Information Guide 2020

NEW BUYERS GUIDE-3 - Val de Vie...• Val de Vie Stable Manager - [email protected] • Polo lessons – Kevin Rixon – [email protected] Social events: • Potjiekos

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Page 1: NEW BUYERS GUIDE-3 - Val de Vie...• Val de Vie Stable Manager - yard.manager@valdevie.co.za • Polo lessons – Kevin Rixon – cape.petotel@mweb.co.za Social events: • Potjiekos

Information Guide2 0 2 0

Page 2: NEW BUYERS GUIDE-3 - Val de Vie...• Val de Vie Stable Manager - yard.manager@valdevie.co.za • Polo lessons – Kevin Rixon – cape.petotel@mweb.co.za Social events: • Potjiekos

1. Core Values

Secure Living

Spacious Country Living

Socio-environmental ethos

Social well-being

Sustainable Financial Return

2. Val de Vie Estate Milestones

3. Val de Vie Estate Property Sales

4. Val de Vie Estate Products

5. Phase 2 Amenities and Facilities

6. Development Company Management

7. Val de Vie Estate Location and Demographics

8. Advice for Potential Buyers

9. Cost of Living

10. Val de Vie Property Finance

11. Foreign Buyers

12. References




FOR 2018 & 2019










Page 3: NEW BUYERS GUIDE-3 - Val de Vie...• Val de Vie Stable Manager - yard.manager@valdevie.co.za • Polo lessons – Kevin Rixon – cape.petotel@mweb.co.za Social events: • Potjiekos



• Safety and security

• Wellness orientated

• Hospitality

• Spacious country living

• Green environmental practices, indigenous rehabilitation and conservation

• Social responsibility

• Sustainable agricultural development

• Financial return and growth

• Cutting edge technology and techniques


• A profound understanding that safety and security is vital to all residents

•Oneof thefirstestatesinSouthAfricatoimplementbiometric-accesscontrolmeasures,allowingfortrackingof entranceandexitandmovementof personsthoughthedifferentareasof theestate • Technologically advanced security measures

• Regular and unplanned security stress testing

•15.5km’sof physicalbarriersconsistingof a2-kilometres-highwrought-ironfence,concreteplinths,fullelectrified fenceandanti-digrazorwire • 112 thermal camera perimeter protection (total area coverage)

•4FingerreaderMorphowavescannersatallgatesforthosewithfingerprintproblems •SpeedmanagementcameraoperationsimilartoTrafficDepartments •LicenseplaterecognitioncameraswithOfficialProvincialdatabaseconnection • Residents are safeguarded from unauthorised visitors via automated booms that control access to residential villages

• Intelligent video analytics

•SupportingelectricalandITnetworkinfrastructure • Fibre Optic Connection (FTTX) 25MB upload and download capacity

•InternalPan,tiltandzoom(PTZ)cameraprotection •Off-sitemonitoringcentre,videorecordingandanalysis • Biometric homeowner, contractor and visitor access control

•PersonalAccessCode(PAC)entrysystemforauthorisedtenantsandresident’svisitors •Handheldfullyintegratedelectronicscanninganddecryptingof visitorvehiclelicensediscsanddriver’slicenses • Restricted access times and areas for contractors and other controlled visitors

•Contractorcriminalrecordchecks •On-sitesecurityreactionteams • Tactical armed reaction units operating outside the borders of the estate

• Immediate Medical emergency service

• Community safety involvement – intelligence gathering and sharing with SAPS,

Paarl-Franschhoekvalleypatrollingandmonitoringwithneighbouringpartners •Speedlimitof 40km/h-calmingmeasuresincludingelectronicspeedboardsandroaddesign • Strict pet rules and enforcement

•SecurityandRiskManager:LouisdeJager-–retiredasFullColonelof ProvincialHeadWesternProvinceCrime Intelligence,hasbeenappointedasValdeVieEstate’sfulltimeRiskManager.Louishasspent29yearsworkingasa detective for the SAPS and 23 years in the private security sector.


Page 4: NEW BUYERS GUIDE-3 - Val de Vie...• Val de Vie Stable Manager - yard.manager@valdevie.co.za • Polo lessons – Kevin Rixon – cape.petotel@mweb.co.za Social events: • Potjiekos


• Approximately 1,000 hectares of land with an average density of only three residential units per 10 000 m²

•300hectaresof parks,fynbos,wildlifereserves,farmsandlakes •7kmof thepristineBergRiverflowsalongsidetheestateandsuppliestheestatewithmuchof itsirrigation •161hectaresof privatefarmsandGentleman’sEstates •29hectaresof lakes •Approximately20hectaresof paddocks • 37 hectares of protected fynbos reserve

•18children’splayparks •4.3-hectaregamereservethatishometoaherdof springbokandzebras •JackNicklausSignaturegolf course • More than 100 species of protected fynbos

• Abundant birdlife (over 300 bird species inhabit the estate)

• Olive groves

• Orange and lemon orchards

•Rhône-stylevineyards • Waterways

•2Hurlinghamstandardpolofields •“Stickandball”field •Multi-purposesportsfield •Sandfibrearena •1kmequestriansandtrack • 2 Standard equestrian lunge rings

•1Extra-largeequestrianlungering • 2 Equestrian grass arenas

• Fibre footing show jumping dressage arena

•100stablesand26hectaresof paddocks • Riding School

• Berg River picnic area

• Large entertainment Boma next to the Berg River

•Inexcessof 42kmof running,mountainbiking,horseriding,dogwalkingandbabystrollerpathways •Dogpark • Over 500 rose bushes

•Over15differentdragonfliesanddamselflies •Duiker,porcupine,Capegreymongoose,scrubhareandCapeclawlessotterroamfreeontheestate

S O C I O - E N V I R O N M E N T A L E T H O S

Val de Vie Estate embraces a responsible and nurturing social environmental ethos.

