NEW STAR - НОВА ЗОРЯ - November, 2012

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  • 7/30/2019 NEW STAR - - November, 2012


    ny BvM Cuc Ps

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    u.S. Posag


    Prmi No. 93

    Calm Ciy, IL 60409

    New Star 2245 w. Ric Sr

    Chicago, IL 60622-4858AddReSS SeRvICe RequeSted

    Ciculain Dp.New Star

    2245 W ric S

    Chicag IL 60622-4858



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    Us anh sh f pap if ncssayallw six wks f chang.

    (D lphn -mail ANY

    addss chang infmain.)

    d milliv by Novmb 10

    2012 NOVEMBER 2012XLVIII No. 11

    Moving?aach ld addss (a lf) and

    us fm snd nw addss us:

    Naiviy f h Blssd Vigin May Paish, n Spmb 9, cncludd h

    clbains f h 100h Jubil f h sablishing f h paish by Bishp

    Soter(oynsky, oSBM), in 1911. th cnnnial clbain was xnd-

    d a ya accmmda h pachys wn annivsay las ya.

    Wih a Jubil Ya Slmn Divin Liugy f thanksgiving, h paish, ld in

    singing by S. Nichlas Cahdal Chi and a massiv paicipain f finds andguss, igh piss sd a h Hly tabl. th piss nd h chuch in p-

    cssin, as h chi sang: Blssd b Gd, nw and fv. F Philip Sandick,

    oSBM, h Pvincial Supi f h od f S. Basil h Ga was h main cl-

    ban. Cnclbaing wih him w w fm pass: F. Michal Slmach

    and F. Wal rybicky, oSBM; h Supi and Mas f Nvics fm S.

    Jsapha Mnasy, F. L Gldad,

    oSBM; h rc f S. Nichlas

    Cahdal, F Bhdan Nalysnyk; h

    pas f S. Jsph Paish in Chicag,

    F. Mykla Buyadnyk; Naiviy assci-

    a pas, F Dmius Wyschansky,

    oSBM; and h pas f h Naiviy

    BVM, F Vacili Basil Salkvski,

    oSBM. F L dlivd h hmily,

    ning vaius lmns f faih ha is

    dynamic and living, as xpincd Ih fis cnuy f Naiviy Paish.

    F L cappd h paish hisy,

    xpling and mphasizing svn

    vlving lmns f livd faih. th

    challngs and building blcks ha

    sul fm ming hm hav pvid-

    d h paishins a lssn in gwing

    in Faih. ov h yas, h slv f

    h ppl was d in a vaiy f

    ways. Hudls w vcm. Coug allwd h paish cninu dspi

    financial inscuiis f h Dpssin ea. Wih diio cmmuniy lif

    was nhancd hugh sablishmn f pachial scial and svic ganizains.

    An ugwh f h dp cmmimn faih was h building f a schl. tha

    in un, ld gowh and wl basd upn nhusiasm fund hugh all

    h paishs undaking ha pin. Nw-fund vialiy pvidd impus f

    changas ppl lcad v-gwing familis. Nw challngs nsud, anddpbiliy pvidd anh avnu f faih xpssin b fllwd h

    nighbhds, h placs. Wih pc h cmmuniy cninus n

    fging ahad in h uncain fuu (buyd by faih).

    A h nd f h Divin Liugy, all piss assmbld n h amb inn

    pays f many yas and picus.

    th scnd pa f h clbains mvd Aviana Banqus, n fa fm h

    chuch. th hall was bauifully dcad and mmbs fm h paish Sishd

    wlcmd guss and psnd hm wih a Jubil Bk and h mmabilia.

    Wih a small dlay, h pgam bgan wih h psnain f cls and h

    Amican and Ukainian Nainal Anhms. thn, immdialy h MC f h

    Banqu annuncd h Ukainian danc nsmbls Vodohray andMytelyky f h

    nainmn and dligh f all. A h nd f h nainmn pgam Fah

    L lad us in pay and h blssing f h abl. As dinn was halfway hugh

    Fah Basil inducd h had abl and h disinguishd guss. In addiin

    h cnclbaing piss psn w h pas f Immacula Cncpin Paish

    in Palain, h Vy rv Myhkail Kuzma and his wif, Pani oksana; h pas

    continued on page 11


    scan code for NewStararchive

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  • 7/30/2019 NEW STAR - - November, 2012


    11new StarNvmb, 2012

    At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy in Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church, concelebrants intoned For Many Years.

    Presenting the colors, along with American and Ukrainian national anthems opened the banquet program.

    The young dance ensemble Vdhayperformed for the assembled guests at the banquet hall, as did the even younger group Mylyky.


    his Papal Synd is als andd

    by w UoC-K bishps wh

    w slcd as psnaivsduing h UoC-K Synd f Bishps

    las ya, which k plac in Bazil:

    Bishp tArAS (Snkiv), h Apslic

    Adminisa f Syj epachy and

    Bishp DIoNYSIUS (Liakhvych) Ap-

    slic Visia f Ukainian Gk

    Cahlics in Ialy and Spain. As was

    annuncd, Achbishp NYKoLA

    (evych), Gnal Scay of h

    Synd f Bishps, was fllwing an a-

    li appval by h Hly Fah, dl-

    gad xps and bsvs his

    Synd ming. Amng h xps is

    als Sis Luiza tsiupa SSMI, h vic-

    chai f h UGCC Cachical Cm-

    missin.His Baiud Sviaslav hinks ha

    h assmbly is a significan vn in h

    Cahlic Chuch, sinc in his way h

    Hly Fah adminiss h Chuch

    gh wih h bishps. this is an

    xampl f h bishps cllgialiyaccding which days Chuch livs

    and acs, xplaind h UGCC Pima

    In cmmning n his yas pic f

    h Papal Synd, His Baiud Svia-

    slav nd Discussins will cn n

    hw wih nw mhds and nw passin

    ansmi Chisian faih and h valusi ngnds in h nw glbalizd ps-

    mdn culu ha is fming in h


    I is impan n ha His

    Baiud Sviaslav is

    aking pa in such an

    assmbly f h fis

    im sinc his lcin

    and nhnmn.

    F m his is an

    ppuniy psn-

    ally cmmunica wih

    h Hly Fah and

    wih dlgas fm

    h pas f h

    wld. thf, wwill b abl psn

    diffn cnxs f

    h Paching f Gds

    Wd in UGCC and f u ppsi-

    ins h Synd Fahs in d

    mak h pclamain f h Wd fGd m ffciv bh in Ukain as

    wll as bynd is bds, sad h


    I is insing n h cmpsi-

    in f h 262 paicipans f h Papal

    Synd: 103eup; Amica63;

    Afica50; Asia39; ocana7.

    th a 6 paiachs, 49 cadinals, 3

    maj achbishps, n f which is a

    Cadinal, 71 achbishps, 120 bishps

    and 14 piss.

    Du hi svic, h Fahs f h

    Synd a 10 hads f easn Cahlic

    Chuchs, 32 psidns f Bishps

    Cnfncs, 21 psnaivs f h

    rman Cuia, 211 dinais and 11bishp assisans.

    UGCC Department of Information

    f S. Jsapha Paish in

    Muns, Vy rv Ya-

    slav Mndyuk and his

    wif, Pani olha; h pis

    fm S. Michal Paish in

    Chicag, F Jhn Lucas;

    h Basilian Siss fm S.

    Nichlas Cahdal and

    guss fm acss M-

    plian Chicag.

    thughu dinn F

    Basil ad sm f h

    gings and acknwl-

    dgd h jubil gifs f

    lv paishins and

    guss ffd f hpais f h paking l

    and chuch f. Af h

    mal, Slflianc Ukain-

    ian Fdal Cdi Unin

    gd us and psnd a

    gif f $3,000.00 wads

    h building fund. Many f

    u paishins mad d-

    nains duing and af h

    banqu, bu wishd -

    main annymus.Pupsly, h w n

    spchs hughu h

    banqu, h pas gd

    all paishins and h

    Pvincial Supi f h

    Basilian Fahs, F Philip

    Sandick, oSBM, gav a

    bif hisical viw f

    h wk f h od in

    h paish sinc 1937.

    Bu phaps h highlighf h jubil pgam was

    h slidshw f h lif f

    h paish, ppad by

    Naali Kuchysky.

    continued from page 1

    uGCC Prima for Firs tim Paricipas in Orinary

    Gnral Assmbly of Syno of Bishops of Caholic Chrch

  • 7/30/2019 NEW STAR - - November, 2012


    2013 ProClaiMed Year of faith in UgCC

    BY itS SYnod: In spns h iniiaiv f PpBndic XVI, h Synd f Bishps f h UkainianGk Cahlic Chuch hld in Winnipg pclaimd

    2013 h Ya f h Faih in h UGCC and s up an

    ganizing cmmi plan spiiual vns in h

    cnx f h 1025h annivsay f h Bapism f

    rus-Ukain, h Cmmunica f h Synd says.

    fifteen thoUSand Ukrainian MigrantS

    froM italY, SPain and PortUgal viSited

    loUrdeS: A spcial gus f h pilgimag was hnwly-daind exach f Ukainians in Fanc and

    Bnlux cunis Bishp BorYS (Gudziak). on

    Spmb 29 h gh wih Bishp DIoNISIUS

    (Liakhvych) and chaplains svd a Hiachal

    Liugy. I was Bishp Bys fis svic in Fanc as

    xach f h cuny.

    Paching h Ukainian migans, Bishp Bys

    said: Sval dcads ag, fw f us had vn had f

    his miaculus plac, and u chuch was sill bing

    pscud, bu day w jic f h fdm whav.

    tha sam vning h pilgims payd May in h

    cuyad f a Ukainian chuch buil 30 yas ag by

    Ukainian immigans. th pay was ld by Bishp

    Bys, wh duing a smn calld n Ukainians

    psv hi nainal and ligius idniy, gadlss

    f hi lcain and cicumsancs. As an xampl,

    Paiach JoSePH (Slipyj), wh af Sibian xil cam

    rm and bgan bing gh Ukainians. In pa-

    icula, h ugd Ukainian immigans paicipa in

    h pilgimag h Cahdal f S. Sphia in rm

    n h ccasin f h blssing f h sd Ukainian

    sancuay in h enal Ciy.

    Abu fifn husand Ukainian immigans fm

    Ialy, Spain, and Pugal k pa in his yas pil-


    PatriarCh SviatoSlav headS UgCC

    delegation at SYnod in vatiCan: th lad

    f h Ukainian Gk Cahlic Chuch (UGCC),

    Paiach SVIAtoSLAV (Shvchuk) paicipas in h

    XIII Gnal Assmbly f h Synd f Bishps hld

    in h Vaican und h il Nw evanglizain F

    Passing h Faih. th vn is andd by n hads

    f h easn Cahlic Chuchs. S pd h

    Infmain Dpamn f UGCC.

    th synd is als andd by w bishps, Apslic

    Adminisa f h Syi epachy and Apslic

    Visia f Gk Cahlic Ukainians in Ialy and

    Spain, Bishp DIoNISIUS (Liakhvych).

