National Tracking Poll #200573 May 19-21, 2020 Crosstabulation Results Methodology: is poll was conducted between May 19-May 21, 2020 among a national sample of 1995 Registered Voters. e interviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of Registered Voters based on age, educational attainment, gender, race, and region. Results from the full survey have a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.

NationalTrackingPoll#200573 May19-21,2020 … · 2020. 5. 22. · NationalTrackingPoll#200573 May19-21,2020 CrosstabulationResults Methodology: ThispollwasconductedbetweenMay19-May21,2020amonganationalsampleof1995Registered

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Page 1: NationalTrackingPoll#200573 May19-21,2020 … · 2020. 5. 22. · NationalTrackingPoll#200573 May19-21,2020 CrosstabulationResults Methodology: ThispollwasconductedbetweenMay19-May21,2020amonganationalsampleof1995Registered

National Tracking Poll #200573May 19-21, 2020

Crosstabulation Results

Methodology:This poll was conducted betweenMay 19-May 21, 2020 among a national sample of 1995 RegisteredVoters. The interviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a targetsample of Registered Voters based on age, educational attainment, gender, race, and region. Resultsfrom the full survey have a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.

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Table Index

1 Table CMS1: To the best of your knowledge, which of these best describes the availability ofCOVID-19 (coronavirus) testing in your local community? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2 Table CMS2: If you thought you had been exposed to COVID-19 (coronavirus), how likelywould you be to take a diagnostic test to determine if you currently have COVID-19 (coron-avirus)? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3 Table CMS3: And how likely is it that you would take an antibody test to determine if youwere previously infected with COVID-19 (coronavirus)? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

4 Table CMS4_1: You indicated that it is unlikely you would take a diagnostic test for COVID-19 (coronavirus). To what extent are the following a reason why you would not get tested forCOVID-19? I don’t think the COVID-19 test is accurate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

5 Table CMS4_2: You indicated that it is unlikely you would take a diagnostic test for COVID-19 (coronavirus). To what extent are the following a reason why you would not get tested forCOVID-19? I don’t think COVID-19 testing is easily available where I live . . . . . . . . . . 23

6 Table CMS4_3: You indicated that it is unlikely you would take a diagnostic test for COVID-19 (coronavirus). To what extent are the following a reason why you would not get tested forCOVID-19? I wouldn’t want to get exposed to COVID-19 at the testing facility . . . . . . . . 25

7 Table CMS4_4: You indicated that it is unlikely you would take a diagnostic test for COVID-19 (coronavirus). To what extent are the following a reason why you would not get tested forCOVID-19? I don’t trust the government . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

8 Table CMS4_5: You indicated that it is unlikely you would take a diagnostic test for COVID-19 (coronavirus). To what extent are the following a reason why you would not get tested forCOVID-19? I don’t trust the health care or medical system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

9 Table CMS4_6: You indicated that it is unlikely you would take a diagnostic test for COVID-19 (coronavirus). To what extent are the following a reason why you would not get tested forCOVID-19? I don’t think my insurance covers the test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

10 Table CMS4_7: You indicated that it is unlikely you would take a diagnostic test for COVID-19 (coronavirus). To what extent are the following a reason why you would not get tested forCOVID-19? It is too expensive to get the COVID-19 test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

11 Table CMS4_8: You indicated that it is unlikely you would take a diagnostic test for COVID-19 (coronavirus). To what extent are the following a reason why you would not get tested forCOVID-19? It is too expensive to get the COVID-19 treatment if I have it . . . . . . . . . . 35

12 TableCMS5_1: Towhat extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?If I was concerned about being exposed to COVID-19, I would try to get tested . . . . . . . . 37

13 TableCMS5_2: Towhat extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?I am suspicious of testing for COVID-19, and would avoid getting tested . . . . . . . . . . . 41


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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020

14 TableCMS5_3: Towhat extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?I would like to know that I could get tested for COVID-19 whenever necessary . . . . . . . . 45

15 TableCMS5_4: Towhat extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?Regularly testing people for COVID-19 would help the United States contain the spread of thevirus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

16 TableCMS5_5: Towhat extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?The United States has not done enough to make COVID-19 testing readily available . . . . . 53

17 TableCMS5_6: Towhat extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?My state has not done enough to make testing readily available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

18 Table CMS6: If a vaccine that protects from the coronavirus became available, would you getvaccinated, or not? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

19 Table CMS7_1: You indicated that you would not get vaccinated for COVID-19 (coron-avirus), even if it became available. To what extent are the following a reason why you wouldnot get vaccinated? I’m concerned about the potential side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine . 65

20 Table CMS7_2: You indicated that you would not get vaccinated for COVID-19 (coron-avirus), even if it became available. To what extent are the following a reason why you wouldnot get vaccinated? I don’t believe a COVID-19 vaccine would work . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

21 Table CMS7_3: You indicated that you would not get vaccinated for COVID-19 (coron-avirus), even if it became available. To what extent are the following a reason why you wouldnot get vaccinated? I don’t trust the government . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

22 Table CMS7_4: You indicated that you would not get vaccinated for COVID-19 (coron-avirus), even if it became available. To what extent are the following a reason why you wouldnot get vaccinated? I don’t trust the health care or medical system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

23 Table CMS8_1: In the past month, have you done the following? Worn a face mask in publicspaces such as the grocery store or park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

24 Table CMS8_2: In the past month, have you done the following? Avoided contact with othersby social distancing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

25 Table CMS8_3: In the past month, have you done the following? Disinfected and cleanedyour home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

26 Table CMS8_4: In the past month, have you done the following? Disinfected and cleanedyour personal electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

27 Table CMS9_1: And to what extent are the following a reason you do not always wear a facemask in public spaces? I don’t have a face mask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

28 Table CMS9_2: And to what extent are the following a reason you do not always wear a facemask in public spaces? I cannot afford a face mask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

29 Table CMS9_3: And to what extent are the following a reason you do not always wear a facemask in public spaces? Face masks are not available near me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99


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Morning Consult

30 Table CMS9_4: And to what extent are the following a reason you do not always wear a facemask in public spaces? Face masks are uncomfortable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

31 Table CMS9_5: And to what extent are the following a reason you do not always wear a facemask in public spaces? I don’t think face masks protect you from COVID-19 (coronavirus) . . 105

32 Table CMS9_6: And to what extent are the following a reason you do not always wear a facemask in public spaces? Face masks don’t look good . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

33 Table CMS10: Amid the coronavirus pandemic, many restaurants across the country havetemporarily closed their dine-in services. Do you miss dining out in restaurants? . . . . . . . 111

34 TableCMS12: Which of the following best describes your office environment before theCOVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus)? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

35 Table CMS13: Amid the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus), how comfortable do you cur-rently feel returning to your office? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

36 Table CMS14_1: Do you think COVID-19 (coronavirus) testing should be required of thefollowing groups? Employees before returning to their workplace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

37 Table CMS14_2: Do you think COVID-19 (coronavirus) testing should be required of thefollowing groups? Students before returning to schools or colleges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

38 Table CMS15_1: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, acasual fan or not a fan of each of the following? ATP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130

39 Table CMS15_2: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, acasual fan or not a fan of each of the following? Esports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134

40 Table CMS15_3: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, acasual fan or not a fan of each of the following? F1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138

41 Table CMS15_4: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, acasual fan or not a fan of each of the following? IndyCar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142

42 Table CMS15_5: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, acasual fan or not a fan of each of the following? MLB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

43 Table CMS15_6: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, acasual fan or not a fan of each of the following? MLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

44 Table CMS15_7: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, acasual fan or not a fan of each of the following? NASCAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154

45 Table CMS15_8: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, acasual fan or not a fan of each of the following? NBA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158

46 Table CMS15_9: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, acasual fan or not a fan of each of the following? NCAA football . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162

47 Table CMS15_10: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, acasual fan or not a fan of each of the following? NCAA men’s basketball . . . . . . . . . . . 166


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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020

48 Table CMS15_11: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, acasual fan or not a fan of each of the following? NCAA women’s basketball . . . . . . . . . . 170

49 Table CMS15_12: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, acasual fan or not a fan of each of the following? NFL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174

50 Table CMS15_13: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, acasual fan or not a fan of each of the following? NHL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178

51 Table CMS15_14: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, acasual fan or not a fan of each of the following? PGA Tour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182

52 Table CMS15_15: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, acasual fan or not a fan of each of the following? UFC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186

53 Table CMS15_16: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, acasual fan or not a fan of each of the following? WNBA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190

54 Table CMS15_17: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, acasual fan or not a fan of each of the following? WTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194

55 TableCMS16: Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, how often did youwatch live sporting eventson television? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198

56 Table CMS18_1NET: Which of the following sports have you watched since their return toaction in the past week? Please select all that apply. Bundesliga (German soccer) . . . . . . . 202

57 Table CMS18_2NET: Which of the following sports have you watched since their return toaction in the past week? Please select all that apply. Golf (Taylormade Drive for Relief - RoryMcIlroy and Dustin Johnson vs. Ricky Fowler and Matthew Wolff) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206

58 Table CMS18_3NET: Which of the following sports have you watched since their return toaction in the past week? Please select all that apply. NASCAR (from Darlington Raceway) . . 210

59 Table CMS18_4NET: Which of the following sports have you watched since their return toaction in the past week? Please select all that apply. Professional Bull Riding . . . . . . . . . 214

60 Table CMS18_5NET: Which of the following sports have you watched since their return toaction in the past week? Please select all that apply. Other, specify: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218

61 Table CMS18_6NET: Which of the following sports have you watched since their return toaction in the past week? Please select all that apply. None of the above . . . . . . . . . . . . 222

62 Table CMS19: Which of the following comes closest to your view even if neither is exactly right?226

63 Table CMS20: As you may know, several professional sports organizations are expected toresume play in the comingmonths without fans in attendance due to the COVID-19 pandemic(coronavirus). Knowing this, how do you expect the lack of fans in attendance to impact yourenjoyment of watching live sports on television, assuming that no arti cial crowd noise orvisuals are added to the broadcast? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231


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Morning Consult

64 Table CMS21: And if a live sporting event has no fans in attendance, would you be more orless likely to watch it on television? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235

65 Table CMS22_1: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment ofeach of the following sports on television? Tennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239

66 Table CMS22_2: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment ofeach of the following sports on television? Auto racing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243

67 Table CMS22_3: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment ofeach of the following sports on television? Baseball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247

68 Table CMS22_4: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment ofeach of the following sports on television? Soccer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251

69 Table CMS22_5: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment ofeach of the following sports on television? Professional basketball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255

70 Table CMS22_6: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment ofeach of the following sports on television? Professional football . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259

71 Table CMS22_7: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment ofeach of the following sports on television? College basketball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263

72 Table CMS22_8: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment ofeach of the following sports on television? College football . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267

73 Table CMS22_9: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment ofeach of the following sports on television? Hockey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271

74 Table CMS22_10: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment ofeach of the following sports on television? Golf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275

75 Table CMS22_11: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment ofeach of the following sports on television? Combat sports, such as boxing and mixed martialarts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279

76 Table CMS23_1: How do you believe each of the following measures would impact your en-joyment of watching sporting events on televisionwithout fans in attendance? Adding arti cialor recorded crowd noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283

77 Table CMS23_2: How do you believe each of the following measures would impact your en-joyment of watching sporting events on television without fans in attendance? Superimposingrealistic-looking fans into the stands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287

78 Table CMS23_3: How do you believe each of the following measures would impact your en-joyment of watching sporting events on television without fans in attendance? Playing back-ground music during play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291


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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020

79 Table CMS23_4: How do you believe each of the following measures would impact your en-joyment of watching sporting events on television without fans in attendance? Being ableto hear natural sounds of the sport more clearly (such as sneakers squeaking in basketball,punches landing in combat sports or the ball hitting the inside of a glove in baseball) . . . . . 295

80 Table CMS23_5: How do you believe each of the following measures would impact your en-joyment of watching sporting events on television without fans in attendance? Providing liveplayer audio through additional microphones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299

81 Table CMS24_1: How interested would you be in interacting with live sports broadcasts ineach of the following ways while there are no fans in attendance? A desktop or mobile app thatallows fans at home to control arti cial crowd noise on the broadcast by pushing buttons suchas ’cheer,’ ’boo,’ ’chant,’ etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303

82 Table CMS24_2: How interested would you be in interacting with live sports broadcasts ineach of the following ways while there are no fans in attendance? A desktop or mobile app thatrecords audio from fans watching at home and inserts it into the broadcast in real-time . . . 307

83 Table CMSdem1_1: In the past year, howmany times have you done the following? Traveledwithin the U.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311

84 Table CMSdem1_2: In the past year, howmany times have you done the following? Traveledoutside of the U.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315

85 Table CMSdem1_3: In the past year, how many times have you done the following? Stayedovernight at a hotel in the U.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319

86 Table CMSdem1_4: In the past year, how many times have you done the following? Stayedovernight at a hotel outside of the U.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323

87 Table CMSdem1_5: In the past year, howmany times have you done the following? Traveledby airplane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327

88 Table CMSdem2_1: And do you currently have plans to do any of the following in the nextyear? Travel within the U.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331

89 Table CMSdem2_2: And do you currently have plans to do any of the following in the nextyear? Travel outside of the U.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335

90 Table CMSdem2_3: And do you currently have plans to do any of the following in the nextyear? Stay overnight at a hotel in the U.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339

91 Table CMSdem2_4: And do you currently have plans to do any of the following in the nextyear? Stay overnight at a hotel outside of the U.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343

92 Table CMSdem2_5: And do you currently have plans to do any of the following in the nextyear? Travel by airplane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347

93 Table CMSdem3_1: In general, what kind of fan do you consider yourself of the following?Film . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351


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Morning Consult

94 Table CMSdem3_2: In general, what kind of fan do you consider yourself of the following?Television . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355

95 Table CMSdem3_3: In general, what kind of fan do you consider yourself of the following?Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359

96 Table CMSdem3_4: In general, what kind of fan do you consider yourself of the following?Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363

97 Table CMSdem4: How concerned are you with the issue of climate change and the impact itis having on the U.S. environment? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367

98 Table CMSdem5: Which of the following best describes your current behavior? . . . . . . . 371

99 Table CMSdem6: How concerned are you about the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus)? . 376

100 Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent Demographics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380


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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS1

Crosstabulation Results by Respondent Demographics

Table CMS1: To the best of your knowledge, which of these best describes the availability of COVID-19 (coronavirus) testing in your local community?


Testing is readilyavailable to all whowant or need it

Testing isavailable, but only

to a limitednumber of people

who qualifyTesting is not

readily availableDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 26% (521) 43% (854) 13% (257) 18% (364) 1995Gender: Male 28% (263) 40% (375) 14% (133) 17% (163) 934Gender: Female 24% (258) 45% (479) 12% (124) 19% (200) 1061Age: 18-34 23% (113) 46% (231) 12% (61) 19% (96) 501Age: 35-44 30% (92) 42% (127) 12% (36) 16% (48) 303Age: 45-64 27% (198) 42% (303) 13% (98) 18% (127) 727Age: 65+ 25% (118) 42% (193) 13% (61) 20% (92) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 18% (39) 42% (91) 14% (29) 26% (55) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 26% (121) 48% (217) 12% (54) 14% (65) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 30% (143) 41% (198) 14% (68) 15% (74) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 25% (185) 43% (318) 12% (93) 20% (149) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 23% (166) 50% (368) 14% (99) 13% (97) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 22% (134) 43% (262) 15% (95) 20% (123) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 34% (221) 34% (223) 10% (62) 22% (143) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 24% (72) 47% (142) 16% (47) 13% (39) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 22% (94) 53% (227) 12% (52) 14% (58) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 22% (71) 43% (137) 17% (54) 18% (57) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 21% (63) 42% (125) 14% (41) 22% (66) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 38% (119) 31% (97) 10% (31) 21% (67) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 30% (102) 38% (127) 9% (31) 23% (76) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 20% (112) 55% (310) 15% (82) 11% (62) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 26% (138) 46% (246) 14% (77) 14% (74) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 33% (240) 36% (262) 10% (75) 21% (149) 726Educ: < College 26% (323) 39% (487) 12% (152) 23% (293) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 27% (126) 51% (239) 14% (67) 8% (39) 472Educ: Post-grad 27% (73) 47% (127) 14% (38) 12% (32) 268

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Morning ConsultTable CMS1

Table CMS1: To the best of your knowledge, which of these best describes the availability of COVID-19 (coronavirus) testing in your local community?


Testing is readilyavailable to all whowant or need it

Testing isavailable, but only

to a limitednumber of people

who qualifyTesting is not

readily availableDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 26% (521) 43% (854) 13% (257) 18% (364) 1995Income: Under 50k 26% (267) 38% (388) 14% (138) 22% (219) 1012Income: 50k-100k 24% (166) 48% (324) 12% (83) 16% (108) 681Income: 100k+ 29% (89) 47% (142) 12% (35) 12% (36) 302Ethnicity: White 26% (416) 43% (701) 13% (209) 18% (287) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 26% (50) 42% (80) 16% (31) 16% (31) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 30% (75) 39% (99) 13% (32) 19% (47) 253Ethnicity: Other 23% (30) 42% (53) 12% (16) 23% (29) 128All Christian 29% (283) 44% (425) 12% (115) 15% (145) 968All Non-Christian 25% (25) 48% (48) 16% (16) 12% (12) 100Atheist 16% (14) 56% (48) 13% (11) 15% (13) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 24% (200) 40% (333) 14% (114) 23% (194) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 22% (26) 51% (61) 13% (16) 14% (17) 119Evangelical 31% (174) 35% (194) 12% (64) 22% (121) 553Non-Evangelical 27% (202) 45% (342) 13% (96) 16% (122) 762Community: Urban 25% (114) 47% (212) 10% (46) 17% (78) 450Community: Suburban 28% (282) 45% (455) 12% (121) 16% (158) 1016Community: Rural 24% (125) 35% (187) 17% (90) 24% (128) 529Employ: Private Sector 28% (177) 47% (292) 13% (80) 12% (76) 624Employ: Government 28% (39) 46% (64) 11% (15) 15% (21) 138Employ: Self-Employed 26% (39) 42% (63) 16% (24) 16% (24) 150Employ: Homemaker 38% (39) 36% (37) 9% (10) 17% (18) 103Employ: Retired 26% (130) 40% (204) 14% (69) 20% (103) 507Employ: Unemployed 21% (43) 37% (77) 17% (35) 25% (51) 206Employ: Other 21% (29) 41% (55) 9% (12) 29% (39) 135Military HH: Yes 25% (85) 43% (145) 11% (36) 21% (69) 336Military HH: No 26% (436) 43% (708) 13% (220) 18% (295) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 33% (226) 36% (245) 10% (72) 21% (146) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 23% (295) 47% (608) 14% (184) 17% (217) 1305

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS1

Table CMS1: To the best of your knowledge, which of these best describes the availability of COVID-19 (coronavirus) testing in your local community?


Testing is readilyavailable to all whowant or need it

Testing isavailable, but only

to a limitednumber of people

who qualifyTesting is not

readily availableDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 26% (521) 43% (854) 13% (257) 18% (364) 1995Trump Job Approve 33% (277) 36% (298) 10% (87) 21% (172) 835Trump Job Disapprove 21% (233) 49% (536) 15% (168) 15% (163) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 35% (176) 32% (158) 10% (48) 23% (115) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 30% (101) 42% (141) 12% (39) 17% (58) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 27% (62) 45% (106) 15% (35) 13% (30) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 20% (171) 50% (431) 15% (133) 15% (133) 867Favorable of Trump 34% (278) 35% (284) 10% (84) 21% (167) 813Unfavorable of Trump 21% (227) 50% (546) 15% (165) 15% (164) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 37% (191) 31% (158) 9% (48) 23% (120) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 29% (87) 42% (125) 12% (36) 16% (47) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 32% (63) 41% (79) 11% (22) 16% (31) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 18% (165) 51% (467) 16% (143) 15% (133) 907#1 Issue: Economy 30% (191) 44% (281) 12% (76) 15% (93) 641#1 Issue: Security 28% (69) 38% (92) 8% (20) 26% (63) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 23% (90) 49% (192) 16% (62) 13% (51) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 26% (81) 35% (111) 16% (51) 22% (70) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 17% (13) 51% (39) 8% (6) 24% (18) 76#1 Issue: Education 25% (27) 46% (49) 14% (15) 16% (17) 108#1 Issue: Energy 18% (16) 49% (42) 13% (11) 20% (17) 87#1 Issue: Other 26% (35) 36% (48) 12% (15) 26% (34) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 22% (175) 51% (409) 15% (120) 12% (92) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 34% (225) 37% (238) 9% (60) 20% (128) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 20% (18) 39% (34) 15% (13) 26% (22) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 23% (166) 51% (367) 14% (102) 11% (79) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 32% (233) 37% (267) 11% (78) 20% (142) 7202016 Vote: Other 21% (29) 45% (62) 16% (22) 18% (25) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 22% (94) 37% (158) 13% (54) 27% (116) 421

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Morning ConsultTable CMS1

Table CMS1: To the best of your knowledge, which of these best describes the availability of COVID-19 (coronavirus) testing in your local community?


Testing is readilyavailable to all whowant or need it

Testing isavailable, but only

to a limitednumber of people

who qualifyTesting is not

readily availableDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 26% (521) 43% (854) 13% (257) 18% (364) 1995Voted in 2014: Yes 29% (386) 44% (594) 12% (164) 15% (203) 1346Voted in 2014: No 21% (135) 40% (260) 14% (93) 25% (161) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 25% (211) 49% (419) 13% (116) 13% (114) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 35% (180) 33% (168) 11% (56) 21% (105) 5092012 Vote: Other 20% (18) 47% (42) 12% (11) 21% (19) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 21% (110) 42% (225) 14% (74) 23% (123) 5324-Region: Northeast 22% (79) 50% (180) 12% (44) 15% (54) 3564-Region: Midwest 24% (110) 47% (215) 12% (56) 17% (77) 4584-Region: South 33% (243) 37% (272) 12% (89) 19% (141) 7454-Region: West 21% (90) 43% (186) 16% (68) 21% (91) 436Sports fan 27% (384) 43% (598) 13% (176) 17% (239) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 27% (106) 44% (171) 14% (54) 14% (54) 385Frequent Flyer 32% (73) 49% (110) 11% (25) 8% (18) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Table CMS2

Table CMS2: If you thought you had been exposed to COVID-19 (coronavirus), how likely would you be to take a diagnostic test to determine if youcurrently have COVID-19 (coronavirus)?

Demographic Very likelySomewhatlikely

Somewhatunlikely Very unlikely

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 56% (1120) 24% (479) 7% (143) 6% (124) 6% (128) 1995Gender: Male 53% (497) 26% (241) 9% (80) 7% (61) 6% (54) 934Gender: Female 59% (623) 22% (238) 6% (63) 6% (63) 7% (74) 1061Age: 18-34 45% (225) 27% (135) 11% (54) 9% (47) 8% (40) 501Age: 35-44 54% (163) 21% (64) 10% (30) 8% (23) 8% (23) 303Age: 45-64 57% (416) 26% (191) 5% (38) 5% (37) 6% (44) 727Age: 65+ 68% (316) 19% (89) 5% (21) 4% (17) 4% (21) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 44% (94) 27% (58) 10% (22) 9% (19) 10% (21) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 49% (225) 24% (112) 11% (49) 8% (38) 7% (32) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 55% (268) 25% (119) 7% (32) 6% (31) 7% (34) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 63% (469) 23% (171) 5% (37) 4% (33) 5% (36) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 63% (460) 21% (154) 8% (58) 3% (25) 5% (34) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 53% (325) 24% (146) 7% (41) 7% (46) 9% (57) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 52% (335) 28% (180) 7% (44) 8% (53) 6% (38) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 61% (184) 19% (59) 10% (30) 5% (15) 4% (13) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 64% (276) 22% (95) 7% (28) 2% (10) 5% (20) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 49% (157) 28% (89) 8% (26) 8% (24) 7% (23) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 57% (168) 19% (57) 5% (14) 7% (22) 12% (34) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 50% (156) 30% (94) 7% (23) 7% (22) 6% (18) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 53% (179) 26% (86) 6% (20) 9% (31) 6% (20) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 59% (333) 24% (134) 9% (52) 4% (20) 4% (25) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 60% (321) 22% (118) 7% (36) 6% (30) 5% (29) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 54% (389) 27% (194) 6% (44) 7% (54) 6% (45) 726Educ: < College 55% (686) 24% (296) 7% (87) 7% (86) 8% (100) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 57% (268) 25% (117) 9% (43) 5% (26) 4% (18) 472Educ: Post-grad 62% (166) 25% (67) 5% (13) 5% (13) 4% (10) 268Income: Under 50k 55% (557) 24% (241) 7% (74) 5% (55) 8% (85) 1012Income: 50k-100k 59% (399) 22% (151) 7% (50) 7% (50) 4% (31) 681Income: 100k+ 54% (164) 29% (87) 6% (19) 6% (19) 4% (12) 302Ethnicity: White 56% (906) 25% (406) 7% (111) 7% (106) 5% (85) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 57% (111) 22% (42) 7% (14) 6% (12) 7% (14) 193

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Morning ConsultTable CMS2

Table CMS2: If you thought you had been exposed to COVID-19 (coronavirus), how likely would you be to take a diagnostic test to determine if youcurrently have COVID-19 (coronavirus)?

Demographic Very likelySomewhatlikely

Somewhatunlikely Very unlikely

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 56% (1120) 24% (479) 7% (143) 6% (124) 6% (128) 1995Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 54% (138) 20% (51) 9% (23) 5% (13) 11% (28) 253Ethnicity: Other 60% (76) 17% (22) 6% (8) 5% (6) 12% (16) 128All Christian 59% (574) 24% (234) 5% (52) 6% (56) 5% (52) 968All Non-Christian 54% (54) 26% (26) 9% (9) 6% (6) 5% (5) 100Atheist 55% (47) 27% (23) 11% (10) 7% (6) — (0) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 53% (445) 23% (196) 9% (72) 7% (56) 9% (72) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 54% (65) 24% (29) 8% (9) 8% (10) 6% (7) 119Evangelical 57% (315) 23% (125) 6% (32) 7% (41) 7% (40) 553Non-Evangelical 60% (457) 24% (180) 6% (43) 6% (45) 5% (37) 762Community: Urban 60% (272) 23% (102) 7% (29) 4% (19) 6% (28) 450Community: Suburban 56% (572) 24% (249) 8% (85) 6% (63) 5% (48) 1016Community: Rural 52% (277) 24% (129) 5% (29) 8% (43) 10% (52) 529Employ: Private Sector 55% (346) 24% (152) 10% (60) 5% (34) 5% (32) 624Employ: Government 48% (66) 33% (45) 6% (8) 7% (10) 6% (8) 138Employ: Self-Employed 45% (67) 30% (45) 7% (11) 9% (13) 9% (13) 150Employ: Homemaker 64% (66) 21% (22) 6% (6) 6% (6) 3% (3) 103Employ: Retired 64% (327) 22% (112) 4% (20) 4% (23) 5% (25) 507Employ: Unemployed 53% (109) 19% (40) 7% (14) 9% (19) 12% (25) 206Employ: Other 57% (76) 20% (27) 10% (13) 7% (9) 7% (10) 135Military HH: Yes 56% (189) 26% (86) 5% (18) 7% (23) 6% (19) 336Military HH: No 56% (931) 24% (393) 7% (124) 6% (102) 7% (109) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 49% (338) 28% (196) 8% (52) 8% (53) 7% (52) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 60% (782) 22% (284) 7% (90) 5% (72) 6% (77) 1305Trump Job Approve 50% (416) 27% (227) 8% (69) 9% (74) 6% (50) 835Trump Job Disapprove 62% (678) 22% (246) 6% (71) 4% (46) 5% (59) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 51% (251) 25% (125) 8% (40) 10% (50) 6% (30) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 49% (165) 30% (102) 8% (28) 7% (24) 6% (19) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 57% (134) 25% (59) 7% (17) 4% (9) 6% (15) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 63% (544) 22% (187) 6% (54) 4% (37) 5% (44) 867

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS2

Table CMS2: If you thought you had been exposed to COVID-19 (coronavirus), how likely would you be to take a diagnostic test to determine if youcurrently have COVID-19 (coronavirus)?

Demographic Very likelySomewhatlikely

Somewhatunlikely Very unlikely

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 56% (1120) 24% (479) 7% (143) 6% (124) 6% (128) 1995Favorable of Trump 51% (418) 27% (221) 7% (58) 9% (70) 6% (46) 813Unfavorable of Trump 62% (679) 22% (245) 7% (79) 4% (48) 5% (53) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 52% (270) 24% (126) 8% (42) 9% (48) 6% (32) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 50% (148) 32% (95) 5% (16) 8% (22) 5% (15) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 60% (116) 24% (46) 8% (15) 4% (9) 5% (9) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 62% (562) 22% (199) 7% (63) 4% (39) 5% (44) 907#1 Issue: Economy 56% (359) 25% (158) 8% (49) 7% (44) 5% (31) 641#1 Issue: Security 50% (122) 26% (64) 7% (17) 8% (20) 8% (19) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 55% (218) 24% (95) 7% (29) 6% (26) 7% (28) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 63% (197) 24% (75) 3% (10) 4% (14) 5% (17) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 56% (43) 14% (11) 14% (11) 2% (2) 13% (10) 76#1 Issue: Education 55% (60) 25% (27) 6% (6) 7% (8) 7% (8) 108#1 Issue: Energy 49% (42) 27% (23) 16% (14) 3% (3) 6% (5) 87#1 Issue: Other 59% (78) 20% (26) 5% (6) 7% (10) 9% (11) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 65% (516) 22% (172) 6% (50) 4% (29) 3% (28) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 54% (353) 27% (175) 6% (41) 6% (41) 6% (40) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 46% (40) 20% (18) 6% (5) 15% (13) 13% (11) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 64% (454) 23% (164) 6% (41) 4% (27) 4% (27) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 55% (393) 25% (180) 8% (54) 7% (53) 5% (39) 7202016 Vote: Other 59% (81) 21% (29) 6% (8) 6% (8) 9% (12) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 46% (193) 25% (106) 9% (40) 8% (36) 11% (48) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 61% (824) 23% (306) 6% (80) 5% (67) 5% (69) 1346Voted in 2014: No 46% (296) 27% (173) 10% (63) 9% (57) 9% (59) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 65% (557) 20% (176) 6% (50) 4% (34) 5% (43) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 55% (282) 27% (135) 7% (35) 7% (34) 5% (23) 5092012 Vote: Other 39% (35) 26% (23) 12% (11) 8% (7) 15% (13) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 46% (244) 27% (145) 9% (46) 9% (49) 9% (47) 532

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Morning ConsultTable CMS2

Table CMS2: If you thought you had been exposed to COVID-19 (coronavirus), how likely would you be to take a diagnostic test to determine if youcurrently have COVID-19 (coronavirus)?

Demographic Very likelySomewhatlikely

Somewhatunlikely Very unlikely

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 56% (1120) 24% (479) 7% (143) 6% (124) 6% (128) 19954-Region: Northeast 59% (209) 25% (90) 7% (24) 6% (20) 4% (12) 3564-Region: Midwest 54% (246) 26% (118) 6% (26) 6% (29) 8% (39) 4584-Region: South 58% (430) 23% (173) 7% (54) 5% (41) 6% (48) 7454-Region: West 54% (235) 22% (98) 9% (39) 8% (35) 7% (29) 436Sports fan 57% (799) 24% (339) 7% (99) 5% (74) 6% (85) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 59% (226) 23% (89) 7% (27) 6% (21) 5% (21) 385Frequent Flyer 58% (131) 20% (44) 9% (20) 7% (16) 6% (14) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS3

Table CMS3: And how likely is it that you would take an antibody test to determine if you were previously infected with COVID-19 (coronavirus)?

Demographic Very likelySomewhatlikely

Somewhatunlikely Very unlikely

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 41% (826) 28% (566) 10% (202) 10% (208) 10% (191) 1995Gender: Male 41% (381) 30% (277) 10% (93) 11% (102) 9% (81) 934Gender: Female 42% (445) 27% (290) 10% (109) 10% (107) 10% (110) 1061Age: 18-34 34% (171) 31% (158) 12% (59) 12% (61) 10% (52) 501Age: 35-44 42% (128) 24% (72) 12% (36) 13% (41) 9% (27) 303Age: 45-64 46% (331) 29% (208) 9% (62) 9% (64) 9% (62) 727Age: 65+ 42% (196) 28% (129) 10% (45) 9% (43) 11% (51) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 30% (64) 32% (67) 12% (26) 13% (28) 13% (27) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 40% (183) 29% (133) 11% (48) 12% (55) 8% (38) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 44% (214) 25% (120) 10% (48) 12% (57) 9% (45) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 45% (332) 29% (217) 9% (68) 8% (59) 9% (69) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 45% (329) 29% (214) 9% (66) 7% (52) 10% (70) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 40% (243) 28% (170) 10% (60) 12% (76) 11% (65) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 39% (254) 28% (183) 12% (76) 12% (80) 9% (57) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 44% (131) 31% (93) 8% (23) 8% (25) 9% (28) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 46% (198) 28% (120) 10% (43) 6% (27) 10% (42) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 41% (130) 29% (93) 9% (28) 13% (41) 9% (27) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 39% (114) 26% (77) 11% (32) 12% (35) 13% (38) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 38% (120) 29% (90) 13% (42) 11% (36) 8% (26) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 40% (134) 28% (93) 10% (34) 13% (44) 9% (31) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 44% (251) 29% (165) 10% (57) 9% (53) 7% (39) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 43% (229) 30% (162) 9% (48) 8% (43) 10% (52) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 39% (283) 29% (208) 11% (82) 13% (92) 8% (60) 726Educ: < College 41% (510) 28% (346) 9% (111) 11% (140) 12% (148) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 42% (196) 30% (140) 13% (62) 9% (43) 7% (31) 472Educ: Post-grad 45% (120) 30% (81) 11% (30) 9% (25) 5% (12) 268Income: Under 50k 39% (392) 29% (289) 9% (96) 11% (109) 12% (126) 1012Income: 50k-100k 44% (296) 28% (189) 11% (72) 10% (71) 8% (52) 681Income: 100k+ 46% (138) 29% (88) 12% (35) 9% (28) 4% (13) 302Ethnicity: White 43% (686) 29% (465) 10% (161) 10% (169) 8% (132) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 41% (80) 29% (57) 11% (21) 10% (18) 9% (17) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 34% (87) 28% (71) 11% (28) 11% (28) 16% (40) 253

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Morning ConsultTable CMS3

Table CMS3: And how likely is it that you would take an antibody test to determine if you were previously infected with COVID-19 (coronavirus)?

Demographic Very likelySomewhatlikely

Somewhatunlikely Very unlikely

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 41% (826) 28% (566) 10% (202) 10% (208) 10% (191) 1995Ethnicity: Other 42% (54) 23% (30) 11% (14) 9% (11) 15% (19) 128All Christian 43% (417) 29% (282) 11% (106) 9% (90) 8% (73) 968All Non-Christian 43% (43) 28% (28) 9% (9) 13% (13) 6% (6) 100Atheist 39% (34) 32% (27) 13% (11) 12% (10) 4% (4) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 40% (333) 27% (229) 9% (76) 11% (95) 13% (108) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 42% (50) 27% (33) 8% (9) 17% (20) 6% (7) 119Evangelical 38% (213) 29% (161) 10% (55) 12% (68) 10% (57) 553Non-Evangelical 46% (353) 27% (208) 11% (84) 9% (65) 7% (52) 762Community: Urban 44% (196) 28% (126) 11% (49) 8% (34) 10% (43) 450Community: Suburban 41% (416) 30% (306) 10% (107) 10% (106) 8% (81) 1016Community: Rural 40% (214) 25% (134) 9% (46) 13% (68) 13% (67) 529Employ: Private Sector 44% (274) 28% (172) 12% (78) 9% (54) 8% (47) 624Employ: Government 36% (49) 29% (40) 10% (13) 15% (21) 11% (15) 138Employ: Self-Employed 38% (57) 28% (42) 7% (10) 16% (24) 10% (16) 150Employ: Homemaker 47% (48) 30% (31) 8% (9) 9% (10) 5% (5) 103Employ: Retired 42% (213) 29% (148) 9% (46) 10% (53) 9% (47) 507Employ: Unemployed 44% (92) 22% (45) 9% (18) 12% (24) 13% (27) 206Employ: Other 42% (57) 25% (33) 9% (12) 10% (14) 13% (18) 135Military HH: Yes 45% (152) 26% (87) 10% (32) 11% (36) 8% (28) 336Military HH: No 41% (674) 29% (480) 10% (170) 10% (172) 10% (163) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 37% (253) 30% (208) 11% (74) 13% (87) 10% (68) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 44% (574) 27% (358) 10% (128) 9% (121) 9% (124) 1305Trump Job Approve 38% (317) 28% (233) 12% (102) 13% (112) 8% (71) 835Trump Job Disapprove 44% (488) 30% (325) 9% (97) 8% (93) 9% (97) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 39% (195) 24% (120) 12% (59) 15% (74) 10% (47) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 36% (122) 33% (113) 13% (42) 11% (38) 7% (24) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 36% (85) 33% (77) 9% (21) 10% (23) 11% (26) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 47% (403) 29% (247) 9% (76) 8% (70) 8% (71) 867Favorable of Trump 39% (318) 28% (228) 11% (91) 13% (109) 8% (67) 813Unfavorable of Trump 44% (489) 29% (320) 9% (103) 9% (94) 9% (97) 1102

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS3

Table CMS3: And how likely is it that you would take an antibody test to determine if you were previously infected with COVID-19 (coronavirus)?

Demographic Very likelySomewhatlikely

Somewhatunlikely Very unlikely

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 41% (826) 28% (566) 10% (202) 10% (208) 10% (191) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 40% (208) 25% (131) 10% (50) 15% (80) 9% (49) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 37% (110) 33% (97) 14% (41) 10% (29) 6% (18) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 37% (71) 32% (62) 11% (21) 9% (18) 12% (23) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 46% (418) 28% (258) 9% (82) 8% (76) 8% (74) 907#1 Issue: Economy 43% (278) 30% (193) 9% (55) 11% (69) 7% (47) 641#1 Issue: Security 39% (95) 25% (61) 11% (26) 14% (33) 11% (27) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 42% (166) 28% (111) 12% (46) 9% (37) 9% (35) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 41% (130) 30% (93) 10% (33) 8% (24) 11% (34) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 38% (29) 19% (14) 16% (12) 14% (10) 14% (11) 76#1 Issue: Education 37% (40) 33% (35) 13% (14) 7% (7) 11% (11) 108#1 Issue: Energy 39% (33) 31% (26) 9% (8) 11% (9) 11% (10) 87#1 Issue: Other 43% (56) 25% (32) 7% (9) 13% (17) 13% (17) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 47% (374) 29% (231) 9% (73) 7% (59) 7% (59) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 40% (262) 28% (180) 12% (75) 11% (74) 9% (59) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 35% (31) 25% (21) 5% (5) 12% (11) 22% (19) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 45% (322) 31% (218) 8% (59) 9% (62) 7% (53) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 41% (293) 26% (186) 12% (85) 12% (88) 9% (67) 7202016 Vote: Other 41% (56) 34% (46) 11% (16) 4% (6) 10% (14) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 37% (155) 27% (115) 10% (43) 12% (51) 14% (58) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 44% (592) 28% (379) 10% (132) 10% (132) 8% (111) 1346Voted in 2014: No 36% (234) 29% (188) 11% (70) 12% (77) 12% (80) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 47% (406) 28% (244) 8% (65) 8% (70) 9% (75) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 37% (191) 30% (151) 12% (63) 13% (66) 8% (39) 5092012 Vote: Other 35% (31) 21% (19) 19% (17) 9% (8) 16% (14) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 37% (196) 29% (153) 11% (58) 12% (62) 12% (63) 5324-Region: Northeast 45% (162) 29% (104) 11% (39) 8% (29) 6% (22) 3564-Region: Midwest 40% (185) 30% (140) 8% (37) 11% (52) 10% (44) 4584-Region: South 42% (315) 27% (200) 10% (72) 10% (76) 11% (82) 7454-Region: West 38% (165) 28% (124) 12% (54) 12% (51) 10% (43) 436Sports fan 43% (601) 29% (410) 10% (144) 8% (118) 9% (124) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 44% (169) 29% (110) 10% (38) 9% (34) 9% (34) 385

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Morning ConsultTable CMS3

Table CMS3: And how likely is it that you would take an antibody test to determine if you were previously infected with COVID-19 (coronavirus)?

Demographic Very likelySomewhatlikely

Somewhatunlikely Very unlikely

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 41% (826) 28% (566) 10% (202) 10% (208) 10% (191) 1995Frequent Flyer 45% (102) 27% (61) 10% (23) 11% (24) 7% (16) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS4_1

Table CMS4_1: You indicated that it is unlikely you would take a diagnostic test for COVID-19 (coronavirus). To what extent are the following areason why you would not get tested for COVID-19?I don’t think the COVID-19 test is accurate

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 25% (66) 32% (85) 43% (116) 267Gender: Male 20% (28) 37% (53) 43% (61) 142Gender: Female 31% (39) 25% (32) 44% (55) 126Age: 18-34 16% (17) 29% (29) 55% (55) 100Age: 35-44 21% (11) 39% (21) 40% (21) 53Age: 45-64 35% (27) 28% (21) 37% (28) 76Millennials: 1981-1996 19% (17) 31% (27) 50% (44) 87GenXers: 1965-1980 28% (17) 30% (18) 43% (27) 62Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 35% (25) 36% (25) 29% (20) 70PID: Dem (no lean) 18% (15) 38% (32) 43% (36) 83PID: Ind (no lean) 24% (20) 26% (22) 51% (44) 87PID: Rep (no lean) 32% (31) 32% (31) 37% (36) 97PID/Gender: Ind Men 22% (11) 34% (17) 44% (22) 51PID/Gender: Rep Women 41% (21) 28% (14) 31% (16) 51Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 18% (13) 26% (19) 56% (40) 73Ideo: Moderate (4) 31% (21) 33% (22) 36% (24) 66Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 29% (29) 30% (30) 40% (39) 98Educ: < College 26% (45) 32% (56) 42% (72) 173Educ: Bachelors degree 21% (14) 31% (21) 48% (33) 69Income: Under 50k 29% (38) 35% (45) 36% (46) 129Income: 50k-100k 20% (20) 26% (26) 53% (53) 100Ethnicity: White 26% (57) 31% (67) 43% (94) 217All Christian 34% (36) 31% (34) 35% (38) 108Agnostic/Nothing in particular 22% (28) 31% (39) 47% (60) 127Evangelical 26% (19) 30% (22) 44% (32) 73Non-Evangelical 28% (24) 32% (28) 40% (35) 88Community: Suburban 20% (29) 31% (46) 49% (72) 148Community: Rural 37% (26) 34% (24) 30% (21) 71Employ: Private Sector 22% (21) 30% (28) 48% (46) 94Military HH: No 24% (55) 33% (75) 43% (96) 226

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Morning ConsultTable CMS4_1

Table CMS4_1: You indicated that it is unlikely you would take a diagnostic test for COVID-19 (coronavirus). To what extent are the following areason why you would not get tested for COVID-19?I don’t think the COVID-19 test is accurate

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 25% (66) 32% (85) 43% (116) 267RD/WT: Right Direction 26% (27) 31% (33) 43% (45) 105RD/WT: Wrong Track 24% (39) 32% (52) 44% (71) 162Trump Job Approve 26% (37) 36% (51) 38% (54) 142Trump Job Disapprove 25% (29) 26% (31) 49% (57) 117Trump Job Strongly Approve 30% (27) 34% (30) 36% (33) 90Trump Job Somewhat Approve 20% (10) 40% (21) 41% (21) 52Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 24% (22) 28% (25) 49% (44) 91Favorable of Trump 27% (34) 33% (42) 41% (52) 128Unfavorable of Trump 22% (28) 30% (38) 47% (60) 126Very Favorable of Trump 29% (26) 34% (31) 37% (34) 90Very Unfavorable of Trump 24% (24) 27% (28) 49% (50) 102#1 Issue: Economy 18% (17) 34% (31) 48% (45) 93#1 Issue: Health Care 18% (10) 44% (24) 38% (21) 552018 House Vote: Democrat 21% (16) 36% (29) 43% (35) 802018 House Vote: Republican 33% (27) 26% (21) 41% (34) 832016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 18% (13) 34% (23) 48% (33) 692016 Vote: Donald Trump 35% (38) 25% (27) 40% (42) 1072016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 17% (13) 42% (31) 41% (31) 75Voted in 2014: Yes 29% (43) 29% (42) 42% (61) 147Voted in 2014: No 19% (23) 35% (42) 45% (54) 1202012 Vote: Barack Obama 24% (20) 36% (30) 40% (34) 842012 Vote: Mitt Romney 36% (25) 26% (18) 38% (26) 692012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 16% (15) 34% (33) 50% (48) 964-Region: Midwest 24% (13) 39% (21) 37% (20) 554-Region: South 23% (21) 32% (31) 45% (42) 944-Region: West 22% (16) 24% (18) 54% (40) 74Sports fan 26% (45) 36% (61) 38% (66) 173Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS4_2

Table CMS4_2: You indicated that it is unlikely you would take a diagnostic test for COVID-19 (coronavirus). To what extent are the following areason why you would not get tested for COVID-19?I don’t think COVID-19 testing is easily available where I live

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 25% (66) 32% (84) 44% (117) 267Gender: Male 27% (39) 26% (37) 46% (66) 142Gender: Female 22% (27) 38% (47) 41% (51) 126Age: 18-34 27% (28) 31% (31) 41% (42) 100Age: 35-44 22% (11) 34% (18) 44% (24) 53Age: 45-64 26% (19) 28% (21) 47% (35) 76Millennials: 1981-1996 24% (21) 37% (33) 39% (34) 87GenXers: 1965-1980 20% (13) 17% (11) 63% (39) 62Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 28% (19) 34% (24) 38% (27) 70PID: Dem (no lean) 38% (32) 33% (28) 29% (24) 83PID: Ind (no lean) 30% (26) 27% (23) 43% (37) 87PID: Rep (no lean) 9% (9) 34% (33) 57% (55) 97PID/Gender: Ind Men 33% (17) 28% (14) 39% (20) 51PID/Gender: Rep Women 11% (6) 44% (23) 45% (23) 51Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 41% (30) 38% (28) 21% (15) 73Ideo: Moderate (4) 28% (19) 31% (21) 40% (27) 66Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 12% (12) 32% (31) 56% (54) 98Educ: < College 24% (42) 31% (54) 44% (76) 173Educ: Bachelors degree 24% (16) 35% (24) 41% (28) 69Income: Under 50k 23% (29) 35% (45) 42% (55) 129Income: 50k-100k 29% (29) 29% (29) 42% (42) 100Ethnicity: White 22% (49) 32% (70) 45% (99) 217All Christian 23% (25) 32% (35) 45% (48) 108Agnostic/Nothing in particular 24% (31) 30% (38) 46% (59) 127Evangelical 13% (10) 30% (22) 56% (41) 73Non-Evangelical 30% (26) 27% (23) 44% (38) 88Community: Suburban 24% (36) 23% (35) 52% (77) 148Community: Rural 25% (18) 44% (31) 31% (22) 71Employ: Private Sector 29% (27) 31% (30) 40% (38) 94Military HH: No 25% (57) 32% (71) 43% (98) 226

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Morning ConsultTable CMS4_2

Table CMS4_2: You indicated that it is unlikely you would take a diagnostic test for COVID-19 (coronavirus). To what extent are the following areason why you would not get tested for COVID-19?I don’t think COVID-19 testing is easily available where I live

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 25% (66) 32% (84) 44% (117) 267RD/WT: Right Direction 11% (11) 29% (31) 60% (63) 105RD/WT: Wrong Track 34% (55) 33% (54) 33% (54) 162Trump Job Approve 13% (18) 29% (42) 58% (82) 142Trump Job Disapprove 40% (47) 36% (42) 24% (28) 117Trump Job Strongly Approve 15% (13) 27% (25) 58% (52) 90Trump Job Somewhat Approve 10% (5) 33% (17) 56% (29) 52Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 44% (40) 32% (30) 24% (22) 91Favorable of Trump 13% (17) 29% (37) 58% (75) 128Unfavorable of Trump 38% (48) 34% (42) 29% (36) 126Very Favorable of Trump 15% (14) 26% (23) 59% (53) 90Very Unfavorable of Trump 41% (42) 34% (35) 25% (25) 102#1 Issue: Economy 23% (21) 31% (29) 46% (43) 93#1 Issue: Health Care 33% (18) 32% (17) 35% (19) 552018 House Vote: Democrat 43% (34) 30% (24) 27% (22) 802018 House Vote: Republican 15% (12) 32% (26) 53% (44) 832016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 43% (29) 31% (22) 26% (18) 692016 Vote: Donald Trump 15% (16) 32% (34) 53% (57) 1072016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 21% (16) 32% (24) 47% (35) 75Voted in 2014: Yes 27% (39) 32% (46) 42% (61) 147Voted in 2014: No 22% (27) 32% (38) 46% (55) 1202012 Vote: Barack Obama 36% (30) 34% (29) 30% (25) 842012 Vote: Mitt Romney 18% (13) 27% (19) 54% (37) 692012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 20% (19) 32% (30) 48% (46) 964-Region: Midwest 26% (15) 41% (23) 32% (18) 554-Region: South 28% (26) 26% (25) 46% (43) 944-Region: West 22% (16) 39% (29) 39% (29) 74Sports fan 26% (46) 31% (54) 42% (73) 173Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS4_3

Table CMS4_3: You indicated that it is unlikely you would take a diagnostic test for COVID-19 (coronavirus). To what extent are the following areason why you would not get tested for COVID-19?I wouldn’t want to get exposed to COVID-19 at the testing facility

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 36% (95) 24% (63) 41% (109) 267Gender: Male 36% (51) 24% (35) 39% (56) 142Gender: Female 35% (44) 23% (28) 42% (53) 126Age: 18-34 37% (37) 30% (30) 33% (34) 100Age: 35-44 35% (19) 25% (13) 40% (21) 53Age: 45-64 38% (29) 21% (16) 41% (31) 76Millennials: 1981-1996 40% (35) 31% (27) 29% (25) 87GenXers: 1965-1980 22% (14) 20% (13) 58% (36) 62Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 39% (27) 18% (13) 43% (30) 70PID: Dem (no lean) 45% (38) 21% (17) 34% (28) 83PID: Ind (no lean) 39% (34) 20% (17) 41% (36) 87PID: Rep (no lean) 25% (24) 29% (29) 46% (45) 97PID/Gender: Ind Men 41% (21) 20% (10) 39% (20) 51PID/Gender: Rep Women 36% (19) 22% (11) 42% (21) 51Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 48% (35) 21% (15) 31% (22) 73Ideo: Moderate (4) 33% (22) 25% (16) 42% (28) 66Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 29% (29) 24% (23) 47% (46) 98Educ: < College 38% (65) 22% (38) 40% (70) 173Educ: Bachelors degree 32% (22) 29% (20) 40% (27) 69Income: Under 50k 35% (45) 23% (30) 42% (54) 129Income: 50k-100k 36% (36) 26% (26) 37% (37) 100Ethnicity: White 31% (68) 25% (55) 44% (95) 217All Christian 39% (42) 20% (22) 41% (45) 108Agnostic/Nothing in particular 36% (46) 26% (34) 38% (48) 127Evangelical 42% (31) 19% (14) 39% (28) 73Non-Evangelical 38% (33) 21% (18) 41% (36) 88Community: Suburban 37% (55) 19% (27) 44% (66) 148Community: Rural 34% (24) 26% (18) 40% (28) 71Employ: Private Sector 34% (32) 30% (28) 36% (34) 94Military HH: No 37% (83) 22% (50) 41% (93) 226

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Morning ConsultTable CMS4_3

Table CMS4_3: You indicated that it is unlikely you would take a diagnostic test for COVID-19 (coronavirus). To what extent are the following areason why you would not get tested for COVID-19?I wouldn’t want to get exposed to COVID-19 at the testing facility

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 36% (95) 24% (63) 41% (109) 267RD/WT: Right Direction 27% (28) 23% (24) 50% (53) 105RD/WT: Wrong Track 42% (67) 24% (39) 35% (56) 162Trump Job Approve 31% (44) 22% (31) 47% (67) 142Trump Job Disapprove 44% (51) 25% (30) 31% (36) 117Trump Job Strongly Approve 27% (24) 21% (18) 53% (47) 90Trump Job Somewhat Approve 38% (20) 25% (13) 37% (19) 52Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 46% (42) 22% (20) 31% (29) 91Favorable of Trump 31% (40) 21% (27) 48% (61) 128Unfavorable of Trump 39% (49) 28% (35) 33% (42) 126Very Favorable of Trump 25% (22) 22% (19) 54% (49) 90Very Unfavorable of Trump 41% (42) 27% (28) 31% (32) 102#1 Issue: Economy 29% (26) 32% (30) 39% (37) 93#1 Issue: Health Care 50% (27) 15% (8) 35% (19) 552018 House Vote: Democrat 45% (36) 24% (19) 30% (24) 802018 House Vote: Republican 24% (20) 28% (23) 48% (40) 832016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 46% (32) 19% (13) 35% (24) 692016 Vote: Donald Trump 29% (31) 26% (28) 45% (49) 1072016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 38% (29) 22% (17) 39% (30) 75Voted in 2014: Yes 35% (52) 23% (34) 42% (61) 147Voted in 2014: No 36% (43) 24% (29) 40% (48) 1202012 Vote: Barack Obama 44% (37) 22% (18) 34% (29) 842012 Vote: Mitt Romney 26% (18) 21% (15) 53% (36) 692012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 36% (35) 25% (24) 39% (37) 964-Region: Midwest 26% (14) 29% (16) 45% (25) 554-Region: South 50% (47) 16% (15) 34% (32) 944-Region: West 32% (24) 25% (19) 43% (32) 74Sports fan 36% (63) 25% (43) 39% (68) 173Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS4_4

Table CMS4_4: You indicated that it is unlikely you would take a diagnostic test for COVID-19 (coronavirus). To what extent are the following areason why you would not get tested for COVID-19?I don’t trust the government

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 33% (88) 24% (65) 43% (114) 267Gender: Male 31% (44) 29% (41) 40% (57) 142Gender: Female 35% (44) 19% (24) 45% (57) 126Age: 18-34 25% (25) 23% (23) 52% (52) 100Age: 35-44 30% (16) 34% (18) 36% (19) 53Age: 45-64 45% (34) 14% (11) 41% (31) 76Millennials: 1981-1996 24% (21) 28% (24) 49% (43) 87GenXers: 1965-1980 37% (23) 17% (11) 46% (28) 62Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 46% (32) 27% (19) 27% (19) 70PID: Dem (no lean) 33% (27) 20% (17) 47% (39) 83PID: Ind (no lean) 39% (34) 19% (17) 42% (37) 87PID: Rep (no lean) 28% (27) 33% (32) 39% (38) 97PID/Gender: Ind Men 37% (19) 30% (15) 33% (17) 51PID/Gender: Rep Women 34% (18) 25% (13) 40% (21) 51Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 27% (20) 22% (16) 51% (37) 73Ideo: Moderate (4) 34% (23) 21% (14) 44% (29) 66Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 33% (32) 29% (28) 38% (37) 98Educ: < College 36% (62) 25% (44) 39% (67) 173Educ: Bachelors degree 30% (20) 20% (14) 50% (34) 69Income: Under 50k 38% (48) 23% (30) 39% (51) 129Income: 50k-100k 29% (29) 27% (27) 44% (44) 100Ethnicity: White 31% (68) 25% (54) 44% (94) 217All Christian 39% (42) 23% (25) 39% (42) 108Agnostic/Nothing in particular 32% (40) 27% (34) 41% (53) 127Evangelical 40% (29) 23% (17) 36% (27) 73Non-Evangelical 37% (32) 23% (20) 40% (35) 88Community: Suburban 33% (48) 20% (30) 47% (69) 148Community: Rural 39% (28) 32% (23) 29% (20) 71Employ: Private Sector 30% (28) 22% (20) 49% (46) 94Military HH: No 33% (74) 23% (51) 45% (101) 226

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Morning ConsultTable CMS4_4

Table CMS4_4: You indicated that it is unlikely you would take a diagnostic test for COVID-19 (coronavirus). To what extent are the following areason why you would not get tested for COVID-19?I don’t trust the government

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 33% (88) 24% (65) 43% (114) 267RD/WT: Right Direction 29% (30) 32% (33) 39% (41) 105RD/WT: Wrong Track 36% (58) 20% (32) 45% (72) 162Trump Job Approve 31% (44) 29% (41) 40% (57) 142Trump Job Disapprove 36% (42) 20% (24) 44% (51) 117Trump Job Strongly Approve 29% (26) 33% (30) 38% (34) 90Trump Job Somewhat Approve 35% (18) 22% (11) 44% (23) 52Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 40% (37) 19% (17) 41% (38) 91Favorable of Trump 31% (40) 28% (36) 41% (52) 128Unfavorable of Trump 32% (41) 23% (29) 45% (57) 126Very Favorable of Trump 28% (25) 32% (29) 40% (36) 90Very Unfavorable of Trump 36% (37) 20% (21) 43% (45) 102#1 Issue: Economy 27% (25) 21% (19) 53% (49) 93#1 Issue: Health Care 40% (22) 23% (13) 36% (20) 552018 House Vote: Democrat 34% (27) 20% (16) 46% (36) 802018 House Vote: Republican 29% (24) 30% (25) 40% (33) 832016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 38% (26) 23% (16) 39% (27) 692016 Vote: Donald Trump 31% (33) 30% (32) 40% (42) 1072016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 33% (25) 19% (15) 48% (36) 75Voted in 2014: Yes 35% (52) 24% (36) 40% (60) 147Voted in 2014: No 30% (36) 25% (30) 45% (54) 1202012 Vote: Barack Obama 36% (30) 24% (20) 40% (34) 842012 Vote: Mitt Romney 35% (24) 23% (16) 42% (29) 692012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 31% (29) 21% (20) 48% (46) 964-Region: Midwest 36% (20) 26% (14) 39% (21) 554-Region: South 33% (32) 20% (19) 46% (44) 944-Region: West 23% (17) 32% (24) 45% (33) 74Sports fan 34% (59) 25% (43) 40% (70) 173Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS4_5

Table CMS4_5: You indicated that it is unlikely you would take a diagnostic test for COVID-19 (coronavirus). To what extent are the following areason why you would not get tested for COVID-19?I don’t trust the health care or medical system

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 26% (71) 24% (65) 49% (131) 267Gender: Male 26% (37) 27% (38) 47% (67) 142Gender: Female 27% (34) 21% (27) 52% (65) 126Age: 18-34 19% (19) 24% (24) 57% (57) 100Age: 35-44 28% (15) 23% (12) 49% (26) 53Age: 45-64 35% (26) 20% (15) 45% (34) 76Millennials: 1981-1996 23% (20) 29% (25) 49% (43) 87GenXers: 1965-1980 32% (20) 19% (12) 49% (30) 62Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 36% (25) 27% (19) 37% (26) 70PID: Dem (no lean) 19% (16) 26% (21) 55% (46) 83PID: Ind (no lean) 29% (25) 17% (14) 54% (47) 87PID: Rep (no lean) 30% (30) 30% (29) 39% (38) 97PID/Gender: Ind Men 32% (16) 16% (8) 52% (26) 51PID/Gender: Rep Women 35% (18) 25% (13) 40% (20) 51Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 19% (14) 18% (13) 63% (46) 73Ideo: Moderate (4) 29% (19) 25% (17) 46% (31) 66Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 31% (30) 26% (26) 43% (42) 98Educ: < College 27% (46) 25% (43) 48% (83) 173Educ: Bachelors degree 25% (17) 26% (18) 49% (34) 69Income: Under 50k 33% (42) 26% (34) 41% (53) 129Income: 50k-100k 22% (22) 22% (22) 56% (56) 100Ethnicity: White 26% (56) 25% (54) 49% (107) 217All Christian 28% (31) 30% (33) 42% (45) 108Agnostic/Nothing in particular 26% (33) 21% (27) 53% (67) 127Evangelical 32% (24) 24% (18) 43% (32) 73Non-Evangelical 29% (26) 30% (26) 41% (36) 88Community: Suburban 24% (36) 21% (31) 55% (81) 148Community: Rural 34% (24) 32% (23) 35% (25) 71Employ: Private Sector 25% (24) 23% (22) 52% (49) 94Military HH: No 25% (57) 24% (54) 51% (114) 226

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Morning ConsultTable CMS4_5

Table CMS4_5: You indicated that it is unlikely you would take a diagnostic test for COVID-19 (coronavirus). To what extent are the following areason why you would not get tested for COVID-19?I don’t trust the health care or medical system

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 26% (71) 24% (65) 49% (131) 267RD/WT: Right Direction 28% (30) 29% (31) 42% (44) 105RD/WT: Wrong Track 25% (41) 21% (34) 54% (87) 162Trump Job Approve 30% (43) 29% (41) 41% (58) 142Trump Job Disapprove 23% (26) 18% (21) 60% (70) 117Trump Job Strongly Approve 33% (30) 32% (28) 35% (32) 90Trump Job Somewhat Approve 26% (13) 25% (13) 50% (26) 52Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 25% (23) 14% (13) 61% (56) 91Favorable of Trump 32% (41) 26% (33) 42% (54) 128Unfavorable of Trump 19% (24) 22% (27) 60% (75) 126Very Favorable of Trump 31% (28) 28% (26) 41% (37) 90Very Unfavorable of Trump 20% (21) 17% (18) 62% (64) 102#1 Issue: Economy 17% (16) 30% (27) 53% (49) 93#1 Issue: Health Care 30% (16) 17% (9) 53% (29) 552018 House Vote: Democrat 29% (23) 18% (15) 53% (42) 802018 House Vote: Republican 29% (24) 27% (22) 44% (37) 832016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 27% (18) 20% (14) 53% (37) 692016 Vote: Donald Trump 30% (32) 28% (31) 41% (45) 1072016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 26% (19) 22% (17) 52% (39) 75Voted in 2014: Yes 31% (46) 20% (29) 49% (72) 147Voted in 2014: No 20% (25) 30% (36) 50% (60) 1202012 Vote: Barack Obama 27% (23) 26% (22) 47% (40) 842012 Vote: Mitt Romney 30% (21) 24% (17) 46% (32) 692012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 22% (21) 24% (23) 54% (52) 964-Region: Midwest 27% (15) 29% (16) 45% (25) 554-Region: South 29% (27) 27% (25) 45% (42) 944-Region: West 14% (10) 22% (16) 64% (48) 74Sports fan 28% (48) 27% (46) 46% (79) 173Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS4_6

Table CMS4_6: You indicated that it is unlikely you would take a diagnostic test for COVID-19 (coronavirus). To what extent are the following areason why you would not get tested for COVID-19?I don’t think my insurance covers the test

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 21% (56) 26% (71) 53% (141) 267Gender: Male 20% (28) 24% (34) 56% (79) 142Gender: Female 22% (27) 29% (37) 49% (61) 126Age: 18-34 23% (23) 33% (33) 44% (44) 100Age: 35-44 16% (9) 29% (15) 55% (29) 53Age: 45-64 23% (17) 19% (14) 59% (44) 76Millennials: 1981-1996 20% (18) 34% (30) 46% (40) 87GenXers: 1965-1980 17% (11) 13% (8) 70% (44) 62Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 18% (13) 26% (18) 56% (39) 70PID: Dem (no lean) 17% (14) 40% (33) 43% (36) 83PID: Ind (no lean) 28% (24) 14% (12) 58% (51) 87PID: Rep (no lean) 18% (17) 27% (26) 56% (54) 97PID/Gender: Ind Men 27% (14) 14% (7) 59% (30) 51PID/Gender: Rep Women 22% (11) 26% (13) 52% (27) 51Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 17% (12) 35% (25) 48% (35) 73Ideo: Moderate (4) 31% (20) 30% (20) 39% (26) 66Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 17% (17) 22% (21) 61% (60) 98Educ: < College 20% (35) 30% (52) 49% (85) 173Educ: Bachelors degree 19% (13) 22% (15) 59% (40) 69Income: Under 50k 25% (32) 30% (39) 45% (58) 129Income: 50k-100k 17% (17) 26% (26) 57% (57) 100Ethnicity: White 19% (42) 26% (56) 55% (119) 217All Christian 23% (25) 25% (27) 52% (56) 108Agnostic/Nothing in particular 19% (24) 27% (35) 54% (68) 127Evangelical 25% (19) 19% (14) 55% (40) 73Non-Evangelical 19% (17) 31% (27) 50% (44) 88Community: Suburban 18% (27) 25% (36) 57% (84) 148Community: Rural 32% (22) 27% (19) 42% (30) 71Employ: Private Sector 21% (20) 23% (21) 56% (53) 94Military HH: No 20% (45) 27% (62) 53% (119) 226

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Morning ConsultTable CMS4_6

Table CMS4_6: You indicated that it is unlikely you would take a diagnostic test for COVID-19 (coronavirus). To what extent are the following areason why you would not get tested for COVID-19?I don’t think my insurance covers the test

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 21% (56) 26% (71) 53% (141) 267RD/WT: Right Direction 23% (24) 22% (23) 56% (59) 105RD/WT: Wrong Track 20% (32) 30% (48) 50% (82) 162Trump Job Approve 20% (29) 23% (33) 56% (80) 142Trump Job Disapprove 23% (27) 31% (36) 46% (54) 117Trump Job Strongly Approve 23% (21) 19% (17) 58% (52) 90Trump Job Somewhat Approve 15% (8) 31% (16) 54% (28) 52Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 22% (20) 29% (27) 49% (45) 91Favorable of Trump 20% (26) 22% (28) 58% (74) 128Unfavorable of Trump 21% (27) 31% (39) 48% (61) 126Very Favorable of Trump 26% (24) 19% (17) 55% (50) 90Very Unfavorable of Trump 23% (24) 29% (29) 48% (49) 102#1 Issue: Economy 19% (17) 25% (24) 56% (52) 93#1 Issue: Health Care 31% (17) 29% (16) 40% (22) 552018 House Vote: Democrat 21% (17) 31% (25) 48% (38) 802018 House Vote: Republican 21% (17) 21% (18) 58% (48) 832016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 18% (12) 26% (18) 56% (39) 692016 Vote: Donald Trump 20% (21) 24% (26) 56% (60) 1072016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 25% (19) 28% (21) 47% (36) 75Voted in 2014: Yes 20% (30) 24% (35) 56% (83) 147Voted in 2014: No 22% (26) 30% (36) 48% (58) 1202012 Vote: Barack Obama 18% (15) 31% (26) 51% (43) 842012 Vote: Mitt Romney 25% (17) 13% (9) 62% (43) 692012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 22% (21) 33% (32) 45% (44) 964-Region: Midwest 14% (7) 29% (16) 57% (32) 554-Region: South 26% (25) 28% (26) 46% (44) 944-Region: West 20% (14) 27% (20) 54% (40) 74Sports fan 21% (36) 28% (48) 51% (88) 173Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS4_7

Table CMS4_7: You indicated that it is unlikely you would take a diagnostic test for COVID-19 (coronavirus). To what extent are the following areason why you would not get tested for COVID-19?It is too expensive to get the COVID-19 test

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 26% (69) 20% (53) 54% (145) 267Gender: Male 23% (33) 19% (27) 57% (81) 142Gender: Female 28% (36) 20% (25) 51% (65) 126Age: 18-34 27% (27) 28% (28) 45% (45) 100Age: 35-44 27% (14) 16% (9) 57% (30) 53Age: 45-64 26% (20) 11% (9) 63% (47) 76Millennials: 1981-1996 26% (23) 21% (19) 52% (46) 87GenXers: 1965-1980 22% (14) 10% (6) 67% (42) 62Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 23% (16) 17% (12) 60% (42) 70PID: Dem (no lean) 27% (22) 21% (18) 52% (43) 83PID: Ind (no lean) 33% (29) 15% (13) 52% (45) 87PID: Rep (no lean) 18% (18) 23% (22) 59% (57) 97PID/Gender: Ind Men 33% (17) 13% (7) 54% (27) 51PID/Gender: Rep Women 26% (13) 22% (11) 51% (26) 51Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 29% (21) 18% (13) 53% (38) 73Ideo: Moderate (4) 36% (24) 22% (14) 43% (28) 66Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 17% (16) 20% (20) 63% (62) 98Educ: < College 29% (50) 20% (34) 51% (88) 173Educ: Bachelors degree 21% (15) 21% (15) 57% (40) 69Income: Under 50k 33% (42) 19% (24) 48% (62) 129Income: 50k-100k 20% (20) 21% (21) 59% (59) 100Ethnicity: White 25% (54) 21% (46) 54% (117) 217All Christian 26% (29) 17% (19) 56% (61) 108Agnostic/Nothing in particular 26% (33) 22% (28) 53% (67) 127Evangelical 29% (21) 14% (10) 57% (41) 73Non-Evangelical 23% (20) 18% (16) 59% (52) 88Community: Suburban 19% (28) 20% (30) 61% (90) 148Community: Rural 38% (27) 20% (14) 43% (30) 71Employ: Private Sector 26% (24) 20% (19) 54% (51) 94Military HH: No 26% (58) 19% (44) 55% (125) 226

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Morning ConsultTable CMS4_7

Table CMS4_7: You indicated that it is unlikely you would take a diagnostic test for COVID-19 (coronavirus). To what extent are the following areason why you would not get tested for COVID-19?It is too expensive to get the COVID-19 test

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 26% (69) 20% (53) 54% (145) 267RD/WT: Right Direction 23% (24) 16% (17) 60% (63) 105RD/WT: Wrong Track 27% (44) 22% (35) 51% (82) 162Trump Job Approve 23% (33) 19% (27) 58% (82) 142Trump Job Disapprove 30% (35) 20% (23) 50% (59) 117Trump Job Strongly Approve 24% (22) 18% (16) 58% (52) 90Trump Job Somewhat Approve 21% (11) 21% (11) 58% (30) 52Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 31% (29) 17% (15) 52% (47) 91Favorable of Trump 23% (29) 18% (23) 60% (76) 128Unfavorable of Trump 27% (34) 22% (28) 50% (64) 126Very Favorable of Trump 25% (23) 16% (15) 59% (53) 90Very Unfavorable of Trump 28% (28) 21% (21) 51% (52) 102#1 Issue: Economy 20% (18) 19% (18) 61% (57) 93#1 Issue: Health Care 32% (18) 24% (13) 44% (24) 552018 House Vote: Democrat 24% (19) 19% (15) 57% (45) 802018 House Vote: Republican 24% (20) 17% (14) 59% (49) 832016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 24% (16) 10% (7) 66% (45) 692016 Vote: Donald Trump 24% (26) 18% (19) 58% (62) 1072016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 26% (20) 29% (22) 44% (33) 75Voted in 2014: Yes 26% (38) 16% (24) 58% (85) 147Voted in 2014: No 26% (31) 24% (29) 50% (60) 1202012 Vote: Barack Obama 27% (23) 16% (13) 57% (48) 842012 Vote: Mitt Romney 23% (16) 13% (9) 64% (44) 692012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 26% (25) 28% (27) 46% (44) 964-Region: Midwest 18% (10) 21% (12) 61% (33) 554-Region: South 31% (29) 17% (16) 52% (49) 944-Region: West 26% (19) 24% (18) 50% (37) 74Sports fan 24% (41) 20% (35) 56% (96) 173Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS4_8

Table CMS4_8: You indicated that it is unlikely you would take a diagnostic test for COVID-19 (coronavirus). To what extent are the following areason why you would not get tested for COVID-19?It is too expensive to get the COVID-19 treatment if I have it

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 25% (67) 19% (52) 56% (149) 267Gender: Male 22% (31) 24% (34) 54% (77) 142Gender: Female 28% (36) 14% (18) 57% (72) 126Age: 18-34 30% (30) 24% (24) 46% (46) 100Age: 35-44 21% (11) 23% (12) 56% (30) 53Age: 45-64 24% (18) 11% (8) 65% (49) 76Millennials: 1981-1996 25% (22) 24% (21) 51% (44) 87GenXers: 1965-1980 16% (10) 13% (8) 71% (44) 62Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 25% (18) 17% (12) 58% (41) 70PID: Dem (no lean) 24% (20) 25% (20) 51% (43) 83PID: Ind (no lean) 33% (29) 14% (13) 52% (45) 87PID: Rep (no lean) 18% (18) 19% (19) 63% (61) 97PID/Gender: Ind Men 34% (17) 19% (10) 48% (24) 51PID/Gender: Rep Women 25% (13) 13% (6) 63% (32) 51Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 26% (19) 20% (14) 55% (40) 73Ideo: Moderate (4) 36% (24) 24% (16) 41% (27) 66Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 17% (16) 15% (15) 68% (67) 98Educ: < College 28% (49) 20% (34) 52% (89) 173Educ: Bachelors degree 21% (14) 18% (12) 62% (42) 69Income: Under 50k 33% (42) 21% (27) 46% (59) 129Income: 50k-100k 20% (20) 16% (16) 63% (63) 100Ethnicity: White 26% (56) 19% (41) 55% (120) 217All Christian 26% (28) 17% (19) 57% (62) 108Agnostic/Nothing in particular 23% (30) 22% (28) 54% (69) 127Evangelical 29% (21) 14% (10) 57% (42) 73Non-Evangelical 20% (18) 19% (17) 60% (53) 88Community: Suburban 19% (27) 19% (28) 62% (92) 148Community: Rural 34% (24) 20% (14) 46% (33) 71Employ: Private Sector 23% (22) 15% (14) 62% (59) 94Military HH: No 25% (57) 19% (43) 55% (125) 226

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Morning ConsultTable CMS4_8

Table CMS4_8: You indicated that it is unlikely you would take a diagnostic test for COVID-19 (coronavirus). To what extent are the following areason why you would not get tested for COVID-19?It is too expensive to get the COVID-19 treatment if I have it

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 25% (67) 19% (52) 56% (149) 267RD/WT: Right Direction 23% (24) 18% (19) 60% (63) 105RD/WT: Wrong Track 26% (43) 20% (33) 53% (86) 162Trump Job Approve 21% (29) 21% (30) 58% (83) 142Trump Job Disapprove 30% (36) 17% (20) 53% (62) 117Trump Job Strongly Approve 23% (21) 17% (15) 60% (54) 90Trump Job Somewhat Approve 16% (8) 28% (15) 55% (29) 52Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 31% (29) 13% (12) 56% (51) 91Favorable of Trump 21% (27) 17% (21) 63% (80) 128Unfavorable of Trump 26% (33) 22% (28) 52% (65) 126Very Favorable of Trump 25% (22) 14% (13) 61% (55) 90Very Unfavorable of Trump 27% (28) 19% (20) 54% (55) 102#1 Issue: Economy 17% (16) 23% (21) 60% (56) 93#1 Issue: Health Care 33% (18) 23% (13) 44% (24) 552018 House Vote: Democrat 22% (18) 18% (14) 59% (47) 802018 House Vote: Republican 23% (19) 17% (14) 60% (49) 832016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 22% (15) 14% (10) 64% (44) 692016 Vote: Donald Trump 22% (24) 17% (18) 61% (66) 1072016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 30% (22) 29% (21) 42% (31) 75Voted in 2014: Yes 23% (35) 17% (24) 60% (88) 147Voted in 2014: No 27% (32) 23% (27) 50% (61) 1202012 Vote: Barack Obama 27% (23) 21% (17) 53% (45) 842012 Vote: Mitt Romney 21% (14) 14% (10) 65% (45) 692012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 25% (24) 23% (22) 51% (49) 964-Region: Midwest 18% (10) 20% (11) 62% (34) 554-Region: South 26% (25) 23% (22) 51% (48) 944-Region: West 25% (19) 18% (14) 57% (42) 74Sports fan 22% (38) 21% (36) 57% (99) 173Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS5_1

Table CMS5_1: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?If I was concerned about being exposed to COVID-19, I would try to get tested

Demographic Strongly agreeSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 51% (1025) 30% (603) 9% (173) 4% (73) 6% (121) 1995Gender: Male 50% (469) 31% (285) 10% (96) 4% (34) 5% (49) 934Gender: Female 52% (556) 30% (318) 7% (77) 4% (39) 7% (72) 1061Age: 18-34 43% (218) 33% (163) 12% (60) 4% (21) 8% (40) 501Age: 35-44 53% (160) 25% (76) 10% (30) 5% (15) 7% (22) 303Age: 45-64 54% (394) 30% (218) 7% (53) 3% (19) 6% (41) 727Age: 65+ 54% (253) 32% (146) 6% (29) 4% (18) 4% (18) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 47% (101) 30% (65) 9% (19) 4% (8) 10% (21) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 45% (205) 32% (144) 12% (55) 5% (23) 7% (30) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 54% (258) 27% (132) 9% (44) 3% (14) 7% (35) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 56% (415) 31% (230) 7% (52) 3% (20) 4% (29) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 59% (434) 28% (205) 6% (44) 3% (24) 3% (25) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 53% (323) 27% (163) 9% (58) 3% (19) 8% (51) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 41% (268) 36% (235) 11% (71) 5% (31) 7% (45) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 57% (172) 28% (83) 8% (24) 3% (10) 4% (11) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 61% (262) 28% (122) 5% (20) 3% (14) 3% (13) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 54% (172) 25% (81) 11% (36) 3% (9) 7% (22) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 51% (151) 28% (83) 7% (22) 3% (9) 10% (30) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 40% (125) 39% (121) 12% (36) 5% (15) 5% (16) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 43% (143) 34% (114) 10% (35) 5% (16) 9% (29) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 60% (338) 29% (162) 6% (36) 3% (18) 2% (12) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 55% (296) 27% (144) 10% (51) 2% (13) 6% (31) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 44% (318) 35% (251) 11% (76) 5% (35) 6% (47) 726Educ: < College 49% (620) 31% (395) 7% (92) 4% (50) 8% (99) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 52% (244) 29% (138) 13% (61) 3% (15) 3% (14) 472Educ: Post-grad 60% (161) 26% (71) 8% (21) 3% (7) 3% (9) 268Income: Under 50k 51% (513) 29% (298) 7% (72) 4% (41) 9% (89) 1012Income: 50k-100k 51% (349) 30% (207) 11% (73) 4% (26) 4% (26) 681Income: 100k+ 54% (164) 33% (98) 9% (28) 2% (6) 2% (6) 302Ethnicity: White 51% (817) 32% (510) 9% (145) 4% (58) 5% (83) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 57% (111) 24% (47) 8% (16) 5% (10) 5% (10) 193

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Morning ConsultTable CMS5_1

Table CMS5_1: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?If I was concerned about being exposed to COVID-19, I would try to get tested

Demographic Strongly agreeSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 51% (1025) 30% (603) 9% (173) 4% (73) 6% (121) 1995Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 55% (139) 24% (60) 7% (18) 4% (11) 10% (25) 253Ethnicity: Other 53% (69) 26% (33) 7% (10) 3% (4) 11% (14) 128All Christian 53% (514) 31% (296) 8% (82) 3% (33) 4% (43) 968All Non-Christian 57% (57) 26% (26) 9% (9) 5% (5) 3% (3) 100Atheist 52% (45) 33% (29) 9% (8) 4% (3) 2% (2) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 49% (410) 30% (252) 9% (74) 4% (31) 9% (73) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 55% (65) 26% (31) 9% (11) 6% (7) 3% (4) 119Evangelical 48% (264) 31% (172) 11% (59) 4% (25) 6% (34) 553Non-Evangelical 55% (418) 30% (232) 7% (55) 3% (22) 5% (36) 762Community: Urban 53% (238) 31% (141) 7% (29) 3% (13) 6% (28) 450Community: Suburban 52% (532) 31% (315) 9% (89) 3% (34) 5% (46) 1016Community: Rural 48% (254) 28% (147) 10% (54) 5% (26) 9% (47) 529Employ: Private Sector 50% (312) 32% (199) 10% (63) 3% (20) 5% (31) 624Employ: Government 50% (69) 27% (38) 9% (12) 6% (8) 8% (11) 138Employ: Self-Employed 49% (74) 27% (40) 12% (18) 5% (8) 7% (11) 150Employ: Homemaker 61% (63) 23% (23) 7% (7) 4% (4) 5% (6) 103Employ: Retired 52% (262) 33% (169) 6% (33) 4% (20) 5% (23) 507Employ: Unemployed 49% (101) 29% (59) 9% (18) 2% (5) 11% (24) 206Employ: Other 56% (76) 29% (39) 8% (11) 2% (2) 5% (7) 135Military HH: Yes 49% (166) 33% (112) 8% (25) 4% (14) 5% (18) 336Military HH: No 52% (859) 30% (492) 9% (147) 4% (59) 6% (103) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 43% (296) 34% (234) 11% (73) 5% (35) 8% (52) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 56% (728) 28% (370) 8% (100) 3% (38) 5% (69) 1305Trump Job Approve 42% (354) 33% (278) 12% (102) 5% (42) 7% (58) 835Trump Job Disapprove 59% (651) 28% (308) 6% (69) 3% (29) 4% (44) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 44% (217) 31% (156) 12% (60) 6% (28) 7% (35) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 41% (137) 36% (123) 12% (42) 4% (14) 7% (23) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 48% (111) 38% (88) 9% (20) 1% (2) 5% (12) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 62% (540) 25% (220) 6% (49) 3% (27) 4% (32) 867

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS5_1

Table CMS5_1: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?If I was concerned about being exposed to COVID-19, I would try to get tested

Demographic Strongly agreeSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 51% (1025) 30% (603) 9% (173) 4% (73) 6% (121) 1995Favorable of Trump 43% (348) 34% (274) 12% (98) 5% (39) 7% (54) 813Unfavorable of Trump 60% (656) 28% (309) 6% (70) 2% (25) 4% (42) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 44% (229) 32% (167) 12% (60) 6% (29) 6% (33) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 40% (119) 36% (107) 13% (38) 3% (10) 7% (21) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 49% (95) 37% (72) 9% (17) 1% (2) 5% (9) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 62% (561) 26% (236) 6% (53) 3% (23) 4% (33) 907#1 Issue: Economy 50% (322) 31% (202) 9% (60) 3% (19) 6% (38) 641#1 Issue: Security 44% (107) 31% (75) 14% (33) 4% (10) 8% (19) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 54% (212) 29% (116) 9% (35) 4% (15) 4% (17) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 53% (166) 33% (104) 5% (16) 3% (11) 5% (16) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 51% (38) 30% (22) 2% (2) 6% (4) 12% (9) 76#1 Issue: Education 57% (61) 22% (24) 9% (10) 5% (5) 7% (8) 108#1 Issue: Energy 51% (44) 35% (31) 7% (6) 2% (2) 4% (3) 87#1 Issue: Other 56% (74) 23% (30) 8% (11) 5% (6) 8% (11) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 62% (494) 27% (214) 6% (46) 3% (24) 2% (17) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 44% (284) 36% (233) 11% (72) 4% (25) 6% (37) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 51% (44) 24% (21) 8% (7) 3% (3) 14% (12) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 61% (437) 27% (193) 7% (48) 3% (22) 2% (14) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 43% (312) 35% (255) 11% (78) 4% (27) 7% (47) 7202016 Vote: Other 58% (80) 28% (38) 5% (6) 2% (3) 8% (11) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 47% (196) 28% (117) 9% (40) 5% (21) 11% (48) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 54% (733) 30% (400) 8% (102) 4% (48) 5% (62) 1346Voted in 2014: No 45% (292) 31% (204) 11% (70) 4% (24) 9% (59) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 61% (520) 25% (213) 7% (63) 4% (30) 4% (33) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 41% (207) 40% (204) 9% (44) 5% (24) 6% (31) 5092012 Vote: Other 40% (36) 31% (28) 13% (11) 2% (2) 14% (13) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 49% (259) 30% (159) 10% (54) 3% (17) 8% (43) 532

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Morning ConsultTable CMS5_1

Table CMS5_1: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?If I was concerned about being exposed to COVID-19, I would try to get tested

Demographic Strongly agreeSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 51% (1025) 30% (603) 9% (173) 4% (73) 6% (121) 19954-Region: Northeast 53% (190) 31% (110) 8% (27) 4% (13) 5% (16) 3564-Region: Midwest 50% (231) 30% (139) 11% (52) 4% (17) 4% (20) 4584-Region: South 52% (386) 29% (219) 7% (56) 4% (28) 8% (56) 7454-Region: West 50% (219) 31% (135) 9% (37) 4% (16) 7% (29) 436Sports fan 53% (743) 29% (408) 8% (117) 3% (43) 6% (85) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 54% (209) 29% (113) 8% (32) 3% (11) 5% (19) 385Frequent Flyer 52% (117) 32% (72) 8% (17) 5% (10) 4% (9) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS5_2

Table CMS5_2: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?I am suspicious of testing for COVID-19, and would avoid getting tested

Demographic Strongly agreeSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (134) 14% (273) 21% (422) 48% (951) 11% (214) 1995Gender: Male 8% (77) 14% (135) 23% (216) 45% (420) 9% (85) 934Gender: Female 5% (57) 13% (138) 19% (206) 50% (531) 12% (129) 1061Age: 18-34 9% (46) 16% (81) 23% (114) 40% (198) 12% (61) 501Age: 35-44 9% (27) 17% (52) 18% (54) 46% (140) 10% (32) 303Age: 45-64 6% (45) 12% (90) 20% (142) 49% (356) 13% (93) 727Age: 65+ 3% (16) 11% (50) 24% (113) 55% (257) 6% (28) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 8% (16) 20% (42) 18% (40) 41% (88) 13% (28) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 10% (45) 16% (71) 23% (105) 41% (185) 11% (50) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 7% (36) 15% (72) 17% (82) 48% (234) 12% (60) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 4% (33) 10% (78) 22% (164) 54% (400) 9% (71) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 6% (46) 12% (85) 18% (130) 56% (411) 8% (59) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 7% (40) 14% (86) 22% (135) 45% (274) 13% (79) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 7% (48) 16% (101) 24% (157) 41% (267) 12% (77) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 8% (25) 14% (42) 18% (53) 52% (157) 8% (23) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 5% (21) 10% (44) 18% (77) 59% (253) 8% (35) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 9% (28) 14% (45) 23% (75) 43% (136) 11% (35) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 4% (12) 14% (42) 20% (60) 47% (137) 15% (44) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 8% (24) 16% (49) 28% (88) 40% (126) 9% (27) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 7% (24) 16% (53) 21% (69) 42% (141) 15% (50) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 5% (28) 9% (51) 18% (101) 63% (355) 5% (30) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 7% (36) 14% (73) 23% (121) 46% (246) 11% (57) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 7% (49) 16% (113) 23% (169) 43% (314) 11% (81) 726Educ: < College 7% (92) 15% (189) 21% (269) 43% (543) 13% (162) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 6% (26) 12% (57) 22% (106) 54% (254) 6% (29) 472Educ: Post-grad 6% (16) 10% (27) 18% (48) 57% (154) 8% (23) 268Income: Under 50k 8% (83) 15% (154) 21% (216) 42% (426) 13% (133) 1012Income: 50k-100k 5% (37) 13% (87) 20% (134) 53% (361) 9% (61) 681Income: 100k+ 4% (13) 11% (32) 24% (72) 54% (164) 7% (20) 302Ethnicity: White 6% (97) 13% (204) 22% (361) 49% (796) 10% (156) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 8% (15) 14% (27) 16% (31) 52% (101) 10% (20) 193

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Morning ConsultTable CMS5_2

Table CMS5_2: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?I am suspicious of testing for COVID-19, and would avoid getting tested

Demographic Strongly agreeSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (134) 14% (273) 21% (422) 48% (951) 11% (214) 1995Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 12% (31) 21% (54) 14% (36) 41% (103) 12% (30) 253Ethnicity: Other 5% (6) 12% (16) 20% (26) 40% (52) 22% (29) 128All Christian 6% (58) 11% (105) 22% (211) 52% (507) 9% (87) 968All Non-Christian 9% (9) 10% (10) 23% (23) 49% (49) 9% (9) 100Atheist 3% (3) 15% (13) 23% (20) 56% (49) 3% (2) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 8% (64) 17% (145) 20% (169) 41% (346) 14% (116) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 9% (10) 10% (12) 22% (26) 50% (60) 10% (12) 119Evangelical 9% (49) 14% (76) 23% (126) 41% (226) 14% (77) 553Non-Evangelical 6% (47) 13% (97) 20% (153) 54% (409) 7% (55) 762Community: Urban 7% (30) 13% (56) 18% (83) 55% (246) 8% (34) 450Community: Suburban 5% (56) 14% (139) 22% (219) 49% (500) 10% (103) 1016Community: Rural 9% (48) 15% (78) 23% (121) 39% (205) 15% (77) 529Employ: Private Sector 6% (38) 14% (90) 22% (135) 49% (304) 9% (57) 624Employ: Government 8% (10) 11% (16) 20% (27) 51% (70) 11% (15) 138Employ: Self-Employed 12% (18) 13% (20) 20% (30) 40% (61) 14% (22) 150Employ: Homemaker 8% (8) 16% (17) 18% (19) 47% (48) 11% (11) 103Employ: Retired 4% (20) 10% (51) 24% (123) 54% (272) 8% (41) 507Employ: Unemployed 9% (19) 19% (39) 15% (32) 40% (82) 17% (35) 206Employ: Other 7% (10) 12% (17) 24% (32) 42% (57) 14% (19) 135Military HH: Yes 6% (19) 12% (40) 20% (66) 52% (176) 10% (35) 336Military HH: No 7% (115) 14% (233) 22% (357) 47% (775) 11% (179) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 8% (53) 17% (119) 21% (147) 41% (285) 13% (87) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 6% (81) 12% (154) 21% (276) 51% (666) 10% (127) 1305Trump Job Approve 8% (66) 18% (146) 24% (197) 40% (335) 11% (91) 835Trump Job Disapprove 6% (67) 11% (120) 19% (214) 55% (604) 9% (95) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 10% (49) 17% (84) 21% (106) 39% (195) 12% (62) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 5% (17) 18% (62) 27% (91) 41% (139) 9% (30) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 5% (12) 22% (51) 19% (45) 42% (97) 12% (29) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 6% (56) 8% (69) 19% (169) 58% (507) 8% (67) 867

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS5_2

Table CMS5_2: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?I am suspicious of testing for COVID-19, and would avoid getting tested

