-rae arti va mad hi****, and Pacific Mall raw bo 41 ._ tmAjxp, Although in a majority of cases tbe final changes ahow gain*, and the closing prices gener¬ ally are at reactions rrmn tbe decline** that oe enrred after 1 o'clock, tbe market eloeed weak and unsettled. Tho final changes from tbe closing prices yester- day'ete M -^lOW* : Advances.Chesapeake and Obio, Manhattan Elevated, Missouri, Kansas and Texas. St. Louis and San Francisco, and Union Pa¬ cific, each *a; Chicago. St. Pani and Minneapolis, Ill¬ inois Central. New-Jen-cy Central, Northern Pacific, Beading and Wabash preferred, each *_; St. Pani pre¬ ferred. Central and Hudson and Wabash, each %; CC. and 1. C., Bock Island. Northwest, Delaware, Lackawanna and Weatern, Hannibal and 8t. Joseph. Northern Pacific preferred and Dino Missouri pre¬ ferred, each *-; 8*. Louis and Saa Frw-cisco pre¬ ferred and Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph, each <fe. Erie preferred, \ Canada Bonthern. Lake Erie and Wesleru.lroa Mountain and Western Uuion.cneli lg; Cheeapeake and Ohio first preferred, Louisville and Nashville, Metropolitan Elevated, Mobile and Ohio, Pacific Mail and New-York and Straitaville, eaohl: St. Paul, 1*4; Ontario and Western. l-Jg; Cen U-il Pacific, 1*_; Hannibal and St Joseph pre- ferree., 1«8 5 Alton and Terre Haute. 3, ana Ameri¬ can District Telegraph, 4?a per cent. Decline.. Delaware and Hudson, Erie, and Obio and Mi.8- iseippi, each *.; Lake Shore, Michigan Central, and Adams Express, each %.; Houston and Texas. -_; Cleveland and Pittsburg, 1, and Nashville, Chat¬ tanooga aud St, Louis, 1 ._ per cent. There wore twelve proposals amounting to .$, to -ell Government bends to the Treas¬ ury to-day. Offers to tho amount of $3,000,000 were accepted, a* follows: $217,000 Gs of 1880 at 103.1)0* 104.24-all but $0,000 being at 104.20 and above; $727,000 Os of 1881 at 105.S0-3HO6.0_. .$630,750 being at 100 aud above; $2,030,000 Os of 1881 at 108.60 _)103.70-$1,750.01H) being ht above 103B&. Tbe business iu Government bouda at tbe boards was not large, but it included all tbe issues and was at price- below tbe average of thoso paid by the Treasury. District ot Columbia 3.659 were strong and sold up tu 04. At tbe close the market was steady at the annexed quotations: bia Ask«l VS. 4s 1907. re«._07%_o7s_ Ti.R.fti 'Wi, re¬ de .*), BtA. aekcM. ...104 lol. C.b. Oe'*), coup..104 10ie« V.e. t>s"*li.ree....H»5% lem. U.S. Oa'Ml. coup..Mia's DO Cjk\be'ai.itnt....lus 108S. r.K.fii)'>cl.eou9..-0-% io_-<. O.M. 4s 1»07.ooup.1<)7% 107% C.S.Cres 1895 .135 .... ca,even inoi.ASb .... UAC'T-s lS97..1'i6¦_.... C.S. Cy Os lte»H.. 135 .... CS. 4>>ja'iei.rag..l08>4 10H% U.H. ITV 0*. H'tf .130 C.S. 4-_*".)l.eout*..l0S»_ 109 I DiiL0fCe.i.3-t>.'iic. ¦ 93** 94 The total business done iu State bouda was cov¬ ered by a sale of Missouri 63 of 1880, issued to the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad, at 106. Of city bank stocks, Park aold (10) at 121 and Commerce (24) at 142. The dealings in railroad bonds reflected the higher prices realized for shares. Erie secoud consols were more active than of late, and rose to 92. but dosed at Ol3., tbe fuuded 5. advancing from 85*2 to 86*4 eQ.86. Missouri, Kansas and Texas first cvinsols Wive largely dealt in at from 100-_ to 102, and tbe seconds from. 62*« to 63_»62-_. Boston, Hartford and Erle firsts were -_ lower at 56, »Dd Rome, Watertown and Ogdensbnrg firsts were steady at 68®67V Chesapeake and Obio currency interest debts were notably active nt 123.. ._..__! i_ 42*3 against 42 yesterday. Ohio and -lis- aimip.>i firsts, Springtield division, sold at 79 _"7K-\, again*-.; 77*_. St. Louis and Iron Mountain secoutt Incomes rose 1 per cent to 77*2, and closed at 77. The vanons issues of St Paul, ol Northwestern, and oi Wabash, were sUmng. Uuinn Pacific firsts yielded from 113*4 to 1127e, Central firsts remaining steady at 118*3. Tbe Kid-Treasury to-day gained $151,287 en bal¬ ance made np by gains of IK.9,803 currency and $81,848 coin. Tbw makes ine total gain since last Fridtti tjvtir.2.018. Tbe 8nb-i'reasnry paiil by check fe)r9l;2(K),000of tbe bends it purchased to-day. Money was easy at 6 per cent all day, and after 2 o'clock 5 in>r cent was the fair rate, with exceptions at 4 pic cent. The domeatio exchanges on New- York are uiich-nged except at Si. Lc ina, where there ia an advance from 50 to 75 cents premium. Tbe Tailed State* Treasurer at Wasiungtou to-day received $255,000 in National hank notes fur re¬ demption. Thu customs n-celpte were $780,000, and the internal revenne receipts were*$390.000. Tbe following is the Clearing flout..) statement to¬ day: ETC_anges_$104,574.750. bal-inoes,$8.803,474. Tbe transactions at the Sub-Treasury revered: Receipt*-. #507,420; payments,$416,132; currency balance, $6,118,620; coin balance, $102,046,916. Ttie ioreign exchanges remain dull and rales ateady on tbe basis of tbe following Quotations t Prime iisnl-.ira' steiling bills 00(Uv*. M dava CO -OuiIod.MfU-tWaS $4K7*8»4Hi. Ooeeel iiii:.-e*res'snn prune com III 04 R4 . 4 87 #4 1-17 Oieoui.miin.rcttl. 482 si x-.e, 4 M5 *4 H5% Docii_n«iiti-_T commercim.... IM 94 82*4 4 85 mufi. Parin francs 1._ 5 20 'ab 18% 6 I7*v<r-. iou, A mw .-rp. francs)._, bio 0b 18% 5 17-i*-.'> 10 fiwinc ,fraii.-sl. 5 20 95 1S'< 5 17*-_*a li|i_ amst-rclam (raildertl . 40TiV 40% 40*et* 40% Mambury (i-tohtaarlcal. H4.0 Ab tfb**,a Yb*-* _Tratil.fc.rt iT-lo_n_ir_t). 94a. # 93 96%a. 85*_ Brcioen (retethaatfes). 94 Sj** 05 B5.» tf5*9 Beril: .ie1c*_*srt_s>. 94%» 03 96%0 Ubh lu London British consols were somewhat irregu¬ lar, but cloned with a decline of Hw at 98'i.c both for money and account. United States 5s were higher at 104V the others being unchanged.the 4--2S st lll**a and tlie 4* at lOO'a. Ene shares were Xl higher at 45*e, but second consols declined lg to 9-'!-%- Atlantic anti Great Western brats fell from 7.1'e to 73»78-_ and tba seconds from 37 to I.ti¦_. lllu.oi*- Central wss Lt per cent higher at 110, ami Central and Hodson *g at 136. India Council bills were allotted at nn ndvauce ol Me per rupee, bnt bar eilvtr declined to SI's per ounce, in Paris French 8 per cents rose from 83.371, to 83.50'2>83.471_. The gross earnings ot tbe following railroads lire reported: cucvauuin, oolcudl-'S cnecwiuti __kd imhaxafous. 1879 1880 Bec-ond wo. k of Apiti.. tWO-tt 083,5*21 Ina Jr20,441 Jen. Ito April 14. 010,-190 1.297.4G4 lue. 318,108 ST. LOUIS, UOK MOUNTAIN AUD SOCTlieUN. * lP7ft lHftO asioad weet ot toutil... B8-.335 8109,41)0 Inr- e__3.oe:5 Jan. 1 to Apiti 16. 1,1*9,699 1.715,343 Ino. 615.758 Bcauxai-x. cxd__ kapiob abd ko-tubbs. 1870. 1880. eieond week ot April.. r23,o*'9 833,375 Inr. eio.sofl Jen. 1 to Apnl 14. 372,762 000,209 lue. 935,467 The receipts of boor and irraiti at the principal Atlantic ports this 21st day of April were; Kew-Yoi-t. Bal ti rn are. Phil- -loni. bblt. 8,182 sLOOil M.WO 6.883 1.400 214 eoo 61127 070 60,1*00 io«.4oe Xet^XlO Wheat. bnslL... 117.450 Cern, butli_ bt.KtS Oatt, bush_ ebJtlB kyee, but*.....- SO e-srtry, tmab..- 8*750 Total bunn.... 248.D34 62.127 174,400 The following were the receipts and shipments at aud from Chicago and Milwaukee to-day: 'Botton. 5,423 19,001 48,000 0,050 8,6116 74,760 rienabhfc. .-Receipts- Chleseo Hilwsakse. IS. SM et<o ..-luptneets- Chlosero. HUwsnkea 31.046 Whest. bush. lorn, bush. 95.1*47 Oeta boan. 60,452 are, Bub. 4,264 .Harley. bnSB. 7,800 Total bute. 178.4DV H.BOO 6,000 6,2 .1 900 1.700 24,400 16,719 M.652 169,'307 49.S34 em 6,025 266,720 10.400 MN 1.206 8.700 4.SI 14,200 -E-TBOPEAH FTHAWCIAL MABKKTS. lOITIliOB. Aiwl)>l-l»i*'p.---<r»niK>-«. WHja-ir n-oaer.08^. Ort th* seeeust. V. 8. OoneU, Werw ttreo. To4%: AtlanUe ead Great West tm Urti mortgage tnwteee rertl-cstea. 78 ; 4a,a4co-d.S6*.i Erie BaUwaveWee,4»; ailDoia Central. lex.1, - INsa__ay»-ssi_i <**sxr*r*tL th 1 'Strw-Tor* Ceutral. 185V LoKt'OB, amii 9I-2;SO p. m..Pirti sances quote three per cot 1 teales at BS traaee 60 esntimet Iorime scevonot. 4jOMOK.A**wm -HO tm liwiii-li.Wli'sa ter bett inoaer anel th-j scc-nnt Atlantis ann Orsat western ftrit morteafe trnstr.*" tMi-aaa-tea*, 78%: 4o.. inoas. 871 Erle Kaliwiv ft sw. April 81.Pvc--are Sn Lnaeww 3S tiauoe lifo eour tttoro ter ibeafca. -jostles. Anni 21-4 ._.»..t .BMaaa Vow area 104% al _nuc and Oreat Weiara tret _-eteaae<n_-ni' cert -tester, 73 s_: Kris Ken war aharea 46 *t 1 ntlnoia Central, 110. India. Cooeeil billa weresuoueo to-sy st *i_o. »*r rapw advanoa. ******sdtlese eaueOJee par seat teatee at hi ttaaes 47% eeettmee ter U14 seeeant. c-e-aex, A_-rfi'._i_auvce U q-oted at 61 %el per ooaoa COTTOJH MAKK-CTrv-BT TELEOBAPH. -ivBBrooa. April «-l*:30 p. in.-c-*tt<m essisr; Middittut _»____. itu -Ua-H-f eurteana, lLuAi ***** eoeK) baie*, in¬ ter opocrnlrtl-n sad exoort. Keoeipts, 11JMKIboles ABMriean. _**nt__t*e»-_p- i___aAMlieecTlver7, 6T-*1.j ela,Apr.l -.nd ,lomt and el%__4 __. tuhfuuh huuum eanvTy. CV- sba 6»*_sr».: do.. _!______¦_! _____! ____N_____a____>____d_.__-_r ________¦ ¦ haili A1__>___1 a -Caa fl¦__¦ fi.^^S^'l-lU^r^t.t^' *" ."*44 ^ ** Uve-root-j-efO ll-l_8o o. n_.-____l__Mt Cpl.wee Oetton, P*.|Ai li'r-Wt-BOltea-s. 7e. e-irayot^ Ma-r-a .1-5 isp. _s.~Tke etalea el ibe dey tn- -ag, ll%c- Oe*. Ordlnaty. ll%a.t gteeeTsed te »->a»e-a Bntala, l,l»i balaa, eeaav V-U-tac !___. Lew steesMs, 11^0 to fkarfoa. Aacliu -H*»*_nneedy; Mieaii__.i9>«_i.ii-.w-r)4- 4__a. UV- (laed Qedl-err. ilVst bm nw avis. 9161 *nm\\\\*m**\Wt*w n\\> OMI-I CMlJ-OL SOO _>A-M' ilOO^. i_jL7M blh^-K l9i_u«-wrim4^tl.*--0-« U^M^S^** >^ntu.hi, ,*»*««^-^__^ei«e*i atM-ttme. ll Vu taw [%M quo* *__fi__*T. Id>f-l Mt NMtMt 4*6 rte te Oteat ___rt-^. ^QWbales 1 oeaetwise, 871 eehanaeAi ***~"-~*t. 11%*^ Lou BSJ-^^a.-RaVS-.'-P'-'-*1' \0toi tow 1,054 issiea beiaa rausr oumul i__j___rr. ¦JttM. r_*H, Basse- apt* ll-IWWWticieHh Market 1 BOB-rt. he-OS «aeta__M ate taaallaral | THE MARKETa m TOTAL KBCEIPrS OP ePBODUOE Per "forth Hirer. Veeeels anet KailroeAe. Wkdx-Sdat. April 21.1880. Oat meats. 1*S*. Lard, tot... -ara, bets. **-***_ag*Ma. Cheese pis. iwax.p*m rwS* .eec-bea, ana bbla. 16 21 141 6,001 3,640 6 8,937 our, bbla. 10,781 ¦ntntblt. 25 ram'!, bes 264 beat trna. H7_9eio ra. lins-. (9.628 rta. nash. 66.450 itt, bash. 640 uley bat. 4,909 -aso.pg*. 87 *V$S- 218 Ifl Hemp oles. lette. baW 47 Leati-'r.iida. 18,114 CA OIL Wa HMeaTHo.. Hide*, blea "ops. bales. Mora's, bbl. Meas. bale*. ¦_£?*: Rollin, bbl*. Tsr. Mila.. «te_*ata.i»**a. Meet pms. Pork, pkgs. i.14 142 884 rn 108 8.048 164 610 Post*, brr*. Skins, Wei." t'P'Mt-T. eJjvt^W* Tallow, pea. -4eM_lL»ga Tell) l-bda.. Tob..vk-a . VrttAJAtl*. Wool, balsa 8,738 Attn 8,600 488 83 1,015 1.319 38 GENERAL MARKET REPORT. W-Me-SOAT, AprU 21.1880. I Kn KS-Quiet, asdhsnced. JOP8VB.Rle iee. higher. IB fair oewand i Or-_na_rto -neCargoeeal 12 .-fTa'.c. lnclt_-ln_t lair at U"._-: 1.2.0 g* ex "Kahn" told ob private terms, and 1,000 ex * Bieia" at V, being on the beal* et 14V. for lair. Milt! tirade* let and anohangeti: total salsa lor s week patt; 2.497 bara araeslbo; 1,979 lags Caato Rios; LAH ber* Havsnllle: iii ting* Mexican; Ml bea* Laguuyra; 581 bega -loelia. '0 bses Angostura, and Mil Jam.iira. within the range*; .035 nat*. Java ex 'Drumadoon" eolil belora arrival on prt- ,tc* terras; D'.)l batta (*t. Os-ilngo are in transit fur Emetic; -day 51 barrels Jamaica, and '.'Od bags Maracaibo, sold on ivtite tenn; itock iUt*«i 78,988 hac*. and 14...651 mats, in- tiding 7.54'.' liana, and 110,003 mats Java; 3,3.;3 bags ley- a; 17.270 bsgaMirtcsibo: 9.H88 bags Laguavraj 9l4l>'igs ematc*; 5,26H bigs Porto Rico; 7_8fcti big* Costa Kies; 9.11 ga Mexicali- 1,100 bare Mocha; 1.800 batts Aiigoalura: iAV batta -Mvaniila. anti SI.(MU USU Singapore. Maracaibo, l«17c; L_urn*JT», l'l'.i-14%-.. Jstnslcs. 13»IGi*.; Ht. 1)0- lngo. 12"Tle.. 8lm.KiH.rc, 14416c.: Ceylon, .5«17c; Java, d'.'dc; rorto Kie;o. li. a lir.; Costa Rica. lJefclBe.1 Mexican, ;ai6c.t Moclis, _¦-*»'_... ; Augoattira. It'olToC.-. B*-»t:lll», io-iTc: Curacoa. 13efl4c. uuTTiia nieot Cotton list*, lower, sud sctlre for export; .les, 5,750 bales (60issi e* I'liiiigi.iiic lulling 6.348 ten export il'.'ita fm cpiuuiug aud 183 fur speculation ; delivered nu ntract, 1.7ee0bales: receipt**!, thc port* today, 6.84ti hale* ;uiust 5.690 bales this day last week, aud 4.541 laid year. S. oi*ui Uplanls. and Dulf. .dinaiy._.. 9-»u l«'*i* net ordinary.10*,_ 10». Hid ordinary.10->ia il'ts Url Good oreliuary........l)r'i* )W Mnldling.ll**.a riot 1.0W Middling.ll**. indlnir..lllfii wd Middling.-.12»io rlet Good Middling.li"t« i.ielllng Fair.IS»i* dr.13»'i_ H'-is UV IP9 1 1'yr, .:V)8 le ll 131"*,! Tex**, lei'.s le***is ll'is ll'-is ii1*' l-"',n ¦"."is 13>->. STAITWP. nod Ortllnniy. 9\ bow Middling.ll'.* incl Good ej_rllnirv..l0% I Middling.ll«i Fulurcs fsirlv active, closing barely »tCiidy at an artvadce ot toa ixiinli: eal's, 137,800 bale-. Prtee* paid: April. 11.7'J 11.78: Mar. 11.67*11.81: Jane, 11.7(4*. ll .96; Jun. lLllli* !.e*&: Anguat 11.0tlWl".lii;«eptenilicr. 11.71</Tl.**'7;Ocu>ber. .._4<.ll.:>5; November. IO UH-11.08 : Deoetnlier, 10.1)4* .03. Price* foi Mn.,'* and Marri-*.April. 11.73; Me.,11.79- itel., 11.93. Jiilv. li.'ol. Annual. 12.12: September, ll.87; lober. 11.35: November. 1 Lol): December. ll.tW: Jaiiiwn', .12. TVmIsj-'i rinsing pnoe* for contract-..April. 11.74* .76; May, ll.lt*: .Inno, 11.90: Julv. l_.<J12.er__; AnintBt. i.OftV)-.0'9:e^CT)t*mlH>r. 11.84*1 ..WO: tlctobeT. 11.82*11.33; ."¦ember, ll.04_fll.tKi: December. 11.02311.04. Tranalur-, loonier* 11.75. ?'LOUR AND MEAD.PiXtUR.Martel more active am! ¦mer, in instance** lliS'.io.li,fer. l-'n'.r export demand, and uderate joiibiug trade Inquiry salo*. )i«,600 bbl*., inclneliug SOO bbl*. Mioneisots Kxtra. $ 1 fx.efj-1 "..'.*» (or tlu* wlt.i.e age: 4,00c) l.bls Winier Wheat Kxtra, M 0 3.7 Iff! loo bbl«. City Mill Extra M"i, snd ss sb for .spring mut 'Inter Wheat Extra for l-'uropc, and *.'e 05*85 76 for weet idles ; 1,000 billa leow Extra. Cl .Mi*84 76: 1.2'H) lillis tin- Tfine*. M Ino-H 50. aud l.ooo bbl*. No. 2. I'J MW.. Ki; the solea l.*e.2oe) bbl*, were tor «.xti..n. tluota- )na: No. 'A fi Un otA SO; FutierUDe. Sii lb dot 60 ; Coii.ini.il Pair Kxtra Slate. 84 50B»4 75: iioo" to Vanrv do., S4 HO tC : Coimooo to Uood iixci-a Weatern. S4 504S1 hoi Mttoe to Paney do.. SI gD&fT. Common to Hood Kxtra .and Roon OHIO. 84 80e»SS 75. Oevrd to Chnloi* lt.. S5 SO rd 75; Minneuii- Oubidou Kxtra ti bnnti HO lt»e lxnire. S5 25e»-5 75: Baaera' Kxira. *R O id 'iO. "strairli!. J15tf*7 ; J-m* emu SCO SR 'lb. chleflr witMn tbe range-of i»»7 25; Ht. Lous Coroninn to lair Extra $4 OOcMi.V ¦IT tu UOIMI. gb 10986 76: Goofl to O10100 lamil v. letti: Patent Winter Wheat Kxtra. 80e«7 60: dosing liet.SOUTHERN I Lol. il s'>t>ni atesdv. wilh llj,lit ex .rt and moderate Jobbing trado dc man.I wilm, 1,100 bieis cl.illug Com.ton to Good Kxtra, 85 '.'.'c'ers.'i Ot): tiona 10 mice do.. 8ft 0f>i*f5 90: Cheeirt* to Paney dr.., ft(;*#7, in- adina 800 bbs foi export. 8(176.KV h. I'L'-r H dull, nn- angeei; sale*. *_00 bbl* i-up.rflne, 84 5l>»85.l»ti.-r very lolee.CORH MEAL tinier, st mi Iv Yellow Western, _15»8S; Rrasilywine. S3 10*«$3 ._(!; sales, JIM) bins. PORKlUN FRT/lTse.Hale* by suction. 4,0.1) boxes Mel¬ ia Oranges, ti>a$.l, and 4,000 do. Lemtms, 83884 70, by tau direct JRA1N.WWBAT.Market l»2*»e better, feverli-h and iieettlod: tenir export doinand, mainly for So.il spnugfur jglantt: large tiade on KpisculitlV'* arocmut; closing strong at out th*outside qnotatieiea.with a brisk speculative detnand lalnly for No.'-lied lor Marland s fair exient Inquiry; len, l,47(i,ooo boah, future*. 8D7.0CH) bush, prompt avery, Incindlng No. 8 Spring. SI 14*81 ttl, latter r verv Cnolcc, liiclniling parrel* to arrive; No. -I lepring. _rjeV-*-l 25, including Clelcago aud Mllwanl.ee. a Hf. Hil Sb: Hard Minneaotaand Na 1 niee-n Hay, *fl SH ; t'n- teded Winter Hem. Bl _ci»*SI SSh: Katisss Nn. 8 Red. 23S: No. S ked. 91 .*eoa*l 821 No. i White, fl SO: 9. 1 white, 8127*4981 -*-*»: Eur* White, Si 2*e. ,060 baa*-. Na 8 Chicero. first half Mny. SI 13: No S urthwest. May, 198.C8K) bosh . 8122; Nu. 2 Real. April. ilo*-_*»l ill*., closing SI ;ei*.; do. Meir, 81 27ff*l 99. It-dug SJ 29 : do. Juue. 81 Sbotl UC***, c.e.e-1' * 11 Sfila So. White, April. 81 27'.WI '_8>_, closing *1 2T***'d8128; etc.. ay. Sj 21 er81 25. closing 81 _"5&$1 "J.-i'i.HVE shade ¦mer and quiet at RBaoilc.HAMLEY ijnlet, Ilnu ; tales, i.oyObuslj. t'legnuleNl Catiacl*.-*-*c.. .BARLEY M A I.Tstwuly, ilea 4,o(K) bu*!- Canada, Si 15.COHN.Marked lase. -ter, acarce and wanted eales. B-.HOOee bush, fultu e. 7«.00 I l*.. pniniiit datively, tnrloelmg Ungr-u)(*tl Western lxeed. 6i"»»660.-. No. 3. 82s,e»ft;ii.; "tti-mer Mix.-.l. 5:. 54'ga: Mo. S, 54>_*55c ; Na '.'. White. ....«.'. *.; _..»rli all 65c: Yellow. 64c; Low MixeiU ...I've.: Ka 2 April, !14*i'-"or. cloting S'-'Kc; do. May. t1*\mi*otn rlwei-g *., inc.lMel.nt 32.-110 boah. Hut half May at 4H*vC: No. 1 iou, 47c.GAT- opened a ahadn hrtner Icc lied, and '.'*3e. bettco- lor White; cln-lnj; diU. l lower lor Mixed, and 1*1 've- lower for While- lee, 93.000bnah.. Including No. .*. fie.; No 8 White. )..& C.; No. 2. 4-e.,.J>43'V.; No. S Willie. SI1-/* 3-.it'; Mixed eaten.42-*_et44c; >A bit- on., 47**,ct,A i.-r. Mixed Ntaie. snr.. bite oo, 62d64c-; Kxtra Wl.iui, t.5r including in.i'oi lte_ No. 2 May, 3tec.; 10.CMIC) biu.li. do. April, private lanae PKKii st-tacly ; 40 tBo8ti _fc,S'-'4»$'' .; IOU th. Wlbthti p*>r tx; talon, intt, Peed, to arrive, at 8-3**1.4 p. r tua. troiiTB I'liot BIX AVLANTIC e-KAI'ilp.tfl KIR THK WEKK t.MlfcD Al'lill. 17, IPPP, Plorer Wlii.itCom bids. bush. Ininti. D fnlted Kingdom. 9i!.r"-'i 9e)ii,*ij. 1,7)1.noi o Cerntl nen t of Kiiropc 2..'7U «H'.',eii49 Sin, Heit utal week. 99.291 l,7flt),:tl4 8,651,H77 otalpr*.viona week.... b!e,440 1,779.492 1,688,671 GREASE.*)alra. 12.00i. th, S-*iaO. HAY AND_'IRAW-A ile;e/,)" trude goinf. on nt well tua liued t.rlies: fhipping Har. 65i70e.: retail lot* ul >r. for Medium, and 85 ali'.c. for Prim* Clover. 55r. (raw and 81 lur Long Rvei U5c tor HUort du. -.ua bootie. ir Oat BIDES.Quiet-, prices barelv steulv. Ho|e*rule- riulet, Mit In the li.kin st«oly ; New-Ynr!t, 1879, 7 msc.; Yesrllngs, 9c 18c.j I'aelll.' C e.ssf. I--7le i.e..*:.,.> M01iArVSKt*--Holllng*leMk Verv quiet ; 5ii*-'-t.st. Hkc., at blch the l**t Balsa were tusde ; ore'eery gTrt'icscr in aa y mot. rate demaiia Portci Rico, Sb*50e.: Liiuiiah ls auls, ina Dc.; Cuba, 35 a Hus.; New-OriNins. 4(>f.ei"C: scVhi. sinl-el at ,74ttihei*. Cubs. 1.8«1 hh.lK. I'nrtn I'.ifii. 3.11 Iilnls. Elittlisli ¦lauds med 1,0 0 hhls. New-Orleans. NAVALdTollUH.R.Miii.1**r and Plfrhat* nncbangnd and nil. hp'.rits Tut |m-u ine, demand about *leiicly at ',1c; no BMaaM reported OILS.InJ.eb dng sale ntilv at revcent price*. OCEAN FHKlGII'l'H were vari quiet Ifdny i breadstuff* in nerlai iv cheri, ed titislnehs-'r.'eies were linnet- tin- lAvsnea Itt and iu inst ince* hewer. Livciiiunl. Hail. 1.80U Lalee <'ot- un, "Mel.: .irani mn.nd l*ri; lil Cake. Vis. (id.: Mitumri- lent (loiKla 16a.; Tleetir quoted ie. per bbl.: **nk Kluir. 15s. er ton: Bac en and I*rd, lu*, ir.if.t-t.: TalU>w, ie8acP22a Hd.: team, 8.000 btialL Gralu, private terms, quotncl 6*U*\, 00 tt> ,!."() pkgs Butter aud Cheese, 4' ».; LOeK) pkga Baeos, o.**..2s.0d.: smail lota of oysters, 4s. 'a 4s. (ie*.; KM una sack Flour, through, io*, a a.. ad.; l.u.ii bhls. O., 2a 6el.'ei:la: 2,108 baie* Cotton, tlerougli. '.,.. VI: leef In imiili kit* st 5a. *3d an«,; Por*, 4a; inugar queued IM.) Oil Cuke, iee 40 tun* iie.inn inn nt ti ooa, 22a M. /Obdon. Mil, 400sacks nour, iiiiolert 17*. Od.: bbl. do., ls. l'.i,; hale 4"%»5it.0() _: Bacon anil Lard and Tnllow.20*.; Oil Vnke, 7a. Od.: Tee tens Meaanrement Dundie. 12s. 14.it if,*..; steam, B.ocmi bush, cirain. 6d. «0 lb: 60 tans Meae-ntc incut tiiieci-, ;iii*2'-». Cd., aoial lou of Rsc*- and Lard. .Ula Abe. and Hut- ir and Cbeeoe, 37a. 6eL; Tallow que,tc .7*.(ld.; Heil, "... lid. a to Od.; Pork, 4**4* Od.; fugar. 27*. Od.: Ol] Cake, '.-Oct.; 30) otu lark Flour, through, 2o»:_ii. _td.'<?2_*a ed.; ifl ns luis. a.. Ss. Od. Olaagow, guam. A.ittm sacks Piour. ihrouzh, ii*. KL; 1.108 bhlaao.. 2a 6d.; 70" _11_ks. Prorlstona, 3/a. lid.; Hort .noted 6a. (ld.: Pork. 4*: -agar, 27a (Jd.: UH Cakn. 22a Od.; leasai-tnent Gooda 22*. Od. Bristol, iteam. 6,000 sicks Hoer, 22s 66.; Prr-rtiioni quoted 8i>i.835a; Oil Caks, ll*. M.; 8n_rsr. 27a ed.i Meakurernent Gee ia 20s.w25». "ber. were no Contlneutal eejcsfeznetnti nf nuts. Brlilsli teamer, 770 temi, to thc Continent. 6,500 circ. Orain, quoted «. 8d.*6*(id.: Italian bark to Alicante or Valencia 2.IHX) ira. Grain, ba 4d., tree elevating: a bark ie Cw* fer erders, 8,(HW qr*, aa., 6*.- taree aUaanara. 1.241, .839 and 1,511 tstw call to arrive). to L u- lon. Cattle, £5, snd Grain, etc., at current r*te*i ws otberi were reported, bet ae particular* _tv«i . nrit.si. ark to Ameteresai or Rotterdain, 4,ooo bbl*. Ileaned Veno- mb. Ba Cd.: tke BrltUh shin. l.«_8 tons reported in our la*t o Leado* should hav* been liveraoel; AesireUsn bark. Si .5 .aa, Mt Msraellle* or Oatie, eenersl cargo, eta., at earrent alee i Bnielia ship. 1,026 tema to Reval with Cotton, pil¬ ate terms -, and baot with Iron, at !8a.; a bark. 091) eons, to eJew.0.1_*n«, iiellraed Iron. S3 00; a achoouer, Ho tons, e Bemads san beek, at 88 62 end foreign port hireei; American bsn. 482 toni, io Cape Toe-n, 4 86*. per ton: BrltUh shin. 1,383 toni, Irom .'orfolk to Llverpoel, Cotton. £1,7(8), free of conipreiiiug .nd aievedom charge* From Itouton.Ilritish abln. 999 lona, o London, general oargo.at rate* Nnrwegl n lurk. 469 ton*, o Malpas, eackFlonr. 'Jos.: Brttiah b»r*. 376 tout, to Cnue :own sad Meseel Bay. ALObn. trom BalU-onTe-Brlllsh teamer, (eo arrive. Mar loedlngi.to the Mediterranean .9,000 ira. Urain. quotnd lia Od ur AdriaUc, Oa. Od. Prom l'hiladtil- )hl_.-Amer!f»u ililp. 1.8HD lona lo Avonmuuth. Urtlu, 4a ter qr., and OU Cake aod Provision-, 16s. per ton, PETROLKHM-Uulet aod easy ; oert1flc»te* again oweri Crude, lu ahtsplng order, 6S97*Tro.: Napbtha. i*t»5Ha: ReC-tieS nt7"...New-York,7"Ve. for Philadelphia and '**£. for Baltimore; cam, liaii'c. CTtnt Hc-dnous- rouen* al** United GerUflcaiee (Crude Petrotenni), New-York, 13,000 bbl*.i Oil City. C-'H.OOO bbl*.- Bradlem. 2..6,01)0 bl)ls epen-d. 71"'sc. bid.; high eat Mle*. 71»*e.: io west. 71-0.: closed. '1*40. bid. PROVI-ION8-PORK-M_eM declined about 10c. per bon, ind cineeei weak j export demand very itnnteo ; scan-tiv any ibeeuUttve Inquiry ; New Mau, on spot, quoted 810 60 ; icl- tlinc price on Cali. $10 86 i no sale* rev .ned. Third Call. May, 8102a&$10 6o June, $10 30*810 46: July. 810 Abes .10150 * August. 810 40aS10 55.BEEP without quoUblu *_*¦*«. demand only moderate; Plain Mesa, 810; Kxtra do., 110 608*611' e_tty Extra India Meas. $1M»S1_0 ; Philadelphia, 119.BJCKr HAM8 iteadltr held, but rather quirt: qacded .17 86»$17 60..CDT MEA .S'n falrrcquestai mn l.t.- title'e*>; tale*. 6O0Plcc\lvdHboulders, 6*_c.; 60c> pickled Ham*. 10c; Pickled Sheuldera. 6'.a5'4C.; Pickled llama, HV,»10'4C; ImokeO Hem*, 10*?911'«c; Hmuked Hhoulilers. Sc. MIDDLKB dull, unsettled and ender : sale* at West MK) .oxes Lung sun Short Clear, o.voc.: Long Clear," 0.6_t*-';; *hort Olear 6.87 *»o.-. Loug sud Short Clear, hal! ind half. _.7*-o...DKE*8KD ROU*, s atitiln lower. CU) lle,)V)"4 loUgbt, I1.***.: Pla*. 6e.LARD-Market o_ut>ed about Pto. per loo » blaber, -feerward ihe advince waa losl. and alosnil wiesel and a ehad» under the pnoss currant last iveuingi less aottve bewise** is Mab mia: fata* trade nn nr-culat*-* acooiint; sela*. S50 lea. Prime MteMs. snot. [.Beat M-tHng prto* os Hut Cell, 7.17*-cj 3.000 to*. Maj, lAttftit*tto, etloelaa 7.17*»*7.1»Oe.: 8,000 te*. Jae*, l.-nia J.*!***- eu*ie« 7_S*t)»7."J6fci 4,600 lae. Joly, 1.*l*,m m ciw tfia^«8?.ift«.,AW' __«_ bvyers* ovttea, 7.81>e. Third Caa. April. 7.164 7.20c; May. 7.Ivie«*7.I7*_c.i Juna 7.2oa7."i;V"»_.: July. 7.-S»7._7i_e.; _taf«ea*^*»7JS<Be.; V*er,7.1t'.-*f.l7'4e.. do. ben.vs' op. tum, 7.66»7.6e)c_i etty bteam more active: aales. 500 tc*.. 7a5e.t Me. 1 Uty-eaue. hm* to*-, 7c^ ReOaed. nrmrr;*aies, 180 tee. Curtin.st. I.tha.-BUrHtH-Our remarka of isiliiiSBB wiiiilii*eiri-iH| iiilm>iil They ekonld have tesd ** finttar-MsrbeS dull, e»»d aearsaly e* Brm; prices. Wltheat q-otable ebaaaa.1* To-day-Hultcr- aall. aeuwUlea aad tower, except tot aedn ef V. esl ere*, watch see ecai-e Md firmer; Helter--tate aslls and mba Common to Choice, ince Ute.-. BUte Welsh tabs. Good io cbolce. n*28c.; bute C-Buaeii to Chelea 280260.: Waet.rn lmllslloa JtliMsa Wesfra Dadry. Poor toCholee. 19»'.'le.