations, where, .molnar mm the territory snd the Inhabitants, iimv will hold In cha k lane bodies of troops, and where their capture will he difficult" A letter from the auuisglsg editor of 'he Otsrfe tte in Marina ot Ifarana aaysi " In regard to the situstloo in this Island, lt haa been exasserated "* the statements lu ii.n mi papers, rbe crisis we ere p.ispinK tbrough is ot consequence rather on aeeonnl or the efteefs which lt inoineiit ni v rodurea ibm on acemint ol my f .r reach* lng result which mu poislb v .onie ..hour, lt :s really of noes|ieci:ii importance here,nor does iii' Bltbusterlng movement Influence tbe reimlar transaction o bus lt la hoped that, In view na the measures taken by tba Government, affairs will promntly return to a normal state of prosperity aud progress." TIIK < 0N00 COXJS l V AND 1" 1AVCB. Paris, April 21..M. de Braggs, the French explorer in t ie Congo e oatry, his stgne i treaty with lite nioat powerful sovereign In western .fries, who bsa plseed at) his states ls tbeOoags sn i * th p otectlea of Prance. Bj this treaty all the righi bank or tba Conga from Itr i//avi le tn tho Equator p awes nu ler the : tiou yt Prance. FRANCE AND THE VATICAN. Paris, .pril 21. -Monsignor Rcnde, the Papal Nun. h., hm n-iurned from flome, charged arith a spen lal tni-sion tn Prime Minister Perry, which la expected to infill nee tbe future relations ol Pranei and the Va li.- ,.r ,i.- ila ,il ..ii io the effect thal (..>. Pope «..i i.*k an asylum In France, INTEKK8T8 OF CHINA. Sham.hal April 21..The reeeni changes In the Cabinet bave caused do difficulty. Prince Chun, who h;is ti, en jd.ie,-,I 111 control of the l,li:'.| oil!), ll ol Empire, has sent a notice of bia Domination to the various Chinese Legations m foreign oountrii s. bot he gives no Indication of tbe policy which tie cootemplates pursnlog. An anti-foreign politician by the aame ol Taoa hs appointed a member of the OoubcII for Foreign Affairs, He and Prince Ho-antr-bele are the only new members who have ht <-n spoolnte I. The ino'm.! on of rh.- SJ iniuls 'ls. iu', who han been summoned bomi from Kurepc, ls et,,.-, i. .1. Rlr Henri-Parkes, the Knrilsh Minister to Ctili front to' .rc. oratify the new commercial tri tween Kilgin ml and t orea. Pa sta, April 2t. Admiral Leapta, commaadtBS the French squadron In hineso a su-rk. reported on A pri ls iii h- wis about to si ii for I',, r,ni md BhungbaL IL- pres m al Arno] produced tbe beet effect ? INDIAN TROUBLI 8 AT KATI U iori). I nv ni i ..l'i: ii ro un ratal Ottawa, April 21..The Indian Department here stets that there ls ao truth ta the report af an out¬ break amoag the fndhmsst Rsttleford; but as they .rn- ni.'l ih.it tii.-re had been any ulaturbanee al Indian Dead ii the moment they »> re lu nessi -.-nm of facts regarding a raid tm the Oovernmenl stores ii'-:ir thal reserve, thc public are leas Inclined to aceepi the in of the re p. rts of troubles al Uattlelonl. li ' -.. well know tba! tbe In.nuns tn the Northwest have inffcri hardship* rn tbe last win'er, large numbers ..f them ba\ lng died of starvation, rbere ls a general disposition .ni the )>-. i of tl.-',,,,.: :.n,i nt to keep all the facts from the public. ?- FRAGMENTS ol' CABLE NEWS. Ti kin. April 21..Man; Italian r. ildenta of the Cnltt .1 Prates bsve exhibits at lhe Internatloiyd Exposition In tlns .ny. ht. I'i.ti li-ni'.;, April 21..Navigation hat in/ opened the Government t* urging tbe mila ethel! rates |.r ; he tl .0 of.i . ¦Pabm. April21..The police authorities have decided to expel from Prance the two Austrian Socialists woo were rei enl ly arrested Vu.ns i. April -1. .The Emperor has confirmed ihe sea- ii nek amt Karl Bchlossarel Biri murderers. Both will Rutter tu,- death penalty t> mot ros. Rome,April21..Signori La Marm. and Lon who will support th.- Government, have beenelecti Ito tbe Chamber of Deputies from Wm ara and Perugl Dors Cairoll and Bacearinl In sp. red at Naple* it .le.-i iie.i i', .' they were m ire -lei. n. lu -I t:,.,a et, i r,. opp. policy. Ki.ni tv, April 21..Dr, Wlndthoi it, leader of the 0 m..nt.m.- j.any, lulen.ls to move lu the Reichstag au amendment to-th" bl proton lng the anti-Socialist law wi,Icu tt 111 i "ml. i il more lenient Bt. l'i ii a -i .'i-i and Poatemkoff, nav-1 offioera, a attest Friday ni Cronstadl charged wah belonging to the Revolution glue Government odMah of superiormuk bave likewis. b en irrested on tha same chi AU.LC I.li Ul ELI ) i\ AN Al. \ISB ¦' - 'iii ii i, mri! ro mi' linn Tri m.iv, A. iii 21..A grogs case of alms- in.use Lim.lin- ls disclosed by the st,,r, of John I C'usiek, a young mun paralyzed ind deformed, who ls in ;:,11 (all, elm gi .1 wi:h hal li I sel fir.- to 'lie Hop well T..tv11shi]. Almshouse on Wednesday, ii some thru, years In the almshouse, unable to use ti at all. He says that the steward, 1 ill Lawyer, put him with an Idiot, alone, Into annal house on the pi f, : him p. ony, neglected bim, a mit tee began to a rona whole week, he says, he waa fed on io ir, and a pl ce of I id i ¦! ifr, r- a let tere-wi leb bc " rofe to pei ubi ,,: ip nf hi- treatmont, lie says, were Intercepted bj I door Of the nhl lina-. M SS passers Last Wednesday be k-n; the Idiot pauper m knock ."ii the nails n .1 oren Ihe door. I.<tv t, r fastened tt again and I em d to set bis beti on ttre. If not iw.ve; palled him om of bed and struck ulm. t'uslck then did Iouch a uutch to it h'm wi:ti h carl whip and locked bim In. ordfrimr him to put otu the Bro. Ile did not do so nnd Lawyer and his adopted son se. i k bim down t«.. .. ou i be I -.., i -, ttt'.-redon ihe Oooi and itriktna bim. evening a Justice of thi I'eact and >. con table the ni,ne. i, .1 i-i:. .,. said: M I see ) nu've i.n having a lire here." Custek -iii v..-p. and w ,- then a ".n ¦' mimi tte.I lo he ni ri lt Jail a- having plead' d to arson. Cuslckhas been closely examined by a- io bl -i..i ii- - mm above and convinces avery one thal be ls telil truth Ile-.usu) he of mon than the ave ..a.nd t'.ur'.i edin ited. ^ ii aught to tbe hm nis bair h.el mn been cut for mouths and was rn iii ed lill his ,,-., 1,1. WI v UK Ililli il Ill-ill,ll Ht.neill il,ee. Ile siistbatbi ,i,isle m. University Hospital lu Pblladel- ,,..-. ,1880, .1:1,1 thal be du irs th sated In hlH ise Marks anti bruises have been found upon inp body which .¦>.: roborsta Ins story. ? BARNUM'S Si.I' WHITE ELEPHANT. Pim \ i i. t. * in a. April 21..The procession of Barnum's 4 Lrcu reused the streets te he thronged U>4ay, A notable feature of theparadi waa a pnlatt-i riBlsfd un.t discolored elephant, Behind han a man carried a bs-_aron which was inscribed thi wordai "The White Elephant- kn exact copy ol th, other whitewashed .-I. phanl now being hnposed upon the pabhe asageuuine one. A i.ette, |ob by better artists." Fjn.. ,i'.,!iii,i'j:.'..ke,i ai if lt had fallen imo a flour turrel. p.t white rs hts ll 'ii.1 BS dbl m-r "ecu (S he gWBN of the change in his enter as he followed rn the wake af hts U e|..!-. and curled the sud oi his trunk tr,,ni one the other, rn.-, bause m be color of toe skin was m ate by robb rlth harmless coruposltluu boo- uriaclpall) ol .una,' Mr. I-..r.-p..nen baa bad but ¦. b rc eb oban! inspected i»y Professor William Paneosat, who nus decided that - l thal Mi. orep uigh - lld it was. Mlll.s ' / RAILROAD MASHED oil'. Troy, April 21..The biggest washoai thai has ever b en kum.u the Lake Chsmplstn ll' loton of -, ti. -,- ire ami Hudson Ratlrosd oeosuTcd last night, 1 ,,i mlle between Whitehall aud ticonderoga the.U.oks i.i vt ashed out aud in: along tu..- shore of tue Uke. t .- ,,::); Kind caused tbe kiga ivh'ci u Lake Cham- ,,| the washout, tho distance between .st break is twelve niles. The extent of tbe dun igi ii.-imi et been ascertained. No '.rains urn rii.un.k, to-day ou this ,in Islon. TELEGRAPHIC NOTES. A SEW IM UAM.i. IN PHI1 1 DELPHIA, PllII.AH i. t, \, d 21 \ iiii.teiii.iii n.is h. ea sturt- . ,1 i,.i Um e tai.,l nm. ni in tills dir of a Manufacturers uiifl Mei hants'r.xcl m^c. modelled somewhat Bftei tha lt is proposed to organize nuder tu limited corporation set bs soon is 200 favor able replies nhall Ur.- been received to lbs efrenIsr lu i xplunatlon ni tbe pt un. vim,ima ., ,.'-n w v.¦ n'i niov. ( n tm ,.i 11-t ii 11, \i. iiui 21..The Virginia e.m- ventlou ol th. Young m-h 1 Christian U-oclatloa bas .lulled .,:>., w.el.-. Among the sue ik ere were t. Vf. H'u lillis Sew-Yorki E. E. Sheldon, i: .m-,..