    Accding Paiach Sviaslav, h assmbly is avy impan vn in h lif f h Cahlic Chuch

    as in his way, h Ms Hly Fah is gvning h

    Chuch gh wih h bishps.

    this in is un is an xampl f bishps cllgialiy

    accding which h Univsal Chuch livs and acs

    day, xplaind h pima.

    date of next SYnod of UgCC deterMined:th nx Synd f h Ukainian Gk Cahlic

    Chuch is b hld in Kyiv n Augus 11-18, 2013. Is

    pic will b h UGCC and Nw evanglizain.

    Accding h Infmain Dpamn f UGCC,

    is mmbs will paicipa in h clbay vns

    n ccasin f h 1025h annivsay f h Bapism

    f rus-Ukain in Kyiv.

    In paicula, h Synd dcidd hld n Augus

    17-18 a pilgimag h Paiachal Cahdal f

    Chiss rsucin in Kyiv and calld h clgy,

    mnasics and laymn f h whl chuch and i.

    ChriSt the BridegrooM MonaSterY dedi-

    Cation CereMonY: A Ga Vsps nSpmb 30h, Bishp JoHN (Kudick), Bishp f

    Pama, nsud Juli Hiz (S. Cclia) and Jssi

    Hauck (S. Gabilla) as asaph nuns a hMaiapch Shin in Bun, ohi.

    in UCU forMer BritiSh aMBaSSador to

    Ukraine SPeakS of Moral ChallengeS of

    diPloMaCY: th ganiz f h lcu: Cn fPsnal Dvlpmn f h Jsph Slipyj Cllg

    and Philsphy Dpamn UCU. rb Binkly

    visi d h Ukainian Cahlic Univsiy fm

    ocb 7 21. Duing his say, rb Binkly and

    his wif had h ppuniy g acquaind wih h

    UCU cmmuniy. thy will hav sval mings

    wih h sudns f h Univsiy, includinglcus a

    h Lviv Businss Schl (LvBS), f h mass p-

    gam in junalism and a h Insiu f Ladship

    and Managmn.

    L'OsservatOrerOmanO to PUBliSh UnSeen

    vatiCan ii Material: VAtICAN CItY, (Zn-

    i.g).- th Vaican publicain, L'Osservatore Ro-

    mano will publish a spcial bkl cmmma

    h fifih annivsay f h Scnd Vaican Cuncil.

    th bkl will naa h vns f h Cuncil

    basd n accuns and pviusly unpublishd maial

    alng wih phs f h Pps wh w psn a h

    Cuncil, including Pp Bndic XVI, wh paicipa-

    d as a yung hlgian.

    Las ya, h Hly Fah w an inducin

    an diin f his wn cncilia wiings, which w

    publishd in Gmany. th Pp's wiings will b

    availabl in h bkl in h Ialian, english, and

    Spanish diins.L'Osservatore Romano will als pub-lish Pp Bndic XVI's inducin in h iginal

    Gman x as wll as in Ialian n is wbsi.

    world'S largeSt JewiSh Center oPen in

    dniProPetrovSk: rp-

    snaivs f h Dnippv-

    sk Jwish cmmuniy mad

    public h da and pgam f

    h pning f h wld's

    lags Jwish Cn Mn-

    ah. th ciy clbain was

    launchd n ocb 21. S

    pd wih fnc DJC.

    th cn was cad hanks h spnss, h

    Psidn f h Dnippvsk Jwish cmmuniy,Gnnadii Bgliubv and Psidn f h Unid

    Jwish Cmmuniy f Ukain, Ih Klmiskyi and

    is dsignd hs big culual and ligius vns.

    In paicula, h cncp f h Hlcaus Musum,

    which is a pa f h cn, was cad n h basis

    f h main sags f h hisy f h Jwish ppl

    shw h hisy f h Jws unil h 20h cnuy;

    achivmns f h Jwish civilizain; amps

    dsy ha civilizain by h Nazis duing h

    Hlcaus; and h vival f h Jwish lif af ha.

    on ocb 16, h ganizs hld an vn wih

    sicd accss by spcial inviains, h Hanukka

    Habayi cmny wih h paicipain f fficials,

    diplmas, mmbs f h Supvisy Cuncil and


    on h sam day, a lag innainal wkshp

    Hisic mmy f h wa and Hlcaus bgan. I

    is ganizd by h tkumah Insiu. on ocb 17,

    i cninud wih h psnain f h bkUnsettled

    Differences: World War II and the Social-politicalMoods in Ukraine in 1939-June, 1941.

    on Sunday, ocb 21 a lag ciy clbain was

    hld f h cmmuniy mmbs, sidns and visi-


    vandalS Strike another MonaSterY in

    holY land: JerSUALeM, (Zni.g).- Vandalshav suck again a a Fanciscan mnasy in h

    Hly Land, spay-paining ffnsiv maks n h

    ds f h abby lcad na h Chuch f h

    Dmiin. this is h scnd such aack in lss han

    n a mnh n a Chisian mnasy. th fis c-

    cud n Spmb 11h in a tappis Mnasy in


    Scawld n h gas f h Mnasy f S.Fancis n Mun Zin w wds dnigaing Jsus

    Chis alng wih h phas "pic ag" win nx

    h blasphmus maks.

    Pic ag fs h nam givn f vandalism

    acs f vilnc aimd usually a Isali scuiy fcs

    Palsinians. Usually caid u by adical Isali

    Jwish sls, aacks will sik a a si, usually

    Chisian Muslim, as a pic f bing vicd fm

    hi slmns.

    th vandals, blivd b p-Isali slmn

    hadlins, hav als aackd Muslim hly sis and

    h Chisian sis. Accding rus, Isali

    Psidn Shimn Ps dnuncd h pic ag

    aacks, saying ha such vandalism is cnay h

    Jwish faih and "causs ga ham Isal."

    "Hly sis mus n b hamd," h nws agncy als pd ha Palsinian ffi-

    cials and Isali ighs gups hav accusd h auh-

    iis f n ding nugh invsiga h aacks

    BioMetriC PaSSPortS to Be introdUCed in

    Ukraine: th Supm Cuncil f Ukain passdh law on Unifid Sa Dmgaphic rgis

    which nvisags inducin f bimic passps in


    Accding, 233 dpuis vd f

    h law. Accding h law, ach ciizn gadlss f

    his/h ag, is bligd bain a passp in h fm

    f a cad cnaining a cnaclss lcnic infma-

    in cai. th passps a issud all psns

    fm hi bih f n bimic passp includs infmain cn-

    aind in h unifid sa dmgaphic gis, such as

    h nam, da f bih dah, plac f bih, sx, da

    f ning f infmain h gis, infmain

    abu h pans, guadians, c.

    PoPe BenediCt xvi inClUdeS araBiC

    langUage in general aUdienCe: VAtICANCItY, (Zni.g). - Aabic was addd a Gnal

    Audinc xplain Pp Bndic XVIs wds

    hs psn in S. Ps Squa as wll as hs cn-

    ncd hugh h mdia.

    Fah Fdic Lmbadi, SJ, dic f h Hly

    S Pss offic, said "a cmmna will summaiz

    in Aabic h cnns f h Pps cachsis and will

    ansla his gings" h diffn languag


    th iniiaiv is a dcisin f h Hly Fah, in

    cninuiy wih his ip las Spmb Lbann, and

    wih h publicain f h Ps-Syndal Apslic

    exhain n h Middl eas, xplaind F.

    Lmbadi. th dic f h Hly S Pss offic

    als sad ha "in his way h Hly Fah wishs

    shw his cninud ins in and ncuagmn

    Chisians f h Middl eas, and als mind all f

    h duy pay f pac in h Middl eas."

    12 new Star Nvmb, 2012

  • 7/30/2019 NEW STAR - - November, 2012


    As I find myself in these circum-

    stances todayelected by this Holy

    Sobor as the fourth Metropolitan and

    First Hierarch of our Ukrainian

    Orthodox Church of the USA, I realize

    that there is very little human involved in

    the sequence of events that surround me.

    It is as if Heaven has invaded this space

    and the human will and Divine Grace

    are united. Heaven descends and earth

    ascends. I think in the weakness of my

    humanity that I offer myself to God, but

    in reality He once again makes a gift of

    Himself to me and I am bathed in His

    Grace and in His Light

    ths wds a a pin f

    Achbishp Annys spns h

    jus cmpld ac f an exadinay

    Sb f h Ukainian ohdx

    Chuch f h USA n Sauday,

    ocb 6, 2012, lcing him as h suc-

    css Mplian Cnsanin f

    Blssd Mmy, as Mplian-elc

    f h Chuch. th Sb k plac a

    h Mplia Cn f h Chuch in

    Suh Bund Bk-Sms, Nw

    Jsy. S pd ucfusa.g.

    13new StarNvmb, 2012

    H in Pais, I wk wih hIstina ecumnicalCn which is spnsd by h Dminican

    fias f h Pais pvinc. In cnjuncin

    wih his wk, I cnly paicipad in h annual

    Dminican pilgimag Luds. If h pilgimag is

    ppula, i is cainly n bcaus f h alk ha I and

    h ohdx sudns gav, a psnain nild

    Maian Pay in h easn Chuchs. rah,

    Luds aacs ppl wh cm h Mh f

    Gd in sach f haling, plading wih h incd

    wih Gd n hi bhalf. Always cnay, I cam back

    fm Luds sick insad f hald: voil, my fis

    cld f h sasn! (Did smbdy say Gesundheit?)

    th sick cm Luds in ainlads. I was

    mvd s h hngs f sick ppl cad aund

    h shin gunds by hundds f vluns, wh

    ih push hm in hi whlchais pull hm

    abu in cas miniscn f a ickshaw. of cus,

    h sick a vy visibl a all h dvins, includ-

    ing h pcssins. A h daily Massi.e., wha w

    wuld m pply f as h Divin Liugy

    whn clbad in u Chuch and accding u

    iI lkd u n a sa f h sick, huddld in

    afghans pc hm fm h mning chill h in

    h fhills f h Pyns.

    on paicula mning as I sa wih h h piss,

    y n m infim Chisian was addd h picu:

    a cippld pis, dssd in his Dminican habi, d

    up n his mizd ca and k his plac wih h

    cnclbans. My mind acd h visins: visins

    f a paalyzd Ukainian Cahlic pis whm I hav

    sn a clgy mings in h Pais xacha, visinsf h dply mund F. tm Glynn as h undwn

    dbiliaing chmhapy a fw yas back.

