Natural Language Processing for Question Answering (NLP4QA) edited by Maarten de Rijke Bonnie Webber EACL 2003 Workshop Monday, April 14, 2003 1

Natural Language Processing for Question Answering (NLP4QA) · 2019-08-02 · This volume contains the six papers accepted for presentation at Natural Language Processing for Question

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Page 1: Natural Language Processing for Question Answering (NLP4QA) · 2019-08-02 · This volume contains the six papers accepted for presentation at Natural Language Processing for Question

Natural Language Processing for Question Answering


edited by

Maarten de Rijke Bonnie Webber

EACL 2003 Workshop

Monday, April 14, 2003


Page 2: Natural Language Processing for Question Answering (NLP4QA) · 2019-08-02 · This volume contains the six papers accepted for presentation at Natural Language Processing for Question

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Page 3: Natural Language Processing for Question Answering (NLP4QA) · 2019-08-02 · This volume contains the six papers accepted for presentation at Natural Language Processing for Question


Language and Inference Technology Group (University of Amsterdam)


Pierre Zweigenbaum, Universite Paris 6


Maarten de Rijke, University of Amsterdam, Co-chairBonnie Webber, University of Edinburgh, Co-chair

Steve Abney, University of MichiganJohan Bos, University of EdinburghEric Brill, Microsoft ResearchSabine Buchholz, Tilburg UniversityCharles Clarke, University of WaterlooOren Etzioni, University of WashingtonClaire Gardent, CNRS NancyBrigitte Grau, LIMSIDonna Harman, NISTBernardo Magnini, ITC-IRST, TrentoMark Maybury, MITREDan Moldovan, University of Texas at DallasKaren Sparck Jones, Cambridge University




Page 4: Natural Language Processing for Question Answering (NLP4QA) · 2019-08-02 · This volume contains the six papers accepted for presentation at Natural Language Processing for Question


This volume contains the six papers accepted for presentation at Natural LanguageProcessing for Question Answering, an EACL 2003 workshop held on April 14, 2003,just preceding the 10th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association forComputational Linguistics.

The aim of the workshop is to enable participants to hear about, discuss and assesswhere Natural Language Processing (NLP) can make a contribution to current and futureQuestion Answering (QA) systems. Specific questions raised in the call for papers include

• Is the role of NLP restricted to domains where the amount of available data isinsufficient for redundancy-based approaches to work—where one needs to answera question based on 1 or 100 or 1000 documents rather than millions?

• Are there kinds of questions that NLP is needed in order to answer, suchas subjective questions, temporal questions, why questions, questions involvingassessment, information fusion, etc.?

• Can NLP be made to exploit the semi-structured nature of more and more web-baseddocuments in QA? Can QA systems use NLP to exploit the emergence of the semanticweb?

• Can QA take anything from previous work on Natural Language interfaces todatabases? Is there potential synergy between the two?

• In evaluating system performance, can NLP provide new methods of answerassessment, to help move QA evaluation beyond time-consuming manual assessment?

The six accepted papers touch on many aspects of these questions, while PierreZweigenbaum’s invited lecture on question answering in the medical domain will illustratethe impact of domain restrictions on question answering and the role of NLP.

We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Language and Inference Technology Groupat the University of Amsterdam for our invited speaker, Pierre Zweigenbaum. Finally, wethank our reviewers for doing an excellent job within the very short time available to them.

Maarten de RijkeBonnie WebberFebruary 2003


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Monday, April 14

14:00-14:05 Welcome

14:05-15:05 Question Answering in BiomedicinePierre Zweigenbaum

15:05-15:30 NLP for Answer Extraction in Technical DomainsDiego Molla, Rolf Schwitter, Fabio Rinaldi, James Dowdall and Michael Hess

15:30-16:00 BREAK

16:00-16:25 Generating Annotated Corpora for Reading Comprehensionand Question Answering EvaluationTiphaine Dalmas, Jochen L. Leidner, Bonnie Webber, Claire Grover and Johan Bos

16:25-16:50 Getaruns: A Hybrid System for Summarization and Question AnsweringRodolfo Delmonte

16:50-17:15 Using a Named Entity Tagger to Generalise Surface Matching Text Patternsfor Question AnsweringMark A. Greenwood and Robert Gaizauskas

17:15-17:40 Learning Paraphrases to Improve a Question-Answering SystemFlorence Duclaye, Francois Yvon and Olivier Collin

17:40-18:05 Selectively Using Relations to Improve Precision in Question AnsweringBoris Katz and Jimmy Lin

18:05-18:10 Wrap-Up


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Table of Contents

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i

Workshop Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v

Question Answering in BiomedicinePierre Zweigenbaum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

NLP for Answer Extraction in Technical DomainsDiego Molla, Rolf Schwitter, Fabio Rinaldi, James Dowdall and Michael Hess . . . . . . . . . . 5

Generating Annotated Corpora for Reading Comprehension and Question Answering Evalua-tion

Tiphaine Dalmas, Jochen L. Leidner, Bonnie Webber, Claire Grover and Johan Bos . . 12

Getaruns: A Hybrid System for Summarization and Question AnsweringRodolfo Delmonte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

Using a Named Entity Tagger to Generalise Surface Matching Text Patterns for QuestionAnswering

Mark A. Greenwood and Robert Gaizauskas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28

Learning Paraphrases to Improve a Question-Answering SystemFlorence Duclaye, Francois Yvon and Olivier Collin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Selectively Using Relations to Improve Precision in Question AnsweringBoris Katz and Jimmy Lin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Author Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49


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Question answering in biomedicine

Pierre ZweigenbaumMission de recherche en Sciences et Technologies de l’Information Médicale (STIM)

Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de [email protected] http://www.biomath.jussieu.fr/∼pz/


The recent developments in QuestionAnswering have kept with open-domainquestions and collections, sometimes ar-gued as being more difficult than narrowdomain-focused questions and corpora.The biomedical field is indeed a special-ized domain; however, its scope is fairlybroad, so that considering a biomedicalQA task is not necessarily such a simpli-fication over open-domain QA as repre-sented in the recent TREC evaluations.We shall try to characterize salient as-pects of biomedical QA as well as togive a short review of useful resourcesto address this task.

1 The task

1.1 What for whom

Question answering can be seen as an extensionof Information Retrieval, and accordingly, poten-tial users of biomedical QA are the present usersof biomedical IR: the general public, medical stu-dents, health care professionals and researchers.

The general public increasingly consult knowl-edge resources, especially the Web, before or afterseeing a doctor, for themselves or for relatives, toobtain information about the nature of a disease,the indications and contraindications of a treat-ment, etc. Medical students, as other students,use the Web for preparing assignments; in paral-lel, medical schools put an increasing proportionof their teaching material online. For health careprofessionals, online knowledge resources partic-ipate in continuous medical education. The tradi-tional bibliographic databases (Medline) are now

complemented with direct Web search, and dis-cussions are seen on physicians newsgroups (andarticles are published) about the best search strate-gies with different resources. Alper et al. (2001),looking for answers to family physicians’ clini-cal questions, note that “the average time to ob-tain an adequate answer ranged from 2.4 to 6.5minutes.” They also mention that “One study(Ely et al., 1999) found that physicians spent lessthan 2 minutes on average seeking an answer toa question. Thus, most clinical questions remainunanswered.” The potential for QA technologyis clear in that respect. Biomedical researchers,as other researchers, use both Web search andspecialized knowledge bases (e.g., FlyBase, fly-base.bio.indiana.edu).

1.2 Language specialization

Medicine is notorious for its specialized ‘jargon’.Different levels of language specialization arefound depending on the sources and their intendedaudience. Similarly, queries use more or lesstechnical terminology depending on their authors.The potential gap in technicity between user ques-tions and target documents may therefore be largerthan in other domains. The issue of providingthe general public access to specialized knowledgethrough ‘consumer vocabulary’ has been givenparticular attention a couple of years ago with thedevelopment of general public access to the Web(see,e.g., www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/). Medi-cal QA may then be confronted with a more acuteneed to cater for terminological variation.1 At

1For instance, Dalmas and Rivoallan (2002) have com-piled patterns for finding expressions of answers to genericquestions such as“Is disease X inherited”. Many vari-ant words are clues of an interesting passage, including(we give English equivalents)“genes”, “genetic” , “auto-

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the same time, one may question the relevance of(too?) technical documents as a source of knowl-edge to non-specialists. The situation might becompared to that of cross-language informationretrieval, where users may be confronted with doc-uments in a language which they do not master:shall we need automated translation of the targetdocuments into less specialized terms? As in otherdomains, the difficulty of finding an answer de-pends on the distance between the question and theavailable source material. Indeed, things are eas-ier when the source material contains the answerand when its formulation is closer to the question.The amount and nature of reasoning processes in-volved when the formulation gap is larger still re-main to be assessed.

1.3 Trustworthy sources

An extremely delicate question is that of the reli-ability of medical knowledge sources, especiallywhen consulted by the general public. Whereassearch engines may propose different types of Websites as the result of a search, the kind of serviceprovided by a QA system involves a higher degreeof answer categorization and selection, and there-fore may be construed as implying more endorse-ment of the answers. The confidence that can beassigned to a knowledge source is thus a key fea-ture which must be taken into account. The dis-tinct role ofevidence-based medicineis also to beconsidered.

1.4 Availability

The volume of data and knowledge available onthe Web shows great variation from one domain toanother. Whereas questions related to ‘trivia’ (e.g.,geography/tourism: “What is the size of the Eif-fel Tower”) correspond to a well-developed areaof the Web, the nature of biomedical knowledgeavailable online must be assessed before ques-tion answering is addressed. For instance, in con-trast with computer science, where technical de-tails for many procedures are explained and dis-cussed at length, every diagnostic or surgical tech-nique might not be detailed on the Web. The pre-ceding issue (reliability conditions) bears on this

somic”, “hereditary” , “inherited” , “transmit” , “transmis-sion”, “predisposition”, “familial form” , etc.

one, since it restricts the number of sources whichare eligible for looking for answers. Another re-lated dimension is that of language: if anotherlanguage than English is considered, the quantityof online source material decreases accordingly.In our experience (Jacquemart and Zweigenbaum,2003) with a test set of 100 student questions in aspecialized domain (oral surgery) and a languageother than English (French), a thorough manualsearch with Google was unable to obtain relevantanswering documents within the top five hits for40% of the questions. This contrasts with the 75–95% of answers obtained by (Alper et al., 2001)on a set of 20 clinical questions when searching‘electronic medical databases’.

2 The resources

Medical information processing has a long tradi-tion of compiling large-scale resources for dealingwith medical knowledge and information. We re-view a few of these resources which are relevantto biomedical question answering.

2.1 Health information sources

Web directories have been developed to helpusers find classified information. In a simi-lar way, health information gateways now pro-pose to perform this task for the biomed-ical domain. For instance, theCISMeFquality-controlled health gateway (www.chu-rouen.fr/cismef/, Darmoni et al. (2000)) selectsresources according to quality criteria (e.g.,www.medcertain.org), which addresses the above-mentioned trust issue; it indexes medical Web siteswith a structured thesaurus (the MeSH thesaurus,NLM (2001)), which helps to identify potentiallyrelevant documents more precisely.

These directories are undoubtedly a place tovisit if one is looking for precise, endorsed on-line biomedical information. Among the types ofresources which can be found, teaching materialoccupies a good rank. An example is the projectwhich has been lead for a couple of years by a con-sortium of French medical universities to create anonline French-language Virtual Medical Univer-sity (UMVF, Le Beux et al. (2002)). Another typeof resource, practice guidelines, compile the most

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up-to-date and scientifically verified (‘evidence-based’) clinical knowledge.

A wealth of biomedical information also existson commercial sites and CDROMs: drug knowl-edge bases (e.g., in France, the Vidal drug mono-graphs), encyclopedias and other resources (e.g.,www.dynamicmedical.com) provide authoritativeknowledge which is precious as a source of an-swers to questions. Their online versions howeveroften have restricted access.

2.2 Types of questions

Ely et al. (2000) have studied 1396 questions col-lected from more than 150 physicians, mainlyfamily doctors, and propose a taxonomy of genericclinical questions. The main question types arelisted in table 1. Such a taxonomy, according

What is the drug of choice for condition X?What is the cause of symptom X?What test is indicated in situation X?

Table 1: Most frequent generic questions derivedfrom questions by primary care doctors (from (Elyet al., 2000)).

to the British Medical Journal’s comments, “hasfour potential uses: to organise large numbersof real questions, to route questions to appropri-ate knowledge resources by using automated in-terfaces, to characterise and help remedy areaswhere current resources fail to address specificquestion types, and to set priorities for researchby identifying question types for which answers donot exist.” Jacquemart and Zweigenbaum (2003)studied and classified 100 questions by students inoral surgery. Since both authors and domain aredifferent, the main question types are also differ-ent.

2.3 Linguistic and terminological resources

Open-domain QA draws liberally on linguistic re-sources: lexicons indeed, but also the ubiquitousWordNet thesaurus. The biomedical domain, atleast in the English language, proposes its ownspecialized lexicon as well as plenty of structuredthesauri.

The resource here is theUnified Medical Lan-guage System(UMLS, Lindberg et al. (1993)).

Its main component is theMetathesaurus,which compiles and cross-references one hundredbiomedical terminologies (in version 2003AA:more than 800,000 concepts and 2,000,000strings), with their hierarchical and transversalrelations. ItsSemantic Networkadds a com-mon structure above these imported terminolo-gies. Additionally, itsSpecialist Lexiconpro-vides a large English lexicon with an emphasis onbiomedical words, including derivational knowl-edge. Tools have been built around the UMLS toaddress terminological variation (e.g., MetaMap,Aronson (2001)). The UMLS and its companiontools can be obtained free of charge from the USNational Library of Medicine.2 While the Special-ist Lexicon and most of the terminologies includedin the Metathesaurus are in English, many of theseterminologies are international and exist in otherlanguages. Medical lexicons are also being cre-ated in other languages (Weske-Heck et al., 2002;Zweigenbaum et al., 2003).

The UMLS can, to some extent, be comparedwith WordNet: it provides terms, synonyms, hier-archical relations, but most of its organization andstructure is that of a thesaurus rather than that ofa formal ontology.Galenis an actual medical on-tology, expressed in a description logic formalism(Rector et al., 1997). It precisely defines severalthousand medical concepts based on more primi-tive concepts and relations. Produced by the GalenEuropean project, it can be downloaded from theOpenGalen web site (www.opengalen.org). Galendoes propose sound, formal concept descriptions;its use is also more complex than that of a simpleterm hierarchy.

TheGene Ongologyis a more recent controlledvocabulary dedicated to genomics, more specifi-cally the description of gene products and their as-sociated molecular functions, biological processesand cellular components. The Gene Ontologycan be downloaded from www.geneontology.org.It provides terms, synonyms, multiple hierarchieswith explicit “is-a” and“part-of” relations.


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3 Conclusion

The biomedical domain raises new challenges forquestion-answering systems, but at the same timealready proposes some resources to address thesechallenges: quality-controlled health informationgateways offer a thorough indexing of trustwor-thy biomedical sources (section 2.1); taxonomiesof question types rank and categorize interest-ing questions, taking into account their frequencyof occurrence (section 2.2); biomedical lexicons,terminologies and ontologies are there to helpmanage domain-specific terms and concepts (sec-tion 2.3).

Although a few questions in the past TREC QAtracks have touched on the medical domain, nospecific evaluation of medical QA has yet beenperformed. This is to happen in the French QAevaluation initiativeEQueR(Grau, 2002), whichis to take place in the coming year, where a med-ical QA track is planned. The preparation and ex-ecution of this track will tell us more about howthe above considerations materialize in actual sys-tems.


[Alper et al.2001] Brian S. Alper, James J. Stevermer,David S. White, and Bernard G. Ewigman. 2001.Answering family physicians’ clinical questions us-ing electronic medical databases.J Fam Pract,50(11):960–965. Available at http://www.jfponline.com/content/2001/11/jfp_1101_09600.asp.

[Aronson2001] Alan R. Aronson. 2001. Effective map-ping of biomedical text to the UMLS Metathesaurus:The MetaMap program.Journal of the AmericanMedical Informatics Association, 8(suppl).

[Dalmas and Rivoallan2002] Tiphaine Dalmas and Re-naud Rivoallan. 2002. Système de questionsréponses dans le domaine médical. Projet de DESS,Intelligence Artificielle, Université Paris 6, April.

[Darmoni et al.2000] Stéfan J. Darmoni, J.-P. Leroy,Benoît Thirion, F. Baudic, Magali Douyere, andJ. Piot. 2000. CISMeF: a structured health re-source guide.Methods of Information in Medicine,39(1):30–35.

[Ely et al.1999] John W. Ely, Jerome A. Osheroff,Mark H. Ebell, et al. 1999. Analysis of ques-tions asked by family doctors regarding patient care.BMJ, 319:358–361.

[Ely et al.2000] John W. Ely, Jerome A. Osheroff,Paul N. Gorman, Mark H. Ebell, M. Lee Chamb-liss, Eric A. Pifer, and P. Zoe Stavri. 2000. Ataxonomy of generic clinical questions: classifica-tion study. BMJ, 321:429–432. Available at http://bmj.com/cgi/content/full /321/7258/429.

[Grau2002] Brigitte Grau. 2002. EQueR: Évalua-tion de systèmes de Questions Réponses. Projectdefinition, LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay, France. Part ofthe EVALDA evaluation initiative, ELDA, Paris,France.

[Jacquemart and Zweigenbaum2003] Pierre Jacque-mart and Pierre Zweigenbaum. 2003. Towards amedical question-answering system: a feasibilitystudy. In Pierre Le Beux and Robert Baud, ed-itors, Proceedings Medical Informatics Europe,Amsterdam. IOS Press.To appear.

[Le Beux et al.2002] Pierre Le Beux, Franck Le Duff,Jacques Weber, Stéfan Darmoni, and Albert-ClaudeBenhamou. 2002. Intégration des nouvellestechnologies éducatives dans l’Université MédicaleVirtuelle Francophone. In Pascal Staccini, MarioFieschi, Daniel Benchimol, and Régis Beuscart,editors, Formation médicale et technologies del’information et de la communication, volume 14,pages 3–12. Springer, Paris.

[Lindberg et al.1993] Don A B Lindberg, Betsy LHumphreys, and Alexa T. McCray. 1993. The Uni-fied Medical Language System.Methods of Infor-mation in Medicine, 32(2):81–91.

[NLM2001] National Library of Medicine, Bethesda,Maryland, 2001.Medical Subject Headings. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/meshhome.html.

[Rector et al.1997] A. L. Rector, S. Bechhover, C. A.Goble, I. Horrocks, W. A. Nowlan, and W. D.Solomon. 1997. The GRAIL concept modellinglanguage for medical terminology.Artificial Intel-ligence in Medicine, 9(2):139–171.

[Weske-Heck et al.2002] G. Weske-Heck, AlbrechtZaiß, M. Zabel, Stefan Schulz, Wolfgang Giere,M. Schopen, and Rudiger Klar. 2002. The Ger-man Specialist Lexicon.Journal of the AmericanMedical Informatics Association, 8(suppl).

[Zweigenbaum et al.2003] Pierre Zweigenbaum,Robert Baud, Anita Burgun, Fiammetta Namer, ÉricJarrousse, Natalia Grabar, Patrick Ruch, FranckLe Duff, Benoît Thirion, and Stéfan Darmoni. 2003.Towards a Unified Medical Lexicon for French. InPierre Le Beux and Robert Baud, editors,Proceed-ings Medical Informatics Europe, Amsterdam. IOSPress.To appear.

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NLP for Answer Extraction in Technical Domains

Diego MollaRolf Schwitter

Centre for Language TechnologyMacquarie University{diego,rolfs}@ics.mq.edu.au

Fabio Rinaldi James DowdallMichael Hess

Institute of Computational LinguisticsUniversity of Zurich



In this paper we argue that question-answering (QA) over technical domainsis distinctly different from TREC-basedQA or Web-based QA and it cannotbenefit from data-intensive approaches.Technical questions arise in situationswhere concrete problems require spe-cific answers and explanations. Find-ing a justification of the answer in thecontext of the document is essential ifwe have to solve a real-world problem.We show that NLP techniques can beused successfully in technical domainsfor high-precision access to informationstored in documents. We present Extr-Ans, an answer extraction system overtechnical domains, its architecture, itsuse of logical forms for answer extrac-tions and how terminology extractionbecomes an important part of the sys-tem.

