r. i I. i ! i ENTERING T07N CITES. The following correspondence will tliow that the act of the last Legisla- ture of the Territory, designating the County Commissioners as theproper persons to enter Town Sites, is not recognized by the Commissioner pf the Land Ofncc. ' It 13 a question of dotfbt whether "v the 'Judges of Probate, or the United States Judges, can be regarded as 44 Judges of 'the County Court." As noon as that doubt is removed, notice iiroe civ en. Trrthe"-Yiiea- n' timcno mterinffof t ownsnotincorjjoratcdl I be made. actof the last Lcgis-- i laturc wUl be placed in the hands of the Ccramissioner; .i and, . under the cir- - j cmiiinxejjie-ciiuricsirtui- u. way be .confirmed. . ; : ,: . : V Joux A. Parker, Register. -- . Land Office, May 10th, 1857. . . " M ' : r f - Exlracl of a Letter to the Commissioner ": ' . of tlve Land Office dated. , Land Orrcr Omaha, V' : .; .... - pril i5th,;i857..'.'J fndcr the s,'actrof twenty-thir- d; May, .the "Judges ..Of" the County Court'7 are cive'n the authority. to enter f'Town Sites."' In this Territory there :rre no such oflicers a3 "Judges of the lunty'Court'butthc Legislature has "reepgnizctTf the1 "County. .Oommissioh-'cr- s' " ai .the ;proper persons to ienter "Town Sites,'"'' and-w- c have, in view of the' spirit of the lav,: pennitfedsuch entries, in the hope that 'jt. will jneet the approbation of the"department. .- -. . "..Very respectfully.. .: . ' ; Your obedient servant, . " t ' JoiinA. Parrer, 'Register.' ' General Land Office, " May 2nd, 1857. J Sir: Your letter of the 15th of April ultimo has been received, and in reply, I have to inform you that a claimant, by pre-emptio- n, can amend his declaratory statement, for un-oCfer- cd land, at any time within three months after the survey has been made in the field. If, by the laws of the Territory, the Judge of the District Court of the United States, for the Territory of Nebraska, is also made Judge-o- f the County Court of the county in which it is situated, then the entry may be made accordingly, in his name, in trust for the use and benefit of the occupants of the town site under the act of the 23rd of May, 1844, and in all places where the town is not in- corporated. A transcript of the act of the Tcrrittory should be filed, in the first case, .among the papcr3. Where the town the. entry must be in the name of the corporate authorities, . and must, in all cases, be in trust, etc. See form herewith en- closed. 'You state that you have al- lowed entries under the act of the 23rd of-Ma- 1844, by the County Com- missioners of the county in which the land lies. There beinj;-n- warrant of law for. entries by such officers under the. act aforesaid, you will at! once re port such entries for cancellation, and advise the parties accordingly. I . . Respectfully, c, i . : Tncs.. A..Hexdiiicks, I - '.' Commissioner. - Register, Omaha, T. ! . ' ; - Washington, May '15. Mr. Ualderman, editor of the Louk-v'dl-c. Courier, an old line Whig,, has Veen appointed Collector of Louisville, the present incumbent having been re moved. r 4 rT hi3Tiaorning:;-he'"Qernera- l Land OfScpr; forwarded ' instructions to" its Agents in, Kansas for'.. the Iowa and other tract lands, to t commence at Iowa Point, T., cn the 3d "of June under the supervision tf Hon: Horace Eddy, special 'Commissioner.' 1 it- - ' ' j ' Attorney: General Black has given an opinion that the Government should grant an absolute fee simple patent to tho Christian Indians i on the private charter of their lands purchased by the Govcrment. . .This will be the first instance in which any government has recognized the' ;rirht cf thc';Inrlinn tribes to'thc'fec inland. The commissioners appointed on the fitness of Blythc Island, Ga., for a Xaval Depot, have 'reported favorably. Congress appropriated $250,000 ' for its purchase. Westward. From all parts we hear cf crowds of emigrants pushing their way Westward. Tt'is estimated that . Kansas, Nebraska, and Minnesota, will receive during the coming season, an addition to .their' population of not less : than 200,000. That portion of the Territory of Nebraska lying south of the Platte river, will, in all proba .bility, be filled up this season, as it will undoubtedly be through this country- -that the great Central railroad to the Pacific will be built, thus opening it up at an early day. Neio York Dispatch. . . " ' Comet Struck. A lady in Owen County, Iowa, ; has become deranged Ljl dwelling with morbid apprehen dieted collision with the comet. Wheeling Times. 1 " The ft-u- it buds of the apple tree are nctirm:rcd this section.of the eoun try; and the few peach trees vrhich tlie winter of 1855-- 6, will be likely to produce more" rmi.Spring ff-- Urn. Zlh. undersigned are no longer stockholders in the THE Valley Bank, and aro not responsible soli our i in the nrntto for its issue, having tcrcjt ilesjrs. Jones, & Barkclow, S. E. Kogcrs, F. David- son and their associate, Af , --- b.p.. PEGRAM. EfownvIli, March IStli, 1S57. !.' IX. C. BERBER, Proprietor. BXIOWXVIIXE, N. T. rjlIIE finest of Liquors for any purpose desired, A Medicinal or otherwise. Segars of every grade, Oysters and Sardines of various sizid boxes, Fruit, Nut?, Confectionarie?; in short everything to ticket the arwtiteof theerieurian, alwayson liand,served in coed style and at reasonable ratc:i. yJ; o ? J i T - nnfl and IiOt Agrcnfl , -- rt . i ? . REAL-ESTAT- E . BROKER. ti FARMS FOR SALE OR SENT. ; mm. ZiOIld Exttoroca OH Time. ; Land Warrants Bought and Sold. . : DRQWJfYILLE, N. T. Kanawha Salt. 2003 bbls on consignment, and will bo sold at a reduced price, by J.B.JENNINGS. Truit. 150 boxes hrs and qr It R Kaifinf, and C3 bxs Oranges and Lemons, for sale by J. B. JENNINGS. , . :. nopct ioa Ouiis MuiHi iica ute Kope, irom to 2 iuchen, just received, ' and for saloby . v J. 15. JENNINGS. Mackerel. 120 packages no. 1, 2, aod 3 Mack- erel ' in i, , and whole bll?., just rcccircd,andfor sale by t. . . J. B. JENNINGS. ' Fresh Oysters. 100. do Field's eel tbratcd Oysters, on direct consignment, in ftore, and for- kale, b7 ... - , J. B. JENNINGS. Tfails.300 Kes assorted,in store, and for sale by - ; .l J.B.JENNINGS. Fish. 100 bis no. i dried herrings, and 2000 pounds Superior Cod5b, just received, and for tale by J.B.JENNINGS. Window Cilass. 150 boxes, 8X10X10 M 12 lase, just received, and for sale, by ; J. B. JENNINGS. St Joseph, Mo. April SO, f57. .; DATID H. M'tACCnUN. . CHARLES O. DORSET. Mclaughlin & dorse y, IffiEAIi-ESTAT- ...... .. .... AND i - GENERAL LAND alGENTS, First Street, (opposita "Advertiser" office,) BEOWNVILLE, N. T. Will attend to Filing Declarations of intention to Securing rre-cmptio- Locating Land Warrants. Entering Land. . , Land Warrants Bought and Sold. Particular attention will be paid to buying and selling property on commission, aad making invest- ments for distant dealers. Correspondence solicited. Mclaughlin & Dorset. BEFEB TO . Bradford, McLennan & McGary, Nebraska City.N.T. McPherson, ilorrison,4 IIutchins.Drownville, N. T. 0. 1L liarnet, Esj Dayton, Ohio. . - : TOE SALE. , Lot 5 in block 59; Lots 3 and 12 in block 43; Lot 10 in block 47, in the City of Brownville, by McLAUGIILIN & DORSET; ' Lot 2 in block 40, best Lcvoo lot in Brownville; also, house and lot in block 2 Main street. MeLAUGIlLIN & DORSET. FOB SALE. Half of lot 11 in block 19 Main street; al3o, lot 4 in block 19. Also, 40 acres of bind joining South Brownville; by McLAUGHLIN & DORSET. April 23, 1357. , :.. . 