VICTORY for American Principle ! - y. & f ) AV r$ s : vv r A Ln SP? I cA Evening iBULt,ETIN I )' President American $ Mc Kin ley Rights Upholds.. Ih Hawaii. The Bulletin Speaks for American Interests in Hawaii. Vol. VH. No. 1373. HONOLULU, 11. I., TflUKSDAYt.NOVEMBH)B 9, 1899, Fbiob 6 PAYING PHILIPPINE WAYS BULLETIN THE BEST COFFEE MEN TAKE NOTICE 'S CABINET MEETING DR, SAUTON 'jr Tmrrrj'j.rarx Rapid Dlncharglnfi. ; 1 T. r A L TV"' V ri Commission Preparing Their Report for the Pre.Ment. Prellmluarj to Final Action Unanimous on tte Question ol Wbat Shall B Done Tie Ka'lon's Daly. Washington, Nov. i. The members of the Philippine Commission, Admiral Dew- ey ,i Professors Schurman and Worcester and Colonel Denby, will make a prelimi- nary report to the President before the end of this week and It Is understood the re- port wilt be Immediately given to the pub- lic. This report will be prepared at tl e request of the President as a lesult of a conference between the President and the Commission at the White House today. The President pcrsmally summoned the Commissioners and an hour wasspentln consulting during which he explained the points he desired covered In the prel report. It may be weeks, possibly months, b:fore the complete report Is ready. P.ofessor Schurman, Who Is the Commission, said after the Wt the White House that the re- port to be made this week would cover certain phases of the situation which the Presldeit desired cleared up at this time. When asked If the report would touch uron the Sulu treaty, (the ar- rangement made between General Bates Sultan of Sulu). Professor Schur-ma- n r pled In the negative: " That was purely a military arrangement," said he, "with which the Commission had no- - 41.1..,. t , .In Secretary Hay and Secretary Root were presents the conference. A member of the Cabinet, speaking of the verbal report, said: "In advance of the completion of the report it is not deemed nMn.rn m!,Wi ;mv statement relative to the nature of the Commission's disclosures to thi President this morning beyond the genrral one that they tend to confirm the administration at every point In the course of the treatment It has outlined for the Isl- ands and to remove the last doubt as to the attitude that the government should as- sume on the question of the rententlon of thTSeCCe.ss.oners mad, a full verba, report to the President, forecasting In brief the formal report that is to be prepared. Each of the members talked In turn not only upon the general features of the forth- coming report but each treating more In detail of a certain line of subjects which he was more fully Informed than his colleagues. For It appears that the Commission, while n the Phones took the course of dividing Into of one, each assuming a special The significant feature of today's con-- .. uf th rrwl.it on lint the Com- - .iinn i nhnHitelv unanimous In its view respecting the proper line of treat ment of the islands Ate olDo. Sixteen men, Including a number from Honolulu, sat down to a luau at tho Hana (Maul) Club house ono even- ing last week and ato what thoy sup- posed to bo a pig. Everyone enjoyed tho meal and everyone retired happy. However, tho secret Is now out. Tho young men ato dog and they have been ;u i.i it. inn. It was ono of those Hana Jokea which nono of- - tho Hono lulu men seem 10 enj"? wj muv... I.noktnd lor tho Hnncock. The Post Office officials are looking for the anlval of the I ranspon nautuiK u any minute now. est, Will DC K'c" " - Ah 6074 S 6086 -- c! Louis 180s Won Yin. '..... 1299 Frank Stone "70 Correo 703t . . 672 Ed. Medeiros.. 600 Foster Jack 489 Kin ...,! 436 324 HJhPrr .- -. 33L Chemen 3oV ' " Pimg Qual 5 270 Tnumh 261 George 261 Akieu Luaa to tie Given on Long Branch Grounds. Wind Up of the Great Tiibune BIcjcleRac- e- OWn lb! Place for a Day-Ca- noes and Batbln As a conclusion of tho great Tribune blcyclo contest for Bulletin newsboys Tho Bulletin will treat the boys to a Thanksgiving luau at which tho win ner of tho prlzo will bo presented with tho wheel. Arrangements have been mado with "mine host" Henry Vlda of Long Branch to feast Tho Bulletin news merchants on tho holiday. Besides tho lumi, which will be In the Hawllan style, pig, pol, fish and all the other accessories, canoes and bathing suits will bo thrown In as a desert Tho Walklkl resort will bo thrown open with Its good cheer all day long to Tho Bulletin boys. From town the lads are to go out to Walklkl In largo 'buses and alter tho Jqy of tho day they will return by tho samed onveyance. So that they may tho whole day to Themselves, nd paper' will bo Issued on Thanksgiving Day. During Thanksgiving week two theater parties will be given to tho boys who are nmong tho first forty In tho Trlbuno Blcyclo Race. The twenty highest boys will go to hear tho re- nowned Boston Lyric Company.and the next twenty will bo present at tho ono ovenlg during tho week. Tho week will bo observed In tho man- ner befitting tho offofts of tho ts In their offorts to win tho trophies offered. Every boy will reward for his hard work and thero will bo fun and food for all. TRANSLATING A HISTORY. Yuen Chong. secretary for Chinese Consul Yang Wei Pin, and a man very highly cultured In both Chinese and English, Is Just now engaged In the work of translating Chinese, Alexander's history of the Hawaiian Islands. He has already completed about half of the book. oAvery peculiar eoinc.Mence conies In lust here. In the school In China In which Yuen Chong was educated, Dr. Martin, a cousin of Prof. Alexander, was one of the Instructors, and Yuen Chong has cause to thank him for most valuable service in the way of education. Police Court Notes. In the nollce Court this forenoon the following cases were disposed of: .Three Italians, charged with deserting contract service with S. M. Damon at Moanalua.1 ordered to return: mas. waiuii, truancy, three months in tue Ketorm school; inisiii-w- cruelty to animals, !io and costs; J. K. Prendergast, common nuisance, ft and costs. . Ifmrn Respited. ..Ihara Ichlgoro, the Kakaukuku mur- derer, who was to havo been hanged on tho 13thl nst., has been again respit- ed and tho date of hanging set for De cember 4th. m Ml Houglitnlllna Not Guilty. A Jury In Judge Perry's court this morning returned a verdict of not guilty In tho Houghtalllng liquor case. Defendant was discharged. ' Dr .rosey, specialist for Eyo, Ear, Throat and Noso diseases and Catarrh. Masonic Templo. . w.r..... j, David 219 Thomas 213 IvanShunk V...... 199 J. Kek David (Liilil) 186 182 Jimmle 159 Johnnie 144 M.Smith 142 Manuel Costa 139 August 128 Enrato Sylva 124 Afonc 118 114 Frank Yasso 104 Charlie Williams;- -. 93 .. r m. marxs yu WillieCunha 86 J.Smith ; :.'...'.... 86 Jno.P J.:1;.. 84 AH FAR STILL LEADS. Following is tV.c standing in the BULLETIN'S Boys Tribune Bicycle race, up to and yesterday: 1st Prize Tribune Bicycle. 2nd Prize Suit of Clothes. 3rd Prize Palp of Shoes. 4th Prize-Poc- ket Knife. Th umntv hnvs at tlichead of the list when the contest closes will be riven free tickets to such"pe'formance of4he BostoruLyric Qpera Com., oanv as they may select.' The next batch, -- twenty bays belovy the high- - ,,cc Far....! i..k.b JbhnShaw Willie Sylva $88 Ah 471 t. SingChong!!!! Crowell BillReldel..., 248 235 Thanksgiving popular havo into JohnnieSylva SoorAh What Latest Circular from New Yoik Has To Say. Lower Valoes h Braile Over Prodccllin of ' Coffee and What It Means-Wo- rld's Supply for October. Catslo & Cooko, Ltd., 'havo Just re ceived a coffco circular from W. H Crossman & Dro of New York, under dato oLOctober 21, 1899, n resumo of which Is as follows: Tho conditions which led to tho low- er values of coffco In Brazil" were pri- marily tho high prlcein the national curency there, which shqwed such an alluring pront to the plantorsthat they Increased tho area under coffeo cultiva- tion to such an extent as to mako a crop of 10,000,000 bags In Hlo and San- tos a natural result. Even this Is not considered a- very largo crop under circumstances. Over production of coffeo differs con- siderably from over production or sur- plus of almost every other kind of sta- ple. Outside speculators probably do not reallzo that surplus coffeo cannot bo diverted Into other channels of con- sumption, llko corn and cotton nro lia- ble to when prices are very low. Even at very low prices, tho consumption of coffee cannot bo Increased to any- thing like tho extent of tho present en- ormous production, and there Is abso- lutely no way to lmnrovo values por- - manetly except by curtailment of pro- duction. This latter can bo brought nbout In Brazil by doubling lip tho pre- sent sterling values of tho Mllrcls and consequent relative reduction In th'e curency price. Now, In view of finan- cial conditions In Brazil, when no tan- - glblo Improvement has resulted from tho three years' moratorium In the payment of their coupons, it is too much to expect that Brazilian finances can bo Improved sufficiently to double iii tho present sterling rate for the Mllrcls; tho more bo, as tho entlro cle- ment of plantcra and agriculturists are stubornly opposed to an advance In tho sterling rate. Therefore, a curtail- ment of production Is now contingent upon constnnt lower prices for coffeo In consuming countries until same reach a busts that would forco the Mllrets value In Brazil down from Its present rnngo of about 40 mllrcls per b;ic. to 30 mllrcls or less per bag. Tho world's vlslblo supply of coffco on October 1st was 8,030,550 bags, as against tho highest figures of tho world's vlslblo two years ago Novem her 1st, 1897. C,24C,99 bag3 (In n crop which turned out luvt: tnlllon bngs in Itlo and Santos). During that month of November tho lowest figures were reached, and In Havre and Hamburg they were several francs and pfennigs, respectively, lower than they nro to- day, notwithstanding that in the mean- time an enormous addition has been mado to tho vlslblo supply, and a very largo IncrcaBO taken placo In tho stocks In tho Interior (invisible supply); In addition to which a financial weaken ing has been In process among tho cof- feo trado In nil tho seaports of Kuropo nnd tho United Stntcs, which certainly has not tended to Increase tho carrying capacity. It has ben claimed by Brazilian mer chants that many largo planters wish to continue raising large crops at low prices, as It Is their desiro to try and kill tho competition of other coffee growing countries and thus acqulro a monpoly for Brazil coffocT This Idea is eutlrely Impracticable, as other countries will learn how to practice economy If Brazil can succeed on that principle. Necessity Is a good teacher to all mankind, and Brazilians havo no mo- nopoly of that experience Planters in Venezuela, Central America, WeBt In- dies and elsowhere can learn and pro- fit by It the same as Brazil, and In splto of continued talk of decreased plantations or smaller production of coffeo In other countries than Brazil, the total exports from such countries last year were In excess of the provlous season, notwithstanding tho small crop rm Java. Whllo a shortage may occur In one section,- - district i.or country, thero Is a compensating increase elso- where, so that the total of ono year Is as largo as another, If not larger. Eco- nomic achievements of raising large crops at low prices have been well demonstrated In respect to sugar, cot ton, corn, etc. Low prices resulting from over production may remain more or less permanent' and Brazil as well as other coffee countries will learn tho lesson to produce coffee at a nrlce which heretofore has been con- - sldcrd unprofitable. Wo can seo no way out of present conditions except by patiently waiting until tho production shows signs of de- creaseuntil causes bring about a, re- duction of supplies, and from all ap- pearances such results oro a long way off. ' Over $3000. The police certainly did excellent work last month. Over $2000 was turned over to the government after all the expenses of the Police had been deducted. This certalnlv speaks well for the Marshal and Deputy Marshal, Something About the Various Matters . , Under Discnssion. Geo. Jlaaion Will Be Glren Notary Public's Commission- -la Re a Walklkl LI- - cense -- Other Hatters. u There was a long meeting of Hie Cabinet this forcnoon,,y. lttwas voted that n commission as notary public bo granted Gcorgo Man-so- n upon his passing tho regular ex- amination. ' Ulllh to tho amount of $170 for the bringing In of families from Europe wiro authorized appropriated. In ro tho application of Ottmnn of Walklkl for a renewal of his light wlno and beer license at Walklkl, It was de- cided that, since three retail spirit li- censes have been granted 'to different pcoplo In his locnllty, n light wlno and beer licence could not bo granted him, thd Inw barring the Issuance of such under such circumstances. It was voted that tho Hawaiian Rail- way Co. bo allowed to amend Its char- ter making tho headquarters of tho corporation In Kohala Instead of Ho- nolulu. It vtas voted on the coming In of tho report of Mr. Taylor, tho hydraulic en- gineer, in regard. to the water works ni Lahaina, that tho Minister of the Interior causo specifications to bo com- pleted and advertisements mado, tor tho conHtructlon of theso water works on condition that tho government shall have tho right to take over said water works so completed nt nny tlmo upon one year's notice, upon paying tho con-- t met 'price of 10 per cut additional; the persons who accept the contract compensating Mr. Taylor for his ser- vices ns supervising engineer; such persons having the right to carry on the water works nt Lnhalnn and to collect the water rates under the supervision of theJ Minister 01 tne interior. In the matter of the petition for Im- provements and repairs on the Wnlalae and Koko Head road Mr. Young stated: "I Instructed the road supervisor to go out over the Walalae and Koko Head road and after examine the places for bridges and sedHf what walls wpuld be necessary for. approacnes, lie esnmaieu inai me worn would cost In the neighborhood of $200. The other portions of the road can be kept In repair by the usual staff under the road sunerv sdr. 1 would suggest that an appropriation b asked for In the next Legislature to cover the Improvements asked for, the general appropriation for roads and bridges now ceing neany exnaustej." voieu mat tne petitioners be notified In accordance with the above statement. HOB KAIULANI'8 COFFIN. Theirgovernment received today from a local jeweler the crown and name plate tint Is to go on the coffin of the late Princess Kalulanl. The two pieces of work are excellently done and show a great deal of artUtlc taste. The crosvn Is of solid silver fastened to a piece of koa while the name plate Is a combination of gold and silver. The latter Is of course the more elaborate piece of work of the two. It Is a solid silver design In the shape of a shield fastened on a piece of koa wood. At the top Is a design of flow- ers and ferns while directly beneath this Is the crest of Kalulanl's family In solid gold. Under this and close to the bottom of the shield Is the Inscription HerKoyai Hignness ' Princess Victoria Kalulanl Kaweklu Lunalllo Kala- - nlnulahliapaiapa Bom October 16, 1J75. Died March 6, 1809. Only Child of Princess Llkellke . and the Honorable Archibald Scott Cleghorn. The two nieces will be taken to the Royal Mausoleum tomorrow by James H. Bovd of the Interior Office, Major Potter of the Foreign Office and Undertakei Williams. It Is said that the name plate and the crown are the most beautiful of anw In the Mausoleums'- - . It ... . . - - - -. The expense of having llie name plate and crown made will be referred to the next. Legislature and It Is expected that the requisite amount will be appropriated. Commissioner McArthur Returns. San Francelsco, Nov. 1. Among the ar- rivals In the steamer China vesterdav was John R. McArthur. secre tary and counsel for the United States Commission to the Philippine Islands. Mr. McArthur has been In Manila since the conclusion of the deliberations of the Paris Peace Commission to which body he was attached as Assistant Secretary. Death from, Dysentery. A coroner's Jury was called together In the Deputy Marshal's office yesterday afternoon to determine the cause of death of a Chinaman found dead In one of the washhouses at lwllel on Monday last,. The jury concluded that the cause of death was dysentery. There were only two witnesses but their evidence was con- clusive. Nippon Maru Of Port. Nippon if.aru 20 miles west at 2 p. m. Comes Here to Lepers Stndy Condition cf on Molokal. Will Remain In the Islands Abont a Wuk Is Going to China and Japan Views 'on Leprosy. Dr. Sauton, Hie French expert on leprosy who arrived in the Hoiytkong M.lru, b a guest atHhe Catholic Mlflslon. In an In- terview with Dr. Sauton ihls forenoon he gave a BULLETIN reporter the following story:, "1 am going to Molokal this afternoon the Board of Health having very kindly granted me permission. I shall remain there only a vyeek as I must be In Paris again by March cf next year. You see, I have yet to go to Japan and then to Tong King, the French' settlement In China, there to note the condition of the lepers. "No, I have not come here to study leprosy. What I want to grasp Is the matter of conditions and mode of treat- ment. This I can find out In a week's time. "Yes, 1 have studied leprosy In both the New nnd Old Worlds and have made It a lifelong study. I hone ultimately that some cure may be found. "Tarn certainly a believer in contagion. There aret few cases of heredity but by far the largest number of cases come from contagion. That Is the reason I believe In segregation. "On re.ichlne New York I asked the Board of Health to be allowed to go to the Island near Sandv Hook where the lepers are kept, but I was in turn asked to sub mit to quarantine which 1 refused to do. "I was allowed to go to the pest house In San Francisco. There were eighteen lepers at that place, among the number being Mrs. Todd. 1 remained there but a short time." Dr. Sauton is a Catholic priest who has worked most assiduously on the dread disease. This morning he was In con ference with Dr. Alvarez and others In terested In the aire for leprosy. Solncc Will Go to Mnniln. The Navy hospital-shi- p Solace, which has been undergoing extensive repairs at Mare Island, has been placed In commis- sion again and will sail for Manila In a few days. It Is the intention at present for her to proceed to Manila directly from the Navy Yard, but the lans may be changed. In that event she will anchor In the s'ream for a day or two. She will brine Invalided and discharged men from the Phllipplnes.-- S. F.. Oct. w. in a letter received by the Hongkong Maru from Marr Island 'the statement is made that the Sohce will be here about the totl) Inst. Klllonn llns Returned. Killona. formerly an officer on the po lice force, returned from the states In the Moana yesterday. Killona was with Buffalo Bill's Wild West show as a singer nnd rider, ife did good work while In New York and Chicago but the cold weather, with a toucli of homesickness got to his bones and he determined to re- turn to his native land. He stated that hugging a stove at all times was not to his taste. As Killona Is an excellent officer Mar- shal Brown has decided to take him on the force again. He will resume his du- ties today Insane NstlvcH. A native woman was arrested Tuesday evening on the charge of Insanity but on being examined, was allowed to go on her way. Dr. Emerson did not think her Insane e ough to keep In custody. Joseph Naholcu, a laborer under L. L. La Pierre was arrested last night while running about the streets. Several people had become frightened by his ravings and a police officer was stnt out after the man. He had quite a chase but finally captured him. U. 8. 8. Nero. Pho U. S. S. Nero Is expected here every day. Tho Nero loft Yokohama, Oct.- - 10th, and is making deep-wat- er soundings for the proposed Trans-Pa-clf- lc Cable. I x ' & , ;j ,L ,.W$, Cents. BOYS Including Department roil MEN All records pf 'the d.scharglng of coal In Honolulu have been beaten by theeinployesof the UnltedStates government, who have just com- pleted their woik on the Chas. E. Moody, now lying at the govern- ment wharf near the, pilot office. The 2850 tons of coal contained In the hold of the vessel were dis charged In the short space of stven days. This means an average of 400 tons per day, a figure thathss I' never even been jpproached here be fore. The banner day oftheuetlt,' showed 440 tons. All this coal is under the direct care of Captain Merrv anJ Is to be placed In the coal sheds of the United States Navy, rjarjtrjrjr-ArATArjrATjL- T IROQUOIS MOVEMENTS. The Iroquois Is taking on coal today In order to be In readiness for her trip to Midway Island which may come at any- time In the near futute. The Iroquois Is now awaiting the arriv- al of the Solace, expected here on the roth Inst., as It Is believed she has aboard the surveying apparatus needed In the work at Midway. If the officers detailed for duty In the Iroquois arrive, In fihe Solace the tug boat will leave for Midway Island In short order. The men of the Iroquois are not antici- pating a very hilarious time at the lonely place. Their Christmas is to be spent there and It will be quite a little time after that before they an think of returning to Honolulu. Most of the men are buying fishing lines and hooks by means of which ite away some of the weary hours that will be experienced there. Big CliIncHC Dinner. The celebration of the 6tst birthday of Wong Kwal was topped off with a big: Chinese dinner to several hundred guests, the number being so large that two res- taurants were used. In the private dining room of the Sun. Yun Wo building on Hotel street were Chinese Consul Yang Wei Pin, his secrer tary, Goo Kim, Wong Kwal Jr., L. Ahlo, Chu Gem, WongLeong, LI Chong, and some twenty or thirty other prominent-.Chines- e. wAnnonsthe guests was Frank Damon. The first part of the dinner, consisting, of soups and other Chinese dishes, began at about 4 and lasted until 5:30 p. m. The guests returned at 7 o'clock and began the, second part of the dinner. At the Cooking School. The directors of the Housekeepers Leatnie cave their first tea at Honuakahar yesterday afternoon on the premises now Deing used tor tne cooKing scuooi. some- thing over a hundred and fifty were pre- sent The government band was present through the kindness of Minister Mott-Smlt- h. Tables were set about under the trees and Japanese women served the guests with refreshments from the kit- chens of the cooking school. The LojJnnB Entertained. Mrs. Anna M. Maxwell entertained Secretary Logan of the Hawaiian com- mission, Mrs. Logan and Mrs. Ollie Smith, clerk of the Hawaiian exhibit, to- gether with Mrs. Prelss. clerk of the Dou- glas county (Neb.) exhibit, at her home on Twenty-fourt- h street, Tuesday evening. The hostess was assisted by her daughter, Miss Grace. Omaha Bee, Oct. 27. Company F Banquet. Co. F, the victors In the. prize drill of Tuesday night, have decided to take tlier hundred dollar cash prize won by them, add a sufficient amount to It and give a big banquet In the drill shed on Tuesday-nigh-t next. A committee has already beeaappolnted and arrangements are pro- gressing rapidly. m TUB ART LEAGUE EXHIBIT. Tho work for tho November exhibi- tion of the Kllohaua Art League will bo received on Nov. 18th. Saturday, the 25th, will bo Varnish Day, and the first view or Members' Reception will be on Monday renlng, the 27th ." HAMILTON, BROWN SHOE GO.'S HIGHLAND CALF" "Own Make" $3.00 SHOE I ' . V 1 Jt '1 l :S .iiyi J " ' j m MSI . . H TSl - m a&( 1 J ' ", m argfS. a4t w xM dm ,J1 for sale oy manufacturers' snoe ., rnri v,, sigi 01 tno big snot. 1 ...