1 Introduction

Early question-answering (QA) systems werecomplex AI-based systems that converted a natu-ral language query into a knowledge base query,searched in the knowledge base for an answer,and returned the results in natural language. Con-structing and maintaining these knowledge basesbecame a true bottleneck and the resulting sys-tems were brittle in nature and non-scalable. Well-known examples are the SHRDLU system (Wino-

grad, 1972) and the LUNAR system (Woods,1977).

Recently there has been an increase of re-search on text-based QA, triggered by the TextREtrieval Conference (TREC) Question Answer-ing Track (Voorhees, 2001). In these modern ap-proaches the knowledge base is replaced by col-lections of documents (mainly large corpora ofnewspaper articles) thereby eliminating the majorproblem of early QA systems.

The TREC Question Answering Track demon-strated from an early stage the deficiency of tra-ditional IR approaches when applied to extractinganswers from documents. This inadequacy of IRtechniques is most visible when answers have tobe found within a small window of text (50 bytes).It turned out that systems that used some form ofdeeper linguistic knowledge did a good job whenthe answer had to be localised within a small snip-pet of text.

Some sort of convergence appears to be emerg-ing towards a common base architecture for text-based QA which is centred around four corecomponents (Voorhees, 2001; Hirschman andGaizauskas, 2001): A Passage Retrieval moduleis used to identify paragraphs (or text windows)that show similarity to the question (according tosome system specific metric), a Question Classi-fication module is used to detect possible answertypes, an Entity Extraction module analyses thepassages and extracts all the entities that are po-tential answers and finally a Scoring module ranksthese entities against the question type, thus lead-ing to the selection of the answer(s).

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Recent QA systems use the Web as a resource.Several contributions to the QA track of TRECused the Web as a means to obtain data redundancyand avoid the need for complex linguistic analy-sis (Clarke et al., 2001; Brill et al., 2001). Therationale is, provided that we have enough data,there will always be some passage that explicitlyshows the answer to the question using a simplepattern. The Web becomes a knowledge resourcethat can be accessed by crawlers and search en-gines and used for question answering.

In this paper we will argue that QA over techni-cal domains cannot benefit in the same way fromdata-intensive approaches. Instead, the formalwriting style used in these documents make thema good target object for intensive NLP techniques.The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-lows: In Section 2, we motivate why we believethat technical texts are a good application domainfor NLP-intensive approaches. In Section 3, wepresent ExtrAns, an answer extraction system thatfinds and displays answers to questions in tech-nical domains. In Section 4, we show how weget a grip on terminology. In Section 5, we dis-cuss how we represent the propositional contentof sentences as minimal logical forms. In Sec-tion 6, we compare ExtrAns with a traditional in-formation retrieval system. Finally, in Section 7,we conclude and summarize our experiences withNLP for answer extraction.

2 Technical Domains and Terminology

There will always be a need for technical docu-mentation, and there will always be a need fortools that help people find the information theywant from technical documentations. A Linuxuser may want to know how to set a symboliclink to a file or a directory. A user of Photoshopmay want to know how to improve the tonal rangeof an image. A member of an Airbus technicalmaintenance crew may want to know the loca-tion of the Electronic Centralised Aircraft Moni-tor contactor. These technical documentations arenot large when compared with the data used in theTREC Question Answering Track, and the user isunlikely to find the answer to some of these tech-nical questions on the Web.

Approaches that rely on data redundancy do not

work well in these domains for two reasons. Firstof all, the amount of text is not large enough andtherefore problems of sparse data are likely to oc-cur. Second, authors of technical manuals typi-cally try to avoid redundancy, they do not want toexplain the same concept more than once or twice.Trying to use data redundancy approaches in non-redundant data is a self-defeating task.

On the other hand, technical manuals becomegood source documents on which to apply NLP-intensive approaches. The formal writing in thesetexts makes it possible to write a grammar that willcover these texts. In fact, in a parser evaluationup to 90% of the sentences in a software manualwere parsed by the publicly-available Link Gram-mar parsing system after incorporating a specificlexicon, and the evaluation was done more than 5years ago (Sutcliffe and McElligott, 1996). Cur-rent parsing systems have improved since. It iscurrently possible to build the logical form of asentence and use it in the question answering pro-cess, as the system described in Section 3 shows.

Given the non-redundant nature of technicaltexts, an approach that attempts to find the mean-ing of the text and use it for question answering ispreferred to an approach that uses bags of wordsor collections of sentence patterns. In other words,technical texts allow and require the use of NLP-intensive approaches.

Technical domains typically use technical termsthat are not defined in standard lexicons. In fact,in any technical domain the most important con-cepts are represented using terminology. Theseterms need to be properly detected and managedin order to be leveraged upon in a functioning QAsystem. For example in the Aircraft MaintenanceManual (AMM) different materials, parts of theaircraft, technician’s tools and units of measure areso abundant that without proper identification oftechnical terms any NLP system would performvery poorly (Dowdall et al., 2002; Rinaldi et al.,2002).

3 ExtrAns, an Answer Extraction System

To deal with real-word problems in technical do-mains, we have developed and implemented Extr-Ans, an answer extraction system that finds anddisplays precise answers in technical documents.

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In contrast to other modern QA systems that op-erate over large collections of documents and userelatively little linguistic information, ExtrAns an-swers questions over technical domains exploitinglinguistic knowledge from the documents and ter-minological knowledge about a specific domain.

The original ExtrAns system was used to extractanswers to arbitrary user queries in the domain ofUnix documentation files. An on-line demo of thisearly version of ExtrAns is available at the projectweb page.1 More recently, we tackled a differentdomain, the Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM)of the Airbus A320 to prove the scalability of ourapproach.2 The highly technical nature of thisdomain as well as an SGML-based format and amuch larger size (120MB) than the Unix docu-mentation, provide an important test-bed for thescalability and domain independence of the sys-tem. Currently we are integrating the HOWTOsfrom the Linux domain. These are documents thatdescribe in detail certain aspects of configuring orusing the GNU/Linux operating system.

The architecture of the ExtrAns system consistsof several modules some of which are adaptationsof third-party systems (Figure 1). The entire doc-ument collection is processed in an off-line stageand user queries are processed on-line. The samelinguistic analysis is applied in both stages, trans-forming the input into a semantic representationcalled Minimal Logical Forms (MLFs).

The documents are first processed by the termi-nology extraction tool FASTR (Jacquemin, 2001)so that linguistic variations of terms can be takeninto account. The linguistic analysis is done byLink Grammar (LG), a robust dependency-basedparser (Sleator and Temperley, 1993). Multi-wordterms are parsed as single syntactic units. Thisreduces the complexity of parsing (in terms ofprocessing time and memory requirements) of thesource text by as much as 50% since there is noneed to compute the internal structure of suchterms. Different forms of attachment ambigui-ties (prepositional phases, gerunds, infinitives, andwh-relative clauses) are resolved by an extensionof Brill and Resnik’s approach (Brill and Resnik,1994). Sentence-internal pronouns are dealt with


using the anaphora resolution algorithm (Lappinand Leass, 1994). From these partially disam-biguated dependency structures ExtrAns derivesone or more MLFs as semantic representation forthe core meaning of each sentence (Molla et al.,2000). If ExtrAns detects that a term belongs toa set of synonyms (= synset) in the terminolog-ical knowledge base, then the term is replacedby a synset identifier in the MLF. This resultsin a canonical form, where the synset identifierdenotes the concept named by the terms in thesynset (Rinaldi et al., 2003).

Unlike sentences in documents, user queriesare processed on-line and the resulting MLFs areproved by deduction over MLFs of document sen-tences. When no direct answer for a user querycan be found, the system is able to relax the proofcriteria in a stepwise manner. First, synonyms areconsidered, then hyponyms, in a next step an over-lap of logical forms is calculated, and as a last re-sort a bag of words approach is used (Molla et al.,2000).

The MLFs contain pointers to the original textwhich allow ExtrAns to identify and highlightthose words in the retrieved sentence that con-tribute most to a particular answer (Molla et al.,2000). An example of the output of ExtrAns canbe seen in Figure 2. When the user clicks on oneof the answers provided, the corresponding docu-ment will be displayed with the relevant passageshighlighted. This allows the user to check the an-swer in the context of the document and to ver-ify the justification of the answer. This is espe-cially important in the case of procedural ques-tions where an explicit solution to a problem isrequired.

4 Terminology

As Answer Extraction involves a high degreeof linguistic processing, terminology quickly be-comes a major thorn in the side of computationalefficiency. And worse, unstandardised terminol-ogy can effectively stop Answer Extraction in itstracks.

To produce a syntactic representation for eachsentence the terms need to be identified as aphrasal unit. As only the word compartment inthe term overhead stowage compartment inter-

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document logicalform





Figure 1: Schematic architecture of the ExtrAns system

Figure 2: An example of the output of ExtrAns - query window.

acts with other sentence words, overhead stowageshould be effectively ignored to produce the sen-tence parse. This is an advisable strategy asthe overhead stowage may be plausibly combinedwith the wrong sentence words producing multi-ple possibilities for a given sentence, leaving thecorrect parse still to be chosen. The parser alsowastes effort in assigning a structure to the termitself. Unfortunately, the internal syntactic struc-ture of terms are notoriously idiosyncratic and re-sist standard parsing techniques.

To address this problem, we pre-process thedocument collection, extracting all the terminol-ogy. The extracted term list is organised into a hi-erarchy of subtypes to determine which terms aremore specific kinds of other terms, and all of thedifferent ways a single concept is refered to in thedomain are gathered into synsets.

The subtype relations across the term set caneasily be automatically determined. A pleas-ing characteristic of technical terminology is thatmore specific terms are formed by adding wordsto a more generic term. So a simple algorithm candetermine that the overhead stowage compartmentis a subtype of stowage compartment and the crewmember seat is a subtype of seat. This hyponymyrelation is comparable to the insertion variations

defined by (Daille et al., 1996).

In order to find synonymous terms we haveadapted the terminology extraction tool FASTR(Jacquemin, 2001). Using phrase structure rulesin combination with a morphological database andWordNet, linguistic variations between two termscan be identified. This can detect simple headinversion (water flow −→ flow of water), mor-phological variations (electric connector −→ elec-trical connector) and complex morphosyntacticvariations (electrical generation equipment −→equipment for generating electricity).

Exploiting the WordNet synsets allows weakersynonymy relations to be discovered. Terms withsynonymous heads (bulk cargo −→ bulk load),synonymous modifiers (upright position −→ ver-tical position) or both (functional test −→ opera-tional check) are all detected.

We organise the terminology of the domain(6032 terms) in an internal structure that we callthe Terminological Knowledge Base containing2770 synsets with 1176 hyponymy links. Inplainer terms, we could describe it simply as acomputational thesaurus for the domain, organisedaround synonymy and hyponymy and stored in adatabase.

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5 Minimal Logical Forms

The success of ExtrAns depends heavily on its useof logical forms. ExtrAns’ logical forms are de-signed so that they are easy to build and to use, yetexpressive enough for the task at hand. Not leastimportantly, the logical forms and associated se-mantic interpretation method are designed to copewith problematic sentences. This includes verylong sentences, even sentences with spelling mis-takes, and structures that are not recognised by thesyntactic analyser.

To this end, ExtrAns uses Minimal LogicalForms (MLFs). The ability of these MLFs to un-derspecify makes them good candidates for NLPapplications, specially when the applications ben-efit from the semantic comparison of sentences(Copestake et al., 1997; Molla, 2001). In thecase of ExtrAns, the logical forms only encode thedependencies between verbs and their arguments,plus modifier and adjunct relations. Ignored infor-mation includes complex quantification, tense andaspect, temporal relations, plurality, and modality.We have argued elsewhere that too detailed logi-cal forms may interfere with the answer extractionmechanism and that additional information can beadded incrementally (Molla et al., 2000).

The MLFs of ExtrAns use reification to allowdifferent kind of modifications, very much in theline of (Davidson, 1967; Hobbs, 1985; Copestakeet al., 1997). The MLFs do not reify all predi-cates, as opposed to (Hobbs, 1985; Copestake etal., 1997; Molla, 2001). In the current imple-mentation only reification of objects, eventualities(events or states), and properties is carried out.The MLFs are expressed as conjunctions of pred-icates where all variables are existentially boundand have wide scope. For example, the MLF ofthe sentence A coax cable connects the externalantenna to the ANT connection is:

holds(e1),object(coax cable,o1,[x1]),object(external antenna,o2,[x2]),object(ant connection,o3,[x3]),evt(connect,e1,[x1,x2]),prop(to,p1,[e1,x3]).

In other words, ExtrAns derives three multi-word terms using the Terminological KnowledgeBase and translates them into objects: x1, a

coax cable, x2 an external antenna, andx3 an ant connection. The entity e1 rep-resents an eventuality derived from the verb in-volving two objects, the coax cable and theexternal antenna. The entity e1 is used inthe property derived from the prepositional phraseto assert that the eventuality happens to x3, theant connection.

The entities o1, o2, o3, and p1 are not used inthe MLF above, but other more complex sentencesmay need to refer to the reification of objects (re-quired for non-intersective adjectives such as theformer pilot) or properties (required for adjective-modifying adverbs such as very safe).

Reification can also be used to encode the exis-tence of concepts. The predicate holds(e1) ex-presses that the connecting event e1 holds in thegiven context.

In general, MLFs are monotonically extensibleand allow us to add new constraints over entities assoon as new information becomes available with-out destructively rewriting the original expression.For example, the adverb in the sentence A coax ca-ble directly connects the external antenna to theANT connection changes nothing in the originalMLF, but additionally asserts that e1 is directly:


Answer extraction is performed by findingthose sentences whose MLFs form a superset ofthe MLFs of the question. To make this happen,the MLFs are translated into Prolog predicates andProlog’s theorem prover is used to find the an-swers. For example, the following Prolog call isgenerated for the question How is the external an-tenna connected?

?- object(external antenna,O2,[X2]),evt(connect,E1,[X1,X2]),object(Anonymous object,O1,[X1]).

If a sentence in the document asserts that theexternal antenna is connected to or by something,the Prolog query will succeed. This something isthe Anonymous object in the query. If thereare no answers or too few answers, ExtrAns re-laxes the proof criteria as described in Section 3.

Given that the MLFs are simplified logicalforms converted into flat structures, ExtrAns may

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find sentences that are not exact answers but arestill related to the user’s question. Thus, given thequestion above, ExtrAns may also find sentencessuch as

• The external antenna must not be directlyconnected to the control panel.

• Do not connect the external antenna before itis grounded.

• The external antenna is connected, with acoax cable, to the ANT connection on the ELTtransmitter.

An additional advantage of ExtrAns’ MLFs isthat they can be produced with minimal domainknowledge. This makes our technology easilyportable to different domains. The only true im-pact of the domain is during the preprocessingstage of the input text and during the creation ofa terminological knowledge base that reflects thespecific terms used in the chosen domain, theirlexical relations and their word senses.

6 Evaluation

An interesting evaluation framework is to comparethe performance of ExtrAns against a traditionalIR system – SMART (Salton, 1989). However, thetraditional measures of precision and recall are de-ceptive in such a comparison due to the contrast-ing aims of the two systems. For the IR systemthese measures are of equal importance in an at-tempt to identify all possibly relevant documents,whereas for the AE system an increased focus onprecision requires finding at least one answer tothe question. With this in mind, a more informa-tive measure is the Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR)as used in the QA track of TREC (Voorhees andTice, 1999) The rank of a given result is the posi-tion in which the first correct answer is found inthe output list of the system. Over a given set ofanswers the MRR is calculated as the mean of thereciprocals of the ranks of all the answers.

The domain of the evaluation was the 120MB ofthe AMM (Rinaldi et al., 2002). By manual inves-tigation 100 questions were devised with “known”answers in the document collection. For practicalconsiderations an arbitrary result threshold was set



















Rank1 2 3 4 5 6+ Not found


Figure 3: Answers at different ranks

at 10. If no answer was identified in the first 10 re-sults, the case was classified as “Not Found”.

Figure 3 displays the number of answers foundat each rank (with 6 to 10 together). Even withthe cut off point at 10, SMART clearly finds moreanswers than ExtrAns. However, in the majorityof cases when ExtrAns does find an answer it isplaced in first position. Further, in some casesExtrAns finds more than one valid answer for thesame question (possibly in the same document).

The MRR for ExtrAns was 0.63 whereasSMART achieved 0.46. As expected, ExtrAnsprovides far higher precision than the generic IRsystem, at the price of smaller recall.

7 Conclusions

We have introduced ExtrAns, an answer extractionsystem that uses intensive NLP techniques. De-cisive factors for the success of ExtrAns include:(i) the explicit handling of domain-specific termi-nology; (ii) the integration of a full parser andsemantic interpreter that include robust technol-ogy to cope with complex or ungrammatical sen-tences; (iii) The use of a logical notation that isflat and encodes the minimal semantic informationrequired for the task at hand; and (iv) the integra-tion of displaying techniques that help the user tofind the answer in context.

Our experience with ExtrAns shows that answerextraction over technical domains is feasible andpractical for real-world applications, and benefitsfrom NLP techniques.

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ReferencesEric Brill and Philip Resnik. 1994. A rule-based

approach to prepositional phrase attachment disam-biguation. In Proc. COLING ’94, volume 2, pages998–1004, Kyoto, Japan.

Eric Brill, Jimmy Lin, Michele Banko, Susan Dumais,and Andrew Ng. 2001. Data-intensive question an-swering. In Voorhees and Harman (Voorhees andHarman, 2001).

C.L.A. Clarke, G.V. Cormack, T.R. Lynam, C.M. Li,and G.L. McLearn. 2001. Web reinforced questionanswering. In Voorhees and Harman (Voorhees andHarman, 2001).

Ann Copestake, Dan Flickinger, and Ivan A. Sag.1997. Minimal recursion semantics: an introduc-tion. Technical report, CSLI, Stanford University,Stanford, CA.

B. Daille, B. Habert, C. Jacquemin, and J. Royaut.1996. Empirical observation of term variationsand principles for their description. Terminology,3(2):197–258.

Donald Davidson. 1967. The logical form of actionsentences. In Nicholas Rescher, editor, The Logic ofDecision and Action, pages 81–120. Univ. of Pitts-burgh Press.

James Dowdall, Michael Hess, Neeme Kahusk, KaarelKaljurand, Mare Koit, Fabio Rinaldi, and KadriVider. 2002. Technical terminology as a critical re-source. In International Conference on LanguageResources and Evaluations (LREC-2002), Las Pal-mas, 29–31 May.

Lynette Hirschman and Rob Gaizauskas. 2001. Nat-ural language question answering: The view fromhere. Natural Language Engineering, 7(4):275–300.

Jerry R. Hobbs. 1985. Ontological promiscuity. InProc. ACL’85, pages 61–69. University of Chicago,Association for Computational Linguistics.

Christian Jacquemin. 2001. Spotting and DiscoveringTerms through Natural Language Processing. MITPress.

Shalom Lappin and Herbert J. Leass. 1994. An algo-rithm for pronominal anaphora resolution. Compu-tational Linguistics, 20(4):535–561.

Diego Molla, Rolf Schwitter, Michael Hess, andRachel Fournier. 2000. Extrans, an answer extrac-tion system. Traitement Automatique des Langues,41(2):495–522.

Diego Molla. 2001. Ontologically promiscuous flatlogical forms for NLP. In Harry Bunt, Ielka van derSluis, and Elias Thijsse, editors, Proceedings ofIWCS-4, pages 249–265. Tilburg University.

Fabio Rinaldi, James Dowdall, Michael Hess, DiegoMolla, and Rolf Schwitter. 2002. Towards AnswerExtraction: an application to Technical Domains. InECAI2002, European Conference on Artificial Intel-ligence, Lyon, 21–26 July.

Fabio Rinaldi, James Dowdall, Michael Hess, KaarelKaljurand, and Magnus Karlsson. 2003. The role oftechnical Terminology in Question Answering. Inaccepted for publication at TIA 2003, Terminologieet Intelligence Artificielle, March 31 - April 1, 2003,Strasbourg, 31 March – 1 April.