    Imagin ha: piss da b sick! Hw cnay

    his is h xpcains f s many ppl, f whm

    h pis is xpcd b a ck f sngh, availabl

    24/7, s as giv hm wha hy wanwhich, fcus, is n always wha hy nd, bu ha is gis

    f anh mill Ys, ak i fm m: w piss a

    jus as suscpibl infimiy and bknnss as a

    hs wh cm us f ca.

    Clical infimiy manifss islf in many ways. th

    ms visibl infimiis a physical, whn u bdis

    giv u fm yas f abus. this abus aks many

    fmsb hy h igs impsd by sssful and

    dmanding wk, b hy unhalhy cping mcha-

    nisms such as alchl abus, vaing, and a laundy

    lis f addicins. Yu s, bnah h pisly faad

    luk many aas f hiddn bknnssminal,

    lainal, c.which a pa-and-pacl f h

    piss l. Unfunaly, i is pcisly hs aas

    which slwly a away a h piss lif if hy a n

    andd ; hadlins fm cn yas shw us jushw wng hings can g! of cus, i is vy asy

    pin fings a waywad piss; i is n s asy

    ff imly hlp hs wh a xpcd b p-

    fc. t b fai, h pciv shild f islain which

    many piss s up dsn hlp hm g h hlp

    which hy nd. Isn ha paly a cnsqunc f

    clicalism? Whn w piss allw uslvs b pu

    n a pdsal, w als mv uslvs fm h cn-

    slain and supp f ppl whs suffing w


    th Chuch is n unawa f h all--human

    waknsss f hs daind sv. this cms u

    claly in ancin wds f dinain: th Gd Wh

    hals wha is infim, and Wh maks up f wha is

    lacking, aiss h svan f Gd. In cas yu missd

    h implicain, h daining pla alizs ha h

    n bing daind is subjc all ss f infimiis,

    and ha h is lacking in many aas, bu h daining

    bishp dains him anyway, using in Gds gac

    mak hings wk u. (N.B., I us h masculin p-

    nun sinc h disciplin f h Chuch ds n pmih dinain f wmn.) And w piss a fcd

    cnfn u waknss in a siln pay which p-

    cds h ga nanc: onc again and many ims

    w fall bf Yu and ask Yu, o gd and lving

    Ld, ha having lkd upn u piin, Yu migh

    clans u suls and bdis f vy dfilmn f

    flsh and spii, and migh pmi us sand guillss

    and uncndmnd bf Yu hly ala. of cus,

    cnfning h uh and acing upn i cnsucivly

    a, unfunaly, w diffn hings. (this is, alas,

    n diffn f clgy han i is f lay ppl!)

    Dminicans lik spli haisha is, mak

    disincins in an amp claify. As a Dminican, I

    cann hlp making wha I s as a ncssay disinc-

    in bwn cuing and haling. Cuing is wha

    scinc allws dcs d: hy id h pain f illnssand dfmiy, hby sing pp bilgical

    funcining. Haling, hwv, gs fa bynd his:

    haling is abu whlnss, puing back gh ha

    which is bkn. Whil I suspc ha sm pilgims a

    Luds w hping f a cu, I hink ha haling is

    a ga gifha is, allwing a

    shad spii b ansfmd,

    ansfigud. A cu maks had-

    lins; haling bings a ga gif:

    h fullnss f lif as pmisd by

    h on wh says I hav cm s

    ha yu migh hav lif, lif h

    fulls. May w all sk such

    halingn ma wha sid f

    h icn scn w happn b



    ey Sb Cs ec n Mp

    fr. Jim Karepin, op

    continued on page 15

    e Mmy s su us

    scs cs. w

    s mmb b mm-

    b? Smms s s s.

    th us f h phas enal Mm-

    y! is s wll assciad wih funals

    and panakhidy ha i migh b inpd

    as an minus xpssin, usd call

    sm f h painful aspcs invlvd in

    missing a lvd n. I is n unknwn

    ha sm vn hink h wds (in

    Ukainian)vichnaya pamjat

    alms man gd-by

    vn h nd. this is du unfamilia-

    iy wih h fac ha his is a dp pay.

    Pa f his migh sm fm h smb

    mldy which h wds a usually

    sung. I sunds sad. I fn lavs ppl

    in as, hav mmis f a spus,

    pan, child, laiv find bugh up.this migh plng giving, whn h

    innin is qui h ppsi.

    rmmbing ha Chisianiy has is

    s in wha is h Middl eas, wih an

    lmn f easn hugh invlvd,

    which la Wsn hugh migh n

    appcia undsand. Fw ally al-

    iz Chisianiy is fundamnally an

    easn rligin.

    ou faih, acd fm is Hbw s,

    has a cnncin biblical liay x-

    pssin undlying i. I is impan

    mmb ha mmis a vivid

    imags. t h ancins, mmb

    smn vkd hi imag. t h -

    mmb, h n mmbd was

    bugh mind; was psn, was aliv.

    this is spcially vidn if h mm-

    bd is n physically visibl, f any

    numb f asns. thy may b in h

    nx m, h nx wn, cuny, vn

    in h nx lif!

    S, i sms, mmy svs a pu-

    ps f making psn ( aliv--us)

    n wh is absn. this can asily b a

    im f jyus vi. th wh wh is

    mmbd is n n h.

    In using nal w addss a pay

    h on Wh mmbs: Gd, henal. th pay asks ha h unnding

    psnc wih Gd b h fa f h n

    w s lvingly nus H Wh Is.

    If, as w ask, u lvd n is aliv

    Gd's mmy, h sh is in h bsm

    f Abaham, Isaac and Jacb. H h

    is n pain, sw muning, bu lif

    vlasing. I is n a plac f as, bu

    u, al, cmpl happinss in h p-

    fcin f which h wld and is inhab-

    ians w cad.

    Amd wih his pspciv, yu migh

    find h hymn lss dvasaing. Phaps a

    diffn mp f singing culd mpha-

    siz h psiiv mssag f h gandu

    f enal Mmy. I may hlp h gif

    w fl, and daw us b undsandh incmpaabl mssag f h Cann

    f h Dcasd, cmpsd by S Jhn

    Damascn s many cnuis ag pu

    in pspciv lif, dah and Lif.

    d sm mss hppy

    n Y mss s m's

    (Spmb) ssu p?

    Qui h ppsi. Sinc h Chuch

    calnda always bgins in Spmb

    (much lik h Jwish Calnda) h g-

    ing was apppia, and placd dlib-

    aly. Basd upn a calculain f h

    bginning f h wld usd in h

    Byzanin empi, Spmb 1 is Nw

    Ya's Day. this is 7521 n ha calnda.[thy wn hugh Y2K v 5,520 yas

    ag. e]. Sm paishs vn hav Nw

    Ya's ev pais Augus 31, jus bcaus

    hy can.

    a ecu 2012 i s my pss

    cmmu. ty s

    m ,

    , wy? d y c c?

    wy sm pss s


    Wha yu winssd is pp cncl-

    bad liugis. th iual is payd in

    u cahdaland in many h chuch-

    sin an icn bhind h Hly tabl.

    Chis is sn (wic) ffing His Dis-

    cipls His Bdy (in h fm f bad) and

    His Bld (as win in h chalic). Fhis, yu may hav nd, nn-clbaing

    piss ( dacns) in vsmns, wa-

    ing h piachil a, appach

    hugh h nh dacn d. A h ala

    h cuppd lf hand is xndd f h

    bishp plac h Bdy f Chis. th

    igh hand (psning h canpy f

    Havn) cvs h Hly Gif. In unisn

    all cnsum h paicl f h Lamb hy

    hav bn givn; ach pis hn ap-

    pachs fm h Suh f h Hly

    tabl, bws h clban, dinks fm

    h chalicand dpas hugh h

    ryal Ds. Sinc h pis always

    civs h Bdy and Bld spaaly,

    his mhd is cnsidd n ac. thy dn civ wic.

    Piss and dacns in cassck (and

    iassa) wihu any vsmn sl

    ighfully appach in lin wih h h

    (nn-daind) cmmunicans.

    Piss, fully vsd, in piachial

    wh a in h pws d n cnclba

    ha is say any f h piss pays. this

    is dn nly by hs in h Hly Plac.

    Wy?/Wy: By Fr Denny Molitvy

  • 7/30/2019 NEW STAR - - November, 2012


    If yu did n accp hinviain ak pa in

    encun 2012, yu

    uly missd an niching

    xpinc! ov 200 laiy and

    85 easn Cahlic clgy and

    ligius gahd gh

    sha in h encun.

    th hm f encun

    2012, tgh in Chis,

    piqud my cuisiy. Wh and

    wha was man by gh-

    ? th vn was pn all,

    s I dcidd gis. In h

    pas h Ukainian Cahlics

    had vaius epachial cnf-

    ncs, Obnova and Yuh

    f Chis nam w and

    alms always limid Ukainians. All w gad

    wad aching u h

    yuh, h ns and h

    mid-wnis ag gup.

    encun 2012 was inviing

    vyn, bishps, clgy, li-

    gius and h laiy, gadlss

    f hnic backgund. I was a

    ming f h minds f h

    vaius culus ha mak up

    h easn Cahlic Chuchs.

    emphasis duing his cnf-

    nc was fcusd aund w

    main idas. on ida bing

    akn fm 1 C 12, F as

    n bdy, (I undsd his

    man h Chuch) w hav

    many pas, (bishps, clgy,

    ligius and laiy) and all hpas d n hav h sam

    funcin, s w, hugh many

    a n in bdy in Chis and

    individual pas f n anh.F w w all bapizd by

    n Spii s as fm n

    bdywhh Jws Gn-

    ils, slav fand ww all givn h n Spii

    dink Sinc w a all bap-

    14 new Star Nvmb, 2012

    encun 2012, a cnfnc f easn

    Cahlic clgy and laiy f Amnian,

    Caldan, Malankaa, Malaba, Mani,

    Mlki, rmanian, russian, ruhnian, Syian and

    Ukainian Chuchs, k plac f h Midws a

    h nd f Spmb. Inspiing alks w had n

    h hm f building up days Chuch.

    easn Chisian Publicains, n f h vn-ds, gav hs anding a cpy f h fis diin

    f hi mnhly magazin f Spiiual rflcins

    fm h Chisian eas calld thsis. th il

    mans divinizain, h making f us lik Gd. this

    dcin is fund in h old tsamn

    and in h Nw tsamn and h aly

    Fahs f h Chuch. S. Inauus

    sas, If h Wd has bn mad man,

    i is s ha mn may b mad gds.