New AV Evening VICTORY American Principle r · 2015. 6. 1. · VICTORY for American Principle! f) AV r$-y. &s: vv r A Ln SP? I cA EveningiBULt,ETIN)' President I American $ McKinley

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  • VICTORY for American Principle ! - y. &f ) AV r$ s: vv rA Ln SP? IcA Evening iBULt,ETINI)' President American $Mc Kin ley Rights

    Upholds.. Ih Hawaii.The Bulletin Speaks for American Interests in Hawaii.

    Vol. VH. No. 1373. HONOLULU, 11. I., TflUKSDAYt.NOVEMBH)B 9, 1899, Fbiob 6


    Rapid Dlncharglnfi.

    ; 1


    r A

    L TV"'



    Commission Preparing Their Report

    for the Pre.Ment.

    Prellmluarj to Final Action Unanimous on

    tte Question ol Wbat Shall B Done

    Tie Ka'lon's Daly.

    Washington, Nov. i. The members ofthe Philippine Commission, Admiral Dew-

    ey ,i Professors Schurman and Worcester

    and Colonel Denby, will make a prelimi-nary report to the President before the end

    of this week and It Is understood the re-

    port wilt be Immediately given to the pub-

    lic. This report will be prepared at tl erequest of the President as a lesult of aconference between the President and theCommission at the White House today.

    The President pcrsmally summoned the

    Commissioners and an hour wasspentlnconsulting during which he explained thepoints he desired covered In the prel

    report. It may be weeks, possiblymonths, b:fore the complete report Isready. P.ofessor Schurman, Who Is

    the Commission, said after theWt the White House that the re-

    port to be made this week would covercertain phases of the situation which thePresldeit desired cleared up at this time.

    When asked If the report would touchuron the Sulu treaty, (the ar-rangement made between General Bates

    Sultan of Sulu). Professor Schur-ma- n

    r pled In the negative: " That waspurely a military arrangement," said he,"with which the Commission had no- -41.1..,. t , .In

    Secretary Hay and Secretary Root werepresents the conference.

    A member of the Cabinet, speaking of

    the verbal report, said: "In advance of thecompletion of the report it is not deemednMn.rn m!,Wi ;mv statement relative tothe nature of the Commission's disclosuresto thi President this morning beyond thegenrral one that they tend to confirm theadministration at every point In the courseof the treatment It has outlined for the Isl-

    ands and to remove the last doubt as to theattitude that the government should as-sume on the question of the rententlon of

    thTSeCCe.ss.oners mad, a full verba,report to the President, forecasting In briefthe formal report that is to be prepared.Each of the members talked In turn notonly upon the general features of the forth-coming report but each treating more Indetail of a certain line of subjectswhich he was more fully Informed thanhis colleagues. For It appears that theCommission, while n the Phonestook the course of dividing Into

    of one, each assuming a special

    The significant feature of today's con--..

    uf th rrwl.it on lint the Com- -.iinn i nhnHitelv unanimous In itsview respecting the proper line of treatment of the islands

    Ate olDo.Sixteen men, Including a number

    from Honolulu, sat down to a luau attho Hana (Maul) Club house ono even-ing last week and ato what thoy sup-posed to bo a pig. Everyone enjoyedtho meal and everyone retired happy.However, tho secret Is now out. Thoyoung men ato dog and they have been;u i.i it. inn. It was ono of thoseHana Jokea which nono of-

    - tho Honolulu men seem 10 enj"? wj muv...

    I.noktnd lor tho Hnncock.The Post Office officials are looking for

    the anlval of the I ranspon nautuiK uany minute now.

    est, Will DC K'c" " -Ah 6074S 6086

    -- c! Louis 180sWon Yin. '..... 1299Frank Stone "70

    Correo 703t. . 672

    Ed. Medeiros.. 600FosterJack 489

    Kin...,! 436324

    HJhPrr .--. 33LChemen 3oV' "Pimg Qual 5 270Tnumh 261George 261


    Luaa to tie Given on

    Long Branch Grounds.

    Wind Up of the Great Tiibune BIcjcleRac- e-

    OWn lb! Place for a Day-Ca- noes

    and Batbln

    As a conclusion of tho great Tribuneblcyclo contest for Bulletin newsboysTho Bulletin will treat the boys to aThanksgiving luau at which tho winner of tho prlzo will bo presented withtho wheel.

    Arrangements have been mado with"mine host" Henry Vlda of LongBranch to feast Tho Bulletin newsmerchants on tho holiday. Besides tholumi, which will be In the Hawllanstyle, pig, pol, fish and all the otheraccessories, canoes and bathing suitswill bo thrown In as a desert Tho

    Walklkl resort will bo thrownopen with Its good cheer all day longto Tho Bulletin boys.

    From town the lads are to go out toWalklkl In largo 'buses and alter thoJqy of tho day they will return by thosamed onveyance. So that they may

    tho whole day to Themselves, ndpaper' will bo Issued on ThanksgivingDay.

    During Thanksgiving week twotheater parties will be given to thoboys who are nmong tho first forty Intho Trlbuno Blcyclo Race. The twentyhighest boys will go to hear tho re-nowned Boston Lyric Company.and thenext twenty will bo present at tho

    ono ovenlg during tho week.Tho week will bo observed In tho man-ner befitting tho offofts of tho ts

    In their offorts to win thotrophies offered. Every boy will

    reward for his hard work andthero will bo fun and food for all.


    Yuen Chong. secretary for ChineseConsul Yang Wei Pin, and a man veryhighly cultured In both Chinese andEnglish, Is Just now engaged In the workof translating Chinese, Alexander'shistory of the Hawaiian Islands. He hasalready completed about half of the book.oAvery peculiar eoinc.Mence conies Inlust here. In the school In China In whichYuen Chong was educated, Dr. Martin, acousin of Prof. Alexander, was one of theInstructors, and Yuen Chong has cause tothank him for most valuable service inthe way of education.

    Police Court Notes.In the nollce Court this forenoon the

    following cases were disposed of: .ThreeItalians, charged with deserting contractservice with S. M. Damon at Moanalua.1ordered to return: mas. waiuii, truancy,three months in tue Ketorm school; inisiii-w-

    cruelty to animals, !io and costs; J.K. Prendergast, common nuisance, ft andcosts. .

    Ifmrn Respited...Ihara Ichlgoro, the Kakaukuku mur-derer, who was to havo been hangedon tho 13thl nst., has been again respit-ed and tho date of hanging set for December 4th.

    m Ml

    Houglitnlllna Not Guilty.A Jury In Judge Perry's court this

    morning returned a verdict of notguilty In tho Houghtalllng liquor case.Defendant was discharged.' Dr .rosey, specialist for Eyo, Ear,Throat and Noso diseases and Catarrh.Masonic Templo. .

    w.r..... j,David 219Thomas 213IvanShunk V...... 199J. KekDavid (Liilil) 186

    182Jimmle 159Johnnie 144M.Smith 142Manuel Costa 139August 128Enrato Sylva 124Afonc 118

    114Frank Yasso 104Charlie Williams;- -. 93.. rm. marxs yuWillieCunha 86J.Smith ; :.'...'.... 86Jno.P J.:1;.. 84

    AH FAR STILL LEADS.Following is tV.c standing in the BULLETIN'S Boys Tribune Bicycle

    race, up to and yesterday:

    1st Prize Tribune Bicycle. 2nd Prize Suit ofClothes. 3rd Prize Palp of Shoes. 4th Prize-Poc- ket

    Knife.Th umntv hnvs at tlichead of the list when the contest closes will be

    riven free tickets to such"pe'formance of4he BostoruLyric Qpera Com.,

    oanv as they may select.' The next batch,--twenty bays belovy the high- -




    Willie Sylva


    Ah 471t.SingChong!!!!

    CrowellBillReldel..., 248








    What Latest Circular from New Yoik

    Has To Say.

    Lower Valoes h Braile Over Prodccllin of' Coffee and What It Means-Wo- rld's

    Supply for October.

