THE DAILY ARGUS. M V^HURSDAYHiUGUST 19, 1M3 NEWS ABOUT Our Men In Uniform fMNmto Bianro Home on Furlough Private Alexander Bianco, sta- tioned at Camp Shelby. Miss, Is home on a 16-day furlough, visiting hla parents. Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Blanco of 442 North High Street. Hi la i graduate of Davis High School and entered the service in November. 1942. His. betrothal to Miss Lena De Leno of 238 South Seventh Avenue is announced today. Private Maurus in Tropics Private George Edward Maurus, Mm of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Maurus, formerly of 35 South West Street, Is now stationed somewhere in the tropics, according to word received recently by his family. Private Maurus, who was inducted In Octo- ber, was, employed by Ward Leon- ard Electric Company before enter- ing the service. In Sept ember he married Miss Ruth Stoll of New York. i Dr. W. J. Murphy in Navy Dr. William J. Murphy. 27 Wal- lace Avenue, husband of the former Gertrude Mulville of Norfolk, Conn., and father of five sons, is reporting today at the U. S. Naval Training Station, Sampson, N. Y., fqr active duty In the Navy.Dental Corps. A practicing dentist in Mount Vernon for the past 15 years, he now holds the rank of lieutenant senior grade. A graduate of Columbia Univer- sity School of Dental and Oral Sur- gery, Dr. Murphy was a member of the dental staff of Brooklyn Hos- pital for eight years and also served for some time as attending dentist for the Children's Aid Society of New York. A member of the board of governors of the Ninth District Dental Society, he has been active In promoting the dentists' part in civilian defense in Mount Vernon. He Is a member of Psi Omega Fra- ternity and the Larchmont Shore Club, and has held offices in the Columbia Alumni Club of Mount Vernon. (pi. Richardson At Home . Corporal William J. Richardson, 18 Chestnut Place, is spending a 15- day furlough at home with his par- ents. Stationed at Dodge City air field, Kansas City. Kan., he is an armorer in the air force. He was formerly employed by the Ward Leonard Company. Joan Crawford And Mac Murray Share Leads In Loew Feature appreciative stage star. Lucille Ball A&S the feminine lead. Joan Crawford and Fred Mac- Murray head the cast in "Above Suspicion," opening today at LOEWS. Based on the novel of Helen Maclnnes, the story concerns honeymooners who erfter Germany ostensibly as tourists, but actually are fulfilling an assignment for the British Foreign Office. A splendid supporting cast includes Conrad Veidt, Basil Rathbone and Reginald Wen. Rochester, Ann Miller, and Freddy Martin and his orchestra are chief Interests in "What's BuzzuV Cou- sin?", the second feature. Ann in- herits a ghost town and tries to open It as a night spot. She Is unsuccessful until Rochester dfe- P. O. De Maio Back In Camp James De Maio, 230 West Second Street, returned recently to Camp Pendleton, Oceanslde, Cal., after spending a 15-day furlough with his yplte, Josephine. A second class petty officer with the Sea Bees, he re- ceived his boot training at Camp Peary, Williamsburg, Va. He en- listed in October but was not called to active duty until March. Private Randall Transferred Private First Class Henry Arthur Randall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam H. Randall of 6 North Eighth Avenue, has been transferred from the Medical Corps to the Air Corps at his station overseas where he is now attached to the 361st Air Base Squadron. Before entering the army In January, Private Randall was employed by the Hanover Fire In- surance Company in New York. He Is a graduate of Edison High School. Sgt. Solick Celebrates Birthday Sergeant Warter Solick, soft Of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Solick, 137 irteenth Avenue, celebrat- ed his twenty-fourth birthday Tues- day at Fort Monmouth, N. J., where he Is stationed with a medical de- tachment. Sergeant Solick attend- ed A. B. Davis High School and played In the school band. He entered the armed forces in April, 1942. Anthony Petrillo In Navy V-12 Anthony Mario Petrillo, 115 Ur- ban Street, has enlisted in the V-12 program of the Navy and is now training at the University of Notre Dame, Tnd. The V-12 program is an officer candidate program which Is sponsored by the Navy Depart- ment so that a man can complete his college education and continue his studies to become a naval officer. covers a gold nugget. Comedy musi- cal of melody, mirth and rhythm. 