The Val de Vie Foundation:

Createdtoproviderelief todisadvantagedcommunitiesinthewiderCapeWinelandsregionwithspecificfocusontheDrakensteinValleythrough: • Youth and leadership development

• Education


• Projects of social and spiritual concern for the relief of communities in distress

Page 5: NEW BUYERS GUIDE-3 - Val de Vie...• Val de Vie Stable Manager - yard.manager@valdevie.co.za • Polo lessons – Kevin Rixon – cape.petotel@mweb.co.za Social events: • Potjiekos


• Valcare

• Hope Through Action

• Khula Development Group

•NationBuilder • Hanneli Rupert Getuienistrust

• Aslan Trust

•Jak127 • Inceba Trust


•1%contributionof alldevelopersalesbyValdeVieInvestments(Pty)Ltd/thedeveloperandPearlValleyInvestments (PTY) Ltd

• 5% of all new Phase 2 HOA levies

•Anumberof Phase1residentshavevoluntarilyopted-intoanadditional5%levy • To date R21 million has been raised

Biodiversity conservation in conjunction with the Department of Environmental Affairs and Cape Nature Conservation: • Conserving nature for a sustainable future

• More than 100 fynbos species

• 300 + bird species

•EndangeredmammalsincludingtheCapegrysbokandCapeclawlessotter • Endangered amphibians

• Fish life management

• Youth conservation education


•“Noflybyday”operation • Responsible water management

• Rehabilitation of the Berg River


Energy preservation:

• Solar energy

• Water heating

• Energy plants by individual homes and the HOA

• Super silent generators

• LED lighting

• Strategic partnership with PSG owned Energy Partners

Water Security:

ValdeVieEstateimplementedaprivatewaterfiltrationplantinDecember2017thatpurifiesgroundwaterfroma uniqueandlocalisedaquifer,supplyingover1500residentsonthe1000-hectareestatewithwaterforhousehold consumption.Inpartnership,DrakensteinMunicipalityandValdeVieEstatehavetakenpro-activestepstoensurethat theestateisentirely‘waterindependent’.Themunicipalwaterthatwouldhavebeenusedbytheestatecanbedistributed to other areas of need in the municipality

Water utilisation on the estate is sensitively managed and dispersed via a central computerised system. Licensed

groundwater usage is also centrally managed, prohibiting any private boreholes. Groundwater extraction occurs

wellwithintheparametersof thesustainable50-yearyieldof theaquifer.

Page 6: NEW BUYERS GUIDE-3 - Val de Vie...• Val de Vie Stable Manager - yard.manager@valdevie.co.za • Polo lessons – Kevin Rixon – cape.petotel@mweb.co.za Social events: • Potjiekos

Theestate’sinternalwaterconsumptionawarenesscampaignhasbeenfruitfulandoverthepastyear resultedinasignificantdecreaseinwaterconsumption.Smartwatermetersystems,installedinallhomes,provideValde Viemanagementwithanexactreal-timemonitoringof dailyconsumptionandassisthomeownerswithleak and burst alarms. All new homes built on Val de Vie Estate are furthermore required to have plumbing systems

which support grey water systems.

Val de Vie Estate is committed to responsible water usage and compliance with the Department of Water and Sanitation,


S O C I A L W E L L - B E I N G

Family and community enrichment

• Strong focus on community events

Val de Vie Estate places paramount value on family lifestyle

Val de Vie Estate provides a safe and secure environment for raising families

Education on-site:


Private schools:


Public schools:

Primaryschools: •CourtraiPrimary(11km/13minutes) •PaarlGymnasiumPrimary(10km/14minutes) •PaarlBoysPrimary(10km/13minutes) •PaarlGirlsPrimary(11km/15minutes) •LaRochelleGirlsPrimary(10km/14minutes) •NoordeindPrimarySchool(14km/23minutes)

Highschools: •PaarlBoysHigh(10km/14minutes) •PaarlGirlsHigh(11km/15minutes) •PaarlGymnasium(10km/14minutes) •LaRochelleGirlsHigh(10km/14minutes) •BolandAgriculturalHigh(31km/30minutes) •PaulRoosGymnasium(36km/35minutes) •Bloemhof MeisiesHoërskool(36km/35minutes) •RhenishGirls’HighSchool(37km/36minutes) •HoërskoolStellenbosch(23km/15-20minutesfromthenewBergRivergate.)

Lifestyle Centres located on Val de Vie Estate include the following facilities: •Threeworld-classfitnesshubs •Spinningbikes • 2 Squash courts

•JackNicklausSignatureGolf Course(MembershipexclusiveonlytoValdeVieEstateHomeowners) •25mheatedindoorswimmingpoolwhichalsohoststheRykNeethlingSwimSchool

Page 7: NEW BUYERS GUIDE-3 - Val de Vie...• Val de Vie Stable Manager - yard.manager@valdevie.co.za • Polo lessons – Kevin Rixon – cape.petotel@mweb.co.za Social events: • Potjiekos

• 50 m outdoor swimming pool

• Resort style outdoor swimming pool

• Steam rooms and sauna

• Fit45 classes

• Indoor cycling classes

• CrossFit

•BikeScience •Bio-kineticists • Personal trainers

• Physiotherapists

• Power plate

• 3 sets of 2 tennis courts

• Pilates classes

• Tennis academy

• Running club

• Outdoor gym

•Groupfitnessclasses •Multi-purposecourts • Karate

• Mixed martial arts

• Yoga

•Cricketnets •Soccerfield • Padel tennis courts

Recreational activities include:

•FlyfishinginourlakesandintheBergRiver •42kmbikeandwalkingtrails • myrun on Sundays at 8am

• Super Saturdays at The Yard

Equestrian lessons:

[email protected][email protected] •Pololessons–KevinRixon–[email protected]

Social events: •Potjiekoscompetition,informationevenings,UnwindFriday

Social HOA Subcommittee


Unwind Fridays hosted at L’Huguenot Wine Cellar •BarbaraHugo:[email protected]/0218768037

Polo Events:


Summer Sunday Markets in Polo Season

Annual fun run and other sporting events such as


Page 8: NEW BUYERS GUIDE-3 - Val de Vie...• Val de Vie Stable Manager - yard.manager@valdevie.co.za • Polo lessons – Kevin Rixon – cape.petotel@mweb.co.za Social events: • Potjiekos

International and national music concerts


International and national sporting events:

•AbsaCapeEpicMountainBikeRace,StellenboschCycleTour,SAOpen,VodacomShopCelebrityGolf Day,BCX Supersport Shootout

Pétanque Association:

•LaurieChaffe:[email protected]/+27825664223

World-class Hospitality:

•ThePoloClubRestaurantsituatedinthePoloPavilion–openforlunchanddinner6daysaweekwithsweepingviews of thepolofieldandsurroundingmountains •TheValleyrestaurant,locatedinthePearlValleyClubhouse,offersviewsof theJackNicklausSignaturegolf courseand themajesticmountainranges,open7daysaweek •L’HuguenotwinetastingandsalesonFridayafternoonsfrom16:00–19:00 • Ballroom at The Polo Pavilion for private hire