45-- ly SPRING AUllWAL OF AT W HOBLITZELL k CO. BROWNVILLE, X.-- T. WE are continually reccivingby every boat, an entirely new and large assortment cf . j. V. SUPERIOR GOOl!)S,'- Which wc will fell nt as reasonable prices as any establishment in the West, , .ur motto being "LI VE AND LET LIVE Jr Wc have now in store a great variety of tho fol- lowing articles, which we purchased for CASH and consequently can sell cheap on tho same terms : DRY GOODS, rocerieSj HATS AND CAPS, HARDWARE, : CUTLERY, Q UEENS WARE, WILLOW WALE, oots and Shoes, Ready Jilado Clothing And a Cue assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES, Such as Spice, Peppers, Soda. Salaratu?, Ginger, Allspice, . : etc., etc And a good article cf Smoking and Chewiug Tobacco. It is a pleasuro tons to show goods, and we ask you to call round and see for vourselve. . HOBLITZELL & CO Apnl 23, 1So7. 45--ly NOTICE IS hereby given to Elijah Kimball or any others whom it may concern, that I will, on the 9th day of June next, proceed to tha Land O See at Omaha City, Nebraska Territory, and prove up my Pre- emption ri'ht to the north-ea- st quarter of Section 18, Township 6, Range 15, cast. Said Kimball or others are notified to be present and show cause, if any, why 1 snould not do so. GEO.W.PLU3IMER ilay 28th, 1557. 50--2t-- p DR. J. L. McKEE, P3TQIOIAN .- - AND SURGEON DENTIST. - BROWNTILLE, N. T. Teeth plugged and filled in tho most ap. Droved method. , - Brownville. V Marl. '57. 43-- t. ; Boots and , Shoes. V A N onuually large t tock of ac and coarse Boots ji.andShoe8 a and Liadioa can be icen, and purchased low, at UODLITZCLL k CO 8. PUETT & WILKINSON, h AND V'.( Ci. attorneVs at law " : ; OMADT, X T. Will attend to all business intrusted, to their care ' "V" I.Er EKENCES ." .. Col. Jes3e William?, Fairfield, Iowa. Got. Jos. A. Wright, IndianapoliSjfnd, Mr. F. N. Rcock, Washington Cltyr- - Hon. John G. Davis, Ruekvillc, Ind. Hon. Geo. L. Miller, Omaha City, N. T. D. C. & T. Nf SANDERS, ' V dealem x . ; ; . j lA Pruit imd Ornamental Trees, - Madura Hedge Seed etc., etcr TEST recoivcd,per steamer White Cloud, a supply of ilaulura liodg-Soed- whk-I- i we-offer fof ;eale on reasonable trxms, for CASI1. . .. Our seed ore of . last season crowth, direct from i r- i ? J 1 leias, cocscqucnuy no Vl.A-- r AS - . ' i XJi j.-a- . ii. f.i' fi.j, '3 miles South of Eroirnville. April 23d, 1857. ; : 45-- tf Buchanan Life and General; Insurance Co.J v'i". Office eor 2d and Jule sts., , , ; ; , st. Joseph, mo.; ; CniRTEREDAT THn LAST SESSIOX OF TUE MO. LEO, Authorized Capital 3,000,000. J. B. Jennin-TS,- ' I. It. Howard, J. A.' Owen, Milton Tooth, JohnColhoua, John II. Likens, W.II.Pcncik, James Kay, A, J. ilijAshan, A. I. Mansfieer. ; v : . ... J.B. JENNINGS, Pres.; , N. It. McAsriAN,.' Sca'y... IS now ready to receive application for Life, Fire, Marine and River risks. A cash return of 25 per cent, will bo allowed on cargo premiums. Losses promptly adjusted, and the usual facilities given to thopatrons of the office. April ICth, 1857. 4i-3- m J. B. M'ALUSTEB J.L. DOZIER. JONAS CRANE Oregon, Mo. Browaiville, N. T. ' Oregon, Mo McAllister, dozier & co., FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ''l Dealers in FjINCY and staple DEI GOODS! HARDWARE & QUEEXSWARE, Grocorios, Provisions, Produce, etc., etc., Ap- - 3I(tin Slr'ect,and Xo. 2 Zeveey . ,'.;J. BIIOWNVILLE, N. T. St. Joseph Gazette, Kansas Herald, Jefferson City Enquirer and St. Louis Rspublicaa copy six months and charge this cmcc. April 16th, 1857. 44-l- y Saddlery. C! ADDLES, Bridles, Martinrale?, Checks, and cv O ry variety of goods in this lino can be had at 11013L1TZELL & CO S, AND' - ' UPHOLSTERY,; ' WHOLESALE AND DETAIL, V; "by . : SCARRITT & MASON. ST. LOUIS, MO. E take plexsure in sayinz to our friends and the public in general, that our stock of Fine Medium, and Common Furniture, as well as Mat- - UwK9 and Sin&HSf was novo ikon .omploto tmd deserving the attention of purchasers, either at wholesale or retail in full suits or sinirlo articles than at present. We shall spar no effort to keep the most complete arsortincnt in our line, in the West. Our Good are mado here, as well aa East; by the best workmen, and thus combino tho greatest variety and latest styles, with the cheapest and most substantial. ' " Dealers, as well as all other purchasers, aro in- vited to call and look through cur Mammoth Ware Rooms. - Orders also, from all parties having furniture to buy for themselves or others, are especially solicited, with the assuranco of our best endeavors to merit a continuance of thu liberal confidence and patronage we have so long received. .. SCARRITT & MASON. Washington Ave. between 2nd and 3d St3. March 19th, '57. 40-3- m JEFFERSON P. CASADT, ) MARTIN TV. RIDE.V, 1 JAS. D. TEST, V JAS. D. WHITE, ' Connci 151uff, Iowa. J Nebraska City N T ) CASS AD Y, TEST, RIDEN & CO., (Succcsstirs to Itiden & White.) LAND AGENTS. ... . NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. HAYING madi arrangements by which we will accurate copies of all tho Townships embraced in the Eastern portiou of Nebraska, we are now prepared to ouer our services to tho "SQUATTERS OF THE TERRITTORY,' In Filing Declaratory Statements of . ' Intention to Pre-emp- t. Sccnrinsr . x iccuijiiiuu;) Locating Land Warrants and ENTERING LAND LAND WARRANTS BOUGHT & SOLD. Land Entered on Time, &c, Particular attention paid to Buying and Selling 'roperty on commission: Also, to making Collections and forwarding remittances to any part of tho Union. Blanks of all kind3 Always on hand. . , REFERENCES. ; lion. A. A. Bradford, - . Nebraska City. " " S.F,Nucoll3, .: Jlessrs. Dolmac,& West, St. Joseph, Ho., Peter A. Keller, ', Washington City Thomas Lumpkin, " June 23, 1S56. vl-n- 4 . DILLON, THOMPSON & CO. Laro Frame Building Cor. Main & Rock Sts. BOCK POUT, MO. Whoscsale and Retail Dealers in And Groceries, Hardware, Queenswarc, Drugs, llats, Laps, Boots, Shoes, linware, btoves, Furniture, Iron, Nails, Plows, and Farming Utensils. have, on the opening oi navigation, a WILL and varied accession to their present Stock, which will be sold 1)W for Lasa. February 12tn,iao. 35-- tf Notice. Editor "Xclrnilzm Adcertiscr": Deib Sir: In looking over the last number of your notice attracted my attention Bigned by Jiper Hoover, Esq., in which he states that certain stories are in circulation that the undersigned claim some interest InXemaha City for the purpose of in juring its prosperity. It may do quite well tocir- - c a late a report oi mat nature wnere xuo jatus w unknown, but to those knowing the facta auch a statement is merely foolish. And for the purpose of giving a fair opportunity to persons to ascertain the facts we hereby warn all persons from purchasing any pretended claim or interest in the eaid town of Nemaha City, from the said Jerome Hoover, as he has sold and received pay for nine-twelft- hs of said town, and suit is now pending to place tho undersigned in possession of the interest by them pnrchased in the same; and they have not authorixed the raid Hoover to sell or dispose of any portion of their interest, bat directed suit to be brought long since for its recovery. Yours, Ac, F. J. MARSHALL. - J.VO. DOXIPHAX. ' JAS.DOXIPHAX. ' K. L. BALLARD. . R. C. BISHOP. L. D. BIRD. A. O. WOODWARD. S. F. M7CKOLLS. . C1IAS. F. HOLLY. March 2Sth, 1857. - . 