'Background To Danger* Opens At Proctor's Exciting mystery and adventure are combined in "Background to Danger," opening today at PROC- TOR'S. George Raft, Sydney Green- street and Peter Loire head the cast. Raft plays an American secret service man who becomes Involved in a series of melodramatic ad- ventures as foreign agents plot to disrupt Russian-Turkish relations. The second feature Is "Pride of the Yankees," film biography of Lou Gehrig, famous former first baseman of the New York Yankees. The picture, released in July, 1942, stars Gary Cooper, as Gehrig and Teresa Wright as Eleanor Gehrig, P.O. JAMES DEMAIO P.F.C. HENRY A. RANDALL PVT. GEORGE E. MAURUS Pvt. Stone At School Private First Class Sidney Nor- man Stone, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Stone, 321 McClellen Avenue, has been assigned to the 1548th Service Unit of the Army Special- ized Training Program at the Uni- versity of Kentucky. Lexington. Ky. This course parallels to a certain extent normal freshman work in engineering. Sgt. Bentley Graduates Sergeant Temple V. Bentley. son of Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Bentley, 23 North Columbus Avenue, was grad «a-fced leeenUy IlunTTRe Army Air Forces Flexible Gunnery School at Fort Myers, Fla. Sergeant Bentley. v.-ho has served in the armed forces for nine months, Is a graduate of the Armv School of Aircraft Mechanics at Goldsboro, N. C. Fvf. Eichler Takes Radio Course Private First Class James F. Eichler, husband of Mrs. P. D. Eichler, 21 Johnson Street, has ar- rived at the Army Air Forces Train- ing Command Post, Scott Field, 111.. where he will receive an intensive course In radio operating and me- chanics to fit him for duty as a member of a fighting bombing crew. Lieut. Kaufman At Turner Field Second Lieutenant Philip A. Kaufman, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Kaufman, 658 South Seventh Ave- nue, recently reported for duty at Turner Field. Albany, Ga. A grad- uate of A. B^ Davis High School and New York University, Lieuten- ant Kaufman entered the Air Force in November, 1942. Air Field Boasts Outdoor Pool, Thanks To Corporal Vettorino Soldiers stationed at the Army Air Field in Palm Springs, Calif., can take a cooling dip in a swim- ming pool on the grounds now— thanks to the work of Corporal Joseph Vettorino of Mount Ver- non. It was the Mount Vernon's sol- dier who 10 months ago volunteered to build a swimming pool, and the job has just been completed. On its opening. Corporal Vettorino was lauded by officers and men stationed at the air field. Corporal Vettorino, a mason, of- fered to build the pool early in November, after a request had been made by the then commanding officer. Major Paul W. Herbert. Here's the story of the building of the pool as it appeared in "Twenty-One," the air field's pub- lication: 'Hit Parade Of 1943' Opens At The BiHmore "Hit Parade of 1943," which in- cludes in its musical score, most of the popular hits of the day, opens at the BILTMORE today. A number of name bands appear in- cluding Count Basle's, Freddy Mar- tin's and Ray McKioley's. In stellar roles are John Carroll, Susan Hay- wood and Gail Patrick. The second feature is "Big Street," film adaptation . of the Damon Runyon story. Henry Fonda has t$e principal role of a bus-boy who showers devotion on an un- 'The Human Comedy' Feature At Felbam Mickey Rooney, Frank Morgan and Fay Balnter have leading roles In "The Human Comedy," film adaptation of William Saroyan's novel, now showing at the PELHAM. The life of a charming family In a typical small town is recounted through the experiences of a messenger boy. Comedy And Melodrama , Opening At Parkway Heading the bill opening at the PARKWAY today is "The Fleet's In," musical comedy starring Doro- thy Lamour, William Holden, Jim- my Dorsey and his band, and Frank Sinatra, current popular vocalist. The second feature Is "Johnny Eager," starring Robert Taylor, Lana Turner, Edward Arnold and Van Heftin, melodrama of a finger man who finally sacrifices his life for a principle. TONIGHT LOEW'S Above Suspicion: 7:05 and 10:05. What's Buszln' Cousin? 5:47 and 8:47. PROCTOR'S—Background to Dan- ger: 6:58 and 10:37. Pride of the Yankees: 8:26. PARKWAY—The Fleet's In: 7 and 10. Johnny Eager: 8:40, PELHAM — The Human Comedy: 7:15 and 9:30. BILTMORE—Hit Parade of 1943: 6:25 and "9:50. Big Street: 8:20. BRONXVILLE—Cabin in the Sky: 7:20 and 9:30. EMBASSY-Cabin in the Sky: 6:2 and 9:40. Pilot No. 5: 5:14 8:30. FRIDAY AFTERNOON LOEW'S Above Suspicion: 1:00 and 4:05. What's Buzzln' Cousin 1 2:47 and 5:47. PROCTOR'S—Background to Dan« ger: 3:19 and 6:58. Pride of the Yankees: 1:08 and 4:47. PELHAM — The Human Comedy: 2:30. BILTMORE—Hit Parade of 1943: 3 and 6:25. Big Street: 1:30 and 4:55. BRONXVILLE—Cabin in the Sky: 1:30 and 3:30. MBASSY-Cabin In the Sky: 3:08 and 6:25. Pilot No. 5: 1:58 and 5:14. 