•Reuben’s&CoCafe,situatedatTheYard,open6daysaweek •FleetCoffeeCompany,open6daysaweek •TheDeli,open7daysaweek

*ValdeVieShortTermsStaysofferatasteof lifeontheEstate,thepropertiesincludedarethePoloVillageApartmentsdesignedbyaward-winningarchitectStefanAntoni

*ThePearlValleyHotelbyMantishas31fullyequippedsuitesaffordinghotelguestsaccesstothePearlValleyClubhouse,JackNicklausSignaturegolf course


• Equestrian facilities

• 100 stables at Val de Vie Estate and Pearl Valley Equestrian Centre

• Riding school

•Excellentdrainage,hygienemanagementandbiologicalflycontrol • Safe and social interaction between horses and visitors

•Fullyequippedtackrooms • Lunging rings

•Exercisetrack •Practicefieldwithsand-fibrejumpingarena • Outdoor equestrian arena

• Highly experienced and trained team

• Complete livery and exercise care available

•Dailyturnoutof horsesinsecurepaddocks •Grooms-7daysaweek •Professionaldailycareof eachhorses’needs • Exercising, schooling

•Tackpreparationforpolo Yard Manager: [email protected]

Polo Club: • Polo membership and social membership

• Clubhouse for members with changing rooms

Polo Manager: • Kevin Rixon: 082 780 3950

Page 9: NEW BUYERS GUIDE-3 - Val de Vie...• Val de Vie Stable Manager - yard.manager@valdevie.co.za • Polo lessons – Kevin Rixon – cape.petotel@mweb.co.za Social events: • Potjiekos

Val de Vie Wines:

•ValdeVieEstateissynonymouswiththebountifulofferingthatisbroughtforthbythepicturesque Paarl-FranschhoekValley.Thismagnificentregionisourinspirationforproducingwinesof thehighestquality. •TheL’HuguenotVinotequeishometotheexclusiveValdeVieandPoloClubrange,bottledinthe 100-tonnL’Huguenotcellar. • Historic Manor House

L’Huguenot Marketing Manager: Barbara Hugo 021 876 8847

Our wines include:

•PoloClubChardonnay/PinotNoir • Polo Club Merlot

• Polo Club Sauvignon Blanc

•Memo3litreChardonnay/PinotNoir • Cuvée de Vie MCC

• The Perfect Host Chenin Blanc

• The Valley of Life Signature Red Blend

• The Epic Blend



•MembershipsexclusivelytoValdeVieEstateHomeownersavailableatSouthAfrica’spremiergolf club- Pearl Valley

•Thismasterpiecewasshapedbythevisionof golf legendJackNicklausandhisuniquetouchisevidentthroughoutthe course

•OfficiallyopenedinNovember2003byJackNicklausandSouthAfricangreat,GaryPlayer, PearlValleyGolf Estateswasnamed‘bestnewgolf courseof theyear’byGolf Digestmagazinein2005 •Rankedasthebestconditionedgolf courseintheWesternCapebyGolf Digest2010-2019 •AwardedtheCompleteGolfer’sFiveStarExperienceAwardforsixconsecutiveyears •Thegolf coursewasrankedintheTop5inthecountrybyGolf Digestmagazinein2018/2019

ThePearlValleyJackNicklausSignaturegolf courseatPearlValleyhastwosignatureholes,the4thand13th,both offeringmajesticviewsof thesurroundingmountainsandlakes.The4thholeischallenging,withlimitedmarginforerror asyouneedtocrossthecreekthreetimesen-routetoatrickygreen.Thispar5isregularlylistedasoneof thebestpar5’s inSouthAfrica,epitomisingtheidealsof ‘riskandreward’.The13thholeisadauntingpar3andwilltestboth yourballstrikeandyournerve.Asthewatercutsfromtherightandagreensidebunkerwaits,oneismesmerisedbythe cautious tee shot.

[email protected] / +27 (0)21 867 8000

Val de Vie Events:

•Fromprivatepartiestofestiveyear-endfunctions,ValdeVieEstateisanexceptionalsettingforanytype of event.OurEventsteamdelightincoordinatingmemorableoccasionsthatreflectyouruniquestyleand preferences in any of the venues on the estate

•Venues:TheBallroomatValdeVie,PoloClubRestaurant,PoloLoungeandTerraceatValdeVie Pavilion, Signature Lounge at Pearl Valley, Conference Venue at Pearl Valley, The Tasting Room at

L’Huguenot,TheVinotequeatL’Huguenot [email protected] / +27 (0) 21 863 6100

Game Reserve: •4.3hectaregamereservehometoindigenousfynbosandtheendangeredcapegrysbok,aswellas springbokandzebra

Page 10: NEW BUYERS GUIDE-3 - Val de Vie...• Val de Vie Stable Manager - yard.manager@valdevie.co.za • Polo lessons – Kevin Rixon – cape.petotel@mweb.co.za Social events: • Potjiekos

Pearl Valley Golf Shop:

•Stockedwiththelatestgolfingapparelandofferingabroadrangefromleadinginternationalbrands.The discerningshopperisspoiltforchoice.MannedbyqualifiedPGAProfessionalsandofferingindividualclub fittingsandcustomisation,thereissomethingforeveryoneatTheGolf Shop •SummerOperatingHours:MondaystoSundays:7am–7pm •WinterOperatingHours:TuesdaystoSundays:8am–5pm •Onlineshop:www.pearlvalley.co.za

La Martina at the Polo Pavilion:

• La Martina is a family company focusing on polo technical equipment production and clothing and

accessories collection

[email protected] / +27 (0) 21 863 9039

Camelot Spa Val de Vie at Pearl Valley Jack Nicklaus Signture golf course: • At Camelot Spa Val de Vie, you will experience the luxury and sophistication that Camelot Spas are renowned for

[email protected] / +27 (0) 21 867 8001

Pearl Valley Hotel by Mantis:

• The Pearl Valley Hotel by Mantis, a luxury hotel situated on the acclaimed Val de Vie Estate, adds yet

anotherenhancementtothisaward-winningestate.Thehotelhas31fullyequippedsuitesaffordinghotelguestsaccessto thePearlValleyClubhouse,JackNicklausSignaturegolf courseandTheValleyRestaurantsituatedintheClubhouse [email protected] / +27 (0) 21 867 8000


Strong world-class Home Owner’s Association (HOA):

• Clear vision

• Integrated and active management and approach

•Experiencedandhighlyqualifiedtrustees • Active home owner involvement through 9 subcommittees;

