14 5 Драган Нонић Ненад Ранковић Јелена Недељковић ТИПОЛОГИЈ А ЛА НАЦА СНАБДЕВАЊА НЕДРВНИМ ШУМСКИМ ПРОИЗ ВОДИМА У ЦЕНТР АЛНОЈ СРБИЈИ Извод: У савременим економијама се, све више, истиче значај међусобне са-  радње, односно креир ања мрежа пред узећа , организа ција и институц ија, које чине ланац снабдевања, да би се постигла њихова конкурентска предност на тржишту . Циљ овог истра живања је ут врђивање структуре ла наца снабдева- ња недрвним шумским произво дима у одаб раним шумск им подручјима цен- тра лне Србије (Г олијско, По дрињско-колубар ско, П оса вско-подунавс ко, Раси- нско и Тарско-златиборско). У раду су примењене компаративна метода, метода специјализације (класификација), метода структуралне парцијалне анали за (ана- лиза ланца снабдевања) и статистичка метода (анализа фреквенција и двостепе- на кластер анализа).  Истра жива ње је спроведено током 201 1. године, а по даци су добијени анкетирањем представника малих и средњих предузећа за набав ку, прераду и пласман недрвних шумских производа. У резултатима ис тражи- вања дата је анализа основних типова ланаца снабдевања не дрв ним шумским производима, који се јављају у одабраним шумским подручји ма и њихових основних фаза (набавка, прерада и пласман). Кластер анализом ут врђено је постојање шест основних типова ланаца снабдевања, а један доминира. Кључне речи: типологија, ланац снабдевања, недрвни шумски производи, Србија TYPOLOGY OF THE SUPPLY CHAINS OF NONWOOD FOREST PRODUCTS IN CENTRAL SERBIA Abstract: Modern economies are characterized by a growing importance of co- operation and the creation of networks of enterprises, organizations and institu- tions, which are all part of a supply chain, in order to achieve competitive ad- vantage in a market. The aim of this study was to determine the structure of the ГЛАСНИК ШУМАРСКОГ ФАКУЛТЕТА, БЕОГРАД, 2013, бр. 108, стр. 145-168 BIBLID: 0353-4537 , (2013), 108, p 145-168 UDK: 630*684:630*89(497.11) Оригинални научни рад DOI: 10.2298/GSF1308147N др Драган Нонић, ван. професор, Универзитет у Београду - Шумарски факултет, Београд др Ненад Ранковић, ред. професор, Универзитет у Београду - Шумарски факултет, Београд  Јелена Недељковић, дипл. инж. шумарств а, истраж ивач-сар адник, Универзите т у Бео- граду - Шумарски факултет, Београд  Nonić D., Ra nković N., Ned eljković J. 2013 . Typology of the supply chains of non-woo d forest  produc ts in Central Serbia. Bulleti n of the Facult y of Forestry 108: 145-1 68.

Nedrvni sumski proizvodi u srbiji

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  • 145

    : , , , , , , . (, , , ). , (), ( ) ( ). 2011. , , . , (, ). , . : , , ,


    Abstract: Modern economies are characterized by a growing importance of cooperation and the creation of networks of enterprises, organizations and institutions, which are all part of a supply chain, in order to achieve competitive advantage in a market. The aim of this study was to determine the structure of the

    , , 2013, . 108, . 145168

    BIBLID: 03534537, (2013), 108, p 145168

    UDK: 630*684:630*89(497.11)

    DOI: 10.2298/GSF1308147N

    , . , - , , . , - , , . . , -, - - ,

    Noni D., Rankovi N., Nedeljkovi J. 2013. Typology of the supply chains of non-woo d fores t produc ts in Central Serbia. Bulletin of the Faculty of Forestry 108: 145168.

  • , ,


    supply chains of nonwood forest products in selected forest areas of Central Serbia (Golijsko, Podrinjskokolubarsko, Posavskopodunavsko, Rasinsko and Tarskozlatiborsko FAs). The comparative method was applied in this paper, along with the method of specialization (classification), the method of structural partial analysis (supply chain analysis) and the statistical method (analysis of frequencies and twostep cluster). The data collection was conducted in 2011, by using the technique of doortodoor survey. The analysis of the basic types of the supply chains of nonwood forest products and their main stages (purchasing, processing and placement) was conducted in the selected areas. A cluster analysis showed that there were six basic types of supply chains in the selected forest areas and one dominant type.Key words: tipology, supply chain, nonwood forest products, Serbia


    (Sch m i t hue se n et al., 2006), , * (), (t e Velde et al., 2006). , , (, , , ), (S t eve n s , 1989, C h r i s t ofe r, 2011). ** , (L a t i nov i , M i lo s avl jev i , 2009), (X ia o et al., 2010). (S t eve n s , 1989).