-. TteMqrJlcw le l-n^l 9*280: Western purf, aK)B On MBiBaessdst *S*7V -er Cawltai .aaa-«B)Wai-aaa ntuvr weak; Petr te Oevd Reflatag, tt*noeui_JPnt*t* _fbl-_s--i .,,"*-7»V*.. and Oaof-ffngiL 8".-"KV-, psrt last evening: iles, 715 Mids. PrenA Uland*. TV-; loo hhds. CentrifngsL yr.: 8'H) hbda Porio B-44. TV»7Se.i «00 hhd*. Melsdo.6^ » k-ds. Cubs Museovsde, 7Sc-" ,tock* tuXllI hhdt..796 .xe**. 733.067 bsn, sud 2,037 Malado against 37.420 hhda. lis. be-as. 681.387 heirs aad 1AM Melees at tbl* tune ed year i _-ef_n*d lu baiter demand sod steady; s_ru*hed ad Pc-r-ersd. 0*Ve-: Qnmnlatee. BVil'ic.; Cut Loot, 9S« tit; Stannard "A," 9<*t HKJCDS.Quiet and anohanired. __ . _____ _,__ BTBABINK.Quiet; Western, 7**e.t eeles, 12 bhd*. Cltf. **-; 800 tea City, from May to Aug-st delivsry. 7'..8'eC TALLOW'-Quiet, needy; isle*. 95,000 lb, 0_sJi,,o. WHISKEY-Market armer j Si ll bid, 8112 aiked; c-Ues. X) bbla ; Alcohol lor May. 3_*»-_c, -? LITE STOCK MARKET. New-Yob*. Apnl IL-BEEVES.Reeelpti to-day and yee- irtlay were 807 can of 0.1»i head.192 oar* at Withal, end mears at Jersey City. Total ¦(nc* Bstnrdsy. 9,429 head, ritnst 8,929 bead for the oorr-utx-ndln* time Ult week. The looerste receipt* st Jersey City c*u»esd a finner leellac. and io market np to 9 a m. waa active, aud s fraction Urhet thaa on Monday. But try the lim* three earths of the oftsrins* bsd been aold no many dls- ntchea had been received from 00th-»t., representing that iarket to bs. completely st S iLinfl still, that a lialeg uyerelrft the Jersey city yardi expecting to "scoop" In ie bargains that were ao promiscuously offered nt the illi¬ lwa yerda.' From tbat hour until the close the market at BTeey <"lty wm) weak and unsettled, and the finish wes no Riler Hum on Monday. At 6 th-st. the n.arkot oieeneel ex- ¦emelv dull snd folly SI per head lower than the closing iles cm Mondav ; out under tbe Influence ol favorable rports trom Jersey Cltr, end the assistance of some Wash ijrton il.tiket butchers, the fueling becsine peirej.tlbly retnfler. and the market closed about Si per besd hl?hcr ian lt eejH-ned. Of the supply at thule yard*. 1)2 car-loads iir.eellriit to Mr. Eastman, ano ll car-loads to tbo exporting nu ot Lingham * O'Brien. Tue rest of the stock was all for ale, and had nearly all changed band* at ll am. The re¬ nt-ted transactions at both yards lucluele 2 ctar bends of Culo- ido mid Native Milners, wnlch solel at 8*»c, to eirena 5(1 If) 2 irs of Light, but Fat. Corn-fed Cherokee* st 9c., to dress 65 i; 6 lescis ni Corn-fed Coioredos at 9U«9"-jo.. to dress 5(1 in ml Cuni-uon to Choice Nsitve Hteer» at 8s_lei«oc.. to dre** Mihi ft. A two esr lot ol DUilllery-lcel Halla wero sold st e4et i)«e.. live weight. Mr. l.setniau reserved s trifle over 1.30(1 head ot his own attie I >r export and nought 40 head on the market. Ling am A O'Brien received 219 heart direct from Chicago, whlrh 111 be sh! lilied elive to-morrow. Hhcnnan * Gillett pur- iaae.1 110 head and D. Torrevd Oo. 80 head fer their He*! ipnrt trade, and the new tirrn o*f Mt-ears. Toffev A Qlllett ought 71 head a* part of s ahlnmrnt ot Live cattle to li* isclc* the lorepart et next week. Ufstrge Manln »lso pur- ii.'iseti-.'ii l.lTeCktlle for the steamer Ilennnda, wtuoh aalls i-morrow. Hblpnients to-day wae bb Live Cattle by T. 0. -siinsn, on the Erin. salo* atJersev citv.W. E. Dudley A Hon for E. Kralth : 34 cod Corn-led Ceelnrailoa 1,-'45 m. ut !»'.o. bil Os. aud 60c. ueb: 17 do.. 1.T18 m. at 0*.c and fl each; for Dudley rt Poet: ll Illinois Mieers, 1,.-'00 lb. Ht D'tc, .'.il ttl. and 60c. each; 48 a., l.iAl ft. at 1) .c. aid 81 each. M. Goldsmith fier-elf 1M Mtos'inri Weer*. 1.120 16, st 9c. rim; -"inn.., I,v:i9lb, nt Oitt.i ludo., 1*241 B, at oUo.: 51 ii., 1,235 ttl, at HS"-., les* SI each: 8 do., 1.9*7 ID. lt USC, as 60c each I lido.. 1,811 th, at (.Sc; 3f! tlc)., 1,947 ID. at 'jC: 'tb (io, 1,441 Oi, at inc., 57 tb ; 4 Illluo's cit.., 1,18." Os. tO-sCSCm. lessSl each; redo., 1,388 lb, at 9*.c; HO de., .:<()_- th. st 9e.it: 15 do.. 1..1HII m. lt U*>4C, lees 81 otoh ; ao h., 1,120 Ih, at inc.. 57 tb. Conev « McPberion for A. D. K lnjt: DI Ml Mini Steen., AW ITl.nt ie**r , 5(1 m, less Mic. each : 16 do.. 1.1IW ttl, stO^C.i 6 do., 1.28,i lt), st 1. 'st; 7 do., 1,437 tb, at UV., line.. ev li; fido, 1.28 itt), nt 0 "sc, less,"¦(._-. each; '-') do., 1,(10!) ft. at D^c. 67 Pl lons *1 each: 13 clo, 1.061 ft), st IO1..., les* SI sile; fur A. N. IliieeUblo: 0 Ohio Hirer*. 1.2(17 ft. at 9*_e-, ii I 'cl.. i.-.'S" ft. at Inc... 57 IB; 2 ()_e*n. 1,78.1 ft. at 9o., 66 .; for A. Sunlii'liiier: ll Vlrfflnis steers 1, :70 ft. st 9c*. 60 i. on oinmittslnu (57 Illinois Steers, 1,264 ft, at 9'sc. Bl! Bl de.. 1,312 ft. Ht |.e-C.; 6 do., 1,4-8 ft. at fl*_C; t* do., 1.481 tt, t 9->4C lc*. $1 oar li; 27 do,, l.li.-.ei ft, al 0s_t; 5 ela,, 1,331 ft, t ll>MC F "suinnelsfiTsftlf 17 Illinois meiers, 1,235 ft, at 9V.¦ f. tt), le:-s -,0e. each ; 17 do . 1,2.1 ft. at One..; 42 do., 1,9*8 ID. 9 *«t. and 81 each ; 2'.'do.. 1,280 Ih. al 'Jigc., lens I.e. each. Newton et Ileiluie-M for A. elie nv .il.! 1.'. Illinois Steer*. .38s Ih. gt 8V., 60 ft; 7 do.. l.'.'Oe* ft.stOUc 10 de... Vi' T. i. at !)>*c.i i clo l,40ei ft. si lOc; for I., ce. Dock 0 still fed nils. 1.C15 lb. at 83 80; Sdi).. l,.-,.jf ft. St MAJ 1*3 il"-, ,"2-t ft, at 3V-. lea* Mle. eseh; 1 no.. 1.500 ft, at 4c; clo. l,47:i ft. iH 4V; !. da. 1.174 ft, Bt IV.: Tor WV. ,'imsIs: 7 lilllie.I-.stc-er-e, 1.184 ft, nt '.I've'., 5C ft. less III.. sch 8 do., 1,23. ft, at'."vt; 1.1 clo., l,te<2 ft, a* ie V. do.. ,.e;je) ft, at le ii". J.l'. ."sui'lere. e'o. for Datllnuinn rt Brown 73 Illinois teera, 1.3..0 ft. St 9V.. 511 IT);8 do Lillie rn, at 9c; lee? lt. . Luiel__vi De Ml** Url fleers, Ll ii) ft. at lee; iii) On., 1.910 i. at O'-.i'.. lec-e _. aeii f r I). iDiopiT 17 Iliillnini *-t> re, ,!*nr, lb, st 10c. br, ft for W. sales 19 Pennsvlvant*. F te r-, .80S ft, at 9-vc; lore. Falmer : lt! MUsouil sie-cn, 1,::31 D), I 9a4C I.ewrt MavBrTM. forselvos: IOU Illinois Steers; 1.18(115, B*aC .'eli tT. lc-SB a.^'. e:c.-tl. W siegel for Morris A- Sieeel 28 Illinois Bte'-ts. 1,176 ft, I i's.... ali tb ,fsi,»i emli: .'el lin., VIM ID. st I' *_<-.. leo* 840 II thc lot; 36 do., 1,271 ft: nt D'uu. 'JO do.. LSIIO ft. st il',c., ¦ ¦ 88 e.n the i»t. 4-'7 do, 1.381 ft, a! '.."ic.: 17 do., 1,35*» ft. at .ja. mid .'.e'e. .-neb. II. MeyerlierHClf: *S Oorn-frsl ("lu-rok'-os. 972 Ih, st Oe , 55 i; *n Colorado*. 1.887 ft, st 9-vc.. Bc ft- 15 minn* Meera, ,070 Bl, at I'e.. leal 60c. earn 19 dm 1,121 ft. ai 80.1 lou.... 107 ft, st !)s_c : 111 do.. 1,___. I ft. at, li'tc. encl bile, eaeh ; to ... l.i.lA ft, l'l W'-.C D. o. colver (or A vt. Allerton 37 .Minotiii saicti, 1.17.' , et fe, 66 ft, and 81 each ; Ifl do.. 1.121 ft. at.. >_c ll clo.. ,215 ft, Bl I* _<-.; "-'._' .I.e.. 1.221 ft. nt fl mc. alni *1 oneil I'e n.. I..711, ft. Ri 9*4c., nnd * I ewen; 18 do.. 1,2(7 ft. .ct H'.t:. clo.. l,82i ft. 41 9-B., *nd fl see le lee dei., I,".'j IB. at lot, s*x] ,.aci, 4 ci, 1,3 t-j Ui, at lue. M. LantertiH'h for ae.II: 1". Il'ln's Hirer*. 1.1 iiii ft, st 9c, r, rn, and *l etch; IO do.. 1.1a; tb, ..t nv. e.'. .... 1,258 BL ll', c. ; iliii!'.. l.'Jlil ft. at 9-c.. -nd '.IV eiieb : ll!.)... I.'.e" .at .."ac., le-o. .'.ic. e... ... 21 do., 1,993 ft. at U_c., uuel_-l ich. Kuli-* at ..Oth ht.-IL X. Dce.-ntbul ferr sMf : 88 lil. 1. ni¬ le ere, I.t Hi ft, at 8V- bt ft 18 '1".. 1.-07 ft, at l'c , leu #1 tea, lt. c*. CeMinfor self 17 Illinois «etc-tts. 1.Item m. at BVe- flfl (17 clo., 1.988 ft. ut '.114c, ami Mic, eaeb; tel dc.,, l.twy m. at ....C.. less ft uae)i: '-'il eic l,4e*n m. nt UV"-, and SI ea. h. D. tv eitel lor I. Wsixel eil c t.lnrj.lcc sod Native Miller*. ,033 ft. si 81-... bti ft; 83 lli.neii* .-..ver-*. 1.2*9 ft n.. 1,215 fr.. IttfC Bd .'.'" r.it-b; ln7 eic, 1.S1H Bl, at B'«e_i ll.tn.. 1.323 Ite. atl'ltc, and 81 Beeb; 45 do, 1,Lilli ft, at '.e*_c; :. rle., i.:'":.4ft. *t oj,c., ind .'.or. eath. r. Jot, tel. lor sci! lei lilitml. *strer*. l.S-eO ft. lt ')'tr .'.)'. 1 ; 142'lo. ,*IOI Ih. st fl i.e sud 41 e;ch 25 do.. 1 .4c.; 8fl dee.,Tl,417 lb at 10c., and 5"c each. c. K eb:, lor nabu rt linker tu Mikwuii Hteer*. 1.410 ft. ni i.e.. ttl ft. lillee. 1.670 in, al!.L.<". 1. c. Kn. iliac valued lits rails u fnllnw-; nc M.swMiri tjeers, 7'j <"Ult., at juc. ."ci ft;.".'d'., 7 ¦¦.¦v.itt: n e- d.... I »l cwt.Jil l.'sc; lo." clo..Ti-wt. kt '.e-.c 1 14 Ca.81 -tl., ai trjei.,., >.._. wl ,at 9'4c.; 118 flo--ti cwt., at lyi '4cwt.,a 10c. JO dee. 8-jr wt st mr., 57fl»; 1 :'. Il 0. MS, cwt., .ct D'V 7'.l!o.. ll .'Ht a< 10' c.; ,r.s ctn., ll 4 WI.. SI I Oi*.; 10: do.,'..', cwt. nt l«*ic. CALVFJ*. Itt-, c- nf. \ --. I.'. 1 ii- I- .' ce.'i- 1 'll li, i.". .1.158 at (beth lt, 1 I' it Wash] . ¦ u .Ie r ev Citv. Toe sopt lr waa nm n. henri n bb Monday. Mid nth SgoiKl rt.-tn*JMi th* uia'ke-l e. a-e tall li nc; Ive. atilt .cst tong .c. highlit. Hales ul Hutti.-i:i.tlk C'eUi ioninniu to I'llii). Vials at 4*e*6 .. ., »it' Choice ut 8 c., nd u lew Celt dis'. t fe. Ksb-s- inrc'ilwii'k A lieder soil; 31 Butvwmltk tvlve* 1MB) »t ti***',: 38 do., iii lt.. ni 4r.: (i-t \ .,1s, loni cr v.. ado.. 120 ft. at IW; 8 .ia. 121 m, i.t u*Kn >. Am, ..-> 3. at 7c. llr.lletib.ck rt Deris sold 27 Ve*ia. 1.13 ft. St l*,r Iii il'i.. Ul II,, i.t '.t-.; 4 .... lill) m. al OK,.-.: .11 il.c. 14(1 tt. .. J. H. liam*soldi 39 . e-aia, 11* ft. .-.t 4 <.... 167 Un-198 __, I .'."'ic. Sili.Kl' AM' I.A*e!H"s.-..e.ctietB yistertli.y md tnclev r..;.-i'.V s_. e..rsi>I 5 in)".'heed-">-n' n* at l.Oiii st.. ersev City nnd I cur al Wsshluglcut) UsrSesI, lotalstiii** leiuiiliij" 1,9'ii beal, 8KB1IM1 '.'Tl InckI len thee Ilk.' Ill'li' list eec i.. ill" III il kel |,'-l|.t»4y v,. ind stork sod quickly at advanced ter -s m e; i., t. hcavi Klieen weire **e, htghc-r thau on ii. llitl. t lad c.'.linn IiiiIc1ii-ib' stool \ inl.ii. AtJulkry 'it) tl:f |CC Iis Wen le' e-1 ,1 LU Calli' l.l III 'l| I'i ..|'. ir'eng *«c. )m r ft. A l-.r.<l ol i'n e, KtateCltppad Kin obi iH Icier eu, ic., illlt el' eva tel i' Ile, lln.isl eic, M nos! patt St 6'4*6"ve.; 1'nslm; ei elie, ul i^T'v.: t |.|.a..l ).ar Inr" al I.'IC; I lisburn tlo. nt .s,4<i»sL.c.. ..u.l .-|jrin_, i-ml.. j". id-.tr. lier ft Ried S< UIT llBBrt. Hxiui- Kase A Ildoeefk sold at Jersey etty: ts. ihln Pl BO ft. St 6 ItS.! 17. ..... DJ ft. .et '.I; . HI do, 194 ft. al r.s.'.: 44 Vtrirtiees "prii't lamil", iii) h. nt »i.; ill do., I" ft, at K-eti '-.:!.i.e.. 17 ir,, st '.e. Newton Ail mums ii iGhlo e I.j,j.. i .--t,, ,.iK m n, n| r& 85: '.'I** Wet. rn .'o.. 1 >S ft. st *"*. lo. Iliillcnbei k ct lc.vi' mle! it Oth Bl, 1 '.7 Mlrblgiin sIhm-p, n7 ft, at 7*«i'.: 529 liiinolMlo.. 131 li., nt ,7 4 '; State- du., .j m. ut71re'.; 1:11 st.,ie ciipnedda, jpoon non*, dii-hlg-.ii I eb« ii -In rn and (.inil.-i, nfl ft. tit | ,' .1); 78 .*sluie) ;nsheirii Limleee. 7M ft, »t W-.-c. Dillciibuck rt Dewey n-.M Ifl »'c»te rn dish om *-!., n, UK) t, at 7a; INO eln, loo ft. _t 7V' I*. V.C t. rn tlintnd lo.. t*b ft, at 5*-jC. le** 45 on th'-lc. -i-i t* ... SH lb, st *>*..r.. lb Htst.e I'nshe.rn Lambs. 70 th, ut ' 'sc.; 2:2 c j.j., cn, ,7 t>. st fi'ic J. H. Hume soil fl.'. Htate t'nslKim Lambs, fl.' di, at 8I4C; di clipped eui., (18 ft. at 0*4C.; 12 "spring I.aiuln. ai gb per lead. litlOA.Itorclpt* yesterday aid to'lavwere 10-e ta;s cf i!,874 head.bb emu .it 1 tli st and 63 c.irs at Jen y Pity. dal slnti -saeoreiav. 2.r..C .1 liOiid, ngilusl 96.486 heed 1".- be. e-orrosjciiilliii'Dnie Issi weeic. l"u|it;ilii Alhert llrcilsolil Itey.jstoteliiy, 170 Mis ourl ling*, 180 Ifl. at 1'..C N0:it: cn ale to-aay- niarkol maier und quo tod at 4';^4\c. LIVK 8TDCK MAilKKr.-1-rtT TBLBtlllAril. BltrrAiiO. April 21.CAVrut-lteoetntji lader. 1.980 lena': Ota) lur tbt* reek thu* far, 8,110 kout j tor tbo hsiuo tiinn sat week, 8,910 IicaiI ; eousirie.^ througli. tell .-an.- iii.hi.i toady and uuchangetl; no Bute hers' stock eettt 1 lng. mids of lood hhlppcts'lt 84I6B84 bu; about ali wild. uniou* asp LAMua-ltocc-ieiH to-iiiu'. 2 3110 bead total fer he week tims tar, 7,6no heidi lor tlie same t im last aeon, A Ono bead; consigned throiiifli. 7 mr,, market active, Arm etd h'.giier: lolly 15*. stronger, iain* of ValrtoGa.4 Wool 'heep st 86 H5a87 16: do., Clippeei. at 45 20*43 86; all he'd. ilOCS.HecelDtlto-dav. 4.500 hoad: IOU) leer Hie wee* thus ar. -ii.no>) bead for tne aarue time last week 28,00:1 lu sc! .msuneic. Uironch. HS osne market dull and bauVTi supielv 3ml lo tbe deiuatiel. aales nf Fair tu eiood VarkeuaaiM HbW 45; Extra at Si <>*-; Multuiu aud Heavy at 81 BO-*!. lin; ne load ut Kxtra si St 70; Fair linds at B4^4t40i n_. >t ll lOe-04 80; several ears remain unsold. CHICAGO. Aurll 21..llOUS-Ki'cclleie. 11,000 hcuo : »b1p. neut*. 3,700 heail: mir.el inure buoyant, and prue. Be. iigiien Mixed Packin-; at tA'niL Sb; I.ltht geinrnliv *l 14 40;C_oic- Heavy aili 30 0 84 85; market c losing tinner. UaTTLS.Uvomtiia. 5.01)0 bead; shipments. 2.100 be-sei; innr iel quiel sod uucbsuKed; Hbipiung st 84486 80; Butchers' ictlvesnd a si.a'io inglier ates 2cia.it '.'0; mi. By ai gnaf.i :>.»: itookeri sod Fe-dei* *t fl ;to«. »l so. fUtUBS. Ueoeliita 2,Ono bead: shpiueiitl. 1,!Hi'ibe:wl: mar- Mp*«l at 8:i 76**4 25: Ccmi _ou to Mcxlluin at *.'. .'.(iu j-i.; joulluC_iolc*»l86 20J8«6li. .I.e cn. .e.; 1 THB stati;o1' rmi)... KCItorEAN ll A lt Kli I'S. IMHML April ai.-i'or'et-.Pniu* Mom Cattera. Meatr it 70r. Western, stead, st 65.. ilscon-Ciiiiib.-rl.niii Cul, needy at 30.6d.; Hho« lob, ateauv at i*7¦; l.nmt C|e:ir, tail at bil bhcrrt Clear dull at 18., Jluun. i^jng out, lllul.r al il'i; rslinuhl'ra. duli at 25'. Beef In.in. St.**. lull SlcSO/: ..xtr* Meas, ste-selr si 89e 1'rtu.t. Mesa -it Hd- al 16/. Lard-Fnnie WesteTu, ietea.lv nt H7/tiel. Tsli.w-i i'iii,.- atv dali at sn. Tnnuutiue Wpint*. sicniy ai 4b Basin.Comuinn. steady at4/(id.; Fine, didi st 137. cuoecse. Aiuorlcan (bulee, steady nt ;.'.. l_rd on. dull al 39'. rioar.Extra tttate. dull at ll/teL Wbeal lllsill. No ii. iteanr al 9.pd.: i+pniig. Nc. 2. «t«.Miy ul lit ¦_>ri.. Maw Win- ter Western, steady at 10 8d.: New Sec>!hc_rn W in'r', ttt-odr it lOlOd. Curn-Mixe- ciio, .lull si .', ..'..i.; m. .tut.si, Hull st Md. i inioiisenii UU.Xetoru Aituiioaie, eeoe in market, itosin.commtui, at Lindon, st iioy at 4,*d. 'ibrpeutliie. Hpltiis. st Loiuioii. iteed I ai 89. irt.MeciN. Apill 2I.i p m..He tilled Ptiiule-iiiii, BVetMM. leer peT gal. LluieedOU. ..2015/per tun. IVOMEBTIC MABKKT8. BmrvAia. April 21..fleur nnehaaksd sales. 670 bids. Wheat.Uulet but Brm: essie*. U.ea.o bunh. Sec j White Miotiigau. Bl 18S ; 1 eosr Nc | Hard Duluth at Tl i^t. ( .e-n steady ; 6 agra No. 2 Weatern at 4 I Vc. c.-.sb 9 <_m tl... ar 40 V*. rash t H).3nO bush, .ell.r Ju' e nt in 'ic. einte. li drnund. Barley ntictinuse-. nyc noirmal, Kai in¬ to New-Vutk-Wbeai. i«).; Cum. "i*vi_; Hals. 6V. Cuni Wheat. 7t: Corn, li V.; (lal*. 4Uc. Uet.vpu-itaili Finur, 2.7')0 inila.; Whe-nt, l.i.O' ci bnTb.; C"uni. ,".2.ie-ei bit*').; Iisriey "i.'-'OO l.uili. oat*, ls.000 tiesli... Rye, 1,800 lenah. Canal-Fiuur, OOO bbl*.- Wheat. I97.0OU bu»!i. Cm n, SliOOO bush.; KiA*. 'ib.oetl bu.h. Hhii.n)ent_-l_atlt. ThHtr. 2.770 HW..: Wbest, l2i.o.k) buab_i Com. IuH.dOO bush.; Oats, 18,000 btisti.; llsrley, 8,200 bush.; 1.000. Canal to ildew»ter Wheat, 2:10,000 bualL; Com. 86,000 buali-i Usu lt. on Hu- h. ' CHIC Ai. J. April 21..Floor numlnally uni baaged. Wheat ao liva Brm and tilshir: No. '.' chicago rspriug. ri tif, eaeh ama April' 81 e.flu ind Mnv;81 87"* Jnse : ri 02*4 Ju'1 at 81 *)8N»*1 IO'S. May ; No. » da, letse.-. luflect-d n.ta m. C.irn in-live. linn and higher at 85"»ia.i5 V- casu j .)"..... Uar: 3.-1*41*. Judc-i SS-ijo bid July. Oats nnaeitleil lint gen emily hlgt.er. c using eeer at '.U-a eaah : v8t K.ev 1 2?-sc Jan*. Mys ileady ibo uncbaoBsd. Buley iWady not uu- ch-iured. 1'urk iu fair emano bul sileewer ratsa: S9 "*¦_. 89 40 caah ; PA iirtmi ii >_ May >. r." 52 ,*t"9 .',.'. Jtm« 88 S2eV| i«906Jaly. Lard saner-, S i;7SS6.70c. caah aad May: 6.72*, .6.780. IOO*; 8.8srr. as*td July. Iinlk SI*aU sU-dy sud ii-jehangcal. _-rg«.8*4»Ut WhUker *to*dy and u_eb__i__r_d at 81 07. Friduhi*.Corn to Bufftlo, Tic eJUClXKATL Aprti 91..Floor heavy Family, **Ugi 88; rauey, 05 50*81. 88. Wheat sears* mad linn tlbulc* Red. SI lee. No.9 Red Winter, SI 18: reer'ntc io.(*)0 liusb.: Udp- merni**, *MKlu b-sh. Ocsre dall 1 Mo. 1 M.xed. tot dam fleali 1 He. * uixeed, (M<«e*8»a Ur*8«-«.»i-Oaftlc. Baria/smtKe ¦"adana,- ___V»»o. 8 Fall pele. **t-_ Armer,at|fl7i-*81(8. Lard-tia--detesad sad ltt_rber st 6.70 -_75t faUMMlB in good demand; Htieralden, 8.»Oe_: dear Bto. Bte (Beer Bl 6.26e. Rseon tn good demand et fall prier-; Bbouid****. 4j Clear Bibs. 6V-: (leer Side*. 7e*7Se. Sugar-cured **L .10a WWskejy aplet et BIO*. Ratter flniet aad em_ Kugsr Arm : Hard*. I0»10\-jt: New-Orissna 7 _»81io. H steady : Comaum, 18 SrsJsT: light. $4 10SS4 85 : Pseki S4«S4 35; Bute-cm". 84 40-S4 60 j KeomptA -UOOOM ellinninna. OOO head. liETKOrr, April 21,.Flour qelet and unchanged. Wheat easer i So. 1 White Michigan, 81 ll"*, spot; SI 14-* April. SI 14-* Msy; SI ll** Jane. Cearn duli .tad eae*i«r: No. I Yellow. 42 V-i High Mixed, Mai No. 1 Mixed. 41 v.i Net. 9 Mixed, 411 Oat* ta moderate demand: Mo l White. 38c.| No. 2 do-, ".Cc.-. No. 1 Mixed, :15 V.i Ra a ela., 86c. Clsvetr Weed dull; Prime nominally 84 IO. Receipts.Tiena. BOO bbla ; Wheat, 21.000 bash.; Cern, 9.800 busk; oat*, 1.44*0 bush. sinnments-Flonr. 1,400 bblai Wheat, 1-.000 bo-b- Corn. 1,loo bush.: Oat*. 2 SlXIbush. .tti.wALxim, April 81.Floor firmer, -titheMr demaed. Wheat oternod nteady. declined *4t aud closed strong; R o. 1 Mtlwankee D ard, (120; do. Bott, 8114. Re. 8 MSwsokeB. cash snd April. SI 09H; May.Sl lOi Jose, 9106-rti sales .t fi ot; .ail lo Mayi No. 3 do., inttu so. i do.. 93tt Helmed. M5c. Corn higher, but scarce Ho. 9. 85V. Oat* gm«. bet Urra er: No. 2, 29c. Rye firmer et lo**c. tax No. I. llarloyfirmer: No. 2 Muring. Cfl-ac. lTovlsUin* quiet beet flem. m.m pnrit quiet st 89 ns cash snd nay; so H6 Jnne. I*rd.Prime stoam, 6.*78t eaeh aad Msy; fi.S.'t Junes. Uv* Hogs quio*, bnt firmer st 84 10*84 8a Freight*.Wheat to Auffalo. 3*_t Fa__AD__i_mi_. Ancii .l.FXwr devoid of aatmallaa: ta- ejnlry extremely light, ind ouuflnnd to small lou, tu supply tho Inin.. dtnte wants of locil conmniers i Bunt rflne, 83** S3 25: Western and Penni, lvanla Kxtiaa. 84984 50; Ohio, l holre, * i 89 ^ : Minne-sots F.xtra*. in small lota. Me. dlntn, >5'ii».. ... -. do. flood. 85 37V»45 50 i do. Choi *e. 85 (12*_ 'rte:, 16; clo. Fancy, 8*3 : Pennsylvania Kxtra Tmxxlly, Mexcium, 85 50; Oood. 86 73; clo. Chnioe ind Fancy, SdTonio Extra Family. Fancy, **fl 25; Ht Louis do. Fancy, te Sb ; Hpring *nd Winier Wheat Patent* In the range of 86 60»»87 60 J Very High Grad.". _H Rye Fiour dull uni 25c lower j small *ale* St84 ?S. Cern Meal.Noaalea. Buckwheat Meat-Male*on- Important. Wheat fnvensh snd nn settled price* eAmneed tully 2*.1o. ovor the noon call of yesterday; pennsylvania Red. on track, 81 20>f ; No. 2 ned, April, fl 29 : Houtheni Amber. 81 811 the carn rale for No. 2 ked I* nominal at 81 81. free on board. At Open Rotuli. Flmt CHI.No. s lied, Msy. 81 28*% : Jun*, 81 221* st th* close, -jil 294 bid 81 30s, ..ked, for car lou Na 2 lt.*!, tn elevator. At the Heeend coll .In good demand; mice* 2c. higher: No. 2 Ked sold ut «.l 24^»8) 21", II»y; No, 3 Heel, April, *1 M*) tdd, 81 31':I ivked; Mar. SI 34Ta tad, 81 2i>i» asked: June. #1 2.;'4 bid, 81 tPH unknit July, SI Di's bid. SI 14** iskeil. Rye more doing: Pennsylvania, nee. e cern ililli; Delaware 'Vclliw. afln.it. 59>i953 ..; smitlteru and PeiiiiHvlvatua Yellow, on track, 68c- Wt-siorn High 511 neel, at grain depot r.2*. e.: Steame-r. em track, Mc.: sall Mixed. atgr.elniloiKit. ,'i2iyc.: Hcjc-e teelat grain depot 62 V.: South¬ ern Willie, 53c; al cluan. 4'.'c bid, 00 '. o. asked for car lol* Mail In elevator cargo rate nominally 5t'c. free cm nonrd. for Sall Ml ted, for lnin:edlate delivery j lor clo, next mouth's dell-reriea. (Sc. free on hoard; for While. b.tXie, frc* on lenard late l»st evening Sall Mixed June MM at 4r,*,c.: Jitlv. 4*1*--. At Oren lle.ard. First Call-No ne'e*, Seeocifl C:tll_ A trarllnn flnuer; "-ait Mixed April 49Ve. bul. Abe; asked; M»v. 4t'V. bid. 47r. ask'd; June, ib-te. bid, 46V. nskee: July. iC*-c. blt), l»i BsVri onts-Iuquuy fa'leuutr, but No. 1 Willie si tiree iiini c.e-lliuaidl cxlieuie Mles Nu. ¦* White i:t/T tit ¦¦_.-.: No. 2 lit). 44 "vin,"ir Nu. 1 du., 4tiV. Ai Ihe Oreen H'.nr e-T)nll at 4:J.c. bid, 4.V..t*k.*clfi-r No. 1 White April; 41c. In.!, 1."-..e. *.l.d Jlnj"; 4n)-.c. hm. ll', o. r.s.eel Juno. Provlslnns .lu I: ("If." Mess Reef, 813; Beef Hums. 8171 Mess 1'oik, car-lo'9." til 60itel I CS'v, F.xtra Prime, fl): smoked Hum*, !i*-ieTlerigrii du. la Halt uni Flak!*, Tralee.; Clear itib Miles, **m.ike*.i 7:'«c.; iin ,n s-.-iii, Tc; (.boulder*, in -s'it, 4-4*4'*sc.: do. Hugnr Piethiel. Bete***-*, do. Snieceti, 6ee.e.i4c. Dretsed lion*, .vi.-*(.>_.*. Lei-.welters, 1.611 ic 7".'c: do. Steam, Leense. 7.950.1 clo. Hutch.-r..', 7c lintier nnclinncod. Keir** dull snd plenty Pennsylvania. ) 1 -. ll Hm ; Western), loj-j./iie. Cheese aesne sad wanted; Tnrfc Kuc- terrv. ! ArlSV.: Western Full Oman, noue be rei co. 12*5ig 13V.: do. Half --liniK, Il*»e7l2t Cottee dull BM V low.r: iou, 11 a 1;, u.c. sugar lirra at 7Se**7*ee. for Fnir tn ticed Relinlt.g Mn c.v. Ichcs Kellnu.i Huji-irs stealv ami tuichiin-.'o Mi.laaana st.-stir st .'.*ec-. fer 5 .*» U-.I. ex-s-ip. Peed* Clover dall si 6't 7V-. Tlm-thy quiet a: _.". 7_e. j 1; Flax, fl 701 $1 8". Feel dtllli lt,ni,.' *_; ,VI ..J'.'.li. Po- iroeutn roniiiin: t ReH'iedm tMurcl 7*tc.teases, Ile. wins, l.-vfrm: ^V'c)s^.ln. fl lo. Uv .iii. tr 11 Ui-dsy, 6,000 bum ¦\le.jsinii or.iiires nnd Lemons Bold st 83 15*8.133 fi,r«le¦. fs-intr. sadf37d Inri!, lati.r. hhlpmeiils.Wlie.'l!, 'J.GAS bush ; Cern, 114.4 ."1 lui-li. r*T. i/oi ie. April 21,.-Fleer.Alroager, imf with nothing doing. It heat iir.cv-.-rtl.->', heit gepaersliy higher: Rc 9 11*9 Fall. 41 ()¦*»..] (Is-e; JJ ,l,s', «_| ..p.. Ayrel;$i (>7 V.tl < ¦¦.** May:i.l ..*.. I 06 June. 9l'-_efii:.V July; BOV allthe ua'; Nee..", ile.. SI Ol: Ntl. 4 tin. 970, WU.. Cuni lush-cat 3H,*!i'Jl_,.. r.,,|, \in-.r- v>'4f. ,\;,ril ii.!'. «;i'2V Msv 32 '4 »«:!%.. Jiii.e: BStsaBSV- Jl':''- Onistliii .-r nt 29c. els']. :11c. Mat 99V. .inie-. ute Jinner et 7 I've, bid. H.-iriev snail) nnel inn luit.jtiKi. \\ titskey 1. 'i^t ut $1 Of. i'ork lower o' Sloui-'i ; .lt 7' April; Sin Juue. I-ird llrmer at H.n.'cp. hld. Balk M .ns cimi Sli.iniiii-rs, U.'<6c; Ci.ar Illb», .'...cc.; clear 'i.H.s, onie. I'.ici.ii ateady iuni mit hauged. Rreelpt* flour I,./.)', bbl*.: Wbest, 17,0t-0 boa_.i cn., tO.IMl bush., list*. 8.000 biudl.; liaii'T. 1,000 loi-le. .-sid;.. menu.Flour, d.Oe), bbla; Wbeat, lt.OOO busb.; Cnn:, ii,im nt bush.- <>»t", 1 0") bnali.t Borter, '.n I'boeb. TOLEIiei. April 21..Wfceeal frill- ii'il'-r Midlife:'). «! 17; Net. 9 lied **Ame«r. spot. SI 17 Apr,I. *I 10', May. SI IC-*-.: Jnne. 4) 14V. July. 8IM--.J rtutfust, eltse'v; No. 3 l'u«! Wi,b**h.ee.l ll Nu i AinliiT ll'inils, SI 17; Nee. i Bed Mixed, SI ll .. (cern llrm Hiqli Mixed, inc.: No.".', apot, lioid ai3.ee,:!''c. l.i.l; June. 38 V: Kedecteet, ..t7'*:C euu Steady; Nee. 2, I'l-.c: BHecfrd, 'Ate. Al Ihe close-Wheat firm: Re. " !.¦: Wlrr.-'r. \ jr il * 1 1 <. *-_. May, fl Hi'.: Jute *1 li's: Jli'-l, $1 <*4-e*.l I'.'.; Ainhe-r KldllgSU, tl IT'i: Sn. 1 All'.asr Iltlii'ls, SI 171* lt.-c -mu- Wi-c-m, 15.casi )n»' Corn, 71.000 '"ledi.; eyat*. S.uoO bn-li. sii't*. lUeTit*.\\ ),e»t, 147.00.) lillie!:.; turu. 17().OuO bnsll.: Ustn. 2,oem bush. /inflitniit. 1 I.I. BTOCKHOLDKRS .if GERMANIA .iud 2\ IIKllKlAil. I'FTBOI.KI'M CO. rall or write to JMO. PC).Mil ll. .:. I'.r.i.n'. \l*ls wlie hit illicit-.1.'I iii r.iliee.iil hii-incss ead nilli age sfi.T'SUas Hlculil t III I. TBIBUSK A!, MANAC lol IslMl Ii..v» I'fll iv pii.e. 2", cnt. liv mall. A. Ii it M .Ailiiniie- and Pacific K. R. sroek and bds., r>"l'.. Jr; -el M ,el ..ll I slap*. ,.:i.l ', eii't., Mlwenn i'.iiM'.i s oe k, gu Ml.nail'. »; I- ne l.l) i C. >'.''. c\' e;c., Membe N... \ .er. "e 11. » xiii alu j.. Wallet. A?t'Ki'.I:s ntiil CARI TALIST8. will wnnl Ui get' I' i iliai ar Ail,,...,^. lui .-al; ll^-.le., I'. -tat.', ile-.-.iiii- uni ).v;aii:.i -leno i*<7.'>. i'nee, ..'"c.el. l.r nail._ /MIK A<..), MILWAIKKE and ST. PAUL V' KMl.i'AY CC ti". I*n Of \eia'\* nt the .. Vi.>-.»j.¦ - mi i st |.|-.-'i ,. . , r.i.iii,.i-,i, koowa lls Um C e.lis.,1. '.4.1 *s||, I ' ,.||Vlli tl il tl.ill I'll mee. n::i ,, tl.. .. '. ni. al th t."i.".- e.! ll ... ItS W , l.ll-l I |*J, |e ,.!.! | a I i.esle te ni '!¦ )¦: .I:.e ,..t.. ,,-. ii "u'i.i. ami saul bondi :¦¦¦'. I-." ji i ii-s m ¦. ic-¦¦, ii ;j(. Vie*e-_*r-*Jldit«t liENVEK nnd RlU GRANDE RAILWAY 1 ' i -Mi-).n v en i .: > i"'"Ai. )...