Demographic Strongly agreeSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (134) 14% (273) 21% (422) 48% (951) 11% (214) 1995Favorable of Trump 7% (60) 18% (145) 24% (191) 41% (330) 11% (86) 813Unfavorable of Trump 6% (62) 11% (117) 20% (220) 55% (607) 9% (97) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 9% (49) 19% (97) 22% (115) 37% (194) 12% (63) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 4% (11) 17% (49) 26% (77) 46% (136) 8% (23) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 6% (12) 18% (35) 23% (45) 40% (78) 13% (25) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 5% (50) 9% (81) 19% (175) 58% (530) 8% (72) 907#1 Issue: Economy 6% (41) 15% (94) 21% (133) 48% (308) 10% (65) 641#1 Issue: Security 11% (27) 14% (34) 24% (59) 35% (86) 15% (37) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 5% (20) 14% (55) 19% (77) 52% (207) 9% (36) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 5% (16) 13% (40) 26% (81) 45% (141) 11% (36) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 4% (3) 10% (8) 23% (18) 48% (37) 14% (11) 76#1 Issue: Education 7% (7) 12% (13) 21% (23) 47% (51) 12% (13) 108#1 Issue: Energy 6% (6) 11% (9) 18% (16) 57% (50) 8% (7) 87#1 Issue: Other 10% (13) 15% (20) 13% (17) 55% (72) 7% (10) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 5% (44) 10% (79) 19% (149) 59% (472) 7% (52) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 7% (44) 15% (98) 26% (166) 41% (270) 11% (73) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 10% (9) 15% (13) 15% (13) 39% (34) 20% (17) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 6% (40) 11% (79) 19% (136) 59% (418) 6% (41) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 8% (58) 15% (105) 24% (172) 43% (306) 11% (78) 7202016 Vote: Other 6% (8) 12% (16) 17% (24) 50% (68) 15% (21) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 7% (28) 17% (71) 21% (91) 38% (158) 17% (74) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 6% (81) 13% (171) 21% (283) 51% (689) 9% (122) 1346Voted in 2014: No 8% (53) 16% (103) 21% (139) 40% (262) 14% (92) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 5% (44) 11% (97) 21% (176) 56% (478) 7% (64) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 8% (41) 13% (68) 24% (123) 43% (220) 11% (56) 5092012 Vote: Other 6% (5) 21% (19) 15% (13) 40% (36) 19% (17) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 8% (44) 16% (87) 21% (109) 40% (215) 14% (77) 532

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Morning ConsultTable CMS5_2

Table CMS5_2: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?I am suspicious of testing for COVID-19, and would avoid getting tested

Demographic Strongly agreeSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (134) 14% (273) 21% (422) 48% (951) 11% (214) 19954-Region: Northeast 7% (25) 14% (49) 20% (71) 51% (180) 9% (31) 3564-Region: Midwest 7% (33) 14% (64) 22% (100) 47% (215) 10% (46) 4584-Region: South 7% (55) 13% (96) 23% (171) 45% (333) 12% (90) 7454-Region: West 5% (21) 15% (64) 18% (80) 51% (223) 11% (48) 436Sports fan 7% (97) 13% (186) 21% (300) 48% (676) 10% (139) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 9% (36) 14% (54) 21% (82) 45% (174) 10% (40) 385Frequent Flyer 9% (21) 8% (19) 20% (45) 53% (120) 9% (21) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS5_3

Table CMS5_3: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?I would like to know that I could get tested for COVID-19 whenever necessary

Demographic Strongly agreeSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 53% (1057) 32% (629) 5% (99) 3% (68) 7% (141) 1995Gender: Male 49% (456) 34% (318) 6% (60) 4% (38) 7% (62) 934Gender: Female 57% (601) 29% (312) 4% (39) 3% (30) 7% (79) 1061Age: 18-34 48% (238) 33% (164) 6% (28) 4% (21) 10% (49) 501Age: 35-44 56% (168) 24% (73) 6% (19) 4% (13) 10% (30) 303Age: 45-64 53% (383) 34% (247) 4% (28) 3% (22) 6% (46) 727Age: 65+ 58% (268) 31% (145) 5% (23) 3% (12) 4% (17) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 49% (106) 30% (65) 4% (9) 5% (10) 11% (24) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 50% (230) 30% (139) 7% (30) 4% (17) 9% (41) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 52% (251) 30% (146) 5% (25) 4% (20) 8% (40) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 57% (424) 32% (242) 4% (32) 2% (16) 4% (32) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 65% (472) 26% (189) 3% (23) 2% (15) 4% (32) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 51% (312) 32% (199) 6% (34) 3% (17) 8% (52) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 42% (274) 37% (241) 6% (42) 6% (36) 9% (57) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 63% (188) 26% (77) 4% (12) 3% (8) 5% (14) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 66% (283) 26% (112) 3% (11) 1% (6) 4% (18) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 47% (150) 36% (114) 7% (24) 4% (11) 7% (21) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 55% (162) 29% (85) 4% (10) 2% (6) 11% (31) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 38% (118) 40% (127) 8% (24) 6% (18) 9% (27) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 46% (156) 34% (114) 5% (18) 5% (18) 9% (30) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 67% (380) 24% (136) 3% (17) 2% (14) 3% (18) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 55% (296) 32% (170) 5% (26) 2% (11) 6% (31) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 44% (316) 38% (277) 7% (47) 5% (34) 7% (52) 726Educ: < College 51% (636) 32% (399) 5% (58) 4% (48) 9% (113) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 56% (262) 32% (150) 7% (31) 2% (11) 4% (17) 472Educ: Post-grad 59% (159) 30% (81) 3% (9) 3% (9) 4% (11) 268Income: Under 50k 51% (518) 31% (311) 5% (55) 3% (35) 9% (93) 1012Income: 50k-100k 53% (364) 33% (226) 4% (30) 4% (24) 5% (36) 681Income: 100k+ 58% (176) 30% (92) 5% (14) 3% (9) 4% (12) 302Ethnicity: White 52% (839) 34% (548) 5% (80) 4% (58) 5% (88) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 51% (99) 34% (65) 5% (10) 3% (6) 6% (12) 193

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Morning ConsultTable CMS5_3

Table CMS5_3: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?I would like to know that I could get tested for COVID-19 whenever necessary

Demographic Strongly agreeSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 53% (1057) 32% (629) 5% (99) 3% (68) 7% (141) 1995Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 61% (153) 17% (44) 5% (12) 3% (8) 14% (36) 253Ethnicity: Other 51% (65) 29% (38) 6% (7) 1% (2) 13% (17) 128All Christian 54% (522) 33% (318) 5% (46) 4% (36) 5% (46) 968All Non-Christian 67% (67) 22% (22) 1% (1) 4% (4) 7% (7) 100Atheist 56% (49) 40% (34) 3% (3) 1% (1) — (0) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 50% (420) 30% (255) 6% (50) 3% (27) 11% (89) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 65% (78) 23% (28) 2% (2) 3% (4) 6% (7) 119Evangelical 46% (254) 33% (183) 7% (38) 6% (32) 8% (46) 553Non-Evangelical 58% (444) 31% (233) 4% (30) 3% (20) 5% (36) 762Community: Urban 56% (251) 32% (145) 4% (16) 2% (11) 6% (26) 450Community: Suburban 53% (538) 33% (333) 5% (52) 3% (29) 6% (65) 1016Community: Rural 51% (269) 29% (151) 6% (31) 5% (28) 10% (50) 529Employ: Private Sector 52% (327) 34% (212) 6% (35) 3% (20) 5% (31) 624Employ: Government 49% (68) 34% (47) 2% (2) 4% (5) 11% (15) 138Employ: Self-Employed 49% (73) 26% (39) 8% (12) 7% (11) 10% (14) 150Employ: Homemaker 55% (57) 29% (30) 6% (6) 3% (4) 6% (6) 103Employ: Retired 55% (279) 33% (165) 4% (21) 3% (14) 5% (26) 507Employ: Unemployed 55% (113) 29% (59) 4% (9) 4% (7) 9% (18) 206Employ: Other 53% (71) 30% (40) 5% (7) 2% (3) 10% (14) 135Military HH: Yes 51% (170) 34% (114) 4% (13) 4% (15) 7% (23) 336Military HH: No 53% (887) 31% (515) 5% (86) 3% (53) 7% (119) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 42% (289) 37% (256) 6% (45) 6% (42) 9% (59) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 59% (769) 29% (374) 4% (54) 2% (26) 6% (82) 1305Trump Job Approve 41% (341) 38% (318) 8% (64) 6% (48) 8% (63) 835Trump Job Disapprove 63% (698) 27% (295) 3% (33) 2% (17) 5% (58) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 40% (198) 37% (182) 8% (41) 7% (34) 8% (41) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 42% (143) 40% (136) 7% (23) 4% (14) 7% (23) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 45% (105) 41% (94) 5% (11) 2% (6) 7% (17) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 68% (593) 23% (200) 3% (22) 1% (11) 5% (40) 867

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS5_3

Table CMS5_3: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?I would like to know that I could get tested for COVID-19 whenever necessary

Demographic Strongly agreeSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 53% (1057) 32% (629) 5% (99) 3% (68) 7% (141) 1995Favorable of Trump 42% (345) 38% (309) 7% (57) 5% (44) 7% (57) 813Unfavorable of Trump 62% (686) 27% (297) 4% (41) 2% (19) 5% (59) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 42% (216) 35% (184) 8% (43) 7% (34) 8% (42) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 44% (129) 43% (125) 5% (15) 3% (10) 5% (15) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 43% (84) 39% (77) 7% (14) 4% (8) 6% (13) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 66% (602) 24% (221) 3% (27) 1% (12) 5% (46) 907#1 Issue: Economy 54% (346) 32% (208) 5% (32) 3% (16) 6% (39) 641#1 Issue: Security 41% (100) 35% (85) 9% (21) 5% (12) 10% (25) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 59% (234) 29% (113) 3% (12) 3% (14) 6% (23) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 52% (163) 33% (104) 6% (18) 3% (10) 6% (18) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 50% (38) 26% (20) 6% (5) 4% (3) 13% (10) 76#1 Issue: Education 50% (55) 33% (36) 4% (5) 5% (6) 7% (7) 108#1 Issue: Energy 52% (45) 33% (29) 3% (3) 2% (2) 9% (8) 87#1 Issue: Other 58% (76) 26% (35) 3% (4) 4% (5) 9% (12) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 66% (529) 26% (208) 2% (20) 2% (13) 3% (26) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 40% (263) 40% (263) 8% (50) 5% (30) 7% (45) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 45% (39) 29% (26) 6% (5) 2% (2) 17% (15) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 67% (478) 26% (184) 2% (14) 2% (15) 3% (23) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 42% (299) 39% (283) 7% (50) 5% (34) 7% (53) 7202016 Vote: Other 56% (77) 33% (46) 3% (4) 1% (1) 7% (9) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 48% (203) 28% (116) 7% (30) 4% (16) 13% (56) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 55% (739) 32% (437) 4% (60) 3% (44) 5% (66) 1346Voted in 2014: No 49% (318) 30% (193) 6% (39) 4% (24) 12% (75) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 63% (541) 27% (235) 3% (29) 2% (16) 4% (38) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 43% (218) 39% (196) 6% (32) 6% (28) 7% (35) 5092012 Vote: Other 39% (35) 38% (34) 10% (9) 1% (1) 13% (12) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 49% (261) 31% (164) 5% (29) 4% (21) 11% (56) 532

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Morning ConsultTable CMS5_3

Table CMS5_3: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?I would like to know that I could get tested for COVID-19 whenever necessary

Demographic Strongly agreeSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 53% (1057) 32% (629) 5% (99) 3% (68) 7% (141) 19954-Region: Northeast 56% (199) 31% (111) 3% (11) 4% (13) 6% (22) 3564-Region: Midwest 51% (235) 35% (159) 5% (23) 3% (16) 5% (25) 4584-Region: South 55% (410) 29% (213) 5% (36) 3% (25) 8% (61) 7454-Region: West 49% (214) 33% (146) 7% (29) 3% (14) 8% (33) 436Sports fan 54% (752) 31% (439) 5% (73) 3% (42) 6% (90) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 56% (217) 29% (113) 5% (21) 2% (7) 7% (26) 385Frequent Flyer 59% (134) 25% (57) 7% (16) 3% (7) 5% (11) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS5_4

Table CMS5_4: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?Regularly testing people for COVID-19 would help the United States contain the spread of the virus

Demographic Strongly agreeSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 44% (874) 32% (629) 10% (202) 6% (120) 8% (169) 1995Gender: Male 44% (407) 30% (280) 12% (108) 7% (68) 8% (70) 934Gender: Female 44% (467) 33% (349) 9% (95) 5% (52) 9% (98) 1061Age: 18-34 43% (217) 30% (149) 11% (53) 5% (27) 11% (55) 501Age: 35-44 41% (123) 31% (94) 11% (34) 7% (21) 10% (31) 303Age: 45-64 42% (308) 32% (234) 10% (75) 7% (49) 8% (60) 727Age: 65+ 49% (225) 33% (152) 9% (41) 5% (23) 5% (23) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 44% (93) 26% (56) 12% (25) 6% (13) 13% (27) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 43% (195) 32% (146) 10% (48) 5% (23) 10% (45) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 40% (193) 32% (156) 11% (54) 8% (38) 9% (41) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 47% (348) 32% (236) 9% (67) 6% (42) 7% (52) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 61% (444) 27% (197) 5% (39) 2% (11) 5% (39) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 41% (253) 31% (189) 10% (61) 8% (49) 10% (62) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 27% (177) 37% (243) 16% (103) 9% (59) 10% (68) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 62% (186) 24% (71) 6% (18) 2% (5) 7% (20) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 60% (258) 29% (126) 5% (20) 2% (7) 4% (19) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 42% (133) 30% (97) 11% (36) 11% (35) 6% (18) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 41% (120) 31% (92) 8% (25) 5% (15) 15% (44) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 28% (88) 36% (112) 17% (53) 9% (29) 10% (32) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 27% (90) 39% (131) 15% (50) 9% (30) 11% (36) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 65% (370) 25% (140) 5% (29) 2% (9) 3% (17) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 43% (229) 37% (200) 9% (49) 4% (21) 7% (35) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 30% (219) 35% (254) 15% (109) 11% (77) 9% (68) 726Educ: < College 40% (506) 33% (409) 10% (125) 6% (77) 11% (138) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 48% (229) 31% (147) 11% (51) 6% (26) 4% (19) 472Educ: Post-grad 52% (140) 27% (74) 10% (26) 6% (17) 5% (12) 268Income: Under 50k 44% (440) 31% (316) 9% (88) 6% (61) 10% (106) 1012Income: 50k-100k 45% (309) 31% (208) 11% (78) 6% (40) 7% (45) 681Income: 100k+ 41% (125) 35% (105) 12% (37) 6% (19) 6% (17) 302Ethnicity: White 43% (689) 33% (528) 11% (172) 6% (102) 8% (124) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 50% (97) 27% (51) 10% (20) 7% (13) 6% (11) 193

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Morning ConsultTable CMS5_4

Table CMS5_4: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?Regularly testing people for COVID-19 would help the United States contain the spread of the virus

Demographic Strongly agreeSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 44% (874) 32% (629) 10% (202) 6% (120) 8% (169) 1995Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 49% (125) 25% (64) 8% (21) 5% (13) 12% (30) 253Ethnicity: Other 48% (61) 29% (37) 8% (10) 4% (5) 12% (15) 128All Christian 43% (414) 33% (322) 11% (106) 7% (68) 6% (59) 968All Non-Christian 56% (56) 26% (26) 8% (8) 6% (6) 5% (5) 100Atheist 66% (57) 21% (18) 8% (7) 1% (1) 3% (3) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 41% (348) 31% (264) 10% (82) 5% (45) 12% (102) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 54% (65) 28% (33) 7% (9) 6% (7) 5% (6) 119Evangelical 35% (196) 32% (175) 13% (71) 9% (52) 11% (60) 553Non-Evangelical 46% (354) 32% (247) 9% (70) 6% (42) 6% (49) 762Community: Urban 47% (211) 32% (143) 9% (41) 5% (23) 7% (32) 450Community: Suburban 45% (461) 33% (332) 10% (99) 5% (55) 7% (69) 1016Community: Rural 38% (202) 29% (154) 12% (62) 8% (42) 13% (69) 529Employ: Private Sector 43% (267) 34% (213) 11% (70) 6% (37) 6% (37) 624Employ: Government 44% (61) 26% (36) 10% (14) 9% (12) 11% (15) 138Employ: Self-Employed 45% (67) 24% (36) 14% (21) 8% (12) 9% (14) 150Employ: Homemaker 41% (43) 38% (39) 8% (9) 5% (5) 7% (7) 103Employ: Retired 46% (233) 31% (155) 10% (48) 6% (31) 8% (39) 507Employ: Unemployed 46% (95) 29% (60) 6% (13) 6% (12) 13% (27) 206Employ: Other 38% (51) 37% (50) 8% (11) 5% (7) 12% (15) 135Military HH: Yes 45% (152) 27% (92) 13% (44) 6% (20) 8% (28) 336Military HH: No 44% (722) 32% (537) 10% (159) 6% (100) 8% (141) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 30% (208) 36% (246) 14% (94) 9% (65) 11% (76) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 51% (666) 29% (383) 8% (108) 4% (55) 7% (93) 1305Trump Job Approve 28% (238) 35% (291) 16% (130) 11% (93) 10% (83) 835Trump Job Disapprove 57% (622) 30% (325) 6% (68) 2% (24) 5% (60) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 27% (134) 32% (158) 17% (85) 14% (67) 11% (53) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 31% (104) 39% (133) 13% (45) 8% (26) 9% (30) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 43% (99) 40% (92) 9% (20) 1% (3) 8% (18) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 60% (523) 27% (233) 5% (48) 2% (21) 5% (42) 867

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS5_4

Table CMS5_4: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?Regularly testing people for COVID-19 would help the United States contain the spread of the virus

Demographic Strongly agreeSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 44% (874) 32% (629) 10% (202) 6% (120) 8% (169) 1995Favorable of Trump 29% (233) 36% (291) 15% (121) 11% (89) 10% (79) 813Unfavorable of Trump 57% (627) 28% (314) 7% (75) 2% (24) 6% (63) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 28% (145) 32% (168) 16% (83) 13% (66) 11% (56) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 30% (87) 42% (123) 13% (38) 8% (23) 8% (23) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 38% (74) 37% (72) 13% (26) 5% (9) 7% (14) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 61% (553) 27% (242) 5% (49) 2% (15) 5% (48) 907#1 Issue: Economy 42% (271) 31% (196) 12% (78) 7% (42) 8% (54) 641#1 Issue: Security 28% (69) 31% (75) 19% (46) 12% (29) 10% (25) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 50% (199) 33% (129) 6% (22) 3% (13) 8% (32) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 49% (152) 33% (103) 9% (29) 4% (13) 5% (17) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 45% (34) 32% (24) 7% (6) 1% (1) 15% (11) 76#1 Issue: Education 37% (40) 34% (36) 8% (9) 10% (11) 10% (11) 108#1 Issue: Energy 53% (46) 38% (33) 1% (1) 1% (1) 6% (5) 87#1 Issue: Other 48% (63) 25% (33) 10% (13) 8% (10) 10% (13) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 60% (479) 29% (229) 6% (44) 2% (18) 3% (25) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 28% (183) 36% (236) 15% (100) 10% (68) 10% (64) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 46% (40) 25% (22) 10% (9) 4% (3) 14% (13) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 60% (425) 29% (210) 6% (40) 2% (11) 4% (28) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 29% (208) 37% (265) 14% (104) 10% (73) 10% (69) 7202016 Vote: Other 51% (70) 27% (38) 9% (12) 5% (7) 8% (11) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 41% (172) 28% (116) 11% (46) 6% (27) 14% (60) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 45% (601) 33% (438) 10% (133) 6% (83) 7% (90) 1346Voted in 2014: No 42% (273) 29% (191) 11% (69) 6% (36) 12% (79) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 56% (485) 29% (250) 7% (60) 2% (21) 5% (44) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 26% (134) 38% (192) 14% (73) 12% (60) 10% (49) 5092012 Vote: Other 31% (28) 31% (28) 17% (16) 5% (5) 15% (13) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 42% (225) 30% (159) 10% (53) 6% (32) 12% (63) 532

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Morning ConsultTable CMS5_4

Table CMS5_4: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?Regularly testing people for COVID-19 would help the United States contain the spread of the virus

Demographic Strongly agreeSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 44% (874) 32% (629) 10% (202) 6% (120) 8% (169) 19954-Region: Northeast 47% (167) 32% (115) 8% (27) 6% (21) 7% (25) 3564-Region: Midwest 44% (201) 29% (135) 12% (54) 7% (31) 8% (37) 4584-Region: South 42% (315) 32% (241) 10% (71) 6% (42) 10% (76) 7454-Region: West 44% (191) 32% (138) 12% (50) 6% (26) 7% (31) 436Sports fan 45% (634) 31% (436) 11% (147) 5% (67) 8% (112) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 46% (178) 31% (120) 10% (38) 6% (23) 7% (26) 385Frequent Flyer 50% (112) 30% (67) 11% (24) 5% (11) 5% (11) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS5_5

Table CMS5_5: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?The United States has not done enough to make COVID-19 testing readily available

Demographic Strongly agreeSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 34% (682) 25% (497) 16% (322) 14% (283) 11% (211) 1995Gender: Male 34% (313) 26% (241) 17% (155) 15% (142) 9% (82) 934Gender: Female 35% (369) 24% (256) 16% (167) 13% (141) 12% (129) 1061Age: 18-34 32% (158) 31% (154) 14% (71) 9% (46) 14% (72) 501Age: 35-44 32% (98) 23% (71) 14% (43) 18% (54) 12% (38) 303Age: 45-64 35% (253) 24% (172) 16% (114) 15% (111) 10% (76) 727Age: 65+ 37% (173) 22% (101) 20% (94) 15% (72) 5% (25) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 28% (61) 32% (68) 16% (34) 7% (14) 17% (37) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 33% (152) 28% (126) 14% (62) 14% (64) 11% (52) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 35% (168) 24% (116) 15% (72) 14% (69) 12% (58) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 37% (279) 22% (167) 17% (127) 16% (116) 8% (56) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 53% (390) 25% (180) 9% (65) 6% (42) 7% (53) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 32% (199) 28% (174) 14% (86) 12% (73) 13% (83) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 14% (94) 22% (143) 26% (171) 26% (168) 12% (75) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 55% (164) 24% (71) 11% (32) 5% (16) 6% (18) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 53% (226) 25% (109) 8% (33) 6% (26) 8% (36) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 34% (108) 29% (94) 14% (45) 13% (42) 10% (31) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 31% (91) 27% (80) 14% (40) 11% (31) 18% (52) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 13% (41) 24% (77) 25% (78) 27% (84) 11% (34) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 16% (52) 20% (66) 28% (93) 25% (83) 12% (41) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 59% (333) 24% (133) 7% (40) 7% (38) 4% (22) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 36% (193) 30% (161) 14% (77) 9% (47) 11% (57) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 16% (115) 23% (168) 25% (180) 25% (185) 11% (78) 726Educ: < College 30% (376) 26% (330) 16% (201) 14% (176) 14% (172) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 39% (184) 24% (115) 18% (85) 14% (64) 5% (24) 472Educ: Post-grad 45% (122) 20% (52) 13% (36) 16% (43) 6% (15) 268Income: Under 50k 33% (337) 25% (250) 15% (154) 14% (140) 13% (131) 1012Income: 50k-100k 35% (236) 26% (175) 17% (114) 13% (89) 10% (67) 681Income: 100k+ 36% (110) 24% (72) 18% (54) 18% (53) 4% (12) 302Ethnicity: White 33% (535) 24% (392) 17% (281) 16% (250) 10% (155) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 32% (62) 30% (58) 14% (28) 9% (17) 15% (28) 193

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Morning ConsultTable CMS5_5

Table CMS5_5: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?The United States has not done enough to make COVID-19 testing readily available

Demographic Strongly agreeSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 34% (682) 25% (497) 16% (322) 14% (283) 11% (211) 1995Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 41% (105) 27% (69) 11% (29) 7% (17) 13% (34) 253Ethnicity: Other 33% (43) 28% (36) 9% (12) 12% (15) 17% (22) 128All Christian 30% (288) 26% (250) 19% (186) 18% (172) 7% (72) 968All Non-Christian 53% (53) 22% (22) 11% (11) 8% (8) 6% (6) 100Atheist 50% (43) 29% (25) 9% (8) 8% (7) 3% (3) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 35% (298) 24% (199) 14% (117) 11% (96) 16% (130) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 50% (60) 22% (26) 12% (14) 9% (11) 6% (8) 119Evangelical 24% (132) 23% (130) 19% (103) 21% (119) 13% (70) 553Non-Evangelical 34% (259) 27% (209) 17% (132) 13% (101) 8% (61) 762Community: Urban 41% (182) 23% (103) 13% (60) 13% (57) 10% (47) 450Community: Suburban 34% (349) 27% (277) 17% (171) 13% (133) 8% (85) 1016Community: Rural 29% (151) 22% (116) 17% (90) 18% (93) 15% (79) 529Employ: Private Sector 34% (211) 26% (164) 15% (96) 16% (99) 9% (53) 624Employ: Government 30% (41) 26% (36) 16% (21) 16% (22) 13% (18) 138Employ: Self-Employed 36% (53) 24% (36) 14% (21) 14% (22) 12% (18) 150Employ: Homemaker 30% (31) 22% (23) 20% (21) 18% (19) 10% (10) 103Employ: Retired 37% (188) 22% (113) 18% (89) 16% (82) 7% (35) 507Employ: Unemployed 34% (70) 22% (44) 17% (35) 11% (23) 17% (34) 206Employ: Other 37% (50) 26% (36) 17% (22) 6% (8) 14% (19) 135Military HH: Yes 32% (107) 25% (83) 22% (74) 15% (51) 6% (20) 336Military HH: No 35% (575) 25% (414) 15% (248) 14% (232) 11% (191) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 13% (89) 22% (153) 25% (170) 27% (184) 14% (94) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 45% (593) 26% (344) 12% (152) 8% (98) 9% (117) 1305Trump Job Approve 13% (109) 22% (183) 27% (223) 27% (225) 11% (94) 835Trump Job Disapprove 51% (564) 28% (306) 8% (91) 5% (55) 8% (85) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 13% (63) 17% (84) 22% (109) 38% (187) 11% (53) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 14% (46) 29% (98) 34% (114) 11% (39) 12% (41) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 23% (53) 46% (107) 16% (37) 7% (15) 9% (20) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 59% (510) 23% (199) 6% (54) 5% (40) 7% (65) 867

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Table CMS5_5

Table CMS5_5: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?The United States has not done enough to make COVID-19 testing readily available

Demographic Strongly agreeSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 34% (682) 25% (497) 16% (322) 14% (283) 11% (211) 1995Favorable of Trump 12% (100) 22% (180) 27% (220) 27% (221) 11% (92) 813Unfavorable of Trump 51% (561) 28% (304) 9% (98) 5% (54) 8% (86) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 12% (64) 19% (98) 22% (113) 35% (184) 12% (60) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 12% (37) 28% (81) 37% (108) 13% (37) 11% (32) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 21% (41) 41% (79) 19% (38) 7% (13) 12% (24) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 57% (520) 25% (224) 7% (60) 4% (40) 7% (63) 907#1 Issue: Economy 28% (181) 28% (182) 18% (113) 17% (107) 9% (58) 641#1 Issue: Security 16% (39) 16% (39) 26% (63) 29% (71) 13% (31) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 47% (185) 24% (94) 12% (47) 9% (36) 9% (34) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 38% (118) 23% (74) 19% (61) 11% (33) 9% (28) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 27% (20) 32% (24) 14% (11) 7% (6) 19% (15) 76#1 Issue: Education 36% (39) 28% (30) 11% (12) 8% (9) 18% (19) 108#1 Issue: Energy 51% (44) 34% (30) 4% (4) 2% (2) 8% (7) 87#1 Issue: Other 44% (57) 19% (25) 9% (12) 14% (19) 14% (19) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 57% (450) 23% (187) 10% (77) 6% (47) 5% (36) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 14% (91) 21% (136) 27% (176) 28% (183) 10% (65) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 28% (24) 31% (27) 10% (9) 7% (6) 25% (21) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 57% (409) 23% (166) 9% (61) 6% (43) 5% (34) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 15% (108) 23% (163) 26% (187) 27% (191) 10% (71) 7202016 Vote: Other 42% (58) 28% (39) 11% (15) 6% (8) 13% (18) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 25% (107) 31% (129) 14% (59) 10% (41) 20% (86) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 36% (488) 23% (309) 17% (231) 16% (212) 8% (107) 1346Voted in 2014: No 30% (195) 29% (188) 14% (91) 11% (71) 16% (104) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 49% (422) 25% (218) 11% (95) 8% (68) 7% (56) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 15% (76) 21% (105) 26% (133) 28% (145) 10% (50) 5092012 Vote: Other 24% (22) 22% (20) 22% (19) 15% (13) 17% (15) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 30% (159) 29% (154) 14% (74) 11% (57) 17% (88) 532

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Morning ConsultTable CMS5_5

Table CMS5_5: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?The United States has not done enough to make COVID-19 testing readily available

Demographic Strongly agreeSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 34% (682) 25% (497) 16% (322) 14% (283) 11% (211) 19954-Region: Northeast 35% (124) 26% (94) 16% (57) 13% (45) 10% (36) 3564-Region: Midwest 33% (153) 22% (99) 17% (80) 18% (80) 10% (46) 4584-Region: South 31% (234) 25% (186) 17% (125) 16% (118) 11% (80) 7454-Region: West 39% (172) 27% (118) 14% (59) 9% (39) 11% (48) 436Sports fan 34% (470) 26% (364) 16% (226) 15% (204) 10% (134) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 37% (141) 23% (90) 17% (66) 13% (49) 10% (38) 385Frequent Flyer 39% (87) 27% (62) 15% (34) 12% (27) 7% (16) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Table CMS5_6

Table CMS5_6: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?My state has not done enough to make testing readily available

Demographic Strongly agreeSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 16% (319) 27% (544) 22% (430) 20% (396) 15% (306) 1995Gender: Male 17% (158) 28% (261) 23% (213) 19% (182) 13% (120) 934Gender: Female 15% (162) 27% (282) 21% (218) 20% (214) 17% (186) 1061Age: 18-34 17% (85) 27% (134) 22% (113) 14% (69) 20% (100) 501Age: 35-44 16% (48) 25% (75) 22% (66) 20% (62) 17% (52) 303Age: 45-64 16% (115) 27% (195) 20% (148) 23% (170) 14% (99) 727Age: 65+ 15% (71) 30% (139) 22% (104) 21% (95) 12% (54) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 19% (41) 25% (54) 22% (47) 11% (23) 23% (49) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 16% (72) 27% (125) 22% (100) 18% (83) 17% (77) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 17% (80) 27% (132) 20% (97) 20% (97) 16% (77) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 16% (117) 28% (212) 22% (164) 22% (165) 12% (87) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 20% (148) 29% (213) 21% (154) 18% (129) 12% (87) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 15% (94) 27% (168) 21% (129) 18% (112) 18% (111) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 12% (77) 25% (163) 23% (148) 24% (155) 17% (109) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 23% (70) 28% (83) 23% (69) 17% (51) 9% (27) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 18% (79) 30% (130) 20% (85) 18% (78) 14% (59) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 15% (49) 33% (104) 21% (66) 17% (54) 15% (47) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 15% (46) 22% (64) 21% (63) 20% (58) 22% (64) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 13% (39) 24% (74) 25% (78) 25% (77) 15% (46) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 11% (37) 26% (89) 21% (70) 23% (78) 19% (63) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 24% (135) 30% (168) 22% (124) 15% (83) 10% (55) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 13% (69) 32% (172) 21% (113) 19% (99) 15% (82) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 13% (91) 24% (175) 22% (161) 26% (191) 15% (107) 726Educ: < College 15% (187) 27% (335) 20% (255) 20% (248) 18% (230) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 17% (80) 30% (141) 22% (102) 21% (97) 11% (52) 472Educ: Post-grad 20% (52) 25% (68) 27% (74) 19% (50) 9% (25) 268Income: Under 50k 16% (167) 26% (261) 21% (210) 20% (200) 17% (175) 1012Income: 50k-100k 16% (108) 28% (191) 21% (144) 20% (136) 15% (102) 681Income: 100k+ 15% (45) 30% (92) 25% (76) 20% (60) 10% (29) 302Ethnicity: White 15% (247) 28% (449) 22% (363) 20% (326) 14% (229) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 19% (37) 23% (45) 23% (45) 18% (34) 17% (32) 193

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Morning ConsultTable CMS5_6

Table CMS5_6: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?My state has not done enough to make testing readily available

Demographic Strongly agreeSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 16% (319) 27% (544) 22% (430) 20% (396) 15% (306) 1995Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 20% (50) 27% (68) 15% (38) 20% (49) 19% (47) 253Ethnicity: Other 17% (22) 21% (26) 23% (29) 16% (20) 23% (30) 128All Christian 14% (138) 27% (263) 24% (232) 22% (216) 12% (119) 968All Non-Christian 15% (15) 31% (31) 27% (27) 19% (19) 7% (7) 100Atheist 21% (18) 31% (27) 20% (17) 15% (13) 13% (11) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 18% (148) 26% (223) 18% (154) 18% (148) 20% (168) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 15% (18) 32% (38) 26% (31) 18% (21) 9% (10) 119Evangelical 16% (88) 22% (124) 21% (116) 25% (136) 16% (90) 553Non-Evangelical 15% (115) 29% (224) 23% (176) 20% (149) 13% (98) 762Community: Urban 16% (71) 28% (126) 20% (91) 21% (94) 15% (68) 450Community: Suburban 16% (162) 29% (294) 23% (235) 19% (189) 13% (137) 1016Community: Rural 16% (86) 23% (124) 20% (105) 21% (114) 19% (101) 529Employ: Private Sector 16% (103) 29% (181) 23% (147) 19% (116) 13% (78) 624Employ: Government 14% (19) 30% (41) 21% (28) 18% (25) 18% (24) 138Employ: Self-Employed 21% (31) 23% (34) 22% (33) 21% (31) 14% (21) 150Employ: Homemaker 7% (8) 31% (32) 21% (22) 26% (27) 14% (15) 103Employ: Retired 14% (72) 29% (146) 20% (99) 25% (124) 13% (65) 507Employ: Unemployed 17% (35) 20% (40) 21% (44) 20% (42) 22% (45) 206Employ: Other 21% (29) 24% (32) 21% (28) 15% (20) 19% (26) 135Military HH: Yes 16% (55) 29% (97) 19% (65) 24% (79) 12% (40) 336Military HH: No 16% (265) 27% (446) 22% (366) 19% (316) 16% (266) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 12% (85) 24% (163) 22% (149) 25% (169) 18% (125) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 18% (235) 29% (381) 22% (282) 17% (227) 14% (181) 1305Trump Job Approve 11% (94) 25% (208) 22% (184) 25% (210) 17% (140) 835Trump Job Disapprove 20% (224) 30% (326) 22% (237) 16% (180) 12% (132) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 12% (62) 21% (102) 20% (100) 30% (149) 17% (83) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 9% (32) 31% (106) 25% (84) 18% (60) 17% (56) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 14% (34) 28% (65) 26% (61) 20% (46) 12% (28) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 22% (190) 30% (261) 20% (177) 15% (134) 12% (105) 867

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS5_6

Table CMS5_6: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?My state has not done enough to make testing readily available

Demographic Strongly agreeSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 16% (319) 27% (544) 22% (430) 20% (396) 15% (306) 1995Favorable of Trump 11% (90) 26% (207) 22% (176) 25% (206) 16% (134) 813Unfavorable of Trump 20% (219) 29% (320) 22% (244) 17% (184) 12% (136) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 12% (64) 22% (114) 19% (98) 30% (153) 17% (90) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 9% (26) 32% (94) 27% (78) 18% (53) 15% (44) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 12% (24) 23% (46) 27% (52) 21% (40) 17% (32) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 21% (195) 30% (274) 21% (191) 16% (143) 11% (103) 907#1 Issue: Economy 14% (91) 27% (175) 22% (141) 20% (127) 17% (107) 641#1 Issue: Security 16% (39) 23% (57) 20% (48) 25% (60) 16% (39) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 20% (78) 30% (117) 20% (80) 20% (78) 11% (43) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 18% (56) 26% (81) 23% (71) 21% (65) 13% (40) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 12% (9) 27% (21) 24% (18) 13% (10) 24% (18) 76#1 Issue: Education 15% (17) 22% (24) 27% (30) 19% (20) 16% (18) 108#1 Issue: Energy 11% (10) 35% (31) 26% (23) 8% (7) 19% (17) 87#1 Issue: Other 14% (19) 29% (38) 15% (20) 22% (29) 19% (25) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 20% (155) 31% (244) 21% (170) 18% (144) 10% (82) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 12% (78) 25% (162) 23% (148) 26% (171) 14% (93) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 10% (9) 28% (25) 19% (16) 16% (14) 27% (23) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 21% (148) 30% (212) 22% (156) 18% (128) 10% (70) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 13% (91) 25% (177) 22% (161) 25% (180) 15% (111) 7202016 Vote: Other 14% (19) 35% (48) 18% (25) 17% (24) 16% (22) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 15% (62) 25% (107) 21% (88) 15% (64) 24% (101) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 16% (214) 27% (369) 22% (295) 22% (299) 13% (170) 1346Voted in 2014: No 16% (106) 27% (174) 21% (136) 15% (97) 21% (136) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 18% (157) 30% (258) 21% (177) 19% (161) 12% (107) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 12% (59) 22% (112) 24% (121) 29% (147) 14% (70) 5092012 Vote: Other 8% (7) 32% (29) 23% (21) 15% (13) 22% (19) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 18% (96) 27% (144) 21% (112) 14% (73) 20% (107) 532

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Morning ConsultTable CMS5_6

Table CMS5_6: To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?My state has not done enough to make testing readily available

Demographic Strongly agreeSomewhat



Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 16% (319) 27% (544) 22% (430) 20% (396) 15% (306) 19954-Region: Northeast 14% (49) 29% (104) 23% (83) 21% (75) 13% (46) 3564-Region: Midwest 15% (69) 25% (115) 23% (107) 22% (100) 15% (67) 4584-Region: South 17% (127) 28% (212) 18% (137) 21% (156) 15% (114) 7454-Region: West 17% (76) 26% (113) 24% (104) 15% (65) 18% (79) 436Sports fan 15% (208) 27% (380) 22% (306) 21% (298) 15% (204) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 20% (76) 27% (102) 22% (86) 18% (71) 13% (50) 385Frequent Flyer 20% (45) 30% (67) 22% (49) 17% (39) 12% (26) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS6

Table CMS6: If a vaccine that protects from the coronavirus became available, would you get vaccinated, or not?

DemographicYes, I would getvaccinated

No, I would not getvaccinated

Don’t know / Noopinion Total N

Registered Voters 64% (1270) 17% (334) 20% (391) 1995Gender: Male 67% (625) 17% (161) 16% (148) 934Gender: Female 61% (645) 16% (173) 23% (243) 1061Age: 18-34 66% (329) 17% (86) 17% (86) 501Age: 35-44 57% (172) 25% (77) 18% (55) 303Age: 45-64 58% (425) 18% (128) 24% (174) 727Age: 65+ 74% (344) 10% (44) 16% (76) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 73% (156) 14% (29) 14% (29) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 59% (271) 22% (102) 18% (84) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 55% (263) 21% (100) 25% (119) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 68% (508) 12% (93) 19% (145) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 73% (536) 11% (77) 16% (118) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 62% (384) 17% (106) 20% (125) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 54% (350) 23% (151) 23% (149) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 74% (223) 12% (36) 14% (41) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 73% (313) 9% (41) 18% (77) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 69% (219) 18% (59) 13% (41) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 56% (165) 16% (47) 28% (83) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 58% (182) 21% (66) 21% (66) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 50% (167) 25% (85) 25% (83) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 76% (432) 10% (56) 14% (78) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 66% (351) 15% (78) 20% (105) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 56% (408) 23% (168) 21% (150) 726Educ: < College 59% (743) 19% (242) 21% (270) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 72% (338) 12% (56) 16% (77) 472Educ: Post-grad 70% (189) 13% (36) 16% (44) 268Income: Under 50k 58% (586) 19% (189) 24% (238) 1012Income: 50k-100k 67% (459) 15% (103) 17% (118) 681Income: 100k+ 74% (225) 14% (42) 11% (35) 302Ethnicity: White 65% (1042) 16% (251) 20% (321) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 69% (133) 18% (34) 13% (26) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 53% (134) 27% (69) 20% (50) 253

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Morning ConsultTable CMS6

Table CMS6: If a vaccine that protects from the coronavirus became available, would you get vaccinated, or not?

DemographicYes, I would getvaccinated

No, I would not getvaccinated

Don’t know / Noopinion Total N

Registered Voters 64% (1270) 17% (334) 20% (391) 1995Ethnicity: Other 73% (93) 12% (15) 15% (20) 128All Christian 67% (650) 14% (139) 18% (179) 968All Non-Christian 73% (73) 18% (18) 8% (8) 100Atheist 77% (66) 10% (9) 12% (11) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 57% (479) 20% (168) 23% (193) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 72% (86) 20% (24) 8% (10) 119Evangelical 54% (297) 23% (125) 24% (131) 553Non-Evangelical 70% (535) 13% (97) 17% (131) 762Community: Urban 65% (290) 18% (80) 18% (80) 450Community: Suburban 67% (686) 14% (146) 18% (185) 1016Community: Rural 56% (294) 21% (109) 24% (126) 529Employ: Private Sector 66% (413) 17% (103) 17% (108) 624Employ: Government 58% (80) 22% (31) 20% (27) 138Employ: Self-Employed 50% (74) 25% (38) 25% (37) 150Employ: Homemaker 62% (64) 18% (18) 21% (21) 103Employ: Retired 70% (356) 12% (59) 18% (91) 507Employ: Unemployed 49% (102) 23% (47) 28% (58) 206Employ: Other 57% (77) 15% (20) 28% (37) 135Military HH: Yes 65% (219) 13% (45) 21% (71) 336Military HH: No 63% (1050) 17% (289) 19% (320) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 58% (398) 21% (143) 22% (149) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 67% (872) 15% (191) 19% (242) 1305Trump Job Approve 53% (445) 24% (200) 23% (189) 835Trump Job Disapprove 73% (800) 12% (127) 16% (173) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 50% (247) 26% (131) 24% (118) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 59% (198) 21% (70) 21% (71) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 66% (154) 18% (41) 16% (38) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 74% (646) 10% (86) 16% (135) 867Favorable of Trump 53% (429) 24% (197) 23% (188) 813Unfavorable of Trump 73% (805) 11% (123) 16% (174) 1102

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Table CMS6

Table CMS6: If a vaccine that protects from the coronavirus became available, would you get vaccinated, or not?

DemographicYes, I would getvaccinated

No, I would not getvaccinated

Don’t know / Noopinion Total N

Registered Voters 64% (1270) 17% (334) 20% (391) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 49% (255) 27% (141) 24% (122) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 59% (174) 19% (56) 22% (65) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 61% (119) 16% (30) 23% (46) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 76% (686) 10% (93) 14% (128) 907#1 Issue: Economy 63% (404) 18% (114) 19% (123) 641#1 Issue: Security 52% (126) 25% (62) 23% (55) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 69% (274) 11% (44) 20% (77) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 66% (206) 15% (46) 19% (61) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 71% (54) 16% (12) 12% (9) 76#1 Issue: Education 64% (69) 16% (17) 20% (22) 108#1 Issue: Energy 72% (62) 16% (14) 12% (11) 87#1 Issue: Other 56% (73) 19% (25) 25% (33) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 76% (603) 10% (78) 14% (115) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 55% (361) 23% (152) 21% (138) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 60% (52) 20% (17) 21% (18) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 74% (531) 10% (69) 16% (114) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 55% (398) 23% (167) 21% (154) 7202016 Vote: Other 66% (91) 13% (18) 21% (28) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 59% (249) 19% (78) 22% (95) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 66% (890) 16% (216) 18% (240) 1346Voted in 2014: No 59% (380) 18% (119) 23% (151) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 72% (615) 11% (97) 17% (148) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 56% (286) 23% (119) 21% (105) 5092012 Vote: Other 51% (46) 25% (23) 23% (21) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 60% (320) 18% (94) 22% (118) 5324-Region: Northeast 64% (227) 16% (55) 21% (73) 3564-Region: Midwest 63% (289) 17% (77) 20% (93) 4584-Region: South 62% (462) 18% (135) 20% (148) 7454-Region: West 67% (292) 16% (68) 17% (76) 436Sports fan 65% (902) 16% (226) 19% (269) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 70% (268) 13% (49) 18% (68) 385

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Morning ConsultTable CMS6

Table CMS6: If a vaccine that protects from the coronavirus became available, would you get vaccinated, or not?

DemographicYes, I would getvaccinated

No, I would not getvaccinated

Don’t know / Noopinion Total N

Registered Voters 64% (1270) 17% (334) 20% (391) 1995Frequent Flyer 73% (165) 14% (31) 13% (30) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Table CMS7_1

Table CMS7_1: You indicated that you would not get vaccinated for COVID-19 (coronavirus), even if it became available. To what extent are thefollowing a reason why you would not get vaccinated?I’m concerned about the potential side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 68% (227) 17% (58) 15% (49) 334Gender: Male 65% (104) 20% (32) 16% (25) 161Gender: Female 71% (123) 15% (26) 14% (24) 173Age: 18-34 63% (54) 21% (18) 16% (14) 86Age: 35-44 63% (48) 19% (15) 18% (14) 77Age: 45-64 69% (88) 17% (21) 14% (18) 128Millennials: 1981-1996 63% (64) 23% (24) 14% (14) 102GenXers: 1965-1980 74% (74) 10% (10) 16% (16) 100Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 70% (65) 18% (17) 11% (11) 93PID: Dem (no lean) 76% (58) 20% (15) 5% (4) 77PID: Ind (no lean) 64% (68) 17% (18) 18% (20) 106PID: Rep (no lean) 67% (101) 16% (24) 17% (26) 151PID/Gender: Ind Men 63% (37) 22% (13) 16% (9) 59PID/Gender: Rep Men 64% (42) 15% (10) 21% (14) 66PID/Gender: Rep Women 69% (59) 17% (14) 15% (13) 85Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 72% (40) 20% (11) 8% (5) 56Ideo: Moderate (4) 72% (57) 12% (9) 16% (12) 78Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 69% (116) 18% (30) 13% (22) 168Educ: < College 67% (164) 17% (42) 15% (37) 242Educ: Bachelors degree 76% (43) 10% (6) 14% (8) 56Income: Under 50k 69% (130) 16% (30) 15% (29) 189Income: 50k-100k 70% (72) 18% (18) 13% (13) 103Ethnicity: White 65% (163) 20% (49) 15% (38) 251Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 80% (55) 11% (8) 9% (6) 69All Christian 71% (98) 17% (24) 12% (17) 139Agnostic/Nothing in particular 64% (108) 18% (31) 17% (29) 168Evangelical 70% (87) 15% (19) 15% (19) 125Non-Evangelical 66% (64) 22% (21) 12% (12) 97Community: Urban 59% (47) 24% (19) 17% (14) 80Community: Suburban 72% (106) 16% (24) 11% (17) 146Community: Rural 69% (75) 14% (15) 17% (19) 109

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Morning ConsultTable CMS7_1

Table CMS7_1: You indicated that you would not get vaccinated for COVID-19 (coronavirus), even if it became available. To what extent are thefollowing a reason why you would not get vaccinated?I’m concerned about the potential side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 68% (227) 17% (58) 15% (49) 334Employ: Private Sector 64% (66) 20% (21) 16% (16) 103Employ: Retired 77% (45) 12% (7) 11% (7) 59Military HH: No 69% (198) 17% (50) 14% (41) 289RD/WT: Right Direction 61% (88) 20% (29) 19% (27) 143RD/WT: Wrong Track 73% (139) 15% (29) 12% (22) 191Trump Job Approve 67% (134) 17% (35) 16% (32) 200Trump Job Disapprove 73% (92) 16% (20) 11% (14) 127Trump Job Strongly Approve 62% (82) 17% (22) 20% (27) 131Trump Job Somewhat Approve 75% (52) 18% (12) 7% (5) 70Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 73% (63) 13% (11) 13% (12) 86Favorable of Trump 67% (132) 17% (33) 16% (32) 197Unfavorable of Trump 70% (86) 18% (22) 13% (16) 123Very Favorable of Trump 63% (89) 16% (23) 21% (29) 141Somewhat Favorable of Trump 76% (43) 19% (11) 5% (3) 56Very Unfavorable of Trump 73% (68) 13% (12) 14% (13) 93#1 Issue: Economy 68% (78) 17% (20) 14% (17) 114#1 Issue: Security 65% (40) 16% (10) 19% (12) 622018 House Vote: Democrat 74% (58) 16% (13) 10% (8) 782018 House Vote: Republican 68% (104) 17% (25) 15% (23) 1522016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 74% (51) 18% (13) 7% (5) 692016 Vote: Donald Trump 71% (118) 14% (24) 15% (26) 1672016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 58% (45) 24% (19) 18% (14) 78Voted in 2014: Yes 72% (156) 15% (32) 13% (27) 216Voted in 2014: No 60% (71) 21% (25) 19% (22) 1192012 Vote: Barack Obama 72% (69) 18% (17) 10% (10) 972012 Vote: Mitt Romney 74% (88) 12% (15) 13% (16) 1192012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 58% (55) 21% (20) 20% (19) 94

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Table CMS7_1: You indicated that you would not get vaccinated for COVID-19 (coronavirus), even if it became available. To what extent are thefollowing a reason why you would not get vaccinated?I’m concerned about the potential side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 68% (227) 17% (58) 15% (49) 3344-Region: Northeast 77% (43) 13% (7) 10% (6) 554-Region: Midwest 73% (56) 17% (13) 9% (7) 774-Region: South 66% (89) 16% (21) 19% (25) 1354-Region: West 59% (40) 24% (16) 17% (12) 68Sports fan 71% (159) 17% (38) 13% (28) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Morning ConsultTable CMS7_2

Table CMS7_2: You indicated that you would not get vaccinated for COVID-19 (coronavirus), even if it became available. To what extent are thefollowing a reason why you would not get vaccinated?I don’t believe a COVID-19 vaccine would work

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 38% (126) 35% (117) 27% (91) 334Gender: Male 39% (62) 34% (55) 27% (44) 161Gender: Female 37% (64) 36% (62) 27% (47) 173Age: 18-34 32% (27) 38% (33) 30% (26) 86Age: 35-44 35% (27) 29% (22) 36% (28) 77Age: 45-64 38% (49) 36% (46) 26% (33) 128Millennials: 1981-1996 36% (37) 32% (32) 32% (32) 102GenXers: 1965-1980 39% (39) 34% (34) 28% (28) 100Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 46% (42) 35% (32) 20% (18) 93PID: Dem (no lean) 41% (31) 35% (27) 24% (18) 77PID: Ind (no lean) 38% (40) 37% (39) 26% (27) 106PID: Rep (no lean) 36% (55) 33% (50) 30% (46) 151PID/Gender: Ind Men 39% (23) 36% (21) 25% (15) 59PID/Gender: Rep Men 37% (25) 33% (22) 30% (20) 66PID/Gender: Rep Women 36% (30) 34% (29) 31% (26) 85Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 44% (25) 22% (12) 34% (19) 56Ideo: Moderate (4) 43% (34) 27% (21) 30% (23) 78Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 35% (59) 41% (69) 24% (41) 168Educ: < College 40% (96) 34% (83) 26% (63) 242Educ: Bachelors degree 35% (20) 32% (18) 33% (19) 56Income: Under 50k 42% (79) 34% (64) 24% (46) 189Income: 50k-100k 32% (33) 37% (39) 30% (31) 103Ethnicity: White 37% (92) 36% (91) 27% (67) 251Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 42% (29) 32% (22) 27% (18) 69All Christian 39% (54) 34% (47) 27% (37) 139Agnostic/Nothing in particular 37% (62) 38% (63) 26% (43) 168Evangelical 45% (56) 32% (40) 23% (28) 125Non-Evangelical 32% (30) 40% (38) 29% (28) 97Community: Urban 34% (27) 31% (25) 34% (27) 80Community: Suburban 32% (47) 40% (59) 28% (40) 146Community: Rural 48% (52) 31% (34) 22% (23) 109

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS7_2

Table CMS7_2: You indicated that you would not get vaccinated for COVID-19 (coronavirus), even if it became available. To what extent are thefollowing a reason why you would not get vaccinated?I don’t believe a COVID-19 vaccine would work

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 38% (126) 35% (117) 27% (91) 334Employ: Private Sector 24% (25) 38% (39) 38% (40) 103Employ: Retired 45% (27) 35% (21) 20% (12) 59Military HH: No 38% (110) 35% (101) 27% (78) 289RD/WT: Right Direction 34% (49) 36% (51) 30% (44) 143RD/WT: Wrong Track 41% (78) 34% (66) 25% (48) 191Trump Job Approve 39% (79) 36% (72) 25% (50) 200Trump Job Disapprove 37% (47) 35% (44) 29% (36) 127Trump Job Strongly Approve 38% (49) 34% (45) 28% (36) 131Trump Job Somewhat Approve 42% (29) 39% (27) 19% (13) 70Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 38% (33) 36% (31) 26% (22) 86Favorable of Trump 37% (73) 37% (72) 26% (52) 197Unfavorable of Trump 38% (46) 34% (42) 28% (35) 123Very Favorable of Trump 37% (52) 36% (51) 27% (39) 141Somewhat Favorable of Trump 38% (21) 39% (22) 23% (13) 56Very Unfavorable of Trump 40% (37) 32% (30) 28% (26) 93#1 Issue: Economy 36% (40) 32% (37) 32% (37) 114#1 Issue: Security 33% (20) 48% (30) 19% (12) 622018 House Vote: Democrat 35% (27) 35% (27) 30% (24) 782018 House Vote: Republican 37% (56) 41% (62) 22% (34) 1522016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 37% (25) 34% (24) 29% (20) 692016 Vote: Donald Trump 40% (67) 36% (60) 24% (40) 1672016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 33% (26) 35% (27) 32% (25) 78Voted in 2014: Yes 38% (82) 35% (75) 27% (59) 216Voted in 2014: No 37% (44) 36% (42) 27% (33) 1192012 Vote: Barack Obama 42% (41) 29% (29) 28% (27) 972012 Vote: Mitt Romney 40% (48) 33% (39) 27% (32) 1192012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 31% (29) 41% (39) 27% (26) 94

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Morning ConsultTable CMS7_2

Table CMS7_2: You indicated that you would not get vaccinated for COVID-19 (coronavirus), even if it became available. To what extent are thefollowing a reason why you would not get vaccinated?I don’t believe a COVID-19 vaccine would work

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 38% (126) 35% (117) 27% (91) 3344-Region: Northeast 41% (23) 41% (23) 17% (10) 554-Region: Midwest 38% (29) 31% (24) 32% (24) 774-Region: South 37% (49) 33% (44) 30% (41) 1354-Region: West 37% (25) 39% (26) 24% (16) 68Sports fan 41% (92) 34% (77) 25% (57) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Table CMS7_3

Table CMS7_3: You indicated that you would not get vaccinated for COVID-19 (coronavirus), even if it became available. To what extent are thefollowing a reason why you would not get vaccinated?I don’t trust the government

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 47% (157) 29% (98) 23% (78) 334Gender: Male 50% (81) 28% (45) 22% (35) 161Gender: Female 44% (77) 31% (53) 25% (43) 173Age: 18-34 51% (44) 26% (22) 23% (20) 86Age: 35-44 54% (41) 28% (21) 19% (14) 77Age: 45-64 45% (58) 29% (37) 26% (33) 128Millennials: 1981-1996 50% (51) 30% (31) 20% (20) 102GenXers: 1965-1980 51% (51) 23% (23) 26% (26) 100Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 43% (40) 32% (30) 25% (23) 93PID: Dem (no lean) 59% (45) 24% (19) 17% (13) 77PID: Ind (no lean) 54% (58) 25% (27) 20% (21) 106PID: Rep (no lean) 36% (54) 35% (53) 29% (44) 151PID/Gender: Ind Men 59% (35) 26% (15) 15% (9) 59PID/Gender: Rep Men 39% (26) 32% (21) 29% (19) 66PID/Gender: Rep Women 33% (28) 37% (32) 30% (25) 85Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 57% (32) 27% (15) 16% (9) 56Ideo: Moderate (4) 47% (37) 30% (24) 22% (18) 78Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 44% (74) 31% (52) 25% (42) 168Educ: < College 50% (121) 26% (64) 24% (58) 242Educ: Bachelors degree 38% (22) 35% (20) 27% (15) 56Income: Under 50k 47% (89) 26% (48) 27% (51) 189Income: 50k-100k 47% (49) 37% (38) 16% (16) 103Ethnicity: White 41% (104) 34% (84) 25% (63) 251Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 65% (45) 18% (12) 17% (12) 69All Christian 41% (57) 38% (53) 21% (29) 139Agnostic/Nothing in particular 55% (93) 19% (32) 26% (43) 168Evangelical 47% (58) 37% (46) 17% (21) 125Non-Evangelical 44% (43) 25% (24) 31% (30) 97Community: Urban 52% (41) 24% (19) 24% (19) 80Community: Suburban 45% (65) 31% (45) 25% (36) 146Community: Rural 47% (51) 32% (35) 22% (23) 109

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Morning ConsultTable CMS7_3

Table CMS7_3: You indicated that you would not get vaccinated for COVID-19 (coronavirus), even if it became available. To what extent are thefollowing a reason why you would not get vaccinated?I don’t trust the government

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 47% (157) 29% (98) 23% (78) 334Employ: Private Sector 51% (53) 26% (27) 23% (24) 103Employ: Retired 41% (24) 31% (18) 28% (17) 59Military HH: No 47% (135) 29% (83) 25% (71) 289RD/WT: Right Direction 35% (49) 31% (44) 35% (50) 143RD/WT: Wrong Track 57% (108) 29% (55) 15% (28) 191Trump Job Approve 41% (82) 31% (63) 28% (55) 200Trump Job Disapprove 57% (73) 28% (35) 15% (19) 127Trump Job Strongly Approve 35% (46) 36% (47) 28% (37) 131Trump Job Somewhat Approve 52% (36) 22% (15) 26% (18) 70Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 61% (53) 26% (22) 13% (11) 86Favorable of Trump 38% (76) 33% (66) 28% (56) 197Unfavorable of Trump 61% (75) 25% (31) 14% (18) 123Very Favorable of Trump 35% (49) 36% (50) 29% (42) 141Somewhat Favorable of Trump 47% (27) 28% (16) 25% (14) 56Very Unfavorable of Trump 61% (57) 26% (24) 13% (12) 93#1 Issue: Economy 48% (54) 32% (36) 20% (23) 114#1 Issue: Security 41% (25) 36% (22) 23% (15) 622018 House Vote: Democrat 63% (49) 24% (18) 14% (11) 782018 House Vote: Republican 39% (60) 38% (58) 22% (34) 1522016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 59% (41) 21% (15) 19% (13) 692016 Vote: Donald Trump 41% (69) 34% (57) 25% (41) 1672016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 53% (41) 25% (20) 22% (18) 78Voted in 2014: Yes 47% (102) 28% (61) 24% (52) 216Voted in 2014: No 47% (56) 31% (37) 22% (26) 1192012 Vote: Barack Obama 61% (59) 19% (18) 20% (20) 972012 Vote: Mitt Romney 36% (43) 36% (42) 28% (33) 1192012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 47% (44) 34% (32) 19% (18) 94

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS7_3

Table CMS7_3: You indicated that you would not get vaccinated for COVID-19 (coronavirus), even if it became available. To what extent are thefollowing a reason why you would not get vaccinated?I don’t trust the government

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 47% (157) 29% (98) 23% (78) 3344-Region: Northeast 55% (31) 22% (12) 23% (13) 554-Region: Midwest 42% (32) 40% (31) 17% (13) 774-Region: South 48% (65) 23% (31) 29% (39) 1354-Region: West 44% (30) 36% (24) 20% (14) 68Sports fan 51% (114) 28% (64) 21% (48) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Morning ConsultTable CMS7_4

Table CMS7_4: You indicated that you would not get vaccinated for COVID-19 (coronavirus), even if it became available. To what extent are thefollowing a reason why you would not get vaccinated?I don’t trust the health care or medical system

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 36% (120) 33% (112) 31% (103) 334Gender: Male 35% (56) 35% (57) 30% (48) 161Gender: Female 37% (63) 32% (55) 32% (55) 173Age: 18-34 33% (28) 35% (30) 32% (28) 86Age: 35-44 37% (28) 37% (28) 26% (20) 77Age: 45-64 35% (45) 30% (38) 35% (44) 128Millennials: 1981-1996 35% (35) 39% (39) 27% (27) 102GenXers: 1965-1980 38% (38) 30% (30) 32% (32) 100Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 38% (35) 29% (27) 33% (30) 93PID: Dem (no lean) 36% (28) 35% (27) 29% (22) 77PID: Ind (no lean) 37% (39) 32% (34) 30% (32) 106PID: Rep (no lean) 35% (52) 33% (50) 32% (48) 151PID/Gender: Ind Men 43% (25) 36% (21) 22% (13) 59PID/Gender: Rep Men 34% (22) 35% (23) 32% (21) 66PID/Gender: Rep Women 35% (30) 32% (28) 32% (28) 85Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 41% (23) 28% (16) 31% (17) 56Ideo: Moderate (4) 36% (28) 33% (26) 31% (25) 78Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 34% (57) 37% (62) 29% (49) 168Educ: < College 38% (91) 32% (78) 30% (74) 242Educ: Bachelors degree 35% (20) 36% (20) 28% (16) 56Income: Under 50k 41% (77) 29% (55) 30% (57) 189Income: 50k-100k 32% (33) 41% (42) 28% (28) 103Ethnicity: White 32% (81) 33% (83) 34% (86) 251Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 46% (32) 38% (26) 16% (11) 69All Christian 29% (40) 37% (51) 34% (48) 139Agnostic/Nothing in particular 41% (70) 30% (50) 29% (48) 168Evangelical 34% (42) 41% (51) 26% (32) 125Non-Evangelical 30% (29) 31% (30) 39% (38) 97Community: Urban 36% (28) 34% (27) 30% (24) 80Community: Suburban 34% (49) 34% (49) 33% (48) 146Community: Rural 39% (42) 33% (36) 29% (31) 109

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS7_4

Table CMS7_4: You indicated that you would not get vaccinated for COVID-19 (coronavirus), even if it became available. To what extent are thefollowing a reason why you would not get vaccinated?I don’t trust the health care or medical system

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 36% (120) 33% (112) 31% (103) 334Employ: Private Sector 29% (30) 35% (36) 36% (37) 103Employ: Retired 32% (19) 37% (22) 31% (18) 59Military HH: No 36% (103) 32% (93) 32% (92) 289RD/WT: Right Direction 30% (43) 36% (51) 34% (49) 143RD/WT: Wrong Track 40% (76) 32% (61) 28% (54) 191Trump Job Approve 37% (73) 32% (64) 31% (63) 200Trump Job Disapprove 35% (44) 36% (46) 29% (37) 127Trump Job Strongly Approve 34% (44) 35% (46) 31% (40) 131Trump Job Somewhat Approve 43% (30) 25% (18) 32% (22) 70Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 37% (32) 39% (33) 24% (21) 86Favorable of Trump 36% (71) 33% (64) 32% (62) 197Unfavorable of Trump 37% (46) 34% (42) 29% (35) 123Very Favorable of Trump 33% (47) 32% (45) 35% (49) 141Somewhat Favorable of Trump 42% (23) 34% (19) 24% (13) 56Very Unfavorable of Trump 36% (33) 38% (35) 27% (25) 93#1 Issue: Economy 37% (42) 33% (37) 31% (35) 114#1 Issue: Security 40% (25) 29% (18) 30% (19) 622018 House Vote: Democrat 36% (28) 40% (31) 24% (19) 782018 House Vote: Republican 32% (49) 37% (56) 31% (47) 1522016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 38% (26) 37% (25) 25% (17) 692016 Vote: Donald Trump 37% (62) 32% (53) 31% (52) 1672016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 33% (26) 38% (30) 29% (23) 78Voted in 2014: Yes 35% (76) 34% (73) 31% (67) 216Voted in 2014: No 36% (43) 33% (39) 31% (36) 1192012 Vote: Barack Obama 44% (42) 30% (29) 26% (25) 972012 Vote: Mitt Romney 37% (43) 33% (39) 31% (36) 1192012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 28% (26) 38% (36) 34% (32) 94

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Morning ConsultTable CMS7_4

Table CMS7_4: You indicated that you would not get vaccinated for COVID-19 (coronavirus), even if it became available. To what extent are thefollowing a reason why you would not get vaccinated?I don’t trust the health care or medical system

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 36% (120) 33% (112) 31% (103) 3344-Region: Northeast 45% (25) 29% (16) 26% (15) 554-Region: Midwest 40% (31) 31% (24) 29% (22) 774-Region: South 33% (44) 40% (53) 28% (37) 1354-Region: West 30% (20) 28% (19) 43% (29) 68Sports fan 37% (84) 35% (80) 27% (61) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS8_1

Table CMS8_1: In the past month, have you done the following?Worn a face mask in public spaces such as the grocery store or park

Demographic Yes, always Yes, sometimes No, I have not done this Total N

Registered Voters 68% (1364) 19% (377) 13% (254) 1995Gender: Male 66% (612) 19% (177) 15% (144) 934Gender: Female 71% (752) 19% (200) 10% (110) 1061Age: 18-34 65% (327) 23% (116) 12% (58) 501Age: 35-44 63% (192) 17% (53) 19% (58) 303Age: 45-64 66% (482) 21% (149) 13% (95) 727Age: 65+ 78% (363) 13% (59) 9% (43) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 66% (141) 24% (51) 10% (22) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 65% (297) 20% (93) 15% (67) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 61% (296) 23% (113) 15% (74) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 75% (560) 14% (106) 11% (79) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 81% (591) 12% (85) 8% (55) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 67% (411) 22% (135) 11% (69) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 56% (363) 24% (157) 20% (130) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 79% (237) 12% (37) 9% (26) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 82% (354) 11% (48) 7% (28) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 65% (208) 21% (68) 14% (44) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 69% (203) 23% (67) 9% (25) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 53% (167) 23% (73) 24% (74) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 58% (195) 25% (84) 17% (56) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 81% (456) 13% (73) 7% (37) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 70% (375) 19% (101) 11% (59) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 61% (443) 22% (161) 17% (122) 726Educ: < College 66% (823) 19% (244) 15% (188) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 70% (330) 21% (99) 9% (43) 472Educ: Post-grad 79% (212) 13% (34) 8% (23) 268Income: Under 50k 64% (646) 21% (210) 15% (156) 1012Income: 50k-100k 71% (484) 17% (118) 12% (80) 681Income: 100k+ 77% (234) 16% (50) 6% (19) 302Ethnicity: White 67% (1073) 20% (315) 14% (225) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 72% (140) 21% (41) 7% (13) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 75% (189) 16% (40) 9% (24) 253

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Morning ConsultTable CMS8_1

Table CMS8_1: In the past month, have you done the following?Worn a face mask in public spaces such as the grocery store or park

Demographic Yes, always Yes, sometimes No, I have not done this Total N

Registered Voters 68% (1364) 19% (377) 13% (254) 1995Ethnicity: Other 79% (101) 17% (22) 4% (5) 128All Christian 71% (687) 17% (165) 12% (116) 968All Non-Christian 81% (81) 11% (11) 7% (7) 100Atheist 67% (58) 23% (20) 9% (8) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 64% (537) 21% (181) 15% (123) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 76% (91) 15% (18) 9% (10) 119Evangelical 61% (339) 21% (114) 18% (100) 553Non-Evangelical 73% (558) 17% (126) 10% (79) 762Community: Urban 74% (331) 16% (73) 10% (45) 450Community: Suburban 70% (714) 20% (202) 10% (100) 1016Community: Rural 60% (319) 19% (102) 21% (109) 529Employ: Private Sector 67% (419) 22% (137) 11% (68) 624Employ: Government 66% (91) 21% (29) 13% (18) 138Employ: Self-Employed 62% (93) 20% (30) 18% (26) 150Employ: Homemaker 61% (62) 20% (21) 20% (20) 103Employ: Retired 74% (374) 14% (73) 12% (60) 507Employ: Unemployed 68% (140) 18% (38) 14% (29) 206Employ: Other 65% (87) 18% (24) 17% (23) 135Military HH: Yes 64% (214) 21% (70) 15% (52) 336Military HH: No 69% (1150) 18% (307) 12% (202) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 59% (410) 23% (159) 18% (121) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 73% (954) 17% (218) 10% (132) 1305Trump Job Approve 56% (471) 24% (201) 19% (163) 835Trump Job Disapprove 78% (861) 15% (160) 7% (80) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 52% (256) 25% (125) 23% (115) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 64% (216) 22% (75) 14% (48) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 70% (163) 21% (50) 9% (20) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 80% (698) 13% (110) 7% (60) 867Favorable of Trump 57% (461) 24% (194) 19% (158) 813Unfavorable of Trump 77% (854) 15% (167) 7% (81) 1102

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS8_1

Table CMS8_1: In the past month, have you done the following?Worn a face mask in public spaces such as the grocery store or park

Demographic Yes, always Yes, sometimes No, I have not done this Total N

Registered Voters 68% (1364) 19% (377) 13% (254) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 53% (273) 24% (127) 23% (119) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 64% (188) 23% (67) 13% (40) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 67% (132) 22% (44) 10% (20) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 80% (722) 14% (124) 7% (61) 907#1 Issue: Economy 65% (417) 21% (136) 14% (87) 641#1 Issue: Security 60% (145) 24% (58) 17% (40) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 74% (293) 13% (53) 12% (49) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 72% (224) 15% (47) 13% (42) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 80% (60) 17% (13) 3% (2) 76#1 Issue: Education 68% (74) 21% (23) 11% (12) 108#1 Issue: Energy 64% (56) 29% (25) 7% (6) 87#1 Issue: Other 72% (94) 17% (22) 12% (15) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 82% (656) 11% (90) 6% (50) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 56% (364) 25% (160) 19% (126) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 66% (57) 21% (19) 13% (11) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 81% (581) 12% (88) 6% (45) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 58% (414) 23% (168) 19% (138) 7202016 Vote: Other 72% (100) 19% (26) 9% (12) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 63% (267) 23% (96) 14% (59) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 71% (951) 17% (225) 13% (170) 1346Voted in 2014: No 64% (413) 23% (152) 13% (84) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 80% (685) 13% (114) 7% (61) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 57% (292) 23% (115) 20% (103) 5092012 Vote: Other 59% (52) 24% (22) 17% (15) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 62% (330) 24% (127) 14% (74) 5324-Region: Northeast 85% (303) 10% (37) 4% (16) 3564-Region: Midwest 64% (293) 22% (102) 14% (63) 4584-Region: South 62% (460) 20% (150) 18% (135) 7454-Region: West 70% (307) 20% (88) 9% (41) 436Sports fan 68% (955) 19% (265) 13% (177) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 76% (293) 16% (63) 7% (28) 385

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Morning ConsultTable CMS8_1

Table CMS8_1: In the past month, have you done the following?Worn a face mask in public spaces such as the grocery store or park

Demographic Yes, always Yes, sometimes No, I have not done this Total N

Registered Voters 68% (1364) 19% (377) 13% (254) 1995Frequent Flyer 72% (163) 16% (37) 11% (26) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS8_2

Table CMS8_2: In the past month, have you done the following?Avoided contact with others by social distancing

Demographic Yes, always Yes, sometimes No, I have not done this Total N

Registered Voters 71% (1426) 24% (482) 4% (87) 1995Gender: Male 69% (648) 25% (232) 6% (54) 934Gender: Female 73% (777) 24% (251) 3% (33) 1061Age: 18-34 61% (306) 34% (169) 5% (26) 501Age: 35-44 67% (202) 26% (79) 7% (22) 303Age: 45-64 75% (545) 21% (152) 4% (30) 727Age: 65+ 80% (372) 18% (83) 2% (9) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 60% (128) 33% (70) 7% (16) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 65% (295) 30% (139) 5% (23) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 70% (340) 24% (114) 6% (29) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 79% (587) 19% (144) 2% (15) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 81% (590) 17% (123) 2% (17) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 71% (436) 25% (152) 4% (27) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 62% (400) 32% (207) 7% (43) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 81% (244) 16% (48) 3% (8) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 81% (347) 17% (75) 2% (9) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 71% (227) 24% (76) 5% (17) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 71% (209) 26% (75) 3% (10) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 57% (178) 34% (107) 9% (29) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 66% (222) 30% (100) 4% (14) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 83% (469) 15% (85) 2% (11) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 72% (386) 23% (125) 4% (23) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 66% (481) 29% (208) 5% (37) 726Educ: < College 70% (874) 25% (316) 5% (65) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 72% (339) 25% (119) 3% (13) 472Educ: Post-grad 79% (212) 18% (47) 3% (9) 268Income: Under 50k 69% (700) 26% (258) 5% (54) 1012Income: 50k-100k 74% (507) 22% (148) 4% (26) 681Income: 100k+ 72% (219) 25% (77) 2% (7) 302Ethnicity: White 71% (1150) 25% (399) 4% (64) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 73% (141) 22% (43) 5% (10) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 71% (180) 22% (55) 7% (17) 253

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Morning ConsultTable CMS8_2

Table CMS8_2: In the past month, have you done the following?Avoided contact with others by social distancing

Demographic Yes, always Yes, sometimes No, I have not done this Total N

Registered Voters 71% (1426) 24% (482) 4% (87) 1995Ethnicity: Other 75% (96) 22% (28) 4% (5) 128All Christian 74% (719) 22% (213) 4% (35) 968All Non-Christian 81% (81) 16% (16) 2% (2) 100Atheist 69% (59) 31% (27) — (0) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 67% (566) 27% (226) 6% (49) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 80% (95) 18% (22) 2% (2) 119Evangelical 67% (370) 27% (150) 6% (34) 553Non-Evangelical 74% (566) 23% (175) 3% (21) 762Community: Urban 76% (340) 21% (95) 3% (15) 450Community: Suburban 72% (728) 25% (255) 3% (33) 1016Community: Rural 68% (358) 25% (132) 7% (39) 529Employ: Private Sector 69% (431) 27% (170) 4% (23) 624Employ: Government 64% (88) 29% (39) 7% (10) 138Employ: Self-Employed 69% (103) 24% (36) 7% (11) 150Employ: Homemaker 72% (74) 22% (23) 6% (6) 103Employ: Retired 78% (397) 18% (90) 4% (19) 507Employ: Unemployed 73% (151) 25% (51) 2% (5) 206Employ: Other 66% (89) 29% (40) 5% (6) 135Military HH: Yes 71% (237) 25% (83) 5% (16) 336Military HH: No 72% (1189) 24% (400) 4% (71) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 62% (431) 31% (216) 6% (44) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 76% (995) 20% (267) 3% (43) 1305Trump Job Approve 61% (512) 32% (266) 7% (56) 835Trump Job Disapprove 80% (880) 18% (193) 2% (27) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 60% (296) 32% (160) 8% (39) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 64% (216) 31% (106) 5% (17) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 70% (163) 25% (58) 5% (12) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 83% (717) 16% (135) 2% (15) 867Favorable of Trump 62% (502) 32% (261) 6% (50) 813Unfavorable of Trump 79% (875) 18% (199) 3% (28) 1102

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS8_2

Table CMS8_2: In the past month, have you done the following?Avoided contact with others by social distancing

Demographic Yes, always Yes, sometimes No, I have not done this Total N

Registered Voters 71% (1426) 24% (482) 4% (87) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 61% (314) 32% (167) 7% (38) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 64% (188) 32% (95) 4% (12) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 67% (130) 27% (52) 7% (13) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 82% (745) 16% (147) 2% (15) 907#1 Issue: Economy 70% (448) 27% (173) 3% (21) 641#1 Issue: Security 63% (153) 30% (73) 7% (18) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 78% (307) 18% (72) 4% (17) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 79% (247) 18% (56) 3% (10) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 65% (49) 32% (24) 3% (2) 76#1 Issue: Education 66% (72) 29% (31) 5% (5) 108#1 Issue: Energy 70% (61) 27% (23) 3% (2) 87#1 Issue: Other 68% (90) 23% (30) 9% (12) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 84% (665) 15% (117) 2% (13) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 62% (404) 32% (210) 6% (38) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 71% (62) 21% (18) 8% (7) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 81% (576) 18% (125) 2% (13) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 64% (460) 30% (215) 6% (45) 7202016 Vote: Other 78% (107) 19% (26) 4% (5) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 67% (283) 27% (115) 6% (24) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 73% (985) 23% (309) 4% (53) 1346Voted in 2014: No 68% (441) 27% (174) 5% (34) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 82% (705) 16% (138) 2% (16) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 64% (326) 30% (155) 6% (28) 5092012 Vote: Other 57% (51) 34% (31) 9% (8) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 64% (341) 29% (157) 7% (35) 5324-Region: Northeast 75% (267) 21% (76) 4% (13) 3564-Region: Midwest 74% (339) 23% (107) 3% (13) 4584-Region: South 69% (516) 25% (185) 6% (44) 7454-Region: West 70% (304) 26% (115) 4% (17) 436Sports fan 71% (987) 25% (351) 4% (58) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 73% (279) 23% (88) 4% (17) 385

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Morning ConsultTable CMS8_2

Table CMS8_2: In the past month, have you done the following?Avoided contact with others by social distancing

Demographic Yes, always Yes, sometimes No, I have not done this Total N

Registered Voters 71% (1426) 24% (482) 4% (87) 1995Frequent Flyer 70% (158) 26% (58) 4% (10) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS8_3

Table CMS8_3: In the past month, have you done the following?Disinfected and cleaned your home

Demographic Yes, always Yes, sometimes No, I have not done this Total N

Registered Voters 56% (1123) 35% (696) 9% (176) 1995Gender: Male 50% (468) 38% (351) 12% (115) 934Gender: Female 62% (655) 32% (345) 6% (61) 1061Age: 18-34 55% (276) 38% (190) 7% (35) 501Age: 35-44 61% (184) 30% (90) 10% (29) 303Age: 45-64 59% (427) 33% (241) 8% (58) 727Age: 65+ 51% (236) 38% (174) 11% (53) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 53% (113) 38% (80) 10% (21) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 59% (268) 35% (160) 6% (28) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 61% (292) 32% (152) 8% (38) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 55% (413) 35% (258) 10% (74) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 61% (444) 32% (231) 8% (56) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 57% (350) 34% (209) 9% (55) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 51% (329) 39% (255) 10% (66) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 58% (175) 31% (93) 11% (32) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 63% (269) 32% (137) 6% (24) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 50% (160) 39% (123) 11% (36) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 64% (190) 29% (86) 6% (19) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 42% (133) 43% (135) 15% (47) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 58% (196) 36% (121) 6% (19) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 59% (336) 34% (193) 6% (37) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 58% (312) 34% (181) 8% (41) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 53% (381) 37% (269) 10% (76) 726Educ: < College 58% (726) 33% (408) 10% (121) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 53% (251) 40% (189) 7% (32) 472Educ: Post-grad 55% (146) 37% (99) 9% (23) 268Income: Under 50k 55% (558) 35% (351) 10% (102) 1012Income: 50k-100k 58% (398) 33% (226) 8% (57) 681Income: 100k+ 55% (167) 39% (119) 6% (17) 302Ethnicity: White 54% (876) 37% (592) 9% (145) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 66% (127) 31% (59) 4% (7) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 66% (166) 25% (62) 10% (25) 253

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Morning ConsultTable CMS8_3

Table CMS8_3: In the past month, have you done the following?Disinfected and cleaned your home

Demographic Yes, always Yes, sometimes No, I have not done this Total N

Registered Voters 56% (1123) 35% (696) 9% (176) 1995Ethnicity: Other 63% (81) 32% (41) 5% (7) 128All Christian 56% (541) 36% (345) 8% (82) 968All Non-Christian 69% (69) 26% (26) 5% (5) 100Atheist 41% (36) 44% (38) 15% (13) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 57% (478) 34% (286) 9% (77) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 70% (83) 24% (29) 6% (7) 119Evangelical 55% (302) 35% (195) 10% (56) 553Non-Evangelical 59% (449) 35% (263) 7% (50) 762Community: Urban 59% (267) 35% (157) 6% (25) 450Community: Suburban 56% (572) 35% (355) 9% (90) 1016Community: Rural 54% (284) 35% (184) 12% (62) 529Employ: Private Sector 59% (370) 34% (212) 7% (43) 624Employ: Government 53% (73) 39% (53) 8% (12) 138Employ: Self-Employed 56% (84) 36% (54) 7% (11) 150Employ: Homemaker 74% (77) 22% (23) 3% (4) 103Employ: Retired 48% (243) 38% (195) 14% (69) 507Employ: Unemployed 59% (121) 32% (67) 9% (19) 206Employ: Other 64% (86) 31% (42) 5% (7) 135Military HH: Yes 51% (173) 38% (129) 10% (34) 336Military HH: No 57% (950) 34% (567) 9% (142) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 52% (358) 39% (266) 10% (66) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 59% (765) 33% (429) 8% (111) 1305Trump Job Approve 51% (422) 39% (326) 10% (87) 835Trump Job Disapprove 60% (663) 32% (356) 7% (82) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 49% (245) 40% (196) 11% (55) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 52% (177) 38% (130) 9% (32) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 57% (132) 34% (79) 9% (22) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 61% (531) 32% (277) 7% (60) 867Favorable of Trump 51% (414) 39% (321) 10% (78) 813Unfavorable of Trump 60% (663) 32% (356) 7% (83) 1102

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Table CMS8_3: In the past month, have you done the following?Disinfected and cleaned your home

Demographic Yes, always Yes, sometimes No, I have not done this Total N

Registered Voters 56% (1123) 35% (696) 9% (176) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 52% (269) 38% (195) 10% (54) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 49% (145) 43% (126) 8% (24) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 60% (116) 30% (58) 11% (21) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 60% (547) 33% (299) 7% (61) 907#1 Issue: Economy 56% (361) 37% (236) 7% (44) 641#1 Issue: Security 55% (134) 34% (83) 11% (26) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 64% (251) 29% (117) 7% (28) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 50% (158) 39% (121) 11% (35) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 60% (46) 31% (24) 8% (6) 76#1 Issue: Education 63% (68) 34% (37) 3% (4) 108#1 Issue: Energy 43% (37) 49% (42) 8% (7) 87#1 Issue: Other 52% (68) 28% (37) 20% (26) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 63% (501) 30% (241) 7% (54) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 49% (320) 42% (272) 9% (59) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 56% (49) 30% (26) 14% (12) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 61% (433) 32% (229) 7% (51) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 49% (354) 41% (292) 10% (74) 7202016 Vote: Other 63% (87) 28% (39) 9% (12) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 59% (249) 32% (135) 9% (37) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 57% (765) 35% (467) 8% (114) 1346Voted in 2014: No 55% (358) 35% (229) 10% (62) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 62% (534) 31% (267) 7% (58) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 47% (238) 43% (217) 11% (55) 5092012 Vote: Other 47% (42) 34% (30) 19% (17) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 58% (308) 34% (180) 8% (44) 5324-Region: Northeast 59% (211) 33% (118) 7% (27) 3564-Region: Midwest 55% (252) 37% (172) 7% (34) 4584-Region: South 57% (427) 33% (245) 10% (73) 7454-Region: West 53% (233) 37% (161) 10% (42) 436Sports fan 57% (801) 35% (483) 8% (112) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 61% (234) 34% (129) 6% (22) 385

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Morning ConsultTable CMS8_3

Table CMS8_3: In the past month, have you done the following?Disinfected and cleaned your home

Demographic Yes, always Yes, sometimes No, I have not done this Total N

Registered Voters 56% (1123) 35% (696) 9% (176) 1995Frequent Flyer 64% (145) 29% (66) 7% (15) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Table CMS8_4

Table CMS8_4: In the past month, have you done the following?Disinfected and cleaned your personal electronics

Demographic Yes, always Yes, sometimes No, I have not done this Total N

Registered Voters 49% (974) 35% (699) 16% (322) 1995Gender: Male 43% (400) 37% (345) 20% (189) 934Gender: Female 54% (575) 33% (353) 13% (133) 1061Age: 18-34 53% (265) 36% (180) 11% (57) 501Age: 35-44 51% (155) 35% (107) 14% (41) 303Age: 45-64 49% (360) 35% (254) 16% (113) 727Age: 65+ 42% (195) 34% (158) 24% (111) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 57% (123) 30% (64) 13% (27) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 51% (235) 37% (171) 11% (51) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 51% (248) 36% (172) 13% (63) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 46% (341) 34% (253) 20% (151) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 55% (400) 33% (242) 12% (88) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 49% (303) 34% (207) 17% (105) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 42% (271) 38% (250) 20% (128) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 49% (146) 37% (112) 14% (42) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 59% (254) 30% (130) 11% (46) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 46% (147) 33% (105) 21% (68) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 53% (156) 35% (102) 12% (37) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 34% (106) 41% (129) 25% (79) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 49% (165) 36% (121) 15% (50) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 52% (294) 36% (204) 12% (67) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 51% (274) 33% (178) 15% (83) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 44% (316) 37% (270) 19% (140) 726Educ: < College 51% (639) 32% (406) 17% (210) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 46% (215) 39% (183) 16% (74) 472Educ: Post-grad 45% (121) 41% (110) 14% (38) 268Income: Under 50k 51% (511) 32% (325) 17% (176) 1012Income: 50k-100k 48% (330) 36% (248) 15% (103) 681Income: 100k+ 44% (134) 42% (126) 14% (43) 302Ethnicity: White 46% (736) 37% (598) 17% (280) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 66% (128) 26% (51) 8% (15) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 65% (164) 24% (61) 11% (29) 253

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Table CMS8_4: In the past month, have you done the following?Disinfected and cleaned your personal electronics

Demographic Yes, always Yes, sometimes No, I have not done this Total N

Registered Voters 49% (974) 35% (699) 16% (322) 1995Ethnicity: Other 59% (75) 31% (40) 10% (13) 128All Christian 45% (440) 38% (366) 17% (162) 968All Non-Christian 59% (59) 29% (29) 12% (12) 100Atheist 43% (37) 38% (33) 19% (16) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 52% (439) 32% (270) 16% (132) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 57% (68) 31% (36) 13% (15) 119Evangelical 48% (263) 35% (192) 18% (98) 553Non-Evangelical 50% (380) 36% (275) 14% (107) 762Community: Urban 52% (233) 36% (162) 12% (55) 450Community: Suburban 47% (482) 37% (376) 16% (158) 1016Community: Rural 49% (259) 30% (161) 21% (109) 529Employ: Private Sector 49% (303) 40% (248) 12% (73) 624Employ: Government 46% (63) 35% (48) 19% (27) 138Employ: Self-Employed 53% (79) 35% (53) 12% (17) 150Employ: Homemaker 59% (61) 30% (31) 10% (11) 103Employ: Retired 39% (200) 35% (177) 26% (130) 507Employ: Unemployed 53% (109) 31% (64) 16% (33) 206Employ: Other 60% (81) 29% (39) 11% (14) 135Military HH: Yes 41% (139) 37% (126) 21% (71) 336Military HH: No 50% (836) 35% (573) 15% (250) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 44% (306) 36% (251) 19% (133) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 51% (669) 34% (448) 14% (188) 1305Trump Job Approve 43% (361) 37% (309) 20% (164) 835Trump Job Disapprove 52% (576) 34% (376) 14% (149) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 43% (213) 36% (177) 21% (106) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 44% (149) 39% (131) 17% (58) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 44% (102) 41% (95) 15% (36) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 55% (474) 32% (280) 13% (113) 867Favorable of Trump 43% (354) 37% (300) 20% (159) 813Unfavorable of Trump 52% (578) 34% (380) 13% (144) 1102

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Table CMS8_4: In the past month, have you done the following?Disinfected and cleaned your personal electronics

Demographic Yes, always Yes, sometimes No, I have not done this Total N

Registered Voters 49% (974) 35% (699) 16% (322) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 46% (237) 33% (173) 21% (109) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 40% (117) 43% (127) 17% (50) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 47% (91) 36% (70) 18% (34) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 54% (487) 34% (310) 12% (110) 907#1 Issue: Economy 47% (303) 38% (244) 15% (94) 641#1 Issue: Security 49% (119) 32% (77) 19% (46) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 56% (221) 33% (132) 11% (42) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 45% (140) 31% (98) 24% (76) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 46% (35) 43% (33) 10% (8) 76#1 Issue: Education 54% (58) 37% (40) 9% (10) 108#1 Issue: Energy 43% (37) 38% (33) 20% (17) 87#1 Issue: Other 47% (61) 31% (41) 22% (29) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 55% (441) 32% (257) 12% (98) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 42% (273) 39% (256) 19% (123) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 55% (48) 27% (24) 18% (15) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 52% (370) 34% (243) 14% (100) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 40% (285) 41% (292) 20% (143) 7202016 Vote: Other 57% (78) 27% (37) 17% (23) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 57% (241) 30% (127) 13% (54) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 49% (656) 34% (463) 17% (227) 1346Voted in 2014: No 49% (318) 36% (235) 15% (95) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 53% (459) 34% (292) 13% (109) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 39% (200) 38% (191) 23% (118) 5092012 Vote: Other 37% (33) 37% (33) 26% (23) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 53% (280) 34% (182) 13% (70) 5324-Region: Northeast 49% (174) 34% (122) 17% (59) 3564-Region: Midwest 50% (227) 35% (158) 16% (73) 4584-Region: South 50% (369) 34% (254) 16% (122) 7454-Region: West 47% (204) 38% (164) 16% (68) 436Sports fan 48% (668) 37% (515) 15% (214) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 51% (198) 36% (137) 13% (50) 385

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Morning ConsultTable CMS8_4

Table CMS8_4: In the past month, have you done the following?Disinfected and cleaned your personal electronics

Demographic Yes, always Yes, sometimes No, I have not done this Total N

Registered Voters 49% (974) 35% (699) 16% (322) 1995Frequent Flyer 53% (121) 34% (76) 13% (29) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Table CMS9_1

Table CMS9_1: And to what extent are the following a reason you do not always wear a face mask in public spaces?I don’t have a face mask

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 15% (95) 17% (108) 68% (428) 631Gender: Male 16% (52) 16% (51) 68% (218) 322Gender: Female 14% (43) 18% (56) 68% (210) 309Age: 18-34 18% (32) 22% (38) 60% (105) 174Age: 35-44 12% (13) 20% (22) 68% (76) 111Age: 45-64 15% (38) 14% (35) 70% (172) 245Age: 65+ 13% (13) 13% (13) 75% (76) 102GenZers: 1997-2012 19% (14) 18% (13) 63% (46) 73Millennials: 1981-1996 16% (25) 25% (39) 59% (95) 160GenXers: 1965-1980 13% (24) 17% (32) 70% (131) 187Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 17% (32) 11% (20) 72% (133) 185PID: Dem (no lean) 22% (31) 23% (32) 55% (77) 140PID: Ind (no lean) 20% (41) 18% (36) 62% (127) 204PID: Rep (no lean) 8% (23) 14% (40) 78% (225) 287PID/Gender: DemMen 26% (17) 24% (15) 49% (31) 63PID/Gender: DemWomen 19% (14) 22% (17) 59% (45) 77PID/Gender: Ind Men 19% (21) 17% (18) 65% (72) 111PID/Gender: Ind Women 22% (20) 19% (17) 59% (55) 92PID/Gender: Rep Men 10% (14) 12% (18) 78% (115) 147PID/Gender: Rep Women 6% (9) 16% (22) 78% (110) 141Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 26% (29) 20% (21) 54% (60) 110Ideo: Moderate (4) 17% (27) 18% (29) 65% (104) 160Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 9% (25) 16% (44) 76% (214) 283Educ: < College 15% (63) 17% (73) 68% (296) 432Educ: Bachelors degree 17% (24) 17% (24) 67% (95) 142Educ: Post-grad 15% (8) 19% (11) 66% (38) 57Income: Under 50k 18% (64) 20% (72) 63% (230) 366Income: 50k-100k 11% (23) 13% (26) 75% (148) 197Income: 100k+ 12% (8) 15% (10) 73% (50) 68Ethnicity: White 14% (75) 16% (87) 70% (378) 540Ethnicity: Hispanic 10% (5) 22% (12) 68% (36) 53Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 24% (15) 25% (16) 50% (32) 64

