·ndealer A WEI!KLY NEWSPAPER: DEVOTED TO TJfE INTEREsm5 OF Om:t COUNTRY AND PIEOPtl.E. _v_._ '" - "' - '- '' -· - '' -· _ ''- ·- - ---,=- ---- --- - -- -RT NE\-VFOl ' NDI AND, A UGUST 17, 1.91 8. Price: &ouonL WAR I . T!w ur whkh lly the .-UJk,; I Jll,."ltln hill I' <1 1'111' I n.nd :'\oyon uri' th.- ultlroat.• r tlJt' Alli('ll, nnoi nrE> New foundland Herring ! 1 1<>Uid u•••UIW,. nil tl.ie (;,,,.. fllluf'k t nhJro·tln" 11111) the I'H(l\Ul'P ur unlhlll' nt•n·dy tluo rln•r !>i<>l· IUilll f"'"''''" ttw l""'kCI formt'd Frt'tWh 11!1" '' wo•ttl•lnot nWue rt'$ult L11 pO!I.•lhly tlw wl!h•U•n•lhtJ.: LIH' C'lf()rt«, A SUMMARY Of THE llll:\11.\\" th .. .,.lwr,·ln lbt• louud ,,r tteri.IUin• luln• lbiiii'MiliiJ' tbo· domluato'ti by IIJj>lr f+·tu. . ..a tbi'lr thP llrl. tM rt'!IT;!Winl mm·enw/11 llt'lt'<llll.rl!J" lll<lt .• \mtrt•-.ll •not ••l't'a ·h trOOj•J t>U be tht•rt·turt• 1'-11'"11111 nar lh•1 l'lt·•rdl' loatll•fr.•nl. lout tl:o·l' .lrnllr<l nctiWl!'l ftn• «<tul....,l '" 1<11' lw.vl'i>N:U UW<I>ll' fu,.f<Dllhl" tl•ll• <•t llltJ-1•• numhf'n< of llh•u lllltl '"Ill lint tuhaurt• Jhrm. \llh •nJ.'/1 tin· Qllaiidtle<!! ut tul't!M lnwt f(lt""o.rol )•Ub uf tl10' .\Ell.,. h1111 l"'t'll t"llfttun' hy tbP .\llit-<1 1 .._ 'i'h" lll(Jwt'OJtlul\U <>Uot<W\olll llli'J loa..-.- ll<>)t', uuult• l'uttbt'<'llalourt.Anl pn<j.:N!!IIf rrrnu lind <"a!•tul'4', whl<•b .._., m<1 lmml north uf tho• "'""' lhf' lll'UI. will j!Te:tlly llt'\Jc:hlt'll tht• rUitl .'L!ntrlt·nuot nntl lkll1 h 11r•• naht\uo: ot tbt- Gerl,l.J.ntl Ito tuu:o·lhi o- I'll I Ill• U• tlilo ru hllnl.: vr th;:> l>u<.k. 1111' li$:"hLIUII' I i<ru UL<o• Hht•r \\Ill•"' tht' l'n•twh ••+•t'dlm: tWer L b(' bAttle lilt 1\ro• lin• o•nf'uoy. Tlu• .\uw l-'rlrJny t:erwnn tm,.hltwK wtr<• rh•nm1 1111d Thrlr ht·.,ttll'n< In oJ.,,.;trny,·U nut!:!:! olrln·u thlllu utot ut at ltl"\ ti!'!'Ulll!l>l \l<>f•' t•l'<""'hllo: O'<>Hi rol. ThO: \Vf\1' UJDo•t• til' 1'\(lllely otjtou Hmy ><m· tlhh·•l l<uowleolc:eil that :!;t ttl'" tnn)rH 11.11d ll.l'llll•Urr·+l wl1kli In- m\Rslng. l'twflil'lnl lrrlnl{ Jl l\;tt'<JIH•ll \'$' 1'/IH1Ut1th•" 1111 ll\1' O'l\t!ll\,1' \h(> lt\llllbt•t• llf l'UJHUTf'li l<• UHO!'l' 1111 hi! tn t'o•turr1 th,.lr tiro- tl!ato• fi!'liL I Itt. th•· tr(lttl tit•• tlw rh·..,·. 'l'lw til·nuuu>< ()Jl til•' ttur!lwru otC ll,tt• hl>lll'l ly f'lllt'llltl'tl tho• ttl J.!Hnll nre rcrtortl'l.! to lu• o•uln•nclt ltllol l'lduiiJ', 111!!1 nt f•ll•' tl<llnt 1u!l' ll!Hl 1'\tretf'ltl!tiJ bnrllt>ll wlr" \lr••r Jlll'r<'t'll tho llt·lll><h Hht· uttol l.'ttln•·•l tlu• tf'rrltory, wiH>rf' thr.l 11n• fndttl:' !1:: •• .. .. j t!oP }'n-nrh lin• atul u ... f'u•·UI)' 1'4'-llr"'' '" 1 Tl 1:"'11.\ I t .. ::; ILl' llrllllib Wo'ltb "Uta"· toark tlli> .!lll,..J TTOL>fl!l «hn nro· 1>1'1;'01 lui." t'loti.ulure ltul l!t111 h <'11\lllry l.ht'm Croom ""' 1'\'ll'iou "' tiH wl!h '"'"''tnltl<>o t•f llll' Pm•m:r·• !<•mm•· t<t th .. 111 «J1 •t•• tht• ,,ll!l' tenitor-, altll.-1 l<> :\o it TJu10e n rio--an. Hrltl"h Hnd }'!'('11 b armlf'!l port,o, hul\•·•w. hll'l'•· rt'("ohr•ll'l>••f- !hour t<> walw l'n>).,"l'f'llll ,\iollllll)' tidal .-erfn, .. u n li;r fur lhl' lttl,.f wlttl,...sl!'ll ealrut .,r jq'"u'"' ,, ,.1111muo t-'.'11 hP l...,u lllllo.l• hy th.. a lull I.' TbP batiiP fr< 111 n( hl::h Ftt,.,dl frum tb•' N"J:Ion IIUIU•1Lillilt.!y 1111/..-.rlatt<•e f<•r !Ill· ful'!lu·r ""111111.-•IIT atul llnlllh o•C II")'< lot lbo! tio•o uf t1w l'nth"llH>r. t tbt· \llh"ll t )l.._. rtv.r. Tho·ro• th .. y t.u,., tlrlt·ru 111 •lrl•·t• •OU1 thr> o:,rmnl• rr .. tn l h••lr lin•• no-11••-ruu lilt• lloy1• 1'•1111· "•·dnt Jolf,"n(! r0o1!1 nn•l til l "(lmhNmt<• lilll'l' t..-iremely lt!Hr r ··oUT<• 1 tit ... \uu·rl iLl' fr"nt f'olln· t'llll,.. ollul Hrl\1 b hu.n• n t"•ll Ill :-(<>,1-.,lo. !Itt' < 'lll•lllro• hulol in tilt• lml>nl"lnur lltlh• ltmu ,,r ,.f :-.runtt1hllo·r. l it" l•'rNwt< Ita"• !'I'll'' Hrny Sur lium1w· uu th•· tu>l'!ill'rl! t rnl to 'r tllu1uy 11 •ll"!ttm·" lmnk 1 ;t tht' .\ rt f' u( tl 1J41111 IUI!l'H 11\111 Lit l"riUU,V TlH' rlHr I to L)W • util i! Ill•' ltr\ !-ltu' nwr+ · t llnu ••helo t un o! n lnt lr tlsll lin I'" tnln u J' roynrt HHol tul ol wu) mii PII, lln+lthro•l llh th" h lllJ I'<' tun ,., llu•llul" lo , ' r thrnl b\\tU'•l I t.u I ,,,. ,. 11\o 1\•U•Jtii!:!LI UUl'l lu M Ullll!<>t 111 r • \ lol>'lo gllln" f'J:tt'<'t llng,.b; s ull.,.mtrll f r•HT I I>At'l' 11lt<'<l ht thf' turtl11r ••ut tlunk ut 1:: urn, .... ur 1111• lliJ: .. t f 'liauln._.. (rmu til·· .,uth, ILU•I l:\'rtllllll oh f••ur+ 11<11'11 root lu Tht• ut R ••Yt' truro Uw n!'l'th. ••u ihf'lr m int!." ur "'' tlor t"ntle pan thP. lu 11,.. rt>lllug 1 ·otw t mnt lutllrat<' that thr n•ln·tl uf tit\• try lmmHlloltl•ly n•>tth , t I hi' Ht l'li('WY htul rU<It I, 1'111111'!" It bt II" rh .. r I!R1"l" l'llllltJn•cl 1:ury, >I )" illOU Uul.! I hellO< nlnnr""''"""' nr•• .-.r l"u1u • t.•·h14r 1'4. \\ ><lml lar to 1111- ('tlrrhol ""J ,,.,, lht- .,f LA-' lt:!IIY, and tt , -ra1 touLDt>o . \fnrur tmnl wllm 11tro lllf fra.tj:na.r•l , u t Lt>- >'<1UtbWIIl11 , t thr HI O"D\'t>n'tl 11«• n<ll'f'lDtnl ot thl' l'm"u hnf' th••lr 111,.. tunbo·r 1 ,. armlf'8 R<'ltlb'll'lln1 Th" wnrd X<>y""· In \f""""'''s l!mOii.t' ot. llln:r 11""" ,.,.,llut· '" !u-. hlllitlr""l""raoldltlon•ll<l·rmn"• •·o·rr "''1'0 tar l "'l!lu<l lh•• t"hl'UI)'" lhuir. m•<l(' """"liM"', un•l lhr f'U my h)OII •ml fll(lft'mrnt ht lnn,c: ,,.,.,n-Uy lu ml'u and .,-,,,nd ...l. an• ''''"""l•·f'f'd l'l'i lino>mdal ro·Titort..< Ill•· nucul""' olcnt·P llu!.t II '" tin• Julo·lllh•J• ,.r <•! Uurha,t ''"' l•l"f' f'lli'IDY ulllmntt ly to ro·tlrc tu 1-"'W lu llh· 11f llni'N ot tlt·fo·n••o•. \vfnlt>l'>< Jtn1·p IO.ll()ll. 'l'bl• ut n• lN))'ed All U11• lll'rllllll tho• \11'1'1' "till In 1 ·,\n tho• rt·!llnu nf l 't•rrt•lol"' t•f th1• r''"'' ruullllllt tl!HI Willi ll11• l'IH'UIY <'0111 lhvMI,C:h Bt>l' t• Jllhi :Si>l"•HJ, Victor Engines, Sewing Machines, Woodstock Typewriters , Stationary and Hoisting Engines , Oats and Beans. Now Is yo ur ti me to o rder ony of the obove .. mentioned goods. I WHOLESALE l R. 6. & f. RIDEOUT orri CfS ' Nos. I 0 ond 12 GEAR !lUI LDI N<i . '" tlu l"l•tnuw nil tlw uurtlL aud l'ill<t hnWt'\'H, C'lumhw.• u lYilll" llllJ'OJrtt'r> /•nu!lnw· lu ntnl 411 ,. "" u... "<>Ulb. .-;-ut mltthty pf frum the ;"\'t•wfouuoUtw!l lwrrhtl:' ulntn llr4' t!w <U<Io>arurirn:: Ho I" ill'loo.dt·Bntal.'t'l>,.-CNJnt&lar- I IU4' .\1 Itt\ tu boUib lb.•· t;vnnnn ltl• "" olutl Ill«' "Wll.· •hfn,- t:!llu (runl J.,w u1Utuli._.,. hU '"'"1' t••rU+alluu the aol••ttwt hl Ill!' Jo'n u<"lo <•u tbe ""'""'•·rn Jollrt ,.r till" 1\no• Ntnmot loot ha•·•• lin I•Unuw1y lmpurtRIII f'fl'et•t o•u l hl'pt·o·•tntt•nlll·· 'l'ill>lllll]l{l>'i ilnJIM l!oo·.• !uon• l:>lhH•tl UHI nlnUI' <lj. tul!iltt•• th+• cu,.. \'alto•)' ruuulngnortll· ll't'I\IWIU'+I (o< hut nro•ltnt1 Lilli H1j.III,O', tllTII ! ht'lli 11 l'wt•(lfl t•r I li•· tlf floye !rum t lw Llttll' lllkt•tt. f>lnl'o• tm nuy ... r w.-. ftulll · llh•tllol'tll!•\'o !o•. 'l'hl'(h:t·mnnj\ .\Ill•• I #Uh.. atnl ltup• ltl"t'u .•o l'U("rolfl.,bt•tlllf'"'' I lull ltbo uuw untler a h•'*'.Y llr(' trow Lottlt lhl' nnrtb a..U .. utlt, anol _.mlnd.1 !wilt luwn" hi' ultlm:Jh>ly e\'at·tlll.tt'll. .\u OIL\>Ird ililntrer lol H•t)'P '" tht.' raurl a.nrJ take. atldiU"llill t•rl· that tlw l-'tl'tll'\1 In tbrlr The au+! Vl1'urh !IN' k.lh,..khn: a! !be d<M>I" ut La&lg- "'\l"'UUllt'< ;rdU wne In th•• uy. 1111"111 •"'·ru miiN to !!Ollth, •tllray llfltttl<>tlht•rln·r. IUlloe lh r.t '"" rln•r the nPrlllg;Uil ftl><t'l'lnrd NO)'(>U In a lu of Chnnlni'K rlrh·lUJC tnalllll'\tfl'i' wblrh UOI unly whl<'ll O"I'P.Illln.ct:IY Ju· uulflll-nklnJC l<V,I'I', but Noyo11 I• rrnrl nr nil hnlllU'\1"'. rhallr twnro•r 1'1!.DIItf' c.t Ull' Dig 1'tl(l0h'lftl r"'TlOrllo ttl'!' to tbe t•ltt·•cl llulllh,. t:r-rmnn", f<.'llrfDJll;'8!1• tn.,-.lu llti·pnrll:l't 1Whi'L•cn Roye nud lito• j 1'-'tt•, tarcrNtllltlng Rloog- tltt• tll1<u \'Rito•y lllwttrol Ntwou, a.uollt t!w /llaoultl JlrOVC Hue It Is uullkt•ly lltut lllf't!ntlrt•Cif'rmuu hnt. tlf' l ht!' '" t lw uMih wllla-h·n wny In unllfdU,nu+l t hnl Ql'l>n tlh'h th(!reWny Ita• n of thr enemy !rm!L from N01HM()UI to Rbo•lm11. Fnr '" tlu• twrth from l'J)I'I.'fl to Albert !lH·r .. ha>< b('('n ntU1·Jty "n It•" /'llrt or tht• BI'Itlllh 1nt1 h'rr•w11 fnn·t., lg>tllll>l lh<' lll'cwaulf. 141·· t fit>rUian I'Ommuukallou ---:r .:·-- ' ll<IM'rlJO!Iv- AIUt"'laltat•llll ttl'rt! n>nul· -<'-'r;). ..,.._ 1"'" SPUNDID 6rottimf C REPE AND cr . Df- CHENE IN THE StiOWROOM With tbe new s oft finJ)h 11 vdth dc plb oi cokluu that mtlo.t:S tll m •nio.ttl•rl) llte-K ue tb)t. of sp.,..ial of this tpkndiJ -.eunnabt e . ant! h. Jo }ard. !' hf'hl I>J' AWt'f"lt•atuJ nntl are !·I dl'f'IMr ... t w h&l'l' tlrlTt'll UtE' Alllt"!ii t .. IL" .OtllhiMI bank of lhl' rivl'l". A < utmtf'r •ttarke, Lowen r, n•tmltt>o.l fn ; Uu• rr·o«·nJontlon nt Fbmfl. Till' ·'; In llu -<111 who llfi' "J'\"""h0j: 1111-' nniMbt•VIk:ii'J('ffil'llf, nAY!! ' """II r .. nn!'llly I'N:'(IKI!bt'll 1!7 Grent I! Hrltnho a11 an Al\11!<1 Dlltlon antl tbelr i't nrml<· aro• nu ro)rl'(l f! ll'dfnl(ulukttlt(I'J't•u!unl<•lllll1'1'1. ll'uutlllll<'•l llll(lli.IW lltret-.) NOBODY THE 6RtAT! Jh IIH. l' lt.\\;J·:, !1 ; lint• .. fo'otturo• 1 ,r wur ,,. hn• 1.,., u tb•· Hn."'l H ,f tl"' 1111 It tt but R l":t 11 l::; IIUIIlllf' •lutulnnto hl'l o'lt i! ll.:r:olu\lo•rlllll't:lo'-"'1 j ··rnu•·o• nfllr lh<'llt·l·ulntlun,lu het •• 7."'' b:f !Ji Tlh·u llto•ro· llt•r.• tlit· l ; rt·u l , and l'd<•r lhl' tiro•qf. and ,\1. .. •·•·nt. nml lj<UlJt• tltlrr-.• o·u •'Ill' ,,r lit•'"' n1 h·tllll Uro'OI lu JWI lllllllt' "il 11 •'IJ.."lltl'liP. i! !hot lu l lt l>< o·owflh't uubto!l.r i! *"h••t•l'llllrnllul.' tutu ilh• llrt•nt i. m .. .. j!• 11 \Vllhrl!u llot• t irt·ru ». l:ilmleubu!IC 1uul lun·e ... lill'lr >!la!Ut'11, WbPU MN Uj 0 1 tu tbP 1! wUlhl'llrtlt••tltb• '+11-r l>< th1" 14 A 1""'1•1£·'-< wur. :-iu <'lll•htln tu l••· aht<> tu D.ll•lllultltl!,..,t><ltJigbt. et Mlll !.-t1t!Jlf JU ST Jotl'rt•, l' •·talnnntl Stv .. Jh•ban•llotne :•,l•IY, hill lhtr•· l• nutblno.: \f'(JIIk alw111 them. Tt u•\fanullll•f'><('bllt'kltt<U!Otll J•h. 1hrn wonohll• 1u h:tt<1 Sir llulll' 1-''lht.c;- nl.oo\11 wry murlt a11 U lli'Wt•n·the wuurunr <•f n hnu""· O\·c·r tu·r•'. II l'nrh• !-lnm the +;o'l'lll. It(' llr- to "" u J<•li iOH>< l•ull,•, llUol IOOkll tt)ltJIO lin• lltOKJII'Hur n (irf',ll, ur tbr li rt'tt1, 11r the t;reut. 11r Auyltolly 1111• nre•tl. P:tt:o•pt I OATS, BRAN, HAY GEORGE NEAL. I blllH<l.'lr. .... llo'IUI"'rtU'Y 1• tlt")f 110]1, Utul 'i'll't•nUNII 1 1 elllury '" nn IIU!u.•·•m•bl<' tluu•. ''"" th<• supHllt.au. Ull'ri<'.,.Wl•!Jiwh•ll·lbt'tjUului\OII>t, Tlt<ll! j,. II h•Jllla•tWY <oJI I hi' p•rt tof sum{' lmlth_.l'>l I<> n:nuahJ l•IH uf tho· :ma.rk"t v.itb un't'f"llt#" until "''''llthoc !li a retil Ul'l,l.J.IIIHI tl<••·rl<Jllt'\1 . .\t pn-><.-.nt th" llUirkPI rru·ul'<l llw bn7"' troth DllY tuo tlitl "ltbln tht- nl'xt few lhl' t<IIUHih••• will lw rn- tirely ,.,.,..,..lall} ""h•u tllt> with tbe- .. r mt-nt:s. Wln!t'r auol l:l!"ntd1 l:U""I bl:'rrtng l1anl hwu brhoi{IUJC •21 tu $:!3 l">-rloc.k t.u '"lffit' \nMtau<'f'll and at $2:J uutl t .. r raury lherearl' lloldt·l'll who "Ill uut uo•lw uny lu·lttiC tu hold their b"!!ods untlJ tilt' murkN rencbed lh(' quntntiOtlM, ll ho not Ukelr. hOII'l'fo·r. Ul11t !ht• prl•·•· u! Scwrouuiltnml will 11 1!-hort!l).,.-e. urrh·ht,ltlu Nrw l"ork becu t'OLIIJ<nr"Jh"l'ly liJfiH, anlituOill l>f thf' go>uile r•••·o•h·o·tl l•nvc of the :<nrlulf nmJ "lllh•r pllt'k. there bclnt; lltt]P fall Ju·rrlug to be bnd. llh••J ur Tbt• "'•·w· !vuutl.lano.l 1•tu•J;:,.,.,. Krt• o•nltr .. ty ""''' out tlf fall lind It 1" duul>t !D.I Ulht•rl·ar .. won•tillllo a ft·w bun· dn:-d Ll!rre/s l.ll Uu• h.tlu•l>< .. r 1111!'1' d:t.nntl< au<l In X. 1". i<'k<h!Jlg IJUt'il!'. .. 1 Three Wee ks' Wtrk! .\ 0,1:'. 13- till• h·•l'ht niug of lbe .\1\1,,.1 1'1\llm..,- un J:oly lAth lite .\lllt'll hR.-,. lttkNt morethan 70.i,tutl tlll•llllnr .. thllu a t,:UH!'. ht•• Edw •1•Pllrils tv·ohl). l u urlollll•!ll It., hi P.;;:tiruu ttod tlmt wort• tlnou 111.11011 ruathJul" lnll't' 1 •1-!·u l"l!JIIIIro•tl from rlh•I'IINll}'. llig L .abor C onf e rence ! U •UCh]ll. \U l:.! \h lnt<•t·\lJI•••I LBbt•r ruod .. llllll l '"urorru.-.· "'UI he held in IA•Udr>ll "I' t'••t•loutho ·r li t h, l"tll a.ull tutti . lt w!ll Tit• hl'I•J 111 lla; l'E</111"'1 ,,( SoUUII\'1 4;+•01(11'1'>1, J•re- uf tLe .\ uwrlt nn ur L:il•nr, wllu Itt •·.omln.,- lo• Lundvn M)W<' tlmo: in thl' nt'llr tutul'f'_ h 1.o1 un•l .. r-!Hit<l that lu ad•ll!lnn "' tbP olt'lep.hs l111·n.•. ll· u.tl\'b nf lldl.;inw. lta.Jy :<l'rl>l:!. 1;"".,..., J'.,rltu:,ll nnol fi11!J!Oia, 111"hn 'll"l'l'f' fu lhr o·mafo·l't'l>'t'! heltl bert- Jlll•l' •Piu will lw ""JUP'-1:e<l t<llii\I'IHI. The nuwlo<•r nf tnkeu 1111 '" ln>'T 111 tlw .\ llle<l In f-"[t·anl)· l ""w r"'tlwnto·•l 111 :ttl,· t)Ofl lndntlh•!! w••r•• thtw 1,uou ''' tlt-,.1'!<. :UOrl• !ltotn l"iiJU htl\'t' w·ntrtlluo:: to the 1'bl• I•'J'I'IWll llllVtllll'hll{ llwlr nlp! un• nr 1\ltlttl lil<!lt!rnr· ml•lo 1Hy1tu\· uoll•t<Ho •rolll«•h• In :111 ll1'l'l'lll/f' olNitlt ut ml\t'!l nt t lle r,·om c•xl ••udlllK frmn Antlt'l'h.v, ll"hlt•b 11 mil•• uortlt fonJot "' ltuutdilll<•r. t•• >llrt. \)'hll: trn wlh"" nf o·n(oturl'tlt•lty, llo'<'Ordltlf:' h• ollti('lnl s!f!t•·mt•ut• For the " Old R.cliablc " fONTHILL NURSfRifS. Thousands of flrcharJ tree! need replacing. \Var Garden!> call fnr small iruits, early bearing frui1 lrt'CS, stock in and is large. ence not necessary. STONf l!i WfLLIN<iTON ( E s ta blished .t8J7) TORONTO ONTARIO. P. 0. 6ox 2J6 Slattery's Wholesale Dry Goods House! 'Ph ole 522 TO THE TRADE! YOU WILL ALWAYS ri ND US LAR<irLY STOCIIfD WITH ALL LINrS or f N<iLISH AND AMERICAN DRY fiOODS. We Make a Specialty of JOB IT WOUlD BE TO YOUR ADVANTAOF. TO 'PHONE, WRI TE CALL, WHEN YOU WILL FIND WE ARE QUOTINO THE lOWEST POSSIBLE P RICES. Slotterv Building, Duckworth ond oeorge Streets Soint John's, Newfoundlond .. .. .. ...