¦'.'»...'. M ;:: *. i: r, ;.n c j r \ .. ^ n.ijw : to,. ;|i ,,.-. t,.i,,i .i Natlouul ll nc. ot <'n in rr-. N. WILLI )**. J. PALM " J ".- s '«'._-*&. l';iv i.'. ;..\- I xian aud I mp'vt '..!¦' .) el .1. V ll '..Vi ll.'. i'UVYNS!."* DAV. I > W.i : ¦... N>w-York v * .. « n."i. :-...'. ii.- . * ten.' al ..uiul!; un*. 1..S III .. .11 llu.ilC. /< as >hicks. di kinda Ul --e. it'll III'.' -ll a .! ntl ile V il VU-.-ll ^l. -¦'. *e . IDLAND hAll.i;.-M- I'o.Ml'ANV <-f N. J. .1.leal o' TWed Me.'lirn Pennis Ci.t.il'len Polis srd 1 ti.eM \)'..i:.l;.i,v MIDLAND KAll-H. IV I erl I* l.'.'V cnn luinl miine- late Ile-./.,.¦ I...'i ls nf the MID. I.IND l.MI. UK VU I'i.MI'A.NViiI Nen Ju- i-v ott Ibe let- I ll.! i.n .Hil I,i.i.I-rs sui third iiiiir'.'sr" besulbohlej* »1!1 iee, \a- [.(III le. || ||| | ...,,,.. Ila.,.'e. ill,, A. .lUll Ml pl T Calli iii iiiinn..-ii ni .. iu .. ii ca |imv!ii. ,ii... in per tent sa**** ine'Ut. illnl mci l.l.e, il ii « un |, 11 Iii H'M la ;. i, Pl mil rein. Iii ..| on'y t_ I' holder* of -H.oe). ,o 'o or miicIi c.illili), li .Ci t*e. I. butde tx >. tm il.i i.ct tiroll tlii'ii'.iclicee.r t'i" ibOV* -. ni he'rciil ll d Hr.. iini' Tlllr Mci ii.' 'ge ' ir n oi ir tinda tin h. on pat ....¦ ¦:. .1 ... cr:.!, uiul sleirkbidders ee-. ps nn-tit nf loper ie ni ttutottm m on cir le'fure Msv I ir.iTit.il). All claim* srstost the SewJerney Midi.itvl itsiiwiy Obbb- ¦ .mv a.h.i i. in ¦.-. .ni '.i i: uii luislgni'.'.:: t before April ii ioi i ¦ i. j . * Ulenia es Shoves Ul reeels..". ;.ea.:e|..| ii 1'..'.',' -ell'l pl tl. All ec,ninian de let s. Ilc'l I iuo-"!.'.'U)'. l'..i.eic ai. I *¦) "ek '.nisi In p.. h-titeil (li-accinlt'.flth lu I'''" "t i. )>rrriil.'.;iilieii) on or In-fore A)nll See, lnt-o, eu li c-.i-ludie.1. Hy onler ut tin* Uieoullve i mu nilli o, l°!I.VHLh.s I'Alt-ilN'.S, ircmnirrr. tin. tt Plno-St. StgW-Youa, April 3. IXHQ.__________________ OHPH*1t OF TB*. I KT. Lultm AVtt Han I'MTticisi-n lt. lt. Co., I Drexel i'.uiiillng. f Nsw-Vciia. April M. l^O. ^TOTICE is HEKKUV GIVEN THAT THE 1 iraee. (e rli H.isn' tine coiiij.jiiv will be rinsed alter AMU 34, to niven Moy nert. In cnctinalty «1tli an uer.*'tuen'. lie- 1h-c4.ii ilu. teeiii|iiny mid Hie Alclil-oti. Toui-ks anel Mantil I'e ii.iiirieiu! fninpsnr, lor Iba oonjlrneiiou of ihe* w*st- .111 tllVl-ieell Ut "lice; Atlantic UUd PjUlllO ItlUlreel'd C'OUl- i. my. .sUMklmlilers of re.,..rd April SI, tv:1I t... eiiiltle.l far fl vc dltysllier *ft*r tn their pm r.tl-. sbnn* ot a mbiecni tum t.i Ihe- si'curltn re tn bo Isaoud lor theabovr-meiittoueil ooiistrui)- tlou Nub»e-T!|itie-.!i elrctilars null" >)i* ohttiined by Biorkhoiders Open appneattena to Ibe Hecrelliy teTDT Apnl "Jo. and will be mallett io iietb Htockliol.ler Bfter April "-'I. Per oriinr ol Iloard of Directors. (Signed; c i.i iti.i-.I'Ti i.ii. si"Teiar.'-_ OREGON RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION COMPANY. .-*»-tl. Kl) V IO P< l-l A LS I) ill lie roe-el ve "d M; (ba e.nie., eef the [»i int).»' Lunn Ullel Trust lillipilli)-. No. '.'ll iTc'inii-i-liiace. for lim HALT, lo the Tt liaise* of THIIITY Hi IN Us iii IliniiiKcKiN MA1I.WAY AM. VAVI.1AITON I'e).. IAN V, for Huts n-inn temi, providttd in Hie inort_*ge In tbe ni,e. -:s;ei ni HeciirtiiVCe snme. rillBSsall iiiiounl In- itircctesl to R. C.. KolHlnu, Pieslut-i.t, Nee. 2ci lAciilllg "plaoo, uml l.liiel! bi) |ll cell .-il Ijvtoro lil oilieck m. eui the Isl t.reixnnie. illi'i I'AllMi'.ils," I^eA.T. AND 1IH">.T Ct)., Trustees, iiy ii. cl, ItuLS'loN, PrujlcUut. New-York, April 1.'.. 1 Hsu. _ _ ?TO INVKS'I'UKS. BTIOTO VAL! KT 7 PI'Il e~r.ST HAIT.R0AD BONOS KD ll S \1,V.. LAKI.J-* EALNINU*. I'itDMI'T IHTBRB8T. O. COl'-sil.A s D, ii.l I'tnevit. rpHE X *ii iii*-,: > TKl'.A-l"i.l-.li'r, eil', ii', S2 I'.IMIP- tr, > Ni tv Vc,a. Arni I", .s.s. 1 TRANSFER HOOKS e.t this e-ctiipiiny ii :i p. m.. eiml mipened MV. 17, Td 'e. K. wooli, Treal uer. III be clewc'cl Mjv 1 iu KP. n ufo. riMIE CENTRAL TIM'ST COMPANY J nf NlCW-YOllK. No. l.*> Na.-e_iii.su. ceeiiii-rol I'lno-tt. CAI 1 I'M., t I.e.al.ea) i.N 0. A. It'.'.rei Ai'...ve. ilIci..-! il deoeelie. retunab!-] on donn il or ti s!<n!i'.i iliiea i«b lesal '¦.;,; ¦' '" msaer mi i tu i ...1;. i autbi ri u ir, .\ i abU*miNei ,:, e.i ii. um- iiilicricHition nf trill. .Mei is ti -sfitcr »r ur'J laukl. r .. -i nutt HuuJs, Slid SI ll'JUlcjiJf li-!ilie*rfO ¦*-!¦"rt^rBK"*-. llli.MlY P. sr.ll'I.DINll. Pwsidout. HKllS Vle-»*«-4M-- C. ll. P. DAIII i>e_'__,Bs*illB_/. J.;.MU. ii- fill »1 S*nitiei D. Hutu icij, Jutialiut. Tjic.iu . Chile. H. I.Ul Inn, la Illili,il VV. Corlis^ el i cl t U. ejiisUtt. Wm. IL Applauia, uuut sc_i»wb. David Uo»a Martin Hat.* Wm. Alma _*_<-. Jame* P. Wailane, lUni. B. Sbwiutu. Lin. .in....) ii. Vormntto Ceo. *(*'.ul.i,:ii A.iti: , clleUS-0.il. A. A. LOV. ASM* .s. Han. t i.e.. ti. Prwetlr* Wm. il. Webb, j. Pierpont Mirrtn. Perry it. Vyne, lier. F.rtpial-Uai DawlWolle'JlshJteV t orn*i*u* N. Ulla*. lli:>RV tL VILDl-R. 6. Bmadwav. Room in. imsler* In stocke, liouds, MININO SITOCKH A SI'K"! A LTY. BIO riTTBBOHO CU.S'*eI,llilTKIJ 81LV IL ft Ul.M.NeJ CO. STOCK BUcVUUT AND auLD. _Fi .tattoo! BANKING HOU8E HENRY CLEWS & CO., 18 WF.W-8TBEET, lt. F. (NEXT DOOR TO THI STOCK EXCKANQB.) Up-Towi Brant*. 1,142 P4waj, Cor. 2%Ok*sL CQSStVrrtLD BT PHI VATS TB-.BORA pu AUD TELEPHONE. MEMBERS of the N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE >Ttaei_.t__e!me«bte_dBeldlerlBveet-Mterea_mrtt-. De PO*4t eecoanta recs-red. Advance* ea es.Ua_e.ra_a made. SHELDON & WADSWORTH BANKJSHH, ll) WALL-ST. Ia addition te a -marnia! hanking -o-taau. boy and seB oa eeanmlss-n all a*eai__-a euiruat at tke XouATolX ateek t xchaxirte, advancing oa Mme. Deelmble l*1r*t Mortgage Railway Roads fer tale. Vt UL 0. t-HHLDO N._\VM. H. WAP-WOBTH. St. Loots and San Francisco Railroad Righto, TO THB BUHHCBIPTIOS* OF THK Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Co., BOUGHT AND SOLD BY MOLfrfiR.* CO., THK nil w laBun. RAILROAD CO. FIRST MORTGAGE 78, DUE 19Q0- COUPON OR REl-ISTf:Hl'!r. We offbr the above described Bonds at 82 % and interest, reserving the right.to advance tho price from time te lime wimont notice. UOniN.***, POWELL. Sc CO., Ne. 40 UelUst. CI.OSSON Sc BATH, Ne. ll Neaaaa«et. fiankins fionsrs ano Sank-rs. M U SC R A vE^&^caT isa \ ii i_ ess. KO. SQ PINK.STBEET, S. T. r-e-posiis received,' Mtfeot to ebcdic st sight, andinterett allowed on daily balances. 0«.VE1_NM1-.NT BOKP8. *to_k* and all luv__troeut e. cnrltii'i b.iugfit un.', sold nn commueslon. draw ntxaov KxenAsaE o*. LONDON JOINTKTOCK BANK.LONDON Bny mid sell all Ainertenn securities npon ths LONDON STOtik' RX-HANO& on the mon favorable term* Dn*.t.cn<_ Xottte- Thb National Ba.sk ov ths "stat* or sew-york, i _,.__,... ««w-YOltK. April -fi. 18*40. J A DIVIDEND of '.i_ PER CENT oa its C.eiiltn! Stock wa* decla'.-d by this Hank on tlie'.'Oth in-etmit ont ot the eumina* nf tee last six months. p*y*blc> on ¦nd titter Mil, ll). TlieiTrsnsier Hooka will ekewe on'.i'Mb Instsnt, and remain cice.-ed unul illly Killi, O.dli tUjs Hniii.sjvo. Hv order ot tho Lonrd. __ _________ JI lt.iLUTON, cashier. pHBYSOLITE SILVER MININO COMPANY, VJ Dooms Soi. 51 to 57 Houser Bciijiixo, 1 i'i > I.Ui.AI.WAT. > NEW YOBK, April '.'.), 18*sO.. Tr nsfeel hu ve thia clay decliirod of si isa, i rt if ci The (hean! n MONTHLV ibu ii n minion eioilais .-Hii.tMiO,' o*)) capital stork nf ihisrom- .iiiceei-.n in* tn ene hundred thousand dniUri t$lHO.nOe>1 i "ie lei.t-t pot share, out cf Hie net e.i nings, payable at the eell:.e nf |fee .ei'jiyttuv, eu thu 87th el Apri1. TrinsTei been.* -sill clo., at the Central TnMtComrnny, April BS, and rcopeu April .9. DRAKE DE-CAY. _ _Secretary. I ITTLE CHIEF MINING COMPANY, h-A rooms Noa 51 to 67 Boam. Bliuubo, l NO. 11 ."> Baot DWAV. > NSW Yous, April 15, 1880.1 Hie Hoard of Trnsfnesltiye this dav declared a MONTHLY DIVIDKNOiNo. li) of (I.VE I'KH CB.NT on )hoTEN MIL¬ LION Ii iLI.AK-sd-lii.iXHl.nex). capital stock td tnt* C*>mi>»ny, ameita ne tn onk hi'ndhku tik.L'.sand dollar-. is... em i. or lil TY CENTS PER t_H ARI., ont nf the third h...mil's nc: enininns. i..i>able at tho Central Taut Cumimny em elie ¦¦ uh Inc;. '1 runnier nooks will cloee April 10. and reopen April '28. _DKAK.-. Dbi KAY, HecresUry. OFFICE *f LA PLATA MINING md -Mil live COMPANY. Bf LEAI'ViDIiK. OOU, M Blonde iv. i.cen,. '.'J nnd IS, New-Vork. Apr.l 16, 1880. DIVIDES'Il No.K Ibe Hoard nf Tnist.-s hive thi* duy deel»is*d a dividend of *->:Vi..\ v I' i.NK ll .ii.Ki EN Ta jiw Khun* d.ar vaiue$lo) c.'e|.|ii.'i st.ee.. psjmWe ob saturday, -May 1, pron., at Hie efllr.' .et t)|» enmpntiv. Transfer ti'ieclts Will cl'ise o*i saiur- ...v, a pi ii '.'4th Inst., and re-open Monday, May 8, l*e**<\ r»l .1. iii-m ed thr nn.nctul Ceeuduou uf the coniptnv I <\:-ee c iti.i. ti. ..(.lOO.OCOeK) Mai li 1. i.o.-lla'ano-s-ui-elu. Ac_..unt. 43.C1.1 5:1 Apnl), issn,- .Noi K.iru.ntr* tor Mouth of March 17.411.84 .161,043 e7 1...ono 00 I), inleuil eil 7 ir euta per .share. '..'OD.OfiO Share*. nahneersnrieleis. Apr*,! 1. lunn .8' W. H. ALLIN. Asft.-tecwtsrv. M. LOl'tS, IBUB MO *. civ A le sui nirKX IIAILWAVC'O ) Nu. i_ .NA.s-il muk.:.. > Msw Yobs, April 17, ixsa GEY-SI PEI. CENT l.NTKUKsT (brioc for Iv nee rear to l>. .e-tiil.i-r ill 1H7_» on Hu* Kllt-ci I'lIK- il IIKKD l.'ieiMl; HUN lil* e,f ttie ST. l.i.l ls, IBOS MOUNTAIN ANO MOUTHBBN lt At LIV Av* CO. will Iil* I..II.I Ott M...V lai'l prillcllllll ill Ull-e tem I' !.) beeietCM lit S*lel honda eccl-te reel at Hm Chasing ol irjn.tcr leooks 1 o i, at 3 ce c I.K-K |l. m. Transfer* wil r.-oi'en M^y 17. nt lOo'clock a m. Ilyonlii >'l ii"- Uee._rel.if Dlr., n.t. D. Vt. MSWILIJ AMS. TreRei_rpr._ THE MAY COUPONS of all lii'sl Ewate J n-st M. riiritte nouns r.isrsn»'t*.| bv inc Miilu'ANTiLE TBL'aT CC iii PAN Y >*ill be mid at'fi.'"fflc.cof thecom- p.iut. Sn. Vin llrunir.a.. nu iIn- !«. dny ni May nest. B. I, MovTeeieMEi.Y, Trevnrer. OliKeil'S HAII.1VA1 AM) .".'AVIcjATIUB CoMl'AKV, 2" Na**ean-st., nkw YeeciK. Apm ia i8sa IMIE HOARD OF PIKKCTORS HAVE DE- I fliiepil aqiurteTlv eiivtdend nf Wei (.') per cont, p»r;t- ie e May 1 nt inc- Fanner*' Luau au I Tiust . ompnuy. Tue tijuiiter-bteokatleis'* Ap: ll 80 and reoic-ii May 6. UOKACE WlIITK. Trenurer. finsmrsa Unrtnces. ¦TH) NEWSPAPER MEN ! Ji in UL'cuunt ul whom lt uii.y concern, the undersigned will nu tl.e lilli tiny ol Hey, Iti-m, at th l.avi Oftl.t. nf Uso A Krown. 5 flane!7 Hull HiocK, Toled", Oe lo, at 11 o'elm-k. a m. of said diy. If the aime be trot sooner aold atprT-ate mba, offer foi sale to Hie Lliths.-l bidder ll.e IoIIow.uk pivperty : I!K TOI.Killi (I1MMF.B. I AL, A Dully Morning aaa U'o.*e<li' Newspaper erf twenty vesr* Bt'il>'!lll)f. With c-1 Itsouitlt. cv.eod will. Associated ITcDI frau- elils.-H, Newspaucr am! Joli Preeaea 'i vpe. Ac. mg. lilt* fuiunit riuil l.-e the only Mointeen Dadv pui)lia!:ecl in tl)* Cliy Ol Tuledu, a eily eilabaUl 0'I.O.hi inUiiliUiCiits, cvlth ll pille uieins huriinindinjt eoiintrvsnd caiironds riinotnB In every fla rection. The paper hal been aud now is independent in poll- tics "Ailie lii.-iiui.lic'iin proclivities, and lias been u-itularly I*. somi fer tweuty years. It I* belleved Hint Hus ls on* ol tbe Onoett newspaper oieentnirs in the I'ultod states. i KitMS OFfce.ll.K-Ouefiiuarter cash In band on day ut asle. Iialauce tn three mimi annual inyiuouts, eaclstnelorlly nee ureei. and (carink iuierut at Hid rate ol 7 pox cunt, v*y«- blo auuuallv. i"oni).*iptindenco*nd *iuniin*ti.")n willeltecl. anil parHtnlsrs promptly runuehod. Addree* J AMII- M. IIRUWN. Asslflioe Tolexlo li'inmier-iHl rc. Toledo. Ohio. WANTED..A Publinb«*r for sound Western dully lu lar«o elly i mauaser eoeuipolleil to ritire by ab. solute preihnti* ot 111 hetiltb u lK*c."illt r opponnnltv SlO.CeeK) or sl Mni.i capital ree)uIred ns cuaranteo ul inlerrit lu good iiii-iuicouieiit. Add ros* BHUVIKU, Trlliliue lillico. CDceati Siramtn. A liraiCAN LINE. A FOU OHIiBNSrOTVN AND LIVKBPOOL, only Traii-mtiivnne L.iit nuler thi AMKHtCAN* PLAO. t-vmliii*every BelueMelay (rom l*biisd*lpki.-i sn.1 LiverpoeL l.j.tr» soilincs iii 1.1Ult nate Hittuidiiva. BKlTlr-il! CHOWN, saturday, April 17, 8 p. m. KED STAR LINE-^POR ANTWERP. Ptilinit c-VKiy we'-kaiiernately Irom I'ii^Jd*i|'Ui»:ira!N*w York, lanelinif pas-eongnrs wltulu a tes linuxr rid* *f ia* .aiusrUJiit iee in's nf luieiest on th* ConllUOllt. Ze.lil.l.NU. Anni Ul. .') I' m Per tritei. ot p*s»tieye» an* other infeim»tien appiv te rifir.li wmum a aoN**, oem-rai Aiwut*. SOT IValuut-et., inil.ivie.pbrn. 58 Droadw»v. N.'W-Yofe- Jiiliv sicDONALD. Aaen', I BatST-ldaes.BSW.TSSS. (.1 L'Nll Kl) BTATB8 M AIL STBAMKKS. Kelli Uh 1 NSIUWN ANO LIVKKPeKlU Irf- evinu i'ler 88. N. H.. foot of KlnR-nl. .a-YO'etlNO .I' KMD.tY. April 87,7a.m. NliVADA .'.".:.: .TDWIMY.Mav .». 1:H0 V OL wisconsin . .TUKHDAY. May is, noon. Altl/IINA . .Tl I.SDAY. Mar U6. « 8. 1* WYuMlNO..........TUcWDAY. Jun* 1. nooa IV'llie-w.aUreiunrs ar*bulel ot non, in wa.er-Urtht com- Piinnieu's. mut am furnished with every TCnnlsito to make lie pa. a*e iictei-s tho Ait.iullc. both adte and atreeau*, hav. irr tittTh.roiiui, * mokine nam. druwlne mot*. p_auo and liiii.iri *l*cicirerieuee.iBU'»..'c)ii. cf.-wat'ile*. and caterer on ea. li stiaiuw. Thc »Uter«»»is ure uti nn|>*r deck, thu* loaui- ins th.«eKis**te*tef ail lexuiicM at tea, pt"**:! ve»_til*tkm ."Ai'uVi'AS-sAOICeadoordliisto ..tun-iocwi:, $»«. tM and SHIU INl'-lllMEDI \T.:. :.-l <; "JrBBBAO-, at low rate*. tiPilt li. No. 89 IlKO.MlWAY. \) I liLlAMMAQUION. IMPKHIAL GERMAN .JAIL. NeiKTH eiKHMAN LLOYD' STLAMsltIP LIN Iii __l.TW_.l-N .\_-VV-YOJUC ti'.I' 1'ilAMl'TON ANO BilKkLBN : WILIX. m;. April _.I!N__CI__AB.."Ht. May I lii..N.\VI-!'.D_it. Wm M*y5l OI)i_K.**.'__?¦¦_''.!¦ KA 1Kb OP PAsHAUlfroin NKW-YOltK to NOlTHAlaP- 11)N. ll AVRK OH B HUUS. Kl HST CABIN.*lC);>|_*....e>NI_CABIS.880 HTBBer.A<e)tc ame. Iieiurutiekeuaite.luct*dr»*~*. itcpaid ateetaf* cernfl ' Viii raaa ticket* to all uoii'ta In the South ot E-Rtsa.1,830. OKLBICII1 ec ci.. .. Bowl'.u-'iireea. NOTICK..Sn-ninw 1IAI*SBU1*_G, Captaia H. itl-ser, wu; eui s* B«tn HiHumoroa ^ Wi'DNKfUAY. May IB. -»m^ Ue-IDKflrBl iuMs P*tK*ir-*.-*»le PACtTjMt"'* sane. * -LUiictt4*co-2Be«Ua#*Hpesa. 1 -temi Bu.Hi.efi. ~n~'s" r it inf nu ¦ uma uttaxmtspsM NE Vs 9. MAIL 0 rsmisSiiiffis A NCHOB LINE V. 8. MAIL STEAMERS, ca^,srsBtM-^s^£;-^-as. CsMa.840. BteetacaSaT NEW.TOBE TO LOB DOBbinhYTP. _. _ BBTWfcfa. a_tW-TOBK: AMD HAVRE. ^ *£!"*!**.i*ew) Ba48 Nerti BITS), fort sf Martm-eM. 'a-NAPa. rraaaeei.....wi mi"*\eT^i*j\%'*JS*Z2.£ .tecka draws ee ctedB Lyeaaala.« Panalaaomaeu Maali. _LOU 13 Di, BBc'lTNuUe-nRs-Sw-Soig.. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL.- Haatanr* Amerlcaa Paaket Oeamaay'i Liae mr PLYMOUTH.' .'HEttBOUHU sud flAMBUBU. r-i-KJ-T-l JESSING.April ti1 H-EVIA._K_yf IEBPEB. Amil -ftI WIELAND.Marl -Bares.Ma-mesa-- . Ptytaoat-. Liaasa. *tnmbooj*g, Haem .era. er say Well wad BtaBea ia the*_aia_ra portee BaglaaA list Ohm. siOOj Becooo Cabin, 880; Medrajia currency. He). C. B KICHABO at CO. 0««- t».**e. toort, *_ ^' KCMHAKDT A OU. 81 Bleed wy, Vew-Yetk. Qce__>_c_u __»-**¦ 81 Bread ai,. Mew-Vera;_ [NMAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. FOB QUEEN STOWS AND LIVBBPOOL. NOTlcki.-Tiie ateasMei ot Uti* Lites take I net awl ¦jeurr'* Lane rejatci* stall lea-ens or the year. llltTOr CHEelTBB.THUHHUA.. Ap*11-_. 8 p. ¦. 3ITY OP BBUSMKLB.TH UBS DAY. April Mtlaa 'ITT OV BE-XIM.8ATUBDAY. May 8, m HTY Oil' MONTBXAL.THUUmIjaY. Mit 13. __.a ;ITY OPBICHMOND... ....UATDBDAY, M*y 23, 3 m. 2 _. Kreim Mer .17, M. K. foot of C_arlfcm .*_ CAHIN.8M0 and sioei. Ketarn uekete em laroreMo Unas. stepkauk. pim. Draft* st lo* est rales, balouii* Bt..i cmju.s. suM)kla_r *mi linth ronan amldahlee. These steamers ela nut carry cattle, sheep or p's.. J-j-J-N O. DALE. Agent. 81 sol 03 Bcoadw-y. S. T. VJational Line..Prom (bow)Pier 39, North R. >*-PCB QUEENSTOWN AND LIV KR POOL. CHIN.AprU 8i._i*ap. w.l BHYPT .April -ii, 8 g. ea. -POE j_ONDON Victoria Dock*).-m Kn.LAN li .Apnl -'I, a p. in. I i Ai.V_At.ru im, H a. m. I .') . i¦;¦'. carroncy: i.i- :...i.i steerage tlct.-t*. S'Jb. -etna Sj lowe* tbau mest lum*. Qompeay'* otana*. Me*. 88 »a78Bro*dw»v^_ P. W. J. JIU tt-T. Maaaaec. NEW-YORK AND HAVANA DIRECT MALL LINE. These Brai-elass Bteamihlp* sall reejt-larly al*, a trmn 'ter No. B, NurUi K.ver, ta lol ow*: lANTlAtiO de CUBA. Capt Po.ite...Thnrtdar April St -r.-...-.riwrstlay. Mays Acccraunodstions nnsurpaasod.) Por frelKht«» Baaaaet* ctastP 0 WILLIA M V. CLYDE A Co . Nu. SJ BnaSwS; IjAV^TON B110&, Aaeute in Havnmi._ PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. 1 nailing from pier foot af ca_al-*t_ Non* Rivesr. Por .*-:,n Ki eluate* via Isthmus ol Psnaiaa f*tc amstel.. RIMEN'T CITY. I-Vld-y. Apel! DO, noon. CeintiertlbP for Central and Roath \ merle* and Mernoo. Freon san Fra ncisco to Japan and China: steamship CITV oP PEKINO. tcatetrJay. May 1, nooa Kr.im >an riane I.co to Houelniii. New---aland mid Aaa- ralia: !_te.ini*-iP CITY OP NKW-YOLK. -.aturtlay. Ma/a, aeea. Or iuiwee<ilaU-.Iy on airtvai of '..->i..t<m maiiaaiisan Ftauctaea, Ker freight nr irenoral information, aonly at Cvjaiuaajr-S ifflre, on Pier f*nt of OanSl-st, North Riv.*. 1'sasemteralurwsrded ioHan pranoi-sCO. bandvpioR M-ANDS. JAFAN, CHINA. NEW ZEALAND. AUtsTKA- .IA, fWll* Ml AMEBIL'AN, CENTBAL AMEBICA-l ead IKXICAN POBTR. For tickets or infnraatlcn in rei.ird te rintel apply to tba 'sen-m.**-" Departmi'-BL No. ___7 Broadway. O. T- 8-TWAU* Ii. J. BULLAY. _rieucjal Paneeager tgeat._SuperjamndeoL ROITERDAM LINE, sttamej-s leave Ce.** Pier, eil- Paroula Perrv, Jenter Cthr. iMSTEIiHAM. ivcdnesdav. \pni21 .BC-iTTEBBA*%PRE eada)'. Mnv 6.\V. A. HCHt.I.I ES, Wedneealar, May 12, 1st Cabin,«ei»_ej7o. id V-MAu, oib.ebO. ateeras... «tJ0. ii e a/via, (ieocwal Ae_'e_.t. 27 SeruUi WliilamsU. 'UN CH, EDYE A CO. 'Jtl South Wllllauj-st- Pretaht Airta L. Vt. MottKlis. sci Broadwae. eieneral Peaaaee Aeeat. V Y-,HAVANA «_ MEXICAN M AIL 8_S,LiB« ." e Stcmets leave l'ler No. 8 N. H.. at 3 p. m- POR HAVANA DIRUCT. ANO VEBA CKCZ. VIA HAVANA. _Cal_in_T at Kroirreee*. e>._uxaci*a_d Pronto!*. CITY OK WASHINGTON (*.'av»aa*n yiTijirs.loy, April 2f CITY OP ALEXANDRIA (Hriv»n» A Mexicn WoA Var 5 .These ateumer* nve fnrniahed with nwlMdnr be rt ka la taterooins, small table* in dimng-roum, and ruoal* are tarsi 1 la ene without exira cunrire. S. K CITY OF ME Alt tl will leave New-Orieaaa Mar *! and Jane s. for Vera crnx via hiptaa, Tatupxo and Tu* au. eonaeetlne wit ti steamers fur Divans nud New-York, 9. ALE-ANDHK A WONS. Kc*. 81 and as HT'.adwar. WHITE STAR LINE. vf UNITED STATE*. AND BOYA!. MAIL STEAMER?* POBejIBENsTOWV AND LIVBBPciOL NOTICE..Hieateamersof tkU Uue take the !__« Boele ccumineniied by uieut. Maur}-, U. ti. N- on bots Um outward nd hcimeward voysess.*. ELTic.cant, oiteuc.ii.il.-at unLiy. April 'IL 4 p. ak Hil l an .vic. Cam. Perrv.Saunuav. iietv 1, ll s. rn iDRlATle*, Pftnt. jennine*.th'.e-*d*y. May ii. Sam. IBOM THE WHITE bTAB DOCE, FOOT OP W_._r Oin-aT. .J'-ies.) *te*mor* are unltoriu lu size an 1 nnsarpaMter i In a*. olntuii'iet*. The Haoon. Stateiooui*. (smokuw auel iiiin- oonu un- pliiced amtdshlpl. where Ibe noise and rn.;tl.*u ar* ¦eisi tait, ailurdiiiix a desree of comturv huberto uuattaiasbie lesa. liATi'_.-Snlooii. $«0 and $100. feteorar*. r-*- It-wra Irkc-te oo favorable t-jrms. Thees at-ane«rs carry neither tMUl*, sheep nor plea I or lustierUuu ol ulan* and other la.onnaUeQ apply at tie 'nmpa'iv'aOtBcea, No. 37 Bco*o.nity. .New-Yoi*, t* No. 1 Isl I -Inut-sL. Philadelphia. B. J. CORTIS, Aeent. Bo aro ano Rooms. Weat Sida. ADVERTISEMENTS FOR THE NEW- CV YOKE THIBUNE WILL BE RECEIVED AT THS 'P-TOWN OPP!e.ES, No. ItillH Rroadway. cor. Thirty list st.. or "tel*-. Weet Twenty-third IL. cat. EiehL'i-ava., to. Bid Ejsi Ki.urtiviitb-iL, enrner ( ulcjn«iu>r. r«iO 1 hildave., cor. euiy-urveutij-iL; at *¦>>. HARLEM IFFICE, No. *_!.*i«ee| ThirdAVcs., cor. Oi.e-hatidred^iTiii. weuty fourth-aL (Harlem »av;n_-i Bank Uulidlngi, up w Sf h.. t r..*Til*r otBterate*. A SMALL family of social stan ting would llketi share a house, with iii.>t!iir«iii_l! fs-> iiy in n gong tiealltv In New-Y'ork. 8tat» u-r-i*. Befervnce* uxchinxed. liccireea ANSON, tribuneuliiue. ________________________ A V)*ell-fiinii".l.ed rrevptlon room with use of tl piri-Tfier lilli sii ian also basSaeSH rooru * it hoot hoard 'ir_re-:ille,nijn lil Weat ieitli 8L. Iintsreen .liii and dih aves. *% BEAUTIFUL gfcond or tliird floor, band* » se iin-i} furnished: ats > a'u-,'1)) Momt with or w.t'n.nl icnrel private table if eleaireet loraoon near He* r.olr .ns. Adure*. ll IOU I.ST HEKEltb.NCE-s, Tiibuno L> nen Offlco, i.'JS** Broad))ay.________ 1>ARTIE.S Se-fieriDi*' with niental or ni'ivoua tiirt'iiscs can lind *,',¦ d ii..s..l and proper attention Ina rimte family. Ad.lrets EXPERIENCE, Tribune I'ptown iflice. 1.1A6 Hrnudway._ ) 1 WESi' 31ST-8T. IliB-ioaif parlorfl>or *e I with bath : alto third-floor ; pnvsto table ox willmot marti; reteivuees- ______.____.-_...-_._...__ . IQ WEST 42l)-ST., frnnHiif. RE.SERVOIR J*y PAltK.Klcgsut apartc-ents to gentlemen vltk or ritlieiul tl'lelHL___-______-_--_.« tQWEST 12TH-ST..Funiis.iefl re>om-e. with IO b.eiird, neconel and tuird floor*, en luite or alnsie luce- ion sood ; tabio excellent i uo nioviurf. 1 i WEST IOTH-ST., near Stli-nve..Hund- 4*4 «e_-«ielvfurni*_ed lecned-atorv Hwit wan ; etoelleat .nnil; hoiiie coiuforu; mo-ierat* lenna; trauiieut bc^ud, ) i^ iii*, per .my._ tt CC TO $7 por week for siajrle and furn _y S9 *J rooms wltn bo») il, transient Si per day." table heard 01 havine several hoUls lu illfletent locstlons we buv lar.jly ii who reaie, heuoe our ettrao'-dinary low prices C.arouce loiel 18 llnitoL place, near Broadway. East Side. ADVERTISEMENT* FOR THE NEW. tl YORKTKIHL'NE WILL BB KECEIVED AT TUB ;p-TOWN offices, t.o. 1 .U.-BBrosdwsr,cor.T-lrl/-ar*" iu, oe SB8 Weet Twenty thlrdiL. corner Bimth-sv-j in, t»8 Kast Kourt-entii-sU. eorn*r Unlsa-sqeiirre 7SS Idrdave, cor. Porty seventh-*-.; »t the HA ELEM OFP1CB. fe. tWM Tmr1av*-ts_r.O)_*-huodri>d-a_iTw«atjr-8imtlMt. Hiirieni Savlnss Bank B_Ue!_i_), ap to 8 p. m- U rejalac ife-rci-if-.________________________________ A FIRST FLOOR of three lar<re rooms | batn-rooei; doseta .vc; Us let with private tae!*. or witb, * mt bcMrdt reference)*. 36 East aOth at- NO. 7 GR AME ROY PARK..Rooina en suite, double and ilugle sill) bo*id. RE8P0N8IRUE partiea can find -lea-aut roo-is and Srat-clllt board, tiauilent ur permanent, id 18 Lateyette-pUee._ ^.TH-aVE., 33..HmidsomclY funnshed fourth Lt Boor, front ROOM*, with buardf.r tamlllaa audjft-ntie. nen alao iJiroe^iibie^bejarde r* eau be accommodat-d. ^m n~LAFAYETTE-PI_ACE.-Faoiily Ho^l i mom* en amt* and sinjtle: uMe Sri;-t__m U-a-ssil II bo and tri petr clay. . _ , 1*J FARK-AVE..In fimall family, an entirs .9 floor, or tsBSMMsi tuau. other larae aud imall rooma ivith ol without board, ley bprlng aud Summer._ I (I EAST 53D-8T..To lef, with boanL two I fjl lar^.e eonnwctmn rooms on tbe tbird Beor; iwlereiice. ?il EAST 83D-ST.-eU!*re. weU-fBi^ed* lt I »uuuy trout r-jooi*. slosrly or en suite, envBBMBBh twrel ¦ fourth flour i booie sud appointiuemtaJ^«j*_^i__J*. ¦sst mml "L" road; lor seaUemen, wits ex wiumwt .oars i m mi i eaioastiler._ ________________ -s-W EAST »TH-8T..Oms nvtb tsppm MA _>e_*) second floer; mi * eji__*-le room, witb board, tor *.**-*__». mea, Beterenceu^ , 8 e%g |f1tTfWnT-iN-AYJI corner ol If^th-dt. I eyry .Nie.ly mrnished einerte rooms tor sentlemeai iiouae and table orai-ciea*; telereneea Boar- and Booms Wanted. FIOARD wiiat»d for frentlemBn and ln» wife. j> b tvrewn ilth and .lieta-sts.. aad ith seas etn-*-e^ we«M -trier arrauKe_u<*.t v. ith a party who oma* UUbocua AA. lrr-sinOM E. Tribune office._ BOARD WANTED .In New-York or Yiola- Itv. for erotisms*, wife aad two childes*; !»¦. amar. utsiicsl rvoins renaicexl; terms moat be meSerat*. Addrwes subpmticuia:*. W. H. W.. Trbuue omce. Country Board. A DVERTISEMENTS FOR THE NI \W*> A YORK TR1BINE WII,L_BE KECKiVED AT THB ii'.reiWN oPFicaav. no. i,*83?«Be_«Jwsv.e»r Thirty- int. st.. or Son Wwi TWft-ty-tal-vlsit, eet-aer hif-tu ar^ No. fi Kant Poitrteeniii-at- cmrw«r t'n&-*rV**^*Jf£) Third ave., oor. FW"t.-^*vea_i-_! aita* HABLBM o fPl OBL No. i.'ihl rtiird a»A. cot. 0na_ma.i\red4m8.t*»*at»-**enc*MA (Harlem a*-mica Bank Bait-lag}. I. n I 8* **. rwesiaS i'MjEN KI Ll-VU. >U!JU.>vvaliIj. a. i..nimxxu ll aow opao; 40 acm* fitvuad: eas. water, w«-18r«« etesh Togeta-'.aa. mils; earnt-Ba, aHf*«. Bc **«J'',*J**jM>a OM1TH HOUSE, COBNWALL Ol' THE HWDBOII, BJC-PhiNa MAY I. --.-j,.--. Newiyl-rn'e-eS._*B.-LllM)-T_L[ WANTED..A limited nam lier of Widen _»jUpVtLm***^^

