Central Hotel. _a_ 1 Ha § 1 1 Hotel Bristol RFRT IN HOTEL CO BURG M fi J E%. Si ffl l^i Right opposite Friedrich St. Sia.tion. *-*^ m * J«i^ Fit * •—• * Up to date— Homelike— Moderate Ternu. UmiiC-EXCELSIOR HOTEL $%*% 4 C Open the Year Round. Sumptuously Appointed. t-3* Most Modern House. Splendid Position J^ —MODERATE CHARGES— Under Sam© Management as The Grand Hotel National, Locermo Tka doldsmiths &Silversmiths Company 112, REGENT STREET, W. *" DIAMONDS. PEARLS. &c MOST BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS. HIGHEST QUALITY. Tas 3o!dsmiths & Silversmiths Compan] Ry Royal Warrant. Ltd 112. REGENT STREET, LONDON SAVOY HOTEL. & SAVOY HOTEL. A HOTEL DE LONDRES TharvomV,? Mcxtora asat (MM VoUtle— ra^aMITSl. ~~~ Thasa two dtJightfut Hotels, iocat*4 io th* most cwtrcl and commamitt part C/CM to landing of Sttam*/* frmm Warn Tark, and Contra! Raiiwoy Station posa—t mm* end la/iv withflririto bath, MHO SPLcMDIO VIEWS OF f>OM7. ** IIALY A^D SOCT2 OF FEASCZ. Seal Estate Nerzs Sales, Leases and Plans. t announcement was marie yesterday of the 5 of the Kensington, m, new eleven story and \^(3asX fireproof store and loft building at th© -^jj.jjst corner of Fifth avenue and 15th street. Sfce property was sold by the Rlchman Realty and * .fraction Company, tlirough M. & I* Hess to Robert S. Minium. The Kensington occupies a _tet3*x33s feet, with an "L," 35x61 feet. Ijr Minturn, the purchaser, gave In part pay- ~ec* -"* ten ctcry and basement flreprcof store and Cft taUdlaK at Nos. SIand S3 West Slat. street, be- "- Iret' fifth avenue and Broadway, size 23.4x95.9 feet, i-tje amount Involved was $1,100,000. Mr. Minturn wffl hold the Fifth avenue property as an invest- : \u25a0aal Xte Charles F. Xoyes Company has resold to a jjent for Henry Leerburger Noa. 295 and 2K4 Pearl $tr«ct. aB l ' or 5' and basement building, lot* about' IT:--'- feet. The building: has been leased for fife years to one tenant. The same brokers re- ets resold fcr Mr. Leerburger No. 297 Pearl street adjoining parcel. ?n>J)S & Klrby have sold for Alfred P. Coburn to raaklln PettH the northeast corner of Wadsworth »veaß6 and 177 th street, a plot 6%.10x100 feet. ' Joseph A- Kehoe has sold for Charles "W. Rosen- t**l the property on the northwest corner of 170 th (tree* and Fcrt Washington avenue to a buyer for investment. The plot is 85x100 feet. j^pau Schrag has sold for Mary B. Paddell the private d^relllas No. ISS West 21st street, on a . let tsS2 feet, to p. client. 5 yitss were filed yesterday with the Buildings Department for a new six story apartment house to be built for Frederick Britsoh on 131 st street, \u25a0yrfst of St. Nicholas avenue. It Is to be of the jtsßta Renaissance design, of brick trimmed with Ijjosstone. and wlil h.^ve a fronts?:* of 75 feet and a depth of £7 feet and contain twenty-five suites of apartments. It is to cost JlOO.OQi). Stelnle. Town- gead & Haskell axe the architects. r»^iit were also filed for a seven story loft bulld- jj^, to be erected at Nos. 143 and 145 West 20th g~eet for the Twentieth Street Construction Com- j_ay. It is to be of trick and stone, with a front- age of 43 feet, and _ij feet deep, and will cost fJCOOO. The company acts as its own architect. \u25a0 Samuel Winters haa planned a one story store jßiidii.£ to be erected at the northeast corner of. Bnjfcdwi.} and ISOth street. It is to front 122 (let on Broadway and ?0 feet in the street, and wiii be apportioned into eight stores. It Is to cost Bft.WJ. The architect Is Oscar Lowlnson. •^g* -iELPAST HOUSE.* DIRECT AMD BAVB rr *F»owTMwrT INTERMEDIATE PROFIT* •9 MM. TBTS UIM. WALPOLE'S CELEBRATED BR3SH LINENS AT MANUFACTURER*) PRIOBB. Nocharxv for Hraißiiae or Marktag Kou-elialii Oa«is> OAMBRIO HANOKBROHIKFII A ••'\u25a0OIAUTV, Carriar: paid on order* omtt £t la *•*»* WALPOLB BROTHERS^ Ltd. UNINMANUFACrURERS. "Belfast llouso," 80, Sow Uuu.i at., London. HOTELS IN ESGULHS. LONDON .... MIDLANDGRAND HOTEL MANCHESTER.... MIDLAND HOTEL LIVERPOOL .... ADELPHi HOTEL LEEBS QUEEN'S HOTEL BRADFORD MIDLAND HOTEL MORECAMBE BAY MIDLAND HOTEL DERBY MIDLAND HOTEL IV Towlo Manager. Midland Railway Hotels and Rrfrr.!.m«t'R«aou:ela. CWaf omce-Mldlaad Uraa« Hotel. London. HOTELS IN THE BRITISH ISLES. HOL.NX j MOtM Ki>U E AIM-I C XBB. H DG T K x WKia &iycTo;t '. SHANKLiy— ISLB OF WIGHT. \u25a0 iIULl .lEH'S SUAMiLIX HOTEL Klee. Uxht Tariff* of the Hotels and fall partUmlarji \u25a0• to rosite* mar bo bad at th* European Office* of "The Trlbun». it "Dane* Inn Hoc**.- t«5 strand (ovarlwklaa AJdwych « a d Kla«»w-y>. Laadoa- | FRANCE, BELGIUM AND HOLLA2fD~ Grand Hotel PARIS •„ Boulevard Dcs Capucines and Pises de 1 Opera 1,000 Rooms with Private Baths. Tariff on Application. PARIS (Favorite American House) HOTEL CHATHAM. _ ! PARIS HOTEL DE L'ATHENEE 11111 w 15 Rue Scribe Opposite the Grand Opera "The Modern Hotel of Paris." E. ARMBRUSTER, Manager. ARIS HOTEL DE LILLE ET d'ALBION 2-3 Rue St. Honore. close to flaco Vendomo. First cfass All modern Improvements. Bverjr home comfort Larse hall. Restaurant, luncheons and Jlnne™ at . Ox«« price or a la carte. Telegram*. LILLALBIO.N. PAMI3. —Henri AbaJie. Proprietor £%ARIS : Aye J de TOpera PARIS : Aye' de l'Opera HOTEL MONTANA 1 New and Up- to- Date Hotel 1 TRY IT 11 HOTEL BALTIMORE 88bis AVENUE KLEBER, Paris. Open sine* March 1. Fine suites of room* with hot ana npiIQQCI C LE GRAND HOTEL DI!U0 0C L « rl " r r om - American Par. " ITALY AND SOUTH OF FRANCE. MONTECARLO Hotel de I'Hermitage Slo«t Modern and luxurious In Monte Carlo. Mu»alfl- «nt Terrace. \u25a0nn-trovlral «rden overlooking Bay of M°nnoo"nd Me<llterr»uean. full view yacht am-ti«ras« and l FUework displays. Private bath« throughout. onte Carlo The Grand Hotel The leading Hotel and Restaurant in Monte I Carlo. Charming Suites with bath and toilet. i Auto-garage. PATTARD, Manager. I ~~ft y"iANNFQ Unrivalled jQ& £ MElllCOa Situation. j yif K-'K -' GALUA PALACE Opened in 1901. 40 Private Baths. Perfectly appointed Garage for 30 Cars, with turning table. '-*"~~ „,«\u25a0 ma ROOMS. VXTLXt "OL'TH. P?_W^lfil? LARGE GARDEN". ALT. SUITES N a m%m WITH PRIVATE BATH. SOUTH. ' ;! m LAROE GARDES. ALL BUITK3 IWb WITH PRIVATE BATH. 1^ HOTEL DE NICE CENTRAL HBATINQ THROUGHOUT- Rome, Italy. Grand Hotel. OPEN THE mR ROUND. Tha most beautiful and comfortable Hotel la Italy. Electric light throughout. American \ elevators. Charming Suites with bathrooms attached. Under the Mine Direction as THE SAVOY HOTEL, LONDON, i Rome, Italy. Gd Hotel Quirina) OPEN THE YhA.< ROUND tilzblyreputed and fashionable Ist clam Hotel In th* hrultble.t aad Hn«st part ot Rom*. Every nu*ler» comfort urd luxury. Grand UaU. Bond, rrlvut* \t*lhr itMiai*. Perfect sanitation. i HiOH CI.A>S FRENCH RKSTAIRANX. jtk 4m £CEAZ ZBBOCGHOCT. ITALY AUD SOUTH 0? F&ASCX. \u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0 " + * jQWmt iß^trteitr. Me*. if ROYAL HOTEL r^JTwT* Oikb tit* Ye«* Rocnd. J Prtrmt* \u25a0\u25a0<\u25a0»——. Fl fIDEIIPC Hotel-de-Laxo LUnCIIUC Finest Position. GRAND HOTEL. (Late Continental sad Vim la rate.) Magnificent Panorama of tho Aroo and sar* rounding Hills. Largo Winter Garden. Q. KRAFT, Proprietor. SAN REMO. Elmtsd mm Mil llblflWl (BMridiLut.) O SAVOY HOTEL, Eplendld View, Lars;* Garden. Boom* mnaed 67 tt«un beat. Prirat* bath*, Motor Gsnn. Lift. rertsc* fa ultat 100. American and Knallah Billiard TaM«a> Orchestra. B«sUarant Fraaeala. PALL BEAXZXX, Frop'r. p mm fn ja in BEAUTIFUI. &T-1bklUAl PRIVATE PARK. m "EDEN PALACE" ir* 9 _ biiallsE.. b«in« ths VENICE. | biuir. GRAND HOTEL | "VST 1 Baa m. Frootaze at 300 Feet j A. PIA-TA, •a Uu Gnsti CmxuU. MaJML««r. i rnra,, _.. Railway Tickets. Tefagrap M_ . , Railway Tickets. Telegrap AM Ltwgage Re^istereA 111 HOTEL DE LA VILLE HOTELS IN GESMASiT. ? Df^fc T~2 HOTEL BELLEVUE K. n.^ UtiN B«*h ...d T»ntt» HOTEL BELLEVUE Distta.nl.hed Hoo^f ol^^^gu j^-^S!