·ndealer - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/cns_news/ThePlaindealervol... · ·ndealer A WEI!KLY NEWSPAPER: DEVOTED TO TJfE INTEREsm5 OF Om:t COUNTRY AND

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Page 1: ·ndealer - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/cns_news/ThePlaindealervol... · ·ndealer A WEI!KLY NEWSPAPER: DEVOTED TO TJfE INTEREsm5 OF Om:t COUNTRY AND



_v_._'"-"'-' -''-· -''-· _''-· - - ---,=--------- ---RT .JOHN~S:o NE\-VFOl ' NDI AND, A UGUS T 1 7 , 1.91 8. Price: &ouonL

WAR I. T!w p.1~"'1J.:I• ur whkh lly the .-UJk,; I Jll,."ltln hill I' <11'111' I t.n~~tgny n.nd :'\oyon uri' th.- ultlroat.• r ~~~nlnllt tlJt' Alli('ll, nnoi nrE> 1\l~nllO:ol•· Newfoundland Herring ! 11<>Uid ~•·rlu~t~ly u•••UIW,. nil tl.ie (;,,,.. fllluf'k tu~t t nhJro·tln" 11111) the I'H(l\Ul'P ur wlll~ll unlhlll' nt•n·dy tluo rln•r nr1•n~. !>i<>l·

IUilll f"'"''''" ht~l!l,. ttw l""'kCI formt'd Frt'tWh 11!1" '' wo•ttl•lnot nWue rt'$ult L11 pO!I.•lhly tlw wl!h•U•n•lhtJ.: LIH' t•twmy'~ C'lf()rt«, A SUMMARY Of THE llll:\11.\\" tunukgilu~;: th .. .,.lwr,·ln lbt• louud ,,r

1'b~ tteri.IUin• luln• lbiiii'MiliiJ' ~tU- tbo· .-\lUes"~" domluato'ti by IIJj>lr ~~"-""' f+·tu. . ..a tbi'lr tlotl't~<'l" npln~t thP llrl. tM rt'!IT;!Winl mm·enw/11 llt'lt'<llll.rl!J" lll<lt .• \mtrt•-.ll •not ••l't'a ·h trOOj•J t>U tl:m.~ be ~In«·. tht•rt·turt• 1'-11'"11111 nar lh•1 l'lt·•rdl' loatll•fr.•nl. lout tl:o·l' .lrnllr<l nctiWl!'l ftn• «<tul....,l '" 1<11'

lw.vl'i>N:U UW<I>ll' fu,.f<Dllhl" tl•ll• <•t llltJ-1•• numhf'n< of llh•u lllltl '"Ill lint tuhaurt• llllt!lln~r Jhrm. \llh •nJ.'/1 tin· Punrmnu~ Qllaiidtle<!! ut tul't!M lnwt f(lt""o.rol )•Ub uf tl10' .\Ell.,. h1111 l"'t'll t"llfttun' hy tbP .\llit-<1 lr<~ 1 .._ 'i'h" lll(Jwt'OJtlul\U <>Uot<W\olll llli'J loa..-.- ,\lllec-llrt>~olwl!lyt•llt'IIT'IIDJ: ll<>)t', uuult• l'uttbt'<'llalourt.Anl pn<j.:N!!IIf rrrnu lind ll~ <"a!•tul'4', whl<•b .._., m<1 lmml Ua~ north uf tho• !<<~mnll· "'""' lhf' lll'UI. will j!Te:tlly llt'\Jc:hlt'll tht• rUitl .'L!ntrlt·nuot nntl lkll1 h 11r•• naht\uo: •·ulllt-~ ot tbt- Gerl,l.J.ntl Ito tultln~t tuu:o·lhi o- I'll I Ill• U• tlilo ru hllnl.: vr th;:> l>u<.k. 1DII'IL~I\'(' 1111' li$:"hLIUII' I i<ru UL<o• Hht•r \\Ill•"' tht' l'n•twh lr•~•l' ••+•t'dlm: tWer Lb(' bAttle lin•·~ lilt 1\ro• o·Ugllj,.-iu~o: lin• o•nf'uoy. Tlu• .\uw l-'rlrJny ~W t:erwnn tm,.hltwK wtr<• rh•nm1 1111d Thrlr Hrltl~h ht·.,ttll'n< In oJ.,,.;trny,·U nut!:!:! olrln·u thlllu utot ut Orlll.~ at ltl"\ ti!'!'Ulll!l>l \l<>f•' t•l'<""'hllo: O'<>H i rol. ThO: lirlt1~h \Vf\1' UJDo•t• til'

1'\(lllely otjtou Hmy ><m· ~lotunw tlhh·•l l<uowleolc:eil that :!;t llJUdtluo·~ ttl'"

b~· t nn)rH 11.11d ll.l'llll•Urr·+l ••n•·~ wl1kli In- m\Rslng. l'twflil'lnl •·~llmntt·~ lrrlnl{ Jl l\;tt'<JIH•ll \'$' 1'/IH1Ut1th•" 1111 ll\1' O'l\t!ll\,1' \h(> lt\llllbt•t• llf ~Ill!>< l'UJHUTf'li l <• UHO!'l'

1111 hi! cn+h•lll•t>r~tl tn t'o•turr1 th,.lr tiro- tl!ato• fi!'liL I Itt. th•· "''~!£> tr(lttl tit•• l{rt•><>~ lll'l't'~" tlw rh·..,·. 'l'lw tio•ntutn~ til·nuuu>< ()Jl til•' ttur!lwru ~<hit• otC ll,tt• hl>lll'l ly f'lllt'llltl'tl tho• llrtll~lo ttl J.!Hnll ~trea.ru nre rcrtortl'l.! to lu• o•uln•nclt ltllol II~ l'lduiiJ', 111!!1 nt f•ll•' tl<llnt 1u!l' ll!Hl 1'\tretf'ltl!tiJ bnrllt>ll wlr" \lr••r Jlll'r<'t'll tho llt·lll><h Hht· uttol l.'ttln•·•l tlu• tf'rrltory, wiH>rf' thr.l 11n• fndttl:'

!1:: •• ~~~~~.~.~~1:1~ .. ~1t:~.~.;~ r<~\ .. :::~111\:~ j t!oP }'n-nrh auo~'·"u~ Brltl~h lin• atul u ... f'u•·UI)' 1'4'-llr"'' '" 1 Tl 1:"'11.\

:;!~k>~~=:la~,~~~:rtl~~:~ •:~·,,~,1~1 I t .. ::; ~~.-r=~:.r~11r:::·;~·~"i,, f~" 1~ ba•t~ f'~ltl'<! ILl' llrllllib Wo'ltb "Uta"· toark tlli> .!lll,..J TTOL>fl!l «hn nro· 1>1'1;'01

lui." t'loti.ulure ltul l!t111 h <'11\lllry ~In~:: l.ht'm Croom ""' 1'\'ll'iou "' tiH wl!h • '"'"''tnltl<>o t•f llll' Pm•m:r·• !<•mm•· t<t th .. 111 1· «J1•t•• tht• ,,ll!l' tenitor-, altll.-1 l<> :\o it TJu10e n rio--an. Hrltl"h Hnd }'!'('11 b armlf'!l ~''"" port,o, hul\•·•w. hll'l'•· rt'("ohr•ll'l>••f- !hour t<> walw l'n>).,"l'f'llll ,\iollllll)' tidal .-erfn, .. u n li;r fur lhl' lttl,.f wlttl,...sl!'ll ealrut .,r jq'"u'"' ,, ,.1111muo t-'.'11 PI'Oj.'Tt'>l.~ hP l...,u lllllo.l• hy th.. t•uhu~ a lull I.' TbP batiiP fr< 111 n( hl::h

Ftt,.,dl frum tb•' N"J:Ion IIUIU•1Lillilt.!y 1111/..-.rlatt<•e f<•r !Ill· ful'!lu·r l'""''~·u ""111111.-••IIT atul llnlllh o•C II")'< lot lbo! tio•o uf t1w l'nth"llH>r. t tbt· \llh"ll t )l.._. rtv.r. Tho·ro• th .. y t.u,., tlrlt·ru 111 •lrl•·t• •OU1 thr> o:,rmnl• rr .. tn ~old l h••lr lin•• no-11••-ruu lilt• lloy1• 1'•1111· .\W,\'1~«-;\I•ontoiMhr "•·dnt Jolf,"n(! r0o1!1 nn•l til l "(lmhNmt<• lilll'l' t..-iremely lt!Hr r ··oUT<• 1 tit ... \uu·rl r~ao·ha~J iLl' rt~ut to~ulluc fr"nt f'olln· t'llll,.. ollul Hrl\1 b hu.n• ~tlinNI n t"•ll Pl!<l~l' Ill :-(<>,1-.,lo. ~'<lUI"<' !Itt' <'lll•lllro• hulol in tilt• lml>nl"lnur lltlh• ltmu ,,r ,.f :-.runtt1hllo·r . l it" l•'rNwt< Ita"• !'I'll'' Hrny Sur lium1w· uu th•· tu>l'!ill'rl! t rnl L'll eu~tlt·Arcl to ' r tllu1uy 11 •ll"!ttm·" lmnk 1;t tht' ~uuuu 1•. .\ ~<h• r t dl~hll" f' u( tl 1J41111 ~>'\"I'll IUI!l'H 11 \111 Lit l"riUU,V >IM'R><~ TlH' rlHr I to L)W • util i! Ill•' ltr \ !-ltu' :\l nt~ nwr+· t llnu ••helo t un o! n lnt lr tlsll lin I'" tnln u J'roynrt HHol t ul ol wu ) miiPII, lln+lthro•l llh th" h lllJ I'<' tun ,., l lu•llul" lo u· , ' r thrnl b\\tU'•l I t.u I ,,,. ,. 11\o ruj£'~1./ 1\•U•Jtii!:!LI UUl'l lu M Ullll!<>t 111 r • \ lo l>'lo gllln" f'J:tt'<'tllng,.b; sull.,.mtrll f r•HT I I>A• t'l' 11lt<'<l ht thf' turtl11r ••ut tlunk ut 1:: urn, .... '11~<• ~<UI'ro·ttlllJ: ur 1111• lliJ: .. t f 'liauln._.. (rmu til·· .,uth, ILU•I l:\'rtllllll oh f••ur+ 11<11'11 root lu Tht• ut R••Yt' truro Uw n!'l'th. ••u ihf'lr m int!." u r <•l>~I'Mit"ll "'' tlor t"ntle pan thP. Frct~d• lu 11,.. rt>lllug 1·otw t mnt lutllrat<' that thr n•ln·tl uf tit\• try lmmHlloltl•ly n•>tth , t I hi' Ht l'li('WY htul rU<It I, 1'111111'!" It bt II" rh .. r I!R1"l" l'llllltJn•cl 1:ury, >I )" illOU ~umo~l Uul.! I hellO< nlnnr""''"""' nr•• .-.r ~rn.r ~~ra~4c l"u1u • t.•·h14r 1'4. \ \ ><lml lar to 1111- ('tlrrhol ""J ,,.,, lht- .,f LA-' lt:!IIY, and tt , -ra1 touLDt>o . \fnrur tmnl wllm 11tro lllf fra.tj:na.r•l , u t Lt>- >'<1UtbWIIl11 M.'~Ou , t thr HI O"D\'t>n'tl 11«• n<ll'f'lDtnl ot thl' l'm"u hnf' ni!ntnt"~ th••lr 111,.. tunbo·r 1 ,. !•rin~··.. armlf'8 R<'ltlb'll'lln1 Th" wnrd X<>y""· In \f""""'''s n~.:htlu.c l!mOii.t' ot. llln:r 11""" ,.,.,llut· '" !u-. hlllitlr""l""raoldltlon•ll<l·rmn"• •·o·rr "''1'0 tar l "'l!lu<l lh•• t"hl'UI)'" lhuir. m•<l(' """"liM"', un•l lhr f'U my h)OII •ml fll(lft'mrnt ht lnn,c: tran~T•on ,,.,.,n-Uy lu ml'u klllo~l and .,-,,,nd ... l. ~-olumwo t'tl~tw&nl an• ''''"""l•·f'f'd l'l'i lino>mdal ro·Titort..< ~o"fll' Ill•· nucul""' olcnt·P llu!.t II '" tin• Julo·lllh•J• ,.r II~<• <•! •Jo•rmnn-~ <'lli>lun.~t Uurha,t ''"' l•l"f' f'lli'IDY ulllmntt ly to ro·tlrc tu 1-"'W ~l'ut ufl'rn~h-e lu llh· ll<'l~llhnrl"'"'' 11f llni'N ot tlt·fo·n••o•. \vfnlt>l'>< Jtn1·p tl•·~- IO.ll()ll. 'l'bl• (;f'rlllll/1~ ut ln~t n• lN))'ed All U11• hrl+l~.:•·~ lll'rllllll tho• o·uunt~ \11'1'1' "till thro>~ln!l" In 1·,\n ~omm~ fr~>tu tho• rt·!llnu nf l 't•rrt•lol"' ror,..emPnt.~ •"n~l t•f th1• r''"'' ruullllllt ~nuthwurol, tl!HI Willi ll11• l'IH'UIY <'0111 lhvMI,C:h Cl,lnulnl'~, Bt>l' t• Jllhi :Si>l"•HJ,

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'" tlu l"l•tnuw nil tlw uurtlL aud l'ill<t hnWt'\'H, C'lumhw.• 1~ rl'('i'lYin~ u lYilll" llllJ'OJrtt'r> /•nu!lnw· lu ~t·U

ntnl rl~t• 411 ,. "" u... "<>Ulb. .-;-ut mltthty d~lluli•H• pf ~lull~ frum the ;"\'t•wfouuoUtw!l "'~•14•h •·uro~l lwrrhtl:' ulntn llr4' t!w .\Ill•~ <U<Io>arurirn:: Ho

I" ill'loo.dt·Bntal.'t'l>,.-CNJnt&lar-

I IU4' .\1 Itt\ "lnohh>~ l~•ut.luu,. tu boUib lb.•· t;vnnnn 1~ ltl• "" olutl Ill«' "Wll.· •hfn,- t:!llu (runl J.,w u1Utuli._.,. hU

'"'"1' t••rU+alluu ~o't"mltJ!!I.r the aol••ttwt ~ hl Ill!' Jo'n u<"lo 11'001<~ <•u tbe

""'""'•·rn Jollrt ,.r till" 1\no• Ntnmot loot ha•·•• lin I•Unuw1y lmpurtRIII f'fl'et•t o•u l hl'pt·o·•tntt•nlll·· 'l'ill>lllll]l{l>'i ilnJIM l!oo·.• !uon• l:>lhH•tl UHI nlnUI' <l•j. tul!iltt•• th+• cu,.. \ 'alto•)' ruuulngnortll· ll't'I\IWIU'+I (o< ~1!)'('11. hut nro•ltnt1 Lilli H1j.III,O', tllTII Ill~<• ~\o·e ! ht'lli 11 l'wt•(lfl

t•r I li•· t•l tllU~ ~<>li th tlf floye ! rum t lw \ntlt·h~·' I •Htlolldl o·r ~tt•t·tor. Llttll' iiJCliiln~:" hn~ lllkt•tt. f>lnl'o• tm nuy ... r w.-. ftulll · llh•tllol'tll!•\'o !o•. 'l'hl'(h:t·mnnj\

.\Ill•• I #Uh.. atnl ltup• hll~ ltl"t'u .•o l'U("rolfl.,bt•tlllf'"'' I lull ltbo uuw untler a h•'*'.Y ""-"'~ llr(' trow Lottlt lhl' nnrtb a..U .. utlt, anol _.mlnd.1 !wilt luwn" mu~l hi' ultlm:Jh>ly e\'at·tlll.tt'll. .\u OIL\>Ird ililntrer lol H•t)'P '" tht.' t.~ct

raurl a.nrJ take. atldiU"llill t•rl· that tlw l-'tl'tll'\1 In tbrlr t)J~erattous The .\lll<.rit-aJI~ au+! Vl1'urh !IN' k.lh,..khn: a! !be d<M>I" ut La&lg-

"'\l"'UUllt'< ;rdU wne In th•• uy. 1111"111 •"'·ru miiN to Uu~ !!Ollth, •tllray llfltttl<>tlht•rln·r. ~~;ndo.ro·aJ,.,.t,r<'Oingfonntrtl IUlloe lh r.t '"" rln•r the nPrlllg;Uil ftl><t'l'lnrd tu~an.l NO)'(>U In a wea~

lu ~~~ion of Chnnlni'K rlrh·lUJC tnalllll'\tfl'i' wblrh UOI unly ~ whl<'ll O"I'P.Illln.ct:IY tin·~ Ju· uulflll-nklnJC l<V,I'I', but lniu~o:IDII' Noyo11

I• rrnrl nr nil hnlllU'\1"'. t'rt·~h rhallr twnro•r tit~ 1'1!.DIItf' c.t Ull' Dig ~Uulf. 1'tl(l0h'lftl r"'TlOrllo ttl'!' to tbe t•ltt·•cl llulllh,. t:r-rmnn", f<.'llrfDJll;'8!1• tn.,-.lu llti·pnrll:l't 1Whi'L•cn Roye nud lito• j 1'-'tt•, ulrt~ttly tarcrNtllltlng Rloog­tltt• tll1<u \'Rito•y lllwttrol Ntwou, a.uollt t!w .Qtultrmo·ul~ /llaoultl JlrOVC Hue It Is uullkt•ly lltu t lllf't!ntlrt•Cif'rmuu hnt. tlf' l ht!' '" t lw uMih wllla-h·n wny In unllfdU,nu+l thnl Ql'l>n tlh'h th(!reWny Ita• n relttiJ u~tmf'nL of thr enemy !rm!L from N01HM()UI to Rbo•lm11. Fnr '" tlu• twrth from l'J)I'I.'fl to Albert !lH·r .. ha>< b('('n <'<lnshlerabl~ ntU1·Jty

"n It•" /'llrt or tht• B I'Itlllh 1nt1 h'rr•w11 fnn·t., lg>tllll>l lh<' lll'cwaulf.

Th~> 141·· t fit>rUian I'Ommuukallou ---:r.:·--' :..::-.:-;-.:-;--~---r;.,""=-;-~~->r4 ll<IM'rlJO!Iv- AIUt"'laltat•llll ttl'rt! n>nul·

~~ ~ ::·.~.:'~: '~·~~.,~~'"';,~:.~"!~a~ -<'-'r;)...,.._

~~"' ,c;:~· ~~ ·

1"'" SPUNDID 6rottimf CREPE AND cr . Df-CHENE IN THE StiOWROOM With tbe n e w soft finJ)h 11 vdth ~uch • dc plb o i cokluu that mtlo.t:S tll m •nio.ttl•rl) lo•el~. llte-K ue tb)t. of sp.,..ial IIIQ~ of this tpkndiJ -.eunnabte .~:ooJs .

ant! h . Jo }ard.