    Catslo & Cooko, Ltd., 'havo Just received a coffco circular from W. HCrossman & Dro of New York, underdato oLOctober 21, 1899, n resumo ofwhich Is as follows:

    Tho conditions which led to tho low-er values of coffco In Brazil" were pri-marily tho high prlcein the nationalcurency there, which shqwed such analluring pront to the plantorsthat theyIncreased tho area under coffeo cultiva-tion to such an extent as to mako acrop of 10,000,000 bags In Hlo and San-tos a natural result. Even this Is notconsidered a- very largo crop under

    circumstances.Over production of coffeo differs con-

    siderably from over production or sur-plus of almost every other kind of sta-ple. Outside speculators probably donot reallzo that surplus coffeo cannotbo diverted Into other channels of con-sumption, llko corn and cotton nro lia-ble to when prices are very low. Evenat very low prices, tho consumptionof coffee cannot bo Increased to any-thing like tho extent of tho present en-ormous production, and there Is abso-lutely no way to lmnrovo values por- -manetly except by curtailment of pro-duction. This latter can bo broughtnbout In Brazil by doubling lip tho pre-sent sterling values of tho Mllrcls andconsequent relative reduction In th'ecurency price. Now, In view of finan-cial conditions In Brazil, when no tan- -glblo Improvement has resulted fromtho three years' moratorium In thepayment of their coupons, it is toomuch to expect that Brazilian financescan bo Improved sufficiently to doubleiii tho present sterling rate for theMllrcls; tho more bo, as tho entlro cle-ment of plantcra and agriculturists arestubornly opposed to an advance In thosterling rate. Therefore, a curtail-ment of production Is now contingentupon constnnt lower prices for coffeoIn consuming countries until samereach a busts that would forco theMllrets value In Brazil down from Itspresent rnngo of about 40 mllrcls perb;ic. to 30 mllrcls or less per bag.

    Tho world's vlslblo supply of coffcoon October 1st was 8,030,550 bags, asagainst tho highest figures of thoworld's vlslblo two years ago Novemher 1st, 1897. C,24C,99 bag3 (In n cropwhich turned out luvt: tnlllon bngs inItlo and Santos). During that monthof November tho lowest figures werereached, and In Havre and Hamburgthey were several francs and pfennigs,respectively, lower than they nro to-day, notwithstanding that in the mean-time an enormous addition has beenmado to tho vlslblo supply, and a verylargo IncrcaBO taken placo In tho stocksIn tho Interior (invisible supply); Inaddition to which a financial weakening has been In process among tho cof-feo trado In nil tho seaports of Kuroponnd tho United Stntcs, which certainlyhas not tended to Increase tho carryingcapacity.

    It has ben claimed by Brazilian merchants that many largo planters wishto continue raising large crops at lowprices, as It Is their desiro to try andkill tho competition of other coffeegrowing countries and thus acqulro amonpoly for Brazil coffocT This Ideais eutlrely Impracticable, as othercountries will learn how to practiceeconomy If Brazil can succeed on thatprinciple.

    Necessity Is a good teacher to allmankind, and Brazilians havo no mo-nopoly of that experience Planters inVenezuela, Central America, WeBt In-dies and elsowhere can learn and pro-fit by It the same as Brazil, and Insplto of continued talk of decreasedplantations or smaller production ofcoffeo In other countries than Brazil,the total exports from such countrieslast year were In excess of the provlousseason, notwithstanding tho small crop

    rm Java. Whllo a shortage may occurIn one section,-- district i.or country,thero Is a compensating increase elso-where, so that the total of ono year Isas largo as another, If not larger. Eco-nomic achievements of raising largecrops at low prices have been welldemonstrated In respect to sugar, cotton, corn, etc. Low prices resultingfrom over production may remainmore or less permanent' and Brazil aswell as other coffee countries willlearn tho lesson to produce coffee at anrlce which heretofore has been con- -sldcrd unprofitable.

    Wo can seo no way out of presentconditions except by patiently waitinguntil tho production shows signs of de-creaseuntil causes bring about a, re-duction of supplies, and from all ap-pearances such results oro a long wayoff. '

    Over $3000.The police certainly did excellent work

    last month. Over $2000 was turned overto the government after all the expenses ofthe Police had been deducted.This certalnlv speaks well for the Marshaland Deputy Marshal,

    Something About the Various Matters

    . , Under Discnssion.

    Geo. Jlaaion Will Be Glren Notary Public'sCommission- -la Re a Walklkl LI- -

    cense -- Other Hatters.

    uThere was a long meeting of Hie

    Cabinet this forcnoon,,y.lttwas voted that n commission as

    notary public bo granted Gcorgo Man-so- nupon his passing tho regular ex-

    amination. '

    Ulllh to tho amount of $170 for thebringing In of families from Europewiro authorized appropriated.

    In ro tho application of Ottmnn ofWalklkl for a renewal of his light wlnoand beer license at Walklkl, It was de-cided that, since three retail spirit li-censes have been granted 'to differentpcoplo In his locnllty, n light wlno andbeer licence could not bo granted him,thd Inw barring the Issuance of such

    under such circumstances.It was voted that tho Hawaiian Rail-

    way Co. bo allowed to amend Its char-ter making tho headquarters of thocorporation In Kohala Instead of Ho-nolulu.

    It vtas voted on the coming In of thoreport of Mr. Taylor, tho hydraulic en-gineer, in regard. to the water worksni Lahaina, that tho Minister of theInterior causo specifications to bo com-pleted and advertisements mado, tortho conHtructlon of theso water workson condition that tho government shallhave tho right to take over said waterworks so completed nt nny tlmo uponone year's notice, upon paying tho con-- tmet 'price of 10 per cut additional;

    the persons who accept the contractcompensating Mr. Taylor for his ser-vices ns supervising engineer; suchpersons having the right to carry on thewater works nt Lnhalnn and to collect thewater rates under the supervision of theJMinister 01 tne interior.

    In the matter of the petition for Im-provements and repairs on the Wnlalaeand Koko Head road Mr. Young stated: "IInstructed the road supervisor to go out overthe Walalae and Koko Head road andafter examine the places for bridges andsedHf what walls wpuld be necessary for.approacnes, lie esnmaieu inai me wornwould cost In the neighborhood of $200.The other portions of the road can be keptIn repair by the usual staffunder the road sunerv sdr.1 would suggest that an appropriation basked for In the next Legislature to coverthe Improvements asked for, the generalappropriation for roads and bridges nowceing neany exnaustej." voieu mat tnepetitioners be notified In accordance withthe above statement.


    Theirgovernment received today from alocal jeweler the crown and name platetint Is to go on the coffin of the latePrincess Kalulanl. The two pieces ofwork are excellently done and show agreat deal of artUtlc taste. The crosvn Isof solid silver fastened to a piece of koawhile the name plate Is a combination ofgold and silver. The latter Is of coursethe more elaborate piece of work of thetwo. It Is a solid silver design In theshape of a shield fastened on a piece ofkoa wood. At the top Is a design of flow-ers and ferns while directly beneath this Isthe crest of Kalulanl's family In solidgold. Under this and close to the bottomof the shield Is the Inscription

    HerKoyai Hignness' Princess

    Victoria Kalulanl Kaweklu Lunalllo Kala- -nlnulahliapaiapa

    Bom October 16, 1J75.Died March 6, 1809.

    Only Child ofPrincess Llkellke

    . and theHonorable Archibald Scott Cleghorn.The two nieces will be taken to the

    Royal Mausoleum tomorrow by James H.Bovd of the Interior Office, Major Potterof the Foreign Office and UndertakeiWilliams. It Is said that the name plateand the crown are the most beautiful ofanw In the Mausoleums'- -. It... . .- - - -.

    The expense of having llie name plateand crown made will be referred to thenext. Legislature and It Is expected thatthe requisite amount will be appropriated.

    Commissioner McArthur Returns.San Francelsco, Nov. 1. Among the ar-

    rivals In the steamer Chinavesterdav was John R. McArthur. secretary and counsel for the United StatesCommission to the Philippine Islands.Mr. McArthur has been In Manila sincethe conclusion of the deliberations of theParis Peace Commission to which bodyhe was attached as Assistant Secretary.

    Death from,Dysentery.A coroner's Jury was called together In

    the Deputy Marshal's office yesterdayafternoon to determine the cause of deathof a Chinaman found dead In one of thewashhouses at lwllel on Monday last,.The jury concluded that the cause ofdeath was dysentery. There were onlytwo witnesses but their evidence was con-clusive.

    Nippon Maru Of Port.Nippon if.aru 20 miles west at 2 p. m.

    Comes Here to


    Stndy Condition cf

    on Molokal.

    Will Remain In the Islands Abont a Wuk

    Is Going to China and Japan

    Views 'on Leprosy.

    Dr. Sauton, Hie French expert on leprosywho arrived in the Hoiytkong M.lru, b aguest atHhe Catholic Mlflslon. In an In-terview with Dr. Sauton ihls forenoon hegave a BULLETIN reporter the followingstory:,

    "1 am going to Molokal this afternoonthe Board of Health having very kindlygranted me permission. I shall remainthere only a vyeek as I must be In Parisagain by March cf next year. You see, Ihave yet to go to Japan and then to TongKing, the French' settlement In China,there to note the condition of the lepers.

    "No, I have not come here to studyleprosy. What I want to grasp Is thematter of conditions and mode of treat-ment. This I can find out In a week'stime.

    "Yes, 1 have studied leprosy In both theNew nnd Old Worlds and have made It alifelong study. I hone ultimately thatsome cure may be found.

    "Tarn certainly a believer in contagion.There aret few cases of heredity but byfar the largest number of cases come fromcontagion. That Is the reason I believe Insegregation.

    "On re.ichlne New York I asked theBoard of Health to be allowed to go to theIsland near Sandv Hook where the lepersare kept, but I was in turn asked to submit to quarantine which 1 refused to do.

    "I was allowed to go to the pest houseIn San Francisco. There were eighteenlepers at that place, among the numberbeing Mrs. Todd. 1 remained there but ashort time."

    Dr. Sauton is a Catholic priest who hasworked most assiduously on the dreaddisease. This morning he was In conference with Dr. Alvarez and others Interested In the aire for leprosy.

    Solncc Will Go to Mnniln.The Navy hospital-shi- p Solace, which

    has been undergoing extensive repairs atMare Island, has been placed In commis-sion again and will sail for Manila In afew days. It Is the intention at presentfor her to proceed to Manila directly fromthe Navy Yard, but the lans may bechanged. In that event she will anchor Inthe s'ream for a day or two. She willbrine Invalided and discharged men fromthe Phllipplnes.-- S. F.. Oct. w.

    in a letter received by the HongkongMaru from Marr Island 'the statement ismade that the Sohce will be here aboutthe totl) Inst.

    Klllonn llns Returned.Killona. formerly an officer on the po

    lice force, returned from the states In theMoana yesterday. Killona was withBuffalo Bill's Wild West show as asinger nnd rider, ife did good work whileIn New York and Chicago but the coldweather, with a toucli of homesicknessgot to his bones and he determined to re-turn to his native land. He stated thathugging a stove at all times was not tohis taste.

    As Killona Is an excellent officer Mar-shal Brown has decided to take him onthe force again. He will resume his du-ties today

    Insane NstlvcH.A native woman was arrested Tuesday

    evening on the charge of Insanity but onbeing examined, was allowed to goon her way. Dr. Emerson did not thinkher Insane e ough to keep In custody.

    Joseph Naholcu, a laborer under L. L.La Pierre was arrested last night whilerunning about the streets. Several peoplehad become frightened by his ravings anda police officer was stnt out after the man.He had quite a chase but finally capturedhim.

    U. 8. 8. Nero.Pho U. S. S. Nero Is expected here

    every day. Tho Nero loft Yokohama,Oct.- - 10th, and is making deep-wat- ersoundings for the proposed Trans-Pa-clf- lc

    Cable.I x






    roil MEN

    All records pf 'the d.scharglng ofcoal In Honolulu have been beatenby theeinployesof the UnltedStatesgovernment, who have just com-pleted their woik on the Chas. E.Moody, now lying at the govern-ment wharf near the, pilot office.The 2850 tons of coal contained Inthe hold of the vessel were dis

    charged In the short space of stvendays. This means an average of400 tons per day, a figure thathss

    I' never even been jpproached here before. The banner day oftheuetlt,'showed 440 tons. All this coal isunder the direct care of CaptainMerrv anJ Is to be placed In thecoal sheds of the United StatesNavy,

    rjarjtrjrjr-ArATArjrATjL- T


    The Iroquois Is taking on coal today Inorder to be In readiness for her trip toMidway Island which may come at any-time In the near futute.

    The Iroquois Is now awaiting the arriv-al of the Solace, expected here on the rothInst., as It Is believed she has aboard thesurveying apparatus needed In the work atMidway. If the officers detailed for dutyIn the Iroquois arrive, In fihe Solace thetug boat will leave for Midway Island Inshort order.

    The men of the Iroquois are not antici-pating a very hilarious time at the lonelyplace. Their Christmas is to be spentthere and It will be quite a little time afterthat before they an think of returning toHonolulu.

    Most of the men are buying fishinglines and hooks by means of which ite

    away some of the weary hours thatwill be experienced there.

    Big CliIncHC Dinner.The celebration of the 6tst birthday of

    Wong Kwal was topped off with a big:Chinese dinner to several hundred guests,the number being so large that two res-taurants were used.

    In the private dining room of the Sun.Yun Wo building on Hotel street wereChinese Consul Yang Wei Pin, his secrertary, Goo Kim, Wong Kwal Jr., L. Ahlo,Chu Gem, WongLeong, LI Chong, andsome twenty or thirty other prominent-.Chines- e.

    wAnnonsthe guests was FrankDamon.

    The first part of the dinner, consisting,of soups and other Chinese dishes, beganat about 4 and lasted until 5:30 p. m. Theguests returned at 7 o'clock and began the,second part of the dinner.

    At the Cooking School.The directors of the Housekeepers

    Leatnie cave their first tea at Honuakaharyesterday afternoon on the premises nowDeing used tor tne cooKing scuooi. some-thing over a hundred and fifty were pre-sent The government band was presentthrough the kindness of Minister Mott-Smlt- h.

    Tables were set about under thetrees and Japanese women served theguests with refreshments from the kit-chens of the cooking school.

    The LojJnnB Entertained.Mrs. Anna M. Maxwell entertained

    Secretary Logan of the Hawaiian com-mission, Mrs. Logan and Mrs. OllieSmith, clerk of the Hawaiian exhibit, to-gether with Mrs. Prelss. clerk of the Dou-glas county (Neb.) exhibit, at her home onTwenty-fourt- h street, Tuesday evening.The hostess was assisted by her daughter,Miss Grace. Omaha Bee, Oct. 27.

    Company F Banquet.Co. F, the victors In the. prize drill of

    Tuesday night, have decided to take tlierhundred dollar cash prize won by them,add a sufficient amount to It and give abig banquet In the drill shed on Tuesday-nigh-t

    next. A committee has alreadybeeaappolnted and arrangements are pro-gressing rapidly.


    TUB ART LEAGUE EXHIBIT.Tho work for tho November exhibi-

    tion of the Kllohaua Art League willbo received on Nov. 18th. Saturday,the 25th, will bo Varnish Day, and thefirst view or Members' Reception willbe on Monday renlng, the 27th ."


    HIGHLAND CALF""Own Make"



    ' .

    V 1 Jt

    '1 l :S


    J " 'j mMSI . . HTSl - m

    a&( 1 J ' ", margfS. a4t w xM

    dm,J1 for sale oy manufacturers' snoe ., rnri v,, sigi 01 tno big snot.

    1 ...

  • V


    V? rt A t fl f tf 1""- -



    ami of .Hljiri DAty pimping En0Works and Irrigation.

    I THE SPECIAL .ATTENTION OF, PLANTATION MANAGERS 'ANAGENTS Is called to the fact that we cany In stock at difr'Queeh Wet tfafehod' --4 Ureo assortment of.pumps for all klnJs of sugar house service, Including vacuupumps, air pumps, condensers, feed pumps, Juice pumps, molasses pumps, etc.,


    rtther with a complete stpck of spare parts and valves for all sizes. Careful attentlriven all orders, arid prompt shipment guaranteed. - ' v

    Estimates furnished for complete Irrigation pumping plants of any capacityriower.

    i.nn ruannaui -.-w.. -C -

    Fraternal Directory, ll

    MYBTIO LODOn No.'2,'Ki of p.,Meets every tycdnesdny evening nt

    7:30 O'clockt Cnstlo Hall, Fort Htiect."Vlsltlnfj brother cordially tnyltcd toattend. . t 'iOllT A. TV MUIU'HY, K. n ;s.