* I PffSUHIGH: Art Cairtr» of Ear«?^ MUNICH: irtCtntrtofEartpk CONTINENTAL ' 111 Hotel de Luxe. MUNICH. MUNICH 4M-t HOTEL DE BUSSIE » ,- : « UREMBERG^--^ Sendig'3 Wurtiemberger-Ho! IESBADEN, GERMAMY. WIESBADEN, GERMANY. HOTEL KiIiSERHOF^r^S. ' First class thioaghont. Stands in its oim Pasi ! of 15.000 square yards. Booklets trim, X. m+ Tribune- O&ce, S. Y. \u25a0 WIESBADEN. Hotel de Luxe. Nassauer-Hof Hotel. i WIESBADEN; & Baths PALACE HOTEL & Batks ! WIESBIDEN 01 "" 'KKJ.-.Sr— > HOTEL WILHELMAI^ \u25a0 \u25a0 ™—^ AUSTRIA, HUNGABY * SWITZERLAND 1 HOTEL BRISTOL located on th» F«»hlon_bl» Karnthiwrrla?." «nd th» favorite retort of Americana. l»e*». ftct French CuUiae aad dwic* wtaee. BUDAPEST GD HOTEL HUN6ARIA Flrit-Cla>» HoteS with Panoramic View ever L*i« Danube. Every modem comfort. Exclusive Ameri- can and {nqlish patronage. CHARUS J. 31RG£I« Manager, formerly of Imperial Hotel, Vienna. IyiOIVTREUX WI'TER RESORT m HOTEL wr TER RESORT HOT£L3ELiVIOIiT \u25a0OB Holds' best position in Moatreu. 1 ud is the most popular modern has*. MAY BE A RATE WAR B. & M.*s Action Cause of Feeling Among Eastern Roads. The action of the Boston & Maine Ruilr >ad In filing a tariff on import trafic with the Interstate Commerce Commission, wiping out tho differential between Boston unJ Baltimore, has already been met by some of the trunk lines interested, ard it is expected thai the other lin-::s affected will als:> meet the cut. The roads that have announced th?-lr in- tention t<i lower their tariffs to conform to the Boston & Maine's proposed reduction on westbound freight from Boston are thu Boston & Albany, the Pennsylvania and the Reading. The Baltimore & Ohio and the Canadian Pacine, arlticb are among the chief roads affected by the cut, have not yet adopted any retaliatory- measures, but there is little doubt in railroad circles tliat they will meet the re- duction announced by thu -Boston & Maine. There !s said to be considerable fueling among the roads along the- Atlantic soaboitrd o\er tho matter, and, nccording to traffic men, unVss th« Boston & Maine backs down and Withdraws t3 new freight schedule just Bled with tho lutersiat* Com- merce Commission there is a probabi.ity of a rate war being started tliat will Involve all the Eastern trunk lines, and perhaps the Southern iinfs also, such as tha Missouri Pacific and the Illinois Cen- ! tral. Th«jre are to he further co'if^ronccs on the i subject, however, winch, it is hoped, will r. .suit in ; an amicable settlement, although recent attempts to teach an agreement have been unsuccessful. Some two yean ago a similar situation developed. l>ut th 3 trouble was patched up by arbitrat on and the present differentials were agreed upon. ( iwing to the exceptional advantages whi;h New York as an Import point enjoys, both In way of spefdy movement of freight and forolpi exchange facilities, the Import traffic from this city will not be so seriously affected by the Boston & Maine's aci'.on. hut at the Bame time It Is thought that some readjustment <rf rates out of New York will >,aye to be effected unless the Boston A Maine backs down. B. R. T. EARNINGS BELOW 1907. SPAULDING & CO., JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS, JACK6O.V BOULEVARD, CKICAQO. 33 AVENUE UOP-..A PARIS PARIS SHOPS. E-Sw & Co. have leased for Mrs. Mary O. Tim- wmm to Morris Weinstein for a term of twenty- thrM years the building known as Xos. 60 and 62 Susan street, being 31 feet on Nassau street. LEASES. Post s. Reese leased the church property at Nos. 124 to -IS "West Ssth street, to Charles Froh»f.|n, Tiio Trill use It for the storage of scenery- The banking quarters In the southeast end of the Metropolitan Opera House, Broadway and S9th nreet, now occupied by the New Amsterdam Na- tional Bask, have bean leased to the Hudson Trust Ccaapany * The trust company has also purchased the fixtures and the stock of the safe deposit com- j*ct, and has arranged with the Metropolitan Opera, and Realty Company for a. ten-year exten- sion of the New Amsterdam Bank's lease, which was to expire in 1911. . Th« New York Life Insurance Company ha« leuect a floor in the tower of the Singer Building. \u25a0 The Carnegie Trust Company has leased for a tens of years, at $15,000 a year, additional space In the rear of its present Quarters at No. 115 Broad- LONDON HOTELS. THECARLTON Hotel* Restaurant, and Grill Room, LONDON. GARDEN CITY SALES. - The Garden City Estates has sold, at its prop- « 7, the villa plot on the corner of Nassau Boule- wrd and Chester avenue ; a large plot on the east \u25a0at or Kiibum Road, between Stewart avenue and Etrttlord avenue; a plot on the west side of Kl!- bum Boafi, south- of Salisbury avenue; a plot on tne east tide of Kilburn Road, north of Salisbury Kveaue; a plot on the west side of Kilburn Road, Jissiefilately north of Chester avenue, and a plot en the cart elds of. Brixton Road, N south of Chester avenue. - LOAN TO LOTOS CLUB. The Title Guarantee' and Trust Company has losxed the Lotos Club $350,000 at 4J4 per cent for five years on its new clubhouse, on the south aide ' 17a street, between Sixth and Seventh avenues. The Gross Earnings Show Increase of $24,587 Over Last Year. The annual report of the KfeW Y<->rk & Queens County Railway Company, a e-übsldlary of the In- terborough Rapid Transit Company, for the year ended June 30 laf.. was filed yesterday with the Public Service Commission. The gross earnings were J937.&0C. an increase of $24,587 over the previous year. Operating expenses were J809.815, an increase of $68,907. Taxes were $51,000, an Increase of $12.- 000. Net Income from operating was $73.9*5, a .In- crease of $56,319. Non-operating !n;ome was $7,05<5, which mad« gross Income applicable to corporate purposes $81,041, a decrease of WJO. Interest charges were $200,138, an increase of $37,565, Which left a deficit for tiie year of $U9.037, an Increasa ot $?6,525. Previous Fiirplus was $237.00, a decrease of $33,573. Deducting the deficit for the year, the total sur- plus was reduced t" $117.^2, a decrease of $130,4(2. No dividends were paid. Taxes under-accrued amounted to BM.ttfc an Increase of J55.694. Deduct- ing this Item, the surplus on June 30 v.-ub $ decrease of $213,097. The total number of pas.«!n- gers carried for the year was 23.5)0.550. an Increr.se of 325.824. The number of accidents was 127. and the number cf kllied was 4. The Injured totalled IA. PICTURE SHOW ORDINANCE SIGNED. Mayor McClelian signed yesterday the resolution passed by the Board of Aldermen on Tuesday, pro- hibiting children under th» age of sixteen years front vlsitlr.g moving picture Bhows, unless accom- panied by parent, relative or friend of parents. Tho 'penalty for a violation oa the part of the mai-.ag.-r Is a fine of from $10 to $50. Ajiy person not the parent, relative or friend of the family who takes a child under elxtec-n years of age to such a •w-ithout the consent of a parent Is also K-niUy. N. Y. & QUEENS COUNTY RY. REPORT. PLANS AND ALTERATIONS. Plans for new buildings and alterations have been filed at the bureau of buildings, Manhattan. &s follows: . lSl?t st n c, 90 ft w of St Nicholas aye; for a fix story brick apartment house, 75x87; F Brltsch. owner; Townscnd. Stelnla & liask«ll, architects »100,000 Broadway, n «\u25a0 corner ISOth st; for a one story brick 6tur«, 122x50; S Winters, owner; O Low- lnson. architect 10,000 20th st, Kos 143 and' 145 Wast; Cor a «vfn story brick loft and stores. 24x>7 ; 20th Btr«*t Con- etructlon Co, premises, owner and contractor... e0,0".O MaCicon aye, i? w corner 130 th Ft; alterations to a three story brick dwelling: S Hvmsn. owner; Sommerneld & Stecider. architects 7.000 Plans for the following new buildings vere filed at The Bronx bureau of buildings: Brook aye, w s. from 136th to 137th st; 5 six story brick tenements. 