any traoh purpcse, but wbo yia'ded with auch cbeer- fulneae aa tbej cou'.dtuinu ...itotheprossurebrought .0 bear upon thom. They will have need of all their patience and self-control wben tbey learn, a foitnight hence, wbat a very bad spoculation they have made of it. The Hor. Oorge Briggs has defiiitively with- .Irawn from the cor te«t in the Vlllh Congrt**mmm Diatrict. The Brookaea were t-oo much for him. *Ihtj go for Mr. Wolfe, the Timmany and Schie- _am Scbnappa candi-a'e. It ia all iu the way of _._,sin_>a, jou aee. Mr. Wolfe ig a vender of rchrapps, and has adve.ti«MMiA_i to give. Mr. Brigga U oily a con.umtr, a d doe»i.'t advertiae fhe fact in TJta Erprtu. The Bnaokaea therefore go for Wolfe. But wh.le Mr. Brigga had no cause tO kx*k for otber treatro. ut fr tn trtat qoarter, he rtrtaiitly had a right to t xpeot better nsage frem the Democrats, particularly the Douglae branch of tbem. Ile .erved tben. when no other man could aerve U-cn- w well. B_ aucrificed for them wkou ro other man could be f.»i*iid wil'ir.g t-r aacrifice ao __uucb. But i'- seem* tbe) hive got throe^h with him, juat as thej will be through with the reat of tle I.eU-Ev.TtUs. Mr. Bnggs aud his friends have gocd reason ttt M_f..iftfi but no better xeaaou than thousands of.-the.s will have when the iuu of the Fuaion bi-.Le.e l -t-ll bave c<«me. We hare received from Mr tdward Lainbert a lt-tter, poBitively den>iog that he has contributed SU.OCH. to the fuuds of tbe TtdttM*, Mr. Lam- jtert also sayi: " I individnally, as we1.! na tnv copartner*, h*v. never givan rnedolar for politic.1 purpo-ts, i*J tmtjtf the Gcnnectitiit election neith-r do we know eaca oth.r'g political viaws, nor uik of any employee ia our Oetabliehmant.' TbiB statemeot of course settles the (iiiention. At the lame time it is pr.-per to say that the allega tion that Mr. Lambert lad sub.C'ioed a thousand dollara came to ua od auttority which, at the time, it was hardly possible to doubt Our aometime friend. Gen. L'.l.e Coombs, is to make a apeech in behalf of Kusi.-n, at the Cooper Institute, this eveDing. Gen. Coombs is one of the bravest and frankest men in tbe country. We trna-t that, in the c. urse of his remarks this even¬ ing, he will have tbe kindne-s to iaform the public how it heppens tbat he is fcere in New-York making upeechee for Breckinridge and tbe Disunionist. and SeoeaaiontatB, against whom be has ao gallantly fcattled in Kentuekv THE LATEST~NEWS, UCKTV-D Bf MAGNETIO TELEGltAPH. From Wuahln^tont BgttMl DitpBtcl to Th. N Y riihtio* WashiM-Ton. Tuetday, Oet. 23, 1.960. ANOTHER EITORT. It ia inderalood that, as the o'ly hope of getticg Breckinridge into thejElouse of KopresentatiTes as a 1'residential candidnte. rrd rs have gone out hence tt. the Statea of the Northwest, direeting the Ad- ministration Democrats to vote for The Douglns E!e<-toral Ticket. Probably the viait of Messre. Cobb and Thompscn t<a New York has reference to tbe raisingof fut.ds wi b a vit-w to accomplish the Fiiperbuman effort of carrying Ohio and Indiana fi r Douglaa. IlEFAl'I.TlS.. I'0»TMASTF.RS. I hear of the de'ault of tbe Postma-t *r at Keo- kuk, Iowa, and also < f an-.ther in a leading town in lllinoia, either Alton cr Quircy. As for defaulti of small Pogtmasters, they are as thick as leaves in Yallambrosa. 6c -rts are being dacapitated from inabi-ity to meet tbe drnfts of the Post Oflice Department. For tbe mott part, the defauiteri yielded to the temp^aion of convertinj. the public Bi'.ney to tbeir private use during the loDg term, -when the Post-Office Depa'ttnent could not legally compensate maii eontraetora io tbe usual manner ©f giT'nf tbem dralta upon the eiutll Post-Officea alorgmail routee. The P'-Vmaater General has given them no qnarter. If the offe.ider doea not rot et the draft, off goeB hii head. By the way, I learn that cuminal pro.-efdugs have been irntituted agai stMr. MarkB, the delaaltiug Postmaater at IS'ew-Orleai.8. riai.iTK II -MMJNUO. TlediereputableeJi)_-.l_-i.t .-I tbe Breckinridge Aasrciatk.n tere to rtti-e tbe wiud by electing bureau oflirers and chief cieras b..u >rar> members c thtir fratemity, at thr same titie demandi g f*i as an eqtivaleLt for tne houor c.n'erred, doea not t.eet with tuceess in nll tmet, THE mf.KOOT Al 1 faW V* ( K. Tbertpoit ui Tm Ihruid Ukmt UM Attjrney- fi.neral had alrowcd IX.io .»the eam of ?^r-4.isjii iesaid to be err. neou-.. Tklt tttt** bkely, but t- i n 1' ok et if «ome s irt of au arrangement is be;tgcooka-d up. bv wkfefc th.- Tica.ury is to be luuU-Ud. With Mr. f.-l-b, wh'. ia not .-nari-.-d with profl'ga-'y in ¦rilBj tm\*m******m t«. fivi-ites or t-» i.th»-re, it will go bur'' t" aign a vvirraiat for a dis- _-.i_r.euient thtt he *%**** I t. bt***\ wn.ng. As OnjH< b*M 1**9i fWlrnl irf tta matter in an- *j Ler qu-rttr. be wil'. ol t»Mt*e, DO. b<- retponeible if a heavy aum sb'.u'.J fi.ially be awarded and faB'd. Tlic Ori-son K-*|iii*>ll< ar« .ycnator. _pc |_. Uup«t .b tta Tli- ¦' "".*¦ 'Jki.v, i i.a.i.., Oel 23, If. W. C-fltWtt. Clll-»M Of tLO I'-p'J'l Crt'l State Ct'.iUai i '.¦¦''.¦ ihite gal u. ' ***** ,''r'1 ***** h<"'': fmm I'.enug, n h-'Lor n***m*tt tt .lil ;-. *te. hodof ibi-i- hu.-. I .¦¦ | » Uttbtt l<'uti t Ben .tor. On tb * tr. n-p-.r-ni. ir* inscrijed. .'TMitj-th/ee ftm tm BlI-iMW i ator, Coi. B. D. H.iker. Rohtx on lln* IMiiin-.. UH.j-.MiviLi.fc, K. r, Hoadav <..'. -"¦-', l.. A par.v ol ea.K w, r . t teitrom '" bmBtief B-ifkl Wblla ¦ -V lllmore waa nbbtd bv ADeu II. Wn.r_. r.t |300 '. Id bueftrn- .Lgetut ei^LUcu moiii.r .-.lar m I.j.1. Warreu is rf-.iraat. Tiie IrliMlali lloKl. m. Lui 1 ee**k\f, Ot -:<. i4"^- ¦\ i. '.. ¦'> "lc ,j ifiheMet.-oioh-an Hotel, Vav.*V-\\^ ','**». li ia m* et th* tatajaat l-uia la tlia Utlted tvu rt, »-_- :j. dVti, K IM_i,,->, ^ud WiU b* bti,.l witb erttf __ff__bi__-M oi "bt ut'e. 2V_.u OuLAkttn, Tmeeitf. Oct. 23. MfiO. Tbe br.ll*r ol the efaam ' «l worke joruar of Julta nad F,,l.(_i Z*\ x .I- 94 %Vi\{^fmm /SSS cl Vj* muxl tt tbe bttdimgi--- iojui:ug two peraoua kt.'.'e'.j. _ _ rioraTiniph and iito n V^llT' _U( II1MIK l(iar,.lt>, Ot. -», ¦**'¦ 'ilie trot laetweei. I H 18888*. **A G"?''*<" "d pr_!_*ut. Lal4 rtt tbai mrttttotnA* i.avy, a.dlber.- we- i 8 Igbl fall «' ** ^ , :Ud. Y. wm*M**mb*9\ *l->raUi* t*etk***\ xi.it.1 uiitl Ivtuih. FOUR DAYS IATER FROM EUROPE. mmnft-...- TIIE CITY0FWA8HIN0T0K OFF CAPE RACE. THB BAT TLE OF VOLTV&NO. ' A DESPERATE 8TRUGGLE. THE GARIBALDIANS VICTORIOUS. Cireat Lor* or the Ncapolltaii*,. -*p Si. Jou *,-.«, N. Y., Toeiday, Oct. 23, 16*30. The ma 1 steaniBhip City of VVrwhiagton which left L'.veip.i.l on Wtdu'flday, the 10th, via <_. te*n«to*m ilth, paesed Cape Kace at 7 oclock thii evening. acd waa intercept.il by tha newa yacht of tho ABtociatad Piei-B. Tbfl da'ea by tVe City of Waahiogton are foar daya 1 t.r than (.er Arabia. The ateaniBhlp Jura, from Nea-York, arrived at Liverpool on the '.'tn. D-tailr. of the battle of Voltnrno have been received. It war a moet protracted and bloody rtrujrgl.; bnt tha Neapolitan army waa finalfy driv.n back in great dia- order to the fortreafl of (l.pn* wiih an e-timated losa of over 3,000 men killed, Ucid. 8 000 taken pria- * nrra. Tbe forces of Garibaldi loat from 1 ,'J00 to ~',000 men No nioveui.iatu have tttkon place aiuca the baitle np to tha lateet advi ea. Tie pocition of airaira in the Papal Statea remaina witbont any cbange of lnom.nt. COMMERCI-L INTELLIOENCE. Livmro.-i. OoTTOB RTaaut, o.t 10..Tha BBfl of t U non MonCay and Tiriday ituoi.t'd to 2t «-) balei. ln- r'nding7.!l0baleitoipen.lttori .nd en>o't*ra. The market on Taetdaj flVflatflg wai finn at extreme pricee, cloaiog with an up- wiri* tendency. Tradi Ufport..Tl.e Bdvices from Manch.sr.er were favorable. with an npw aid tendency for Cotton Ooodi, and a i.tgh*. idvance on Yami LivERiooL BlUUiRflTVITfl Markkt, Oct. 10.. Rnaflaflfl gner-lly had a downward tendency, and all ,_u*li- t!ei hi- alightly d.c'ined eicept Corn, which lt ateady. Livnu '001 Pfloi imiin HaskbT, Oot. 10..Tha Pro- viiion n.artetwat grurni'iy doli _¦___. LoMDOl MfM i Maiiket, Oct'.»..UOflflflfl tloBfld on Tu, tdiv at 9SJ foi money and 97*J -,*'3| for acconnt, I ATF.ST. latviRi'Ooi, WedneadHV, Oct. 10. . Tb* bhIcb of Can"-.tod.y wiil i.'ach from LVOOto 20.000 balei. The ma.- let i. buoyniit. (lleie th* telegraph line cettrd wo'kiog eart of St. John, N- Ii. (to the operaton repcrt). W. .r-, conarqcently, withont cur fnll coniBiirrial and newi repo-t from L'.Terpool, at well the ote-day-later repoit fiom Queenitowc.] Tlie l"fetv-_cxlcaii Iflall. Ivurrvi'iMi:, Me., I'u.-diy, Ofl. 83 l^fVO. The _f>fl Mfllliflfl mail with d.tecto the 8th inat. arrived ihi. morning. Tbfl c.'_aptt ira agfliafl th. Nav aio.s lud been ginc about two weeke. In thrir av.r»nce a bind of ludi ma came w iihin 8 milee of Sanflb Fo and ran oli '.'SO niul-B, l.elonj-inK io EBabflrp an.l Auiberg. A coaapany of thirty Bo'd:erc, under cornmatd of Cap>. GiS'ifl, w.n* in pursuit, but fail-d tfl overtake thete. A companv of M. .icaiiB aml PaflbBfl alro WflBl mu1 recorer d (iO of the mnlep. Tbe bfli.flflfl are entirdy loat. whioh wiU l-e a heavy Iobb on tbe ownerfl. About thn (.arno timo Ihfl Indiai b sneceeded la muuing from the Oqveroment Biid at Albnque one lOBWfeattla Tbey were fol¬ lowed, but the I-oians killed h 1 t'e c_itle aud mide tn ib oba\?*. On tl.. ti h infli. a band of India* * c*o*v_ed tke river within 1'-.' milee of San t- Fe, going lattfl directiou of Gailieto. The (Jovernor and Col. Ktnu'leroy are at lcu-perheadi- in reg<~rd to the teariug dowu of an old aviobe bni'ding. No n.wB from the platos of ppecitl iutere.t. ft'on- Arrh al of tlie Canadian. Fathiu Poifll Oct. 'Si.11 p m. The weafher ie cold, calm, an.1 clmr. Vo RCM of tbe Bt.anirxiip Car-diai. now dne ofr thia point, aith I.iveri ool dates of the lltb, and Londondt-rry of the lrjth inat. aa i 'ai'turc of <j.iiadalajara. ¦iw-OflliiAfla, ruend.y, Oct. S3, W>Q. Private advice» from Mexiio haro l.een iflaaifflfll in thie city, Btutii'K that the L boral army, ni.d,: O.n. Ogazou, had eagtasad th. Ci.y of Oundil .j-ra. FROM THE PIKE'S-PEAEOOLD RE(.io V. } ioa Oui Own Correipoudeut Di.nvkr Cn y, l'ike'fl Pflflk, Oot. 13, l-i-O. Eocially, times are unquebtionabiy revivmg, and the gold icgion ia 8g-inbe_ou_ing true to iti ancient faiiie. Within tbe la»t week we have had an execuion, a political convention, a fire, and an indtfiiiitcr number of peraonal alTr.y-i. Thfl Mil of JameB A. Gordon, which wan pn gre38itg before tbe PflOflfl'fl Court wheu I last wrote. reriiltcll ir. hifl conviction of murder. There wa* a disp tBition on the part of hi. iiiendfl to mflflfl him, but the streeta were guarded at night by lif'ty armed men. Efllflflfllflflflttfl were made to procure hi*repnve, but the pK.pl.', in fl publif lue.-tiuK. unaiiiiiioiiKly LadoiBri Um flflflteifl tt ttfl ('..uit, and ou Batflr- day, tho M inst., be flflfl HBCfltfld in thfl Bfflflflflflfl 11 i.eailv threethflflflflfld Bflflfltfltflll. An interval of pix dfcye flflfl allowed him between hifl couvietion nnd piinisl.iii.'i.t. and thfl flhflflfl flBRflflflii-f- flf the trial were cliaracttrrizt'd by decorum, inoderatiou, and firiiitue-. On Saturday eveuinjr n prominent aapirant for Cflflgrefl Ilftfld an aliiont BflB Th, lloili) llrrnld, bi apitt-Dgin thfl fu.-e olOn" of its flditora. On Monday. hav ini; occa-ion to call upon the editoi of Tln Eii/.in;' Nettt, I loiiiul that gentloLian waitmg in hia olllefl with a Bhirp'a rifle and foar rt^rohren upon tlietable bflfladfl Inm. CoflTifl-flg hin editoiial IflBfl into an flraflflfll prerid a heultby piflflflfltlflfl, for on thfl BMM evening n jM-rnor: named Murp'iv. B iiotoiioiis border rnfliaii duni.t! the KftiiBaf troul.l-*, ajpi..Hil«-d the Bm with Bostilfl i-teiitioofl. hiriflg tak.-ii mubrflffl at mii a.ivi-iti.v-in.-iit . f a p.-r.Aonal chaiactcf. uud BWOTfl flO BOfftl <>f reogeince ujion tlu- editoi ind th* premir-i'H. Joflthflfora raachiflgthfl door, however. Mu-phy f .und hiiim lf thfl vir'nn of D-iaplflffld ((intideiice. fi.r h I e.,tr.'iii.-e vvan flflMflfl* |j .¦i.ick.-d bv -ix t.li"t MUi"* a"d ritlt*_ level.-d at his lu ad ir..ui thfl wiiiil..w>. Tbia iMipMrted phe- i,.,i! eiii.ii .jtiite a'.ated iiirthirst Ibr aatkrfaetioB, und el-cit.-d a Iiniulsoiiie ip*)logy. Mr. Byflffl, thfl BflHahW editor ofTHa iVaaci hMflflh-flhad ¦ joun.al hen |..r thfl lart eiohte. ii Uiontlie, and vvilimi tnnt pflriod ::-|,.,n cballcii-fd, lMinl.-rotihiy MflultOO, hul l,i- ..fiice m-t on tiie. aad i-peated threata flude niiin-t hk lif.. and la-t flfghl hntfl dwreWng Bflflfl) war birfled to Ihfl ground. In tl.e RRfleBCfl "I any Iflgfll Offlllll-flfl vvlmt- .v.-r, the people of tbe flereril niinlag diatrietfl, bave efltibtiabed inioerBl t-miii-. thfl cdBcen M whieti are Mij.|Oit.(l l-> then fi'-. Th.-se coiirtfl ez_«_fl ixcl'iHve und oiiifinal juriediclioii, and tb.ir deciej.hh an rigOTOOflly enlorj'.-.i. In iik et cbm. tbey -iflflflflM prompt und aubatantiMl Juatice; but wben the iotereeti ol fltele diatrieta cla.h with eiicli otber, i'i ngard to water-rhrhta tor ii.ii.n.g parpoMfl, 4c, the uuuiitoflt Wmi. flfleb In f»vor ..I ita uwii loediti unflta them for adjudic.it- i,i' tb*- eflflffl. A lenitorial (''.'.vu'i"H. which has l.e.-ii in wrriiin at Culdrn City forthfllflB »'"*» '!¦»>'. ih att, ii.i'tmgt*! ren.edv tbia eril by providing for lfl Appi-liat*- Court. to decide thrim huj.a oi min-ni- Thfl Coiiv.