New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1880-04-22. · -raeartivamadhi****,andPacificMallrawbo41._ tmAjxp, Althoughina majorityof cases tbe final changesahowgain*,andthe closing prices gener¬

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1880-04-22. · -raeartivamadhi****,andPacificMallrawbo41._ tmAjxp, Althoughina majorityof cases tbe final changesahowgain*,andthe closing prices gener¬

-rae artivamad hi****, andPacificMall rawbo41 ._

tmAjxp, Although in a majority of cases tbe final

changes ahow gain*, and the closing prices gener¬

ally are at reactions rrmn tbe decline** that oe

enrred after 1 o'clock, tbe market eloeed weak andunsettled.Tho final changes from tbe closing prices yester-

day'ete M -^lOW* : Advances.Chesapeake andObio, Manhattan Elevated, Missouri, Kansas andTexas. St. Louis and San Francisco, and Union Pa¬

cific, each *a; Chicago. St. Pani and Minneapolis, Ill¬

inois Central. New-Jen-cy Central, Northern Pacific,Beadingand Wabash preferred, each *_; St.Pani pre¬ferred.Central and Hudson and Wabash, each %;CC. and 1. C., Bock Island. Northwest, Delaware,Lackawanna and Weatern, Hannibal and 8t.Joseph.Northern Pacific preferred and Dino Missouri pre¬ferred, each *-; 8*. Louis and Saa Frw-cisco pre¬ferred and Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph, each <fe.Erie preferred, \ Canada Bonthern. Lake Erie andWesleru.lroa Mountain and Western Uuion.cneli lg;Cheeapeake and Ohio first preferred, Louisville andNashville, Metropolitan Elevated, Mobile and Ohio,Pacific Mail and New-York and Straitaville,eaohl: St. Paul, 1*4; Ontario and Western. l-Jg;CenU-il Pacific, 1*_; Hannibal and St Joseph pre-

ferree., 1«8 5 Alton and Terre Haute. 3, ana Ameri¬can District Telegraph, 4?a per cent. Decline..Delaware and Hudson, Erie, and Obio and Mi.8-iseippi, each *.; Lake Shore, Michigan Central, andAdams Express, each %.; Houston and Texas. -_;

Cleveland and Pittsburg, 1, and Nashville, Chat¬tanooga aud St, Louis, 1 ._ per cent.There wore twelve proposals amounting to

.$, to -ell Government bends to the Treas¬

ury to-day. Offers to tho amount of $3,000,000were accepted, a* follows: $217,000 Gs of 1880 at

103.1)0* 104.24-all but $0,000 being at 104.20and above; $727,000 Os of 1881 at 105.S0-3HO6.0_..$630,750 being at 100 aud above; $2,030,000 Os

of 1881 at 108.60 _)103.70-$1,750.01H) being ht

above 103B&. Tbe business iu Governmentbouda at tbe boards was not large, but it

included all tbe issues and was at price-below tbe average of thoso paid by the Treasury.