-. iii,I i t. llanllug, Washington l ni: in: li t\ i vki i il lilPLARS ... vi lpn .1 Un ic ami "ut "f Lass ::\ in-, ntl. AUK: l)MEWT» Ki um ti, .pril -l he sanlversar) of the I ti..| eenth and Hfteesth sme)idmanta waa i.h hr,ii.,: bj in.aired i- opie !>¦ bk] A CALIFORNIA WOO RACK. .,N tprtt'JI * foot-race ,.r iso yards, beats, ttrts won Uv Knile.iiisu .mr Harmon la- time was 7'i seconds ra pi lively for ibo three boals.' Harmon won ihe tlrst. \ nt'KOLAK i'l I'M N CAI '.UT RAI.RJI, M_BS Vi>111 -1 W. M. Dale, of 1 n.»iilellt'c, H. tt ..., nc ui i.-c tit '.x't sud w_» lound to have pi »p- ,iit... .. t i. iron, in.uses bera,sad a .»i nt bVUSCS Ital.- ii* iUs.aUCU lu l_-.-tS. Hi: ( iTAROED A BREA! ll OF AOREEMEVT. am,IO BKCAL'ftl A i> M 0RA1 lim Tim fiPrt). sui.is i asi wkkk.mr. MOBsiaoirs »a__tono_t. :nv THKoitAiii t«i 1111: rrnoi sit WasHiNUToa, April ill..Etsi ames Taaaiaf Chairman Mon sui han besaauraiag sgrisvanssi ami he hai been gloomy sad md disposed lg ».,!;_ about the prospet ts ,,t in* bill. In the special ¦sss. lng ol tbe w sys aud ld sn . 1 ommittee Hus -.stalag; be brought oat II* grieraooe, which oonsistad m tbs ii.i th.it Mr. Kat.m. a Democrat, inatsad "f Judge Kelley, a Uspablicsa, ottered tbs formal eb¬ ie*:! rn to tbe consul, ;tt ion of tba Morrison bill, The Chairman taged tha minority of tbs soaimits tc. ami eepecislly .lu.lire Kelley, with s breach st faith, 1..-.'.use th,-latter, atf,-r agreeing to do -.1, had nol mle ie,I the objec hon tot onsiderstion. At ii meeting of the nommittae before tba bill was called np ir w.,s acned I si Jadga I should |,1. .iit the objection. Messrs. Hisooeb sad l.'uss, !i -ter.- not present si (hst meeting snd were mit informed of tbs understanding. Oa Taasday morning several lead.ng Democrais who ssas op* posed tn msidcrstion, went to Mr, Hiscocb wmi had been a- nv. iii ile- efforts i. ri fj the Rrpnb. licaus agaiusl consideratioa.aud ia id that tin > ie> sired Mr. Karon to make tbe formal objection. Mr. Ilise, k promptly ami gladly consented, so fal .s mn rn I. ami hs and Mr. li' ed snd ol ,. r leading Rcpuldicana did their beal to induce theil 1.11 tt associates to doao, Tliej agi.1. with tbs nml. rstamllng that alter Mr. Kati o ba i odored his objection ni he im! f of Democrats rho agreed witb him mi that question, Judge _< . -. ihldo tbs for the Kepublit ms. Mit. Mogaiaon MMATISI IBD. This explanation waa nsde t>. ( In,ima:. Mor¬ ns,m. Lilt it linen not seem to lia', e heeii wholly BStisfactory, toroa being Baked subsequently h..w loug, nt bis opinion, tba general ih'bate willi u- iiiiue. be replied: "I do not know anything about it. If von tt.iiit ;iuv 111for1n.it!..11 shout tbs ti if debate 01 Ibe land bill, yon would Bobette! ta spplj i" Hiaeock or Randall. Probably sithsi <>f them can t-il von; they sun t., le w,.iking together.' The meeting of tbe Ways and Means! omn tl ¦ Was ll of results, BO fill as ...li.-einsa detin i.- n:.,i.'isl.a..lim.' res pei t n_ the 11 itstion "f <i. I ai.'. Kiveda es vt bat 1 rou ng ---;..1,.s can be om aim ,1. were tavoml b} . joritv of the members, ami several c.pit ised n d sip: thal the debate sm.ul.I end tins week. In tn-» House, to-morrow a prapoeition will be made ami .:..iis invited, with s view i . -^nns decision bj general consent if prac ti. ... \ sis... saViBIONfl ros l»r IU ll.. ('hail m in Morrison will also ask unanimoua con. sent for evening ..o-'hiiii until the tari!) debate alia ll be ended. Ha brought In to dav a reaolntioa, which was adopted sad wln.-h provides -hatIlia dally se.iaiouaof tbs Hoaae shall begin hereafter ;it 11 o'clo. k iustead of boob, I be leaders ". bs majority st last seem to al ta enon... amount of Mme bsa been wsated ami that if Con* .Mess is tn adjourn lu July I, the House must work mole h IOW llioie encl l'\ Chairman Mon son stnl declines toe press any i.pun.ni respet ting the probable tate m his. bill. - [ du nol kn,.'. I..>n many Democrats will vote ta strik.ir the enacting clause, and ihetnargu . iiai ro .\ .-:. ," bc s ,.,d tu day. s»- DEMOCRA rs OPl'OdKU ro REI ORM. nu: il.i si- kktbcn a rkpori ra/iM ran com< Mill: i: ON Kl h.. hm iv un: CIVIL Bl ::\ n K. ;nr iii ott ti il r.« iii i.,i. Washinoton, April 21..The Hound to-day ie inanlraoaa r>>t>.irt ,,f tba i-. a - rona m the civil Herries- la favor of tbs bid i iw. nm !. inuit to fou. rasia tl . -. :¦., rs of tiiii odeas, col leeton orso! ,- istoius, nit'. -ml dices of T..-it,,.11 '. _ . -r til-- bill aad ts oppoaitlea en lbs ki Kind ih.it the prlD I ph) ol Ufa lenore - ,i the ll" I-. to some ft md e ,.'|.i .¦., .. iud u -i . lin ' , : Im fl "1 li") ^1 i th it ¦ I I' .I -, 1% .' I .1..-.. rote In fa las l-i oi let mi rn and ta D . r « Li le Ol 1! . rilli them, Imwi v r. ind Colonel I n. -1st ih, lllell Phi I nt ct, exe. M. ,,, . I- tim Which tile) -, v- .1 -ie, dd :,<¦ i,linn ed I tie ¦' to 141 the mil. Alxl.lt tl, lt I V I ..I'l iel,ll* V.ted Ul tie il) .ij uiuUt L. p l .... ..li* IU tilt' USf ?- I'. > BUTTER MEN \V|\' VGAIK. tHE IIOI'SI BKft'SEa Ttl IXqflBB INTO Till SDCIr I > ' ION OF I tinn. DIlL'tlB A' ' IM s. Washington, April 21..Tin bogus hinter party, which controls lbs il.:-,- of !...¦:.».. t riv-e, sn,-,,--. stilling an luve-ilguUos of tba adulterations ol food, druga sad Mr.Bsaabj md asked ...... andes -, aaplataod thai tba lavsat_ta> tiiii sras not lor thc purpose of s_ 11 t -nog to w 11 SI Bl tbs ad .liter-lions ar-i ca, rel ia thu country, nor tbe extent of con* imt'tiou of or traffic la ad nit/- rated article*, but simply to Sad ont what artie .-» exported to mid hu ort d f:,.m toteAuu eosntrlea sra adulterated.sad ts wiiat salsas. He s«ia: that tt waa probable sn inventiciMoii Ilka tbatfrspeeef bere will be maile ls Ifagland, psrtlSBlSrlj IB i-'-'.-t te Ala.-: 1- ,.ii '.-tiry prr.dm in, m tinn.e _a_ ¦:, ._- ported lum th il u Mr. Bay, of Net v.ik, said hs wsald vote ibsras olutlou if he sild get uoibunr better. Me thought f on- irr, ia ought in gu iiiucii further, bowevei, mid pi..vi.ie for !heexerf'i»e oi National iiuthorlty. Tue Mate of New- York liol lah n action agatnat some ol tbe eui* -nd aiuipcs i ractisi d, but Plate laws co.nd ol .apltah *u that - necessary. .Mi. Mills, of texas, made a violent speeeh Bgalnsl the ,,ii. I ne .,ot,-inn,.-nt, fe ...,.. Bo n.m t< BBI wu.it people shall ur shall Bot e.it, dnuk or tie.ir. The re-o'uii.m was rejected rite Democrats lo C'ensressais still substantial,y solid 101 ogsa betti ?-.. THE CAsK AOAIK8T EX-8EXATOH KELLOQQ, Wasiiin-iton, April 21..Tin Criminal Cou. to-day tixe.i ruradsy sf nest wauk aa tbt ttassts 'ueuio rbe mal ot Vt'1 mm Put Ksllegg, wu, lacfearged B liavian accepted an llle.r_ f-.-. w ..- I" Senator from Iouiniaua, from Is-BM B. Price, a Mai Boste. "et,:. John 4. Walsh, whs has hitherto ie- fn»ed t appear as a wnne.», has on teated ta Montreal to testify ta tbla sasa il- has deUvered ap aa Brewster Cwnaerou as4 Mr. K-r. »im wetsaeatte Mom neal bj ile Attorney-'.em ral hs art him, papen which are regarded aa luipi.rta .i for tha Osvsfaaaaaira case. Bsrscslved aaaaaaraaea that the pap ara a a-i beruturuod to him after them..!. These pepsi* are.- (1) Cbsekagiven by waisti toKellomr.ln imyswsl mail e.r ru, imp .1 ll I'rite.ui.l li. II. PeteTSOB, .ind po»t al .irafi- as oollooted by Walan, tn hlscapscit) of basher, tor account of Senator Kelton u l second Assists*! lostmsster-OenersI iniwiv; fij Orbrhisl letters ftsnn \ » to B Blah, touebiag tbe ilb>podtlon to be u .ide of tUe proceeds of the drafts| n)/ Megrains from K Dom to walsh, on tBe same mtdscu rbe checks Bisaaldts bear gellogg's uniorsciueuL |_N EZPOSITIOM WANTS \ MILLI .. vVasMMOTON, April 21..A bill WM iiitrn- du. d in the r-eualp' Uwlay by Mi. Jul.j- IS pi iftSS Ui-.s -a appiopriatioti of ?i.ooo.iKK) be lund., bj Oeagrssa ka .i'd of tbe Wor,d'» Ilidustxlal sid 1'i.llun bxpu-llioa tc be held al New Orleans. Tue bill proud. I iliat this sun DpnatSi mid p.ihl oter to the I ..t d of Mansge mem of ibe KaasaksSB, ouetblrd of the mtui ItuiuepUately and ihe noiaintter lu four monthly lusteluieuu; tbat lt Le a.-, d tn aii.uii-iu _a_sa__M_ the aaaasaa af the psdttan | uni ihat m inedl.trt'.utli.u of 'lie itiiinint"tSat BBSJ lemalti In tm- trf-nury of the iBBld "f MSMflBBSaBl after inc paymat af usdehtu, th*-um sppropriaSM .. loiiirressln sid of tbs espoe.Uou shall o peal tu rmi Imo the iiea-uivof ibe L'uiu-d Btau- belora any ¦*> .!. mU oi |. tc u ak'e of proflis snail l«e pitlil to the »io.tk. holders <>f tbs assaaialas. Al-o timt thc iio\eruiiient sU-il no' >.- k-W UebW lu any nar for auy Scbt or abhga 4

