New Deal Chapter 15 Section 1 – The New Deal Fights the Depression Section 2 – The 2 nd New Deal Takes Hold Section 3 – The New Deal Affects Many Groups Section 4 – Culture in the 1930’s Section 5 – The Impact of the New Deal tors.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?zi=1/XJ&sdn=712educators&cdn=education&tm=7&f=20&su=p897.4.336.ip_&tt=2&bt=0&bts=0&st=16&zu=http%3A//nieonline.co http://newdeal.feri.org/libr ary/ad40.htm http://newdeal.feri.org/library/w76.htm http : // newdeal.feri.org/l ibra ry/c10.htm http://newdeal.feri.org/library/ab22.htm http://teachpol.tcnj.edu/amer_pol_hist/thumbnail362.html http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/new_deal_for_the_arts/work_pays_america //www.archives.gov/exhibits/new_deal_for_the_arts/work_pays_america.html http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/new_deal_for_the_arts/work_pays_america.html

New Deal Chapter 15

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Page 1: New Deal Chapter 15

New DealChapter 15

Section 1 – The New Deal Fights the DepressionSection 2 – The 2nd New Deal Takes HoldSection 3 – The New Deal Affects Many GroupsSection 4 – Culture in the 1930’sSection 5 – The Impact of the New Deal













Page 2: New Deal Chapter 15

America is Ready for a Change Election 1932

• Herbert Hoover– Republican Incumbent

• Franklin D. Roosevelt– Democratic Candidate

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin_D._Roosevelt http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbert_Hoover

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Roosevelt Has A Long History in Government

• Distant Cousin to Theodore Roosevelt

• Assistant Sec. of Navy in the Wilson Adm.

• Vice Presidential Candidate with Cox in 1920

• Governor of New York– Good Record Concerning the Depression– One of the 1st Governors to support direct relief

by the states and unemployment insurance

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Roosevelt’s Platform

• New Deal for the American People– Relief for the Needy

• Old Age and Unemployment Insurance• Federal Relief

– Economic Recovery• Crop Controls• Lower Tariffs• Government and Business Work Together

– Financial Reform• Stock Market Regulation

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No Contest

• Hoover addresses a large crowd in his 1932 campaign.

• Hoover’s image was very bad and during the campaign he constantly had to defend his record.

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Election of 1932


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Lame Duck Presidency“An Unfortunate Wait”

• It would be 4 months before FDR would take office.

• Why?• In that time there was

an assassination attempt made on FDR.


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20th Amendment

• Known as the “Lame Duck Amendment”

• February 1933

• Changes dates for Congress and Presidential Inauguration– Congress goes from March 4 to January 3– President goes from March 4 to January 20

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FDR Takes Office



Listen to FDR Address the Nation: http://www.authentichistory.com/1930s/history/01.html

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1st Hundred Days

• Roosevelt sets to work immediately and calls for a special session of Congress for March 9th.

• FDR and Congress will keep their nose to the grindstone to try to do something for everyone.


Listen to Roosevelt’s Speech: http://encarta.msn.com/media_461568939_761577020_-1_1/franklin_roosevelt%E2%80%99s_new_deal.html

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1st Hundred Days

• Banking • Stock Market • Unemployment• Public Works• Agriculture• Industry


Reform and Help For:

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Americans Panic

• In the months before FDR took office many banks had taken “Bank Holidays” to save their banks. This caused “Runs” on banks and widespread panic, as well as a lack of confidence in America’s banking system.

• People began to withdraw any money they had in gold and hoard it at home.

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Banking Reform

• FDR declares a “National Bank Holiday from March 6-9.

