NEW BOOKS RECEIVED AT STATE LIBRARY Llrt of bnou, received trom Mnrch IS 1907. to Aprll 16, 1907: Jlarlln l.utlici-s ('e.mni. ii'ary on St Paiit's Mpistlc lo tln** Gnllntlnns. 'Chomlstry for Bcglnners, i>y Mrs, A II. Lincoln Pholp* A Corhpnnlon tof Festlvnln nnd Knstf nf the Protestnnl Eplscopal Church, by .lohn ll.ni*. lloharl. Works .if Lawronco Sterrto._qvoti Volllllle ;.-. Th- Mi thod cf Dlvlne Government, by McCohIi; Rff\*. .Inrios Nores. Crltlcnl, IllustrHllve nntl Prnctlcnl on tho Book cef .i.eie. hy Albcrl Barnes. Prnycra Adopted to Vnrlous Occn- Blons of Social Wbrshlp, by Alox. A". Triswold. Tho Rector of St. Unrdolph's, by P. AV. Sholton. Tho Vlrglnln Text-Book, contalning history of Maaonlc Grand Lodgo, by l<\ AV. Sholton. Elementary Grammar of Creek Lnn- gunge, i>- Raphnel Kuhnor. Chrlst .ui the Cross, by Rov, .lohn Stevenson. Notes on Travel and Llfe.. by Men- dell and Hosnier. Snera Prlvatn, by tllght Rev. T. \V11- isoii. Works of Rlchard Hooker.threo volumes. Tho Imltatlon of Chrlst. by Thomas A. Kenipis. Th<* Phllosophy of the Actlve nnd Moral Powers of Man, by Dugald Stewnrt, Anclent Ilist.erv. by Charles Rollin. The Llghted Valley. by Bolton. Th- Llfe and Lettors of the Rev. Henry Vonn. Thornton Abbev, bv John Satchel. Unlted States Mnps "f th- District of Columbia and Wnshington Clty. Catalogue of Books, Jtanuscrlptg nml Engravlngs, of Wllliam Menzlo. Llfe of Georgo Wnshington, by Wnsh¬ ington Irvlng.two volumes. Llfe* ol Al.-N. Iuiff. hy Georgo Smlth. Works of Hayloy. Ellements of Chomlstry. Llfe of Wllliam Pltt, by Lord Jta- caulcy. Cornollus Nopos, hy Thomas K. Ar¬ nold. Ilannah. A Sacred Drama. Workmen nn.l Their DIffioultles, by Mrs. Havlv. Poems, by John Bnnnlstor Tahb. Th- Reporters JIanual, a complete exposltlon e>f phonography. Poetlcal Works. hy Willlam Ilavlev. The Fathors ot the Desert, hy Henry Kiifl'ner. Momorles nf Bethany, bv Macduff. Psalms and Ilymns. An Elementary Dlctionary, bv Joseph K. Worcestcr. A P.efutation of Jillner's "End of Controversy".two volumes. Memolrs of the Llfe of Rov Charles Slmoon. Practical AA'orks of Joromy Taylor. two volumes. Perren's Fables, hy A. Bolmar. ]>let|onnry of Arts and Sclences. Thoatre de Cornollle. Klements nf Natural Phllosophy. Th<* Bibllographors JIanual of Eng¬ lish Lltorature.three volumes. First Latin Rook. by Albert Hark- liess. Eloments nf Analytlcal Oeometry by Charles Davles. Elements of Geometry. hy II. N. Rob¬ inson. Pirst Latin Lessons. hy Charles An- thon. History of the Natlonal Constituont Assembly. Enclyclopedla Slnlco.Giapponese, by Plllnl I'eelei tWO Voluine-s. Procecdngs Attendlng Presentatlon nf Reglmontul Ce.lors to Legislature of New York. Oratlon on One-Hundred and Flftleth Ahnlversary of the Foundlng of Baiti- more. The Lower Norfolk County. A'n. An- tlquary, hv Edward W. James. Maryland in Llberln, by John II. B. Latrobe. A Memoir of tho Life of James JHI- nor. l.i Oiierro Cllvilo Aux otats-unls. An Orlental Constellatlbn, bv Harland a. Eugeno. Roll of the Thirty-elghth Annual En- campment of Pennsylvanla. Catalogue nf the Art Exhlbltion of tbe Jletropolitnn Falr, Now York. Annual K-port of the Commission tn th,. Five Civlllzea Trlbes of tlio United States. The Kvangolicnl Allinnee and tho Amerlcan AVur. Union Questions on Select Portions of Scrlpture. The Life of Georgo Wnshington, hy John Marshall. Washington and His Gcncrals, hy J. T. Headley. A Dlctionary t.f th,-. Church; 1K3R. The Klngdom of Chrlst, bv Rkharcl "vVhatly. Publlcatlons of tlu* Buffalo Historlcal Society. C. A'uli C*ues,iri!| Commentaril De Boil,-> GalUco.,-. * The Better Cnv.onant. by Cnoelc. A Plain Aocount of Chrlstlan Perfec¬ tion, by Rev. John Wesley. Hymnal of the P. F. Church. Questions on the Four Gospols in Hnrmony, hy Rev. .los. Packard. Bibliotheca Classlca, hy J. Lomprlere, A Treatise on Astronomy, hy il. X. Robinson. The Family Exposltor, hy P. Pod- dridgo. The Plrates Glee, etc (muslc), by Benjamln F. Baker. Three Duets for Three German Flutes, by lgnaeo Plovel. I'nlon. by James Rolly. C. Sallustll Crispi Opera. hy James Hnmiltnn. Complete AA'orks of Matthew Ilenrv. Tlie World, by Adam Fltz-Adnms. A Schtfol Grammnr ot the* Latin l.an- puag-. by C. G. /.umpt. Fern Leaves from Fanny's Portfollo, by Fanney Fern. Histeery of the Conquest of Mexlco, hy AVllllam FT. Prescott, The Hlreling and th- Slave, Chieora .nd Other Poetns, hy Willlam J. Gray¬ son. The Reaper, etc, hy Willlam II. Rewacd and others. Proceedings and Debnte. of the A*Ir- _r!nia State Convention, 1829-1830. New Constltutlon <.f Vlrginin, with tho Amended Blll of Rights, isr.n. Thet Eplscopal JIanual, bv Rov. AVil- OOOOQQQOUOOOO QOQOOOOOOQOQQl r oooooooooooooo o53cjl OWDRffT 38 )OOl XXOO QQQOOOO Under United States Government Inspection 5888888S888888888888888888888888S STANDARD OF QUALITY AND PURITY We Only Quote a Few Items on Which We Can Save You Money We have lots of others. Try our stores and be convinced. Best Amorlean Grnnulntcd Sugnr, per pound . 4 3-lc Californla Prunos, fi Ibs. fnr...25c i liis. l.timp Starch .25c Prcheli Cnndy, per pound .5c 7 Largo Bars Hwlft's Prldo Soap for Iniindry, fnr .25c Boat Clty Meal. 18c peck; or. per btishel .70o 2 Cans Table Penchos for.25c Halston's Crisp.flne corcnl.per packago .8c 12 Bars Hustlor Soap fnr.25c Have yoll tried OUr Silver King Flour? Best on the markot. Por bitrrol, $4.40; or, poi bag.28c i-iii. package Fino Cronmcry Buttor .20c 7 bars Tollet Soap, Domlno, for 25c Large package Cold Dust. for cleanlng, t'i fnr .25c Small slzo, 2 for .5c 3 bnrs Wltch Hnzcl Soap, for thc tnllet, 3 ln box .10c Callfornln Limn Benns, I lhs. for 25c 2 ibs. Mountnln Iloll Buttor for 25c Snowflake Patent Fnmlly Flour, $3.00 per liarrel; or, per sack, 25c The very best Cream Cheeso, 1 'a pounds for.25c Soda Crackers or GInger Snapa, por pound .4c SiUT.'ir COrtt, I e.ins fnr.25c Large Ilnttles Kssenco Lemon and VnnllliL.5c Smokod Yarmntitli Blnnters, per dozen.25c P"st OII Sardlnes. 