42-- tf TLAXKS cf evenr description, for sale at this - i - t STORE,f NEMAHA CITY,aN.T. MOORl! & BltOWNLI ?V f'i I" ' 4 'Ti Would respectfully announce to J the public generally that they have received and opened at Nemaha CityxC. 19 W If; LARGE: STOCK TV 1 .it- - AH 3D !. t V-- ... 9 j 4 v. 'Everything ttcpin'cunder that head. GROCERIES, IHIaa'aSwaii' 9 Ji 1 8 j All of which we will sell CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. , Horses Waat:d. I will pay the highest price i for a jfew fine, well broke corses, r Apply at sirs table in Brownville, : i ' J. W. COLEMAN. SAVE YOUR HOUSE ! 1 ! LIGHTNING. RODS BENNET. c MARSH, T ESPECTFULLY inform tha public that they It are now prepared to put up Lightning Rods of a superior quality on as reasonable terms tis any ono j else in tnis country. Orders left at McPhcrson & Hutchin's Store will be attended to. . . May 7, 1857. .. 47-- tf " For Sale. 10 Casks Sugar Cured Hams, at . , MCALLISTER, DOZIER & CO's. ' . For Sale. 10,000 pounds Bacon Jit; ' '. McAllister, dozier & CO's. For Sale. 50 bbls, and 100 sks I'lour, at McAllister, dozier & cos. J. B. JENNINGS, ' - Wliolosaio G-rooo- r, AND ' COMMISSION MERCHANT, , AND DEALER XX country: PRODUCE, , . ....... .; i. Corner Second and Frances Sts. ' ST. JOSEPH, MO., TTAS on hand, and to arrive, tho following arti- - JLi clcs, which will De fold to thn trade en accom modatin terms, EXCLUSIVELY AT WHOLE- - SALE: 150,000 Cigars all qnali-10-0 bxs E D and W R - ties ' - chces 4000 sacks G A Salt 156 boies starch . 200 Hhds N O Sugar 200 bbl3 and hf bbls water 500 sks Rio Coffee and but'r crackers 100 " OG Java Coffee 200 bbls and hf bbl3 pilot 100 Laguayra . " ; bread and pic nio do 100 "Mocha " 200 bbls soda milk sugared 250 bbls, half bbls andlOO eg and wine do . kg3 Belcher's Molasses; 100 bbls apple vinegar 200 bbls, half bbls and qr300 bxs Tobacco all grades . N N refined do 200 bxs smoking tobacco, 150 half chests tea,, all various brands kinds 100 bunches pipe stems 250 bbls Deleter's Sugar 50 bbls HS Sicily and 150 bbls, bal's, qrs, nos 1 Joca Almonds 2 and 3 Mackerel 50 bbls filberts, brazil 200 bxs dried herrings nuts, pecans 20 hf bb3 White Fish 100 kgs S C Soda 5 drms dry Cod Fish 500 kegs assorted nails 200 bxs ass'd candy 500 bxs half and qr star 100 ' foncy " candles . . 300 drams fijjs 150 do etcrine do 100 bx hl's and qrs Rais-20- 0 do bar soap ins 50 do rock candy. 50 bxs Prunes SUNDRIES. Cotton yarn, carpet chain, batting, candle wicks, cotton and hemp twine, wheat and meal sacks, axes, spades and shovels, garden seeds and straw rakes, log chains, lead shot, powder brooms,, wrapping paper, hemp, maniUa, jute and cotton cordage, indigo and madder, alum, white lead,; window sash, window glass, tumblars,jarsof different size?, flasks assorted sizes, sassafras bark, pia fruits, fresh peaches, brandy cherries and peaches, current and raspberry jellies, fresh tomatoes, canton ginger, preserves, nut megs, cassia, peppersauce, tomato and walnut catsnp, lemon syrup, lobsters, Sardines, extract and essence of coffee, chocolate, pickles, matches, etc. ' WOODEJT WARE. Wash boards, tubs, common pails, cedar pails, B B pils, pine and cedar churns, brass bonnd churns, tar buckets, well buckets, cedar cans, mop sticks, butter prints. buckeye bowls io nests; iron bound kegs, one two, three, five and ten gallons, the smaller size with bales, common and I B half bushels and measures, camp stools etc. , I am also agent for the sale of K A salt, and have now on hand 2,000 blls for sale at cost and transpor- tation. I have the exclusive sale by direct consign- ment of five hundred deson Field's celebrated oysters, acknowledged to be the best put up in Baltimore. , To California and Salt Lake Emigrants. Your especial attention is invited to my extensive stock, which embraces everything suited to your wants ia crossing the plains. I will at all times keep on hand flour, meal, bacon, lard, hard bread and crackers, all of which will be sold at the lowest cash prices. 38-- ly - J. B. JEXXIXGS. : Caution. - THE public are hereby notified that one Thomas through fal colors obtained a certificate of entry of the S. West fractional quarter and the S. East fractional quarter of Section number twenty-fiv- e, in Township number six, in Range number fif- teen, East of the 6th Principal Meridian in Nebras- ka Territory. J The above is claimed by and will be patented to B. B. Thompson, whose papers and evi- dence are forwarded to Washington City for hearing. B. B. THOMPSOX. fbrbary20th.l3$7. 37-- tf D. 31. HITCHCOCK CO., T.ncnst streets. St. Louis, Mo. - a 'mtti? 4 PTITIiKRS of Cookies. Heating, ardJ IVl Parlor Stoves and Grates. , Alc Manufacturers oi lour sues oewBUM-;nt- ; CaryrioughJ cao and two horse Jright and left '; land. . . ! l- u. c: JOIINSON, Attorney and y Counsellor atLaiQ, AND Keal'Estate Agent. BROWNVILLE, N. T. - SFREKfi3. Hon. Wm. Jessup, Montrose. Pa. f B: 9. cfctiy; . r '?.( r a ' Johi JUi MUlei1, " Chiaagft, III.- - iG t. Wm. I. McAllister, " " " Charles F. Fowler, - . Vrm. Ferguson, JJrownvillo,.?!'-- ?, T-- f S0. F.sLaktx, i H May Tr4847 - f x.' JL W. !l. t 47-l- y -n- 3?EORGE-FTKENNEDYr BROKEIt, AND GENERAL LAND AGENT. Florence City, N. T. 33-a- OOlS. Out I LIGHTNING: RODS!! ,11,.,. V. JLJJ- - I , " IS prepared to sell and put' tip' all' size' of Rods manufactured by the Lightning Rod Com- pany." . . Orders left at the "Advertiser Office," will receive prompt attention; W; C, LIVIiSGSTOJN. Mar 7. 1857. , 47-- tf "JEZTFLO AJ JSi VIT1T1S T TTTTT)T7" Cim LilYIiHI Oil: J. W. COLE2IAK, INFORMS the public that he has procured a stock Carriages, Buggies, etc., and a fine Horses aa aro to be found, and has opened a LIVERY STABLE, . I Sicond Str'cet between Water and Main,' ' Brownville, T. ' All persons wishing anything in" his line can be accomiaoaatca at an neurs. . ' : - ; ALSO: Horses and Carriages boughli-an- sold. . .... ' J".. W. COLEMAN. v? HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. "'; ' ' Just received i i Per Steamer Col., Grossman, AT SIEGEL & GREENBAUJTS BALTIMORE CLOTHING STORE, No. 31 Main St., 3d door above Post Office. BROWNVILLE, . N. T. i Fine broadcloth coats, and ' Standing collars, at tho . Baltimore Clothing Store. Bl'kand fancy cassimcr pants, and Carpet sacks, at tho Ifaltimore Clothing Store. . Silk, Satin, Marsailes, and Casi Vests, and Flannel Shirts, at tho - Baltimore Clothing Store; Fine Shirts and over-all- s, Pat. Leather Gaiters, straw hats, at the ","", Baltimore Clothing Store. Black and fancy cravat?, White and fancy shirts, at the Baltimore Clothing Store. Everything in tho clothing line at tho . : . Baltimore Clothing Store. Call around and examine the stock at the Baltimore Clothing Store, April 23, 1857. ...-.- ! 