!' hf'hl I>J' AWt'f"lt•atuJ nntl J-'n>u~h are !·I dl'f'IMr ... t w h&l'l' tlrlTt'll UtE' Alllt"!ii t .. I~ IL" .OtllhiMI bank of lhl' rivl'l". A j~ < utmtf'r •ttarke, Lowen r, n•tmltt>o.l fn ; Uu• rr·o«·nJontlon nt Fbmfl. Till' ·'; c·n.,.b"·!<ilo~nk~ In llu -<111 who llfi'

~'i "J'\"""h0j: 1111-' nniMbt•VIk:ii'J('ffil'llf, nAY!!

!· ' """II r .. nn!'llly I'N:'(IKI!bt'll 1!7 Grent I! Hrltnho a11 an Al\11!<1 Dlltlon antl tbelr i't nrml<· aro• nu a/1111~1 ro)rl'(l wnt;'ln~: f! ll'dfnl(ulukttlt(I'J't•u!unl<•lllll1'1'1.

~ ll'uutlllll<'•l llll(lli.IW lltret-.)

~ NOBODY THE 6RtAT! !~ Jh IIH. 1-JL\:\ 1~ l ' lt.\\;J·:,

!1; lin t• .. trlktn~e fo'otturo• 1,r !Itt~ wur ,,.

!~ :,~:-:.,~;~:;·. hn• 1.,., u S,.ho~ly tb•· Hn."'l

H ,f ~~:.~~~ :,:.;:,.~~;;:·l:::•·u tl"' ~JIItol<•wtl !~ 1111 r~~~ •::::;~ :.~r··~·;;~:~,;;~. It tt but

R •n~l~~~~~y~~~'1 ITrt:~ n~l~·~~~~~~~ l":t11l::;

~ "'~~~~11

rll IIUIIlllf' •lutulnnto ~ hl'l o'lt i! ll.:r:olu\lo•rlllll't:lo'-"'1 j ··rnu•·o• nfllr lh<'llt·l·ulntlun,lu het

l.~ ;~~;.~·-~.";~~~ lh~ •• 7."'' ~~:~. 1·=~.:~~ b:f

!~ :\nt"•lt~lll !Ji Tlh·u llto•ro· llt•r.• l"n~lrrlo·k tlit·

1~ l ; rt·u l , and l'd<•r lhl' tiro•qf. and ,\1.

~ ~~~:~ ~~~~~.-.. ~;~,'~~~ ~.~~~~:o::~:h~~H~I~~~~~t.

~·.\. •·•·nt. nml lj<UlJt• tltlrr-.•o·u fltUIIt.,.~t'><,

•'Ill' ,,r lit•'"' n 1 h·tllll Uro'OI ••nun~li lu JWI 111~ lllllllt' "il 11 •'IJ.."lltl'liP.

i! !hot lu l lt l>< o·owflh't uubto!l.r ~•·t•UII! i! *"h••t•l'llllrnllul.' tutu ilh• llrt•nt

i. m wl~:~:.::r·· .. ~ .. ~;,,·o':"~:.~,~ ·ftl~~- ~~<;!]<;:;~ j!• 11 \Vllhrl!u llot• t irt·ru ». l:ilmleubu!IC 1uul :\I IU'kf'u.~1"o lun·e

~ :~-~:~":·~.~~~~~~~;y~~~::7'::(·:"~ ... 1a',:'t;~r;r ~. lill'lr >!la!Ut'11, WbPU MN Uj

01 tu tbP

1! :<to•~ttllli<"·· wUlhl'llrtlt••tltb• '+11-r

~;--~ ;-;. ;::-~~-~~-~;:.;-•;:;.--'-;~~ (;~~~·~""' l>< th1" 14 A 1""'1•1£·'-< wur.

:-iu <'lll•htln ll•'t'lll~ tu l••· aht<> tu ~::+-1 D.ll•lllultltl!,..,t><ltJigbt.

~~;:';lh-~~~~~~~-~-:...~--;,n.~:-- -~~:=.o..~~~tttSee et Mlll!.-t1t!Jlf


Jotl'rt•, l '•·talnnntl Stv .. Jh•ban•llotne :•,l•IY, hill lhtr•· l• nutblno.: :\'R]~I­\f'(JIIk alw111 them.

T tu•\fanullll•f'><('bllt'kltt<U!Otll J•h.

1hrn wonohll• 1~ 1u h:tt<1 lint·~

Si r lluugln~ llulll' I~ 1-''lht.c;- nl.oo\11 ill~ut't'.tllr wry murlt a11 U lli'Wt•n·the wuurunr <•f n tm~htl'><~ hnu""·

O\·c·r tu·r•'. II I~ l'nrh• !-lnm the +;o'l'lll. It(' ~>uly. llr- 11('{'111~ to "" u J<•li iOH>< l•ull,•, llUol IOOkll O~kl\11''1' tt)ltJIO lin• lltOKJII'Hur n IIOJI)~ewll t\~t• (irf',ll, ur ·wu~u11 tbr li rt'tt1, 11r !!t·r~h lllll the t;reut. 11r Auyltolly 1111• nre•tl. P:tt:o•pt


~_.}~~~~~ .... ~~;:;:;:.;.~~~~":,.'.~;:..·.a;.;:,;.;;;;.,--..-..:.~~ llo'IUI"'rtU'Y 1• tlt")f 110]1, Utul til~

'i'll't•nUNII 11elllury '" nn IIU!u.•·•m•bl<' tluu•. ''"" th<• supHllt.au.

Ull'ri<'.,.Wl•!Jiwh•ll·lbt'tjUului\OII>t, Tlt<ll! j,. II h•Jllla•tWY <oJI I hi' p•rt tof sum{' lmlth_.l'>l I<> n:nuahJ l•IH uf tho· :ma.rk"t v.itb un't'f"llt#" until "''''llthoc !li a retil Ul'l,l.J.IIIHI l111~ tl<••·rl<Jllt'\1 . .\t pn-><.-.nt th" llUirkPI rru·ul'<l llw bn7"' troth DllY tuo tlitl "ltbln tht- nl'xt few week>~ lhl' t<IIUHih••• will lw rn­tirely rea·~nol>d. ,.,.,..,..lall} ""h•u tllt> deau~ndn.,umuoT>r<>Jt<>rtl"ull with tbe­ID~rea!le .. r "nwouml'll<-~o r•~lulr._..

mt-nt:s. Wln!t'r auol l:l!"ntd1 l:U""I bl:'rrtng l1anl hwu brhoi{IUJC •21 tu $:!3 l">-rloc.k t.u '"lffit' \nMtau<'f'll and >tllese:s:-'l'l"llllrehvno~t•lunt·I~·IIIIIQtl1'

at $2:J uutl f;~;; t .. r raury ~to••k_ ~till lherearl' lloldt·l'll who "Ill uut uo•lw uny eOw.:th<~lunl<, lu·lttiC rnul~ttl tu hold their b"!!ods untlJ tilt' murkN ltn~ rencbed lh(' 1H'i'~t'ltt quntntiOtlM, ll ho not Ukelr. hOII'l'fo·r. Ul11t !ht• prl•·•· u! Scwrouuiltnml hrn'lu~ will t~hl>ll' 11

1!-hort!l).,.-e. Sh!])JII•·ut~ urrh·ht,ltlu Nrw l"ork bny~; becu t'OLIIJ<nr"Jh"l'ly liJfiH, anlituOill l>f thf' go>uile r•••·o•h·o·tl l•nvc b~>eli of the :<nrlulf nmJ "lllh•r pllt'k. there bclnt; lltt]P fall ••ui'(~J Ju·rrlug to be bnd. lutJ·~~l. llh••J ur Tbt• "'•·w· !vuutl.lano.l 1•tu•J;:,.,.,. Krt• o•nltr .. ty ""''' out tlf fall lwrrlu~r. lind It 1" duul>t !D.I Ulht•rl·ar .. won•tillllo a ft·w bun· dn:-d Ll!rre/s l.ll Uu• h.tlu•l>< .. r 1111!'1' d:t.nntl< au<l ~WtoJwr~ In ~~ Juhu'~

X. 1". i<'k<h!Jlg IJUt'il!'. ~\u~: .. 1

Three Weeks' Wtrk! I'•lrl~, .\ 0,1:'. 13- -!'<lOt:'~ till• h·•l'ht

niug of lbe .\1\1,,.1 1'1\llm..,- 1>11'1'11~1 ~,.

un J:oly lAth lite .\lllt'll hR.-,. lttkNt morethan 70.i,tutl J>rl...,•u·r~ tlll•llllnr .. thllu a tbolt~ltu•l t,:UH!'. ht•• Edw •1•• Pllrils ~llttu tv·ohl). l u urlollll•!ll It., hi P.;;:tiruu ttod tlmt wort• tlnou 111.110 11

ruathJul" ~Ill~ lnll't' 1•1-!·u l"l!JIIIIro•tl from rlh•I'IINll}'.

llig L.abor Conference ! U •UCh]ll. \U l:.! \h lnt<•t·\lJI•••I

LBbt•r ruod ~• .. llllll l '"urorru.-.· "'UI he held in IA•Udr>ll "I' t'••t•loutho·r li t h, l"tll a.ull tutti . lt w!ll Tit• hl'I•J 111 lla; l'E</111"'1 ,,( SoUUII\'1 4;+•01(11'1'>1, J•re­~itl"lll uf tLe .\ uwrlt nn Ft·d~rnt!no ur L:il•nr, wllu Itt •·.omln.,- lo• Lundvn M)W<' tlmo: in thl' nt'llr tutul'f'_ h 1.o1 un•l .. r-!Hit<l that lu ad•ll!lnn "' tbP .UD.erio~u olt'lep.hs l111·n.•. rrt·~ ll· u.tl\'b nf ~·ra'"""'- lldl.;inw. lta.Jy :<l'rl>l:!. 1;"".,..., J'.,rltu:,ll nnol fi11!J!Oia, 111"hn 'll"l'l'f' lnallt~l fu lhr o·mafo·l't'l>'t'!

heltl bert- 111~1 Jlll•l' •Piu will lw ""JUP'-1:e<l t<llii\I'IHI.

The nuwlo<•r nf l•rl~••+u•rs tnkeu 1111

'" ln>'T ~llll<liiY 111 tlw .\ llle<l ull't·n~l n•

In f-"[t·anl)· l ""w r"'tlwnto·•l 111 :ttl,· t)Ofl lndntlh•!! w••r•• thtw 1,uou ''' tlt-,.1'!<. :UOrl• !ltotn l"iiJU J:'\111~ htl\'t' be~tu t·::~tJt·un.~l, w·ntrtlluo:: to the lutt·~•

1'bl• I•'J'I'IWll llllVtllll'hll{

~aJo<lw<lrolnrtvr llwlr nlp! un• nr 1\ltlttl lil<!lt!rnr· ml•lo1Hy1tu\· uoll•t<Ho•rolll«•h•

IIlio'~ In :111 ll1'l'l'lll/f' olNitlt ut ~I>C ml\t'!l nt t lle r,·om c•xl ••udlllK frmn Antlt'l'h.v, ll"hlt•b 11 ~~"·-··n mil•• uortlt fonJot "' ltuutdilll<•r. t•• 1:11n~ >llrt. \)'hll: trn wlh"" ''uutht·:r~t nf Th~! o·n(oturl'tlt•lty, llo'<'Ordltlf:' h• ollti('lnl s!f!t•·mt•ut•

For the " Old R.cliablc "


Thousands of flrcharJ tree! need replacing.

\Var Garden!> call fnr small iruits, early bearing frui1 lrt'CS,

A~Jl~~.l~u;;~a~!~ulf~b ()~~~~~e~:~i stock in town~ and village~ is large.

li!J~~~~·re,·t~m~i{!~~~lS~gcn:axJ%~t~ ence not necessary.

STONf l!i WfLLIN<iTON ( E s ta blis h e d .t8J7)


P. 0. 6ox 2J6 Slattery's Wholesale Dry Goods House! 'Ph ole




Slotterv Building, Duckworth ond oeorge Streets Soint John's, Newfoundlond ~~~~~~~--~-~·~.- ~ .. ~~:~,~~ .. ~~~~~~~ .. ~ ... ~~~~~~~~

Page 2: ·ndealer - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/cns_news/ThePlaindealervol... · ·ndealer A WEI!KLY NEWSPAPER: DEVOTED TO TJfE INTEREsm5 OF Om:t COUNTRY AND


The G-E Radiant Grill is extremeh· us I 1 cumcnicnt. It is de.igned to ·nt'rumr li ·1 : I rook:inq opem:tions, e.xcept ro!L-.tlll • d hnlir" £\ breuldnst of bacon, rgzs. t' nd t·f ·e for lWc) rnny be }i~J~'l~v~ tw y -s on this efficient



:~ 1 Back Was Lame and Ached;

~ I Could Do Very Little Work ~f I Suffered Much From Kidney Di~ f~r Y~ but_Cure ·. Came With the Uae of Dr. Chue • Kidney.Liver PilLa.

m~~>"~-"">""-=;:.:·~-~_,_,_-:.' ;-..: ::.>-:-.:.-..: --""" :-.:~..: .~"!}.'\'l-:'-'-'!'"-·{C...'<..: .--'i"'_,::~

~l EVIDENCE Of THE BEST! ~ ·i ---n i1 ~ I \i llerosene Make ~ )I or liasolene and ~ ti Break r! l; or 2 ! Jump ~ ,,... I



I T If , " thinkc,< , r J '"' ''" ~ Palm~r Jury an ;,-:iH~ cv J Ji rOR:T\' lHOL:SA:'\0 RL'\. 1:\0 ALL OYER TtiE WOR.LO "'

.n..-in•. S odnna<' ~• Ho''""" Engino~AII Slx6-J to ~ fi.o Horse PQ\\ er. ~

;'t~:lii.2~ 11 WRrREAN~tiN-S A6tNEats~Eli~ reoHT ; ~·:::::~:~~-~~-~-~~~ ~..:-..:~~--~~:.~:-~::~4

Page 3: ·ndealer - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/cns_news/ThePlaindealervol... · ·ndealer A WEI!KLY NEWSPAPER: DEVOTED TO TJfE INTEREsm5 OF Om:t COUNTRY AND


Things in <ieneral: By " Ann Sofourth."

We have received num~:rous rC<juesu t(l rcpubli!ih Ann ='o­fourtb's column of hut wct:k, and for the benefit oi man\· of our out­port readers we clip the following p.a.ragrnpbs, regretting-l•ur inability to provide sufficient space for the entirt contribution.

THOSE I. 0. L' .5

In order to save Wr. Ca!tbin from the :-evcrc c:a.,tigatiun that IS

due him, as the outcome of mismanagement of hili •ltpanmt·ut. the Government newspapen are glnating O\'er their suc:ce~~ in having the subject forgotten, and interest replaced in the other stl-called :-candah lt is uid Cashin's henchn1a1J 11rurui5ed him to divert the attention oi the Opposition newspapen, even at t.he eJlpense of Ius ''popula­rity' (?),and !>Ci.ted the Lawye-r-Priest story In o.;en•e the purpu~e. It '<alliS incredible to find how va5y the Oppo5itioo d01ilie~ "fell for it," but JW\\o that the latr:"t lind h.a~ ended in the disgrace and cnnrlemna· tinn of the Editor of the Herald, perhap» :.\fr. Cas.hin will imtitutc an enquiry and gi\·e tho~e blamed for robbery or miKonduct the oppor~ tunity to clear them~elvh, the same as Sir Edward MorrU dld when Mr. Cashin was accn!lcd of ha\·ing ;1cted in a duubtful manner with the veuel Lorina.

.MR. CO.'\.KER'S RETURN. l notice the All High Mr. Cu:tker arrived in town to~tlay ;\fter

n two months' sojourn north (not Palm Beach-never again). The rec~ption tendered him wa.s in krocping with thro n:cepwn tendered him in the few dstrict5- be vi!\it~d. Mr. ~ker is a sick ma11 and would not have returned ~o soon only be was made aware of the friendship that existecl in (.'abinet circles wa.~> Clll the wain and ~fr Ca.~hin t Lord ~\·c us) ., trying to fonn a new party \\ ith•)Ut the as· sistance of a man named Coaker, or a follower of tbi.s mor.t relig-ious person.

THlt'LI:O..'F.. l;P, .\a the OUtCO\ne of the ~oevering oi relatinns hetween the

Coakcr, Cashin and R. N. Co. spvnsers in the Government it i~ rqmr­trod the following will be Mr. Cashin's line up.

Premier. Minbter ol Finance and Custom~ ••..• • .. . Mininer oi Wreclcs M inisrer or Ships, Shipping and Fi:oheries . Minister of Ag-ricuhure and Mind.!. • .. Minister of justice .. Ministc.r of Public Works Minister of Censorship and Scamlals Secretary of State for the Culony

. • ~1 . P. Ca•hin

Minist!lrial Messeng-er , .. P. F. ~lonre Without Portfoli~;»; Tht' Reid i\ftd. Co., Mr. S. Bell, r. Cook ;11111 J C. Crosbie, who will assi~t the Mini~ter of Wrttk:<o in hili- tn·ing" dutic ~tr. Downey, W j. Higttinutml the "Cute- ~[an." ·

If a Coaker threw a Stone at an Abbott at Winsor .wd missed the. Targett bf a Halfyard, by Jennings, I don't think the comL•inatlon would be much different )f WI.IT":!ie than it i.;; ro-di!.y. fOot)(! night

The above is tak~n from last week's issue.

COAKER'S CIRCl.L>\.R. A few days ago I bat! th~ extreme pleasure of reading a couple

t~f those famous secn~t cir~ulars ~ent by Mr. Coak~r tt'l hi5 \•arious Councils. Some day I hope to .. ec in print a few spe<:irncns which I know readers of The P lainduler "ill ~njoy. The editor ,,f the Daily News gave a little attention to one in particnlar a icw {!ayl> ago, when be quoted the following, "Let Billy Archer hire haJJ~. He will pay twrmty per ce(lt. vf rl!ceipl". He (Billy Archer) will show Dr. Lloyd and my picture Thi& is .a '"-pccial arrangemenL'" :\iy friend the News editor, forgot to adt.l the real funny aspect of thil; arrangement,

which u.id., "The ~<how i:!i a good one and well worth it." Of coun-e the worthy President entert:"lined this opinion because Dr. Lloyd and Wn1. Co.aker's pkt~r~~ were tn be exhibited. It is an unolhlputecl fact th~l Billy Coaker and Billy Ar•hcr together would be line as jokers; they would make clever end me.n, 'and to flllthe bill I'd suggest ;c Billy Lloyd as Sambo,

UE RETURNED. The man who w:ts a!-kcd tc> resign or retum h••~ returned, ,oo

now he needn·t resign. Oh n''• nothing doio' \\ith resignation,.. He resigned once, and :tlthough wme of my readers might think he 5quinned be~aU:!'C of the l~utiful monthl!o· cheque, I fet'l 11 my un~ bounded duty to offer a contradktion. General Haig hurd <•f the. rumpus, and. funhennore, my friend Hon. J. C Cro~bie wa"' only acting while pe.titifJning). R. R. to reconsider. Future happenings on the Western front depended largely on the head and generalship uf ~lr. Bennett, and be mudestly arranged that the burden should nnce more be placed upo.:.n hi~ sbclu!Jc.rs, with the proviso that he ~hould 1M: o.;ent to England hl comfcr with Per-shi.Ug arid Fuch befvre any tn(Jfe !>tan ling advances were attempted. Focb and Per~hing saicl, ··Bosh! Perish the thought of any .. nher ~finistcr of :\liliW uther than J R. Bennett; either be returned to his post or the) uuld re.~igu

fiSH~RN~N, 5~WAR~



"The Lalmut. r h-.h~ry ,,. at p.-e t(l r.Lam 'I fignrt> off tl-ie eoa,;J If dt>Iivo: J Shore Tal• u. I 1 ""rth. ::;1:.!, I bra r coa~t an• I~} in ~t'' foundland. a d ,., clu up to the (r<>\o:nnm:nt l•• take :.c-ti(•n, and tlt:h

In \"lo:\~ ,,f the Hatcment the Cittfh 111 lbc rth 50 per cent . oi b.t year's, and in the \\·e5tern th tr~··t whirh •tal~·mcnt iu it~elf. not considering the in&:r prin· anti· ~ipatctl ;J l~w lll»nths ag11. it may l,tt: as5umctl a liJ:"nrv. • I lcs~ than $14 per quintal fllr Shore Talqual will be reaeht:tl rttt ~·rice rJi fish iu the Prtll'inec of Nnn Scotia is $U.75 per too llo tnnt lt2 lbs <I'> in ~e1\f411!lldl;n11J), 11hich in CllffiJI;Jri•on to the l ~IUUhatl rr,ym~e

prket-, shouM net ~q . .J8. Fi~hcrmvn thrc ughnu1 the D mmlt •1 h· •ull ~w a deter-

mination t" olfsct this high-handerl a.ttcm1•t to dtJ'" them of their rights, and (>ppose any and e,-ery attempt '" '' 1ch 1 purpon«l to eliminate l·omJ>elition, the making ,f infcn• r fi h enc u g• monopo­lies. t< prevent .\mericrt11 ;md CanaJi;'ln bu\tr, ir •m ,. miitg here, .•n·l other equal!~ important reaSOn.'>.\\ hich are rE-spc>mlblt:f••r a high pri.:e for ti~h


~lc n hattlfll•l'" • fi:t:! ~.(1 t<l $13.1>1)

UaWJ..ck, 5.00 w, t lnolla •• • •• !\.IJ(Ito 6.00

1...-111. Ofll.mal. JWr lUll II R<llftli 01111, p('r I rl >::!lr.llt'rbh•l K·~et•ll. Keto.-U#(IIJ II 1 GIQ(I)e ll' &leel JH·k~ Jl't ~I

