rnf Missws work /v EMWTOMK cm. m *«> PAST UVF. YKAItS.SrtïKAI» ggSlîITS OF Tfia PAST' *l ¿DVAWCE. or Mission c 11 a i li-» a *-»» With the .roi.stiiHdionui.diiicoMH.iationof » i » ......... ..r .r .nivat on New York OH athnsea, the atdeet union organisation oTtl. kind lu the city, and tho various new missions lu.uVura.ed thcewith. there has been a very general 13..^ «he whole line of aggressive Christian ¡gort in this and lu other cities. A very brief review of ni60/ tüe more Bseentaeal poluta worthy of notice in the luiprt.vtd cou.lit.on »t City Mission» within the few oast years, »ill encourage every citizen to continue hie cooperation, sympathy, and support soon ».« the gaaantlrl Committee of tbe City Mission resolved upon a i (adjustment of their BfaleakOl Bfee» ajases and as astargamentel their plans these vea boss- piirrfl b aartaa at maetlega. eswspaeer articles, Ac lining the five years that havo elapsed sine the first .i in this direction thai ¦ heUl BJ BTSant satoS pul'lic drmoristratlons in the larger halls 411.1 BhewaaaSj besides asmareta of smaller ttaaahnv my and Committee meetings. And there have been hBSJSd U valuable reports and emmaaeate. con- tag an hnaaenaa amount of anserlant ami reetwertbj information on evangelistic work, and »so newspaper artl lea m the way ef statement,.arge. me,... appeal, and i. In-tuition on the vanoui topic- of Iks raneta, cause, havo appeared m the public prints lasa i »reneed nehlk feeling endet- .,ud our sntarprtotog b *uTj responded to the sew calls made soon their tl« i.m the time proviouMy specified, tbe eon- tr battens to the oty ttsastaa havo sawontad m the ag- Bjaa/ee for the support of Ml ling of MlSBtoa Chapels; ! da of deliara for Beading Boosaa, Tea Concerts, and Other adjuncts B t. In the Ifreed ei information on the ... oiiditmnof thepoor in BOW> v k, and in the general dtffaatOS of a new epirit of I in the city M unity, and pu« f ust fulness. Tl < City ijHrdtal city MlaataB, Ü Behool ..a. and ether similar organisations. falli/, ,i,: ssd inatrnasaataUnes, seat salted tar larger dosattasa, le a recent aUteasenl tatheaewapapi »redthai the Methodtal Mlssionbad withm tliree years raised and exp< t lyaas ta buiHttag fear man aTnaBrtahl hjtaitao. tha roth-are ftvebytartas, and tho Fenrth- ave. fieshjtallSB Cherehea have,within the same period, m i-id an <-,| u d amount, and arseted thrtü chapels for .inder their own t hutch care, and at the same tin» 1. ¦> freer/eoatnbated their thousands of dollars to the Datas Undenominational City Missions. Tie fmiiicd Chen i . ibltahed three srlaataa chapels; BssatotChm i iuihe work, ui.d the inars Preebyteriae Cbareb, which has Bees a pioneer iu mission work, bus just a amenai for anoili.i iQsetoa Chars L The ar< i Chores, 8< Panl*a Methedtot Church, the Cajinaasi Preehytartaa Cfeerefe, and others aro retotog ti." means for putting their missions ou a permanent b»sl-, in suitable edifices. The Wilson Mission, that bus » eutol 1rni. lately bought a property corner of Khrhthae, sad Avenue A, where they will provide snd appropriate ehapel accommodations for thear grewtog mmbera, Iks Holy Trinity »Protestant EpiM-op.il ( i.iiiili have ont Bf S SBSt SbBOfll of IMS I llgsUlf tarns, ai.d sis aajrforUnf live or tlx distinct mission ttona In all, there are 125 Protestant Missions in thlB city, .where Sabbath h> hooks, and preaching, and other r*Jbj> ousaiidmoral service» for adult*, or children, or both, me regularly cam. d on. Of this number, 41 an n,.ineptly settabHshcd in suitable, commodious, churih- UfeS buil.lii'g-, with the ministry¿the ordiiiaiices, sad the , .ruinent that usually appertain to chinches, though v ha bed regntarty incorporated as such, Othera of Usase BBkatane VfU ari.e und build during the year, and some will doubtless, one day, become i a anmenrs aalf-aeppertlagj aetf-gorernlng, In« lient church's. There aro already more than a million of dollars, invested in various chapels and ehnrehes, and hundreds of thon*aad*e»f dollars arc an- t the support of Bahadsnsrjr id for the gi ,iry work. Recently a aam- in i of taadlagtngneuttal assaef the Methodist deaead- nation started a fond of ajeanM to i»- « spended la ing site«, and erecting ehapeta end eharehea,sal on the lines of the la r«M,,dm« |.oImiImii,.i. Tina n«il.Jo example of church -on wilt di nhlieos be followed by the Otta r «lei,on.i- aattans« and the rgirti of Christian phihtathropr new onr city will set haaiattaged until the bk .' -. I'd ¡ove shall he diffu.-,,] tiuougii ' a PMOi IS ISMAEL. Ul Tli»; WIDOW VAN (OTT. Although t he local preacbere oi the atetbod- sst Cbarch have for some time past been diseosstag the <ju- . tt tafeen the recent that Une of Mr* Mags. ll consideration, they have no right to Civ ( n,}i, on the «location. Tbsl be ft to the Anmi.-.l Conferences. Tht whs .il te tata lady« who ta familiarly hi as "Willow- Van (n't," is more unexpected, probably, to 'tilintóle . unesrtly tin- resalí of a feiiibiriÄtion of circumstances arhlefe rsiay be almost called ssshtental ins known beyond a <1 t iii le lest A].ul, at Urn tlisio of the n of the Kew-York Methodist I J Conférence, when the Presiding I of the BlenrlDe district, te the cuise of his re- st»«t««l tUat be had, daring the year, given o preacher's license to a woman, und that tho result» of her ¦bants/ had attested n»o wisdom of his action. pr ¡'i lv struck some of the reversad gentlemen there aasaaaatai es rather se anerosehsaent sa their field of labor, and some little discussion arose. A motion war» »trie di-<.pprov lug the eonrse of Mr. l'ergusoti (tlm elding Kl.lei i atea a motion expressing the opinion ei the Coiif.i« ne that aromen should not fee tlaooei .1 as preach- It was at a! ] that Ihs matter one of too »great Importance to the church to be en hastily; and neither motion pre¬ vailing, a ( opointe.l, to whom the .feels .un.) it vv.i- n ferrad, SMI v«h.> t., m directed to report at t)m . v( ar from that nui.-, in the aaeeeth finnei proafjhlsg. tfeora fearing n«, q no expr sstan of a wi-h that she afeoal peidl.tr miiil-terlal functions pending tbe deliberations of the Committee. The memlrers of the jireachers' meet- f this city, tin,ling a live «îuestlon ready to I..l.aiid feeing lafested, dtiubtless, with bomo of the f,v,r with abtat the "Wtimin's spiiere" «pjestion bas Dl. il the political aud social atmosphere, took up for debata the qneattan, "Ought women to receive licenses »s local presrhers in the Methodist Epis¬ copal Church t" probably to the great relief by tboae regular attendants of this clerical debating club, arfeo hud feotsaed to the asnadereea eeeaUtoa ee .' How to Have tlie r,,or." and " How to Have the Itich." For three long days the matter of female pica« hi: . bandied jiro and SSSJ by those who best ought to iiikIci etaud ll ; and right on the eve of the laut dt bate tl< Ject of ail this pother preached, it is said. B rou-li . moii m the Dantas Method! Chorea In this City, thus showing that, womanlike, She WBS bound to have her own way asilongas she could, or. as she woul 1 probably express it -that febc will follow the promptings of the «pint so long as she shall be permitt< d. The history of Mrs. Yaii Cott's public life is simple aud brief, fche is apparently between thirty aud thirty five yearsof «ge, and until about two years ago was | dent of this city. Phe was a member of Dunne st. Met).wi..-t Erdseopal Chnreh, which bei leeaalh/feaia removed to a new bouso of worship on Hudson it. I au active, renions woman, she found a ready outlet for energies in tho city tateston TOffe Thlsfe WBB all Sbsnt her. kj|,e «sas hii I tarafe/, ai .wi.o i.i- die.t within the tastrear. Bin-t - famillaii/cd with rprnVing and eximít- ago last February she anaeeeertaM te tue faimiy af »Mr. andiene»/« ta tag town of Inuliain, (in em; County. Her talent as. a re¬ ligious speaker w,.i then discovered by bor taking »nt In the prayer meetings.as Methodist women are eeeastomrd to do.and »be was prevailed upon, much Sgm.st ber will, t«i thke charge of a prayer in« otlng, felM Jn has district school house, graas this time » great rt- Mge.u» levivai spiaug up. MhS continued to bold meet feaaavaed her fertaf Invitations to sin, ..v gr. w g eaheetatJons, wfetafe fei la est ry sha g hat aas r iae»«nensi irai too small f.n the cr.wd» which tbronged to hear and to BBS, »nd the finir« h was placed »t ber snaBSMat, After Ihs A. V. Morcboiise Invited her to v«i TTtadfeSBB. vfeaai she aasest »is week», and assesses] asgh4g«gvs ].< moi»» int., ffee ahaeet Btaa she »«nt toi ulro, where she tontiuered apathy and »Pl-osition, und created an inU-iise excitement. Hmoe Hia'im,, »¡^ i,u, devoted benvlf alu out entlr« ly to bold,i,|r mbgtsna notetings, lu which she doe« a good deal ef talkiuf, nnivh, saalM told her totgitg»Uou last huu- day night, they could call preaching If they rbose. * that was their lookout." Luring tho pact year one of the Qaorterlj Oonfersooes, en the EBenvlllc Distrlet, neoav m«o,tl«d Mrs. Van Cotf fora license as a local preacher, and tbe Presiding Llder be!i« ving, it is said, that he had no option in the matt« r, gave her a license to preach. This may havo given BMW! might to her ministrations In the minds of some, but liasjin r¡o respect changed their character. Mr«. Van Gut is of medium size, with noth¬ ing of the masculino element apparent In her bearing. She seems like a thorough woman, though an enrnent one. She is one who would Impress her personality strongly an thon who allow themselves to como within her intliii uce. Baa has a clear, strong, incisive voice, ami au OBt igst Ir. though not ucrvoim, manner. Her style, her language, her gesticulations, are all her own. There Is a lack of eoOSSeatlveaosa about her sermons, and pos¬ sibly they could be more polished; but should alio at tempt tuber to be exactly cousecutive, or to give to her remarks all the polish w hn h kIu- is eminently fitted to give th« in, her originality w«iuld be gone, lier great effect i vcncbS tosh As she Is she must be accepted, and as she is, she ranks as oneof the great exponents«.! woinan'selo«j.ucuce. THE riWUT Ulf TUE NEW-YORK STAGE. Tn the pourrai nRpoct of tlirntrical affairs there is little to arouse kindly interest or stimulate pleas¬ ant reflet tien. Now, as often hetctofore, " the almighty dollar" is the chief object of pursuit. Various persons aro engaged, according to such Intelligence as they possess, In the business of conducting what they call theaters; but the idea that they have assumed anything mon« than a mercantile responsibility seeniit, for tho most part, to be utterly absent from their minds. Little or no heed Is given to the drama. Acting, as un nrt, may here and there had a practical advocate; but, in tho main, the especial object for which the stage was devised.the soul of truth and power when l>y It has lived, aud flourished, and may claim consideration as one of the forces I ifluencing the education of mankind.is alto- gsthor ignored. This Ie not a new state of fait«. It has existed for a long time. True, the monotony of this coarse apretarlo of. money-grubbing under falso pretenses has !¦«¦« n o.- usionally varied by B(apartOf honest dramatic eff.it and enterprise. A few persons, consecrated to tho player*! mt, have tiled to act good plays well, and there- lu to keep faith with their calling, to maintain the stnge In dignity and usefulness, and to }0!tffy Intellect and |S> tlned feelings in their ndvoemy of the drama as a BaaaAMal and houoniblo institution. But, tempor.v rlly at any rate, the falso pretenses havo the best of tho battle. Kcxt week only one tlieatt r in Xew-Yoik.that of Edwin Booth-will present tha drama. The rest will be dsVOtOd to bosh, which will bo ;.red under the diiyuitf of drama. This is neither mote nor les.s thau mercantile subterfuge. What wo have Bo often sni«l before, tin -refer«-, row m order, to be said again. The theater is not merely a place for the sale of handln, it Isonathuign hoy aad seUgoods, and another thing to admlolater the arts. The keeper of a theater is a man of business, Indeed -but ha Is ftl«o n pre¬ ceptor of the public asina, aad be saatoloa a r< b] scarcely less grave than that of the clergyman himself. Such a preceptor has no right to trifle with his trust. If ho cannot fulfill bis duty, and ke«-p his theater opr-ti. ou the basis of good plays well acted, he had better that theater ami lOaOTl to pome simpler vocation. To say that tho public will not pay for good plays well aeti-d |ls not to the purpose. If tho public, Indeed, will not BBStalS tb cent tin uteis, tin-n it ¡s best that those theaters should disappear. Their con¬ ductor-surely can tara to something els«-, less exacting morally and financially, aid therefore more profitable. It is a simple alternative. The Ctuni.erlHiid sunk with her colors flying ut tho mast head, l'ailure is not Ignoble in a good cnuse. But to prêt« nd to kip a theater, and yet to turn it into a dance house or some¬ thing worse, is to ha guilty ol ImpoOtOf! i" to tli fame the drama by digiailing ils surioundings, and to defraud society of the hem fits- which It ought to neolV! fmm a noble end beautiful art. Nor IS it a defense to say that society rspndlaln art, and prefers female cnlf, tn s. 1, at d red Bra The alle¬ gation is tintino. In every eomanaitr, of ooaras, then arc fools and beasts who, instead of th«' dram«, -would prefer a rat fight or a BhOW of model artists. Tit that is no good ason wliy n tin a'lh-al manager should give them what they want. Jim concern H with the draauk la every community t: laed, it. ¦in att is la a sun;, i.-iitiy liberal wag. To d¡»- eard these, nmi paador to tha Bioh, is wilfully to tin wrong for the sake of gain. The plan l! at tin pabttej « HI have tl,;-, and wont have hV other, A-i\. bM BSBne to lie as disgusting as it Is trite. The public should follow and not fort v< r bs ).. uotr, it t,. lead. !t Is pltltal, Indited, if iutcil« ctunl men m Be« ol oal a for can ¡on. and feed vntton ihn dirty haataon pays. This jiriietlt <. of SOOSesalaB to tue BSSOBMd a|ijie titeso? tin- bydrs nsadsi Mb has rott. fl toits fouiiilallon. Al.otlier «uuim.us «\il OOfBblOSS With i!, too, m tlie influx, into tha tlini. f aleude «if outside barbarians-ulteily foi. _ win, come to ipOCIBllte in IhSBB is nu tlo-y do in cotton and In pork, lins«, ana, he It hen ntd, kaewno ann about th.- dramii. more about it, than iliem.mln the moon. LeoklBg al.out uj :i lie-, t n.m, Ytuk. at the present time, it la easy to SOS BOW tbt flucnet s woik. Th rerwhehned with mummers ami dancing girls, varios. oui or ra who an arriving, with ail tee little gift! they ive,to win the reward of by paaderlogni instincts of the pooplO. And this BBOdley of hOOSbast and dirt i If as tho drama; while. In more than oast] t aad eoartasoBS.somethnesooosortlug with himself, flaunt in the box.«. In their gilded trappings of brassa \ ii e. It f Cyprians, on the money of poospoooaa osantqr jaaapai i, 'i Ma st sti of taste, wa rensaBber, v»s lately atada tía of a aoasewhat boaty and Irritated proteat, in puidio eh ami letter, by Mln Ofiva Logaa; nmi we oi>. bstvs thai the ladp has asea pretty aoaadly ahoasd for what U «sailed an attach on "the professioo." Wktà pntoaMoa, we ahoald lUte te hoow, la losaltod by anota a probstI Nobody attacks the stage in alia« king a brazen imposture, reeking with vire, that his mendaciously assumed the BtBgl "a fOl Bt ami f ui.t turn. ting is an hon¬ orable art, and the peoplo who worthily pursue it ami l:\t- by it an- lioiiorable '.pie ; ami It in their ind-re-l. ami not against it, that rebuke, of all this frivolity ami vice is «incited. The bara-loggad weeaea who branp ever the boards te barleegos and k¡<k op thotr bosh la tin- can can, have- with litre BOd 11,< i e an i xe.