NOTES FROM LONDON. II DE LF..*-.SElt\*wrilEOLOtiICAL. POLITIC AND LITKRARY NOVF.LTIE--. li ia.u tiie IHWI coBnrspoNDENT or TIIE TRlBr Loxnox, November 1." M. tlc Lesseps is understood tn consider him* shabbily treated nt thc Lord Miiv ni's dinner. vj as not IK** i> kkkl nt that upper table wh celebrities are ciiiiinuuilv planed, hut WM merged th,, liss diatingniahedmnltitnde whieh throngs' l,o,lv <>f the Guild.nil bnnqnet.lg hall. It is-.ie hie enough that the City authorities un.int If, Laanene to perceive thnt between the ee-tfanate* upon his position by hi* Kicmh admiten, arni estimate of London, th. ic is a dilterence ns beye doubt there j*-. His tpeeeli eoold nat ba beard, friends coiuplaiu. lt was iu french, and it did i Greatly matter whether it was hoard or not. '1 murnini* pupate wen kimi enongn to translate and neither in its original nor itu tranMat'-d lo WM much comfort to bc trot ont of it for I hos.* w arc ititen Med in thc n form of thc present nnd 1 i onstnit liam of a ftltuve canal. Plenty rf tboae li words which arc pcovi Tidally said te butter pa'.Ipa, but «.f pledge or deinite propoaal Cot i jirovcnicnts. not ,-i syllabic. Nor tm* th.- feeling with regard to lt de Lean lunch improved since. Various conferences hu been held between bini and the lending ship-nwno There has been, I think, a sincere ctVi.rt on the pi of thc representatives rf thc gnni commercial int. arfe rf Leaden to dleeover aoanc eoaunon ground action with thc master of the Suez Canal, lt 1 lint succeed, ll. M. ile Lesscps shows lin sign- yielding on what are In rc regardedMvital pnin ile coiuinits hiinsctl to no comM.iOM in respect toils, tu* rf dividing fairly a ith the English the gt eminent t.f the canal company, ol ot those admin trntivc reforms most urgently needed. Perhaps is too soon to expect him to do so. Ile is going Liverpool anil to Neweaatle, He lias to make np 1 mind as tn the stale rf opinion not in London on! but in thc meat patti rf the North. He has to n i-fy himself how ranch nones and debtininati. HMM may bc at the bi .it om of rival schemes: -in wmd. to make sure what ia thc least eoneoaaion th will, not satisfy, but silence, Engtifh OppoaHIn aud leave him, as he means to bc, undisputed mast. of the Isthmus. Mr. Qladatone saul not a word the dinner to lessen the mischievous effect rf h previous statcnients, awl M. de Laaeepa may bc e: cnaed for thinking that he will still bnveaomeai and comfort from the Government of Great Britni in his struggle w ith I lie merchants and ship-owne of Great Hritain. An odd stat.- rf things, truly. M. de Leanape*a nyeeeh al liinitj Houae last nit;! ¦hawed how strongly this idea of ultimate help fro: the Ministry against the people rf England lu possession of his mind, "lam herein England said he, .' in a friendly Country, to conn to an undi standing with those who have been opposed to the Government. The Government have had the wi dom anti thc good-will to reconcile their inti rcs ¦with those of the pomona who ha\>- provided th passage for England and for the whole world. Tl (loverimient are wisc and prudent, bnl the pcp Lave failed to follow them." Yes, M. de Leaaep nml the failure will continue, and \, ii your eournf and unconquerable energy will be Inadequate to tl tusk of coaxing or frightening thc Engliab pcp into is surrender of interests \ ital to its (onum-rce i the East. M. ih Leaaspa plenda thnt they who fn nishtil thc capital ought to have the chief aban i thc prolit-i. Perhaps they OOght, but in that ca¬ the ruler and i-eoplc rf Egypt wouhl come io for great dial more thnn they ha>. yet i> reived. The new Lord Mayor is a lunn of more than Mill energy of character, anti has thc munge rf h opinions. Ht has proved both by withdrawing tl permission he had Inadvertently given to Hei Stocker. Court Chaplain at Berlin, to holtl a m.-e ingintheMansioii House. Tl.a Lord Mayor Fowh does on the csprtss groiin.l that Hen BtSek.rwaa leader in the Jew-baiting rf n hlch llerlin has late] been thc headquarters. The Jewa In the City, need not say. arc numerous nnd powerful, and thc brought prtssurc Maaffc t<< near on tha t hit f angil Irate of London to outweigh thc strong religion feeling on the other side. The mat lei is liol of dee importance, but anet aa a.t is at least asefol as protest against intolerance of a peculiar]) disgrace iul kind. Agnosticism lins not been excluded from Parlia incut by ihe exclusion rf Mi. Bradlaugh. Mr. P. A Taylor, the impacted number for Leicester, ha lieen expres-mig iu print opinions which, ii not ethe istic. arc probably more damnging tollu- orthodo: theology than atht-i.sin pun and simple. Science, fi hil*riew, whether aeientifie naen mann it mr not, i the irreconcilable enemy rf Christianity in it- ih.L' matic form. Even agnosticism is hostile t<> a pope lar theology which pretends to know what it doe not know, be,ans*' thc doctrine rf agnosticism i that there are some things which not only arc nu known but cannot be known poaitivi ly. lt is ih. re fore dishonest ii. peemensi know ih,-m. Thc ex¬ istence of a Deity Mr. Taylor neither approves noi denies. Thanapenntnral. Deity included, belong' to the region of the unknowuble. There is nothmir novel in Mr. Taylor's position It is the position rf Darwin anti perhape rf Hmley WhM questioned as to th. ir belief in miracka or I future state, they answer simply that there is nol evidence enough to satisfy a mimi acenatomed to dc- (ide on evidence alone, and not by help of faith And it is just this demand for evidence which i* making moat havoc with theology. If a man is lt batten only what erm be proved.bnl Innaoini too far. 1 only nieanr to snugest that sn. I: cham¬ pions of the faith ns Lord Randolph Churchill might Irv their hands en Mr. Taylor, lt night even bc worth while to reconstruct the Fourth Party in order to eipel him from thc Il..ii-.* of Cownona. The Fourth Parly, howevt r, may md be in med ..( leeanntraction. There has never been evidence nong- of its dissolution lo sat i-fy the scientific student of politics. Ami only a few daya since, apropos of ihe departure for India rf Mi. Oorat, -.v bo l-elongs to it, iis nontbpieee in the press. Bu Mom ing Tost, proclaimed its vitality In no doubtful tums. Nobody' seems to W nen naefnl ta Engliab Tot iea than the newest American aposth rf that Badieal- ism -whose motto is plandar, Mr. Henry George. I find Mr. ll. C. Richards, future (ons, native candi¬ date for the borough of Northampton, qnothlgthe following as a passage from Mr. Henry George: who Rays, respecting American institutions: Wc tlo not even get a cheap Government, Wi might keen a Royal Faniilv nnd niiuiitaiu pala.es, provide tfiem wita courts ami guards,masters of robes, aud rangers tal anna, for much less than is ¦wastell and stolen under thc nominal Government nf the people. The ordinary citizen hus no more in¬ fluence in thc Government under which he lives thau he would have in China, Th*erperiateat af popular tjorertn.ent in the I 'tuted Stiles is clearly a failure. Well Bay Mr. Kichards say lhat if this had lm n uttered by a Conservative, it wonld have hi en railed a libel on republican institutions. Whether ii kt ih.-1, -s a Iiin I in the mouth of a Socialist, is a taoatna for enifhedy tn answer to his on n liking. A summary of the note from Mi-s Hognitk ta Mr. Ouvry published in Thk Tiiin-.vr of Nov. mb. r l.t. has been tel, graphed to The haily Sewn bj it-New Yotk torre-poiidetit. Thereupon Th* Haily Stirs, which sonic time ago denounced thc printing of than Dickens letters as supeiUuotis end imperti¬ nent, rUaaaaann all desire to enter Into the cm- troversy; ar,d then burrows its way in a little' deeper. Miss Hogarths mate d.«a not beni the in¬ terpretation put upon it, thinks this non-combat¬ ant. It doe* not appear to sanction, or in any way even t. contemplate, the publication of the felters in question, but merely expresses tho writer's w ill- H'gnesK that Mr. Ouvry should keep them. The idea that, they w,re to be kept as autographs is*4 con- elusive"' against thc |*Asn of publication. Mr. <)nvry'8executors unfortunately sold them. Could *ir. Ouvry have foreseen thia indiscretion, than Can be little doubt ho would have destroyed tin m. bnch, at least, is the view of a writer who has no desire to enter into thc controversy. Should he by and hy chango his mind, and decido to toke n hand in the dispute, ho will doubtless provide himself *«uh adjectives of amore belligerent quality than tuchmild and inoffensive terms as superfluous and ¦npertinent. ll. The innumerable body of interviewers in Americi must yield tho palm to a rival who is not even Eng lish: to M de Wow it/, who hails, appropriate!1 enough, from Bohemia. He has made his way ta th. presence of the most inaccessible sovoreiratn in Eu ¦Ufa- tho Kultau of Turkey, and he records in liv, columns of The Ttmee the obstacles he had t" over come, nnd thc conversation which follow til upon hil success. The whole letter is one of the noel aiiiii-iiig .vcr published; anti is most charaat-i isl i, ot its anther, M. ile Howitt tahm btnnlf ro seri oneil that he all but indues his readers to luke bia seriously also. His vanity, if one must Me tin wi.nl. ls of that open and candid quality which per similes one lo pardon it; while of hil energy, in genuity, resource, and assurance then never wit' anv ijuestion whatever. He is, it must be said, a Tiircophilc; believes in the regeneration rf Turkey hy the Turks ivvith sonic help from M. de HI,twit/A and whatever he says must be taken w itii due allow¬ ance for his point rfvicw. Nor, after nil, is ilien much of real moment in whal the Sulttm, wainui that his wolds would not est ape publicity, said tn his interlocutor. What is interesting is the writer"i picture rf palen nnd rfnehd life in Constantinople, liis \i\itl narrative, nnil his account rf thc Sultan. Nobody, p'*_epe- has looked on that gnat potent* Mle, fan'to face, with such a talent itu nice obser¬ vation ami lifelike portraiture ns If. de fflowHc. Thc letter, in short, is a masterpiece iu its kimi, and Tin Time*, with that peculiar tact in joiinialisin of which il has the secret, publish,', it in that remote portion rf n- voluminous and outer pages known as Um " penal settlements.'* The title rf Mr. Marion Crawford's new book is announced nt an evening Journal as "(tin* Favorite ..sham." Hut unless Mr. Craw ford has changed his mind since last night, ldc t it It- will be .. To Lee¬ ward." This might seem to indicate that he was about tuenler into competition with Mr. Clark Rus- si-ii. Bul h.* is n,,t. The tale, whatever title may finally be fixed on, has nothing to tlo with the sen. Mr. Crawford returned last night from a short pil¬ grimage 1" Scotland iii company with bis um le. Mr. Sam Ward, ami goes in a few days to Hoine. uh. iv be will spend the winter and write another book. To thc short li-t rf English daily papers which pub.sb pictorial illustrations of current events is now tia beudded Tke I'all -faff Cast-Mr. Its lateai art-ctlort is a portrait of Mr. Saitkey, or perhape it is Mr. Moody. Thc one before that was an Interior rf the mw Alhambra Building,now near completion ami lifting t>> the light rf Li keafer Square a hideous iiiiile blue front; relieved and bedizened with much garish ornamental ion. The only truly fire¬ proof building in London, say its builden; i atute- incut w Inch, in the due fruit ion of time, is likely enough lo be teated. The***. PuttMail pictures, it should be sahl, do not attain to much more than outline thawing-, and will not, it may be hoped, provoke inuch imitative rivalry. 0. w. B, LONDON GOSSIP. AN ENGLISHMAN'S ROTES <>.\ ENGLI8H Tones. [mon Vt <><< v-uovai. coKKi.st'ovi'ivT ur Tiir Tim-nsr] l.nMlaaS. \aa\a lilla, I IO. Thc manners anti customs ulHui verj yoong mea arc In gatbetic language, ."¦ dlatmctly pndoui " i .ailedon om ol then youths >c-t.nl.,y maning, (kal i- to say, at .. po-t nun.lian ii;alf past 4/*.IhlaUag t<> lind Iiiiu up aiid dressed ready to tor .ni af!, rica,.n .. lurch," a- it i-1 elk *, and asake a call or two. I found low out a.f bed, it is true, but bj no means rcniv t.. *.-" oul mt,, th. d.imp, lo-qa streets. He was arrayed la a black velvet di. .ins snit llaed witha.it* rsatinand waatrying to cat a i.n alfa-t eora].i rfkol plekle -.ui.lv. I, in -. aini eggs serve*] n anekovyleoat Bis toilet laipk ¦mata, ail of fold, were laid enfnlnadresring-rooa. He nt ct travels without a .in .-int" bet eoutalnlng -m.' lat* precious ol'jett- aa Veil a-clirar anal la.'ar. ti.* a ,.-, nil in what i believe is called eighteen can! -"id .<m the table hiv-.cud sets al -inti*, tor ny friend kad svl featly beera -mable t.. decide upon tbe sd be should w.*.,r la tko c., iiiiu.-. 'i'la areal neutral Xortk foreland li.msc di,nm.ml-stud li.tvinu- gone out of fsakton, kt beeitat.ig betwei a Bk - mad,* <>f aappfctrea and .iia-uoinl-, beetles ol emeralds and dlamonda, ead spider* with bodies of eataeyea, diamond legs aad ruby fceads. The own, 1 ol th,-' IgTMaklll Jewel, lool.ca! ucl. He confessed to helm* anita wont oul bj tic <-..iii.ni of laying na elotbes .Web kia la.or kadi.it taken sway. The operation had been a severeont and kad laated for a long willi.-. Not unnaturally I aaked vi lia: lu kad ore"- red for Ike winter. " on," Kiid he, " I have hi, n v, rv , eonomlcal thi ter. I kare only ordered aa oven.I llaed with I dozen <>f white waistcoat., aad four salle of evening clothes." I linpiirid whare wits the bread to tlii«'int<.'ar.al.lt- quantity ol ruck, theaaoralog elotbes to correspond to H-Jali.lt.steamss of festive rahneat. Tboreplj waa Inala, ¦teri-tlc: -I bave ordered bobs stall, ii ks staple waete of money io order winter morning elotbes wheadon whit, r in London. lt lu alwin--dark before li'" "H, and lt ima. time to drem for dinner at once, "fonwouder at iu> wiiitc waistcental i never wear ene twice. Thej arc nseleas after the] havt* been u sshtd Th.-y m var f.t after they bave beea la the elntehes <>f ths laundress." I Towmrd '.. ..v;..<k ire-Staed la-r-stfcre al Ihe Ortoa.¦, whore th.. " boy " I* eici*!!. nt mu! tbs eooki iv v. rv good, or Mr. "Sam" "A nr-1 woultl not ba Men then mi frc tpieiitly. Tln-n we w.-ntto the Gaiety Theatre. My roang friend asverorders a single stall for any theatre, but alway* two In case he ihonld meet a friend Pron the theatre me went, after looktnt* tn at two clnbs, to a theatrical ¦upper-partj wbtch laated till 4, aad tken to td, ii.ii caril (lui., win i. tin- banker wan baring, f..r once, abed time, i gotaeek in Bt Jaame'i *t. al S o'cluch .md -., illina to bed, leaving ngr young friend and two ,., ort nu.'i. ol Ihe -ann vt a, a.f thinking bard at it. Tbej told me tho game rarely breaks up till 7. and ra Bunda) inornlags somctlBan boM* ".rat till ebureh Uaw whick explains the u-< leeenees oi moraing dress. Th. tim ¦. Liken! aaemliers wbo bavi '...n woniMled noverely wini.¦ ..ut -hooting til.i sututna sre likelj to gel ocr their difli. ultli h better thea could have been ea Mr. WI.IU.rand. Ml. M. Ailinn .and Ml. Pl ¦. will all get well, alUMOfb both Ute latter -nfl. r a partial loee ft eyi tight, fin -.* at ld, nta, sud the death of poor ..jo,." Leeman from acoldeaugbl wkile ont si.Ung, would seem le show that ihe Liberal-; are dead mit of hu :.*. wera lt aoi for Ihe aet -blent lojthai Rae old porta* man, Tory and patron of tke drama, the Duked tort 'Hui.* in m. ii'atti.t Ulai tin- Call fran whleh the Duke ii Mherina wa- a very BOVen one. No sooner did tha newe reach London than Un* -pia,! int' and dramatic wm!,! watt stirred lo it" lama i depth-1, f.-r i.i- oin..- la beloved by everybody, There ls semi thing peculiarly i;na-ii--t» shoal Ihlathor ou-.li ijrmttt seigneur whi.h endears iuni io ali ekokoow him. He beggn life, too.ger the disadvsntage of having bad a amgatieBntJlBtlmr kolora kim. Tko late luke ggured, vi Idle vet only Marquis of Womat! r. lu the tlr».r ,|ii.i,lrlllc'tlain ed at Altnaek's, and wa. in OVerj re speet the glan el faskloa and the mould of form ile wae each n tlmmngh-gatng dandy andaoasagnlBeenl in bm way of doini- things tbat after njeylag iiii un onie of stghtj thousand steritng tar many yean he wae obliged to-liv-* upon twelve thenaand while thseetaU recovt red Itaelf.aad debta wen paid off. - great proportion <>f inoiicy am spent oa thal nunan lastltattoo Ihe Badmtn- lon Huni, imt tho old Dukewnestnvagaal laeverrj tblnir and looked generally on life lu a superb kind of wai. ilk. the !¦>-' Dake of Buckingham win n the bitter nobleman cam. t<> grief and wm obliged to act bia bonn Iii order bc wan asked to eat down lil- t iiorni'iii. staff of ? rv.int.. ll'* lopped oil au anny or footmen, ¦.*.rna, and**ee!pen kn bia friendly advl-cr imt.,1 that In r<* taiind on his Hst, insides .a fermldable arra} et cooke, two Italian < onfcirlloln -ls, and objected to th,-,'an en¬ tirely superfluous. J" Confound it," said the Dake, .. cant a awn kave a Meeut! **Mi hit giannisherry i" Thin aaaedete Munt ra tea eaaetty what I aeeaa by thc iiiiiniiti,, nt may ot leohlagSal lUafa Bvaryeeeoaasleal Idiot lt ready willi olis.i*rv allon, abont Un- m-cessltn*-. <.f lite. What are tb, necessities of _% j - arn pcrHonally a andsraia ana nn<i eontent wfthehampagM and new glena once a day, but my young Mend aban cited n- ijuii-ei, hi addition, u white.waistcoat per day, and nuken nerti luau} Iht.fi to eutcrtaln their friend, w llhal, ai for J Instance, a moor for grousn suda lanai fur deer- .-talk lf,i», -pod pn nerves for pheasants, anti j.lent} of nhnnttug over farmlands for parinIdgnfja*I hare., soma ral-hlt- a-h.antill*.: for mid times, a (yacht, a foiir-in-hand with a dmiiile tiain. al least, horse* anti carriages lnuuuieriil.lo for firdinary u-e, a private Hansom cab, several sheeting penlee, several bouses completely monthes, a villa tm tln* Rlvlcra, a 1-ox at Melton, a ditto at Newmarket, a ditto at .the opera, and a string of race-hordes. Are these aries of life from thc corn-beef and cabbage point of view I ApiofHtt itt aahhaffc Lord Loudf-thorough, who married Lady K.iitb gaananat, tuc charming sister of the present Duke ul Beaufort, has a private kit*;lu*u garden of his own near London, covering several acres, In order th he may have what he likes, In season and out af eean When Lord Lotidest,orou**!i, who ls a ma-rnltlccut cone] Ulan and crack shot, engaged his last gardened he sn to that .functionary: " Please 'recollect that I am fand French betti*, and .Ilk.' them on my tabbi ev erv dav *The caril.-n.-r said: "Yea, my lord, every day In tl season." Lord Ixindcatiorongh rejoined In his tuc melodious ton,-.: "i nhl nothing about the maamv sitial i vi ry day." And he haa French bama with li ranleen n CMetaas Day the venkma bel.g Iha leah I.nek-, or rather .iiavlnr-," fattened like nu n In the Ral Tins betel andemtood, it ls eaay to see that n eatabttal nient ilk.- the nadmliilna Runtoaetanancy. lu the,, duli,*-.. Hmil. al l.a«t four hundred people, iii'lu.llti gnests, their sci v ant-, the bruise 'servants nt Bad-date and the huntim- ci-tabli-diincnt, dined tinily iltirlutf tl hunting season at his expense, and he also spent I 1"' money on a Yeomanry r.-s'inietit known BS the CNCMS Ima.be.Hassan aateered bf UM beal families in'.tl county. Hut the liit.lniintoti Bunt waa, and te th) put ).a> nf the Duke »f Decafmt Not only ledbraerafi vtded tn the profii*. -ivie eenama al .great connti hon.es, imt fur limn tportsmea nbc am tea Und tn wi conic In loo late for full tire., parada- there i- s -uppl> military M.rl nf coffee-room dinner, at which they enji. a'.lth.- treefern of s h.>t.i, with ihs difference that foe anal Ariah sre h. nod aa the] rsm be, and that then nearing to pay. Then ia- aothtag .mt of thia country rn in it ilk.* Badndutea tor amgnlnecnl hospitality aa general splendor. Th.* Duke of Beaufort Isklauelftl most p.rf. i!t ii.ainu real uh veil M the ln"-l genial I min. ile ls extremely kind ta young men. who tool al tcntioti from a duke so keenly, and vi it !.» the l;«-t peri., in the world with whom tin m*'-t Insolent jtarremi wool venture to take a libel tv anv vv hire, except at ltadnilii toll, w In tc. a.. lost, he 1- prepared to talia his Mium.