    - , , , (Sch m i t hue se n et al., 2006). , , , , (Sch m i t hue se n et al., 2006).* FAO , : , , ,

    , (1999). , , , , , (), .

    ** e (e) (, ), . : , e , ( ) ( , ).

  • 147

    , , , , , (Non i et al., 2012/b, R a n kov i et al., 2012). , , (Pe t t e ne l l a , Ma so , 2011). , , , (A lb oiu , 2012).

    , . :

    (Vonde r e mbse et al., 2006);

    (Ha r l a nd et al., 2001, L e jeu ne , Ya kova , 2005);

    ( ) (Mey r, S t a d t le r, 2005).

    , , , . , , , (Ne del j kov i , Ke a , 2010, Pop ov i , Sav i , 2011, Non i et al., 2012/).

    2011. . 17 () ( ). , , , (, ), *. , , , 10 **. , 5 (), , , : , , , ( 1). , 51 , , 58, 10 ( 1).* 5 (2009),

    : , , , .

    ** , , , , , , , , .

  • , ,


    1. ()Map 1. Selected forest areas (FAs)




    1. ( )

    Table 1. Number of NWFPbased SMEs in forest areas (Belgrade and umadija and Western Serbia region)Serbia region)

    Forest area

    / of SMEs



    SurveyedSurveyed 3 1 1 21 15 11 4 2 2 6 5 3 3 1 1 15 11 7 22 13 12 21 17 12 19 9 9 3 1 0

    117 75 58


  • 149

    , * (, , , ). , . .


    , ( , .). . , , , (M i lo s avl jev i , R a dos avl jev i , 2008).

    , , ** , (M i lo s avl jev i , R a dos avl jev i , 2008). , (2013), . (Non i et al., 2012/a), *** (Ma r sh a l l et al., 2006, Non i et al., 2012/). , , .

    , . , . , SPSS (2011) . () , (Sold i A lek s i , C h rone os K r a s ava c , 2009).* .** -

    , , , (M i lo s avl j ev i , R a d o s avl jev i , 2008). , () () .

    *** : ) ; ) . ) .

  • , ,


    (. ), (. twostep) (Ma l ho t r a , 2007), , , . Silhouette *, **:

    ( ); ( ); ; .

    , , (Neu m a n , 2006). *** ( ) ( ) , (Fi shb e i n , Ajz e n , 1975). 16 , : ) , ) ) .

    , , , , **** ( ). 1, , , . , 2007.2010. . , . , ( ) ( ), .

    2011. , .* Silhouette 1 ( ) +1

    ( ). 0,70 1,00 , >0,50 0,70 , >0,25 0,50 0,25 (Pe a r s on et al., 2004).

    ** , (), , ( , ).

    *** , , .****

    (2005), ( , , ) . , . , , 2007.2010. . (2012), , .

  • 151


    , , , : , , , , , , . , . ().


    1 , . , (), (), . , , . , ( ).

    2. (85,7%), (66,7%) (66,7%) ( 2). , , (71,4%) (83,3%). (58,3%) , , , , ( 2). , , , ( 2). , , .

    , ( 2). , , , (, , ). , , .

    ( 3). ,

  • , ,


    . , , , ( 4).

    1. Diagram 1. Share of the stages of NWFPs supply chain in selected FAs




    0 50 100





    0 50 100


    0 50 100





    0 50 100




    0 50 100



    0 50 100





    0 50 100





    0 50 100





    0 50 100





    0 50 100




    0 50 1000 50 1000 50 100

    58,3% 100,0%

    0 50 1000 50 1000 50 100

    0,0% 71,4%


    0 50 1000 50 1000 50 100

    41,7% 83,3%


    0 50 1000 50 1000 50 100

    33,3% 100,0%


    18,2% 100,0%

    0 50 1000 50 100 0 50 100



    0 50 1000 50 100 0 50 100



    0 50 100 0 50 100



    0 50 1000 50 100 0 50 100



    0 50 1000 50 100 0 50 100



  • 153

    2. a ( %) ( , )

    Diagram 2. Individual and average share of stages and substages of NWFPs supply chains in selected FAs in % ( purchase, processing placement)




























