7 for.25c B08t Cannod Asparagus.25c ,v bars Octngon-Shapo Soap for 25c Three plugs Grape, Reynnlds'a Sun-Cured, Applo nnd Pcach for .25c Post Pork Chops, por lb.15c Best Frnnkfort SausagO, lb.9c Corned Californla ilams, por pound .11!ic Cracker Dust and Oyster Crack¬ ers, per pound.6c Gnod Salt Pork, por lb.8 1 2c Cottago Ifnms, not a bono In thom; per pound .12 1-2c Californla Hams, pound.11'ic Best Sugar-Curod Hams. per pound .16c Smithflold Country Hams, per pound .18c P'st Breakfast Bncon, pound... .16c Whole Sweet Plckles, quart.10c linpr.rted Sliced Plneapple, Jn heavy syrup, 2 cans for.25c Quart Rottle Tomato Catsup,. .10c l^irgo Juicy I,cmons, per doz...18c rinoii Carollnn Itlco, per pound,,6a 'j-lii. pnekngo Saladn Ten.15c Mothors' Oats, package.9c Sweet OrangoH, jmt dbzon.20c .Mlxed Sweet PIckleS, i|t. bot- ilea .10o (innil Mlxed Tea. per pound . ,30c ImlTy's Puro Malt WhisKey. per bottlo .85c Largo Irlsh Pntntoes, per peck, 20c; or, bUShel .75o Pure Wltch Hn/.el Soap, 3 to box. for.10c New Cllpped Horrlng, "er ilo>i...12c Try our Greon nr Mlxed Ten; a regular fiOc Ten, now selling nt.40c Largo enns Salmon.10c Best qunllty Cannod Tomatoes, lnrgc cans '..10c Large 5-Strlng Brooms.20c Grape-Nuts or Postum. per package .12o Pest Scotch Herrlng, per box...18c New North Carolina Itoo Hor¬ rlng. per dozen .20c Otie-haif gallnn enns Best Gold¬ en Crown Syrup.18c Puff Matelies, every one strikes; per dozen .4c I^irge Klts Mnckorel .95c Vlrglnia Prldo Coffee, 1-lb. packago .14c Country .Inwls, por pound.9o I.nrgo rnns Californla Table Peaches, 3 for .50o Pottort llani and Tongue, 3 for.10c Concentratod Tomatoes, ln enns, for soup.5c Try our Rtnr Brand Gclntlne; none better, pueknge.5c Two bnrs Kltchen Soap, for etenning. fnr.5c Butter nlseults, none better, por package .4o Large enns Mustard Sardlnes... .8c Grated Plneapple, per can.8c Best Hand-Plcked Beans. per puart.7c Tomntoes nnd Corn ln cans, 3 fnr .25o Pest Klgln Butter, per pound..30c Best Californla Evaporated Peachos. per pound.14o Good Hard, per pound ...... .9 1-2o Mother's Holled Oats, por pack¬ ago .9o Cedar Buckets.15c Wine for Jelly, per qunrt.15c Callfornln Sweet Oranges por dozen .18o Dunlop Pest Patent Flour, $4.50 per barrel; per bng.29o Bluo Lftbcl Catsup, per bottlo. ..10c Largo Bottlo Sauce, now.10c g HIGHEST QUALITIES AND LOWEST PRICES. 9\ A <. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CASK GROCERS. .> Stores, 1820-1822 E. Main Street and 506 E. Marshall Street rteinlttiinect Must Accompnny nll Out-of-Town Orders. Telcphonea: I'plown, 34; doTrn-toivn, 310. Wrlto for our new prlee-lixt. llam II. AVIlmor. Transactions and Collections of tho Amorlcan Antlqua'rlan Society, ISfiO. Catalogue of the Llbrary Belonging to Jlr. Thomas AV. Fiold. Catalogue of tho Llbrary of Henry I'.. Humphrey. History of thc> Conquest of Jlexico, by Wllliam II. Proscott. Th- Constltutlon of the Unlted States of Amorlca, 1851, by AV. liiekoy. A (,'ataloguo of Bnro and Valuable I looks. A Llst nf Historlcal, Geogrnphical and BIbllographlcal Works, by Stevenson, Son aml Stlles. Tho Statesman's JIanual (Jackson to Polk.) Maniial Du Librairo et DeL'Amateur De Llvres. Statesman's Manual, 17SO-I81C. History of the United States, by Wil¬ llam Uriimshaw. Th.. Natlonal Arithmetic by Benjamln Greenleaf. Introductlon to Anclent anc! Jiode^rn Geography, by J. A. Cummlngs. Sabbath-School Teacher*s Second Hcicik, by Rev. .1. .1. JIatthias. The Amerlcan Almanac for 1S43. Hlckersteth's Treatlso on the Lord's Supper. Memolrs of Andrew Jackson, bv S. Putnam AValdo. a Sputhside Vlew of Slavery, hy Nehi- 111 ii li Adams. Tho Mountninoejr, by Conratl Speece. Catalogue of tho Lato Roger Wil- braham. Catalogue of the l.ate Charles Tonge. Sormons or llomiiles Appolnted to he Read in Cllltrchos e,f Now York. Catalogue of llliiniiuated Jlss , R.ire and Valuablo Books. The Famlly Kxposltor or a Paphrnso nnd A'ersion of the N'ow Testanient With Critical Notos. hy P. D. D. Doddrldge. A Catalogue of Fifty of the Earllest PlpCu'ros ln tho Natlonal Gallory of (heat Britain. Memolrs and Sermnns of tho Rev. Willlam Duval, Clty Mlsslonary, Catla'goues by Leavltt, StreboiRh & Co. Catalogue of Kebrew Books in the Llbrary. British Museum. Th- Pomocratle Hnnd Book, hy Jlirh. AV. ChiBkey, is«7. Theokle'sla, by T. P. Lobbgh. Catalogue of RIco and Hkegg Collec¬ tions. ".Memoir of Norman MacLood, D. D. Lifo nf Georgo Washington, hy John Marshall. Cntnlnyues of Loncrmnn ct Co. Arniild's Flrst Latin Book. Llhrl Itallanl consiglintl da cento 111 nst ri Contempornn 1. A Report of thn Decision of tho Ku- preme Court in the Pred Scott Case A Call to tho Unconverted (etc). bv Rlchard Baxter. Klements of Geomotrj' and Trigono- metry, by A. JI. Legendre. 