-roii gneete nhe duds then Tbe 8adndntan nanthau, tl needleas lo -a.c ¦ uniform ot eoetnme of bright 'due wit buff silk n cu h.mire IlniliK. turnover, or whatever lt I technlcilly called. lt l-.it pleic-liiir vail.-ly Hom th cvcrhistlni* scat Ut of OW haattag field* and com a oil Splendidly in dtaner dr.-.. It l«, however, a droll M lu. iii. ia. .. thal Its raalaii-s sncirrst lin* cclcbriitctl " liUll an blue " of The Kdlukmryh Iteatmal Ac bright Bea.Teri blue al«n reminds me of s mun once saw win n a very Uti!, child. Imf whom have neve fargett, n, the Mar-nib <" Anglcoey, who tat bbl toga Waterloo, an.l WOH a UM-OM winni saw him 111 th puk riding in « blue coal with braes buttona, Then la ciipiiai water eotoi drawing .af Ibe preeeal Iwke at hem 'ort lu burr and bim at the 0"* *M* dub in King-st., ft Jainea'a Alioth.*! .. noble spoilsman " ha* onie I" a-ricf 1n Ix.ra tlc (llironl. wlii.ae l.anil has I., n hurt by the bur-itlnj* 0 bia ana. Titi., i- a very unuanal accident tatheaetlme aini win doniatiaa.s rausesomt dtoemden. The breech loafers, whether >.f the bamnierless kimi >>r with rebenm SCthm, matte by ('burles I.an.-.ist.-r and other finiioii maker., an- alino-t perfect ss Breams, ami leanne understand thal Lord dc CIMbrd would we aa Infcrto fowling piece, more especially a- be li s eelebratet pigeon -hot. m. lot*.iihlphas th< reputatloa ot belai clever, both oa tbe turf aad al .j-tgeoes. Mn.ul.i Mr. An di -.a;i again bring forward ht< bili against pis. ra si.t iiiL-ria-ti marion be will dad a tennMable opposition ar rayed against hun Lord Westbury and a few nih* iel., m. ii .h. now engaged In onanlriag ¦ itel rb fi n than was maila laat tear. Nobodv, I 1h.1I' vc, ctn*- itul'l for pigeon-shooting, vihia-b to manly a gambling affair but people hate, In this country, mterferean viith tbel omnsements. Between tbe Btae lui.bon Army, tbe Hal VMtiaan allH,a. Ihe anti *. l\ !-. 11. Ul l«t s. till >.lb»ei" tin* .nita anna law people, aad otker " faddists *" like Mr Aaderaon, we bavi ¦ rough Ibm el it. and are threat! ot -..It .at niimli of m. ddh n aad muddlers who a not en)ai} -life ihemaelves -nial are determined that no laoaii.*: a* -h.i'l. Th.-. cockneys pm. ami ooekncyi provincial have m. sympathy with anything tort theil Hap. i;,, ni. set, Wini VI all',I la allia e life. If tin V liatd theil wat t., tin- w I, I. In ,1 level "f Ifilirfjro,. Ii.i-.li... lt t ala. tin nil- i.ii.ii* - mull v. I.... an m.:'.. bout, ride ion. fence doi koa would lei "a tbe situation Tbs death "f Lort Gartner leaacoabj one Ibe Utile la.lilli Of ol.t" ll .pol 'I-.. - III ll"- ,i|,l.*.| ea.ll.- tin* (la llls-lil of I-¦!. *<-ti-r-hlie tn the palin} ila}, of tin Quorn before tbt dlvtobui of th.ntl lanni t'raven, ayoungei *port*mau. to -¦.:< ;v i'l al t*bdown amid the Berksblru billa. I.u. tm ihe torr,strength and lb-el h. ,,- the ia rio >.' korti narr situation of Ashdown Park, hti.ii upon lin down**, ls ci p a;;.,-I by tbt -'.'IV of.I 1IIIV.II Willa. » h. Il I ...ni Mal"! ' lindon, rmle last aad far to eaeape lbe plague In Janie* th, lint's time. Hpylng asolltarj tam inuaera lbe ia ti. .tm.- downahe Ibonght bc might bc *aft there, ..aal in ni a nome with four avenuea leaatliiK to tbt I .'rn ai.lin.il points Tl.- edlflee la .triii-ti-tl of tin sar-, n ¦tone* " mipnuanl lo bave i>.. n tin n* i.v tbe Druid* The ('raven* are a v. iv '!- I "I lava ii a pr,Ullin, n't m. in',-a ..f ito Jo ' lah, I.ri] Ii.h-i. be i< ono i ami ii fi me ni- lian -. in.mali ii, ,i tn -I vii t.*. .!_*.. ural' rn ,; Dna .. koowa ..-" n in. i'i,t, i a\,; tin liv. < : ¦ i. p. alrii t- ..i t .nt i| m. ont nt tl legant and admin d aaf our rt ally paste 'lames lt ¦-., |... th ii ibe '-l.tr.pu- ..f Kildare, Idea* mm link,* a,f i.iiii-rer. to .ii.oait io marrlrd lo tbs areal ladj ll-rmi..in- Mun. ..-iii... ht daiurblei nf l.oi.i r.c i-ha. ii. i* an- li) far Inc ukmI I., a infill ali i .i .' .. -I, nu. ht daughter of Ihe fn in. ni - - lames lirabam. I* .; and "i/.,i.i r< v rsii.nii *i-otie of tto la.ok.au*. ll- lia- l-aalie of the Le-t natur eil. of tbt I"*" . ,-'. lit ...- si ";t. olin* daughter*a* joting illlall-ll 1>_ 1 T 1 *. Ill- ll.ai-a lu lt. «l,..i --, ,«;¦*. I I" ll 'lr. .n. n| ta .,.. \ ali,I .rmi*. Mil M.|!*.V \l|,|a r -,,'l, Wla,,-. t,a.,.lT\ |. 111,1V. I-. *.) a.| ¦aired, haa shown bei rood e In receiving the coi m. nt- and tl i'i. 11 of tin* I ti.of Wale* with very creal l-.aaaln. -- |lol|litle-a Ito* Prill. .* IC al.. Weil. I,ill III- Kl le,liliana t" .allia » often alla til. Ill II,on harm til.Iii OM-I. ,1- iwo fair A mei n .rn- have rea on i" remember, >l'l.i / \LISTS l\ TUE SAW. ¦i 11< i;s wim aiton nana awi nv is mk,iv_ MM -. .*Conmwloro Lure i- n remarkable man.' mid a nar \\ otli el In -|i.*.iK ni* with a I I. nu SI po. t. r recently. "Hi* work ra seamaaahip to received aa n wok ever.\ wini,* Hf hu. devoted him*, if nan aint -..ul Ifl Ito cetabltohaK*nl and perfecting >.f i.on ii ^- av at, m. f-ai ti,, \a\ -,, aad has writ lei Minc rory ,. nv. Then i- his llttk love I., nd voa,, aa- and I will tell } oil M bal the n foal Imagine ihl* scientific, wa ,,*,i ,.,,ni Bodore, an ant Inn i'.v on Ibe mo-t oi:.|,: ,,. al., a, ,, j...,- ,,' ia'.i.-.i'ioii sud seamanship, writing a lov ona ong ii.i« !¦¦ an-.. to musk by n i;,,-...ii composer aot\t lav.* often heart li .ung. .lb, n th. ia- I* Admiral Bhufeldt. Bbufeldttoa dlplo nat born tl lhere ever iraaone. There to aothlm nora* at tonne iu il.an makin [tn atti -.I a (lendIuk tbt lip!..ti ia ie i.!,ii nm- of thi* United fttata* Ile weat on a bree y< urs' voyage arnaud the world m thu Ticondt ruga, ¦oil Will |. ineml.ei ..uni eau nil the Alu- 11, un Ban w hare ll noni..*:.I before, Ile did an immense amount of *.,ni. specially la tke far Raaf and on the eastern nari f Afi..;i lie had a wayo! Ingratiating him*.if with I.. ' Klaga barbaric' of thom countries thal wa-won i rui. There's hi. Corena treaty, and all that aorl <>f tiini-. He'* nae >>f tboae mau whs en ant np »t a dinner lui inalo a Iii at,* -|,.*e. b, ami can il' ., ii. , maller, nf lille .mal pOlltiCS With In' ll w Ina lia Ve a|.i,,|, ,| theil' liv''-a ii such mattel, ile divide* wltb Comm.dort Luca the onor of bring the aatboi ,,r tin* -at.mai tralnlag syatem. "(a am ma mle ulbara to one of th,-moat aeconipllabi dill ral} nu n in th.- service. He w i it,-, portr.v t hal lr. of n Igheeder. He som, tim., sboota ever tbe bead of (tu our sailor men, bntWO al-civ - know lt In K"o<1 pocllj von If we are aotnnimanre what ho to t.iikin. al.I am- beautiful neem of hie, wklek tn published In fur/M ri Mun th ly, baa for Its theme the story of Pluto ml I'm el pine. .. a maali ff tin .-it era of tbe Viv > * bo bare a *pc*rlultj au call them to Commander John Ii Bartlett. I<* vva» for two or three year* In command of the Coaat urvej (teamer Tllakc, and made a v.i-i iiiiniliei of derii ¦a -..111¦ 1111a.--. H.* Inveatigated the a.*.t weed (1f las ii If Btw. al 'I ol bc 11.1 a i'u.iI deal of .-Iv al millie .leiiiiii.- data, what be doa') know about sea-weeda, irreata aad tba bottom of the ocean toa'l worth know ig, tu. ii jib. i. I- i.ie,it, nant Drake, who I* autkority on ie ml. mainf JA fri. a. hav lui* p. i,. 11 ,,|, ,1 mt., |.,,il|.,n inf ie dark continent win re never s white ma wi ni Itefore, ld sa n m.Ill pirti e- of Ca,In allia' lit (lie llatlv. a ,ll theo a.-1 solemn rite*of fetich worablp. Thi*er.|i|ol| wa,mal i* ,,.i tum i,|, ur,, ha-] he lieen dtoeoi en <l. "Alni ho on down throiiafh tin- Hat aaf nllla-i r* of the svj thereto *. ai., lt om* of I boee who have reached ,i« i li .ts la< grade of a ll. Ul. II.int who ba* lint soma* apia* Hy. lim I- a Ina . bani.-, aiiolln i au . le. (tia nm, *t t hitit artillery .-harp.' a fourth ¦ torpedo es pert, and sn on hellier it I- Hil locution a,| nil ela .llb* clock, tin* si ..ration ..f ihe North Cob- or the Interior of Africa, the riling of a sonnet or tbecastlog ol agna, iberoara Beer* of tba Navy wbo caa do tbe Job. W'Tilmli (hi* the li., i-.ai th.- a me ilea ii Nil v v bave achieved and maiu- iiieai a splendid reputation In their ability la what ls -allin Hy naval work." .i.v emi:iiiii:.M v. lrom 771/ introit free lint. A few Aura too u mun willi a weak and limn- e expression, and wi-tii'llix ii summer SOtl Of rlotbes, ,ipllcd to oin- of Hu- ntliioad jias-acnper agents foi-a, .ml head pam to Tolado. "Wbvdo you wjnt to ko lo Toledo!" "io wit married." "Ana you haven't any ninney t" "Not above twa ut}-five cents." "Hadn't you lii-ttrr be worth ymir tenet Toledo he¬ re taking a wife on yt ur bauds to supp.ai t I " "You don't iiiidersiitntl the ct*.,-" protested tlc maa. I'mgolng to tuarrva ttldo*. WOfftk atl.j.t *.',,< it io, ami ie first tiling I shall do will be to remit you tin* price a tb kit. fm poor and the willow know* It.'but she arrles me for love." He MMseted »o long and c.iin.*tly that he vv.t* llnallv Mned down the road. Two duv* elapsed, nnd then a let- ir nos recelvea from him, *nylng: "HeuM-u Mi-iH you for vour ktndne**! Beached her-, I iifrht, aud Itemed tn« wi,tow u.a ..riling to pro ranuna. lt tnrne ont that abe lea*t warril a copper, in ils cnn Ri-ifj may I Mk you touns. ns both lo Ui-'lrult, bore 1 have hopes of eulkl'ij- a Job I" BROADWAY NOTE-BOOK. MEN ANT) THINGS, THK~COUNTl.Y BOUND Tm* namemty, kona and vonoxa ov t arcad WAY MUSHER. Thc public statuary of thia city now Imludc. sm ei|iii*s trlan Waehtagtea, aa heroic W-maJngton, herole atatam of Franklin, Webotec .,,.,- gewaid, i.iiua.in, Lafayette, r.irracut, BhahesUfmre, m arly colossal Hums and Mi waiter sett. nta-Oweao Balleck, Alexander Hamilton, Morse ('.)iiimiMlor,>Viiiidi.rbl!t,aiidl.irgi*oiit -of-door bunt*, of Ma/ -inl. lin ant, Humboldt, (itn-the, Si hlllcr.md Thea*1 Moora. Thara is aas-nMaaearttntharobnteereoldlen, and fnmifii! statuary of thc lalnanni. Ihe angel, the in¬ dian iiunter, Inenraaec, ate, Hr.ioki.vn hns Lincoln, Pallon, luifct* of Irving and Moore, ami much cemetery .tatuali-. Proper snbf nts r..r ather itataes in New-York would be Oahunbna, Badana, Da witt clinton, ami Crour- unU. The hew-Kngumd element has already agitated fairiihe latter onbjeet There < riots in B*l*"_Bglaad only am.* statm* ,.f OmnweB cai thal to thaalfi of a tody tc the City nt Maneheetcc. a magaldeeal awn nanni In Washington lit .non to be erected In Philadelphia, a Matty monument to Harli.-M in Cincinnati, a statue of f.nrtlcid in Wii.-lnni.-ti,ii ami ,,r,;,,,, r.il Reynold* lu Philadelphia. The- Bartholdi -t.itit.* .f freedom for Bedlae's toland will be matched bj few monuments lu tho world, as bj tbo Arch of tin* star In PaHeandthe l'i Ince Albert niotiu- inent in Landon, American portrnH sculpture la nat siiipas-.d in grace .m,i expression bj anv Kortheraaa- tion. Cern lal Braham, the Surveyor utni Navy aalll,-er, is a aaa of Da-rid flraham, who via. a Vow Tort lawyer from the .North or Ireland aad had tour iona, all ama of proud ¦ance: David, who wrote a ton coal,* before bo was twenty-one yeara old;-fohn, the ertmlaal lawyer, who defended Mcklca,*Eckel* and McFarland,; Dewitt nnd the General. Tin- latter was **,,. Mexican warana miiMilpttniil. -Thc banner district of thc Republican party in thc late election wa. the Xlllth. Cen.ral Anson McCook pruiii- liiently COtttl-abutod to thu elect ion of Mr. Gibba lo tba state Senate, and tho aatiafactton the former gave whon in (fcngreos !.< agata a subject of dlsrnamton The recent eleetlcn "t dlreetora in the trie Railroad snbatttuted Jaasea i». li.h.fnr the lat.* oovernor Morgan. Mr. Tish'-bank I. the rtcponltory and rnahbT of thc Bric Railroad, aad hi. private partner, Mr ferdinand Wanl. lathe broker umi ii., ai negotiator ,,f Brie aeeurlttca. ia fr. a* i mn Informed at the Bfleey newo-etaud. sella m*.nit* up to Pork Mini retains a quiet style of waggery nearly ilk,- reflaemcat Mr, Thcnaaa Saut la but little beard from la thr.e day.. The Mainn boudoir ear., the tlr»t of which saase mil of thc Tr-.y toops lari neck, are lo bc partlculariy otered to travelling th. strh si companb s. I paid |lfl to go m nae from Dinadl li lo Vi. ima. vi bbli I- nu rely it itlghf-Jour- n> v, bm tber.- the nil.iii.i rlaaritcatienof traveller*di rei Uj a.p, lat-*- again*! ileeping car-, ns they an- hebl to be bett, r than the Brst-claaa carriagra aad .therefore must charge fifiy pa r cat above Arri riana f ira. The stree! rumor to that tbe Pcaasylraala Railroad, aa wen as the Onad Truab, to loobtng toward tbo toaaa of the Wt -t -hor. Railroad. The Peaaaj iv.mia haajaatlflca bon In taking tbt* road, rines tr. own territory haa been entered by the Vanderbilt (lowen aambiiiatliin. It la eitcodtag it, Belridcrs Mm frtrmFarina lo tbe Lacka- witiitia rood ami tai Cornwall on the I dial-..n nml parallel Inc the Reading Railroad ap Qm s. huylkill Valley fa, Reading aad th.al regtoaa, The low AtcI rhnrge* on th.* w.st ghon lid lm.1 mik.* ibo property a tempting mic to an orgaaliatlon whleh for prei i-:..t» sad ealighten incut ha* no riv ttl In thu count r> in, less*! t lu* lu .onie of the great ir. el-of th. treat, Hbo lim burlington and PaeMc. Poaaaaring. however, ita own Has lo liufiulo via will lam*port, tbe ebie! Induce meat '.. eatec the Bodsoa Uiver n .. -I rcngeaaee. l am t-.'.d thnt the At'.atiti.* and Fast.a Railroad, ..ti,« r- ntocthcW ¦¦¦> l'i am I*. *o, Ih not itcipilr.-d by th.- Bontlagtoo system, but ls free lo BMhe Ito ewa ca som. tim.* listed that Oeneral Gnat had lort marney tu tb I.*d*rilto aad h'aahrilto Railroad. Tha fuel, wi rc tliut ti. tirrill I.rant bouirbt -'.i-On .hare, at par m vi. t..i iCeweombe. The ataehdo --'..'?.mi. Mr. New g<ord to return theatoch to£hlm aad he gara hi* h.. k for tin roll aim.nut of the lim atuiciit. * i creole bj several generations, ¦ai.i io in- duriag rb., weak: "Among the old Prench M* ible'*Morie* ai ,i aurala areaotregarded ....ii. Iraylug the inner mollie aad char ..'. nf '> ii p ;.. ii. iii..m rathnally only, sab atiiuti. ii (.-univ pencil for the scalpel, to Puritan in hi* m..ti..- not penetrate to Un-cr.-of our life. t iiim Uhe a race of amahnya In ecaae gUttorlag tlaapla' ll foll tl I halt Wa. lint till* liff! llf llletl Uk* A Ililli lum. Morph) snd Beauregard, if yoe read 'Manoa Lea -*..*.* rtlj dd la laoubduau, ead la *t (lie ALI"* Pn vost. Via! will llllal ., -. rn. , peace a ogrthor dlfleraut from the indatunnlagrlvaoltj of the Puritan gentleman Uftrt -..'. v at!-, ov cr ul na. " i* ita.ii. atewari I. Woodford, with judge Anona snd other partners ind aaatotanta, make a busy colony af lawyer* ta the Merena building on Wal! .t.. win, h u thr propertj of Mrs Praderieh -teven., wim re a.ntlv aa,l.l bel* lieU-lall .:»<¦ -I .1 ll' tr tile part gate liearral w.ifoid waa a prlaoner of war la tho Libby Jail aad la hlgbly spoken of by bia wortataa tl,ea, fol ali '* *. li t. iiijh alni tllaOtlgbtflll |m.I Item ... Ills oratorical facult) I* aoaetlmeo grudgingly -poi,, ii of la thia quarter, bul ll haa i.rapltobed awn dian imy puiiiia- (peaking -uni th. war lu the csmpslgn oflH73 In nh,... winn thc ):. publican-.. Still -urti-ntn; from paula* and ttagnation, Were al a toaa for Ideas or policy, Mi Woodford began todl*eu*albo eurreney aad th.m ¦. ba .... Bo**wasthodrsl pcr*on afterOardebl nm.. Mr. -lunn ni had aol uniformly adraaoed tin topic t.a the front Woodford'* meetli * wi bent .itt....i.ai li lin -tan-, tin- campaign turned on that nb a. Il.iva . was ell clcd, anal I! ave him Un- I": .-.Lilt lat Holli.il.tlloll. ju.icc Ifoadlj tpoke to me during Ibo wei high Ij of Jiim lee Harlan of the Supreme Court, eapet lallj for hi. ..pillion nilli, virgtato.ni -c Ile In) vcr] respectful tarma to Robert IJneoln, Imi .\ pni-.'l tte rlcw that he wouhl not gel ibo opport unity to be nominated for President, nor would .my peraonon the Huptcme Reneh ..nv mon than ibo late .Imt''* Me I.,.m. ul.* li mi al- worked lol leal- 111 tll.lt tillea t ll.ll. Mi llotadl* -i'i iimt illa own cl.¦.¦tion waa duo to thc li.pnu* .pies'nci, enpeetolly to tbe menacing vote for I'laahibii. which i- ne, he -a >i. would not irani|iillllxe, »s ii waa tn tba brains ol a large >Republlcaa contingent, and ihe ProhlblUoa oamUdate had once received lO.OOOvotea. ii. -.ni iimt Ut.- iiepit1'.!. an partj waaa powerful organisation aad reenperatira, bul tbat the pinn.ni aad tbe worldly wtago of it eonldnanmrs igree than the Presbyierlaas sad ladepeadcals under the Long i'iirllain. ut. Tim tv... mil. ,,f railroad from ihe Rorgen calle Ula. la I a.m l-l.iml Were icascl fr.illl the Rational Stonige Coinpaiiv by ihe I'i nusilMiiiiii Kallroad lari week. Mr. t 'hal '..* -ki im/, ol thia ...nipan}, H building a residence Mt oran*''*, "ff. .1. Wll} I- HM .llfl. renee III tlnalielal e-ourac . s,, -r, at between Id7*i aad 18831 la Iha fenner year we eould mat take flic b,mils cf almost thc only Important en'er- ,,,1.. thal bad be, n launched, tba Northern I'a.'ill.* Rail road, aad ll aneeumbed far waatof snbaeriptlons and money fm bomb ii luterert. Ron the making and telling Bf bonds i* a greal departamnl >.f bnslncas; nearly .-very thing sells; wh) to them ac much rn..} l Rccausotbe . Kl*., mid hit. be. n lm Instill it. dy tilled mid -.'!. lt Mirplil..!'* I ,.,i,i to Hump.*, nml abundant Immigration has swelled i. _r.it.- of in.th workers uutl laveators, and we bara %*<>, k, .1 np at homo the reahluce of malarial, keep- ' lag molli y herc, ami lt ha. settled In thrifty hands. Tn iiaccit, for Instance, thal waa lanacri) a local product, I tom beeonm nearly aalreraal Btocousla and Pcnaayl- I raala ratos it. ead wa .io not hare eaough bi both export .uti manufacture up lathe demand, while tba elgar In- tercel of mum York maintain* aa enormous population Hop*, omc chu ny imported, aid teni tc Qeraaony aad fBglf*- Cann. .1 t-a..|s li.i\ r cic.ited mmther httgO pop ¦laden. Mon-.iv* r, m..rn-} ha- be,-.mic the medium -vhero laii.-i once .nd lim glentor pan. Baal amncy tallowa gage* an I the ca.lt «} -tem. kltt* cry paid no vv agaa ami j.nl ini momy In hand to Invit.t. MaattflMturtBg CMBpela Honey tocoine ami ta, i*. tad Ulcthe -j* vln*<*. hiink.i a* ;hey the ¦,-reitt bank., alni vv !-.|om and COUtagn iu llivent noni pummlc oppiwliiallbn IUI aobody hJdca money ta I slOOklag a* wa* donn ten year* ago, but put* lt over ,,i ili more nnd muru. Mun ifii.ture* are tlir.c-fourt'u* of progre.;*. ,1'ator- aiin, M. J., WiU founded by Alfian.br Miiiiillon, .tho miy organte, eonatrnctlTe, adenitis niimi na pecacaa A I,- aoacdrcd thcnlaca hefotncotton had been-spun on he power toma uiultTtttood eicept by a ten. Arkwright iidjiist perfa-eta.l bl* Invention*; Whitney waa not to nvr-nt th-* cotton gil for two year-.. Tho ptttMOMf gas orgiiulzcd al New lirunswlck, and John llaynrd, tho present *"cnator'« -*rcat uncle, wa* an incorporutii Oxen moved the nm macnlneiyat Paterson; in 171 thc -diawa.rm emMtt to bc cultivated there. Fifty yea ago the population wa* only 0.000. Three years ago lt hi panned ft 1,000, was the third place in tbe Htate, mo thoa tbree-tlfth* of thc people wen* native*., and the cai tal af rater*on wan *m_d-g -ilk mill., tu *ni-h nth towna ua Allentown, Penn., where there 1* a rt dunda' laboring popnlatlan. in imto hm nagaa paid 111*1 mill. exc,e,le,| -f.i.mw.OOO, of which New -J, 1*1 y iec.lv. half; IRS^OOOtOOO WSS expended In material*, chief raw .ilk, .ind the product wa* 941^)00,000 poraunun Mr. Jefferson hniH on<> flour-inlll whicli fulled; M Hamilton'. eolMUM employ* Ul,<mmi baud- on Bilk alot tai thi. country, radiating from Paterson, walch waa » eriginal creation. I wa* near thc town or settlement railed Amagansct aa the further end af Laug Island, toot ThillodaQT. BU m. .tina,- two editors from lag Barber I asked them Rooeoe conknhf*a father hail not nyrang from tin part of the island. Yes," .said one, "the ex-Senator' grandfather WM a farmer g| Aiiiii-.-aiis.