'Cabin In The Sky' Now At Bronxville And Embassy "Cabin in the Sky," charming musical fantasy starring Ethel Waters, Rochester and Lena Home, opens simultaneously at both the BRONXVILLE and EMBASSY Theaters today. An all-Negro cast tells the story of a man given ex- cessively to gambling, who Is saved from the devil by his wife's de- votion. Also playing at the EMBASSY is "Pilot No. 5," grim tale of heroism starring Franchot Tone. "The pool is 50 feet long and 33 feet wide-and is -modern in every respect. It has a new diving board which was donated to the post by Maurice Labott of Palm Springs. Mr. Labott also gave the pumps used to fill the pool. "When Corporal Vettorino began the Job in November a hole was already half dug. And when he took over, trouble toofc~ ovefr" too. Shifting sands day in and day out. at times, virtually erased all the excavating work that had been done. It was also up to the cor- poral and his helpers to obtain their tools by borrowing them from con- struction workers when those work- ers were not using them. "A local firm finally came to their aid with a gunite machine and then came the day when the walls were cemented and the sand was rendered a harmless opponent. KILL CRABGRASS WITHOUT Of STUOYIHG Mourn Q%aU SOTOX . o n amazing n«w chemical sltKOvsry kills tt»# plant at\A MCdt of Crab Gratt and thn k% reinfeiNHion, Dsei net •1*rrrsy lawn grattae and it no*, •njvriout to toil. Proved by 4 yean of t*ttt. THit new easy r.erhod doei away •rttfc loborioui rokmg and weeding, Siw ply mi* ZOTOX with water and tproy itofl, A lo-o*. bottie mokri 10 goMcmi and trson £000 tq ft, for "ipot" treatmentefifffail potchet it goet farther. mmm •> b«tti«. jt.ooi 1* •!.. *i so. si •*., »JS0i i l b . , *4 SO. A* f**r tree Hteratwre. " •ihas. Rockwell Co. 4M N. MrQueslen Parkway Meant Vrrnnn MO X-IMM FA. 4-«4< - TO. 3-SUe ZOTOX P A B CRASS KILLER Lieut. Paul Lazur Promoted Second Lieutenant Paul Lazur, husband of Mrs. Mildred A. Lazur, 245 South Third Avenue, was re- cently promoted to first lieutenant at Camp Kilmer, N. J., where he is assistant provost marshal. Lieu- tenarjdFLazur^spent a one-day leave at home re/ently to celebrate his birthday. He has been in the service 15 years. Pvt. Uliano Promoted Private Dominick Uliano. son of Mr. 'and Mrs. Salvatore Uliano, 26 Cortlandt Street, was recently pro- moted to corporal at Camp Bowie. Texas, where he is stationed with a Field Artillery unit. Robert Rosenblum Aviation Cadet Robert Edward Rosenblum, son of Mr. and Mrs., Joseph Rosen- blum, 546 Colonial Avenue, Pel- ham, is now enrolled as an avia- tion Cadet in the Army Air Forces Pre-Flight School for Pilots at Maxewell Field, Ala. and Mr.s. Harry Greenes, 200 Mag- nolia Avenue, was recently pro- moted from first lieutenant to captain. Captain Greenes, who holds a degree in chemical en- gingeering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, entered the service in May, 1942, at Edge- wood Arsenal and is now attached to the Third Bomber Command at MacDill Field, Fla., where he assumes the duties of assistant chemical officer. Neil Johnson At Pre-FliRht School NPII W. Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Waldo Johnson, 289 Sum- mit Avenue, has entered the Army Air Forces Pre-Flight School (Bombardier-Navigator) at Selman Field, Monroe. La. He attended Davis High School and before en- tering the service was employed by the Western Electric Company. Samuel Quincy Awarded Rating A petty officer rating as a gunner's mate third class was awarded to Samuel B. Quincy, nineteen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Stokel, 24 Arden Terrace, upon his graduation recently from the service school at the U. S. Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, 111. He earned selection to the school upon the basis of his civilian experience and scores made in a series of aptitude tests taken during recruit training. "Work still progressed slowly be- cause it dwindled virtually down to three men and then down to Vet- torino and another. "When all improvements are fin- ished the pool will probably be one of the most popular spots on the post. Outdoor furniture will be placed around it and a tennis court, ping pong court and volley ball court are planned. "Corporal Vettorino was a mason in civilian life in Mount Vernon and without question his past ex- perience enabled him to complete the job. Inasmuch as he's from the 'home of golfers,' the corporal also plays a good links game, his opponents say. He is also rated as an excellent bowler. But regard- less of his athletics proficiency the Post says 'thank you' to him for his job on the swimming pool." Corporal Vettorino is a son of Mrs, Sophie Vettorino of 7 Wallace Avenue. He has three brothers in the—service,—Emilio,—August—and- Louis. Corporal Vettorino entered, the Army July 14, 1942. and has been stationed on the West Coast since last Fall. LhM.TV.HH TODAY thru SATURDAY ETHE1 WATKS ROCHESTER UNA H0RNI i Ainimotw Ma mmi tUiNOTOH aM Me Onhettre GaaxzD Now thro Saturday T H E FLEET'S IN" FRANK SINATRA DOROTHY LAMOUR and "JOHNNY EAGER" Robert Taylor - Lana Turner STARTING SATURDAY. AUGUST 21 