E tÄmnomtmie. ACADKMV OF Ml Mr -I'M »LOMIXI- A'AN_l_,i;~WKI,NKS,MY * " ROVATORR I MNKSI-AY. N... l , , Wm PICr^1,o|,I^lI,' M.neioe I) AN OKI. in- _.-... m «. ploi: bnza Ri_ri f PJTBFANI V. lABPAROK IUI 111 a M *r«r* f-r II, TRO\ «TO« Reo*.. T<» DAI »ttheA ....tt ' »lw"»«4 «* I'.ee.laei,-'. *> 4 .1 -. vU...| _| '. ' .erk. im--U aad t. tete uay .><¦ mi M th* ' " V(!I*T_t-__y-i'J< t1.... IM IRL PORMES, ' i | FLORIN,'A ... rAMARO - .»¦-.... aititrly t are__e ill Vr.-u-.JU el te._ Atil* » .ri . Oreod I1 etlvai. ntiSft 1 i.e'eale of «rar. f.-r the Ol.it 11 . . g W( aaVMdaj Oa Frtdaji Mad.if oaz2 kBIOA will afp. *r. Ta.a wil. i. trie y <ao--.'.-_Jty !i. r i ... ... adm.-.-r. wl lave to tear her It..-e r > r pa «.::.»... .f.J*.-MnawM »i« Mr. M. ¦> .. > ., t\uM L lava.I To. nit' rtamaa. ni - TUE OA// \.\n \ moot will eee-riet of tl. a of L CRE/.IA BORGIA a tba fourth »t .1 LA r WO.;: , A. *. » ... .... M. 'a-.,.. [) W o: BTR KAN1. 0ARMIER TAM 11: .. »t.appear. 1 _e aa!« of a ala 1..i the Oa aul.a Nie ._ !- .1 .. a at IAiiradav. JuaW'ir.i.v, «. ,- , . MAlfNr.E OK Tl. K PRESENT 8KARON MAI AVK LA HORDE baa urlved. end will al.. ly appear |>l:(M)KLVN A'J HI.N.KI .M. DLOllfV. RA -PORMES -1 r-era j ONi.i t .IN< CRT Will be -1». a bt MLLE PICrol-OMlNfao« CABL FORMES On THI'R.-t).'. V M.X 1, .V i I. arr.l. i, e/i.l la» moat poaitil \j their in.iy apr aiai > TLe mmtM i.a, aiMM* '»..'" «. peeftiee .p-. i Mi . ».!< «X>t> i.MINJ, TnTfftffr. PL REN/.A TAMARO Ca Kl, Hilt.Mi- H M ;.. PfCOOLOMl V| w_Bhaj 1»Bf.AiM Ire**. La Trarteti .-¦ i it ;. fr-.u ' Tl.. !)%.,.. . K qua from " Lflrla dl Larmnetmoor," with firewater, P. .r. /. . ,-l Tamar ai d On- deet tiooi .. Pen p,... ale" with Carl r'orraae. CARL FORMER will et ri» " The Waadarer1 aad Btai lard Bearer," a :.. Libert) D -1froea " 1 Pnrttai *wttl Oa-rier. I mmt kAfllBR, law La-ran al raftettiaa fraaa tin." Barter er Beul mm PLOR1 Ni * II Bale a ft'an "II TjQretea*,* a^d lo.i.tnr. tt Tra \iaU." Tlie aali''if aaet' »omm r, .. WadaeeAaT, Not i. 'i ?..nanek pre. Ia«.iy, at '».I Prox'e, Wo r /.«.; l:.*M-'a I'.'waalott, N... 142 AtlaoUc-et, Br> tt. t Bi - Vert I !<¦ ~ r>. ai'ata.M Ac ..... ri. i (b 1AITCA KKLNK -1 Till.A I I K, d Ma, 6/4 Ur.iadway. .' . '. K._-.tr L aar*.« d Dir. THIRD U EEK oB THE NEW TMRI E v COMEDY M EDM 'DAY K\ EBIBJO, N«.v a. IIAt, and LYKBY NIUBT Dl kino THE WEEK OCR AMERICAN Co .sin Ala Tr-«.'l.ard. a \ .1».Mr J.-rT-r.-n Ba Edward Traucluud, e bU-upahlra llarou.-r.Mr. V*rr-t Leed ii lodrtjata.Mt.B C-oyle aUianiey at law..Mr 1; . AIk.1 Morrr.-t bia rink .4Ir i . {Huory. a btitlrr.Mr i'-t.r. |rtr.i>nr-Trrfir|i»rd.. ..! M /,, , eae Mra Mofatrbaaetnitoa,.M.- Mary We . A««'iat*.i , .Mite J Ö, ra O'oftl.na...{ ° "»a0-»-'» j.Ml*. s tl Mary Mi'ii dith.M.ae Sera Bti n aa Torourlude w th Hi. k hrm i fa. ., ,,| THE Ol:. INA IE FAMILY Character* by M< ..re B-awett, Lwviek, !'. i. r«. and M il * w. :ia, Uaaai .., ai i Elj :.-i °P»-n at i.. i'i...» bm a i at 7. .'. lock pre i««-iy. y^TllTo - GAJiDEN..~ v~ 1~ Tk k-'a KiPy Cut.. V Chaaa»of Time Dxe* .pwa at 6ri ts oaameDoaatn. The Perfol anaafle* will tenoiaate at wai ¦ poaalbli chanok. IN THE BIS1R1BI ii'. . Of I HIito.' One HuM.it.-d Coouoodioua ai.d t illlilloai ORI HBSTBA STALLS HaewjkeeeiaaAAeM,aflbrdlai aatpi* i.it t aeate nay be *e, ur«d, aud will bo rftaiurd through .ut Ui- w_ole ateajkwaaaaee. The upper t^-r of b..ie. Mrali ladiamii aa cr<.«b> at. PriTate R. if >, Chii CM WEDNESDAI EVENING, Not ; |&v», JESSIE KAllUN Mia. AONES ROKKRTSON and DION BO0RCICAI LT, In their oriainaJ hara.-t.-r«. Mr. OKOROR JORDAN.Handel MeOrefoe, Mr. A. H. DAVENPORT, Mi«. AUA CLIPTON Mr. WHITING. Mia. ARNET, Mr SEYMOUR, MkwOIMBER Mr. .IAS. iii:i i.- ENOR, Mr. liAKER After tie- P.- t; ted h-uae EfHAN ALLEN .rill he Introduced. Tk** Hm*m traa htaaagkl to Naw-Terk at I » . Board *>f Manafement..( the »1. at Nu'i' linl P.iir Ii- I last week. l_e eitreor-iuary »peed Bad aentle uo- Illy die; tyed bj Ihia beauti- t>>l errariira on TbureriHy. dr.w the atti a of nnuyofthe patron* »f tlie Oard. u, ».'i.., wi.hina tl.. .r -in i-a t- tnire un opportunity of viewing bim, have induced >. ma igement to prarlfy their reqoeet. He will appear aa lit- an b-- »ei n daL'y at home ii. the ra» u . W~a~_T_7a;~c" k7» th eater. Third uUlit of th- ,.. ,v Bra*a. C medy by Dr. WAIN- WRioiiT. aalfad WHEAT aNt» CHAFE. Chare, t-ra by Mr. L- «.-1 Wallark, Mr. Brnajhaa. lira, lleey. Mia* Mary o* mm. Mr. Bloau, Mr Wheatli .:i. Mr. Rleed. Ma.LavMwLtea, Mr. Cuppeadale, Mr. Lerere, a... Te eoooluda with DTINC for LOVE, OnTHL'USDAY.Au rntirriy new aud oriainal eouudittta. mmttmi TUR LAST OK THE BEDCH kMBER Cbarar'.era by Mi.. Mary Oann n, Mra. Sloan, Mr«. Uenrai -, MiaaTtee, Mia* Caiu.an ai. t Mr, I D«.r* often at 7, eaaaeaaace &t '{i- k ki-on a kemp" 11 ORAND ECU'EVTRM, PAL A c E o a R ii I N 6tu av. and lttb at. BECOND WEEB OP Till OBEAT TROUPE WEDNEMIAY Ab IERNOON, -.tuu..-n .at.o'cl PAVILION WARM ani> DRY. AUOIENCKJl PASHIONABLE |\,i LABOE. Prot-'-uuoed bv te BRILLIANT ENTERTAINMENT IN TF ! ('i N Pir.t ap|-< aian.e la thii aMMUtry of the e.rbrat.-d l'*rililu r->pe da Mad '. - ALEX LNDRE, fr.atr. th<-Hip; !i * i ii;....p!.; ... The loat lljriux Arttate io ll World. LITTLE ALICE THE CHILI» RIDER, iu her nnsppr. », lu-.b'e ad of baiaetn . Mi L\ ILLE, tie- Orval -n II - W'Hha fall tr-.j-e f Oy ...i .... Rider*. Acrobat*, be. The Clitldieu enieaed in the perfurnatuoe ol CINDE- BEI.LA and the lanckr8' QOADBILLE at ".. Broadway Theatre laat W iuter. are i. qi.ec.r.l meet al Pala ¦. Oardeu* Boa oil e. lit) ,t a: . a. in. D<«ira op.-i. .t : au^l at 7 p. n.. lVt o* r..m-noe half ai.- ! our a" - _rd. Adaaiwlirn.Maeart* | CMMraa ondei >..«.._;cent* No rea.-rv.-il .eat. NOTH K-SATIRI" \ i ni...1t> »..i i.e.-.Mit. leert p" ae e Ch. ap Et balaaneat :.'.e ¦ail «. AdDilttanee'.'.. -.-a no Hall'Pi e. rubdy'- national theater, ChathaaiHt. .Dr.-*a Cin te. M e*ajN; Pit, !.' aaarkai o- ir-tr. Cba ra, 6n rmi. Be! any H iaee, Do-.i, opt n a: i. ..w.a n»- at71.-Till- EVENING: THE HOMEY M K>N Dakr A;i...-a...Mr. J. it kllei J ...... ..Mr*. J. J. Pi W ALLACK. Weila--.Mr .1 II Alle* Marian. M- W. C J, .-. THE LOST i'ki as, RE. Xa«aiT<i.Mr a 1 ....Mra. j. j. Prl B" 1{ (i A H \Y AY THEA I E \i 8 -1. j-Toi rletor. M- E. EDDY. Daneayee I j, aoa ¦_fu.-« at <} -i k. l*»i-|.¦. t. I' .wit.; Dree* en ., ^ nratla E*n_y ClA.e, _5oei:t* -this evkn1no; CAMII.i.E Caaal _Ju_il).-.n. Hm.:., a.-uk D ..' I.B.H ».. Dl. kCK em l) BI kN KT ATE BECRJ rs BARHl M- M! SEUM..INFANT with al beard, the little ii .y our i yean old. with redundant j Bavd and W h-...-ra thiodon'S MIMU world, .flU moat perfeet aad delightful Mwiea ol N n Bnteftaüc. I tueata. thai l'..t.. e of Haa arlaU Di valentine i or igln.i . oil.-etion of er-enti Viel I ¦., r.-a. Bat**>hna, aae. this API I RNi n is. »t I..'. loek, aa aleo II I IS K . r N INOat?' »'-'vi Ti IB d dab1 IRANH aqca- ria. happy KAMil.'. LIVING »1 RPI s'ts, k t m aeeo *t allllnaea. Adi ii »* toell,. iti - ttUdreni id i Ik. IS^enti_ 'Ooi^MINM Kl.l> N«»s Ml a- ¦ BRO kDWAY. opiN Et i BY KlBNING Doora open »t .a aa aa aj I) i o.a. r.s^l.LlMH.l' l.Al.l.EUy ..I I'AINTJN'.r-. _e>*r open at N.^ A4P Hr._a.iway..Over one b u ired r.art.- feneot Pail ..! r*. a- . | BOJ I in thi* «_un'.iy. S'raiirer* ahonld n_t ra<l|ioviali a Oallarw. a* it fvn-a .-reof Una eMef attraetione «I the titj Open DAY a-i J.VtMNii A :..n-.... eut._ CMURCII'" NIAGARA," am. BARKER'' IL CORSO." Thea* taro mmpiti-* . I' Bttnn »h it on EXIIIBI noN AT WILLIAMS, htevi WILLI kMS - Co.'*, No Bt.'ilni a Adnti*a!oi. 19 ._ taJL'l I i.T. bi '111*11 KES- A rerj O ....!e<«inn, at PRIS AI-:fl \ Wor*l f tl eaniari : S- ilfä r*. Palmer, < r.. ... I»a-a- i»eti Dural I, Bon*h"Hi, Mi int. W. r. *:..! arriaVe. May b>- . H'^ai No 12, Appleton'. B .idlnr. Broadway, irom N HL S. -ji a> few Uaya_ AMERICAN IN8T.T1 I e.'-iii-."(;..«ä FAI' CATTLE EXHIBITION la onawquen eof-kodeati tun, <4 ine t -.%..¦ Pa « '. held ,. the kt T. f A ITER BALL'S. »iM av ...v. - - aath-at, M. T., on the IMh, 1-._ and ITthdey.ofOe-. a* tfn ti.iun. L..u-e_ b.- oa ¦>'. "*t< - ftlie lurtit te N .-! Brueawey. lew,'' MOfUtl«. C.lra_u_ ÜliB-cllancoue S~tove POLISH. .A Pert repenop article for bujUireae B B rtmm. daV-kee aad bi.llu-.t ltd ex e-_a äaa__h_i^tWlfcad In the market It .. alao arreata.y:.* 4 yZt UVABTL'RMAN k SON, 111 Jvha .t.. New Yotk. Boaxb anb Boarne. AI I ACUKE n{ Ml M- f»n Am.r: u, withe* l . ¦ ¦,»;: FURNISHED « I'MTRs IHEO F'iOV i Üb M Iwi l_ fc, Mater* leetr ueSbtO la 1! ihr «i * u -.-lull. d| trir rbe t i. I*b» hiai.et reeer. .r :»¦ . r .itii'- .. tri, v. iil rb-erfüll» >>« git-,. jfjreee CLICK, Tit»af. CUB- >. n( 'a KD*WAN!I iT^»'of ft Man aihi Wifr, br .»¦.¦. »: i -1] «.« mI bib aal ttaeta,i Dinner . ut 7 ..v Let i. A<t treat Hoi Ni 4.7M7. Poet UtrVe FI'U <M;, :,tl. i,i.-:i, v.ill) fh. ir Wn.-i, or a «in_l- J '»II., man. Mil Ix- %r.< leaUDodett d erltb p.enaai.t RO'l.Mi M4 BOABD tt No IS .«. .. lieferet, e. eX' hanfed Ffi i, 1 III ay ficjner» to I-ft. IOFT8 toLET..Th« fr .> l-on .s af mrifit> J ft ¦II i No II < . ttl m :> %t,< LI T, %. * nv.-|. raaj r- e I" >- »|. -i ip. di»re it u. airee. A| |. > or, u.* pr«rui»-« Tu !.F. I -sl f I s of ROOMS <>r APART- 1 MBNTS.do mboII bmiliea M de_ir»ble.m aha br*faj_> it. ie ildin| N .. Si How. ry, at from BBJB f>|na aaotatl or . . .. Boon A «... a Ban laree PRIVATE Of BOABIiINQ I.Ill Hh, No. IM H' U«toi.-.t. rorner ( I roere? u.-ar Kr.ad- Applv oa tli<- prooieea. or to 1),. OATM AN, N Iii j tri atltolp. in., aaASht?tatkaafaaJai MJ LET.Thi ifMeflero tSitajituri hiBwa bmbbb HOt'SE No. X'.> Hrnrj «t, Brooklyn -»a«, Beaten aal .. ¦. .at » low r-,.t oi.ti'til" 'd May. In , ... at m II. ».¦'.. Uro kj«l I I I p. ,w... N-w.ork. H) LET.A tiret-cln«^ browiMfUiM iVauiry HOI BE, e. mp|e«e Wi'h e»ei- iint.r -. UM t. w. b>- LET law I r a t mil pin, lo u 4 No. tenant mm o. CREAMER. No. ;i Pine r... N. Y. I. KT.Tin- ttpeja attOTJ and liasi-iin-ut Ol IE, Na n i.odlow pia.*, or'.No. TUMiaHwBat., .. May m «t a klaa PARI HAMMER LEY PLACE pent $2 i P S TALLMADOE, No. 51 Mi- do BJlJ I or No. V> Wall at. i i/i 'Ii,. rj'iT u I'aim ..I ti,",- iiöÜSE No. T6J Oreaawteh-et., .".*Htt|o| tiv.- {Leuna, Batii. i. .. |M i "" pr-rnieea. rATEB POWER, with oi without buildingi, v.l.KT a Matteawaa Dal baai C N Y ko« hm tii- pr-ii. a. .. or of fatHal B. 8 ihei k, IICoafllaaEl B N. Y. ß.ul (Estate fcrr Qale. [POR SALE.That daairable HOUSE Bod IiOT. J N 14 U Ml B IcfM I .y ate] Ir, |-..f pi. i.....». I jÖi >i: >i wAKI'KN i'ro..kl>TH lUliYsTTr .1 I ,s\;.e . a LET, Baoara .. aafroal ail rjaoaortajiaa- proven., nta. a tirnt elaaa rr.idi lie* in eaerj reaper'. Por . ard of adi uand U raw, apply to UA ID RAIT, Jew.ilar, Ha. Broalwap, npataira. Jnstrttitiion. AI I.AI K. A. .M.. Priiifipal of tbi- HI'llSOX a B1VEB IBBTmrTE, Claret - I nbiaCe N V. n ... a Hoard and T u:. .iM maatra Eni. Ab, A^i p-r we»-a. Bta Mi . ivei! Nov. 8. AFRENCH ÖEVI I.LMAX. of K,».l >-Aur». .?>....-.¦ TEACH .. PBENCH LANOUAOE, . laar ^ ihu.< prii^i.- leaaoua, by lorruiue aeiaaa of au .| . _nt pi.pi'.f, or Woull Tea. b iu a b> liool. Teima ¦oAafata. a '... \ X i Bak uihVe. A< ADEMY OF WRITING BOOKOEPING, IMATHElfATIOB, B ;n ».-rv ¦! N... .mi K.,h..o- av Brooaryi .Ii. ai m a* 1. M< n i »iit.,ai.d Man baattXaatraa, and all |. odor Lad \V r.t-ra wiahiun to I.e. aaM oavpMta nia.'.-n of Ibea» i aaawllali eaeull apply imrnediatelv. Lad lea'privat« ""-'V-ip 1"| IT a. 0t for 11I..«. MARTINS PAINE. 1HOARDING SCHOOL for BOTS, at .Sta.nf.Vrd, J> Cnn., /. B. Nil HllL.S, Priie pal.- "Die Winter Term >. Nov. I. Por Cireulara, oontai-iug ,a. .. _. ad- Braai ti>e PriaolpaL C'l ANSH'ÄLBtid ENfiLISH SCHOOL, No. AO I i.a-'. Plat,, JAMK.S IVB1R MIIOH Iraalnn b-fau Baptembof IS. Prraoaal InamaiMaa by th« Priinipal and tboron^L t'.i.','.,nn in the Kniliab branohaa. Cirealan and luruier Information a: ( AKT KR S book more, and at the Si .. LAB BIO AI. FRENCH sad ENGLISH SCHOOL, Be. HI Broadway, wr 18th at-. re..[-.ui Sept. c |y.Temaai Pnrparalavp ilepartmont for Hoya, from 6 to 8 >¦. are, a year; Junior, U r boya f/om 8 to 10, Kniliab, »IOo; OlaaMeal from »,...... SIM No extra i-harfea. The Pot., b LrnK'.rge ta.iiit in all four d. partmeuta. The pup I, aa faraa poealUe, N amahia leaaonc In aeh'e.L EUht Aa- ai»t*iit Teai he'., and a Tea. i.er of (Jyiinianti. a Circular! at Nof ...... av ; at Randoipl'i. No. t. Bröadww. and at ÜM s QEO. C AMTHOB. 17 e RR18 female in ST i ITTTeT (l^yTiid 1 H-anl'tie) Not. 61 tad ol Madiaonav., New Vork. Re v. lit. EERR18, Rector. C H. OARDNKR, A. M., Prim ipal. I^k EN l M IN s J lW'irTloT YoT:.\(J LA 111 ks, No. 1 \\ .-at .Ith M-i tasetioa of Broadway and V.i, ar. There to a FtttaBTy Pepaituieal Pit tpeLMaae, don BERNARD, ».e> He j< .-. j lateEteaohTaeohar ol theRatfera Iaatd- ITORT EliWAKIi INSTITUTE..A first-class X BOABDINO SEMINARY tor laadiaa and flanllaaiaa. el it Kowaiti, NeW'Toffc, 1" inili-a Borth M Alhti.y. by RallfDad. Hnperb brick bolidiapa, d>i"i pat AntdnaiWi y.-»r'i.,r B .»..i »I..1 Tuition. Winter Term olId weakt besiru Das. 2. Kor 1 a-.. -. 01 Boome, «.mit.. The Rj v IOSEPH ¦ iNO, Prtnedpai FRENCH INSTITUTE tbi YOUNG GENTLE. i l! mkn, Bo. 4* Ea.t Mth-et_A Primary Departoeent hal b.. u added. Prof. ELIB CHARLlKlt. Dire, tor. IFAMILY BOARDING-SCHOOL si StorlitiSa Maia. -Por roll p«r'i uara. refef t W, BARTLP.TT, e.q or to W'll.LlAM A. P. willAlll). Principal. GEORGE & PARKER and Dr. P. BERTH KT \I o |«pei their Baited CLASSICAL FRENCH and EN¬ GLISH SCHOOL, with a Prtnary Departaaenl and OrtaaBe*. i.m, Hi N< P30 Broadaray, oa Saaaewber IS Cir. ilara may be !.ad at LOCBWOOD'Shi ok«t re, or CROWKN'S. ÖTi<KOt)K SCHOOL APPARATL'S CÖ7. rinniifivtor. ra and d.-alera in SCHOOL APPARATUS Boa Pi KNIT THE. Olvbee, Mapa, C'-iarta, Ink WeRi Drawiat » N eat BUtea, Edueatu nal Woika, and ALL THiNOi w \ n D f.r ICHOOLS. Bei i for a CttaUotoa to F. 0 BROWNELL, .< r. ary, No. 413 Br .a'way N. 1. IRVING INSJlTlTTi:, Tarrvtown, New Yiirl. ¦ r,.-'» mo .d lea Animal laaaloa will eoaBBBMM IVEDNESDAY, N v 1 Clrcnlane>ay beohtainadof WFL W, ROSE, eae, Ni . C-dar-at.; S. P. YORK, reo., N». A7Liberty a .. o. b> a .drea.11 it the Prii a.. Ü S. ROWK. A. M. IfOUNT WASHINGTON COLLEGIATE "I IN8TIT1 TK. No. '.'18 t.b-at, oa Wath ft m la i»re (eU- an N IM Ha * pal »t. '-CLARK K Ii KANNI Nil, Prin- paft, Will Bead their kl Hui»L OMMiiTS f...-.mall Boya, if .. ed bj utter oi p. ra aalapph. mi-.u, :.. any part of the .dty. Bf ISSE8 ROHR*1 FRENCH and ENGLISH ill BOARDINU an.! DAY SCHOOL,Mo.BS WaatSSd-eL, 1. ar M-i av., will rvojHU on MONDAY, S pt. i. NEW-1 t>i7k_SC HO(>L OK l^IGN FOR WOMEN. C r. t laata .». TfdeBeheal lebow . p. i, for pnpila, with in leaael tocomuo- Ittlnni ami fa. Dftlet forNwaleaettda. ¦ iei :v» d.i.y o-xcei« Saturday), fr.vo» 9 to 11 tnd Iron. 1 to 4 o',l.>rk. Th. ladj Manaperi have arrtneed with Mr. T. ADDISON RltilAUllS. an trtut of eaiab.iihed r.putation Bt BBaeoeeaiUl tea< i.er. to take the entire e.baiie of the Sehool, tleinf laeBuea lioi pe:». aUt 1:1 Dia» 1. 2 and Paint.:.g In oil ami wat-:- olota. Tbl Wo I-Enpraeini C.^-a u. aoattnae aa heretofore, ai der the . read a m Mr. EL W. HERRICK. In pan , ikat >ri«uial aMaofthM iaaooL al paaBtta> '.. |t laavtTaiAi ft tttPI ate oaaraej h.t »v per H ». . .' daily .e,. .i a. Tlie a.:» Mai..vei«, m e.)na«.rjuenee ,,f :he laree ap,.'e at their di-p<.»ei tBfaaah ti"' .B-crat'ty of Mr. Cooper, lia.e let rinined '. reeaiea a '.iniit. d number of oth-r papilt In tue Urawing Ckea . tt the .W r»>e ,,f BIP p- r q .a: :. :. Alao .a » e lei Pa.ntinit la Oil ti.d Water e.oora. ¥' r ( .1 1 ii lonra'lon. apply a' the SriiooL (i. ier.i. aired at the IVImkn tor Draw Ina tad Engraving es WaeSl. Mr*. J. S'i'i ROES, M .. '-I \:i\ M HAM!'.TON, Mr». UEOlvtlK i l RTI9. i ai V I. 0 ?. TV._Kve .. C rnmi-t»«. t»lMrlT(^>"i. FURNITURE MariaBartured and for h^ SAl r. bj BOBBBT PATON, No. NOnw .. N. v.. be. iao B Bl.Bel end II .J«.>:i ata. C -.lara a. ut ^pp... a-. >v. r|\\lYl.YTM\VN 1N>1 Ü I E..Tli" twenty. 1 .. nl . at-tutlon will rouinienre No». I. Cr. are, . ¦.. lei.oa. r. :-r> a. e«. a I f had at C S;i-p- ajafd H e ¦' 'e. Bo. IS Fulton ti. E 0,a«frt,.mgb'( Bo .. ..V ....',».._ .. S OOl A'.U.l.a, Noa. »'.If, J*j ai d 34b BroaJwav. N Y. j or tv a -,'r. Mil 1 AM HAUS A M r-i ipal. U I oil WM YK nK". . ASHLAND COLLE O BtJU (il.M'L INdril aad M IICAL ACA- DXM\ Co.. N. y Hale aad Fanale. Stadawaareseleed aivtin'-. Ad.lteaaRa». HENRY J. FOX, A. FA, Prh ... ... at No.::. Naaeau-et (ep ataha), oi ^xndiori a Tm.iow, N IVi ._ Daming Äcabtmiff. A I) 0 D YV 0 RT H - i\# DANCINO ACADEMIES. No. 8'* Broadwav New-YorB. n ITT Miialagaa ihata. Btaaaij^ Now orw-n Pit the Se*e.in. II I <DAYfi and rglPAYS !n Br...k'fn, W KDNl SDAYS 1 I 8A PTRDAYB <a New-YcrB. Ai r> K.NOo.ns for LADIES a I CHILDREN, EVENINOd r IIKNYLEM KN. P pQl n ay MM e at a .y BMM. Di rfi-, r!» I . u eeaeon. Mr. Ddwnrtu Laa had favuran.e opjui:... I I ¦¦ . .rdanjeeol Poiai u a_4 llangarr, to p.ipulai ai tie preaect 'rne in Vienna. P^u-e ift..^-, »i'h ethet leeeJtiea, wvU be u.u^<hvad at UM ee BeM ¦ I e; t ..' the wool 01 eeeeua. . ara may had at eruier A.-ademp. TJrcfceeioTwi KolirrB. OB-"* BM pratMrhaj b MKKICAN and FOliEJüN PATENTS. J. P. PIRSON, No. 5 WALL ST., N. Y. A pamphlet uf It/^roia'loo aa-nt free by mail Bir;i^»tL0KD, SHORT-HAND writers, V up Mat «¦¦ OdteAai reporu ra iu the Cubed Stetae te-a.'e freea IttJ to iüM. DATRNTS t* lN\ EaNTIONS.-T. D. BTET- I BOM Aaeul for proaaruu Palei t. No. I Tryoo row (aeae Ci'y HaDV 1 mrrolar i-b U mhirnaailoai teat fr-e by Mali. hie"id Rep «et N Y. Trtheae LUM K ti,7. finnrinai On tnr Tms'' **?«. R»:;.*. »:» DA j 3.) a- Oel r'.Va and Cat* at*. I DIVII 'KM) .i r t. - b-rfl tl*i- day d.«- eWr. . QfARTRRI.1 :>..Ii'-"- ,.- two a> > A l!AU , th i KM ..»,.!« t ._....«. d-r«, a: '.* -HI. ' UhtCon »¦ f .f_tr WEI»Nr -DAY. Ib* I'th uwt. Tn* tr* li« I, MMi.Bt -.» N*» t i So«. 1, VA. 8AM I. H .ACS. S~-r-ury. A. hit h NlCOl «». Aj tl BV AI.I'.l.IM Ii. NICOLAY-Ota No. 4 K"+4-A -reo'LAR AUCTION SALES f STOCKS »¦ a (' NM, V ibU ii a_ta EVERT DAT ¦tachaaad B :. ' . » *. : a- r.r rail Mia » atth* Boara.>i Bi a. ... [. n., sale ttug day. a-. :?r o < - »-.- rilHE Mr>T!AM'aid TRÄDKR.Hl ^rUVK X ha,. <.» Bred » DIVIDEND mi THREE ANDoNK. BALE PER CENTot the capital«tork, pavabi* aa and after to* d»» f N< ».. nbet Br or !*t of to* B iH _ PRO Br fOULE, Ceamlot, Of 111.a or tmi. Ii.Liaoi. C.araai. Raii.aoao Co I Nr* Taaa Or'*b*r*i. i&_ I VO'IHE ii bef»>bi mon Utat the i"-.mpmy ii 11 pr- pan I I PAY ILL ITB 0 14 Ni - I - oat demand Hold**!*ftaoaaaaaa*ariaaaaiadI M wiAbout c*.ay_J. N. PERKINS. Vo'ilC'K..Tb« Internst couponi «»f thr> Eight llPerCeu- 1*'M tr»r. R- »LACROSSE« I M .V *'At KEI RAILROAD COMPANY da* th* .. da* of Na*M -. :.. at the BROADWAY BANK .. Ihw City >f r- v foriv.HH aa p'..i < a that da? us pr-**_t«tion at tha OCEAN HANK, ¦ to- I .:y ;f N*a» V ra. S CHAM¬ BERLAIN. M rtaafe* .:. p aa*a». Li Cf MM a.: M..-*a.a*e Rai.- ad AM IS8I88IPP1 i;KM KÄL RAILRl IADC< >M- 1U Pan v. i' Una of I . r< - - pra> B*Bt, for peywieet tax INTEBEB1 w ARRANT*. daoMot I laM, t ANDREW h ORE.N, Na U bVall-Bt,, Ja.:. *y C It N- w To.-a ( UQ PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Tmtine B'iiJd:n.'. No. KH Wail .t.. New-Tort, Ot f. IBRL.TI.h Annual Bwwtioa for Dirntora of th* Camaaaj wul h< A i d W*clti*ad»r. Not 1". ?>¦._¦. ra -h* Boon -.f U m. tui i'p oi. PREDEEMS MOPPMAN. Bieraaary. J^OK INVESSTMK.NT.-W.. .nf. r FOR SALE .