7 III MAI JOHN COLHOUN & BROTDER, (Sign of the Padlock, opposite the Tost Office.) WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL " DEALER IS Building and Saddlery Hardware, GROCERIES, Boots, Shoes, Leather and Shoe Findings. ST. JOSEPH, MO; '' ' HAVE now in store, and to arrive shortly, and Foreign Hardware, such as : Greaves k Son's Files Scissors and Edge Tools Pocket knives Butcher's do do Knives and forks Spear & Jackson's saws Brass curtain bands and Gimlet pointed screws Pins . Griffin's and American Door lock3 horse nails Augers and auger bitts Post bole augers Corn knives Ames' shovels and spades Briar scythes Lull & Porter's shutter Grass and grain da Butts . Nails Morticing machines Shovels a nd tong Circular, mill and niuly .Candlesticks' saws Framed wood f awg " Planes and plane irons .". Blacksmiths' Bellows and Coopers drawing knives Vices do adzes and wood Mousehole Armitago an- vils tools' Tress Hoops ' American anvils Butts, cast and wrought Stocks and dies Copper rivets for belts : ' Pad hooks, breech 'g loops Tuyere Irons Pad serews, cockeyes ( Plated and com. stirrups Ornaments, racks do do BitU Girth rein and roller web do do Bnckles ' Silk, 3 cord thread do do Rings Calf skins . i Breast and rein snaps Upper leather , Last?, pegs .. . , . Briddle do , ,, Peg floats ' Skirting do Pincers ' ' Harness do Shoe thread Belting do ' Bristles, was Goat skins Lining skins Enammelled leather Binding. With many goods embracing a complete; assort- ment of the most desirable which they will sell at the lowest priceo. J. t OI.tiUl A I5U0. April 16th, 1857. 31 -- ly LI'PHEHSOIT, -- MORRISON & HUTCHINS, . i 5 "nave just Received i ! ut their Neio Bulldwg A t . ON THE LEVEE . Mammotli Stools. OP Sf-M-M-eTOO- DS OF UVERY STVLtS : 1 v ' -- 1 QUALITY ; AND UICB,, i. .i. Which they jntendjQ, sell, Lower ; than the Lowest I !I j.' if m Jfi At their New Establishment yoa will find M&ve'r jthidfe,Beedol in the W4icto! . 'A 1 T country, from a bar of soap , ' .to a broadcloth ecat. ; ! M THE LA TEST , STYLES, . Bold RmaTkablLovir. AKP TwIC H EM BROIDERIES, . DRESS.TrJ3DIUSTGS, "FlthQEg?IfAXS5iNn FAtiti? GOODS, Silks, Sattins and Slippers, ' . . Vi-r- ' - V ' A largo and complete assortment of I!.'""'; BONNETS AND BONNET TRIMMINGS, ... 1. . ..'.A n ' . ' of every style' and quality, j j ; Cloths, ;Casimeres, and 'Jcstuigs READY MADE. SHIRTS, : Vi' .(: : i AND Ready fllade Clothing . 1 : i To fit the MiHion!! ' Of the best manufacture and of superior v -- ' Workmanship. . ' Looking Glasses, That will mako an ngTy man handsoma and a lady of beauty more lovely, HATS , AND CAPS, That will fit and plea every ody.' Boots asiri Sfioes, From the infantile article of red morocco, to tho graceful boot of the gentle- -' : man's walking costume. IXxiclt7-vx- o and Oixtloxry from the best manufacturers at HOME AND ABROAD AND Sold at Eastern Prices. Genuine Imported Carpeting. Of Xcw and Elegant designs. YANKEE MOTIONS, HOSIERIES, , China, Glas3 and Queenswarc. PORTE MONNAIES; SILK PURSES, And a thousand articles', ranging in rcsrular gra dation of price and importance, from the primative toothpick of the ancient gooso quill, to a thousand dollar shawl. Our innate and native modesty forbid us lavish- - ing glowing encomiums upon our ipring b toe It or Goods, and we agk you to call and see for yourselves WE CHALLENGE THE WEST. . . . and furthermore - : 'iMAKE NO CHARGE f ' . ' ITor Sliowing Goocla. MTHERSOX, MORRISOX, t ntTCniXS. April 23, 1857. 45-- ly A. LYFOHD. J. T. HORS. LYFORD HOEN. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL . ' Dealers in GROCERIES, HARDWARE,' QUEENSWARE, BOOTS, sxrojcia, HATS, CAPS, Nailsr Stoves, VIovrs, Furniture, etc., r - SONORA, MO. r-A- pril 9th, 18i7. - - 43tf 13,000 lbs. of Ilacon, For sale, chap for Cah, by LYFORI) & HOUX. Sonora, Mo April 9th, 1857. ' ; 43-- tf Wanted IMMEDIATELY, by the subscriber, several good and to such the best wages will be given. Apply to C. W. WHEELER. Prownvilla, N. T, April 7 43.tr Hardware, Cutlery and Iron. LARGE assortment at ' A . ' ' HOBLITZELL A CO'S ProTision3. teep constantly on hand, Floor, Cora Meal Bacon, Batter, and every varietr of Groceries' HOBLITZELL & CO. Cash ! Cash! ! Cash! ! ! ; TnE undersigned would most earnestly call upon knowing themselves indebted for Medicine and Medical attendance to eome forward and settle without further notice A. S. HOLLA DAY. jjiownTiun, way 11, isjj. 43 tf - I i . .WOBTI. C? . I Just Received Per Steamer "Silver lUfo OF i McAllister; dozier &'ca Calico and Brown-Sugar-. .,, FiIIooks ajli Clothes Pins,. ;it .' ? iv.i ,'iicALiliTEa, iozin.b co Ginghams an Jfolas.?cs. 4 '' Steel Pons, and Wa Board?, at y . .V McALLiSTER, DOZIER& crA r, Salt and Brass Kettloa, Tar and Ffne Combsr at- - McALLISTFR, IJER & C0'i Lawns and Oi Yokef. w - f Tin Ware and Crushed Sugir, at McAllister, dozier 4 co-- Bleached Muslin and Bed Crli i Shirt Collars and Fiddle String?, at ; McAllister, dozier & co, '.',, t ., Denims' drawing knives De Lains and dried apples at, ' ;! McAllister, dozier y cot Silk handkerchiefs and hand Saws Blacking and pain killer, at ': ' : McAllister, dozier & co-s- . Flour and irish linen, Black pepper and bar lead, at McAllister, dozier & co-- i Plows and powder, ; , Pocket knives and percussion ci;psf at McxLLISTER, DOZfER Ss C0 . BlTt silk cravats and cod fish, Lace mitts and wall paper, at McAllister, dozier & cos. Coffee and fine shirk, ' Red and white fiannii and tob'oMco, tt McAllister, dozier & co-- i Rice and ladies nndirslecves, ' ' Nutmeg graters and Queensware. tt McAllister, dozier & col Glass and Ayers' cherry PcctjrrJ, Carpet sacks and hardware, at McALLISTER,'D0ZIR'& COt Ladies hosiery an J log ch;4ii3, : Aecdlesand shoi-el- . ni , 1 McAllister, d6zie r & co:j. Ladies collars and striped shirting, Puff combs and saddlery, at - McAllister, dozier & co Broad cloth and bar soap, Curry comb3 and dress trimminj;?, at McAllister; dozi er & coi Boots, shoej tod ftar Candles, Lace edging and Salaratus, at . McALLiSTER, DOZIER k COj. i Cottonades and spectacles, . Brooms and Ticking, at ' McAllister, dozier ,t coi. Sewing silk and buckets, ' ' ." Envelopes and Kentucky jea;if, at McAllister, dozier & cos. Blue drilling, knives and forts, Tea and white lead, at McALLISTEU, DOZIER Ss CO "Wash tubs and tooth picks, . ' Buck combs and knit needles, ai McAllister, dozier & co Cassimers and vesting,- - 'i Shoo brushes and Godfrey's cordial, tt . McAllister, dozier & co - . t . . . , ; Iaco veils and colog.io, Dress combs and sui-saur- at McAllister, dozier & co Thimbles and razor rtrajn, i Pearl buttons and jews harps, r.t . McAllister, dozier & co Suspenders and ribbons, ; ' ' . Brown, green and- - blue bareg;, t - McAllister, dozier & co Vinegar and linen thread, J ' Jaconet muslin and shavingijoirp, at McAllister, dozier & co Linen tablo ppreads and shoo kicts, Indigo and Jaynxs' medicinet-- ; it . McALLISTEIDOZIEB COi Brown linen and razors, ' ' Crash and diaper, at McAllister, dozier & ca. Colored cambric and ink, shoc. Thread and cotton batting, i t- - . McAllister, dozier &co'j- - Table, tea ppoonsaiid wad.iiug," Coat's thread and jack plains, at , McAllister, dozier & ccrs Challi de lains, and window aa.ja, Doors and shambray gBghanuat : I McAllister, dozier & cvs- - Straw goods, and summer dothing, ' Starch and pins, at , ,.,. ... McAllister, dopier & co Bonnets-an- d hair oil; ' Bacon and artificial flowers, it McAllister, dozier & cov A thousand and one articles tat mentioned, ca round at McAllister, dozier & co " " " . . - -t - : For Dry Goods of every deseri Dtion go to , McAllister, dozier&co For cheap Groceries and good brgnn3 go to McAllister, dozier & co-s- . If you want to get that which is cf ths best f j 1 ' McAllister,' dozier & cov j AVho is it that always evinees the moat ,,cltBJL nous anxiety to please tho taste ind captivte yo? McALLISTER, ; DOZIER & CO3- - Consequently yoa should patronize '. McALLISTES, DOZIER & W; Deal With , M'ALLISTER,' DOZIER & CO n 1

Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville NE) 1857-06-04 [p ].r. iI. i! i ENTERING T07N CITES. The following correspondence will tliow that the act of the last Legisla- ture of the Territory,

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Page 1: Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville NE) 1857-06-04 [p ].r. iI. i! i ENTERING T07N CITES. The following correspondence will tliow that the act of the last Legisla- ture of the Territory,







The following correspondence willtliow that the act of the last Legisla-ture of the Territory, designating theCounty Commissioners as theproperpersons to enter Town Sites, is notrecognized by the Commissioner pf theLand Ofncc. '

It 13 a question of dotfbt whether "v

the 'Judges of Probate, or the UnitedStates Judges, can be regarded as44 Judges of 'the County Court." Asnoon as that doubt is removed, notice

iiroe civ en. Trrthe"-Yiiea- n' timcnomterinffof t ownsnotincorjjoratcdl


be made.actof the last Lcgis-- i

laturc wUl be placed in the hands ofthe Ccramissioner;


under the cir-- j

cmiiinxejjie-ciiuricsirtui- u.

way be .confirmed. . ; : ,: .

: V Joux A. Parker, Register. --

. Land Office, May 10th, 1857. . ."

M' :

r f -

Exlracl of a Letter to the Commissioner":

'. of tlve Land Office dated. ,

Land Orrcr Omaha, V': .; .... - pril i5th,;i857..'.'J

fndcr the s,'actrof twenty-thir- d; May,.the "Judges ..Of" the County

Court'7 are cive'n the authority. to enterf'Town Sites."' In this Territory there:rre no such oflicers a3 "Judges of thelunty'Court'butthc Legislature has"reepgnizctTf the1 "County. .Oommissioh-'cr- s'

" ai .the ;proper persons to ienter"Town Sites,'"'' and-w- c have, in view ofthe' spirit of the lav,: pennitfedsuchentries, in the hope that 'jt. will jneetthe approbation of the"department.



. "..Very respectfully.. .:


; Your obedient servant, .


' JoiinA. Parrer, 'Register.' '

General Land Office,"

May 2nd, 1857. J

Sir: Your letter of the 15th ofApril ultimo has been received, and inreply, I have to inform you that aclaimant, by pre-emptio-

n, can amendhis declaratory statement, for un-oCfer- cd

land, at any time within threemonths after the survey has been madein the field. If, by the laws of theTerritory, the Judge of the DistrictCourt of the United States, for theTerritory of Nebraska, is also madeJudge-o- f the County Court of thecounty in which it is situated, then theentry may be made accordingly, in hisname, in trust for the use and benefitof the occupants of the town site underthe act of the 23rd of May, 1844, andin all places where the town is not in-

corporated. A transcript of the actof the Tcrrittory should be filed, in thefirst case, .among the papcr3. Wherethe town the. entrymust be in the name of the corporateauthorities, . and must, in all cases, bein trust, etc. See form herewith en-closed. 'You state that you have al-

lowed entries under the act of the 23rdof-Ma- 1844, by the County Com-missioners of the county in which theland lies. There beinj;-n- warrant oflaw for. entries by such officers underthe. act aforesaid, you will at! once report such entries for cancellation, andadvise the parties accordingly.I . . Respectfully, c,i . : Tncs.. A..Hexdiiicks,I - '.' Commissioner.- Register, Omaha, T. ! .

' ; - Washington, May '15.Mr. Ualderman, editor of the Louk-v'dl-c.

Courier, an old line Whig,, hasVeen appointed Collector of Louisville,the present incumbent having been removed. r4 rThi3Tiaorning:;-he'"Qernera- l LandOfScpr; forwarded '

instructions to" itsAgents in, Kansas for'.. the Iowa andother tract lands, to


commence at IowaPoint, T., cn the 3d "of June underthe supervision tf Hon: Horace Eddy,special 'Commissioner.' 1 it- - ' ' j

' Attorney: General Black has givenan opinion that the Government shouldgrant an absolute fee simple patent totho Christian Indians i on the privatecharter of their lands purchased bythe Govcrment. . .This will be the firstinstance in which any government hasrecognized the' ;rirht cf thc';Inrlinntribes to'thc'fec inland.

The commissioners appointed on thefitness of Blythc Island, Ga., for aXaval Depot, have 'reported favorably.Congress appropriated $250,000 ' forits purchase.

Westward. From all parts we hearcf crowds of emigrants pushing theirway Westward. Tt'is estimated that

. Kansas, Nebraska, and Minnesota,will receive during the coming season,an addition to .their' population of notless : than 200,000. That portion ofthe Territory of Nebraska lying southof the Platte river, will, in all proba

.bility, be filled up this season, as itwill undoubtedly be through this country-

-that the great Central railroad to

the Pacific will be built, thus opening

it up at an early day. Neio York

Dispatch. . ." '

Comet Struck. A lady in Owen

County, Iowa, ; has become deranged

Ljl dwelling with morbid apprehendieted collision with

the comet. Wheeling Times.

1 " The ft-u- it buds of the apple tree are

nctirm:rcd this section.of the eoun

try; and the few peach trees vrhich

tlie winter of 1855-- 6, will be

likely to produce more" rmi.Springff-- Urn. Zlh.

undersigned are no longer stockholders in theTHE Valley Bank, and aro not responsible

soli our i in the nrnttofor its issue, having tcrcjtilesjrs. Jones, & Barkclow, S. E. Kogcrs, F. David-

son and their associate, Af ,

--- b.p.. PEGRAM.EfownvIli, March IStli, 1S57. !.'


rjlIIE finest of Liquors for any purpose desired,A Medicinal or otherwise. Segars of every grade,

Oysters and Sardines of various sizid boxes, Fruit,Nut?, Confectionarie?; in short everything to ticketthe arwtiteof theerieurian, alwayson liand,servedin coed style and at reasonable ratc:i.yJ; o ? J i

T - nnfl and IiOt Agrcnfl, -- rt

. i ? .


; mm.

ZiOIld Exttoroca OHTime. ;

Land Warrants Bought and Sold. .


Kanawha Salt. 2003 bbls on consignment,and will bo sold at a reduced price, by


Truit. 150 boxes hrs and qr It R Kaifinf, andC3 bxs Oranges and Lemons, for sale by


:. nopct ioa Ouiis MuiHi iica ute Kope, iromto 2 iuchen, just received,

'and for saloby .

v J. 15. JENNINGS.

Mackerel. 120 packages no. 1, 2, aod 3 Mack-


in i, , and whole bll?., just rcccircd,andforsale by

t. . . J. B. JENNINGS.' Fresh Oysters. 100. do Field's eel tbratcd

Oysters, on direct consignment, in ftore, and for- kale,

b7... - , J. B. JENNINGS.

Tfails.300 Kes assorted,in store, and for sale by- ; .l J.B.JENNINGS.Fish. 100 bis no. i dried herrings, and 2000

pounds Superior Cod5b, just received, and fortale by

J.B.JENNINGS.Window Cilass. 150 boxes, 8X10X10 M 12

lase, just received, and for sale, by; J. B. JENNINGS.St Joseph, Mo. April SO, f57. .;


Mclaughlin & dorse y,IffiEAIi-ESTAT-

...... .. .... AND i

- GENERAL LAND alGENTS,First Street, (opposita "Advertiser" office,)

BEOWNVILLE, N. T.Will attend to Filing Declarations of intention to

Securing rre-cmptio- Locating Land Warrants.Entering Land. . ,

Land Warrants Bought and Sold.Particular attention will be paid to buying and

selling property on commission, aad making invest-ments for distant dealers.