Herring. No. i, Jar;" • • • • · · 1.60 Tolo..,,., '· I" r lb TH.\T FORECAST.. H('rrlnc, :sn. 1. mt>~thnn •• . . u.o

How mean of some people to even suggci>t thnt my cahunn Bntmon. No. 1. lar&tt . 20.00

cuusetl the suppression of last week's issue in the maij1:0, (on~·ign and SalmQII, No. I, •m1111 ~!:~~ l•'odtlwr, twr ton •.•

local. Whilst lam ignora11t uf the real cause, I think it unfair that ~:~:~:·~~;:· 1~r~:~·: ..... :!.Ot) any re.Bcction should he ('<IU~cd <JII my humble efforts to grintl nut CCodotl, mn. h.w. "Jlf'kg. aoo.oo som~ real truths in an indifferent mood. The ~orccast .. r _:\I r. C'ashin'!> PUO\"l~lOSf:l, F.le.

h~E•E•E-E:•;;:•a•E•E~E•:=--~!:!~ E•:•il•:E•:=:•~"S.·~E-=:••Eo.E•E•a•a;~

• Our Job Printing Department •v i: E nsures Entire Satisfaction in ;~ i ~ i: Both Workmanship and Prices. ;D ~.::;;.;.~.:;;::.;~.ii•:::<•:a:•:S•=:•;;;o>::.; ... ;.;:;.;:.;.;.;.:;::.;.~~=·=·=::•:=•S:•E•W



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~: ENVELOP ES :D de COM..,t ER.CIA L 1D Ill and m


~~ SOCIAL P R,INTJNO ~~ ~~ recrh·e t.be best attention of !~ iic exper ienced journeymen. 1;1 iit TAOS ~~

i ~ ~ H Is n;:u:o:r::ly10~o book ~ ~~ \" I SI~~~~EC~R.DS :~ cp BUSI-..ESS CARDS Jil

~ PRIYATE !; ~-so;.;::.;.;. ·~·::f•E,'E.•E•=--E•=.-2


~·=·=·=·=·"''"'"""'""''"''"'"'w >J•:::·:=::·=·~·a·=·a·=·=·=·=·=•=:•:=:•:=·=:·:=::•<·=:·=·=·=·=·:=::·:=::·=··=-=:·a;•a·=·~ en m

~: The Plaindealer :~ q, 'i'

~: job Printery :--: :~ ~·~=·=· ·-· :·...:·.::=..=-=·:;·::::·=· .;.,;.:;r.;.:;:.;.:::.=:.=-;-.:::.=·=:·:;;;.=·==·::·W

wl!llto tho· l•'n'Ddl h11,,. l"'"'''\"o•n:d In lh•lr ••luh•ut nt\:4~b U$,'1tln~l tlw lit•nhllon nn the ~I!Ct"r Wllkh tl"lUl UHIP•II•••Iu"t'f"l'knnty l•llllnnndlllr ut. ••li••Y llaTe erwroa<·lH~I turtl,.·r I!OUUih lltul b.all'e ... lti"UJ'l'tl lht' IJ:Oikt

lnu• lo10.·u .,f Rlb:f.eourt. l"undld•l fl'i>Ott>t oan• IUtll"uo:;eed 1he O"lliltlltc•

otl.a-l;:uy\tytbef'rt.ucb.and"f an ..., •:t-~ pu,.ltklb t.,.<wt1'D u ..

t••l hi" lim• 1\"l!h Ulf!ll fUicl II;UU~ IUU] 111 u. l/1..; th••m wlth•mt t<llul: r .. "'' rulu h1ll i><..Utfuno<, ~P.IIIIIdn~; th!ll rb..Jr c•n]>luro• W(IUld !<J)ell illN!~tt'l', Th•• ~-:hlu:.: 111• ut the fl'"t..>nt Une ll"t•o., h("o< Jtul'fh •t ..lll>.,.1 . .<ermln~:l.r mn'lnll lbat!lwt;PrlllllDhl,:b ··mmnucl t~ tii'O'"f'tb .. ultl.tna.l>!"><rn""- oflbl' .\m•'"

!t.L.- fn"l'Jilj( uf th~ 1'"<?1ri<lll tote,•·• n tb .. !-lnwm,. arul lbt- flt.,.to of Tll.­l'Oe.Uil· A. .. 11 pin tr"w a lrtll••dt•

.. !Ut.lj•ullu It rauk"!t wll.h tlw lakln~ ltt t.be Freuoh tf th .. f,...b IIUt.l bill

'" lllt•nw IM't""~lltil" »atJ and,,,.. CIIJoj• hlrh b!UC brou~tltt tl•~· tTt'"ll<.:b olmOo<t 10 the 11"811'21 ••f l..u~,.h:ny.

Tbron~;h RJbf"<·uurl II"" •n •W~u r"ull.' Ul• lbll' Ol><e Ullt•J !" ~O)'OU, II t>.Uit'

by rail, anti 1111' bl"" Wlil .. m&l tbu· I"(IUJ;hfare, uul t" Wt"lllk•u tlw ,..uaJ trb:khJoantllt'llllh•·~dWIJ'Kf.,rUu­

&rrt'lll"'r toart "t llll' "II). :>inpou 1~ uuly 11 tittlE' ml•rt• u .... •1:1:. IPll,... nt•rtltt'Uklof lllho~-ourt. .\lthon..:h lbt')"lin'"'"lllii•UI'ttUllll'f"IUfl"l"h<it'"Pir....­~boiii!Wl', lht' •. ,..,tll"h OJ"\' , . .,niJnnhl~~; Itt Wilko• t•mJl"....,_~ tlll"<nu'b LhP Wolllll·

o'\1 •1111 bll!y o·vuutry llt'!Wt'I'H the :.!Bh uutl Tlh' l)l"t'. 1\)h•tfl llW l:l'r• uuw~ rrnm n'<·NI~~~ \11 Ill•' fut~tll, ml ~t>Htll Ullll 111 t"H11J"UJill litO' tt'iill~

IU"•·blnt> )..'Ull" IIIUll.Dlt'tllhlt• •>11.11 iJ:! a.t~ .. bt-lu:: l·~·~•·d In lll"r•• •tnllntlti.,K l.oy thl'l'U('Wl .. \lm(Jitlt·ulltr••nl"'l n! lbP Tbh ·f•Urt t•lah·•m an•l lh<• Htht•r hl~l.t ¥f"'"•UDII In tl1L< ICI!'ol"r I• .. ,,,. In rhe baucl~ <•f lht• F'honl'b. .\hfDt: llll' \'1."<11' lilt' t: .. rnuw~ ot:::•lu h•Y~ wool,. m•"ll~fnl alta<kll a~~n~\u~t !ht> •·"'lll"h •n•l .\mPr1C'IIn~.

wb<> Ill'-.' ~l.ill ''"ldlu,:- llwlr I""'IIW.t~. In tbt>moontaln r(·~o.10to '"' t~ W<'>il· Prn !Ullllan fruut !h,.llallllu .. hl\1' •"IIJ>tnred ~N·ernl hllt><>M•nt IIP!'IIkltho trmn th(' .\n .. trlnn"'

Tl,>·ll~ebllu <:•>II th,. l"'!>lllmt>·Ul-... batilt' xroun I ~till '.' llnu.., •• r 11

UI1J,.tC"!I.BI"Iftf't", t"<IDIII"") Wtlb lil4t

o•t lb., l'llrly ,,.rl ut tt•• 11·r•·lo wtu•n th<' nt•rwou>' rt>lufnrrt"J their lbl..,. tUJt.l ~u"'•ilf'<l lbt• •a•t'ol""•nl "" ..... , , t l)H· .\JUed fo>n'<'>l. :o\l'lf·t111C'lt- Ill<•

thi~ imJOOJ14U! ~t-:II~•M RgBID"I th,. Tu.rk.~. Tim" tl "IU boo •~ot·U that the .\llll>tl ("cc• ... IIUI\ ar1• I•Jit'rlltiug joiu.tl.f <W lb..,..... lutj>lrl•nt ~l'\"tVn< lu ftu btu I<'Ttlt<>rT: ••ft lit~• uo~rtb 1\·lth al>lll'l•tul.bt-Whlt••l;{•lt; lnll,.(ltlsl wi!b a b&J.o..• 111 lhf' ~,.,.of JnJ>an. a11d , 11 rl.tl! ~umb lu 'I"ra1 ·\'nu•A~u;~.

6. M. llarr's New Scllr. Th« B•tbano Barr •·aa Built try W,

S. CIITric, Brit.n.,i• Con.

T,o u_,,. II •' "II urtl• ... t ~ I•Riw.l.Ut'Dt

ws:o{f'r, ·· :O:bi··~ In • "I"'"" by herself." "~<" :l.."' u ..... MJ ri'~-J•'" .. r pral~•· lllat 1~

;,"i"l"l'U liLt' 1111Tllttr1• Uarr, 11 new >t<"hOOilt'r n-<-l'nlly N>lliJIII•l!'d by\\'. l"), Currie, llrltuunln l'nw, !utile vr· tll'r u! Geu.. :OJ. Uurr, lind Wllt<"b lis uo"· lyllllt ill w~ lnlrl)(lr. ('ailed 1tl'ter the UWJII"t'>< olaut;hll'r. fJartloru Barr. tl•e YPt<~rl dalm' 1111 tlw lw· llnlVNiwul~ tllnl unr .. -bumwr r•t :.!4U tan-... i4H filum:: . .!II 8 t...ec bt:~m, n.rull.:!.fM"{l} ... •J• tDa7 !""'-'«"' IJ! rurelgn • r t-1 •'Oto !1"110"'111rl'. rom·

!IIJ"t..,t.IIIJ'f"'llnl•l.t .... Well \"ll'lltflll.· tcl IUld. ll~h . ..;i by •h>C"IrkUy, tlh! t'IIJ•laiw< 1111tl .. r,.w~ tiJulrllllt'nla flu· bhf'11 In t•ltdl 1•hw "r'' I'J:lr"COlll'i)' artmclh'f". Tlw !l.lrban. U11rr t'tr­rl<"'i !JOOO:.·'!"IIn<d fu •·JtUI"IUI \llllll'r full ~ ~bt' l.. •·nOJID.a.tHl•·d hy ('apt. ~uelgroH.'. 111 wbum t"Ctllg"nl!ula.tlon>i 11.re t'.XIt"Uth~ by hl.oo m/IUY well· wi."'~. •bo ft~l --~~the .UI'·

«!::>S or i>reTkm. .. ,., wmand~ will bt' t'"Pminued in lbl' Harl•IU"II BIIIT'--tbt' helle ..,t 1h~ llnu.' .. a~.

Ntld. Soldifr Dfad ! ~l~:.~~::, ll;:1111~·;~~;l,~~~~~~ 1 ::~~-~~:~~: I :\.fr . .lt"'"l'" \\~y _bnd II 111('-N·

llltll kt'<"lnno. ~"t!l"lh ut I hi" !-lunllnf' !!t::tt"e \\'~Ut'tldny t"<Jill"t'}illlr. lht' ~ltd llt•tWI'<"U .\llwtl IU!Il .. \ITIII< Jhr !irrc llt'W!'Qflhl'I)('IJ\h Of 1'1('. \\UJ. Will· IIUII>• are ;·vmluutul( 1, foil hlwk ,.,,.., wh" h11d h•••'ll ltll n••tll·•• ~n·tce n.nd the Flrlth<ll ur.,ll<'l'l'lrl)r In '"'"~il' Ill tbl1 fi"uul lu lire ('onlltlhUI t'o~IO ''"ut••·t 11 lib lht'm. TliUtl tttr lilt- t'u.r nf'llrly thn'" ,_,,...... Tbl' dreea· Uo>nua•u• ba'"" clollott.l.l" dn·u '~I' !<("I] ~uuu~: DUt.u •~ II ""n of <'atll-Cabmet was the outcome uf a likely dissoluuon that wtll ut.mer Clr {;l)f,.rouu·nt ~Uintllltd nnur .. $U.OO

later be made pl,lblk. Things are nut going along !>moothily in C:~binet I Knn""'" r111• nt.. . , .• . . . . . 14.";:> circles. Even :Yr. Coa.ker find~ much dis:;en.c;.ion amongst h1~ faction, llaol!•~ ami nu1artu •• . .1.5 .. :::;;

and his request that ~ir. Half)nrd re~ign the Colonlal Seere:ttr~·•hip · l:urlo. 1"-'r brl Fat llAo·k · -t:ro..::; will likely be a possibility Thi~ break will no dnulll he I he beginning I !,~r!_ ::; :::~·.\'!~; .. !~" · · · · 4.5. 3.., L'\tnl.ll.ta. J~r .

say that a Billy Archer will Sllfoplant P. F . .Moore a;, Sccretar) of Bam, })('.r 11.1 .. D('Htflt . . • - 45 {'()Al.

DOIIf> u ~u oi the end, and the end\\ tU no doubt be 3 miserable nne. Late reports n~r. •~·r ttrt. . • 4" 5(1 I Oraull"

State for the Colony-the lattu contenting himsdf with the- ).1ini .. - :lacon. 1~r lb. .. .. 36 .S<orth Kl(!tur r<r loa .... ~1r..oo tcrial.lessengenbip on the prt:">mise thu he be gin·n a Dov Seoul!>' ('h,....-s.•. J~·r lh. · ;; l~t11';:,1tP , 2,.f"iti·t;, ~~:::~

I>(J rio-an 1U1t.l flriti.;;b typH~~\:iu!U! •lot•:ac tbto t'<mmf" art<) 1.~ ~tlju~llll<! ll11· t:torw•n ,....,.ltl<>w< tu mfl'IIIUJ' ,.,.,.n tualltt In any en•n! the rrl.n. J.i"l"ll•l• lllnl""men !ie.>mb>rl.J hotUra.t<·M !llul lhf' !o>n- tWlf> ~Wimt hl-11\"o"(•n lh•IIHIU<>IIt · l:lumf'l 11!\tl Bt11}" ull IIH•

·"••hlrur. wllll .-\Jhen u It~ lliH-~.

ll'>t\ WU~I ,ltln• \t"•y In "Nf't lbll.l 1),,. llf"l"llllln !runt thert> mr.:r "umc• lui" •ll~IIDhUl l<i.J.b tb4! [n !bt> _,lh ll•r• lhl' ~ .. mmt-.. In fad II -m" ,,,,. huflruhol•le !bat llot• •:•'l"llllln~·

uniform to distinguish him ~rom a.n ordinary hra~~-huttone~_l cloc.lgcr :~~i:in::•·r,~:··1111 ·11.n,~~o:U•n _39 Ll.iMBER. Pll.ICES.

of less importance, The \!misters hip of \'heck•. the Mm!ster vi \lolll"oC8. Jtllll ~~·r nl. - . . . 1161.., JoDIJif>r 150.00 to sa U.l Scandals and &urrillit), \les~r,;. Cas.bin and McGrath respectively, ~up.r. uahl t.r .. wa . . ~·- ~bln&l 1·1..tat

;~s7;;,~~a~~n~~"~:. ~~,~~~~-~}:~~1~d\::~:~ ;:~:h~fiilc~/:~~ !:~ :n~IIO lb~, .So S:: ·~~_::_.~~-. . . !.<.Oto ~:

~!~:~·~:~~~::.,~~~::: :.~~~~:;,;·::! ~':~':.~·:m~::;l.:v~~~: ;~d ::::. 111 .,v,.ral JHol:ut~ ha"l"t" f"l"0><-1 tho> d.J"ln!l l'.rom tilt t"lf ·t- 11r.tt •loy \.u<r<'l Ul~rr Will> the Urltl!<h f, low·

lnx•·'•"'''IY ou11t lrtrall. Tlo .. fln.m i>f'rufl•rl"'lni'I'MIII .. \lil.-.tluutd,.llhl<"t' ~\u;t~~t Htb bl :H.uud. ami i\711 ••11

tu~tJ{llnM thu,. f111r tun·•· "•""'

.\DII'r"lt,."IIU ltfJujlM hll"l"t• lh'lo"llll !(')

•llllt·wtll!rk lit \'inclh<"'I•H·k to altltbP l'neb,· !-I!Qqll:>t arwy In IU o•amt,.ltru In l"llbo'l"ia. .\11 .\lilt~! fvr<·o 1,. ,.n._~.

:~,~~~:..~~~t n;.~~~~':~ II :::··~~~

To Purchase Strut Railwav

The f,;ovt•n•ru .. nl and the Reid· ~tid. t'o. llM' aht~U~ ''' OJ•I'U n<:aotla· tlo..,. for th•• t•nre.ha~•· of tho- t'lf'<'·

\:rlt:; IIJ::"lll IIDd ~i..rt't-1 ralh~'ll)" ~""""'' wblt·b. w .. untl~'Lui'O"I. 11 tt. tl"llll,..tl'r la.k""' 1•lt1·t-. •·m bto v1..-ntt.~l by lh>l' llu.aklpal t'.oon<.'U. ~o fllr no 1•rke ha."bcl.'u mentlutll'tl W~· UIIU..'""ta.ud tbe J•t~lll uwnen ullbP .-n-ICt">J ace a.n:rluu,. tu ~t41 11u<l cu(ll'i' lbtln \Jkcly a Jlrl~·e '1\"UI IJl' IIO'(!Ctl UlNa by arbltrftlOnt tiJIJinlnt('(l (or fll,. pur·

infuse new !if; into the promi~ed l;o.nd of Graft and \lone) ~:!":i:". ~~t .I<Jlf"lll't> J•laok .. Jol..llol .. J:;IJ to s~m c'am>l, 1'.1".1 non• Stucltllnaau•l ":<•·utll•a:. ·'-';•loJ:;u I'Bnalt•. 1'. ~.!.1. • • none r . .t T. l-11•"~« r1oortuK" .. -IF~O.on

The editor of the Daily .\dvocate, or the rCI)Qrter 11 ho writu l'•-alf. 1,. r ~<M·k. ,..,unol P.t..e .Bttanl, o·INr , •.•. noo.oo the editorial& in Mr. Coaker's absence, tried to make ex<:u~c~ for a l'hu•, 1.,r,.,tdt. ·~t .•.• ,, ll.GO lllb'l!'ltootll'lauk •.••• J'i.,toflatl


l••tJ-b !(trtllltlju..t Uulr frnt~l fr.,UIIbt•:-<nmmf'T" -lrra.Jfft!uiJ~ hi)" furlh<•r D'ltlhwa.nl Th•· •nl•lll"' ..r fOl .... •nflrt hy lhe!"reJwb mnrillltm

hlll~•rlnlll ••fw•·h lu the clff<·u~l••'· wlll••ll h"'' r .. rll« lmm•~lllllt• JH~r~·

nltrGid. Furthrt .\ll..ht-11 tN~I b.o1·r n•••f,.Rlandlug"'"'tllWftt!<>f .\n-b­•n~o:"IKnol an· ••n•lt•oh",.rln~ '" o'UI uti'

lh~ n•!l"fflt of Uw !«"'"'"• wblle l.lrl­iiMh ttHI~J>il han• urrh"•·•IKI llllktllu lhrt'UUI"fll<U,.,t>O Jluol't!H)l!lln So•/l,

L 1' L l • <.

Page 4: ·ndealer - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/cns_news/ThePlaindealervol... · ·ndealer A WEI!KLY NEWSPAPER: DEVOTED TO TJfE INTEREsm5 OF Om:t COUNTRY AND


Th~.}~"~~~~~~ler The Housing Scheme An inde~!'ldt!nt ncwspapc.r, published --,.ree.kly (every ~tun:lay). at

THE PLJ\lNUliALld{ !3uilding, c.«nt.r of Springdale and Wat~r Streeb, by WM. ]. O'Nltn.L. Proprietor-.

AN?-.'UAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES : 1 City It • • ' ' ••••

~:r.'J~i~t~~ :-~ : . ..... . Great Britain and lrcland .


• $Ul0 . 6o

Determined to Make Start as Soon as the Plans ore Reody

8y HO:'II . J Oii '\' AN OERSO"\ .

To tbe EdltDc- of the PlnindeaJer : Address a ll communiOlliaos lilt: Dea:r ~ir.-On behalf (lf every 1nilu lrtal ""' •rkcr a.ml lh<>1r WM... J . O'NE ILL. E"dft.Or nnd Pro l)l'ietor , f-amiJie:;; in ~t. John's, anti uthers \\bo i-;n. th, gr. t '"'U'-ing-~··hcmc-

P . 0 . Box 694. Saint J ohn's,. Newfoundland. ior the cit.'}·. I thank _vou most sill(: , l. f r he gre. t nnr:rcs.t you nr ;===~========== ta.)i-ing t~> forward erne tlf t.he gre Je t bl ~111g~ j, r hnndreds llf onr

c.iti?.ens. : the great space 11[ your ]W]•er wbich ha~ h{'"e:n Jevvtc(l t"

this object i:;-. ~lu: best evidctJce llf vour ::;m~ • .-crit) 1 , m.1kc the hC!llsing scheme a success.