• Stops export of all gold, silver, and currency

• March 9 FDR pushed congress to pass the following act to help banks. (It took 40 minutes.) – Emergency Banking Relief Act

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Emergency Banking Relief Act

• 1. Gave the President power over banking

• 2. Established to help reorganize banking– Banks were divided into catagories

• 1st – Banks with 90% of all money, about ½ of all banks were reopened on March 15th

• 2nd – Weaker banks could only pay out some money to account holders

• 3rd – Weakest banks to survive couldn’t pay out to account holders but could only take deposits

• 4th – 1000 small banks were closed

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Economy Act

• March 10

• Balance the Budget– Cut salaries of government employees– Cut pensions and allowances to veterans

(later rescinded) – Reorganization of Government

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Fireside Chats

• March 12• FDR gives his 1st

“Fireside Chat” to explain the banking act and calm the public.

Listen to FDR Address the Nation: http://www.authentichistory.com/1930s/history/01.html

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New Deal Programs



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Federal Securities Act

• Gives the Federal Trade Commission the power to police all new stocks and bonds

• Required that new stock be accompanied by certain information

• FTC could police the Stockbrokers

• May 1933


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Securities and Exchange ActJune 1934

• Set up to regulate trading in securities in the stock market

• Set up the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)• Gave it the power to license securities exchanges –

places where stocks and bonds are bought and sold• Gave the Federal Reserve Board the power to regulate

the money supply used to finance the trading of securities– Control the “Margin Requirement” – amount of money an

investor must put up when making a purchase– Higher margin requirements cuts down on speculation

• Prevent people with inside information about companies from “rigging” the stock market for their own profit – called “Insider Trading”


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Communications Act

• Sets up the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

• Regulates radio, telegraph, and cable communication both interstate and foreign


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Glass-Steagall Act1933

• Removed banks from investments business• Restricted the use of banking funds for

speculation• Created the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance

Corporation)– Guaranteed individual bank deposits under $5,000– Today it is guaranteed up to $250,000 (2011).


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Agricultural Adjustment Act

• Reduce Production to Raise Crop Prices

• Pay farmers to leave a certain amount of land unseeded.

• Some crops were already to developed so the government paid farmers to destroy crops

• Paid hog farmers to kill hogs• Finance payments to farmers by

taxing people who process farm products


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Criticism of the AAA

• Destruction of crops and livestock while people are going hungry

• Benefit Big Landowners and Not Small Farmers


Farmers receiving AAA payments in 1939.

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Tennessee Valley Authority

• Development of the Tennessee Valley with a systems of dams– Hydroelectric Power– Flood Control – Erosion Control– Distribution and

Production of Fertilizer– Recreational Areas– Employment

• Impacts a 7 State Area– See page 520


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Civilian Conservation Corps

• March 1933• CCC provides

unemployment relief• 1st of the relief

agencies• Organized under the

Dept. of Labor, Forestry Office, and the Army

A CCC pillowcase on display at the CCC Museum in Michigan.


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• Recruited unemployed young men between 18-25 for work in– Forests for fire towers and fire control– Farm country for soil conservation– River valleys for flood control by building levies and

dams– Road building and parks and recreation maintenance

• Paid $30 month of which the men kept $5 and $25 was sent home to family

• By 1941 – 2.5 million young men had served

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Clearing LandPlanting Crops

Fighting Fire

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Federal Emergency Relief Adm.

• FERA created in May 1933• Harry Hopkins – Administrator• Initial Appropriation of 500 million • Provides Grants to states for

unemployment relief.– Federal Funds $1 for $3 from the states

• Didn’t immediately meet the needs of the unemployed so a temporary administration was created to help unemployed workers.– Civil Works Administration

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Civil Works AdministrationCWA

• Created public jobs to help the unemployed during the winter of 1933-1934.

• Most were unskilled workers and the jobs were simple.– Raking leaves– Picking up trash– Sweeping streets– Road maintenance

• 4 million people employed• Built 40,000 schools• Paid 50,000 teachers• Critics felt it was just make-work and a waste of


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National Industrial Recovery Act

• Created June 1933• Harold Ickes – Administrator and Sec. of

the Interior• National Recovery Administration (NRA)

– Set codes of fair practice, working conditions, wages, and work hours

– Promised labor rights to organize and bargain collectively

– Symbol is the Blue Eagle


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Public Works Administration

• Construction of public buildings, schools, dams, bridges, roads, hospitals, airports, etc.