-|.tl(.u no more title to be regarded as member» Of the dr.n. proN-Bsii.il than they havo te he regarded nannhors M the i n in n ânaaaeajr. 'i bap aie aeortoffBagaanpoa IheatagOi and the fungus has BOW heci-me eve. c-,ve and Intolera¬ ble. We do not im an to say that, In all this flock of pan- leeatanBi bnrteeeaea,aad bailete, existent er rol te aseas« features of merit may not be found BOnseaoshn Its graces and its rights, as well as sense. But it is need ful to r«-u.iii(l theatrical inunager I tii.it thru- is null an insti¬ tution as The Dl-BBB, for the «it w-lopmt-i.f of Whtol IBM His «list, and that liilclllg.-hcc, tail.-, -iliieim -id, and inoiiillty.matters of great lmiioit to the. wt dare of so¬ ciety.have rights that the.atru al gTBOd eaiinot safely violate. Ueenttonenen end recklen thirst foi gain han gone very far, of ¡ate days, to ruin the Amciiean stag« MBvehiel! of art ami a Bsbootof eettng] ami strong measures are Justifiable t«, essohat the «-vil. A SINGULAR WILL CASE. KKAKI.Y $1,000,000 IN VOI.VKI). In tlie Bojvoejata'g Conrt, jeelnnlgi. ¦ for« ther hearing waa hutl iu the Chlttomlcii disputed will case, in whit h Edward ami aeehel Chltteadea «li-pute th«-win of their danaiad brother, Laelaa nhltteadaa. '1 he proixTtv involved is between MaMM atnl |l,o«o.i*y>. The contestants hold that undue iufluencea wet«, exerted to cause Mr. Lucius Chitteiid.-n to make the will in «pies- tiou, and allege that tho widow, who is respond« nt In this case, and Mr. J. N. Ayr. s ..f Stamford, Coiiti., were the partlnwhelaleeaeadhua. i>iv«-sted of its eerheelty. the case Is this: Iu April, is/vi, Mr. L. Chlttemleu made a will bequeathing one third of liia estât« to his nephew, Hf-rn Cbtttendsn, and Just before his niairiage SSSOBted to bis nephew a trust «n < d ol los property. This nmr i luge was ^ ¡olentiy opposed .y bis relatives, aad last be* fore U was to have taaen plat t tbs lions, i.f one of tlieln, only gaming his freedom by ineana of a writ of habeas tOTgUS, v. Int. ii WasbOOld before Chief. Jiistice Jl« nmaii, at Cheshire. It «,ii claimed by the coiilestauts at that lieaiing that Mr. ( Bittenden, all hough not insane, was yet nol eoarpeteBl to the naaageBienl of property,« the eonduetof business. liiiiii«-<ii«i«-ly ¡iff r h'.s release he mniru-d the |ir«-*«'iit rtspeiu'.cnl, iheii Miss Amelia Lockwotsl. Aft«r tlie» rnarriaM he totally Bstrsagtd idniseif from ids bndiiora, revoked the «let of trust glVOa to Ml t-fi n Ct,,tt.-ii.|ett, and mad.- a ni t will, the «lie on W hit h this suit Is b im-.I The forth' I lie.illlig of the caso will take pbvsa Ofl Tues«lay next, at 1 p Bt ANfrTHLB BUANCH OF fHI RUB I'.AILWAY. In May, 18Ü-S, a coniiiany waa otg;aiii.'.ed ander the piw~laien! of the general act for building a hae of railroad from htJddtetewa, on lbs Brts BaBway, to th« village of 1'itic Hush, Orange Cuii.ty. a distance of Il Billes. The following offlcera were chosen: Daniel 'iliomiaM.il, Président; Win. M. (¿rahnin, Tisasunr; Jaa ii. Morton, Beentary. dorreya ami sstlmstea were made.and wmie sabserlptloni made for building the niad. bis» no work waa actual;.-. eoBOW BOSd I^ist MBv ter the Législature passed ho act suttaorizlng the bond log of ths town «f craw ford tor tea par mat of tbe as¬ sessed min.ilmn of IU Nal and psrsoUSl «state ilao.ooii/ in Old uf tho enterprise, oo the usual conditions. Until a few days ago, however, no steps were taken to secure the BHient of the taxpayers of the town to the bonding prop¬ osition ; but with lntle effort the assents of the reipnslte number of tax-payers have now in en obtained, and S meeting of the 1> rectors will be held In a few days to take measures for put nig the road under contra« t. It la expected to make an arrangeaient with the Midland Bait- road, by which the track of that Company will be used for some distance out of Middletuwn. EDUCATION. THE COLLEGE OF Till! CITY OF NEW YORK. Tlio din try brown building occupying the south-east corner of Islington-are. and Twentythlrd-st., bristling with pointed turrets and minarets that threaten the sky from every coign of vantage on the broad roof, is u,>. College of the city ot New-York. It is Gothic in style, and reOessblSI very much one of the old fashioned town halls of tho Netherlands. The College was erected in 1818, on a lot of ground 122J feet on Lexington ave., and 200 on Twentv-thtid st, which coil the |ltoard of l-'.du- BStlun ghlgBg The building in HJ feet long by 60 feet wide, and consists of three stories, exclusive of the base- mont, vhlrh in divided Into a large number of apart¬ ments. Each story is Intersected by two wide passages, crossing at right angle«, and the three together affurd ac commodatlons for l.OOO students. Tliero are numerous class-rooms, recitation-rooms, and lecture-balls, sntlthe chemical laboratory, which cost 130,000 to furnish, is one of the most completo in tbe country. The library con¬ tains 1MO0 volumes, to which yearly additions are in.ele. Beth Qroareeor, in »m, gave ICo.OOO to the Celh gSj tfel inti rest of which Is regularly expended in the purchase of new book!, nml the lute Lphrium Holbrook left |5,ono, to he applied in like manner on tlie death of his. w idow. There ntc now BB| stud, nt- in the valions classes. These 10pressai the ditT, rent Ward schools of Ihe city, and are the ehBdl n of parents SBgagl '1 In all «1. pai tmciits of In- dnstiy. The examination of candidates for admission takes plaee immediately lift« r the general examination in June. Each applicant is required to présent a certitb ate Signed by tbe Principal of the school from Which he comes, »bowing that ho is a resident of the City, i- Bot nmler U ream of age, and that he has attended tbe pub- lie schools of New-Yolk at bast 13 months, lletstheu examined m spelling, reading, writing, English grammar, arithmetic, geography, elementary bookkeeping, the his¬ tory of thS United Mate«, and algebra as far as quadratic e.iiiations. If tbe applicant desires to enter the fresh man class he must show that he to 11 year» of age. end must also paSS a s at, s fa, toi y c «.aii.iii.it ion in the simile* ¦I in the Introductory i lasa. At cither of the regu¬ lar examinations the candidate may be admitted to any das« to pnrsue the studies of ¡ni> one or more depart- provided he iball b compiled with such con¬ ditions named shore, md than have find with the faculty a written list of the itudtes be desires to punue. On admission he is fnrnlshed with a oertiúeate or mem¬ bership, and at the close of the year, should he then bave, be rcnivcs another, a sort of reward of merit, pr<>- v I.I c.l bis t.-ne nil deport me t h mi been good, and he has satisfactorily acoounted for the books sad other publie property eommitted to bis charge. Absence for two weeks without leave forfeits Ida right to a <-eititlcate of go,,«! standing, and his name is sti lesen rrom the roll. Tho discipline of the College Is regulated by a system of rules, fe«s in Dumber, the Infraction of which is visited with punishment varying In character and degree with tin« enormity of the offense Committed. He rnrnol al punishment »allowed, th ilty belog dta- !. sal irom I J', . i v vl( lation of the i nh s, tor. tber itii thepnnlshment Inflicted, Is record, «I In Ihe College book ,,f «ii-i Ipliue, no student being thus published without receiving notice of the feel and toe cause, with » view to »'ivii'g him i.n opportunity Ul have hl- iinil.iiiid if necessary to appeal t<> the I taeully. The Beard ot Trustees aie authorised by tho set <f uibly.Mai.il «lia h the old i ame " lice leury" was dropped, to confer the usual Degrees on the reeommendstton ol the Faculty. The degree of Ha« heb.r of Arts )s conferred upon thou, students who have pursued the full College course with tho ancient languages ; that of Bacbi lor ol B< ic-ncea upon those who bavi studied modern tanguagea with the full course that of Master of Hoieuoes n«.t box- »im have complet. «1 tin. mu i.t ii¡ sad thai of Maatar of Aits, upon those w ho h iv nut in i a parí at course. The Commencement to in hi on the third Thursday of September,thepsrfo manees consisting of the delivery .m.I the presentation of tha diplouiasimilt.il/..'* Of these latter there STSSS1 l'ii -, m. il tbe President "f the -m to tbe ipeaker enoaea by a comtatttee of gentlemen not connected In »ny vv.iv with Us The Brst prise of this kind was offered i Pell Medal, a geld one, is awarded to the student w ho h.ts made tin in bis studies dining the ii .i u medal Is purchased with tl of a fund of I5O0 cue:, ;,, tin f) ne an C. IV II In 1MJ I 18*4 the »aine donor, by a i'...,l of trust, authorial Ithi Trustées t.. devote a portion "f tbe la» ome ef the fund to the purchase ot s silver medal, to be awsrded to the student who shall rank second in genci d proficiency In .«in llurr ,i ISt fora k.ol.1 medal lor the best n oi of tbe H -, und m ated u i.tl.. r fol lia pni has«' of a »llvi r n tbe second best. Tbe Cromwell Medals, gold »adsUver, are awarded to tne best stmleul in Helles -.ai. The tvMi K Il \ medals (soldi uns for the Hi-' lo »ball be m< mix rs of the two Hieran led with tbe College. In July, ISM, Kllsh I al I OOO i Culled btatea securities, tbe Income of v. applied .»id« d t«. the author of the be»i hmgll»h imii m tin - loi ' 'm n< st in thie Junior Class. In addition I twenty bioi a«anted to tin stagy piiiMu d iri the Col tin- beâl n sriing ".' best til The con SB of slcl.v In tin- <liff> rrer »nine i.lij. ". i ,i-ittit ,, of ne il !y SllotbSI io,,,».'..>. He- ll»! "It lull I- a ¡i.ul nf IBM Common School system, ll naturally though) thai lue br.ibes of I,¦:<i 1.11 n moel i.«. eaaary m the pra. tieal sou cation of n ii.iiiitii should be of the same substantial. bann ti si r»w< i s. hools, aud mm li faull Is foui d m certain qn a in. n i. ».-i u to the si mi v ,.f i_,rm and Oil :. V of u'i.K.,, iii well fon ultra tbeorj Ibal the »liolv of tl rpt to tbe children of th«« wealthy, or to je njiiM' to i.t, In ii.-th t year there are par w..k in : ", four m any di parti Kngltiti In 1 "i of Ihe Irsl « < ir there »re bul tin- leasou» In i ngllsh (Jranimar. Uurlns .»« d to f,,14;, t ..« hat of history be has learned In tbe Ward school, sud when a \v,,k in tie -dm lores altogether thai of his oa n country until Ike Irst tel m of the sophomore year, when he barn« in a compendium, in five lessons a week, a little of what has occurred In Knglanri, Spain, France, Italy, and America sp t«> Ihs lima the book went ta presi perhaps two yearn ago. When it is considered thai compai students rsasaln through the third U no it will i< adlly be sasn that in tiir matt« of one u-, f ii and Impo tant I. mi nt, at least, his education In Ibe College of WoW-Yorl ha« Ik «mi Boaaewhat neglected Should the student remain, how ever, tdi the lose of tbe fifth yi ir, the College nffi rs him in» furth« r Instruction In modern history cío pt what he may gain frsm an 01 CBSlonsI ll line. in the second tear the student Is Introdneed ta Fowler's Grammar,from win, h bolearse, in one lessens Break, irulng the »tun im« of the Kngbeb Ian pmage. la the next terra he bean aolhing about It, bul lu the flrat half of the tmpboiuor» year he »pends an hoar m ca> ii ».. a in mastering the history an l sources of the tannage, and two hours In the study of Oreham's Byn- ouyuss. lie has already dropped Kbetonc,and In the next term he takes up Loste, and devotes three tararea weck to iim in »eticaof Kngllsh Ub rature, and two mon, to int. lu , tu.i. Philosophy, lu the J r, Mist term, be falls Itttck upon Powtor again, gtvlog the grammarian bnt one hour a week. He ato» devote» an hour to .. Crltl cal Beadlngs." AH this Umi bli Latin and <,i"i, take gp flve hours, unless be has tbosen two of tbe modern tan guages mitrad. Anatomy, physiology,and Ilygk nc me srmlie,I for two boms a week during tin tint year, and one hour (lining the second term of the sm-end yesr. Arithmetic Is not marked on tbe list of studies, i Geography; but Algebra, Geometry,Trtgonorosbry,Dif¬ ferential and Integral Calculus, and Kpto rtcslAstrui rea large sure of attention, as do manyothei of the higher Brunettes of leai mug An bom m each month Is devoted l o What 11 Uialliud 111 the oui re of I li ,ll Ul tllui story and i ompoaitlun," which la the Junior aid Ionics vean ihe faculty change to "Theme», Forensic Iiiscussiiuis,and Original Declamations." (oology,i Letu- Istry, Mineralogy, Law and Politics, Acousties and <»¡, tics", I'.ngineei-log. and Natural and Kevealed Kelighui an, also taught, togethai with Drawing, PoUUeal Boouomy, ami An hue tuie. pai I of the course, let tin, s. are ,1. llveredontbeLawsof nations, Constitution of the united -ill Lngll-h Language and I ,it«i it ui e, hi ru« till, ,,f tie Greek and Lama, atalattau of the Greek and Latin to I ign-li. I oi inalloii of the 1 I in li Language, History of (,ci man l.iteialuie.Hli iictiiienf 111. r«p,iiil»li Laiigu.ig.", An. lent ami Moil.-rn History, Kin tola Natural pby, ( lioinist! v , Natural Historj, etc , ste. During the 10 years of its existence lbs College of the City of NeW-York haw recited neaily 1,008 stmliiils More than 1,000 have been examined foi suiuissi.ind, fiom ish'.i to IMT, inclusive,ses bars graduated from m About o win graduate un* yen Tb< tallowing tebls shows tbe suoce#»ful »ppUcantsfur sdmtostan from i-i.. to i-.',i, inclusive' Vr»r. AlwWtriJ. rtrjritnl. |S4I. M S . Ill 112 R.I.M II .¿i as It» ll-M.IÏ4II .an «t 1»:*.am M in Tr«r. A'rr.itlril. i UH ¦ .r.t ei uni. 11 .41» III im,'. a lttt/4. 1,1 Tstel.4i«i wm '1',, showr that the lisni tils of tlie t'nllcgc aie u,,t |»SaSl ,1 sxclasively by tbe »ealthy. n u only necesaarr ta i> CHpltulate tbe labli ad ml »loni foi thi n ¡, n le u ending July IS, 18BÎ, Which gives the occupation» of the jiureiit« of the -indents: (it Ilrel-r». tline w.Tt. ITlfjf tltllIUS». rifJUSI 1 (<l lUiilor«. 5 i .f Iteiesssn »mi Mu,.i,, ti rrr, sj Ull.Otll I'l.TH .to, alrlUlk l»»l». hlr,rn,»krii t »r|r»l»r, Ki StSTS, ilakci», llut.li.r,. | ¦'.44» i,mU>«»i. | Then ara new H Professors, Tutors, and other nfiWrs of tbe College, w hone salaries amount yeniiv u»gxi,jss :a), the hlKliLit being that of the Piesldfi,l, who rurlv.» 14,7110; the \ i.c President receives ai,2io; n I'rofa»i»,.i«, « ... h 10 Tutors, toJ-OO each; one, ||,.',C1 >l ; two, ll.liso each ; the Prufeaaor of Bloeution, |j,uui ¡ the l.ibr»- rtoa,ga,iw: the An.ut.int to the Profesaoi -f Chemistry, »-i.MXi; tlie Janitor. ll.'JiiO; an A-nl-taiit In the Lalmrstoiy, |j and sn AssUtairt m the Bepositorjr, l7<s> The iiiiiniiut paid for salaries .i.blnd to the ol lief ex|»enses of the ( oiii-gr) gives e total .'about |ita,ouu par annum, whleji makes the reu »t It uuctieu about ' ion for each »tu,lent. i he gen.-rai exemloeflon of stach ata began thtayeeree the lit of l ebruifiy, »ml ende, ul, t'iS làfh. (»u the fol lowing «lay theaseoud ('.-ii- ¡tata Uiiu uiwmenceo, and on the Hlh oe. urred the Jim ldlaf, .,. Thehpilng vacation * ill bf.giu on the ,rb ig Agrtt, and end on the i»t of Muy. Oetbalsth djui fu »sai ínattan "f stu lenta for promotion will brgl u.ioi» e :<*.>. n r»,e mem her»ef thi two lUerary scent w routend im the Kully in«'dal. July 1 th»iio * ill l,a"|>l M ¦.* ''..ng," Slid and on Iho 'MX the eiercisss «' Coinunrtiraiui 14 Lay. Mrsic. ASCIIKNllUOKDKI. ygKKIN. This Musical Association.strictly social in their work, who own ami occupy tho house No. 74 I'ourth- st.-treated their friends on tho occasion of their fourth annual festival, on Tuesday afternoon, to a dollghtful musical entertainment, consisting of Robert Pchumann's String Quartett No. 8, Op. ii ; a Quartett for four horns, by Heiisel, und Franz ßchubeaTs Octett, On. 1«. The performers were Messrs. Theodore Thomas. Heas.Matzka, Bergner, rfeifcnschneidcr, Behmlts, SchllHncer, f/Ure, (it wall, Meiidelsclisefer. aud Hoobstels. The perform- .noes were of s high order, especially the twoquartetta Dr. Doremos, Messrs. c. P. Ctaichering, ami B, Losar, wen among the audience. Ml'SICAI. NOTES. 