\Ve are dc-tcnn.ined to make ll stan ':1 tbe l'f"!:iLI ltc.ousing scheme

EDIT 0 RIAL. . . . . ~.: ~:;~~l:~:/:':~t ~~:;~~7"~~~;~~~c:\~~~~s:r~lc; Till~~· -1~'t;:~~~~;';~~

Honorable Mr. Anderson's Letter earnest -sup]>Ort elf the industrial W\"lrken m\ thf'n; t t!u: numhe-r of 16oo to Legin work. :\.fr. ]afnt!!) M<'Gra'l.h, Prt~H!;'tlt oi th~ 'Lang­

shoremeJ's Union is looking ;tft-Cr the hoo,;e J'l.m"-- r. J• 1\a.s Barter

will have tbf'm ready soon. \\'e mu"t han· the plan< lJefore we call

we dl~IM:'t !.he •tter:Wlin nt llW' t<mtwa. <•t tlte lllile,.r mt<n II.UU Ue'l'\"1!1· .a publi<: meeting:. .-\t: the: _ptihlic mf"dint; "c I pt '"\ r~ person in the

=~=~H~~r ~~m~:~~ ~~::- ~~~=- ~:::.11'::!,} c::: t~r7.'' :~: I :.~'::r'\~~~~~~:;:t: ;~·~~e~~re iTltereste<l io h~ hc!tt • 1. ,.,;~~~ n•mliti 111~

tor worklnttmen·~ home:>; ..-blt.'b wnl i«!tlNu~>e" \bat b"r" reslllt..U sau~rru·- \Vc look upon the hou~mg prt~blem a" the grc::;t s-1 huntiru!: b\' (tlUIHI eiJ:It>Whl!r~ln tlli><' l!l~>ue. torlly ,,,. tin• h·DD-llt. th~ <'tlrtWm>· question oi 1hc day. The wurkingmen h:<nl t, lhllttk 1 h e PJ11jmJe.a ler

~::,e!;~~~au:!llr~ ~~~;~r:t>. '~': ~rohoe:,~~~~~~ ~:~ul~:~~~~~-11~~~~;,1111~::~ ~:~h~~e\·~~;~~:~.~~t:~~~r~~~ :~: ~~~1~>r<t:~ anc1 'ntcrt"~t tln~ lmve taken

ably lllltl rll!lltly autllu~'tl IJY lJ.f:.. wrll lll"rlu dw fu.nmtl!lt! commeut Au.denoou In rt.-.;ent l.'ilffietr llf tW1-- it hM rtM.'ehrd. troru 1111 ,ouur<l<~. nu..t There is Uti quc:&tion that h.as ~::ve-r bee bd 1rc 11;, .:1tizeus uf J4per. Ia one ww.:o.n t-\"trl' 1vorkltlg· we bl:k(> l!>'('t-~illl Jlrl<IE• In lllott !li'Utl('- St.John·,. that demands great~r attention th:uJ • " I mlu ~!ltonhl iJoertlJ:Ie: w1tl.t. tL Ceding <•t . mlln·,. rtPJ>t•~·llttfau II! oor hmnlllt' <..-ommodati(lll fl r human lwiu~.,., -that hH}a !iltl.tilf!ac:.tlou. tn as lllUI'lt 111:1 tht:.t 11 """'f''-1<·,. It• f•l~r<l tb~ 11wrelllt•.m. only .a hell upon earth.. I ha'le ~- 1'1 th~m. a

~:~-~~~ ~.:;:~.~ ~~:!!!Ill~~~~~ 1:h-~ ~~~~;;~c~~~~ ,,;!kill= ~~~~:;a~t~~Y formation ask Mr. Thc.mct, \\·h1tt r lm 1oc•

eYer~· wag1• cttrul'l' lUI OJ!purlnulty tto ~onnfil<' f('ht.ul ft.< (lilly n J!llr! nf " ~~~~~i!~::~~cJ~:~~~:~~~~~ t~!~/~:\~~~~ ~~~)~1~1 ~!1;c c '1

!~: ~~ ... ~:~"· \~~:: 11r:,'!!';~~-~:::e~: ~:~,:ft' .. ':;:!! ~~~·~ •. ;:,':;c~r t;~,,;uo>t:.~r:; i:; the 1 ;,),•t!mment going t • <kl !'he ~~-f or lb.la lau\latll!' work wDJ ~<liOn tlnd eafi' Jittlt- to-.:" lm:r l••l.,-h!llltlou fir ltSs tc> \lv mul'h : ( tmv~ ht::cu then~ 1.. 1 k It (108&Jblf- ll.l h<Jld the tn.tllllt.' Olt.'d muvemNlt tl1ai -wm tt.~,;~t 1111' Wlll:i' h> oontend , ith, At the 11~·. ,.:c ,h

::~:u" ~,;~ =:; ·"~:.._~~~-=r:!'t :~:: ;:;:::;1"~:;/~.~~~ ~~/·~:~lt•ulh-t11n~~ Jegi-=Iati •n will and rnn«t bt: ·n · >dn,·e 1 1

Mt.t. The auempt U.> lntrflllllto vuU· Thtftllll,Y" MW • l'amlmut art• ht tb<' being nl bou,;iug our arti"' n~ IINf Into ttl!' ques!.lon h&i <only ><E'I'" llllnorliY. At the rcq\IC.'!ot .-.f man~ 1\1 rkmgmt" I 1 ed tQ 'vrfO.te adllitiuna.J t.>utliu~:~lnl(lll lu lllllllklng · ~t r. A.!J<lN·~<un ftw the plain tb~: mean in~, { the in r~' s.c r lcll ,.r nt

:U~e~~~~e~~.,:a~;:euZ~ : :~~ ~:~~~~~.~~~~~("<.) ~~~~ :::" ~~~~;~r hy lh<: 'luuidpal Council. As tenut~. lou a c llll •· I law '' p;ry ••IW tt:nth < n ~- •nr w:tl r r;jlc; • 1 - . :n~' >~ultdbie b~ tor t!u·tr ~U~ ::;.~'~::;,;:UJ,~,.g;:.,:::.::~.~~~::~ :figureo\ thnt are ~ubnuttcd 1 e

Qu-Liou. "' tJilil ulltUJto "" c th"" m4!l t>~<. mml lt 110o ~l!b thl• <U more JnlefL-tll lu ('ltl""n,; ~tutu tllr 1 i>I'Ct ll'f" lllk1• r•!.·llro- trt "-•-"'UI'Iltluc t~ttr dl!J"m·en:J•l'!l- ul' oull!Jrlan.". ·rhll till' ~chl'lll(' 1.-. t'r<'l't J~ tlun will Jlrvvldlug u t btllllthy nnU C(ltu'l'llt•·nt ill' llt'el'tll.al!l,• It• Tht· Wln"kln~ dn""" borneo~ for 1J1e rn.mllle$ ,,f \Ill' lllllhi'M· aUld lni:'hlentttll.l' mula• l-'1~ JQlUt'~ 1t

and trndcjluhlll l!ss reeetn ... l 1b1' nt- 11:e:~l'UIIer •!ll•l u lwUcr city. ,:; fil.llll


tTIJ, tjll ~:.!.1111 : • •

i E :\ A'\iT S' T \XE!-1.

;f:O.H• lUll\

'ltuni~ i-pal


¥ :U~u :;.,

-Hill :'-H

D,tr lt~ the early ~tagt-! oi the Cnmpany it will l,ie neccSF::~.ry

• h:an· ..•. ~ent tf• ktc>k after rem;:;, el\: .. for which we <In! allowing ;.: .. rn:. ~s, 11 uf ten per .;ent

ESTIMATED ANNUAL L lABILITIES. l .!l;'}ll l1!1ll~• lll"'lll'ltll(''i' ••• , , •• , $:!~.11() J-:l~tbl lwu.<e>< 111'1.11111<) it{-Ut. ~(IIIII ••• l·:lj.•tn 11ou"-""' ltf'JIIlll">l. .• ::4.t•n •• t-;lgbl htlUit,... 'fiX<ffl. t-1.1•11 •• T-!<"11 b(IU;;""" lPI<UI'IIUre . . • . • • . . ~i.h0 .• 'l'wo hou~<e~ IJNO!I<l Reut... . :!linn •

'l'll"llllOU8P"+It~!Jir'l!. • :!i.ii{J. 'l'wo ltt>\lltl!jl •J'a::l:t'/S 111.113 . 'fwu hrmlle:J Tuttnrnn<'•· • 30.0ll T...-o- hou>!l~ C<ronud ll:ent :l(l.ltl) • 'l'w••h~>a"!';!IC<>J .. lno act.lt•l .•.•••..••.•.. Two hou~PK Taxl'il


I Teneni" I Tl'Jietll-OS ••


• Rent ••.• f'i:.!.OO • • Reni •.... fU..(lh •

..... Rent ....


fllthlll!'t- tur W.IIQh!fi!IUI'IIt, eti' .. Ul••

J•Uh1'l 1Uul lnl••t(~l

~ 1!12.00 Hm.ou




IH.OU ;~3.:!&

HO.OO !10.011 ijO_U()



• ii'U5:!.0u 1:;}6.00





.• ~00.01

1\Qtc.-The L1<1.biliry of $Jo6 foT repai~. will not he an llllmtal d1arge f<)r ~ome: time This aml)l!llt will create a rcse:r\'e fund.

Canadian food Controller Says That StarvatioR iR 6elgium, Serbia, etc.,

Has Caused ~' 700,000 Deaths

u Our fisheries Were As Yd Undeveloped. New­foundland," Mr. Thomson Admits, u Had

(Jreat Prospects."

lld"ur"" n fdrly hire:•· 1111tli\!IU:e, Mr. n<'tll"fll tll·udnl'tlnu lu ~trl'l'l,fllt~ bi"'••I Jl H. Tbo:>m""'" (''ltli!Ullan ~·trod (''-'!!· !,t tltP ,\llied Tkllti(IUJ<. 'f'l)·liftY .,Ji,. tf1,llo!r. llfolll·Pt'l'tl • ,.,_ry Llttd"(o~tlng wot,o Jlrt>IIU<·illj!: ••JIIm~h h< •'~<r>tlrT nnll atltit<'./1411 bt lb" t'~ Jill) "tbt!IUJ"c, Ull ~llpjll) IIU Jl.rtll)" <•f !i!Jtl.lti\V fi);:htill~

Tlll~llly t'Vl'Bink 1111 "'I'lu> (' >ll~<'r 1\!Pn. Thl..-. Wll~ bf•~III::IH lllllOI:rt mo.Tu-' ,.lllilln uf Fuo><l. H....a.U~ 1\'1111 ll"• 1y l1~· n'l!<trkt.lt>JI lt.llll rt•:,"tllntl.um< !Hill


I ~~::;:UJ~:~'::~t<•l·' ::·~1

:1 1

~:::·:n:~.:l ~:~~t:~::~~:~~-~:~~~~:~~~~:;~1:;;; Ill<' jlt.'<•lll""-hJ uut filii)" r...Ulzt' "·I11U t~>o)ll In t.Wr- r•~~~~·l lu ••111,.,. lik<-tt UJenllt. U'i'hln..,,•lt (lid nut nt 1'omnte>. ltontn:nl. lJII••i'>f'l•, llntnrlu. tiNT rellllz"' 11 l\ l1"1t \,.• l""'.lliDI' ~~~ <'tl•., lun tb.J> •lifHruar «·11-~ lH..tng ,__..·('r·

The Censorship and The Censor ·j_IHI, tlll.ttll

fb;tllll"t l l.lt na tll# lllll whtu hl' •'nllll'- ~lllf't' llw lmthN.'Ill: nt bo..-t:lll

"I ~~~7 ~~II<:.~,;;: I<~~~ !~rl\n~~ ~~:~J :::.,· ~~~~~~u.~~:~~- ~~·; ~~~~~!~;:~;uulln Tke Plalnde.t~ler, tor t.be tb\r<.f Hnn­

.slnce tlH• !lt'E!!Iellt r<:~mlllnntlon of

"' lrna]Jons.l\llt-'<1"' n~*umcd ~>ontrol, waa 110ppre1!1100 on J:otnturclu)' hlMt. 'De&!lltt" llle fAl't thBt we wf'K' di'· afed t.lle - ot t.h.e mall!!' tbl- \"'Util.'t fillrlo.n ll·at.oldlutllet'ltf

J::fJ.f/11 . .,_J)t <:"Onntd"" hi' rr.ndll) """ the gro-ut fit'l)rlnm, ;.;.,rhlll. 1'1<• .• wa~ '"'-"'JI(ITU;\-

~~=~"~:::;:.:-: ~:,m•lh!!:~ ~~~~~,~:; ;:~:~;~ . lii.Slt n:drt~:: ~~:~~~~~ ,n;n::~~hm:rt~; ~~~7~~ ~~;"~~:rnr/it~.~o.~~:~;,. .:~:·~~~~~~lll~lw~: ilielr Will '""ltJJ Ult'.~Or<>rllmt•llt ot PI It tUrlnln J•tt!Oil 111lw1 ilL"' f •I '''II l<h'J"t!o.l. \t WI\~ f'~•t>lltlOllllli\ 11

::r:~~~"rt~;. ~!~~:~~odl""'~~'~:.•:·l,:.;;.:~ above ~~:r:a::s~i:::~;;;tl~l I r (0:~ b~:: t\ ''ll!~crtt ~ 't',',' u:•"!::e.~~~;~~:~~: w~: ::~~~~~~o~,;~c ~:;:;;;,.~~u ,!"~~~··~ ~:ru~:~d~~11111~,~:~ 1::C=~~·;1~~~~ who is J>ayiug rcntab from~~ t ~~ ~ k 91~.~:!::: ~:.:!:':~:~ ~~··:~·~=·:':·;~ ~~-~~:~~~ .. ';,;~~~.i't·~:;,, 1 '~;,•::;,.o7.":~

Th~ Dally ~.,. ou 1'uesdlly was 11,.1\'"ll"II(OI'>< ur lht• '<1ol.la.I~T- Tll!'st ..applies [tl , II tenant~ whu pa l1~·1t tl.>n. whh Uu•lr f•>ql\ >'\ll•l'IY Mlt ,.If Ill I •tu owy Ulljuo4 r..-lildltlllJt. It Wf' llliwrdtlllt'l"l tlit" m 1llli< 1\l"CAil.•f' it wbo )ort<!l•r lh·· ulgtl.hliul'' 1" 1"" lit!· .and any am•')Uill in ex:ce5s • 1 tht":!;t' i'il.llJH ... t\ u j .el fl.'· tn•m lb<> lilrul.Ll11111. 111111 "'lb>'. "I'~'"' lllitl 1111y t·rl.lld"w hi ,nf,•r 11 .. l!oultl

Troublt in tile C•m• Th<> l,o!ltlcnl pOt l.s llollln~: ov~

"ltlt t.rnu\Jl('!l tb~ pa~l tew dar.', dus .-.rluctvau,.- to the l!l'Pf"!!H•>d dlssa:t-1 fanion 1of t.b£> T"nl1.111 t11.ctlo:m who

du n"t rake k:lmlly "' tb(> ruanner in v. llkb Actlog r.remler Qn,.h1u, P. T. ),J!·(;ratn anll J. e. Cr•·~hle are 15.1·

.ttlt\' (WIUJ! to domlnt.."l!l' (IV~r llllltt~

,.,.tJ!rh concern tllem In uo IIUutll de­!UN'. UCi'!nu«£' llt- would uut sup­rmrt )lr. Conker 1t1 1t11vlng at la.w ,t•uact«!1"P~tlnJ,:'IIIIIIflliPrfCetOl' ft>JJ, llr. Ualf:ranl. 11 llf m~lo.t. b.IL\l i!lnll"<.l Ill:; -..fllinJOlf'S>J to f'(O!Ig!l the~

l'o!IOI\1.41 ::;.-crl?tflryo;ollll•· ht~lll"'""lnJ;: that ~u('ll l4!11f>olntlno wuold ~ tl<'ri:lwen­ml tu Ill~ intcre>'l ut tll(' ileherrnen, wl111 an• hoJ!\.DI! ta gN 11. lJllfh& prlce lhl\11 ,\lr. ('O<tkerftUI)tc.lnrl"pre­l'llr~•l r.., ~~~:v

lJ. 1~ n•p(rl'1ed llun ~c-.-cral other lnlou ""11 U. A.'>', U!'l'Jrllug "Mr. 1'\HIIlt'. tbt> Mln1!!.t1" ul ~111.rlm~ and 1-"hlherl<..'il. ILUd llr. Hrlwl"il., Are OJ!· JKI<'Iu-.: !llr. Goill;:(!l''$ ,...l~llte In thhl t('~)n't'\ 11.111.1 llrt' •kt('rtn\ned tll!l.t no hllCrtl.'l'!'liCI;' Of tbU! UlltliF{' Will bo flt't'!•ptml or cnhrtnhu.'<l. )lr. Stone

1~ tll'-eJ•uretl ~o nVHle by tllor wl~he~ ot" Mf""-'""· 1'a11hiu. (~t"'bhl llUtl COaker In fun·e tlw m~m~<ntP. bur thlt latter. vdrlwuttlll!'i<DI•t•l'rtl•tl-lr."Rattyanl uutl Hw nl<•u m~mlll!.,. IWl iJI LIH! Pttbl!tet, f~ n dl'<l'tllutlr)t) t.nd tt

hrcllk tll.lll will Ull11l'l thP flnure in­[('!JIInn~ uf tb<> IJ\""l'rnru.,ut. 'l'ha tmh111 lllt<lllhfm' uN" ludllft•rcnt <U! t(l wllnt !ht• quH•o>nt<! tlf tlw ln••orltnble hr~1l.k wm lllP.all • ._,. 1ln>y wt•ll know 1111· .. •ullmNu ut tb;: ~vrtlu-ru Dli>· Irk!~ l.uWllrd.><. lli. C<>llker, wbo hall


"' 11 L.irJ:., nnml1cr ''<btl J<llccd expll­df ~···ufltlvuc<> lu blw nJU.l bb enter­l•rl~c·~ up to uu,. tltllr. >l!t ~~~~ Uetra;vlll, 1util =•n(')·wuriL! hl.l!l donnie dentluK' by plll,lilu: lntn 1hc luuuls ol ttlfl Reld11,

f'JU!bln. Crosbie unll <1tiiM"A tor bill """II J>t'r~Qnfll ln'!ill.

TbPfllllu:re<•fthf'P~ldl!Ul ton>­


ht II<' ~-r<'f >.UJd the- C.,d.IID·ll~nltb· croslll~ 1'4diou nro tflkl ng a(ll'!lD· lli!-'l'"f~t::. 'l'li«YII!'PIUIJ:IUnldof tbl' !<ll)llmrt of Mr. RtonP ond Mr. Grime!!, Uu;- torruer j'llC!(I;ing him,

~elf (., 11tnud hy tlte .\,•tin~ l"remier •n<l t.t 111>lky, he wliJ!t II ma.v. The ,u u•!-.--.rtl "~ f'..a1•t. Rnnll.•tt from th~ ,...,nunand (lr the o.-. .. l'rDDll'lll dredJ:'e lu fnl·or ot Ca11t .• ll.t'tlll KNt.n ha.fl

;r,u~·~l·.:nnrlL <llll'll'l.t~l••u, lilt' vukome

:;~,.,~~~~·--1• M J•rN•f'nl b• ,umcalt to

It I" I'PJWru~! thJII nu elnergeucy m<'dl/1~ .,f Lhl!' F. 1'. I'. C<Junt"U will '"' •·nll<--d ;:b,.rll$', \l"h<>u n dechililo ot llllll'h IU\JIIll""UUI<'f: ili•lttlt:lllly WlU be m.cull• lnw":n. ,,.~ nnllcn<rnnd Dr. l.I<>Y•l lml' Uet>n ~umrn/ml"'.l from Eng­llln•l hl't'tlll!!e olf ;\fr. l'&llb111'1f fallnre tuJII"fiiiJltolrhHI wo~l'.ll"pootedfrom

111m ill' ~It'. e11alwr. '111t.' )111Uilc m ul!l ~IIIJ' \l·Ulf tU!Uro• dPVi!IOjlffi(!Uf.l<. 1\'hlcb

IIIII)' f<""Ull \u till' brlfll:;:illg lO ilgbt lh<' ... arulll.h b• tbl- f']VIlotU.-< ~.~nd

:;: •• :I==l'n\:>1 thu·tn~< lll~ Pllllt

Mr. McGrath's MisfortuRe ~'l'f\••'"',,, .~,·,·,•,•,:·,,~~ t>J't'·n~;biJ~•",',',,,•,,•,•,.s :~:,','.·m:71,'1',"~~,r~1'~,~;~'""'·1 :,.b:;~;:'~" ~; fuse to p11y. In ntber wor<h': a hNt~c r~'n11 itlt 1r ".;;hcmr tln" llt'twccn. 'f'l11·y w11uhl tbt!ll 1""1'-- hr cou>~trnl·th•l', lllll dP>itnJ~u-,. ... w,. ~" .. ~ u n~ ·~ ~ -' t · 1· 11 t f s · II<: I~\ · ·mhcr I #IJ.?,o• wl~t~t tb•· •'<lm,•rru.tJou uf food ~hotllll n;;~b;r, uor fl'~\~t. Ncwtouud-tp tl'l tlle tl.llle nr -.·rl:Jn.r wl> :trl' 111 ~!let<'h u~nally h<!CIIU!!e tllelll Molle <•f 1 ;~:he:~ ~~~al;\~'• l~u~ : : : ;:n:;;~O ~":er t~:a;~;~'rer. ,mennt. .\t ttl!r> lllll"11rulu.J" llme. lnn•l wali not !!dlu~: toJ u.__. \W !<hOrl. Edi lor 1~~d~~~"~~~:: 16. l1Jl8,

~e'";,.;: :~~::; ~=.o;1 :~g:hl:,~ ~;~'~~~·:,,:~~:~;ll'"'!:.~:.,. to~-.."\,:~:·: Rent per Ye.r Ann~t~~l Tu ft. lh711cl1 U11tur11;! , 11w<"". 1be ra.tlwlty_, w .. would gPI a tull >~UJllll)", lmi ~~~~- IIC!U" Nlr.~-.:tl\,.,. 1 "'rote- l"OU UlP

~.::~~.-::.:·!::~ , .. w ..... ::E:~~:~::E.:~::;:.~~:;:~~ · E:~ , ;,;'; -' .@'.' ~:~:·2:~·2:.;:J~~::~~~;I · ~~~f~~~.;:;~;:::i.~~f.~: :;~'\£~1~±:~~~~iE:; tb;~~~~n!r ~:~\::. £:;-;~'r'~.w~= ~! ~~~-~~·~:::.~~o:~;~:n11~".:o::l1~0~: ~.~;:~~ ::::: · :::::: ~::.:~ lMJ.OII \ H~:l ::::; ~l;lt:lu:;;~\1~11::~~e:l!::;;; :.:::,,:,n~~ ~':~1 ':!;.~!~ :~·~.';; ~ ~8~~: ~~:::r~:;:~~t~m;~~~:.:~\:·!~~111~ :~ frortl thr Llallr l:ii:Bc uf \ \ 'l'lhll'btlltJ" zen,. lt•llrn 1111' !flllb ubuut thl•1n: I h 1 t 1 'a 1 tl fi 1 'I'll Ill;; 1 lilm '" tl.t1• ho.~pltul vn 'l'hursUas

;JJ~~~;;~:~~~:i:~~ 1 ~~;.~/~;.Gf~1~~i~~ ~~:·~~~i§.~,~:~1~?.~~~.Jf;:~:~:::~·'·'·:.~~::·~!~~?::.~ ~;(~~~{;~~:f:?:i6~l:~i :~i~!;]I.i~~~t:~(:~~~;~~; ~:~E:~:f~f;·;::~~:~~i~ ~~:~'o!~~;, ;:· u~:~ful::;;:,..;{ ~:; ~:;rot_~~~~;:~~ a';,:!ll;:~u~n~~~~~·~~! :~~:~nm;;~;\~~:r~:~!s~e~~~; ~~;::tt ~~;;:·: t•: Uu ~~- ~~ t~~:~,:~~ ~::.:=~r~:e:::;•:'~t~.~~!~an~~ ~~~~·; .... ~~~~~:",~!~'1. ~~~~~~.~.~~!n,':~: ;:;~;;,~~·.: ~~·:..~c::~~:~~~-'~ n!·

lbl! t•rotltf"'!!" ...,., .. ~'<"' 111" ,.,,llft'mJUt· tber. Th<'.l lutn· ever •·ua<'l!>ll '

11" houses in. time. The greater the mem~cr:;!til 11f ur .t~s•..:iatlua t~c ;,;;~~~ ~~,;::l~, u~:~~~~:s-cr~~ t>==~- :~;!.t~:~~~~,.~::~~~~::,,. ~~:.:;:::: ~~~:~ ro~o~~~·c~~JmsoN.