'K0-''* The Successful Merehant, by AA'illlam Arthur. JIuslc of Christ Church and St Stephen's, Darley, AV. H. (AV. A*. J. C b' Stnndbridgo), Phlladelphia. Jlelodios of tho Church, by Abner Jones. AVorks of Rlchard Hooker. A Catalogue of Books for the Ycar, 1S21, by John Cuthell. The French JIanual, by Alfred Havet. The Union Bible Dlctionary, by S. S. Union Amer. Dr. Blair's Lectures on Rhetoric. abrldged. AVllllam Grlnshaw's History of Eng¬ land.three volumes. AVllllam Goodo's Doctrine of tho Church of England as to the Effects of Baptism. Tho A'lvarious Sacrlfice, by Horaco Buslinell. Ilistolre des Etats-Unis, D'Amerique, by Peter Parley. AA'illiam Jono's History of tho Chris¬ tian Church. An Introductinn to tho Present Prr.e- tlco of Survoylng and Leveling, by a Clvll Englneer. Buffalo Historlcal Society Publica- tlon.M. 1K79. Harvard University Catalogue of tlie Llbrary. .Inurnals nf the House of Burgesses, 1766-1769, by John P. Kennedy. Sovnnth Annual Report of the Puh- llr. Library Commission of New A'ork, 1307. Southern Historlcal Society Papers, hy R. A. Brock.190fi. Edward Olbbon's History of Rome. two volumes. Proceedings of thn Thirty-serond An¬ nual Convention of th0 Bankers' Asso¬ ciation, 1906. Eleventh Annual Report of the Jlich- igan Soldlers' Home, 190(1. Laws Relating to Electlons; Jllchi- gnn; 1906. Roport of the Board of Trustees, End¬ lng Juno 30, 1900, "Eastorn Mlchlgan Asvliim." Report of the Board of Control nnd Ollleers, June. 30, 1906, "Northern Mlch¬ lgan Asylum." Report of tho Hnnrd of Control nnd Offlcers, Juno 30, 1906, Jlichigan Stato Prlson. Jllchignn Secrelnry of Stnte. Thirty- flrst Annual Abstract Relativo to tho lnsane, Peaf, etc., 1906. Mlchlgan Homo for the Feeble- .Mliiiie.il, sun, Anntinl ilapi ,h ndlni ^HUito Boahl of Library; Miiiihaa*. Ho 7 A|!p'(-lK"n S""r .-.¦'¦"¦¦¦'".¦ Ml'lliolln, .lun Mlchigfiri stnte Llbrnry Repori nf tli. Stnt- Librnrlini Roport nf th,. t'rnceedlngs of thn Ad yjsciiy Hoiird of PhTilons, of Jllchlgnn .Inurimi of thc Annual Bncflmpiuen <»rnnd Army ,,r llu- RoptlbllO, Iiepnrt. ineiit of Mlchlgnii. 1906. Tlilrteontli Biennlal Report, Mlchlgai Reforin.it.ory, IliOfi. Second Iniiugiiral Mcnsnge, by Frod iAf. Warner. 19u7. Historlcal Colloctlons, by Mlchlgni Plonoor nm] Historlcal Socloty, 1905 1906. Jllchlgnn Superlntendent of Publii Instruction, Slxtv-nlnth Annual Repnn for IHOR. Mlehlgan Commlsslon of Insurnnco Thlrty-slxth Annual Report, Pt. 1 Fln nnd Marine Insurance, 1906. l'*nrty-f|fth Annual Report nf tln Secrotnry of Stnte Board of Agrlculturo 1906. Dalrymen's Association. Twenty-se¬ cond Annual Report, Mlehlgan. 1906. Jllchlgnn Commissioner of Insurance Annual Report. Pr. 2, Llfe, Cnslialty Asessment. Jllchlgnn Acadomy of Sclence, Elghtl Annual Report, 1906. Mlehlgan Secretary of Stnte Rept on Building and Loan Assoclatlons 1906. Jllchlgnn Bonrd of Stnte Audltors Annunl Report for Yenr Endlng Junr 30, 1906. Jllchlgan Treasurer Report for Teat Endlng June 30. 1906. Mlehlgan Commlsslon of tho Bank¬ ing Department; I'lghtoenth Annual Report, 1906. Jllchlgnn Interstate Commerce Com¬ mlsslon Twentleth Annual Report. 1906. Jllchlgnn Secretary of Stnte, Thlrty- slxth Annual Report on the Registra¬ tion of Birth and Deaths, 1906. Vlslons of St. John ln Patmos, by Leonnrd Cox. Kansas State Board of Agrlculture Report, ior the Quarter Endlng Decem¬ ber, 1906. Anthraclta Coal Production, 1907. Flfth Annual Report of the Clvll Servlco Board for tho Phlllpplnes. 1D0B. Annual Report nf the Philippino Bureau of Clvll Servlce. 1907. Twenty Years in tho Press Gollery, by O. O. Sealoy. The Royal Acadomy of Arts, by Al- gnrnon Graves. __ Arhor Day Proclnmation, by Claudo A. Swanson, 1907. Cntaloguo. 1906-1907, Amherst Col¬ lege. New York State Llbrary Jndex of Loglslntlon, 1906. Men of Mark In A'lrglnia, by Lyon G. Tyler. Jlassachusetts Historlcal Socloty Col- lectlons. 1907. Edward GIbbon's History of Romn. Nelson's Enclopedla.twelve volumes. Union Thcologlcal Semlnary Annual Catalogue, 1906-1907. Words of Pence. Archor fur Kulten Geschlchte; Geo. Stelnhausen. Annual Report of thn A'lrglnia Ag¬ rlcultural Experlmont Station, 1907. Legislature Reference Llsts, 1906, of the New York Stnte Llbrary. Jlittulllngen aus der AVcdiclnischen Faouktat. Enclydopedia Brittannico, Serios.¦ eleven volumes. Spoc.lflcatlons and Drawings of the Unlted States Patent Ofllce.three volumes.July, 190".. Address and Poom Dellvored Before tho Phl Beta Kappa Society, Docember 6, 1906. Roport of tho Special Tax Commls¬ slon of the Stato of New York. January 16. 1907. Proceedings of the Board of Casualty and Surety Underwrlters, New York Cltv.two volumes. A'lrglnia Conference of Charitles and Correctlons. 1906. Annual Rojort of lhe Attorney-Gen¬ eral of Virglnla, 1906. Annual Report of the Inspector of Finance of the Stato ot Vermont, 1908. Fonds Catalogues. Report of the Joint Committee on Llfe Insurance Companies; AA'lsconsin, 1906. Journal of the Society of Compara- tlvo Leglslation, 1906. Gcological Atlas of the Unlted States.two volumes. Official JIanual of the State of Mls¬ sourl, 1906. Virglnla Jlllltary Instltute Official Reglster, 1906-1907. Zlonism, its History and Its Aims. Forest Products of the United States, 1905. Zlonism. A .Towlsh Statement to the Christian AVorld. Zonlsm. A Statement. Jefferson's Faith ln tho Pelple, by Alton B. Parker. A'lrglnia vs. AVest Virginia. Brief of Counsel for Virglnla., A'a, Sup. Ct. Rovlow ot Debate ln the Virginia Legislature of 1831-1832. Eighth Biennlal Report of the Colo¬ rado State Board of Health, 1906. Beautlful Tliornrose Cemetery. Reform of Judalsm and Zlonism. Railway StatlBlics of tho United States of Amerlca, by BInson Thompson. Arhor Day Book; Denver. Tho Reader of Extracts in Prose and Verse; S. G. Howe. Jllsslsslppt Journal of the House of Representatlves, 1906. Mlsslsslppi Journal of the Senate., 1906. Jllsslsslppt Department Reports, 1904-1905. Journal of tho State of Louislana, -*90fi- ^ . Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Meeting; Trust Company; See. Proceedings of th0 Eleventh Anncmf Procnedlngs Amerlcan Bankers' As¬ sociation. 1906. Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Meeting Savlngs Bank Department. Proceedings Amerlcan Banker's Asso¬ ciation, 1906. Flfth Annual Report of Carnegie Llbrnry. Nashville, Tenn., 1906. Tho Annual Amerlcan Catalogue of Books, 1906. Tho English Catalogue of Books, 1901-1906. Tho English Cataloguo of Books, for 1906. Bureau of Lahor Statistics, for 1906. AA'alter L. Flemlngs Documentary Hls. ton- of Reconstructlon.two volumes. Tho JIastor JIasons to tho Crown of Scotland, by Rov. Robert Scott Mylno. Introduetion to Politlcal Economy, by Arthur Lathnn Perry- .'Smyrna Carpets." (Froraa Report by Consul E. L. Harrls.) Tho celebrated "Smyrna carpet" is not mado In Smyrna; lt ls a product of tlie vllayet of Aldin, of which I N order to dress well it is not necessary to dress extravagantly. merely in good form.in good taste.in Kuppenheimer Clothes. The garments that we are selling this season are wonder- fully good. The favorable comments and entire satisfaction resulting from the quality and style of these garments, have more than justified our implicit confidence in the superiority of clothes made by The House of Kuppenheimer. We liave served some of the most particular men in the city.many of them the best dressed . and we shall be pleased indeed to serve you. ne have anything you need In Gents* Furnlshlngs line. Our llne of Boys' Clothing is up-to-dato and of the best quality. We press all our Clothing, and glvo 10 per ceut. dlscount to students. James R. Sheppard, 4th and Broad Sts. Always the Best. Phone 2905. DELIVERED FRESH DAILY. Shipments made. Bopresentatlvel ranted. Como Lithia Water Co., Richmond. Va. Sinyrna is tho capital. Tho chief places of manufacturo aro tho villagos ot Uschak, Koule, Ghlardls, Makrl, Moles- sos, Kirkngatsch. .itxar and Demlrdjl. The industry gives omploymont to thousands of needy peoplo, especially women, who nro obllged to do the worlc almost ontlrely, whllo tho men spend their time ln tho coffee-housos drlnklng strong- coffoo and smoklng numherless clgarettes, all ln truo Oriental fnshlon. Llttlo g;lrls nro compoilo- to tako up tho work early, at seven or ten years of ugo at tho latest, and they keep at it unceaslngly untll thoy go to their graves. Tho market for the wools Is held overy Thursday from dawn to sunsot ln tho bazaar of Uschak. whlch is then fllled wlth purchasors who havo arrived on buffaloos, camels, dnnkoys nnd other plcturosquo beast nf bltrdon, Tho spun wools are not dyed by tlio woavors themselves but by speeinl dyers. Moro thnn 3,000 femalo weavers nro omployod at Uskhak In tlio preparatlon of carpets. Tho opcrators aro gon- orally members nf tho samo family hut thero aro a numlier nf glrls who earn nbout six to seven cents per dny. Tho Ghlardls carpet nrn generally smnller thnn those of Hscliak. Very llno prayer carpets, alosoly woven nnd of linrmiinlous colors, uro prodpcod ln imltatlon of tho Perslan cariints. Thn carpets uro mado Into bales nf 280 pounds each nnd covored witli gnnt- sklns- Tho carnvans pass tho nlght ln tho open country at the foot of soino hill, tho drlvors under tonts nnd tlio- cnmols and thoir loads ln tlio open alr. Vory largo carpets, too h.envy to bo packod, aro folded nnd thrown across tho bnoks ot tho camols in tho, form of a covorlng. When tho carpets srrlvo ln Rmyrna thoy nrn sprend out, beaton, broomod and ropaoKod In bales wolghlng B00 to 600 pounds oach for ox- portatlon. R.H. BOSHERS SONS' Spring' Vehicle Announeement XVc tako pleasuro in invlting the publlc to call and seo tho latest ond most fash¬ ionable styles of veblcles now in our reposltory. If you anticipato buylng a carriago of any klnd, now or ln the fu¬ turo, wo will bo glad to havo you look over our stock, as lt ls a pleasuro to show our goods. Stanhopes, Victorias, Surreys, Traps, Station Wagons, Ladies* Phaetons, Doctors' Buggies REPAIRING~AND REPAINTING R. H. Bosher's Sons, 15 South 9th St. fC/fMOM), J#.^3T<£ Removes AU Desire for Liquor. Inebriety.causcd by excessive use of Liquor, Drugs, or Tobacco.is recog¬ nized as a disease of the nervous system.^ The Keeley System of Treatment Cures the disease by eliminating all physical craving for drink, drugs or tobacco, builds up the nervous system. and r«tores the neive cells to a normal, healthy condition. The Keeley Institute of Richmond cures and gives homclike, confidential treatment, administeted by skilled physicians. The Keeley Institute, g,0.^0.,^ P. O. Box 786. OTIS H. RUSSELL, Manager. "TruDhcart Typo" LONG DISTANCE JUIONE 5429. Always on Hand, 1 50 Head Medium and Heavy-Weight MULES, Fresh from tho great producing fields of Kentucky and MIssouri. "Itrod In Old Kentucky' Buyers will find S1ZE, FORMATTON nnd genoral good quality. PRICES RIGHT. Stock constantly com¬ ing In. Satisfaction guaranteed. Correspondenco 80- llclted. Pens at Mnmmoth Barns of M. MULE CO. KELLY HORSB & AIUI4E uo, J. B. TRUEHEART & CO., Rid-"".)' Va- The BasKet Shop, 400 North 7th Street Phone 2748. You can buy any kind of Basket. Reed Furniture. Baby Carrlagoa re¬ paired, oleooed and varnlshed. Ruobor tlres put on. Chalrs ro-soatod; woven seats a speciaity. Work guaranteed. Old Dominion Willow and Rattan Works. Uarden Seeds, OrosH Seoda, Flower Boeds, Seeda that mako tho crop. Poultry Supplies, Incubators, Fortlllzara .everything In thls llne. A card ivlll bring you a cc.talom*. Call to soo us. Diggs & Beadles, The Beed Mnrrhauii* _Rlchmond, Va,_