- rtho TEN PER CENT SEMI-ANNUAL COU¬ PON Bonds at Uta ( m 11n DUBUQUI Iowa Bald Baaada btbkarasd paaaaatat la paiiiiatiaaamt tao I aa ' !. wa," th* a .< of;;., L»r-.-.- .-. bl4 n>r th* C.:-. Cj ».-*r a:.l r^o- apajtoa ofiaofoaa. Coaatn of laa CTl| nf flat nta, e.-rr axiaail.i* ia BaBaa M l*B_M : - B '.. vand and to inaurr th* nun- t'iai patu.*Lt of both t.w*.t and arin*l. pal. A pat fr-.io th* -:r.. I formltT to th* .-an.t*. and C.>d# of Iowa .) a- ..* v {. th*r* ai* privat' loL'.-v t. '.'::.- v-t--- -.fr _ara< Urr *a- t»r*d into by th* City of D -.,.*. ai. .. w Id a_kaB a v*ry am j i \ rooaai a> Bayi aao BoaaM, by l_ni*d!it*iy l*vyiij« ajotj ti.* pnba. or priv»:» pr ip*ty In tha Mty iu r.* of c. i R Tb« I Va -a a... Am U*B* at I . have bciea naraBdlJ aa* lined by VV"a M Beart* -.j. Thai- d"ii M Lan*. *aq ami M->.r. fhoata 4. Benan*, tad pro noonii i hajal ani Madbaj the .. ry aT' nr-.t menu*r. T. '-ae Bmrdr rnMpiii atTttrabryirbthRaab, Btale. I mraa lad RaU- toad SV" ka *a an ln»< rtnx :.. and art tot ein a:.v a* a *ef* a*, -.r.te Tl . R.i.d* .1*-*J . lad ~> :*¦'«¦ », a. Pan.ji> .., p,-!« iu*r* aa r*t»rd« thai M ? D .. boqi.*, and in* almndant rn« an. 'or p- t . payi:,j :.'ih t:.t*r»at and principal oi the bidebti lariaofta* jity, c a_ o- u_ ou ap- pboelion to i) by tnao o: there a* MORSE b ( IMPANT, No* ia\, 141 Uiai n * V rb. Omer. COICiaaaTi, II»mi: t.h »\:i Dtvr«a R R i t CiactaaaTi, o. t .'> { OLDERS of SECOND MORTGAGE BONDS of t|;1. Company ar* reqneated to pr.t '. : Payi rnl the COI PONB daa m New-Y ..» Nov. 1AM b FRANK s BOND, a: N H N,,.a rt B. S l/UOMMEDIEU, P.--- Oliitt La Caussr a an Mm a u Mt Kn; aoaO Co ; |fB«r>ToBB, Beat 1 1MB I K'OTICE ia IbBTBBf firea t.» th- hnidera of tBA PIKST MOBTOAOB LAND OR.NT BOND! of --a* LA CBOABR AND MILW'AL KEE R. R. Co., that tha ucdrr- eiari*d ar* anthortr-d tofhnd Ih* An*aal pa t i r Ca.fooa f laid Bond* at par, by |iii..| I. . a;..-. : r. r t... a., ¦ o* Fund Bnudt or ib* Caa pan>. at Bevea.1* oent* to the d ar, . tlch Bond* ar* a*run d by a Tbir l Morra^* on Ui* entire Rap (MB ill.) of read, and npoa a.I it* d'po.it*. I*_j«, frac- a_laoa and roOia| atOI k. *..u ail !:.. .- and p.-ra i.e. prop¬ erty beioug.i to aaid Conipany. WM A OT'EST. ) ALr RED HOXON, Cornioitteo. _A. C QCNNISON, S Orricr Aatraicaa Ouaio CoMraar, ) (No.t>; William *k,oor.efCedar.) > Ni w PoBK, O. t 14. llfA > THE HOLDEBS trfUtfl 8CBIP stock >.f the AMERICAN SDANO Co. era h*r*by notili*d that tie fourth end ia.t tn.tallo.ant la calVd and mad* payab * ou ni be birr D*i. 1 *-i«iiiua. By th* term* of aub-'riptnm ar.d tb -ait of Incorporation, ail Strip Stork on wblrb the iuatallinent* are not paid In BOCordaaea with the call af th* Board of Tr.ietee* .rill be forfeited. Tbi* kmBBti. wfB be BaBbtaed oa the tar mlnation of thrj call for the fourth lu.taili;.t. BTawj Ml vo wblrb th* *e«"iid laatallnimt will b* reoeived, with .t.T«*t from B. pt 1. 1*457, and tfi* thirl inrtallm*:.?. with ititereet froaa Sept. 1, lABL By otd-r f tha Hoard of Ti ..*. JAS. 8 WYCKOPP S-vretary. R EMITTANCES. UNION BANK OP LONDON. BANK OF LIV ERPOOL. BELFAST BANKING COMP INT. IRELAND. NATIONAL BANK ok SCOTLAND. IHafla ou the abov* Banka. in auma to ai.it. fr im Ml upward payab,* ou preaentatnm, and i >od everyv. hi re -n ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, IRELAND, or WALES, la.- J by TAYLOR BBOTHEBS* _No »II WALLST., N. T. ASHLEY A. KORRIR, STOCK AND NOTE BROKERS, N j. E». -ana* pUweo. RRRRRENCEA WM. a. lOBTM, msff, PibiMial A** KxedMavaw Bank N T. C. O. Hal-STran, e.q tlBBIdeal Maribatlau Co., N.-w Yorh. The Hon. Wn. K. Ouuav, New York. rB.BRLlB Havai, **a., l*r**ident Marek.ate* p. v Bo«toav CHaRi.a> Brkvabpb, ..^ Caakier filob« Hank Beeteev T. Avorv Do -\ FTNiioal So:B* k B_a. ti BkO. Mr*ara. On hit a aoaa, Banken, H m Mea.r.. IImh i, E i., ra »»oii k C-. Ch.. afo, I._ Meaar. Pia. nr» Lvm ? k. Mil rr. Mile ankoo, WM pASf~DUE COLLECTIONS. JOHNSTON R McOOWXUa ATTORNEYS AT LAW LOl IaV iLi.E. Kr.N PUl KY, Colieet Claim, b.«nfk .*. Rear.< ky lud.i., T*nceaae and Arkana&a, tbr-mnb rrHakla orr.-spon 1. r.t* New Y. rk BidirBB-ia Daacaa, k.bi.aai k c .., Hrwitt a Do., and Tbompaou Hi. ther*. Mr. J. ana: .u will r-u.B_ in New Ve.-k a mör.th, dar¬ in* wblrb tilin- ron io.i.- .t*.r.. IrK wi_ HEWITT A Co., will be pi.aptly aatoaAod ba iu paaao. i-UST CLASS DRY GOODS, Gmreri aqj lion P*i,-rr, wa-1*1 by JOB B B Mi KRAY. N... 40 W'a'l a*r**t (Majiha-.au Hank.) Collertion* made tbrourno it the Parted Stale* ai d Canada. 8. LANSING A Co., " * RHIPPIRO AND commissi .is MERCHANT-, P«oraiBto:ia or inr. AmaaiCAi lu raai Exik»sj, N... 7-»a: i BBOADWAT, FORWARD FREIGHT, SPECIE, PACEAGi B, *t.- ba aU part* ot El ROPE, and ron_*«*) at Bout.ai pton r t. 1ST INDIES. PUROHAJR ARTICLES COMMISSION at th* BEsl RATES, PROCURE PATENT BIOHT1 la EN¬ GLAND ar-d the CONTINENT aadlaeoe SlUlli-and TiM£ BILLS on PARIS, HaMBI KG and LONDON. Ro. BJ EicaaaeapL* a, Baw-Toaa. Od 9k, MM 111 aye thisilav a.BOfjiBtrd with roo, R4 parti.ra M ¦> -nirntai MR H L BOBTWICK (Member of tha laoah Ri * .-- and MB H. TRACY ARNOL Tbe bnaim aa wii'. b. r.-arter !>» (on -. t - ntm- and Ira* of kUTTRRLEE k Co. OEO R SATT ERLER The uuderaUued.a.i 1. .* ti>« Bt i.ltf.ä Ct r C :r.rn ... a baaine** of OEO B. 8ATTERLEE tl N Ea aofle Phaoa, Parti, uiar attention la Jtven to the p. r- b»v I .a commi**ion) of Be. -..nt-.e* t'.-r luaeetmet,:. and ..ur h-. laa w I c **^> a dralrable line of ,..u Lin and RiilwiyBomu .od Ka\K a-d lk-.t i.acr Stov. k> aa ar- not, ataBtiaa**. j.bBfaaaA in U:emark.-L_S.kTTKKLKK k Co. S^TOCKS and BONDS piirrhRBfiil and mid for eaah at tha BrawetV Beard oa -mmln ¦- JOHN R. MI"KRAY, Nu. 40 W. :-.t iMai.h»ttan Bank) Note* and Dra.n.a r, Ikaeted th; -^^oo-jt Amerlr* VT^v-VoK'ivrat^i" yJi\i: "railroah com- 11 PANT PA.-l'-DLE C»; PONB 1' raaead vv M. V- JOHN o BRIEN, N w .1 .._ /amitorc. Enameled CHAMBER ffknitfre, in aBoakMBkof* aid tvarnaai d n.* -..'».. i. <-hb«4 I M land*.-*!*. «¦ I and I m.r*. .: H P Ft RUING- TON'S. No. 3ok Canal at.. {¦¦.-»¦> W .:. r Ena5::.hed 1141 1"7nA>IKLED ( IIaSiBEK BU1TE8 ofTlTiNT. J Tl RE. in v. -»a ».-.'.. .i* *: 1 retail. It prlreaB m BM a w.rd. W .kRREN kV ARD. N i. 277 Cana,-*t.. ( od No »). Foul door* eaat mi üroadu ay N-w Y k. MODERN STYLE Bl SCHOOL FTJRNTTTJRM niaatita-t-red a^d tur Bah by N. JOHNSON, N 480 Hada..o-*t., N Y. A küre *^pp... k-pt ItawlMtlj on hand. Hlnatratee ,irn.:ar. forwarded onapp^ a;;oa aa abvee. S~H0W CASES-HOFFMAN Ac FERSCHT« Sh, vr-Caee W arere ma. No 44 Cfcaüav- «t o-a.- to* Cp.y Hau. A jeorrv aae-tme:.'. i SVw C*»e. k»pt cjt*i.L.y a*) band. .-eee* takaa U. eiraea;*. Ora.-r» or :-;-.. ie.--.t44. Jnenraruc (tompanirt. KNlCKERnOCKKl FIRE INSi RANCE i OMt'ANY, OF NEW-YOKE. N -. *4 W* |B(4BB.I0B*TIB ." 7. CAPITAL.j SdHO.OOO, with ABURPLCA laataa. ar aatvacaa aarae. WILLIAM TICKER Preeii .ao. Hot>«»i>oB, Se-ireury. Dmlöing filjKTiola. GLAZED Stooewarf Drain-P:pe»a..*» to lS-inck aorr.ftoae I oeole per foot Oemkirk aad American Cham .ey-Pote. Veea». Atalnaxy. k.v L. 1 Po"ery depot, N.aaau at R~ Wjm'0~Sl^ES..R. PRINCR, aUeat far Bbeaa>bnted ¦ P.VTJLETT Qt'ARRT' Pa.. P* "FLAT" and "PITCH" ROOFS. Pot aarnf'ea, aAirra* Nj MBeekaas tt , N«w Tork, 0aiff bp ZntltfTB. a- bf M(m i Aj|<tVc~-r BT HANGS, MERWIN A Co., Trade-Wf B«.o.i. No MP, t n w WEDNESDAY, TM R>: W and ft I RAT. Be* J. I and ' craiors and ta* xii^iiooKs-rocr -.at»--atw Library * lb* l,u Not u E I adar . ,'L D ¦.».*. iiea » MBBBaBMaf iMMfl - worktot r taad.«i». Bibh .reply, Aiwn ir. 11**), B it it. \ ya#>. ,| r-.t and M, eeaaaM . Um in» -v i mi) een.I i »»< valuable bo»ka, aSxi.: .«.; .: ate. . .-«_>' be -**d ». d I -a ear- in 7 .- i * MM* THIS APTPRN IM MB « pjbb . 'd - -: i I,, ;i> »;. t »».»..» * rha a H. -. repry. MOM AVt,: T-KDAV AFTERNOONS, MM t tnd 9, .vainer :.f eaea it? at 4 *>'r> »' t'1 'Raj h Letters doctmRnts and ccri OMTlr.'-Tre .. .... .. f :.t .aee-if 'n--.. .< , .-. .a.l t* rat \ry «r. wnb m - oerr aad «l;>e..ie. :>. -a :.. MM R'tDNUDil THURSDAY ar.d PRID«. <f APTPRN'IONS. :.¦> -. k. Lf. \' . k PRIVATE LIRRaRT M -ae .«:« : kl PeBMeT .n p> ant » »na f r many ,-er» Pr»tid*i.t of tu* M 'riwu' Sui 4 t«.. Itj A. J. KLrii (it. a'i.Al->o**r. BROADWAY, OTH-AVENUE Rod 6J8T- ITREET J i- \. ; BLEECRER BOM Co. wC .¦'.«. WEDNESDAY, N , t,stta « M Me Mr: banW Ei haeaM, the aaHre hetf bh k b> ua.i*d ty Br «d waj » t.. M Mm fa. a«na r Ml Or Br dlviT, »^-.tb-w«rt eoneref61at at. 4 L^a. 0 '¦'. n . v «iteonMrof < at at. 4 Lata .. I* Lou . > : - «V rt fret b*tw.eL BieaMwaj tad Äh-ee . iSiion.Seai-h. lall will ..¦».-... i ;. L 7" f r a. 'naa Map., fc ., «t No. 7 Brrti ¦. ; Ba| Hi JOSEPH HEG EMAN..Tl indaj S* i t. at l"| < rlork a Bi.. at No. 17J CliatoL-*.. ba»«! V*'arr»:. . I Bahii I Bratalja. HOI üEHOLD Kl'BNin'RK ta i"- d "rd»r.tr.aflottay Parlor Paraiiurvlo i-nmaia. polialifd aa I: a aa>. I ra:> T»b>. t;A»ra. L>ua«r. It«.i H-datrat.. arBl BBMB tnattr»awa. L'arr»".i and Oil Clotha. II d : Uct-r mBI rat iraa, ( aaaad o.aaa H « M KBaBaa r .r- L!'i re. tatalo»jea at t-> 3+.'.< MMMB UrrakTMCaT or EuaACB, CoairioiLfti Orr: r ) Ni ¦ -Yoaa Oar. 7, [BM. I FERRY LEASES it AI I riON..Bj rirtac of the autfc. n'.j a»«ted in Mm be lie !. «.. «::ii» .,( vbe Stav. and the Ordinaire* of the ObmbM u < aaaaal the C-mm* M r VfB aeil at public a tion. to taa biaheat bidder with ade> aaati fc-aaiMy, at Uie City lia... en Tt'ESOAT, Nj». IB. 1AM. at kp :.. a LEASE OK THE PERRY fem tb- fx '. Oral M ¥ R New-Y rk t -be fo. of Oraod at. Br.».«. Ire. E. It. i.Uil.iamaluralii. is.ijdia, the B..kaea!a. P.era, f ta, Brldpea, aad other Ci > t I K--ry natalilMhMeat, fee Iba BB U TEN Vr.ARa ¦¦¦ rn tae ur.; aap of Mar, 13öe*. ALS"). A" 'di- »arr » birr.e a:. ! pttv a, t. a Cirr.p»rrjl!er wT! aeil at p ibll* anotioD, tothehiabeatl laVm lea, ,;..«.¦¦ aLEtSE Or THE EERRY, aeatpree atearabliabad.fi -ay taada at a .... New \ rl I tr.e (oet of I u. MA .t, Bi k.tc. ¥ I) fWllllaaiabiiiiB). in le bubbo bmbIIbbei ptaee ta aaid Brooklyn, adjan at '¦¦< ti e f,>,,t Bowtk Ttk «v. with ».1 the riabte. prlriiegeaandadeantaBaa thereul baioafin| Ui c.» I* 'an. :. l tn- f.ty ol n- w i rk, faf the ;. ., f ten YI ill I: nr.- I .Vdv Tbi oa and ..: a> ti at the leeeeto l". .''» aaual loraiof Eeere LeeeeebaeM re aniaied nlo bi iae CMpmBtMat Tl« l«aee ut EACH of the aböte named Perrieato be made t' i ubform to the r< quiromenta of the City Charter in relaMeo loRefitaa, aad tlaa U :.:a.u eovBHBM oa Ui» part >f tba laeeee taet aeMil ..: loet uat bmabbotBeaaM Ki rry tBreeeBta to aueh ruha, rei iBBaf 4M or BBaMOO or by law« aa BOM KB Of i ay h' Maftl ; h n t n.e ut me be made or ; a.,.^3 !iy t^>- I one i .:. r State < re, COBD1TIONI..Thepei baeae of te* P-n-y L-»a^ aodlt Bppeadesei in >¦&> h a»e, wii. b req.iir^d to p.y. at ta» ,a.». to ti . l ,e it r I ti C :y R'v. n a i irr. » ; ,a. to per -"ut of t an * 11| for Urn annual rent, to apnly on the rent .f the brat year |a< aa- et- ;'.e* a lee«e witu I - f al .. reaaaBk ;*iae |a he f -rleited to the C'orp- rati iu It- »;.! Se re- quired, alee, to fninitb an oblliation, at th» atme time, .ie- itel :. ..»., ».:... : e. t, tnat wi,l Jle a b nj with . ¦re!,.« to *e. ap;ro,ed by the Compt^ller, lor Ibe p'inetaal p.yr. ei.t al the tei.t quarrt r y-arly, and for '.he faiui! il asaat> tit i' of the rovrnaiiU of the MBM The Mat of IBM BM ti lueei and the exper.a.. of the Ira*- to t* paid the purehawr, and no rxpeiiae whatever it to br Intoned by the C irp> ratios for or Iii aaeuMCtMa witii tt. .«», t \ ilk bead or p:ami>ea propoaed i ha i> teed cor.1.11 the '.arm at the leate. Ihaald II - leeea .( ike Perrv (r m Peel t'lp S-> rnrrhaaed by other j arti-t than ti.- preaent (. rry Company. thjy wui be an t th d to hat - the hoa:a an.1 aat urea nee, ,-ary E r the p'.rpoa*e of t.'.e Kcrre. mriudtng t\t landing at Rrookly\ IW'illtaiiMbutehl. at a fair taiuati- ¦ le 11 filed by pi r-on, tatot i bj the ole and Bew beaaeee, in eaae the partiea rtt not aaree aa to the an >unt to le- paid CM tfct tame. A. C. rfaAOO, C en|'.roller. Fi IRECLOSIJRE SAIjE..PoBttaTB bbIb at the Getty Ilo .tr. on PRIIlAY, Nor b, at noon, of ta* ra my bleCOL'NTRY HEAT,rontaiauu 1ABteal Bwal by lUfsetla depth, irBhbaalaoeae D«-iiin« rloawa, Oai^BMldaaaa. e>« m the we»t aid,- of the P-at Road, about a half BtBa no .th mi the \ Uhafa of Yonki rt. Title perf-rt -, 10 per cent down, and fr> per .. a.. a m tt/i.-- for ti.r-e y.ara. L> a at tue j .. m ¦. i. a I.BKBT 11. NlCOLar, Auctioneer. 1>EREMPT0RY SALE of ths JERSEY CITY OLASSYVOREBal AUCTION.-ALBERT II. NICOLAY will aril, without reeerve, on MONDAY, Nov. 3, vt Id o'rU'A. at Um Mei baute' Et bana*. n f., the well kaown piepeitt if tl.-JERaEi CITY OLASIWORRS, ereMed la IIBt, and aa> ktreed ta IBM, aoaprhdaf a two atwy brn k hokldlaa, wMh aa addition bafit ofMi re for a Mi tin a room. Th* Olaatii.'ia* pro- Ur rovera a turfa r af 14 Ptfl I tt of around, fr uittnt .tt) leal in ainii'.-. i at, and rinninp ba. k on liit i and B-rje«j. ata. IM .'eeteachi 15 full lata mi ar atd B ath of nie Morrte ( anal are aOBBeeted witb the OUeabuuae. The Cuttlne ahon la of ample dii.ienaiont, and ia worked by a BeeMeealae. The Bteea aad raohiae root ate apa Mae, aad the »or«t eeaaata tilth* Mlniliaaafltl Bt I.«,ary t,,r a Oltaa Ka. torj of the lara-at l*ea. I L- prrn.i»-a derive tn-ur orlglaal ttttafroej the Aaeoeattee of th* J-rae» Company. The aituation ia eonv.-i l-ut to Uie ferry. Thai 't Not. «i BetjMMl ai.d MTtBBt M, Ma MahJaM t- at; BAB .al ar Bad rent af . I" on ea-b lot. The taiea are BBfahta ateeieaa to the BBS D.-ember, luv, and the amount on tie »hole propert] . BBMb Tie water reut on ta« pr< [. rty it rot ab vi *\i'< pet ai lo rn. The New J-r»-y OaB> tral BaaBoad Creppany have paBUoaad the New j-r»ey L»|iala- hare f r ti . > . l to Jeraee C"y. and it ia thoufht that, in an. h an event, tint property wjuld be vaaaBM f rthe CnMpeat'e depot peeaaBt. TheatteBAion of rapitalitu I, r.irv. t.-d to tin tale, at th- pro|.erty it conatantiy m.-reaainj la ».lue, and f. r taeetUnei i nnai mq Ur,* peaSM TataM liberal t titlebadlaiarlahlev p..r '.t- <'»pi.i.- oMpa aad haadhula soiv t..: it^ full iulorauation. apply at Ji- affllW of ALLERT 11. NICOl.tY A .. .. -r. _No. 4 Br .ad tt-. kt T. A. J. Hi r a. bbb, Auetioneer. VALUABI.E DOCK and WATER PRIY1- t LEGES.PKTEMPTOBY SALB, TO CLOSB A COR CERN..A. J BLEECRER, SON B C w, aaUooTL'ES- ILM, Nov. v. ,', . i ,t .|;,. M. r Ex h. Tlie valuable whatf *t t:.e f e t f a:.t at., between Arena- A a: f i R f a fr I f at feet 4 in. li*«. Tber la a I ikhead of IS, f. et ». at whi-b the river trade of Y irkaiil* am! eiiliborhnod la t.l.'.lart. d The -ddieaof Hl i-fbte So»- make ti.it the Hfeot and beat d.^-k property up t iwn. Tl., plot, ,r pii-a I" lot. tad lVl't". T- ru . ea-v T:.-;-rt. ¦. Mip« a'. N>. 1 Br.ad tt t\ i'l ) \ J Hi ».ii'iti. a e aat ¦YSTH-STREET LOTS, imur BR< >.VI)\VAY.. I e p a. J. BLEECRER, SON x Co. wiUaell at AaetJea te the hijlieat bidder, o: THURSDAY, Noa. 4. 18M, at li .y -l.ioh. at the Men haute' Et. ba-,,-: Oa 75th^t., I.» Lote, n. aide of T- er Ii«." weit from Br edway. 21t»te*. h. Aieo, 121» ret on " Perrita Lane," in in- r-ar of. and a Ij ianenp i 7 iat.ie.iUab. .- Hail oar o.au Mape, lev . al No. 7 Bioa.1 at. (I.JTeY A. 3- Bii.iv ana. Au. tionaer. ?3ß LOTS <'N SD an 4TH AVENITBS, LEO TBiandTBhatrrete..A BLLBCI B, bon A Co, ill ae. al Aad bTI E.'.i \ i. Hav.Ratal »*-a, a; ana Her- haa'a' PiibaapaI Hi. -i .NortLwett .-erner 7$d tt., 4 taMl Or. 7~.l it .>', i. !t, north aide, adjoimn« ahoes. On 4-r aa S tl »e.-. e r:-r Tita .t. 4 !. tt. "ill. it 1 lota. a<. th Bde, al hBa| at*'»«. ;..:.», i .d ,a -t a ¦ f pfopef trade art ready foe lr.. mediate n«e; ihn at mal rotitalnliM] |Bt and frnroa. and bata| tV«r;» « !, T»ru , ib-ia., .aa:,. B.', at N " it adit. ILIBB piano-ZoTtcsond filneic. A ÜAKK t'HAN't'K to pBTfhBBI til e-X-elle-Qt A. PIANO-PORTE of nieet Ii eelBn . ItabB Am JAS. van RIPER, n. 17» MTe Mae at, hetw .a Heuttot and Blee, ker ata. _ I AJ.AK<iK ASM UM MEM of H.,at,.n and N'-w Yorh PIANOS.At pri. ea that defy competitioa. for cath. p. -Laid Pianoa f r * .. «. !"0, Bll\ tad BIS Piacoa to Let. a. E. THOMi'SoN. N ,. AW Br.adway. A MOST eseeileat Rtwwood PIANO-FORTE, new and of et. ee li..|.y fin* tone ar.d toceh, filly war- .wii. - eol.t at a v.-v arrar tu-f«i: A , ! nand Pia lakea ia esehaaM ALBBBT eVTBBEB, Ma tuna, N IM \\ it Br t.iwa.. neat Cesai-et, CH1CKEKLNG A SONS, Man ..V turert of GRAND, SQL AKi AND t'PRl'IHT Pi CNO.e, ITaiaiaiiBM. Ho.SMBri .iartr. C. t B( NS hare b**c awarded y> Pre- 51-d«ia lor IBa «.00- rton'y "f their manufacture fat Ue laa: i6 year*. A., ' e MaSoN A UAMLIVo S'TPRIOR MELODEONI aal HARMONIUMS, for Parlora, Ch-: -et, \ rt-:a ,. ..-t. IAt tt; .a.- aad R-UiL PIANOS TO RENT._ 17IR8T-PR1ZE PIAN08 and MELOOEONS r i r SALE or RENT at ». ry w rate«. Apeary f Ja. ob Cbvkenai'a B««toa naa *. s. D. a H. vv. atattth . .-.*b.at*d k. . a. a, a: J u-,:r jvrd N w York I' »' ' a. M. KAN11ÜBR Be MB Broadway. GOl.n-MKPAL Grand and aMfBBiej PIANOS.. 81 EIN WAY a SONS, Nca Ö atd « tt'aUer iL. ueae Broa^waa. New York, ha.* alwayt revived the firat pr*rai urn wharp aad whoueaea in evurretirton with the at rr at era of E .-. ;.. .New l 1, PbiMdeloi -a aaJ Ba.uniora. Ev*rj P.* o warraaud Al three yeare. Pri.-ea moderate._ AZLETOX^RCi£~lT^^ Manitvtu- rera. No.^^Ceatre at. olf.r a rite aaaortment of bn.-aat a li I PIANOS al the iawaat rataa BaahEkBae «aa BMBad -o t.ee aat .ia uoa and a-^aranteed for three yen._ LIGHTS HEWTOä A BRADBURY8. No. W Bn owe. at. Bear Br aawar, hae* a «eiendid aawirtmect of taeir CELEBRATED PIANO-PORTES. In t.l atylee. ron- M.-i ted with tb» raten, Ar. h tt reit Plank. Thoaa In want af I eapaf taaBaaBtal w«u ana it far ta«ux u.nm<» ^- li\0 i ORl ESi SutaBELER k «:HMIDT, Be. 4JJ Br uc. a «c. Ote b'.i> k eeat of Bradarar Mar. .fa.-.irer« el ORAND and SQl'ABE PIANO- PORTES. P.ncaaert m waad, ot a IBM ¦+* matruaaett are taatled to la- ap^-t onr eto- k. | FÄNÖS and MEL0DK0N8. of tmperior uiaks, at treat bareaina-Seeond band Pavnae at er^emel, low prv-et ran« .'.a from SJSlri BI*). Ore- 4the iarae« -aia-^uea of M ... in th* Ccited Sott*«. Maateal InatrimenU and m . ai Me,- haudlae ur a3 ktnda. at turn lewaM paeaib.e rataav fBBBBB aad M-«eleo^a tor rent. eiocäaly paymaaiu r«v*Teed tee P i^l -I a-f ' M -a OCaV HORACE WATERS. ApwcA, No. mBrtedway I RAVEN. HAfON A ('<) Sn *<...«,.*, t-> Hwog a Raveaj Pit No forte MARUFaCTUBEBB- V* .r**»o«i, Rh USOraa*V*( Hr*:»n ti.r«if.'l ae- anne -at "fm-i *ta «» - -1 iu.l».. u/ «¦ . o . -%-.r.-- a i CK)AL HODS, Coal BhwTOlff, A*h Sift«re and I t!*e. Ell tili S»ind*. P < r«, An. -oca. 1 v. p..r **> by CHARLES s UTTLE a Co n* ij ui M F itna HARDWARE BUSINESS..TV äi j. n .n-d It ten ting tr retir» fnm buair«*». will atR Um satire ataveh rt hardware MM* «*.**, at Fiahl v ...... u mawaa i. M 1 l-:_e Ca*h < », ;.. i - ¦ P **«*- , .': v. r._V»M VAX WYUL V,ni COPPER, SPELTER BANCA TL% aRTlMORI UAO IfiCLTBR SOLDES. f^HOMAS PIG IRON.Soft free, atewf, and 1 warranted lib** :u> for SVvt- h Pi*. q AMBi «v rXMP" SHOVELS rb«1 SPADES. \f Ol'NT HOPE COT NAILS. Wry r-up-nof aJJ aaa . Ar- .. hi M u H pa Ii < ... I IHM v'. Ql met v CO N II v^ INGOT COPPER.III Iota to «uit liurr ha**» ra¬ pe* -a ' MINNESOTA MIN.No) COMPANY. Nj. ir SJ v.. JANES. BEEKE A <.'.».. NO :>A6 i'K iDWAT i ¦- \r'. fit am T!>» or't n:,' M I ...... s. . Kt . > ' J Bk> t%4*c in to» can .:*.-t. ff af . 