NEA Fuel Poverty Forum South West 5 th July 2012

NEA Fuel Poverty Forum South West · A l R t F l P t St ti ti M 2012. Events ... Why sponsor the NEA fuel poverty orums? ... assisted over 2.3 million households

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NEA Fuel Poverty Forum

South West5th July 2012

Latest fuel poverty figures

Fuel poverty figures

Hills Review

Final report published

Low income/high required energy spend

Scale of fuel poverty reduces for pensioners

but increases for families with children

Reiterate that targeted heating/insulation

programmes best for alleviating fuel poverty

Further consultation in summer 2012

mpact of Hills

l poverty in England 2010 by current definition and by Hills’ proposals

nition Number of fuel-poor households

% of fuel-poor households

ent 3,536,000 16%

proposal 2,666,000 12%

el poverty remains serious national problem and the

Coalition is solutely committed

to tacking it

Green DealEnergy Company Obligation

Saving Obligation £950 md on delivering large

es of solid wall insulation GD customers. Includes andard cavities; utions to district heating owed as part of package


Affordable Warmth target £350m

Qualifying benefits; private tenures; any measures including boiler repairs; ASHP but no added score; contribute toward district heating

bjective: to deliver carbon savings & support low income vulnerable consumers - £1.3b

w' third element – Carbon Saving Communities ti £190

ECO supporting low income households?

SC + AW = £540m. Able to pay = £760ERT/CESP/WF 2009/10 = £1.1bills said must be > 50% to be equitablempact Assessment assumes 20% of CSO will be elivered to low income families mpact assessment anticipated that the cost of CO is recovered through energy bill levy –egressive. Unless we make sure all thise eligible aim.

Spending on fuel poverty

‘…the fuel poor…will need additional

support….The sums of money are very


An additional £728 million to equal


nergy Bill Revolution

Put carbon tax revenue into fuel poverty programmes£4 billion p/a over 15 yearsETS and carbon floor price


HEC (of) A Revival

eg Barker:ECA 'forms an important part of the Government's strategy to ensure coherent and joined-up mplementation of the Green Deal ight across the country.‘

Andrew Warren: set local targets

HHSRS development

Private landlord ignores advice from EHO to not put panel radiatorsLandlord referred to Residential Property Tribunal (RPT) – they find it satisfactoryCouncil appeal to President of Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) (UTLC)Appeal upheld – running costs important

onsultation on Vulnerable Customers Strategy

www.whichbigswitch.co.ukNot widen role, but strengthen your ability to intervene where information shows anomalies

Strengthen call for roadmap to 2016

A little less ‘passive observation’ a little more action please!

• Energy Bill Revolution

CESP progress

CESP progress to Dec 2011 (end Dec 2012)15% of total carbon reduction carbon metOn completion, achieve 68% of targetEnforcement could be 10% of company’s annual turnoverLots of SWI and hard-to-treat cavities –mostly controls, boilers and lofts

RHPP opportunities

Additional £10m for social landlordsEmphasis on learning to inform RHIApplication process until 4th July with projects complete by 31st March 2013This is a money-off measures scheme, off gas areas onlyAlso fund metering to better understand performance (ASHP only)Excellent opportunity to gather billing and satisfaction data alongside itEST administering

and available now! l 1 qualifications with in-built literacy and numeracyprinciples of fuel consumption in the home, C&G’s 6281-10 principles of renewable electricity, C&G’s 6281-11 Principles of renewable heat, C&G’s 6281-12 principles of heat loss and insulation, C&G’s 6281-13principles of space and water heating, C&G’s 6281-14

lable soon!estic Green Deal Advisor course being developed in accordance with overnments national occupational standards for green deal advisors and

mmended learning syllabus (not yet agreed)

vering Energy Efficiency Projects A level 4 qualification for those advisors who dy hold the 6281/01 (or previous 6176/01) qualification or who are delivering cts and come with knowledge but require a formal, higher level qualification

arning and E-assessments for NEA’s Energy Awareness course and C&G’s 6281/01 minations available from next year and specifically aimed at engaging with colleges

Training with NEA

Interesting reports

C, The Green Deal and Energy Company Obligation: rnment response to the November 2011 consultation, June

, The True Cost of Energy, April 2012


ted household energy bills explained for all gas and icity customers; Factsheet 97; 31.05.12 ofgem.gov.uk

A l R t F l P t St ti ti M 2012


w website launched – www.nea.org.uk

nference – September 10th, 11th, 12th

otprint awards – applications by 27th

ptember. Nine organisations across England l receive an award of £2,000 to help deliver ew initiative or add value to an existing

oject. One winner of £3,000.

y other announcements?

Warm Front update

Scheme is now operating with £100m to spendHelp us bring the help to those who need itFunding to work with local authorities totarget a mail-out

Consumer Focus and fuel povertyJuly 2012


Consumer Focus and NEA forumsCommunicating comfortFuel poverty resourcesLocal authority campaign

Why sponsor the NEA fuel poverty orums?

Consumer Focus is the statutory watchdog for energy consumers

e want to:help you to help consumers share information about what workslearn from the experiences of your clients use this to inform our energy policy work

What do we do to help consumers?

Consumer Focus ‒ information, support and tools ‒ help and empower consumers ‒ communications and decisions about electricity & gas suppliers

interactive FAQ, ‘your energy questions’consumer facing leafletsletter templates for energy consumers & advice providersOnline helpfinderInformation on switching energy supplier

What do we do to help advisers?