1 lie Parcpa li«m;i performaneea in Chicago have created an slmost unprecedented sanssllna At the Sf-cond reprcseiitatloii of "1 he C.ealion," on the evening of the 1st, the receipts were |:i.700, ami the sale of tickets was »topped Half an hour belote the oratorio began. A Cernían Opera Company, on tlie eofipgra« live plan, haSSOgSged thoHUdt 1 heater. ally all th« German artista familiar to New-York are concerned m it .among them Mesdames Joliaiinseii, l-'rederul. and Bob d i,.Miss Jos.y Ilutle, llubelmaiut, llimmer, Lotti, Formes und ll.-i malins. Bernhard Moliqne, tlie fttlebratad violinist and composer, dletl on the i:ilh of May, at OOBBStadt, m-.ir Btuttgsrdt, aged M il«- was a nstive of Nnremburg. Por tn«- last »i years he had lived principally m London, where he wns held in high estoem io an artist uud a g. n- th in.tn. He left BB Oratorio, " Abraham," eeveral Violin concertos aud songs, " Studies iu llarmoiiy," Ao. It is gratifying to learn tliat the firemen who nri- to pUy U|,(IIi t|.. bsndrsd anvils tit ths BsstQS Jubilee "bars entered Into tbe spirit of the affair with i.'ie,it eiirtiestiies-s." ami theii first rehearsal in the Goll- seuin the other day gave entire satisfaction, They ham- mered until dark, and then ''gave three roastee sheen uiul n ' Tiger 1' for Mr. iJilmore" «nd WO hops they will not fail to iidtl the same emboUiahmenl to tho "Atnil ( hoi us" when it peí formed m tbe full assembly <>f me great men of Ibis Barth on the 17t!i of June. Km tue satisfaction nf ike Unid we may add thai the stit-ngth of the floor is not trusted to support the anvil», hut they rest upon purs t Iu the ground. Private letters fife ni rosy account« of tlie enthusiastic reception accorded to Mlas Minois Baoeh la Hol laud,« lere she has recently been singing. At Leydes too indents went wild, snd proseated addrsssssof wet- come. At the Hague the queen showed our young New- York giii unusual attention, ami called her into the royal MX. hhe BBOg also ut Amsterdam, Hott.-idam, and Dtrecht, and baa since msdn a two years' engagement for the grand opera at Vienna, where lo r debut will take pi.oe in heotember. it i* to be boned that no foolish manager «ill disgust the German public wlthpnllmlnsi y romanees abtut her "velvet von, " ami early adt with Indians, buffaloes, and locomotives, os Mr. M Bliakosth disgusted the publie of Tails. IfiM ( '!«veland, writing from Paris, da* sciilu-s a performance there «if Wagner's" Ulchrl": " Ti lie to my In ro, I went, regnnllcss of the SStonlshed eielHiu.liions of my aiti-t f: lends, '.l/<in urn , 'tere, til il possible,' .le., and was fJellgbod to Join my homage uuii ui least ens snthaslsBtie admirer of wsgner.a little s|n eteeled Beraum In ihe bo» bbzi me, e ho followed the aparo f "in the score, and nearly wept for Joy. continually exclaiming, '«Teg fa Himmel, u-ir sehen.'' The henaa was crowded and applause was fre- ipient, hut liuoe from the student« ¡ii.tl mi IcisilS in the hlghOI tuts tli.iu Horn the aristocratie Bubacriberaai«premier 1 ... with scarcel) as exception, dtsifke II hiflnltely, and rnticlae It savagely; snd many of «or friends we,,t. us ibey candidly owned, lo in Ip bum it down.' Even tbe musicians themselves tire not «tue what they think of If, and I have asked lu vain several of mi seaualutances staoag PasdsIoMp'i or- how tiit-y like II One dsj tho primo tioUno says enthusiastically, 'It is a gnat success, and there Is enough lultto mass a doaei splendid operas; sg.tin BO men lv shrugs his shotiltliTs am! says,'One reals! roast The Paristaas aorer wBl like tins ¡lia- i'ii tijtte music, sud lin usl «ui only follow the fate of the Tanunsueer.' " _ ( MIMM. T1IK 1WI S V-IMIItH-SI. All.r«.HU ARSON .W. JaaUoa Dowling decided yeatardaj t<> take bail fur Mr. Juhu Underbill Briggs, aoeosod of having fired hin stähle in \Vt st Twenty third -t oil the night «if ¦i of Denarhei last. The stagnante laed Ihe auieuiit If ball ut iM'.noo. Mi Win. P. Katie, of Kail.'* Ilot.-!, lu Mv.r tea «un ty of Mr. Briggi br that amoant, «nd tin- latterwn nleeaed frooi enstody. i\m. P. mu-i- dSB !" Btlll in the 'luiul.s, BWaBlBg the roaoll Of an exaiu nu. nan itb. ihoottbo aimivv-k.ik.m i:\- IN V Mi It,A I ION. Coroner Keonao, late <m Tbaredaw aight prorc.'ilii! to I ,. Hospital, Ot the rii|uertt of Waiden Itreniiae, ntul took the unte BMIteBI depootttan of Thomas Cost, llo and Itu-hard Gardes, who srera shot a f.-w hours before, is lb« llgsot ttera of tha feiaier at Bo, y¿ lirst-ave. i .. parti« ilan of the si.tteg nedf i.i«n »-nin m Tag Tuavaa CosteBo testified that Im [A.. I, 'J aid 1.1 i.Moi k p. lu. Mlelimd «"srnry, .1..-. :i II itwel!, ami «tulhtr n m the CU i-r it ave mut 1 of having pas«rit Rnwe !. u n.,-! j .ni lit im. and nii'i' u thai h id Iba -ton- f.u ; counterfeit money, known tu «u then ta rsliug with tbs uncle . lr«l bun «o.t "ti i in- ualk, siol n-leaaius him, casas back into tbe store. Uartaelt tlien Bred a abut at tb« by i roe ¦! < i. i si tun. jiriMiin « ii i pistol nmi «hot Btsbord Oftrdt s and witness i be nmi live abate m .til Bleb- ,itt| «¡t pi, s testIfled that lie w.i« cotiM-r lag with named Hamilton and Wbsrts, m front af his .ns 11..- cry of "Stop thief r* witness looked up, and saw . man resembling Hartnett, ksockod dowu on ti,«- corner ol I'lrst-ave «nil Xwentj fourth n,.m ui... »lo.t * on tin. town corner «>f -d I ll-l l\e bO Hi I'll tWO shot-. Y, ;t Igbl lo « i- lilt bj th« i-t shot (In ,|; I! «..-«« Bot the tii.-in Mim Bred tit-.- shots The Jary reudsrod a m ulut that " i.n .laid Oerdes i Thomas Coatrll« came t" Itaolr wounds ol tin- nun.is of ite ii.vnl Carney, sad thai Joseph Bari lo-tt und i bomas I. < u . before the fsct." On the rendition of this verdict i oners were commit tod to tbs Tombs to await tb of the ll.Jllt.es of I'OI W I.o Is r He now lies It, a «. t v i run al i rhô s sa sii.'t In tbe back, is s red to i.e daamroasly tejarod, slthoagli his wound Is a aevei.as. ll.- ssloon is deacnlsrd by tin- poUcs sa the resort of bad i harm tors, light» helot i, Hint occurrence tin n- Ibe prisoners have heretofore i. uni s fair rcputstloa Bartnett waa a Inter rarrk r. IDBMTAl MiiMl« il>i:. Coroner Keenaa feetevdaw bald aa inqaeef at No. 117 « lu ty it over the body of Win 11 nry 11. o il-on, agsdrfysan Oe Thandag afieraoen, aha in«i. aceom p.iiodi ny < harln l'iatt and another imy, rietted Break. lyn, the former haMng hOfB proiuis.-il «inplovuitiit While tine the to.y 1'i.itt pesed up a stli k about thrco feet in length, and with It struck u small block of WtMsl he would H ball. Ill" bloek uf Mood hit ll.in «on on the lift temple, ne eomplslned some- «hit at tbs llnMi of the egbets, but tbe wound was not considered a BortoBfl sas <m reaching home three -, he told his mother of tbe accident .uni bon it o, urn <i, and said no blame oocuVI be sttachi d to Puttt. Boon aft« be wss a >/< d with coai ubdons, sad remslued Ie until he died ye-teiil;iv morning, Dr. afuoster Beach made a poal mertem lamination ..f tbe body und ascertained that death had resulted from sfrsctureof tn.--dull, a v. m ; ..f ii.tideiit.il death waa rendent!. Toons Harrison contributed largely to the support of in* widowed mother. ATTKMPTF.li ICIt 11 I BtAI POtT JBBTIf. Almut h o'clock «ni Thtnadaj Bionrng n «enea aaaaad Msshler, who rntdn *ith her «on in law, (Inn h « Knaub, at «¡eruiaiitown, It Is report« d ultempted to i-ouimil manda by jumping off the l'ort JeiMsainl «fateaaane láridas late the imiaware Rlnr. Thepter from wincii sin lampad ts .*> feat high, and is eonstrncted in d.'-p water. As soon um IBS WOBSSB struck tlie wutei, limn ver, BBS cried for help. Toituiialelv, tWO men wore riding by at the time, ana one of them. Mr W H.Mai rsyofUosben, lumped from ths earrtsge snd plunged ¡ato the river to her aid, and saoceeded la rescuing ber, ¡it great port] of his own life. Ills said that domestic difficulties were the cause of the alleged utl« nipt ut suicida _____________________ INTKMNáL lif.VEME. un iimtiY-H.hr«.si> ««ut i< rms DtfTBICT. All«.l M uY \MlioKV 4BB TOBA00O ID BOBD ON MAV 1-iAX « «»I.I.K« 11 I' t'N MTUMKl IN M*l. Mr. Joabaa F. Bailey, tin aawre Bppolated Collet tor In the Thirty second Intcniul ltovniue Oatloa Bon Iusti id, has ins bureau pretty well (oigaiilrcd, and aaebihmij «t ''", aenñeaeeenal al the nr.w month (te> enrnw)wHl han perfeeted that nett erderei arstne _!,..i, i. « iiiineiitiy eaawaaeariaei ins mum ageinent of tlie Fourth Internal ROVOBM CollMtlOB I'istritt, now controlletl by (¡«it. PleuKint.in ThS mont In.lM.t tnnt saBSSfS In the Thirty ¿..«.oml I'lMrlft during the sdmintttraUon of Mr. »hei an sun»! have rstlred. ami have been succeeded by genUs- mebinwhsss Bdellty to ihrir duties Mr Itaiicy,.from a .gofllci.il iissoi hill >l. with them, ha.tMUy conlldence. a few of tn- leas it.iport.int clerks aoder Mr. Sbooh re- ti.s n but U is probable thst further clistigi-s will I... .Iiv or tomorrow. Mr. Child! üi.t deputy, ,'!hi'mi Wendell Is tblrd deputy. MsssraTatl sad rtoa ... (oil.-, tor Halley'a faithful Ueutenaate,of ntrrn «"dith mm in the Thirty second, as tlmy were lu the ^ïV'io'^Me.urncdovei by Collector Shook to his SUC aeasov iCollector Huiley, on tbe 1st of May. the following quantities sf whisky ¡u bond. tU : I. U'«r*b<i««* Bs II IBIS It.. 1MII.hU. » ,i....V ft«- » ».* * '.»"' *.ME Si- iS «ViVuu.., «... B roartet.« ^_">'"- T,Ul .lt,«W7 blil« rv/ Tobacco In honied wandmiues the following «pian- .ÍÍ^Üreiurned over, m t be some dan;..¿ ¦'""'{ um w.i.r-st.i.nm m ::-Ai.,. *»v,,í,i.y.áftiw*5 I. «¡¡SaSSSBs. lOSFr-ulsl.«'¦** » _ , .i v.iit.i «n m t'.M-r tn« «.nerstit.u «if the recent «billiges in the Isw m r. íírd tÏ'Ó iT-ay In bond, it is beingrspldl« withdrawn. i m the ist dar of .mir neit, it .nu t all he withdrawn ¿i âublectcd lo forfcllurs. The foils« lag is an olllclal statement of the amount of tn v collected on wliNkv with drawn from bonded warehouses dm inn the mon. h of May i^ciuum «/ U mtkouu. So.ofl.bU. «¦,. .f »»11». Amt of I »i. Ni,«. ai,,| «Ki Pearl-nt. Î I'D * 1.4 a», it en»» »i. 1,41a kphs sursis No. 77 P«»rl »t. 1.455 57 176 34 485 14) T''r«l. 5,071 2(»7,:5i Sn4'3lOi> Ail.liliuMl lii. I. 47 Tax »B »piriU LcM for iltücienry collfcleJ.......... ... 7 *8 47 To »D.I iMliidiDfMth Mi». IM9.Sltf.TÎJ 9* OUT DOOR SI'üRTS. THE TÜBF. Till, t NION COIKSK, t. L, TIIOniST, MKKTIN'íl . LA.sl DAT.YOUNG OOMMODOni wins imp, MATCH, MANHATTAN THI PTJBtl OF fSCKKJ, am» COB* Tin: $1,000 PCKSI. Than was n fino coiicotirsu of spectators yes¬ terday on the Union (..'ourse, L. I., to witness the List day's trotting of the ftamaaer m.etii'g. In addition to the two Neniar Buna rae. s si the «lay, there was an ex- tin. match between Dr. ogles'« n. g Bed Borer seal W. Lovell's 1». g. Young ('oininodoro for 11,000, mile beds, three in live, in harness. It was won hy Young Commo¬ dore In two beata, K<',| Lover l>eiiib' withdrawn after tho second hent. Time, V:4.1. 2:43. The second race was fera purse of »ron, mile-hcifs, in harness, for borsea that never beat I'M in harness. L,.l.t borSM were entered for It, four of w Inch strirted. 1 hese were ban Mace's b. m. Lydia Thoropaou, Alexander Pat« tenon's or. ».Manhattan; B. Ward's b. g. Trenton; ami M. Kudiiis b. g. Twi.it. The betting ut the start wua 1,1 favor of Lydia Thompson against the Meld, but the know¬ ing ones were badly taken m, for Alerk Patterson's brown stallion Manhattan won m three straight heats; LrdiS taking second uiuue.v, Twist the third money, and Tren¬ ton distaoci a m the Brat heat Time.2: iij, 3:30, 1:371. The third race was fura luirse of 01,000, unie hcits, best three in live, in harness, for horses thai had never beaten ¦i u in harness. There were four uatrtaa, all o( which, except Mr. Botten'e i>. g. Little Fred, started when the Judge's bell raus, Tntawaa a most ungular race; belle of Brooklyn winning the lint und second heats easily in 2.11], 2:.rJt, und the od.ls or lion to »ft imlug begging on her winning the race, itut the "glorious uncen of the trotting turf were never more strikingly exempli, Bed, for the favorite died away to nothing In tbe third beut, and was badly beaten. Cora winning the l.iat Ihrto bents cleverly. Time, 2::uj. x:\H. 2:32, 2*14, «I'UKAKI. D>»SB r»»sse U L, Jit.» J.-M,.t.:li fur SLOW, alia but«, lUr«e ia Ire, lu Inn!,-»« W Uii b. %. Yeniiir ruiniiKslors. 1 1 1 J. kturuVj» ti. |. P><1 R,.r.r. i i di Was It«*. 1:41 litas l»V. PSfSS «f (MOI in Ir Sail», Ihrrr In |rr, In turcs«. |M) W»m lh«i »fi.r l,r,U:4J in birat-u, Irai Iiuim> Utu.r «fcJsi, »rv,ii,l, *¿i«'. tbirl, ei * A. r»'lrri,,u'< !>r . Matiliittin. 1 1 1 ll. >l«,r . I, 10. I.v.h» ll,on¡,.i u. 3 3 1 II. IU.I.» ¦ li. f. T«i»|. Ï i ." K. V\ »ri'» b. g. Treulos. il.«. T.iiir-«':.*'.. Jïi, |,JT|. 8.ne di», Pn-«i nf »lix». mil« br«u. lu b«rn*»», fer hnr»r» Il »t ¦ em Seal ï.29m litrot-.i, 6rit bor»r, *,(«!, mchh!, Sl*>; tb.ni. »IM. 11 IBf-r'« 1,1. ra C.,r«.2 2 1 I I J V. NixliMei, li. ¦ Br i. .f llronkljo.11233 1). Slice . li. k Waalari Ne* V.r»..'..3 1 J 2 I Ths« i:»t I'SMj, 1:91, i;34 337. HARK BALL MUTUAL VS. KlKrOIU». Tlie fjrajiie f li.it ia to be played to-diy on the I'nloii fjroumla between tlie Mutual« ami Lckfntds »hou'd be the Beat Of the season thm.far. The Mutual» w Ml have to do much better than they did In th take tbe ball from the bckfords,as the tatter Club have dupla) cU Irat-ctaM phijiiiK tin-, mason. STAK V?. AI.I'MAS. The Koine between the Stare and Alphas, on the Ciipiioiiiui O rounds thi'- afternoon, u m be «« :i worth attending, rue contest win bo a clout: out', boih Clubs bate fctrong miic«. MUTl'AL V?. ORIENTAL. The game played yeeterdey on the Dnion (¡round.-., in i w ecu those will known Clubs« mured ta be later.ties'. The kfntesla have not ptayed tin-« asaaos as their first-class reputation ealla for. Thia u probably owiiiK tn the fact that they have not met their eauatt ysl, bat it la net a good plan to cultivate tlm habit of ptaytasj earetessly. The (relente!« did w.-.i, ami succeeded m keeping the score of the Mutuais down to is, und in liltinliiK up Iheil ovvu to 6. tuf, nrjBUMi ri.in-NKw-ïuiiK ra, brookltst. 1'hese Dines of the Tribune (_'lul> play their fint mat« h gansa of tin« season tin» afternoon on tue sronnds of the iturnilde Clnb, adjolnlng the Union U rounds, WlllUmsburs-b. Alilmmrii amateurs,tse play¬ ers are by noineaaa maSUTa.ua the game to-day will demonstrate. The ntayen setae evenly matched, the iviine promises to be ctooelj contested. ?QUATICa The Atlantic Beat ('lubof Hobeken havrere- eii ete.l tlie ullu . r.1 of l.mt year, as follows : Matthias It. Anioi'i, PreeMeeli Joseph Unseal!, ^Ice-Prcsldenls I* i»iiitvi«i,iie Inilth. Wnaoillaifbsielaiyi Joseph stanase, li.r T it'. 11 e.i-irer. »ml Was. A. limier, charles Bpleltnaan, Jr.,and EnssaS L. Inveattaatlns C.Diittee. The well-known Atalanta Boat Club of tliis Cltt have n. pied the cbsllense of Vice Admiral Port« r, si i n.- snlUmt to rou the siidsliipmen of the {(aval Academy a six-oared race at any time the latter may <m hire. As tbe students of the Naval School rank as first- classai I the Atalautua have la standard reputation m aeraek rowing «.