'EN AMI NTAI. IRON WORK. FOUNTAINS PÄSES IETTEEA IRR iba I.IONS, [Hfl . doos LAM - POXES EAOLES, WILD HOAR, PK,I KES .. NICHES and oas BCRNERA. scrip n .L MYTHi >l PIOCRRA RAPTAAMAL Punts, a a .. ha. IKON BEDSTEAD8, . . p f.-r D»*..i- it *>. a. P.-iiniai*nJ 5-miaariaa. HAT TREES, EIRE SEI st \ nds aad BRACKETS af al ki.d,. » leaale a»-l reta... IRON STABLE PURHITHRtj B vy RACKS MARO! rj tad STALL PARXTTIOICR la adaBthta to Ha v Oraaaari Dopaitaaaat, J-. B fc 0% are prepared to ex*e..te order* t-. Bay ea:< nt f r,»;: d-.triptUiue of IRON WORK FOR BUILDINGS. Rocks. GIRDERS, LINTLES,8RYI - IRA)NCARBI t r I.IKRARIPaann f"r TOW B AND COUNT i RRCORDA F r » tj - ¦¦ v r*dba to PHE CON Rl <sion v . LiRRkRY. THE CEILINOI ot :.r hoi >;.: opBEPREAENTATIVII and RENATE chamber. ,|| r# .- ..a tue PCB I.IC Bl :LhV LB t national Ci mtal. v\ om vNii hot v:r FURNACES FOR DU ELLINOS, 6TORI s, Ml bcd ks AND larger EDI kicks. DKKB1 s CELEBRATED KITCHEN BANQES* KATARUAHED REYOND ERfERLMENT aad, aRhiad r- th« MOST RK I.I ABLE COORUfO APPARATUS PI IB FAMILIES IN I BE ILLL mra iE.' CA rALOOORBJ wet hj mail. JANES, BEEBE IGOa No SM BROADWAY, Biotr^Tatfe. Matii'a-n r tt r'-au*. U BttB and Elm ata rs>ia>!!eet ik* »N...'.'«> Vkcs*. n.rt-i U to i tj 1{ thaa aaarl Al.r \ A I Mi 'M;'M>N : VVv.er.C_ ClTERII >li JL\T IIINE HORSE 8HOE8.. ö wheelers PATENT aia and. a *haaa, aaaah aa t»vlor vi band made, and U,u. r . Doapt at John w. QUUiCI Co.'a, II B YVintiai H föttan ßuamcrD, «Ct. FRÄSER liver and BAN FRANCISCO.*- B FACIAL ROTIC B> 1'aaa- BfJ tt f- t Vmt Rhia (¦RAY FE ITHER will pi. aaa Lav* th*B tsa^t" koard, at P; a N IK rth RlTHf, THIS DAY, ky . aa ah. wi:: a.t. ... y . t . I',. ... , aa tak*u *t reim CED K VTES. by in.m, dial* t\ bR at: _ L. H. SIMPSON, No !J R^»-r«t, CALIFORNIA BTEAMSHIP ^LlNE.-VtA BTCABAOOA An., i. A.. aad Pa. in > p Canal Company, Pr >pr: r, ¦ tuurn paaaai I'llqiliBdll"ran-ri p Washington, 2,o.»itnn». < ipt. liasav Cut k it. Hariri been htted -,p aipnaaly for th» Cal/i -nla tra-la by th* Mkraaraaaa Roata, wul laava Pier No. 37, NorJi Ri»er, Saw- York, Ou SATI RDAY, th- «;h N .rei.ihef, at .»p m., oarryli.- paaat ran, malla a t,- |ht to Bai loaa dal N«et*. to aaauiaetat Baa J an del Rat, artth um wail kuowu aud ow BkMlioua .'.< an.a£lp H ER M A nn. C ,pt. C.-runT, FOR san FRANC IACO, CALIEORNIA. Theae a'eam.l.ipa offer w «irpte<*.i a.. .<mmodatkina forth* ¦Ol rta I fpaawr gefa. The l.tuuij. Roite la thor- Onihiy repaired au 1 in n. od order and the ooaatTy bea.thy. I in.-.;., a i fr^ubt *lp'v only at the oth-ieof Um Afeak, No. J Bo»l..^ ar.^ B. New-1 rk lolIN P YFLVERTON, Arent. QPECIAL NOTII B..ROSS, FALCONER A kT? Co'* LUTE FOB BAN FRANCIACO..Th* cUpfaw-akrky ITANHOR. < art. Lue iaaow roceiriaa the laai ot bar eawaa at Pier No. 21. Ea*t Rleer, PuRon Parry, Bad will t-k»frwieit thi*weekastil IL Th* leaaho* i- p-rn tly reDtihaktdVaw ware*atahi iewee] raae*,aad aonaai led by Cap* i.aae, 'or n.- y . t li.e Swr. p.-.aA- >d p^aaj*-in'O .hay. I Sbip- ¦eraeaan > a proper ire of tkelr fooda and aqakah nm p.»r liriikt, ol :,i ir. loterax tpplytal Ross, FALCONER ^ C .. No. ;; P;,-.. it., e. raei ..f VTURaaa. A; 'I I' S> r'- M. «et. D L. ROSS b.c.. Siawt Ea an**- Baa Fran leoo .. r .*:e. Colieetioo* nude ia Cal- klornuand Oregon. ATLANTIC BOYAL li^LIL STEAM NÄVI- GAT I ON COMPANY S new YO.'tK and OAJaWAY LINE STEAM TO ALL PARTS OP GREAT BRITAIN VIA 0ALW AY. IRELAND. The abort**!. S- a P.«.w- !!¦ tweea Aaeerloaaad "taroaa. Nr.w '..ikK AND 0ALW kl BTE M8HLP LI NR. thaiUn*!* oauoaed ofpowerftil aad f«.t nkaai ateao**b*pe, a' > *. r-.l .. .. f.irio.'le.I m jfi everjttll::* r«tj..l»lte raade* tn.- »oya^e aaf* and *#r.*&>. Th* depar. urea fr .m N«w-Yu*h f.-r G* uay b.'- t- aa f II..wa until further B Ü a, via] INDIAN EMPIRE.... E CODBTB8AV.Sal.irday, Oot 29 Pacific. vh. c TaoMrtoa. Mot lay N .e. I Per*, utvlattln* Ireland roaek thair de.tlnation in thr fourth* th* time taken by any other route, ruiu a I bave an .pp .rt i.nBy af ewMtrrypMoeeaad*oenery of -u.-.vai. d i::t*r'tt in frriand P:i ..¦ ..' p«a««*. In-.1 dio* f:-* :i-**t* by tn* u.aal ralbread leaaea ft, m Galway te eay of the prio. pal ettiea of Gr*at Bla- a!n, at the following fr'*'Jy red . *d ratea: Plret Ohara, 0V>; ..' .aa*. A a U...-1 aa. DS*> Bhoeo whaalnfi tokHngout vi.:rH".d* -*n por-h**e tlrb*t* for _ielr pai.aa* In third aa* ft ¦ Oalway at aV.iil, . from o' .er eine* Dree! Bl . 1 a '..!¦ - hy '«..r.>ad at «V*V A !:t-*.-a. atbta take* * .. o* p* aided a d a **i tr-.*.*. aa foe third ii*aa paa*najeri nd'r,.m Ga way But they muet pro. eld* tbemaeleee witn a tin piate, o,.ar. mag, knife, »p'/on, watee can, anl t.^nr .wn bedüinj. Perfr*i<i.t *r. i paaaue, ar.d ^et.r part'-nUr*, apply tn the nniieraianej, at taetr .. I..-. * M I Had* -at atwM < f Jay, Bad Bo. fr) Br. u'.*t] Apr atlOB for fr*'«l.t Bad pea.*** may sJ*o be made at any »' the oRbtea > f the Company >u toe«t ea- pr*e* route*. AMERICAN BRPREAA CO..CtNafdawaVaT* ALEX HOLLAND. Meiee**'- New-Tork, B*p»_ ». IHM. 1^1 E british "änd"nöbth AMERICAN ROYAL M VIL RTEABlBHiPA r: ni New Yor*-.o Leerpool: CblefCar.lt. Paaaa^e.RJMB Do* ocd CaO.tt Paaav*. 7o P-. m a.^ton to Li.vrp.,0;: Chief Cakla Piaaaaa.gj|9 Bam iMa i aaaa.-.. . eO Tfe* ar. fa D m I'. .. :. all »- Hi '11 PKKSI k. 1 ait. J .1» ., CANADA. Cape Larg. ARABIA. Capt. J. Stone, AMERICA, tupt Wi kmaa, ASIA Capt. AO. U t. N1A i\R\ Cape. RytV., AFRICA CafA.awtaaaoa, RUROPA, Capt. J Leiua. Tae*e v.-.a^j BtTJ a r»r »- > |ht *' n wt bead; f'«.n 00 *ta/k> ard kewi red ea 1 El Ri ipk. I . Laaeefl -. a. *"i la nil i Berr. 3 PERSIA. J-.0* ta.Leave*N.Y r. kVedaaeday Boe AMERICA, M baa* ... ,W*d aaday, Nr.. 17 A-.*. I.--: ..LeeeeaN Y r»..Weduee«*y N.v.24 KIAOARA. MS tr. Leai eBoat .Wedaaeda D- 1 AFRICA, Bbani a.Leave* N. York.. Wednesday Dee El KliPA. Laritefa.L*av. . (Won.. VWduvadav. De*. pkrsia. j .. .ir.. ...i.- ... . N y. ra .w .. lie. U AKAhlA. .-t. :.¦.jwa R.^'.oa... V\Vdc*aday, D- Berthe n. t Baoarad im::, paid for. An *xp»: ¦. r t Ikwfa a bi *r L Tb* awraeva*f taeaa abipa wfl] atl* *^ iaa ".'able far 0 11, 8-. ver. RalB ... Spa ... .1' . Bb Be* .- M---.I*. an- leaa MThi nf lanitia at* mloI tharekrr and tne va'.* taereof therein a*pr*aa*<L Pot frehrbt r pacaage, apply te E. CL'NAKD. Na IB witiiOreea. cteam to LIVERPOOL, LONIKjN, UlAS- Ooow. DUBLIN, BELFAST Londonderry, and aB tha ti m 1 i » . ENGLAND aad IRELAND Ha LIVERPOOL, w.ti >t delay U (ready rrdured rataa, eaTryln* Ik* United khatee aaa. PL* LTVEBI.I nevv-Y'jRR *n: PHILADELPHIA STEAMSHIP CoMPVNY'S apt*adtd Ciyu* buia '.:>¦- Bcaaw*t*am*h piarelnteoded to .ai. at fuAawai r»o.a IBW-ToaX. VfflO.SATl'BDAT, Nov. 8. RANGAROO. RSDA Nov. la. C1TI or BALTIMORE.rHDRRDAT, De. i ki.J a la raaaa Tn.r^ay, at 13 o'ciocb in., fiota Pl> r No. N rtk R rat. PVaraat baatttdal » B . aad} t-i .a.'* r-.o* us the Cot.uce:.t. BaTF,' er '....or. Ca1 Bl Ttt tr, N'w fork w. i i'r uAdebjlhia..*T5 Tt -i a.. Item N'' » York! a.'v-.f-.t.. a>j>e u*m»d p.a.^a. Jt Reearn thrhata itaflakU tor *ka aaeaaa*. 6* Pajaai t- . rwaid . Pad*, BaaaaVwra, b.-^u.***, An"* i. -. ; » : .-.i- ii I :. g .Tb'** s -a rt vaprovM-d w -a «vary r~}U*Aa v aann th« tr .-.« ¦..>-.. u. tion ". ¦ * *trv.t*«t dta> alr .r* «sfot *d ¦ Ith .-> rati. thaBB* .: rht* Por or [aa.ai- a, t v at ü-otf: ¦ th* Ca*?*:.f. JuHNO DALI N'. B- »d»*j N-* i .1 A/*ot \a Llverpe« ta U M INMAJf. Tow.-r aaAau^m. FOR SAVANNAH AND FLORIDA..LT. 8. MAIL lin" -T*..--a. .. IIIBBBlMf FLORIDA Cap*. L Cr «. wij t.av* on BATUBDAT, Beeaanbei .:. at 1 oVloea p re. fr-m P -r No. «, N -.. i- .. i . to Be'annah 014. a*kewafh tavAetla<*'.I M "rotaery, C-,r*m- b-:a Atlanta. AlSany ami Ma -r,. b .. fladlag akgnrd onlyea boarrj. Per rreHabtor [|- iji.aapryV SAM Ii L. MITCiiILL a. SON. No. 13 Brnadway._ OR SAVANNAH.- i Le Am. r .-an Atlaufca S.-r-w S'.-ar ; ::.; i > 1*. -v. e. y MONTGOMERY. P. i reeArr, Coaaraai der, wfg, pj,r No. 11 N. R, cn SATURDAY. Nov. <. at I r/tao. k p. m. pveuaaeiy. Cabm paaaar*. enth ..oauroaaeed a-.u-nd.1 r. # !\ Thr-txh t.-ke*. tn New-Urleene. A Moha'.e. |», Mont* I m-ry. Albany Ga.. %i\ Ataautac aad L,.-o.-.« m£S: aa .-a, a^l. Fr*:*: t 10 r«u per to-it, af.d proportionate i.l.a. iir.iL. > u£*-L*if r** t*""*- Aeplv fo U b. CROMWELL k Co., No s w'eet «t. ITOK t 'ALI FORMA, VIA MCARAOUA. 1 REDl'CED PARES-1 ...... . ahap W ^HINirTON. mi i.n» , ,00 ,.,... " Ch irrnilLoow Mm bi fw .\ n. N.I«- ' ,i. "t! Tbu ?>rrt wii«iiM# - a .-era mi HAY. N i If eA.eoaae. .< la, j ,ta w - ¦. .. ... v , hcam INN. Cam. I- for SIL r-:aue*-.o, la .^ra,» TV. .. . ... _ ¦Mil mm Tt« A A I p c p. »rWW VC BOoMi reed e»W anthe.-t.ed t.. eel: I -k-ta f,;. taM dmaa? Ca f me. iv. eata. ueood aa OPAeo tat aheaaMaaee -T. I Irtsair .t.r. tJeAeta. nay at *J ttmaa be bad, at til loWaa: price Bird by tae f. i-p-inv '*» H B tH IYKR N d Br-adae»,. fiuawboatft anö fiailroaot. KA1I.K« 'AM i WAJtlU^HUMANlaM T .«*¦ K.iT. ad t .opam.. t, atlei- ' -»ProVl-eaZ ed '"* . . »£ titi -rtty .a |. .... . ..i .* ...--Tyy Z ... . - . .i - m;«ra> BBdlha a-.- ,.. it . taalhj hont at V1 locaa»<iw; JJJ 0. r. r-..- -d f I'd- ill, , .¦¦ ' . . - i' ¦¦¦ ¦ v .. a . \ - ..... ranred v ... p a* »von ae th., ao-uikv a". V. a » ... hat- a pr -. y ^ »".'"«' M.'». . r,.;U).'ba -JoT-I ¦¦ I * i> Tbl. m.a w a -IBI aajM a tit « tiy ta t p. at It la aatecarr* retLr itn raa vaaiaaa> «n iditti BaraflraattfMaaa aaent »kauat ginmtäka 1 ¦ lfc» pawatl ivraat iI -ivi-y If iva, f*a teaaav wa Iraat, M aat At efaMM , m ^jj* «!-»¦ -i i to im- ti. .-. oiiuor (t» th.ai.prtinary >, .. .^Tijja Ittd atot'kl M a , |, unfortunate ia. t lor ibe mtrr.-.n ..I ..- »j tui Mat Ii % » »uiait. ;i arpta t.w ^\ .., |£* riei. .Ith. unt. anil OK-n of a. t a:« , , w.,_l" thry ba\e for»thonabl ac.l j uiauientto adopt and art tH' kwarAl f inrproTro-Uta ra-n.rr .y ».» ta>MakbMMaaakl « Ml by railroad aOeara that th« "^>-M ,,f »j ^TT V\.%r%iadopeLdri.t aooa .ttenti-'i. io.,..>{>,Bf, ¦ An .t u.a. -.-a p- , t .. rr. 'ii.i DBpraa* Mi rk -r anatniin ,( m^aitai »ut to uaalr. t any pr«-. autlou f r t!.« aa.r » .nu- hl« ,.^. ntrol of lb- fearful momerttuM I- lere« m »r.ry 1ik.ium tra. .. Itt faalflll laapnnalhlhlj tor any man to ua .iue. »».i . i raketo My .hat no man p-MarMin| Iba ao. , r «.i «. .;» i > v. « t < a ... a der. ra ' iii* i v tkaiaaaal in aor-an* .fc> tpAl ' a S poituMtnlaa tbaa a .ti.'apata a. , r lido the antid a I r aaery oaapar to wbhab bta ttaät m liable. A a laafl ab* y and ." are :-r tie aaaj. bV u w. Id i.or.;'» r- < LDtil aattaaad th»v Sa bai piiPiiMatbat w a doty I tbtaariattet It . per» H ile «.. « Pre*.ie«iaf Bupcriati lanl mj r endeavor ta f a aaaa by eat a 'hat n -i' ll ( " h\p- -r l- */» a'- t . d .»'., to beaon tat . u»»e -. reo leeaaeea eteal aaaea^ other train - I Mat leeeje i a»,» kr-ak, ar arbeet either nr rail* are <>1 habt. T.v. ai.H.« t.r road are better e.l ateo .. b- ly » a*M | .* i: i. tioae on our tra-k Ol pry op. n the rai.a. All the rlltaina and rofm ar» in State Priton Wbat a Me««*d'.'na< it ar im i be if iaM bitter i hauae were fa vVa weoMoe wbete enaaerailwap eMMP I . would tV thea.l \ i *j .. bbal m ape nVa m «. <id *'Jtiay. Wheel, hi.ak « en aaM aipected - Ikto rafli ditto. a: < alt M r.le-. .. a t i, baffi. tua.a ..n that track, and nunierout aoaea aatMplie to make a n|H t .<i i<ae* of the train a frequent neeeaatty. It will not do. Mom Itali way *. er» t.r «.. *' »ev in reply to ttlia. ».' »r. b-'-,| ta death by new iriipmt«ai<nta rl ail aorta, and do I't know what or how to de.-ide you ou|ltt pa know, and it pee not, ton ehould onti le m the b»'tt"i juatnieut m ihMpj arhe do It It > boot May thirk year reepeaalathVty by aaytaa thaea aie theophlloM f a me ote. aai-f .in -r .. t a. i i.l.l.e.l Bp BP eota'derati-n. lh. t are at ah. ni ia. fi, win. I we at- prepared at all tinie« to t betaa »> s\ e oi«v- Beataeaeaaata anabm I prepared hajproeei »t.i we tinn« we bate aiten . tudtidaat a- nt ..t thoiiabt and a'udy to th. ¦ .' - l rai *u.... u'a, to ki ow what wilt produce the lara-at auiouut of aatetp ia rail¬ way trai..it. Our launhai ity ,t» it.i i«; i....j in-..'.. ..... datM be., k at far at laVt, an.1 Me ar- fatiatk ra ia> hi tbi \ ihMwt ^.t not b- rharaed wi n beiuj a BOTUM Peirhapa the (owUM an i.a* I i. o,.r at .. ue »i item. »ra. la tile: We Beter cane before the pahito until we bad a ri toveaoeioan raaracrtB i»n»::u», art ...uaeaiueatip Ü«te:i». 'alt ,t antl.'rii«. V\ e wiati rai.roa.1 «dl era to im.lerttand early p atilvla that we are not to he laated w.lh 'note who p'rt-at thetu im- ¦roTeeBoata of aatrled aod aad diMbtftaj va a, i i la aaj mm aatOBJl riahia ai.it a«a <'¦ H| Bat i tod tr. 'ible of ¦syerbMaata iu know juat axw tiv wha w- propnaa to do, ai d w. inten.l ba do it. and t.* a..... .. .1 that er. iy rath r«d ariariTJ ia the t ae u aha.i ad- ut tint Impet vein Mm mo oti.ei e.jaatte *. a ...! '¦. i the p .rpoa.-. It la to a (.. .i a. .1 the tin la m at!, ». baa when n.lmed trau « t. ah i-e beir-r OBtreth d than her t It re Tino» na* beaa altoertha braeaMpmaaehla abaM i .t edl n.'t do. V\ e urge ail roiupei... t toad pt r r .pim-i-a-nt M bi e » hi ara tolling cheap, yoa a p . a. and you will etil, e y- ,r -i a ethx phi by a. tint peeeiplly aad bayiaa * while yea rai » heap) bud aa -«idenoa of ur lood faith ei..I BOMOaty t p.rp. ar, we will lay that we » lab th bm retort nfe poiienaer npiaent ml any road, and will a baa ia' trial '..r. aeitleuMot. and ea. b taayaay ihali be it« owu j id*, aa to whet lie i the happBOM ¦out » deeirahle. Tbta precaution, we undertake tu «ay. wil pi n -e tl a ae. aritj ..f Ur and pr pert) In tai'war train.to aa attaat hBthartn aahaoerp, aa, ha aaa the heuneaa baBMaafle of Baa late Nieh.ifaw II. an, Ue auia. raal adaption w-old mark a new era in the tafety lite and |inapert« on». y-d b-. ruilr .*i'i VVa lerer, >u bom hielna. to «ay ol the ..It... it -m or. ra or raaeier ii... a rtefe aPanaalBBi'iada II ¦ k e».Ma* Bi.dT. lado. Terre UauM and Ra l.uioud. Mo h.(a.i C-i.UlL Old C-l-uy ai.d Pa.. PIear. a- I I RK CAR BRAKE Co, Mo. II Pin" it N. T. W. 0. rREAMER, Bee._ PKOI'I.K'""LINK bid^eiiu NKW V0RK,CIT1 ISLAND, aVHlTRaTTONR, NRW Kin MRLLR aad MAMARi INECR Hu Bad alier MuNUt Y, ilotol-. r A MM Mm ier ISLANDCITT,Coat laaaaeVi leMbaifh. wil laaet Pulton Maik. t a.iu at J a. OL Rott nabaf, le»«.< Mamamaaab at 7* a. ai. ReW Ro.-he 11., o a. ra., City Itiead, H| a. m, aad White-atone at «:*9 a. ro._^ DAY BOAT for ALBANY..ßte^mer MtTA- M11K A. EVERY Tl -:SD.lY, riiLRaüA» and iAf- L'RDAY, from fo-tof Jiy .t »ll *jtl_ WO NKW-II A V~KN ..Kara $1; IL.rthB 1 V<. By ELM I i'Y, nt lp m and TK A VKLER. at It. r ¦:. |'..«. «¦ .. i tr.i i. T Ilart- ferd by Um ÖRANITE ITATE, ..- r. K»"\Y. THI'SJb- DAY and 8/.TLa.l>AY, at I p. ui. RICH D PSCR. AaeaA. |(X>R BOSTON ami J ROVIDENC Bi Ta N ¦W- 1 I'ORT and PAI.l. RIVER. Tie tp a'. 1 ai. I mperlw PteBBter METROPOLIS Card Brown, leeret New Yeaeeeay TVKSOAY, THURSDAY aadSATL'RDAI «5 k P. ra_ and ui- KtliiKr; STATE, Capt, Braytoa, oa MOMBAt, WEHN ESDAY and PRIDAY, all o.-.ea 11. m, ft PS PMT No 1 N R. HerearV r o reorna will he MMtV4 IPBBBarad '. any apatV aant nnti! 'h- tar e . « hat- hw n pni l par, ErebjBl t" Baal b la fei warded ihr lujb with preat diapetcA bp an Rapn «a Prwl I Tia.n. _vvm. rob den. Saewt, Baa,*»aad ?l w»m at. T^HERE<.TT AR MADL LINE eis 8T0NIN -J- ToN, f-r BOSTON and PROV1UKNCK -n. and RooM . be M ,rt. -* and moat dlreet, earryuia taa l.tt- hi i... -! iYMOLTH ROCE, Capt. Joel tHaaa, aaSR VANDERRILT, Capt. w II PraseI In -toaattedava wita Me BTONINOTON ¦ I PROVIDENCE tad BOSTON aod PRO VI DEM« K HAILRoAr'S, li.i'i New Yoik da.i/(Sae- P I N i. i M atl It:v-r, Prer wharf akaea hatu r r p a.. «: I ... i ^ n ,_ai. 1 St< -lir-j'-n at I »^ a, c daya mm ej t..:; It L an.-, at arrival of the Mali Train w'.p h'leave« t lip. in To. ( \ A NT) PR ill LT fr tn s, w Yon. M t.y. lEafaBP lay aad RiMayi utetaSi u.:.*'. .. .lay, rat leaaftad tat- urtay. _ Tl.e PLYMOUTH ROCE, ft m I rw Y * Teailit TbaM- day and Saturday ft M SetBBBBJtOa, IfcadBf W.-.aeadey aad i*»»ay Patt-Cferi pr . .d ft rr S'.. i itori per rtllr a! to r-aVJ- decce .ind :: ai a, M tat Eipeeea Mi Tra.*. MiiMapaaM pi-eeiio BdeaaatM el tJkeea by ethei reidea » I ia tMpM Bjal a r i.. th- i.-.y n.on.um . -ui.ar < .'. r.n aad KaeV Pa««e-r<era t.'ia' pr-f-r it, remain on board the iteamer, »ejop* r.iikt'a re.- :udiat whed. hr--i«'a»: it t-a.re l, a.. I leata S' adap- lau iu the 7 a m. wah. ha Pnruleace. A hiifa je matter aucx>mpaaiee the ateemer aad Uala tbraaMa earth way. Por -««a*#e H-rrria, ita-e .,onia or fr- kjht, apply b.*rd mm ateanier, or at the Praialit ». :. a. Ptae Ma. i North Rleat, er Ba Iha i .. S ii Ban v . *. N .. .>r I. 1MB. "lENTRAL RAI1.KOAI) Öl NEW JL^T- -J CoBBOetBapM N. w Baaflta witn '.¦- i>-U«a-', \M**: T~taaa tad Wniteee Ballrnad. aad at E*tu.n »un -1« Le^aja Pa y Rj.'r- ad. PAT.L ABRANOPMENT. i-orninete-irt O t her I. I««-- leu. New Y .r < rm PaMrai tad I BtenMtueta p aaaa BBM HM N 'I Maeth River, at a. m . 11 in., ai.d i p. m I*io»w- rflia hp above traoaa, mimrnt 5 mm. Tne aiSot r MBBaa on -ec ar KLiabe.0 with traiua to tbe !**.- Jrraey Rahr 1d, an b >. , . x O-earV !a-.d-. ah, ». t| . a iS a. aa., and 4 ead A p. at. h'ai'-r/er« r i),,,»a-.. La kawaBBaaal WeaAtta Aatv mad art., leave at 7, a. m. ..y. Pi r Leiadflh Valiey Ra -adM 7f a. n. aid U ui. JO"N O SIEL.N.S li'. . rii.'- -.<:.-ofc_ rFLUSHING RAILROAD.BVasptM PaHoa Mat ket Wharf hw a*es*ar IOLAS eA I 1 ' ': ' aid l i a-d hS a aa. The «. leaee P. ..-..¦¦/. L. I at d by I kiA !. a. n... %r.<j 1, I and ' JM p. rr.., MM a-faj t* f-t-Ti witn the boa; at H-juter«« P ut- Toro ./n la M c .... Pai & eat* WM. M. PM1TH, Reweivae. HUDSON RIÄ RH RAILRO AD..Fibbr AbrbbI V). IV3« Train* will leave Caaiaaera rt Statioa aa follow*: Eipr.** i ra : « I a ai ai.d ip. A najiy ai i Troy Pa-o»a*-M Ttiir.t. II a) p m. and W W p. i ful E- .. iheac -, la* ar.dl.10p. ai f.r S-ii«»u-i«. Pi*, in.. 4 ai.d<:4/ f ro .* Peekn-::. ! /. ami 5 » p. o) Tue Po.c.,k--pvi-. p.-aatiS aed Bin« Si: » Tramt .t-p at 'be Way Siati .na. I'.aeerir--ri t«A*b ttHareri Can*-. Cr ria ..pher and ol*vr*. Train, f-r !*rw- I e.».- Proy at 4M tad 10:19% Da. and I.SO >.id lp en -u riiaday*, at p. m. a. t BMIT.I, S.:. rlateude«-A_ I ONO ISLAND RAILROAD.NOTICE.- 1 . b Mkd after TH I.'BSD AY, Sept. 9, ran.a wi raaatltV iwt; in I bate.Itaajea -..otb P«rry, Broeaiyn. M W a ia_ r'r-.->ave SotUi Perry, lir edi.yn. at P .*. I"|e7aph*r.a !e«v« g..jtb Perry. Br-e.kiya, at I; p- M >' Wf art IttviMMl P-rry, Brooklyn, at h\ p. pt. for «leMpetredi have St .-j. P.rry, Brooklyn, at 7| p. m., f .r J*aaa*t*-_ JEW-YORK AND ERIE RAILROAD -Ob IS a:. '. r »'-. v v Pa¦at ae*i Tr. aa arlH mmm Pier Aotof Dnawe-et. fo:...warr«i DLNRiRE REPRESS attain , for Uoaairt«nd pr f W .'rrnedafe Stationa. , ._ MAIL TRAIN at 1 a m., tot Dunkirk and BaBBB aud uMM- m-diate Station*. . RCK KLAND PASSENOEB at S p m.. from fed O.iaVe*- »ia Fi. r-rivirit, for Svforr.* a:.d n termedia-e rl-v -i WAY PASSENOER at 4 p. aa., lor New«^»o. *awhBaBaww and Inti iiiiilhS'i Stationa. , NIOIIT EXPRESS at Sp m., f>r Dunkirk *ad B .Pk.o. The above Train* r.n da.ir, B ndayt -i . BtetV Thea. Eiprea* Tra- . BBeet at Elanrfe wit. th* r. Bt-daia » and Nir.«ara Pa^t Rai-r aa. tor Niagara fa ' «. » an/.. B with the ByaawaH «u< Biiia^nAoai tUjioad. Be »g»33 BtComln. with tae Bufl.lo. Coramt aad llew^JIfga for R.e heater M Oreat Send wita the !>!«». »r«. Ij* and Writer-. Iuj «j. bj * raaton. a: Uei*M»va» ww-^ Buffalo aid New-Y-trk Oty Ba.j ad. for bar.1.. BjeBa and Da-A.rk wier, the Lake Bhnre lUitroad, Bar C*a«.d. lawaU.lOrd. LM. * \^'A^r ^MaUat Pieatd.-«.

