't ._,. ·, ':..• . ..' r r .T .... •J . . ,i. ; ' 6 CYLINDER VAUXHALL TI:IE BEST COMPACT ·CAR OF ALL Terra Nova Motors Ltd. THE DAILY NEWS uss1ans 1re ISSIe --·-------- Dies Fire --· In C':Uli'IH:LLTO:\', :'\.A. l'l'·- Yire Thursday dcstrnycri a · thl'l'NIDl'C)' downtown build· i ing here ami claimer! the life 1 or Rnhrrt )lm·men, ahnut 50, · Ptt'dril'inn .<nn of Mayor 11. K 'lat·nwn of :\n of riamal!r .11'ait· nhtr. ear y , 1 es· Misses· Target By Slightly Over A Mile ,, Ry ST:\:'\LEY .JOHNSOI'\; \IOSCO\\'- \P -A Sodrt fired! from onr· third of the tlw ".,rlrl rni,,rrl it. in mirl- l':ll:ifk IH· sli::hth morr tlmn " milr. the Russians annonnce1l Thursday. The \hot into :t 111 nl:mttl I.IJOO nf Jl;;w»ii Hred from a dislRnce of abont 7.ifl0 miles, 'aid the official Sodrt ne"s II "''" hrrP n' the of a scries of multi-slll)!C haiJi.,tic mis.1ilr1 intrmlrcl for !tmarcl 111ch as \ <'ttns ami Thr nnnouncemenl, ahnul 2·1 honrs aftrr U.S. military authorities dilr:lri1rrl rlctecti(ln of th,. cnntrmlil'l••d rarly sprcnlntion hy Washin,:ton officials that it 11ppnrently hy hundrr1h of milc1. T:tss said tlw rlnnn'''' nose cone hit the wnler only 1.2·1 miles from "the pre-drtrrminrrl point .. at 'I.O.'i r.\1. nt•sda,_·. \loscnw timr I:m· P.:\{. AST, a£ter the n!.'xt In la1t stagr disintcgral<'cl nnd hurned in lht> alm<Jsphrre Phnnt The fire with an !'X· 1 plosion on the second nom·. 50 miks 1111. lk,ll'll)'\'n wrrr thr nnlt•r nffiC'c of thr '1'. Enlon 'lari· tinlt' l'om;Jmt;• Limitert and bnkl'ry on lhr. !lour, :111d a numbr1· of renter! rooms on the second and third floors. 'Its cnuse has not been de-. ---.. ·---- .......................... ---- ·- .. ------·--·-- ........ - .. . ··-- --- ·---···----------·-- --- I ' !ermined. The blaze, first re·: The l'1;1im was a dramatic • 20.000 feet and "we actually· ward from that rould: 160·mile areA nf ported shol'lly before noon, couillcr to the disclosure by! looked down on the explosion reach nearly any point in the: llawaii between .Tan. 15 I was well under control by late , President. Eisenhower in his which was at 2.000 feet.'' l 1 United States. i Feb. 15. S.\.\' Flt\.\'CISCO-Primc :\lin,islcr Nobustike Kishi (left) of Japnn is pic· afternoon, ! state of the union speech that Speculation in Washington. The announced Tass said the flight at more tum! as he left het·e carlv Januarv 17th for Wnshington to a j ·. . i · . d 14 · 'lJ.S. Atlas missiles had was that the rocket was fired Jan. 7 they intended to fire, than 16.150 an hour, · One fnemnn 11 as . n.JU!c SI'OI'cd hits less than two miles 1 from Tyura Tam, in the area powerful rockets for space ex·j"corresponded With the .out· Sn·urity 'l"n·aly hclwrl'll country and the United Slates. At right is ! Three. were i fi'Om their. tnrgets at a range i of the Aral Sea in southern. ploration into the central Pa- lined 1\nidtim Japanest• :\mhassndor to the U.S.-(UPI Telephoto). · 1 ! for tunc w len. n 3 or 5.000 mtlcs. I Hussia. Rockets oi the 7.0oo- 1 · cif.ic and warned aircraft and 1 the h1.gh . of the- --·------.. ----- ... -----· -----. . •• _ .. ____ I tclhng collapsed 3 1 the militat'\' officials I to 8.000-mile range fired west- sh1p to stay out or 11 280 by 1 rockets gutdtng s}slem. i or. the but tney escape said. Thursdav their' later in·.--- .. -·--- ------------· .. -·---- Breakdown Seen In Deepens In Spears Case Ral "lway- u nl·on Talks I·. tl .The burning of the next-to·' PliO!-::\' IX. :\ril. .-\P.--1-:f·. linet• near Bulil'ia, X.l' .. Jan.' •.,;,, Ji,h'rt dend in that 1 o.·smlsse' Ja>'t Stage, as clP'<'I'ifled by forts to Ullt'3\'t'l the 6 1\'t're l'iltiSPd fl)' IJO!Ilfl<. tt'<!gt•<f::. eow, 3Pilarently accounted for· of a long-time criminal who Spe!'ltlation centrrd on 'l'!w dll ""rl had . the report of Capt. H. A. Gray, turned up alive after being; the possibility that William. •·ome to l'lt:•rni.< :\'ol'. 20-- '11•\li:E.\L. CI'--L'onlral'l nwnt since the Sc•·nnd World: dh·el'tly lm·oh·ed in the run· an Australian airline pilot who li!;Jed as rlead in an airlinrr Allen Taylor of Tampa, Fla .. four days aftrr the Gull rrash bNII'I'rll 1 h !' \\'ar came after federal con· 1 ning o! trains. tCP)-An appeal said he ,aw a bright crash were cloaked in another PX·conl'ict and a -apit lived 11 ith Dr. 1\'illiam 11131or rat!ll·<•)·- a1111 tltrir nnn- eili:•tion prucee!lings or arbi· The unions arr !or bv 14·1'rar-nld Stcnn 'l'ru>cotl, flash bnlh ;:oing off'' 'fhursda)·. friend of Spear.<, tonk thP --).t'l'urska in a desrrl hon:P .. uni1•11• ;u•• In he II'· a seven-per-cent pay raise plus In he hau;.:rrl h•r, tile timr gh·rn hy the Rus· · An informrd sourre lnlrlllir fatal rtight in near :irw Rinr. 40 '\;mcd Imlay lf direl'l ue.twtiations he· an additional cents an Hl fol" lhc of a 12-yc;u· -iians. Jle he ptottrrl the Phoenix Gazette rxplosivc<. plat·<'. , · norlh nf Phnrnix. !:<tlnn tl'r arc lll'<'t'n nf!il'ri'S of the railWII.VS 1 hour. 'l'his is understood to old ;:irl. was rc.icclrd Thnnd.' ;,rlir,·ed the wcrr fpunrl in the of · Trn .• •;&rl\ ;nformcrl '"Ltrr·<' qtrl lor;;•l••rt f"r a hrcakdJI\11, imd joint for I work out to 25 cents an hour hy the Ontario Cottl't of Appe.li. · rul'kt•\ t•::pi<Fird pr,·maturr[)•. llr. Rubt ; vrmon wii':i·'lrlcntifit·n· worried aftPr ':ctlhcr o,irtr would l'nmnH'nt · non-ripcralin;: employ·: in a twn·.l'ent' <:onlt"act, · . . . . , al 21ll) mitrs from the tar· l•.·hn was srizrrl hv I•'BI agents: lor's. hearing somp nl the clr<'UIIl· 1111 lhr flns:-ihilit;· rt••i hrcak down. the unions The csllm/llc tltrsc .. lusllre .\hntstrr ultnn 111 ': zom·. ! in l'hornix 'Irs. :\lieP SlrriP Ta)·illr thr l11at thr \;;lk< wl1il'lt tw::an likcl.v will nsk lhc federal wonlcl t•ost them ch('atrd prcl'lously thr rlral.h H'll·' lie said hP {l)·inll: nl j Phoenix FBI l'llic£ Edward satrl in Tainra was l'Oll· morcrl inl" two months rna)' lnhor tlcl>nrtment to appoint $65,000,000 a year _nnd I( ex· tt•nrc not he .... --- .. · - ....... ·-·-··· ... Boyle would nrithcr ron ,·inrrrt her former hmbnnd motel Tuesday and railed lh• n·ach a stalt>matr. ian arbitr:ttion officer or. a; tended to Lhe runntng trades,, He. the federal cnbmct, 1:\'AII:IIISSIBt.E, nor deny the report. He i had died in I he place o[ Spear.• Ffl}· . . . . . · thrr<'·.man board to deal wtth' $07,000,000. . . • ll.ts prep.• red to. commute I he 1 The .appeal was based on a: there would br comment pl?ne. Taylor 1s hrltl •n ltrn nf HoWL'' cr. 11111on sources s:ud thc dtspute. I !he wage ratsr the . sentence 1f the appeal :statement signed by Truscott! on the inresligatton until nnd : mtssmg stncc the plan: s tak••· hond on a rompla•n.l. 1 hr parties. arc as fa1· apart Matn Issue , ratlways have s.n.td, 1\ ould , fatled. i and ruled inadmissible as evid-1 unless formal charges arc : orr from Tampa for :>:; Or· mtcrs:atP tran ,pol· nn 1·aricus hm·c .The mam issue Involves , represent the equn alent of a ' Truscott who was found, encc at his murder trial nt, filed. ' : lean,, . . of a rat olen frnm hr,. 11 in pa>t nnd IH:.:hrr for the non-oper·' 30-per-cent general Increase, guilt of murtler in the Godcrich. Ont., last September Spears. 65, a hurty Dallas 1 rrcetved a mml_cd I aylot. that C\W\" t·ollcctll'<' agree- I nltng workers, employees not' in freight rates.· 1 Y 1 I' f 1 t L. naturo•>ath carrving 5100,000 i $37.500 policy from a life Secondary Charge ----- ·__ 1 > 1 rangu a 1on °t p aymat ed The appeal was dismissed on in insurmicc was listed, surance vending machine at The charge obviously arpcr no pre sen urmg · . . · ' · . · · 1 , · t · d t th FBI' · tet·est d Ch w t h 1 :all grounds tn a JUtlgment wl'lt· as a passenger on the Natwnal1 Tamya Internat10na ... 1rpor 'ccon ary o e s m . Re In a an S 1 c appen · 'ten by Chief .Justice Dana Pnr· Airlines plane which fell into ' two days after the crash. i in the plane .crash. . . , The girl's purenls arc from· ter ami concurred in by the, the Gulf of :\Iexico No1'. 16. Knew Suicide Bomber Spears wa11•ed 1 N.B. ·other four judgt•s. killing 42 persons. Authorities also ha1·e been: hearing, has --------·-- .. --------·-- -·· ·- · .... - ; Crashes Linked 1 told that Spears knew .Julian' for h1s Ina! m t:.S. dtstmt S 0 D t :- .... M I Thr l'il'il APronautie., Board Allen Frank. :"ew York law·· . . ay n lsar mamen N D t the Senate aviation :vcr insured for 5900.000 and! Like Spears. 1urska IS 8 . 'il ew ' . ept. ee s : rnmmittee are ,u,pcctcd as a naturopath-a_ sort of ltcalrt' . thr pos>ibilit;· that this l'l'ash: bomber in the :\'orth Carolina who usect nrtthr.r rlru2s nor n.'· JIO'i.\LJ) F.\HQUL\11 llll\1'<'1'<'1'. any international confcrt>nce-at whil'll China i anrl onr of another :"\iilional air· cra>h. Frank i> one of 34 prr· • >tti'S:l'r:-·. l't:Kl:'\(i. ncutrrs _ Ill' II llisnl"tnamcnt a;trcemcnt which will not he rrprcscnlrrl - · I p bl '·- --- --------------------- -------· .. - ('h;na notic!' On thr al'l'ii'Cd at without (ormal WOU]d reach on: mpor' tant ro· em \\Pfltl it \\'RillS partici)lalion nl lhe Chinese "concrete. measures [01' !lis·; 37 I PI Crash i rr - ' j,; particularly alk<·lerl hy I e n . an e rli•umamrnt. ' of course ha1·e any blndmg . . government plans tn co-m·din· the Ierl!'ral decision, new This was how many nhs<•n··. fol'l'e on China." hope Ln 1 ale forest rcscarl'l1 across thl' · Quehr•· Consct·valive :\10:\'TEGO IHY .. lamait-a.' shert of swamp water north rrs here interJlrcted a slate·' The standin,:: cnmmillee a JOtnt at i country without infringing i said. But all prnvinct's woulrl. AP--A Colombian airliner,, of the runway. With passen· mrnt hy Forri!:n :\lin· passed a resolution t!1e rnd o! a VlSil hy an 1 on provincial jurisdiction I bctwfit. , runnin;! behind scl!rclule on a I get's and crew caught upside Yi to a. session of : couched Ill the same terms. government dele· I meet with r 31 01 . in Quebec,/ · : south from Xew York, i down in their safety hell.•. lhl' !tandtnll: comm!ltce of the i Want Part In Talks · gat!on., . 1 Senator Henri Courtemanche : . . I turned over on its back. ex- I blasts and flames followed. :iational People's congress,/' Observers said Communist '1 he Sov1et. prOIHlSal for gcn· said Thursday. 1 tor trc.!lcrlck Riots, ploded and cau;:ht. fire in I Gasoline fed the fire. China's parliament. China appeared to be form·· et·al disarmament was put for· 1\loving the traditional ad· : PC·l\'.o1·a Sent. Ia n_ew I landing at this Cal'ibbean re·l "I could hear thrm scream· Chen pl!'aded firm Chinese 1ally staking claim to ward by Premier, Khrushchev dress in reply to the Throne / appomtee, saul m secondmg sort early Thirty- ing up front", said one sur· for the Soviet pro· part In world disarmament at the United :Nations last Speech Senator Courte· the that he hopes seven persons including a vivor. posal to reduce armed forces talks at some stage before September. It called for who resigned Tues· for.estry . department legiS·· Canadian priest were killed. Quebec Priest Killed by one-third and the appeal to any e!fectlve glqbal agreement ducllon of Russia and Chinas day as secretary of state and latton wtll propose _great:r :':line survived. The canadian priest was other countries to follow suit. Is reached. armed forces as well as those was appointed to the Senate federal aid to the provmccs m The crash threw the plane, a Rev. Guy Arbour of st. Johns, Then he said: "China Is They noted Chen's speech of United States, Britain Wednesday said proposed tbe effective utilization and . S2 000.000 Supereonstellatlon, Que .. a professor of theology to commit came two days after China and France as part of the creation of' a new department conservation of forests. I o;to its back in a shallow at Manizales Seminary, ncar lt.o;p][ to International obll· officially expressed hope that fh·st stage toward total dis· of forestry lor this purpose 11ations to which It agrees. the :\lay East-West summll armament within lour years. meets an important problem. ! The new department - Ill'! combine research formerly : carried out by both the agri· . culture and resources depurt· : mcnls-will make it possible to "watch over what Provi· ' dcnre has given us and give · Cnnada's forest Industries the scicnllflc information they Receives Big j nel'd.'' Queber. the higgpsl pulp , Kishi. cal'ttrst little man which cllcmplifies the splcn·: ancl paper produrcr in Can· . In Ottawa Kishi Welcome ,JACK HA:\D Canadian Press Sta(f Writer OTT,\\\',\, CP - Prime :\tin ister o b u s u k e flashing only an occasional 1 diri ta·adltJuns of ----------·-- ··· - ------ smile, flew into Ottawa Thut'S•I Mr. Kishi and party· 9 day and was warmly weV came het·e In a transport de· i comed on Parliament Hill. "jlartmcnt Viscount fro m J,caders of the political par· Washington, where he S!lP.IIt li•J::ota. Colombia who nn his· way back to South Amer· ica after 11 holiday in Business people and •·ationers made up much of the It was the fourth fatal airline accidenL of 1960, boosting the death toll of such crashes in the first three weeks of the new year to 162. Four passengers and five of the seven-member crew es· raped from the flaming wreck· age of the plane, the Avianra Colombian .National Airline's flight 671. Rescuers found them wet and bed-raggled, but apparently not badly hurt. The passengers were two Dutchmen employ!'d by the World Bank in Washington. Hendrik C. \\'ytzes 36, anti R. :\. D. Loven, 54, and an Australian couple. :.\lr. and :llrs. Jan Kelton, en route to home in Ecuador. Escaped Through Door Stewardess :.\1. Abad direct· cd them out through a rear emergency rloor, then fell .o;i· lent in shock. THE COUNTRY PARSON tics. In the Commons gt·eelr.d 31,2 days and sh:nerl ·the nr.w the 63-year-old prime min· Japan·UI)ited States mutual Isler and his foreign minister, security treaty. He will be Allchlro Fujlyama, in brief here unLJJ noon today at -the addresses of welcome. Invitation or Prime Minister Mr. Kishi sat in the Com· In Miles Up Rocket WALLOPS ISLAND, Va., AP-A six-pound girl monkey : took a rocket ride more than nine miles up Thursday In a . new test' that advanced the . chances of successfully launl'lt· ing men Into space. A forward escape hatch saved four others of the crew -Capt. J. Duque. co·pllot H. , Arango. fli;:ht Pnl!incrr .\r· ' mando Espanos and pttr!''l'l' r. ' Riano. mons gallery, next to Mrs. John Dlefenbaker, wife of the Canadian prime minister. as the party leaders spoke and parliamentarians t h u m p e d their desks in applause. Later he visited the red· carpeted Senate chamber and sa'- to the right of Speaker 1\fark Drouin as further ad· dresses of welcome were de· livered; .... . Then he spoke a few words "Gpat td!n are not · ereated or his own In ,Japanese, ex· at the rate or hours a pressing pleasure at being 'ftelt:." "here in this solemn chamber t . SNOW STORM IN SAHARA ALGIERS, AP - A storm caused a traffic jam In the deep Sahara Desert Thurs- day. Heavy snows In the high Atlas Mountulns ' around PJclfa cut the road lending across 1 he desurt to A lglers from the t'quatnrlat Chml. A one-ton space capsule, with Miss Sam Inside, success· fully underwent a simulated ' cmergeney escape from the rocket wli!ch propelled It i 48,900 ft>ct high. 1 'l'ht> h•st was lirsigncd p1·i· · nmrily tu t·ht•l'k th•• radio· Radio l'et>orts said SCI'I'l"al ctmtrollPtl nwchnnism !J v I hundred vehl•·lcs, snme army whi•·h it is hoped tlu• li1·e·s / and some belonging tn an ex· of human astl'Onauts will be tenslve archaeological expcdi·l saved if they run into trouhl!! tlon were stranded in the big 1 during .fuqtre rocket launch· oasis_ of Ghardla. ings, / ' the · n't't'nt on!brenk uf :\I ali inl'idcnts in Germany. demonslt·ntors murch outside the Gemum Embmsy here Jmnmn· 17th. An cslimnted :m,nno pct·sons lt•d hy Jewish war ,·et- emns lind camp snrd\·ors look part in the march J>rolcsting the wave of anli-scmilism in West Germany.-(UPI Radiotclcphoto), Weather Cloudy. li;:ht .'1101\' a111l freezing drizzle this morn· lng. A little colder. His:r today 32. T .::.'-t\PERA TURES 22 3t Monh·P:Il . . . . . . Monrlon ...... 21 llalifax . .. .. .. .. 21 ,34 . .. . .. .. 2:; !1:1 St .• John's ..... 28 3-1 '-' ... · .. •··c·..r\·'""' l. ... :. ·J.·/-.\'1 t-;.i');,;,;; . ,: .\! ... r.: j ... ,..

In Misses· Target By - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19600122.pdf · Ptt'dril'inn

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Terra Nova Motors Ltd.


• • • • • uss1ans 1re ISSIe


Fire --·


C':Uli'IH:LLTO:\', :'\.A. l'l'·­Yire Thursday dcstrnycri a · thl'l'NIDl'C)' downtown build· i ing here ami claimer! the life 1

or Rnhrrt )lm·men, ahnut 50, · Ptt'dril'inn .<nn of Mayor 11. K 'lat·nwn of Edmun~lnn. :\n rslim~le of riamal!r wa~ .11'ait· nhtr.

• ear y , 1 es· Misses· Target By

Slightly Over A Mile ,,

Ry ST:\:'\LEY .JOHNSOI'\; \IOSCO\\'- \P -A Sodrt tr~l ror~rl. fired! from onr· third of the wa~ ~round tlw ".,rlrl rni,,rrl it. l~ttfl in mirl­

l':ll:ifk IH· sli::hth morr tlmn " milr. the Russians annonnce1l Thursday. The \hot into :t hull~e)·P 111 nl:mttl I.IJOO miJP~ Mlltll"'''~t nf Jl;;w»ii wa~ Hred from a dislRnce of abont 7.ifl0 miles, 'aid Ta~1, the official Sodrt ne"s a~;Pnc1·.

II "''" hillr~l hrrP n' the fir~! of a scries of multi-slll)!C haiJi.,tic mis.1ilr1 intrmlrcl for Fliz,hl~ !tmarcl 111ch pl~nPh as \ <'ttns ami \l~r~. Thr nnnouncemenl, ahnul 2·1 honrs aftrr U.S. military authorities dilr:lri1rrl rlctecti(ln of th,. ~lmt, cnntrmlil'l••d rarly sprcnlntion hy Washin,:ton officials that it 11ppnrently mim~cl hy hundrr1h of milc1.

T:tss said tlw rlnnn'''' nose cone hit the wnler only 1.2·1 miles from "the pre-drtrrminrrl point .. at 'I.O.'i r.\1. \\"~..J.

nt•sda,_·. \loscnw timr I:m· P.:\{. AST, a£ter the n!.'xt In la1t stagr disintcgral<'cl nnd hurned in lht> alm<Jsphrre Phnnt The fire he~an with an !'X·

1 plosion on the second nom·. 50 miks 1111.

lk,ll'll)'\'n wrrr thr nnlt•r nffiC'c of thr '1'. Enlon 'lari· tinlt' l'om;Jmt;• Limitert and ~ bnkl'ry on lhr. ~(round !lour, :111d a numbr1· of renter! rooms on the second and third floors.

'Its cnuse has not been de-. ---.. ·---- .......................... ---- ·- .. ------·--·--........ - .. . ··-- --- ·---···----------·-----

I' !ermined. The blaze, first re·: The l'1;1im was a dramatic • 20.000 feet and "we actually· ward from that ~itt> rould: 160·mile areA ~nuthw~~t· nf ported shol'lly before noon, couillcr to the disclosure by! looked down on the explosion reach nearly any point in the: llawaii between .Tan. 15 ~nd

I was well under control by late , President. Eisenhower in his which was at 2.000 feet.'' l1 United States. i Feb. 15. S.\.\' Flt\.\'CISCO-Primc :\lin,islcr Nobustike Kishi (left) of Japnn is pic· afternoon, ! state of the union speech that Speculation in Washington. The Russian~ announced Tass said the flight at more tum! as he left het·e carlv Januarv 17th for Wnshington to .~ign a revi~cd j ·. . i · . d 14 · 'lJ.S. Atlas missiles had was that the rocket was fired Jan. 7 they intended to fire, than 16.150 mil~s an hour,

· • One fnemnn 11 as . n.JU!c SI'OI'cd hits less than two miles 1 from Tyura Tam, in the area powerful rockets for space ex·j"corresponded With the .out· Sn·urity 'l"n·aly hclwrl'll hi~ country and the United Slates. At right is ! ~:~~:htb·. Three. othet~ were i fi'Om their. tnrgets at a range i of the Aral Sea in southern. ploration into the central Pa- lined ~rogram·: ~n~. "conftrm~ 1\nidtim A~a~ai. Japanest• :\mhassndor to the U.S.-(UPI Telephoto). · 1! ~~~ped, for ~ tunc w len. n 3 or 5.000 mtlcs. I Hussia. Rockets oi the 7.0oo-

1· cif.ic and warned aircraft and 1 the h1.gh prc~tston . of the-

--·------.. ----- ... -----· -----. . •• _ .. ____ I tclhng collapsed 3•1 the hct..,l~ Washin~:ton militat'\' officials I to 8.000-mile range fired west- sh1p to stay out or 11 280 by 1 rockets gutdtng s}slem. i or. the bla~e but tney escape said. Thursdav their' later in·.--- ~------------·-·-· .. -·--- ------------· .. -·----

Breakdown Seen In !""'~;,;eal ~!2:£::::';!f[,:f~~::~"~~ Myst~ry Deepens In Spears Case Ral"lway-u nl·on Talks I·. • tl .The burning of the next-to·' PliO!-::\' IX. :\ril. .-\P.--1-:f·. linet• near Bulil'ia, X.l' .. Jan.' • .,;,, Ji,h'rt a~ dend in that 1 o.·smlsse' Ja>'t Stage, as clP'<'I'ifled by :\]O~· forts to Ullt'3\'t'l the m~·~ter)' • 6 1\'t're l'iltiSPd fl)' IJO!Ilfl<. tt'<!gt•<f::.

eow, 3Pilarently accounted for· of a long-time criminal who Spe!'ltlation h~.• centrrd on 'l'!w dll ""rl Stlear~ had . the report of Capt. H. A. Gray, turned up alive after being; the possibility that William. •·ome to l'lt:•rni.< :\'ol'. 20--

'11•\li:E.\L. CI'--L'onlral'l nwnt since the Sc•·nnd World: dh·el'tly lm·oh·ed in the run· an Australian airline pilot who li!;Jed as rlead in an airlinrr Allen Taylor of Tampa, Fla .. four days aftrr the Gull rrash "~~•·ti;ttion- bNII'I'rll 1 h !' \\'ar came after federal con· 1 ning o! trains. TOHO~TO tCP)-An appeal said he ,aw a "hu~e bright crash were cloaked in ~ecrecy another PX·conl'ict and a -apit lived 11 ith Dr. 1\'illiam 11131or rat!ll·<•)·- a1111 tltrir nnn- eili:•tion prucee!lings or arbi· The unions arr askin~: !or bv 14·1'rar-nld Stcnn 'l'ru>cotl, nran~c flash bnlh ;:oing off'' 'fhursda)·. friend of Spear.<, tonk thP --).t'l'urska in a desrrl hon:P .. ,a-r;:tin~ uni1•11• ;u•• In he II'· tr~tiun. a seven-per-cent pay raise plus s~nten~ed In he hau;.:rrl h•r, ~t tile timr gh·rn hy the Rus· · An informrd sourre lnlrlllir fatal ~ulf rtight in Spear~· near :irw Rinr. 40 mil~, '\;mcd Imlay ~mid ~lll't'lt· lf direl'l ue.twtiations he· an additional 12'~ cents an Hl fol" lhc >layiu~: of a 12-yc;u· -iians. Jle ~ntrl he ptottrrl the Phoenix Gazette rxplosivc<. plat·<'. , · norlh nf Phnrnix. !:<tlnn tl'r nr~~:lialitll" arc lll'<'t'n nf!il'ri'S of the railWII.VS 1 hour. 'l'his is understood to old ;:irl. was rc.icclrd Thnnd.' tm~:ti•Jn ~nrl ;,rlir,·ed the wcrr fpunrl in the tug:.:a~c of · Trn boi,!ir~ "~r,...rP.tof:>'tf-rPd .• •;&rl\ ;nformcrl '"Ltrr·<' qtrl

lor;;•l••rt f"r a hrcakdJI\11, imd joint m·~ntialors for I work out to 25 cents an hour hy the Ontario Cottl't of Appe.li. · rul'kt•\ t•::pi<Fird pr,·maturr[)•. llr. Rubt ; vrmon St~:at·s, '\on~> wii':i·'lrlcntifit·n· ''liS:'"!"~~·- ~·,;'f;)i··ilrcamc worried aftPr ':ctlhcr o,irtr would l'nmnH'nt · 1~11.0!10 non-ripcralin;: employ·: in a twn·.l'ent' <:onlt"act, · . . . . , al lc~q 21ll) mitrs from the tar· l•.·hn was srizrrl hv I•'BI agents: lor's. hearing somp nl the clr<'UIIl·

Thur~da~ 1111 lhr flns:-ihilit;· rt••i hrcak down. the unions The railwa~·s csllm/llc tltrsc .. lusllre .\hntstrr ~ ultnn 111': ~:rt zom·. ! in l'hornix \\'cd~csd;l\', 'Irs. :\lieP SlrriP Ta)·illr ~lanl'c~ ~UtTounditt;: thr t·r~'l•. l11at thr \;;lk< wl1il'lt tw::an likcl.v will nsk lhc federal !l~·mands wonlcl t•ost them ch('atrd prcl'lously thr rlral.h H'll·' lie said hP wa~ {l)·inll: nl j Phoenix FBI l'llic£ Edward satrl in Tainra ~hP was l'Oll· morcrl Sr>ear~ inl" ~ rr~nrt a~mo•t two months a~o rna)' lnhor tlcl>nrtment to appoint $65,000,000 a year _nnd I( ex· tt•nrc wo~ld not he car~tcd .... --- .. · - ....... ·-·-··· ... Boyle would nrithcr ron firm~ ,·inrrrt her former hmbnnd motel Tuesday and railed lh• n·ach a stalt>matr. ian arbitr:ttion officer or. a; tended to Lhe runntng trades,, 0 ~~~: He. s~~~~ the federal cnbmct, sT,\'n;m~:'iT 1:\'AII:IIISSIBt.E, nor deny the report. He ~aid i had died in I he place o[ Spear.• Ffl}· . . .

. . · thrr<'·.man board to deal wtth' $07,000,000. . . • ll.ts prep.• red to. commute I he 1 The .appeal was based on a: there would br ~0 comment ~ 0~ t~e pl?ne. Taylor h~o llr~n ~prars 1s hrltl •n ltrn nf HoWL'' cr. 11111on sources s:ud thc dtspute. • I !he wage ratsr ~lone,. the . ~~~ath sentence 1f the appeal :statement signed by Truscott! on the inresligatton until nnd : mtssmg stncc the plan: s tak••· ~3.,,000 hond on a rompla•n.l.

1 hr parties. arc as fa1· apart Wage~ Matn Issue , ratlways have s.n.td, 1\ ould , fatled. i and ruled inadmissible as evid-1 unless formal charges arc : orr from Tampa for :>:; ~w Or· ehargm~ mtcrs:atP t ran ,pol· nn 1·aricus 1s~ucs :1~ the~· hm·c . The mam issue Involves , represent the equn alent of a ' Truscott who was found, encc at his murder trial nt, filed. ' : lean,, . . ~~llon. of a rat ~I olen frnm hr,.11 in pa>t n!'~Ot~ations nnd IH:.:hrr p~y for the non-oper·' 30-per-cent general Increase, guilt of murtler in the Godcrich. Ont., last September Spears. 65, a hurty Dallas

1 ~Irs. Tayl~r rrcetved a mml_cd I aylot.

that C\W\" t·ollcctll'<' agree- I nltng workers, employees not' in freight rates.· 1 Y 1 I' f 1 t L. naturo•>ath carrving 5100,000 i $37.500 policy from a life m· Secondary Charge ----- ·__ 1>1rangu a 1on °t p aymat ed ~nn' The appeal was dismissed on in tra1·~1 insurmicc was listed, surance vending machine at The charge obviously w~<

arpcr w~s no pre sen urmg · . . · ' · . · · 1 , · t · d t th FBI' · tet·est d Ch• w t h 1 :all grounds tn a JUtlgment wl'lt· as a passenger on the Natwnal1 Tamya Internat10na ... 1rpor 'ccon ary o e s m . Re In a an S 1 c appen · 'ten by Chief .Justice Dana Pnr· Airlines plane which fell into ' two days after the crash. i in the plane .crash. . . , The girl's purenls arc from· ter ami concurred in by the, the Gulf of :\Iexico No1'. 16. Knew Suicide Bomber Spears wa11•ed prehnnnar~· 1 ~loneton, N.B. ·other four judgt•s. killing 42 persons. Authorities also ha1·e been: hearing, :i~ d~te has br~n ~ct

--------·--.. --------·-- -·· ·- · .... - ; Crashes Linked 1 told that Spears knew .Julian' for h1s Ina! m t:.S. dtstmt

S 0 D• t :- .... M I Thr l'il'il APronautie., Board Allen Frank. :"ew York law·· ~ourt. . . ay n lsar mamen N D t ~nd the Senate aviation ~ub· :vcr insured for 5900.000 and! Like Spears. 1urska IS 8

. 'il ew ' . ept. ee s : rnmmittee are inve~tigating ,u,pcctcd as a po~sible ~uicide: naturopath-a_ sort of ltcalrt' . thr pos>ibilit;· that this l'l'ash: bomber in the :\'orth Carolina who usect nrtthr.r rlru2s nor

n.'· JIO'i.\LJ) F.\HQUL\11 llll\1'<'1'<'1'. any international confcrt>nce-at whil'll China i anrl onr of another :"\iilional air· cra>h. Frank i> one of 34 prr· • >tti'S:l'r:-·. l't:Kl:'\(i. ncutrrs _ Ill' II llisnl"tnamcnt a;trcemcnt which will not he rrprcscnlrrl - · I p bl '·- --- --------------------- -------· .. -

('h;na ~PI',\'ed notic!' On thr i~ al'l'ii'Cd at without (ormal WOU]d reach a~rrcmcnt on: mpor' tant ro· em • \\Pfltl 'fhur>da~· it \\'RillS partici)lalion nl lhe Chinese "concrete. measures [01' !lis·; 37 o· I PI Crash ~~~~'r/~; an~~:itt1~Iks0~~r~~lo~~1' ::!~:;~·~f ~~~)~~~~cga%s ·~:n;i:~ ~~~i~~e;;~Jl~~al~1 eforb~~~cr~~ i OTT:\\\'.~. rr - ~'rrlcral ' ad~. j,; particularly alk<·lerl hy I e n . an e rli•umamrnt. ' of course ha1·e any blndmg dt,~r!"ament. . . government plans tn co-m·din· the Ierl!'ral decision, th~ new

This was how many nhs<•n··. fol'l'e on China." ~1! 15 hope wa~ I'XIl~·essed Ln 1 ale forest rcscarl'l1 across thl' · Quehr•· Consct·valive ~rnatnr :\10:\'TEGO IHY .. lamait-a.' shert of swamp water north rrs here interJlrcted a slate·' The standin,:: cnmmillee a JOtnt commlll.u~ut~ tssue~ at i country without infringing i said. But all prnvinct's woulrl. AP--A Colombian airliner,, of the runway. With passen· mrnt hy Chine~r. Forri!:n :\lin· aflerWM'~ passed a resolution t!1e rnd o! a VlSil hy an ~.ast

1 on provincial jurisdiction I bctwfit. , runnin;! behind scl!rclule on a I get's and crew caught upside

i~ter ChP~ Yi to a. session of : couched Ill the same terms. (rr~man government dele· I meet with r31•01. in Quebec,/ · : fli~ht south from Xew York, i down in their safety hell.•. lhl' !tandtnll: comm!ltce of the i Want Part In Talks · gat!on., . 1 Senator Henri Courtemanche : . Seca~d A~dreu . I turned over on its back. ex- I blasts and flames followed. :iational People's congress,/' Observers said Communist '1 he Sov1et. prOIHlSal for gcn· said Thursday. 1 ~rna tor trc.!lcrlck ~1. Riots, ploded and cau;:ht. fire in I Gasoline fed the fire. China's parliament. China appeared to be form·· et·al disarmament was put for· 1\loving the traditional ad· : PC·l\'.o1·a Sent. Ia ~nolltcr n_ew I landing at this Cal'ibbean re·l "I could hear thrm scream·

Chen pl!'aded firm Chinese 1 ally staking claim to ta~e ward by Premier, Khrushchev dress in reply to the Throne / appomtee, saul m secondmg sort early Thursd~y. Thirty- ing up front", said one sur· ~upport for the Soviet pro· part In world disarmament at the United :Nations last Speech Senator Courte· the ~ddress that he hopes t~e seven persons including a vivor. posal to reduce armed forces talks at some stage before September. It called for r~- manch~, who resigned Tues· for.estry . department legiS·· Canadian priest were killed. Quebec Priest Killed by one-third and the appeal to any e!fectlve glqbal agreement ducllon of Russia and Chinas day as secretary of state and latton wtll propose _great:r :':line survived. The canadian priest was other countries to follow suit. Is reached. armed forces as well as those was appointed to the Senate federal aid to the provmccs m The crash threw the plane, a Rev. Guy Arbour of st. Johns,

Then he said: "China Is They noted Chen's speech of t~e United States, Britain Wednesday said proposed tbe effective utilization and . S2 000.000 Supereonstellatlon, Que .. a professor of theology read~· unhe~ilatingly to commit came two days after China and France as part of the creation of' a new department conservation of forests. I o;to its back in a shallow at Manizales Seminary, ncar lt.o;p][ to International obll· officially expressed hope that fh·st stage toward total dis· of forestry lor this purpose 11ations to which It agrees. the :\lay East-West summll armament within lour years. meets an important problem. !

The new department - Ill'! combine research formerly : carried out by both the agri· . culture and resources depurt· : mcnls-will make it possible to "watch over what Provi· ' dcnre has given us and give · Cnnada's forest Industries the scicnllflc information they

Receives Big j nel'd.'' • Queber. the higgpsl pulp ,

Kishi. ~n cal'ttrst little man which cllcmplifies the splcn·: ancl paper produrcr in Can· .

In Ottawa Kishi Welcome


Canadian Press Sta(f Writer OTT,\\\',\, CP - Jatlatll~se

Prime :\tin ister ~ o b u s u k e

flashing only an occasional 1 diri ta·adltJuns of Cllnatla.·~ ----------·-- ··· - ------smile, flew into Ottawa Thut'S•I Mr. Kishi and hi.~ party· 9 day and was warmly weV came het·e In a transport de· i comed on Parliament Hill. • "jlartmcnt Viscount fro m

J,caders of the political par· Washington, where he S!lP.IIt

li•J::ota. Colombia who ,..~~ nn his· way back to South Amer· ica after 11 holiday in canad~.

Business people and v~­•·ationers made up much of the pas~en11er li~t. It was the fourth fatal airline accidenL of 1960, boosting the death toll of such crashes in the first three weeks of the new year to 162.

Four passengers and five of the seven-member crew es· raped from the flaming wreck· age of the plane, the Avianra Colombian .National Airline's flight 671. Rescuers found them wet and bed-raggled, but apparently not badly hurt.

The passengers were two Dutchmen employ!'d by the World Bank in Washington. Hendrik C. \\'ytzes 36, anti R. :\. D. Loven, 54, and an Australian couple. :.\lr. and :llrs. Jan Kelton, en route to thci~· home in Ecuador.

Escaped Through Door Stewardess :.\1. Abad direct·

cd them out through a rear emergency rloor, then fell .o;i· lent in shock.

THE COUNTRY PARSON tics. In the Commons gt·eelr.d 31,2 days and sh:nerl ·the nr.w the 63-year-old prime min· Japan·UI)ited States mutual Isler and his foreign minister, security treaty. He will be Allchlro Fujlyama, in brief here unLJJ noon today at -the addresses of welcome. Invitation or Prime Minister

Mr. Kishi sat in the Com· Diefenbaker~

In Miles Up


AP-A six-pound girl monkey : took a rocket ride more than ~ nine miles up Thursday In a . new test' that advanced the . chances of successfully launl'lt· ing men Into space.

A forward escape hatch saved four others of the crew -Capt. J. Duque. co·pllot H.

, Arango. fli;:ht Pnl!incrr .\r· ' mando Espanos and pttr!''l'l' r. ' Riano.

mons gallery, next to Mrs. John Dlefenbaker, wife of the Canadian prime minister. as the party leaders spoke and parliamentarians t h u m p e d their desks in applause.

Later he visited the red· carpeted Senate chamber and sa'- to the right of Speaker 1\fark Drouin as further ad· dresses of welcome were de· livered;

.... . Then he spoke a few words "Gpat td!n are not · ereated or his own In ,Japanese, ex·

at the rate or ~ hours a pressing pleasure at being 'ftelt:." "here in this solemn chamber

• t .



storm caused a traffic jam In the deep Sahara Desert Thurs­day.

Heavy snows In the high Atlas Mountulns ' around PJclfa cut the road lending across 1 he desurt to A lglers from the t'quatnrlat Chml.

A one-ton space capsule, with Miss Sam Inside, success· fully underwent a simulated ' cmergeney escape from the rocket wli!ch propelled It i 48,900 ft>ct high. 1

'l'ht> h•st was lirsigncd p1·i· · nmrily tu t·ht•l'k th•• radio·

Radio l'et>orts said SCI'I'l"al ctmtrollPtl nwchnnism !J v I hundred vehl•·lcs, snme army whi•·h it is hoped tlu• li1·e·s / and some belonging tn an ex· of human astl'Onauts will be tenslve archaeological expcdi·l saved if they run into trouhl!! 1· tlon were stranded in the big 1 during . fuqtre rocket launch· I·

oasis_ of Ghardla. ings,

/ '

1.0:\'J)O"-Carr~·in~ si~ns t>rolestin~ the · n't't'nt on! brenk uf ~co-:\I ali inl'idcnts in Germany. demonslt·ntors murch outside the Gemum Embmsy here Jmnmn· 17th. An cslimnted :m,nno pct·sons lt•d hy Jewish war ,·et­emns lind c;mccntr;~lion camp snrd\·ors look part in the march J>rolcsting the wave of anli-scmilism in West Germany.-(UPI Radiotclcphoto),

Weather Cloudy. li;:ht .'1101\' a111l

freezing drizzle this morn· lng. A little colder. His:r today 32.