-ntion. by thfl pifllMffl ol balf a d.-zci r.iii."...,irel,i."fll(-tr.*l-*, - "'"'1' "',1 _V*gn*lj W- ,,..-, ,.,(h. 'jlii'^entel port.f.Ntl"..*. BIM tor. bM beefl tflhrfl «R hj rfliaiiig |»oiotfl y ..ner and indulgiDg n. v.ol.ni pc*i.aliliUoa. lb«Cbtel .j,,rt .. <»t th.- l eu ito y uedtri Ufl Piwi.ifll OM; ,,i,.,,.,i gave tbe be dirool to B Dfltrirl JodM rrfln th. D.ountaiufl, upon thfl >b"": «»d "" "fl rinii.- . v.i.i..-, u piiiiiiiii.-i.t .-..ii.li.laUi lor < OBgnefl ai.d bi fli-l'1-..i.ai* J«fl>lr«eRflMinrti|reflliflR r'- iolrI affriy, ln abiehtb*' pby«it»|Roo»J ".t!"' lu,l,'r vi;,et.li.,urly<).li)'ur.-,l. At4lBBof^t-M)BCfl-ion »4k\ i.rtw.. einee, 1 Doticod flevifltfleo Judgea in atU-d- anee-fl lai-t wbich eertaiuly pr-v.-u that " biittora .ui.iarv iiitl,^Io.')K'i"'l''" 'lh' <>""""" ". nr*- ;. iui. ni |. ..tm. in tbe ..ato. ic-tj hne, lfl ,therbeyoi.d.Bti.uate. L._*.G.mm^Zll\ rdingtearreolutionahUrh bia been idopted, .,, 1.()1.H.|((.,,ltA,l.t!.ndtl, ..xtr-,.ion..|lo.. fcgioli iu ittrBBting t" leaRit.fur thePrV iFert ,..... tn iTemtorialorgBRMt-un. 'iLiijuaitzmillfl BboWR >t'*.J. IflfltflRB flf *m«- cess in aaving the gold, tt'id tue receipts from them havegteatl) advanced wil hin the !ait three weeks. Every departmcnt of bnainesl is roriving, and a good deal of building is going on in Denver. Lum- ber commands from $*_.) to *_.:;.) per tbonaand; brick, in tbe wall, (13, and at the ynrds from $7 toflO. Ilour ia eclling at$l*v* por hundrfl-d, and Biigar and tttmt at [f£~> to $'.'M. Kxchaug-- nn New-York it worth two and a half per cent premium; on St Louis, ('bicago, and Cineinnati, two per cent. Oold duat contiiuiea the almoat uni- ttnti cunvnoj, though Messrs. Clark, On.ber a\ Co. have issucd more than $1(K»,000 of taeir pri¬ vate coi n. Tbe gold yield nf the pre_.*nt year is estiuiated at two and a half millions, though some place tbe amount much highdr. Dr. Joseph 8. fltone, who was sliot by L. W. Bliss, Secretary of State undeiL th8 PntMoMl Government, in a dnel last Marcn, die.1 from the effeeta of his wound on the 11th inst.. aft.-r having auffered inteneely forseven montbs. The weather ia c!ear and cool, and large nurabers of minera are leaving daily, to spend tne Winter at their homes in the Statei. a. D. R. CITY POLITICS ItATirirATiori MirtiMi in the Ninth DtfTMCT. .A ratirUation u.eetii:f aad Wide Awake deiuonatra- tlon will be held iu tbe IXtb Congi_«..iouaJ Diitiict, at Fremcnt, West Fanut, Weaichestar County, tomor- row (Thnreday) evening It is to l*e addrosaed by .Fo- tepb Hoxie, e. q , ard Jn(*ge tfelaou, tbe K.p_Hic»n nominee for OMftM in tbat diatrict. Politicai. D in ate..Tbere wiD be a public dis- cua.ion on tbe politics of t.e day at Bleecker BaildiDi. corterof Blrtcker and Morton streets, thia evening, all partiea 88 bwtt u heHring. Wiiif-Av\ akk IiiMoN.srr.tTioN..It will he eecn that tbe Wide-A «fckee of li-onklyn bave al ver. ised a graiid pa-ade, to eorne oit on the '~'d of November. Tbe time haa btenchuiged from tha l«t to tbe M of the moiflih, iu coriMqueiioe of the Kutioniet. having se- lecied ibi flm fur tbeir pa-a_e. It ia ta tae boped tbat tbeir invitation wi) meet with general aeceptanoe, especially from Wida-Awakei in New-York and vicinity. Cmo.n CoNu-.rio.-r .The Bb!!ev«rett Btraight-oats meton Monday evening at Thorp's Hotel to bear the news frotn th* Corumittee appointed ao-ne time _____.__.tl coufer with otber or^aiiizaiiot.. iu order, if po_eibie. to prrdnce alnelon. Tha Committee reported tnat l>oth Mo/art atd Tuiumfci.y wero oLdurate aud woald not meil. 1' r.r-i.ii t'.iie eet-n-Lrg to be lo«t, confoinn ico- Djediati ly art-ae. aini ih» nildea* die >rder reiyr.ed Io- enlt and iovective, and all aorta of vitaperition tcok tbe place of a-gumeLt and on.r. tili it aeemed a* if the Unicn men weie trying to make Tammany rowdyism resrectatale. Tdo principal qr.f-'-c:* at *'ssne waa whether tbe ir tit! 8 rbo'.i'd 88 v uh'-ia^n eittiiely frcm <be fieid but in auch a llabel n t"ing conld be deterrnit ed upon acd tbe cor.fn.ion waa pottponed till Fridr.y n;f_'.it. Tiurthmh AsM.Miu.r District..Jadge ('. I.. Birdsall, and not Coai!. h Birdsal! ae reported, waa nuxiif a'id on Mi. 'hy evening by t-tp Kepublicana of tbi* Didrict, in place ol I).-. Ives, declined. .The KnickerLocker Wide-lwake Artlll.ry Com- .*ny, J. II il. C -mi C .[.t-tin. bclda meeting on Mon¬ day ev-nirg for tbe purpofe of ren-ing the Constitn tion and Bv Lawa 9 ihe Clnb, and for the electi m of its Civil Officers. Mr D I. Elder wae rhosen Prea¬ ident, Robert S Beaver. Secretarv, Wm. O. Rotbe, Treaenrer. Ai tbia G'lob is a component part of the Central Crimjoi.Ti C.uL. aud tbe oftiml Company Im eecoit* of tbat C.i.b, it ttill hertuftor be known bv ihe nane cf "rlne CtLtral Club Ktiiekeilocker U'idai- AwiAe _k__flhiy«" Iia re_;-!*r meetirgs .tre beld every Tlnrt'i.iy l v: .i?e* ut BaMfaMtHf, Nc 788 Uroadway. .Tte Bap'.>lic-.n btrfaaM*!, tbe Ccntinaritals, uud tbe Peop'e'a d-.trfa'tn Club will ariive hf sj-eriu! itnliftoaiI-Hadi'l r n' n o>'..-.k thi- ev.-ninf. The liion Wide-Awakea* will receive tl.e Invineinlen, the Citv W de-AwKU-*. **9 recei-o the 0aa__8*_t-U, andtl.eCt't-'-ial Cau'|>ni_r*i Cli.b will rec ivethe I'i CanpB'gu Chbi Tt.fli I'i iladel(>bians wi'l be e^carted to tbfl- it-iaK-tive beem*\m**Memet the OHf OMiakat* paaaiil. wWra i Hatiia*. wBI h>partahaa tt. Ai Stny- VI..I Iistitute, No. i.j'.) Ilrosdivay, after the C'lUtiou tbere will be e|rf_t"»in^ aini einginiar. Aruotig theefieitk- ue exp-ctel are, the llon. Benj. V. Manlerre of New. Vcrk, tbe Hon. J. A B Iffl of OUa the Haa. J. M. Bntler. Let.lv <-l.(t_'i M--nl>er of Corereea from tha Firet ('. npr-Sri >iial Det.ict of PnBMff***Wk%, an old elroiigholti of Denr^cracy. Other Wide-Awake >MfM- i/atioiiB wiil >ake part iu liae receptiou, aud a gooa :a.e may 1-e liflo'ttr-J lot. Tue lo.i.wiDg olhcitJ ordei haa betn ierned: Fii.tT Dn !>:..!* CiTt WiiflB-AwtKB., (HtniTH Na .'.T'.e Aid- .f tbi. Hinnlnn wiil tii^crbl^ f-.-i \Wdnr.tlt» K'.n.-t th. 2*il» ii.nt tt7..*,-;r-k,Bt N. Wl Weat Ttlrtv »lit_r .trrr'.. .. ir i':r..-e_,--''l-e -t-t r;«rtd«ir hnnor ct thp -.nitt! cf tee Ihiitfljelphu WiJ. Awttn Uj oti. ttd Kti-ht. D. b O vv it. F H. PlHKBBT, Adjlllttflt .TbaFfflM.A Wtti W.'de-Awakea ho! 1 a m..t. me.tirg this evcuiiig, fct CMM Hai1, Wooe.er atteet near Dlaackar. to iBtify tiie nomination of tLe Hou. Frtdtrkl. A. CinkmiK f.-r C..ii«rea8, und J..hu ,J. Sliaw for AnnaYTj Tfci Fiftoeuth prr,mi-ss to be the banner ward in the ciiy l.i tbe coming -lection .At the Wall ratifica.ion meeung in W.li'.niiirba-ijh, on M WAmXf *Agk\ tl.e Tt.ir 88SJ-I Ward Wid-Awakt-n of this ci y turned ont in grt*A f.>rc«,makinj a eplendid di-p'ay cf torcle« a_<- tritispa-euriee. V.t*, Li 4i n Con'iirs amithe \-Ta-nA*.* .Ameet- fag of tte Ve.eiafl3 ti the War of 1819 mMhf fcl ini-ci y. nuini.e.-iifl-- tbt ut tbree doz«n aa th_v were flifSWB np if a eq-isr.-, *t*e c -nveued yen'erday a'-'.' y. m. iu Jroi.t ol ihe City B*1L Tire \'e(«rn'ie 9888 ucrxner'db'f.-t L 'i C< m9 M KmM ky outhe eui.^.t oftba VewAtt bii, wbkk btt baaa agiMKd fiom time to lirae f-r pail |Ml .Wfaf* OaaglM b, tbeVeterar. ttAtball bkmiB, OA Bifl fcttJGM ('"..'..-IsbHll ho _"nr..f'cr tl". ti-i¦- adrer- tirrd la tta VatefM*. who aaUMail tm bf***** ti tbit time, a,uo «hfl f-.i'M he dietii.ir.ti-'hcd trom the tn.wd hv tl.e (-..(-khili¦» which .lecorite-i Iklfa Mt*. _ Ooe C> ia e bagaa wKb the wo".s '. At'tntton. Sddi.re, ut the Wa "1 W13-_ "da eei" aud the old mm otencd -beir eyea v.i.ie 9*9*4 Wti MMM ittaatiraly. <! n. C.re.9 then anadai M tm u*e, tbree yafafiice. when _MaSaVa*_*d fh.-in on WM atihiect aud h.i'i il wa- t'. 9 btfti iba' ONgiM .won'd'tol di-l.y IhlM ^t»re BOI* before4oImtba V«taiaM laatfflM laa mwetlBl*\ wm aa?pbattealiy a hecend war et liidcpendence, and ('.nut Bn »in, the Hflf- ivled m-atl as of t c sea-, wgs huoM by M. Ba ailnded 10 Henrj C«*J, aa4 e...«.IM him th» H.itl.cr ofthe ..i.r.. ' Th- *** whi-. ll .ate at the mr-lb-bd |..i.,ii.u -b-..e ar*t.a*aM of every Atnerua-. .le-t, hu c. th fa. -f be -iia* e. 0*^***^* lianath apon tbe roaiparatnrely aanl «.-* "f,^ncl}t. _*wi- atate -1 taa aatry H'-ot the irreat Uem, iti^ MMM* - ...iu:ry Bl d Mi. bigai th* *!">' M oi trav.l iiirtc u.c n.w-.r ¦:,.. 1..U-'(.¦ Wili -..rnn-. lu.idectiof ihewsr of 1812, the spenker proreeflled to lapMII U. topor-ata Btnwem **%£* ^*tfJJUl*i*l pBrii imlb pailtada aad '|uot«d baa H*f«| *-'»_¦ B WhrSpeecn ihewrdr^. " Hi .1 l>. .-t, lil» tnv f tr. ,. i bav. -. I.... -.j ."-.'- v* . aahtafj «-inpi'T eaal4B8| N w t it 1 »t!-e»rti liopr ll ie.Uojrl A (.ptite t!tt "n t'.e 188" gorreof then* tbe ep-nker snid, were Mtfaf old; batttei bai datlea lo inrfora imUI Mi *****> "e aihircii ¦. \ pa it th* Oorara-Mt WW tado t'.m iii-i.-. i. Ri t- Ih4.ll S .-,. I. r. i'i.r.- Tha ( ,;V ot K*« V< I- on_h* to (i.» tv mucra as to gitt-Uxe oldBoMkn a 1-«...'". -i .iMiydimer. beAketemBet , J, ,|,.N -. Lf .i .. t _.i re.a taa ii.ddrH-k 11 up lbe*atlvc8 TM v could affoH ch4,_[.KL'i.e:t.-i*.l.l-*rn wbasavar eaw m aawai. b-i* tet tboae wn.. a,-taaUt Mttba ib»i -'¦ ibal bal .tatUaf Tji,",'1<1 *****'*. bTaaJd h...!v.t ii.f.i) to MfcM Tbej mt9mt* the-rconiitrv' ll.e Ciai-an m.a» bo p.e.er*--d I hr i.y^r rin.ve thr o,.l r..i.i..r oui ..f tha x*m*W* lat-t V\ .ut-r. .VMimiI-o e.r__efr*of M*w-Y*ib wh« ntu*-k.-.l. Hn lark, euno u. tl.. raaeaa. lt belmi m A'...liuoiM lu, . BoaUaen Bia-aaM by tne balr.ba aaaU bM tl, ;,!.(..!- Iflfll. r >¦- Iuwj.au w.y biitl. e wera lafi. TI,N. ihwa. tn;r- lodll»Ola* algMJ -«' MM bacuhtto e-..v.....'l«>s--».'.v-iuo.... argr* l i,.,t,h..r.i. L.t.-. II,.1i:-...J---'*u..iu.aU_ ,.,-... toaiurr. e "«--* i^|M>.*ioMdare^..Uoafr*.Ledfor.ou.ep.m. ,.,,0.,). li-.¦>«".>, '^¦¦'" . *** «iU> bim & Mr. Cl*)'t <-wn haad -Miut ii...* _*.t....»BB drpeudi epcr. oi (yon loldlrri), w. -._.*.-*¦ _*t.V.!;,_.. thfll tl.e tnlo- eg.in_t all a'tark. "I StBltd hv, .CpOnrt Ud -. i- l__3 v. ,i frooi tti'i o_t o Btt_i_. a-J W* ~ ult"""' .**.*.' ** ¦* N. rth or Bouth" . . , . Tb-Bwaa pa.i'd with rtmeideriblf ___t*i tnc* tb.n put i< t >e Vei.raut, who .td-pted ii|iicani-<-uflar; i-fter wbicb, Oen. Coon b. ihook n-iidi cordiaJJ_r xnta e»eh inemb. r, and the meeting aeparatfld. An Ex Mf.muer or AsstMBi.r ARruiri.*) on * Cn ak i M FoKoir.i.--Afl.Ifl Hmitb, u Mei.l.r "f Afreiiil.ly in tb. laet LeK'alatni., from the Iltli Ward of ihi* city, waa anested by Sergeant Welth of tba 17 h Warti on a 11..->_. of forgrry praferrnd a_:Biti*t Mfl by Ex AlmB-IIc.iiBeOoveruor Authony Dugro. lt ii (b n e tbat tbe acrniad waa indebtid to Jaoob Miller aiid Iaaao Hhanruan for rent to the aruiant of 11 '.00, and Mr. DngTo nad made bixself re-piiuible tor Bfl payiarnt ofthe demand Mr. S. draw ui« flflB for pWW, wbich hia crediton dedined withont a g<*-od h: il reei i.ii.-ibl. mar. aa indoruer. TI.ib Bmith taid won d bfl an ea-y matter, a-d aubaquantly ha returnad the note with the indor8.r_ent of Kiciae Commiiirion-'r Jobt Kerr. doing bnnineBB at No. Cl l-eonard street. Tbe ueia'li tieL to whom the wortby Afl-emblymau waa indebted, being iBt'flfi.d with theindorflemeut, m eived tbe ntte, bnt, much to their Bt_rpr_e, anl)«eqnantly lean td ibe i ame of Mr Kerr on th. back of the note whb a forg»ry he not laving litm.d it hinaalf nor aa thirizt-d any one to do ao for bim. Ex-f.uvernor Da- gro, belrg the pany Bunari-'g by the i-tvtry, mada 'he cu mplatut ag.i flt Hmitb Thfl in us-d wai tak.n Bfl Bflfl Jnfl'iie Wr'rh tAi ball to t-a_.il in the snaof $1,000 to aoaw.r befor. tb. CflflBI of Sefl.ion*. Mr Jofleph Lyn h cf No. 1-0 Eaat Thirty-6eventh atreet b-catna bie eurety. [Kxpr.__. July H. ltrSbX). Thie caae we baliara, hai terer been di.pieel of. Mr. Smitb ic now n Demcrratic candidate for retjlec- tion tc tbe Le^lalbtor.. a THE " Hr.URtlV NOMINATION.**.'' To tht F.dxtor of The S. Y. Tribxtnt. Sik: I noticed a fow daya age io ycm valaable papir, an artic'e h.-vd. d " Hrhr»w Noait-atlor.i. Mr Roi«r- -ur;ii. Piei'de.it ofa Demmralic (Icb, bai bt-l the a.dir-ity to call ou hiiluet.r.n to Inlfte th* nooilnttiom o' certain Clly endC.-i.ty Pfficeri aa madr by him at ihe I ..tlr-il'i of r.r- rtndo VVood. Mr. R. do*i nct r0.,_.drr how abmrd lt la t-i Im- line for a ilrgi. Iratwt, thtt he ran by hii rail. I -.fla.nc. the opi'l i.itf the I.rae.itei of thii or any other city. i'hi* i. to my kr.owl._ge. the fint timr aiieh a 04.1 hat eir.tntted from a JI. I.rrw to bli bretbren, and I tlccerrly trmt Mr. R and hit fel¬ low off" .ri aill neTer again tttempt to demand ot hit oielhr-n. to niiport any caidl.liti- nr-pt of thair owb rh-.i. e. The liTirlitri of tliit c'ty Lave s'.wayi abovtn tliemtelvrt cltiieae, ard cannot ur.d.r ary clrfnmatana""! he I .flu.n.-.1 to lecom* partuai.fl. I am po.iivr ttitl _.! tl.r l.i t-iit o! thi. ity r-epHng prrhap., a t> w follnw.r' of the Roie-.l.ot r<h Krruaudo VV ood Drmocratlc Club, tlew thr artloni of Mr. R. aa-lncalled for, and » i it- J Ycnri, v.ry reip-r-'.fulf-, I. O. FRAfDFNT Rir.I«.rRA*rroNS. Tt U* ExtOcr rnf.ulX. r. 7V-WM Sik: It ba* b^en diac .vered that laat yatr fi-uln- lrr.t votri we'r .-a.t by BflBBBBB whiie re-idencea aa reglitered w.rr found to be tbe r.i.mb. r-of vtrant 'ota. Ai thi«mod.oi cl.e-tii'g might b- naeaafll acvin, rvra In thr tlil'kly ***** latod K.pver.th. Seviutrenth ind ..ighteenth V\'ard.. a aimple aud i ffcdual plt-i hn reea anggrated, one that mljht fl ad pu-d l.y thr prr.ODl entplryei to look ovrr the regia'.ry BflB lu can- -. :i Iru before 'hr e'rrtlon. end n_ed By :h. It.putll'-v- fnip.