ST WALLER Presents A WOMAN'S INSTINCT NEW YORK, (AP)—Mrs. Azalia Miller, a dry cleaning firm employe, went through the pockets of a pair of Arthur Gordon's trousers and out popped a $1,390 bankroll which was returned to him. ADVERTISEMENTS Pvt. Benjamin At Upton Private Haskell Benjamin, eighteen, son of Dr. and Mrs. James W Benjamin 6f 324 Prospect Avenue, is now at Camp Upton, having been railed from tie En- listed Reserve Corps for training under the Army V-12 Program. A Davis High graduater he hopes to be transferred soon to a college to study •eronautkal engineering. B. A. Greene* Promoted To Captain Bernard A. Greenes, son of Mr. NOW SHE SHOPS CASH AND CARRY Without Painful Backache Many sufferers relieve nagging bafkarh* quickly, once they discover that to* real cause of their trouble may be ti edj kidneya. The kidneya are Nature a ch W way of tak- ing: the excess acids and waste out of the blood. They help moat people paaa about 3 tint* a day. When disorder of kidney function permit* ->oiaonotia matter to remain in your blood, it nay cause nagging backache, rheumatic pains, eg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up lights, swelling, puffinesa under ths eyes, nadachss and dizziness. Frequent or scanty •aaaagea with smarting and burning some- imes showa there is something wrong with t our kidneys or bladder. Don't waitf Aik your druggist for Doan's Pills, used sweoeasfully by millions for over M) yearn. They give happy relief and will help the 15 miles of kidney tubes flush nut poiann- m* wast* from your blood. Get Doan a Pul*. MOSLEY The Man with the Funny Horn and Hit Orchestra t And an Exciting Glamorous, Spectacular FLOOR SHOW!!! _ Added Attraction . k SURPRISE •ACT ? ? ? Waller's Post Lodge Bolton Poet Road, Larehmont TflsahvM Larehmont 2-0440 Wedding and Banquet Facilities f£Sk JOAN CRAWFORD FRED MACMURRAY -M's THRILL HIT! Remember Jean as the scarfaced lady in 'A Woman's Face'? She tops that role in this new M-G-M Picture I mSusKn Ceorad ? EIDT. Basil lUTHIOWE < UfrM OWEN A PICTWE THAT'S SimW WITH IAUG41 -'mm ** ANDfUSON rseoou ROCHESTER' WW-': -••••• Am x MARTIN MIEI IT'SBUZZIN'COUSDI?: GIRLS! JOIN THE U. S. MARINE CORPS WOMEN'S RESERVE . . . FREE A MARINE TO FIGHT! HEALTHFULLY AIR CONDITIONED RK0 PROCTOR'S \N0W\ W*i COOLING PLANT IN OPERATION -. TODAY thru SATURDAY ETHEL WATERS "ROCHESTER" Cililltf llTHE SKY JJ MARSHA HUNT FRANCHOT TONE IN -Also PILOT NO. 5 » A. AT A GFREEN GABLES 253 East Third Street MOunt Vernon 7-9759 Mount Vernon The Green Gables Gophers finally won another softball game, defeating a team repre- senting the Cortlandt Tavern in a return match by a score of 8 to 2. Schaeffer, hurling for Green Gables, held Cortlandt to four hits while the Green Gables collected 10 hits from the offer- ings of Luchine. If you want to have a good time some evening jump on a "D" bus or an "A" trolley and say Green Gables, please. The bus passes our door and the trol- ley Is Just a half-block away (Third St- and Fulton Ave.). Frank Andrews, our Master of Ceremonies and Pantomime Art- ist, will entertain you on Friday and Saturday evenings. His four- piece band provides music for dancing and the guest entertain- ers are pleasant surprises. —You're lift 1 ays assured of meet- lng someone you know at Green Gables ; . . so hitch up old dob- bin and let's have fun. BILL WATT BILTmORE NOW "HITPARADE OF 1943" COUNT BASIE and BAND JOHN CARROLL SUSAN HAYWARD pint "BIG STREET" Henry Fonda - Lucille Ball BBBBBF J ea«*^H R £M i GEO. RAFT SYDNEY (FAT MAN) GREENSTREET BRENDA MARSHALL PETER LORRE BACKGROUND TO DANGER /^^H»^ Those who know New York prefer The Chatham. Here, their accustomed mode of living is convenient to the smart New York they move in. They are also assured the quiet dignity of their own private life no matter how long ttieir visit in the city. IS ln( j i f _ Doable, l:, U and SS Raltei, SID. lit and ill Largs Saitst, S b«4- ronmi and batbl, SIS t* m, ^p -HO Til ^ | AMO ji* HAWHt | FIRST TIME AT OUR REGULAR MfCISI GARY TERESA WRIGHT PRIDE OF THE' Ti f< WALTER MERIAI ^A I/* TODAY THRU SATURDAY William Saroyan's THE f/l VAALTlJdl/1 hW* Feature Presented at 1:30, 7:13 * 9:30 BUSES TO PLAYLAND LEAVE Stevens Avenue and South Fifth Avenue Startlnr 9:30 BERNACCHIA BROS. INCORPORATED MO. 7-9753 " SrMTBMAT 5:30 p M 5:30 PM 5:30 De»V DmAh cJo**s MS pm. Trotting RACES AT EMPIRE RACI TRACK V »A Rl-M UTUI IS i I Frank W, »« oan . Manager VanaVbilt Ave. at 48lti St., N*w York THURSDAY DINNER 85c * Your favorite meats and seafoods embellished with garden fresh vegetables . . . plas . »J1 of the tasty coaraes that make a eattefy- ing meal. bee-hive • FOIRTII AVE. HIT. VERNON BARGAIN DAY ^i: ;v f m ** ft** c^ o** •^ * * * tr* AMUSEMENTS BEACH and POOL PICNIC OROVTS OOO0 FOOD yfcwfe^ PRICES Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