New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1858-11-03 …...E tÄmnomtmie. ACADKMV OF Ml Mr-I'M »LOMIXI- A'AN_l_,i;~WKI,NKS,MY * " ROVATORR I MNKSI-AY. N... l,, Wm PICr^1,o|,I^lI,' M.neioe

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1858-11-03 …...E tÄmnomtmie. ACADKMV OF Ml Mr-I'M »LOMIXI- A'AN_l_,i;~WKI,NKS,MY * " ROVATORR I MNKSI-AY. N... l,, Wm PICr^1,o|,I^lI,' M.neioe




Wm PICr^1,o|,I^lI,'M.neioe I) AN OKI.

in- _.-... m .¦ «. ploi: bnzaRi_ri f PJTBFANI V. lABPAROK

IUI 111 a M *r«r*f-r II, TRO\ «TO«Reo*.. T<» DAI »ttheA ....tt '

»lw"»«4 «* I'.ee.laei,-'. *> 4 .1 -.vU...| _|

'. ' .erk. im--U aad t. tete uay .><¦ mi M th* '

" V(!I*T_t-__y-i'J< t1.... IM IRL PORMES, ' i |FLORIN,'A ... rAMARO - .»¦-....

aititrly t r» are__e ill Vr.-u-.JU el te._ Atil* » .ri

. Oreod I1 etlvai. ntiSft1 i.e'eale of «rar. f.-r the Ol.it 11 . . g W( aaVMdajOa Frtdaji Mad.if oaz2 kBIOA will afp. *r.