    HONOLULU'.CIIAl'TnU No, 1lt.,A, 31.,

    f Meets .every. Thursday evening, InA Masonic Tcniplc. All Visiting comunn- -L Ions cordially fnvltcd. ' ' .

    i r v A. V. OII.ril.LAN, 11. fc.J..D.'TUOK13U, Socrctnry

    - ' IIAIIMONV I.OI)OE No. XT--y X. 0. O.T.,! 'r Mcetrt cVco' Monday evening at:rrIn Ilnrninnvllnlt. KlllE street. ' I

    j. d. McvKiaii, n. a. (U. n. IinNDKY. Secretary.

    All .Istlnif brothers very cohlihlly


    :'. ,'fir, IVllfirTcUHJliI,Meets In Mnsonlc Temple on sec- -,ond ThurBdiiyM ruing of each month.AH visiting In-vited;- ','' uJ. D. TUCKKHIl Iiacordcri. 'OAilU LQDOU Na,1. K. of 1.'' Meets every' I'hursdny 'evening ntHeir Cflstlo-lfnl- l, 420V4 Kort street, 'nt7:30. Memb'errt or"l-Btl- Lodge No. 2,and vlflltlnR brothers; Cordially InVlted.

    ' ' O. C. C,?V. II. KIRHCY,

    1019 ; ""IOof K. nlxl S.


    No. 1 .A. & A. S. It.Meets tho first Thursday In each I

    month at Masbnlc Temple. Soourn-Iii- rand Visiting brothers cordially In-

    vited to attend MI meetingsW. M., VltMiKtt. AUI3UI1ACII.

    ALTiAN D. S,cniMftI$UU ecretnry.

    i.oDon jn tPU0Qm:s m:L'OCEANin.

    No. 121, A. & A .S. Rite.Stated meetings an tho last Mon-

    day ot each month. In Its ball,-Masoni-cTemple. .

    OHO. CAMPTON. W. M:.WM, P. JOHNSON, Secretary.

    GEO. W. "DeLONG POST No.15, O. A. R.,

    Department of California and Nea-d- a,meets nt Harmony Hall, King

    street, first Thursday oenlng of everymonth. Sojourning comr.idesaro cor-dially Invited to attend. ,


    HAWAIIAN JfODGCrN9v 21.T. 'ANU A. M.

    ,' Stated meetings, first Monday each.month. Siu'dnl mettlngs, when culled.(will bo, lujtod in this spncp).

    MximbojK I.'odgq Lo Progfos,,. Pacific,Idgc, and nil. sojourning. brUirnucordially Invited.

    i:d. i. sPALniNa,, w, m. -.K. K. 0. WALLACK, Secretnry.


    Ixivft'fildCk.l a'1)rtfHtrCetl ;"Wca(llngI room optned day And M'tnlng for read-jn- g

    and social; Intercourse. Regu'nr: Jneetlngs Fjiday, 7:30 p. 'ta. VisitingScotsmen especially welcome .rat alltimet. . ' ' ' ""'', t

    i. i J ,GnO.L.'DALL, Chief.ALBX. B. KENNEDY, Secretory. .

    " ' 'GARRISON,

    ita j.fino".' lCllr'l'"C''i "ncgnlar; A' my' aiidN'avy' Uhlon'1 of?tittf Uillted Bthtos of Amdrkn. meets at,.HarWonyHnll, Klng'stroot, bv'cTy sec-on- d

    nitd folti-t- Friday In each month.VIsttlngci)ilmideB'are cbrdldliy Invited..S - MARCUS H.'HAUNDEHS,

    tCbmmanuer.J. iZ .BIIEAiliVIJi U.tnt ' ' i ?'.'i'r'T'j'TA1 utA.Hs4Kilit. . f. TJ. .T- - -: - - i I J 1.111 ' I. Iwavpriy;iuoiK; jieiii;anvt, sian-'flir- d-

    magaxiycs '.nhU' licipdicrfls? ,!(hrarxi: bllllnbl1. .D'ooT .And , .tlJU..,(.U.V

    .rM.MA Vitfft 'tit t tUn..l.At.fa A thnAA.Alii um uoi-q-" ii-iuu. ..,.,u- -Wnta or trausIenCvlBltdis. Jthtrancofee IV.25', 'monthly Uuetf $1. Oilen from8

    JAMES T. Ccfi gtuALLEN IJ. Sicniwcoviuibtii sm'U

    J pounds for 2 $ centsAA60-pou- nd (sperVMsk.

    ,.jUt,J'.,, Wtf

    FFSKr.wo. 11 Konm (foraefuUaniAthll'MAflMAi""""'"'WIWX,,

    Coooer will eccunv his new office niiAla'kea street, three doors above the tyasonte ylempie. unice nours: 0:30 10 10 a. m.j 2to 4 a.nu 7 10 0 p. ro.5 suoaay B:q,to 10J

    Ing office. 1340

    ! oki ion i'Jc r morion::); A 'ioi Y'S'IOTOJiVTTIP. EVENING BULLETIN: HONOLULU, I., NOVEMBER 9, 1899.WY,H, WOpiTHINGliON





    ' '"QkLltfLic (A&W&

    Salicylic add Is an organic add. It haspowerful antiseptic qualities, preventsthesouring o'f beer, also- - the1 development pt

    bacter(a.contalntd In (fluldsJ Applied ex-

    ternally lwlH.JenjQvetp'ffis and warte.TAKEN INWARDLY salicylic add rapidly lowers the boilliy temperature, reduces (the pulse rate,' blood( pressure ai d

    rapiuny or respfauop some fleppnc uer gpeculiarly susceptible to Itsiactlon.- - J

    The Board of HeallK'lias'fcohJeinhed

    all beers containing salicylic add. Amongthose proved to be free ' from th'js adulterant was the OLYMpiA BER, Void byLa,ro Dee of the Hoffman Saloon. '

    . ; i 'I - I r ' ."T

    ) f U 1 --J-' .

    , .Jt . t ' ) ) f i. 3 1 ' : r

    I J , f j U . !

    RovalI ! 1' ,

    and lli 1 !'5 lr IEverywhere

    You nro worn ont tlrcdj tnn'tluttho onergy you dUHlro iirto yourduties. VfvM, thou,, yoji' imis't trysomething that will' ooroome'ithlsfeeling anil restore you to porfocthoalth. ' ' '.' '

    PleasantFrom childhood twe nro (aught, to

    respoct tho curatlvo featur'osqf horjjs.'Our grandrcothers until tlieln, anUwero, as a rule,-voric- In tho art ofpropdrlng romodlcs from varlourlplants.

    aS ijWetbavo a pr(ji)aratlon.,.tUflt Is of

    tho tyjo 'purely vvege'-tabl- o,uiado of horba ItIiSlno. 'For

    a general tonlo to produco vigor andstrength,, (ypi icaimot ififldllaXtiotterone. "

    Wine.For malarial disorders, loAa ofaj-petli- o,

    that tlrod feeling, lo of (energy, it Is a trji'o panacea. t ' (, ,' t1 Royal Hiltcrt ii the namt, J-- ',"., fhty 3 ", rnybfr'J "f jp lUjalnosortt,need refrain, r,lit uV wi'M tufely bririg mirth.' i IPut up in plnt-bottl- oi fit 'CO conta.

    Only of .to.iJ '' vmitil- 1 Lv v fift,0Mlifo A

    favti&aTkMiize,-i,u- &. ',iwv-&-t1- ' i," ,,,i,"v jfr v. ; "rt"s".jiPJmnber 4 and

    o... , ., . , iriimOBUijiicuuu.jUJimuioeu.All Trork'.proifiptty ,"?,,

    CI 1 11, QJ'vHa,l,.K o j v- i- j,.,, y. .y r,n ,. ru y,ijftif 5w0w ri-.- u Jiiir. ,ujui .)jV,;tr.tflf,ij mxicnsi eiu oi mtuututo?.,,.. ....."f'FieWiira

    - m-


    "l(jVI fJWjaoMs?aftfjnawAJiHOr

    uv.u-- . m. .

    ;vS.Sv 1 a t- mUA -

    "sasoss-- -IJM ""TI 4IraflnCit T MtwK.

    Cn&7i'ilnii-n'- K' mmw,m


    LOGAMNDtf.i." I. g L- -

    U'l - - " t'.i ' - - l-- ,-- tS. ..-- - w,. ,.-.- .. -GKNKKftL, r AY. f--id yj f it j . 1. r 1 1 mw"i sr11 2. Lf' 3 lf k L T JSB B. 7 I 1

    i -hnu-nlln- Rfllro I Aiulnnxn f-

    MClovelnftilf; tlicy-lca- d . nilothers.

    AVaYcrlcv.Cliibj tors.vonlngJ vJ 'American Messenger Service, Mn- -

    sonic Temple.OBhulLo.to1No..i.Kyof .ToJtnpw about your, Js

    r""cf""fand, " 'iWiurity. 'No one - can affbKf.W.JIj.Gootz brldQ,Jia,,e.gono.to.r.,'nlalua to spend their honeymoon. 1 to QVerlOOk thlS important

    usHonolulu Messenger Scrvlco delivers

    mnflanppfl nnil nnnknirpfi. Toloiihonoimv ?Gt;uY citt lucdi. u.inisnictfjx

    Honolulu Chnptcr, No. 1, H. A ..M.,meet thlBfilmciilflgs;ill)ho MasonicTemple.

    For crockery, clasawnre, and lamconsult w0 Dlmon &,Jo's.,tohWd4il f.i& Ti i A.ii c

    Nlrqly.'fitrrilslrtd Iroonls, at the Popular House, 154 Fort street, from $1.00per wcelc lift! P 1 ( 0 ' '

    Cricket Club smoker nt tho WaverldyClub hall tomorrow evening. A goodtlnip.is.oxpcctcd. . f , i

    Tho Japanese class vljl bo under lit;structLon ut Cooking Scfiool frohi1)30 ttf v terndori,; ; , y"Pnrl HH'tlHilr g1 Ilrat. class treatmentofotse wlthajonrd.nt tin' iVM'TOnRRtt-nn- f Onlilna Tl 1081, ll.r ' -- 1ii On lipnid otttlio Centennial, I "Whlclisailed jtlH, mojf)lijg, yerij sovcp, so)-- tlifer's who were "accidentally" left by.

    Tlih'JdeAtiirtTnlon Choral' 'Sofclct'ylwiirinoiuncci ums evening,1 nui1 winmoot tnnwrouv.'ovenlng at thd usudljiUicp nt.7:pof , J( , , ,,r(,, , ;

    too, ".Mall fiamOjUcvconAnqitit- - i.oiisC6Jlego lin'd. Nfght Syhpq) , ,tcams nt.

    Bmrv'v'.:xH.'Thereilsionjy onojJos8C.MooroWhls--Jie- y

    .Intitho, world and tlintJs coldlantlPlire, i iqvpjoyc iCoinro uiamuutorp,rpn mo, unwni'an isianas. j. t , 'MWalklki Inn '' formerly',iWrlght's IVilla, nleasnnt rooms with boar'd. In-- -blading- - iKoa1 batlrlng; ' ? 13 per week.'Dlnttcrsla npeclalty,,'cwlthlVvlhe. i'i Mechdfilts '.HotfeJ'trorhbr' HrJtcl' pndNu)an'streUsrJ6dging day.'wdek'or montlf. T6rmsi 25 ana CO' cqntsper night.-'$- ftpd. f 1.25, pet wcc-lf- . i

    tho funpruj,.qf, fhpato.James R..Hold, Jr. will' fake, place irom.the rcgl-dpn-

    l AWMkl jnt 3 'tfclpck this af- -,icrnofjn. i',reiuis, nndaciqainianccs.nro'lnvltcil-t- attend u ,n, '. Miss Matilda Walker who has been.studyjng n sqvornljmonins, nns ictjunoq, ip . jiouoiuw.'Tho weather In, Gej-nan- was too so--iVcro.nml It'wrtH Impbsslblrj' fof he'r to,

    me rcguai iuoimiiy mqcp.iyi)f1f,iip fHawaiian, Mlssfon Chirdrpn's iSoqletywill ,bo. held SimrdnlflN9yienjpci:,-,l- Iati Kiivyaiahap ,6cjnlnry; ) fin y Clrig'Hired, iiio .fliuucpuB.oi. .mpicjcrainrywill furulshi tlQ.rcatcrtalnmen,t,'folloW-in-

    tho business iiicetlng,' f f. ,"nCamarlnos has Justl'. landtid cxiAus-trall- a,a full lino of- - Orapes,-'Plnms- ,

    Peaches, Apples, I Dai tlctt iPeafs,Colory, CabbtKe;.Ca(iil-Ilower.- i

    Burbank Pottitoc,'. Onions,Dates, Dried Fjigai Assorthd Nuts.'.Salnwitl, Tinllhlit. Prfilff ,7?nccrn and,' California; .Oysters ln tin andshell), t,ui;kovp,, Chickens Duqkil, $tc.l retc.; i J , ' ,.- - , ,. f

    Tha'twb story 'cottngo rorthe;liawallan Hotel, for Which bids havelbeercalled In will not bo started' this wfnter. Tho scarcltyof-labo- r and tho untcertnUity,(of, ccnjiDletlngtKofwork bo!foro tho rainy season, makes tho postponement necessary. The building wlljho locatbdlbn.Uoretanln1 street, onl thoPenhallowl promises 'oi' tmposltu1" tilPaclfld Club onAlnkoa'Streetl M 3fl

    Thpiisd of tho'sipgeY'ln-mlilfoii- o ihomed dhows' tho' unprecedented;

    'itofll- - sfewn!, IhachliiesWis' convlhdlh prqof that'tlrV'Slngc--i

    . . . .,,..7. ' I T '1 - iTTZ V TT, 'n,ttUJaTtfnccuio' wortc, "AU'oUr'soWItniabhhlefj aVi 'prlhqy6est,cbnstiH''crtqueaiuiiuuy uccorauiu,'iinu nre,moun


    icrfliri iVmlityk'Rtthel'fHfeIt.,, '( jlioi j,"il't.rr"JIVl '!C ypTTTJli 1 TOWT

    (lultdhl'lll Sill cl lil'jllli SiJi lojA flilplll lio5lill ""--

    c?Si ." rbirf. WO

    CHASjUWJWALKBR,Dolcnir'iiHvllitrslihlli-aMil- t

    ult ci jw&RMrKSTvc.j ,mIIii..r..M "u sKt. ... ftwnoiTOf ..,1 f"3iniA YU V AllU:iIVJ IIIUJU-'CI- lit HiVU7li'j!f.lij'jriD hfic oiino 'isl'jio'l sill lo.... ,.i. ,,,,, ..11..1 imr,i in '.I,, I,.,,, i.n.r..,.,, .7,,,, iiiiv.

    iTniiucJ jtorn tim Jill l.nn,ff.,m,9 wm?:.:.MWM.Iffjr.irrii'jhvj'' l'r,,'

    ' ap:?ji J (ll lUJItlliahl rf.y I.loli ivioTiqf vi lllJnuouii II mi i niluri'iii)M 'JinlJ.i'K. 'laiKilt-iiIiiuiKi-

    'dcLWHiH'M .JT.'JE JI.VFjv

    ill ioi liifiiicoiifir, vie:

    viUMii8 Jiif.)sU?i.!:ciis:b.',lJr, ei..7il

    vmJerf miiio fc'ii.nzuf. vjQ-- u tDllrs'i lo iursj.'lt. . .wilmiilih ...noomilV.M

    :IifTif"" J',"I .vislnsiYli M.v illr.il1no's (. ss'iillvj llsill Jud tttorulw ovJ

    HITL i

    '"n"W'WW V.fimjt ,iii.im ljtil

    ifMSSf THE


    MJT.AAKMrtf.'ataK.finr'ttbjr m mm mmmm n.'11. c.vAtAiiie


    -- "i' i-v- - A41 k7 r ii ut . ;food

    1i i-i- i ii ii i- - '


    who know say that womenflnUhjl4ftni!ia;ii .use-r-rawA- '.t e

    of,.ftAbte pur,ty"mild and


    J RainierIBeep;

    l.lli.tiQMoATria'JriilCOnVinceS'.'J';'ol. rcl 5j i lovlor)

    sitft rt'!


    i OI . illll' til in fji oju t )i rw'o i' 'j ifi i i in jiyii C'lii ihf ic

    I5 A:G233SrI7S iOKoii ir I v i i i "m ill fit Jf.rnn i riliiiHi

    Germani AhiericanohiK.-..Co.-j-i ,.. .- -u'r ro i kii))'3 Of iNew .YorUvnnd

    . ! i ii c. . r f r n IijijIiT'IiujMembers, Hgidplib Iirilit i ,,in r.vi tpjniln Is fil'i

    Xl"fi,,'"7 viJlr'iiJiqB.cJ'ltiiO .'Ii ';'..W(ifnipl'A.Knnl',t;c ,,.-- J-.i iniuibnwiwufiv wtwbwi,. 1H illHflijX'sJtJ'il'l IlJl illl CJ '

    The. Globe .Compajwrs., Desk!