- t ¦BflB.(fl U'lr-rial-r-d votria prrient B-Bfl-flflflB t -n elr ln d.y. Itl-thii: On ibe Inatd" ofthe r.jlttry liat c ivi-r, m .rk t'i- n'.mb.r a( ;he I'-jiiu'lnganJ tnd of eacli itroA-t mtkin. thr hoiindfry of the dl t.i I; t'ie the numhrr. flVflflflfl loti, alsl.'r. ard mioccnpied biiilding*. thui: Firtt av.-niie, com- (MWflflfd-fltfl, No. CtOOiVact-it lot. Noi 110. :tll. and 31*, and endi trl b MR Av.niie B, com di-t. No. 1D0, vacart lota Noi, '_::.!, 2" 0. .<*_. and 2!)». end. With -**>*', and io on with latertecting .trut. If eii.h Rrpiibliran Rr-Httrtr In tbe rity wi drvo'e half .1, h. ur only to ttili pnrpoir, walklni through hi. dlatrirt, no.ln. ih. nnn.b.r. of vai-ii.t lot* and ropying tbrm ln tLe Re- tiitiy .Ut und by the Repub'.irta Iupm-tor.or onaillpofpa p«-r to he fuan.-d to tlie cover cn elt-cU.n day.Ihe nhole mat t-r may hr .'coop Bflfl tt once. CI1F.CK. AV*- York. Oct W, lf'tO. REPUBLICAN RAL1.Y IlODOKhtN WIDK AWAKE. Tbe RrpobLiri._s cf BflVflflM ansirtred to tho c_! of tbe Bflflflbi-flB CU hf rouaiug out iu goodly uirabera MtbeOdd IfllllflB* ifflB. -Bflt ITIfl-Bf I.ot cr before the bnnr of operirg t'ie m-.'-tir.',', the e'r-ie'ii were al.'b'e with tb'i tlHtuiig torcbe. of the Wide- Awake., ¦flfl aflflfl in-irchinK lo and Cfl waiting for their lirKbnn of tb. briKht aud ehiniuu liKht*. Th. K*r-nb- licaiifl ol li. l.ok.a aie eidtut y up and doiuK flad will j.,ive a ¦ .od acccntit cn th. day when thfl fflflfl »re B uuUd. and the Uruial DrrcocrHtic niajori'v will daindtfl ttxtoj Bflfl u'ttliii IflflB and vauieh mio thin Kir. Tl r lmi'l tva_.cn,wd .1 r, t ftily hv tau nieu wh) i.t. tuir iMflfl.BT] vih- vv,'l fllli-d wiih ladiei abo, ihoagb IkflJ cnrnc,t vote, ctn otill enconrHge the ad* aatiaef H :. ul li.iiii.n., aiad btlp on thugeod i'i.!* by ,i, pn .I". <'. Ibe plflll.ii fll Bflii DBBalBg Dflar mi ex-Muyor ('arrt._it.-r, una ctl.er dieticgtufltie- g,ut emeu. HmLAbdII MoCMI CA"cd the meptiug'. order, crd inir do. i-d FiiioitF BfltrABD.flflq et Nft r. Yirk. whe retd .-.-v-ial iirtic'e. ofthe Kepnblican p'at- f i:i,*ud proceecied Ifl anoT, the flflflfliflflBflffll thifl a\ "Wul of p( Mi.ilb hlq t) ie .1 u np m roiitr4-t wi li ibe pr i.c-.[lr« ot lha BflBAridgfl, PoBgWw, ud.1 III I- oc ary.the lu.'-r eeto ---rk;('- oi tn.A prlucipfl of ' MBflBBflBg Ibfl u.aihiiep.' IflB pflflflfl ot Italy are iflaebHJg a !»p*i,n on th. va'ue of liberty, wiiich ia I. ti-, th_n a. ion. B 'o'-ng. altout he afio'e.-* aai >n. I i.coiii ir- ab ninii bet'ei thtiii 1 atr.ry Cfl Ame ic. aai lilur'y i. rmv deerw.tiflm for Knrn.-e. The Democratic partyie a Ua dtlilrftv p^riy; |o_. f.r iuatauce, a' t:ie fr.t« ofthe n bl* h_d gflUael H.o.ttii'k whu fell a ¦.ictini to his dflB-BM of Kreedom. Iti. flflflfliathal {-olitica! power in thie (iintry «hi n'd bfllaA utl.e BMBflfl affaaab men. itin aBafltofl ta IM iflfl Aleaei Mr p.un iifi-on. tailed foilii lo.td.|.p!anfl.. Bfl bopafl tiHt tti« Rapebua-fl* fll Nt-a-.l-r-ey w.-uld not friii to ..tlrc*. eucii ii u-.tu on the ude of truth aud ri^ht. TfaflJ BMOBM rlaatflflM wbo gott tor honenty and j . j">. natatd tt fl.a B-BBB flad flfl bverlfl hfl_5a, Mr. > BHarfl tben ratoned li thfl 0>fflfl report,-.how- .1 v i mb Mi Bm mbm wtiBi-ie (_d by fr_.uilii'..u» rowa ,., I'r :,i,'. vnnia. .'WbieMr Bbflf it was e.^uki -g >- Ilif. kn, tt'il Wmt II.-l. krti \V ,i- Avvuk.A ifl r.d wh icild and tian?p«rer.c:.B, eliciting a- onu f arpl .uae ThA- ap,aker pr -ceeded t > flpeak oli.e lifciielite o- tba llomnjiead klll flflf-B Bfl th* f(.« tArriu iy *., fle vH*"':;a'ion ot free homt-fl flad I lfl n»n. Beah. aaaesaneIflwfle ent aeoeeafltflaJ n? af> loced to t. ni'.-'vit ie- a jtilfl Tbe Chflb-M iirxt IflrflflflWd Jfltirfl Ilovir, esq., wbi «.. lefllfd al h Ufl rv.'tHt vocitiron* ehe..- g. Vr II _'» (ctmmei c 1 bv readii % auotice tiHud.d bui, f the drfi.b Ot tbfl De I'or-rt'ie onr-y. w ich died of flw-rirg II n-f.. aiir'B'-MAd by a n-rve-e -Attti-k of Charl.atoa lfl.car. A g rt ojoreiii eiamm-,ti)uf_ijwed aa tniir abMBfla el brait Um Bepaboe-a plattora «f.A Blfl t.-n'-d M bflflf* .!."M,.y!l iafl a id.-:n u'-d «.i tbe Bbtiafl ot Baraflflfl »nd ot York'owi). ity that pletfbrfl w* n:eHu fl Baad lo-dty. Thie approaefcing .l-(*iii. ie one flt* tb*) aflfl r_i>ort.7:* Ibfl 8T8f tDBI dacfl in tliflcountrv ll SUv*rv fl u nl.r-ing. ttfl the >1 itkin dgei|t8i!-':i.. Ul it boflpre.d; but if not, t'i-n i.i ii b. i. uhneu lelttpraflflB RaUa Cfltlriapoial I.r re ie u o'llen nce of oj iuion. Tbere are B8M- caudi- niitri ii. *.he lirl.l row. Mr. HrMk.iirid_.eifl n bigb. ,ct. j |«BtlflaaBl] man. wbo w -aid flflgfl IflroflgB ti.e BB'.try flUBBBBg »' flflfl flfll adverfl.ry in tlie >> n r-11.- i-er'y Hfl Iflflflflflfld nm for th. e.od-ir .. I.i. .i ... a.-rrriiu Ml flflflflflBBfli Mr. DflflgBflll «»lllirii ibfl* ra |fi>p'. Bhoi.lii d.Mfljhfl gflaataBBf sl v,it BflMefl to tii. drcirion cf ihe BMflr_8 ('¦ urt, wbaa bfl knew thfll ihia Coin htd a'l adi ,1 ,,..' ti,. ..(-. It all l:ke tt;. Di"h .I.ut «1, ri.il tl.e lil.ertv tottiuk .Hthflv p!.(-'d, j.rri- id.dtbey ibooahtflfl ide (Hurtdd M." BeaflBBBfl ,.-. - ll.i.r> (!1av ft_g lot 35 yenrfl. aud wha '.' -i.,i I '..w Mfl* he hfll >t'.*e.v-» v-'-'.el for n.ep i(,-i.'.. advo-atid bytle gnMatflflflaaaa. W.re ii-.i.iUi. | in.i.¦ ( gi'ing to vote thifl "88ai_1-dB ¦,..: wbi.li iapul hrf.ire t:.e BB*<flfl1 N one C-u , ii*) t :i, -. ... -.. a tor. Wb.t d" II.. 8. vV 1 i-'.-.-for ni. I'limti ll tnev can wll dry gooda? Aud tlaiK I.. .! *.l:ut if a.i tiu-y cu BB-. T''-**} »uuot eell thfl flflflBI or at leh.i thrv ruono: d-liv-r th m lAipiunie.) lli. wht'ied hifl'old Clay frlfludflto thiok t 'bc iu pud-_ea .-f Mr. DouglaB, who after villifyiug llrrr. C!«} hU li.-lf. fl » i*"6« ibflM Ibfli u try rheedui." r ic (lil.- l.arg over his grave \M Hfl old .- .ir llui.k ol tbie before ihey dn-ifrare llieir chil- ditn. Bflt, iu H"l(1it:ou "o tna puit fla cl M.-ar-. lir»_k- i ridi'c nd Doagbfl tle-e i- h ver* rMpBetablflOM ('(.utitiiii.'A p.r v, whe, wfter car.fi'1 and prty.rful .. uridnaricu, barfl d_.ideil that they an .nttvorof >',. c, i, iMi-i. ii atd tb-, t-i for.emeot of Ihe li.va. Ibnii. v.--, M _bfl doeri not t-v.rv flM BMM believe ii, tMflflflBfl thl-flflj / They bave put up Mr. Il-ll, who w-bb vri\ r.a .cMble fjeut fcuirtn whi'e he v\_e alive; lut he bar i-aneid aauy, ar.d bfllflflfljl ti » p-b*. ag->. Now. wa hK»e living i-anefl bef >re a*, aad we aaut ib.ni.f n. iw aid MaBXBeee. Mr. lirook. bfld been tn Mhine ti.i.lv .at. tl.irii' bflt Hl |flt9N flB_88lflfla Iron. bflflfl, at d ih- xtgbi he could eay whrit he pl* mtd hi ii wr i ot kioa il Bfl h-tJ dowu ther., that a nnion i,. ,1 a l.-nativ-u nict b. u.ade |8ouie ooufu.iou araa Iv 'h- it triru l'"') «f an in»o\i, .te I BfllaarflB, wbo ¦jraflflC-ad ly indti--ed t- fat.ai.i. by bein* l-d down Btalie] "I «li i'-*«" -bl ll"il-'" v"1*' fs,r s- A- ***____!* '1 I- wur Ibfl ...uiirel ot B ll< I I* vertttt in.U tbaflflW T ot n rl eet aflfllMBM.I d by ll it.op BflgMfl a. BBfl ru>.«t !> ._j_mi_.ll at-flfld Now iney thi-aieiiiliedww.- ti.ii i. ot tb. I t.i ii '"i.t nt.laiihel_i.(i)i.K thifl, th. , BpRa'i.tfl ot tt e c antrv are ailliDK tu i-tke a lo tn -f Ita OoraroflflM atl, p*r cent. But we muat vote fla nfl ». thfll IMflflJBll Oi.fl |.arty ha* no hflfl tf tltdiLg ibair IBIflflfltBRI thau oi\j bop. il to thraw tbe eleotioa i- '.¦ the Iloage. aad thm renew, and promcte encli aetaem of diseord aa ibia coaotry hu aeldom lf ev.r witneteed. They are not voting for anybody, cnly agafuat a uns- brdy, ard tryirg to defeat Lineoln. Mr. Ifoxie g«ve a I*o?hab!e «__oonnt ofthe wbioing of Konthern .Saeea ei nins. wbo ara trying to f.igbten the North; und srd by nrgiig aU who were ifl iutor ot freedooo, and tb* p.*". s-rvatlon of tha rnion, to vote for the Free- v.aa's ticket. and eleet Lincoln and Hnmlin to prsside »Ter the adminii>tration of this Goverument for tbe _ext fcnr yean>. Mr. IL waa fr-qo«tly Infrruptod with appUnso and laogbtar; long nnd lound cbeerlog follew»d after th* closaof bia remarka. Cheera were given fur Penneylvania and Indiana, and'he meeting _dj-urn_d wi h load cheers for Lincoln and Ilamiin. GOV. CHASE IN BROOKLYN. Tha Repoblicans of Brooklyn rrowded thair huge wigwam, oppotito tho City Hall, ii.it evening, it botog annonnced tbat Salmon P. Cha_a, preaent Ou.ernor uid Son ator eiect of Ohlo, woald be present acd apoak. TLere wero nearly two hnndred aeats o.cupied by ladiea. Before tho organizatlon of tbe maoting, tbere Here two or thrto brief epeechea, and aoreral songi i.>g by tho Praiiie Songsiera. One man eaid that Moeea Ode'l, the Democnitic candidate oppoeed to Mr. Bnmpbrsys. bad declared that he waa in favor of the reopening of tbo alave trade. Ur. Clark alao aang lome of Whittier's inspiratione, and told a fanny story. Soonafter 8oikck Gov. Chaso arrived. Themett. itag waa imniodiattly ealled to order, and Mr. Jamks S. T.Strahahan eltct-- Piesicent. Mr. Stkahaihi., cntakiogthechair, axpreeaad hia Ihanka and immediataly introdaeed Got. Chasf, who wai recoived wi_h load and pro- loirged applaueo. He aaid that he bad been delayed aonaewkat bj a procession which waa going on on tha ttber H(*o ofthe river, bat, which, from what ho had heard of it,waa not likely to intorfere with the prograaa of KepuVh »n principle. or the lertiinty of Kepublic.n tatettl Ona of the tiaBsp&rtn ies :n tha procifce.on wss very etrkicg. It prereaUd a lar^e, woll-propor- tioT.1 d a- n of Afixa, labeled, " Abe Lii.-olne 8*8088888 in 18434." It eeemed from thi_i that the Democr.cy bad already nominated their catadidata for 18ol. Atd not ouly that, bnt they also ton.eded tho MMM of Lincdn atd the inetice of onr principlea. so macb as lo bo a a-mat deal forther than we otireelvee did. It d n t reem to be (f nach nae now to epeak in favor t,f tbe election of Lincoln aDd Hamlin, except by way of add'tg line npon line and precept npon precept. But aittooch tbere wae no doubt aa to the election of Ltn- c.'n .ettlcrawes a qnotion whether he would be -npt'orted bv a Repnblican ConBrene. It became nee- n*jtry to lain a few memhi-ra, nnd above all t. make tore if all tbat we lad. He had met Mr. Humpnroys 8- WaebiDjrtonai.d knew bim,and waa very aaxioaeth.t be shcnld be retnrced. We had good newe to day. Ihe wirm tiaahed to ue the intellixeuce that Oregon hid wheelt-d bto the line of Ke.ial.lc-U State.. Wt bad one Kepublican Seuator there, and another, wbo, l-Htbnught, wonld bo just as good aa a Kepublictn. Tbe An.i-K«publican msiority ia the Senite wa* dtviidltngdown eo rapidly that IhM would be no arri.ua obeiacles to the mo»em*-nt ol Mr. L'ncoln a Aominietraionin the Senate. We had, then, bnt to secuie th« organization of the Houso. so as to get the o ntrol of the Co_mitteea, aud of tiie org.tuiz.tion of 'he bMaaaa of Cotigresa. The Keputali_an party did not confi e itaelf t. its fprin.iplss adverea to the ex. teoeion of Siavery; it extended i.s care to the welUre of_.il tho wbite inhahitanfa ol the I'nion, Laetaud West North atd South. Cpon the S nrery qutstioa, ttbei was it that we wanted. We WM to ota r faf it aa far aa wa were conoarned. Wo want.d to de- i.rive ii of ita MMM propeitiee. aud NMl to a State att'air. Then, thia. question would be 88 eettled that it wonld stay a.ttled, and not be comintf back to fiigbten us from oar pro- .rieticd. Sixty y_«rs ag., the people of P«__s_l- \Eniaenacudalaw forthe abolition of Siavery, and in th. preatrblo they rtated tneir reaaons.mt**** «i juHtice, .ahilanthropy, aiid political eeouomy. lu 1841, Datie! Wtbster said that that preamble waa w.rthy of the best days of Cifek, or Koman, or Knglish li'era- tnre. Ile thoai?ht that the citizet.s of Peimsylvania hpd b.en reading ovtr iiiis pn-amble. But t'ere wae another pTeamble that of the ordinanee of '87, whi h 8*aa eqtial to it. lt was adopted hy all tbe Statee, aud ali the itausaien of the I'nion. Tnat poiuteii out brat, onr dn'*. Tion.togo to woik, and by oar votead.tree tbat Iflfjoi.d the Sti.Tes, in the T«rri orieaof the I'nion, there ebould be no Siavery. He r.ther thoQ><nt that Obio aud Indiana had l.een reacing over that pre.ui- b e Th»t Bal.ad the qnestion ai Wc desired to Bottle it. It wn a mntter of ve- v littln 8aa88q*8«8S to ne nbtt n.cite wai. __!_>*.<ij *We otalv wanted to be perfect'y tbat the r<-su!t ahould l>e actouiphahfl-d. Ot^ i. platform s-iid tha* Kreedom belong-d to the Territoriea, that the Coust-.tatio* m&.h :t _MM88lbla that Siavery ahould k<> beyuod the Ha itr. of the S-a'ts. Tl 8 ilavehoMers thetn.*eltea beiag ji.dg.s, that was a *9m9 uiode. How d d the Con- BtitutH n come to be st. loratd ? At tLe ti Jie thtre waa 8gl8*1 deaand for a bill ol rights. Nearly every Sute eui/B-eted amencments to the Conatitution. Virgioia aid Kb.de Liand aeked for aguarautv armrtug tiie ruhi. cf 1.1818*, i'tit _i*W-_*ti a-k-d that iv be yrd- vMedtbat "no ..ert-ouahall bedeprived of hia lifiaor lib¬ erty f-rproportv without dne proi*o-a of law. [Cheers.] 811 t: e ttixaa pr. jjosfld hy ISaw Totb wt-re ad rpted. 8tame yeara BfO Mr. Calhou'i. inroduced i^ ameudtnent '.n vruich tbe woid e'.avta cc.