Ta.a wil. i. trie y <ao--.'.-_Jty !i. r i ... ... adm.-.-r. wl

lave to tear her It..-e r > r pa «.::.»...

.f.J*.-MnawM »i« Mr. M. ¦> .. > ., t\uM L lava.ITo. nit' rtamaa. ni -

TUE OA// \.\n \ mootwill eee-riet of tl. a of L CRE/.IA BORGIA a

tba fourth »t .1 LA r WO.;: , A. *. » ... ....M. 'a-.,.. [) W o:


»t.appear. 1 _e aa!« of a ala 1..i the Oa aul.a Nie ._ !- .1 .. a

at IAiiradav.JuaW'ir.i.v, «. ,- , .


baa urlved. end will al.. ly appear

|>l:(M)KLVN A'J HI.N.KI .M. DLOllfV.RA -PORMES -1 r-era j

ONi.i t .IN< CRTWill be -1». a bt

MLLE PICrol-OMlNfao« CABL FORMESOn THI'R.-t).'. V M.X 1, .V i I. arr.l. i, e/i.l la» moat poaitil \jtheir in.iy apr aiai >

TLe mmtM i.a, aiMM* '»..'" «. peeftiee .p-. i

Mi . ».!< «X>t> i.MINJ,TnTfftffr. PL REN/.A TAMARO

Ca Kl, Hilt.Mi- HM ;.. PfCOOLOMl V|

w_Bhaj 1»Bf.AiM Ire**. La Trarteti .-¦ i it ;.fr-.u ' Tl.. !)%.,.. . K qua from" Lflrla dl Larmnetmoor," with firewater, P. .r. /. . ,-l Tamarai d On- deet tiooi .. Pen p,... ale" with Carl r'orraae.

CARL FORMERwill et ri» "The Waadarer1 aad Btai lard Bearer," a :..

Libert) D -1froea " 1 Pnrttai *wttl Oa-rier.I mmt kAfllBR,

law La-ran al raftettiaa fraaa tin." Barter er Beulmm PLOR1 Ni *

II Bale a ft'an "II TjQretea*,* a^d lo.i.tnr. tt L« Tra\iaU."

Tlie aali''if aaet' »omm r, .. WadaeeAaT, Not i. 'i

?..nanek pre. Ia«.iy, at '».I Prox'e, Wo r /.«.; l:.*M-'a

I'.'waalott, N... 142 AtlaoUc-et, Br>tt. t Bi - Vert I

!<¦ ~ r>. ai'ata.MAc ..... ri. i (b

1AITCA KKLNK -1 Till.A I I K,dMa, 6/4 Ur.iadway.

.' . '. K._-.tr L aar*.« d Dir.THIRD U EEK oB THE NEW TMRI E v COMEDY


OCR AMERICAN Co .sinAla Tr-«.'l.ard. a \ .1».Mr J.-rT-r.-nBa Edward Traucluud, e bU-upahlra llarou.-r.Mr. V*rr-tLeed ii lodrtjata.Mt.BC-oyle aUianiey at law..Mr 1; .

AIk.1 Morrr.-t bia rink .4Ir i .

{Huory. a btitlrr.Mr i'-t.r.|rtr.i>nr-Trrfir|i»rd.. ..! M /,, , eaeMra Mofatrbaaetnitoa,.M.- Mary We .

A««'iat*.i , .Mite J Ö, raO'oftl.na...{ ° "»a0-»-'» j.Ml*. s tlMary Mi'ii dith.M.ae Sera Bti n aaTorourlude w th Hi. k hrm i fa. ., ,,|

THE Ol:. INA IE FAMILYCharacter* by M< ..re B-awett, Lwviek, !'. i. r«. and M il *

w. :ia, Uaaai .., ai i Elj :.-i

°P»-n at i.. i'i...» bm a i at 7. .'. lock pre i««-iy.

y^TllTo - GAJiDEN..~ v~1~ Tk k-'a KiPy Cut.. V

Chaaa»of Time Dxe* .pwa at 6ri ts oaameDoaatn.The Perfol anaafle* will tenoiaate at wai ¦ poaalbli

chanok. IN THE BIS1R1BI ii'. . Of I HIito.'One HuM.it.-d Coouoodioua ai.d t illlilloai

ORI HBSTBA STALLSHaewjkeeeiaaAAeM,aflbrdlai aatpi* i.it taeate nay be *e, ur«d, aud will bo rftaiurd through .ut Ui- w_oleateajkwaaaaee.The upper t^-r of b..ie. Mrali ladiamii aa cr<.«b> at.

PriTate R. if >, ChiiCM WEDNESDAI EVENING, Not ; |&v»,


DION BO0RCICAI LT,In their oriainaJ hara.-t.-r«.


After tie- P.- t; ted h-uaeEfHAN ALLEN

.rill he Introduced.Tk** Hm*m traa htaaagkl to Naw-Terk at I » . Board

*>f Manafement..( the »1. at Nu'i' linl P.iir Ii- I last week. l_eeitreor-iuary »peed Bad aentle uo- Illy die; tyed bj Ihia beauti-t>>l errariira on TbureriHy. dr.w the atti a of nnuyofthepatron* »f tlie Oard. u, ».'i.., wi.hina tl.. .r -in i-a t- tnire un

opportunity of viewing bim, have induced >. ma igement toprarlfy their reqoeet. He will appear aa lit- an b-- »ei n daL'y athome ii. the ra» u .

W~a~_T_7a;~c" k7» th eater.Third uUlit of th- ,.. ,v Bra*a. C medy by Dr. WAIN-

WRioiiT. aalfadWHEAT aNt» CHAFE.

Chare, t-ra by Mr. L- «.-1 Wallark, Mr. Brnajhaa. lira,lleey. Mia* Mary o* mm. Mr. Bloau, Mr Wheatli .:i. Mr.Rleed. Ma.LavMwLtea, Mr. Cuppeadale, Mr. Lerere, a...

Te eoooluda withDTINC for LOVE,

OnTHL'USDAY.Au rntirriy new aud oriainal eouudittta.mmttmi

TUR LAST OK THE BEDCH kMBERCbarar'.era by Mi.. Mary Oann n, Mra. Sloan, Mr«. Uenrai -,

MiaaTtee, Mia* Caiu.an ai. t Mr, ID«.r* often at 7, eaaaeaaace &t '{i- k

ki-on a kemp"11 ORAND ECU'EVTRM,

PAL A c E o a R ii I N6tu av. and lttb at.


AUOIENCKJl PASHIONABLE |\,i LABOE.Prot-'-uuoed bv te

BRILLIANT ENTERTAINMENT IN TF ! ('i NPir.t ap|-< aian.e la thii aMMUtry of the e.rbrat.-d l'*rililu

r->pe da Mad '. - ALEX LNDRE,fr.atr. th<-Hip; !i * i ii;....p!.; ...

The loat lljriux Arttate io ll World.LITTLE ALICE

THE CHILI» RIDER,iu her nnsppr. », lu-.b'e ad of baiaetn .

Mi L\ ILLE,tie- Orval -n II .¦ -

W'Hha fall tr-.j-e f Oy ...i .... Rider*. Acrobat*, be.The Clitldieu enieaed in the perfurnatuoe ol CINDE-

BEI.LA and the lanckr8' QOADBILLE at ".. BroadwayTheatre laat W iuter. are i. qi.ec.r.l t» meet al Pala ¦. Oardeu*Boa oil e. lit) ,t a: . a. in.

D<«ira op.-i. .t : au^l at 7 p. n.. lVt o* -« r..m-noe halfai.- ! our a" - _rd.Adaaiwlirn.Maeart* | CMMraa ondei >..«.._;cent*

No rea.-rv.-il .eat.

NOTH K-SATIRI" \ i ni...1t> »..i i.e.-.Mit. leert p"ae e Ch. ap Et balaaneat :.'.e ¦ail «.

AdDilttanee'.'.. -.-a no Hall'Pi e.

rubdy'-nationaltheater, ChathaaiHt..Dr.-*a Cin te. M e*ajN; Pit, !.' aaarkai o- ir-tr. Cba ra,

6n rmi. Be! any H iaee, Do-.i, opt n a: i. ..w.a n»-


Dakr A;i...-a...Mr. J. it kllei J ...... ..Mr*. J. J. PiW ALLACK.

Weila--.Mr .1 II Alle* Marian. M- W. C J, .-.

THE LOST i'ki as, RE.Xa«aiT<i.Mr a1 ....Mra. j. j. Prl

B" 1{ (i A H \Y AY THEA I E \i8 -1. j-Toi rletor. M- E. EDDY. Daneayee I j, aoa

¦_fu.-« at <} -i k. l*»i-|.¦. t. I' .wit.; Dree* en ., ^ nratla

E*n_y ClA.e, _5oei:t* -this evkn1no;CAMII.i.E

Caaal _Ju_il).-.n. Hm.:., a.-uk D ..' I.B.H »..

Dl. kCK em l) BI kNKTATE BECRJ rs

BARHl M- M! SEUM..INFANT with albeard, the little ii .y our i yean old. with redundant j

Bavd and W h-...-ra thiodon'S MIMU world,.flU moat perfeet aad delightful Mwiea ol N n Bnteftaüc. Itueata. thai l'..t.. e of Haa arlaU Di valentine i

or igln.i . oil.-etion of er-enti Viel I ¦., r.-a. Bat**>hna,aae. this API I RNi n is. »t I..'. loek, aa aleo II I IS K . r NINOat?' »'-'vi Ti IB d dab1 IRANH aqca-ria. happy KAMil.'. LIVING »1 RPI s'ts, k t m

aeeo *t allllnaea. Adi ii »* toell,. iti - ttUdreni id i

Ik. IS^enti_'Ooi^MINM Kl.l>N«»s Ml a- ¦ BRO kDWAY.opiN Et i BY KlBNING

Doora open »t .a aa aa aj I) i o.a.

r.s^l.LlMH.l' l.Al.l.EUy ..I I'AINTJN'.r-._e>*r open at N.^ A4P Hr._a.iway..Over one b u ired r.art.-

feneot Pail ..! r*. a- . | BOJI in thi*

«_un'.iy. S'raiirer* ahonld n_t ra<l|ioviali a Oallarw. a* itfvn-a .-reof Una eMef attraetione «I the titj Open DAY a-iJ.VtMNii A :..n-.... eut._


BARKER'' IL CORSO."Thea* taro mmpiti-* . I' Bttnn '¦ »h it


No Bt.'ilni aAdnti*a!oi. 19 ._

taJL'l I i.T. bi '111*11 KES- A rerjO ....!e<«inn, at PRIS AI-:fl \ Wor*l f tl

eaniari : S- ilfä r*. Palmer, < r.. ... I»a-a- i»eti Dural I,Bon*h"Hi, Mi int. W. r. *:..! arriaVe. May b>- .

H'^ai No 12, Appleton'. B .idlnr. Broadway, irom N HL S. -ji

a> few Uaya_

AMERICAN IN8T.T1 I e.'-iii-."(;..«ä FAI'CATTLE EXHIBITION la onawquen eof-kodeati

tun, <4 ine t -.%..¦ Pa « '. held ,. the kt T. fA ITERBALL'S. »iM av ...v. - - aath-at, M. T., on the IMh, 1-._ and

ITthdey.ofOe-. a*tfn ti.iun. L..u-e_ b.- oa ¦>'. "*t< - ftlie lurtit te N .-!

Brueawey. lew,'' MOfUtl«. C.lra_u_


S~tove POLISH. .A Pert repenop article forbujUireae BB rtmm. daV-kee aad bi.llu-.t ltd ex e-_a

äaa__h_i^tWlfcad In the market It .. alao arreata.y:.* 4

yZt UVABTL'RMAN k SON, 111 Jvha .t.. New Yotk.

Boaxb anb Boarne.

AI I ACUKE n{ Ml M- f»n Am.r: u, withe*l . ¦ ¦,»;: FURNISHED « I'MTRs IHEO

F'iOV i Üb M Iwi l_ fc, Mater* leetr ueSbtO la1! ihr «i * u -.-lull. d| trir rbe t i. I*b» hiai.et reeer.

.r:»¦ . r .itii'- .. tri, v. iil rb-erfüll» >>« git-,.jfjreee CLICK, Tit»af. CUB- >.

n( 'a KD*WAN!I iT^»'of ft Man aihi Wifr, br.»¦.¦. i» »: i -1] «.« mI bib aal ttaeta,i Dinner

. ut 7 ..v Let i. A<t treat Hoi Ni 4.7M7. Poet UtrVe

FI'U <M;, :,tl. i,i.-:i, v.ill) fh. ir Wn.-i, or a «in_l-J '»II.,man. Mil Ix- %r.<leaUDodett d erltb p.enaai.t RO'l.MiM4 BOABD tt No IS .«. .. lieferet, e. eX' hanfed

Ffi i,1 III


ficjner» to I-ft.

IOFT8 toLET..Th« fr .> l-on .s af mrifit>J ft ¦II i No II < . ttl m :> %t,< LI T, %. * nv.-|. raaj

r- e I" >- »|. -i ip. di»re it u. airee. A| |. > or, u.* pr«rui»-«

Tu !.F. I -sl f I s of ROOMS <>r APART-1 MBNTS.do mboII bmiliea M de_ir»ble.m aha br*faj_>

it. ie ildin| N .. Si How. ry, at from BBJB f>|na aaotatl or

. . .. Boon A «... a Ban laree PRIVATE Of BOABIiINQI.Ill Hh, No. IM H' U«toi.-.t. rorner ( I roere? u.-ar Kr.ad-

Applv oa tli<- prooieea. or to 1),. OATM AN, N Iiij tri atltolp. in., aaASht?tatkaafaaJaiMJ LET.Thi ifMeflero tSitajituri hiBwa bmbbbHOt'SE No. X'.> Hrnrj «t, Brooklyn -»a«, Beaten aal

.. ¦. .at » low r-,.t oi.ti'til" 'd May. In ,... at

m II. ».¦'.. Uro kj«l I I N« I p. ,w... N-w.ork.

H) LET.A tiret-cln«^ browiMfUiM iVauiryHOI BE, e. mp|e«e Wi'h e»ei- iint.r -. UM t. w. b>- LETlaw I r a t mil pin, lo u 4 No. tenant

mm o. CREAMER. No. ;i Pine r... N. Y.

I. KT.Tin- ttpeja attOTJ and liasi-iin-utOl IE, Na n i.odlow pia.*, or'.No. TUMiaHwBat.,

.. May m «t aklaa PARI HAMMER LEY PLACE pent $2

i P S TALLMADOE,No. 51 Mi- do BJlJ I or No. V> Wall at.

'ö i i/i 'Ii,. rj'iT u I'aim ..I ti,",- iiöÜSENo. T6J Oreaawteh-et., .".*Htt|o| tiv.- {Leuna, Batii.

i. .. |M i "" pr-rnieea.rATEB POWER, with oi without buildingi,v.l.KT a Matteawaa Dal baai C N Y ko« hm >¦

tii- pr-ii. a. .. or of fatHal B. 8 ihei k, IICoafllaaEl B N. Y.

ß.ul (Estate fcrr Qale.

[POR SALE.That daairable HOUSE Bod IiOT.J N 14 U Ml B IcfM I .y ate] Ir, |-..fpi. i.....».

I jÖi >i: >i wAKI'KN i'ro..kl>TH lUliYsTTr.1 I ,s\;.e . a LET, Baoara .. aafroal ail rjaoaortajiaa-proven., nta. a tirnt elaaa rr.idi lie* in eaerj reaper'. Por . ardof adi uand U raw, apply to UA ID RAIT, Jew.ilar, Ha.

Broalwap, npataira.


AI I.AI K. A. .M.. Priiifipal of tbi- HI'llSOXa B1VEB IBBTmrTE, Claret - I nbiaCe N V.

n ... a Hoard and T u:. .iM maatra Eni. Ab, A^i p-r we»-a.Bta Mi . ivei! Nov. 8.


. laar ^ ihu.< prii^i.- leaaoua, by lorruiue aeiaaa of au .|

. _nt pi.pi'.f, or Woull Tea. b iu a b> liool. Teima ¦oAafata.a '... \ X i Bak uihVe.


av Brooaryi .Ii. ai m a* 1. M< n i »iit.,ai.d Man baattXaatraa,and all |. odor Lad \V r.t-ra wiahiun to I.e. aaM oavpMta nia.'.-nof Ibea» i aaawllali eaeull apply imrnediatelv. Lad lea'privat«""-'V-ip 1"| IT a. 0t for 11I..«. MARTINS PAINE.

1HOARDING SCHOOL for BOTS, at .Sta.nf.Vrd,J> Cnn., /. B. Nil HllL.S, Priie pal.- "Die Winter Term

>. Nov. I. Por Cireulara, oontai-iug ,a. .. _. ad-Braai ti>e PriaolpaL

C'l ANSH'ÄLBtid ENfiLISH SCHOOL, No. AOI i.a-'. Plat,, JAMK.S IVB1R MIIOH Iraalnn b-fau

Baptembof IS. Prraoaal InamaiMaa by th« Priinipal andtboron^L t'.i.','.,nn in the Kniliab branohaa. Cirealan and luruierInformation a: ( AKT KR S book more, and at the Si ..

LAB BIO AI. FRENCH sad ENGLISHSCHOOL, Be. HI Broadway, wr 18th at-. re..[-.ui Sept.c

|y.Temaai Pnrparalavp ilepartmont for Hoya, from 6 to 8>¦. are, a year; Junior, U r boya f/om 8 to 10,Kniliab, »IOo; OlaaMeal from »,...... SIM No extra i-harfea.The Pot., b LrnK'.rge ta.iiit in all four d. partmeuta. Thepup I, aa faraa poealUe, N amahia leaaonc In aeh'e.L EUht Aa-ai»t*iit Teai he'., and a Tea. i.er of (Jyiinianti. a Circular! at Nof...... av ; at Randoipl'i. No. t. Bröadww. and at ÜM s

QEO. C AMTHOB.17e RR18 female inST iITTTeT (l^yTiid1 H-anl'tie) Not. 61 tad ol Madiaonav., New Vork. Re v. lit.EERR18, Rector. C H. OARDNKR, A. M., Prim ipal.

I^k EN l M IN s J lW'irTloT YoT:.\(J LA 111 ks,No. 1 \\ .-at .Ith M-i tasetioa of Broadway and V.i, ar. There

to a FtttaBTy Pepaituieal Pit tpeLMaae, don BERNARD,».e> He j< .-. j lateEteaohTaeohar ol theRatfera Iaatd-

ITORT EliWAKIi INSTITUTE..A first-classX BOABDINO SEMINARY tor laadiaa and flanllaaiaa. el

it Kowaiti, NeW'Toffc, 1" inili-a Borth M Alhti.y. by RallfDad.Hnperb brick bolidiapa, d>i"i pat AntdnaiWi y.-»r'i.,r B .»..i»I..1 Tuition. Winter Term olId weakt besiru Das. 2. Kor1 a-.. -. 01 Boome, «.mit..



mkn, Bo. 4* Ea.t Mth-et_A Primary Departoeent halb.. u added. Prof. ELIB CHARLlKlt. Dire, tor.

IFAMILY BOARDING-SCHOOL si StorlitiSaMaia. -Por roll p«r'i uara. refef t W, BARTLP.TT,

e.q or to W'll.LlAM A. P. willAlll). Principal.