-tt and sent hi ICa, Judge Alfred Cnnkling, to cnllcire itt Hclienectudl ind ha afterward settled lu that i*. iicral vicinity an amrried anal produced his sons ami daughters." BCarta Mr- Mi. -ti pi; 11 Prench pnaaritcdi "Not tong agc Mi Oonkllagaawa man from Rastera Long island with !iiiint>cr of w ild geeoe, and asked him where he shot IhOS gCCOO, The mau rctlccteil nnd llOWlyealdi ' 1 eliot tiler ..lithe bimi whare .vour father was burn.'** Kr. Conk iinif.it la mid, ezpreosed thc hope that ha aright som day beeouM the pooeeaaor agaht al Ma father's birthplace Referrtag to Mr. Ooukltag I may say that hi. forum political mends observe Of him that he had for some tim ba fane ha' li-ft the Semite a ristag passion tn act-uir mom}, whbii be hoped he might do at the btw, yet wa irresolute about letting go of ala parnanga aad brihseno in politic The ultimate catastrophe threw him upm this ncc.'ssity, of wltlcli h.-is makliii- good u*e. 1 lita tram another 'inaner thal he ha., two manta atotera, am liriagla Rochester ead another la Milwaukee, aad tha the latter write, poetry. The immediate aeeoelotooc PrasMeat Arthur do not express any curiosity or inter**. whatever la tho az-Seaator. it seeam tohanndentooi thut his inveighing sgalart all his former llcatananta ko to he a in.re, .mal repealed luforiuatiou he lui* carried uj to hiKh quarters thal he waa as sardonic ca Arthur aa 01 either Cornell or*a_ayce, produced a coolness there. Oni *hou!d never tell the truth to klug*. Mr. Po*ger*a relation* to our future politic* do not 1 v rita the populace as mucha* they do hie aeooctatco. 1 *eeni. that be ls the disturbing cause between tne youni machine adherents lathis city and their old commander, Of a cautious, somewhat hesitating nature, deeply re spelful of public opinion in the Interior ofthePtate with spell, nf riekncoa Which amy come from the body 01 may com,- bum the mind, aad without much " mixing' ability to carry his spirits on his sieve nnd let all tnt iiifiercnt dani peek at blin,Fol**crla daking down thi ville of year, comforted by Hie beautiful moral reflection! of George BUaa, nanoo rtowa Cf humuu .nature arc neal to ideal. The Beeretary of the Traaanrywao lust *nffieientij active in the scheme to renomliiate himself to make lt 11 mutter of st If reproach ami also to -five color to hil superiors' saying thal he haduobuslue!>sto commit thc Administration to ala passlea to tie oovernor. ne ha* imt-et 11 lil to change thc tnt-.il ollb-lal* In New-York 111 order to prov lite for the ¦ working " element here, whleh at'ia-s not net much pabulum from Mr. Robertson. Th* Praddenl might wish Polger to take eaeh e rcopoastMllty, but does imi like to give thc order »o to do. If the Preel- dentlal nomination could be secured, then no doubt th* order would be elven or a more pliant Peeretary putin the place. I'or after the nomination such things can lie done without CMd.g much outcry lu thc party. The Federal Hull, where Wa-dilngton wa* inatignraftd, wa* remodelled for the Capitol by Mata* L-*.taut The sumo engineer built the eatraragaat .anal at Paterson, R. J., ruined Morris bybolldtag bim .n;i-i guinea tai Philadelphia, prepared Ihe badge of the Boelety cf the Cincinnati, and drew the plan cf tt/ru.lugton City. He 11.1 ive.| for bis work a 'rai t of the 1 omiiioiis,.land now c.,valid.by pn..|>. rt} worth fen. of milli.ni-, -but de¬ din, d it ami put in a daba fora few haadred dellaro. H.* .ii. d mit t" ,1 punnet ca the Hana of Mr. injrge*, now Riggs's villa, near Washington. Mr. Ward's statue af Waahiagtoa eaa hoaneeradatby tlmt .!*«* which ha* no .it In r way of advertising it* knowledge of art, but eooatdertng the awhwardnem of the .it.- ha has judged wed. A Ufc-olae statue al that hciriii waaaiiai have seemed lasaltor than life and brittlied the occasion Hint purpose. Thc indi .-tal and the statue .111 in gOOd rclallou ila to sl/e. Ra MM tall doubt thc ina nu int of tne ficure andoraryona ann eec that thc iiioituiu. nt was aa afterthought li to in situation the mi.-t -tiikim: -tatile in New York, ,1 pier of the el,b and tlovv of hum.in life where men of physical achievement ought lo b.* and not iii hermit places. The best of thc \i Btta 1- ll- ltd. Illy the heaviness ,,f Ptimrt'S face ls not tnere, but the man is unmistakable. Ike sculptor ha* dan tl to tlo for WoohlagtOU'a limbs what Stuart dltl not do; we see the tremendous strength of the man nba.*.* :>i:s eon,.I i'..tsp his hor*e like a great vise cad wen almost dtopiupolIbmod to his body. HI. hand* the seulptoi io- -tuuted; Lafayette sahl toOeorgs Washing toll Parke Cootia lu 1835: - I in v. r -aw s,, _rft ii hand .an anv human ticing aa the GcocraTo; yu could only hold to OM khgW Of lt In your youth." Tho nose Mr. Wind ha. justly rendered, vvhi.h wa. th.cribedh) llai 1, tc* r.itin 1- as .. thick, iimi though ir bedttedhtoother features wus taaa. anarscl} ami -.troll*.'!}' funned to bc tin handsomest of it* das*." Thc ImprCOOlOB left by this -ta.tii.-ts tn.- i-oklles rilahllj amllnwlaa IntT thu n****a*rl* Irate, jet wltk bis strength and country mould good tut min} veal, to com.*. He WM Ct tin* tum* tl fly sll yeaia nhl and had eleven year* to live. Kui*} man whoaub- sa riln il taa put Un- statue where it is may feel .111 honor ab -alf re.pe. f. It till. Ucst lollilbl} ttl ll 11111-Illl ni t l'i. the greatest im nh nt in our history, thc rest ae >.f the Bimm tire powers of tho Republic from Parliament and their concentration to the hand* of tuc ab!, ,-t un_i Hbo could tv ;.:.i Hi. iu sim. Ollrer cromwell. Thc Inauguration of General Waahlngton waa thorin- Lieatlon of Cromwell after thc lapse of 13ft yean. Iha 11.'tu.ni} w.is .limos! identical; like < romwell, ffaaMnf- tonwas twice inaugurated! h..- tar.r dsstred lobe ¦illletl tin* < bl- Ma-vi-tr.ile, but the wa,lal I'lotector WOO ulbered to bet mae it had been used i.v formerEngttoh Reata. Tto Long Parliament, <>f which our Oontinontal .undress was m u'i a copy, bad usurped the executive mw irs of thc Mverelgn ait.r deposing blas, aad con* aptly si rel red hto [patronage and would not terminate in ir e \ i-t< ace. < om wei i, after walting thirteen yean oi ile ni to order mew election and after tbey had ru* ..ita ally briaken faith with thc anny and thc Nation, urned them out. rhelr committees had exercised the icctttlve functions as our continental emigre** dltl, md lt to ebal* fioiti the promptness with which Mlake md the mtv v for-ook Mr Henry Vane, the tandur of the ia'..ii committee, that the victorious element of the na¬ loo demanded s Praahleat The sam.- second though! the 1 "i'l. lui. to t urti out their emigre*., then lour cen .tears old, ami raise a Protector with an " liistru- iteiit," or constituiioii, to regulate him. They chow thc tomwell Of thc dav,Hi.' niau who hud driven tho Klug mr of thc canntry. september I. it'> ". i,' i.unwell was Brat Inaugurated af ¦, .st minster Abbey, escorted by a proi -coolon, ho in a na. li. ld* In*ard a sermon, aa Washington did, luimtMll- tdl after Iha ci lemony. Then he weat to the Painted bamber .lose i.v. took a seat nu a platform abare tho Urila.mut, aad then rislag, aaearered, nurio an mangu ;il address, beginning: "Ocndcmdh, you are here ui>oii im greatest oeeaeta that I believe EngtaadCTcr saw. . .Mun}, t) Lord, my Qodl are Thy wonderful ,,iks. The natural magtatney of thc Nation as almost trampled umbi- foot tither Mates nprored their ona ami spoiled our nmuutaeturc of loth, whick la thc gnni duple i.amdtty af thlo Hu¬ on. ... a fn*.- Parliament [drain abore my life. I *|H*:ik these thlags aot aa oac who aaannma to im-i if doiiiliilon ov.r yon, but aa one who doth resolvo , be a fellow-servant with you." Hence comet) thc ord "public servant." Mya Charles Knight In lils Itototy of Rngtaadi " in it* whie raage and careful es- lan.it mus, ii lui* consldcral.lt' rc.it lubiana' to tho ccchce "f the American Prcddi ni- " laya I- A. ardtaer, In "Ihe Purltaa _orotadon**] "Thc Ital a lent of Cromwell'* tiovcruuicut wa* tho Iii- -t of hun red* nf written Constitutions which have dum spread i-er thc world, of which tho American I.i the most SCO- .lciious example." Tin- statue of Washington nu tho spot where he VTii* in- iguruted u thus a tribute to the sagacity mid republl- nil-.ni of oliver Crumvvcll. Ho hail nollxcdtcrm of ¦CO, but IhC H'"vt step h.- made forw arti wasthooro- Jon of ataauta la htnak tho predatory Canad thoOaa>* ress or Common*. Titi* wa* vated by dm i'ai'llaiiieiit ino year* lifter the first Inauguration in an; kmended unstlttttiun. Tho President also took a Cabinet or mindi of Htate. Hu rejected tho title of King which as fairly voted to him, and on June'JO, 1057, wa* a 'tomi time tuiiiigurated at- o'clock In the afternoon lu 'estminster Hall. He htood under a canopy of state i-i received u velvet robe ami a Hilde; a sword waa rited around him and a gold sceptre pit in hi* hand, ad the Hpcukcr of tho Commons ndd-ctaed him. Crou.- ui thcu took tho oath upou thc fcrlj, lures aa our Pres!- dents have ever *lnco done, but did not make a speech. Cromwell was first inaugurated at thc agc of Hfly-flfC. ami next at thc age of fifty-eight, and ho died on the an¬ niversary of his two greatest vlctoric* at the a*re of fifty- nine. Hi* splendid government perished after his death because the people were tired of too much formal moral I ty and w-anted beer and fun. The lesson rn ed not tic lott on our over formal classes. HUM John ti. Thompson ha* abandoned his pursuit of tho office of hntgjaarri at Arms of Coti-rrcss, lt doe* no narin to stale that in a recent visit Mr. Thompson paid to Mr. Tilden In tbo (irani,ny Park mansion In company with JudgeMeatany, of Hamilton, ohio, Mi. Tilden said: "You have an BUdOfOtaUding with Kundiill. have you not I" Thi. he repeated and expressed ln< interest In Kandiill's election. I mein iou the matter, of which I be¬ came ii formed thfUUgh iin Incidental coir, alsation, only to show that Mr. Kandall hus been handicapped anti not helped ky -Mr. Tilden. Behind Randall m.m.v members, who wert- far from lilli a against the liirlfT, fcn<*il that a Tilden boom wa* eCnCCUlCd and that OOUgn VM would Iifl Industriously worked in Hu- formation of the committee*", etc., [to eoiiliniie the Tilden regSMg ov. i- the country pies, ima tim merely emotional party folliw imf. At tho head of Hil* felling wa. William K. Morrison, a>r liam,is. Hie true tircinii/er nf the Cai lisle fore .- lu lin* Northwest and who waa genenllmima for M. c. Kerr agates! Han ililli In the :-|m,alt. r-lnp COOtOSl Sig.I year*, imi. He and Cox were put at the foot .af tin* elaM lol' eppudttg Hiinil.lll ufter thc hatter became ¦peaheri benns the Coi move¬ ment to hoop* dew-York bum gulag to Kendall while tho darthned ku. -1« Cbritaha On pmbaMr at/tat under¬ stood his en n moral a-.nc} iu the matter. His antipathy to Randall was Bead to stand him np, like IVi kin War- beck hythe irish ITenfnna af thu Ifteonth century, tor King of Kiigluud. Morrison, through hi* oonahi, Don .Morrison, of ft. Ililli*, had a strim*.- iulhu rn*.* in lb. Mis¬ souri delegation, winch was om- of the ibu ibl.i minim,' om *. if Partista is t ha i< d, Marrlaan viii eeaerpi a* tho Wai vt uk of this contest, anti his effort, will I..-cont lulled to sahjngaAe tha Tilden boom. He tonghi in the Mexican war ami lu the I'nlon army, and is a scion «:" old I'reueh Kaakaahta, The N'orthwe»t want* free lumber anti free salt, nnd that 1* why Carlisle ls so strong in Mllehig.m, Wisconsin, etc. Syracuse, Jt. Y., dictate* thc prue* -t-alt. From Warsaw to Genesco, N. Y., rock salt ls being dtoCOS Ml d. Michigan for two election* ha* behaved strained)-; lt was a Democratic Mata until Iha slavery -pic .-Hon cam. up. Micliiiiitii *alt, like Kanawha salt, I* often l*.'.-ul.iteil lu produetittu from New-York. Qnmyi might nat tho Carlisle ;ila-moer.icy'conclude toilet New Vork -wo amt .eek to revolutionize the Northwestern .States for 1 ->-1 I Count Za. haroff showed mc Patti's Itoudoir car yctcr- day morning, or one {nearly like iit. Colonel Manu, tho inventor or promoter, 1* also here. I ¦ndereCB.i that ho wa* a Georgian, possibly a hotel maii, vv ho went lo I'.u- rope and worked up a sleeping ear system and ottered it to Mr. Pullman, who preferred to tait his own *v-tem thither. Count Zacharofl said that sixty three Conti¬ nental railroads have now adopted this -} stem. The two ears now ready arc completely of American manufac¬ ture; the embossed or leather work, which resemble* bronze, 1* mada In New-York; the prevailing Hut of tho ear lining, of amaranth wood from India, i- a subtle dink red. |l"he exterior of the car .1* a dark MUS and ov er tho windows ure design* in stained nhmt. A paasagrwap runs alt.ng the bide nf the car lrom end tv end, and at imo end Ua space for ladies travelling alone shut oft by ft door acron, the corridor. At the other end arc a buffet, small smoking room aniliwiionw/i'i, Several stateroom* of*..creal si/,--., tenm eenncctedL make, in day, bgMah compai-tmcnt* with a baggage Betting; a tabbi hilt turu.* Into a ladder, electric, bril and berth., either two ur four In number, arro**, not lengthwise of the car, each berth single and none of double width; Hus, ha nhs become two seat* by tlay. Ventilation I. chastened by collecting Hit* air lu a funnel and paaaB.g lt through iee, shavins* anti water to take out the soot and dust, and th. ii Vc inu¬ it M at the corridor floor to ga out through tl.e -tate room top. Jly the Mann system more privacy I- WCUfUdM HM Capeaao of room ami vivacity, aud, I may add. liirht. Tho parlor Mn wo already poOSOOl contain the corridor within the saloon, and tin- night cars, hy the 1. BgthWlM arraagenmnl ut bei tbs. also contain Ih How io walk through thc train amt preserve all thc wiil.h. air and light la still tba* pro'.l.m. The I'lillmau and thc M.iun cur each accommodate twenty four pusmuj* hists a in i rr LIFE is hats. QCESnON* OK Rl'MTAI. AM) M>C*TIOV.a OMI nr.T ann economy. Flat-life is pushinir out thc iioii*»'-<lw, lit i*. in all direction, before the inv-d-.tll.le pre.siii,- of iii.-;.* ami thc advaucc of rentals. That there arc certain un.|tie*- ttoaaMe adraatagM tu carefully planned .nut yroyt ny built apartment house* ev IdCUt from their appeanUMC In suburban rrgtaua and eren in thc Harli m dlatrict whare lt ta yet practicable to tiny lots ami .*r. rt ICg ICUte housei at a modonte rental, lint like every aatried amdocf life it txiii t* a thorough apprenticeship before om- learns how to av old lt* most objection.ma* tt and to mahn sure of its bet condition*. To families i Ith a modest luCOUM the facatfoua of tim* and ctpenee eontrol thc s.-i. ctimi of a r. -!,b u< ... A l-u Journey nliclit and morning and the carly ami late hon:« Involved become |a senou* hunlen to Um men, and lt b matter of grave Imiiortance to shorten the rime beta eel Inline ami work. As .vt there are few rltftbhl (lat.-, in Hu lower purl of thc city, for small income*. Sixty ar oar* enty dollar* [a month 1* near the mark for an attractive .my apartment favorably situated, anti thCHUMil at thoroughly leopeetabta famine* must stop at fort} m lilly. A much larger doss Hud their limit at tw-jutj-Ilve dollars. t.li hiv: up the h.-ihIi l.elow Tim t> fourth .t...,n,i Ihlag like a ratio of lt-sining rentals marks i.n h m ..' ap town. 1-or example M the belt of I itt i.t li or Sixtieth si., tvi.ntv -live .ir thirty dollars will command the renting powers <>f forty or Ifty brinn rori. s.a-a,iiii st., while la Harlem attmedre, theroaghly built apartment houses am gulag ap In Ml directions with i oonuspondlng eontrari hotweea expenditure* ami. eoaaanadadoaa. There I* ail the dlfcrfnet in the world Here aad there ncalawagt an oeenpylag naaouud, I ¦.' drain.si or *' nude " gro:iml.» -aktmptau th.* lots ott iiinir up iiiiirovv.-nilitia.', i.adiv appointed yet outward attractive (lat-, avoiding all precaution-, against i'll from Hits, ami baiting their fallaeloiis premises wltn slaaawt balls, muraars ..ml other ela|a-trap. lueivftieioii. attraction*. One mai.t learn how te discount nil tilt-, alni hunt ap honestly built bouses ca wholesome soil. Tben. as good wine aeedsno hush, lt will he found thnt reaiiv desirable Oat* ure not »ver tricked "dressed " tor market, iiiis preltmlniuT search to a ritel matter, and t va rv tbiii-f depend* upou Its thorouchneso. Of course there are man} Rides to lh>- flat-life ipie.tt.ui. So there are* to the separate dwelllinr qm edon. Hut tlure are itootl sides that are nut always Ik.iic in in lin in reviewing thc whole matter, For instance, it ma} i* a-,-' down al once thal the apartment otters gras! inoliey cou slab rations to the modest as well as thc generous Income. Mam* of the 'elegant " show " Hat* otter luitirv cad eon venlenees for 91,900OT S'.'.OOO a year that cwultl mit bo had iu separate dwellings for f bree times dm amounis| willie Hie less preteutloll* are equally favorable to their teimata, It 1* possible tu proi'iire a thoroughly ooaatert- alile. roomy, attractive apartment In a satisfactory neighborhood for $350 or $450 a year amt below Sixti¬ eth *t., but w here can a respectable and otjiially cllj-iblo Uou»e bc bed for double the m.,nev I There are many economics which Inuit'to the flat- dvvi Uer In servant*, safeguard., convenience*, securities Bgaluat mal eudoia and intruder*. In e. well Janitorial apartment thc vexation* aud practical bothers at deanm¬ ill- routine are reduced to a minimum. Where a sniail separate dwelling rcpilm. two or three doun-etlcs, ono captible servant will sufllee for a small flat, with CCOn- siaaiial assistance on the heavy day*. Beside*, there is no hitch about tin- water qaeettou. The engine in the baan* nicut settle* all that, and lhere I* a strong pressure at *_| the faucet*. Steam hcainig ls al-o applied so skilfully that the discomfort aud dirt of stove* mri grates may bo done awaj with. lt is weal for the flat hunter to explore nclcbborhootto thoroiorhly. By nil means walk around the mean. Ono well known flat ts lu the rear of an orderly but noisy minto society club house, aud manya night 1* sorely broken tu upon by orchestra arti clniriu amt al.trna* ami festival. It is better to pitch upon a flat that stand* somewhat isolated, anti thal tim* not abut npmi the rear of other Hals; this touche, the matter of privacy nml ventilation. Flat* etamtj or ninety Ive tact deep stretching tbniuxh a bl... lt from atreet ta street, wimbi lind but ten feet between their kitchen Windows. High ground ta always dealrable, semiring better drainage and ventilation Thero ls-.-leal tonic ami rrparatlve villus lu Mien. c. A rilli neighborhood to IndtopeiMable, <Crom si ree Is, free flinn ear mutes, central denote and niiicb- travelltri thoroughfares, provide this. An l people well experieaerd .house the upper Boor, when tbe peneena* at life I- liss felt. If you an- Judicious jon will maka-your Hist contract hythe mouth, until you have th-roughly Studied the situation ami are familiar with tt* In* and outs. The trouble I* that.the Hat-dweller |. apt to url ovc| fastidious and S.BCtlUg, amt falls into the tcili|itatl,ill cf palling up and trying aaotber venture audei luaoalsmul ami even fri voluu* anno} aacea. HR UDDER ROM CI. CS'S CADIS I.ACoSKS. from life. Dc wist; nquir'l 'tends ail de plttlcal meettu'* to Un* out whose cohn am golu' to stair' out tn the shock all wint.ih. It am thc chap dat hain't shuah 'bout alln. Imbin' a clean shirt dat has his coat made to button right up tu do chin. Dar am a heap moah folk* In dia wort'dat limp'kaae dey w'ar tight boots dan'kase dey dun fall lame a wuckiu* to am au bone*' ll bm'. A patch am a heap easier to karry 'bout wld yo' dan a tailor's hill dat yu' byau't pay. Pooty felles In dis worl* ain't **in"rally good fur much 'ceptln' Je*' to look at; de rose bush doan' pan out well when yo' cum to lay lu pd »lulah Uah vv .uni. Life am often »lch a long thread dat lt dun simp* lu dc middle Tum lt* owu heft. De chap dal am moopin' obcr hoein' out bis tater patch ain't ap' to see all do Urdlu tallia's ob hto nabar s.