NEW BOOKS RECEIVED STATE LIBRARY AT We … · NEWBOOKS RECEIVEDAT STATE LIBRARY Llrt of bnou, received trom Mnrch IS 1907. to Aprll 16, 1907: Jlarlln l.utlici-s ('e.mni. ii'ary on

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Llrt of bnou, received trom Mnrch IS1907. to Aprll 16, 1907:

Jlarlln l.utlici-s ('e.mni. ii'ary on StPaiit's Mpistlc lo tln** Gnllntlnns.'Chomlstry for Bcglnners, i>y Mrs, A

II. Lincoln Pholp*A Corhpnnlon tof Festlvnln nnd Knstf

nf the Protestnnl Eplscopal Church, by.lohn ll.ni*. lloharl.Works .if Lawronco Sterrto._qvoti

Volllllle ;.-.

Th- Mi thod cf Dlvlne Government, byMcCohIi; Rff\*. .Inrios Nores.

Crltlcnl, IllustrHllve nntl Prnctlcnl ontho Book cef .i.eie. hy Albcrl Barnes.

Prnycra Adopted to Vnrlous Occn-Blons of Social Wbrshlp, by Alox. A".Triswold.

Tho Rector of St. Unrdolph's, by P.AV. Sholton.Tho Vlrglnln Text-Book, contalning

history of Maaonlc Grand Lodgo, by l<\AV. Sholton.

Elementary Grammar of Creek Lnn-gunge, i>- Raphnel Kuhnor.

Chrlst .ui the Cross, by Rov, .lohnStevenson.

Notes on Travel and Llfe.. by Men-dell and Hosnier.

Snera Prlvatn, by tllght Rev. T. \V11-isoii.Works of Rlchard Hooker.threo

volumes.Tho Imltatlon of Chrlst. by Thomas

A. Kenipis.Th<* Phllosophy of the Actlve nnd

Moral Powers of Man, by DugaldStewnrt,

Anclent Ilist.erv. by Charles Rollin.The Llghted Valley. by Bolton.Th- Llfe and Lettors of the Rev.

Henry Vonn.Thornton Abbev, bv John Satchel.Unlted States Mnps "f th- District

of Columbia and Wnshington Clty.Catalogue of Books, Jtanuscrlptg nml

Engravlngs, of Wllliam Menzlo.Llfe of Georgo Wnshington, by Wnsh¬

ington Irvlng.two volumes.Llfe* ol Al.-N. Iuiff. hy Georgo Smlth.Works of Hayloy.Ellements of Chomlstry.Llfe of Wllliam Pltt, by Lord Jta-

caulcy.Cornollus Nopos, hy Thomas K. Ar¬

nold.Ilannah. A Sacred Drama.Workmen nn.l Their DIffioultles, by

Mrs. Havlv.Poems, by John Bnnnlstor Tahb.Th- Reporters JIanual, a complete

exposltlon e>f phonography.Poetlcal Works. hy Willlam Ilavlev.The Fathors ot the Desert, hy Henry

Kiifl'ner.Momorles nf Bethany, bv Macduff.Psalms and Ilymns.An Elementary Dlctionary, bv Joseph

K. Worcestcr.A P.efutation of Jillner's "End of

Controversy".two volumes.Memolrs of the Llfe of Rov Charles

Slmoon.Practical AA'orks of Joromy Taylor.

two volumes.Perren's Fables, hy A. Bolmar.]>let|onnry of Arts and Sclences.Thoatre de Cornollle.Klements nf Natural Phllosophy.Th<* Bibllographors JIanual of Eng¬

lish Lltorature.three volumes.First Latin Rook. by Albert Hark-

liess.Eloments nf Analytlcal Oeometry by

Charles Davles.Elements of Geometry. hy II. N. Rob¬

inson.Pirst Latin Lessons. hy Charles An-

thon.History of the Natlonal Constituont

Assembly.Enclyclopedla Slnlco.Giapponese, by

Plllnl I'eelei tWO Voluine-s.Procecdngs Attendlng Presentatlon

nf Reglmontul Ce.lors to Legislature ofNew York.

Oratlon on One-Hundred and FlftlethAhnlversary of the Foundlng of Baiti-more.The Lower Norfolk County. A'n. An-

tlquary, hv Edward W. James.Maryland in Llberln, by John II. B.

Latrobe.A Memoir of tho Life of James JHI-

nor.l.i Oiierro Cllvilo Aux otats-unls.An Orlental Constellatlbn, bv Harland

a. Eugeno.Roll of the Thirty-elghth Annual En-

campment of Pennsylvanla.Catalogue nf the Art Exhlbltion of

tbe Jletropolitnn Falr, Now York.Annual K-port of the Commission tn

th,. Five Civlllzea Trlbes of tlio UnitedStates.

The Kvangolicnl Allinnee and thoAmerlcan AVur.

Union Questions on Select Portions ofScrlpture.The Life of Georgo Wnshington, hy

John Marshall.Washington and His Gcncrals, hy J.

T. Headley.A Dlctionary t.f th,-. Church; 1K3R.The Klngdom of Chrlst, bv Rkharcl

"vVhatly.Publlcatlons of tlu* Buffalo Historlcal

Society.C. A'uli C*ues,iri!| Commentaril De

Boil,-> GalUco.,-. *

The Better Cnv.onant. by Cnoelc.A Plain Aocount of Chrlstlan Perfec¬

tion, by Rev. John Wesley.Hymnal of the P. F. Church.Questions on the Four Gospols in

Hnrmony, hy Rev. .los. Packard.Bibliotheca Classlca, hy J. Lomprlere,A Treatise on Astronomy, hy il. X.

Robinson.The Family Exposltor, hy P. Pod-

dridgo.The Plrates Glee, etc (muslc), by

Benjamln F. Baker.Three Duets for Three German

Flutes, by lgnaeo Plovel.I'nlon. by James Rolly.C. Sallustll Crispi Opera. hy James

Hnmiltnn.Complete AA'orks of Matthew Ilenrv.Tlie World, by Adam Fltz-Adnms.A Schtfol Grammnr ot the* Latin l.an-

puag-. by C. G. /.umpt.Fern Leaves from Fanny's Portfollo,

by Fanney Fern.Histeery of the Conquest of Mexlco,

hy AVllllam FT. Prescott,The Hlreling and th- Slave, Chieora

.nd Other Poetns, hy Willlam J. Gray¬son.The Reaper, etc, hy Willlam II.

Rewacd and others.Proceedings and Debnte. of the A*Ir-

_r!nia State Convention, 1829-1830.New Constltutlon <.f Vlrginin, with

tho Amended Blll of Rights, isr.n.Thet Eplscopal JIanual, bv Rov. AVil-


OWDRffT38 )OOl


Under United States Government Inspection5888888S888888888888888888888888SSTANDARD OF QUALITY AND PURITY

We Only Quote a Few Items on

Which We Can Save You MoneyWe have lots of others. Try our stores and be

convinced.Best Amorlean GrnnulntcdSugnr, per pound . 4 3-lc

Californla Prunos, fi Ibs. fnr...25ci liis. l.timp Starch .25cPrcheli Cnndy, per pound .5c7 Largo Bars Hwlft's PrldoSoap for Iniindry, fnr .25c

Boat Clty Meal. 18c peck; or.per btishel .70o

2 Cans Table Penchos for.25cHalston's Crisp.flne corcnl.perpackago .8c

12 Bars Hustlor Soap fnr.25cHave yoll tried OUr Silver King

Flour? Best on the markot. Porbitrrol, $4.40; or, poi bag.28ci-iii. package Fino CronmcryButtor .20c