T .::.'-t\PERA TURES 22 3t

Monh·P:Il . . . . . . I~

Monrlon ...... 21 llalifax . .. .. .. .. 21 ,34 Sydn.~y . .. . .. .. 2:; !1:1 St .• John's ..... 28 3-1

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! Three Teams ! Rangers Take : Week Of Prayer · Personals

JnSenior iSr.Uague !CONCEPTION BAY NEWS "~;:•:i,~~~u,':~~~~;:,~;"~ .. ~~·.~.-M;•~.,:~ I - H k O 1 rice of the w~~k. ,January 19th. · Country Road, left last week to ·-·u_. 3P'Ue OC ·ey . pener • in the Citadel. Rei'. B. B. Snow,! take up residence at Dum·ille,

~ I Alb t B tl ;1, Charles ; Harbour Grace B.A., B.D., was Elc preacher.: where ~lr. _Brown is el~ployed . ....... :.I ELL ISLA'.' D (Staff) - BEI.L ISLAND (Staff) - ~ ...... •or,.,.. I er u er I It began with the ~inging of old ' B2lalcd Btrthday greetmgs go

'' . JJ.."f- 'f"'..._ I } fal'ourite Gospel Hymns, follow-; to ~lr. Thomas Brown 1Sr.' who Thrte teams are competing in' Rangers hocke)' club won th~ -~ ~ Appointed II Noseworth".. ,: Twn Co unci ! ed hy prayer and a time O[ testi-: cel~brated his birth~ay on Jan. the Bell Island Senior League I opening game In the Bt>ll Island 1 I mony. The Songsters rendered : lith. ~pecial_ 11reetmgs com 1 Hockev Series this winter. The 1 Senior league hockey series M 1 a l'ery love!)' anthem. Re1·. :\lr.; from htS fam1ly.

~ fCIIIoaing names appear on the Ol'er the West ~liners by an 8-4 anager i HARROt:R GR,\Cf'-The lol· HARBOuR GRACE T h ~ Snow tQok as his text, "I am ------: rflten or earit club. tally. !lowing is taken from a Dennis- weekly meeting of the Harbour here to do the will of God." Co I c ·• ~angers: H. Powrr. J. Kava· Rangers, the veteran elub 'in • port newspape1· "Charles ~ose- • Grace Town Council look place Jesus came to do the wilt of God a argo

nagh. ll. Kelly, P. Mansfield, organized hockey show more BELL ISLAND (Staff) -: 1 wort!J)', Jl(J, resident or Dennis-' on Monday night with :\tHyor and his will was always sub-:r., O'Brien, }', Hawco, K. promise than for some yeurs. Al_bert Butler, well known taxi port for the past twelve )'ears Alec Moores presiding, Several servient to God's will, even -"french. F. :Mansfield, B. Fitz· The second game in the series dmer has been ~ppointed man· passed away on December 22nd. matters of general business. when he was facing crucifixion . BAX ROB~RTS -: ~he .H~gh· ~rick. \\'. Kavanagh, G. Tuc· will be played In the Bartlett agcr of Irving Oils here. in Hyannis. were attended to. :he said "Not my will, but Thine hner 1s pre~.ntly dtsc argm., a ~,lV. L. Burke, R. Pitts, L. Shep- Memorial Arena Tuesday nigbt. If it were possible to put to· The .Irving storage tanks, Formerly of Quincy, he work- Mr. P. G. Withers or the [be done." Referring to the cargo of coal at t_he Ayalon Coal .jUd, G. Cole. J. Fitzpatrick, H. Rangers and St. Kevins will gether in one spot all the which wer~ construc~ed here 1 ed for the 2nd. ~alional Bank Audito~s ~neral Dept. and As· • Lord's Prayer he said "We say i and Salt Compantes pter. · Slleppard, J. Somerton. race of£. columns- that have been written last !all, With a capacity o£ ap- ! anct the Lawley Corporation of sistant auditor, D. G. Sparkes I Thy Kingdom Come." but how is • •. St. Ke,·in's: D. cummings, G. about the Wabana Boys Club proximately 500,000 gallons,! Boston on the Cape, he was are here during this week doing. it going to come, if His followers' Prefers Canada <Corulors, Wm. Power, Geo. Con- Dry Cleanm" g since It opened, we are sure It ~ere filled recently by an Irv-~ manager, of Riordan Furniture, the annual audit of the ~ouncil [ won't do His wilL As with Jesus 1

~ S. Atkins, C. Cobb, C. would be a very large collec· mg tanker. Store in Hyantlis an~ recently· accounts. Both are registered. so with His followet·s, "they are: TORO:>iTO ICPl _ Jack Cre-·Power. J. Mansfield, P. Locke, PJ R d lion, On looking over this col· Irvings ~ewfoundland repre- was Sales Representalil'e of the at Pike's Hotel.


. 'Jere to do His will,'' and not, le,·. a United states actor who P. Cole J. Stone, J. Temblelt, ant e UCeS lection one would find that on sentative, Jtm Harvey, was he~e : Cape and Viney~rd Electric


: , until the~: consecrat~ their will,:. ~al'e up Broadway for . Canada ).. York, H. stone. ~1. craig, T. comparatively few occasions last week, In the interest of his , Company of Hyanms, H bou Grace fully to h1m can they do the work fil·e vears ago. says he w11J nel'er-~ers, D. Blackmore, E. Pur· Staff has money been mentioned. A firm. Surviving are his widow, Be>·! ar r for which they are intended. He. go back. tell. great deal bas been written sie J. Godden. a brother 1\enneth! implored all his hearers to con- :\I 34, he is established in the

West ~lines: D. Perry, ,T. about the activities carried on •KI"wani"anS y1•81•1 Xo~eworthy ol ~uebec. three sis- l Library 1 se_7rate their bodies and their arting profession here both on ~rme. W. ~ercer. G. Sk~~es, BELL ISLAND tSiaffl-The at the club and t~ese activities • ters. :\Irs .. J. :\hltpn Thomson oll 1 Wltl< to God and then th~y .can t~le,·ision and stage. but he says G. Ta~·lor. A. Ash. K. Kmg .. D , 1 . PI 1 Bcnttett have done somethmg to and for p T F Quebec, Mrs. Kenneth ~Jor~an __ he sur~ they w1ll be helpmg to hr has heen hit hard by a tele· Wm. :\tercer. :.\1. :»orcott, Wm.; r)c eantng' an • boys. We, or any other like or· aper 0Wfl or and ~lr~. Rirhard ~o'Cworthy of HARBOl'R GRACE - One of bring Hi' Kingdom lo earth anrl l'i>ion •·recession" so far a~ ac. ~orcott. F. O'Brien, D. Power. 1 ~trect, Wabana, bas reduced ganizatlon cannot get along Newfoundland. Servi~es we I' e


. the busiest places on Saturday; ~o ha1:e his wilt done on earth a' tor> in Canada are conc~rned. F. Power, C. Taylor, J. Youngs, lis kstafr during the past few without money, and we make Ch N" h held at 2 p.m. on Chr1stmas E1:e afternoons dul'ing the past few 1 tt 1s _m Hea,:n. It was an 1m- "EI'crything seemed t_o sto~ at '!: Ford, D. Pierce. D. Skane~. wcTehs. I t d t sure that the money we have is arter Ig t 'a! the Hollett Fun~ra] Homle Jll months has been the Harbour. preSSI\'C s~r\'Jce. once." he said in an mten·leW. (•oachl e reason 5 repor e 0 1 used profitably lt th t • South Yarmout!1 with buria in t Grace War :ll~moriat Lihran·.: About mid ~ October production ' ' •lump 1'n the Dry Clearing bUS· ' e presen BELL ISLAND (Staff) LI."ul S L k t · D · I • ' d B d ~ time we are . engnged in 8 • · wan a e ceme ery m ennis· , j(ore and more children art> ; · of t:1e CRC Hu son ay an

dncss at the present time. moner-raising venture and Governor or Kiwanis District . port. ! making use of the facilities of, Annual ~Jeeting . ROIP firm series cn~ed ~nd the I The recent snow fall, with tbose who are really Interested 12, J. G. Archibald, accom-1 the library and it is very gratify! - CBC • T\' program Foho wa~ , the absence of mud and dust, in Bell Island boys will want to panied by president Bob Cohen i ing to those interested. to .•ec i C.~RBOXEAR - r:,e annual· changed to Starti~e. Actors who I could be one reason why people have 8 part in tht's money- and oth~r members of the Bell 1' Personals ; groups of children, as well as an meeting of the carhonear Red, find employment. m only 19 of I ... · I d f dry Island Club visited the paper ! I k h ld are ua\•mg ess nee or raising project. Citizens In· inrr~asing numbe1· of Bdults visi· Cross Community Hospital rom- found wor • in 29 s ows now cou cleaning right now. tercsted in llthls effort should town of Grand Falls last week. I I ling ~~ buil~in~ eit~er to take mittee il·ili be held on Wednes- this series, the other ~hot

)lr. B. Lahey •

Passes Away call the Wabana Boys Club to attend the Chart~r Night of~ HARBOUR GRACE - :\Irs. away books or to ,:I! for reading., rtny next . .January 2ilh. in the !rom the l'.S.

BELL ISLA:";D l Stnff)-~lrs. 0 Sh 0 • 2701 or contact any member of the newly formed Kiwams Club · Francis Cochrane and son Pat- Several school rooms are mak- : Board Room or the HospitaL As GUEST ACTORS ~ernard Labey passed away at I re 1pp10g the Wabana Boys Club Board there. Irick. St. .John's, spent the week-: in~ usc or th~ Jibrar~· b~· horrow- the )'t>ar's work will he un~er, Creley ~aid _the CBC also be--!iter home. La ncr Col'e Road. on 1 or Directors, Bell Island citi· Other ~e!"bers of the local ·end ,.i.;iting her parents, ~Jr. I ing boxes of hooks and this week review it is hoped thnt H~r~· · gan to hnng m. guest actors. es Friday. January 14th, following ~ c • Club to VISit Gra~d ~ails are:; and ~Irs. E. F. :'lloriarty. . hooks went to the R.C. School at~ member of the General Com- leads ror ce~tam ~hows, wh1ch • long illness. She was In her: 00liDUeS ~~~ ~e taak~s s:r~re~~ll d~:~li~~ Max Boone, Roy Ltttl~John ~nd' ~Irs. 0':'\eill. Fcrmeuse arril··: Tilton whose teacher is :1-liss mittee will be present, so that meant a shll shmmer work ~nd. ~:ear. I money to programme for and Ron Emer)' and FranciS Gosme. ed on Tucsdav to 1·isit her son· P~ddlp and fo St. Jo~eph's school each and all mav know what the· scht>dule for h1m ..

;:: Leal'lng to mourn. her hus- BELL ISLAND <St ffl-O give Jea.dership to five hundred i .Joseph an• :1-irs. o·~eill. 'at Rirerhead. institution ha.< cion~ in the pa~t "I don't mi_nd imports." sa~s .... d 6 d ht d 3 I a re d 1 Sh • 1 ~Irs. Mnes Thome~.· i< nr~- 1 1.·~ar and also be ahle to tal;e CrelQ', "prol'lded th_e~_· ar~> b1.:! · -n . aug ers an sons. h" . f S t' p· 'an s xty-eight members 00110g ~ · b 11 t 0 1{

The funeral took place Satur- · s. tppmg ~om co Ia ter con·~ · · ~ent11· •;i<itin·: he1· son William' B • part in dL•cm"in::! and determin- name~ and are n 1an · r dl\" morning. with :\la>s of R~- tlm~cd Without Interruption ln~ludcd among a host of . and family at Dum·iiJc. P.B. I rigus . in;: what il will tr~· lo accomp- they are. sue~ big nam~s. that qull'm at St. ltichacl's church. , during tiw past w~rk. _ I activit!es which take place at VI.Cli•m Buri"ed I 1 A~- li,ll in the eomin~ year. 1 they don t ha1•e to be bnlhant-Bur1·11 "'15 l·n thl' R. C. rcmn. . A_ t the present tune the Doslo thr \\ abana Bo,vs chtli I·.s St. I The Homr and ~£'hooJ . , that their names will attratl aud·

' f ht S S A th C d <ociation with forty memhrrs. . · f l to coast ·t'•n.·. I rclg c_r_ . . r u,r ros. s an :, J_ ohn Ambulance classes. Ill's BELL ISLA:\D <Staff) BI"rt}lS ~~ A ~~~~ • . . If'nces rom coas . ' th B t h C • kl . hr~_.an program planninl! thio; eotlfi11 "B t th ·mport ha1·ft been ! .. e rl 15 ape 'ran In are : mt~reslinl! to note that durl.ng· Twenty-four year old Georg~ · • • • _ L- ~ u e 1 s '

· 111 purl 119!i7 "6 b · '''t•rk in preparation for thrir • neither big names nor ha1·e thf'y ' , · . ' • • o~·s passed First Aid Newman, who was fatally. fir~l o•.>en meet ina ,Januar.v nRRO'\c' \R Th execu · 1 1 b "II" t d G • H .' l hree othrr forPtgn frcll:ht- tests at the Boys Club. In 1958. wounded when a 22 calibre . . •·· - e . • been part1cu_ar y n Ian . an Oslne as ftr' arft ftxpncted he • to lo d 1•7 h fl'ft!lOl'R "',R-\C'E. - c:on- :!6th. lt i> hoped _m.an;v wl_w tiH' of the CJrhon!'ar Presi>Y· tl11·, has been goim! on for three ' • ' ~ ' · •. r.. a . ,, oys passed and in 1959, as : rifle was accidentally exploded -' " · · ' · ·-.ore tars:o thts week. boys passed. i in the hands of his 20.~·ear old aralulk•ion.• are r~tended to ha1·r not alr_eadl' _101~cd w~ll ter~· Wom;on",; A>•ociat'on w iII month,:."

N, T k ~I·· anti ~lr> .• John Pike or st.· t·omr that nigh! wlu~h will mrPI in t'l? ,-rstrr or thr Xorth Actually, say, rr~ley, things 1 ·e\'' aJ) ·er · , ·cousin Arch Newell, was burie1l J R 1 B t " tl s· · Ch h Th ' i c "} 1,.A5t the \\abana Boys Cl~b. in, in the e. of E. cemetery 011 .John'> •the former ~far,· r;rant wnor owrt urn~. 0~e 1!'1' .Jde l"ml~d .nrc on urs- arP looking hrighler. as far as he

I; OUDCI .,, 1: 8~ boys passed arltflcal 'Saturday .lanuar)' 15th. of Hal·oour Gracr, to whom a wtth other .!!real wnters of day .. fanuaJ)' 21>1. at 2::l0 p.m. i< conc~rn~~ IL ISLt\!'\ S rr respirahnn tests, in 1958 lR5: Burial sct'l'icc was held in St ·nn •.John GJ·anl• was horn on pncm' and songs. The Pxrt·u- when plano: ffll' the eomin:: .He opencrl·a stand at the Lans·

rr~;c;~ ~si~e· ·~las I ::tu~n~d; Clearl"))O' Roads boys passed the tests, ·and In i Cyprian's Anglican Church. . .ranuaJ··.- r.th. tin l'Omprist' :llr .. fohn Prd- year's work will he made. as downe Theatre here Jan. 21 as from the Canadian :1-latnland I ~ 1959, 307 boys P.a~sed. there I The two hoys, residents of the A son \1'3; horn to ~lr and ~Irs die. President: :\Irs. :lloorPS,: well as hmin~ tht' pa>t year"s t~e lead in the production or Tun-\\11h a new oil tanker to replace tes!s. There are official figures, Vallev with Harold Newman .lo>eph o·~eill 'the former· \"ire-President: :\Irs. Walt£>r checked fnr final reports. net of Lore, and he is spotted lor the one lost in a gara~e fire: BELL ISLAND. rStaffl _ ~htch will give our readers 28-yea~ old brother or the un- Theres.·a c_ n_adyl at the. Car- Spraeklin. Srcretary and :\fn;.. :a :ead on th~ Startime tele1·ision

• 1 1 I ,orne idea of the a t r honea! Ho otlnl on \londa1 Jan \\"m. Clark, Treasurer. In ad- r;'IJ .._ • Of 1.'• • pro~ram of Feb. 16. here recently. . Equ pmenl necessary to clear . . moun 0 fortunate victim when the ac-. • > ' . • • • • ' dition three conl'enors are as ~,, ec~J.On .. tlC'efS "For me. keeping busy is do.

:I.Ir. Gosine dro1·e the new I snow from the main arteries In work done by St. Jobn A>nbu. cident orcurred, some time 1~1'1 4t Con~rat~Jlatmns. 1 lance 1 th 1 t t f :\! A c k h eccnth- follows: Re1•. R. We Is. mrm-: . . · ing three shows at once,'' he said • tanktr all the way from Central the Waban a Town Council area, I Bo, C~ be n ~es 0 ~Vabana! around midnight. i .· ·, l',d ~~us orh e w :\~r~ Rita hl'l'ship: :llrs. Fred Roberts. RA \ ROBERTS-lnder the "That's the wa•· l'l'e lil'ed for Canada to Bell Island. was hired from the Enterprise P ~ts th u ~em ers durtng the 1 George Newman' was a bo~· 1 'c1511ke . t 1'H ~0 cr,:. ~ ·; now Social and :\Jr. Ralph Roherts. chnirman,hip of Rm Reuhen 5, vears in Canada.''

Construction Company by the as ree ~ears. well liked by all who knew him.: 00 e '1 ar"our ur ce s . Programs. :\lerrer r .. Da>hJ~:: s~·homb;r:: ' • Council following the recent On examination, I! Ill zen s His wide circle of friends were' teaching at the Sanitorium. l The pro1·incial de:Jartment LO.L. ~o. 45. Cole~·, Pomt, says an unidentified Toronto rar Visiting Home hcai'Y snow fall. w~uld come to realize that the deeply shocked when tbe news i . ; aids such groups with litera- elected tne [ollowmg OJf!cers for dealer is negotiating for purchase

BO)'S Club programme has r.f. became known. ' lure and movies but a certain th~ <' 11 ' 11111g ~-car on .tan•wry tSth uf 2.000 Rll>sian • huilt ~loskl'itch H F fered a great deal to its mem. Sympathy is extended to hi~: March Qf DimeS' number of monthly meetin~s · \\'.~1. Rros. Abraham Thom~~0 ~ 1 · 40i autos. The Sol·iet exporter of

BELL ISLA:'m (Staff) - orne rom hers since it started Jn ea~ly parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry i · aJ'c required beforp it l'an be re-elected: D. '!. B~o Lle_ll.ll\. 11 the four. Q'lin~er cars is A1-to Donn~·. son of ~lr. and Mrs. I H . • I 1956. The boys club has an open Newman. I . -- ~ rrgi~tered. By the enthusiasm; Bra~bury. el~clr.d; t.haplam BJo Export Compan~· of \'o>cow. The L_e"·. ~Iead_us, Qui-.~ley's Line, is 0Splla door-policy which means that ! HARBOUR GRACE The or the present group the fu· rtayton flu~sell, elected:. R~c. .rournal says the car, complete ns1t1n~ h1s parents, on lea\·e' any boy can join. There are no _Sailors left 'I 1 r D'me Campai"n ture of this Association seems Secretar)· lllo. Samuel Daile .. 1e· with transistor radio. ~ells for

I -• a_re 1. o . I s . ~ _ 1 · • elect~rt: Dirrelor of C'rremomc,:. fr~m the Canadian Army. BELL ISLAND CStaffl-~tra. barriers. It Is tbe most inclusive which 1, bemg ;~onso;ed b) the 1 assured. Bro llan·~~· R~J"ell. re-elected: ahout Sl.iOO and a1·era1:e• 30

He is expecting to be tranS·' Harry Squires. The Front, is club In town. A h Harbour Grace Klwams Club go! . . 0 I s t 0. R 0 n~r • .,ito, In " no lip·· n'' ~~,:o'ire · ferre~ from the Canadian Arm-j home from hospital In St. • 8 ore underwal' this week and contact In the sunday ~~·e;1ing ser· r~~~;n~~~ jr:re~;.:d T~~~'lll'CI'.

td forces to the American John's and Is reported to be The Wabana Boys Club n~eds , i< being made to the business l'it·c of the l'.C'. Church. ,Jan· .Rm 1lthssr 1· I'. ;c.; pl~l rr. SPEND A LOT ON SOAP 7. Arm·.:. feelin2. rlne. the support of all our citizens. BELL ISLA"D (St ffl-T . '1. , f th t ·n T~ Com- uarv 17. thr newb· elected ex- 1'0- · 0 n. · · ' 1 r · ·· · . ·

·' a 1~0 1 10u .. es o e Oil · · e , ·. . el"dl'll· F:r<t l.erlure1· Rro. ( Ia-. - ·-·-· ·-------- ------·-· .. ------"- ------ ·- ·-· ------ · -- · - crew members of the German 'mittt>e in ehar"e acknowledge.~ erutll'e of thr \I .:lf.S. _ and · · • · 1 1 1 1 • • . . f • . . . t • 1 rr· r··nrr ( o~·,·pn and r .. ,. r, : HERE'S A TIP freighter Amelie Tvssen load- with thanks a contnhutwn o \\ .. \. wet'(' Jnl_llatec m n u 1cr r·t· . ..

Winter Weather means CLOSED




Moto-Master llow.Out Praof ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT QUAL


MUFFLERS GUAIANJ .-,a,,.., 111 rro

. ' t I I' I' \1' It '1'1 f 11 S•J•ior ('ummit 1PJll:ln. .!J{'JH' ••• Inn ore cargo at Scott' a P1'er. · fort 1• threft rlollat·s. ten cen ' l,l· ,p,-, •· e '· w a ow- · ,.. ,-. D:1l'l· () 1f'l'IPd; Ty:er ·BI'n. "ur- ~ could not hP located when the '$4:i.tO• made h1.· the employers, ing an• Ill!' offi('ers of thr two . · · • 1 ra\' Thnmo>on. ,.l•:cted: S•:ntme: Cut ~oap bill~ to a fraction. Do vessel was rend.v to sail. • of Koc~h Shoe'. Thi, amount.~~

1: !(J'.<HIP'. With ~lr>. l.t'J_l (,u~ 1ur t 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 d 11 \\ \ 0 Rro. C'!Jari<'' F. Frenrh. Pier r1. as many other pracllca peop e

After a d~la~· of two hnurs. consitlerl'tl I r 1' ~- wot·thw 11 ~ sill! H•a .111 u IP , ·· ·. an ComJ!'ill••t•: llro,. Stan It"; SJw,··. do. Simply make your own ..• the sbip sailed without thPm. from thr small nnmb~r employ-· :'1\r.<. 11 · \I t'lls the \I .. \I.S. :\Irs., Ralph Gi!IJ~ 1·1. .J~cob French. for about It a bar. A single

The seamen were later round- e:1. . i \\'m. Clark. :\Irs. Fred Roberts. -~ llmt r:rcenlano P. \L. .\ll~n regular-size can of Gillett's Lye ed up and held in custody b)' • A very attracti\·c window dJs· :\Irs. :\Jay l'omcro~·· ~!r:'. Bart Da1•·r. PjJ. l'.'illiam L. Frrnch and leftover fats make up to the Immagration authorities to play is allractin~ much allen- Gushu~. :\Irs. \laJ?I'I" .-\ntle. 8 pounds of sudsy, hardwork­be sent back to their homeland lion at Strapps Phannar)'. The :\Irs. :\1. :\lom·es. ~~~~s Eleanm· P.~}rl; Commit!~~- Rro>. R~11h1'n ing 1100p. Easy·to·follow direc· on another German freighter. :blitz campai::n will b~ held. 011 Bartlett. ~I ISS _Bartletl was nnt ~l!'rt'N. ~~ anlr" Snow. L r w i' tions are on every Gillett's can.

thr rvenin~< of January ~.th. th_crt' as sht' 1 ~ ~prndm~ thrl Rorie h. s~muet. Da"r And for just 25t, we'll send

Pee-Wees Win At Hr. Grace

', •."111 ~nd 2~t\ 1 . l_rmtt'r WJI_h :\h•s. F1'rd Ang~ 0

. I .-\udiiOI'•, Jli'O> Crt·!l r:re<'J'· . \'OU R opec"tal ··s··ent 'n' ('ol : TllO'C intl'l'(••trn ~rr ::Oil'~ " Ill St. .Johns. 0 e ' • . land. AIIJ".rl r_;rrrnbnn P.'l. our" k1't to perfume and nut tn ntakr. ~ >III''T'' Of th1< , , ,

. ,-~~r'~ r~mpaign ~nd in l'ie,~· of Thr lll"il!ll~ Knitltn;: \!ill 1< \YrrkcJ' " hrrr anrl all sPrlll rolour8poundsofsoap.Cho~ · th~ worthin~~~ or thr ''~:J<r 1! " •tarting 1•·ith a full <taff of onxiou< tn makr a :nnrl start. from ,Jasmin, Rose Lilac or rarn~<tiv hop~d that thP rr'· ~ighty, .lanuaJ'y 21>1. Since Six new ,1111 tet' in llritain ~nil Lavender. Send 25t with your

J!ELJ, ISLAND 1Staffl-1'he Bell Island Pee-Wee hntk~l'' team. In charge of coarh Gerald, (Scott) Connors. won a 3·1 victory over the Harhou~ Grace Pee-Wees In 1 hockP)' meet at that Conception Ba:!l­town stadium on last Saturday night.

Anniversaries BELL ISLAND (Staff)-Tite

following people celebrated wedding anniversaries recently.

·.II ~- ~~·ou onr carl_,. 1.11 .fanu:u·_,. a small ~roup IJllP J·n ".·,,.a "· rolJ·a 11'1'11 pro· name and addre&~, together pon~e w1 '"' a ::~n. ' · ~ '" with the name of the scent ha1·" hr.rn ~cttin: preliminary \'idr additional ordrr~. Thr.

i work rrady as well a< rr- r-mphasi> will nf enursr he 011 you preferto:StandardBrands . de,·oratin!! the office and rc- spring costumes hut there is Limited, 550 Sherbrooke St. : finishing the bi.~ floor in thl'. alway$ a c.111 for the most West, MontreaL 1 main workroom. ~!r. Fr~d popular of standard models.

BELL ISLAND - Birthday ' greetings to :\-lr. John Skanes :lllddleton Avenue. who was 76 years of age on January 16th.

Home Fro_m Hospital

GIRLS, BOYS, MENS, Mr. and Mrs. Harry French, St. -- : Pat'1 Lane: Mr. and Mrs. Pe"r I. BELL ISLAND !Staffl---~lrs. I Pitts, Lance Cove; Mr. and Mrs. I Wm. Cahill, the ~'ron!, is home Bert Tucker, Wabana; Mr. and j form hospital in St. John's, Mrs. E. J. Ruuell, Armoury where she received medical


Road. treatment. ·!-,_

"'anufact11,jw1111r One/ Clo11d • Window Driving ·~------~:::::::::::;";'~cle=feett~,:,,i ,!111 • leaky muffler speiii- PYJAMAS .77 ..

. .:.:

-~. ·!;. . -

: .:

·' ~

O.A.N.O·E·R I 8 e w o r • of deadly carbon monoxide ••• leplace your damaged muf· fler with a MOTO-MASTER MUffll!lt - heovler gauge euter ahell, acid rtsistlng in· ner liner. Double-locked leak • preof 11ams, reinforced end tapa. Noise reducer tubes ~sperH hot goses evenly fer longtr muffler life.

CTC Dlleeaat

Prlee Chevrolet, 1948-1958 ......... ·--..... tUS, Chevrolet, 19&4-1959 ....................... •·•• Chrysler A: Detoto, 1949-1951 ·-- Ul Dodge, 19411·19119 ......................... __ 1.11 Plymoulh, lHII-191111 . • ............. ..... 1.11 Pontlae, 1981·19113 (20·12) .............. US Chevrolet • GMC Plck·ap, 19110.19119 Ul




\. '


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"Why don't you be a pioneer and start a· school on th~ mcon?"

•• ,,

Reg. up to $2.95



0 '

:J ·,:..1 . ~

> . . . . . <t ~·-:

. ' .. ·1

~-. j .- ~

.. . ~

., .. . . ~ .) . . -~

ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND Daily News FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1960 f • . .

Grant: The Mysterious Money Without a Source

On Monday, January 18th, Brigadier S. E. E. Morres, C.D., Comman­der Newfoundland Area, presented Major E. n. Manclml, C.D., Officer (!onunanding the ·:58th' Fli:ld Squadmn, .Royal CIUmtliun Engineers, with

· a token, indicating an "honourable mention" in the compeliliun for the '"Gzowski Trophy.'' The "Gzowski "Trophey" is awarded annually to the bc-~t ~quadron of t•:nginccu cot1111cting Rl Summer CHmll· Tl1e nhnl'e tlhnto 1ho"·s Brigadier Morres making the presentation to Major Manchu!. ,

· · . RCN Photo.

(' P•l. haclrint'k. flounrlcr

' Comtahlc Tim Lcm1ard hns retircrl frnm thr :'\t•wfonndlanrl Con,tahnlan· aftt·r :!:> 't';u._' wnit:c. llr "a' th~: rr­dpit•lll of a )!ill of A lumd~••mc stand lamp hy his Fellow pnli£'r \\Ol'~t·r~ on ·\\"t•dn!',rl<~~. The prr~rnlation "a~ mad• In· St!l. Pnt Dtmnr rnt behalf of thl' officers ancl mrn nf the force. l.onkin~ nn i~ Con,tahlr :\l:u~Farlanc. ReHrin,:: Constahlc Lt'rJtHll'd li\CS nl 2!J lloylcs .hrnnc.

1844 Births In . . . I

City Last Year: DfATHS TOTAlED 570

The number of bil'lhs in the 1956 and 8.5 .in 19,'i5. 1 city of Sl. John's itt 1959 to· The infant mortality rate is . tailed 1844, compared with sti]J high and last year there i 1731 in 1958; 1762 in 1957; were 66 deaths under one year. , 1720 In 1956 and 1808 in 1955. These were classified as fol· The total deaths for the same lows: Prematurity, 22; congeni· years were 570, 499, 493, 525 tal malformations, 13; asphxla I and 491. and atelectasis, 9; inhalation

'l'he birth rate pel' 1,000 I stom:ll'h cunll•nts, 6; injury at · population wns 30.7 in 195!1, bh·th, 4; pneumonia, 3; all 29.3 In 1958. 31.3 in 1957, 30.21 others, 9. : in 1956 and 31.1 in Hl55. The · Out of lhr 49 dralhs in De· drath rate in tll!i!l per 1.000 r·~mbrr, 5 )'rat's anrl o,.,. .. var·i· u·as the highest at 11.;; with I nus heart di~cases claimed 20 8.5 In 1958, 8.5 in UIS7. 9.3 In and cancer 8.


Etchegary At 70


c_ B. Man In Accident

(1 nl ltT.,·,-.r ~· r~~idrnt

11f l'nm~r r;:-.-;!>k ""' rrilically :n,turrrl yrqrrrl.l> wiH'n crush· cd b~t,·.cru a wrcrkmg truc)j; .<iHI a ditched car.

Pol:cc said thr man rcceil·· cd scYcrc head injuries when the truck skidd~d backwards while he was inspecting a tow line.

Meeting . Dr. H. B. ~lurphy will le&\'e

today to represent ~ewfound· land at the annual meeting ll'l the Canadian Association of Ra,liologist~.

The mcr!in~ will be held in Toronto. at the Royal York I!:Jicl !rom ,JJnuar)' ~3 to 25. TherP ai't· "'' t'll radiolo&ists in .\'t•\\ fouudi,111CI. tn·t in St. John's ;on:l "''' l'l;t•wlwrr in the Prol"·

ll"h1l• 111 Tnrnntn. Dr ~furph:r 11111 ~;,n he .<ltJ~~·in;;; lhP r.obalt. hnmh. prrparin;: fnr u·hen It h• u~erl in :'\ewfounrllanrl.



FIT 10- 14.



Both these sal~ priced groups of boys' Slacks are In limited quantity. So shop early.

: ·. ·: ' .. I. ,. . • -.. ~ ;~ ~. .. ~- . .-.= '1 . ~' .·· ..... ~ ~ ... ... . ~

··~ ·~ ·.• ~-·: ,. ·,· . ......

.. ·: .-. ~> .. ~: .• l :

. ·•

'. ... ·.

, . ~ .. ~ ..... '

t.Jewfou,dland's Only Morning Paf"r TI1e DAILY NE"'S is a momi~

paper established In 1894, and pub· iished at the News Building 355-S.'iP Duckworth St.-eet, St. John's, New· foundland, by RobinHOD & Company, Limited.



The Canadian Prest Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news despatches in this paper eredited to it or to the .\ssociated Press or Reuters and also the local news published therein.

All Press servir.l! and feature articles in this paper are copyrlghted and their n~production is prohibit\l(l,

Canada . . $12.00 per anMm United Kingdom

and all forei~n countrirs $J.t00 per annum Authorized a~ srcund class mail Post Office Drpartment, Ottawa. • I Member Audit Bureau

of Circulation.

FJIID,\ Y. ,1:\!\UARY 22, ·l!l60

Growth Of Federal Civil Service Thf' primr mini,IN h;ts n•n•alt•tl that

hi' ha~ it in mind to sri up iu Cau;~<l.t n cnmmi,~ion nf iuq11ir\' into tht• <ttlmiui!· h'ati\·p ~r·n·it·r·! to M'fl p lh!' purpmt· tl,.tl wa~ f~tlfillt•tl in th~· l'nitt•d Stalt·s hy thl' llom'f'T C.ormnb,iou.

Rrt·f'nl ~tatillit·s lt•tHI to rmtlirnt tht· nf'Pd of a ;prl'ial atiPmpt to raliunalize the cil·il St'rvite and Plimiuate O\'l'l'·

Iappin~ and wash• . Thm• arP now l'l!l,(i:)() ktlt•ral dl'il

~rrnmts ami this fi~:nn• n·pn•st•nh an im·rrase of ahnnt 1,1(M) from last y<•ar. The sala~· cost. at'l'llnliu~ to l.rttrr· n.·\'it•\1' of FliT! Erit·, is at till' rate n( ~7:20 1nillinn a lt'ar.

:\' thi' 1wriotlit-al11bwn '''· thr trnuhlr "ith i:!"' ··rnmcnt ~~·n il.'l' "i~ I Ita! it ins! ~r. P' 1111 ~nm 111~ in 'ilt', witluHtl r<'·

(!,,, d to adnal nrt•tl. l'uli~r prh ate hn•in•·" awl inti''' I;·; .• .II ~olrl'llllll'lll ltrl' to do In ltlt't'l th1· pau·ull i, In k<'t'P

nn r.ti~inc, more I11111H')' in ''"''' all !Itt' tl11ll'.


:'ool.tll~ gnlt·nti!IL'Ili> in. Ltnada Are

Comm~ttee To 'T11r primP minisll'r Ius n·n•al<'d that

tb' whnlr question of clrfl'nse is to he 5ahmiltcd tn a 't·kd l'llltllnilee of the llnnsp of Commons. It serms to be a 1 rr\· wis(' tkdsinn.

1 t h;" h('l'll rltoar for ~mnc lime that (.,uncia's dt•ft·nse connnitmcuts and the l'"li<·,· ari,inl! 11111 of tlwm nerd tu br '.,Ill' irlrrcd in the li!!ht of manv d1augrs tlt.tt haw ht•t•n lakin!! plat·r. in the pn'l f~w wars. Tlw~· hal'<' also to he fitted intn thP n~tion·.~ capadl\' tn rontrihnte i•lCldinitl'h- nearly two hillions a year In dt>ft•nsl' cnsts.

.~ ~t>lect rnmmitlt·P r.m ~11111mor• wit­

nr·W'' anrl makr an l'xhan~lin· iuqniry into en·r r a~pcl'l ot the problem and

shnwin~ concern for th(! ri~ing co5t of adminislrnlion. In Nova Scotia. husine~s t•nnsultants lmve bern engaged to show how the use of modern methods can brirr~ aho11t substnntinl savings. It h nudl'rstood that there bas been a study in :'\t•wfonndland nlong somewhat simi· lar lines, As hrtwcen fiscal 1959 and ( ist·aJ l\J60, the nnm her of civil ser\'Unts In this province increased from 4,479 to 4,843 and the salary hill from $12,· 602,000 to $13,799,000, TI1ese figures do not, of course, include school teachers hut they do include ~mrsing, domestic ami otlwr stuff in puhlic institutions.

In the rase o£ the federal costs, al11mst the rntire t>xprnditure is related to adminislrath·e salaril's. In our case, im·n•ast•s will he cnnstauth· nccrssnr\' . . lwrause so many of the people employ· t•d an• t'ttt.tagrd iu opPraliw d11tirs. But that dors not mPan that gr<'atcr cHid· euey ami rlitninal'ion nf m·prJappiug cannot hr created nn the administrati\'e side,

Study Defence ~lr. Diefenbaker bas indicated that he will leave it to the committee to deter· mine its own cour~e. even to the lloint of deciding if the hearings will be private or public.

This is obviously a matter that ~hmrld be considered on a bipartisan basis ami the leader of the opposition. ~lr. Pearson, has already welcomed the proposal and assured the co-operation of his party.

II may he hoprd that as a result of thl' committee's studies, the foundation of a III'W and improved policy to meet th~ rl'quirt>ments of ch~ngiug •trntcgk considerations will be establisher!.

Coping With Delinquent Youth It h~~ hl'en ·'"!.tl!<'~tl'd that an effec·

ti'" llw.ms of clralin;t with the young­ster~ who make a pra[·tice of hno;tking and entering is to brill!-! hack the birch.

This is hardly a new idf'a. Few social qurstions hm e been the cause of more contro\'ersy than the thc·sis that you spoil the child h~· sparin~ the rnd.

Hut the assumption that a sound spanking may be a good disciplinary measure in childhood dnl'S not mean that corporal punishmt•nt is a usefnl corrrctivl' for lrrnagt•rs, Its pnnith·e pflcct may Ill'! as a dt•tPrrPnt but it is just a~ Jikf'l)' to cn·atr emolinnal re­actinns that "ill he had [or the culprit and thr sodl'ty in which he li1·cs.

It is ~)so possible that ovcr-prolcctive-

ness, and the Welfare o£ Children Act has been criticized on this ground, may have equally bad effects.

The problem is complex. It has been Cllll\'IISsed from many angles. It involves parents and home environments and the nature of foster homes a11d the el· £ecliveness of the existin~ probationary s~·stem. Weakness at any level car, frus· trate the best-intentioned remedial measures.

We donht that the re!tltn of thr. birch would help hnt it may well be that a re-examination of the whole problem and existing public ptllic!y might be helpful in protlttcing a new perspe9-ti\'e and better preventive ani curative prot-esses. It is worth trying.


Within that very flexible organ· ism known as the Commonwealth ot Sations many races and a diversity ot constitutional svstems arc able to work together in a ·way that might h.we seemed impossible in the da\'s before the w~r. Two new republic; are in 1 •Jli'Ct among its present members.'

It has been realized for some time that Ghana would not delay long in exchanging dominion status for the in· dependence and trappings of a repub­lic. The question is soon to be the sub­ject of a referendum and the result may be taken for granted,. It is expect· ed, however, th11t when Ghana does be­come a republic it will wish to retain fb membership In the Commonwealth.

There has been less certainty about when the Union of South Africa would JPOVe In the same republican direction. It is now apparent, however, that the ksue will soon be resolved through a national referendum ·in which decision will be by a bare majority. Since the desire for republican status Is chiefly pnleDt tD the Dutch or Afrikaner group

In Prosped who outnumber the South Africans of English desct>nl, the basis for a simple majority is nhl'inus.

As a republic South Africa would have no Arf'all'r independence than it has today sim·;• it is already completely autonomous und the Queen has been obliged to receive as her governor­general in the Union a man who is an aggressive supporter of the apartheid policy. Th~ issue of dominion or re· public will, however, be less easily re­solved in South Africa than it will be in Ghana.

FEATHERING THE NEST West German Bulletin

An Innkeeper at Marbach In the Hunstruck Mountains, who had been seriously perturbed )ly the disappear­ance of bank notes from his caab box ind had even suspected 1ome .of hi! guests of belna retpon&lble for the thefts, has had tc, offer his apoloales to them •. •

When a 50-Mark bill disappeared in br~d daylight; wblle not a tingle customer was present In the' tavern, the Innkeeper who refused steadfastly to believe Ill black malic or lhoats,



THE MONEY PROBLEM We have lately considered here the

premier's predictions of :\'ewfouud­tand's progress in the next ten years. We have said that they were a logical projection of the needs and growth of the public services. But the figures. by our standards are staggering. By 1970, we shall have to spend at least $1110 million a year to continue om· present services in relation to the higher. potlulation that we expect at that time. That is a modest estimate. And the problem of the moment is the sou1·ce of the funds.