-lab, tiic rasa .huubi prove a close and eadiias «. A nSCTJLlAB Ai»Mir.i:it OF THI POt.rrr (in Tliaiaday cveniiii:, while Barjaaaart Wm. M,i lary of the Fourteeeth Preetoet wa«nittinK in front of the Bprlae at. Poltas Itsttan. s wesms camo to bim, and said ihe entertalm-d a helfe reicard fur the PottaS, and fur him in jiartii iilar. An a j>ronf of lier rt'Kard, the w i, m 111 bande I the 1er reant a ptaoa ot paper, w hieb, su us, be saw ws» a checa í,,r 1900, drawn on the ¡..uir.b) Aaron Hardman. real estate »sent, »! hit of Broadway and Broome-st., in favor of Louisa Murai I, sod Indorsed by her. He rave it back to the vv ,<man. and she a cam li.iti.ted il to him, and wulked away, itetday, Scrseant Mi ( lary t all« <i en Mr. Ham- man, und showed; him tbe check, and he prououoced it venulne The Sergeant then took it to Superintendent Kennedy, aud, hy bi< direettau, deposited it «^ith the prupvrtj i ..Ik. The woman, la uppearunee, was saber an.i »an« at the time, but as she hua not slues ea the chi i k, u ii iiiuii^ht «i.e could mu bare ben « Itln ¡. t'Al'T. MILLS TO IL Ll l'l;IMANl)LI>. Capt Natliaiiitl B, Milli t»t' the Bighth Poliee Precinct, who was recently on trial before the Hoard of :«, .m u afearas of bariag sold ticket.'« far the propriétés el s etoaaa and menacerto tn Eastoe, Pa has been sentenced by Ihe Hoaul i<, be repi li iiv President Bo«worth. Oonmltslitnci Breunau - to have been In favor of dlsailsalns Opt. Mills, remainder of the Hoard WSfS averno to line extreme meaaere, ¦.. HALTMOl'Tll 0OLLBOB. The ¡irTo (if tin- aldea» Betabel ol the irradu- stnnr elass si Dartmouth taSS y cart« and live month-, and that of the younaest II yean aad 10 months. Edward B. r irfeer of Brookune, N. li umi of the senior etaaa, tl t- mouth Coll«'ire, bus ben elected lu deliver tho Centennial Posean! etasa day,ea theaath ef July uezt, Tr»other appointments are follows: Marshal, C. U'. itarthtt, Durham, N ll Orator, K. V. Undstay, Atatead,H. U; i , . poet, M H. ii.1er, Newport, VI ; Chronicler, il. i;. Moiilleili. M, Indo,, Kails, \t; i'lophet, 8. A. Phillips, Pramlnsbam, Maas.) Address to PrteMeat, C. H. c.ok, (ir.eti-boro', Vt Addrets at the tree, A. 8. BtalSdell, 11.4% i-t lull. Man« Odlst, .1. MoE. Drake, Bye, N. H. Among ,l"' notable» who have »ip-nllled their intention of beina; present st tbe Centennial eierclsea are Freshtsnt i.rtnt. (¿en. Hlienniin, Cfelef Justice Cbuaa s graduate In tbe class of IBM the Kncllsh Ministe* rntheUtated state», the Hon. J. Vi.Orluie» «if Itiwa, the Hon. .lohn Wentworthof Cbleaeo, hu Excellency Owe. Jewell of Coiiiicciiciit, fíov. Steams of New-Hampshire,aad ex- fj0«r, lei,ton of NevvVoiU. The I'rt'M'iit Karl of Dart¬ mouth n lineal desosadas! sf tb«» patros from whom the Collesje derives It» naiiie.lutt not M yet n tinned a de¬ em vc answer t<> ihe Invrtattan »xten«esd to tniu. 7HE con:is. in.' ntceej PI ahmikalty. Judge Blatcbford bat ètdàeâ the Mtowitg eolllstou caaes Hi'lterl S. ¡> Si-itmoni axt. The Stftimboat Spray..Tliis ws» » libel filed bv the owner of tlie llrltlili selmuner Rlicsbeth, to ne.,Ver for » eellfatae in tho La»t Uvee on tile lOttl of September, ISM, between the Si'lloUlier and a barge towed nv Ihe steamboat Norny. tliebsrsestrikini; tbeseheener umtdshlps, »«.rmu'tiy damnxliiK ner. Held that the evidence ShOWB that the Jdlot of the Bl»r»y *»W the schooner in season t<> avoid the eolltatan, und that the collision waHowltiK'«' reehless msnsftfuieut on tbe part of the Spray, and a daeree in ordered for libellent, with OMt*, wllh a reference t«> computo daiiiutrei. rutro-k ('. ilxtklrr iimiJoëtuh T. .\ruton agt. The Steatn PropeUer Vmt Thia wua a libel tiled by the owner» of the steamboat I.illle, to recover damnifcs for a eolltatan between her and the Unit,In tin« Ninth ltiwr, ontha mornlns of the -*'J«1 of (fovewber, ihî7, «shereby the l.illie wan ninW. The ('niirt hold» that the t'nlt Wua In fault, In not bavlni; a proper lookout, »ml m iuiiiiIiik at too liir.li speed Mat the »tip between l'un Ni», lo aud n, where the collision todk place. Otittr (' l»i/*on mid John Hrrotn »gt. The Memi.bnat Cayuffn, -The»»»nalheat Ploatltis Battery,owned by tlie llbvlants, while belna towed by the Cayussa down ths lludsou Itlver »tunk on the rocks near Went Point on tbemornlos of the ^7th«if May, 1SIT, aad wuaeuak. The Court holds that ti.r oanal boat struck throush ths neslicenee of tha (ayuíta In anffbrlns her to swlns too far to tho weit wind in ciuuli'if urouud M.i^iulne Point, and orders a dcciee for the Iliad.Hit» for the value of tho beet eel her seraje, wkasfe were totally but, with costs, ami oresma a reiereesa t«» a»cci-tuia and reaeti tu» uiuoiiiiluf damasee. ACH(»N P0I nil' CUaTODY OF a CHILD- KXM IN COUMT. fn re Jane Ellen O'fàiswe//..Stipreinc Ctnirt ( ham'xri..Carduio, Justice..Tina was a haboai cor¬ pus brought by a mother to ret oiBi hi r ehlkl It sppasvra that Bums BSrea oi »/lebt year» sifo, after the death of it* father, tIm» mother, belli*- iinabln to provide for lt. ja-r iiiitit'd th.« uncle to taVti it, or,as the untie my», «ave the child to nun. Itcceutly the mother married s^ata. sud now b«-in»' able t4> support the child, endeavored to re- salnher. The aaeto appeared with the «luid and itsu'd lhalhehadehsras ef ib«- viiild srer since lu tafauey, and thill the child was now attached to tilin.aiitt WSS very unwilling to r'o ta Its mother. The Court, liowever, dt'cidrd that the mother wan i utitlcd to the «.¦'¦->> w * ,? uncle then left tlie court room, sUtlng tbst be arU'ui«! look to the mother for tlwt eipwine» iiuurred slMiuliiie child. The child at once commenced cr) Inn. »«'I a*'"* liik.u by the mother from the ««.urt «x.tn. SSelae '¡<M "ie cle sKsiu, at ouoe ran to bim aud cluug to Inm wlin lucn fnnv! that It was Impossible to separate them. The eon« fusion attracting Judge (»rdoio's attention, lie directed the parties to bo brought before him. and after talking a little while with the lutin gnl. ha directed thai sh«i be fe.fl for a few days with her únele, until it could he sees whether «be could bo reconciled to go with her mother. ALLEGED HEAVY PJUUXM BY BANKRUPTS. Michael I.onvitt and Morts If. Pliilltj.«., mer¬ chants ami auctioneers of Hartford, win. had heroína bankrupts, were orrsstod in this city, and brought beforo Oemmlssionei Betts, on InforrasBoo that an indictment had bseu found against them, in the United Hiatos I>;s- tnct Court of Connecticut, charging them with having, on the 1st of JaBBsry, hW, while Insolvent, se« reted a large sitioutit uf diy goods and money, of the toUi valu« of 140,000, belonging to tlirlr estate, with in .-ti t lo prevent It from coming Into the hand» of the assign, c in bank¬ ruptcy, and thhs to defraud their cn-dlturs with having (ailed to disclose, false and fictitious debts agaiuat their catate; with having pretended to «nfler grest losses lo their business bv making fleUu >us statement» in relato.a (hereto, and witli having llleifiiliv «list.u of goods which bad been obtained on credit, and wei« not paid for. by »hipping large «luuntiiies of tbem to Hpnngftelil, Mass., and elsewhere, to be sold at suction for uhalev« .' t Hey might bring. Th.- défendants were held for an ex¬ amination on Tuesday next. MBCOKHHh Supremo Cotirt-Sp... ul 'lYriii.-Iiy Ingra- .'.i",:,.THl,n ¦«'. Tl"' Mayor. Ac.unplalut «IIm.iImm .1. Meet Atlinr iigt. lo|,y ,.t al., Judgment for plaintiffs. Beiden sgt. Barley, motion for new trial dented, with lio c<e.ts. MrAulitfe agt. Attrldga et si., lodgment for plain- itr according to opinion, hiugüuiu agt. Dlsbiow el a), Judgment for defendant Supreme Omit Chambers, by Clerke. J. Kirby art. Bsrnaooet aL, Bsotion to dissolve is denied with IM ois iiy(ai.|./..i, J.-De Harry agt. I. let Associa¬ tion, Bocel rer removed, 6c. Budge et ai. agi Sewberger er al., motion granted. National Bank of Metropolis agf. \\ illiiMti", motion grant, il on payaient of costs of th.» it nu, and sTOcosti of motion. In rs. Ban« at «. s m ax randa of dscislon. Relel ttuelok, motion «I«-- luetl, costs to abide event. 4LLB0KD n:\iT) and imujiky i?y a h.\nkiu*pt. Iloaea E. Craeto, a ¦rail known politician, was brought before roamlasioaer Belts rastord ay, ehsrged with bavins frsnilnlautlv omitted t.. save a full statement of bis debts tn the schedules ap|x mied tohm petition in bauBToptcjr, and with having commUt fol aad eoni.pt porjarjr la swearing that the schedule» were eorreef. He was dlsehorged oa his own reeognbtanes te app«'.ir for oa examination os Mondar. Itlaclalmed by Craeto that the charges are utterly gronodlsss. TIIK VN'ION PACfPfO LrTTOATfOMB. Pollard agt. Tkt Union Ptteifle Unihmy, nmi other»..Cardoso. iTustice.- Motions' lu this ease wero made in behaU of Messrs. Craue A Tattle; aad Mr. Oak«-» Ames, to ten.ove the cas«-, »o far ss they » ere concerned, to the t'niteil States Courts. Mr. Justit«; Cardoso said ho bad done in previou» niotiona«g a similar character. that ho ahsoht await the decision of Judge Nelaos ha * ease Involvíng tbe same qaeatlona After - nie diseña- »Ion, ths parties snbniitted po Id and Shearman for plaintiff* ; Mr. Clark Hell and Judge Eiuotl for defendant». AI.LECIMD flUT.I.TV TO A HUMAJT, William .1. Croeby and Man in Smith, renpoo. Jirely. the Csptain and Plrst Male of tha Aroerieaaahip Margsret, lately arrived from Hong Kong, ;t"d now lying at the fnor of MSldeB-lano, were l.rotOfht liefere Coiiimln- skMiBr abielda reotordsv, charged with having, nu the I7tb of l i-t ¦'< the high sa-, ri beatos one of the crew named Albert tOmsen, with a iie.aying pin. They were betdtn |l,oñbau,esoh,farea examination, to take place at OOOB to-day. AJfOLD cask. At Essex Ifnrket Palies Court, yeatefttaj. beforeJoatieeMsnsfield,Thomas Thomas w.i* ahanjad with a larceny, committed in June, ísrs. Lortag J. son, of No. »i Oak-»t., Oreenpoint, makes aflMavtf that Tliomas took the chest of ship carpenter's tools worth lloo, from ths fool of Iwelflh-st. The watchman al huetlt n's yarti. Identified tbe prisoner as lbs thlsf. Be ldi-aded not guilty but is as fully eommiited in default of bail. _ A HEAVY CABI AND HEAVY BAIL Jnmr.i K. Lyon agt. Tko$. M. hdi, John Kri~r,timl WotOO* I' l_rr. -Superior Coarl, «"hitinbcra. Mi ("torn, Jii is ¦ Hint f,u the cunversion of |l.', ir-o of hotels. An older of Hir.-t hoi b en granted against too deb iidaiit.-, klag tlielr lui. at $-.s..ooo. CKIMINAL. At tlie Tomba Police Court, yeatenl ty, Alder¬ man Moore committed Beory Monter on a charge of larceny. Margan t th yaolds ôf Bo. H Tenth-sve., mado «uiiphtiiit tliitt on tin :id lint, a u 1..11CU of f.male wear¬ ing apparel, valued at BM, \t from her apait- mi-iit. On notadas night <'fitter Christopher arrested the oeoossd m the Sev. >Bow« p, and foaau la hla !.<"<*<¦«- Ik*n B portion of tbe stolen property.I. ite on Thurs¬ day night < ifticer Tbomp .'n of tlm Barbor Pohes saw two men receive two Cabs of but termer ths Bids of one of tho Pacific Moll steamships, lying at tho foot sf Canal- M. Hi fore the thieves eiuilti pud SWS/ ill their boat tine wore taken into eostody, Tbs men gavs tho names of Patrick Hlcgina and Michael Fiuley, and said they hod in «-u employed by a man en the steamer to 'ike the baiter away. They were committed for trial.Tboaaas hsaith was yesterdsj arrested on tbe cbargs of bavlsg stolen from tie.- store of Messrs. rjpgeor .^ Co , at the corner of Washington and D two tuba oftbutter. Tbe so» cused coufooscd lo« «uilt. and whs committed for trial. VFWS PACKAOgg POB I It! !' r»|.uin« «o.i ismofwssSsaia I- o«r |.a.-k«,.. .- I'rra« «alf t.-r,..o« albitanas Iba »viun aathonir «f J. W. sln.au«*«. <)«B.-r*l . raises«, (. I. , a r Kfi.r lhtiokrtU «Imu.J Sil 1 u«;» u ¡I.« u:u« prnons. flin.tr« PA88KNÜ KR8 A BBt VED gFli. M IIAV.1NA-- fs SUMSmMp Morro Tsstf«. Jim« 1-Mr moir« ,:.,l faal rs. II. A. Bail« 0 M..» -. el Prr,«ot. M H I.--. M.« Matnll, >!. fraU Un. - n |ttsr, M llirrlfic, »if« S»! rl.l..irr-n. II. lo;»!..» Jul.n vi¡:n, Mr, lAiirlsu.l ....I _«. Mr I.-.),.... U II., I.!.- .,..!... Th..,., .m k ,.n,l, , k ...( l'RtnAÏ'A W KATIIKS RKI'tlgr-9 a. «. -, .¿/m,.,, V». ;»rr ra u..»' .to ri.una.« «f."J Nr«i.rl.I ii'lr.bS WliKuri«:!!»«.Ci« .1».75 I.S^ l.«U.ti.lt.J Osvsss.« .*".M Buj»,u.Bslalai.TO PitwBurfh.l'iasr.-;S rtilfaïn.« -linitlr.*l ... i.TO BseOs.i «»ir.*a Au»-«t«. «,«. t ir«r .:H S«nnn,n. Cl«>r .7.1 .(..«ritt Ksi«..7.| : '.7«i K-r VW.I. | Haraoa.Class.** 5«D,1« Ilook.. MIBUTI Ith k-StABSft .»i«. 7:i~ M.s.« ISM.* 0* osvas Tau OAi. «04 Ou»'! UlintL. 4:14 | Hall Oit«. «Il SlUPPLSG ISÏELLluKNVi:. ruUT OK ggW-fOU.J'iu' 4. CLE VUI'I». SUsBMbu a.barian. f.alnl, <ü«.ujo«f ; K. W. llruo--, K..«l*r, Bilt.- ««r«, Raralty, v\ II« i Still.It,lu. - «'!»". H«rk«-Mjrr i |., la. Dalla.M tsassi TV ,!.¦« rst-lurJ. TrloMidj Clr.ilaego«, Ai rn, CusSagSS, Ir.i.lü. Ki«r,ru. lurk M.I l«ulltl| Msfgant hJs<rJ. Ttaornaa, lU»r.- à Mai Uiflfaltsr fo« »r- d«r«; Taraiaa, «j».1«, a.iricaii.», II« II r. Bal. Krunierj. (ur un!«r»; Kag»i. Pañi i SI Mar . lia.; s. iiuiíuu., U«bi.:u>, .1.« Bfdftjrtl; Uauall » -t..n. U,i^»_í ...io«nl.>. Pi-narlli R.ta.li for or ¡rri. Alfir»ttt, Rotlii-rrord, i~>rul,i«|¡i)<. I'imi'i!, All« I ;»»«« «>»«", t.np'.il. Mil.')»- Uri.l.ii, QuiasOuSS saf SlSSTSl tv..««r Vlift.i. «i -i9.i!i». «Jui r^jiuwu or KjI- Hi.nUí fur onlír»; Ardir.'t. W .lia» i yn»«:<»t..»n or 1-ali.iouttl fur ut- dru. Aua, l'ior>. «i.l ra.i.ir, VVil.la^too, Ma l Si-rir»...M B. narrt«,Cal« Hsrris(taa, M'; ShaerTsykv. Bato, l'.tiVtm. ». A. Kí.ci.rr. Wllaaw, I'ooi.lrDi-«; fi. J. sii.ali UaliUe , llrn Borl ' Hi.ilifr Nr«. W'Wh. f*r«TJ«t«1«Trs A 1>. ;...rl.-, Ar-,. At «< o, I'. H. WbiU-S«», 'laT,,.r, ll-,»:..!,. lh-i. OQfSr, «' i.rr. g*«1 nrt|...rt, .SrU)ta««, Brtaut, >a»bartpu<l¡ buuiaa li*at<». hrlli. l'r..i.útuor. AUUIVKI». at«*m»blp Morro Cutir, Adam«. Matan», Maj W. aad Naaaaa 31«t .,l>«. «ud pass. Bri« K"«m« sur. LMasy, Milk RlT«r. Jam., ») t'.ari, k>jwo«i. hrlir. W. It. CWSTS, Ahiirr K:*uihrrs 8 dst«, fnni. Srhr. H«W« M. Wal M,-It««, l'ar« U dm bid.« btlir. B. C Bsrilair Dt a *, >. ;...<. Ss; ledat«. sa«L kb"'>^sss. «i»a» imp ii.iri.i«. JalluS Wftib, \ Aiuii^ W. Col tu». Ballimor». ilaij PlcrauB. AWuadri«. A.frnl Hall. \ nf.uu. DOMgSTIC PORTB, SrurToü. Jnn« 4.Arroisl. «¦. N .'«riD.i, from Ci,.«f»«fn«; Aant« loi¡riiu. fn.iu II»'- «us. KBT*. y Y ll».! from Jaaiaies; N|^r, fo.« Cal falatsl Arctic from l'rsiacola tirana« Mat« »i I Mar;, fruta atoa» Yatfc. KoRTSS»» MriNsos. Jiib« 4..Pi»««din for Baltlm.ir«. hnp Echo, fr«-o M«7«KOra, Amoi M. lto!i»rt« le.iu Anoto. !' K. *-hi*. y Sit- t«Tl*7 anil «Viitral Amrri-a Itvni \V«,t lu.hr«, VickaS.,rf. trun Dmi. ¦SIS. r«av« «ut, «lr«iuib.p I.e.pl.t-, for Brru.ro, br . Joliti Kicba.da, for M. Thi.nia«. >n ,'k.s. ISOO, Jttnr X.«".r.rtsl. «lip« AlbslTaS, M Manuailloi Frai.Miu. [or lloug Kou^.wllh l.lvS) laua Sour. S»i!rtl. Crut l'atil.- sa CSMas. POSKIOM PORTS. BocTHiaiPToü. JtiiM! d .1 ¡.r aic«-..bis llataBoiui, ftosi Sr« T»rk ll.i. 14, arrtrrd al tl.il port at I a. St. tM« moroHif. UsoaoSBOaat, Jus« 4..Tu« «U.aaia'ip hi. Alilrea. fioia ««"urhro, arrnrrd al tl.u port to-dar. floTt-Warum'i |tflttcr. STaTS i>» H««T»«t. FokT Wasnsir»' Urncs, go M WilUas«-«! NOTICE is hereby given, ta oçcor-ianee with Bssass 4 ef ll,« Arl !»«-. A(.rrl 14, l*-\.¦'<¦ '¦""d "A« It'll« ¡r^ni.uilr'lU«" W..dr««ri.S««i"ll.« !'«H W B«« 1. «( »<£..»£* IBUS-wKrd m or b«rin« «a«.»« «I «". ".'»J«'« m»U" .' ."-«. '"I"!". «sWau.rT.rVu "' u.l 57 hgwma rssssll SN ««. «ud«r ««a»«* lr,,.Li.laU»l».lla«U.da). ««« .««wdlsi Ou. «uU>«. w. busrd «sM ««.Ml«: , _ , ,jp a Mraaiablp dti-«af Boaton.«£ J Siri.nih.p Im»«: Brll.___"?«£ BliS-MBIpTsfUB....... W?i, Ï M...._..s Mono llsatl«.uJ^V. Kkip A«»fc«iti'ir«.«i, » i' lia.kMiiiC. roí.Mfil.taiuaUich. B.rkAad»««..;.^"fft"1,.- Ha.k K..U« SW1.. «"¦ ". lintB««lrii>..Hckrarka. |lrn,ll««D«h(J.1'r*,t,/*... BfisgsW«.[u\*- Brtf T«»Hr«4k«i«.se0««rk'«. Unf U.U-.rrraise*«. Bnn llatll«« BuSof.liai« a, Kritf Julia K H.akr'l .All»ul <. !'«t ScSr. MomB Br»tB««J!.«SB. K. MlgTslilKilb TUMI'MHS. rr«_d»«t J. Ar-i-l H ««Ut .ay ».rrfcrl. &tt¿bin{ CatoJ, *i. T WM EVERDELL1" SON'S, No. 104 Ful« . u^i-wganiau ¿Akiii -. mi iTATiOsaar. il«ui