New York State Digital Library - fultonhistory.comfultonhistory.com/Newspaper 18/Mount Vernon NY Daily Argus/Moun… · the Yankees," film biography of Lou Gehrig, famous former first

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Our Men In Uniform fMNmto Bianro Home on Furlough

Private Alexander Bianco, sta­tioned at Camp Shelby. Miss, Is home on a 16-day furlough, visiting hla parents. Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Blanco of 442 North High Street. Hi la i graduate of Davis High School and entered the service in November. 1942. His. betrothal to Miss Lena De Leno of 238 South Seventh Avenue is announced today.

Private Maurus in Tropics Private George Edward Maurus,

Mm of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Maurus, formerly of 35 South West Street, Is now stationed somewhere in the tropics, according to word received recently by his family. Private Maurus, who was inducted In Octo­ber, was, employed by Ward Leon­ard Electric Company before enter­ing the service. In Sept ember he married Miss Ruth Stoll of New York.

i Dr. W. J. Murphy in Navy

Dr. William J. Murphy. 27 Wal­lace Avenue, husband of the former Gertrude Mulville of Norfolk, Conn., and father of five sons, is reporting today at the U. S. Naval Training Station, Sampson, N. Y., fqr active duty In the Navy.Dental Corps. A practicing dentist in Mount Vernon for the past 15 years, he now holds the rank of lieutenant senior grade.

A graduate of Columbia Univer­sity School of Dental and Oral Sur­gery, Dr. Murphy was a member of the dental staff of Brooklyn Hos­pital for eight years and also served for some time as attending dentist for the Children's Aid Society of New York. A member of the board of governors of the Ninth District Dental Society, he has been active In promoting the dentists' part in civilian defense in Mount Vernon. He Is a member of Psi Omega Fra­ternity and the Larchmont Shore Club, and has held offices in the Columbia Alumni Club of Mount Vernon.

(pi . Richardson At Home . Corporal William J. Richardson,

18 Chestnut Place, is spending a 15-day furlough at home with his par­ents. Stationed at Dodge City air field, Kansas City. Kan., he is an armorer in the air force. He was formerly employed by the Ward Leonard Company.

Joan Crawford And Mac Murray Share Leads In Loew Feature

appreciative stage star. Lucille Ball A&S the feminine lead.

Joan Crawford and Fred Mac-Murray head the cast in "Above Suspicion," o p e n i n g today at LOEWS. Based on the novel of Helen Maclnnes, the story concerns honeymooners who erfter Germany ostensibly as tourists, but actually are fulfilling an assignment for the British Foreign Office. A splendid supporting cast includes Conrad Veidt, Basil Rathbone and Reginald Wen.

Rochester, Ann Miller, and Freddy Martin and his orchestra are chief Interests in "What's BuzzuV Cou­sin?", the second feature. Ann in­herits a ghost town and tries to open It as a night spot. She Is unsuccessful until Rochester dfe-

P. O. De Maio Back In Camp James De Maio, 230 West Second

Street, returned recently to Camp Pendleton, Oceanslde, Cal., after spending a 15-day furlough with his yplte, Josephine. A second class petty officer with the Sea Bees, he re­ceived his boot training at Camp Peary, Williamsburg, Va. He en­listed in October but was not called to active duty until March.

Private Randall Transferred Private First Class Henry Arthur

Randall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­liam H. Randall of 6 North Eighth Avenue, has been transferred from the Medical Corps to the Air Corps at his station overseas where he is now attached to the 361st Air Base Squadron. Before entering the army In January, Private Randall was employed by the Hanover Fire In­surance Company in New York. He Is a graduate of Edison High School.

Sgt. Solick Celebrates Birthday Sergeant Warter Solick, soft Of Mr.

and Mrs. Alexander Solick, 137 irteenth Avenue, celebrat­

ed his twenty-fourth birthday Tues­day at Fort Monmouth, N. J., where he Is stationed with a medical de­tachment. Sergeant Solick attend­ed A. B. Davis High School and played In the school band. He entered the armed forces in April, 1942.