Correspondence solicited.Mclaughlin & Dorset.BEFEB TO .

Bradford, McLennan & McGary, Nebraska City.N.T.McPherson, ilorrison,4 IIutchins.Drownville, N. T.0. 1L liarnet, Esj Dayton, Ohio. . - :


Lot 5 in block 59; Lots 3 and 12 in block 43; Lot10 in block 47, in the City of Brownville, by


Lot 2 in block 40, best Lcvoo lot in Brownville;also, house and lot in block 2 Main street.


FOB SALE.Half of lot 11 in block 19 Main street; al3o, lot 4

in block 19. Also, 40 acres of bind joining SouthBrownville; by McLAUGHLIN & DORSET.

April 23, 1357. , :.. . 45-- ly





WE are continually reccivingby every boat, anentirely new and large assortment cf .


Which wc will fell nt as reasonable pricesas any establishment in the West,

, .ur motto being

"LI VE AND LET LIVEJrWc have now in store a great variety of tho fol-

lowing articles, which we purchased for CASH andconsequently can sell cheap on tho same terms :






oots and Shoes,Ready Jilado Clothing

And a Cue assortment ofLIGHT GROCERIES,

Such asSpice,



Allspice,. : etc., etc

And a good article cfSmoking and Chewiug Tobacco.

It is a pleasuro tons to show goods, and we askyou to call round and see for vourselve.

. HOBLITZELL & COApnl 23, 1So7. 45--ly

NOTICEIS hereby given to Elijah Kimball or any others

whom it may concern, that I will, on the 9th dayof June next, proceed to tha Land O See at OmahaCity, Nebraska Territory, and prove up my Pre-emption ri'ht to the north-ea- st quarter of Section18, Township 6, Range 15, cast. Said Kimball orothers are notified to be present and show cause, ifany, why 1 snould not do so.

GEO.W.PLU3IMERilay 28th, 1557. 50--2t-- p


.-- AND


Teeth plugged and filled in tho most ap.Droved method., -

Brownville.V Marl. '57. 43--t.

; Boots and , Shoes. VA N onuually large t tock of ac and coarse Boots

ji.andShoe8 a and Liadioa canbe icen, and purchased low, at



h AND V'.( Ci.attorneVs at law


: ; OMADT, X T.

Will attend to all business intrusted, to their care

' "V" I.Er EKENCES ."..

Col. Jes3e William?, Fairfield, Iowa.Got. Jos. A. Wright, IndianapoliSjfnd,Mr. F. N. Rcock, Washington Cltyr- -Hon. John G. Davis, Ruekvillc, Ind.Hon. Geo. L. Miller, Omaha City, N. T.

D. C. & T. Nf SANDERS,' V dealem x . ; ;

. j lA

Pruit imd Ornamental Trees,- Madura Hedge Seed etc., etcrTEST recoivcd,per steamer White Cloud, a supply

of ilaulura liodg-Soed- whk-I-i we-offer fof ;ealeon reasonable trxms, for CASI1. . ..

Our seed ore of.

last season crowth, direct fromi r- i ? J 1

leias, cocscqucnuy no Vl.A--r AS -.


i XJi j.-a- . ii. f.i' fi.j,'3 miles South of Eroirnville.April 23d, 1857. ; : 45-- tf

Buchanan Life and General;Insurance Co.J v'i".

Office eor 2d and Jule sts., , ,

; ; , st. Joseph, mo.; ;


Authorized Capital 3,000,000.

J. B. Jennin-TS,- ' I. It. Howard, J. A.' Owen, MiltonTooth, JohnColhoua, John II. Likens, W.II.Pcncik,James Kay, A, J. ilijAshan, A. I. Mansfieer. ; v :

. ... J.B. JENNINGS, Pres.; ,

N. It. McAsriAN,.' Sca'y...

IS now ready to receive application for Life, Fire,Marine and River risks. A cash return of 25 per

cent, will bo allowed on cargo premiums. Lossespromptly adjusted, and the usual facilities given tothopatrons of the office.

April ICth, 1857. 4i-3- m

J. B. M'ALUSTEB J.L. DOZIER. JONAS CRANEOregon, Mo. Browaiville, N. T. ' Oregon, Mo

McAllister, dozier & co.,FORWARDING & COMMISSION

MERCHANTS, ''lDealers in

FjINCY and stapleDEI GOODS!


Provisions, Produce, etc., etc.,Ap- - 3I(tin Slr'ect,and Xo. 2 Zeveey

. ,'.;J. BIIOWNVILLE, N. T.St. Joseph Gazette, Kansas Herald, Jefferson City

Enquirer and St. Louis Rspublicaa copy six monthsand charge this cmcc.

April 16th, 1857. 44-l-y

Saddlery.C! ADDLES, Bridles, Martinrale?, Checks, and cvO ry variety of goods in this lino can be had at

11013L1TZELL & CO S,

AND' - '





E take plexsure in sayinz to our friends andthe public in general, that our stock of Fine

Medium, and Common Furniture, as well as Mat- -UwK9 and Sin&HSf was novo ikon .omploto tmddeserving the attention of purchasers, either atwholesale or retail in full suits or sinirlo articlesthan at present.

We shall spar no effort to keep the most completearsortincnt in our line, in the West. Our Good aremado here, as well aa East; by the best workmen,and thus combino tho greatest variety and lateststyles, with the cheapest and most substantial. '" Dealers, as well as all other purchasers, aro in-

vited to call and look through cur Mammoth WareRooms. -

Orders also, from all parties having furniture tobuy for themselves or others, are especially solicited,with the assuranco of our best endeavors to merit acontinuance of thu liberal confidence and patronagewe have so long received.

.. SCARRITT & MASON.Washington Ave. between 2nd and 3d St3.

March 19th, '57. 40-3- m



Connci 151uff, Iowa. J Nebraska City N T )

CASS AD Y, TEST, RIDEN & CO.,(Succcsstirs to Itiden & White.)


HAYING madi arrangements by which we willaccurate copies of all tho Townships

embraced in the Eastern portiou of Nebraska, weare now prepared to ouer our services to tho"SQUATTERS OF THE TERRITTORY,'

In Filing Declaratory Statements of .

' Intention to Pre-emp- t. Sccnrinsr .

x iccuijiiiuu;) Locating LandWarrants and


Land Entered on Time, &c,Particular attention paid to Buying and Selling

'roperty on commission: Also, to making Collectionsand forwarding remittances to any part of tho Union.

Blanks of all kind3 Always on hand. . ,


lion. A. A. Bradford, -. Nebraska City.

" "S.F,Nucoll3, .:Jlessrs. Dolmac,& West, St. Joseph, Ho.,Peter A. Keller, ', Washington CityThomas Lumpkin, "June 23, 1S56. vl-n- 4 .

DILLON, THOMPSON & CO.Laro Frame Building Cor. Main & Rock Sts.

BOCK POUT, MO.Whoscsale and Retail Dealers in

And Groceries,Hardware, Queenswarc, Drugs, llats, Laps,

Boots, Shoes, linware, btoves,Furniture, Iron, Nails, Plows,

and Farming Utensils.have, on the opening oi navigation, aWILL and varied accession to their present

Stock, which will be sold 1)W for Lasa.February 12tn,iao. 35-- tf

Notice.Editor "Xclrnilzm Adcertiscr":

Deib Sir: In looking over the last number of yournotice attracted my attention Bigned by

Jiper Hoover, Esq., in which he states that certainstories are in circulation that the undersigned claimsome interest InXemaha City for the purpose of injuring its prosperity. It may do quite well tocir--

c a late a report oi mat nature wnere xuo jatus wunknown, but to those knowing the facta auch astatement is merely foolish.

And for the purpose of giving a fair opportunityto persons to ascertain the facts we hereby warn allpersons from purchasing any pretended claim orinterest in the eaid town of Nemaha City, from thesaid Jerome Hoover, as he has sold and received payfor nine-twelft- hs of said town, and suit is now pendingto place tho undersigned in possession of the interestby them pnrchased in the same; and they have notauthorixed the raid Hoover to sell or dispose of anyportion of their interest, bat directed suit to bebrought long since for its recovery.