New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1869-06-05 [p 5].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1869-06-05/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · rnfMissws work /v EMWTOMK cm. ggSlîITS OFm *«>Tfia PASTPAST

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1869-06-05 [p 5].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1869-06-05/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · rnfMissws work /v EMWTOMK cm. ggSlîITS OFm *«>Tfia PASTPAST

rnfMissws work /v EMWTOMK cm.

m *«> PAST UVF. YKAItS.SrtïKAI»ggSlîITS OF Tfia PAST' *l

¿DVAWCE.or Mission c 11 a i li-» a *-»»

With the .roi.stiiHdionui.diiicoMH.iationof» i » ......... ..r .r .nivat on

New York OH athnsea, the atdeet union organisationoTtl. kind lu the city, and tho various new missions

lu.uVura.ed thcewith. there has been a very general

13..^ «he whole line of aggressive Christian

¡gort in this and lu other cities. A very brief review of

ni60/ tüe more Bseentaeal poluta worthy of notice in

the luiprt.vtd cou.lit.on »t City Mission» within the few

oast years, »ill encourage every citizen to continue hie

cooperation, sympathy, and supportA» soon ».« the gaaantlrl Committee of tbe City Mission

resolved upon a i (adjustment of their BfaleakOl Bfee»ajases and as astargamentel their plans these vea boss-

piirrfl b aartaa at maetlega. eswspaeer articles, Ac

lining the five years that havo elapsed sine the first.i in this direction thai ¦ heUl

BJ BTSant satoS pul'lic drmoristratlons in the larger halls

411.1 BhewaaaSj besides asmareta of smaller ttaaahnvmy and Committee meetings. And there have been

hBSJSd U valuable reports and emmaaeate. con-

tag an hnaaenaa amount of anserlant ami

reetwertbj information on evangelistic work, and

»so newspaper artl lea m the way ef statement,.arge.me,... appeal, and i. In-tuition on the vanoui topic- of

Iks raneta, cause, havo appeared m the public prints

lasa i »reneed nehlk feeling endet-.,ud our sntarprtotog b *uTj

responded to the sew calls made soon their tl«i.m the time proviouMy specified, tbe eon-

tr battens to the oty ttsastaa havo sawontad m the ag-

Bjaa/ee for the support of Mlling of MlSBtoa Chapels; !

da of deliara for Beading Boosaa, Tea

Concerts, and Other adjunctsB t. In the Ifreed ei information on the

... oiiditmnof thepoor in BOW>v k, and in the general dtffaatOS of a new epirit of

I in the cityM unity, and pu«

f ust fulness. Tl < '¦ CityijHrdtal city MlaataB, Ü Behool

..a. and ether similar organisations.falli/, ,i,: ssd inatrnasaataUnes,seat salted tar larger dosattasa, le a recent aUteasenltatheaewapapi »redthai the MethodtalMlssionbad withm tliree years raised and exp<

t lyaas ta buiHttag fearman aTnaBrtahlhjtaitao. tha roth-are ftvebytartas, and tho Fenrth-ave. fieshjtallSB Cherehea have,within the same period,m i-id an <-,| u d amount, and arseted thrtü chapels for

.inder their own t hutch care, and at the same

tin» 1. ¦> freer/eoatnbated their thousands of dollarsto the Datas Undenominational City Missions. Tiefmiiicd Chen i . ibltahed three srlaataa chapels;BssatotChm i iuihe work, ui.d

the inars Preebyteriae Cbareb, which has

Bees a pioneer iu mission work, bus justa amenai for anoili.i iQsetoa

Chars L The ar<i Chores, 8< Panl*a Methedtot Church, theCajinaasi Preehytartaa Cfeerefe, and others aro retotogti." means for putting their missions ou a permanentb»sl-, in suitable edifices. The Wilson Mission, that bus» eutol1rni. lately bought a property corner ofKhrhthae, sad Avenue A, where they will provide

snd appropriate ehapel accommodations forthear grewtog mmbera, Iks Holy Trinity »ProtestantEpiM-op.il ( i.iiiili have ont Bf S SBSt SbBOfll of IMS I llgsUlftarns, ai.d sis aajrforUnf live or tlx distinct mission

ttonaIn all, there are 125 Protestant Missions in thlB city,

.where Sabbath h> hooks, and preaching, and other r*Jbj>ousaiidmoral service» for adult*, or children, or both,me regularly cam. d on. Of this number, 41 ann,.ineptly settabHshcd in suitable, commodious, churih-UfeS buil.lii'g-, with the ministry¿the ordiiiaiices, sad the, .ruinent that usually appertain to chinches, though

v ha bed regntarty incorporated as such, Otheraof Usase BBkatane VfU ari.e und build during theyear, and some will doubtless, one day, becomei a anmenrs aalf-aeppertlagj aetf-gorernlng, In«

lient church's. There aro already more

than a million of dollars, invested in various chapels andehnrehes, and hundreds of thon*aad*e»f dollars arc an-

t the support of Bahadsnsrjrid for the gi

,iry work. Recently a aam-in i of taadlagtngneuttal assaef the Methodist deaead-nation started a fond of ajeanM to i»- « spended laing site«, and erecting ehapeta end eharehea,sal

on the lines of the lar«M,,dm« |.oImiImii,.i. Tina n«il.Jo example of church

-on wilt di nhlieos be followed by the Otta r «lei,on.i-aattans« and the rgirti of Christian phihtathropr new

onr city will set haaiattaged until the bk.' -. I'd ¡ove shall he diffu.-,,] tiuougii




Although t he local preacbere oi the atetbod-sst Cbarch have for some time past been diseosstag the

<ju- . t ttafeen the recent that Une of Mr* Mags.

ll consideration, they have no right toCiv ( n,}i, on the «location. Tbsl

be 1« ft to the Anmi.-.l Conferences. Thtwhs .il te tata lady« who ta familiarly hias "Willow- Van (n't," is more unexpected, probably, to

'tilintóle . unesrtly tin- resalí of a

feiiibiriÄtion of circumstances arhlefe rsiay be almostcalled ssshtental ins known beyond a

<1 t iii le lest A].ul, at Urn tlisio of then of the Kew-York Methodist I

J Conférence, when the Presiding Iof the BlenrlDe district, te the cuise of his re-

st»«t««l tUat be had, daring the year, given o

preacher's license to a woman, und that tho result» of her

¦bants/ had attested n»o wisdom of his action.

pr ¡'i lv struck some of the reversad gentlemen thereaasaaaatai es rather se anerosehsaent sa their field oflabor, and some little discussion arose. A motion war»»trie di-<.pprov lug the eonrse of Mr. l'ergusoti (tlmelding Kl.lei i atea a motion expressing the opinion ei theCoiif.i«ne that aromen should not fee tlaooei .1 as preach-

It was at a! ] that Ihs matterone of too »great Importance to the church to be

en hastily; and neither motion pre¬vailing, a ( opointe.l, to whom the .feels.un.) it vv.i- n ferrad, SMI v«h.> t., m directed to report at

t)m . v( ar from thatnui.-, in the aaeeeth finnei proafjhlsg. tfeorafearing n«, q no expr sstan of a wi-h that she afeoalpeidl.tr miiil-terlal functions pending tbe deliberationsof the Committee. The memlrers of the jireachers' meet-

f this city, tin,ling a live «îuestlon ready to

I..l.aiid feeing lafested, dtiubtless, with bomo of thef,v,r with abtat the "Wtimin's spiiere" «pjestion basDl. il the political aud social atmosphere, took up fordebata the qneattan, "Ought women to receivelicenses »s local presrhers in the Methodist Epis¬copal Church t" probably to the great reliefby tboae regular attendants of this clerical debatingclub, arfeo hud feotsaed to the asnadereea eeeaUtoa ee.' How to Have tlie r,,or." and " How to Have the Itich."For three long days the matter of female pica« hi: .

bandied jiro and SSSJ by those who best ought to iiikIcietaud ll ; and right on the eve of the laut dt bate tl<

Ject of ail this pother preached, it is said. B rou-li .

moii m the Dantas Method! Chorea In this

City, thus showing that, womanlike, She WBS bound to

have her own way asilongas she could, or. as she woul 1

probably express it -that febc will follow the promptingsof the «pint so long as she shall be permitt< d.

The history of Mrs. Yaii Cott's public life is simple audbrief, fche is apparently between thirty aud thirty fiveyearsof «ge, and until about two years ago was |dent of this city. Phe was a member of Dunne st.Met).wi..-t Erdseopal Chnreh, which bei leeaalh/feaiaremoved to a new bouso of worship on Hudson it. Iau active, renions woman, she found a ready outlet forenergies in tho city tateston TOffe Thlsfe WBB all Sbsnther. kj|,e «sas hii I tarafe/,

ai .wi.o i.i- die.t within the tastrear.Bin-t - famillaii/cd with rprnVing and eximít-

ago last February sheanaeeeertaM te tue faimiy af »Mr. andiene»/« ta tagtown of Inuliain, (in em; County. Her talent as. a re¬

ligious speaker w,.i then discovered by bor taking»nt In the prayer meetings.as Methodist women are

eeeastomrd to do.and »be was prevailed upon, muchSgm.st ber will, t«i thke charge of a prayer in« otlng, felMJn has district school house, graas this time » great rt-

Mge.u» levivai spiaug up. MhS continued to bold meet

feaaavaed her fertaf Invitations to sin, ..v gr. w

g eaheetatJons, wfetafe fei la est rysha g hat aas r iae»«nensi irai too small f.n thecr.wd» which tbronged to hear and to BBS, »nd the

finir« h was placed »t ber snaBSMat, AfterIhs A. V. Morcboiise Invited her to

v«i TTtadfeSBB. vfeaai she aasest »is week», andassesses] asgh4g«gvs ].< moi»» int., ffee ahaeetBtaa she »«nt toi ulro, where she tontiuered apathy and»Pl-osition, und created an inU-iise excitement. HmoeHia'im,, »¡^ i,u, devoted benvlf alu out entlr« ly to

bold,i,|r mbgtsna notetings, lu which she doe« a good dealef talkiuf, nnivh, saalM told her totgitg»Uou last huu-

day night, they could call preaching If they rbose. * that

was their lookout." Luring tho pact year one of the

Qaorterlj Oonfersooes, en the EBenvlllc Distrlet, neoavm«o,tl«d Mrs. Van Cotf fora license as a local preacher,and tbe Presiding Llder be!i« ving, it is said, that he had

no option in the matt« r, gave her a license to preach.This may havo given BMW! might to her ministrations In

the minds of some, but liasjin r¡o respect changed their

character. Mr«. Van Gut is of medium size, with noth¬

ing of the masculino element apparent In her bearing.She seems like a thorough woman, though an enrnent

one. She is one who would Impress her personalitystrongly an thon who allow themselves to como within

her intliii uce. Baa has a clear, strong, incisive voice, ami

au OBtigst Ir. though not ucrvoim, manner. Her style,her language, her gesticulations, are all her own. There

Is a lack of eoOSSeatlveaosa about her sermons, and pos¬sibly they could be more polished; but should alio at tempttuber to be exactly cousecutive, or to give to her remarksall the polish w hn h kIu- is eminently fitted to give th« in,

her originality w«iuld be gone, lier great effect i vcncbS

tosh As she Is she must be accepted, and as she is, sheranks as oneof the great exponents«.! woinan'selo«j.ucuce.


Tn the pourrai nRpoct of tlirntrical affairsthere is little to arouse kindly interest or stimulate pleas¬ant reflet tien. Now, as often hetctofore, " the almightydollar" is the chief object of pursuit. Various persons aro

engaged, according to such Intelligence as they possess,In the business of conducting what they call theaters;but the idea that they have assumed anything mon« thana mercantile responsibility seeniit, for tho most part, to

be utterly absent from their minds. Little or no heed Is

given to the drama. Acting, as un nrt, may here andthere had a practical advocate; but, in tho main, the

especial object for which the stage was devised.thesoul of truth and power when l>y It has lived,aud flourished, and may claim consideration as one of

the forces I ifluencing the education of mankind.is alto-

gsthor ignored. This Ie not a new state of fait«. It has

existed for a long time. True, the monotony of this coarse

apretarlo of. money-grubbing under falso pretenses has

!¦«¦« n o.- usionally varied by B(apartOf honest dramaticeff.it and enterprise. A few persons, consecrated to tho

player*! mt, have tiled to act good plays well, and there-lu to keep faith with their calling, to maintain the stngeIn dignity and usefulness, and to }0!tffy Intellect and |S>tlned feelings in their ndvoemy of the drama as a

BaaaAMal and houoniblo institution. But, tempor.vrlly at any rate, the falso pretenses havo thebest of tho battle. Kcxt week only one tlieatt r

in Xew-Yoik.that of Edwin Booth-will present thadrama. The rest will be dsVOtOd to bosh, which will bo

;.red under the diiyuitf of drama. This is neithermote nor les.s thau mercantile subterfuge. What wo haveBo often sni«l before, tin -refer« -, 1« row m order, to be saidagain. The theater is not merely a place for the sale of

handln, it Isonathuignhoy aad seUgoods, andanother thing to admlolater the arts. The keeper of a

theater is a man of business, Indeed -but ha Is ftl«o n pre¬ceptor of the public asina, aad be saatoloa a r< b]scarcely less grave than that of the clergyman himself.Such a preceptor has no right to trifle with his trust. Ifho cannot fulfill bis duty, and ke«-p his theater opr-ti.ou the basis of good plays well acted, he had betterthat theater ami lOaOTl to pome simpler vocation.To say that tho public will not pay forgood plays well aeti-d |ls not to the purpose. If thopublic, Indeed, will not BBStalS tb cent tin uteis, tin-n it ¡s

best that those theaters should disappear. Their con¬

ductor-surely can tara to something els«-, less exactingmorally and financially, aid therefore more profitable.It is a simple alternative. The Ctuni.erlHiid sunk withher colors flying ut tho mast head, l'ailure is not

Ignoble in a good cnuse. But to prêt« nd to kip a

theater, and yet to turn it into a dance house or some¬

thing worse, is to ha guilty ol ImpoOtOf! i" to tli famethe drama by digiailing ils surioundings, and to

defraud society of the hem fits- which It oughtto neolV! fmm a noble end beautiful art. Nor

IS it a defense to say that society rspndlaln art,and prefers female cnlf, tn s. 1, at d red Bra The alle¬

gation is tintino. In every eomanaitr, of ooaras, thenarc fools and beasts who, instead of th«' dram«, -wouldprefer a rat fight or a BhOW of model artists. Titthat is no good r« ason wliy n tin a'lh-al manager shouldgive them what they want. Jim concern H with thedraauk la every community t: laed,

it.¦in att is la a sun;, i.-iitiy liberal wag. To d¡»-

eard these, nmi paador to tha Bioh, is wilfully to tin

wrong for the sake of gain. The plan l! at tin pabttej « HIhave tl,;-, and wont have hV other, A-i\. bM BSBne to lie

as disgusting as it Is trite. The public shouldfollow and not fort v< r bs ).. uotr, it t,. lead. !t Is pltltal,Indited, if iutcil« ctunl men m Be« ol oal afor can ¡on. and feed vntton ihn dirty haataonpays. This jiriietlt <. of SOOSesalaB to tue BSSOBMd a|ijietiteso? tin- bydrs nsadsi Mb has rott. fltoits fouiiilallon. Al.otlier «uuim.us «\il OOfBblOSS Withi!, too, m tlie influx, into tha tlini. f aleude«if outside barbarians-ulteily foi. _ win,

come to ipOCIBllte in IhSBB is nu tlo-y do in cotton and In

pork, lins«, ana, he It hen ntd, kaewno ann aboutth.- dramii. more about it, than iliem.mlnthe moon. LeoklBg al.out uj :i lie-, t n.m,

Ytuk. at the present time, it la easy to SOS BOW tbtflucnet s woik. Th rerwhehned with mummersami dancing girls, varios. oui or ra

who an arriving, with ail tee little gift! they ive,towin the reward of by paaderlogniinstincts of the pooplO. And this BBOdley of hOOSbast anddirt i If as tho drama; while. In more than

oast] t aad eoartasoBS.somethnesooosortlugwith himself, flaunt in the box.«. In their

gilded trappings of brassa \ ii e. It f Cyprians,on the money of poospoooaa osantqr jaaapai i, 'i Ma st stiof taste, wa rensaBber, v»s lately atada tíaof a aoasewhat boaty and Irritated proteat, in puidio

eh ami letter, by Mln Ofiva Logaa; nmi we oi>.

bstvs thai the ladp has asea pretty aoaadly ahoasd for

what U «sailed an attach on "the professioo." WktàpntoaMoa, we ahoald lUte te hoow, la losaltod by anota a

probstI Nobody attacks the stage in alia« king a brazen

imposture, reeking with vire, that his mendaciouslyassumed the BtBgl "a fOl Bt ami f ui.t turn. A« ting is an hon¬orable art, and the peoplo who worthily pursue it amil:\t- by it an- lioiiorable p« '.pie ; ami It i» in their ind-re-l.

ami not against it, that rebuke, of all this frivolity amivice is «incited. The bara-loggad weeaea who branpever the boards te barleegos and k¡<k op thotr bosh latin- can can, have- with litre BOd 11,< i e an i xe.-|.tl(.uno more title to be regarded as member» Of the dr.n.

proN-Bsii.il thantheyhavoteheregardednannhorsM thei n in n ânaaaeajr. 'i bap aie aeortoffBagaanpoa IheatagOiand the fungus has BOW heci-me eve. c-,ve and Intolera¬ble. We do not im an to say that, In all this flock of pan-leeatanBi bnrteeeaea,aad bailete, existent er rol te aseas«features of merit may not be found BOnseaoshn Its

graces and its rights, as well as sense. But it is need fulto r«-u.iii(l theatrical inunager I tii.it thru- is null an insti¬

tution as The Dl-BBB, for the «it w-lopmt-i.f of Whtol IBMHis «list, and that liilclllg.-hcc, tail.-, i«-iliieim -id, andinoiiillty.matters of great lmiioit to the. wt dare of so¬

ciety.have rights that the.atru al gTBOd eaiinot safelyviolate. Ueenttonenen end recklen thirst foi gain hangone very far, of ¡ate days, to ruin the Amciiean stag«MBvehiel! of art ami a Bsbootof eettng] ami strongmeasures are Justifiable t«, essohat the «-vil.


