1 New JVM Plumbing: Method Handles and More April 15, 2009 John R. Rose, Sr. Staff Engineer [email protected] http://blogs.sun.com/jrose

New JVM Plumbingcr.openjdk.java.net/~jrose/pres/200906-LangNetDVM.pdf7 Invokedynamic call site contents: • A method signature (immutable, type-safe) • A method name (arbitrary

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Page 1: New JVM Plumbingcr.openjdk.java.net/~jrose/pres/200906-LangNetDVM.pdf7 Invokedynamic call site contents: • A method signature (immutable, type-safe) • A method name (arbitrary


New JVM Plumbing:

Method Handles and More

•  April 15, 2009 •  John R. Rose, Sr. Staff Engineer •  [email protected] •  http://blogs.sun.com/jrose

Page 2: New JVM Plumbingcr.openjdk.java.net/~jrose/pres/200906-LangNetDVM.pdf7 Invokedynamic call site contents: • A method signature (immutable, type-safe) • A method name (arbitrary


Method Handles are… •  Anonymous references to JVM methods •  Like methods, can have any function type •  Unlike methods, not named •  Unlike (other) objects, signature-polymorphic

•  Called like methods: MethodHandle.invoke(…)

Page 3: New JVM Plumbingcr.openjdk.java.net/~jrose/pres/200906-LangNetDVM.pdf7 Invokedynamic call site contents: • A method signature (immutable, type-safe) • A method name (arbitrary


Why Method Handles? •  Dynamic languages need programmable linkage •  The subject of a linkage step is (still) a method •  Reflection, adapter classes are too indirect

Indirection bulky, awkward to work with, slow to call.

Page 4: New JVM Plumbingcr.openjdk.java.net/~jrose/pres/200906-LangNetDVM.pdf7 Invokedynamic call site contents: • A method signature (immutable, type-safe) • A method name (arbitrary


We were aiming at Invokedynamic •  We first tried reflective methods for linkage •  But the indirect representation was VM-hostile •  The right design avoids reflection on fast paths

Key question: What does a normal method call site look like, after you make it user-linkable?

Page 5: New JVM Plumbingcr.openjdk.java.net/~jrose/pres/200906-LangNetDVM.pdf7 Invokedynamic call site contents: • A method signature (immutable, type-safe) • A method name (arbitrary


What Invokedynamic wanted to be: •  Reflectively programmable linkage, •  Resulting in (almost) regular method calls: •  fast use of any signature, •  type-safe, •  inlinable, optimizable,

•  To a flexibly specified target.

Page 6: New JVM Plumbingcr.openjdk.java.net/~jrose/pres/200906-LangNetDVM.pdf7 Invokedynamic call site contents: • A method signature (immutable, type-safe) • A method name (arbitrary


How flexible is the target method? Method calls with useful degrees of freedom: •  Direct linkage to any Java API •  Adjustment of minor type mismatches •  Currying (e.g., over runtime control info) •  Inline cache combinators (e.g., type guards)

Page 7: New JVM Plumbingcr.openjdk.java.net/~jrose/pres/200906-LangNetDVM.pdf7 Invokedynamic call site contents: • A method signature (immutable, type-safe) • A method name (arbitrary


Invokedynamic call site contents: •  A method signature (immutable, type-safe) •  A method name (arbitrary pass-through string) •  The enclosing caller class (modularity, access) •  A class-specific bootstrap method (-handle) •  A CallSite object which reifies it all.

It is all immutable, except for linkage state.

Page 8: New JVM Plumbingcr.openjdk.java.net/~jrose/pres/200906-LangNetDVM.pdf7 Invokedynamic call site contents: • A method signature (immutable, type-safe) • A method name (arbitrary


Invokedynamic linkage state: •  A MethodHandle property: CallSite.getTarget •  When the site is unlinked, the target is null. •  The target is mutable, may be set at any time. •  Changing a target may affect compilation, etc.

(Compare DLR call sites, which contain compiled trees.)

Page 9: New JVM Plumbingcr.openjdk.java.net/~jrose/pres/200906-LangNetDVM.pdf7 Invokedynamic call site contents: • A method signature (immutable, type-safe) • A method name (arbitrary

Method Handles are… •  Anonymous references to JVM methods •  Like methods, can have any function type •  Unlike methods, not named •  Unlike (other) objects, signature-polymorphic

•  Called like methods: MethodHandle.invoke(…)

Page 10: New JVM Plumbingcr.openjdk.java.net/~jrose/pres/200906-LangNetDVM.pdf7 Invokedynamic call site contents: • A method signature (immutable, type-safe) • A method name (arbitrary


Method Handles •  Function Pointers for the JVM!

// interface MethodHandle<T extends MethodType<R,A...>> // { T type(); <R,A...> public R invoke(A...); }

public class MethodHandle extends MethodHandleImpl { public MethodType type(); }

Page 11: New JVM Plumbingcr.openjdk.java.net/~jrose/pres/200906-LangNetDVM.pdf7 Invokedynamic call site contents: • A method signature (immutable, type-safe) • A method name (arbitrary


Method Handles, common structure

Page 12: New JVM Plumbingcr.openjdk.java.net/~jrose/pres/200906-LangNetDVM.pdf7 Invokedynamic call site contents: • A method signature (immutable, type-safe) • A method name (arbitrary


Like Reflection? No. •  No boxing, no varargs, no exception wrapping •  Access checks performed on creation, not call

(thus, a conferrable call capability) •  Calls are (typically) routed direct to the callee •  Small, lightweight •  Totally opaque: no symbol table info •  Can be bound (curried) or adapted