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Table CMS9_1: And to what extent are the following a reason you do not always wear a face mask in public spaces?I don’t have a face mask

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 15% (95) 17% (108) 68% (428) 631All Christian 13% (37) 14% (40) 73% (204) 281Agnostic/Nothing in particular 17% (50) 19% (58) 64% (195) 304Evangelical 12% (26) 15% (31) 73% (158) 215Non-Evangelical 16% (32) 16% (32) 69% (140) 204Community: Urban 20% (23) 16% (19) 64% (76) 118Community: Suburban 13% (39) 17% (52) 70% (212) 302Community: Rural 15% (32) 18% (37) 67% (140) 210Employ: Private Sector 13% (28) 16% (34) 70% (144) 205Employ: Self-Employed 14% (8) 14% (8) 72% (41) 57Employ: Retired 14% (18) 15% (19) 72% (95) 132Employ: Unemployed 17% (11) 21% (14) 62% (41) 66Military HH: Yes 17% (21) 12% (14) 71% (87) 122Military HH: No 15% (74) 18% (93) 67% (342) 509RD/WT: Right Direction 9% (26) 14% (41) 76% (213) 280RD/WT: Wrong Track 20% (69) 19% (67) 61% (215) 350Trump Job Approve 9% (33) 16% (57) 75% (273) 363Trump Job Disapprove 24% (58) 19% (46) 57% (136) 240Trump Job Strongly Approve 8% (19) 14% (34) 78% (187) 240Trump Job Somewhat Approve 11% (14) 19% (23) 70% (86) 123Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 16% (11) 16% (11) 68% (48) 70Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 27% (46) 21% (35) 52% (88) 170Favorable of Trump 9% (31) 14% (50) 77% (271) 352Unfavorable of Trump 23% (57) 20% (50) 57% (141) 248Very Favorable of Trump 10% (25) 12% (30) 78% (191) 245Somewhat Favorable of Trump 6% (6) 19% (20) 75% (81) 107Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 21% (13) 20% (13) 59% (37) 63Very Unfavorable of Trump 24% (44) 20% (38) 56% (103) 185#1 Issue: Economy 17% (38) 17% (39) 65% (146) 224#1 Issue: Security 4% (4) 14% (14) 81% (80) 98#1 Issue: Health Care 19% (20) 15% (16) 66% (67) 102#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 15% (14) 18% (16) 67% (60) 89

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Table CMS9_1: And to what extent are the following a reason you do not always wear a face mask in public spaces?I don’t have a face mask

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 15% (95) 17% (108) 68% (428) 6312018 House Vote: Democrat 21% (29) 23% (32) 56% (79) 1402018 House Vote: Republican 10% (29) 14% (41) 76% (217) 2872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 23% (30) 23% (31) 54% (72) 1332016 Vote: Donald Trump 9% (26) 13% (40) 78% (239) 3062016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 18% (28) 19% (29) 63% (97) 154Voted in 2014: Yes 15% (58) 15% (61) 70% (277) 395Voted in 2014: No 16% (37) 20% (47) 64% (151) 2362012 Vote: Barack Obama 23% (40) 19% (34) 58% (101) 1752012 Vote: Mitt Romney 10% (22) 14% (31) 76% (164) 2182012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 14% (27) 19% (39) 67% (135) 2024-Region: Northeast 5% (3) 16% (8) 79% (42) 534-Region: Midwest 15% (25) 15% (24) 70% (116) 1654-Region: South 15% (44) 17% (48) 68% (193) 2844-Region: West 18% (23) 21% (28) 61% (78) 129Sports fan 17% (75) 16% (72) 67% (295) 442Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 15% (14) 19% (17) 66% (60) 92Frequent Flyer 18% (11) 16% (10) 66% (42) 63Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Table CMS9_2: And to what extent are the following a reason you do not always wear a face mask in public spaces?I cannot afford a face mask

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 4% (27) 13% (80) 83% (524) 631Gender: Male 3% (11) 13% (43) 83% (267) 322Gender: Female 5% (16) 12% (37) 83% (257) 309Age: 18-34 8% (14) 12% (20) 80% (140) 174Age: 35-44 5% (6) 17% (19) 78% (87) 111Age: 45-64 2% (5) 13% (31) 85% (209) 245Age: 65+ 3% (3) 10% (10) 87% (89) 102GenZers: 1997-2012 8% (6) 11% (8) 81% (59) 73Millennials: 1981-1996 8% (12) 16% (26) 76% (122) 160GenXers: 1965-1980 2% (4) 13% (24) 85% (158) 187Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 3% (5) 11% (20) 86% (160) 185PID: Dem (no lean) 5% (7) 16% (23) 79% (110) 140PID: Ind (no lean) 5% (11) 12% (25) 82% (167) 204PID: Rep (no lean) 3% (10) 11% (31) 86% (246) 287PID/Gender: DemMen 1% (1) 19% (12) 79% (50) 63PID/Gender: DemWomen 8% (6) 14% (11) 78% (60) 77PID/Gender: Ind Men 5% (5) 9% (11) 86% (96) 111PID/Gender: Ind Women 6% (6) 16% (15) 77% (71) 92PID/Gender: Rep Men 4% (5) 14% (20) 83% (121) 147PID/Gender: Rep Women 3% (4) 8% (11) 89% (125) 141Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 6% (6) 9% (10) 85% (94) 110Ideo: Moderate (4) 3% (5) 21% (33) 76% (122) 160Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 4% (11) 9% (26) 87% (246) 283Educ: < College 5% (20) 13% (57) 82% (355) 432Educ: Bachelors degree 4% (5) 13% (19) 83% (118) 142Educ: Post-grad 5% (3) 6% (3) 90% (51) 57Income: Under 50k 6% (22) 17% (61) 77% (282) 366Income: 50k-100k 2% (4) 8% (15) 90% (178) 197Income: 100k+ 2% (2) 5% (3) 93% (63) 68Ethnicity: White 5% (25) 12% (65) 83% (450) 540Ethnicity: Hispanic 7% (4) 10% (5) 83% (45) 53Ethnicity: Afr. Am. — (0) 20% (12) 80% (51) 64

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Table CMS9_2: And to what extent are the following a reason you do not always wear a face mask in public spaces?I cannot afford a face mask

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Registered Voters 4% (27) 13% (80) 83% (524) 631All Christian 4% (10) 10% (28) 87% (243) 281Agnostic/Nothing in particular 4% (13) 17% (50) 79% (241) 304Evangelical 2% (4) 9% (20) 89% (190) 215Non-Evangelical 5% (9) 12% (24) 84% (171) 204Community: Urban 7% (8) 10% (12) 83% (98) 118Community: Suburban 4% (11) 12% (37) 84% (255) 302Community: Rural 4% (9) 15% (30) 81% (171) 210Employ: Private Sector 4% (8) 9% (18) 87% (179) 205Employ: Self-Employed 4% (2) 13% (7) 83% (47) 57Employ: Retired 1% (2) 14% (18) 85% (112) 132Employ: Unemployed 10% (7) 12% (8) 77% (51) 66Military HH: Yes 3% (4) 11% (13) 86% (104) 122Military HH: No 5% (23) 13% (66) 82% (419) 509RD/WT: Right Direction 3% (9) 12% (34) 85% (237) 280RD/WT: Wrong Track 5% (18) 13% (45) 82% (287) 350Trump Job Approve 3% (11) 12% (44) 85% (308) 363Trump Job Disapprove 6% (14) 14% (33) 80% (192) 240Trump Job Strongly Approve 2% (4) 12% (29) 86% (207) 240Trump Job Somewhat Approve 6% (7) 12% (15) 82% (101) 123Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 4% (3) 10% (7) 86% (60) 70Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 7% (11) 15% (26) 78% (132) 170Favorable of Trump 4% (13) 10% (35) 86% (304) 352Unfavorable of Trump 5% (12) 15% (37) 80% (199) 248Very Favorable of Trump 4% (10) 12% (30) 83% (205) 245Somewhat Favorable of Trump 3% (3) 5% (5) 93% (99) 107Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 5% (3) 19% (12) 77% (49) 63Very Unfavorable of Trump 5% (9) 14% (26) 81% (150) 185#1 Issue: Economy 4% (8) 12% (26) 85% (189) 224#1 Issue: Security 2% (2) 7% (7) 91% (89) 98#1 Issue: Health Care 9% (9) 10% (11) 81% (83) 102#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 4% (4) 21% (19) 75% (67) 89

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Registered Voters 4% (27) 13% (80) 83% (524) 6312018 House Vote: Democrat 6% (9) 15% (21) 78% (110) 1402018 House Vote: Republican 3% (7) 11% (32) 86% (247) 2872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 8% (10) 13% (18) 79% (105) 1332016 Vote: Donald Trump 2% (6) 9% (29) 88% (270) 3062016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 6% (10) 16% (24) 78% (120) 154Voted in 2014: Yes 3% (12) 13% (51) 84% (332) 395Voted in 2014: No 6% (15) 12% (29) 81% (192) 2362012 Vote: Barack Obama 5% (9) 17% (30) 77% (135) 1752012 Vote: Mitt Romney 3% (6) 10% (21) 88% (191) 2182012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 5% (10) 11% (23) 83% (168) 2024-Region: Northeast 4% (2) 10% (5) 86% (46) 534-Region: Midwest 5% (9) 12% (19) 83% (137) 1654-Region: South 4% (13) 14% (39) 82% (233) 2844-Region: West 3% (4) 12% (16) 84% (108) 129Sports fan 3% (13) 14% (61) 83% (368) 442Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 4% (4) 9% (8) 87% (80) 92Frequent Flyer 3% (2) 8% (5) 89% (56) 63Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Table CMS9_3: And to what extent are the following a reason you do not always wear a face mask in public spaces?Face masks are not available near me

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 7% (47) 23% (144) 70% (440) 631Gender: Male 9% (28) 21% (69) 70% (225) 322Gender: Female 6% (20) 24% (75) 69% (215) 309Age: 18-34 11% (20) 24% (42) 65% (112) 174Age: 35-44 9% (9) 21% (23) 71% (79) 111Age: 45-64 6% (16) 24% (58) 70% (171) 245Age: 65+ 2% (2) 21% (22) 77% (78) 102GenZers: 1997-2012 10% (8) 19% (14) 70% (52) 73Millennials: 1981-1996 10% (15) 26% (42) 64% (103) 160GenXers: 1965-1980 8% (15) 22% (42) 69% (130) 187Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 5% (9) 22% (40) 73% (136) 185PID: Dem (no lean) 10% (14) 29% (41) 61% (85) 140PID: Ind (no lean) 10% (20) 23% (47) 67% (137) 204PID: Rep (no lean) 5% (13) 20% (56) 76% (218) 287PID/Gender: DemMen 15% (9) 32% (20) 53% (34) 63PID/Gender: DemWomen 6% (5) 27% (21) 66% (51) 77PID/Gender: Ind Men 10% (12) 19% (21) 71% (79) 111PID/Gender: Ind Women 9% (8) 28% (25) 64% (59) 92PID/Gender: Rep Men 5% (7) 19% (28) 77% (112) 147PID/Gender: Rep Women 5% (6) 20% (29) 75% (105) 141Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 14% (16) 29% (32) 56% (62) 110Ideo: Moderate (4) 8% (12) 28% (44) 65% (104) 160Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 5% (13) 19% (54) 76% (217) 283Educ: < College 6% (27) 22% (96) 72% (309) 432Educ: Bachelors degree 9% (13) 24% (35) 67% (95) 142Educ: Post-grad 14% (8) 24% (14) 62% (35) 57Income: Under 50k 9% (32) 26% (94) 66% (240) 366Income: 50k-100k 6% (12) 18% (35) 76% (150) 197Income: 100k+ 4% (3) 23% (16) 73% (50) 68Ethnicity: White 7% (36) 22% (119) 71% (386) 540Ethnicity: Hispanic 7% (4) 23% (12) 70% (38) 53Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 10% (7) 35% (22) 55% (35) 64

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Registered Voters 7% (47) 23% (144) 70% (440) 631All Christian 6% (18) 19% (54) 74% (209) 281Agnostic/Nothing in particular 9% (27) 24% (74) 67% (202) 304Evangelical 6% (13) 15% (32) 79% (169) 215Non-Evangelical 8% (15) 23% (47) 69% (141) 204Community: Urban 12% (15) 21% (25) 66% (79) 118Community: Suburban 5% (16) 22% (67) 73% (219) 302Community: Rural 8% (16) 25% (52) 67% (142) 210Employ: Private Sector 9% (19) 20% (41) 71% (145) 205Employ: Self-Employed 12% (7) 18% (10) 71% (40) 57Employ: Retired 3% (4) 24% (32) 73% (97) 132Employ: Unemployed 13% (9) 27% (18) 60% (40) 66Military HH: Yes 7% (9) 16% (20) 76% (93) 122Military HH: No 7% (38) 24% (124) 68% (347) 509RD/WT: Right Direction 5% (15) 19% (54) 76% (212) 280RD/WT: Wrong Track 9% (32) 26% (90) 65% (228) 350Trump Job Approve 5% (17) 20% (72) 75% (274) 363Trump Job Disapprove 12% (29) 28% (67) 60% (143) 240Trump Job Strongly Approve 4% (10) 18% (43) 78% (187) 240Trump Job Somewhat Approve 5% (7) 24% (29) 71% (87) 123Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 10% (7) 26% (18) 64% (45) 70Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 13% (22) 29% (49) 58% (98) 170Favorable of Trump 5% (17) 18% (64) 77% (271) 352Unfavorable of Trump 11% (28) 28% (70) 61% (150) 248Very Favorable of Trump 5% (12) 17% (43) 78% (191) 245Somewhat Favorable of Trump 4% (5) 20% (22) 75% (80) 107Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 6% (4) 29% (18) 65% (41) 63Very Unfavorable of Trump 13% (24) 28% (52) 59% (109) 185#1 Issue: Economy 9% (19) 22% (49) 70% (155) 224#1 Issue: Security 4% (4) 17% (16) 79% (78) 98#1 Issue: Health Care 9% (9) 25% (25) 66% (68) 102#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 3% (2) 31% (28) 67% (59) 89

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Table CMS9_3: And to what extent are the following a reason you do not always wear a face mask in public spaces?Face masks are not available near me

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 7% (47) 23% (144) 70% (440) 6312018 House Vote: Democrat 12% (16) 29% (41) 59% (82) 1402018 House Vote: Republican 6% (18) 19% (55) 75% (214) 2872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 15% (19) 27% (36) 59% (78) 1332016 Vote: Donald Trump 5% (14) 19% (57) 77% (235) 3062016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 8% (12) 26% (40) 66% (102) 154Voted in 2014: Yes 7% (29) 22% (87) 71% (280) 395Voted in 2014: No 8% (19) 24% (57) 68% (160) 2362012 Vote: Barack Obama 11% (19) 31% (55) 58% (101) 1752012 Vote: Mitt Romney 3% (7) 18% (38) 79% (172) 2182012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 10% (20) 22% (44) 68% (137) 2024-Region: Northeast 3% (2) 13% (7) 84% (44) 534-Region: Midwest 8% (13) 19% (31) 74% (121) 1654-Region: South 9% (24) 24% (70) 67% (191) 2844-Region: West 7% (8) 28% (37) 65% (84) 129Sports fan 8% (34) 24% (105) 69% (303) 442Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 13% (12) 18% (16) 69% (64) 92Frequent Flyer 12% (7) 30% (19) 59% (37) 63Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Table CMS9_4: And to what extent are the following a reason you do not always wear a face mask in public spaces?Face masks are uncomfortable

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Registered Voters 17% (109) 44% (276) 39% (246) 631Gender: Male 16% (52) 44% (141) 40% (128) 322Gender: Female 18% (57) 43% (134) 38% (118) 309Age: 18-34 21% (37) 35% (61) 44% (76) 174Age: 35-44 16% (18) 40% (44) 44% (49) 111Age: 45-64 15% (37) 52% (128) 33% (80) 245Age: 65+ 17% (17) 42% (43) 41% (42) 102GenZers: 1997-2012 24% (17) 30% (22) 47% (34) 73Millennials: 1981-1996 17% (27) 40% (64) 43% (69) 160GenXers: 1965-1980 15% (27) 46% (86) 39% (73) 187Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 16% (30) 52% (97) 32% (59) 185PID: Dem (no lean) 16% (23) 41% (57) 43% (60) 140PID: Ind (no lean) 18% (36) 45% (92) 37% (76) 204PID: Rep (no lean) 18% (51) 44% (126) 38% (110) 287PID/Gender: DemMen 15% (10) 38% (24) 47% (30) 63PID/Gender: DemWomen 17% (13) 43% (33) 40% (30) 77PID/Gender: Ind Men 16% (18) 48% (54) 35% (40) 111PID/Gender: Ind Women 19% (17) 42% (39) 39% (36) 92PID/Gender: Rep Men 17% (25) 43% (63) 40% (59) 147PID/Gender: Rep Women 19% (26) 45% (63) 37% (52) 141Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 18% (19) 40% (44) 42% (46) 110Ideo: Moderate (4) 20% (32) 42% (67) 38% (61) 160Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 18% (52) 47% (133) 35% (98) 283Educ: < College 15% (67) 42% (182) 42% (183) 432Educ: Bachelors degree 17% (24) 51% (73) 32% (45) 142Educ: Post-grad 33% (19) 36% (20) 31% (18) 57Income: Under 50k 15% (55) 44% (160) 41% (151) 366Income: 50k-100k 22% (44) 42% (83) 36% (71) 197Income: 100k+ 16% (11) 48% (33) 36% (25) 68Ethnicity: White 17% (92) 45% (244) 38% (204) 540Ethnicity: Hispanic 14% (7) 39% (21) 48% (26) 53Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 22% (14) 32% (20) 46% (30) 64

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Table CMS9_4: And to what extent are the following a reason you do not always wear a face mask in public spaces?Face masks are uncomfortable

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Registered Voters 17% (109) 44% (276) 39% (246) 631All Christian 19% (53) 49% (139) 32% (89) 281Agnostic/Nothing in particular 17% (50) 40% (121) 44% (132) 304Evangelical 17% (37) 47% (101) 36% (77) 215Non-Evangelical 17% (34) 45% (93) 38% (77) 204Community: Urban 13% (15) 47% (55) 40% (48) 118Community: Suburban 21% (64) 43% (130) 36% (108) 302Community: Rural 14% (29) 43% (91) 43% (90) 210Employ: Private Sector 16% (33) 45% (93) 38% (79) 205Employ: Self-Employed 19% (11) 36% (21) 44% (25) 57Employ: Retired 17% (23) 48% (63) 35% (47) 132Employ: Unemployed 6% (4) 49% (32) 46% (30) 66Military HH: Yes 12% (14) 53% (65) 35% (43) 122Military HH: No 19% (95) 41% (211) 40% (203) 509RD/WT: Right Direction 21% (59) 43% (121) 36% (100) 280RD/WT: Wrong Track 14% (50) 44% (154) 42% (146) 350Trump Job Approve 18% (67) 44% (160) 37% (136) 363Trump Job Disapprove 17% (41) 44% (104) 39% (94) 240Trump Job Strongly Approve 19% (45) 44% (106) 37% (89) 240Trump Job Somewhat Approve 18% (22) 44% (54) 38% (46) 123Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 16% (11) 53% (37) 31% (22) 70Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 18% (30) 40% (67) 43% (73) 170Favorable of Trump 19% (66) 43% (152) 38% (134) 352Unfavorable of Trump 16% (40) 45% (113) 39% (96) 248Very Favorable of Trump 21% (50) 41% (102) 38% (93) 245Somewhat Favorable of Trump 14% (15) 47% (51) 38% (41) 107Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 18% (11) 56% (35) 27% (17) 63Very Unfavorable of Trump 15% (29) 42% (77) 43% (79) 185#1 Issue: Economy 14% (32) 43% (97) 42% (95) 224#1 Issue: Security 15% (14) 51% (50) 34% (34) 98#1 Issue: Health Care 14% (14) 46% (47) 40% (41) 102#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 22% (20) 45% (40) 33% (29) 89

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Registered Voters 17% (109) 44% (276) 39% (246) 6312018 House Vote: Democrat 17% (24) 38% (54) 44% (62) 1402018 House Vote: Republican 17% (49) 46% (132) 37% (106) 2872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 14% (19) 45% (59) 41% (55) 1332016 Vote: Donald Trump 17% (53) 46% (141) 36% (111) 3062016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 21% (33) 39% (60) 40% (62) 154Voted in 2014: Yes 17% (67) 45% (177) 38% (152) 395Voted in 2014: No 18% (42) 42% (99) 40% (94) 2362012 Vote: Barack Obama 16% (28) 43% (76) 41% (71) 1752012 Vote: Mitt Romney 18% (39) 46% (101) 36% (78) 2182012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 18% (37) 39% (79) 43% (86) 2024-Region: Northeast 19% (10) 47% (25) 34% (18) 534-Region: Midwest 16% (27) 45% (74) 39% (64) 1654-Region: South 18% (50) 40% (113) 42% (121) 2844-Region: West 17% (22) 49% (63) 34% (43) 129Sports fan 18% (79) 45% (199) 37% (164) 442Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 20% (18) 43% (39) 37% (34) 92Frequent Flyer 16% (10) 48% (30) 36% (23) 63Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Table CMS9_5: And to what extent are the following a reason you do not always wear a face mask in public spaces?I don’t think face masks protect you from COVID-19 (coronavirus)

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Registered Voters 26% (161) 31% (197) 43% (272) 631Gender: Male 24% (78) 30% (97) 45% (146) 322Gender: Female 27% (83) 32% (100) 41% (126) 309Age: 18-34 21% (36) 34% (59) 45% (79) 174Age: 35-44 26% (28) 31% (34) 43% (48) 111Age: 45-64 29% (72) 29% (70) 42% (103) 245Age: 65+ 25% (25) 33% (33) 42% (43) 102GenZers: 1997-2012 15% (11) 30% (22) 55% (40) 73Millennials: 1981-1996 24% (38) 36% (57) 41% (65) 160GenXers: 1965-1980 29% (55) 27% (51) 43% (81) 187Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 27% (50) 32% (60) 41% (75) 185PID: Dem (no lean) 9% (12) 30% (42) 62% (86) 140PID: Ind (no lean) 24% (49) 32% (66) 44% (89) 204PID: Rep (no lean) 35% (100) 31% (90) 34% (97) 287PID/Gender: DemMen 7% (4) 25% (16) 68% (43) 63PID/Gender: DemWomen 11% (8) 33% (26) 56% (43) 77PID/Gender: Ind Men 24% (26) 29% (32) 48% (53) 111PID/Gender: Ind Women 25% (23) 36% (34) 39% (36) 92PID/Gender: Rep Men 32% (48) 34% (49) 34% (50) 147PID/Gender: Rep Women 37% (52) 29% (41) 34% (47) 141Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 15% (16) 23% (25) 62% (68) 110Ideo: Moderate (4) 16% (26) 39% (63) 44% (71) 160Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 37% (103) 28% (80) 35% (100) 283Educ: < College 26% (112) 30% (131) 44% (189) 432Educ: Bachelors degree 24% (35) 34% (48) 42% (60) 142Educ: Post-grad 26% (15) 32% (18) 41% (24) 57Income: Under 50k 23% (84) 32% (117) 45% (164) 366Income: 50k-100k 33% (65) 30% (59) 37% (73) 197Income: 100k+ 18% (12) 30% (21) 52% (35) 68Ethnicity: White 27% (146) 32% (174) 41% (220) 540Ethnicity: Hispanic 14% (7) 38% (20) 48% (26) 53Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 18% (11) 25% (16) 57% (37) 64

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Table CMS9_5: And to what extent are the following a reason you do not always wear a face mask in public spaces?I don’t think face masks protect you from COVID-19 (coronavirus)

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 26% (161) 31% (197) 43% (272) 631All Christian 27% (75) 32% (90) 41% (115) 281Agnostic/Nothing in particular 27% (82) 31% (94) 42% (127) 304Evangelical 35% (75) 26% (56) 39% (84) 215Non-Evangelical 24% (48) 36% (74) 40% (83) 204Community: Urban 26% (31) 36% (42) 39% (46) 118Community: Suburban 25% (75) 28% (85) 47% (142) 302Community: Rural 26% (56) 33% (70) 40% (85) 210Employ: Private Sector 28% (57) 30% (62) 42% (86) 205Employ: Self-Employed 31% (18) 32% (18) 37% (21) 57Employ: Retired 22% (29) 33% (44) 45% (59) 132Employ: Unemployed 21% (14) 25% (17) 54% (36) 66Military HH: Yes 35% (42) 27% (33) 38% (47) 122Military HH: No 23% (119) 32% (164) 44% (226) 509RD/WT: Right Direction 32% (89) 31% (88) 37% (104) 280RD/WT: Wrong Track 21% (73) 31% (109) 48% (169) 350Trump Job Approve 34% (122) 31% (114) 35% (127) 363Trump Job Disapprove 14% (34) 30% (71) 56% (134) 240Trump Job Strongly Approve 36% (88) 30% (72) 33% (80) 240Trump Job Somewhat Approve 28% (35) 34% (42) 38% (46) 123Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 16% (11) 35% (24) 50% (35) 70Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 14% (23) 28% (47) 59% (99) 170Favorable of Trump 34% (120) 31% (108) 35% (125) 352Unfavorable of Trump 15% (37) 30% (75) 55% (136) 248Very Favorable of Trump 36% (88) 32% (80) 32% (77) 245Somewhat Favorable of Trump 30% (32) 26% (28) 44% (47) 107Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 23% (15) 41% (26) 36% (23) 63Very Unfavorable of Trump 12% (23) 27% (49) 61% (113) 185#1 Issue: Economy 25% (57) 30% (67) 45% (100) 224#1 Issue: Security 42% (41) 29% (28) 30% (29) 98#1 Issue: Health Care 16% (17) 36% (37) 47% (48) 102#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 20% (18) 32% (29) 47% (42) 89

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS9_5

Table CMS9_5: And to what extent are the following a reason you do not always wear a face mask in public spaces?I don’t think face masks protect you from COVID-19 (coronavirus)

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 26% (161) 31% (197) 43% (272) 6312018 House Vote: Democrat 11% (15) 31% (43) 59% (82) 1402018 House Vote: Republican 34% (98) 32% (92) 34% (97) 2872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 13% (17) 34% (45) 53% (71) 1332016 Vote: Donald Trump 34% (104) 29% (89) 37% (113) 3062016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 21% (32) 32% (49) 47% (73) 154Voted in 2014: Yes 27% (108) 32% (127) 41% (160) 395Voted in 2014: No 23% (53) 30% (70) 48% (112) 2362012 Vote: Barack Obama 16% (28) 34% (60) 50% (87) 1752012 Vote: Mitt Romney 36% (77) 29% (63) 36% (78) 2182012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 23% (46) 30% (61) 47% (95) 2024-Region: Northeast 26% (14) 23% (12) 50% (27) 534-Region: Midwest 30% (50) 35% (57) 35% (58) 1654-Region: South 24% (69) 30% (86) 45% (129) 2844-Region: West 22% (28) 33% (42) 46% (59) 129Sports fan 25% (110) 32% (141) 43% (191) 442Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 27% (25) 30% (27) 43% (39) 92Frequent Flyer 20% (12) 28% (18) 52% (33) 63Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Table CMS9_6: And to what extent are the following a reason you do not always wear a face mask in public spaces?Face masks don’t look good

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 2% (16) 14% (90) 83% (525) 631Gender: Male 4% (13) 16% (50) 81% (259) 322Gender: Female 1% (3) 13% (40) 86% (266) 309Age: 18-34 4% (8) 15% (26) 80% (140) 174Age: 35-44 1% (1) 19% (21) 80% (89) 111Age: 45-64 2% (6) 13% (31) 85% (208) 245Age: 65+ 1% (1) 12% (12) 87% (89) 102GenZers: 1997-2012 5% (4) 11% (8) 84% (61) 73Millennials: 1981-1996 2% (4) 20% (32) 78% (124) 160GenXers: 1965-1980 3% (5) 11% (21) 86% (161) 187Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 2% (3) 15% (27) 84% (155) 185PID: Dem (no lean) 2% (3) 23% (33) 75% (104) 140PID: Ind (no lean) 3% (7) 10% (20) 87% (177) 204PID: Rep (no lean) 2% (6) 13% (37) 85% (244) 287PID/Gender: DemMen 5% (3) 28% (18) 67% (43) 63PID/Gender: DemWomen — (0) 19% (15) 81% (62) 77PID/Gender: Ind Men 4% (5) 10% (12) 85% (95) 111PID/Gender: Ind Women 2% (2) 9% (9) 89% (82) 92PID/Gender: Rep Men 3% (5) 14% (21) 83% (121) 147PID/Gender: Rep Women 1% (1) 12% (17) 87% (123) 141Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 2% (2) 22% (24) 76% (84) 110Ideo: Moderate (4) 2% (3) 14% (22) 84% (135) 160Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 2% (7) 12% (35) 85% (242) 283Educ: < College 2% (8) 14% (61) 84% (363) 432Educ: Bachelors degree 4% (6) 14% (20) 82% (117) 142Educ: Post-grad 4% (2) 16% (9) 80% (45) 57Income: Under 50k 2% (7) 16% (60) 82% (299) 366Income: 50k-100k 4% (7) 12% (23) 85% (167) 197Income: 100k+ 3% (2) 12% (8) 86% (58) 68Ethnicity: White 2% (11) 13% (73) 84% (456) 540Ethnicity: Hispanic 4% (2) 9% (5) 87% (47) 53Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 6% (4) 24% (16) 70% (45) 64

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Table CMS9_6

Table CMS9_6: And to what extent are the following a reason you do not always wear a face mask in public spaces?Face masks don’t look good

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 2% (16) 14% (90) 83% (525) 631All Christian 4% (10) 13% (38) 83% (233) 281Agnostic/Nothing in particular 2% (5) 16% (49) 82% (250) 304Evangelical 2% (4) 16% (34) 82% (177) 215Non-Evangelical 2% (4) 15% (30) 83% (170) 204Community: Urban 4% (5) 13% (15) 83% (98) 118Community: Suburban 1% (4) 13% (39) 86% (260) 302Community: Rural 3% (7) 17% (36) 79% (167) 210Employ: Private Sector 2% (5) 14% (28) 84% (173) 205Employ: Self-Employed 1% (0) 18% (10) 82% (46) 57Employ: Retired 1% (1) 19% (25) 81% (107) 132Employ: Unemployed 3% (2) 11% (8) 86% (57) 66Military HH: Yes 3% (3) 14% (17) 83% (101) 122Military HH: No 2% (12) 14% (73) 83% (424) 509RD/WT: Right Direction 1% (3) 13% (36) 86% (241) 280RD/WT: Wrong Track 4% (12) 15% (54) 81% (284) 350Trump Job Approve 1% (5) 15% (54) 84% (305) 363Trump Job Disapprove 5% (11) 15% (36) 81% (193) 240Trump Job Strongly Approve 1% (3) 15% (35) 84% (202) 240Trump Job Somewhat Approve 2% (2) 15% (18) 83% (102) 123Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 4% (3) 23% (16) 72% (51) 70Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 5% (8) 11% (19) 84% (143) 170Favorable of Trump 2% (5) 12% (43) 86% (304) 352Unfavorable of Trump 4% (10) 17% (42) 79% (196) 248Very Favorable of Trump 2% (5) 13% (31) 85% (209) 245Somewhat Favorable of Trump — (0) 11% (12) 89% (95) 107Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 4% (3) 24% (15) 72% (46) 63Very Unfavorable of Trump 4% (7) 15% (27) 81% (150) 185#1 Issue: Economy 3% (6) 12% (27) 85% (191) 224#1 Issue: Security 3% (3) 14% (13) 84% (82) 98#1 Issue: Health Care 2% (2) 21% (22) 77% (79) 102#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 1% (1) 15% (13) 84% (75) 89

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Table CMS9_6: And to what extent are the following a reason you do not always wear a face mask in public spaces?Face masks don’t look good

Demographic Major reason Minor reason Not a reason at all Total N

Registered Voters 2% (16) 14% (90) 83% (525) 6312018 House Vote: Democrat 1% (2) 19% (26) 80% (112) 1402018 House Vote: Republican 3% (8) 12% (35) 85% (244) 2872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 2% (3) 19% (25) 79% (105) 1332016 Vote: Donald Trump 3% (8) 11% (35) 86% (263) 3062016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 3% (5) 18% (28) 79% (122) 154Voted in 2014: Yes 2% (8) 13% (52) 85% (335) 395Voted in 2014: No 3% (7) 16% (38) 81% (190) 2362012 Vote: Barack Obama 2% (3) 22% (39) 76% (132) 1752012 Vote: Mitt Romney 2% (5) 9% (20) 88% (192) 2182012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 3% (6) 13% (27) 84% (168) 2024-Region: Northeast 2% (1) 17% (9) 81% (43) 534-Region: Midwest 3% (5) 13% (21) 84% (139) 1654-Region: South 2% (5) 13% (38) 85% (241) 2844-Region: West 3% (4) 17% (22) 79% (102) 129Sports fan 3% (12) 17% (75) 80% (355) 442Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 5% (5) 13% (12) 81% (74) 92Frequent Flyer 4% (3) 11% (7) 85% (53) 63Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS10

Table CMS10: Amid the coronavirus pandemic, many restaurants across the country have temporarily closed their dine-in services. Do you missdining out in restaurants?

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 70% (1397) 26% (520) 4% (78) 1995Gender: Male 71% (666) 25% (233) 4% (34) 934Gender: Female 69% (731) 27% (286) 4% (44) 1061Age: 18-34 72% (359) 24% (119) 5% (24) 501Age: 35-44 69% (208) 25% (77) 6% (18) 303Age: 45-64 71% (517) 25% (181) 4% (28) 727Age: 65+ 68% (314) 31% (143) 2% (8) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 74% (159) 19% (41) 6% (14) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 69% (313) 27% (124) 4% (20) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 67% (325) 29% (139) 4% (18) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 72% (538) 25% (184) 3% (24) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 69% (506) 27% (195) 4% (30) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 66% (405) 30% (182) 5% (28) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 75% (486) 22% (143) 3% (21) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 66% (199) 30% (90) 4% (11) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 71% (307) 24% (105) 4% (18) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 69% (219) 27% (87) 4% (13) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 63% (186) 32% (95) 5% (14) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 79% (248) 18% (57) 3% (10) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 71% (239) 26% (86) 3% (11) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 69% (388) 28% (157) 4% (20) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 69% (369) 26% (139) 5% (26) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 74% (535) 24% (177) 2% (14) 726Educ: < College 67% (847) 28% (348) 5% (60) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 72% (341) 26% (122) 2% (9) 472Educ: Post-grad 78% (210) 18% (49) 3% (9) 268Income: Under 50k 64% (643) 31% (314) 5% (55) 1012Income: 50k-100k 74% (506) 23% (155) 3% (19) 681Income: 100k+ 82% (248) 17% (50) 1% (4) 302Ethnicity: White 72% (1161) 25% (398) 3% (54) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 72% (138) 26% (50) 3% (5) 193

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Morning ConsultTable CMS10

Table CMS10: Amid the coronavirus pandemic, many restaurants across the country have temporarily closed their dine-in services. Do you missdining out in restaurants?

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 70% (1397) 26% (520) 4% (78) 1995Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 56% (143) 37% (93) 7% (17) 253Ethnicity: Other 73% (93) 22% (28) 6% (7) 128All Christian 74% (720) 24% (229) 2% (18) 968All Non-Christian 75% (75) 22% (22) 2% (2) 100Atheist 60% (52) 37% (31) 3% (3) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 65% (550) 28% (237) 6% (55) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 78% (93) 19% (23) 3% (3) 119Evangelical 70% (386) 26% (147) 4% (21) 553Non-Evangelical 73% (557) 25% (188) 2% (17) 762Community: Urban 70% (314) 26% (116) 4% (20) 450Community: Suburban 71% (721) 26% (261) 3% (34) 1016Community: Rural 68% (362) 27% (142) 5% (25) 529Employ: Private Sector 75% (468) 22% (136) 3% (21) 624Employ: Government 73% (100) 24% (33) 3% (4) 138Employ: Self-Employed 71% (107) 26% (39) 3% (4) 150Employ: Homemaker 64% (67) 30% (31) 5% (6) 103Employ: Retired 68% (342) 30% (150) 3% (14) 507Employ: Unemployed 58% (120) 34% (70) 8% (16) 206Employ: Other 66% (89) 26% (35) 8% (11) 135Military HH: Yes 72% (242) 26% (87) 2% (7) 336Military HH: No 70% (1155) 26% (433) 4% (71) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 75% (519) 21% (143) 4% (28) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 67% (879) 29% (376) 4% (50) 1305Trump Job Approve 73% (611) 23% (193) 4% (30) 835Trump Job Disapprove 69% (757) 28% (306) 3% (37) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 73% (360) 24% (117) 4% (19) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 74% (251) 22% (76) 3% (12) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 74% (172) 24% (56) 2% (4) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 67% (585) 29% (250) 4% (33) 867

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS10

Table CMS10: Amid the coronavirus pandemic, many restaurants across the country have temporarily closed their dine-in services. Do you missdining out in restaurants?

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 70% (1397) 26% (520) 4% (78) 1995Favorable of Trump 75% (609) 22% (180) 3% (24) 813Unfavorable of Trump 67% (743) 29% (316) 4% (43) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 74% (386) 22% (113) 4% (19) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 75% (223) 23% (67) 2% (5) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 65% (126) 29% (57) 6% (12) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 68% (617) 29% (259) 3% (31) 907#1 Issue: Economy 74% (476) 22% (143) 4% (23) 641#1 Issue: Security 72% (175) 25% (60) 3% (8) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 68% (269) 28% (111) 4% (16) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 62% (194) 34% (107) 4% (13) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 81% (61) 12% (9) 7% (5) 76#1 Issue: Education 73% (79) 24% (25) 4% (4) 108#1 Issue: Energy 61% (53) 38% (33) 1% (1) 87#1 Issue: Other 70% (92) 24% (31) 7% (9) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 69% (547) 28% (221) 3% (27) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 76% (496) 22% (144) 2% (11) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 61% (53) 29% (25) 10% (9) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 69% (491) 28% (200) 3% (23) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 74% (534) 24% (171) 2% (15) 7202016 Vote: Other 69% (95) 27% (37) 4% (6) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 65% (275) 27% (112) 8% (34) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 71% (960) 26% (346) 3% (40) 1346Voted in 2014: No 67% (437) 27% (173) 6% (38) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 70% (604) 26% (225) 4% (30) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 74% (379) 23% (119) 2% (11) 5092012 Vote: Other 64% (57) 33% (29) 3% (3) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 67% (354) 27% (145) 6% (34) 532

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Morning ConsultTable CMS10

Table CMS10: Amid the coronavirus pandemic, many restaurants across the country have temporarily closed their dine-in services. Do you missdining out in restaurants?

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 70% (1397) 26% (520) 4% (78) 19954-Region: Northeast 77% (275) 19% (69) 3% (12) 3564-Region: Midwest 71% (326) 25% (115) 4% (17) 4584-Region: South 68% (504) 28% (211) 4% (30) 7454-Region: West 67% (292) 29% (125) 4% (19) 436Sports fan 72% (1006) 24% (337) 4% (53) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 79% (305) 17% (66) 4% (14) 385Frequent Flyer 83% (186) 13% (28) 5% (11) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS12

Table CMS12: Which of the following best describes your office environment before the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus)?


An open-officeenvironment,where severalpeople work

within the samespace

Cubicles, wherepeople work attheir own deskswith partitions

Private office,where peoplework in theirown offices inseparate rooms

A different setup

I do not workin an office Total N

Registered Voters 23% (209) 14% (123) 16% (145) 8% (76) 39% (358) 912Gender: Male 21% (95) 12% (56) 18% (82) 8% (35) 41% (184) 452Gender: Female 25% (114) 15% (67) 14% (63) 9% (41) 38% (174) 460Age: 18-34 30% (76) 14% (34) 14% (36) 7% (17) 35% (89) 251Age: 35-44 23% (45) 15% (29) 18% (35) 10% (20) 33% (63) 193Age: 45-64 20% (78) 14% (54) 16% (62) 9% (36) 42% (166) 395Age: 65+ 15% (11) 9% (6) 17% (12) 4% (3) 55% (40) 72GenZers: 1997-2012 25% (16) 15% (10) 11% (7) 7% (4) 43% (28) 65Millennials: 1981-1996 30% (88) 13% (38) 16% (47) 8% (24) 33% (96) 292GenXers: 1965-1980 19% (56) 14% (43) 18% (53) 10% (31) 38% (114) 298Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 19% (49) 13% (33) 15% (38) 7% (17) 46% (115) 252PID: Dem (no lean) 21% (70) 16% (53) 17% (55) 7% (24) 39% (128) 331PID: Ind (no lean) 22% (64) 11% (31) 15% (43) 9% (26) 43% (122) 286PID: Rep (no lean) 25% (75) 13% (39) 16% (48) 9% (26) 37% (108) 295PID/Gender: DemMen 21% (31) 15% (23) 17% (26) 8% (11) 39% (58) 149PID/Gender: DemWomen 22% (39) 17% (31) 16% (29) 7% (13) 38% (70) 181PID/Gender: Ind Men 19% (30) 11% (17) 17% (26) 10% (15) 43% (66) 154PID/Gender: Ind Women 26% (34) 11% (14) 13% (17) 8% (11) 42% (56) 132PID/Gender: Rep Men 23% (34) 11% (17) 21% (31) 6% (8) 40% (59) 149PID/Gender: Rep Women 28% (40) 15% (22) 12% (17) 12% (17) 33% (49) 146Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 25% (70) 14% (41) 16% (45) 7% (20) 38% (106) 282Ideo: Moderate (4) 20% (50) 14% (34) 17% (41) 9% (23) 40% (99) 246Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 23% (77) 14% (45) 17% (55) 8% (27) 38% (125) 330Educ: < College 20% (90) 12% (53) 9% (40) 9% (40) 51% (229) 451Educ: Bachelors degree 26% (74) 15% (42) 20% (57) 9% (26) 30% (87) 287Educ: Post-grad 26% (45) 16% (28) 28% (48) 6% (10) 24% (42) 174

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Morning ConsultTable CMS12

Table CMS12: Which of the following best describes your office environment before the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus)?


An open-officeenvironment,where severalpeople work

within the samespace

Cubicles, wherepeople work attheir own deskswith partitions

Private office,where peoplework in theirown offices inseparate rooms

A different setup

I do not workin an office Total N

Registered Voters 23% (209) 14% (123) 16% (145) 8% (76) 39% (358) 912Income: Under 50k 22% (75) 10% (33) 7% (22) 9% (32) 52% (178) 340Income: 50k-100k 22% (79) 16% (59) 19% (71) 7% (26) 36% (132) 367Income: 100k+ 27% (55) 15% (31) 25% (52) 9% (19) 24% (48) 205Ethnicity: White 23% (172) 13% (93) 17% (123) 7% (55) 40% (294) 735Ethnicity: Hispanic 22% (21) 18% (17) 16% (15) 10% (10) 33% (31) 92Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 20% (24) 18% (21) 13% (15) 13% (16) 35% (41) 117Ethnicity: Other 23% (14) 16% (10) 12% (7) 9% (5) 40% (24) 60All Christian 26% (110) 16% (67) 17% (73) 8% (32) 33% (142) 425All Non-Christian 14% (8) 19% (10) 24% (13) 8% (4) 35% (19) 54Agnostic/Nothing in particular 20% (79) 11% (42) 15% (58) 9% (37) 45% (177) 393Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 16% (10) 17% (11) 24% (15) 7% (4) 36% (22) 62Evangelical 24% (59) 13% (33) 16% (40) 7% (17) 40% (101) 251Non-Evangelical 25% (85) 16% (53) 16% (52) 7% (24) 36% (120) 334Community: Urban 23% (52) 13% (30) 18% (42) 9% (21) 37% (85) 231Community: Suburban 24% (111) 15% (69) 16% (74) 8% (38) 37% (172) 463Community: Rural 21% (46) 11% (24) 14% (30) 8% (17) 46% (101) 218Employ: Private Sector 26% (160) 14% (88) 17% (106) 8% (51) 35% (218) 624Employ: Government 22% (31) 22% (30) 19% (26) 11% (15) 27% (37) 138Employ: Self-Employed 12% (18) 3% (5) 9% (13) 7% (10) 69% (103) 150Military HH: Yes 18% (23) 14% (17) 17% (21) 9% (11) 42% (52) 125Military HH: No 24% (186) 13% (106) 16% (124) 8% (65) 39% (306) 787RD/WT: Right Direction 26% (85) 13% (42) 18% (58) 7% (24) 35% (113) 322RD/WT: Wrong Track 21% (124) 14% (81) 15% (87) 9% (52) 42% (245) 590Trump Job Approve 26% (100) 12% (45) 18% (71) 8% (31) 37% (143) 390Trump Job Disapprove 21% (106) 15% (75) 14% (72) 9% (45) 40% (202) 501

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS12

Table CMS12: Which of the following best describes your office environment before the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus)?


An open-officeenvironment,where severalpeople work

within the samespace

Cubicles, wherepeople work attheir own deskswith partitions

Private office,where peoplework in theirown offices inseparate rooms

A different setup

I do not workin an office Total N

Registered Voters 23% (209) 14% (123) 16% (145) 8% (76) 39% (358) 912Trump Job Strongly Approve 23% (51) 10% (22) 17% (37) 7% (16) 43% (95) 221Trump Job Somewhat Approve 29% (49) 14% (23) 20% (34) 9% (15) 29% (49) 170Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 26% (30) 12% (14) 14% (16) 10% (11) 38% (43) 114Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 20% (76) 16% (62) 14% (56) 9% (34) 41% (159) 386Favorable of Trump 25% (93) 12% (44) 16% (59) 8% (29) 39% (146) 370Unfavorable of Trump 21% (109) 14% (73) 16% (82) 8% (43) 40% (203) 510Very Favorable of Trump 26% (57) 10% (22) 14% (32) 8% (17) 43% (94) 222Somewhat Favorable of Trump 24% (36) 15% (22) 18% (27) 8% (12) 35% (52) 149Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 26% (25) 11% (10) 19% (18) 12% (12) 33% (32) 97Very Unfavorable of Trump 20% (84) 15% (63) 15% (64) 8% (31) 41% (171) 413#1 Issue: Economy 23% (82) 13% (48) 17% (62) 8% (27) 40% (144) 364#1 Issue: Security 25% (26) 12% (13) 19% (19) 7% (7) 37% (38) 103#1 Issue: Health Care 22% (43) 15% (29) 16% (31) 13% (25) 34% (66) 196#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 23% (17) 7% (5) 13% (10) 4% (3) 52% (37) 712018 House Vote: Democrat 22% (85) 16% (61) 18% (70) 7% (27) 37% (145) 3882018 House Vote: Republican 27% (87) 13% (42) 17% (53) 10% (30) 33% (105) 3162016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 20% (69) 17% (57) 18% (62) 9% (29) 36% (122) 3382016 Vote: Donald Trump 28% (97) 11% (40) 17% (60) 8% (28) 36% (124) 3492016 Vote: Other 17% (12) 14% (10) 16% (11) 2% (2) 51% (36) 702016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 20% (31) 11% (17) 8% (13) 11% (17) 49% (76) 154Voted in 2014: Yes 22% (145) 14% (92) 18% (117) 7% (47) 38% (247) 649Voted in 2014: No 24% (64) 12% (32) 11% (28) 11% (29) 42% (111) 2632012 Vote: Barack Obama 20% (82) 15% (61) 19% (80) 8% (32) 39% (162) 4172012 Vote: Mitt Romney 26% (59) 14% (31) 16% (37) 9% (20) 35% (79) 2262012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 28% (63) 11% (24) 10% (23) 11% (24) 40% (88) 222

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Morning ConsultTable CMS12

Table CMS12: Which of the following best describes your office environment before the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus)?


An open-officeenvironment,where severalpeople work

within the samespace

Cubicles, wherepeople work attheir own deskswith partitions

Private office,where peoplework in theirown offices inseparate rooms

A different setup

I do not workin an office Total N

Registered Voters 23% (209) 14% (123) 16% (145) 8% (76) 39% (358) 9124-Region: Northeast 22% (37) 15% (25) 18% (30) 8% (14) 37% (61) 1654-Region: Midwest 22% (46) 17% (36) 11% (24) 6% (14) 44% (92) 2124-Region: South 23% (77) 12% (41) 16% (53) 7% (23) 41% (136) 3304-Region: West 24% (50) 11% (22) 19% (39) 13% (26) 34% (69) 205Sports fan 23% (154) 14% (93) 16% (109) 8% (53) 38% (253) 661Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 29% (69) 18% (44) 18% (43) 8% (19) 27% (64) 240Frequent Flyer 30% (46) 15% (22) 21% (31) 7% (11) 27% (42) 153Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS13

Table CMS13: Amid the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus), how comfortable do you currently feel returning to your office?




ableVery uncom-


I amcurrentlyworking atmy office

I do notwork in anoffice space

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 17% (155) 16% (146) 16% (143) 12% (106) 4% (41) 33% (304) 2% (18) 912Gender: Male 21% (95) 18% (80) 14% (61) 9% (41) 3% (15) 34% (152) 2% (8) 452Gender: Female 13% (60) 14% (66) 18% (82) 14% (65) 6% (26) 33% (151) 2% (9) 460Age: 18-34 12% (30) 16% (41) 16% (41) 16% (39) 7% (17) 32% (79) 2% (4) 251Age: 35-44 23% (44) 11% (22) 16% (31) 18% (34) 3% (6) 26% (50) 3% (6) 193Age: 45-64 17% (68) 18% (72) 16% (62) 8% (30) 4% (17) 35% (139) 2% (8) 395Age: 65+ 18% (13) 15% (11) 13% (9) 4% (3) 2% (1) 49% (35) — (0) 72GenZers: 1997-2012 11% (7) 14% (9) 11% (7) 15% (10) 4% (3) 41% (27) 3% (2) 65Millennials: 1981-1996 16% (46) 15% (44) 18% (53) 16% (46) 6% (18) 28% (83) 1% (3) 292GenXers: 1965-1980 22% (66) 15% (44) 13% (39) 11% (32) 5% (16) 31% (91) 4% (11) 298Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 14% (36) 20% (49) 18% (44) 7% (18) 2% (5) 39% (98) 1% (2) 252PID: Dem (no lean) 12% (39) 15% (51) 19% (63) 15% (51) 4% (14) 33% (110) 1% (3) 331PID: Ind (no lean) 17% (48) 15% (44) 15% (42) 9% (27) 4% (10) 37% (107) 3% (8) 286PID: Rep (no lean) 23% (68) 17% (51) 13% (38) 10% (28) 5% (16) 29% (87) 2% (7) 295PID/Gender: DemMen 13% (20) 20% (30) 17% (25) 11% (16) 1% (2) 37% (55) 1% (1) 149PID/Gender: DemWomen 10% (19) 12% (21) 21% (38) 19% (35) 7% (13) 30% (55) 1% (1) 181PID/Gender: Ind Men 21% (32) 16% (25) 13% (21) 8% (12) 4% (6) 35% (54) 3% (4) 154PID/Gender: Ind Women 12% (16) 14% (19) 16% (22) 11% (15) 4% (5) 40% (53) 3% (4) 132PID/Gender: Rep Men 29% (43) 17% (25) 10% (16) 8% (13) 5% (7) 29% (43) 2% (3) 149PID/Gender: Rep Women 18% (26) 17% (25) 15% (22) 11% (16) 6% (9) 30% (44) 3% (4) 146Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 10% (28) 16% (45) 19% (53) 17% (48) 3% (9) 34% (96) 1% (3) 282Ideo: Moderate (4) 15% (38) 13% (33) 19% (47) 10% (25) 5% (13) 36% (89) 1% (2) 246Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 24% (81) 19% (63) 11% (38) 9% (29) 5% (17) 29% (96) 2% (7) 330Educ: < College 15% (67) 11% (50) 13% (57) 10% (45) 4% (20) 44% (199) 3% (14) 451Educ: Bachelors degree 19% (55) 20% (58) 18% (53) 11% (32) 5% (15) 26% (73) — (1) 287Educ: Post-grad 19% (33) 22% (38) 19% (33) 17% (29) 4% (6) 18% (31) 2% (3) 174Income: Under 50k 13% (44) 9% (30) 13% (46) 11% (37) 5% (16) 46% (156) 3% (11) 340Income: 50k-100k 18% (67) 20% (74) 16% (57) 11% (39) 4% (16) 30% (109) 1% (5) 367Income: 100k+ 22% (44) 21% (42) 20% (41) 14% (30) 4% (9) 19% (39) 1% (1) 205Ethnicity: White 18% (134) 16% (121) 15% (114) 10% (72) 5% (37) 33% (246) 2% (13) 735

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Morning ConsultTable CMS13

Table CMS13: Amid the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus), how comfortable do you currently feel returning to your office?




ableVery uncom-


I amcurrentlyworking atmy office

I do notwork in anoffice space

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 17% (155) 16% (146) 16% (143) 12% (106) 4% (41) 33% (304) 2% (18) 912Ethnicity: Hispanic 15% (14) 15% (14) 23% (21) 17% (15) 2% (2) 25% (23) 4% (3) 92Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 14% (16) 15% (17) 13% (15) 19% (22) 1% (2) 36% (41) 3% (3) 117Ethnicity: Other 8% (5) 12% (7) 25% (15) 20% (12) 4% (3) 28% (17) 3% (2) 60All Christian 20% (87) 20% (84) 17% (72) 10% (42) 5% (20) 27% (116) 1% (5) 425All Non-Christian 6% (3) 22% (12) 19% (10) 14% (8) 4% (2) 30% (16) 5% (3) 54Agnostic/Nothing in particular 16% (63) 11% (44) 14% (54) 12% (49) 4% (16) 40% (156) 3% (10) 393Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 10% (6) 20% (12) 17% (11) 14% (8) 4% (2) 31% (19) 4% (3) 62Evangelical 23% (57) 15% (37) 13% (33) 11% (26) 5% (12) 33% (84) 1% (2) 251Non-Evangelical 18% (60) 19% (64) 17% (56) 10% (34) 4% (14) 31% (103) 1% (4) 334Community: Urban 15% (35) 15% (34) 16% (37) 15% (34) 4% (8) 33% (75) 3% (6) 231Community: Suburban 16% (75) 19% (86) 16% (72) 12% (55) 5% (23) 32% (146) 1% (4) 463Community: Rural 20% (44) 12% (26) 15% (34) 7% (16) 4% (10) 38% (82) 3% (7) 218Employ: Private Sector 17% (104) 17% (108) 19% (118) 11% (70) 5% (32) 29% (183) 1% (8) 624Employ: Government 19% (26) 21% (30) 14% (19) 20% (27) 5% (7) 18% (25) 3% (4) 138Employ: Self-Employed 16% (24) 5% (8) 4% (7) 5% (8) 1% (2) 64% (96) 4% (6) 150Military HH: Yes 21% (27) 16% (19) 14% (17) 5% (6) 7% (9) 35% (44) 2% (2) 125Military HH: No 16% (128) 16% (127) 16% (126) 13% (100) 4% (32) 33% (260) 2% (15) 787RD/WT: Right Direction 26% (82) 20% (65) 12% (37) 8% (25) 4% (14) 29% (92) 2% (7) 322RD/WT: Wrong Track 12% (72) 14% (81) 18% (106) 14% (81) 5% (27) 36% (212) 2% (11) 590Trump Job Approve 25% (98) 19% (76) 11% (44) 8% (31) 5% (18) 30% (119) 1% (5) 390Trump Job Disapprove 11% (55) 13% (65) 20% (98) 15% (74) 5% (23) 35% (175) 2% (11) 501Trump Job Strongly Approve 28% (62) 18% (39) 7% (17) 8% (17) 4% (9) 33% (74) 2% (4) 221Trump Job Somewhat Approve 21% (36) 22% (37) 16% (27) 8% (14) 6% (9) 26% (45) 1% (1) 170Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 14% (16) 12% (14) 22% (25) 9% (10) 4% (5) 35% (40) 3% (4) 114Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 10% (39) 13% (51) 19% (74) 17% (64) 5% (18) 35% (134) 2% (7) 386Favorable of Trump 24% (91) 19% (70) 11% (41) 8% (28) 4% (17) 32% (118) 1% (5) 370Unfavorable of Trump 12% (60) 14% (71) 19% (98) 14% (73) 4% (23) 35% (177) 2% (9) 510

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS13

Table CMS13: Amid the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus), how comfortable do you currently feel returning to your office?




ableVery uncom-


I amcurrentlyworking atmy office

I do notwork in anoffice space

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 17% (155) 16% (146) 16% (143) 12% (106) 4% (41) 33% (304) 2% (18) 912Very Favorable of Trump 28% (63) 15% (34) 8% (17) 8% (18) 4% (10) 34% (76) 2% (4) 222Somewhat Favorable of Trump 19% (28) 24% (36) 16% (24) 7% (10) 5% (7) 28% (42) 1% (2) 149Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 15% (15) 20% (19) 18% (18) 5% (5) 5% (5) 32% (31) 5% (4) 97Very Unfavorable of Trump 11% (45) 13% (52) 19% (80) 16% (68) 4% (18) 35% (146) 1% (4) 413#1 Issue: Economy 18% (66) 17% (63) 13% (46) 10% (36) 3% (11) 37% (134) 2% (8) 364#1 Issue: Security 23% (24) 17% (17) 14% (14) 8% (9) 1% (1) 35% (36) 2% (2) 103#1 Issue: Health Care 15% (30) 14% (28) 21% (40) 14% (28) 9% (18) 26% (50) 1% (2) 196#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 13% (9) 15% (10) 20% (14) 8% (6) 5% (4) 38% (27) 1% (1) 712018 House Vote: Democrat 11% (44) 16% (63) 20% (78) 15% (57) 4% (17) 32% (124) 1% (5) 3882018 House Vote: Republican 26% (81) 20% (63) 12% (39) 9% (28) 6% (18) 27% (85) 1% (2) 3162016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 12% (41) 16% (55) 21% (70) 14% (48) 5% (16) 31% (105) 1% (4) 3382016 Vote: Donald Trump 24% (85) 18% (65) 13% (45) 9% (30) 6% (19) 29% (100) 2% (6) 3492016 Vote: Other 22% (15) 14% (10) 13% (9) 7% (5) 3% (2) 35% (25) 5% (4) 702016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 9% (13) 11% (17) 13% (20) 15% (23) 2% (3) 48% (74) 3% (5) 154Voted in 2014: Yes 18% (117) 17% (112) 17% (108) 10% (67) 5% (31) 32% (206) 1% (8) 649Voted in 2014: No 14% (38) 13% (34) 13% (35) 15% (39) 4% (10) 37% (98) 4% (9) 2632012 Vote: Barack Obama 13% (54) 16% (68) 19% (81) 12% (51) 4% (17) 33% (139) 2% (7) 4172012 Vote: Mitt Romney 26% (58) 16% (36) 13% (30) 9% (19) 6% (14) 30% (68) — (1) 2262012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 16% (35) 15% (34) 13% (28) 15% (33) 4% (8) 35% (77) 3% (7) 2224-Region: Northeast 16% (26) 17% (28) 17% (28) 14% (24) 3% (5) 31% (51) 3% (5) 1654-Region: Midwest 17% (36) 18% (39) 14% (30) 8% (17) 3% (6) 37% (78) 2% (5) 2124-Region: South 17% (55) 16% (51) 13% (44) 13% (42) 7% (23) 33% (110) 1% (5) 3304-Region: West 18% (38) 14% (28) 20% (41) 12% (24) 3% (7) 32% (65) 1% (3) 205Sports fan 17% (110) 17% (112) 16% (106) 12% (77) 5% (31) 32% (213) 2% (13) 661Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 15% (36) 20% (49) 19% (45) 15% (37) 5% (13) 22% (53) 3% (8) 240Frequent Flyer 19% (29) 18% (27) 18% (28) 12% (19) 5% (8) 24% (37) 4% (6) 153Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Morning ConsultTable CMS14_1

Table CMS14_1: Do you think COVID-19 (coronavirus) testing should be required of the following groups?Employees before returning to their workplace

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 73% (1462) 15% (301) 12% (232) 1995Gender: Male 71% (665) 18% (166) 11% (103) 934Gender: Female 75% (797) 13% (136) 12% (128) 1061Age: 18-34 73% (366) 15% (77) 12% (58) 501Age: 35-44 62% (187) 25% (75) 13% (41) 303Age: 45-64 72% (521) 15% (112) 13% (93) 727Age: 65+ 83% (387) 8% (38) 9% (40) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 75% (160) 11% (23) 14% (30) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 69% (316) 21% (94) 10% (46) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 67% (322) 20% (95) 14% (66) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 78% (579) 11% (85) 11% (81) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 84% (611) 8% (60) 8% (60) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 72% (443) 15% (93) 13% (78) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 63% (408) 23% (148) 14% (93) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 83% (248) 9% (26) 9% (26) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 84% (362) 8% (34) 8% (34) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 71% (228) 19% (60) 10% (32) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 73% (215) 11% (33) 16% (46) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 60% (189) 25% (80) 15% (46) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 65% (220) 20% (69) 14% (48) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 84% (476) 9% (50) 7% (39) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 78% (419) 12% (63) 10% (52) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 63% (457) 23% (165) 14% (105) 726Educ: < College 72% (906) 15% (184) 13% (165) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 75% (353) 17% (79) 9% (40) 472Educ: Post-grad 76% (204) 14% (38) 10% (26) 268Income: Under 50k 74% (744) 14% (138) 13% (130) 1012Income: 50k-100k 73% (496) 16% (109) 11% (75) 681Income: 100k+ 73% (222) 18% (54) 9% (26) 302Ethnicity: White 72% (1163) 16% (260) 12% (190) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 81% (156) 12% (24) 7% (13) 193

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS14_1

Table CMS14_1: Do you think COVID-19 (coronavirus) testing should be required of the following groups?Employees before returning to their workplace

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 73% (1462) 15% (301) 12% (232) 1995Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 77% (194) 12% (30) 11% (29) 253Ethnicity: Other 81% (105) 8% (11) 10% (13) 128All Christian 73% (703) 17% (167) 10% (98) 968All Non-Christian 85% (85) 9% (9) 6% (6) 100Atheist 81% (70) 5% (5) 13% (11) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 72% (604) 14% (121) 14% (116) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 81% (97) 10% (12) 9% (10) 119Evangelical 64% (354) 22% (121) 14% (78) 553Non-Evangelical 78% (593) 13% (103) 9% (66) 762Community: Urban 75% (339) 14% (61) 11% (49) 450Community: Suburban 75% (761) 14% (145) 11% (111) 1016Community: Rural 68% (362) 18% (95) 14% (72) 529Employ: Private Sector 69% (430) 19% (119) 12% (76) 624Employ: Government 66% (90) 20% (27) 15% (20) 138Employ: Self-Employed 66% (99) 20% (30) 14% (20) 150Employ: Homemaker 71% (73) 19% (19) 10% (11) 103Employ: Retired 82% (413) 10% (49) 9% (44) 507Employ: Unemployed 72% (149) 14% (28) 14% (29) 206Employ: Other 73% (98) 14% (18) 14% (18) 135Military HH: Yes 75% (251) 15% (50) 10% (34) 336Military HH: No 73% (1210) 15% (251) 12% (198) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 65% (446) 21% (144) 15% (100) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 78% (1016) 12% (157) 10% (131) 1305Trump Job Approve 62% (518) 24% (203) 14% (113) 835Trump Job Disapprove 83% (911) 8% (88) 9% (100) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 59% (292) 26% (129) 15% (74) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 67% (226) 22% (74) 12% (39) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 78% (182) 9% (20) 13% (31) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 84% (729) 8% (68) 8% (70) 867

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Morning ConsultTable CMS14_1

Table CMS14_1: Do you think COVID-19 (coronavirus) testing should be required of the following groups?Employees before returning to their workplace

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 73% (1462) 15% (301) 12% (232) 1995Favorable of Trump 63% (516) 23% (185) 14% (112) 813Unfavorable of Trump 82% (902) 10% (105) 9% (96) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 61% (318) 25% (130) 14% (70) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 67% (198) 19% (56) 14% (42) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 73% (143) 15% (30) 12% (22) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 84% (759) 8% (75) 8% (73) 907#1 Issue: Economy 67% (427) 20% (129) 13% (85) 641#1 Issue: Security 67% (163) 20% (48) 13% (32) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 78% (309) 10% (41) 12% (46) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 84% (262) 10% (31) 6% (20) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 72% (55) 12% (9) 16% (12) 76#1 Issue: Education 71% (77) 14% (16) 15% (16) 108#1 Issue: Energy 83% (72) 5% (4) 12% (10) 87#1 Issue: Other 74% (97) 18% (24) 8% (11) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 84% (669) 8% (60) 8% (67) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 61% (398) 25% (163) 14% (90) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 70% (61) 14% (12) 16% (14) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 84% (602) 8% (57) 8% (55) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 63% (455) 22% (161) 14% (104) 7202016 Vote: Other 70% (97) 15% (21) 15% (20) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 73% (308) 14% (61) 12% (53) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 74% (993) 15% (206) 11% (147) 1346Voted in 2014: No 72% (468) 15% (95) 13% (85) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 82% (702) 9% (81) 9% (77) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 62% (318) 23% (118) 14% (74) 5092012 Vote: Other 58% (52) 29% (26) 13% (11) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 73% (387) 14% (75) 13% (70) 532

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Table CMS14_1: Do you think COVID-19 (coronavirus) testing should be required of the following groups?Employees before returning to their workplace

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 73% (1462) 15% (301) 12% (232) 19954-Region: Northeast 78% (276) 14% (49) 9% (31) 3564-Region: Midwest 70% (322) 18% (81) 12% (55) 4584-Region: South 74% (550) 14% (101) 13% (94) 7454-Region: West 72% (314) 16% (70) 12% (52) 436Sports fan 74% (1037) 14% (196) 12% (164) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 75% (289) 14% (54) 11% (42) 385Frequent Flyer 71% (160) 18% (40) 11% (26) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Table CMS14_2: Do you think COVID-19 (coronavirus) testing should be required of the following groups?Students before returning to schools or colleges

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 74% (1472) 15% (297) 11% (225) 1995Gender: Male 73% (678) 17% (160) 10% (96) 934Gender: Female 75% (795) 13% (137) 12% (129) 1061Age: 18-34 75% (374) 15% (73) 11% (54) 501Age: 35-44 66% (201) 21% (64) 13% (38) 303Age: 45-64 71% (515) 16% (117) 13% (94) 727Age: 65+ 82% (382) 9% (43) 8% (39) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 74% (159) 12% (25) 14% (30) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 73% (336) 18% (82) 9% (39) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 66% (321) 19% (92) 14% (70) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 77% (575) 12% (91) 11% (79) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 85% (624) 6% (46) 8% (61) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 72% (439) 16% (101) 12% (74) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 63% (409) 23% (150) 14% (91) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 84% (252) 8% (24) 8% (25) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 86% (372) 5% (22) 8% (36) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 73% (232) 19% (60) 9% (27) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 70% (208) 14% (40) 16% (47) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 62% (194) 24% (76) 14% (44) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 64% (215) 22% (74) 14% (47) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 87% (491) 6% (36) 7% (38) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 78% (419) 13% (69) 9% (46) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 62% (451) 23% (169) 15% (106) 726Educ: < College 72% (908) 15% (185) 13% (162) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 75% (354) 17% (79) 8% (39) 472Educ: Post-grad 79% (211) 12% (33) 9% (24) 268Income: Under 50k 74% (746) 14% (142) 12% (123) 1012Income: 50k-100k 73% (498) 15% (104) 12% (78) 681Income: 100k+ 75% (228) 17% (51) 8% (23) 302Ethnicity: White 73% (1170) 16% (261) 11% (182) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 83% (160) 11% (21) 7% (13) 193

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Table CMS14_2: Do you think COVID-19 (coronavirus) testing should be required of the following groups?Students before returning to schools or colleges

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 74% (1472) 15% (297) 11% (225) 1995Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 79% (201) 9% (23) 11% (29) 253Ethnicity: Other 79% (101) 10% (12) 11% (15) 128All Christian 72% (701) 17% (168) 10% (99) 968All Non-Christian 86% (86) 9% (9) 5% (5) 100Atheist 84% (72) 6% (5) 10% (9) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 73% (614) 14% (115) 13% (112) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 83% (99) 11% (13) 7% (8) 119Evangelical 65% (361) 21% (116) 14% (76) 553Non-Evangelical 77% (590) 14% (106) 9% (66) 762Community: Urban 78% (351) 12% (55) 10% (44) 450Community: Suburban 74% (753) 15% (152) 11% (111) 1016Community: Rural 70% (369) 17% (90) 13% (70) 529Employ: Private Sector 71% (446) 17% (109) 11% (70) 624Employ: Government 69% (95) 17% (23) 14% (20) 138Employ: Self-Employed 71% (107) 17% (26) 11% (17) 150Employ: Homemaker 66% (69) 20% (21) 13% (14) 103Employ: Retired 79% (400) 12% (59) 9% (48) 507Employ: Unemployed 72% (149) 13% (27) 15% (31) 206Employ: Other 76% (102) 14% (18) 11% (15) 135Military HH: Yes 75% (252) 15% (49) 10% (35) 336Military HH: No 74% (1220) 15% (248) 12% (191) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 64% (441) 22% (155) 14% (95) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 79% (1032) 11% (142) 10% (131) 1305Trump Job Approve 61% (508) 26% (213) 14% (113) 835Trump Job Disapprove 85% (932) 7% (73) 9% (95) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 58% (288) 28% (139) 14% (69) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 65% (221) 22% (74) 13% (44) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 81% (188) 8% (20) 11% (26) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 86% (744) 6% (54) 8% (69) 867

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Table CMS14_2: Do you think COVID-19 (coronavirus) testing should be required of the following groups?Students before returning to schools or colleges

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 74% (1472) 15% (297) 11% (225) 1995Favorable of Trump 63% (509) 24% (195) 13% (109) 813Unfavorable of Trump 83% (916) 9% (94) 8% (93) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 60% (312) 26% (136) 14% (70) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 67% (197) 20% (59) 13% (39) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 73% (142) 15% (30) 12% (23) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 85% (773) 7% (64) 8% (70) 907#1 Issue: Economy 69% (440) 18% (116) 13% (85) 641#1 Issue: Security 65% (158) 21% (51) 14% (34) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 78% (310) 10% (40) 11% (45) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 81% (255) 12% (39) 6% (20) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 71% (54) 12% (9) 16% (12) 76#1 Issue: Education 74% (80) 17% (19) 9% (10) 108#1 Issue: Energy 91% (79) 1% (1) 8% (7) 87#1 Issue: Other 74% (97) 17% (23) 9% (12) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 85% (673) 7% (54) 9% (69) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 62% (405) 26% (166) 12% (80) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 75% (65) 11% (9) 15% (13) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 86% (612) 6% (44) 8% (57) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 64% (457) 23% (163) 14% (100) 7202016 Vote: Other 73% (101) 16% (22) 11% (15) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 72% (302) 16% (67) 13% (53) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 75% (1007) 15% (200) 10% (139) 1346Voted in 2014: No 72% (465) 15% (97) 13% (86) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 83% (716) 8% (69) 9% (75) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 64% (326) 23% (116) 13% (66) 5092012 Vote: Other 52% (46) 32% (29) 16% (14) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 72% (381) 15% (82) 13% (70) 532

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Table CMS14_2: Do you think COVID-19 (coronavirus) testing should be required of the following groups?Students before returning to schools or colleges

Demographic Yes NoDon’t know / No

opinion Total N

Registered Voters 74% (1472) 15% (297) 11% (225) 19954-Region: Northeast 79% (280) 13% (47) 8% (29) 3564-Region: Midwest 69% (314) 18% (84) 13% (60) 4584-Region: South 74% (552) 14% (105) 12% (87) 7454-Region: West 75% (326) 14% (61) 11% (49) 436Sports fan 75% (1052) 14% (189) 11% (156) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 77% (298) 13% (50) 10% (37) 385Frequent Flyer 76% (173) 13% (30) 10% (23) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Table CMS15_1: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, a casual fan or not a fan of each of the following?ATP

Demographic Casual fan Avid fan Not a fan at all Total N

Registered Voters 7% (145) 3% (56) 90% (1795) 1995Gender: Male 11% (104) 4% (35) 85% (795) 934Gender: Female 4% (41) 2% (21) 94% (999) 1061Age: 18-34 8% (40) 3% (17) 89% (444) 501Age: 35-44 9% (27) 4% (12) 87% (264) 303Age: 45-64 7% (53) 2% (18) 90% (655) 727Age: 65+ 5% (24) 2% (9) 93% (431) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 6% (12) 2% (4) 92% (198) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 10% (44) 4% (18) 87% (395) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 8% (40) 3% (15) 89% (428) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 6% (43) 2% (17) 92% (685) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 7% (48) 4% (27) 90% (655) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 9% (55) 2% (12) 89% (548) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 6% (42) 3% (17) 91% (592) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 12% (35) 5% (14) 84% (251) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 3% (14) 3% (13) 94% (404) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 12% (38) 3% (8) 86% (273) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 6% (17) 1% (4) 93% (274) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 10% (31) 4% (12) 86% (271) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 3% (11) 1% (5) 95% (321) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 6% (34) 4% (25) 90% (506) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 10% (51) 2% (13) 88% (471) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 7% (49) 2% (12) 92% (665) 726Educ: < College 7% (82) 2% (26) 91% (1147) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 7% (34) 4% (21) 88% (417) 472Educ: Post-grad 11% (29) 3% (9) 86% (231) 268Income: Under 50k 7% (67) 3% (27) 91% (917) 1012Income: 50k-100k 7% (49) 2% (14) 91% (618) 681Income: 100k+ 9% (28) 5% (15) 86% (259) 302Ethnicity: White 6% (100) 2% (37) 92% (1477) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 8% (16) 5% (9) 87% (168) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 12% (31) 5% (14) 82% (208) 253

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Table CMS15_1: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, a casual fan or not a fan of each of the following?ATP

Demographic Casual fan Avid fan Not a fan at all Total N

Registered Voters 7% (145) 3% (56) 90% (1795) 1995Ethnicity: Other 10% (13) 4% (5) 85% (110) 128All Christian 8% (75) 3% (27) 90% (867) 968All Non-Christian 11% (11) 4% (4) 85% (85) 100Atheist 6% (5) 2% (2) 92% (80) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 6% (54) 3% (24) 91% (763) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 9% (11) 3% (4) 87% (104) 119Evangelical 8% (47) 3% (18) 88% (489) 553Non-Evangelical 7% (51) 2% (17) 91% (694) 762Community: Urban 11% (51) 3% (16) 85% (383) 450Community: Suburban 6% (62) 2% (25) 91% (930) 1016Community: Rural 6% (32) 3% (16) 91% (481) 529Employ: Private Sector 8% (52) 3% (22) 88% (551) 624Employ: Government 10% (14) 2% (3) 88% (121) 138Employ: Self-Employed 12% (19) 5% (8) 82% (123) 150Employ: Homemaker 1% (1) — (0) 98% (101) 103Employ: Retired 4% (22) 2% (9) 94% (475) 507Employ: Unemployed 7% (15) 3% (6) 90% (185) 206Employ: Other 7% (10) 4% (6) 88% (119) 135Military HH: Yes 8% (27) 2% (7) 90% (301) 336Military HH: No 7% (117) 3% (49) 90% (1493) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 7% (46) 2% (12) 92% (633) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 8% (99) 3% (44) 89% (1162) 1305Trump Job Approve 7% (58) 2% (20) 91% (756) 835Trump Job Disapprove 8% (84) 3% (36) 89% (981) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 7% (36) 2% (8) 91% (451) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 6% (22) 4% (12) 90% (305) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 9% (20) 4% (9) 88% (204) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 7% (64) 3% (26) 90% (777) 867Favorable of Trump 7% (58) 2% (15) 91% (741) 813Unfavorable of Trump 7% (82) 4% (40) 89% (981) 1102

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Table CMS15_1: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, a casual fan or not a fan of each of the following?ATP

Demographic Casual fan Avid fan Not a fan at all Total N

Registered Voters 7% (145) 3% (56) 90% (1795) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 7% (36) 2% (9) 91% (473) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 7% (21) 2% (6) 91% (268) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 9% (18) 5% (10) 85% (167) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 7% (63) 3% (30) 90% (814) 907#1 Issue: Economy 9% (56) 3% (21) 88% (564) 641#1 Issue: Security 8% (19) 1% (3) 91% (221) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 6% (25) 3% (11) 91% (359) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 6% (20) 2% (5) 92% (288) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 1% (1) 1% (1) 98% (74) 76#1 Issue: Education 4% (4) 5% (5) 91% (99) 108#1 Issue: Energy 8% (7) 5% (4) 87% (75) 87#1 Issue: Other 9% (11) 4% (5) 87% (115) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 8% (64) 4% (32) 88% (700) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 7% (48) 2% (11) 91% (593) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 8% (7) 1% (1) 90% (78) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 7% (51) 5% (32) 88% (631) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 8% (56) 2% (12) 90% (651) 7202016 Vote: Other 7% (9) 1% (2) 92% (127) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 7% (28) 2% (10) 91% (383) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 8% (102) 3% (42) 89% (1201) 1346Voted in 2014: No 7% (42) 2% (14) 91% (593) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 8% (70) 4% (33) 88% (757) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 8% (38) 1% (8) 91% (463) 5092012 Vote: Other 7% (6) 3% (3) 90% (80) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 6% (30) 2% (12) 92% (490) 5324-Region: Northeast 6% (22) 5% (16) 89% (317) 3564-Region: Midwest 8% (38) 3% (12) 89% (408) 4584-Region: South 7% (50) 2% (15) 91% (681) 7454-Region: West 8% (35) 3% (13) 89% (389) 436Sports fan 10% (134) 4% (53) 87% (1209) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 10% (40) 5% (18) 85% (327) 385

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Table CMS15_1: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, a casual fan or not a fan of each of the following?ATP

Demographic Casual fan Avid fan Not a fan at all Total N

Registered Voters 7% (145) 3% (56) 90% (1795) 1995Frequent Flyer 13% (29) 5% (12) 82% (184) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Morning ConsultTable CMS15_2

Table CMS15_2: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, a casual fan or not a fan of each of the following?Esports

Demographic Casual fan Avid fan Not a fan at all Total N

Registered Voters 13% (262) 4% (80) 83% (1652) 1995Gender: Male 18% (165) 6% (58) 76% (711) 934Gender: Female 9% (98) 2% (22) 89% (942) 1061Age: 18-34 22% (112) 9% (44) 69% (345) 501Age: 35-44 22% (65) 9% (27) 69% (211) 303Age: 45-64 7% (53) 1% (6) 92% (667) 727Age: 65+ 7% (31) 1% (3) 93% (430) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 21% (46) 7% (14) 72% (154) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 22% (101) 10% (48) 67% (308) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 13% (62) 3% (13) 85% (408) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 6% (41) 1% (6) 94% (698) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 14% (99) 6% (41) 81% (590) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 15% (92) 4% (22) 81% (500) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 11% (70) 3% (17) 86% (562) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 18% (54) 9% (26) 73% (220) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 11% (45) 3% (15) 86% (370) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 19% (60) 5% (16) 77% (245) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 11% (33) 2% (6) 87% (256) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 16% (51) 5% (17) 78% (246) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 6% (19) — (1) 94% (316) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 12% (67) 5% (30) 83% (468) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 16% (85) 4% (23) 80% (426) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 11% (79) 2% (16) 87% (632) 726Educ: < College 14% (170) 4% (45) 83% (1039) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 12% (55) 4% (20) 84% (397) 472Educ: Post-grad 14% (37) 6% (15) 81% (216) 268Income: Under 50k 14% (137) 4% (44) 82% (831) 1012Income: 50k-100k 12% (83) 3% (23) 84% (574) 681Income: 100k+ 14% (42) 4% (13) 82% (247) 302Ethnicity: White 11% (178) 3% (56) 86% (1380) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 23% (45) 6% (12) 70% (136) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 22% (56) 7% (18) 71% (179) 253

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Table CMS15_2: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, a casual fan or not a fan of each of the following?Esports

Demographic Casual fan Avid fan Not a fan at all Total N

Registered Voters 13% (262) 4% (80) 83% (1652) 1995Ethnicity: Other 22% (28) 5% (6) 73% (94) 128All Christian 12% (113) 3% (24) 86% (831) 968All Non-Christian 16% (16) 7% (7) 77% (77) 100Atheist 14% (12) 6% (5) 80% (69) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 14% (121) 5% (44) 80% (676) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 16% (19) 6% (7) 78% (93) 119Evangelical 14% (80) 4% (23) 81% (450) 553Non-Evangelical 11% (82) 3% (22) 86% (658) 762Community: Urban 14% (61) 6% (26) 81% (363) 450Community: Suburban 13% (131) 3% (25) 85% (860) 1016Community: Rural 13% (71) 6% (29) 81% (429) 529Employ: Private Sector 16% (100) 4% (24) 80% (501) 624Employ: Government 13% (18) 9% (13) 78% (107) 138Employ: Self-Employed 23% (35) 6% (9) 71% (106) 150Employ: Homemaker 5% (5) 1% (1) 94% (97) 103Employ: Retired 5% (27) — (1) 95% (479) 507Employ: Unemployed 14% (28) 8% (16) 78% (162) 206Employ: Other 9% (12) 6% (9) 84% (113) 135Military HH: Yes 11% (36) 2% (8) 87% (292) 336Military HH: No 14% (227) 4% (73) 82% (1360) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 14% (100) 3% (23) 82% (568) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 12% (162) 4% (58) 83% (1085) 1305Trump Job Approve 14% (117) 3% (27) 83% (691) 835Trump Job Disapprove 12% (131) 5% (52) 83% (917) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 10% (51) 4% (19) 86% (426) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 20% (66) 2% (8) 78% (265) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 20% (46) 8% (20) 72% (167) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 10% (85) 4% (33) 86% (750) 867Favorable of Trump 14% (114) 2% (19) 84% (681) 813Unfavorable of Trump 12% (132) 5% (56) 83% (915) 1102

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Registered Voters 13% (262) 4% (80) 83% (1652) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 12% (61) 2% (13) 86% (445) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 18% (53) 2% (6) 80% (236) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 19% (37) 9% (18) 71% (139) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 10% (94) 4% (37) 85% (775) 907#1 Issue: Economy 17% (109) 5% (32) 78% (500) 641#1 Issue: Security 13% (31) 3% (7) 84% (205) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 9% (35) 4% (15) 87% (345) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 8% (25) 3% (10) 89% (278) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 13% (10) 4% (3) 82% (62) 76#1 Issue: Education 18% (20) 7% (7) 75% (81) 108#1 Issue: Energy 19% (17) 4% (3) 77% (66) 87#1 Issue: Other 11% (15) 2% (2) 87% (115) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 12% (98) 4% (31) 84% (667) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 11% (71) 3% (21) 86% (560) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 17% (15) 4% (3) 79% (69) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 12% (85) 5% (34) 83% (594) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 11% (81) 3% (22) 86% (617) 7202016 Vote: Other 11% (15) 2% (3) 87% (120) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 19% (82) 5% (21) 76% (319) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 12% (158) 4% (51) 84% (1137) 1346Voted in 2014: No 16% (104) 5% (30) 79% (515) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 14% (117) 4% (38) 82% (704) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 10% (53) 2% (12) 87% (444) 5092012 Vote: Other 9% (8) 1% (1) 90% (81) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 16% (84) 5% (29) 79% (419) 5324-Region: Northeast 10% (37) 5% (16) 85% (302) 3564-Region: Midwest 15% (69) 3% (13) 82% (376) 4584-Region: South 14% (102) 4% (28) 82% (614) 7454-Region: West 12% (54) 5% (22) 83% (360) 436Sports fan 16% (226) 5% (73) 79% (1097) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 18% (70) 7% (27) 75% (288) 385

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Registered Voters 13% (262) 4% (80) 83% (1652) 1995Frequent Flyer 22% (50) 7% (17) 71% (159) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Registered Voters 11% (215) 4% (82) 85% (1699) 1995Gender: Male 16% (149) 6% (60) 78% (725) 934Gender: Female 6% (66) 2% (22) 92% (973) 1061Age: 18-34 12% (58) 5% (24) 83% (418) 501Age: 35-44 16% (48) 6% (19) 78% (236) 303Age: 45-64 10% (72) 5% (34) 85% (620) 727Age: 65+ 8% (37) 1% (3) 91% (424) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 10% (21) 3% (7) 86% (185) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 14% (63) 6% (28) 80% (366) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 12% (59) 6% (27) 82% (397) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 8% (61) 3% (19) 89% (665) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 8% (60) 4% (31) 88% (640) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 13% (81) 4% (25) 83% (509) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 11% (75) 4% (26) 85% (550) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 12% (37) 8% (25) 79% (238) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 5% (22) 1% (5) 94% (403) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 17% (53) 6% (19) 77% (247) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 9% (27) 2% (6) 89% (261) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 19% (58) 5% (16) 77% (240) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 5% (16) 3% (10) 92% (309) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 9% (51) 4% (22) 87% (492) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 11% (60) 5% (29) 83% (446) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 12% (90) 3% (19) 85% (617) 726Educ: < College 10% (130) 4% (47) 86% (1078) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 12% (54) 4% (20) 84% (397) 472Educ: Post-grad 11% (30) 5% (15) 83% (223) 268Income: Under 50k 11% (113) 5% (46) 84% (853) 1012Income: 50k-100k 9% (61) 3% (24) 88% (596) 681Income: 100k+ 13% (41) 4% (12) 83% (250) 302Ethnicity: White 10% (166) 4% (57) 86% (1390) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 16% (30) 6% (11) 79% (152) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 11% (29) 7% (18) 81% (206) 253

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Registered Voters 11% (215) 4% (82) 85% (1699) 1995Ethnicity: Other 16% (20) 5% (6) 79% (102) 128All Christian 12% (114) 3% (31) 85% (823) 968All Non-Christian 12% (12) 9% (9) 79% (79) 100Atheist 6% (5) 6% (5) 89% (76) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 10% (84) 4% (37) 86% (720) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 12% (14) 7% (9) 81% (96) 119Evangelical 11% (59) 4% (20) 86% (474) 553Non-Evangelical 12% (92) 3% (23) 85% (647) 762Community: Urban 12% (53) 6% (27) 82% (369) 450Community: Suburban 11% (109) 3% (30) 86% (878) 1016Community: Rural 10% (53) 5% (25) 85% (451) 529Employ: Private Sector 13% (81) 4% (27) 83% (516) 624Employ: Government 9% (13) 3% (5) 87% (121) 138Employ: Self-Employed 16% (23) 5% (8) 79% (118) 150Employ: Homemaker 6% (6) 3% (3) 91% (93) 103Employ: Retired 8% (38) 2% (8) 91% (461) 507Employ: Unemployed 14% (28) 7% (14) 80% (164) 206Employ: Other 9% (12) 7% (10) 84% (113) 135Military HH: Yes 13% (43) 3% (9) 84% (284) 336Military HH: No 10% (171) 4% (73) 85% (1415) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 14% (99) 4% (30) 81% (561) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 9% (116) 4% (51) 87% (1137) 1305Trump Job Approve 13% (106) 5% (39) 83% (690) 835Trump Job Disapprove 9% (104) 3% (38) 87% (957) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 12% (60) 5% (23) 83% (413) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 14% (46) 5% (16) 82% (277) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 16% (38) 5% (11) 79% (184) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 8% (67) 3% (28) 89% (773) 867Favorable of Trump 12% (100) 4% (35) 83% (678) 813Unfavorable of Trump 10% (108) 3% (38) 87% (956) 1102

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Registered Voters 11% (215) 4% (82) 85% (1699) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 12% (63) 5% (24) 83% (431) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 13% (37) 4% (11) 84% (247) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 18% (36) 5% (9) 77% (150) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 8% (73) 3% (29) 89% (805) 907#1 Issue: Economy 14% (90) 4% (25) 82% (526) 641#1 Issue: Security 15% (36) 7% (16) 78% (190) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 8% (32) 4% (16) 88% (348) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 9% (29) 2% (7) 88% (276) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 2% (2) 2% (2) 95% (72) 76#1 Issue: Education 5% (6) 6% (6) 89% (97) 108#1 Issue: Energy 9% (7) 4% (4) 87% (75) 87#1 Issue: Other 10% (13) 4% (6) 86% (114) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 9% (69) 3% (27) 88% (700) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 14% (90) 4% (28) 82% (533) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 14% (12) 4% (3) 82% (72) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 10% (70) 4% (26) 87% (618) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 13% (95) 4% (30) 83% (594) 7202016 Vote: Other 7% (10) 2% (3) 90% (124) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 9% (40) 5% (23) 85% (359) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 11% (151) 4% (50) 85% (1145) 1346Voted in 2014: No 10% (63) 5% (32) 85% (554) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 11% (98) 4% (38) 84% (723) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 11% (58) 3% (16) 85% (435) 5092012 Vote: Other 11% (10) 1% (1) 89% (79) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 9% (49) 5% (26) 86% (457) 5324-Region: Northeast 12% (42) 4% (14) 84% (300) 3564-Region: Midwest 9% (43) 3% (13) 88% (402) 4584-Region: South 11% (80) 5% (36) 84% (628) 7454-Region: West 11% (50) 4% (18) 84% (368) 436Sports fan 14% (191) 5% (70) 81% (1135) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 14% (52) 7% (29) 79% (304) 385

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Registered Voters 11% (215) 4% (82) 85% (1699) 1995Frequent Flyer 16% (36) 9% (20) 75% (169) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Registered Voters 19% (379) 5% (98) 76% (1518) 1995Gender: Male 24% (228) 7% (66) 68% (639) 934Gender: Female 14% (151) 3% (31) 83% (879) 1061Age: 18-34 10% (51) 5% (24) 85% (426) 501Age: 35-44 17% (50) 6% (18) 77% (235) 303Age: 45-64 23% (164) 5% (38) 72% (525) 727Age: 65+ 25% (114) 4% (17) 72% (333) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 8% (17) 4% (9) 88% (188) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 13% (58) 6% (26) 82% (373) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 22% (104) 6% (28) 73% (351) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 24% (176) 4% (28) 73% (540) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 15% (111) 4% (31) 81% (588) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 19% (119) 5% (28) 76% (467) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 23% (149) 6% (39) 71% (463) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 22% (67) 6% (19) 71% (214) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 10% (45) 3% (12) 87% (374) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 22% (72) 6% (21) 71% (227) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 16% (47) 3% (7) 81% (240) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 29% (90) 8% (26) 63% (198) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 18% (59) 4% (12) 79% (265) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 14% (77) 5% (27) 81% (461) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 21% (113) 5% (28) 74% (393) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 23% (165) 5% (34) 73% (528) 726Educ: < College 20% (254) 5% (67) 74% (934) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 15% (73) 5% (22) 80% (377) 472Educ: Post-grad 20% (53) 3% (8) 77% (207) 268Income: Under 50k 20% (199) 7% (73) 73% (740) 1012Income: 50k-100k 18% (124) 2% (16) 79% (540) 681Income: 100k+ 19% (56) 3% (8) 79% (238) 302Ethnicity: White 20% (320) 5% (74) 76% (1220) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 15% (28) 7% (14) 78% (152) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 13% (34) 7% (19) 79% (200) 253