New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1883-12-02 [p 3].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1883-12-02/ed-1/seq-3.pdfGreatly matter whether it was hoardornot. '1 murnini* pupate wen

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li ia.u tiie IHWI coBnrspoNDENT or TIIE TRlBrLoxnox, November 1."

M. tlc Lesseps is understood tn consider him*shabbily treated nt thc Lord Miiv ni's dinner.

vjas not IK** i> kkkl nt that upper table whcelebrities are ciiiiinuuilv planed, hut WM mergedth,, liss diatingniahedmnltitnde whieh throngs'l,o,lv <>f the Guild.nil bnnqnet.lg hall. It is-.ie

hie enough that the City authorities un.int If,Laanene to perceive thnt between the ee-tfanate*upon his position by hi* Kicmh admiten, arniestimate of London, th. ic is a dilterence ns beyedoubt there j*-. His tpeeeli eoold nat ba beard,friends coiuplaiu. lt was iu french, and it did i

Greatly matter whether it was hoard or not. '1murnini* pupate wen kimi enongn to translateand neither in its original nor itu tranMat'-d lo

WM much comfort to bc trot ont of it for I hos.* w

arc ititenMed in thc n form of thc present nnd 1i onstnit liam of a ftltuve canal. Plenty rf tboae li

words which arc pcoviTidally said te butter

pa'.Ipa, but «.f pledge or deinite propoaal Cot i

jirovcnicnts. not ,-i syllabic.Nor tm* th.- feeling with regard to lt de Lean

lunch improved since. Various conferences hu

been held between bini and the lending ship-nwnoThere has been, I think, a sincere ctVi.rt on the piof thc representatives rf thc gnni commercial int.

arfe rf Leaden to dleeover aoanc eoaunon groundaction with thc master of the Suez Canal, lt 1

lint succeed, ll. M. ile Lesscps shows lin sign-yielding on what are In rc regardedMvital pninile coiuinits hiinsctl to no comM.iOM in respecttoils, tu* rf dividing fairly a ith the English the gteminent t.f the canal company, ol ot those admintrntivc reforms most urgently needed. Perhapsis too soon to expect him to do so. Ile is goingLiverpool anil to Neweaatle, He lias to make np 1mind as tn the stale rf opinion not in London on!but in thc meat patti rf the North. He has to n

i-fy himself how ranch nones and debtininati.HMM may bc at the bi .itom of rival schemes: -inwmd. to make sure what ia thc least eoneoaaion th

will, not satisfy, but silence, Engtifh OppoaHInaud leave him, as he means to bc, undisputed mast.

of the Isthmus. Mr. Qladatone saul not a word

the dinner to lessen the mischievous effect rf h

previous statcnients, awl M. de Laaeepa may bc e:

cnaed for thinking that he will still bnveaomeaiand comfort from the Government of Great Britniin his struggle w ith I lie merchants and ship-owneof Great Hritain. An odd stat.- rf things, truly.M. de Leanape*a nyeeeh al liinitj Houae last nit;!