New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1884-04-22.€¦ · A GLAM 1' A THE LIST OF DELEGATK8..A 1I..I.V Ol Alli I. AMI \I RH \t ll REP1 ll LASS.Sour, tn i in: ii \i>im, HEW. Utica, Ai.ni

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1884-04-22.€¦ · A GLAM 1' A THE LIST OF DELEGATK8..A 1I..I.V Ol Alli I. AMI \I RH \t ll REP1 ll LASS.Sour, tn i in: ii \i>im, HEW. Utica, Ai.ni

/vKf^i^iliS^-!5^K*-?A_J F\" &'& j >IK_4' 'Wi'Y_s_^._*'.'^-___5*w._u-..wrjM|7. ^Ff'^ ^--_4" <f^.___-, -..BTU"-.*

Vo».\IJV...JN°13,(h3 NEW YORK, TUESDAY, APRIL ¦>, 1884 PRICE THREE CENTS.pi t..1. III'V'lll' ,t i.,,.r!,f -n-l ho. mon ti.'ivc- Lilfou pu m_ MniiRTsnva nmirvAi_r.E


AKiin'R D__4tOAT__ BOTKUM cmvlk^ai. aii-

- mi Of M:\V-YORK CITY POUlfclAKB-OEr.liAM/AlKlS I'LA^S.

[BT TK1.ROBAPH TO THK TllIBl SF..]UTICA. April 91..8evf-ral of thedelcuates totba

Republican BUM I'onvt'iitioii sad matty politicianssrriv.'il herc to-night. It is reported lint Ben-

ntur MillerhssreachedIns homo nt Herkimer on

Ins way from Washington to this place. Thc hotel

proprietors have received Bootes of telegrams tren

Republicans engaging timms, sud it la st Idsot fromllif naini's appcntifd to these dtepstebea snd from

UM list Ol eeieirut.-s. that tilt' I'linvi'lltioii lr. tO ba ll

highly tcpreoentattvaone. Mr. Vreoman, eecretarynf Um State Committee, ha* boon bnsj sll .lay mak¬

in.? Ansi srrsogeoMnta forssstingthedeleEstea rn

theUticsOpen lions.-. Nearly all of the delegates,lt te thought, will bs in theeitj bj to-morrow st

Midnight. Allot the delegate! who ssa bete sn

opposed to holding a second Ststa Convention,iiii.l lave, thc n.'iiiimitioii now of csndidstet foi

Judgesof the Court of Appaate and the eleetlon ofn new Stets Committee. Colonel W. D. Dickey,ni Newberg, the naembsf ol th* State Committeeimiii llio XVtli COBgtesslOBSl District, h:,:,1 t<>-

niirht: "If I am to loee uo bead, 1 would sa

goon here it eat off now sa in the fall, lt would¦.¦ l« ss patti dteturbsnce non tl.an then. I think

n ougbl in Hoot the nea Stats < ommitteenml Dominate tbs Judges nt thi* eonven-

\ c.,ion.-I Dickeys declaration is theinn.' significant because he favon tbe norn-

inatn-n ol Hie President st Chicago, and i;

l..i-beenBususcted that the President's friend-areoppoeed to any reorgaaisstioii of theStste Com¬

mittee, feeling that it ls now more friendly to huca -H I'.! ny tbs it wi mill bs If reconstructed Ly theBtste Convention. From the list af delegsteoil lsevident thatthere will hs au lacrosse of the pro¬

portion of Blaine men on theState Coaunittee >f

there should he sn election bow "f it-, members.1,1 tl.Vl - 1 i SUTH NOT OYEBEST1MATED,

AU Ute delegatea noa here asy that Mr. Blaine'sgtrength luis been nndeiestimsted rather than over¬

rated; -till it it th..unlit that no

aiteri'iit will be made by Mr. Blainc/a friends|o inetrnot the delegatea at IsTgs iu his favor.

The delegatee-at-lsrge »r.- not likely torepreaeutouy one element iu the Republican party, lt is

the faners! opinion that thc* will be Blaine andEduninda na a, representing two controlling ele¬ments in thf eonventkm. lt ts doubtful il

there will bc sn Arthur delegate-at-large, yet!. isibly it may be decided ti. kim-th.- Preaident a

lepreeeutstive. Joseph B. Can. Secretary .>t State,i* mi-.itinned a-t the Al bm delegate whoniav be a tested, lt k.i. he will beVii.o.-n t.. give every element ir. the party repre¬sentation. Washington County will present thecann: of Congressman Henry 0, Burleigh. Mr.Burleigh baa slresdy been elected a delegate fromthe XVHIth Congressional District snd han sn-

Bounced himself sa foi Arthur, 'lhe leading can-didau fi di l< gatea-at-large are ex-Govi nor Cor.nell, Senators Millet ami Lapham, li.mk His, .t.k.

Theodore Roosevelt and others, lo-dsy thei ,.i ex-bpesker Ueorge B, S16sn, >>i 'intM---.,

may be considered sa added to the Hat.h Bloan waa defeated in the X\\ IIMi Congres¬sional Districl convention onFriday, because begeld be favored th nomination <>f Rr. Edmunds,that convention di dring to send Blaine mea t..

Chicago. Bot it is felt ihat Mr. Sloan would wellrepresent the Edmunds sentiment, snd it

is u.st^ known tnat L.< is opposed t.>

the nomination of the President, sud thalhie second ohoice ia Mr. Blaine. There have been» uthiii di ,. .1 i" the Btatfvention in the disguise of Edmnnda men, ao that it

i- thonghl beal by the anti-Arthot men lo beii.ii lecting Edmunds men aa deleaatcs-ap-large witLou1 knowing their second choice,'! lu nutnbel ol genuine r-dmuntU men ls ki...\. i,

t be sinai..IU.W lill- l Ll sim \ i'. si |.r,,:. ni;- m K.

I'- President's support is also kuown nol to1»cgf a trustworthy nature. I w-York dele-jr ii.s may di clare vooifero fi ii- j are forArthur, but they only nominal)) favoi lus nomina¬tion. They reaHy mean to give tbt i votes to someone else, aud in private conversation In", si

. rt of hisi indi-dacj i- ..n..> a eoigne .1 rnntage, from whicli thejIntend to look upon politics! movements li

have iel< uti il lie man they Inti ud tol'u ident. rhey acknowledge freely that they dorm think the President ess be bondiau:*., weakens the President's fonboth at thia btateConvention ami at the NstionslConvention thusthey il" nol intend to take auB'-me pail if un' sn .ttt.-,-ii

th.-Arthur and Blaine leaden for the naming olthe Lon .I- arge. i heila divided delegution-at-large to the <

Vent:,>'i. Forthis reasoj they willovpoathc .lei-.at.'-. hell la-k ol eal leal i ppthc Prcaidi il sill nave nearly the efleel .-1 an

a live opposition tn him. Ordinarily the New-Tork Uepnblican leaders are the earUeal in a eon-

\. iitn.n tu.tii Not om- is in the pity to-uight.'J hey are aol m ... ,,. brenuous exertions to coutroithe i onvention in the Presidents Inten st,

HI >.K.. lM/ll,"\ ,.l Lu I .. \ , 11. v.

lt te presumed that, following the pre >. '.. ¦,' ..t

. >su, th.- ini;i delegalcs-st-large will be selectedli, s committee sad then approved bj tue couven¬

tion, rho chairman of the convention will proha-hly nsme the committee C. > uatoi _, |.. ruts,et Albion, is freqnentlj uauictl by thigelegstea as thou choice foi the poaitiou.Mr, Pitta baa been sleeted us a delegste to theRational Convention from tha _XXlst i-

I. .ii iiisimt, and has announced tluit '.. foi1 ailie, 1 lc i. in!»ira it i-1 ia 11 m.i ii, il ia likely, willI it |.i un.im n ii..i niau, 1; lar-- t nun.ni ie., will m.! ii.mn ,i tempor¬al, chairman, bul leave thal dutj t.. theSouveution, 1 nc liii'in i.- o' a tempura rs liairmanby the fctate Committee in iss_- j,,,,-, '_,,. ;, ,,,,,_

i t, io .-ii", i-.it which were felt thru uhoul theBL'...in aud materially coutrihuted tuMi. Cleveland's large majority. A -e <-. t <.n .,:

thisotlicei In open- convention oj thc ..ti-- if thcdelegates themselves withool my ret-oi imendatioBb\ Hi. btate Committee ii thuivfoie thnugut lo beL lue Slate Committee will meei al lia.'.'sMotel to-morrow night, lt is probable thai the< .mi ',t i lie p die «*r rt;- pf fi ipectingti. ) ..;i-]..i. ci lirmunship will tln*n he decided.