    Many sad hi blif in dificain.

    W a divinizd by h psnc f h

    Hly Spii and a mindd f u

    spiiual hiag a a im whn h

    wld has bcm scula n acknwl-

    dging Gds lv.

    th Hly Spii is dicing us a sng lv

    by having bf u minds his dcin f aly

    Chisianiy ha w a liv lik Gd in bcming

    lik Gd, sving ach h. In his ciical pid in

    hisy w a mvd knw ha w a cninu-

    usly gwing in divin paicipain hugh h


    t Cs


    Office of Faith Formation


    Phaps yu'v nicd, phaps

    yu'v vn bn impssd by

    wha's happning aund us:

    th spcacula and ndlssly cm-

    plx nvinmn ha Gd has pviddf us; u fllw causfamily,

    finds, all h bdilss pws, sp-

    cially u guadian angls, h flks,

    animals, plans, micbs, ams... Jimi

    Hndix askd Hav yu v bn


    ou spcific spnsibiliy dal

    wih all h h suff aund us in an

    pn and psiiv mbac f spiiual


    In my im wih h Khlydyvka

    bhs na tn I id cnvinc

    hm ha Gds dica Adam cg-

    nizd in his swadship/cnl v

    animals and nau was as a Gd Shp-

    hd, n a dspil cannibal abus.Unfunaly hy smd py lckd

    in hi idas f aggssiv vicimiza-

    in. I guss gwing up und h S-

    vis fsd such pinins.

    Manwhil, back a u wn bad


    Phaps yuv bn lking aund

    a h s f h wld. Phaps yu

    hav nicd sm vagu similaiis

    bwn yu wn psnal xpinc,

    yu wn acual xisnc, and h s

    f cain. Phaps yu fl a vagu

    kinship wih h h. Duh.

    evn sciniss hav finally nicd

    ha vyhing: ppl, cks, ai, wa,

    whav, is all mad u f h sam

    basic suff. W all simpl ams,nucli suundd by biing lcns.

    th physical diffnc bwn m and

    a puff f smk and a ck is jus dnsiy

    and aangmn. rdny King said:

    Can w all jus g alng?

    th sc is cgniz ha w a

    all n, ha h is n us and hm,

    n yu and m. onc yuv al-

    izd ha w ach jus anh cg in

    Gds ally incmphnsibl plan,

    wll, h happi, m fulfilld, m

    gh w ALL a lifs ach f us

    individuals up. If smn smhing

    is in disss smwh, w a all and

    ach bugh dwn, cmpmisd, n-

    dangd, bnd ha unis us is h mv-

    mn f h Hly Spii, h bullin

    Divin Nau ha is shad in a las

    sm small xn by all f cain,

    Gds psnc in u livs and in all H

    has cad. Whn yu ak advanag f

    anyn dspil yu suundings,

    yu a igning Gds plan, fusing

    paicipa in h cycl f gac. P


    th inacin f h h visis in

    S Andi rublvs old tsamn

    tiniy is a sikingly vivid gaphic p-

    snain f his syngy. this famus

    icn is h panal symbl f my lil

    pimiiv shack u in h wds in

    HawaiI, Hly tiniy Asham/ra.Yu culd d ws han flc upn

    his imag f a fw minus nw and

    hn. Chck i u.

    onc yu hav alizd, xpincd

    h aliy f smhing as ''ys, by

    gum'', reAL, acknwldg is bing

    and yu wn humbl l in his

    dynamic synhsis, wll, all yu hav

    d is l g and allw his pimal sym-

    bisis wash v yu lik h lapping

    wavls f a ising id and ngulf yu

    lik an vwhlming sunami. tha is

    h Divin engy ha S Ggy

    Palamas ampd dscib. I hink i

    is asi cgniz and fl han i is

    xplain dscib dfin, bu SGgy did a py gd jb, basd n

    h Philokalia english anslain (vl.

    4). Sill h's a asn why S Ggy

    Nazianzn is calld h thlgian.

    I bliv yu'll knw i whn yu g

    h. th ld ligh bulb mmn.

    W shuld all g igh n i.

    I admi I'v always bn buggd by

    flks wh f icngaphy as icn

    wiing alhugh ha is h ms lial-

    ly cc anslain f h Gk. Af

    a lifim f sudying and pducing

    w-dimnsinal gaphic imags, I vy

    sngly fl ha h adiinal gg m-

    pa and msaic a paind as-

    smbld. I hink f saus as xmly

    lumpy icns.ths lil flcins psn

    anh fm f icngaphy: an imag,

    a cncp, pjcd hugh wds wi-

    n and shad. this (wihu ging all

    psumpus h) is a adiin ha

    cms fm Mss and h Pphs, h

    Apsls and evangliss, fm h

    Ds Fahs and all h Paisic wi-

    s and hi succsss hugh th-

    phan h rclus, Lv Gill, thmas

    Mn, Mplian Andy Shpy-

    sky and s many hs

    Cning: A Cnfssinal Manifs

    Lt M Tll You about

    encountr 2012spcil o h nw s

    continued on page 16

    (ABoVe, LeFt): Morning prayer of the Maronite

    Church was prayed at the hotel, Saturday.

    (ABoVe, rIGHt): Vespers in the Melkite Church

    were sung at nearby St Elias Church, Saturday

    evening. (rIGHt):Matins and Divine Liturgy

    were celebrated at the Cathedral of

    St John the Baptist, Parma, Sunday morning.

  • 7/30/2019 NEW STAR - - November, 2012


    15new StarNvmb, 2012


    h fis pis daind f h epachy

    f S Nichlas in Chicag has did.

    Vy rv F thmas Glynn, wh a

    h im f his dah was asscia pas f

    S Jsph h Bhd in Chicag, was bn

    July 12, 1932 tm and Paulin Glynn. H

    gw up wih his bh Jack and many h

    laivs fm Iland n h suh sid f

    Chicag. Af anding S. Basil's Gad

    Schl and S. Vincn Ppaay Cllg

    in Cap Giadau, Missui, yung tm

    nlld a DPaul Univsiy wh h cm-

    pld a Bachl's Dg in Philsphy and

    educain. His lv f ducain dw him

    a ca in aching. Whil aching a a

    bading schl n h nhws sid f

    Chicag, F tm m F. Jsph Shay, hn

    pas f S. Jsph Paish. I was hugh his

    findship wih F. Shay ha F. tm landf and fl a calling jin h pishd in

    h Ukainian Cahlic Chuch.

    F. tm nd Cahlic Univsiy and S.

    Jsapha Sminay in Washingn DC, in

    1960. on Mach 29, 1964, F. tm bcam

    h fis pis daind f h nwly-sab-

    lishd S. Nichlas epachy by h fis

    Bishp JAroSLAW (Gab). Af his dina-

    in, h maind a S. Nichlas Cahdal

    Paish unil 1967.

    F a bif pid bwn 1967 and 1970

    F. tm svd a S. Jhn h Bapis in

    Di. H hn und Chicag unil

    1977. Fm 1977 1984, F. tm had h

    ppuniy sv h cmmuniis in h

    wsn pa f h pachy, a h paishs fS. Jhn h Bapis and S. Dmius in

    Blfild, Nh Daka.

    In 1984 h mvd back Di wh h

    and a Mas's Dg in Chmical D-

    pndncy. H als cmpld Cificain as

    a Scial Wk. F. tm maind in Di

    unil 1989 sving h cmmuniis f S.

    Jhn h Bapis and ou Lady f Ppual

    Hlp in Dabn Highs whil wking as a

    Spiiual Cunsl a Sacd Ha rhabil-

    iain Cn.

    on Jun 1, 1989, F. tm und Chi-

    cag sv a S. Jsph Paish. H was

    bswd h il f Cann by Bishp

    MICHAeL (Wiwcha, CSsr) in 1998, n h

    34h annivsay f his dinain.

    Alhugh xpincing cn halh pb-

    lms, F tm was aciv in paish lif, cl-

    baing h Divin Liugy, cnducing sudy

    gups, and cnibuing h paish bul-

    lin. Sval f his wiings w pind in

    New Star. H quily bsvd his 48h anni-

    vsay f dinain his ya.

    Cann thmas Glynn did Spmb 26.

    His funal bgan a h Chuch f S Jsph

    h Bhd, Chicag, n tusday, ocb

    2 wih h Paasaspa n f a Pis's

    Funal, and cncludd ocb 3. Amng

    h clbans w clgy fm na and fa.

    Alng wih Bishp rICHArD (Sminack), h

    pas f S Jsph, F Mykla Buyadnykwas jind by (in d f yas f svic):

    F Lnad Kchinski, Vy rv Cann

    William Bilinsky, F Jhn Lucas, righ rv

    Achimandi Ivan Kc, Vy rv rman

    Galadza, F Abaham Mill, Vy rv

    Achpis Mikhail Kuzma, F Myn

    Panchuk, Vy rv Basil Salkvski, oSBM,

    Vy rv Yaslav Mndyuk, F Vldymy

    Hudzan, Vy rv Bhdan Nalysnyk, F Ih

    Kshyk, F Vldymy Kushni and F

    rman Aymvych. F Dacn Michajl

    Hdysky svd, as did Subdacn P

    rudka, alng wih ala svs f S Jsph

    Paish. Cnggain spnss w ld by

    Mak Kuiak.

    Pa w f h Funal f a Pis cm-mncd h nx mning, h clgy bing

    jind by Vy rv Cann, D Wayn

    ruchgy, F Vasyl Savchyn, F Maxims Da-

    vis, F Span Ksiuk and F Dacn

    Michal Husky. F Dacn Michal Ck

    was in andanc. A h cnclusin f h

    Fawll Kiss and Panakhyda, h bdy f

    find, cunsl, hlgian, ach and

    asscia pas was laid s a S Nichlas

    Cmy, Chicag. A adiinal Agap Mal

    was hld in h Paish Hall.

    May his mmy b nal!