Before we proceed to an examina· tion of potential revenue, let us took briefly at capital expenditure. :'llr. Smallwood foresees by 1!170 a national debt of $160 million. That suggests an average annual borrowing of about $10 mltllon. In fact, capital rcquir£'· ments on a gross basis during the past few years have called for an outlay or $20 million. And when we think of the large deficiencies yet to be mnde good In our stock of social capital. a disbursement on this account of SIOO million In the next ten ~·curs maY well seem inadequate. In 1057, ·It wa~ estimated that there was immcdintc need of a capital outlay or about 5140 million to provide the hospitals, schools, roads and other things to gil'e us a tolerable minimum level of pub­lic services. But the wants of the ad­ditional 140,000 people we expect to have by 1970 would call for a much la1'ger capital programme to keep up our present levels and standards.

~ow the question of our capacity to bear a debt burden of more than $150 million is not an issue pro1·ided \l'l' can borrow on reasonable terms. That depends oo three main factors. Thry nrc the duration of the tight money market. the economic ex;lan· sion of the prn1·itwe and the degree to whi1'11 om· Increasing rcl'cnue de· mands t·an be met. · Our last Ioao was ~old on a bond mnrkct which is any­thing but receptii'C to long-term de· bentures. The result was that the bonds had to be placed at a pl'ice that would yic ld a ret urn to the buyer of 634 per cent. The actual interest rate was 61:. per cent but the bonds were sold at a discount. With a three per


By BRUCE BIOSSAT When President Eisenhower called on

Congress to stop, this year, the "irrele­any lnterbranch wrangling" which so often steals vital government time from the job to be done, he touched a throb· ing nerve.

Democrats, particularly, jumped all o1·er him, declaring that staying off the fight juice is a two•way proposition that ought to govern the White House as well as Capitol hill

It wasn't only that. He should have known. Wrangling is coffee and bean soup to these fellows. They lil'e on it. About the worst way to begm a construc. tive association with them Is to propose that tltey stop hollering. If they didn't want to holler, they'd get into some other line of work.

Naturally enough, they responded to his plea for an end to wrangling by II'Tangllng with more vigor than they've shown this early In many years.

Let Mr. Ii,isenhower accept it. As the British muddle their way, some­how or other we'll just ha1·e to wrangle ou: way. It's great to try for peace abroad, but let's not waste time looking for It on Capitol bill.


Snme people continue to be upset by the fact that governors, whose ranks so often before have furnished our presi. dentlal timber, do not bulk large among • prospects for the major party nomina·

' lions In 1980. I

VIce Pre'sident Nixon, the onl:v Re· publican candidate now on the horizon, is fundamentally a legislator, having had four years In the House and two In the Senate before taking his present post.

Of course he has bad some executive experience as vice-president, presiding over key meetings in the President's absence, negotiating with top Jealers, and ao on. But basically his office is with· out power, and he hu served as atand· In only when Mr. Eisenhower has wished it.

On the Democratic aide, four o£ the chief contenders are In the Senatl': Majority Leader Lyndon Johnson, John F. Kennedy, Stuart Symington, and Hu­bert'Humphrey, Only Adlai Stevenson, the 19~2-!18 nomine!;!, was a governor. in Illinois from 1949 to 1953. And he has not had a cbance since then to add new administrative experience.

The old argument always has been that governors of big states were most suited to the presidency because tbeir jobs most closely paralleled that of bou· ina the federal Executive Branch. In addition, of course, they have been re· garded u highly salable polltlcally, since they have no national record and a limited number of enemies.

discovered that mice had entered the drawers ot· the counter through a water .PIPe and from Uere had pene-

• trated Into the cash box. They had used jeveral bills of large

denomination• to upholster their quarters comfortably and to keep out lilY drauibta of cold Winter air,

cent slnldng fund, the service charge• come to close to 10 per cent a year although, of course. the sinking fund i~ a debt i·epaymcnt operation. If a similar cost were to continue for the first years of the decade, we might well he faced with the necessity of curtailing our capital spending in spite of a desperate need for Increased social capital. The financial situation is, therefore, full of Imponderables.

It is at this point that Term 29 ac· quires Its lmjlortance. Whatever In·

· tel'prctation,s may be placed upon It, the intent was clear enough. It wns to underwrite .(lUI' 1957·58 level of ser· \'ices on a permanent basis. But the prime minrstcr of Canada bas said that :oiewfoumlland will be assured of equality of opportunity. It follows that the promised reVil'W ln 1961 must consider the normal projections of our presP.nt current and capital scr· \'fees and pro1·ldc the means by which they may be met. On maintenance t•osts atune, this will ln\'Olve the con­tinuation of the Atlantic grant and the ~lc:'\air award, a total or $151-2 million, plus additional amounts to meet the rising annual cost of educa· lion, health and other vital services.

Provinrial rel'enucs are limited by confederation finance. The gasoline tax. the sales tax, motor license fees and liquor profits, constitute our greatest revenue sources. In time, with development, they will yield more and higher revenues may be expected from the public domaine in the form of forest and mineral fees. But al· ways, because of the nature of our resources, the chief beneficiary from new de\·elopment will be the federal trensury. In order to build up our pt'o\·incia) rc\'enues, we shall requirl' a major increase in industrial employ­ment and ~ far more etci!'ient use o[ our working force. It follows, there: fore. that whether we like It or not, and wll<'ther it be done within the terms of 29 or by other means, our t•apacity to pro,·lde progr~ssi1·e public 5cn·ices will depend on the meaning attached to the statement that we shall have full equality of opportunity. The money must come largely from Ottawa. In the immediate future there is no other source.

What Others ilre Saying

ORIGIN OF CURFEW :\loose Jaw Times-Herald

Curfew, as a word, has an interest· ing background; it comes from the French coun•rir, to cover, and feu. In its original sense curfew meant pt·e· clsely that.

In the times of William the Con­querer a bell was rung at dusk as a signal to citizens to extinguifth their fires as a safeguard against conflaga. lion.

From this is was somehow deducted hy hiFtorians that this was political interfE·rence with the English, though he curfew belt was probably the first public·serviced broadcast the world has known.

ONTARIO'S FISH RESOURCES Belleville lnteltigencer

The fishing In Ontario has improved imme:tsurably during the past 20 years -at least as far as the Ontario gov­ernment is concerned.

A statistical booklet for this year, just issued by the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests, shows that 'in 1959 the department received $2.337,· 425.23 from anglers• licences. In 1931 the corresponding figure was a mer~ $186,448.65.

Residents do not require angling licences In Ontario, so that this more than tenfold increase is the result of more visitors fishing in our waters. It Is Interesting to note that during the same period the returns from com· mercia) fishing licences and royalties fell from $115,552.53 to $95,726.71.

MILES OF CAMELS Saint John Telegraph-Journal

Camels are a big cash crop In the Sudan. That country, which complet­ed Its lirst census only a few years ago has never counted Its camels. But the Sudan Almanac says an estimate of 2,000,000 head "may be assumed to be correct within 26 percent.''

The United Arab Republic 11 tradl· lionally the Sudan's biggest Importer of camels, although business hu Jag. ged in recent years when relations be­tween the two countries were strained over division of the waters of the Nile.

Now that the dispute has been set· tled the camel trade is expected to return to normal with the U AR JPend· ing about £1,000,000 a year for Su· danese eamels.

But is this reasoning valid today? Are governors the best fitted, automatically, for the White House?

Some would say "no" and argue the case by trying to downgrade the 10ver· nors, nying tbey can gain no real grasp of International problema o~ even the biggest domestic Issues while operating on their limited stage,

Others look at It the other way around. When you strip away the huge burden of ceremony and routine which lays up­on the chief u~utive, hi• jot at heart

II ODI Ill vital policy decla1o111.

~~-·~:~~5t"oti .. C:an Pciy It Bad<. to Him"



Br PETER EDSO:"\ 1\'ASIIIXGTO:\' (:"\E:\l-Onc qualifi·

l'ation which the voters will have to watch out for when they pick the next U.S. president is how he will look and stack up with other world leaders itt summit. :\':\TO. Pan·Ameriran, l:nitcd Nations, golf course, lurker room, hridgc table or other international con· ferences.

This isn't the only or e\·en an im· portant qualification. The most im·

• portant one is how he'll run things here at home.

Still, the Big Four, Big Three, Big 15, Big 21 and Big 21 conferences arc becoming more frequent all the time. Even Big Two exchange visits come al· most every week, someplace. And it's important for "our boy" to look good.

The best way to solve this problem is to make a paper-doll cutout game or it. Take any group picture of President Eist•nhower surrounded b~·.

say, Prime !llinister :lfacmiilan of Britain, President de Gaulle of France and Chancpllor Adenauer of Ger· many.

You can't use a photo nf the 1955 summit conference very well berausr. .. hile Eisenhower and Khrushche\' were both there. :'llarshal Bulganin was top dog for Russia, Anthony ~:den for Britain and-who was the Fl'eneh Premier at the time-nh, ye;. Ed~ilr

Faure. Anyway, with a photo uf thr \\'cs\1'1'11

Big Four as a staner, blank out tlw face of Eisenhower. Then take simil· ar·size cutouts of the American presi· dential possibilities: Stevenson, Hum· phrey, Kennedy, Johnson and Syming· ton. The first and the last two ar·en't running yet (Oh, yeah !l hut ne1•er mind. This is just a game.

So if you want to, line up the scrubs: the second team of "fa\'orite sons'' like Govemor ;\leyner of l\ew Jerse~·. Williams of :\lichigan, DiSalle o[ Ohio and Senator Smathers of Florida. your husband, if any, or your rich uncle.

For the Hepublicans, the "Lone Ranger," Vice President :-lilCon. That'~ all there is. But since this is a game and it ought to be more even, try out Gov. Nelson Rockefeller, Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., and-who else is there, beside Harold Stassen? Well, why not Barry Goldwater? or Charlie Halleck? Or Ezra Benson? Or Arthur Flemming?

Lay each of these pictures in turn over the blank space in the Big Four picture and see who fits best. You wouldn't want to get personal about this, or cast aspersions nn anyone's brains or beauty. But-

Kennedy looks ·a little boyish-and couldn't you bet your last 48·cent dol· Jar that the others in this picture would be wishing tbey were as young as he Is?

The same goes for Humphrey, John· son doesn't photograph as good as he loolu and some of his pictures make him appear sourpuss. Rockfeller, with all that jack, can sit above the salt at any table he wants to, and feel right at home. ·

Lodge, Symington, Wi!lin:us and Smathers are all seven feet tall, or near that, and pretty good looking guys besides, so they could look down on other world statesmen. Brown and Di· Salle have other qualities.

Adlai Stevenson Is just as bald as Khrushchev, who wears medals for other things besides his beauty. And that geta back to these lmportB'Dt Big Two confabs.

Nixon, Humphrey. Stevenson and others have been to Moscow for a tete· a-tete with Nikita.

Nixon's televised exchanges with Khrushchev at the American Expos!· Uon last .summer showed that he could hold his own in a verbal wrestling 'match with the Russian, no holds bar· 1 ed. Humphrey's and Stevenson'.; seances were private.

Humphrey's conference lasted eight

I·OWE 11 ALL IO vou I U.~A.


By BRUCE BIOSSAT As President Eisenhower enters the

last full calendar year of his White House tenure, there are certain things worth noting about his career in high office.

Despite the fact that he twice won elpction by tremendous popular maiori· tie5 :llr. EisenhowPr, especially in n10~e recent years, has been the sub.iect of much sevre criticism from opposition political quarters.

Though much of the romplaint has tn rlo with the spl'cifics of program and policy, the President is also widely as. sailed for allegedly failing to show Iearlership for delegating too much rP· sponsibility and authority, for not PX·

ercising the inherent powers of his of! ire

To weigh all these charges properly is reallv the task of the historians, hr mountains of evidence must be consid· ered and not all of it is available for study now. And into the balance must go all the evidence on the other side.

Yet, whatever the reactions toward these aspects of the President's White House career there is probabl)' wide acknowler:::e~ent that he operates at all times from a high sense of dut)'. There can be· argument with his notion of what hL~ duty includes, hut very little with the proposition that he performs il f;~ithfutly as he sees it.

After his 1955 heart attack. he ma1IP plain to the voters that if they c~o>c him again he'd ha1·e to spend con~1der· able time away from his desk to let his n·ruperati\·p powers a~serl tltrmselns.

This he has done But he h~s a l;;o applird him•Plf rnost rliligcntl~· when on the job And his recent 22.000-mite trir abroad drmonstraled his willingness to t;~ke certain risks with his health in tlte i•1tcrcst of the cause of pcare. whkh looms so large in his mind.

:llr. Eisenhower also has exhibited im­pressil'e physical resilience. How many men who had suffered a h";~rt altltk, a mild stroke and a sewre attack of ileitis would find themselves able to d~ the work of a president? He has thu' far confounded the doom.crier> who saw his second·term election as a virtual death sentence.

!\or will many question that, what· ever the detailed features nf his admini· stration the President is a man of de· cenc)' dnd good 'will who wishes lor­and seeks as earnestly as he knows how -the welfare ami security of the near· h· 180 million people who hat·c been ;ntrusted to his stewardship

The historian. will tell us how well or how badly he performed as president. V.'e know t~day, without waiting for their verdict, how sincere) he tried­according to his ow11 best lights.


You often hear it said that ours is an "expense account" cil·ilization. What's n·eant is that many of the things we dn we couldn't afford if our employer~ weer not picking up the check.

No wthe Jnteral Reveue Service, which has been casting a doubtful eye on some of this expense account living, has d~ided the time is come to shave some of the nap off the lush carpet.

As of right now, it plans to demand of business fims more detailed data on tax returns on expense allowances paid to employees. The government think5 matters have gone pretty far when, In addition to "entertainment," business expense has come to include extenslxe travel, yacht», fancy club•, hunting I dges and other assorted luxuries.

For a long time grave·faced econom­ists have w 1ndered whether the Ameri· can economy can function at hillh level without defense spending. They may soon have to consider whether It can get along without expense spending.

hours, which was a record for some· thing. But his and Stevenson's exer· f l'ises were more In the nature of kick· \ng the crystal ball around.

So ali you have lo go on are look;, ol'hich as every woman knoWii and · .•. ;; tell you, are important, after all.

' ... ~ .• 'I ...

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lht LiAtLY' l'olc.v~;:), :lL j(Jj,..,. ;:), l~ri.U., h<u)A'r', JAi-iUAi<Y '1.'2, 1960 )


U. S. Costs And Problems Increase Temperance This :\:!·\!~~n~·~~ition of I You ~\~~~~r many wonderlul T 0 Ke·ep Japan Our Key Asia Ally I Thoughts

tb~ !\Otl''foundland Scoutin-~ : 1'he ~nnp ol a twig and the wind . I We recently attended a Con- ca,ine in treating alcoholics; l'olumn. "The Scouting Trail,"

1 in the trees By RAY CReMLEY Korea, Formosa or other points ! ... •.·.··· .. ·.·.· · 1 navy o~ small shtps a~d ()lW, venlion of the Canadian T~m- ·and ltrs. J. A. }fenzies of the

and \\ith it comes the bL•st 1 And the whir of invisible NEA Staft Correspoadrnt outside Japan. : .. · . .. 1 submarmc. It has _an at_r for~~· perance Federation in Regina. W.C.T.U. on the World Conven-

-.·iibes and hopes that all the j wings. "','SHINGTON _ <NEAl-U.S. It doesn't e\·en c.ommit Japan'. , 1 of 1.~ plane~ - mcludmg 4o~ Saslmtchell'1n. Since the'! v;p lion of that body in }!exicG. Scouts in :-tewlounuland will' "" t b 1 F-86 Jets. i are asked, "What do you do at :'lfany committees were formed

. strategists have plans to make I • o serve as a repatr asc, st~g- : . I 5trh·e whole heartcdly to make , If ~-ou stand ver~· still in the Japan an unofficial cornerstone 1 Jng grou~d or rear ec_hel~n st~e . . With u.S. air and naral sup-: s_uch a . Conv;,?lion? Wh~• do for discussion~ and reso~ving of 1960. the 53rd ~carol Scouting,: turmoil of life- of defense planning for the Far


for Amencan forces ftghtmg m i port. it's estimated here, the. ~ou . dtscuss. And lather 1 problems of fmance, P.ohcy, etc. the bt;t C\'cr. You unly j;et oJL And 3·ou wait for the voice E ~ the Fnr East outside .Japan. :.Japanese could gi\·e el·en invad-: facehously: ''Ho~ ran y~u hnv~ Sampl_es of the resoluttons these of wmrthin~ what ~·ou put into from within- ns · I "The use of .Japan ns a manu· ; ing Russians a hard go. ll's he·: a Conven\lon wtthout lt•.auor? I com~mttees passe~ to ~he Con· il, and this applr to Scouting. You'll be led do1~n the quiet I First step: signing of the new! facturing, supply and rear eche 'lieved that th~y could tie up for, Perhaps . we should ao,;wer I vet~t10n for constdcrallon and tor tilrou~h only hard long wu~·s of \\ lsdom and Japane>e-U.S. Security Treaty ion base cut U.S. supply lines 1 a critical period of time a si~e-! ra!her bnefly these quel'l~~·, whtch _were approved were; . hours of work can the summits ' Peace I here January 19 with Prime thousands of miles-macle it pos- i able number of Sol'iel tt·oops. 1 fhe delegates to the C.1.F.I Be tt Resolved THAT thts_ be reached and I he awards won, ; In a mad world of chaos and : :O.llnlster Nobusuke Kishi. sible to keep U.S. forces from

1 , I Convention were representing! annual Convention of 'l'hc Cana-

.... out of !hi.; can trur sat is- · din. / . being thrown out of Koren in the 1 l!.S. slrateg)• atms at e~cour-: prol'incial temperance orgar.i· I dian Temperance Federation re-liction b~ 1-'llll<•n. ~b~· ntl Scouts Curre~t U.S. defense ~tratcgy peninsula fighting. ,Japan's re· · ! agmg the .Japanesr to bmld up zntions and church bodies. Pro- I commend that the Federal remember that they ~re p;u·t ul If )"On slam! vrr)· ~till and hold! makes tt erucla! lo keep the sources would he crurial in most 1 th_eir army and_ to mod~rnize vincially eight province> Wt'lf: Government revise and amend an in:ernational or6;llli~alion,, to )·our {aith I .lapane~e ,lndustnal base-one of any future U.S. Central and: wtth ,Japanes~-bmlt tanks: self· rrpresented, r.E.J. and Qu~hcc: the Criminal Code of Canada and thou;:h !htr numbl•rs l•l' \'on will not ~cl all the help ; the wotld 5 strong~st - out of 1 Not'lh East 1\sia operations. : propclleq arllilery and mt»stles. hcinH I he exceptions. We had ·so that: I. Chemical tests to •m~ll. '"' can all du oar part that you ask, j Husslan or Red Chinese hands.· • • • I . They !hmk the ·~apancse. ~hot!ld rept·c.ornLalil·es of all the i<Jr~er measure the alcoholic content and m~kc x,•w!ountlland si;unl Yuu will draw {rom thr silence : Red ,absorption would tip the j . . d~ thts. modenmmg pnm:•t'rl)· 'rhurches including Roman ·of the blood be admissible in atOll th~ ht>ap in world Seoul- lhL• things that you need: , worlds economic balance . of "_u·~; ~rlrnse m~~~ ll'il! hare to I .' wt_lh_ thci~' _own fulnds-_rlus SliO • Catholic, Anglican, 'L" !1 i I c tl a court. of law as evidence; lot: fteld•. llope and l'ournge and power dangerously the Red 11ay. · sell rokyo on changmg the.e; milhon 110tt!l of l .S atd. Churrh, Sall·ation Armv. Pres- 2. A lest which shows that

riUI A IllS Strength for ~-our lnsk. The new trealv will keep the 1 fact~ tbeftohre Japnnd tchanSb~. 't~cdld·: i, With modernimtion and an- bylcrian. Baptist, etc. ann. 8e1·e· the driver v;as operating a It h b . ' I p \TIE'" E S R NG . • , ed m o e aroun . e- ol te e-, . I II . d . t' 'l'h , . h' ·I ·h'l d lh . a; t•,·umr nolicena ~- aa1- • •• ,c T o. . United States atr and nal'al bas- ~ t th p ntagon . other boost in .Japanese troops ra sma et enonuna wn.<. e · 1e tc e 11 1 e un er e lll·

p.lr,•nt r.·,,•ntly. lil<ll tlil' ma· • • • es in Japan. It commits the!' d~se ys ;T b ~d e · i plus U.S. ait· and sea aid, jl's be- Go1•ernmenl of Saskatcit~ll'<:ll flucnce of alcohol be consldcr-Jurny of SeouL Groups through· . I'RO:\IOTIO~S

1 Japanese to fight side-by-side e erm ne 0 u · 1 lie1·ed her!'. the Russian< might' an~ the ·city of Regina wrre. ed prima facie e1·idence of

out SNfouatiiantl haw tillir · \\'r nr~ mo<t anxious to pub· with the Amet·icans In defend· Ja11an's own forces are crucial JAPA:'II'S Prime Minister Kishi ·hesitate before attempt in• an in-. grncious hosts, the form~· pro-. either a condition of impair· li.M;~leti;,,• of th,• a1 Jtlahle ti!m ll~h lh!' names of your Troop's ing the Islands. lt ties them to I to this gonl, the U.S. planners: been a·~erlions that US Ai and I' as ion or .Tupnn. The" Reds i l'iding the Co111·cntion Bu.~cru.,t. i ment or intoxication; m~:mal. qm:t> u;••iut and i1;- J';·nnwtions to Troop Leader, t!1e U.S. side. say, so Jong as the U.S. has such! Xa\'al "imse meant ~oloni:lism could take the islands if they' with the Premier, :'tlr. T. C.: 3. For the purpo~c of the ter,·,;m~ h• Sruut; and l.l·adm; l'atml Lenckr, awarding of • • • a limited capacity for brush' Th . h~v 8 b n m n denll: were willing to pay top nl'icr. ·Douglas being the llUest speak· abo\'c section that such tPst al:~ r. T!ll'>L' 111m>, 11 hirh .:n· the Du~hman's thong, and 1 1 h wat's and such small ground 1 pu:l~fng th~ th~ught ctha~r Japait but the co<t would be hem')'.· rt·. The lion. '1'. .T. B:r.tle~. i sho\\'ing a concentration of over c.arr.rd b) the ratl.ldt~n Ftlm l)UL'rn·,. St•nut Dadge and als:t / f Rut no e .the~e css appy forc~s.

1 should follow an independe,nt Perhaps it would \]f.' too heavy l!inister of Social \\'elfar•! tolrl .05 per cent be considered "un-

ln>:itUte tur the l'.madtan !:loy q,·adc t•rt·ds. Space pet•mlts nets: 1 • i world cour• on the Indian al·: consi~ering what 1he Sol'ietf' of the go1·ernment's effor:s at pairment'', and over .1 per cent

~rout A~uuat1011. l"<lll b,• oh· only these, and also because 1 The treaty won't reduce US I .The treaty was the ftrfl an~, tern .e P• . would face elsewhere in a war. >Oll'ing the alcohol problems, be considered "intoxication". :;unrd from I;~ Spa,·ks Strrct, tlw~e awards represent the defense costs In Japan. 11 i~: 1 l'ttal step.. Pentngon P anners: · ! I wilh special reference to thr Re Youth Groups: Whereas lltta11.1. on:?r10 •. hut the :>;1·11'·, summit of SL·nuting Awards. creases them by at least the 530 were worrt~d that. ~~pan wou~~l U.S. diplomats and milit~ry' 1 !'linics _the~· were setting up for our pr~gram is aimed at the {,11;ra1 •• .:1d h"~ !:'<'<•UL .\,;,ocoa- 1 • • • million a year that Japan has I not sign. The pte~tous lrea · I men ha1·e now stopped holdmg. Fathre lines and dark circle' ~lcohohcs and the research· protectlon of youth. we recom-ttl•ll odlt>r• that lor furlhrr de· 1 .-JRST l:LASS SCOUTS been contributing to the suppot't was eiintla~y a pa~t 0~ d deal I their collectil•e breath. 1 under ~the ey~s 'are the bane of kork at tl1e Unii'Ct'>ity of Sas- 1 mend that the C.T.F. Executire u_ .. , •m Lil~ on:an11n~ o: lhl'>C I~· I'. sn}d tit at a Scout is not , of the U.S. forces thet·e. ~or g v ~~~- .ap~: f1• s t 1~ec~l~· • • • . I e1·cry woman. To bani~h them lmtchcw~n which ~as reeeil'ing: ~ake prol'ision for repre>rtlta· f:,n~, 1: 1> hL'>! ;,, llrtlc l'ro· n u•nl ~kout until he has . :nee. s ts e trs h ,Y wrin~ out a (acc-sir.ed compress world wtde atlenllon. 1 hon from youth groups at Pro-\::h::::l lit•Jtiqu.trll''>-

1 passrd his First Class tests. It do~sn't commtl the Ja· healy the U.S.) and ~apnn a\c 1 The Japanese Army has qui~!-· of absorhent colton in iced witch The Convention was pre8ent- 'l'incial and :'\ational Confer-

T!w i~.lo11;n~ 1> a h>t of :\lany ~f your Scouts miss pancse to modernize their forces,. worked out s nee J!1an de~~:: lv been built up to 170,o0o men, hazel. Lie down, co1·er your cd with formal reports from the ences (of C.T.F.) and we fur­~~-·•::~ >L'!l·C:~tlttltn; 11h1ch ma~- murh _ot the run nnd value of 1o a point where Japnn could given complete 1~ Jhen . 1i's better officered, better face with it and sta)· there [or :\ational Office and the Provin- 1 ther recommend that evt'Q' b.- uhta.,wc!: -- ! SrGntmg L'X)lcrlcnce unlcs~

1 handle Ita ~efcnse alone, al· and could freely ma e er 011 n trained, has more lnltlalil'e than· t5 minul~s. You will look and ; l'ial Offices. followed br ques-; effort be made to or;;amtc

Juh:.,•r .bmhurn·. 1957: Dan- · you tht• lc~drrs encourage i though Amel'lcans feel .Jnp~n Is 1 decisions. the Japanese forces that swept {eel refreshed,· glowing. 1 lions. explanations and criti- youth )!:roup>, ~imilar to Toc-!ll'r, tln-~ \'ailr;_ For;;L'; lladL·n·; thrm m:d \l"atn them for these ! now strong enough ec~nomtcally U.S. Stale and Defense De-

1 to Singapore, the Philippines i • . , cisms. Interspersed were lee-! Alpha and Allied Youth. in nil

~,,w~:I. l h:r; _!S1·uut ol the trst~. I atml Leaders should 1 to carry out a massl\e moder· partment men had been con-1 and ln1onesia In 1941-42, Its:. \\ ood of the prt·stmmotl trrr . ture~ by ~lr. Calder of the 1 Pr01·inres. \, ''r."; l'.o!l·l anf;r ,lamhot·rc; maJ,e it lhctr personal interest ! nlzatlon program. cerned about reports of a .)3pa- ·equipment is Jar~ely World War ts used to mak~ shuttlrs and nur~au on Alcoholism on the The lour Summrr School< on 1 ~,.,,. ltnr Brother.': ~·om_c t.o. sec ~hat C\'N'Y Sec~n~ Class The tt·eaty doesn't commit the, nese trend Joward neut~~li~m. 11 tyJl('. It has no missle units. 1 wooden hrads for ~olf cluh,. Sorio Cultural aspects of Pro- 1 the al~ohol prohlcm in Canada .-\.••r.: r .. l'o:tlmon:; tlul;s S~out _111 the Patrol_ hams and Japanese to come to t~e aitl of There has heen hem')' cJ'ittctsm 'rhrre's a mtlional police re>Ci'I"P· ----.-- hlrms of i\lcohol; Dr. Hoffrr of rame m lor a ~harr of I"!'IJI'rt Ln;,; .\<oh·niur,•; 8th \\'nrld ptcpmcs for his _ftrst ~lass· the U.S. If America again gets of tl.!\. Air and =-:a1•y forces of ttO,OOO. 1 l'he y~ar 1963 wtll hr the llw t:ni1·rrsit~· of !';>>kalch~ll'on and rliscu;;ion. The~r arc h..t•J ,t.,,:t>.>rr•·: .l:tmbor<'l' 53; Fit~;t Bad!'(c untl hh ls fouttecn, involved in defense opel'atiotls lnbeing in .Japan. There hal'c . .Iapan has onll' ft 100,000-ton Chinese ''Year of the Rahhii." on thr u>r of LSD25 and ~lr>· IContinurd on pa:!r !11 l.:rli>:>1·,u: Jamhurc1•; .lambt>rcc, )'CUt's of agt>. 'I' ercfol'c, since 1 · · ..... ---·-- ________ ... ________ ·-· __ ------·-·-.. ·--

J~;,., h llt;tor~·; t"an~tlian scout, he _cannot rt>ceive this award J,,;:::oun·r .. 1950; l"nmpaniOtl,'; • U~ll) he bet•omes !OUI'teen, he 1-o. .;,;h:, Without Armour; IT)· wtl! ~la\·e. at least two years l:3i' •nd l'omp3 ,;; The Sport o{ ll'nlllln!l tf h~ was lucky l•r••·t::vt·r1 ::~; \\'mt,•r l'amping; L'nough to jom at lwell·c hr Rr;cur; Th~ Patrol )lethutl. · )'Pars of age. A Scout of fOUl"·

• • • , tccn who has prepared tor TliiRll f.\:'\;\Dio\S ; and passed his First Class

J.umm:n: . Test should be capable of The r 4 nadian lietll'ral l'oun- • looking after himself out-of·

ril hJ\'~ a-;rccd that a T:lird do~rs in almost any kind of l'a:1;;d:an Jamborcp should be weather. bt!d m the summer o' Jtl(il, in RF.~II!I:DER lhr ncimly of Ottalla. ontario,' Please remember to send and th~: the Jambvn•c should along ;vour contributions to total hl't'.wl'n ~5~0 and 3000 : thts weekly column. for Its ftr.t u~ss scouts. llure in- , ~·o~r news that tlus puhll· formation on this preliminary

1 calion runs on. Mail ~11 entries

notice i.• {orth rom· " to local hendquartel s In St. • • ,111e· John's. It would be extremely

DATl"ll AHEAD helpful in bringing our column : · . ' up to date as possible. Thank

The fullo11:mg are pcrspeclt\'C 1 you.

datt·~ set a?tde _m the ncar fu· , Good bye, Good luck and t~re for Scouun~ ~~·ents m good hunting and remember !'t~·foundland~ . ' alwa~·s BE PltEPARED. '

februal) •·13-Boy Scout '

w~ek. L•J S . F<'!Jruary 22-Roden Powell's I Jrary ervice

Btnhda~. ' April :!3- St. Geor~t··~ Day. ; TORO~TO C CPl - !\lore Cana-lln)' - Sprin~ Smile; and dians ore borrowing more books

Wht>lle.•. i from public Jibrat·ics. Orlohcr 22-Applc Lla)·. ; Dr. lloby Kidd, chairman of

• • • · the council for Canadian Librat·y 1

I.ITTI.I: Til'S Week, April a -!1. says public I To '>~al(·rproo! matl'lte.1. half liltrnl'ies rrport an unprecetlented

fr!l ~ .•ullahle sm;lll ho~ or tiu incrca~e in the munbet· of bor· With mdttd paraflin wax, :md rowers and hooks circulated. tn>crt into it a bunL·h of matches · nut more thftn 10 per cent or urlh their heads burled in the Canadians ha1·e no library facil· wax. Carry in a wate1'11ruof tin. ' ilies a1·allable and thet•e has been

Scouts. when in uniform ' a drop In the percentage of per· Jhou!d sa.lu~e during the playln~ , son.~ reading a b~k a week. of the :'l:atlonal Antlwm. They , Ltbrary w~k wtll culminate a do not remore thrir hats : six · week cnmpni~n aimed at

Hitdl-hiking is forbiJd~·n to . stimu~atlng int~:est in reading 1

Scouts, as it is regar.lcd a~ a : am\ hbrary facihlles. form of beg<,ling. All Scouts nrc Its patron will be Prime Min· earnr~tl~· asked to obey this · i~trr Diefenbnker and Its slogan rule, most particularly if tltcy Rca~ for Pleasure - Read for are in Scout uniform. Proht - Read for Progress.

• • • "Tht·ou~hout all Canada, 11· THIRD SCOUTER'S ISD:\8.\


hrat·y sen·iccs hal'e been expand· The third Scouter's lndaba is ' ing at the rate of fout· per cent

Ul bt held at Ommen Holland 1 each year and II ls doubtful that August 2nd. to lith, '1060. ' , there has been as. much new Jl.

Registered scouters male and j brary con s truclton anywhere femalr. who ha\'e th~ approl•al I slnc_e .~he days of Andrew Car-of their District Commissioner, 1 neOgte, say\ Dr. !Ktl~d. 8• bl' ma~- apply. j • ne_ · ~uat, er o ae 50 pu tc

The fee will be SSO.OO, to h~rnl'les !n Canada were built ~e· which must be added the cost ! t11een 19o0 and 1957. But desptle of tran•portation a d 1 , ~he incr~ase, only one Canadian

n persona 1 m sel'en among those of reading fund~. I I . d b

All necessan· u' t age s a regL~tere orrower. ,-as cooking ge:rq t~men :11ca:- I Dr. Kidd says a survey lndlc· pro~·ided b,- c ' ~.c., Wt e ated that only 26 per ct!nt of

• ana tan llead- Canadians were reading a book a quaArter_s. . . week at the beginning o this

pphcattons must reach Nnd. year compared with 31 per cent H_radquart~rs < throu~h the Re- ' in 195~ and 40 per cent In 1945. g1onal Offtce) by not lat.er than ! However, to put these figures Into ~arch 1s_t, 1960. A,ny Scouters perspecli1·e it was necessary to who are mtcres~ed in a~tending conslde1• th~ sharp population In· shou_ld .secure mf?rmatton and c t' ease since 1945, especially application form nght awa)'. among people who did not speak

• • • 1 English when they came to Can-SESTI:\IENT 1 a~a. anrl seasonal peaks and

If you stand \'~ry still in tbe slumps in reading. heart of the wood, An important factor In the cam-

LOW COST PAINT REMOVER Retaovmg old !IBiJlt can be a Ion~ abel &U.ome jOb. But here's how GilleU'a Lye C8ll help you, at a fntc:tioD&heqeofpreparedfain~ removen. Di.ulve 1 can o Lye ill 1 quart or water. In another C*Dt•uaer, 111-ir 4 heaping table­.,oou of com atareb or ftonr inUI 2 qllllrU of water. Pour thiJ mix· ~.vw.rlliowly intGiye eolution, :tt:" COJIII.IIaUy to make a . putawkhoutlum .... Wear­... IWiber glove~ to pro&ect ......_ -b t.be pute on painted ~ ill a thlek, even coat. ........ ...-oaly aiiUll area at a time, •-u ~of dryinf ap·

1!111. acnp. oft with putty knife. ~ )eiat will ca- otr Witb it. ~• ...._ of other. time and ...,.,.ving Urs, write Cor {m .,_.,...booklet: Standard Branda Ltd., 550 Sherbrooke W ., M-..L

paign, library officials say, is that Canadians read more where library and book store faclll1ies are available. In Ontario, for ex­ample, circulation In libraries had Increased by 50 per cent since 1945 and the number of registered borrowers was up by 57 per cent. The Toronto dlsttict accounted for sale of 80 per cent .. of all books bought In Englis!l Canada.

Nearly 80 ·per cent of the popu­lation is served by some form of library service but while 95 per cent of centres of· more than 10,· 000 have libraries, the figure for places under 10.000 Is only 40 per cent.

OTTAWA (CPl - A Roman Catholic group In Ottawa Wednes· day asked the federal government to take tougber measures against obscene literature and crime magazines In Canada. This wu done In telegrams sent by 01· lawn archdiocese press service t to Revenue Minister Nowland and Justice Minister Fulton,




In accordance with the terms of Section 272 of Estimated Revenue· and Expenditure for


Propert~· Tax c n~tl (20~) .. Business Tax (net) < 20"o) Federal Grant (in lieu of taxes) ........... .. Provincial Contribution, Section 240 ............... . Canadian National Railways by

Agreement !in lieu of taxe5) ............... . Fire Insurance Tax (2'<) ................. .. Entertainment Tax (10~;.) .............. .. Telephone Tax . . . ............. . Fuel Oil Tax ................................. ..

LICI-:SSES ASD PJo:R:IHTS: Busiuess and Trade Permits .. Parking Meter Fees .................... ..

RESTS, CONCESSIONS ANP FRANCHISES: Crown Rents .. Ground and Property Rents ... Cable Ta'< . . . Newfoundland Light & Power Co .. Ltd.,

Tax and Watershed Rental

SERVICE CHARGES Special WaiPr Services . Waste Collection and Removal

GRANTS FROM PROVINCIAL GOVERN!\IENT: Bowring Park ............... .. ln lieu of Mo1or Car Taxes .......................... ..

! U.'i0.300. 00 570,000.00 15,000.00


!1,000.00 17.00000 40.000.00 14,0110.00


20.685.00 35,000.00

1,500.00 2,900.00



8,000.00 8,000.00

10,000.00 20,000.00



WATER SALES: Industrial and Commercial • , .......................... .. Sales to Shipping ............................. . Domestic .............................................. ..


MISCELLANEOUS ............................................. .


130,000.00 22,000.00


2.454,30(1 00











of the City of St. John's Act, the following statement the year 1960 is hereby published:


E:-.•c\ilirr-~taror and Counril Arlministralivr-l'ity l'lcrk's anrl

City Engineer's Department~ 01 hrr -Anrlit. Lcgal ~:xpcnst's, Zoning AppPal '" and other Boards. Court o£ Revision, City

Clerk's and Cit)' r:n;:inerr's Departmental ~xpcnse,, City Hail maintenance and miscellaneus ..

Prn~ions. Group, Health, Liability and Unemployment Insurances

PROTF.CTIOS TO PERS0~5 AND PROPERTY: Street Lighting St. Jolm's l~ire Department round Account (including impounding

of dogs) . ... • .... .. . . .................. ..


~ 2MOOilil


220.957 tZ


67.000.00 14,000.00


Mechanical Department .... • • ........... .................... 'T1,902.40 Streets Department . . ............................... 850,542.68 Sewerage Department .................................. 101,302.44 Water Works Department .................... ........ 176,178.60 New Sen•ices and Renewals . ..... . .. ... .......... 63,500.00 George Street & other property-repair~ .. .... 600.00 Watering Vessels . ... ........... 1!,088.00


CO!'OSERVATION OF HEALTH: ~ledical Health Officer ............................. .. 1,500.00

4.000.00 Demolitions ...................................................... .

I'UBI.IC WELFARE: Grant-Community Nursing 5ervic~5 . • . ... Grant-Society for the Prevention of Cruelty

to Animals . . . .... . . . . • . .

RECREATIONAL AND COM:\IUNITY SERVICES: Bowring Park . . . . ...... Cily Parks. Open Spaces, Swimming Pool

and Playgrounds . . ... . ... ... . . . .. ... . llidslream Development .................................... ..

DI\BT CHARGES: Redemption o£ 31,!% Bonis due, 1969 .............. .. lntrrest on 3~2% Bonds due 1969 ............ . Redemption payment in lieu of interest

on bonds retired .. Redemption of 4~4% Bonds due 1974 Interest on 4 v.% Bond~ due 1974 ......... Redemption payment in lieu of interest

on bonds retired . . . .. . .. Redemption of 4% (Stadium) Bonds due 1974 . Interest on 4% (Stadium) Bonds due 1974 Redemption payment in lieu of interest

on bonds retired . . . ............ .. Interest and repayment of Principal to Newfoundland Government on 4'-'

(Stadium) Bonds due 1974 .................. . Redemption of 5% Bonds due 1977 ........... ; ....... . Interest mi 5% Bonds due 1977 ................. . Redemption payment in lieu of interest

on bonds retired Provincial Loan Redemption .... Domiciliation and RPdemption Charges Yearly discount on 5% Bonds due 1977 AmortiU~tion of loss rc acquisition of

Capital Coach Lines, Limited .. Pro\•isional Interest temporary Bank Loan Trustees Fees ..... .


COJ\IltllTMENTS ........... . . .. ..... .. .. .. . •




89,701.00 25,000.00

50.000.00 86,02650

18,973.50 20,000.00 39,185.00

3.315.00 15.000.00 21,400.00


5,000.00 37.500.00 71.200.00

3,800.00 13.637.00 1.200.00 9,000.00

24,570.74 100,000.00


(Sgd.) H. G. R. MEWS, Mayor.

~7.960 0()

1.2i2.114 5~







(Sgd.) E. B. FORAN, F.C.I.S., City Clerk.

•• - . -· ' .. . . . . :-: . ~.

.. '~ ..

........... :

-·{ ·. ""'\ . :~

. ._ .. ~;;~

... ·. : ..... ' '• -·

. -' . .