Aesthetic, Building, Communication, Corporate Governance, Finances, Landscaping, Security, Sport and Social


•CombinedHOA’scashreservesof morethanR15million • Regular infrastructure replacement studies

• Preventative infrastructure maintenance

•Levies:ValdeVie:RR3,969p/m;PearlValley:R2,741perannumfortheclubmembershipfee. Nospecialleviesraisedtodate • With the growth of the estate, there will be an increase in the HOA members and therefore its income. With economies

of scale in areas from maintenance to security, not only will this ensure that Val de Vie Estate remains the safest estate in


Val de Vie Estate Brand:

• Recognised as the best residential estate brand in South Africa

•Brandassociationwithleadinginternationalbrands;VeuveClicquot,Ferrari,Investec,JuliusBär,Hans Grohe,DaikinAirConditioning,GaggenauAppliances,StefanAntoniArchitects,Jaeger-LeCoultre, Sentebale, La Martina Clothing, SMEG, Vodacom, Cintron and Discovery

•InternationalPropertyAwards: 2012:BestMultipleUnitDevelopmentinAfrica

Page 11: NEW BUYERS GUIDE-3 - Val de Vie...• Val de Vie Stable Manager - yard.manager@valdevie.co.za • Polo lessons – Kevin Rixon – cape.petotel@mweb.co.za Social events: • Potjiekos

2013:BestSingleUnitDevelopmentinAfricafor“ThePoloHouse” 2014:SafestHomeinAfrica 2014:World’sBestMarketing“PoloVillage” 2016/2017:BestresidentialpropertyinAfricafor“ValentiaManorHouse” • Val de Vie Estate is home to many local and international captains of industry. Many local and international

celebrities, both in the sports and entertainment industries, call Val de Vie Estate their home

•ThePearlValleyJackNicklausSignaturegolf courseisrecognisedasoneof thebestgolf coursesinAfrica •ValdeVieEstatewasratedastheTopResidentialEstateinSouthAfricabyNewWorldWealthfrom 2015-2019 • Val de Vie Estate is the preferred address for high net worth individuals and his home to the most expensive street in

South Africa

• Val de Vie Estate was awarded the best multigenerational resort in the World in 2018 at The Globals


Unique Features:

• Several World Heritage sites and rich agricultural land surround Val de Vie Estate

•TheSimonsberg,DrakensteinmountainrangeandPaarlMountainsframethevalleyandprovidea magnificentbackdrop •Theperfectbalancebetweennatureandauthenticworld-class,modernlivingexistsatValdeVieEstate • Val de Vie Estate is a primary residential estate with the majority of the residents being young families

withanaverageageof mid-40’s


• French Provencal and Cape Vernacular to Contemporary - Phase 1

•HarmoniouswiththeoriginalValdeVieDNAleaningtowardsamorecontemporaryapproach, allowingspaceforindividualismwithuniquetexturedsurfacesandsimplifieddetail- Phase 2

• Leaning towards the original Pearl Valley ranch style design intent with larger openings, deeper eaves

complimented by luxuriant planting - Pearl Valley

•Luxuriousyetlaidbackenvironment •Awardwinningarchitecture:Boogertman&PartnersarethecontrollingarchitectsandUys&White are the landscape architects

Individual homes border our wide variety of themes including:

•Polofields • Vineyards

•Lakes • The Berg River

• Farms

• Olive groves

•Paddocks •JackNicklausSignatureGolf Course • Fynbos Reserve

Property sales, long and short term rentals

[email protected] / 021 863 6100

Recent developer sales history: 2006: Val de Vie Phase 1 launched / 2014 Phase 2 launched

2012:109propertiessold 2013:112propertiessold 2014:139propertiessold 2015:171propertiessold

Page 12: NEW BUYERS GUIDE-3 - Val de Vie...• Val de Vie Stable Manager - yard.manager@valdevie.co.za • Polo lessons – Kevin Rixon – cape.petotel@mweb.co.za Social events: • Potjiekos

2016:335propertiessold 2017:108propertiessold 2018:151propertiessold

Recent average property prices achieved for:

•Vacantstands: 2012:R1,500@m² 2013:R1,700@m² 2014:R1,900@m² 2015:R2,100@m² 2016:R2,300@m² 2017:R2,400@m² 2018:R2,889@m²

•Houses: 2012:R12,000@m² 2013:R13,500@m² 2014:R15,000@m² 2015:R18,000@m² 2016:R22,000@m² 2017:R22,000@m² 2018:R22,245@m²

Page 13: NEW BUYERS GUIDE-3 - Val de Vie...• Val de Vie Stable Manager - yard.manager@valdevie.co.za • Polo lessons – Kevin Rixon – cape.petotel@mweb.co.za Social events: • Potjiekos

2 . V A L D E V I E M I L E S T O N E S

• 2001: Thefounderandoriginaldeveloper,MartinVenterflewoverthePaarl-FranschhoekValleyandsawtheideallocationalongsidetheBergRiverforhisfamilyhome.Lookingdownattherun-downwinefarm,firststartedbyAbrahamAndriesLeRouxin1783,hesuddenlyknewthatthisplacehadpotentialandthelandneededtobebroughtbacktolife.Thiswouldbethe“Valleyof Life”thathehad dreamt of

• 2006: First plots sold

• 2007: OverR450millioninvestedininfrastructurebeforethefirsthousewasbuilt

• 2012: Polo House sold for a Cape Winelands record of R22 500 per m²

• 2013: Val de Vie Investments (Pty) Ltd, the developer, acquire Levendal land across the Berg River

• 2014: DeveloperacquiresPhase2landfromStandardBank

• 2014: Polo Village launched

• 2015: Phase 1 – only 8 stands remain

• 2015: More than 400 completed residences

• 2015:Numerousnewproductslaunched:TheVines,TheOaks,Gentleman’sEstates,RiverReserves,LaVueandLeDomainestands

• 2015: August,recognisedastheTopResidentialEstatefor2015byNewWorldWealth

• 2015:NovemberValdeViehostedPrinceHarryattheSentebalePoloCup,theworld’slargestexhibitionpoloevent

• 2016: Newproductslaunched:TheRiverClub,ThePoloVillageOffices,TheReserve

• 2016: 1 March, assumed management of Pearl Valley

• 2016: 22June2016,PatriceMotsepe(AfricanRainbowCapital)acquired20%sharesinValdeVieInvestments

• 2016: August,recognisedastheTopResidentialEstatefor2016byNewWorldWealth

• 2016: November,theconstructionof thenewbridgeovertheBergRivercommenced

• 2017: Facilities and amenities on Val de Vie and Pearl Valley became accessible to all residents