¦hawed how strongly this idea of ultimate help fro:

the Ministry against the people rf England lu

possession of his mind, "lam herein Englandsaid he, .' in a friendly Country, to conn to an undistanding with those who have been opposed to theGovernment. The Government have had the widom anti thc good-will to reconcile their inti rcs

¦with those of the pomona who ha\>- provided th

passage for England and for the whole world. Tl(loverimient are wisc and prudent, bnl the pcpLave failed to follow them." Yes, M. de Leaaepnml the failure will continue, and \, ii your eournfand unconquerable energy will be Inadequate to tltusk of coaxing or frightening thc Engliab pcpinto is surrender of interests \ ital to its (onum-rce ithe East. M. ih Leaaspa plenda thnt they who fnnishtil thc capital ought to have the chiefaban ithc prolit-i. Perhaps they OOght, but in that ca¬

the ruler and i-eoplc rf Egypt wouhl come io forgreat dial more thnn they ha>. yet i> reived.

The new Lord Mayor is a lunn of more than Mill

energy of character, anti has thc munge rf h

opinions. Ht has proved both by withdrawing tlpermission he had Inadvertently given to HeiStocker. Court Chaplain at Berlin, to holtl a m.-e

ingintheMansioii House. Tl.aLord Mayor Fowhdoes on the csprtss groiin.l that Hen BtSek.rwaaleader in the Jew-baiting rf n hlch llerlin has late]been thc headquarters. The Jewa In the City,need not say. arc numerous nnd powerful, and thcbrought prtssurc Maaffc t<< near on tha t hit f angilIrate of London to outweigh thc strong religionfeeling on the other side. The mat lei is liol of deeimportance, but anet aa a.t is at least asefol as

protest against intolerance of a peculiar]) disgraceiul kind.

Agnosticism lins not been excluded from Parliaincut by ihe exclusion rf Mi. Bradlaugh. Mr. P. A

Taylor, the impacted number for Leicester, halieen expres-mig iu print opinions which, ii not etheistic. arc probably more damnging tollu- orthodo:theology than atht-i.sin pun and simple. Science, fihil*riew, whether aeientifie naen mann it mr not, i

the irreconcilable enemy rf Christianity in it- ih.L'matic form. Even agnosticism is hostile t<> a popelar theology which pretends to know what it doenot know, be,ans*' thc doctrine rf agnosticism ithat there are some things which not only arc nu

known but cannot be known poaitivi ly. lt is ih. re

fore dishonest ii. peemensi t« know ih,-m. Thc ex¬

istence of a Deity Mr. Taylor neither approves noidenies. Thanapenntnral. Deity included, belong'to the region of the unknowuble.There is nothmir novel in Mr. Taylor's position

It is the position rf Darwin anti perhape rf HmleyWhM questioned as to th. ir belief in miracka or I

future state, they answer simply that there is nol

evidence enough to satisfy a mimi acenatomed to dc-(ide on evidence alone, and not by help of faithAnd it is just this demand for evidence which i*

making moat havoc with theology. If a man is lt

batten only what erm be proved.bnl Innaoinitoo far. 1 only nieanr to snugest that sn. I: cham¬

pions of the faith ns Lord Randolph Churchill mightIrv their hands en Mr. Taylor, lt night even bcworth while to reconstruct the Fourth Party inorder to eipel him from thc Il..ii-.* of Cownona.The Fourth Parly, howevt r, may md be in med ..(

leeanntraction. There has never been evidencenong- of its dissolution lo sat i-fy the scientificstudent of politics. Ami only a few daya since,apropos of ihe departure for India rf Mi. Oorat, -.v bol-elongs to it, iis nontbpieee in the press. Bu Moming Tost, proclaimed its vitality In no doubtfultums.

Nobody' seems to W nen naefnl ta Engliab Tot ieathan the newest American aposth rf that Badieal-ism -whose motto is plandar, Mr. Henry George. Ifind Mr. ll. C. Richards, future (ons, native candi¬date for the borough of Northampton, qnothlgthefollowing as a passage from Mr. Henry George: whoRays, respecting American institutions:Wc tlo not even get a cheap Government, Wi

might keen a Royal Faniilv nnd niiuiitaiu pala.es,provide tfiem wita courts ami guards,masters ofrobes, aud rangers tal anna, for much less than is¦wastell and stolen under thc nominal Governmentnf the people. The ordinary citizen hus no more in¬fluence in thc Government under which he livesthau he would have in China, Th*erperiateat afpopular tjorertn.ent in the I 'tuted Stiles is clearly afailure.Well Bay Mr. Kichards say lhat if this had lm n

uttered by a Conservative, it wonld have hi enrailed a libel on republican institutions. Whetherii kt ih.-1, -s a Iiin I in the mouth of a Socialist, is ataoatna for enifhedy tn answer to his on n liking.A summary of the note from Mi-s Hognitk ta Mr.

Ouvry published in Thk Tiiin-.vr of Nov. mb. r l.t.has been tel, graphed to The haily Sewn bj it-NewYotk torre-poiidetit. Thereupon Th* Haily Stirs,which sonic time ago denounced thc printing ofthan Dickens letters as supeiUuotis end imperti¬nent, rUaaaaann all desire to enter Into the cm-

troversy; ar,d then burrows its way in a little'deeper. Miss Hogarths mate d.«a not beni the in¬terpretation put upon it, thinks this non-combat¬ant. It doe* not appear to sanction, or in any wayeven t. contemplate, the publication of the feltersin question, but merely expresses tho writer's w ill-H'gnesK that Mr. Ouvry should keep them. The ideathat, they w,re to be kept as autographs is*4 con-elusive"' against thc |*Asn of publication. Mr.<)nvry'8executors unfortunately sold them. Could*ir. Ouvry have foreseen thia indiscretion, thanCan be little doubt ho would have destroyed tin m.

bnch, at least, is the view of a writer who has nodesire to enter into thc controversy. Should he byand hy chango his mind, and decido to toke n handin the dispute, ho will doubtless provide himself*«uh adjectives of amore belligerent quality thantuchmild and inoffensive terms as superfluous and¦npertinent.


The innumerable body of interviewers in Americimust yield tho palm to a rival who is not even English: to M de Wow it/, who hails, appropriate!1enough, from Bohemia. He has made his way ta th.presence of the most inaccessible sovoreiratn in Eu

¦Ufa- tho Kultau of Turkey, and he records in liv,columns of The Ttmee the obstacles he had t" over

come, nnd thc conversation which follow til upon hilsuccess. The whole letter is one of the noelaiiiii-iiig .vcr published; anti is most charaat-i isl i,

ot its anther, M. ile Howitt tahm btnnlf ro serioneil that he all but indues his readers to luke biaseriously also. His vanity, if one must Me tinwi.nl. ls of that open and candid quality which persimiles one lo pardon it; while of hil energy, in

genuity, resource, and assurance then never wit'

anv ijuestion whatever. He is, it must be said, a

Tiircophilc; believes in the regeneration rf Turkeyhy the Turks ivvith sonic help from M. de HI,twit/Aand whatever he says must be taken w itii due allow¬ance for his point rfvicw. Nor, after nil, is ilienmuch of real moment in whal the Sulttm, wainuithat his wolds would not est ape publicity, said tn

his interlocutor. What is interesting is the writer"ipicture rf palen nnd rfnehd life in Constantinople,liis \i\itl narrative, nnil his account rf thc Sultan.

Nobody, p'*_epe- has looked on that gnat potent*Mle, fan'to face, with such a talent itu nice obser¬vation ami lifelike portraiture ns If. de fflowHc.Thc letter, in short, is a masterpiece iu its kimi, andTin Time*, with that peculiar tact in joiinialisin ofwhich il has the secret, publish,', it in that remote

portion rf n- voluminous and outer pages knownas Um " penal settlements.'*

The title rf Mr. Marion Crawford's new book isannounced nt an evening Journal as "(tin* Favorite..sham." Hut unless Mr. Craw ford has changed hismind since last night, ldc t it It- will be .. To Lee¬ward." This might seem to indicate that he was

about tuenler into competition with Mr. Clark Rus-si-ii. Bul h.* is n,,t. The tale, whatever title mayfinally be fixed on, has nothing to tlo with the sen.

Mr. Crawford returned last night from a short pil¬grimage 1" Scotland iii company with bis um le. Mr.Sam Ward, ami goes in a few days to Hoine. uh. iv

be will spend the winter and write another book.

To thc short li-t rf English daily papers whichpub.sb pictorial illustrations of current events isnow tia beudded Tke I'all -faff Cast-Mr. Its lateaiart-ctlort is a portrait of Mr. Saitkey, or perhape itis Mr. Moody. Thc one before that was an Interiorrf the mw Alhambra Building,now near completionami lifting t>> the light rf Li keafer Square a hideousiiiiile blue front; relieved and bedizened withmuch garish ornamental ion. The only truly fire¬proof building in London, say its builden; i atute-incut w Inch, in the due fruit ion of time, is likelyenough lo be teated. The***. PuttMail pictures, itshould be sahl, do not attain to much more thanoutline thawing-, and will not, it may be hoped,provoke inuch imitative rivalry. 0. w. B,



[mon Vt <><< v-uovai. coKKi.st'ovi'ivT ur Tiir Tim-nsr]l.nMlaaS. \aa\a lilla, I IO.

Thc manners anti customs ulHui verj yoongmea arc In gatbetic language, ."¦ dlatmctly pndoui " i

.ailedon om ol then youths >c-t.nl.,y maning, (kali- to say, at .. po-t nun.lian ii;alf past 4/*.IhlaUag t<>

lind Iiiiu up aiid dressed ready to u» tor .ni af!, rica,.n

.. lurch," a- it i-1 elk *, and asake a call or two. I found

low out a.f bed, it is true, but bj no means rcniv t.. *.-" oulmt,, th. d.imp, lo-qa streets. He was arrayed la a blackvelvet di. .ins snit llaed witha.it* rsatinand waatryingto cat a i.n alfa-t eora].i rfkol plekle -.ui.lv. I, in -.

aini eggs serve*] n anekovyleoat Bis toilet laipk¦mata, ail of fold, were laid enfnlnadresring-rooa.He nt ct travels without a .in .-int" bet eoutalnlng -m.'

lat* precious ol'jett- aa Veil a-clirar anal la.'ar. ti.* a ,.-,

nil in what i believe is called eighteen can! -"id .<m thetable hiv-.cud sets al -inti*, tor ny friend kad svlfeatly beera -mable t.. decide upon tbe sd be should w.*.,r

la tko c., iiiiu.-. 'i'la areal neutral Xortk forelandli.msc di,nm.ml-stud li.tvinu- gone out of fsakton, ktbeeitat.ig betwei a Bk - mad,* <>f aappfctrea and .iia-uoinl-,beetles ol emeralds and dlamonda, ead spider* withbodies of eataeyea, diamond legs aad ruby fceads. Theown, 1 ol th,-' IgTMaklll Jewel, lool.ca! ucl.He confessed to helm* anita wont oul bj tic <-..iii.ni oflaying na elotbes .Web kia la.or kadi.it taken sway.The operation had been a severeont and kad laated for along willi.-. Not unnaturally I aaked vi lia: lu kad ore"- redfor Ike winter.

" on," Kiid he, " I have hi, n v, rv , eonomlcal thiter. I kare only ordered aa oven.I llaed with Idozen <>f white waistcoat., aad four salle of eveningclothes."

I linpiirid whare wits the bread to tlii«'int<.'ar.al.lt-quantity ol ruck, theaaoralog elotbes to correspond toH-Jali.lt.steamss of festive rahneat. Tboreplj waaInala, ¦teri-tlc:-I bave ordered bobs stall, ii ks staple waete of

money io order winter morning elotbes wheadon whit, r

in London. lt lu alwin--dark before li'" "H, and ltima. time to drem for dinner at once, "fonwouder at

iu> wiiitc waistcental i never wear ene twice. Thejarc nseleas after the] havt* been u sshtd Th.-y m var f.tafter they bave beea la the elntehes <>f ths laundress."I Towmrd '.. ..v;..<k ire-Staed la-r-stfcre al Ihe Ortoa.¦,whore th.. " boy " I* eici*!!. nt mu! tbs eooki iv v. rv good,or Mr. "Sam" "A nr-1 woultl not ba Men then mi frctpieiitly. Tln-n we w.-ntto the Gaiety Theatre. Myroang friend asverorders a single stall for any theatre,but alway* two In case he ihonld meet a friend Pronthe theatre me went, after looktnt* tn at two clnbs, to atheatrical ¦upper-partj wbtch laated till 4, aad tken totd, ii.ii caril (lui., win i. tin- bankerwan baring, f..r once,abed time, i gotaeek in Bt Jaame'i *t. al S o'cluch.md -., illina to bed, leaving ngr young friend and two,., ort nu.'i. ol Ihe -ann vt a, a.f thinking bard at it. Tbejtold me tho game rarely breaks up till 7. and ra Bunda)inornlags somctlBan boM* ".rat till ebureh Uaw whickexplains the u-< leeenees oi moraing dress.