The Belted Suit In Soft Grey

!'\E\\"5!'..\PER PRICES l"P \;:·,\· Y0F>.!\ CP 1 - T::e >'"'~e

o~ ~~·..-;~:;-<~.; :~ C?.~af.a an.i th~ r::~:('oo.~ ~·a~~.: .:t~!i~:lB t'J ~·:lE-. A ~:: c::::1:!! .1 b;· tbe An~~;i:~n ~~ '- :=; .lf·:: ? .1::::-hE:-~ A::,:=i.~· t.·:. , ... ; : . ..:~; p.::e-:F i!'l t::e t·.•:o ~~·;;::::".!;;. :::':\l'l;fo.~ 2!'1\ ~-;~;('J3~d

!:-.~::,~:.:: ~:-:~~::::.:-~~ r:.~:":~ for !~=~::~~~: i~:·r:~:'.':~ r.! the c~:n· :-::~::;;: co~~!r!e~ of e~;tern Eur· n;o('. T~t' p:an~ ir.:lude linkin.; ;-..~..-r~ l:ne~. constru~tion of oil p:;"f'1:r.Ho 3nd ro • operation for ~;'ll'~:a:iz<'d rroouc1inn the Sorict fY.;\'~ a:t'nc~· ~~~' annou~c~:t.





"SIMMONS" AUTUMN GOLD 220 COIL SPRING· FILLED MATTRESSES, all sizes, Reg. price $39.95 .................... SALE $30·66

"SIMMONS" CHARM REST FLAT TOP 220 COIL SPRING MATTRESSES. all sizes. Reg. price $49.95 .................... SALE $39·88

180 COIL SPRING·FILLED MATTRESoSES, wonder­ful value here. Reg. price $29.50 .................... SALE $19·9.5

DOUBLE DECKER BEDS 30" x 72", complete with all wool mattresses, STEEL R~g. $48.60 ................... SALE $ 36·88

DOUBLE DECKER BEDS 36" x 72" with spring· filled mollre~Sil~.

WOOD, Reg. !-99.50 .............. SALE $69·65 S Pee. BEDROOM SU.ITES, Regular $120.00. SALE PRICE ........................................ $82·00 21" T.V. CONSOLES, Reduced. MOTOROLA __ .;...._~·.., .............. DUMONT

ELDIS WASHING MACHINES. Reg. $189.50 ........................ SALE $129·88





BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Birthday greetings are ex·

tt-ndetl to :\lax Kirby. 17 Yo1'k' Street, who )'estcrday ccle·


bt·ated his birthday.

CONVALESCING :\Irs. Geor·ge Habllitt~. 1 i:l

l't•nnywell Road, hal'ing under· gone surgery Is now con\'aiPs· l'ing at the Grace llo~pital. Her many friends wish her a quick return to health.

IN HOSPITAL. :\1t·s. :llary ;\lullins cnlct'cd

St. Clare's :\lcrey Jlospital on ,Jan. 18th. for a sun:icnl opcr· ation which will take place on

. ,JanUHI'Y 22nd. Hrr man,· !rirnrls wish het' a speedy re· CO\'Cl')'.

~High Style

Manners Make Friends

Thou~h entertainin~ in a res­taurant or private club is easir.r than enlerlaininl! at home, nnlh· In~ Is quite so hospitable as in· l'itlng l!Uesls to your hom('.

HAI.IFAX (CPl - Dr. ,J.S. Robertson, president ol the Cananlan Public Health As~ocia· linn, said Thursda.v the associa· lion's annual meeting will be held here this May 31 • .June 2. pr, Roberston, who Is deputy minis. ler o£ public health for Nova Scotia, said the three • day na· tlonal conv('ntion will lrato,.., ~is·

. cusskln hy rmincnl authorities or sevetal topics.

. ,•





For Friday, January 22

Present- For You ancl Yours • • • People arc quick, nlm and willy under present in• lluences. Good humor ~bounds, but friends tend to be somewhat sat j ric a I, too. Inclination for drawing, musir, carving, design· ing and other artistic pursuits is strong now. Join a group with tbc same hobby as yours.

Past , , • The first American Future , , , Children's books novel wa~ p\lblishcd on hn~ary may be prinlcd on par-er mad~ 22, 1789. Error.eomlv crcdtled . to Sarah Wentworth Morton. it from ap?lc pulp. Thus "'hen was actually written by a neigh· baby gets tired of pictures and bor, Will am. H 11l llro". n. The ch:ws the page, no harm will ~~~hky.~·os "lh~ !'ower of Sym· rc,ult. From digest to disestib!e?

The Day Under Your Sign ARIES (Born M.rch 21 to April t9} 'I,.,. JI;(Mlrrll v.;.•:.: fl 1!cim; yr•:tr jo!J :an1l :r•~"'l 1'l t!r'" 1•1~:.~ d u:i.• 1 ~

TAURUS (April 20 lo May lO) \11c."· :.:u~y.lt" t1me ia Hll'-:" ,1.1,.·:o; ~-1.r·

•1•1~1!' to me iu•!f' P'lh ~>nr-f'." ... t P i<~:- .. tL,,n,

GEMINI (M•y1llo J"ro 211 'I ilul" i• ''" ;,,_tili,·Atir.u 1• r f\':lrl an.l .1m.1Lt' ~l,~.·JI ~·c•u ahi!1\y.

CANCER (J,.e 2l to J,ly 21) • t,'tptr•~ \<I' I~ ~ .. ·:1::;.:~ "' ,.r,' :, l·al 2\(!iJ. b~inp: 1lit:1 ill•·ti.1! v.i•h tb· !olm::y,

LEO {July 72 to Aug.11) Lift )"(}Ut:-•11 ont 11i tr1~ '~"~ !''111~' n~ bl!~uJu' by stro•mg 1~.~ ,.;.~ o( "Kt\'ic~.''

VIRGO (Au9. 22 to Sept. 2ll ltml'•icns \-oJI'•lc•l 1•1.1 too l?r·~ l.l'l'! OPt al the wron;: um.e. Kttp lhem in \~~ 4"'pr11 •.

LIBRA (Sept. 21 to Oct. 22} 11. n't f,, \ j h Is."' .I' ~,l tn ;..!'1:.'.'.-:t ll\!""'' tr• ::~ 11f :. ''r.,, ') ·· 1 tr.' ln, bnt be f•Vtlt~.

SCO~~IO {Cot. 23 to Nov. 2t) ft;,.r.:· :rot' ,•,.n·~.t:·.tT".i/. h'• <·nc tHoa t, ''" I · · :~:~, b~u anr:thtr ,, be a ''l•tr·1 •-,\·t ... "

5AGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dee •. 21) ~ ·~! I'~·L' n· .. :·r~l•ir: u•r .. •J ~=-·1 non; .;~ir ~-,!rr trl'ld/r-: to r.•i~::hl•rn.

CAPRtconN (D«. 22 to Jon. 10) I'·~··; :~ro· lr>···· '~''' !"" n:~ntll C.tM'.• u .• ~ .,,,ith m . .'.t-.i at c.dhcn1t to t"..J::· ttnlr~·.-,

AQUARIUS IJ•n. 21 to Feb, 19)· lhr.'t 1o~t "f··d h·t "'' rr~:;~.h-: 1-•CTI.OD. Y•;ot 1-:r.nw i:r;" t•) iur • .-t:c tl·."' $il1l.~ti'lCll

~.l.;,cf~~1 \~~~~}~.}:::~~~~~~~r~t Rd all you c~n t!o uj::'.t n"'w b walt

1-:'%0. r:~!-t Ent~rrri~e$, lnc..