District ot Columbia 3.659 were strong and sold up

tu 04. At tbe close the market was steady at theannexed quotations: bia Ask«l

VS. 4s 1907. re«._07%_o7s_Ti.R.fti 'Wi, re¬de .*),

BtA. aekcM....104 lol.

C.b. Oe'*), coup..104 10ie«V.e. t>s"*li.ree....H»5% lem.U.S. Oa'Ml. coup..Mia's DOCjk\be'ai.itnt....lus 108S.r.K.fii)'>cl.eou9..-0-% io_-<.

O.M. 4s 1»07.ooup.1<)7% 107%C.S.Cres 1895 .135 ....

ca,even inoi.ASb ....

UAC'T-s lS97..1'i6¦_....C.S. Cy Os lte»H..135 .»....

CS. 4>>ja'iei.rag..l08>4 10H% U.H. ITV 0*. H'tf .130C.S. 4-_*".)l.eout*..l0S»_ 109 I DiiL0fCe.i.3-t>.'iic. ¦ 93** 94

The total business done iu State bouda was cov¬

ered by a sale of Missouri 63 of 1880, issued to theHannibal and St. Joseph Railroad, at 106.Of city bank stocks, Park aold (10) at 121 and

Commerce (24) at 142.The dealings in railroad bonds reflected the higher

prices realized for shares. Erie secoud consols were

more active than of late, and rose to 92. but dosedat Ol3., tbe fuuded 5. advancing from 85*2 to 86*4eQ.86. Missouri, Kansas and Texas first cvinsolsWive largely dealt in at from 100-_ to 102, and tbeseconds from. 62*« to 63_»62-_. Boston, Hartfordand Erle firsts were -_ lower at 56,»Dd Rome, Watertown and Ogdensbnrg firstswere steady at 68®67V Chesapeake and Obiocurrency interest debts were notably active nt 123..._..__! i_ 42*3 against 42 yesterday. Ohio and -lis-aimip.>i firsts, Springtield division, sold at 79 _"7K-\,again*-.; 77*_. St. Louis and Iron Mountain secouttIncomes rose 1 per cent to 77*2, and closed at 77.The vanons issues of St Paul, ol Northwestern, andoi Wabash, were sUmng. Uuinn Pacific firsts yieldedfrom 113*4 to 1127e, Central firsts remaining steadyat 118*3.Tbe Kid-Treasury to-day gained $151,287 en bal¬

ance made np by gains of IK.9,803 currency and$81,848 coin. Tbw makes ine total gain since lastFridtti tjvtir.2.018. Tbe 8nb-i'reasnry paiil by checkfe)r9l;2(K),000of tbe bends it purchased to-day.Money was easy at 6 per cent all day, and after 2o'clock 5 in>r cent was the fair rate, with exceptionsat 4 pic cent. The domeatio exchanges on New-York are uiich-nged except at Si. Lc ina, where thereia an advance from 50 to 75 cents premium.Tbe Tailed State* Treasurer at Wasiungtou to-dayreceived $255,000 in National hank notes fur re¬

demption. Thu customs n-celpte were $780,000,and the internal revenne receipts were*$390.000.Tbe following is the Clearing flout..) statement to¬

day: ETC_anges_$104,574.750. bal-inoes,$8.803,474.Tbe transactions at the Sub-Treasury revered:Receipt*-. #507,420; payments,$416,132; currencybalance, $6,118,620; coin balance, $102,046,916.Ttie ioreign exchanges remain dull and rales

ateady on tbe basis of tbe following Quotations t

Prime iisnl-.ira' steiling bills 00(Uv*. M davaCO -OuiIod.MfU-tWaS $4K7*8»4Hi.

Ooeeel iiii:.-e*res'snn prune com III 04 R4 . 4 87 #4 1-17Oieoui.miin.rcttl. 482 si x-.e, 4 M5 *4 H5%Docii_n«iiti-_T commercim.... IM 94 82*4 4 85 mufi.Parin francs1._ 5 20 'ab 18% 6 I7*v<r-. iou,Amw .-rp.francs)._, bio 0b 18% 5 17-i*-.'> 10fiwinc ,fraii.-sl. 5 20 95 1S'< 5 17*-_*a li|i_amst-rclam (raildertl. 40TiV 40% 40*et* 40%Mambury (i-tohtaarlcal. H4.0 Ab tfb**,a Yb*-*

_Tratil.fc.rt iT-lo_n_ir_t). 94a.# 93 96%a. 85*_Brcioen (retethaatfes). 94 Sj** 05 B5.» tf5*9Beril: .ie1c*_*srt_s>. 94%» 03 96%0 Ubh

lu London British consols were somewhat irregu¬lar, but cloned with a decline of Hw at 98'i.c bothfor money and account. United States 5s were l«higher at 104V the others being unchanged.the4--2S st lll**a and tlie 4* at lOO'a. Ene shares were

Xl higher at 45*e, but second consols declined lg to9-'!-%- Atlantic anti Great Western brats fell from7.1'e to 73»78-_ and tba seconds from 37 to I.ti¦_.lllu.oi*- Central wss Lt per cent higher at 110, amiCentral and Hodson *g at 136. India Council billswere allotted at nn ndvauce ol Me per rupee, bnt bareilvtr declined to SI's per ounce, in Paris French8 per cents rose from 83.371, to 83.50'2>83.471_.The gross earnings ot tbe following railroads lire

reported:cucvauuin, oolcudl-'S cnecwiuti __kd imhaxafous.

1879 1880Bec-ond wo. k of Apiti.. tWO-tt 083,5*21 Ina Jr20,441Jen. Ito April 14. 010,-190 1.297.4G4 lue. 318,108


asioad weet ot toutil... B8-.335 8109,41)0 Inr- e__3.oe:5Jan. 1 to Apiti 16. 1,1*9,699 1.715,343 Ino. 615.758

Bcauxai-x. cxd__ kapiob abd ko-tubbs.1870. 1880.

eieond week ot April.. r23,o*'9 833,375 Inr. eio.soflJen. 1 toApnl14. 372,762 000,209 lue. 935,467The receipts of boor and irraiti at the principal

Atlantic ports this 21st day of April were;Kew-Yoi-t. Bal ti rn are. Phil-

-loni. bblt. 8,182 sLOOil





Wheat. bnslL... 117.450Cern, butli_ bt.KtSOatt, bush_ ebJtlBkyee, but*.....- SOe-srtry, tmab..- 8*750Total bunn.... 248.D34 62.127 174,400The following were the receipts and shipments

at aud from Chicago and Milwaukee to-day:




rienabhfc..-Receipts-Chleseo Hilwsakse.

IS.SM et<o

..-luptneets-Chlosero. HUwsnkea

31.046Whest. bush.lorn, bush. 95.1*47Oeta boan. 60,452are, Bub. 4,264.Harley. bnSB. 7,800Total bute. 178.4DV

H.BOO6,0006,2 .1900






-E-TBOPEAH FTHAWCIAL MABKKTS.lOITIliOB. Aiwl)>l-l»i*'p.---<r»niK>-«. WHja-ir n-oaer.08^.

Ort th* seeeust. V. 8. OoneU, Werw ttreo. To4%: AtlanUeead Great Westtm Urti mortgage tnwteee rertl-cstea. 78 ;

4a,a4co-d.S6*.i Erie BaUwaveWee,4»; ailDoia Central.lex.1, - INsa__ay»-ssi_i <**sxr*r*tL th 1 'Strw-Tor* Ceutral. 185VLoKt'OB, amii 9I-2;SO p. m..Pirti sances quote three

per cot 1 teales atBS traaee 60 esntimet Iorime scevonot.4jOMOK.A**wm -HO tm liwiii-li.Wli'sa ter bett inoaer

anel th-j scc-nnt Atlantis ann Orsat western ftrit morteafetrnstr.*" tMi-aaa-tea*, 78%: 4o.. inoas. 871 Erle Kaliwivftsw. April 81.Pvc--are Sn Lnaeww 3S tiauoe lifo eour

tttoro ter ibeafca.-jostles. Anni 21-4 ._.»..t.BMaaa Vowarea 104% al

_nuc and Oreat Weiara tret _-eteaae<n_-ni' cert -tester,73 s_: Kris Kenwar aharea 46 *t 1 ntlnoia Central, 110. India.Cooeeil billa weresuoueo to-sy st *i_o. »*r rapw advanoa.******sdtlese eaueOJee par seat teatee at hi ttaaes 47%eeettmee ter U14 seeeant.c-e-aex, A_-rfi'._i_auvce U q-oted at 61 %el per ooaoa

COTTOJH MAKK-CTrv-BT TELEOBAPH.-ivBBrooa. April «-l*:30 p. in.-c-*tt<m essisr; Middittut_»____. itu -Ua-H-f eurteana, lLuAi ***** eoeK) baie*, in¬

ter opocrnlrtl-n sad exoort. Keoeipts,11JMKIboles ABMriean. _**nt__t*e»-_p-

i___aAMlieecTlver7, 6T-*1.j ela,Apr.l -.nd

,lomt andel%__4 __. tuhfuuh huuum eanvTy. CV- sba 6»*_sr».: do.._!______¦_! _____! ____N_____a____>____d_.__-_r ________¦ ¦ haili A1__>___1 a -Caa fl¦__¦fi.^^S^'l-lU^r^t.t^' *" ."*44^ **Uve-root-j-efO ll-l_8o o. n_.-____l__Mt Cpl.wee Oetton,

P*.|Ai li'r-Wt-BOltea-s. 7e.e-irayot^ Ma-r-a .1-5 isp. _s.~Tke etalea el ibe dey tn-

-ag, ll%c- Oe*. Ordlnaty. ll%a.t gteeeTsedte »->a»e-a Bntala, l,l»i balaa, eeaav

V-U-tac !___. LewsteesMs, 11^0


fkarfoa. Aacliu -H*»*_nneedy; Mieaii__.i9>«_i.ii-.w-r)4-4__a. UV- (laed Qedl-err. ilVst bm nwavis. 9161*nm\\\\*m**\Wt*w n\\> OMI-I CMlJ-OL SOO _>A-M' ilOO^. i_jL7M blh^-Kl9i_u«-wrim4^tl.*--0-«U^M^S^** >^ntu.hi,

,*»*««^-^__^ei«e*i atM-ttme. ll Vu taw[%M quo* *__fi__*T. Id>f-l Mt NMtMt 4*6rte te Oteat ___rt-^. ^QWbales 1 oeaetwise, 871

eehanaeAi ***~"-~*t. 11%*^ LouBSJ-^^a.-RaVS-.'-P'-'-*1'\0toi tow1,054



rausr oumul i__j___rr.¦JttM. r_*H, Basse- apt* ll-IWWWticieHh Market 1

BOB-rt. he-OS«aeta__M ate taaallaral |


TOTAL KBCEIPrS OP ePBODUOEPer "forth Hirer. Veeeels anet KailroeAe.

Wkdx-Sdat. April 21.1880.Oat meats.1*S*.

Lard, tot...-ara, bets.**-***_ag*Ma.Cheesepis.

iwax.p*mrwS*.eec-bea,ana bbla.




our, bbla. 10,781¦ntntblt. 25ram'!, bes 264beat trna. H7_9eiora. lins-. (9.628rta. nash. 66.450itt, bash. 640uley bat. 4,909-aso.pg*. 87


218IflHemp oles.lette. baW 47Leati-'r.iida. 18,114

CA OILWaHMeaTHo..Hide*, blea"ops.bales.

Mora's, bbl.Meas. bale*.

¦_£?*:Rollin, bbl*.Tsr. Mila..«te_*ata.i»**a.Meet pms.Pork, pkgs.



Post*, brr*.Skins, Wei."t'P'Mt-T. eJjvt^W*Tallow, pea.-4eM_lL»gaTell) l-bda..Tob..vk-a .

VrttAJAtl*.Wool, balsa






IKn KS-Quiet, asdhsnced.JOP8VB.Rle iee. higher. IB fair oewand i Or-_na_rto-neCargoeeal 12 .-fTa'.c. lnclt_-ln_t lair at U"._-: 1.2.0g* ex "Kahn" told ob private terms, and 1,000 ex * Bieia" at

V, being on the beal* et 14V. for lair. Milt! tirade*let and anohangeti: total salsa lor s week patt; 2.497 baraaraeslbo; 1,979 lags Caato Rios; LAH ber* Havsnllle:iii ting* Mexican; Ml bea* Laguuyra; 581 bega -loelia.'0 bses Angostura, and Mil Jam.iira. within the range*;.035 nat*. Java ex 'Drumadoon" eolil belora arrival on prt-,tc* terras; D'.)l batta (*t. Os-ilngo are in transit fur Emetic;-day 51 barrels Jamaica, and '.'Od bags Maracaibo, sold onivtite tenn; itock iUt*«i 78,988 hac*. and 14...651 mats, in-tiding 7.54'.' liana, and 110,003 mats Java; 3,3.;3 bags ley-a; 17.270 bsgaMirtcsibo: 9.H88 bags Laguavraj 9l4l>'igsematc*; 5,26H bigs Porto Rico; 7_8fcti big* Costa Kies; 9.11ga Mexicali- 1,100 bare Mocha; 1.800 batts Aiigoalura:iAV batta -Mvaniila. anti SI.(MU USU Singapore. Maracaibo,l«17c; L_urn*JT», l'l'.i-14%-.. Jstnslcs. 13»IGi*.; Ht. 1)0-lngo. 12"Tle.. 8lm.KiH.rc, 14416c.: Ceylon, .5«17c; Java,d'.'dc; rorto Kie;o. li. a lir.; Costa Rica. lJefclBe.1 Mexican,;ai6c.t Moclis, _¦-*»'_... ; Augoattira. It'olToC.-. B*-»t:lll»,io-iTc: Curacoa. 13efl4c.uuTTiia nieot Cotton list*, lower, sud sctlre for export;.les, 5,750 bales (60issi e* I'liiiigi.iiic lulling 6.348 ten exportil'.'ita fm cpiuuiug aud 183 fur speculation ; delivered nu

ntract, 1.7ee0bales: receipt**!, thc port* today, 6.84ti hale*;uiust 5.690 bales this day last week, aud 4.541 laid year.

S. oi*uiUplanls. and Dulf.

.dinaiy._.. 9-»u l«'*i*net ordinary.10*,_ 10».Hid ordinary.10->ia il'tsUrlGood oreliuary........l)r'i*)W Mnldling.ll**.ariot 1.0W Middling.ll**.indlnir..lllfiiwd Middling.-.12»iorlet Good Middling.li"t«i.ielllng Fair.IS»i*


H'-isUVIP91 1'yr,.:V)8le ll131"*,!


STAITWP.nod Ortllnniy. 9\ bow Middling.ll'.*incl Good ej_rllnirv..l0% I Middling.ll«iFulurcs fsirlv active, closing barely »tCiidy at an artvadce ottoa ixiinli: eal's, 137,800 bale-. Prtee* paid: April. 11.7'J11.78: Mar. 11.67*11.81: Jane, 11.7(4*. ll .96; Jun. lLllli*!.e*&: Anguat 11.0tlWl".lii;«eptenilicr. 11.71</Tl.**'7;Ocu>ber..._4<.ll.:>5; November. IO UH-11.08 : Deoetnlier, 10.1)4*.03. Price* foi Mn.,'* and Marri-*.April. 11.73; Me.,11.79-itel., 11.93. Jiilv. li.'ol. Annual. 12.12: September, ll.87;lober. 11.35: November. 1 Lol): December. ll.tW: Jaiiiwn',.12. TVmIsj-'i rinsing pnoe* for contract-..April. 11.74*.76; May, ll.lt*: .Inno, 11.90: Julv. l_.<J12.er__; AnintBt.i.OftV)-.0'9:e^CT)t*mlH>r. 11.84*1 ..WO: tlctobeT. 11.82*11.33;."¦ember, ll.04_fll.tKi: December. 11.02311.04. Tranalur-,loonier* 11.75.?'LOUR AND MEAD.PiXtUR.Martel more active am!¦mer, in instance** lliS'.io.li,fer. l-'n'.r export demand, anduderate joiibiug trade Inquiry salo*. )i«,600 bbl*., inclneliugSOO bbl*. Mioneisots Kxtra. $ 1 fx.efj-1 "..'.*» (or tlu* wlt.i.e

age: 4,00c) l.bls Winier Wheat Kxtra, M 0 3.7 Iff!loo bbl«. City Mill Extra M"i, snd ss sb for .spring mut'Inter Wheat Extra for l-'uropc, and *.'e 05*85 76 for weetidles ; 1,000 billa leow Extra. Cl .Mi*84 76: 1.2'H) lillis tin-Tfine*.M Ino-H 50. aud l.ooo bbl*. No. 2. I'J MW.. Ki;

the solea l.*e.2oe) bbl*, were tor «.xti..n. tluota-)na: No. 'A fi UnotA SO; FutierUDe. Sii lb dot 60 ; Coii.ini.ilPair Kxtra Slate. 84 50B»4 75: iioo" to Vanrv do., S4 HOtC : Coimooo to Uood iixci-a Weatern. S4 504S1 hoiMttoe to Paney do.. SI gD&fT. Common to Hood Kxtra.and Roon OHIO. 84 80e»SS 75. Oevrd to Chnloi* lt.. S5 SOrd 75; Minneuii- Oubidou Kxtra ti bnnti HO lt»elxnire. S5 25e»-5 75: Baaera' Kxira. *R O id 'iO. "strairli!.J15tf*7 ; J-m*emu SCO SR 'lb. chleflr witMn tbe range-of

i»»7 25; Ht. Lous Coroninn to lair Extra $4 OOcMi.V¦IT tu UOIMI. gb 10986 76: Goofl to O10100 lamil v.

letti: Patent Winter Wheat Kxtra. 80e«7 60: dosingliet.SOUTHERN I Lol. il s'>t>ni atesdv. wilh llj,lit ex.rt and moderate Jobbing trado dc man.I wilm, 1,100 bieiscl.illug Com.ton to Good Kxtra, 85 '.'.'c'ers.'i Ot): tiona 10

mice do.. 8ft 0f>i*f5 90: Cheeirt* to Paney dr.., ft(;*#7, in-adina 800 bbs foi export. 8(176.KV h. I'L'-r H dull, nn-

angeei; sale*. *_00 bbl* i-up.rflne, 84 5l>»85.l»ti.-r verylolee.CORH MEAL tinier, stmi Iv Yellow Western,_15»8S; Rrasilywine. S3 10*«$3 ._(!; sales, JIM) bins.

PORKlUN FRT/lTse.Hale* by suction. 4,0.1) boxes Mel¬ia Oranges, ti>a$.l, and 4,000 do. Lemtms, 83884 70, bytau directJRA1N.WWBAT.Market l»2*»e better, feverli-h andiieettlod: tenir export doinand, mainly for So.il spnugfurjglantt: large tiade on KpisculitlV'* arocmut; closing strong at

out th*outside qnotatieiea.with a brisk speculative detnandlalnly for No.'-lied lor Marland s fair exient Inquiry;len, l,47(i,ooo boah, future*. 8D7.0CH) bush, promptavery, Incindlng No. 8 Spring. SI 14*81 ttl, latterr verv Cnolcc, liiclniling parrel* to arrive; No. -I lepring._rjeV-*-l 25, including Clelcago aud Mllwanl.ee. aHf. HilSb: Hard Minneaotaand Na 1 niee-n Hay, *fl SH ; t'n-teded Winter Hem. Bl _ci»*SI SSh: Katisss Nn. 8 Red.23S: No. S ked. 91 .*eoa*l 821 No. i White, fl SO:

9. 1 white, 8127*4981 -*-*»: Eur* White, Si 2*e.,060 baa*-. Na 8 Chicero. first half Mny. SI 13: No Surthwest. May, 198.C8K) bosh . 8122; Nu. 2 Real. April.ilo*-_*»l ill*., closing SI ;ei*.; do. Meir, 81 27ff*l 99.

It-dug SJ 29 : do. Juue. 81 Sbotl UC***, c.e.e-1' * 11 Sfila So.White, April. 81 27'.WI '_8>_, closing *1 2T***'d8128; etc..

ay. Sj 21 er81 25. closing 81 _"5&$1 "J.-i'i.HVE shade¦mer and quiet at RBaoilc.HAMLEY ijnlet, Ilnu ; tales,i.oyObuslj. t'legnuleNl Catiacl*.-*-*c.. .BARLEY M A I.Tstwuly,ilea 4,o(K) bu*!- Canada, Si 15.COHN.Marked lase.-ter, acarce and wanted eales. B-.HOOee bush, fultu e. 7«.00 I

l*.. pniniiit datively, tnrloelmg Ungr-u)(*tl Westernlxeed. 6i"»»660.-. No. 3. 82s,e»ft;ii.; "tti-mer Mix.-.l. 5:.54'ga: Mo. S, 54>_*55c ; Na '.'. White. ....«.'. *.; _..»rli all65c: Yellow. 64c; Low MixeiU ...I've.: Ka 2 April,

!14*i'-"or. cloting S'-'Kc; do. May. t1*\mi*otn rlwei-g*., inc.lMel.nt 32.-110 boah. Hut half May at 4H*vC: No. 1

iou, 47c.GAT- opened a ahadn hrtner Icclied, and '.'*3e. bettco- lor White; cln-lnj; diU.l lower lor Mixed, and 1*1 've- lower for While-lee, 93.000bnah.. Including No. .*. fie.; No 8 White. )..&C.; No. 2. 4-e.,.J>43'V.; No. S Willie. SI1-/* 3-.it'; Mixedeaten.42-*_et44c; >A bit- on., 47**,ct,A i.-r. Mixed Ntaie. snr..bite oo, 62d64c-; Kxtra Wl.iui, t.5r including in.i'oilte_ No. 2 May, 3tec.; 10.CMIC) biu.li. do. April, private lanaePKKii st-tacly ; 40 tBo8ti _fc,S'-'4»$'' .; IOU th. Wlbthti p*>r

tx; talon, intt, Peed, to arrive, at 8-3**1.4 p. r tua.troiiTB I'liot BIX AVLANTIC e-KAI'ilp.tfl KIR THK WEKK

t.MlfcD Al'lill. 17, IPPP,Plorer Wlii.itCombids. bush. Ininti.