    . . .i . .lie . . t,i ' f' .7v5lW!.jn i. .i.i Secured atnlowost' pncesiM, 'i ml,. J, !' ) !Jjfj 'Ylijnrc ,


    . Cil'JUSl) ARRIVED.! iUti(I fjtijiIi-- tvlir'.i )fj"ij .

    rTe liPlroni. iti..i oA jIii lk ufntfhnlrwt'.l"!" 1 1 "ij'tlt jjR'i

    U.ll .llli- - ! I f i. J- n ,Birf-- i atjiiolripr Oilrfl l"Mattings.


    (Oil 1 f ' '" eiUtji Mats., ' 1 .'1''ill" irI l o' fi j ii) 'iillfliij r Si A v3aS. ''" '

    ti r iir j . I'SijOi rciia j tj'l V ' ' " '' J't 'r'l Ir iiT'' 'lJ'ti "' ''' t.101 JlMlfegSa1' r' 41

    I i ion ii. Ti'hnll&fSi'x c'liiit'J J' UllJ t Ji x'r ii ' fri 1L I!TAPirNjEE;CHJNfEE


    J. AMn'mi .nn;:.:Ti..... .. ..,..(,.."irr "ri iri2'vix"""i""r'" , x 1 1!V t't..!!!'!..-- ' I '' l..p.!1?.t.'.9.??.n'5.d.-.- 'Ir jij u '""'i'rii,i"",'tV'Jiir'."l".r o

    . oi ftiU irtir'jwriATi'l In'lULi .

    1 oir (Ii i,i.iU irol ,yl i i 'nr jtit of i PflRrrr ieTiv Jit v.ii-- 1 irrl untlTTTlTr rnn.Tr'IiftiT fir ng.riv- - i linn ,"li3ti(8 oiui'iu O'U oi ol)WjfoiTr'l osil Mii'ril f.j, i 'lljIMqfiia 'lililvl) uilnldl oili I'i

    ''Vfllt.'l 'i.ii' c) rioiuiin)oBnlri'l ilol 'I fil ii 3d ikI ; .InB.V i'i1!' I"!''1 I'""J'ii'j ll' I'm(ilJLiAoi A' A") ,1 Jun tr',

    lf,Qbj,lint nr.iiisr.ui u j.smir.i'j rrc imi iiTI lOlnrUl o;n",l xnr.m )r,iii tmri.'jjm m ioj)Tjfiiiir,iJ nxaici ojiiiiiiiqs oj'I J:Br VllcH Ullflnios wll lllt


    l illll .Ivlllif I rCToqni!jvo w.aivorwuLti vloiUrio !oollii;,Ki (0 loil mnol lllv iDhlnuuobrill no lofin rir. llif.itl it vnonow

    tocf clt.lac 'Sll Itlttftilii ol ,9il9riT"r.W,-'jyrt-'UI"3i"i- binvoice ijust leofJiVedfl bnn .luiblnnmfit tiiolnnVX .oonihitiri ir.ili lo Ioqonrl'ii v iv.'i in'jlioiaV. JrilnoJ ,i.l''ifi'i

    'Yj IliTrii'II1IUCI Qb ' UUi i JL.I.'tr.jijjii )o yr,! ii5imTjni7j iu

    lo n(il)iifioiu toftiaha io uiolli.tiinltjII.,, H r.M iKlrtrni f) f.lnltiiJiUiuos 1ISH8 (noil imoieiiolvoiq oil) jo isssx-- n I oisv' msx jpm

    Hnilm ,!!'.'Tl''Wl?''TislilrlIam. ll .nollsolI oflfcJihiill iidiol ill oifmJfJciJ rinVkMrYTt il.o'iorni

    01M oyrrt jon ll .iiflonr- - i fi .;TOXH.I lllil! II. 1 )u 1 1(19(113 OIIUl MIIU'IIHow rood ov.ri Jn noi-- ilew iii"iip olsisonfriijiBi'iJniiiJioms(.Iil7lif.ll V'1 . il..""'iiiaia mitmr noiiKiiMiiMivitriiioi

    en Jiuiil JHfcwnrnnotj itil so oiomi.shJiuluir coMus lortJo atevf

    f wvrv jrvI oirMnidrn7Tni!2liIJB(i:Pinii;fJd'ipjiq lo 'ho Mt on osii ri.s o7uioillia.103

    mil IffirVis linn; Ocmmniln '"01J "i"1 .uJIIuqiih lo (lol)jiili

    rM iinol oin tlluiisi jjpne issiimr.orj.. J . i4liov JdMlss.sihvlnlrJiss islloq mIP

    "iso Jjsrnul f.v oosii ssvO dliiomJfi.l10 e5'njrrmsWTm itWI bvrmtii.ii,1iwr.!ip7i4H I11B flori.l Cim'UkLtl)J''IW:WW wi In- iifiMTin

    "? "521".nmmoy

    i noYjnoTlo



    TRACTBounded by

    " Piikol'ond Lunolllo strcetsnlym8 M 7 PYOhtf ld4Kwtu jvu iiii iuiuvu vii

    . street cardence portions of Honolulu,

    'I .... f .. n r ,. Jill L ..IJ f II. l-wt jua yu icei win ut sum iur me

    IwS nrl-- rf itt t irn Tommp iiA nrl. Kn1rt. . !mi'.!.'V,v flfVlfl'


    thoitJoohhgibreeesofMakiki. Krt6nKrcusonarjie

    WW5W1.infflftisra5sjQStf can iffiiiiediately comnence building 'operations.

    Early purchasers can sect re choice locations.rfii-- r inoniBoriiuruiernpawiouiars

    .0(1 'ilJSIIIKl i0 jESIrf-rmjti'O'i- I.v1

    I.WiM rtJlf. ir iifil SinllBlnr.iiT

    U nil mil nl :d 111' I f!v .l'f.,1.1CWoliVflft enrA. .

    EvervthirifT.Pla.P.5niSlf?.?.a.F-in,c- .tSaypl QypWejirst o tliee.nsop), FresKCelery,Caujiflowen, lArjtlchokesii Rutnbagos,1,.,ifIresh Bass, Frozen, 'dystefs,r.r x."fnii'7;,-if- r1. . vw'i'iw i"tRnn! find... M a r;h m n finwr .tT. .i I-- .... ....w.",-.M,.V.,,W- . W.. V, ,

    if ,1 r,Ti fn mn ii ri rin, r,vpDir.im ri . , . .. . .It ii)l'i brir i mhI' ojifl ill bIUiri',71,.11 ..o, ij. i.,i, . ,,. ,',, 'i, A'. r

    Ifjvj ojIj. pniuiiiT orl) JiT, V,t, iT Y ,V?1, HBeeltrset. iT!leph9ne:M..'ri, I' Cplngand f;dftsMk Tttfrftttiftia.iii rimTi:iiT7n:o-jTc.riLU- j. jj h.1. h., .f'rri-in- ' '; i?gii , i, ffl.0 Mil JMio.s-i- flllf inM ir-- i 'i '. ",". M...?"AJtO- -ri'iVJ Ax.lltfft nt'it yniliuJ'Tir'. i..jov. .!! 5111 iiiy- - vjPofitni Goi'balP'Gfli-iitiiol'Coroa- h ). Mt't' .linwillDrtOT

    Lunibs' TojicucB, veal Loaf,


    i'iO 11 QlfP.Qd Efam antj Bacoit; u mm tnuiin f'j(',"l,n'. f in 1, 1 .i.i'i iav wRiiioked JrtWifilJff, 'Ta)h'ale'mVl,,l ,"

    - &suriD 4')d t iMiiUfi: ! "nT;.i.if YTb J.rfi ; ,,; nil nl I ,, f, tj v on jjiiis-- s 'i-wivcu- b iiiiu iv;iiKi8fKO)t'V.C.

    'POK'SAIiTJ'-BY-'- l ""! (H Ul, V'0?-J- : ''7Vui rr 11 AIItrll bvud'liljjtiw I 1, '' fi : l-

    t-- 1 vt j . i i.',i. -- s Y- i- Ph W H?" . U firi rf W J. . .mii Lljil '. iflilu'.j

    1 . iif-'f- i )nl Ircfi'uil nl ,Mj.'I )iHI--



    '. iM'


    TelophonolllD. 1.1 'i w.' ;i -- lU rsMrt

    Protect - Your., Fariul.1 jjdl' J'll'Ci'J ClllOJ

    (. 1 I?J liUO ijll'l iJl I I. 1 r'lii .. .reoju.oll 1..,;, r2 1

    I .4n'4 flifll' sjIv.SeI .tii'C.f C) ,!fTl ynoa 'ICBffli ' II 0i"l 01? ,52il - l'5S .i'i .:


    15d( isMcrch

    j.i",i,i .',,' i'ffii't 111 tii",onunt

    .MuuiuM4t' nr.lirislCIQui It ar sjilUjc u I e I i

    pXlfiTrmlrflft'fi'1Workminihlp tnl Matcrtil dittinli UIB2SX.V'cwvautr. .


    Klcr'irimdrmisrfGnitars, s TJlcxilele- -TARO PATCH, IFIDDLES.

    lMfrliml.Ul iKUtlkUMTZ. RtMUUI,- oNi-i- q ibM-Sbooii- e io J

    i1 lliw ?onb i'jinc.-- i oil) rioily Jell wl)Bm: :A oIswH"'!' hi ' k 'JvoJf.dm nnwenu." mimm Jmmxmm J .Bf"r iiivr.aus--' '.rrio'!T

    fitrmrrni,rA.J1. r )jM-- :

    ;-- .PC' . ...fch'.i7i .A

    OS oilliV0?. Ami




    Wtm tHecu nuiii i - il

    and a direct line with

    r'.u'" .


    .!m,, V!

    ,.in FrtH Tii'nUc " itiJ.t.

    DDn" '.' . . iI,......,- - d ,t(!Jr

    .t ij j ;j. a1 ' J 'I ll '( ' A

    lri ffhr . ' t

    ",. n, . i.,.Vj ''.''' jl ,:'i- -

    ii.-i- i tW'"." n ' !

    Ba-'-- a" ) o ot. 'aico 09 e 'B3'a av.

    H es QQ

    i.Cllfj s.A

    ..: . . -our inn, . n jDic tn i fjrf ill

    'I'liull- - M ' 11 ' luinSSSaI.'F

    bsmwffii ilCT!or.irlI JHFORT.STf, liVfi id)

    Ntuccmarot CttitHlll tft.Cltator n4 RttMlttec at Short Netkt,al In tlM poniMt ruiiv.0.2o T

    x SrVlJtffl'ta ttPql3'.xiici .noiUflru

    --.MlitW MA:

    'JO" ....ifWilAUUl tfOD'.IJ.l M

    t2L.j , jj oaiuiT).



    .if 77nmiHTTT

    ot it(p jnii'iOS .flci'.' i

    iiujOvw ..... .HBllufilM MA

    trtij-toi- l' f Sill))' l" - " .5 lOJ-- II


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    .loji..ji irinn 'I' I Villi .


    'j :


    ... ....



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    r 5

    10 In 01 ' 1 lr. cvorl vlnwi ' nQsrirMrtoWiri A fitW!n?hi"Bnr ,...

    m9Ma '''. H B 11 . II'jf fi orll '02 qBV .i ,V AtL .MMx Mm. M m

    tfno.l a.ai?gest)li'Mapiety..--

    la ..j . . m . . i.ii,imA r- -Vr.. . fX . . j : . ;

    3sriciiy upfciiiJspMc OiKiceaK arcrrv- - 'Ji0U ismrnrrfl bbj ..- -. i-- ,T H T H - 4 1,... f r.ti Hmrm--- . . ;cnirn wt -r. -, . . rtk.Ai





    MlfllOAA1.PROVIDERS. ?7ir?T


    kdaUdmlUi)' Klttou,




    ffi;'"'.11 u,n'xn



    'l'WSl!Jw5fae tlrr,ilVvfHnba:j,iiSiMW2rm"Fif.





    .Vil'I'lti3i'iS5l-'ia.JSf.,.,.- o


    rrJRrLriJmlrityjs-iBrjji- .


    llTO8WL4C.-4- e




    L, i j . t ii, ' Vjf&fcA:"'" iitilS J t fe 4 4(? t ' i

  • I.









    VVfe Vfe4 NIWWuKM,flV I'iV'MW B '

    run ini,j i ia? .,,, inr.ivjS n ( tars nuisrv jjnjKj r, ti

    ft 9

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    It is tho

    ..,)?!fi 13 )() I

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    aj.U'R '1 J J I li" --t" J&.


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    Y'sv if--)- -ir ak. v nviv - rH '"' -

    IS L f. v w1 --M' ' V "'J Vt .

    T! fl'


    w mihnspil thatU.J.f.l I ...UI.UiiULrvicia wiiiwii WC UUUVIllrl.j W 3110

    '"1 1 10,

    II C AWB

    aymiii mr in T'.rmA '.o

    rSt:rnrriT(viirc w f vno li ro vui uLundborg's.iiir i.

    Rlckseckcp's," "u

    Toilet Sets, .rPeptumfe .Bottles,Sachets Powders,


    Benson,Smitn &iJo.9uta hi..FORI- - AINU





    ByjMfch&wAUjr furniture,

    YQOWlIiIflSAVBvr!- -l






    -" yyiinuut a Kiy.cu. i. Mhll ' HI,VjMi' HI..., - .? II

    .. ' 1 ltl I V HH'I t,L ST,'t'W

    j ,J, loir ill jjij fi). ii)J'l III. il,?V '1 liot L'MRi'"!")

    orjual m tliojo luior'qutmtlfis'diurnm a.uijay-l,- -

    iiivou wuiou aro bo ininuy. !' ,) I ' ' r i ! '..' ViriMtUWW1 wf n)

    favorite eliiimnagno among


    A "'HI I'D9MilKiTTnfit Ui4 -- '



    A Splendid OonsighiitontJ oH Sur'rays, Pluotons, 1, Buggie,. Road Oarig, njX.Hjirness.- -, ,,

    Honifuifj ggjrpag.p.aa.uastoy vv. vv. Wltlbrli r, I'rop'r.IIJA8 51 DM


    RBMBDfesiM'AMiBYOhWl 5lTIE f6P.sbNS'I jpj(J VotlilinihiiolrldliSPihie.in)!' QtriD'ja

    SUW15 Mi JID7

    Agency... Rubber


    . unit'lAWAHAN'.