Anthony Petrillo In Navy V-12 Anthony Mario Petrillo, 115 Ur­

ban Street, has enlisted in the V-12 program of the Navy and is now training at the University of Notre Dame, Tnd. The V-12 program is an officer candidate program which Is sponsored by the Navy Depart­ment so that a man can complete his college education and continue his studies to become a naval officer.

covers a gold nugget. Comedy musi­cal of melody, mirth and rhythm.

'Background To Danger* Opens At Proctor's

Exciting mystery and adventure are combined in "Background to Danger," opening today at PROC­TOR'S. George Raft, Sydney Green-street and Peter Loire head the cast. Raft plays an American secret service man who becomes Involved in a series of melodramatic ad­ventures as foreign agents plot to disrupt Russian-Turkish relations.

The second feature Is "Pride of the Yankees," film biography of Lou Gehrig, famous former first baseman of the New York Yankees. The picture, released in July, 1942, stars Gary Cooper, as Gehrig and Teresa Wright as Eleanor Gehrig,



Pvt. Stone At School Private First Class Sidney Nor­

man Stone, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Stone, 321 McClellen Avenue, has been assigned to the 1548th Service Unit of the Army Special­ized Training Program at the Uni­versity of Kentucky. Lexington. Ky. This course parallels to a certain extent normal freshman work in engineering.

Sgt. Bentley Graduates Sergeant Temple V. Bentley. son

of Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Bentley, 23 North Columbus Avenue, was grad «a-fced leeenUy IlunTTRe Army Air Forces Flexible Gunnery School at Fort Myers, Fla.

Sergeant Bentley. v.-ho has served in the armed forces for nine months, Is a graduate of the Armv School of Aircraft Mechanics at Goldsboro, N. C.

Fvf. Eichler Takes Radio Course Private First Class James F.

Eichler, husband of Mrs. P. D. Eichler, 21 Johnson Street, has ar­rived at the Army Air Forces Train­ing Command Post, Scott Field, 111.. where he will receive an intensive course In radio operating and me­chanics to fit him for duty as a member of a fighting bombing crew.

Lieut. Kaufman At Turner Field Second Lieutenant Philip A.

Kaufman, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Kaufman, 658 South Seventh Ave­nue, recently reported for duty at Turner Field. Albany, Ga. A grad­uate of A. B^ Davis High School and New York University, Lieuten­ant Kaufman entered the Air Force in November, 1942.

Air Field Boasts Outdoor Pool, Thanks To Corporal Vettorino

Soldiers stationed at the Army Air Field in Palm Springs, Calif., can take a cooling dip in a swim­ming pool on the grounds now— thanks to the work of Corporal Joseph Vettorino of Mount Ver­non.

It was the Mount Vernon's sol­dier who 10 months ago volunteered to build a swimming pool, and the job has just been completed. On its opening. Corporal Vettorino was lauded by officers and men stationed at the air field.

Corporal Vettorino, a mason, of­fered to build the pool early in November, after a request had been made by the then commanding officer. Major Paul W. Herbert.

Here's the story of the building of the pool as it appeared in "Twenty-One," the air field's pub­lication:

'Hit Parade Of 1943' Opens At The BiHmore

"Hit Parade of 1943," which in­cludes in its musical score, most of the popular hits of the day, opens at the BILTMORE today. A number of name bands appear in­cluding Count Basle's, Freddy Mar­tin's and Ray McKioley's. In stellar roles are John Carroll, Susan Hay­wood and Gail Patrick.

The second feature is "Big Street," film adaptation . of the Damon Runyon story. Henry Fonda has t$e principal role of a bus-boy who showers devotion on an un-

'The Human Comedy' Feature At Felbam

Mickey Rooney, Frank Morgan and Fay Balnter have leading roles In "The Human Comedy," film adaptation of William Saroyan's novel, now s h o w i n g a t the PELHAM. The life of a charming family In a typical small town is recounted through the experiences of a messenger boy.

Comedy And Melodrama , Opening At Parkway

Heading the bill opening at the PARKWAY today is "The Fleet's In," musical comedy starring Doro­thy Lamour, William Holden, Jim­my Dorsey and his band, and Frank Sinatra, current popular vocalist.

The second feature Is "Johnny Eager," starring Robert Taylor, Lana Turner, Edward Arnold and Van Heftin, melodrama of a finger man who finally sacrifices his life for a principle.

TONIGHT LOEW'S — Above Suspicion: 7:05

and 10:05. What's Buszln' Cousin? 5:47 and 8:47.

PROCTOR'S—Background to Dan­ger: 6:58 and 10:37. Pride of the Yankees: 8:26.

PARKWAY—The Fleet's In: 7 and 10. Johnny Eager: 8:40,

PELHAM — The Human Comedy: 7:15 and 9:30.

BILTMORE—Hit Parade of 1943: 6:25 and "9:50. Big Street: 8:20.

BRONXVILLE—Cabin in the Sky: 7:20 and 9:30.

EMBASSY-Cabin in the Sky: 6:2 and 9:40. Pilot No. 5: 5:14 8:30.

FRIDAY AFTERNOON LOEW'S — Above Suspicion: 1:00

and 4:05. What's Buzzln' Cousin 1 2:47 and 5:47.