Page 13: New JVM Plumbingcr.openjdk.java.net/~jrose/pres/200906-LangNetDVM.pdf7 Invokedynamic call site contents: • A method signature (immutable, type-safe) • A method name (arbitrary


Like (Inner) Classes? Yes/no. •  Fast to call, using any signature •  Lightweight instances, can fold in data •  Can export private capabilities But: •  Low-level token-based structural typing •  Fixed API, drab names (type, invoke) •  No checked exceptions

Page 14: New JVM Plumbingcr.openjdk.java.net/~jrose/pres/200906-LangNetDVM.pdf7 Invokedynamic call site contents: • A method signature (immutable, type-safe) • A method name (arbitrary


Like C# Delegates? Yes/no. •  Lightweight, immutable, functional •  Direct linkage via a “magic” VM pointer •  A few indirections slower than a regular call But: •  Structural type tokens, not nominal classes •  No multicast or coroutine operations •  No VM support for direct creation (yet!)

Page 15: New JVM Plumbingcr.openjdk.java.net/~jrose/pres/200906-LangNetDVM.pdf7 Invokedynamic call site contents: • A method signature (immutable, type-safe) • A method name (arbitrary


Direct Method Handles

Page 16: New JVM Plumbingcr.openjdk.java.net/~jrose/pres/200906-LangNetDVM.pdf7 Invokedynamic call site contents: • A method signature (immutable, type-safe) • A method name (arbitrary


Bound Method Handles

Page 17: New JVM Plumbingcr.openjdk.java.net/~jrose/pres/200906-LangNetDVM.pdf7 Invokedynamic call site contents: • A method signature (immutable, type-safe) • A method name (arbitrary


Adapter Method Handles

Page 18: New JVM Plumbingcr.openjdk.java.net/~jrose/pres/200906-LangNetDVM.pdf7 Invokedynamic call site contents: • A method signature (immutable, type-safe) • A method name (arbitrary


Invokedynamic call sites

Page 19: New JVM Plumbingcr.openjdk.java.net/~jrose/pres/200906-LangNetDVM.pdf7 Invokedynamic call site contents: • A method signature (immutable, type-safe) • A method name (arbitrary


Invokedynamic, inline cache

Page 20: New JVM Plumbingcr.openjdk.java.net/~jrose/pres/200906-LangNetDVM.pdf7 Invokedynamic call site contents: • A method signature (immutable, type-safe) • A method name (arbitrary


More details about calling… •  invokevirtual MH.invoke uses no vtable •  The call must check a signature type token •  The call indirects through a trampoline field

•  Invokedynamic can fold those steps •  But it must monitor the call site for changes

Page 21: New JVM Plumbingcr.openjdk.java.net/~jrose/pres/200906-LangNetDVM.pdf7 Invokedynamic call site contents: • A method signature (immutable, type-safe) • A method name (arbitrary


Virtual call site details

Page 22: New JVM Plumbingcr.openjdk.java.net/~jrose/pres/200906-LangNetDVM.pdf7 Invokedynamic call site contents: • A method signature (immutable, type-safe) • A method name (arbitrary


Direct Method Handle call details

Page 23: New JVM Plumbingcr.openjdk.java.net/~jrose/pres/200906-LangNetDVM.pdf7 Invokedynamic call site contents: • A method signature (immutable, type-safe) • A method name (arbitrary


Bound Method Handle call details

Page 24: New JVM Plumbingcr.openjdk.java.net/~jrose/pres/200906-LangNetDVM.pdf7 Invokedynamic call site contents: • A method signature (immutable, type-safe) • A method name (arbitrary


Cool! What else is cooking? Da Vinci Machine Project patch repository: •  Anonymous classes done •  Tailcalls prototype (includes permission checks) •  Continuations prototype ([un]bounded, serializable) •  Interface injection early code •  (Value types need a sponsor)

Page 25: New JVM Plumbingcr.openjdk.java.net/~jrose/pres/200906-LangNetDVM.pdf7 Invokedynamic call site contents: • A method signature (immutable, type-safe) • A method name (arbitrary


OK! Who’s using it? •  JRuby simplifying call paths •  Jython plans to do the same •  New “mlvm-scheme” project at JKU/Linz

•  See traffic at [email protected]

Page 26: New JVM Plumbingcr.openjdk.java.net/~jrose/pres/200906-LangNetDVM.pdf7 Invokedynamic call site contents: • A method signature (immutable, type-safe) • A method name (arbitrary


JSR 292 Status •  First JVM support for MH committed 4/2009 •  Invokedynamic RI under code review •  Minor Java language changes under review •  JSR 292 specification moving slowly & surely

Next Stop: JavaOne JDK 7 Preview

Page 27: New JVM Plumbingcr.openjdk.java.net/~jrose/pres/200906-LangNetDVM.pdf7 Invokedynamic call site contents: • A method signature (immutable, type-safe) • A method name (arbitrary


Interface Injection •  Alternative to “monkey-patching” •  Structured, modular, monotonic semantics •  Interfaces can be marked injectable •  Each class is examined exactly once, and •  either the interface injects itself, •  or it permanently refuses to do so.

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Injected methods •  Presented as a tuple of method handles •  Constructed (or not) by an injection handler •  Handle is specified by the injectable interface •  Not by the subject class

•  No private access to the subject class •  Invisible except via the interface, •  …which could well be package-private

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Applications •  Traits, categories, protocols, patterns •  Class-customized behaviors •  Metaobject protocols (multiply coexisting) •  Retrofitting jobs

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Interfaces, the old fashioned way

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A retrofit interface, injected

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A MOP interface, injected

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Questions? Let's talk...

John Rose

[email protected]