Gerard Salton. 1989. Automatic Text Processing: thetransformation, analysis, and retrieval of informa-tion by computer. Addison Wesley, New York.

Daniel D. Sleator and Davy Temperley. 1993. ParsingEnglish with a link grammar. In Proc. Third Inter-national Workshop on Parsing Technologies, pages277–292.

Richard F. E. Sutcliffe and Annette McElligott. 1996.Using the link parser of Sleator and Temperley toanalyse a software manual corpus. In Richard F. E.Sutcliffe, Heinz-Detlev Koch, and Annette McEllig-ott, editors, Industrial Parsing of Software Manuals,chapter 6, pages 89–102. Rodopi, Amsterdam.

Ellen M. Voorhees and Donna K. Harman, editors.2001. The Tenth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC-10), number 500-250 in NIST Special Publication.NIST.

Ellen M. Voorhees and Dawn M. Tice. 1999. Thetrec-8 question answering track evaluation. InThe Eighth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC-8),Gaithersburg, Maryland, November 17-19.

Ellen M. Voorhees. 2001. The TREC questionanswering track. Natural Language Engineering,7(4):361–378.

Terry Winograd. 1972. Understanding Natural Lan-guage. Academic Press.

W.A. Woods. 1977. Lunar rocks in natural english:Explorations in natural language question answer-ing. In A. Zampolli, editor, Linguistic StructuresProcessing, volume 5 of Fundamental Studies inComputer Science, pages 521–569. North Holland.

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Generating Annotated Corpora for Reading Comprehension andQuestion Answering Evaluation

Tiphaine Dalmas Jochen L. Leidner Bonnie Webber Claire Grover Johan BosInstitute for Communicating and Collaborative Systems (ICCS),

School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh,2 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9LW, Scotland, UK.

[email protected]


Recently, reading comprehension testsfor students and adult language learn-ers have received increased attentionwithin the NLP community as a meansto develop and evaluate robust ques-tion answering (NLQA) methods. Wepresent our ongoing work on automat-ically creating richly annotated corpusresources for NLQA and on compar-ing automatic methods for answeringquestions against this data set. Start-ing with the CBC4Kids corpus, we haveadded XML annotation layers for to-kenization, lemmatization, stemming,semantic classes, POS tags and best-ranking syntactic parses to support fu-ture experiments with semantic answerretrieval and inference. Using thisresource, we have calculated a base-line for word-overlap based answer re-trieval (Hirschman et al., 1999) on theCBC4Kids data and found the methodperforms slightly better than on the RE-MEDIA corpus. We hope that our richlyannotated version of the CBC4Kids cor-pus will become a standard resource, es-pecially as a controlled environment forevaluating inference-based techniques.

1 Introduction

The goal of computer systems capable of simulat-ing understanding with respect to reading a story

and answering questions about it has attracted re-searchers since the early 1970s. We present ourongoing work on creating richly annotated corpusresources for NLQA that can provide input for awide range of NLQA techniques and simultane-ously support their evaluation and cross compari-son.

2 Related Work

The challenge to computer systems of reading astory or article and demonstrating understandingthrough question answering was first addressed inCharniak’s Ph.D. thesis (Charniak, 1972). Thatwork showed the amount and diversity of both log-ical and common sense reasoning needed to linktogether what was said explicitly in the story orarticle and thereby to answer questions about it.

More recent work has stressed the value of read-ing comprehension exams as a research challengein terms of (1) their targeting successive skill lev-els of human performance, and hence their po-tential to challenge automated systems to succes-sively higher levels of performance (Hirschman etal., 1999), and (2) the existence of independentlydeveloped scoring algorithms and human perfor-mance measures, as an alternative to the specialpurpose evaluations developed for TREC OpenDomain Question-Answering (Voorhees and Tice,1999).

The first attempt to systematically determine thefeasibility of reading comprehension tasks as a re-search challenge for automated systems was DeepRead (Hirschman et al., 1999). Deep Read es-tablished a baseline on a professionally-developed

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remedial reading comprehension test for childrenin grades 3-6 (ages 8-12), using a simple bag-of-words approach. Scoring essentially by word in-tersection with the answer key provided by the testdesigner, Deep Read’s simple approach producedsentence-level answers that agreed with sentencessupporting the answer key (a metric called Hum-Sent, see below) 30% of the time. That was suffi-cient to establish reading comprehension tests asa tractable research problem for automated sys-tems.1 This work was followed in 2000 by bothan ANLP-NAACL workshop on Reading Compre-hension Tests as Evaluation for Computer-BasedLanguage Understanding Systems2 and a Summerworkshop on technology for reading comprehen-sion QA at the Johns Hopkins University.3

3 Automatic Linguistic Annotation

Our work is driven by the following observation(Cotton and Bird, 2002): “With all the annotationsexpressed in the same data model, it becomes astraightforward matter to investigate the relation-ships between the various linguistic levels. Mod-eling the interaction between linguistic levels is acentral concern.”

The CBC4Kids corpus was developed atMITRE4, based on a collection of newspaper sto-ries for teenagers written for the CBC’s WWWsite.5 To each article selected for inclusion inthe corpus, Ferro and her colleagues added a setof 8-10 questions of various degrees of difficulty(Ferro, 2000). The corpus also includes one ormore answers for each question in the form of adisjunction of a phrase or a clause (the “answerkey”).

Due to the wide availability of XML processingtools, we decided to define an XML DTD for theCBC4Kids corpus and to convert various automat-

1Nota bene: despite the name, the strand of research wereport here makes no claims as to the cognitive aspects ofhuman reading comprehension (Levelt and Kelter, 1982).

2http://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/W/W00/ in whichresults were reported by other groups working on this samecorpus


4The contact person for the corpus is Lisa Ferro (addresssee Section 7).


<TOKEN process="ID_TOK1" id="1" src="bad" dst="bad"/><TOKEN process="ID_TOK1" id="2" src="weather" dst="weather"/>

<TOKEN process="TOK1_POS2" id="1" src="bad" dst="JJ"/><TOKEN process="TOK1_POS2" id="2" src="weather" dst="NN"/>

Layer ID_TOK1 :: [TOKEN]

wrapper :: [TOKEN]−> String

wrapper :: String −> [TOKEN]

tool :: String −> String

Layer TOK1_POS2 :: [TOKEN]

"bad weather"MXPOST

"bad_JJ weather_JJ"

Transformation Types Data Example

Figure 1: Building a new layer of TOKEN tags.

ically6 obtained linguistic forms of annotation intoXML and integrate them so as to provide a richknowledge base for our own NLQA experimentsand potential re-use by other groups. We selecteda set of tools with the guiding principles of 1) pub-lic availability, 2) usefulness for our replication aDeep Read-style baseline system, and 3) qualityof the automatic annotation. Because most avail-able tools (with the exception of TTT, (Grover etal., 2000)) do not output XML, we had to developa set of converters.

Each sentence has three different representa-tions: 1) the original string, 2) a list of tags labeledTOKEN encoding the results from linguistic toolsthat give information on words (POS tags, stems,etc.), 3) a list of trees (PARSE) corresponding toa non-terminal level, i.e. syntactic or dependencyanalyses. This is a compromise between redun-dancy and ease of use.

Because various forms of linguistic processingdepend on the output of other tools, we wantedto make this processing history explicit. We de-vised a multi-layer annotation scheme in which anXML process attribute refers to a descriptionof the input (token or tree), the output, and thetool used. Figure 1 shows how a layer of TOKENis built. This annotation allows for easy stackingof mark-up for tokenization, part-of-speech (POS)tags, base forms, named entities, syntactic treesetc. (Figure 3).

Figure 4 and Figure 5 show the current statusof our annotation “pipe tree” on the token andsentence levels, respectively, as described below7.

6Note that the gold standard for the question answeringtask are the “gold answers”, not perfect linguistic annota-tions.

7We call it a “pipe tree” because it represents a set of “pipelines” with common initial sub-steps.

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ID id

Token Position


Mark Churchill and Ken Green were at the St. John ’s screening .

Mark Churchill and Ken Green be at the St. John screening


Mark Churchill Ken Green St. John screening

Figure 3: Multiple annotation layers.

MXTERMINATOR/Penn tokenizer (mod.)



TreeTagger TreeTaggerCASS lemmatizer

Deep Read stopwords Porter stemmer

Deep Read stopwords

Deep Read/WordNet







Figure 4: Annotation layers per token. The repli-cated Deep Read baseline system pipeline is high-lighted.

Figure 2 gives an overview of our targeted anno-tation. A comprehensive description of the toolsand structure can be found in the manual (Dalmaset al., 2003) distributed with the corpus.

The layers described here allow detailed com-parisons of components’ contribution for anyquestion answering method by exploring differentpaths in the annotation “pipe tree”.

We have implemented converters for all thetools listed (except the LTG tools, which outputXML and hence do not need conversion) in Perl,and a master script that assembles the individualconverters’ output into a well-formed and validXML document instance.

Apple Pie Minipar

CASS chunks CASS tuples Collins 2 Hockenmaier




Figure 5: Annotation layers per sentence.

Difficulty QC R P AutSent HumSentEasy 237 0.74 0.18 0.75 0.74Moderate 177 0.57 0.22 0.55 0.57Difficult 67 0.49 0.19 0.43 0.43Average 481 0.63 0.19 0.62 0.63

Table 1: Baseline evaluation using theSTEM1 CSTEM1 layer according to questiondifficulty. QC is the number of questions.

This annotation is work in progress insofar aswe are planning to include further layers featur-ing analyses of LT TTT, LT POS, LT CHUNK,named entity annotation using MITRE’s Alembic(cf. Deep Read), the LTG MUC-7 system, as wellas anaphora resolution software.

4 Baseline Results

This section describes our experiment replicat-ing the baseline that was previously computed byDeep Read on the REMEDIA corpus, but here onthe CBC4Kids data.

We began exploiting the STEM1_CSTEM1layer of our XML annotation scheme to get a base-line using stemmed lemmata of content words.The shaded path in Figure 4 shows these final lay-ers we used and their ancestors in the linguisticpipeline, from token through lemma, stemming,stop-word removal, as in the Deep Read experi-ments.

We have implemented a batch QA system as aset of filters in the functional programming lan-guage Haskell.8 The XML encoding of linguisticinformation greatly simplified the implementationpart: the QA system was reduced to a program fil-tering a tree (the XML document containing storyand questions) and computing intersection (over-lap) on lists of tokens. Table 1 shows the resultsfor the baseline using the STEM1_CSTEM1 filter.The answers of the system are added to the XMLfile as a separate layer.

The evaluation metrics in Table 1 are the sameas described in (Hirschman et al., 1999), namelyRecall, Precision, AutSent and HumSent:9

8http://www.haskell.org9Cave lector: The definitions for P and R in (Hirschman

et al., 1999) appear to have been swapped.

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Type Tool Process ID ReferenceSentence Boundaries MXTERMINATOR IDTokenization Penn tokenizer.sed ID TOK1

Tree-Tagger (internal) ID TOK2 (Schmid, 1994)LT TTT ID TOK3 (Grover et al., 2000)

Part-of Speech MXPOST TOK1 POS2 (Ratnaparkhi, 1996)Tree-Tagger TOK2 POS1 (Schmid, 1994)LT POS TOK3 POS3 (Mikheev et al., 1999)

Lemmatization CASS “stemmer” TOK1 LEMMA2 (Abney, 1996)Tree-Tagger TOK2 LEMMA1 (Schmid, 1994)morpha POS1 LEMMA3 (Minnen et al., 2001)

Stemming Porter stemmer LEMMA2 STEM1 (Porter, 1980)Stop-Word Filtering Deep Read LEMMA2 CLEMMA2 (Hirschman et al., 1999)

Deep Read STEM1 CSTEM1 (Hirschman et al., 1999)Syntactic Analysis Apple Pie Parser POS2 SYN1 (Sekine and Grishman, 1995)

Minipar relations TOK1 SYN2 (Lin, 1998)CASS chunk trees POS1 SYN3 (Abney, 1996)CASS dependency tuples POS1 SYN4 (Abney, 1997)Collins parse trees POS2 SYN5 (Collins, 1997)CCG parse trees POS2 SYN6 (Hockenmaier and Steedman, 2002)LT CHUNK POS3 SYN7 (Mikheev et al., 1999)

Named Entity Tagging Deep Read (WordNet) LEMMA2 SEMCLASS1 (Hirschman et al., 1999)MITRE Alembic TOK1 NE1 (Aberdeen et al., 1995)LTG MUC-7 SYN7 NE2 (Mikheev et al., 1998)

Anaphora Resolution N.N. SYN5 AR1 N.N.

Figure 2: Annotation tools: Targeted list of layers.

Question Type R P AutSent HumSentwhen 0.71 0.15 0.76 0.76who/-se/-m 0.68 0.16 0.67 0.71how 0.71 0.21 0.70 0.70how many/much 0.62 0.08 0.63 0.67what 0.66 0.26 0.63 0.65which np 0.70 0.08 0.60 0.60where 0.58 0.14 0.56 0.56how att 0.56 0.15 0.56 0.56what np 0.59 0.18 0.56 0.56why 0.57 0.23 0.52 0.51

Table 2: Baseline evaluation (STEM1 CSTEM1)according to question type.

<= 3

0.550.69 0.70



QLength 3 < x <= 5 5 < x <= 8 8 < x <= 12 < 12

Figure 6: HumSent accuracy by length of questionbag (STEM1 CSTEM1). The average bag lengthfor QLength ≥ 12 is 14 words, with a maximumof 19 words.

R = |cwsa ∩ cwha| / |cwha|P = |cwsa ∩ cwha| / |cwsa|AutSent = #[ sentence | R(sentence) > 0 ]HumSent = list of sentences considered as

answers by a human annotatorcw : content words

sa : system answer

ha : human answer (a phrase).

Sentences containing the answer picked by hu-man and machine, respectively, are also marked upin XML. We have developed an automated evalu-ation program that can currently take into accountthree parameters: the difficulty of the answer (asannotated in the original CBC4Kids release, seebelow), the question type (based on the WH-word)and the length of the question bag. Table 2 andFigure 6 show some of the results.

5 Discussion

As already noted, the questions constructed for theCBC4Kids corpus are rated as to their difficulty(Ferro, 2000):

“Easy: Uses exact wording from thetext and/or the question and answer are

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close to each other in the text. [...] Mod-erate: Some paraphrasing from the textand/or the question and answer aren’tclose to each other in the text. [...] Diffi-cult: Very or entirely different words areused in question; lots of other temptingbut incorrect answers are in the story;subtle knowledge is required to answerthe question.”

Table 1 shows the performance of the baselinesystem, broken down by difficulty class. For allscoring metrics other than Precision (P), the tableshows a strong correlation between the retrievalscore and the class assigned according to Ferro’sguidelines for Q&A writing. As for Precision, it isnot really significant because human answers arephrases and our system outputs a sentence as an-swer. However, Precision allows us to see fromTable 2 that very short answers are expected forHOW_MANY, HOW_MUCH and WHICH_NP ques-tions. This is not surprising for HOW_MANY orHOW_MUCH questions, for which expected an-swers are very short named entities (How manypeople? → twenty-five). But for WHICH NP ques-tions, they are in fact expecting a named entity andespecially a proper name (In which city / Whichtwo African leaders / Which U.S. states). Thelength of the expected answer is not so obvious forother questions that expect named entities, such asWHEN questions. The main reason for this is thatthe corpus itself asks for a story comprehensionand not for general answers as in the TREC evalu-ation. For example, the following WHEN questionWhen did Wilson climb onto the second-floor bal-cony? expects a long answer: when he heard thecries of Westley, Hughes, and their children.

As already noted by Hirschman and co-workersfor Deep Read, the Recall (R) and HumSent met-rics behave in a similar manner. But here for WHYand WHICH_NP questions, we notice a significantdifference: generally these questions contain oneor two words repeated all along the story (nameof the main character for instance) and thereforethe possibility of a tie between possible answersbecomes more important. This is particulary truewhen the question bag is either short (between 3and 5 words) or very long (more than 12 words,

see Figure 6).Since an answer occurs generally only once in

a story, we cannot rely on techniques using redun-dancy. But the advantage of a short text is also thatdeeper NLP techniques can be used appropriately.

We obtain significantly higher Recall scores forCBC4Kids compared to Deep Read’s performanceon the REMEDIA corpus, although the languageused in the latter is targeted at a much youngerage group. Independent experiments at MITREhave also yielded higher performance scores forCBC4Kids.10

One possible explanation for the overall higherscores is that the CBC4Kids questions were com-posed with a NLQA system in mind: for instance,question authors were told to avoid anaphoric ref-erences in the questions (Ferro, 2000), which arequite frequent in the REMEDIA questions. An-other possible explanation is that the shorter sen-tence length due to the younger audience frag-ments information across sentences, thus decreas-ing term overlap at the given sentence granular-ity.11 It remains to be investigated how much thepurpose of text production impacts reading com-prehension simulation results, as the REMEDIAtext and questions were not authored with an in-formative purpose in mind. In the CBC4Kids case,the text was pre-existing and created with informa-tive intent, but the questions were created a poste-riori; hence both methods are artificial, but in dif-ferent ways.

It is quite easy to carry out an error analysisonce the results of the system have been encodedin XML. A simple XSL stylesheet can be suffi-cient for extracting questions and answers we wantto analyse (Figures 7 and 8).

6 Future Work

This section describes some of the experiments wehave planned for the future. These are likely to re-quire adding further layers with linguistic annota-tion.

6.1 Towards Predicate/Argument StructureSurface overlap metrics are intrinsically limited,since they cannot, for instance, distinguish be-

10Ben Wellner, personal communication.11Lisa Ferro, personal communication.

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tween man bites dog and dog bites man—theyare a-semantic in nature. To overcome this, weare planning to utilize the various syntactic rep-resentations (cf. Figure 2) to obtain predicate-argument structures (bite(man, dog) versusbite(dog, man)), which allow for higher pre-cision. One path of investigation is to induce thegrammar underlying the corpus, to filter the top-nmost likely productions and to subsequently addsemantic composition rules manually. Anotherpath worthwhile exploring is learning the map-pings from chunks to predicate-argument struc-tures in a supervised regime. Once we have morerobust methods of predicate-argument structures,we will be able to explore shallow inferences forNLQA (Webber et al., 2002) in the controlled en-vironment that CBC4Kids provides.

One path of investigation is to induce the gram-mar underlying the corpus, to filter the top-n mostlikely productions and to subsequently add se-mantic composition rules by hand. Another pathworthwhile exploring is learning the mappingsfrom chunks to Quasi-Logical Forms (QLF) in asupervised regime.

Once we have more robust methods of QLF ex-traction, we will be able to explore shallow infer-ences for NLQA (Webber et al., 2002) in the con-trolled environment that CBC4Kids provides.

6.2 Comparing Answers

Each question in the CBC4Kids corpus receives atleast one answer determined by a human annota-tor. We would like to use this rich annotation tobegin a study on detecting multiple answer caseswhich is part of the current roadmap for researchin NLQA in the TREC community (Burger et al.,2001).

Few have so far proposed to consider the eval-uation of NLQA systems retrieving complex an-swers, but recently (Buchholz and Daelemans,2001) and (Webber et al., 2002) have suggesteddifferent classification sets for comparing answers.This would allow NLQA systems to provide mul-tiple answers linked together by labels expressingtheir relationship, such as “P implies Q”, “P and Qare equivalent”, “P and Q are alternative answers”(exclusiveness), “P and Q provide a collective an-swer” (complementarity), and others (Webber et

al., 2002).One goal of this thread of research is to build

a practical framework for evaluation multiple an-swers that allows answer comparison.

7 Conclusions

We have described the process of creating rich an-notation of the CBC4Kids corpus of news for chil-dren. The chosen XML annotation architectureis a compromise that allows for multilayer anno-tation whilst simplifying the integration of addedlinguistic knowledge from heterogeneous toolsets.The architecture reduces many applications to asequence of selections and functional mappingsover the annotation layers. The application of sucha scheme is by no means restricted to the corpusunder consideration; we intend to reuse it, notablyfor textual resources from the biomedical domain.