Consumer Focus supports advisers and frontline staff Phone and on line:p://www.consumerfocus.org.uk/get-advice/advice-agenciesername: Adviceproviderssword: Info4youAdvanced version of ‘your energy questions’ Adviser factsheetsConsumer Community email network Presentations – Policy into Practice

What do we do to help advisers?

sk the adviser’ telephone support service 0844 980 0041

Provides guidance to advice agencies dealing with postal or energy complaints on behalf of their clientsCan advise on how best to challenge a supplier and details of relevant legislationNot a referral service – allows advisers to retain case handling.

Engaging energy consumers in energy fficiencyNew Consumer Focus research report“What’s in it for me?”15 case studies: most address fuel poverty

he concept of exchange

Consumers will take action if he perceived benefits

outweigh the perceived costs of, or barriers to, taking that actionCost is a barrier, but is no upfront cost enough?Other barriers such as hassleWhere is the benefit?

Bring benefits forward

Consumers want clear benefits in the short-termPayback is long-termComfort health and security may be more relevant

Case studies

15 case studiesMostly public sector - reflecting current marketNo silver bulletLessons – Promoting benefits– Reducing barriers– Marketing energy efficiency

Report and free workshops

Engaging energy efficiency


Full learning and recommendations in our report on www.consumerfocus.org.ukChallenges– Evaluation needed to understand applicability elsewhere– Partnerships necessary to build trust, without limiting

competition– Trust, and other factors, will be bespoke to locality– How will lessons be shared?

Workshops: http://consumerfocus.eventbrite.co.uk/

uel poverty resources in England:nergy efficiency

• 2013: WF, CERT & CESP end

• No replacement for Decent Homes

• All Govt spend ends • Only ECO

– Affordable Warmth– Area programme

• £463m for fuel poor: England only

• £540m for GB

inding the money

• Energy Bill Revolutionwww.energybillrevolution.org

• Coordinated by Transform UK− research and advocacy− major parliamentary campaign

•Recycle carbon revenues:−energy efficiency programme

focused on fuel poor− ‘fuel poverty proof’ homes: EPCB

standardf f

Energy bill revolution supporters

Energy bill revolution:Making the economic case

• EBR campaign is a key priority for CF and EFPC– helped fund Verco research:– EFPC encouraged supporters to join

• CF: funded macro-economic research– Cambridge Econometrics & Verco– compares impact of alternative stimulus programmes– GDP, balance of payments and jobs

• Interim findings– investment (£3 – 4bn pa) in EE has much larger impact than:– investment in public services or government capital spending

• Final report due July

Local authority fuel poverty initiative

• Encourage local authority action against fuel poverty• New opportunities

– new HECA guidance– transfer of public health to local government– Green Deal and ECO

• Survey of local authority fuel poverty activity• ‘Local authority fuel poverty commitment’

– similar to Nottingham declaration on climate change– written by EFPC & local authority specialists, with LGA advice

• Dedicated local authority website

Launch of commitment

• Islington Council: 17 October• Agenda:

• Seeking local authority signatories• Public campaign• More info from [email protected]

Minister LGAPublic declaration of support Islington CouncilAnother leading local authority NEADECC: ECO communities fund Health & Well-Being BoardNational Pensioners Convention Launch of LA fuel poverty survey

Identifying homes in need

• Bulk EPC data now available to certain organisations, including local authorities


• All requests for bulk data should go to:[email protected]

SW NEA Forum5th July

Nicky Jones


1991 – Loft insulation and draught proofing scheme

1996 – Cavity wall insulation added

2000 – Gas & electric heating added

2005 – Oil heating added

2009 – Major scheme changes – grant increase, e-bid and technical surveys

2013 – The End

The future… ECO the new ‘Warm Front’


Warm Front scheme re-opened April 2011

evised changes to the qualifying criteria have made it difficult to find eligible households – SAP ratings

his year’s budget £100 million. The scheme ends March 2013

ince 2000, assisted over 2.3 million households

verall spend for the scheme since 2005 = £2.2 billion


outh West 2011-12Received nearly 6,000 qualifying referralsSpend of £7.5 millionOver 400 insulation measuresOver 2,000 heating measuresCornwall biggest referrer with nearly 1,000 referrals and over £1.5 million spend

rst Quarter figuresReferrals 660Households surveyed 548Spend £712,969

Promotioncent activity

Mendip, South Somerset and North Somerset mailings

Countywide Somerset mailing with over 60’s PSR with WPD

Leaflets – email [email protected]

Articles for newsletters and press releases

Eligibility reminder

Pension Credit - guaranteed or savings credit

Income-related Employment and Support Allowance that includes a work related activity or support component

Income Support or Income-based Jobseekers Allowance and have one of the following:-

- parental responsibility for a child under 5

- child tax credit (which must include a disability or severe disability element for a child or young person)

- disabled child premium

- disability premium (enhanced or severed disability element premium)

- pensioner premium (higher or enhanced pensioner premium)


Working with the 6 major utility companies on making Warm Front referrals

Citizens Advice Bureau having joint branded Warm Front leaflets


Working with North Somerset

Working with NEA in the South East

Stakeholder contacts

seful contacts

For any customer enquiries by stakeholders [email protected] or call 0191 247 3822

For stakeholder complaints [email protected] or call 0191 245 8712

For any system breakdown 0800 408 1437

Nicky JonesRegional Network Manager (South)

07930 587069

[email protected]