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Registered Voters 19% (379) 5% (98) 76% (1518) 1995Ethnicity: Other 20% (26) 4% (5) 76% (97) 128All Christian 25% (239) 5% (50) 70% (679) 968All Non-Christian 18% (18) 8% (8) 74% (74) 100Atheist 9% (8) 1% (1) 90% (78) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 14% (115) 5% (39) 82% (687) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 21% (25) 7% (8) 72% (86) 119Evangelical 23% (129) 6% (32) 71% (392) 553Non-Evangelical 21% (156) 5% (40) 74% (566) 762Community: Urban 21% (93) 5% (22) 74% (334) 450Community: Suburban 18% (186) 4% (37) 78% (794) 1016Community: Rural 19% (101) 7% (38) 74% (390) 529Employ: Private Sector 21% (128) 5% (34) 74% (462) 624Employ: Government 12% (17) 6% (9) 82% (113) 138Employ: Self-Employed 27% (40) 2% (3) 71% (106) 150Employ: Homemaker 21% (21) 2% (2) 77% (80) 103Employ: Retired 22% (110) 5% (24) 74% (373) 507Employ: Unemployed 14% (30) 4% (9) 81% (168) 206Employ: Other 14% (19) 9% (12) 77% (103) 135Military HH: Yes 25% (85) 6% (21) 68% (230) 336Military HH: No 18% (295) 5% (76) 78% (1288) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 23% (162) 7% (50) 69% (478) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 17% (217) 4% (48) 80% (1040) 1305Trump Job Approve 23% (189) 7% (59) 70% (587) 835Trump Job Disapprove 17% (183) 3% (37) 80% (880) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 23% (115) 8% (42) 68% (339) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 22% (74) 5% (17) 73% (247) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 19% (44) 5% (11) 76% (178) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 16% (139) 3% (25) 81% (703) 867Favorable of Trump 23% (189) 6% (53) 70% (571) 813Unfavorable of Trump 16% (180) 4% (40) 80% (883) 1102

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Registered Voters 19% (379) 5% (98) 76% (1518) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 23% (121) 8% (43) 68% (354) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 23% (68) 3% (10) 74% (217) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 18% (36) 5% (10) 77% (150) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 16% (144) 3% (30) 81% (733) 907#1 Issue: Economy 21% (135) 4% (25) 75% (481) 641#1 Issue: Security 24% (58) 7% (17) 69% (168) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 17% (68) 4% (17) 78% (310) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 20% (64) 7% (21) 73% (229) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 10% (7) 4% (3) 86% (65) 76#1 Issue: Education 10% (11) 7% (7) 83% (90) 108#1 Issue: Energy 12% (10) 6% (6) 82% (71) 87#1 Issue: Other 20% (26) 1% (2) 79% (104) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 17% (132) 4% (29) 80% (635) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 25% (160) 7% (43) 69% (448) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 24% (21) 3% (2) 73% (63) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 18% (128) 4% (31) 78% (554) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 24% (174) 6% (44) 70% (502) 7202016 Vote: Other 16% (22) 1% (2) 83% (114) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 13% (55) 5% (21) 82% (346) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 21% (289) 5% (67) 74% (990) 1346Voted in 2014: No 14% (90) 5% (31) 81% (528) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 21% (179) 5% (41) 74% (640) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 22% (110) 6% (32) 72% (367) 5092012 Vote: Other 25% (22) 1% (1) 74% (66) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 13% (68) 5% (24) 83% (440) 5324-Region: Northeast 16% (57) 6% (21) 78% (279) 3564-Region: Midwest 21% (97) 5% (23) 74% (339) 4584-Region: South 19% (141) 5% (34) 76% (570) 7454-Region: West 19% (85) 5% (21) 76% (331) 436Sports fan 23% (326) 6% (85) 71% (986) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 18% (69) 5% (20) 77% (296) 385

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Registered Voters 19% (379) 5% (98) 76% (1518) 1995Frequent Flyer 17% (39) 6% (15) 76% (172) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Registered Voters 30% (602) 22% (447) 47% (947) 1995Gender: Male 33% (312) 33% (304) 34% (319) 934Gender: Female 27% (290) 14% (143) 59% (628) 1061Age: 18-34 26% (131) 16% (79) 58% (291) 501Age: 35-44 36% (110) 20% (60) 44% (133) 303Age: 45-64 31% (227) 22% (163) 46% (336) 727Age: 65+ 29% (134) 31% (145) 40% (186) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 22% (47) 13% (27) 65% (139) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 32% (147) 17% (76) 51% (233) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 34% (163) 22% (107) 44% (213) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 30% (220) 26% (195) 44% (330) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 28% (203) 22% (161) 50% (367) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 31% (191) 23% (140) 46% (284) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 32% (208) 22% (146) 45% (295) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 30% (89) 35% (105) 35% (106) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 26% (114) 13% (56) 61% (261) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 36% (115) 30% (95) 34% (110) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 26% (75) 15% (45) 59% (175) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 34% (108) 33% (104) 33% (103) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 30% (101) 13% (43) 57% (193) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 30% (170) 22% (124) 48% (271) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 34% (181) 21% (114) 45% (239) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 29% (214) 25% (184) 45% (328) 726Educ: < College 29% (358) 21% (267) 50% (630) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 33% (155) 22% (103) 45% (213) 472Educ: Post-grad 33% (88) 29% (77) 38% (103) 268Income: Under 50k 27% (278) 21% (216) 51% (517) 1012Income: 50k-100k 32% (217) 21% (144) 47% (319) 681Income: 100k+ 35% (106) 28% (86) 36% (110) 302Ethnicity: White 31% (504) 24% (385) 45% (724) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 29% (56) 20% (38) 51% (99) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 23% (59) 17% (42) 60% (152) 253

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Registered Voters 30% (602) 22% (447) 47% (947) 1995Ethnicity: Other 30% (38) 15% (20) 55% (71) 128All Christian 32% (306) 27% (265) 41% (397) 968All Non-Christian 28% (28) 29% (29) 43% (43) 100Atheist 22% (19) 17% (14) 61% (53) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 30% (248) 17% (139) 54% (454) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 30% (35) 27% (33) 43% (51) 119Evangelical 29% (159) 22% (123) 49% (271) 553Non-Evangelical 31% (240) 28% (211) 41% (311) 762Community: Urban 32% (145) 24% (106) 44% (198) 450Community: Suburban 32% (326) 24% (240) 44% (450) 1016Community: Rural 25% (130) 19% (101) 56% (298) 529Employ: Private Sector 30% (187) 25% (154) 45% (283) 624Employ: Government 34% (47) 13% (18) 53% (73) 138Employ: Self-Employed 35% (52) 21% (31) 45% (67) 150Employ: Homemaker 30% (31) 13% (13) 58% (59) 103Employ: Retired 30% (151) 29% (149) 41% (207) 507Employ: Unemployed 33% (67) 14% (30) 53% (110) 206Employ: Other 21% (28) 23% (31) 56% (75) 135Military HH: Yes 24% (81) 29% (97) 47% (158) 336Military HH: No 31% (521) 21% (350) 48% (788) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 33% (225) 25% (170) 43% (296) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 29% (377) 21% (277) 50% (651) 1305Trump Job Approve 33% (273) 24% (197) 44% (365) 835Trump Job Disapprove 29% (319) 22% (244) 49% (537) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 34% (169) 23% (115) 43% (212) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 31% (104) 24% (82) 45% (153) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 33% (78) 24% (55) 43% (100) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 28% (241) 22% (189) 50% (437) 867Favorable of Trump 33% (267) 23% (190) 44% (356) 813Unfavorable of Trump 29% (321) 22% (242) 49% (539) 1102

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Registered Voters 30% (602) 22% (447) 47% (947) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 34% (174) 23% (118) 44% (226) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 32% (93) 24% (72) 44% (130) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 35% (68) 21% (41) 44% (87) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 28% (253) 22% (201) 50% (453) 907#1 Issue: Economy 32% (206) 24% (153) 44% (282) 641#1 Issue: Security 34% (81) 20% (48) 47% (113) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 26% (105) 20% (78) 54% (213) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 32% (101) 29% (92) 38% (120) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 26% (20) 15% (12) 58% (44) 76#1 Issue: Education 28% (30) 19% (21) 53% (57) 108#1 Issue: Energy 25% (21) 20% (17) 55% (48) 87#1 Issue: Other 28% (37) 20% (26) 52% (69) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 30% (240) 25% (195) 45% (361) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 32% (209) 26% (167) 42% (275) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 33% (29) 15% (13) 52% (45) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 31% (222) 24% (168) 45% (324) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 31% (225) 26% (185) 43% (310) 7202016 Vote: Other 29% (41) 28% (39) 42% (58) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 27% (112) 13% (56) 60% (254) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 32% (426) 26% (353) 42% (567) 1346Voted in 2014: No 27% (176) 14% (93) 58% (380) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 31% (264) 26% (225) 43% (370) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 31% (156) 26% (132) 43% (221) 5092012 Vote: Other 36% (32) 22% (20) 42% (38) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 28% (147) 13% (70) 59% (315) 5324-Region: Northeast 31% (110) 29% (104) 40% (142) 3564-Region: Midwest 33% (149) 26% (121) 41% (188) 4584-Region: South 28% (207) 19% (139) 54% (399) 7454-Region: West 31% (135) 19% (83) 50% (218) 436Sports fan 37% (516) 31% (434) 32% (446) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 33% (128) 24% (92) 43% (164) 385

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Registered Voters 30% (602) 22% (447) 47% (947) 1995Frequent Flyer 34% (76) 28% (63) 39% (87) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Registered Voters 16% (320) 4% (76) 80% (1599) 1995Gender: Male 22% (207) 6% (54) 72% (672) 934Gender: Female 11% (113) 2% (22) 87% (926) 1061Age: 18-34 18% (89) 5% (26) 77% (387) 501Age: 35-44 19% (58) 5% (14) 76% (232) 303Age: 45-64 15% (112) 3% (19) 82% (596) 727Age: 65+ 13% (62) 4% (17) 83% (385) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 13% (27) 4% (9) 83% (178) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 20% (90) 5% (24) 75% (343) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 19% (94) 3% (16) 77% (373) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 13% (95) 4% (27) 84% (623) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 17% (123) 4% (29) 79% (578) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 17% (107) 3% (19) 79% (488) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 14% (90) 4% (27) 82% (533) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 24% (72) 6% (18) 70% (210) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 12% (52) 3% (11) 85% (367) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 23% (73) 6% (18) 71% (228) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 11% (34) — (1) 88% (260) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 20% (62) 6% (18) 74% (234) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 8% (28) 3% (9) 89% (299) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 18% (104) 4% (23) 77% (438) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 16% (88) 4% (23) 79% (424) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 15% (109) 4% (26) 81% (590) 726Educ: < College 14% (176) 3% (44) 83% (1035) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 19% (89) 4% (19) 77% (364) 472Educ: Post-grad 21% (55) 5% (14) 74% (199) 268Income: Under 50k 15% (151) 3% (35) 82% (826) 1012Income: 50k-100k 16% (109) 4% (26) 80% (546) 681Income: 100k+ 20% (60) 5% (15) 75% (227) 302Ethnicity: White 16% (254) 4% (60) 81% (1300) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 20% (38) 7% (14) 73% (141) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 16% (41) 3% (8) 81% (204) 253

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Registered Voters 16% (320) 4% (76) 80% (1599) 1995Ethnicity: Other 20% (26) 6% (8) 74% (95) 128All Christian 17% (164) 4% (37) 79% (767) 968All Non-Christian 21% (21) 6% (6) 74% (74) 100Atheist 9% (8) 2% (2) 88% (76) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 15% (127) 4% (32) 81% (682) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 19% (23) 5% (6) 76% (91) 119Evangelical 17% (94) 4% (21) 79% (438) 553Non-Evangelical 16% (123) 5% (34) 79% (605) 762Community: Urban 18% (79) 5% (23) 77% (347) 450Community: Suburban 16% (160) 4% (39) 80% (818) 1016Community: Rural 15% (81) 3% (15) 82% (434) 529Employ: Private Sector 18% (113) 5% (33) 77% (479) 624Employ: Government 17% (23) 1% (2) 82% (113) 138Employ: Self-Employed 19% (29) 5% (8) 75% (113) 150Employ: Homemaker 9% (9) 2% (2) 89% (92) 103Employ: Retired 13% (65) 3% (16) 84% (426) 507Employ: Unemployed 18% (37) 1% (3) 81% (167) 206Employ: Other 16% (22) 5% (7) 79% (106) 135Military HH: Yes 13% (44) 3% (11) 84% (281) 336Military HH: No 17% (276) 4% (65) 79% (1318) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 16% (113) 4% (28) 79% (549) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 16% (207) 4% (48) 80% (1050) 1305Trump Job Approve 15% (129) 5% (42) 80% (664) 835Trump Job Disapprove 17% (184) 3% (34) 80% (882) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 14% (71) 5% (26) 80% (399) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 17% (58) 5% (15) 78% (265) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 21% (49) 4% (9) 75% (175) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 16% (135) 3% (25) 82% (707) 867Favorable of Trump 15% (125) 4% (36) 80% (652) 813Unfavorable of Trump 17% (184) 3% (37) 80% (881) 1102

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Registered Voters 16% (320) 4% (76) 80% (1599) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 15% (75) 5% (27) 80% (416) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 17% (50) 3% (9) 80% (236) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 19% (38) 3% (7) 77% (151) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 16% (147) 3% (30) 80% (730) 907#1 Issue: Economy 19% (119) 4% (23) 78% (499) 641#1 Issue: Security 17% (42) 5% (12) 78% (190) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 15% (58) 3% (11) 83% (327) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 12% (39) 5% (16) 82% (258) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 12% (9) 3% (2) 85% (64) 76#1 Issue: Education 10% (11) 5% (5) 85% (92) 108#1 Issue: Energy 21% (18) 3% (3) 76% (65) 87#1 Issue: Other 19% (25) 3% (4) 78% (103) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 17% (132) 4% (30) 80% (634) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 16% (102) 4% (26) 80% (523) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 18% (16) 1% (1) 81% (70) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 17% (123) 3% (25) 79% (566) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 15% (109) 4% (31) 80% (579) 7202016 Vote: Other 22% (30) 3% (4) 75% (104) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 14% (57) 4% (16) 83% (348) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 17% (225) 4% (49) 80% (1072) 1346Voted in 2014: No 15% (95) 4% (27) 81% (527) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 17% (149) 4% (31) 79% (680) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 15% (78) 4% (18) 81% (413) 5092012 Vote: Other 14% (13) 3% (3) 82% (73) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 15% (79) 5% (24) 81% (429) 5324-Region: Northeast 17% (59) 4% (14) 79% (283) 3564-Region: Midwest 16% (73) 4% (18) 80% (368) 4584-Region: South 15% (114) 4% (29) 81% (603) 7454-Region: West 17% (75) 4% (16) 79% (346) 436Sports fan 21% (294) 5% (71) 74% (1031) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 21% (82) 7% (27) 72% (275) 385

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Registered Voters 16% (320) 4% (76) 80% (1599) 1995Frequent Flyer 24% (54) 9% (21) 67% (150) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Registered Voters 24% (480) 10% (196) 66% (1319) 1995Gender: Male 28% (262) 12% (110) 60% (562) 934Gender: Female 21% (218) 8% (86) 71% (757) 1061Age: 18-34 17% (86) 7% (37) 75% (378) 501Age: 35-44 24% (72) 12% (38) 64% (194) 303Age: 45-64 28% (201) 11% (82) 61% (444) 727Age: 65+ 26% (121) 9% (40) 65% (303) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 15% (32) 7% (14) 78% (168) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 20% (92) 10% (43) 70% (321) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 25% (123) 12% (57) 63% (303) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 27% (202) 10% (73) 63% (471) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 19% (141) 7% (50) 74% (540) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 23% (144) 10% (59) 67% (412) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 30% (195) 14% (88) 56% (367) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 21% (64) 10% (29) 69% (207) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 18% (76) 5% (21) 77% (333) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 26% (82) 11% (35) 63% (203) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 21% (61) 8% (24) 71% (210) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 37% (115) 15% (46) 49% (153) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 24% (80) 12% (41) 64% (214) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 17% (94) 8% (43) 76% (428) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 24% (130) 10% (54) 66% (351) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 31% (223) 11% (76) 59% (427) 726Educ: < College 26% (327) 12% (149) 62% (780) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 22% (105) 6% (28) 72% (339) 472Educ: Post-grad 18% (48) 7% (20) 75% (200) 268Income: Under 50k 27% (268) 11% (115) 62% (628) 1012Income: 50k-100k 23% (154) 9% (64) 68% (463) 681Income: 100k+ 19% (57) 6% (17) 75% (228) 302Ethnicity: White 24% (392) 11% (170) 65% (1051) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 19% (37) 12% (23) 69% (133) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 23% (58) 6% (16) 71% (179) 253

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Registered Voters 24% (480) 10% (196) 66% (1319) 1995Ethnicity: Other 23% (30) 8% (10) 69% (89) 128All Christian 28% (267) 12% (115) 61% (586) 968All Non-Christian 22% (22) 2% (2) 76% (76) 100Atheist 13% (11) 4% (3) 83% (71) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 21% (179) 9% (76) 70% (586) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 24% (28) 6% (7) 70% (83) 119Evangelical 30% (163) 13% (73) 57% (318) 553Non-Evangelical 25% (193) 10% (76) 65% (493) 762Community: Urban 25% (112) 10% (44) 65% (293) 450Community: Suburban 23% (232) 6% (65) 71% (720) 1016Community: Rural 26% (136) 16% (87) 58% (307) 529Employ: Private Sector 25% (155) 10% (60) 65% (409) 624Employ: Government 13% (18) 5% (7) 82% (112) 138Employ: Self-Employed 29% (43) 12% (18) 59% (89) 150Employ: Homemaker 19% (20) 13% (13) 68% (70) 103Employ: Retired 28% (141) 11% (53) 62% (313) 507Employ: Unemployed 20% (42) 7% (15) 72% (149) 206Employ: Other 26% (35) 16% (21) 59% (79) 135Military HH: Yes 30% (100) 13% (43) 58% (193) 336Military HH: No 23% (380) 9% (154) 68% (1126) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 29% (200) 14% (99) 57% (391) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 21% (280) 7% (97) 71% (928) 1305Trump Job Approve 30% (247) 14% (119) 56% (469) 835Trump Job Disapprove 20% (221) 7% (73) 73% (806) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 29% (146) 17% (85) 53% (265) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 30% (101) 10% (34) 60% (204) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 22% (51) 10% (23) 68% (159) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 20% (171) 6% (49) 75% (647) 867Favorable of Trump 30% (244) 14% (113) 56% (457) 813Unfavorable of Trump 20% (223) 7% (77) 73% (802) 1102

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Registered Voters 24% (480) 10% (196) 66% (1319) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 30% (154) 17% (88) 53% (276) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 30% (89) 8% (25) 61% (181) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 23% (46) 11% (21) 66% (129) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 20% (177) 6% (57) 74% (673) 907#1 Issue: Economy 26% (166) 10% (61) 65% (414) 641#1 Issue: Security 31% (76) 14% (34) 55% (133) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 19% (76) 9% (36) 72% (283) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 29% (91) 11% (36) 60% (186) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 14% (11) 6% (5) 80% (60) 76#1 Issue: Education 19% (20) 9% (10) 72% (78) 108#1 Issue: Energy 14% (12) 8% (7) 79% (68) 87#1 Issue: Other 21% (28) 6% (8) 73% (96) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 19% (149) 7% (55) 74% (592) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 30% (197) 14% (90) 56% (365) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 30% (26) 9% (8) 61% (53) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 20% (144) 7% (53) 72% (516) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 30% (214) 14% (97) 57% (408) 7202016 Vote: Other 18% (24) 8% (11) 74% (102) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 23% (97) 8% (34) 69% (290) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 25% (334) 10% (141) 65% (872) 1346Voted in 2014: No 22% (146) 9% (56) 69% (447) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 23% (195) 9% (79) 68% (586) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 29% (150) 13% (66) 58% (294) 5092012 Vote: Other 30% (26) 8% (8) 62% (55) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 20% (108) 8% (45) 71% (379) 5324-Region: Northeast 20% (71) 9% (31) 71% (254) 3564-Region: Midwest 30% (138) 8% (38) 62% (282) 4584-Region: South 25% (185) 12% (88) 63% (471) 7454-Region: West 20% (86) 9% (39) 71% (311) 436Sports fan 28% (385) 12% (175) 60% (837) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 20% (77) 11% (43) 69% (265) 385

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Registered Voters 24% (480) 10% (196) 66% (1319) 1995Frequent Flyer 21% (48) 10% (22) 69% (156) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Table CMS15_8: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, a casual fan or not a fan of each of the following?NBA

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Registered Voters 28% (553) 17% (340) 55% (1102) 1995Gender: Male 32% (297) 23% (219) 45% (418) 934Gender: Female 24% (257) 11% (121) 64% (684) 1061Age: 18-34 29% (147) 22% (112) 48% (243) 501Age: 35-44 31% (95) 23% (68) 46% (140) 303Age: 45-64 25% (184) 15% (110) 60% (433) 727Age: 65+ 28% (129) 11% (49) 62% (286) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 22% (46) 21% (46) 57% (122) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 34% (154) 22% (101) 44% (202) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 30% (143) 17% (84) 53% (255) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 23% (174) 13% (94) 64% (477) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 33% (241) 20% (146) 47% (343) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 25% (156) 18% (110) 57% (349) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 24% (156) 13% (84) 63% (410) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 38% (114) 29% (86) 34% (101) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 30% (128) 14% (61) 56% (242) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 29% (92) 23% (74) 48% (154) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 22% (64) 12% (36) 66% (194) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 29% (91) 19% (59) 52% (163) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 19% (65) 7% (24) 74% (247) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 31% (173) 19% (109) 50% (283) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 30% (160) 20% (105) 50% (269) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 25% (180) 14% (102) 61% (443) 726Educ: < College 26% (328) 16% (204) 58% (724) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 32% (150) 16% (74) 52% (248) 472Educ: Post-grad 28% (76) 23% (62) 49% (130) 268Income: Under 50k 26% (268) 17% (175) 56% (569) 1012Income: 50k-100k 29% (196) 15% (102) 56% (383) 681Income: 100k+ 30% (90) 21% (63) 49% (149) 302Ethnicity: White 26% (418) 13% (209) 61% (987) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 25% (49) 23% (44) 52% (101) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 40% (101) 39% (98) 21% (54) 253

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Table CMS15_8: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, a casual fan or not a fan of each of the following?NBA

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Registered Voters 28% (553) 17% (340) 55% (1102) 1995Ethnicity: Other 27% (35) 26% (33) 48% (61) 128All Christian 28% (270) 16% (152) 56% (546) 968All Non-Christian 38% (38) 25% (25) 37% (37) 100Atheist 29% (25) 6% (5) 65% (56) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 26% (220) 19% (158) 55% (463) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 38% (45) 22% (26) 40% (48) 119Evangelical 28% (158) 21% (117) 50% (278) 553Non-Evangelical 27% (204) 16% (122) 57% (435) 762Community: Urban 26% (117) 22% (100) 52% (232) 450Community: Suburban 31% (314) 15% (156) 54% (546) 1016Community: Rural 23% (122) 16% (83) 61% (324) 529Employ: Private Sector 30% (186) 20% (125) 50% (313) 624Employ: Government 23% (32) 15% (21) 62% (85) 138Employ: Self-Employed 31% (47) 27% (41) 41% (62) 150Employ: Homemaker 24% (24) 9% (9) 68% (70) 103Employ: Retired 26% (133) 9% (45) 65% (329) 507Employ: Unemployed 28% (57) 20% (40) 53% (108) 206Employ: Other 30% (41) 16% (22) 54% (72) 135Military HH: Yes 21% (71) 13% (44) 66% (220) 336Military HH: No 29% (482) 18% (296) 53% (881) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 25% (171) 16% (111) 59% (409) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 29% (383) 18% (229) 53% (693) 1305Trump Job Approve 24% (197) 15% (123) 62% (514) 835Trump Job Disapprove 30% (334) 19% (211) 50% (555) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 21% (106) 14% (68) 65% (323) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 27% (92) 16% (56) 57% (191) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 27% (63) 25% (57) 48% (113) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 31% (271) 18% (154) 51% (442) 867Favorable of Trump 25% (203) 13% (104) 62% (506) 813Unfavorable of Trump 30% (328) 20% (221) 50% (553) 1102

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Registered Voters 28% (553) 17% (340) 55% (1102) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 24% (123) 12% (65) 64% (330) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 27% (80) 13% (39) 59% (175) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 26% (51) 26% (51) 48% (93) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 31% (277) 19% (170) 51% (460) 907#1 Issue: Economy 31% (201) 19% (122) 50% (318) 641#1 Issue: Security 22% (53) 14% (35) 64% (155) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 27% (105) 19% (75) 54% (215) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 28% (88) 16% (50) 56% (176) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 18% (13) 16% (12) 66% (50) 76#1 Issue: Education 30% (32) 16% (17) 54% (59) 108#1 Issue: Energy 29% (25) 18% (16) 53% (45) 87#1 Issue: Other 26% (35) 10% (13) 63% (84) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 32% (252) 20% (160) 48% (384) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 25% (160) 13% (87) 62% (404) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 30% (26) 11% (9) 59% (51) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 33% (237) 21% (147) 46% (330) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 25% (183) 13% (94) 62% (443) 7202016 Vote: Other 26% (36) 11% (15) 63% (87) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 23% (97) 20% (84) 57% (240) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 29% (393) 17% (232) 54% (721) 1346Voted in 2014: No 25% (161) 17% (108) 59% (380) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 31% (270) 22% (186) 47% (404) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 25% (129) 13% (64) 62% (316) 5092012 Vote: Other 23% (21) 6% (5) 71% (63) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 25% (132) 16% (85) 59% (316) 5324-Region: Northeast 24% (85) 19% (67) 57% (204) 3564-Region: Midwest 31% (141) 15% (68) 54% (249) 4584-Region: South 26% (197) 17% (130) 56% (418) 7454-Region: West 30% (131) 17% (75) 53% (230) 436Sports fan 35% (494) 24% (330) 41% (573) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 28% (109) 24% (94) 47% (182) 385

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Table CMS15_8: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, a casual fan or not a fan of each of the following?NBA

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Registered Voters 28% (553) 17% (340) 55% (1102) 1995Frequent Flyer 33% (75) 26% (58) 41% (93) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Table CMS15_9: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, a casual fan or not a fan of each of the following?NCAA football

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Registered Voters 25% (505) 21% (416) 54% (1074) 1995Gender: Male 28% (261) 32% (300) 40% (372) 934Gender: Female 23% (245) 11% (115) 66% (701) 1061Age: 18-34 24% (119) 19% (93) 58% (290) 501Age: 35-44 26% (78) 23% (69) 52% (157) 303Age: 45-64 24% (174) 21% (150) 55% (402) 727Age: 65+ 29% (134) 22% (104) 49% (226) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 16% (35) 15% (32) 69% (147) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 28% (127) 23% (103) 50% (227) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 24% (117) 21% (99) 55% (266) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 26% (191) 21% (157) 53% (397) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 27% (195) 20% (146) 53% (389) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 23% (139) 20% (126) 57% (350) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 26% (171) 22% (144) 52% (335) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 31% (94) 32% (97) 36% (109) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 23% (101) 11% (49) 65% (281) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 26% (82) 31% (100) 43% (138) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 19% (57) 9% (26) 72% (211) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 27% (85) 33% (104) 40% (126) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 26% (86) 12% (41) 62% (209) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 21% (121) 20% (116) 58% (328) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 26% (141) 21% (114) 52% (279) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 28% (207) 23% (167) 49% (352) 726Educ: < College 23% (289) 19% (243) 58% (722) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 31% (144) 22% (103) 48% (225) 472Educ: Post-grad 27% (72) 26% (70) 47% (127) 268Income: Under 50k 25% (254) 19% (192) 56% (567) 1012Income: 50k-100k 24% (165) 21% (140) 55% (375) 681Income: 100k+ 29% (87) 28% (84) 44% (132) 302Ethnicity: White 25% (401) 21% (332) 55% (880) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 20% (38) 17% (34) 63% (121) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 29% (74) 26% (66) 45% (113) 253

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Table CMS15_9: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, a casual fan or not a fan of each of the following?NCAA football

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Registered Voters 25% (505) 21% (416) 54% (1074) 1995Ethnicity: Other 23% (30) 14% (18) 62% (80) 128All Christian 29% (279) 24% (230) 47% (460) 968All Non-Christian 29% (29) 16% (16) 55% (55) 100Atheist 19% (16) 17% (14) 64% (55) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 22% (182) 19% (156) 60% (503) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 27% (33) 14% (16) 59% (70) 119Evangelical 28% (155) 23% (128) 49% (270) 553Non-Evangelical 27% (207) 23% (178) 50% (377) 762Community: Urban 26% (119) 19% (84) 55% (247) 450Community: Suburban 25% (256) 21% (214) 54% (546) 1016Community: Rural 25% (130) 22% (118) 53% (280) 529Employ: Private Sector 26% (160) 23% (144) 51% (320) 624Employ: Government 24% (33) 22% (31) 54% (74) 138Employ: Self-Employed 31% (46) 27% (40) 42% (63) 150Employ: Homemaker 25% (26) 8% (8) 67% (69) 103Employ: Retired 26% (133) 21% (107) 53% (266) 507Employ: Unemployed 25% (53) 15% (31) 59% (122) 206Employ: Other 20% (27) 21% (28) 59% (79) 135Military HH: Yes 26% (87) 24% (81) 50% (168) 336Military HH: No 25% (419) 20% (335) 55% (906) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 26% (183) 23% (160) 50% (348) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 25% (323) 20% (256) 56% (726) 1305Trump Job Approve 26% (214) 23% (195) 51% (426) 835Trump Job Disapprove 25% (278) 20% (216) 55% (607) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 25% (122) 24% (117) 52% (257) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 27% (92) 23% (78) 50% (169) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 25% (58) 25% (57) 50% (117) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 25% (219) 18% (159) 56% (489) 867Favorable of Trump 26% (213) 23% (188) 51% (413) 813Unfavorable of Trump 25% (273) 19% (214) 56% (614) 1102

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Registered Voters 25% (505) 21% (416) 54% (1074) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 26% (134) 24% (123) 50% (261) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 27% (79) 22% (65) 51% (151) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 21% (40) 25% (49) 54% (106) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 26% (233) 18% (165) 56% (508) 907#1 Issue: Economy 24% (153) 25% (163) 51% (325) 641#1 Issue: Security 26% (62) 17% (41) 58% (140) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 23% (90) 19% (76) 58% (230) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 29% (91) 23% (73) 48% (149) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 20% (15) 14% (10) 67% (50) 76#1 Issue: Education 31% (34) 15% (16) 54% (58) 108#1 Issue: Energy 25% (22) 13% (12) 61% (53) 87#1 Issue: Other 29% (39) 19% (25) 51% (68) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 28% (222) 21% (169) 51% (405) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 25% (164) 25% (164) 50% (324) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 26% (23) 14% (12) 60% (52) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 27% (193) 21% (151) 52% (370) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 27% (194) 24% (173) 49% (354) 7202016 Vote: Other 29% (40) 20% (27) 51% (71) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 19% (79) 15% (65) 66% (277) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 28% (375) 23% (310) 49% (661) 1346Voted in 2014: No 20% (130) 16% (106) 64% (413) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 28% (237) 23% (195) 50% (428) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 26% (135) 25% (126) 49% (249) 5092012 Vote: Other 26% (23) 20% (18) 55% (49) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 20% (109) 15% (77) 65% (346) 5324-Region: Northeast 27% (96) 16% (56) 57% (204) 3564-Region: Midwest 28% (130) 24% (110) 48% (218) 4584-Region: South 25% (185) 24% (181) 51% (379) 7454-Region: West 22% (96) 16% (68) 63% (273) 436Sports fan 34% (477) 29% (411) 36% (509) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 27% (106) 25% (97) 47% (182) 385

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Table CMS15_9: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, a casual fan or not a fan of each of the following?NCAA football

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Registered Voters 25% (505) 21% (416) 54% (1074) 1995Frequent Flyer 26% (60) 29% (66) 44% (100) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Table CMS15_10: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, a casual fan or not a fan of each of the following?NCAA men’s basketball

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Registered Voters 24% (483) 16% (310) 60% (1202) 1995Gender: Male 30% (281) 23% (218) 47% (435) 934Gender: Female 19% (202) 9% (93) 72% (766) 1061Age: 18-34 24% (119) 14% (69) 62% (313) 501Age: 35-44 26% (80) 17% (52) 56% (171) 303Age: 45-64 23% (169) 14% (104) 62% (454) 727Age: 65+ 25% (115) 18% (85) 57% (264) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 19% (41) 11% (24) 69% (149) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 26% (118) 16% (74) 58% (265) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 25% (120) 14% (70) 61% (292) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 23% (172) 16% (122) 61% (451) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 27% (196) 16% (115) 57% (419) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 23% (142) 15% (92) 62% (381) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 22% (146) 16% (103) 62% (401) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 34% (103) 25% (76) 40% (121) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 21% (92) 9% (40) 69% (299) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 29% (92) 22% (70) 49% (158) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 17% (50) 7% (21) 76% (224) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 27% (86) 23% (71) 50% (157) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 18% (60) 10% (32) 73% (244) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 26% (145) 14% (80) 60% (339) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 24% (129) 17% (91) 59% (314) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 26% (185) 16% (118) 58% (423) 726Educ: < College 22% (277) 13% (161) 65% (817) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 28% (133) 19% (88) 53% (250) 472Educ: Post-grad 27% (73) 22% (60) 50% (135) 268Income: Under 50k 23% (230) 14% (137) 64% (645) 1012Income: 50k-100k 24% (165) 15% (102) 61% (414) 681Income: 100k+ 29% (89) 23% (71) 47% (142) 302Ethnicity: White 24% (382) 15% (235) 62% (996) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 20% (38) 15% (28) 66% (127) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 29% (73) 25% (64) 46% (116) 253

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Table CMS15_10: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, a casual fan or not a fan of each of the following?NCAA men’s basketball

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Registered Voters 24% (483) 16% (310) 60% (1202) 1995Ethnicity: Other 21% (27) 9% (11) 70% (90) 128All Christian 29% (277) 16% (158) 55% (533) 968All Non-Christian 27% (27) 19% (19) 53% (53) 100Atheist 21% (18) 7% (6) 73% (63) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 19% (161) 15% (127) 66% (553) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 29% (34) 16% (19) 55% (65) 119Evangelical 29% (158) 18% (97) 54% (298) 553Non-Evangelical 25% (194) 17% (129) 58% (439) 762Community: Urban 25% (111) 17% (77) 58% (262) 450Community: Suburban 24% (249) 15% (155) 60% (613) 1016Community: Rural 23% (124) 15% (78) 62% (327) 529Employ: Private Sector 26% (163) 16% (102) 58% (359) 624Employ: Government 24% (33) 17% (24) 59% (81) 138Employ: Self-Employed 30% (45) 20% (29) 51% (76) 150Employ: Homemaker 16% (17) 5% (5) 79% (81) 103Employ: Retired 23% (116) 17% (87) 60% (304) 507Employ: Unemployed 24% (49) 11% (22) 66% (136) 206Employ: Other 18% (25) 19% (25) 63% (85) 135Military HH: Yes 22% (73) 17% (57) 61% (205) 336Military HH: No 25% (410) 15% (253) 60% (996) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 24% (163) 17% (120) 59% (407) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 25% (321) 15% (190) 61% (794) 1305Trump Job Approve 24% (199) 17% (143) 59% (493) 835Trump Job Disapprove 24% (267) 15% (165) 61% (668) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 22% (108) 16% (79) 62% (309) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 27% (91) 19% (63) 54% (184) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 25% (58) 15% (36) 60% (139) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 24% (209) 15% (129) 61% (529) 867Favorable of Trump 24% (195) 16% (132) 60% (486) 813Unfavorable of Trump 25% (274) 15% (164) 60% (665) 1102

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Registered Voters 24% (483) 16% (310) 60% (1202) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 22% (112) 16% (82) 63% (324) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 28% (83) 17% (50) 55% (162) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 27% (53) 17% (33) 56% (110) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 24% (221) 14% (131) 61% (555) 907#1 Issue: Economy 26% (164) 19% (120) 56% (356) 641#1 Issue: Security 22% (52) 14% (33) 65% (157) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 22% (89) 14% (55) 64% (252) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 27% (84) 17% (54) 56% (175) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 11% (9) 15% (12) 73% (55) 76#1 Issue: Education 24% (26) 12% (13) 64% (69) 108#1 Issue: Energy 25% (22) 8% (7) 67% (58) 87#1 Issue: Other 28% (37) 12% (16) 59% (78) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 25% (201) 17% (135) 58% (459) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 25% (164) 17% (110) 58% (377) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 25% (22) 8% (7) 67% (58) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 26% (188) 16% (113) 58% (412) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 24% (176) 17% (124) 58% (420) 7202016 Vote: Other 25% (34) 16% (23) 59% (81) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 20% (85) 12% (50) 68% (287) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 27% (361) 17% (227) 56% (758) 1346Voted in 2014: No 19% (122) 13% (83) 68% (444) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 28% (237) 18% (151) 55% (471) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 25% (128) 18% (89) 57% (292) 5092012 Vote: Other 24% (21) 10% (9) 66% (59) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 18% (97) 11% (60) 71% (375) 5324-Region: Northeast 23% (82) 14% (49) 63% (225) 3564-Region: Midwest 28% (127) 18% (82) 55% (250) 4584-Region: South 23% (168) 18% (136) 59% (441) 7454-Region: West 24% (107) 10% (44) 66% (286) 436Sports fan 32% (450) 22% (301) 46% (646) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 28% (108) 21% (81) 51% (196) 385

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Table CMS15_10: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, a casual fan or not a fan of each of the following?NCAA men’s basketball

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Registered Voters 24% (483) 16% (310) 60% (1202) 1995Frequent Flyer 26% (58) 27% (61) 47% (106) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Registered Voters 17% (341) 6% (121) 77% (1532) 1995Gender: Male 21% (199) 8% (71) 71% (664) 934Gender: Female 13% (143) 5% (51) 82% (868) 1061Age: 18-34 16% (80) 9% (44) 75% (377) 501Age: 35-44 18% (56) 7% (20) 75% (227) 303Age: 45-64 17% (121) 5% (39) 78% (567) 727Age: 65+ 18% (84) 4% (19) 78% (361) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 14% (31) 9% (19) 77% (164) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 16% (75) 8% (39) 75% (343) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 19% (93) 5% (26) 75% (364) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 16% (120) 4% (30) 80% (595) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 19% (136) 8% (60) 73% (534) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 19% (119) 5% (29) 76% (467) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 13% (86) 5% (32) 82% (532) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 20% (60) 11% (33) 69% (207) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 18% (76) 6% (28) 76% (327) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 25% (79) 5% (17) 70% (223) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 13% (40) 4% (11) 83% (244) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 19% (59) 7% (21) 75% (234) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 8% (27) 3% (11) 89% (297) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 18% (104) 7% (41) 74% (420) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 19% (101) 6% (29) 76% (404) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 15% (110) 5% (39) 79% (577) 726Educ: < College 15% (187) 6% (80) 79% (987) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 19% (88) 5% (22) 77% (361) 472Educ: Post-grad 24% (66) 7% (19) 68% (184) 268Income: Under 50k 16% (162) 8% (80) 76% (770) 1012Income: 50k-100k 17% (114) 5% (31) 79% (536) 681Income: 100k+ 22% (66) 3% (10) 75% (226) 302Ethnicity: White 16% (257) 5% (75) 79% (1281) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 17% (32) 8% (16) 75% (145) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 26% (66) 15% (38) 59% (149) 253

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Registered Voters 17% (341) 6% (121) 77% (1532) 1995Ethnicity: Other 14% (18) 7% (9) 79% (102) 128All Christian 21% (199) 5% (48) 74% (721) 968All Non-Christian 20% (20) 9% (9) 71% (71) 100Atheist 8% (7) 7% (6) 85% (73) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 14% (115) 7% (58) 79% (667) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 24% (29) 7% (9) 69% (82) 119Evangelical 22% (119) 8% (42) 71% (392) 553Non-Evangelical 17% (133) 6% (42) 77% (587) 762Community: Urban 22% (97) 7% (31) 72% (321) 450Community: Suburban 15% (149) 5% (55) 80% (813) 1016Community: Rural 18% (95) 7% (36) 75% (398) 529Employ: Private Sector 18% (113) 6% (39) 76% (473) 624Employ: Government 17% (23) 7% (9) 77% (106) 138Employ: Self-Employed 24% (36) 5% (8) 71% (106) 150Employ: Homemaker 13% (13) 1% (1) 86% (89) 103Employ: Retired 17% (85) 5% (26) 78% (397) 507Employ: Unemployed 14% (29) 5% (11) 81% (167) 206Employ: Other 13% (18) 11% (15) 76% (102) 135Military HH: Yes 19% (63) 7% (24) 74% (248) 336Military HH: No 17% (278) 6% (97) 77% (1284) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 16% (112) 5% (37) 78% (541) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 18% (230) 6% (84) 76% (991) 1305Trump Job Approve 15% (125) 6% (50) 79% (660) 835Trump Job Disapprove 19% (212) 6% (69) 75% (820) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 15% (76) 5% (25) 80% (395) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 14% (49) 7% (25) 78% (265) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 16% (37) 7% (17) 77% (179) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 20% (175) 6% (51) 74% (641) 867Favorable of Trump 15% (120) 5% (40) 80% (653) 813Unfavorable of Trump 19% (210) 7% (73) 74% (819) 1102

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Registered Voters 17% (341) 6% (121) 77% (1532) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 14% (72) 5% (28) 81% (418) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 16% (48) 4% (13) 79% (234) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 18% (35) 9% (18) 73% (142) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 19% (175) 6% (55) 75% (677) 907#1 Issue: Economy 17% (111) 6% (40) 76% (490) 641#1 Issue: Security 18% (43) 2% (6) 80% (194) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 16% (62) 5% (22) 79% (312) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 18% (57) 7% (21) 75% (235) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 13% (10) 14% (11) 73% (55) 76#1 Issue: Education 19% (20) 8% (9) 73% (79) 108#1 Issue: Energy 16% (14) 3% (3) 81% (70) 87#1 Issue: Other 18% (24) 8% (11) 74% (97) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 21% (166) 8% (64) 71% (566) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 17% (109) 4% (28) 79% (514) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 14% (12) 5% (4) 81% (71) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 22% (158) 8% (56) 70% (500) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 15% (111) 5% (35) 80% (574) 7202016 Vote: Other 15% (21) 3% (5) 81% (112) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 12% (51) 6% (26) 82% (345) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 20% (263) 6% (83) 74% (999) 1346Voted in 2014: No 12% (78) 6% (38) 82% (533) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 21% (178) 7% (62) 72% (620) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 17% (87) 5% (23) 78% (399) 5092012 Vote: Other 12% (11) 3% (3) 85% (76) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 12% (66) 6% (33) 81% (433) 5324-Region: Northeast 17% (60) 4% (13) 79% (282) 3564-Region: Midwest 18% (80) 5% (25) 77% (353) 4584-Region: South 18% (134) 7% (56) 75% (555) 7454-Region: West 15% (66) 6% (28) 78% (342) 436Sports fan 23% (319) 8% (109) 69% (968) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 23% (87) 10% (39) 67% (259) 385

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Registered Voters 17% (341) 6% (121) 77% (1532) 1995Frequent Flyer 23% (51) 11% (24) 67% (150) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Registered Voters 32% (648) 34% (675) 34% (673) 1995Gender: Male 30% (278) 46% (433) 24% (222) 934Gender: Female 35% (369) 23% (242) 42% (451) 1061Age: 18-34 33% (163) 29% (147) 38% (191) 501Age: 35-44 29% (87) 43% (129) 29% (87) 303Age: 45-64 35% (252) 32% (230) 34% (245) 727Age: 65+ 31% (146) 36% (169) 32% (150) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 29% (63) 24% (51) 47% (100) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 32% (146) 37% (167) 32% (144) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 36% (174) 34% (166) 30% (142) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 31% (232) 34% (252) 35% (261) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 34% (249) 34% (249) 32% (232) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 29% (180) 35% (212) 36% (222) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 34% (218) 33% (213) 34% (219) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 34% (102) 47% (140) 19% (58) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 34% (147) 25% (109) 40% (174) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 26% (83) 48% (152) 27% (85) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 33% (98) 20% (60) 46% (137) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 30% (94) 45% (141) 25% (79) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 37% (125) 21% (72) 42% (140) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 32% (181) 34% (193) 34% (192) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 35% (190) 35% (187) 30% (158) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 31% (227) 35% (257) 33% (241) 726Educ: < College 31% (390) 33% (417) 36% (448) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 34% (161) 35% (163) 31% (147) 472Educ: Post-grad 36% (96) 35% (94) 29% (78) 268Income: Under 50k 30% (308) 34% (348) 35% (356) 1012Income: 50k-100k 34% (231) 32% (215) 34% (234) 681Income: 100k+ 36% (108) 37% (111) 27% (83) 302Ethnicity: White 32% (510) 33% (540) 35% (564) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 33% (63) 27% (53) 40% (77) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 39% (99) 39% (98) 22% (56) 253

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Registered Voters 32% (648) 34% (675) 34% (673) 1995Ethnicity: Other 30% (39) 28% (37) 41% (53) 128All Christian 34% (326) 36% (353) 30% (288) 968All Non-Christian 39% (39) 31% (31) 30% (30) 100Atheist 26% (22) 29% (25) 45% (39) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 31% (260) 31% (265) 38% (316) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 40% (48) 30% (36) 29% (35) 119Evangelical 32% (178) 34% (189) 34% (187) 553Non-Evangelical 34% (257) 38% (288) 28% (217) 762Community: Urban 31% (138) 35% (157) 34% (155) 450Community: Suburban 35% (355) 33% (333) 32% (328) 1016Community: Rural 29% (154) 35% (185) 36% (190) 529Employ: Private Sector 32% (201) 37% (231) 31% (192) 624Employ: Government 32% (44) 30% (42) 38% (52) 138Employ: Self-Employed 35% (53) 39% (58) 26% (39) 150Employ: Homemaker 30% (31) 38% (39) 32% (33) 103Employ: Retired 32% (162) 34% (172) 34% (173) 507Employ: Unemployed 35% (72) 28% (57) 37% (77) 206Employ: Other 32% (43) 29% (39) 39% (52) 135Military HH: Yes 31% (103) 37% (126) 32% (107) 336Military HH: No 33% (545) 33% (549) 34% (566) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 30% (207) 36% (246) 34% (237) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 34% (441) 33% (428) 33% (436) 1305Trump Job Approve 30% (252) 35% (296) 34% (287) 835Trump Job Disapprove 34% (377) 33% (365) 33% (358) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 30% (147) 33% (163) 38% (186) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 31% (105) 39% (133) 30% (101) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 34% (80) 38% (90) 27% (63) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 34% (297) 32% (275) 34% (295) 867Favorable of Trump 31% (248) 35% (282) 35% (282) 813Unfavorable of Trump 34% (379) 34% (371) 32% (353) 1102

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Registered Voters 32% (648) 34% (675) 34% (673) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 31% (160) 34% (174) 36% (185) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 30% (89) 37% (108) 33% (98) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 32% (63) 38% (73) 30% (59) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 35% (315) 33% (297) 32% (294) 907#1 Issue: Economy 33% (213) 38% (241) 29% (187) 641#1 Issue: Security 33% (81) 29% (70) 38% (92) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 33% (130) 34% (136) 33% (129) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 30% (92) 37% (116) 33% (104) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 27% (20) 30% (23) 43% (33) 76#1 Issue: Education 40% (44) 20% (21) 40% (43) 108#1 Issue: Energy 30% (26) 26% (23) 44% (38) 87#1 Issue: Other 31% (41) 34% (45) 35% (46) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 33% (263) 37% (296) 30% (236) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 32% (208) 34% (222) 34% (220) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 35% (30) 21% (18) 44% (38) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 35% (247) 36% (255) 30% (211) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 31% (226) 35% (254) 33% (240) 7202016 Vote: Other 37% (51) 29% (40) 34% (47) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 29% (123) 30% (125) 41% (173) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 34% (458) 35% (476) 31% (412) 1346Voted in 2014: No 29% (190) 31% (199) 40% (261) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 33% (281) 39% (335) 28% (244) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 35% (176) 33% (170) 32% (163) 5092012 Vote: Other 41% (37) 21% (18) 38% (34) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 29% (153) 28% (150) 43% (229) 5324-Region: Northeast 33% (119) 38% (134) 29% (103) 3564-Region: Midwest 34% (155) 35% (162) 31% (142) 4584-Region: South 31% (230) 34% (254) 35% (261) 7454-Region: West 33% (143) 29% (125) 38% (167) 436Sports fan 39% (549) 46% (648) 14% (200) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 32% (124) 36% (138) 32% (123) 385

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Registered Voters 32% (648) 34% (675) 34% (673) 1995Frequent Flyer 36% (81) 37% (84) 27% (60) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Registered Voters 25% (508) 11% (220) 64% (1267) 1995Gender: Male 34% (316) 15% (138) 51% (480) 934Gender: Female 18% (191) 8% (83) 74% (787) 1061Age: 18-34 26% (129) 9% (47) 65% (324) 501Age: 35-44 29% (88) 12% (35) 59% (180) 303Age: 45-64 23% (169) 13% (98) 63% (460) 727Age: 65+ 26% (121) 9% (40) 65% (303) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 21% (44) 5% (11) 74% (159) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 30% (136) 11% (52) 59% (269) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 25% (122) 15% (72) 60% (288) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 23% (175) 11% (79) 66% (491) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 25% (181) 10% (71) 65% (478) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 26% (157) 10% (60) 65% (398) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 26% (169) 14% (90) 60% (391) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 35% (106) 15% (44) 50% (150) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 18% (75) 6% (27) 76% (328) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 32% (102) 12% (38) 56% (179) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 19% (55) 7% (21) 74% (219) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 35% (108) 18% (55) 48% (151) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 18% (61) 10% (35) 72% (240) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 26% (147) 10% (59) 64% (360) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 26% (141) 11% (59) 62% (334) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 26% (190) 12% (87) 62% (450) 726Educ: < College 24% (305) 10% (128) 66% (823) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 29% (135) 12% (55) 60% (282) 472Educ: Post-grad 25% (67) 14% (38) 61% (163) 268Income: Under 50k 23% (230) 11% (108) 67% (674) 1012Income: 50k-100k 27% (185) 10% (69) 63% (426) 681Income: 100k+ 31% (93) 14% (43) 55% (166) 302Ethnicity: White 26% (424) 12% (200) 61% (989) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 27% (52) 5% (10) 68% (132) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 20% (51) 5% (11) 75% (191) 253

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Registered Voters 25% (508) 11% (220) 64% (1267) 1995Ethnicity: Other 25% (33) 7% (9) 68% (87) 128All Christian 26% (254) 14% (136) 60% (578) 968All Non-Christian 29% (29) 8% (8) 63% (63) 100Atheist 31% (27) 8% (7) 62% (53) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 24% (199) 8% (70) 68% (572) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 28% (33) 11% (13) 61% (73) 119Evangelical 20% (113) 10% (56) 69% (385) 553Non-Evangelical 29% (218) 13% (99) 58% (444) 762Community: Urban 24% (110) 12% (55) 63% (285) 450Community: Suburban 28% (284) 11% (109) 61% (623) 1016Community: Rural 22% (114) 11% (56) 68% (359) 529Employ: Private Sector 28% (176) 15% (96) 56% (353) 624Employ: Government 23% (32) 8% (11) 69% (95) 138Employ: Self-Employed 26% (40) 8% (11) 66% (99) 150Employ: Homemaker 20% (20) 13% (13) 67% (69) 103Employ: Retired 26% (133) 8% (41) 66% (333) 507Employ: Unemployed 25% (52) 11% (23) 63% (130) 206Employ: Other 14% (19) 12% (17) 73% (99) 135Military HH: Yes 26% (89) 10% (33) 64% (214) 336Military HH: No 25% (419) 11% (187) 63% (1053) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 28% (190) 13% (89) 59% (410) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 24% (317) 10% (131) 66% (857) 1305Trump Job Approve 26% (220) 13% (112) 60% (503) 835Trump Job Disapprove 25% (277) 9% (102) 66% (721) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 27% (134) 13% (63) 60% (298) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 25% (85) 14% (48) 61% (205) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 32% (74) 12% (29) 56% (129) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 23% (202) 8% (73) 68% (592) 867Favorable of Trump 26% (208) 14% (114) 60% (492) 813Unfavorable of Trump 26% (285) 9% (99) 65% (718) 1102

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Registered Voters 25% (508) 11% (220) 64% (1267) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 26% (135) 13% (66) 61% (317) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 24% (72) 16% (48) 59% (175) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 29% (57) 10% (20) 60% (118) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 25% (228) 9% (79) 66% (600) 907#1 Issue: Economy 31% (201) 12% (77) 57% (363) 641#1 Issue: Security 27% (66) 13% (31) 60% (146) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 23% (91) 10% (41) 66% (263) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 21% (65) 11% (35) 68% (213) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 18% (14) 4% (3) 78% (59) 76#1 Issue: Education 22% (23) 8% (9) 70% (76) 108#1 Issue: Energy 19% (16) 14% (12) 67% (58) 87#1 Issue: Other 24% (32) 9% (12) 67% (88) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 26% (206) 10% (78) 64% (511) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 28% (182) 13% (87) 59% (383) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 27% (24) 12% (10) 61% (53) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 26% (184) 9% (67) 65% (462) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 28% (199) 14% (102) 58% (419) 7202016 Vote: Other 26% (36) 13% (19) 60% (83) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 21% (88) 8% (33) 71% (301) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 27% (366) 11% (152) 62% (828) 1346Voted in 2014: No 22% (141) 11% (69) 68% (439) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 26% (226) 11% (94) 63% (540) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 28% (142) 13% (65) 59% (302) 5092012 Vote: Other 26% (23) 12% (11) 62% (56) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 22% (118) 10% (51) 68% (364) 5324-Region: Northeast 30% (105) 19% (69) 51% (182) 3564-Region: Midwest 29% (133) 12% (53) 59% (271) 4584-Region: South 22% (161) 7% (55) 71% (529) 7454-Region: West 25% (108) 10% (42) 65% (285) 436Sports fan 33% (460) 15% (212) 52% (725) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 30% (115) 14% (54) 56% (216) 385

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Table CMS15_13: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, a casual fan or not a fan of each of the following?NHL

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Registered Voters 25% (508) 11% (220) 64% (1267) 1995Frequent Flyer 32% (72) 18% (41) 50% (112) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Table CMS15_14: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, a casual fan or not a fan of each of the following?PGA Tour

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Registered Voters 19% (381) 8% (159) 73% (1456) 1995Gender: Male 27% (252) 13% (124) 60% (558) 934Gender: Female 12% (129) 3% (35) 85% (897) 1061Age: 18-34 15% (77) 6% (29) 79% (395) 501Age: 35-44 15% (45) 9% (26) 76% (232) 303Age: 45-64 20% (145) 6% (46) 74% (536) 727Age: 65+ 24% (113) 12% (58) 63% (293) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 13% (28) 4% (9) 83% (178) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 16% (73) 8% (36) 76% (348) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 18% (88) 7% (33) 75% (361) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 22% (164) 8% (57) 70% (524) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 18% (130) 7% (48) 76% (552) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 20% (124) 7% (44) 73% (447) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 20% (127) 10% (66) 70% (456) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 27% (80) 12% (35) 62% (185) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 12% (50) 3% (13) 85% (367) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 28% (90) 11% (36) 61% (193) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 11% (33) 3% (8) 86% (253) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 26% (82) 17% (53) 57% (180) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 14% (45) 4% (14) 82% (277) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 16% (93) 6% (34) 77% (438) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 22% (119) 7% (39) 70% (377) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 21% (154) 10% (76) 68% (496) 726Educ: < College 17% (213) 7% (85) 76% (958) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 22% (104) 11% (50) 67% (317) 472Educ: Post-grad 24% (64) 9% (23) 67% (181) 268Income: Under 50k 16% (163) 7% (75) 76% (774) 1012Income: 50k-100k 20% (133) 7% (48) 73% (500) 681Income: 100k+ 28% (85) 12% (36) 60% (182) 302Ethnicity: White 20% (319) 8% (133) 72% (1161) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 12% (24) 7% (13) 81% (156) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 15% (39) 7% (17) 78% (198) 253

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Registered Voters 19% (381) 8% (159) 73% (1456) 1995Ethnicity: Other 18% (23) 7% (9) 75% (97) 128All Christian 24% (231) 10% (100) 66% (638) 968All Non-Christian 23% (23) 14% (14) 64% (64) 100Atheist 6% (5) 5% (4) 89% (76) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 15% (122) 5% (41) 81% (678) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 23% (27) 13% (15) 65% (77) 119Evangelical 21% (118) 8% (44) 71% (391) 553Non-Evangelical 22% (170) 9% (69) 69% (524) 762Community: Urban 21% (94) 7% (34) 72% (322) 450Community: Suburban 20% (201) 8% (85) 72% (731) 1016Community: Rural 16% (87) 8% (40) 76% (402) 529Employ: Private Sector 19% (116) 10% (60) 72% (448) 624Employ: Government 13% (18) 7% (10) 80% (110) 138Employ: Self-Employed 23% (34) 8% (11) 70% (104) 150Employ: Homemaker 9% (9) 3% (3) 88% (91) 103Employ: Retired 26% (134) 11% (54) 63% (319) 507Employ: Unemployed 14% (29) 2% (5) 83% (172) 206Employ: Other 11% (14) 9% (12) 81% (109) 135Military HH: Yes 22% (75) 11% (38) 66% (222) 336Military HH: No 18% (305) 7% (120) 74% (1234) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 19% (129) 12% (82) 70% (480) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 19% (252) 6% (77) 75% (976) 1305Trump Job Approve 19% (161) 11% (94) 69% (579) 835Trump Job Disapprove 19% (211) 6% (62) 75% (828) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 19% (93) 12% (59) 70% (345) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 20% (68) 11% (36) 69% (235) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 18% (41) 8% (19) 74% (173) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 20% (170) 5% (42) 76% (655) 867Favorable of Trump 20% (164) 11% (85) 69% (564) 813Unfavorable of Trump 19% (211) 6% (66) 75% (826) 1102

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Registered Voters 19% (381) 8% (159) 73% (1456) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 20% (104) 11% (59) 69% (356) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 20% (60) 9% (27) 70% (208) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 20% (39) 10% (19) 70% (137) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 19% (172) 5% (47) 76% (688) 907#1 Issue: Economy 21% (137) 9% (55) 70% (449) 641#1 Issue: Security 19% (46) 8% (20) 73% (177) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 17% (67) 4% (18) 79% (311) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 23% (71) 12% (39) 65% (203) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 8% (6) 8% (6) 84% (63) 76#1 Issue: Education 15% (16) 2% (3) 83% (90) 108#1 Issue: Energy 12% (10) 10% (8) 78% (68) 87#1 Issue: Other 21% (28) 7% (9) 72% (95) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 20% (162) 7% (57) 72% (577) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 21% (134) 11% (73) 68% (444) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 17% (15) 4% (4) 79% (68) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 21% (152) 7% (47) 72% (515) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 21% (149) 11% (82) 68% (489) 7202016 Vote: Other 16% (22) 5% (6) 79% (109) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 14% (57) 5% (23) 81% (341) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 22% (297) 9% (118) 69% (931) 1346Voted in 2014: No 13% (84) 6% (41) 81% (524) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 21% (183) 9% (80) 69% (597) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 23% (115) 11% (54) 67% (340) 5092012 Vote: Other 16% (15) 5% (5) 78% (70) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 13% (67) 4% (20) 84% (444) 5324-Region: Northeast 20% (70) 9% (32) 72% (255) 3564-Region: Midwest 20% (93) 10% (44) 70% (322) 4584-Region: South 19% (139) 8% (58) 74% (548) 7454-Region: West 18% (80) 6% (25) 76% (331) 436Sports fan 25% (346) 11% (149) 65% (901) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 21% (82) 11% (41) 68% (262) 385

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Registered Voters 19% (381) 8% (159) 73% (1456) 1995Frequent Flyer 23% (53) 13% (29) 64% (144) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Registered Voters 16% (314) 7% (146) 77% (1535) 1995Gender: Male 23% (218) 12% (116) 64% (599) 934Gender: Female 9% (96) 3% (30) 88% (936) 1061Age: 18-34 23% (113) 11% (55) 66% (333) 501Age: 35-44 24% (73) 16% (49) 60% (181) 303Age: 45-64 12% (89) 5% (35) 83% (602) 727Age: 65+ 8% (39) 1% (7) 90% (418) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 18% (39) 8% (17) 74% (158) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 25% (115) 13% (61) 61% (281) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 18% (86) 10% (49) 72% (348) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 9% (64) 2% (17) 89% (665) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 13% (95) 6% (43) 81% (592) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 20% (124) 9% (53) 71% (438) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 15% (94) 8% (50) 78% (505) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 20% (60) 12% (37) 68% (203) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 8% (36) 2% (6) 90% (388) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 28% (88) 13% (42) 59% (189) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 12% (36) 3% (10) 84% (249) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 22% (70) 12% (37) 66% (206) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 7% (24) 4% (13) 89% (299) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 13% (76) 7% (37) 80% (452) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 17% (93) 8% (42) 75% (399) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 15% (110) 6% (46) 79% (570) 726Educ: < College 16% (202) 8% (97) 76% (956) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 14% (67) 6% (29) 80% (376) 472Educ: Post-grad 17% (45) 7% (20) 76% (204) 268Income: Under 50k 16% (161) 9% (87) 75% (763) 1012Income: 50k-100k 15% (101) 6% (44) 79% (536) 681Income: 100k+ 17% (52) 5% (14) 78% (236) 302Ethnicity: White 14% (228) 7% (108) 79% (1278) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 23% (45) 13% (25) 64% (124) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 24% (61) 12% (30) 64% (162) 253

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Registered Voters 16% (314) 7% (146) 77% (1535) 1995Ethnicity: Other 20% (25) 6% (8) 74% (95) 128All Christian 15% (142) 5% (51) 80% (775) 968All Non-Christian 17% (17) 13% (13) 70% (70) 100Atheist 15% (13) 7% (6) 77% (67) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 17% (143) 9% (75) 74% (623) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 19% (23) 11% (13) 70% (83) 119Evangelical 16% (89) 7% (40) 77% (425) 553Non-Evangelical 16% (120) 6% (48) 78% (594) 762Community: Urban 16% (74) 11% (48) 73% (328) 450Community: Suburban 17% (168) 5% (54) 78% (794) 1016Community: Rural 14% (72) 8% (45) 78% (412) 529Employ: Private Sector 17% (103) 9% (53) 75% (468) 624Employ: Government 17% (23) 7% (9) 77% (106) 138Employ: Self-Employed 21% (32) 13% (19) 66% (99) 150Employ: Homemaker 15% (15) 4% (4) 81% (84) 103Employ: Retired 8% (41) 3% (14) 89% (452) 507Employ: Unemployed 20% (41) 9% (19) 71% (146) 206Employ: Other 19% (25) 13% (17) 68% (92) 135Military HH: Yes 15% (50) 7% (23) 78% (262) 336Military HH: No 16% (264) 7% (123) 77% (1273) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 16% (109) 8% (57) 76% (524) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 16% (205) 7% (89) 77% (1011) 1305Trump Job Approve 17% (141) 9% (79) 74% (615) 835Trump Job Disapprove 14% (158) 6% (65) 80% (878) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 13% (66) 10% (49) 77% (381) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 22% (75) 9% (29) 69% (234) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 18% (42) 10% (24) 72% (167) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 13% (116) 5% (41) 82% (710) 867Favorable of Trump 17% (137) 8% (69) 75% (608) 813Unfavorable of Trump 14% (159) 6% (70) 79% (874) 1102

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Registered Voters 16% (314) 7% (146) 77% (1535) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 15% (77) 10% (51) 75% (391) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 20% (60) 6% (18) 74% (217) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 21% (40) 12% (23) 68% (132) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 13% (119) 5% (47) 82% (741) 907#1 Issue: Economy 20% (130) 8% (52) 72% (459) 641#1 Issue: Security 19% (46) 9% (23) 71% (174) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 14% (55) 7% (27) 79% (313) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 11% (34) 5% (15) 84% (264) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 5% (4) 2% (2) 93% (70) 76#1 Issue: Education 19% (20) 8% (8) 74% (80) 108#1 Issue: Energy 10% (9) 11% (10) 79% (68) 87#1 Issue: Other 12% (16) 7% (9) 81% (107) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 13% (107) 5% (43) 81% (646) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 15% (96) 7% (48) 78% (507) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 22% (19) 5% (5) 73% (63) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 13% (96) 5% (39) 81% (579) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 14% (104) 8% (59) 77% (557) 7202016 Vote: Other 14% (20) 4% (5) 82% (113) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 22% (94) 10% (44) 67% (284) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 14% (191) 7% (88) 79% (1067) 1346Voted in 2014: No 19% (123) 9% (58) 72% (468) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 15% (129) 6% (54) 79% (676) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 12% (62) 7% (34) 81% (413) 5092012 Vote: Other 20% (17) 5% (4) 76% (68) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 20% (105) 10% (54) 70% (373) 5324-Region: Northeast 16% (55) 6% (20) 79% (280) 3564-Region: Midwest 17% (79) 6% (29) 76% (350) 4584-Region: South 15% (110) 9% (66) 76% (569) 7454-Region: West 16% (70) 7% (30) 77% (336) 436Sports fan 20% (275) 10% (134) 71% (988) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 16% (63) 10% (40) 73% (282) 385

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Registered Voters 16% (314) 7% (146) 77% (1535) 1995Frequent Flyer 19% (43) 9% (21) 72% (161) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Table CMS15_16: Now on a different topic…Would you describe yourself as an avid fan, a casual fan or not a fan of each of the following?WNBA

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Registered Voters 15% (305) 4% (81) 81% (1609) 1995Gender: Male 19% (174) 5% (51) 76% (708) 934Gender: Female 12% (131) 3% (30) 85% (900) 1061Age: 18-34 15% (76) 7% (34) 78% (391) 501Age: 35-44 18% (53) 8% (24) 75% (226) 303Age: 45-64 15% (109) 3% (21) 82% (597) 727Age: 65+ 14% (67) 1% (3) 85% (394) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 14% (31) 9% (18) 77% (165) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 15% (69) 7% (30) 78% (357) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 19% (90) 4% (20) 77% (372) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 12% (92) 2% (13) 86% (641) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 20% (143) 6% (40) 75% (548) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 15% (95) 4% (25) 81% (495) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 10% (68) 2% (16) 87% (566) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 24% (71) 7% (22) 69% (207) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 17% (72) 4% (18) 79% (341) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 18% (57) 6% (19) 76% (244) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 13% (37) 2% (6) 85% (251) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 15% (46) 3% (10) 82% (258) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 6% (22) 2% (6) 92% (308) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 18% (101) 6% (33) 76% (431) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 19% (104) 4% (24) 76% (407) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 11% (82) 2% (11) 87% (632) 726Educ: < College 14% (177) 4% (54) 82% (1024) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 14% (68) 3% (14) 83% (390) 472Educ: Post-grad 22% (60) 5% (14) 72% (194) 268Income: Under 50k 15% (154) 5% (55) 79% (803) 1012Income: 50k-100k 14% (97) 2% (17) 83% (566) 681Income: 100k+ 18% (54) 3% (10) 79% (239) 302Ethnicity: White 12% (196) 3% (47) 85% (1371) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 19% (36) 7% (14) 74% (143) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 34% (86) 12% (30) 54% (137) 253

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Registered Voters 15% (305) 4% (81) 81% (1609) 1995Ethnicity: Other 17% (22) 4% (5) 79% (101) 128All Christian 16% (154) 4% (35) 80% (779) 968All Non-Christian 21% (21) 5% (5) 75% (75) 100Atheist 9% (8) 3% (2) 88% (76) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 14% (122) 5% (40) 81% (679) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 22% (26) 4% (5) 74% (88) 119Evangelical 22% (120) 5% (26) 74% (408) 553Non-Evangelical 14% (107) 3% (26) 83% (630) 762Community: Urban 21% (94) 6% (29) 73% (326) 450Community: Suburban 15% (154) 3% (29) 82% (834) 1016Community: Rural 11% (57) 4% (23) 85% (449) 529Employ: Private Sector 16% (100) 4% (27) 80% (498) 624Employ: Government 16% (22) 3% (4) 81% (112) 138Employ: Self-Employed 19% (29) 6% (9) 75% (112) 150Employ: Homemaker 11% (11) 3% (3) 87% (90) 103Employ: Retired 14% (69) 1% (4) 86% (434) 507Employ: Unemployed 15% (30) 4% (8) 82% (169) 206Employ: Other 15% (20) 9% (12) 76% (103) 135Military HH: Yes 14% (48) 3% (11) 82% (277) 336Military HH: No 16% (257) 4% (70) 80% (1332) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 13% (88) 4% (25) 84% (577) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 17% (217) 4% (56) 79% (1032) 1305Trump Job Approve 12% (99) 4% (31) 84% (705) 835Trump Job Disapprove 18% (197) 4% (49) 78% (854) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 11% (53) 4% (18) 86% (425) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 13% (46) 4% (13) 83% (280) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 15% (34) 7% (16) 79% (183) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 19% (163) 4% (33) 77% (671) 867Favorable of Trump 11% (92) 3% (24) 86% (697) 813Unfavorable of Trump 18% (202) 5% (51) 77% (849) 1102

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Registered Voters 15% (305) 4% (81) 81% (1609) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 10% (52) 4% (19) 86% (447) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 14% (41) 1% (4) 85% (250) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 20% (39) 9% (17) 72% (140) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 18% (163) 4% (34) 78% (709) 907#1 Issue: Economy 15% (96) 4% (28) 81% (517) 641#1 Issue: Security 12% (30) 4% (9) 84% (204) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 14% (55) 3% (13) 83% (327) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 20% (62) 2% (6) 78% (245) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 7% (5) 9% (7) 84% (63) 76#1 Issue: Education 21% (23) 9% (9) 70% (76) 108#1 Issue: Energy 9% (8) 7% (6) 85% (73) 87#1 Issue: Other 20% (27) 2% (3) 78% (102) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 21% (168) 4% (32) 75% (596) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 12% (77) 3% (19) 85% (555) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 17% (15) 2% (2) 81% (70) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 22% (157) 4% (30) 74% (526) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 12% (83) 3% (20) 86% (616) 7202016 Vote: Other 15% (21) 3% (4) 82% (113) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 10% (44) 6% (27) 83% (351) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 18% (238) 3% (45) 79% (1063) 1346Voted in 2014: No 10% (67) 6% (37) 84% (546) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 20% (176) 5% (39) 75% (645) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 12% (59) 3% (13) 86% (437) 5092012 Vote: Other 8% (7) 1% (1) 91% (81) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 12% (63) 5% (28) 83% (441) 5324-Region: Northeast 14% (50) 4% (13) 82% (293) 3564-Region: Midwest 15% (68) 3% (15) 82% (375) 4584-Region: South 15% (112) 4% (30) 81% (603) 7454-Region: West 17% (75) 5% (23) 78% (338) 436Sports fan 20% (280) 6% (77) 74% (1040) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 20% (79) 7% (28) 72% (279) 385

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Registered Voters 15% (305) 4% (81) 81% (1609) 1995Frequent Flyer 22% (49) 8% (17) 71% (160) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Registered Voters 8% (165) 3% (53) 89% (1777) 1995Gender: Male 12% (109) 3% (26) 85% (798) 934Gender: Female 5% (56) 3% (27) 92% (979) 1061Age: 18-34 8% (40) 4% (19) 88% (442) 501Age: 35-44 11% (33) 4% (11) 85% (259) 303Age: 45-64 9% (62) 2% (18) 89% (646) 727Age: 65+ 6% (29) 1% (5) 93% (430) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 7% (16) 4% (8) 89% (190) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 9% (40) 4% (16) 88% (400) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 11% (51) 4% (17) 86% (414) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 7% (52) 1% (11) 92% (682) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 9% (63) 4% (30) 87% (637) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 9% (57) 2% (15) 88% (543) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 7% (46) 1% (8) 92% (596) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 14% (42) 4% (12) 82% (246) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 5% (21) 4% (18) 91% (392) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 11% (35) 3% (9) 86% (276) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 7% (22) 2% (5) 91% (268) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 10% (33) 1% (5) 88% (277) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 4% (13) 1% (3) 95% (319) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 9% (51) 4% (24) 87% (490) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 11% (57) 2% (10) 87% (467) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 6% (45) 2% (14) 92% (667) 726Educ: < College 7% (85) 2% (27) 91% (1144) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 10% (49) 4% (17) 86% (406) 472Educ: Post-grad 12% (32) 4% (10) 85% (227) 268Income: Under 50k 8% (81) 3% (27) 89% (904) 1012Income: 50k-100k 6% (44) 3% (18) 91% (619) 681Income: 100k+ 13% (40) 3% (8) 84% (254) 302Ethnicity: White 7% (113) 2% (25) 91% (1475) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 10% (19) 5% (9) 85% (165) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 14% (35) 8% (20) 78% (197) 253

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Registered Voters 8% (165) 3% (53) 89% (1777) 1995Ethnicity: Other 13% (16) 6% (7) 82% (105) 128All Christian 9% (88) 2% (21) 89% (859) 968All Non-Christian 10% (10) 4% (4) 86% (86) 100Atheist 6% (6) — (0) 94% (81) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 7% (62) 3% (28) 89% (750) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 8% (10) 3% (4) 89% (106) 119Evangelical 10% (56) 3% (15) 87% (482) 553Non-Evangelical 9% (67) 2% (12) 90% (683) 762Community: Urban 11% (52) 3% (16) 85% (382) 450Community: Suburban 8% (78) 2% (24) 90% (914) 1016Community: Rural 7% (35) 2% (13) 91% (481) 529Employ: Private Sector 9% (57) 3% (18) 88% (548) 624Employ: Government 7% (10) 4% (6) 89% (122) 138Employ: Self-Employed 19% (28) 4% (6) 77% (116) 150Employ: Homemaker 2% (2) — (0) 98% (101) 103Employ: Retired 5% (27) 1% (5) 94% (475) 507Employ: Unemployed 7% (15) 2% (5) 90% (186) 206Employ: Other 8% (11) 6% (8) 86% (116) 135Military HH: Yes 8% (27) 2% (8) 90% (301) 336Military HH: No 8% (138) 3% (45) 89% (1476) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 7% (50) 1% (6) 92% (634) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 9% (115) 4% (47) 88% (1143) 1305Trump Job Approve 8% (69) 1% (12) 90% (754) 835Trump Job Disapprove 8% (92) 3% (38) 88% (970) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 7% (33) 1% (5) 92% (458) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 10% (35) 2% (7) 87% (296) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 8% (18) 3% (8) 89% (207) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 9% (74) 4% (31) 88% (763) 867Favorable of Trump 8% (64) 1% (9) 91% (740) 813Unfavorable of Trump 9% (96) 3% (37) 88% (968) 1102

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Registered Voters 8% (165) 3% (53) 89% (1777) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 7% (34) 1% (6) 92% (478) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 10% (30) 1% (4) 89% (262) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 9% (18) 3% (6) 88% (171) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 9% (78) 3% (31) 88% (797) 907#1 Issue: Economy 10% (61) 3% (18) 88% (562) 641#1 Issue: Security 9% (22) 2% (5) 89% (216) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 8% (31) 2% (9) 90% (356) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 8% (25) 2% (5) 90% (283) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 2% (2) 2% (2) 95% (72) 76#1 Issue: Education 6% (6) 6% (6) 88% (95) 108#1 Issue: Energy 10% (9) 4% (3) 86% (74) 87#1 Issue: Other 7% (9) 3% (4) 90% (118) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 9% (75) 4% (31) 87% (689) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 7% (48) 1% (6) 92% (598) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 11% (9) 3% (2) 87% (75) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 10% (69) 4% (30) 86% (615) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 7% (53) 1% (6) 92% (662) 7202016 Vote: Other 8% (12) 1% (1) 91% (125) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 7% (31) 4% (17) 89% (373) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 9% (119) 2% (33) 89% (1194) 1346Voted in 2014: No 7% (47) 3% (20) 90% (582) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 9% (82) 4% (33) 87% (745) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 8% (41) — (2) 91% (466) 5092012 Vote: Other 8% (7) 3% (3) 89% (80) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 7% (36) 3% (14) 91% (483) 5324-Region: Northeast 9% (31) 2% (8) 89% (316) 3564-Region: Midwest 10% (44) 3% (14) 87% (401) 4584-Region: South 7% (54) 3% (19) 90% (672) 7454-Region: West 8% (36) 3% (11) 89% (388) 436Sports fan 11% (155) 3% (47) 86% (1194) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 12% (47) 5% (20) 83% (318) 385

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Registered Voters 8% (165) 3% (53) 89% (1777) 1995Frequent Flyer 14% (32) 6% (12) 80% (181) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Morning ConsultTable CMS16

Table CMS16: Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, how often did you watch live sporting events on television?

Demographic DailyAt least once a

weekAt least once a

monthAt least once a

year Never Total N

Registered Voters 14% (270) 32% (633) 17% (339) 14% (276) 24% (477) 1995Gender: Male 22% (209) 41% (380) 13% (124) 8% (75) 16% (145) 934Gender: Female 6% (61) 24% (253) 20% (215) 19% (201) 31% (331) 1061Age: 18-34 14% (71) 23% (114) 20% (99) 17% (84) 26% (133) 501Age: 35-44 16% (50) 34% (102) 15% (45) 14% (42) 21% (64) 303Age: 45-64 12% (89) 32% (231) 18% (128) 14% (102) 24% (177) 727Age: 65+ 13% (60) 40% (186) 14% (66) 10% (48) 22% (103) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 14% (30) 16% (34) 20% (44) 18% (39) 31% (66) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 15% (68) 30% (136) 17% (79) 14% (66) 23% (107) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 13% (62) 33% (159) 17% (82) 15% (72) 22% (108) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 13% (94) 34% (253) 17% (125) 12% (93) 24% (180) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 13% (99) 33% (241) 18% (132) 13% (99) 22% (160) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 14% (85) 28% (172) 16% (101) 15% (93) 27% (164) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 13% (87) 34% (220) 16% (106) 13% (85) 23% (153) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 27% (80) 40% (119) 13% (40) 6% (19) 14% (42) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 4% (19) 28% (122) 21% (92) 19% (80) 27% (118) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 21% (68) 38% (122) 15% (48) 9% (29) 16% (53) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 6% (17) 17% (49) 18% (53) 22% (64) 38% (111) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 20% (62) 44% (138) 11% (36) 9% (28) 16% (51) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 7% (25) 24% (82) 21% (70) 17% (57) 30% (102) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 11% (65) 31% (172) 18% (100) 16% (89) 25% (139) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 17% (93) 35% (185) 17% (89) 13% (67) 19% (101) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 13% (92) 34% (248) 17% (123) 13% (97) 23% (166) 726Educ: < College 13% (167) 30% (372) 16% (207) 14% (181) 26% (329) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 15% (71) 33% (156) 18% (86) 13% (60) 21% (97) 472Educ: Post-grad 12% (33) 39% (105) 17% (46) 13% (35) 19% (51) 268Income: Under 50k 14% (145) 28% (281) 16% (163) 14% (139) 28% (283) 1012Income: 50k-100k 11% (73) 35% (238) 18% (121) 15% (103) 21% (145) 681Income: 100k+ 17% (51) 37% (113) 18% (55) 11% (34) 16% (49) 302Ethnicity: White 13% (204) 33% (531) 17% (268) 14% (222) 24% (389) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 18% (36) 23% (45) 12% (22) 20% (39) 27% (52) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 20% (50) 29% (73) 20% (51) 12% (29) 20% (50) 253

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Table CMS16: Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, how often did you watch live sporting events on television?

Demographic DailyAt least once a

weekAt least once a

monthAt least once a

year Never Total N

Registered Voters 14% (270) 32% (633) 17% (339) 14% (276) 24% (477) 1995Ethnicity: Other 13% (16) 23% (30) 16% (20) 19% (25) 29% (37) 128All Christian 15% (150) 37% (358) 17% (169) 12% (116) 18% (175) 968All Non-Christian 15% (15) 32% (32) 15% (15) 16% (16) 22% (22) 100Atheist 9% (7) 28% (24) 12% (10) 16% (14) 36% (31) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 12% (98) 26% (219) 17% (145) 16% (131) 30% (249) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 13% (15) 33% (39) 15% (17) 14% (17) 26% (31) 119Evangelical 12% (67) 34% (189) 20% (109) 12% (69) 22% (120) 553Non-Evangelical 16% (125) 35% (268) 16% (123) 13% (102) 19% (145) 762Community: Urban 16% (74) 31% (140) 13% (60) 15% (69) 24% (107) 450Community: Suburban 13% (132) 33% (339) 18% (181) 15% (148) 21% (217) 1016Community: Rural 12% (65) 29% (154) 18% (98) 11% (60) 29% (153) 529Employ: Private Sector 14% (90) 34% (215) 20% (123) 12% (72) 20% (124) 624Employ: Government 16% (23) 25% (34) 22% (31) 14% (20) 23% (31) 138Employ: Self-Employed 17% (25) 33% (49) 16% (24) 14% (21) 20% (31) 150Employ: Homemaker 9% (10) 24% (25) 21% (21) 16% (16) 30% (31) 103Employ: Retired 12% (60) 39% (199) 13% (67) 11% (57) 24% (123) 507Employ: Unemployed 12% (24) 27% (55) 12% (24) 22% (46) 28% (57) 206Employ: Other 16% (21) 21% (28) 16% (22) 14% (19) 33% (45) 135Military HH: Yes 13% (43) 34% (113) 18% (62) 15% (52) 20% (66) 336Military HH: No 14% (227) 31% (520) 17% (277) 14% (224) 25% (411) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 16% (108) 36% (245) 14% (97) 13% (88) 22% (152) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 12% (162) 30% (388) 19% (242) 14% (188) 25% (325) 1305Trump Job Approve 15% (126) 35% (293) 15% (127) 12% (101) 23% (188) 835Trump Job Disapprove 13% (139) 30% (334) 18% (197) 15% (166) 24% (264) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 14% (70) 33% (165) 15% (76) 12% (57) 26% (128) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 17% (56) 38% (128) 15% (51) 13% (44) 18% (60) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 17% (39) 28% (64) 23% (53) 14% (33) 19% (44) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 12% (100) 31% (270) 17% (145) 15% (133) 25% (220) 867Favorable of Trump 15% (125) 35% (281) 16% (127) 13% (104) 22% (176) 813Unfavorable of Trump 12% (135) 31% (342) 18% (194) 14% (158) 25% (274) 1102

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Table CMS16: Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, how often did you watch live sporting events on television?