On the basis of the resulting dataset, CBC4Kids,we have replicated an evaluation performed by(Hirschman et al., 1999), but on the CBC4Kidscorpus. This will serve as a basis for our future ex-periments involving robust semantic constructionand inference for question answering.

We do not know of any other corpus that hasbeen automatically annotated with comparablyrich strata of linguistic knowledge and believe thatthe corpus can be a valuable resource also for otherNLQA research groups.

The corpus is distributed by MITRE, with lay-ers as given above, including answers given by oursystem for the Deep Read baseline. Please contactLisa Ferro directly for a copy.12

Acknowledgments. We are grateful to LynetteHirschman and Lisa Ferro at MITRE, who pro-vided us with the initial CBC4Kids corpus. Wewould also like to thank the authors of all the toolsmentioned and used in this paper for making themavailable to the academic community. Thanks toJulia Hockenmaier, Maria Lapata, Dekang Lin,Katja Markert, Satoshi Sekine and Bill Wellnerand three anonymous reviewers for helpful adviceand feedback.

We would like to acknowledge the financialsupport of the German Academic Exchange Ser-vice (DAAD) under grant D/02/01831, of Linguit

[email protected]

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GmbH (research contract UK-2002/2), and of theSchool of Informatics, University of Edinburgh.

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A Sample Story from CBC4Kids

Tragedy Strikes a Northern VillageJanuary 4, 1998

The six hundred mostly Inuit residents of thenorthern Quebec village of Kangiqsualujjuaq hadplanned to bury the bodies of nine of their friendsand children in a funeral this afternoon. But thebad weather that resulted in their deaths has alsodelayed the funeral until Tuesday.Kangiqsualujjuaq* is about 1,500 kilometresnorth of Montreal, at the mouth of the GeorgeRiver on Ungava Bay. This region is known asNunavik.An avalanche hit the town’s Satuumavik schoolgymnasium in the Northern Quebec communityearly Friday morning.

[...]Principal Jean Leduc said an inquiry commis-sioned by the local school board after the earlieravalanche had recommended that fences be built.The fences were never built. Speculation on thecause of the avalanche centered on a ceremonialgun salute at midnight, 90 minutes before thesnow crashed in. Villagers wondered if the shotsset in motion vibrations that eventually caused theavalanche, while others wondered if music fromthe dance had played a role.Police and avalanche experts will travel to thevillage to investigate the tragedy. Quebec PremierLucien Bouchard announced there will be a fullpublic inquiry into the disaster.

QuestionsHow far is Kangiqsualujjuaq from Montreal?When did the avalanche hit the school?Where was Mary Baron when the avalanche hit?How many people were seriously injured by theavalanche?What delayed the funeral of the those who werekilled?What could have possibly prevented the tragedy?Who will investigate the tragedy?

Figure 7: HTML view for a question. The scoregiven for each answer corresponds to the over-lap between a candidate answer sentence and thequestion (WdAnsRecall).

Figure 8: Partial HTML view of linguistic layersfor a human answer.

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Rodolfo Delmonte Ca' Garzoni-Moro, San Marco 3417

Università "Ca Foscari" 30124 - VENEZIA

Tel. 39-041-2579464/52/19 - Fax. 39-041-2577910 E-mail: [email protected] - website: project.cgm.unive.it


Information Retrieval, Summarization and Question Answering need accurate linguistic information with a much higher coverage than what is being recently offered by currently available parsers, so we assume that the starting point of any interesting application in those fields must necessarily be a good syntactic -semantic parser. The system presented in the paper has undergone extensive testing and the parser has been trained on available testsuites and the Remedia corpus texts, one of which will be commented in some detail.

1. Introduction

In this paper we present an approach to natural language processing which we define as "hybrid", in which symbolic and statistical approaches are reconciled. In particular, the search space for syntactic analysis is inherently deterministic, in that it is severely limited by the grammar of the specific language, which in turn is constituted by a set of peripheral rules to be applied in concomitance with the more general rules of core grammar. Variations on these rules are only determined by genre, which can thus contribute a new set of peripheral rules, or sometimes just a set of partially overlapping rules to the ones already accepted by a given linguistic community. As far as parsing is concerned, we purport the view that the implementation of sound parsing algorithm must go hand in hand with sound grammar construction. Extragrammaticalities can be better coped with within a solid linguistic framework rather than without it. Our parser is a rule -based deterministic parser in the sense that it uses a

lookahead and a Well-Formed Substring Table to reduce backtracking (Delmonte, 2000a). It also implements Finite State Automata in the task of tag disambiguation (Delmonte, 2000b), and produces multiwords whenever lexical information allows it. In our parser (Delmonte, 2000c), we use a number of parsing strategies and graceful recovery procedures which follow a strictly parameterized approach to their definition and implementation. Recovery procedures are also used to cope with elliptical structures and uncommon orthographic and punctuation patterns. A shallow or partial parser, in the sense of Abney(1996), is also implemented and always activated before the complete parse takes place, in order to produce the default baseline output to be used by further computation in case of total failure. In that case partial semantic mapping will take place where no Logical Form is being built and only referring expressions are asserted in the Discourse Model – but see below.

1.1 Intelligent Sentence Extraction

The use of NLP techniques in IR/IE is in our opinion mandatory as a preliminary step towards the summarization itself: Intelligent Sentence Extraction (hence ISE) is the first step to produce a summary which in our case is strongly based on the use of NLP techniques. Its main features are: full tokenization, FSA restricted multiword creation, POS tagging limited to content words. The aim of ISE is to produce an 800 words extract to be used by GETARUNS, the system for summarization proper.

In this preliminary phase we rely on statistical techniques for extracting keywords to be used as topics. However before Sentence Extraction takes place, we perform a search for Topic Density which for each most frequent wordform computes a lemma and a tag. This allows to go

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beyond stemming by taking into account only noun/verbs and denominal adjectives. The final Sentence Extraction step computes Dangling Sentences, those depending on some previous discourse element and tries to amend that by adding the previous sentence to the final output.

2. General Parser and Anaphora Resolution Module

GETARUNS, the system for text understanding developed at the University of Venice, is equipped with three main modules: a lower module for parsing where sentence strategies are implemented; a middle module for semantic interpretation and discourse model construction which is cast into Situation Semantics; and a higher module where reasoning and generation takes place (Delmonte, 2000c).

The system is based on LFG theoretical framework (see Bresnan, J. 2001) and has a highly interconnected modular structure. It is a top-down depth-first DCG-based parser written in Prolog which uses a strong deterministic policy by means of a lookahead mechanism with a WFST to help recovery when failure is unavoidable due to strong attachment ambiguity.

It is divided up into a pipeline of sequential but independent modules which realize the subdivision of a parsing scheme as proposed in LFG theory where a c-structure is built before the f-structure can be projected by unification into a DAG (Delmonte, 2002).

Syntactic and semantic information is accessed and used as soon as possible: in particular, both categorial and subcategorization information attached to predicates in the lexicon is extracted as soon as the main predicate is processed, be it adjective, noun or verb, and is used to subsequently restrict the number of possible structures to be built (see Fig.1 below).

The output of grammatical modules is fed then onto the Binding Module(BM) which activates an algorithm for anaphoric binding. Antecedents for pronouns are ranked according to grammatical function, semantic role, inherent features and their position at f-structure. Eventually, this information is added into the original f-structure graph and then passed on to the Discourse Module(DM).

Fig.1 GETARUNS’ Sentence Level Modules

The grammar is equipped with a core lexicon containing most frequent 5000 fully specified inflected word forms where each entry is followed by its lemma and a list of morphological features, organised in the form of attribute-value pairs. However, morphological analysers for English are also available with big root dictionaries (25,000 for English) which only provide for syntactic subcategorization, though. In addition to that there are all lexical form provided by a fully revised version of COMLEX, and in order to take into account phrasal and adverbial verbal compound forms, we also use lexical entries made available by UPenn and TAG encoding. Their grammatical verbal syntactic codes have then been adapted to our formalism and are used to generate a subcategorization schemes with an aspectual and semantic class associated to it – however no restrictions can reasonably be formulated on arguments of predicates. Semantic inherent features for Out of Vocabulary Words , be they nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs, are provided by a fully revised version of WordNet - plus EuroWordnet, with a number of additions coming from computer, economics, and advertising semantic fields - in which we used 75 semantic classes similar to those provided by CoreLex.

2.1 The Upper Module

GETARUNS, has a highly sophisticated linguistically based semantic module which is used to build up the Discourse Model. Semantic processing is strongly modularized and distributed amongst a number of different submodules which take care of Spatio-Temporal

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Reasoning, Discourse Level Anaphora Resolution, and other subsidiary processes like Topic Hierarchy which cooperate to find the most probable antecedent of coreferring and cospecifying referential expressions when creating semantic individuals. These are then asserted in the Discourse Model (hence the DM), which is then the sole knowledge representation used to solve nominal coreference. The system uses two resolution submodules which work in sequence: they constitute independent modules and allow no backtracking. The first one is fired whenever a free sentence external pronoun is spotted; the second one takes the results of the first submodule and checks for nominal anaphora. They have access to all data structures contemporarily and pass the resolved pair, anaphor-antecedent to the following modules. See Fig.2 below. Semantic Mapping is performed in two steps: at first a Logical Form is produced which is a structural mapping from DAGs onto of unscoped well-formed formulas. These are then turned into situational semantics informational units, infons which may become facts or sits. Each unit has a relation, a list of arguments which in our case receive their semantic roles from lower processing – a polarity, a temporal and a spatial location index. Fig.2 GETARUNS’ Discourse Level Modules

2.1 Building the Discourse Model

All entities and their properties are asserted in the DM with the relations in which they are involved; in turn the relations may have modifiers - sentence level adjuncts and entities may also have modifiers or attributes. Each entity

has a polarity and a couple of spatiotemporal indices which are linked to main temporal and spatial locations if any exists; else they are linked to presumed time reference derived from tense and aspect computation. Entities are mapped into semantic individual with the following ontology: on first occurrence of a referring expression it is asserted as an INDividual if it is a definite or indefinite expression; it is asserted as a CLASS if it is quantified (depending on quantifier type) or has no determiner. Special individuals are ENTs which are associated to discourse level anaphora which bind relations and their arguments. Finally, we have LOCs for main locations, both spatial and temporal. If it has a cardinality determined by a number, it is plural or it is quantified (depending on quantifier type) it is asserted as a SET and the cardinality is simply inferred in case of naked plural, i.e. in case of collective nominal expression it is set to 100, otherwise to 5. On second occurrence of the same nominal head the semantic index is recovered from the history list and the system checks whether it is the same referring expression: - in case it is definite or indefinite with a predicative role and no attributes nor modifiers nothing is done; - in case it has different number - singular and the one present in the DM is a set or a class nothing happens; - in case it has attributes and modifiers which are different and the one present in the DM has none, nothing happens; - in case it is quantified expression and has no cardinality, and the one present in the DM is a set or a class, again nothing happens. In all other cases a new entity is asserted in the DM which however is also computed as being included in (a superset of) or by (a subset of) the previous entity.

2.2 The Partial System

The system switches automatically to a Partial or Shallow modality in case of failure in the Complete modality. The Partial system has standard components. like a statistical/syntactic tagger and a cascaded shallow parser which in a final run turns syntactic constituents into functionally labelled arguments/adjuncts. The "Partial" modality when activated allows the

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system to relax both parsing and semantic mapping constraints thus producing a "partial" semantic mapping. Here partial refers both to the possibility that the parser output a parse which covers only parts of the input sentence, leaving out some linguistic material unparsed. It may also refer to cases in which the predicate-argument mapping does not succeed due to lack of adequate subcategorization information. Finally it may refer to the cases of missed anaphora resolution, in which the actual semantic mapping does not simply make the right inferences due to the presence of bridging expressions which are mismatched with their coreferring expression, or else for the lack of the appropriate inferential information to fire the inference in the first place. In the “Partial” modality, the list of Essential Properties of Linguistic Objects which can be derived is as follows: 1. Grammatical properties of linguistic objects i. Functional Features of NPs ii. Selectional Restrictions of NPs # iii. Grammatical Functions of NPs iv. Semantic Roles of all Phrases 2. Topic Hierarchies for referring expressions 3. Discourse Model of facts and locations 4. External World Knowledge Base where we indicate with a grid Selectional restrictions of NPs that will only be used to induce the right adjunct/oblique semantic role in presence of a given preposition. In addition, there is no attempt at producing a full semantic interpretation, no logical form is being generated due to the uncertainty at clause structure building.

2.3 Getaruns at work

We will show how Getaruns computes the DM by presenting the output of the system for the «Maple Syrup» text made available by Mitre for the ANLP2000 Workshop(see Hirschman et al.). Here below is the original text which is followed by the DM with the Semantic Database of Entities and Relations of the Text World. How Maple Syrup is Made Maple syrup comes from sugar maple trees. At one time, maple syrup was used to make sugar. This is why the tree is called a "sugar" maple tree.

Sugar maple trees make sap. Farmers collect the sap. The best time to collect sap is in February and March. The nights must be cold and the days warm. The farmer drills a few small holes in each tree. He puts a spout in each hole. Then he hangs a bucket on the end of each spout. The bucket has a cover to keep rain and snow out. The sap drips into the bucket. About 10 gallons of sap come from each hole. 1. Who collects maple sap? (Farmers) 2. What does the farmer hang from a spout? (A bucket) 3. When is sap collected? (February and March) 4. Where does the maple sap come from? (Sugar maple trees) 5. Why is the bucket covered? (to keep rain and snow out)

2.4 Discourse Model for the text organized sentence by sentence

We list here below the DM related to the most relevant sentences addressed by the QA module: 1.How Maple Syrup is Made loc(infon1, id1, [arg:main_tloc, arg:tr(f2_es1)]) class(infon2, id2) fact(infon3, Maple, [ind:id2], 1, id1, univ) fact(infon4, inst_of, [ind:id2, class:edible_substance], 1, univ, univ) fact(infon5, isa, [ind:id2 , class:Syrup], 1, id1, univ) ind(infon6, id3) fact(infon7, inst_of, [ind:id3, class:plant_life], 1, univ, univ) fact(infon8, isa, [ind:id3, class:Maple], 1, id1, univ) in(infon9, id3, id2) fact(id5, make, [agent:id2, theme_aff:id4], 1, tes(f2_es1), univ) fact(infon13, isa, [arg:id5, arg:ev], 1, tes(f2_es1), univ) fact(infon14, isa, [arg:id6, arg:tloc], 1, tes(f2_es1), univ) fact(infon15, plu_perf, [arg:id6], 1, tes(f2_es1), univ) fact(infon16, time, [arg:id5, arg:id6], 1, tes(f2_es1), univ) fact(infon17, h ow, [arg:id5], 1, tes(f2_es1), univ) before(tes(f2_es1), tes(f2_es1)) includes(tr(f2_es1), id1) 2.Maple syrup comes from sugar maple trees loc(infon20, id7, [arg:main_sloc, arg:tree]) in(infon21, id8, id7) set(infon22, id8) card(infon23, id8, 5) fact(infon24, sugar_maple, [ind:id8], 1, id1, id7) fact(infon25, inst_of, [ind:id8, class:plant_life], 1, univ, univ) fact(infon26, isa, [ind:id8, class:tree], 1, id1, id7) ind(infon27, id9) fact(infon28, inst_of, [ind:id9, class:plant_life], 1, univ, univ) fact(infon29, isa, [ind:id9, class:sugar_maple], 1, univ, univ) in(infon30, id9, id3) class(infon32, id10) fact(infon33, isa, [ind:id10, class:sugar], 1, univ, univ) fact(infon34, of, [arg:id10, specif:id9], 1, univ, univ) fact(id11, come, [actor:id2, locat:id8], 1, tes(f1_es2), id7) fact(infon38, isa, [arg:id11, arg:ev], 1, tes(f1_es2), id7) fact(infon39, isa, [arg:id12, arg:tloc], 1, tes(f1_es2), id7) fact(infon40, pres, [arg:id12], 1, tes(f1_es2), id7)

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fact(infon41, time, [arg:id11, arg:id12], 1, tes(f1_es2), id7) during(tes(f1_es2), tes(f2_es1)) includes(tr(f1_es2), univ) 3.At one time, maple syrup was used to make sugar class(infon42, id13) fact(infon43, inst_of, [ind:id13, class:substance], 1, univ, univ) fact(infon44, isa, [ind:id13, class:sugar], 1, univ, id7) in(infon45, id13, id9) fact(id14, make, [agent:id2, theme_aff:id13], 1, tes(finf1_es3), id7) fact(infon47, isa, [arg:id14, arg:ev], 1, tes(finf1_es3), id7) fact(infon48, isa, [arg:id15, arg:tloc], 1, tes(finf1_es3), id7) fact(infon49, pres, [arg:id15], 1, tes(finf1_es3), id7) fact(infon50, time, [arg:id14, arg:id15], 1, tes(finf1_es3), id7) fact(id16, use, [theme_aff:id2, result:id14], 1, tes(f2_es3), id7) fact(infon51, isa, [arg:id16, arg:pr], 1, tes(f2_es3), id7) fact(infon52, isa, [arg:id17, arg:tloc], 1, tes(f2_es3), id7) fact(infon53, plu_perf, [arg:id17], 1, tes(f2_es3), id7) fact(infon54, time, [arg:id16, arg:id17], 1, tes(f2_es3), id7) fact(infon55, at_one_time, [arg:id16], 1, tes(f2_es3), id7) before(tes(f2_es3), tes(f2_es1)) includes(tr(f2_es3), univ) 4.This is why the tree is called a "sugar" maple tree ent(infon61, id18) fact(infon62, prop, [arg:id18, disc_set:[id16:use:[theme_aff:id2, result:id14]]], 1, univ, id7) ind(infon63, id19) fact(infon64, tree, [nil:id19], 1, univ, id7) fact(infon65, inst_of, [ind:id19, class:plant_life], 1, univ, univ) fact(infon66, isa, [ind:id19, class:tree], 1, univ, id7) in(infon67, id19, id8) ind(infon68, id20) fact(infon69, inst_of, [ind:id20, class:thing], 1, univ, univ) fact(infon70, isa, [ind:id20, class:reason], 1, univ, id7) fact(infon72, reason, [nil:id18], 1, univ, id7) fact(id21, be, [prop:infon72], 1, tes(f15_es4), id7) fact(id22, call, [actor:id19, theme:id10, prop:infon72], 1, tes(f15_es4), id7) fact(infon73, isa, [arg:id22, arg:st], 1, tes(f15_es4), id7) fact(infon74, isa, [arg:id23, arg:tloc], 1, tes(f15_es4), id7) fact(infon75, pres, [arg:id23], 1, tes(f15_es4), id7) fact(infon82, time, [arg:id22, arg:id23], 1, tes(f5_es4), id7) during(tes(f15_es4), tes(f2_es3)) includes(tr(f15_es4), univ) 5.Sugar maple trees make sap class(infon85, id24) fact(infon86, inst_of, [ind:id24, class:substance], 1, univ, univ) fact(infon87, isa, [ind:id24, class:sap], 1, univ, id7) fact(id26, make, [agent:id8, theme_aff:id24], 1, tes(f1_es5), id7) fact(infon92, isa, [arg:id26, arg:ev], 1, tes(f1_es5), id7) fact(infon93, isa, [arg:id27, arg:tloc], 1, tes(f1_es5), id7) fact(infon94, pres, [arg:id27], 1, tes(f1_es5), id7) fact(infon98, time, [arg:id26, arg:id27], 1, tes(f1_es5), id7) during(tes(f1_es5), tes(f15_es4)) includes(tr(f1_es5), univ) 6.Farmers collect the sap set(infon99, id28) card(infon100, id28, 5) fact(infon101, inst_of, [ind:id28, class:man], 1, univ, univ) fact(infon102, isa, [ind:id28, class:farmer], 1, univ, id7) fact(id29, collect, [agent:id28, theme_aff:id24], 1, tes(f1_es6), id7) fact(infon105, isa, [arg:id29, arg:ev], 1, tes(f1_es6), id7) fact(infon106, isa, [arg:id30, arg:tloc], 1, tes(f1_es6), id7) fact(infon107, pres, [arg:id30], 1, tes(f1_es6), id7) fact(infon108, time, [arg:id29, arg:id30], 1, tes(f1_es6), id7)