40x90x57; Brook Con- struction Co. owners- Albert Morris, architect. . 5300,000 17&th St. 8 w corner Prospect aye: 4 four story brick tenements: one 3Mx9O. and three 2".1x57; Barry Bros, owners: Moore & Landssldel. archi- tects 109.000 Clinton five, * 8. 20 ft n of 17r.th st; C three story brick dwellinßS. 1&.4xr.2 each; Ilclyoko Realty Construction Co. owners; C S Clark, architect.- 54,000 Brlggs aye. «; «. 2SJK2 ft n of Klnssbridge Road; 5 two story brick dwellings. 19-IxSS each; Brlggs Realty Co, owner". C S Clark, architect 37.000 CreMon aye- w *. 17."> ft a of 19Mh st; two story frame dwelling. 21x^6; John Qulnn. owner; C S Ciark. architect 6.000 BRONX BUILDING PLANS. LOANS FOR FLATHOUSES. The Severn Realty & Construction Company, nf which Benjamin D. Woog is president, has obtained from the Lawyers' T'tle Insurance and Trust Com- pany building and permanent loans aggregating: 1127,000 on theJr property on the east side of Flat- bush avenue, running from Fenimore street to Rut- land Road. These are to be six four atory flats, two apartments to .\ floor or the inside houses, and three to a floor In the corner houses. They will be ready for occupancy about August 1 next. Three Parcels Sold—lnterested Per- sons the Purchasers. The results of the auction tales yesterday on tho Real Estate Exchange were as follows: . By Herbert A. Sherman: Nob. 105 and 107 Columbia mv .\u25a0**\u25a0\u25a0• GO ft n of Stanton st. 4©*25, C sty brk tc&mt and c tore; Herman Gottlieb agt Abraham Goldstein et a,: blgmucd- Honi any; MAximus A Lesser, re£: ami aue, H.UU.; taxes, etc. $SS2; subject to two morts aK- 6'ppatir.g f17.2^4j; to Jenny Dart) (or 5 4-'T Jy Joseph P. Day: No. i'ls E 23th St. n s. 186 ft © of Third aye. i5x95.9. 6 sty brk tenmt; Minnie Rlnaldo a#r: Morris Schocnfeld et al; Paul HelUnger, atty; Ed- ??i?A L Parrla ref; amt due, $6.722 65: taxes, eta. •> I. \u25a0!..<>: subject to a mort of (23.000. to Henry Black, a party in Interest, for $29 7GS :-*•«• £' 26 X 12lh \u25a0*• se. - " c > ft \u25a0«\u25a0 of Avenue B. 2r>x I •JL s ' v brk te nn>t and store; Tetta Lefkowitz ast Sam \u25a0Welnstock et al; Abraham Landau, atty; Louis J«?rsawltz. ref; »mt due. $!?,476 88 taxes, etc. 180 70; subject to a mort or $25,5Q0 and leases; to the plaintiff IN THE AUCTION ROOMS. GIBRALTAH HOTELS. THE HOTEL CECIL GIBRALTAR. Firs* Class la every respect. The only expressly coostructedHotel in Gibraltar. Highly recommend- ed. Perfect Sanitation. Telegrams Cecil Gibraltar. To Let for Business Purposes. To Let for Business Purposes. Open E*Oerjr Day in the year The Centre ot Transit for the Metropolitan District "I/* Stations Entrance to Brooklyn Bridge S\ibw».y All tvithin a Step Absolutely SeJe Fa-st-Running ELEVATORS (Moaxar Type). Electric Light and Janitor Service To Let Large and Small . OFFICES Single or en Suite IN THE Tribune Building 154 Nassau Street Opposite City Hall Park . Par or Better for $29,864,000 Issue Said to Have Been Obtained. The Louisville &. Nashville Railroad Company, it was announced yesterday, has sold to J. P. Mor- gnn & Co. bonds of an aggregate par value of paatfflflft which are the collateral for the com- pany's outstanding $23,000,000 flva to tweity year I collateral trust gold bonds of 1903, whlc i it has 1 been decided to redeem on Aprl!1. The company. It is understood, has obtained par or a trifle better for this collateral, so that after the redemption of the $23,000,000 collateral trust bonds th-re will re- main about $6,000,000 cash, which may be used for Improvements. The collateral consists of $18.2OO,(*y) unlfed 4 pet cents, M.tJiy.OOQ Louisville & Nashville Paducah & Memphis division bonds, $2,600,000 Louisville & Nashvlllo Terminal Company 4s, $4.M5.000 South ft North Alabama 5s and $iOO,OOO Fensaco^a & At- lantic 6s. There had been no advance r amors of this sale, which. It ia said, the company arranged beeauM for certain reasons other than the saving of Interest, which will be smalt, It desired to retire \u25a0 the collateral trust obligations at this time. . | HAWLEY DENIES COAST LINE RUMOR. I' Edwin Hawley said yesterday that there was no ' truth In the report from Richmond that hs and 1 his associates had acquired the Chesapeake & Ohio I Railway fcr the purpose of turning It over to the ' Atlantic Coast Line system. On the contrary, he : said, they had bought the road with th-j idea of i operating it to its fullest capacity. An officer of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company a!so ' denied the Richmond rumor. The statement in tha dispatch that Mr. Haw ley is a director of the At- . lantlc Coast Line is also without foundation. He ' Is not and never baa lioen a member of the board !of that road. F. W. Scott, one of Mr. Hawley's associates in the Clieaapeaka & Ohio dt-a!. il a ': director of the Atlantic Coast Lin*-, and it la true Improvement Reported Since Eeginnlng of the Year Directors Re-elected. The stockholders of th« Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company at their annual meeting yesterday re- elected th* retiring directors, except H. H. Porter, resigned, whose place was filled by the election of George F. Porter, and elected James N. Wallace, president of the Central Trust . Company, a3 suc- cessor to the late Anson R. Flower, and J. Horace Harding, of Charles D. Barney & Co., to succeed the late John G. Jenkins, sr. The new board of di- rectors probably will organize In about ten days. Pr««ldent Winter said after the meeting that the company's earnings for the six months ended on December SI were slightly below those for the cor- responding period In 1907. but that business had been Improving since the banning of the year. Asked by a stockholder whether or not a dividend was to be declared in the near future, he answered: "Whatever is beat for the company will be done by the directors." LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE BONDS. Apply for Terms to Renting Agent, Room 607 Public Notices. MM & WKITING W. SBEE kTa^ S t. OFEST n A^v° R k Real Estate. FOR RENT . : \u25a0 . IN THE N. Y. TRIBUNE BUILDING, 154 Nassau Street. New York, *\u25a0 «oa on the pround floor containing; about 3158 *«. Ft, suitable for «tore or office purposes. fcKrxneft from Main Corridor of Building and «** from No. 5 Frankfort St. Will rent aa a •*"-'« or divide for several tenants. Apply Room 607 TRIBUNE BLDG. Real Esiqfc to Exchange. INVESTMENT PROPERTY j^r exchan*!- h!eh-rla»s Investment property on ff*-***T. for fr^e and clear vacant, or •mall piece *J>n>*e<l property. ' Fl\MiY & MATHEWS, "•miiEfci Bulldtns; Park Avenue «t 41«t Street. r-i».i, T>i»ntmr.e SSth 6t- S«6- Country Property for Sale. Mortgage loans wanted in Greater New York. Rates low, quick answers. Call, or Telephone 6140 - Cortland. Lawyers Title Insurance and Trust Company cc AyA v % TT A L ut $9,500,000 160 Broadway, *>w * orU. 18S Montarne Street. Brooklyn "Portable Bungalows - \u25a0 \u25a0 - U. S. Pal. Off. i 3 to 10 Room* CABINET MADE-not .hacks. ERECT THEM. XV. also ( l J™^ Small Stores, etc. BUY BEFORE MATtRIALS ADVAA'CE. BIM.IXGS-STEVEN§ CO.. BIM-I>r.S-STKVK>§ CO.. •Phono 6934-3Sth St. C Eatt «2d St.. »ir York. gUY A FARM FOR * $10 *>*>• AND * 10 A MONTH IN VII.AS COgg*' Wl *" . T .. OOXSDt. N'j IXTEHEST. NO TAXE3. 4-. LNbUKr: YuUK. tIFC JSf** te «U before, the once FREE of CHARGE. m For tZ&* xo »wr heirs at once KREE of CHARGE. For "•« i*ni C u:«.r» writ*to 4ay to O. F. SANBOR.N CO., t*. DEPT. 7. ASHLAND. WIS VJi °»« 1 OfBc«. }210 Borland Builds. 131- L* Ealle St.. ' t> _____ corner Monroe. - t Eh- WT VILLA. PAULISOX AVENUE. PAS- 2-»*lt. and a large original enirravlnß of Aurora. a *"*» Of. the Morn!n<." work or art by one of J*J*W ma^er.. for M T«, a' bargain by SKIDMORE. New «ork journalist, on the premises. . . : :20J£E AND ACREAGE.