D fnlted Kingdom. 9i!.r"-'i 9e)ii,*ij. 1,7)1.noio Cerntlnen t of Kiiropc 2..'7U «H'.',eii49 Sin, Heitutal week. 99.291 l,7flt),:tl4 8,651,H77otalpr*.viona week.... b!e,440 1,779.492 1,688,671GREASE.*)alra. 12.00i. th, S-*iaO.HAY AND_'IRAW-A ile;e/,)" trude goinf. on nt well tualiued t.rlies: fhipping Har. 65i70e.: retail lot* ul>r. for Medium, and 85 ali'.c. for Prim* Clover. 55r.(raw and 81 lur Long Rvei U5c tor HUort du. -.ua bootie.ir OatBIDES.Quiet-, prices barelv steulv.Ho|e*rule- riulet, Mit In the li.kin st«oly ; New-Ynr!t, 1879,7 msc.; Yesrllngs, 9c 18c.j I'aelll.' C e.ssf. I--7le i.e..*:.,.>M01iArVSKt*--Holllng*leMk Verv quiet ; 5ii*-'-t.st. Hkc., atblch the l**t Balsa were tusde ; ore'eery gTrt'icscr in aa y mot.

rate demaiia Portci Rico, Sb*50e.: Liiuiiah ls auls, inaDc.; Cuba, 35 a Hus.; New-OriNins. 4(>f.ei"C: scVhi. sinl-el at,74ttihei*. Cubs. 1.8«1 hh.lK. I'nrtn I'.ifii. 3.11 Iilnls. Elittlisli¦lauds med 1,0 0 hhls. New-Orleans.NAVALdTollUH.R.Miii.1**r and Plfrhat* nncbangnd andnil. hp'.rits Tut |m-u ine, demand about *leiicly at ',1c; no

BMaaMreportedOILS.InJ.eb dng sale ntilv at revcent price*.OCEAN FHKlGII'l'H were vari quiet Ifdny

i breadstuff* innerlai iv cheri, ed titislnehs-'r.'eies were linnet-tin- lAvsnea

Itt and iu inst ince* hewer. Livciiiunl. Hail. 1.80U Lalee <'ot-un, "Mel.: .irani mn.nd l*ri; lil Cake. Vis. (id.: Mitumri-lent (loiKla 16a.; Tleetir quoted ie. per bbl.: **nk Kluir. 15s.er ton: Bac en and I*rd, lu*, ir.if.t-t.: TalU>w, ie8acP22a Hd.:team, 8.000 btialL Gralu, private terms, quotncl 6*U*\, 00 tt>,!."() pkgs Butter aud Cheese, 4' ».; LOeK) pkga Baeos,o.**..2s.0d.: smail lota of oysters, 4s. 'a 4s. (ie*.; KMuna sack Flour, through, io*,aa.. ad.; l.u.ii bhls.O., 2a 6el.'ei:la: 2,108 baie* Cotton, tlerougli. '.,.. VI:leef In imiili kit* st 5a. *3d an«,; Por*, 4a; inugar queuedIM.) Oil Cuke, iee 40 tun* iie.inn inn nt ti ooa, 22a M./Obdon. Mil, 400sacks nour, iiiiolert 17*. Od.: bbl. do., ls. l'.i,;hale 4"%»5it.0() _: Bacon anil Lard and Tnllow.20*.; Oil Vnke,7a. Od.: Tee tens Meaanrement Dundie. 12s. 14.it if,*..; steam,B.ocmi bush, cirain. 6d. «0 lb: 60 tans Meae-ntc incut tiiieci-,;iii*2'-». Cd., aoial lou of Rsc*- and Lard. .Ula Abe. and Hut-ir and Cbeeoe, 37a. 6eL; Tallow que,tc .7*.(ld.; Heil, "... lid. ato Od.; Pork, 4**4* Od.; fugar. 27*. Od.: Ol] Cake, '.-Oct.; 30)otu lark Flour, through, 2o»:_ii. _td.'<?2_*a ed.; ifl ns luis.a.. Ss. Od. Olaagow, guam. A.ittm sacks Piour. ihrouzh, ii*.KL; 1.108 bhlaao.. 2a 6d.; 70" _11_ks. Prorlstona, 3/a. lid.; Hort.noted 6a. (ld.: Pork. 4*: -agar, 27a (Jd.: UH Cakn. 22a Od.;leasai-tnent Gooda 22*. Od. Bristol, iteam. 6,000 sicksHoer, 22s 66.; Prr-rtiioni quoted 8i>i.835a; Oil Caks,ll*. M.; 8n_rsr. 27a ed.i Meakurernent Gee ia 20s.w25»."ber. were no Contlneutal eejcsfeznetnti nf nuts. Brlilsliteamer, 770 temi, to thc Continent. 6,500 circ. Orain, quoted«. 8d.*6*(id.: Italian bark to Alicante or Valencia 2.IHX)ira. Grain, ba 4d., tree elevating: a bark ie Cw* fererders, 8,(HW qr*, aa., 6*.- taree aUaanara. 1.241,.839 and 1,511 tstw call to arrive). to L u-

lon. Cattle, £5, snd Grain, etc., at current r*te*iws otberi were reported, bet ae particular* _tv«i . nrit.si.ark to Ameteresai or Rotterdain, 4,ooo bbl*. Ileaned Veno-mb. Ba Cd.: tke BrltUh shin. l.«_8 tons reported in our la*to Leado* should hav* been liveraoel; AesireUsn bark. Si .5.aa, Mt Msraellle* or Oatie, eenersl cargo, eta., at earrentalee i Bnielia ship. 1,026 tema to Reval with Cotton, pil¬ate terms -, and baot with Iron, at !8a.; a bark. 091) eons, toeJew.0.1_*n«, iiellraed Iron. S3 00; a achoouer, Ho tons,e Bemads san beek, at 88 62 end foreign porthireei; American bsn. 482 toni, io Cape Toe-n,4 86*. per ton: BrltUh shin. 1,383 toni, Irom.'orfolk to Llverpoel, Cotton. £1,7(8), free of conipreiiiug.nd aievedom charge* From Itouton.Ilritish abln. 999 lona,o London, general oargo.at rate* Nnrwegl n lurk. 469 ton*,o Malpas, eackFlonr. 'Jos.: Brttiah b»r*. 376 tout, to Cnue:own sad Meseel Bay. ALObn. trom BalU-onTe-Brlllshteamer, (eo arrive. Mar loedlngi.to the Mediterranean .9,000ira. Urain. quotnd lia Od ur AdriaUc, Oa. Od. Prom l'hiladtil-)hl_.-Amer!f»u ililp. 1.8HD lona lo Avonmuuth. Urtlu, 4ater qr., and OU Cake aod Provision-, 16s. per ton,PETROLKHM-Uulet aod easy ; oert1flc»te* againoweri Crude, lu ahtsplng order, 6S97*Tro.: Napbtha.i*t»5Ha: ReC-tieS nt7"...New-York,7"Ve. for Philadelphia and'**£. for Baltimore; cam, liaii'c. CTtnt Hc-dnous- rouen*al** United GerUflcaiee (Crude Petrotenni), New-York,13,000 bbl*.i Oil City. C-'H.OOO bbl*.- Bradlem. 2..6,01)0 bl)lsepen-d. 71"'sc. bid.; higheat Mle*. 71»*e.: iowest. 71-0.: closed.'1*40. bid.PROVI-ION8-PORK-M_eM declined about 10c. per bon,

ind cineeei weak j export demand very itnnteo ; scan-tiv anyibeeuUttve Inquiry ; New Mau, on spot, quoted 810 60 ; icl-tlinc price on Cali. $10 86 i no sale* rev .ned. Third Call.May, 8102a&$10 6o June, $10 30*810 46: July. 810 Abes.10150 * August. 810 40aS10 55.BEEP without quoUblu*_*¦*«. demand only moderate; Plain Mesa, 810; Kxtra do.,110 608*611' e_tty Extra India Meas. $1M»S1_0 ; Philadelphia,119.BJCKr HAM8 iteadltr held, but rather quirt: qacded.17 86»$17 60..CDT MEA .S'n falrrcquestai mn l.t.- title'e*>;tale*. 6O0Plcc\lvdHboulders, 6*_c.; 60c> pickled Ham*. 10c;Pickled Sheuldera. 6'.a5'4C.; Pickled llama, HV,»10'4C;ImokeO Hem*, 10*?911'«c; Hmuked Hhoulilers. Sc.MIDDLKB dull, unsettled and ender : sale* at West MK).oxes Lung sun Short Clear, o.voc.: Long Clear," 0.6_t*-';;*hort Olear 6.87 *»o.-. Loug sud Short Clear, hal! ind half._.7*-o...DKE*8KD ROU*, s atitiln lower. CU) lle,)V)"4loUgbt, I1.***.: Pla*. 6e.LARD-Market o_ut>ed aboutPto. per loo » blaber, -feerward ihe advince waa losl. andalosnil wiesel and a ehad» under the pnoss currant lastiveuingi less aottve bewise** is Mab mia: fata* trade nn

nr-culat*-* acooiint; sela*. S50 lea. Prime MteMs. snot.[.Beat M-tHng prto* os Hut Cell, 7.17*-cj 3.000 to*. Maj,lAttftit*tto, etloelaa 7.17*»*7.1»Oe.: 8,000 te*. Jae*, l.-niaJ.*!***- eu*ie« 7_S*t)»7."J6fci 4,600 lae. Joly, 1.*l*,m

m ciw tfia^«8?.ift«.,AW' __«_bvyers* ovttea, 7.81>e. Third Caa. April. 7.164 7.20c; May.7.Ivie«*7.I7*_c.i Juna 7.2oa7."i;V"»_.: July. 7.-S»7._7i_e.;_taf«ea*^*»7JS<Be.; V*er,7.1t'.-*f.l7'4e.. do. ben.vs' op.tum, 7.66»7.6e)c_i etty bteam more active: aales. 500 tc*..7a5e.t Me. 1 Uty-eaue. hm* to*-, 7c^ ReOaed. nrmrr;*aies,180 tee. Curtin.st. I.tha.-BUrHtH-Our remarka ofisiliiiSBB wiiiilii*eiri-iH| iiilm>iil They ekonld have tesd** finttar-MsrbeS dull, e»»d aearsaly e* Brm; prices.

Wltheat q-otable ebaaaa.1* To-day-Hultcr-aall. aeuwUlea aad tower, except tot

aedn ef V. esl ere*, watch see ecai-e Md firmer;Helter--tate aslls and mba Common to Choice, ince

Ute.-. BUte Welsh tabs. Good io cbolce. n*28c.; buteC-Buaeii to Chelea 280260.: Waet.rn lmllslloa

JtliMsa Wesfra Dadry. Poor toCholee. 19»'.'le.-.TteMqrJlcw le l-n^l 9*280: Western purf,

aK)B On MBiBaessdst *S*7V -er Cawltai.aaa-«B)Wai-aaa ntuvr weak; Petr te Oevd Reflatag,


.,,"*-7»V*.. and Oaof-ffngiL 8".-"KV-, psrt last evening:iles, 715 Mids. PrenA Uland*. TV-; loo hhds. CentrifngsLyr.: 8'H) hbda Porio B-44. TV»7Se.i «00 hhd*. Melsdo.6^» k-ds. Cubs Museovsde, 7Sc-" ,tock* tuXllI hhdt..796.xe**. 733.067 bsn, sud 2,037 Malado against 37.420 hhda.lis. be-as. 681.387 heirs aad 1AM Melees at tbl* tuneed year i _-ef_n*d lu baiter demand sod steady; s_ru*hedad Pc-r-ersd. 0*Ve-: Qnmnlatee. BVil'ic.; Cut Loot, 9S«tit; Stannard "A," 9<*tHKJCDS.Quietand anohanired. __ . _____ _,__

BTBABINK.Quiet; Western, 7**e.t eeles, 12 bhd*. Cltf.**-; 800 tea City, from May to Aug-st delivsry. 7'..8'eCTALLOW'-Quiet, needy; isle*. 95,000 lb, 0_sJi,,o.WHISKEY-Market armerj Si ll bid, 8112 aiked; c-Ues.X) bbla ; Alcohol lor May. 3_*»-_c,


LITE STOCK MARKET.New-Yob*. Apnl IL-BEEVES.Reeelpti to-day and yee-irtlay were 807 can of 0.1»i head.192 oar* at Withal, endmears at Jersey City. Total ¦(nc* Bstnrdsy. 9,429 head,ritnst 8,929 bead for the oorr-utx-ndln* time Ult week. Thelooerste receipt* st Jersey City c*u»esd a finner leellac. andio market np to 9 a m. waa active, aud s fractionUrhet thaa on Monday. But try the lim* threeearths of the oftsrins* bsd been aold no many dls-ntchea had been received from 00th-»t., representing thatiarket to bs. completely st S iLinfl still, that a lialeguyerelrft the Jersey city yardi expecting to "scoop" Inie bargains that were ao promiscuously offered nt the illi¬lwa yerda.' From tbat hour until the close the market at

BTeey <"lty wm) weak and unsettled, and the finish wes no

Riler Hum on Monday. At 6 th-st. the n.arkot oieeneel ex-¦emelv dull snd folly SI per head lower than the closingiles cm Mondav ; out under tbe Influence ol favorablerports trom Jersey Cltr, end the assistance of some Wash

ijrton il.tiket butchers, the fueling becsine peirej.tlblyretnfler. and the market closed about Si per besd hl?hcrian lt eejH-ned. Of the supply at thule yard*. 1)2 car-loadsiir.eellriit to Mr. Eastman, ano ll car-loads to tbo exportingnu ot Lingham * O'Brien. Tue rest of the stock was all forale, and had nearly all changed band* at ll am. The re¬nt-ted transactions at both yards lucluele 2 ctar bends of Culo-ido mid Native Milners, wnlch solel at 8*»c, to eirena 5(1 If) 2irs of Light, but Fat. Corn-fed Cherokee* st 9c., to dress 65

i; 6 lescis ni Corn-fed Coioredos at 9U«9"-jo.. to dress 5(1 inml Cuni-uon to Choice Nsitve Hteer» at 8s_lei«oc.. to dre**Mihi ft. A two esr lot ol DUilllery-lcel Halla wero sold st

e4et i)«e.. live weight.Mr. l.setniau reserved s trifle over 1.30(1 head ot his ownattie I >r export and nought 40 head on the market. Lingam A O'Brien received 219 heart direct from Chicago, whlrh111 be sh! lilied elive to-morrow. Hhcnnan * Gillett pur-iaae.1 110 head and D. Torrevd Oo. 80 head fer their He*!ipnrt trade, and the new tirrn o*f Mt-ears. Toffev A Qlllett

ought 71 head a* part of s ahlnmrnt ot Live cattle to li*

isclc* the lorepart et next week. Ufstrge Manln »lso pur-ii.'iseti-.'ii l.lTeCktlle for the steamer Ilennnda, wtuoh aallsi-morrow. Hblpnients to-day wae bb Live Cattle by T. 0.-siinsn, on the Erin.salo* atJersev citv.W. E. Dudley A Hon for E. Kralth : 34cod Corn-led Ceelnrailoa 1,-'45 m. ut !»'.o. bil Os. aud 60c.ueb: 17 do.. 1.T18 m. at 0*.c and fl each; for Dudley rt Poet:ll Illinois Mieers, 1,.-'00 lb. Ht D'tc, .'.il ttl. and 60c. each; 48

a., l.iAl ft. at 1) .c. aid 81 each.M. Goldsmith fier-elf 1M Mtos'inri Weer*. 1.120 16, st 9c.rim; -"inn.., I,v:i9lb, nt Oitt.i ludo., 1*241 B, at oUo.: 51ii., 1,235 ttl, at HS"-., les* SI each: 8 do., 1.9*7 ID. lt USC,as 60c each I lido.. 1,811 th, at (.Sc; 3f! tlc)., 1,947 ID. at'jC: 'tb (io, 1,441 Oi, at inc., 57 tb ; 4 Illluo's cit.., 1,18." Os.tO-sCSCm. lessSl each; redo., 1,388 lb, at 9*.c; HO de.,.:<()_- th. st 9e.it: 15 do.. 1..1HII m. lt U*>4C, lees 81 otoh ; ao

h., 1,120 Ih, at inc.. 57 tb.Conev « McPberion for A. D. K lnjt: DI Ml Mini Steen.,AW ITl.nt ie**r , 5(1 m, less Mic. each : 16 do.. 1.1IW ttl, stO^C.i6 do., 1.28,i lt), st 1. 'st; 7 do., 1,437 tb, at UV., line.. ev li;fido, 1.28 itt), nt 0 "sc, less,"¦(._-. each; '-') do., 1,(10!) ft. at

D^c. 67 Pl lons *1 each: 13 clo, 1.061 ft), st IO1..., les* SIsile; fur A. N. IliieeUblo: 0 Ohio Hirer*. 1.2(17 ft. at 9*_e-,ii I 'cl.. i.-.'S" ft. at Inc... 57 IB; 2 ()_e*n. 1,78.1 ft. at 9o., 66.; for A. Sunlii'liiier: ll Vlrfflnis steers 1, :70 ft. st 9c*. 60i. on oinmittslnu (57 Illinois Steers, 1,264 ft, at 9'sc. Bl! Blde.. 1,312 ft. Ht |.e-C.; 6 do., 1,4-8 ft. at fl*_C; t* do., 1.481 tt,t 9->4C lc*. $1 oar li; 27 do,, l.li.-.ei ft, al 0s_t; 5 ela,, 1,331 ft,t ll>MCF "suinnelsfiTsftlf 17 Illinois meiers, 1,235 ft, at 9V.¦

f. tt), le:-s -,0e. each ; 17 do . 1,2.1 ft. at One..; 42 do., 1,9*8 ID.

9 *«t. and 81 each ; 2'.'do.. 1,280 Ih. al 'Jigc., lens I.e. each.Newton et Ileiluie-M for A. elienv .il.! 1.'. Illinois Steer*..38s Ih. gt 8V., 60 ft; 7 do.. l.'.'Oe* ft.stOUc 10 de... Vi' T.

i. at !)>*c.i i clo l,40ei ft. si lOc; for I., ce. Dock 0 still fednils. 1.C15 lb. at 83 80; Sdi).. l,.-,.jf ft. St MAJ 1*3 il"-,,"2-t ft, at 3V-. lea* Mle. eseh; 1 no.. 1.500 ft, at 4c;clo. l,47:i ft. iH 4V; !. da. 1.174 ft, Bt IV.: Tor WV.,'imsIs: 7 lilllie.I-.stc-er-e, 1.184 ft, nt '.I've'., 5C ft. less III..sch 8 do., 1,23. ft, at'."vt; 1.1 clo., l,te<2 ft, a* ieV. do..,.e;je) ft, at le ii".J.l'. ."sui'lere. e'o. for Datllnuinn rt Brown 73 Illinoisteera, 1.3..0 ft. St 9V.. 511 IT);8 do Lillie rn, at 9c; lee? lt.. Luiel__vi De Ml** Url fleers, Ll ii) ft. at lee; iii) On., 1.910i. at O'-.i'.. lec-e _. aeii f r I). iDiopiT 17 Iliillnini *-t> re,

,!*nr, lb, st 10c. br, ft for W. sales 19 Pennsvlvant*. F te r-,

.80S ft, at 9-vc; lore. Falmer : lt! MUsouil sie-cn, 1,::31 D),I 9a4CI.ewrt MavBrTM. forselvos: IOU Illinois Steers; 1.18(115,B*aC .'eli tT. lc-SB a.^'. e:c.-tl.W siegel for Morris A- Sieeel 28 Illinois Bte'-ts. 1,176 ft,

I i's.... ali tb ,fsi,»i emli: .'el lin., VIM ID. st I' *_<-.. leo* 840II thc lot; 36 do., 1,271 ft: nt D'uu. 'JO do.. LSIIO ft. st il',c.,¦ ¦ 88 e.n the i»t. 4-'7 do, 1.381 ft, a! '.."ic.: 17 do., 1,35*» ft. at.ja. mid .'.e'e. .-neb.II. MeyerlierHClf: *S Oorn-frsl ("lu-rok'-os. 972 Ih, st Oe , 55i; *n Colorado*. 1.887 ft, st 9-vc.. Bc ft- 15 minn* Meera,,070 Bl, at I'e.. leal 60c. earn 19 dm 1,121 ft. ai 80.1 lou....107 ft, st !)s_c : 111 do.. 1,___. I ft. at, li'tc. encl bile, eaeh ; to... l.i.lA ft, l'l W'-.CD. o. colver (or A vt. Allerton 37 .Minotiii saicti, 1.17.', et fe, 66 ft, and 81 each ; Ifl do.. 1.121 ft. at.. >_c ll clo..,215 ft, Bl I* _<-.; "-'._' .I.e.. 1.221 ft. nt fl mc. alni *1 oneil I'en.. I..711, ft. Ri 9*4c., nnd * I ewen; 18 do.. 1,2(7 ft. .ct H'.t:.clo.. l,82i ft. 41 9-B., *nd fl see le lee dei., I,".'j IB. at lot,s*x] ,.aci, 4 ci, 1,3 t-j Ui, at lue.M. LantertiH'h for ae.II: 1". Il'ln's Hirer*. 1.1 iiii ft, st 9c,

r, rn, and *l etch; IO do.. 1.1a; tb, ..t nv. e.'. .... 1,258 BLll', c. ; iliii!'.. l.'Jlil ft. at 9-c.. -nd '.IV eiieb : ll!.)... I.'.e".at .."ac., le-o. .'.ic. e... ... 21 do., 1,993 ft. at U_c., uuel_-lich.Kuli-* at ..Oth ht.-IL X. Dce.-ntbul ferr sMf : 88 lil. 1. ni¬le ere, I.t Hi ft, at 8V- bt ft 18 '1".. 1.-07 ft, at l'c , leu #1tea,lt. c*. CeMinfor self 17 Illinois «etc-tts. 1.Item m. at BVe- flfl(17 clo., 1.988 ft. ut '.114c, ami Mic, eaeb; tel dc.,, l.twy m. at

....C.. less ft uae)i: '-'il eic l,4e*n m. nt UV"-, and SI ea. h.D. tv eitel lor I. Wsixel eil c t.lnrj.lcc sod Native Miller*.

,033 ft. si 81-... bti ft; 83 lli.neii* .-..ver-*. 1.2*9 ftn.. 1,215 fr.. IttfC Bd .'.'" r.it-b; ln7 eic, 1.S1H Bl, at B'«e_ill.tn.. 1.323 Ite. atl'ltc, and 81 Beeb; 45 do, 1,Lilli ft, at '.e*_c;:. rle., i.:'":.4ft. *t oj,c., ind .'.or. eath.r. Jot, tel. lor sci! lei lilitml. *strer*. l.S-eO ft. lt ')'tr .'.)'.

1 ; 142'lo. ,*IOI Ih. st fl i.e sud 41 e;ch 25 do.. 1.4c.; 8fl dee.,Tl,417 lb at 10c., and 5"c each.c. K eb:, lor nabu rt linker tu Mikwuii Hteer*. 1.410 ft. nii.e.. ttl ft. lillee. 1.670 in, al!.L.<".1. c. Kn. iliac valued lits rails u fnllnw-; nc M.swMiritjeers, 7'j <"Ult., at juc. ."ci ft;.".'d'., 7 ¦¦.¦v.itt: n e- d.... I

»l cwt.Jil l.'sc; lo." clo..Ti-wt. kt '.e-.c 1 14 Ca.81 -tl., ai

trjei.,., >.._. wl ,at 9'4c.; 118 flo--ti cwt., at lyi'4cwt.,a 10c. JO dee. 8-jr wt st mr., 57fl»; 1 :'. Il0. MS, cwt., .ct D'V 7'.l!o.. ll .'Ht a< 10' c.; ,r.s ctn., ll 4

WI.. SI I Oi*.; 10: do.,'..', cwt. nt l«*ic.CALVFJ*. Itt-, c- nf. \ --. I.'. 1 ii- I- .' ce.'i- 1 'll li, i.".

.1.158 at (beth lt, 1 I' it Wash] .¦ u .Ier

ev Citv. Toe sopt lr waa nm n. henri n bb Monday. Midnth SgoiKl rt.-tn*JMi th* uia'ke-l e. a-e tall li nc; Ive. atilt .cst tong.c. highlit. Hales ul Hutti.-i:i.tlk C'eUiioninniu to I'llii). Vials at 4*e*6 .. ., »it' Choice ut 8 c.,nd u lew Celt dis'. t fe.Ksb-s- inrc'ilwii'k A lieder soil; 31 Butvwmltk tvlve*1MB) »t ti***',: 38 do., iii lt.. ni 4r.: (i-t \ .,1s, loni cr

v.. ado.. 120 ft. at IW; 8 .ia. 121 m, i.t u*Kn >. Am, ..->

3. at 7c.llr.lletib.ck rt Deris sold 27 Ve*ia. 1.13 ft. St l*,r Iii il'i..Ul II,, i.t '.t-.; 4 .... lill) m. al OK,.-.: .11 il.c. 14(1 tt. ..

J. H. liam*soldi 39 . e-aia, 11* ft. .-.t 4 <.... 167 Un-198 __,

I .'."'ic.Sili.Kl' AM' I.A*e!H"s.-..e.ctietB yistertli.y md tnclev

r..;.-i'.V s_. e..rsi>I 5 in)".'heed-">-n' n* at l.Oiii st..ersev City nnd I cur al Wsshluglcut) UsrSesI, lotalstiii**leiuiiliij" 1,9'ii beal, 8KB1IM1 '.'Tl InckI len theeIlk.' Ill'li' list eec i.. ill" III il kel |,'-l|.t»4y v,.

ind stork sod quickly at advanced ter -s m e; i.,

t. hcavi Klieen weire **e, htghc-r thau on

ii. llitl. t lad c.'.linn IiiiIc1ii-ib' stool \ inl.ii. AtJulkry'it) tl:f |CC Iis Wen le' e-1 ,1 LU Calli' l.l III 'l| I'i ..|'.ir'eng *«c. )m r ft. A l-.r.<l ol i'n e, KtateCltppad Kinobi iH Icier eu, ic., illlt el' eva tel i' Ile, lln.isl eic, M

nos! patt St 6'4*6"ve.; 1'nslm; ei elie, ul i^T'v.: t |.|.a..l ).ar

Inr" al I.'IC; I lisburn tlo. nt .s,4<i»sL.c.. ..u.l .-|jrin_, i-ml.. j".id-.tr. lier ft Ried S< UIT llBBrt.Hxiui- KaseA Ildoeefk sold at Jersey etty: ts.ihln

Pl BO ft. St 6 ItS.! 17. ..... DJ ft. .et '.I; .

HI do, 194 ft. al r.s.'.: 44 Vtrirtiees "prii't lamil", iii)h. nt »i.; ill do., I" ft, at K-eti '-.:!.i.e.. 17 ir,, st '.e.

Newton Ailmums ii iGhlo e I.j,j.. i .--t,, ,.iK m n, n|r& 85: '.'I** Wet. rn .'o.. 1 >S ft. st *"*. lo.Iliillcnbei k ct lc.vi' mle! it Oth Bl, 1 '.7 Mlrblgiin sIhm-p,n7 ft, at 7*«i'.: 529 liiinolMlo.. 131 li., nt ,7 4 '; l» State- du.,.j m. ut71re'.; 1:11 st.,ie ciipnedda, jpoon non*,dii-hlg-.ii I eb« ii -In rn and (.inil.-i, nfl ft. tit | ,' .1); 78 .*sluie);nsheirii Limleee. 7M ft, »t W-.-c.Dillciibuck rt Dewey n-.M Ifl »'c»te rn dishom *-!., n, UK)

t, at 7a; INO eln, loo ft. _t 7V' I*. V.C t. rn tlintndlo.. t*b ft, at 5*-jC. le** 45 on th'-lc. -i-i t* ... SH lb, st *>*..r..lb Htst.e I'nshe.rn Lambs. 70 th, ut ' 'sc.; 2:2 c j.j., cn, ,7t>. st fi'icJ. H. Hume soil fl.'. Htate t'nslKim Lambs, fl.' di, at 8I4C;

di clipped eui., (18 ft. at 0*4C.; 12 "spring I.aiuln. ai gb perlead.litlOA.Itorclpt* yesterday aid to'lavwere 10-e ta;s cfi!,874 head.bb emu .it 1 tli st and 63 c.irs at Jen y Pity.dal slnti -saeoreiav. 2.r..C .1 liOiid, ngilusl 96.486 heed 1".-be. e-orrosjciiilliii'Dnie Issi weeic. l"u|it;ilii Alhert llrcilsolilItey.jstoteliiy, 170 Mis ourl ling*, 180 Ifl. at 1'..C N0:it: cnale to-aay- niarkol maier und quo tod at 4';^4\c.