KKAKI.Y $1,000,000 IN VOI.VKI).In tlie Bojvoejata'g Conrt, jeelnnlgi. ¦ for«

ther hearing waa hutl iu the Chlttomlcii disputed willcase, in whit h Edward ami aeehel Chltteadea «li-puteth«-win of their danaiad brother, Laelaa nhltteadaa.'1 he proixTtv involved is between MaMM atnl |l,o«o.i*y>.The contestants hold that undue iufluencea wet«, exertedto cause Mr. Lucius Chitteiid.-n to make the will in «pies-tiou, and allege that tho widow, who is respond« nt In thiscase, and Mr. J. N. Ayr. s ..f Stamford, Coiiti., were the

partlnwhelaleeaeadhua. i>iv«-sted of its eerheelty.the case Is this: Iu April, is/vi, Mr. L. Chlttemleu made a

will bequeathing one third of liia estât« to his nephew,Hf-rn Cbtttendsn, and Just before his niairiage SSSOBtedto bis nephew a trust «n < d ol los property. This nmr

i luge was ^ ¡olentiy opposed .y bis relatives, aad last be*fore U was to have taaen plat t tbslions, i.f one of tlieln, only gaming his freedom by ineana

of a writ of habeas tOTgUS, v. Int. ii WasbOOld before Chief.Jiistice Jl« nmaii, at Cheshire. It «,ii claimed by thecoiilestauts at that lieaiing that Mr. ( Bittenden, all houghnot insane, was yet nol eoarpeteBl to the naaageBienlof property,« the eonduetof business. liiiiii«-<ii«i«-ly¡iff r h'.s release he mniru-d the |ir«-*«'iit rtspeiu'.cnl, iheiiMiss Amelia Lockwotsl. Aft«r tlie» rnarriaM he totallyBstrsagtd idniseif from ids bndiiora, revoked the «let oftrust glVOa to Ml t-fi n Ct,,tt.-ii.|ett, and mad.- a ni t will,the «lie on W hit h this suit Is b im-.I The forth' I lie.illligof the caso will take pbvsa Ofl Tues«lay next, at 1 p Bt

ANfrTHLB BUANCH OF fHI RUB I'.AILWAY.In May, 18Ü-S, a coniiiany waa otg;aiii.'.ed

ander the piw~laien! of the general act for building a

hae ofrailroad from htJddtetewa, on lbs Brts BaBway, toth« village of 1'itic Hush, Orange Cuii.ty. a distance of

Il Billes. The following offlcera were chosen: Daniel'iliomiaM.il, Président; Win. M. (¿rahnin, Tisasunr; Jaaii. Morton, Beentary. dorreya ami sstlmstea weremade.and wmie sabserlptloni made for building the

niad. bis» no work waa actual;.-. eoBOW BOSd I^ist MBvter the Législature passed ho act suttaorizlng the bondlog of ths town «f craw ford tor tea par mat of tbe as¬

sessed min.ilmn of IU Nal and psrsoUSl «state ilao.ooii/ in

Old uf tho enterprise, oo the usual conditions. Until a

few days ago, however, no steps were taken to secure theBHient of the taxpayers of the town to the bonding prop¬osition ; but with lntle effort the assents of the reipnsltenumber of tax-payers have now in en obtained, and Smeeting of the 1> rectors will be held In a few days totake measures for put nig the road under contra« t. It laexpected to make an arrangeaient with the Midland Bait-road, by which the track of that Company will be usedfor some distance out of Middletuwn.


THE COLLEGE OF Till! CITY OF NEW YORK.Tlio dintry brown building occupying the

south-east corner of Islington-are. and Twentythlrd-st.,bristling with pointed turrets and minarets that threatenthe sky from every coign of vantage on the broad roof,is u,>. College of the city ot New-York. It is Gothic in

style, and reOessblSI very much one of the old fashionedtown halls of tho Netherlands. The College was erectedin 1818, on a lot of ground 122J feet on Lexington ave., and200 on Twentv-thtid st, which coil the |ltoard of l-'.du-BStlun ghlgBg The building in HJ feet long by 60 feetwide, and consists of three stories, exclusive of the base-mont, vhlrh in divided Into a large number of apart¬ments. Each story is Intersected by two wide passages,crossing at right angle«, and the three together affurd ac

commodatlons for l.OOO students. Tliero are numerous

class-rooms, recitation-rooms, and lecture-balls, sntlthechemical laboratory, which cost 130,000 to furnish, is oneof the most completo in tbe country. The library con¬

tains 1MO0 volumes, to which yearly additions are in.ele.Beth Qroareeor, in »m, gave ICo.OOO to the Celh gSj tfelinti rest of which Is regularly expended in the purchaseof new book!, nml the lute Lphrium Holbrook left |5,ono,to he applied in like manner on tlie death of his. w idow.There ntc now BB| stud, nt- in the valions classes. These

10pressai the ditT, rent Ward schools of Ihe city, and are

the ehBdl n of parents SBgagl '1 In all «1. pai tmciits of In-

dnstiy. The examination of candidates for admissiontakes plaee immediately lift« r the general examination inJune. Each applicant is required to présent a certitb ateSigned by tbe Principal of the school from Which hecomes, »bowing that ho is a resident of the City, i- Botnmler U ream of age, and that he has attended tbe pub-lie schools of New-Yolk at bast 13 months, lletstheuexamined m spelling, reading, writing, English grammar,arithmetic, geography, elementary bookkeeping, the his¬tory of thS United Mate«, and algebra as far as quadratice.iiiations. If tbe applicant desires to enter the freshman class he must show that he to 11 year» of age. endmust also paSS a s at, s fa, toi y c «.aii.iii.it ion in the simile*

¦I in the Introductory i lasa. At cither of the regu¬lar examinations the candidate may be admitted to anydas« to pnrsue the studies of ¡ni> one or more depart-

provided he iball b compiled with such con¬ditions named shore, md than have find with thefaculty a written list of the itudtes be desires to punue.On admission he is fnrnlshed with a oertiúeate or mem¬bership, and at the close of the year, should he thenbave, be rcnivcs another, a sort of reward of merit, pr<>-v I.I c.l bis t.-ne nil deport me t h mi been good, and he hassatisfactorily acoounted for the books sad other publieproperty eommitted to bis charge. Absence for twoweeks without leave forfeits Ida right to a <-eititlcate ofgo,,«! standing, and his name is sti lesen rrom the roll.Tho discipline of the College Is regulated by a system

of rules, fe«s in Dumber, the Infraction of which is visitedwith punishment varying In character and degree withtin« enormity of the offense Committed. He rnrnol alpunishment »allowed, th ilty belog dta-!. sal irom I J', . i v vl( lation of the i nh s,tor. tber v« itii thepnnlshment Inflicted, Is record, «I In IheCollege book ,,f «ii-i Ipliue, no student being thus publishedwithout receiving notice of the feel and toe cause, with »

view to »'ivii'g him i.n opportunity Ul have hl-iinil.iiiid if necessary to appeal t<> the Itaeully.

The Beard ot Trustees aie authorised by tho set <fuibly.Mai.il «lia h the old i ame " liceleury" was dropped, to confer the usual

Degrees on the reeommendstton ol the Faculty. Thedegree of Ha« heb.r of Arts )s conferred upon thou,students who have pursued the full College course withtho ancient languages ; that of Bacbi lor ol B< ic-ncea uponthose who bavi studied modern tanguagea with the fullcourse that of Master of Hoieuoes n«.t box- »im havecomplet. «1 tin. mu i.t ii¡ sad thai of Maatar ofAits, upon those w ho h iv nut in i a parí at course.The Commencement to in hi on the third Thursday of

September,thepsrfo manees consisting of the delivery.m.I the presentation of tha

diplouiasimilt.il/..'* Of these latter there STSSS1l'ii -, m. il n« tbe President "f the

-m to tbe ipeaker enoaea by a comtattteeof gentlemen not connected In »ny vv.iv with UsThe Brst prise of this kind was offered i PellMedal, a geld one, is awarded to the student w ho h.tsmade tin in bis studies dining theii .i u medal Is purchased with tl of a fundof I5O0 cue:, ;,, tin f) ne an C. IV II In 1MJ I18*4 the »aine donor, by a i'...,l of trust, authorial IthiTrustées t.. devote a portion "f tbe la» ome ef the fund tothe purchase ot s silver medal, to be awsrded to thestudent who shall rank second in genci d proficiency In

.«in llurr ,i ISt fora k.ol.1 medallor the best n oi of tbe H -, und m

ated u i.tl.. r fol lia pni has«' of a »llvi r ntbe second best. Tbe Cromwell Medals, gold »adsUver,are awarded to tne best stmleul in Helles

-.ai. The tvMi K Il \ medals (soldi uns forthe Hi-' lo »ball be m< mix rs

of the two Hieran led with tbe College.In July, ISM, Kllsh I alI OOO iCulled btatea securities, tbe Income of v.

applieda« .»id« d t«. the author of the be»i hmgll»himii m tin - loi ' 'm n< stin thie Junior Class. In addition I twenty

bioi /¦ a«antedto tinstagy piiiMu d iri the Coltin- beâl n sriing ".'best tilThe con SB of slcl.v In tin- <liff> rrer

»nine i.lij.". i ,i-ittit ,, of ne il !y

SllotbSI io,,,».'..>. A» He- ll»! "It lull I- a ¡i.ul nf IBMCommon School system, ll I» naturally though) thai luebr.ibes of I,¦:<i 1.11 n moel i.«. eaaary m the pra. tieal soucation of n ii.iiiitii should be of the samesubstantial. bann ti si r»w< i s. hools,aud mm li faull Is foui d m certain qn

a in. n i. ».-i .¦ u to the si mi v ,.f i_,rmand Oil

:. V of u'i.K.,, iii

well fonultra tbeorj Ibal the »liolv of tl

rpt to tbe children of th«« wealthy, or toje njiiM' to i.t,

In ii.-th t year there are par w..k in: ", four m any di parti

Kngltiti In 1 "i of Ihe Irsl « < ir

there »re bul tin- <¦ leasou» In i ngllsh (Jranimar. Uurlns.»« d to f,,14;, t ..« hat

of history be has learned In tbe Ward school, sud whena \v,,k

in tie -dm loresaltogether thai of his oa n country until Ike Irst tel m ofthe sophomore year, when he barn« in a compendium,in five lessons a week, a little of what has occurred InKnglanri, Spain, France, Italy, and America sp t«> Ihslima the book went ta presi perhaps two yearn ago.When it is considered thai compai studentsrsasaln through the third U no it will i< adlly be sasn thatin tiir matt« of one u-, f ii and Impo tant I. mi nt, atleast, his education In Ibe College of WoW-Yorl ha« Ik «mi

Boaaewhat neglected Should the student remain, how

ever, tdi the lose of tbe fifth yi ir, the College nffi rs himin» furth« r Instruction In modern history cío pt whathe may gain frsm an 01 CBSlonsI ll line.

in the second tear the student Is Introdneed ta Fowler'sGrammar,from win, h bolearse, in one lessens Break,

irulng the »tun im« of the Kngbeb Ianpmage. la the next terra he bean aolhing about It, bullu the flrat half of the tmpboiuor» year he »pends an hoarm ca> ii ».. a in mastering the history an l sources of thetannage, and two hours In the study of Oreham's Byn-ouyuss. lie has already dropped Kbetonc,and In thenext term he takes up Loste, and devotes three tarareaweck to iim in »eticaof Kngllsh Ub rature, and two mon,

to int. lu , tu.i. Philosophy, lu the J r, Mist term,be falls Itttck upon Powtor again, gtvlog the grammarianbnt one hour a week. He ato» devote» an hour to .. Crltlcal Beadlngs." AH this Umi bli Latin and <,i"i, take gpflve hours, unless be has tbosen two of tbe modern tanguages mitrad. Anatomy, physiology,and Ilygk nc mesrmlie,I for two boms a week during tin tint year, andone hour (lining the second term of the sm-end yesr.Arithmetic Is not marked on tbe list of studies, i

Geography; but Algebra, Geometry,Trtgonorosbry,Dif¬ferential and Integral Calculus, and Kpto rtcslAstrui

rea large sure of attention, as do manyothei ofthe higher Brunettes of leai mug An bom m each monthIs devoted l o What 11 Uialliud 111 the oui re of I li ,ll Ul tllui

story and i ompoaitlun," which la the Junior aidIonics vean ihe faculty change to "Theme», ForensicIiiscussiiuis,and Original Declamations." (oology,i Letu-Istry, Mineralogy, Law and Politics, Acousties and <»¡,tics", I'.ngineei-log. and Natural and Kevealed Kelighui an,

also taught, togethai with Drawing, PoUUeal Boouomy,ami An hue tuie. A« pai I of the course, let tin, s. are ,1.llveredontbeLawsof nations, Constitution of the united-ill Lngll-h Language and I ,it«i it ui e, hi ru« till, ,,ftie Greek and Lama, atalattau of the Greek and Latin to

I ign-li. I oi inalloii of the 1 I in li Language, Historyof (,ci man l.iteialuie.Hli iictiiienf 111. r«p,iiil»li Laiigu.ig.",An. lent ami Moil.-rn History, Kin tola Naturalpby, ( lioinist! v , Natural Historj, etc , ste.During the 10 years of its existence lbs College of the

City of NeW-York haw recited neaily 1,008 stmliiilsMore than 1,000 have been examined foi suiuissi.ind,fiom ish'.i to IMT, inclusive,ses bars graduated from mAbout o win graduate un* yen Tb< tallowing teblsshows tbe suoce#»ful »ppUcantsfur sdmtostan from i-i..to i-.',i, inclusive'

Vr»r. AlwWtriJ. rtrjritnl.|S4I. M

S . Ill 112R.I.M II.¿i as


.an «t1»:*.amM


Tr«r. A'rr.itlril. i

UH¦ .r.t eiuni. i» 11

.41» IIIim,'. a s«lttt/4. 1,1

Tstel.4i«i wm'1',, showr that the lisni tils of tlie t'nllcgc aie u,,t |»SaSl ,1

sxclasively by tbe »ealthy. n u only necesaarr ta i>

CHpltulate tbe labli adml »loni foi thi n ¡, n le uending July IS, 18BÎ, Which gives the occupation» of thejiureiit« of the -indents:(it Ilrel-r». tline w.Tt. ITlfjf tltllIUS». rifJUSI 1(<l lUiilor«. 5i .f Iteiesssn »mi Mu,.i,, ti rrr, sjUll.Otll I'l.TH .to, alrlUlkl»»l».

hlr,rn,»krii t »r|r»l»r, KiStSTS, ilakci», llut.li.r,. |

¦'.44»i,mU>«»i. |

Then ara newH Professors, Tutors, and other nfiWrsof tbe College, w hone salaries amount yeniiv u»gxi,jss :a),the hlKliLit being that of the Piesldfi,l, who rurlv.»14,7110; the \ i.c President receives ai,2io; n I'rofa»i»,.i«,« ... h 10 Tutors, toJ-OO each; one, ||,.',C1 >l ; two,ll.liso each ; the Prufeaaor of Bloeution, |j,uui ¡ the l.ibr»-rtoa,ga,iw: the An.ut.int to the Profesaoi -f Chemistry,»-i.MXi; tlie Janitor. ll.'JiiO; an A-nl-taiit In the Lalmrstoiy,|j and sn AssUtairt m the Bepositorjr, l7<s> Theiiiiiniiut paid for salaries .i.blnd to the ol lief ex|»enses ofthe ( oiii-gr) gives e total .'about |ita,ouu par annum,whleji makes the reu »t It uuctieu about ' ion for each»tu,lent.

i he gen.-rai exemloeflon of stach ata began thtayeereethe lit of l ebruifiy, »ml ende, ul, t'iS làfh. (»u the following «lay theaseoud ('.-ii- ¡tata Uiiu uiwmenceo, andon the Hlh oe. urred the Jim ldlaf, .,. Thehpilngvacation * ill bf.giu on the ,rb ig Agrtt, and end on thei»t of Muy. Oetbalsth djui fu »sai ínattan "f stulenta for promotion will brgl u.ioi» e :<*.>. n r»,e memher»ef thi two lUerary scent w routend im theKully in«'dal. July 1 th»iio * ill l,a"|>l M ¦.* ''..ng," Slidand on Iho 'MX the eiercisss «' Coinunrtiraiui 14 Lay.


ASCIIKNllUOKDKI. ygKKIN.This Musical Association.strictly social in

their work, who own ami occupy tho house No. 74 I'ourth-st.-treated their friends on tho occasion of their fourthannual festival, on Tuesday afternoon, to a dollghtfulmusical entertainment, consisting of Robert Pchumann'sString Quartett No. 8, Op. ii ; a Quartett for four horns,by Heiisel, und Franz ßchubeaTs Octett, On. 1«. Theperformers were Messrs. Theodore Thomas. Heas.Matzka,Bergner, rfeifcnschneidcr, Behmlts, SchllHncer, f/Ure,(it wall, Meiidelsclisefer. aud Hoobstels. The perform-.noes were of s high order, especially the twoquartettaDr. Doremos, Messrs. c. P. Ctaichering, ami B, Losar, wenamong the audience.

Ml'SICAI. NOTES.1 lie Parcpa li«m;i performaneea in Chicago

have created an slmost unprecedented sanssllna At theSf-cond reprcseiitatloii of "1 he C.ealion," on the eveningof the 1st, the receipts were |:i.700, ami the sale of ticketswas »topped Half an hour belote the oratorio began.A Cernían Opera Company, on tlie eofipgra«live plan, haSSOgSged thoHUdt 1 heater. N« ally all th«

German artista familiar to New-York are concerned m it.among them Mesdames Joliaiinseii, l-'rederul. and Bobd i,.Miss Jos.y Ilutle, llubelmaiut, llimmer, Lotti, Formesund ll.-i malins.Bernhard Moliqne, tlie fttlebratad violinist and

composer, dletl on the i:ilh of May, at OOBBStadt, m-.irBtuttgsrdt, aged M il«- was a nstive of Nnremburg. Portn«- last »i years he had lived principally m London,where he wns held in high estoem io an artist uud a g. n-th in.tn. He left BB Oratorio, " Abraham," eeveral Violinconcertos aud songs, " Studies iu llarmoiiy," Ao.

It is gratifying to learn tliat the firemen whonri- to pUy U|,(IIi t|.. bsndrsd anvils tit ths BsstQSJubilee "bars entered Into tbe spirit of the affair withi.'ie,it eiirtiestiies-s." ami theii first rehearsal in the Goll-seuin the other day gave entire satisfaction, They ham-mered until dark, and then ''gave three roastee sheenuiul n ' Tiger 1' for Mr. iJilmore" «nd WO hops they willnot fail to iidtl the same emboUiahmenl to tho "Atnil( hoi us" when it i« peíformed m tbe full assembly <>f megreat men of Ibis Barth on the 17t!i of June. Km tuesatisfaction nf ike Unid we may add thai the stit-ngth ofthe floor is not trusted to support the anvil», hut they restupon purs s« t Iu the ground.Private letters fife ni rosy account« of tlie

enthusiastic reception accorded to Mlas Minois Baoeh laHollaud,« lere she has recently been singing. At Leydestoo indents went wild, snd proseated addrsssssof wet-come. At the Hague the queen showed our young New-York giii unusual attention, ami called her into the royalMX. hhe BBOg also ut Amsterdam, Hott.-idam, andDtrecht, and baa since msdn a two years' engagementfor the grand opera at Vienna, where lo r debut will takepi.oe in heotember. it i* to be boned that no foolishmanager «ill disgust the German public wlthpnllmlnsi yromanees abtut her "velvet von, " ami early adtwith Indians, buffaloes, and locomotives, os Mr. MBliakosth disgusted the publie of Tails.IfiM ( '!«veland, writing from Paris, da*

sciilu-s a performance there «if Wagner's" Ulchrl":" Ti lie to my In ro, I went, regnnllcss of the SStonlshed

eielHiu.liions of my aiti-t f: lends, '.l/<in urn , 'tere, til ilpossible,' .le., and was fJellgbod to Join my homage uuiiui least ens snthaslsBtie admirer of wsgner.a littles|n eteeled Beraum In ihe bo» bbzi me, e ho followed theaparo f "in the score, and nearly wept for Joy.continually exclaiming, '«Teg fa Himmel, u-ir sehen.''The henaa was crowded and applause was fre-ipient, hut liuoe from the student« ¡ii.tl mi IcisilSin the hlghOI tuts tli.iu Horn the aristocratieBubacriberaai«premier 1 ... with scarcel) asexception, dtsifke II hiflnltely, and rnticlae It savagely;snd many of «or friends we,,t. us ibey candidly owned,lo in Ip bum it down.' Even tbe musicians themselves

tire not «tue what they think of If, and I have asked luvain several of mi seaualutances staoag PasdsIoMp'i or-

how tiit-y like II One dsj thoprimo tioUno saysenthusiastically, 'It is a gnat success, and there Isenough lultto mass a doaei splendid operas;sg.tin BO men lv shrugs his shotiltliTs am! says,'Onereals! roast The Paristaas aorer wBl like tins ¡lia-i'ii tijtte music, sud lin usl «ui only follow the fate of theTanunsueer.' "




JaaUoa Dowling decided yeatardaj t<> takebail fur Mr. Juhu Underbill Briggs, aoeosod of havingfired hin stähle in \Vt st Twenty third -t oil the night «if

¦i of Denarhei last. The stagnante laed Iheauieuiit If ball ut iM'.noo. Mi Win. P. Katie, of Kail.'*Ilot.-!, lu Mv.r tea «un ty of Mr. Briggi br that amoant,«nd tin- latterwn nleeaed frooi enstody. i\m. P. mu-i-dSB !" Btlll in the 'luiul.s, BWaBlBg the roaoll Of an exaiu

nu. nan itb. ihoottbo aimivv-k.ik.m i:\-IN V Mi It,A I ION.