Th. tim ¦. Liken! aaemliers wbo bavi '...n woniMlednoverely wini.¦ ..ut -hooting til.i sututna sre likelj to gelocr their difli. ultli h better thea could have been ea

Mr. WI.IU.rand. Ml. M. Ailinn .and Ml. Pl ¦.

will all get well, alUMOfb both Ute latter -nfl. r a partialloee ft eyi tight, fin -.* at ld, nta, sud the death of poor..jo,." Leeman from acoldeaugbl wkile ont si.Ung,would seem le show that ihe Liberal-; are dead mit ofhu :.*. wera lt aoi for Ihe aet -blent lojthai Rae old porta*man, Tory and patron of tke drama, the Dukedtort

'Hui.* in m. ii'atti.t Ulai tin- Call fran whleh theDuke ii Mherina wa- a very BOVen one. Nosooner did tha newe reach London than Un* -pia,!int' and dramatic wm!,! watt stirred lo it" lama i

depth-1, f.-r i.i- oin..- la beloved by everybody,There ls semi thing peculiarly i;na-ii--t» shoal Ihlathorou-.li ijrmttt seigneur whi.h endears iuni io ali ekokoowhim. He beggn life, too.ger the disadvsntage ofhaving bad a amgatieBntJlBtlmr kolora kim. Tko lateluke ggured, vi Idle vet only Marquis of Womat! r. lu thetlr».r ,|ii.i,lrlllc'tlain ed at Altnaek's, and wa. in OVerj re

speet the glan el faskloa and the mould of form ilewae each n tlmmngh-gatng dandy andaoasagnlBeenl inbm way of doini- things tbat after njeylag iiii un onie ofstghtj thousand steritng tar many yean he wae obligedto-liv-* upon twelve thenaand while thseetaU recovt redItaelf.aad debta wen paid off. - great proportion <>f

inoiicy am spent oa thal nunan lastltattoo Ihe Badmtn-lon Huni, imt tho old Dukewnestnvagaal laeverrjtblnir and looked generally on life lu a superb kind ofwai. ilk. the !¦>-' Dake of Buckingham win n the bitternobleman cam. t<> grief andwm obliged to act bia bonnIii order bc wan asked to eat down lil- t iiorni'iii. staff of? rv.int.. ll'* lopped oil au anny or footmen, ¦.*.rna,and**ee!pen kn bia friendly advl-cr imt.,1 that In r<*

taiind on his Hst, insides .a fermldable arra} et cooke,two Italian < onfcirlloln -ls, and objected to th,-,'an en¬

tirely superfluous.J" Confound it," said the Dake, .. cant a awn kave aMeeut! **Mi hit giannisherry i"Thin aaaedete Munt ra tea eaaetty what I aeeaa by thc

iiiiiniiti,, nt may ot leohlagSal lUafa BvaryeeeoaaslealIdiot lt ready willi olis.i*rv allon, abont Un- m-cessltn*-. <.flite. What are tb, necessities of _% j -

arn pcrHonally a

andsraia ana nn<i eontent wfthehampagM and newglena once a day, but my young Mend aban cited n-ijuii-ei, hi addition, u white.waistcoat per day, and nukennerti luau} Iht.fi to eutcrtaln their friend, w llhal, ai for JInstance, a moor for grousn suda lanai fur deer- .-talklf,i», -pod pnnerves for pheasants, anti j.lent} of nhnnttugover farmlands for parinIdgnfja*I hare., soma ral-hlt-a-h.antill*.: for mid times, a (yacht, a foiir-in-hand with a

dmiiile tiain. al least, horse* anti carriages lnuuuieriil.lofor firdinary u-e, a private Hansom cab, several sheetingpenlee, several bouses completely monthes, a villa tm tln*

Rlvlcra, a 1-ox at Melton, a ditto at Newmarket, a dittoat .the opera, and a string of race-hordes. Are these

aries of life from thc corn-beef and cabbage pointof view I

ApiofHtt itt aahhaffc Lord Loudf-thorough, who marriedLady K.iitb gaananat, tuc charming sister of the presentDuke ul Beaufort, has a private kit*;lu*u garden of his

own near London, covering several acres, In order thhe may have what he likes, In season and out afeeanWhen Lord Lotidest,orou**!i, who ls a ma-rnltlccut cone]

Ulan and crack shot, engaged his last gardened he sn

to that .functionary: " Please 'recollect that I am fandFrench betti*, and .Ilk.' them on my tabbi ev erv dav

*The caril.-n.-r said: "Yea, my lord, every day In tlseason." Lord Ixindcatiorongh rejoined In his tuc

melodious ton,-.: "i nhl nothing about the maamvsitial i vi ry day." And he haa French bama with li

ranleen n CMetaas Day the venkma bel.g Iha leahI.nek-, or rather .iiavlnr-," fattened like nu n In the RalTins betel andemtood, it ls eaay to see that n eatabttalnient ilk.- the nadmliilna Runtoaetanancy. lu the,,duli,*-.. Hmil. al l.a«t four hundred people, iii'lu.lltignests, their sci v ant-, the bruise 'servants nt Bad-dateand the huntim- ci-tabli-diincnt, dined tinily iltirlutf tl

hunting season at his expense, and he also spent I 1"'

money on a Yeomanry r.-s'inietit known BS the CNCMSIma.be.Hassan aateered bf UM beal families in'.tlcounty. Hut the liit.lniintoti Bunt waa, and te th) put).a> nf the Duke »f Decafmt Not only ledbraerafivtded tn the profii*. -ivie eenama al .great connti

hon.es, imt fur limn tportsmea nbc am tea Und tn wiconic In loo late for full tire., parada- there i- s -uppl>military M.rl nf coffee-room dinner, at which they enji.a'.lth.- treefern of s h.>t.i, with ihs difference that foeanal Ariah sre h. nod aa the] rsm be, and thatthennearing to pay. Then ia- aothtag .mt of thia country rn

in it ilk.* Badndutea tor amgnlnecnl hospitality aa

general splendor. Th.* Duke of Beaufort Isklauelftlmost p.rf. i!t ii.ainu real uh veil M the ln"-l genial I

min. ile ls extremely kind tayoung men. who tool altcntioti from a duke so keenly, and vi it !.» the l;«-t peri.,in the world with whom tin m*'-t Insolent jtarremi woolventure to take a libel tv anv vv hire, except at ltadniliitoll, w In tc. a.. lost, he 1- prepared to talia his Mium.-roii

gneete nhe duds then Tbe 8adndntan nanthau, tlneedleas lo -a.c ¦ uniform ot eoetnme of bright 'due wit

buff silkn cu h.mire IlniliK. turnover, or whatever lt I

technlcilly called. lt l-.it pleic-liiir vail.-ly Hom th

cvcrhistlni* scat Ut of OW haattag field* and com a oil

Splendidly in dtaner dr.-.. It l«, however, a droll Mlu. iii. ia. .. thal Its raalaii-s sncirrst lin* cclcbriitctl " liUll an

blue " of The Kdlukmryh IteatmalAc bright Bea.Teri blue al«n reminds me of s mun

once saw win n a very Uti!, child. Imf whom have neve

fargett, n, the Mar-nib <" Anglcoey, who tat bbl togaWaterloo, an.l WOH a UM-OM winni saw him 111 th

puk riding in « blue coal with braes buttona, Then laciipiiai water eotoi drawing .af Ibe preeeal Iwke at hem'ort lu burr and bim at the 0"* *M* dub in King-st., ft

Jainea'aAlioth.*! .. noble spoilsman

" ha* onie I" a-ricf 1n Ix.ratlc (llironl. wlii.ae l.anil has I., n hurt by the bur-itlnj* 0

bia ana. Titi., i- a very unuanal accident tatheaetlmeaini win doniatiaa.s rausesomt dtoemden. The breech

loafers, whether >.f the bamnierless kimi >>r with rebenmSCthm, matte by ('burles I.an.-.ist.-r and other finiioii

maker., an- alino-t perfect ss Breams, ami leanneunderstand thal Lord dc CIMbrd would we aa Infcrtofowling piece, more especially a- be li s eelebratetpigeon -hot. m. lot*.iihlphas th< reputatloa ot belaiclever, both oa tbe turf aad al .j-tgeoes. Mn.ul.i Mr. An

di -.a;i again bring forward ht< bili against pis. ra si.t

iiiL-ria-ti marion be will dad a tennMable opposition ar

rayed against hun Lord Westbury and a few nih*iel., m. ii .h. now engaged In onanlriag ¦ '» itel rb fi n *¦

than was maila laat tear. Nobodv, I 1h.1I' vc, ctn*- itul'lfor pigeon-shooting, vihia-b to manly a gambling affairbut people hate, In this country, mterferean viith tbelomnsements. Between tbe Btae lui.bon Army, tbe HalVMtiaan allH,a. Ihe anti *. l\ !-. 11. Ul l«t s. till >.lb»ei"tin* .nita anna law people, aad otker " faddists *" like MrAaderaon, we bavi ¦ rough Ibm el it. and are threat! ot

-..It .at niimli of m. ddh n aad muddlers who anot en)ai}-life ihemaelves -nial are determined that no

laoaii.*: a* -h.i'l. Th.-. cockneys pm. ami ooekncyiprovincial have m. sympathy with anything tort theilHap. i;,, ni. set, Wini VI all',I la allia e life. If tin V liatd theilwat t., tin- w I, I. In ,1 level "f Ifilirfjro,. Ii.i-.li... lt t ala.

tin nil- i.ii.ii* - mull v. I.... an m.:'.. bout, rideion. fence doi koa would lei "a tbe situationTbs death "f Lort Gartner leaacoabj one Ibe Utile

la.lilli Of ol.t" ll .pol 'I-.. - III ll"- ,i|,l.*.| ea.ll.- tin* (lallls-lil of I-¦!. *<-ti-r-hlie tn the palin} ila}, of tinQuorn before tbt dlvtobui ofth.ntl lanni t'raven,ayoungei *port*mau. to -¦.:< ;v i'l al t*bdown amid theBerksblru billa. I.u. tm ihe torr,strength and lb-elh. ,,- the ia rio >.' kortinarrsituation of Ashdown Park, hti.ii upon lin down**, ls cip a;;.,-I by tbt -'.'IV of.I 1IIIV.II Willa. » h. Il I ...ni Mal"!

' lindon, rmle last aad far to eaeape lbe plague InJanie* th, lint's time. Hpylng asolltarj tam inuaeralbe ia ti. .tm.- downahe Ibonght bc might bc *aft there,..aal in ni a nome with four avenuea leaatliiKto tbt I .'rn ai.lin.il points Tl.- edlflee la.triii-ti-tl of tin sar-, n ¦tone* " mipnuanl lo bave i>.. n

tin n* i.v tbe Druid* The ('raven* are a v. iv'!- I "I lava ii !« a pr,Ullin, n't

m. in',-a ..f ito Jo ' lah, I.ri] Ii.h-i. be i< onoi ami ii fime ni- lian -. in.mali

ii, ,i tn -I vii t.*. .!_*.. ural' rn ,; Dna .. koowa ..-" n in.i'i,t, i a\,; tin liv. < : ¦

i. p. alrii t- ..i t .nt i| m. ont nt tllegant and admin d aaf our rt ally paste 'lames

lt ¦-., |... th ii ibe '-l.tr.pu- ..f Kildare, Idea* mmlink,* a,f i.iiii-rer. to .ii.oait io i» marrlrd lo tbs areal

ladj ll-rmi..in- Mun. ..-iii... ht daiurblei nfl.oi.i r.c i-ha. ii. i* an- li) far Inc ukmII., a infill ali i .i .' .. -I, nu. htdaughter of Ihe fn in. ni - - lames lirabam. I*

.; and "i/.,i.i r< v rsii.nii *i-otie of ttola.ok.au*. ll- lia- l-aalie of the Le-t natur eil. of tbt I"*" . ,-'.

lit ...- si ";t. olin* daughter*a* jotingilllall-ll 1>_ 1 T 1 *. Ill- ll.ai-a lu lt. «l,..i--, ,«;¦*. I I" ll 'lr. .n. n| ta .,.. \ ali,I .rmi*.

Mil M.|!*.V \l|,|a r -,,'l, Wla,,-. t,a.,.lT\ |. 111,1V. I-. *.) a.|¦aired, haa shown bei rood e In receiving the coim. nt- and tl i'i. 11 of tin* Iti.of Wale* with very creall-.aaaln. -- |lol|litle-a Ito* Prill. .* IC al.. Weil. I,ill III- Klle,liliana t" .allia » often alla til. Ill II,on harm til.Iii OM-I. ,1-

iwo fair A mei n .rn- have rea on i" remember,

>l'l.i / \LISTS l\ TUE SAW.

¦i 11< i;s wim aiton nana awi nv is mk,iv_MM -.

.*Conmwloro Lure i- n remarkable man.'mid a nar \\ otli el In -|i.*.iK ni* with a I I. nu SI po. t. r

recently. "Hi* work ra seamaaahip to received aa n

wok ever.\ wini,* Hf hu. devoted him*, ifnan aint -..ul Ifl Ito cetabltohaK*nl and perfecting >.fi.on ii ^- av at, m. f-ai ti,, \a\ -,, aad has writ lei Minc rory

,. nv. Then i- his llttk love

I., nd voa,, aa- and I will tell } oilM bal the n

foal Imagine ihl* scientific, wa ,,*,i ,.,,ni

Bodore, an ant Inn i'.v on Ibe mo-t oi:.|,: ,,. al., a, ,, j...,- ,,'

ia'.i.-.i'ioii sud seamanship, writing a lov onaong ii.i« !¦¦ an-.. to musk by n i;,,-...ii composer aot\tlav.* often heart li .ung..lb, n th. ia- I* Admiral Bhufeldt. Bbufeldttoa dlplo

nat born tl lhere ever iraaone. There to aothlmnora* at tonne iu il.an makin [tn atti -.I a (lendIuk tbtlip!..ti ia ie i.!,ii nm- of thi* United fttata* Ile weat on abree y< urs' voyage arnaud the world m thu Ticondt ruga,¦oil Will |. ineml.ei ..uni eau nil the Alu- 11, un Ban w hare llnoni..*:.I before, Ile did an immense amount of*.,ni. specially la tke far Raaf and on the eastern narif Afi..;i lie had a wayo! Ingratiating him*.if withI.. ' Klaga barbaric' of thom countries thal wa-won

i rui. There's hi. Corena treaty, and all that aorl <>ftiini-. He'* nae >>f tboae mau whs en ant np »t a dinnerlui inalo a Iii at,* -|,.*e. b, ami can il' ., ii. , maller, nflille .mal pOlltiCS With In' ll w Ina lia Ve a|.i,,|, ,| theil' liv''-aii such mattel, ile divide* wltb Comm.dort Luca theonor of bring the aatboi ,,r tin* -at.mai tralnlag syatem."(a am ma mle ulbara toone of th,-moat aeconipllabi dillral} nu n in th.- service. He w i it,-, portr.v t hal lr. of n

Igheeder. He som, tim., sboota evertbe bead of(tuour sailor men, bntWO al-civ - know lt In K"o<1 poclljvon Ifwe are aotnnimanre what ho to t.iikin. al.Iam- beautiful neem of hie, wklek tn published Infur/M ri Mun th ly, baa for Its theme the story of Plutoml I'm el pine... a maali ff tin .-it era of tbe Viv > * bo bare a *pc*rlultj

au call them to Commander John Ii Bartlett.I<* vva» for two or three year* In command of the Coaaturvej (teamer Tllakc, and made a v.i-i iiiiniliei of derii¦a -..111¦ 1111a.--. H.* Inveatigated the a.*.t weed (1f lasii If Btw. al 'I ol bc 11.1 a i'u.iI deal of .-Iv al millie.leiiiiii.- data, what be doa') know about sea-weeda,irreata aad tba bottom of the ocean toa'l worth knowig,tu. ii jib. i. I- i.ie,it, nant Drake, who I* autkority on

ie ml. mainf JA fri. a. hav lui* p. i,. 11 ,,|, ,1 mt., |.,,il|.,n infie darkcontinent win re never s white ma wi ni Itefore,ld sa n m.Ill pirti e- of Ca,In allia' lit (lie llatlv. a ,ll theoa.-1 solemn rite*of fetich worablp. Thi*er.|i|ol| wa,mali* ,,.i tum i,|, ur,, ha-] he lieen dtoeoi en <l."Alni ho on down throiiafh tin- Hat aaf nllla-i r* of thesvj thereto *. ai., lt om* of Iboee who have reached ,i«

i li .ts la< grade of a ll. Ul. II.int who ba* lint soma* apia*Hy. lim I- a Ina . bani.-, aiiolln i au . le. (tia nm, *t t hititartillery .-harp.' a fourth ¦ torpedo es pert, and sn on

hellier it I- Hil locution a,| nil ela .llb* clock, tin* si..ration ..f ihe North Cob- or the Interior of Africa, theriling of a sonnet or tbecastlog ol agna, iberoaraBeer* of tba Navy wbo caa do tbe Job. W'Tilmli (hi* theli., i-.ai th.- a me ilea ii Nil v v bave achieved and maiu-iiieai a splendid reputation In their ability la what ls-allin Hy naval work."

.i.v emi:iiiii:.M v.lrom 771/ introit free lint.

A few Aura too u mun willi a weak and limn-e expression, and wi-tii'llix ii summer SOtl Of rlotbes,,ipllcd to oin- of Hu- ntliioad jias-acnper agents foi-a,.ml head pam to Tolado."Wbvdo you wjnt to ko lo Toledo!""io wit married.""Ana you haven't any ninney t""Not above twa ut}-five cents.""Hadn't you lii-ttrr be worth ymir tenet Toledo he¬re taking a wife on yt ur bauds to supp.ai t I ""You don't iiiidersiitntl the ct*.,-" protested tlc maa.I'mgolng to tuarrva ttldo*. WOfftk atl.j.t *.',,< it io, amiie first tiling I shall do will be to remit you tin* pricea tb kit. fm poor and the willow know* It.'but shearrles me for love."He MMseted »o long and c.iin.*tly that he vv.t* llnallvMned down the road. Two duv* elapsed, nnd then a let-ir nos recelvea from him, *nylng:"HeuM-u Mi-iH you for vour ktndne**! Beached her-,I iifrht, aud Itemed tn« wi,tow u.a ..riling to proranuna. lt tnrne ont that abe lea*t warril a copper, inils cnn Ri-ifj may I Mk you touns. ns both lo Ui-'lrult,bore 1 have hopes of eulkl'ij- aJob I"

BROADWAY NOTE-BOOK.MEN ANT) THINGS, THK~COUNTl.Y BOUNDTm* namemty, kona and vonoxa ov t arcad

WAY MUSHER.Thc public statuary of thia city now Imludc. sm ei|iii*s

trlan Waehtagtea, aa heroic W-maJngton, herole atatamof Franklin, Webotec .,,.,- gewaid, i.iiua.in, Lafayette,r.irracut, BhahesUfmre, m arly colossal Hums and Miwaiter sett. nta-Oweao Balleck, Alexander Hamilton,Morse ('.)iiimiMlor,>Viiiidi.rbl!t,aiidl.irgi*oiit -of-door bunt*,of Ma/ -inl. lin ant, Humboldt, (itn-the, Si hlllcr.md Thea*1Moora. Thara is aas-nMaaearttntharobnteereoldlen,and fnmifii! statuary of thc lalnanni. Ihe angel, the in¬dian iiunter, Inenraaec, ate, Hr.ioki.vn hns Lincoln,Pallon, luifct* of Irving and Moore, ami much cemetery.tatuali-. Proper snbf nts r..r ather itataes in New-Yorkwould be Oahunbna, Badana, Da witt clinton, ami Crour-unU. The hew-Kngumd element has already agitatedfairiihe latter onbjeet There < riots in B*l*"_Bglaad onlyam.* statm* ,.f OmnweB cai thal to thaalfiof a tody tcthe City nt Maneheetcc. a magaldeeal awn nanni InWashington lit .non to be erected In Philadelphia, a Mattymonument to Harli.-M in Cincinnati, a statue of f.nrtlcidin Wii.-lnni.-ti,ii ami ,,r,;,,,, r.il Reynold* lu Philadelphia.The- Bartholdi -t.itit.* .f freedom for Bedlae's toland willbe matched bj few monuments lu tho world, as bj tboArch of tin* star In PaHeandthe l'i Ince Albert niotiu-inent in Landon, American portrnH sculpture la natsiiipas-.d in grace .m,i expression bj anv Kortheraaa-tion.