7 bars Tollet Soap, Domlno, for 25cLarge package Cold Dust. forcleanlng, t'i fnr .25c

Small slzo, 2 for .5c3 bnrs Wltch Hnzcl Soap, forthc tnllet, 3 ln box .10c

Callfornln Limn Benns, I lhs. for 25c2 ibs. Mountnln Iloll Buttor for 25cSnowflake Patent Fnmlly Flour,$3.00 per liarrel; or, per sack, 25c

The very best Cream Cheeso,1 'a pounds for.25c

Soda Crackers or GInger Snapa,por pound .4c

SiUT.'ir COrtt, I e.ins fnr.25cLarge Ilnttles Kssenco Lemonand VnnllliL.5c

Smokod Yarmntitli Blnnters, perdozen.25c

P"st OII Sardlnes. 7 for.25cB08t Cannod Asparagus.25c,v bars Octngon-Shapo Soap for 25cThree plugs Grape, Reynnlds'aSun-Cured, Applo nnd Pcachfor .25c

Post Pork Chops, por lb.15cBest Frnnkfort SausagO, lb.9cCorned Californla ilams, porpound .11!ic

Cracker Dust and Oyster Crack¬ers, per pound.6c

Gnod Salt Pork, por lb.8 1 2cCottago Ifnms, not a bono Inthom; per pound .12 1-2c

Californla Hams, pound.11'icBest Sugar-Curod Hams. perpound .16c

Smithflold Country Hams, perpound .18c

P'st Breakfast Bncon, pound... .16cWhole Sweet Plckles, quart.10clinpr.rted Sliced Plneapple, Jnheavy syrup, 2 cans for.25c

Quart Rottle Tomato Catsup,. .10cl^irgo Juicy I,cmons, per doz...18c

rinoii Carollnn Itlco, per pound,,6a'j-lii. pnekngo Saladn Ten.15cMothors' Oats, package.9cSweet OrangoH, jmt dbzon.20c.Mlxed Sweet PIckleS, i|t. bot-ilea .10o

(innil Mlxed Tea. per pound . ,30cImlTy's Puro Malt WhisKey. perbottlo .85c

Largo Irlsh Pntntoes, per peck,20c; or, bUShel .75o

Pure Wltch Hn/.el Soap, 3 tobox. for.10c

New Cllpped Horrlng, "er ilo>i...12cTry our Greon nr Mlxed Ten;

a regular fiOc Ten, now sellingnt.40c

Largo enns Salmon.10cBest qunllty Cannod Tomatoes,lnrgc cans '..10c

Large 5-Strlng Brooms.20cGrape-Nuts or Postum. perpackage .12o

Pest Scotch Herrlng, per box...18cNew North Carolina Itoo Hor¬

rlng. per dozen .20cOtie-haif gallnn enns Best Gold¬en Crown Syrup.18c

Puff Matelies, every onestrikes; per dozen .4c

I^irge Klts Mnckorel .95cVlrglnia Prldo Coffee, 1-lb.packago .14c

Country .Inwls, por pound.9oI.nrgo rnns Californla TablePeaches, 3 for .50o

Pottort llani and Tongue, 3for.10c

Concentratod Tomatoes, ln enns,for soup.5c

Try our Rtnr Brand Gclntlne;none better, pueknge.5c

Two bnrs Kltchen Soap, foretenning. fnr.5c

Butter nlseults, none better,por package .4o

Large enns Mustard Sardlnes... .8cGrated Plneapple, per can.8cBest Hand-Plcked Beans. per

puart.7cTomntoes nnd Corn ln cans, 3fnr .25o

Pest Klgln Butter, per pound..30cBest Californla EvaporatedPeachos. per pound.14o

Good Hard, per pound ...... .9 1-2oMother's Holled Oats, por pack¬ago .9o

Cedar Buckets.15cWine for Jelly, per qunrt.15cCallfornln Sweet Oranges pordozen .18o

Dunlop Pest Patent Flour,$4.50 per barrel; per bng.29o

Bluo Lftbcl Catsup, per bottlo. ..10cLargo Bottlo Sauce, now.10c




Stores, 1820-1822 E. Main Street and 506 E. Marshall Streetrteinlttiinect Must Accompnny nll Out-of-Town Orders.

Telcphonea: I'plown, 34; doTrn-toivn, 310.Wrlto for our new prlee-lixt.

llam II. AVIlmor.Transactions and Collections of tho

Amorlcan Antlqua'rlan Society, ISfiO.Catalogue of the Llbrary Belonging

to Jlr. Thomas AV. Fiold.Catalogue of tho Llbrary of Henry

I'.. Humphrey.History of thc> Conquest of Jlexico,

by Wllliam II. Proscott.Th- Constltutlon of the Unlted States

of Amorlca, 1851, by AV. liiekoy.A (,'ataloguo of Bnro and Valuable

I looks.A Llst nf Historlcal, Geogrnphical and

BIbllographlcal Works, by Stevenson,Son aml Stlles.Tho Statesman's JIanual (Jackson to

Polk.)Maniial Du Librairo et DeL'Amateur

De Llvres.Statesman's Manual, 17SO-I81C.History of the United States, by Wil¬

llam Uriimshaw.Th.. Natlonal Arithmetic by Benjamln

Greenleaf.Introductlon to Anclent anc! Jiode^rnGeography, by J. A. Cummlngs.Sabbath-School Teacher*s Second

Hcicik, by Rev. .1. .1. JIatthias.The Amerlcan Almanac for 1S43.Hlckersteth's Treatlso on the Lord's

Supper.Memolrs of Andrew Jackson, bv S.

Putnam AValdo.a Sputhside Vlew of Slavery, hy Nehi-111 ii li Adams.Tho Mountninoejr, by Conratl Speece.Catalogue of tho Lato Roger Wil-

braham.Catalogue of the l.ate Charles Tonge.Sormons or llomiiles Appolnted to

he Read in Cllltrchos e,f Now York.Catalogue of llliiniiuated Jlss , R.ire

and Valuablo Books.The Famlly Kxposltor or a Paphrnso

nnd A'ersion of the N'ow Testanient WithCritical Notos. hy P. D. D. Doddrldge.A Catalogue of Fifty of the Earllest

PlpCu'ros ln tho Natlonal Gallory of(heat Britain.Memolrs and Sermnns of tho Rev.

Willlam Duval, Clty Mlsslonary,Catla'goues by Leavltt, StreboiRh &

Co.Catalogue of Kebrew Books in the

Llbrary. British Museum.Th- Pomocratle Hnnd Book, hy Jlirh.

AV. ChiBkey, is«7.Theokle'sla, by T. P. Lobbgh.Catalogue of RIco and Hkegg Collec¬

tions.".Memoir of Norman MacLood, D. D.Lifo nf Georgo Washington, hy John

Marshall.Cntnlnyues of Loncrmnn ct Co.Arniild's Flrst Latin Book.Llhrl Itallanl consiglintl da cento

111 nst ri Contempornn 1.A Report of thn Decision of tho Ku-

preme Court in the Pred Scott CaseA Call to tho Unconverted (etc). bvRlchard Baxter.Klements of Geomotrj' and Trigono-metry, by A. JI. Legendre. 'K0-''*

The Successful Merehant, by AA'illlamArthur.JIuslc of Christ Church and StStephen's, Darley, AV. H. (AV. A*. J. C b'Stnndbridgo), Phlladelphia.Jlelodios of tho Church, by AbnerJones.AVorks of Rlchard Hooker.A Catalogue of Books for the Ycar,1S21, by John Cuthell.The French JIanual, by Alfred Havet.The Union Bible Dlctionary, by S. S.