—O3EAUTIFUI* ;TREES. =**T, **<* Sox 62, Gre«nwlc&, Coaa. FREEZES TO DEATH IN FREIGHT CAR. Buffalo. Jan. 23.-A man whose Identity as yet unknown was found frozen to death in a freight car which reached the Eaet Buffalo fre.ght yards of the New York Central Railroad last evening from the East. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Phlrairr. Jan 23.-Hesslan fly reports from Kan- Chlcago, Jan .J-. t market here tBo-dt 8 0-da h y tlP It S.'SSfiKU were *0 to %o higher, basmess on the Hoard of Trade was marffested at the start because of extremely lib- "a" shipments of wheat this week from Argentina and Australia, the movement from the former country ting '4.698.000 bushels, which \u25a0 *as consM- urablv more than had been estimated jesterday. whUe Australia exported 3.0*0.000 bushels. The lead- SS bull came to the support of the market, and this inspired liberal covering; by shorts, which oauWd " aharp rally toward the mid of the day. Mill advices from Kansas which told of damage to the fall-sown crop In the southern counties l of that state by the Hessian fly brought out addl- session The close, however, was firm, with May at ami to »07% and July at 97%c. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 333.000 bushels. Ex- port* for the week as shown by Bradstreefs were *oval to 3 044.700 bushels. Primary receipts (In- complete figures) 'were 178.000 bushels, compared wimSiOOO bu6 h e la the corresponding day a year Iko Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 191 cars, against 197 cars last week and W BaT"and y SSw?K: the corn bait caused moderate advances in the price of corn early In the session bear later In the day sentiment became somewhat Sr S ox ing to an official forecast of a cold wave to-night. Eastern demand for cash corn was quiet, and local receipts were more than had bee n esti- mated yesterday. The market closed about steady with May ana July at «2%c. Local receipts were 17° cars, with 2 of contract grade. Th» feature of trade In the oats market was moderate purchase of the. May delivery^ by cash Interests. Trade In genera! was exceedingly^ quiet and prices ranged within narrow bounds At ** close May was at £2c and July at 46»,c Local re- "i^advancfor^ In live hogs Inspired consld- erable demand for provisions, which caused a firm tone throughout the entire day- Some of the leaders In the grain pit were active bujers. At the close prices were 2'4c to 20c higher, compared with the previous close. J ,^ r^ * Estimated receipts for to-morrow: y^t. « cars; corn, 120 cars; oats. 101 car.; nos*. 14.000 head, that there Is a valuable physical and trafflo con- nection between the two roads at Richmond, and that the latter gets a large amount of traffic from the Chesapeake & Ohio at this point, but there U no reason to believa. It is stated, that their rela- tions will be aDy closer in the future than they are at present COSMJDES GOES TO STATE PRISON. Charaoterizlne him as a menace to the community aiul a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Judge Foster. In General Session*, yesterday sentenced Christopher Cosmides, a partner of Alfred Goslln. who 1* now in Paris, to not more than four years and nine months, nor not less than four year* and three montns. In state prison. Osmldes is thirty-two years old. and at the time of hi« arrest lived at the Gilsey House. In Aueust, 1901, a 100-share certificate of tnlt«d States Steel preferred was stolen from Da Coppet & Doremus. bankers and brokers, of « Broad- way, at the instigation of Goslln. who in turn handed It to CoFmides to negotiate. Cosmides was not arrested until WO6. when Goslin fied to Paris. THE CITT OP NEW YORK. DEPARTMENT OF TAXES AMU ASFESS- . MENT3, MAINOFTI<"K, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN HALL OF RECORDS* January 7th. IM*. NOTICE 13 HBRKOT GIVEN, as required by the Greater New York Charter, that th* book* called 'The Annual Record of the As- sessed Valuation of Real and Personal Efetare cf tho Boroughs of Manhattan. The Bronx. Brooklyn, Queens and Richmond." oorai>-4«ln« the City of New York, willbe open for jjubllc inspection. «xsjnlnatinn and correction 01 th* sd'sond Monday of Jncuary. and will remain open to and Including the flat day of March. I*o9. Durlne the time that the books are open far public Inspection application may be ma le by any person or corporation claiming to bs ag- grieved by the aceeseeA valuation of real or pemontl estate to have The same eorreri'*l. In the Borough of Manhattan, at the Main Office 0/ the Department of Taxes and Assess- ments. No. a Chambers Street, Hall of Hec- onjp. In the Borough of The Bronx at the offle* of the Department. Municipal Bnildln*. 17*ti» Street and 3d Avenue. In the Borough of Brooklyn, at the office «i the Department. Municipal Building. In ifce Borough of Queens, at the office or the Department. Hackett Building. Jackson Avenue and Fifth Street Long Island City. la the Borough of Richmond, at the o/rlo* of «he Department, Borough Hall. New Applications for the reduction of real eststa t«w<«miert. must be In writing and should be upon blanks furnished by the Department. -, Applications for th« correction of thr per- BeaH assessments of corporations must be filed at the n^in office in the Borough of Application In relation to the assessed \u25bc»»"*- tlon of personal estate must be made by th« person Messed at th* office of th. Depart- mmmi la the Borough wlwre sucji per»»n re- tides and In case cf a non-resUieot carrying <\u25a0 bigness in th, C!ty cf New York .it the otOm of the Deportment In the B-rounh where scch place of business U to*"**;*, be- tween tie boors of 10 A. M. and i P. M-. ex- cept on Saturday wfcen all applications must be made between 1" •*. M. and IS noon. LAWSON PCmDT. Pr«ai<J*.Bt. FRANK RATMGND. JAMES J. TTIJ.Y. •/ * CHARLES PUTZKL. \ chari.es j.-MccdnfkACH; CHARIifi J. MrfOßtACa, jon:» J. HAIO.ERAJ*. _____•- Conindzslsners •* Taxes aa* AaaessßrsssS. TOURISTS' BAGGAGE INSURANCE FOB ITNITED STATES OR FOREIGN TRAVEL. POLICIES ISSUED AT REASONABLE COST BT INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA of Philadelphia. Apply PLATT & JEREMIAH, Mgrs ., 61, Wall Street, New York, JONES & WHITLOCK, Agts., 49 Wall Street, New York. Or any other Agent of the Company in the United States or Canada. CANADIANFORESIGHT. The only Montreal passenger on the Btr. "HE- PUBLIC" had a '"Tourist's Baggage Insurance Policy" with the Insurance Company ,of North America, and has already received cheque In pay- ment of tho face of the policy. NEW- YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, r SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1909. DEAL OF $1,100,000. Tfl£ KENSINGTON SOLD Foreign Resorts. n SPECIAL EUROPEAN COLUMNS Foreign Resorts. European Advertisements. HOTEL METROPOLE, Proprietors: The GORDON HOTELS, Ltd. \u25a0 4% \u25a0\u25a0 91 Jb ||3 A Favorvd Stopp'ng Place for American Visitor*- a Ig £3 PttS §| \u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0• A Most Central Position in the West-End. «4 * 1 *$-\u25a0*\u25a0« fft Hg a HSI Tariff Free from Votovrn rffire "Sew York grrc *&&K<3 SUK UM MMm Tribnne," 1364 Broadway. .V. Y. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 " i*r— msm— Tiffany & Co. t*l AND 221A REGENT STREET LONDON CWGLISH BRANCH Of THE NEW YORK ffOCSI JEWELLERY- PRECIOUS STONES •WATCHES AND - SILVERWARB A VISIT 13 SOI.ICITBD «O IMPORTUNITY TO PUKCHAM PARIS S6BU AVENUE DE L'OPEIA LONDON SHOPS. MAPLE UNTER DEM LINDEN, 5 8. The " Fifth Avtnus ' ot Berlin. Patronised by the Elite of American Society- LONDON *> CO ENGLAND OLD ENGLISH FURNITURE ORIENTAL CARPETS Opposite Central Station (FrUdrlehstraaae;. ~ Th« Largest Hotel la Germany . % 500 Rooms and Suites with Baths. Rooms from 3 Marks.