An Exotic Dessert And Coffee

Bring Sunsbine To The Table

~~~g.'P..~ N SP!o,t I

Pin a apple Muffins 0li1 HO'N l'LtC$ \

Srjl l~;:rlhrr in/Q a bou·l 2 e. oncl!·\ilted ·

prutry !lour or I If, c. once·lilt~tol oil-purpose flour 3 tsp1. Magic Baking

Powder 1f2 tsp. soli % c. granulated sugar

Combine 1 well-beaten egg % c. wall-drained

canned crushed pineapple

1f2 c. syrup from pineapple

%c. milk 14 c. cooking aU V4 t1p. vanilla

Makra lt•d/ inj/nrtrmix· /!Ire cmd add liquids all at once. Stir ius/ mllil dry 1ngredicirts are moistened-do not o:•er·mix. Three-quarters Jill greased mrt.Dill wps.

Spri,~lr u·rllr oni.,·/ro·r, ~f 2 tb1p1. pr11nulaterl

sugar % tsp. ground


l111kr in mnd. hnt m·or, 37 j", 15 to 2(} mins. Remore from. pans at once. l'idd: 12 m11jfins.

You'll serve it wlt/1 pride when you slly-

"1 made it myself~with Magic!"'

....... ~;. .. .. .. . .. - .. -. . .

~ .... ~ . ; \ ........ ... ,..

.r' ..... ~ .. ··-~-·· ,:

..... ... . . ~. ' ,. •' ~ : . .. :

. . :

... " ' . .

..... ·,

:. '· ~ .......

· .. • ... . : .. ..·:

: . . .. \ .....


. RADIO 'PROGRAMS ----------- ' 4.00-Boh's Bandwagon

CBN 4.55-~cws

Dick Shawn Plays Shnook New Role For Hip Comic

1-'RIDAY, JASl'ARY 22ud.

I I A.~l. , 7.30-CBC News

5.00-Bob's Bandwagon 5.30-Supper Serenade. 5.50-Fishcrman's ~·orccast 6.00-Bullctin Board 6.15-Sportscast and 1'ravel·


R,· t:RSKI \1-: .1011:\SO:'\ HOLLYWOOD. 1\E:\1-0ne

~~ thr nation'< ~harpr>t night rluh romed1an~. Dkk Sh~ll u. pl~~-11,11! thr ~hnook of all !lmr ma~· >ound hkr tht• yl'ar's nw•t offbeat llollywoml film

I llidmrd Rlll'lon told It while !

' 7.35-Top Of The ~lorning 8.00-CBC News and Weather 11.15-l\lu•ical Clock 9.00-~lorning Devotions 9.15-Program Preview 9.20-Plano Playtime 9.30-News and llm•ct Rt'(JOrls. 9.:!6-Records at Random

6.:!0-Suppcr Serenade 6.45-:'\cws

NO ~NOOK. HE - Dlt•k Sh:nm. sharp lll~ht-club rn· mrdian. play~ th•• pnrt or a "shnook"-lnll gu)·-for all the laughs it'• II'OI'Ih m an IIJICOming mm ir. lie's not sl~<·pint:. hl''s studying his Sl'l'ip!,

: 7 00-Shill~lah Showtime 7.15-Shillclagh Sbowtlme 8.00-Crcmn of the Crop 945-~cws

• 9.45-Records at Random

10 00-VOD! All Time Hit Parade

l'UIIllJ:. "But 11 r!'alh· 1~n't.'' Sl'!a11 n

"ollie\ ha1e us 'know about hi•

10 00-Arehers 10 :!0-Evcntidc Meditation~ 110.4~-Sportscast ]0.55-r\CIIS

10.15-lris Power ftlm drbut. 11 altinl( In cln a st·ene In "h'e

Olf<tagl', you 't'r. I'm a l'nl:h·r". lie 11 as pla~·mg "Rit'h· rather b('wlldrrrd l'ltara1·trr- al'<l Ill" ll'ilh a ll'ollpe of old· a bll or a shthmk", 111• ~: 1·in· tina•r• in au Enghsh Jll'ovlnce

11 Ill' II unt• nhl artm·. in a minur • • 10.25-For Consumers 10.30-:'•Wd. School Bro~dcasl

1 10.45-Ciif!s Kitchen 11.00-Big Top Ten. 11.05-Club 5!JO

: I 0.50-~lustc in the ~loming. 1 11.00-To Catch a Fallmg Star r~--------~11.15-Nfld School Broadrasl 1 p t J 11.45-Rrgina McBride

I arn1oun I f2~BBC News

ntd. I W"}} U \\'hat IS offbt•al about wh•. matll- 11< sta):e entranre • 1 Shawn pia~ 111~ tht• brlnlclrrrd a~lt·r tun man~· bcl'l'S. After , J SC ht•rn of Jlml ard Smgrr's htlar· ' ~~- foHrth wt'BI'C nl'at· the foot· PA S iuus nOirl. "Wak!' :\lr \l'hrll ltghts, a woman In lhe bal· v. stem. THE LADY AND THE GIANT i

I N Play.lng 1 12.10-Announcets Choke OW 12.15-Farm Broadca>t

It·, Onr''. 1< thr l'l''t of thr ·ron~ ,l('llrrl: , ra'l in thP ~lrt'l~ n LrHuy (lim "(;1'1. olf the stage. \'o11re FRI-:Dt-:RIC'TO:"i 1C'Pt-.\ !JIIh·

By Clarence Budington Kelland

\'f:lr ... wn. drunk.' lit' add•·~~~ I\ an 1 I'N•ordin~ s~ .. t(lm ~ ,.~, ~-~::: ~ "'' u ,.,. -.u •• • ~ ,,~, ~. H• c.'" •• ~.~., c.-~, , .• ~.., 4 ~ ,..u,h,.l(•

E~t·t•pt f,,r Shall 11 . tilt·~ n• The old actor straightened 'imilat· to that in lh~ l'nilecl \a. t.. ... -----···- .~ .\l'llltJ:\' IIEI'IIrtl:-: J:"i ail pia,. 111;: 1\ lor l:nt~h-. up and wih great dignity call· lion~ 11111 be u<ecl hy tlw :'\~w 'filE STOII'I': ~ladum ('j~,ie num '"'d in hr< pompuus 1>.1~ "'filE :'\l :-;s STOlt\'"

\nd "thr.' ··an· ,.mr tatiH'I' ed back, "Madame, If you Rl'llnswick II'Ci>lulurr llhrn 11 Janrlla~. a rich and m~stcriuus "I .hall prurct•d to the >(lot to f I bl I l. think I'm drunk, 1'ust wait t111"11" l·'cb. Ill · 1 · ·• ll11lll! a r t·nmt•t Jail>' ·.l'lllt' ' ne11rnmcr tn ~)t.ltllsc, Is um. ocr 11'1111 my own ryrs. Kmat·•. llnn Knntt•. \larl'in 1 until you 111 tht Cukt of The $:i,200 in-lallation ha< a urcd at a rrt·cption at the home "Sir." satd ~ladillll >imply. "ll l\a1•lan and Hob~rt Stmuss. Buckingham In the next act." dnal purpo,c - to enable mcm· of Banker Watts. Ol'lin :\Jtttle· ·.1111 rl~.Jsnrc me to dnw ~011

I • • • brrs and the public to h~ar the p:u- ot 1('1'' gate, a young la11~er retained to the spot. ~ly allumc~. ~Ir. I · Sl \\'a•hllt"tnn chirall!'l',V I'X· n1·nc•edln~s more easih.· and to .. t, >tran;:t• · · Ja\111 •a~<. " ,. " • by ~!adam Janl'way, .111d Lossic Appleg.tlt•, 11'111. I'm qutlc surr.

•·10 IJ• , 1111.11tlllll"ll ,,,. ,• J,1t til. tln~.·d in thl' rnrrent :'\o. 1 nrovidc a I'CCOI'•' or spccc'w,. 1 1 • .. ~ 1 d 1 • • " ,. b I' ox are amnnJ: t 1e guests, .os· accompany u~ ., 1~ ra1>c t~l' r .. mNiian• goin~ w'ilcl wlulr hr>h('lllns "Acil'ise and Con· The s~·stem will be oper:ttcd )' 1 . 1 . 1 " s.'Clll" 11'1'11 not l'eat•lt the sci'N•n tit• offl."l'al l'rporter with button• 5ie who bad reseri'CI Jill gmenl brows at me lnqulrm:: y, I nH ,talHI around ~il'lng out - • \ th 11 "I !t II be ti"ll'"ltlctl " I a· · 111111! 1962. The movie bu,v , ~ontt·ollin," a mici'OP 10m• on cJt''l Oil e 0 1 er 11oman IIOW seems s a ' ~ • s· br11 llderl'd look'. I k1•rp for· ' ' d' to adore her. · sun·d nrr.

'rttin" that 11 h('n thr film is gins a Br·oady,ay pia~· \'ersion drsk. A~ each rccl ol rt•cor m~ 11 'f 1 " top pritH'il,\', ... Wall Disne'' ta"" 1's.· finished it 11ill be taken • • • I went prescn !' to SPr 1 "Ut togrt!ll'r m,1 hrWIId!'nnt•n ' ,., \'Ill II 1 · 1 1 · fron1 ll"l' " "llang!'d ltls min~ and clr- a 1,·a~· to b• tran•crihed sn that con t t•x nca e AJ~ste ' ,..,II ~rt laughs too-l hopr." • " ' 1 · 1 1 11 1 · \ 1 d .. tidrd not to be the big. bad complNe repOJis can he r~n:'y .o"1e scrmct w 10 y una11art• m m1rers .. s 11orme m~ Woi)

IF YOU HAVEN'T READ wolf Ill .il'ITY Lcwis' !iff'. Jlr fOJ• m~mbr 1·, nt the <lm'l o[ thr of me, as shr 11as the ccn\l•r of at•ross the room l cnntri~rd to \\ •- \\'1 I ' () " • C' d F II " · · a11 t·a~"l' "t'lltlp-a .,"I'Ollp, 1! di;;pJan• a hantl•omrl.v boun.i " a .. r ~lr 1cn t s l'er • dectclcd JriT~· s " 111 ('r 'r a next day's Sllt111g. · • ~

)(nu\1 that 11 ha' nut lung 1, do titlr 11 111 nnt hlll'l the ·•pen•n· --- truth lllll>l ht• told. that w.:;; :1, ~m:ill Bible trom tt, pl:tcr on a "llh the flon ntflt'l'' of ~Bl' liJal" r1ghh nf the Di~nc)'· PROSPEROl:S \'E:\R l:n•gt• a~ that ~urro.1ndin~ ~I:•· nurhlt'-toppc•d table. ll ll'll J .. n· <'I' CHS tclri,,IOII. If's about filmrd "CindcrPIIa" ....• lat•kic' 11.\~lii.TO:'-l•CP•- .J. Dnugi:J, ciam.Janl•\\'a~ lJolllccl the dr• lr downward ~nd opt•Jl. A :,!enl!t·· 400 .\u' t'unt• radar mt•n (~Jra~un ~aid "\o" to pla~·mg Gibson ~enc1·af muna~N of lh" pa~m)( hom.t·~t· to the olclrr. man al m)· >Hlr sloupNI tu pHL •tattonrd on a lcull'ly island rumcd1an olil'el' Hardy in a Bank ~f 'i-lol'a Scotia. Wctlnesd:•)' wnnl.!n. ar.:l >he snulrd at me it up. and as ht' chcl l'O he r~· hal111a'' hriiH'<'ll 1\m'NI and mol'll'. predicted a pl'o~pei'OUS year fur ;:t·a, IOU> I) arnincd 11. iltlll tht•n he enllttt-d .Iapan.· Thr) npt•n a luxut')' --·-· ___ ---- Canadian business. J((' told lhl' "!'It• grc•at tnnfidt•nt•t• in ~lr a low nhtMit•. untrl1n an rlfnrt tu beat bm·c· ----------~ Hamilton hranch of t:w Men'· ·\!>P!t~atc," •hr 'aid "' th.1t "( ast au e~r mer th;," hi' c\om. Thr hotel hcronws the I I Canadinn Cluh lhal the bu<inc .• , :ill mu~ht hrar. "lit• 1~ 10 hanr1le ~ai.t 1!1 nw. and <hu\ll'ci lilt' t;tc <lllJJ('(t <'f ~ big •tanctal lll· I c •t } 1·eco1·en· that gain·~d momcmtrmt llll teg,tl alhlll'' I ltntl hllll blank pa~r ••l thl' front ol tilt· \Ohtn~ \ll'l'lll'l'(' mntcl'l:ll and I a pi 0 I in IO.i!l. will t•al'IY on wrll into lt'l'\ a>IU!t• Ill blldl lllaller<.. book. Oil II ~~''"an llhlll(llilll' 50 Ja,•anr•r gills S!11111 n J 1!160 and po-sibl~· into 19til ·ihat t'ii.Ulgt'd tne altlimlc ot 111 cl".thht•d hau:ll'l'tlln;! . . h.J\-. to work ,,, dtaU1hL·r· I Tontorrow I th~ j;IOUjl llllllUl'lall). "lllf l'lllrt' "'I'll Ill) lillie ('·--ir. ',IJih lh(' m~1d• Thr '' andal 1· tollcm· so\'mT C.\RS JH:llt: ihan ont• ol tiwm t•)'l'il mt• ltJth .lflct·.ron ,,f l'ntle llana•l Drc•\\ · I'd hi a 11111<1 llllli,Ua( t'IIUI'l or'l'.\\\',.\ •CP 1 - The .lourn<~i ~Uilll' t•ll\). lor II is a \l'l')' dt• i\l!t•r hlrakf.l't tlw IH\(

ma:·t:al f,f Shawn. thr ~hnook. J.\~t•:~ {',\(i!'\•:\· sa~:!\ an unidenll[j!'d Tol'onto car su\tble 1hm:! to he a lf'gal 11rl IIHII'Illtlg I ~1ood tltldcr I.o-. ... rP ...

Author Singer's ideal of • SIIIRI.t::\' JO:"iES [l'\ d~aler i< negotmtin~ for purdtli'e 1'1>01' tu >tt \\calli!~ and lm,hl~ \IIIHlo11 and callt•d "Yno-hCJn." thnook, in can you don't know ":"it:n:n sn:.\1, of 2.0110 Hu"iar. • huilt ~[o,kntch1 connt•t·l!•cl a pt·r~on ~- )hulam and ,}w thrn~ IIJl thr s.1·h auri "is the innocent bystander who .\:'\\''flll:"iG S)l:\1.1.'' tl17 autos. 'fhr Sol iel extmrt~:· ~ Janell',tY ~lr. \\',tll> pu,hrd ht> mdlit•cl mr for 11. po:nttn~ o 11

Sc•ldom dues a motiot! :nrt u' e reretve lhe critical accla1m th.ll b;1s been awarded "The Xn:1·, Story,'' Fred Zinnemann's l'c•h· meolor produc!ion tor \\'ar.wl' llroo, starring Audn•y lie l' bum.

'fhe flJm. II hit•h n011 p),1) • IO·

cl,11· at the l'.tr;uHOUill The.clre 11 .1 s morl' I han a year 111 p: e· p.tr:1IJOn ancl 'ix months en Pl'O· dur110n. during 11 Inch thou suds ol miles wrn• tr.11 Pl:c·.t h; :he rompan) lor {!lmin~ 111 1ht• Ht•l· r.tn l'ut:.:(u. Rome and m 1anuus <"1111'S of 11!-ldum

.\udrr1 Hepburn. a tn.)\· '1' 1

lt•nl.''wn~d ('t'l('brlly and oth~ 1•t the• n:ct>l appt•cling ancl !!rrc,. I pPl'~ llltdllif'"' of :tll tmw. ~· 1 .. ,

a .. S•'t<'r I.uk(l. I hr con"·u·t"'(' t·h .. ti'!.!Pfi ht•rouH' ot · Tlw \t~,f~.

Sl on '' '( hP < ,1.1 o' lliH •)ll'aKlll! ,.,, ··•

rr,trl• l1~.<' ,1 ~lobo~ I \I lloJ \\ hn ' 'I'!H l"f' ,11"1' JH'I I I, lui"~

t J'(JJH .\ lllf'l'H',I. En ~land. i · 1 '\.

I· I' a nu·. Bl' I ~Hun, If o 11 ·uHI. : n·· lan<l Seotl:mrl, Porltc!:l 1 ,.;,. cl·

always gets hurt; lht would· lhr lour · l')'!i11'1<'1' t·ar~ I' ,.,, 0 w;e~· '" ht•l' -ult·. acromnamlll th.ll I 11.1~ a hohhl<·:lr•ho.' .tn•! bt hermit who settles down in Lllli!'I'•UI - lntl'rllatwnal'• V.xtiOit !'ompan) of \'ost'OI\ Th" hy'a ,,r(.ngrr. n man 111th lull) hacl numallll<'l> and that" ~,·t:· p, 111,r ... 11.d " \,gc" .. 1 ,·1.:1

1 nict camfartablt dP.sert and ":'\t•l!'l' SJI',tl Anylhmg Small," .lom·n,l) ~a."' lh" rar. rollltlletr lun•head. -hrewd t')'h hmr th;•t til'man 1hd not >l~nd UIHh' .1, .a'' r 11 , .ot. II " tnt I· :11• . "· :·

then finds aut the army is a rouuh, tou~:h waterfront story 11ilh IJ•au,:i,tor radio. >ell' lor t'Oit'rcrt the upper half of his 1111111ow Rntl roo-hoo for a l:uh. ' 1:.ll.ort:cl mo!Hn ptctun•. building an nptrlmtnal roc· dt•itil" 1•mbelll>hcd with sprite))' about· $1.700 and alrl'a!:C' ~0 c:u·.,, Hr 11a' wearin~ ,1 blat'!: "I'll• yoo-honrll lor your <liH'P 1 The l••allmg mo~n 11 Tlw

12.45-)lid Day Sl'rcnacle I.OU-llnyll' Bulletin I 15-A Lo\~ to remember 130-l'BC :o.;el~> and \\'catnt•J

U5-BBC \"arirty. 2.15-Xa!IOnal School Bt·uad

cast 2 45-Tommv Hunter ShO'\ 3.15-Kindcrgarten Of The .\:r 3 30-;o.;ew~ and Trans Cto\.lda


4 :JO-VnnN) Hour 5.110-Conccl'l Hall 5.30-Ftshel'les Rrondc .. ,t ;;,45-)lu>rc Fror:1 Thl' •\l•··•n·~ 6.110-l'BI' :\c•1 < 6.03-lulrnnef 10

li :!0- -~ll!ll•PI I;[Jf••t 0 -!j-( urt~ll~1 ':-11w· . i (!() CHI \1'\\.• .·:·ol ''I • IH I

7 :5-\liJLJl'.JI l'ru~:. 111

7 .~1) -·lnp~ T11o.~·.

7 ~~-Do) I~ Bullctrn 7 15-:llu;ic;•l l'ro;:r.lltl i :lO-TOP' Ttd:ty 7 -l~-Do.1 lr l!u!ll'llrt n \; -ll.i'\ hulc S :lO-\Iusiral lntrrlndr· H 411- Ktlt'ht II L UIJII'r

VDCM ket and atom bomb range next t'OI11<;cl). and pt•l'fectly s111led to miles to a ~:allou of gn,oline. storl; 111th a j!'wrlcd pin. n111l yuu l'.l're a '<'M old." 1 an :..; 1111 , Stun • is l'ct1·. v111 ·h door." . 1lw brilliant artistry o! James h his manner 'Ct•med a bit pom· >Wl'l!•d. "aud I dou't propo-e to lhl' <olorlui .\u-tr,1han .. il, :- u 30 __ :\rw; and Wt•atlwr

--·-·--·-· --l l'a:<llr'·· on"lls tomul'l'llll' at the Xorth Dakota rat:'!'S 1 rr~· l'''IIS. thou2h 1101 d1·~.tgreeahl\, t " 1

F1: Ill \ Y, J \:\T .\ R \' '!2ncl

---·- ·- ' 1" l' s J t " ' 0 11· luw\\ •1 to Anwnra'lt !.lull :.c· ·• 6 35-Br<>akfasl \\'tlh Bll l "Pilttl 1'heatr". fourths of thr .. · supp )' 0

··'' Sl It 1 I · II 1 lt'lr 1 k .. o.; ... .. H' •aJ C( ()\ l1l W \' ' '\ Jll'l!l'~d ,!_\ for "f.Jpph,l nt \\ .11. (j :::.5-!'\e\\'._

~ With Sh1rle~· Jont>s joming dul'llm whrnt. 8 hart_l ':"'ely "~l:11lam .}aJW\13)'," ~lr. \\'aJ.h >til. k•ll'ly <'i a flo11t•r "l'lt•.t>c· .• md · .\ Tm111 LtkP A'i•·•·" II< i 00-Hteakfa,t 111!h Btl (',·1••ne.1· in the robu>l stor~. not· IISNI.to make >paghettl am mar· ,;nd, "ma.l' I pn•srnt a gt•ntlr· (lll':lst'. Ornn," .•ht• s:nd -oft!.'. · •

1 ~. 0-'.' •n11·s ,•ncl \\.aterft'Oil:

a , a I<·P bnx-nlllcc star 1:1 l" c•,:' ,, ·'" .. • ably ab~!led b) co-stars Ro~ter arom. man ncwl~· arril'i!d trom ~ew "llrl'cr stop c.tllln-.;. :'\t•wr Brlitllll. lllwn• hr has . Jlllt':tr~u Director: Smith and l'ara Williams, the


-· ______ h ___ · 1 York whosl' name may not he :-lever." 1,,. 1 11 11 • 111 11.0

-, 3.~-Brc•l:fast with Bill ·~crl'l.'ll H·rsion of the :\Iaswell The chameleon ~s an msl'c. 'whnll\' unknown to you-~11 • • • In .. dllll' II II' r r.l' ' . " " • · 1 h' t •ue IWICC as Jon" • du<"tlon he pia~; I he ro:,, nl Or i.55-Xe\\s All(lcl·~on . Rouben :\lamouhan ca c Ill)! nng ~ · Ph'ln"''s. T. Bamum'?" She cattlt• drr\1'11 .sltorf]l' ,"rt<l · 1 'I b d '" " Fortunate. a bnlltant c!oclor 111 8 00-Torhav \\<'at tf'r play bursts on the screen in as Is 0 y, _ .. _ . ''Indeed I know the name of we t•rO•>CU tltc slrcPI to ~Ia· 1 , 8.0"-l'rcak.fa<t 111!h Hill .. 1 - ·- 1 tu• \,.un.gu. v > color anrl l'nwma-Scope n a, and buhhlv. ~cores an ind11·idual lh'. Barnum. We are graletll to. dam's and ,,tl m her t•ool p"r Danw Erl:th El'al1> 'he ln.c:"l- 8.25-XPII'<

1 c\evil-may.care mood quaranteed 'tr'tumplt ~. the rarketcer's doll' him for bnngmg to u• the PX· lor until sht• r:rmc !101111, •tale· 8 ?O-llit Tunr of the D:l',' b d • bl ru J 1 I" · arl'h ol thr Bnli•h sl.t~•·. • fl:tl'l• ·• to cha~e an. Y. o Y s ues aw.•ty. ll'llh a h"art of gold 1 somebody 'qutsite voil-e ol enny .tnt, ly and heautiful and .nuhn~ 3 :13-SJlo 1·tsc~st d I C g ' · d tlw rol~ of lh!' 'lotl•<•r ~'i!'ltlor It's a sPll.'lle romp or .a · else's gold. that is). shr t•xrlalme · . wllh -unltcipation \\'e got tnto u ~0-Brcakl~-t 11ith B1ll

h th gl lh lole d l 1 I .\1 70. she has ht•en pt•n r"lllll·~ ncy as c Zips rou l e . A brilliant assemblage of sup- "An· t 1c e.s cxqlll,,l c I'OICC her t•,crrtagr and drol'e to thr 3 :i5-~c11 s I r I f I k I el' ''1'1111 f • 'I' '1'1 l .. th I .:lmo't CO!lllllllOtbl,l' 'm~o 1~ 1 2 o n 11a rl' ron l'SC e e • portin~ pla)'CI'S appearing 111 o c.~n. om lllfll 1• ~ gre,, hntt•l lor thr gn•.t! m.tn .• uul !l 00-~lornin~ n .• to • a .ong. n dancr and a Jot of ":-\ever Stral An)·tlun~ Small" showman answered Wllh a tht•n ht':tlled out tlw :ncnue to· whrn ,he made ht•r :>l'<'ll'l•'l c !!15-Lillda's rn·,t r. .. ,e strong· arm where necessary. inl'ludrs 5land-out portrayals by broad ~nn. ward L'ard1lf. Thrrc w:1s no n~et! ' 1 a~e app .. ~rancc :t' 1 r,•., c' 1 ''1 !!.30-~lormng n,,lc

. Cagney, the son~:-ancl-dance man I Nehrmiah Persoff. as a wa\('r· "Anrl wh:ll. ~lr. brill~' )oll 'o fol' us to talk; ~Jr. llamum did Sh.•kc,)lt'"~'"' "'frOilus ·' n d til OIJ- :\ell' 'of "Yankee Doodle Dandy" and front boss: Royal Dano, as a our little ell)'!" ,)I adam ~skcd. that. l'\olhing II a' onhnar): l'rt'>'ld.• .... ThP :\un' SLI •' lO.Il:i-~torl; lluh Cagne), the hoodlum-hrro or 1 Run\'Oll . 1,·pe hoodlum; .Jack "Curiosll)', rna :1111. A h111! ol 'everything \HIS "prodigiou," 01. mark- her Anwnran J!l·n t!t•bat 10 l.'i-.lim .\llh't •tc shn\1 "Puhltc Jo;nem(' ami "Love ~It- Alb~rl~on. ·a h)'pochundriar the ~!range an~l mar\elou~. "beyond bchef" or al\esomr.'' The higilt•st po,stblc :1 •c.cc ;o 111 :i~- ~ 1 ... 1, Or l.ca\e ~Jr. are ~oth ~~~ de· bookie: \'irgmia Vmrenl. his w:wi'C the s~Pnungly nuracul- llis famous rl~IJh.Jnt .. Jumho. her proft'»IOII l1l En.~:,,•,d '·'·'' J 1 00-.Jim .\me<"hl' Sholl

• hghtful el'~dt•nc~· u~, ":>\e~er not-so-rlemted girl fmnd: anti ous manifests itself. t~Pre .you' was not an rlephant; tl "as a bc,tn\\cd upon ~Ibs 1.1 en, 111.'i-\\'e•tern J,unhon•t•. Slenl AnythlllJ: Sm~ll to KIVC 1 Sanford Secgar. Herbie Fa) e., lVIII find P. T. Barm_1m. H 11 Is "ponocrous, palm-eared, pra· when she w;c, made~ IJ,ane or 1153-Xr115

: douh~~·harre.~ed rn)oyment to 1 Btlly ~1. Green and Robert 1 something pe?.ple wtll . pha)'

1to. eyed pachyderm." 1 could feel lhP Bntish Empire in J94ti. p :11. ......

toda~ s mo\legoer. Wilke. as the mu~:s who stand, see-then, ma am. I must e tte · Lossu·. on thr :;cat be,Hic mr.! Tl'n yc.H's after tlut, :-.•wt!wl 12'HJ-\\'Psl!'l'n .J.nuhorre. Rut at !Pa•l Sha"n wa,n't a Shirle~· .Jones, see~ • 5 .. 8 slrlll·. behind Cagne)' "t'rough rick one to exl!ihit it. I suffel' no quiverm)! with supnrr;sccl lllN· .farwus llnt1sh actrc.. "'" 12.:!0-Xcws

l'hnook a' a real sen 1crntan. ! gh~g ~·oung laW)'er 5 \life who , and t'in." l'll'al>. rna :1m. ll the world riment, and every second I ap· snmlarll honored. DamP Pr:~) 12 3:1-Harnhlin;.: 11ilh Il<>tords To r~t·apr a tank repair un1t resl>ls all the amorous e~arm I Allhough ":-iel'cr Steal An~- wants to :ee or lwnr or to ad·. prchendcd ~omc nTel't•rcnt ont· Ashcmfl. who porlra,s .\Iot!oeJ 12 45-Ft,herm.tn·, l'orrast

he announccd he was an cntr.t'· Cagney can pour her way, smgs, ' thing small" Is e~senliall)' a 'mit·c a lhtng, then It must co.me hurst from her. ~lathtldc. 12.50-flamblin~ 11 Hh Rccortls tatnrr. l'.llldt led !11 a spet·ial dances and acts superbly to add I comed~··drama. fll'e songs pen·' to my mU>Pllm to mar.vcl at II." I He told Hs of the triumphs of' Tht• favorite Amel'ican s• rrPn 1.13-Sportsra>t JPI'I'Iee unli which led In a to th~ ~~~~·els. she h'!;~ .~l~eady • ned by Maxwell Anderson and · "Of course." she said. agree- , Jenny J.ind, the Swcd1sh l\ighl· pia~ cr. Dean J<1gger. i< st•t•n ". 1.20-Hambling with Records JIO'Hur show businc~;, career. IIO!~ Ill .~prtl J.ov~: Carou-~ Allie Wrubel-each one design- ab)). "~a.turall~·· you will ha~·e , ingah!, and of Gen. Tom Thumb :\lis, Hepburn's falhrr .r .. ;;"u 1 30-:\'cws

THAT ENDLESS PLAY of 1Scl and O~lahoma. ed to tell a part of the wonder- I come lo nweshgate the Cardiff and his dainty hllle wife. La- hold< an Academy !\ 11 ~.-d for 145-Pa;-in~ Parade (John 'll·ords on "lla1·e Gun, \\'ill : Ro~er Smith. as tile honest ! ful story-give the fast-moving • Giant.'' vinia, and how he had bam- "Tw~he O'Clock fh·~l•." and XcshittJ tra\el'' ~:oes on-and on. Eddie , hut na1v.e yo~n~ lawyer. prodves 1 production a Ill ling, tuneful air: ''That is indeed so ~!al'~}ou I boozed with his mermaHI. and has aehicl'l·d many nw•not ,,IJJt· 2 OO---.Iim An:eche Show. l'3nlor JUS! solei a ma~azlne • that he IS a I _lim newcomer es· , at all limes. The dance num- 1 seen the monster. ~ta am· how he had emptied l11s crowd· 2 55-X~~~ s stor~· on \\'ill Rogers titled •. lined for lasllnJ: screen success,: hers, staged bv Hrrmes Pan. "In all its mystenous glory.'' ed museum on a buO\· dav to screen portra):tls. :1.00-Dollars on


,producllon "In the mornmg, h'b't' fl .· " . . . place on the Amen~.m ,<1:;;;~ "Hal·e Gnn. \\'ill 1'1'avel.'' • • • tWhi!e Cara \\'illiam5. bou~y II add fur!her lo ihe flavor of I he I she smiled. . " make room for more patroils b~ ~!ildrcd Dunno~k. '·' h" 'c 3 55-Nt•w<

. ex t l m.g a atm,. sl_gn ~let a and srrcen is parallel t•• lll'. door _wh~e~.,read, "Thts \\ ay to British rmincnce Gf Dame pc:~~llt~c facinatin~ ac,··mtp •• ni· the E.gress. He wa~ a .mounle-' Edith and Dame Pe''"''· h,t< lh('

TO-MORROW Tke ~·tauP Boss ot the Waterfront

CAGNEY and theDoll that he wants for his dish-


------------. -----

TO-DAY _____ _;_ ______ --- -

From the most gripping· ·and dramatic best-seller!






bank, but on a ma)csttc scale, •. '"~· , . . nll'nl to the adwntnn•.; ol St> I and he awed while he amust•d. tmuortant rule of Slst.l I ~I. r- •"I Lukr. . The Xnn • Slrn:~

We drew up with a flounsh gharita ~!iss Dunnock Ill be sht.l\s fol the ftrst tun•• to !:<) near the ticket booth on Stubh1 remembered ~or her •'rrlan~ autircnccs tlw lll)''lcr•r. 1tH1

. Newell's farm and pmd our s4 ~crformanr~ In Eli a '\Man's · h~aulics of thr find Vll'l'·'.lid:J ~ for admi.;sion. Though 1t was ftlm for Warner llro•, Bah~ ccrcmomes as no1·ic·cs hl'•'(llllC not yet noon. there was a con-I Doll." ll•li.s. siderable patronage, and 1 cnuld ' E11•ry role in "Th ~ Xun'< A romplete rhaprl ~~'•" I'Oil

; see .).Jr. Barnum counting and Story," no matter how ~mall, i' >lrut·ted at Centro S(>cn•nu:tal" 1 calculating. We entered the lent filled by a player of ·~~-''!ll.unal ~:111lios in Rome. and lumdrcr'o and stood gazing down at the distinclton, especially ·ho>rn o: women wrrc hand-p•rkcd h1 huge stone effigy. for the clwractcrizatw.t hi' nr :,,nncmann for the llllcs 111

{'fo Be Continued) tuc uf talrnl ami Jlh)otul ~Jl ::J .tulanb. nonces and nut!' ----- ---· · :\l'o among the pl.tyl':·· arr

CJON-CJOX TV FHIDAY. JA='\liARY Zml. l'llill

10.45-Carloons. II.INI-Rompcr Room. 2.00-Qualily Theatre. 2.:10-Chez Helene. 2.4.5-Nurscrv School Time. 3.1Nl-The St:1r and the StiJI· 3.30-Life With l~lizabcth. · 4.1NI-Open House, 4.30-P.l\f. Partv. .'i.IHI-Patfs Piciure House. 5.30-Tidewuter Tramp. 6.00-Annic O~kley.

iO dancers from the ;:ryl a! Opl'ra Tbratrc ol J!,,mr. r:l"'l'lt bee au ·c of their grace ;:n>l poi'<' and their facihly 1n pr•·c.rmitt.: lh1• rloquently sllt·nt ~c-tt1rC1 toi 1111115.

For Atull·cy Hrphurct. 'ltr role of Sister Luke i' !he ~~ ~alr<t rh.tllrngr of her happ,- < arccr .\s tht• Belgian nun, SOl! ,go~s from a leen·aie girl entcrint: a convent through 17 ye~rs of a1: \'~nturrs 11ntil she disc.mh the nnn's habit durinj! \\'oriel War II. Actually. this is on'y ~!iss Hepburn's sixth slam~ • film since she won lhe Ar11lcm'o' Awo~rd for her first--" Romnn Holiday.''

1.00-Closc Down

CJON FfliD.\\', JAl'\UARY 22nd.

13.30-The Bob Lewis Sbow 6.35-\\'calhcr.

<l'ontHtnec\ on page 16) 6 ~5-!lco:dlme !\ews a!l

\l'catner ~ iO-llJb l.eii'IS Show. "i o.;- I..outl \\'t.~tlther. 7.30-:">cw- ;:nd ~1rnilorial. 7 35-W~athcr Forec~st.

7 45-:'\cws and :ltinitori•l. 815-Shipping RcporL a 20-Boh Lewis Show • n 30-:\'<''~' and ~lmilorial 8.t5-Kidthcs Corner. 8.40-Bob Lewis Show. 8.55-Just a ~linute. !1.00-::o-;l'IIS !1.0~,_.-~!u,tc for ~1111iona. 9.~C c;t•J r: \\":g;,!In~ Show.

•Co:.' :mtcd trum page 13)

10 :J;; . II 110

lt.!; \!I·! Qtu/. l I .;·, ,,., 1[ :II one; mtrt

1~ 0'1-:\c'l'> lll~hhghls anrJ ~tc·uton:rl.

l:! UI-Tu\\11 ~nd Cuunlr)·. t2 :m-\cll'' ~nil \lmtlunal. I~ ~:1--Tn~:n and Coun.ry. 1:! 3~-T<J\\ u aotd Country t UO- :\cws llt,;hlt;;hts and

~imitonal 11:1-~ .... ·•l ...

1 3J-Edtlnrial Comment. 1 411-Sports. ·.!-!-Art Ll::kcr's :\otebook 2 OU-:\'CII> l!l'!hl:gbta and

~I.mlorlnL ~ o:l-C:,u~ \\'1ggins Show. 3 00-:\t'lls H!~hlights and

~linitonal. 3 01-\\'estern Jamboree.

4 OU-(,en Pruv. News 4 O:i-Han~h Part)'. -! :lcJ-:\elh 5.00-1\' r11 s Highhghls and

:\!111 ttonal. 5 01 -B<Jh J.rwt< llance Party J ofi--\\ t·c~lr)> Show 6.00-:0:ew, lli~hltghts and

~!uutunal. 6 01- \\'cathcr ti ll,i-Bullctm Board . 6 IIJ-Xalwt.al News 615-Sports fi 31J -Cit:Jl !l:l 7 uo-;o.;cwo ~nd )1rlliiOr1al. 7 01-CiulJ 93. 7 45-:<cws 8.00-:\cw, in a ~hnHie. 8.01-Bt·•t from the West. s 3U-l\t,t from the West. 9.CU-Xews and ~lmitonal. 9 03-Xlld Soiree. 9.15-Xlld Sprakin~ 9 30-C:lapd b~ the side of lh•

Hoad. [140-Pcrsonally Speaking !1.4:i-Dosco Xcws.

10.00-Nnrs Highlights and ~!1m tonaL

ICIO!-Thr F:tlron 10 :J:J-Natwnal ~rws. ltl4~-Sporls

'11.00-:'>cws Hi~illights and ~lim tonal.

11 01-:\lum in !he !"1::ht. 1~ 00-:\ e1~; Hl~hltghts anrl

~lmitorbl. 12 Cll-~lusic m the Night. 1 01-Qttt•en and Sign Off.

vous Flllll.\\', J.\\'l'.\R\' 2Zml.

- ------;- ------- --.\ ~1.

6 00-Sundial li :liJ-;>;cii'S 7 00-:\t•ws j 30-:\('\1 '· U 00-Brenkf~sl Club 8 :m-G~) len Drake 9.00-11 Happened Ja;t n.~h

10 00-l'uffee Time 1\ 00-Turn Bark the Clock 11 :lO-Program Twelve J'J[. 12 30-)larcll of Events !2.45-Sporls Page 1.00-Arthur Godfrey 1.25-Ncws 1.30-Bob and Ray. 1.45-Quotc • Unquote 2.00-Vtewpoint 2.15-Couple l\'exl ll ··: 2.30-Ncws 2.35-Panurama 3.30-News 3.45-Jumor )tiss






MATINEE: 1.30 P.M.


6.30-News Cavalcade. 7.00-Shcriff of Cochise. 7.:!0-Homer Bell. 8.00-This is Your Music. 8.15-National Nc11s. 8.30-l Spy. 9.00-Saber of London. 9.311-Counlrv Ilordo11 n.

10.00-Four Just ~len. 10.30-Fiying Doctor. 1100-Jnliettc. 11.20-Cnvalcmle of St>ort>. 12.15-Jim Coleman Show. 12.311-News Headlines. 12.31-lnlemulionul Pluylu .. 1.

The scrcefiplay is bv Robert , Anderson. author of "i ea and · ii.nnpalb)" and "All s~mmer · Long." It was adapted lr~·n lh!' hesl·sclling book by K:t!hryn Hulme, based on lhe rcal·Hfr aclvrnturrs of a Belq1,11 gir; wlco becomes a nursing nuo 1 ·

4.00-Spotli~hl on 11 ': .. 1 -1.30-Polka Party 5.00-Word Play 530-~ews 5.45-Checkin' In G 00-C'apitol Cloakroom 1130-Checkm' In (Cont'tll ll 00-Broactway is my Be:1l n 30-Peoplc are Funny




1 Ih~ Congo, The pictur!'. dirrrled hv rr '

Zinnemann and produ<"~·' L Henry Blank!', is in 'fp,·h• i:c " with rholography b' Fr,t

1 Planer and a musical ~ct:tc ~! j Franz Waxman.

'l 00-Could this be You~ ~.30-l!igh School Prog .. !J 45-Xal'y Swmgs J 00-Final Edition

:o.15-Sports Final to 3U-.Iack Paar

jll.OO-;\Iusic 'til lllidnight

f> ,. -~: . . . ~ ---; .:r) , •. ;""> ' . ~ ...... ~

-~~-~·f.~ ?·~: :; ' . ~ ~ .- 'II•

•• ·'1. i ,.•: .. -. I

\:.. . ... ~·_:"',. .· .. ' . "'-·. · .

...... .~ .. ~ . . ~~ -. , . . .

_, .. ~·-_·,

.. : •.. 5 .... .... ..... .


Local ··Bowling Round-up Canadiens Swamp Rangers 11-2

fiOBI:"i SHORT (left) and Duey Fitzgerald of the Holy Cross team that l111s ,.-on the Cih· Jntcr·Cluh Bowling chmnpionship for the past ril·e ~·enrs with 10111e of the. Crusader sih·erwnre. The trophies were presented last night.

(Roynl Photo Scn•icc)

!Commercial I hI d w· D H k 5 2' Bnwlin_g League ! w i e Re mgs rop aw s •

LAST NIGHT'S GA~U:S j MONTREAL, (CP) -~1on- singletons wrnt to Jean Beliveau l!';:rlrrs - one point behind n•hound at 11:14 and :15 seconds 11real Canadiens poured on pow- and ~farce! Bonin. Bronco \lor\'alh of Booton and 'later took a perf ret 1>a.s from 1 er relenlh~ssly Thursday night, .\lontrcal ht•lrl a 9-0 lead he· Bobby Hull of l'hica~o. tied for ~kKenzie and scor~d from eight '~wamping New York Ran~ers fore lhe Rangers spoiled goalie the leadership with 57 points. fert out.


J,lght & Power-3 • 1 h , N. McLeod 164 173 318 655 ' under an 11·2 deluge In which .T.acques Plante's prnspectil·e Henri Ri1·h;m moved into' The hat trick was 1 c Detroit .1. Earles 176 201 226 603: Phil Goyette srorcd his second· shutoul, Ken Schinkel and Dean fourth spot with his two goals cluu's first of the sea>nn an•! B, Whittle 274 210 167 651 ' triple in consecutive home 1 Pr.entire ~ounting late in tl1e and one assi.<t fur 5U points, the trium~h .rquaiiNI Detroit's t'. Power 2s.q 234 179 682 ' games. . llurd penod. • • • I vial of 13 net ones on home

883 818 890 2591 ' The runaway nclory marked: W!l)ll="i I.E,\D D~:THOIT tl'l'l -- Led hv ke last se:1son,

CP0-0 G. Chapter

I M. Gladney C. Kal'anagh

lute first time a winning score The win kept the first plare :\orm t:llman·s thn•e-~ual h;l ,Jo·n·y ~l!·lnyk and ~larccl Pro-172 186 221 579 'lias r~ac_hed double figures in. Cana~iens 14 r.oints. ahead' of trick-the fii'St of his fin•-yeal' nolusl srurp;f the Ill her Detroit 239 201 189 629 . th~ National Hockey League, Detro.!! Red \\ mgs m the NHL :\ational llneke)· l.t·agne ean•Pr go~!s. ~irlynk cashing in a n·

287 256 206 . 740 th~s season. . , standmgs. The . ltangers werr --llrlroit Red \l'ing> srnothrr<><l hound e;u·ly in the second per-698 643 616 1957 . fhe vet~ran ~launce Rocket .lefl snumcrgcd 1n I he cellar. . Boston Bruin, 5-2 Thursdar iurl and Prono1·o<t pupping in

1 Richard. h1s brother Henri and Beliveau counted lhree as- night at Olympic St<JdiHm. Ulnn•n's r••hound in the early , Bernie Boom Boom Geoffrion sists in addition to hi.< goal and· Ulman. who had not st·orP<l stagt•s of the final peJ"iod,

Brnokfiehl-2 666 each scored two ~oals and clnsPd in un the ;\'Ill, scorin~: a gnal in fi1·e .:anws, pulled the Bront•o II<H'I'alh fired hi,; 30th

.J. Laite 204 203 259 761 . ----~-·-----·-·· · ·· Hcd \\'in~s ouL ot a 1·0 detiril ~oal for llw Bruins and Don

, L. Soper 256 180 325 1 1 in I he ~arl;: momrnt.s of tilt'. ~lcl\elllwy his 14th. The til·c·

I F. Wight i~~ ;~ i~ ~:~'Mercantile second perind whilt• -his own goal output was Uelroil's high· I K. Reynolds team wa> short-handed. est in :!:l ganw.<.

! 1 1 C 8b711 916

1 988 2775 B u d f d He intrrrepled Vic Stasiuk's \\' [, r }' :\Pis.

i ('ommerr a a es- ' pa.;s and zoomed in on top ·or .\lnntre~l 28 8 i lfifi 101 63

in Perry 272 184 107 653 ; arnes n e eate I goalie Harry l.umll')'. Del roil 211 jj 9 122 117 49 In: Stapl~lon 103 257 :.!02 6:iZ I T\\'0 J,:\TE EH'OJ!TS 'l·,,,.,,tllo ·.>tl t",

' ... ,1,1ers 249 151l 2411 fi39 1 6 1 t4 117 46 ,, l'llman •ot his olht•r III'U ('Ill.'"' •o I' •2 " 1'.'2 ]'.'"· '0 925 779 861 2J60 ~ ~.~ "• n " ~

D B • 6 1 ~oals in lhe fa,l nine minut~<. B<blon 11 24 ,; w1 1 ~;1 39


T. S. Motor~-3 rop owr1ngs "" ~~~--~~~er~·d .lohn_:\l~l~en~~·::~ -"'''" Ynrk II 21i 7 127m 29 . B. Oaklry 184 164 Hill :i:li

I. Birminl:h~m ~iii> 215 l!l!l 6110 C. r>;u~cnl ~:l7 225 248 7\Ji Sl·orin~ I" kr in the middle rramc nnd ruur ti!lli'S in tlw R. ~Ianning 197 281 201l 6ifi third JWrind K F. Rurncs registered their ei!:hlh straight

873 885 827 2585 • . \I .1 II k I p · r \\' I • 1 • , 1 ld __ 0 · ,.1clt1r~· 111 : cr~anll e oc cy at I 1e nnl~ o n es .-.rena ' ,\~ rc ~ ' ' I ' I Tl d f I B ' ' II t ' I . I G, ~lahon 11!1 199 233 551 nst mJ.: 11. 1cy c ente' owrmg s • m a game I 1at saw J. Hearn 127 1P8 186 57!' eight pcnaltie~ handed out. A ~Iiller 180 190 122 46w •

i c' \\'ithers 170 166 141 477 Thp virtory b~· thl' dd~tHI·. J. D 1 H ds I A'ralon Bowli"n2: . . 566 753 682 2061 ing champions, Hames, gin•, v them Ill points and puts them

nn 00 ey ea I E. r. Barnes-2 Sel'rn poinls out front of Sl'l'·

I LATESTRESULTS ! c. :\tercer 216 1B~ 236 63G ond place Royal Bank. Hirk·

. n Squires 253 248 165 666: man's with eight points are

I Cl b l Leopards-3 J F: Peckham 162 242 165 56!1 · third holding a onl' point Cl.ty nter u I w. Guzzwell 165 181 3113 640 A, }lolloway 220 253 126 608' edge 0\'l'l' both Bowrings and "" n. Guzzwell 181 162 l.i3 4!1u 860 927 692 2479 Canada Packers. Ayrl's with

151 1S6 160 11J" 11 n·rv & ('o,--1 one point are in the rellar, ~-. ~a;;r:r 149 140 280 56~, 1 ar-;01:11,an 182 ~12 22!1 72:1 non Yl't mnn who has srrn

.Tim Onnlct· ua• rr·rlr1·lrrl )rar allSIIN<'d thr. roll r;;ll S·lti 669 SDG 2211 jj Godtlrn t~ti 177 t25 458 al'lion. with both Hickman':; r~~''lrirnt of thr f'll.)' tntrl'· laM ni~ht while ;ix new ~quari~ • · ~~ h 173 1-l;, 227 545 and Canada Pat•krrs tops the Club {'l'llllm:: Lra~u,. at it~ hart !lrlr.;!ntl's presrnt anrl will J,irms-n .1. ·,,~~P1 Y tO:~ 2113 21lli tm2 individu~l 51·oring. ~ow pla:c· a~nual mo>t>ttr.: at thr Hnl)· rnlf'r !rams intn lhP com in;· n. Elford Hll 147 l:i•l 482 .1. a~ 1

704 9'~7 'ill7 2Hll ing with llil'kmnn's he ha~ 23 · 1 t · 11 · Tl I m · •rr L BIII'~P'~ t••3 177 117 447 · h'l 1 1 k 1 \linor Hod, .. ,, \\·, . ..,); in Canada ~larl~ nr• 1 'tlll"fl' ·'.~. C;-n« aur!Jtnrlum a;. Ill:, . ~rnr.,, IP. lii'W ra ' n . ~ . • '. I ·nil \\'Ill\ b\' B~rurs'). ' JlOillls II' I r I II'(' HI' l' Brot 1· n n -'

Thr prl'~iirnt hart hi~ rxectt· ~lunn :\lotor;, \'irtnrians, L rhnrchill tO~ 145 147 ;m;;. cr a) • 'PI's of llal'nl'~ ar~ srrond an<! Thai nwa1" lh<~l ;,11 111'\l 11~•·k om loval l'(·r \\·Pr lra~ul'! t11·~ rNurnr~ with him. · O'Rr:;an's TC. Colnni~l Corel· L. Churchill IIR 220 24:1 ~Rl ·third, non ha.~ 20 points to should he ll11• 1t1aiu allrction on tlw horke,· s1·enc. \'o11· I

Rr-r!ettP/'1 a;. l'irC'·pt·r;irlrnt MP, ~;im;l;on S!'ar.' anrl ran· .ia5 6Rn 661 191Jii :>Hld. 1\rrwrry-:4 11 ~IIR jjf\ 10 by .John. .-.r' know llmt lhl' llll·al l'o•f' \\'•··· _g;lllii'S ar·· l;ot ".~oint,( to rill (If thr circuit w~~ Trrl Ken· arla racker5 TC. :\n;- other. : (~ •. · '.TI~:~;;~ ~~; ;07 i4~ 54:l Dare Battrn n( Hit-km:m·, "-'.:;.,:;.,:.;:io~~;j;.; lhP Siadillln hul if rlt'l'l' r~thl'r mal.rs an Pllmt In earn nNh· while ,lim Gn•;oe wa~ rl!· teams wi~l1inc lo rnlrr thP Wohr~--~ (.'. ,·:,: 1 ~ 11 182 161 \!13 536. with IIi !1oinls, Ed Thi.slle of ont llw slogan o! the \';ttional lln!·kf'l' \\'rek it will he ;. turned tn th~ joh nf serretary- leagur. mu,t hal'e their appli· 1'. Bartlrll 1!12 20!1 :!2R ~~5 '" 182 198 .,88 66B; :\yrrs With Hi, Bob Cole of DON YETMAN .1 1- 1 ·· . ·

S · thft "3li.OIIS 1. 1 thl' 'C"I'I't'"" l•<· B 11 125 1""> 125 ',!~. "-. \". Fceh'll • ~ ll' k 'th 13 d c· d i wonul'r II slt•p .... IJO\ T SE\'D ... T:\ 1\E YOL' R BOY treasu~er. ervlll.~ on " L n 0 0 • m, ,, . • ussey ... u ,, n 812 777 934 2523 IC ·mans WI an .or on exerutive cnmmittee for the' \\'crlnesclay, January 27. ! L. LeGrow J56 88 56 300 0 , Goohie or Royal Bank with Holding thPir 2·1 edge TO TilE ST.\DIL'\1. Tht' Pt'e \\'1'1' pla~ws are thr great-ro:nin;: year will he Jack 1 The \'arious award winners IE, LeGrow 182 240 153 575! Pcpp, Commlss~~-;-13 ? 46 S66 · 11 round out the top scorers. Barnes had Ray Kelloway I:'SI, This is m~· lhird st>ason as a l't't' \\'rr coach and the. Pow<r. Duey Fitzgerald, El·, In \he 1958 season were pres·' Carlbou-1 J. Curran 2 212 59o, :\flel' a scoreless first per- going a\J the way at 4.30 of boys who pia~· in that Ira!!"~' are tops. .\nd the league dred Churchill and Dick' ent for last night's meet!ng 1 C. Howse 171 203 206 580 i H. ~iurphy 2°6 ~~~ 323 S12' iod last night BarnP~ took a the third p~riod. Don Broph~·· ilst>lf is ju,t as gn·at. I' . .., \\'t'<' hoeke1· can rontrihull' tn Xea:-y. ,,\)b('rt Andrews. the i and before the presentation Is. Bishop 131 125 162 41~ ·.c. Gosse 192 688 ; 8i. 20741 2·1 edge going into the final finishing o!f a play with Doug thl' dt>wlopmrnt "0 1 hl'llt'r ( :.ruadi:ms. \s tlrerl' i~ no Ban-!l'a;u!!'s honorary president t of reports and election of offl·; s. Avery 147 69 89 30~ I 605 I frame and then [Ired four un- A spell and Trat•y, \\'hiffen hit- 1 k 1 · 1 1 . 1 (" · h r~nduct!!d the election of 1 cers they received their trop· 1 w. Snelgro1·e 152 184 114 456' - ~we red third period markers ting !rom John Clarke and tpam \t\i~l· ·p~~· Will)!; l~lla~l·t·< 111 1 1" ·'~Y· 1 hm '

1?r1r1y to say, t ~'f

t1W~ers. I hies. Albert Andrews was I 601 581 571 1753 SECTION B , for the vidory. Don Clarke sroring from ~'." t'l' t>agnt'. ' 1 1 !.a' 11 1,0 r"': 11 I' I ". 11 attention o Prior to the election the, chairman for the presentation. O'Keefe's Grocer)·-2 9~, :\like 'J'rarey went all the, brother John (01· tile li·l finish.· \l,mor llocky \\ .~<·k. 1111' Canad1an l.l:'gton and thP ~l"e

reports of secretary-treasurer I Plans call for the league to! Kangaroos-3 ; J. nurdle 299 220 173 ~49 i way unassistl'd . for Barnes i Rl'ferees .John Car~er and \\ t'l' mana!!;~r. \\ Ilson ~ntlrr. t-an ht> rPal proud of _the 1oh Jim Gosse was presented and' open Its 1960 season o.n Tues·1 c. Rogers 166 192 201 559:Loretta Gosse 199 18; ~;; 729 1 at 2.45 .of the ~111ddle stanza Pe~er _Clarke railed ,mne pPn· lhl'~- han~ don!'. l'rf'_ \'_et• hoek!'\' ean do 111:1n~· tlunl!s lnr both >howed that the past· day, February _2. w1th all! M. Rogers 173 168 161 502, Nellie O'Keefe 274 18~ ~ 773 1 for th<>lr openmg goal hut allies m the game. Fred Pet·k· the fntnre lradPrs ol \ewfonndlaml. I 1'.1 a wonderful part ~ea;r.n had been quite SUC· games again bemg rolled at! J. Phillips 188 218 232 638 1 J. O'Keefe 238 268 267

2843 , Len Picco hit for Bowriugs on ham of Barnes got a mis- or lite ht>re in St. 1o1m's and inderd in \1'\l·foundland anrl cessfu\ for the league. i the Holy Cross alleys. The: F Phillips 177 225 180 5821 1010 851 982 1 a solo effort at 6.07 to e1·en conduct _while l.loyd Benson right across Canada.

Ile\'Cn of the teams that i league will operate on Tues· • · 704 803 774 :!281 }'a•t End Bakery-1 . the srore at 1·1 .• John Clarke of Bownngs was handed a · tDok part m the circuit last~ day and Thursday ni~hts. : Racoon-o · c;' ·Furlong 235 326 \83 744 took Pat 1\'hi[fens pass ror five minute fighting sentenre.

