New York City Population= 8,175,133 MILLIONS COMMUTE DAILY By: Ira, Louis, Cristina, Ruddy & Max

New York City Population= 8,175,133 MILLIONS COMMUTE DAILY By: Ira, Louis, Cristina, Ruddy & Max

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New York CityPopulation= 8,175,133


By: Ira, Louis, Cristina, Ruddy & Max

Project Description - Scooter Sharing

- Mission

Enhance the City’s transportation system by providing an affordable, greener, and efficient transportation alternative for the city that never sleeps

- Vision

Cultivate a less stressful and efficient city by using space savings scooters to enhance NYC’s transportation system

Goals• Prepare a

business plan

• Receive seed funding from CUNY IVE to begin making Scoocle a reality

• Breakeven within the first 5 years

• Transform the way NYC’s transportation functions

Progress• Organized our idea by preparing a general business plan

•Conducted market research to ensure our venture’s viability

•Adapted venture to align w/project criteria, and market research

• Placed Scoocle locations in areas with the highest volume of NYC commuters.

• Organized a marketing strategy, operational plan, and projected financials for the venture

• Created and presented a PPT of our organized data to communicate the need for Scoocle and the potential impact it could have on enhancing NYC’s transportation system

Next steps


•Pitch our idea in the CUNY IVE finals

• Advance in the competition to ultimately receive seed funding

•Create a Scoocle website & social media presence

•Cultivate relationships with NYC parking station owners throughout the city

•Design a Scoocle hub locater phone application

• Negotiate an economical wholesale deal with a used scooter distributor/manufacturer