    2. ( %) ( %)Table 2. Share of enterprises by stages of NWFPs supply chain in selected FAs (in %)hare of enterprises by stages of NWFPs supply chain in selected FAs (in %)hare of enterprises by stages of NWFPs supply chain in selected FAs (in %)hare of enterprises by stages of NWFPs supply chain in selected FAs (in %)hare of enterprises by stages of NWFPs supply chain in selected FAs (in %)hare of enterprises by stages of NWFPs supply chain in selected FAs (in %)hare of enterprises by stages of NWFPs supply chain in selected FAs (in %)hare of enterprises by stages of NWFPs supply chain in selected FAs (in %)hare of enterprises by stages of NWFPs supply chain in selected FAs (in %)hare of enterprises by stages of NWFPs supply chain in selected FAs (in %)hare of enterprises by stages of NWFPs supply chain in selected FAs (in %)hare of enterprises by stages of NWFPs supply chain in selected FAs (in %)

    Characteristics of supply

    chain stageschain stages

    / FAs



    72,7 57,1 58,3 66,7 66,7 45,5 14,3 50,0 25,0 44,4 63,6 42,9 41,7 91,7 77,8 18,2 42,9 8,3 0 33,3 45,5 28,6 25,0 16,7 66,7 9,1 0 25,0 0 0

    18,2 0 41,7 58,3 33,3 81,8 85,7 58,3 58,3 22,2 72,7 42,9 25,0 58,3 22,2 90,9 42,9 50,0 83,3 88,9 0 14,3 33,3 25,0 0

    . 0 42,9 8,3 0 0 0 0 8,3 0 0 0 0 8,3 0 0 0 28,6 8,3 16,7 11,1 63,6 57,1 91,7 83,3 44,4 54,5 28,6 58,3 33,3 22,2 45,5 28,6 25,0 50,0 66,7:

  • , ,


    * , 29 ( ) 107 ( ), 3. , , , , .

    , , ,

    * 8 (2005), , , , (2005).

    3. Table 3. Characteristics of NWFPs purchaseCharacteristics of NWFPs purchaseCharacteristics of NWFPs purchaseCharacteristics of NWFPs purchase


    / FAs

    100 85,785,7 54,554,5 75 55,655,6. . (). . (). . () 50 33 107 29 41

    81,8 85,7 27,3 50,0 66,7 9,1 16,7 22,2 18,2 27,3 25,0 14,3 36,4 8,3 11,1

    90,9 85,7 63,6 66,7 88,9 63,6 71,4 81,8 66,7 66,7

    . . ( . . ( . . ( km)) 67 10,0 120,0 75,0 30,0

    54,5 0,0 16,7 8,3 22,2

    81,8 57,1 41,7 66,7 55,6

    72,7 14,3 50,0 50,0 66,7

    18,2 0,0 16,7 25,0 33,3 0,00,0 0,00,0 0,00,0 0,00,0 22,222,2


    3. ?

    Diagram 3. Distribution of answers to the question How would you evaluate the collaboration with the collectors?










  • 155

    . 10 km () 120 km (). , , , , , ( 3).

    , (54,6%), . , , , , , , . , , , ( 3).

    , . , ( 2), *.

    4 , . , ( ) (83,3%, 58,3%) (72,7%, 63,6%) . , . , (22,2%).

    * : ( ), () ( ), , , , .

    4. Table 4. Technical equipment in SMEs

    Type of equipment

    / FAs

    % 72,7 42,9 25,0 83,3 44,4 . 12 16 5 9 10

    % 63,6 28,6 33,3 58,3 44,4 . 14 12 4 8 14

    % 100,0 100,0 91,7 91,7 100,0 . 7 9 2 9 3

    % 72,7 57,1 50,0 58,3 22,2 . 9 12 8 10 19

    % 72,7 71,4 50,0 83,3 66,7 . 9 11 16 6 8

    % / 28,6 33,3 25,0 11,1 . / 11 8 4 1

    % 63,6 71,4 41,7 83,3 55,6 . 9 20 9 4 6


  • , ,


    , , , , . , ,

    , ( 4).

    , , , , ( 5). , (57,1%) .

    , , ( 2). .

    4. ?

    Diagram 4. Distribution of answers to the question What are the main problems in the collaboration with the collectors?



    5. ?

    Diagram 5. Distribution of answers to the question Do you have final products?





  • 157

    , (66,7%) , , e, .

    ( 2), (54,5%) (58,3%) , . , , , , ( 5).