____ ,, __ _

Commercial Cowling League

!'rrrt.\1. SOTI"E TO .\ Ll.

O'l'l·in!: In lht f.radnallon l>f St. Patrirk's Hl!:h Schon! on Wrdnr~da~· •• Tan. :!?th., thel't' 'l'lill be SO howlim( 1>11 that ni~ht. Tl':lms 'llill tHm·l on ~fnnda~· and Tbur~· da)· nigh 15 onb·.

JOHS ADEY, Secretary.

'Clmrch Service Clubs Bowling

·E. Furlong 150 150 150 450 1j' Janes 196 105 168 ::~ the Barnrs goal that prov~d to Barnt>5 had seven penalti!'s , 1,. Furlon~: 80 125 122 327 p · iiolloway 1n4 172 196 be the winner. It ram!' at 10.58., call I'd a~ainsl them. A. Andrew~ IOU 71 125 2!lti A: .Joy 204 281 247 732 -·- -· ·- . ... .. ·-R, ~tercer 16:1 IR5 173 523 R2n 884 794 2507

495 531 5711 1596 Self-appointed Phonies nom. !tlarhiner)·-2 ~~o~·n \'' ... IG • t'ox~s-3 ,J. ~IHione 14fi 159 170 484 , ·' • • ·' HTS r..\)H:.5 1'7 "17 ~ 0 \~7 41\8 ·--------------------H. l~rant tan 231 ·• " .loan Waddrn 14 t .2 -

R Thomas 1114 134 184 422' Ruh)' Ryan 113 16!1 111 39:1 SYRACt.:SE, :'>/. Y.--AP --A "I hopp we ran work somP· --7.15- D. Thom~s 170 225 197 592, c. :llallard 204 212 189 605 hillrr l'al'lnen Basilio Wr•lne~ lhing out with lhe XBA,'' ltr

Allry~ 1 nnd 2: E. Thnm~s 150 150 150 450 6114 760 607 1970 day called :>lational Boxing adnrd. c~rhrane St. lA) ''5 lit. 563 740 678 1981 1 Rickman Motnr~-1 Ass'b1. leaMrs ''~>e-lf-appointed "\\'r want that Basilio light.

PPe \\'ee hocke~· heiJl~ our yonth b~· leaching them good sporl.~m:mship: lll'l't•lops competitil·e spirit: te11che, them how to ""il'e and lake": how to co-operate with others: to rt>sped uuthnrit~· uml to ri'S)lel'l otlwr peoples propertl'. Pt't> Wee ll!)('ke~· is 11 dtarader-huilder and has lll'ln\' pll\­sica! and moral hem•Hts lor tho•e purlidpaliJ•g in it. In otllt'r words. Pee Wee hod.;t'\' teaclrr.s )!ood dti1.enship and thus lessen' the possihilit~· of tC'cn-agc rlcliml'umcy. T" o of the olht•r ~lo!!an' for thC' \VI'I'k hring out this fact Hr~· lkar· h: KEEP A HOY 0~ ICE :\~D "''Ol''J.L KEEP HJ\1 otT c'>F !lOT \\'.\TER or E:\COtTJL\(,E IIOC~E\' :\\D YOFLI. DJSCOl'H:\GE HOOKEY. Thomas• (,\). 1\tt)OSC-ll : 1,. Bishop 125 167 1!11 443 phonies" for mo\·ing to wipe lt woulrt be a goorl payday."

Allcy~o 3 and 4: A. Perce)' 150 150 15rJ 4ii0 i c. Scurry 162 1!14 3.16 out his propos!'d weltrrwright ------·--- -~~o~~-Cochrane Slr~rl fBJ VS s~J. H. l'ercel' 1~~ !25 1~5 ~75. B. Kelly IR6 \82 368 tille hout wilh champion non Y· n'·e {'ut· p,.,.. \\'1•(' hn!l('\' i~ lht' HI'\' foundation .. r ~II fl'lr

,·ation Army I BJ, :11. Crowther 91 113 153 :J:l7. Cl' ~lorri~ :Z(IR Hl!l 24.1 647 Jordan. a 1\ ,CS A ' ] 1ot·k,., .. II i~ I he si<Jrt nf hol'kr1· .rig\,t ann" Canarlri. S111ct'! Alleys 5 and 6: · K. Crowther 72 Dl l:ll 2!14: 3~:1 708 770 l81H Basilio, hrlieved through thr 1Pag11~ fir;,t appPan•d on tlu; loral scPnr ni<IIJH!:rr \\'il.,on

I St ~lary's (A) "~ Wc5ley (All 438 4511 559 Hil6 wi_th fighli~g a5 • middleweight' ~fantle Returns Bntlrr ~·stima!PS that 1500 b·w~ han· l-!"111' tlllllllgit its r<lnk~. I I 1\rnwnln=·ttarvey-Z sa1d he thmk~ he desen·es 8 ·n1e ens! for tlw past I in• yeai·s ami ror tbr $i\lh srasnn. nnw

1 A\le~'S 1 and2~·30- '!:y~lb~n 1!13 240 1n3 R261 r: ~w~~~Rn ;~~ ~~~ ~~: ~~i' ~:~~\:!o:~.rd~~~s d~:Rw~y~~c~;; · ~~~~it~L~~d ·~~·~·~~:~da~!ir~~~ in progress. ~aid \\'ilsou, would hr dme In ~:!0.0011. Th~o, li>"EXT WEEK'S GA,IES I Gower St. (A) \'S Sa\vatlon: cunningham \25 125 \25 ~75. T No~eworthy 219 188 203 610i promoter Norman Roth~~hild, 1 :-;rw York Yankres "t•ut my hll'al branch of thr c_.tu:~dian l.f·~ion l<an• h~···u hrhiml lhP. MonS!CyT, IJOaNn'u!',.., ZSth. j Army (A). 1 F. Burgess 1119 171 161 5311 v. Sparkes 187 230 2111 635 i who hope5 to ~tage the bout, salar~· too mut•h" and he's lt>aguc ~rum thr brgmnmg :mu Ill·. spnn">nul! !Ius lea~ur.

(Regular s';ries) Alleys 3 and 4: , cunningham 1119 200 191 580 l 715 847 766 2328 i here June lOth. ! sent their prof erred contract thr. Leg10n has lwen. and 11'111 contmur lo. I hopr. prondt'! UO-Commereial Cable~ \'5, i D S~i,d' T(hBolmas' (Bl \'S St. 706 736 670 21121 T. McMurdo & Co.-1 I In Los Angeles, Jortlan's! ba('k. ; our young boys with health~·. usl'fnl and fim· rnterlainment

Bowring Bros 1. a\ s . Rabblts-1 J. Fagan 127 182 156 'll!5 manager said the NBA threat i !he sl~gging outfielder ad· • and training. :\linor Hockey Werk across thr nation has a

Terra X ova llotors vs., Alleys 5 and 8: P. Dowden 148 268 188 604J R. Spur.rell 155 242 211 608 1 may m~k_e t~e rhamp. pass up j m1tled .~~~ p~rformance, last :two-fold purpose: (ll to diff'ct public :'llh·ntiou to _the man~ Royal Garage. 1 Cathedral (B) vs First Bap. E, Do\ den 139 167 171 477 >II. LeWIS 197 246 162 6051 the Bas1ho f1ght 1 ~e~son wasn t ~o good, ad,·anla"t'S of participalion in Canada s :'\ational Sport: and Colonial Cordage vs! tist (B). D. Rabbitt~ 208 161 157 526

1: M. Dawe 206 234 199 639! The_ eon~rovrrsy. hroke Tue~-; But they t·t~t mr morf,than, (2) to altr;;cl morr pan·nls to ganw.~ in which their hoy~ pa-

A,-re's Ltd. I J. v. Rabbttts 150 150 150 450 685 904 728 2317 day mght 1n l'rovtd~nce. Rhode; I ~hought ,IIIP) ought lo, . he . . 1 1 •. I . I', \\' H ·k , . \\. k . St Jnlm'~ a !Ill ' -9.45- 645 746 6.60 2057; , Island, when NBA presiclt•nt! sa1d at Ius IHIIa~ bowling ln·~p~te .• e s 1 ~ 1 e te _f'(' Ol ·~ .~'~" 111 ' • ·

'Alle)'s 1 and 2: . '1'. & lll. Wlntrr-· 2 Anthony ~lat·~runi insisted .lor->l't'lltre. g:wt tltf'~t' I\\'U purpu~rs Ill gn•al f,l,htun. SECTION B 7.00-East End Bakery

Daily Xews.

' Church of the Ascension. Wlltlr:~ts-2 'T. f'nwrl' 18K 205 213 6H6 dan musl first dt•lentl ltis till~· :llantle 1\'~uldn't say what ·-·-···t>-··--

,·s. CAl vs Kirk (A). : B, Driscoll 14\ \19 ~07 567 r: Burrun 162 \7H 220 51i0 against one of the Ntl.o\'s i'1•1lr the_ t!~4d ll!Hl!'t'' were, 11d Pl'e w~, ho(·kt~l first rubt'tl ih he:ul in Sl. John's hue-Alleys 3 and 4: ; J, Driscoll 179 211 204 59~ A .• Jackman IH 234 2.~0 628 tup-ranhd t•hallengt•rs or the l'lslllg "you .. ask the Yank~~' kcv li1·e \ears ago.· :\lrradv ma11~· ul tilt' phtyi'U in our

ll.l~Browning-Han·ey \'5.

Dominion ~lachinen·. T. & ~1. Winter 1'5. A Stanley & Son.

Gower Street (B) ,., Kirk M. Driscoll 202 200 224 626 R. Jlennebur\' \83 196 142 521 ~BA would declare the title a_buut ,U>at. But report~ 111 Jn;1inr l.cR!:IIt' hme gratlnitted hum lhis lt·a~nr. To nmne !Bl. \D. Driscoll 129 181 191 501. . 677 813 825 ·2315 \'acant. : '\ew \ ork wrre ~hat ?llantlt•. some. then·\ c:n:u·ds goalil' 1':~ Billanl. Ed \'all-her~ of Alley~ II and 6: 651 711 826 2288; Dally News-1 . Rud_,. Stiteh of LouIS·, was cut by $ 15•0 from a re· c:uard.~ ami ):tt·k Drm-cr of till' sanw squad. Both J·.rrol

St. Man's (Bl vs Wr.sle~·, Tlgf!r-1 1 P. Windsor 180 205 178 563 vile, r'redcrico Thompson of, ported, ~75 ·000· . . Rowe and Ai Jo'rlix of St. Bun's together with Bill Coull a~ !Wintrr Trnrhyl

8.15-G. E Otl ,.~ Ar~al~d Wat,.n CPO ,.. Bennrtf

fB), 11

,l. Reynolds 182 143 238 :163 · .1 ..Antle 1511 197 218 574 I'hilaflrlphia as the top con· . ~t ~a·. the seeond ron.,ecu-13:1 \80 137 452 1 k ~lli 131 150 4nn t <lrrs. Still'h is sidelined tJle ~ea1 th~t ~tanlle has h_ad of Feild and Bill ~falone of lloh· Cross pla~·ecl Pre \\'el'

Rt!.ral S. Reynolds R. · ac man - • > • rn trouhl~ romJn" to terms w1th h •· 0 ·o t f 11r ·Hirrl1 School llla\'ers and ! .J. :>!oakler 259 \66 16R 5!13: c. ::O:oftall 231 2t6 22r. R73 with an eye cat~racl. . tl Y. k • "t •t " 11 . oct\ey. "er 1 per cen o o ,. •• . ·


P ~fl-t F Bun~! ,~ HU· 1'1!; .\- (n

~llrl Lt~;ht & Power ··~ Furn~!-$ Wtlh)', Jl'lyal Bank of C'~nada \"S :\'f!d. Brewuy, ! Base Ordnance vs. Nafel.

Thursday, JanU!Il'y 28th. !Winter Trophy)

7.00-Ayre's Ltd. vs Royal Stores Ltd. A. Stanley & Son AIO. East End Bakery Electrie Utilities.

I'S : 'I


T. lltc~li!rdo ,., Nfid. • Arm. Works.

8.l~lmperlal Oil vs. lfac· : Donald's Drug;;. l Commercial Cables I'S

c. A. Hubley. I Nfld. T & E. VI T. & I M. Winter. A)Te's Supermarket vs , llaily News.

· ::J ... ()'I\l'~fc's Ururrr)' I'S.

'l't•n·a Nol'a Molors.

'E :.toaklr.r 213 211 1R6 tiiO 1 7R5 74!1 772 2306 Asks Reconsideration 1 le ~~~ ee. · a. · ear, ~ ct t:lose to 90 per cent or onr lnlercolle)!tatr pla~·cr~ han•

r '~f(•J'Cl,allS' '· 789 700 720 22\B' Rnth,rhilrl sent :'llacPrnni a a ptnlongrd holdoul, he mm·l'rlup rrom t_hc Ptt. \\'re ~anks. \\'it_hin a few yrar~_tht> 0 · r.. A. Hnb\~y-2 · tPirtJ'am a~k1ng him to "!'£>· ; Pl'rt~~~l~v l'a~nr !1 lel·m~. H~ Stnior I.eagnr 11'111 he !tiled wtth Pee \\ er :;:raduatc~. l.1ttl•

C I• L · H } U A A · • Gl 132 26~ 212 A06 ron:;idr1· your stand anti gi\·e ~~~ e ne~ ay • r;~.~e ou l."a"tlr. n 8 •. nhall ha~ lwt•n proYidinrr the 1'unior ;mel. senior 'o'lT lltg eague I 'OSS . ''' r 'nn ' ~ 'n <(' the Ch~nce he prl'tly Ji:OO(] la51 ~ear. -• '"' D '- " 1 . i

1• 0 '. r • · • : t,. Tilley liR 2~2 140 570 ".a. 1 10 ,, ~n · Askrcl how he feel~ nhont haschaller.~ for the pa't few ~·ean and the ~a me wrll hold

J p Rt " li6 156 1511 49ll mhl.v drservrs. . . h • . , h 1.


Men'• League (Section A)

-3.00--1-2-Pontiac vs Awtln. 3-4-Hillman vs Mercury. 5.6-Hudson w Vanguard. 7-8-Desoto vs Chn·•ler.

(Section B) -4.00--

1·2-Yanks vs Athletlocs. 3-~Red Sox vs Ti&ers. 5-6-Senators vs Redlegs, 7-8-Phillle.; vs Orioles.

l\llxed Le.tgue -8.00--

(Secl\on A) 1-2-Biue I'S Pink. H-Wine I'S Rl'd. ~ fl-l'lll'llle 1·~ ftu>e. 7-U--White \'S llt'uwn,

B li L n~ • R ·T h del'idrd "It Will 1 P 1960 ~ea .. on, :\lanlle Uld .. tntt' on the oct\ey sct•nr. .1· Ol'' ll"'b· C30'0UC W. Au5tin JAR 165 217 lbOI nil to as "I fer! real good. I hope J ---n---·-' 6:.4 835 727 2216, he ton great A prohlem to cnn· 1 . b , . . . , . ,

· _ 1 tlnur ~~ a middleweight," IAI e a etlel ~eat. But I felt 11H•rr are lllilll\' mothers who takf' 111 I he I rc "· t. e (!,lm('5

SCHEDULE FOR SUNDAY ~et~~~tec;;le ;61 120 166 447' Rothschild ~aiel. r:~J good at tthe,start of the thrir ~ons play. That's thr way it should he, hut shllusuall:v R. Thomas 122 116 ·146 3841 Basilio shunned the nlc_e· ' s!'ason, oo. 'fathers and sons are much closer limn moms and bo~s. T

Men's League D: Thomas 163 213 226 602 lies, "They're NBA leaders 10 know it's very difficult for many fathers to ~cl off f~om w Cooney 207 278 212 697 the various sta.tes, :" hsel{· Bernie Burke work to watch their sons in action but how about a ltttle

Sox. • 653 '127 750 2130 !~Y~!~~: b~~~~e~; N~: ~~r: extra effort during Minor Ho~key Week Your so~ will. lo\'~ I. F. PPrlln-3 se. Is the only honest man in On TV Wrestlinrr to haYe vou at a game and Ill bet you fathers wtll enJoY Jt

Alleys 1 and 2 2.00-Dodiers vs Red 3.1~Indians v; Cubs, 4.30--Cardlnals vs Phillles,

Alle)'S 3 and 4 2.00-Yankees n Pirate!, 3.15-0rloles vs Athletics. 4.30--Braves vs Redlegs,

Alle)'S 5 and 6 2.00--Whlte Sox vs Senators. 3.15-Giants vs Tigers,

A; C~!ll 1114 272 1211 ~6! th~ bunch." f more than junior. To see boys from e\'ery school plaving on ~ · JGtll~rd ~~! t~1 i~~ 5~ 1 1 Both Rothsrhild and Basilio Newfoundland's con t r i· the same team; to see them working as a team;; and to see

HE. 11• ;n~r 127 18• 174 406 1 voted to pusll plans tor the butlon to the national wrest· them enjoying every mnment of it is grPat, but then Pee · ar n ~ bout ling scene Bernie Burke of l k . t I 'd M' H k Week deserves

666 812 767 2245 :\l~eeroni has said the NBA Bell Island, made his TV Wee IOC ey IS ~rea as sru . ' mor o: ey Nfhl. Arm, Works-0 would not sanction a Jordan- wrestling debut last night. all the support 1t e~n ge.t and to make ,It a huge .succe~s It .1. Conk 152 159 208 519 Basilio title match under any "Bouncing" Burke, a midget must have the ?ackmg of, everyone. L~t s get he~md .~hnor .1. Wal~h 141 178 156 475 circumstances, grappler, who left Bell Island Hockey Week m St. Johns and make 1t tlw best m C.mada. T, Walsh 248 155 158 561 Though Gene Fullmer rules last September, was seen In a --o----

F "}d T p} A. Cook 74 213 217 504 the NBA middleweight roost, bout from Maple Leaf Gar· Ted Gillies will be wearing a head guard for the rr-! lei 0 . ay 815 '105 739 2055 hal'lng knorked out Basilio in dens In Toronto. mainder of the senior schedule· .•• he's had three 1.'01l('IIS•

I , G. E. Oll-2 148 165 198 the 14th round at San Fr_an· Burke teamed up with Little l sions and is taldng no chances. Warren England is pl:~ying Tile Cee»ees K. Ryan 5111 cisco laot August. . Basilio, Bearer In a tag team battle. ; th t . . . d 1 ·k . in senior to date , , , 8 thinker,

I • ., -D , ··•- I L Keels 189 166 293 6·18 wnulrl have to shed 10 pounds 1 They took the bout w11h ~ mos unpt?~e 10~ ey . .· h f' I ·~,, 1 The I'Xhibilion game set fill': G. Vaughan 111~ :!08 21? 616; to I'Hiltel' .the welt_et·weight' Beaver g.etiing the winning h.e s been get~m? tl~e breaks to g? alo~~ ~~~~ me 101 t~. ! lht· ll~l'huu 1, (;rucl' Stntlium 11. ('nw;m 18~ 19fl HJ,I 576, 1·anlts, IJut Ius I'Uillfl ts lmuwnl fall on Sky Low Low. Fll7.~)· : 1 h~ best )l;oahe m ~t'\1 hmmllt~tul .~~ \11'1\ C.1t>en • .' • lite _top

on s~turdny night b!!tll'l'l'll 720 7:\7 894 2:151' to· le~l .lunl:nt wuuhl be till' i Cupid. was I.uw's Jlartner 111 strin!( is Dnfr1·1t. Breen 11ml S!iiiii'I'S. mul the be'! fon1:1rd -9.00- the Jo'elldian senior ho~key Eleclt·le l'tilllles l.hl.-1 so[lel' tom·h. 1 the f1ght .. Bt!rkc returned :is All'x Faulkner • , • I here nre too many lop ddencemen to

. (St•ctipn Ill team ancl.the ConrcJ>Iion Bay, W. n_aniels IR~ l!lO 174 546 .lncki~ :\I,~Cu_)·, .lor~lan's m_an-~ h~me on h1s first h'y at the: ]lick the hest. :\nd ask any of the illnycrs 011 the team and 1-2-Astrrs rs Primrn!e. 1 CreBc1:~ h~s the timr l!han~<'ci.J M ~1rld 1R3 134 ~:l5 4ri2 al!_rr, smrl we II h~'e,tn tiHnk lll~ tune hl~t had_ stated ·.that! tiJev'll tell \OU the ho~kev h'Rlll that ha~ the most fun 1~ tht 3.1--F;meralrls I'S SwellpPaE.I ThP. 1/Rllll' was ot'J::Inallv s_ et A CbAfe 105 180 231 6.!16 this. ol'rr--we rlnn t wanl to I tim tJmr he 1J makr. the gta~P. ~. St j . 15 , tl :n b ·hack on B,.ll Island Sundav after·

\'S ~-6--Pan~ip; 1'.; Lilac~. for !1.011 p.m. hut will now ;;ct • G, Daniels 17R 126 1[12 496 ll':;r. the :'\BA vemon of the 1. Fr11m lm pcrfot•mance last • • R "ar ' ' ' lC) e - , ,

i i-S-Geranium vs Violets. underway al s.oo p.m. . I 738 630 732 2100 tltle. night he apparently has done , noon. .

I. Jo'. Perlin vs J. B ; ·~litchell & Son. ! El'ening Trlr;:t•am 1·~·. 1 ·rtpp. Commi~~ary. Parker & Monroe :Royal G1raae.

. I

.. . . , .: •:i 'i · ..

.4.~ ... ~· . :: . -~~


Intercollegiate St. Bon's Strength.en _ By Defeating

Lead 3'-1 Bisl1ops

Summers Stars Again; Late Goals Decide Victory

Bishops Meet SBC In Junior

The rlrst game of the scr· ond round in junior inter· collegiate ho~kcy between St. ! Ben's and Bishops College !

gels under way at the Prince of Wales Arena this afternoon at 4.30p.m.

Bishops defeated St. Bon's In the c •1enin!! game of the , junior d !vision 6-3 and then · tied with P.W.C. in their sec-

.. __ _, • h d ond outing .

.xunng tw1ce in I e secon stanza and once in the third st Bon's have dropped both framt' after gMng up a first period goal to Bishops College, of their starts, and are in the St. Bon's racked up a 3-1 victory in Senior Intercollegiate cellar. H •- h f 1 Bishops and P.W.C. have

oc .. ey at I e Prince o Wa es Arena yesterday afternoon. thre~ :1oints and ~hares first The lictory strengthened the Bluegold's hold on first place in the standings.

1lot in league standings and moved them three points out :\'o lineup chan:!~s arc «'X· '

front of second place Prince of Wales. St. Bon's huve fh·e pect~d from rither team. but · Peter Harvey might be bark points with PWC on two and Bishops College trailing with . in th!' net~ for St. Bon's. one point. i Danny :\lcGettigan performed

1 betwe!'n the pipe> last tim!' Alex '\'rtman scorrd the opening period marker for , tltr' tt•am fat·l'rt off against

Bishops College with Huhert Hutton and ~like Donovan P.\I'.C. anrt lost 2·1.

hitt!ng for the llluegolcls in the middle frame nnd Bud Brn~g -----·--adding thl'ir insurance goal in the finul stanzn. The game HUBERT HUTTON MIKE DONOVAN Thm ~re about 65-000·000

telephones in usc in the Cnitcd opened the ~econd round of the Lengue. second scoring pia~· for st. 'thrc:~ts along with Gerry States.

Bi~hops led 1·0 alter the, ----- ·· - ... -·-------- Bon's which ga\·e them a 2-1 Critch. . 1 ------- \ ''FOX'' SU:\1\IERS. llll"k1·d Bishop., ·Collrl(e ~ualir. stops (;raha:n llollihan opening stanza with Alec Yet· I edge. lloilihan ~tick·b~ndlcd i • '!'he Bluc~olds got good dclen-. 11 bas b~en estimated t11cre \ of St. Bon's in close durin~ the first pcri•11l of yesterday's Senior lnlcrcolleg-man hitting the mesh from closP : right in on top o{ the 13tshops: sl\·c work trum the detencc' an• approximately 800,000 pro· ialc HocJ;e,. J1:ame at the Prince ol Wales :\rena. Ba~tcr Bm" n of Bi>hop5


',·n. aftEer tlak,·,i!~f:ka pass8 !2r.!'m,,~akp· l Goalie who made the stOil, i corp and_ a wcdli. baia.,nc~tdh teadm': pie in the United State~ who ( :olle"e is .behind Hollihan. St. Bon's "on 3·1.-(Dail.v :\cws Photo). am ar 1c s 11 . "· ·•IC s • Hubert Hutton trailing on the i ~flort with A nan .,mt . o· 'I have been cured of cancer. "

tarried in on the risht wing and I 1 play cut across in front of the 1 ing m_ost o£ th? puck c~rt')'lng.. .. ·--------- ----- -----ltd Yetman the perfect pass and i 1 net and slipped the louse disc 1 Thc1r were s1x pcnal_hes call· Pee Wee Yttman made no mistake with. pass the nctminder who lay on· ed in the encotmter wtth three his drive. 1 the ice. I going to each tea~. The only

Regatta The Blue and Gold squad · Adrian Smith looked good for :penalty to fi_gure 1~ the scor- i I D b Ab t

1\'t'fe continually pressing the I the wlnning St. Bon's team I ing was the ftrst period penal!Y I Infantry Out Front n 0 u t ou Red and White Bishops team with his puck carr~·ing and fast I to Peter Dunne of St. _Bon_s. · ' but failed to hit the scoring ! skating which kept the Bishops While he y.-as in the smbm B1s-~ area because of some fine goal·' defence on their toes throughout I ~cps Ol'ganiz~d their only scur- Wt. th Troopei .. S Second tending b~· the "redheaded" the aame. · mg P!aY which ilame them a 1

1 Th masked goalie, "Fox" Summers. St. Bon's held the puck into 1·0 first stanz~ edge. I . Fox was great on close-in dril·cs the Bishops zone for minutes -~IN~UPS , , By WILSON BUTLER j At 515 th1s afternoon ~h~! e and equally as well on screen· upon end in tile second period ST. BOI" S: Goal, .cy 1\lcGet-; . ' Commandoes . and the :lfag~lfl· 9.13 Record blast from the blueline. i and buzzed around the net caus- , tigan; De!ence, Don Crane, Mtke 1 B1Uy Stevenson made no mi~· cent teams Wtll hold a practice.

St. Bon's were good with their; ing many anxious moments. 1 Doheny, Derm llcGettigan, Dave take when he picked up his · On Saturday morning the last 1 The time uf 9.13 i' generally rid no coxswain anrl the steer-lhort passes and were skating


. while the Bishops squad had· Spurrell; Forwards. P e t_e r I team-mate's signals and with game of the first round will be at'cepted as the fastest time ing was done hy the man on the fast but wild sbootin·; plus only occasional rushes up the Dunne, Frank Dawe, Adr1an just une second left to pia~· he played when Victor~· rlash with ever made by a race boat on how. The Linnet'> bow man was areal Ja\'l'~ by the Bishops net- i BUD BRAGG ice Smith. Gerry Doyle, Graham ! rifled one for a bullsc~·e to earn the Briton team at 8.15. and at Quidi Vidi Lake. Down through ~lr. Cllpp at one lime a prom-minder turned the tide and . (;errr Critch was the only Hollihan, Bob Neville. Bill Law· :Signallers a 2-2 deadlock with 8.45 the York team will hold a: the years many stout and strong inent fi•~UJ·e at our regatta;. He w~alhert'rl th~ storm. I Thr Blue an~ Go~d team co.n- pia~·er able to get close enough lor Bud Bragg, ~like Donavan, i Troopers, and in the second practice 'oarsmen have strained their was a strapping feiiow and

ltinued their b\lstermg pace m to the Biuegolds nel but failed Hub~rt Hutton. I Arm~· game the Infantry puile(i' In next week's srhcrlule it is' muscles trying to beat that. when the gun fired he had such . the mi~dle fra1~e wh1ch was ito get any good shols owuy as BISHOPS: Goal. Hl'lll')' Sum- an ambush on the hard-workin~ practice session. The fir;;t on, time and have failed (hsmaiiy. weight on his oar that he tntli· • the per10d thr~ . pulled the ; the defcnsil'c armour was too ·mer~. Deccnce, Art Pearccy. ! Commandoes as they 1·ame out . :llnnclay aft,.rnoon at 4.30 will! But a correspondent to a local cd tlte boat around and ~lr. I game out of th~ f1re. I strong. ! Earl Wicks, Baxter Brown. , of the 35.minute battle on the ha1·e I he Liber~tors and thr newspaper nearly >IXIY ~ears ~lurphy's oar came across Ius ! ,o.utshootm~ t~e Rer~ ~nd 1 The third period saw \he ; Dave cook: Fo1·wards, ~avid 1 right sid~ of a close 3-2 scor~ Jhtrricam•s, and at :,.15 last: ago said that the time was. to back. S() that in the first ~troke 1 \\b1tc squad_ ~3-a, ~be) con- Bishops squad coming close on: Dale, Aiel' Yetm~n, Eldon a_nd took ~omma~d of the D1n 1 season's Pee Wee AII-Siar~ wi_ll: u.e _an ll:l>hlsm, beaten helore it did not touch the water.'' ! li!llled to s11a.11n a10und the Scl'eral occasions but failed to : Droilge, Gerr~· Cntch. Leo s1on standmg; With four pomt~. hold a workout as the~· do th~1r 11 11as mad~. He claimed that : B_Jshop~ netmmder and tes~ knock the puck past Cy llcGct·! Drodge, Eric Gullage, Roger 1 Riehard .Iackman gave the part lo help celebrate "~linor ·the f~stest Ume made on the "The Terra Nova's crew were i h1m w1th an. a•sortmc~t o! ligan who cume up with the im- l'op~. Graham Dufiett, Ron 1 Troopers their first marker at. Horkey \\'cck''. , Pond_ was back 111 1873 when an too mul'h for the others and .shots. St. Bon s finally h1t the portant ·tops ! Rompkey, Edward Dawe. 17.30 of the first period only to 1 out-ng-6cr shell boat rowed the soon iclt them astern. I cannot : sco~e sheet at 3.01 of the second 1'he o~iy s~oring pin~· of the ,. s~~t:\IARY 1 have Stevenson of the Sign~!- : By l~e w<ty. w~en thr Lcagu~ · cousc in 8 minutes and 29 sec- say 1f the course was the same i penod and grabbed the lead a final stanza was achiel·ed by First Penod: 1. B1shops, Yet·, men bag Smith's pass to he starts 1ts game schedule for the onds. But let h1m tell h1s own length at that time as it is at

I' I !ttl~ O\'er a minute la~er. Bud Bragg. Bud was "johnny on man, (Wicks) 8.25. Penal lies, 1 the score midway through the : seco111_1 round. co~~hcs and _Play.: st~ry. . . : presc~l but there seems to ~e

Right from the opemng face- the spot" 10 lift the disc over Dunne 7.50. . . second, Ron Shannahan m_oved i ers ~~1.1 see the Three ~hn~tc ~ 'I thmk 1t ~-as the year 1872. 'no . d1f1rren~e. The time. In 1 off which started . the sec_ond 1 the Bishops nctminder who was Second Pcnod: 2. St. Bon s, the Troopers out front a gam at : ~ule 1~troduced for the first\ that th~ out-:1gger shell boat 1 which. the 1 err a. Nova . co~ ered :period the St. Bon~ crew \lent ~sprawled on the ice in a; Donavan mutton), 301: 3. _st. 10_30 hut Stevenson pulled the

1 hmc th1s season. Th~ League Ters:a :\ova 11as 1m ported fr~m ·the distance , that da) 11as 8

:to work and bad the puck all; scramble. The tally was unitS· i Bon's (}lollihan) 415. Pcnall1es. 1 boner at 19.59 for the tie game. had hoped_ that the. ruhn~ could· Halifax by .a couple o! Cit~· n11_nutes and _29 ~ccondi;: . I be­i around the Bishops go~l. Th~y lsisted and climaxed an uphill i E. Drod.gc, 15, Hutton 716,, Charles Guzzwcll, !.orne Bar- h~ done Without tim scao~n but· gentlemen. She was a cll!•l"'l. taken hut nl.H1) 11ho \\C!e on ~ere hnall)' rewarded with the1r


b ttl for the St. Bon's team Critch 9.51. : bour and Ricky Hyslop was the, fmd _that some c~at·hes s(lli pro-, 1ndeed. and some nf II> older the Lake 011 th~t ria) 1\'IB.~pee . f!rst tall~· w~en ~like Dona1·an (~at ctrailed 1_0 at the end of; Third Period: 4. St. Bon's, ~order of scoring for InfantrY.! test m usmg_ the~r_ best men and· ones contend that her .suprriO_r' w1th me that the abo;·r. 1.1 cor­t1pped thr dlst• i'ass the fallen the initial stanza. · Bra~:g. 13.12. i'•!naiucs Cook 1 while Jimmy Fowler counted i thus , es~ltmg 111 the poor has never been on !lmdl V1d1. reel. A memormn~. featur• 1n goali~ who had JUst stopp.-cl a Earl Wicks and Baxter Brown! 3.32. Derm McGettigan 7.27. : holh the Commandoes goals.: skaters bemg benched. The followmg y~ar. 1873, she conncrtwn wllh this rare "'"

. blnelme shol from Hubert Hut- pla)ed wei! lor the losing Bls·: :Leonard David of Infantry pick. i As a result the League has made lime wh1rh has never t~at whe~ the 1111111111~ post• "FOX" SUMMERS , ton. . lwps team on the defence along· STOI'S ed up an assist on Guzzwcll's 1 dec1ded upon the ~eco!llmenda. been beaten. She was _rowc_d by· 11erc reached. ~l.r. ~ltu ph). 1r.

________ ....:_ __ .:_J_G::r:.:a:::ham Hoihhan started the with the goalie, "Fox" Slim· i summers 9 11 ~·-28 marker while defenceman Bob i tion of \he St Jo~n s :\lmor Hoc- ~~r. Ryan, at present (II)' ~oun· · ra1smg h1s oar. IIppi'~ o1·cr the ·-· ----- -·--·--- rncrs. :\lcGcttigan 2 5 ~·--12 Anderson and center Cluny. key referee that 11 would be ad- c1l engmecr, on the bow, llr .. boat, and the occupants 11c;e

C I• s h d I Cp front Eldron Drodge and: Referees: Syb Quick and I Rideout of commandoe~ each! vantage~us to all concer.ned that E; jLurphy, :.\lr. Roach and. :\lr. g11·cn a ~ath to cool their lunn·

g ·anyone who may not have a cor-, Hon. J. D. Ryan. The other· of the JUd~cs of the race was Ul. Ing c e u e Alec Yetman were constant' Peter Duffy ' ol assists on Fowler's mark-: the rulmg be called Ill. For \\ aish. now In the emplo~ of: sng bro~·· I also think that one

i er~. ! rert interation 1 will have a copy i boats competing were the Lin·: hL~ Lordship Chief Justice SATURDAY, JAN. 23rd. c Bay j Mtcr a scoreless first period i of the ruling in my "Week's 'lieve that no offic1al time was . Lit~lc." . .

. , )IJ·s. l.r~ter l'. '1'. Thompson . • 1 the Commandoes opened the • Roundup" Tuesday morning. net and the Gas her. The~· car- 1 ake 1! or leave Jl. Mtxtd Bonspltl . A. Hood :\Irs. c. Sheppard ; ; sco1·ing at 1.30 on Fowler's , ·- ·- · -· ·· · -

' :\Irs ~ Bartl,ett R Toh I u I 1 d c 'marker. Infantry retaliated I' c· .I s . H k !Deputy Offieer. T. \\'illiamsl ~Irs: 'li. Tentpll'_ton'. ns 0~ ' pper s an ove :with Gu~zwell's goal at. the I lVI erVICI oc ey

2 4 1 eighth mmute mark and It was - :l1ss :\1. Garland 1 • r th Com

:::.LHCw~E;:·~~:~'t~;:;~: fiJ~~\h;. ···L~F!i;a;! Defeats Victoria ; ~If.~ r;..:i~:::.,:~! RCA F Sto·p Tre~s u ry 5-3 :\!r~. C'. \\ hrlan :\!is;, L. \\'itkins ~!iss J. Herder . . mandoes were shorthande~- . : U

:\Irs. c·. A. Pipp\' d 1 Hyslop scored the wmnmg ,

: Pe!ten ;I :· ,;~.rd.:~k E t.. Hiekm:~ 11 \lr• Ro•·d •lol ~,~;~~~~~ ~~~~ni~ ~~::e~~~:,:d c~:;:pt~:~e~:~ l;::~:Y : ~~~ej~t:tt !!~~~dsLf:ftiet~v~~~~! w • th s d G H J t d ,,r~~·i:~~~;~re 7.ir~.· \la~-t.~\lal~ 0. Bo~·d :\lr~. ~lr~am~ra '"actio•• at the Harhonr Grnce Stadium la~l ni~hi. In the . made a desperate attempt I~ tiP.: I eco n am e a I' e r. D Butt foO \\' Cannon D. S .. \ 1'1'" ~Jr.•. Hil·kman • f' d G I 1 C . the ~core for the Cornman oes ·

' :\lr.<. ·.1. nnpkin~ )trs. ·C. 'oovle II. c. HcJ'(l~l' ~lr~. II. r. Herdrr ollwr Intermedl~le 1~1\ll'e _Pori e .ra,·~ s opper . ,oncep· hrrakin!l io All alone but was: . lion Harbour 8-;J, while High Schnol achon saw Cnrbonear fouled by Hyslop of lnfanm· M I A d F' h c~~o..•R B h Cl dAft s d

, r B. Hn!' C. H. Conroy . -~· Cn.~ . :'- Stoneman , C n •ent swamping Cnrbonear c. of E. 19·1. :who fetched p two mint~te holrl· enta n IS ., B.,. en C GS eare er econ ~ln. :llrCarthy : . •'- ~~e_llr~· ". \\. ~lacDonald ,o ' · ----·- i ing penalty. The prettiest goal! , d M'

• :'llrs. T. Ander~on ' G. :\lar~amare R. rlcrmanson Gordon Janes was the ~cllr· . I of the game came on the second I Perao IX Up J. G. Grern R. F. :\!arlin · R. Herder \\. G. :\loore ing star In the contest that squad a 5·4 Ira~ at the start Commando score as Rideout ~et . :'llr~. R. Harley Mrs. :.\1. Whelan I w. Winsor 1 F saw Upper J~land Cove out or the final penod. , Fowler up nicely on a pass out 1 RCAF defeated Trea~urv 5-3 in the second game of' clo~e on ~e1rral occasions o1er

1 F 1 R. :1 · rench front 31 at the end of the However four unans11ered b h' d th Infantry nets. · • 1. the route was l>aH ~tamp 11ho !ltrs. G. Sparkes G. R. Horwood · B shop W. D. Gunn opening. stanza. Janes scored goals in the final period two from e m 1e t 9 Civil Service llockcv at the Ptmce of Wales Arrna :1 ter . 1 . 1 " ad •1 t H Kell\' T w df d R Moores w. Coughlan · Shots on goa were even a · 1 I P a) C( a ,o game up ron :o.i S ~1 · 00 or A. HI k · S. Churchlll fol!r goals, all In the second each by Bob and Bern Dawe 1 Referees for the game the first encounter suw referees Gordon Thomas am A ex i for thP losing team. ''"~R. l\~l~s~;nnon h~~-L~:~~ · c man period. The four goals, three g:rv~ Port de Grave the vic· !~r~ceNeil Corcoran and Brian Oake cnlling the game in the second period after n mixup 1 RCA!' now have 13 p~ints to

' W. Tiller J. G. Bearns. unassisted came only 3.05· sec· t y Gibbons. involvin In ers from both :\lental and Fisheries-CNR. hold an ed~~ of _one ?Hr sec-J. B. ~rrls D. 1\1. Lowe Mrs. Stonemal). Mrs. Howse onds apart. . Only two penalties were G Tl g f~ Y • d I l " t t'' d •'ll end place F !Shenes-CNR while R. F. Godden D. E. Hooper W. McGrory L. H. Burdock Bob Clarke had a "hat· handed out In the encounter To.Day's ames te mt outmg was ec arel no cones nn \\I .\!ental with eight are third and G. Wells J. A Meehan Miss B. Sutton Miss M. Kielley trick", two in the second with Port de Grave getting Tl 1 1 e game 1 be replayed at a future date. When the game was called Trea;;ury has five for the eel· :'\Irs. MacGray • C. K. Howse G Till stanza to conu·lbute to. the both of them. sche~~fed fsor ~~i: af~e~noon. At: l'ishcries·CNR were leading 3·2 with a minute ami a hnlf I~~~- !loth ~!ental and Fisheries-

:\lrs. D. Johnston ~I R h '· er win. I.Io~·d Sharpe, Ed. Sharpe, . .11 f ff 'lh 1 , , • • ----· __ .. ___ 1 L~R h<~w tu play a game more · rs. · Frenr G. Tessie!' (l. Cuombs and R. Sharpe ln the High School aclton 11t i 4.30 the Cansos WI aceo w1 remumm~ m the penod. I ·· : th.m ttl~ other t,1·v.

-1-- 6 G. Pt'l~rs D. 1\lacGrt!gur ~N•l'ed J)lle each to I'Otllld out the HarlMII' nrace Stadium 1 the I.nncesters. I tn 1t.c: upe 11111g i;alu~ o! Ihe · A Jat~r check Ly th~ DAILY lJtiL llou,on ot I· '"h~l'i,•:. l ;I,'R Dr. J. R. Jusl'ph;on \It•,;, •1· ~lanin :\(ri;, F. J.\i,•ltf'Y the ~coring fur fin! lllace 'the school buy; tram Carbon· : .. L'lnl ~ ..... c. tlo~t;~)' l.cJI(li•' :-o;EW::. ·lOtlllo.l Ih<ll Ilk<(""'~ o\Jll le.tl 11•• llclllilU<tclo 1\llh a;! 'IU :\Irs ., J

1 u·t:IIJ•s. C'heil'l'l'> ' !'}Jal'~s: r.. Stil·ting. ~~~-~- L. L'!llll'r Island Cov~ whu had; cal' L'uUI'.!'Iit hu!ubll'tl th



a1· i ~~l ROll'~ AA .llcllt•i ""J Fi>IH'~; ll lcol:i t.~ rc!•b><d at tll~ ~11<1 or th~ a•·"'r"g<. llu~ \'ui:o:> ul 1\I'.H' ' ' . ' · ' s I r'ol'ltl'S, .\tJ•s. :\llll':'\Uilllll':t. a l.'Ulll[UI't:lhiP !J.l lt!ad at (ill' : bltllt'hl' C. uf ~ .. tl'81ll . • ; I.J • ,::! t.altl~tl It ullt. '!'it~ u}Jelllhg it•gular ,ch«luk I> ~ llU lui' >etuu.t olut 1\ltll

H. D. llamilton t•nd uf the s~l'tmd perind. I Tl l' f ~ squa 1 were , • perwol ""' ,11ud W1lh only lour· Tlw Scl'uutl culllbt 11:1> ~ Ucnl.d h•1iug :. ;;u.tllc 111a1·k D. Fcruson :\h's, R. ThiHI!e : Both trams s~orPd a ltrat•f ' le ' ' ul . [ ll ' l'ockey Sertes IJellailll'' l.'~ill'd ll'ilh tii'O tu llllld atlalr CUlllt>art•d lllilt th• ut :J.tili ami '1'1'<'·""1) ~u;oilc t.~ J. Bell Ra\' Gallagher , Ti · B . · h 1 liel'er 111 t 1e game as •e 1 1 , 1 · . • • : ll' :ll1srd on~pwl Jlla~·ed In t e f nal. stanza. I.. Cole Convent 11,3111 scored almost • · , l'<tt'h lt•"m. 1-'i,h-(':'\H jumped· tu·,t ~am~·· 111x 6.10. ,1. P. Cheiver.~ :\Irs. G. O'Leary on Wednc~day was w~n by ~t·ored the fu•st Vlctm·ia tally t .11 . a h rlod I -- i iuto a 3·0 lt•a•t. t;ordou Breen: Tht! IIL:\F squad r:m up a 3·0 t;ary ni~har.b ol ltt'.\t' pick-:llr•. B. Stron1! \\' .. \. Knowlin~ the ~ollowmg ~cam ~·l!h a 11_1 the _final unassisted at the a WI 111 e c pe · Thr St. Bon's Athh'tic :\s- :hit early in thr stanza to make: e~ige and then roa>ted to their cd up one p01ut last m;:ht to E. c. Boonr ~lr~. G. :\lcllrory mat'll!n of 36 pomts: sk1p, :111'.1. f11·e mmutC' ma1>k and Gerald The. school boys from thP 1 soriation's inter-mural hockey it 1·0 and Barry )launder and' nctur~· wh1ch ~:a:c them the· move into a fil''t slot lie with ~tr~. \'. HuMon -~- F. ·caule . ~Jac~an1ara: mate. 0. !'i. Penn e)' added the other onl' • Convent harl a field day as · lea~ue continue; at the Forum 'Harry .Snow connected close to· number one· spot 1n th•• ira~uc. Harry ;\launder tor, thl' in-

' Ayrt.: ·~cond, K.. O'Regan; 1 at 15ao to rompll'te tl1P scor- ~the sharp-shooters were.rlrarl ·this sundav morning. The lgcther for the 3·1l bulge. · one point ahead of Fi;h.(':\1!. 'di1·1duai scorm~,: r11cr. Both have :\tn. J. K. Clonston lead, W. Coughl~n. : in1:1 f:r!. Ru~t rPI:istercd lhl' I on \.argl't anri kert the puck : ll'a~ue {)prnrd ·last Sunday I The secmid p!•rirJd saw the Ron Uulelle pact•r! the Hl'AF: 17 points hut ~launtlt•l' l1.1s ploY·

J. R. Par!On! : fn:.<~ \ lrlona goal in the around the C. of E. goal · l•·ith ,lark Rrardigan's Forum I crew from the ;\lrntai come to nctory with a thrrr goal out- ed a gamP less. !.l'n \\'h11trn of C H. ~~ll~m R. c. )f~rctr . The r~ltowin~ trams pia~ im~iai stanza. . . [ throughout the fixture. squad· defeating Cyril Power's : Ii!e after a slow sta1·t and !1r.m- b_urst. Gary Richards and L'rash Trea~ury has la point~ whtl~ ~~r~. \\. ". ~tacDonald 111 the S1mon l.ent7. Tropltl· . 1herr were ntne prnaltles ' Shamrock team' 16·13. med the ~·ish·CNR squad inside Krauser p1eked up sm~:ie talhes ·Frank Brocklchur.\1 of Fisher·

:\Irs. \'. Reid Series at 7 p.m. tonight: 1 handerl out by the men In the The lineups for the game at their own zone. each, both in the first ~Ianza. i ies-CNR 1s third along w1th W. W. t'flott Mrs, E. C. Boone · (Outy officer, G. Tapper) striped shirts. in a hard hit- G d . T 11.00 a.m. on Sunday will see Jack Peddle got the )!ental Scoring for the cellAr dwelling i ~!ental's Boyd Penney. Both J. K. Clouston R. J, Kent Chelvers vs. Moyse tlng encounter. Five of the an er eam Forum playing Campus. The squad on the score sheet and Treasury squad were Da~e ha\·e 14 points. !\frs W W ts Watson vs. Hue penalties went to Upper Island Campus team Is Noel Vlni· Bob Coady added another for a Stamp and Walt Lawrence m The semi-annual meeting or • • • ~r~~n.T. n. Par~ons ! I.u~~ vs. Templeton Cove.. F E h"b"t• combe, captain; J. Fitzgibbon, 3-2 score. Shortly after Barry t~e second frame. witll . Cy the Civil Servk•· llol'k4'S Lea-R F Horwonrl w O'R ill I Hen iek V.I. F ~stcr Tlllre ~oDls by Bob Dawc or X I I IOD F. Oakley, G. Lawtor. .T. '.\launder l:m-nJed Oil the boards!'' alsh adrhng one Ill tilt' filial. "Ue wa> held Oil ~lunda I' night ,,·r· .J n ·\n" I' . e y II G. Horwnort vs. Butler llRt'ed tht! 8·5 w!n for Port de I ()','\cit. ]). :\Tt'Carthy, n. :'\CV·: \lith a ~!ental forwanl and both! st:uwa. ~~ the Board 11•HI\Il o[ ih. Dt· • · · · · • "" son {'mve ul·cr C n · pti H · ---- ·· T \I c tt' I I T I · I · l\lt·s. (). :\tiller : The British Consois com· I bo, -~ ti tlu ce I. on. at· (i:\;\DEn tSJICciall-Wcalh· llllc, D. Meaney, ', ' c ~~ 1· :were given majoi'S for Jighting. he t;:" "'r·on• l"'r~o~! partment of F"lll'rir> and ali

I petition continues at 9 p m I I _ur I. 1 k tc o 1cr f xtl_u c. He ' CJ' pel·mitting St Pat's jun- !(an, D. Harvey, E. Qul~ley I Then the penalty p;u·adc ~tart- : ~oals hy I Tt'H-1111'>. nwrle II 3·~ . te;~ms . cxerpt Trcaoun had a \\'. 1\'ilt•nn T. S. Cli[t: The results of th B :lt-'sh ' a ~o Jllt' ·t·d up an assist. I iors f;. II e C. :tal C't. 'II ! and ,J. Walsh. , ed. At one time in the >l't'Olld 'altl'r the ><·conrl stanz,, hut t:nn 'llclcgale prr~rnt. . ,1. D: ,\ndf'r~on !\Irs. J. RIII'Jlcss ; Cunsols . rot;hy cu~~,c~it:~n I a ,[e~o ~la~crs )lot a brace i ra.ce o~rl ~·ith apthe b~n~~r i' Playing f~n· Forum ~~·!II be ~stanza the.re were sel·en piayci'S I O~llclte >ailed aw;l~' Ute. l'idory ; It was dct"I.ll•rl at thr meEt-C. Cook M. Whelan plAyed last nlqht arr· In' c. , B( b . Andrews . and : J·uuiors toni"ht •t II Ga d r Jack neardlgan, F. 0 Grady, in the sinhin !il·e from Fish-: With twu 'llll<'k tailtes In the in" th~t tlw tnr thrre trams m :\lr• :\I W1'l11n k ~ • rrn Dawc With the sln"Iv · · " " lc n c Jl R 'I Kc 11 lv T Bar 11· 1 · 1 ' " • a. • • 5 v · ~ P Rockwell 19· R · · · " · Carrlens i 1 the f'rst f tw · yan, ·' · 11 C( ·' • • • Gilt and twu from .\lcn\ai ma prno( · ·the rin·uu wuuirl rnove mto the