during(tes(f1_es6), tes(f1_es5)) includes(tr(f1_es6), univ) 7.The best time to collect sap is in February and March ind(infon110, id32) fact(infon111, best, [ind:id32], 1, univ, id7) fact(infon112, inst_of, [ind:id32, class:time], 1, univ, univ) fact(infon113, isa, [ind:id32, class:time], 1, univ, id7) set(infon114, id33) card(infon115, 2) fact(infon116, inst_of, [ind:id33, class:time], 1, univ, univ) fact(infon117, isa, [ind:id33, class:[march, February]], 1, univ, id7) fact(id35, collect, [agent:id28, theme_aff:id24], 1, tes(finf1_es7), id7) fact(infon118, isa, [arg:id35, arg:ev], 1, tes(finf1_es7), id7) fact(infon119, isa, [arg:id36, arg:tloc], 1, tes(finf1_es7), id7) fact(infon120, nil, [arg:id36], 1, tes(finf1_es7), id7) fact(infon121, [march, February], [arg:id32], 1, univ, id7) fact(id37, be, [prop:id35, prop:infon130], 1, tes(f1_es7), id7) fact(infon122, isa, [arg:id37, arg:st], 1, tes(f1_es7), id7) fact(infon123, isa, [arg:id38, arg:tloc], 1, tes(f1_es7), id7) fact(infon124, pres, [arg:id38], 1, tes(f1_es7), id7) fact(infon125, time, [arg:id37, arg:id38], 1, tes(f1_es6), id7) during(tes(f1_es7), tes(f1_es6)) includes(tr(f1_es7), univ) …….. 9.The farmer drills a few small holes in each tree class(infon163, id38) fact(infon164, small, [ind:id38], 1, univ, id7) fact(infon165, inst_of, [ind:id38, class:place], 1, univ, univ) fact(infon166, isa, [ind:id38, class:holes], 1, univ, univ) fact(id47, drill, [agent:id28, theme_aff:id38], 1, tes(f1_es9), id7) fact(infon170, isa, [arg:id47, arg:ev], 1, tes(f1_es9), id7) fact(infon171, isa, [arg:id48, arg:tloc], 1, tes(f1_es9), id7) fact(infon172, pres, [arg:id48], 1, tes(f1_es9), id7) fact(infon173, in, [arg:id45, locat:id19], 1, tes(f1_es9), id7) fact(infon157, time, [arg:id47, arg:id48], 1, tes(f1_es9), id7) during(tes(f1_es9), tes(f1_es8)) includes(tr(f1_es9), univ) ……. 12.The bucket has a cover to keep rain and snow out class(infon218, id59) fact(infon219, inst_of, [ind:id59, class:thing], 1, univ, univ) fact(infon220, isa, [ind:id59, class:cover], 1, id53, id7) fact(infon222, cover, [nil:id54], 1, id53, id7) fact(id60, have, [actor:id54, prop:infon222, prop:id65], 1, tes(f1_es12), id7) fact(infon223, isa, [arg:id60, arg:st], 1, tes(f1_es12), id7) fact(infon224, isa, [arg:id61, arg:tloc], 1, tes(f1_es12), id7) fact(infon225, pres, [arg:id61], 1, tes(f1_es12), id7) fact(infon227, isa, [arg:id62, arg:rain], 1, tes(f1_es12), id7) fact(infon228, isa, [arg:id63, arg:snow], 1, tes(f1_es12), id7) fact(id65, keep_out, [agent:id54, theme_aff:id64], 1, tes(finf1_es12), id7) fact(infon229, isa, [arg:id65, arg:pr], 1, tes(finf1_es12), id7) fact(infon230, isa, [arg:id66, arg:tloc], 1, tes(finf1_es12), id7) fact(infon231, pres, [arg:id66], 1, tes(finf1_es12), id7) fact(infon232, time, [arg:id65, arg:id66], 1, tes(f1_es12), id7) fact(infon233, coincide, [arg:id60, prop:id65], 1, tes(f1_es12), id7) during(tes(f1_es12), tes(f1_es11)) includes(tr(f1_es12), id53) …

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14.About 10 gallons of sap come from each hole set(infon259, id69) card(infon260, id69, 10) fact(infon261, inst_of, [ind:id69, class:nquant], 1, univ, univ) fact(infon262, isa, [ind:id69, class:gallon], 1, id1, univ) fact(infon263, of, [arg:id69, specif:id24], 1, id1, univ) fact(id70, come, [agent:id69, theme_aff:id38], 1, tes(f1_es14), id7) fact(infon264, isa, [arg:id70, arg:ev], 1, tes(f1_es14), id7) fact(infon265, isa, [arg:id71, arg:tloc], 1, tes(f1_es14), id7) fact(infon266, pres, [arg:id71], 1, tes(f1_es14), id7) fact(infon267, time, [arg:id70, arg:id71], 1, tes(f1_es14), univ) during(tes(f1_es14), tes(f1_es13)) includes(tr(f1_es14), id53)

3. Question-Answering

Coming now to Question Answering, the system accesses the DM looking for relations at first then for entities : entities are searched according to the form of the focussed element in the User DataBase of Question-Facts as shown below with the QDM for the first question: User Question-Facts Discourse Model q_loc(infon3, id1, [arg:main_tloc, arg:tr(f1_free_a)]) q_ent(infon4, id2) q_fact(infon5, isa, [ind:id2, class:who], 1, id1, univ) q_fact(infon6, inst_of, [ind:id2, class:man], 1, univ, univ) q_class(infon7, id3) q_fact(infon8, inst_of, [ind:id3, class:coll], 1, univ, univ) q_fact(infon9, isa, [ind:id3, class:sap], 1, id1, univ) q_fact(infon10, focus, [arg:id2], 1, id1, univ) q_fact(id4, collect, [agent:id2, theme_aff:id3], 1, tes(f1_free_a), univ) q_fact(infon13, isa, [arg:id4, arg:pr], 1, tes(f1_free_a), univ) q_fact(infon14, isa, [arg:id5, arg:tloc], 1, tes(f1_free_a), univ) q_fact(infon15, pres, [arg:id5], 1, tes(f1_free_a), univ) As to the current text, it replies correctly to the all questions. As to question 4, at first the system takes « come from » to be answered exhaustively by sentence 14 ; however, seen that « hole » is not computed with a « location » semantic role, it searches the DM for a better answer which is the relation linguistically expressed in sentence 9, where « holes » are drilled « in each tree ». The « tree » is the Main Location of the whole story and « hole » in sentence 9 is inferentially linked to « hole » in sentence 14, by a chain of inferential inclusions. In fact, come_from does not figure in WordNet even though it does in our dictionary of synonyms. As to the fifth question, the system replies correctly. 1. Who collects maple sap? (Farmers) 2. What does the farmer hang from a spout? (A bucket)

3. When is sap collected? (February and March) 4. Where does the maple sap come from? (Sugar maple trees) 5. Why is the bucket covered? (to keep rain and snow out) Another possible « Why » question could have been the following : « why the tree is called a "sugar" maple tree », which would have received the appropriate answer seen that the corresponding sentence has received an appropriate grammatical and semantic analysis. In particular, the discourse deictic pronoun « This » has been bound to the previous main relation « use » and its arguments so that they can be used to answer the « Why » question appropriately. There is not enough space here to comment in detail the parse and the semantics (but see Delmonte 2000c); however, as far as anaphora resolution is concerned, the Higher Module computes the appropriate antecedent for the big Pro of the arbitrary SUBject of the infinitive in sentence n. 7, where the collecting action would have been left without an agent. This resolution of anaphora is triggered by the parser decision to treat the big Pro as an arbitrary pronominal and this information is stored at lexical level in the subcategorization frame for the name « time ». Differently from what Schwitter et al. conclude in their paper, good linguistic processing can be achieved as long as strongly linguistically-based processing is performed. In the analysis they make of the semantic processing necessary in their opinion to account for the complexity of the task they frequently refer to the use of abductive reasoning: this is what is done in our system in order to cope with uncertain and/or insufficient information. For instance, with question n.4 the text only makes available information related to « maple syrup ». Since we start looking for relation, and the « come from » relation has a different linguistic description as SUBJect argument, what we do is to try and see whether there is some inferential link between « sap » and « syrup ». This is not the case seen that WordNet does not link the two concepts explicitly. However both are classified as « substance » thus allowing the required inference to be fired – both are also taken as synonyms in our dictionary. The final question does not constitute a problem seen that the predicate «cover» has become a semantic

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relation and is no longer a noun or a verb. Also worth noting is the fact that the question is not a real passive, but a quasi-passive or an ergative construction, so no agent should be searched for. So our conclusion is that the heart of a Q/A system should be a strongly restrictive pipeline of linguistically based modules which alone can ensure the adequate information for the knowledge representation and the reasoning processes required to answer natural language queries.

3.1.1 Evaluating GETARUNS approach to QA

Totally shallow approaches when compared to ours will always be lacking sufficient information for semantic processing at propositional level: in other words, as happens with our “Partial” modality, there will be no possibility of checking for precision in producing predicate-argument structures Most systems would use some Word Matching algorithm that counts the number of words that appear in both the question and the sentence being considered after stripping them of stopwords: usually two words will match if they share the same morphological root after some stemming has taken place. Most QA systems presented in the literature rely on the classification of words into two classes: function and content words. They don't make use of a Discourse Model where input text has been transformed via a rigorous semantic mapping algorithm: they rather access tagged input text in order to sort best match words, phrases or sentences according to some matching scoring function. It is also common knowledge the fact that only by introducing or increasing the amount of linguistic knowledge over crude IR-based systems will contribute substantial improvements. In particular, systems based on simple Named-Entity identification tasks are too rigid to be able to match phrase relations constraints often involved in a natural language query. First objection is the impossibility to take into account pronominal expressions, their relations and properties as belonging to the antecedent, if no head transformation has taken place during the analysis process.

Second objection is the use of grammatical function labels, like SUBJ/OBJects without an evaluation of their relevance in the utterance structure: higher level or main clause SUBJ/OBJects are more important than other SUBJects. In addition, there is no attempt at semantic role assignment which would come from a basic syntactic/semantic tagging of governing verbs: a distinction into movement verbs, communication verbs, copulative verbs, psychic verbs etc. would suffice to assign semantic roles to main arguments if present. It is usually the case that QA systems divide the question to be answered into two parts: the Question Target represented by the wh- word and the rest of the sentence; otherwise the words making up the yes/no question and then a match takes place in order to identify most likely answers in relation to the rest/whole of the sentence except for stopwords. However, it is just the semantic relations that need to be captured and not just the words making up the question that matter. Some system implemented more sophisticated methods (notably Hovy et al.; Litkowski): syntactic -semantic question analysis. This involves a robust syntactic -semantic parser to analyse the question and candidate answers, and a matcher that combines word- and parse-tree-level information to identify answer passages more precisely.

3.1.2 Answering Generic Question

An important issue in QA is answering generic questions on the “aboutness” of the text, questions which may be answered by producing appropriate headlines or just a title. In our system, given the concomitant work of anaphora resolution modules and the semantic mapping into predicate-argument structures, this can be made as follows. The system collapses all entities and their properties, relations and attributes at the end of the analysis, by collecting them for ontological type; each semantic id receives a score for topichood thus allowing a ranking of the entities; in addition, starred facts are inherited by the inclusion relation specified by the “in” semantic predicate, as in the case of the “specifying” relation between “sugar” and “maple”. Here below we list the most relevant entities for the text reported above:

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entity(class,id2,115,facts([ fact(infon3, 'Maple', [ind:id2], 1, T, P), fact(infon4, inst_of, [ind:id2, class:edible_animal], 1, T, P), fact(infon5, isa, [ind:id2, class:'Syrup'], 1, T, P), fact(id5, make, [theme_bound:id2, agent:id4], 1, T, P), fact(id11, come, [actor:id2, locat:id8], 1, T, P), fact(id14, make, [agent:id2, theme_aff:id13], 1, T, P), fact(id16, use, [theme_aff:id2, result:id14], 1, T, P)])). entity(class,id30,77,facts([ fact(infon114, inst_of, [ind:id30, class:man], 1, T, P), fact(infon115, isa, [ind:id30, class:farmer], 1, T, P), fact(id39, drill, [agent:id30, theme_aff:id38], 1, T, P), fact(id42, put, [agent:id30, theme_aff:id41, locat:id38], 1, T, P), fact(id48, hang, [agent:id30, theme_aff:id44], 1, T, P)])). In this way, an appropriate answer to the question “What is the text about” can be generated directly from the entity list by picking up relations and properties of the most relevant individuals, sets and classes (see Delmonte 2000c).

4. System Evaluation

The complete system has been built for a restricted linguistic domain and evaluated on the basis of the texts making up the domain: 3500 total words, 265 sentences. The performance is 95% correct. The system has been tested with a set of texts derived from newspapers, narrative texts, children stories summing up to 10,000 words where we got the same results: However, updating and tuning of the system is required for each new text whenever a new semantic relation is introduced by the parser and the semantic does not provide the appropriate mapping. For instance, consider the case of the constituent "holes in the tree", where the syntax produces the appropriate structure but the semantics does not map "holes" as being in a LOCATion semantic relation with "tree". In lack of such a semantic role information a dummy "MODal" will be produced which however will not generate the adequate semantic mapping in the DM and the meaning is lost. As to the partial system, it has been used for DUC summarization contest, i.e. it has run over approximately 1 million words, including training and test sets, for a number of sentences totalling over 50K. We tested the "Partial" modality with an additional 90,000 words texts taken from the testset made available by DUC 2002 contest. On a preliminary perusal of the results, we have calculated a 85% Precision on parsing and an 80% on semantic mapping.

However evaluating such results requires a manually annotated database in which all linguistic properties have been carefully decided by human annotators. In lack of such a database, we are unable to provide precise performance data.


Abney, S. 1996. Part-of-Speech Tagging and Partial Parsing, in Ken Church, Steve Young, and Gerrit Bloothooft, eds. Corpus-Based Methods in Language and Speech, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.

Bresnan, Joan. 2001. Lexical-Functional Syntax . Blackwells.

Brill, E., Lin, J., Banko, M., Dumais, S., & Ng, A. (2002). Data-Intensive Question Answering. In E. M. Voorhees & D. K. Harman (eds.), The Tenth Text Retrieval Conference (TREC 2001). 122-131.

Delmonte R., 2000a. Parsing Preferences and Linguistic Strategies, in LDV-Forum - Zeitschrift fuer Computerlinguistik und Sprachtechnologie - "Communicating Agents" , Band 17, 1,2, pp. 56-73.

Delmonte R., 2000b. Shallow Parsing And Functional Structure In Italian Corpora, Proc. LREC, Athens, pp.113-119.

Delmonte R. 2000c . Generating from a Discourse Model, Proc. MT-2000, BCS, Exeter, pp.25-1/10.

Delmonte R. 2002. GETARUN PARSER - A parser equipped with Quantifier Raising and Anaphoric Binding based on LFG, Proc. LFG2002 Conference, Athens, pp.130-153, at http://cslipublications. stanford.edu/hand/miscpubsonline.html .

Hirschman, L. Marc Light, Eric Breck, & J. D. Buger. 1999. Deep Read: A reading comprehension system. In Proc. A CL '99.University of Maryland.

Schwitter R., D. Mollà, R. Fournier & M. Hess, 2000. Answer Extraction: Towards better Evaluations of NLP Systems. In Proc. Works. Reading Comprehension Tests as Evaluation for Computer-Based Language Understanding Systems, Seattle, 20-27.

Hovy, E., U. Hermjakob, & C. Lin. (2002a). The Use of External Knowledge in Factoid QA. In E. M. Voorhees & D. K. Harman (eds.), The Tenth Text Retrieval Conference (TREC 2001). 644-652.

Litkowski, K. C. (2001). Syntactic Clues and Lexical Resources in Question-Answering. In E. M. Voorhees & D. K. Harman (eds.), The Ninth Text Retrieval Conference (TREC-9). 157-166.

Ravichandran, D. & E. Hovy. (2002). Learning Surface Text Patterns for a Question Answering System. Proceedings of the 40th ACL. Philadelphia, PA., 41-7.

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Using a Named Entity Tagger to GeneraliseSurface Matching Text Patterns for Question Answering

Mark A. Greenwood and Robert GaizauskasDepartment of Computer Science

University of SheffieldRegent Court, Portobello Road

Sheffield S1 4DP UK{m.greenwood,r.gaizauskas }@dcs.shef.ac.uk


This paper explores one particular lim-itation common to question answeringsystems which operate by using inducedsurface matching text patterns – namelythe problems concerned with questionspecific words appearing within the in-duced answer extraction pattern. Wesuggest a solution to this problem bygeneralising the learned answer extrac-tion patterns to include named entityclasses.

1 Introduction

Many of the open-domain question answering sys-tems developed prior to 2001 were heavily relianton external sources of knowledge and tools forpinpointing exact answers within text. These in-cluded resources such as WordNet (Miller, 1995),named entity taggers, parsers and gazetteers. Theperformance of these systems varied widely withone of the best performing systems, FALCON(Harabagiu et al., 2000), being able to answerapproximately 65% of the questions (Voorhees,2000).

However, at the 10th Text REtrieval Confer-ence, TREC 2001 (Voorhees, 2001), a system wasentered that used only a single resource consist-ing of a large collection of surface matching textpatterns which were derived using simple machinelearning techniques from a set of question-answerpairs and a corpus of documents in which the an-swer was known to occur (Soubbotin and Soub-

botin, 2001). The surprising fact, was that thissystem did exceptionally well, performing betterthan any of the other systems entered into the eval-uation. The performance of what appeared to bea relatively simple system, provoked so much in-terest that at least one group, Ravichandran andHovy (2002), choose to implement their own ver-sion.

In this paper we observe that overly specificpatterns learned by this approach can cause prob-lems such that it becomes extremely difficult to an-swer certain types of question. These problems arehighlighted using our own implementation whichhas been developed as the basis for a more ad-vanced question answering system.

2 The Basic Pattern Induction Approach

The following sections detail the algorithms in-volved in the basic approach to finding and us-ing surface matching text patterns to answer ques-tions.

2.1 Learning Text Patterns

Our approach to learning patterns is similar to thatoutlined in the paper by Ravichandran and Hovy(2002) as it also relies on suffix trees (Ukkonen,1995) to extract patterns of an optimal length fromunstructured text. The best way of describing thealgorithm is through an example. The input to thealgorithm is a set of questions of a specific typeand their associated exact answer phrases. Forcomparison with the Ravichandran paper we willuse questions of the form“When was X born?”.Given this the algorithm is as follows:

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1. For each example question of the specificquestion type, produce a pair consisting ofthe question term and the answer term. Forexample:

• “Abraham Lincoln” “1809”

• “Adolf Hitler” “1889”

• “Louisa May Alcott” “1832”

• “Isaac Asimov” “1920”

2. For each example the question and answerterms are submitted to Google, as a singlequery, and the top 10 documents are down-loaded1.

3. Each document then has the question term re-placed by the single tokenAnCHoRand the an-swer term byAnSWeR.

4. A tokeniser and sentence splitter are then ap-plied to the documents.

5. Those sentences which contain bothAnCHoR

andAnSWeRare retained and joined togetherto create one single document, in which eachsentence is separated by a# and the end ofthe created document is marked by$2.

6. The single generated document is then usedto produce a token-level suffix tree, fromwhich the repeated substrings are then ex-tracted.

7. Finally the list of repeated substrings is fil-tered to retain only those which contain bothAnCHoRand AnSWeRand do not span a sen-tence boundary (i.e. do not contain# or $).

This produces a set of patterns for the specificquestion type. The following are a few of the pat-terns generated using this approach, for questionsof the form“When was X born?”:

from AnCHoR ( AnSWeR - 1969 )AnCHoR , AnSWeR -- AnCHoR ( AnSWeRfrom AnCHoR ( AnSWeR -: AnCHoR , AnSWeR -

Unfortunately some of these patterns are specificto one or more of the questions used to gener-ate them (e.g. the first pattern includes a date ofdeath, which is question specific). A further stage

is therefore needed to analyse the patterns to de-cide which are generic enough to be used to an-swer unseen questions.

