r- -- Journal of R esearch of the National Bure au of Sta ndards Vol. 47, No .4, October 1951 Resear ch Paper 2249 Near Infrared Absorption Spectra of Deuterated Acetylen e Earle K. Plyler and Norman Gailar Th e bands of C2D 2 at 1.96 a nd 2. 39 microns hav e bee n meas ur ed under high reso lu- t ion so t hat the moment s of inert ia of this molec ul e could be co mpared with t ha t of C2H 2 and C2HD . From the measurement of the rotational st ru ct ur e the gro und rotational con stant, B&, is fo und to be 0.8471 cm- I Th e cen te r of t he W I + W3 band is 5097.07 cm- I aDd t h e cente r of W2 + W3 is 4190.46 em- I. ' Th e ab sorption sp ectra of C 2H 2 and of C2HD have been st udied in d etail, and internuclear dis tan ces hav e been calculat ed. l Ina smu ch as furt her com- parisons can be mad e by a s tudy of C2D 2, an inv esti- gation in the near infrared ha s been made of this molecul e. In the course of t hi s s tudy the results of a similar investi gat ion were mad e known by T all ey a nd Nielsen. 2 Theil" Eo will be compared with our s. For a given vibrational stat e, lin ear molecules have a single moment of in ertia , a nd their rotational fin e s tru ctur e is composed of a series of nearly equally spa ced lines. By a comparison of the moments of inerti a of the t hr ee a cetylenes the C- H and C- D di stan ces ar e, theor etically, calculable. In order to cal cul ate these dis tan ces to one par t in 10 ,000, it is re quil" ed to measur e the rotational lines to 0.03 cm- l in the 2 -J.l. region. To a pproa ch such acc ur acy a hi gh resolution in strumen t t ha t would reproduce sp ec tra faithfully ·would be required. Th ese measur ements were mad e on an infrared gra ting sp ectrometer, whi ch wa s constructed at th f' N ation al Bur eau of Stand ard s. A lead sulfide cell was used as the detecting element. Th e gr at ing was rul f' d at John s Hopkin s U ni versity in the a luminum film on an optically flat quar tz bla nk 9 in. in diame- ter . Th e spacing was 15,000 lines/in ., and the lines, a bou t 5 in. lon g, extend ed ov er nf in. Th e gr at ing produces very sharp images and is almo st free of ghosts. The pr ecision s li ts and cone bearin gs for th e gra ting were constru cted in the physics shop of the Universi ty of Mi c higan. Th e spectrometer with the cover remov ed is shown in fi gur e 1. In front of the ent ran ce slit is a chopp er , whi ch modul ates the radiant ener gy 1,080 t imes a srcond . Th e amplifier is a narrow band pass type and has been describ ed by N clson and Wilson. 3 The d etector is a PbS cell, and with the pr esen t a rr angement thc resolu tion is abou t 0 .1 cm - 1 at 2 J.l. . Th e optical system is of the c on ventional design. The radiant ener gy from the en trance slit, 8 1, falls on an off-axis p ara boloid al mirr or , !-vi 1, which is 7 in . in diameter and 10 2 cm in focal len gth. Th e mirror is 10° off .axis an d the gr atin g, G, to be mounte d suffi Clently to the SIde so as n ot to in ter- cept the incident beam. After the par allel beam I G. H erzberg, Infrared aDd Raman spectra of polyatomic molecul es, p. 290 to 292 ( D. Van Nostrand Co., New York, N. Y., 1945). 2 R. M. Talley and A. R. Nielsen, nul. A P S 26,51 (Feb. 1, 1951 ). 3 R. C. Nelson and W. R. Wil son, Proc . Nat. Elec. Con f. 3, (l94i ). falls on the gra ting, different wavelen gths, depending on the gra ting position, are diffracted ba ck to the paraboloidal mirror . Then t hi s ener gy is fo cused on the second slit, 8 2, by means of a small plane mirror set at 45° to the impinging beam. Aft er the ener gy passes through the second slit, an other plane mirror is used to cause the ra dia tion to fall on the ellipsoidal mirror , M 2, which focuses the image of the second slit on the Pb S cell, D. Th e image is greatly redu ced in siz e becau se of the 7 to 1 ra tio of the fo ci of the ellipsoidal mirror. Th e sour ce of the energy is a tungsten ribbon filamen t lamp , drawing about 37 a mp and oper at ing at about 2,700° K. Th e gr ating is moun ted on a co ne bearing and is rotated by means of a worm a nd gear . Redu ction ge ar s allow the spectrum to be scann ed at four dif- feren t speeds. A mi croswitch, opera ted by the teeth of one of these ge ar s, act iv ates a pen of the record er , whi ch places fiducial mark s at cons tan t angular in terval s. The sp ectrum is recorded by a Leeds &: N ortlll·up Speedomax, type A. v Ve igh ts are hun g on the r eco rder paper to provide cons tan t tension. The spectrometer is calibrate d by super- imposing on the r ecord appropria te emission lines known to an acc llTa cy of ± 0.01 A or b etter. In the 2-J.l. r egion t hi s inst rument can resolve lines se para ted by sli ghtly less t han 0.1 cm- 1 when the slit width is 0.02 mm. Th e centers of absorption l in es, when reasonably strong, arc reprodu ced in successive FI GURE 1. Granting spectrometer. 1'110 let ters refer to th e va riou s elemen ts of th e in st rument. 2 48 " I 1 I