!\Irs. R. • F. Hot·wuod C~u.plimd, 8; Allan: 8• i.ush: goal jl;ung to E. }lot·~an who i ~~me e~hlbition ~e~·ic~. a u !' t~on. '1'. ~Iannin;:, ~;. _:'I Iarsh. . . . . ! n:cil>ury ;:ua!lc Ike ll·r) "-~~ playo(f.•. lrith th~ top ~quad 6, Chch•cl'S. 4. Wylie • 4• C start~< lhe ~rnung 111 the, c. :\ladd1gan. J. Hl!l~tms, fl. Aftrr a few dela~s 11h1ch led, Jmlhanl bl'lwr·rn the nets. ami. hal'in~ the Ill c. Tht• ~el'und and

7-11 R'ockwell, 4; • !llacdo~ald 4:, Otlenmr;: stnn~a. Be~! de~. his ! . Althoug~ ~be Gander linc~p I Fahey, E. :'oioonan and D. : tu ar;:umrnts b~· both cluhs, :made ·'''cclal'ular >aves to stop third ~<lot le;m:-o will nwrt in a ~umher s Ice resened for LeGrow 2· Colbrmrne o.' ' tw? gonls Betn also picked up IS not definitely known it IS Powell. ' I tempers flared .lllcl the game i the Air ForcP squad from 'CUI'· best of three ~a me> srrir; for

s~niors. ' • · ' Uuee set-ups. .- . expected that cec Lush will The referees will be Gerry 1 got out of l1a,'~d ,when Barry 1 ing many more goals. the right to enter tnP. fmab. ReiUltl of Simon Levitz For Conceptl{)n Harbour be in the nets with defence· Murphy and Dace MacDonald M_auRder of F 1sh-L:NR tangled RCAF lost their n~tminder in The final:; will be a best of fire

Mrs. J. 1. BuUer T. Dunne Joe Anderson Mrs. A. J. Dunne A. Earle , F. Noseworthy Miss J. Bennett W. Gushue

W. Weir J. E. Butler llrs. G. Hibbs Mrs. V. Clou~ton lin. W. Carter Mrs. A. Hood S. ll. Herder Mlu J. King

Trophy competltwn:

Conroy 10; Macdonald 6. • Goldstein 8; Hermanson 11. Stirling 5; Glannou 7. Stentarord 7; Kent 6. Kennedy won by default

over Hickman.

who led twice in tbe game, men Clar Lehr, A. George, with G. McDonald and w. With a fan along ~he _penalty the second period .and had to games. • the Power boys were the big Melanson, Fox and Scevlour. Lawlor as goal judges. J. Pal· box wbo was heckhng h1m. The put Flynn Flannigan in to do I men. Tom had two goals and Forwards Doug Ireland, Nath· frey will be scorer with Don confusion spread to the lee and j the netminding chores. ~·Irnn It was also decided that for a twi assl~ts. HI~ second goal an Dyke. Leo Lannon, John :llenney as timer. players from both teams milled had litlle to do but came up goalie to be eligibl~ for a net·

,111 he fu•st per10d gave Con- : Dyke, Ted. Ireland. Gerry around the c~nter ice area. i with the odd good siO}l. 1, mindcr's award for the l~asl

ccptlon Harbour a :1-2 edge., Howe, Pat Shallow, W. Dyke, Almost 20 per cent of all pe- Arter, a few mmutes delay, the I The RCM' got a good leam number of goals scored against Mike had. two goals and his M. Smith, Elias H?llohan,

1 ~estrian death~ in r.urai. area~ referees .decided to stop the: rffort to pick up the win while ; him he must play 75 percent

second goal at 17.15 broke a Lesl~r Kelly, c. Goulding and !Involves people walkmg tn the game and •ent,bol.bt teams ofi'nolding Treasury at bay. :of the schedule or in this case H tie and gave the Harbour R. Rtdeout. roadway. the 1ce. I The onb· player to get in : 11 games.

' .

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. . . . .





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The picture to the IP.ft shows the exterior of Jcu+m~., cmd

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shopper can always be sure of value for mont::y. Ample

stocks of all well-known name brands are on dispic•y to

satisfy the 1able needs of every family in St. John's. Check

the ad for Jackman and Greene's Supermarket every Thursday

in the Daily News for their week.ly specials. Visit this store

at your Higher Levels Shopping Community.

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NEW YORK-Mike Farmer (8), of. the New York Knkkerbockers, and Jack T"ymnn (27), of the. Cincinnati Royals, battle for a rebound during their game here January 16th. Moving in on the play ill Charlie Tyra (14), of tht• Knickerbnckcrs. Purt1y hidden at. re:u is Cincinnati's Wnync Embrv (34). New York won. 132-106.-UPJ Photo. '




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Vibrant solid colon: Cool pastels! Perfe(tly matth~d two· tone combinations. Choose from the most ~citing color sel«tion in Envoy's class.

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E~"'O\' CUSTOM SEDAN l Whitewall tires optional at extra co5t)

glamour- crafted interior& surround you with luxury. There's a rich choice or upholstery materials in a multitude of patterns and colora. Super· comfortable bucket seats are standard on the Envoy Custom!

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... . ~ ..... colormagic £~ling sets the Envoy apart as a car you 1\ill always be proud to own. Distinctive? Certainly! Practical. too. with Vista-View wraparound windshici.J. four wide open. ins doors, and there's room for fiw!

thg. high·+ashion car with thQ low pt-iCQ. tag Th1ee sedans and a harrdsoms wagorr to choose from In 4 veat series: Never before has so much

beauty, so much convenience, so much power-packed eco­nomical performance, so much

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At no extra cost to you, Envoy brings you the convenience of wraparound front and rear windows, hydraulic brakes, fast working beater and defroster, Synchro-Ease trans­mission, plus an all-welded Uniseal body­chassis combination that is guarded by a special rust protection process.

FUN-FILLED SHERWOOD $2242' (INuotrated)

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...,.._.,... thQ fun -tiiiQd £:hQt-Wood ~t.auon ·wa,gon For big family fun this Envoy Sher· wood aets the style. With rear seat folded down, this beauty gives you 4SI_h cubic feet of load space. Big ta1l

The adventure of Envoy ownership is offered to you in three beautiful sedans plus the fun-filled Sherwood station wagon. See the Envoy today! Admire its quality and eager good looks. Drive it! Then proudly choose the Envoy which meets your requirements.

* Sugge.1ted maximum retail delirered pric~ wirlr Oil-Bath Air Cleaner, Heater and Defroster and A11tijreeze al

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· door can be fixed in full open position on specially-desisned hinps.

ST. JOHN'S Prices quoted include delivery, handling charges, Federal Sales and Excise Taxes. Pro1·incia/ and Local Taxes, where opplicabll'. are additional.




THE' HI<:KMAN MOTORS, LTDP . . . St. John's, Nflc!.


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Build A Basement "RUMPUS ROOM" ..... On Easy Terms

DO IT NOW UNDER ·HARVEY'S "Live Better NOW- Pay Later P~an .· • •


Everybody wonts o bas~ment rumpus room -·A place for fun - where you let down your hair - A place for kids parties; ping pong ond darts, perhaps a modest bar.

WeH now you con hove it - on easy terms at a cost that will amaze you - It's so low. Prices !hewn below ore es:imates cf v•l. ·t it would cos! for materials to do o ro::m measuring 10 x 16 feet if Y• , .:iid it your-sell ·

labour costs ore extra but you help beat Wintar unemployment if you do it now. If you can't do it yourself, you con get the best men now to do it for you in the slack season.



CI11Y s19lso ONLY $19.75 DOWN

AND $15 PER MONTH Plus a small service charge.

Here are all the materials you'll need to finish this economy-priced, 16 x 10 room. You get Donnoconna Wallboard for walls and ceilings, Tile1 far your floor, oil studs for framing, Insulating materials, Door, Mould· ings and other lumber plus point to finish your job. NOTE: To finish this room with the new magnificent wood textured Donna­conna will cost $295,00 - Just S29.50 down and $25 per month. Lovely light or dark panelling available.




s252.so ONLY $25.25 DOWN

AND $20.00 PER MONTH Plus a small service


Materials Ia finish this room include all lumber and Studding, Insulation

materials, Framing, Moulding, Doors, Floor Tiles and Pairit. Again our

costs have been figured for o 16 x 10 foot roam giving you everything

we think you'll need.

• IMPORTANT:- The purpose of this ad_ is to shaw you

how cheaply you can hove a Rumpus Room. In making our cal­

culations we have to take it for granted that you have a dry

basement with windows and a concrete floor. Each room will hove

ih own problems depending an the shape and size of your house.

Naturally you will want to make your own plans for the size room

you want. Our men stand ready to help you figure your cosst. etc.

OFFICE- Harvey.& Co. Building~. WATER STREET (Opp. War Memorial)

'PHONE 3229 or ,2151

LUMBER YARD - Harvey's Pier l Back of Commercial Cable Building

'PHONES 6911 or 21~1

Plank and Beam Construction Saves On Labor And Materials


Just like everyone else, architects know that pri 7~s 1

are going up. They are par· 1

ticularly aware that home I construction costs arc rising.

Since their lh•elihood de·

1 pends on pocplc buildin!: houses. thc)•'re anxious to clo . e\'erything possible in en~i n· ~ cering a home to keep the :


cost down. One method b'J· MODERN ALL THE WAY THROUGH: Plank and bum construction techni ues d · h' h coming more popular in rercnt offering savings In both materials 1nd labor. The plan provides 1 495 square f!t :r-• .use In t Is t ree-bedroo~ house, years is plank and beam con· ' 0 IVIng.tpact and • total of IIX rooms.

struction. · bo"stel is steel dcrking ! r'uht 1 th iddl h 1 This technique Is not l'Oill· .. ·n · . ·• ·, . . -; 1" n . e m . e Of er' Pan for those who regard •

1 1 J 11 ha alwa\'s · IJ~ht( sll on~. cas,\ to mstall . work terntory, with all her . basements a.~ an e~pcnsh·c 111 <' e Y ndc\~. b filS sit' is 'tic·· and inexpensive.'' On the roof J tools within handy reach. ' luxurv. If th~ hnu•r · is built Jeen usc In a .. ' tile decki.Jlg 1's co\·ercd by 1" 'l'h · t 1 t · · .. · coinln more widclv used in . . . . · . I ere 5 a p~n ry c os~ as an · on a slab. the heater room resldc~tial home d~sign be· : th1ck n,gld Insulation bo~rd 1 extra surpnsc - every h?me i goes into the area ~hown as

r the potential savin•• · an? then standard roofmg !needs one but few have 1t. ! cellar stairs with the flu pipe cause o . ~ · ~ i shmgles. On the floors, steel I · · h . it otrcr& In rn]ltcrtals and I dec!· in~ may be covered di· Sen·ice door is under the . rthunnfln!! al Ol c head lc,·eJ to I b · • • .. • 1 e II'C]) ace t·h1mnry a or. ! rcc:tly hv tiles or other floor· breezeway, so that the l(rocer· . . ·

Architec·t Caleb Ho!·nl~ost~l• ing material. The ceiling raft·: ies will nc\'cr get wet coming· . Exte_nor ~.urfarc is ,·rr­lmt the S)'>tcm .to \1 ark Ill · cr·s arc exposed from the in·, from the garage in wrt weath·: .Ileal s1d1ng. txcludlll!( brrr1e· H Jusc of the \\ cck X·nO. a ' side and the underside o[ thr cr. Vestibule keeps dinette· ~H)' and gnra;:r. the home thrC'e-hcdroom. two·ha~h ranch i steel dioc·king Fcn·cs as ceil· k't 1 d £t.f. ts 55' 4" by 29' a··. \\'ith thc>r with c•lean •. modN'n hn~s. He i ing surface. 'and 1 c Jen ra ICe. areas added. ovrr·all tntals arc sa)·s that It· \\OUid sa\c as I This I. A particuln:!•· ··~ncl no· 8" ~nd :13' 2". much n_c; 11 net' rent in total Because of the absence of . · · building cost. : conventional rafters, a 11 reil· ·

- ' ings except ln the bath and . What 1t Me~ns ' l'loset rectangle In the bed·

(i~ncrall)' speakm_g. plank room section arc sloping. '!'he anrl beam u~r~ hca\'Jer strue: hahitahlc area is 1,495 squan·

Additional Details .. ~urnl n:cmhers spa~·cd Wl(ir: feet. apart than con\'CntJOl1nl con· strurtion. · Ceilin)! beams arc eliminated cotn;'letC'ly. Th•rc . is a sa\·ing In lumber and an The living room. rcachrd im l~rtant sn\·ing in lahJr. from a covered entrance porcl· si 1{cc less picccs have to be cut is wcl1 pruporti~ned and fen and fitted. Thec method is ap· · lures ~ ~orncr fireplace. wall. pr01;rcl b)' both FHA and VA ' The d1mn~ _room ls slueldcd regulations. : from the ~IVlll!l room ~nd has .

· double wmdows lookmg out Stn•ngth is insur~d despite. to the rear garden. _ i

the absence of c·elllll!( beams . hCL•nuse thc roo[lt•ec ls sup· Loeat10n of closets anrl ported b~· the hcarin:l p;u·tit· bathrooms scr\·es t? protcl'l ion whieh runs the width of the beclrooms . a.:!amst th~ he house directly bebw the UlliSes of the h\'101( end o . roof peak. th~· hcni'c. Bathrooms RIT

:\rchitrc·t~ in,ist that plank nnrl t)riim 'will be a commnn rorm of house c·on,truction 20 )T~rs from now. At prcst•nt. holl'ei'Cl'. not all <"ontractor·' at·e r~miliar with the ~~·st~m. BCl·au'c of this. it may not h~ possible to l'caliz~ thr po· tentia! savin!:s evCI')'Whc•rr.

bal'kto·hal'k for rconom~· w1th tht' familv bathl'oom placed to make a ·powder room for gueFts unnecessary, '

T·:a1·h h~clrnnm has th~ •lop· inrt l'Cilin~ features whirl! m;ke~; cvcrv ronm in X-90 a del'nr~tnr's 'ctrlight. The mast· er hl'droom has a w~lk·in

· l'iosN plus its own hath.



X·90 STATISTICS With breezeway •nd ga.

ra!:e, the over-all width is 90• 8" and the depth 33' 2". The habitable area is 1,495 square feet.

Room count comes to six, with three bedrooms and two baths. There 1re five large sliding door closets, a huge walk·in closet and 8dditional stor• age space in basement 1nd garage.

'l'lle wide spal'in!( between floor joists and roo! rafters . Well Planned Kitchen dctnancls a srrdal material · Tllr l.'·~l1ar~d arrangemrnt to insure [ir·mnc~s. Thr an·· or kilrhrn rountrr~ and appli·j 5Wcr, !a)'s Architect Horn·. anrrs puts the housrwi!e

SYSTEMS COMPARED: Cross·stction 41 1~11 show' the lr~mowork d :l:r c~nv•ntiaMI house with vertical studs and r~fters 16 inch~• on center. On tho ripht, studs ftr• 2'/J feet a'nd rafters 5 feet on cen fer. Pl~nk and beam saves bo h materiel 1nd n'IU<h culling

and fitting.

-~~~----------------·---~------------~~~~~~ f STUDY PLA .. I r - SiuoY-,LA; oRo£R' coU'P6N- -, Send thls coupon or your •· I

I Building Editor: . I I Enclo:ed i~ 50 cent~. Pleas~ 'end me o copy of I

YOU CAN GET a study plan Yon can take lhi~ study plan for The House of The Week by to your bank or other mrJt'tgage filling in your name and ad· lender and t~ your builder :wd dress on the coupon on this get rough estimates on the CO$t page and sending it with 35 of construct~on in this area. as crnts to this newspaper. well as an Idea of the cost Ill

relation to your hudget. This study plan shows each With this information you

floor of the house together with yill know whether you will each of the four elevations. want to preceed w;::: ~v•lstruc· front, rear and sides of the lion by ordering working blue­house. It is scaled at ~-in~h· prints direct from the architect per foot. It includes a guide on and asking for bids for the "How to Get Your House Built" work.

the study p:on of The Ho'JSe of The Week, De~ign. I I X-90 I I Name 1 I (Please print) I I f Street .................................................... . ............. ,

1 LCity ....................................................................... . ____ ._... __ _. ___ ._. __




Only s285.oo JUST $28.50 DOWN


Plus a small service charge.

Again calculated lor a 16 x 10 foot room the malerioh covered by the cost shown include Floor Tiles, Doors, Homosr.Ite Wallboard, votious Mouldings and Point. Because Ho mosote does not· require insulation what you save we include in special Homasote under laymen! far your tile floors.

SPECIAL:• For a few doll~rs more we sugge~t that you use ~triated or wood textured Homasote for that ultra-modern rustic effect. T otol cast for such a room would be $306.00. Just $30.60 down and $25 per month.

In this ad we've talked nbcrut hmF.m~nt I\1Jft1pus ~o"m~­Rooms - otluolly our Budget rlon . (I hi! be~! available) covers all home improvemenl~, remodelling, oddi11g 1 oom5, renovating, garages etc. All you do Is pay 10:-r: do~n and about one twelfth of your balance monthly. A 1 ,c Service Charge is added monthly to your unpaid balance. Lo'nger terms available. Phorte 3229. now and our soles­man will call to discuss your plans.






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THE LICHEE ·GARDEN. SERVES Mr. Wing Ding Upstairs Lounge For Parties

'uw upstairs lounge has been l'Omplctcly renovated and is now able to hold 100 guests. Wall to wall carpeting and the lighting system giHs tbt whole lounge a cosey atmosphere. It is the ideal plave to hold a _dinn~party, _wedding r_e~ption or any special gathering.

\\ iul! Diu((. Au Slum Winp:. his Chinese name, was hom MENU

lu C1ntou iu I!J:10. llr came to :'\cwfoundland at the age of DINNER FOR 2 1 DINNEit FOR 1 17 '' ith tltrt•f> other fricmls. Wlwn he arrived here he went Egg Drop Soup, Chicken 1 Won Ton Soup, Egg Rolls., t<> thf' Adult Education Ct"ntrc aud then spent two yean Chop Suey, Diced Chicken.IChickcn Chow Meln, Sweet and Is' B1~hop F<'ild College. Ve,lletables and Almonds, Sweet 1 Sour Shrimp with Pineapple,

] 11 Hll!l h<' kft St. John's and mo\'ed to Toronto where and Sour Spare Ribs, Steamed i Fried Sliced Beef and Mixed It- , ,,ntinul'cl his stmlit•s. On completing his studies he went Rice and Chinese Pastry,' V~etables, ::\!ushroom Soo Guy. '" work at tlw Lit·hc~ Garden in Toronto, Chinese Tea. i Diced Chicken, Vegetables and!

b k h , -- i Almonds, Egg Foo Young i • Tlw year Hl54 saw Win~ ac in St. Jo n s a.~ owner Won Ton Soup. Chicken Chow 1 (Plain), Steamed Rice, Chinese/

Clf th,, DrLnxt· Caft'. In l!l5S he opened the Tung Kno Gift Mcln, Fried Breaded Pork In Pastry and Chinese Tea, ., Shop un Lnn~·s Hill and this year has opened his second ~!ixed Vegetables, Sweet and DINNER FOR II I nnd lar~rst restaurant, Lichee Garden, on Harvey Road. 1 Sour Chicken, Steamed Rice, Bird's Nc!st or Shark P'ln

------- ----- -------·· ·Chinese Pastry and Chinese Soup, Deep Fried Won Ton with

Th L. h G d Tea. Plum Sauce, Butterfly Shrimp, , DINNER FOR I Fried Sliced Chicken with e lc ee ar en Chicken Noodle Soup, Beef :'llhred Vegetables, Sweet and

Chow Meln, Diced Chicken, Sour Chiclcen with Lichee, . , 1 Ve-getables and Almonds, Sweet Lobster Egg Foo Young, Spare

~ '" h'undlJnrl in ~enHal and handhng 120 person~ at a tlme.l John • to nrve winea with •ach ·and Sour Spare Ribs, Musltroom Ribs Cantonese Style, Steamed :;· .Tnh::'s in p.1rtirui:1r now hili< R~s~n·at_lons and order can. be 1 meal If dealred .. Wing has not • Egg Foo Young, Steamed Rice, Rice, Chlneat Pastry and! a '"'~ rh» Ch!ne>r R(•>tnurnnt phoned 111 and when you arme I yet made deflntte plans for 1 Chint'se Pastry and Chinese Chinese Tea . H"'n" lht e~otic food~ of the ~·ou wlll not have to _walt fo;!this, but It may come In time. jTea . [;,.: . y01~r meal. . 1 f I 1 d .1 --

Tnf' hell!~· opt·:wrt l.1rhr•• 1 he seating arrangement IS· One 0 the spec a adde at 1 Won Ton Soup Fried Sliced I B B • £ r.."th•n• ~iiU3H·r! on H31'1"ey. in booth~ which are of various tractlona of tile teeche~ Gar·! Beef In lllixed Vegetables, eauty ne s P.r•arl i~ owned and opPI";IIt•rl Ill sizes. 2, 4. 6 and 8 seaters. Up· den will be !or the tour•sts to s 1 rl s p k 'th p· . · Newfoundland a special Nr.w wee an our or WI me I AJ Sh~:·. \\'in~. h~tter known stairs which Is used only for f dl d 1\1 • f N r ·d. apple Jllushroom Soo Guv "High heels" are great rt-

1 10 rP.•:drnce ol St. ,lnhn's as rntcrin;: to special parties, con- 1 ou~ an f od en~t d ew ounh · Diced' Chicken Vegetables a~d 'lax.ers. That Is, If your heels 1

\\ :::;: Dine fcrences or social events can an sea 0 As. 1 rea Y done t e Almonds Ste~med Rice Chi· I are propped well above your I_

. h 1 d · d 1 100 t Tt menu are mer can an ana. · · • 1 h d h'l · L:r rr whrn tr~ns n1~ mto atcommo a e gues s. 1e dl dt h 11 h nesc Pastry and Chinese Tea. ea w 1 e rou rest for a few E~~h·h m(•ans litcr~lly ~Ins\, wall to wall carpeting gives t! an 8 es as we aa 1 e I minutes. The heels up, head' Famous Fruit Grown In China. nn added homely look. While famous Chinese •t)·llngs. DINNt:B FOR 4 down position does wonders for ad it rrrtai.•IY lil'l·s IIi) to its the normnl capacity of the Up· The well trained atafl con· E~g Drop Soup, Egg Rolls, your clrculntlon; good for your r.~:r.r. . stairs lounge is 100, It can be sists of 12 waitresses, one head Chicken Chow ~lein, ~weet ~nd s~in ~nd general well-being.

l.khrr Garden 1s opened . prepared !or any number. waitress l 0 u r dishwashers Sour Spare Rsbs With Pme- 'i u m1ght spend the few upside frn;Tt 12 to 12 daily and Sun·, Durin~: the summer, the rear three chefs, two from Toront~ ap~le, Almond Soo Guy, Diced down minutes. by massaging d3y·s and is prrp"rcn to scn·c 'entrance of the building will be and one !rom St. John's. Chscken, ,V!.';:etables and AI· your _scalp while the blood Is, any ~·pc or food desired. There· usN! for those persons who wish j munds, Cb1cken E~g Foo Young, coursmg Into your head, That, arc rttrce expericnrcd Chines~ :to dri\·e in their cars and park 1 The kl. Ieben Ia very spacious Stearne~ Rice, Chinese Pastry does. wonders for your hair, ac-,: chr~.<. two from Toronto and 1 th~m at Fort Tnwqsrnd. 1 but a• yet all the neeessary and Chmese Tea. cordmg to the experts. !'1:1r from St. John's prrparin~ Throughout the evening, soft' cooking and heatllli stoves have - • .• • . mra~s. 'listenable dinner music is plp~;I 1 not yet arrived but should be Won Ton Soup, Egg Rolls. A touch of gold Is the word in;

Tht interior is ~:ail;- dccornt· ·into both the downstairs res· here very soon. Fried Breaded Pork, !llixed every evening fas!!ion for the i f-d with Chinc>e Lanterns, im· tnnrant and the upstairs lounge. Vegetables, Sweet and Sour season. If you don't possess the! por:ed from Hon;:: Kong and Wing hopes that In the near I Pork with Pineapple, Shrimp gold dancing slippers or purse. I blrnd In \"er;- niccb· with the , future he will have live pre~ en- Every third day between man! Chow llein, Diced Chicken, use it In your makeup with gold

ralr blue color scheme of :he. tnti?n to entertain his patrons, cures, apply 1 colorless coat of· Vegetables a_nd Almonds, Fresh eyeshadows. nail. e?amels or 1

walls.' · durmg meal time. polish to the surfaces and under Shrimp and Tomato Sauce, I gold • tinged lipsticks. B u tj On the fir:: I floor i• thr main. The Lichee Garden may be the tips of your nails. It will Steamed Rice, Chinese Pastry 1 r~member, too much ~II at once

n•:Jurant which i~ capahlr of the first. restaurant In St. keep the polish from chipping. and Chinese Tea. Will bankrupt the fashiOn.

--------- ----····· . ----~·--CONGRATULATIONS AND THE






e 25 SPRINGDALE STREET e DIAL 2036 - 2037.




The Restaurant of Famous Chinese Food. If you have a

preference for fine exotic food here's where you'll find it,

the greatest array of Oriental and Canadian food in St.

John's. Any type of food desired is served with compet­

ence Lichee Garden. Our chefs, with years of experience,

cater to please. Lichee Garden is open from 12 noon to 12

midnight daily and has a large ballroom over

the Restaurant for catering to parties for every occasion. Come

In and try our fam,ous family dinners, •economical but very,

very pleasing. Dine in the smart, quiet atmosphere of the

Famous ChineH


.•. -. ;

: ):· .i

. ·.;

-:. : . -.. ~ ..


EXOTIC FOODS OF THE EAST Main Restaurant On Ground Floor The Trained Staff

On the ~:round rloor is tlw mnin body of the reslnurnnt. Booths nre designed to seat comfortubly from two lu ~i~ht guest.~ d~prnding on ho11 •

101an' in your party. Orders and resen·ations can br phoned in to the Lichee Garden and they will he waiting for you when you arrive.

Part of the tminrd staff at the Lichcr Garden who are ah1·a~·· rrady to lake your order. They an.·, left to right, reading from the front row1 ~li~ie Poul.l', ~hyllis Snow. JosL·~hi!Jc Spencer •. Pauline. J?awe, Mary llustlc, :\lane f Jlz)(erald, Mary 0 Bnen, Ruth Walker. M1ssmg are· Joan W:1dden and Ann Snooks .

The Kitchen Ad I Ed 0 f "Canada," he said, "offers a ! Secrelery of the commlssloa,

11 t ~ UCatJOfi ·wide range of experience capable and associate director of the Can· ' of gil·ing impetus to movements : ada Council, Is Eugene Bussiere,

lly JACK BEST ! in olher countries." 1 49, who was c!lief of UNESCO's Ca~adlan Press Staff Writ.~~ 1 :\lr. Lengrand defined adult

1 adult education division from 1948

OT fA IV A 1 CJ':l - Autlontlcs . education basically as "helping: to 1952.

The busie!t part of the Lichee Carden Is this newly decorated kitchen.

Three chefs are employedJpreparlng Chinese, American. Canadian and

shortly a specialty, Newfoundland, dlshn.

• on adult educntJ_on from all parts ' people to become genuine adults: ------of the ~~·orld w11! flock t~ .:lfon- ' -to lh·l! up to their responsibil-' I real th1s summer for ~ _btg con- ities... · T.B. REFUGEES fcrcnce sponsored by l:'\ESCO-, It takes different forms in dif· O~TAWA <CPI - The lmml· th~ t:_n!tcd X at iuns Educatio~al. ferent countries The emphasis at g~at10n depart~ent announced S~t~ntthc and Cultural Orgamza. '"'ESCO . . 1·1 1 f t d ! \\edn\'sday that 11 has completed . u., 1s m 1e ream o ra e. "t 1 t" 1 th 100 E . . !Jon. . unions and co-o eratil•es. It has' 1 s se cc 1011 0 e 01 ope~!

II Will be only the secon:J st~ch .,ent out thousa~~s of ex erts to 1 tube:cular . refugees and theu conference held. the first harm~ ornanizc and romote cop. 0 er., famthes bemg brougJt to Can~d<

I tak~n place in Denmark in 1949 { t .P . d d P 1 :by the federal government durmg 1 Theme of the Au;::. 22 ·31 serie~ a '~"f en er~mes 10 un er el·e. Worl:l Refug('e Year. The fiftf

of_ meetings at .:II~Gill l_Tnive:sity ~~;.Dc~~~~~~e~HAW '~.nd fi~al Ca~adian Pacific ~ir· ;,:~n~:~g ~~?~~;d ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~:le~ t' ~lr .. L~~gra~~ said .th~_recent, ~:~/1t~!d~·~~d~~~veF~~-""3, G:::: gates from mn~;t of V:'\ESCO"S ,iw~· ~n t t~~SC~a~is mg_re- · rh·ing at ~!alton ~irport, Toronto. 81 m~mhcr countries will attend. (·cc e. 3 fJ. d d : 11:~rramza.: Thursday. The plane will carry

Also on hand will be ou>crvers Jon 11 as oun e '" . 0 pro- 17 TB patients and their families I f o . '1:\"ESCO , . mote peace by cnco~Jragmg col- : from refugee camps in Germam·. : r?m nwny nn n . :. · . ,coun !aboral !On amon;! nat tons through 1 •

lnes and fr m 1 a !loU.< m.erna- education ci~ncc and culture ~ 10 "?' non · ~m·ct;m.nenl~l t"g~n- A< th~ in~rnationnl climate be- FOUR ESKI:'riOS SAVED

·~~~\~~Is mter~:<lc< 10 ar 11 t er II· ramc more lri;(id. tl~c peace TR.E:'\TO:'\. Ont. !CPI - Four

P ·1 I 1 F I I l I theme became :'Uborrhnated to 1·:-tdmos adrift since Frida1· w~re · au .Nigranr · rene 1 war 0 t:w i•ea Jf economic as;islnncc. rescued from an ice floe on" south· · l'\"1-:SCO's adult education pro- \"n\1" I he ~mph~* a;: a in i~ on· ern ltudson Bay Wednesday hy i ::ram, came herr recently from peace and goodwill. : a helicolJter. I Pal'is to discuss plans ~~·ilh Cann- The invitation lo hold ~he con- The RCAF Search and Rescu1 dian org:mir.ers. headed h~· Dr. Ference in Canada was extended unit here reported the four mer. ,J.R. Kidrl. director of the Cana- h~· the Canadian \"ational Com-: were in good condition. The heli· dian Association for Adult Edu. mi>sion for ll:'o/ESCO, establ1'shed · t · k d th 2" "I cation. cop cr ptc e em up ., m1 e!

1 , in 1057 in the recommendation of off port Harrison. Que., and fie" · PER:'Il:\:\'E:\'T BODY the llasse~· commission as an them to Port Harri!!On Ill twa ! ~lr. I,engrand told reporter~ a~cncy of the Canada Council. trip~.

~-~~~~-~~-~~-~~~-----~~~~~---------~~~~·~---~-----~--~~ o~~t~~incipal to~csatllic -~-----~·--·--~--~----------~~~---



St. John's has a new and

different place to dine -The Lichee Garden, home of the kind of food loved by smart moderns - plus de­liciously · different, exotic Chinese dishes prepared by experts.

And of course Pepsi Cola is there also - the modern light refreshment preferred by sociable people everywhere.

Visit the lichee Garden soon and don't forget to bring your friends for ~ real treat.





-----~--Bottled in Newfoundland ~y·-------


IMPORTED CAR SALES COLORED MARGARINE? conference will be t~e proposed establishment llf a permanent '

O'ITAWA (CP> - British and WINNIPEG !CPI - Removal world association to facilitate In-' ; European automobiles took a, or a l\Ianitohn g01-ernment ban on ternalional co • o!)eration In the .

/large new bite out of Canada's the factory coloring of margarine


field of adult c~ucation. new car market last year as their was recomq1ended Wednesday by 1 Progress in adult education. hE


1 sales gains outstripped those of Dean W .• J. Waines of the Unh·er-, said, should be regarded as 11 1 Canadian and United States cars. sity of Manitoba, who made the • "common treasure - most conn· . I The bureau of statistics reported one • man royal commission in- 1 tri~s are del"elopin~ alon~ their .

I Wednesday that for the_ ~anuary-: vesthtatlon o£ the question. Un- 1 n11•n lin~~ and complete!~· i~nnr- · November period, Br1hsh and I der pres~nt. Manitoba law, only ing all the other~." '

l European cars had 26 per cent of: uncolored margarine may IJe 1 A h~· . produrt nf the ronf~r-i the Canadian new cnr market i Rold. Coloring may he providcri ~nee will,hP. an opportunity lor , comp11red with 20.3 per cent In 1 in ~~~~pal'ale package lor use by foreign detegatP.< to stut!~· C3na-J191ill. the purchase_~_· --·-- _ _ ___ rl~11n. pr~~~~es and method~.

1~------------------------------------------~ I I I I






350 WATER STREET DIAL 4178, 4179





r---LI C HE E _... GARDEN




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For Stove Oil and Fuel Oil Phone 7469 or 3007 This Page Is Presented With The Compliments Of

The Great Eastern Oil & Import ·Co., Ltd.

Pigs Slide Off U. S. Dinner Tables As fc·od Books Name Pork Villain

By \\'.\RD C.\SSEL I Consumer expenditures 0 n 1 been scratched. But I~ a l's 1 into negotiable protein. l'asl

SE.-\ Sh11! Corrrspondcat ! pork ha\'c dropped by a resound· 1 about all. We ha1·e personnel amount. of overlardcd pork con· '!'\!::\\' YORK - •XE.\ • - The ing 60 per cent ol'er what they i assigned especially del'e!oping tinue ,; flood t:1o market.

rca! challenge of the 1060~ i> w~re in 1930. new authors in the food field. While the Dep;rtnient of Ag-: "·arther the r .S. is going to hal'~ In the same lime. the lard; ~eadcrs ha,l'e not yet shown: riculturc does its best to push books o~. pi~<. , mn!kct-once eq~al to pork-ha_s 1 ~1gns of havmg had too much of what its fact sheets demurely I Accordm~ to worned expe:·t;;;_ me.ted a1~·ay 1~h1ie 1·egetable Oil i 11 ... , , , . , term a "plentiful food" onto con-/

1. In 1959 alone th~re were !18, has ;;te~dli)· climbed. Soy bean: 'lou m1ght say 11 1s a little sumers top·ievel exJK!rts arc 1

book;; about diet. food and menu prod:1chon,. for example, .g~ne gold mine." : furiou~]1• searching for alJ.mcat· 1

pub:i;hed - and rt>~d - through from zero 111 1093 to oOO m1ihon • • • tvpe pi~s ·• i 0:11 the nation. bushels torla)'. , But while publishers' statis· · ~ · • • • ~ ,~ At ,ame time. t·mmunption In the export markt•t pork Is !ics _pro~·e that the a~1t~or's pen This Is, so far. a m)'lhiral;

o, po:-k at th~ Anwnc·an ~mnPI' down. to about four JK!r _cent of 1

Is m1ghller. than th.e p1g s, a ran- ereatnre who will enl great cobs; t3!1!e h't ~ d••cp low. wh:lt 11 on-e wa,;. l.urd Is down. dom sampling of t~e book~ the~ nf rorn ~reed iii·, put on weight·

"T.,ert' i.- •1 , 1la! ~Ill! lll'~t·n• ill per ccut. • • . • , ~eil·es shows that ~ork !!leal 1' quit·klv abn·t sh~w hardly a trace, ••·n::.·;·t.nn hr.!lll(n tht·,~ two · u.s~lal!y larJded lor !Is h1gh nut· ol 1 ~ 1 : • ~,1 ,:,." ~•-rorrtm~ tu >iJO!;t•<mt•n "1'111' t•alln;: llahlb of u1o~t r111onal yalue and usually d:tm· Ont• of the do,~sl ;1pproxima· ~! !:rr I'~. nt•;>artm~nt ot proph, hal'~ changed." a cOn·· ne~ [OJ' 1ls ~1gh fat ('Ont~nl. tiun, to an answer today, ex· • .\::·:,u!turr "\\'f :1<fY? ah\·;Jy; ~rt•;;wn:tl stllll\' concludes. for today s 8\'cragc p1g. far· pert. ,.11. is the \\'es,;cx sad· htrn a natio:1 ot pmk calt•r, and · ":'>o," or.e 'lm·g~ .. publish!ng ~e~, unfort~na~ely, there Is. ~1o. dleh~ck' ;.~renlly sm·~d from ex· :n!rcq;Jent hook reaMr>.. :\~1 hou;e tells me. 1 he eatmg w 8) out of !Ius dtlemma. Re~.u d· t'nction bl' a band of farsi.~hted ·,o·1 ,uddr-nll'. the ;iluatJOn I< hnhll; ot mo,;t people ha1·e been 1 less of depressed pork pmes, 1. ff' ·. nado in Fnoland :..:·1 rr·<'~-:n:h r1cr~·hod,. l'e3d· cl1an~e:'. The food of diet lood' a hundredweight of fatty pigs PB1~1 ~ ICIO ' 1

5 on th" :c~t1olar: . ' ' I I' bli hed' I'll b f · I tl k t u CICII repor s · ' 1 ~: :h.-,~ hooks wh1ch \\'<ll'n and m~nu 111 orma 1on pu s s 1 r ngs mme a 1e mar c · 1• We«ex Saddleback Swine Re· :. 'r.t: ti:r h<llanl• of pork nnd in the r.s. has wa5h~d into at. place than an equal amount of ;, ·d · 't ; !n;t! .. mnst .~'w~· kitchen and dining, surplus corn. . . \'I~;'; ~~ m~ : probl~m 10 ~dueatc i

room. ' And as the p1~ Is !he brsl d t t:t' lk in let·ms of l'o•l·UI:Jru::'. a•·(nl'lllll: In th~ \nd fmm ~nnlhrr hook hnu~c:

1: machine inl'rnted to date lor IJ('_0t11c. to •• a~· o · 11

l;,'r<l !•:urr,· "The ~nrfarr of lhP snh~rl has turning oth~r11'L•e u~rles~ rorn I lhtn rngs. --------



Much Work, Some Play Jacoby On Bridge "'' .1.\('1\ P. G.\JIRit;t. rr~islant. Ha~l's i~ abo an auth

~E.\ Sll1fl rnrl'f~prmdrnt nrill' on anti·nuclrar cnn;trur· ~~;\\' YOn!\ •• '!'IE:\ • - The lion a~ a rrsull o[ time del'olrcl

men 11ho arc ~rcn in ni!(hl rlubs to the effect and stres~ created Rl'' CLARKE STEAMSHIP CO BIIHliS(i EE ''' · with ;:!amour ;:iris inl'ariably: ~· nuclear warfare. LT · GOOD

:'\n•.·.,pnr! rlur ~1. .lnhn's arc rlu!Jh~d "playllo)'~." but! "But my real busines• i< huil· RESU S .!~~. ~5th. ;ai!in~ ,Jan. ~lith. thrJ·e·s apparently IJren 11 lot; ding," Hayes >ai~. "1\'hilc 1

Hi~hln1N' lr~1in; St ,lohn. more work than play in the life j haYe A lol of interests, it is the :'\.B .• ian. ~6. Halifa~ Jan. !!9, or one of them. principal one." XORTII (D) 10 due St Joh.n's Feb. 1. sailing . lie's 4B·year.old millionaire I • • • feb. 2. llal B. Hal'es, frequent escort of' A lew years ago at Edwards


•so1·~porl lcal'ill',l Saint John. Hollywood 'beauties and an ex· Air Force Base. :\Iuroc, Calif .. : ~.B. Fco. 9. due St. John's Feb. i fiance of Zsa Zsa Gabor. he built about 1.300 homes on a 12_. due St. St. John's Feb. 15, 1 The ~orth Carolina native lost go\·ernment contract. H ayes sa:!t~~ Feb. 16. ; interest In school after the ninth got the job because he guaran·

Hi;h:iner l<l\'ing Saint John. grade and went to work. About teed quicker, cheaper and better ~.B .. Fe'J. 16. HJ!ifa:; Feb. 19, so years ago, he ga\'e a helpful than hls competitors' work. r:r:e S:. John·.~ feb. 2~. sailing hint to the foreman of his con· That job has led to numerous

¥AKQ97 tAQ4 ... K97

EAST .96432 ¥52 +K97S ,Y.JS

F~'::i. 2Z. struction crew In San Francisco other go1·emment contracts. ~OUTH

~AB ¥J 104 • J 106.~ ,Y.AQ63

·:;c·.arar: !~J"it:~ Saint John. and got a better job for it. He'a Of medium helg~t with gray·; ~:.:s .. FEb. 23. H.:.Jilo.; FFb. 26. nere: stooped climbing and now ing, wavy hair, Hayes has no 1

c~e St. John'.; Feb. 2g, sailing runs t!1e largest pril'ately owned partner and no stockholders in , ~hr. ;;~. crn::ruction company In the his company, "Hall B. Hayes,/,

H:.;:t::,ner lcal'e :\farch 1st. world. Contractor, Inc." Both vulnerable

North f!ast Soulh West Pass Pass Pass 'Pass Pass

lea1·c Halifax. X.S., :\larch 4th, • • • "I always thought I'd be bet· I arriYe St. John's :\larch 7th, The good .looking bachelor f.er off that way," he aald, "but 1

1¥ Pass 2 •

lea,·e :\larch Bth, educated himself. "Reading did I am going to sell stoc!t In my i

NFLD. CANADA n'EAM· · it lor me," he claimed during a company one of these days."

3 t Pass 3¥ 4¥ Pass 44(1 5 • Pass 5 N.T.

SHIPS LIMtTI::lJ talk in Xew York.. "I'1·e re~d He has ~bout 10,000 employe~ ~u; F;;u\·~t:r ~ailin:: lftlm .111.~t about e\·e~·ythl~;: that's m. and thinks that ownin)l stock

li~ltf"x .Jan, 2bt, clur St. prmt 11hout Ol)' b•t~mess. I ah· · will m11ke thrm ha1·~ an el'~n Jntm·, .tan. ~3J'ri, >O!'bed a .tot of il, mi~rd It wit~ I more prl'SOMI lnterr.<l in the

6 N .T, Pass Pass Opening lead-t 8

'~===== ~~ ~. nrllr l~lr II .•ailin~ from nl)' own tdeas. and put ail of II; oroanization than !hc1' alrcad\' B\' OSWALD JACORY

Holilax .lan. ~3rd. clut' Sl to work lor m~." 1 h~·c • • The biddin~ of tod:ll''s hand ,lohn'< ,lan. 25th. .\hn111 60 of hi1 idra~ ha1·e, · ma~· look as if it were designed

\I.S Bcdforr! 11 ~ailin~ from . he~n l>atrnt;ct., for llay~s has, All llayl'S' 11•nr~ I~ rnnlrollcd by the dep~rtrnent or utter con· Halifax .Jan. 25th. dur St. wo;·kecl out tnll'lt'ale details and\ f1·om one centralized of11ce ~n fusion but the end product was ,lohn·~ .Jan. 27th. , designs for airplanes, autos, the West Coast bt)t, heca~~c !11s perfect.