Demographic DailyAt least once a

weekAt least once a

monthAt least once a

year Never Total N

Registered Voters 14% (270) 32% (633) 17% (339) 14% (276) 24% (477) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 14% (72) 36% (185) 16% (81) 11% (57) 24% (125) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 18% (53) 33% (97) 16% (46) 16% (47) 17% (51) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 13% (25) 33% (64) 18% (35) 13% (25) 24% (46) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 12% (110) 31% (278) 17% (158) 15% (133) 25% (227) 907#1 Issue: Economy 17% (110) 32% (207) 17% (110) 14% (87) 20% (127) 641#1 Issue: Security 12% (29) 31% (75) 15% (37) 15% (36) 27% (66) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 12% (49) 33% (131) 16% (64) 15% (58) 24% (94) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 16% (50) 36% (111) 15% (48) 9% (29) 24% (75) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 4% (3) 16% (12) 23% (18) 21% (16) 36% (27) 76#1 Issue: Education 13% (14) 21% (23) 21% (23) 18% (20) 26% (29) 108#1 Issue: Energy 8% (7) 25% (22) 23% (20) 19% (17) 25% (22) 87#1 Issue: Other 7% (9) 39% (52) 15% (19) 10% (13) 29% (38) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 14% (113) 34% (270) 18% (147) 13% (100) 21% (166) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 15% (95) 37% (238) 15% (100) 11% (75) 22% (144) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 7% (6) 25% (22) 18% (16) 12% (10) 38% (33) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 14% (98) 34% (240) 18% (131) 13% (93) 21% (152) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 14% (100) 37% (268) 16% (117) 11% (80) 21% (154) 7202016 Vote: Other 14% (20) 31% (43) 15% (20) 14% (20) 25% (35) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 12% (51) 19% (82) 17% (70) 20% (83) 32% (134) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 14% (187) 36% (481) 17% (233) 12% (166) 21% (278) 1346Voted in 2014: No 13% (83) 23% (152) 16% (106) 17% (110) 31% (198) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 15% (129) 35% (304) 17% (149) 14% (120) 18% (158) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 13% (66) 37% (190) 15% (79) 11% (55) 23% (119) 5092012 Vote: Other 10% (8) 32% (28) 23% (20) 9% (8) 27% (24) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 12% (66) 21% (110) 17% (90) 17% (92) 32% (173) 5324-Region: Northeast 18% (65) 34% (121) 16% (56) 13% (46) 19% (68) 3564-Region: Midwest 15% (71) 36% (164) 15% (70) 11% (52) 22% (102) 4584-Region: South 11% (83) 32% (236) 20% (149) 13% (99) 24% (178) 7454-Region: West 12% (51) 26% (112) 15% (64) 18% (80) 30% (129) 436Sports fan 19% (260) 44% (618) 20% (285) 10% (143) 6% (90) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 15% (57) 35% (134) 20% (75) 12% (48) 18% (71) 385

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monthAt least once a

year Never Total N

Registered Voters 14% (270) 32% (633) 17% (339) 14% (276) 24% (477) 1995Frequent Flyer 19% (42) 38% (87) 17% (38) 9% (20) 17% (38) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Morning ConsultTable CMS18_1NET

Table CMS18_1NET:Which of the following sports have you watched since their return to action in the past week? Please select all that apply.Bundesliga (German soccer)

Demographic Selected Not Selected Total N

Registered Voters 3% (65) 97% (1930) 1995Gender: Male 6% (54) 94% (880) 934Gender: Female 1% (10) 99% (1051) 1061Age: 18-34 7% (33) 93% (468) 501Age: 35-44 3% (8) 97% (295) 303Age: 45-64 2% (15) 98% (712) 727Age: 65+ 2% (9) 98% (456) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 8% (17) 92% (197) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 4% (19) 96% (438) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 3% (15) 97% (468) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 2% (14) 98% (732) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 5% (33) 95% (697) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 3% (18) 97% (597) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 2% (14) 98% (636) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 9% (28) 91% (272) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 1% (5) 99% (425) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 4% (14) 96% (306) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 1% (4) 99% (291) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 4% (12) 96% (302) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 1% (2) 99% (334) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 4% (22) 96% (543) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 4% (22) 96% (512) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 2% (17) 98% (709) 726Educ: < College 2% (24) 98% (1231) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 5% (23) 95% (449) 472Educ: Post-grad 6% (17) 94% (251) 268Income: Under 50k 3% (28) 97% (984) 1012Income: 50k-100k 2% (15) 98% (666) 681Income: 100k+ 7% (22) 93% (281) 302Ethnicity: White 3% (48) 97% (1565) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 6% (13) 94% (181) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 5% (13) 95% (239) 253

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


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Table CMS18_1NET:Which of the following sports have you watched since their return to action in the past week? Please select all that apply.Bundesliga (German soccer)

Demographic Selected Not Selected Total N

Registered Voters 3% (65) 97% (1930) 1995Ethnicity: Other 2% (3) 98% (125) 128All Christian 4% (35) 96% (933) 968All Non-Christian 5% (5) 95% (95) 100Atheist 2% (1) 98% (85) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 3% (23) 97% (818) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 4% (5) 96% (114) 119Evangelical 3% (16) 97% (537) 553Non-Evangelical 4% (30) 96% (732) 762Community: Urban 6% (26) 94% (424) 450Community: Suburban 3% (31) 97% (985) 1016Community: Rural 1% (7) 99% (522) 529Employ: Private Sector 5% (30) 95% (595) 624Employ: Government 8% (11) 92% (127) 138Employ: Self-Employed 4% (6) 96% (143) 150Employ: Homemaker — (0) 100% (103) 103Employ: Retired 1% (4) 99% (502) 507Employ: Unemployed 1% (1) 99% (205) 206Employ: Other 3% (5) 97% (130) 135Military HH: Yes 1% (3) 99% (332) 336Military HH: No 4% (61) 96% (1598) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 4% (28) 96% (662) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 3% (37) 97% (1268) 1305Trump Job Approve 4% (29) 96% (805) 835Trump Job Disapprove 3% (34) 97% (1066) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 3% (15) 97% (481) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 4% (14) 96% (325) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 5% (12) 95% (220) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 2% (22) 98% (846) 867Favorable of Trump 4% (30) 96% (784) 813Unfavorable of Trump 3% (31) 97% (1071) 1102

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Morning ConsultTable CMS18_1NET

Table CMS18_1NET:Which of the following sports have you watched since their return to action in the past week? Please select all that apply.Bundesliga (German soccer)

Demographic Selected Not Selected Total N

Registered Voters 3% (65) 97% (1930) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 3% (17) 97% (501) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 4% (13) 96% (282) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 3% (7) 97% (189) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 3% (25) 97% (882) 907#1 Issue: Economy 4% (26) 96% (615) 641#1 Issue: Security 4% (9) 96% (234) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 3% (12) 97% (384) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 2% (6) 98% (307) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 3% (2) 97% (73) 76#1 Issue: Education 4% (5) 96% (104) 108#1 Issue: Energy 5% (4) 95% (82) 87#1 Issue: Other 1% (1) 99% (131) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 4% (35) 96% (761) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 3% (18) 97% (634) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else — (0) 100% (86) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 3% (25) 97% (689) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 3% (20) 97% (700) 7202016 Vote: Other 1% (1) 99% (136) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 4% (18) 96% (403) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 3% (40) 97% (1306) 1346Voted in 2014: No 4% (24) 96% (625) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 3% (27) 97% (832) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 3% (14) 97% (495) 5092012 Vote: Other — (0) 100% (89) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 4% (23) 96% (509) 5324-Region: Northeast 4% (13) 96% (343) 3564-Region: Midwest 3% (13) 97% (446) 4584-Region: South 3% (25) 97% (720) 7454-Region: West 3% (15) 97% (421) 436Sports fan 4% (60) 96% (1336) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 9% (34) 91% (351) 385

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


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Table CMS18_1NET:Which of the following sports have you watched since their return to action in the past week? Please select all that apply.Bundesliga (German soccer)

Demographic Selected Not Selected Total N

Registered Voters 3% (65) 97% (1930) 1995Frequent Flyer 11% (25) 89% (200) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Morning ConsultTable CMS18_2NET

Table CMS18_2NET:Which of the following sports have you watched since their return to action in the past week? Please select all that apply.Golf (Taylormade Drive for Relief - Rory McIlroy and Dustin Johnson vs. Ricky Fowler and Matthew Wolff)

Demographic Selected Not Selected Total N

Registered Voters 6% (121) 94% (1874) 1995Gender: Male 10% (91) 90% (843) 934Gender: Female 3% (30) 97% (1031) 1061Age: 18-34 5% (23) 95% (478) 501Age: 35-44 6% (18) 94% (286) 303Age: 45-64 4% (31) 96% (696) 727Age: 65+ 11% (50) 89% (414) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 2% (5) 98% (209) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 6% (29) 94% (427) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 4% (19) 96% (463) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 6% (47) 94% (698) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 5% (36) 95% (694) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 5% (31) 95% (584) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 8% (54) 92% (596) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 8% (24) 92% (276) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 3% (12) 97% (418) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 8% (26) 92% (293) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 2% (4) 98% (290) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 13% (40) 87% (274) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 4% (14) 96% (322) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 5% (27) 95% (538) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 6% (34) 94% (501) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 8% (58) 92% (668) 726Educ: < College 4% (55) 96% (1200) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 10% (47) 90% (425) 472Educ: Post-grad 7% (19) 93% (250) 268Income: Under 50k 5% (52) 95% (960) 1012Income: 50k-100k 5% (34) 95% (647) 681Income: 100k+ 12% (35) 88% (267) 302Ethnicity: White 6% (104) 94% (1509) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 2% (4) 98% (189) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 4% (10) 96% (243) 253

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


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Table CMS18_2NET:Which of the following sports have you watched since their return to action in the past week? Please select all that apply.Golf (Taylormade Drive for Relief - Rory McIlroy and Dustin Johnson vs. Ricky Fowler and Matthew Wolff)

Demographic Selected Not Selected Total N

Registered Voters 6% (121) 94% (1874) 1995Ethnicity: Other 6% (7) 94% (121) 128All Christian 8% (78) 92% (890) 968All Non-Christian 9% (9) 91% (91) 100Atheist 6% (5) 94% (81) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 3% (29) 97% (812) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 8% (9) 92% (110) 119Evangelical 6% (32) 94% (522) 553Non-Evangelical 8% (62) 92% (700) 762Community: Urban 7% (29) 93% (420) 450Community: Suburban 7% (68) 93% (948) 1016Community: Rural 4% (23) 96% (506) 529Employ: Private Sector 7% (43) 93% (581) 624Employ: Government 3% (5) 97% (133) 138Employ: Self-Employed 5% (7) 95% (142) 150Employ: Homemaker 2% (3) 98% (101) 103Employ: Retired 10% (50) 90% (457) 507Employ: Unemployed 3% (6) 97% (200) 206Employ: Other 4% (5) 96% (129) 135Military HH: Yes 6% (21) 94% (315) 336Military HH: No 6% (100) 94% (1559) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 9% (59) 91% (631) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 5% (62) 95% (1243) 1305Trump Job Approve 8% (71) 92% (764) 835Trump Job Disapprove 5% (50) 95% (1050) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 9% (45) 91% (452) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 8% (26) 92% (312) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 5% (13) 95% (220) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 4% (38) 96% (830) 867Favorable of Trump 8% (69) 92% (744) 813Unfavorable of Trump 5% (52) 95% (1050) 1102

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Morning ConsultTable CMS18_2NET

Table CMS18_2NET:Which of the following sports have you watched since their return to action in the past week? Please select all that apply.Golf (Taylormade Drive for Relief - Rory McIlroy and Dustin Johnson vs. Ricky Fowler and Matthew Wolff)

Demographic Selected Not Selected Total N

Registered Voters 6% (121) 94% (1874) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 9% (47) 91% (471) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 7% (21) 93% (274) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 7% (14) 93% (181) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 4% (37) 96% (870) 907#1 Issue: Economy 7% (43) 93% (598) 641#1 Issue: Security 4% (9) 96% (234) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 4% (16) 96% (380) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 11% (34) 89% (280) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 10% (8) 90% (68) 76#1 Issue: Education 3% (3) 97% (105) 108#1 Issue: Energy 1% (1) 99% (86) 87#1 Issue: Other 6% (8) 94% (124) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 6% (48) 94% (748) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 9% (56) 91% (595) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 2% (2) 98% (85) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 5% (35) 95% (679) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 9% (67) 91% (653) 7202016 Vote: Other 6% (8) 94% (129) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 3% (11) 97% (411) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 7% (91) 93% (1255) 1346Voted in 2014: No 5% (30) 95% (619) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 7% (58) 93% (801) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 8% (41) 92% (468) 5092012 Vote: Other 5% (5) 95% (85) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 3% (17) 97% (515) 5324-Region: Northeast 6% (22) 94% (334) 3564-Region: Midwest 8% (36) 92% (422) 4584-Region: South 6% (41) 94% (704) 7454-Region: West 5% (22) 95% (414) 436Sports fan 8% (118) 92% (1278) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 8% (30) 92% (355) 385

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS18_2NET

Table CMS18_2NET:Which of the following sports have you watched since their return to action in the past week? Please select all that apply.Golf (Taylormade Drive for Relief - Rory McIlroy and Dustin Johnson vs. Ricky Fowler and Matthew Wolff)

Demographic Selected Not Selected Total N

Registered Voters 6% (121) 94% (1874) 1995Frequent Flyer 9% (21) 91% (205) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Morning ConsultTable CMS18_3NET

Table CMS18_3NET:Which of the following sports have you watched since their return to action in the past week? Please select all that apply.NASCAR (from Darlington Raceway)

Demographic Selected Not Selected Total N

Registered Voters 15% (294) 85% (1701) 1995Gender: Male 18% (169) 82% (765) 934Gender: Female 12% (124) 88% (937) 1061Age: 18-34 11% (57) 89% (445) 501Age: 35-44 16% (49) 84% (255) 303Age: 45-64 16% (116) 84% (611) 727Age: 65+ 16% (73) 84% (391) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 9% (20) 91% (194) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 14% (64) 86% (393) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 16% (76) 84% (406) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 16% (118) 84% (628) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 11% (81) 89% (649) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 14% (86) 86% (529) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 19% (127) 81% (523) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 15% (44) 85% (256) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 9% (37) 91% (393) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 16% (50) 84% (269) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 12% (35) 88% (260) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 24% (75) 76% (239) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 15% (52) 85% (284) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 12% (67) 88% (499) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 15% (78) 85% (457) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 18% (129) 82% (597) 726Educ: < College 16% (205) 84% (1050) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 12% (57) 88% (415) 472Educ: Post-grad 12% (32) 88% (236) 268Income: Under 50k 16% (165) 84% (847) 1012Income: 50k-100k 14% (94) 86% (586) 681Income: 100k+ 11% (35) 89% (268) 302Ethnicity: White 16% (254) 84% (1360) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 14% (27) 86% (167) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 9% (23) 91% (230) 253

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS18_3NET

Table CMS18_3NET:Which of the following sports have you watched since their return to action in the past week? Please select all that apply.NASCAR (from Darlington Raceway)

Demographic Selected Not Selected Total N

Registered Voters 15% (294) 85% (1701) 1995Ethnicity: Other 13% (17) 87% (112) 128All Christian 17% (166) 83% (802) 968All Non-Christian 11% (11) 89% (89) 100Atheist 10% (9) 90% (77) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 13% (108) 87% (733) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 14% (17) 86% (102) 119Evangelical 17% (96) 83% (457) 553Non-Evangelical 16% (123) 84% (639) 762Community: Urban 14% (64) 86% (386) 450Community: Suburban 12% (127) 88% (890) 1016Community: Rural 20% (103) 80% (426) 529Employ: Private Sector 17% (106) 83% (518) 624Employ: Government 8% (11) 92% (127) 138Employ: Self-Employed 17% (25) 83% (125) 150Employ: Homemaker 10% (10) 90% (93) 103Employ: Retired 17% (88) 83% (419) 507Employ: Unemployed 11% (22) 89% (184) 206Employ: Other 16% (22) 84% (113) 135Military HH: Yes 18% (59) 82% (276) 336Military HH: No 14% (234) 86% (1425) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 21% (144) 79% (546) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 11% (150) 89% (1155) 1305Trump Job Approve 21% (173) 79% (662) 835Trump Job Disapprove 11% (119) 89% (982) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 21% (104) 79% (392) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 20% (69) 80% (270) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 14% (32) 86% (201) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 10% (87) 90% (780) 867Favorable of Trump 20% (161) 80% (652) 813Unfavorable of Trump 11% (126) 89% (976) 1102

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Morning ConsultTable CMS18_3NET

Table CMS18_3NET:Which of the following sports have you watched since their return to action in the past week? Please select all that apply.NASCAR (from Darlington Raceway)

Demographic Selected Not Selected Total N

Registered Voters 15% (294) 85% (1701) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 23% (119) 77% (399) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 14% (43) 86% (252) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 15% (29) 85% (166) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 11% (97) 89% (810) 907#1 Issue: Economy 17% (109) 83% (532) 641#1 Issue: Security 17% (40) 83% (203) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 14% (56) 86% (339) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 19% (59) 81% (254) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 7% (6) 93% (70) 76#1 Issue: Education 7% (8) 93% (100) 108#1 Issue: Energy 7% (6) 93% (81) 87#1 Issue: Other 8% (10) 92% (122) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 10% (82) 90% (714) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 22% (141) 78% (510) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 17% (15) 83% (72) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 11% (77) 89% (637) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 21% (149) 79% (571) 7202016 Vote: Other 13% (18) 87% (120) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 12% (50) 88% (372) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 15% (203) 85% (1143) 1346Voted in 2014: No 14% (91) 86% (558) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 13% (109) 87% (751) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 20% (103) 80% (406) 5092012 Vote: Other 14% (13) 86% (77) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 13% (69) 87% (463) 5324-Region: Northeast 13% (48) 87% (308) 3564-Region: Midwest 14% (62) 86% (396) 4584-Region: South 17% (124) 83% (621) 7454-Region: West 14% (60) 86% (376) 436Sports fan 18% (257) 82% (1139) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 17% (66) 83% (319) 385

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS18_3NET

Table CMS18_3NET:Which of the following sports have you watched since their return to action in the past week? Please select all that apply.NASCAR (from Darlington Raceway)

Demographic Selected Not Selected Total N

Registered Voters 15% (294) 85% (1701) 1995Frequent Flyer 15% (33) 85% (192) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Morning ConsultTable CMS18_4NET

Table CMS18_4NET:Which of the following sports have you watched since their return to action in the past week? Please select all that apply.Professional Bull Riding

Demographic Selected Not Selected Total N

Registered Voters 2% (41) 98% (1954) 1995Gender: Male 3% (30) 97% (904) 934Gender: Female 1% (11) 99% (1050) 1061Age: 18-34 3% (16) 97% (485) 501Age: 35-44 4% (12) 96% (292) 303Age: 45-64 1% (8) 99% (718) 727Age: 65+ 1% (5) 99% (459) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 4% (9) 96% (205) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 3% (14) 97% (443) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 2% (9) 98% (473) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 1% (9) 99% (736) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 2% (12) 98% (718) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 2% (11) 98% (603) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 3% (17) 97% (632) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 4% (11) 96% (289) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen — (1) 100% (429) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 2% (6) 98% (314) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 2% (6) 98% (289) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 4% (13) 96% (301) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 1% (4) 99% (332) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 1% (8) 99% (558) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 2% (10) 98% (525) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 3% (20) 97% (706) 726Educ: < College 2% (26) 98% (1228) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 1% (6) 99% (466) 472Educ: Post-grad 3% (8) 97% (260) 268Income: Under 50k 2% (22) 98% (990) 1012Income: 50k-100k 2% (12) 98% (668) 681Income: 100k+ 2% (6) 98% (296) 302Ethnicity: White 2% (29) 98% (1585) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 2% (5) 98% (189) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 4% (9) 96% (244) 253

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


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Table CMS18_4NET:Which of the following sports have you watched since their return to action in the past week? Please select all that apply.Professional Bull Riding

Demographic Selected Not Selected Total N

Registered Voters 2% (41) 98% (1954) 1995Ethnicity: Other 3% (3) 97% (125) 128All Christian 2% (20) 98% (948) 968All Non-Christian 6% (6) 94% (94) 100Atheist 1% (1) 99% (85) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 2% (13) 98% (827) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 5% (6) 95% (113) 119Evangelical 3% (17) 97% (536) 553Non-Evangelical 1% (5) 99% (757) 762Community: Urban 3% (16) 97% (434) 450Community: Suburban 1% (13) 99% (1003) 1016Community: Rural 2% (12) 98% (517) 529Employ: Private Sector 3% (19) 97% (605) 624Employ: Government 3% (5) 97% (133) 138Employ: Self-Employed 2% (4) 98% (146) 150Employ: Homemaker 1% (1) 99% (103) 103Employ: Retired 1% (7) 99% (500) 507Employ: Unemployed 1% (2) 99% (205) 206Employ: Other — (0) 100% (134) 135Military HH: Yes 2% (6) 98% (330) 336Military HH: No 2% (35) 98% (1624) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 3% (20) 97% (670) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 2% (21) 98% (1284) 1305Trump Job Approve 3% (21) 97% (813) 835Trump Job Disapprove 2% (19) 98% (1081) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 3% (15) 97% (481) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 2% (6) 98% (332) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 3% (7) 97% (226) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 1% (12) 99% (855) 867Favorable of Trump 3% (21) 97% (793) 813Unfavorable of Trump 2% (19) 98% (1083) 1102

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Table CMS18_4NET:Which of the following sports have you watched since their return to action in the past week? Please select all that apply.Professional Bull Riding

Demographic Selected Not Selected Total N

Registered Voters 2% (41) 98% (1954) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 3% (15) 97% (503) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 2% (5) 98% (290) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 2% (4) 98% (191) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 2% (15) 98% (892) 907#1 Issue: Economy 2% (13) 98% (628) 641#1 Issue: Security 3% (6) 97% (237) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 2% (8) 98% (388) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 1% (4) 99% (309) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues — (0) 100% (76) 76#1 Issue: Education 4% (4) 96% (104) 108#1 Issue: Energy 4% (3) 96% (83) 87#1 Issue: Other 2% (2) 98% (129) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 2% (14) 98% (781) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 2% (13) 98% (638) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 2% (1) 98% (85) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 1% (10) 99% (703) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 2% (15) 98% (705) 7202016 Vote: Other 4% (6) 96% (132) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 2% (10) 98% (412) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 2% (28) 98% (1318) 1346Voted in 2014: No 2% (13) 98% (636) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 2% (16) 98% (844) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 2% (11) 98% (499) 5092012 Vote: Other 3% (3) 97% (87) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 2% (12) 98% (520) 5324-Region: Northeast 2% (8) 98% (348) 3564-Region: Midwest 1% (5) 99% (453) 4584-Region: South 2% (12) 98% (733) 7454-Region: West 3% (15) 97% (421) 436Sports fan 3% (36) 97% (1360) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 4% (15) 96% (370) 385

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Table CMS18_4NET

Table CMS18_4NET:Which of the following sports have you watched since their return to action in the past week? Please select all that apply.Professional Bull Riding

Demographic Selected Not Selected Total N

Registered Voters 2% (41) 98% (1954) 1995Frequent Flyer 5% (12) 95% (214) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Morning ConsultTable CMS18_5NET

Table CMS18_5NET:Which of the following sports have you watched since their return to action in the past week? Please select all that apply.Other, specify:

Demographic Selected Not Selected Total N

Registered Voters 2% (47) 98% (1948) 1995Gender: Male 3% (32) 97% (902) 934Gender: Female 1% (15) 99% (1046) 1061Age: 18-34 3% (17) 97% (484) 501Age: 35-44 3% (10) 97% (293) 303Age: 45-64 2% (12) 98% (715) 727Age: 65+ 2% (8) 98% (456) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 4% (9) 96% (205) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 2% (10) 98% (446) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 3% (13) 97% (469) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 2% (11) 98% (734) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 3% (21) 97% (710) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 3% (18) 97% (597) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 1% (9) 99% (641) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 4% (12) 96% (288) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 2% (8) 98% (422) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 4% (13) 96% (307) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 1% (4) 99% (290) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 2% (6) 98% (308) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 1% (2) 99% (333) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 2% (10) 98% (555) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 3% (15) 97% (520) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 2% (17) 98% (709) 726Educ: < College 3% (33) 97% (1222) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 2% (8) 98% (464) 472Educ: Post-grad 2% (6) 98% (262) 268Income: Under 50k 3% (28) 97% (984) 1012Income: 50k-100k 2% (13) 98% (667) 681Income: 100k+ 2% (5) 98% (297) 302Ethnicity: White 2% (37) 98% (1577) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 3% (5) 97% (188) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 3% (7) 97% (246) 253

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Table CMS18_5NET:Which of the following sports have you watched since their return to action in the past week? Please select all that apply.Other, specify:

Demographic Selected Not Selected Total N

Registered Voters 2% (47) 98% (1948) 1995Ethnicity: Other 2% (3) 98% (126) 128All Christian 2% (15) 98% (953) 968All Non-Christian 3% (3) 97% (97) 100Atheist 3% (2) 97% (84) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 3% (26) 97% (815) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 3% (3) 97% (116) 119Evangelical 2% (13) 98% (540) 553Non-Evangelical 2% (15) 98% (747) 762Community: Urban 2% (11) 98% (439) 450Community: Suburban 2% (24) 98% (993) 1016Community: Rural 2% (12) 98% (517) 529Employ: Private Sector 2% (11) 98% (613) 624Employ: Government 3% (3) 97% (135) 138Employ: Self-Employed 2% (3) 98% (147) 150Employ: Homemaker 1% (1) 99% (102) 103Employ: Retired 2% (8) 98% (499) 507Employ: Unemployed 4% (9) 96% (198) 206Employ: Other 3% (4) 97% (131) 135Military HH: Yes 1% (3) 99% (333) 336Military HH: No 3% (44) 97% (1615) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 2% (13) 98% (678) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 3% (34) 97% (1271) 1305Trump Job Approve 2% (20) 98% (815) 835Trump Job Disapprove 2% (26) 98% (1074) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 1% (7) 99% (489) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 4% (13) 96% (326) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 3% (7) 97% (226) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 2% (19) 98% (848) 867Favorable of Trump 2% (18) 98% (795) 813Unfavorable of Trump 2% (27) 98% (1075) 1102

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Morning ConsultTable CMS18_5NET

Table CMS18_5NET:Which of the following sports have you watched since their return to action in the past week? Please select all that apply.Other, specify:

Demographic Selected Not Selected Total N

Registered Voters 2% (47) 98% (1948) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 2% (8) 98% (510) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 3% (10) 97% (285) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 3% (7) 97% (188) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 2% (20) 98% (887) 907#1 Issue: Economy 2% (12) 98% (629) 641#1 Issue: Security 3% (6) 97% (237) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 2% (8) 98% (387) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 2% (7) 98% (307) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 1% (1) 99% (75) 76#1 Issue: Education 1% (1) 99% (107) 108#1 Issue: Energy 5% (5) 95% (82) 87#1 Issue: Other 5% (7) 95% (125) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 2% (18) 98% (777) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 2% (11) 98% (640) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 1% (1) 99% (86) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 2% (17) 98% (696) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 2% (13) 98% (707) 7202016 Vote: Other 3% (4) 97% (134) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 3% (13) 97% (409) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 2% (26) 98% (1320) 1346Voted in 2014: No 3% (21) 97% (628) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 2% (20) 98% (840) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 2% (8) 98% (502) 5092012 Vote: Other 1% (1) 99% (88) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 3% (18) 97% (514) 5324-Region: Northeast 4% (13) 96% (343) 3564-Region: Midwest 1% (5) 99% (453) 4584-Region: South 2% (18) 98% (727) 7454-Region: West 2% (11) 98% (425) 436Sports fan 3% (42) 97% (1355) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 3% (11) 97% (374) 385

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Table CMS18_5NET

Table CMS18_5NET:Which of the following sports have you watched since their return to action in the past week? Please select all that apply.Other, specify:

Demographic Selected Not Selected Total N

Registered Voters 2% (47) 98% (1948) 1995Frequent Flyer 2% (4) 98% (222) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Morning ConsultTable CMS18_6NET

Table CMS18_6NET:Which of the following sports have you watched since their return to action in the past week? Please select all that apply.None of the above

Demographic Selected Not Selected Total N

Registered Voters 76% (1525) 24% (470) 1995Gender: Male 68% (633) 32% (301) 934Gender: Female 84% (892) 16% (170) 1061Age: 18-34 76% (382) 24% (119) 501Age: 35-44 74% (225) 26% (78) 303Age: 45-64 79% (575) 21% (152) 727Age: 65+ 74% (343) 26% (122) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 77% (165) 23% (49) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 76% (348) 24% (109) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 77% (370) 23% (113) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 78% (579) 22% (166) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 79% (579) 21% (152) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 78% (476) 22% (138) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 72% (469) 28% (180) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 70% (209) 30% (92) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 86% (370) 14% (60) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 71% (226) 29% (93) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 85% (250) 15% (45) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 63% (198) 37% (116) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 81% (272) 19% (64) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 80% (452) 20% (114) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 76% (404) 24% (131) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 73% (531) 27% (195) 726Educ: < College 76% (957) 24% (298) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 76% (361) 24% (111) 472Educ: Post-grad 77% (207) 23% (62) 268Income: Under 50k 76% (773) 24% (239) 1012Income: 50k-100k 79% (538) 21% (142) 681Income: 100k+ 71% (213) 29% (89) 302Ethnicity: White 76% (1222) 24% (392) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 78% (151) 22% (42) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 80% (202) 20% (51) 253

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS18_6NET

Table CMS18_6NET:Which of the following sports have you watched since their return to action in the past week? Please select all that apply.None of the above

Demographic Selected Not Selected Total N

Registered Voters 76% (1525) 24% (470) 1995Ethnicity: Other 79% (101) 21% (27) 128All Christian 74% (715) 26% (253) 968All Non-Christian 71% (71) 29% (29) 100Atheist 81% (70) 19% (16) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 80% (669) 20% (172) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 70% (84) 30% (36) 119Evangelical 73% (406) 27% (147) 553Non-Evangelical 75% (569) 25% (193) 762Community: Urban 77% (344) 23% (105) 450Community: Suburban 78% (788) 22% (228) 1016Community: Rural 74% (392) 26% (137) 529Employ: Private Sector 73% (458) 27% (166) 624Employ: Government 77% (106) 23% (32) 138Employ: Self-Employed 72% (109) 28% (41) 150Employ: Homemaker 86% (88) 14% (15) 103Employ: Retired 75% (381) 25% (126) 507Employ: Unemployed 84% (172) 16% (34) 206Employ: Other 77% (103) 23% (31) 135Military HH: Yes 75% (251) 25% (85) 336Military HH: No 77% (1274) 23% (386) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 69% (475) 31% (215) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 80% (1050) 20% (255) 1305Trump Job Approve 69% (576) 31% (259) 835Trump Job Disapprove 81% (893) 19% (207) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 69% (344) 31% (152) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 69% (232) 31% (107) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 76% (176) 24% (57) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 83% (718) 17% (150) 867Favorable of Trump 70% (568) 30% (245) 813Unfavorable of Trump 81% (888) 19% (215) 1102

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Morning ConsultTable CMS18_6NET

Table CMS18_6NET:Which of the following sports have you watched since their return to action in the past week? Please select all that apply.None of the above

Demographic Selected Not Selected Total N

Registered Voters 76% (1525) 24% (470) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 67% (349) 33% (170) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 75% (220) 25% (75) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 73% (142) 27% (53) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 82% (746) 18% (161) 907#1 Issue: Economy 73% (471) 27% (170) 641#1 Issue: Security 77% (186) 23% (57) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 79% (312) 21% (84) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 72% (224) 28% (89) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 83% (63) 17% (13) 76#1 Issue: Education 84% (90) 16% (18) 108#1 Issue: Energy 79% (69) 21% (18) 87#1 Issue: Other 83% (110) 17% (22) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 80% (639) 20% (157) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 70% (453) 30% (198) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 78% (68) 22% (19) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 81% (578) 19% (135) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 70% (503) 30% (217) 7202016 Vote: Other 76% (105) 24% (32) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 80% (336) 20% (85) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 76% (1026) 24% (320) 1346Voted in 2014: No 77% (498) 23% (151) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 78% (669) 22% (190) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 72% (366) 28% (143) 5092012 Vote: Other 80% (71) 20% (18) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 78% (413) 22% (119) 5324-Region: Northeast 76% (269) 24% (87) 3564-Region: Midwest 77% (355) 23% (103) 4584-Region: South 75% (558) 25% (187) 7454-Region: West 79% (343) 21% (93) 436Sports fan 70% (979) 30% (417) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 69% (266) 31% (119) 385

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Table CMS18_6NET:Which of the following sports have you watched since their return to action in the past week? Please select all that apply.None of the above

Demographic Selected Not Selected Total N

Registered Voters 76% (1525) 24% (470) 1995Frequent Flyer 70% (158) 30% (68) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Morning ConsultTable CMS19

Table CMS19: Which of the following comes closest to your view even if neither is exactly right?


Professional and collegesports organizationsshould try to resume

sporting events as soon aspossible, even if thoseevents have to occur in

empty stadiums or arenaswithout fans inattendance.

Professional and collegesports organizationsshould wait until the

coronavirus pandemic iscontained and it is safefor fans to attend beforeresuming sporting events.

Don’t know / Noopinion Total N

Registered Voters 36% (712) 39% (781) 25% (502) 1995Gender: Male 43% (399) 38% (351) 20% (184) 934Gender: Female 30% (313) 40% (430) 30% (318) 1061Age: 18-34 26% (128) 48% (239) 27% (134) 501Age: 35-44 35% (106) 42% (128) 23% (70) 303Age: 45-64 38% (279) 36% (265) 25% (183) 727Age: 65+ 43% (199) 32% (148) 25% (116) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 20% (42) 50% (107) 30% (65) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 31% (140) 46% (208) 24% (109) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 41% (197) 37% (177) 23% (109) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 38% (283) 35% (264) 27% (198) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 29% (209) 50% (362) 22% (159) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 34% (207) 36% (218) 31% (189) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 46% (296) 31% (200) 24% (153) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 33% (99) 51% (152) 16% (49) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 26% (110) 49% (211) 26% (110) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 42% (134) 34% (108) 24% (78) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 25% (73) 37% (110) 38% (112) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 53% (167) 29% (91) 18% (57) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 39% (130) 33% (109) 29% (97) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 30% (170) 51% (287) 19% (108) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 35% (188) 42% (226) 23% (121) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 44% (318) 30% (219) 26% (189) 726

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS19

Table CMS19: Which of the following comes closest to your view even if neither is exactly right?


Professional and collegesports organizationsshould try to resume

sporting events as soon aspossible, even if thoseevents have to occur in

empty stadiums or arenaswithout fans inattendance.

Professional and collegesports organizationsshould wait until the

coronavirus pandemic iscontained and it is safefor fans to attend beforeresuming sporting events.

Don’t know / Noopinion Total N

Registered Voters 36% (712) 39% (781) 25% (502) 1995Educ: < College 31% (394) 38% (476) 31% (385) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 40% (189) 44% (208) 16% (75) 472Educ: Post-grad 48% (129) 36% (97) 16% (42) 268Income: Under 50k 30% (307) 40% (400) 30% (304) 1012Income: 50k-100k 36% (247) 41% (281) 23% (153) 681Income: 100k+ 52% (158) 33% (100) 15% (45) 302Ethnicity: White 40% (648) 36% (577) 24% (389) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 21% (40) 52% (101) 27% (52) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 17% (43) 56% (142) 27% (68) 253Ethnicity: Other 17% (21) 48% (62) 35% (45) 128All Christian 43% (411) 36% (352) 21% (204) 968All Non-Christian 41% (41) 40% (40) 19% (19) 100Atheist 25% (21) 48% (41) 28% (24) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 28% (238) 41% (347) 30% (255) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 42% (50) 40% (48) 18% (21) 119Evangelical 36% (201) 36% (197) 28% (156) 553Non-Evangelical 40% (304) 39% (301) 21% (158) 762Community: Urban 31% (139) 47% (210) 22% (100) 450Community: Suburban 38% (388) 38% (385) 24% (243) 1016Community: Rural 35% (185) 35% (185) 30% (159) 529

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Morning ConsultTable CMS19

Table CMS19: Which of the following comes closest to your view even if neither is exactly right?


Professional and collegesports organizationsshould try to resume

sporting events as soon aspossible, even if thoseevents have to occur in

empty stadiums or arenaswithout fans inattendance.

Professional and collegesports organizationsshould wait until the

coronavirus pandemic iscontained and it is safefor fans to attend beforeresuming sporting events.

Don’t know / Noopinion Total N

Registered Voters 36% (712) 39% (781) 25% (502) 1995Employ: Private Sector 39% (241) 43% (268) 19% (116) 624Employ: Government 36% (49) 40% (55) 25% (34) 138Employ: Self-Employed 34% (51) 38% (57) 27% (41) 150Employ: Homemaker 31% (32) 33% (35) 36% (37) 103Employ: Retired 43% (217) 32% (161) 25% (128) 507Employ: Unemployed 26% (53) 42% (86) 33% (67) 206Employ: Other 24% (32) 42% (57) 34% (45) 135Military HH: Yes 42% (140) 31% (104) 27% (91) 336Military HH: No 34% (572) 41% (677) 25% (411) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 44% (303) 29% (203) 27% (185) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 31% (409) 44% (578) 24% (317) 1305Trump Job Approve 45% (377) 29% (242) 26% (216) 835Trump Job Disapprove 30% (325) 48% (524) 23% (251) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 47% (231) 25% (126) 28% (139) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 43% (146) 34% (115) 23% (77) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 30% (69) 42% (98) 28% (66) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 29% (256) 49% (426) 21% (185) 867Favorable of Trump 45% (366) 29% (237) 26% (210) 813Unfavorable of Trump 30% (329) 48% (527) 22% (247) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 45% (235) 27% (142) 27% (141) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 44% (131) 32% (96) 23% (69) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 32% (63) 41% (80) 27% (52) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 29% (266) 49% (446) 21% (194) 907

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS19

Table CMS19: Which of the following comes closest to your view even if neither is exactly right?


Professional and collegesports organizationsshould try to resume

sporting events as soon aspossible, even if thoseevents have to occur in

empty stadiums or arenaswithout fans inattendance.

Professional and collegesports organizationsshould wait until the

coronavirus pandemic iscontained and it is safefor fans to attend beforeresuming sporting events.

Don’t know / Noopinion Total N

Registered Voters 36% (712) 39% (781) 25% (502) 1995#1 Issue: Economy 44% (284) 35% (222) 21% (135) 641#1 Issue: Security 34% (83) 33% (80) 33% (79) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 30% (118) 48% (190) 22% (87) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 37% (116) 37% (117) 26% (80) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 23% (18) 44% (33) 32% (25) 76#1 Issue: Education 26% (28) 41% (44) 33% (35) 108#1 Issue: Energy 21% (18) 48% (42) 31% (27) 87#1 Issue: Other 35% (46) 39% (52) 26% (34) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 31% (247) 49% (387) 20% (162) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 48% (310) 27% (177) 25% (165) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 24% (21) 32% (27) 45% (39) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 31% (222) 50% (354) 19% (138) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 47% (336) 28% (204) 25% (180) 7202016 Vote: Other 39% (54) 32% (44) 29% (39) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 24% (100) 42% (179) 34% (143) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 39% (530) 37% (503) 23% (314) 1346Voted in 2014: No 28% (183) 43% (278) 29% (189) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 35% (298) 43% (371) 22% (190) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 48% (246) 28% (145) 23% (118) 5092012 Vote: Other 39% (35) 22% (19) 39% (35) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 25% (133) 46% (246) 29% (154) 532

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Morning ConsultTable CMS19

Table CMS19: Which of the following comes closest to your view even if neither is exactly right?


Professional and collegesports organizationsshould try to resume

sporting events as soon aspossible, even if thoseevents have to occur in

empty stadiums or arenaswithout fans inattendance.

Professional and collegesports organizationsshould wait until the

coronavirus pandemic iscontained and it is safefor fans to attend beforeresuming sporting events.

Don’t know / Noopinion Total N

Registered Voters 36% (712) 39% (781) 25% (502) 19954-Region: Northeast 45% (159) 35% (126) 20% (71) 3564-Region: Midwest 37% (168) 38% (176) 25% (113) 4584-Region: South 33% (246) 39% (289) 28% (210) 7454-Region: West 32% (138) 44% (190) 25% (108) 436Sports fan 44% (612) 37% (521) 19% (263) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 38% (147) 41% (159) 20% (79) 385Frequent Flyer 44% (99) 38% (87) 18% (40) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS20

TableCMS20: As youmay know, several professional sports organizations are expected to resume play in the comingmonthswithout fans in attendancedue to the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus). Knowing this, how do you expect the lack of fans in attendance to impact your enjoyment of watchinglive sports on television, assuming that no arti cial crowd noise or visuals are added to the broadcast?


Much moreenjoyable

without fans

Somewhatmore enjoyablewithout fans

Neither morenor lessenjoyable

without fans

Somewhat lessenjoyable

without fans

Much lessenjoyable

without fans Total N

Registered Voters 3% (69) 5% (105) 48% (965) 22% (439) 21% (417) 1995Gender: Male 4% (41) 5% (49) 42% (397) 26% (245) 22% (202) 934Gender: Female 3% (28) 5% (56) 54% (568) 18% (194) 20% (215) 1061Age: 18-34 4% (20) 9% (44) 47% (237) 19% (97) 20% (103) 501Age: 35-44 5% (15) 5% (14) 46% (138) 23% (70) 21% (65) 303Age: 45-64 3% (22) 4% (26) 47% (344) 22% (158) 24% (176) 727Age: 65+ 2% (12) 4% (21) 53% (246) 24% (113) 16% (73) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 5% (10) 13% (29) 44% (95) 15% (33) 22% (48) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 4% (18) 6% (27) 48% (221) 22% (100) 20% (90) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 5% (23) 4% (18) 46% (221) 23% (109) 23% (111) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 2% (16) 4% (29) 51% (380) 23% (169) 20% (151) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 3% (23) 6% (46) 47% (346) 23% (169) 20% (147) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 5% (28) 5% (33) 50% (310) 21% (128) 19% (115) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 3% (18) 4% (26) 47% (308) 22% (143) 24% (155) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 4% (13) 6% (17) 40% (120) 27% (82) 23% (69) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 2% (10) 7% (29) 52% (226) 20% (87) 18% (78) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 4% (14) 6% (18) 46% (146) 24% (76) 20% (65) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 5% (14) 5% (15) 56% (164) 18% (52) 17% (49) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 4% (14) 5% (15) 41% (130) 28% (87) 22% (68) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 1% (4) 3% (11) 53% (178) 16% (55) 26% (87) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 3% (15) 5% (28) 50% (281) 26% (145) 17% (96) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 4% (19) 7% (37) 49% (262) 20% (108) 20% (109) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 4% (27) 4% (28) 49% (353) 22% (163) 21% (155) 726Educ: < College 4% (46) 6% (72) 50% (622) 19% (239) 22% (276) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 3% (13) 5% (25) 47% (221) 27% (126) 18% (87) 472Educ: Post-grad 4% (11) 3% (9) 45% (121) 28% (74) 20% (53) 268

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Morning ConsultTable CMS20

TableCMS20: As youmay know, several professional sports organizations are expected to resume play in the comingmonthswithout fans in attendancedue to the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus). Knowing this, how do you expect the lack of fans in attendance to impact your enjoyment of watchinglive sports on television, assuming that no arti cial crowd noise or visuals are added to the broadcast?


Much moreenjoyable

without fans

Somewhatmore enjoyablewithout fans

Neither morenor lessenjoyable

without fans

Somewhat lessenjoyable

without fans

Much lessenjoyable

without fans Total N

Registered Voters 3% (69) 5% (105) 48% (965) 22% (439) 21% (417) 1995Income: Under 50k 3% (35) 6% (63) 50% (504) 19% (190) 22% (219) 1012Income: 50k-100k 4% (25) 4% (29) 47% (323) 24% (162) 21% (142) 681Income: 100k+ 3% (9) 4% (13) 46% (139) 29% (87) 18% (55) 302Ethnicity: White 3% (53) 4% (72) 49% (789) 24% (380) 20% (319) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 2% (5) 11% (22) 52% (100) 12% (23) 23% (44) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 5% (12) 10% (24) 45% (113) 13% (33) 28% (70) 253Ethnicity: Other 3% (4) 7% (9) 49% (63) 20% (25) 21% (27) 128All Christian 3% (26) 5% (47) 49% (473) 23% (219) 21% (202) 968All Non-Christian 4% (4) 8% (8) 33% (33) 37% (37) 17% (17) 100Atheist 1% (1) 4% (4) 59% (51) 20% (17) 16% (13) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 4% (38) 6% (47) 48% (407) 20% (166) 22% (183) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 4% (4) 7% (8) 39% (46) 34% (40) 17% (20) 119Evangelical 5% (29) 5% (27) 47% (258) 19% (105) 24% (134) 553Non-Evangelical 2% (16) 5% (41) 48% (365) 24% (181) 21% (159) 762Community: Urban 4% (18) 6% (25) 46% (206) 20% (92) 24% (109) 450Community: Suburban 3% (30) 6% (59) 48% (490) 24% (247) 19% (190) 1016Community: Rural 4% (21) 4% (21) 51% (269) 19% (100) 22% (117) 529Employ: Private Sector 4% (25) 5% (29) 46% (285) 26% (162) 20% (123) 624Employ: Government 5% (7) 11% (15) 37% (51) 28% (38) 20% (28) 138Employ: Self-Employed 4% (6) 8% (12) 44% (66) 16% (24) 28% (42) 150Employ: Homemaker 5% (6) 4% (5) 54% (56) 14% (15) 22% (23) 103Employ: Retired 2% (11) 3% (16) 54% (274) 23% (115) 18% (92) 507Employ: Unemployed 3% (7) 3% (6) 51% (105) 18% (37) 25% (51) 206Employ: Other 3% (4) 8% (11) 45% (61) 16% (21) 28% (38) 135Military HH: Yes 3% (9) 3% (9) 51% (170) 21% (70) 23% (77) 336Military HH: No 4% (60) 6% (96) 48% (795) 22% (369) 20% (339) 1659

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS20

TableCMS20: As youmay know, several professional sports organizations are expected to resume play in the comingmonthswithout fans in attendancedue to the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus). Knowing this, how do you expect the lack of fans in attendance to impact your enjoyment of watchinglive sports on television, assuming that no arti cial crowd noise or visuals are added to the broadcast?


Much moreenjoyable

without fans

Somewhatmore enjoyablewithout fans

Neither morenor lessenjoyable

without fans

Somewhat lessenjoyable

without fans

Much lessenjoyable

without fans Total N

Registered Voters 3% (69) 5% (105) 48% (965) 22% (439) 21% (417) 1995RD/WT: Right Direction 3% (24) 6% (39) 49% (339) 20% (136) 22% (152) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 3% (45) 5% (66) 48% (626) 23% (304) 20% (264) 1305Trump Job Approve 3% (24) 5% (41) 49% (410) 22% (180) 22% (180) 835Trump Job Disapprove 4% (44) 6% (63) 48% (530) 23% (249) 19% (214) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 3% (16) 3% (16) 52% (258) 19% (94) 23% (113) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 2% (8) 7% (25) 45% (152) 25% (86) 20% (67) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 6% (13) 8% (19) 39% (90) 26% (61) 21% (49) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 4% (31) 5% (43) 51% (440) 22% (188) 19% (165) 867Favorable of Trump 3% (25) 5% (37) 49% (397) 22% (176) 22% (178) 813Unfavorable of Trump 4% (40) 5% (58) 49% (538) 23% (254) 19% (212) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 4% (19) 4% (21) 49% (256) 19% (100) 23% (122) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 2% (6) 5% (16) 48% (141) 25% (75) 19% (57) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 5% (10) 5% (10) 46% (90) 28% (55) 15% (30) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 3% (30) 5% (48) 49% (448) 22% (200) 20% (182) 907#1 Issue: Economy 2% (15) 4% (26) 45% (292) 25% (158) 23% (149) 641#1 Issue: Security 6% (14) 5% (12) 53% (128) 17% (41) 20% (48) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 4% (15) 7% (28) 46% (183) 25% (98) 18% (73) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 3% (10) 4% (13) 55% (171) 22% (69) 16% (50) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 9% (7) 6% (4) 39% (29) 17% (13) 30% (22) 76#1 Issue: Education 4% (4) 9% (10) 49% (52) 16% (18) 22% (23) 108#1 Issue: Energy 2% (2) 9% (7) 51% (45) 18% (16) 19% (17) 87#1 Issue: Other 2% (2) 3% (5) 49% (65) 20% (26) 25% (33) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 3% (27) 5% (39) 49% (389) 24% (189) 19% (151) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 2% (16) 4% (26) 49% (319) 24% (156) 21% (135) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 7% (6) 7% (6) 50% (44) 11% (9) 25% (22) 87

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Morning ConsultTable CMS20

TableCMS20: As youmay know, several professional sports organizations are expected to resume play in the comingmonthswithout fans in attendancedue to the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus). Knowing this, how do you expect the lack of fans in attendance to impact your enjoyment of watchinglive sports on television, assuming that no arti cial crowd noise or visuals are added to the broadcast?


Much moreenjoyable

without fans

Somewhatmore enjoyablewithout fans

Neither morenor lessenjoyable

without fans

Somewhat lessenjoyable

without fans

Much lessenjoyable

without fans Total N

Registered Voters 3% (69) 5% (105) 48% (965) 22% (439) 21% (417) 19952016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 4% (25) 4% (30) 48% (344) 25% (179) 19% (135) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 3% (21) 4% (29) 49% (355) 23% (167) 21% (148) 7202016 Vote: Other 4% (6) 9% (13) 44% (60) 20% (28) 23% (31) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 4% (17) 8% (34) 48% (204) 16% (66) 24% (102) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 3% (40) 5% (64) 48% (642) 24% (320) 21% (280) 1346Voted in 2014: No 5% (30) 6% (41) 50% (323) 18% (119) 21% (136) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 3% (23) 5% (41) 48% (417) 24% (207) 20% (172) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 4% (19) 4% (19) 47% (241) 24% (121) 21% (109) 5092012 Vote: Other 3% (3) 8% (7) 57% (51) 16% (14) 16% (15) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 5% (24) 7% (39) 47% (253) 18% (95) 23% (121) 5324-Region: Northeast 2% (8) 4% (15) 45% (160) 23% (83) 25% (89) 3564-Region: Midwest 4% (19) 3% (14) 48% (219) 23% (104) 23% (103) 4584-Region: South 3% (23) 7% (53) 49% (364) 20% (148) 21% (157) 7454-Region: West 4% (20) 5% (24) 51% (222) 24% (104) 15% (67) 436Sports fan 3% (48) 5% (72) 43% (607) 27% (370) 21% (299) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 4% (15) 8% (30) 43% (164) 25% (94) 21% (82) 385Frequent Flyer 6% (13) 5% (12) 42% (96) 27% (61) 19% (44) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS21

Table CMS21: And if a live sporting event has no fans in attendance, would you be more or less likely to watch it on television?

DemographicMuch more

likelySomewhatmore likely

No more orless likely

Somewhatless likely

Much lesslikely

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 8% (163) 9% (178) 52% (1034) 6% (125) 7% (144) 18% (351) 1995Gender: Male 11% (98) 12% (110) 51% (481) 7% (64) 8% (71) 12% (110) 934Gender: Female 6% (65) 6% (68) 52% (553) 6% (60) 7% (73) 23% (242) 1061Age: 18-34 10% (52) 11% (55) 43% (215) 7% (34) 7% (35) 22% (110) 501Age: 35-44 9% (27) 7% (22) 49% (149) 7% (20) 9% (27) 20% (59) 303Age: 45-64 7% (48) 9% (63) 52% (379) 6% (43) 8% (60) 18% (133) 727Age: 65+ 8% (36) 8% (38) 63% (290) 6% (28) 5% (22) 11% (50) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 13% (28) 13% (27) 34% (74) 8% (17) 6% (13) 26% (55) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 9% (40) 8% (37) 49% (223) 7% (30) 8% (37) 19% (89) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 8% (40) 9% (43) 50% (241) 6% (29) 9% (42) 18% (87) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 6% (42) 8% (59) 60% (445) 5% (40) 7% (49) 15% (111) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 11% (83) 8% (57) 50% (367) 7% (53) 7% (49) 17% (122) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 6% (39) 9% (58) 51% (315) 5% (32) 7% (45) 20% (125) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 6% (41) 10% (63) 54% (352) 6% (40) 8% (50) 16% (104) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 16% (48) 10% (30) 49% (146) 7% (20) 7% (22) 11% (34) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 8% (35) 6% (27) 51% (221) 8% (33) 6% (26) 20% (88) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 8% (25) 12% (39) 54% (172) 6% (19) 8% (25) 13% (41) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 5% (15) 6% (19) 49% (143) 4% (13) 7% (21) 29% (85) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 8% (26) 13% (41) 52% (163) 8% (25) 8% (24) 11% (35) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 4% (15) 7% (22) 56% (189) 4% (15) 8% (26) 21% (69) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 9% (51) 9% (51) 54% (303) 6% (36) 6% (33) 16% (92) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 10% (51) 8% (42) 53% (282) 7% (35) 8% (43) 15% (81) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 6% (47) 10% (76) 54% (392) 6% (47) 7% (53) 15% (112) 726Educ: < College 9% (116) 9% (108) 49% (615) 5% (61) 8% (98) 20% (256) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 6% (28) 9% (44) 57% (270) 8% (40) 6% (29) 13% (62) 472Educ: Post-grad 7% (19) 10% (26) 55% (149) 9% (24) 7% (17) 12% (33) 268Income: Under 50k 9% (91) 10% (98) 48% (481) 6% (56) 7% (73) 21% (214) 1012Income: 50k-100k 7% (51) 7% (51) 56% (383) 7% (47) 7% (50) 15% (99) 681Income: 100k+ 7% (21) 10% (29) 56% (170) 7% (22) 7% (21) 13% (38) 302Ethnicity: White 7% (115) 8% (136) 55% (879) 6% (99) 7% (110) 17% (273) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 10% (19) 9% (17) 49% (94) 6% (13) 6% (12) 20% (39) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 15% (38) 12% (30) 39% (100) 7% (17) 9% (22) 18% (46) 253

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Morning ConsultTable CMS21

Table CMS21: And if a live sporting event has no fans in attendance, would you be more or less likely to watch it on television?

DemographicMuch more

likelySomewhatmore likely

No more orless likely

Somewhatless likely

Much lesslikely

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 8% (163) 9% (178) 52% (1034) 6% (125) 7% (144) 18% (351) 1995Ethnicity: Other 7% (9) 10% (12) 42% (55) 7% (9) 9% (12) 25% (32) 128All Christian 8% (75) 9% (89) 58% (558) 6% (62) 6% (61) 13% (123) 968All Non-Christian 14% (14) 7% (7) 48% (48) 8% (8) 9% (9) 14% (14) 100Atheist 4% (4) 3% (2) 58% (50) 7% (6) 9% (7) 19% (16) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 8% (71) 10% (80) 45% (378) 6% (48) 8% (67) 23% (197) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 14% (16) 8% (10) 48% (58) 8% (10) 8% (10) 14% (16) 119Evangelical 10% (55) 10% (57) 47% (259) 5% (30) 9% (47) 19% (105) 553Non-Evangelical 8% (64) 9% (70) 55% (421) 7% (54) 6% (46) 14% (106) 762Community: Urban 10% (46) 11% (48) 51% (230) 5% (21) 7% (29) 17% (75) 450Community: Suburban 7% (75) 8% (82) 55% (556) 6% (64) 7% (75) 16% (165) 1016Community: Rural 8% (42) 9% (49) 47% (248) 7% (39) 8% (40) 21% (111) 529Employ: Private Sector 7% (45) 8% (52) 55% (345) 7% (42) 9% (55) 14% (85) 624Employ: Government 10% (14) 9% (13) 50% (69) 11% (16) 4% (6) 15% (21) 138Employ: Self-Employed 9% (14) 14% (20) 40% (60) 9% (13) 10% (15) 18% (27) 150Employ: Homemaker 10% (10) 4% (4) 51% (53) 3% (3) 5% (5) 26% (27) 103Employ: Retired 8% (41) 9% (47) 59% (299) 5% (24) 6% (28) 13% (68) 507Employ: Unemployed 6% (13) 9% (18) 44% (91) 6% (12) 10% (20) 26% (53) 206Employ: Other 6% (8) 10% (13) 43% (57) 3% (5) 7% (10) 31% (42) 135Military HH: Yes 7% (23) 9% (31) 55% (184) 6% (20) 7% (25) 16% (54) 336Military HH: No 8% (140) 9% (147) 51% (850) 6% (104) 7% (119) 18% (297) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 8% (55) 11% (75) 53% (365) 6% (39) 7% (49) 16% (108) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 8% (108) 8% (103) 51% (669) 7% (86) 7% (95) 19% (243) 1305Trump Job Approve 8% (64) 11% (88) 52% (433) 6% (47) 8% (69) 16% (134) 835Trump Job Disapprove 9% (95) 8% (90) 53% (582) 7% (76) 6% (70) 17% (187) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 7% (36) 10% (48) 53% (264) 6% (28) 8% (39) 16% (81) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 8% (28) 12% (40) 50% (169) 6% (19) 9% (30) 16% (53) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 7% (15) 11% (25) 53% (122) 10% (23) 6% (14) 14% (32) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 9% (80) 7% (64) 53% (460) 6% (53) 6% (56) 18% (154) 867Favorable of Trump 8% (67) 10% (79) 53% (427) 6% (48) 8% (66) 15% (125) 813Unfavorable of Trump 8% (89) 8% (92) 53% (582) 7% (73) 7% (73) 18% (194) 1102

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS21

Table CMS21: And if a live sporting event has no fans in attendance, would you be more or less likely to watch it on television?

DemographicMuch more

likelySomewhatmore likely

No more orless likely

Somewhatless likely

Much lesslikely

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 8% (163) 9% (178) 52% (1034) 6% (125) 7% (144) 18% (351) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 9% (49) 9% (49) 51% (266) 5% (28) 8% (41) 16% (85) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 6% (18) 10% (30) 55% (161) 7% (20) 9% (25) 14% (40) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 7% (13) 9% (17) 54% (106) 8% (15) 5% (9) 18% (35) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 8% (75) 8% (75) 52% (476) 6% (57) 7% (64) 18% (160) 907#1 Issue: Economy 8% (49) 9% (57) 53% (340) 7% (47) 9% (55) 14% (92) 641#1 Issue: Security 4% (9) 11% (26) 50% (122) 6% (14) 7% (16) 23% (56) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 10% (40) 9% (35) 54% (213) 5% (19) 6% (24) 16% (65) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 12% (36) 7% (23) 56% (175) 6% (19) 6% (18) 14% (43) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 4% (3) 15% (11) 34% (26) 5% (4) 7% (5) 36% (27) 76#1 Issue: Education 12% (13) 12% (13) 36% (38) 13% (15) 6% (6) 22% (24) 108#1 Issue: Energy 5% (4) 9% (8) 58% (50) 4% (4) 5% (4) 19% (16) 87#1 Issue: Other 6% (8) 5% (6) 53% (70) 3% (3) 12% (16) 22% (29) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 9% (75) 9% (75) 55% (435) 7% (53) 7% (55) 13% (103) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 6% (40) 9% (60) 56% (363) 7% (43) 7% (48) 15% (98) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 9% (8) 8% (7) 38% (33) 2% (2) 7% (6) 35% (31) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 9% (61) 9% (64) 56% (398) 6% (46) 6% (42) 14% (102) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 7% (49) 10% (73) 54% (389) 7% (49) 8% (56) 14% (104) 7202016 Vote: Other 10% (14) 6% (8) 50% (70) 4% (6) 8% (12) 21% (29) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 9% (40) 8% (33) 42% (175) 6% (24) 8% (34) 28% (116) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 8% (106) 10% (129) 54% (728) 7% (89) 7% (100) 15% (195) 1346Voted in 2014: No 9% (57) 8% (49) 47% (306) 6% (36) 7% (44) 24% (156) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 9% (80) 9% (80) 54% (468) 6% (54) 7% (58) 14% (119) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 6% (31) 10% (49) 55% (282) 6% (32) 7% (35) 16% (80) 5092012 Vote: Other 6% (5) 6% (5) 53% (47) 7% (6) 8% (7) 22% (19) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 9% (47) 8% (44) 44% (234) 6% (31) 8% (44) 25% (132) 5324-Region: Northeast 9% (32) 7% (26) 57% (203) 8% (28) 5% (18) 14% (48) 3564-Region: Midwest 7% (33) 8% (37) 53% (244) 6% (29) 9% (40) 16% (75) 4584-Region: South 8% (58) 11% (81) 49% (364) 7% (52) 7% (51) 19% (139) 7454-Region: West 9% (40) 8% (33) 51% (222) 4% (16) 8% (35) 20% (89) 436Sports fan 10% (144) 11% (150) 54% (755) 8% (109) 6% (89) 11% (150) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 11% (43) 13% (48) 46% (177) 6% (24) 9% (35) 15% (59) 385

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Morning ConsultTable CMS21

Table CMS21: And if a live sporting event has no fans in attendance, would you be more or less likely to watch it on television?

DemographicMuch more

likelySomewhatmore likely

No more orless likely

Somewhatless likely

Much lesslikely

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 8% (163) 9% (178) 52% (1034) 6% (125) 7% (144) 18% (351) 1995Frequent Flyer 11% (24) 11% (25) 50% (114) 5% (11) 7% (17) 16% (35) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS22_1

Table CMS22_1: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Tennis



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (175) 11% (225) 15% (289) 12% (235) 40% (794) 14% (277) 1995Gender: Male 12% (109) 12% (114) 17% (156) 15% (144) 33% (304) 11% (107) 934Gender: Female 6% (65) 10% (111) 13% (133) 9% (91) 46% (490) 16% (170) 1061Age: 18-34 8% (40) 10% (51) 11% (54) 14% (72) 38% (189) 19% (96) 501Age: 35-44 10% (31) 13% (40) 16% (49) 14% (42) 30% (92) 16% (49) 303Age: 45-64 9% (68) 10% (73) 17% (126) 10% (74) 41% (294) 13% (91) 727Age: 65+ 8% (37) 13% (61) 13% (61) 10% (47) 47% (219) 9% (41) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 6% (13) 8% (18) 13% (27) 13% (27) 38% (81) 23% (49) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 10% (47) 12% (53) 12% (54) 14% (66) 35% (160) 17% (77) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 9% (42) 12% (59) 17% (81) 12% (56) 36% (174) 14% (69) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 8% (63) 11% (81) 14% (106) 10% (77) 46% (346) 10% (72) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 12% (85) 12% (89) 14% (100) 11% (77) 39% (287) 13% (93) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 8% (46) 11% (65) 13% (79) 13% (83) 40% (246) 16% (96) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 7% (44) 11% (71) 17% (110) 12% (75) 40% (261) 13% (88) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 17% (51) 13% (40) 15% (44) 15% (44) 30% (91) 10% (31) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 8% (33) 11% (49) 13% (56) 8% (33) 46% (196) 15% (63) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 10% (31) 12% (39) 16% (53) 17% (53) 33% (105) 12% (39) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 5% (15) 9% (26) 9% (27) 10% (30) 48% (141) 19% (56) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 9% (27) 11% (35) 19% (60) 15% (47) 35% (109) 12% (36) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 5% (17) 11% (36) 15% (50) 8% (28) 45% (153) 15% (51) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 10% (55) 13% (73) 13% (76) 14% (76) 38% (216) 12% (69) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 10% (54) 11% (56) 17% (90) 11% (61) 39% (209) 12% (64) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 7% (54) 11% (82) 16% (115) 11% (80) 42% (308) 12% (87) 726Educ: < College 9% (113) 10% (129) 13% (162) 10% (131) 41% (516) 16% (204) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 7% (33) 14% (66) 17% (82) 14% (66) 38% (181) 9% (44) 472Educ: Post-grad 11% (29) 11% (30) 17% (46) 14% (38) 36% (97) 11% (29) 268Income: Under 50k 10% (102) 11% (112) 12% (120) 11% (108) 40% (408) 16% (162) 1012Income: 50k-100k 7% (45) 11% (76) 14% (96) 12% (79) 44% (300) 12% (84) 681Income: 100k+ 9% (28) 12% (37) 24% (73) 16% (47) 29% (86) 10% (30) 302Ethnicity: White 8% (122) 11% (173) 15% (239) 12% (187) 42% (684) 13% (209) 1614

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Morning ConsultTable CMS22_1

Table CMS22_1: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Tennis



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (175) 11% (225) 15% (289) 12% (235) 40% (794) 14% (277) 1995Ethnicity: Hispanic 6% (12) 14% (26) 14% (27) 15% (29) 37% (71) 14% (28) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 18% (45) 13% (33) 12% (30) 14% (35) 28% (71) 15% (39) 253Ethnicity: Other 6% (8) 15% (20) 15% (20) 10% (13) 30% (39) 22% (28) 128All Christian 9% (82) 13% (125) 17% (166) 13% (124) 38% (372) 10% (99) 968All Non-Christian 12% (12) 18% (18) 18% (18) 10% (10) 32% (32) 10% (10) 100Atheist 8% (7) 8% (7) 17% (15) 9% (7) 47% (41) 11% (10) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 9% (74) 9% (75) 11% (91) 11% (93) 42% (349) 19% (158) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 10% (12) 18% (21) 17% (21) 9% (10) 34% (41) 12% (15) 119Evangelical 11% (60) 12% (67) 13% (74) 13% (71) 36% (197) 15% (84) 553Non-Evangelical 8% (60) 12% (92) 16% (123) 13% (96) 41% (310) 11% (82) 762Community: Urban 9% (42) 17% (78) 13% (57) 9% (39) 39% (175) 13% (57) 450Community: Suburban 9% (96) 9% (94) 16% (159) 13% (137) 40% (406) 12% (125) 1016Community: Rural 7% (37) 10% (53) 14% (72) 11% (60) 40% (213) 18% (94) 529Employ: Private Sector 8% (51) 12% (76) 17% (109) 12% (73) 38% (239) 12% (76) 624Employ: Government 7% (10) 10% (14) 12% (16) 17% (23) 39% (54) 15% (21) 138Employ: Self-Employed 14% (21) 17% (25) 14% (22) 10% (15) 29% (44) 15% (23) 150Employ: Homemaker 8% (8) 9% (9) 11% (12) 12% (12) 42% (43) 18% (18) 103Employ: Retired 9% (47) 10% (51) 14% (71) 11% (58) 45% (226) 11% (54) 507Employ: Unemployed 9% (19) 15% (30) 12% (24) 11% (22) 38% (79) 15% (32) 206Employ: Other 10% (13) 5% (7) 10% (13) 7% (9) 49% (66) 20% (26) 135Military HH: Yes 8% (25) 12% (41) 17% (56) 8% (28) 43% (144) 13% (42) 336Military HH: No 9% (149) 11% (184) 14% (233) 12% (207) 39% (651) 14% (234) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 9% (61) 9% (64) 18% (122) 10% (71) 41% (281) 13% (90) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 9% (114) 12% (161) 13% (167) 13% (164) 39% (513) 14% (187) 1305Trump Job Approve 8% (69) 11% (91) 16% (130) 12% (100) 40% (335) 13% (109) 835Trump Job Disapprove 9% (103) 12% (133) 14% (157) 12% (128) 40% (436) 13% (144) 1100

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Table CMS22_1

Table CMS22_1: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Tennis



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (175) 11% (225) 15% (289) 12% (235) 40% (794) 14% (277) 1995Trump Job Strongly Approve 9% (44) 11% (55) 15% (72) 11% (56) 41% (204) 13% (65) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 7% (25) 11% (36) 17% (58) 13% (45) 39% (131) 13% (44) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 10% (23) 15% (35) 16% (37) 10% (22) 38% (90) 11% (25) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 9% (79) 11% (97) 14% (120) 12% (106) 40% (346) 14% (119) 867Favorable of Trump 9% (70) 12% (94) 16% (129) 12% (94) 40% (325) 12% (101) 813Unfavorable of Trump 9% (100) 11% (126) 14% (159) 12% (135) 41% (447) 12% (135) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 10% (54) 12% (61) 14% (72) 10% (52) 40% (209) 13% (70) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 5% (15) 11% (33) 19% (57) 14% (42) 39% (116) 11% (32) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 9% (18) 13% (25) 17% (34) 11% (21) 39% (76) 11% (22) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 9% (83) 11% (100) 14% (126) 13% (114) 41% (371) 13% (114) 907#1 Issue: Economy 9% (56) 10% (67) 17% (112) 13% (81) 38% (242) 13% (84) 641#1 Issue: Security 10% (24) 11% (26) 14% (35) 8% (20) 42% (103) 14% (34) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 8% (30) 13% (53) 14% (54) 13% (50) 38% (149) 15% (60) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 10% (33) 11% (35) 13% (41) 10% (32) 44% (138) 11% (35) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 4% (3) 12% (9) 13% (10) 10% (8) 41% (31) 19% (14) 76#1 Issue: Education 7% (7) 12% (13) 12% (13) 12% (13) 38% (41) 20% (21) 108#1 Issue: Energy 10% (8) 9% (8) 15% (13) 18% (16) 37% (32) 12% (10) 87#1 Issue: Other 10% (13) 11% (14) 9% (12) 12% (16) 44% (58) 14% (18) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 11% (85) 13% (101) 14% (111) 14% (107) 38% (301) 11% (90) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 8% (51) 12% (77) 16% (105) 11% (75) 39% (257) 13% (88) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 5% (5) 8% (7) 7% (6) 9% (8) 50% (44) 21% (18) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 11% (77) 12% (84) 16% (111) 12% (87) 39% (280) 10% (74) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 8% (58) 11% (77) 15% (108) 11% (81) 41% (297) 14% (100) 7202016 Vote: Other 7% (10) 13% (17) 10% (13) 15% (20) 46% (63) 10% (14) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 7% (30) 11% (46) 13% (57) 11% (46) 37% (154) 21% (89) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 9% (125) 12% (157) 15% (200) 13% (178) 39% (524) 12% (162) 1346Voted in 2014: No 8% (50) 10% (67) 14% (89) 9% (57) 42% (271) 18% (115) 649

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Morning ConsultTable CMS22_1

Table CMS22_1: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Tennis



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (175) 11% (225) 15% (289) 12% (235) 40% (794) 14% (277) 19952012 Vote: Barack Obama 11% (94) 12% (100) 15% (127) 13% (115) 39% (331) 11% (92) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 7% (35) 12% (59) 16% (79) 11% (56) 42% (213) 13% (67) 5092012 Vote: Other 5% (4) 8% (7) 13% (12) 11% (10) 48% (43) 15% (13) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 8% (42) 11% (59) 13% (71) 10% (51) 39% (205) 20% (104) 5324-Region: Northeast 10% (34) 11% (38) 15% (55) 11% (39) 41% (145) 13% (45) 3564-Region: Midwest 8% (39) 11% (50) 15% (67) 12% (57) 42% (193) 12% (53) 4584-Region: South 9% (70) 11% (81) 14% (105) 12% (89) 37% (278) 16% (122) 7454-Region: West 7% (32) 13% (56) 14% (62) 12% (51) 41% (179) 13% (56) 436Sports fan 11% (154) 13% (180) 18% (247) 15% (205) 32% (442) 12% (168) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 11% (42) 17% (65) 17% (64) 14% (54) 29% (112) 13% (48) 385Frequent Flyer 7% (17) 17% (39) 19% (43) 15% (33) 29% (64) 13% (30) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS22_2

Table CMS22_2: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Auto racing



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 10% (199) 12% (236) 15% (294) 14% (275) 35% (708) 14% (283) 1995Gender: Male 12% (116) 12% (114) 19% (177) 17% (155) 29% (274) 10% (98) 934Gender: Female 8% (83) 11% (122) 11% (117) 11% (120) 41% (434) 17% (186) 1061Age: 18-34 9% (47) 10% (52) 11% (56) 13% (64) 37% (186) 19% (96) 501Age: 35-44 13% (40) 10% (30) 14% (43) 19% (59) 26% (78) 17% (53) 303Age: 45-64 10% (73) 13% (96) 16% (119) 13% (97) 34% (248) 13% (94) 727Age: 65+ 8% (39) 12% (57) 16% (76) 12% (55) 42% (196) 9% (40) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 9% (20) 8% (16) 10% (22) 11% (23) 38% (81) 24% (52) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 11% (50) 11% (50) 14% (62) 15% (70) 32% (148) 17% (77) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 11% (53) 13% (63) 15% (72) 16% (79) 29% (140) 16% (75) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 8% (60) 12% (93) 16% (120) 13% (95) 41% (306) 10% (71) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 12% (86) 10% (74) 14% (99) 11% (80) 39% (282) 15% (109) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 7% (45) 11% (65) 15% (93) 16% (96) 36% (224) 15% (92) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 10% (67) 15% (96) 16% (102) 15% (99) 31% (202) 13% (83) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 16% (47) 11% (34) 14% (43) 14% (42) 33% (100) 12% (35) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 9% (40) 9% (40) 13% (56) 9% (38) 42% (183) 17% (74) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 10% (31) 11% (35) 21% (66) 18% (58) 30% (95) 11% (35) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 5% (15) 10% (30) 9% (27) 13% (38) 44% (129) 19% (56) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 12% (39) 14% (45) 22% (68) 18% (55) 25% (79) 9% (28) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 9% (29) 15% (51) 10% (34) 13% (44) 36% (122) 16% (55) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 8% (44) 12% (66) 14% (77) 13% (74) 41% (229) 13% (75) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 10% (53) 11% (57) 16% (88) 14% (74) 35% (187) 14% (75) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 11% (80) 14% (98) 16% (114) 15% (108) 34% (248) 11% (78) 726Educ: < College 11% (143) 12% (154) 13% (164) 14% (170) 33% (419) 16% (205) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 8% (36) 11% (51) 18% (85) 16% (73) 38% (181) 10% (46) 472Educ: Post-grad 8% (20) 12% (31) 17% (46) 12% (32) 40% (107) 12% (32) 268Income: Under 50k 12% (126) 13% (135) 13% (134) 12% (125) 33% (337) 15% (155) 1012Income: 50k-100k 8% (51) 11% (74) 14% (95) 15% (102) 39% (267) 13% (92) 681Income: 100k+ 7% (21) 9% (27) 22% (65) 16% (48) 34% (104) 12% (37) 302Ethnicity: White 9% (149) 12% (191) 15% (242) 14% (233) 36% (584) 13% (216) 1614

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Morning ConsultTable CMS22_2

Table CMS22_2: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Auto racing



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 10% (199) 12% (236) 15% (294) 14% (275) 35% (708) 14% (283) 1995Ethnicity: Hispanic 7% (13) 19% (36) 15% (29) 13% (24) 28% (54) 19% (37) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 15% (38) 13% (33) 12% (31) 11% (27) 33% (82) 16% (41) 253Ethnicity: Other 10% (13) 9% (12) 17% (21) 12% (15) 32% (42) 20% (26) 128All Christian 10% (94) 13% (129) 17% (167) 17% (162) 33% (315) 10% (101) 968All Non-Christian 13% (13) 6% (6) 16% (16) 14% (14) 37% (37) 14% (14) 100Atheist 7% (6) 6% (5) 17% (15) 4% (3) 53% (45) 14% (12) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 10% (85) 11% (96) 11% (96) 11% (95) 37% (311) 19% (157) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 12% (14) 10% (12) 16% (19) 15% (18) 34% (41) 12% (15) 119Evangelical 14% (76) 12% (67) 15% (82) 15% (82) 29% (162) 15% (84) 553Non-Evangelical 9% (66) 14% (105) 16% (119) 16% (122) 35% (270) 11% (81) 762Community: Urban 11% (49) 14% (61) 14% (65) 11% (51) 35% (159) 14% (65) 450Community: Suburban 9% (88) 11% (107) 15% (156) 14% (143) 39% (394) 13% (128) 1016Community: Rural 12% (61) 13% (67) 14% (74) 15% (81) 29% (154) 17% (91) 529Employ: Private Sector 10% (60) 13% (80) 14% (89) 15% (91) 35% (218) 14% (87) 624Employ: Government 7% (10) 12% (16) 16% (22) 12% (16) 38% (53) 15% (21) 138Employ: Self-Employed 17% (25) 15% (22) 14% (20) 14% (21) 27% (40) 15% (22) 150Employ: Homemaker 9% (9) 15% (15) 9% (9) 17% (17) 29% (30) 21% (22) 103Employ: Retired 10% (50) 11% (55) 16% (83) 13% (66) 41% (207) 9% (45) 507Employ: Unemployed 11% (22) 12% (26) 15% (31) 12% (25) 35% (73) 14% (29) 206Employ: Other 10% (14) 7% (10) 16% (22) 14% (19) 32% (43) 20% (27) 135Military HH: Yes 9% (32) 12% (39) 20% (69) 13% (43) 34% (113) 12% (41) 336Military HH: No 10% (167) 12% (197) 14% (226) 14% (232) 36% (595) 15% (242) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 12% (83) 14% (95) 17% (115) 13% (91) 30% (210) 14% (96) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 9% (116) 11% (141) 14% (180) 14% (184) 38% (498) 14% (187) 1305Trump Job Approve 12% (102) 14% (114) 17% (138) 15% (128) 30% (247) 13% (105) 835Trump Job Disapprove 8% (93) 11% (121) 14% (151) 13% (144) 39% (434) 14% (157) 1100

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS22_2

Table CMS22_2: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Auto racing



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 10% (199) 12% (236) 15% (294) 14% (275) 35% (708) 14% (283) 1995Trump Job Strongly Approve 13% (63) 13% (65) 17% (82) 16% (79) 29% (142) 13% (64) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 12% (39) 14% (49) 17% (56) 14% (49) 31% (106) 12% (40) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 10% (22) 11% (26) 16% (38) 16% (38) 33% (77) 13% (31) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 8% (71) 11% (95) 13% (113) 12% (106) 41% (358) 14% (125) 867Favorable of Trump 12% (99) 14% (115) 17% (140) 15% (120) 30% (241) 12% (98) 813Unfavorable of Trump 9% (95) 11% (116) 14% (149) 13% (148) 41% (447) 13% (147) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 15% (76) 14% (72) 15% (79) 14% (74) 29% (149) 13% (68) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 8% (24) 15% (43) 21% (61) 16% (46) 31% (92) 10% (30) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 9% (18) 11% (21) 14% (28) 19% (38) 35% (68) 12% (24) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 8% (77) 11% (96) 13% (121) 12% (110) 42% (380) 14% (123) 907#1 Issue: Economy 10% (67) 12% (79) 16% (104) 15% (97) 33% (210) 13% (84) 641#1 Issue: Security 10% (25) 15% (37) 16% (38) 13% (31) 31% (76) 15% (36) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 10% (38) 12% (47) 13% (53) 14% (54) 34% (134) 18% (71) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 11% (34) 13% (42) 19% (58) 11% (35) 37% (117) 9% (28) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 10% (8) 7% (6) 7% (5) 6% (5) 50% (38) 19% (14) 76#1 Issue: Education 6% (7) 11% (12) 6% (6) 17% (18) 41% (44) 19% (21) 108#1 Issue: Energy 7% (6) 4% (4) 16% (14) 19% (16) 37% (32) 17% (15) 87#1 Issue: Other 11% (15) 8% (11) 12% (16) 15% (19) 43% (56) 11% (15) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 9% (73) 10% (78) 15% (120) 13% (102) 41% (323) 12% (99) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 11% (71) 15% (95) 16% (104) 16% (106) 29% (190) 13% (86) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 10% (9) 14% (12) 6% (5) 16% (14) 35% (30) 18% (16) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 10% (69) 10% (73) 15% (110) 13% (91) 40% (287) 12% (83) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 11% (81) 15% (105) 16% (115) 15% (108) 31% (224) 12% (88) 7202016 Vote: Other 8% (12) 10% (14) 11% (15) 17% (23) 44% (60) 10% (13) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 9% (37) 10% (44) 13% (56) 12% (51) 32% (135) 23% (99) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 10% (137) 13% (173) 15% (201) 15% (202) 35% (472) 12% (162) 1346Voted in 2014: No 10% (62) 10% (63) 14% (93) 11% (73) 36% (236) 19% (121) 649

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Morning ConsultTable CMS22_2

Table CMS22_2: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Auto racing



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 10% (199) 12% (236) 15% (294) 14% (275) 35% (708) 14% (283) 19952012 Vote: Barack Obama 11% (90) 12% (103) 15% (129) 14% (121) 38% (326) 11% (91) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 9% (46) 15% (77) 16% (82) 15% (77) 33% (166) 12% (62) 5092012 Vote: Other 8% (7) 6% (6) 12% (11) 15% (14) 41% (36) 17% (16) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 10% (56) 9% (49) 14% (73) 11% (61) 33% (178) 22% (115) 5324-Region: Northeast 11% (39) 10% (37) 16% (57) 13% (45) 37% (131) 13% (46) 3564-Region: Midwest 10% (48) 13% (62) 16% (72) 15% (70) 33% (151) 12% (57) 4584-Region: South 10% (72) 12% (92) 15% (108) 13% (95) 34% (253) 17% (125) 7454-Region: West 9% (41) 10% (45) 13% (57) 15% (65) 40% (172) 13% (55) 436Sports fan 12% (164) 14% (189) 17% (242) 16% (224) 29% (409) 12% (169) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 11% (43) 14% (55) 17% (65) 15% (59) 29% (110) 14% (53) 385Frequent Flyer 9% (20) 15% (33) 16% (37) 15% (34) 31% (70) 14% (31) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS22_3

Table CMS22_3: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Baseball



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 19% (371) 23% (459) 13% (253) 9% (187) 25% (490) 12% (235) 1995Gender: Male 23% (217) 27% (256) 15% (138) 10% (92) 17% (155) 8% (77) 934Gender: Female 15% (154) 19% (203) 11% (116) 9% (95) 32% (336) 15% (158) 1061Age: 18-34 17% (85) 18% (90) 12% (59) 9% (47) 28% (139) 16% (81) 501Age: 35-44 20% (62) 25% (77) 13% (41) 10% (30) 17% (52) 14% (42) 303Age: 45-64 20% (146) 22% (162) 13% (97) 9% (63) 25% (180) 11% (79) 727Age: 65+ 17% (77) 28% (130) 12% (58) 10% (46) 26% (120) 7% (33) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 16% (33) 17% (35) 13% (28) 7% (14) 30% (63) 18% (39) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 19% (86) 21% (95) 11% (50) 11% (49) 24% (109) 15% (68) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 22% (105) 23% (109) 14% (66) 9% (41) 22% (108) 11% (53) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 17% (126) 25% (183) 13% (95) 11% (79) 26% (194) 9% (67) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 19% (141) 24% (173) 13% (98) 8% (60) 23% (171) 12% (87) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 15% (95) 23% (141) 12% (73) 11% (69) 26% (158) 13% (79) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 21% (135) 22% (145) 13% (82) 9% (58) 25% (161) 11% (69) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 28% (84) 28% (85) 13% (39) 9% (27) 14% (42) 8% (23) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 13% (57) 20% (88) 14% (59) 8% (33) 30% (129) 15% (63) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 17% (53) 29% (91) 16% (53) 12% (40) 18% (59) 8% (25) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 14% (42) 17% (50) 7% (21) 10% (29) 34% (100) 18% (54) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 25% (80) 25% (79) 15% (47) 8% (25) 17% (54) 9% (29) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 17% (55) 19% (65) 11% (36) 10% (32) 32% (107) 12% (40) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 18% (100) 24% (135) 14% (80) 10% (57) 24% (136) 10% (57) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 18% (97) 24% (130) 14% (73) 10% (54) 24% (126) 10% (54) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 20% (145) 24% (171) 12% (88) 9% (63) 25% (182) 10% (75) 726Educ: < College 20% (249) 21% (268) 12% (147) 8% (99) 25% (314) 14% (178) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 16% (74) 25% (119) 14% (66) 13% (61) 25% (117) 7% (34) 472Educ: Post-grad 18% (47) 27% (72) 15% (40) 10% (27) 22% (59) 8% (23) 268Income: Under 50k 19% (189) 23% (229) 11% (113) 8% (79) 26% (264) 14% (138) 1012Income: 50k-100k 19% (129) 21% (146) 12% (85) 10% (71) 26% (174) 11% (76) 681Income: 100k+ 18% (53) 28% (84) 18% (55) 12% (38) 17% (52) 7% (21) 302Ethnicity: White 18% (290) 23% (377) 13% (213) 10% (153) 25% (408) 11% (172) 1614

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Morning ConsultTable CMS22_3

Table CMS22_3: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Baseball



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 19% (371) 23% (459) 13% (253) 9% (187) 25% (490) 12% (235) 1995Ethnicity: Hispanic 16% (31) 24% (46) 10% (19) 12% (22) 26% (50) 13% (25) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 22% (57) 23% (57) 10% (26) 9% (22) 22% (57) 14% (35) 253Ethnicity: Other 19% (24) 19% (25) 12% (15) 9% (12) 20% (25) 22% (28) 128All Christian 19% (180) 27% (263) 14% (136) 10% (96) 22% (210) 9% (84) 968All Non-Christian 18% (18) 29% (29) 12% (12) 12% (12) 17% (17) 11% (11) 100Atheist 15% (13) 16% (14) 16% (13) 5% (4) 36% (31) 13% (11) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 19% (159) 18% (153) 11% (92) 9% (75) 28% (233) 15% (129) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 18% (22) 32% (38) 10% (12) 11% (13) 18% (22) 10% (12) 119Evangelical 19% (108) 22% (124) 14% (75) 8% (42) 23% (126) 14% (78) 553Non-Evangelical 20% (149) 26% (195) 14% (104) 11% (80) 23% (174) 8% (59) 762Community: Urban 22% (101) 25% (115) 10% (47) 8% (37) 23% (102) 11% (48) 450Community: Suburban 17% (176) 24% (242) 13% (132) 10% (106) 25% (252) 11% (108) 1016Community: Rural 18% (94) 19% (102) 14% (74) 8% (44) 26% (136) 15% (79) 529Employ: Private Sector 20% (128) 24% (150) 11% (68) 10% (63) 24% (152) 10% (63) 624Employ: Government 15% (21) 25% (34) 13% (17) 8% (12) 25% (35) 14% (19) 138Employ: Self-Employed 21% (32) 23% (34) 15% (22) 12% (18) 18% (27) 11% (17) 150Employ: Homemaker 17% (18) 22% (23) 12% (12) 9% (10) 24% (25) 15% (16) 103Employ: Retired 18% (90) 25% (125) 13% (65) 10% (52) 25% (129) 9% (46) 507Employ: Unemployed 20% (41) 22% (46) 13% (27) 6% (13) 25% (51) 13% (27) 206Employ: Other 19% (26) 12% (16) 14% (19) 6% (8) 32% (43) 17% (22) 135Military HH: Yes 16% (54) 27% (90) 14% (47) 4% (15) 27% (90) 12% (40) 336Military HH: No 19% (317) 22% (369) 12% (207) 10% (172) 24% (400) 12% (195) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 22% (149) 22% (151) 14% (97) 8% (58) 23% (159) 11% (76) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 17% (222) 24% (308) 12% (157) 10% (129) 25% (331) 12% (158) 1305Trump Job Approve 21% (174) 23% (194) 12% (99) 10% (83) 23% (196) 11% (89) 835Trump Job Disapprove 17% (191) 24% (261) 14% (151) 9% (100) 25% (275) 11% (124) 1100

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS22_3

Table CMS22_3: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Baseball



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 19% (371) 23% (459) 13% (253) 9% (187) 25% (490) 12% (235) 1995Trump Job Strongly Approve 22% (111) 22% (109) 10% (51) 9% (47) 24% (121) 12% (58) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 19% (63) 25% (85) 14% (49) 11% (36) 22% (75) 9% (31) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 23% (52) 26% (61) 14% (33) 6% (15) 20% (47) 10% (24) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 16% (138) 23% (200) 14% (117) 10% (85) 26% (228) 11% (100) 867Favorable of Trump 22% (175) 23% (183) 13% (104) 10% (82) 23% (189) 10% (78) 813Unfavorable of Trump 17% (187) 24% (267) 13% (143) 9% (100) 26% (284) 11% (121) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 24% (122) 21% (108) 11% (58) 9% (48) 24% (125) 11% (58) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 18% (53) 26% (76) 16% (46) 12% (35) 22% (65) 7% (21) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 17% (33) 26% (51) 14% (28) 6% (13) 26% (51) 11% (21) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 17% (154) 24% (217) 13% (116) 10% (88) 26% (232) 11% (100) 907#1 Issue: Economy 20% (127) 26% (170) 14% (89) 9% (57) 21% (132) 10% (67) 641#1 Issue: Security 25% (60) 17% (42) 12% (28) 10% (23) 24% (57) 13% (32) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 15% (61) 21% (83) 13% (52) 12% (47) 24% (95) 14% (57) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 19% (61) 26% (81) 13% (42) 9% (27) 26% (81) 7% (21) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 12% (9) 18% (13) 9% (7) 4% (3) 38% (29) 19% (14) 76#1 Issue: Education 19% (20) 19% (20) 12% (13) 6% (7) 28% (30) 17% (18) 108#1 Issue: Energy 16% (14) 16% (13) 18% (15) 13% (11) 26% (23) 12% (10) 87#1 Issue: Other 14% (19) 27% (35) 7% (9) 8% (11) 33% (43) 11% (14) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 18% (144) 26% (203) 14% (110) 10% (76) 23% (186) 10% (76) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 21% (139) 23% (147) 12% (79) 10% (67) 22% (145) 11% (74) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 11% (10) 18% (15) 5% (5) 11% (9) 33% (29) 22% (19) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 18% (131) 26% (182) 14% (96) 9% (62) 24% (171) 10% (70) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 22% (156) 23% (166) 12% (83) 10% (69) 24% (173) 10% (73) 7202016 Vote: Other 15% (20) 26% (35) 13% (17) 13% (18) 25% (34) 9% (13) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 15% (64) 18% (75) 13% (57) 9% (36) 26% (111) 19% (79) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 20% (265) 25% (333) 13% (170) 10% (132) 23% (309) 10% (137) 1346Voted in 2014: No 16% (106) 19% (126) 13% (84) 8% (54) 28% (181) 15% (98) 649

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Morning ConsultTable CMS22_3

Table CMS22_3: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Baseball



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 19% (371) 23% (459) 13% (253) 9% (187) 25% (490) 12% (235) 19952012 Vote: Barack Obama 21% (178) 25% (217) 14% (120) 8% (72) 22% (193) 9% (80) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 20% (102) 23% (117) 12% (63) 10% (50) 26% (130) 10% (48) 5092012 Vote: Other 10% (9) 28% (25) 8% (7) 11% (10) 25% (22) 18% (16) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 15% (82) 19% (100) 12% (64) 10% (53) 27% (142) 17% (91) 5324-Region: Northeast 23% (81) 23% (80) 14% (51) 11% (37) 19% (68) 11% (39) 3564-Region: Midwest 21% (97) 24% (112) 16% (72) 9% (40) 20% (92) 10% (45) 4584-Region: South 18% (135) 21% (155) 11% (84) 10% (71) 27% (203) 13% (96) 7454-Region: West 13% (59) 26% (111) 11% (46) 9% (38) 29% (127) 13% (55) 436Sports fan 24% (328) 28% (389) 16% (217) 11% (158) 13% (177) 9% (128) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 21% (82) 28% (106) 14% (52) 11% (41) 18% (69) 9% (34) 385Frequent Flyer 18% (41) 31% (69) 14% (31) 8% (18) 19% (44) 10% (23) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS22_4

Table CMS22_4: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Soccer



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 14% (277) 14% (280) 9% (182) 8% (158) 41% (826) 14% (272) 1995Gender: Male 18% (172) 17% (158) 11% (101) 10% (93) 33% (311) 11% (99) 934Gender: Female 10% (104) 12% (122) 8% (81) 6% (66) 49% (515) 16% (173) 1061Age: 18-34 17% (87) 15% (77) 8% (42) 8% (40) 33% (167) 17% (87) 501Age: 35-44 18% (54) 16% (49) 8% (26) 9% (27) 32% (97) 17% (51) 303Age: 45-64 13% (91) 13% (96) 10% (75) 7% (53) 44% (317) 13% (93) 727Age: 65+ 9% (44) 12% (58) 9% (39) 8% (38) 53% (245) 9% (40) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 14% (30) 17% (37) 10% (21) 5% (12) 32% (68) 21% (46) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 20% (89) 14% (65) 7% (33) 9% (43) 34% (154) 16% (73) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 16% (79) 14% (68) 11% (52) 6% (29) 38% (184) 15% (70) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 9% (67) 13% (95) 9% (65) 10% (72) 50% (373) 10% (74) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 16% (120) 15% (113) 7% (51) 7% (53) 40% (295) 13% (98) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 12% (77) 14% (85) 10% (62) 8% (49) 40% (243) 16% (99) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 12% (80) 13% (83) 11% (69) 9% (56) 44% (288) 11% (75) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 23% (70) 17% (52) 8% (23) 8% (25) 33% (99) 10% (31) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 12% (50) 14% (61) 6% (28) 7% (28) 46% (196) 16% (67) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 16% (52) 18% (59) 13% (43) 11% (34) 29% (94) 12% (38) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 8% (25) 9% (26) 7% (19) 5% (15) 51% (149) 21% (61) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 16% (50) 15% (48) 11% (35) 11% (34) 38% (118) 9% (30) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 9% (30) 10% (35) 10% (34) 7% (22) 51% (170) 13% (45) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 15% (83) 15% (85) 8% (47) 9% (49) 40% (225) 13% (75) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 14% (76) 18% (94) 9% (50) 8% (42) 40% (214) 11% (60) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 13% (93) 12% (89) 10% (75) 8% (57) 45% (329) 12% (84) 726Educ: < College 13% (166) 13% (158) 8% (100) 6% (81) 44% (551) 16% (198) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 14% (65) 18% (83) 11% (51) 11% (50) 38% (179) 9% (44) 472Educ: Post-grad 17% (45) 14% (38) 11% (30) 10% (27) 36% (96) 11% (31) 268Income: Under 50k 14% (138) 13% (135) 8% (80) 7% (69) 43% (432) 16% (158) 1012Income: 50k-100k 13% (89) 13% (88) 9% (62) 8% (58) 45% (303) 12% (81) 681Income: 100k+ 16% (50) 19% (57) 13% (40) 10% (31) 30% (90) 11% (34) 302Ethnicity: White 12% (199) 14% (219) 9% (149) 8% (135) 43% (700) 13% (211) 1614

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Morning ConsultTable CMS22_4

Table CMS22_4: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Soccer



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 14% (277) 14% (280) 9% (182) 8% (158) 41% (826) 14% (272) 1995Ethnicity: Hispanic 17% (34) 21% (40) 6% (12) 12% (23) 30% (58) 14% (27) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 22% (56) 15% (38) 9% (23) 7% (17) 34% (86) 13% (33) 253Ethnicity: Other 17% (22) 18% (23) 8% (10) 5% (7) 31% (40) 22% (28) 128All Christian 12% (121) 16% (157) 12% (119) 8% (76) 40% (390) 11% (106) 968All Non-Christian 20% (20) 14% (14) 8% (8) 9% (9) 39% (39) 11% (11) 100Atheist 15% (13) 7% (6) 10% (8) 9% (8) 47% (40) 12% (10) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 15% (123) 12% (104) 6% (47) 8% (66) 43% (357) 17% (144) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 19% (22) 17% (20) 7% (8) 8% (9) 38% (45) 12% (15) 119Evangelical 14% (76) 14% (79) 10% (56) 8% (43) 40% (224) 14% (76) 553Non-Evangelical 12% (95) 16% (119) 10% (78) 9% (70) 41% (312) 12% (88) 762Community: Urban 17% (78) 16% (72) 8% (35) 8% (35) 39% (177) 12% (53) 450Community: Suburban 14% (141) 14% (146) 10% (99) 9% (88) 41% (413) 13% (130) 1016Community: Rural 11% (57) 12% (63) 9% (48) 7% (35) 45% (237) 17% (89) 529Employ: Private Sector 15% (91) 17% (106) 10% (64) 8% (52) 38% (236) 12% (75) 624Employ: Government 17% (23) 8% (12) 12% (17) 7% (9) 39% (54) 17% (24) 138Employ: Self-Employed 26% (39) 13% (20) 7% (11) 9% (14) 32% (47) 13% (19) 150Employ: Homemaker 13% (13) 15% (15) 7% (7) 8% (8) 36% (37) 23% (24) 103Employ: Retired 9% (45) 12% (60) 8% (40) 8% (43) 53% (266) 10% (52) 507Employ: Unemployed 16% (33) 14% (28) 8% (17) 7% (15) 42% (86) 14% (28) 206Employ: Other 14% (19) 11% (15) 9% (12) 4% (5) 42% (57) 20% (27) 135Military HH: Yes 9% (30) 13% (43) 12% (41) 7% (24) 46% (156) 13% (43) 336Military HH: No 15% (247) 14% (238) 9% (141) 8% (134) 40% (671) 14% (229) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 14% (100) 12% (83) 11% (78) 9% (63) 40% (278) 13% (88) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 14% (177) 15% (197) 8% (103) 7% (95) 42% (549) 14% (184) 1305Trump Job Approve 14% (118) 13% (106) 11% (90) 9% (75) 42% (346) 12% (99) 835Trump Job Disapprove 14% (153) 16% (172) 8% (91) 7% (80) 41% (456) 13% (148) 1100

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Table CMS22_4

Table CMS22_4: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Soccer



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 14% (277) 14% (280) 9% (182) 8% (158) 41% (826) 14% (272) 1995Trump Job Strongly Approve 13% (64) 12% (59) 10% (50) 8% (42) 46% (226) 11% (55) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 16% (54) 14% (47) 12% (40) 10% (33) 36% (121) 13% (44) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 18% (41) 17% (41) 11% (26) 7% (16) 36% (83) 11% (26) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 13% (112) 15% (131) 7% (65) 7% (65) 43% (373) 14% (122) 867Favorable of Trump 15% (119) 13% (103) 11% (91) 9% (69) 42% (341) 11% (90) 813Unfavorable of Trump 14% (152) 15% (170) 8% (90) 8% (86) 42% (461) 13% (142) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 14% (74) 11% (59) 10% (50) 8% (43) 45% (231) 12% (60) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 15% (45) 15% (44) 14% (40) 9% (27) 37% (110) 10% (29) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 13% (25) 15% (29) 14% (27) 6% (11) 41% (80) 12% (24) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 14% (128) 16% (142) 7% (63) 8% (75) 42% (381) 13% (118) 907#1 Issue: Economy 15% (98) 15% (95) 12% (74) 8% (52) 37% (237) 13% (84) 641#1 Issue: Security 16% (38) 12% (28) 11% (27) 6% (14) 43% (105) 13% (31) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 13% (51) 14% (55) 9% (34) 9% (35) 42% (165) 14% (56) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 10% (30) 16% (49) 7% (23) 7% (23) 51% (159) 9% (28) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 14% (11) 15% (11) 3% (2) 9% (7) 36% (27) 23% (18) 76#1 Issue: Education 15% (16) 10% (10) 8% (9) 10% (11) 35% (38) 22% (24) 108#1 Issue: Energy 17% (14) 16% (14) 9% (7) 10% (9) 35% (30) 13% (11) 87#1 Issue: Other 13% (18) 13% (18) 4% (6) 6% (7) 48% (64) 15% (20) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 15% (121) 15% (123) 8% (63) 8% (65) 41% (328) 12% (96) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 12% (78) 13% (88) 10% (67) 9% (58) 43% (277) 13% (83) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 11% (9) 8% (7) 6% (5) 8% (7) 43% (37) 24% (21) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 15% (106) 16% (113) 7% (53) 7% (52) 43% (306) 12% (83) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 13% (92) 12% (89) 10% (71) 8% (58) 45% (323) 12% (87) 7202016 Vote: Other 13% (18) 15% (21) 10% (14) 9% (13) 41% (56) 12% (17) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 14% (61) 14% (57) 11% (45) 8% (33) 33% (141) 20% (85) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 14% (184) 14% (191) 9% (116) 8% (112) 43% (574) 12% (168) 1346Voted in 2014: No 14% (92) 14% (89) 10% (66) 7% (46) 39% (252) 16% (104) 649