PROCTOR'S—Background to Dan« ger: 3:19 and 6:58. Pride of the Yankees: 1:08 and 4:47.

PELHAM — The Human Comedy: 2:30.

BILTMORE—Hit Parade of 1943: 3 and 6:25. Big Street: 1:30 and 4:55.

BRONXVILLE—Cabin in the Sky: 1:30 and 3:30. MBASSY-Cabin In the Sky: 3:08 and 6:25. Pilot No. 5: 1:58 and 5:14.

'Cabin In The Sky' Now At Bronxville And Embassy

"Cabin in the Sky," charming musical fantasy starring Ethel Waters, Rochester and Lena Home, opens simultaneously at both the BRONXVILLE a n d EMBASSY Theaters today. An all-Negro cast tells the story of a man given ex­cessively to gambling, who Is saved from the devil by his wife's de­votion.

Also playing at the EMBASSY is "Pilot No. 5," grim tale of heroism starring Franchot Tone.

"The pool is 50 feet long and 33 feet wide-and is -modern in every respect. It has a new diving board which was donated to the post by Maurice Labott of Palm Springs. Mr. Labott also gave the pumps used to fill the pool.

"When Corporal Vettorino began the Job in November a hole was already half dug. And when he took over, trouble toofc~ ovefr" too. Shifting sands day in and day out. at times, virtually erased all the excavating work that had been done. It was also up to the cor­poral and his helpers to obtain their tools by borrowing them from con­struction workers when those work­ers were not using them.

"A local firm finally came to their aid with a gunite machine and then came the day when the walls were cemented and the sand was rendered a harmless opponent.



SOTOX . on amaz ing n«w chemical sltKOvsry kills tt»# plant at\A MCdt of Crab Gra t t and thn k% reinfeiNHion, D s e i net •1*rrrsy l a w n g r a t t a e and it no* , •njvriout to toil. Proved by 4 y e a n of t*ttt . THit new easy r.erhod doei away •rttfc loborioui rokmg and weeding, S iw ply mi* ZOTOX with water and tproy itofl, A lo-o* . bottie mokri 10 goMcmi and trson £ 0 0 0 tq ft, for " ipot" treatmentefifffail

potchet it goet farther. mmm • •> b«tti«. jt.ooi 1* •!.. *i so. si •*., » J S 0 i i l b . , * 4 SO. A * f**r tree Hteratwre.

" •ihas. Rockwell Co. 4M N. MrQueslen

Parkway Meant Vrrnnn

MO X-IMM FA. 4-«4< - TO. 3-SUe


Lieut. Paul Lazur Promoted Second Lieutenant Paul Lazur,

husband of Mrs. Mildred A. Lazur, 245 South Third Avenue, was re­cently promoted to first lieutenant at Camp Kilmer, N. J., where he is assistant provost marshal. Lieu-tenarjdFLazur^spent a one-day leave at home re/ently to celebrate his birthday. He has been in the service 15 years.

Pvt. Uliano Promoted Private Dominick Uliano. son of

Mr. 'and Mrs. Salvatore Uliano, 26 Cortlandt Street, was recently pro­moted to corporal at Camp Bowie. Texas, where he is stationed with a Field Artillery unit.

Robert Rosenblum Aviation Cadet Robert Edward Rosenblum, son

of Mr. and Mrs., Joseph Rosen­blum, 546 Colonial Avenue, Pel-ham, is now enrolled as an avia­tion Cadet in the Army Air Forces Pre-Flight School for Pilots at Maxewell Field, Ala.

and Mr.s. Harry Greenes, 200 Mag­nolia Avenue, was recently pro­moted from first lieutenant to captain. Captain Greenes, who holds a degree in chemical en-gingeering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, entered the service in May, 1942, at Edge-wood Arsenal and is now attached to the Third Bomber Command at MacDill Field, Fla., where he assumes the duties of assistant chemical officer.

Neil Johnson At Pre-FliRht School NPII W. Johnson, son of Mr. and

Mrs. N. Waldo Johnson, 289 Sum­mit Avenue, has entered the Army Air Forces Pre-Flight School (Bombardier-Navigator) at Selman Field, Monroe. La. He attended Davis High School and before en­tering the service was employed by the Western Electric Company.

Samuel Quincy Awarded Rating A petty officer rating as a

gunner's mate third class was awarded to Samuel B. Quincy, nineteen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­liam Stokel, 24 Arden Terrace, upon his graduation recently from the service school at the U. S. Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, 111. He earned selection to the school upon the basis of his civilian experience and scores made in a series of aptitude tests taken during recruit training.

"Work still progressed slowly be­cause it dwindled virtually down to three men and then down to Vet­torino and another.

"When all improvements are fin­ished the pool will probably be one of the most popular spots on the post. Outdoor furniture will be placed around it and a tennis court, ping pong court and volley ball court are planned.