-nrred. A me.i.ber who J to iueert Ihe w»rti person. instead waa de- ntunced by Mr. Calhoun us an aholiiionist. Tbe JavabokVl* Wt that tbet conld no; Iive in t'ie Terri- toriesii wo wuld put iuto our laws and, etill more, irto oar vo'ca the principlea of our aloriOM C'aut*titu- tk'D. Theie was at other ni d*-, which would ans wer iflihilv wtil. That was to juat pae. ti:e Home- .-:-bo" bi'A. Tnt theae Wiae-Awakej iu tho TenitorifS, with tbeir ItaO aceeapiece. and they weuid nttdnootber weapors to scara otf the alavahaidera tban ibtir lantono". Popu'ar Sovereignty aa interpre'.- ed now r da.e, meant the rigbt to maltreat nugera. It received i's first illui-'tration when a certaiu ntuu wtrii* ccvinfrom Jodea toJencho, aud fell amoug th eves. Tha Prieat came by and saw bim welteiiug in his b'oor, Itt fce waa anoii-interveutiouie'., nnd pas_wd by. Tbtn rame * I-evite. bolontciig to the same orgii.izi- t u. « jo also didn tcare whether the mtn waa np or d'we. aud he weut on. Bat at ln.t c .me a'ong a nan who did uot bei. ng to a healihy o>au- iza-ion, he helprd the man; he was u Kepublican. [Cbeere.j If wo went lo a Territory and fotiud that a hnuane ("overumtm had placed tbere an iucapi.fy 8**a the soil itaelf :o bear up atiy other thau a free- nmn, sca far lrom it being any infringemaat upon pop¬ u'ar love eignty it waa ite jrreateet aid. If we coaid not r.o auy MN we would take the true doc:riue ol P*pal*r te*^*%*gB*f. Wet ..o there and Hght it out. Nuw what mtaiis had the Donghie men to check S avtiy Tk*) bad tet* even Popular Sorofalntf. HuTiir rf them wonld eay that the j foii'id tlra ta tbe Nehra»ka bii. liut ia this Mr. DoMha iad bat*A*p*m*m*d proviHions limitij-K the power nt :fi- L gi.lbtive Kxecutive. ,!i. .i.iaiy an*. intn.Ja.ii.g tber f_:..al piorfcloai foraiiig a comp'ete ayst-m of a*nj. n n m. I'cee !ie take this to the pe<>. le ol KaMM I No, t e tM-ree it intu the t>>Late, and it p.»f-e8 Ih* __*MH aid 11 ause acd is signed by tbe Preaident. H.-re yoa _IT* a eVfl-lea. of xoverum"»m l\.rthe peoplo of Kaneie, abxtmi w'icn tht-y have not had a wonl to aay. a.. d yit thfl-y calied thia Popular Sov._rei_.iiy ai.d M_ 8ab*al*b ¦oaaehtUegMCoagmsMaaHaMrfw* lioa, Tbe. tbe Pn-sd-nt 8*>poiB_M t'e Bxaoatin »adJ**1.arj. Tbiehi'l (.-.(/ar. ir. ('iiir^r-eai'.'ral inter- vanilM, HMmM bf Prerid uti.l iotrrrvention, aud a n ini.tfd iu Judicial int-rveiitiM. The b***M Uo*i^- ine ti.".» tboaghl -flhey had ra 1 P.-pu' r Bovorateaij m a 8 NVbraelta hill That wonld lie the .-\*t) it the p-o- ph mude their lormof xrt vt-rntueut and ler-te.l all their uttii i_ Here w.-ie the p.-cplet.f the T-.ri*«-rie« t.'.ut.d np iu fetti-ra. ir. lVeider tiftl n.a'.H. K: aad ia i'->lici*l ha<ns, he .1 op eiatrplea of Fcapu_-T S,...- Ig ty. llud I> uglks h».d a t-ue pri* Ifla ot* Po <al .r Si t '. e:y 111 v he w* t.i l bt*fe I row And tlia t'ing wa* B..* h t-i l____l| Mr I). a.i-te did ii with hw eve* wi.i» .-pen. Ut.Bo** j.nrn 88*8 that they had a _M8M iu whi.'.l (hcy de er- xt'.r.ed npon tbat bill, Btad ti.at the So.uli g->i all tuat thev wati'cd, having gui Sliive'y inua the Ti-rrivori-i te beiv'.:i with. They oarpi aely dfew it so tha' it Ml<| hear a Nor herna'id Sontheru cmrtructi..n. When he eaw Ibat Houalns and hia trieuds wero reaolved to re- \iux tie Mieaouri Compromiao, ho said, *'(fliveuaa true P.pulur Sovereiflinty; an.l he propoaed that i.fl. {(-..pleof the Territory m:itht, if they choae, ex- cli.de Siavery. Tbia waa vo'ed down by Dnpia.. aud all the laamoerate. Tbey tirat hroke down the berrter a»r«i et Siavery erected hy t-o ftthera, aud then l>v would uot alo w the p_ .ple t . i-xctude ll He tuove'd aLe<( lhat the p.9*iple e:ifl«uli 118.88 the p<awer to eleet their own (J.avetuor aud ,i_iV - bnt Mr. liooglas atd the Svothernera vot_d a**£ nt it; tbey would uot allow .af thia Popnl.rS >v . r. Iflji.ly. The Kepublican Scuatorc tb-u had '..it tbrta l»»iii r'ats with them; one of ihen slept in hi¦ N-w- Hnnishire uruve; anotbar etill fdlowedthe land of Mr la- ufilaa, and tha tbird waa the houored caudhUte cf ii .. Kei>oMiran party for the Viee-Pr«.*identy. But tit(*ir bH diaflfldvantH^a we l>«at theui witli taa Httta Popular SVavereignty which wa hid, we .ad beaien them. Mr. Ilougiea bad f.'.Mu, lnh'-e he did not c.r« whether Slwery w ea vi ted ep or VoUd down. Hoth the North and tne Sflmh dfld care, itnl they both had apnwe.1 hliu <«ut of hfl-u nfl.'.ttbe. If tha uormal MM.M of the Terri'o tkt w -.* In-wlon., tbe rornal condition of lnodern !».*. u.r (y waa defeat. ThiaUepuclu-au party bad Krown op tiv» a nece.e.ty for * party wuwh ahoula Uaat ~-.-~'mmmmmmm- . t rt^ad-point Th*. _*-flO**e Slavery fr_ a jnal fla .^a ana'a-ned the Bepablicaa fr!tlh;Bnec.»!ty __dtM. ^ ___dirro*m bflflaa- it p'o- party. .bal-epnblieaapa. 7T0*_c, people tor the d»- pcad to enbatltute tbe 9*_% .eMnnn it degraded Slavory mition ofBlBTe power, and a (._.¦--_ We t .»¦"' " * fi om a National to a Srat* ina j)irigo, tad VeraoBt Maine, polniing with h«r Bflflfl, w__i_jo_, and thaa from her grten hiilfl, «ald, I aa kflr| i Applauaa]. aad came Poun.ylvaBia, w.th th.tJ.afl ^n\ M(j t .t, Obio, alwayatrnato Fraedon [Ch ^tr.umpb. enr yonng.r fliBter, flflflflfl-flg to glt -^__ §pok# ^fth [ChBfltogJ _Bi«l_flMRjflBfflBR__ ^ho^ereyflt one voire tor Freedom; and while tne ^^ .m t_0 licgerintr among na, from BflflRV [Apr-iaoa).! new. that Oregoa ia trne to rrfle-lom. * JVifoni* And we had avery wflflon to hopfl th _ft f.r Mh# wonld not I(g bahind. [Cheera. J And, M B#| wbb able to are at tbe P">-M-l2_"___S__f Noreaber beaiingla Free Btat. on ..¦**£*. -,conBted next, on> laerday week wb.chwoiUrfnoilL , on the ndfl of Abraham Lincoln and U«ntM .^ and victory. (Cheera.J So onT eataa waa m . ..u.eitwL rlpbt aa-Tj-t: our moUo jfll «* cfloatr waa juit, and oor tnut waa in Ood, w&ofl a joat caniie, and w. had a* the W^*°*»' ,0B, th. remit. Oentleaen told aa that there aaa » leaeon for alarm. The .** -^ *tacV£ji£. tn kot np for the purpo_e of making ¦**¦» titmble wa. ibat there wonld Iflfl __**__ inre in the country after MBbflB MBflB* waa elected. Bnt were we going to be d-.atart'el tl Ntw Yoik 1 Wonld not onr eanal be op*-n a- loeg aaa Ba frc et wonld Iet it I Wonld they be dhJBfhflB BR Obio ? Wby, they had aa aband-nt bar»eflIflf AT thing wih t"hem thia year, i-tlud-ng fllBBB Maa. II.ht_.htfr and applanae ] \Vould they bfl d-tarbnA Wonrd not wa of New York buy thelr non, their wheat, tbeir caUla ? Wonld not we be juat aa bnogry ai mutlT Waa there auy danger in a*y rrea Sa'e? Wonld tbe Sonth ba UtMUtmt T_i«r ahould bar* no canBe to compb-in of na. U ih.re Bhonld be anv dintarbance it woaM flmpiy be the re-ultB of "thiir owu folly m rredicling irls wbich the rredHion wae ealcaJatfld te h enr.. Hfl irasted tne pradictions wooll reaatn bb- fnlfil'td even eo far a* the Soaih waa eoncernad. Bot this he had to aay, that we, aa Rapebli-ana, woald do, so far aa w a knew, eqoa! and exact ju«Uoe to every gection of iha ccuntry; and if there wa. any eoaplaiat it aborld be totally and antirely onde-arred. [A|- plsnee ] If tb.y wacted to fret, an1 qtrwrel, and make a diBiuibance, they (honld have ine entireprirtledge of ioi.g ao aabject to the Confltiution. We flhoai i a .t int.rf. re with them at all. Hat then were for Cnion. atd the CotiBlitirtion, and U e ecdorce.ent of th. 11 to* lArplane* ) Aud if there abouid aaybody rt_ enongh to attampt to b-aak ap ti^- l.'uiop, in all probibility ha wouid be tried, and the law wonld be exacatBd apoa bim. lf tbeie was anybody who wanted to break down oar Coi.Btitution and oae acv tr_it_ronfl aad trea»onable mflans to * tfect it the probability wae lhat he wonld ea- je-ri.nce -onset.atnoeB in tsttea casee madfl aid po- v ded. If anyiK-dy wanted to refliflt thfl law* of the United State?, it waa altoirether probable tbat ne w >ald tmij Uucle Sam, with Ohf Abe aa hifl connaelor, aore than a ruatch ior him, and if his friend, O)v. Wue, or anybody elre ehonld ihink it worth while to put into execution any of thoee threata they had n_t.de w hich h. wbb peifectly convinoed they wouid not.if they ehonld uodertake to man b to Washington.not to eeiza the Trear-ry, becauee there wm nary red in it, tney wi' d not attempt that now, however much they might have done eo in 1 **.'"', had Mr. Framom beaa elec.td, whi-n the Treaanry contained $I7,*j-JXJ 000; if tbey rhonid attempt to take t.e archives at Waahiug- ten, it waa atogfltber probanle that theae Wida- Awa'-ee wonld be on htnd. [CheejB.J If the Soath wonld let ne we would live with them a. brotb.r., and we won'd eay Come with oa into tha Territoriee, aad yoa ehall hud a wel< etne to every right aod priviiege which we onrsilvea enjoy. Only we aak yoa to leave vonr elaves iu your Sta'es bahind yoa. _th_A.r8 J "That wa. fair, jast aud boufl-l. He wa^ mre it wae the pttb of ptase, aud bfl wae eure it waa the j ath of honor, and he wa« enre that the path of peace aud honor, reapectrng tha Constitniion, ma_ot.ua- uig the Ul ion, and violating no law, was the ptth aiao otpTOsperity __d peaceairdglory [Appiaofla.] Tcey in Ohio had t.ied to do their part iu npholding this gloricuacfcUr*. Tbey tbonarht tbey bad done right ia -j ttmft, Tbey committcd thiscauBfl to a*, tha People ot Nea-Yorb, wholly aneured that aa they nnd doae to we woald go and do' likewiee, and also moch more. [I.rnd aud prtlongtd applanae.] The metting lmm.liatoly adjonrned with three eheere for Ouio and SeT. Cha*.; tfe cheera ofthe WiJt Awakt-B who had entered the arig-ram bafora liov. Chaai'a epeech commenc-d, ittcriioK ont sbarply frc m the great acclaim. The me.ting then formed la prend pr cere'on, the Lincoln baUalion of Wida- AWflbaa Lu frout and escor'ed Oov. Chtse to the ferry, wheie thty took leav. cf hin with many caeera. ANOTHER AMERICAN FOR LINCOLN. CrorTeflpondenoe .f Th* N. Y. Trtbnae. O.Jl aga, Oct. *%) 1860. A mar. niefting of tbe Repablican-j wai held to-day iitWlodior (Broome Co.), N. Y. B'raLk Canning bbci, oue of the kl-Lit itouip .(ttaVerB for Fillmo.a, ia IS.ii>, delined lia poeition iu one of the moet able, br.lLant aptechea 1 ever liatenid to. Ila haa latt tlie rotten carcrs. cf A_ne'i-aoi__ and j -ined the graat army of Freemen, and from aow notil election will rpeak for the canse of Fieedom and hiimtni.y in dif- ferei* eacticL» cf thifl Bflflfl. car ying wiih him thon- (ande who will not be sold to the Sh-im Demicraoy. lleiaiee deri.b-d and strong grour.d for Linioln aad Ilaunlin. His timely eff rt will flfll only tead to ewell tl.e Kepnbliian aafori y in Broom* t)»j amount tbat will a»ioni-h the " natives. bfli bIbo swall th. aggre- gat. majortto in the Sia e to 100,000. Altbou^h Di k and the " Demorrat" have swallowed Fueicn, tbe maei-e- reftiB. to be a ptrner in th. flflflfl Ttev are afraid of thia political hybrid, and tha -ta of November will (ouid the tioal Iflfflflfl ov.r Uie mati- late.l c( rpee of ihe defuuet Democracy. M»y th.y ' eat in De-.ccfl**- eat tn peaC-. THE CANYASS IN NEYV-YORK. F. DflflBRI Tmvchfr of Lawrence, Kaaaaa, will rpeak At Bitgbamtoa.Satnrdiy, Oot. 17. Oen. B. F. BflflCfl will apeak At Randoiph.Thunday, Oct tk Al KliicottvlUe.Kriday, Oct, J*. At Ku.'k.i-.8tt_xday. Oct 17. Atl.yr.il.Tu,.Jay, O t 80. AtMu. iji6taUon..Vei_eiday, Oct. II. ChabiMt L. AiiMotK cf MuryUnd willepeik At Mlddlebuigli.Thurtdayeve , Oct. B At 1'roome.Kridtj ev»., Oet B>. At-cl.obaiieCourt-Houie.8iturday eve., Oet. 17. At lt. :i e.VVedneidty eve Oot. II J. 11. Mi'itRAi, eeq., will speak At-heldtak..Tbnnday, Oct tk Viv-.or, Ui.Urio Co.Iiidty. Oct tt. Ig |i ,niir,(ay-_aCo.Sttu.day, Oot 17. Falrville, Wayne Co.Moi.day, Oct. ttk Li.ut.Gov -ffflfltl wDl rpeak Koreitvilie.VV'rdneadiy eve., Oa. IC Rai-lolph.Tbonday. Oct. M. KUi.cttvl.le.Trie.j, Oct fl Fianklin..SBaid.y, Oct 17. Dl. lllflflfltfl hwflfllfl will ci>eak in EoglUh aad Oerman Al Albany.Wedueeday. Oot 14. At Hud.on.l-ureday. Oot tn. At R'.ndonl.Rri Ity. Ofl l-i. At Cttakl!l.Siturday. Oct rr. At 1'ouiibkeep.le.Mouday.Ool.ia At Nawt-ugh..Taeaday, Oct 88. .Vt N'jM-k or New-TTity.V\'edne.i*ay (MM. A' tlorti.-Uoor Narrotr.burgb....Th.ir»day. Nov l. At Kloira.K.lflay, Bttv. I At l'!i: -l.nri.t.'i).Aatuidty, Nov t Ai Con.fla.Monday, Nov. i. Tb'- Hoi. Tioo. M. P'"Mi ko) will r>imak At VV l.-rtt.Thuraday, Ofl. M. At S, -tl. l(, Hn.rriday OflB rtrtittor Wlflfl wtllBj-irak At l ooperatawn.Thirwlay, O-t 13. At Kii.deilio. k.B.iJty. OcUfl. 1. II. Yan BCflltCR, flflfl/i will flpeak At Mlr.av't'le.KHdev, O-t fl At Oien.VVed-eaflky, Oet fl- .Thfl ..'budal-mi ugera of Cleveiaxd are gloaliag rut a newly-oiiroveredcase of inti.lelity to tho n apt Lal tie., wl.it h ia o Ie ii.ve.ti^ated a*-cording t¦> tha code :.-¦¦ h i-.-.e n¦., > a*_d pi-ovid.d. Tha coaplaiuaat, wlo leeki f< r divoice, ia tha wife of a la-yer of <igb rtatiding raid to te worth balf a Rfl_flfl of dollar*, ItafBfltflhtj c.i i.wi-A'd, aud the lathar of a large family .Bou.e of whom are iLutrried aud mpacubiy aatttad. li app*arr tbat the otlender, from beiug anflldar aad iiitlneniial m amber of ihfl Preabytarian Church, ¦_*« ec, iiai «o low in tlie et-ale of morule na to bae >m« p at irii.mliat or fie*l.>v.r. ln bia naw araooiatiaa ha f. un i hii ()/,. ti./.v. ou whcm b* baatowfld thoflfl Mt-a- tiona rii.ii.fnlly dnatbe complaiijaiit Av lu »ucV_ oaaflfl, th. iH.iiee baving iodueutul frt.ud., tban ia mad erimiuationaEditciimi-aiionoubtthflilafl. Tna large .ttate ol the dtLudaut han bam tind np py M iiyM,. Uon, and tia lawyera aud Ja<.gtB., u ^ ^a^ wm c-ma u f >r Uia ln a abatl a. tha apoiii,

