Nations Without Borders? Really? Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd Satan’s end-game back long ago was to try and create a world government at the Tower of Babel (Gen. 11:1-9). He worked through a

Nations Without Borders? really?

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What is Satan's end game? When will the New World Order be complete? Who will control this new age society? Read on......

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Nations Without Borders? Really?

Researched by Pastor Gary Boyd

Satan’s end-game back long ago was to try and create a world government at the Tower of Babel (Gen. 11:1-9). He worked through a man named Nimrod whose name means “let us revolt.”

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By assisting Satan, Nimrod was revolting against God.

The Almighty stopped this globalist agenda (New World Order) by confusing the people’s language, creating nations with borders, and scattering the people. That, and later the Restrainer (Holy Spirit), has held back global governance for thousands of years (II Thess. 2:6-10).

Leaders Against God

World leaders, who seem to never learn from the mistakes of history, now want to go against what God did to restrain world government. They want to betray Him again, break up the nations and borders, and once again try to establish a borderless world. How is that working for them in Europe now with all the refugees flooding in?

However, a borderless world is a world without sovereign nations. A world without sovereign nations is a world without the United States that would have to kowtow to a one world government.

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The United States will no longer be the greatest nation on earth because the United States will no longer be a conglomeration of Mexico and Canada.

This effort is satanic because it will undo what God did when He established borders and nations back during the time of the Tower of Babel during the Babylonian years.

Betrayal of American Citizens

The effort is treasonous because it is a betrayal of the citizens of the United States by purposely acting against the sovereignty of the United States. It is an effort to subject America’s leaders to unelected globalist leaders who have been set in place by the Bilderberg group that do not follow democracy but a form of fascist socialism (the same belief system as before World War Two in Nazi Germany).

The Bible says it will happen and those global leaders will be followers of the Anti-Christ who will be possessed of Satan (Rev. 13:7-8).

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Obama the Traitor

It is not unusual to hear people say that President Obama is a traitor to the United States and that he is out to destroy America with his contrarian views and socialist ideology. His latest attempt is to try and put transgendered bathrooms in public schools and federal facilities. If the states do not comply, their federal funding will be stopped. That, my dear friends, is extortion and he is trying to use power that he does not have. His habit of apologizing for America, his refusal to say the words “Islamic terrorist,” his placement of Muslims in the CIA and Homeland Security, putting his Muslim Brotherhood friends in powerful positions in government, his release of Muslim terrorists from Guantanamo where more than a third have returned to the battlefield, his befriending America’s enemies and betrayal of America’s friends, and more, have citizens questioning his loyalty. In some sectors they want him removed from government office for treason. Some even call him America’s traitor in chief and many think he should have been impeached several years ago.

Kerry the Traitor

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It is also not unusual to hear people say that Secretary of State John Kerry is a traitor to the United States. His Vietnam War record, his anti-war comments and his pro-Communist comments after that terrible event have been the subject of controversy for close to 50 years. He even threw his war medals over the White House fence in an anti war protest.

Having said this, on May 6, 2016, Mr. Kerry delivered the commencement speech at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts and he told the graduates, “You’re about to graduate in a complex and borderless world” (http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/kerry-slams-trumps-wall-tells-grads-to-prepare-for-borderless-world/article/2590596).

Notice that he didn’t say borderless America. He said borderless world (the globalists much-desired New World Order or, should we say, Satan’s old, old plan to enslave the world). It is a very interesting statement considering the fact that the UN has voted to create a world government by 2030.

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Mr. Kerry belittled the importance of borders and walls. He said borders and walls are unwise. And he called the desire of people to retain their sovereignty “nostalgia for some rose-tinted version of the past.”

I will tell you what is unwise or what I call surprisingly foolish: not believing the Scriptures, thinking that he is wiser than God or thinking that he can undo what God has done and get away with it.

Of course, President Obama would have to betray America to go along with this, but there is not a doubt in this writer’s mind that he would.

Instead of listening to Mr. John Kerry (a possible traitor) and preparing for a borderless world, those graduates should listen to the Word of God and prepare for the Rapture of the church.

If this year’s college graduates are living in the generation that is going to see the borderless world, this is the terminal generation of the Church Age and most of them will most likely be here when the Rapture takes place.

If they miss the Rapture, they will probably be here when the Tribulation period starts and there is no way to prepare for that. It will be a time of trouble unlike anything that has ever occurred on earth before (Matt. 24:21).

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Finally, when the Secretary of the United States indicates that we are living in the generation that will have a borderless world wouldn’t you think that it should cause at least a few people to wake up?

Otherwise, one might think that we are living in the days of Noah when only eight people were saved from the flood.

Christians Murdered Worldwide

This coming one world government with its one world religion is in the process now of murdering Christians around the world. This is emerging all around us and, in the Great Tribulation, Christians will be persecuted, tortured, and martyred all in the name of Jesus Christ.The world is headed for the very catastrophic upheaval depicted in Daniel and Revelation. New age teachers believe that the plan calls for the kind of catastrophic judgments recorded in the Book of Revelation with the rise of Babylon the Great described in Revelation 17 & 18. These new agers believe these horrible events will strip the Christian Church of all its remaining influence and will be used

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as a reason to bring in the one world dictatorship, the Anti-Christ.

The goal of the plan is to help mankind reach a so called “Harmonic Convergence” in consciousness. At this point mankind will evolve into a higher state and the new world order can begin. Obviously this will be a new tenant of the emerging one world religion and the teaching of the False Prophet.

This is all straight ahead within the next twelve years, but you may ask how can this be so? The thing is that when the True Church is gone in the rapture the Holy Spirit the restrainer will be gone also. There will be nothing holding back the coming of the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet, there will only be the wicked left to control things and scripture says these times will be quickened. So look up for your redeemer draws nigh unto us, are you rapture ready? Maranatha……..