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Morning ConsultTable CMS22_4

Table CMS22_4: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Soccer



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 14% (277) 14% (280) 9% (182) 8% (158) 41% (826) 14% (272) 19952012 Vote: Barack Obama 15% (131) 15% (126) 8% (66) 8% (71) 43% (366) 12% (100) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 12% (59) 12% (64) 11% (54) 8% (41) 46% (232) 12% (60) 5092012 Vote: Other 5% (4) 13% (12) 14% (12) 7% (6) 43% (38) 19% (17) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 16% (83) 15% (78) 9% (50) 7% (39) 35% (187) 18% (95) 5324-Region: Northeast 16% (58) 14% (51) 11% (40) 6% (21) 39% (140) 13% (47) 3564-Region: Midwest 12% (55) 14% (66) 10% (45) 10% (46) 41% (187) 13% (59) 4584-Region: South 14% (106) 11% (83) 9% (70) 8% (58) 42% (316) 15% (112) 7454-Region: West 13% (56) 18% (80) 6% (27) 8% (34) 42% (183) 13% (55) 436Sports fan 17% (238) 17% (231) 11% (149) 9% (130) 35% (486) 12% (162) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 18% (71) 21% (81) 12% (47) 9% (33) 29% (112) 11% (41) 385Frequent Flyer 19% (43) 24% (53) 10% (23) 6% (14) 30% (67) 11% (24) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS22_5

Table CMS22_5: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Professional basketball



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 19% (376) 19% (386) 10% (193) 8% (167) 32% (637) 12% (236) 1995Gender: Male 24% (223) 23% (214) 11% (102) 9% (84) 25% (231) 9% (81) 934Gender: Female 14% (153) 16% (172) 9% (92) 8% (84) 38% (406) 15% (155) 1061Age: 18-34 22% (112) 17% (86) 10% (48) 9% (44) 26% (130) 16% (81) 501Age: 35-44 22% (68) 23% (69) 9% (29) 10% (31) 21% (63) 14% (44) 303Age: 45-64 18% (134) 20% (142) 10% (72) 6% (47) 35% (253) 11% (78) 727Age: 65+ 13% (61) 19% (89) 10% (45) 10% (45) 41% (192) 7% (32) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 23% (48) 15% (32) 9% (20) 6% (13) 26% (56) 21% (45) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 23% (104) 19% (88) 10% (44) 10% (47) 24% (109) 14% (65) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 22% (108) 22% (106) 10% (49) 6% (30) 29% (138) 11% (52) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 13% (98) 19% (140) 9% (68) 9% (68) 41% (302) 9% (68) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 23% (172) 20% (150) 9% (66) 8% (60) 28% (206) 10% (76) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 16% (96) 17% (104) 10% (62) 9% (56) 34% (212) 14% (86) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 17% (108) 20% (132) 10% (65) 8% (51) 34% (219) 11% (73) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 31% (93) 25% (74) 9% (26) 7% (22) 20% (59) 9% (26) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 18% (78) 17% (75) 9% (40) 9% (39) 34% (147) 12% (51) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 20% (63) 22% (69) 11% (37) 11% (36) 28% (88) 9% (28) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 11% (33) 12% (35) 8% (25) 7% (20) 42% (124) 20% (58) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 21% (66) 23% (71) 12% (39) 8% (26) 27% (84) 9% (28) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 12% (42) 18% (61) 8% (26) 7% (25) 40% (135) 14% (46) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 19% (109) 21% (120) 10% (55) 10% (57) 30% (170) 10% (54) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 20% (108) 20% (108) 10% (52) 7% (38) 32% (173) 11% (56) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 17% (126) 19% (138) 11% (78) 9% (62) 35% (251) 10% (71) 726Educ: < College 18% (230) 18% (226) 9% (107) 8% (96) 33% (416) 14% (179) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 19% (91) 22% (103) 11% (51) 10% (48) 31% (145) 7% (34) 472Educ: Post-grad 20% (54) 21% (57) 13% (35) 9% (23) 28% (76) 8% (22) 268Income: Under 50k 20% (200) 18% (186) 8% (83) 8% (83) 31% (318) 14% (142) 1012Income: 50k-100k 18% (120) 17% (116) 10% (66) 9% (59) 37% (250) 10% (70) 681Income: 100k+ 18% (56) 28% (84) 14% (44) 9% (26) 23% (69) 8% (24) 302Ethnicity: White 16% (253) 19% (304) 10% (162) 8% (135) 35% (573) 12% (187) 1614

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Morning ConsultTable CMS22_5

Table CMS22_5: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Professional basketball



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 19% (376) 19% (386) 10% (193) 8% (167) 32% (637) 12% (236) 1995Ethnicity: Hispanic 21% (40) 23% (44) 5% (11) 10% (20) 26% (50) 15% (29) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 39% (97) 21% (54) 8% (20) 11% (27) 13% (33) 9% (22) 253Ethnicity: Other 20% (25) 21% (27) 9% (12) 4% (6) 25% (32) 21% (27) 128All Christian 17% (166) 22% (211) 11% (104) 9% (90) 33% (317) 8% (79) 968All Non-Christian 22% (22) 26% (26) 10% (10) 11% (11) 22% (22) 9% (9) 100Atheist 17% (15) 13% (11) 10% (9) 8% (7) 40% (34) 13% (11) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 20% (172) 16% (138) 8% (71) 7% (60) 31% (263) 16% (137) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 20% (24) 28% (34) 9% (11) 9% (11) 25% (30) 8% (10) 119Evangelical 21% (114) 22% (122) 8% (46) 9% (48) 28% (155) 12% (68) 553Non-Evangelical 18% (135) 21% (157) 11% (81) 9% (70) 33% (251) 9% (68) 762Community: Urban 23% (104) 22% (100) 8% (35) 7% (31) 29% (130) 11% (50) 450Community: Suburban 18% (188) 19% (192) 11% (108) 9% (94) 33% (332) 10% (104) 1016Community: Rural 16% (84) 18% (94) 10% (50) 8% (43) 33% (176) 16% (82) 529Employ: Private Sector 20% (123) 23% (141) 11% (69) 8% (49) 29% (181) 10% (61) 624Employ: Government 19% (26) 18% (25) 8% (11) 9% (13) 32% (44) 14% (19) 138Employ: Self-Employed 30% (45) 15% (22) 12% (18) 7% (10) 22% (33) 14% (21) 150Employ: Homemaker 15% (16) 21% (22) 8% (8) 6% (6) 32% (33) 18% (19) 103Employ: Retired 14% (69) 18% (92) 9% (43) 10% (51) 41% (210) 8% (42) 507Employ: Unemployed 22% (44) 16% (34) 9% (20) 9% (18) 32% (65) 12% (25) 206Employ: Other 21% (28) 19% (25) 6% (8) 6% (8) 30% (40) 19% (25) 135Military HH: Yes 15% (49) 18% (60) 11% (38) 9% (29) 36% (122) 11% (38) 336Military HH: No 20% (327) 20% (325) 9% (156) 8% (138) 31% (516) 12% (197) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 20% (137) 18% (125) 11% (77) 8% (55) 31% (212) 12% (84) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 18% (239) 20% (261) 9% (117) 9% (112) 33% (426) 12% (151) 1305Trump Job Approve 19% (156) 19% (161) 10% (83) 8% (69) 33% (271) 11% (95) 835Trump Job Disapprove 19% (212) 20% (217) 10% (107) 9% (96) 32% (353) 10% (115) 1100

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS22_5

Table CMS22_5: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Professional basketball



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 19% (376) 19% (386) 10% (193) 8% (167) 32% (637) 12% (236) 1995Trump Job Strongly Approve 18% (91) 18% (89) 9% (45) 8% (39) 35% (172) 12% (60) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 19% (65) 21% (72) 11% (38) 9% (30) 29% (99) 10% (35) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 23% (53) 20% (46) 10% (23) 7% (16) 30% (71) 11% (25) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 18% (160) 20% (172) 10% (83) 9% (80) 33% (282) 10% (90) 867Favorable of Trump 19% (151) 19% (157) 10% (81) 9% (70) 33% (268) 11% (86) 813Unfavorable of Trump 19% (210) 20% (218) 10% (109) 9% (94) 32% (356) 10% (115) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 19% (100) 18% (93) 9% (49) 8% (43) 33% (173) 12% (60) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 17% (51) 22% (64) 11% (33) 9% (26) 32% (95) 9% (26) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 19% (37) 21% (41) 13% (24) 6% (11) 32% (63) 10% (19) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 19% (173) 20% (178) 9% (85) 9% (83) 32% (293) 11% (96) 907#1 Issue: Economy 21% (134) 23% (148) 11% (69) 7% (48) 27% (176) 10% (66) 641#1 Issue: Security 19% (46) 15% (36) 9% (21) 7% (16) 38% (94) 13% (31) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 18% (69) 20% (79) 11% (45) 8% (31) 31% (122) 13% (50) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 17% (54) 19% (58) 9% (27) 10% (33) 38% (119) 7% (22) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 18% (14) 14% (10) 8% (6) 4% (3) 32% (24) 25% (19) 76#1 Issue: Education 16% (18) 17% (18) 5% (5) 15% (16) 29% (31) 17% (19) 108#1 Issue: Energy 16% (13) 19% (17) 12% (11) 9% (8) 29% (25) 15% (13) 87#1 Issue: Other 21% (28) 14% (19) 7% (9) 10% (13) 35% (46) 12% (16) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 21% (166) 21% (165) 10% (78) 9% (74) 30% (242) 9% (71) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 17% (111) 20% (131) 10% (63) 8% (54) 34% (220) 11% (71) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 13% (11) 12% (11) 10% (9) 6% (5) 35% (31) 23% (20) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 22% (154) 21% (147) 10% (75) 8% (59) 31% (220) 8% (58) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 17% (123) 20% (142) 9% (65) 9% (61) 35% (250) 11% (79) 7202016 Vote: Other 13% (19) 22% (30) 10% (14) 8% (11) 39% (54) 8% (10) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 19% (80) 16% (67) 9% (40) 8% (34) 27% (113) 21% (88) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 19% (256) 20% (275) 10% (129) 9% (125) 32% (431) 10% (130) 1346Voted in 2014: No 18% (119) 17% (111) 10% (65) 7% (43) 32% (206) 16% (105) 649

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Morning ConsultTable CMS22_5

Table CMS22_5: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Professional basketball



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 19% (376) 19% (386) 10% (193) 8% (167) 32% (637) 12% (236) 19952012 Vote: Barack Obama 22% (191) 22% (186) 10% (82) 8% (67) 31% (264) 8% (69) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 15% (76) 20% (102) 10% (52) 9% (46) 36% (181) 10% (52) 5092012 Vote: Other 9% (8) 11% (10) 9% (8) 13% (12) 39% (35) 18% (16) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 19% (100) 16% (87) 10% (51) 7% (38) 29% (156) 19% (99) 5324-Region: Northeast 21% (76) 17% (61) 9% (33) 8% (28) 34% (122) 10% (36) 3564-Region: Midwest 16% (74) 22% (103) 12% (54) 8% (38) 31% (143) 10% (47) 4584-Region: South 20% (151) 17% (126) 10% (74) 8% (63) 31% (231) 13% (100) 7454-Region: West 17% (74) 22% (96) 7% (32) 9% (39) 32% (141) 12% (53) 436Sports fan 24% (335) 24% (331) 12% (169) 10% (143) 21% (294) 9% (124) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 25% (95) 23% (90) 12% (45) 9% (34) 22% (84) 10% (37) 385Frequent Flyer 26% (59) 28% (63) 11% (24) 6% (14) 20% (46) 9% (20) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS22_6

Table CMS22_6: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Professional football



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 25% (506) 23% (458) 11% (219) 9% (180) 20% (405) 11% (227) 1995Gender: Male 32% (298) 26% (245) 11% (100) 9% (82) 14% (129) 9% (80) 934Gender: Female 20% (208) 20% (213) 11% (119) 9% (98) 26% (276) 14% (147) 1061Age: 18-34 25% (124) 21% (104) 10% (51) 8% (39) 21% (107) 15% (76) 501Age: 35-44 28% (85) 25% (76) 10% (30) 11% (34) 13% (40) 13% (39) 303Age: 45-64 27% (197) 22% (162) 12% (89) 8% (60) 20% (145) 10% (74) 727Age: 65+ 22% (100) 25% (116) 11% (50) 10% (47) 24% (113) 8% (38) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 24% (52) 17% (37) 9% (19) 5% (10) 26% (55) 19% (42) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 26% (117) 23% (107) 11% (51) 10% (46) 17% (77) 13% (59) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 29% (140) 24% (115) 11% (55) 9% (43) 16% (76) 11% (53) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 23% (173) 23% (172) 11% (85) 10% (71) 24% (181) 8% (63) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 28% (203) 24% (176) 10% (70) 9% (63) 20% (144) 10% (75) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 21% (126) 20% (125) 13% (77) 11% (66) 22% (137) 14% (83) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 27% (177) 24% (157) 11% (72) 8% (51) 19% (124) 11% (69) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 37% (112) 27% (81) 10% (30) 7% (21) 11% (32) 8% (24) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 21% (91) 22% (95) 9% (40) 10% (41) 26% (112) 12% (51) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 26% (82) 24% (78) 12% (39) 13% (41) 16% (53) 9% (27) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 15% (45) 16% (48) 13% (38) 8% (25) 29% (84) 19% (56) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 33% (104) 28% (87) 10% (31) 6% (20) 14% (44) 9% (28) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 22% (73) 21% (70) 12% (42) 9% (31) 24% (80) 12% (40) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 25% (144) 23% (132) 12% (66) 9% (51) 21% (120) 9% (53) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 24% (127) 26% (140) 12% (62) 10% (55) 19% (99) 9% (50) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 27% (199) 23% (165) 11% (80) 8% (58) 21% (156) 9% (68) 726Educ: < College 25% (319) 22% (273) 10% (125) 8% (101) 21% (260) 14% (178) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 23% (109) 26% (123) 14% (64) 11% (51) 20% (93) 7% (32) 472Educ: Post-grad 29% (77) 23% (63) 11% (31) 10% (28) 20% (52) 6% (17) 268Income: Under 50k 25% (252) 24% (245) 10% (96) 7% (72) 20% (203) 14% (143) 1012Income: 50k-100k 26% (177) 19% (131) 11% (73) 11% (74) 23% (159) 10% (66) 681Income: 100k+ 26% (77) 27% (81) 16% (50) 11% (34) 14% (42) 6% (18) 302Ethnicity: White 23% (378) 23% (372) 12% (189) 9% (148) 22% (356) 11% (170) 1614

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Morning ConsultTable CMS22_6

Table CMS22_6: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Professional football



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 25% (506) 23% (458) 11% (219) 9% (180) 20% (405) 11% (227) 1995Ethnicity: Hispanic 24% (47) 20% (39) 7% (13) 12% (23) 22% (43) 14% (28) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 38% (95) 24% (61) 8% (19) 9% (23) 10% (26) 11% (29) 253Ethnicity: Other 25% (33) 19% (25) 9% (11) 7% (9) 18% (24) 21% (27) 128All Christian 27% (260) 25% (246) 12% (121) 9% (91) 18% (173) 8% (77) 968All Non-Christian 27% (27) 28% (28) 9% (9) 6% (6) 20% (20) 9% (9) 100Atheist 24% (20) 15% (13) 8% (7) 10% (8) 32% (27) 12% (11) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 24% (199) 20% (171) 10% (83) 9% (74) 22% (185) 15% (130) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 25% (30) 31% (37) 9% (10) 6% (7) 21% (25) 9% (10) 119Evangelical 28% (157) 24% (135) 10% (54) 8% (45) 17% (95) 12% (68) 553Non-Evangelical 26% (200) 24% (185) 13% (98) 10% (76) 17% (133) 9% (71) 762Community: Urban 28% (127) 26% (118) 8% (35) 8% (36) 20% (92) 9% (42) 450Community: Suburban 25% (259) 21% (216) 12% (125) 10% (102) 20% (207) 11% (107) 1016Community: Rural 23% (121) 23% (124) 11% (59) 8% (41) 20% (106) 15% (78) 529Employ: Private Sector 27% (170) 24% (152) 13% (78) 8% (50) 19% (119) 9% (55) 624Employ: Government 30% (41) 19% (27) 7% (10) 9% (13) 25% (34) 10% (14) 138Employ: Self-Employed 35% (53) 17% (26) 11% (17) 11% (16) 14% (21) 11% (17) 150Employ: Homemaker 22% (22) 25% (26) 15% (15) 11% (11) 9% (9) 19% (20) 103Employ: Retired 22% (110) 24% (122) 11% (56) 10% (51) 24% (121) 9% (47) 507Employ: Unemployed 26% (54) 24% (50) 7% (15) 9% (18) 21% (43) 13% (27) 206Employ: Other 22% (29) 21% (28) 10% (13) 9% (12) 20% (27) 19% (26) 135Military HH: Yes 26% (86) 23% (78) 12% (42) 9% (29) 18% (60) 12% (42) 336Military HH: No 25% (420) 23% (380) 11% (177) 9% (151) 21% (346) 11% (185) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 28% (196) 21% (144) 12% (85) 9% (59) 19% (133) 11% (73) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 24% (310) 24% (314) 10% (135) 9% (121) 21% (272) 12% (154) 1305Trump Job Approve 28% (235) 22% (188) 11% (92) 8% (71) 20% (164) 10% (86) 835Trump Job Disapprove 24% (264) 24% (259) 11% (124) 10% (106) 21% (230) 11% (117) 1100

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Table CMS22_6

Table CMS22_6: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Professional football



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 25% (506) 23% (458) 11% (219) 9% (180) 20% (405) 11% (227) 1995Trump Job Strongly Approve 28% (139) 20% (98) 11% (54) 9% (45) 22% (108) 11% (53) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 28% (96) 27% (90) 11% (38) 8% (26) 17% (57) 10% (32) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 30% (70) 25% (57) 11% (25) 9% (20) 16% (37) 10% (24) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 22% (195) 23% (201) 11% (99) 10% (86) 22% (193) 11% (92) 867Favorable of Trump 29% (232) 22% (181) 12% (94) 8% (68) 20% (162) 9% (77) 813Unfavorable of Trump 24% (260) 24% (264) 11% (122) 10% (109) 21% (233) 10% (114) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 29% (152) 20% (106) 11% (58) 8% (42) 20% (105) 11% (55) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 27% (80) 26% (75) 12% (37) 9% (26) 19% (56) 7% (21) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 24% (48) 29% (56) 8% (16) 11% (21) 17% (33) 11% (22) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 23% (212) 23% (208) 12% (106) 10% (88) 22% (200) 10% (92) 907#1 Issue: Economy 29% (188) 25% (161) 11% (72) 9% (60) 16% (102) 9% (59) 641#1 Issue: Security 26% (63) 17% (40) 13% (31) 7% (17) 24% (57) 14% (34) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 24% (95) 21% (84) 13% (50) 10% (42) 20% (77) 12% (47) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 25% (78) 24% (76) 10% (32) 10% (30) 22% (69) 9% (28) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 17% (13) 25% (19) 7% (5) 4% (3) 26% (20) 21% (16) 76#1 Issue: Education 20% (21) 20% (22) 9% (10) 8% (9) 27% (29) 15% (17) 108#1 Issue: Energy 20% (18) 21% (18) 14% (12) 8% (7) 23% (20) 14% (12) 87#1 Issue: Other 23% (30) 29% (38) 5% (7) 9% (12) 23% (30) 11% (14) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 27% (213) 24% (191) 11% (88) 10% (81) 19% (152) 9% (70) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 26% (172) 23% (151) 10% (67) 10% (63) 20% (131) 10% (67) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 15% (13) 16% (14) 13% (11) 10% (8) 24% (21) 22% (19) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 27% (193) 24% (173) 11% (78) 10% (72) 19% (138) 8% (60) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 27% (195) 23% (168) 11% (77) 9% (62) 21% (148) 10% (69) 7202016 Vote: Other 19% (26) 27% (37) 13% (19) 9% (13) 22% (30) 9% (13) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 22% (92) 19% (79) 11% (45) 7% (31) 21% (89) 20% (86) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 27% (358) 24% (323) 11% (145) 10% (134) 19% (258) 10% (129) 1346Voted in 2014: No 23% (148) 21% (134) 11% (75) 7% (46) 23% (147) 15% (98) 649

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Morning ConsultTable CMS22_6

Table CMS22_6: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Professional football



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 25% (506) 23% (458) 11% (219) 9% (180) 20% (405) 11% (227) 19952012 Vote: Barack Obama 28% (244) 25% (215) 11% (94) 9% (77) 19% (160) 8% (70) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 25% (128) 25% (128) 11% (55) 9% (45) 21% (104) 10% (49) 5092012 Vote: Other 16% (14) 17% (15) 12% (11) 16% (14) 21% (19) 18% (16) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 23% (120) 19% (99) 11% (60) 7% (39) 23% (121) 17% (92) 5324-Region: Northeast 28% (101) 21% (75) 13% (48) 9% (31) 19% (68) 9% (33) 3564-Region: Midwest 26% (120) 22% (99) 12% (54) 9% (42) 22% (101) 9% (41) 4584-Region: South 25% (189) 23% (173) 11% (83) 9% (65) 18% (137) 13% (98) 7454-Region: West 22% (96) 25% (110) 8% (35) 10% (41) 23% (98) 13% (55) 436Sports fan 32% (451) 28% (397) 13% (182) 11% (148) 7% (103) 8% (115) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 28% (108) 27% (102) 12% (47) 8% (32) 16% (61) 9% (33) 385Frequent Flyer 28% (63) 29% (66) 12% (26) 6% (14) 16% (36) 10% (21) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Table CMS22_7

Table CMS22_7: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?College basketball



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 19% (387) 19% (380) 10% (195) 7% (145) 32% (640) 12% (248) 1995Gender: Male 25% (232) 22% (207) 11% (107) 9% (81) 23% (217) 10% (90) 934Gender: Female 15% (154) 16% (172) 8% (89) 6% (64) 40% (424) 15% (158) 1061Age: 18-34 19% (96) 17% (85) 11% (56) 7% (37) 28% (143) 17% (84) 501Age: 35-44 21% (63) 23% (69) 8% (26) 9% (29) 24% (72) 15% (45) 303Age: 45-64 20% (146) 18% (134) 9% (64) 6% (46) 34% (246) 13% (91) 727Age: 65+ 18% (82) 20% (92) 11% (50) 7% (33) 39% (180) 6% (27) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 18% (39) 15% (33) 11% (23) 6% (13) 28% (59) 23% (48) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 21% (95) 19% (85) 10% (48) 9% (42) 27% (124) 14% (63) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 21% (100) 21% (103) 9% (44) 6% (30) 29% (140) 14% (66) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 18% (130) 19% (138) 9% (65) 8% (58) 39% (289) 9% (65) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 22% (161) 20% (147) 9% (67) 7% (48) 30% (223) 12% (85) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 17% (103) 17% (107) 9% (56) 8% (50) 34% (208) 15% (91) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 19% (123) 19% (126) 11% (72) 7% (46) 32% (210) 11% (72) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 29% (86) 25% (76) 9% (27) 8% (23) 20% (60) 9% (28) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 17% (74) 16% (70) 9% (41) 6% (25) 38% (163) 13% (57) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 23% (74) 21% (69) 11% (36) 10% (33) 24% (75) 10% (33) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 10% (29) 13% (39) 7% (20) 6% (18) 45% (132) 20% (58) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 23% (72) 20% (62) 14% (44) 8% (25) 26% (82) 9% (29) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 15% (51) 19% (64) 9% (29) 6% (21) 38% (128) 13% (43) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 21% (119) 17% (97) 10% (54) 9% (50) 32% (183) 11% (62) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 18% (94) 22% (120) 10% (53) 6% (31) 33% (177) 11% (60) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 21% (151) 19% (141) 10% (76) 7% (53) 32% (235) 10% (70) 726Educ: < College 19% (233) 17% (219) 10% (121) 6% (76) 33% (413) 15% (193) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 20% (92) 22% (106) 10% (49) 9% (44) 32% (149) 7% (32) 472Educ: Post-grad 23% (61) 20% (55) 10% (26) 9% (25) 29% (78) 9% (23) 268Income: Under 50k 19% (192) 18% (180) 8% (86) 7% (70) 33% (329) 15% (155) 1012Income: 50k-100k 19% (128) 18% (121) 10% (70) 8% (53) 35% (239) 10% (69) 681Income: 100k+ 22% (67) 26% (78) 13% (40) 7% (22) 24% (72) 8% (24) 302Ethnicity: White 17% (280) 19% (300) 10% (166) 7% (121) 34% (555) 12% (192) 1614

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Morning ConsultTable CMS22_7

Table CMS22_7: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?College basketball



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 19% (387) 19% (380) 10% (195) 7% (145) 32% (640) 12% (248) 1995Ethnicity: Hispanic 19% (37) 22% (42) 7% (14) 9% (18) 28% (54) 15% (29) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 32% (82) 23% (59) 7% (18) 7% (17) 18% (46) 12% (30) 253Ethnicity: Other 19% (25) 16% (21) 8% (11) 5% (7) 30% (39) 21% (26) 128All Christian 20% (195) 22% (211) 12% (114) 8% (76) 30% (286) 9% (87) 968All Non-Christian 19% (19) 25% (25) 8% (8) 8% (8) 29% (29) 11% (11) 100Atheist 19% (16) 14% (12) 11% (9) 6% (5) 39% (33) 12% (10) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 19% (157) 16% (132) 8% (64) 7% (56) 35% (292) 17% (139) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 17% (21) 25% (30) 7% (8) 7% (8) 32% (38) 13% (15) 119Evangelical 21% (116) 21% (116) 10% (55) 8% (45) 27% (147) 14% (75) 553Non-Evangelical 21% (160) 20% (156) 10% (78) 8% (57) 31% (239) 9% (72) 762Community: Urban 19% (87) 22% (101) 9% (40) 7% (32) 31% (138) 12% (53) 450Community: Suburban 20% (202) 18% (186) 10% (101) 7% (75) 33% (336) 11% (115) 1016Community: Rural 18% (98) 18% (93) 10% (55) 7% (38) 31% (166) 15% (80) 529Employ: Private Sector 19% (118) 22% (136) 10% (63) 8% (52) 31% (191) 10% (65) 624Employ: Government 23% (32) 18% (25) 6% (8) 8% (12) 32% (44) 13% (18) 138Employ: Self-Employed 27% (40) 16% (24) 11% (16) 9% (13) 24% (36) 14% (20) 150Employ: Homemaker 15% (16) 19% (19) 11% (11) 5% (5) 31% (32) 20% (21) 103Employ: Retired 19% (95) 18% (93) 10% (52) 7% (33) 38% (194) 8% (41) 507Employ: Unemployed 20% (42) 18% (38) 10% (20) 5% (11) 33% (68) 13% (28) 206Employ: Other 18% (24) 14% (19) 6% (8) 8% (10) 32% (43) 22% (29) 135Military HH: Yes 21% (72) 20% (66) 11% (36) 5% (16) 33% (110) 11% (36) 336Military HH: No 19% (315) 19% (314) 10% (159) 8% (129) 32% (530) 13% (212) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 19% (129) 19% (133) 13% (87) 7% (48) 31% (216) 11% (77) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 20% (257) 19% (247) 8% (108) 7% (97) 32% (424) 13% (171) 1305Trump Job Approve 20% (170) 20% (164) 11% (94) 7% (61) 31% (256) 11% (90) 835Trump Job Disapprove 19% (211) 19% (211) 9% (97) 7% (81) 33% (368) 12% (133) 1100

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS22_7

Table CMS22_7: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?College basketball



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 19% (387) 19% (380) 10% (195) 7% (145) 32% (640) 12% (248) 1995Trump Job Strongly Approve 19% (95) 19% (94) 11% (53) 7% (34) 34% (169) 10% (51) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 22% (76) 21% (70) 12% (41) 8% (27) 26% (87) 11% (39) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 19% (45) 21% (48) 11% (26) 7% (16) 31% (72) 11% (27) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 19% (166) 19% (162) 8% (71) 7% (64) 34% (296) 12% (107) 867Favorable of Trump 20% (162) 20% (160) 11% (92) 8% (62) 31% (254) 10% (83) 813Unfavorable of Trump 19% (215) 19% (208) 9% (101) 7% (80) 34% (372) 12% (127) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 20% (104) 18% (96) 11% (57) 7% (36) 33% (170) 11% (55) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 20% (58) 22% (65) 12% (35) 9% (26) 28% (84) 9% (28) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 20% (38) 20% (39) 13% (26) 6% (12) 31% (60) 10% (20) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 19% (177) 19% (169) 8% (75) 7% (68) 34% (312) 12% (107) 907#1 Issue: Economy 23% (146) 21% (136) 10% (67) 7% (42) 28% (177) 11% (73) 641#1 Issue: Security 15% (37) 16% (39) 13% (33) 5% (11) 36% (86) 15% (36) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 19% (73) 18% (73) 9% (36) 8% (32) 33% (130) 13% (52) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 18% (56) 20% (63) 9% (28) 8% (26) 37% (115) 8% (24) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 21% (16) 14% (10) 7% (5) 3% (2) 38% (29) 18% (13) 76#1 Issue: Education 17% (18) 20% (21) 8% (8) 12% (13) 28% (30) 16% (18) 108#1 Issue: Energy 14% (12) 14% (12) 10% (8) 10% (9) 36% (31) 16% (14) 87#1 Issue: Other 21% (28) 19% (24) 7% (10) 8% (10) 32% (42) 13% (17) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 21% (170) 21% (167) 9% (69) 8% (61) 31% (250) 10% (79) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 20% (130) 20% (129) 10% (66) 9% (56) 30% (197) 11% (73) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 13% (11) 13% (11) 6% (6) 8% (7) 39% (34) 21% (18) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 22% (159) 20% (143) 9% (63) 7% (49) 32% (230) 10% (70) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 20% (144) 19% (138) 10% (74) 8% (57) 32% (232) 10% (76) 7202016 Vote: Other 16% (22) 21% (29) 6% (9) 10% (14) 38% (53) 8% (11) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 15% (62) 17% (70) 12% (50) 5% (22) 30% (125) 22% (92) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 21% (279) 20% (273) 9% (119) 8% (114) 31% (418) 11% (143) 1346Voted in 2014: No 17% (107) 16% (107) 12% (76) 5% (31) 34% (222) 16% (105) 649

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Morning ConsultTable CMS22_7

Table CMS22_7: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?College basketball



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 19% (387) 19% (380) 10% (195) 7% (145) 32% (640) 12% (248) 19952012 Vote: Barack Obama 22% (189) 22% (187) 9% (76) 7% (57) 31% (268) 10% (82) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 19% (98) 19% (98) 11% (57) 8% (41) 33% (166) 10% (50) 5092012 Vote: Other 13% (11) 7% (6) 6% (6) 11% (10) 45% (40) 18% (16) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 17% (88) 17% (88) 11% (57) 6% (33) 31% (165) 19% (100) 5324-Region: Northeast 19% (69) 18% (63) 11% (39) 7% (27) 34% (121) 10% (37) 3564-Region: Midwest 19% (86) 20% (91) 12% (57) 8% (36) 30% (138) 11% (51) 4584-Region: South 23% (168) 18% (134) 8% (61) 7% (54) 30% (223) 14% (104) 7454-Region: West 15% (63) 21% (92) 9% (38) 6% (28) 36% (158) 13% (56) 436Sports fan 25% (345) 23% (323) 12% (172) 9% (129) 21% (294) 10% (134) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 23% (88) 25% (95) 11% (44) 8% (29) 24% (91) 10% (38) 385Frequent Flyer 24% (55) 28% (64) 8% (19) 8% (18) 22% (50) 9% (19) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Table CMS22_8

Table CMS22_8: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?College football



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 22% (439) 21% (413) 10% (206) 8% (167) 27% (541) 11% (229) 1995Gender: Male 29% (268) 24% (220) 11% (101) 9% (86) 19% (174) 9% (84) 934Gender: Female 16% (171) 18% (193) 10% (104) 8% (81) 35% (367) 14% (145) 1061Age: 18-34 22% (111) 19% (94) 10% (51) 8% (39) 27% (135) 14% (72) 501Age: 35-44 25% (76) 21% (65) 10% (31) 10% (30) 19% (57) 15% (45) 303Age: 45-64 23% (164) 20% (148) 10% (75) 8% (55) 29% (208) 11% (77) 727Age: 65+ 19% (89) 23% (107) 11% (50) 9% (43) 30% (141) 8% (35) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 21% (45) 16% (35) 9% (19) 5% (10) 30% (65) 19% (40) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 24% (110) 20% (91) 11% (50) 10% (47) 22% (101) 13% (57) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 23% (113) 22% (104) 11% (52) 7% (34) 24% (118) 13% (63) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 20% (151) 21% (154) 10% (73) 9% (69) 32% (237) 8% (62) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 23% (172) 21% (156) 9% (67) 7% (54) 27% (197) 12% (85) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 18% (108) 20% (121) 10% (62) 10% (62) 30% (184) 13% (77) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 25% (160) 21% (136) 12% (77) 8% (50) 25% (161) 10% (66) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 32% (96) 26% (77) 9% (27) 8% (24) 15% (45) 10% (31) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 18% (76) 18% (78) 9% (40) 7% (30) 35% (152) 13% (55) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 23% (73) 23% (75) 12% (38) 12% (37) 21% (68) 9% (29) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 12% (35) 16% (46) 8% (25) 8% (25) 39% (116) 16% (48) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 32% (100) 22% (68) 12% (37) 8% (24) 20% (62) 8% (24) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 18% (60) 20% (69) 12% (40) 8% (26) 30% (99) 13% (43) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 22% (127) 19% (108) 10% (59) 8% (45) 30% (167) 10% (59) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 21% (114) 22% (116) 9% (50) 8% (45) 29% (157) 10% (51) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 23% (170) 22% (163) 12% (85) 9% (64) 24% (174) 10% (70) 726Educ: < College 21% (261) 20% (248) 10% (125) 8% (95) 28% (346) 14% (180) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 22% (103) 24% (113) 12% (55) 10% (46) 26% (123) 7% (31) 472Educ: Post-grad 28% (75) 19% (52) 10% (26) 10% (27) 27% (72) 6% (17) 268Income: Under 50k 20% (205) 21% (215) 9% (93) 8% (80) 27% (274) 14% (144) 1012Income: 50k-100k 21% (146) 19% (126) 11% (75) 9% (59) 30% (206) 10% (68) 681Income: 100k+ 29% (88) 24% (71) 12% (38) 9% (28) 20% (61) 5% (17) 302Ethnicity: White 20% (329) 21% (340) 11% (173) 8% (133) 29% (466) 11% (173) 1614

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Morning ConsultTable CMS22_8

Table CMS22_8: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?College football



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 22% (439) 21% (413) 10% (206) 8% (167) 27% (541) 11% (229) 1995Ethnicity: Hispanic 23% (45) 19% (38) 8% (15) 8% (15) 27% (52) 15% (29) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 33% (83) 20% (49) 7% (19) 11% (27) 18% (46) 12% (29) 253Ethnicity: Other 21% (27) 18% (23) 11% (15) 6% (7) 23% (30) 21% (27) 128All Christian 24% (228) 23% (227) 12% (119) 9% (90) 23% (223) 8% (81) 968All Non-Christian 23% (23) 16% (16) 15% (15) 9% (9) 27% (26) 11% (11) 100Atheist 21% (18) 12% (10) 11% (9) 6% (5) 38% (32) 13% (11) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 20% (171) 19% (160) 7% (62) 7% (63) 31% (259) 15% (126) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 21% (25) 18% (21) 14% (16) 8% (9) 30% (36) 10% (12) 119Evangelical 23% (130) 22% (124) 10% (56) 10% (57) 22% (119) 12% (67) 553Non-Evangelical 24% (182) 24% (181) 11% (82) 9% (68) 24% (183) 9% (65) 762Community: Urban 22% (101) 22% (99) 7% (32) 9% (39) 29% (132) 10% (46) 450Community: Suburban 22% (226) 20% (201) 11% (107) 8% (84) 28% (290) 11% (108) 1016Community: Rural 21% (112) 21% (113) 13% (66) 8% (43) 23% (119) 14% (75) 529Employ: Private Sector 23% (140) 22% (138) 11% (70) 8% (52) 26% (163) 10% (62) 624Employ: Government 26% (36) 17% (24) 11% (15) 7% (10) 29% (39) 9% (13) 138Employ: Self-Employed 31% (46) 17% (25) 8% (12) 13% (19) 19% (29) 12% (18) 150Employ: Homemaker 18% (18) 22% (23) 13% (14) 9% (9) 23% (23) 16% (16) 103Employ: Retired 20% (102) 21% (106) 10% (50) 9% (43) 32% (163) 9% (44) 507Employ: Unemployed 23% (48) 20% (42) 10% (21) 5% (10) 27% (56) 14% (29) 206Employ: Other 16% (21) 21% (28) 8% (11) 9% (11) 26% (35) 20% (27) 135Military HH: Yes 23% (77) 22% (73) 12% (41) 8% (26) 24% (82) 11% (38) 336Military HH: No 22% (363) 21% (340) 10% (165) 8% (141) 28% (460) 12% (191) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 24% (168) 19% (134) 13% (88) 9% (60) 24% (165) 11% (75) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 21% (271) 21% (279) 9% (118) 8% (107) 29% (376) 12% (154) 1305Trump Job Approve 24% (199) 21% (177) 12% (98) 9% (73) 24% (203) 10% (85) 835Trump Job Disapprove 21% (233) 21% (228) 10% (106) 8% (91) 29% (317) 11% (124) 1100

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS22_8

Table CMS22_8: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?College football



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 22% (439) 21% (413) 10% (206) 8% (167) 27% (541) 11% (229) 1995Trump Job Strongly Approve 25% (122) 20% (100) 11% (56) 8% (42) 25% (122) 11% (54) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 23% (76) 23% (77) 12% (41) 9% (31) 24% (82) 9% (31) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 24% (55) 24% (56) 9% (21) 8% (18) 24% (55) 12% (28) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 21% (178) 20% (172) 10% (85) 9% (74) 30% (262) 11% (96) 867Favorable of Trump 25% (201) 21% (173) 12% (96) 9% (71) 24% (194) 10% (79) 813Unfavorable of Trump 21% (229) 21% (227) 10% (106) 8% (93) 30% (332) 10% (116) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 26% (137) 21% (107) 11% (58) 8% (42) 23% (121) 10% (54) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 22% (65) 22% (66) 13% (38) 10% (29) 25% (73) 8% (24) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 18% (35) 27% (53) 8% (16) 8% (16) 29% (57) 9% (18) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 21% (194) 19% (174) 10% (89) 8% (77) 30% (275) 11% (98) 907#1 Issue: Economy 27% (170) 21% (132) 10% (66) 8% (53) 24% (153) 10% (66) 641#1 Issue: Security 21% (51) 18% (43) 13% (31) 7% (17) 29% (70) 13% (31) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 22% (87) 19% (74) 10% (41) 9% (36) 27% (107) 13% (50) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 18% (57) 26% (81) 10% (31) 9% (30) 29% (91) 8% (24) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 19% (14) 23% (17) 6% (4) 3% (2) 30% (23) 20% (15) 76#1 Issue: Education 12% (13) 21% (23) 11% (12) 9% (9) 33% (35) 14% (15) 108#1 Issue: Energy 18% (15) 13% (11) 14% (12) 11% (9) 30% (26) 14% (12) 87#1 Issue: Other 23% (31) 23% (31) 6% (8) 8% (11) 27% (36) 12% (15) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 24% (188) 22% (172) 9% (74) 9% (70) 27% (216) 9% (75) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 24% (157) 22% (142) 11% (71) 9% (61) 23% (152) 11% (69) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 11% (9) 18% (16) 8% (7) 9% (7) 33% (29) 22% (19) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 23% (167) 21% (150) 10% (70) 8% (57) 28% (203) 9% (66) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 24% (171) 21% (152) 11% (77) 10% (69) 24% (176) 10% (75) 7202016 Vote: Other 19% (26) 25% (35) 8% (11) 9% (12) 32% (44) 7% (9) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 18% (75) 18% (76) 11% (48) 6% (27) 28% (117) 19% (79) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 23% (307) 23% (307) 10% (132) 9% (128) 25% (337) 10% (135) 1346Voted in 2014: No 20% (132) 16% (106) 11% (74) 6% (40) 31% (204) 14% (94) 649

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Morning ConsultTable CMS22_8

Table CMS22_8: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?College football



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 22% (439) 21% (413) 10% (206) 8% (167) 27% (541) 11% (229) 19952012 Vote: Barack Obama 24% (203) 23% (197) 10% (83) 8% (65) 27% (233) 9% (77) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 22% (111) 22% (113) 11% (56) 9% (47) 26% (132) 10% (50) 5092012 Vote: Other 18% (16) 11% (10) 12% (11) 13% (12) 30% (27) 16% (14) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 20% (109) 17% (92) 10% (55) 7% (39) 28% (149) 17% (88) 5324-Region: Northeast 23% (80) 18% (64) 12% (44) 8% (28) 30% (106) 9% (33) 3564-Region: Midwest 22% (103) 21% (97) 11% (51) 9% (42) 26% (118) 10% (47) 4584-Region: South 25% (185) 20% (148) 10% (78) 9% (64) 23% (174) 13% (95) 7454-Region: West 16% (72) 24% (103) 8% (33) 7% (32) 33% (143) 12% (53) 436Sports fan 28% (391) 26% (359) 12% (173) 10% (146) 15% (207) 9% (120) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 26% (98) 25% (98) 11% (44) 8% (33) 20% (79) 9% (33) 385Frequent Flyer 26% (60) 29% (65) 10% (24) 7% (16) 19% (42) 8% (19) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS22_9

Table CMS22_9: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Hockey



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 16% (311) 18% (353) 11% (212) 9% (181) 34% (672) 13% (267) 1995Gender: Male 20% (187) 20% (185) 13% (123) 11% (104) 26% (244) 10% (91) 934Gender: Female 12% (123) 16% (169) 8% (89) 7% (76) 40% (428) 17% (176) 1061Age: 18-34 17% (85) 16% (81) 11% (53) 10% (51) 30% (152) 16% (78) 501Age: 35-44 18% (53) 21% (64) 9% (29) 11% (34) 25% (77) 15% (46) 303Age: 45-64 16% (114) 18% (130) 11% (81) 7% (50) 34% (250) 14% (102) 727Age: 65+ 13% (58) 17% (78) 11% (49) 10% (46) 42% (193) 9% (40) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 15% (31) 13% (29) 13% (27) 10% (21) 31% (66) 19% (40) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 18% (82) 19% (85) 9% (43) 11% (50) 29% (130) 15% (67) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 18% (88) 21% (100) 10% (49) 8% (39) 27% (131) 15% (74) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 13% (98) 15% (115) 11% (82) 9% (66) 41% (308) 10% (77) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 17% (128) 18% (132) 10% (71) 9% (63) 34% (245) 13% (92) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 13% (77) 18% (111) 11% (68) 10% (63) 34% (211) 14% (86) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 16% (106) 17% (111) 11% (73) 8% (55) 33% (216) 14% (89) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 26% (77) 20% (59) 11% (34) 9% (26) 26% (79) 9% (26) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 12% (51) 17% (73) 9% (37) 9% (37) 39% (166) 15% (66) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 15% (48) 22% (71) 14% (45) 13% (42) 26% (82) 10% (32) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 10% (29) 13% (39) 8% (23) 7% (21) 44% (129) 18% (54) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 20% (62) 17% (55) 14% (44) 12% (37) 26% (83) 11% (33) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 13% (44) 17% (56) 9% (29) 5% (18) 40% (133) 17% (56) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 16% (89) 18% (104) 10% (56) 9% (51) 36% (206) 11% (60) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 16% (84) 20% (106) 10% (54) 10% (52) 33% (177) 12% (62) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 16% (116) 17% (126) 12% (86) 8% (62) 33% (242) 13% (94) 726Educ: < College 16% (195) 17% (208) 10% (121) 8% (105) 34% (424) 16% (202) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 15% (72) 21% (98) 11% (53) 11% (52) 34% (159) 8% (38) 472Educ: Post-grad 16% (44) 18% (48) 14% (38) 9% (24) 33% (89) 10% (26) 268Income: Under 50k 15% (153) 18% (184) 9% (90) 9% (86) 34% (342) 15% (156) 1012Income: 50k-100k 16% (108) 16% (106) 10% (70) 8% (58) 37% (253) 13% (85) 681Income: 100k+ 16% (49) 21% (63) 17% (53) 12% (36) 25% (76) 8% (25) 302Ethnicity: White 15% (239) 18% (294) 11% (172) 10% (154) 34% (552) 13% (202) 1614

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Morning ConsultTable CMS22_9

Table CMS22_9: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Hockey



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 16% (311) 18% (353) 11% (212) 9% (181) 34% (672) 13% (267) 1995Ethnicity: Hispanic 13% (25) 20% (38) 16% (31) 6% (12) 31% (60) 14% (27) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 21% (53) 14% (36) 10% (25) 8% (21) 32% (81) 15% (37) 253Ethnicity: Other 14% (18) 18% (23) 12% (15) 5% (6) 30% (39) 21% (27) 128All Christian 16% (150) 20% (194) 12% (120) 9% (89) 32% (313) 10% (101) 968All Non-Christian 17% (17) 23% (23) 10% (10) 10% (10) 30% (30) 10% (10) 100Atheist 16% (14) 9% (8) 17% (14) 7% (6) 41% (35) 11% (9) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 15% (129) 15% (129) 8% (68) 9% (76) 35% (293) 17% (146) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 16% (19) 27% (32) 10% (12) 9% (10) 30% (35) 9% (11) 119Evangelical 16% (87) 16% (88) 8% (42) 9% (52) 36% (200) 15% (84) 553Non-Evangelical 15% (117) 20% (150) 13% (99) 10% (75) 32% (241) 10% (79) 762Community: Urban 17% (78) 21% (94) 10% (43) 8% (36) 32% (144) 12% (56) 450Community: Suburban 16% (164) 18% (180) 11% (116) 9% (93) 34% (350) 11% (114) 1016Community: Rural 13% (69) 15% (80) 10% (52) 10% (52) 34% (179) 18% (97) 529Employ: Private Sector 18% (115) 22% (136) 10% (61) 8% (51) 30% (185) 12% (76) 624Employ: Government 17% (23) 14% (19) 14% (20) 8% (11) 32% (44) 15% (20) 138Employ: Self-Employed 21% (32) 16% (25) 14% (21) 9% (13) 27% (40) 13% (19) 150Employ: Homemaker 14% (14) 17% (17) 9% (9) 10% (10) 31% (32) 20% (21) 103Employ: Retired 12% (62) 16% (79) 11% (58) 8% (43) 42% (212) 10% (52) 507Employ: Unemployed 17% (35) 19% (40) 7% (14) 11% (23) 32% (67) 14% (28) 206Employ: Other 12% (16) 14% (18) 9% (13) 8% (11) 36% (48) 22% (29) 135Military HH: Yes 13% (43) 15% (51) 14% (46) 8% (26) 38% (128) 13% (42) 336Military HH: No 16% (268) 18% (303) 10% (166) 9% (155) 33% (544) 14% (224) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 17% (117) 17% (115) 13% (89) 9% (59) 31% (217) 13% (93) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 15% (193) 18% (238) 9% (123) 9% (121) 35% (455) 13% (174) 1305Trump Job Approve 17% (146) 18% (146) 11% (92) 9% (75) 31% (263) 13% (112) 835Trump Job Disapprove 15% (161) 18% (202) 10% (114) 9% (103) 35% (386) 12% (134) 1100

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS22_9

Table CMS22_9: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Hockey



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 16% (311) 18% (353) 11% (212) 9% (181) 34% (672) 13% (267) 1995Trump Job Strongly Approve 17% (85) 17% (86) 11% (52) 9% (43) 33% (163) 14% (67) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 18% (61) 18% (61) 12% (40) 10% (33) 30% (100) 13% (45) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 16% (38) 23% (53) 15% (36) 12% (27) 24% (56) 10% (24) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 14% (124) 17% (149) 9% (78) 9% (76) 38% (330) 13% (110) 867Favorable of Trump 18% (145) 17% (142) 11% (88) 10% (79) 31% (255) 13% (104) 813Unfavorable of Trump 14% (159) 18% (200) 11% (122) 8% (93) 36% (400) 12% (127) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 18% (96) 16% (84) 9% (49) 9% (48) 33% (171) 14% (71) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 17% (49) 20% (58) 13% (39) 11% (32) 28% (84) 11% (33) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 14% (27) 21% (41) 16% (32) 9% (17) 31% (60) 10% (19) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 15% (132) 18% (160) 10% (90) 8% (77) 37% (340) 12% (108) 907#1 Issue: Economy 18% (112) 22% (142) 11% (70) 10% (65) 27% (172) 13% (80) 641#1 Issue: Security 16% (39) 14% (34) 14% (35) 7% (17) 34% (84) 14% (35) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 16% (62) 16% (65) 12% (46) 9% (36) 32% (128) 15% (58) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 14% (42) 16% (51) 10% (32) 8% (26) 43% (135) 9% (27) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 9% (7) 19% (15) 5% (4) 11% (9) 31% (24) 24% (18) 76#1 Issue: Education 12% (13) 12% (13) 6% (7) 14% (15) 38% (41) 17% (19) 108#1 Issue: Energy 17% (15) 14% (12) 12% (10) 9% (7) 37% (32) 12% (11) 87#1 Issue: Other 15% (20) 17% (22) 7% (9) 5% (6) 43% (57) 14% (18) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 16% (131) 18% (144) 10% (81) 9% (73) 35% (278) 11% (89) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 16% (101) 20% (128) 10% (66) 10% (68) 31% (201) 13% (87) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 13% (11) 13% (12) 7% (6) 10% (9) 35% (30) 22% (19) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 17% (121) 18% (132) 10% (72) 7% (53) 37% (263) 10% (73) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 17% (123) 17% (124) 10% (72) 11% (77) 32% (228) 13% (96) 7202016 Vote: Other 14% (19) 23% (31) 7% (10) 13% (17) 35% (49) 8% (12) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 11% (48) 16% (66) 14% (57) 8% (32) 31% (131) 20% (86) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 15% (208) 19% (254) 10% (132) 10% (131) 34% (457) 12% (164) 1346Voted in 2014: No 16% (102) 15% (99) 12% (80) 8% (50) 33% (215) 16% (102) 649

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Morning ConsultTable CMS22_9

Table CMS22_9: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Hockey



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 16% (311) 18% (353) 11% (212) 9% (181) 34% (672) 13% (267) 19952012 Vote: Barack Obama 18% (151) 18% (158) 11% (91) 9% (79) 34% (290) 11% (91) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 13% (67) 19% (97) 10% (53) 9% (48) 35% (181) 13% (64) 5092012 Vote: Other 10% (9) 15% (14) 8% (7) 8% (8) 41% (37) 17% (15) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 16% (84) 16% (84) 12% (61) 8% (44) 30% (162) 18% (96) 5324-Region: Northeast 21% (75) 19% (68) 12% (44) 10% (34) 26% (94) 11% (40) 3564-Region: Midwest 16% (72) 22% (99) 11% (50) 8% (38) 32% (146) 12% (53) 4584-Region: South 15% (110) 13% (93) 10% (71) 9% (64) 38% (281) 17% (125) 7454-Region: West 12% (54) 21% (93) 11% (47) 10% (44) 35% (150) 11% (48) 436Sports fan 20% (277) 21% (287) 12% (171) 11% (153) 25% (345) 12% (164) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 19% (75) 22% (85) 15% (56) 8% (32) 26% (98) 10% (39) 385Frequent Flyer 18% (40) 24% (54) 13% (30) 11% (24) 24% (53) 11% (24) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Table CMS22_10

Table CMS22_10: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Golf



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 6% (129) 9% (172) 15% (291) 17% (344) 39% (786) 14% (274) 1995Gender: Male 9% (88) 11% (103) 19% (174) 20% (190) 30% (276) 11% (102) 934Gender: Female 4% (41) 6% (69) 11% (117) 14% (154) 48% (510) 16% (172) 1061Age: 18-34 7% (36) 6% (31) 11% (57) 18% (92) 40% (201) 17% (85) 501Age: 35-44 8% (25) 10% (30) 15% (46) 19% (56) 32% (98) 16% (47) 303Age: 45-64 5% (35) 8% (62) 15% (107) 17% (122) 42% (304) 13% (98) 727Age: 65+ 7% (33) 11% (50) 17% (80) 16% (74) 40% (184) 10% (44) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 6% (12) 7% (14) 12% (26) 15% (32) 42% (89) 19% (41) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 9% (41) 7% (31) 12% (54) 20% (90) 37% (167) 16% (73) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 6% (27) 9% (46) 16% (76) 18% (87) 38% (182) 14% (66) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 5% (39) 9% (68) 14% (104) 17% (125) 44% (325) 11% (83) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 7% (48) 10% (72) 14% (101) 16% (117) 40% (292) 14% (100) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 6% (38) 7% (41) 14% (83) 18% (110) 41% (249) 15% (92) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 7% (43) 9% (58) 16% (106) 18% (116) 38% (244) 12% (81) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 10% (31) 13% (40) 16% (49) 20% (59) 31% (92) 10% (30) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 4% (17) 7% (32) 12% (52) 14% (58) 47% (200) 16% (70) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 9% (29) 10% (31) 19% (59) 21% (67) 30% (96) 12% (37) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 3% (8) 3% (10) 8% (24) 15% (43) 52% (153) 19% (56) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 9% (28) 10% (32) 21% (66) 21% (65) 28% (89) 11% (35) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 4% (15) 8% (27) 12% (41) 15% (52) 46% (156) 14% (46) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 6% (35) 8% (47) 12% (66) 19% (105) 42% (238) 13% (74) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 5% (28) 9% (47) 16% (84) 20% (107) 39% (208) 11% (61) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 8% (56) 9% (69) 17% (123) 16% (117) 38% (275) 12% (86) 726Educ: < College 7% (90) 8% (100) 13% (160) 15% (184) 42% (521) 16% (200) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 4% (20) 10% (45) 17% (82) 24% (113) 36% (168) 9% (43) 472Educ: Post-grad 7% (19) 10% (26) 18% (48) 18% (47) 36% (97) 11% (31) 268Income: Under 50k 7% (73) 9% (90) 13% (131) 13% (135) 42% (427) 15% (156) 1012Income: 50k-100k 6% (37) 8% (54) 14% (96) 19% (127) 41% (280) 13% (87) 681Income: 100k+ 6% (19) 9% (28) 21% (64) 27% (81) 26% (79) 10% (31) 302Ethnicity: White 6% (93) 9% (138) 15% (241) 18% (288) 40% (647) 13% (206) 1614

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Morning ConsultTable CMS22_10

Table CMS22_10: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Golf



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 6% (129) 9% (172) 15% (291) 17% (344) 39% (786) 14% (274) 1995Ethnicity: Hispanic 5% (9) 10% (19) 13% (25) 21% (40) 37% (72) 15% (28) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 11% (28) 10% (25) 12% (31) 12% (31) 38% (97) 17% (42) 253Ethnicity: Other 7% (8) 7% (9) 14% (18) 20% (25) 33% (42) 20% (26) 128All Christian 7% (64) 10% (95) 18% (175) 19% (187) 36% (344) 11% (103) 968All Non-Christian 10% (10) 8% (8) 18% (18) 19% (19) 34% (34) 11% (11) 100Atheist 1% (1) 11% (10) 13% (11) 12% (10) 51% (44) 11% (10) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 6% (54) 7% (60) 10% (87) 15% (128) 43% (363) 18% (149) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 9% (10) 9% (11) 18% (21) 17% (20) 36% (42) 13% (15) 119Evangelical 8% (44) 10% (57) 13% (73) 17% (93) 37% (206) 14% (80) 553Non-Evangelical 6% (49) 9% (68) 17% (129) 19% (148) 38% (287) 11% (80) 762Community: Urban 5% (24) 11% (52) 16% (70) 15% (66) 40% (178) 13% (59) 450Community: Suburban 7% (69) 8% (79) 15% (154) 19% (193) 39% (398) 12% (124) 1016Community: Rural 7% (36) 8% (41) 13% (66) 16% (85) 40% (210) 17% (90) 529Employ: Private Sector 6% (40) 9% (58) 14% (85) 20% (125) 38% (238) 13% (79) 624Employ: Government 6% (8) 7% (10) 15% (21) 15% (21) 44% (60) 13% (19) 138Employ: Self-Employed 10% (15) 14% (21) 14% (21) 15% (23) 35% (52) 12% (18) 150Employ: Homemaker 5% (5) 6% (7) 11% (12) 17% (18) 37% (38) 23% (24) 103Employ: Retired 7% (34) 9% (48) 17% (87) 17% (86) 39% (195) 11% (57) 507Employ: Unemployed 7% (15) 8% (16) 14% (28) 18% (36) 40% (83) 13% (27) 206Employ: Other 9% (12) 1% (1) 13% (17) 9% (12) 49% (66) 19% (26) 135Military HH: Yes 7% (23) 11% (36) 17% (57) 15% (51) 38% (128) 12% (42) 336Military HH: No 6% (106) 8% (136) 14% (234) 18% (293) 40% (658) 14% (232) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 9% (60) 9% (64) 16% (112) 16% (112) 37% (255) 13% (87) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 5% (69) 8% (107) 14% (178) 18% (232) 41% (531) 14% (187) 1305Trump Job Approve 8% (68) 10% (81) 16% (131) 17% (145) 37% (306) 12% (104) 835Trump Job Disapprove 5% (59) 8% (90) 14% (154) 18% (193) 42% (457) 13% (147) 1100

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Table CMS22_10

Table CMS22_10: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Golf



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 6% (129) 9% (172) 15% (291) 17% (344) 39% (786) 14% (274) 1995Trump Job Strongly Approve 9% (44) 9% (46) 15% (75) 17% (83) 37% (186) 13% (63) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 7% (24) 10% (35) 17% (56) 18% (62) 36% (120) 12% (40) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 6% (14) 9% (21) 22% (51) 17% (39) 37% (87) 9% (22) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 5% (45) 8% (69) 12% (104) 18% (154) 43% (371) 14% (125) 867Favorable of Trump 8% (65) 10% (77) 17% (138) 17% (138) 37% (299) 12% (96) 813Unfavorable of Trump 6% (61) 8% (92) 14% (149) 18% (202) 42% (463) 12% (136) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 9% (48) 10% (52) 15% (77) 16% (81) 38% (195) 13% (65) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 6% (18) 8% (25) 20% (60) 19% (57) 35% (103) 11% (31) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 7% (14) 9% (18) 18% (34) 17% (33) 41% (80) 8% (16) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 5% (47) 8% (74) 13% (115) 19% (169) 42% (383) 13% (119) 907#1 Issue: Economy 7% (46) 9% (58) 18% (113) 19% (120) 34% (220) 13% (83) 641#1 Issue: Security 7% (18) 8% (19) 15% (37) 16% (40) 40% (96) 13% (32) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 5% (19) 7% (28) 13% (52) 19% (74) 41% (160) 16% (62) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 8% (26) 11% (35) 15% (48) 14% (45) 41% (128) 10% (31) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 4% (3) 5% (4) 8% (6) 14% (10) 47% (36) 21% (16) 76#1 Issue: Education 2% (3) 10% (11) 11% (12) 15% (16) 44% (48) 17% (18) 108#1 Issue: Energy 6% (5) 8% (7) 8% (7) 19% (17) 43% (37) 15% (13) 87#1 Issue: Other 6% (8) 7% (9) 11% (14) 16% (21) 46% (60) 15% (19) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 6% (49) 10% (78) 14% (111) 19% (151) 38% (306) 13% (100) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 7% (46) 10% (64) 16% (103) 18% (118) 37% (238) 13% (83) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 6% (5) 7% (6) 7% (6) 10% (8) 46% (40) 25% (22) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 7% (48) 9% (66) 15% (104) 17% (124) 40% (289) 12% (84) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 7% (52) 10% (72) 16% (114) 17% (120) 38% (272) 13% (90) 7202016 Vote: Other 4% (5) 8% (11) 10% (14) 19% (27) 47% (65) 12% (17) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 6% (24) 5% (23) 14% (59) 17% (72) 38% (161) 20% (83) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 7% (91) 10% (133) 15% (198) 18% (242) 38% (509) 13% (173) 1346Voted in 2014: No 6% (38) 6% (39) 14% (92) 16% (102) 43% (277) 16% (101) 649

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Morning ConsultTable CMS22_10

Table CMS22_10: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Golf



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 6% (129) 9% (172) 15% (291) 17% (344) 39% (786) 14% (274) 19952012 Vote: Barack Obama 7% (63) 9% (75) 15% (126) 19% (166) 38% (331) 11% (98) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 6% (33) 11% (54) 17% (85) 16% (82) 39% (197) 12% (59) 5092012 Vote: Other 4% (3) 5% (4) 11% (10) 11% (10) 47% (42) 23% (20) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 6% (30) 7% (38) 13% (69) 16% (84) 40% (214) 18% (97) 5324-Region: Northeast 7% (26) 6% (23) 17% (60) 18% (65) 40% (141) 12% (41) 3564-Region: Midwest 7% (31) 10% (44) 16% (75) 17% (80) 38% (172) 12% (56) 4584-Region: South 6% (45) 9% (66) 13% (94) 16% (120) 40% (296) 17% (124) 7454-Region: West 6% (26) 9% (39) 14% (62) 18% (79) 41% (177) 12% (53) 436Sports fan 8% (110) 11% (151) 18% (256) 20% (284) 31% (440) 11% (157) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 9% (33) 11% (42) 17% (67) 22% (83) 29% (111) 13% (48) 385Frequent Flyer 7% (16) 8% (19) 17% (38) 23% (51) 30% (67) 15% (35) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS22_11

Table CMS22_11: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Combat sports, such as boxing and mixed martial arts



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 11% (214) 14% (279) 12% (237) 10% (192) 40% (801) 14% (272) 1995Gender: Male 15% (139) 17% (156) 15% (144) 11% (100) 30% (283) 12% (111) 934Gender: Female 7% (75) 12% (123) 9% (93) 9% (92) 49% (518) 15% (161) 1061Age: 18-34 14% (68) 15% (77) 12% (61) 11% (53) 31% (155) 17% (86) 501Age: 35-44 16% (48) 16% (47) 13% (38) 13% (40) 29% (87) 14% (43) 303Age: 45-64 10% (72) 16% (118) 11% (80) 8% (59) 42% (302) 13% (95) 727Age: 65+ 6% (26) 8% (37) 12% (57) 8% (39) 55% (257) 10% (48) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 13% (29) 12% (26) 11% (24) 10% (21) 32% (69) 21% (46) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 15% (68) 16% (75) 13% (59) 11% (52) 30% (138) 14% (66) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 13% (65) 19% (93) 10% (48) 8% (40) 35% (169) 14% (67) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 6% (48) 10% (75) 12% (91) 10% (72) 51% (376) 11% (83) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 13% (93) 13% (94) 11% (80) 9% (69) 40% (294) 14% (101) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 11% (68) 13% (79) 12% (73) 11% (70) 39% (240) 14% (85) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 8% (53) 16% (106) 13% (84) 8% (52) 41% (268) 13% (86) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 20% (61) 15% (46) 13% (38) 9% (27) 30% (89) 13% (39) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 7% (32) 11% (48) 10% (42) 10% (42) 48% (205) 14% (62) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 16% (50) 17% (55) 16% (50) 14% (43) 28% (88) 10% (33) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 6% (18) 8% (25) 8% (23) 9% (27) 51% (151) 17% (52) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 9% (28) 18% (56) 18% (56) 9% (30) 34% (106) 12% (39) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 8% (25) 15% (51) 8% (28) 7% (23) 48% (162) 14% (47) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 11% (64) 16% (89) 10% (55) 10% (55) 40% (229) 13% (74) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 12% (67) 13% (70) 13% (71) 11% (58) 39% (209) 11% (60) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 8% (60) 15% (108) 13% (94) 9% (63) 43% (312) 12% (90) 726Educ: < College 12% (148) 14% (176) 11% (136) 9% (117) 39% (488) 15% (191) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 9% (40) 15% (69) 13% (63) 11% (54) 42% (198) 10% (47) 472Educ: Post-grad 10% (26) 13% (35) 14% (39) 8% (20) 43% (115) 13% (34) 268Income: Under 50k 13% (132) 14% (143) 10% (105) 9% (86) 39% (394) 15% (151) 1012Income: 50k-100k 8% (57) 13% (89) 12% (83) 10% (66) 45% (305) 12% (81) 681Income: 100k+ 8% (25) 16% (47) 16% (49) 13% (39) 34% (102) 13% (40) 302Ethnicity: White 9% (148) 13% (217) 12% (186) 10% (162) 43% (687) 13% (213) 1614

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Morning ConsultTable CMS22_11

Table CMS22_11: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Combat sports, such as boxing and mixed martial arts



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 11% (214) 14% (279) 12% (237) 10% (192) 40% (801) 14% (272) 1995Ethnicity: Hispanic 15% (30) 19% (37) 11% (22) 13% (26) 25% (49) 16% (30) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 21% (54) 17% (43) 12% (31) 8% (21) 30% (75) 12% (30) 253Ethnicity: Other 10% (12) 15% (19) 16% (20) 7% (8) 31% (40) 22% (29) 128All Christian 9% (87) 13% (130) 14% (132) 10% (100) 42% (403) 12% (116) 968All Non-Christian 10% (10) 22% (22) 10% (10) 11% (11) 33% (33) 14% (14) 100Atheist 14% (12) 9% (8) 13% (11) 11% (9) 39% (34) 14% (12) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 12% (105) 14% (119) 10% (84) 9% (72) 39% (332) 15% (130) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 9% (11) 26% (31) 11% (13) 10% (12) 31% (37) 13% (15) 119Evangelical 12% (66) 16% (87) 11% (61) 10% (54) 38% (211) 13% (75) 553Non-Evangelical 10% (79) 13% (96) 13% (96) 11% (82) 42% (323) 11% (86) 762Community: Urban 14% (61) 19% (83) 11% (52) 8% (37) 37% (167) 11% (50) 450Community: Suburban 10% (101) 13% (129) 13% (128) 10% (105) 41% (420) 13% (133) 1016Community: Rural 10% (53) 13% (66) 11% (57) 9% (49) 41% (214) 17% (89) 529Employ: Private Sector 11% (66) 17% (106) 13% (81) 11% (68) 36% (227) 12% (77) 624Employ: Government 11% (15) 16% (22) 9% (13) 7% (10) 40% (55) 17% (24) 138Employ: Self-Employed 16% (24) 22% (33) 12% (18) 8% (13) 28% (42) 14% (20) 150Employ: Homemaker 7% (7) 14% (14) 7% (7) 9% (10) 43% (44) 21% (22) 103Employ: Retired 8% (38) 8% (38) 12% (62) 8% (40) 54% (275) 10% (53) 507Employ: Unemployed 15% (31) 14% (28) 10% (21) 10% (21) 37% (77) 13% (27) 206Employ: Other 13% (18) 13% (17) 12% (17) 10% (13) 34% (46) 18% (24) 135Military HH: Yes 9% (31) 11% (38) 16% (53) 9% (29) 44% (146) 11% (38) 336Military HH: No 11% (183) 15% (242) 11% (184) 10% (162) 39% (655) 14% (234) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 9% (65) 16% (107) 14% (99) 8% (58) 39% (269) 13% (92) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 11% (150) 13% (172) 11% (138) 10% (133) 41% (532) 14% (180) 1305Trump Job Approve 10% (84) 16% (134) 13% (110) 10% (86) 38% (315) 13% (105) 835Trump Job Disapprove 12% (128) 13% (140) 11% (123) 9% (101) 42% (462) 13% (147) 1100

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Table CMS22_11

Table CMS22_11: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Combat sports, such as boxing and mixed martial arts



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 11% (214) 14% (279) 12% (237) 10% (192) 40% (801) 14% (272) 1995Trump Job Strongly Approve 10% (48) 17% (84) 11% (55) 9% (45) 41% (204) 12% (58) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 10% (35) 15% (50) 16% (55) 12% (41) 33% (111) 14% (46) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 15% (34) 17% (38) 12% (28) 8% (19) 38% (89) 11% (25) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 11% (94) 12% (102) 11% (95) 9% (82) 43% (373) 14% (122) 867Favorable of Trump 10% (83) 16% (132) 13% (110) 10% (80) 38% (312) 12% (97) 813Unfavorable of Trump 12% (127) 12% (137) 11% (124) 10% (106) 42% (467) 13% (141) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 12% (60) 16% (83) 12% (62) 8% (40) 40% (207) 13% (65) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 8% (22) 16% (49) 16% (47) 13% (40) 36% (105) 11% (32) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 12% (24) 16% (31) 14% (28) 9% (17) 39% (75) 10% (20) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 11% (103) 12% (107) 11% (96) 10% (89) 43% (392) 13% (120) 907#1 Issue: Economy 13% (82) 15% (97) 14% (91) 10% (67) 35% (224) 13% (80) 641#1 Issue: Security 11% (27) 15% (37) 13% (32) 7% (16) 41% (99) 14% (34) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 10% (39) 16% (63) 10% (39) 10% (39) 38% (151) 17% (65) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 8% (25) 11% (34) 12% (38) 9% (29) 52% (161) 8% (27) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 5% (4) 11% (9) 6% (4) 8% (6) 51% (39) 19% (14) 76#1 Issue: Education 8% (9) 14% (16) 10% (10) 14% (15) 35% (38) 19% (20) 108#1 Issue: Energy 12% (11) 13% (11) 13% (11) 11% (9) 37% (32) 14% (12) 87#1 Issue: Other 14% (18) 10% (13) 9% (12) 8% (11) 44% (58) 15% (20) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 11% (91) 13% (103) 12% (92) 10% (78) 42% (335) 12% (96) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 8% (55) 15% (101) 13% (88) 10% (64) 39% (257) 13% (87) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 9% (8) 12% (10) 9% (8) 11% (9) 41% (36) 19% (16) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 11% (81) 14% (100) 12% (87) 9% (63) 42% (303) 11% (81) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 9% (66) 15% (111) 12% (88) 10% (71) 40% (290) 13% (94) 7202016 Vote: Other 13% (18) 8% (12) 10% (14) 11% (15) 47% (65) 10% (14) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 12% (50) 14% (57) 11% (48) 10% (41) 34% (143) 20% (83) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 10% (136) 14% (191) 12% (167) 10% (137) 41% (554) 12% (162) 1346Voted in 2014: No 12% (79) 14% (89) 11% (70) 8% (55) 38% (247) 17% (110) 649

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Morning ConsultTable CMS22_11

Table CMS22_11: How important is the presence of fans and crowds to your enjoyment of each of the following sports on television?Combat sports, such as boxing and mixed martial arts



Not veryimportant

Notimportant at

allI don’t watchthis sport

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 11% (214) 14% (279) 12% (237) 10% (192) 40% (801) 14% (272) 19952012 Vote: Barack Obama 12% (100) 14% (122) 12% (103) 10% (82) 42% (360) 11% (92) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 7% (37) 15% (75) 13% (68) 9% (47) 43% (219) 12% (63) 5092012 Vote: Other 4% (4) 11% (9) 9% (8) 13% (12) 48% (42) 15% (14) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 14% (73) 14% (73) 11% (57) 9% (48) 33% (177) 20% (104) 5324-Region: Northeast 10% (36) 13% (47) 17% (61) 9% (31) 38% (135) 13% (45) 3564-Region: Midwest 11% (51) 13% (61) 10% (46) 11% (52) 42% (194) 12% (55) 4584-Region: South 11% (79) 13% (96) 10% (78) 9% (68) 40% (298) 17% (125) 7454-Region: West 11% (48) 17% (75) 12% (52) 9% (40) 40% (174) 11% (47) 436Sports fan 13% (177) 16% (230) 15% (206) 11% (156) 33% (465) 12% (163) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 13% (50) 16% (62) 13% (49) 12% (47) 33% (126) 13% (51) 385Frequent Flyer 10% (23) 19% (43) 14% (31) 13% (28) 32% (72) 13% (29) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Table CMS23_1

Table CMS23_1: How do you believe each of the following measures would impact your enjoyment of watching sporting events on television withoutfans in attendance?Adding arti cial or recorded crowd noise

DemographicMuch moreenjoyable



Neither morenor lessenjoyable

Somewhatless enjoyable

Much lessenjoyable

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (72) 9% (188) 27% (547) 13% (250) 27% (529) 21% (410) 1995Gender: Male 5% (46) 11% (98) 28% (261) 14% (131) 28% (259) 15% (139) 934Gender: Female 2% (26) 8% (89) 27% (286) 11% (119) 25% (269) 26% (272) 1061Age: 18-34 5% (26) 11% (57) 25% (126) 14% (70) 22% (112) 22% (111) 501Age: 35-44 3% (10) 12% (36) 28% (84) 13% (40) 24% (73) 20% (59) 303Age: 45-64 4% (29) 8% (56) 27% (198) 12% (86) 27% (197) 22% (160) 727Age: 65+ 1% (7) 8% (39) 30% (138) 11% (53) 32% (147) 17% (80) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 6% (13) 11% (23) 21% (45) 13% (28) 21% (45) 28% (59) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 4% (18) 12% (57) 29% (132) 13% (62) 23% (105) 18% (83) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 4% (21) 9% (42) 27% (131) 13% (62) 27% (131) 20% (95) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 3% (19) 7% (55) 28% (208) 11% (85) 30% (221) 21% (156) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 4% (27) 10% (71) 30% (216) 13% (95) 26% (190) 18% (132) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 3% (18) 8% (49) 26% (157) 13% (78) 27% (168) 23% (144) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 4% (27) 10% (68) 27% (174) 12% (77) 26% (171) 21% (133) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 4% (13) 12% (35) 28% (85) 16% (48) 25% (75) 15% (45) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 3% (14) 8% (36) 30% (131) 11% (47) 27% (115) 20% (87) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 4% (11) 8% (27) 27% (86) 14% (46) 31% (100) 16% (50) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 2% (7) 8% (23) 24% (71) 11% (32) 23% (68) 32% (94) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 7% (22) 12% (37) 29% (90) 12% (38) 27% (84) 14% (44) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 2% (5) 9% (31) 25% (84) 12% (39) 26% (87) 27% (90) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 3% (18) 10% (58) 23% (132) 12% (70) 31% (175) 20% (111) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 4% (22) 9% (46) 33% (174) 13% (72) 24% (126) 17% (93) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 4% (27) 10% (76) 28% (203) 13% (93) 27% (195) 18% (132) 726Educ: < College 4% (47) 9% (108) 29% (365) 10% (130) 25% (312) 23% (293) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 3% (15) 10% (47) 26% (122) 19% (90) 27% (129) 15% (69) 472Educ: Post-grad 4% (10) 12% (33) 22% (60) 11% (30) 33% (88) 18% (48) 268Income: Under 50k 5% (47) 9% (86) 29% (295) 12% (124) 23% (235) 22% (225) 1012Income: 50k-100k 3% (18) 11% (73) 25% (167) 12% (81) 30% (203) 20% (138) 681Income: 100k+ 2% (6) 9% (28) 28% (84) 15% (45) 30% (91) 16% (48) 302

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Morning ConsultTable CMS23_1

Table CMS23_1: How do you believe each of the following measures would impact your enjoyment of watching sporting events on television withoutfans in attendance?Adding arti cial or recorded crowd noise

DemographicMuch moreenjoyable



Neither morenor lessenjoyable

Somewhatless enjoyable

Much lessenjoyable

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (72) 9% (188) 27% (547) 13% (250) 27% (529) 21% (410) 1995Ethnicity: White 3% (48) 10% (157) 26% (427) 13% (210) 27% (444) 20% (328) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 6% (11) 8% (15) 33% (64) 12% (23) 23% (45) 18% (36) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 7% (19) 8% (20) 35% (89) 8% (21) 24% (61) 17% (43) 253Ethnicity: Other 4% (5) 8% (11) 24% (31) 15% (19) 19% (24) 30% (38) 128All Christian 4% (34) 10% (101) 29% (284) 13% (127) 27% (258) 17% (164) 968All Non-Christian 2% (2) 12% (12) 26% (26) 15% (15) 26% (26) 19% (19) 100Atheist 2% (2) 13% (11) 13% (11) 16% (14) 38% (32) 19% (16) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 4% (34) 8% (64) 27% (226) 11% (94) 25% (213) 25% (211) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 2% (2) 11% (14) 25% (30) 16% (19) 29% (34) 17% (20) 119Evangelical 5% (29) 9% (48) 30% (167) 11% (63) 24% (132) 21% (115) 553Non-Evangelical 4% (27) 10% (73) 28% (216) 13% (98) 28% (211) 18% (137) 762Community: Urban 5% (22) 11% (51) 27% (121) 13% (58) 25% (112) 19% (85) 450Community: Suburban 3% (30) 10% (100) 27% (272) 13% (136) 28% (284) 19% (194) 1016Community: Rural 4% (20) 7% (37) 29% (153) 11% (56) 25% (132) 25% (131) 529Employ: Private Sector 3% (18) 10% (64) 28% (177) 15% (96) 26% (161) 17% (108) 624Employ: Government 4% (5) 16% (22) 18% (25) 10% (14) 29% (40) 22% (31) 138Employ: Self-Employed 7% (11) 9% (14) 21% (31) 11% (17) 35% (52) 16% (25) 150Employ: Homemaker 4% (4) 6% (6) 29% (30) 15% (15) 22% (23) 24% (25) 103Employ: Retired 3% (15) 8% (38) 30% (153) 10% (51) 30% (152) 19% (97) 507Employ: Unemployed 4% (8) 9% (19) 24% (49) 11% (23) 25% (52) 27% (55) 206Employ: Other 2% (3) 11% (15) 32% (44) 12% (16) 16% (21) 27% (36) 135Military HH: Yes 3% (9) 8% (27) 30% (102) 11% (37) 28% (93) 20% (68) 336Military HH: No 4% (63) 10% (161) 27% (445) 13% (213) 26% (436) 21% (343) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 4% (25) 12% (81) 28% (196) 12% (81) 23% (162) 21% (145) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 4% (47) 8% (107) 27% (351) 13% (168) 28% (367) 20% (265) 1305Trump Job Approve 4% (35) 11% (88) 27% (228) 12% (103) 25% (210) 20% (170) 835Trump Job Disapprove 3% (37) 9% (97) 28% (312) 13% (139) 28% (310) 19% (205) 1100

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS23_1

Table CMS23_1: How do you believe each of the following measures would impact your enjoyment of watching sporting events on television withoutfans in attendance?Adding arti cial or recorded crowd noise

DemographicMuch moreenjoyable



Neither morenor lessenjoyable

Somewhatless enjoyable

Much lessenjoyable

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (72) 9% (188) 27% (547) 13% (250) 27% (529) 21% (410) 1995Trump Job Strongly Approve 5% (23) 11% (53) 27% (133) 9% (44) 27% (132) 22% (111) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 3% (11) 10% (35) 28% (96) 17% (59) 23% (79) 17% (59) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 4% (10) 9% (20) 30% (70) 16% (37) 26% (59) 16% (37) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 3% (28) 9% (77) 28% (243) 12% (102) 29% (251) 19% (168) 867Favorable of Trump 5% (39) 11% (86) 27% (220) 12% (98) 25% (205) 20% (166) 813Unfavorable of Trump 3% (32) 9% (100) 28% (311) 13% (144) 28% (309) 19% (207) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 6% (30) 11% (56) 27% (142) 9% (46) 26% (135) 21% (110) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 3% (9) 10% (31) 26% (77) 18% (52) 24% (70) 19% (56) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 2% (5) 8% (15) 36% (70) 15% (30) 20% (40) 18% (35) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 3% (27) 9% (84) 27% (240) 13% (114) 30% (269) 19% (172) 907#1 Issue: Economy 3% (22) 12% (77) 26% (165) 14% (87) 27% (176) 18% (114) 641#1 Issue: Security 4% (9) 8% (19) 25% (62) 9% (22) 29% (70) 25% (60) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 5% (20) 10% (39) 29% (114) 13% (50) 24% (96) 19% (77) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 2% (7) 8% (25) 31% (98) 11% (33) 27% (84) 21% (67) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues — (0) 7% (6) 34% (26) 13% (10) 21% (16) 24% (18) 76#1 Issue: Education 5% (5) 10% (11) 19% (21) 17% (18) 18% (20) 31% (33) 108#1 Issue: Energy 1% (1) 9% (8) 37% (32) 20% (18) 21% (18) 12% (10) 87#1 Issue: Other 6% (8) 3% (4) 23% (30) 8% (11) 37% (49) 22% (30) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 4% (32) 10% (77) 28% (221) 14% (115) 27% (216) 17% (134) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 4% (25) 10% (65) 28% (181) 12% (75) 27% (174) 20% (131) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 2% (2) 4% (3) 22% (19) 7% (6) 23% (20) 43% (37) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 3% (24) 9% (67) 31% (222) 13% (91) 26% (185) 17% (124) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 5% (34) 11% (76) 26% (190) 12% (86) 27% (196) 19% (137) 7202016 Vote: Other — (0) 7% (10) 24% (34) 16% (23) 29% (40) 23% (32) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 3% (14) 8% (34) 23% (99) 12% (50) 26% (108) 28% (117) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 4% (52) 9% (126) 28% (376) 12% (161) 28% (375) 19% (257) 1346Voted in 2014: No 3% (20) 10% (62) 26% (171) 14% (89) 24% (153) 24% (153) 649

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Morning ConsultTable CMS23_1

Table CMS23_1: How do you believe each of the following measures would impact your enjoyment of watching sporting events on television withoutfans in attendance?Adding arti cial or recorded crowd noise

DemographicMuch moreenjoyable



Neither morenor lessenjoyable

Somewhatless enjoyable

Much lessenjoyable

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (72) 9% (188) 27% (547) 13% (250) 27% (529) 21% (410) 19952012 Vote: Barack Obama 3% (25) 10% (85) 31% (266) 12% (105) 28% (238) 16% (141) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 4% (19) 10% (52) 24% (120) 13% (64) 29% (146) 21% (108) 5092012 Vote: Other 3% (3) 5% (4) 28% (25) 8% (7) 30% (27) 26% (23) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 5% (25) 9% (47) 25% (134) 14% (72) 22% (117) 26% (138) 5324-Region: Northeast 4% (13) 12% (42) 26% (92) 16% (58) 25% (89) 18% (62) 3564-Region: Midwest 3% (13) 9% (40) 27% (123) 13% (58) 28% (129) 21% (95) 4584-Region: South 4% (31) 8% (62) 30% (225) 12% (86) 25% (184) 21% (156) 7454-Region: West 4% (16) 10% (44) 25% (107) 11% (47) 29% (126) 22% (96) 436Sports fan 4% (63) 11% (150) 29% (411) 14% (202) 27% (380) 14% (190) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 5% (21) 12% (47) 24% (94) 16% (62) 26% (101) 16% (61) 385Frequent Flyer 5% (10) 13% (28) 23% (51) 15% (33) 30% (68) 15% (34) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS23_2

Table CMS23_2: How do you believe each of the following measures would impact your enjoyment of watching sporting events on television withoutfans in attendance?Superimposing realistic-looking fans into the stands

DemographicMuch moreenjoyable



Neither morenor lessenjoyable

Somewhatless enjoyable

Much lessenjoyable

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (76) 6% (129) 26% (526) 12% (238) 29% (582) 22% (445) 1995Gender: Male 5% (44) 8% (70) 28% (258) 13% (123) 29% (275) 18% (163) 934Gender: Female 3% (32) 6% (59) 25% (268) 11% (115) 29% (306) 27% (281) 1061Age: 18-34 6% (28) 8% (40) 22% (109) 13% (63) 27% (134) 25% (128) 501Age: 35-44 5% (14) 7% (21) 27% (80) 13% (38) 28% (86) 21% (64) 303Age: 45-64 3% (25) 7% (49) 28% (203) 10% (75) 29% (213) 22% (161) 727Age: 65+ 2% (8) 4% (19) 29% (134) 13% (61) 32% (149) 20% (92) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 6% (14) 3% (7) 24% (52) 11% (24) 23% (49) 32% (68) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 5% (23) 10% (47) 23% (107) 13% (58) 28% (128) 21% (94) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 4% (20) 7% (31) 25% (123) 13% (64) 30% (145) 21% (100) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 3% (19) 6% (42) 28% (212) 10% (75) 31% (234) 22% (164) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 5% (34) 7% (52) 28% (204) 12% (89) 27% (200) 21% (151) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 3% (18) 4% (27) 26% (159) 13% (78) 29% (178) 25% (154) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 4% (24) 8% (50) 25% (162) 11% (71) 31% (203) 21% (140) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 6% (18) 8% (24) 30% (89) 12% (35) 26% (77) 19% (57) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 4% (17) 7% (29) 27% (115) 12% (54) 29% (123) 22% (94) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 3% (10) 4% (14) 29% (91) 14% (45) 32% (103) 18% (56) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 3% (8) 4% (13) 23% (68) 11% (33) 26% (75) 33% (98) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 5% (16) 10% (32) 25% (77) 14% (43) 30% (96) 16% (50) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 2% (8) 5% (18) 25% (85) 8% (28) 32% (108) 27% (89) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 3% (18) 7% (37) 24% (137) 14% (78) 31% (175) 21% (121) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 5% (25) 7% (40) 30% (162) 11% (56) 28% (151) 19% (101) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 4% (26) 7% (50) 26% (191) 12% (87) 31% (222) 21% (150) 726Educ: < College 4% (48) 7% (86) 27% (342) 10% (130) 27% (334) 25% (314) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 3% (16) 6% (28) 26% (122) 16% (75) 32% (150) 17% (81) 472Educ: Post-grad 4% (12) 6% (15) 23% (62) 12% (33) 36% (97) 19% (50) 268Income: Under 50k 5% (46) 7% (67) 28% (282) 12% (122) 25% (250) 24% (244) 1012Income: 50k-100k 4% (24) 6% (43) 24% (164) 10% (70) 34% (230) 22% (149) 681Income: 100k+ 2% (6) 6% (19) 26% (80) 15% (45) 34% (102) 17% (51) 302

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Morning ConsultTable CMS23_2

Table CMS23_2: How do you believe each of the following measures would impact your enjoyment of watching sporting events on television withoutfans in attendance?Superimposing realistic-looking fans into the stands

DemographicMuch moreenjoyable



Neither morenor lessenjoyable

Somewhatless enjoyable

Much lessenjoyable

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (76) 6% (129) 26% (526) 12% (238) 29% (582) 22% (445) 1995Ethnicity: White 3% (54) 6% (95) 27% (430) 12% (192) 31% (493) 22% (350) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 7% (13) 4% (8) 30% (58) 12% (23) 25% (49) 22% (42) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 6% (14) 10% (25) 27% (68) 11% (28) 25% (63) 22% (55) 253Ethnicity: Other 6% (8) 7% (9) 22% (28) 14% (18) 21% (26) 31% (40) 128All Christian 4% (36) 7% (65) 28% (273) 12% (118) 31% (304) 18% (172) 968All Non-Christian 7% (7) 6% (6) 23% (23) 11% (11) 33% (33) 20% (20) 100Atheist 3% (3) 4% (3) 23% (20) 14% (12) 33% (29) 23% (20) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 4% (30) 7% (55) 25% (210) 12% (97) 26% (216) 28% (233) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 6% (7) 5% (6) 21% (26) 15% (18) 33% (40) 19% (23) 119Evangelical 5% (29) 6% (35) 26% (143) 12% (65) 27% (149) 24% (132) 553Non-Evangelical 4% (27) 7% (53) 28% (213) 11% (80) 33% (249) 18% (139) 762Community: Urban 5% (22) 8% (35) 24% (108) 11% (51) 29% (132) 23% (101) 450Community: Suburban 3% (32) 6% (61) 26% (264) 14% (141) 30% (302) 21% (216) 1016Community: Rural 4% (22) 6% (32) 29% (153) 9% (46) 28% (148) 24% (127) 529Employ: Private Sector 4% (25) 7% (43) 28% (175) 12% (72) 30% (186) 20% (123) 624Employ: Government 5% (7) 7% (10) 19% (27) 13% (17) 33% (46) 22% (31) 138Employ: Self-Employed 4% (6) 10% (14) 22% (33) 11% (16) 37% (55) 17% (25) 150Employ: Homemaker 4% (4) 9% (9) 23% (24) 14% (15) 25% (26) 24% (25) 103Employ: Retired 2% (12) 6% (30) 28% (143) 13% (66) 30% (152) 20% (104) 507Employ: Unemployed 4% (9) 6% (12) 20% (40) 14% (30) 28% (58) 28% (57) 206Employ: Other 6% (8) 5% (6) 33% (44) 8% (10) 19% (25) 30% (41) 135Military HH: Yes 2% (7) 5% (15) 30% (100) 12% (40) 33% (110) 19% (64) 336Military HH: No 4% (69) 7% (114) 26% (426) 12% (198) 28% (472) 23% (381) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 4% (29) 8% (54) 27% (189) 11% (76) 27% (189) 22% (154) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 4% (47) 6% (76) 26% (337) 12% (162) 30% (393) 22% (291) 1305Trump Job Approve 4% (37) 8% (69) 26% (218) 11% (92) 29% (242) 21% (177) 835Trump Job Disapprove 3% (37) 6% (61) 27% (296) 13% (145) 30% (327) 21% (234) 1100

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Table CMS23_2

Table CMS23_2: How do you believe each of the following measures would impact your enjoyment of watching sporting events on television withoutfans in attendance?Superimposing realistic-looking fans into the stands