New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1860-10-24 [p 5].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1860-10-24/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · anytraoh purpcse,but wboyia'dedwithauchcbeer-fulneaeaatbejcou'.dtuinu...itotheprossurebrought.0

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1860-10-24 [p 5].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1860-10-24/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · anytraoh purpcse,but wboyia'dedwithauchcbeer-fulneaeaatbejcou'.dtuinu...itotheprossurebrought.0

any traoh purpcse, but wbo yia'ded with auch cbeer-fulneae aa tbej cou'.dtuinu ...itotheprossurebrought.0 bear upon thom. They will have need of alltheir patience and self-control wben tbey learn, a

foitnight hence, wbat a very bad spoculation theyhave made of it.

The Hor. Oorge Briggs has defiiitively with-.Irawn from the cor te«t in the Vlllh Congrt**mmmDiatrict. The Brookaea were t-oo much for him.*Ihtj go for Mr. Wolfe, the Timmany and Schie-_am Scbnappa candi-a'e. It ia all iu the way of_._,sin_>a, jou aee. Mr. Wolfe ig a vender ofrchrapps, and has adve.ti«MMiA_i to give. Mr.Brigga U oily a con.umtr, a d doe»i.'t advertiaefhe fact in TJta Erprtu. The Bnaokaea thereforego for Wolfe. But wh.le Mr. Brigga had no causetO kx*k for otber treatro. ut fr tn trtat qoarter, hertrtaiitly had a right to t xpeot better nsage fremthe Democrats, particularly the Douglae branch oftbem. Ile .erved tben. when no other man couldaerve U-cn- w well. B_ aucrificed for them wkouro other man could be f.»i*iid wil'ir.g t-r aacrifice ao

__uucb. But i'- seem* tbe) hive got throe^h withhim, juat as thej will be through with the reat oftle I.eU-Ev.TtUs. Mr. Bnggs aud his friendshave gocd reason ttt M_f..iftfi but no betterxeaaou than thousands of.-the.s will have when theiuu of the Fuaion bi-.Le.e l -t-ll bave c<«me.

We hare received from Mr tdward Lainbert a

lt-tter, poBitively den>iog that he has contributedSU.OCH. to the fuuds of tbe TtdttM*, Mr. Lam-jtert also sayi:

" I individnally, as we1.! na tnv copartner*, h*v. never

givan rnedolar for politic.1 purpo-ts, i*J tmtjtf theGcnnectitiit election neith-r do we know eaca oth.r'gpolitical viaws, nor uik of any employee ia our

Oetabliehmant.'TbiB statemeot of course settles the (iiiention.

At the lame time it is pr.-per to say that the allegation that Mr. Lambert lad sub.C'ioed a thousanddollara came to ua od auttority which, at the time,it was hardly possible to doubt

Our aometime friend. Gen. L'.l.e Coombs, is tomake a apeech in behalf of Kusi.-n, at the CooperInstitute, this eveDing. Gen. Coombs is one of thebravest and frankest men in tbe country. Wetrna-t that, in the c. urse of his remarks this even¬

ing, he will have tbe kindne-s to iaform the publichow it heppens tbat he is fcere in New-York makingupeechee for Breckinridge and tbe Disunionist. andSeoeaaiontatB, against whom be has ao gallantlyfcattled in Kentuekv


MAGNETIO TELEGltAPH.From Wuahln^tont

BgttMl DitpBtcl to Th. N Y riihtio*WashiM-Ton. Tuetday, Oet. 23, 1.960.


It ia inderalood that, as the o'ly hope of getticgBreckinridge into thejElouse of KopresentatiTes as a

1'residential candidnte. rrd rs have gone out hencett. the Statea of the Northwest, direeting the Ad-ministration Democrats to vote for The DouglnsE!e<-toral Ticket. Probably the viait of Messre.Cobb and Thompscn t<a New York has reference totbe raisingof fut.ds wi b a vit-w to accomplish theFiiperbuman effort of carrying Ohio and Indianafi r Douglaa.


I hear of the de'ault of tbe Postma-t *r at Keo-kuk, Iowa, and also < f an-.ther in a leading townin lllinoia, either Alton cr Quircy. As for defaultiof small Pogtmasters, they are as thick as leavesin Yallambrosa. 6c -rts are being dacapitatedfrom inabi-ity to meet tbe drnfts of the Post OfliceDepartment. For tbe mott part, the defauiteriyielded to the temp^aion of convertinj. the publicBi'.ney to tbeir private use during the loDg term,-when the Post-Office Depa'ttnent could not legallycompensate maii eontraetora io tbe usual manner

©f giT'nf tbem dralta upon the eiutll Post-Officeaalorgmail routee. The P'-Vmaater General has

given them no qnarter. If the offe.ider doea notrot et the draft, off goeB hii head. By the way, Ilearn that cuminal pro.-efdugs have been irntitutedagai stMr. MarkB, the delaaltiug Postmaater at

IS'ew-Orleai.8.riai.iTK II -MMJNUO.

TlediereputableeJi)_-.l_-i.t .-I tbe BreckinridgeAasrciatk.n tere to rtti-e tbe wiud by electingbureau oflirers and chief cieras b..u >rar> membersc thtir fratemity, at thr same titie demandi g f*ias an eqtivaleLt for tne houor c.n'erred, doea nott.eet with tuceess in nll tmet,

THE mf.KOOT Al 1 faW V* ( K.

Tbertpoit ui Tm Ihruid Ukmt UM Attjrney-fi.neral had alrowcd IX.io .»the eam of ?^r-4.isjiiiesaid to be err. neou-.. Tklt tttt** bkely, butt- i n 1' ok et if «ome s irt of au arrangement is

be;tgcooka-d up. bv wkfefc th.- Tica.ury is to be

luuU-Ud. With Mr. f.-l-b, wh'. ia not .-nari-.-d with

profl'ga-'y in ¦rilBj tm\*m******m t«. fivi-ites or t-»

i.th»-re, it will go bur'' t" aign a vvirraiat for a dis-_-.i_r.euient thtt he *%**** I t. bt***\ wn.ng. As

OnjH< b*M 1**9i fWlrnl irf tta matter in an-

*j Ler qu-rttr. be wil'. ol t»Mt*e, DO. b<- retponeibleif a heavy aum sb'.u'.J fi.ially be awarded and

faB'd.Tlic Ori-son K-*|iii*>ll< ar« .ycnator.

_pc |_. Uup«t .b tta Tli- ¦' "".*¦

'Jki.v, i i.a.i.., Oel 23,If. W. C-fltWtt. Clll-»M Of tLO I'-p'J'l Crt'l

State Ct'.iUai i '.¦¦''.¦

ihite gal u. ' ***** ,''r'1 ***** h<"'':

fmm I'.enug, n h-'Lor n***m*tt tt .lil;-. *te. hodof ibi-i- hu.-. I .¦¦ | » Uttbttl<'uti t Ben .tor. On tb * tr. n-p-.r-ni. ir* inscrijed.

.'TMitj-th/ee ftm tm BlI-iMWi ator, Coi. B. D. H.iker.

Rohtx r» on lln* IMiiin-..UH.j-.MiviLi.fc, K. r, Hoadav <..'. -"¦-', l..

A par.v ol ea.K w, r . t teitrom '¦ '" bmBtiefB-ifkl Wblla ¦ -V lllmore waa

nbbtd bv ADeu II. Wn.r_. r.t |300 '. Id bueftrn-.Lgetut ei^LUcu moiii.r .-.lar m I.j.1. Warreu is


Tiie IrliMlali lloKl.m. Lui 1 ee**k\f, Ot -:<. i4"^-

¦\ i. '.. ¦'> "lc ,jifiheMet.-oioh-an Hotel, Vav.*V-\\^ ','**».li ia m* et th* tatajaat l-uia la tlia Utlted tvu rt, »-_-

:j. dVti, K IM_i,,->, ^ud WiU b* bti,.l witb

erttf __ff__bi__-M oi "bt ut'e.

2V_.u OuLAkttn, Tmeeitf. Oct. 23. MfiO.Tbe br.ll*r ol the efaam ' «l worke joruar of Julta nad

F,,l.(_i Z*\ x .I- 94 %Vi\{^fmm /SSScl Vj* muxl tt tbe bttdimgi--- iojui:ug two peraouakt.'.'e'.j.

_ _

rioraTiniph and iito n V^llT'_U( II1MIK l(iar,.lt>, Ot. -», ¦**'¦

'ilie trot laetweei. I H 18888*. **A G"?''*<" "dpr_!_*ut. Lal4 rtt tbai mrttttotnA*

i.avy, a.dlber.- we- i 8 Igbl fall «' ** ^, :Ud. Y. wm*M**mb*9\ *l->raUi*

t*etk***\ xi.it.1 uiitl Ivtuih.





Cireat Lor* or the Ncapolltaii*,.-*p

Si. Jou *,-.«, N. Y., Toeiday, Oct. 23, 16*30.The ma 1 steaniBhip City of VVrwhiagton which left

L'.veip.i.l on Wtdu'flday, the 10th, via <_. te*n«to*milth, paesed Cape Kace at 7 oclock thii evening. acdwaa intercept.il by tha newa yacht of tho ABtociatadPiei-B.

Tbfl da'ea by tVe City of Waahiogton are foar daya1 t.r than (.er Arabia.The ateaniBhlp Jura, from Nea-York, arrived at

Liverpool on the '.'tn.D-tailr. of the battle of Voltnrno have been received.

It war a moet protracted and bloody rtrujrgl.; bnt thaNeapolitan army waa finalfy driv.n back in great dia-order to the fortreafl of (l.pn* wiih an e-timated losaof over 3,000 men killed, Ucid. 8 000 taken pria-* nrra. Tbe forces of Garibaldi loat from 1 ,'J00 to ~',000men No nioveui.iatu have tttkon place aiuca the baitlenp to tha lateet advi ea.Tie pocition of airaira in the Papal Statea remaina

witbont any cbange of lnom.nt.

COMMERCI-L INTELLIOENCE.Livmro.-i. OoTTOB RTaaut, o.t 10..Tha BBfl

of t U non MonCay and Tiriday ituoi.t'd to 2t «-) balei. ln-r'nding7.!l0baleitoipen.lttori .nd en>o't*ra. The market onTaetdaj flVflatflg wai finn at extreme pricee, cloaiog with an up-wiri* tendency.Tradi Ufport..Tl.e Bdvices from Manch.sr.er

were favorable. with an npw aid tendency for Cotton Ooodi, anda i.tgh*. idvance on YamiLivERiooL BlUUiRflTVITfl Markkt, Oct. 10..

Rnaflaflfl gner-lly had a downward tendency, and all ,_u*li-t!ei hi- alightly d.c'ined eicept Corn, which lt ateady.Livnu'001 Pfloi imiin HaskbT, Oot. 10..Tha Pro-

viiion n.artetwat grurni'iy doli_¦___.

LoMDOl MfM i Maiiket, Oct'.»..UOflflflfl tloBfldon Tu, tdiv at 9SJ foi money and 97*J -,*'3| for acconnt,

I ATF.ST.latviRi'Ooi, WedneadHV, Oct. 10.. Tb* bhIcb of

Can"-.tod.y wiil i.'ach from LVOOto 20.000 balei. The ma.-

let i. buoyniit.(lleie th* telegraph line cettrd wo'kiog eart of St. John, N-

Ii. (to the operaton repcrt). W. .r-, conarqcently, withontcur fnll coniBiirrial and newi repo-t from L'.Terpool, at well .¦

the ote-day-later repoit fiom Queenitowc.]

Tlie l"fetv-_cxlcaii Iflall.Ivurrvi'iMi:, Me., I'u.-diy, Ofl. 83 l^fVO.

The _f>fl Mfllliflfl mail with d.tecto the 8th inat.arrived ihi. morning.

Tbfl c.'_aptt ira agfliafl th. Nav aio.s lud been gincabout two weeke. In thrir av.r»nce a bind of ludi macame w iihin 8 milee of Sanflb Fo and ran oli '.'SO niul-B,l.elonj-inK io EBabflrp an.l Auiberg. A coaapany ofthirty Bo'd:erc, under cornmatd of Cap>. GiS'ifl, w.n*in pursuit, but fail-d tfl overtake thete. A companv ofM. .icaiiB aml PaflbBfl alro WflBl mu1 recorer d (iO ofthe mnlep. Tbe bfli.flflfl are entirdy loat. whioh wiUl-e a heavy Iobb on tbe ownerfl. About thn (.arno timoIhfl Indiai b sneceeded la muuing from the OqveromentBiid at Albnque one lOBWfeattla Tbey were fol¬lowed, but the I-oians killed h 1 t'e c_itle aud midetnib oba\?*.On tl.. ti h infli. a band of India* * c*o*v_ed tke river

within 1'-.' milee of San t- Fe, going lattfl directiou ofGailieto. The (Jovernor and Col. Ktnu'leroy are atlcu-perheadi- in reg<~rd to the teariug dowu of an oldaviobe bni'ding.No n.wB from the platos of ppecitl iutere.t.

ft'on-Arrh al of tlie Canadian.Fathiu Poifll Oct. 'Si.11 p m.

The weafher ie cold, calm, an.1 clmr. Vo RCM oftbe Bt.anirxiip Car-diai. now dne ofr thia point, aithI.iveri ool dates of the lltb, and Londondt-rry of thelrjth inat.


i 'ai'turc of <j.iiadalajara.¦iw-OflliiAfla, ruend.y, Oct. S3, W>Q.

Private advice» from Mexiio haro l.een iflaaifflfll inthie city, Btutii'K that the L boral army, ni.d,: O.n.Ogazou, had eagtasad th. Ci.y of Oundil .j-ra.


} ioa Oui Own CorreipoudeutDi.nvkr Cn y, l'ike'fl Pflflk, Oot. 13, l-i-O.

Eocially, times are unquebtionabiy revivmg, andthe gold icgion ia 8g-inbe_ou_ing true to iti ancientfaiiie. Within tbe la»t week we have had an

execuion, a political convention, a fire, and an

indtfiiiitcr number of peraonal alTr.y-i. Thfl Milof JameB A. Gordon, which wan pn gre38itg beforetbe PflOflfl'fl Court wheu I last wrote. reriiltcll ir.hifl conviction of murder. There wa* a disp tBitionon the part of hi. iiiendfl to mflflfl him, but thestreeta were guarded at night by lif'ty armed men.

Efllflflfllflflflttfl were made to procure hi*repnve,but the pK.pl.', in fl publif lue.-tiuK. unaiiiiiioiiKlyLadoiBri Um flflflteifl tt ttfl ('..uit, and ou Batflr-day, tho M inst., be flflfl HBCfltfld in thfl Bfflflflflflfl11 i.eailv threethflflflflfld Bflflfltfltflll. An interval ofpix dfcye flflfl allowed him between hifl couvietionnnd piinisl.iii.'i.t. and thfl flhflflfl flBRflflflii-f- flf thetrial were cliaracttrrizt'd by decorum, inoderatiou,and firiiitue-.On Saturday eveuinjr n prominent aapirant for

Cflflgrefl Ilftfld an aliiont BflB Th, lloili) llrrnld,bi apitt-Dgin thfl fu.-e olOn" of its flditora. OnMonday. hav ini; occa-ion to call upon the editoi ofTln Eii/.in;' Nettt, I loiiiul that gentloLian waitmgin hia olllefl with a Bhirp'a rifle and foar rt^rohrenupon tlietable bflfladfl Inm. CoflTifl-flg hin editoiialIflBfl into an flraflflfll prerid a heultby piflflflfltlflfl,for on thfl BMM evening n jM-rnor: named Murp'iv. Biiotoiioiis border rnfliaii duni.t! the KftiiBaf troul.l-*,ajpi..Hil«-d the Bm with Bostilfl i-teiitioofl. hiriflgtak.-ii mubrflffl at mii a.ivi-iti.v-in.-iit . f a p.-r.Aonalchaiactcf. uud BWOTfl flO BOfftl <>f reogeince ujion tlu-editoi ind th* premir-i'H. Joflthflfora raachiflgthfldoor, however. Mu-phy f .und hiiim lf thfl vir'nn ofD-iaplflffld ((intideiice. fi.r h I e.,tr.'iii.-e vvan flflMflfl*|j .¦i.ick.-d bv -ix t.li"t MUi"* a"d ritlt*_ level.-d at hislu ad ir..ui thfl wiiiil..w>. Tbia iMipMrted phe-i,.,i! eiii.ii .jtiite a'.ated iiirthirst Ibr aatkrfaetioB, undel-cit.-d a Iiniulsoiiie ip*)logy. Mr. Byflffl, thfl BflHahWeditor ofTHa iVaaci hMflflh-flhad ¦ joun.al hen|..r thfl lart eiohte. ii Uiontlie, and vvilimi tnnt pflriod::-|,.,n cballcii-fd, lMinl.-rotihiy MflultOO, hull,i- ..fiice m-t on tiie. aad i-peated threata fludeniiin-t hk lif.. and la-t flfghl hntfl dwreWng Bflflfl)war birfled to Ihfl ground.