GEORGE & PARKER and Dr. P. BERTH KT\I o |«pei their Baited CLASSICAL FRENCH and EN¬GLISH SCHOOL, with a Prtnary Departaaenl and OrtaaBe*.i.m, Hi N< P30 Broadaray, oa Saaaewber IS Cir. ilara may be!.ad at LOCBWOOD'Shi ok«t re, or CROWKN'S.

ÖTi<KOt)K SCHOOL APPARATL'S CÖ7.rinniifivtor. ra and d.-alera in SCHOOL APPARATUS

Boa Pi KNIT THE. Olvbee, Mapa, C'-iarta, Ink WeRi Drawiat» N eat BUtea, Edueatu nal Woika, and ALL THiNOiw \ n D f.r ICHOOLS. Bei i for a CttaUotoa to F. 0BROWNELL, .< r. ary, No. 413 Br .a'way N. 1.

IRVING INSJlTlTTi:, Tarrvtown, New Yiirl.¦ r,.-'» mo .d lea Animal laaaloa will eoaBBBMM

IVEDNESDAY, N v 1 Clrcnlane>ay beohtainadofWFL W,ROSE, eae, Ni . C-dar-at.; S. P. YORK, reo., N». A7Libertya .. o. b> a .drea.11 it the Prii a.. Ü S. ROWK. A. M.

IfOUNT WASHINGTON COLLEGIATE"I IN8TIT1 TK. No. '.'18 t.b-at, oa Wath ft m la i»re (eU-an N IM Ha * pal »t. '-CLARK K Ii KANNI Nil, Prin-paft, Will Bead their kl Hui»L OMMiiTS f...-.mall Boya, if

.. ed bj utter oi p. ra aalapph. mi-.u, :.. any part ofthe .dty.

Bf ISSE8 ROHR*1 FRENCH and ENGLISHill BOARDINU an.! DAY SCHOOL,Mo.BS WaatSSd-eL,1. ar M-i av., will rvojHU on MONDAY, S pt. i.

NEW-1 t>i7k_SC HO(>L OK l^IGN FORWOMEN. C r. t laata .».

TfdeBeheal lebow . p. i, for pnpila, with in leaael tocomuo-Ittlnni ami fa. Dftlet forNwaleaettda.

¦ iei :v» d.i.y o-xcei« Saturday), fr.vo» 9 to 11tnd Iron. 1 to 4 o',l.>rk.

Th. ladj Manaperi have arrtneed with Mr. T. ADDISONRltilAUllS. an trtut of eaiab.iihed r.putation Bt BBaeoeeaiUltea< i.er. to take the entire e.baiie of the Sehool, tleinf laeBuealioi pe:». aUt 1:1 Dia» 1. 2 and Paint.:.g In oil ami wat-:- olota.Tbl Wo I-Enpraeini C.^-a u. aoattnae aa heretofore,

ai der the . 1» read a m Mr. EL W. HERRICK.In pan , ikat >ri«uial aMaofthM iaaooL al paaBtta>

'.. |t laavtTaiAi ft tttPI ate oaaraej h.t »v perH ». . .' daily .e,. .i a.

Tlie a.:» Mai..vei«, m e.)na«.rjuenee ,,f :he laree ap,.'e at theirdi-p<.»ei tBfaaah ti"' .B-crat'ty of Mr. Cooper, lia.e let rinined'. reeaiea a '.iniit. d number of oth-r papilt In tue UrawingCkea . tt the .W r»>e ,,f BIP p- r q .a: :. :.

Alao .a » e lei Pa.ntinit la Oil ti.d Water e.oora.

¥' r ( .1 1 ii lonra'lon. apply a' the SriiooL(i. ier.i. aired at the IVImkn tor DrawIna tad Engraving es

WaeSl.Mr*. J. S'i'i ROES,M .. '-I \:i\ M HAM!'.TON,Mr». UEOlvtlK i l RTI9.

i ai V I. 0 ?. TV._Kve .. C rnmi-t»«.

t»lMrlT(^>"i. FURNITURE MariaBartured and forh^ SAl r. bj BOBBBT PATON, No. NOnw .. N. v.. be.iao B Bl.Bel end II .J«.>:i ata. C -.lara a. ut ^pp... a-. >v.

r|\\lYl.YTM\VN 1N>1 Ü I E..Tli" twenty.1 .. nl . at-tutlon will rouinienre No». I.Cr. are, . ¦.. lei.oa. r. :-r> a. e«. a I f had at C S;i-p-ajafd H e ¦' 'e. Bo. IS Fulton ti. E 0,a«frt,.mgb'( Bo.. ..V ....',».._ .. S OOl A'.U.l.a, Noa. »'.If, J*jai d 34b BroaJwav. N Y. j or tv a -,'r. Mil 1

AM HAUS A M r-i ipal.

U I oil WM YK nK"..ASHLAND COLLEO BtJU (il.M'L INdril aad M IICAL ACA-DXM\ Co.. N. y Haleaad Fanale. Stadawaareseleedaivtin'-. Ad.lteaaRa». HENRY J. FOX, A. FA, Prh ...

... at No.::. Naaeau-et (ep ataha), oi ^xndiori a Tm.iow,N IVi ._

Daming Äcabtmiff.A I) 0 D YV 0 R T H -

i\# DANCINO ACADEMIES.No. 8'* Broadwav New-YorB.

n ITT Miialagaa ihata. Btaaaij^Now orw-n Pit the Se*e.in.

II I <DAYfi and rglPAYS !n Br...k'fn,W KDNl SDAYS 1 I 8A PTRDAYB <a New-YcrB.


P pQl n ay MM e at a .y BMM.Di rfi-, r!» I -« . u eeaeon. Mr. Ddwnrtu Laa

had favuran.e opjui:... I I ¦¦ . .rdanjeeolPoiai u a_4 llangarr, to p.ipulai ai tie preaect 'rne in Vienna.P^u-e ift..^-, »i'h ethet leeeJtiea, wvU be u.u^<hvad at UMee BeM ¦ I e; t ..' the wool 01 eeeeua.

. ara may b« had at eruier A.-ademp.

TJrcfceeioTwi KolirrB.OB-"* BM pratMrhaj


J. P. PIRSON, No. 5 WALL ST., N. Y.A pamphlet uf It/^roia'loo aa-nt free by mail

Bir;i^»tL0KD, SHORT-HAND writers,V up Mat «¦¦ OdteAai reporu ra iu the Cubed Stetae

te-a.'e freea IttJ to iüM.

DATRNTS t* lN\ EaNTIONS.-T. D. BTET-I BOM Aaeul for proaaruu Palei t. No. I Tryoo row (aeaeCi'y HaDV 1 mrrolar i-bU mhirnaailoai teat fr-e by Mali.hie"id Rep «et N Y. TrtheaeLUM K ti,7.

finnrinaiOn tnr Tms'' **?«. R»:;.*. »:» DA j

3.) a- Oel r'.Va and Cat* at*. I

DIVII 'KM) .i i» r t. - b-rfl tl*i- day d.«-eWr. . QfARTRRI.1 :>..Ii'-"- ,.- two a> > A

l!AU , th i KM ..»,.!« t ._....«. d-r«, a: '.* -HI.' UhtCon »¦ f .f_tr WEI»Nr -DAY. Ib* I'th uwt.

Tn* tr* li« I, MMi.Bt -.»

N*» t i So«. 1, VA. 8AM I. H I« .ACS. S~-r-ury.

A. hit h NlCOl «». Aj tl


»¦ a (' NM, ,¦ V ibU ii a_ta EVERT DAT¦tachaaad B :. ' . » *. : a- r.r rail Mia » atth*Boara.>i Bi a. ... [. n.,sale ttug day. a-. :?r o < - »-.-

rilHE Mr>T!AM'aid TRÄDKR.Hl ^rUVKX ha,. <.» Bred » DIVIDEND mi THREE ANDoNK.BALE PER CENTot the capital«tork, pavabi* aa and afterto* .« d»» f N< ».. nbet Br or !*t of to* B iH


PRO Br fOULE, Ceamlot,Of 111.a or tmi. Ii.Liaoi. C.araai. Raii.aoao Co I

Nr* Taaa Or'*b*r*i. i&_ IVO'IHE ii bef»>bi mon Utat the i"-.mpmy ii11 pr- pan I I PAY ILL ITB 0 14 Ni - I -

oat demand Hold**!*ftaoaaaaaa*ariaaaaiadI M *¦wiAboutc*.ay_J. N. PERKINS.

Vo'ilC'K..Tb« Internst couponi «»f thr> EightllPerCeu- 1*'M tr»r. R- »LACROSSE« I M .V*'At KEI RAILROAD COMPANY da* th* .. da* ofNa*M -. :.. at the BROADWAY BANK .. Ihw City >fr- v foriv.HH aa p'..i < a that da? us pr-**_t«tion at thaOCEAN HANK, ¦ to- I .:y ;f N*a» V ra. S CHAM¬BERLAIN. M rtaafe* .:. p aa*a». Li Cf MM a.: M..-*a.a*eRai.- ad

AM IS8I88IPP1 i;KM KÄL RAILRl IADC< >M-1U Pan v. i' Una of I . r< - - pra>B*Bt, for peywieet tax INTEBEB1 w ARRANT*. daoMot I

laM, t ANDREW h ORE.N, Na U bVall-Bt,, Ja.:. *yC It N- w To.-a ( UQ

PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY,Tmtine B'iiJd:n.'. No. KH Wail .t.. New-Tort, Ot f.

IBRL.TI.h Annual Bwwtioa for Dirntora of th* Camaaaj wulh« h< A i d W*clti*ad»r. Not 1". ?>¦._¦. ra -h* Boon -.f U m. tuii'p oi. PREDEEMS MOPPMAN. Bieraaary.


PON Bonds at Uta ( m 11n DUBUQUI Iowa BaldBaaada btbkarasd paaaaatat la paiiiiatiaaamt tao I aa ' !. wa,"th* a .< of;;., L»r-.-.- .-. bl4 n>r th* C.:-. Cj ».-*r a:.l r^o-

apajtoa ofiaofoaa. Coaatn of laa CTl| nf flat nta, e.-rraxiaail.i* ia BaBaa M l*B_M : - B '.. vandand to inaurr th* nun- t'iai patu.*Lt of both t.w*.t and arin*l.pal. A pat fr-.io th* -:r.. I formltT to th* .-an.t*. and C.>d#of Iowa .) a- ..* v{.th*r* ai* privat' loL'.-v t. '.'::.- v-t--- -.fr _ara< Urr *a-

t»r*d into by th* City of D -.,.*. ai. .. w Id a_kaB a

v*ry am j i \ rooaai a> Bayi aao BoaaM, byl_ni*d!it*iy l*vyiij« ajotj ti.* pnba. or priv»:» pr ip*ty In thaMty iu r.* of c. i R Tb« I Va -a a... Am U*B* at I .

have bciea naraBdlJ aa* lined by VV"a M Beart* -.j. Thai-d"ii M Lan*. *aq ami M->.r. fhoata 4. Benan*, tad pronoonii i hajal ani Madbaj the .. ry aT' nr-.t menu*r. T. '-ae

Bmrdr rnMpiii atTttrabryirbthRaab, Btale. I mraa lad RaU-toad SV" ka *a an ln»< rtnx :.. and art tot ein a:.v a* a*ef* a*, -.r.te Tl . R.i.d* .1*-*J *¦ .

lad ~> :*¦'«¦ », a.Pan.ji> .., p,-!« iu*r* aa r*t»rd« thai M ? D ..

boqi.*, and in* almndant rn« an. 'or p- t . payi:,j :.'ih t:.t*r»atand principal oi the bidebti lariaofta* jity, ca_ o- u_ ou ap-pboelion to i) by tnao o: there a*

MORSE b ( IMPANT,No* ia\, 141 Uiai n * V rb.

Omer. COICiaaaTi, II»mi: t.h »\:i Dtvr«a R R i t

CiactaaaTi, o. t .'> {OLDERS of SECOND MORTGAGEBONDS of t|;1. Company ar* reqneated to pr.t '. :

Payi rnl the COI PONB daa m New-Y ..» Nov. 1AM bFRANK s BOND, a: N H N,,.a rt


Oliitt La Caussr a an Mm a u Mt Kn; aoaO Co ;

|fB«r>ToBB, Beat 1 1MB I

K'OTICE ia IbBTBBf firea t.» th- hnidera of tBAPIKST MOBTOAOB LAND OR.NT BOND! of --a*

LA CBOABR AND MILW'AL KEE R. R. Co., that tha ucdrr-eiari*d ar* anthortr-d tofhnd Ih* An*aal pa t i r Ca.fooa flaid Bond* at par, by |iii..| I. . a;..-. : r. r t... a., ¦ o*

Fund Bnudt or ib* Caa pan>. at Bevea.1* oent* to the d ar,. tlch Bond* ar* a*run d by a Tbir l Morra^* on Ui* entireRap (MB ill.) of read, and npoa a.I it* d'po.it*. I*_j«, frac-a_laoa and roOia| atOI k. *..u ail !:.. .- and p.-ra i.e. prop¬erty beioug.i to aaid Conipany.

WM A OT'EST. )ALr RED HOXON, Cornioitteo.

_A. C QCNNISON, SOrricr Aatraicaa Ouaio CoMraar, )

(No.t>; William *k,oor.efCedar.) >Ni w PoBK, O. t 14. llfA >

THE HOLDEBS trfUtfl 8CBIP stock >.f theAMERICAN SDANO Co. era h*r*by notili*d that tie

fourth end ia.t tn.tallo.ant la calVd and mad* payab * ou ni bebirr D*i. 1 *-i«iiiua. By th* term* of aub-'riptnm ar.d tb -aitof Incorporation, ail Strip Stork on wblrb the iuatallinent* are

not paid In BOCordaaea with the call af th* Board of Tr.ietee*.rill be forfeited. Tbi* kmBBti. wfB be BaBbtaed oa the tarmlnation of thrj call for the fourth lu.taili;.t. BTawj Ml vo

wblrb th* *e«"iid laatallnimt will b* reoeived, with .t.T«*tfrom B. pt 1. 1*457, and tfi* thirl inrtallm*:.?. with ititereet froaaSept. 1, lABL By otd-r f tha Hoard of Ti ..*.

JAS. 8 WYCKOPP S-vretary.


IHafla ou the abov* Banka. in auma to ai.it. fr im Ml upwardpayab,* ou preaentatnm, and i >od everyv. hi re -n



_No »II WALLST., N. T.


N j. E». -ana* pUweo.RRRRRENCEA

WM. a. lOBTM, msff, PibiMial A** KxedMavaw Bank N T.C. O. Hal-STran, e.q tlBBIdeal Maribatlau Co., N.-w Yorh.The Hon. Wn. K. Ouuav, New York.rB.BRLlB Havai, **a., l*r**ident Marek.ate* p. v Bo«toavCHaRi.a> Brkvabpb, ..^ Caakier filob« Hank BeeteevT. Avorv Do -\ FTNiioal So:B* k B_a. ti BkO.Mr*ara. On hit a aoaa, Banken, H mMea.r.. IImh i, E i., ra »»oii k C-. Ch.. afo, I._Meaar. Pia. nr» Lvm ? k. Mil rr. Mile ankoo, WM



Colieet Claim, b.«nfk .*. Rear.< ky lud.i., T*nceaae andArkana&a, tbr-mnb rrHakla orr.-spon 1. r.t*New Y. rk BidirBB-ia Daacaa, k.bi.aai k c .., Hrwitt a

Do., and Tbompaou Hi. ther*.Mr. J. ana: .u will r-u.B_ in New Ve.-k a mör.th, dar¬

in* wblrb tilin- ron io.i.- .t*.r.. IrK wi_ HEWITT A Co.,will be pi.aptly aatoaAod ba iu paaao.

i-UST CLASS DRY GOODS, Gmreri aqjlion P*i,-rr, wa-1*1 by JOB B B Mi KRAY.

N... 40 W'a'l a*r**t (Majiha-.au Hank.)Collertion* made tbrourno it the Parted Stale* ai d Canada.

8. LANSING A Co.,"

* RHIPPIRO AND commissi .is MERCHANT-,P«oraiBto:ia or inr. AmaaiCAi lu raai Exik»sj,


part* ot El ROPE, and ron_*«*) at Bout.ai pton r t. 1STINDIES. PUROHAJR ARTICLES COMMISSION at th*BEsl RATES, PROCURE PATENT BIOHT1 la EN¬GLAND ar-d the CONTINENT aadlaeoe SlUlli-and TiM£BILLS on PARIS, HaMBI KG and LONDON.

Ro. BJ EicaaaeapL* a, Baw-Toaa. Od 9k, MM

111aye thisilav a.BOfjiBtrd with roo, R4 parti.raM ¦> -nirntai MR H L BOBTWICK (Member of tha

laoah Ri * .-- and MB H. TRACY ARNOLTbe bnaim aa wii'. b. r.-arter !>» (on -. t - ntm- and

Ira* ofkUTTRRLEE k Co. OEO R SATTERLERThe uuderaUued.a.i 1. .* ti>« Bt i.ltf.ä Ct r C :r.rn ... a

baaine** ofOEO B. 8ATTERLEE tl N 4» Ea aofle Phaoa,Parti, uiar attention la Jtven to the p. r- b»v I .a commi**ion)

of Be. -..nt-.e* t'.-r luaeetmet,:. and ..ur h-. laa w I c **^> a

dralrable line of ,..u Lin and RiilwiyBomu .od Ka\K a-dlk-.t i.acr Stov. k> aa ar- not, ataBtiaa**. j.bBfaaaA in

U:emark.-L_S.kTTKKLKK k Co.

S^TOCKS and BONDS piirrhRBfiil and mid foreaah at tha BrawetV Beard oa -mmln ¦-

JOHN R. MI"KRAY, Nu. 40 W. :-.t iMai.h»ttan Bank)Note* and Dra.n.a r, Ikaeted th; -^^oo-jt Amerlr*

VT^v-VoK'ivrat^i" yJi\i: "railroah com-11 PANT PA.-l'-DLE C»; PONB

1' raaead b»vv M. V- JOHN o BRIEN,

N w .1 .._


Enameled CHAMBER ffknitfre, inaBoakMBkof* aid tvarnaai d n.* -..'».. i. <-hb«4

I M land*.-*!*. «¦ I and I m.r*. .: H P Ft RUING-TON'S. No. 3ok Canal at.. {¦¦.-»¦> W .:. r Ena5::.hed 1141

1"7nA>IKLED ( IIaSiBEK BU1TE8 ofTlTiNT.J Tl RE. in v. -»a ».-.'.. .i* *: 1 retail.

It prlreaB m BM a w.rd.W .kRREN kV ARD. N i. 277 Cana,-*t.. ( od No »).

Foul door* eaat mi üroadu ay N-w Y k.

MODERN STYLE Bl SCHOOL FTJRNTTTJRMniaatita-t-red a^d tur Bah by N. JOHNSON, N 480

Hada..o-*t., N Y. A küre *^pp... k-pt ItawlMtlj on hand.Hlnatratee ,irn.:ar. forwarded onapp^ a;;oa aa abvee.

S~H0W CASES-HOFFMAN Ac FERSCHT«Sh, vr-Caee W arere ma. No 44 Cfcaüav- «t o-a.- to* Cp.y

Hau. A jeorrv aae-tme:.'. i SVw C*»e. k»pt cjt*i.L.y a*)

band. OÜ .-eee* takaa U. eiraea;*. Ora.-r» or :-;-.. ie.--.t44.

Jnenraruc (tompanirt.


|B(4BB.I0B*TIB ." 7.


laataa. ar aatvacaa aarae.WILLIAM TICKER Preeii

.ao. Hot>«»i>oB, Se-ireury.

Dmlöing filjKTiola.

GLAZED Stooewarf Drain-P:pe»a..*» to lS-inckaorr.ftoae I oeole per foot Oemkirk aad American Cham

.ey-Pote. Veea». Atalnaxy. k.v L. 1 Po"ery depot, N.aaau at

R~Wjm'0~Sl^ES..R. PRINCR, aUeat farBbeaa>bnted ¦ P.VTJLETT Qt'ARRT' Pa..

P* "FLAT" and "PITCH" ROOFS.Pot aarnf'ea, aAirra* Nj MBeekaas tt , N«w Tork,

0aiff bp ZntltfTB.a- bf M(m i Aj|<tVc~-r

BT HANGS, MERWIN A Co., Trade-WfB«.o.i. No MP, t n w

WEDNESDAY, TM R>: W and ft I RAT. Be* J. I and '

craiors and ta* xii^iiooKs-rocr -.at»--atwLibrary * lb* l,u Not u E I adar . ,'L D ¦.».*. iiea »

MBBBaBMaf iMMfl - worktot r taad.«i». Bibh .reply,Aiwn ir. 11**), B it it. \ ya#>. ,| r-.t and M,eeaaaM . Um in» -v i mi) een.I i »»<valuable bo»ka, aSxi.: .«.; .: ate. . .-«_>' be -**d». d I -a ear- in

7 .- i * MM* THIS APTPRN IM MB « pjbb. 'd '¦ - -: i I,, ;i> »;. t »».»..» * rha a H. -.


MM t tnd 9, .vainer :.f eaea it? at 4 *>'r>»' t'1 'Raj h Letters doctmRnts and ccri

OMTlr.'-Tre .. .... .. f :.t .aee-if 'n--.. .< , .-.

.a.l t* rat \ry «r. wnb m - oerr aad «l;>e..ie. :>. -a :.. MMR'tDNUDil THURSDAY ar.d PRID«. <f APTPRN'IONS.

:.¦> -. k. Lf. \' . kPRIVATE LIRRaRT M -ae .«:« : kl PeBMeT .n p>

ant » »na f r many ,-er» Pr»tid*i.t of tu* M 'riwu' Sui 4t«.. Itj

A. J. KLrii (it. a'i.Al->o**r.


.¦'.«. WEDNESDAY, N , t,stta « M MeMr: banW Ei haeaM, the aaHre hetf bh k b> ua.i*d ty Br «dwaj » t.. M Mm fa. a«nar MlOr Br dlviT, »^-.tb-w«rt eoneref61at at. 4 L^a.0 '¦'. n . v «iteonMrof < at at. 4 Lata

.. I* Lou . > : - «V rt

fret b*tw.eL BieaMwaj tad Äh-ee . iSiion.Seai-h.lall will ..¦».-... i ;. L 7" f r a. 'naa

Map., fc ., «t No. 7 Brrti ¦. ; Ba|

Hi JOSEPH HEGEMAN..Tl indaj S* i t.at l"| < rlork a Bi.. at No. 17J CliatoL-*.. ba»«! V*'arr»:.