DemographicMuch moreenjoyable



Neither morenor lessenjoyable

Somewhatless enjoyable

Much lessenjoyable

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (76) 6% (129) 26% (526) 12% (238) 29% (582) 22% (445) 1995Trump Job Strongly Approve 4% (19) 8% (40) 26% (129) 10% (50) 28% (140) 24% (118) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 5% (18) 8% (29) 26% (89) 12% (42) 30% (101) 17% (59) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 3% (6) 5% (12) 29% (67) 19% (43) 26% (60) 19% (44) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 4% (31) 6% (48) 26% (229) 12% (102) 31% (267) 22% (190) 867Favorable of Trump 5% (38) 7% (56) 26% (214) 11% (91) 29% (240) 21% (174) 813Unfavorable of Trump 3% (35) 6% (70) 27% (300) 13% (140) 30% (326) 21% (230) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 5% (25) 7% (37) 27% (139) 10% (54) 29% (149) 22% (115) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 4% (13) 7% (19) 25% (75) 13% (37) 31% (91) 20% (59) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 3% (5) 7% (14) 34% (67) 12% (24) 25% (48) 19% (37) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 3% (30) 6% (56) 26% (233) 13% (117) 31% (277) 21% (194) 907#1 Issue: Economy 4% (24) 9% (55) 26% (168) 12% (78) 30% (192) 19% (124) 641#1 Issue: Security 6% (14) 5% (12) 24% (59) 12% (28) 29% (70) 25% (60) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 3% (14) 5% (21) 29% (116) 11% (45) 28% (112) 22% (88) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 3% (9) 5% (17) 28% (87) 13% (40) 27% (85) 24% (75) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 5% (3) 6% (5) 21% (16) 15% (11) 23% (18) 30% (23) 76#1 Issue: Education 1% (1) 9% (9) 21% (23) 17% (18) 25% (27) 26% (29) 108#1 Issue: Energy 4% (3) 6% (6) 30% (26) 11% (10) 32% (27) 17% (14) 87#1 Issue: Other 6% (8) 3% (4) 23% (30) 6% (7) 39% (51) 24% (32) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 4% (35) 7% (55) 27% (212) 13% (105) 30% (240) 18% (147) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 4% (24) 8% (51) 24% (159) 12% (80) 30% (196) 22% (141) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 4% (4) 6% (5) 25% (22) 6% (5) 23% (20) 36% (31) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 4% (30) 7% (52) 28% (200) 12% (84) 30% (214) 19% (133) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 4% (31) 7% (52) 26% (186) 13% (91) 29% (211) 21% (148) 7202016 Vote: Other 1% (2) 5% (7) 25% (34) 12% (16) 32% (44) 25% (35) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 3% (13) 4% (18) 24% (103) 11% (47) 27% (113) 30% (128) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 4% (50) 7% (97) 26% (348) 12% (156) 31% (419) 21% (276) 1346Voted in 2014: No 4% (26) 5% (32) 27% (177) 13% (82) 25% (163) 26% (169) 649

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Morning ConsultTable CMS23_2

Table CMS23_2: How do you believe each of the following measures would impact your enjoyment of watching sporting events on television withoutfans in attendance?Superimposing realistic-looking fans into the stands

DemographicMuch moreenjoyable



Neither morenor lessenjoyable

Somewhatless enjoyable

Much lessenjoyable

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (76) 6% (129) 26% (526) 12% (238) 29% (582) 22% (445) 19952012 Vote: Barack Obama 3% (29) 8% (67) 29% (246) 12% (101) 31% (262) 18% (155) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 4% (18) 6% (32) 23% (116) 12% (64) 31% (156) 24% (123) 5092012 Vote: Other 1% (1) 6% (5) 34% (30) 9% (8) 26% (23) 24% (22) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 5% (28) 5% (25) 25% (131) 12% (66) 26% (138) 27% (145) 5324-Region: Northeast 4% (14) 7% (26) 27% (97) 14% (49) 29% (102) 19% (68) 3564-Region: Midwest 3% (12) 7% (32) 28% (128) 11% (51) 30% (139) 21% (97) 4584-Region: South 4% (32) 7% (49) 26% (195) 12% (89) 27% (205) 23% (174) 7454-Region: West 4% (17) 5% (21) 24% (106) 11% (49) 31% (136) 24% (106) 436Sports fan 5% (64) 8% (106) 28% (389) 13% (185) 31% (436) 16% (217) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 7% (27) 7% (25) 27% (102) 12% (47) 31% (119) 17% (64) 385Frequent Flyer 5% (11) 7% (16) 22% (50) 10% (23) 35% (80) 20% (46) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Table CMS23_3

Table CMS23_3: How do you believe each of the following measures would impact your enjoyment of watching sporting events on television withoutfans in attendance?Playing background music during play

DemographicMuch moreenjoyable



Neither morenor lessenjoyable

Somewhatless enjoyable

Much lessenjoyable

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (135) 13% (263) 27% (535) 13% (251) 20% (403) 21% (409) 1995Gender: Male 7% (64) 12% (112) 28% (258) 15% (138) 25% (229) 14% (133) 934Gender: Female 7% (71) 14% (151) 26% (277) 11% (112) 16% (174) 26% (276) 1061Age: 18-34 12% (61) 19% (96) 24% (123) 12% (61) 12% (59) 21% (103) 501Age: 35-44 10% (30) 17% (53) 24% (71) 13% (40) 17% (51) 19% (58) 303Age: 45-64 5% (39) 11% (79) 28% (204) 12% (91) 21% (149) 23% (164) 727Age: 65+ 1% (5) 8% (35) 29% (137) 13% (60) 31% (143) 18% (84) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 14% (30) 20% (44) 21% (46) 12% (25) 6% (12) 27% (57) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 10% (44) 19% (87) 26% (119) 13% (57) 16% (73) 17% (77) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 9% (45) 13% (61) 26% (127) 13% (61) 19% (90) 20% (99) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 2% (16) 8% (63) 28% (210) 13% (95) 27% (199) 22% (162) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 8% (56) 14% (105) 29% (212) 12% (90) 19% (139) 18% (129) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 7% (41) 11% (66) 27% (166) 14% (84) 18% (112) 24% (146) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 6% (38) 14% (92) 24% (158) 12% (76) 23% (152) 21% (134) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 7% (20) 13% (39) 29% (88) 15% (45) 23% (68) 14% (41) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 8% (36) 15% (66) 29% (124) 10% (45) 17% (71) 21% (88) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 6% (20) 11% (36) 28% (90) 16% (50) 23% (73) 15% (49) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 7% (20) 10% (30) 26% (75) 12% (34) 13% (38) 33% (97) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 7% (23) 12% (37) 25% (79) 14% (43) 28% (88) 14% (43) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 4% (15) 16% (55) 23% (78) 10% (33) 19% (64) 27% (91) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 7% (39) 14% (80) 26% (149) 15% (82) 18% (101) 20% (114) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 9% (47) 15% (79) 28% (152) 12% (64) 19% (100) 17% (93) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 4% (31) 12% (90) 27% (195) 12% (90) 25% (184) 19% (137) 726Educ: < College 7% (82) 13% (162) 29% (369) 11% (136) 18% (222) 23% (284) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 7% (33) 14% (65) 22% (106) 17% (81) 24% (113) 16% (74) 472Educ: Post-grad 7% (20) 13% (36) 23% (61) 12% (33) 25% (68) 19% (51) 268Income: Under 50k 8% (83) 13% (128) 29% (297) 9% (96) 18% (179) 23% (229) 1012Income: 50k-100k 5% (36) 15% (100) 24% (162) 15% (99) 22% (147) 20% (137) 681Income: 100k+ 5% (15) 12% (35) 25% (76) 18% (55) 25% (76) 14% (44) 302

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Morning ConsultTable CMS23_3

Table CMS23_3: How do you believe each of the following measures would impact your enjoyment of watching sporting events on television withoutfans in attendance?Playing background music during play

DemographicMuch moreenjoyable



Neither morenor lessenjoyable

Somewhatless enjoyable

Much lessenjoyable

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (135) 13% (263) 27% (535) 13% (251) 20% (403) 21% (409) 1995Ethnicity: White 6% (92) 12% (190) 27% (440) 13% (212) 22% (347) 21% (332) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 13% (24) 18% (35) 27% (53) 12% (24) 14% (27) 16% (30) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 12% (30) 21% (54) 24% (61) 10% (25) 14% (36) 19% (47) 253Ethnicity: Other 9% (12) 15% (19) 26% (34) 11% (14) 15% (20) 23% (30) 128All Christian 6% (55) 12% (117) 28% (273) 14% (134) 23% (227) 17% (162) 968All Non-Christian 6% (6) 13% (13) 20% (20) 20% (20) 19% (19) 22% (22) 100Atheist 4% (4) 16% (14) 25% (22) 11% (9) 20% (18) 23% (20) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 8% (69) 14% (119) 26% (220) 10% (87) 17% (139) 24% (205) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 7% (8) 14% (17) 20% (24) 21% (25) 19% (23) 19% (22) 119Evangelical 9% (49) 13% (73) 28% (156) 8% (47) 21% (116) 20% (113) 553Non-Evangelical 6% (48) 12% (89) 26% (200) 15% (115) 23% (176) 18% (134) 762Community: Urban 9% (41) 15% (70) 28% (127) 12% (54) 15% (69) 20% (89) 450Community: Suburban 6% (60) 14% (140) 25% (257) 15% (151) 22% (219) 19% (190) 1016Community: Rural 6% (34) 10% (53) 29% (151) 9% (46) 22% (115) 25% (130) 529Employ: Private Sector 7% (45) 17% (109) 25% (157) 14% (88) 20% (123) 16% (103) 624Employ: Government 7% (10) 16% (22) 20% (28) 14% (19) 22% (31) 21% (29) 138Employ: Self-Employed 10% (15) 14% (21) 23% (34) 14% (22) 22% (33) 17% (25) 150Employ: Homemaker 11% (12) 9% (10) 28% (29) 8% (8) 18% (19) 25% (26) 103Employ: Retired 3% (14) 8% (42) 30% (154) 12% (60) 27% (136) 20% (101) 507Employ: Unemployed 5% (11) 12% (24) 26% (54) 13% (26) 17% (36) 27% (55) 206Employ: Other 9% (12) 10% (13) 30% (41) 10% (14) 11% (15) 30% (40) 135Military HH: Yes 5% (16) 9% (31) 28% (95) 13% (45) 24% (80) 21% (69) 336Military HH: No 7% (119) 14% (232) 27% (441) 12% (205) 19% (323) 21% (340) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 6% (44) 14% (98) 27% (186) 12% (81) 20% (138) 21% (143) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 7% (91) 13% (165) 27% (349) 13% (169) 20% (264) 20% (266) 1305Trump Job Approve 6% (53) 13% (110) 25% (210) 13% (112) 22% (186) 20% (163) 835Trump Job Disapprove 7% (81) 14% (149) 28% (313) 12% (136) 19% (210) 19% (211) 1100

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS23_3

Table CMS23_3: How do you believe each of the following measures would impact your enjoyment of watching sporting events on television withoutfans in attendance?Playing background music during play

DemographicMuch moreenjoyable



Neither morenor lessenjoyable

Somewhatless enjoyable

Much lessenjoyable

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (135) 13% (263) 27% (535) 13% (251) 20% (403) 21% (409) 1995Trump Job Strongly Approve 5% (26) 13% (62) 25% (126) 12% (62) 23% (112) 22% (107) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 8% (26) 14% (48) 25% (84) 15% (51) 22% (74) 17% (56) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 9% (21) 14% (33) 33% (78) 10% (23) 17% (41) 16% (38) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 7% (60) 13% (116) 27% (236) 13% (113) 19% (169) 20% (173) 867Favorable of Trump 7% (57) 12% (99) 25% (207) 13% (108) 22% (180) 20% (162) 813Unfavorable of Trump 7% (74) 14% (153) 28% (310) 13% (141) 19% (214) 19% (210) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 8% (40) 12% (62) 25% (131) 12% (63) 22% (114) 21% (109) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 6% (17) 13% (37) 26% (76) 15% (46) 22% (66) 18% (53) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 6% (12) 16% (31) 34% (67) 12% (23) 15% (30) 17% (33) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 7% (62) 13% (122) 27% (244) 13% (118) 20% (185) 19% (176) 907#1 Issue: Economy 6% (41) 16% (105) 24% (157) 13% (80) 24% (151) 17% (107) 641#1 Issue: Security 7% (16) 11% (28) 26% (63) 13% (31) 18% (45) 25% (61) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 8% (33) 15% (59) 29% (117) 11% (45) 17% (65) 19% (76) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 3% (10) 7% (22) 31% (97) 14% (43) 23% (72) 22% (70) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 8% (6) 11% (8) 34% (26) 14% (10) 10% (7) 24% (18) 76#1 Issue: Education 13% (15) 14% (15) 20% (22) 14% (15) 10% (11) 29% (31) 108#1 Issue: Energy 7% (6) 20% (17) 31% (27) 15% (13) 16% (14) 11% (10) 87#1 Issue: Other 6% (8) 7% (9) 21% (28) 10% (13) 28% (37) 28% (37) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 7% (58) 12% (99) 28% (222) 14% (114) 20% (160) 18% (143) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 6% (36) 12% (80) 25% (165) 12% (79) 25% (164) 19% (127) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 5% (4) 7% (6) 26% (22) 3% (2) 21% (18) 39% (34) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 7% (49) 13% (93) 29% (205) 14% (98) 19% (138) 18% (130) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 6% (41) 12% (84) 26% (188) 13% (96) 25% (180) 18% (130) 7202016 Vote: Other 4% (5) 9% (12) 28% (39) 10% (14) 23% (32) 26% (36) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 9% (39) 17% (73) 24% (101) 10% (43) 13% (53) 27% (112) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 6% (76) 12% (156) 28% (373) 13% (175) 23% (307) 19% (258) 1346Voted in 2014: No 9% (59) 16% (107) 25% (162) 12% (75) 15% (96) 23% (151) 649

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Morning ConsultTable CMS23_3

Table CMS23_3: How do you believe each of the following measures would impact your enjoyment of watching sporting events on television withoutfans in attendance?Playing background music during play

DemographicMuch moreenjoyable



Neither morenor lessenjoyable

Somewhatless enjoyable

Much lessenjoyable

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 7% (135) 13% (263) 27% (535) 13% (251) 20% (403) 21% (409) 19952012 Vote: Barack Obama 6% (47) 14% (119) 29% (254) 13% (115) 21% (178) 17% (146) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 5% (23) 10% (48) 26% (133) 14% (71) 25% (128) 21% (106) 5092012 Vote: Other 3% (3) 6% (5) 29% (26) 10% (9) 24% (21) 27% (24) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 11% (61) 17% (90) 23% (121) 10% (56) 13% (72) 25% (133) 5324-Region: Northeast 7% (26) 13% (45) 26% (94) 14% (49) 22% (79) 18% (62) 3564-Region: Midwest 6% (28) 13% (59) 28% (128) 15% (67) 19% (88) 19% (89) 4584-Region: South 7% (52) 14% (101) 25% (185) 12% (86) 21% (153) 23% (169) 7454-Region: West 7% (29) 13% (58) 29% (128) 11% (49) 19% (83) 20% (89) 436Sports fan 7% (101) 13% (187) 28% (392) 15% (210) 23% (324) 13% (183) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 11% (44) 15% (56) 25% (95) 14% (54) 21% (79) 15% (57) 385Frequent Flyer 10% (23) 16% (36) 22% (50) 16% (36) 21% (46) 15% (34) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS23_4

Table CMS23_4: How do you believe each of the following measures would impact your enjoyment of watching sporting events on television withoutfans in attendance?Being able to hear natural sounds of the sport more clearly (such as sneakers squeaking in basketball, punches landing in combat sports or the ballhitting the inside of a glove in baseball)

DemographicMuch moreenjoyable



Neither morenor lessenjoyable

Somewhatless enjoyable

Much lessenjoyable

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 14% (286) 27% (546) 29% (583) 4% (84) 6% (115) 19% (380) 1995Gender: Male 16% (153) 31% (293) 29% (267) 5% (46) 6% (53) 13% (122) 934Gender: Female 13% (133) 24% (254) 30% (316) 4% (38) 6% (62) 24% (258) 1061Age: 18-34 20% (99) 29% (146) 20% (98) 6% (28) 5% (24) 21% (107) 501Age: 35-44 15% (46) 29% (89) 29% (89) 3% (9) 5% (17) 18% (55) 303Age: 45-64 13% (97) 25% (183) 33% (238) 4% (31) 5% (39) 19% (139) 727Age: 65+ 10% (45) 28% (129) 34% (159) 4% (17) 7% (35) 17% (80) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 23% (50) 27% (57) 17% (36) 5% (10) 3% (7) 25% (54) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 16% (74) 30% (136) 25% (113) 5% (23) 6% (27) 18% (83) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 15% (70) 26% (125) 32% (154) 4% (20) 5% (22) 19% (90) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 11% (81) 28% (205) 33% (244) 3% (23) 7% (55) 18% (137) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 15% (112) 29% (212) 28% (206) 5% (34) 8% (57) 15% (111) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 14% (87) 24% (148) 30% (183) 4% (27) 4% (27) 23% (142) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 13% (88) 29% (187) 30% (194) 4% (23) 5% (31) 20% (127) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 18% (54) 35% (104) 24% (73) 5% (14) 7% (20) 12% (36) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 13% (58) 25% (108) 31% (133) 5% (20) 9% (37) 18% (75) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 15% (49) 27% (85) 33% (104) 6% (18) 7% (21) 13% (42) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 13% (38) 21% (63) 27% (79) 3% (9) 2% (6) 34% (100) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 16% (50) 33% (104) 29% (90) 5% (14) 4% (12) 14% (44) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 11% (38) 25% (82) 31% (105) 3% (9) 6% (19) 25% (83) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 16% (92) 30% (168) 26% (147) 6% (31) 6% (32) 17% (94) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 15% (79) 25% (136) 33% (179) 4% (20) 7% (36) 16% (85) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 13% (95) 29% (210) 31% (223) 4% (30) 5% (35) 18% (133) 726Educ: < College 14% (172) 25% (316) 29% (365) 4% (56) 6% (71) 22% (275) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 15% (69) 31% (148) 29% (138) 4% (21) 6% (28) 14% (68) 472Educ: Post-grad 17% (46) 31% (83) 30% (80) 3% (7) 6% (16) 14% (37) 268

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Morning ConsultTable CMS23_4

Table CMS23_4: How do you believe each of the following measures would impact your enjoyment of watching sporting events on television withoutfans in attendance?Being able to hear natural sounds of the sport more clearly (such as sneakers squeaking in basketball, punches landing in combat sports or the ballhitting the inside of a glove in baseball)

DemographicMuch moreenjoyable



Neither morenor lessenjoyable

Somewhatless enjoyable

Much lessenjoyable

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 14% (286) 27% (546) 29% (583) 4% (84) 6% (115) 19% (380) 1995Income: Under 50k 15% (149) 26% (259) 29% (289) 4% (44) 5% (55) 21% (216) 1012Income: 50k-100k 13% (90) 28% (192) 30% (206) 4% (30) 5% (37) 18% (126) 681Income: 100k+ 16% (47) 32% (96) 29% (88) 3% (10) 7% (23) 13% (38) 302Ethnicity: White 14% (218) 28% (455) 30% (487) 4% (61) 5% (86) 19% (306) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 17% (33) 26% (49) 28% (53) 7% (14) 7% (14) 16% (30) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 19% (47) 23% (59) 26% (67) 6% (16) 9% (22) 16% (41) 253Ethnicity: Other 16% (21) 25% (32) 23% (29) 5% (7) 5% (6) 26% (33) 128All Christian 14% (132) 29% (282) 33% (320) 4% (38) 5% (51) 15% (145) 968All Non-Christian 14% (14) 32% (32) 23% (23) 5% (5) 10% (10) 16% (16) 100Atheist 14% (12) 30% (26) 24% (20) 6% (5) 6% (5) 21% (18) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 15% (128) 25% (206) 26% (220) 4% (37) 6% (48) 24% (201) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 14% (16) 30% (36) 25% (30) 4% (5) 10% (12) 16% (20) 119Evangelical 16% (90) 24% (133) 32% (175) 4% (22) 5% (25) 19% (107) 553Non-Evangelical 14% (104) 30% (226) 31% (234) 4% (28) 7% (52) 16% (119) 762Community: Urban 17% (75) 27% (120) 30% (135) 4% (17) 4% (20) 18% (82) 450Community: Suburban 15% (153) 28% (288) 29% (291) 5% (49) 6% (57) 17% (177) 1016Community: Rural 11% (58) 26% (138) 30% (157) 3% (18) 7% (38) 23% (121) 529Employ: Private Sector 15% (96) 28% (177) 30% (190) 4% (25) 5% (33) 16% (103) 624Employ: Government 15% (21) 37% (50) 23% (31) 1% (1) 6% (8) 19% (26) 138Employ: Self-Employed 19% (28) 26% (39) 27% (40) 8% (12) 5% (7) 16% (24) 150Employ: Homemaker 16% (16) 19% (20) 34% (35) 5% (5) 6% (6) 21% (21) 103Employ: Retired 12% (59) 27% (136) 35% (177) 4% (19) 5% (26) 18% (91) 507Employ: Unemployed 13% (26) 27% (55) 21% (44) 5% (10) 9% (19) 25% (52) 206Employ: Other 15% (20) 25% (34) 25% (34) 3% (4) 6% (8) 26% (35) 135Military HH: Yes 12% (42) 26% (88) 31% (105) 5% (16) 7% (22) 19% (62) 336Military HH: No 15% (245) 28% (458) 29% (478) 4% (68) 6% (93) 19% (318) 1659

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS23_4

Table CMS23_4: How do you believe each of the following measures would impact your enjoyment of watching sporting events on television withoutfans in attendance?Being able to hear natural sounds of the sport more clearly (such as sneakers squeaking in basketball, punches landing in combat sports or the ballhitting the inside of a glove in baseball)

DemographicMuch moreenjoyable



Neither morenor lessenjoyable

Somewhatless enjoyable

Much lessenjoyable

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 14% (286) 27% (546) 29% (583) 4% (84) 6% (115) 19% (380) 1995RD/WT: Right Direction 14% (96) 27% (183) 31% (212) 4% (24) 5% (34) 20% (140) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 15% (191) 28% (363) 28% (371) 5% (60) 6% (81) 18% (240) 1305Trump Job Approve 14% (118) 27% (228) 31% (257) 4% (32) 5% (45) 19% (156) 835Trump Job Disapprove 15% (166) 28% (306) 29% (319) 5% (50) 6% (67) 17% (191) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 15% (73) 24% (119) 31% (154) 3% (15) 6% (30) 21% (105) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 13% (44) 32% (109) 30% (103) 5% (16) 4% (15) 15% (51) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 17% (40) 25% (58) 29% (68) 5% (11) 7% (16) 17% (40) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 15% (126) 29% (248) 29% (251) 4% (39) 6% (52) 17% (151) 867Favorable of Trump 15% (119) 28% (226) 30% (246) 4% (29) 5% (39) 19% (154) 813Unfavorable of Trump 14% (159) 28% (308) 29% (321) 5% (56) 6% (67) 17% (191) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 16% (83) 25% (131) 30% (157) 3% (15) 5% (28) 20% (103) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 12% (36) 32% (95) 30% (89) 4% (13) 4% (11) 17% (51) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 12% (24) 28% (55) 33% (64) 4% (7) 8% (16) 15% (29) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 15% (135) 28% (252) 28% (258) 5% (49) 6% (51) 18% (162) 907#1 Issue: Economy 14% (91) 29% (187) 28% (180) 5% (31) 7% (44) 17% (108) 641#1 Issue: Security 15% (35) 27% (66) 24% (58) 5% (11) 7% (18) 23% (55) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 17% (66) 26% (105) 31% (122) 4% (17) 4% (17) 17% (68) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 9% (29) 23% (73) 38% (119) 5% (14) 6% (20) 19% (59) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 14% (10) 28% (21) 28% (22) — (0) 4% (3) 26% (19) 76#1 Issue: Education 13% (14) 33% (36) 20% (22) 4% (4) 3% (3) 27% (29) 108#1 Issue: Energy 18% (16) 30% (26) 35% (31) 2% (2) 3% (3) 11% (10) 87#1 Issue: Other 19% (25) 25% (33) 23% (31) 4% (5) 5% (6) 25% (32) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 15% (121) 28% (225) 30% (237) 5% (42) 6% (51) 15% (120) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 13% (84) 29% (191) 31% (199) 3% (20) 4% (28) 20% (129) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 12% (10) 14% (12) 29% (25) 3% (3) 4% (4) 37% (32) 87

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Morning ConsultTable CMS23_4

Table CMS23_4: How do you believe each of the following measures would impact your enjoyment of watching sporting events on television withoutfans in attendance?Being able to hear natural sounds of the sport more clearly (such as sneakers squeaking in basketball, punches landing in combat sports or the ballhitting the inside of a glove in baseball)

DemographicMuch moreenjoyable



Neither morenor lessenjoyable

Somewhatless enjoyable

Much lessenjoyable

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 14% (286) 27% (546) 29% (583) 4% (84) 6% (115) 19% (380) 19952016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 14% (101) 28% (201) 31% (219) 5% (35) 7% (47) 16% (111) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 14% (99) 29% (209) 30% (219) 4% (25) 5% (37) 18% (131) 7202016 Vote: Other 11% (16) 28% (38) 31% (42) 5% (6) 4% (5) 22% (30) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 17% (71) 23% (99) 24% (100) 4% (18) 6% (26) 26% (108) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 14% (185) 28% (382) 31% (414) 4% (50) 6% (79) 17% (235) 1346Voted in 2014: No 16% (101) 25% (164) 26% (169) 5% (34) 6% (36) 22% (145) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 14% (121) 29% (246) 31% (268) 4% (37) 6% (55) 16% (134) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 13% (65) 30% (151) 31% (160) 3% (15) 4% (23) 19% (96) 5092012 Vote: Other 7% (6) 27% (24) 36% (32) 4% (4) 5% (5) 21% (19) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 18% (94) 24% (126) 23% (121) 5% (29) 6% (31) 25% (131) 5324-Region: Northeast 15% (52) 31% (112) 28% (100) 4% (15) 5% (19) 16% (58) 3564-Region: Midwest 12% (55) 25% (116) 35% (159) 4% (19) 6% (26) 18% (84) 4584-Region: South 15% (114) 27% (204) 28% (208) 4% (32) 6% (41) 20% (147) 7454-Region: West 15% (66) 26% (115) 27% (117) 4% (18) 7% (29) 21% (92) 436Sports fan 17% (243) 32% (452) 31% (433) 4% (55) 5% (66) 11% (147) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 18% (69) 30% (117) 26% (100) 5% (20) 7% (26) 14% (52) 385Frequent Flyer 21% (48) 30% (67) 24% (54) 3% (8) 6% (14) 16% (35) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS23_5

Table CMS23_5: How do you believe each of the following measures would impact your enjoyment of watching sporting events on television withoutfans in attendance?Providing live player audio through additional microphones

DemographicMuch moreenjoyable



Neither morenor lessenjoyable

Somewhatless enjoyable

Much lessenjoyable

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 11% (213) 25% (496) 29% (587) 6% (120) 7% (143) 22% (436) 1995Gender: Male 12% (111) 29% (270) 30% (284) 7% (63) 8% (78) 14% (128) 934Gender: Female 10% (102) 21% (226) 29% (303) 5% (57) 6% (65) 29% (308) 1061Age: 18-34 16% (81) 23% (115) 22% (111) 7% (35) 6% (32) 25% (127) 501Age: 35-44 14% (43) 28% (86) 24% (73) 5% (16) 7% (21) 21% (64) 303Age: 45-64 9% (66) 26% (187) 31% (228) 5% (35) 7% (54) 21% (156) 727Age: 65+ 5% (23) 23% (108) 38% (174) 7% (34) 8% (36) 19% (89) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 14% (29) 20% (42) 20% (43) 9% (19) 6% (12) 32% (68) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 17% (80) 26% (119) 23% (107) 6% (27) 7% (33) 20% (92) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 11% (54) 29% (139) 28% (137) 5% (23) 6% (27) 21% (103) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 6% (47) 24% (180) 34% (254) 5% (39) 9% (64) 22% (161) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 11% (83) 29% (208) 27% (199) 6% (43) 8% (61) 19% (136) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 10% (62) 20% (126) 31% (188) 6% (39) 7% (44) 25% (156) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 11% (69) 25% (162) 31% (200) 6% (38) 6% (38) 22% (144) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 13% (38) 33% (98) 26% (78) 7% (21) 8% (25) 13% (40) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 11% (45) 26% (110) 28% (121) 5% (22) 8% (36) 22% (96) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 9% (28) 24% (78) 37% (117) 7% (22) 10% (31) 14% (45) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 12% (34) 16% (48) 24% (71) 6% (17) 5% (13) 38% (111) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 14% (46) 30% (94) 28% (89) 7% (21) 7% (22) 14% (43) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 7% (23) 20% (68) 33% (111) 5% (17) 5% (15) 30% (101) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 12% (65) 29% (167) 24% (134) 8% (44) 8% (45) 20% (110) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 11% (57) 25% (135) 32% (168) 5% (28) 7% (37) 20% (108) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 11% (79) 23% (165) 35% (254) 5% (40) 6% (46) 20% (143) 726Educ: < College 10% (121) 23% (294) 30% (379) 6% (73) 6% (79) 25% (309) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 13% (59) 27% (127) 28% (133) 6% (28) 8% (39) 18% (86) 472Educ: Post-grad 12% (33) 28% (76) 28% (75) 7% (19) 9% (25) 15% (41) 268Income: Under 50k 10% (106) 23% (236) 29% (294) 5% (55) 7% (71) 25% (250) 1012Income: 50k-100k 12% (78) 23% (158) 31% (211) 6% (42) 7% (50) 21% (141) 681Income: 100k+ 9% (29) 34% (102) 27% (81) 8% (23) 7% (22) 15% (45) 302

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Morning ConsultTable CMS23_5

Table CMS23_5: How do you believe each of the following measures would impact your enjoyment of watching sporting events on television withoutfans in attendance?Providing live player audio through additional microphones

DemographicMuch moreenjoyable



Neither morenor lessenjoyable

Somewhatless enjoyable

Much lessenjoyable

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 11% (213) 25% (496) 29% (587) 6% (120) 7% (143) 22% (436) 1995Ethnicity: White 10% (155) 26% (412) 31% (492) 6% (92) 7% (106) 22% (356) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 15% (29) 21% (40) 30% (57) 7% (13) 7% (14) 21% (41) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 16% (40) 23% (58) 27% (68) 7% (19) 10% (26) 17% (43) 253Ethnicity: Other 14% (18) 20% (26) 21% (27) 7% (9) 9% (11) 29% (37) 128All Christian 10% (95) 26% (254) 33% (321) 7% (64) 6% (60) 18% (174) 968All Non-Christian 16% (16) 21% (21) 23% (23) 7% (7) 12% (12) 22% (22) 100Atheist 10% (9) 28% (25) 23% (20) 3% (3) 10% (9) 25% (21) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 11% (93) 23% (197) 27% (223) 5% (46) 7% (63) 26% (219) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 13% (16) 23% (28) 25% (30) 6% (7) 12% (14) 21% (25) 119Evangelical 12% (69) 24% (132) 31% (170) 6% (32) 6% (31) 22% (119) 553Non-Evangelical 10% (77) 26% (201) 31% (239) 6% (50) 7% (53) 19% (143) 762Community: Urban 12% (54) 26% (118) 28% (127) 6% (28) 6% (26) 21% (96) 450Community: Suburban 11% (108) 26% (263) 30% (305) 6% (63) 7% (70) 20% (206) 1016Community: Rural 10% (51) 22% (115) 29% (154) 5% (29) 9% (46) 25% (134) 529Employ: Private Sector 14% (85) 27% (168) 29% (184) 6% (38) 7% (41) 17% (109) 624Employ: Government 12% (17) 21% (29) 29% (40) 7% (10) 7% (10) 23% (32) 138Employ: Self-Employed 16% (23) 25% (37) 26% (39) 6% (8) 8% (12) 20% (31) 150Employ: Homemaker 11% (12) 22% (23) 30% (31) 5% (5) 4% (4) 27% (28) 103Employ: Retired 6% (29) 23% (118) 37% (187) 7% (34) 7% (35) 20% (102) 507Employ: Unemployed 10% (20) 25% (52) 20% (42) 4% (9) 11% (22) 30% (61) 206Employ: Other 10% (13) 27% (37) 23% (31) 5% (7) 5% (7) 29% (39) 135Military HH: Yes 6% (19) 23% (76) 37% (124) 7% (23) 8% (26) 20% (67) 336Military HH: No 12% (194) 25% (420) 28% (463) 6% (97) 7% (117) 22% (369) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 11% (76) 24% (166) 32% (217) 7% (46) 6% (39) 21% (147) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 11% (138) 25% (331) 28% (369) 6% (74) 8% (104) 22% (289) 1305Trump Job Approve 11% (93) 24% (203) 31% (263) 6% (51) 6% (49) 21% (176) 835Trump Job Disapprove 11% (118) 26% (285) 29% (315) 6% (69) 8% (90) 20% (224) 1100

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS23_5

Table CMS23_5: How do you believe each of the following measures would impact your enjoyment of watching sporting events on television withoutfans in attendance?Providing live player audio through additional microphones

DemographicMuch moreenjoyable



Neither morenor lessenjoyable

Somewhatless enjoyable

Much lessenjoyable

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 11% (213) 25% (496) 29% (587) 6% (120) 7% (143) 22% (436) 1995Trump Job Strongly Approve 11% (54) 22% (109) 33% (162) 5% (25) 7% (36) 22% (111) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 12% (40) 28% (94) 30% (101) 8% (26) 4% (13) 19% (65) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 11% (25) 25% (59) 30% (69) 6% (14) 8% (19) 20% (46) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 11% (93) 26% (225) 28% (245) 6% (55) 8% (71) 20% (178) 867Favorable of Trump 11% (86) 24% (199) 31% (251) 7% (53) 6% (46) 22% (179) 813Unfavorable of Trump 11% (122) 26% (288) 29% (323) 6% (64) 8% (86) 20% (219) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 11% (58) 23% (120) 32% (163) 5% (28) 7% (34) 22% (114) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 10% (28) 27% (79) 30% (87) 8% (25) 4% (12) 22% (64) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 12% (23) 23% (46) 36% (70) 5% (10) 5% (10) 19% (37) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 11% (100) 27% (242) 28% (253) 6% (54) 8% (76) 20% (182) 907#1 Issue: Economy 12% (76) 27% (175) 29% (184) 5% (33) 8% (51) 19% (122) 641#1 Issue: Security 9% (23) 21% (52) 32% (78) 4% (10) 8% (18) 25% (62) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 12% (46) 25% (100) 28% (112) 7% (30) 6% (25) 21% (84) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 7% (21) 22% (68) 37% (115) 8% (26) 6% (17) 21% (65) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 11% (9) 24% (18) 25% (19) 2% (1) 6% (5) 32% (24) 76#1 Issue: Education 11% (12) 27% (29) 21% (23) 6% (6) 3% (3) 33% (35) 108#1 Issue: Energy 16% (14) 24% (21) 27% (23) 9% (8) 10% (9) 14% (12) 87#1 Issue: Other 10% (13) 25% (33) 26% (34) 4% (5) 11% (15) 24% (32) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 12% (92) 28% (219) 29% (234) 5% (41) 8% (66) 18% (144) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 9% (60) 25% (164) 32% (206) 7% (46) 6% (39) 21% (136) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 9% (8) 8% (7) 33% (29) 6% (5) 8% (7) 36% (31) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 10% (72) 28% (199) 30% (217) 6% (42) 7% (53) 18% (130) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 11% (77) 26% (185) 31% (221) 7% (49) 6% (43) 20% (145) 7202016 Vote: Other 11% (15) 21% (29) 31% (42) 4% (5) 9% (13) 25% (35) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 12% (49) 20% (83) 25% (105) 6% (24) 8% (34) 30% (126) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 10% (136) 27% (357) 30% (409) 6% (82) 7% (99) 20% (264) 1346Voted in 2014: No 12% (77) 21% (139) 27% (178) 6% (38) 7% (44) 27% (172) 649

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Morning ConsultTable CMS23_5

Table CMS23_5: How do you believe each of the following measures would impact your enjoyment of watching sporting events on television withoutfans in attendance?Providing live player audio through additional microphones

DemographicMuch moreenjoyable



Neither morenor lessenjoyable

Somewhatless enjoyable

Much lessenjoyable

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 11% (213) 25% (496) 29% (587) 6% (120) 7% (143) 22% (436) 19952012 Vote: Barack Obama 11% (97) 28% (244) 29% (253) 6% (49) 8% (66) 18% (151) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 9% (47) 25% (126) 31% (157) 6% (33) 6% (30) 23% (116) 5092012 Vote: Other 5% (5) 14% (13) 44% (39) 3% (3) 9% (8) 24% (21) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 12% (65) 21% (114) 25% (135) 7% (35) 7% (37) 28% (147) 5324-Region: Northeast 9% (32) 29% (101) 30% (106) 4% (16) 7% (26) 21% (75) 3564-Region: Midwest 9% (40) 26% (118) 31% (142) 6% (29) 7% (34) 21% (97) 4584-Region: South 12% (87) 24% (177) 28% (212) 7% (52) 6% (47) 23% (170) 7454-Region: West 13% (55) 23% (100) 29% (127) 5% (24) 8% (36) 22% (94) 436Sports fan 13% (185) 29% (411) 30% (423) 7% (102) 7% (91) 13% (184) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 16% (61) 27% (106) 23% (89) 10% (38) 8% (30) 16% (62) 385Frequent Flyer 17% (39) 28% (63) 20% (46) 9% (21) 9% (20) 17% (37) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS24_1

Table CMS24_1: How interested would you be in interacting with live sports broadcasts in each of the following ways while there are no fans inattendance?A desktop or mobile app that allows fans at home to control arti cial crowd noise on the broadcast by pushing buttons such as ’cheer,’ ’boo,’ ’chant,’ etc.

Demographic Very interestedSomewhatinterested

Not veryinterested

Not interestedat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (176) 16% (318) 20% (408) 36% (718) 19% (376) 1995Gender: Male 10% (94) 18% (167) 21% (199) 37% (343) 14% (131) 934Gender: Female 8% (83) 14% (150) 20% (209) 35% (375) 23% (244) 1061Age: 18-34 17% (83) 22% (112) 17% (86) 21% (106) 23% (114) 501Age: 35-44 14% (41) 21% (64) 20% (60) 25% (76) 21% (63) 303Age: 45-64 6% (43) 15% (106) 23% (164) 36% (262) 21% (152) 727Age: 65+ 2% (9) 8% (36) 21% (98) 59% (274) 10% (47) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 19% (40) 19% (41) 17% (37) 18% (39) 27% (57) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 15% (69) 24% (108) 18% (83) 23% (103) 21% (94) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 9% (44) 18% (88) 22% (107) 32% (155) 18% (87) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 3% (23) 10% (74) 21% (156) 49% (366) 17% (127) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 11% (78) 17% (122) 21% (153) 34% (251) 17% (128) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 8% (52) 14% (87) 18% (110) 38% (231) 22% (135) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 7% (47) 17% (108) 22% (145) 36% (236) 17% (113) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 12% (35) 19% (56) 22% (67) 32% (97) 15% (45) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 10% (42) 15% (66) 20% (86) 36% (153) 19% (83) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 9% (29) 16% (51) 20% (63) 41% (130) 14% (46) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 8% (23) 12% (37) 16% (46) 34% (101) 30% (89) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 9% (29) 19% (60) 22% (68) 37% (115) 13% (41) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 5% (18) 14% (48) 23% (77) 36% (121) 21% (72) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 11% (62) 18% (101) 15% (88) 39% (219) 17% (96) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 10% (55) 16% (83) 24% (128) 34% (182) 16% (87) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 6% (46) 16% (116) 23% (167) 38% (274) 17% (122) 726Educ: < College 9% (112) 15% (183) 20% (257) 34% (425) 22% (278) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 7% (35) 18% (86) 21% (99) 40% (188) 13% (63) 472Educ: Post-grad 11% (30) 18% (49) 19% (51) 39% (105) 13% (34) 268Income: Under 50k 9% (94) 14% (145) 20% (204) 34% (340) 23% (229) 1012Income: 50k-100k 9% (63) 17% (113) 20% (134) 39% (266) 15% (104) 681Income: 100k+ 6% (19) 20% (59) 23% (69) 37% (112) 14% (42) 302Ethnicity: White 7% (113) 15% (244) 20% (329) 39% (631) 18% (296) 1614

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Morning ConsultTable CMS24_1

Table CMS24_1: How interested would you be in interacting with live sports broadcasts in each of the following ways while there are no fans inattendance?A desktop or mobile app that allows fans at home to control arti cial crowd noise on the broadcast by pushing buttons such as ’cheer,’ ’boo,’ ’chant,’ etc.

Demographic Very interestedSomewhatinterested

Not veryinterested

Not interestedat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (176) 16% (318) 20% (408) 36% (718) 19% (376) 1995Ethnicity: Hispanic 18% (34) 19% (36) 19% (37) 26% (51) 18% (35) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 18% (45) 19% (49) 24% (60) 20% (52) 18% (47) 253Ethnicity: Other 14% (18) 19% (24) 14% (18) 28% (36) 25% (33) 128All Christian 8% (73) 16% (157) 23% (222) 39% (377) 14% (140) 968All Non-Christian 14% (14) 16% (16) 15% (15) 45% (45) 10% (10) 100Atheist 7% (6) 25% (22) 13% (11) 39% (34) 16% (13) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 10% (84) 15% (123) 19% (160) 31% (263) 25% (212) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 12% (14) 17% (20) 16% (19) 45% (54) 11% (13) 119Evangelical 8% (47) 14% (80) 22% (120) 35% (194) 21% (114) 553Non-Evangelical 9% (67) 15% (117) 24% (179) 37% (282) 15% (117) 762Community: Urban 12% (55) 18% (83) 18% (83) 33% (148) 18% (81) 450Community: Suburban 8% (86) 18% (180) 20% (199) 37% (371) 18% (180) 1016Community: Rural 7% (35) 10% (55) 24% (126) 38% (199) 22% (114) 529Employ: Private Sector 10% (65) 20% (127) 21% (131) 31% (192) 18% (110) 624Employ: Government 12% (17) 20% (27) 16% (22) 34% (46) 18% (25) 138Employ: Self-Employed 10% (15) 20% (30) 16% (24) 36% (54) 18% (26) 150Employ: Homemaker 14% (14) 10% (11) 20% (20) 34% (35) 22% (23) 103Employ: Retired 3% (13) 8% (38) 22% (110) 54% (273) 14% (73) 507Employ: Unemployed 11% (23) 18% (38) 19% (39) 28% (57) 23% (48) 206Employ: Other 8% (11) 17% (23) 25% (33) 20% (28) 29% (39) 135Military HH: Yes 5% (16) 11% (36) 24% (80) 43% (145) 17% (59) 336Military HH: No 10% (161) 17% (282) 20% (327) 35% (573) 19% (317) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 8% (57) 15% (104) 24% (163) 35% (239) 18% (127) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 9% (119) 16% (214) 19% (244) 37% (479) 19% (248) 1305Trump Job Approve 9% (73) 16% (129) 24% (203) 35% (295) 16% (134) 835Trump Job Disapprove 9% (100) 16% (181) 18% (203) 37% (408) 19% (209) 1100

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS24_1

Table CMS24_1: How interested would you be in interacting with live sports broadcasts in each of the following ways while there are no fans inattendance?A desktop or mobile app that allows fans at home to control arti cial crowd noise on the broadcast by pushing buttons such as ’cheer,’ ’boo,’ ’chant,’ etc.

Demographic Very interestedSomewhatinterested

Not veryinterested

Not interestedat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (176) 16% (318) 20% (408) 36% (718) 19% (376) 1995Trump Job Strongly Approve 9% (45) 14% (69) 23% (112) 37% (182) 18% (88) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 8% (28) 18% (60) 27% (92) 33% (113) 14% (46) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 8% (18) 20% (46) 24% (56) 31% (73) 17% (40) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 9% (81) 16% (135) 17% (147) 39% (335) 20% (169) 867Favorable of Trump 8% (68) 16% (129) 24% (198) 35% (284) 17% (135) 813Unfavorable of Trump 9% (101) 16% (176) 18% (202) 38% (420) 18% (203) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 9% (47) 15% (80) 22% (116) 35% (181) 18% (95) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 7% (21) 16% (49) 28% (82) 35% (103) 14% (40) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 8% (16) 19% (37) 23% (46) 34% (67) 15% (30) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 9% (85) 15% (139) 17% (156) 39% (353) 19% (173) 907#1 Issue: Economy 9% (57) 19% (122) 23% (147) 33% (211) 16% (104) 641#1 Issue: Security 10% (25) 14% (33) 22% (53) 35% (86) 19% (46) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 11% (42) 17% (66) 19% (76) 33% (132) 20% (80) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 6% (18) 8% (25) 22% (70) 50% (158) 14% (43) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 9% (7) 24% (18) 18% (13) 23% (17) 27% (20) 76#1 Issue: Education 8% (8) 20% (22) 19% (21) 19% (21) 33% (36) 108#1 Issue: Energy 15% (13) 20% (18) 9% (8) 38% (33) 17% (15) 87#1 Issue: Other 5% (6) 10% (13) 15% (19) 46% (60) 25% (33) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 10% (79) 17% (134) 21% (164) 37% (296) 15% (122) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 7% (45) 16% (103) 23% (147) 38% (246) 17% (110) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 6% (5) 8% (7) 13% (11) 34% (29) 40% (35) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 9% (65) 16% (117) 21% (147) 38% (268) 16% (117) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 8% (57) 17% (119) 21% (154) 39% (281) 15% (109) 7202016 Vote: Other 3% (4) 12% (17) 24% (33) 39% (53) 23% (31) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 12% (51) 15% (65) 18% (74) 27% (114) 28% (119) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 7% (97) 15% (203) 22% (290) 40% (534) 16% (221) 1346Voted in 2014: No 12% (79) 18% (114) 18% (117) 28% (184) 24% (155) 649

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Morning ConsultTable CMS24_1

Table CMS24_1: How interested would you be in interacting with live sports broadcasts in each of the following ways while there are no fans inattendance?A desktop or mobile app that allows fans at home to control arti cial crowd noise on the broadcast by pushing buttons such as ’cheer,’ ’boo,’ ’chant,’ etc.

Demographic Very interestedSomewhatinterested

Not veryinterested

Not interestedat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 9% (176) 16% (318) 20% (408) 36% (718) 19% (376) 19952012 Vote: Barack Obama 9% (77) 16% (138) 21% (176) 38% (328) 16% (140) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 5% (25) 15% (76) 23% (116) 41% (210) 16% (82) 5092012 Vote: Other 4% (3) 12% (11) 23% (21) 37% (33) 24% (21) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 13% (71) 17% (93) 18% (95) 27% (142) 25% (132) 5324-Region: Northeast 12% (43) 15% (55) 19% (67) 35% (126) 18% (65) 3564-Region: Midwest 8% (34) 15% (71) 22% (100) 38% (172) 18% (81) 4584-Region: South 9% (66) 17% (128) 22% (164) 33% (246) 19% (141) 7454-Region: West 8% (33) 15% (63) 18% (77) 40% (174) 20% (89) 436Sports fan 10% (145) 19% (268) 23% (322) 34% (473) 14% (189) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 12% (46) 23% (88) 18% (71) 33% (125) 14% (54) 385Frequent Flyer 13% (29) 26% (59) 17% (38) 30% (67) 14% (31) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS24_2

Table CMS24_2: How interested would you be in interacting with live sports broadcasts in each of the following ways while there are no fans inattendance?A desktop or mobile app that records audio from fans watching at home and inserts it into the broadcast in real-time

Demographic Very interestedSomewhatinterested

Not veryinterested

Not interestedat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 8% (158) 18% (351) 20% (397) 36% (719) 19% (370) 1995Gender: Male 9% (85) 19% (180) 21% (198) 37% (345) 14% (127) 934Gender: Female 7% (73) 16% (172) 19% (199) 35% (374) 23% (243) 1061Age: 18-34 12% (60) 25% (127) 16% (80) 24% (118) 23% (115) 501Age: 35-44 11% (34) 22% (67) 22% (66) 26% (79) 19% (58) 303Age: 45-64 7% (52) 15% (109) 21% (153) 36% (261) 21% (151) 727Age: 65+ 2% (11) 10% (48) 21% (98) 56% (261) 10% (46) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 15% (32) 23% (49) 15% (32) 20% (43) 27% (58) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 11% (50) 25% (116) 18% (84) 26% (118) 20% (90) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 10% (48) 19% (91) 23% (112) 30% (146) 18% (85) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 4% (28) 12% (87) 19% (144) 48% (359) 17% (128) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 9% (69) 19% (142) 21% (153) 34% (250) 16% (116) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 7% (41) 15% (95) 18% (110) 38% (230) 22% (138) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 7% (48) 18% (114) 21% (134) 37% (238) 18% (116) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 11% (33) 19% (58) 26% (77) 31% (92) 13% (39) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 8% (36) 19% (84) 18% (76) 37% (158) 18% (77) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 8% (24) 18% (56) 18% (56) 42% (135) 15% (48) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 5% (16) 13% (39) 18% (54) 33% (96) 30% (90) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 9% (27) 21% (65) 21% (65) 37% (118) 13% (39) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 6% (21) 15% (49) 20% (69) 36% (121) 23% (76) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 9% (49) 20% (111) 16% (90) 39% (220) 17% (95) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 11% (57) 17% (91) 23% (124) 33% (175) 16% (88) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 5% (38) 18% (128) 22% (158) 39% (282) 16% (119) 726Educ: < College 8% (96) 17% (215) 20% (257) 33% (413) 22% (274) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 7% (32) 20% (95) 19% (92) 41% (192) 13% (61) 472Educ: Post-grad 11% (30) 16% (42) 18% (48) 42% (114) 13% (34) 268Income: Under 50k 8% (85) 16% (165) 20% (201) 33% (334) 22% (226) 1012Income: 50k-100k 7% (49) 19% (130) 18% (125) 40% (271) 15% (105) 681Income: 100k+ 8% (23) 19% (56) 23% (71) 37% (113) 13% (39) 302Ethnicity: White 6% (100) 16% (258) 21% (335) 39% (631) 18% (289) 1614

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Morning ConsultTable CMS24_2

Table CMS24_2: How interested would you be in interacting with live sports broadcasts in each of the following ways while there are no fans inattendance?A desktop or mobile app that records audio from fans watching at home and inserts it into the broadcast in real-time

Demographic Very interestedSomewhatinterested

Not veryinterested

Not interestedat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 8% (158) 18% (351) 20% (397) 36% (719) 19% (370) 1995Ethnicity: Hispanic 14% (27) 25% (48) 18% (35) 27% (53) 16% (31) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 16% (41) 26% (66) 16% (41) 21% (54) 20% (51) 253Ethnicity: Other 13% (16) 21% (27) 17% (21) 26% (34) 23% (30) 128All Christian 7% (65) 18% (176) 21% (206) 40% (386) 14% (135) 968All Non-Christian 7% (7) 25% (25) 17% (17) 39% (39) 11% (11) 100Atheist 8% (7) 23% (20) 13% (11) 42% (36) 14% (12) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 9% (79) 15% (130) 19% (163) 31% (258) 25% (211) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 6% (7) 24% (28) 18% (21) 40% (48) 13% (15) 119Evangelical 8% (47) 18% (102) 19% (107) 34% (186) 20% (112) 553Non-Evangelical 8% (62) 16% (121) 23% (172) 39% (294) 15% (113) 762Community: Urban 12% (52) 21% (93) 17% (76) 33% (150) 18% (79) 450Community: Suburban 7% (74) 18% (187) 20% (207) 36% (367) 18% (181) 1016Community: Rural 6% (31) 14% (72) 22% (114) 38% (202) 21% (110) 529Employ: Private Sector 9% (57) 22% (135) 21% (129) 31% (195) 17% (107) 624Employ: Government 7% (10) 21% (29) 15% (21) 39% (54) 17% (23) 138Employ: Self-Employed 9% (14) 24% (36) 17% (25) 32% (48) 18% (27) 150Employ: Homemaker 12% (13) 12% (13) 14% (15) 40% (41) 22% (22) 103Employ: Retired 3% (13) 9% (47) 23% (116) 51% (257) 15% (74) 507Employ: Unemployed 11% (23) 18% (38) 18% (37) 30% (61) 23% (48) 206Employ: Other 11% (14) 16% (21) 24% (33) 22% (29) 27% (37) 135Military HH: Yes 6% (19) 9% (32) 24% (80) 43% (145) 18% (60) 336Military HH: No 8% (139) 19% (320) 19% (317) 35% (574) 19% (310) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 8% (54) 19% (128) 20% (141) 35% (243) 18% (124) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 8% (104) 17% (223) 20% (256) 36% (476) 19% (246) 1305Trump Job Approve 8% (71) 17% (141) 23% (190) 36% (299) 16% (133) 835Trump Job Disapprove 8% (84) 18% (202) 18% (203) 37% (406) 19% (204) 1100

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMS24_2

Table CMS24_2: How interested would you be in interacting with live sports broadcasts in each of the following ways while there are no fans inattendance?A desktop or mobile app that records audio from fans watching at home and inserts it into the broadcast in real-time

Demographic Very interestedSomewhatinterested

Not veryinterested

Not interestedat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 8% (158) 18% (351) 20% (397) 36% (719) 19% (370) 1995Trump Job Strongly Approve 9% (44) 13% (67) 23% (114) 37% (184) 18% (88) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 8% (27) 22% (74) 23% (77) 34% (115) 14% (46) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 6% (14) 24% (56) 23% (54) 31% (73) 15% (36) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 8% (70) 17% (146) 17% (149) 38% (333) 19% (168) 867Favorable of Trump 8% (67) 16% (134) 23% (183) 36% (295) 16% (134) 813Unfavorable of Trump 7% (82) 19% (206) 19% (205) 37% (411) 18% (199) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 11% (55) 15% (77) 21% (110) 36% (188) 17% (89) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 4% (12) 19% (57) 25% (73) 37% (108) 15% (45) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 5% (10) 26% (52) 21% (41) 32% (63) 15% (29) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 8% (72) 17% (155) 18% (163) 38% (347) 19% (170) 907#1 Issue: Economy 8% (52) 21% (133) 22% (141) 34% (215) 15% (99) 641#1 Issue: Security 7% (18) 16% (39) 18% (43) 38% (92) 21% (52) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 10% (40) 18% (73) 18% (71) 35% (139) 19% (73) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 6% (17) 12% (39) 21% (66) 47% (149) 13% (42) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 6% (5) 20% (15) 25% (19) 22% (17) 26% (20) 76#1 Issue: Education 6% (7) 22% (24) 21% (23) 18% (20) 33% (35) 108#1 Issue: Energy 8% (7) 21% (18) 17% (15) 36% (31) 17% (15) 87#1 Issue: Other 9% (12) 8% (11) 14% (18) 43% (56) 26% (34) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 9% (72) 18% (145) 20% (156) 39% (309) 14% (113) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 7% (44) 17% (112) 21% (139) 39% (251) 16% (106) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 7% (6) 8% (7) 16% (14) 29% (25) 40% (35) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 8% (60) 18% (127) 20% (143) 38% (275) 15% (109) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 8% (58) 17% (123) 21% (152) 39% (280) 15% (107) 7202016 Vote: Other 3% (4) 14% (19) 21% (29) 41% (57) 21% (29) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 9% (36) 20% (83) 17% (73) 25% (106) 29% (124) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 7% (90) 17% (226) 21% (283) 40% (539) 15% (208) 1346Voted in 2014: No 10% (68) 19% (126) 18% (114) 28% (180) 25% (162) 649

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Morning ConsultTable CMS24_2

Table CMS24_2: How interested would you be in interacting with live sports broadcasts in each of the following ways while there are no fans inattendance?A desktop or mobile app that records audio from fans watching at home and inserts it into the broadcast in real-time

Demographic Very interestedSomewhatinterested

Not veryinterested

Not interestedat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 8% (158) 18% (351) 20% (397) 36% (719) 19% (370) 19952012 Vote: Barack Obama 8% (71) 18% (153) 21% (177) 37% (322) 16% (136) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 5% (28) 16% (82) 21% (109) 41% (211) 16% (79) 5092012 Vote: Other 2% (2) 13% (11) 17% (15) 43% (39) 25% (23) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 11% (57) 20% (104) 18% (96) 27% (143) 25% (132) 5324-Region: Northeast 9% (32) 20% (71) 21% (73) 34% (122) 16% (57) 3564-Region: Midwest 5% (23) 17% (79) 22% (99) 39% (181) 17% (76) 4584-Region: South 9% (70) 18% (132) 21% (154) 32% (242) 20% (148) 7454-Region: West 8% (33) 16% (69) 16% (71) 40% (174) 20% (88) 436Sports fan 10% (134) 21% (289) 23% (315) 33% (465) 14% (194) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 12% (44) 26% (101) 17% (66) 31% (118) 15% (56) 385Frequent Flyer 13% (29) 29% (65) 16% (35) 26% (59) 16% (37) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMSdem1_1

Table CMSdem1_1: In the past year, how many times have you done the following?Traveled within the U.S.

Demographic None 1 to 3 times 4 to 6 times 7 to 10 timesMore than 10

times Total N

Registered Voters 30% (606) 44% (871) 15% (300) 5% (92) 6% (126) 1995Gender: Male 31% (285) 43% (405) 14% (128) 5% (42) 8% (74) 934Gender: Female 30% (321) 44% (467) 16% (172) 5% (49) 5% (52) 1061Age: 18-34 21% (104) 45% (224) 20% (100) 6% (31) 9% (43) 501Age: 35-44 28% (83) 41% (124) 16% (48) 7% (21) 9% (26) 303Age: 45-64 31% (226) 46% (331) 14% (98) 4% (25) 6% (46) 727Age: 65+ 42% (193) 41% (192) 12% (54) 3% (14) 3% (12) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 22% (47) 43% (93) 20% (43) 8% (16) 7% (14) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 23% (104) 45% (207) 18% (84) 5% (24) 8% (38) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 30% (145) 41% (197) 15% (72) 5% (25) 9% (45) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 35% (259) 46% (339) 13% (94) 3% (25) 4% (29) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 33% (241) 42% (310) 15% (106) 4% (33) 6% (40) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 29% (176) 43% (262) 17% (105) 5% (28) 7% (43) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 29% (189) 46% (299) 14% (89) 5% (30) 7% (43) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 36% (107) 41% (124) 13% (38) 5% (14) 6% (18) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 31% (134) 43% (187) 16% (69) 4% (18) 5% (22) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 28% (88) 44% (141) 15% (48) 4% (13) 9% (29) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 30% (88) 41% (121) 19% (57) 5% (16) 5% (14) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 29% (91) 44% (140) 13% (42) 5% (15) 8% (27) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 29% (98) 47% (159) 14% (47) 5% (15) 5% (16) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 26% (148) 44% (249) 19% (107) 4% (24) 7% (38) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 30% (158) 45% (240) 14% (75) 5% (28) 6% (33) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 32% (230) 45% (326) 13% (97) 4% (29) 6% (44) 726Educ: < College 38% (480) 42% (526) 11% (139) 4% (54) 4% (56) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 19% (88) 49% (233) 19% (87) 4% (20) 9% (44) 472Educ: Post-grad 14% (38) 42% (113) 28% (74) 6% (17) 10% (27) 268Income: Under 50k 44% (441) 39% (394) 10% (99) 4% (36) 4% (43) 1012Income: 50k-100k 19% (128) 52% (354) 18% (121) 5% (31) 7% (47) 681Income: 100k+ 12% (37) 41% (124) 26% (79) 8% (25) 12% (37) 302Ethnicity: White 29% (473) 45% (723) 15% (250) 4% (66) 6% (102) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 24% (47) 43% (84) 21% (41) 2% (3) 9% (18) 193

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Morning ConsultTable CMSdem1_1

Table CMSdem1_1: In the past year, how many times have you done the following?Traveled within the U.S.

Demographic None 1 to 3 times 4 to 6 times 7 to 10 timesMore than 10

times Total N

Registered Voters 30% (606) 44% (871) 15% (300) 5% (92) 6% (126) 1995Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 37% (93) 36% (91) 11% (28) 9% (23) 7% (18) 253Ethnicity: Other 31% (40) 44% (57) 17% (22) 3% (3) 5% (6) 128All Christian 28% (272) 46% (444) 15% (150) 4% (42) 6% (61) 968All Non-Christian 27% (27) 48% (48) 15% (15) 5% (5) 5% (5) 100Atheist 33% (28) 40% (35) 16% (14) 3% (3) 7% (6) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 33% (279) 41% (346) 14% (121) 5% (42) 6% (54) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 29% (34) 44% (53) 17% (20) 4% (5) 6% (7) 119Evangelical 33% (183) 42% (230) 12% (65) 4% (24) 9% (51) 553Non-Evangelical 27% (205) 46% (348) 17% (130) 5% (39) 5% (40) 762Community: Urban 32% (142) 45% (201) 15% (65) 4% (17) 6% (25) 450Community: Suburban 27% (274) 45% (453) 18% (179) 5% (48) 6% (62) 1016Community: Rural 36% (190) 41% (217) 10% (56) 5% (27) 7% (39) 529Employ: Private Sector 20% (126) 45% (282) 19% (119) 6% (35) 10% (63) 624Employ: Government 17% (23) 44% (60) 22% (30) 10% (13) 9% (12) 138Employ: Self-Employed 23% (34) 45% (67) 23% (34) 3% (4) 7% (10) 150Employ: Homemaker 44% (45) 38% (40) 12% (12) 2% (2) 4% (4) 103Employ: Retired 43% (216) 42% (215) 10% (51) 3% (15) 2% (9) 507Employ: Unemployed 44% (90) 43% (89) 7% (14) 1% (3) 5% (10) 206Employ: Other 37% (50) 42% (57) 11% (14) 5% (7) 5% (7) 135Military HH: Yes 36% (122) 40% (134) 14% (48) 5% (15) 5% (16) 336Military HH: No 29% (484) 44% (737) 15% (252) 5% (77) 7% (110) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 29% (198) 44% (304) 16% (108) 5% (32) 7% (48) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 31% (408) 43% (567) 15% (192) 5% (60) 6% (78) 1305Trump Job Approve 30% (246) 45% (377) 13% (110) 5% (40) 7% (61) 835Trump Job Disapprove 31% (338) 43% (478) 17% (183) 4% (47) 5% (55) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 33% (163) 44% (220) 12% (59) 4% (21) 7% (33) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 25% (83) 46% (157) 15% (51) 6% (19) 8% (28) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 29% (69) 43% (99) 18% (42) 4% (9) 6% (14) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 31% (269) 44% (378) 16% (141) 4% (37) 5% (41) 867

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMSdem1_1

Table CMSdem1_1: In the past year, how many times have you done the following?Traveled within the U.S.

Demographic None 1 to 3 times 4 to 6 times 7 to 10 timesMore than 10

times Total N

Registered Voters 30% (606) 44% (871) 15% (300) 5% (92) 6% (126) 1995Favorable of Trump 30% (243) 45% (365) 14% (112) 5% (37) 7% (55) 813Unfavorable of Trump 30% (333) 44% (482) 17% (182) 4% (43) 6% (62) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 34% (176) 42% (220) 13% (67) 4% (20) 7% (36) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 23% (68) 49% (146) 15% (46) 6% (17) 6% (19) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 31% (61) 40% (77) 17% (34) 4% (7) 8% (17) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 30% (272) 45% (405) 16% (149) 4% (36) 5% (45) 907#1 Issue: Economy 27% (170) 43% (279) 16% (106) 6% (42) 7% (45) 641#1 Issue: Security 30% (73) 45% (109) 15% (35) 2% (6) 8% (20) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 28% (112) 44% (176) 16% (63) 4% (17) 7% (28) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 46% (143) 41% (130) 7% (23) 3% (11) 2% (6) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 22% (17) 39% (29) 30% (23) 1% (1) 8% (6) 76#1 Issue: Education 32% (34) 38% (41) 17% (18) 5% (6) 8% (9) 108#1 Issue: Energy 19% (16) 51% (44) 17% (15) 8% (7) 5% (4) 87#1 Issue: Other 31% (40) 49% (64) 13% (16) 2% (3) 6% (8) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 28% (225) 45% (357) 17% (134) 5% (36) 5% (43) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 26% (172) 48% (310) 15% (95) 4% (26) 7% (48) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 31% (27) 33% (29) 13% (11) 10% (8) 13% (12) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 29% (207) 46% (332) 16% (117) 3% (25) 5% (33) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 30% (217) 45% (321) 13% (94) 5% (36) 7% (52) 7202016 Vote: Other 27% (38) 44% (60) 14% (19) 7% (9) 9% (12) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 34% (142) 38% (158) 17% (70) 5% (22) 7% (29) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 29% (393) 45% (607) 15% (198) 4% (58) 7% (89) 1346Voted in 2014: No 33% (213) 41% (264) 16% (102) 5% (33) 6% (37) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 30% (260) 45% (390) 14% (124) 5% (40) 5% (46) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 30% (153) 46% (235) 13% (66) 4% (18) 7% (37) 5092012 Vote: Other 36% (32) 35% (32) 15% (13) 5% (5) 9% (8) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 30% (158) 40% (214) 18% (97) 5% (29) 7% (35) 532

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Morning ConsultTable CMSdem1_1

Table CMSdem1_1: In the past year, how many times have you done the following?Traveled within the U.S.

Demographic None 1 to 3 times 4 to 6 times 7 to 10 timesMore than 10

times Total N

Registered Voters 30% (606) 44% (871) 15% (300) 5% (92) 6% (126) 19954-Region: Northeast 30% (107) 46% (164) 14% (49) 3% (12) 7% (24) 3564-Region: Midwest 31% (143) 46% (209) 14% (66) 5% (22) 4% (19) 4584-Region: South 30% (227) 43% (318) 14% (103) 5% (40) 8% (56) 7454-Region: West 30% (129) 41% (180) 19% (82) 4% (18) 6% (27) 436Sports fan 28% (385) 44% (612) 16% (221) 6% (77) 7% (102) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 6% (25) 42% (164) 27% (103) 9% (33) 16% (61) 385Frequent Flyer 1% (1) 19% (42) 38% (85) 18% (41) 25% (57) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMSdem1_2

Table CMSdem1_2: In the past year, how many times have you done the following?Traveled outside of the U.S.

Demographic None 1 to 3 times 4 to 6 times 7 to 10 timesMore than 10

times Total N

Registered Voters 81% (1610) 16% (319) 2% (34) 1% (11) 1% (20) 1995Gender: Male 80% (743) 16% (149) 2% (19) 1% (9) 1% (14) 934Gender: Female 82% (867) 16% (170) 1% (16) — (2) 1% (7) 1061Age: 18-34 69% (348) 24% (122) 3% (16) 1% (4) 2% (10) 501Age: 35-44 79% (241) 17% (50) 1% (4) 1% (4) 1% (4) 303Age: 45-64 85% (615) 13% (96) 1% (10) — (1) 1% (5) 727Age: 65+ 88% (406) 11% (51) 1% (5) — (1) — (1) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 70% (149) 25% (54) 3% (7) — (0) 2% (4) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 73% (333) 21% (98) 2% (11) 2% (7) 2% (7) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 82% (397) 14% (69) 2% (9) 1% (3) 1% (5) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 87% (646) 12% (88) 1% (7) — (1) — (3) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 78% (569) 19% (139) 2% (12) 1% (4) 1% (6) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 79% (488) 16% (101) 2% (14) 1% (6) 1% (6) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 85% (552) 12% (80) 1% (8) — (1) 1% (8) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 79% (238) 17% (51) 2% (6) 1% (3) 1% (2) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 77% (331) 21% (88) 2% (7) — (1) 1% (4) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 77% (246) 18% (58) 2% (7) 1% (4) 1% (4) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 82% (242) 14% (42) 2% (7) 1% (2) — (1) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 83% (259) 13% (41) 2% (6) — (1) 2% (7) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 87% (293) 12% (39) 1% (2) — (0) — (1) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 75% (424) 22% (122) 3% (14) 1% (4) — (2) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 82% (440) 15% (79) 2% (8) — (1) 1% (7) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 84% (610) 13% (96) 1% (6) 1% (6) 1% (8) 726Educ: < College 88% (1105) 10% (124) 1% (13) — (4) 1% (10) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 71% (336) 25% (118) 2% (8) 1% (4) 1% (5) 472Educ: Post-grad 63% (169) 29% (78) 5% (13) 1% (3) 2% (5) 268Income: Under 50k 89% (898) 9% (90) 1% (10) — (4) 1% (9) 1012Income: 50k-100k 77% (524) 19% (132) 2% (13) — (2) 1% (9) 681Income: 100k+ 62% (187) 32% (97) 4% (11) 1% (4) 1% (2) 302Ethnicity: White 83% (1332) 15% (237) 2% (27) — (7) 1% (12) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 68% (131) 27% (51) 2% (3) — (1) 4% (7) 193

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Morning ConsultTable CMSdem1_2

Table CMSdem1_2: In the past year, how many times have you done the following?Traveled outside of the U.S.

Demographic None 1 to 3 times 4 to 6 times 7 to 10 timesMore than 10

times Total N

Registered Voters 81% (1610) 16% (319) 2% (34) 1% (11) 1% (20) 1995Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 76% (192) 19% (48) 1% (3) 2% (4) 3% (6) 253Ethnicity: Other 67% (86) 27% (35) 4% (5) — (0) 2% (2) 128All Christian 80% (777) 16% (158) 2% (16) — (5) 1% (12) 968All Non-Christian 66% (66) 26% (26) 4% (4) 3% (3) — (0) 100Atheist 79% (68) 19% (16) 1% (1) — (0) 2% (2) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 83% (699) 14% (119) 2% (14) — (3) 1% (7) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 68% (81) 25% (29) 4% (5) 3% (3) — (1) 119Evangelical 83% (460) 13% (74) 2% (9) 1% (3) 1% (8) 553Non-Evangelical 81% (619) 16% (126) 1% (9) — (2) 1% (6) 762Community: Urban 75% (337) 19% (87) 3% (13) 1% (6) 2% (8) 450Community: Suburban 80% (816) 17% (175) 2% (18) — (2) 1% (6) 1016Community: Rural 87% (458) 11% (57) 1% (4) 1% (3) 1% (7) 529Employ: Private Sector 73% (453) 23% (141) 3% (18) 1% (5) 1% (7) 624Employ: Government 73% (101) 20% (28) 2% (3) 1% (2) 3% (4) 138Employ: Self-Employed 79% (118) 16% (25) 1% (2) 1% (2) 2% (3) 150Employ: Homemaker 89% (92) 9% (9) 1% (1) — (0) 1% (1) 103Employ: Retired 90% (457) 8% (43) 1% (5) — (1) — (1) 507Employ: Unemployed 88% (181) 11% (23) — (0) 1% (1) — (1) 206Employ: Other 86% (116) 11% (15) 1% (2) — (0) 1% (2) 135Military HH: Yes 87% (292) 12% (41) — (1) — (0) — (2) 336Military HH: No 79% (1318) 17% (278) 2% (33) 1% (11) 1% (19) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 83% (574) 14% (95) 1% (8) 1% (6) 1% (6) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 79% (1036) 17% (224) 2% (26) — (5) 1% (14) 1305Trump Job Approve 84% (702) 13% (108) 1% (11) — (4) 1% (8) 835Trump Job Disapprove 78% (863) 18% (202) 2% (21) 1% (6) 1% (8) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 86% (427) 11% (53) 1% (7) 1% (3) 1% (7) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 81% (275) 16% (56) 1% (5) — (1) 1% (2) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 79% (184) 18% (42) 2% (5) 1% (1) — (1) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 78% (679) 18% (160) 2% (16) — (4) 1% (7) 867

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMSdem1_2

Table CMSdem1_2: In the past year, how many times have you done the following?Traveled outside of the U.S.

Demographic None 1 to 3 times 4 to 6 times 7 to 10 timesMore than 10

times Total N

Registered Voters 81% (1610) 16% (319) 2% (34) 1% (11) 1% (20) 1995Favorable of Trump 85% (687) 13% (103) 1% (10) — (2) 1% (10) 813Unfavorable of Trump 79% (865) 18% (202) 2% (22) — (5) 1% (7) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 87% (450) 10% (54) 1% (7) — (1) 1% (7) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 81% (238) 17% (50) 1% (3) — (1) 1% (4) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 76% (148) 22% (42) 1% (3) 1% (2) — (0) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 79% (717) 18% (160) 2% (20) — (3) 1% (7) 907#1 Issue: Economy 77% (494) 19% (120) 2% (14) 1% (5) 1% (8) 641#1 Issue: Security 87% (211) 10% (24) 2% (5) — (1) 1% (2) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 80% (315) 19% (74) 1% (2) 1% (3) 1% (2) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 92% (288) 8% (24) 1% (2) — (0) — (0) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 79% (60) 21% (16) — (0) — (0) — (0) 76#1 Issue: Education 79% (86) 18% (19) 3% (3) — (0) — (0) 108#1 Issue: Energy 69% (60) 24% (21) 4% (4) 2% (2) — (0) 87#1 Issue: Other 74% (97) 17% (22) 4% (5) — (0) 6% (7) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 77% (617) 19% (150) 2% (14) 1% (7) 1% (9) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 83% (543) 14% (89) 2% (10) — (1) 1% (8) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 78% (68) 17% (14) 3% (3) — (0) 2% (2) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 79% (565) 18% (125) 1% (10) 1% (4) 1% (9) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 83% (599) 14% (99) 2% (13) — (1) 1% (7) 7202016 Vote: Other 79% (108) 17% (23) 2% (3) 1% (1) 1% (2) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 80% (336) 17% (72) 2% (8) 1% (4) 1% (2) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 81% (1092) 15% (207) 2% (23) 1% (7) 1% (16) 1346Voted in 2014: No 80% (518) 17% (112) 2% (12) 1% (4) 1% (4) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 81% (695) 15% (133) 2% (16) 1% (6) 1% (10) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 84% (430) 13% (64) 1% (7) — (2) 1% (6) 5092012 Vote: Other 83% (74) 15% (13) — (0) — (0) 2% (2) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 76% (407) 20% (108) 2% (11) — (2) 1% (3) 532

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Morning ConsultTable CMSdem1_2

Table CMSdem1_2: In the past year, how many times have you done the following?Traveled outside of the U.S.

Demographic None 1 to 3 times 4 to 6 times 7 to 10 timesMore than 10

times Total N

Registered Voters 81% (1610) 16% (319) 2% (34) 1% (11) 1% (20) 19954-Region: Northeast 78% (278) 18% (64) 2% (6) 1% (3) 1% (5) 3564-Region: Midwest 85% (389) 13% (59) 1% (5) — (2) 1% (4) 4584-Region: South 81% (605) 15% (114) 2% (15) 1% (6) 1% (5) 7454-Region: West 77% (338) 19% (83) 2% (8) — (1) 1% (6) 436Sports fan 80% (1112) 16% (230) 2% (27) 1% (11) 1% (16) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times — (0) 83% (319) 9% (34) 3% (11) 5% (20) 385Frequent Flyer 35% (78) 41% (93) 12% (26) 5% (11) 8% (17) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMSdem1_3

Table CMSdem1_3: In the past year, how many times have you done the following?Stayed overnight at a hotel in the U.S.

Demographic None 1 to 3 times 4 to 6 times 7 to 10 timesMore than 10

times Total N

Registered Voters 37% (744) 37% (736) 14% (277) 5% (107) 7% (131) 1995Gender: Male 37% (345) 37% (345) 12% (111) 6% (54) 8% (79) 934Gender: Female 38% (399) 37% (391) 16% (166) 5% (53) 5% (52) 1061Age: 18-34 26% (132) 43% (213) 16% (82) 6% (28) 9% (47) 501Age: 35-44 30% (91) 36% (108) 18% (56) 7% (22) 8% (26) 303Age: 45-64 39% (281) 38% (278) 13% (92) 5% (34) 6% (41) 727Age: 65+ 51% (239) 29% (136) 10% (48) 5% (23) 4% (17) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 28% (59) 41% (87) 18% (38) 5% (11) 9% (19) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 27% (123) 41% (188) 18% (81) 6% (29) 8% (35) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 36% (175) 36% (174) 14% (66) 6% (28) 8% (40) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 44% (330) 35% (262) 11% (81) 5% (36) 5% (37) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 38% (277) 37% (267) 15% (110) 4% (33) 6% (44) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 36% (220) 37% (224) 13% (79) 7% (42) 8% (50) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 38% (247) 38% (244) 13% (88) 5% (33) 6% (37) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 42% (125) 33% (100) 13% (39) 5% (14) 7% (21) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 35% (152) 39% (166) 17% (71) 4% (19) 5% (22) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 34% (109) 37% (119) 12% (38) 6% (18) 11% (36) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 37% (110) 36% (105) 14% (42) 8% (24) 5% (14) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 35% (111) 40% (125) 11% (34) 7% (23) 7% (21) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 41% (137) 35% (119) 16% (54) 3% (11) 5% (16) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 33% (189) 38% (215) 16% (88) 5% (30) 8% (43) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 37% (196) 36% (194) 14% (73) 7% (38) 6% (34) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 40% (291) 37% (270) 13% (95) 4% (32) 5% (38) 726Educ: < College 46% (578) 34% (426) 12% (148) 3% (40) 5% (62) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 24% (115) 44% (208) 14% (66) 9% (40) 9% (42) 472Educ: Post-grad 19% (50) 38% (101) 24% (64) 10% (27) 10% (27) 268Income: Under 50k 52% (522) 32% (329) 10% (101) 3% (26) 3% (35) 1012Income: 50k-100k 26% (179) 43% (291) 16% (111) 7% (49) 7% (50) 681Income: 100k+ 14% (43) 38% (116) 22% (66) 11% (32) 15% (46) 302Ethnicity: White 38% (607) 37% (598) 14% (222) 6% (90) 6% (97) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 30% (58) 38% (73) 15% (30) 6% (12) 11% (21) 193

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Morning ConsultTable CMSdem1_3

Table CMSdem1_3: In the past year, how many times have you done the following?Stayed overnight at a hotel in the U.S.

Demographic None 1 to 3 times 4 to 6 times 7 to 10 timesMore than 10

times Total N

Registered Voters 37% (744) 37% (736) 14% (277) 5% (107) 7% (131) 1995Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 34% (87) 36% (91) 15% (38) 4% (11) 10% (25) 253Ethnicity: Other 39% (50) 36% (46) 14% (18) 5% (6) 6% (8) 128All Christian 37% (357) 37% (354) 14% (138) 6% (55) 7% (64) 968All Non-Christian 32% (32) 46% (46) 12% (12) 7% (7) 3% (3) 100Atheist 44% (38) 28% (24) 17% (15) 3% (2) 8% (7) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 38% (317) 37% (311) 13% (112) 5% (44) 7% (57) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 33% (39) 45% (53) 14% (17) 6% (7) 3% (4) 119Evangelical 40% (219) 36% (199) 13% (69) 4% (22) 8% (45) 553Non-Evangelical 35% (266) 37% (284) 14% (110) 7% (54) 6% (48) 762Community: Urban 38% (171) 38% (170) 13% (59) 4% (20) 6% (29) 450Community: Suburban 33% (340) 38% (387) 15% (149) 6% (62) 8% (78) 1016Community: Rural 44% (233) 34% (178) 13% (69) 5% (25) 4% (23) 529Employ: Private Sector 25% (153) 41% (259) 17% (109) 8% (50) 9% (54) 624Employ: Government 21% (29) 46% (63) 14% (19) 7% (9) 13% (18) 138Employ: Self-Employed 33% (49) 39% (59) 17% (26) 2% (3) 9% (13) 150Employ: Homemaker 49% (51) 32% (33) 13% (14) 3% (3) 2% (2) 103Employ: Retired 52% (264) 30% (153) 11% (55) 4% (18) 3% (17) 507Employ: Unemployed 50% (104) 34% (69) 9% (19) 4% (8) 3% (7) 206Employ: Other 47% (63) 33% (45) 10% (13) 4% (6) 6% (8) 135Military HH: Yes 42% (141) 36% (120) 11% (38) 6% (19) 5% (18) 336Military HH: No 36% (602) 37% (616) 14% (239) 5% (89) 7% (113) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 37% (256) 38% (261) 13% (91) 5% (35) 7% (48) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 37% (488) 36% (475) 14% (186) 6% (73) 6% (83) 1305Trump Job Approve 38% (315) 38% (318) 13% (105) 5% (42) 7% (55) 835Trump Job Disapprove 37% (403) 37% (404) 15% (166) 6% (62) 6% (65) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 41% (201) 37% (185) 12% (61) 4% (18) 6% (30) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 33% (113) 39% (132) 13% (44) 7% (23) 7% (25) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 36% (84) 37% (87) 16% (37) 5% (13) 5% (11) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 37% (319) 37% (317) 15% (128) 6% (49) 6% (54) 867

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMSdem1_3

Table CMSdem1_3: In the past year, how many times have you done the following?Stayed overnight at a hotel in the U.S.

Demographic None 1 to 3 times 4 to 6 times 7 to 10 timesMore than 10

times Total N

Registered Voters 37% (744) 37% (736) 14% (277) 5% (107) 7% (131) 1995Favorable of Trump 38% (309) 38% (308) 13% (105) 5% (37) 7% (54) 813Unfavorable of Trump 36% (401) 37% (408) 15% (161) 6% (62) 6% (70) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 41% (210) 36% (187) 13% (66) 4% (22) 6% (32) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 34% (99) 41% (121) 13% (38) 5% (15) 7% (21) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 39% (75) 33% (65) 15% (29) 7% (14) 6% (11) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 36% (326) 38% (343) 15% (132) 5% (48) 6% (58) 907#1 Issue: Economy 33% (213) 38% (242) 14% (92) 6% (40) 8% (54) 641#1 Issue: Security 37% (90) 39% (94) 13% (32) 6% (14) 5% (12) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 35% (139) 38% (152) 13% (53) 5% (21) 8% (31) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 55% (171) 28% (87) 11% (35) 4% (14) 2% (7) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 28% (21) 39% (30) 20% (15) 6% (4) 7% (5) 76#1 Issue: Education 30% (33) 42% (45) 19% (20) 2% (2) 8% (8) 108#1 Issue: Energy 29% (25) 45% (39) 19% (17) 4% (3) 3% (2) 87#1 Issue: Other 39% (52) 36% (47) 9% (12) 6% (9) 9% (12) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 35% (275) 38% (298) 15% (119) 7% (53) 6% (50) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 37% (239) 38% (250) 13% (83) 5% (34) 7% (45) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 36% (31) 34% (30) 10% (9) 5% (5) 14% (12) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 35% (253) 38% (273) 15% (107) 6% (41) 6% (40) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 38% (276) 36% (259) 14% (100) 5% (39) 6% (47) 7202016 Vote: Other 39% (54) 36% (49) 11% (15) 8% (10) 7% (10) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 38% (158) 37% (155) 13% (56) 4% (17) 8% (35) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 36% (486) 37% (504) 14% (189) 6% (82) 6% (84) 1346Voted in 2014: No 40% (257) 36% (232) 14% (88) 4% (25) 7% (47) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 37% (317) 37% (318) 15% (126) 6% (47) 6% (51) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 37% (190) 38% (192) 14% (69) 6% (29) 6% (30) 5092012 Vote: Other 42% (38) 35% (31) 12% (11) 6% (5) 5% (4) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 37% (195) 36% (194) 13% (71) 5% (26) 9% (46) 532

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Morning ConsultTable CMSdem1_3

Table CMSdem1_3: In the past year, how many times have you done the following?Stayed overnight at a hotel in the U.S.

Demographic None 1 to 3 times 4 to 6 times 7 to 10 timesMore than 10

times Total N

Registered Voters 37% (744) 37% (736) 14% (277) 5% (107) 7% (131) 19954-Region: Northeast 41% (145) 34% (121) 13% (45) 6% (23) 6% (21) 3564-Region: Midwest 40% (185) 38% (172) 12% (56) 5% (24) 4% (21) 4584-Region: South 36% (267) 38% (282) 14% (107) 5% (35) 7% (54) 7454-Region: West 34% (147) 37% (160) 16% (69) 6% (26) 8% (35) 436Sports fan 34% (479) 36% (506) 16% (217) 6% (88) 8% (107) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 11% (42) 40% (154) 22% (84) 9% (35) 18% (70) 385Frequent Flyer 5% (11) 17% (39) 33% (73) 17% (39) 28% (64) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMSdem1_4

Table CMSdem1_4: In the past year, how many times have you done the following?Stayed overnight at a hotel outside of the U.S.

Demographic None 1 to 3 times 4 to 6 times 7 to 10 timesMore than 10

times Total N

Registered Voters 81% (1611) 13% (251) 3% (62) 2% (35) 2% (36) 1995Gender: Male 80% (748) 13% (117) 3% (27) 2% (19) 2% (21) 934Gender: Female 81% (863) 13% (133) 3% (35) 1% (16) 1% (14) 1061Age: 18-34 73% (368) 18% (92) 4% (20) 2% (9) 2% (12) 501Age: 35-44 76% (229) 16% (49) 4% (13) 2% (5) 2% (7) 303Age: 45-64 84% (608) 11% (82) 3% (19) 1% (8) 1% (10) 727Age: 65+ 88% (407) 6% (27) 2% (10) 3% (13) 1% (7) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 75% (159) 16% (35) 5% (10) 1% (2) 3% (7) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 73% (335) 19% (85) 4% (18) 2% (10) 2% (8) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 80% (386) 13% (62) 4% (19) 1% (6) 2% (8) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 86% (644) 9% (65) 2% (13) 2% (13) 1% (11) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 78% (572) 14% (101) 3% (23) 2% (15) 3% (19) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 81% (497) 12% (74) 4% (23) 2% (12) 1% (9) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 83% (542) 12% (76) 2% (15) 1% (8) 1% (8) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 79% (236) 14% (41) 3% (9) 2% (6) 3% (9) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 78% (336) 14% (60) 3% (14) 2% (9) 2% (10) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 80% (255) 12% (39) 4% (11) 3% (8) 2% (6) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 82% (242) 12% (35) 4% (12) 1% (4) 1% (3) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 82% (257) 12% (38) 2% (7) 2% (5) 2% (7) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 85% (285) 11% (39) 2% (8) 1% (3) — (1) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 76% (428) 16% (91) 3% (18) 3% (16) 2% (12) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 82% (439) 11% (61) 3% (18) 1% (5) 2% (12) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 84% (610) 10% (74) 3% (23) 1% (11) 1% (9) 726Educ: < College 88% (1099) 8% (101) 2% (27) 1% (9) 1% (18) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 72% (341) 19% (89) 3% (14) 4% (17) 2% (11) 472Educ: Post-grad 64% (171) 23% (61) 8% (21) 3% (9) 2% (6) 268Income: Under 50k 88% (893) 8% (78) 2% (24) 1% (8) 1% (9) 1012Income: 50k-100k 78% (534) 14% (96) 3% (18) 3% (18) 2% (15) 681Income: 100k+ 61% (184) 25% (77) 7% (21) 3% (10) 4% (11) 302Ethnicity: White 82% (1321) 12% (190) 3% (48) 2% (28) 2% (26) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 71% (137) 19% (37) 4% (7) 2% (4) 4% (8) 193

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Morning ConsultTable CMSdem1_4

Table CMSdem1_4: In the past year, how many times have you done the following?Stayed overnight at a hotel outside of the U.S.

Demographic None 1 to 3 times 4 to 6 times 7 to 10 timesMore than 10

times Total N

Registered Voters 81% (1611) 13% (251) 3% (62) 2% (35) 2% (36) 1995Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 77% (195) 14% (36) 4% (10) 2% (4) 3% (8) 253Ethnicity: Other 74% (95) 19% (25) 3% (4) 2% (3) 2% (2) 128All Christian 81% (783) 11% (108) 3% (30) 2% (24) 2% (23) 968All Non-Christian 63% (63) 29% (29) 7% (7) — (0) — (0) 100Atheist 81% (69) 15% (13) 2% (2) 1% (1) 2% (1) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 83% (695) 12% (101) 3% (22) 1% (11) 1% (11) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 65% (78) 28% (33) 6% (7) 1% (1) — (1) 119Evangelical 84% (467) 9% (52) 2% (13) 2% (10) 2% (12) 553Non-Evangelical 81% (615) 11% (87) 4% (27) 2% (17) 2% (17) 762Community: Urban 77% (347) 14% (64) 3% (14) 4% (16) 2% (8) 450Community: Suburban 80% (817) 13% (131) 3% (34) 1% (15) 2% (20) 1016Community: Rural 84% (447) 11% (56) 3% (14) 1% (4) 1% (8) 529Employ: Private Sector 73% (458) 16% (101) 5% (33) 3% (17) 2% (15) 624Employ: Government 74% (102) 17% (24) 5% (8) 1% (2) 2% (3) 138Employ: Self-Employed 80% (119) 12% (19) 3% (4) 2% (2) 4% (6) 150Employ: Homemaker 90% (93) 9% (10) 1% (1) — (0) — (0) 103Employ: Retired 89% (449) 7% (35) 2% (9) 2% (11) 1% (4) 507Employ: Unemployed 86% (178) 11% (24) 1% (1) 1% (3) — (1) 206Employ: Other 85% (114) 11% (15) 2% (2) — (0) 2% (3) 135Military HH: Yes 89% (298) 7% (23) 2% (6) 2% (6) — (2) 336Military HH: No 79% (1313) 14% (228) 3% (56) 2% (29) 2% (34) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 82% (568) 11% (78) 3% (21) 2% (10) 2% (12) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 80% (1043) 13% (172) 3% (41) 2% (25) 2% (24) 1305Trump Job Approve 83% (692) 11% (94) 3% (28) 1% (8) 2% (13) 835Trump Job Disapprove 79% (873) 14% (149) 3% (33) 2% (23) 2% (21) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 85% (422) 9% (45) 3% (16) 2% (8) 1% (6) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 80% (270) 14% (49) 4% (13) — (0) 2% (7) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 82% (191) 12% (29) 3% (6) 2% (5) 1% (1) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 79% (683) 14% (120) 3% (27) 2% (18) 2% (20) 867

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMSdem1_4

Table CMSdem1_4: In the past year, how many times have you done the following?Stayed overnight at a hotel outside of the U.S.

Demographic None 1 to 3 times 4 to 6 times 7 to 10 timesMore than 10

times Total N

Registered Voters 81% (1611) 13% (251) 3% (62) 2% (35) 2% (36) 1995Favorable of Trump 83% (679) 11% (89) 3% (25) 1% (8) 2% (13) 813Unfavorable of Trump 79% (872) 14% (151) 3% (34) 2% (26) 2% (19) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 85% (441) 10% (49) 2% (12) 1% (8) 2% (8) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 81% (238) 14% (40) 4% (12) — (0) 2% (5) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 78% (153) 14% (27) 5% (9) 3% (5) 1% (1) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 79% (720) 14% (124) 3% (26) 2% (20) 2% (17) 907#1 Issue: Economy 79% (504) 14% (87) 4% (29) 2% (11) 2% (11) 641#1 Issue: Security 85% (207) 8% (19) 3% (8) 2% (6) 1% (3) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 75% (298) 17% (69) 3% (10) 2% (9) 2% (9) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 91% (285) 5% (15) 2% (5) 2% (5) 1% (3) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 81% (61) 18% (13) 1% (1) — (0) 1% (1) 76#1 Issue: Education 84% (91) 12% (13) 4% (4) — (0) — (0) 108#1 Issue: Energy 77% (67) 17% (15) 3% (3) 1% (1) 1% (1) 87#1 Issue: Other 75% (99) 15% (20) 2% (2) 1% (2) 6% (8) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 77% (611) 15% (117) 3% (27) 3% (21) 2% (19) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 83% (541) 11% (75) 3% (19) 1% (7) 1% (9) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 79% (69) 14% (12) 2% (2) 2% (2) 2% (2) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 78% (555) 15% (107) 3% (20) 2% (17) 2% (15) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 84% (605) 10% (72) 3% (22) 1% (9) 2% (12) 7202016 Vote: Other 81% (112) 10% (14) 3% (4) 2% (3) 4% (5) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 80% (337) 14% (58) 4% (16) 2% (7) 1% (4) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 81% (1086) 12% (166) 3% (41) 2% (26) 2% (27) 1346Voted in 2014: No 81% (526) 13% (84) 3% (21) 1% (10) 1% (9) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 79% (681) 13% (114) 3% (30) 2% (18) 2% (17) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 85% (432) 9% (47) 3% (13) 2% (8) 2% (9) 5092012 Vote: Other 86% (77) 9% (8) 1% (1) 2% (2) 2% (2) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 78% (416) 15% (82) 3% (18) 1% (8) 2% (8) 532

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Morning ConsultTable CMSdem1_4

Table CMSdem1_4: In the past year, how many times have you done the following?Stayed overnight at a hotel outside of the U.S.