.-e.,....,i Vt.i.,.-I Millet will preecnl i.> the r*tatcConvention ii.- plan foi the reorganization <.;

the psrt.v. An outline ..l this plsn was giveu bjthe iScustor in the course ol his speechpu iln au btate < invention n, ..1 ai ti.

springsConvention Issi fall In brief iin clectiug delegates to Stale conveutiona directlyfrom the towns witbout the intervention ol townca. i. ,.-.'- aud Assembly llistricl Lonventions. Inthis lilah uer, thc rienstoi argues, a great desi "iIntriguing for the control ol Lue Bte e < ouveutionav..uni ,,.. prcveuted. Politicians would lose th.-powei oi shspngtbe decisions ol Btate Colions by gaining control ol the Aasembh Distr.clLouyrniions ott.ii^r to the umnberol towns t

v..ni.i lie uupoHsible tm any " machine" ui.tin- plsn to grind out auy sort ol btate L'iti.in it pleated. The btste Convention wulaiV'-U iii.'inisei in uuuibera, butit would fsi !.> t-t.-i repieeeut the actual opinion ol the lb-publicanjiaity respecting eeudidstea lor oliico. I ne Sena-tors plan also provides for a concentration of theYou of am i, ......:. .,- hos. nh a smalltmu. in.- plsn. .t adopted, will bring about thm¦liberalization ol the party thal rieustot Millci, ' tbe Richfield Springs Convention ia neces¬sary, il the pally is ti. retain tba support ol votwreran slleged " boas" Senator Millei ls comgiuguUuiy ni ki. ss .n thoa fsvoi na » plan whichwill oflectuaUy pul sa eadto the "bothat Las somi'timt'.i prevailed lo the party,

rna nutaiDI m uri".si i, nv yi.u ilh

Thara will hu many well-known delegatea amt

Republican politteis-ta pnssut at tbs cunvsatioa,Rx«_eastot rbonaaC Platt haa eagaged rooms ii

Bag's Uotsl, sad will t_kf an active part la opposi-Usa ts th-- soattoJ ol t!i<- eoaveatioo byPif-M.ii'iit Arih'ir's frteada Mr. Platt will alsogo to the SutiiHial Cont tn) iou aa a delegate ftmu

the WVlih Congressional Dtetrlet nader a "re-qaeai " to vote for Mr. lila me. Mr. Platen appear¬ance here in opposition to Preaident Arthur cauasa

general astonishment, thia plat e la ex-Senator Roe-ooe Conkling'a nome. A week ano it was supposedby politicians all over the state tint dslegatea badbeen elected tu the Congressional Conventionof thiadistrici who would elect two Arthur delegates io

the National Convention, butauddenlya myaterionshaml pulled Ont two or thiee pegs ami two anti-Arthur tleltiptto»: were elected to the National Con¬vention by the Congressional Convention, lt is be¬lieved here by tbe Arthur mea thal the myaterioaahaml was th_t nt Roscoe < !onkling.Among the delegates snd politicians .rim arrived

to-day w.n. .lames D. Wainn, of Buffalo, chair¬man of the Republican stale Committee; CharlesE. Pitch, etlit..r of Ike hocheeter Democrat andt hn,nilli ; Cheater8. ('ole, captain of the Pori <>fNew-York) Jeremiah Drew, of NewbornsIsaac V, Bsker, superintendent *>f prisons; SenatorI'homss: Edward NV. Johnson, one ol the secre¬taries ol the Republican Mute Committee: ex-Police Commissioner DeWitt C. Wheeler, ol New-York e\-i anal Appraiser Bostwick, of Ithaca, andColonel Archibald Baxter, ol Almira. Riajmshavebeen engaged at the bo ela for Theodore Rooai reit,John J. O'Brien, Walter Howe. J. R.Lyde ker, J miesW. Harper, jr., and Bernard Biglin, of New-Yorkjex-Liouteuanl (iovernor Je'in C. Robinson, olBinghamton : Collei tor William ll. Robertson ; ex-

Cougroasman James S, Rmart, of1 ambridge; Car¬roll I?. Smith, >.! Hyrscuae; I'.-master .1. ll,l>,.k.t,rn Kewbtirg; (Jenernl N. M. lintis, ofOgdcusburgi silas B. Dutcher ami Sena¬tor DagRettj nf Brooklyn: AssemblymanPonyth, <.i West Troy; B. r. I'lagl. r. of MaguraKalla; ex-Wpeaker Rusted; Senator l/ow,oi Mid¬dletown; ex-Senator M. Arthur, of fro) : ex-Lieutenaut-ffOvcrnor Hoskins, and A *einhlymanHaskill, .'i dad.County.



.Sour, tn i in: ii \i>im, HEW.Utica, Ai.ni 21..An inspection of the roU of

del, enies showa thai the convention that meetahereon Wedne*dsj will contain manj "I the moat

aagacioua andexperienccflof the New-York Re-publii .ms. (k'sri ely a e.ninty is inndeqnatelj rep¬resented, while nearly every one would seem lo

have entered noon the _utj of selecting delwith tho praiseworthy determination of coa-

tnbnting to the convention prudent, capsble snd

trustworthy counsellors.men who would knowwhat it wai lu 1 to do this Presidential year umi

how io i!o it.Alban)' County heada lhe roll. Tie conspicuous

figure in the delegation is Hamilton Hal te He is

commonly regarded ss one of the most astute poll-ticianain the state. Foi several yean he waa

chairman of thc Repnblii sn < lommitvee, ami be bat

represented bte district in the Senate snd Aaaem>hiv. John S. Fowler, who heads the Csynga delegation, luis boen Ray u of Auburn sud ;i member ofthe Iii ia rd of State Assessors Assemblyman Hortonis a member <>l the i bantanqna delegation. ArchieB. Baxter, a gallant soldier who was the Republi¬can candidate for Congress l;i the XXIXtb Dteti ioltwo years iurn, leads the Chsmnug dele¬gation, Assemblyman \. Judson Kneelnudis one of Cortland's representatives.John H. Ketcham appears in the list of Dotid< li tratea. He hr.- mi red in the state and National

lures and te a member of the present ConHe entered the Union snny ns a e..hun l ul

ruse tn the rank of brevel M ir-General. Enemi .ls, among oth< rt oblj oien

Bingham. Assemblyman N. C. Boynton leadathe 1 -si x delegation; another Assemblyman, L.L. Boyce, the Fulton delegation, Bud stillanother one, Lucian If. Bailey, 1 ¦¦ ¦¦ fl lega¬tion. I mt. il States Heuatoi Warner Miller andSpeaker Sbeard "I thsAssemblj are two of Her¬kimer's iii hThe Kings Count) il legation contsina a nnmbei

mg min. Channing ProthiuKhau las well-|known Brooklyn independent, Ethan Allen Dotyia a member of the Independent Republican Con¬ference Committee, Mr. Heath sa einberofthc

.'¦Iv. Mr. I i.-.t is g membei ..f the Repnblii n

State Committee. The Madison delegation iaA. M. H' lines. Conj

ad ex-State Controller Jami ll, Wadsworthleads the Li\ in ition. Mo iroe willju- ik through such men in Mayor Parsons, olRochester, and t barlee E. Pitch, Editor oi I hr

Ii,,,,... mt end Vhroni V of that citv. Pinong the¦. . (ieneral

O. McCook.Assemblyni ni Roosevelt, rjena»or GibbsJoseph W. Ii ll i Gardner, George Bliss,Solon B. Ss:, th, 1 lutor,,I:i.t i. e Jacob M. I.it' re n and John.moog tho N'.a-'.i:., is Willard A. Cobb,

/' ¦ Loci I Journal. Niagara willunusual stu mn.a in this convention,

thal she i- part of th WXIlI.lI Dist let, which w ia nt able t<

!..!-,- o| ri pi, si ni ai iou for 11< 'a the 'rang in arc

Mow t D. ll) .' r' of ih.- - aud .In.1,,-.- John J. Beattie. As-

peiiiblymaii (!. M. rjweet in oneWil I ¦¦ . dole-Minn:. li. Kdick, nu ex-Senator, ut a <

l ,n VoillllfH ls a.¦ tt-t.-ii

am! .1 s | raylh are amoi u R u- e.

I.,.-i represent al i\t -. I .... man 1one .-I the Rh hmoud \- iembN. M. < urua, who ed ent ol New-Voik in the assault upon Pori r'isher, and

t nan l'i k al-' amollg t li vt. I .a ,\ el ne i',, I,Anol bel gullaul sui.In i an.I ex-Af tet

man, Benji min P, Ba i, snd Congress-.

. We ii w ,11 help e ipreH, ti..-view-,,i ...,,... '--. lilyman John W. Veddeileatlr the s. |, ,,,. i.,,i ,,, ;.. ation, ami ex Ab'yman Tv atm tin- ,-cnecu delegation. Thorne* C.

presid nt "i tl .¦ United State* Eiprea* ( oin-

j,.i:.v jul ex-l ni ed States Scuator. aud VViSmyth, ex-eiup rlntendenl ..f the Inanrunrc l>-1 .-ii H nt, ;... fioga'arepresentatives. War¬ren County ia lepre entcdin part bj A. r. Cheri tr, e

and R. Locke. Mr. 1 beritrse w,i- a membei <.!tioual ( on tention ol i si,Tami ii.,, been

Ihstrict-Aiforuej of Warren, Mi. Locke is thepresi it Assemblyman )..i the t.uty. <'n the

i{--it loll an I .,|,.'i. s.m.ni Bul '.-il'!:.Assemblyman Baker a -I ex tsKimihlyman larry,Pliny T. fextoa, president ni lhe Pirsi Nstiuiiiil

il I',linyia, who \mis 11,.- Repnblii an amii-,. e for State Treasurer last fall, lead* the VVa as

delegation. The Wyoming delegation i.s led bj x-

Licntenant-dovi rnoi llo Kins, snd t '!.. Yates,gal "ii L\ Siei lien B. \ir the I toi ,.i Th,i ttti6 t a miti i hron ii le.

, LAI I. I t( TUE 1 / \ Jill, i fl \ TRY.


VVii.kksbarre, April 21..A luce factorj isshoat 1.tarted here, which will bi the only une ot itsltin.l in ih. I'ini dSlates. Tbe project wei latiodm-ed bjJ.C. Atkin, a linn,ula. ii.1.1 ..! Nottingham, L-.

who has been in the city for some day- consulting willi

local c-pltaUsts. li i- believed hst thr enterprise will'... .i li ui..: «-i.. i: i i.ie a.al mieli leading elli/-li- BS J. II.-I.ueioaki i. J,.im w, Hi s Holli iliai k and -. L BrosiBterestine themselves In iii. Blatter. I. .¦ capital ,e-

ijulied elli '¦> >:,.."... and 23 pei cent or thl« Ua !. idy suba. ribed lt ls t mi d i

ti become stfN'khoitlei-n ni tile t'otnpnn.v, ami Hieslut. la. rd at irlou .¦ rn,, Bluer;tt I I ne iinperted from Kn land, aid when lu running

tn t will glvi employment to over -lOOper-.out, ?

.4 KEW-YORE BOT l\ TROUBLErat iii' i-i ru run rsiBtxg.|

lUi.nvo i.. April 21..William Eplirium. a

bright-looking fruin Kev York City, was arrest

morning charged witn raiding Isaac Weinberg, Broom

i: ab ,ol di .. Phe boy la Hscame here a few days ago In sean, of work. IL- s ntlydi SS his BOllt, iiinl Weinl.er.'s et -I.

lhe ytnii!_-t. willca.

Ill llii.l.

Alli.hi', Mu SI i. ."/ 'I I i. I " // /

.et ni. iru a i" '<. ia -.