==~1,.r;:~:n~~;·:~ ~~~r~::~~~~:~ ~;: ~~~~:e <~ .. ~··::~::~ ~:e~e;~:~7·.·t·~;~:)~ gTeater. the number rtf hou. ("S I h.Jt \\Ill __ h~ hulh B r .. l· r .'\~ I ) I I u.hlg Whll! ho-d l•ll•'ll lf1•ue. 'J'(J l\11 .lntlll"tlnCee <:~!1111.1 b .. glTl'll fur n ... I ========= ce.tung •ltll!ntlou to tile JullthS" •t" tluu~ luuunwnllill"'. 'I'lwy hll.\'1.' 111-t·11 DOTNC •· 1N~ hope befor~ J.,t'lg til~ D< mnumJ I Opt·T:Illl~ Buihlm~ ,.,, 1011 llll.ou .. t ..-ruu lnOivl!lual t"'f 11\.W ~rOJI!' .• \lr_ Tllt>m~ .. 11 11ahilllll 11 extol'tlonatf" prlf:~ Jt.nli IO <•lhtr •" men·ll('fl.~ tuul tl"·y huv<' "JIIIr\><1 n .. t ·\.~suci.ation. Ltd., will han:: ;ll!ll:ntl r~l iJ•. f t"lg:l lit• u,.;aud memhct< r-•n IUI!I'l•ll lu !h'-" ll.!i:~ga~. l.lr &loomy- l'lctur.•( t Hu-..~111. T"ru by p~b o! tb•~ food ~<JtunLl"nn llun 1'1.'· ~'\'I'll !1Jnu~l! lhl'lr rt<'IIID-., haw• •I<·· I J 1\1 (' 1 J p Tl Qld. r 11 (' lnt 1 »trU h

;:~}~~.;;~~:~·:~'.:; f~~~::g5::~..:!lft: .. ~g.~ .. ::~~ f:~:~~f:;~~\:~;~; ,~~~~~;~t:T~~5~::~··:, ~'.;~::.::~:t:·t?; ~r.~:~:1?.::0~~f~i5~ ~:~~:;.F}~:;7:~j::~:~r~~i It~ tll'('.tr~,o; nnd e-ut~ry .11"1 .,f ~:;u,·f'rll· lll!n "kiu/1(.•11. h>• ml!lln lil ~tllrll, l'uO start. 'B11L he 111\\.i,l have thl' plun~ hr·L urllc!e,., httt tltr<•UJ:h r<:Strktlon 1uul ill'lnr: toki!H HiiYiltltll;:f• o1r. 'l'ht•r(! we>< wl!-111 wllll.'lt, (>\"l(ll'utl:y fflr ll!clr own .C:l>WIIrilll' ,,r 1w,1r1· ''' lut·.- Jll~l 211<1 lut>n••u;l"'.l t•rollnetluu ~b.(' ..,4 ~ alllt• tu ll'l"'"r .-.uliOI>Io rur 1111 l!W million~ IUIII~fill'tlon. the vowe'nt-Lbf<l-IW ..tc om .. ,J(,ki'TI tTitkl~m uf Lhdr 11.1lJUin· 16oo m~nlhCt"'- itl 25 cents weekh $ -1'" oo ••rt·11 h- au j•nonuvu.. ••:s:pmt rra•h· 11, f.w Uw 11~ yf'nr. lltt•! ~utn"HrJo)u nt ~ltlt· ldlllll n<)l b(' __giy~J~o uu\.111<' u!ltlre l~truth·l' 1t1't~. n~·....- c11u tlH'Y I>(' 53 \u.ceks at ~oo _per week • ~20,Xoo.OO llle Jt.llu>uut of t:l:i.tiOO.O('u' JIOUIJ•I m"ny milllGIUO Wll.t< lnlllliDl'lll.. Re-

no~. ~~=1~0=1~ul=IJ'~':'nuo11 1 ;;:'::-;;:~~t 1a~;~~~ .. ::~~~::11 ~:~•to! '"'ll· Estimat ed Cost of T welve Dou b le H o uses fo r Tw~nty fo u r FamilieS ~:.1ti:~: ~~:r:~~:~::c~:;~~:rn~ ~· .. rri~~~ ~~ ,'::, ~~~~·::~~~;~~~::f':~ S Th. w w ld I ""'" u •• " .......... ••• ... . ome mgs e ou pr01'>'~1 ror- ll>t l't!(<'ri'"nt:e , .. tbt• Go>r·

Like to l'iROW! •~ "· " '~~.::•::.:~:.' Why the antborltle<t tefuto-•<l to

J111tk public the latl'l<t J!mnc.tla;: -udal at Channel ?

Wbnt'a the row in tbl.! C-.11bln•1 't

WIJI Colonial Secretary wutyard


"\Vhat Mr. Targl'tt. tbe ot•xl Ukely ~totlheF.P.t·utlnQ.,r

tllr m l!lll Yr. Coaker \laS madr or


Wlml J•l~' :1-lr. r;.,od~'AAU ""Ill Jr>'~

wb~·u lJ,.. 1111"1 nt• 11keo pia•••?

Will tbl! .\ll,.ocate publltth tllf' 1""1'-­

.wlntfl,lllll tile ;\'('1'1'!1 ctl1!0r Ut·~\n·•l It•

be 811JlVJ"-'>IS..U 'I

Wll! tJH.' .\lnnfclp.nl l'<lUll.-11 IJIIY tl!e 11trl.'{>t l'tlllwus?

\Yll<l lllftll!'ll down 1'. T. "" u lil!hM"y li'i'le~:lHI' 10 Halltax 'f

Wha~ L11e tl11hermeu who lltl' j:t!l ting $12.i\'l tor flsb t.llillk~ <.t ltr Coaker"• ul'll•m11t l.o Ieglabl.tl' 11 jU(!d

• prlce of Ul.l~ ruurc tban $1~ ?

at .a !lenud of $6,$7 a nd $8 per month. l ntcr~!l l I pt!T c:rn__t . !ltr 11Jlfillt-.JI..-.n nf r('=hutons hllo! !Le lf!!nli \l"llh"JJou,;., IJr t:urot"'- RllU

Eight r!m1hle hou$es at Srto:I.OO . $r .... &x>.oo 11 'l'r•millbllll .. l 11 .ll"f"ftH •leaL III l't<' th" huniPn •.Jf It'-' f•l!><.l ~11r>lli!· <11'·

i~~~ ~~~~:~ ~~~::: :! *=:~ · · -· t:=:: I ~~:::~:~or;!~:~~~~~~~~ ~r~~~~~:~~ :::~~:~~~~~~~:~:·~.~~.~:;.~·~:r~~=~ Credit balance 40000 "•·•VliLltlll h" ...-HI! nbl<-- t(• not unl)' lluH t11er1t $h<"•uld llt· 110 dilotin«!;{On

"''l'!lly hec,..,.lt loutt• J::.f'l•n T,UUII,IIllll '" 1...-t-cu tbe -rll!b ll.llllj•OIIr uf h.P.r own

t6oo m~mber;;, one ·year's ,;ubs~ription •

Double 11o~, SI6oo;>. Interet<!. . ••. llfi.OU Jm;urtturc . ~4.00

Ground !{Pill • :!0.011

llepai.n< ::!-t-0{1

llti.OO ll.OO

..... n:w.on l:l,Ufi


l:!::.oo 16.61

~20.8oo.oo fir "''"~' ll.IJUOJIQ/1 fiOUlllls. Tbl rlrl:nm~. COn•11UvfT11 "·••rf' tllft"t-reul tu ,;;20.~.00 hPiy tn.,An 111~ •·urtotllmcut at 11btlur .!\(lrth A.merl•-a. Wc• .,.., •• ,. only- "~1<-

IJ J>t>ITRU tll:r t•apllll " yf-l!r, whkll •lhl t-tl fo rQUl!en·p, Thf' uuly ••tr11<fa,._ COMt $:aooo 11ot lnftkl IllY luu•l~hlp, but "...__, h•ry ~y~tem w-a~ 111 follt<ll tb~t llrn·

l 6t).~\l ltl'<>tof wb~;r.t <"JUT.Vlng our Tile reg-olll· filo'l'r ~nd tliC -"Jl'l'ClllHtl'r, 11ud -'l"et llw ao.oo tlon~ f•f ffl{' Pu.1r1 romrr•I Bdard in t>r1•lh~ I"--" I' ll.lt·h "'Ill< nJ~ .. appllr·IL·

;{O.O(l ~rnnJJ thin~"' l!fiiJlll ot•'I'OWJ>l\1!11. f!l'ltl· I>lt> tu XewfOIHHlhii\IL lu rauadB :)ti.!Hl lnJ,""" with lh!' wllcnf lllll'illy t<t tb~ «l'o r.r lli.ytrlbulo(" nf !'""''" wnit 111.-<!n

.\Ul..,., il-.1/ol lll<.ll.'ll •li•J•rntl<"'~1 nn thto ~ ... t. IUid tor feru· nf Jt•~lltl: hl>i lkl"n--.. liotl.Un ~. r1ll .\ltit ri<'llll 1""'1'11". Jt rouk 11...-.Jrrled oot !hi' r•':;ulotflr;ou,., :>:u

I.'<.O:i l"l'~lll'llon-1:" lo l:<'t 11 "I'I''J" trnm f•ll'od ,..-....a:llo"''" tollf.~lliJllleclb"(otn .\n:1•ntin =<l lhM'<· llllleH I>< '''Ill!' •·~~;natlu. I'XCeJlt lllr(•U;da llt-tmw. llll•l

t:l19.l; .:tes.u; tr"m .!.Uilttalllt.n nn•l with rhe ~<t,ar 111.., 111'111 •'1111 "'lUI the .\lllf'"~. '\'h., su!J 14 '" ••• . • 1tl.J;7 dl) vf sblr•l'i.n;:- thf' l!nrdt:n or fet<tl- p!yln~ 11f lite Ul'tlll"111l- "'"-"Ill!' work..

;IS6.0Cipcr mtlnth .

--~ Ing the Allies wn11 wftll :N"ort.lt Amc-- uf t::Ogii\.UIL In th•· l'drly '<l".l."l'll ur $104.!/tl $11:1i;US2 rl!!:n. Ca.ruultl liAtl al'IO workNI 1'1'0!1· lll" WILl' nlllny- n~ltltlll 1'\·H-~els wen-

H.OO a Ultmth. "~..ll<l a mdntb, ders tbrongb eon.«etl''llill'<.l1 and l.n· ..0•-eu t:otrgoes ot grula, O'ultoo, etc ..

"'hlO'hWt·nrt"llw ~~~lllrn1 t•o....-eNbut If '"'"II'' ,...,,1wrnk- 1'1"1\r Wll.~ I'll ru< ts uow, th" N"I'•Vabllltll?!! •t(, 1bat c.er, llllllt)' tlLrongh lllrk ~\:t "UJlJ•IitH would hp "n hl-r li-lt~ hy fl<lll'. Mr. Tbom­><011 l'tft•rl"<'tl :n IP.nl:'th to tbe atter ilW"I'ttr-<"'.·our,mh::I'(IIll!y.'l'll{-rewauld IH· u ~~:n•nt l:lralry- bQtwm•o thE' m<­llmll!.lUid plnlll•l!.hOUIII Ul'mlllit!DOW. Nl'wfnunU!aml luld gro'lat flrllflped::a "ll\'$tl. Her H>!.berlcs were a.~ y~;t u.u· IJ(•n•lfljl~'<l and bMl wan.r t~J~'dbltltles. U" hall "'~a tlJ ... \tlanu .. J,.';;dd Stor­nl;,.!•leut~tml""a"'~tl.rlmpre!!Sed II.) 1h., tllt<J•I.t!s or oor pr.uluctl!. we lmd 11 I-"~"•'~ I !ntnre In til•· 1omi11t tnat­Jk, Antl -we shoulflluok lOit. He U­lu~n-nt~l Wlln.t bJttllll't!ll dvnoln \'nu­<'lltlvtr In thl~ l1'!otr>ef't, 11nd eorudd!!r· f'(l :\I'Wfunutnruufhlltl C\'(!U betterop-­l"••tnllllll!';<, llt!lt~'r I!CI'Jll'-I"Y and bet­lt•r l.ruill('('mt•nki to orr.,r ,-l~ltllr@. We lll~o lint! n !ntlll'(> b1 il!l1"il'1111:Ure OD lbt.o \V('!<I !;;()lb-oL whlcb ><llould not l.le nc,elll<'h'ti. Hn wuulcl bul'P A'l'l'at rica l<llt<•ln e!h'enJ.~tng ourl'l.lUHtry-wbl'll­"'·<'r llw OHJII•rtun:ty lt!'rer~. tn_ CO!t<"IU<IJDll' Mr. Tlll!lll"'lll urJre~t IIJMID tiJ"Ilf,.;>J•h• to tlu lht-lr i)'('t!l u tbe ll«h,.hbllriDI!: IJomtn_i•>ll was dolDJ!: lu t\tei'Ofl>it"FVII:.tiflG"f t'--'0<1: Jt WJU1

lllvlr •lut:> 1" llw ~t>llllpr. wh(J were ll!;'hl'h)l::, Ol!lfl t\ldr <llllJ" to I liP Allle;t 'f'll~·y I\ \!.I"<! llul ~~>~ked t.t) lllllkl'- any

