Volume 2 • Issue 1 • 1000121 J Clinic Experiment Cardiol ISSN:2155-9880 JCEC, an open access journal Research Article Open Access Stoupel et al. J Clinic Experiment Cardiol 2011, 2:1 DOI: 10.4172/2155-9880.1000121 Keywords: Neutrons; Plaque; Acute myocardial infarction; Cosmic ray; Geomagnetic activity Introduction In addition to recognized risk factors environmental physical factors like Solar (SA), Geomagnetic (GMA), Cosmic Ray activity (CRA), space Proton flux and other forces are involved in regulation of human homeostasis and timing of medical emergencies [1-14]. In recent years a number of studies were published in relation of CRA and their activity units-Neutron activity on the Earth’s surface (in impulses per minute-imp/min and Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI), Stroke (CVA), Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) timing [1-17]. Most studies find links between the timing of the mentioned cardiovascular events and the level of CRA (Neutron) activity. We know that most AMI are a consequence of atheromatous plaque in the coronary arteries disruption, or fissuring (18-34) Physical agents can be a part of the process affecting the plaque.SA and GMA are natural shields against CRA and Neutron flux, and they are inverse related [28]. e aim of this study was to explore the dynamics of AMI morbidity on days of Zero gma and respectively high levels of Cra-Neutron activity on this day and following days of the next post Zero GMA day. Patients and Methods We studied the number of admissions for AMI in the departments of Cardiology (including ICCU) in the Medical Science University hospital in Kaunas, Lithuania in years 2000-2007. 8920 patients *Corresponding authors: Eliyahu G. Stoupel, Division of Cardiology, Rabin Medical Center, Petah Tiqwa, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel, Tel: 972-97426439; Fax: 972-577-971684; E-mail: [email protected] Received December 08, 2010; Accepted December 23, 2010; Published December 28, 2010 Citation: Stoupel EG, Tamoshiunas A, Radishauskas R, Bernotiene G, Abramson E, et al. (2011) Neutrons and the Plaque: AMI (n-8920) at Days of Zero GMA/ High Neutron Activity (n-36) and the Following Days and Week. Kaunas, Lithuania, 2000-2007. J Clinic Experiment Cardiol 2:121. doi:10.4172/2155-9880.1000121 Copyright: © 2011 Stoupel E, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Abstract The timing and outcomes of cardiovascular diseases are linked with surrounding power fields. In recent publications it was shown that occurrence and deaths from AMI, a pathology in 3/4, or more connected with atheroma- plaque rupture or fissuring, is significantly connected with Cosmic Ray (CRA) activity, measured by Neutron activity (imp/min) on the Earth surface and inverse related to Solar (S.A.) and Geomagnetic (GMA) activity, serving as shields of the Earth from Cosmic Rays. Aim: of this study was to check if AMI number is changing after days of Zero GMA/high Neutron activity in years 2000-2007. Patients and Methods: 8920 AMI patients (5307, 59.5%, men) daily admissions at the departments of Cardiology of Kaunas Medical Sciences University Hospital were studied. This data was compared with daily GMA and CRA levels. We found 36 days with Zero GMA, accompanied by High CRA (Neutron) activity. AMI daily number at day of Zero GMA, 1, 2 days after the Zero day, and 7 days (including Zero day) and 6 days after (excluding Zero day) were accounted and compared with AMI on Zero day of GMA. The cosmophysical data came from Space science Institutions in the USA, Russia and Finland. Results: the daily average for Neutrons for the whole period (2000-2007) was 8883+-518 imp/min..For days of Zero GMA 9247+-402, p<0.0001.The daily AMI on day Zero was 2.51+-1.463, n-88; next day 3.09+-1.931,n-108, (p=0.01); second day post Zero-3.09+-1.579, n-108, (p=0.008); 6 days post Zero 2.98+-0.819 daily, p=0.008 compared to Zero day). It was a 23% raise of AMI at 1 and 2 days post Zero GMA/High Neutron day and 18% rise in average at 6 days post the studied event. Discussion: it’s presumed that high Neutron activity may be one of factors involved in the damaging process of the Coronary plaque, one of the important pathogenesis factors in AMI occurrence. Conclusion: at6 days following Zero GMA/high Neutron (CRA) it’s a significant raise of AMI patients. Neutron activity can be involved in the process of atheroma - plaque damaging and development of Atherothrombosis and AMI, explaining observed in many studies timing of the disease. Neutrons and the Plaque: AMI (n-8920) at Days of Zero GMA/High Neutron Activity (n-36) and the Following Days and Week. Kaunas, Lithuania, 2000-2007 Eliyahu G. Stoupel 1,2 *, Tamoshiunas A 3 , Radishauskas R 3 , Bernotiene G 3 , Abramson E 4 and Israelevich P 5 1 Division of Cardiology, Rabin Medical Center, Israel 2 Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel 3 Institute of Cardiology, Lithuania University of Medical Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania 4 Management Data Center, Rabin Medical Center, Pethah Tiqwa, Israel 5 Department of Geophysics & Planetary Science, Tel Aviv University, Israel Journal of Experimental Cardiology J o u r n a l o f C l i n i c a l & E x p e r i m e n t a l C a r d i o l o g y ISSN: 2155-9880