The algorithm used to analyse the patterns anddiscard those which are not generic, also allows usto associate a numerical precision with each pat-tern which can later be used as a measure of howconfident the system is in any answers it proposes.Continuing with the same example as above, thesteps in this algorithm are as follows:

1. Using a different set of question-answerpairs, only the question term is submitted toGoogle and the top ten documents are down-loaded.

2. Each document then has the question term re-placed byAnCHoRand the answer term (if itappears within the document) is replaced byAnSWeR.

3. Those sentences which containAnCHoR areretained and joined together to create one sin-gle document.

4. Each of the previously generated patterns isconverted to a standard regular expression de-signed to capture the answer text, giving ex-pressions such as3:from AnCHoR \( ([ˆ ]+) - 1969 \)AnCHoR , ([ˆ ]+) -- AnCHoR \( ([ˆ ]+)from AnCHoR \( ([ˆ ]+) -: AnCHoR , ([ˆ ]+) -

These regular expressions allow us to easilyretrieve the single token whichAnSWeRin theoriginal pattern would have matched against.

5. Each regular expression is then matchedagainst each sentence in the generated docu-ment. Along with each pattern,P , two countsare maintained:CP

a , which counts the to-tal number of times this pattern has matched

1. The documents are actually downloaded from Googlescache to guarantee that we use the version of the page indexedby Google.

2. These separators are a necessary part of the suffix treeconstruction and processing but they do not appear in the re-sulting patterns.

3. For those not familiar with standard regular expressions,([ˆ ]+) matches any sequence of one or more non-spacecharacters and captures that part of the text in a variable forlatter use.

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Regular Expression PrecisionAnCHoR \( ([ˆ ]+) - 0.967AnCHoR \( ([ˆ ]+) 0.566AnCHoR ([ˆ ]+) - 0.263

Table 1: Regular expressions and their associatedprecision for questions of the form“When was Xborn?”.

against the text andCPc , which counts the

number of matches which hadAnSWeRas theextracted answer.

6. After a pattern,P , has been matched againstevery sentence in the generated document ifCP

c is less than five then it is discarded other-wise the precision of the pattern is calculatedas CP

c /CPa and the pattern is retained if its

precision is greater than 0.14.

Using this method to produce a list of anal-ysed patterns for the question type“When was Xborn?” gives regular expressions such as those inTable 1, which are now generic and could be ap-plied to any other question of the same type.

2.2 Using Text Patterns to Find Answers

Using these regular expressions to find answers toquestions is extremely simple. Firstly the questionterm is extracted from the question and submittedas a query to Google. Each document returnedby Google then has the question term replaced byAnCHoRand those sentences containgAnCHoRareretained to create a single document. Each regularexpression is then matched against the sentencesand for each successful match the token capturedby the expression is stored along with the preci-sion of the pattern. When all the regular expres-sions have been applied to all the sentences, anyanswers found are sorted based firstly on the pre-cision of the pattern which located them and sec-ondly on the number of times the same answer wasfound.

3 The Limitations Imposed by OverlySpecific Patterns

Most papers which describe systems using surfacematching text patterns (Soubbotin and Soubbotin,2001; Ravichandran and Hovy, 2002), including

the current paper, explain the workings of the sys-tem through questions of the form“When was Xborn?” often using“When was Mozart born?”asa specific example. One or more of the analysedpatterns are usually capable of extracting the an-swer from text such as:“Mozart (1756-1791) wasa musical genius”. Indeed extracting the answerfrom sentences of this form is a sensible thing todo, due to the fact that this formulation of the an-swer is both precise and commonly occurring inunstructured text. This example, however, exposesa serious problem with the approach.

A similar question, which could also be an-swered from the example sentence, is“When didMozart die?”. The problem is that generating pat-terns for this type of question using multiple ex-amples will not lead to a simple generic patternthat can be applied to other questions. The ex-tracted patterns, for a single example, will includethe year of birth, such as:

AnCHoR (1756 - AnSWeRAnCHoR (1756 - AnSWeR )

When these patterns are analysed against a secondset of question-answer pairs, and their precisionis calculated, they will most likely be discarded5,due to the presence of a specific year of birth. Thisproblem does not occur when generating patternsfor questions of the form“When was X born?”asmultiple patterns will be produced some of whichcontain the date of death and some of which donot, simply because the date of death usually ap-pears after the year of birth in the answer phrases.

More generally any acquired pattern mustcon-sist of three components 1) theAnCHoRtag (whichgets initialised as the question-specific anchor, e.g.Mozart), 2) theAnSWeRregular expression, and 3)literal text occurring between 1) and 2). In thebasic text pattern learning approach of Section 2,component 3) cannot be generalised, i.e. cannot bea regular expression containing meta-characters,and hence can only match itself.

There are other patterns, which could be ex-tracted, for questions of the form“When did X

4. These cut-off values were adopted based on empiricalobservations made during development.

5. An exception, specific to this example, would be if thesame year of birth appeared in the question sets used for bothinducing the answer patterns and assigning precisions to theanswer patterns.

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die?”. For example:AnCHoR died in AnSWeRAnCHoR was killed in AnSWeR

These patterns, however, are not as precise asthose possible for“When was X born?” (for ex-ampleAnSWeRcould easily be a location insteadof a date). In an experiment (documented in Sec-tion 5) our system failed to generate any patternsfor the question type”When did X die?”.

4 Generalising the Answer Patterns

It is clear that for this style of question answer-ing to be as accurate as possible a way needs tobe found to generate as precise a set of patternsas possible for each question type. As we havealready noted one problem is that in certain for-mulations of the answer phrase words specific tothe question appear betweenAnCHoRandAnSWeR.Many of these words are dates, names and loca-tions in fact exactly the words that can be recog-nised using the well understood natural languagetechniques of gazetteers and named entity taggers.The solution employed by our system is thereforea combination of the question answering systemdescribed in Section 2 and a gazetteer and a namedentity tagger6.

The approach taken to incorporate these NLPtechniques is to substitute the text marked as anamed entity by a tag representing its type, hencedates becomeDatE , locations becomeLocatioN ,etc. This replacement is carried out after thequestion and answer text have been replaced withAnCHoR and AnSWeRrespectively but before anyother processing is carried out. This is the onlychange to the algorithms for inducing and assign-ing precisions to the answer patterns.

When these new patterns are used to answerquestions extra work is, however, required as it ispossible that an answer found by a pattern may infact be, or may include, a named entity tag. Whenusing the patterns not only do we replace namedentities with a tag but also store the original text sothat if an answer contains a tag it can be expandedback to the original text.

As was previously mentioned, the standard im-plementation failed to create any patterns for thequestions“When did X die?” this extended imple-mentation, however, produces regular expressions

Regular Expression PrecisionAnCHoR \( DatE - ([ˆ ]+) \) . 1.000AnCHoR \( DatE - ([ˆ ]+) \) 1.000AnCHoR DatE - ([ˆ ]+) 0.889

Table 2: Regular expressions, augmented withnamed entity tags, and the associated precisionsfor questions of the form“When did X die?”.

Regular Expression PrecisionAnCHoR \( ([ˆ ]+) - 0.941AnCHoR \( ([ˆ ]+) - DatE \) . 0.941AnCHoR \( ([ˆ ]+) - DatE \) 0.941AnCHoR \( ([ˆ ]+) 0.600AnCHoR ([ˆ ]+) - DatE 0.556AnCHoR ([ˆ ]+) - 0.263

Table 3: A selection of regular expressions, aug-mented with named entity tags, and the associatedprecisions for questions of the form“When was Xborn?”.

such as those in Table 2.It is clear, from these patterns, that incorporat-

ing the NLP techniques allowed us to extract ex-actly the type of patterns we extended the systemto handle.

This extended system can also be used to gener-ate a new set of patterns for questions of the form“When was X born?”, a selection of these can beseen in Table 3.

5 Results

A set of experiments was carried out to see the ef-fect of extending the patterns in the way suggestedin the previous section. The question sets usedfor the experiments consisted of one hundred andforty examples, divided into three groups: twentyexamples for inducing the patterns, twenty for as-signing precisions to the patterns and one hundredover which to test the patterns. A selection of theanalysed patterns have already been presented inTables 1, 2 and 3.

Results are given for four experiments the com-bination of the original and extended systems over

6. The gazetteer and named entity tagger used in these ex-periments are slightly modified versions of those which areincluded as part of the GATE 2 framework (Cunningham etal., 2002), available from http://gate.ac.uk.

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System % Correctly MRR ConfidenceNumber Answered Score Weighted

1 52% 0.52 0.8372 53% 0.52 0.8433 0% 0.00 0.0004 53% 0.53 0.852

Table 4: Results of using both the original and ex-tended systems.

the two different question types. The experimentsare as follows:

1. The original system answering questions ofthe form“When was X born?”.

2. The extended system answering questions ofthe form“When was X born?”.

3. The original system answering questions ofthe form“When did X die?”.

4. The extended system answering questions ofthe form“When did X die?”.

The results of these experiments can be seenin Table 4. The mean reciprocal rank (MRR)score (Voorhees, 2001) of 0.52 for system 1 iscomparable to the results of similar experiments(Ravichandran and Hovy, 2002) over the samequestion type.

The results show that not only does the extendedsystem allow us to achieve similar results for thequestions“When did X die?”but also that extend-ing the system in this way had no significant detri-mental effects on the performance over questiontypes answerable by the original system and actu-ally produced a higher confidence weighted score(Voorhees, 2002) for all question types. The slightincrease in the confidence weighted score is proba-bly due to the greater number of overlapping highprecision patterns induced for a specific questiontype. This leads to the same answer being ex-tracted more often and with a higher precision thanin the original system, leading to these answers be-ing ranked higher when the answers for multiplequestions are sorted.

6 Discussion and Conclusions

Although the results given in this paper cover onlya small number of experiments, they show thatthe use of a gazetteer and named entity tagger al-low the simple pattern matching question answer-ing system to be extended to answer some ques-tions which the original approach could not an-swer. Furthermore, the performance of the ex-tended system on questions which could alreadybe answered is improved.

Clearly more experimentation is needed beforewe can claim that this technique solves all theproblems associated with overly specific answerpatterns. This paper has shown that it successfullyhandles one specific question type. Experimentswere also carried out for the question type“Whatis the capital of X?”in which although the extendsystem produced better results, than the originalsystem, the improvement was not significant, be-cause in most cases no question-specific text fellbetween theAnCHoRand theAnSWeR.

It should be clear, however, that this ap-praoch can be applied to any question type wherequestion-specific text is likely to occur betweenthe AnCHoRand theAnSWeR, such as“When wasAmerica discovered?” which can easily be an-swered by the text“In 1492 Columbus discoveredAmerica”, where Columbus needs to be gener-alised before a sensible pattern could be inducedfrom this answer phrase.

There are other ways in which the text within ananswer pattern can be generalised, and we do notclaim that our solution is the only way forward,rather that it has been shown to work well over asmall set of question types. More work is neededto expand not only the types of question the sys-tem can answer but also to test other methods ofgeneralising the surface matching text patterns in-duced from free text.


H. Cunningham, D. Maynard, K. Bontcheva, andV. Tablan. 2002. GATE: A framework and graphicaldevelopment environment for robust NLP tools andapplications. InProceedings of the 40th Anniver-sary Meeting of the Association for ComputationalLinguistics.

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Sanda Harabagiu, Dan Moldovan, Marius. Pasca, RadaMihalcea, Mihai Surdeanu, Razvan Bunescu, Rox-ana Gırju, Vasile Rus, and Paul Morarescu. 2000.FALCON: Boosting Knowledge for Answer En-gines. InProceedings of the 9th Text REtrieval Con-ference.

George A. Miller. 1995. WordNet: A LexicalDatabase.Communications of the ACM, 38(11):39–41, November.

Deepak Ravichandran and Eduard Hovy. 2002. Learn-ing Surface Text Patterns for a Question AnsweringSystem. InProceedings of the 40th Annual Meet-ing of the Association for Computational Linguis-tics, pages 41–47, Pennsylvania.

M. M. Soubbotin and S. M. Soubbotin. 2001. Pat-terns of Potential Answer Expressions as Clues tothe Right Answers. InProceedings of the 10th TextREtrieval Conference.

E. Ukkonen. 1995. On-line Construction of SuffixTrees.Algorithmica, 14(3):249–260.

Ellen M. Voorhees. 2000. Overview of the TREC-9Question Answering Track. InProceedings of the9th Text REtrieval Conference.

Ellen M. Voorhees. 2001. Overview of the TREC 2001Question Answering Track. InProceedings of the10th Text REtrieval Conference.

Ellen M. Voorhees. 2002. Overview of the TREC2002 Question Answering Track. InProceedings ofthe 11th Text REtrieval Conference. Draft versionwhich appeared in the conference notebook.

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Learning Paraphrases to Improve a Question-Answering System

Florence DuclayeFrance Telecom R&D and ENST

2 avenue Marzin22307 Lannion Cedex, France

[email protected]

Francois YvonENST

46 rue Barrault75634 Paris Cedex 13, France

[email protected]

Olivier CollinFrance Telecom R&D

2 avenue Marzin22307 Lannion Cedex, France

[email protected]


In this paper, we present a nearly unsupervisedlearning methodology for automatically extractingparaphrases from the Web. Starting with one sin-gle linguistic expression of a semantic relation-ship, our learning algorithm repeatedly samplesthe Web, in order to build a corpus of potentialnew examples of the same relationship. Sam-pling steps alternate with validation steps, duringwhich implausible paraphrases are filtered out us-ing an EM-based unsupervised clustering proce-dure. This learning machinery is built on top of anexisting question-answering (QA) system and thelearnt paraphrases will eventually be used to im-prove its recall. We focus here on the learning as-pect of this system and report preliminary results.

1 Introduction

Question-answering systems (Voorhees, 1999) re-quire efficient and sophisticated NLP tools, cru-cially capable of dealing with the linguistic vari-ability of questions and answers, which reflects thewidely acknowledged fact that the same meaningcan be conveyed using a wide variety of lexico-syntactic structures (forms). This situation is byno means specific to the QA domain, this variabil-ity being a source of difficulties for most practicalapplications of NLP.

Part of this variability can be captured at thesyntactic level, where it takes the form of regularalternations between for instance active and pas-sive forms, or verbal and nominal expressions ofa concept. A more systematic treatment howeverrequires some form of semantic knowledge, such

as the one found in semantic networks (Miller etal., 1990). The help provided by these resourcesis limited as (i) synonymy relationships found insuch dictionaries cannot be taken at face value,for the lack of contextual information; (ii) syn-onymy implies a notion of paraphrasing which isfar too restricted for our application: it is often thecase that the answer to a question is expressed us-ing terms which are only loosely (eg. metaphor-ically) related to the ones used in the question.For instance, ”X caused Y” can be considered tobe semantically similar to ”Y is blamed for X” inthe context of question-answering (Lin and Pantel,2001). Rather that trying to manually completethese static resources, a virtually endless process,we have chosen to explore the benefits of a corpus-based approach and to learn such equivalences au-tomatically. We will refer to these relationships asparaphrases, although we adopt here a rather re-stricted definition of paraphrase, focusing mostlyon two types of linguistic phenomena: linguis-tic paraphrases and semantic derivations. (Fuchs,1982) describes paraphrases as sentences whosedenotative linguistic meaning is equivalent. Se-mantic derivations are sentences whose meaningis preserved, but whose lexico-syntactic structureis different (e.g.AOL bought Netscape / the ac-quisition of Netscape by AOL ). The corpus weuse for acquiring paraphrases is the Web. Usingthe Web as a corpus offers several clear advan-tages (see also (Grefenstette, 1994)): (i) it con-tains a great variety and redundancy: the same in-formation is likely to occur under many guises, aproperty on which our learning algorithm heav-

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ily relies; (ii) contextual information is availableand can be used to restrict the scope of a para-phrase relationship. Moreover, as our QA systemuses the Web as its only information source, it isimportant to extract those formulations of a givenconcept which are actually frequently used on theWeb. This strategy is not without its own difficul-ties: in particular, reducing the level of noise in theacquired data becomes a serious issue. The learn-ing mechanism we propose is capable of automat-ically acquiring multiple formulations of a givensemantic relationship fromone single example.This seed data consists of one instance of the targetsemantic relationship, where both the linguisticexpression of the relationship (formulation) andthe tuple of arguments have been identified. Thiskind of data is directly provided by our QA sys-tem, but is also widely available in usual dictio-naries. Given this positive example, our learningmachinery repeatedly queries the Web, trying al-ternately to use the currently known formulationsto acquire new argument tuples, and the knownargument tuples to find new formulations. Thismechanism decomposes into two steps: the searchfor potential paraphrases of the semantic relationand the validation of these paraphrases, which isbased on frequency counts and the Expectation-Maximisation (EM) algorithm.

This paper introduces, in Section 2, some back-ground technical work which has been influencialfor our approach, as well as related research onparaphrase learning. Section 3 then gives a thor-ough presentation of our system, first giving a gen-eral overview of its behavior, then explaining ourEM-based filtering strategy, and finally going intothe details of the acquisition procedure. Beforeconcluding, we discuss in Section 4 some experi-mental results that highlight the interest of our ap-proach.

2 Background

2.1 Paraphrase learning

As paraphrases can be used in various contextsand applications, learning them is accomplishedusing very different methodologies. (Barzilay andMcKeown, 2001) distinguish between three differ-ent methods for collecting paraphrases. The first

one is manual collection, the second one is the useof existing linguistic resources, and the third oneis corpus-based extraction of similar words or ex-pressions. Of these three methods, manually col-lecting paraphrases is certainly the easiest one toimplement, though probably the most tedious andtime-consuming one.

Linguistic resources such as dictionaries canprove to be useful for collecting or generat-ing paraphrases. For instance, (Kurohashi andSakai, 1999) uses a manually-tailored dictionaryto rephrase as verbal phrases ambiguous nounphrases. Such linguistic resources as dictionariesmay be useful for disambiguation purposes, butthey rarely provide linguistic information in con-text, so that the proper paraphrases cannot alwaysbe spotted. Moreover, they are often recognised tobe poorly adapted to automatic processing (Habertet al., 1997). (Torisawa, 2001) proposes a methodusing the Expectation-Maximisation algorithm toselect verb schemes that serve to paraphrase ex-pressions.

Finally, some of the works in the area of corpus-based extraction of similar words or expressionsrely on Harris’Distributional Hypothesis, statingthat words occurring in the same context tend tohave similar meanings. Relying on this assump-tion, (Barzilay and McKeown, 2001) and (Akiraand Takenobu, 2002) work on a set of aligned textsand use contextual cues based on lexical similari-ties to extract paraphrases. In the same line, (Linand Pantel, 2001) uses an unsupervised algorithmfor discovering inference rules from text. Insteadof applying Harris’rule to words, the authors applyit to paths in dependency trees of a parsed corpus.

2.2 Information extraction by bootstrapping

Recent work on information extraction providesus with interesting approaches that can be adaptedto solving the problem of paraphrase learning.(Riloff and Jones, 1999) describes an informationextraction system relying on a two-level bootstrap-ping mechanism. The “mutual bootstrapping”level alternatively constructs a lexicon and contex-tual extraction patterns. The “meta-bootstrapping”level keeps only the five best new terms extractedduring a given learning round before continuingwith the mutual bootstrapping. In this way, the

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author manages to reduce the amount of invalidterms retrieved by the application of extractionpatterns.

The DIPRE technique (Dual Iterative PatternRelation Extraction) presented in (Brin, 1998) isalso a bootstrapping method, used for the acquisi-tion of (author,title) pairs out of a corpus of Webdocuments. Starting from an initial seed set of ex-amples, the author constructs extraction patternsthat are used to collect (author,title) pairs. In theirturn, these pairs are searched in the corpus and areused to construct new extraction patterns, and soon. Finally, (Collins and Singer, 1999) describesa method for recognising named entities with verylittle supervision data by building two classifiersoperating on disjoint feature sets in parallel.