    5. ( %)Table 5. Number of enterprises according to export destinations of NWFPs (in %)

    Export destination

    / FAs

    66,7 50,0 60,0 70,0 25,0 66,7 75,0 60,0 80,0 50,0 33,3 0,0 40,0 40,0 25,0

    22,2 50,0 60,0 40,0 25,0 11,1 50,0 40,0 20,0 0,0 0,0 25,0 20,0 10,0 25,0


    6. ?

    Diagram 6. Distribution of answers to the question How is the transport to the delivery point organized?













  • , ,


    , , : ) , ) ) . , , ( 6). , , , , , .

    , , , ( 7).


    , * (, , ), Silhouette . 0,6, 0,7 ( ), , , 0,8 ( ). * ( . Schwarzs Bayesian Criterion).

    7. ?

    Diagram 7. Distribution of answers to the question Is the NWFPs market stable at the moment?




  • 159

    , ( ), ( 6). , , ( 8).

    6. ( %) ( %)Table 6. Share of NWFPs supply chain types in selected fores areas (in %) Share of NWFPs supply chain types in selected fores areas (in %) Share of NWFPs supply chain types in selected fores areas (in %) Share of NWFPs supply chain types in selected fores areas (in %) Share of NWFPs supply chain types in selected fores areas (in %) Share of NWFPs supply chain types in selected fores areas (in %) Share of NWFPs supply chain types in selected fores areas (in %) Share of NWFPs supply chain types in selected fores areas (in %) Share of NWFPs supply chain types in selected fores areas (in %) Share of NWFPs supply chain types in selected fores areas (in %)


    chain typechain type

    / FAs

    1 / 71,4 41,7 58,3 66,7 2 36,4 / 41,7 41,7 / 3 63,6 / / / / 4 / 28,6 / / / 5 / / 16,6 / / 6 / / / / 33,3


    8. Diagram 8. Types of supply chains in selected FAs

    1 2 3 4 5 6


    ( )

    1 3 4 5

  • , ,


    ( ), ( 3). ( 1 4), (71,4%) ( 8). ( 1 2)*, ( 1 6), ( 1, 2 5).

    , (, ) 1 ( 9), (, ), ( ) (, ). , 2, , , , (, ).


    , : , , , . , , . , , , . (L a c u n a R ich m a n , 2002, Sh a ck le t on , Sh a ck le t on , 2004).

    , , () . , , , , , . (Ne del jkov i et al., 2012, Ke a et al., 2013), , , , (2008). * , .

    9. ( )

    Diagram 9. A typical supply chain of NWFPs (with a substage collection)

    ( )((


  • 161

    , ( , , .). , , (Se el a nd et al., 2007, Pa a s s i l t a et al., 2009, C a i et al., 2011).

    (Bubnjev i , 2010), , , , , . , (Ke a et al., 2013). , , , , , , (t e Ve lde et al., 2006).

    , (Pa a s s i l t a et al., 2009). ( , ), (, ). , , : 1) , 2) , 3) , , 4) , 5) , 6) , 7) , 8) , (C e r nu sca et al., 2012).

    , . () () , , (Se c c o et al., 2009).

    , Dalla Valle OY, , , , . , , , , , , , , (Ca i et al., 2011).

    . , , . , , , , , , , .

  • , ,



    , :

    ) ( ,

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    , , ( , , , .);

    , , , , , ;

    , : ) ( ) ) (, ), ;

    (, , , ), ;

    ) (, , ),

    : 1 ( , )

    , ; 2 ( , ) ,

    ; ( 3, 4, 5 6) (

    ) ; , (

    ) 1 ( , ).

    (, , ), , . , ,

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    Dragan NoniNenad RankoviJelena Nedeljkovi


    Su m ma r ySo far, there have not been any significant researches in Serbia on the types of NWFPs sup

    ply chains and stages (supply, processing and placement). For that reason, the aim of this study was to determine the structure and typology of the supply chains of nonwood forest products (NWFPs) in selected forest areas (FAs) of central Serbia (Golijsko, Podrinjskokolubarsko, Posavskopodunavsko, Rasinsko and Tarskozlatiborsko FAs). A doortodoor survey was conducted in 2011. The questionnaire consisted of 16 closed, open and Likert scale questions, divided into three groups: 1) purchase, 2) processing and 3) placement of NWFPs. The data analysis (descriptive statistics and cluster analysis) was performed using Excel and SPSS.