    C tms gy ese l, a 80

    th Sb bgan wih Divin Liugy

    svd in S. Andw Mmial Chuch

    wih bh Chuch hiachsHis

    eminnc Achbishp Anny and His

    Gac Bishp


    baing wih h

    assisanc f

    clgy fm a-

    und h USA

    and hundds f

    addiinal clgy

    and lay dl-

    gas h S-

    b and manyguss waning

    winss a

    mmn f his-


    A c h b i s h p

    Anny is nw

    Mpl i an-

    elc f h

    Ukainian ohdx Chuch f h

    USA. th suls f h exadinay

    elcal Sb hav alady bn cn-

    vyd His All-Hlinss Paiach

    Bahlmw wih h humbl qusha h Hly Synd f h ecumnical

    Paiacha fmally lc h Ach-

    bishp as Mplian and n his

    nam in h dipychs f h Hly

    ohdx Chuch. Many ppl psn

    a h Sb

    xpssd h

    dsi avl

    wih h M-



    f h fmal

    svic cnfim-

    ing ha induc-

    in in h dip-

    ychs. onc hPaiacha in-

    fms u bish-

    ps abu h

    dcisin f h

    Hly Synd and,

    hpfully, h

    da f his sv-

    ic, h pssibili-

    y f ganizing such a pilgimag will

    b xpld and annuncd h faih-


    continued from page 13

    His Gac, Bishp roMAN (Dan-

    ylak), Ukainian Apslic Ad-

    minisa emius f tn

    and easn Canada, did n Sunday,

    ocb 7, 2012, a h ag f 82.

    Bn n Dcmb 29, 1930, in t-

    n, onai, and daind h pis-

    hd in Sain Jsaphas Sminay Chapl

    in rm by Achbishp MAXIM (H-

    maniuk), CSsr., n ocb 13, 1957,

    Bishp Danylak was daind h pis-

    cpa in S. Michals Cahdal, t-

    n, n Mach 25, 1993. H signd asApslic Adminisa in 1998.

    Bishp Danylak was a h f h p-

    lif mvmn in Canada and an uspkn

    pm f h sain f Cahlic

    aching in h Canadian Cahlic Schl

    sysm. H saw h pblms dvlping

    in Cahlic ducain many yas ag and

    wand ha, dspi ddicad achs and

    xpnsiv pgams, childn w n ad-

    qualy insucd in mal issus, and

    cgnizd ha much f h blam was du

    gavly flawd insucinal maial.

    on pgam h bishp ciicizd svly

    is h onai Fully Aliv family lif sis

    which Bishp Danylak said is wfully

    dficin in is amn f mal pincipls.

    th Fully Aliv pgam is n a pgam

    f fmain in

    Chisian viu bu a

    pgam f impa-

    ing sxual knwl-

    dg childn, h


    th bishp c-

    mmndd hah pgam b

    scappd in all

    schls, ning,

    th pp auh-

    iy in h aa f family lif ducain

    shuld b wih h pans.

    Funal Svics w hld tusday, oc-

    b 9, and Wdnsday, ocb 10, wih

    Paasas a S. Jsapha Cahdal, tn.

    on thusday, ocb 11, 2012, h was

    h Funal a S. Jsapha Cahdal.

    May his mmy b nal!

    Bp roMan (dylk)d, ag 82

    Bishop Richard preached at the evening Parastasand at the

    morning funeral, poured oil, anointing the Priest, Thomas.

    (inSet)Fr Tom blesses Paschal Food in a photo by Julian Hayda.

  • 7/30/2019 NEW STAR - - November, 2012


    16 new Star Nvmb, 2012

    Pp: w C Sp n ez u

    "Sc ds Cs"

    Pss rbu

    es h

    ds M

    am tpcs B dscuss

    WASHINGtoN, D.C. (Zni. g).

    - th U.S. Cnfnc f Cahlic

    Bishps (USCCB) will m in

    Nvmb in Balim f hi

    annual Fall Gnal Assmbly. th

    bishps will ha addsss by

    Cadinal timhy Dlan f Nw

    Yk, psidn f h USCCB, and

    Achbishp Cal Maia Vigan,

    apslic nunci h Unid


    th bishps will als ha ps

    fm Bishp Kvin J. Fall f

    Dallas, chaiman f h USCCB

    Cmmi n Nainal Cllc-ins, and Bishp Gald F. Kicanas

    f tucsn, Aizna, chaiman f

    Cahlic rlif Svics, n

    building ffs f h Chuch in

    Haii. Auxiliay Bishp edga

    Mia da Cunha f Nwak, NwJsy will giv an infmainal

    psnain n Wld Yuh Day

    2013, and Achbishp Salva

    Cdiln f San Fancisc, chai-

    man f h Subcmmi n h

    Pmin and Dfns f Ma-

    iag, will giv an upda n h

    pmin and dfns f maiag,

    paiculaly a Spanish-languag


    Msg. Jffy Snsn, had f

    h odinaia f h Chai f S.

    P, will giv a saus upda n

    h aciviis f h dinaia,

    which was sablishd in Januay

    assis Anglican cmmuniis in hUnid Sas wishing jin h

    Cahlic Chuch. th bishps will

    als ha psnains fm Ach-

    bishp timhy P. Bgli f h

    Achdics f Miliay Svics,

    chaiman f h USCCB Subcm-mi n Cannical Affais and

    Chuch Gvnanc, and Ach-

    bishp Ggy Aymnd f Nw

    olans, chaiman f h Cmmi-

    n Divin Wship.

    th bishps will v n sval

    acin ims, including hi sa-

    gic plan and dcumns n pach-

    ing, h Sacamn f Pnanc, h

    cnmy and pssibiliis and chal-

    lngs h aching minisy f a

    bishp. th bishps will als v

    f h asu-lc f USCCB,

    h chaimn-lc f fiv cmmi-

    s, and h cain f h

    USCCB saff psiins..

    VAtICAN CItY, (Zni.g).- Pp Bndic XVI

    fficially pnd th Synd f Bishps, und hhm f "th Nw evanglizain and h

    tansmissin f h Chisian Faih" wih h clba-

    in f Mass in S. P's Squa. th Hly Fah als

    pclaimd S. Jhn f Avila and S. Hildgad f

    Bingn as Dcs f h Chuch.

    Duing his hmily, h Hly Fah flcd n h

    nau f h nw vanglizain, and h call f Chis

    his discipls annunc h Gspl aund h

    whl wld. Pp Bndic XVI sssd h l f

    h Cahlic Chuch, saying ha h "Chuch xiss


    "evn in u wn ims, h Hly Spii has nuud

    in h Chuch a nw ff annunc h Gd Nws,

    a pasal and spiiual dynamism which fund a m

    univsal xpssin and is ms auhiaiv impuls

    in h Scnd Vaican ecumnical Cuncil," h ppsaid.

    "Such nwd vanglical dynamism pducs a

    bnficn influnc n h w spcific "banchs"

    dvlpd by i, ha is, n h n hand h Missi ad

    Gns annuncmn f h Gspl hs wh d

    n y knw Jsus Chis and his mssag f salvain,and n h h h Nw evanglizain, dicd pin-

    cipally a hs wh, hugh bapizd, hav difd

    away fm h Chuch and liv wihu fnc h

    Chisian lif."

    th Pp iad h Syndal Assmbly's pups

    vangliz hs wh hav sayd fm h faih

    saying is discvy can b a "suc f gac which

    bings jy and hp psnal, family and scial lif."

    Cnmplaing n h hm f maiag fund in h

    fis ading and Gspl f Sunday, h Hly Fah

    mphasizd h impanc f h sacamn f

    Maiag, calling i "a Gspl in islf." th Pp als

    sad ha h cisis f faih is inhnly linkd h

    cisis f maiag in day's sciy. "Maiag, as a

    unin f faihful and indisslubl lv, is basd upn

    h gac ha cms fm h iun Gd, wh inChis lvd us wih a faihful lv, vn h Css,"

    h pp said.

    "tday w ugh gasp h full uh f his sa-

    mn, in cnas h painful aliy f many ma-

    iags which, unhappily, nd badly."

    a C hssPp Bndic XVI, in calling h Scnd Vaican

    Cuncil's call hlinss f all Chisians, spcifically

    gadd h sains as "pins and bings f h nw

    vanglizain." th Hly Fah psnd S. Jhn f

    Avila and S. Hildgad f Bingn, wh w bh p-

    claimd Dcs f h Chuch duing h Mass, as

    xampls f h call f all Chisians annunc h

    Gd Nws.

    Saying ha h call hlinss als hlps us cn-

    mpla n h fagiliy, and vn sins f Chisians,

    h Pp mphasizd ha i is n pssibl spak f

    h Nw evanglizain wihu "a sinc dsi f


    th Hly Fah cncludd his hmily asking h

    incssin f h sains and "ga vanglizs", pa-

    iculaly his pdcss, Blssd Jhn Paul II, f-ing h la Pp's pnifica as "an xampl f h

    nw vanglizain."

    Junno Arocho

    roMe, (Zni.g).- A cnfnc

    gahing wmn hlgians

    flc n h Scnd Vaican

    Cuncil m in rm a h

    San'Anslm Pnifical Ahna-

    um, ganizd by h Cdina-

    in f Ialian Wmn thlgians


    Accding Mainlla Pni,psidn f CIt, h cngss was

    a mmn f cumnical cmpai-

    sn bwn schlas invlvd in

    diffn alms f hlgical

    laning and f cclsial lif,

    cnsid h cgniin f

    wmn's cnibuin wihin h

    Chuch in h las 50 yas.

    Bishp Dmnic Sigalini f

    Palsina, nainal assisan f

    Cahlic Acin, spk ZeNIt a

    h psnain f h cnfnc.

    "If w a nly ging lk a

    h sas wh h wmn sa w

    slv nhing, bu if w s h

    pvasivnss f hi xpinc

    f faih wihin h Ppl f Gd I

    hink i has incasd vy much,"

    h bishp flcd.

    Fm h scial and cclsial

    pin f viw, h bishp said hasaisics als pv ha h ans-

    missin f h faih h nw gn-

    ains is sng if i passs

    hugh gandmhs and mh-


    Bishp Sigalini spk f h n-

    dncis in Maian dvin in h

    la 1960s, ning h impssin

    hn ha " magnify May smd

    an affn Jsus. "thn h

    was a vy big discussin a h

    Cuncil. Paul VI invnd p-

    snally hav May cgnizd as

    Mh f h Chuch, h calld.

    "I mus say ha ha invnin f

    Pp Paul VI nabld m b c-

    ncild wih May.

    I cm fm a gnain ha

    xald fminism, bu I undsd

    h pfund faih f ha wman

    [...] whn May had nd anaccun h fah and mh

    saying ha sh was xpcing a

    child, alhugh sh didn knw

    man. Whn May had fac h

    wmn wh bgan laugh as hy

    saw h swlling. Whn May had

    nd an accun h law

    which culd hav snd h and

    h child. In sum, a wman f ga

    faih wh was plungd in mn-

    dus ials."

    Antonio Gaspari

    Wm Tlg t rlt vt ii

    U.s. Bp c fll Gl

    ambly T Mt izd by h sam Spii, w shuld mbac allhs wh cm u chuch wship. W nd

    accp h divsiy f hs wh cm u

    chuchs and aliz ha nly hugh uniy will

    u chuchs cninu gw. W shuld n un

    anyn away bcaus hy lk diffn d n

    spak h languag f u hmland. All f usgh mak up h Chuch.