New York Tribune (New York, NY) 1909-01-30 [p 11]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1909-01-30/ed-1/seq-11.pdf · jtk4m £CEAZ ZBBOCGHOCT. ITALYAUD SOUTH 0? F&ASCX. \u25a0

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Page 1: New York Tribune (New York, NY) 1909-01-30 [p 11]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1909-01-30/ed-1/seq-11.pdf · jtk4m £CEAZ ZBBOCGHOCT. ITALYAUD SOUTH 0? F&ASCX. \u25a0

Central Hotel._a_1


11 Hotel Bristol

RFRT INHOTEL CO BURGM fi J E%. Si ffl l^i Right opposite Friedrich St. Sia.tion.*-*^ m * J«i^ Fit *•—• *

Up to date— Homelike— Moderate Ternu.

UmiiC-EXCELSIOR HOTEL$%*% 4 C Open the Year Round. Sumptuously Appointed.

t-3* Most Modern House. Splendid PositionJ^ —MODERATE CHARGES—

Under Sam© Management as The Grand Hotel National, Locermo


doldsmiths &Silversmiths Company112, REGENT STREET, W.





3o!dsmiths & Silversmiths Compan]Ry Royal Warrant. Ltd


HOTEL DE LONDRESTharvomV,? Mcxtora asat (MM

VoUtle— ra^aMITSl.~~~

Thasa two dtJightfut Hotels, iocat*4 ioth*most cwtrcl and commamitt part

C/CM to landing of Sttam*/* frmm WarnTark, and Contra! Raiiwoy Stationposa—t mm*end la/iv withflriritobath, MHO SPLcMDIO VIEWS OF f>OM7. **


Seal Estate Nerzs Sales, Leases andPlans.

t *£ announcement was marie yesterday of the5 of the Kensington, m, new eleven story and\^(3asX fireproof store and loft building at th©-^jj.jjst corner of Fifth avenue and 15th street.Sfce property was sold by the Rlchman Realty and*

.fraction Company, tlirough M. & I*Hess to

Robert S. Minium. The Kensington occupies a_tet3*x33s feet, with an "L," 35x61 feet.

Ijr Minturn, the purchaser, gave In part pay-

~ec* -"* ten ctcry and basement flreprcof store andCft taUdlaK at Nos. SIand S3 West Slat.street, be-"-Iret' fifth avenue and Broadway, size 23.4x95.9 feet,

i-tje amount Involved was $1,100,000. Mr. Minturn

wffl hold the Fifth avenue property as an invest-:\u25a0aal

Xte Charles F. Xoyes Company has resold to a

jjentfor Henry Leerburger Noa. 295 and 2K4 Pearl•$tr«ct. aBl

' or5' and basement building, lot*

about' IT:--'- feet. The building: has been leasedfor fife years to one tenant. The same brokers re-ets resold fcr Mr. Leerburger No. 297 Pearlstreet *«adjoining parcel.

?n>J)S &Klrbyhave sold for Alfred P. Coburn to

raaklln PettH the northeast corner of Wadsworth»veaß6 and 177 th street, a plot 6%.10x100 feet.


Joseph A- Kehoe has sold for Charles "W. Rosen-

t**lthe property on the northwest corner of 170 th(tree* and Fcrt Washington avenue to a buyer

for investment. The plot is 85x100 feet.j^pau Schrag has sold for Mary B. Paddell the

private d^relllas No. ISS West 21st street, on a. let tsS2 feet, to p. client.5 yitss were filed yesterday with the BuildingsDepartment for a new six story apartment houseto be built for Frederick Britsoh on 131st street,

\u25a0yrfst of St. Nicholas avenue. It Is to be of thejtsßta Renaissance design, of brick trimmed withIjjosstone. and wlilh.^ve a fronts?:* of 75 feet and

a depth of £7 feet and contain twenty-five suitesof apartments. It is to cost JlOO.OQi). Stelnle. Town-gead &Haskell axe the architects.

r»^iit were also filed for a seven story loft bulld-jj^, to be erected at Nos. 143 and 145 West 20thg~eet for the Twentieth Street Construction Com-j_ay. Itis to be of trick and stone, with a front-age of 43 feet, and _ij feet deep, and will costfJCOOO. The company acts as its own architect.

\u25a0 Samuel Winters haa planned a one story storejßiidii.£ to be erected at the northeast corner of.Bnjfcdwi.} and ISOth street. It is to front 122(let on Broadway and ?0 feet in the street, andwiiibe apportioned into eight stores. It Is to cost

Bft.WJ. The architect Is Oscar Lowlnson.




AT MANUFACTURER*) PRIOBB.Nocharxv for Hraißiiae or Marktag Kou-elialii Oa«is>OAMBRIO HANOKBROHIKFIIA ••'\u25a0OIAUTV,

Carriar: paid on order* omtt £t la*•*»*WALPOLB BROTHERS^ Ltd.

UNINMANUFACrURERS."Belfast llouso," 80, Sow Uuu.iat., London.





IV Towlo Manager. Midland Railway Hotels andRrfrr.!.m«t'R«aou:ela. CWaf omce-Mldlaad Uraa«Hotel. London.





\u25a0 iIULl.lEH'S SUAMiLIX HOTEL Klee. Uxht

Tariff*of the Hotels and fall partUmlarji\u25a0• to rosite*

mar bo bad at th* European Office* of "The Trlbun».

it "Dane* Inn Hoc**.- t«5 strand (ovarlwklaaAJdwych «ad Kla«»w-y>. Laadoa-



Grand HotelPARIS •„

Boulevard Dcs Capucines and Pises de 1Opera1,000 Rooms with Private Baths.

Tariff on Application.

PARIS (Favorite American House)


PARIS HOTEL DE L'ATHENEE11111 w 15 Rue Scribe

Opposite the Grand Opera

"The Modern Hotel of Paris."E. ARMBRUSTER, Manager.


2-3 Rue St. Honore. close to flaco Vendomo. First

cfass Allmodern Improvements. Bverjr home comfortLarse hall. Restaurant, luncheons and Jlnne™ at. Ox««price or a la carte. Telegram*. LILLALBIO.N.PAMI3.

—Henri AbaJie. Proprietor

£%ARIS :AyeJ de TOpera

PARIS:Aye' de l'Opera

HOTEL MONTANA1 New and Up- to-Date Hotel1 TRY IT11


Open sine* March 1. Fine suites of room* with hot ana


"rrom- American Par.


MONTECARLOHotel de I'HermitageSlo«t Modern and luxurious In Monte Carlo. Mu»alfl-«nt Terrace. \u25a0nn-trovlral «rden overlooking Bay ofM°nnoo"nd Me<llterr»uean. full view yacht am-ti«ras«

andl FUework displays. Private bath« throughout.

onte CarloThe Grand Hotel

The leading Hotel and Restaurant in MonteICarlo. Charming Suites with bath and toilet.iAuto-garage. PATTARD, Manager.

I ~~ft y"iANNFQ UnrivalledjQ& £ MElllCOa Situation.

jyifK-'K-' GALUA PALACEOpened in1901. 40 Private Baths.

Perfectly appointed Garage for 30Cars, with turning table.