Yours, Ac,F. J. MARSHALL.




. C1IAS. F. HOLLY.March 2Sth, 1857. - . 42-- tf

TLAXKS cf evenr description, for sale at this

-i -




?V f'i I"' 4 'Ti

Would respectfully announce to Jthe public generally that

they have received andopened at Nemaha


19 W If;



3D !.



... 9j

4 v.

'Everything ttcpin'cunder that head.


IHIaa'aSwaii' 9

Ji 1 8


All of which we will sell


, Horses Waat:d.

I will pay the highest priceifor a jfew fine, well

broke corses, r

Apply at sirs table in Brownville,: i ' J. W. COLEMAN.



T ESPECTFULLY inform tha public that theyIt are now prepared to put up Lightning Rods ofa superior quality on as reasonable terms tis any ono j

else in tnis country.Orders left at McPhcrson & Hutchin's Store will

be attended to. . .

May 7, 1857. .. 47-- tf" For Sale.

10 Casks Sugar Cured Hams, at.


. For Sale.10,000 pounds Bacon Jit;



McAllister, dozier & CO's.

For Sale.50 bbls, and 100 sks I'lour, at

McAllister, dozier & cos.


Wliolosaio G-rooo- r,




country: PRODUCE,, . ....... .;i. Corner Second and Frances Sts. '


TTAS on hand, and to arrive, tho following arti- -JLi clcs, which will De fold to thn trade en accommodatin terms, EXCLUSIVELY AT WHOLE- -SALE:150,000 Cigars all qnali-10-0 bxs E D and W R- ties ' - chces4000 sacks G A Salt 156 boies starch .

200 Hhds N O Sugar 200 bbl3 and hf bbls water500 sks Rio Coffee and but'r crackers100 " OG Java Coffee 200 bbls and hf bbl3 pilot100 Laguayra . " ; bread and pic nio do100 "Mocha " 200 bbls soda milk sugared250 bbls, half bbls andlOO eg and wine do .

kg3 Belcher's Molasses; 100 bbls apple vinegar200 bbls, half bbls and qr300 bxs Tobacco all grades. N N refined do 200 bxs smoking tobacco,150 half chests tea,, all various brands

kinds 100 bunches pipe stems250 bbls Deleter's Sugar 50 bbls H S Sicily and150 bbls, bal's, qrs, nos 1 Joca Almonds

2 and 3 Mackerel 50 bbls filberts, brazil200 bxs dried herrings nuts, pecans

20 hf bb3 White Fish 100 kgs S C Soda5 drms dry Cod Fish 500 kegs assorted nails

200 bxs ass'd candy 500 bxs half and qr star100 ' foncy " candles . .

300 drams fijjs 150 do etcrine do100 bx hl's and qrs Rais-20- 0 do bar soap

ins 50 do rock candy.50 bxs Prunes

SUNDRIES.Cotton yarn, carpet chain, batting, candle wicks,

cotton and hemp twine, wheat and meal sacks, axes,spades and shovels, garden seeds and straw rakes, logchains, lead shot, powder brooms,, wrapping paper,hemp, maniUa, jute and cotton cordage, indigo andmadder, alum, white lead,; window sash, windowglass, tumblars,jarsof different size?, flasks assortedsizes, sassafras bark, pia fruits, fresh peaches, brandycherries and peaches, current and raspberry jellies,fresh tomatoes, canton ginger, preserves, nut megs,cassia, peppersauce, tomato and walnut catsnp,lemon syrup, lobsters, Sardines, extract and essenceof coffee, chocolate, pickles, matches, etc.


WOODEJT WARE.Wash boards, tubs, common pails, cedar pails, B B

pils, pine and cedar churns, brass bonnd churns, tarbuckets, well buckets, cedar cans, mop sticks, butterprints. buckeye bowls io nests; iron bound kegs, onetwo, three, five and ten gallons, the smaller size withbales, common and I B half bushels and measures,camp stools etc. ,

I am also agent for the sale of K A salt, and havenow on hand 2,000 blls for sale at cost and transpor-tation. I have the exclusive sale by direct consign-ment of five hundred deson Field's celebrated oysters,acknowledged to be the best put up in Baltimore. ,

To California and Salt Lake Emigrants.Your especial attention is invited to my extensive

stock, which embraces everything suited to yourwants ia crossing the plains. I will at all times keepon hand flour, meal, bacon, lard, hard bread andcrackers, all of which will be sold at the lowest cashprices.38-- ly


: Caution. -

THE public are hereby notified that one Thomasthrough fal colors obtained a certificate

of entry of the S. West fractional quarter and theS. East fractional quarter of Section number twenty-fiv- e,

in Township number six, in Range number fif-

teen, East of the 6th Principal Meridian in Nebras-ka Territory. J The above is claimed by and will bepatented to B. B. Thompson, whose papers and evi-dence are forwarded to Washington City for hearing.

B. B. THOMPSOX.fbrbary20th.l3$7. 37-- tf


T.ncnst streets. St. Louis, Mo.- a 'mtti? 4 PTITIiKRS of Cookies. Heating, ardJ

IVl Parlor Stoves and Grates. ,

Alc Manufacturers oi lour sues oewBUM-;nt- ;CaryrioughJ cao and two horse Jright and left

';land. . . !



Attorney andy

Counsellor atLaiQ,AND

Keal'Estate Agent.BROWNVILLE, N. T.

- SFREKfi3.Hon. Wm.Jessup, Montrose. Pa.

f B: 9. cfctiy; . r '?.( r a' Johi JUi MUlei1," Chiaagft, III.- - iG t.

Wm. I. McAllister, " " "Charles F. Fowler, -. Vrm. Ferguson, JJrownvillo,.?!'-- ?, T-- f

S0. F.sLaktx, i H

May Tr4847 - f x.' JL W. !l. t 47-l- y



Florence City, N. T.

33-a-OOlS. Out I

LIGHTNING: RODS!!,11,.,. V. JLJJ- - I , "

IS prepared to sell and put' tip' all' size' of Rodsmanufactured by the Lightning Rod Com-

pany." . .

Orders left at the "Advertiser Office," will receiveprompt attention; W; C, LIVIiSGSTOJN.

Mar 7. 1857. , 47-- tf


T TTTTT)T7" CimLilYIiHI Oil:


INFORMS the public that he has procured a stockCarriages, Buggies, etc., and a fine

Horses aa aro to be found, and has opened a


I Sicond Str'cet between Water and Main,'' Brownville, T.

' All persons wishing anything in" his line can beaccomiaoaatca at an neurs. .

': -


Horses and Carriages boughli-an- sold. .

.... ' J".. W. COLEMAN.



BOOTS AND SHOES."'; ' ' Just received i


Per Steamer Col., Grossman,



CLOTHING STORE,No. 31 Main St., 3d door above Post Office.



Fine broadcloth coats, and '

Standing collars, at tho .

Baltimore Clothing Store.Bl'kand fancy cassimcr pants, andCarpet sacks, at tho

Ifaltimore Clothing Store.. Silk, Satin, Marsailes, and Casi Vests, andFlannel Shirts, at tho

- Baltimore Clothing Store;Fine Shirts and over-all- s,

Pat. Leather Gaiters, straw hats, at the","", Baltimore Clothing Store.

Black and fancy cravat?,White and fancy shirts, at the

Baltimore Clothing Store.

Everything in tho clothing line at tho

. : . Baltimore Clothing Store.

Call around and examine the stock at the

Baltimore Clothing Store,April 23, 1857. ...-.-

! 7


JOHN COLHOUN & BROTDER,(Sign of the Padlock, opposite the Tost Office.)