In tl.e RRfleBCfl "I any Iflgfll Offlllll-flfl vvlmt-.v.-r, the people of tbe flereril niinlag diatrietfl,bave efltibtiabed inioerBl t-miii-. thfl cdBcen Mwhieti are Mij.|Oit.(l l-> then fi'-. Th.-se coiirtfl

ez_«_fl ixcl'iHve und oiiifinal juriediclioii,and tb.ir deciej.hh an rigOTOOflly enlorj'.-.i. Iniik et cbm. tbey -iflflflflM prompt und aubatantiMlJuatice; but wben the iotereeti ol fltele diatrietacla.h with eiicli otber, i'i ngard to water-rhrhta torii.ii.n.g parpoMfl, 4c, the uuuiitoflt Wmi. flfleb Inf»vor ..I ita uwii loediti unflta them for adjudic.it-i,i' tb*- eflflffl. A lenitorial (''.'.vu'i"H. which has

l.e.-ii in wrriiin at Culdrn City forthfllflB »'"*» '!¦»>'.ih att, ii.i'tmgt*! ren.edv tbia eril by providing forlfl Appi-liat*- Court. to decide thrim huj.a oi min-ni-

Thfl Coiiv.-ntion. by thfl pifllMffl ol balf a d.-zcir.iii."...,irel,i."fll(-tr.*l-*, - "'"'1' "',1 _V*gn*ljW-

,,..-, ,.,(h. 'jlii'^entel port.f.Ntl"..*. BIMtor. bM beefl tflhrfl «R hj rfliaiiig |»oiotfl y ..ner

and indulgiDg n. v.ol.ni pc*i.aliliUoa. lb«Cbtel.j,,rt .. <»t th.- l eu ito y uedtri Ufl Piwi.ifll OM;,,i,.,,.,i gave tbe be dirool to B Dfltrirl JodMrrfln th. D.ountaiufl, upon thfl >b"": «»d "" "fl

rinii.- . v.i.i..-, u piiiiiiiii.-i.t .-..ii.li.laUi lor < OBgneflai.d bi fli-l'1-..i.ai* J«fl>lr«eRflMinrti|reflliflR r'-iolrI affriy, ln abiehtb*' pby«it»|Roo»J ".t!"' lu,l,'r

vi;,et.li.,urly<).li)'ur.-,l. At4lBBof^t-M)BCfl-ion »4k\i.rtw.. einee, 1 Doticod flevifltfleo Judgea in atU-d-anee-fl lai-t wbich eertaiuly pr-v.-u that " biittora.ui.iarv iiitl,^Io.')K'i"'l''" 'lh' <>""""" ". nr*-

;. iui. ni |. ..tm. in tbe ..ato. ic-tj hne, lfl

,therbeyoi.d.Bti.uate.L._*.G.mm^Zll\rdingtearreolutionahUrh bia been idopted,.,, 1.()1.H.|((.,,ltA,l.t!.ndtl, ..xtr-,.ion..|lo..

fcgioli iu ittrBBting t" leaRit.fur thePrV iFert,..... tn iTemtorialorgBRMt-un.'iLiijuaitzmillfl BboWR >t'*.J. IflfltflRB flf *m«-

cess in aaving the gold, tt'id tue receipts from themhavegteatl) advanced wil hin the !ait three weeks.Every departmcnt of bnainesl is roriving, and agood deal of building is going on in Denver. Lum-ber commands from $*_.) to *_.:;.) per tbonaand;brick, in tbe wall, (13, and at the ynrds from $7toflO. Ilour ia eclling at$l*v* por hundrfl-d, andBiigar and tttmt at [f£~> to $'.'M. Kxchaug-- nn

New-York it worth two and a half per centpremium; on St Louis, ('bicago, and Cineinnati,two per cent. Oold duat contiiuiea the almoat uni-ttnti cunvnoj, though Messrs. Clark, On.ber a\Co. have issucd more than $1(K»,000 of taeir pri¬vate coi n. Tbe gold yield nf the pre_.*nt year isestiuiated at two and a half millions, though some

place tbe amount much highdr.Dr. Joseph 8. fltone, who was sliot by L. W.

Bliss, Secretary of State undeiL th8 PntMoMlGovernment, in a dnel last Marcn, die.1 from theeffeeta of his wound on the 11th inst.. aft.-r havingauffered inteneely forseven montbs.The weather ia c!ear and cool, and large nurabers

of minera are leaving daily, to spend tne Winterat their homes in the Statei. a. D. R.


ItATirirATiori MirtiMi in the Ninth DtfTMCT..A ratirUation u.eetii:f aad Wide Awake deiuonatra-tlon will be held iu tbe IXtb Congi_«..iouaJ Diitiict, at

Fremcnt, West Fanut, Weaichestar County, tomor-row (Thnreday) evening It is to l*e addrosaed by .Fo-tepb Hoxie, e. q , ard Jn(*ge tfelaou, tbe K.p_Hic»nnominee for OMftM in tbat diatrict.Politicai. D inate..Tbere wiD be a public dis-

cua.ion on tbe politics of t.e day at Bleecker BaildiDi.corterof Blrtcker and Morton streets, thia evening,all partiea 88 bwtt u heHring.Wiiif-Av\ akk IiiMoN.srr.tTioN..It will he eecn

that tbe Wide-A «fckee of li-onklyn bave al ver. ised a

graiid pa-ade, to eorne oit on the '~'d of November.Tbe time haa btenchuiged from tha l«t to tbe M ofthe moiflih, iu coriMqueiioe of the Kutioniet. having se-lecied ibi flm fur tbeir pa-a_e. It ia ta tae boped tbattbeir invitation wi) meet with general aeceptanoe,especially from Wida-Awakei in New-York andvicinity.Cmo.n CoNu-.rio.-r .The Bb!!ev«rett Btraight-oats

meton Monday evening at Thorp's Hotel to bear thenews frotn th* Corumittee appointed ao-ne time _____.__.tlcoufer with otber or^aiiizaiiot.. iu order, if po_eibie. toprrdnce alnelon. Tha Committee reported tnat l>othMo/art atd Tuiumfci.y wero oLdurate aud woald notmeil. 1' r.r-i.ii t'.iie eet-n-Lrg to be lo«t, confoinn ico-Djediati ly art-ae. aini ih» nildea* die >rder reiyr.ed Io-enlt and iovective, and all aorta of vitaperition tcoktbe place of a-gumeLt and on.r. tili it aeemed a* if theUnicn men weie trying to make Tammany rowdyismresrectatale.Tdo principal qr.f-'-c:* at *'ssne waa whether tbe ir

tit! 8 rbo'.i'd 88 v uh'-ia^n eittiiely frcm <be fieid butin auch a llabel n t"ing conld be deterrnit ed upon acdtbe cor.fn.ion waa pottponed till Fridr.y n;f_'.it.Tiurthmh AsM.Miu.r District..Jadge ('. I..

Birdsall, and not Coai!. h Birdsal! ae reported, waa

nuxiif a'id on Mi. 'hy evening by t-tp Kepublicana oftbi* Didrict, in place ol I).-. Ives, declined..The KnickerLocker Wide-lwake Artlll.ry Com-

.*ny, J. II il. C -mi C .[.t-tin. bclda meeting on Mon¬day ev-nirg for tbe purpofe of ren-ing the Constitntion and Bv Lawa 9 ihe Clnb, and for the electi m ofits Civil Officers. Mr D I. Elder wae rhosen Prea¬ident, Robert S Beaver. Secretarv, Wm. O. Rotbe,Treaenrer. Ai tbia G'lob is a component part of theCentral Crimjoi.Ti C.uL. aud tbe oftiml Company Imeecoit* of tbat C.i.b, it ttill hertuftor be known bv ihenane cf "rlne CtLtral Club Ktiiekeilocker U'idai-AwiAe _k__flhiy«" Iia re_;-!*r meetirgs .tre beldevery Tlnrt'i.iy l v: .i?e* ut BaMfaMtHf, Nc 788Uroadway..Tte Bap'.>lic-.n btrfaaM*!, tbe Ccntinaritals, uud

tbe Peop'e'a d-.trfa'tn Club will ariive hf sj-eriu!itnliftoaiI-Hadi'l r n' n o>'..-.k thi- ev.-ninf.The liion Wide-Awakea* will receive tl.e Invineinlen,the Citv W de-AwKU-*. **9 recei-o the 0aa__8*_t-U,andtl.eCt't-'-ial Cau'|>ni_r*i Cli.b will rec ivethe I'i

CanpB'gu Chbi Tt.fli I'i iladel(>bians wi'l be e^cartedto tbfl- it-iaK-tive beem*\m**Memet the OHf OMiakat*paaaiil. wWra i Hatiia*. wBI h>partahaa tt. Ai Stny-VI..I Iistitute, No. i.j'.) Ilrosdivay, after the C'lUtioutbere will be e|rf_t"»in^ aini einginiar. Aruotig theefieitk-ue exp-ctel are, the llon. Benj. V. Manlerre of New.Vcrk, tbe Hon. J. A B Iffl of OUa the Haa. J. M.Bntler. Let.lv <-l.(t_'i M--nl>er of Corereea from thaFiret ('. npr-Sri >iial Det.ict of PnBMff***Wk%, an old

elroiigholti of Denr^cracy. Other Wide-Awake >MfM-i/atioiiB wiil >ake part iu liae receptiou, aud a gooa :a.e

may 1-e liflo'ttr-J lot. Tue lo.i.wiDg olhcitJ ordei haabetn ierned:

Fii.tT Dn !>:..!* CiTt WiiflB-AwtKB., (HtniTH Na .'.T'.eAid- .f tbi. Hinnlnn wiil tii^crbl^ f-.-i \Wdnr.tlt» K'.n.-t th.2*il» ii.nt tt7..*,-;r-k,Bt N. Wl Weat Ttlrtv »lit_r .trrr'.. ..

ir i':r..-e_,--''l-e -t-t r;«rtd«ir hnnor ct thp -.nitt! cf teeIhiitfljelphu WiJ. Awttn Uj oti. ttd

Kti-ht. D. b O vv it.F H. PlHKBBT, Adjlllttflt.TbaFfflM.A Wtti W.'de-Awakea ho! 1 a m..t.

me.tirg this evcuiiig, fct CMM Hai1, Wooe.eratteet near Dlaackar. to iBtify tiie nomination of tLe

Hou. Frtdtrkl. A. CinkmiK f.-r C..ii«rea8, und J..hu,J. Sliaw for AnnaYTj Tfci Fiftoeuth prr,mi-ss to bethe banner ward in the ciiy l.i tbe coming -lection

.At the Wall ratifica.ion meeung in W.li'.niiirba-ijh,on M WAmXf *Agk\ tl.e Tt.ir 88SJ-I Ward Wid-Awakt-nof this ci y turned ont in grt*A f.>rc«,makinj a eplendiddi-p'ay cf torcle« a_<- tritispa-euriee.

V.t*, Li 4i n Con'iirs amithe \-Ta-nA*.* .Ameet-

fag of tte Ve.eiafl3 ti the War of 1819 mMhf fclini-ci y. nuini.e.-iifl-- tbt ut tbree doz«n aa th_v were

flifSWB np if a eq-isr.-, *t*e c -nveued yen'erday a'-'.'

y. m. iu Jroi.t ol ihe City B*1L Tire \'e(«rn'ie 9888

ucrxner'db'f.-t L 'i C< m9 M KmM ky outheeui.^.t oftba VewAtt bii, wbkk btt baaa agiMKdfiom time to lirae f-r pail |Ml .Wfaf* OaaglM b,tbeVeterar. ttAtball bkmiB, OA BiflfcttJGM ('"..'..-IsbHll ho _"nr..f'cr tl". ti-i¦- adrer-

tirrd la tta VatefM*. who aaUMail tm bf***** titbit time, a,uo «hfl f-.i'M he dietii.ir.ti-'hcd trom thetn.wd hv tl.e (-..(-khili¦» which .lecorite-i Iklfa Mt*.


Ooe C> ia e bagaa wKb the wo".s '. At'tntton.Sddi.re, ut the Wa "1 W13-_ "da eei" aud the old

mm otencd -beir eyea v.i.ie 9*9*4 Wti MMMittaatiraly. <! n. C.re.9 then anadai M tm u*e,tbree yafafiice. when _MaSaVa*_*d fh.-in onWMatihiect aud h.i'i il wa- t'. 9 btfti iba' ONgiM.won'd'tol di-l.y IhlM ^t»re BOI* before4oImtbaV«taiaM laatfflM laa mwetlBl*\ wm aa?pbattealiya hecend war et liidcpendence, and ('.nut Bn »in, the

Hflf- ivled m-atl as of t c sea-, wgs huoM by M.Ba ailnded 10 Henrj C«*J, aa4 e...«.IM him h» th»H.itl.cr ofthe ..i.r.. ' Th- *** whi-. ll .ate at themr-lb-bd |..i.,ii.u -b-..e ar*t.a*aM of every Atnerua-.

.le-t, hu c. th fa. -f be -iia* e. 0*^***^*lianath apon tbe roaiparatnrely aanl «.-* "f,^ncl}t._*wi- atate -1 taa aatry H'-ot the irreat Uem, iti^MMM* - ...iu:ry Bl d Mi. bigai th* *!">'M oi trav.liiirtc u.c n.w-.r ¦:,.. 1..U-'(.¦ Wili -..rnn-. lu.idectiofihewsr of 1812, the spenker proreeflled to lapMIIU. topor-ata Btnwem **%£* ^*tfJJUl*i*lpBrii imlb pailtada aad '|uot«d baa H*f«| *-'»_¦ B

WhrSpeecn ihewrdr^." Hi .1 l>. .-t, lil» tnv f tr.

,. i bav. -. I.... -.j ."-.'-v* . aahtafj «-inpi'T eaal4B8|N w t it 1 »t!-e»rti liopr ll ie.UojrlA (.ptite t!tt "n t'.e 188"

gorreof then* tbe ep-nker snid, were Mtfaf old;batttei bai datlea lo inrfora imUI Mi *****> "e

aihircii ¦. \ pa it th* Oorara-Mt WW tadot'.m iii-i.-. i. Ri t- Ih4.ll S .-,. I. r. i'i.r.- Tha( ,;V ot K*« V< I- on_h* to (i.» tv mucra as to gitt-UxeoldBoMkn a 1-«...'". -i .iMiydimer. beAketemBet, J, ,|,.N -. Lf .i .. t _.i re.a taa ii.ddrH-k 11 uplbe*atlvc8 TM v could affoH ch4,_[.KL'i.e:t.-i*.l.l-*rnwbasavar eaw m aawai. b-i* tet tboae wn.. a,-taaUtMttba ib»i -'¦ ibal bal .tatUaf Tji,",'1<1 *****'*.bTaaJd h...!v.t ii.f.i) to MfcM Tbej mt9mt*the-rconiitrv' ll.e Ciai-an m.a» bo p.e.er*--d I hr i.y^rrin.ve thr o,.l r..i.i..r oui ..f tha x*m*W* lat-t V\ .ut-r.

.VMimiI-o e.r__efr*of M*w-Y*ib wh« ntu*-k.-.l. Hn

lark, euno u. tl.. raaeaa. lt belmi m A'...liuoiMlu, . BoaUaen Bia-aaM by tne balr.ba aaaU bMtl, ;,!.(..!- Iflfll. r >¦- Iuwj.au w.y biitl. e wera lafi.

TI,N. ihwa. tn;r- lodll»Ola* algMJ -«' MM

bacuhtto e-..v.....'l«>s--».'.v-iuo.... argr*l i,.,t,h..r.i. L.t.-. II,.1i:-...J---'*u..iu.aU_,.,-... toaiurr. e "«--*

i^|M>.*ioMdare^..Uoafr*.Ledfor.ou.ep.m.,.,,0.,). li-.¦>«".>, '^¦¦'" . ***

«iU> bim & Mr. Cl*)'t <-wn haad -Miut

ii...* _*.t....»BB drpeudi epcr. oi (yon loldlrri), w.-._.*.-*¦ _*t.V.!;,_.. thfll tl.e tnlo- eg.in_t all a'tark."I StBltd hv, .CpOnrt Ud -. i- l__3 v. ,i

frooi tti'i o_t o Btt_i_. a-JW* ~ ult"""' .**.*.' ** ¦*N. rth or Bouth" . . ,.

Tb-Bwaa pa.i'd with rtmeideriblf ___t*i tnc*tb.n put i< t >e Vei.raut, who .td-pted ii|iicani-<-uflar;i-fter wbicb, Oen. Coon b. ihook n-iidi cordiaJJ_r xntae»eh inemb. r, and the meeting aeparatfld.An Ex Mf.muer or AsstMBi.r ARruiri.*) on *

Cn ak i M FoKoir.i.--Afl.Ifl Hmitb, u Mei.l.r "fAfreiiil.ly in tb. laet LeK'alatni., from the Iltli Wardof ihi* city, waa anested by Sergeant Welth of tba17 h Warti on a 11..->_. of forgrry praferrnd a_:Biti*tMfl by Ex AlmB-IIc.iiBeOoveruor Authony Dugro. ltii (b n e tbat tbe acrniad waa indebtid to JaoobMiller aiid Iaaao Hhanruan for rent to the aruiant of11 '.00, and Mr. DngTo nad made bixself re-piiuibletor Bfl payiarnt ofthe demand Mr. S. draw ui« flflBfor pWW, wbich hia crediton dedined withont a g<*-odh: il reei i.ii.-ibl. mar. aa indoruer. TI.ib Bmith taidwon d bfl an ea-y matter, a-d aubaquantly ha returnadthe note with the indor8.r_ent of Kiciae Commiiirion-'rJobt Kerr. doing bnnineBB at No. Cl l-eonard street.Tbe ueia'li tieL to whom the wortby Afl-emblymau waa

indebted, being iBt'flfi.d with theindorflemeut, m eivedtbe ntte, bnt, much to their Bt_rpr_e, anl)«eqnantlylean td ibe i ame of Mr Kerr on th. back of the notewhb a forg»ry he not laving litm.d it hinaalf nor aathirizt-d any one to do ao for bim. Ex-f.uvernor Da-gro, belrg the pany Bunari-'g by the i-tvtry, mada 'hecu mplatut ag.i flt Hmitb Thfl in us-d wai tak.n BflBflfl Jnfl'iie Wr'rh tAi ball to t-a_.il in the snaof $1,000to aoaw.r befor. tb. CflflBI of Sefl.ion*. Mr JoflephLyn h cf No. 1-0 Eaat Thirty-6eventh atreet b-catnabieeurety. [Kxpr.__. July H. ltrSbX).Thie caae we baliara, hai terer been di.pieel of.

Mr. Smitb ic now n Demcrratic candidate for retjlec-tion tc tbe Le^lalbtor..


THE " Hr.URtlV NOMINATION.**.''To tht F.dxtor of The S. Y. Tribxtnt.Sik: I noticed a fow daya age io ycm valaable

papir, an artic'e h.-vd. d " Hrhr»w Noait-atlor.i. Mr Roi«r--ur;ii. Piei'de.it ofa Demmralic (Icb, bai bt-l the a.dir-ity tocall ou hiiluet.r.n to Inlfte th* nooilnttiom o' certain CllyendC.-i.ty Pfficeri aa madr by him at ihe I ..tlr-il'i of r.r-rtndo VVood. Mr. R. do*i nct r0.,_.drr how abmrd lt la t-iIm- line for a ilrgi. Iratwt, thtt he ran by hii rail. I -.fla.nc. theopi'l i.itf the I.rae.itei of thii or any other city. i'hi* i. to

my kr.owl._ge. the fint timr aiieh a 04.1 hat eir.tntted from a

JI. I.rrw to bli bretbren, and I tlccerrly trmt Mr. R and hit fel¬low off" .ri aill neTer again tttempt to demand ot hit oielhr-n.to niiport any caidl.liti- nr-pt of thair owb rh-.i. e. TheliTirlitri of tliit c'ty Lave s'.wayi abovtn tliemtelvrt cltiieae,ard cannot ur.d.r ary clrfnmatana""! he I .flu.n.-.1 to lecom*

partuai.fl. I am po.iivr ttitl _.! tl.r l.i t-iit o! thi. ity .»

r-epHng prrhap., a t> w follnw.r' of the Roie-.l.ot r<h KrruaudoVV ood Drmocratlc Club, tlew thr artloni of Mr. R. aa-lncalledfor, and » i it- J

Ycnri, v.ry reip-r-'.fulf-, I. O.FRAfDFNT Rir.I«.rRA*rroNS.