'-*"~~„,«\u25a0 ma ROOMS. VXTLXt "OL'TH.P?_W^lfil? LARGE GARDEN". ALT. SUITES

Na m%m




Rome, Italy.Grand Hotel.

OPEN THE mR ROUND.Tha most beautiful—and comfortableHotel la Italy. Electriclight throughout. American

\ elevators. Charming Suiteswith bathrooms attached.

Under the Mine Direction as


i Rome, Italy.Gd Hotel Quirina)

OPEN THE YhA.< ROUNDtilzblyreputed and fashionable Ist clam Hotel In th*

hrultble.t aad Hn«st part ot Rom*. Every nu*ler»comfort urd luxury. Grand UaU. Bond, rrlvut*\t*lhritMiai*. Perfect sanitation.i HiOH CI.A>S FRENCH RKSTAIRANX.


ITALYAUD SOUTH 0? F&ASCX.\u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0


jQWmt iß^trteitr. Me*.

if ROYAL HOTEL r^JTwT*™Oikb tit*Ye«* Rocnd. J Prtrmt* \u25a0\u25a0<\u25a0»——.

FlfIDEIIPC Hotel-de-Laxo

LUnCIIUC Finest Position.

GRAND HOTEL.(Late Continental sad Vim la rate.)

Magnificent Panorama of tho Aroo and sar*rounding Hills. Largo Winter Garden.

Q. KRAFT, Proprietor.

SAN REMO. Elmtsd mmMil llblflWl (BMridiLut.)

O SAVOY HOTEL,Eplendld View,Lars;* Garden. Boom* mnaed 67 tt«unbeat. Prirat* bath*, Motor Gsnn. Lift. rertsc*faultat100. American and Knallah Billiard TaM«a>Orchestra. B«sUarant Fraaeala. PALL BEAXZXX,Frop'r.

pmm fn ja in BEAUTIFUI.&T-1bklUAl PRIVATE PARK.


_biiallsE.. b«in« thsVENICE. |


Baa m. Frootaze at 300 Feet j A. PIA-TA,

•a Uu Gnsti CmxuU. MaJML««r.i

rnra,, _.. Railway Tickets. Tefagrap

M_., Railway Tickets. Telegrap

AM Ltwgage Re^istereA




HOTEL BELLEVUEK.n.^UtiN• B«*h ...d T»ntt»

HOTEL BELLEVUEDistta.nl.hed Hoo^fol^^^gu j^-^S!*

I PffSUHIGH: Art Cairtr» of Ear«?^MUNICH: irtCtntrtofEartpk

CONTINENTAL' 111 Hotel de Luxe. MUNICH.



UREMBERG^--^Sendig'3 Wurtiemberger-Ho!


First class thioaghont. Stands in its oim Pasi

!of 15.000 square yards. Booklets trim, X. m+Tribune- O&ce, S. Y. \u25a0

WIESBADEN. Hotel de Luxe.

Nassauer-Hof Hotel.



'KKJ.-.Sr— >





1HOTEL BRISTOLlocated on th» F«»hlon_bl» Karnthiwrrla?."«nd th» favorite retort of Americana. l»e*».ftct French CuUiae aad dwic* wtaee.

BUDAPESTGD HOTEL HUN6ARIAFlrit-Cla>» HoteS with Panoramic View ever L*i«

Danube. Every modem comfort. Exclusive Ameri-can and {nqlish patronage. CHARUS J. 31RG£I«Manager, formerly of Imperial Hotel, Vienna.


HOT£L3ELiVIOIiT\u25a0OB Holds' best position in Moatreu.

1 ud is the most popular modern has*.


B. & M.*s Action Cause of FeelingAmong Eastern Roads.

The action of the Boston & Maine Ruilr >ad Infiling a tariff on import trafic with the InterstateCommerce Commission, wiping out tho differentialbetween Boston unJ Baltimore, has already beenmet by some of the trunk lines interested, ard it isexpected thai the other lin-::s affected will als:> meet

the cut. The roads that have announced th?-lr in-tention t<i lower their tariffs to conform to theBoston & Maine's proposed reduction on westboundfreight from Boston are thu Boston & Albany, thePennsylvania and the Reading. The Baltimore &Ohio and the Canadian Pacine, arlticb are amongthe chief roads affected by the cut, have not yetadopted any retaliatory- measures, but there is littledoubt in railroad circles tliat they willmeet the re-duction announced by thu -Boston & Maine.

There !s said to be considerable fueling among

the roads along the- Atlantic soaboitrd o\er thomatter, and, nccording to traffic men, unVss th«

Boston & Maine backs down and Withdraws t3 newfreight schedule just Bled with tho lutersiat* Com-merce Commission there is a probabi.ity of a ratewar being started tliat will Involve all the Easterntrunk lines, and perhaps the Southern iinfs also,

such as tha Missouri Pacific and the Illinois Cen-!tral. Th«jre are to he further co'if^ronccs on thei subject, however, winch, it is hoped, will r..suit in

;an amicable settlement, although recent attempts

to teach an agreement have been unsuccessful.

Some two yean ago a similar situation developed.l>ut th3trouble was patched up by arbitrat on andthe present differentials were agreed upon.

(iwing to the exceptional advantages whi;h NewYork as an Import point enjoys, both In way ofspefdy movement of freight and forolpi exchangefacilities, the Import traffic from this city will notbe so seriously affected by the Boston & Maine'saci'.on. hut at the Bame time It Is thought thatsome readjustment <rf rates out of New York will>,aye to be effected unless the Boston A Mainebacks down.






E-Sw & Co. have leased for Mrs. Mary O. Tim-wmm to Morris Weinstein for a term of twenty-

thrM years the buildingknown as Xos. 60 and 62Susan street, being 31 feet on Nassau street.

LEASES.Post s. Reese leased the church property at Nos.

124 to -IS "West Ssth street, to Charles Froh»f.|n,Tiio Trilluse It for the storage of scenery-

The banking quarters In the southeast end of theMetropolitan Opera House, Broadway and S9thnreet, now occupied by the New Amsterdam Na-tional Bask, have bean leased to the Hudson TrustCcaapany

* The trust company has also purchased

the fixtures and the stock of the safe deposit com-j*ct, and has arranged with the MetropolitanOpera, and Realty Company for a. ten-year exten-

sion of the New Amsterdam Bank's lease, whichwas to expire in1911.. Th« New York Life Insurance Company ha«leuect a floor in the tower of the Singer Building.

\u25a0 The Carnegie Trust Company has leased for atens of years, at $15,000 a year, additional space Inthe rear of its present Quarters at No. 115 Broad-


THECARLTONHotel* Restaurant,

and Grill Room,


GARDEN CITY SALES.-The Garden City Estates has sold, at its prop-

«7, the villa plot on the corner of Nassau Boule-wrd and Chester avenue ;a large plot on the east

\u25a0at or Kiibum Road, between Stewart avenue andEtrttlord avenue; a plot on the west side of Kl!-

bum Boafi, south- of Salisbury avenue; a plot ontne east tide of Kilburn Road, north of Salisbury

Kveaue; a plot on the west side of Kilburn Road,

Jissiefilately north of Chester avenue, and a plot

en the cart elds of. Brixton Road,Nsouth of Chesteravenue.


LOAN TO LOTOS CLUB.The Title Guarantee' and Trust Company has

losxed the Lotos Club $350,000 at 4J4 per cent forfive years on its new clubhouse, on the south aide•'17a street, between Sixth and Seventh avenues.

The Gross Earnings Show Increase of $24,587

Over Last Year.The annual report of the KfeW Y<->rk & Queens

County Railway Company, a e-übsldlary of the In-terborough Rapid Transit Company, for the year

ended June 30 laf.. was filed yesterday with the

Public Service Commission. The gross earnings

were J937.&0C. an increase of $24,587 over the previous

year. Operating expenses were J809.815, an increase

of $68,907. Taxes were $51,000, an Increase of $12.-

000. Net Income from operating was $73.9*5, a .In-

crease of $56,319. Non-operating !n;ome was $7,05<5,

which mad« gross Income applicable to corporate

purposes $81,041, a decrease of WJO. Interestcharges were $200,138, an increase of $37,565, Which

left a deficit for tiie year of $U9.037, an Increasa ot$?6,525. Previous Fiirplus was $237.00, a decrease of$33,573.

Deducting the deficit for the year, the total sur-plus was reduced t" $117.^2, a decrease of $130,4(2.

No dividends were paid. Taxes under-accruedamounted to BM.ttfc an Increase of J55.694. Deduct-ing this Item, the surplus on June 30 v.-ub $

decrease of $213,097. The total number of pas.«!n-

gers carried for the year was 23.5)0.550. an Increr.se

of 325.824. The number of accidents was 127. and

the number cf kllied was 4. The Injured totalled IA.