    Insing philsphy, which ld in h scnd

    ida, akn fm S. P, yu als, lik living

    sns, a bing buil in a spiiual hus b a

    hly pishd, ffing spiiual sacifics

    accpabl Gd hugh Jsus Chis. F in

    Scipu i says: S, I lay a sn in Zin, a ch-

    sn and pcius cnsn, and h n wh

    uss in Him will nv b pu sham. Nw

    yu wh bliv, his sn is pcius. (1 P

    2:5-7) W a all bapizd in Chis, in His

    yal pishd. W a h living sns f h

    Chuch. th Chuch wihu laiy has n minis-

    ial funcin and in un, h laiy wihu h

    Chuch has n pah fllw ach h Kingdmf Gd.

    this encun was a living xampl f h

    divsiy wihin u easn Chuch. A Pay

    Svic a h hl was accding h Mani

    tadiin. W junyd a fw mils jin in h

    pays f h Mlkis f Vsps, njyd a a-

    diinal Middl easn mal and h nx day cl-

    bad Divin Liugy wih h ruhnians a h

    naby Cahdal f S. Jhn h Bapis. Af ak-

    ing pa in his cnfnc, I lf xpincing a

    psnal chang, a alizain ha I am pa f a

    bigg picu in Chiss plan bing us in His

    Kingdm. each f us is calld disciplship,

    wk in His vinyad, bcm Chiss ys and

    as, His hands and f, His ha, His bdy h

    n ah, giv back Him hugh h alnsH gav us, by building His Chuch and n aln,

    bu by wking wih hs aund us.

    My hanks h bishps fm all h easn

    Chuchs wh wkd gh ganiz his

    spcial encun and my hp is ha his is n

    h nly encun which will includ all easn

    Chuchs. I was uly invigaing and an pp-

    uniy b undsand my plac in u Chuch.

    t hs wh culd n and n f h h cn-

    fncs spad v h U.S., mak su yu d

    n miss h nx n.

    Phyllis Muryn Zaparniuk

    continued from page 14

  • 7/30/2019 NEW STAR - - November, 2012


    17new StarNvmb, 2012

    INDePeNDeNCe, ohi easnCahlics in h Unid Sas a n

    nw h cuny. Y hy a fn

    vlkd whn Cahlic nws maks

    is way h pags and aiwavs f h

    mdia. Hping mdy his phnm-

    nn, a pgam f ducainal encun-

    s has bn dvlpd.

    In 1999 in Bsn h fis encun

    was plannd by rm. Invid and

    schlaly sssins w h hi-

    achs f all h easn

    Cahlic pachis, h

    hads f mnasic

    cmmuniis and

    n w guss

    f ach bishp. InChicag in 2006,

    a scnd en-

    cun was plan-

    nd by h easn

    Cahlic bishps.

    this, , was by

    inviain nly and

    includd a wid ang f

    ands, pimaily hs

    clics and laiy invlvd in li-

    gius ducain.

    encun 2012 bcam a pjc

    nusd h mmbs f h easn

    Cnfnc f epachial Dics f

    rligius educain (eCeD). A cmmi-

    fmd w yas ag dvis a

    hid encun, pn all wh wuld

    b insd in an vn ha culd pu

    h faihful f ach paicula Chuch in

    cnac wih mmbs f h h chuch

    juisdic ins nainwidAmnian,

    Byzanin, Chaldan, Mani, Sy-

    Malaba, Sy-Malankaa and Syiac.

    th sul was dsigning n cnf-

    nc, n hm, n pups b

    ffd in h ggaphic aas f h

    cuny. th fcus was h cllabain

    f h clgy and laiy as shas f h

    spnsibiliy mak Chis and His

    Chuch knwn, n nly easn

    Cahlics, bu Wsns as wll.on Spmb 21-22 as summ was

    nding, encun 2012 bganh fis

    f hs h pgams dsignd bing

    gh mmbs f h vaius easn

    Cahlic tadiins. Duing his im

    m han 80 bishps, piss, dacns,

    mnasics and sm f h wivs f h

    clgy m a a Hliday Inn na

    Clvland ha psnains aild

    hi ls in implmning pgams

    dsignd mpw h laiy xcis

    hi ighful calling, as bapizd

    Chisians, spad h faih.

    Fllwing an pning pay svic,

    Mlki Bishp NICHoLAS (Sama) wl-

    cmd bh bishps, piss and da-cns h encun. Hiachs in an-

    danc w Achbishp WILLIAM (Sku-

    la) and Bishp JoHN (Kudick), ruh-

    nian Byzanin; Bishps JoHN (Bua)

    and rICHArD (Sminack) Ukainian

    Byzanin; and Bishp JoHN (Pazak),

    Slvak Byzanin. Achbishp William

    addssd h clgy, asking hm

    pn yu minds and has h wk-

    ing f h Hly Spii as w nw ld

    findships and mak nw finds. ou

    encun is als wih h Ld. Bishp

    Nichlas hn gav a hisy f h pvi-us encuns.

    Fis spak Dacn Alxand Wb-

    licky, f h Ukainian Chuch, ffd

    h clgy ways in which hlp h laiy

    n hi juny hsis (bcming

    paaks in h Divin). thy can d

    his, h said, by bing gd liugiss,

    dfnds f h faih, wks f mcy

    and spiiual guids.

    Nx Mani pis, Fah

    Anhny Salim, spk n

    h aciviy f h yal

    pishd, as laiy

    w calld in Pp

    Paul VIs Decree

    on the Laity. Husd h icn f

    h Visiain as

    an xampl f

    shaing h Gd

    Nws, Gspl-

    ing, his cind

    wd f vanglizing.

    May gs elizabh

    sha h gd nws;

    elizabh civs h nws wih a

    jyful and pn ha. Fah Salim

    sssd h nd f adul faih fma-

    in, s ha h laiy can b a ligh in

    days wld.

    Mlki Dacn Sabain Canazz

    was h fis spak n Fiday mning.

    Is im pu Chis back in h cn-

    f u chuchs, u pachis, h

    said. H lisd sm aibus f a gd

    lad: metanoia (a cnvsin f ha,

    cay yu Bibl wih yu always),

    fasing (acknwldgs dpndnc n

    hings usid f us) and ihing (pay a

    ansm f yu sins). If paishs a

    n pducing lay lads, w a fail-

    ing giv hm wha hy nd, h


    Af Dacn Canazzs alk, Divin

    Liugy was clbad a S. Jsapha

    Ukainian Cahdal, Pama, wih Bish-

    p Bua as h main clban. thpaish hn hsd a lunchn in is

    Asdm, duing which Bishp

    Nichlas gav his kyn addss,

    Svan Ladship: B All Yu Can

    B. H spk f a nw dsign f

    chuch ladship: Minisial pis-

    hd and yal pishd (laiy) wk

    hand in hand build h kingdm.

    Can yu d i? h askd h clgy. His

    ply: Ys, yu can! Yu a a spcial

    gif ha Gd has mad and givs yu h

    gifs yu nd.

    Ushing in h sasn f auumn,

    Spmb 22 and 23 w days spcifi-

    cally ddicad psning h

    appximaly 200 laiy h sam pics.Wih h mphasis upn mpwing

    hs wh hugh bapism a mmbs

    f h yal pishd, h spaks

    addssd h assmbld audinc mm-

    bs f vaid Cahlic Chuch tadi-


    An addd spak f h laiy was h

    epachy f Pamas Dacn Jhn

    evanch. H ffd a mdl f chuch

    gwh basd n h Acs f h Apsls

    and h ealy Chuch Fahs. Dacn

    evanch fcusd n disciplship, lk-

    ing a h aas f wship, nuu/du-

    cain, scial uach and svic. H

    usd h icn f h tiniy as an xampl

    f u pan f lif: Wk spcfully,

    diffnially, wih hs in h chuch.

    H ugd h ands pay anin

    h sacamn f u nighb.

    Fllwing Dacn evanchs alk, hencun mvd S. elias Mlki

    Chuch, Bklyn, f vsps and a a-

    diinal Middl easn mal svd by

    h paish.

    Adding h pcss f xpling h

    cncp f uniy in faih, divsiy in x-

    pssin, ach f h days pay sv-

    ics was accding a diffn liugi-

    cal adiin. th cncluding Liugy was

    n Sunday mning a h (ruhnian)

    Cahdal f S. Jhn h Bapis, Pama.

    th hls Gand Ballm a vaius

    ims was chapl, dining m, lcu

    hall, scial cn and s. Clgy and

    laiy had h ppuniy shp fvyhing fm vsmns ducainal

    maials ligius ims and jwly

    fm an aay f vnds. A spaa hs-

    pialiy m pvidd ands im

    ach nigh lax, njy bvags,

    snacks and casual cnvsains.

    Many f h paicipans f h lay pa

    f h encun said h encun fa

    xcdd hi xpcains. rman

    Cahlic Mak tamisia, f omaha,Nbaska, wh is ning a ya f dis-

    cnmn wih h Jsuis in h russian

    gin, said a highligh f h encun

    f him was anding h Divin

    Liugis. H said, I was dply in-

    spid; I cam sk a b und-

    sanding f h easn chuchs. I was

    vy difid by h ppl Iv m.

    I nw falls h eas and Ws Cas

    sssins f encun 2012 dliv h

    mssag in hi spciv vnus: Hills-

    bugh, Nw Jsy, ocb 11-14, and

    el Sgund, Califnia, Nvmb 2-4.

    Father John LucasandLoretta Nemeth

    eut 2012Uwy

    midw Cofc Hug succ

    Encounter 2012

    events spanned thespectrum of most

    human needs

    spiritual, social,

    physical, intellectual,

    aescetical and even

    practicalas a

    wholistic experience.

    These many facets,

    including the ever-

    present evaluation

    form, at the end of

    the session are caught

    in a collage.

  • 7/30/2019 NEW STAR - - November, 2012


    VAtICAN CItY, (Zni.g).- Ma

    GreGorIoS YoHANNA (Ibahim), hSyian ohdx Bishp f Alpp ap-

    pald f cnc diplmaic iniiaivs

    in spns h gwing vilnc in



    Agnzia Fids,

    Ma Ggis

    said ha h siu-

    ain is wsn-

    ing in h gin

    and chd Pp

    Bndic's calld

    f an inna-

    inal spns

    h cisis. "W lads f lcal Chisian

    Chuchs can d lil. evn Muslim lad-

    s appa dividd," h said.