3 System overview

3.1 General overview of the paraphraselearning system

Our paraphrase inference algorithm learns fromone single positive example, using a two-levelbootstrapping mechanism. This seed example isan answer to a question, returned by our QA sys-tem. In our model, a meaning is represented asthe association between the linguistic formulationf of a predicate, and its arguments tuplea. Forinstance, one example of the “authorship” rela-tionship would be represented as:f=”to be theauthor of”, a=(”Melville”, “Moby Dick”). Iden-tification of paraphrases relies on a probabilisticdecision model, whose parameters are estimatedin an almost unsupervised way. Estimation relieson an EM-based clustering algorithm presented inSection 3.2: it takes as input a matrix containingfrequency data for the co-occurrence of a set offormulationsF and the corresponding argumenttuplesA, as measured in a corpusC.

Our initial corpus Ci contains one unique“seed” example expressing the target relationship,and represented as the cooccurrence of a formula-tion fi and an argument tupleai. Given this seed,we would like to build a new corpusC, potentiallycontaining many more instances of the target re-lationship. This is done by using independentlyfi andai to formulate queries, which are used tosample from the web. The retrieved documents

are searched for new interesting formulations andarguments pairs, repeatedly used to produce newqueries, which in turn will extract more argumentsand formulations... During this stage, we need tobe able to (i) generate queries and process the re-trieved documents so as to (ii) extract new formu-lations and argument tuples. Details of these cor-pus building procedures are given in Section 3.3.

The quality of the extracted paraphrases de-pends critically on our ability to keep the expand-ing corpusfocused on the target semantic relation-ship: to this end, the acquisition phases are inter-leaved with filtering stages, which are also basedon our EM-based clustering. Filtering is indeedcritical to ensure the convergence of this proce-dure. The overall architecture of our system is rep-resented on figure 1.

3.2 Filtering with theExpectation-Maximisation algorithm

The filtering problem consists in sorting out incor-rect paraphrases of the original relationship fromvalid ones. This amounts to classifying each for-mulation in our corpus as 1 (valid paraphrase) or 0(not valid), based on co-occurrence data betweenarguments tuples and formulations. This biparti-tioning problem is weakly supervised, as we ini-tially have one positive example: the seed for-mulation. This is a favorable configuration forthe use of EM-based clustering algorithms for co-occurrence data (Hofmann and Puzicha, 1998).We thus assume that each phrase (consisting of aformulationf and its argumentsa) is generated bythe following stochastic model:

P (f, a) = Σs∈SP (f, a|s)P (s) (1)

= Σs∈SP (f |s)P (a|s)P (s) (2)

whereS is the set of semantic relationships ex-pressed by sentences in our corpus. We furtherassume that our corpus only contains two such re-lationships, whose values are defined asS = 1,meaning that a given sentence expresses the samerelationship as the seed sentence, andS = 0,meaning that the sentence expresses another (un-specified) relationship.

Given this model, the reestimation formulas areeasily derived (see eg. (Hofmann and Puzicha,

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Formulation extractor Argument extractor

Query 1


Sentence 1 ...

Sentence l

Query k

Sentence 1


Sentence k

Query 1 ...

Query l

Set of formulations

{f 1 , ... f j }

Set of argument tuples

{a 1 , ... a k }

Initial sentence




Figure 1: Paraphrase learning system

1998)); they are given in Table 1, whereN() de-notes the count function.


P (s|f, a) =P (s)P (f |s)P (a|s)∑i P (si)P (f |si)P (a|si)



P (a|s) =∑

f∈F N(f, a)P (s|f, a)∑a∈A

∑f∈F N(f, a)P (s|f, a)


P (f |s) =∑

a∈A N(f, a)P (s|f, a)∑f∈F

∑a∈A N(f, a)P (s|f, a)


P (s) =∑


∑a∈A N(f, a)P (s|f, a)∑


∑a∈A N(f, a)


Table 1: Reestimation formulas for EM

This model enables us to incorportate supervi-sion data during the parameter initialisation stage,where we use the following values:P (S =1|fi, ai) = 1 andP (S = 1|fi, a) = 0.6,∀a 6= ai

in equation (3). All the other values ofP (S|F,A)are taken equal to0.5. EM is then run until conver-gence of the maximised parameters. In our case,this convergence generally achieved within 10 it-erations.

Once the parameters have been learnt, we usethis model to decide whether a formulationf isa valid paraphrase based on the ratio betweenP (S = 1|f) and P (S = 0|f), computed as:

r = P (S=1)P (f |S=1)P (S=0)P (f |S=0) . Given thatP (S = 1) is

grossly overestimated in our corpus, we requirethis ratio to be greater than a predefined thresholdθ > 1.

3.3 The acquisition procedure

The main tool used during the acquisition step isour QA system itself, which has been adapted inorder to be also used as an information extractiontool. The original system has two main compo-nents. The first one turns an input question intoa Web query and performs the search. The sec-ond module analyses the retrieved pages, trying tomatch answers, an answer corresponding to a setof predefined extraction patterns. Both the queryand the extraction patterns are derived from theoriginal question using rules. Details regardingthis QA system and the NLP components involvedat each stage are given in (Duclaye et al., 2002).

In “learning” mode, we by-pass the query con-struction phase and enforce the use of the argu-ment tuples (or formulations) as search keywords.The analysis phase uses very general informationextraction patterns directly derived from the ar-guments (or formulations) being processed. As-sume, for instance, that we are in the processof searching for paraphrases, based on the argu-ment pair [“Melville”, “Moby Dick”]. Both ar-guments will be used as keywords, and two pat-terns will be matched in the retrieved documents: “Melville [Verb] Moby Dick” and “Moby Dick

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[Verb] Melville”. In this example, a verb is re-quired to occur between the two keywords. Thisverb will be considered to be a potential para-phrase of the initial formulation. For each query,only the top N documents returned by the searchengine are considered.

Notwithstanding the effects of thefiltering procedure, the extracted(arguments, formulations) are cumulated,round after round, in a corpusC, from whichstatistics are then estimated. This iterative processof acquiring formulations and argument tuples,combined with the validation process at the endof every iteration, converges and ends up when nonew formulation is found.

4 Experimental results

The experiments described in this section wereconducted on 18 initial sentences, representing 12different semantic relationships (e.g. purchase ofa company, author of a book, invention of some-thing, ...). See table 2 for examples of formula-tions and argument tuples. For each of these sen-tences, the learning procedure described in Section3 was run on one iteration. The results presentedhere were obtained by searching for French doc-uments on the Web and taking the first N=1000previews returned by the search engine.

The extracted paraphrases were manuallychecked and classified as valid or invalid by our-selves. In this application, success is only mea-sured as the average precision of the extractedparaphrases which should eventually be fed intothe QA system. Recall, in comparison, is unim-portant, as long as we can find the most frequentlyused paraphrases. The selection ratio representsthe percentage of formulations classified as validparaphrases by our system. The decision to clas-sify a formulation as a valid or invalid paraphraseis based on the ratio betweenlog(P (S = 1|f))and log(P (S = 0|f)), called θ. The selectionratios and precision results for various filteringthresholdsθ are reported in table 3.

In these experiments, the best average precisionachieved is 66.6%, whenθ = 186. Performed onseveral relationships, these experiments showedthat the precision rate may vary importantly fromone semantic relationship to another : it can be

theta selection ratio precision7 44.0% 42.9%25 29.8% 47.3%48 23.9% 47.3%117 14.2% 54.9%186 10% 66.6%232 9.4% 65.4%

Table 3: Experimental results

as high as 100% for certain relationships, and aslow as 6% for others. These results may seem tobe low. This is partly due to the varying amountof data extracted from the Web for the semanticrelationships. Applying the same thresholdθ toall relationships may not be the best method, asthe system extracts a huge quantity of formula-tions for certain relations, and a small one for oth-ers. Moreover, the majority of the formulationswrongly classified as good paraphrases are the-matically related to the seed formulation (e.g. forthe purchase relationship : to own, to belong, tomerge, ...).

As indicated in table 3, the increasing values ofθ cause the selection ratios to decrease and the pre-cision to increase. The general tendency is thatasθ gets bigger and bigger, the amount of formu-lations classified as bad paraphrases increases, sothat eventually only the seed formulation is keptas valid. Increasingθ is thus insufficient to im-prove the average precision of the extracted para-phrases. A balance needs to be found between theselection ratio and the precision of the extractedparaphrases.

Let us point out that the results shown in table3 only reflect the first learning iteration. Other ex-periments were conducted on several learning it-erations, which lead us to believe that precisionshould increase with the number of iterations. Ta-ble 4 shows the results obtained on the purchaserelationship, after five learning iterations. The fil-tering strategy was different from the one detailedin Section 3.2. Instead of keeping the formula-tions according to the ratio betweenP (S = 1|f)andP (S = 0|f), we decided to only keep the fivebest formulations at each learning iteration.

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purchase of ”acheter” (to buy) AOL; Netscapeauthor of ” ecrire” (to write) Melville; Moby Dickinventor of ”inventer” (to invent) Gutenberg; imprimerie (printing machine)assassination of ”assassiner” (to murder) Oswald; Kennedy

Table 2: Some exemplary relationships and formulations

Iter. Formulations classified as valid paraphrases

1 racheter (to buy out), acqurir (to acquire), acheter (to buy), utiliser (to use), recevoir (to receive)2 racheter, acqurir, acheter, reprendre (to take back ), absorber (to take over)3 racheter, acheter, acqurir, qui racheter ([which] buy out), devenir (to become)4 racheter, acheter, acqurir, absorber, grouper (to gather)5 racheter, acheter, reprendre, devenir, acqurir

Table 4: Results of five learning iterations on the purchase relationship

5 Conclusions and future work

In this paper, we have presented a nearly unsuper-vised methodology for learning paraphrases auto-matically, starting with one single positive learn-ing example. Using an EM-based validation strat-egy, we are able to filter out the invalid potentialparaphrases extracted during the acquisition steps.

Not only are these paraphrases useful to im-prove the results of our question answering sys-tem, but the acquired argument tuples could alsobe used for other purposes than paraphrase learn-ing, such as the construction of semantic lexicons.In fact, the filtering step could as well be appliedon the acquired argument tuples.

Beyond its promising experimental results, theadaptability of our approach brings to the fore themultiple practical applications of this work. Fo-cused on the acquisition and validation steps, var-ious improvements are presently under investiga-tion. Concerning the acquisition step, we are plan-ning to learn multilingual paraphrases, as well asmore complex extraction patterns (involving nom-inalisations). We are also considering using au-tomatically learnt contextual information to refinethe quality of the queries we use to sample theWeb. Future improvements of the filtering / vali-dation step will aim at testing other filtering strate-gies.

Based on a language-independent learning strat-egy, our paraphrase learning system will be in-tegrated into the multilingual question-answeringsystem. Our system will act as an offline com-

ponent which will learn paraphrases of answersreturned by the QA system. Its integration willnot require many developments, as the QA systemalready takes into account manually-entered para-phrasing rules. We will thus have to automate thisprocess of entering paraphrasing rules into the QAsystem. This integration will enable us to evaluateour methodololy and to measure the improvementsincurred by this paraphrase learning module.

ReferencesTerada Akira and Tokunaga Takenobu. 2002. Auto-

matic disabbreviation by using context information.In Proceedings of the NLPRS Workshop on Auto-matic Paraphrasing : Theories and Applications.

Regina Barzilay and Kathleen R. McKeown. 2001.Extracting paraphrases from a parallel corpus. InProceeding of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Asso-ciation for Computational Linguistics, pages 50–57,Toulouse.

Sergei Brin. 1998. Extracting patterns and relationsfrom the world wide web. InProceedings of WebDBWorkshop at EDBT.

Michael Collins and Yoram Singer. 1999. Unsuper-vised models for named entity classification. InPro-ceedings of the Workshop on Empirical Methods forNatural Language Processing.

Florence Duclaye, Pascal Filoche, Jerzy Sitko, andOlivier Collin. 2002. A polish question-answeringsystem for business information. InProceedings ofthe Business Information Systems Conference, Poz-nan.

Catherine Fuchs. 1982.La Paraphrase. Presses Uni-versitaires de France.

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Gregory Grefenstette. 1994.Explorations in Auto-matic Thesaurus Discovery. Kluwer Academic Pub-lishers, Boston.

Benoıt Habert, Adeline Nazarenko, and Andre Salem.1997. Les linguistiques de corpus. Armand Colin,Paris.

Thomas Hofmann and Jan Puzicha. 1998. Statisticalmodels for co-occurrence data. Technical ReportAI. 1625, MIT, AI Lab.

Sadao Kurohashi and Yasuyuki Sakai. 1999. Semanticanalysis of japanese noun phrases : a new approachto dictionary-based understanding. InProceedingsof the 37th Annual Meeting of the Association forComputational Linguistics, pages 481–488.

Dekang Lin and Patrick Pantel. 2001. Discovery ofinference rules for question-answering. InNaturalLanguage Engineering, volume 7, pages 343–360.

George Miller, Richard Beckwith, Christiane Fell-baum, Derek Gross, and Katherine Miller. 1990. In-troduction to wordnet: An on-line lexical database.In Journal of Lexicography, volume 3, pages 234–244.

Ellen Riloff and Rosie Jones. 1999. Learning dic-tionaries for information extraction by multi-levelbootstrapping. InProceedings of the 16th NationalConference on Artificial Intelligence.

Kentaro Torisawa. 2001. A nearly unsupervised learn-ing method for automatic paraphrasing of japanesenoun phrases. InProceedings of the NLPRS 2002workshop on Automatic Paraphrasing : Theoriesand Applications, Tokyo.

Ellen Voorhees. 1999. The TREC-8 question answer-ing track report. InProceedings of TREC-8.

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Selectively Using Relations to Improve Precisionin Question Answering

Boris Katz and Jimmy LinMIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

200 Technology SquareCambridge, MA 02139



Despite the intuition that linguistically sophisti-cated techniques should be beneficial to questionanswering, real gains in performance have yet tobe demonstrated empirically in a reliable man-ner. Systems built around sophisticated linguis-tic analysis generally perform worse than theirlinguistically-uninformed cousins. We believe thatthe key to effective application of natural languageprocessing technology is to selectively employ itonly when helpful, without abandoning simplertechniques. To this end, we identify two linguis-tic phenomena that current information extractiondriven systems have difficulty with, and demon-strate how syntactic processing can help. By in-dexing syntactic relations that can be reliably ex-tracted from corpus text and matching questionswith documents at the relation level, we demon-strate that syntactic analysis enables a question an-swering system to successfully handle these phe-nomena, thereby improving precision.

1 IntroductionMost current question answering systems utilizea combination of information retrieval and infor-mation extraction techniques to find short answersto fact-based questions such as “Who killed Lin-coln?” The dominant approach, driven by IE tech-nology, is to first find a set of potentially relevantpassages and then “pinpoint” the exact location ofthe answer by searching for an entity whose se-mantic type matches the question type.

Although respectable performance can beachieved with this relatively simple two-stage pro-

cess, there exist empirical limits on the effective-ness of this approach. By analyzing a subset ofTREC-9 and CBC questions, Light et al. (2001)established an expected upper bound on the per-formance of a question answering system withperfect passage retrieval, named-entity detection,and question classification at around 70%. Theprimary reason for this limit is that many namedentities of the same semantic type often occurclose together, and a QA system, without the aidof any additional knowledge, would be forced tochoose randomly.

Although we are still years away from sys-tems that can provide accurate semantic anal-ysis on open-domain text, significant headwayhas been made in the syntactic analysis of doc-uments. Matching questions and passages basedon syntactically-derived relations offers an in-terim solution for overcoming the limitation of IE-based question answering systems. Although pre-vious systems have employed similar techniques(to be discussed further in Section 2), they gener-ally did not perform as well as systems that uti-lize linguistically-uninformed techniques. We at-tribute these results to the reliance on NLP tech-niques as the fundamental machinery for ques-tion answering, despite their brittleness. Instead,we suggest a more pragmatic approach: continueto use linguistically-uninformed techniques as thefoundation of a question answering system, andapply sophisticated NLP approaches only whenthey are known to improve performance. To thisend, we identify two linguistic phenomena thatcurrent IE-driven systems have difficulty with, and

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(1) The bird ate the snake.(1′) The snake ate the bird.(2) the largest planet’s volcanoes(2′) the planet’s largest volcanoes(3) the house by the river(3′) the river by the house(4) The Germans defeated the French.(4′) The Germans were defeated by the French.

Figure 1: Semantic differences that cannot be cap-tured by lexical content alone

demonstrate how syntactic processing can help.Additionally, to overcome the usual brittleness as-sociated with syntactic parsing, we utilize syn-tactic relations, captured in terms of ternary ex-pressions, that can be reliably and easily extractedfrom complex real-world text.

The fragment pairs in Figure 1 illustrate the elu-sive nature of “meaning”; although fragments ineach pair are nearly indistinguishable in terms oflexical content, their meanings are vastly different.Naturally, because one text fragment may be anappropriate answer to a question while the otherfragment may not be, a question answering sys-tem seeking to achieve high precision must dif-ferentiate the semantic content of the pairs. Ide-ally, question answering should be based on thesemantics of questions and documents, but unfor-tunately, full semantic analysis is beyond currenttechnology in anything but highly-restricted do-mains. Instead, as a compromise, we propose tomatch questions and answers at the syntactic level.

2 Hasn’t this been tried before?The concept of marrying NLP techniques withlarge-scale IR is not new, but effective integra-tion of the two remains an open research question.Fagan (1987) experimented with indexing nounphrases and prepositional phrases. More recently,various researchers have experimented with in-dexing syntactically derived word pairs (Strza-lkowski et al., 1996; Zhai et al., 1996; Aram-patzis et al., 1998); the types of constructions ex-amined in the context of indexing include linguis-tically motivated pairs such as head/modifier andadjective/noun. In addition, full linguistic trees

(Smeaton et al., 1994) and case frames (Croft andLewis, 1987) as units of indexing have been tried.However, none of these experiments resulted indramatic improvement in precision or recall, andoften even resulted in degraded performance. Inall of theses studies, the word-level index was di-rectly augmented with linguistically-derived rep-resentations. Often, this caused performance is-sues because the creation of an index is limitedby the speed of the parser, and because sophisti-cated linguistic representations were not amenableto large-scale indexing.

The current generation of question answeringsystems that employ NLP alleviate performanceproblems by delaying linguistic analysis until thecorpus has been narrowed down to a small set ofcandidate documents or passages. The MURAXSystem (Kupiec, 1993) is an early example of suchan approach. More recently, Litkowski (1999) de-scribed a system that utilizes a combination ofsyntactic relations, e.g., subject-verb-object, andsome semantic relations, e.g., time and location.After initially retrieving a set of candidate docu-ments, the system then parses both the questionand the passages and attempts matching at the re-lation level. Unfortunately, this and similar tech-niques that depend heavily on syntactic analysis,e.g., PIQASso (Attardi et al., 2001), yielded rela-tively poor performance. A drawback of this two-step paradigm is low recall: if the keyword-baseddocument retrieval system does not return any rel-evant documents due to such problems as syn-onymy, anaphora, or argument alternations, anyamount of additional processing is useless. Thecurrent work-around to this problem is to imple-ment feedback loops that relax the query set if theresults are too restrictive (Moldovan et al., 2002).Not only does this introduce complex dependen-cies in a system’s architecture, but it also neces-sitates the addition of new modules to assess thequality of the result sets.

In the domain of information access, we at-tribute the mediocre track record of sophisticatedlinguistic techniques not to the impotence of NLPtechnology in general, but rather to the mannerin which it has been applied. Results appear todemonstrate that the current level of natural lan-guage technology is still too brittle to be applied

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in all situations. Because existing linguistically-impoverished methods have proven to be robustand capable of delivering useful levels of perfor-mance, we propose a more pragmatic approach:recognize situations where linguistic techniqueswould help and employ them only when necessary.

With this approach, the critical question be-comes: under what circumstances can natural lan-guage processing techniques improve question an-swering? In reply, we describe two broad linguis-tic phenomena that are difficult to handle with theinformation extraction driven paradigm. Withinthese two areas, the use of syntactic relations re-sults in a dramatic improvement in the precisionof question answering systems.

3 Two PhenomenaWe have identified two broad phenomena that can-not be easily handled by linguistically uninformedquestion answering systems: semantic symmetryand ambiguous modification. Examples represent-ing typical results from current QA systems (Fig-ure 2) help illustrate the phenomena.