I'm ism h.;, April 21..Jiweph McCormick,of Mew-York city, willie iBioxicatedHes .ill, -1. ,1 bj U,<- Melt.' D I ...i.i

from Un- .ttl. Mr, ba lumped Into ii.,- UouonUiver, bul wea rescued. Yest, daj he Un* foi nd In a

p .u i ',i..-.i. having ms a several s limeland breast with a rust) pocketknife. Il- hospital, and t-.-iij'. ii li rt-, I ht dla,


A i li. il li ..I I Ok > " VO LOt HRH.'mi iii i' k« i it r nu i Bursa I

Villa Rioa, Od., April 21. I lin Parnier,a gtrt of flfteea ass tot Mans tttue b«ii mu iIhu. tm- krui'- dlaappeaiaui tfee day .-.> led to

tim ariesi of linn .ni a ebsrgs nf kldnsppisg; aad neeuth ii si hool t»-u< ii. i aam< -i Dowdli il »fh-d-Utpftag, foi -lulling- -UL « _rlii uudt.r s.e. 'lins mus

i ..un mi such a rbsrge.

PROFESSOR ll A. SEWTON RESIGNS.a aaaioua nu inri tv thu has satin iv rai

wiM'lli -ii l; OB RBVATOai ai YAi.r.

Ill Tl I i.UAI'll Ti> Till TKIIIISK.]N'iu-Mavin, April 21..College wciety, In-

t'lntlin. the fucuty Itself, waa la-r S-itur-

dayeoBstderabty atartlsd Lythe repast Omi PrefeaeeHubert a Newton had toslamil his plseaas .intitor sad Seed of iii" Winchester Observatory.There wera Biaay stories and Btneh aanalaa ss ts tbaesuae of tbe Professor's sudden reatgAttofl sf his psat*Bon, ta tba work ofwhisk he haa shown special interest

iiml pride, lt was known that asa MUUVUUtt UtAtn un.-.I between him snd I>r. Leonard Waldo.te bead .a the I.louies! ami tbertaometrloeJbureau.I other nineers "f the Institution.

Ii now appears thal Professor Ellas I.mis. one of theBoard of Managers nf tho observatory, haa lolnedProfessor Newton and s-nt In hts reittirnatlon.Sntne years .ii.-.i hr. 1 e..;.uni Waldo, who hal Jireviiiiislyi. .a e.mrie. le.i ttii the femBridge Obaei i story, visitedProfessors Loomis, Newton mal other tm nh. r» or th*We tu alt] and asked their sanction sndaid In establlslilug tbs obaerratory, with thoprovlao iiiii i* ihonld require no direetDusnclal md from the collegs ami that li* net re-

oelpta i.t.-r and al>..te p.j.ODO should eaeh yearbe paid Into i treasury. I)r.Waldo then established tbe bureen which .'¦frwurtlwas io.iineit I,, ii,,- ii -w observatory building "ti

th.- pr.>,.rriv given hy ihe late -Mr. Winchester f"rBstranomteMi purpose*, lt er since the hnresuwas e-r it '|.',. i, Professor Newton hss Hii.lltertii- accounts, 'I ne Immedlal ean«e <>r tue pre ent troublea.. ordlngto the managers ollbe ohsen dory, who bi m

a i,..p.ram io know, Uss i.n l>r. Waldos edbrt to.¦ tull .-li,irue of I...-..i.--it at.ii v, iiii.l lu extend li

linn'lions t.et oti.i: ii " ft is asserted that bebas regarded ins awn place a- superior ts thatof Prof, s. ni n- 'wi, in. thit ,ei occasion he baa not hest-i ,f, .1 r.. rm iptatn that h hive he< n

hiinipered by the otisei -story managers, ihatba lias dropped his nt'e ns merelj head of tbe bun-tn.mil has on the line puire ..f hs annualreport n,:.p- it ,i 1,,ms,.ir "tho Astronomer eltim Winchester Observatory," and that

in the observatory, itself, i.e hastaken more room mi his work than wasjnst. andlm-Ilaired tbe building form.regulai astronomical laves-lis'ati..ii.

1 nally e..ii,,-- M ti!.,ri> si'ions a lertlon. Membersof ihe Board of afanagrra s*y that Dr. Wsldo, Inpnrsu-BBce of his pi o nf obtHlninc more control oj fbi ob-itntorv. eiri,|-' '¦,,,,) ie, eiii v of ih managementn. the Corporation of tha College mi that in de¬

em his .. mi j.i Int, a committee of Ihe Corporationting ol in IcrtckJ. Kingsbury, of Waterbury, and

M.---Mi Young, ol Nee York, both members ..f thei orpuratlon, we . appointed n eoinmlttee to Investigatethe liii un .-. ol ihe "ii- rvatory snd the alleged defectsmi'- organisation mel in ... I mitiee

ii- work s>.me weeks ago. Complainti- mads tb t lt pursued Itu Investbjin nu srbltrary and sae sided *-i>irtr. One membernf the Board of Observatory M ne - niarno quoted saving tl, 11 tim aeeonnts were found

ii et. suddenlyand to the amazement ofgtbe mans era,the eommittee through Its en.min..a, Mr. Young,reported a plan mr . reorgj

The new >.i * alia di p "¦ Ided :¦.! theentiie al oil lon of Ihe bonni of Mai igi . ¦l»r. Waldo nea and enlarged powers, and llretaining Professor Newton ii, a I Mresfnr, largely ii 1111 *-«i

hts function! n",l Buthority. riilsrcportbj the Prudential Committee of tbe corporation, whichIncludes almost one-half ol ihat body, whereupon Pro¬fessor Newton promptIj ri'i-i. in .!, an ii"t uliie'n li.is Ju»thr- n followed by i il ono ¦

li is. uhr-'.I also tba! tbeothei members ol thi Ob-r. noni.i of MansgTg disapprove strongly «f the

proponed rec and thai olnci resignation* maysoou m.low.


A SEW PETROLEUM E.\< ll A <,.''.

,' ,,i! mu r.> ntl 11-1 it: vf. \

li; i-i'.i wu, April 21..Pittaburg'a handsomenew Petrol, um Exchange was opt ned al B: IO a. m. with

prayorby tbe Kev. sir. Ms-weU,of Trii ty. mi

I '. lu lor, City -ttl 1.. H.Smith,: iew-York Pi troll um Exchange,snd many others delivered rlef addi * Mr. Smith,

s.nise, apolOgiZ' d fur the

hrevltj ofhisspet rh bj saying thal nevei before had bein n ailed upon t.. s,.e ,¦. .;, public ¦. sm it m be morn-

Ina. N. V i, of t v- i pi trolenm Bx-, h it tail.-I t ' re

spend. The scene wuicti followed the sounding or tin.--,.- tho liveliest I h. opt ning ni

rrj i,int. ii ld, it is ..¦ leveil tbi Brst ti msat lionS :., el- t.. Ii.... .. ..in

" \V ,' .,., ,,

bio. 1. :il nh" .1. .' .lin. il¦--it'll (turing the

ii mi ml>. i

-atti ..f '-"-¦"..'b ol i.'."in are also men


Min 'in., April _1 .-Shi'iili \\ illiarii-.'! thc

murder . Piiil.i-,,, iilug, i ie brotbi r ur

1« IU In this --Inn

i ii a- rvoiu ,,:i i lion ..un

Ince. Men' fest Intone

Many have -'i-!« ii' d that, ii be I i- m.mr toil,,-, in- would make some -tn. mern regarding the ...

'i -ii -limit,I- lt,¦1 ii, re sn those lu 1 I,.,,"

.1 in the ii .-. t, r.m ;.i be coi

st-tenn ut mud. Irs. Jo] tt lien Iel]

In ..:¦

ii made, would wliln.rn doubt orimiuate otb r un



M'-VI-.i RS) O s I'l lt Al:i: - lu

..ni !¦:--,.i f 11

(II. vi f. \M>, A it il L'I.An im iii'., i-i-tii- oe-cnn. ii ni the City f linnell Cb tinner L>-

nffcbt It was the L-l In. s- nf the nhl:,..., t s I lltot foi three

j,-.ii s. j he l.n* i st a -'l i ni on

account ofdl seutJoo Ihej ware unable to elect. Afterlt then h. in- nearly ll

o'clock the i',t. ul t si,,, p. i, ii,' earn

the li'-'.t e.nil low ihouldtu ii.-he.i tt, u landy to tin- front sf the

lent's di it and demanded to be sworn lu..,ie ir . onfiisl ,n niel i railed for tealulint- pro li ni

ir ti,,- chair, oiunder .,' rest, hui, becki i bj thc optalon ol the < li y -miic-

i ilenletl the legal existeuci of rim ,, ,i council.mal ileciai ¦..: i he ki o autboritv. 1 . .

ting :ill.'I.'U.I-



bi 'I'M .au*b ro rMi itum m

Troy, April Ul..There wan the wildes! ex¬

citement here r ni hi al the rej. ilnktnstcamboal S rn .' itriklng a plei

Idgs. Ii appear* that shortlyaf.-r li aving the i... k, lie hythetug Charles 8. Many, of tlbauy, lt u..s tue Uiteal

i-u- uni... Iraw of the Congress rttreul Biu-..,.l butun appro cl ng lt the wind was so strong thal1: waa ...,i ed Inward tbe weil ami bad to -m

li on ii...i side, In iem: s'i in k the,s .. 1. Lid

.ti, i<-. t..I-si,,-,,. in tb. title, rle in .-,,,.. is hearingm. imilling ,.,,,!¦ a ,-iitspin ¦ hfr j,

The " :. ¦..,-'. ,-v ilene-:.

'1 le- ), -.i,i. .- ni' J. bo ., :. ii, tin- eaptainill was ii t,mid i -i ii..,i-u. An

slam i nnd the tires nrlerexl drawn.Several in'-.rnin' io tin n<si-,ir ,. ,,r lhe Saratoga

wai as it-1: to thi lou ,:¦. k it waafound ili-.t th ii,,-,,:- and fl ring li ml been .LiuiHKt.luiitl thc I..- i ide moved.

.,V< Ol lt IGISH All IS < III ll tND.

rm ri li in len ru rae raine*! I

(: 111 lash, April 21. -i in- will of H. B.n .Jay. 'i I." bulk ..'

-i 300,000, goos to his wife until berld t ltj Hospita] will p- sin

..:¦.. ||, up fl,000,01lo li.!, e i. Uti '. lo I'. n,, ,1 ill tile

( ulm: < a sd casi ti lies -n i ieli gi: u h.