Neutrons and the Plaque: AMI (n-8920) at Days of Zero GMA/High … · 2020. 2. 19. · Kaunas, Lithuania, 2000-2007 Eliyahu G. Stoupel1,2*, Tamoshiunas A3, Radishauskas R 3, Bernotiene

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  • Volume 2 • Issue 1 • 1000121J Clinic Experiment CardiolISSN:2155-9880 JCEC, an open access journal

    Research Article Open Access

    Stoupel et al. J Clinic Experiment Cardiol 2011, 2:1 DOI: 10.4172/2155-9880.1000121

    Keywords: Neutrons; Plaque; Acute myocardial infarction; Cosmicray; Geomagnetic activity

    Introduction In addition to recognized risk factors environmental physical

    factors like Solar (SA), Geomagnetic (GMA), Cosmic Ray activity (CRA), space Proton flux and other forces are involved in regulation of human homeostasis and timing of medical emergencies [1-14].

    In recent years a number of studies were published in relation of CRA and their activity units-Neutron activity on the Earth’s surface (in impulses per minute-imp/min and Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI), Stroke (CVA), Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) timing [1-17].

    Most studies find links between the timing of the mentioned cardiovascular events and the level of CRA (Neutron) activity. We know that most AMI are a consequence of atheromatous plaque in the coronary arteries disruption, or fissuring (18-34) Physical agents can be a part of the process affecting the plaque.SA and GMA are natural shields against CRA and Neutron flux, and they are inverse related [28].

    The aim of this study was to explore the dynamics of AMI morbidity

    on days of Zero gma and respectively high levels of Cra-Neutron activity on this day and following days of the next post Zero GMA day.

    Patients and Methods We studied the number of admissions for AMI in the departments

    of Cardiology (including ICCU) in the Medical Science University hospital in Kaunas, Lithuania in years 2000-2007. 8920 patients

    *Corresponding authors: Eliyahu G. Stoupel, Division of Cardiology, Rabin Medical Center, Petah Tiqwa, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel, Tel: 972-97426439; Fax: 972-577-971684; E-mail: [email protected]

    Received December 08, 2010; Accepted December 23, 2010; Published December 28, 2010

    Citation: Stoupel EG, Tamoshiunas A, Radishauskas R, Bernotiene G, Abramson E, et al. (2011) Neutrons and the Plaque: AMI (n-8920) at Days of Zero GMA/High Neutron Activity (n-36) and the Following Days and Week. Kaunas, Lithuania, 2000-2007. J Clinic Experiment Cardiol 2:121. doi:10.4172/2155-9880.1000121

    Copyright: © 2011 Stoupel E, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

    AbstractThe timing and outcomes of cardiovascular diseases are linked with surrounding power fields. In recent publications

    it was shown that occurrence and deaths from AMI, a pathology in 3/4, or more connected with atheroma- plaque rupture or fissuring, is significantly connected with Cosmic Ray (CRA) activity, measured by Neutron activity (imp/min) on the Earth surface and inverse related to Solar (S.A.) and Geomagnetic (GMA) activity, serving as shields of the Earth from Cosmic Rays.

    Aim: of this study was to check if AMI number is changing after days of Zero GMA/high Neutron activity in years 2000-2007.

    Patients and Methods: 8920 AMI patients (5307, 59.5%, men) daily admissions at the departments of Cardiology of Kaunas Medical Sciences University Hospital were studied. This data was compared with daily GMA and CRA levels. We found 36 days with Zero GMA, accompanied by High CRA (Neutron) activity. AMI daily number at day of Zero GMA, 1, 2 days after the Zero day, and 7 days (including Zero day) and 6 days after (excluding Zero day) were accounted and compared with AMI on Zero day of GMA. The cosmophysical data came from Space science Institutions in the USA, Russia and Finland.

    Results: the daily average for Neutrons for the whole period (2000-2007) was 8883+-518 imp/min..For days of Zero GMA 9247+-402, p

  • Citation: Stoupel EG, Tamoshiunas A, Radishauskas R, Bernotiene G, Abramson E, et al. (2011) Neutrons and the Plaque: AMI (n-8920) at Days of Zero GMA/High Neutron Activity (n-36) and the Following Days and Week. Kaunas, Lithuania, 2000-2007. J Clinic Experiment Cardiol 2:121. doi:10.4172/2155-9880.1000121

    Page 2 of 4

    Volume 2 • Issue 1 • 1000121J Clinic Experiment CardiolISSN:2155-9880 JCEC, an open access journal

    were included in the study. The diagnosis of AMI was based on the guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology, including clinical, electrocardiography, echocardiography and enzymatic (Troponin, CPK etc.) criteria [34]. Daily GMA was checked. The studied period included 36 days of Zero GMA [28]. We calculated the average number of AMI at day of Zero GMA, first and second day post the Zero day and also, including Zero GMA day and 6 days, following the Zero day for all patients with AMI and for both gender separately.