Union Amer.Dr. Blair's Lectures on Rhetoric.

abrldged.AVllllam Grlnshaw's History of Eng¬

land.three volumes.AVllllam Goodo's Doctrine of tho

Church of England as to the Effects ofBaptism.Tho A'lvarious Sacrlfice, by Horaco

Buslinell.Ilistolre des Etats-Unis, D'Amerique,by Peter Parley.AA'illiam Jono's History of tho Chris¬

tian Church.An Introductinn to tho Present Prr.e-

tlco of Survoylng and Leveling, by aClvll Englneer.

Buffalo Historlcal Society Publica-tlon.M. 1K79.Harvard University Catalogue of tlie

Llbrary..Inurnals nf the House of Burgesses,

1766-1769, by John P. Kennedy.Sovnnth Annual Report of the Puh-

llr. Library Commission of New A'ork,1307.Southern Historlcal Society Papers,

hy R. A. Brock.190fi.Edward Olbbon's History of Rome.

two volumes.Proceedings of thn Thirty-serond An¬

nual Convention of th0 Bankers' Asso¬ciation, 1906.Eleventh Annual Report of the Jlich-

igan Soldlers' Home, 190(1.Laws Relating to Electlons; Jllchi-

gnn; 1906.Roport of the Board of Trustees, End¬

lng Juno 30, 1900, "Eastorn MlchlganAsvliim."Report of the Board of Control nnd

Ollleers, June. 30, 1906, "Northern Mlch¬lgan Asylum."Report of tho Hnnrd of Control nnd

Offlcers, Juno 30, 1906, Jlichigan StatoPrlson.Jllchignn Secrelnry of Stnte. Thirty-

flrst Annual Abstract Relativo to tholnsane, Peaf, etc., 1906.Mlchlgan Homo for the Feeble-

.Mliiiie.il, sun, Anntinl ilapi,h ndlni

^HUito Boahl of Library; Miiiihaa*. Ho

7 A|!p'(-lK"n S""r .-.¦'¦"¦¦¦'".¦ Ml'lliolln, .lun

Mlchigfiri stnte Llbrnry Repori nf tli.Stnt- LibrnrliniRoport nf th,. t'rnceedlngs of thn Ad

yjsciiy Hoiird of PhTilons, of Jllchlgnn.Inurimi of thc Annual Bncflmpiuen<»rnnd Army ,,r llu- RoptlbllO, Iiepnrt.

ineiit of Mlchlgnii. 1906.Tlilrteontli Biennlal Report, MlchlgaiReforin.it.ory, IliOfi.Second Iniiugiiral Mcnsnge, by Frod

iAf. Warner. 19u7.Historlcal Colloctlons, by MlchlgniPlonoor nm] Historlcal Socloty, 1905

1906.Jllchlgnn Superlntendent of Publii

Instruction, Slxtv-nlnth Annual Repnnfor IHOR.Mlehlgan Commlsslon of Insurnnco

Thlrty-slxth Annual Report, Pt. 1 Flnnnd Marine Insurance, 1906.

l'*nrty-f|fth Annual Report nf tlnSecrotnry of Stnte Board of Agrlculturo1906.Dalrymen's Association. Twenty-se¬

cond Annual Report, Mlehlgan. 1906.Jllchlgnn Commissioner of Insurance

Annual Report. Pr. 2, Llfe, CnslialtyAsessment.

Jllchlgnn Acadomy of Sclence, ElghtlAnnual Report, 1906.Mlehlgan Secretary of Stnte Rept

on Building and Loan Assoclatlons1906.Jllchlgnn Bonrd of Stnte Audltors

Annunl Report for Yenr Endlng Junr30, 1906.

Jllchlgan Treasurer Report for TeatEndlng June 30. 1906.Mlehlgan Commlsslon of tho Bank¬

ing Department; I'lghtoenth AnnualReport, 1906.Jllchlgnn Interstate Commerce Com¬

mlsslon Twentleth Annual Report. 1906.Jllchlgnn Secretary of Stnte, Thlrty-

slxth Annual Report on the Registra¬tion of Birth and Deaths, 1906.

Vlslons of St. John ln Patmos, byLeonnrd Cox.Kansas State Board of Agrlculture

Report, ior the Quarter Endlng Decem¬ber, 1906.Anthraclta Coal Production, 1907.Flfth Annual Report of the Clvll

Servlco Board for tho Phlllpplnes. 1D0B.Annual Report nf the Philippino

Bureau of Clvll Servlce. 1907.Twenty Years in tho Press Gollery,

by O. O. Sealoy.The Royal Acadomy of Arts, by Al-

gnrnon Graves. __

Arhor Day Proclnmation, by ClaudoA. Swanson, 1907.

Cntaloguo. 1906-1907, Amherst Col¬lege.New York State Llbrary Jndex of

Loglslntlon, 1906.Men of Mark In A'lrglnia, by Lyon

G. Tyler.Jlassachusetts Historlcal Socloty Col-

lectlons. 1907.Edward GIbbon's History of Romn.Nelson's Enclopedla.twelve volumes.Union Thcologlcal Semlnary Annual

Catalogue, 1906-1907.Words of Pence.Archor fur Kulten Geschlchte; Geo.

Stelnhausen.Annual Report of thn A'lrglnia Ag¬

rlcultural Experlmont Station, 1907.Legislature Reference Llsts, 1906, of

the New York Stnte Llbrary.Jlittulllngen aus der AVcdiclnischen

Faouktat.Enclydopedia Brittannico, Serios.¦

eleven volumes.Spoc.lflcatlons and Drawings of the

Unlted States Patent Ofllce.threevolumes.July, 190"..Address and Poom Dellvored Before

tho Phl Beta Kappa Society, Docember6, 1906.

Roport of tho Special Tax Commls¬slon of the Stato of New York. January16. 1907.Proceedings of the Board of Casualty

and Surety Underwrlters, New YorkCltv.two volumes.

A'lrglnia Conference of Charitles andCorrectlons. 1906.Annual Rojort of lhe Attorney-Gen¬

eral of Virglnla, 1906.Annual Report of the Inspector of

Finance of the Stato ot Vermont, 1908.Fonds Catalogues.Report of the Joint Committee on

Llfe Insurance Companies; AA'lsconsin,1906.Journal of the Society of Compara-

tlvo Leglslation, 1906.Gcological Atlas of the Unlted

States.two volumes.Official JIanual of the State of Mls¬

sourl, 1906.Virglnla Jlllltary Instltute Official

Reglster, 1906-1907.Zlonism, its History and Its Aims.Forest Products of the United States,

1905.Zlonism. A .Towlsh Statement to the

Christian AVorld.Zonlsm. A Statement.Jefferson's Faith ln tho Pelple, by

Alton B. Parker.A'lrglnia vs. AVest Virginia. Brief of

Counsel for Virglnla., A'a, Sup. Ct.Rovlow ot Debate ln the Virginia

Legislature of 1831-1832.Eighth Biennlal Report of the Colo¬

rado State Board of Health, 1906.Beautlful Tliornrose Cemetery.Reform of Judalsm and Zlonism.Railway StatlBlics of tho United

States of Amerlca, by BInson Thompson.Arhor Day Book; Denver.Tho Reader of Extracts in Prose and

Verse; S. G. Howe.Jllsslsslppt Journal of the House of

Representatlves, 1906.Mlsslsslppi Journal of the Senate., 1906.Jllsslsslppt Department Reports,

1904-1905.Journal of tho State of Louislana,

-*90fi-^ .