Near infrared absorption spectra of deuterated acetylene

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Journal of Research of the Na tional Bureau of Sta ndards Vol. 47, No.4, October 1951 Research Paper 2249

Near Infrared Absorption Spectra of Deuterated Acetylene Earle K. Plyler and Norman Gailar

The bands of C2D2 at 1.96 a nd 2.39 mi crons have been measured under high resolu­t ion so that t he moments of inert ia of this molecule could be compa red wit h t ha t of C2H2 and C2HD. From t he measurement of t he rota t ional structure t he ground rot at iona l constant, B&, is found to be 0.8471 cm- I • The center of t he W I + W3 band is 5097.07 cm- I

aDd t he center of W2 + W 3 is 4190.46 em- I. '

The absorption spectra of C2H 2 and of C2HD have been studied in detail, and in ternuclear distances have been calculated .l Inasmuch as fur ther com­parisons can be made by a study of C2D2 , an investi­ga tion in the n ear infrared has been made of this molecule. In the course of this study the results of a similar investigation were made known by T alley and Nielsen .2 Theil" Eo will be compared with ours.

F or a given vibra tion al state, lin ear molecules have a single moment of inertia, and their rotational fine structure is composed of a series of nearly equally spaced lines. By a comparison of the momen ts of inertia of the three acetylenes the C- H and C- D distances are, theoretically, calculable. In order to calculate these distances to one par t in 10,000, it is requil"ed to measure the rotational lines to 0.03 cm- l

in the 2-J.l. region. To a pproach such accuracy a high resolution instrumen t that would reproduce spectra faithfully ·would b e required.

These measuremen ts were made on an infrared gra ting spectrometer , which was constructed a t thf' National Bureau of Standards. A lead sulfide cell was used as the detecting elemen t . The grating was rulf'd at Johns Hopkins University in the aluminum film on an optically flat quar tz blank 9 in . in diame­ter . The spacing was 15,000 lines/in ., and th e lines, about 5 in . long, extended over nf in . The grating produces very sharp images and is almost free of ghosts. The precision sli ts and cone bearings for the grating were constructed in the physics shop of the University of Michigan .