• 2017:August,recognisedastheTopResidentialEstatefor2017byNewWorldWealth

• 2018: Opening of the Bridge crossing the Berg River, reducing traveling time to Stellenbosch, Cape Town and

Cape Town International airport

• 2018: The internal road completed connecting Val de Vie with Pearl Valley

• 2018:ThenewPoloVillageOfficesopen,TheYardopens(Reuben’sandCoCafe,TheYardgym,50moutdoorpool),Pearl Valley Hotel by Mantis phase 2 launched, The Acres launched and Val de Vie Evergreen Show house opened

• 2019:April,hostedworld-renownedoperasingerAndreaBocellionthepolofieldfor12000spectators

• 2019:RecognisedastheTopResidentialEstatefor2019byNewWorldWealth

Page 14: NEW BUYERS GUIDE-3 - Val de Vie...• Val de Vie Stable Manager - yard.manager@valdevie.co.za • Polo lessons – Kevin Rixon – cape.petotel@mweb.co.za Social events: • Potjiekos

3 . V A L D E V I E P R O P E R T Y S A L E S

•December2015:PoloVillage(60units):SOLDOUT •April2016:Gentlemen’sEstates(17units):SOLDOUT •May2016:RiverClub(12units):SOLDOUT •October2016:LeDomainestands(72units):SOLDOUT •August2017:TheVinesII:SOLDOUT •May2018:PoloVillageOffices:SOLDOUT •March2020:ValdeVieEvergreenPhaseOneSOLDOUT

4 . V A L D E V I E P R O D U C T S

• Storage units (Sectional title)

• Stables (Sectional title)

• Polo Village (Sectional title luxury apartments)

•PoloVillageOffices •TheVines(Fulltitleplot-and-planhousesupto303m²) •TheOaks(Fulltitleplot-and-planhousesfrom320m²) • Le Domaine stands from 700m²

• La Vue stands from 900 to 2,000m²

• River Club stands from 5,000m² and bigger

• River Farm stands from 1,500m² river facing stands

•Gentleman’sEstates • River Reserves

• Pearl Valley Golf stands

•PearlValleyNaturestands • Pearl Valley Hotel by Mantis (Phase 1 and Phase 2)

• The Reserve (1 acre – 1 hectare lifestyle stands)

• Stefani Antoni Signature Series (Plot and Plan)

• Val de Vie Evergreen Retirement Village (Life Right)

•LevendalVillage(affordablestaffaccommodation3kmsfromValdeVie)-Future • The Acres (From 700m2, with 1 acre and 1 hectare stands)

5 . P H A S E 2 A M E N I T I E S A N D F A C I L I T I E S

• The Yard, includes;

•Fullgymwith1000m²trainingarea,dedicatedchangeandablutionsandaseparateyoga/pilatesstudio • Four lane Olympic length outdoor pool with dedicated change and ablution facilities

• Recreational and wading pool with adjacent grassed lounging spaces

•Reuben’s&CoCafé •Multi-purposecourt • Dedicated property sales and leasing hub

•PropertymanagementandHOAoffices •2000undercoverpostofficesboxes • Open air training circuit

•Ampleeasilyaccessibleparkingsurroundingthefacilities • Landscaped square for larger open air functions

• Barber Shop

• Laundry

Page 15: NEW BUYERS GUIDE-3 - Val de Vie...• Val de Vie Stable Manager - yard.manager@valdevie.co.za • Polo lessons – Kevin Rixon – cape.petotel@mweb.co.za Social events: • Potjiekos

• Padel Tennis Court

•42kmsof mountainbiking,runningandhorsetrailsallwithintheestate • The new Berg River Bridge and Berg River Gate House connect the estate to the R45 Simondium Road

The journey from the new entrance to the centre of Stellenbosch is 16 minutes, 30 minutes to the

Cape Town International Airport, 35 minutes to Cape Town and 3 minutes to Paarl Main Road

• 37 hectares of green areas that will be rehabilitated into conservations eco areas. An additional 111

hectareswillbeagriculturallandof which50hectareswillbeGentleman’sEstatesanda61-hectareprivate farm.Therewillalsobeapproximately5hectaresof parks •Atotalof 7kmof theBergRiverrunsthroughtheentireestate

6 . D E V E L O P M E N T C O M P A N Y M A N A G E M E N T

• Clear vision and strong management of the HOA

• Integrated and active management approach by the developer of the HOA

• Strong brand through independent operating companies (Val de Vie Events, Restaurant, Val de Vie Wines and

Val de Vie Property Sales)

Management Profiles:

Martin Venter, Founder and CEOWithhissufficientexperienceandknowledgeheleadsthedevelopmentandprofessionalteamfortheconceptualisationandimplementationof anysizeof propertydevelopment.MartinVenteristheExecutiveChairmanandFounderof ValdeVieManagementthathasdeveloped,amongstothers,ValdeVieEstate.HisqualificationsincludeBLC(Law),LLB(UP),Hons,MBA(US)andR.E.E.S,PrivateEquityandVentureCapital(HarvardBusinessSchool).Martin is also an Admitted Attorney of the High Court of South Africa. Martin initially built his career as a commercial attorney

inlitigationandgarneredextensiveexperienceinpropertydevelopmentandpropertyinvestmentasoneof theearly/foundingdirectors in Atterbury Property Cape (Pty) Ltd. As developer, he has completed many successful residential and commercial property

developments in excess of R3 billion. He was awarded the ABSA Entrepreneur of the Year in 1994. He is also an annual guest


Morné Bosch, HOA Chairman and Managing DirectorMorné Bosch is the Managing Director of Val de Vie Management, a private company contracted to manage and administer the

HOA.HealsoservesasChairmanof theBoardof Trusteesof theHOAandfollowsahands-onapproachinmanagingtheHOAtoensurethattheBoardof Trusteesfulfilitsresponsibilitieswiththehelpof themanagingagent.Hisfieldof expertiseliesinbusiness restructuring, business development and operations management. He completed his articles at PricewaterhouseCoopers,


Sarel Rossouw, Financial Director

SarelRossouwistheGroupFinancialDirectorof theValdeVieentities.HehasabackgroundinauditingandworkedforPricewaterhouseCoopersuntilDecember2007whereafterhejoinedValdeVie.SarelisaqualifiedCA(SA).Hehasawiderangeof businessexpertise,bothinthecapacityasauditor,directorandshareholderinvariousentitiesindifferentmarketsegments.HeisChief FinancialOfficerindevelopmentswithanaggregatevalueinexcessof R1billionandisskilledindevelopmentfeasibility,financing,salesandinvestmentinpropertyandrelatedaspects.