Coroner Keonao, late <m Tbaredaw aightprorc.'ilii! to I ,. Hospital, Ot the rii|uertt of WaidenItreniiae, ntul took the unte BMIteBI depootttan ofThomas Cost, llo and Itu-hard Gardes, who srera shot a

f.-w hours before, is lb« llgsot ttera of tha feiaier at Bo,y¿ lirst-ave. i .. parti« ilan of the si.ttegnedf i.i«n »-nin m Tag Tuavaa CosteBo testifiedthat Im [A.. I, 'J aid 1.1 i.Moi k p. lu. Mlelimd«"srnry, .1..-. :i II itwel!, ami «tulhtr n m

the CU i-r itave mut 1

of having pas«rit Rnwe!. u n.,-! j .ni lit im. and nii'i' u thai b« h id

Iba -ton-f.u ; counterfeit money,known tu «u then ta rsliug with tbs uncle


lr«l bun «o.t "ti i in- ualk, siol n-leaaius him, casas backinto tbe store. Uartaelt tlien Bred a abut at tb«

by i roe ¦! < i. i situn. jiriMiin « ii i pistol nmi «hot Btsbord Oftrdt s

and witness i be nmi live abate m .til Bleb-,itt| «¡t pi, s testIfled that lie w.i« cotiM-r lag with

named Hamilton and Wbsrts, m front af his.ns 11..- cry of "Stop thief r* witness looked

up, and saw . man resembling Hartnett, ksockod dowuon ti,«- corner ol I'lrst-ave «nil Xwentj fourthn,.m ui... »lo.t * on tin. town corner «>f

-d I ll-l l\e bO Hi I'll tWO shot-. Y, ;t

Igbl lo « i- lilt bj th« i-t shot (In ,|; I!«..-«« Bot the tii.-in Mim Bred tit-.- shots The Jaryreudsrod a m ulut that " i.n .laid Oerdes iThomas Coatrll« came t" Itaolr wounds ol tin-nun.is of ite ii.vnl Carney, sad thai Joseph Barilo-tt und i bomas I. < u . a«before the fsct." On the rendition of this verdict ioners were committod to tbs Tombs to await tbof the ll.Jllt.es of I'OI W I.o Is

r He now lies It, a «. t v

i runal i rhô s sa sii.'t In tbe back, is

sred to i.e daamroasly tejarod, slthoagli hiswound Is a aevei.as. ll.- ssloon is deacnlsrd by tin-

poUcs sa the resort of bad i harm tors, light» heloti, Hint occurrence tin n- Ibe prisoners have heretoforei. uni s fair rcputstloa Bartnett waa a Inter rarrk r.

a« IDBMTAl MiiMl« il>i:.

Coroner Keenaa feetevdaw bald aa inqaeef at

No. 117 « lu ty it over the body of Win 11 nry 11. o il-on,

agsdrfysan Oe Thandag afieraoen, aha in«i. aceomp.iiodi ny < harln l'iatt and another imy, rietted Break.lyn, the former haMng hOfB proiuis.-il «inplovuitiitWhile tine the to.y 1'i.itt pesed up a stli k about thrco

feet in length, and with It struck u small block ofWtMsl a» he would H ball. Ill" bloek uf Moodhit ll.in «on on the lift temple, ne eomplslned some-«hit at tbs llnMi of the egbets, but tbe wound was notconsidered a BortoBfl sas <m reaching home three

-, he told his mother of tbe accident .uni bon ito, urn <i, and said no blame oocuVI be sttachi d to Puttt.Boon aft« be wss a >/< d with coai ubdons, sad remslued

Ie until he died ye-teiil;iv morning, Dr. afuosterBeach made a poal mertem lamination ..f tbe body undascertained that death had resulted from sfrsctureoftn.--dull, a v. m ; ..f ii.tideiit.il death waa rendent!.Toons Harrison contributed largely to the support of in*widowed mother.

ATTKMPTF.li ICIt 11 I BtAI POtT JBBTIf.Almut h o'clock «ni Thtnadaj Bionrng n

«enea aaaaad Msshler, who rntdn *ith her «on in law,(Inn h « Knaub, at «¡eruiaiitown, It Is report« d ultemptedto i-ouimil manda by jumping off the l'ort JeiMsainl«fateaaane láridas late the imiaware Rlnr. Thepterfrom wincii sin lampad ts .*> feat high, and is eonstrnctedin d.'-p water. As soon um IBS WOBSSB struck tlie wutei,limn ver, BBS cried for help. Toituiialelv, tWO men wore

riding by at the time, ana one of them. Mr W H.MairsyofUosben, lumped from ths earrtsge snd plunged¡ato the river to her aid, and saoceeded la rescuing ber,¡it great port] of his own life. Ills said that domesticdifficulties were the cause of the alleged utl« nipt ut

suicida _____________________


un iimtiY-H.hr«.si> ««ut i< rms DtfTBICT.All«.l M uY \MlioKV 4BB TOBA00O ID BOBDON MAV 1-iAX « «»I.I.K« 11 I' t'N MTUMKl IN


Mr. Joabaa F. Bailey, tin aawre BppolatedCollet tor In the Thirty second Intcniul ltovniue Oatloa

Bon Iusti id, has ins bureau pretty well (oigaiilrcd, andaaebihmij «t ''", aenñeaeeenal al the nr.w month (te>enrnw)wHl han perfeeted that nett erderei arstne_!,..i, i. « iiiineiitiy eaawaaeariaei ins mum

ageinent of tlie Fourth Internal ROVOBMCollMtlOB I'istritt, now controlletl by (¡«it.

PleuKint.in ThS mont In.lM.t tnnt saBSSfS In the Thirty¿..«.oml I'lMrlft during the sdmintttraUon of Mr. »hei I« an

sun»! have rstlred. ami have been succeeded by genUs-mebinwhsss Bdellty to ihrir duties Mr Itaiicy,.from a

.gofllci.il iissoi hill >l. with them, ha.tMUy conlldence.a few of tn- leas it.iport.int clerks aoder Mr. Sbooh re-

ti.s n but U is probable thst further clistigi-s will I...

.Iiv or tomorrow. Mr. Child! l« üi.t deputy,,'!hi'mi Wendell Is tblrd deputy. MsssraTatl sad rtoa... (oil.-, tor Halley'a faithful Ueutenaate,of ntrrn

«"dith mm in the Thirty second, as tlmy were lu the

^ïV'io'^Me.urncdovei by Collector Shook to his SUC

aeasov iCollector Huiley, on tbe 1st of May. the followingquantities sf whisky ¡u bond. tU :

I. U'«r*b<i««* Bs II IBIS It.. 1MII.hU.» ,i....V ft«- » ».* * '.»"' *.ME Si-iS «ViVuu.., «... B roartet.« ^_">'"-

T,Ul .lt,«W7 blil«

rv/ Tobacco In honied wandmiues the following «pian-

.ÍÍ^Üreiurned over,m tbe some dan;..¿¦'""'{ um w.i.r-st.i.nmm::-Ai.,. *»v,,í,i.y.áftiw*5I. «¡¡SaSSSBs. lOSFr-ulsl.«'¦** »

_ , .i v.iit.i «n m

t'.M-r tn« «.nerstit.u «if the recent «billiges in the Isw

m r. íírd tÏ'Ó iT-ay In bond, it is beingrspldl« withdrawn.i m the ist dar of .mir neit, it .nu t all he withdrawn

¿i bê âublectcd lo forfcllurs. The foils« lag is an olllclal

statement of the amount of tn v collected on wliNkv withdrawn from bonded warehouses dm inn the mon. h of Mayi^ciuum «/ U mtkouu. So.ofl.bU. «¦,. .f »»11». Amt of I »i.Ni,«. H« ai,,| «Ki Pearl-nt. Î I'D* 1.4a», it en»» »i. 1,41a kphs sursisNo. 77 P«»rl »t. 1.455 57 176 34 485 14)

T''r«l. 5,071 2(»7,:5i Sn4'3lOi>Ail.liliuMl lii. I. 47

Tax »B »piriU LcM for iltücienry collfcleJ.......... ... 7 *8 47

To »D.I iMliidiDfMth Mi». IM9.Sltf.TÎJ 9*




Than was n fino coiicotirsu of spectators yes¬terday on the Union (..'ourse, L. I., to witness the List

day's trotting of the ftamaaer m.etii'g. In addition to

the two Neniar Buna rae. s si the «lay, there was an ex-

tin. match between Dr. ogles'« n. g Bed Borer seal W.

Lovell's 1». g. Young ('oininodoro for 11,000, mile beds,three in live, in harness. It was won hy Young Commo¬dore In two beata, K<',| Lover l>eiiib' withdrawn after thosecond hent. Time, V:4.1. 2:43.The second race was fera purse of »ron, mile-hcifs, in

harness, for borsea that never beat I'M in harness. L,.l.tborSM were entered for It, four of w Inch strirted. 1 hesewere ban Mace's b. m. Lydia Thoropaou, Alexander Pat«tenon's or. ».Manhattan; B. Ward's b. g. Trenton; amiM. Kudiiis b. g. Twi.it. The betting ut the start wua 1,1

favor of Lydia Thompson against the Meld, but the know¬ing ones were badly taken m, for Alerk Patterson's brownstallion Manhattan won m three straight heats; LrdiStaking second uiuue.v, Twist the third money, and Tren¬ton distaoci a m the Brat heat Time.2: iij, 3:30, 1:371.The third race was fura luirse of 01,000, unie hcits, best

three in live, in harness, for horses thai had never beaten¦i u in harness. There were four uatrtaa, all o( which,except Mr. Botten'e i>. g. Little Fred, started when theJudge's bell raus, Tntawaa a most ungular race; belleof Brooklyn winning the lint und second heats easily in2.11], 2:.rJt, und the od.ls or lion to »ft imlug begging on

her winning the race, itut the "glorious uncenof the trotting turf were never more strikingly exempli,Bed, for the favorite died away to nothing In tbe thirdbeut, and was badly beaten. Cora winning the l.iat Ihrtobents cleverly. Time, 2::uj. x:\H. 2:32, 2*14,

«I'UKAKI.D>»SB r»»sse U L, Jit.» J.-M,.t.:li fur SLOW, alia but«, lUr«e ia

Ire, lu Inn!,-»«W Uii !» b. %. Yeniiir ruiniiKslors. 1 1 1J. kturuVj» ti. |. P><1 R,.r.r. i i di

Was It«*. 1:41litas l»V. PSfSS «f (MOI in Ir Sail», Ihrrr In |rr, In turcs«. |M)

W»m lh«i »fi.r l,r,U:4J in birat-u, Irai Iiuim> Utu.r «fcJsi, »rv,ii,l,*¿i«'. tbirl, ei *

A. r»'lrri,,u'< !>r . Matiliittin. 1 1 1ll. >l«,r . I, 10. I.v.h» ll,on¡,.i u. 3 3 1II. IU.I.» ¦ li. f. T«i»|. Ï i ."K. V\ »ri'» b. g. Treulos. il.«.

T.iiir-«':.*'.. Jïi, |,JT|.8.ne di», Pn-«i nf »lix». mil« br«u. lu b«rn*»», fer hnr»r» Il »t

¦em Seal ï.29m litrot-.i, 6rit bor»r, *,(«!, mchh!, Sl*>; tb.ni. »IM.11 IBf-r'« 1,1. ra C.,r«.2 2 1 I IJ V. NixliMei, li. ¦ Br i. .f llronkljo.112331). Slice . li. k Waalari Ne* V.r»..'..3 1 J 2 I

Ths« i:»t I'SMj, 1:91, i;34 337.


Tlie fjrajiie f li.it ia to be played to-diy on theI'nloii fjroumla between tlie Mutual« ami Lckfntds »hou'dbe the Beat Of the season thm.far. The Mutual» w Ml haveto do much better than they did In thtake tbe ball from the bckfords,as the tatter Club havedupla) cU Irat-ctaM phijiiiK tin-, mason.

STAK V?. AI.I'MAS.The Koine between the Stare and Alphas, on

the Ciipiioiiiui Orounds thi'- afternoon, u m be «« :i worthattending, rue contest win bo a clout: out', a» boih Clubsbate fctrong miic«.

MUTl'AL V?. ORIENTAL.The game played yeeterdey on the Dnion

(¡round.-., in i w ecu those will known Clubs« mured ta belater.ties'. The kfntesla have not ptayed tin-« asaaos astheir first-class reputation ealla for. Thia u probablyowiiiK tn the fact that they have not met their eauattysl, bat it la net a good plan to cultivate tlm habit of

ptaytasj earetessly. The (relente!«did w.-.i, ami succeededm keeping the score of the Mutuais down to is, und inliltinliiK up Iheil ovvu to 6.

tuf, nrjBUMi ri.in-NKw-ïuiiK ra, brookltst.1'hese Dines of the Tribune (_'lul> play their

fint mat« h gansa of tin« season tin» afternoon on tue

sronnds of the iturnilde Clnb, adjolnlng the UnionU rounds, WlllUmsburs-b. Alilmmrii amateurs,tse play¬ers are by noineaaa maSUTa.ua the game to-day willdemonstrate. The ntayen setae evenly matched, theiviine promises to be ctooelj contested.

?QUATICaThe Atlantic Beat ('lubof Hobeken havrere-

eii ete.l tlie ullu . r.1 of l.mt year, as follows : Matthias It.Anioi'i, PreeMeeli Joseph Unseal!, ^Ice-Prcsldenls I*i»iiitvi«i,iie Inilth. Wnaoillaifbsielaiyi Joseph stanase,

li.r T it'. 11 e.i-irer. »mlWas. A. limier, charles Bpleltnaan, Jr.,and EnssaS L.

Inveattaatlns C.Diittee.The well-known Atalanta Boat Club of tliis

Cltt have n. pied the cbsllense of Vice Admiral Port« r,si i n.- snlUmt to rou the siidsliipmen of the {(avalAcademy a six-oared race at any time the latter may <mhire. As tbe students of the Naval School rank as first-classai I the Atalautua have lastandard reputation m aeraek rowing «.-lab, tiic rasa.huubi prove a close and eadiias«.

A nSCTJLlAB Ai»Mir.i:it OF THI POt.rrr

(in Tliaiaday cveniiii:, while Barjaaaart Wm.M,i lary of the Fourteeeth Preetoet wa«nittinK in frontof the Bprlae at. Poltas Itsttan. s wesms camo to bim,and said ihe entertalm-d a helfe reicard fur the PottaS,and fur him in jiartii iilar. An a j>ronf of lier rt'Kard, thew i,m 111 bande I the 1er reant a ptaoa ot paper, w hieb, su

us, be saw ws» a checa í,,r 1900, drawn on the¡..uir.b) Aaron Hardman. real estate »sent, »!hit of Broadway and Broome-st., in favor of

Louisa Murai I, sod Indorsed by her. He rave it back tothe vv ,<man. and she a cam li.iti.ted il to him, and wulkedaway, V« itetday, Scrseant Mi ( lary t all« <i en Mr. Ham-man, und showed; him tbe check, and he prououoced itvenulne The Sergeant then took it to SuperintendentKennedy, aud, hy bi< direettau, deposited it «^ith theprupvrtj i ..Ik. The woman, la uppearunee, was saberan.i »an« at the time, but as she hua not slues eathe chi i k, u ii iiiuii^ht «i.e could mu bare ben « Itln ¡.

t'Al'T. MILLS TO IL Ll l'l;IMANl)LI>.

Capt Natliaiiitl B, Milli t»t' the Bighth PolieePrecinct, who was recently on trial before the Hoard of

:«, .m u afearas of bariag sold ticket.'«far the propriétés el s etoaaa and menacerto tn Eastoe,Pa has been sentenced by Ihe Hoaul i<, be repi liiiv President Bo«worth. Oonmltslitnci Breunau -

to have been In favor of dlsailsalns Opt. Mills,remainder of the Hoard WSfS averno to line extrememeaaere,


HALTMOl'Tll 0OLLBOB.The ¡irTo (if tin- aldea» Betabel ol the irradu-

stnnr elass si Dartmouth taSS y cart« and live month-, andthat of the younaest II yean aad 10 months. Edward B.r irfeer of Brookune, N. li umi of the senior etaaa, i» tl t-

mouth Coll«'ire, bus ben elected lu deliver tho CentennialPosean! etasa day,ea theaath ef July uezt, Tr»otherappointments are a« follows: Marshal, C. U'. itarthtt,Durham, N ll Orator, K. V. Undstay, Atatead,H. U;i , . poet, M H. ii.1er, Newport, VI ; Chronicler, il. i;.Moiilleili. M, Indo,, Kails, \t; i'lophet, 8. A. Phillips,Pramlnsbam, Maas.) Address to PrteMeat, C. H. c.ok,(ir.eti-boro', Vt Addrets at the tree, A. 8. BtalSdell,11.4% i-t lull. Man« Odlst, .1. MoE. Drake, Bye, N. H.Among ,l"' notable» who have »ip-nllled their intention ofbeina; present st tbe Centennial eierclsea are Freshtsnti.rtnt. (¿en. Hlienniin, Cfelef Justice Cbuaa s graduateIn tbe class of IBM the Kncllsh Ministe* rntheUtatedstate», the Hon. J. Vi.Orluie» «if Itiwa, the Hon. .lohnWentworthof Cbleaeo, hu Excellency Owe. Jewell ofCoiiiicciiciit, fíov. Steams of New-Hampshire,aad ex-

fj0«r, lei,ton of NevvVoiU. The I'rt'M'iit Karl of Dart¬mouth n lineal desosadas! sf tb«» patros from whom theCollesje derives It» naiiie.lutt not M yet n tinned a de¬em vc answer t<> ihe Invrtattan »xten«esd to tniu.