PICTURE SHOW ORDINANCE SIGNED.Mayor McClelian signed yesterday the resolution

passed by the Board of Aldermen on Tuesday, pro-

hibiting children under th» age of sixteen years

front vlsitlr.g moving picture Bhows, unless accom-panied by parent, relative or friend of parents. Tho'penalty for a violation oa the part of the mai-.ag.-r

Is a fine of from $10 to $50. Ajiy person not theparent, relative or friend of the family who takes

a child under elxtec-n years of age to such a

•w-ithout the consent of a parent Is also K-niUy.


PLANS AND ALTERATIONS.Plans for new buildings and alterations have been

filed at the bureau of buildings, Manhattan. &s

follows: .lSl?t st n c, 90 ft w of St Nicholas aye; for a

fix story brick apartment house, 75x87; FBrltsch. owner; Townscnd. Stelnla & liask«ll,architects »100,000

Broadway, n «\u25a0 corner ISOth st; for a one story

brick 6tur«, 122x50; S Winters, owner; O Low-lnson. architect 10,000

20th st, Kos 143 and' 145 Wast; Cor a «vfn story

brick loft and stores. 24x>7 ; 20th Btr«*t Con-etructlon Co, premises, owner and contractor... e0,0".O

MaCicon aye, i? w corner 130 th Ft; alterations to athree story brick dwelling: S Hvmsn. owner;Sommerneld & Stecider. architects 7.000

Plans for the following new buildings vere filedat The Bronx bureau of buildings:Brook aye, w s. from 136th to 137th st; 5 six

story brick tenements. 40x90x57; Brook Con-struction Co. owners- Albert Morris, architect..5300,000

17&th St. 8 w corner Prospect aye: 4 four storybrick tenements: one 3Mx9O. and three 2".1x57;Barry Bros, owners: Moore & Landssldel. archi-tects 109.000

Clinton five,*8. 20 ft n of 17r.th st; C three story

brick dwellinßS. 1&.4xr.2 each; IlclyokoRealtyConstruction Co. owners; C S Clark, architect.- 54,000

Brlggs aye. «; «. 2SJK2 ft n of Klnssbridge Road;5 two story brick dwellings. 19-IxSS each; BrlggsRealty Co, owner". C S Clark, architect 37.000

CreMon aye- w *. 17."> ft a of 19Mh st; two storyframe dwelling. 21x^6; John Qulnn. owner; C SCiark. architect 6.000


LOANS FOR FLATHOUSES.The Severn Realty & Construction Company, nf

which Benjamin D. Woog is president, has obtainedfrom the Lawyers' T'tle Insurance and Trust Com-pany building and permanent loans aggregating:1127,000 on theJr property on the east side of Flat-bush avenue, running from Fenimore street to Rut-land Road. These are to be six four atory flats,two apartments to .\ floor or the inside houses, andthree to a floor In the corner houses. They will beready for occupancy about August 1next.

Three Parcels Sold—lnterested Per-sons the Purchasers.

The results of the auction tales yesterday on thoReal Estate Exchange were as follows:.

By Herbert A. Sherman: Nob. 105 and 107 Columbiamv.\u25a0**\u25a0\u25a0• GO ft n of Stanton st. 4©*25, C sty brk tc&mtandc

tore; Herman Gottlieb agt Abraham Goldstein eta,: blgmucd-Honi any; MAximus A Lesser, re£: amiaue, H.UU.; taxes, etc. $SS2; subject to two morts aK-6'ppatir.g f17.2^4j; to Jenny Dart) (or 5 4-'TJy Joseph P. Day: No. i'ls E 23th St. n s. 186 ft ©of Third aye. i5x95.9. 6 sty brk tenmt; Minnie Rlnaldo

a#r: Morris Schocnfeld et al; Paul HelUnger, atty; Ed-??i?A L Parrla ref; amt due, $6.722 65: taxes, eta.•>I.\u25a0!..<>: subject to a mort of (23.000. to Henry Black, aparty in Interest, for $29 7GS:-*•«• £'26 X 12lh \u25a0*• se. - "c> ft \u25a0«\u25a0 of Avenue B. 2r>xI •JL s

'v brk tenn>t and store; Tetta Lefkowitz astSam \u25a0Welnstock et al; Abraham Landau, atty; Louis

J«?rsawltz. ref; »mt due. $!?,476 88 taxes, etc. 180 70;subject to a mort or $25,5Q0 and leases; to the plaintiff




Firs* Class la every respect. The only expressly

coostructedHotel in Gibraltar. Highly recommend-ed. Perfect Sanitation. Telegrams Cecil Gibraltar.

To Let for Business Purposes. To Let for Business Purposes.

Open E*Oerjr Day

in the year

The Centre ot Transit for

the Metropolitan District


Entrance toBrooklyn Bridge


Alltvithin a Step

Absolutely SeJeFa-st-Running

ELEVATORS(Moaxar Type).

Electric Light andJanitor Service

To LetLarge and Small

. OFFICESSingle or en Suite


TribuneBuilding154 Nassau Street

Opposite City Hall Park

. Par or Better for $29,864,000 Issue Said to

Have Been Obtained.The Louisville &. Nashville Railroad Company, it

was announced yesterday, has sold to J. P. Mor-gnn & Co. bonds of an aggregate par value ofpaatfflflft which are the collateral for the com-pany's outstanding $23,000,000 flva to tweity year

I collateral trust gold bonds of 1903, whlc i it has1 been decided to redeem on Aprl!1. The company.It is understood, has obtained par or a trifle betterfor this collateral, so that after the redemption ofthe $23,000,000 collateral trust bonds th-re will re-main about $6,000,000 cash, which may be used forImprovements.

The collateral consists of $18.2OO,(*y) unlfed 4 pet

cents, M.tJiy.OOQ Louisville & Nashville Paducah &Memphis division bonds, $2,600,000 Louisville &Nashvlllo Terminal Company 4s, $4.M5.000 Southft North Alabama 5s and $iOO,OOO Fensaco^a & At-lantic 6s. There had been no advance ramors of

this sale, which. It ia said, the company arranged

beeauM for certain reasons other than the saving

of Interest, which willbe smalt, It desired to retire\u25a0 the collateral trust obligations at this time..| HAWLEY DENIES COAST LINE RUMOR.I' Edwin Hawley said yesterday that there was no'truth In the report from Richmond that hs and

1 his associates had acquired the Chesapeake & Ohio

IRailway fcr the purpose of turning It over to the'Atlantic Coast Line system. On the contrary, he

: said, they had bought the road with th-j idea of

i operating it to its fullest capacity. An officer ofthe Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company a!so

' denied the Richmond rumor. The statement in thadispatch that Mr. Haw ley is a director of the At-. lantlc Coast Line is also without foundation. He'Is not and never baa lioen a member of the board

!of that road. F. W. Scott, one of Mr. Hawley's

associates in the Clieaapeaka & Ohio dt-a!. ila': director of the Atlantic Coast Lin*-, and it la true

Improvement Reported Since Eeginnlng of the


Directors Re-elected.

The stockholders of th« Brooklyn Rapid TransitCompany at their annual meeting yesterday re-elected th* retiring directors, except H. H. Porter,

resigned, whose place was filled by the election ofGeorge F. Porter, and elected James N. Wallace,

president of the Central Trust .Company, a3 suc-cessor to the late Anson R. Flower, and J. HoraceHarding, of Charles D. Barney & Co., to succeed

the late John G. Jenkins, sr. The new board of di-rectors probably will organize In about ten days.

Pr««ldent Winter said after the meeting that thecompany's earnings for the six months ended onDecember SI were slightly below those for the cor-responding period In 1907. but that business hadbeen Improving since the banning of the year.

Asked by a stockholder whether or not a dividend

was to be declared in the near future, he answered:

"Whatever is beat for the company will be doneby the directors."


Apply for Terms to Renting Agent, Room 607

Public Notices.MM& WKITING W.SBEE kTa^S


Real Estate.

FOR RENT.: \u25a0 • . IN THE

N. Y. TRIBUNE BUILDING,154 Nassau Street. New York,

*\u25a0 «oa on the pround floor containing; about3158 *«.Ft, suitable for «tore or office purposes.fcKrxneft from Main Corridor of Building and«** from No. 5 Frankfort St. Will rent aa a•*"-'« or divide for several tenants.

Apply Room 607 TRIBUNE BLDG.

Real Esiqfc to Exchange.

INVESTMENT PROPERTYj^r exchan*!- h!eh-rla»s Investment property onff*-***T.for fr^e and clear vacant, or •mall piece*J>n>*e<l property.


Fl\MiY & MATHEWS,"•miiEfci Bulldtns; Park Avenue «t 41«t Street.

r-i».i, T>i»ntmr.e SSth 6t- S«6-

Country Property for Sale.