Cern lal Braham, the Surveyor utni Navy aalll,-er, is a

aaa of Da-rid flraham, who via. a Vow Tort lawyer fromthe .North or Ireland aad had tour iona, all ama of proud¦ance: David, who wrote a ton coal,* before bo wastwenty-one yeara old;-fohn, the ertmlaal lawyer, whodefended Mcklca,*Eckel* and McFarland,; Dewitt nndthe General. Tin- latter was **,,. Mexican waranamiiMilpttniil.

-Thc banner district of thc Republican party in thc lateelection wa. the Xlllth. Cen.ral Anson McCook pruiii-liiently COtttl-abutod to thu elect ion of Mr. Gibba lo tbastate Senate, and tho aatiafactton the former gave whonin (fcngreos !.< agata a subject of dlsrnamton

The recent eleetlcn "t dlreetora in the trie Railroadsnbatttuted Jaasea i». li.h.fnr the lat.* oovernor Morgan.Mr. Tish'-bank I. the rtcponltory and rnahbT of thc BricRailroad, aad hi. private partner, Mr ferdinand Wanl.lathe broker umi ii., ai negotiator ,,f Brie aeeurlttca.

ia fr. a* i mn Informed at the Bfleey newo-etaud. sellam*.nit* up to Pork Mini retains a quiet style of waggerynearly ilk,- reflaemcat Mr, Thcnaaa Saut la but littlebeard from la thr.e day..

The Mainn boudoir ear., the tlr»t of which saase mil ofthc Tr-.y toops lari neck, are lo bc partlculariy otered totravelling th. strh si companb s. I paid |lfl to go m naefrom Dinadl li lo Vi. ima. vi bbli I- nu rely it itlghf-Jour-n> v, bm tber.- the nil.iii.i rlaaritcatienof traveller*direi Uj a.p, lat-*- again*! ileeping car-, ns they an- hebl tobe bett, r than the Brst-claaa carriagra aad .thereforemust charge fifiy pa r cat above Arri riana f ira.

The stree! rumor to that tbe Pcaasylraala Railroad, aawen as the Onad Truab, to loobtng toward tbo toaaa ofthe Wt -t -hor. Railroad. The Peaaaj iv.mia haajaatlflcabon In taking tbt* road, rines tr. own territory haa beenentered by the Vanderbilt (lowen aambiiiatliin. It laeitcodtag it, Belridcrs Mm frtrmFarina lo tbe Lacka-witiitia rood ami tai Cornwall on the I dial-..n nml parallelInc the Reading Railroad ap Qm s. huylkill Valley fa,

Reading aad th.al regtoaa, The low AtcI rhnrge* onth.* w.st ghon lid lm.1 mik.* ibo property a temptingmic to an orgaaliatlon whleh for prei i-:..t» sad ealightenincut ha* no riv ttl In thu count r> in, less*! t lu* lu .onie of thegreat ir. el-of th. treat, Hbo lim burlington and PaeMc.Poaaaaring. however, ita own Has lo liufiulo via willlam*port, tbe ebie! Inducemeat '.. eatec the BodsoaUiver n .. .¦ -I rcngeaaee.

l am t-.'.d thnt the At'.atiti.* and Fast.a Railroad, ..ti,« r-ntocthcW ¦¦¦> l'i am I*. *o, Ih not itcipilr.-d byth.- Bontlagtoo system, but ls free lo BMhe Ito ewa ca

som. tim.* listed that Oeneral Gnat hadlort marney tu tb I.*d*rilto aad h'aahrilto Railroad. Thafuel, wi rc tliut ti. tirrill I.rant bouirbt -'.i-On .hare, at par

m vi. t..i iCeweombe. The ataehdo--'..'?.mi. Mr. New

g<ord to return theatoch to£hlm aad he garahi* h.. k for tin roll aim.nut of the lim atuiciit.

* i creole bj several generations,¦ai.i io in- duriag rb., weak: "Among the old Prench

M* ible'*Morie* ai ,i aurala areaotregarded....ii. Iraylug the inner mollie aad char..'. nf '> ii p ;.. ii. iii..m rathnally only, sabatiiuti. ii (.-univ pencil for the scalpel, to Puritan in hi*m..ti..- not penetrate to Un-cr.-of our life.

t iiim Uhe a race of amahnya In ecaae gUttorlagtlaapla' ll foll tl I halt Wa. lint till* liff! llf llletl Uk* A Ilillilum. Morph) snd Beauregard, if yoe read 'Manoa Lea

-*..*.* rtlj dd la laoubduau, ead la *t

(lie ALI"* Pn vost. Via! will llllal .,

-. rn. , peace a ogrthor dlfleraut from theindatunnlagrlvaoltj of the Puritan gentlemanUftrt -..'. v at!-, ov cr ul na. "

i* ita.ii. atewari I. Woodford, with judge Anonasnd other partners ind aaatotanta, make a busy colonyaf lawyer* ta the Merena building on Wal! .t.. win, h u

thr propertj of Mrs Praderieh -teven., wim rea.ntlv aa,l.l bel* lieU-lall .:»<¦ -I .1 ll' tr tile

part gate liearral w.ifoid waa a prlaoner of war latho Libby Jail aad la hlgbly spoken of by bia wortataatl,ea, fol ali '* *. li t. iiijh alni tllaOtlgbtflll |m.I Item ... Ills

oratorical facult) I* aoaetlmeo grudgingly-poi,, ii of la thia quarter, bul ll haa i.rapltobed awndian imy puiiiia- (peaking -uni th. war lu the csmpslgnoflH73 In nh,... winn thc ):. publican-.. Still -urti-ntn;from paula* and ttagnation, Were al a toaa for Ideas or

policy, Mi Woodford began todl*eu*albo eurreney aadth.m ¦. ba .... Bo**wasthodrsl pcr*on afterOardebl

nm.. Mr. -lunn ni had aol uniformly adraaoedtin topic t.a the front Woodford'* meetli * wi

bent .itt....i.ai li lin -tan-, tin- campaign turned on thatnb a. Il.iva . was ell clcd, anal I! ave him Un- I": .-.Lilt latHolli.il.tlloll.

ju.icc Ifoadlj tpoke to me during Ibo wei

high Ij of Jiim lee Harlan of the Supreme Court, eapet lalljfor hi. ..pillion nilli, virgtato.ni -c IleIn) vcr] respectful tarma to Robert IJneoln, Imi .\

pni-.'l tte rlcw that he wouhl not gel ibo opport unityto be nominated for President, nor would .my peraononthe Huptcme Reneh ..nv mon than ibo late .Imt''* MeI.,.m. ul.* li mi al- worked lol leal- 111 tll.lt tillea t ll.ll.

Mi llotadl* -i'i iimt illa own cl.¦.¦tion waa duo to thcli.pnu* .pies'nci, enpeetolly to tbe menacing vote forI'laahibii. which i- ne, he -a >i. would not irani|iillllxe,»s ii waa tn tba brains ol a large >Republlcaa contingent,and ihe ProhlblUoa oamUdate had once receivedlO.OOOvotea. ii. -.ni iimt Ut.- iiepit1'.!. an partj waaa

powerful organisation aad reenperatira, bul tbat thepinn.ni aad tbe worldly wtago of it eonldnanmrs igreethan the Presbyierlaas sad ladepeadcals under theLong i'iirllain. ut.

Tim tv... mil. ,,f railroad from ihe Rorgen calleUla. la I a.m l-l.iml Were icascl fr.illl the Rational StonigeCoinpaiiv by ihe I'i nusilMiiiiii Kallroad lari week. Mr.

t 'hal '..* -ki im/, ol thia ...nipan}, H building a residenceMt oran*''*, "ff. .1.

Wll} I- HM .llfl. renee III tlnalielal e-ourac . s,, -r, at

between Id7*i aad 18831 la Iha fenner year we eouldmat take flic b,mils cf almost thc only Important en'er-

,,,1.. thal bad be, n launched, tba Northern I'a.'ill.* Railroad, aad ll aneeumbed far waatof snbaeriptlons andmoney fm bomb ii luterert. Ron the making and tellingBf bonds i* a greal departamnl >.f bnslncas; nearly .-very

thing sells; wh) to them ac much rn..} l Rccausotbe .

Kl*., mid hit. be. n lm Instill it. dy tilled mid -.'!. lt Mirplil..!'* I

,.,i,i to Hump.*, nml abundant Immigration has swelledi. _r.it.- of in.th workers uutl laveators, and we

bara %*<>, k, .1 np at homo the reahluce of malarial, keep- '

lag molli y herc, ami lt ha. settled In thrifty hands. Tn

iiaccit, for Instance, thal waa lanacri) a local product, I

tom beeonm nearly aalreraal Btocousla and Pcnaayl- Iraala ratos it. ead wa .io not hare eaough bi both export.uti manufacture up lathe demand, while tba elgar In-tercel of mum York maintain* aa enormous populationHop*, omc chu ny imported, aid teni tc Qeraaony aadfBglf*- Cann. .1 t-a..|s li.i\ r cic.ited mmther httgO pop

¦laden. Mon-.iv* r, m..rn-} ha- be,-.mic the medium -vherolaii.-i once .nd lim glentor pan. Baal amncy tallowagage* an I the ca.lt «} -tem. kltt* cry paid no vv agaa ami

j.nl ini momy In hand to Invit.t. MaattflMturtBg CMBpelaHoney tocoine ami ta, i*. tad Ulcthe -j* vln*<*. hiink.i a*

;hey the ¦,-reitt bank., alni vv !-.|om and COUtagn iu llivent

noni pummlc oppiwliiallbn IUI aobody hJdca money taI slOOklag a* wa* donn ten year* ago, but put* lt over,,i ili more nnd muru.

Mun ifii.ture* are tlir.c-fourt'u* of progre.;*. ,1'ator-aiin, M. J., WiU founded by Alfian.br Miiiiillon, .thomiy organte, eonatrnctlTe, adenitis niimi na pecacaa AI,- aoacdrcd thcnlaca hefotncotton had been-spun on

he power toma uiultTtttood eicept by a ten. Arkwrightiidjiist perfa-eta.l bl* Invention*; Whitney waa not to

nvr-nt th-* cotton gil for two year-.. Tho ptttMOMfgas orgiiulzcd al New lirunswlck, and John llaynrd, tho

present *"cnator'« -*rcat uncle, wa* an incorporutiiOxen moved the nm macnlneiyat Paterson; in 171thc -diawa.rm emMtt to bc cultivated there. Fifty yeaago the population wa* only 0.000. Three years ago lt hipanned ft 1,000, was the third place in tbe Htate, mothoa tbree-tlfth* of thc people wen* native*., and the caital af rater*on wan *m_d-g -ilk mill., tu *ni-h nthtowna ua Allentown, Penn., where there 1* a rt dunda'laboring popnlatlan. in imto hm nagaa paid 111*1mill. exc,e,le,| -f.i.mw.OOO, of which New -J, 1*1 y iec.lv.half; IRS^OOOtOOO WSS expended In material*, chiefraw .ilk, .ind the product wa* 941^)00,000 poraununMr. Jefferson hniH on<> flour-inlll whicli fulled; MHamilton'. eolMUM employ* Ul,<mmi baud- on Bilk alottai thi. country, radiating from Paterson, walch waa »

eriginal creation.

I wa* near thc town or settlement railed Amagansctaa the further end af Laug Island, toot ThillodaQT. BUm. .tina,- two editors from lag Barber I asked themRooeoe conknhf*a father hail not nyrang from tinpart of the island. Yes," .said one, "the ex-Senator'grandfatherWM a farmer g| Aiiiii-.-aiis.-tt and sent hiICa, Judge Alfred Cnnkling, to cnllcire itt Hclienectudlind ha afterward settled lu that i*. iicral vicinity an

amrried anal produced his sons ami daughters." BCartaMr- Mi. -ti pi; 11 Prench pnaaritcdi "Not tong agc MiOonkllagaawa man from Rastera Long island with!iiiint>cr of w ild geeoe, and asked him where he shot IhOSgCCOO, The mau rctlccteil nnd llOWlyealdi ' 1 eliot tiler..lithe bimi whare .vour father was burn.'** Kr. Conkiinif.it la mid, ezpreosed thc hope that ha aright som

day beeouM the pooeeaaor agaht al Ma father's birthplace

Referrtag to Mr. Ooukltag I may say that hi. forumpolitical mends observe Of him that he had for some timba fane ha' li-ft the Semite a ristag passion tn act-uirmom}, whbii be hoped he might do at the btw, yet wairresolute about letting go of ala parnanga aad brihsenoin politic The ultimate catastrophe threw him upmthis ncc.'ssity, of wltlcli h.-is makliii- good u*e. 1 litatram another 'inaner thal he ha., two manta atotera, amliriagla Rochester ead another la Milwaukee, aad thathe latter write, poetry. The immediate aeeoelotoocPrasMeat Arthur do not express any curiosity or inter**.whatever la tho az-Seaator. it seeam tohanndentooithut his inveighing sgalart all his former llcatananta koto he a in.re, .mal repealed luforiuatiou he lui* carried ujto hiKh quarters thal he waa as sardonic ca Arthur aa 01either Cornell or*a_ayce, produced a coolness there. Oni*hou!d never tell the truth to klug*.Mr. Po*ger*a relation* to our future politic* do not 1 v

rita the populace as mucha* they do hie aeooctatco. 1*eeni. that be ls the disturbing cause between tne younimachine adherents lathis city and their old commander,Of a cautious, somewhat hesitating nature, deeply re

spelful of public opinion in the Interior ofthePtatewith spell, nf riekncoa Which amy come from the body 01

may com,- bum the mind, aad without much " mixing'ability to carry his spirits on his sieve nnd let all tntiiifiercnt dani peek at blin,Fol**crla dakingdown thiville of year, comforted by Hie beautiful moral reflection!of George BUaa, nanoo rtowa Cf humuu .nature arc nealto ideal.

The Beeretary of the Traaanrywao lust *nffieientijactive in the scheme to renomliiate himself to make lt 11

mutter of st If reproach ami also to -five color to hilsuperiors' saying thal he haduobuslue!>sto commit thcAdministration to ala passlea to tie oovernor. ne ha*imt-et 11 lil to change thc tnt-.il ollb-lal* In New-York 111order to prov lite for the ¦ working " element here, whlehat'ia-s not net much pabulum from Mr. Robertson. Th*Praddenl might wish Polger to takeeaeh e rcopoastMllty,but does imi like to give thc order »o to do. If the Preel-dentlal nomination could be secured, then no doubt th*order would be elven or a more pliant Peeretary putinthe place. I'or after the nomination such things can liedone without CMd.g much outcry lu thc party.

The Federal Hull, where Wa-dilngton wa* inatignraftd,wa* remodelled for the Capitol by Mata* L-*.taut Thesumo engineer built the eatraragaat .anal at Paterson,R. J., ruined Morris bybolldtag bim .n;i-i guinea taiPhiladelphia, prepared Ihe badge of the Boelety cf theCincinnati, and drew the plan cf tt/ru.lugton City. He11.1 ive.| for bis work a 'rai t of the 1 omiiioiis,.land now

c.,valid.by pn..|>. rt} worth fen. of milli.ni-, -but de¬din, d it ami put in a daba fora few haadred dellaro.H.* .ii. d mit t" ,1 punnet ca the Hana of Mr. injrge*, nowRiggs's villa, near Washington.