    ... IJ'Oi- -





    U K!

    J.t, " .! 1 . r'uril

    s!' I'ivNauaurf adU Klhg SlrdM s,.8. W. LEDEHER, Proprietor.fTT- r lr. i r. - n i- 'lainnnnnn n ii ""!'" i""..i"i- -

    diSMaiai aKS'raawiaiiaEitMsajeassjfit. i -s- -ar L :U HIMMlll-Wl- t

    "i i I" '(. "I"

    QJOeritbaibncfl no Ofll ?oO llflOI 1German Alcoho . vet. shirt Marie

    aJlIVi J.Irvwa --vji ifiiiiUl tl .MID tXillfll

    il in'., nl nfiwfi nn I 'Mr.miU W hi,,, -

    i'f1i'nl, fcTn'Tf rUrwhWlIiiMANUFACTURI MJT

    Jj) . 'piitMOIrJ4ntroMbWi)FeWlCIEItMolWlla,raHUbtiW J

    "Tlils lJnly pifflil InM-J- t fyoftuVn-'- l fefee fiflia?l MtfiilfaslkBV ;UI I JlflluKWliptq or!) noff Cv1iMCBARt(AlwEfjI)noo

    h.iiifcn large lot of...a mill nnnla if KAltrtm nrlACWill





    ' x UAMinla.la. ImiiiA I' A I .

    ,'! CARRIAGE, iWA30ir.ANtt iXRljCKiVi

    I ( ii;I iriog I a i n 1 i l nTtiiunjn fg 'iin ty Ainu 1 1) 4ur 1 1



    luirt .ial,'..il'l


    KzM WMiiJ 1mSkuii' '

    L4siTiK7rVir(Alll 1 a tht r nlrtTiTir7T74flT!fTWritCfr' il (



    TerVible Pains

    With Bolls- -i Cured by Hood's Sar--8aparllla-8k- ln la.Now Clear.

    "Iwm coijer WltHbolli illoVoi iaj fcoand neck. I had dreadful headaches andpatna in mytatomayh --fttookiDSidlciJnes,but was not much benellldd,"arif f pro-cured alz bottles. of Hood's vSariaparllla.After taking the flisl fcottlo t obnlxlVre anImprovement? When I had taken fewmore bottlosUha boibihadjall son, myskin Ws'dcar.yy appctUi Wttlrned', andmy health was entirely restored. I amthankful lever found such a blood purlfloras Hood's Sftrsaparilla. 1'pa'ld out agood deal oflmone'for'tuolcts medicinesWfofo taking Hood's BarsaparHia." Vf.tP.TItcnKWITll lliirlnxtr Tif.ml.nI1 i i I. "H you decide t try, Hood's 'fiarsapirjiufI V . v . " f" ?u')'Ft: mil

    nooa-fSrbifina-It" tho Best In fact tbo One TniollIIoJdfPur;-ncr.B8nnM'tbct'Htlo- d

    8t rrlt J f I? rfw'fo'r tituii hit1 'ill.

    Hotels and'ftestatiraiit' ,1'1 aI

    ..OiWB'bplfitilBraTill!:! I

    tl III l . Klrl I j I Lull 'AW'foT'ilirfitiono. ! ' '

    CLOSING 0XTT ALI,.QUlt' DftIlIC., ..li noviMbeaver Lunelle ..Kooras..

    " 'H.J. NOLTE. ', r- -i n 4

    Ocean View Saloon;

    ni5i55V3qO:: End of Car Line

    .? L i ,1ul 3' Wj OTTMAN,. Proprietor, t i

    . nl-- , Ml Pil '' 1. ,Draught and BoUIqiUoor. , , --

    Wlnoaof.all'bninilH of tliafioslnualltv.i5rtto,j)nly illopnsod ,,ostalilLshuiont lu

    tho. district.',, s j,y ;,, 123 T,t j b

    . l. --. , . iiuNotioe. I )I )

    1 Persons wlBhlns to obuln Iirut . jiMakawao!jMaiil,can Ixj, iccommodniedatIBS. HI), BALKVI ., .1 fTerms, jl perweqk.- - , ,. .

    .1 a. lij f TrBeerdf;lWtii,B)D8aTS,,),,l? ?I'l .i.u1' 'Lj;i 'ii I..U r?',,lliOV.fe'JbVMfilC,n.

    k nuiL Liuuur luouy, Acmta loi'th Dcttl-- d iuiolil Bta ol snii! t'- lOVjflO.vIHtfUOANPHtKKKT,. J3rotl'f JlOfKHPNCLUlU. MAWIIAH ISUNDJ.

    .r. pqt it. flimuai lenpnom oa.odMWclSiVHOtBALE; GROqEBS AN1,


    ..viTi.. 1 jiri i). ill j.i.. : i.i, in, jrnnsoliflatefl Sofia Water'Co., L'll

    EBplanado,-- ,:irncr Alton 'tVofDsfU Honolulu

    HOLH8TR:fA( CO.,Agept'H (: I


    A FEW VERY DESIRABLE BUILDING LQTSroir Nuuanu Avenue, at Nil

    Cartwrleht Block, Merchant street.1358

    JiVJtod ,.i,".',ol jrf) ,1.1V 1 M sit I "

    vl)W. AM o1rtTil9.Hl'Dois AWiRrhloftl.rfIlVll

    . .auH'll'l -- " oJ A Mil' M"

    Small RepairingIi AWN'MOWMIS ffin'd'i"

    afew-fbfftriti"- . - nwiift-c- f A'"sUM.OpbHBAcfaAV 8jl r jiIV"

    I1 "Il i'iirii,",',.l;iH"

    Hannfaowlewfc-- '1 wii foW Strb6t.w""' '"Pins, Rlngs'&ttortnhdrtd.tor madeto order.-- Stones of all kinds neatly

    vefyrA . (J



    a mcetlne.

    of tho Rnnnhfrf ..,..HliNr" " .:following: President CoWrt Dr. K. H.

    '.B- - Emerson, C. B. ReynoldstuidL.D. Kelllplo.UrflflWihSarmtfs IslaiSgWe'Mibuse report

    H.i mc wk enuing iMovemDer 8 snowedthe folic wlnz totals: Cattle. 157 head:calves, 31 j sheep, 2G0 and hogs, 148.

    injector Neiiipio tisn report snowed1?.147 llill received at flic mnrkFMHlMiiVthe past week.

    Inspector Shorey reported that, out of atota of twenty-thre- e dairies examined re-cently only one case of adulterated milkwas discovered., of thesixty-sevensam- 7

    of Health.One sample of vinegar sold as elder

    vinegar was found to contain a large e,of. glucase. A sample of wine

    labelled Pmrn!ery? Secj Champagne wasA c " lmlta'n ot tne real wine.Dr. C. C. G. Scaparone. a graduate of

    the Turin University In Italy was recom- -mcnueu lor a license to practice in tneIsands.

    ""'"'i.AceiU'IVilolds !rppited thatthe follow ne6f nackairesnnlum had hndestroyed: 293 tins, 2tins, 9 tins, 3 buckets containing

    ths and 3 boxes which had containedopium, 3 saus?getsklns.contalnlng about15 pounds of opium) 7 bags supposed tocontain a preparation of the drug, besides

    'Permission was given Dr. Sautln ofto visit the leper settlement.

    "OKASP AM. ANtO-fiM- i $&,.';?Many people nro so Intent on

    Ing nil" thuUthoy.lpsQ..sL"cuctlif ofnAikn 1 j.u;...i.iis..ii iii. 1.1....nertes, .'frUUflV.y .UIVIIIUU.l lll?lliU

    Forttiiuitcly, however, iliero hiny bolpstpretIvl)italtinRUpoi,5.rMai'j-lllf- twuieu bkijptv whny vf bfini, t'skiinajPon tho road to success by uUlns him

    clear bfllA.OlWlbesHbo' stiiao UilDKifbiweak ami tired women. J

    Hoods I'll a curo.slck In-- tdigestion. IJw'IvO U Oi K 1

    Tho following rocommendntton ofIlealtUAcenf HoifioklS .couUilncdIn himn'rlott. IfaUsiteenmfopW b?tho Hoard of Health:

    Heuty 13. Cooper, Hsq , PresidentUoarg.ofxHpoltU:, f ,-- , y , , 'S?Sfr: itho Board of Health, Agent Charlockiiiid I mado nnvlnsectlon pf.tliovltstrlcts and prcnifsls 6f moet'of-tUo'arl-pllcan-

    for permits to keep swinowithin thoJmiy-iiiJ1- 6 llmlt.vandlct Wsubmit tin following Vorion'aiidiroicommendations:

    Conditions for keeping kwtin.ln,suUtable loenlltics WltlrfrtMlieifotir-mTl- elimit: '

    All. pons .to hao a, Biopini; cementnci)iIKlth,-(lkoolldr- In Xrdm tho, nuiuoiliWrt rcP.Wd ( WU I m 'contpnts ofsaid VBint to bd removed ns often nsnecessary In covered, contalnere, nnd(ho pr.cjnlflC8,to JJokept lu good nanl-tnr- y

    condition .Tho district in Kowalo bounded by

    Sirs. Ward's premises to n Hivo.rlO feptfrom Walklkl road, and from "Mo feUmakal of King street .tfi.COQ fecLmaukafrom llcach road, ndgUtMaUoc5 fatswine, proldlng tho nbovo conditionswcio enforced, thcro being considerublo high and dry land, and n numberof largo cgetablo gnuleim, ficeo' thejcan tllsposo of tho cleaning!! t Jtliopwis as fcrtllUcr. ., r ,,

    Thrf tllstt llta ot lKnmhltea( 'Palioil.Knmolllill and Knlmuilolio nfi8suitable, localities. uroidlng thoilltions mentioned nro Btrictly observ-ed, and that tho pens nro Hiifllclcnt dis-tance from public roads or dwellings.

    Tho Walklkl dlstiltt from SunnySouth to tho park should bo tabobedentirely, owing toltba lowrewnrnny lilt-- 'inro1 or mo loun i nnui Itriilteflamount or ury land yrnq iirsmidltlon of this district Is Miltniennco to the public health.

    Tho district of Kapi)lainn-uk- a be-yond ftiq Insano Asylum nnd bcybail

    trpfcilttolljrvllt! suidght t UousK'aloii 'tfio'btrfcTiVllWtoiirinhltfllmirmlMbo used if tho sanitary conditions arecompiled with and tho pons wcro ntlenst 300 feet below tho .lino of railroador from lioiiBes''Otheri'thRn' thoso oc-cupied. J)y ,tlu?r hog ranchors. Respect-full- y

    suUilWd!1 ' ' -C. U. REYNOLDS.

    Exccutlvo Officer Board of Health.no'!

    WoraH&;&&onA:l angfcmus.N.nvk(i(eUeidQred thl'lGOdrllieal)

    man 8 "healdr. Vas purely 'vegetableand from tm PWme to ffnfa'!naurte''

    rHRWfcB !W$y &bttc"$W?nAkindred was . samo asthat found IrfWcfepotMnytfrPoiY0!!

    y as nature It drives away phln,kills tho dread ihoumdtl'stn'JrrffV're- -

    luo samp. ns. the Indians niaug .Itheft

    Kums.A leaves, .catliereil . from. .111l.nerr"li.lg 'laHoraloty.,' iw.fdtfora 'for

    Is unparalleled" ltfoforV!av"ilt- -

    tlvflUetfllrfundiriuT krfo'wir ltfi'emWBCVr'j) (XQiau'ijl&flOiqeDiM) WdlabUiiW

    ram rawi wtmm""."i. ".can get It. Insist on gorthhJ''tlio'J4Hi2

    ulna Klckapoo Indian Oil. HobronDrug Co., Agents for tho KlckapooIndian Remedies. -

    .00 ijiiiwoijill mmmW oilT

    Real Estate and Insurance.I

    ux'Li.'mi .1 1

    l.1,I XjIFJBI and iPIRB

    ' AGfeNlB FOR.. '"New'england Mutual life In-

    surance Co. of Boston. ,tna Fire Insurance Company

    . .of hartford.,U HENRY ST. GOAR,


    Members .Stock and Bond Exchange.3


    Paitlcuttraitcnllon clvtn (o rurchM inl ! olHawkllin Sugir SidcIc.

    Loam Neot1ta. Eislers and Fortlea Stock!u4Bon4i.j ,

    403 California 8t.,,San Franclaco, Cal. 117a

    W: !e'. ACHI & C0.v'Brokers cVDealers T!" : ,. r

    REAl. ESTATEXjT We will Day or rfellReal Estate la

    til parte ot th group. .OT We will Bell Properties on Season-

    able Commissions!

    OFFICE, 10 West 'King Street


    Real Estate. Broker.223 MERCHANT ST.


    Twoivo Chlnoso Granite HitchingPosts '$5 each. ' ,

    property in town. ,'' , HOUSES TO LETl

    Real Estate Transaction,

    . Sabsciibers am lurnmued with Ir)a1 fluto sit lists' por weok. giving an Mctiitursoard of all deeds, mortuuve-j- . loJots. wloasej, powfrs ot uttoinoy, etc., eto., hlekire plAoed on record,Inscription Prlca, $a.0(l per Montii

    A. V. GEAR,j (j .Tuild rinlillnr. Hnnnlnl.- -


    MeiillKtr Honolulu Stock Exchange." KooniSOl, Jucia nulldliiir.' ''"""JA8. F. MORGAN.

    0CT1ONEEH' AND SlUUk BKOKXh1 No. IS Ujccd pttcets '

    -- ExtDort. AnnraiRnmont of" BenSatftto and lurnltun- - t


    Slock and Bond Broker.. Me'rabr 0 lluralltn Stock Eichtnjt.,

    , MoTnerllVRlotk, Fort BtweU '

    Real- - Estate BrokerFlnan.jlaljAntndjCollefr.

    LlneolnjBlock, r . - , P39 King strpoUr---

    ijJtook ;tkii(4.rBon,ii .Bjroker.J I Mcinbar of lb. Hooolulg Stock Eachatfi. --

    bfflco Qneon street,' oppoalttS Union'.'i'"' iFoed Ootnnanv. ' 'K )'b..' PO.Hoam. :' '

    j i'ii " i ' '1 J '.!- I' "JAS.p. "MORGAN,'! I .' n ( ' I 1 I 1 A t .. .


    i , -- i , .j ,.- - Mttab.1, pi Honojufu Stock Eahanf... ,

    Ttlrthoni.' ' - P. O. Borwii.CEGARTW1UQK3,.,

    K''ajv&uiut "The Iqaitable'tife ' Asaur&nw SMet;

    Ot th, United Btetesor the Bawaltas.:(iu.lisl 'iDlslanag.ii.l.'l o; iM

    " OfinowO MerehaBftstrwit; HonftHIo ;

    :;jEBtoJNH;HAT, .(Q$iy Hh Typewriter; I CoOTtyanc'ar and SearckWof R.'corda,' j i j -

    VOfflco-7-No-. IB Khahuwanu street,ttavTelophone worb7t,

    -- '.ill 'l l. 1111 I,N. FERNANDEZI ..

    (PHY'.TOBLlGaiif'fYPEWRlIEBbrtca tot Marciutnt, ftrccl Cantk.,1 'ttP O. Cartel a .flic. O Boxm

    !(- - . K I . 1

    Agents, Brokers and Jobbers.