7HE con:is.

in.' ntceej PI ahmikalty.

Judge Blatcbford bat ètdàeâ the Mtowitgeolllstou caaes

Hi'lterl S. ¡> Si-itmoni axt. The Stftimboat Spray..Tliisws» » libel filed bv the owner of tlie llrltlili selmuner

Rlicsbeth, to ne.,Ver for » eellfatae in tho La»t Uvee on

tile lOttl of September, ISM, between the Si'lloUlier and a

barge towed nv Ihe steamboat Norny. tliebsrsestrikini;tbeseheener umtdshlps, »«.rmu'tiy damnxliiK ner. Heldthat the evidence ShOWB that the Jdlot of the Bl»r»y *»Wthe schooner in season t<> avoid the eolltatan, und that thecollision waHowltiK'«' reehless msnsftfuieut on tbe partof the Spray, and a daeree in ordered for libellent, with

OMt*, wllh a reference t«> computo daiiiutrei.rutro-k ('. ilxtklrr iimiJoëtuh T. .\ruton agt. The Steatn

PropeUer Vmt Thia wua a libel tiled by the owner» ofthe steamboat I.illle, to recover damnifcs for a eolltatanbetween her and the Unit,In tin« Ninth ltiwr, onthamornlns of the -*'J«1 of (fovewber, ihî7, «shereby the l.illiewan ninW. The ('niirt hold» that the t'nlt Wua In fault, In

not bavlni; a proper lookout, »ml m iuiiiiIiik at too liir.lispeed Mat the »tip between l'un Ni», lo aud n, wherethe collision todk place.

Otittr (' l»i/*on mid John Hrrotn »gt. The Memi.bnatCayuffn, -The»»»nalheat Ploatltis Battery,owned by tliellbvlants, while belna towed by the Cayussa down thslludsou Itlver »tunk on the rocks near Went Pointon tbemornlos of the ^7th«if May, 1SIT, aad wuaeuak.The Court holds that ti.r oanal boat struck throush thsneslicenee of tha (ayuíta In anffbrlns her to swlns toofar to tho weit wind in ciuuli'if urouud M.i^iulne Point,and orders a dcciee for the Iliad.Hit» for the value of thobeet eel her seraje, wkasfe were totally but, with costs,ami oresma a reiereesa t«» a»cci-tuia and reaeti tu»uiuoiiiiluf damasee.


fn re Jane Ellen O'fàiswe//..Stipreinc Ctnirt( ham'xri..Carduio, Justice..Tina was a haboai cor¬

pus brought by a mother to ret oiBi hi r ehlkl It sppasvrathat Bums BSrea oi »/lebt year» sifo, after the death of it*father, tIm» mother, belli*- iinabln to provide for lt. ja-riiiitit'd th.« uncle to taVti it, or,as the untie my», «ave thechild to nun. Itcceutly the mother married s^ata. sudnow b«-in»' able t4> support the child, endeavored to re-

salnher. The aaeto appeared with the «luid and itsu'dlhalhehadehsras ef ib«- viiild srer since lu tafauey,and thill the child was now attached to tilin.aiitt WSS

very unwilling to r'o ta Its mother. The Court, liowever,dt'cidrd that the mother wan i utitlcd to the «.¦'¦->>

w* ,?

uncle then left tlie court room, sUtlng tbst be arU'ui«!look to the mother for tlwt eipwine» iiuurred slMiuliiiechild. The child at once commenced cr) Inn. »«'I a*'"*liik.u by the mother from the ««.urt «x.tn. SSelae '¡<M "ie

cle sKsiu, at ouoe ran to bim aud cluug to Inm wlin lucn

fnnv! that It was Impossible to separate them. The eon«fusion attracting Judge (»rdoio's attention, lie directedthe parties to bo brought before him. and after talking alittle while with the lutin gnl. ha directed thai sh«i be fe.flfor a few days with her únele, until it could he seeswhether «be could bo reconciled to go with her mother.

ALLEGED HEAVY PJUUXM BY BANKRUPTS.Michael I.onvitt and Morts If. Pliilltj.«., mer¬

chants ami auctioneers of Hartford, win. had heroínabankrupts, were orrsstod in this city, and brought beforoOemmlssionei Betts, on InforrasBoo that an indictmenthad bseu found against them, in the United Hiatos I>;s-tnct Court of Connecticut, charging them with having,on the 1st of JaBBsry, hW, while Insolvent, se« reted alarge sitioutit uf diy goods and money, of the toUi valu«of 140,000, belonging to tlirlr estate, with in .-ti t lo preventIt from coming Into the hand» of the assign, c in bank¬ruptcy, and thhs to defraud their cn-dlturs with having(ailed to disclose, false and fictitious debts agaiuat theircatate; with having pretended to «nfler grest losses lotheir business bv making fleUu >us statement» in relato.a(hereto, and witli having llleifiiliv «list.u of goodswhich bad been obtained on credit, and wei« not paidfor. by »hipping large «luuntiiies of tbem to Hpnngftelil,Mass., and elsewhere, to be sold at suction for uhalev« .'t Hey might bring. Th.- défendants were held for an ex¬amination on Tuesday next.

MBCOKHHhSupremo Cotirt-Sp... ul 'lYriii.-Iiy Ingra-

.'.i",:,.THl,n ¦«'. Tl"' Mayor. Ac.unplalut «IIm.iImm .1.Meet Atlinr iigt. lo|,y ,.t al., Judgment for plaintiffs.Beiden sgt. Barley, motion for new trial dented, with lioc<e.ts. MrAulitfe agt. Attrldga et si., lodgment for plain-itr according to opinion, hiugüuiu agt. Dlsbiow el a),Judgment for defendantSupreme Omit Chambers, by Clerke. J. Kirby art.

Bsrnaooet aL, Bsotion to dissolve is denied with IMois iiy(ai.|./..i, J.-De Harry agt. I. let I« Associa¬tion, Bocelrer removed, 6c. Budge et ai. agi Sewbergerer al., motion granted. National Bank of Metropolisagf. \\ illiiMti", motion grant, il on payaient of costs of th.»it nu, and sTOcosti of motion. In rs. Ban« at «. s m axranda of dscislon. Relel ttuelok, motion «I«--luetl, costs to abide event.

4LLB0KD n:\iT) and imujiky i?y a h.\nkiu*pt.Iloaea E. Craeto, a ¦rail known politician,

was brought before roamlasioaer Belts rastorday,ehsrged with bavins frsnilnlautlv omitted t.. save a fullstatement of bis debts tn the schedules ap|x mied tohmpetition in bauBToptcjr, and with having commUtfol aad eoni.pt porjarjr la swearing that the schedule»were eorreef.He was dlsehorged oa his own reeognbtanes te app«'.ir

for oa examination os Mondar. Itlaclalmed by Craetothat the charges are utterly gronodlsss.

TIIK VN'ION PACfPfO LrTTOATfOMB.Pollard agt. Tkt Union Ptteifle Unihmy, nmi

other»..Cardoso. iTustice.- Motions' lu this ease weromade in behaU of Messrs. Craue A Tattle; aad Mr. Oak«-»Ames, to ten.ove the cas«-, »o far ss they » ere concerned,to the t'niteil States Courts. Mr. Justit«; Cardoso said a»ho bad done in previou» niotiona«g a similar character.that ho ahsoht await the decision of Judge Nelaos ha *

ease Involvíng tbe same qaeatlona After - nie diseña-»Ion, ths parties snbniitted po Id andShearman for plaintiff* ; Mr. Clark Hell and Judge Eiuotlfor defendant».

AI.LECIMD flUT.I.TV TO A HUMAJT,William .1. Croeby and Man in Smith, renpoo.

Jirely. the Csptain and Plrst Male of tha AroerieaaahipMargsret, lately arrived from Hong Kong, ;t"d now lyingat the fnor of MSldeB-lano, were l.rotOfht liefere Coiiimln-skMiBr abielda reotordsv, charged with having, nu theI7tb of l i-t ¦'< the high sa-, ribeatos one of the crew named Albert tOmsen, with aiie.aying pin. They were betdtn |l,oñbau,esoh,fareaexamination, to take place at OOOB to-day.

AJfOLD cask.At Essex Ifnrket Palies Court, yeatefttaj.

beforeJoatieeMsnsfield,Thomas Thomas w.i* ahanjadwith a larceny, committed in June, ísrs. Lortag J.son, of No. »i Oak-»t., Oreenpoint, makes aflMavtf thatTliomas took the chest of ship carpenter's tools worthlloo, from ths fool of Iwelflh-st. The watchman alhuetlt n's yarti. Identified tbe prisoner as lbs thlsf. Beldi-aded not guilty but is as fully eommiited in default ofbail.


A HEAVY CABI AND HEAVY BAILJnmr.i K. Lyon agt. Tko$. M. hdi, John

Kri~r,timl WotOO* I' l_rr. -Superior Coarl, «"hitinbcra.Mi ("torn, Jii is ¦ Hint f,u the cunversion of|l.', ir-o of hotels. An older of Hir.-t hoi b en grantedagainst too deb iidaiit.-, klag tlielr lui. at $-.s..ooo.

CKIMINAL.At tlie Tomba Police Court, yeatenl ty, Alder¬

man Moore committed Beory Monter on a charge oflarceny. Margan t th yaolds ôf Bo. H Tenth-sve., mado«uiiphtiiit tliitt on tin :id lint, a u 1..11CU of f.male wear¬

ing apparel, valued at BM, \t from her apait-mi-iit. On notadas night <'fitter Christopher arrestedthe oeoossd m the Sev. >Bow« p, and foaau la hla !.<"<*<¦«-Ik*n B portion of tbe stolen property.I. ite on Thurs¬day night < ifticer Tbomp .'n of tlm Barbor Pohes saw twomen receive two Cabs of but termer ths Bids of one of thoPacific Moll steamships, lying at tho foot sf Canal-M. Hi fore the thieves eiuilti pud SWS/ ill their boat tinewore taken into eostody, Tbs men gavs tho names ofPatrick Hlcgina and Michael Fiuley, and said they hodin «-u employed by a man en the steamer to 'ike the baiteraway. They were committed for trial.Tboaaas hsaithwas yesterdsj arrested on tbe cbargs of bavlsg stolenfrom tie.- store of Messrs. rjpgeor .^ Co , at the corner ofWashington and D two tuba oftbutter. Tbe so»cused coufooscd lo« «uilt. and whs committed for trial.

VFWS PACKAOgg POB I It! !'r»|.uin« «o.i ismofwssSsaia

I- o«r |.a.-k«,.. .- I'rra« «alf I»

t.-r,..o« albitanas Iba »viun aathonir «f J. W. sln.au«*«. <)«B.-r*l. raises«,

(. I., a r Kfi.r lhtiokrtU «Imu.J Sil 1 u«;» u

¡I.« u:u« prnons.

flin.tr«PA88KNÜ KR8 A BBt VEDgFli. M IIAV.1NA--fs SUMSmMp Morro Tsstf«. Jim« 1-Mr moir«

,:.,l faal rs. II. A. Bail« 0 M..» -. elPrr,«ot. M HI.--. M.« Matnll, >!. fraU Un. - n |ttsr, M

llirrlfic, »if« S»! rl.l..irr-n. II. lo;»!..» Jul.n vi¡:n, Mr, lAiirlsu.l....I _«. Mr I.-.),.... U II., I.!.- .,..!... Th..,., .m k ,.n,l, , k ...(

l'RtnAÏ'A W KATIIKS RKI'tlgr-9 a. «.-, .¿/m,.,, V». ;»rr

ra u..»'.to

ri.una.« «f."JNr«i.rl.I ii'lr.bSWliKuri«:!!»«.Ci« .1».75


Osvsss.« .*".MBuj»,u.Bslalai.TO

PitwBurfh.l'iasr.-;Srtilfaïn.« -linitlr.*l... i.TOBseOs.i «»ir.*aAu»-«t«. «,«. t ir«r .:HS«nnn,n. Cl«>r .7.1

.(..«ritt Ksi«..7.|:'.7«i

K-r VW.I. |Haraoa.Class.**

5«D,1« Ilook..

MIBUTI Ith k-StABSft.»i«. 7:i~ M.s.« ISM.* 0*osvas Tau OAi.

«04 Ou»'! UlintL. 4:14 | Hall Oit«. «Il


ruUT OK ggW-fOU.J'iu' 4.

CLE VUI'I».SUsBMbu a.barian. f.alnl, <ü«.ujo«f ; K. W. llruo--, K..«l*r, Bilt.-

««r«, Raralty, v\ II« i

Still.It,lu. - «'!»".H«rk«-Mjrr i |., la. Dalla.M tsassi TV ,!.¦« rst-lurJ. TrloMidj

Clr.ilaego«, Ai rn, CusSagSS, Ir.i.lü. Ki«r,ru. lurk M.I l«ulltl|Msfgant hJs<rJ. Ttaornaa, lU»r.- à Mai Uiflfaltsr fo« »r-

d«r«; Taraiaa, «j».1«, a.iricaii.», II« II r. Bal. Krunierj. (ur un!«r»;Kag»i. Pañi i SI Mar . lia.; s. iiuiíuu., U«bi.:u>, .1.« Bfdftjrtl;Uauall » -t..n.

U,i^»_í ...io«nl.>. Pi-narlli R.ta.li for or ¡rri. Alfir»ttt,Rotlii-rrord, i~>rul,i«|¡i)<. I'imi'i!, All« I ;»»«« «>»«",t.np'.il. Mil.')»-Uri.l.ii,QuiasOuSS saf SlSSTSl tv..««r Vlift.i. «i -i9.i!i». «Jui r^jiuwu or KjI-Hi.nUí fur onlír»; Ardir.'t. W .lia» i yn»«:<»t..»n or 1-ali.iouttl fur ut-

dru. Aua, l'ior>. «i.l ra.i.ir, VVil.la^too, Ma l

Si-rir»...M B. narrt«,Cal« Hsrris(taa, M'; ShaerTsykv. Bato,l'.tiVtm. ». A. Kí.ci.rr. Wllaaw, I'ooi.lrDi-«; fi. J. sii.ali UaliUe ,

llrnBorl ' Hi.ilifr Nr«.W'Wh. f*r«TJ«t«1«Trs A 1>. ;...rl.-, Ar-,. At «< o, I'. H. WbiU-S«»,'laT,,.r, ll-,»:..!,. lh-i. OQfSr, «' i.rr. g*«1 nrt|...rt, .SrU)ta««, Brtaut,>a»bartpu<l¡ buuiaa li*at<». hrlli. l'r..i.útuor.

AUUIVKI».at«*m»blp Morro Cutir, Adam«. Matan», Maj W. aad Naaaaa 31«t

.,l>«. «ud pass.Bri« K"«m« sur. LMasy, Milk RlT«r. Jam., ») t'.ari, k>jwo«i.hrlir. W. It. CWSTS, Ahiirr K:*uihrrs 8 dst«, fnni.Srhr. H«W« M. Wal M,-It««, l'ar« U dm bid.«btlir. B. C Bsrilair Dt a *, >. ;...<. Ss; ledat«. sa«L

kb"'>^sss.«i»a» imp ii.iri.i«.

JalluS Wftib, \ Aiuii^ W. Col tu». Ballimor».ilaij PlcrauB. AWuadri«. A.frnl Hall. \ nf.uu.

DOMgSTIC PORTB,SrurToü. Jnn« 4.Arroisl. I« «¦. N .'«riD.i, from Ci,.«f»«fn«; Aant«

loi¡riiu. fn.iu II»'- «us. KBT*. y Y ll».! from Jaaiaies; N|^r, fo.«Cal falatsl Arctic from l'rsiacola tirana« Mat« »i I Mar;, frutaatoa» Yatfc.KoRTSS»» MriNsos. Jiib« 4..Pi»««din for Baltlm.ir«. hnp Echo,

fr«-o M«7«KOra, Amoi M. lto!i»rt« le.iu Anoto. !' K. *-hi*. y Sit-

t«Tl*7 anil «Viitral Amrri-a Itvni \V«,t lu.hr«, VickaS.,rf. trun Dmi.¦SIS. r«av« «ut, «lr«iuib.p I.e.pl.t-, for Brru.ro, br . Joliti Kicba.da,for M. Thi.nia«.>n ,'k.s. ISOO, Jttnr X.«".r.rtsl. «lip« AlbslTaS, M Manuailloi

Frai.Miu. [or lloug Kou^.wllh l.lvS) laua Sour. S»i!rtl. Crut l'atil.- sa


BocTHiaiPToü. JtiiM! d .1 ¡.r aic«-..bis llataBoiui, ftosi Sr« T»rkll.i. 14, arrtrrd al tl.il port at I a. St. tM« moroHif.UsoaoSBOaat, Jus« 4..Tu« «U.aaia'ip hi. Alilrea. fioia ««"urhro,

arrnrrd al tl.u port to-dar.

floTt-Warum'i |tflttcr.STaTS i>» H««T»«t.

FokT Wasnsir»' Urncs, go M WilUas«-«!

NOTICE is hereby given, ta oçcor-ianee withBssass 4 ef ll,« Arl !»«-. A(.rrl 14, l*-\.¦'<¦ '¦""d "A« It'll«

¡r^ni.uilr'lU«" W..dr««ri.S««i"ll.« !'«H W B«« 1. «( »<£..»£*IBUS-wKrd m or b«rin« «a«.»« «I «". ".'»J«'« m»U" .' ."-«. '"I"!".

«sWau.rT.rVu "'u.l 57 hgwma rssssll SN ««. «ud«r ««a»«*

lr,,.Li.laU»l».lla«U.da). ««« .««wdlsi Ou. «uU>«. w. busrd «sM

««.Ml«: , _ , ,jp a

Mraaiablp dti-«af Boaton.«£ JSiri.nih.p Im»«: Brll.___"?«£BliS-MBIpTsfUB....... W?i, ÏM...._..s Mono llsatl«.uJ^V.Kkip A«»fc«iti'ir«.«i, » i'lia.kMiiiC. roí.Mfil.taiuaUich.B.rkAad»««..;.^"fft"1,.-Ha.k K..U« SW1.. «"¦ ".

lintB««lrii>..Hckrarka.|lrn,ll««D«h(J.1'r*,t,/*...BfisgsW«.[u\*-Brtf T«»Hr«4k«i«.se0««rk'«.

Unf U.U-.rrraise*«.Bnn llatll«« BuSof.liai« a,

Kritf Julia K H.akr'l .All»ul <. !'«tScSr. MomB Br»tB««J!.«SB. K.

MlgTslilKilb TUMI'MHS. rr«_d»«tJ. Ar-i-l H ««Ut .ay ».rrfcrl.

&tt¿bin{ CatoJ, *i.

T WM EVERDELL1" SON'S, No. 104 Ful«. u^i-wganiau ¿Akiii -. mi iTATiOsaar. il«ui