Mr. Ward's statue af Waahiagtoa eaa hoaneeradatbytlmt .!*«* which ha* no .it In r way of advertising it*knowledge of art, but eooatdertng the awhwardnem ofthe .it.- ha hasjudged wed. A Ufc-olae statue al thathciriii waaaiiai have seemed lasaltor than life and brittliedthe occasion Hint purpose. Thc indi .-tal and the statue.111 in gOOd rclallou ila to sl/e. Ra MM tall doubt thcinanu int of tne ficure andoraryona ann eec that thciiioituiu. nt was aa afterthought li to in situation themi.-t -tiikim: -tatile in New York, ,1 pier of the el,b andtlovv of hum.in life where men of physical achievementought lo b.* and not iii hermit places. The best of thc

\i Btta 1- ll- ltd. Illy the heaviness ,,f Ptimrt'S face lsnot tnere, but the man is unmistakable. Ike sculptorha* dan tl to tlo for WoohlagtOU'a limbs what Stuart dltlnot do; we see the tremendous strength of the mannba.*.* :>i:s eon,.I i'..tsp his hor*e like a great vise cadwen almost dtopiupolIbmod to his body. HI. hand* theseulptoi io- -tuuted; Lafayette sahl toOeorgs Washingtoll Parke Cootia lu 1835: - I in v. r -aw s,, _rft ii hand.an anv human ticing aa the GcocraTo; yu could onlyhold to OM khgW Of lt In your youth." Tho nose Mr.Wind ha. justly rendered, vvhi.h wa. th.cribedh) llai1, tc* r.itin 1- as .. thick, iimi though ir bedttedhtootherfeatures wus taaa. anarscl} ami -.troll*.'!}' funned to bc tinhandsomest of it* das*." Thc ImprCOOlOB left by this-ta.tii.-ts tn.- i-oklles rilahllj amllnwlaa IntT thu n****a*rl*Irate, jet wltk bis strength and country mould good tutmin} veal, to com.*. He WM Ct tin* tum* tl fly sll yeaianhl and had eleven year* to live. Kui*} man whoaub-sa riln il taa put Un- statue where it is may feel .111 honorab -alf re.pe. f. It till. Ucst lollilbl} ttl ll 11111-Illl ni t l'i. the

greatest im nh nt in our history, thc rest ae >.f the Bimmtire powers of tho Republic from Parliament and theirconcentration to the hand* of tuc ab!, ,-t un_i Hbo couldtv ;.:.i Hi. iu sim. Ollrer cromwell.

Thc Inauguration of General Waahlngton waa thorin-Lieatlon of Cromwell after thc lapse of 13ft yean. Iha11.'tu.ni} w.is .limos! identical; like < romwell, ffaaMnf-tonwas twice inaugurated! h..- tar.r dsstred lobe¦illletl tin* < bl- Ma-vi-tr.ile, but the wa,lal I'lotector WOOulbered to bet mae it had been used i.v formerEngttohReata. Tto Long Parliament, <>f which our Oontinontal

.undress was m u'i a copy, bad usurped the executivemw irs of thc Mverelgn ait.r deposing blas, aad con*

aptly si rel red hto [patronage and would not terminatein ir e \ i-t< ace. < om wei i, after walting thirteen yeanoi ile ni to order mew election and after tbey had ru*..ita ally briaken faith with thc anny and thc Nation,urned them out. rhelr committees had exercised the

icctttlve functions as our continental emigre** dltl,md lt to ebal* fioiti the promptness with which Mlakemd the mtv v for-ook Mr Henry Vane, the tandur of theia'..ii committee, that the victorious element of the na¬loo demanded s Praahleat The sam.- second though!

the 1 "i'l. lui. to t urti out their emigre*., then lourcen .tears old, ami raise a Protector with an " liistru-iteiit," or constituiioii, to regulate him. They chow thctomwell Of thc dav,Hi.' niau who hud driven tho Klugmr of thc canntry.

september I. it'> ". i,' i.unwell was Brat Inaugurated af¦, .st minster Abbey, escorted by a proi-coolon, ho in a

na. li. ld* In*ard a sermon, aa Washington did, luimtMll-tdl after Iha ci lemony. Then he weat to the Paintedbamber .lose i.v. took a seat nu a platform abare thoUrila.mut, aad then rislag, aaearered, nurio an mangu;il address, beginning: "Ocndcmdh, you are here ui>oiiim greatest oeeaeta that I believe EngtaadCTcr saw.

. .Mun}, t) Lord, my Qodl are Thy wonderful,,iks. The natural magtatney of thc Nationas almost trampled umbi- foot tither Mates

nprored their ona ami spoiled our nmuutaeturc ofloth, whick la thc gnni duple i.amdtty af thlo Hu¬on. ... a fn*.- Parliament [drain abore my life.

I *|H*:ik these thlags aot aa oac who aaannma toim-i if doiiiliilon ov.r yon, but aa one who doth resolvo, be a fellow-servant with you." Hence comet) thcord "public servant." Mya Charles Knight In lils

Itototy of Rngtaadi " in it* whie raage and careful es-lan.it mus, ii lui* consldcral.lt' rc.it lubiana' to thoccchce "f the American Prcddi ni- " laya I- A.

ardtaer, In "Ihe Purltaa _orotadon**] "Thc Ital alent of Cromwell'* tiovcruuicut wa* tho Iii- -t of hunred* nf written Constitutions which have dum spreadi-er thc world, of which tho American I.i the most SCO-.lciious example."Tin- statue of Washington nu tho spot where he VTii* in-

iguruted u thus a tribute to the sagacity mid republl-nil-.ni of oliver Crumvvcll. Ho hail nollxcdtcrm of¦CO, but IhC H'"vt step h.- made forw arti wasthooro-Jon of ataauta la htnak tho predatory Canad thoOaa>*ress or Common*. Titi* wa* vated by dm i'ai'llaiiieiitino year* lifter the first Inauguration in an; kmendedunstlttttiun. Tho President also took a Cabinet or

mindi of Htate. Hu rejected tho title of King whichas fairly voted to him, and on June'JO, 1057, wa* a

'tomi time tuiiiigurated at- o'clock In the afternoon lu'estminster Hall. He htood under a canopy of statei-i received u velvet robe ami a Hilde; a sword waa

rited around him and a gold sceptre pit in hi* hand,ad the Hpcukcr of tho Commons ndd-ctaed him. Crou.-ui thcu took tho oath upou thc fcrlj, lures aa our Pres!-

dents have ever *lnco done, but did not make a speech.Cromwell was first inaugurated at thc agc of Hfly-flfC.ami next at thc age of fifty-eight, and ho died on the an¬

niversary of his two greatest vlctoric* at the a*re of fifty-nine. Hi* splendid government perished after his deathbecause the people were tired of too much formal moralI ty and w-anted beer and fun. The lesson rn ed not tic lotton our over formal classes.

HUM John ti. Thompson ha* abandoned his pursuit oftho office of hntgjaarri at Arms of Coti-rrcss, lt doe* nonarin to stale that in a recent visit Mr. Thompson paidto Mr. Tilden In tbo (irani,ny Park mansion In companywith JudgeMeatany, of Hamilton, ohio, Mi. Tilden said:"You have an BUdOfOtaUding with Kundiill. have younot I" Thi. he repeated and expressed ln< interest InKandiill's election. I mein iou the matter, of which I be¬came ii formed thfUUgh iin Incidental coir, alsation, onlyto show that Mr. Kandall hus been handicapped anti nothelped ky -Mr. Tilden. Behind Randall m.m.v members,who wert- far from lilli a against the liirlfT, fcn<*il that aTilden boom wa* eCnCCUlCd and that OOUgnVM would IiflIndustriously worked in Hu- formation of the committee*",etc., [to eoiiliniie the Tilden regSMg ov. i- the countrypies, ima tim merely emotional party folliw imf. At thohead of Hil* felling wa. William K. Morrison, a>r liam,is.Hie true tircinii/er nf the Cai lisle fore .- lu lin* Northwestand who waa genenllmima for M. c. Kerr agates! Hanililli In the :-|m,alt. r-lnp COOtOSl Sig.I year*, imi. He andCox were put at the foot .af tin* elaM lol' eppudttg Hiinil.lllufter thc hatter became ¦peaheri benns the Coi move¬ment to hoop* dew-York bum gulag to Kendall while thodarthned ku. -1« Cbritaha On pmbaMr at/tat under¬stood his en n moral a-.nc} iu the matter. His antipathyto Randall was Bead to stand him np, like IVi kin War-beck hythe irish ITenfnna af thu Ifteonth century, torKing of Kiigluud. Morrison, through hi* oonahi, Don.Morrison, of ft. Ililli*, had a strim*.- iulhu rn*.* in lb. Mis¬souri delegation, winch was om- of the ibu ibl.i minim,'om *. if Partista is t ha i< d, Marrlaan viii eeaerpi a* thoWai vt uk of this contest, anti his effort, will I..-cont lulledto sahjngaAe tha Tilden boom. He tonghi in the Mexicanwar ami lu the I'nlon army, and is a scion «:" old I'reuehKaakaahta,

The N'orthwe»t want* free lumber anti free salt, nndthat 1* why Carlisle ls so strong in Mllehig.m, Wisconsin,etc. Syracuse, Jt. Y., dictate* thc prue* -t-alt. FromWarsaw to Genesco, N. Y., rock salt ls being dtoCOS Ml d.Michigan for two election* ha* behaved strained)-; ltwas a Democratic Mata until Iha slavery -pic .-Hon cam.up. Micliiiiitii *alt, like Kanawha salt, I* often l*.'.-ul.iteillu produetittu from New-York. Qnmyi might nat thoCarlisle ;ila-moer.icy'conclude toilet New Vork -wo amt.eek to revolutionize the Northwestern .States for 1 ->-1 I

Count Za. haroff showed mc Patti's Itoudoir car yctcr-day morning, or one {nearly like iit. Colonel Manu, thoinventor or promoter, 1* also here. I ¦ndereCB.i that howa* a Georgian, possibly a hotel maii, vv ho went lo I'.u-rope and worked up a sleeping ear system and ottered itto Mr. Pullman, who preferred to tait his own *v-temthither. Count Zacharofl said that sixty three Conti¬nental railroads have now adopted this -} stem. The twoears now ready arc completely of American manufac¬ture; the embossed or leather work, which resemble*bronze, 1* mada In New-York; the prevailing Hut of thoear lining, of amaranth wood from India, i- a subtle dinkred. |l"he exterior of the car .1* a dark MUS and ov er thowindows ure design* in stained nhmt. A paasagrwapruns alt.ng the bide nf the car lrom end tv end, and at imoend Ua space for ladies travelling alone shut oft by ftdoor acron, the corridor. At the other end arc a buffet,small smoking room aniliwiionw/i'i, Several stateroom*of*..creal si/,--., tenm eenncctedL make, in day, bgMahcompai-tmcnt* with a baggage Betting; a tabbi hilt turu.*Into a ladder, electric, bril and berth., either two ur fourIn number, arro**, not lengthwise of the car, each berthsingle and none of double width; Hus, ha nhs becometwo seat* by tlay. Ventilation I. chastened by collectingHit* air lu a funnel and paaaB.g lt through iee, shavins*anti water to take out the soot and dust, and th. ii Vc inu¬it M at the corridor floor to ga out through tl.e -tate room

top. Jly the Mann system more privacy I- WCUfUdM HMCapeaao of room ami vivacity, aud, I may add. liirht. Thoparlor Mn wo already poOSOOl contain the corridorwithin the saloon, and tin- night cars, hy the 1. BgthWlMarraagenmnl ut bei tbs. also contain Ih How io walkthrough thc train amt preserve all thc wiil.h. air andlight la still tba* pro'.l.m. The I'lillmau and thc M.iuncur each accommodate twenty four pusmuj*

hists a in irr LIFE is hats.

QCESnON* OK Rl'MTAI. AM) M>C*TIOV.a OMI nr.Tann economy.

Flat-life is pushinir out thc iioii*»'-<lw, lit i*. inall direction, before the inv-d-.tll.le pre.siii,- of iii.-;.* amithc advaucc of rentals. That there arc certain un.|tie*-ttoaaMe adraatagM tu carefully planned .nut yroyt nybuilt apartment house* i« ev IdCUt from their appeanUMCIn suburban rrgtaua and eren in thc Harli m dlatrictwhare lt ta yet practicable to tiny lots ami .*r. rt ICg ICUtehousei at a modonte rental, lint like every aatriedamdocf life it txiii t* a thorough apprenticeship beforeom- learns how to av old lt* most objection.ma* ttand to mahn sure of its bet condition*.To families i Ith a modest luCOUM the facatfoua of tim*

and ctpenee eontrol thc s.-i. ctimi of a r. -!,b u< ... A l-uJourney nliclit and morning and the carly ami late hon:«Involved become |a senou* hunlen to Um men, and lt bmatter of grave Imiiortance to shorten the rime beta eelInline ami work. As .vt there are few rltftbhl (lat.-, in Hulower purl of thc city, for small income*. Sixty ar oar*enty dollar* [a month 1* near the mark for an attractive.my apartment favorably situated, anti thCHUMil atthoroughly leopeetabta famine* must stop at fort} mlilly. A much larger doss Hud their limit at tw-jutj-Ilvedollars.

t.li hiv: up the h.-ihIi l.elow Tim t> fourth .t...,n,i

Ihlag like a ratio of lt-sining rentals marks i.n h m ..'

ap town. 1-or example M the belt of I itt i.t li or

Sixtieth si., tvi.ntv -live .ir thirty dollars will commandthe renting powers <>f forty or Ifty brinn rori.s.a-a,iiii st., while la Harlem attmedre, theroaghly builtapartment houses am gulag ap In Ml directions with i

oonuspondlng eontrari hotweea expenditure* ami.eoaaanadadoaa.There I* ail the dlfcrfnet in the world

Here aad there ncalawagt an oeenpylag naaouud, I ¦.'

drain.si or *' nude " gro:iml.» -aktmptau th.* lots ottiiinir up iiiiirovv.-nilitia.', i.adiv appointed yet outwardattractive (lat-, avoiding all precaution-, against i'llfrom Hits, ami baiting their fallaeloiis premises wltnslaaawt balls, muraars ..ml other ela|a-trap. lueivftieioii.attraction*. One mai.t learn how te discount nil tilt-,alni hunt ap honestly built bouses ca wholesome soil.Tben. as good wine aeedsno hush, lt will he found thntreaiiv desirable Oat* ure not »ver tricked "dressed " tormarket, iiiis preltmlniuT search to a ritel matter, andt va rv tbiii-f depend* upou Its thorouchneso.Of course there are man} Rides to lh>- flat-life ipie.tt.ui.

So there are* to the separate dwelllinr qm edon. Huttlure are itootl sides that are nut always Ik.iic in in lin inreviewing thc whole matter, For instance, it ma} i* a-,-'down al once thal the apartment otters gras! inoliey couslab rations to the modest as well as thc generous Income.Mam* of the 'elegant " show " Hat* otter luitirv cad eonvenlenees for 91,900OT S'.'.OOO a year that cwultl mit bohad iu separate dwellings for fbree times dm amounis|willie Hie less preteutloll* are equally favorable to theirteimata, It 1* possible tu proi'iire a thoroughly ooaatert-alile. roomy, attractive apartment In a satisfactoryneighborhood for $350 or $450 a year amt below Sixti¬eth *t., but w here can a respectable and otjiially cllj-ibloUou»e bc bed for double the m.,nev I

There are many economics which Inuit'to the flat-dvvi Uer In servant*, safeguard., convenience*, securitiesBgaluat mal eudoia and intruder*. In e. well Janitorialapartment thc vexation* aud practical bothers at deanm¬ill- routine are reduced to a minimum. Where a sniailseparate dwelling rcpilm. two or three doun-etlcs, ono

captible servant will sufllee for a small flat, with CCOn-siaaiial assistance on the heavy day*. Beside*, there is nohitch about tin- water qaeettou. The engine in the baan*nicut settle* all that, and lhere I* a strong pressure at *_|the faucet*. Steam hcainig ls al-o applied so skilfullythat the discomfort aud dirt of stove* mri grates may bodone awaj with.

lt is weal for the flat hunter to explore nclcbborhoottothoroiorhly. By nil means walk around the mean. Onowell known flat ts lu the rear of an orderly but noisyminto society club house, aud manya night 1* sorelybroken tu upon by orchestra arti clniriu amt al.trna* amifestival. It is better to pitch upon a flat that stand*somewhat isolated, anti thal tim* not abut npmi the rearof other Hals; this touche, the matter of privacy nmlventilation. Flat* etamtj or ninety Ive tact deepstretching tbniuxh a bl... lt from atreet ta street, wimbilind but ten feet between their kitchen Windows. Highground ta always dealrable, semiring better drainage andventilation Thero ls-.-leal tonic ami rrparatlve villuslu Mien. c. A rilli neighborhood to IndtopeiMable, <Cromsi ree Is, free flinn ear mutes, central denote and niiicb-travelltri thoroughfares, provide this. An l people wellexperieaerd .house the upper Boor, when tbe peneena* atlife I- liss felt. If you an- Judicious jon will maka-yourHist contract hythe mouth, until you have th-roughlyStudied the situation ami are familiar with tt* In* andouts. The trouble I* that.the Hat-dweller |. apt to url ovc|fastidious and S.BCtlUg, amt falls into the tcili|itatl,ill cfpalling up and trying aaotber venture audei luaoalsmulami even fri voluu* anno} aacea.


Dc wist; nquir'l 'tends ail de plttlcal meettu'* to Un* outwhose cohn am golu' to stair' out tn the shock all wint.ih.

It am thc chap dat hain't shuah 'bout alln. Imbin' aclean shirt dat has his coat made to button right up tu dochin.

Dar am a heap moah folk* In dia wort'dat limp'kaaedey w'ar tight boots dan'kase dey dun fall lame a wuckiu*to am au bone*' ll bm'.

A patch am a heap easier to karry 'bout wld yo' dan atailor's hill dat yu' byau't pay.

Pooty felles In dis worl* ain't **in"rally good fur much'ceptln' Je*' to look at; de rose bush doan' pan out wellwhen yo' cum to lay lu pd »lulah Uah vv .uni.

Life am often »lch a long thread dat lt dun simp* lu dcmiddle Tum lt* owu heft.

De chap dal am moopin' obcr hoein' out bis tater patchain't ap' to see all do Urdlu tallia's ob hto nabar s.