Tt U* ExtOcr rnf.ulX. r. 7V-WM

Sik: It ba* b^en diac .vered that laat yatr fi-uln-lrr.t votri we'r .-a.t by BflBBBBB whiie re-idencea aa regliteredw.rr found to be tbe r.i.mb. r-of vtrant 'ota. Ai thi«mod.oicl.e-tii'g might b- naeaafll acvin, rvra In thr tlil'kly *****latod K.pver.th. Seviutrenth ind ..ighteenth V\'ard.. a aimpleaud i ffcdual plt-i hn reea anggrated, one that mljht fl ad pu-dl.y thr prr.ODl entplryei to look ovrr the regia'.ry BflB lu can-

-. :i Iru before 'hr e'rrtlon. end n_ed By :h. It.putll'-v- fnip.- t

¦BflB.(fl U'lr-rial-r-d votria prrient B-Bfl-flflflB t -n elr ln

d.y. Itl-thii: On ibe Inatd" ofthe r.jlttry liat c ivi-r, m .rkt'i- n'.mb.r a( ;he I'-jiiu'lnganJ tnd of eacli itroA-t mtkin. thr

hoiindfry of the dl t.i I; t'ie the numhrr. flVflflflfl loti,alsl.'r. ard mioccnpied biiilding*. thui: Firtt av.-niie, com-

(MWflflfd-fltfl, No. CtOOiVact-it lot. Noi 110. :tll. and 31*, andendi trl b MR Av.niie B, com di-t. No. 1D0, vacart lota Noi,'_::.!, 2" 0. .<*_. and 2!)». end. With -**>*', and io on with latertecting.trut. If eii.h Rrpiibliran Rr-Httrtr In tbe rity wi drvo'ehalf .1, h. ur only to ttili pnrpoir, walklni through hi. dlatrirt,no.ln. ih. nnn.b.r. of vai-ii.t lot* and ropying tbrm ln tLe Re-tiitiy .Ut und by the Repub'.irta Iupm-tor.or onaillpofpap«-r to he fuan.-d to tlie cover cn elt-cU.n day.Ihe nhole matt-r may hr .'coop Bflfl tt once. CI1F.CK.AV*- York. Oct W, lf'tO.


IlODOKhtN WIDK AWAKE.Tbe RrpobLiri._s cf BflVflflM ansirtred to tho c_! of

tbe Bflflflbi-flB CU hf rouaiug out iu goodly uiraberaMtbeOdd IfllllflB* ifflB. -Bflt ITIfl-Bf I.ot cr beforethe bnnr of operirg t'ie m-.'-tir.',', the e'r-ie'ii were

al.'b'e with tb'i tlHtuiig torcbe. of the Wide- Awake.,¦flfl aflflfl in-irchinK lo and Cfl waiting for theirlirKbnn of tb. briKht aud ehiniuu liKht*. Th. K*r-nb-licaiifl ol li. l.ok.a aie eidtut y up and doiuK flad willj.,ive a ¦ .od acccntit cn th. day when thfl fflflfl »re

B uuUd. and the Uruial DrrcocrHtic niajori'v willdaindtfl ttxtoj Bflfl u'ttliii IflflB and vauieh mio thinKir. Tl r lmi'l tva_.cn,wd .1 r, t ftily hv tau nieu wh)i.t. tuir iMflfl.BT] vih- vv,'l fllli-d wiih ladiei abo,ihoagb IkflJ cnrnc,t vote, ctn otill enconrHge the ad*aatiaef H :. ul li.iiii.n., aiad btlp on thugeod i'i.!* by,i, pn .I". <'. Ibe plflll.ii fll Bflii DBBalBg Dflarmi ex-Muyor ('arrt._it.-r, una ctl.er dieticgtufltie-g,ut emeu.HmLAbdII MoCMI CA"cd the meptiug'. order,

crd inir do. i-d FiiioitF BfltrABD.flflq et Nft r.

Yirk. whe retd .-.-v-ial iirtic'e. ofthe Kepnblican p'at-f i:i,*ud proceecied Ifl anoT, the flflflfliflflBflffll thifla\ "Wul of p( Mi.ilb hlq t) ie .1 u np m roiitr4-t wi liibe pr i.c-.[lr« ot lha BflBAridgfl, PoBgWw, ud.1 III I-oc ary.the lu.'-r eeto ---rk;('- oi tn.A prlucipfl of' MBflBBflBg Ibfl u.aihiiep.' IflB pflflflfl ot Italy are

iflaebHJg u« a !»p*i,n on th. va'ue of liberty, wiiich iaI. ti-, th_n a. ion. -« B 'o'-ng. altout he afio'e.-* aai >n.

I i.coiii ir- ab ninii bet'ei thtiii 1 atr.ry Cfl Ame ic. aai

lilur'y i. rmv deerw.tiflm for Knrn.-e. The Democraticpartyie a Ua dtlilrftv p^riy; |o_. f.r iuatauce, a' t:iefr.t« ofthe n bl* h_d gflUael H.o.ttii'k whu fell a

¦.ictini to his dflB-BM of Kreedom. Iti. flflflfliathal{-olitica! power in thie (iintry «hi n'd bfllaA utl.eBMBflfl affaaab men. itin aBafltofl ta IM iflfl AleaeiMr p.un iifi-on. tailed foilii lo.td.|.p!anfl.. Bfl bopafltiHt tti« Rapebua-fl* fll Nt-a-.l-r-ey w.-uld not friii to..tlrc*. eucii ii u-.tu on the ude of truth aud ri^ht.TfaflJ BMOBM rlaatflflM wbo gott tor honenty andj . j">. natatd tt fl.a B-BBB flad flfl bverlfl hfl_5a, Mr.> BHarfl tben ratoned li thfl 0>fflfl report,-.how-.1 v i mb Mi Bm mbm wtiBi-ie (_d by fr_.uilii'..u» rowa,., I'r :,i,'. vnnia. .'WbieMr Bbflf it was e.^uki -g>- Ilif. kn, tt'il Wmt II.-l. krti \V ,i- Avvuk.Aifl r.d wh icild and tian?p«rer.c:.B, elicitinga- onu f arpl .uae ThA- ap,aker pr -ceeded t > flpeakoli.e lifciielite o- tba llomnjiead klll flflf-B Bfl th*f(.« tArriu iy *., fle vH*"':;a'ion ot free homt-fl flad I lfln»n. Beah. aaaesaneIflwfle ent aeoeeafltflaJ n? af>loced to t. ni'.-'vit ie- a jtilflTbe Chflb-M iirxt IflrflflflWd Jfltirfl Ilovir, esq.,

wbi «.. lefllfd al h Ufl rv.'tHt vocitiron* ehe..- g.Vr II _'» (ctmmei c 1 bv readii % auotice tiHud.d bui,f the drfi.b Ot tbfl De I'or-rt'ie onr-y. w ich died offlw-rirg II n-f.. aiir'B'-MAd by a n-rve-e -Attti-k ofCharl.atoa lfl.car. A g rt ojoreiii eiamm-,ti)uf_ijwedaa tniir abMBfla el brait Um Bepaboe-a plattora«f.A Blfl t.-n'-d M bflflf* .!."M,.y!l iafl a id.-:n u'-d«.i tbe Bbtiafl ot Baraflflfl »nd ot York'owi). ity that

pletfbrfl w* n:eHu fl Baad lo-dty. Thie approaefcing.l-(*iii. ie one flt* tb*) aflfl r_i>ort.7:* Ibfl 8T8f tDBIdacfl in tliflcountrv ll SUv*rv fl u nl.r-ing. ttfl the>1 itkin dgei|t8i!-':i.. Ul it boflpre.d; but if not, t'i-ni.i ii b. i. uhneu lelttpraflflB RaUa CfltlriapoialI.r re ie u o'llen nce of oj iuion. Tbere are B8M- caudi-niitri ii. *.he lirl.l row. Mr. HrMk.iirid_.eifl n bigb.,ct. j |«BtlflaaBl] man. wbo w -aid flflgfl IflroflgBti.e BB'.try flUBBBBg »' flflfl flfll adverfl.ry in tlie

>> n r-11.- i-er'y Hfl Iflflflflflfld nm for th. e.od-ir.. I.i. .i ... a.-rrriiu Ml flflflflflBBfli Mr. DflflgBflll

«»lllirii ibfl* ra |fi>p'. Bhoi.lii d.Mfljhfl gflaataBBfsl v,it BflMefl to tii. drcirion cf ihe BMflr_8 ('¦ urt,wbaa bfl knew thfll ihia Coin htd a'l adi,1 ,,..' ti,. ..(-. It all l:ke tt;. Di"h.I.ut «1, ri.il tl.e lil.ertv tottiuk .Hthflv p!.(-'d, j.rri-id.dtbey ibooahtflfl ide (Hurtdd M." BeaflBBBfl

,.-. - ll.i.r> (!1av ft_g lot 35 yenrfl. aud wha

'.' -i.,i I '..w Mfl* he hfll >t'.*e.v-» v-'-'.el forn.ep i(,-i.'.. advo-atid bytle gnMatflflflaaaa. W.reii-.i.iUi. | in.i.¦ ( gi'ing to vote thifl "88ai_1-dB¦,..: wbi.li iapul hrf.ire t:.e BB*<flfl1 N one C-u

, ii*) t :i, -. ... -.. a tor. Wb.t d" II.. 8. vV1 i-'.-.-for ni. I'limti ll tnev can wll dry gooda? AudtlaiK I.. .! *.l:ut if a.i tiu-y cu BB-. T''-**} »uuot eellthfl flflflBI or at leh.i thrv ruono: d-liv-r th m

lAipiunie.) lli. wht'ied hifl'old Clay frlfludflto thiokt 'bc iu pud-_ea .-f Mr. DouglaB, who after villifyiug

llrrr. C!«} hU li.-lf. fl » i*"6« ibflM Ibfli u tryrheedui." r ic (lil.- l.arg over his grave \M Hfl old

.- .ir llui.k ol tbie before ihey dn-ifrare llieir chil-ditn. Bflt, iu H"l(1it:ou "o tna puit fla cl M.-ar-. lir»_k-i ridi'c nd Doagbfl tle-e i- h ver* rMpBetablflOM('(.utitiiii.'A p.r v, whe, wfter car.fi'1 and prty.rful.. uridnaricu, barfl d_.ideil that they an .nttvorof>',. c, i, iMi-i. ii atd tb-, t-i for.emeot of Ihe li.va.Ibnii. v.--, M _bfl doeri not t-v.rv flM BMM believeii, tMflflflBfl thl-flflj / They bave put up Mr. Il-ll, whow-bb vri\ r.a .cMble fjeut fcuirtn whi'e he v\_e alive;lut he bar i-aneid aauy, ar.d bfllflflfljl ti » p-b*. ag->.Now. wa hK»e living i-anefl bef >re a*, aad we aautib.ni.f n. iw aid MaBXBeee. Mr. lirook. bfld beentn Mhine ti.i.lv .at. tl.irii' bflt Hl |flt9N flB_88lflflaIron. bflflfl, at d ih- xtgbi he could eay whrit he pl* mtdhi ii wr i ot kioa il Bfl h-tJ dowu ther., that a nnioni,. ,1 a l.-nativ-u nict b. u.ade |8ouie ooufu.iou araa

Iv 'h- it triru l'"') «f an in»o\i, .te I BfllaarflB, wbo¦jraflflC-ad ly indti--ed t- fat.ai.i. by bein* l-d downBtalie] "I «li i'-*«" -bl ll"il-'" v"1*' fs,r s- A- ***____!*'1 I- wur Ibfl ...uiirel ot B ll< I I* vertttt in.U tbaflflW T

ot n rl eet aflfllMBM.I d by ll it.op BflgMfl a. BBfl ru>.«t

!> ._j_mi_.ll at-flfld Now iney thi-aieiiiliedww.-ti.ii i. ot tb. I t.i ii '"i.t nt.laiihel_i.(i)i.K thifl, th., BpRa'i.tfl ot tt e c antrv are ailliDK tu i-tke a lo tn -fIta OoraroflflM atl, p*r cent. But we muat votefla nfl ». thfll IMflflJBll Oi.fl |.arty ha* no

hflfl tf tltdiLg ibair IBIflflfltBRI thau oi\j bop.

il to thraw tbe eleotioa i- '.¦ the Iloage. aadthm renew, and promcte encli aetaem of diseordaa ibia coaotry hu aeldom lf ev.r witneteed.They are not voting for anybody, cnly agafuat a uns-

brdy, ard tryirg to defeat Lineoln. Mr. Ifoxie g«ve a

I*o?hab!e «__oonnt ofthe wbioing of Konthern .Saeeaei nins. wbo ara trying to f.igbten the North; und

srd by nrgiig aU who were ifl iutor ot freedooo, andtb* p.*". s-rvatlon of tha rnion, to vote for the Free-v.aa's ticket. and eleet Lincoln and Hnmlin to prsside»Ter the adminii>tration of this Goverument for tbe_ext fcnr yean>. Mr. IL waa fr-qo«tly Infrruptodwith appUnso and laogbtar; long nnd lound cbeerlogfollew»d after th* closaof bia remarka. Cheera were

given fur Penneylvania and Indiana, and'he meeting_dj-urn_d wi h load cheers for Lincoln and Ilamiin.


Tha Repoblicans of Brooklyn rrowded thair hugewigwam, oppotito tho City Hall, ii.it evening, it botogannonnced tbat Salmon P. Cha_a, preaent Ou.ernoruid Son ator eiect of Ohlo, woald be present acd apoak.TLere wero nearly two hnndred aeats o.cupied byladiea. Before tho organizatlon of tbe maoting, tbereHere two or thrto brief epeechea, and aoreral songii.>g by tho Praiiie Songsiera. One man eaid thatMoeea Ode'l, the Democnitic candidate oppoeed to Mr.Bnmpbrsys. bad declared that he waa in favor of thereopening of tbo alave trade. Ur. Clark alao aanglome of Whittier's inspiratione, and told a fanny story.Soonafter 8oikck Gov. Chaso arrived. Themett.

itag waa imniodiattly ealled to order, and Mr. JamksS. T.Strahahan eltct-- Piesicent.Mr. Stkahaihi., cntakiogthechair, axpreeaad hia

Ihanka and immediataly introdaeedGot. Chasf, who wai recoived wi_h load and pro-

loirged applaueo. He aaid that he bad been delayedaonaewkat bj a procession which waa going on on thattber H(*o ofthe river, bat, which, from what ho hadheard of it,waa not likely to intorfere with the prograaaof KepuVh »n principle. or the lertiinty of Kepublic.ntatettl Ona of the tiaBsp&rtn ies :n tha procifce.onwss very etrkicg. It prereaUd a lar^e, woll-propor-tioT.1 d a- n of Afixa, labeled, " Abe Lii.-olne 8*8088888in 18434." It eeemed from thi_i that the Democr.cybad already nominated their catadidata for 18ol.Atd not ouly that, bnt they also ton.eded tho MMMof Lincdn atd the inetice of onr principlea. so macb as

lo bo a a-mat deal forther than we otireelvee did. Itd n t reem to be (f nach nae now to epeak in favort,f tbe election of Lincoln aDd Hamlin, except by wayof add'tg line npon line and precept npon precept. Butaittooch tbere wae no doubt aa to the election of Ltn-c.'n .ettlcrawes a qnotion whether he would be-npt'orted bv a Repnblican ConBrene. It became nee-

n*jtry to lain a few memhi-ra, nnd above all t. maketore if all tbat we lad. He had met Mr. Humpnroys8- WaebiDjrtonai.d knew bim,and waa very aaxioaeth.tbe shcnld be retnrced. We had good newe to day. Ihewirm tiaahed to ue the intellixeuce that Oregon hidwheelt-d bto the line of Ke.ial.lc-U State.. Wtbad one Kepublican Seuator there, and another, wbo,l-Htbnught, wonld bo just as good aa a Kepublictn.Tbe An.i-K«publican msiority ia the Senite wa*

dtviidltngdown eo rapidly that IhM would be no

arri.ua obeiacles to the mo»em*-nt ol Mr. L'ncoln a

Aominietraionin the Senate. We had, then, bnt to

secuie th« organization of the Houso. so as to get theo ntrol of the Co_mitteea, aud of tiie org.tuiz.tionof 'he bMaaaa of Cotigresa. The Keputali_an party didnot confi e itaelf t. its fprin.iplss adverea to the ex.

teoeion of Siavery; it extended i.s care to the welUreof_.il tho wbite inhahitanfa ol the I'nion, LaetaudWest North atd South. Cpon the S nrery qutstioa,ttbei was it that we wanted. WeWM to ota r fafit aa far aa wa were conoarned. Wo want.d to de-i.rive ii of ita MMM propeitiee. aud NMlto a State att'air. Then, thia. question would be88 eettled that it wonld stay a.ttled, and notbe comintf back to fiigbten us from oar pro-.rieticd. Sixty y_«rs ag., the people of P«__s_l-\Eniaenacudalaw forthe abolition of Siavery, andin th. preatrblo they rtated tneir reaaons.mt**** «ijuHtice, .ahilanthropy, aiid political eeouomy. lu 1841,Datie! Wtbster said that that preamble waa w.rthy ofthe best days of Cifek, or Koman, or Knglish li'era-tnre. Ile thoai?ht that the citizet.s of Peimsylvaniahpd b.en reading ovtr iiiis pn-amble. But t'ere wae

another pTeamble that of the ordinanee of '87, whi h8*aa eqtial to it. lt was adopted hy all tbe Statee, aud alithe itausaien of the I'nion. Tnat poiuteii out brat,onr dn'*. Tion.togo to woik, and by oar votead.treetbat Iflfjoi.d the Sti.Tes, in the T«rri orieaof the I'nion,there ebould be no Siavery. He r.ther thoQ><nt thatObio aud Indiana had l.een reacing over that pre.ui-b e Th»t Bal.ad the qnestion ai Wc desired to Bottle it.It wn a mntter of ve- v littln 8aa88q*8«8S to ne nbttn.cite wai. __!_>*.<ij *We otalv wanted to be perfect'y

tbat the r<-su!t ahould l>e actouiphahfl-d. Ot^i. platform s-iid tha* Kreedom belong-d

to the Territoriea, that the Coust-.tatio*m&.h :t _MM88lbla that Siavery ahould k<> beyuod theHa itr. of the S-a'ts. Tl 8 ilavehoMers thetn.*eltea beiagji.dg.s, that was a *9m9 uiode. How d d the Con-BtitutH n come to be st. loratd ? At tLe ti Jie thtre waa

8gl8*1 deaand for a bill ol rights. Nearly every Suteeui/B-eted amencments to the Conatitution. Virgioiaaid Kb.de Liand aeked for aguarautv armrtug tiieruhi. cf 1.1818*, i'tit _i*W-_*ti a-k-d that iv be yrd-vMedtbat "no ..ert-ouahall bedeprived of hia lifiaor lib¬erty f-rproportv without dne proi*o-a of law. [Cheers.]811 t: e ttixaa pr. jjosfld hy ISaw Totb wt-re ad rpted.8tame yeara BfO Mr. Calhou'i. inroduced i^ ameudtnent'.n vruich tbe woid e'.avta cc.-nrred. A me.i.ber who

J to iueert Ihe w»rti person. instead waa de-ntunced by Mr. Calhoun us an aholiiionist. TbeJavabokVl* Wt that tbet conld no; Iive in t'ie Terri-toriesii wo wuld put iuto our laws and, etill more,irto oar vo'ca the principlea of our aloriOM C'aut*titu-tk'D. Theie was at other ni d*-, which would ans wer

iflihilv a» wtil. That was to juat pae. ti:e Home-.-:-bo" bi'A. Tnt theae Wiae-Awakej iu thoTenitorifS, with tbeir ItaO aceeapiece. and they weuidnttdnootber weapors to scara otf the alavahaideratban ibtir lantono". Popu'ar Sovereignty aa interpre'.-ed now r da.e, meant the rigbt to maltreat nugera. Itreceived i's first illui-'tration when a certaiu ntuu wtrii*

ccvinfrom Jodea toJencho, aud fell amoug th eves.