The spectrometer with the cover removed is shown in figure 1. In fr on t of the en trance sli t is a chopper , which modulates the radian t energy 1,080 times a srcond. The amplifier is a narrow band pass type and h as been described by N clson and Wilson.3

The detector is a PbS cell , and with the presen t arrangemen t thc resolution is about 0.1 cm- 1 at 2 J.l. . The op tical system is of the conven tional design . The radian t energy from the en trance slit , 8 1, falls on an off-axis paraboloidal mirror , !-vi1 , which is 7 in . in diameter and 102 cm in focal length . Th e mirror is 10° off .axis and allo·~ys the grating, G, to be mounted suffiClently to the SIde so as not to in ter­cept the inciden t beam. After the parallel beam

I G. H erzberg, Infrared aDd Ram an spect ra of polyatomic molecules, p . 290 to 292 (D. Van Nostrand Co., New York, N. Y., 1945).

2 R. M. Talley and A . R. Nielsen, nul. A P S 26,51 (Feb . 1, 1951). 3 R. C. Nelson and W. R . Wilson, Proc. Nat. Elec. Conf. 3, (l94i).

falls on the grating, differen t wavelengths, depending on the grating position, are diffrac ted back to the paraboloidal mirror. Then this energy is fo cused on the second slit, 8 2 , by means of a small plane mirror set at 45° to th e impinging beam. After the energy passes through the second slit , another plane mirror is used to cause the radia tion to fall on the ellipsoidal mirror, M 2 , which focuses the image of the second slit on the PbS cell, D. The image is grea tly reduced in size because of the 7 to 1 ra tio of the foci of the ellipsoidal mirror.

The source of the energy is a tungsten ribbon filamen t lamp , drawing about 37 amp and operating at about 2,700° K .

The grating is mounted on a cone bearing and is ro ta ted by means of a worm and gear . Reduction gears allow the spectrum to be scanned a t four dif­feren t speeds. A microswitch , operated by the teeth of one of these gears, activates a pen of the recorder , which places fiducial marks at cons tan t angular intervals. The spectrum is recorded by a Leeds &: N ortlll·up Speedomax, type A. vVeigh ts are hung on the recorder paper to provide cons tan t tension. The spectrometer is calibrated by super­imposing on the record appropria te emission lines known to an accllTacy of ± 0.01 A or better .

In the 2-J.l. r egion this instrument can resolve lines separated by slightly less than 0.1 cm- 1 when the slit width is 0 .02 mm. The cen ters of absorption lines, when reasonably strong, arc reproduced in successive

F I GURE 1. Granting spectrometer. 1'110 lett ers refer to th e va riou s elemen ts of the inst rument.


" I

1 I

Page 2: Near infrared absorption spectra of deuterated acetylene

runs to about 0.1 cm- l . This 'will permit calculation of the moment of inertia of CzDz to 1 part in 4,000, but will not allow the detection of any small difference that may exist between the C - D and the

P C - H distances. The deuterated acetylene, 3 liters at atmospheric

pressure , was obtained from the Atomic Energy Commission. Mass spectrograph tes ts at the Bureau she w that about 94 percent of the gas was CZD2 •

The balance was CzHD and CZH2 • The gas was placed in a 60-cm cell with windO'iVS of glass. The

0; cell was made from a brass tube 8 cm in diameter. In analyzing the spectrum of a molecule such as

CZD2, the ideal procedure would be to study several bands either originating in or ending in a common state averaging the results of'several measurements of each band, to minimize random errors. In the present work several factors, short cell lengths, the

>I> explosive quality of compressed acetylene, and the limited range of the PbS detector, limited the number of bands that could be used to two . The WI + W3 band at 1.96 J1. was measured four times, and the W2+ W3 band at 2.39 J.1. was measured five times. Each band was measured at several pres­sures and several gratlng speeds.

::> To find the rotational constants and moments

of inertia, use was made of the wellimown relations 4

~2F(J) = R (J - l ) - P (J + 1) =4B" (J+?~) -8D(J+~) 3


R (J) + P (J )= 2vo+ 2B' + 2(B" - B' )J 2.