Page 16: NEW BUYERS GUIDE-3 - Val de Vie...• Val de Vie Stable Manager - yard.manager@valdevie.co.za • Polo lessons – Kevin Rixon – cape.petotel@mweb.co.za Social events: • Potjiekos

Ryk Neethling, Marketing DirectorRykNeethlinghasplayedaninstrumentalrolesincehisappointmentin2009astheMarketingDirector&Shareholderof theValdeVieGroupof Companies.Ryk’sbusinesscareerstartedwhilehespenttimeintherealestateindustryintheUSA,assistinginthedevelopment,managementandsalesof variouscommercialpropertiesinArizonaandCalifornia.ThisexperienceequippedhiminestablishingCapeWinelandsProperties,theofficialon-sitepropertyagencyforValdeVieEstate,withhisbusinesspartners.Hisstrategicapproachtoimplementingbrandandmarketingplansisevidentinthenumeroussuccessfullysold-outdevelopmentsof theValdeVieGroupof Companies.UnderRyk’sleadership,theValdeViebrandhasinternationallybeenpositionedaspioneeringintheworldof luxurypropertydevelopment.RykholdsaBAdegreeinPsychologyandBusinessfromtheUniversityof Arizona.HeisCEOof thePrincessCharleneof MonacoFoundationSouthAfrica,aLaureusSportforGoodFoundationAmbassador,founderof LearntoSwimAcademies,three-timeWorldChampionandanOlympicGoldMedalist.

Renier Swart, Sales Director of the Val de Vie Group of Companies, Managing Director ofVal de Vie ConstructionRenier Swart is the Sales Director of the Val de Vie Group of Companies, as well as the Managing Director of

Val de Vie Construction, Chairman and a shareholder of the Star Motor Group and also the Chairman of Security and

Infrastructuresubcommitteesof theValdeVieEstate.HisqualificationsincludeBComAccountingHonoursandCTA(Universityof Pretoria),BProc(UNISA),CA(SA),PPREandMPRE.RenierjoinedNissanSAin1996aftercompletinghisarticleswithPwC.Hesuccessfullystartedanumberof Nissan,Ford,Mazda,UD,FiatandAlfaRomeodealershipsandisamultiplefranchisedealerof theyearawardwinner.Healsoservedandchairedanumberof vehiclefranchisedealercouncils.Hisentrepreneurialskillswereacknowledgedin2001withthePretoriaBusinessChamberBusinessof theYearaward.StarMotorGroupholdsthecurrentNissanDealer-Group-of-the-Year-Award.RenieralsojoinedPaarlBoysHigh’sRaadvanBeskermherein2018.BeforejoiningValdeVie,Renier also successfully completed several large commercial property developments. His Valentia Manor house won the prestigious

BestResidentialPropertyinAfricaawardfor2016/17.Hisabilitytoimplementasalesstrategywassuccessfullyhonedinthemotorindustry and he oversees all property sales.

Page 17: NEW BUYERS GUIDE-3 - Val de Vie...• Val de Vie Stable Manager - yard.manager@valdevie.co.za • Polo lessons – Kevin Rixon – cape.petotel@mweb.co.za Social events: • Potjiekos

7 . V A L D E V I E L O C A T I O N A N D D E M O G R A P H I C


From the Berg River Bridge:

•CapeTownInternationalAirport(57km/35minutes) •CapeTownCityCentre(56km/35minutes) •DrakensteinMunicipality(8km/8minutes) •DrakensteinMunicipalityhasapopulationof slightlymorethan200000withanannualincreaseof 4,200. Paarl and

Wellington are the most densely populated areas. Paarl has over 130,000 inhabitants; Wellington follows

with nearly 62,000. Paarl is the third oldest town in South Africa and was established in 1657. The Executive

MayorisCouncillorConradPoole.ThelatestauditreportissuedbytheAuditorGeneralforDrakenstein MunicipalitywasaCLEANAuditreportin2014.

From the R301 Main Gate:

•PaarlSAPS(8km/8minutes) •PaarlProvincialHospital(10km/10minutes) •PaarlMediClinic(9km/10minutes) • Val de Vie subscribes to Immediate Medical available via Security, for any medical emergencies

•Dis-ChemPaarlMall(8km/8minutes) •ClicksPharmacy(8km/8minutes) •Churchesarewithina12kmradius •Departmentof HomeAffairs(9km/10minutes)


•TheDelilocatednexttoFleetcoffee •PaarlMall(8km/8minutes) TheMallisanchoredbynationalretailerssuchasPick‘nPay,Woolworths,Dischem,Edgars,Clicks,Truworthsand Foschini;allmajorbanksandiseasilyaccessiblefromtheN1viatheexit57offramp.Therearevariousrestaurants includingCottonOn,Rain,CapeUnionMart,Mugg&Beancoffeeshop,Sorbetsalon,ToscaHairSalonetc. • Woolworths Food is situated at the Laborie Centre, Main Road, Paarl and in Main Road at the Engen garage

•DeliveriesaremadetoValdeVieEstatebybothWoolworths,Pick‘nPayandCheckers •VineyardCentrePaarlMainRoad(10km/11minutes)anchoredbyaSuperSpar&Topsaswellasa restaurant, pet shop and laundry

•Franschhoek(16km/13minutes) Franschhoekhasbecomeadestinationof noteforspecialityandhigh-qualityretailshopping.Witha surprisingdiversityof shopsandstoresforsuchasmallvillage,itisnowonderthatFranschhoekissuch abusylittletown.Fromhandmadechocolates,handmadefurniture,exquisitedecorandinteriors,works of art,craftsof allkinds,specialityshopsandboutiques,Franschhoekhasitall.WoolworthsFoodisalsosituatedinthe Main Road

•CanalWalkShoppingCentre(55km/32minutes) CanalWalkShoppingCentreisAfrica’sleadingsuper-regionalretailmall.It’sdominantpresenceattracts diverseshoppersfromanextensiveportionof theWesternCapeandfurtherafield,withitscomprehensiveretailand leisureoptions.CanalWalkmergestheworld’smostdesirablebrandswithshoppingconvenienceandentertainmentwith everyday leisure, all in a majestic setting

•V&AWaterfrontshopping(64km/41minutes) With over 450 retail outlets selling everything from fashion, homeware and curios, to

jewellery,leathergoodsandaudio-visualequipment,theV&AWaterfrontisSouthAfrica’s mostpopularshoppingdestination.Consolidatingthispositionistheirdiverseofferingof localand international brands that guarantee something for everyone in Cape Town, irrespective of taste or budget

Page 18: NEW BUYERS GUIDE-3 - Val de Vie...• Val de Vie Stable Manager - yard.manager@valdevie.co.za • Polo lessons – Kevin Rixon – cape.petotel@mweb.co.za Social events: • Potjiekos

Dining and Convenience: • The Polo Club Restaurant

• The Valley Restaurant

•Reuben’s&CoCafé •FleetCoffeeRoastery • Deli

• The culinary delights of Paarl range from traditional fare to exquisite international cuisine, restaurants and eateries are

diverse in character and range from elegant Cape Dutch Manors to Victorian Villas, country cottages and family eateries.