LIVK 8TDCK MAilKKr.-1-rtT TBLBtlllAril.BltrrAiiO. April 21.CAVrut-lteoetntji lader. 1.980 lena':

Ota) lur tbt* reek thu* far, 8,110 kout j tor tbo hsiuo tiinnsat week, 8,910 IicaiI ; eousirie.^ througli. tell .-an.- iii.hi.i

toady and uuchangetl; no Bute hers' stock eettt 1 lng. mids oflood hhlppcts'lt 84I6B84 bu; about ali wild.uniou* asp LAMua-ltocc-ieiH to-iiiu'. 2 3110 bead total ferhe week tims tar, 7,6no heidi lor tlie same t im last aeon,A Ono bead; consigned throiiifli. 7 mr,, market active, Armetd h'.giier: lolly 15*. stronger, iain* of ValrtoGa.4 Wool'heep st 86 H5a87 16: do., Clippeei. at 45 20*43 86; all he'd.ilOCS.HecelDtlto-dav. 4.500 hoad: IOU) leer Hie wee* thusar. -ii.no>) bead for tne aarue time last week 28,00:1 lu sc!.msuneic. Uironch. HS osne market dull and bauVTi supielv

3ml lo tbe deiuatiel. aales nf Fair tu eiood VarkeuaaiM HbW45; Extra at Si <>*-; Multuiu aud Heavy at 81 BO-*!. lin;

ne load ut Kxtra si St 70; Fair linds at B4^4t40i n_. >tll lOe-04 80; several ears remain unsold.CHICAGO. Aurll 21..llOUS-Ki'cclleie. 11,000 hcuo : »b1p.neut*. 3,700 heail: mir.el inure buoyant, and prue. Be.iigiien Mixed Packin-; at tA'niL Sb; I.ltht geinrnliv *l14 40;C_oic- Heavy aili 30 0 84 85; market c losing tinner.UaTTLS.Uvomtiia. 5.01)0 bead; shipments. 2.100 be-sei; innr

iel quiel sod uucbsuKed; Hbipiung st 84486 80; Butchers'ictlvesnd a si.a'io inglier ates 2cia.it '.'0; mi. By ai gnaf.i :>.»:itookeri sod Fe-dei* *t fl ;to«. »l so.fUtUBS. Ueoeliita 2,Ono bead: shpiueiitl. 1,!Hi'ibe:wl: mar-Mp*«l at 8:i 76**4 25: Ccmi _ou to Mcxlluin at *.'. .'.(iu j-i.;joulluC_iolc*»l86 20J8«6li.

.I.e cn..e.; 1

THB stati;o1' rmi)...KCItorEAN ll A lt Kli I'S.

IMHML April ai.-i'or'et-.Pniu* Mom Cattera. Meatrit 70r. Western, stead, st 65.. ilscon-Ciiiiib.-rl.niii Cul,needy at 30.6d.; Hho« lob, ateauv at i*7¦; l.nmt C|e:ir,tail at bil bhcrrt Clear dull at 18., Jluun. i^jng out,lllul.r al il'i; rslinuhl'ra. duli at 25'. Beef In.in. St.**.lull SlcSO/: ..xtr* Meas, ste-selr si 89e 1'rtu.t. Mesa -it Hd- al16/. Lard-Fnnie WesteTu, ietea.lv nt H7/tiel. Tsli.w-i i'iii,.-atv dali at sn. Tnnuutiue Wpint*. sicniy ai 4bBasin.Comuinn. steady at4/(id.; Fine, didi st 137. cuoecse.Aiuorlcan (bulee, steady nt ;.'.. l_rd on. dull al 39'.rioar.Extra tttate. dull at ll/teL Wbeal lllsill. No ii.iteanr al 9.pd.: i+pniig. Nc. 2. «t«.Miy ul lit ¦_>ri.. Maw Win-ter Western, steady at 10 8d.: New Sec>!hc_rn W in'r', ttt-odrit lOlOd. Curn-Mixe- ciio, .lull si .', ..'..i.; m. .tut.si,Hull st Md. i inioiisenii UU.Xetoru Aituiioaie, eeoein market, itosin.commtui, at Lindon, st iioy at 4,*d.'ibrpeutliie. Hpltiis. st Loiuioii. iteed I ai 89.

irt.MeciN. Apill 2I.i p m..He tilled Ptiiule-iiiii, BVetMM. leerpeT gal. LluieedOU. ..2015/per tun.

IVOMEBTIC MABKKT8.BmrvAia. April 21..fleur nnehaaksd sales. 670 bids.

Wheat.Uulet but Brm: essie*. U.ea.o bunh. Sec j WhiteMiotiigau. Bl 18S ; 1 eosr Nc | Hard Duluth at Tl i^t. ( .e-n

steady ; 6 agra No. 2 Weatern at 4 I Vc. c.-.sb 9 <_m tl... ar40V*. rash t H).3nO bush, .ell.r Ju' e nt in 'ic. einte. lidrnund. Barley ntictinuse-. nyc noirmal, Kai in¬to New-Vutk-Wbeai. i«).; Cum. "i*vi_; Hals. 6V. CuniWheat. 7t: Corn, li V.; (lal*. 4Uc. Uet.vpu-itailiFinur, 2.7')0 inila.; Whe-nt, l.i.O' ci bnTb.; C"uni. ,".2.ie-ei bit*').;Iisriey "i.'-'OO l.uili. oat*, ls.000 tiesli... Rye, 1,800 lenah.Canal-Fiuur, OOO bbl*.- Wheat. I97.0OU bu»!i. Cm n,SliOOO bush.; KiA*. 'ib.oetl bu.h. Hhii.n)ent_-l_atlt.ThHtr. 2.770 HW..: Wbest, l2i.o.k) buab_i Com. IuH.dOObush.; Oats, 18,000 btisti.; llsrley, 8,200 bush.;1.000. Canal to ildew»ter Wheat, 2:10,000 bualL; Com.86,000 buali-i Usu lt. on Hu- h.


CHIC Ai. J. April 21..Floor numlnally uni baaged. Wheat aoliva Brm and tilshir: No. '.' chicago rspriug. ri tif, eaehama April' 81 e.flu ind Mnv;81 87"* Jnse : ri 02*4 Ju'1at 81 *)8N»*1 IO'S. May ; No. » da, letse.-. luflect-d n.ta m.

C.irn in-live. linn and higher at 85"»ia.i5V- casu j .)".....Uar: 3.-1*41*. Judc-i SS-ijo bid July. Oats nnaeitleil lint genemily hlgt.er. c using eeer at '.U-a eaah : v8t K.ev 1 2?-scJan*. Mys ileady ibo uncbaoBsd. Buley iWady not uu-ch-iured. 1'urk iu fair emano bul sileewer ratsa: S9 "*¦_.89 40 caah ; PA iirtmi ii >_ May >. r." 52 ,*t"9 .',.'. Jtm« 88 S2eV|i«906Jaly. Lard saner-, S i;7SS6.70c. caah aad May: 6.72*,.6.780. IOO*; 8.8srr. as*td July. Iinlk SI*aU sU-dy sudii-jehangcal. _-rg«.8*4»Ut WhUker *to*dy and u_eb__i__r_dat 81 07. Friduhi*.Corn to Bufftlo, TiceJUClXKATL Aprti 91..Floor heavy Family, **Ugi 88;

rauey, 05 50*81. 88. Wheat sears* mad linn tlbulc* Red.SI lee. No.9 Red Winter, SI 18: reer'ntc io.(*)0 liusb.: Udp-merni**, *MKlu b-sh. Ocsre dall 1 Mo. 1 M.xed. tot dam fleali 1He. * uixeed, (M<«e*8»a Ur*8«-«.»i-Oaftlc. Baria/smtKe

¦"adana,- ___V»»o. 8 Fall pele. **t-_ Armer,at|fl7i-*81(8.Lard-tia--detesad sad ltt_rber st 6.70-_75t faUMMlBin good demand; Htieralden, 8.»Oe_: dear Bto. Bte (Beer Bl6.26e. Rseon tn good demand et fall prier-; Bbouid****. 4jClear Bibs. 6V-: (leer Side*. 7e*7Se. Sugar-cured **L

.10a WWskejy aplet et BIO*. Ratter flniet aad em_Kugsr Arm : Hard*. I0»10\-jt: New-Orissna 7 _»81io. Hsteady : Comaum, 18 SrsJsT: light. $4 10SS4 85 : PsekiS4«S4 35; Bute-cm". 84 40-S4 60 j KeomptA -UOOOMellinninna. OOO head.liETKOrr, April 21,.Flour qelet and unchanged. Wheat

easer i So. 1 White Michigan, 81 ll"*, spot; SI 14-* April.SI 14-* Msy; SI ll** Jane. Cearn duli .tad eae*i«r: No. IYellow. 42 V-i High Mixed, Mai No. 1 Mixed. 41 v.i Net. 9Mixed, 411 Oat* ta moderate demand: Mo l White. 38c.|No. 2 do-, ".Cc.-. No. 1 Mixed, :15V.i Ra a ela., 86c. ClsvetrWeed dull; Prime nominally 84 IO. Receipts.Tiena. BOObbla ; Wheat, 21.000 bash.; Cern, 9.800 busk; oat*, 1.44*0bush. sinnments-Flonr. 1,400 bblai Wheat, 1-.000 bo-b-Corn. 1,loo bush.: Oat*. 2 SlXIbush..tti.wALxim, April 81.Floor firmer, -titheMr demaed.

Wheat oternod nteady. declined *4t aud closedstrong; R o. 1Mtlwankee D ard, (120; do. Bott, 8114. Re. 8 MSwsokeB.cash snd April. SI 09H; May.Sl lOi Jose, 9106-rti sales.t fi ot; .ail lo Mayi No. 3 do., inttu so. i do.. 93ttHelmed. M5c. Corn higher, but scarce Ho. 9. 85V. Oat*gm«. bet Urraer: No. 2, 29c. Rye firmer et lo**c. tax No.I. llarloyfirmer: No. 2 Muring. Cfl-ac. lTovlsUin* quietbeet flem. m.m pnrit quiet st 89 ns cash snd nay;so H6 Jnne. I*rd.Prime stoam, 6.*78t eaeh aad Msy; fi.S.'tJunes. Uv* Hogs quio*, bnt firmer st 84 10*84 8aFreight*.Wheat to Auffalo. 3*_tFa__AD__i_mi_. Ancii .l.FXwr devoid of aatmallaa: ta-

ejnlry extremely light, ind ouuflnnd to small lou, tu supplytho Inin.. dtnte wants of locil conmniers i Bunt rflne, 83**S3 25: Western and Penni, lvanla Kxtiaa. 84984 50;Ohio, l holre, * i 89 ^ : Minne-sots F.xtra*. in small lota. Me.dlntn, >5'ii».. ... -. do. flood. 85 37V»45 50 i do. Choi *e. 85 (12*_'rte:, 16; clo. Fancy, 8*3 : Pennsylvania Kxtra Tmxxlly, Mexcium,85 50; Oood. 86 73; clo. Chnioe ind Fancy, SdTonio ExtraFamily. Fancy, **fl 25; Ht Louis do. Fancy, te Sb ; Hpring *ndWinier Wheat Patent* In the range of 86 60»»87 60 J VeryHigh Grad.". _H Rye Fiour dull uni 25c lower j small *ale*St84 ?S. Cern Meal.Noaalea. Buckwheat Meat-Male*on-Important. Wheat fnvensh snd nnsettled price* eAmneedtully 2*.1o. ovor the noon call of yesterday; pennsylvaniaRed. on track, 81 20>f ; No. 2 ned, April, fl 29 : HoutheniAmber. 81 811 the carn rale for No. 2 ked I* nominal at81 81. free on board. At Open Rotuli. Flmt CHI.No. s lied,Msy. 81 28*% : Jun*, 81 221* st th* close, -jil 294 bid 81 30s,..ked, for car lou Na 2 lt.*!, tn elevator. At the Heeend coll.In good demand; mice* 2c. higher: No. 2 Ked sold ut«.l 24^»8) 21", II»y; No, 3 Heel, April, *1 M*)tdd, 81 31':I ivked; Mar. SI 34Ta tad, 81 2i>i»asked: June. #1 2.;'4 bid, 81 tPH unknit July, SI Di'sbid. SI 14** iskeil. Rye more doing: Pennsylvania, nee.e cern ililli; Delaware 'Vclliw. afln.it. 59>i953 ..; smitlteru andPeiiiiHvlvatua Yellow, on track, 68c- Wt-siorn High 511 neel,at grain depot r.2*. e.: Steame-r. em track, Mc.: sall Mixed.atgr.elniloiKit. ,'i2iyc.: Hcjc-e teelat grain depot 62V.: South¬ern Willie, 53c; al cluan. 4'.'c bid, 00 '. o. asked for car lol* MailIn elevator cargo rate nominally 5t'c. free cm nonrd. forSall Ml ted, for lnin:edlate delivery j lor clo, next mouth'sdell-reriea. (Sc. free on hoard; for While. b.tXie, frc* onlenard late l»st evening Sall Mixed June MM at 4r,*,c.: Jitlv.4*1*--. At Oren lle.ard. First Call-No ne'e*, Seeocifl C:tll_A trarllnn flnuer; "-ait Mixed April 49Ve. bul. Abe; asked;M»v. 4t'V. bid. 47r. ask'd; June, ib-te. bid, 46V. nskee:July. iC*-c. blt), l»i BsVri onts-Iuquuy fa'leuutr, butNo. 1 Willie si tiree iiini c.e-lliuaidl cxlieuie Mles Nu. ¦*

White i:t/T tit ¦¦_.-.: No. 2 lit). 44 "vin,"ir Nu. 1 du., 4tiV. Ai IheOreen H'.nr e-T)nll at 4:J.c. bid, 4.V..t*k.*clfi-r No. 1 White April;41c. In.!, 1."-..e. *.l.d Jlnj"; 4n)-.c. hm. ll', o. r.s.eel Juno.Provlslnns .lu I: ("If." Mess Reef, 813; Beef Hums. 8171Mess 1'oik, car-lo'9." til 60itel I CS'v, F.xtra Prime, fl):smoked Hum*, !i*-ieTlerigrii du. la Halt uni Flak!*, Tralee.;Clear itib Miles, **m.ike*.i 7:'«c.; iin ,n s-.-iii, Tc; (.boulder*,in -s'it, 4-4*4'*sc.: do. Hugnr Piethiel. Bete***-*, do. Snieceti,6ee.e.i4c. Dretsed lion*, .vi.-*(.>_.*. Lei-.welters, 1.611 ic7".'c: do. Steam, Leense. 7.950.1 clo. Hutch.-r..', 7c lintiernnclinncod. Keir** dull snd plenty Pennsylvania. ) 1 -. ll Hm ;Western), loj-j./iie. Cheese aesne sad wanted; Tnrfc Kuc-terrv. !ArlSV.: Western Full Oman, noue be rei co.12*5ig 13V.: do. Half --liniK, Il*»e7l2t Cottee dull BMV low.r: iou, 11 a 1;, u.c. sugar lirra at 7Se**7*ee. for Fnirtn ticed Relinlt.g Mn c.v. Ichcs Kellnu.i Huji-irs stealv amituichiin-.'o Mi.laaana st.-stir st .'.*ec-. fer 5 .*» U-.I. ex-s-ip.Peed* Clover dall si 6't 7V-. Tlm-thy quiet a: _.". 7_e. j 1;Flax, fl 701 $1 8". Feel dtllli lt,ni,.' *_; ,VI ..J'.'.li. Po-iroeutn roniiiin: t ReH'iedm tMurcl 7*tc.teases, Ile. wins,l.-vfrm: ^V'c)s^.ln. fl lo. Uv .iii. tr 11 Ui-dsy, 6,000 bum¦\le.jsinii or.iiires nnd Lemons Bold st 83 15*8.133 fi,r«le¦.fs-intr. sadf37d Inri!, lati.r. hhlpmeiils.Wlie.'l!, 'J.GASbush ; Cern, 114.4 ."1 lui-li.

r*T. i/oi ie. April 21,.-Fleer.Alroager, imf with nothingdoing. It heat iir.cv-.-rtl.->', heit gepaersliy higher: Rc 9 11*9Fall. 41 ()¦*»..] (Is-e; JJ ,l,s', «_| ..p.. Ayrel;$i (>7 V.tl < ¦¦.**May:i.l ..*.. I 06 June. 9l'-_efii:.V July; BOV alltheua'; Nee..", ile.. SI Ol: Ntl. 4 tin. 970, WU.. Cuni lush-cat3H,*!i'Jl_,.. r.,,|, \in-.r- v>'4f. ,\;,ril ii.!'. «;i'2V Msv 32 '4»«:!%.. Jiii.e: BStsaBSV- Jl':''- Onistliii .-r nt 29c. els'].:11c. Mat 99V. .inie-. ute Jinner et 7 I've, bid. H.-irievsnail) nnel inn luit.jtiKi. \\ titskey 1. 'i^t ut $1 Of. i'ork lowero' Sloui-'i ; .lt 7' April; Sin Juue. I-ird llrmer at H.n.'cp.hld. Balk M .ns cimi Sli.iniiii-rs, U.'<6c; Ci.ar Illb»,.'...cc.; clear 'i.H.s, onie. I'.ici.ii ateady iuni mit hauged.Rreelpt* flour I,./.)', bbl*.: Wbest, 17,0t-0 boa_.i cn.,

tO.IMl bush., list*. 8.000 biudl.; liaii'T. 1,000 loi-le. .-sid;..menu.Flour, d.Oe), bbla; Wbeat, lt.OOO busb.; Cnn:, ii,im nt

bush.- <>»t", 1 0") bnali.t Borter, '.n I'boeb.TOLEIiei. April 21..Wfceeal frill- ii'il'-r Midlife:'). «! 17;

Net. 9 lied **Ame«r. spot. SI 17 Apr,I. *I 10', May. SI IC-*-.:Jnne. 4) 14V. July. 8IM--.J rtutfust, eltse'v; No. 3 l'u«!Wi,b**h.ee.l ll Nu i AinliiT ll'inils, SI 17; Nee. i BedMixed, SI ll .. (cern llrm Hiqli Mixed, inc.: No.".', apot,lioid ai3.ee,:!''c. l.i.l; June. 38V: Kedecteet, ..t7'*:C euuSteady; Nee. 2, I'l-.c: BHecfrd, 'Ate. Al Ihe close-Wheatfirm: Re. " !.¦: Wlrr.-'r. \ jr il * 1 1 <. *-_. May, fl Hi'.:Jute *1 li's: Jli'-l, $1 <*4-e*.l I'.'.; Ainhe-r KldllgSU,tl IT'i: Sn. 1 All'.asr Iltlii'ls, SI 171* lt.-c -mu- Wi-c-m,15.casi )n»' Corn, 71.000 '"ledi.; eyat*. S.uoO bn-li. sii't*.lUeTit*.\\ ),e»t, 147.00.) lillie!:.; turu. 17().OuO bnsll.: Ustn.2,oem bush.


1 I.I. BTOCKHOLDKRS .if GERMANIA .iud2\ IIKllKlAil. I'FTBOI.KI'M CO. rall or write to JMO.PC).Mil ll. .:. I'.r.i.n'.

\l*ls wlie hit illicit-.1.'I iii r.iliee.iil hii-incssead nilli age sfi.T'SUas Hlculil t III I. TBIBUSK A!,

MANAC lol IslMl Ii..v» I'fll iv pii.e. 2", cnt. liv mall.





.Ailiiniie- and Pacific K. R. sroek and bds.,r>"l'.. Jr; -el M ,el ..ll I slap*. ,.:i.l ', eii't.,

Mlwenn i'.iiM'.i s oe k,gu Ml.nail'.

»; I- ne l.l) i C. >'.''. c\' e;c.,Membe N... \ .er. "e 11. » xiii alu j.. Wallet.

A?t'Ki'.I:s ntiil CARI TALIST8. will wnnl Uiget' I' i iliai ar Ail,,...,^. lui .-al; ll^-.le., I'.

-tat.', ile-.-.iiii- uni ).v;aii:.i "¦ -leno i*<7.'>. i'nee,..'"c.el. l.r nail._/MIK A<..), MILWAIKKE and ST. PAULV' KMl.i'AY CC ti". I*n Of \eia'\* nt the

.. Vi.>-.»j.¦ - mi i st |.|-.-'i ,. . , r.i.iii,.i-,i, koowalls Um C e.lis.,1. '.4.1 *s||, I ' ,.||Vllitl il tl.ill I'll mee. n::i ,, tl.. .. '. ni. al th t."i.".- e.! ll

... ItS W , l.ll-l I |*J, |e ,.!.! | a I i.eslete ni '!¦ )¦: .I:.e ,..t.. ,,-. ii "u'i.i. ami saul bondi

:¦¦¦'. I-."ji i ii-s m ¦. ic-¦¦, ii ;j(. Vie*e-_*r-*Jldit«t

liENVEK nnd RlU GRANDE RAILWAY1 ' i -Mi-).n v en i .: > i"'"Ai. .¦ )...¦'.'»...'. M ;:: *. i:r, ;.n c j r \ .. ^ n.ijw : to,. ;|i ,,.-. t,.i,,i .iNatlouul ll nc. ot <'n in rr-. N.

WILLI )**. J. PALM "

J ".- s '«'._-*&. l';iv i.'. ;..\- Ixian aud I mp'vt'..!¦' .) el .1. V ll '..Vi ll.'.

i'UVYNS!."* DAV. I > W.i : ¦... N>w-Yorkv * .. « n."i. :-...'. ii.- . * ten.' al ..uiul!; un*.

1..S III .. .11 llu.ilC.

/< as >hicks.di kinda

Ul --e. it'll III'.' -ll a .! ntl ile Vil VU-.-ll ^l. -¦'. *e .

IDLAND hAll.i;.-M- I'o.Ml'ANV <-f N. J..1.leal o' TWed Me.'lirn Pennis Ci.t.il'len Polis srd

1 ti.eM \)'..i:.l;.i,v MIDLAND KAll-H. IVI erl I* l.'.'V cnn luinl miine- late Ile-./.,.¦ I...'i ls nf the MID.I.IND l.MI. UK VU I'i.MI'A.NViiI Nen Ju- i-v ott Ibe let-

I ll.!i.n .Hil I,i.i.I-rs sui third iiiiir'.'sr" besulbohlej* »1!1

iee, \a- [.(III le. || ||| | ...,,,.. Ila.,.'e. ill,, A. .lUll Ml pl T Calliiii iiiinn..-ii ni .. iu .. ii ca |imv!ii. ,ii... in per tent sa****ine'Ut. illnl mci l.l.e, il ii « un |, 11 Iii H'M la ;. i, Plmil rein. Iii ..| on'y t_ I' holder* of -H.oe). ,o 'o or miicIic.illili), li .Ci t*e.I. butde tx >. tm il.i i.ct tiroll tlii'ii'.iclicee.r t'i" ibOV*

-. ni he'rciil ll d Hr.. iini' Tlllr Mci ii.' 'ge' ir n oi ir tinda tin h. on pat ....¦ ¦:. .1 ... cr:.!,

uiul sleirkbidders ee-. ps nn-tit nf loper ie ni ttutottm m on cir

le'fure Msv I ir.iTit.il).All claim* srstost the SewJerney Midi.itvl itsiiwiy Obbb-

¦ .mv a.h.i i. in ¦.-. .ni '.i i: uii luislgni'.'.:: t before Aprilii ioi i ¦ i. j . * Ulenia es

Shoves Ul reeels..". ;.ea.:e|..| ii 1'..'.',' -ell'l pl tl. Allec,ninian de let s. Ilc'l I iuo-"!.'.'U)'. l'..i.eic ai. I *¦) "ek '.nisi In p..h-titeil (li-accinlt'.flth lu I'''" "t i. )>rrriil.'.;iilieii) on or

In-fore A)nll See, lnt-o, eu li c-.i-ludie.1.Hy onler ut tin* Uieoullve i mu nilli o,

l°!I.VHLh.s I'Alt-ilN'.S, ircmnirrr.tin. tt Plno-St.

StgW-Youa, April 3. IXHQ.__________________OHPH*1t OF TB*. I

KT. Lultm AVtt Han I'MTticisi-n lt. lt. Co., IDrexel i'.uiiillng. f

Nsw-Vciia. April M. l^O.

^TOTICE is HEKKUV GIVEN THAT THE1 iraee. (e rli H.isn' tine coiiij.jiiv will be rinsed alter AMU

34, to niven Moy nert. In cnctinalty «1tli an uer.*'tuen'. lie-1h-c4.ii ilu. teeiii|iiny mid Hie Alclil-oti. Toui-ks anel Mantil I'eii.iiirieiu! fninpsnr, lor Iba oonjlrneiiou of ihe* w*st-.111 tllVl-ieell Ut "lice; Atlantic UUd PjUlllO ItlUlreel'd C'OUl-i.my..sUMklmlilers of re.,..rd April SI, tv:1I t... eiiiltle.l far flvc

dltysllier *ft*r tn their pm r.tl-. sbnn* ot a mbiecni tum t.i

Ihe- si'curltn re tn bo Isaoud lor theabovr-meiittoueil ooiistrui)-tlou

Nub»e-T!|itie-.!i elrctilars null" >)i* ohttiined by BiorkhoidersOpen appneattena to Ibe Hecrelliy teTDT Apnl "Jo. and will bemallett io iietb Htockliol.ler Bfter April "-'I.

Per oriinr ol Iloard of Directors.(Signed; c i.i iti.i-.I'Ti i.ii. si"Teiar.'-_

OREGON RAILWAY AND NAVIGATIONCOMPANY. .-*»-tl.Kl) V IO P< l-l A LS I) ill lie roe-el ve "d

M; (ba e.nie., eef the [»i int).»' Lunn Ullel Trust lillipilli)-. No. '.'lliTc'inii-i-liiace. for lim HALT, lo the Tt liaise* of THIIITYHi IN Us iii IliniiiKcKiN MA1I.WAY AM. VAVI.1AITONI'e).. IAN V, for Huts n-inn temi, n» providttd in Hie inort_*geIn tbe ni,e. -:s;ei ni HeciirtiiVCe snme.

rillBSsall iiiiounl In- itircctesl to R. C.. KolHlnu, Pieslut-i.t,Nee. 2ci lAciilllg "plaoo, uml l.liiel! bi) |ll cell .-il Ijvtoro liloilieck m. eui the Isl t.reixnnie.

illi'i I'AllMi'.ils," I^eA.T. AND 1IH">.T Ct)., Trustees,iiy ii. cl, ItuLS'loN, PrujlcUut.

New-York, April 1.'.. 1 Hsu._ _



O. COl'-sil.A s D, ii.l I'tnevit.

rpHEX *ii

iii*-,: >TKl'.A-l"i.l-.li'r, eil', ii', S2 I'.IMIP- tr, >

Ni tv Vc,a. Arni I", .s.s. 1TRANSFER HOOKS e.t this e-ctiipiiny

ii :i p. m.. eiml mipened MV. 17,Td 'e. K. wooli, Treal uer.III be clewc'cl Mjv 1 iu KP. nufo.


No. l.*> Na.-e_iii.su. ceeiiii-rol I'lno-tt.CAI 1 I'M., t I.e.al.ea) i.N 0. A. It'.'.rei

Ai'...ve. ilIci..-! il deoeelie. retunab!-] on donn il or ti

s!<n!i'.i iliiea i«b lesal '¦.;,; ¦' '" msaer mi i tu

i ...1;. i autbi ri u ir, .\ i abU*miNei,:, e.i ii. um- iiilicricHition nf trill. .Mei is ti -sfitcr »r

ur'J laukl. r .. -i nutt HuuJs, Slid SI ll'JUlcjiJfli-!ilie*rfO ¦*-!¦"rt^rBK"*-.

llli.MlY P. sr.ll'I.DINll. Pwsidout.

HKllS Vle-»*«-4M--C. ll. P. DAIII i>e_'__,Bs*illB_/.J.;.MU. ii- fill »1

S*nitiei D. Hutu icij,Jutialiut. Tjic.iu .

Chile. H. I.Ul Inn,la Illili,il VV. Corlis^el i cl t U. ejiisUtt.Wm. IL Applauia,uuut sc_i»wb.David Uo»aMartin Hat.*Wm. Alma _*_<-.Jame* P. Wailane,lUni. B. Sbwiutu.

Lin..in....) ii. VormnttoCeo. *(*'.ul.i,:ii A.iti:

, clleUS-0.il.A. A. LOV.ASM* .s. Han.t i.e.. ti. Prwetlr*Wm. il. Webb,j. Pierpont Mirrtn.Perry it. Vyne,lier. F.rtpial-UaiDawlWolle'JlshJteVt orn*i*u* N. Ulla*.

lli:>RV tL VILDl-R.6. Bmadwav. Room in. imsler* In stocke, liouds, a»



_Fi .tattoo!



Up-Towi Brant*. 1,142 P4waj, Cor. 2%Ok*sLCQSStVrrtLD BT PHIVATS TB-.BORApu


MEMBERS ofthe N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE>Ttaei_.t__e!me«bte_dBeldlerlBveet-Mterea_mrtt-. De

PO*4t eecoanta recs-red. Advance* ea es.Ua_e.ra_a made.