Tha Prieat came by and saw bim welteiiug in hisb'oor, Itt fce waa anoii-interveutiouie'., nnd pas_wd by.Tbtn rame * I-evite. bolontciig to the same orgii.izi-t u. « jo also didn tcare whether the mtn waa np or

d'we. aud he weut on. Bat at ln.t c .me a'onga nan who did uot bei. ng to a healihy o>au-iza-ion, he helprd the man; he was u Kepublican.[Cbeere.j If wo went lo a Territory and fotiud that a

hnuane ("overumtm had placed tbere an iucapi.fy8**a the soil itaelf :o bear up atiy other thau a free-nmn, sca far lrom it being any infringemaat upon pop¬u'ar love eignty it waa ite jrreateet aid. If we coaidnot r.o auy MN we would take the true doc:riue olP*pal*r te*^*%*gB*f. Wet ..o there and Hght it out.Nuw what mtaiis had the Donghie men to checkS avtiy Tk*) bad tet* even Popular Sorofalntf.HuTiir rf them wonld eay that the j foii'id tlra ta

tbe Nehra»ka bii. liut ia this Mr. DoMhaiad bat*A*p*m*m*d proviHions limitij-K the power nt :fi-L gi.lbtive Kxecutive. ,!i. .i.iaiy an*. intn.Ja.ii.g tberf_:..al piorfcloai foraiiig a comp'ete ayst-m of a*nj.n n m. I'cee !ie take this to the pe<>. le ol KaMM INo, t e tM-ree it intu the t>>Late, and it p.»f-e8 Ih* __*MHaid 11 ause acd is signed by tbe Preaident. H.-re yoa_IT* a eVfl-lea. of xoverum"»m l\.rthe peoplo of Kaneie,abxtmi w'icn tht-y have not had a wonl to aay.a.. d yit thfl-y calied thia Popular Sov._rei_.iiy ai.d M_

8ab*al*b ¦oaaehtUegMCoagmsMaaHaMrfw*lioa, Tbe. tbe Pn-sd-nt 8*>poiB_M t'e Bxaoatin»adJ**1.arj. Tbiehi'l (.-.(/ar. ir. ('iiir^r-eai'.'ral inter-vanilM, HMmM bf Prerid uti.l iotrrrvention, auda n ini.tfd iu Judicial int-rveiitiM. The b***M Uo*i^-

ine ti.".» tboaghl -flhey had ra 1 P.-pu' r Bovorateaij ma 8 NVbraelta hill That wonld lie the .-\*t) it the p-o-ph mude their lormof xrt vt-rntueut and ler-te.l all theiruttii i_ Here w.-ie the p.-cplet.f the T-.ri*«-rie« t.'.ut.dnp iu fetti-ra. ir. lVeider tiftl n.a'.H. K: aad ia i'->lici*lha<ns, he .1 op h« eiatrplea of Fcapu_-T S,...- Ig ty.llud I> uglks h».d a t-ue pri* Ifla ot* Po <al .rSi t '. e:y 111 v he w* t.i l bt*feIrow And tlia t'ing wa* B..* h t-i l____l|Mr I). a.i-te did ii with hw eve* wi.i» .-pen. Ut.Bo**j.nrn 88*8 that they had a _M8M iu whi.'.l (hcy de er-

xt'.r.ed npon tbat bill, Btad ti.at the So.uli g->i all tuatthev wati'cd, having gui Sliive'y inua the Ti-rrivori-ite beiv'.:i with. They oarpi aely dfew it so tha' it Ml<|hear a Nor herna'id Sontheru cmrtructi..n. When heeaw Ibat Houalns and hia trieuds wero reaolved to re-

\iux tie Mieaouri Compromiao, ho said, *'(fliveuaatrue P.pulur Sovereiflinty; an.l he propoaed thati.fl. {(-..pleof the Territory m:itht, if they choae, ex-

cli.de Siavery. Tbia waa vo'ed down byDnpia.. aud all the laamoerate. Tbey tirathroke down the berrter a»r«i et Siavery erected hyt-o ftthera, aud then l>v would uot alow the p_ .plet . i-xctude ll He tuove'd aLe<( lhat the p.9*iple e:ifl«uli118.88 the p<awer to eleet their own (J.avetuor aud,i_iV - bnt Mr. liooglas atd the Svothernera vot_da**£ nt it; tbey would uot allow .af thia Popnl.rS >v. r. Iflji.ly. The Kepublican Scuatorc tb-u had '..it tbrtal»»iii r'ats with them; one of ihen slept in hi¦ N-w-Hnnishire uruve; anotbar etill fdlowedthe land ofMr la- ufilaa, and tha tbird waa the houored caudhUtecf ii .. Kei>oMiran party for the Viee-Pr«.*identy. Buttit(*ir bH diaflfldvantH^a we l>«at theui witli taaHttta Popular SVavereignty which wa hid, we.ad beaien them. Mr. Ilougiea bad f.'.Mu,lnh'-e he did not c.r« whether Slweryw ea vi ted ep or VoUd down. Hoth the North and tneSflmh dfld care, itnl they both had apnwe.1 hliu <«ut ofhfl-u nfl.'.ttbe. If tha uormal MM.M of the Terri'otkt w -.* In-wlon., tbe rornal condition of lnodern !».*.u.r (y waa defeat. ThiaUepuclu-au party bad Krownop tiv» a nece.e.ty for * party wuwh ahoula Uaat

~-.-~'mmmmmmm-. t rt^ad-point Th*. _*-flO**e

Slavery fr_ a jnal fla .^a ana'a-ned the Bepablicaafr!tlh;Bnec.»!ty __dtM. ^ ___dirro*m bflflaa- it p'o-party. .bal-epnblieaapa. 7T0*_c, people tor the d»-pcad to enbatltute tbe 9*_% .eMnnn it degraded Slavorymition ofBlBTe power, and a (._.¦--_ We t .»¦"' " *

fiom a National to a Srat* ina j)irigo, tad VeraoBtMaine, polniing with h«r Bflflfl, w__i_jo_, and thaafrom her grten hiilfl, «ald, I aa kflr| i Applauaa]. aadcame Poun.ylvaBia, w.th th.tJ.afl ^n\ M(j t .t,Obio, alwayatrnato Fraedon [Ch .» ^tr.umpb.enr yonng.r fliBter, flflflflfl-flg to glt -^__ §pok# ^fth[ChBfltogJ _Bi«l_flMRjflBfflBR__ ^ho^ereyfltone voire tor Freedom; and while tne ^^ .m t_0licgerintr among na, from BflflRV [Apr-iaoa).!new. that Oregoa ia trne to rrfle-lom. * JVifoni*And we had avery wflflon to hopfl th

_ft f.r Mh#wonld not I(g bahind. [Cheera. J And, M B#|wbb able to are at tbe P">-M-l2_"___S__f Noreaberbeaiingla Free Btat. on ..¦**£*. -,conBtednext, on> laerday week wb.chwoiUrfnoilL ,

on the ndfl of Abraham Lincoln and U«ntM.^

and victory. (Cheera.J So onT eataa waam .

..u.eitwL rlpbt aa-Tj-t: our moUo jfll «*cfloatr waa juit, and oor tnut waa in Ood, w&ofla joat caniie, and w. had a* the W^*°*»' ,0B,th. remit. Oentleaen told aa that there aaa »

leaeon for alarm. The .** -^ *tacV£ji£. tnkot np for the purpo_e of making ¦**¦»titmble wa. ibat there wonld Iflfl __**__inre in the country after MBbflB MBflB*waa elected. Bnt were we going to be d-.atart'el tl

Ntw Yoik 1 Wonld not onr eanal be op*-n a- loeg aaa

Ba frc et wonld Iet it I Wonld they be dhJBfhflB BRObio ? Wby, they had aa aband-nt bar»eflIflfATthing wih t"hem thia year, i-tlud-ng fllBBB Maa.II.ht_.htfr and applanae ] \Vould they bfl d-tarbnAWonrd not wa of New York buy thelr non, theirwheat, tbeir caUla ? Wonld not we be juat aa bnogryai mutlT Waa there auy danger in a*y rrea

Sa'e? Wonld tbe Sonth ba UtMUtmt T_i«rahould bar* no canBe to compb-in of na. Uih.re Bhonld be anv dintarbance it woaM flmpiybe the re-ultB of "thiir owu folly m rrediclingirls wbich the rredHion wae ealcaJatfld teh enr.. Hfl irasted tne pradictions wooll reaatn bb-

fnlfil'td even eo far a* the Soaih waa eoncernad. Botthis he had to aay, that we, aa Rapebli-ana, woald do,so far aa w a knew, eqoa! and exact ju«Uoe to everygection of iha ccuntry; and if there wa. any eoaplaiatit aborld be totally and antirely onde-arred. [A|-plsnee ] If tb.y wacted to fret, an1 qtrwrel, and makea diBiuibance, they (honld have ine entireprirtledge ofioi.g ao aabject to the Confltiution. We flhoai i a .tint.rf. re with them at all. Hat then w« were for Cnion.atd the CotiBlitirtion, and U e ecdorce.ent of th. 11 to*

lArplane* ) Aud if there abouid b« aaybodyrt_ enongh to attampt to b-aak ap ti^-l.'uiop, in all probibility ha wouid be tried,and the law wonld be exacatBd apoa bim. lftbeie was anybody who wanted to break down oar

Coi.Btitution and oae acv tr_it_ronfl aad trea»onablemflans to * tfect it the probability wae lhat he wonld ea-

je-ri.nce -onset.atnoeB in tsttea casee madfl aid po-v ded. If anyiK-dy wanted to refliflt thfl law* of theUnited State?, it waa altoirether probable tbat ne w >aldtmij Uucle Sam, with Ohf Abe aa hifl connaelor, aorethan a ruatch ior him, and if his friend, O)v. Wue, or

anybody elre ehonld ihink it worth while to put intoexecution any of thoee threata they had n_t.de w hichh. wbb peifectly convinoed they wouid not.if theyehonld uodertake to man b to Washington.not to eeizathe Trear-ry, becauee there wm nary red in it, tneywi' d not attempt that now, however much theymight have done eo in 1 **.'"', had Mr. Framom beaaelec.td, whi-n the Treaanry contained $I7,*j-JXJ 000; iftbey rhonid attempt to take t.e archives at Waahiug-ten, it waa atogfltber probanle that theae Wida-Awa'-ee wonld be on htnd. [CheejB.J If the Soathwonld let ne we would live with them a. brotb.r., andwe won'd eay Come with oa into tha Territoriee, aadyoa ehall hud a wel< etne to every right aod priviiegewhich we onrsilvea enjoy. Only we aak yoato leave vonr elaves iu your Sta'es bahind yoa._th_A.r8 J "That wa. fair, jast aud boufl-l. He wa^mre it wae the pttb of ptase, aud bfl wae eure it waathe j ath of honor, and he wa« enre that the path ofpeace aud honor, reapectrng tha Constitniion, ma_ot.ua-

uig the Ul ion, and violating no law, was the ptth aiaootpTOsperity __d peaceairdglory [Appiaofla.] Tceyin Ohio had t.ied to do their part iu npholding thisgloricuacfcUr*. Tbey tbonarht tbey bad done right ia-j ttmft, Tbey committcd thiscauBfl to a*, tha Peopleot Nea-Yorb, wholly aneured that aa they nnd doae to

we woald go and do' likewiee, and also moch more.

[I.rnd aud prtlongtd applanae.]The metting lmm.liatoly adjonrned with three

eheere for Ouio and SeT. Cha*.; tfe cheera oftheWiJt Awakt-B who had entered the arig-ram baforaliov. Chaai'a epeech commenc-d, ittcriioK ont sbarplyfrc m the great acclaim. The me.ting then formed laprend pr cere'on, the Lincoln baUalion of Wida-AWflbaa Lu frout and escor'ed Oov. Chtse to the ferry,wheie thty took leav. cf hin with many caeera.


CrorTeflpondenoe .f Th* N. Y. Trtbnae.O.Jl aga, Oct. *%) 1860.

A mar. niefting of tbe Repablican-j wai held to-dayiitWlodior (Broome Co.), N. Y. B'raLk Canningbbci, oue of the kl-Lit itouip .(ttaVerB for Fillmo.a, iaIS.ii>, delined lia poeition iu one of the moet able,br.lLant aptechea 1 ever liatenid to. Ila haa latt tlierotten carcrs. cf A_ne'i-aoi__ and j -ined the graatarmy of Freemen, and from aow notil election willrpeak for the canse of Fieedom and hiimtni.y in dif-ferei* eacticL» cf thifl Bflflfl. car ying wiih him thon-(ande who will not be sold to the Sh-im Demicraoy.lleiaiee deri.b-d and strong grour.d for Linioln aadIlaunlin. His timely eff rt will flfll only tead to ewelltl.e Kepnbliian aafori y in Broom* t)»j amount tbatwill a»ioni-h the " natives. bfli bIbo swall th. aggre-gat. majortto in the Sia e to 100,000.Altbou^h Di k and the " Demorrat" have swallowed

Fueicn, tbe maei-e- reftiB. to be a ptrner in th. flflflflTtev are afraid of thia political hybrid, and tha -ta ofNovember will (ouid the tioal Iflfflflfl ov.r Uie mati-late.l c( rpee of ihe defuuet Democracy. M»y th.y' eat in De-.ccfl**-eat tn peaC-.


F. DflflBRI Tmvchfr of Lawrence, Kaaaaa, willrpeak

At Bitgbamtoa.Satnrdiy, Oot. 17.

Oen. B. F. BflflCfl will apeakAt Randoiph.Thunday, Oct tkAl KliicottvlUe.Kriday, Oct, J*.At Ku.'k.i-.8tt_xday. Oct 17.Atl.yr.il.Tu,.Jay, O t 80.AtMu. iji6taUon..Vei_eiday, Oct. II.

ChabiMt L. AiiMotK cf MuryUnd willepeikAt Mlddlebuigli.Thurtdayeve , Oct.BAt 1'roome.Kridtj ev»., Oet B>.At-cl.obaiieCourt-Houie.8iturday eve., Oet. 17.At lt. :i e.VVedneidty eve Oot. II

J. 11. Mi'itRAi, eeq., will speakAt-heldtak..Tbnnday, Oct tkViv-.or, Ui.Urio Co.Iiidty. Oct tt.

Ig |i ,niir,(ay-_aCo.Sttu.day, Oot 17.Falrville, Wayne Co.Moi.day, Oct. ttk

Li.ut.Gov -ffflfltl wDl rpeakKoreitvilie.VV'rdneadiy eve., Oa. ICRai-lolph.Tbonday. Oct. M.

KUi.cttvl.le.Trie.j, Oct flFianklin..SBaid.y, Oct 17.

Dl. lllflflfltfl hwflfllfl will ci>eak in EoglUh aadOerman

Al Albany.Wedueeday. Oot 14.At Hud.on.l-ureday. Oot tn.

At R'.ndonl.Rri Ity. Ofl l-i.At Cttakl!l.Siturday. Oct rr.At 1'ouiibkeep.le.Mouday.Ool.iaAt Nawt-ugh..Taeaday, Oct 88..Vt N'jM-k or New-TTity.V\'edne.i*ay (MM.A' tlorti.-Uoor Narrotr.burgb....Th.ir»day. Nov l.

At Kloira.K.lflay, Bttv. IAt l'!i: -l.nri.t.'i).Aatuidty, Nov tAiCon.fla.Monday, Nov. i.

Tb'- Hoi. Tioo. M. P'"Mi ko) will r>imakAt VV l.-rtt.Thuraday, Ofl. M.At S, -tl. l(, Hn.rriday OflB

rtrtittor Wlflfl wtllBj-irakAt l ooperatawn.Thirwlay, O-t 13.At Kii.deilio. k.B.iJty. OcUfl.

1. II. Yan BCflltCR, flflfl/i will flpeakAt Mlr.av't'le.KHdev, O-t fl

At Oien.VVed-eaflky, Oet fl-

.Thfl ..'budal-mi ugera of Cleveiaxd are gloaliagrut a newly-oiiroveredcase of inti.lelity to tho naptLaltie., wl.it h ia o Ie ii.ve.ti^ated a*-cording t¦> tha code:.-¦¦ h i-.-.e n¦., > a*_d pi-ovid.d. Tha coaplaiuaat,wlo leeki f< r divoice, ia tha wife of a la-yer of <igbrtatiding raid to te worth balf a Rfl_flfl of dollar*,ItafBfltflhtj c.i i.wi-A'd, aud the lathar of a large family.Bou.e of whom are iLutrried aud mpacubiy aatttad.li app*arr tbat the otlender, from beiug anflldar aadiiitlneniial m amber of ihfl Preabytarian Church, ¦_*«ec, iiai «o low in tlie et-ale of morule na to bae >m« p

at irii.mliat or fie*l.>v.r. ln bia naw araooiatiaa haf. un i hii ()/,. ti./.v. ou whcm b* baatowfld thoflfl Mt-a-tiona rii.ii.fnlly dnatbe complaiijaiit Av lu »ucV_ oaaflfl,th. iH.iiee baving iodueutul frt.ud., tban ia maderimiuationaEditciimi-aiionoubtthflilafl. Tna large.ttate ol the dtLudaut han bam tind np py M iiyM,.Uon, and tia lawyera aud Ja<.gtB., u ^ ^a^ wmc-ma u f >r Uia ln a abatl a. tha apoiii,