Cookingstylesreflectindividualpersonalities,resultinginadiversityof cuisinefromthemostformalandeleganttothe simplest,yetwell-prepareddishes •FranschhoekisknownasSouthAfrica’sfinediningcapital •Thereareplentyof surroundingwineestatesandworld-classrestaurants •Aselectionof deli’snearbyincludesDeliFresh,BabylonstorenandVrede&Lust

Wine Farms:

•ValdeVieEstateisamemberof the48VigneronsdeFranschhoek.Franschhoekwineestatesarenotonly situatedinabreathtakinglypicturesquevalley,butalsoproducesomeof theworld’sfinestaward-winningwines •TheL‘HuguenotVenue&VinotequeatValdeVieEstatewelcomesvisitorstoaplacewhereold-world andnew-worldtrendsareinperfectharmony.Aftercenturiesof pioneeringandconstantdevelopment,thewine cellar and 25 hectares of vineyards on Val de Vie Estate were acquired by the Chinese distribution company,

PerfectChina,in2013,andthepropertyisnowtheproudhomeof L’HuguenotVineyards. •LocatedalongtheFranschhoekWineValleyFoodandWineRoute,thesefinewineestablishments areeasilyaccessibleandofferanarrayof differentexperiences.Winescanalsobetastedandpairedwith appetizingfoodonofferatFranschhoek’sfinediningrestaurants,manyof whicharefoundonthewineestates.Overthe years,theVigneronsdeFranschhoekmembershavebecomeknownassomeof themostinnovativeandprogressivewine producersinSouthAfricaandhavefirmlyestablishedthemselvesasoneof thebestwine-producingareasintheCape Winelands

• Other unique experiences close by are Babylonstoren, Fairview and the Spice Route

8 . A D V I C E F O R P O T E N T I A L B U Y E R S

When considering investment in any residential estate, buyers should be well informed on the development and


Safety and Security


The Home Owners Association

EnquireaboutHOAcashreserves,anyhistoryof specialleviesandanylong-termplans,whothetrusteesareandwhattheircontri-bution is to the social needs of the area

The Developer

Itisadvisedtodoabackgroundcheckonthedeveloper’strackrecord.Findoutif thereareanyoutstandingbankdebtsandif allthe promised improvements have been done and transferred to the HOA

Property Sales

Capitalgrowth/salespriceinflationhistoryiscrucialaswellastherentalhistoryof theestate(anyvacantstands,numberof vacantstandsinthemarket,howmanyhousesavailabletorentetc.)

Page 19: NEW BUYERS GUIDE-3 - Val de Vie...• Val de Vie Stable Manager - yard.manager@valdevie.co.za • Polo lessons – Kevin Rixon – cape.petotel@mweb.co.za Social events: • Potjiekos

HOA Rules and Regulations


General Information

Enquireaboutgeneralfacilitiesandamenitiesavailabletoresidentsontheestate.If possiblemakecoffeeappointmentswithresidentstoheartheirfirst-handexperienceandgatherasmuchinformationinordertomakeaninformeddecision

Location and Public Services

The location of Val de Vie Estate as well as the public services that are available in close vicinity such as schools, hospitals (health


9 . C O S T O F L I V I N G

Apart from the varying prices of actual home and land prices across the country, there is also a variance in the cost of living

betweencertainareasanddifferentprovinces.Thesevariancesdependonfactorssuchasmunicipalandpublicservicestandards,private service standards, natural resource availability, proximity to the coast and, when considering security estate property, the

levelof serviceandfacilitiesofferedbytheestate’sHOA.Wheninvestinginproperty,itisimportanttoconsidernotonlythecostsof purchase, instalments and applicable taxes, but also the everyday cost of living. Below are estimated and quoted costs of several


Municipal rates and taxes of the Western Cape are calculated according to the municipal valuation of the property.

The current HOA Levy of Val de Vie Estate is R3 969 (VAT incl). Effective 1 April 2019.The levy includes;

•Accesstotheestate’ssportingfacilitiessuchastennisandsquashcourts,swimmingpool, fully equipped gyms, trails, river frontage etc.

•Securityinfrastructure,theupkeepandmaintenancethereof,thesecurityguardsand perimeter patrol

•Estatelandscapingandfacilitiesmaintenanceincludingdriveways,playparks,olivegroves, vineyards, roadside gardens etc.

• The levy does not include the Polo Club, Golf Club membership fees or private lessons or classes in

any sport

• Val de Vie Phase II resale properties, 1% of the selling price it payable to the HOA

The current HOA Levy of Pearl Valley is a monthly levy of R2, 741 (VAT incl).

The HOA monthly levy is payable from the month transfer is affected. The Monthly Levy Includes: • Estate Security

• Road and Estate Maintenance

• Refuse Removal

•EstateLandscaping:Allhorticulturalandlandscapeaspectsof theestateincludingsidewalks,traffic islands and private areas is managed by the HOA

•Accesstotheestate’ssportingfacilitiessuchastennisandsquashcourts,swimmingpool, fully equipped gyms, trails, river frontage etc.

•Securityinfrastructure,theupkeepandmaintenancethereof,thesecurityguardsand perimeter patrol

•Estatelandscapingandfacilitiesmaintenanceincludingdriveways,playparks,olivegroves, vineyards, roadside gardens etc.