Building and Saddlery Hardware,GROCERIES,

Boots, Shoes, Leather and Shoe Findings.ST. JOSEPH, MO; '' '

HAVE now in store, and to arrive shortly,and Foreign Hardware, such as :

Greaves k Son's Files Scissorsand Edge Tools Pocket knives

Butcher's do do Knives and forksSpear & Jackson's saws Brass curtain bands andGimlet pointed screws Pins .Griffin's and American Door lock3

horse nails Augers and auger bittsPost bole augers Corn knivesAmes' shovels and spades Briar scythesLull & Porter's shutter Grass and grain da

Butts . NailsMorticing machines Shovels a nd tongCircular, mill and niuly .Candlesticks'

saws Framed wood fawg "

Planes and plane irons .". Blacksmiths' Bellows andCoopers drawing knives Vices

do adzes and wood Mousehole Armitago an-vilstools'

Tress Hoops ' American anvilsButts, cast and wrought Stocks and diesCopper rivets for belts : ' Pad hooks, breech 'g loopsTuyere Irons Pad serews, cockeyes


Plated and com. stirrups Ornaments, racksdo do BitU Girth rein and roller webdo do Bnckles ' Silk, 3 cord threaddo do Rings Calf skins .


Breast and rein snaps Upper leather ,

Last?, pegs .. . , . Briddle do , ,,Peg floats

'Skirting do

Pincers ' ' Harness doShoe thread Belting do '

Bristles, was Goat skinsLining skins Enammelled leatherBinding.

With many goods embracing a complete; assort-ment of the most desirable which they will sell atthe lowest priceo. J. t OI.tiUl A I5U0.

April 16th, 1857. 31 -- ly


--MORRISON & HUTCHINS, .i 5 "nave just Received

i! ut their Neio Bulldwg


. Mammotli Stools.OP


OF UVERY STVLtS : 1 v ' -- 1


Which they jntendjQ, sell,

Lower ; than the Lowest I ! Ij.' if m


At their New Establishment yoa will findM&ve'r jthidfe,Beedol in the W4icto! . 'A 1


country, from a bar of soap ,

' .to a broadcloth ecat. ;!


. Bold RmaTkablLovir.



"FlthQEg?IfAXS5iNn FAtiti?GOODS,

Silks, Sattins and Slippers,'

.. Vi-r- '

- V '

A largo and complete assortment ofI!.'""';


n '.

' of every style' and quality, j j

; Cloths, ;Casimeres, and 'Jcstuigs


.(:: i AND

Ready fllade Clothing. 1 : i

To fit the MiHion!!

' Of the best manufacture and of superiorv --



. ' Looking Glasses,

That will mako an ngTy man handsomaand a lady of beauty more lovely,

HATS , AND CAPS,That will fit and plea every ody.'

Boots asiri Sfioes,From the infantile article of red morocco,

to tho graceful boot of the gentle- -' :

man's walking costume.

IXxiclt7-vx- o and Oixtloxryfrom the best manufacturers at


Sold at Eastern Prices.

Genuine Imported Carpeting.

Of Xcw and Elegant designs.


China, Glas3 and Queenswarc.


And a thousand articles', ranging in rcsrular gradation of price and importance, from the primativetoothpick of the ancient gooso quill, to a thousanddollar shawl.

Our innate and native modesty forbid us lavish- -

ing glowing encomiums upon our ipring b toe It orGoods, and we agk you to call and see for yourselves

WE CHALLENGE THE WEST.. . . and furthermore

- : 'iMAKE NO CHARGE f ' . '

ITor Sliowing Goocla.MTHERSOX, MORRISOX, t ntTCniXS.

April 23, 1857. 45-- ly





' Dealers in


BOOTS, sxrojcia,HATS, CAPS,

Nailsr Stoves, VIovrs, Furniture, etc.,r - SONORA, MO. r-A-


9th, 18i7. - - 43tf13,000 lbs. of Ilacon, For sale, chap for

Cah, by LYFORI) & HOUX.Sonora, Mo April 9th, 1857. ' ; 43-- tf

WantedIMMEDIATELY, by the subscriber, several good

and to such the best wages will begiven. Apply to

C. W. WHEELER.Prownvilla, N . T, April 7 43.tr

Hardware, Cutlery and Iron.LARGE assortment at 'A . ' ' HOBLITZELL A CO'S

ProTision3.teep constantly on hand, Floor, Cora Meal

Bacon, Batter, and every varietr of Groceries'HOBLITZELL & CO.

Cash ! Cash! ! Cash! ! ! ;

TnE undersigned would most earnestly call uponknowing themselves indebted for Medicine

and Medical attendance to eome forward and settlewithout further notice A. S. HOLLA DAY.jjiownTiun, way 11, isjj. 43 tf

- I

i . .WOBTI. C? . I

Just Received

Per Steamer "Silver lUfo


iMcAllister; dozier &'ca

Calico and Brown-Sugar-.

.,, FiIIooks ajli Clothes Pins,. ;it .'

? iv.i ,'iicALiliTEa, iozin.b co

Ginghams an Jfolas.?cs. 4 ''

Steel Pons, and Wa Board?, at y ..V McALLiSTER, DOZIER& crA r,

Salt and Brass Kettloa,Tar and Ffne Combsr at- -


Lawns and Oi Yokef. w - fTin Ware and Crushed Sugir, atMcAllister, dozier 4 co--

Bleached Muslin and Bed Crlii Shirt Collars and Fiddle String?, at ;

McAllister, dozier & co,'.',, t .,

Denims' drawing knivesDe Lains and dried apples at, ';! McAllister, dozier y cot

Silk handkerchiefs and hand SawsBlacking and pain killer, at ': ': McAllister, dozier & co-s- .

Flour and irish linen,Black pepper and bar lead, at

McAllister, dozier & co-- i

Plows and powder, ; ,

Pocket knives and percussion ci;psf atMcxLLISTER, DOZfER Ss C0 .

BlTt silk cravats and cod fish,Lace mitts and wall paper, at

McAllister, dozier & cos.

Coffee and fine shirk, '

Red and white fiannii and tob'oMco, ttMcAllister, dozier & co-- i

Rice and ladies nndirslecves, '' Nutmeg graters and Queensware. tt

McAllister, dozier & col

Glass and Ayers' cherry PcctjrrJ,Carpet sacks and hardware, at


Ladies hosiery an J log ch;4ii3, :

Aecdlesand shoi-el- . ni , 1

McAllister, d6zie r & co:j.

Ladies collars and striped shirting,Puff combs and saddlery, at -

McAllister, dozier & co

Broad cloth and bar soap,Curry comb3 and dress trimminj;?, at

McAllister; dozi er & coi

Boots, shoej tod ftar Candles,Lace edging and Salaratus, at .


Cottonades and spectacles, .

Brooms and Ticking, at' McAllister, dozier ,t coi.

Sewing silk and buckets, ' '."

Envelopes and Kentucky jea;if, atMcAllister, dozier & cos.

Blue drilling, knives and forts,Tea and white lead, at


"Wash tubs and tooth picks, .'

Buck combs and knit needles, aiMcAllister, dozier & co

Cassimers and vesting,- - 'iShoo brushes and Godfrey's cordial, tt

. McAllister, dozier & co- . t . . . , ;

Iaco veils and colog.io,Dress combs and sui-saur- at

McAllister, dozier & co

Thimbles and razor rtrajn, iPearl buttons and jews harps, r.t

. McAllister, dozier & co

Suspenders and ribbons, ; ' '.

Brown, green and--

blue bareg;, t- McAllister, dozier & co

Vinegar and linen thread, J '

Jaconet muslin and shavingijoirp, at

McAllister, dozier & co

Linen tablo ppreads and shoo kicts,Indigo and Jaynxs' medicinet-- ; it


Brown linen and razors, ' 'Crash and diaper, atMcAllister, dozier & ca.

Colored cambric and ink, shoc.Thread and cotton batting, i t- - .

McAllister, dozier &co'j--

Table, tea ppoonsaiid wad.iiug,"Coat's thread and jack plains, at ,

McAllister, dozier & ccrs

Challi de lains, and window aa.ja,Doors and shambray gBghanuat : I

McAllister, dozier & cvs- -

Straw goods, and summer dothing, '

Starch and pins, at , ,.,.... McAllister, dopier & co

Bonnets-an- d hair oil; '

Bacon and artificial flowers, itMcAllister, dozier & cov

A thousand and one articles tat mentioned, ca

round atMcAllister, dozier & co

" " " . . - -t - :

For Dry Goods of every deseri Dtion go to

, McAllister, dozier&co

For cheap Groceries and good brgnn3 go to

McAllister, dozier & co-s-.

If you want to get that which is cf ths best f j1 ' McAllister,' dozier & cov j

AVho is it that always evinees the moat ,,cltBJLnous anxiety to please tho taste ind captivteyo?


Consequently yoa should patronize '.



n 1