    The cluster analysis showed that there were six main types of NWFPs supply chains in the selected FAs. However, the most represented were the supply chains consisting of three stages (purchase, processing and placement), with or without the substage of NWFPs collection, which may be assessed as a positive feature. This helps to ensure a smooth flow of information, knowledge and experience, which is one of the bases for an effective functioning of the entire sector. However, it is important for the SMEs to orient towards greater product finalization, which could have a positive influence on the domestic market development and may increase the income from export.

    NWFPs purchase can be performed in several ways (own purchasing stations, the use of other purchasing stations, collectors coming into the enterprise, own collectors, visiting villages). However, in the selected FAs, purchase is mostly carried out: a) in own purchasing stations (all FAs) and b) by collectors coming into the enterprise and bringing the collected NWFPs (Golijsko, Rasinsko and TarskoZlatiborsko FA).

    Depending on the capacity and technical capabilities of the SMEs, the processing is performed in different ways: primary processing, drying, brining, freezing, etc. Despite their good technical capabilities, most of the enterprises do not have final products, except in the PodrinjskoKolubarsko FA.

    Although most of the NWFPs are exported, there are two situations, when it comes to NWFPs placement: 1) only export and 2) placement on both domestic and international markets. The main export destinations are the countries of Central and Western Europe (Italy, Germany, Austria, France and Switzerland), but some of the enterprises also export to USA and Canada.

    Recommendations for future research are primarily related to the supply chain analysis in the region of Southern and Eastern Serbia (Jablaniko, Junomoravsko, Moravsko, Niavsko, Severnokuajsko, Topliko and Timoko FAs). Also, it is necessary to perform an assessment of supply chain performances (productivity, service levels, etc.). In this way, it would be possible to gain a more complete knowledge about the typology and structure of the NWFPs supply chains in all FAs in Central Serbia and give appropriate recommendations for the improvement and further development of this sector in Serbian forestry.

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    *aa ea eea a o, ea aa e ooa

    ee eoa a ae Meo:aea eooe oaaje aa a:

    aae oo aea eooe oaaje aa, ao aea, eea eoa. Aea a a ae oaaa o a e eea a o, ea aa e ooa a eoj eae je.

    I O oa/

    II O oa o ee/

    III O

    1. oaja o aa oa oe ooa

    a Meo oa ( kg)2005. 2006. 2007. 2008. 2009. 2010.


    eoo e


    2. a oj a e o ? (oe je aa e oooa)a) oee oe ae ) oee o aa) aa oae eee ) oe aa) oea ea ) o ___________________ (oo, ojae)

    3. ao e oe aa a aaa?1 2 3 4 5 (1eoa oa, 2oa, 3 oa, oa, 4oa, 5eoa oa)

    4. oj a oe aa a aaa?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    5. a oajee o aaa?) a ) oo a, a oo ? ________________________________

    6. oo eo oae o ea a aae?) a a ) Jeo eeo ) eoo a eeo ) Jeo eeo

    * .

  • , ,


    7. a oj a je oaoa eo o oe ae? (o e oooa)) oe eo ) aa ooe ooe ) o _____ (oo, ojae)

    8. oja je oea aaa o ae eea o o ea?_____________________________ [km]

    9. oj a oe o oa ?(1oo eao, 2eao, 3 eao, ao, 4ao, 5eoa ao)) 1 2 3 4 5) 1 2 3 4 5) 1 2 3 4 5) 1 2 3 4 5) o (oo, ojae) _______________________________________________

    IV eaa

    1. oje ooe e oe oa ? (oe je aa e oooa)) oaja ( ea oe oa) ) ee ) aaee ) aaae ) aoae ) ____________ (oo, ojae)

    2. oj oe oejee oo je aa?) o a aao ____ (o. ao) ) o e aae _____ (o. ao)) aa a eee ________ (o. ao) ) aa _______________ (o. ao)) Ma. a ea _______ (o. ao) ) Maa a aoae _____ (o. ao)

    V aa

    1. a ae a, oejaa aoaa?a e

    2. a e aa ooa a oae a oao ?) a oae ) a oao ) a oae a oaoAo e aa ooa a ao , oje ee oe?_____________________________________________________________________

    3. a oj a aae ooe? (oe je aa e oooa)) oe aooaj oje (oo je e e aae? ___________________)) Mae oe ae ) eae e ) o) eaa ) o __________________________ (oo, ojae)

    4. je oaoa eo o ea oe? (oe je aa e oooa)) oe eo ) ) o _______________ (oo, aee)5. a je eo e ao?) a ) e ) e a (oo, ojae ao __________________________)

    VI Aaa ooaa