. I Bahii I Bratalja. HOI üEHOLD Kl'BNin'RKta i"- d "rd»r.tr.aflottay Parlor Paraiiurvlo i-nmaia. polialifdaa I: a aa>. I ra:> T»b>. t;A»ra. L>ua«r. It«.i H-datrat..

arBl BBMB tnattr»awa. L'arr»".i and Oil Clotha. II d :Uct-r mBI rat iraa, ( aaaad o.aaa H « M KBaBaa r .r-

L!'i re. tatalo»jea at t-> 3+.'.< MMMBUrrakTMCaT or EuaACB, CoairioiLfti Orr: r )

Ni ¦ -Yoaa Oar. 7, [BM. I

FERRY LEASES it AI I riON..Bj rirtacof the autfc. n'.j a»«ted in Mm be lie !. «.. «::ii» .,( vbe

Stav. and the Ordinaire* of the ObmbM u < aaaaal the C-mm*M r VfB aeil at public a tion. to taa biaheat bidder with ade>aaati fc-aaiMy, at Uie City lia... en Tt'ESOAT, Nj». IB. 1AM.at kp :.. a LEASE OK THE PERRY fem tb- fx

'. Oral M ¥ R New-Y rk t -be fo. of Oraod at. Br.».«.Ire. E. It. i.Uil.iamaluralii. is.ijdia, the B..kaea!a. P.era,f ta, Brldpea, aad other Ci > t .» I K--rynatalilMhMeat, fee IbaBB U TEN Vr.ARa ¦¦¦ rn tae ur.; aapof Mar, 13öe*.

ALS").A" 'di- »arr » birr.e a:. ! pttv a, t. a Cirr.p»rrjl!er wT! aeil at p ibll*

anotioD, tothehiabeatl laVm lea, ,;..«.¦¦ aLEtSEOr THE EERRY, aeatpree atearabliabad.fi -aytaada at P» a .... New \ rl I tr.e (oet of I u. MA .t,Bi k.tc. ¥ I) fWllllaaiabiiiiB). in le bubbo bmbIIbbei ptaee taaaid Brooklyn, adjan at '¦¦< ti e f,>,,t Bowtk Ttk «v. with ».1 theriabte. prlriiegeaandadeantaBaa thereul baioafin| Ui c.»I* 'an. :. l tn- f.ty ol n- w i rk, faf the ;. ., f ten YI illI: nr.- I .Vdv

Tbi oa and ..: a> ti at the leeeeto b» l". .''» aaualloraiof Eeere LeeeeebaeM re aniaied nlo bi iae CMpmBtMatTl« l«aee ut EACH of the aböte named Perrieato be made

t' i ubform to the r< quiromenta of the City Charter in relaMeoloRefitaa, aad tlaa U :.:a.u eovBHBM oa Ui» part >f tbalaeeee taet aeMil ..: loet uat bmabbotBeaaM Ki rry tBreeeBtato aueh ruha, rei iBBaf 4M or BBaMOO or by law« aa BOM KB Ofi ay h' Maftl ; h n t n.e ut me be made or ; a.,.^3 !iy t^>- I one

i .:. r State < re,COBD1TIONI..Thepei baeae of te* P-n-y L-»a^ aodlt

Bppeadesei in >¦&> h a»e, wii. b req.iir^d to p.y. at ta» ,a.». toti . l ,e it r I ti C :y R'v. n a i irr. » ; ,a. to i» per -"ut oft an * 11| for Urn annual rent, to apnly on the rent .f thebrat year |a< aa- et- ;'.e* a lee«e witu I - f al .. reaaaBk

;*iae |a he f -rleited to the C'orp- rati iu It- »;.! Se re-

quired, alee, to fninitb an oblliation, at th» atme time, .ie- itelt» :. ..»., ».:... : e. t, tnat .¦ wi,l Jle a b nj with. ¦re!,.« to *e. ap;ro,ed by the Compt^ller, lor Ibe p'inetaalp.yr. ei.t al the tei.t quarrt r y-arly, and for '.he faiui! il asaat>tit i' of the rovrnaiiU of the MBM The Mat of IBM BM ti lueeiand the exper.a.. of the Ira*- to t* paid b» the purehawr, andno rxpeiiae whatever it to br Intoned by the C irp> ratios for orIii aaeuMCtMa witii tt. .«», t \ ilkbead or p:ami>ea propoaedi ha i> teed cor.1.11 the '.arm at the leate.Ihaald II - leeea .( ike Perrv (r m Peel t'lp S-> rnrrhaaed by

other j arti-t than ti.- preaent (. rry Company. thjy wui be an

t th d to hat - the hoa:a an.1 aat urea nee, ,-ary E r the p'.rpoa*eof t.'.e Kcrre. mriudtng t\t landing at Rrookly\ IW'illtaiiMbutehl.at a fair taiuati- ¦ le 11 filed by pi r-on, tatot i bj the ole andBew beaaeee, in eaae the partiea rtt not aaree aa to the an >untto le- paid CM tfct tame. A. C. rfaAOO, C en|'.roller.

Fi IRECLOSIJRE SAIjE..PoBttaTB bbIb at theGetty Ilo .tr. on PRIIlAY, Nor b, at noon, of ta* ra my

bleCOL'NTRY HEAT,rontaiauu 1ABteal Bwal by lUfsetladepth, irBhbaalaoeae D«-iiin« rloawa, Oai^BMldaaaa. e>« m

the we»t aid,- of the P-at Road, about a half BtBa no .th mi the\ Uhafa of Yonki rt. Title perf-rt -, 10 per cent down, and fr> per

.. a.. a m tt/i.-- for ti.r-e y.ara. L> a at tue

j .. m ¦. i.

a I.BKBT 11. NlCOLar, Auctioneer.


will aril, without reeerve, on MONDAY, Nov. 3, vt Id o'rU'A.at Um Mei baute' Et bana*. n f., the well kaown piepeitt iftl.-JERaEi CITY OLASIWORRS, ereMed la IIBt, and aa>ktreed ta IBM, aoaprhdaf a two atwy brn k hokldlaa, wMh aaaddition bafit ofMi re for a Mi tin a room. Th* Olaatii.'ia* pro-Ur rovera a turfa r af 14 Ptfl I tt of around, fr uittnt .tt) leal in

ainii'.-. i at, and rinninp ba. k on liit i and B-rje«j.ata. IM .'eeteachi 15 full lata mi ar atd B ath of nie Morrte( anal are aOBBeeted witb the OUeabuuae. The Cuttlne ahon laof ample dii.ienaiont, and ia worked by a BeeMeealae. TheBteea aad raohiae root ate apa Mae, aad the »or«t eeaaatatilth* Mlniliaaafltl Bt I.«,ary t,,r a Oltaa Ka. torj of thelara-at l*ea. I L- prrn.i»-a derive tn-ur orlglaal ttttafroej theAaeoeattee of th* J-rae» Company. The aituation ia eonv.-i l-utto Uie ferry. Thai 't Not. «i BetjMMl ai.d MTtBBt M, Ma

MahJaM t- at; BAB .al ar Bad rent af . I" on ea-b lot. The taieaare BBfahta ateeieaa to the BBS D.-ember, luv, and the amounton tie »hole propert] . BBMb Tie water reut on ta«pr< [. rty it rot ab vi *\i'< pet ai lo rn. The New J-r»-y OaB>tral BaaBoad Creppany have paBUoaad the New j-r»ey L»|iala-hare f r ti . > . l to Jeraee C"y. and it iathoufht that, in an. h an event, tint property wjuld be vaaaBMf rthe CnMpeat'e depot peeaaBt. TheatteBAion of rapitalituI, r.irv. t.-d to tin tale, at th- pro|.erty it conatantiy m.-reaainj la».lue, and f. r taeetUnei i nnai mq Ur,* peaSM TataM liberalt titlebadlaiarlahlev p..r '.t- <'»pi.i.- oMpa aad haadhula soivt..: it^ full iulorauation. apply at Ji- affllW of

ALLERT 11. NICOl.tY A .. .. -r.

_No. 4 Br .ad tt-. kt T.A. J. Hi r a. bbb, Auetioneer.

VALUABI.E DOCK and WATER PRIY1-t LEGES.PKTEMPTOBY SALB, TO CLOSB A CORCERN..A. J BLEECRER, SON B C w, aaUooTL'ES-ILM, Nov. v. ,', . i ,t .|;,. M. r Ex h.Tlie valuable whatf *t t:.e f e t f a:.t at., between Arena- A

a: f i R f a fr I f at feet 4 in. li*«. Tber laa I ikhead of IS, f. et ». at whi-b the river trade of Y irkaiil*am! eiiliborhnod la t.l.'.lart. d The -ddieaof Hl i-fbte So»-make ti.it the Hfeot and beat d.^-k property up t iwn.

Tl., plot, ,r pii-a I" lot. tad lVl't".T- ru . ea-v T:.-;-rt. ¦. Mip« a'. N>. 1 Br.ad tt t\ i'l )

\ J Hi ».ii'iti. a e aat

¦YSTH-STREET LOTS, imur BR< >.VI)\VAY..I e p a. J. BLEECRER, SON x Co. wiUaell at AaetJea te

the hijlieat bidder, o: THURSDAY, Noa. 4. 18M, at li .y -l.ioh.at the Men haute' Et. ba-,,-: Oa 75th^t., I.» Lote, n. aide ofT- er Ii«." weit from Br edway. 21t»te*. h.

Aieo, 121» ret on " Perrita Lane," in in- r-ar of. and a Ij ianenpi 7 iat.ie.iUab. .- Hail oar o.au Mape,

lev . al No. 7 Bioa.1 at. (I.JTeYA. 3- Bii.iv ana. Au. tionaer.

?3ß LOTS <'N SD an 4TH AVENITBS,LEO TBiandTBhatrrete..A BLLBCI B, bon A Co,

ill ae. al Aad bTI E.'.i \ i. Hav.Ratal »*-a, a; anaHer- haa'a' PiibaapaI

Hi. -i a» .NortLwett .-erner 7$d tt., 4 taMlOr. 7~.l it .>', i. !t, north aide, adjoimn« ahoes.On 4-r aa S tl »e.-. e r:-r Tita .t. 4 !. tt.

"ill. it 1 lota. a<. th Bde, al hBa| at*'»«.;..:.», i .d ,a -t a ¦ f pfopef trade art ready foe

lr.. mediate n«e; ihn atmal rotitalnliM] |Bt and frnroa. and bata|tV«r;» « !, T»ru , ib-ia., .aa:,. B.', at N " it adit.


piano-ZoTtcsond filneic.A ÜAKK t'HAN't'K to pBTfhBBI til e-X-elle-QtA. PIANO-PORTE of nieet Ii eelBn . ItabBAm JAS. van RIPER, n. 17» MTe Mae at, hetw .a

Heuttot and Blee, ker ata._


AJ.AK<iK ASM UM MEM of H.,at,.n and N'-wYorh PIANOS.At pri. ea that defy competitioa. for cath.

p. -Laid Pianoa f r * .. «. !"0, Bll\ tad BIS Piacoato Let. a. E. THOMi'SoN. N ,. AW Br.adway.

A MOST eseeileat Rtwwood PIANO-FORTE,new and of et. ee li..|.y fin* tone ar.d toceh, filly war-

.wii. - eol.t at a v.-v arrar tu-f«i: A , ! nandPia lakea ia esehaaM ALBBBT eVTBBEB, Ma tuna,

N IM \\ it Br t.iwa.. neat Cesai-et,

CH1CKEKLNG A SONS,Man ..V turert of

GRAND, SQL AKi AND t'PRl'IHT Pi CNO.e,ITaiaiaiiBM. Ho.SMBri .iartr.

C. t B( NS hare b**c awarded y> Pre- 51-d«ia lor IBa «.00-

rton'y "f their manufacture fat Ue laa: i6 year*.A., ' e


for Parlora, Ch-: -et, \ rt-:a ,. ..-t.

IAt tt; .a.- aad R-UiLPIANOS TO RENT._

17IR8T-PR1ZE PIAN08 and MELOOEONSr i r SALE or RENT at ». ry w rate«. Apeary f Ja. obCbvkenai'a B««toa naa *. s. D. a H. vv. atattth . .-.*b.at*dk. . a. a, a: J u-,:r jvrd N w York I' »'

' a. M. KAN11ÜBR Be MB Broadway.

GOl.n-MKPAL Grand and aMfBBiej PIANOS..81 EINWAY a SONS, Nca Ö atd « tt'aUer iL. ueae

Broa^waa. New York, ha.* alwayt revived the firat pr*rai urn

wharp aad whoueaea in evurretirton with the b» at rr atera ofE .-. ;.. .New l 1, PbiMdeloi -a aaJ Ba.uniora. Ev*rj P.* o

warraaud Al three yeare. Pri.-ea moderate._AZLETOX^RCi£~lT^^ Manitvtu-rera. No.^^Ceatre at. olf.r a rite aaaortment of bn.-aat

a li I PIANOS al the iawaat rataa BaahEkBae «aaBMBad -o t.ee aat .ia uoa and a-^aranteed for three yen._

LIGHTS HEWTOä A BRADBURY8. No. WBn owe. at. Bear Br aawar, hae* a «eiendid aawirtmect of

taeir CELEBRATED PIANO-PORTES. In t.l atylee. ron-

M.-i ted with tb» raten, Ar. h tt reit Plank. Thoaa In want af

I eapaf taaBaaBtal w«u ana it far ta«ux u.nm<» ^-

li\0 i ORl ESiSutaBELER k «:HMIDT,

Be. 4JJ Br uc. a «c.

Ote b'.i> k eeat of BradararMar. .fa.-.irer« el ORAND and SQl'ABE PIANO- PORTES.

P.ncaaert m waad, ot a IBM ¦+* matruaaett are taatled to la-

ap^-t onr eto- k. |

FÄNÖS and MEL0DK0N8. of tmperior uiaks,at treat bareaina-Seeond band Pavnae at er^emel, low

prv-et ran« .'.a from SJSlri BI*). Ore- 4the iarae« -aia-^ueaof M ... in th* Ccited Sott*«. Maateal InatrimenU andm . ai Me,- haudlae ur a3 ktnda. at turn lewaM paeaib.e rataav

fBBBBB aad M-«eleo^a tor rent. eiocäaly paymaaiu r«v*Teed teeP i^l -I a-f ' M -a OCaV

HORACE WATERS. ApwcA, No. mBrtedway I

RAVEN. HAfON A ('<) Sn *<...«,.*, t-> Hwoga Raveaj Pit No forte MARUFaCTUBEBB-

V* .r**»o«i, Rh USOraa*V*( Hr*:»n ti.r«if.'l ae-anne -at "fm-i *ta «» - -1 iu.l».. u/ «¦ .

o . -%-.r.-- a i

CK)AL HODS, Coal BhwTOlff, A*h Sift«re andI t!*e. Ell .» tili S»ind*. P < r«, An. -oca. 1 v. p..r

**> by CHARLES s UTTLE a Co n* ij ui M F itna

HARDWARE BUSINESS..TV äi j. n .n-dItten ting tr retir» fnm buair«*». will atR Um satire ataveh

rt hardware MM* «*.**, at Fiahl v ...... u mawaai. M 1 l-:_e Ca*h < », ;.. i - ¦ P **«*-

, .': v. r._V»M VAX WYUL


f^HOMAS PIG IRON.Soft free, atewf, and1 warranted lib** :u> for SVvt- h Pi*.


\f Ol'NT HOPE COT NAILS.Wry r-up-nofaJJ aaa . Ar- .. hi M u H pa Ii <

...I IHM v'. Ql met v CO N II v^

INGOT COPPER.III Iota to «uit liurr ha**»ra¬pe* -a ' MINNESOTA MIN.No) COMPANY. Nj. ir

SJ v..

JANES. BEEKE A <.'.»..NO :>A6 i'K iDWAT

i¦- \r'. fit am

T!>» or't n:,' M I ...... s. . Kt . > ' J Bk>t%4*c in to» can .:*.-t. ff af


[Hfl . doos LAM - POXES EAOLES, WILD HOAR,PK,I KES .. NICHES and oas BCRNERA. scripn .L MYTHi >l PIOCRRA RAPTAAMALPunts, a a .. ha.

IKON BEDSTEAD8,. . p f.-r D»*..i- f« it *>. a. P.-iiniai*nJ 5-miaariaa.

HAT TREES, EIRE SEI st \ nds aad BRACKETS af alki.d,. » leaale a»-l reta...


la adaBthta to Ha v Oraaaari Dopaitaaaat, J-. B fc 0% are

prepared to ex*e..te order* t-. Bay ea:< nt f r,»;: d-.triptUiue of



F r»tj - ¦¦ v r*dba toPHE CON Rl <sion v . LiRRkRY.


RENATE chamber.,||r# .- ..a tue PCB I.IC Bl :LhV

LB t national Ci mtal.v\ om vNii hot v:r FURNACES

FOR DU ELLINOS, 6TORI s, Ml bcd ks AND largerEDI kicks.DKKB1 s



Matii'a-n r tt r'-au*. U BttB and Elm ata

rs>ia>!!eet ik* »N...'.'«> Vkcs*. n.rt-iU to i tj1{

thaa aaarl Al.r \ A I Mi 'M;'M>N : VVv.er.C_ClTERII >li JL\T IIINE HORSE 8HOE8..ö wheelers PATENT aia and. a *haaa, aaaah aat»vlor vi band made, and U,u. r . Doapt at

John w. QUUiCI Co.'a, II B YVintiai H

föttan ßuamcrD, «Ct.


1'aaa- BfJ tt f- t Vmt Rhia(¦RAY FE ITHER

will pi. aaa Lav* th*B tsa^t" koard, at P; a N IK rthRlTHf,

THIS DAY, ky .

aa ah. wi:: a.t. ... y . t . I',. ... , aa b» tak*u *treim CED K VTES.

by in.m, dial* t\ bR at:

_L. H. SIMPSON, No !J R^»-r«t,


An., i. A.. aad Pa. in > p Canal Company,Pr >pr: r,

¦tuurn paaaaiI'llqiliBdll"ran-ri p Washington, 2,o.»itnn».

< ipt. liasav Cut k it.

Hariri been htted -,p aipnaaly for th» Cal/i -nla tra-la by th*Mkraaraaaa Roata, wul laava Pier No. 37, NorJi Ri»er, Saw-York,

Ou SATI RDAY, th- «;h N .rei.ihef, at .»p m.,oarryli.- paaat ran, malla a t,- |ht to Bai loaa dal N«et*. toaaauiaetat Baa J an del Rat, artth um wail kuowu aud ow

BkMlioua .'.< an.a£lpH ER M A nn. C ,pt. C.-runT,

FOR san FRANC IACO, CALIEORNIA.Theae a'eam.l.ipa offer w «irpte<*.i a.. .<mmodatkina forth*

¦Ol rta I fpaawr gefa. The l.tuuij. Roite la thor-Onihiy repaired au 1 in n. od order and the ooaatTy bea.thy.

I in.-.;., a i fr^ubt *lp'v only at the oth-ieof Um Afeak,No. J Bo»l..^ ar.^ B. New-1 rk


QPECIAL NOTII B..ROSS, FALCONER AkT? Co'* LUTE FOB BAN FRANCIACO..Th* cUpfaw-akrkyITANHOR. < art. Lue iaaow roceiriaa the laai ot bar eawaaat Pier No. 21. Ea*t Rleer, PuRon Parry, Bad will t-k»frwieitthi*weekastil IL Th* leaaho* i- p-rn tly reDtihaktdVawware*atahi iewee] raae*,aad aonaai led by Cap* i.aae, 'orn.- y . t li.e Swr. p.-.aA- >d p^aaj*-in'O .hay. I Sbip-¦eraeaan > a proper ire of tkelr fooda and aqakah nm p.»rliriikt, ol :,i ir. loterax tpplytal

Ross, FALCONER ^ C ..

No. ;; P;,-.. it., e. raei ..f VTURaaa.A; 'I I' S> r'- M. «et. D L. ROSS b.c.. Siawt

Ea an**- Baa Fran leoo .. r .*:e. Colieetioo* nude ia Cal-klornuand Oregon.



0ALW AY. IRELAND.The abort**!. S- a P.«.w- !!¦ tweea Aaeerloaaad "taroaa.Nr.w '..ikK AND 0ALW kl BTE M8HLP LI NR.

thaiUn*!* oauoaed ofpowerftil aad f«.t nkaai ateao**b*pe,a' > *. r-.l .. .. f.irio.'le.I m jfi everjttll::* r«tj..l»lte t» raade*tn.- »oya^e aaf* and *#r.*&>. Th* depar. urea fr .m N«w-Yu*hf.-r G* uay b.'- t- aa f II..wa until further B Ü a, via]INDIAN EMPIRE.... E CODBTB8AV.Sal.irday, Oot 29Pacific. vh. c TaoMrtoa. Mot lay N .e. I

Per*, utvlattln* Ireland roaek thair de.tlnation in thr -» fourth*th* time taken by any other route, ruiu a I bave an .pp .rt i.nByafewMtrrypMoeeaad*oenery of -u.-.vai. d i::t*r'tt in frriand

P:i ..¦ ..' p«a««*. In-.1 dio* f:-* :i-**t* by tn* u.aal ralbreadleaaea ft, m Galway te eay ofthe prio. pal ettiea of Gr*at Bla-a!n, at the following fr'*'Jy red . *d ratea: Plret Ohara, 0V>;..' .aa*. A a U...-1 aa. DS*>Bhoeo whaalnfi tokHngout vi.:rH".d* -*n por-h**e tlrb*t*

for _ielr pai.aa* In third aa* ft ¦ Oalway at aV.iil, . fromo' .er eine* Dree! Bl . 1 a '..!¦ - hy '«..r.>ad at «V*V A!:t-*.-a. atbta take* * .. o* p* aided a d a **i tr-.*.*. aa foethird ii*aa paa*najeri nd'r,.m Ga way But they muet pro.eld* tbemaeleee witn a tin piate, o,.ar. mag, knife, »p'/on, wateecan, anl t.^nr .wn bedüinj.

Perfr*i<i.t *r. i paaaue, ar.d ^et.r part'-nUr*, apply tn thenniieraianej, at taetr .. I..-. * M I Had* -at atwM < f Jay,Bad Bo. fr) Br. u'.*t] Apr atlOB for fr*'«l.t Bad pea.*** maysJ*o be made at any »' the oRbtea > f the Company >u toe«t ea-

pr*e* route*. AMERICAN BRPREAA CO..CtNafdawaVaT*ALEX HOLLAND. Meiee**'-

New-Tork, B*p»_ ». IHM.