When D is negligibly small, B", the lower state • G. Herzberg, Inrrared and Raman spectra or polyatomic molecules, chap. IV

(D . Van Nostrand Co., ' ew York, N . Y ., 1945)

4240cm- 1 4230 I I

7854.B2A 3-0

4220 I

4210 I

42 00 I

4190 I

4180 I

rotational constant, can be obtained from the slope of the straight line that results when f::. zF (J) is plotted against J . B' - B" , the difference bet,ween the rotational constants of the upper and lower tates, can be fOUlld in an analogous mann er , as can Vo, the band origin.

When eq 1 is plotted a straight line resuiLs, Lhe slope of which is about 3.5 cm- I • This approximate value is now used in the plot of f::. zF(J) - 3.5(J +}f) against J. This, too, results in a straight line of slope m, and B' can be found from the relation

B' = (3.5- m )/4. (3)

The results of this investigation are presented in figures 2 to 4 and in table 1. Figure 2 is a repru­duction of the W2+W3 band (with three of the kyrptoll emission lines that establish the calibration) . The intensity of the absorption lines of C2D 2 shows the 2:1 alternation pattern expected of molecules that follow Bose statistics. Faint indications can be seen of a superimposed band of a higher state. Fig­ure 3 is a reproduction of the WI + W3 band. Two C2HD bands 5 arc present and prevent the 2:1 intensity ratio from being observed. In the P branch, however , at J = 19 to 24 this intensity ratio is noticeable.

In analyzing the spectra, values of f::. zF(J) from the nine records were averaged and the results are tabulated in column 1 of table 1. Th is average value, divided by J + ! , appears in column 2. Column 3 presents the value of f::. 2F (J) - 3.5 (J + !). Figure 4 is a plot of this value against J. Two lines are drawn through the values of f::. 2F (J) - 3.5(J+ t) representing the minimum and maximum probable slop e. Line A results in Bu= 0.8470 cm- I ; line B in Bo= 0.8473 cm- I . Taking the m ean of the values

, I'. Stitt, J . Cbem P hys. 8, 56 (1 940).

4170 I

4160 I

4150 I

4140 I

4130 I

C2: 0t 60em CELL SOem PRESSURE

81 0 4.3 7A 3-0


F IG U R E 2. Absorption spectrum of the WZ+ W3 band of C2 Dz at 2.39 11- , vo = 4190.46 em- I.

The num bers accompanying the various absorp.tion lines are the J num bers of the lines. 'rhe three emission lines are KI' lines.




Page 3: Near infrared absorption spectra of deuterated acetylene


I 5050

I 5060

I 5070

I 5080

I 5090

I 5100

I 5110

I 5120


10 12 14

Cz Dz 60em CELL 9.5cm PRESSURE

5130 I

5140 I

I H20

51 41.73crrr'


FIG U R E 3. Absorption spectrum of the "'1 +"'3 band of C2D 2 at 1.96 IL , vo=5097.07 e m -I.

'rbe numbers acco mpanying the various absorption Jines are the J numbers of the lines;

T A BLE 1. jill eastll"ed values of quantities t,sed in determination of E o for the J values /Tom 1 tI!1"ough 30

/l ,F (J;~ <l2F(J ) .6,11=

J Average /l2F(J)- /lv-R (.1- 1)- J+t average 1111 P(J+l) 3.5 (J+t )

cm- 1 cm- l cm-1 em-I I 5. Jl 3. 407 -0. 14 -0.02 2 8.50 3.400 -. 16 +.09 3 11.90 3. 400 -.35 0 4 15.3 1 3. 402 -. 44 +.04 5 18.66 3.393 -.59 +.01

6 22.01 3. 386 -. 74 -. 04 7 25.34 3.379 -. 91 -. 10 8 28.79 3.387 -.96 0 9 32. 15 3.384 -1. 10 -.04

10 35.54 3.385 - 1. 21 -.04

11 38.95 3.387 - 1. 30 0 12 42.39 3. 391 - 1. 36 +.04 13 45.70 3.385 - 1. 55 -.02 14 49. 13 3.388 - I. 62 +.01 15 52. 49 3.386 - I. 76 0