gJ"\'tll !Ul!•riO~t:><, but s.b.wld oonalrler

~~~cn:~l!i~e!lstty 110d Nu1l'l.!rlnt:; ot

Page 5: ·ndealer - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/cns_news/ThePlaindealervol... · ·ndealer A WEI!KLY NEWSPAPER: DEVOTED TO TJfE INTEREsm5 OF Om:t COUNTRY AND


In Use

For Over Thirty Years


"ON THE ·• 1 ~l'.rtlllJllf unt """" ..C 111 o!ll

l'tlll'!U), U111 ll't ~l•t oi;('Cl

nHI><·r ><lJloer:v\1\t•!L J' qt tltt ,¢<'<

I 10kio.1' ;.cuuur rl'lluw who t•~"t 'A"Illl

!;IRtl• P{It\\~) 'JI,I I tln'f•Jif!::.

:-;1w ><lwtd~· ''"Uid ll<t r< I II <'Xfl'"ll"l the"'",.,.'· bur hut •J rur tltt" t.,.,..t, $ll., o;ul tll•·fl>l'l.lur

rh .. •llu n litil" n.,...., uh .. , ·•I 16~t· lu 3 IIIII•· ··lllllj;\"t'.

IIIII \:Jn•l~ lmo"

•·a>< U t •rru ! I<J Ill• <• ~ lii'<'U j, Ill •

111 rb.,. tut• nf Ill~· \ill ~· '" ..t. th .. Nit' wltlt thl" l·ru·~ lith><'k "

Hut n•illu lu tlw l\o•rld lqollt:lu,tiJ l.'tlUWR}', W.n~:ltl•t ,.f tl t..,. luir to tori!IIll", dol.ti~t !u II o .>IIIIK<' ,.,

t'<l\'o'l"<'tl auot t .. n•t,l !lo •IU:b It 1"H• ?

\\'lH'I\,lvllliiiMII"U,Ilh )'<JIUI,&:l!lllllru: <'IIJ!:Im .. •r. th<:' IDUII t•f l•h•llh< U><Ji:"'l fhr IH!r, "b" woll< Jlrln~ lu n mnu hu.

Ah, !hell!'~ IHlil <luW/1 of l!rf', Tho wblrlljlig nr fortuuc-tortuut> whkh, ltkea"--"41f, lltl><yomuuo• mnll'll'lll "kYO\'IInl, IUI<i lht• h<'$1 lr{llo l'OU <lu1•·u luto> t.be mud~

trhtd.~" 0\'41 -,.,\ru: twr tu1·orlt• JIUIIII homt>. llt• lh I f<l tlw 'ft"'"r llo'>USI.', QTJI!t'U .. ..,..llt'jlt 11111 ..

pupil tlliH- Ho• \Ill< tb"""'" 11 ll'llll, tiny. delf··•t·· Uttt .. ~''' c...,___,r n .. -nl'w squire. "'l.J"m ""'~"-'-'' ''"'',..... PTI!:!l on yC't.

Tbfs ~<ru~U b<>y hn•t J>,., . ., <·Ill "n In allt'Rlll"l". llkP hu:I!'IIJ.tl• l<lth 1111 o>ltl ho>UJi:lcltN'I.Wr, "h" \1•11 •lll1fltt><o4!. with


thin~ Into ~lilp><hht"' lnr tlu• 11 ...­

nut~ter. :o;bp •l'l'llll•l l!lu<l '" thuJ • h•n·en of re-.'1 for 11111., "'"•rll'll'. 11'\l<'b II <l"'ll' lltlft" ...,.h<~•l. \\Hii \1 •IJ 11 <IPIIr Urtlt ml!'fJ?!;oll.

All tor the klohlk· hluulll•lr .,,.. J> w•lk"'l ~lral!!eht llltn r;!Julp•" lo'al'!

"11Uitf1,'1t-<l ol<.-.ru I!Jit• I• "'llfWI·~t <"or·

h~>IJ!<" r<>r 1.11Jh•~ 1 lin 1 ( li;Ujl\l I o( "

'1 1'1lli'Ur<>uf!h.d" ~l<l l'ihnq<,

"I !nQllif'<'l], !lnr wllnl <"nn 1 '''' II b; U<tl "~ IC I "' ro• lllf 1•"'11 un:u•t<!l'. l ha~j· •w•llt••r'~ hll n-•u 1 - nf'. ti «<'llllol hanlly I< lu•tH _I lu IN II ;!<>Qd utrr-.r llkf' !h II" In

· rm sur~•



Tttt>~ ~H·nl d011n lQ lmiiH;•r llll' II.

Louu<'ll uf n»;P'I/' llllld llrto. f'<JuWlly. ·'tt.ty llU' gnat t"huw,. l'lh• ml!('ht h~l..i,lll"'l''~ mvthor, bto IOTt"''l L...rl!o."

t'lljlldtrna001\"l:lanr1"""11tlwm. I W'll.llii<~"'"'Gt'Ot'f"'- llt-lut"w•ml• 1n!ll.''

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A. B. SHUBERT, INC. The Large&t Howe in the World Dealing Exclu.siJJely in American Raw Fan

Dept. 263-25-27 w. Austin Ave., - - Chicago, U.S. A.


1'be thrifty UeTmlln mu~l b~

Jlllin~~~ t(o !hi' ""Y 1ll'JIIh" uf ld.-. ht!l!l,;: -wllen b" tbluk!l llt tlh IIIUH!h· tn.t>lt t.n.1l!ll'l' nt .:11 111~ t•rol••t:•moltt. 1!-e.plU! the h:tt thai r'11r un<:e tu: Ju. ota:g~J llimM•lt ill tl\•• Ul\l>ft411~'<1 tie• 111:-llt of "J><•mllu.a: mllllnn~ no<·li.IP><~I:r

'!lith ua n.>-turu. lu ~~~111. II••"'· \.o 110 f'-•'.lll'lng tlu~ ~d .. mctu~l1"l flllll Jlto(>f !'ritz fl'<>l i't.-.e-loUll \!tile 1'91Uet t.>rl!L~ wvney. IIIli not IWJTrobftllle, l.n.fact, that llre chlDliY (lerm.nn pro· J>aW!Uiill created moro nuti-G(':I'Illan thuu uro·Gt•rlllJ:In S('JtUmrnt, Non(' the 1~. tbi'Y dhJ s•·vre one meoda· t•lon~ triumph. Grrm•n agMI:$ ,..bi. ... twrell thltt " l:lnslr~ntl WOUld rteh1 roth<' Ialit Frt•nehmun." lint! ~ue-rally pr(loduced Ulf" lm~on tfulf Dr.lid..bl W'll» alllin{! bal'k IIU• J>lm·IY Bl her eaae while othl!nl fought t<!f'bl-"1". llleomt-q,\lnrtt'I'Wthl.'b._... tkr' !itlll llngerw Uutt Br!la[u Ill not d•JI.u'-'llet'"b.!t~inllli"WIII'RAamem­

/jer "' thl.' ,\JQanee, and 1;0 correct that lmt•rffi!IIOil tbn ij:r{Wb Wnr \U"-<'Iml at Ami"'/"kn hns tmt aut on lnt~tJ.ugplllDp.Wet<'ntli.llid."Rloatl

null 'l'rl'!'lcl!Url'," whkh girts \Ill ~ome

t.!t>n of tile enonruma t;>n'r>n!l ot tlw l'ulu.J KlugUom.

From tllli! ~phlet we learn tltnl In AU!nl-'<l 101.4, when Ull.' war bTok.e ''~~'· ~;l'f;'il.t Brltaln'll t•nUre llimt.l'l· •L-r.,n)!l.b amount«! to 700,000 men, , . .,tnpl:r;ledof2W,OOOintheTegnlar III"Ul:T, ?O(I,OO<t re-en·e. ill l!lf'illan lit.-, 1lnll :.!fJO,OOO parile.lly t.ralnl'd tn>Oj>sbelougLogtQthell"l'ritorillll!, a hMl.r ...r.: f'olaoteer troop:~ I'O\Ighly v<>rre;;tk'ndlng to our StAle Katlonlll (lUerU. flereisthetnll'otll'hathnJ l ....... tiUUt;>SlnC!I!Ih®;

Wh•t's Been Oont.

".\ltoJ.;elhl'r rlrt111 Urltlln lu:la 1111

l"'h'tl Lu b"r lll'tll)' nud Ofii~Y CPlE' out vt eTCI'l' ftmr mate.., !rom birth tv lltiU.IIJ.•.IIadn.t:! Ill tb" tontlre i"'Vuln:· rt.•" .. r 111•· unu b 1 ~o ...

"'l'ht• nnot P.XJ>e<lllh>~uu..,. ron:e or ltiii,V(tU arrl\'rtl In },'11\uee ln mld· .\UJ.[ll>ll ruHI Look toarr In the famous retreo.~ lLIUJ •ObKt"QUl"JII tNittlt' Of lhl!

llume.wllllllN·hth·•· •ll'"'--t. ''Uu Augu•l 11, IHH, l.orll Kit·

t:heoer lll'ked fl'r 11)0.()(}(1 ~Qiunteerll.

T:hcy were e-nru\lr•l In h·~ll !lULn a ftlrtnlght. lD UTI' t!tfb wl'f'-'k ot 11\e war 1715,00!1 Dl<'ll •"IU'<•JI£'d-----30,000 In a slngle d.ay . D:<" July- 31. lfl~.

2,000,000 illld l'lllhth'll

'•On 'Mar !liJ, lfJlU. King •.>eorge ina m('$11~111ht.'flt">Jli~RilDOllllc«i that 1!,0-1.1,000 had t>tlroll~ l'IIIUII· tadly In !I1P UTUy awl Ull\'y, ln Octobt>r, lflli, lhr~ TUU!Ion men we...._. zn•rvln;l: abro~.d rH lh£> \"Ar!nul' fnmh'l, nml tile MlnlJ<rter ot ;.>aU~.maJ SPf'\"ICC atnted In till' nunl!e ot Cow­mons on Jonuary l-1. 1111:-;, that .... ... thPEWJllrelladt»ntrlbntt-d ;,r.oo,-000 J>luet:- lht' war Urlllt(· out.

"llaJ too Gill (M ~U·n'IL-e, 250,000 :stnmg, b.n1'P PD~IIed !bc:Il!SI.'i~c;r In Volnnteer DrlJ;aUes, aru~oo nnd equ!j;fJII!d rU t.b.elr OWll I'XJII'Il.J!.l'. (M


It li!, huwf'\''-'1', !rom thLt. table ot (lef'Cenlfures and Jlropnrr.hm~ that. "·e ea.naee-how~tllle<'tl'(lrtufl·!nJ:· Luldba,.f!l!lup~n. ttor~b.l.'.b!l!! fnrnlsb!!11 more than Orr l'!f"r <'1tlll.. of tho! enUrP army, nnd one ll~on In r11ery sevl"o .hl<J ""'' hnl( or the en­lire population l<1 In Ill•• IIPrTk-e:

P~I" cent l'•t l!ent Pl.lTpl'lrt.lon ot .fOTf't'!l'. or p.~JIU]ALH>n .. r l\IJJI'n

Total fnf..rcl'll lnfo~4 t:o~:laml . , .4,.630,000. . ..• ct/A • , • 1:1.3 , , . lln '0.5 Walt'>! 250,000.. .. • :t1 . u.s .. lln 10.2 :-;,·o>tland ••••• 620,000.. !'1,3 ••• J!l.fl ••.. Jill 7.5 tn!taml . HO,ooo :!.3 . a.s C'llutlngenl.>:l cro.w Qt"er·

;j.l'DS .,. IIOO,oOil .• lmlln • .Afrlt·aautllllbf'lr

~pendf'lnt•IPt<1 NIII'II•(I

fi~lrting u·oot•s lallor

1:?.0 •• U.'l' ••• lluHi

..,~ .. , .\.()(1{1,00(1,,,,,

Total ... ...•.• . •.. 7.:'iOO.fH)iJ... 100

l'•liDPICit' d .. I.Jdl~ ,,r tb,... klll<'fl, ,.-,.w .. ted :oud ml>'-~hur a"' uor ll'l'll!t· u!J.I lout In UIP ,,.r 11117. ,..,.. art' h•ltl. lhl:- l'""un\IJ,..... bllh>UUt...J lrt

sou.nou. •n,,.p,.m1•1ll .. t l'oozln!-S ~nur •·Rsn•lll('l' !u 11/17 nrl' he-

1!1•1·~1 In l'~C~"~J tlh' \''TCUl'il Wl!'UIIt­t!te>< m tim!' yenr ,,~ 500.0011. lt<·,.•·y l<>.''•<h lu 1111; nr•' 1!11" mainly 1<1 llil' Ill·~•-:- lhi:llllm:;- ht ~'lun1\o•n.

WIJIO.t'llitt•h-.t Lu llrirnln «r 8-DJ' <Piller ..,,untry·. H •"'"ll'i'll~hmrut U; tbP lin""'l">::!""'l•-pn,.,f.,ftl>">'ll]Jnrolal'J' of ih'.' \:r-lllsll ""'T• 111oo.l nt ltl' ln­,.,._"ti!UJthiP 1''-lirU· hi lh<• 1'1\U 0',

"Tbt• llrltMlltiWY Jm,.,Jri"·n lllo snrfij•·c -wHI'><Irlt•~ .. r IJ1~ 1\•lltntl l'<lw­!':1>' lulu twrl>l•l'll,,.ild kl•)d tbt·w l.lu;ort>. I·!Hrly hi thr- Wllr IJ <l••s!.roy-{'{j t·oo SJ~.,,·,. I<!Jinulrt•n nt tl11• l•'alkld.ud l)o.

•Lurln.,- whll'h Wt• ha•l :.!7.11<10 tn<'n lruool.- lUll! 1'"111111~~1 1111 r11id"""- .. lot the k'lll<-.l itl 01}(> IDI'Iltll. ~'rt Ill iJI(' hl"· I!lOW•'III uhly 'llll' f'ni!IU,I' l'illrf>t<.',. ~l'>l·

<::lunlnc .. r 11,.. "•lr 1111 tn!h .. mh.llll£> «.. tlul.l umuJ•K""I tlll•rt·tlkmll L<-uu .. t 1'-.·l<>hor. Ull.:i.lo• .. "ht»ll r.lurtt•.-n a,·,·o.wt•·11 tor ill.OOtll~. W•· 1._....1 In klii<•1L 11\t>nf' fl,l)00 ulfl -.. r~ a.u.clll.:i.llltft Wt'11.·•

:OU• h dettoll>< n~ AT<' 1..•h"PU {<( !he t:.r•'111 !OO:'rman nlffn h···• ol thhl.reur llr<'lll1"'-lo<'l]:tiiUI<'IUIL 1\'e~t'-'ld:

"TlH! 1\gur.,. for 1111' l!rl'-lll tmtrll'>l

1\ltkll bo>J.."'In 1111 \lnr<•h :.!l.1111S, ltre nutyf'l lll'llllnh\1', butlili>l<~tnl nt

I ~~~~~:~:~f'"";,.~:~l;l~~:;~~~tt~h~tl In

"The Ulllf!Uilllllo: fit !Ill' ~lnJI~<;If' 11" I'<•Wt<l!>r~:<l 1\"llh 1h,. pn-..tou. hlllll""

1W.!' ''" Ju•LI<r•l trl•m lin• totlnlt'IU!l flii:U/'f"'<

"In lht• luntl,. ut \",.r1h111 lit" l;~r­mau. •"Dll•fr>y,..<i :..:l•"l! tii\'!Miou• lu· fWertl h•el>TIUI-'1 :.!I 111111 'lao-h '!:.!.


"In Ow gn'l!t «•·rUllUl 111ta~·k ••f lHI"<. Uwy tl.!ed 14 lth·llt1Q1ho beiWN•n :\lun-b:.!lnuiiAwtll<,llntltll:.! .. r th<''"' ~:.,:; l]lvl-<l<ml!(.'t>IIC.,IIIMLI/•11 theh

Tnrnl.ne !<l lb.P UKfJ', II'<• lh.ul tl.U\1 uu AUJ.'II>!l 4. lllll lh•• Britl11b nll1'~' b.D.I}ll[lel;SI11lll .. )<>f11l),IJII.I)off!o-er:;;


In HUf 1\u- IIIUDb;•r .,f 111+·1..-.r· ~"llllt>l !'WVt.l nt -l~(t,(IU(I, Tbb doe.~



u1ariuf' JU>r 111 lh(' nu:tlllary ltt-'<·1 l>t

I>:ttn.>l 1'1.'1;..~('-t... !IIIUt'•t<Wt'<'J>l',.,_,, etc, 1'U"""'lBI'tarenllf'l!l~t;,o,IJfl0luuum-­

lof'r. 11hOnt l!J.IHI!i ot wlt1•ru haye ._--!,·o•n Uwirth·t•><1o their• •'Omnry . lu l!Jl~ mtn"'hl''""ll,..l'l> muntwrrd 1:.!, lllt•Y IlOW nnmllllr :Vli!U.

Til<' llgun·.~. too. fo>r lh•• rl'lln~J"lTt

~~;ork .. tth&llrltihnnvyllr ... lnrr•rM-1•~

":-llm·<:>wonbnlilf'Uifl lh•• na1':r ba!l

~~~ !lrftl"h arwl 111111 ''' lil<:tl't· •It

"Tho• 111.1.111)11 "''Llhln- wt:ntlf:a1 wJI,.,.Ioflh••:Sorlb'SI"'-,IUl.ll.rf"fliiU'~I'

fhlll l:orDHIII~. Itt> \llfiTt>llf<l IUCI'$·


"hlV'••• UJntlo Jh'\tfljb '"lln<h11'1' JlrD'J,..r lr-:u·o•Ut~~i 1 Ull(/,l)l)l) "~--uill,c.~ in hom~ W<llcn< tli<uw. In th~ .mm•• po•r1,-,-JIIIt'lliiLI•nJr1-•torll.\Uillla.rl'Y(\fe·

~ei~. IHI'hnlluJ: mtue--~w .. •.•J>er'ff nml Jllll~·•l-h•r..t.,., "'ll« O.OilU.0()0--:!50 thl1<"' lh" dt<:'llll "r 1111• 1dolw. Th!!.St:!

liJ-"'llt'~ 11111'1\IJ' i><~r .. ur Thr' f'.+.rnuul -~Lalfln.t•ul lhlll fh" Brllb<h UIIVY li'-"'1 !<Ill' lllll.llrt--,.,.lwllhulli~ tlt!lom;<es..

11• rt~1nl '" '''" u•ll·n.J bk>cknih.' It out) ,.,_. U!•t.~l tb.111, wb .. n>as In 1~1;;, :!:;11 out .,f 1.--41111 ~Wt•~ ll"lnded lb.<' f"ttrllfMojU!II)riU, JtttiH"l'Ud>•f 1:•1t>oml.r rttl<1ut ••f:l,(Jt\0 ~-·ofll'(lbe­b.lglut .. r•••'l'''"' In t•IH' moulll of 1!11< 11••1 th•luei<• "'"'~t!l tmdlllg with m•Hral ••rJ\hJt<h"' o;-h,.~l'<l rht> !>l'ortb .\tlautlt• 1111<1 .lr«tlo- l~i!U.UIO "-'IUIOut bt>ln~ ll•·hlll\>llllll ~~wlu ... l •

That !lack Order IV-+•1• p•ur l•:l111~<·r, ,ltf"Dilf'

...-rl!"' tlu• Q1DIIIIfllt'lllrt'f'' tbOagh your~"'"-"! ar•• <.>l'..rthll'. fore mvntb. or muytw:> tin•; II'" <·ll.n't hi!LI• it. jliea.l!<'•ltnz'l "'ll'llr, IAI>~Jr'II><CIItCt!

aut! "rN>! t>< rnrt•. C.11u'r ~N iron: cll.n'tg:e(tu\ul; thl"'<' nrf" lattll, tlarnt<J I! tlrt•y 11l11'f. llnrrY'I! •lrAft­

t.t.L. !<t~h< IIIII. gJI Ollr work~ D0\1' UJ' blll: 110 yonr unl<'r, '1\'o''rP ttfnlid, tw!Y ln• ,.rill 11 hit 1h•ll\yPd: ~<tul

J'OJI'IJ t::N II. 11"11'1 /It• ~t'Xf'd. \llll;fbl'

I b•·~u L.n.~tmruPnCal h1 lmll.~fl"r11ull: lo

oor allk"" ~~~ .. ~~~~Piilli "";~ T~~~~n bn~t~;,.,~l':, 't:: .:~;~~ J

II.C~~~:1°1• mLJIJ(>Il liln"< .... 1111<1 lhU\I'tl, l "Flv~ hunolred lll<•ll><~lal \'t'hkl,., "Twenty-fl•·r ru.lllltm 1"11" <1f n:o;;.

plt~'<illf'l< 111111 MlltJIIIe~.

"Yl!t,T·IItlt<mllll<•ll 111\l<!l 1or •1U nml 1 tn~.Lu a\lditl{ln. t:llUlUO.•ltlo !<)Ill'. of' 1 r,,.li.J lllld otlll'r lllatf'l'iAI~ 118.1'" bofofon I m .. Teol l.u Brltl~h 'hl~»~o

"'Dlis<;::~t t.a><lr hft-llnfll bPerl :u·hkl''-'d twlllvnl 1 01\.\uf e'l\,.lll<l<>tJ:

is the best remedy known for sunburn, heat rashes, eczema, sore feet, stings and bJisten. A skin food!


Page 6: ·ndealer - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/cns_news/ThePlaindealervol... · ·ndealer A WEI!KLY NEWSPAPER: DEVOTED TO TJfE INTEREsm5 OF Om:t COUNTRY AND


THt PLAINDEAltR, ST. JOHN'S, N EWfOU~N.:,::D~lA:;,N;,:;D;;..,_~-----=---==----.,-..,..---:=

RETREAT fROM MARNE ! I Sparks from 6en. foch's

Anvil! 191.10

uv~r lbt• fl"l"i\1111l.l th1tt ttllw tho• r1 t n'lll ot tb(· nrrnlt.,. {1{ K!url£ nut\

n r•uJun• troru U1•• lollllll'fltl•l •·f lilt• Marn~ In tilt' ""'"'"" wt-..•k ,r ~t-1• tl.'mbl'r, 1rn•. nn1\ muh•r c'(lll<litlnn"

ti'J•tr.o.turlnl;" \111"'1' ut lh<'t,.rlh•r t•o·rl•~l • ll('ft\.t,Jn Gerumu ftnny 1~ rt'lirhn.; trom ll.t~ llnruo•. '1'/u~ oltjeo-tll'•' ut lltll'll.ln h tile ohjN'Ih-t>(Jf Klllrk" floUr Tf'IIU">t IJIV. lit' I fl."l'k.JDJ[ to ""'>lilt' t bttlt'lldlr l.'w!Jnwe .. r 1,....., tkt"'"l"u" Alllt-d armll!ll •u.J tv •·~Ulhll~b hh< froutlwhlulitlw\"e>~io'Orlb<• \l. .. ne, wllt•rl' ho! t·nn makt•a '~~'~· "'""''·

'l'ill' l it'I'Willl l>lrl'll><hl' Wb thf•~•l· ftl on Tltul"lltlll)' ur ho~l w~k, It wa~ broken b,- tbe <'UUUIM' thru t .. t f'Ot h 1)11 FrilliiJ'. 1'bt' t'\"elll~ odh<.:t' t'rl•lar hlll"t' t"<•U>!JI'll•·•l 4 ,;,•nunu rLk

lrl'llt \\bleh btl~ flltouoly \.JI'lltlltbl uhOul t he t'l'Df'luH\tm nf lin• ~011th hunk nf lit{' :t.lllrul', •tntilM nrow hl!<'nmlug 4 $:"f'l1l'ntl \\·ltJulntwpJ trllw. tho• whole MllrnPfrootnn•ltbt•lbanoivum,.ut .. r 1/i{' ph1H nuu1" lu tlu· :O.tu.y .. tr,·u~l\·1:.

Till" l'fOlllt'w vt Ill~! f~t'nDIIn» ,.,hu-.e­l/1111 l'rhl"S ll1111 i.>('I'H IIJrou.•dlnut tlw \lrohlrm ot 1\lo"'k runr r~l!l"ll ngo--1u prlllf'llt thPir rlgbt nnnk will!!• llli'Lr ti'.Qll'fl "W4" dr~wn 11111 vf n •lllth-u1t •ntl otan~t<·rou~ l'(l"llluu_ Anot t<'J •lo Utt.o tht> (;rnn•u hn~ 1>~1·11 '"'"'''fiUy •uti l'rQQUt·nll.v n•twt.•r llUat,·kiH.Il; on 11.1! thP trunt ht'\\1"{'('/o f-:(1\~ ""~ 1\Wl (.'hlltMu 'rhlt'rr:.o. l·h· 1(1~1 C'hat.,llt1 'l'htm.v oa Hunthly. •uti thl~ ~.'fllr-d th<' f11.te or hi" 1..,..1ll<.>~:~>< <.>ll tllf' l~<mh hank ot tlu.• " •ruo•. n .. ha.~ "'' fllr f.alled to "'talc .. ""' lwo.::hl!t abon• .Sol."""'u",audunh-be-Mf"~l" tn

!Ill' IIIlmPIIinlf' I'Uiun• 111' ~·Hi hun• '" t'\'Q('IJIJUlfh('o•JJ,!"KI\<\IIIitllt'!o•rrJ­

tllty '1/Mltb nt ~ \hw tullu,.luJ: th• .\bont.a.ud lbP \'\!till• In Rhrlnu.

WhAt tblll rf"ln'llt IIlPIDt "'1 lhP military ldd~~ dt'Ar Thl' t'IINII\ haiJ llt'+nll('fu:it('tJottllut frl.'nl 'rwm

n·hit'b lw hPtJt~l to mo.kc n \\'hit, ~ll·lnglng lllllll'k u11on PnriS lwt"t'l.'h lltl' t)l.,oe anrl tba lf11rne. Elt' 1.-!t»<<n(l" It!~ rontn•l uf tbP P~tri"-San<'1 1'>111 road. whldl lh• •m In thl' llnot <hi)'>< u r Juut"-t\11! moot\ lmportutll llu~: uf F rtncb •·ouununl<·atlon !JI'Iwt•t•u 1111• rapllnJ flllll (1!1' ~tlkll'l'!l trn111 fTtl m,tl"· ""u Jlrtlllllhly will. ffl,...,lf'l' u" ht• tlhl four YNlnt 11~!"11. \\11huut l~t' lnM of an,. <"<II!R\Ilt•I"Cib\1" Ot"j:nhl~·•l )to•rtlon tot IIIH lltOI), hnt Ill' 1111~ 111

f'l'4d.TlOoltJ'<'I'Prnltln.t..,.al'mnn.rtttl­""fler~ llllll "''1'(•,..1 tlml'll 11" UIQily ICUIIII 111:1 Ill' <Ill! nt lht• IIr.;t Hntlh• of lh(' l\lolrnt•,•nolhl .. to!"M' aro·r•1ri'KI lnll'lntnr~tt'rdt~ordt•r

It '" <'flll< ... h'flbtl'IIIIH fll· l~t'I'IUIIl• nUI~II.bl<•tnntli)'OOLI.to•llnl'"t•rlloe UUf('l) Rlt"Pr. h11\fw11y l,ll'ill"<'I"U 1111.'

l lamPantiiJw Vf!611'. ~tnd llt" nfl!c lllllllml obllfftrh• t<> .\lllt•tltulnlJtt.oge. Thht llt•r,· ... ~lln.:-11 unlllr.l'\1. bl~llll!!f" tbe IIAnk nf thf' Ameri~'II.D tN:>r>J>fl t~

adnndn:!" "" lonth hanlu• "f tbt~ rlt"t•r. Fnlllux h<•rt• ht> lUll 1 ""l•llck IO tbl' \'l:~th•, llnd 1111~ lllt'~n.o< tht• t<Jtll\ uthlt'lltlu "' lht• llbPtw'-~'''"''01!~ !JIIil'Dt. N"or 1~ It ••crtnht !1•111 '"' rnn I IIOd ~~~ tho Veal~, ani) thO {Oik&J 11.nd natural GJICtltat1on u crw w om([

tu• fora rt't.reat beyonlllbo4Jsll:e tg lhl t;'l"t)UIId wlwr., h...luc~ ~tmul ou Ml')llf'n!Vl•r lit, 1111·1.