\S I NBA NII ts \

sud im. lenlu;-iii.

i' R, April '.I ,. is .,, iee, treeix ls of Ht Michael, hss ¦-. -n srrestetl ..n-l held Inil.¦.-.un nf Itali, barged *nu m.p..].|,ri_iius li .'nu.ls

I'.iiiL el l-l.) IU NI M Hi J MlPun tm i nm, April -.Hu iud llorstwy*

Ililli lf',1 -tl.'ltV I'. .,U I ..et I" 'I "I

selling pools on hon ra<-s rite udgt saatenoed lill.Url,ll ,.-i lo -'I, IS

un, iiduiiU toals wet lu iu; ,ii..nmeui asea*



ormcBAt. ooaoox'a movbxbxtb. koymian wuN WCI AI. All Mils.

rABIS, April '-'I.. The liy,ira'* correspondent at

Cairo Bends the following details of the recentshemi\ maBBBcresi Three humlreil Egyptiantroopsand ali hundred non-eomhatants, an terri igto aisha tha hasardons attempt to march to Berberto itarvmg Inside af chandy, set mit from the latterpla. e. "nit of the Bamber went sin viv hy steamer

down the river, while tho othetl DUTched along theriver hank. When twohours distance from Shandythey wei- attaekeil liv Ai a hs, nml alter a rh.-it

fight an t ne troops exceptingafew wen- masaacred..im Araba afterward captured bhendy.Tl <. Eg, ptian tr....ns there had discarded their bi n's

snd uniformsin tbe hope of being spared. Pew,houri ur, escaped the general massa, rc. Two thous¬and men, women anti children were slaughtered.Many of tin :.- i\ i re refugees from Khartoum.LtiMtnN'. April 21. The foreign eonsuls al Khar¬

toum report, April 9, thal General Gordon considenthat the time fur retreating haa arrived. <¦.

Qordon will asod with Colonel Stewart and Vlce-I.il Bwer, who are to return to Lowerl> pt by way of Abyssinia, all foreigners whochoos" to accompany them. Oenersl Oontoo bashimself no iutent ion of retiring, lie hopes thaiEngland aili yel *eu I Lui sid.The German, Austin-11 ungai ian ami Italian Gov-

pnts have given their assenl to Earl Oranville'.-|...-al-n, mo.hiv the Egyptian Isw ol

liquidation. Althosgh English newspapers believethru a e..nt.-ii'ii, enn i!ie snMeet is certain, it is

il,mut tal whether anch a i.terence will he called.Cairo. April 21..General Orsham and Sir

I'.Ml.tu Raring have started foi London. His be¬lieved that 8ir Evelyn Bal n will not return toEgypt, General Graham nasaummnned io Eng*laud to explain military affaire in the Soudan,

ORXKRAX OOBDON INDIONANT.London, April -M../A- stemiurefi correspond

tm ut Cairo aaya i General Gordon has Benta telegram t<> Bir Evelyn Hanni.' e.preasingtin utmost Indignstion at the manuel In which hebad h.'-n abandoned by the English Government,m.d Miving that henceforth he will cul him¬self eu) nely adi i!t fl.Un those v. ho ll ive iii-

silted him, on whom Will rest the h'.,. .1

uni tineas of all lives her "after lost In the Soudan,lt is iie:n-\eii that the (rovernment has determinedto dispatch the utmo<rt available loree of all aunt

of the Egyptian Army to Khartoum. It is hopedthal the force will he re...ly to stan lu hiv

wat ks.- .+.-

FIRE AND PANIC IN - CIRCUS.rm in ad bodies roeko many im l-i.n- in -

nilli IU Mis- ;s.,.

Viinna, April 31..While the performance was

going.>n at the Bidali drona, lu Bucharest, this

evening, th- roof nf tho etructure fell

in npon tim spectators. Tho lightswere extinguished hy th" rrri'-li, and a ter-rihle pauio ensued, which «n- Incressed hy an

outbreak "t ii'.'. Five dead bodies sud inowounded have been carried trom the spot, A largei.inn!., nf persona a-"" in


I iil-.tliWs willi guUB IBIBIIMKH IN PARIS 0>

Mil nona .if ai.11 ai ion,

I.,.vi".N, April 21..The I'm is cdrrespoudenlnf ike 'i'll levi ral I Ishim :. lu

tbe French rapltol, such ns Patrlok Cssev, of the" Monl-.',,,. / ni* .', J IS, tniiiu :!y the

bead centre, John 0'i.eary, who used to be the editor ol

runt People, ami i thet Hogan, of Mn- <

a sj is -r ongly in favor of rh.-

,- i.ili, y, nial n;,' Invite lb les in the

.!,. trim - i nt .it,..'., in,,! .¦ ii"

,1,, i,,, ,.'in- .ita, imlte pu l< i a ll ne ex-

: blowing ii;* "f .vu..mk- pass ng< r sh

uni iift.-ru iiril.of merchnutmem thus ruining England's. Stephens, however, condemns thi¬

es .mi piestes .ni m i.1 rt 11 u "ie.' of tin

mite poller, b. thinks, means the certain death of revo¬

lutionary i',.il il "ll dill '.-' tl.*-- I'l', pu

perbaps for evei lt n i.i besides i lil- lead to th-linn ii I:,mi I":, .ir,.I.

John < Lear; like* lae disappro imlte>n tl..- er i-iii ,,f i's tm (pedi, net

Ile is I..-I .m.; Lils-.ii. h.- tl,lui,-. Hon.,I irive thc


.plo tn Ann lo tin

,,, i: itber. he nits :, flem the,'. otbei « '-'¦ mipiHii

nf 1.1 el nu,-, pi

i, .. i ,:,,! tt -.ii :., i. rule lo the nurse ,.t time.f thu rec. If U,, lil-h

ii i,r li ft from,, ll:.li SUJ r.-n.'li authorities .lent

¦- ,s beenreported private dynauil

in.iiii ni i¦

Al\ss|\| \ ami EXOLA Ii.I..'Ni"..s, April _1..Tho King of Abrasinnt

asks, through tumbrel Hem ell, for direct diplomat,-!. Hi a Ishes I lon to

Loudon to conclude a trentj .1, iiiiiu-r tbe boundaries ofAby ssl te nu

Ifl .-¦ tribute i., riie cost

m. Ii ip iini it ta,- EnglishBl i,i". nt Iii a-seiil to Li.


- KIN-. FROM BM ILLPOX IN 4 THARLondon, Ont., April -"...<>m- Little, an Eng¬

lish Immigrant, ». ¦- pu an board a ..,,. id lt.ui. oar ai

tjedeni li last Dight Ihe oouduetoi bad n.m exsmlaed .it

the fit->t -' rion ,.\ I, io, ii physician, who pronoundisease chi .- s waa removed to tba baa UP

.' nil I,IP ill l

and again exsmiued. 1 birn be smallpox. . ?

NEWS NOTEH i HOM LONDON.Losnoa, April 21.

k l.i.n ii him Oiar.l Ham v. Oak.-\ Ball, ev-

Mayor of New-York, writes to ."" Times denouncing the

I/.,u ion ii,,M ii melli mil. tie say* that a syatsna of

irrand centralized inuuiclnal governmenl waa tried tem-,n Nen Tork aaJ pron I to be untenable.

PaiBf'B Victob or W ilks. There .ne reports to the

effect that Prln s Victor of Wales on attaining hilItv, which rill occur on January 8, i--,., i-ill be raisedtn the ;., erage v. ;.tli th,- Urie linke or 1> iblln, nml tl

,-. si.Icu.,- in [rel md. I'stefadtbs ., ;:..,.i irish Puslleere.

lill I' ,,'- TllAlil.. 1 le ,, tth .111 the n, .¦

Hon of wages 1b tbe manufa ired li n trade In Non hern

Lin. awl waa referred h.is .1. .Met noon a redactionind a haif fier cent. The employers de

les.;. .1 .;,. mi ul ti n j.ci ei '.

.te.l :,. th.- hospital'. is il.eli discovered

At.I T.liuS issi'Klfi.t ll.iN IN CitA.

I IU N I s ni :;is roi tNKT OPER.tl'loNH Oli\-i rui ¦¦ ih.

Elsi un:: ailvi,-. s'.l \\,: il ] 7 sa) : " Hie folloulng bi a trustwon ij account ol Agu ru's movements fromtba lime tu tandi until h to thi t) Juris¬dictions of Colon and Chnfm-gos. shortly after landinghe t.."k io ihe dense forests,lim pries, toilotng tuL.-

obliged iii. authorities of a neighboring KUieiueal to

furnish bim with ¦ Until April 'I

aolbins waa best t of him, On thatday be ippcared on thc

Plantation M ,f I Imoaser,whare then Ls s post of Civil uaards and Volunteers. ...

tiis plant*Hon befonud three negroes hu theThese sad others be liberated, placing lathe stoekat.a-.ei--.', "i Hies ives H .:, i r ia i

.' ni;..., it h. r j ni, rue di patched to <'ar¬

il n.is, u,1,,; [benel continued in them the

, ¦ I -. I the

M lo,* h, re ii: ion ¦ of iiiti

.l Ihat point of theeutbnri i.~ to .mimili ,i,. |.,, ,t tm

..n ., ... I,,,,,,, t.-,,,-. \ ;, ,:: :.

Ph* . , - - HOT. Ullin lit ll.i fe lie

,. ni iee i, ' ,-

.iel a'.- I-. ' ii i|ied-.'.m.I .,_, In

(hst nf Ut ts ..in p- ol /...|.,, . .... i ls. III".lbs e. h..| .nm, ..,,( . ,,

irs nts; li laala..!.',, sari ....,|.. -i,..aid nt- .. .niu.iu.lcl b]

'" k"..r t. h il the) ..ie shoat."Lu LnUii, ii/,.i.M,i,ii,.i ut vi.,ii asia! " Airesdj iu_

sion ,.f ti..-ii nhl Held of operations, where, .molnar mm

the territory snd the Inhabitants, iimv will hold In cha klane bodies of troops, and where their capture will hedifficult"A letter from the auuisglsg editor of 'he Otsrfe tte in

Marina ot Ifarana aaysi " In regard to the situstloo inthis Island, lt haa been exasserated "* the statements luii.n mi papers, rbe crisis we ere p.ispinK tbrough is otconsequence rather on aeeonnl or the efteefs which ltinoineiit ni v rodurea ibm on acemint ol my f .r reach*lng result which mu poislb v .onie ..hour, lt :s really ofnoes|ieci:ii importance here,nor does iii' Bltbusterlngmovement Influence tbe reimlar transaction o buslt la hoped that, In view nathe measures taken by tbaGovernment, affairs will promntly return to a normalstate of prosperity aud progress."