    W. 6. irwii. &Go..Hiimlted ii i

    AGENTS FORWestern Sugrtf Refinery! Co.,! of '8al

    FrAnclsco.Baldwin Locohidtjyb workai' oM

    Philadelphia, PennVU.'i A.' ' "fNewell Universal Mill Co. (NaUoamT

    ?anq Slirod(lor),New York( U, a A,'N. Ohlandt & Co'b Chemical FcrUlU-f- fr- - - i--r iAlcxi Cross & Sons, high grade fer-

    tilizers for Cano nnd Cortcc..Reed's Steam Plpo Covering. ,

    'ALSO OFFER EdR SALE.Parafllno Paint Co'b P. felt. PalnU

    and Papers; Lucol and LinseedOils, raw and boiled.

    Iiidurino (a cold water paint), lWwhite nnd colore. ' ' i

    Filter Press Cloths, Cement, Limaand Urlcks .


    LIMITED. IiioiyoiurtT.Commission Merchants,


    rtit Eml'ltntitl'riCo.Th Wllu. AetlcullOrl Co', Ltf. ?rti Kohl Sut.r ComWiliiw Sugr Mill Cd.Tht Kolo AgrKultUral Co.Th Fulton Iron Worki, St. Lob . Mo.Tbt Sttodtril Oil Co.Th G.o. F. Blk Steam Pumps. 'Wtiton CtntrltufaK

    Tti Ntw Eneltnd Lift laiuranct Co. of Bnk .TAa iBtna Flra Int. Co of Hartford, CocaTtia Alllanca Anuranca Co; of tin don


    Agents for the California'and Orient'''Steamship Company. '



    Wm. G. Irwin & Co.. (LtatITK). .

    tVm. Q. Irwin, President and MaajafftiOlaua Bpreckols, ... Vioe-PreaUt-ailW. IS. Qiffard, - Secrotary and TraanMCvneo. v. roner, - . .' Su(tr Factorsdommission.' AgenUA



    iattn trtt. Honolulu, II. I.

    A.f?olth i'6v ' ' t.lawallanAslculrural Company, 'American Suau

    Company. Ookala Surar Plant. Co , Onomaa SaaaaC9 , llnnomu Sugar Co . Waltuku Sueai Co , hUkmSugar Co , llaleakala Ranch Co . Molokal Kaack.Plantar'a Lin. San Franclico I'ackcta. Cha. Bramt& Co. a Lint of Doiton Packets.

    LIST OK OFFICERS:O. M. Coako, Prosldont; Ooorga ii,

    Robortson, Mnaiier: E. r. IllshoD.Troasurer and Secrotary; Col. W. If.Aon, Auuinr; . v. jonos, u. watorliouBo,' Ooo. R. CArtar, Ul recto ra.

    M. PHILLIPS & CO., -Wholesale Importers and Jobbers ol

    taropein and American Dry loot,. ' to t and Queen Btraete. '

    H. HACKPELt) 4 CO.,'Lj.i


    flnr Korf and Cjqeen Htroata Honolmiai

    CITY REPAIR SH0'11 J Bethel Street, opposite Water

    Ki housr& C0.1 , s. Strictly ni8oCltvalaBdDlcyclaf or aat,' Son4-nan- d Blcycl.i for aal..i,Rpalrlnc pronptly an! thoroaikly attanla. ,All work cuaraattad. '

    I . , i B.JONBi.K.CLARt;

    Honolulu Iron Works Co,Improved nnd modern SUGAR MA-

    CHINERY of ovcry cajiaclty and dtscrlntlori mado to order. Roller workn,nd, RIVETED PIPES for .irrigationpurposes a specialty. Pai tlcular atten-tion paid tP JOB WORK ,and repairexecuted nt, shortest, notice.

    . B. M; DUNCAN, ,Collector and General Buil-- .'

    . nets Agent. ' n iOfflca 113 Kaahuxnanu street. "

    Also, prepared to, take ordora, foi;filling In low lands and terracing.Work' promptly attended, tol ' '1253MORRlS-'KKEOHOKALOl-


    ' United States Custom Hotiso Btchkera. 1

    Accountant, Bearcher of Titles haiQoneral Buslncsa Agent.t Tclophono 620. 1 .,OFFJCE: No. 15 ICaahumaira street.Honolulu. Formerly A. Rosa's vfflce.

    r ' (ii m rmiuuiniu iiiiiii wt I i J i - W . ' .!, I I'llfl .,lll J N- - i i) j ; .11 l'it) 1 i ';. t Ui Jm j9 ,)J0it3 I'fo'l OSN .TJrlMHTP, T5I0'I 018 5'. .2

    , iw ..,,j5 V .mi-jm- j .? ti L.:iC;tMsiSUMiiaKltxkmmBtttSi9m BSMMBBBiiaBMWSKa4SaaMBWMl!8MBMiiiSga3BeggI.Bi i-

    H' ri


  • 4

    Evening Bulletin,I'uullshod Every Day. except Sunday,

    at 210 King street, Honolulu, H. I.,by tho


    W. It. FAItRINQTON EditorDANIEL. LOGAN .CIty Editor


    If you want to know the date ofThanksgiving this year ask aBULLETIN newsboy.

    A public treasury with "moneyto burn" sounds well, but it's mo-ney to use that the people seek.

    Dewey's all round courage can-not be questioned Mnee the an-nouncement of his intended mar-riage.

    The Philippine Commission iswithout a peer in one line. Themembers are all of the same opinionas to the best course to pursue.

    While the British army has justmet the worst disaster in a hundredyears, it isn't every nation thatcan stand off a serious defeat to itsarms for that length of time.

    Should the Federal governmenttake over Hawaii's surplus as wellas its debts and custom house,even the finan-ciers will wonder the whyfore oft heir opinions

    The Spanish army gives ournavy officers the credit of capturingSantiago. Spain's navy probablypay.s the same tribute to our army.They all agree however that thecombination was too much forSpain.

    If Hawaiian representatives callfor territorial legislation first, leav-ing to a future Congress to decideupon specialties, Hawaii stands agoal chance of getting out of itspresent chaotic woods. The localadministration of affairs since annexation is 'a handicap that can beovercome only by throwing the"exception" idea overboard.


    An inference to be drawn fromthe Advertiser's review of W. O.Snith's position in Washington, isthat Mr. Smith as the representa-tive of the Chamber of Commercew.ll find opportunity to dabble inpolitics to the extent of offering suggestions and opinions which theAdvertiser admits "may not be ac-cepted in Washington."

    Whether the Advertiser correctlyoutlines Mr. Smith's position wedon't know and don't care partial-- Itrly. If he goes beyond the bounds

    of speaking for the strictly busi-nss- sinterests, Mr, Smith will find

    himself in as bad a box as the "un-official delegate" with many warrecords. He will be a secondParamount sent out of chaos,whose anomalous and dual positionwill only assist in the maintenanceof chaos.

    The statement that Mr. Smith isnot a planters man is amusing,since he was first selected byhePlanters Association to representtheir interests in Washington. Ifhe is not a planters man, he mustnecessarily be untrue to the trustplaced in him by the Planters

    While not approvingmany of Mr. Smith's opinions, weda not put him down as a manwho throws overboard the .interestsof his clients. The Advertiser para-graph would suggest that the legalrepresentative of the'planters seeksto appear as not influenced byplanter's interests. We do not be-lieve this a correct representation

    As the BULLETIN understands W.O. Smith's position, he goes toWashington to speak for the busi-nas- s

    interests of Hawaii. ThePlanters Association and Clumberoc Commerce have always workedin unison in financial and industriala fairs, and when Mr. Smith wass !ected by the planters it was ac-cepted that he would also receive a

    itfe.jkUaA---ffflrM- MJaXm f v

    THE EVENING BULLETIN: 'HONOLULU, I. I., NOVEMBEll 9, 18W.commission from the Chamber ofCommerce. If, on reaching Wash-ington, the representative of thestrictly business organizations takes'a hand in matters of suffrage andgeneral political conditions, he willfind that he is misrepresentingmany who are responsible for hisselection and payment of expenses.

    To make a success of the mission,Mr. Smith must hold strictly to hisbusiness text.

    As regards the question of franchise, which should be outside thescope of Mr. Smith's mission, the Advertiser "understands" the Opposition will join the Democrats in opposing qualified suffrage. It can bestated that if the demand from Hawaii for unrestricted franchise tendsto jeopardize the enactment of aterritorial bill at the forthcomingsession of Congress, the Oppositionwill gladly accept the territorial billwith its qualified franchise-- , trustingthat a future Congress will recognize the right and capacity of theHawaiian people to govern themselves under the laws given theTerritories of the United StatesThe Opposition in Hawaii stands forthe speedy enactment of a Territori-al bill.

    It is to be hoped that present of-ficial circle and its friends will be asready to cdncede their demands forterritorial specialties and exceptions, never before presented toCongress, in order that the presentchaotic condition may soon bebrought tolan end.



    the Advertiser Is kicking again about thecharges of the hack drivers. I do not be-lieve, however, that the buffering publicis gouged as much us the Ad ertlber triesto make out No account Is taken by theAdvertiser that when hacks are called tovValkiki or anyplace beyond the twomile limit, the driver, by the regulations,Is entitled to charge 50 cents for going out,and then make the additional cliarve torthe distance which the passenger 1 car-ried. In driving short distances abouttown, the hackmen follow the schedule.When they are asked to wait, they usual-ly mako a slight additional charge, whichIs not unfair, since when the hack Is wait-ing It Is at the disposal of the passengerand perhaps losing another load. On thewhole, 1 he general public nor Individualsdo not get the worst of It.


    General Toral Vlndlcaticl.Washington, Oct. 29. The Bureau of

    Naval Intelligence has made public a veryInteresting document published In the of-ficial organ of the Minister of War atMadrid nd containing the sentence of theSupreme Council In the proceedings In-stituted because of the capitulation ofSantiago In July of last year.

    The defendants named, besides GeneralToral, are the commanders of the outlyingmilitary costs which were included inthe capitulation of Santiago.

    The most interesting feature of the re-port Is the fact that the court lays greatstress upon the Importance of the Ameri-can naval forces, and declares that with-out their it would have beenimpossible for the American forces to havecompel.ed the surrender of Santiago.

    The sentence of the court concludes byvindicating General Toral from any cen-sure for the surrender of the city, statingthat be had "used every meins of de-fense required by the laws of honor andduty, as attested by the brilliant battlessustained from June 22 to the day ofcapitulation, and the many casualties Ingenerals commanders, officers and privatesmiring the battles.

    That Snmoan Peace.New York, Oct. 29. Interesting news

    concerning the political situation in Samoais contained In a letter received bv a gen-tleman In this city from a from a friend atApia. The letter Is dated Oct. 5. andsays In substance that trouble is brewingin Samoa, and notwithstanding the re-assuring news of the United States Con-sul there It ill come sooner, perhaps thanmaybe expected. If the powers do notget to work very soon and establ sh astrong Government there wlllbe anotherInvasion of Apra by natives' and morewhite blood will be spilled.

    AUtaaf.i's party has never for an instantsince the advent of that awful farce, thepeace commission, had the slightest Ideaof relinquishing claim to the Governmentof Samoa according to the Ideas and In-structions of the commission. Rebellionstill exists and Is growing slowly day byday. One of these days It will burstInto a flame again. The German Consulsympathizes with the Mataafa party asmuch as ever.

    m ft mPorto Rico CeriHUB Taking.

    Ponce, Porto Rico, Oct. 25. Census of-ficials ha e been appointed for all the dis-tricts of Porto Rico and the first enumera-tions will be taken between Nov. 10 andDec 20. Already the various officers arebusily engaged In the preliminary workand .they are making every effort and tak-ing every precaution to avoid errors andto get complete and accurate data.

    Full ot Freight.The Hongkong Maru and Moana will

    sail tomorrow for Australia and will touchat Honolulu. Both essel go heavily la-den with freight, but they have compel-led to refuse freight for Honolulu. Ship-pers are complaining ,of their Inability to

    et shipping facilities equal to the greatemandof the growing trade with the

    Hawaiian Islands. S. K, Oct. 31.

    iiSay,Sec him shoot."



    f Is all right.

    ONLY $1.25, at !

    IH'fE CO.R. A. DEXTER, Manager.


    X directshipment ofJapaneseGoodsJust receive- d-LaqueredTables, Trays, &cPorcelain Teaand Coffee Pots,Cups 2 Saucers,Vases andFlower Pots,Napkins.Pacific Hardware Co, Ltd.,

    Fort Street.




    Which Is now on sale

    at the lowest market rates.

    Non-Shrinki- ng Patent Red-wood Tanks, assorted sizes,from 500 to 10000 gallons ea.

    Best Rubber Hose, assortedsizp, yJoji4 inch.

    Suction Hose and SteamHose, assorted sizes.

    Different kinds of Packing,assorted sizes.

    Patent Wasfi-O- ut Closets,with latest improvements.

    Penn. Lawn Mowers, 10, 12,14 and 15 inch.

    Steel Road Scrapers, TubularWheelbarrows, Pan-Ameri- canWheelbarrows, Champion Ca-nal Wheelbarrows.Extra HeavyBreaking Plows, Aving's SteelPlows, Perfect Rice Plows, as-sorted sizes.

    The Hawaiian Hardikie'Cf

    Fort streets, opposite Sprvkefsj Rank.


    Crockery,Glasswareand LampDepartment.

    Home ot our regular prlcos :

    Dinner Set, 6(1 ploces, In fourpaltom ?7 DO

    Jug). set of three GC1 en 1'ots, fctono 25Fancy Cups and Saucors 25Tumblers, per doon 5')Ilorry Spt, s on ploces ...-- COPepper Sbakers 10Wlno GUw), per ilooii..... (toSalad Howls 35Nlcklo Heading tamps Willi Porce-

    lain Shade 1 :15Handy 25Night Lnrnp.....1... 20Lamp Clilmnoys, "each IllLamp Wicks, per doon 10


    ...Importers of Croekory and House., Furnishing Gcods

    Solo Agonts Jewel Stoves, coal .orwood j Oueiney t'leanablo Refrigera-tors, Standard Wlckloss BI110 Flame Oil8toen, Primus Stoves.

    Rood .t Jtarton'4 1'lntod ami SterlingSllvorwaro.

    ..Von Holt Block, King street..Moichant t root ontranco next to tho

    Postnfllco, through our Arotdo

    TheOperaSeasonIs on in full swing, and we are prepared tooutfit you in anything you may require Inthe way of Full Dress Goods.

    HERE YOU HAVb a partial list of themany things you will want for the openIng night: A full dress suit, eitherTuxedo or skirt coat, a full dress vest,white or black, a full dress shirt, a fulldress tie, a full dress pair of gloves, set offull dress studs and cuff buttons, and acrush hat.

    ALL 1 HESE THINGS may be had ateither of our t 0 stores, and at prices thatwill astonish you. Our dress suits arefrom the BEST manufacturer In theStates, and require no altering; they fitwhen you put them on, and that is morethan a tailor-mad- e suit will do.

    WITH THE COMING of the S. S.Australia also came our delayed stock ofStraw and Felt Hats, which we will haveon show also a magnificent line ofNeckwear, the largest single Importationof neckwear ever made In this town for aretail st'.re.

    WE CANT BEGIN to mention thestyles; you can have anything In the wayof scarfs that are worn, In a variety of de-signs, and silks that will astonish you.

    We Make Shirts to Order.

    "The East,"Nob. 0 and 1 1 Hotel street, and

    Corner Fort and Hotel streets.TELEPHONLS 676 AND 96.