191a \ll 1-:un•J+l' hall Nturncol to t1111 tl"'l"Y or a.rm.-o\ uatlonM;·

TllP u1.>w kind ot wur tut~ twgnu, l\111 ltPO.rt~ 11! !liP ~vl•lli•l"' \!!lXI' llt'•

In thllo .. ltuiii!CJII \\'hill wlU Ill!' <oHIU•II Ul'W ll't•JI)1(111. "

o·::lt'my'!l 1\{'\t l.llli"P br ~ It \.; bll{hl~· "Tilt• athtf"k•r hili ~ :-;fllrttlllll "'(· IDIJll'(•lllibl;,•thath<' "·111 un•h·rt:H.k;,• i"rlorlt;r(l,.f'rlhPII•'f•·u•lf'r.'' any ••lllll'k thwal"ll l'r.~rhl aplnH <\If- · Wur. fiUidtln~ \u UJt Wl.tur~. I•N· lh"Ult toUulr}' t .. tw«-11 tll• Ill,.. JUiol noll" toni)' c.f t>nt~llho llll~U"i'fs; Thon• i\1~11<' II•• \UI>I b1't•11 tll•ft•oUNi t'll ~ llU fl 1111 Wi111VUI I'Ail"l'. U J't>U

tl<f' 1011111 sill" ot til•· ,,r,• r-11t 1\i>~rn- w\~11 your Ol!l\(llll'l"ll In wlthArllw. tl,.,. fnHII In hl..~ nllltd' U)lnl\ (;,111'1'~1 1Jt·ll bllll."' l.i(I.IJI'llU•I Itt ;w....-u lt!oriDl nn•l .\r· ... \:11tl• 11111 ~•·ln~htot·.~~. t~atlonal ::OJIH,.._.-<Idt'!!.lt'll Jl<t t OUlfth I•~J' a~ lo"l'CCIIIll'a!', ~~II W(\lll!l. liN:' Ul<Pd j<>l.nt to mltk•• n rt•IJI·"·al r>t llw ulr<·u.•h·o· IT~"'' war bl to .. nt."' un.llko y. llll't·buiN•wmJI•In"W"Ir't'lll "'lut•rdtr tu f:oll<fUI'r II b ~<otUI"Ia t<l ht• lwtWN 11 ncr.~ptlnlt 1111' th-!~n· Ito ht• m1 1'1' ftWl>ltlt~u~ li.U•I l'ttOIII;;"<'I'

11tv.~. 1, hkh" 1"<>1\t<.:~~J"n 1•f olo•f1-al rur llhftll l"llllr vt•t•ntll•nt." th" \\bt•h• o·nmpnt~:-'11, llltd launt'biull' ".\ wo<lt•ru nnnr I~ ru""U hy n• an altn<"k li[ll>ll tb<' Rrltl<~h lol'tWl't-11 Qj>jl<lU!'Ut who.;to hlM~ u( \VU' It~

tbe- :O:t•WUito fttul tbr "~· In ll ""''"1. 1 1d1Uihar: wb..-. will "" Utllt• all't'<:'Wtl h)

hut"IU!i: I<~~< I tbl> road ill l'•rila, lb..rt> I Jill)' hllli"IVD <•I' ti<I'D! .. Ihoo (I( b..lll-ltr

l"('IUu.ln·"· I'""' "" bl l!IH. till' "i•t•ur·l r11uQ. wbn will <'Ill)' ll<"knnW1h\;r<.> tuntts "' o~·k tbt> Chartnel J•Htt~ A!l\1 t('f.t wtwn nfl '''"'~'''r 1'1•11' or willln~ l"t'<>fllll Uti:' •·ru11t.'it lll'hlell Itt' lr"'t li('· to lia;"ht."' el~!n·1v In IJl'Uf'I'Hi l"O!'I~ In liu• bA.t· "T11 s~'l'k ~•R'I.IIY nrml"" !.u nr•h·t to tll"ii nt I lor· \"~rr 1111•1 \'"J•I'•·~. In U•·tuhrr Ltl'l\\ 111111 rl~trtJy Uwtil In tbl' •lllkk 1111J !\t't"l'IIIIIf'r 11114. , I Ullll ~un·~f ffitiiiJII."t, tUtl"lJ. h lh

\\'luH 1~ ~:ohtll' on now In th<• quntlr\-lnto.•ral hctwr·('n Uw :\tnnll1,

ltH' .\l~Ht>, !111• HhrltnM ~~lluul 111111 tlw !:iUll!l;mJr<\'ilhtNLII 'l'hlt•rry tro1H H >I .;t-Mt.,. t>t Yloh·nl tffil'lo:1111rt1 I\ IInck~ tw thr lh•rwnn- dp;;lf:lh'U ID lw\tl ba<·l;; jJll!"-"TIII wltJl,•lb\•l•·.trlt<lr;r llllll'lug

I.'Yli<'JU\tt.U pf heo.,·r urtlllo•t~·. munl· t:lou" lind trn<ofl~- Tlw tl<·tlllllll se~·m~ ~o hll\'l' ul>Jtiii1QIIt••1 1111 llopt• vt re Sfiln\ng \tltil 1'/:rt!Uu<l 1•r nf 110\tllu~

lo-ouutmvdtru w11r." "llf nil mi:ttftltt·~ u!ll)' O!l(• oil><

11'1"111'tll'ul, lna<:tlon." "Wlwn l ht• "'II'IIIY 1\tllll'k~ we IJ, ..

llllJ><'rll1••tl 1"~\thu pl'tUllii<'Dtly. --Wiutt wr uri' .,..lnlt" arp th" nonnat I 1\"·th INt•·Jt..,·nrol ~~ 1 ur r .. elrcuw .. hllll"t'll of 11 troro•,.,J rttno&l 1vugh.:: . . '"I" a..I'U'rll mllllllt}" t!Pf<'flt "bl<'b bn~ 111•1 'I'' u WOI.IIItlt•l. '"'" •uti reo<ullt'tl lu lhP olt.,.lntdlt•u .. r 1!1•· hnrrstn,: ~<lol\, ~

tnsht~t aruJy. t:n.-1• with hi~ l<f'lll' <J( "ar. It

1-:n f11r t.ud··nolorll' hit 1111•1 111~ l>t· olt "'"'"· !&l~h·e 'IHt'<.'ked. nu•IK 1•mml•·r·oll't•D- llnrd hi · Inn till 111ln111d"l h ·t'" hllfJ Ct>lliJI<'\It»J bill r~tf"\'1!1.1 OUI ot

m .. mu><t hnponttnt ;.;ruulld (;"n.111•~l tn thi! wbu1 .. •·umpah.'11 .r 11<1' l•f•"lll y(.'llr, Ill~ hi>'<{'M lu t•rl~o•llt r~. tn11HI o..nd mnt••rhtl ur1• ~b•• J{tuH•·~I In l:o•r lll.llll m111to.ry hl•tOr~ , 11110\ <!II•' \111~

tu IIIQ\1111 lu JPUII It> nn<l II fllrRl1•1 l.a l'n1olnn b.\slur,-_ llut 1o! linn,!"

btl:< out h<'<"tt rouio·•l " ~llto<•t•~m r<'U n,IJ lh~ l'nr,.~llln 1r1~W nt Jt·nn, null

lllt' t:t•rrunn I~ Hkllfutl;- n•ll1"1u~ lu lll"Ohl HUJlf!'Tii<• oll~IIMf'lr. Willi ll!>J'Or t·nt c•rotnl~•· .,r . <I•'•'•· ~

Unt If lh\'1.·~ I till a l'lt•Jr !lmll lt•tiH't-.tll'lll••!tlwllllllltr}'lhf<111 l.;('I'WIIUY IIIUI ~Utf1:ool. !lUI lillll'lll til~· u.~tt'r nlr•"lltly n'llt:hr lh•• ll'flol uf

tbv Ur1:<t lont!l~ .,r ""' ~lur1w 'l'l dO(OW oof tilt• tlHDUUI t"IIIUJOitlt:\1 uf

1!11" ~,.Nn~ •tl"llnii .. JY -~~ J. .\. 111r.u !ulr-l"lr•llll,.. II•· .\.1 Ut lllll h,.V.Ih•

(.O,;rmnn Abtnll "'"~""' h wttN f•mr Yl'ftr.oltii;O n••!:l :-;'1•t•Uilot·r, with uul) llb mluurt:nlu' In l'l<llrti) anti t1llu dt't"8111 lo!thlll"l'R J(IM !hi~ )"l'llr WIJ\f-IJ

!IIUsl lljiJ•rt>Xhlhtlt' -II 1111\11•111 I';$~1UlJ

II~. no·IULM flllil'tl I" II"''' hl>o <It'd ian ht hi all .. ttt't) IIIII<" l!PW, "" )h

f.lnt'tl I<> >:•I II ill !lot' >IJ"'IIho~t ohtJ~ of llw 1\ttr. Til~ .\lllt•rL•"'" .. rtlh·n. ,..,b,.,.hlln•ol wllh tht• l"r•·lwh llu glowy ot till' t•re>'<'U[ \· h-t~>r.t 1(11\"1' Ill· t..lm.ak pru<or llm1 .\llhl'lnl hnol 11rrh·· t'd ltt Ull\1' ttU<t th11t Ill", . .,,, •~JIIl'nt"t' tJf IIU' UUII,.illu •·t·li"l"''' li:t~o· \.Jo •·n li•Jlliltnlt~l •dlht•tll , 1 II < H~•·•tU~U~ !ll tL.o; ur tu 1/111' \Ill!,. Fnrni,; II Slnun•u1lh•,

1'ht< Wo1rk !If li!'II'~!Juu tll.Jl>< Iii'"" tt

•"•'"l"' ot •·vnflth·u!lll! ••lt·rk><, wbn."L''"il

IRELAND DOING fULL DUTY ::::···~;.7.::~:.~:~:~:.~;:,,·;;·:;;:;: MaiJY l•ftilf1lltll"t' llllt•l1 '"""w"" !l>til<llhlrurl'tn'·l•. 'l"ltt·•"•afttr .. ur

Nearly Sixty Per Cent. of Her Man Power Hod ::;u,·;~,.~·~~~~~~-:~~~~:~~:~:ut~11 ::.;·;~;~7: 1

Volunteered up to January. :;~ ~:; :l::~~~.:~;;.,l:~:~tl'r can IJt> T•lt u

llomt~ .. r !lot• ml!odve<t r

It lrt'!IIIUI W<·h' Pr<H;crmRn olo I mucll "'""11 lhr lrl.•h thlll lw l'llnnnt I ::~,:' t f, MIIJI~~~~ ';:~:uu~:~.::-,1:'~ l"OO lltl\IJitlMI' t!-".l i"'t •"t!l!L-nut li lH It• l'Xjtf('><wlnl:" htw~"11t lronl!l)· nt IIU W• r•·o.l hy tJu• t•tll" nntl tolgm-.1 !•"

~:;:::].!::~::.~::··:~.::;:;::£~:.~ ; ~~~:~· :::£·:;:~:·:.:·;;~::: ;:::: ;;,::;:~::::~:.·:· . .'~~:~.:;~~; .. ,;, "'It~~~"'"" pro·UermJtll •'ll.n YOU ean llt'l~tptrj~<r Wi'fl "'"-' ln•l Wilh l.olie 1 thHf bl, 11 !If' h plnnl'd Ill

luut«tn~> ·IO.tHHI nr ~0.000 men ~u-~· Ill,. r .. ..,., ht th\' On<! o·o<ltJiu ,,r th" 1,tt .. r tnl"ll hH~r. &IU! ,,11 lh\

ll"~·~1111" ~lm·•· thl• uc_•rt~tnl! lo lltlblln' yHJr. ur llw rr11r," "''""'''· "lml'on ~~r~·'' trtrn :1 ytutlw\ .. r It• cun I t )IIU lnww \lhnt the me11 1rtto tl01<1' UJI "h••r(l Yf•U o•uultl 1:"1"1 !ILl' lo•ut, l!•llllll llhn th1, wr\t,;r l!r ru1<t

hut•r h~o•u thruu!l"ll th~>l.mttlw•lll'!lrtp "tutlo·~ (lrq l.t:unl. uu•l nut r~rl£'r th1•y n·hnl tu• hiU< to pti<!<!'HL Fn"\lll'lliL) -offle~"" II( 1111 ntnkM In llll!lrntlt"i- 111!.11 filb•r(.,llhn•lll:"ll. T1u•r•· 11"•111111 !>(' Ill! i'rt• Llf'lll I~ l'lltno•h•ntly !nt,r• r wlw kllolw ur ruri<~M• ''lll•t"' turnln~ mmclhlusr "llrth ll"Tilhtll ~lk•ul. ••I h.l u,.. tyrl. f tu o·nu~l- him to ~'<1lol ~h•· title To tlrtory, or IIU)JJ"•'!l'Unlllt• •• \:«w, rnltul )"nil. I ntu not 11111k th •liJnh·l<'tt,.r. ~"mL·Ihu•·~ lhl' 11 ,11 Jllnte.t CUflllltt.'tl, vr dh•l:th.Ht_,., :res lng t.'OWT~rlJ<om~. f.,r 1111 <~ur tn"'l'~ llll.tlfi••nti•·U 1>. r<fcmltl l.ll n l..'.aloluf'l WhOII' Q~llll('fl hl'\llif I'II.Yell by lrl.r:tll tougllt 1\"lllo !h .. J,:ft•otl<'~t ~tllril- · r <llllo·<r, lu WIII<'J! I"U~t' lht• l'TI/> I~ rl'•

lrOOPIJ, lOU would l!aven t('llll~· tuls· ~f'(ll<•h, t;nllll~h. \\'1•1><11 """ f11•tnl11 · '"h" .r til lh" 1\'hll<· !louse Jill<! Jllr•tl wtr to ~hoae wbo seeu1 tv tlllnk I!JnJ ion ro"'''"· \lut kumo·ll•"' ur qJltt•r It•• 1'1<"~1.., r ... r d;JJrJJy ntt• n>o\tln;


;;,~nt;;::~.on~ J1tue. aut! are tlolu)r n!}o ~,s:;:~:,t>'l;e:~~~~~t!:,, ~:1t1:;~~~:~~ •• n:~·~~ ot•l·l•~• ';~·~rt~ftr~';;.,,1'~~;:;.l';;;~~~";b~•~lt We are dqloJr uur nghtln~; In lhQ Ill du•· tu Thl~ fH,.t. 11.11!1 lu th, l~:n»t· ~· fuill" In!" ._.111-11 ra" .. hefon• .,

Jltesern biK pu~<h. WI' ne~~luu "Pt•ltl· anti' ot th•• ''"*"!" lrf,.h •tu•· u .. u 1•~- t•lylnJt. l:"fl'll, no d~t• n•·e. Our ~tandard~ to•\1 l.ht' IIIIJ•er.t hl'rl', "ut•l<1<·m••nt•~l b~· \\"hr u n lltr,te nuut\u•r or Jlt!r"llll" The &tory," <"aUie>< rrom> u•·n.>"M Lbur Uf!' urT!·u 11rlh· nn Th1• 114111~ ~ubJh'l the IPtten-

lll~~~-~~~o"' ~{;"J!:aheF. ~~: =t:~·~~~ '~:r.:-~~~l~"~,;!:~l'<~·~~~·r: :.:-~:~~~~~::~~~:~ ~re ,'~": JL~h~~·~·~:fl ::~~~ ~!bB':~u ~~~ ;~~~~:Mru:: d~bl~:' ;:::';:m r:cttlnar 11t IM tht• u'.~.:ll'lr\~:~; .. 11 ~;11~':! :' t~:":!~r l!tllahon ot tht' Jrlllb RuftrcJ11 a IJa<"ellt tf«•lllt!l" llll!f bP("ll.\1 :e '""ll~•·rlfl- "" •"ho uiJ'H n •Jitl'••rrnt vlf'W"

:•~.::ao~hun~~~: ~~rt~~~o:tw~~::~ ;;:fll;~7 ... ~:·r~.~: t;•;. ~~:,::~~~~;· ~:~.~ udweutfmm,\u-tnllllltn••u\M. ~:~;;·~~::: ;t"*'r:.:;n~.~~~;., ~::~ CASTOR JA

.-..amem•·nll>uf,uo•oftht>llntllo th<"blJrl,..t"·.ntat bnw".r"''"""nhl h • Nete ot hhl MkU\1 Wh tnrn 11\1"11~ that th .. re Wilt 4 l'OII ldl'riii,Jt,• IIIII• F or Infants and Childrl!ln

lt~ls no\\· uuJ'l'(·rutthur duty trllh Tho· KOnlsuJ nnJn~t th,. l•lau •uupn~ lit~: In Use For0ver30Yevs

llkll t o tn.lk f'll:l!l:'pt 10 hi!!: doal' ihe Lor1!~<; that it. wna not ln•lnntl s~en:1':e oe ~~ B r!Uab mluhm b~rr:. H~ t!OO~ not men In NnqllllHl lu tit<" ('!liUUIOII~ nnd I AlW&Tfl be1.t11 ,.,j' ,,~

trlenda, but be bu hi'ard autl n,•1UJ ~~oo ulone thn.l obJeeted."-Doaton l'Uot.


!\nwr\<1111 ••tnl"inl~. wtt•• o·onthwu~ly

hnl"l't'r' e•fif•>rn•·l~o:..rnll•hfl"!:"J"O ... l<ll"t· l"alnjl$.11-"11 n! tht' t'tltlh ~l p,, 1

bl" Ill• •n•·lll 11nd \\lth nlh·utl• o t~•n· •·•nlmft·tlt.Wth•·n-l•.•J•·ru trout. to lullo•n•ltUII (•tu>nr:h •·touhllw tiOUI'>

thl" yPIIr tu pre1~•,... t.lw \I"IIY fvt n l<Unt h\1111: llllUI9TY 11\tJUI!'h IlL':<\ Y<'4f.

"'"''~ n ... tull .\mi:'Tirnn 11.nnY I•~· , . bl 11\"HUIIhl<•- T\11' I" rh~<l •'u\"I:'J'<~l

IJ\ t' rltualt.'ll r .. r.~tnlt m~nl an•! l~l!~f"'rtntl••U <ot tr•~•l•" nno1o•r tlw ~u· il>tl:"o~l llriUY t•lilu J,. Hl!tlt·n<Jnud to . m· ltup t" nt>Tf ~t•rhiF

\ ll"· t•r•jl'C"l ut tm•h•n<t.~~><L al

thlttil!'lllw <lHalli; ""'"""'' .. btllllial>ll'. It bl cOUh'IUfl\nll'fl f<l )1\I""C Ill/ l\1'mJ" "f tal·~lantlttllr :}.111)0,(1111! .\.ml'1'1Un

11"0~ 1• tu frnur•• h•·fo\rl' tht• ~tH1\JJ: ,.1,1111'"1'""'11 oJli'M·.1•arkl•tl h)' ~.IHlO.uun w•·r<· ttl \l<lll.l<'- m .. du~ f(•rwartl 11!1 o· ····h"'l lu thi~ I'(IIJh<~·tlun lullm11 ll•>ru< lh.nt !be IJrl~bh ltllt"<!: mD.<h' t•xlrll••rclhmry etTnrl~ '" tt•n•·••ntrJI.tt• II'<IIIJ"' nu til<' •n~t~rll frmH In lht• 111~1 ro•w uwnJhij ilt"i'!'ll11f' hn·r~n~lngly ~l:mlt\t•ltll l L't>lll\[Coll\"\1\t Ill..- h'rt•UI"!l 11nd .\lll"rh'l111 '.'tl'u1'1~ thi>< lfivl's Jlro­IUIMf" nf ~w·lt u•···rwllt'illlhlll' tun•f

11 '''" hntll•· u ... :u Yt·tlr tlmt 11 com )>IU11l"tol,t "burl !UUI Jo\ttt•r f\trill ntft ...,. Uw b-«1" ,J.,..·I•J.~I lllld !Ill' t:o•;mnu urmy tlrlHu IJ~youtl tlw IJhhu, tr It b ""' tlo'Jtlr<~r•'tl l.ll lb•· n,;~,



~ !!

I ~~




DRAPERY : HARDWARE : 6ROCtRY : STORE Tht<Se !'torts are alwavi stocked with ~rytbing 1pper· taiuing to the general business of the Colony_. . We either hAve what you nquire, we will get It, or 1t llln'l

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~n the Empire's c.t~.ll to arms tl1e order of selecdon

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The Government r~cugnize~ !hat war- is more

tragio.: :md its effccts molre senous when the killed are married men with fam.ilics. You may not be going to the. front, but if death shoJ1Iol call you to·tu .. rrow-:md you mu.st ad"_lit the IJO~sibility-what woulo.l happen i:o your w1fe and yvur little ones 1 We'll tell vou abf>ut an Imperial Life Policy that will prOteCt them against sllcll a calamity if you'll till .-,ul and return tl1e coupon bdow.

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September 9th and 10th. September trth and uth. St.'ptembtr lJth and q l h.

. September 16th a nd r 7th .

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ROBERT ALSOP, Clerk to the Tribuntt l.

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