Ia addition te a -marnia! hanking -o-taau. boy and seBoa eeanmlss-n all a*eai__-a euiruat at tke XouATolX ateekt xchaxirte, advancing oa Mme.Deelmble l*1r*t Mortgage Railway Roads fer tale.VtUL 0. t-HHLDON._\VM. H. WAP-WOBTH.

St. Loots and San Francisco RailroadRighto,

TO THB BUHHCBIPTIOS* OF THKAtlantic and Pacific Railroad Co.,


MOLfrfiR.* CO.,THK

nil w laBun.RAILROAD CO.



We offbr the above described Bonds at 82 % and interest,reserving the right.to advance tho price from time te limewimont notice.

UOniN.***, POWELL. Sc CO.,Ne. 40 UelUst.

CI.OSSON Sc BATH,Ne. ll Neaaaa«et.

fiankins fionsrs ano Sank-rs.

MUSCRAvE^&^caTisa \ ii i_ ess.


r-e-posiis received,' Mtfeot to ebcdic st sight, andinterettallowed on daily balances.0«.VE1_NM1-.NT BOKP8. *to_k* and all luv__troeut

e. cnrltii'i b.iugfit un.', sold nn commueslon.draw ntxaov KxenAsaE o*.

LONDON JOINTKTOCK BANK.LONDONBny mid sell all Ainertenn securities npon ths LONDON

STOtik' RX-HANO& on themon favorable term*

Dn*.t.cn<_ Xottte-Thb National Ba.sk ov ths "stat* or sew-york, i

_,.__,...««w-YOltK. April -fi. 18*40. J

A DIVIDEND of '.i_ PER CENT oa itsC.eiiltn! Stock wa* decla'.-d by this Hank on tlie'.'Oth

in-etmit ont ot the eumina* nf tee last six months. p*y*blc> on¦nd titter Mil, ll).TlieiTrsnsier Hooka will ekewe on'.i'Mb Instsnt, and remain

cice.-ed unul illly Killi, O.dli tUjs Hniii.sjvo. Hv order ot thoLonrd.__ _________

JI lt.iLUTON, cashier.

pHBYSOLITESILVER MININO COMPANY,VJ Dooms Soi. 51 to 57 Houser Bciijiixo, 1

i'i > I.Ui.AI.WAT. >NEW YOBK, April '.'.), 18*sO..

Tr nsfeel hu ve thia clay decliirodofsi isa, i rt if ciThe (hean!

n MONTHLVibu ii n minion eioilais .-Hii.tMiO,' o*)) capital stork nf ihisrom-

.iiiceei-.n in* tn ene hundred thousand dniUri t$lHO.nOe>1i "ie lei.t-t pot share, out cf Hie net e.i nings, payable at the

eell:.e nf |fee .ei'jiyttuv, eu thu 87th el Apri1.TrinsTei been.* -sill clo., at the Central TnMtComrnny,

April BS, and rcopeu April .9.DRAKE DE-CAY.


h-A rooms Noa 51 to 67 Boam. Bliuubo, lNO. 11 ."> BaotDWAV. >

NSW Yous, April 15, 1880.1Hie Hoard of Trnsfnesltiye this dav declared a MONTHLY

DIVIDKNOiNo. li) of (I.VE I'KH CB.NT on )hoTEN MIL¬LION Ii iLI.AK-sd-lii.iXHl.nex). capital stock td tnt* C*>mi>»ny,ameita ne tn onk hi'ndhku tik.L'.sand dollar-.is... em i. or lil TY CENTS PER t_H ARI., ont nf the thirdh...mil's nc: enininns. i..i>able at tho Central Taut Cumimnyem elie ¦¦ uh Inc;.

'1 runnier nooks will cloee April 10. and reopen April '28._DKAK.-. Dbi KAY, HecresUry.


Blonde iv. i.cen,. '.'J nnd IS, New-Vork. Apr.l 16, 1880.DIVIDES'Il No.K

Ibe Hoard nf Tnist.-s hive thi* duy deel»is*d a dividend of*->:Vi..\ v I' i.NK ll .ii.Ki ENTa jiw Khun* d.ar vaiue$lo)

c.'e|.|ii.'i st.ee.. psjmWe ob saturday, -May 1, pron., atHie efllr.' .et t)|» enmpntiv. Transfer ti'ieclts Will cl'ise o*i saiur-...v, a pi ii '.'4th Inst., and re-open Monday, May 8, l*e**<\r»l .1. iii-m ed thr nn.nctul Ceeuduou uf the coniptnv I

<\:-ee c iti.i. ti. ..(.lOO.OCOeK)Mai li 1. i.o.-lla'ano-s-ui-elu. Ac_..unt. 43.C1.1 5:1Apnl), issn,-.Noi K.iru.ntr* tor Mouth of March 17.411.84

.161,043 e71...ono 00I), inleuil eil 7 ireuta per .share. '..'OD.OfiO Share*.

nahneersnrieleis. Apr*,! 1. lunn .8' H. ALLIN. Asft.-tecwtsrv.

M. LOl'tS, IBUB MO *. civ A le sui nirKX IIAILWAVC'O )Nu. i_ .NA.s-il muk.:.. >

Msw Yobs, April 17, ixsa

GEY-SI PEI. CENT l.NTKUKsT (brioc forIv nee rear to l>. .e-tiil.i-r ill 1H7_» on Hu* Kllt-ci I'lIK-il IIKKD l.'ieiMl; HUN lil* e,f ttie ST. l.i.l ls, IBOSMOUNTAIN ANO MOUTHBBN lt At LIV Av* CO. will Iil*I..II.I Ott M...V lai'l prillcllllll ill Ull-e tem I' !.) beeietCM lit S*lelhonda eccl-te reel atHm Chasing ol irjn.tcr leooks 1 o i, at 3ce c I.K-K |l. m.Transfer* wil r.-oi'en M^y 17. nt lOo'clock a m.

Ilyonlii >'l ii"- Uee._rel.if Dlr., n.t.D. Vt. MSWILIJAMS. TreRei_rpr._

THE MAY COUPONS of all lii'sl EwateJ n-st M. riiritte nouns r.isrsn»'t*.| bv inc Miilu'ANTiLETBL'aT CC iiiPAN Y >*ill be mid at'fi.'"fflc.cof thecom-p.iut. Sn. Vin llrunir.a.. nu iIn- !«. dny ni May nest.

B. I, MovTeeieMEi.Y, Trevnrer.

OliKeil'S HAII.1VA1 AM) .".'AVIcjATIUB CoMl'AKV,2" Na**ean-st.,nkw YeeciK. Apm ia i8sa

IMIE HOARD OF PIKKCTORS HAVE DE-I fliiepil aqiurteTlv eiivtdend nf Wei (.') per cont, p»r;t-

ie e May 1 nt inc- Fanner*' Luau au I Tiust . ompnuy. Tuetijuiiter-bteokatleis'* Ap: ll 80 and reoic-ii May 6.


finsmrsa Unrtnces.

¦TH) NEWSPAPER MEN !Ji in UL'cuunt ul whom lt uii.y concern, the undersignedwill nu tl.e lilli tiny ol Hey, Iti-m, at th l.avi Oftl.t. nf Uso AKrown. 5 flane!7 Hull HiocK, Toled", Oe lo, at 11 o'elm-k. a

m. of said diy. If the aime be trot sooner aold atprT-ate mba,offer foi sale to Hie Lliths.-l bidder ll.e IoIIow.uk pivperty :

I!K TOI.Killi (I1MMF.B. I AL,A Dully Morning aaa U'o.*e<li' Newspaper erf twenty vesr*Bt'il>'!lll)f. With c-1 Itsouitlt. cv.eod will. Associated ITcDI frau-elils.-H, Newspaucr am! Joli Preeaea 'i vpe. Ac. mg.

lilt* fuiunit riuil l.-e the only Mointeen Dadv pui)lia!:ecl in tl)*

Cliy Ol Tuledu, a eily eilabaUl 0'I.O.hi inUiiliUiCiits, cvlth ll pilleuieins huriinindinjt eoiintrvsnd caiironds riinotnB In every flarection. The paper hal been aud now is independent in poll-tics "Ailie lii.-iiui.lic'iin proclivities, and lias been u-itularly I*.somi fer tweuty years. It I* belleved Hint Hus ls on* ol tbeOnoett newspaper oieentnirs in the I'ultod states.

i KitMS OFfce.ll.K-Ouefiiuarter cash In band on day utasle. Iialauce tn three mimi annual inyiuouts, eaclstnelorllynee ureei. and (carink iuierut at Hid rate ol 7 pox cunt, v*y«-blo auuuallv.i"oni).*iptindenco*nd *iuniin*ti.")n willeltecl. anil parHtnlsrs

promptly runuehod. Addree* JAMII- M. IIRUWN.Asslflioe Tolexlo li'inmier-iHl rc. Toledo. Ohio.

WANTED..A Publinb«*r for sound Westerndully lu lar«o elly i mauaser eoeuipolleil to ritire by ab.

solute preihnti* ot 111 hetiltb u lK*c."illt r opponnnltv SlO.CeeK)or sl Mni.i capital ree)uIred ns cuaranteo ul inlerrit lu goodiiii-iuicouieiit. Add ros* BHUVIKU, Trlliliue lillico.

CDceati Siramtn.

A liraiCAN LINE.A FOU OHIiBNSrOTVN AND LIVKBPOOL,only Traii-mtiivnne L.iit nuler thi AMKHtCAN* PLAO.

t-vmliii*every BelueMelay (rom l*biisd*lpki.-i sn.1 LiverpoeLl.j.tr» soilincs iii 1.1Ult nate Hittuidiiva.

BKlTlr-il! CHOWN, saturday, April 17, 8 p. m.

KED STAR LINE-^POR ANTWERP.Ptilinit c-VKiy we'-kaiiernately Irom I'ii^Jd*i|'Ui»:ira!N*w

York, lanelinif pas-eongnrs wltulu a tes linuxr rid* *f ia*

.aiusrUJiit iee in's nf luieiest on th* ConllUOllt.Ze.lil.l.NU. Anni Ul. .') I' m

Per tritei. ot p*s»tieye» an* other infeim»tien appiv terifir.li wmum a aoN**, oem-rai Aiwut*.

SOT IValuut-et., inil.ivie.pbrn. 58 Droadw»v. N.'W-Yofe-Jiiliv sicDONALD. Aaen', I BatST-ldaes.BSW.TSSS.


Irf- evinu i'ler 88. N. H.. foot of KlnR-nl..a-YO'etlNO .I' KMD.tY. April 87,7a.m.NliVADA .'.".:.: .TDWIMY.Mav .». 1:H0 V OL

wisconsin . .TUKHDAY. May is, noon.

Altl/IINA. .Tl I.SDAY. Mar U6. « 8. 1*

WYuMlNO..........TUcWDAY. Jun* 1. nooa

IV'llie-w.aUreiunrs ar*bulel ot non, in wa.er-Urtht com-

Piinnieu's. mut am furnished with every TCnnlsito to make

lie pa. a*e iictei-s tho Ait.iullc. both adte and atreeau*, hav.

irr tittTh.roiiui, *mokine nam. druwlnemot*. p_auo andliiii.iri *l*cicirerieuee.iBU'»..'c)ii. cf.-wat'ile*. and caterer on

ea. li stiaiuw. Thc »Uter«»»is ure uti nn|>*r deck, thu* loaui-ins th.«eKis**te*tef ail lexuiicM at tea, pt"**:! ve»_til*tkm

."Ai'uVi'AS-sAOICeadoordliisto ..tun-iocwi:, $»«. tM andSHIU INl'-lllMEDI \T.:. :.-l <; "JrBBBAO-, at low rate*.

tiPilt li. No. 89 IlKO.MlWAY.\) I liLlAMMAQUION.


STLAMsltIP LIN Iii __l.TW_.l-N .\_-VV-YOJUCti'.I' 1'ilAMl'TON ANO BilKkLBN :

WILIX. m;. April _.I!N__CI__AB.."Ht. May I

lii..N.\VI-!'.D_it. Wm M*y5l OI)i_K.**.'__?¦¦_''.!¦KA 1Kb OP PAsHAUlfroin NKW-YOltK to NOlTHAlaP-

11)N. ll AVRK OH B HUUS.Kl HST CABIN.*lC);>|_*....e>NI_CABIS.880HTBBer.A<e)tc ame.Iieiurutiekeuaite.luct*dr»*~*. itcpaid ateetaf* cernfl

'Viii raaa ticket* to all uoii'ta In the South ot E-Rtsa.1,830.OKLBICII1 ec ci.. .. Bowl'.u-'iireea.

NOTICK..Sn-ninw 1IAI*SBU1*_G, Captaia H.itl-ser, wu; eui s* B«tn HiHumoroa^ Wi'DNKfUAY. May IB. -»m^

Ue-IDKflrBl iuMs P*tK*ir-*.-*»lePACtTjMt"'* sane.* -LUiictt4*co-2Be«Ua#*Hpesa. 1

-temi Bu.Hi.efi.~n~'s" r it inf nu ¦ uma uttaxmtspsM


ca^,srsBtM-^s^£;-^-as.CsMa.840. BteetacaSaT


_. _BBTWfcfa. a_tW-TOBK: AMD HAVRE.

^ *£!"*!**.i*ew)Ba48 Nerti BITS), fort sf Martm-eM.

'a-NAPa. rraaaeei.....wi mi"*\eT^i*j\%'*JS*Z2.£.tecka draws ee ctedB Lyeaaala.« Panalaaomaeu Maali._LOU 13 Di, BBc'lTNuUe-nRs-Sw-Soig..IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL.- Haatanr*

Amerlcaa Paaket Oeamaay'i Liae mr PLYMOUTH.'.'HEttBOUHU sud flAMBUBU.


JESSING.April ti1 H-EVIA._K_yfIEBPEB. Amil -ftI WIELAND.Marl-Bares.Ma-mesa-- . Ptytaoat-. Liaasa. *tnmbooj*g, Haem

.era. er say Wellwad BtaBea ia the*_aia_ra portee BaglaaAlist Ohm. siOOj Becooo Cabin, 880; Medrajia currency.He). C. B KICHABO at CO. 0««- t».**e. toort, *_ ^'

KCMHAKDT A OU. 81 Bleedwy, Vew-Yetk.Qce__>_c_u __»-**¦ 81 Bread ai,. Mew-Vera;_


NOTlcki.-Tiie ateasMei ot Uti* Lites take I netawl¦jeurr'* Lane rejatci* stall lea-ens or the year.llltTOr CHEelTBB.THUHHUA.. Ap*11-_. 8 p. ¦.3ITY OP BBUSMKLB.THUBSDAY. April Mtlaa'ITT OV BE-XIM.8ATUBDAY. May8, _£mHTY Oil' MONTBXAL.THUUmIjaY. Mit 13. __.a;ITY OPBICHMOND... ....UATDBDAY, M*y 23, 3 m. 2_.

Kreim Mer .17, M. K. foot of C_arlfcm .*_CAHIN.8M0 and sioei. Ketarn uekete em laroreMo Unas.stepkauk. pim. Draft* st lo* est rales,balouii* Bt..t« i cmju.s. suM)kla_r *mi linth ronan amldahlee.These steamers ela nut carry cattle, sheep or p's..

J-j-J-N O. DALE. Agent. 81 sol 03 Bcoadw-y. S. T.

VJational Line..Prom (bow)Pier 39, North R.>*-PCB QUEENSTOWN AND LIVKRPOOL.CHIN.AprU 8i._i*ap. w.l BHYPT .April -ii, 8 g. ea.

-POE j_ONDON Victoria Dock*).-mKn.LAN li .Apnl -'I, a p. in. I i Ai.V_At.ru im, H a. m.

I .') . i¦;¦'. carroncy: i.i- :...i.i steerage tlct.-t*. S'Jb.-etna Sj lowe* tbau mest lum*. Qompeay'* otana*. Me*. 88»a78Bro*dw»v^_ P. W. J. JIU tt-T. Maaaaec.


These Brai-elass Bteamihlp* sall reejt-larly al*, a trmn'ter No. B, NurUi K.ver, ta lol ow*:lANTlAtiO de CUBA. Capt Po.ite...Thnrtdar April St

-r.-...-.riwrstlay. MaysAcccraunodstions nnsurpaasod.) Por frelKht«» Baaaaet* ctastP0 WILLIA M V. CLYDE A Co . Nu. SJ BnaSwS;IjAV^TON B110&, Aaeute in Havnmi._PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY.1 nailing from pier foot af ca_al-*t_ Non* Rivesr.Por .*-:,n Ki eluate* via Isthmus ol Psnaiaaf*tc amstel.. RIMEN'T CITY. I-Vld-y. Apel! DO, noon.CeintiertlbP for Central and Roath \ merle* and Mernoo.Freon san Fra ncisco to Japan and China:steamship CITV oP PEKINO. tcatetrJay. May 1, nooaKr.im >an riane I.co to Houelniii. New---aland mid Aaa-

ralia:!_te.ini*-iP CITY OP NKW-YOLK. -.aturtlay. Ma/a, aeea.Or iuiwee<ilaU-.Iy on airtvai of '..->i..t<m maiiaaiisan Ftauctaea,Ker freight nr irenoral information, aonly at Cvjaiuaajr-S

ifflre, on Pier f*nt of OanSl-st, North Riv.*.1'sasemteralurwsrded ioHan pranoi-sCO. bandvpioRM-ANDS. JAFAN, CHINA. NEW ZEALAND. AUtsTKA-.IA, fWll* Ml AMEBIL'AN, CENTBAL AMEBICA-l eadIKXICAN POBTR.For tickets or infnraatlcn in rei.ird te rintel apply to tba'sen-m.**-" Departmi'-BL No. ___7 Broadway.

O. T- 8-TWAU* Ii. J. BULLAY._rieucjal Paneeager tgeat._SuperjamndeoLROITERDAM LINE,

sttamej-s leave Ce.** Pier, eil- Paroula Perrv, Jenter Cthr.iMSTEIiHAM. ivcdnesdav. \pni21 .BC-iTTEBBA*%PREeada)'. Mnv 6.\V. A. HCHt.I.I ES, Wedneealar, May 12,1st Cabin,«ei»_ej7o. id V-MAu, oib.ebO. ateeras... «tJ0.

ii e a/via, (ieocwal Ae_'e_.t. 27 SeruUi WliilamsU.'UN CH, EDYE A CO. 'Jtl South Wllllauj-st- Pretaht Airta

L. Vt. MottKlis. sci Broadwae. eieneral Peaaaee Aeeat.

V Y-,HAVANA «_ MEXICAN M AIL 8_S,LiB«." e Stcmets leave l'ler No. 8 N. H.. at 3 p. m-


_Cal_in_T at Kroirreee*. e>._uxaci*a_d Pronto!*.CITY OK WASHINGTON (*.'av»aa*n yiTijirs.loy, April 2fCITY OP ALEXANDRIA (Hriv»n» A Mexicn WoA Var 5.These ateumer* nve fnrniahed with nwlMdnr be rt ka lataterooins, small table* in dimng-roum, and ruoal* are tarsi1la ene without exira cunrire.S. K CITY OF MEAlt tl will leave New-Orieaaa Mar

*! and Jane s. for Vera crnx via hiptaa, Tatupxo and Tu*au. eonaeetlne wit ti steamers fur Divans nud New-York,

9. ALE-ANDHK A WONS. Kc*. 81 and as HT'.adwar.


POBejIBENsTOWV AND LIVBBPciOLNOTICE..Hieateamersof tkU Uue take the !__« Boeleccumineniied by uieut. Maur}-, U. ti. N- on bots Um outwardnd hcimeward voysess.*.ELTic.cant, oiteuc.ii.il.-at unLiy. April 'IL 4 p. akHil l an .vic. Cam. Perrv.Saunuav. iietv 1, ll s. rn

iDRlATle*, Pftnt. jennine*.th'.e-*d*y. May ii. Sam.IBOM THE WHITE bTAB DOCE, FOOT OP W_._rOin-aT..J'-ies.) *te*mor* are unltoriu lu size an 1 nnsarpaMter i In a*.olntuii'iet*. The Haoon. Stateiooui*. (smokuw auel iiiin-oonu un- pliiced amtdshlpl. where Ibe noise and rn.;tl.*u ar*¦eisi tait, ailurdiiiix a desree of comturv huberto uuattaiasbielesa.liATi'_.-Snlooii. $«0 and $100. feteorar*. r-*- It-wra

Irkc-te oo favorable t-jrms.Thees at-ane«rs carry neither tMUl*, sheep nor pleaI or lustierUuu ol ulan* and other la.onnaUeQ apply at tie'nmpa'iv'aOtBcea, No. 37 Bco*o.nity. .New-Yoi*, t* No. 1 IslI -Inut-sL. Philadelphia. B. J. CORTIS, Aeent.

Boaro ano Rooms.Weat Sida.

ADVERTISEMENTS FOR THE NEW-CV YOKE THIBUNE WILL BE RECEIVED AT THS'P-TOWN OPP!e.ES, No. ItillH Rroadway. cor. Thirtylist st.. or "tel*-. Weet Twenty-third IL. cat. EiehL'i-ava.,to. Bid Ejsi Ki.urtiviitb-iL, enrner ( ulcjn«iu>r.r«iO 1 hildave., cor. euiy-urveutij-iL; at *¦>>. HARLEMIFFICE, No. *_!.*i«ee| ThirdAVcs., cor. Oi.e-hatidred^iTiii.weuty fourth-aL (Harlem »av;n_-i Bank Uulidlngi, up w Sfh.. t r..*Til*r otBterate*.

A SMALL family of social stan ting wouldllketi share a house, with iii.>t!iir«iii_l! fs-> iiy in n gong

tiealltv In New-Y'ork. 8tat» u-r-i*. Befervnce* uxchinxed.liccireea ANSON, tribuneuliiue. ________________________

A V)*ell-fiinii".l.ed rrevptlon room with use oftl piri-Tfier lilli sii ian also basSaeSH rooru * it hoot hoard'ir_re-:ille,nijn lil Weat ieitli 8L. Iintsreen .liii and dih aves. *%

BEAUTIFUL gfcond or tliird floor, band*» se iin-i} furnished: ats > a'u-,'1)) Momt with or w.t'n.nl

icnrel private table if eleaireet loraoon near He* r.olr.ns. Adure*. ll IOU I.ST HEKEltb.NCE-s, Tiibuno L>nen Offlco, i.'JS** Broad))ay.________1>ARTIE.S Se-fieriDi*' with niental or ni'ivoua

tiirt'iiscs can lind *,',¦ d ii..s..l and proper attention Inarimte family. Ad.lrets EXPERIENCE, Tribune I'ptowniflice. 1.1A6 Hrnudway._) 1 WESi' 31ST-8T. IliB-ioaif parlorfl>or*e I with bath : alto third-floor ; pnvsto table ox willmotmarti; reteivuees- ______.____.-_...-_._...__.

IQ WEST 42l)-ST., frnnHiif. RE.SERVOIRJ*y PAltK.Klcgsut apartc-ents to gentlemen vltk orritlieiul tl'lelHL___-______-_--_.«tQWEST 12TH-ST..Funiis.iefl re>om-e. withIO b.eiird, neconel and tuird floor*, en luite or alnsie luce-ion sood ; tabio excellent i uo nioviurf.

1 i WEST IOTH-ST., near Stli-nve..Hund-4*4 «e_-«ielvfurni*_ed lecned-atorv Hwit wan ; etoelleat.nnil; hoiiie coiuforu; mo-ierat* lenna; trauiieut bc^ud,) i^ iii*, per .my._tt CC TO $7 por week for siajrle and furn _yS9 *J rooms wltn bo») il, transient Si per day." table heard01 havine several hoUls lu illfletent locstlons we buv lar.jlyii who reaie, heuoe our ettrao'-dinary low prices C.arouceloiel 18 llnitoL place, near Broadway.

East Side.ADVERTISEMENT* FOR THE NEW.tl YORKTKIHL'NE WILL BB KECEIVED AT TUB;p-TOWN offices, t.o. 1 .U.-BBrosdwsr,cor.T-lrl/-ar*"iu, oe SB8 Weet Twenty thlrdiL. corner Bimth-sv-jin, t»8 Kast Kourt-entii-sU. eorn*r Unlsa-sqeiirre 7SSIdrdave, cor. Porty seventh-*-.; »t the HAELEM OFP1CB.fe. tWM Tmr1av*-ts_r.O)_*-huodri>d-a_iTw«atjr-8imtlMt.Hiirieni Savlnss Bank B_Ue!_i_), ap to 8 p. m- U rejalacife-rci-if-.________________________________

A FIRST FLOOR of three lar<re rooms |batn-rooei; doseta .vc; Us let with private tae!*. or witb, *

mt bcMrdt reference)*. 36 East aOth at-

NO. 7 GRAMEROY PARK..Rooina en suite,double and ilugle sill) bo*id.

RE8P0N8IRUE partiea can find -lea-autroo-is and Srat-clllt board, tiauilent ur permanent, id

18 Lateyette-pUee._^.TH-aVE., 33..HmidsomclY funnshed fourthLt Boor, front ROOM*, with buardf.r tamlllaa audjft-ntie.nen alao iJiroe^iibie^bejarde r* eau be accommodat-d. ^m

n~LAFAYETTE-PI_ACE.-Faoiily Ho^l imom* en amt* and sinjtle: uMe Sri;-t__m U-a-ssil

II bo and tri petr clay. . _ ,

1*J FARK-AVE..In fimall family, an entirs.9 floor, or tsBSMMsi tuau. other larae aud imall rooma

ivith ol without board, ley bprlng aud Summer._I (I EAST 53D-8T..To lef, with boanL twoI fjl lar^.e eonnwctmn rooms on tbe tbird Beor; iwlereiice.

?il EAST 83D-ST.-eU!*re. weU-fBi^ed*lt I »uuuy trout r-jooi*. slosrly or en suite, envBBMBBh twrel

¦ fourth flour i booie sud appointiuemtaJ^«j*_^i__J*.¦sst mml "L" road; lor seaUemen, wits ex wiumwt .oars i

mmi ieaioastiler._ ________________

-s-W EAST »TH-8T..Oms nvtb tsppm MA_>e_*) second floer; mi * eji__*-le room, witb board, tor *.**-*__».mea, Beterenceu^ ,

8 e%g |f1tTfWnT-iN-AYJI corner ol If^th-dt.I eyry .Nie.ly mrnished einerte rooms tor sentlemeaiiiouae and table orai-ciea*; telereneea

Boar- and Booms Wanted.

FIOARD wiiat»d for frentlemBn and ln» wife.j> b tvrewn ilth and .lieta-sts.. aad ith seas etn-*-e^ we«M

-trier arrauKe_u<*.t v. ith a party who oma* UUbocua AA.lrr-sinOM E. Tribune office._BOARD WANTED .In New-York or Yiola-

Itv. for erotisms*, wife aad two childes*; !»¦. amar.

utsiicsl rvoins renaicexl; terms moat be meSerat*. Addrwessubpmticuia:*. W. H. W.. Trbuue omce.

Country Board.A DVERTISEMENTS FOR THE NI \W*>A YORK TR1BINE WII,L_BE KECKiVED AT THBii'.reiWN oPFicaav. no. i,*83?«Be_«Jwsv.e»r Thirty- int.st.. or Son Wwi TWft-ty-tal-vlsit, eet-aer hif-tu ar^No. fi Kant Poitrteeniii-at- cmrw«r t'n&-*rV**^*Jf£)Third ave., oor. FW"t.-^*vea_i-_! aita* HABLBM ofPlOBLNo. i.'ihl rtiird a»A. cot. 0na_ma.i\red4m8.t*»*at»-**enc*MA(Harlem a*-mica Bank Bait-lag}. I. n I 8* **. a» rwesiaS

i'MjEN KILl-VU. >U!JU.>vvaliIj. a. i..nimxxull aow opao; 40 acm* fitvuad: eas. water, w«-18r««etesh Togeta-'.aa. mils; earnt-Ba, aHf*«. Bc **«J'',*J**jM>aOM1TH HOUSE,

COBNWALL Ol' THE HWDBOII,BJC-PhiNa MAY I. --.-j,.--.Newiyl-rn'e-eS._*B.-LllM)-T_L[

WANTED..A limited namlier of Widen