• Critics felt it was just make-work and a waste of money


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Help for Housing Needs

• Home Owners Loan Corporation – Provide government loans to homeowners

who faced foreclosure

• National Housing Act– Created the Federal Housing Administration

(FHA)– Continues today to provide loans for home

mortgages and repairs

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The Supreme Court Reacts

• Court strikes down the NIRA– NIRA had given too much power to the

executive branch– Codes governed Intrastate commerce and

Congress can only oversee Interstate commerce

• Court strikes down the AAA– Processing tax was unconstitutional because

it was taxing one specific group to benefit another

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Roosevelt vs. the Supreme Court

• Supreme Court consists of ? Members.– Nine– Serve for Life

• 4 justices usually voted for New Deal Programs

• 4 justices were very conservative and voted against New Deal Legislation

• 1 justice often voted with the conservatives

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FDR’s Plan to Reorganize the Court

• Arguments– Nine men were too old to keep up with the

case load

• Plan– FDR would appoint 1 justice for each one who

failed to retire at the age of 70– # of Justices would increase from 9 to 15

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Political Mis-step for Roosevelt

• Critics Say– President is trying to stack the court with

liberal judges who will support the New Deal– It would give the President too much power

and take away the independence of the Supreme Court

– It would go against the theory of Constitutional Government

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Court Packing Bill Fails

• One justice retires allowing FDR to appoint a liberal judge

• Court proved they were not behind• Court softened its position on other New Deal

Programs and upheld them WHY?– May have adopted a more liberal stance to save itself– OR the bills coming before the court were better

constructed than those in the earlier years

• Main supporter of the bill in Congress died

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Packing the Supreme Court




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New Deal Criticshttp://hti.osu.edu/opper/display.cfm?id=26


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Critics of the New Deal

• Conservatives– American Liberty League (the Far Right)

• Apposed to Government intervention in Business and the Economy– Fascists

• Fascism – political philosophy that holds the individual 2nd to nation and race

• Advocates government by dictatorship• Private ownership of land and capital but economic activity is

controlled strictly by the state• Doesn’t think the New Deal goes far enough in controlling the

economy• Fascism on the rise in Europe with Mussolini in Italy and Hitler in


• Liberals– Communists

• Communist don’t like FDR helping the poor because then they won’t want to overthrow capitalism

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Huey P. Long

• Senator and Governor of Louisiana• “Kingfish” nickname taken from the Amos and Andy Radio Show• Long was very corrupt• Worked his way up the political ladder• Had is eye on the Presidency in 1936 / 1940• “Share Our Wealth Plan”

– Promised “Every Man A King” who would own a house, a car and a radio

– Guarantee every family a minimum annual income of $5,000– Pay for the plan by taxing the income, property, and inheritance of

the wealthy



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Dr. Francis Townsend

• Townsend Plan (a.k.a. Old Age Revolving Pension Plan)

– Federal monthly pension of $200 to people over 60, but they must spend the full amount each month.

• Keep money in circulation• Help the older people

– Tax on Commercial Transactions

Townsend supporters rally in Columbus, Kansas in May 1936.Library of Congress Photo, LC-USF34-004168-E DLC


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Father CoughlinThe Radio Priest

• Radio station called “The Shrine of the Little Flower”• At first he supported FDR, but broke away when he felt

Roosevelt wasn’t controlling big business enough.• National Union of Social Justice

– For Social Reform– Supported Silver Inflation– Against

• Bankers• Jews• Communists• Labor Unions• New Deal

• Appealed to Populist in the Midwest and Irish Catholics in the large cities• Audience of 40-45 million

http://www.fathercoughlin.org/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Coughlin