    Book Bulletin:

    "The Man With the Hoe," etc., by Mark-ha-

    "Makapala-by.-the-Sea- " new book on theIslands, by Miss Prescott.

    "Stalky & Co"David Harum," (the book of the year,)

    by Westcott."Richard Carver-Churc- hill."When Knighthcjpd Was In Flower Cas--

    koden."In the Forbidden Land"-Lan- dor."A Dash for a Throne" Marchmart."When the Sleeper Wakes"-- H. G.Wells."The Jacksonlan Epoch" Peck."The Development of English Thought"

    Palten."Reminiscences"-Jus- tin McCarthy."From Sea to Sea"-Klp- llng."The Capslna" Benson."An Incident and Other Happenings"

    Elliott."Dross"-Merri- am.

    "Through the Turf Smoke"-McMa- nus.And hundreds of others.



    -- H!smr'mll

    Commencing Monday, Nov. 4th,.ON ACCOUNT OF THE RAINY WEATHER, OUR SALE OF


    AT THE

    OFPrices ioc and 5c per yird.

    Line of beautiful LADIES' CAPES, suitable for cofd w eather and holiday wear, justlanded by the Australia.

    First line of Ribbons, former price 25c, reduced to 5 cts per yardFirst line of Laces, former prfces 15c, 20c and 25c, reduced to 5 cts per yard.Ladies' Belts at , 5 cts eachLadles' Shirt Waists, at 10 cts eachLadles' Collars, at..i 5 cts eachGinghams, at 20 yards for fi. 00Fine Lawns, at 20 yards for jt.ooLace Curtains, at Half PriceLadles' Undershirts, at 5 for 25 cents

    BSTA beautiful chance to buy goods at very low prices, at the Temple of Fashion,commencing next Monday, October 23, 1800.

    M. PALAU, Manager.

    When the Patent Off ice?Grants a patent on a food product, you may be sure that the article has rnerl" --

    originality and novel features, which must be new or no patent could be cran'ed.This applies to the

    tuALPHA HOME PUDDING.&fS?Not a simple cornstarch preparation, but something new. Five kinds to choo from 'Cocoanut Farina, Chocolate, Rice, Tapioca, and Lemon Cream. One Pu Jdinc enoughfor six persons, and at the low price of ioc, or i for 25 cents.

    Salter's GroceryTelephone 680. Orplieum Block, Fort Street,

    A full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries at Lowest Prices.

    We Invite;M. tJ




    Dnmninnn I nlnfi noDwciioc una


    No residence property having similar advantages andattractions, as fnr hpnlfnfnlnpsQ nf Inmfinn liitnnn- - or. iQ.,.,-- -- -- - - j aarw vt 4UVUWIVI I) liuy lilt till fcltVfttion of from 170 to 800 .feet, and affording the grandest marine

    Imt. I.J. '- -

    An HtiwUi Jrttwuu nciguis 4

    JUSTBx "Mary E.

    CarriageTrottors and PaoeraLight and Heavy ,,.

    Large m-.- .1Young

    uiiu oiling viv-w- o , aa aiau lis yiUAIlllliy iu Hie DUSineSS panof the being less than a mile from the Progress Block,has ever before been presented to the people of Honolulu.

    One ot the main features of this property, and procuredat great expense, is the abundant, supply of pure spring water,pronounced by C. B. Wood as being the purest and bestdrinking water obtainable in the Island, which is now beingconducted into storage; reservoirs upon the property anindependent pipe line, and will be supplied to residents -- atGovernment rates. ' '

    OUR We guarantee to all pur-chasers of lots on Pacific Heights, that we will, within ;sixmonths, provide rapid to the highest lots onthe property, connecting the same with the Honolulu RapidTransit Co.'s line on Pauoa Road, at the beginning of Kaiu-la- ni


    eTERMS : cash, 3 in one year, y3 in two years';

    interest 6 cent, annum on deferred payments. u vOur carriage will convey parties desiring to inspect theproperty to and from the same.

    For maps and full 'particulars call at our office.l Rooms7 and 8 Progress Block. '

    4. r. '




    That is what our sayconcerning tne ranidirv with whrhwe finish our work.

    THE BEST !"That is their comment concerningour finished work.

    Come and see us.


    LiIwod Photo. SigyCt4S Fort Street,







    t-Z- j







    per per



    MULES v-H- -H--H-

    Only a few left. r Good Milkers.

    Honolulu Stock-yard-s Co


    Corner Alnkea and. Queen streets.

    U Bf'iil'.i 'vk, tti'. .: fafrixt

    c- -.


    Martha Is not, stilctly speaking,v Brand opera, Uko Lucia, Trovatoro and' w balance of tho list In the rcpertolro

    'tit the Uoston Lyric, and yet It Is nl- -Y&V wayyclasscd na Btich and given underiy ttet head by nil tho great opera com--

    mKlcB of tho world. It Is true thovVubIc Is BUhllmc, but lacks that In- -

    rv.' tensity, thnt grandeur of the other soclaesincd productions,

    MIbb Andrews will have an oppor-tunity of displaying tho quality of hervolco without being drawn upon forIts fullest compass. Tho choruses arosuperb. Tho Btory of tho opera Is mostInteresting,

    Tho opera for Saturday matlnco willbo Pirates of Pcnzanco and at night,Ollvotto, In which both Miss Stantonnnd Miss Andrews appear,

    9 m

    KnJvnlnhno Wellit was eaily Tuesday morning that

    tho first Indications of water appearedIn tho well that is now being bored ontho grounds of Knwalahao Church. Adistinct Dow appeared a little later onnnd continued to lncrcaso until todaythere la an excellent flow at about 725feet Tho boring will bo continued un-til tho depth of something over 800 feetIs reached.

    Tho present flow of tho well Is In thoneighborhood of 800,000 gallons fortwenty-fou- r hours nnd tho present rntoof lncrcaso would Indicate a much lar-ger amount when the well Is finished.

    i. H. rinunnni is tno contractor wnohas been In chargo of tho work of boring tho well at Knwalahno.

    The Opplicum.Tonight tho popular premier ventil-loquls- t,

    J. V. Wlnton, makes his re-appearance in conjunction with tho,garrulous and querulous McOinty,Rubberneck, Danger and the othermembci;i of tho automaton family. Mr.Hamilton Hill makes his final nppenr-nnc- o

    prior to Ills depnrture for thoStates, when ho will sing his brightestgem "Tho Holy City" by special

    Mlndell Drcyfuss and JacksonHeinle nsslstud by Guy Livingston,will appear In a new sketch entitled"Tho Cream of Society." Julia nyrejn,Tho Hands, and tho cntlio Orpheumcompany Introduce new features,songs and sketches.

    Present fop Ciipt. Berber.In tho Hawaiian News Co's. storo at

    noon yesterday Captain Bcrgcr waspresented with a lmndsomo silvermounted baton by 3ohn F, Sopor, onbehalf of tho Hawaiian News Co.Thcso words nro Inscribed on tho sil-ver handle: "Presented to Hem I Bcr-gcr by tho Hawaiian News Company,November, 1899." Captain llcrgcrthanked Mr. Soper for tho cry kindgift.

    Work of the Drccljjer.Tho big diedger nt U. S. Naval Slip

    No. 1 has, up to date, cleared n space of225 by 70 feet, tho water having ahaverage depth of 28 feet. As soon astho cars for, t emoting tho roclc aro inoperation tho work will proceed much

    - faBtcr, thefounlp'now In'operntlbn bo--Ing Inadequate for handling tho largolock now being taken up. '







    WHITMAN & CO.,Tribune Agents.

    Teltphon ?6.

    CycloneMagazine -Cameras,LatestImprovedModel,withAluminumPlate Holders.A- t-


    60 60 60SIXTY PIANOS!

    Think of it, five times morepianos than all the businesshouses on the Hawaiian Islandsput together could show.

    These we have coming in fewdays. Prices from $250 up, on$10 per month payments.

    everyone wants a piano top

    60 Christmas 60THE BERGSTROM MUSIC CO.,

    Proeress Blooic, Fort St.Sole ARenW for Chlckerlnc, Kimball, Crown, Royal, Kroeger, Krell, Pianos.

    .Aloha Collection of Hawaiian Songs..,


    Miss Killean.Has now on lew the choicest selection of.,

    Hih Class Oppra WearEver seen In Honolulu, Mug the SPECIAL I MPORTAT ON selected

    tiirinir i,.r m-on-t Fastem visit. These eeRant goods OPERA CAPES.WAISTS. i ANTOINETTE SCARFS, and

    NECKWEAR of the richest

    thepresent;N and Paris fashions. HAT? 'n the very latest Eastern

    SWDurtf!enSpemS:mlssKlli;anha a special detriment forCoiffeurs of tlie latest Parisian styles. ...,-- , '

    special KnRagmeni5 may oc !' wr

    Telephone 935r-- JNV Ui





    The Tillmno Blko, a gcntlcmnn'riwheel.

    BOARD your horses nt tho New KingStreet Stables.

    Horses clipped In a huinnne mannernt the Club Stables.

    A beautiful homo In Nuanu Valleyfor sale See For Snlo. column.

    Positively Perfect, runctiire ProofPeculiar to Milwaukee, nt Bailey's.

    Pianos from two hundred 'nnd fiftydollnts up on tho payment plan. SeaBergstrom's nd.

    One coat of PEERLESS PRESERV-ING PAINT is cqunl to THREE of anyother kind of paint.

    Assistant Deputy Attorney GeneralWebber leaves for San Farnclsco In thoAustralia of November 28.

    The cane of J. LazaniB against J. O.carter lias been discontinued by mu-tual consent of tho parties.

    Three or four trjnsnnrls are etwvte.lhere during this week. The first to arrivewill prohibly be the Hancock.

    The band concert nt Thomas Sqtiarahut night was largely attended. Thonnte Kongs werolieartlly encored.

    It Is probablo that II. R. Hltchcpekwill be up from Alolokal nt tho end oftho wpok to attend to Important busi-ness.

    The Central Union Choral Societywill not meet this cviilng,- - but willmeet tomprrow evening nt half past'seven.

    The annual meeting of tlio PacificHardware Co., Ltd., has been post-poned till Thursday, November 23d, at10 n. m.

    J. M. Dowi-et- t has for sale ono Betof seit'n centrifugals complete, also en-gine, niltcr, two roljer mill, etc. SeeNow Today.

    Deputy Matshal Chllllugwoith goesto Ewa this afternoon to open DeputySheriff Fancuf's safo and to take outthe money of tho government.

    President Dolo Ktntes that from newsicelod by tho last steamer .Mr. Da-mon tinted that ho would bo back InHonolulu by tho last of December.

    Knawa was acquitted of tho chargoof violating sections Soft nnd 857 of thoPenal Laws by a Jury In Judge Periy'sco-ir- t yesterday. Defendant w.is dis-charged.

    The Junior members of thq M,. C.A. will mnko n trip up Tantalus nextSaturday, slatting nt 8 a. m. from theY. JL C. A. building, nnd letuinlngabout 5 p. in.

    The family affairs of the steward of theGreat Admiral are putting Captain Stel-lln- g

    to considerable inconvenience, lie Iwv-In- gto secure a new cook every d.tv or two

    or as often as the steward's w Ife lias lie:husband arrested for brutalitv.

    Now England Bakery & Candy Co., IHotel street, manuracturo a lino lino ofbread, pastry, tweddlng cakes, Icoci earns, sherbets and candles finest intho city, and prices vory low. Tele-phone J. Oswald Lutted. Manngcr.

    Jnpnn Selling to Filipino..,Chicago, Nov. i. A special to the

    Tribune from Washington, says: TheJapanese are furnishing arms and ammu-nition to the Filipino-- . Indisputableevidence ot this lias reached Washingtonand occasioned much surprise in Ulplonwtic and official circles. No action can tctaken by the United States except to callupon the consular and diplomatic agents of ,this government to exercise the utmost ,vigilance to prevent the fitting out of fil-ibustering expeditions.

    The American forces operating in the ls-- 1and of Luzon have captured many standsof arms from the insurgents and the marksshowed conclusively they w ere manufac-tured in Japan.

    From a high officla of the departmentof State it was learned today this Govern iment could take no action In the matter.

    Tlie United States Ins always maintain-ed the manufacture and sale of arms and iammunition was a legitimate business en-terprise and could not he curtailed. 'I hiswas the position assumed by the UnlteJStates when Spain rro'ested against thesale of arms to the Cubins by Americanfirm. "The only course to be pursiied,"said this official, "is for the UnlteJ StatesGovernment to make the trade so unprofitable that It will cease. We have alwaysmaintained that while the selling of armsand ammunition was not strictly an illegi-timate enterprise if tliev were solJ to rebels, thev could b; seized and conuV.ited ,by the Government."

    m 1w m iMZS- nM- :

    1 ?




    Cambridge.3E3Another join of

    Johnstone & Murphy's iuw-tio- n.

    AiislruHsi jutbrought this, imv

    J( fresli from the factory,the very latest for season.

    This slroe ,is anatomically

    correct, .fit perlect

    comfort, always" retainsshape.

    g&3Jig2!7 Vhno vtnrnMclnerny UIIUU UlulUi


    up yds . . .

    ' a awe

    IWe have on liiifJ a nice linr dust covers, to spread over the bURCy

    In ufe. Clothes and Laundry B.irs, CirptnterCiiivas etc., etc.

    make Te.it, AwnlnK, Canop Covers, and hi factin the line of canv.is work.


    312 Fort street. 5C5,

    On 13 Young Quon soldthe dry of Yip iV Co.to Lum Moy Sook. All bills, acalnst ChuYip & will be paid by Lum MoySonU.

    Nov. 2, iKy).1367 C!IU QUON.

    fa l

    The h.i.s

    ns .sho



    will with,and


    Decision on Soldlcps Funcraln.15, The

    of the haslaw

    funeral of

    decided that Isthe payment of the

    wno die athome, is madefor the expenses of of as diewhile on duty away from

    S O



    Certifica e.KNOW MEN I1Y THESH

    PRESENTS, I, JAMES A. K1NU,Minister of tho Interior of ho

    Islands, do helehy certify andinnke known, I hnve examinedInto the loudltlon or "THE FIKSTAMERICAN HANK OK HAWAII,LIMITED," and If satisfactorily ap-pealing to mo the sum of KlvoIlundied Thousand Dollnrs has beenpaid In on account of Its capital stock.Hint tho of said Hank nro ItP. Dillingham, owning 200 shares otstock, Jlnik P. Robinson, owning 200shirrs, (1. V. Macfnrlane. owning 23shales, in nee Cartw right, owning SOshares, and Cecil Blown, owning 3CKhnics, nnd thnt nil nro icsldcilts ofllonnlifti, In tho Island ot O.ihu; nndIt also nppeiirlng to me thnt said cor-poration has complied with nil thoprovisions of tbo Banking Act of 1881,uqulrcd before commencing business,and Is entitled to commencetho business ot permission U


    LIMITED," to commencebusiness.

    OIVEN under my hand nnd thesenl ot tho Department of

    ISEAL. the Interior, this 5th dayof September, IS99.

    (Signed), JAMES A. KING,of tho

    Tho n1oo Is a true and faithfulof the Ccitlflcuto grunted to Tho FirstAmerican Bank of Hawaii, Limited,under tho provisions of thoAct ot 1SSI.

    1318E. M. BOYD,

    WHITNEY I MARSH, LTD.Among the articles remaining in the Egan stock

    are few FINE STAPLES, such :NOUVEA UTI: BR'AID, in various shades

    and styles; Lean's price to 75c a yard; CORDUROY SKIRT FACING, 3 for. e--,


    ECRU ,5c Q y(j ERS.... j fl pap20 pie