    "A his pin, givn h inacin f h

    Wsn pws, h Hly S islf

    h aliis, such as h Cmmuniy f

    S. egidi, may y pu in plac pacical

    ppsals find a way u f h cnflic,

    basd n a dfind agnda ha maks

    Pp Bndic XVIs appals duing his

    visi Lbann cnc. ths wds f

    His Hlinss w ally impan, and

    w appciad by all, Chisians and


    th Syian ohdx Bishp wn n

    dscib h siuain in h ciy f Alpp,

    dscibd h v incasing dangs inhis dics, saying ha xplsins ccu

    "all day." th Syian pla als said ha

    bcaus hy liv cls nighbhds

    wh h F Syia Amy has sld, i

    has bn impssibl pn schls accmmda ppl in chuchs.

    "evy day h a dahs, funals a

    clbad in all Chisian chuchs.

    Ysday, I clbad h funal f a

    Syian ohdx sldi killd in Swida,"

    h said. Ma Ggis shaply dnuncd

    h cycl f vilnc amng Syians, say-

    ing ha "killing hi wn bhs and sis-

    s is smhing acius, a sham

    bf h ys f all humaniy."

    th Syian bishp acknwldgd ha

    Chisians a invlvd in h cycl f

    cnflic in vaius ways. th majiy,

    h says, hav "bcm siln, waiing

    s wh wha is happning aks us,

    and wnd anxiusly wha h fuu

    will b lik." Ma Ggis said ha

    whil h knws ha amng Chisians

    h a bh ppnns and supps

    f h cun gim, h culd n cn-

    fim ha Chisians hav akn up ams.

    "ths wh chs ha pah, h said,

    "n way h h, ds i individu-

    ally. F vyn ls, h pspc

    ha cms up is ha f scap. th

    a hundds f familis wh hav

    alady dn s, and hs a cnsid-

    ing i. th sam scnai f Iaq

    sms pa islf h in Syia."

    Ma Ggis cncludd his in-

    viw wih Fids saying ha whil manyhav chsn fl h cuny, h will

    n. "I will say h, I cann lav

    Alpp, I hav b wih my ppl."

    18 new Star Nvmb, 2012

    th cnfnc th A

    f h Cxisnc f

    Chisians: Hisy Ls-

    sns and Challngs bugh

    gh abu hiy xps and

    paciins fm Ukain,

    Blaus, Gmany and Pland discuss h pacical dimnsin

    f Chisian cpain. th

    ganiz f h ming, which

    aks plac ocb 4-6 in Yala,

    is h innainal gup rcn-

    ciliain in eup.

    th Ukainian rcnciliain

    gup pas as an ingal

    pa f h innainal gup,

    and i includs psnaivs f

    fu Ukainian chuchs: h

    Ukainian ohdx Chuch, h

    Ukainian Gk Cahlic

    Chuch, h rman Cahlic

    Chuch (rCC) in

    Ukain, and als

    h Gman evan-glical Luhan

    Chuch in Ukain


    "ou chuchs

    spaaly a cks, and nly

    Chis can ca fm hm a

    wndful msaic, bu w hav

    allw him d his, said

    Bishp Maian Buchk f h

    Khakiv-Zapizhia dics f

    h rCC. W sill baly knw

    ach h and hf shuld

    wk n ging knw ach

    h b s ha h will b

    cnciliain and mu-

    ual lv. As such w

    will s an xampl fu laiyhy will

    knw abu u sps

    and will chang hi


    H als nd h spcial l

    f h mdia hlp spad

    undsanding amng h laiy

    and flc h muliplying sym-

    blic gsus f h hiachy.

    Bishp Uland Spahling f

    h GeLCU cmpad h

    Chisian a f cmmunicaing

    wih h a f playing a musical

    insumn b a mas in

    n h h yu nd a l f


    Paicipans discussd h

    hisy and psn cxisnc

    f Chisians in eup, cn-

    sidd issus f h Ukainian

    ligius landscap, lkd f

    ways hav cnciliain

    bwn Chisians in Ukain

    and hw b a Chisian


    VAtICAN CItY, (Zni.g).-F. rb F. Pvs, Pi

    Gnal f h od f S.

    Augusin (Augusinians) ad-

    dssd h Synd f Bishps in

    Vaican Ciy . elcd as Pi

    Gnal in 2001, F. Pvs,

    wh is fm Chicag, Illinis, is

    cunly sving his scnd

    six=ya m.

    th Pi Gnal f h

    Augusinians fcusd his in-

    vnin n h l f mass

    mdia in shaping "human imag-

    inain" gading faih andhics, paiculaly lvisin

    and cinma. F. Pvs cid

    Wsn mass mdia as spn-

    sibl f ganing sympahy

    "f blifs and pacics ha

    a a dds wih h Gspl."

    F. Pvs sad ha whil

    mass mdia ains such influ-

    nc in sciy, i is nly pa f

    h pblm. "th sympahy f

    ani-Chisian lifsyl chics

    ha mass mdia fss is s

    billianly and aful ly n-

    gaind in h viwing public,ha whn ppl ha h

    Chisian mssag i fn

    inviably sms idlgical

    and minally cul by cn-

    as h snsibl human-

    nss f h ani-Chisian p-

    spciv," h said.

    th had f h Augusinian

    d als sad ha if h

    Chuch's call f a Nw evan-

    glizain is cun h dis-

    ins f faih in h mass

    mdia, hn hs wh a a h

    fnlin mus bcm minfmd f h challngs f

    vanglizing wih h psn


    Ciing h Fahs f h

    Chuch as xampls f "mass

    f h a f hic", F.

    Pvs said ha h succss

    in vanglizain was bcaus

    "hy undsd h funda-

    ins f scial cmmunicain

    apppia h wld in

    which hy livd."

    F. Pvs cncludd his

    invnin saying ha i wasinsufficin f h Chuch

    nly wn is wn mdia chan-

    nls. "th pp missin f h

    Chuch is induc ppl

    h nau f mysy as an ani-

    d spcacl. rligius lif

    als plays an impan l in

    vanglizain, pining hs

    his mysy, hugh living

    faihfully h vanglical cun-

    sls," h said.

    Junno Arocho

    i Y rpss vus

    fs Suy a Csc

    n ez Mus Cu ds f Mss M

    on Sunday, Spmb 23d,

    und bauiful Saskan skis,His Baiud Paiach Svia-

    slav hnd h Ukainian Siss f

    S. Jsph wih a visi hi Chapl

    ddicad h Vnabl Nun Mays

    olympia and Launia. Af walking

    h ims in pcssin aund h

    Chapl His Baiud, gh wih

    hi Gacs BrYAN (Bayda), epach f

    Saskan; MICHAel (Wiwcha), Bishp

    emius f Saskan; and StePHAN

    (Mnik), exach f Dnsk-Khakiv,

    easn Ukain, as wll as, sval

    mmbs f h Clgy and Siss

    nd in i and clbad a Mlbn

    h Nun Mays.

    Duing h svic His Baiudblssd h nwly-cd icnsas and

    icn h 27 Mays n h insid f

    h Chapl, as wll as, h nw nanc

    bll w and muli-pups building

    n is gunds. Insid h nw building,which is bing fd as "th Ak",

    givn is shap and h fac ha i was

    succssfully buil duing a cd ainy

    sasn, His Baiud als blssd a wll

    which is cnal i, as wll as, h

    wa flwing fm i.

    ov 350 faihful paicipad in his

    hisic vn which makd h fficial

    cmplin f his muli-faciliy cm-

    plx which includs a Mnasy f h

    Siss; a Chapl h Vnabl Nun

    Mays olympia and Launia in

    which hi cucial lmns and ou

    Ld and Saviu a v psn; a

    tapzna building in which fd is

    svd and displays a hld; h

    nanc achway which als svs as a

    bll w; and, h nw "Ak" which

    will hus an Icn Cn and Mays

    Musum, h wll/funain, a cff ba

    and ming m, as wll as, wash-

    m faciliis and a hug ud cv-

    d pai. onc all f hs amniis

    a fully in plac and funcinal h

    cmplx will b pnd as a pilgimag

    dsinain si.

    th Ukainian Siss f S. Jsph f

    Saskan sincly hank His Baiud

    f paying wih hm and blssing h

    nw insallains a h Chapl cmplx;

    and, in h wds f Vnabl olympiacninu giv "Gly Gd f


    Sisters of St. Joseph

    h Bttu Pt stl vtt cpl t t vbl nuMty olymp Lut

    sy otx Bp cll dplmt itt sy

    Mar Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim DescribesIncreasing Violence

  • 7/30/2019 NEW STAR - - November, 2012


    each day f h ya njys a cm-

    mmain f an vn in h liff ou Ld, His Ms Hly

    Mh n m f h sains. th

    a diffn cagis f bsvanc,

    and u Chuch bsvs sm fass wih

    m slmniy han hs.

    tw Nvmb days hav bcm pp-

    ula amng h ppl. Fm h sam

    calnda chuchs and cmmuniis als

    chs nams. In S Nichlas epachy, a

    Nvmb sain, Michal h Achangl,

    is fund ms fqunly. Svn f h

    fy-fu paishs missins a namd

    S Michal. In Mishawaka, Indiana;

    Gand rapids and Plymuh, Michigan;

    Chicag; Milwauk, Wiscnsin; Min,

    Nh Daka; and tucsn, Aizna

    paishins appal n nly S Mi-

    chal, bu all h Bdilss Pws f

    incssin bf h thn f Gd.

    Anh Nvmb Fas calls h

    Psnain f h Mh f Gd h


    this Fas cmmmas h ppaa-

    in f May f h l in salvain. I is

    h plud h Incanain, n f h

    las sps in h lng-awaid bih f h

    divinly-pmisd Mssiah. Cming in

    h Philips Fas, i is a pyp f hppaain all shuld undak pi

    h awsm y humbl nanc f h

    enal Gd amng His ppl.

    ths mphass n spiiual aliis

    and hi lain physicaliy a n

    b slighly bsvd. Many mak h

    ff s hs hly days as a im

    clba h Fasin chuch.