1^1E british "änd"nöbth AMERICANROYAL M VIL RTEABlBHiPA

r: ni New Yor*-.o Leerpool:CblefCar.lt. Paaaa^e.RJMBDo* ocd CaO.tt Paaav*. 7o

P-. m a.^ton to Li.vrp.,0;:Chief Cakla Piaaaaa.gj|9Bam '¦ iMa i aaaa.-.. . eO

Tfe* ar. fa D m I'. .. :. all »- Hi '11PKKSI k. 1 ait. J .1» ., CANADA. Cape Larg.ARABIA. Capt. J. Stone, AMERICA, tupt Wi kmaa,ASIA Capt. AO. U t. N1A i\R\ Cape. RytV.,AFRICA CafA.awtaaaoa, RUROPA, Capt. J Leiua.

Tae*e v.-.a^j BtTJ a r»r »- > |ht *' n wt bead; f'«.n 00*ta/k> ard kewi red ea 1El Ri ipk. I . Laaeefl -. a. *"i la nil i Berr. 3PERSIA. J-.0* ta.Leave*N.Y r. kVedaaeday BoeAMERICA, M baa* ... ,W*d aaday, Nr.. 17A-.*. I.--: ..LeeeeaN Y r»..Weduee«*y N.v.24KIAOARA. MS tr. Leai eBoat .Wedaaeda D- 1AFRICA, Bbani a.Leave* N.York..Wednesday DeeEl KliPA. Laritefa.L*av. . (Won.. VWduvadav. De*.pkrsia. j .. .ir.. ...i.- ... . N y. ra .w .. lie. UAKAhlA. .-t. :.¦.jwa R.^'.oa... V\Vdc*aday, D-Berthe n. t Baoarad im::, paid for.An *xp»: ¦. r t Ikwfa a bi *r LTb* awraeva*f taeaa abipa wfl] atl* *^ iaa ".'able far 0 11,

8-. ver. RalB ... Spa ... .1' . Bb Be* .- M---.I*. an-

leaa MThi nf lanitia at* mloI tharekrr and tne va'.* taereoftherein a*pr*aa*<L Pot frehrbt r pacaage, apply te

E. CL'NAKD. Na IB witiiOreea.

cteam to LIVERPOOL, LONIKjN, UlAS-Ooow. DUBLIN, BELFAST Londonderry, andaB tha ti m 1 i » . ENGLAND aad IRELAND HaLIVERPOOL, w.ti >t delay U (ready rrdured rataa, eaTryln*Ik* United khatee aaa. PL* LTVEBI.I nevv-Y'jRR*n: PHILADELPHIA STEAMSHIP CoMPVNY'S apt*adtdCiyu* buia '.:>¦- Bcaaw*t*am*h piarelnteoded to .ai. at fuAawai

r»o.a IBW-ToaX.VfflO.SATl'BDAT, Nov. 8.


ki.J a la raaaa Tn.r^ay, at 13 o'ciocb in., fiota Pl> r No.N rtk R rat.

PVaraat baatttdal » B . aad} t-i .a.'* r-.o* us

the Cot.uce:.t.BaTF,' er '....or.

Ca1 Bl Ttt tr, N'w fork w. i i'r uAdebjlhia..*T5Tt -i a.. Item N'' » York! a.'v-.f-.t.. a>j>e u*m»d p.a.^a. JtReearn thrhata itaflakU tor *ka aaeaaa*. 6*

Pajaai t- . rwaid . Pad*, BaaaaVwra, b.-^u.***,An"* i. -. ; » : .-.i- ii

I :. g .Tb'** s -a rt vaprovM-d w -a «vary r~}U*Aav aann th« tr .-.« ¦..>-.. u. tion ". ¦ * *trv.t*«t dta>alr .r* .« «sfot *d ¦ Ith .-> rati. thaBB* .: rht*Por or [aa.ai- a, t v at ü-otf: ¦ th* Ca*?*:.f.

JuHNO DALI N'. B- »d»*j N-* i .1 A/*ot\a Llverpe« ta U M INMAJf. Tow.-r aaAau^m.


L Cr «. wij t.av* on BATUBDAT, Beeaanbei .:. at 1oVloea p re. fr-m P -r No. «, N -.. i- .. i . to

Be'annah 014. a*kewafh tavAetla<*'.I M "rotaery, C-,r*m-b-:a Atlanta. AlSany ami Ma -r,. b .. fladlag akgnrd onlyeaboarrj. Per rreHabtor [|- iji.aapryV SAM Ii L. MITCiiILLa. SON. No. 13 Brnadway._OR SAVANNAH.- i Le Am. r .-an AtlaufcaS.-r-w S'.-ar ; ::.; i > 1*. -v. e. y

MONTGOMERY. P. i reeArr, Coaaraai der, wfg, pj,r No.11 N. R, cn SATURDAY. Nov. <. at I r/tao. k p. m. pveuaaeiy.Cabm paaaar*. enth ..oauroaaeed a-.u-nd.1 r. # !\Thr-txh t.-ke*. tn New-Urleene. A Moha'.e. |», Mont*I m-ry. Albany Ga.. %i\ Ataautac aad L,.-o.-.« m£S:aa .-a, a^l. Fr*:*: t 10 r«u per to-it, af.d proportionate i.l.a.iir.iL. > u£*-L*if r** t*""*- Aeplv fo

U b. CROMWELL k Co., No s w'eet «t.

ITOK t 'ALI FORMA, VIA MCARAOUA.1 REDl'CED PARES-1 ...... .ahap W ^HINirTON. mi i.n» , ,00 ,.,...


Ch irrnilLoow Mm bi fw .\ n. N.I«-'

,i. "t! Tbu ?>rrt wii«iiM# - a .-era miHAY. N i If eA.eoaae. .< la, j ,ta w- ¦. .. ... v , hcam INN. Cam.I- for SIL r-:aue*-.o, la .^ra,» TV. .. . ... _¦Mil mm Tt« A A I p c p. »rWW VC

BOoMi reed e»W anthe.-t.ed t.. eel: I -k-ta f,;. taM dmaa?Ca f me. iv. eata. ueood aa OPAeo tat aheaaMaaee -T.I Irtsair .t.r. tJeAeta. nay at *J ttmaa be bad, at tilloWaa: price Bird by tae f. i-p-inv '*»

H B tH IYKR N d Br-adae»,.

fiuawboatft anö fiailroaot.

KA1I.K« 'AM i WAJtlU^HUMANlaMT .«*¦ K.iT. ad t .opam.. t, atlei-' -»ProVl-eaZ ed

'"* . . ȣtiti -rtty .a |. .... . ..i .*


Z ... .

- . .i -

m;«ra> BBdlha

a-.- ,.. it . taalhj hont at V1 locaa»<iw; JJJ 0.r. r-..- -d f I'd- ill, , .¦¦

'. .

- i' ¦¦¦¦ v .. a

. \ - .....ranred v ... p a* »von ae th., ao-uikv a".V. a » ... hat- a pr -.

y ^

»".'"«' M.'». . r,.;U).'ba -JoT-I¦¦ I * i> Tbl. m.a w a -IBI aajM a tit «

tiy ta t p. at It la aatecarr* retLr itn raa vaaiaaa>«n iditti BaraflraattfMaaa aaent »kauat ginmtäka

1¦ lfc» pawatl ivraatiI -ivi-y If iva, f*a teaaav wa Iraat,M aatAt efaMM

, m ^jj*«!-»¦ -i i to im- ti. .-. oiiuor (t» th.ai.prtinary >, .. .^TijjaIttd atot'kl M a ,|,unfortunate ia. t lor ibe mtrr.-.n ..I r» ..- »j tui Mat

Ii % » »uiait. ;i arpta t.w ^\ .., |£*riei. .Ith. unt. anil OK-n of a. t a:« , , w.,_l"thry ba\e for»thonabl ac.l j uiauientto adopt and art tH'kwarAl f inrproTro-Uta ra-n.rr .y ».» ta>MakbMMaaakl

«Ml by railroad aOeara that th« "^>-M ,,f »j ^TTV\.%r%iadopeLdri.t aooa .ttenti-'i. io.,..>{>,Bf, ¦

An .t u.a. -.-a p- , t ..rr. 'ii.i DBpraa* Mi rk -r anatniin ,( m^aitai »utto uaalr. t any pr«-. autlou f r t!.« aa.r » .nu- hl« ,.^.

ntrol of lb- fearful momerttuM I- lere« m »r.ry 1ik.iumtra. .. Itt faalflll laapnnalhlhlj tor any man to ua .iue. »».i .

i raketo My .hat no man p-MarMin| Iba ao. ,

K» r «.i «. .;» i > v. « t < a ... ader. ra ' iii* i v tkaiaaaalin aor-an* .fc> tpAl ' a S poituMtnlaa tbaa a .ti.'apataa. , r lido the antid a I r aaery oaapar to wbhab bta ttaät mliable. A a laafl ab* y and ." are :-r tie aaaj.bV u w. Id i.or.;'» r- < LDtil aattaaad th»v Sa bai piiPiiMatbatw a doty I tbtaariattet It . per» H ile «.. « Pre*.ie«iafBupcriati lanl mj r endeavor ta f a aaaa byeat a 'hat n -i' ll ( " h\p- -r l- r« */» a'- t . d .»'.,to beaon tat . u»»e -. reo leeaaeea eteal aaaea^other train - I Mat leeeje I» i a»,» kr-ak,ar arbeet either nr rail* are <>1 habt. T.v. ai.H.« t.r roadare better e.l ateo .. b- ly » a*M | .* i: i. tioaeon our tra-k Ol pry op. n the rai.a. All the rlltaina and rofmar» in State Priton Wbat a Me««*d'.'na< it ar im i be if iaMbitter i hauae were fa vVa weoMoe wbete enaaerailwap eMMPI . would tV thea.l

\ i *j .. bbal m ape nVa m «. <id *'Jtiay.Wheel, hi.ak « en aaM aipected - Ikto rafli ditto.

a: < alt M r.le-. .. a t i, baffi. tua.a ..n thattrack, and nunierout aoaea aatMplie to make a n|H t .<i i<ae*of the train a frequent neeeaatty. It will not do. Mom Italiway *. er» t.r «.. *' »ev in reply to ttlia. ».' »r. b-'-,| tadeath by new iriipmt«ai<nta rl ail aorta, and do I't knowwhat or how to de.-ide you ou|ltt pa know, and it pee d» not,ton ehould onti le m the b»'tt"i juatnieut m ihMpj arhe do ItIt > boot May thirk year reepeaalathVty by aaytaa thaea aie

theophlloM f a me ote. aai-f .in -r .. t a. i i.l.l.e.l Bp BPeota'derati-n. lh. t are at ah. ni ia. fi, win. I we at- preparedat all tinie« to t betaa »> s\ e oi«v- Beataeaeaaata anabm

I prepared hajproeei »t.i we tinn« we bate aiten . tudtidaata- nt ..t thoiiabt and a'udy to th. ¦ .' - l rai *u.... u'a,to ki ow what wilt produce the lara-at auiouut of aatetp ia rail¬way trai..it. Our launhai ity ,t» it.i i«; i....j in-..'.. ..... datMbe., k at far at laVt, an.1 Me ar- fatiatk ra ia> hi tbi \ ihMwt^.t not b- rharaed wi n beiuj a BOTUM Peirhapa the (owUMan i.a* I i. o,.r at .. ue »i item.

»ra. la tile: We Beter cane before the pahito until we bad ari toveaoeioan raaracrtB i»n»::u», art ...uaeaiueatipÜ«te:i». 'alt ,t antl.'rii«.

V\ e wiati rai.roa.1 «dl era to im.lerttand a« early a« p atilvlathat we are not to he laated w.lh 'note who p'rt-at thetu im-

¦roTeeBoata of aatrledaod aad diMbtftaj va a, i i la aaj mmaatOBJl riahia ai.it a«a <'¦ H| Bat i todtr. 'ible of ¦syerbMaata iu knowjuat axw tiv wha w- propnaato do, ai d w. inten.l ba do it. and t.* a..... .. .1 that er. iy rathr«d ariariTJ ia the t ae u aha.i ad- ut tint Impet vein Mmmooti.ei e.jaatte *. a ...! '¦. i the p .rpoa.-.

It la to a (.. .i a. .1 the tin la m at!, ». baa when n.lmedtrau « t. ah i-e beir-r OBtreth d than her t It re Tino» na* beaaaltoertha braeaMpmaaehla abaM i .t edln.'t do. V\ e urge ail roiupei... t toad pt r r .pim-i-a-nt Mbi e » hi ara tolling cheap, yoa a p . a.and you will etil, e y- ,r -i a ethx phi by a. tintpeeeiplly aad bayiaa * while yea rai » heap) bud aa -«idenoaof ur lood faith ei..I BOMOaty t p.rp. ar, we will lay that we

» lab th bm retort nfe poiienaer e« npiaent mlany road, and will a baa ia' trial '..r. aeitleuMot. andea. b taayaay ihali be it« owu j id*, aa to whet lie i the happBOM¦out » deeirahle. Tbta precaution, we undertake tu «ay. wilpi n -e tl a ae. aritj ..f Ur and pr pert) In tai'war train.to aa

attaat hBthartn aahaoerp, aa, ha aaa the heuneaa baBMaafleof Baalate Nieh.ifaw II. an, Ue auia. raal adaption w-old mark a new

era in the tafety lite and |inapert« on». y-d b-. ruilr .*i'i VVa

lerer, >u bom hielna. to «ay ol the ..It... it -m or. ra or raaeierii... a rtefe aPanaalBBi'iada II ¦ k e».Ma*Bi.dT. lado. Terre UauM and Ra l.uioud. Mo h.(a.i C-i.UlL OldC-l-uy ai.d Pa.. PIear. a-

I I R K CAR BRAKE Co, Mo. II Pin" it N. T.W. 0. rREAMER, Bee._


MAMARi INECR Hu Bad alier MuNUt Y, ilotol-. r A MMMm ier ISLANDCITT,Coat laaaaeVi leMbaifh. wil laaetPulton Maik. t a.iu at J a. OL Rott nabaf, le»«.< Mamamaaabat 7* a. ai. ReW Ro.-he 11., o a. ra., City Itiead, H| a. m, aadWhite-atone at «:*9 a. ro._^

DAY BOAT for ALBANY..ßte^mer MtTA-M11K A. EVERY Tl -:SD.lY, riiLRaüA» and iAf-

L'RDAY, from fo-tof Jiy .t »ll *jtl_WO NKW-II A V~KN ..Kara $1; IL.rthB1 V<. By ELM I i'Y, nt lp m and TK A VKLER. at It.

r ¦:. |'..«. «¦ .. i tr.i i. T Ilart-

ferd by Um ÖRANITE ITATE, ..- r. K»"\Y. THI'SJb-DAY and 8/.TLa.l>AY, at I p. ui. RICH D PSCR. AaeaA.

|(X>R BOSTON ami J ROVIDENC Bi Ta N¦W-1 I'ORT and PAI.l. RIVER. Tie tp a'. 1 ai. I mperlwPteBBter METROPOLIS Card Brown, leeret New YeaeeeayTVKSOAY, THURSDAY aadSATL'RDAI «5 k P. ra_

and ui- KtliiKr; STATE, Capt, Braytoa, oa MOMBAt,WEHN ESDAY and PRIDAY, all o.-.ea 11. m, ft PS PMTNo 1 N R.HerearV r o reorna will he MMtV4 IPBBBarad '. any apatV

aant nnti! 'h- tar e . « hat- hw n pni l par,ErebjBl t" Baal b la fei warded ihr lujb with preat diapetcA bp

an Rapn «a Prwl I Tia.n.

_vvm. rob den. Saewt, Baa,*»aad ?l w»m at.


. be M ,rt. -* and moat dlreet, earryuia taa l.tt- hi i...

-! iYMOLTH ROCE, Capt. Joel tHaaa, aaSRVANDERRILT, Capt. w II PraseI In -toaattedava wita MeBTONINOTON ¦ I PROVIDENCE tad BOSTON aodPRO VI DEM« K HAILRoAr'S, li.i'i New Yoik da.i/(Sae-

P I N i. i M atl It:v-r, Prer wharf akaeahatu r r p a.. «: I ... i ^ n ,_ai. 1 St< -lir-j'-n at I »^ a,


daya mm ej t..:; ItL an.-, at

arrival of the Mali Train w'.p h'leave«t lip. inTo. ( \ A NT) PR ill LT fr tn s, w Yon. M t.y. lEafaBP

lay aad RiMayi utetaSi u.:.*'. .. .lay, rat leaaftad tat-

urtay. _

Tl.e PLYMOUTH ROCE, ft m I rw Y * Teailit TbaM-

day and Saturday ft M SetBBBBJtOa, IfcadBf W.-.aeadey aadi*»»ayPatt-Cferi pr . .d ft rr S'.. i itori per rtllr a! to r-aVJ-

decce .ind :: ai a, M tat Eipeeea Mi Tra.*. MiiMapaaMpi-eeiio BdeaaatM el tJkeea by ethei reidea » I ia tMpM Bjala r i.. th- i.-.y n.on.um . -ui.ar < .'. r.n aad KaeVPa««e-r<era t.'ia' pr-f-r it, remain on board the iteamer, »ejop*r.iikt'a re.- :udiat whed. hr--i«'a»: it t-a.re l, a.. I leata S' adap-lau iu the 7 a m. wah. ha Pnruleace.A hiifaje matter aucx>mpaaiee the ateemer aad Uala tbraaMa

earth way.Por -««a*#e H-rrria, ita-e .,onia or fr- kjht, apply b.*rd mm

ateanier, or at the Praialit ». :. a. Ptae Ma. i North Rleat, er Ba

Iha i .. S ii Ban v . *. N .. .>r I. 1MB.

"lENTRAL RAI1.KOAI) Öl NEW JL^T--J CoBBOetBapM N. w Baaflta witn '.¦- i>-U«a-', \M**:

T~taaa tad Wniteee Ballrnad. aad at E*tu.n »un -1« Le^ajaPa y Rj.'r- ad.PAT.L ABRANOPMENT. i-orninete-irt O t her I. I««--

leu. New Y .r < rm PaMrai tad I BtenMtueta p aaaa BBM HMN 'I Maeth River, at 7« a. m . 11 in., ai.d i p. m I*io»w-rflia hp above traoaa, mimrnt 5 mm.Tne aiSot r MBBaa on -ec ar KLiabe.0 with traiua to tbe !**.-

Jrraey Rahr 1d, an b >. , . x O-earV!a-.d-. ah, ». t| . a iS a. aa., and 4 ead A p. at.

h'ai'-r/er« r i),,,»a-.. La kawaBBaaal WeaAtta Aatvmad art., leave at 7, a. m. ..y. Pi r Leiadflh Valiey Ra -adM7f a. n. aid U ui. JO"N O SIEL.N.S li'. . rii.'- -.<:.-ofc_

rFLUSHING RAILROAD.BVasptM PaHoa Matket Wharf hw a*es*ar IOLAS eA I 1 ' ': '

aid l i a-d hS a aa. The «. leaee P. ..-..¦¦/. L. I at d byI kiA !. a. n... %r.<j 1, I and ' JM p. rr.., MMa-fajt* f-t-Ti witn the boa; at H-juter«« P ut- Toro ./n la Mc .... Pai & eat* WM. M. PM1TH, Reweivae.

HUDSON RIÄ RH RAILROAD..FibbrAbrbbIV). IV3« Train* will leave Caaiaaera rt Statioa aa follow*:

Eipr.** i ra : « I a ai ai.d ip. u» A najiy ai i Troy Pa-o»a*-MTtiir.t. II a) p m. and W W p. i ful E- .. iheac -, la*ar.dl.10p. ai f.r S-ii«»u-i«. Pi*, in.. 4 ai.d<:4/ f ro .*Peekn-::. ! /. ami 5 » p. o) Tue Po.c.,k--pvi-. p.-aatiSaed Bin« Si: » Tramt .t-p at 'be Way Siati .na. I'.aeerir--ri t«A*bttHareri Can*-. Cr ria ..pher and ol*vr*. Train, f-r !*rw-I r» e.».- Proy at 4M tad 10:19% Da. and I.SO >.id lp en-u riiaday*, at p. m. a. t BMIT.I, S.:. rlateude«-A_I ONO ISLAND RAILROAD.NOTICE.-1 . b Mkd after TH I.'BSD AY, Sept. 9, ran.a wi raaatltViwt; in I bate.Itaajea -..otb P«rry, Broeaiyn. M Wa ia_ r'r-.->ave SotUi Perry, lir edi.yn. at *» P .*.

I"|e7aph*r.a !e«v« g..jtb Perry. Br-e.kiya, at I; p- M '¦ >' Wfart IttviMMl P-rry, Brooklyn, at h\ p. pt. for «leMpetredihave St .-j. P.rry, Brooklyn, at 7| p. m., f .r J*aaa*t*-_JEW-YORK AND ERIE RAILROAD -Ob

IS a:. '. r »'-. v v

Pa¦atae*i Tr. aa arlH mmm Pier Aotof Dnawe-et. a» fo:...warr«iDLNRiRE REPRESS attain , for Uoaairt«nd pr f W

.'rrnedafe Stationa. , ._

MAIL TRAIN at 1 a m., tot Dunkirk and BaBBB aud uMM-m-diate Station*. . -»

RCK KLAND PASSENOEB at S p m.. from fed O.iaVe*-»ia Fi. r-rivirit, for Svforr.* a:.d n termedia-e rl-v -i

WAY PASSENOER at 4 p. aa., lor New«^»o. *awhBaBawwand Inti iiiiilhS'i Stationa. ,

NIOIIT EXPRESS at Sp m., f>r Dunkirk *ad B .Pk.o.The above Train* r.n da.ir, B ndayt -i . BtetV

Thea. Eiprea* Tra- . BBeet at Elanrfe wit. th* r.

Bt-daia » and Nir.«ara Pa^t Rai-r aa. tor Niagara fa ' «. »

an/.. B with the ByaawaH «u< Biiia^nAoai tUjioad. Be »g»33BtComln. with tae Bufl.lo. Coramt aad llew^JIfgafor R.e heater M Oreat Send wita the !>!«». »r«. Ij*and Writer-. Iuj «j. bj * raaton. a: Uei*M»va» ww-^Buffalo aid New-Y-trk Oty Ba.j ad. for bar.1.. BjeBaand Da-A.rk wier, the Lake Bhnre lUitroad, Bar C*a«.d.lawaU.lOrd. LM. * \^'A^r ^MaUat Pieatd.-«.