Page 20: NEW BUYERS GUIDE-3 - Val de Vie...• Val de Vie Stable Manager - yard.manager@valdevie.co.za • Polo lessons – Kevin Rixon – cape.petotel@mweb.co.za Social events: • Potjiekos

•OnallresalepropertiesthereisaonceoffCapitalandInfrastructureReserveFundLevy of R60 000 (VAT incl)

Pearl Valley Club MembershipClub Membership for Pearl Valley Home Owners allows the whole family (based on two adults and any dependent children under

25yearsof age)toenjoythefollowingbenefits; • Access to the gymnasium, swimming pool, tennis courts, pétanque courts and other recreational facilities

• 10% discount on food and beverage items and merchandise in The Golf Shop

•Preferredgreenfeesformemberandguests(assetoutperthe2019/2020greenfeesbelow) • Complimentary use of practice facilities with range balls

•Accesstomembers’practicerange • Access to member tee times

• Access to member competitions

•Optionalaffiliationandhandicapserviceatacostof R825(includingVAT) •JackNicklausReciprocity(subjecttoelectionof affiliationandhandicapservice)

ThePearlValleyfeestructureisasfollows: 1.AonceoffCapital&InfrastructureReserveFundlevyof R60000upontransferof apropertytoanewowner 2. Club Membership subscription fee of R26,200 per annum (mandatory for Pearl Valley home owners)

3.GreenFees:GreenFee:R350(excludingacart) 4.FullGolf MembershipR21,830(unlimitedgolf -optionalinadditiontotheClubMembership) *Effectivefrom1March2020to28February2021TheValdeViefeestructureisasfollows: 1.EntranceFee:R30000(incl.VAT)perindividual 2. Club Membership subscription fee of R17 115 (incl.VAT) per annum, per individual

3.GreenFees:GreenFee:R520(Summer),R310(Winter)excl.sharedcart 4.FullGolf MembershipR21830(incl.VAT)(unlimitedgolf -optionalinadditiontotheClubMembership) *Effectivefrom1March2020to28February2021

For further information, please refer to the 2020 Membership Plan

Page 21: NEW BUYERS GUIDE-3 - Val de Vie...• Val de Vie Stable Manager - yard.manager@valdevie.co.za • Polo lessons – Kevin Rixon – cape.petotel@mweb.co.za Social events: • Potjiekos

Val de Vie Evergreen levies are calculated according to basic care package; additional specialised packages are

available on request.

The Gentleman’s Estates, will each receive a portion of the estate’s Berg River irrigation water, at an estimated R2,50

per kilolitre (about one tenth of the standard Drakenstein potable water tariffs)ThisallocationtoeachGentleman’sEstatewillbemanagedbytheValdeVieHOAinaccordancewithanirrigation water management plan

Private Garden Maintenance is for each home owners’ account and varies between R600 – R1000 per month

Equestrian Livery at the Val de Vie Stables charged at R6000 per month. The spacious drive-through stable block, with

64 loose boxes, is designed for optimal ventilation during all season. The design allows for safe social interaction be-

tween horses. Complete livery and exercise management for all equestrian disciplines, including polo, show jumping, dressage and endurance riding are on offer. •Expertcareisprovidedbyanon-siteprofessionalteam •Horsesareprovidedwithdailyturnoutinsecurepaddocks •Dailymanuredisposal,excellentdrainage,hygienemanagementandbiologicalflycontrol ensureodour-freeandhealthystables • Daily grooming

•Fullyequippedtackrooms,doublewashbayswithwarmwater,lungingrings,exercisetrack, practicefieldandstateof theartallweatherarena • Client change rooms and shower facilities

Page 22: NEW BUYERS GUIDE-3 - Val de Vie...• Val de Vie Stable Manager - yard.manager@valdevie.co.za • Polo lessons – Kevin Rixon – cape.petotel@mweb.co.za Social events: • Potjiekos


•KinderArkatValdeVieEstateR3400Half DayorR4000FullDaypermonth•BridgeHousePlaySchool&Pre-Primary:FromR4250permonth

Private school


Public schools


University Fees

• E.g. BComm – From R40 000 per annum


1 0 . V A L D E V I E P R O P E R T Y F I N A N C E

•Weofferassistancetoclientsinobtaininghomeloanfinance •On-siteoffice,fortheconvenienceof ourbuyersandhomeownersatTheYard •Affiliatedwithallthemajorbanks,includingsomePrivateBankssuchasInvestecandRMB •Structurequalityapplicationforbankstomakeinformeddiscussions •Handletheapplicationandalladministrationonbehalf of theclient/s •Negotiatewithbanksonratesandconditions •Comparedifferentoptions • The service is free of charge

ForanyqueriesregardingthisfinanceservicecontactRikaSwart(BondOriginator)[email protected] / +27 21 863 6146

1 1 . F O R E I G N B U Y E R S

• Residence Permits

For overseas clients wanting to invest and reside in the prestigious and exclusive Val de Vie Estate, various

immigration options present themselves for them and their accompanying families, depending on the

differentcasescenarios.If youhaveanyuncertaintyaboutwhatismostappropriateforyourspecificsituation,theteamof immigrationexpertsatIBNImmigration&BusinessSolutionsisatyourservicetodiscussthebestoptionforyouandyourlovedones,dependingonyourshort,mediumandlong-termplans.

• International Money Transfers

Val de Vie Estate have appointed international money transfer experts, Global Reach Group, to help clients with their money

transfer needs. Their expertise and experience include the regulatory nuances of money transfers into and out of South Africa.

Page 23: NEW BUYERS GUIDE-3 - Val de Vie...• Val de Vie Stable Manager - yard.manager@valdevie.co.za • Polo lessons – Kevin Rixon – cape.petotel@mweb.co.za Social events: • Potjiekos

Bankfees,commissionsandexchangeratefluctuationscanresultinfinanciallossduringinternationalmoneytransfers.Asaspecialist currency provider, The Global Reach Group helps clients save money by providing better exchange rates, avoiding high


FormoreinformationoninternationalmoneyandpreferentialratesforValDeVieclients,speaktoourdedicatedcurrencymarketexpert Global Reach Group.

SouthAfrica:LumariHattingh+27(0)211003410UnitedKingdom:JacquesdeVilliers+44(0)2038051669Email:[email protected]

1 2 . R E F E R E N C E S

Properties available on Val de Vie Estate:

• Resale homes and plots available on Phase 1

New plots available on Phase 2 • Interactive Sales Map

• The Reserve

• The River Club

•PearlValleyNaturestands • Pearl Valley Golf stands

•PoloVillageOffices •Variousplot-and-planoptionsbyValdeVieConstruction • Val de Vie Evergreen retirement village homes

Contact details:ValdeVieEstateSalesDirector&ManagingDirectorof ValdeVieConstruction:Renier Swart

e:[email protected]|t:+27(0)218636105|c:+27(0)832270355