Mortgageloans wantedin Greater New York.Rates low, quick answers.Call, or Telephone 6140-Cortland.

Lawyers TitleInsurance and Trust

Companycc AyA

v%TTALut $9,500,000160 Broadway, *>w *orU.

18S Montarne Street. Brooklyn

"Portable Bungalows-\u25a0


U.S. Pal. Off.


3 to 10 Room* CABINET MADE-not .hacks.

ERECT THEM. XV. also ( lJ™^Small Stores, etc. BUY BEFORE MATtRIALS


•Phono 6934-3Sth St. C Eatt «2d St.. »ir York.




.T. .OOXSDt. N'j IXTEHEST. NO TAXE3.4-. LNbUKr: YuUK. tIFCJSf** te

«U before, theonce FREE of CHARGE.

mFortZ&* xo »wr heirs at once KREE of CHARGE. For

"•« i*niCu:«.r» writ*to 4ay toO. F. SANBOR.N CO.,

t*. DEPT. 7. ASHLAND. WISVJi°»«1 OfBc«. }210 Borland Builds. 131- L* Ealle St..'


corner Monroe. -t

Eh- WT VILLA. PAULISOX AVENUE. PAS-2-»*lt. and a large original enirravlnß of

•Aurora.a*"*» Of. the Morn!n<." • work or art by one of

J*J*W ma^er.. for MT«, a' bargain by SKIDMORE.New «ork journalist, on the premises. . .:

:20J£E AND ACREAGE.—O3EAUTIFUI* ;TREES.=**T, **<*Sox 62, Gre«nwlc&, Coaa.


Buffalo. Jan. 23.-A man whose Identity 1« as yet

unknown was found frozen to death in a freight

car which reached the Eaet Buffalo fre.ght yards

of the New York Central Railroad last evening

from the East.


Phlrairr. Jan 23.-Hesslan fly reports from Kan-Chlcago, Jan .J-.t market here


hytlPItS.'SSfiKU were *0 to %o higher,

basmess on the Hoard of Trade was

marffested at the start because of extremely lib-

"a" shipments of wheat this week from Argentina

and Australia, the movement from the formercountry ting '4.698.000 bushels, which\u25a0 *as consM-urablv more than had been estimated jesterday.

whUe Australia exported 3.0*0.000 bushels. The lead-

SS bull came to the support of the market, and

this inspired liberal covering; by shorts, whichoauWd

"aharp rally toward the mid of the day.

Mill advices from Kansas which told of damage

to the fall-sown crop In the southern counties l of

that state by the Hessian fly brought out addl-

session The close, however, was firm, with May

at ami to »07% and July at 97%c. Clearances of

wheat and flour were equal to 333.000 bushels. Ex-port* for the week as shown by Bradstreefs were

*oval to 3 044.700 bushels. Primary receipts (In-

complete figures) 'were 178.000 bushels, compared

wimSiOOO bu6hela the corresponding day a year

Iko Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported

receipts of 191 cars, against 197 cars last week and

WBaT"and ySSw?K: the corn bait caused moderate

advances in the price of corn early In the session

bearlater In the day sentiment became somewhat

Sr S ox ing to an official forecast of a cold wave

to-night. Eastern demand for cash corn was quiet,

and local receipts were more than had bee n esti-

mated yesterday. The market closed about steady

with May ana July at «2%c. Local receipts were

17° cars, with 2 of contract grade.Th» feature of trade In the oats market was

moderate purchase of the. May delivery^by cash

Interests. Trade In genera! was exceedingly^ quiet

and prices ranged within narrow bounds At**

close May was at £2c and July at 46»,c Local re-

"i^advancfor^ In live hogs Inspired consld-

erable demand for provisions, which caused afirm tone throughout the entire day- Some of the

leaders In the grain pit were active bujers. At

the close prices were 2'4c to 20c higher, compared

with the previous close. J,^r^

*Estimated receipts for to-morrow: y^t.« cars;

corn, 120 cars; oats. 101 car.; nos*. 14.000 head,

that there Is a valuable physical and trafflo con-

nection between the two roads at Richmond, and

that the latter gets a large amount of traffic from

the Chesapeake & Ohio at this point, but there U

no reason to believa. It is stated, that their rela-

tions willbe aDy closer in the future than they are

at present


Charaoterizlne him as a menace to the community

aiul a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Judge Foster. In

General Session*, yesterday sentenced Christopher

Cosmides, a partner of Alfred Goslln. who 1* now

in Paris, to not more than four years and nine

months, nor not less than four year* and three

montns. In state prison. Osmldes is thirty-two

years old. and at the time of hi« arrest lived at the•Gilsey House.

In Aueust, 1901, a 100-share certificate of tnlt«d

States Steel preferred was stolen from Da Coppet

&Doremus. bankers and brokers, of K« «Broad-way, at the instigation of Goslln. who in turn

handed It to CoFmides to negotiate. Cosmides was

not arrested until WO6. when Goslin fied to Paris.



NOTICE 13 HBRKOT GIVEN, as requiredby the Greater New York Charter, that th*book* called 'The Annual Record of the As-sessed Valuation of Real and Personal Efetarecf tho Boroughs of Manhattan. The Bronx.Brooklyn, Queens and Richmond." oorai>-4«ln«the City of New York, willbe open for jjubllcinspection. «xsjnlnatinn and correction 01 th*sd'sond Monday of Jncuary. and will remainopen to and Including the flat day of March.I*o9.

Durlne the time that the books are open farpublic Inspection application may be ma le byany person or corporation claiming to bs ag-grieved by the aceeseeA valuation of real orpemontl estate to have The same eorreri'*l.

In the Borough of Manhattan, at the MainOffice 0/ the Department of Taxes and Assess-ments. No. a Chambers Street, Hall of Hec-onjp.

In the Borough of The Bronx at the offle*of the Department. Municipal Bnildln*. 17*ti»Street and 3d Avenue.

In the Borough of Brooklyn, at the office «i

the Department. Municipal Building.In ifce Borough of Queens, at the office or

the Department. Hackett Building. JacksonAvenue and Fifth Street Long Island City.

la the Borough of Richmond, at the o/rlo*of «he Department, Borough Hall. New

Applications for the reduction of real eststat«w<«miert. must be In writing and should beupon blanks furnished by the Department. -,

Applications for th« correction of thr per-

BeaH assessments of corporations must befiled at the n^in office in the Borough of

Application In relation to the assessed \u25bc»»"*-tlon of personal estate must be made by th«person Messed at th* office of th. Depart-

mmmi la the Borough wlwre sucji per»»n re-tides and In case cf a non-resUieot carrying

<\u25a0 bigness in th, C!ty cf New York .it the

otOm of the Deportment In the B-rounhwhere scch place of business U to*"**;*,be-tween tie boors of 10 A. M. and iP. M-. ex-cept on Saturday wfcen all applications must

be made between 1" •*. M. and IS noon.LAWSON PCmDT. Pr«ai<J*.Bt.FRANK RATMGND.JAMES J. TTIJ.Y. •/*CHARLES PUTZKL.

\ chari.es j.-MccdnfkACH;CHARIifiJ. MrfOßtACa,jon:» J. HAIO.ERAJ*. _____•-

Conindzslsners •*Taxes aa* AaaessßrsssS.




of Philadelphia.Apply PLATT & JEREMIAH, Mgrs.,

61, Wall Street, New York,

JONES & WHITLOCK, Agts.,49 Wall Street, New York.

Or any other Agent of the Company in theUnited States or Canada.

CANADIANFORESIGHT.The only Montreal passenger on the Btr. "HE-

PUBLIC" had a '"Tourist's Baggage InsurancePolicy" with the Insurance Company ,of NorthAmerica, and has already received cheque In pay-ment of tho face of the policy.


DEAL OF $1,100,000.


Foreign Resorts.


SPECIAL EUROPEAN COLUMNSForeign Resorts.European Advertisements.

HOTEL METROPOLE,Proprietors: The GORDON HOTELS, Ltd. \u25a0 4% \u25a0\u25a0 91 Jb ||3

A Favorvd Stopp'ng Place for American Visitor*- a Ig £3 PttS |§ §| \u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0• AMost Central Position in the West-End. «4 * 1 *$-\u25a0*\u25a0« fftHg a HSI

Tariff Free from Votovrn rffire "Sew York grrc *&&K<3 SUK UM MMmTribnne," 1364 Broadway. .V. Y. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0


Tiffany & Co.t*lAND 221AREGENT STREET








"Fifth Avtnus

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Patronised by the Elite of American Society-




Opposite Central Station (FrUdrlehstraaae;.~

Th« Largest Hotel la Germany. %

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