16 55.91 3.388 - 1.84 +.01 17 59.32 3.390 - 1.93 + . 04 18 62.65 3.386 -2. 10 -.01 19 66.05 3.387 -2.20 0 20 69.44 3.387 -2.31 +. 01

21 72.89 3.390 -2.36 +.08 22 76.20 3. 387 -2.55 0 23 79.64 3.389 - 2.61 +.06 24 83.04 3.389 -2. it -. 04 25 86.3 1 3.385 - 2.94 - . 04

26 89.78 3.388 -2.62 +.40 27 93. 07 3.384 -3. 18 -.06 28 96.46 3.384 -3.29 -.04 29 99.84 3.384 -3.41 -.05 30 103.22 3.384 -3.53 - 06

of !::.2F (J) / (J + t) in column 2 of table 1 yields a value of B o= 0.8469 em- I. Averaging these three values of Bo gives th e results Bo= 0.8471 ± 0.0003 em- I. Column 4 of table 1 shows the deviation of th e individual values of !::.2F (J )-3.5(J + t ) from the values indicated by the resultant Bo=0.8471 em- I. This value can b e compared with that of Bo=




o 10 15 J

FIGURE 4. Plot of .62 (J ) - 3.5(J + ~) as a funetion of J values.

Lines A and B are the minimum and maximnm probable slopes.

0.84827 cm- I reported by Talley and Nielsen (see footnote 2).

To calculate internuclear distances, the value of Be, the equilibrium rotation constant, is necessary. From Be can be found the various 1';s, the equilibrium distances. To find Be, however, each normal mode " mus t b e represented at least once in the bands studied ; we cannot find Be from the two b ands studied.


Page 4: Near infrared absorption spectra of deuterated acetylene

The equilibrium distances C- H and C - D should be equal , with a slight variance for the zero-order state. If this variance is ignored, the zero-order distances reported by H erzb erg (see footnote 3) can be used to calculate a Bo. This has a value of 0.8474 cm- I .

Again ignoring the difference b etween 1' 0 of C - H and ro of C - D , our value of Bo can b e combined with that for C2H 2 of H erzberg (see footnote 3) to find the internuclear zero state distances. Th e

\ values of the distances are C - D and C - H = ) l.0611 X 10- 8 cm , and C=C = l.2067 X IO- 8 cm .

Combining the Bo of C2HD of H erzb erg (see foot­note 3) with our C2D 2 value giv es C - H and C - D = 1.0630 X lO- 8 cm and C=C = 1.2054 X 10- 8 cm. Wl1en the values of the constants of C2H 2 and C2HD are used , one finds C - H and C - D = l.0595 X 10- 8

cm and C=C = l.2073 X 10- 8 cm . Theoreticall~T, the rotational constants of C2H 2, C2HD, and C2D 2

?O can b e used to solve for the valu es of th e three inter­nuclear distances C = C, C - H , and C - D ; unfor­tunately, th e precision of measurement of these

constants is no t sufficien t to detect any differences between C - H and C - D distan ces.

Th e upp er state rotational constants were found by plotting eq 2. They are :

B I01OO = 0.8574 ± 0.0003 cm- ll

BOllOO= 0.8547 ± 0.0003 em- l,

The centrifu gal stretching has been ignored, as it is negligible. The effect on the valu e of [Ll2F (J) -3.5(J+ t)] / (J + t) would be equal to 8(J + t )3D , where D=4B3(ol /w~+ 02 IwD and wh ere o~+ o~= l. 6 Th e largest possibl e value of D would be for 0[ = 0 and 02 = l. Thus D=4 X .853X 1 / 17 602 ~ 10-6, and for J = 30, the centrifugal stretching :::;8 X 27,000 X 1O -6~ 0.014 cm- I . This is mu ch lcss than th e mq) erimental error.

W ASHING'rON, March 20 , 1951 6 W . Schaffer and A . N ielsen , J . Chem . Phys. 9, 8'17 1941).