TIIK < 0N00 COXJS l V AND 1" 1AVCB.Paris, April 21..M. de Braggs, the French

explorer in t ie Congo e oatry, his stgne i treaty withlite nioat powerful sovereign In western .fries, who bsaplseed at) his states ls tbeOoags sn i * th p otectlea ofPrance. Bj this treaty all the righi bank or tba Congafrom Itr i//avi le tn tho Equator p awes nu ler the :tiou yt Prance.

FRANCE AND THE VATICAN.Paris, .pril 21. -Monsignor Rcnde, the Papal

Nun. h., hm n-iurned from flome, charged arith a spen laltni-sion tn Prime Minister Perry, which la expected toinfill nee tbe future relations ol Pranei and the Vali.- ,.r ,i.- ila ,il ..ii io the effect thal (..>. Pope «..i

i.*k an asylum In France,

INTEKK8T8 OF CHINA.Sham.hal April 21..The reeeni changes In

the Cabinet bave caused do difficulty. Prince Chun, whoh;is ti, en jd.ie,-,I 111 control of the l,li:'.| oil!), ll ol

Empire, has sent a notice of bia Domination to the variousChinese Legations m foreign oountrii s. bot he gives no

Indication of tbe policy which tie cootemplates pursnlog.An anti-foreign politician by the aame ol Taoa hsappointed a member of the OoubcII for Foreign Affairs,He and Prince Ho-antr-bele are the only new memberswho have ht <-n spoolnte I. The ino'm.! on of rh.- SJ iniuls'ls. iu', who han been summoned bomi from Kurepc, lset,,.-, i. .1.Rlr Henri-Parkes, the Knrilsh Minister to Ctili

front to' .rc. oratify the new commercial tritween Kilgin ml and t orea.Pasta, April 2t. Admiral Leapta, commaadtBS the

French squadron In hineso a su-rk. reported on A pri lsiii h- wis about to si ii for I',, r,ni md BhungbaLIL- pres m al Arno] produced tbe beet effect


INDIAN TROUBLI 8 AT KATI U iori).I nv ni i ..l'i: ii ro un ratal

Ottawa, April 21..The Indian Departmenthere stets that there ls ao truth ta the report af an out¬break amoag the fndhmsst Rsttleford; but as they .rn-

ni.'l ih.it tii.-re had been any ulaturbanee al Indian Deadii the moment they »> re lu nessi -.-nm of facts regardinga raid tm the Oovernmenl stores ii'-:ir thal reserve, thcpublic are leas Inclined to aceepi the in of there p. rts of troubles al Uattlelonl. li ' -.. well knowtba! tbe In.nuns tn the Northwest have inffcrihardship* rn tbe last win'er, large numbers ..f them ba\lng died of starvation, rbere ls a general disposition .ni

the )>-. i of tl.-',,,,.: :.n,i nt to keep all the facts from thepublic. ?-

FRAGMENTS ol' CABLE NEWS.Ti kin. April 21..Man; Italian r. ildenta of the Cnltt .1

Prates bsve exhibits at lhe Internatloiyd Exposition Intlns .ny.ht. I'i.ti li-ni'.;, April 21..Navigation hat in/ opened

the Government t* urging tbe mila ethel!rates |.r ; he tl .0of.i.

¦Pabm. April21..The police authorities have decidedto expel from Prance the two Austrian Socialists woowere rei enl ly arrestedVu.ns i. April -1. .The Emperor has confirmed ihe sea-

ii nek amt Karl BchlossarelBiri murderers. Both will Rutter tu,- death penalty t>mot ros.

Rome,April21..Signori La Marm. and Lonwho will support th.- Government, have beenelecti Itotbe Chamber of Deputies from Wm ara and PeruglDors Cairoll and Bacearinl In sp. red at Naple*

it .le.-i iie.i i', .' they were m ire -lei. n. lu -I t:,.,aet, i r,. opp. policy.

Ki.ni tv, April 21..Dr, Wlndthoi it, leader of the 0m..nt.m.- j.any, lulen.ls to move lu the Reichstag au

amendment to-th" bl proton lng the anti-Socialist lawwi,Icu tt 111 i "ml. i il more lenientBt. l'i ii a -i .'i-i

and Poatemkoff, nav-1 offioera, a attest Fridayni Cronstadl charged wah belonging to the Revolution

glue Government odMah of superiormukbave likewis. b en irrested on tha same chi

AU.LC I.li Ul ELI ) i\ AN Al. \ISB ¦' -

'iii ii i, mri! ro mi' linn

Tri m.iv, A. iii 21..A grogs case of alms-in.use Lim.lin- ls disclosed by the st,,r, of John IC'usiek, a young mun paralyzed ind deformed, who ls in

;:,11 (all, elm gi .1 wi:h hal li I sel fir.- to 'lie Hopwell T..tv11shi]. Almshouse on Wednesday, ii

some thru, years In the almshouse, unable to use tiat all. He says that the steward, 1 ill Lawyer, put himwith an Idiot, alone, Into annal house on the pif, : him p. ony, neglected bim,

amittee began to a

rona whole week, he says, he waa fed on

io ir, and a pl ce of I id i ¦! ifr, r-

a lettere-wi leb bc " rofe to pei ubi ,,: ipnf hi- treatmont, lie says, were Intercepted bj I

.¦ door Of the nhl lina-. M SS

passers Last Wednesday be k-n; the Idiot pauperm knock ."ii the nails n .1 oren Ihe door. I.<tv

t, r fastened tt again and I em d to setbis beti on ttre. If not iw.ve; palled him om ofbed and struck ulm. t'uslck then did Iouch a uutch to

it h'm wi:ti h carl whipand locked bim In. ordfrimr him to put otu the Bro. Iledid not do so nnd Lawyer and his adopted son se.

i k bim down t«.. .. ou i be I-.., i -, ttt'.-redon ihe Oooi and itriktna bim.evening a Justice of thi I'eact and >. con tablethe ni,ne. i, .1 i-i:. .,. said: M I see ) nu'vei.n having a lire here." Custek -iii v..-p. and w ,-

then a ".n ¦' mimi tte.I lo he ni ri lt Jail a- having plead' dto arson. Cuslckhas been closely examined by

a- io bl -i..i ii- - mm

above and convinces avery one thal be ls teliltruth Ile-.usu) he of mon than the ave..a.nd t'.ur'.i edin ited. ^ ii aught to tbehm nis bair h.el mn been cut for mouths and was rn iii ed

lill his ,,-., 1,1. WI v UK Ililli il Ill-ill,ll Ht.neill il,ee. Ile

siistbatbi ,i,isle m. University Hospital lu Pblladel-,,..-. ,1880, .1:1,1 thal be du irs th

sated In hlH ise Marks anti bruises havebeen found upon inp body which .¦>.: roborsta Ins story.



Pim \ i i. t. * in a. April 21..The procession ofBarnum's 4 Lrcu reused the streets te he thronged U>4ay,A notable feature of theparadi waa a pnlatt-i riBlsfdun.t discolored elephant, Behind han a man carried a

bs-_aron which was inscribed thi wordai "The White

Elephant- kn exact copy ol th, other whitewashed.-I. phanl now being hnposed upon the pabhe asageuuineone. A i.ette, |ob by better artists."Fjn.. ,i'.,!iii,i'j:.'..ke,i ai if lt had fallen imo a flour turrel.p.t white rs hts ll 'ii.1 BS dbl m-r "ecu (S he gWBN of

the change in his enter as he followed rn the wake af hts

U e|..!-. and curled the sud oi his trunk tr,,ni one

the other, rn.-, bause m be color of toe skin was m ateby robb rlth harmless coruposltluu boo-

uriaclpall) ol .una,'

Mr. I-..r.-p..nen baa bad but ¦. b rc eb oban! inspected i»yProfessor William Paneosat, who nus decided that

- l thal Mi. orep uigh - lld it was.

Mlll.s ' / RAILROAD MASHED oil'.

Troy, April 21..The biggest washoai thaihas ever b en kum.u the Lake Chsmplstn ll' loton of-, ti. -,- ire ami Hudson Ratlrosd oeosuTcd last night,

1 ,,i mlle between Whitehall aud ticonderoga the.U.oksi.i vt ashed out aud in: along tu..- shore of tue Uke.t .- ,,::); Kind caused tbe kiga ivh'ci u LakeCham-

,,| the washout, tho distance between.st break is twelve niles. The extent of

tbe dun igi ii.-imi et been ascertained. No '.rains urn

rii.un.k, to-day ou this ,in Islon.


A SEW IM UAM.i. IN PHI1 1DELPHIA,PllII.AH i. t, \, d 21 \ iiii.teiii.iii n.is h. ea sturt-

. ,1 i,.i Um e tai.,l nm. ni in tills dir of a Manufacturersuiifl Mei hants'r.xcl m^c. modelled somewhat Bftei tha

lt is proposed to organizenuder tu limited corporation set bs soon is 200 favorable replies nhall Ur.- been received to lbs efrenIsr lui xplunatlon ni tbe pt

un. vim,ima ., ,.'-n w v.¦ n'i niov.( n tm ,.i 11-t ii 11, \i. iiui 21..The Virginia e.m-

ventlou ol th. Young m-h 1 Christian U-oclatloa bas.lulled .,:>., w.el.-. Among the sue ikere were t. Vf. H'u lillis Sew-Yorki E. E. Sheldon,i: .m-,..-. iii,I i t. llanllug, Washington

l ni: in: li t\ i vki i il lilPLARS... vi lpn .1 Un ic ami "ut "f Lass

::\ in-, ntl. AUK: l)MEWT»Ki um ti, .pril -l he sanlversar) of the I

ti..| eenth and Hfteesth sme)idmanta waai.h hr,ii.,: bj in.aired i- opie !>¦ bk]

A CALIFORNIA WOO RACK..,N tprtt'JI * foot-race ,.r iso yards,

beats, ttrts won Uv Knile.iiisu .mr Harmon la-

time was 7'i seconds ra pi lively for ibothree boals.' Harmon won ihe tlrst.

\ nt'KOLAK i'l I'M N CAI '.UTRAI.RJI, M_BS Vi>111 -1 W. M. Dale, of 1 n.»iilellt'c, H.

tt ..., nc ui i.-c tit '.x't sud w_» lound to have pi »p-,iit... .. t i. iron, in.uses bera,sad a

.»i nt bVUSCS Ital.- ii* iUs.aUCU lu l_-.-tS.