Fl'RSESS WITHY A:"i'D • ships and trains. One or his building projects are 1:01ng on South became declarer at six CO~IPA:'\Y 1 fa1·orite projects is ships ol solid all over the country, hcs' con·,. no·trump. East made his king

~ 01.3 Scotia due Boston Jan. , c~nrrele, Although this was stantly traveling, of diamonds at trick one but 25. Leal'ing Bo~ton Jan. 26 and i tried. unsuc~~sfully as far b~ck Right now, hou!'C~ made nlj th!s left South with 12 top Halifax Jan. 30, due St. John's · as ~\orld \\m 1• Bayes has tm· paper liN his pet hobby. Paper trtcks. Had North became de· F'!b. 1. Sailing again sam~ day I ~~o~e~ ~n 1thi l~ea and e~~c:5 fibres are strong and he sprays clarer at either hearts or no· fo; Lhrpool. 1 r1'r 1 't ~~ s 0 e success u n paper with a plastic that holds trump a spade lead by East

::-:,·.lifJU~dland lea·. in;: L1r•r· · ·1;, uhure. 1 d n f It together He says a two bed. would have beaten the con· I r b 3 • ~I J h. . F '· r~ as J:lrrn e a ame·proo h . 1.1 f $ 000 tract

pc~. - ~ . . uue - . o n • ev. matrna which h sa can room ouse can se or 5, . • 9. LE.!nng lor Halt!~x. a>1d Bos· 'qmckll' !make Rn enlire clt fire- His own guest house in Holly· Now ~et's look. the bidding ten Ffb. 10. dur Halt.ax Feb.' _ ... ·..... . ·~-· _Y __ wood, adjacent to the fabulous over. With 21 pomts North held 12 ar.d Eo; ton Fe h. 15. LP.11 in~. Lra1·in~ for Halifax and Boston home he built for himself a few enough to open with two no­Bo;t~n Feb. 16 and Halifax frh. :!4. dun Halifax Feb. 26 years arto, cost $500. lie has ex tn1mp but he did not bave Feb. 2~. due S~. John's F~h. !and Jlo~lon Feb. 29. Leaving perimented with It and cx(lecls ~pades slopped and chose the .:12. S;::m;: again .;ame day for ~o•lon )f<lr. 1 and Halifax Mar. to have paper homes on the JUmp to three diamonds after Lh •rpool. r., due St, John's liar. 7. Sail· market. his one·heart opening to de·

:'\o·. ;~ Su>t!a leant1-1: l.i1·erroul In: again same day for Liver· scribe the hand. Feh. li, due St. Jnhn'; FPh. 23. 'po11l South's three heart bid was

California Call

ACROSS 6\\'lle 1 Part !If 7 Seaport (ab.)

Califomta's 8 Miser motto 8 Salient ansle

' 7 Mountain In 10 Cease thl11tale 11 Head (Fr.)

13 Kind of bullet 12 Art (Latin) 14 Canier 20 VIdeo doc 15 Fetter 21 Mineralogy 16 Playinl cards. term 17 Aquatic 22 Required 29 Ba~eball clubs 42 Above

mammal 23 Flower 34 Rderees 44 Asterisk 18 Mature 24 Condition 35 Unusual 45 Stnry 19 Bodies of land (sul!lx) 39 Arrow body 46 Court rlsht 23 Bellow 25 Pewter coins 40 Turn Inside 47 Streell (ab.)· 26 Toward the of ThaiiRnd out 48 Fcstlv'al

sheltered 1ide 27 California dty 41 In•:~i~Jallon ·ccomb. form) 27 Hillin Frisco 28 St•inch of VIshnu 49 Fairy fort :10 Hops' kilns. 210newho

{lul!lx) 12Baranof

m01.•taln 33Perth 34 Employed ll5 Blemish 3SWorm :17 Mud 28 Sailors II Procll1al 41 Rout (Fr.) 43HUCI 4S Economlztra 4S lllttUeetual SOEUdlsh 11 Wlld sheep li2fondle UCublcmetm

DOWN I ;rap~M~e

outcast I Footed \'IRS 3 Gard•n tool 41'ulrift 5 Boat boltOI'lll

It 12 13 I• ~3

I" 111

,. 123 124 Z5


~ I~

141 'Ill

'" 60


ID 0 11 • II 110 Ill 112 114


111 liU it I"

128 Zl


IN! 1M 141 47 141 IW

~· IN '_ll

merely marking time and after North went to the heart game South Invited the slam by his four·spade bid, This showed the ace of spades and North merely went to five elubs since he was sure that South would not sud. denly drop the bidding at that point.

South's five no.Jrump asked North to place the slam and North promptly placed it in no. trump. He was still looking at that queen-jack of spades and wanted the lead to come up lo ~ South.

CARD Sense Q-The birldin!: h~s bern:

South West North t<:ast 1 "' Pass 1 ¥ Pass 1 • Pass 2 + Pass 2 N.T. Pass 3 + Pass

HAL R. HA n;s: "Reading did 7 It lor me" · I You, South, holu:

Hayes claimed thai bt'cau~e! •Q J 3 2 ¥5 4 t A 8 7 •A K his work ke~ps him so busy, he; 4 3 actually bas little lime for night/ What llo Y?u llo? clubs. But when he does go, it'~ 1 A~l'ass. lou hnve .. a mini· with a good looking girl, often a I mum band and your partner movie star, and he winds up In does not seem too interested In newspaper columns with t h at getting to game, "playboy" tag. TODAl''ii QUES'fiON

You hold the same hand. Part· The Seine River flows through ner responds one diamond to

the city of Paris, your one club opening. What do you do now'!

Answet· 'l'omonow

Coal once was believed to he I useless and in some places the

The year 1963 will he the saie of anthrncite was declared Chinese "'Year of the Rabbit." a fraud punishable by law.

Wood of the persimmon tree Is used to make shuttles anti wooclen heads lor golf clubs.














By W. 31-!RUGm





11 ~ I=SliE TURNEI

YNtD r;l ~D. ':'liE' WI'I3MTl' ·~ ,. ~~'<100 $~0~Ev.'ARD, UNTI~-



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Stoc:t· Market Toronto

f(lJ:O' TU C LU!\I~U ~IOfl\111 1~11' Tbro (.-nacUan l'r'"'

1 "'"c.~r 't•"lt l.. l:\t'h•u.::r- .r.m :21 •:ct~t1 .. «• '' 1M '"m:, unln"' m.arkn1 J

I Odd l"'t., \d - •:\.<JIIidcn<l "-t;,. t.JIIll '"- 1::;.·~ ;.n;n,t. I

Stt •aJt, Hi&" I o• « I•'• t'tt'lt

!~\[\\' Urlhi 4:\00 1:\IJ 1~ U -l S llld>rn ~~ 2l~ :!:.12 :!5 X llarrt 4b9tl 111 1.1 t:i • 2 ~ (~uhhue I~On i•1 ;•, :'\ l\tll'•«' lthiVil II to 10 -1 ' rw HnllfO itiOn 101 ~ !f.l'l -t 2 'if\\ lund ~'\00 \9 HI I~ :s Man 1Si)4l 3:i 35 ~ :..; M)lam> 3111'0 121 111 121 t I :'lj('\\ HCIU\11 13t'IU 10 91 J lU ~h ~el '.1s J,l7!• 6:! F. I b2 ~lrlo Rim jo4\0 !I 'I ~.\ -1

Report! I

,\lun\inl MMIO ~1111 l' fhfW UoR- o l•llmd ~or Star

l' l't•rnb,na S1mpson1 Ste:tmuu Walo,.rl;hl

'Walken 1 1\rslon II

su:.. ll~il-'• SG'• 61•- '"

'4.;t(il;, '" \.. lhl.. ,, Sti t:\ 1~ • ,.,

$i1J ,",12 il.- l,t,

Sll'~ :JII, H•l . '• SRIJ 81;, 8\z 1 I• ~

t:\,1\ol 3311 3Jil I

SJ1 ~1 ~1 2%0 21~ ,%0 5:1il4 36~.. :li11 SH~t. 341:. :P•


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A\a.lrnft ' .... • ~r• \1'""' ........

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t'nhOH' F. ti lllh l••• 2u 1 fnp• P.tp .t:•, I' lot" .. 1: ll••m T!'r 15'4 f't•rd


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New Ym·k ~1.\\ TOKK ('I.O ... ISG "'TU( 1\lio

J:~th ~lu•l •\ 1 \JR1\\\ \\ 44 nm I( Walllf'1' fll I '\Y l fl\t 2:t- ~ t' ,,mt 0 "'l n:uhn c (lrj1 t ~'~ C't'""' Etli .. t•n tO,, t.:til 011 '.: I Gt•n J;h"' q:. \'an,niL\IMl ( itlllfiH'al .\.! \\ ,,101 .. 1'

r.t :\ttl n' ~! . tnt 'I' I' lt h.nnuolt ''HI,


'"'' n. lnw Tob lth1 \1U'Jl lnt ~llkl'l tm I' •Jlt'r lnl PNt ~~ .. , 1: .. lnl lt 11 .lb :to • ! lnt l t1l pr lUIJ IU 1 ~~~ ,. •

:\1it••m \ ,·,-, .!4'~ 2\i• Mr.l'!f'IM 8 J'll':J ~'::!~~, :.?-lui 2-l 4

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'lllf:'f \('TI\'1: Tl!llfJSTO •TOI K~ lnl \'Ill pr HlH S'l ~U, ~o·,-RJ Tilt l'anAdlln Pr,..,a Jr04 m pr 1\ ~141, 1~ 1 ~ IF~

\m lnh \n,l<'<•ndit \dlllll S]

\Fl11!1l$: C'k B.tlll"'" Halt Uhirt­B' Ill ~If& I Bm'm.:: ,\a

" Hotdt•il t II 1'1•T \\ ••I lluold \If~

... \~ ill• Buraou.th"-'

•• ( .tlllllll't 1 ~ c m ilr\'

('\'fl Ll~l' J I ~alu Ull{h l.o• t'lotr fh'C" Jitmttu a rr IIJ SIOJ 1U:1 H•:l

JSIJ\'.,.TRI.\LS lhu· Pu\.\t!ll .\UO Sl'• 1\:J 11 2 - ,,

71!':\ e:!P• :!1 'H'• '" ltar:\1111 R ?110 S~n~~ ~o·~ 10';~- =-. ( ,.trt 'II i1t' (',.Janr't l'IH'"' Ohm fla~lill ('(In

.\hlm••li Rl o,l n~·n l•J•n'l('

iP..n ~:ll'·~ :113,. JP• 1 • \1;~s., r('t 1!0 )11 JOi,. It -I'll ' :l ~\ 1 ~ :t:tl~ 1 ' !\fa!'!o; ~· ",1:;: p !.10 !\\1)0 9Ul~ 11!JT;t-m'!A 'H1 11 -111~ H'• • '" ~to\,.on .\ {n s~~r. 2·PR zp,

'~ Chr;.:.;lt•t

.... 511 '• I'.

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fl''1 J>J,tJ:OR ~tM.mnrr 11ll.l1 1h'l1 tMil ~IIlith ,.

19:nn ~n !1 !7 ~Ill Trurl 100 Slfi ~' ''' 110\MI Rl8 1: 1; Soil Hru~ Pl I~' '1<1• 2 lti'' It•'' l1:'.Cil 'U li~ l'lK !\at Stl ('ar 1W '.ol; l.\ 1 I 127M H.! r'l'• 1U j 1 \u •• uula "',J S161 4 ''i 1-t .r,:s ..

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Cuml ~uh •aronF.d

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I u, l'u\' •' :;.,:i'. ll \IIJ

Mutual Funds 'll'TI II 1'1 "'ll'

lh T111': f\'\:,\IUI!S l'ftl "'"' nut

\I' t 1ln < nnt \II l\ln U1' \1Ut'nt<ll1 l~l(l\\lh Rl'ollh\,,11 t', 1 n,u\J~n tn''"'nwr~t

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rtohtorl"on ,f SU'. 1~'-ltut• \\ ( s•,l,_ 11ntl.unl ,\ (tJI.: 11., .11 \l.mk "'i'l , llu\ ,1l1tr ;~o 'II. ( tltP ':'11HII\ S

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S.S. GUERNSEY Lv New York ............................ Jan. 26 lv Saint John, N.B, ................ Jan. 29

f;n•upril 1nC'nnlt (:rn~pcft tnromt i.tC'IIM

• «;111u!" s .. J i (ittmlh toll ud Gat ! lm l htou ~1utnal Kt~·.,tour l.t•\l'rilJ:(• runll \1utua1 -\rrumulahn5: Fund \\ul\lal hwomf' t•und 'utlh \mer Fund of Can nadll!liPn Ru•nt Fund

. Sa\t> •nd hnt"l ~upt-f\ Uif"'l Amrr funt! SU)lrl\lstd l'~:trt• ;\', ~IU)tf\'j5Pd t-:'!rr :'\fi supt>r' i11td t:xr(' :v; "iiUJll'f\ \lit'! I El\f'(' ~3 .,.,111.:"'' t"r 1 «:ro\,:11 1-tllld supf'f\ hrd tnrmnt t u11rl ·• I\ 1:Ut tm11t' rmu:.i ln\t'\tmrnl t'und t 11 tr•rl \l't11,llUii!liU ~ . t' S tunrtc,


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'Stl S~~:lro11 Htlh Ltt• Cl••r Ch'lt

WITHY & CO., LTD: LlverptiOI St. John'5

tD to Hfl & St. John's BoRton

1 "Newfoundland"

Boston lit


Halllax St. to

John's to

St. John's I} pool Jan 23

Feb. 1



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HI'PORT n~ l',S,S.R


'\ Temperanre Thoughts

I Nnrlh D~kot~ r~i<r~ three· fourth> of the I' S. ~upply of du1 um '·' hr.1t. ~ harrt r~ri~l7 u<~·li to makr ;pa;:hrlll anrl mac· aron1.

' t '·

(('ontmtwd from pn:r ~~ ;1( the l'ni\'eNI\' of P.ntt h l olumh1a. 1;111\'rl -11y of Sa>k~t­chrwan. ~~c~!a<lrr l:m\rl''ll~,

1 llamtlton 1 anti Pmr Hill fHah ' • '• f.1x I. Thr~e rater to R wule 1 \'ilriCt\' o£ intert~~ts Ull'ltldli1J;!

~ outh workers. trarhrrs. clrr,!).' ric. It is likeh· that I hr <ehunl I at llcll;1ster Unil·rr<lt)', "hu·h I is a joint l.:.S. and Can"rh~n venture, Will become a prr- 1

manent pari of the extension program of thr University.

As to thr last qucr~· mrntion­l'd m thr Ofl('JIIII~. the Liberal As>ociation mrt m Com entwn at thr same hotel at the samr !nne. We talked with Hon. Le<­tcr Pearson aft~r their banquet aud he 5a1d "You may be in­lrrrsted to know that our ban­qurl too wa~ a Temperance hanqnrt. :-{u liquor was srrl'cr!.

rThis column 1• rompilrd h1 thr Xrwfoumlland Temrerancc l'o•drration In "hom rnqllll'it•, •na) hr. aclrlr('s,rd >.

II \\IILTO:O.: ('P • - .1

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\1(1\Tnt: \I. '!'!' -\ill" ('.,IW

,, ,1:1 prj,H'I !lHLl-;11~ ut: 1 :c~: .. tr

'" •111\ nl1:tnrd 11'11111 R I'''·'· "il. , ,•no11 nn Hu~ ... ldll papt"l' t~lt hnol· n ., e~: 111, thth at"llli:l mct'tll1~ of litc• t,oC}II!iC.li <r<liOII Oi lhr• ('~na­rlii<ll Pulp and f'aprr \--o,tatlon. oprllll'~ here .lanuury 26. -- -- --------

Next to the Bible, your copy o fthe Daily News has the greatest ramily appeal. It is read and re­read ••. clipped, saved and re· ferred to over and over as a com· plete and accurate source of information. There is something to appeal to every member of the family: Mother likes the women's pages; Dad enjoys the news, finance and sports pages; daught­er dotes on the fa!>hions; children clamor for the comics and games. Whatever you want to know about - news, sports, drama or comedy ..• The DAILY NEWS can inform you best - FIRST I

READ ••. ADVERTISE ••• S~OP ..• IN lv. Halifax .............................. Feb. 2 Ar. St. John's ............................ Feb. 5

Feb. 18 Feb. 22 Feb. 26 Feb. 29

2 lv. St. John's ............................ Feb. , 8 Mar, Will call at Outports as inducement offers.

Cargo accepted for Corner Brook discharge subjed to ice conditions existing at that port.

: "Nov11 Scotia" Jan. 26 .ran. 30 1 "Newfoundland" Feb. 3 Feb. 1ll Feb. 16 Feb. 20 1 "Nova Scotia" Feb. 17 Feb. 24 ~lar. 1 :liar. 5

I "Newfoundland'' Mar. 9 :liar. 16 1\lar. 22 Mar. 26 "Nova Scotia" .Mar. 23 l\lar. 30 Apr. 5 Apr. 9

I Person~ ct~nlemplatmt: llassoge to Europe

abould make bookinl(! well in advance.

Feb. 22 !liar. 7 :liar. 28 Apr. 11


THEDAILYNEWS For rates, etc., Telephone. 2073 • 5890.

Furness, Withy & Company. Ltd.

.\MEBICAN AIRWAYS. SCANDINAVIAN. ~onne11tlng 'Airlines.

Consult us regardln• vour travel problems




I '


- .. . . ~-l

·'·-.. ';:· .

... • ,. .. .

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:· 18


Biologists Get In Men's Hair


-----------'FOR SAU: - 1953 Zephyr . AUTO PARTS (Whole) : sedan; good condition: mile·

age l~ss than 11,000 Apply T, & :\1. Wintrr Uri. Nflrl.

Armature ! Works .


FOR SAI.t:-1 Cow an<l Calf. Apph• Peter Power, New-

38 ' town: Torbay. •

·As They look for Key to Fading and Falling Locks Bambrick

---- StrePt. 'Jial 7191·2 ·I•'OR SAU·:-One 35.fl. J(ousr

Trailrr. 'Phone Sil. T•:xtcnsion 6-11:!7.-Cri.n,on. By W.-UlD C:ASSEL 1 ed hah· ob~erl'ers at t!le Bar· with two entr~nccs. a thick wall

SE.t. Staff Corresp~ndcnt .. bl'r~· Journal, Ibn(' are two brtwcen, and a connecting door.' SEW BRl'XSWICK, ~.J. :\E.-\: popular colors in the men's mar· But. sa~·~ biologist :lti;:liarc~r. :BUILDING MATERIALS



For all your Buildinll

.. WASTED - An cxprrirnc<•rl

Barhrr. with gum! pu.«iliili­tie~ and an inf're~sr on com· mi.<.<ion for thr• ri~ht prr~on. Ilia! 615i-L. j:on20.4i

-Anned with an unlimited bud· kct. \'i~01·ous dark t brown Ol' normal baJ:lnc~~ and graying is· ~~ a nifty n~w laboratory and biackl lo1• the older man who a matter of biuclwmistry, rlct'· til~ fadlitil'~ nf Rut~cr~ rnil·et·· wants to look )'OIIII~rt· because it. matology, histopathology, cmy· , ... , .. th~ ~cicncc of ninlo~y is ht>lp> him !(ct anrl kcrp a job. 1 mology, p:1ysiology, pharmnco· finall: ~rttin:: around to a h~;ic \nrt mature ;:t·ny for the youn~- l:y. Hllrl hio·nuc:~onics. q~r.•::cl'l 11i !1lOdern lifr: ~1nw c~n ('r man who ha; lhr. know-how "Wr will Ull()Ucstinahl~· liS" men ~tnr :~'tint h~ld and ~rJ)'. hut not thr a~~ to g~i•1 adrancr· 'taJ:~t·rl' •r~dioarth·cl atom~ in

Requiremrnts cal: ~1-:W 'fi·:'I'IIOII nn; C.'U:,\~-

-___ s_o_JB_l_9_11_7_l ___ l t:RS-llilg$ and r~rprt &TA01UM

.-\rrorr!m; tn Dr .lMrl'\11 f. nl('lll in the romran:·. thi~ pro,irrt to trace thr fol'lll<l· 'i::li;;l'('~~- h~2d ~r th~ new P.io- f\nt th? Jll'P~rnt condition in tion of lht' compounds lh11t arc lr~k~l t;(',r~rc!l l.ahoratori~>. hJirrlom h~, cau~ht harhrrin~ in iounrl in the hair ~haft. .. " th:< i~ ~ u~11 rr~al. hut unr~p!nr· a ~trnn:c ri1('1110la. · • • • t.i l'~o!>'.m If It works, tllP answrr will

• d. 1 · • 1 1 0n the C\llB hn01l. zn cent~ .~::~>~ m: o m,~u,tr\· ra· rr~. . 1

'.· •• • proflahly he a pill en lied ~II'. rll;:T.~tir:Jr< ?.ll<i harhrr~. it i> a \lort.l of mnt~ltnl.l Mrl oklll ran PiCITI' tfor women' or i"il'(' r..,>,:a· p~o">!r::1 l-oth for indiri· m<1kr the har~cr S5 fur. the hau· Chairs :-;0 Waitin,; •for men•. c~·:- .:~1 :~r ··ho!c CC(Ir.omy. O)'r ,tob, ai!CIIh~r lrl~llm fOI' ~h~ It shoulti be emphasilcrl, 1'1'·;

Ar.j ac~(l~di::: In a s]lOk-:~mar. hau· • 111 to gn 11111 11 • and 11 a . 1w.•:hod.1· con~~rned wnrns me. o~ !~" ; '~1' ar.d C~'-metic> firm : , that thl~ research is aimcrl only • E·~· · F\'l Co~:Jte • Palmohr

11 nt rosmctic problems anrl not at

((1. · "h1ch ~~~~ s~l ur the lab· the ~~crct or elerna] youtlt o~a·nry: "Good hcal'cns," a cosmctk

"If :h~ proi>!rm i.< soh·rri. we· salesman in the field ~aid, "a



marie to }I)CII: lil;r nrw . \'on Sci. drr proct·~• ~rid~ ~·rars to lifr of ru"'· <"lea.n· rd in home or at 1111r plant. 'l'honr !HO:l3. ~""' \lf'lhorl Rug neanrr~. Fr,·<hwalrr Rn:ul.


can be obtained at CO~l'OICS URUG STORE

I Wall Washing 334 WATER ST. DIAL 2266


WAJ,L W o\SHI:\G - 1'1'all1 elt-aned b' new machine. Re<u!ts perfect: ~a1·es paint. -!l:ew P~ethod Rug and \l'ail Clr.aner~. Freshwater Road. 'Phone ~10.13.

~3~ rr.ai;(' a m:nt nf monc)·." real ~·outh pill would kill the • • • w:1ole thin!:."

·~- "Now that's a silly way to flip hot cakes!" '" • . IIAINE JOHNSTON COMPANY, LTD.

netS.( 10 ..

To had• up tl:rir in1·Mmrnt :::.-; :=:.or;. h:o!o;i;t;; citr the. !>n;.:n:::~ hJ;:ne;< of t'lernal . ~-~::'!1 in t~e r.~. tod~y - mas· 1

i3~f;, ex~~ci;~r$. rclax~rs. tou· ~$. a=-~:-in;c·~~$. ~an lamps. etc'

'H;i~ c11~o~in; a~or.e t o o k c; '"~ ftt'\o) o~: nf m~n·$ JlOCkrt; ~.l.'~ :·C"3:". .-\nd ac~ordi1,~ to the ~~ ..... e-,:::'"~ B:lr~,c~··:' .Joul'r3;: ··r·4~ !::J:"(' ·x:!1 h£- m11c:1 hi~hr1' t:: · .~~ :- . .1-:"..: :'!il! h!;h~~· nc·:-.~."

J~--~~--0~-~~-~ ... A~R~D,;r.;.:oS .....,.--.: \-Fo;--F~-;;----·j . ~ f COAL and OIL .j Taxi Service l ! ! Dial 90633 1 ! HOT~L TAXI ! : ~ 54 sTAMP'S LANE 1 l Dial 2424-2410 ! I : 1 I I I ••••• •' I QUEEN'S ROAD ' i -.. .... ·l Open from 6.30 to % a.111. ~



Agl'ncy n~partmenl 2U Water St. Ilia! 2102


HEAP & PARTNERS · (NFLD.) LTD. · Wiring ~laterials, Wire and

Cables, ~lotor.~ Starters, Lamps, SwiH·h~s. Lightine

. Fixture~. elr. W ARF.HOl'St-:: PRI~CE'S ST ..


a: .. \1. EST.-\TF. -- Valuator of city. farm> and outpnr pro· prrlirs. 0\·rr 41l years' t>X·

pt•riem•e. .lnh11 '). O'Dri<· coli. Aurtionrer a1:d Ileal K•tate /'.gent. ni;tl !!O:il2.

Tin: ('f.STR/11, IURIII·:R SIHIJ'-\\' e an• noll' op~r­

alin# t-ight d1;1ir~. You 1'~11 he a>>llft•d of the hr->t po"ihlt• >rn·ice plus the least pns,ihle walling. 24 ;'\f\\' (iow«·r· Str,•f't, opp. Adelaide ~lotor<.

f • • •



Admission ................ 50.c Spectators ............... 25c.

Tickets for Saturday night's game, St. Bon's vs. St. Pot's on sale on holding seat certificates to·day, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.



I ;t'":". fro; r·~an;p~~. !n G•'o:·;:o r.' .:-·::r:' ., :,.,..(' -Hl ~-~.'"'r:' C'l{ rx· , ....... .-:-,·(" ;-,, ~r'rn in ,,.~·in: h• !"'t•:-~ ., ... 1! 1\ .• lr!lf'rhr-ad ra:! ... ~:!" ~-~~:.r. ~~~ ~;·~\'l,'!:=!i ri!ir~. ! rNet4nrl••~ L----=-~-=:~=j AUCTION ----------. H'R:'<iiTl'HE HEJ',\IRS- Rr­

• Barbequed Chicken "Ribs"

• Abo complele plate Dinners.

·.•. -' ;:. .. r .:"'~:•~-: 1:ifO thr tx-:111f\·

• ~n:" ~:J' :":r• ·-· · n:· n'Pn a:r. ,,·~·n a.c. -, ,., -:~r :~ Tl'('~'i" io. 1ln nfhP1' ., a·· .1:"-~ ~> ... :·~"' ~~ h.1nily :1 mn-

. . . -..:. ... ;o.:o •• ;,;.,.,-;.o ...... :,- • .;· .. ,.~ •. :., ... ,· .. ;·~

. . . On lhr nlhrr han~. mn,t ;tHir;

rPQIIII'l' t~ern;d, ~r~rtu;<lr hrau­ttrt~n, for lhi> kinri nf IIOI'k. ·

Rut it'; not ;w~ral•t,~ II'OI'~ nn•l require~ 'N)' bit tr. >kill in ~trl·

.. T!1r hu'i.,r\c h~~ br~"H (h:tl~:· in:. ·: :n- ;Mr.f' ::mP anrl now i~ ' "So," E\'ilUthr• ~~·"'· "Tho .~~:r:,· to<n~r:oc." only way out i~ a comhim•d

~.,.,. 3~rnrrla~; to ~\PNI~nr· hc~ut~· ~hor for men and women,

Advertise In The DAILY NEWS

. -·· ---- ----···--~------- . ·---· ..



MAY WE SUGGEST- FOR EASIER WINTER DRIVING: SNOW TIRES - Sizes 590 x 13, 640 x 13, 670 x 15. 750 x 14 from $20.90 up. CHAINS - All the popular sim. GM GAS LINE ANTIFREEZE - ~top~ troublesome freezing in the fuel fccd line. GM WINOSHEilD WASHER ANTIFREEZE. GM PERMANENT TYI'E ANTIFREEZE fot the ce>oling \~·stem.


blade crtnlotl

GM FROST SHIELDS - For dear frost-free rear vision. lA~RADOR LOCK THAW. FROST-OFF- In spray cans for fast window defrosting. SILICON LUBRICANT - Spray can or tube - pre· ven~s door rubbers from freezing. IGNITION SEAL - Keeps moisture and melting snow frorn fouling ignitian wires. STL!r:DY WINDSHIELD SCRAPER fREE with any pur· c!lase of the above items. Full line of heavy and medium duty DELCO BATTERIES

and other General Motors parts and accessories.

THE Terra Nova Motors Ltd. PHONE .5131 • 2 3 • 4 • S OR VISIT AT REAR OF NFLD. HOTEL

Waiting For Your Phone- Calls? CLASSIFIED

IS EFFecnve

2177 -

Stop ihinking-Siott acling· Make your move

today it's truly amazing how such "Little" Ads

get sud· "Big" results at .such a moderate cost.

No other medium reaches so many people, so

quickly. If you have something to sell, or are

looking to buy or have something you want to

inc_lude In the community's biggest market place,

pu~ It In the DAILY NEWS Want Ads.

DIAL 2178 2179




CO., LTD. Radin, Television, Washers, Relrig<'rators, Deep Freezen

Electric Ranges, Floor Polishers,

Gramophones Public Address Systems,


15 LINES 8IAL 3001 &o 3005


!MONDAY Janu~ry 25th

1.30 p.m.


:CROSBIE & CO., LTD . i A.:f'nl~ lor i UNDEilWRITERS AT ! I.LO\'DS.

LOW Rr\ TJ::S lll.\L 5031


HARRIS & HISCOCK, LTD. General Hardware

Distributors Cor Sunbeam Elcclrical Applianres,

Sports goods and Sporll wear for all occasions.

Dl.\1 5016


WAIC~I All! !'ONOITIONING 210 W:\'1'1-:R ST.

J)J ,.\I, t 183



CONTRACTORS Retl. (;eneral Elet'lrlc

36 King's Road Ilia! 2!11 U

RADIO-TV REPAIRS , ----.. ----·---·---


---------·- i








AND PHOTO $300·00


Surveys Ltd. $250·00 Gerry Halley TELEPHONE 90876 McKINLAY






DIAL 3015

GROCERS (Retail)


t 53 William Strrel Dial 7450 and 606Z

l. HEALEY Cross Roads and Water Street

Dial 3026 ·--- i MOTORS LTD.

Newfoundland j~Lu~M~AR~CHIIA .... N~T ~Ro~A .... o~t IN~~:Ni~~~:~TS Services JOB BROTHERS

& CO. J.Tll. PASSENGER NOTICES water strrtt


R~.,1lar 8.10 a.m. train l~av- . · ing St .• Tohn'~ J"rlrlay. January


22nd., will make eounectlon a! · Argentla with Motor Vess!!l for : the West Run Placentia Bay.


SERVICE . Frrlght Is accepted dally at · the Rnllway Freight Shed for · rr~tltlilr port.~ South Coast Ser-

vice but In ortier to ~uarantee 1 movement by this trip of the ; S.S. Baccnlleu frci~ht must be ' at the Railway Freight Shed not later than 1.00 p.m. Tues­day, January 26th.


Will Knock at Your Door with Gifts and Greetings

from Friendly Business Neighbours and Your

Civic and Social New Comer to the City.

On the occasion of: The Birth of a Baby,

PHONE 94865, 3582 or 90943

MEEHAN & CO. T. A. Bld~., Durkl'orth St.

Dl•l 7046-1Qi7


Temple Bldg,, P.O. Boll 168, 341 Duckworth St. Dial 80370 or 7756


Stere At Your Door



Dial %206


Cor. Monrhy & l!:nlplre Ave. Ulal !10070


Cor. Mayor and Menymeeting Rd.

Dial 7388

pair~ to <pring.fillrrl mat­trr>srs. t'ho l<'rl1rlrl suitrs al<o rrhuilt. Fill•· Yrar,• rxprri•·~t<·r. !\rats . ,f:l.ttrtss l'a<·tory, 16 'lounl Ro)·al :\,·e. Dial !l:!'i!i:l or 26;i6. drt30.i lm).

Enjoy l'~n·frre dridng. l.l't us shnw ~·u\1 what n•al ;;r•nke is. ])rirt in to· day:

r-IN 1960 --, I KEEP YOUR CAR IN 1


1 We ha\'e a full selrclion 1

1 or r•ar mats, auto and por- I l;1ble lran;itnr radio~, 1

I J•or·tabl~ lronhlr lights, I t frndrr mirror~. bumper 1 ja1·ks, rhains, tires and I

batterirs . , • J '---------NEIL


Sharpening Services

ALL TYPF.S Hand saws, baud saws, circu­lar saws, lawn mowers, gar den rq11ipment, kniv~5, ,;ris sors. barbers' clippers. Re toot bin!( of worn sail'!.

We al~o Specialize in SKATE SHARPENING l'oncal'e sharpening on th•

most morl~rn equipm~nt a1•ailahlr. "II it ran be $harpcned we will sharpen it."

JARDINE BROS., LTD. 16!1 Walrr St. 'Phone 5561 Gun•mithin~- l.orksmithln~

Kry~ llladr. tn Order O!\cl4,1m

• Sandwiches a n d &a lads for Parties etc. ' All Delicatessen

Specials. 1 Ortll'l'> S.i.llfl ur nl'rr rlr lii'PI'!•CJ Frt•P or rhar~r,

Bell's Delicatessen 566 WATER STREET


A Heated, Modern, Self· contained Aparlment. Four rooms and bathroom. Silu·

. oted in good locality. Im­mediate occupancy. Apply

BOX 402 c o Doily News.

Where To Stay Balsam Hotel

1\.\R~E~ RO.\n SituatPd in •he Hrart nf

the Cit;·.

Qui~t. C!lmrorl~tlr A:mo!· phere.

For nrscn·ation. and in· formation.

Dial 6336 llfRS. JOHS F.-\Cio:Y Re~· · ent llfanagtrl'ss


1 9 5 6



--. -. ----------:Baird Motors ltd. Ph1ilp Wall & MERRYMEETING ROAD

Sons Ltd. i I

DIAL 80378-9

10 George St. Dial 2321 1 ------------, .




novll,lm Save your PARKDALE Energy

PBAllMACY u Elizabeth Ave. Se

____ D_'-~ .. ~1-120----- ELECTRICITY MURPHY'S

ll~~'~:~t~~o:!ad , LI:.T~ ---·~!:1_6_44·~-- -~-' I ••• A .. ... '.t• ' I I I

FLEMING'S I' C' 1ap Reliah;e Electricity I %65 PennywPll Road / In onJ Around St. John's

Dial 92937



Newspaper BINGO


B I N G 0 8 21 45 60 67

10 23 36 55 65 2 16 38 58 66 1 30 31 51 75

13 24 37 49 61 7 19 35 48 70

11 27 43 72 4 29 64

12 28 •

Help Kin - Help Kiddies

WATCH BROKEN? 81\'e It ExperUy Repairtd Here




All Gh·tn lmmrdlate Attention




FOR RENT Four (4) bedroom House, partly furnished,

situate No. 8 Pennywell Road. For further particulars please apply to:-

Ryan & Caul Barristers and Solicitors,




THE. GEN,ERAL PUBLIC For some time we have been aware of the

need for lower prices on meats, and we hove re­organized our store in order to bring you a low priced line af meats. • Starting this week we will be· orfering two hnes of meats, the high quality. fresh killed meats we hove always carried and a low priced line of meats, most of which will be frozen.

We -feel that no one con handle meat as well as your meat morket, and as you know meats, well cut, well handled, ore our business no other.

AlthCtUgh we will be offering . low priced specie~ls from time to time, we would like to em­phasize that the prices we adv~rtise to-doy are not specials to bring you into our store, but will· be our regular prices on this line.

· At this time we also wish to express our th~nks for your continual patronage, and hope th1s new venture will me! with your approval.


lOWER PRICED MEATS CHUCK ROAST ...... 53c •. lb. FRYING MEAT ...... 59c. lb4

, STEW MEAT .......... 35c. lb. HAMBURGER ........ 49c. lb. RIB ROAST .......... 59e. lb.

·_ROUND ~TEAK ...... 7Sc. lb. STEAK ROAST ....... 69c. lb.

Jim Shield's Me·at Market 53 COOKSTOWN ROAD · DIAL 34f . '



will be at home,


On SATURDAY, 23rd of January, 1960 from 3 to 5:30 p.m.



For members and guests. CARD GAME and DANCE.



REPAIRS now located at


New Telephone Number 93950



NOTICE fhe member companies of the Brewers Association Nfld. Ltd., will be observing their weekly holiday on

SATURDAY until further notice, except when a

statutory holiday occurs during the week,

Bre-wers Association Nfld. Limited



NEWFOUNDLAND BREWERY. ---------------·--

DWELLI·NG FOR RENT Located on Ken mount Road near the T opsall

Road T.C,H. Overpass. Contains four bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bathroom. Attractive grounds, conveniently located for worker in this area.



~.,.,.c!': t< t\4-!l ~~~ES 14-ZCI

STYLI: '~~" 214&

Ji'tEi 14'~·2.4 ''~




OPERATOR Male or Female

Apply to:

Box 20~ c/o Daily News

Position Available For experienced

STENOGRAPHER 5 day week and good starting salary.

Apply to: "



. DISH MOPS : Reg. 25c ............... 19c,


Reg. $1,29 ............ 98c. CHROME CABINET KNOB

Reg. 53c. .. .. ........ 39c. I DUST PANS

Reg. 65c ........ -..... 49c. . SUEDETTE RUBBER GLOVES

Reg, 98c: ................ 79c. PLASTIC WASTE BASKET

' Reg. $2.49 ........... $1.98 50 FT. PLASTIC CLOTHES liNES

Rt!g. $1.50 ....... $1.25 CAN·O-MA TIC CAN OPENERS

Reg. $6,45 ........... $5.25 DUST MOP, Removable P.ad

Reg. $2,69 ............ $1.98

CHROME TOWEL BAR Reg. $1.29 .............. 98c.

WET MOPS Reg. 98~. . .. . . .. . . . 85c.

BROOMS Reg. $1.10 .............. 89c.




----~~~~====~==~~~~~~~======---~·-·-·---·-···~ NOTICE TO RENT NOTICE

The St. John's Master Barber's Association

until further notice will observe the


Tues_day through Saturday ...... 6;30 p.m.

F 'd ' . ll ay .. , ..... _ ........................... , ..... 10.00 p.m.

Not inserted by B.L.C •

I '-

37 TOPSAIL ROAD - MIDSTREAM MANOR Ultra modern Apartment - Fully furni$hed, con­sisting of large kitchen, sitting room, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, washer-dryer, Electrolux at tenants' disposal, separate entrance, on bus Jtop, hee~t, Ught provided. Ideal for couple, business men, business g iris.

$200.00 per monrh. PHONE 3383 - 12.30 to 2 p.m. or 3 to 7 p.m.


Applications are invited for position of Copy Chief, male or female in Ayre's St~les Promotion Department. Applicants should have good command of English and the interest and imagin­ation necessary for radio, television and newspaper promotional work, Top starting salary offered with regular increases based on performances.

Apply In person or by phone to: GENERAL MANAGER



Clo5ing d~te of entry FEBRUARY 6th.

The offices of Caned~ life Insurance Company, Telecommunications Building, 130 VVater Sireet.

VV ill be open to receive entric~ from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

FEBRUARY 6th. or

Please mail to: P.O. BOX E-5069.


--··----..-..-........ - .. ~~~....._r- ... ~~ ............. .,~ • .-o;"J~~It':v"'~"J"i':' ~

. .. ;:-. "!-. . . ,.

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: . . ... ... - ~ ... .

...... ;

. '.


·,. ·.

-.,.. . :· .. ..... · . ..

~ . .. . .. '··-··




Sizes 38 to 44.



PHONE 94123\· Electronic

Centre Ltd. 90 CAMPBELL AVE.

AUCHINLEGK A Critical Biography John Connell ........ $8.00 ,

After hours 'PHONE 7313 i THE MIGHTY HOOD • ,

and-one was going to ~ay l Ernie Bradford .... 3.25 i "gutted." but that is no lang· 1 EARTH MY FRIEND er polite, one must say "en· , \'lscerated".,...had duly remov· Group Captain ed therefrom with the lnt~5· Peter Townsend 5.00

MY WICKED, tines (nearly said "guts" agaml the milt and/or roes which the Grouch consider~ the prime portions. Unfortunately the bones were permitted to


remain. Errol Flynn ............ 5.7 5 f

i 1 Radio rereptlon In this. lo· : THE GODSTONE AND ' I


I cality has been particularly [ THE BLACKYMOR bad lately, Even, Gander, i •

I which Is ~nly about fourteen ! T. H. White ............ 4.00. miles away, comes in with a I

: backgl'Ound of frying and FOUNTAINS OF THE ft•lzzling that sometimes al· ELEPHANTS most drowns out the pro· I D d y gramme. Local "experts" asmon oung, , have varying explanations-I Author of 'Rommel' 3.50 i voltage too low, worse 5ince I the telephones installed, etc. : THE BEDSIDE Personally the Groul'lt is in·: GUARDIAN ........ 2 75. cllned to blame it on atmo· : .. ' spherics. · .

Loggers who had a month . THE MISSING HOUR 'i nr so of exceptional weather 1 Jane Blackmore .... 2.00

for woodcuttin~. the trees ; wcr~ cl<'an or snow. are now ; GUY WITH JANE fac~d with difficultic~ owing , Elizabeth Vernon .. 2 00 to the sudden, considerable 1 '


A Perfect Combination LONDON HOUSE COFFEE 1 lb. and 5 lb. Tins.


PHONES 5143. 5144 QUEEN STREET snow and drifts. R_ccenlly the \ fREAD SOFTLy IN LOVE Gz·ouch has not1cerl truck , loads of pc<'led wood. ll is' Rell'ee Shann ........ 2.00 ~=============================:::_!

THOSE DRESSES WOULD BE CHEAP /J.T $6.98. understood this is somewhat <':>:peri mental to a1·oid the ·STILL GLIDES trouble of barking wood ~t : THE STREAM

\the mill. While loggers are rc· I D f St ceiving mot·c money for wood : · • evenson

I M treated it is not known if · ~ ~his process will be continued . or·cks & Co

I 2.75\

Ltd.! mdefinltely, . ., However the ultimately l"i~· :

u~lizcd public roar!_ from T.~. ' The Booksellers fAILLEY LTD. llighw~y connectmg Bale I ·


1 d'Espoir .may ~un, it ":ill not Spin 442.) or 2008 or 3191 . . , . .. , be the fzrst highway m that I

\linter Comes In Full Blast Bri~ht Day1 Of Christmastide

Giva Way To Snowdrifts

, ~now and !ugh drzfts. I he I that he stay .in. I he conse· general direction. In the -------- ·-Gz·uuch ,vuungstcrs. holl'cl·er .. qucnt protestmg howls were vears 11100 to around 1905 or : welcomed the deep snow .at.td . ludicahon that the stm·my : '1906 the Grou<·h recollects

· frequeully came In like muua· weather held. no terrors for 1 than an clderlv :llicmac, Peter . t:lrc snowmen. It wouldn't him. So stormy was :\londay i ,John and his· "missus'' used.

ha1·c been so bad if they had · that the two scholars were n~t ever~ spring, to travel acros: heen content to s~ay for an ' sent to school, for though Ill the country from Conne River hour oz· ~u to play 111 .t~te snow, the shelter of. our tree be.lt to Glenwood. It was alwa)"

1 but at ftcquent mtct1als they , the wind was httlc _felt. out m noticeable that the womnz: 1 B.' th<' Old t:roudn . sought re-admtssion ~o the 1 the sweep of the highway the arried the biggest bundle-

GU:'>WOOD, Jan. 13-(;ra· hous~ and had to be \'ISorous· : snow flew In a . continuous ~f not necessarily the heaviest <<<'10·: hcr<''s .lanuury almost ly brushed or the place would · cloud before a furtous ~ale, It could have been 110 ea~· '';d: ;one. \\'hile th!' we at hrt' soon. hal'e b:cn afloat . 11:1,th I The te_lephune I~ provmg .a trip what with rotting sno11 ,,; ~~ t~<'at<·d us, in this ~<'rtion. meltmg sno11. The L1tt.cst 1 not unnuxed blessmg, ~he two I and flooding streams in :lln.1· 1" :~ tl('riod or delightful ~ro~ch managed. to ~ct snow : !tttlest Grouches concet~e tlta.t i Today by means of Br ,. !':,thcr durin~ Christma~tide 111 Ius boots ~nd 1cq~hed to be : It was installed for thmr pal· ; water's tug one can cross Gan· ;.n;: :hl' '>ew \'car, he sudden· changed. \\hen tim happen- I ti.cutar ~.ellght · and conve· : der Lake and drive In a car ;, rr,·<'r~rd the >ituation with · <'.d fo~ two ~r three c.on~ecu- 1 menee. Ihe mo~cnt the bel.~ ; or truck for fifty miles 01• · h.ow::n~ 11ind. rmttinuous lt1·c tunes Ius mother mststed , rings they both down tools, i more in the general direction 1

. whether at meals or other oc· , towat•ds the South Coast. ~-----·--·-·· ·


cupatlon, and madly rush to ' Df:ATH grab of( the receiver. Protest 1! · --- ~--~-~-~--- ·------and threats of punishment . COLEliAN - Died at the h IIlii rf t B ld tl · REJ-'UGEE!! ARRIVE a1•c e e ec . es cs liS G<'neral Hospital rm January they both want to telephone ' ~'1:-J:-/IPEG ICPl - A brisk 21st }I A c 1 · •.. one ot' othet• of their school wmd a n d a warm welcome • · rs. nn ° emau, Wife chums at the same time and, ~ greeted 3~ _members of 12 E~ro· of Thomas Coleman, 127 :\terry­what the columnists call "in· pean }at~sltcs w~n they arrzve. d ·meeting Road. Leaving to terneclnc strife," takes place. at \\mmr:c a 1 r Port Thms· mourn one son. Ted; one


Sometimes the Grouch threat· ' dn~·. Th~ mnc tubercu.l~r refuge~s daughter. llary (Mrs. Gordon I ens to have the "damn thing" in the group were quzc.dy admzt .. Woodford>. and seven grand·! remOI'cd entirely. I t~d through custo~s an~ taken children; also five sisters and I

, - I' directly to St. Bomface Sanalor· two brothers. Funeral at 9.30 1

. This IS a marvelous ag_c. , iUm. At least one member of eac:t a.m. Saturday to the Basilica. , So~e time ago a consumer 111 1 family has tuberculosis. Still on Interment at Holy Sepulchre

to11 n was commenting In the I board th Canadian Pacific flight Cemetery. : press of the way the humble ! were 321mmigranls who at·e go· . codfish had moved into the : ing to Regina. --·----··~- · --------

ranks of the aristocracy, at FUN~RAL NOTICE · least in the average grocery : store. From being worth CAMPBELL-The funeral of ! about four cents a pound when BISHOP ELECTED the late Mrs. Ina M. Campbc U · hauled aboard the trawler, it WIN:>JIPER (CPl- Canon Wil· will take place at 2:30 p.m. on : achieved a value of six or liam H.H, Crump of Christ Saturday, January 23rd. from · seven times that when dressed Church, Calgary, Thursday was Carnell's Funet'al Home. 28 · 11·ith • little salt and some elected Bishop of the Anglican c· h "' t t 'h c· 1 1 n ~ II' . oc ranc "tree o , e .cnern ' drying, Diocese of Saskatc .• ewan. Is Protestant Cemetery, Topsail ·

This week the Grouch dis· election came on the fifth ballot Road. taken at the 29th Provincial Sy· ·

, cpvercd that the equally hum· . d 1 Rupertsland her to rc· , . blc herring of one's ~·outh was . nlo , 0 B' 11 •11 n'1, De "artt'n ·

II , f 1 , , t ·It Jl ace IS op c y . • .. ~c 1111! or c even cen s eac 1 h et'r d last ''car after 20, 111 a fresh state, properly con· w 0 r 1 e 'h . fined, 1n triplets, in a cclc· years as head of t e dtocese.

: phane bag. The Grouch would


,-IS . would not have minded so

GOUGH-The funPral of the late Samuel Gough will take place at 2.30 p.m. today, from

CYCLONE DEATIIS Carnell's Funeral Home, 28 "Relax! He brou&bt that one In w-Ith ·h-im-!'; : much but that the careful dis· -- • tributor had not only scaled








'. I 2264- 4440:- 342C

• •· . .·

PORT LOUIS, Mauritius, (Reu·: Cochrane Street, to Anglican tersl - A 200 • mile an !tour cy· : Cemetery, Forest Road. clone which hit this Indian Ocean , ---------­island Monday killed five per· sons, injured 100 and left more j

than 14,000 homeless, police said Thursday. The homeless are being sheltered In schools, chur· ehes and public buildings and ted by t)le government. ----

Children's Snow Suits



GLASS ----------------e PLA "'E GLASS e SLIDING GLASS



A •. G. BARNE:S Ltd. ---- ·-BLACKMARSH ROAD DIAL 9~6,10

.... _.,.._, . . ·---------·--....... -

QIIT OIJR WAY f)·· J. R. 1/o/IILIA H<;



.. I'







Our Building Supplies Depar!ment can supply you with

everything you require for Home, School or Public Building.

A. H. MURRAY & Co., Ltd. ST. JOHWS

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