    We calculated the average daily Neutron activity for the whole 2000-2007 period and separately for the Zero GMA days.

    The cosmophysical data about SA, GMA, and CRA was obtained from the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration National Geophysical Data Center and Space Weather Prediction Centers, USA, IZMIRAN Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Oulu University Neutron Monitoring station in Finland [26-30].


    statistical significance of the compared average data for Neutrons and AMI and their standard deviation at days Zero GMA and following days was calculated.

    Differences (in percents) between the number of AMI patients admitted at Zero GMA and these admitted at the first and second days post Zero day and six days after the Zero day are presented.

    ResultsTable 1 presents AMI patients distribution on Zero GMA and one

    and two days after, and the following week- including the Zero day and six days after, excluding the Zero day.

    Figure 1 presents the AMI admissions average daily on day Zero, first and second day and the average of 6 days following Zero GMA days. It’s also shown the difference in percents and statistical significance of average data at any of the compared days, or groups of days in ratio to number of AMI at the Zero GMA/high Neutron activity days. The daily number of AMI at days one and two post Zero rose at 23%; at six days post Zero – by 18.7% compared with the Zero- high Neutron activity days. The difference was significant at p= 0.01-0.008. It was also shown that the average daily Neutron activity in years 2000-2007 was 8883 +-518 imp/min. On Zero GMA days- 9247+- 402, imp/min.; p

  • Citation: Stoupel EG, Tamoshiunas A, Radishauskas R, Bernotiene G, Abramson E, et al. (2011) Neutrons and the Plaque: AMI (n-8920) at Days of Zero GMA/High Neutron Activity (n-36) and the Following Days and Week. Kaunas, Lithuania, 2000-2007. J Clinic Experiment Cardiol 2:121. doi:10.4172/2155-9880.1000121

    Page 3 of 4

    Volume 2 • Issue 1 • 1000121J Clinic Experiment CardiolISSN:2155-9880 JCEC, an open access journal

    Here we must take in account that high GMA is also harmful, especially rising coagulation, inflammation indices, arterial blood pressure etc. [42,43].

    Before such preventive magnetic shield at periods of high CRA (Neutron) activity can be used, additional titration of the level of strength of the magnetic field must be titrated. Also patients must be informed about high Neutron activity periods. The presented data is another step exploring the links between the surrounding physical activity and human homeostasis-a subject of studies in Clinical Cosmobiology [44,45,17].

    Limitations of the study

    When one of antineutron powers-GMA is excluded, the SA is still acting (but is changing in the 11-year SA cycle). An ideal picture of Neutron action would be without this power also. But it’s non natural way for such situation..

    We mentioned that the relatively small number of Zero GMA days is diminishing the results of this study. We’ll try to prolong our studies.

    At this stage many studies about coronary plaque’s are done using intravascular ultrasound. In the future possibilities to measure the plaque “life” using different sorts of nanotechnology will allow monitoring the pre-AMI metabolism and corpuscular effects much more precisely.

    ConclusionDays of high Neutron activity on the Earth surface and Zero

    Geomagnetic activity are followed by significant admission raise of patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction, most on the first two days, but remaining on next to Zero six days.

    The results of Neutron activity correlation with increased number of AMI serve as a basis to presume that Neutron involvement in the atheroma - plaque damage in the human coronary arteries –the basic morphologic process in the pathogenesis of this Acute Cardiac Event.

    Use of antagonistic to Neutron activity physical forces (magnetic fields?) Can be considered at days of high Neutron activity in high risk population.


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    AMI at Zero GMA / High Neutron Activity Day and a Follow -up Week










    zero day day post zero 2 days post zero 6 days post zero

    3.09 3.09 2.98

    p=0.01 p=0.008 p=0.008

    23.1% 18.7%

    Figure 1:

    Figure 2:

    Three Environmental PowersActivity Links

    1990 - 2009 (240months)


    Cosmic Ray(Neutron)


  • Citation: Stoupel EG, Tamoshiunas A, Radishauskas R, Bernotiene G, Abramson E, et al. (2011) Neutrons and the Plaque: AMI (n-8920) at Days of Zero GMA/High Neutron Activity (n-36) and the Following Days and Week. Kaunas, Lithuania, 2000-2007. J Clinic Experiment Cardiol 2:121. doi:10.4172/2155-9880.1000121

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    TitleCorresponding authorAbstractKeywordsIntroductionPatients and Methods Statistics

    ResultsDiscussionLimitations of the study

    ConclusionReferencesTable 1Figure 1Figure 2