Proceedings of the Eleventh AnnualMeeting; Trust Company; See.

Proceedings of th0 Eleventh AnncmfProcnedlngs Amerlcan Bankers' As¬

sociation. 1906.Proceedings of the Fifth Annual

Meeting Savlngs Bank Department.Proceedings Amerlcan Banker's Asso¬

ciation, 1906.Flfth Annual Report of Carnegie

Llbrnry. Nashville, Tenn., 1906.Tho Annual Amerlcan Catalogue ofBooks, 1906.Tho English Catalogue of Books,

1901-1906.Tho English Cataloguo of Books, for

1906.Bureau of Lahor Statistics, for 1906.AA'alter L. Flemlngs Documentary Hls.

ton- of Reconstructlon.two volumes.Tho JIastor JIasons to tho Crown of

Scotland, by Rov. Robert Scott Mylno.Introduetion to Politlcal Economy, by

Arthur Lathnn Perry-

.'Smyrna Carpets."(Froraa Report by Consul E. L. Harrls.)Tho celebrated "Smyrna carpet" is

not mado In Smyrna; lt ls a productof tlie vllayet of Aldin, of which

IN order to dress well it is not necessary to dress extravagantly.merely in good form.in good taste.in Kuppenheimer Clothes.

The garments that we are selling this season are wonder-fully good. The favorable comments and entire satisfaction resultingfrom the quality and style of these garments, have more than justifiedour implicit confidence in the superiority of clothes made by TheHouse of Kuppenheimer.

We liave served some of the most particular menin the city.many of them the best dressed.and we shall be pleased indeed to serve you.

ne have anything you need In Gents* Furnlshlngs line.Our llne of Boys' Clothing is up-to-dato and of the best quality.We press all our Clothing, and glvo 10 per ceut. dlscount to students.

James R. Sheppard, 4th and Broad Sts.

Always the Best.Phone 2905.

DELIVERED FRESH DAILY.Shipments made. Bopresentatlvel


Como Lithia Water Co.,Richmond. Va.

Sinyrna is tho capital. Tho chief placesof manufacturo aro tho villagos otUschak, Koule, Ghlardls, Makrl, Moles-sos, Kirkngatsch. .itxar and Demlrdjl.The industry gives omploymont tothousands of needy peoplo, especiallywomen, who nro obllged to do the worlcalmost ontlrely, whllo tho men spendtheir time ln tho coffee-housos drlnklngstrong- coffoo and smoklng numherlessclgarettes, all ln truo Oriental fnshlon.Llttlo g;lrls nro compoilo- to tako uptho work early, at seven or ten yearsof ugo at tho latest, and they keep atit unceaslngly untll thoy go to theirgraves.Tho market for the wools Is held

overy Thursday from dawn to sunsotln tho bazaar of Uschak. whlch is thenfllled wlth purchasors who havo arrivedon buffaloos, camels, dnnkoys nndother plcturosquo beast nf bltrdon, Thospun wools are not dyed by tlio woavorsthemselves but by speeinl dyers.Moro thnn 3,000 femalo weavers nro

omployod at Uskhak In tlio preparatlonof carpets. Tho opcrators aro gon-orally members nf tho samo familyhut thero aro a numlier nf glrls whoearn nbout six to seven cents per dny.Tho Ghlardls carpet nrn generallysmnller thnn those of Hscliak. Very llnoprayer carpets, alosoly woven nnd oflinrmiinlous colors, uro prodpcod lnimltatlon of tho Perslan cariints.Thn carpets uro mado Into bales nf

280 pounds each nnd covored witli gnnt-sklns- Tho carnvans pass tho nlghtln tho open country at the foot of soinohill, tho drlvors under tonts nnd tlio-cnmols and thoir loads ln tlio openalr. Vory largo carpets, too h.envy tobo packod, aro folded nnd thrownacross tho bnoks ot tho camols in tho,form of a covorlng. When tho carpetssrrlvo ln Rmyrna thoy nrn sprend out,beaton, broomod and ropaoKod In baleswolghlng B00 to 600 pounds oach for ox-



Spring' Vehicle AnnouneementXVc tako pleasuro in invlting the publlc

to call and seo tho latest ond most fash¬ionable styles of veblcles now in ourreposltory. If you anticipato buylng a

carriago of any klnd, now or ln the fu¬turo, wo will bo glad to havo you lookover our stock, as lt ls a pleasuro toshow our goods.

Stanhopes, Victorias, Surreys, Traps, Station Wagons,Ladies* Phaetons, Doctors' BuggiesREPAIRING~AND REPAINTING

R. H. Bosher's Sons, 15 South 9th St.

fC/fMOM), J#.^3T<£Removes AU Desire for Liquor.

Inebriety.causcd by excessive use of Liquor, Drugs, or Tobacco.is recog¬nized as a disease of the nervous system.^ The Keeley System of TreatmentCures the disease by eliminating all physical craving for drink, drugs or tobacco,

builds up the nervous system. and r«tores the neive cells to a normal,healthy condition. The Keeley Institute of Richmond cures and gives

homclike, confidential treatment, administeted by skilled physicians.The Keeley Institute, g,0.^0.,^

P. O. Box 786. OTIS H. RUSSELL, Manager.

"TruDhcart Typo" LONG DISTANCE JUIONE 5429.

Always on Hand, 1 50 HeadMedium and Heavy-Weight MULES,Fresh from tho great producing fields of Kentucky andMIssouri.

"Itrod In Old Kentucky'

Buyers will find S1ZE, FORMATTON nnd genoralgood quality. PRICES RIGHT. Stock constantly com¬

ing In. Satisfaction guaranteed. Correspondenco 80-llclted.

Pens at Mnmmoth Barns of M.MULE CO.


J. B. TRUEHEART & CO., Rid-"".)' Va-

The BasKet Shop,400 North 7th Street

Phone 2748.You can buy any

kind of Basket.Reed Furniture.

Baby Carrlagoa re¬

paired, oleooed andvarnlshed. Ruobortlres put on.

Chalrs ro-soatod; woven seats a

speciaity. Work guaranteed.Old Dominion Willow

and Rattan Works.

Uarden Seeds, OrosH Seoda, FlowerBoeds, Seeda that mako tho crop.Poultry Supplies, Incubators, Fortlllzara

.everything In thls llne.A card ivlll bring you a cc.talom*.

Call to soo us.

Diggs & Beadles,The Beed Mnrrhauii*_Rlchmond, Va,_