"Corporal Vettorino was a mason in civilian life in Mount Vernon and without question his past ex­perience enabled him to complete the job. Inasmuch as he's from the 'home of golfers,' the corporal also plays a good links game, his opponents say. He is also rated as an excellent bowler. But regard­less of his athletics proficiency the Post says 'thank you' to him for his job on the swimming pool."

Corporal Vettorino is a son of Mrs, Sophie Vettorino of 7 Wallace Avenue. He has three brothers in the—service,—Emilio,—August—and-Louis. Corporal Vettorino entered, the Army July 14, 1942. and has been stationed on the West Coast since last Fall.



tUiNOTOH a M Me Onhettre

GaaxzD Now thro Saturday



"JOHNNY EAGER" Robert Taylor - Lana Turner


WALLER Presents


Miller, a dry cleaning firm employe, went through the pockets of a pair of Arthur Gordon's trousers and out popped a $1,390 bankroll which was returned to him.


Pvt. Benjamin At Upton Private Haskell B e n j a m i n ,

eighteen, son of Dr. and Mrs. James W Benjamin 6f 324 Prospect Avenue, is now at Camp Upton, having been railed from t ie En­listed Reserve Corps for training under the Army V-12 Program. A Davis High graduater he hopes to be transferred soon to a college to study •eronautkal engineering.

B. A. Greene* Promoted To Captain Bernard A. Greenes, son of Mr.


Without Painful Backache Many sufferers relieve nagging bafkarh*

quickly, once they discover that to* real cause of their trouble may be ti edj kidneya.

The kidneya are Nature a ch W way of tak­ing: the excess acids and waste out of the blood. They help moat people paaa about 3 tint* a day.

When disorder of kidney function permit* ->oiaonotia matter to remain in your blood, i t nay cause nagging backache, rheumatic pains, eg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up lights, swelling, puffinesa under ths eyes, nadachss and dizziness. Frequent or scanty •aaaagea with smarting and burning some-imes showa there is something wrong with

t our kidneys or bladder. Don't waitf Aik your druggist for Doan's

Pills, used sweoeasfully by millions for over M) yearn. They give happy relief and will help the 15 miles of kidney tubes flush nut poiann-m* wast* from your blood. Get Doan a Pul*.

MOSLEY The Man with the Funny Horn

and Hit Orchestra t

And an Exciting Glamorous, Spectacular


_ Added Attraction

. k SURPRISE •ACT ? ? ?

Waller's Post Lodge Bolton Poet Road, Larehmont

TflsahvM Larehmont 2-0440

Wedding and Banquet Facilities




Remember Jean as the s c a r f a c e d lady in 'A W o m a n ' s

F a c e ' ?

She tops that role in this new M-G-M

Picture I

mSusKn Ceorad ? EIDT. Basil lUTHIOWE < UfrM OWEN



W W - ' : -••••• Am x







- .



Cil i l l t f l l T H E SKY JJ




A . AT A

GFREEN G A B L E S 253 East Third Street MOunt Vernon 7-9759

Mount Vernon

The Green Gables Gophers finally w o n another softball game, defeating a team repre­senting the Cortlandt Tavern in a return match by a score of 8 to 2. Schaeffer, hurling for Green Gables, held Cortlandt to four hits while the Green Gables collected 10 hits from the offer­ings of Luchine.

If you want to have a good time some evening jump on a "D" bus or an "A" trolley and say Green Gables, please. The bus passes our door and the trol­ley Is Just a half-block away (Third St- and Fulton Ave.).

Frank Andrews, our Master of Ceremonies and Pantomime Art­ist, will entertain you on Friday and Saturday evenings. His four-piece band provides music for dancing and the guest entertain­ers are pleasant surprises.

—You're lift1 ays assured of meet-lng someone you know at Green Gables ; . . so hitch up old dob­bin and let's have fun.






"BIG STREET" Henry Fonda - Lucille Ball

BBBBBF J ea«*^H R £M i —




/ ^ ^ H » ^

Those who know New York prefer The Chatham. Here, their accustomed mode of living is convenient to the smart New York they move in. They are also assured the quiet dignity of their own private life no matter how long ttieir visit in the city.

IS l n ( j i f _ Doable, l : , U and SS Raltei, SID. l i t and i l l Largs Saitst, S b«4-ronmi and batbl, SIS t* m,

^ p -HO T i l ^

| AMO ji* HAWHt |





Ti f<


^A I/*


William Saroyan's


f/l VAALTlJdl/1 hW* Feature Presented at 1:30, 7:13 * 9:30


LEAVE Stevens Avenue and South Fifth Avenue

Startlnr 9:30


MO. 7-9753


5 :30 p M


5:30 ™ De»V DmAh cJo**s MS pm.




V » A R l - M U T U I I S



Frank W, » « o a n . Manager

VanaVbilt Ave. at 48lti St., N*w York

THURSDAY DINNER 8 5 c * Your favorite meats and seafoods

embellished with garden f r e s h vegetables . . . plas . »J1 of the tasty coaraes that make a eattefy-ing meal.


BARGAIN DAY ^ i : ; v

f m * *

ft** c^ o** • ^

* * *

t r *





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