The first example (Q1) demonstrates the prob-lem of semantic symmetry: although the questions“What do frogs eat?” and “What eats frogs?” aresimilar at the word level, they have very differentmeanings and should be answered differently. Thesecond example (Q2) demonstrates the problemof ambiguous modification: adjectives like largestand prepositional phrases such as in the Solar Sys-tem can modify a variety of different head nouns.Potential answers may contain the correct entities,but they may not be in the correct syntactic rela-tions with each other, e.g., the largest planet in-stead of the largest volcano. Both these phenom-ena could benefit from a more detailed linguistictreatment to pinpoint more precise answers.

Semantic symmetry occurs when the selectionalrestrictions of different arguments of the samehead overlap; for example, the selectional restric-tion for the subject of eat is animate and the se-lectional restriction for the object is edible, sosemantic symmetry occurs whenever the subjectand object are both animate and edible. In thesecases, lexical content is insufficient to determinethe meaning of the sentence—syntactic analysis isrequired to discover head-arguments relations.

(Q1) What do frogs eat?(A1) Adult frogs eat mainly insects and other small ani-

mals, including earthworms, minnows, and spiders.

(A2) Alligators eat many kinds of small animals that live

in or near the water, including fish, snakes, frogs, turtles,

small mammals, and birds.

(A3) Some bats catch fish with their claws, and a fewspecies eat lizards, rodents, small birds, tree frogs, and

other bats.

(Q2) What is the largest volcano in the Solar System?(B1) Mars boasts many extreme geographic features; for

example, Olympus Mons, the largest volcano in the solar


(B2) The Galileo probe’s mission to Jupiter, the largest

planet in the Solar system, included amazing photographs

of the volcanoes on Io, one of its four most famous moons.

(B3) Even the largest volcanoes found on Earth are puny

in comparison to others found around our own cosmic

backyard, the Solar System.

(B4) Olympus Mons, which spans an area the size of Ari-zona, is the largest volcano in the Solar System.

Figure 2: Examples illustrating semantic symme-try and ambiguous modification (emphasis added)

Ambiguous modification occurs when an argu-ment’s selectional restrictions are so unrestrictivethat the argument can belong to more than onehead in a particular context. Since nearly anythingcan be large or good, syntactic analysis is neces-sary to pin down which head this argument actu-ally belongs to.

In order to define the phenomena describedabove more formally, we shall adopt a first or-der predicate logic formalism. In our description,sentences are parsed into logical forms consist-ing of relations (n-ary predicates) with words astheir arguments. The semantics of the predicatelogic can be modeled as constraints on the domainof the arguments: a logical expression is seman-tically valid, or “makes sense,” if and only if thearguments of every predicate type-check with con-straints imposed by that predicate. For example, ifR is a one place predicate whose argument is con-strained on the set s = {a, b, c}, then R(d) is nota semantically valid expression. Given this defini-

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tion of semantic validity, we can define a functionS on any logical expression e:

S(e) =


1 if e is a semantically valid0 otherwise

Using this framework, we can then formally de-fine semantically symmetric relations:

Semantic SymmetryA relation is semantically symmetric iffthere exists w, w1, and w2 such thatS(R(w,w1)) = S(R(w2, w)) = 1.

A typical example of semantically symmetricrelations involves sentences where one can swapthe subject and object and still end up with a sen-tence that “makes sense,” with respect to S . Thisoccurs when the domains of the arguments of aparticular predicate (as determined by the selec-tional restrictions of that particular head) have anon-null intersection, e.g., some questions involv-ing predators and prey:

eat(x, y)x ⊂ animate-agenty ⊂ animate-agent, inanimate-object . . .

Thus, the difficulty with “What do frogs eat?”is that the question seeks entities that fulfill a cer-tain relation, namely, all x such that eat(frog, x)is true. However, statements that answer the ques-tion “What do frogs eat?” and “What eats frogs?”are likely to contain both the relevant keywordsfrog and eat. Since eat is a semantically symmet-ric relation, both eat(frog, x) and eat(x, frog)are likely to be found within the corpus.

The phenomenon of semantically symmetric re-lations observed above is by no means an isolatedinstance. Examples of such verbs abound in En-glish, e.g., visit, meet, defeat, kill, love, see, andmany, many more. Together, all the verbs in thisclass of semantically symmetric relations presenta problem for any non-linguistically informed QAsystem.

Ambiguous modification represents anotherphenomenon that linguistically-uninformed QAsystems have difficulty handling:

Ambiguous ModificationA word w, involving a relation R, isan ambiguous modifier iff there ex-ist at least two words, w1 and w2, inthe same local context as w, such thatS(R(w,w1)) = S(R(w,w2)) = 1.

A phrase like the planet’s largest volca-noes illustrates the ambiguous modification phe-nomenon. For example, the adjective largest, in-volved in an adjective-noun modification relation,is not very constrained in its possible choices ofhead nouns, and hence is free to “float” amongnouns in its local context.1 This means that givenpassages with similar lexical content containingthe adjective largest, it is difficult to determineexactly which head noun the adjective is modify-ing without syntactic analysis.2 Hence, if the re-lation under consideration is crucial to answeringthe question,3 syntax is required to precisely pindown relations from both the question and the cor-pus to ensure that the relations match satisfacto-rily. The possessive relation involving planet andvolcano is another instance of the ambiguous mod-ification phenomenon because there are other po-tential choices for modifiers and modifiees, e.g.,the planet’s ocean or the island’s volcano.

In the example (Q2) in Figure 2, there aretwo ambiguous modifiers: largest, involved in anadjective-noun modification relation, and in theSolar System, involved in a location relation. Sen-tences (B2) and (B3) have the correct lexical con-tent, but only some of the correct syntactic rela-tions. In (B2), both largest and in the Solar Sys-tem modify the incorrect head noun. In (B3), inthe Solar System does not modify the correct headnoun.

1By local context, we mean the set of head nouns sur-rounding the ambiguous modifier in question. The size ofthis local context is related to the granularity of the informa-tion retrieval process we are comparing against. For example,in document retrieval, where all the words in a document areconsidered, an ambiguous modifier can potentially modify ahead noun anywhere in the document.

2Researchers have attempted to work around this prob-lem by indexing consecutive word pairs, but there are simpleexamples in which this technique would not help, e.g., “thebrown apple” vs. “the apple brown from bruising,” “John’shouse” vs. “house of John.”

3True in this case, because we are looking for a planetwith the largest volcano, and not, for example, the largestplanet that possesses a volcano.

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Adjectives are often ambiguous modifiers:given a context with a pool of adjectives andnouns, any particular adjective could potentiallymodify many nouns. Under such circumstances,a question answering system cannot achieve highprecision without exactly identifying the particularrelation between words through detailed syntacticanalysis.

4 Ternary ExpressionsIn the previous section, we identified two naturallanguage phenomena that pose difficulties to tra-ditional IE-driven QA systems, difficulties whichare alleviated by endowing a system with the abil-ity to perform syntactic analysis. To do so, weneed a syntactic representation that can capture theimportant relations between words in text, yet isamenable to rapid processing and matching.

Although parse trees capture syntactic relations,they are difficult to generate, store, and manip-ulate rapidly. In a particular set of experiments,Smeaton et al. (1994) lamented the awkwardnessand slow speed of processing full parse trees. In-deed, generating detailed parses is often time-consuming, and much of the parse information isnot directly relevant to question answering any-way.

Similarly, logical form is not the best represen-tation for our purposes, despite its utility in pre-cisely and formally delineating problems. Ma-nipulation of logical forms requires significantcomputational machinery, e.g., unification mecha-nisms, a general theorem prover, etc. Furthermore,using logic as the paradigm for matching relationsrequires careful and exact formulation of all ax-ioms and allowed inferences a priori, which is notpractical due to the ambiguous nature of language.

We believe that a more pragmatic solution tocapturing the relations relevant for question an-swering is to distill natural language text intoternary (three-place) expressions (Katz, 1988).Ternary expressions may be intuitively viewedas subject-relation-object triples, and can easilyexpress many types of relations, e.g., subject-verb-object relations, possession relations, etc.The START Question Answering System (Katz,1997) has been employing such representations ef-fectively in question answering for the last two

decades, and we find that they are a good com-promise between expressiveness and simplicity.

Using ternary expressions, the semantic differ-ences between the text fragments presented in Fig-ure 1 can be distinguished at the syntactic level:

(1) [ bird eat snake ](1′) [ snake eat bird ](2) [ largest adjmod planet ]

[ planet poss volcano ](2′) [ largest adjmod volcano ]

[ planet poss volcano ](3) [ house by river ](3′) [ river by house ](4) [ Germans defeat French ](4′) [ French defeat Germans ]

5 Initial ExperimentsIn order to demonstrate our ideas, we have im-plemented Sapere, a prototype natural languagequestion answering system that retrieves answersby matching ternary expressions derived from thequestion with those derived from the corpus text.

As a baseline for comparison, we implementeda simple boolean retrieval engine that uses a stan-dard inverted keyword index to index documentsat the sentence level. All stopwords are discarded,and all content words are stemmed. For the base-line, a conjunctive query of all non-stopwordsfrom the query is issued to the boolean retrievalengine; the resulting set of sentences is ranked bythe number of non-stopwords that were found ineach sentence. Although boolean keyword searchsystems do not perform as well as state-of-the-art IR engines, we believe that they serve as anadequate baseline for comparison since there issubstantial empirical evidence that boolean-basedpassage retrieval techniques are sufficient to ob-tain reasonable performance in question answer-ing tasks (Light et al., 2001).

Sapere is primarily a relations-indexing engine;it stores and indexes ternary expressions extractedfrom the corpus text and performs matching atthe relation level between questions and sentencesstored in its index. Ternary expressions are gen-erated from text by postprocessing the results ofMinipar (Lin, 1993), a fast and robust functionaldependency parser. Currently, Sapere detects thefollowing types of relations: subject-verb-object(including passive constructions), adjective-nounmodification, noun-noun modification, possessive

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What countries has Japan invaded?

What eats snakes?Who defeated the Spanish Armada?

When do lions hunt?

What is the largest planet?

Figure 3: Sample questions used in the user study

relations, predicate nominatives, predicate adjec-tives, appositives, and prepositional phrases.

Ternary expressions are similarly derived fromthe question, with the wh-entity left as an unboundvariable. Sapere attempts to match relations inthe question with those found in the corpus text,thereby binding the unbound variable in the ques-tion with the actual answer. If such a match oc-curs, the candidate sentence is returned.

The test corpus used in our experiments wasan electronic version of the Worldbook Encyclo-pedia, which contains approximately 20,000 arti-cles. The entire corpus was parsed and relationsextracted from it were indexed by Sapere.

The test set consisted of 16 hand-selected ques-tions that illustrate the two linguistic phenomenadiscussed previously; some of these questions areshown in Figure 3. For example, “Who defeatedthe Spanish Armada?” probes semantically sym-metric relations; “What is the largest planet?” testsambiguous modification.

Results from both the baseline system andSapere were collected and manually judged to beeither relevant or irrelevant. The comparison be-tween the baseline and Sapere can be seen in Ta-ble 1. For the sixteen questions in this particulartest set, indexing and matching relations (Sapere)achieved a precision of 0.84 ± 0.11, while basickeyword matching (baseline) achieved only a pre-cision of 0.29± 0.11. In addition, Sapere returnedfar fewer results, reducing the amount of readingthe user must perform to obtain the correct answer.

A sample output from the baseline keywordsindexer is shown in Figure 4. After removingstopwords from the query, our simple keywordsearch engine returned 32 results that contain thekeywords frog and eat. Of all the sentences re-turned, only (C4) correctly answers the user query.

Relations Keywords

Avg. # of sentences returned 4 43.88Avg. # of correct sentences 3.13 5.88Avg. precision 0.84 0.29

Table 1: Comparison between relations and key-word indexing.

(Q3) What do frogs eat?(C1) Alligators eat many kinds of small animals that live

in or near the water, including fish, snakes, frogs, turtles,

small mammals, and birds.

(C2) Some bats catch fish with their claws, and a few

species eat lizards, rodents, small birds, tree frogs, and

other bats.

(C3) Bowfins eat mainly other fish, frogs, and crayfish.

(C4) Adult frogs eat mainly insects and other small ani-

mals, including earthworms, minnows, and spiders.

(C5) Kookaburras eat caterpillars, fish, frogs, insects,

small mammals, snakes, worms, and even small birds.(C6) . . .

Figure 4: Sample output from the baseline key-word indexer

By comparison, our relations matcher returns only(C4) as the correct answer.

Syntactic analysis of the question can distin-guish the ternary expression derived from “Whatdo frogs eat?” ([ frog eat ?x ]) from the ternaryexpression representing “What eats frogs?” ([ ?xeat frog ]) and respond to the former question withsentences containing such relations as [ frog eatinsect ] instead of sentences containing relationslike [ alligator eat frog ], despite the similar lexi-cal content of all the sentences.

6 DiscussionLarge precision gains were achieved in our ex-periments because the test set was engineered toillustrate the two phenomena that we identified:semantic symmetry and ambiguous modification.By exactly pinpointing the areas in which natu-ral language techniques are helpful, Sapere wasable to exploit syntactic parsing to dramaticallyincrease precision. Instead of relying exclusivelyon sophisticated linguistic techniques, we suggestthat simpler linguistically-uninformed techniques

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(Q1003) What is the highest dam in the U.S.?(D1) Extensive flooding was reported Sunday on the Chat-

tahoochee River in Georgia as it neared its crest at Tail-

water and George Dam, its highest level since 1929.


(D2) A swollen tributary the Ganges River in the capital

today reached its highest level in 34 years, officials said,as soldiers and volunteers worked to build dams against

the rising waters. (AP880902-0066)

(D3) Two years ago, the numbers of steelhead returning to

the river was the highest since the dam was built in 1959.


Figure 5: Sample answers from TREC that illus-trate problems with ambiguous modification.

should not be abandoned. The resulting combinedsystem will see more modest, but still valuable,gains in precision.

Because Sapere currently derives relations fromMinipar, the quality of the relations ultimately de-pends on the quality of the parser. Despite parseerrors, indexing syntactic representations booststhe performance of our question answering sys-tem because the relations we chose to index aregenerally ones that can be reliably and accuratelyextracted from text, e.g., adjective-noun modifi-cation, simple subject-verb-object relations fromthe matrix clause, etc. However, deriving relationsusing off-the-shelf parsers, while convenient forcurrent experimental purposes, might not be theideal situation in the longer term. A custom-builtlightweight parser specifically designed to extractrelations might be faster and more accurate.

A quick analysis of the TREC corpus revealsthat instances of the phenomena we’ve describedoccur frequently. Many real-word user questionscrucially depend on particular relations betweenentities, e.g., “When were William Shakespeare’stwins born?”, taken from Q1002 at TREC-2001QA Track. The vast majority of incorrect answersreported the birthday of Shakespeare himself, be-cause the crucial possessive relation between thepoet and his twins was neglected. Shown in Fig-ure 5 are a few more incorrect answers returnedby actual systems in TREC-2001 QA Track, at-tributed to ambiguous modification.

A distinct feature of Sapere is that it indexesall relations extracted from the corpus, instead ofpost-processing a set of candidate documents orpassages from an IR system. We believe that thisstrategy overcomes the recall problem associatedwith the standard two-step approach: if the IR sys-tem doesn’t produce any relevant documents, fur-ther processing (linguistic or otherwise) is useless.Take the example shown in Figure 5: since high-est and dam co-occur frequently, it is possible thatirrelevant results will “swamp out” relevant docu-ments, so that relevant documents might not evenbe considered in later processing stages of a sys-tem. This problem is especially severe if the an-swer is only mentioned in one document from theentire corpus. Indexing relations from the groundup is a potential solution to this problem. Unfor-tunately, this strategy is also very computation-ally intensive, limiting our initial experiments toa smaller corpus. Our next goal is to apply ourrelations-indexing technique to the much largerTREC corpus.

Sapere’s relation matcher currently attempts tomatch relations derived from the question againstrelations derived from the corpus. It does not,however, verify the absence of particular relationsthat may “invalidate” a response. The simplest ex-ample of this is explicit negation, although otheradverbial modifiers (e.g., never, barely, unlikely),modals, verbs that take sentential complements(e.g., deny, hallucinate), and even certain adjec-tive ( e.g., former, non-existent) can have the sameeffect. We are currently building a more sophisti-cated relations matcher that will take these effectsinto account. An even more troublesome issue isthat of implied relations in a user query. Whena user asks “What is the tallest mountain?”, thequalification “in the world” is generally assumed.The implied relation is a matter of common sense,based on shared world knowledge. Without thisknowledge, a system like Sapere might return thetallest mountain in the world, the tallest mountainin Asia, the tallest mountain in Europe, etc. Al-though these are arguably all correct answers (insome sense), it might not be appropriate to list thetallest mountains in every country. Short of “solv-ing” common sense, the best solution is to buildbetter interfaces that allow users to iteratively re-

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fine queries and supply missing information.Another important issue remains to be resolved:

how do we classify questions into classes thatexhibit either semantic symmetry or ambiguousmodification? It should be possible to automati-cally construct a relational “lexicon” of symmetricrelations and ambiguous modifiers. Semanticallysymmetric relations can be recognized by consid-ering the domains of their arguments; if significantintersection exists between the arguments, then therelation exhibits semantic symmetry. Ambiguousmodifiers can be automatically acquired in a sim-ilar way; given a relation R(m,w) between mod-ifier m and head w (extracted from the question),find all heads c1 . . . cn that co-occur with w; if therelation R(m, ci) holds for any of the c’s, then wecan conclude that the modifier m is ambiguous.

A future research direction is to expand on ourcatalog of linguistic phenomena; we have pre-sented two here, but we believe that there are addi-tional opportunities where syntactic analysis couldbenefit question answering. By selectively us-ing natural language processing technology onlywhen they are known to be beneficial, a systemlike Sapere can significantly boost question an-swering performance. Naturally, if matching userqueries and corpus documents fails at the syntac-tic relations level (i.e., produces no matches), aquestion answering system should fall back on lesslinguistically-informed approaches.

7 ConclusionsMany members of the IR and NLP communitybelieve that question answering is an applicationin which sophisticated linguistic techniques willtruly shine. However, this belief has yet to be em-pirically verified, as linguistically-impoverishedsystems have generally outperformed those that at-tempt syntactic or semantic analysis. In supportof those techniques, we have categorized and em-pirically verified two phenomena, semantic sym-metry and ambiguous modification, in which syn-tactic relations prove to be extremely effective.By first identifying, and then selectively apply-ing linguistically-sophisticated techniques, we canovercome the limitations of present-day naturallanguage technology and increase the performanceof question answering systems.

AcknowledgementsWe would like to thank Sue Felshin, Gregory Mar-ton, and Stefanie Tellex for their valuable sugges-tions and comments on earlier drafts of this paper.We would also like to thank the anonymous re-viewers for their comments and suggestions. Thisresearch is funded by DARPA under contract num-ber F30602-00-1-0545 and administered by theAir Force Research Laboratory. Additional fund-ing is provided by the Oxygen Project.

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Author Index

Bos, Johan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12Collin, Olivier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34Dalmas, Tiphaine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Delmonte, Rodolfo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Dowdall, James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Duclaye, Florence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34Gaizauskas, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28Greenwood, Mark A.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28Grover, Claire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Hess, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Katz, Boris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41Leidner, Jochen L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Lin, Jimmy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41Molla, Diego . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5de Rijke, Maarten. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iiRinaldi, Fabio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Schwitter, Rolf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Webber, Bonnie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii, 12Yvon, Francois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34Zweigenbaum, Pierre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1


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Page 57: Natural Language Processing for Question Answering (NLP4QA) · 2019-08-02 · This volume contains the six papers accepted for presentation at Natural Language Processing for Question

Author Index

Bos, Johan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Collin, Olivier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34Dalmas, Tiphaine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Delmonte, Rodolfo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Dowdall, James. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Duclaye, Florence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34Gaizauskas, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28Greenwood, Mark A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28Grover, Claire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Hess, Michael. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Katz, Boris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41Leidner, Jochen L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Lin, Jimmy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41Molla, Diego . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5de Rijke, Maarten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iiRinaldi, Fabio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Schwitter, Rolf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Webber, Bonnie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii, 12Yvon, Francois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34Zweigenbaum, Pierre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1