    Lacking ha ppuniy, yu may ad

    h pas f h day a hm. th dc-

    aiv hadings f a paybk mind

    us f hs w spcial days.

    roMe, (Zni.g).- I is an vnual-

    iy ha was nv xcludd in h pas

    and which sms cls day. th

    much awaid ming bwn Bn-

    dic XVI and ohdx Paiach Kiill

    migh n b fa away, n cndiin ha

    sm pn qusins a slvd, said

    h himnk Givanni Guaia in an

    inviw wih Aid h Chuch in

    Nd (ACN). th Ialian schla has

    livd in russia f alms 30 yas as a

    cllaba f h scay f In-

    Chisian rlains f h Dpamn

    f Fign rlains f h Mscw himnka il aibud by

    h easn Chuchs mnks wh

    hav civd pisly dinain-

    civd h Papal Fundain a h

    Muscvi mnasy f Sain Danil, a

    spiiual and adminisaiv cn f h

    ohdx Chuch, wh h Dpa-

    mn hadd by h Mplian, Hil-

    ain, has is hadquas.

    th hp is ha h ming will

    mak a mmn f ffciv chang in

    lains bwn h w Chuchs, and

    n limid a handshak in fn f

    phgaphs, h said. Fis, h x-

    plaind, sm kns mus b unid, n

    s much in russia as in h cunis,

    f xampl, Ukain. th dsi f a

    pssibl fac--fac ming bwn

    h hads f h w Chuchs, hwv,

    was discussd in 2005 by h nwly-

    lcd Pp, Bndic XVI, and h

    hn simpl Mplian Kiill.rlains bwn Mscw and h

    Hly S w als discussd las July

    n h ccasin f Pim Minis Mai

    Mnis visi russia whn, du

    schduling cnflics, h Ialian Pmi

    bk wih pcl, ming h

    ohdx Paiach vn bf his

    ming wih [russian Psidn

    Dmiy] Mdvdv. th himnk was

    psn a h cnvsain in which

    h was bviusly alk f h psn

    cnmic cisis, a subjc fl pfund-

    ly by h paiacha. tday russia is

    facing scial pblms sh nv knw

    in h pas, such as h nmus c-

    nmic dispaiy bwn vaius saa

    f h ppulain. And h ohdx

    Chuch is incasingly aciv in his

    aa, h xplaind ACN-Ialy.

    Anh laivly cn phnmnn

    is ha f immigain. ths which in

    h Svi pid w simply innalmvmns hav nw bcm migay

    flws wih h cnsqun pblms f

    cpin and ingain. In Mscw

    h cmmuniy f immigans, bh ffi-

    cial as wll as clandsin, is vy lag

    and cms, a ga xn, fm h

    fm Svi rpublics wih a Muslim

    majiy. Bcaus f his, in-ligius

    dialgu is ncssay, Guaia said.

    th russian ohdx paiach is

    als sngly cmmid pviding

    supp pscud Chisians wld-wid and ppsing a cain

    'Chisianphbia' psn in Wsn

    eup and wh h faihful d n

    suff pscuin dicly, bu wh h

    dsi xiss lga h Chuch

    h magins f scial lif and duc

    h ligius vn a piva qus-

    in, h said.

    Cncluding his inviw, h oh-

    dx rligius schla hankd ACN,

    saying ha hy a n f h vy fis

    Cahlic ganizains sablish vy

    cdial lains wih h Mscw pai-

    acha. Immdialy af h cllaps

    f h Svi Unin, h ai was nsbwn h w Chuchs, bh in

    russia as wll as in h cunis f h

    fm USSr. Hwv, h Papal

    Fundain cninud supp an

    amazing quaniy f pjcs in fav f

    h ohdx Chuch, b i in Mscw

    in h gins f h Fdain.

    19new StarNvmb, 2012

    Ming Bn Pop n Pich of Mosco

    Sms Clos toy: itl sl Lg ruSpeaks On Eastern Orthodox-Roman Catholic Relations

    fss nmbS Mc a Bss Ps, Ps M g tmp

    Maybe youve seen this on your local

    supermarket bulletin board...Maybe not.

    St Michael (Who is like God) Entrance of Mary into the Temple

    I am sincly gaful Ukainians f his gif

    and f h gif f psving and ansmiing h

    Chisian faih, as wll as f h winssing f faih

    dn by Paiach JoSePH (Slipyi). this lamp willalways mind m f Ukain and is ppl, and

    mainly h Chuch, which bcms h ligh f faih

    in h whl wld, sad His Hlinss Pp Bn-

    dic XVI.

    L us n, ha h cnsucin f h Cahdal

    f S. Sphia was

    bgun in 1967. His

    Baiud Jsph

    and svnn U-

    kainian bishps, in

    h psnc f

    Pp Paul VI

    wh bugh S.

    Sphia fm h

    Cahdal f S.

    Clmn a pic f

    h lics f ha

    sain and placd hm und h main alacm-

    pld h ac f cnscaing h chuch and ala

    backgund msaic, h cain f a nwnd

    Ukainian ais Sviaslav Hdynsky. th sa-

    in f h Cahdal bgan a ya ag and was cm-

    pld hanks h dnains f UGCC faihful

    fm hughu h wld.

    UGCC Department of Information


    n October 14, during a Hierarchical Liturgy in the

    Cathedral of the Holy Sophia in Rome, Patriarch

    SVIATOSLAV (Shevchuk) opened the Year of the

    Faith in the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC).As a symbolic act of blessing this restored cathedral

    of the Holy Sophia here, in the Eternal City of Rome,

    according to the resolution of the Synod of Bishops of

    our church and in response to the call of the Most Holy

    Father Benedict XVI, I would like to open solemnly the

    Year of the Faith in our Church, said the


    In the context of the Year of the Faith, the

    Primate referred to the words of Pope

    Benedict XVI that the objective of this period

    is to show to the world the beauty and truth of

    our faith.

    His Beatitude also invited the believers to a

    national Ukrainian pilgrimage to be held on

    August 18, 2013, on the occasion of the 125th

    anniversary of the Baptism of Rus Ukraine.His Baiud psnd His Hlinss a lamp

    as a gif, and nd ha his lamp symblizs h Chuch

    which is h ligh f nains as is mnind in h

    Cnsiuin Lumen gentium, aifid by h Scnd

    Vaican Cuncil fify yas ag. th UGCC lad

    addd ha h sd Cahdal f S. Sphia in rm

    signifis f h UGCC, a nw vanglizain in h

    cmmncmn by h Pp f h Ya f Faih in

    h Cahlic Chuch.

    Paiach Sviaslav opns Ya f Faih in UGCC,

    Dlivs Gif fm Ukainian Pilgims Pp

  • 7/30/2019 NEW STAR - - November, 2012


    . ? .

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    . . , ' . , , ,

    . -

    , , . , - . .

    , : , .

    , ., , , .

    , - , - , ,

    , , .


    20 NEw StaR Nvmb, 2012


    O who loves Nicholas the Saintly,

    O who serves Nicholas the Saintly.

    Him will Nicholas receive,

    and give help in time of need.

    Holy Father, Nicholas.

    O who dwells in God's holy mansions;

    Is our help on the land and oceans.He will guard us from all ills,

    keep us pure and free from sins,

    Nicholas, Nicholas.

    St Nicholas Day

    Publishd mnhly wih h pmissin and auh-iy f His Gac, Bishp rICHArD (Sminack), by S

    Nichlas Publicains, fficial publish f h:

    S Nichlas

    Ukainian Cahlic epachy

    2245 W ric S

    Chicag IL 60622-4858

    Addss manuscips :e, nw s2245 w. rc S.

    Cc il 60622-4858:

    [email protected] [e]

    or: su@succ. [U]

    All submisssins a subjc diing f syl, cn-n and/ lngh.

    elcnic phs in JPeG (jpg) fma a pf-abl; had cpy phgaphs a und nly whn a

    slf-addssd, psag-paid nvlp is includd.Cmpu-pind phcpis a n accpd.

    Mail subscipin paymns, addss ccinquss :

    Ccu dpm2245 w rc S.

    Cc, il 60622-4858

    Pmissin is gand pin iginal maial,acknwldgingNew Star(a cusy cpy is appciad).

    editorial Board andContriBUtorS:

    F Jhn Lucas,Managing EditorP rudka, Ukainian edi

    F Jams Kapin, oPF Lnad Kchinski

    F Dnny MlivyF Dacn Michal Ck

    Jus Anh Mnk f h easn ChuchGg Mawyshyn

    Sg Michalukolnka Pyma

    Naza SlbdaPani Babaa Wblicky

    Phyllis Muyn Zapaaniuk

    Subscb nw s-- yus, my / s!

    __________________________________________________Nam P l e a S e , P r in t a l l i n fo r M a t i o n

    _____________________________________ (Ap/Spac) _____Addss

    _______________________________ ____ ___________Ciy Sa ZIP Cd

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    enclsd is $20.00 [] chck; [] mny d

    Canada: $30.00; oh Fign: $40.00--in US funds

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    signature on card:(scuy c)

    Gif ___ N___ Rn ___

    I am n a mmb f a paish f S Nichlas epachy [ ]












    ix-digi ccou ub:

    Cup -pss.Pihio: Py you pih dicly.

    ___/___xpiain da



    Bishps ChancyoFFICe HoUrS:

    Mnday-Fiday; 9:00 am--4:00 pmCentral Time Zone


    (773) 276-5080

    fax: (773) 276-6799

    th offic is clsd n all

    maj Chuch Hly Days

    and Nainal Civic Hlidays

    d dcmb

    nw ss nmb 15

    Why is h a big icn f S

    Nichlas n his pag? S

    Nichlas' Fas Day isn' uni l

    nx mnh! Bcaus New Star migh b

    dlivd yu hm af S Nichlas

    Day, h icn aivs a lil aly s yu

    can pu h icn (which yu can cl) in

    yu icn cn igh n im.

    Bf yu dcid fill in h spacs

    bwn h lins yu migh wan

    mmb sm hings abu h pan

    sain f vyn in h ni pachy.

    Ask a pan ll yu ad i in a

    bk, n h Inn.

    Bf h was mad bishp, Nichlas,

    vn as a child, was knwn sha h

    hings h had wih hs wh may hav

    ndd hm m. As a bishp m

    ppl had abu his gnsiy fm

    h ppl h hlpd. H id b

    annymus abu i. Y ppl sill

    land abu all h gd h did f h-

    s, yung, ld and in bwn.

    thughu hisy his spii f giving

    was pad v and v again. Sm

    w s impssd wih his gif-giving

    ha hy id mak h mmy f

    his Sain, Nichlas pa f hi wn

    livs. thy sad giv gifs, fn in

    sc, hs jus knw h jy f


    ov im Sain Nichlas was sh-nd Sana Claus and a habi as

    ha ppl wuld ask f gifs! Nw ha

    sms b h way mdn Chismas

    im is xpcd b. th idas g a bi

    mixd up.

    I's u, w d civ a ga Gif n

    Chismas: h Bih f ou Ld, Jsus

    Chis, u Saviu.

    Mayb as yu finish h icn f S

    Nichlas yu can sing h hymn w all

    lv, and h pa fm h Fas Day in

    his hn.

    Whn Chismas cms yu can fcus

    n h Naiviy f h Sn f Gd, and

    njy aking pa in a Gif ha lass f-

    v, bugh us by h Gd Wh madh sa ha lads wis ppl h Sun

    f Jusic, h Saviu f mankind.

    , , ,

    , , .

    , .

    , ,

    , ,