Hi: ( iTAROED A BREA! ll OF AOREEMEVT.am,IO BKCAL'ftl A i> M 0RA1 lim Tim fiPrt).sui.is i asi wkkk.mr. MOBsiaoirs »a__tono_t.

:nv THKoitAiii t«i 1111: rrnoi sit

WasHiNUToa, April ill..Etsi ames TaaaiafChairman Mon sui han besaauraiag sgrisvanssiami he hai been gloomy sad md disposed lg ».,!;_about the prospet ts ,,t in* bill. In the special ¦sss.lng ol tbe w sys aud ld sn . 1 ommittee Hus -.stalag;be brought oat II* grieraooe, which oonsistad mtbs ii.i th.it Mr. Kat.m. a Democrat, inatsad "fJudge Kelley, a Uspablicsa, ottered tbs formaleb¬ie*:! rn to tbe consul, ;tt ion of tba Morrison bill,The Chairman taged tha minority of tbs soaimitstc. ami eepecislly .lu.lire Kelley, with s breach stfaith, 1..-.'.use th,-latter, atf,-r agreeing to do -.1,

had nol mle ie,I the objec hon tot onsiderstion.At ii meeting of the nommittae before tba bill

was called np ir w.,s acned I si Jadga Ishould |,1. .iit the objection. Messrs. Hisooeb sadl.'uss, !i -ter.- not present si (hst meeting snd were

mit informed of tbs understanding. Oa Taasdaymorning several lead.ng Democrais who ssas op*posed tn msidcrstion, went to Mr, Hiscocb wmi

had been a- nv. iii ile- efforts i. ri fj the Rrpnb.licaus agaiusl consideratioa.aud ia id that tin > ie>sired Mr. Karon to make tbe formal objection. Mr.

Ilise, k promptly ami gladly consented, so fal .s

mn rn I. ami hs and Mr. li' ed snd ol ,. r

leading Rcpuldicana did their beal to induce theil1.11 tt associates to doao, Tliej agi.1. with tbsnml. rstamllng that alter Mr. Kati o ba i odored hisobjection ni heim! f of Democrats rho agreed witbhim mi that question, Judge _< . -. ihldo tbs

for the Kepublit ms.

Mit. Mogaiaon MMATISI IBD.This explanation waa nsde t>. ( In,ima:. Mor¬

ns,m. Lilt it linen not seem to lia', e heeii whollyBStisfactory, toroa being Baked subsequently h..w

loug, nt bis opinion, tba general ih'bate willi u-

iiiiue. be replied: "I do not know anything aboutit. If von tt.iiit ;iuv 111for1n.it!..11 shout tbs ti ifdebate 01 Ibe land bill, yon would Bobette! taspplj i" Hiaeock or Randall. Probably sithsi <>fthem can t-il von; they sun t., le w,.ikingtogether.'The meeting of tbe Ways and Means! omn tl ¦

Was ll of results, BO fill as ...li.-einsa

detin i.- n:.,i.'isl.a..lim.' respei t n_ the 11 itstion "f<i. I ai.'. Kiveda es vt bat 1 rou ng

---;..1,.s can be om aim ,1. were tavoml b} .

joritv of the members, ami several c.pit ised n dsip: thal the debate sm.ul.I end tins week. In tn-»

House, to-morrow a prapoeition will be made ami.:..iis invited, with s view i . -^nns

decision bj general consent if practi. ...

\ sis... saViBIONfl ros l»r IU ll..

('hail m in Morrison will also ask unanimoua con.

sent for evening ..o-'hiiii until the tari!) debatealia ll be ended. Ha brought In to dav a reaolntioa,which was adopted sad wln.-h provides -hatIliadally se.iaiouaof tbs Hoaae shall begin hereafter;it 11 o'clo. k iustead of boob, I be leaders ". bsmajority st last seem to al ta enon...

amount of Mme bsa been wsated ami that if Con*.Mess is tn adjourn lu July I, the House must workmole h IOW llioie encl l'\

Chairman Mon son stnl declines toe press anyi.pun.ni respet ting the probable tate m his. bill. - [du nol kn,.'. I..>n many Democrats will vote tastrik.ir the enacting clause, and ihetnargu .

iiai ro .\ .-:. ," bc s ,.,d tu day.s»-

DEMOCRA rs OPl'OdKU ro REI ORM.nu: il.i si- kktbcn a rkpori ra/iM ran com<

Mill: i: ON Kl h.. hm iv un: CIVIL Bl ::\ n K.;nr iii ott ti il r.« iii i.,i.

Washinoton, April 21..The Hound to-dayie inanlraoaa r>>t>.irt ,,f tba i-. a -

rona m the civil Herries- la favor of tbs bidi iw. nm !. inuit to fou. rasia tl

. -.

:¦., rs of tiiii odeas, colleeton orso!,- istoius, nit'. -ml

dices of T..-it,,.11 '. _ .

-r til-- bill aad tsoppoaitlea en lbs ki Kind ih.it the

prlD Iph) ol Ufa lenore- ,i

the ll" I-. to some ft md e ,.'|.i .¦., .. iud u -i . .¦ lin' , : Im fl "1 li")

^1i th it ¦

I I' . I -, 1%.' I

.1..-.. rote In fa las

l-i oi let mi rn

and ta D. r«

Li le Ol 1! . rillithem, Imwi v r. ind Colonel In. -1st ih,

lllell Phi I

nt ct, exe. M. ,,, . I- tim

Which tile) -, v- .1 -ie, dd :,<¦ i,linn edI tie¦' to 141 the mil.

Alxl.lt tl, lt I V I ..I'l iel,ll* V.ted Ul tie il).ij uiuUt L. p l .... ..li* IU tilt' USf



I > ' ION OF I tinn. DIlL'tlB A' ' IM s.

Washington, April 21..Tin bogus hinter

party, which controls lbs il.:-,- of !...¦:.».. t riv-e,

sn,-,,--. stilling an luve-ilguUos of tbaadulterations ol food, druga sad Mr.Bsaabj

md asked ...... andes-, aaplataod thai tba lavsat_ta>

tiiii sras not lor thc purpose of s_ 11 t -nog

to w 11 SI Bl tbs ad .liter-lions ar-i ca, rel ia

thu country, nor tbe extent of con* imt'tiou of

or traffic la ad nit/- rated article*, but simply to Sad ont

what artie .-» exported to mid hu ort d f:,.m toteAuueosntrlea sra adulterated.sad ts wiiat salsas. He s«ia:

that tt waa probable sn inventiciMoii Ilka tbatfrspeeefbere will be maile ls Ifagland, psrtlSBlSrlj IB i-'-'.-t te

Ala.-: 1- ,.ii '.-tiry prr.dm in, m tinn.e _a_¦:, ._-

ported lum th il u

Mr. Bay, of Net v.ik, said hs wsald vote ibsrasolutlou if he sild get uoibunr better. Me thought f on-

irr, ia ought in gu iiiucii further, bowevei, mid pi..vi.ie for

!heexerf'i»e oi National iiuthorlty. Tue Mate of New-York liol lah n action agatnat some ol tbe eui* -nd

aiuipcs i ractisi d, but Plate laws co.nd ol .apltah *u

that - necessary..Mi. Mills, of texas, made a violent speeeh Bgalnsl the

,,ii. I ne .,ot,-inn,.-nt, fe ...,.. Bo n.m t< BBIwu.it people shall ur shall Bot e.it, dnuk or tie.ir. There-o'uii.m was rejected rite Democrats lo C'ensressaisstill substantial,y solid 101 ogsa betti


THE CAsK AOAIK8T EX-8EXATOH KELLOQQ,Wasiiin-iton, April 21..Tin Criminal Cou.

to-day tixe.i ruradsy sf nest wauk aa tbt ttassts 'ueuiorbe mal ot Vt'1 mm Put Ksllegg, wu, lacfearged B

liavian accepted an llle.r_ f-.-. w ..- I" .¦

Senator from Iouiniaua, from Is-BM B. Price, a MaiBoste. "et,:. John 4. Walsh, whs has hitherto ie-

fn»ed t appear as a wnne.», has on teated ta

Montreal to testify ta tbla sasa il- has deUvered ap aa

BrewsterCwnaerou as4 Mr. K-r. »im wetsaeatte Mom

neal bj ile Attorney-'.em ral hs art him, papenwhich are regarded aa luipi.rta .i for tha Osvsfaaaaairacase. Bsrscslved aaaaaaraaea that the papara a a-i

beruturuod to him after them..!. These pepsi* are.-

(1) Cbsekagiven by waisti toKellomr.ln imyswslmail e.r ru, imp .1 ll I'rite.ui.l li. II. PeteTSOB, .ind po»tal .irafi- as oollooted by Walan, tn hlscapscit) of basher,tor account of Senator Kelton u l second Assists*!lostmsster-OenersI iniwiv; fij Orbrhisl letters ftsnn

\ » to B Blah, touebiag tbe ilb>podtlon to be u .ide of

tUe proceeds of the drafts | n)/ Megrains from K Domto walsh, on tBe same mtdscu rbe checks Bisaaldtsbear gellogg's uniorsciueuL


vVasMMOTON, April 21..A bill WM iiitrn-du. d in the r-eualp' Uwlay by Mi. Jul.j- IS pi iftSS Ui-.s

-a appiopriatioti of ?i.ooo.iKK) be lund., bj Oeagrssa ka.i'd of tbe Wor,d'» Ilidustxlal sid 1'i.llun bxpu-llioa tc

be held al New Orleans. Tue bill proud. I iliat this sun

DpnatSi mid p.ihl oter to the I ..t d of Mansge

mem of ibe KaasaksSB, ouetblrd of the mtui ItuiuepUatelyand ihe noiaintter lu four monthly lusteluieuu; tbat lt

Le a.-, d tn aii.uii-iu _a_sa__M_ the aaaasaa af the e»

psdttan | uni ihat m inedl.trt'.utli.u of 'lie itiiinint"tSat

BBSJ lemalti In tm- trf-nury of the iBBld "f MSMflBBSaBlafter inc paymat af usdehtu, th*-um sppropriaSM ..

loiiirressln sid of tbs espoe.Uou shall o peal tu rmi

Imo the iiea-uivof ibe L'uiu-d Btau- belora any ¦*>.!. mU oi |. tc u ak'e of proflis snail l«e pitlil to the »io.tk.

holders <>f tbs assaaialas. Al-o timt thc iio\eruiiient

sU-il no' >.- k-W UebW lu any nar for auy Scbt or abhga