Demographic None 1 to 3 times 4 to 6 times 7 to 10 timesMore than 10

times Total N

Registered Voters 81% (1611) 13% (251) 3% (62) 2% (35) 2% (36) 19954-Region: Northeast 77% (273) 15% (54) 5% (17) 2% (5) 2% (6) 3564-Region: Midwest 84% (384) 11% (52) 2% (10) 1% (5) 2% (7) 4584-Region: South 82% (614) 11% (84) 3% (24) 2% (12) 2% (12) 7454-Region: West 78% (340) 14% (61) 2% (11) 3% (13) 3% (11) 436Sports fan 80% (1113) 13% (181) 3% (47) 2% (26) 2% (29) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 26% (102) 47% (181) 12% (48) 7% (25) 8% (30) 385Frequent Flyer 39% (89) 26% (58) 14% (32) 9% (21) 12% (26) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Table CMSdem1_5

Table CMSdem1_5: In the past year, how many times have you done the following?Traveled by airplane

Demographic None 1 to 3 times 4 to 6 times 7 to 10 timesMore than 10

times Total N

Registered Voters 58% (1162) 30% (608) 7% (135) 2% (35) 3% (56) 1995Gender: Male 58% (539) 30% (282) 7% (66) 2% (17) 3% (31) 934Gender: Female 59% (623) 31% (326) 7% (69) 2% (18) 2% (25) 1061Age: 18-34 47% (233) 34% (173) 10% (53) 3% (15) 6% (28) 501Age: 35-44 53% (162) 32% (96) 9% (26) 3% (9) 3% (10) 303Age: 45-64 61% (444) 31% (224) 5% (38) 1% (8) 2% (12) 727Age: 65+ 69% (322) 25% (114) 4% (18) 1% (4) 1% (5) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 45% (96) 37% (78) 10% (22) 3% (6) 6% (12) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 50% (228) 33% (150) 10% (45) 3% (13) 4% (20) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 57% (276) 31% (149) 7% (35) 2% (10) 2% (12) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 65% (486) 28% (209) 4% (33) 1% (6) 1% (11) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 57% (415) 32% (234) 7% (52) 1% (11) 3% (19) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 57% (352) 30% (182) 9% (53) 2% (14) 2% (14) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 61% (395) 30% (192) 5% (30) 2% (11) 4% (23) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 57% (172) 32% (96) 7% (21) 1% (3) 3% (8) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 56% (243) 32% (138) 7% (31) 2% (8) 3% (11) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 57% (182) 30% (96) 8% (26) 2% (7) 3% (9) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 58% (170) 29% (86) 9% (27) 2% (7) 2% (5) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 59% (185) 29% (90) 6% (19) 2% (7) 4% (13) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 63% (210) 30% (102) 3% (11) 1% (3) 3% (9) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 50% (285) 35% (199) 10% (58) 2% (11) 2% (12) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 59% (318) 30% (159) 6% (33) 2% (10) 3% (14) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 62% (448) 29% (209) 5% (39) 1% (8) 3% (23) 726Educ: < College 69% (866) 24% (301) 4% (54) 1% (13) 2% (21) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 46% (215) 39% (182) 9% (41) 3% (15) 4% (19) 472Educ: Post-grad 30% (81) 46% (124) 15% (40) 3% (8) 6% (16) 268Income: Under 50k 73% (735) 21% (215) 4% (37) 1% (13) 1% (13) 1012Income: 50k-100k 49% (336) 38% (258) 7% (50) 2% (12) 4% (24) 681Income: 100k+ 30% (91) 45% (135) 16% (47) 3% (11) 6% (19) 302Ethnicity: White 60% (962) 30% (479) 7% (105) 1% (23) 3% (44) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 46% (88) 37% (72) 9% (18) 1% (2) 7% (13) 193

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Morning ConsultTable CMSdem1_5

Table CMSdem1_5: In the past year, how many times have you done the following?Traveled by airplane

Demographic None 1 to 3 times 4 to 6 times 7 to 10 timesMore than 10

times Total N

Registered Voters 58% (1162) 30% (608) 7% (135) 2% (35) 3% (56) 1995Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 55% (138) 31% (78) 8% (20) 4% (10) 3% (8) 253Ethnicity: Other 47% (61) 40% (51) 8% (10) 2% (3) 3% (4) 128All Christian 57% (553) 30% (295) 7% (70) 2% (15) 4% (35) 968All Non-Christian 44% (44) 41% (41) 13% (13) 2% (2) 1% (1) 100Atheist 56% (48) 35% (30) 4% (3) — (0) 5% (5) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 62% (517) 29% (242) 6% (49) 2% (18) 2% (16) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 46% (55) 36% (43) 14% (17) 2% (3) 2% (2) 119Evangelical 65% (360) 25% (136) 5% (28) 1% (8) 4% (21) 553Non-Evangelical 56% (423) 34% (257) 7% (52) 2% (12) 2% (18) 762Community: Urban 52% (234) 33% (147) 9% (41) 2% (11) 4% (16) 450Community: Suburban 53% (542) 34% (349) 7% (76) 2% (17) 3% (33) 1016Community: Rural 73% (386) 21% (112) 3% (17) 1% (7) 1% (7) 529Employ: Private Sector 45% (280) 37% (233) 12% (72) 2% (13) 4% (25) 624Employ: Government 42% (58) 41% (56) 8% (11) 3% (4) 7% (9) 138Employ: Self-Employed 56% (84) 32% (48) 7% (10) 2% (3) 3% (4) 150Employ: Homemaker 78% (81) 19% (20) 1% (1) 1% (1) 1% (1) 103Employ: Retired 71% (362) 24% (120) 3% (17) 1% (3) 1% (4) 507Employ: Unemployed 70% (145) 26% (54) 2% (5) — (0) 1% (3) 206Employ: Other 70% (95) 21% (28) 4% (5) 2% (3) 3% (3) 135Military HH: Yes 63% (210) 30% (101) 5% (18) 1% (3) 1% (3) 336Military HH: No 57% (951) 31% (507) 7% (117) 2% (32) 3% (53) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 60% (414) 30% (209) 5% (33) 2% (13) 3% (21) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 57% (748) 31% (399) 8% (102) 2% (22) 3% (35) 1305Trump Job Approve 62% (514) 29% (246) 4% (34) 2% (16) 3% (24) 835Trump Job Disapprove 56% (611) 32% (351) 9% (98) 1% (14) 2% (26) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 65% (325) 27% (135) 3% (15) 2% (10) 2% (12) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 56% (190) 33% (112) 6% (19) 2% (6) 4% (12) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 55% (127) 32% (75) 10% (23) 2% (4) 2% (5) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 56% (483) 32% (276) 9% (76) 1% (11) 2% (21) 867

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Table CMSdem1_5

Table CMSdem1_5: In the past year, how many times have you done the following?Traveled by airplane

Demographic None 1 to 3 times 4 to 6 times 7 to 10 timesMore than 10

times Total N

Registered Voters 58% (1162) 30% (608) 7% (135) 2% (35) 3% (56) 1995Favorable of Trump 62% (505) 29% (236) 4% (32) 2% (15) 3% (26) 813Unfavorable of Trump 56% (614) 32% (353) 9% (96) 1% (16) 2% (24) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 66% (340) 26% (137) 4% (19) 2% (10) 2% (12) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 56% (165) 34% (99) 4% (13) 2% (5) 4% (13) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 59% (115) 30% (58) 8% (16) 3% (5) 1% (1) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 55% (499) 32% (295) 9% (79) 1% (11) 3% (23) 907#1 Issue: Economy 53% (337) 34% (215) 7% (44) 3% (20) 4% (24) 641#1 Issue: Security 62% (150) 30% (74) 4% (11) 2% (4) 2% (4) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 57% (225) 30% (120) 8% (33) 1% (4) 3% (13) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 73% (230) 23% (71) 4% (11) — (1) — (0) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 53% (40) 32% (24) 13% (10) 1% (0) 2% (2) 76#1 Issue: Education 61% (66) 28% (31) 7% (7) 1% (1) 4% (4) 108#1 Issue: Energy 39% (34) 43% (38) 12% (11) 2% (2) 3% (2) 87#1 Issue: Other 60% (79) 27% (36) 6% (8) 2% (3) 5% (6) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 53% (425) 34% (269) 8% (66) 2% (14) 3% (21) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 60% (392) 29% (191) 6% (37) 1% (8) 4% (23) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 61% (53) 24% (21) 6% (5) 7% (6) 2% (2) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 56% (398) 33% (233) 8% (58) 1% (8) 2% (17) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 62% (444) 27% (197) 6% (46) 2% (11) 3% (21) 7202016 Vote: Other 53% (73) 34% (47) 4% (6) 5% (7) 4% (6) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 58% (245) 31% (130) 6% (25) 2% (9) 3% (12) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 59% (788) 30% (405) 7% (97) 1% (18) 3% (38) 1346Voted in 2014: No 58% (373) 31% (202) 6% (38) 3% (17) 3% (18) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 57% (492) 31% (266) 8% (68) 1% (11) 3% (23) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 61% (311) 30% (153) 4% (23) 2% (9) 3% (14) 5092012 Vote: Other 69% (61) 24% (21) 4% (3) 2% (2) 2% (2) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 55% (293) 31% (167) 8% (41) 3% (14) 3% (17) 532

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Morning ConsultTable CMSdem1_5

Table CMSdem1_5: In the past year, how many times have you done the following?Traveled by airplane

Demographic None 1 to 3 times 4 to 6 times 7 to 10 timesMore than 10

times Total N

Registered Voters 58% (1162) 30% (608) 7% (135) 2% (35) 3% (56) 19954-Region: Northeast 56% (199) 33% (118) 5% (17) 2% (8) 4% (14) 3564-Region: Midwest 62% (283) 29% (135) 6% (27) 1% (5) 2% (8) 4584-Region: South 62% (461) 27% (204) 7% (49) 2% (14) 2% (18) 7454-Region: West 50% (219) 35% (151) 10% (42) 2% (8) 4% (16) 436Sports fan 57% (790) 31% (432) 7% (102) 2% (29) 3% (44) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 10% (37) 52% (200) 21% (79) 5% (20) 13% (49) 385Frequent Flyer — (0) — (0) 60% (135) 16% (35) 25% (56) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Table CMSdem2_1

Table CMSdem2_1: And do you currently have plans to do any of the following in the next year?Travel within the U.S.

Demographic Yes No Total N

Registered Voters 61% (1216) 39% (779) 1995Gender: Male 62% (574) 38% (359) 934Gender: Female 60% (642) 40% (420) 1061Age: 18-34 67% (338) 33% (163) 501Age: 35-44 66% (199) 34% (104) 303Age: 45-64 61% (445) 39% (282) 727Age: 65+ 51% (235) 49% (229) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 66% (141) 34% (73) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 67% (305) 33% (152) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 64% (311) 36% (172) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 55% (414) 45% (332) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 56% (411) 44% (320) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 62% (380) 38% (234) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 65% (425) 35% (225) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 54% (163) 46% (137) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 58% (248) 42% (182) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 63% (202) 37% (118) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 60% (178) 40% (117) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 67% (209) 33% (104) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 64% (215) 36% (121) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 60% (339) 40% (226) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 59% (313) 41% (222) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 65% (473) 35% (253) 726Educ: < College 56% (699) 44% (556) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 67% (318) 33% (154) 472Educ: Post-grad 74% (199) 26% (69) 268Income: Under 50k 53% (533) 47% (479) 1012Income: 50k-100k 66% (450) 34% (230) 681Income: 100k+ 77% (233) 23% (70) 302Ethnicity: White 61% (991) 39% (622) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 64% (123) 36% (70) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 60% (151) 40% (102) 253

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Morning ConsultTable CMSdem2_1

Table CMSdem2_1: And do you currently have plans to do any of the following in the next year?Travel within the U.S.

Demographic Yes No Total N

Registered Voters 61% (1216) 39% (779) 1995Ethnicity: Other 58% (74) 42% (55) 128All Christian 62% (603) 38% (365) 968All Non-Christian 57% (57) 43% (43) 100Atheist 62% (54) 38% (33) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 60% (502) 40% (339) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 58% (69) 42% (51) 119Evangelical 63% (348) 37% (205) 553Non-Evangelical 62% (475) 38% (287) 762Community: Urban 64% (286) 36% (163) 450Community: Suburban 63% (642) 37% (375) 1016Community: Rural 54% (288) 46% (241) 529Employ: Private Sector 70% (438) 30% (187) 624Employ: Government 75% (104) 25% (34) 138Employ: Self-Employed 69% (103) 31% (47) 150Employ: Homemaker 47% (48) 53% (55) 103Employ: Retired 50% (252) 50% (255) 507Employ: Unemployed 54% (110) 46% (96) 206Employ: Other 50% (67) 50% (67) 135Military HH: Yes 60% (200) 40% (136) 336Military HH: No 61% (1016) 39% (643) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 66% (454) 34% (236) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 58% (762) 42% (543) 1305Trump Job Approve 65% (545) 35% (289) 835Trump Job Disapprove 58% (639) 42% (461) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 64% (318) 36% (178) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 67% (227) 33% (111) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 64% (148) 36% (85) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 57% (491) 43% (377) 867Favorable of Trump 66% (537) 34% (276) 813Unfavorable of Trump 58% (641) 42% (461) 1102

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Table CMSdem2_1

Table CMSdem2_1: And do you currently have plans to do any of the following in the next year?Travel within the U.S.

Demographic Yes No Total N

Registered Voters 61% (1216) 39% (779) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 65% (335) 35% (183) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 68% (202) 32% (93) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 61% (120) 39% (75) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 57% (521) 43% (386) 907#1 Issue: Economy 64% (413) 36% (228) 641#1 Issue: Security 67% (162) 33% (81) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 60% (238) 40% (157) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 45% (139) 55% (174) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 77% (58) 23% (17) 76#1 Issue: Education 67% (72) 33% (36) 108#1 Issue: Energy 64% (55) 36% (31) 87#1 Issue: Other 59% (78) 41% (54) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 58% (459) 42% (337) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 68% (442) 32% (209) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 52% (46) 48% (41) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 57% (403) 43% (310) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 66% (477) 34% (242) 7202016 Vote: Other 61% (84) 39% (54) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 60% (251) 40% (170) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 61% (816) 39% (530) 1346Voted in 2014: No 62% (400) 38% (249) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 59% (504) 41% (356) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 62% (317) 38% (192) 5092012 Vote: Other 59% (53) 41% (36) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 64% (341) 36% (191) 5324-Region: Northeast 57% (204) 43% (152) 3564-Region: Midwest 59% (271) 41% (187) 4584-Region: South 62% (464) 38% (281) 7454-Region: West 63% (276) 37% (160) 436Sports fan 65% (901) 35% (495) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 76% (291) 24% (94) 385

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Morning ConsultTable CMSdem2_1

Table CMSdem2_1: And do you currently have plans to do any of the following in the next year?Travel within the U.S.

Demographic Yes No Total N

Registered Voters 61% (1216) 39% (779) 1995Frequent Flyer 83% (186) 17% (39) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Table CMSdem2_2

Table CMSdem2_2: And do you currently have plans to do any of the following in the next year?Travel outside of the U.S.

Demographic Yes No Total N

Registered Voters 17% (344) 83% (1651) 1995Gender: Male 20% (185) 80% (748) 934Gender: Female 15% (159) 85% (902) 1061Age: 18-34 28% (142) 72% (359) 501Age: 35-44 19% (58) 81% (245) 303Age: 45-64 14% (99) 86% (628) 727Age: 65+ 10% (45) 90% (419) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 32% (68) 68% (147) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 24% (109) 76% (348) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 16% (77) 84% (406) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 12% (86) 88% (659) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 19% (139) 81% (592) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 19% (115) 81% (500) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 14% (91) 86% (559) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 22% (65) 78% (235) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 17% (74) 83% (357) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 21% (68) 79% (252) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 16% (47) 84% (248) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 17% (52) 83% (262) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 11% (38) 89% (298) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 20% (114) 80% (451) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 17% (91) 83% (443) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 14% (105) 86% (621) 726Educ: < College 13% (162) 87% (1093) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 21% (99) 79% (373) 472Educ: Post-grad 31% (83) 69% (185) 268Income: Under 50k 13% (128) 87% (884) 1012Income: 50k-100k 17% (118) 83% (563) 681Income: 100k+ 33% (99) 67% (204) 302Ethnicity: White 15% (238) 85% (1375) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 38% (73) 62% (121) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 28% (70) 72% (183) 253

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Morning ConsultTable CMSdem2_2

Table CMSdem2_2: And do you currently have plans to do any of the following in the next year?Travel outside of the U.S.

Demographic Yes No Total N

Registered Voters 17% (344) 83% (1651) 1995Ethnicity: Other 28% (35) 72% (93) 128All Christian 17% (167) 83% (801) 968All Non-Christian 25% (25) 75% (75) 100Atheist 21% (18) 79% (68) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 16% (134) 84% (707) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 26% (32) 74% (88) 119Evangelical 16% (86) 84% (467) 553Non-Evangelical 16% (125) 84% (637) 762Community: Urban 23% (103) 77% (346) 450Community: Suburban 17% (177) 83% (840) 1016Community: Rural 12% (64) 88% (465) 529Employ: Private Sector 22% (139) 78% (486) 624Employ: Government 29% (40) 71% (98) 138Employ: Self-Employed 16% (24) 84% (126) 150Employ: Homemaker 9% (9) 91% (94) 103Employ: Retired 8% (40) 92% (467) 507Employ: Unemployed 13% (28) 87% (179) 206Employ: Other 13% (17) 87% (117) 135Military HH: Yes 13% (43) 87% (292) 336Military HH: No 18% (301) 82% (1358) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 16% (108) 84% (582) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 18% (236) 82% (1069) 1305Trump Job Approve 14% (120) 86% (715) 835Trump Job Disapprove 19% (208) 81% (892) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 14% (67) 86% (429) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 16% (53) 84% (286) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 21% (49) 79% (184) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 18% (159) 82% (708) 867Favorable of Trump 14% (117) 86% (696) 813Unfavorable of Trump 19% (206) 81% (896) 1102

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Table CMSdem2_2: And do you currently have plans to do any of the following in the next year?Travel outside of the U.S.

Demographic Yes No Total N

Registered Voters 17% (344) 83% (1651) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 13% (69) 87% (449) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 16% (48) 84% (247) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 22% (42) 78% (153) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 18% (164) 82% (743) 907#1 Issue: Economy 21% (137) 79% (504) 641#1 Issue: Security 14% (34) 86% (209) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 15% (59) 85% (337) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 9% (27) 91% (286) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 22% (17) 78% (59) 76#1 Issue: Education 29% (31) 71% (77) 108#1 Issue: Energy 19% (16) 81% (70) 87#1 Issue: Other 17% (22) 83% (109) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 18% (144) 82% (652) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 15% (97) 85% (555) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 19% (17) 81% (70) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 17% (124) 83% (590) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 14% (102) 86% (618) 7202016 Vote: Other 17% (23) 83% (115) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 23% (95) 77% (326) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 16% (212) 84% (1134) 1346Voted in 2014: No 20% (132) 80% (517) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 16% (138) 84% (721) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 13% (66) 87% (443) 5092012 Vote: Other 14% (12) 86% (77) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 24% (126) 76% (406) 5324-Region: Northeast 17% (62) 83% (294) 3564-Region: Midwest 11% (50) 89% (408) 4584-Region: South 19% (141) 81% (604) 7454-Region: West 21% (91) 79% (345) 436Sports fan 19% (263) 81% (1133) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 55% (214) 45% (171) 385

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Table CMSdem2_2: And do you currently have plans to do any of the following in the next year?Travel outside of the U.S.

Demographic Yes No Total N

Registered Voters 17% (344) 83% (1651) 1995Frequent Flyer 48% (108) 52% (118) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Table CMSdem2_3

Table CMSdem2_3: And do you currently have plans to do any of the following in the next year?Stay overnight at a hotel in the U.S.

Demographic Yes No Total N

Registered Voters 51% (1015) 49% (980) 1995Gender: Male 53% (491) 47% (443) 934Gender: Female 49% (524) 51% (537) 1061Age: 18-34 58% (291) 42% (210) 501Age: 35-44 57% (172) 43% (131) 303Age: 45-64 51% (371) 49% (355) 727Age: 65+ 39% (180) 61% (284) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 57% (123) 43% (91) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 58% (265) 42% (191) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 54% (259) 46% (224) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 45% (335) 55% (410) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 49% (357) 51% (373) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 50% (310) 50% (305) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 54% (348) 46% (302) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 48% (145) 52% (155) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 49% (212) 51% (218) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 54% (172) 46% (148) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 47% (138) 53% (157) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 55% (174) 45% (140) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 52% (174) 48% (162) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 51% (287) 49% (278) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 50% (267) 50% (267) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 52% (378) 48% (348) 726Educ: < College 46% (577) 54% (677) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 58% (273) 42% (199) 472Educ: Post-grad 61% (165) 39% (104) 268Income: Under 50k 42% (428) 58% (584) 1012Income: 50k-100k 55% (378) 45% (303) 681Income: 100k+ 69% (209) 31% (93) 302Ethnicity: White 50% (805) 50% (809) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 58% (113) 42% (80) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 57% (145) 43% (108) 253

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Table CMSdem2_3: And do you currently have plans to do any of the following in the next year?Stay overnight at a hotel in the U.S.

Demographic Yes No Total N

Registered Voters 51% (1015) 49% (980) 1995Ethnicity: Other 50% (65) 50% (64) 128All Christian 52% (500) 48% (468) 968All Non-Christian 49% (49) 51% (51) 100Atheist 46% (40) 54% (46) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 51% (427) 49% (414) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 48% (57) 52% (62) 119Evangelical 52% (289) 48% (264) 553Non-Evangelical 54% (408) 46% (354) 762Community: Urban 53% (239) 47% (210) 450Community: Suburban 53% (538) 47% (478) 1016Community: Rural 45% (238) 55% (291) 529Employ: Private Sector 62% (384) 38% (240) 624Employ: Government 62% (85) 38% (53) 138Employ: Self-Employed 56% (83) 44% (66) 150Employ: Homemaker 41% (42) 59% (61) 103Employ: Retired 38% (195) 62% (312) 507Employ: Unemployed 42% (86) 58% (120) 206Employ: Other 43% (58) 57% (77) 135Military HH: Yes 50% (168) 50% (168) 336Military HH: No 51% (847) 49% (812) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 56% (388) 44% (302) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 48% (627) 52% (678) 1305Trump Job Approve 54% (454) 46% (381) 835Trump Job Disapprove 48% (530) 52% (570) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 53% (261) 47% (235) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 57% (193) 43% (145) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 54% (125) 46% (108) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 47% (405) 53% (462) 867Favorable of Trump 54% (443) 46% (370) 813Unfavorable of Trump 49% (535) 51% (567) 1102

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Table CMSdem2_3: And do you currently have plans to do any of the following in the next year?Stay overnight at a hotel in the U.S.

Demographic Yes No Total N

Registered Voters 51% (1015) 49% (980) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 53% (272) 47% (246) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 58% (170) 42% (124) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 54% (106) 46% (89) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 47% (430) 53% (477) 907#1 Issue: Economy 55% (355) 45% (286) 641#1 Issue: Security 51% (123) 49% (120) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 51% (202) 49% (193) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 38% (117) 62% (196) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 71% (54) 29% (22) 76#1 Issue: Education 59% (64) 41% (44) 108#1 Issue: Energy 49% (42) 51% (44) 87#1 Issue: Other 43% (57) 57% (75) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 49% (388) 51% (408) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 55% (359) 45% (292) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 43% (38) 57% (49) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 48% (346) 52% (368) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 53% (381) 47% (339) 7202016 Vote: Other 49% (67) 51% (71) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 52% (220) 48% (201) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 50% (677) 50% (669) 1346Voted in 2014: No 52% (338) 48% (311) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 49% (424) 51% (436) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 51% (259) 49% (250) 5092012 Vote: Other 49% (44) 51% (46) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 54% (288) 46% (244) 5324-Region: Northeast 49% (174) 51% (182) 3564-Region: Midwest 47% (217) 53% (241) 4584-Region: South 53% (396) 47% (349) 7454-Region: West 52% (228) 48% (208) 436Sports fan 55% (769) 45% (628) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 66% (255) 34% (130) 385

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Table CMSdem2_3: And do you currently have plans to do any of the following in the next year?Stay overnight at a hotel in the U.S.

Demographic Yes No Total N

Registered Voters 51% (1015) 49% (980) 1995Frequent Flyer 75% (168) 25% (57) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Table CMSdem2_4

Table CMSdem2_4: And do you currently have plans to do any of the following in the next year?Stay overnight at a hotel outside of the U.S.

Demographic Yes No Total N

Registered Voters 17% (345) 83% (1650) 1995Gender: Male 19% (173) 81% (761) 934Gender: Female 16% (172) 84% (889) 1061Age: 18-34 28% (138) 72% (363) 501Age: 35-44 21% (62) 79% (241) 303Age: 45-64 14% (103) 86% (623) 727Age: 65+ 9% (42) 91% (422) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 28% (59) 72% (155) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 25% (116) 75% (341) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 17% (82) 83% (400) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 11% (84) 89% (661) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 19% (137) 81% (594) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 17% (105) 83% (509) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 16% (103) 84% (547) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 19% (57) 81% (243) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 19% (80) 81% (350) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 19% (59) 81% (260) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 16% (46) 84% (249) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 18% (57) 82% (257) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 14% (46) 86% (290) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 20% (112) 80% (453) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 18% (95) 82% (440) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 14% (104) 86% (622) 726Educ: < College 14% (174) 86% (1081) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 19% (91) 81% (381) 472Educ: Post-grad 30% (80) 70% (188) 268Income: Under 50k 13% (130) 87% (882) 1012Income: 50k-100k 16% (111) 84% (570) 681Income: 100k+ 35% (105) 65% (198) 302Ethnicity: White 15% (248) 85% (1365) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 32% (61) 68% (132) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 27% (70) 73% (183) 253

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Table CMSdem2_4: And do you currently have plans to do any of the following in the next year?Stay overnight at a hotel outside of the U.S.

Demographic Yes No Total N

Registered Voters 17% (345) 83% (1650) 1995Ethnicity: Other 22% (28) 78% (101) 128All Christian 17% (166) 83% (802) 968All Non-Christian 23% (23) 77% (77) 100Atheist 22% (19) 78% (67) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 16% (137) 84% (704) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 24% (28) 76% (91) 119Evangelical 15% (85) 85% (468) 553Non-Evangelical 16% (125) 84% (637) 762Community: Urban 21% (97) 79% (353) 450Community: Suburban 18% (184) 82% (832) 1016Community: Rural 12% (65) 88% (464) 529Employ: Private Sector 23% (142) 77% (482) 624Employ: Government 26% (36) 74% (102) 138Employ: Self-Employed 22% (32) 78% (117) 150Employ: Homemaker 6% (6) 94% (97) 103Employ: Retired 8% (41) 92% (465) 507Employ: Unemployed 13% (27) 87% (179) 206Employ: Other 17% (23) 83% (111) 135Military HH: Yes 11% (38) 89% (297) 336Military HH: No 19% (307) 81% (1352) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 16% (114) 84% (577) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 18% (232) 82% (1073) 1305Trump Job Approve 15% (127) 85% (708) 835Trump Job Disapprove 18% (203) 82% (897) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 15% (73) 85% (423) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 16% (54) 84% (284) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 21% (49) 79% (184) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 18% (154) 82% (713) 867Favorable of Trump 15% (123) 85% (690) 813Unfavorable of Trump 18% (201) 82% (902) 1102

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Table CMSdem2_4

Table CMSdem2_4: And do you currently have plans to do any of the following in the next year?Stay overnight at a hotel outside of the U.S.

Demographic Yes No Total N

Registered Voters 17% (345) 83% (1650) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 15% (80) 85% (438) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 15% (44) 85% (251) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 20% (39) 80% (156) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 18% (161) 82% (746) 907#1 Issue: Economy 20% (131) 80% (510) 641#1 Issue: Security 14% (34) 86% (209) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 16% (65) 84% (331) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 10% (33) 90% (281) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 28% (21) 72% (55) 76#1 Issue: Education 24% (26) 76% (82) 108#1 Issue: Energy 18% (16) 82% (71) 87#1 Issue: Other 16% (21) 84% (111) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 18% (141) 82% (655) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 16% (103) 84% (548) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 17% (15) 83% (72) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 18% (126) 82% (587) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 13% (95) 87% (624) 7202016 Vote: Other 16% (23) 84% (115) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 24% (101) 76% (320) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 16% (212) 84% (1134) 1346Voted in 2014: No 21% (134) 79% (515) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 17% (145) 83% (714) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 13% (68) 87% (442) 5092012 Vote: Other 12% (10) 88% (79) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 23% (121) 77% (411) 5324-Region: Northeast 20% (70) 80% (286) 3564-Region: Midwest 13% (60) 87% (398) 4584-Region: South 17% (125) 83% (620) 7454-Region: West 21% (91) 79% (345) 436Sports fan 19% (272) 81% (1125) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 47% (181) 53% (204) 385

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Table CMSdem2_4: And do you currently have plans to do any of the following in the next year?Stay overnight at a hotel outside of the U.S.

Demographic Yes No Total N

Registered Voters 17% (345) 83% (1650) 1995Frequent Flyer 47% (107) 53% (119) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Table CMSdem2_5: And do you currently have plans to do any of the following in the next year?Travel by airplane

Demographic Yes No Total N

Registered Voters 35% (693) 65% (1302) 1995Gender: Male 36% (338) 64% (596) 934Gender: Female 33% (355) 67% (706) 1061Age: 18-34 46% (232) 54% (269) 501Age: 35-44 39% (119) 61% (184) 303Age: 45-64 31% (229) 69% (498) 727Age: 65+ 25% (114) 75% (350) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 49% (104) 51% (110) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 42% (193) 58% (263) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 35% (167) 65% (315) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 28% (207) 72% (538) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 38% (276) 62% (454) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 34% (210) 66% (404) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 32% (207) 68% (443) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 38% (114) 62% (186) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 38% (162) 62% (269) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 36% (115) 64% (204) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 32% (95) 68% (200) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 35% (108) 65% (206) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 29% (98) 71% (237) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 38% (214) 62% (351) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 36% (192) 64% (342) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 32% (231) 68% (495) 726Educ: < College 28% (354) 72% (901) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 43% (203) 57% (268) 472Educ: Post-grad 51% (136) 49% (132) 268Income: Under 50k 27% (272) 73% (740) 1012Income: 50k-100k 39% (264) 61% (417) 681Income: 100k+ 52% (158) 48% (144) 302Ethnicity: White 32% (515) 68% (1099) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 54% (104) 46% (89) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 47% (120) 53% (133) 253

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Table CMSdem2_5: And do you currently have plans to do any of the following in the next year?Travel by airplane

Demographic Yes No Total N

Registered Voters 35% (693) 65% (1302) 1995Ethnicity: Other 46% (59) 54% (70) 128All Christian 35% (334) 65% (634) 968All Non-Christian 40% (40) 60% (60) 100Atheist 40% (34) 60% (52) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 34% (285) 66% (556) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 40% (47) 60% (72) 119Evangelical 32% (177) 68% (376) 553Non-Evangelical 35% (269) 65% (493) 762Community: Urban 44% (198) 56% (252) 450Community: Suburban 37% (381) 63% (636) 1016Community: Rural 22% (115) 78% (414) 529Employ: Private Sector 45% (284) 55% (340) 624Employ: Government 50% (69) 50% (69) 138Employ: Self-Employed 39% (58) 61% (92) 150Employ: Homemaker 19% (19) 81% (84) 103Employ: Retired 22% (109) 78% (397) 507Employ: Unemployed 27% (56) 73% (151) 206Employ: Other 26% (35) 74% (99) 135Military HH: Yes 32% (106) 68% (230) 336Military HH: No 35% (587) 65% (1072) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 37% (252) 63% (438) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 34% (441) 66% (864) 1305Trump Job Approve 33% (278) 67% (557) 835Trump Job Disapprove 36% (394) 64% (706) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 31% (156) 69% (340) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 36% (121) 64% (217) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 41% (95) 59% (138) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 35% (300) 65% (567) 867Favorable of Trump 33% (270) 67% (543) 813Unfavorable of Trump 36% (397) 64% (706) 1102

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Table CMSdem2_5: And do you currently have plans to do any of the following in the next year?Travel by airplane

Demographic Yes No Total N

Registered Voters 35% (693) 65% (1302) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 34% (175) 66% (343) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 32% (95) 68% (200) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 38% (74) 62% (121) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 36% (323) 64% (584) 907#1 Issue: Economy 40% (254) 60% (387) 641#1 Issue: Security 32% (78) 68% (165) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 35% (137) 65% (258) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 24% (74) 76% (240) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 50% (38) 50% (38) 76#1 Issue: Education 41% (44) 59% (64) 108#1 Issue: Energy 29% (25) 71% (61) 87#1 Issue: Other 33% (43) 67% (89) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 36% (289) 64% (507) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 33% (218) 67% (433) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 26% (23) 74% (64) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 35% (251) 65% (463) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 31% (223) 69% (497) 7202016 Vote: Other 38% (52) 62% (85) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 40% (167) 60% (255) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 34% (451) 66% (895) 1346Voted in 2014: No 37% (242) 63% (407) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 36% (313) 64% (546) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 30% (152) 70% (358) 5092012 Vote: Other 21% (19) 79% (71) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 39% (209) 61% (323) 5324-Region: Northeast 36% (127) 64% (229) 3564-Region: Midwest 30% (139) 70% (319) 4584-Region: South 34% (253) 66% (492) 7454-Region: West 40% (175) 60% (261) 436Sports fan 37% (523) 63% (874) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 63% (243) 37% (141) 385

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Table CMSdem2_5: And do you currently have plans to do any of the following in the next year?Travel by airplane

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Registered Voters 35% (693) 65% (1302) 1995Frequent Flyer 74% (168) 26% (58) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMSdem3_1

Table CMSdem3_1: In general, what kind of fan do you consider yourself of the following?Film

Demographic An avid fan A casual fan Not a fan Total N

Registered Voters 31% (623) 56% (1123) 12% (248) 1995Gender: Male 33% (310) 55% (512) 12% (112) 934Gender: Female 30% (314) 58% (611) 13% (136) 1061Age: 18-34 34% (172) 55% (276) 11% (53) 501Age: 35-44 44% (132) 49% (149) 7% (21) 303Age: 45-64 30% (220) 58% (419) 12% (88) 727Age: 65+ 22% (100) 60% (278) 19% (86) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 35% (75) 50% (107) 15% (33) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 37% (169) 55% (253) 7% (34) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 35% (170) 54% (262) 10% (50) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 26% (193) 59% (443) 15% (109) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 36% (261) 53% (389) 11% (81) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 31% (193) 57% (348) 12% (74) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 26% (169) 60% (387) 14% (94) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 41% (122) 48% (145) 11% (33) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 32% (139) 56% (243) 11% (48) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 34% (109) 55% (177) 11% (34) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 29% (84) 58% (171) 14% (40) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 25% (79) 60% (190) 14% (45) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 27% (90) 59% (198) 14% (48) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 38% (212) 54% (306) 8% (47) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 30% (163) 58% (309) 12% (63) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 25% (184) 59% (431) 15% (111) 726Educ: < College 30% (380) 56% (700) 14% (174) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 32% (150) 59% (277) 10% (45) 472Educ: Post-grad 35% (93) 55% (146) 11% (29) 268Income: Under 50k 31% (317) 54% (549) 14% (146) 1012Income: 50k-100k 30% (203) 59% (401) 11% (76) 681Income: 100k+ 34% (103) 57% (173) 9% (26) 302Ethnicity: White 30% (484) 58% (943) 12% (186) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 40% (77) 49% (94) 11% (22) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 37% (94) 46% (117) 17% (42) 253

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Morning ConsultTable CMSdem3_1

Table CMSdem3_1: In general, what kind of fan do you consider yourself of the following?Film

Demographic An avid fan A casual fan Not a fan Total N

Registered Voters 31% (623) 56% (1123) 12% (248) 1995Ethnicity: Other 35% (45) 49% (63) 16% (20) 128All Christian 29% (280) 58% (559) 13% (129) 968All Non-Christian 33% (33) 55% (55) 12% (12) 100Atheist 38% (33) 49% (42) 13% (11) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 33% (277) 56% (467) 11% (96) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 34% (40) 55% (66) 11% (13) 119Evangelical 30% (167) 56% (313) 13% (74) 553Non-Evangelical 30% (229) 57% (434) 13% (99) 762Community: Urban 35% (157) 55% (245) 10% (47) 450Community: Suburban 32% (325) 56% (565) 12% (127) 1016Community: Rural 27% (141) 59% (313) 14% (75) 529Employ: Private Sector 34% (213) 56% (352) 9% (59) 624Employ: Government 30% (42) 57% (78) 13% (18) 138Employ: Self-Employed 40% (60) 49% (73) 11% (17) 150Employ: Homemaker 27% (28) 68% (70) 5% (5) 103Employ: Retired 23% (115) 60% (302) 18% (90) 507Employ: Unemployed 35% (72) 52% (107) 13% (27) 206Employ: Other 39% (52) 48% (65) 13% (17) 135Military HH: Yes 26% (89) 57% (191) 17% (55) 336Military HH: No 32% (535) 56% (932) 12% (193) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 26% (178) 58% (403) 16% (109) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 34% (445) 55% (720) 11% (139) 1305Trump Job Approve 26% (221) 58% (483) 16% (131) 835Trump Job Disapprove 35% (381) 56% (611) 10% (108) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 25% (125) 58% (290) 16% (81) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 28% (96) 57% (193) 15% (50) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 33% (77) 56% (131) 11% (25) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 35% (304) 55% (480) 10% (83) 867Favorable of Trump 26% (214) 59% (476) 15% (123) 813Unfavorable of Trump 35% (387) 55% (605) 10% (110) 1102

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMSdem3_1

Table CMSdem3_1: In general, what kind of fan do you consider yourself of the following?Film

Demographic An avid fan A casual fan Not a fan Total N

Registered Voters 31% (623) 56% (1123) 12% (248) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 26% (133) 58% (303) 16% (82) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 28% (81) 59% (173) 14% (41) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 37% (72) 51% (100) 12% (23) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 35% (315) 56% (505) 10% (87) 907#1 Issue: Economy 34% (217) 57% (367) 9% (57) 641#1 Issue: Security 27% (66) 52% (127) 20% (50) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 32% (128) 57% (227) 10% (41) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 24% (75) 59% (185) 17% (53) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 45% (34) 44% (33) 11% (9) 76#1 Issue: Education 31% (33) 61% (66) 8% (9) 108#1 Issue: Energy 44% (38) 51% (44) 5% (5) 87#1 Issue: Other 24% (32) 56% (74) 19% (26) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 36% (286) 53% (420) 11% (90) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 27% (174) 61% (400) 12% (78) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 30% (26) 56% (48) 14% (12) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 34% (246) 54% (384) 12% (84) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 27% (196) 59% (427) 13% (97) 7202016 Vote: Other 32% (44) 62% (85) 6% (8) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 33% (138) 54% (227) 13% (57) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 31% (414) 57% (770) 12% (162) 1346Voted in 2014: No 32% (210) 54% (353) 13% (86) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 34% (296) 55% (477) 10% (87) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 25% (127) 61% (311) 14% (72) 5092012 Vote: Other 28% (25) 55% (49) 17% (15) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 33% (174) 54% (286) 14% (72) 5324-Region: Northeast 32% (114) 55% (194) 13% (47) 3564-Region: Midwest 29% (135) 57% (261) 14% (62) 4584-Region: South 30% (221) 57% (423) 14% (101) 7454-Region: West 35% (153) 56% (244) 9% (38) 436Sports fan 34% (479) 56% (785) 9% (132) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 35% (136) 54% (209) 10% (40) 385

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Morning ConsultTable CMSdem3_1

Table CMSdem3_1: In general, what kind of fan do you consider yourself of the following?Film

Demographic An avid fan A casual fan Not a fan Total N

Registered Voters 31% (623) 56% (1123) 12% (248) 1995Frequent Flyer 38% (87) 51% (115) 11% (24) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMSdem3_2

Table CMSdem3_2: In general, what kind of fan do you consider yourself of the following?Television

Demographic An avid fan A casual fan Not a fan Total N

Registered Voters 43% (861) 50% (1007) 6% (127) 1995Gender: Male 39% (365) 54% (501) 7% (67) 934Gender: Female 47% (496) 48% (506) 6% (59) 1061Age: 18-34 33% (167) 58% (290) 9% (44) 501Age: 35-44 44% (134) 49% (147) 7% (22) 303Age: 45-64 45% (325) 50% (360) 6% (41) 727Age: 65+ 51% (235) 45% (209) 4% (20) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 30% (64) 59% (126) 11% (24) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 38% (175) 55% (249) 7% (32) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 42% (204) 51% (247) 7% (31) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 49% (369) 46% (341) 5% (35) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 53% (385) 43% (312) 4% (33) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 35% (215) 56% (346) 9% (54) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 40% (260) 54% (349) 6% (40) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 50% (151) 43% (130) 6% (18) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 54% (234) 42% (182) 3% (14) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 30% (94) 62% (197) 9% (29) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 41% (121) 51% (149) 8% (25) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 38% (120) 55% (174) 7% (21) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 42% (141) 52% (175) 6% (20) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 47% (267) 47% (268) 5% (30) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 44% (237) 49% (264) 6% (34) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 40% (291) 53% (388) 6% (46) 726Educ: < College 45% (565) 49% (615) 6% (75) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 39% (184) 54% (257) 7% (31) 472Educ: Post-grad 42% (113) 51% (136) 7% (20) 268Income: Under 50k 45% (458) 48% (483) 7% (70) 1012Income: 50k-100k 42% (284) 54% (366) 5% (31) 681Income: 100k+ 39% (119) 52% (159) 8% (25) 302Ethnicity: White 43% (694) 51% (822) 6% (98) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 33% (63) 57% (110) 10% (20) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 48% (120) 48% (122) 4% (11) 253

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Morning ConsultTable CMSdem3_2

Table CMSdem3_2: In general, what kind of fan do you consider yourself of the following?Television

Demographic An avid fan A casual fan Not a fan Total N

Registered Voters 43% (861) 50% (1007) 6% (127) 1995Ethnicity: Other 36% (47) 50% (64) 14% (18) 128All Christian 47% (455) 48% (465) 5% (47) 968All Non-Christian 48% (48) 42% (42) 10% (10) 100Atheist 36% (31) 50% (43) 14% (12) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 39% (327) 54% (457) 7% (57) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 44% (52) 46% (55) 10% (12) 119Evangelical 44% (245) 49% (274) 6% (34) 553Non-Evangelical 47% (357) 48% (368) 5% (37) 762Community: Urban 44% (197) 50% (227) 6% (25) 450Community: Suburban 43% (435) 51% (518) 6% (64) 1016Community: Rural 43% (229) 50% (263) 7% (37) 529Employ: Private Sector 42% (265) 51% (317) 7% (42) 624Employ: Government 37% (52) 56% (77) 7% (10) 138Employ: Self-Employed 43% (65) 50% (75) 6% (10) 150Employ: Homemaker 46% (47) 51% (53) 3% (3) 103Employ: Retired 50% (252) 46% (234) 4% (20) 507Employ: Unemployed 41% (84) 51% (105) 8% (17) 206Employ: Other 43% (58) 50% (67) 7% (10) 135Military HH: Yes 40% (134) 53% (177) 7% (24) 336Military HH: No 44% (727) 50% (830) 6% (102) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 39% (271) 54% (369) 7% (50) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 45% (590) 49% (638) 6% (77) 1305Trump Job Approve 40% (333) 53% (441) 7% (60) 835Trump Job Disapprove 46% (509) 48% (531) 5% (60) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 41% (206) 52% (257) 7% (34) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 38% (128) 54% (184) 8% (27) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 42% (98) 51% (119) 7% (16) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 47% (412) 47% (412) 5% (44) 867Favorable of Trump 40% (326) 54% (436) 6% (51) 813Unfavorable of Trump 46% (508) 48% (532) 6% (63) 1102

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMSdem3_2

Table CMSdem3_2: In general, what kind of fan do you consider yourself of the following?Television

Demographic An avid fan A casual fan Not a fan Total N

Registered Voters 43% (861) 50% (1007) 6% (127) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 41% (214) 53% (275) 6% (29) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 38% (113) 55% (161) 7% (22) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 41% (79) 52% (102) 7% (14) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 47% (428) 47% (430) 5% (49) 907#1 Issue: Economy 38% (246) 57% (367) 4% (28) 641#1 Issue: Security 37% (91) 54% (131) 9% (21) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 48% (190) 44% (174) 8% (32) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 56% (175) 42% (132) 2% (7) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 51% (38) 44% (33) 6% (4) 76#1 Issue: Education 31% (33) 62% (67) 8% (8) 108#1 Issue: Energy 43% (37) 48% (42) 8% (7) 87#1 Issue: Other 39% (51) 47% (62) 14% (19) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 51% (402) 44% (352) 5% (41) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 41% (268) 53% (348) 6% (36) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 30% (26) 59% (51) 11% (9) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 51% (363) 45% (318) 5% (32) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 41% (295) 53% (381) 6% (44) 7202016 Vote: Other 41% (56) 52% (72) 7% (10) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 35% (147) 56% (235) 9% (40) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 45% (606) 50% (668) 5% (71) 1346Voted in 2014: No 39% (255) 52% (339) 8% (55) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 49% (418) 47% (400) 5% (41) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 42% (212) 53% (268) 6% (30) 5092012 Vote: Other 35% (32) 57% (51) 8% (7) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 38% (200) 53% (284) 9% (48) 5324-Region: Northeast 48% (170) 44% (158) 8% (29) 3564-Region: Midwest 44% (202) 50% (230) 6% (26) 4584-Region: South 42% (317) 52% (388) 5% (41) 7454-Region: West 40% (173) 53% (232) 7% (32) 436Sports fan 47% (657) 49% (681) 4% (59) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 39% (150) 52% (200) 9% (35) 385

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Morning ConsultTable CMSdem3_2

Table CMSdem3_2: In general, what kind of fan do you consider yourself of the following?Television

Demographic An avid fan A casual fan Not a fan Total N

Registered Voters 43% (861) 50% (1007) 6% (127) 1995Frequent Flyer 42% (95) 53% (119) 6% (12) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMSdem3_3

Table CMSdem3_3: In general, what kind of fan do you consider yourself of the following?Music

Demographic An avid fan A casual fan Not a fan Total N

Registered Voters 47% (937) 48% (966) 5% (91) 1995Gender: Male 46% (426) 49% (455) 6% (52) 934Gender: Female 48% (511) 48% (511) 4% (40) 1061Age: 18-34 60% (300) 36% (180) 4% (21) 501Age: 35-44 57% (173) 39% (119) 3% (11) 303Age: 45-64 46% (336) 49% (359) 4% (32) 727Age: 65+ 28% (129) 66% (307) 6% (29) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 62% (133) 33% (71) 5% (10) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 57% (261) 39% (179) 4% (17) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 53% (257) 42% (203) 5% (22) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 35% (261) 60% (447) 5% (38) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 52% (379) 44% (321) 4% (30) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 49% (302) 47% (290) 4% (23) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 40% (257) 55% (355) 6% (38) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 51% (152) 43% (130) 6% (17) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 53% (227) 44% (191) 3% (13) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 48% (155) 47% (152) 4% (13) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 50% (147) 47% (138) 3% (10) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 38% (119) 55% (174) 7% (21) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 41% (138) 54% (182) 5% (17) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 55% (311) 43% (241) 2% (13) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 47% (250) 48% (259) 5% (26) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 39% (282) 56% (408) 5% (37) 726Educ: < College 48% (607) 47% (586) 5% (62) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 42% (200) 54% (254) 4% (18) 472Educ: Post-grad 49% (131) 47% (126) 4% (12) 268Income: Under 50k 50% (506) 45% (456) 5% (50) 1012Income: 50k-100k 42% (287) 54% (369) 4% (25) 681Income: 100k+ 48% (145) 47% (141) 6% (17) 302Ethnicity: White 44% (714) 51% (824) 5% (76) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 56% (108) 40% (78) 4% (7) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 62% (158) 35% (89) 2% (6) 253

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Morning ConsultTable CMSdem3_3

Table CMSdem3_3: In general, what kind of fan do you consider yourself of the following?Music

Demographic An avid fan A casual fan Not a fan Total N

Registered Voters 47% (937) 48% (966) 5% (91) 1995Ethnicity: Other 51% (65) 41% (53) 8% (10) 128All Christian 41% (392) 54% (521) 6% (54) 968All Non-Christian 52% (52) 42% (42) 6% (6) 100Atheist 49% (42) 49% (42) 2% (2) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 54% (451) 43% (361) 3% (29) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 52% (61) 41% (49) 7% (8) 119Evangelical 46% (255) 48% (266) 6% (32) 553Non-Evangelical 45% (341) 51% (391) 4% (31) 762Community: Urban 52% (236) 44% (196) 4% (18) 450Community: Suburban 44% (449) 51% (519) 5% (49) 1016Community: Rural 48% (253) 48% (252) 5% (25) 529Employ: Private Sector 52% (327) 44% (273) 4% (24) 624Employ: Government 53% (73) 40% (55) 7% (10) 138Employ: Self-Employed 58% (87) 36% (54) 6% (8) 150Employ: Homemaker 53% (54) 45% (46) 2% (3) 103Employ: Retired 26% (133) 68% (346) 5% (27) 507Employ: Unemployed 51% (104) 46% (94) 4% (8) 206Employ: Other 57% (76) 38% (51) 6% (8) 135Military HH: Yes 39% (132) 57% (192) 3% (11) 336Military HH: No 49% (805) 47% (774) 5% (80) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 41% (280) 54% (372) 5% (37) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 50% (657) 46% (594) 4% (54) 1305Trump Job Approve 43% (359) 53% (439) 4% (37) 835Trump Job Disapprove 50% (551) 45% (499) 5% (50) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 40% (196) 56% (279) 4% (21) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 48% (162) 47% (160) 5% (16) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 51% (118) 44% (102) 5% (13) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 50% (433) 46% (397) 4% (37) 867Favorable of Trump 42% (344) 53% (431) 5% (37) 813Unfavorable of Trump 51% (558) 45% (497) 4% (47) 1102

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMSdem3_3

Table CMSdem3_3: In general, what kind of fan do you consider yourself of the following?Music

Demographic An avid fan A casual fan Not a fan Total N

Registered Voters 47% (937) 48% (966) 5% (91) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 41% (210) 55% (286) 4% (22) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 45% (134) 49% (146) 5% (15) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 51% (99) 45% (89) 4% (8) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 51% (459) 45% (409) 4% (39) 907#1 Issue: Economy 51% (329) 44% (285) 4% (27) 641#1 Issue: Security 38% (93) 58% (142) 3% (8) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 48% (189) 48% (191) 4% (16) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 37% (116) 57% (179) 6% (18) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 68% (51) 29% (22) 3% (3) 76#1 Issue: Education 47% (51) 50% (54) 3% (3) 108#1 Issue: Energy 54% (47) 39% (34) 7% (6) 87#1 Issue: Other 47% (62) 45% (59) 8% (10) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 50% (398) 46% (369) 4% (30) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 41% (265) 55% (355) 5% (31) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 39% (34) 58% (51) 3% (2) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 51% (366) 45% (320) 4% (28) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 40% (288) 55% (394) 5% (38) 7202016 Vote: Other 48% (66) 48% (67) 4% (6) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 52% (218) 44% (184) 5% (20) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 45% (603) 51% (682) 5% (61) 1346Voted in 2014: No 52% (334) 44% (284) 5% (31) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 50% (433) 46% (392) 4% (35) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 36% (185) 58% (295) 6% (29) 5092012 Vote: Other 35% (31) 63% (56) 2% (2) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 54% (288) 41% (218) 5% (26) 5324-Region: Northeast 49% (173) 47% (167) 4% (16) 3564-Region: Midwest 45% (207) 48% (222) 6% (29) 4584-Region: South 46% (340) 51% (379) 3% (26) 7454-Region: West 50% (217) 46% (199) 5% (20) 436Sports fan 50% (704) 46% (643) 4% (49) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 50% (193) 46% (177) 4% (15) 385

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Morning ConsultTable CMSdem3_3

Table CMSdem3_3: In general, what kind of fan do you consider yourself of the following?Music

Demographic An avid fan A casual fan Not a fan Total N

Registered Voters 47% (937) 48% (966) 5% (91) 1995Frequent Flyer 52% (117) 44% (99) 4% (9) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMSdem3_4

Table CMSdem3_4: In general, what kind of fan do you consider yourself of the following?Sports

Demographic An avid fan A casual fan Not a fan Total N

Registered Voters 28% (561) 42% (835) 30% (598) 1995Gender: Male 42% (392) 38% (354) 20% (188) 934Gender: Female 16% (169) 45% (482) 39% (411) 1061Age: 18-34 26% (131) 38% (191) 36% (180) 501Age: 35-44 33% (101) 42% (128) 25% (74) 303Age: 45-64 25% (184) 46% (335) 29% (208) 727Age: 65+ 31% (145) 39% (182) 29% (137) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 22% (47) 33% (72) 44% (95) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 30% (136) 42% (192) 28% (129) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 29% (141) 43% (209) 27% (132) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 26% (196) 43% (322) 30% (227) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 28% (206) 44% (321) 28% (203) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 27% (168) 39% (240) 33% (206) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 29% (187) 42% (274) 29% (190) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 44% (133) 40% (119) 16% (48) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 17% (73) 47% (203) 36% (155) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 39% (125) 37% (118) 24% (77) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 15% (43) 41% (122) 44% (129) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 43% (134) 37% (117) 20% (63) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 16% (53) 47% (157) 38% (126) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 28% (157) 39% (220) 33% (188) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 29% (155) 47% (251) 24% (128) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 30% (215) 42% (305) 28% (207) 726Educ: < College 27% (335) 41% (517) 32% (403) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 29% (135) 43% (202) 28% (134) 472Educ: Post-grad 34% (91) 43% (116) 23% (62) 268Income: Under 50k 27% (271) 41% (418) 32% (324) 1012Income: 50k-100k 26% (179) 43% (294) 31% (208) 681Income: 100k+ 37% (112) 41% (124) 22% (67) 302Ethnicity: White 28% (447) 41% (667) 31% (499) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 27% (52) 33% (63) 40% (78) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 34% (86) 45% (114) 21% (53) 253

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Morning ConsultTable CMSdem3_4

Table CMSdem3_4: In general, what kind of fan do you consider yourself of the following?Sports

Demographic An avid fan A casual fan Not a fan Total N

Registered Voters 28% (561) 42% (835) 30% (598) 1995Ethnicity: Other 22% (28) 42% (55) 36% (46) 128All Christian 33% (320) 42% (406) 25% (242) 968All Non-Christian 32% (32) 34% (34) 34% (34) 100Atheist 20% (17) 35% (30) 45% (39) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 23% (191) 43% (365) 34% (285) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 30% (36) 36% (43) 34% (40) 119Evangelical 28% (152) 46% (254) 27% (147) 553Non-Evangelical 33% (252) 42% (318) 25% (192) 762Community: Urban 30% (134) 40% (180) 30% (136) 450Community: Suburban 29% (296) 41% (413) 30% (307) 1016Community: Rural 25% (131) 46% (242) 30% (156) 529Employ: Private Sector 30% (190) 42% (265) 27% (169) 624Employ: Government 28% (39) 42% (58) 30% (41) 138Employ: Self-Employed 33% (49) 40% (59) 27% (41) 150Employ: Homemaker 24% (24) 45% (46) 31% (32) 103Employ: Retired 27% (138) 43% (219) 30% (150) 507Employ: Unemployed 22% (46) 45% (93) 32% (67) 206Employ: Other 24% (33) 37% (50) 39% (52) 135Military HH: Yes 27% (92) 43% (145) 29% (99) 336Military HH: No 28% (469) 42% (691) 30% (499) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 32% (219) 39% (266) 30% (205) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 26% (342) 44% (569) 30% (394) 1305Trump Job Approve 31% (256) 39% (330) 30% (249) 835Trump Job Disapprove 27% (297) 44% (480) 29% (323) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 29% (146) 39% (194) 32% (157) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 32% (110) 40% (136) 27% (93) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 32% (74) 43% (100) 25% (58) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 26% (223) 44% (379) 31% (265) 867Favorable of Trump 31% (250) 40% (324) 29% (239) 813Unfavorable of Trump 27% (297) 43% (476) 30% (329) 1102

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMSdem3_4

Table CMSdem3_4: In general, what kind of fan do you consider yourself of the following?Sports

Demographic An avid fan A casual fan Not a fan Total N

Registered Voters 28% (561) 42% (835) 30% (598) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 30% (153) 41% (212) 30% (153) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 33% (97) 38% (112) 29% (86) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 30% (59) 43% (85) 27% (52) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 26% (239) 43% (391) 31% (277) 907#1 Issue: Economy 33% (212) 41% (264) 26% (165) 641#1 Issue: Security 26% (63) 38% (94) 36% (87) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 26% (102) 43% (169) 31% (124) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 28% (88) 46% (144) 26% (81) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 20% (15) 38% (29) 42% (32) 76#1 Issue: Education 21% (23) 47% (51) 31% (34) 108#1 Issue: Energy 23% (20) 37% (32) 40% (35) 87#1 Issue: Other 29% (38) 40% (53) 31% (41) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 30% (237) 42% (337) 28% (222) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 30% (196) 42% (274) 28% (181) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 17% (14) 44% (38) 40% (35) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 28% (200) 44% (317) 27% (196) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 31% (223) 42% (303) 27% (194) 7202016 Vote: Other 27% (37) 43% (59) 30% (41) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 24% (101) 37% (156) 39% (165) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 29% (395) 45% (601) 26% (350) 1346Voted in 2014: No 26% (166) 36% (235) 38% (248) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 31% (265) 45% (383) 25% (212) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 31% (157) 42% (212) 28% (140) 5092012 Vote: Other 21% (19) 48% (43) 30% (27) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 22% (120) 37% (196) 41% (217) 5324-Region: Northeast 31% (111) 43% (154) 26% (91) 3564-Region: Midwest 29% (131) 41% (189) 30% (138) 4584-Region: South 28% (207) 43% (318) 30% (220) 7454-Region: West 26% (112) 40% (174) 34% (150) 436Sports fan 40% (561) 60% (835) — (0) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 33% (128) 41% (156) 26% (101) 385

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Morning ConsultTable CMSdem3_4

Table CMSdem3_4: In general, what kind of fan do you consider yourself of the following?Sports

Demographic An avid fan A casual fan Not a fan Total N

Registered Voters 28% (561) 42% (835) 30% (598) 1995Frequent Flyer 39% (87) 39% (87) 23% (51) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMSdem4

Table CMSdem4: How concerned are you with the issue of climate change and the impact it is having on the U.S. environment?

Demographic Very concernedSomewhatconcerned

Not veryconcerned

Not concernedat all

Don’t Know /No Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 44% (872) 32% (629) 13% (261) 9% (174) 3% (59) 1995Gender: Male 40% (371) 34% (313) 13% (122) 11% (103) 3% (25) 934Gender: Female 47% (501) 30% (316) 13% (139) 7% (71) 3% (35) 1061Age: 18-34 52% (263) 29% (146) 8% (41) 7% (33) 4% (18) 501Age: 35-44 44% (134) 35% (106) 9% (28) 8% (23) 4% (11) 303Age: 45-64 39% (282) 33% (238) 16% (114) 10% (70) 3% (23) 727Age: 65+ 42% (193) 30% (139) 17% (78) 10% (47) 1% (7) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 58% (124) 26% (55) 6% (13) 5% (11) 5% (11) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 47% (215) 33% (149) 10% (45) 8% (35) 3% (13) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 39% (190) 34% (164) 14% (68) 8% (39) 4% (20) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 42% (315) 30% (227) 15% (111) 10% (77) 2% (15) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 66% (486) 26% (191) 4% (26) 1% (10) 2% (18) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 44% (273) 32% (195) 12% (71) 8% (52) 4% (24) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 17% (113) 38% (244) 25% (164) 17% (111) 3% (18) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 62% (186) 32% (97) 1% (4) 2% (6) 2% (7) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 70% (299) 22% (93) 5% (22) 1% (5) 2% (11) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 41% (131) 33% (106) 13% (42) 10% (31) 3% (10) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 48% (142) 30% (89) 10% (29) 7% (21) 5% (13) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 17% (54) 35% (111) 24% (76) 21% (67) 2% (7) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 18% (59) 40% (133) 26% (88) 13% (45) 3% (11) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 74% (421) 20% (113) 4% (20) 1% (5) 1% (7) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 42% (223) 41% (220) 10% (52) 5% (26) 3% (13) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 22% (162) 34% (243) 25% (178) 18% (131) 2% (12) 726Educ: < College 42% (529) 32% (403) 12% (146) 10% (125) 4% (51) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 45% (210) 31% (147) 17% (79) 7% (33) 1% (3) 472Educ: Post-grad 49% (132) 29% (79) 13% (36) 6% (17) 2% (5) 268Income: Under 50k 44% (445) 30% (307) 12% (120) 10% (97) 4% (43) 1012Income: 50k-100k 43% (295) 32% (219) 14% (97) 8% (57) 2% (13) 681Income: 100k+ 44% (132) 34% (103) 15% (44) 7% (20) 1% (3) 302Ethnicity: White 41% (667) 32% (511) 15% (242) 9% (153) 2% (40) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 57% (110) 26% (49) 9% (17) 6% (11) 3% (6) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 53% (135) 33% (83) 4% (11) 4% (10) 5% (13) 253

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Morning ConsultTable CMSdem4

Table CMSdem4: How concerned are you with the issue of climate change and the impact it is having on the U.S. environment?

Demographic Very concernedSomewhatconcerned

Not veryconcerned

Not concernedat all

Don’t Know /No Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 44% (872) 32% (629) 13% (261) 9% (174) 3% (59) 1995Ethnicity: Other 54% (70) 27% (34) 6% (7) 8% (11) 5% (6) 128All Christian 37% (362) 32% (313) 18% (177) 10% (95) 2% (20) 968All Non-Christian 61% (61) 25% (25) 6% (6) 5% (5) 2% (2) 100Atheist 66% (57) 21% (18) 7% (6) 5% (4) 1% (1) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 47% (392) 32% (272) 9% (72) 8% (70) 4% (35) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 55% (65) 28% (33) 8% (10) 7% (8) 2% (2) 119Evangelical 33% (181) 33% (185) 17% (95) 14% (77) 3% (16) 553Non-Evangelical 45% (344) 31% (235) 14% (105) 8% (60) 2% (17) 762Community: Urban 50% (223) 33% (150) 10% (45) 6% (25) 1% (6) 450Community: Suburban 45% (459) 30% (301) 14% (145) 8% (84) 3% (27) 1016Community: Rural 36% (189) 34% (178) 13% (70) 12% (65) 5% (26) 529Employ: Private Sector 43% (268) 33% (207) 14% (86) 8% (51) 2% (12) 624Employ: Government 49% (68) 22% (30) 16% (22) 11% (15) 2% (3) 138Employ: Self-Employed 46% (69) 30% (44) 9% (13) 10% (15) 5% (8) 150Employ: Homemaker 39% (41) 35% (36) 15% (15) 7% (7) 4% (4) 103Employ: Retired 37% (188) 33% (166) 16% (82) 12% (59) 2% (11) 507Employ: Unemployed 51% (104) 28% (58) 8% (17) 7% (14) 6% (12) 206Employ: Other 43% (58) 35% (47) 12% (16) 6% (9) 4% (5) 135Military HH: Yes 41% (138) 30% (100) 14% (48) 13% (44) 2% (6) 336Military HH: No 44% (733) 32% (530) 13% (213) 8% (130) 3% (54) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 20% (141) 35% (245) 23% (161) 17% (120) 4% (24) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 56% (731) 29% (384) 8% (100) 4% (54) 3% (35) 1305Trump Job Approve 18% (154) 36% (303) 25% (208) 18% (147) 3% (22) 835Trump Job Disapprove 63% (697) 28% (312) 4% (49) 2% (23) 2% (19) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 17% (83) 30% (150) 27% (134) 23% (114) 3% (14) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 21% (71) 45% (153) 22% (74) 10% (33) 2% (8) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 47% (109) 41% (94) 6% (13) 4% (9) 3% (8) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 68% (588) 25% (217) 4% (36) 2% (14) 1% (12) 867Favorable of Trump 18% (150) 36% (290) 24% (199) 19% (152) 3% (23) 813Unfavorable of Trump 63% (700) 28% (312) 5% (58) 2% (18) 1% (15) 1102

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMSdem4

Table CMSdem4: How concerned are you with the issue of climate change and the impact it is having on the U.S. environment?

Demographic Very concernedSomewhatconcerned

Not veryconcerned

Not concernedat all

Don’t Know /No Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 44% (872) 32% (629) 13% (261) 9% (174) 3% (59) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 18% (91) 31% (161) 25% (131) 23% (119) 3% (16) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 20% (58) 43% (128) 23% (68) 11% (33) 2% (7) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 41% (81) 43% (83) 10% (20) 4% (7) 2% (4) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 68% (619) 25% (229) 4% (38) 1% (11) 1% (10) 907#1 Issue: Economy 38% (241) 35% (222) 15% (99) 10% (61) 3% (17) 641#1 Issue: Security 24% (58) 29% (71) 24% (58) 20% (49) 3% (6) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 55% (216) 33% (132) 6% (26) 4% (15) 2% (7) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 40% (126) 33% (104) 15% (47) 8% (26) 3% (9) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 50% (38) 30% (23) 9% (7) 3% (2) 8% (6) 76#1 Issue: Education 44% (47) 30% (33) 13% (14) 7% (8) 6% (7) 108#1 Issue: Energy 83% (72) 12% (10) — (0) 2% (2) 2% (2) 87#1 Issue: Other 55% (73) 26% (34) 7% (9) 8% (11) 4% (5) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 65% (521) 27% (217) 4% (33) 2% (13) 1% (12) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 16% (105) 37% (238) 26% (172) 18% (120) 3% (17) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 43% (38) 30% (26) 13% (11) 6% (5) 8% (7) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 65% (467) 27% (196) 4% (32) 1% (10) 1% (9) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 18% (128) 37% (267) 26% (185) 17% (121) 3% (18) 7202016 Vote: Other 48% (66) 33% (46) 9% (12) 6% (8) 4% (5) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 50% (210) 29% (120) 8% (32) 8% (33) 6% (26) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 42% (562) 32% (430) 15% (202) 9% (123) 2% (28) 1346Voted in 2014: No 48% (309) 31% (199) 9% (58) 8% (51) 5% (31) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 58% (498) 32% (278) 6% (52) 2% (21) 1% (11) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 18% (89) 34% (172) 28% (143) 18% (92) 3% (13) 5092012 Vote: Other 26% (23) 29% (26) 21% (18) 19% (17) 5% (5) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 49% (259) 29% (154) 9% (48) 8% (41) 6% (30) 5324-Region: Northeast 49% (173) 30% (106) 12% (43) 7% (25) 3% (9) 3564-Region: Midwest 42% (190) 34% (157) 12% (54) 10% (48) 2% (10) 4584-Region: South 41% (304) 32% (235) 14% (104) 10% (71) 4% (30) 7454-Region: West 47% (204) 30% (131) 14% (60) 7% (31) 2% (10) 436Sports fan 44% (610) 34% (468) 12% (168) 8% (114) 3% (37) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 53% (203) 27% (106) 11% (41) 8% (30) 1% (5) 385

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Morning ConsultTable CMSdem4

Table CMSdem4: How concerned are you with the issue of climate change and the impact it is having on the U.S. environment?

Demographic Very concernedSomewhatconcerned

Not veryconcerned

Not concernedat all

Don’t Know /No Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 44% (872) 32% (629) 13% (261) 9% (174) 3% (59) 1995Frequent Flyer 51% (115) 31% (69) 10% (21) 8% (17) 1% (3) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMSdem5

Table CMSdem5: Which of the following best describes your current behavior?


I amcontinuing tosocialize inpublic places

I amcontinuing tosocialize inpublic places,but less than


I am not goingto public

places, but Iam socializingwith friends orfamily in myor their homes

I am not goingto publicplaces orinteracting

in-person, butI am

socializingwith friends or


I am notgoing to

public placesnor am Isocializingwith familyor friends

Don’t Know /No Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (86) 12% (229) 22% (430) 36% (713) 23% (453) 4% (84) 1995Gender: Male 6% (55) 14% (127) 20% (191) 31% (286) 25% (234) 4% (40) 934Gender: Female 3% (31) 10% (102) 22% (238) 40% (428) 21% (218) 4% (44) 1061Age: 18-34 5% (23) 10% (52) 27% (137) 38% (193) 16% (79) 3% (17) 501Age: 35-44 4% (13) 13% (41) 19% (57) 40% (121) 17% (51) 7% (21) 303Age: 45-64 5% (38) 14% (99) 21% (156) 34% (246) 22% (159) 4% (29) 727Age: 65+ 3% (12) 8% (38) 17% (80) 33% (153) 35% (164) 4% (17) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 5% (10) 10% (21) 26% (55) 37% (79) 17% (37) 6% (12) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 4% (18) 12% (54) 25% (113) 40% (183) 16% (73) 3% (16) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 6% (28) 12% (58) 21% (103) 39% (188) 16% (79) 6% (27) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 4% (30) 12% (90) 19% (138) 32% (238) 30% (225) 3% (24) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 2% (13) 6% (45) 20% (146) 43% (313) 25% (185) 4% (28) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 3% (21) 13% (81) 18% (113) 37% (226) 24% (147) 4% (26) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 8% (52) 16% (103) 26% (170) 27% (175) 19% (121) 5% (30) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 4% (11) 9% (26) 18% (55) 36% (108) 28% (85) 5% (14) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen — (2) 4% (18) 21% (91) 48% (205) 23% (100) 3% (15) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 4% (12) 15% (47) 17% (56) 33% (104) 27% (87) 4% (14) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 3% (9) 12% (35) 19% (57) 41% (122) 20% (60) 4% (13) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 10% (32) 17% (54) 26% (80) 23% (73) 20% (62) 4% (13) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 6% (20) 15% (50) 27% (89) 30% (101) 17% (59) 5% (17) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 1% (6) 6% (33) 19% (109) 47% (268) 24% (134) 3% (16) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 4% (23) 14% (73) 19% (99) 37% (197) 23% (124) 3% (19) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 7% (48) 14% (105) 25% (184) 27% (196) 24% (171) 3% (22) 726

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Morning ConsultTable CMSdem5

Table CMSdem5: Which of the following best describes your current behavior?


I amcontinuing tosocialize inpublic places

I amcontinuing tosocialize inpublic places,but less than


I am not goingto public

places, but Iam socializingwith friends orfamily in myor their homes

I am not goingto publicplaces orinteracting

in-person, butI am

socializingwith friends or


I am notgoing to

public placesnor am Isocializingwith familyor friends

Don’t Know /No Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (86) 12% (229) 22% (430) 36% (713) 23% (453) 4% (84) 1995Educ: < College 5% (61) 13% (162) 22% (276) 32% (397) 23% (289) 5% (68) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 3% (12) 10% (49) 22% (105) 40% (190) 22% (104) 2% (11) 472Educ: Post-grad 5% (12) 7% (18) 18% (48) 47% (126) 22% (59) 2% (5) 268Income: Under 50k 5% (49) 14% (141) 21% (215) 32% (319) 23% (232) 5% (55) 1012Income: 50k-100k 4% (28) 9% (60) 23% (153) 38% (259) 23% (157) 3% (23) 681Income: 100k+ 3% (9) 9% (28) 20% (61) 45% (135) 21% (63) 2% (6) 302Ethnicity: White 4% (71) 12% (195) 22% (359) 36% (575) 22% (362) 3% (51) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 2% (3) 8% (16) 18% (35) 49% (94) 21% (41) 2% (4) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 4% (10) 10% (24) 17% (43) 35% (89) 26% (67) 8% (21) 253Ethnicity: Other 3% (4) 8% (10) 22% (28) 38% (49) 19% (24) 10% (13) 128All Christian 4% (39) 10% (94) 22% (217) 35% (340) 25% (243) 4% (35) 968All Non-Christian 6% (6) 6% (6) 11% (11) 47% (47) 24% (24) 5% (5) 100Atheist 3% (2) 14% (12) 21% (18) 43% (37) 20% (18) — (0) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 5% (38) 14% (117) 22% (184) 34% (289) 20% (168) 5% (45) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 5% (6) 6% (7) 15% (18) 44% (53) 24% (29) 5% (6) 119Evangelical 7% (40) 16% (88) 22% (120) 28% (154) 23% (126) 5% (25) 553Non-Evangelical 3% (24) 10% (73) 22% (171) 38% (288) 23% (178) 4% (29) 762Community: Urban 3% (15) 14% (61) 17% (79) 39% (176) 23% (104) 3% (15) 450Community: Suburban 3% (32) 11% (109) 23% (230) 37% (372) 23% (232) 4% (40) 1016Community: Rural 7% (38) 11% (59) 23% (121) 31% (165) 22% (117) 6% (29) 529

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMSdem5

Table CMSdem5: Which of the following best describes your current behavior?


I amcontinuing tosocialize inpublic places

I amcontinuing tosocialize inpublic places,but less than


I am not goingto public

places, but Iam socializingwith friends orfamily in myor their homes

I am not goingto publicplaces orinteracting

in-person, butI am

socializingwith friends or


I am notgoing to

public placesnor am Isocializingwith familyor friends

Don’t Know /No Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (86) 12% (229) 22% (430) 36% (713) 23% (453) 4% (84) 1995Employ: Private Sector 4% (28) 13% (81) 21% (132) 39% (245) 20% (122) 3% (18) 624Employ: Government 8% (10) 13% (18) 25% (35) 37% (50) 15% (21) 2% (3) 138Employ: Self-Employed 7% (11) 18% (28) 26% (38) 26% (39) 18% (26) 5% (8) 150Employ: Homemaker 7% (7) 10% (10) 18% (18) 42% (44) 19% (20) 4% (4) 103Employ: Retired 2% (11) 9% (44) 18% (90) 32% (163) 35% (176) 4% (22) 507Employ: Unemployed 4% (8) 9% (19) 28% (59) 32% (66) 20% (41) 7% (14) 206Employ: Other 5% (7) 16% (21) 20% (27) 36% (48) 17% (23) 6% (9) 135Military HH: Yes 6% (21) 15% (50) 21% (70) 30% (101) 25% (85) 3% (9) 336Military HH: No 4% (65) 11% (180) 22% (360) 37% (612) 22% (367) 5% (76) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 8% (53) 17% (116) 26% (177) 26% (177) 20% (139) 4% (28) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 3% (33) 9% (114) 19% (252) 41% (536) 24% (314) 4% (56) 1305Trump Job Approve 7% (62) 17% (144) 24% (202) 28% (234) 19% (158) 4% (34) 835Trump Job Disapprove 2% (22) 7% (77) 20% (218) 42% (464) 26% (285) 3% (34) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 9% (45) 18% (89) 25% (122) 25% (124) 19% (93) 5% (23) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 5% (17) 16% (55) 24% (80) 32% (110) 19% (66) 3% (11) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 2% (6) 10% (23) 21% (50) 37% (87) 24% (55) 5% (12) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 2% (17) 6% (53) 19% (168) 44% (377) 27% (230) 2% (21) 867Favorable of Trump 7% (56) 18% (142) 25% (203) 28% (226) 19% (154) 4% (31) 813Unfavorable of Trump 2% (25) 7% (79) 20% (219) 42% (461) 26% (284) 3% (34) 1102Very Favorable of Trump 9% (49) 19% (99) 24% (124) 24% (124) 19% (100) 4% (22) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 3% (7) 15% (43) 27% (78) 35% (102) 18% (54) 3% (10) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 7% (14) 13% (26) 23% (44) 36% (70) 19% (37) 2% (4) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 1% (11) 6% (53) 19% (175) 43% (391) 27% (246) 3% (31) 907

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Morning ConsultTable CMSdem5

Table CMSdem5: Which of the following best describes your current behavior?


I amcontinuing tosocialize inpublic places

I amcontinuing tosocialize inpublic places,but less than


I am not goingto public

places, but Iam socializingwith friends orfamily in myor their homes

I am not goingto publicplaces orinteracting

in-person, butI am

socializingwith friends or


I am notgoing to

public placesnor am Isocializingwith familyor friends

Don’t Know /No Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (86) 12% (229) 22% (430) 36% (713) 23% (453) 4% (84) 1995#1 Issue: Economy 4% (25) 15% (94) 23% (146) 34% (220) 21% (132) 4% (23) 641#1 Issue: Security 9% (22) 18% (44) 22% (53) 25% (62) 21% (52) 4% (10) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 3% (11) 7% (29) 20% (80) 42% (165) 24% (95) 4% (16) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 3% (9) 11% (34) 16% (50) 31% (96) 34% (107) 6% (17) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues — (0) 6% (5) 24% (19) 43% (33) 19% (14) 7% (5) 76#1 Issue: Education 2% (3) 8% (9) 31% (33) 38% (41) 18% (19) 4% (4) 108#1 Issue: Energy 5% (5) 3% (2) 29% (25) 46% (40) 14% (12) 2% (2) 87#1 Issue: Other 9% (12) 9% (12) 18% (23) 43% (57) 16% (20) 5% (7) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 2% (12) 6% (48) 18% (147) 44% (354) 27% (216) 2% (19) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 7% (48) 17% (107) 24% (158) 29% (190) 19% (124) 4% (23) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 4% (4) 9% (8) 10% (9) 37% (32) 25% (21) 15% (13) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 2% (17) 6% (44) 18% (130) 42% (303) 28% (201) 2% (18) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 7% (47) 16% (118) 23% (167) 30% (218) 20% (142) 4% (29) 7202016 Vote: Other 4% (6) 10% (14) 20% (28) 37% (51) 22% (31) 6% (9) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 4% (16) 13% (54) 24% (102) 34% (142) 19% (79) 7% (29) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 4% (55) 11% (154) 20% (264) 36% (485) 25% (338) 4% (50) 1346Voted in 2014: No 5% (30) 12% (76) 26% (166) 35% (228) 18% (115) 5% (35) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 2% (18) 7% (64) 19% (160) 42% (365) 26% (222) 4% (30) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 7% (36) 16% (82) 22% (113) 27% (139) 24% (120) 4% (19) 5092012 Vote: Other 7% (6) 22% (19) 24% (22) 23% (20) 16% (14) 9% (8) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 5% (26) 12% (64) 25% (133) 35% (186) 18% (95) 5% (27) 532

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMSdem5

Table CMSdem5: Which of the following best describes your current behavior?


I amcontinuing tosocialize inpublic places

I amcontinuing tosocialize inpublic places,but less than


I am not goingto public

places, but Iam socializingwith friends orfamily in myor their homes

I am not goingto publicplaces orinteracting

in-person, butI am

socializingwith friends or


I am notgoing to

public placesnor am Isocializingwith familyor friends

Don’t Know /No Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 4% (86) 12% (229) 22% (430) 36% (713) 23% (453) 4% (84) 19954-Region: Northeast 3% (11) 10% (36) 19% (67) 43% (155) 22% (78) 3% (10) 3564-Region: Midwest 4% (20) 11% (48) 23% (104) 32% (146) 25% (114) 6% (25) 4584-Region: South 5% (38) 13% (95) 24% (177) 33% (244) 22% (162) 4% (29) 7454-Region: West 4% (17) 12% (50) 19% (82) 39% (168) 23% (99) 5% (20) 436Sports fan 4% (58) 13% (179) 21% (293) 35% (488) 23% (326) 4% (53) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 5% (21) 9% (35) 18% (71) 43% (167) 19% (75) 4% (16) 385Frequent Flyer 5% (11) 10% (23) 18% (41) 47% (105) 17% (39) 3% (6) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Morning ConsultTable CMSdem6

Table CMSdem6: How concerned are you about the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus)?

Demographic Very concernedSomewhatconcerned

Not veryconcerned

Not concernedat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 49% (968) 36% (714) 8% (168) 6% (117) 1% (28) 1995Gender: Male 44% (407) 38% (356) 10% (95) 7% (67) 1% (9) 934Gender: Female 53% (561) 34% (359) 7% (73) 5% (50) 2% (18) 1061Age: 18-34 45% (224) 39% (197) 10% (49) 4% (21) 2% (10) 501Age: 35-44 44% (135) 39% (118) 7% (21) 7% (22) 3% (8) 303Age: 45-64 51% (374) 32% (231) 9% (62) 7% (52) 1% (7) 727Age: 65+ 51% (236) 36% (168) 8% (36) 5% (21) 1% (3) 464GenZers: 1997-2012 46% (98) 38% (81) 9% (20) 3% (7) 4% (8) 214Millennials: 1981-1996 45% (204) 40% (181) 9% (42) 5% (23) 1% (7) 457GenXers: 1965-1980 47% (228) 34% (162) 8% (37) 9% (45) 2% (10) 483Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 53% (391) 35% (260) 8% (58) 5% (35) — (2) 745PID: Dem (no lean) 67% (489) 28% (204) 3% (24) 1% (8) 1% (5) 731PID: Ind (no lean) 42% (261) 40% (246) 8% (51) 7% (40) 3% (16) 615PID: Rep (no lean) 34% (219) 41% (264) 14% (93) 10% (68) 1% (6) 650PID/Gender: DemMen 63% (188) 33% (99) 2% (7) 1% (4) 1% (2) 300PID/Gender: DemWomen 70% (301) 24% (105) 4% (17) 1% (4) 1% (4) 430PID/Gender: Ind Men 39% (124) 42% (133) 10% (32) 8% (24) 2% (5) 320PID/Gender: Ind Women 46% (136) 38% (113) 6% (19) 5% (16) 4% (11) 295PID/Gender: Rep Men 30% (95) 39% (124) 18% (55) 12% (38) 1% (2) 314PID/Gender: Rep Women 37% (124) 42% (140) 11% (38) 9% (30) 1% (4) 336Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 67% (380) 29% (164) 3% (14) 1% (5) — (3) 565Ideo: Moderate (4) 47% (251) 39% (210) 9% (47) 4% (21) 1% (5) 535Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 37% (267) 38% (279) 13% (96) 11% (78) 1% (5) 726Educ: < College 48% (599) 35% (439) 9% (110) 6% (81) 2% (26) 1255Educ: Bachelors degree 46% (217) 41% (194) 7% (34) 5% (26) — (0) 472Educ: Post-grad 56% (151) 30% (81) 9% (24) 4% (10) — (1) 268Income: Under 50k 50% (503) 34% (340) 8% (85) 6% (61) 2% (23) 1012Income: 50k-100k 48% (325) 37% (251) 8% (55) 7% (46) — (3) 681Income: 100k+ 46% (140) 41% (123) 9% (29) 3% (10) — (1) 302Ethnicity: White 46% (744) 37% (603) 9% (152) 6% (104) 1% (10) 1614Ethnicity: Hispanic 56% (109) 29% (57) 7% (14) 4% (8) 3% (6) 193Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 60% (153) 29% (73) 3% (8) 3% (8) 5% (12) 253

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMSdem6

Table CMSdem6: How concerned are you about the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus)?

Demographic Very concernedSomewhatconcerned

Not veryconcerned

Not concernedat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 49% (968) 36% (714) 8% (168) 6% (117) 1% (28) 1995Ethnicity: Other 55% (71) 30% (39) 6% (8) 4% (5) 5% (6) 128All Christian 49% (471) 35% (341) 9% (91) 6% (58) 1% (8) 968All Non-Christian 67% (67) 28% (28) 4% (4) 1% (1) — (0) 100Atheist 50% (43) 42% (36) 8% (7) — (0) — (0) 86Agnostic/Nothing in particular 46% (387) 37% (310) 8% (67) 7% (58) 2% (20) 841Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 62% (73) 30% (35) 6% (7) 2% (3) — (0) 119Evangelical 43% (237) 35% (196) 11% (59) 10% (57) 1% (5) 553Non-Evangelical 54% (409) 33% (248) 8% (61) 4% (33) 1% (10) 762Community: Urban 54% (245) 36% (162) 5% (22) 4% (18) 1% (3) 450Community: Suburban 49% (498) 35% (359) 9% (96) 6% (56) 1% (8) 1016Community: Rural 43% (226) 36% (193) 10% (51) 8% (43) 3% (17) 529Employ: Private Sector 48% (301) 37% (233) 8% (49) 7% (42) — (0) 624Employ: Government 43% (60) 40% (55) 8% (11) 7% (10) 2% (2) 138Employ: Self-Employed 43% (64) 32% (48) 12% (18) 10% (15) 3% (4) 150Employ: Homemaker 51% (53) 30% (31) 10% (11) 7% (7) 1% (1) 103Employ: Retired 50% (251) 37% (187) 7% (33) 6% (29) 1% (7) 507Employ: Unemployed 54% (111) 32% (65) 8% (16) 3% (7) 3% (7) 206Employ: Other 49% (66) 32% (43) 14% (19) 4% (6) 1% (1) 135Military HH: Yes 43% (143) 37% (125) 12% (39) 7% (25) 1% (3) 336Military HH: No 50% (825) 36% (590) 8% (129) 6% (92) 1% (24) 1659RD/WT: Right Direction 33% (231) 40% (277) 13% (91) 12% (80) 2% (11) 690RD/WT: Wrong Track 57% (738) 34% (437) 6% (77) 3% (37) 1% (16) 1305Trump Job Approve 33% (277) 40% (330) 14% (117) 12% (99) 1% (10) 835Trump Job Disapprove 61% (672) 33% (364) 4% (45) 1% (13) 1% (7) 1100Trump Job Strongly Approve 32% (160) 36% (178) 16% (77) 16% (77) 1% (4) 496Trump Job Somewhat Approve 35% (117) 45% (153) 12% (40) 6% (22) 2% (7) 339Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 44% (102) 48% (111) 5% (11) 3% (6) 1% (2) 233Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 66% (570) 29% (253) 4% (33) 1% (6) 1% (5) 867Favorable of Trump 34% (276) 39% (320) 15% (118) 11% (93) 1% (5) 813Unfavorable of Trump 60% (661) 33% (367) 4% (47) 2% (20) 1% (8) 1102

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Morning ConsultTable CMSdem6

Table CMSdem6: How concerned are you about the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus)?

Demographic Very concernedSomewhatconcerned

Not veryconcerned

Not concernedat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 49% (968) 36% (714) 8% (168) 6% (117) 1% (28) 1995Very Favorable of Trump 32% (166) 37% (191) 15% (80) 15% (77) 1% (4) 518Somewhat Favorable of Trump 37% (110) 44% (129) 13% (38) 6% (16) 1% (2) 295Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 41% (81) 44% (86) 7% (14) 6% (11) 2% (4) 195Very Unfavorable of Trump 64% (580) 31% (281) 4% (33) 1% (9) — (4) 907#1 Issue: Economy 44% (283) 39% (250) 10% (63) 6% (40) 1% (5) 641#1 Issue: Security 39% (94) 38% (92) 11% (27) 10% (24) 2% (6) 243#1 Issue: Health Care 57% (226) 35% (138) 4% (17) 3% (12) 1% (3) 396#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 53% (167) 32% (100) 8% (26) 6% (17) 1% (3) 313#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 45% (34) 41% (31) 8% (6) 2% (1) 5% (3) 76#1 Issue: Education 45% (48) 37% (40) 12% (12) 5% (5) 1% (2) 108#1 Issue: Energy 48% (41) 44% (38) 5% (5) 3% (2) — (0) 87#1 Issue: Other 57% (75) 18% (24) 10% (13) 11% (14) 4% (5) 1322018 House Vote: Democrat 66% (523) 30% (238) 3% (25) 1% (8) — (2) 7962018 House Vote: Republican 33% (212) 41% (264) 14% (93) 12% (76) 1% (5) 6512018 House Vote: Someone else 37% (32) 37% (32) 7% (6) 13% (11) 6% (6) 872016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 66% (471) 30% (212) 3% (22) 1% (7) — (2) 7142016 Vote: Donald Trump 33% (238) 42% (302) 13% (97) 11% (77) 1% (5) 7202016 Vote: Other 51% (71) 33% (46) 7% (10) 5% (7) 3% (4) 1382016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 45% (188) 37% (154) 9% (38) 6% (25) 4% (16) 421Voted in 2014: Yes 50% (675) 34% (464) 8% (111) 6% (83) 1% (13) 1346Voted in 2014: No 45% (293) 39% (250) 9% (57) 5% (34) 2% (15) 6492012 Vote: Barack Obama 61% (525) 32% (279) 4% (34) 2% (15) 1% (7) 8602012 Vote: Mitt Romney 33% (166) 41% (207) 14% (72) 12% (60) 1% (4) 5092012 Vote: Other 33% (29) 37% (33) 15% (13) 8% (8) 6% (6) 892012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 46% (246) 37% (195) 9% (47) 6% (33) 2% (11) 5324-Region: Northeast 57% (202) 33% (117) 6% (20) 4% (15) 1% (3) 3564-Region: Midwest 49% (222) 35% (159) 9% (43) 6% (29) 1% (5) 4584-Region: South 48% (355) 35% (264) 9% (65) 6% (47) 2% (14) 7454-Region: West 43% (189) 40% (175) 9% (40) 6% (25) 2% (7) 436Sports fan 50% (693) 36% (505) 8% (117) 4% (63) 1% (19) 1397Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 51% (197) 35% (134) 6% (23) 6% (25) 2% (7) 385

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020


Table CMSdem6

Table CMSdem6: How concerned are you about the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus)?

Demographic Very concernedSomewhatconcerned

Not veryconcerned

Not concernedat all

Don’t know /No opinion Total N

Registered Voters 49% (968) 36% (714) 8% (168) 6% (117) 1% (28) 1995Frequent Flyer 48% (109) 37% (85) 8% (18) 5% (11) 1% (3) 226Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit MorningConsultIntelligence.com.

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Morning ConsultRespondent Demographics Summary

Respondent Demographics Summary

Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent DemographicsDemographic Group Frequency Percentage

xdemAll Registered Voters 1995 100%

xdemGender Gender: Male 934 47%Gender: Female 1061 53%

N 1995

age Age: 18-34 501 25%Age: 35-44 303 15%Age: 45-64 727 36%Age: 65+ 464 23%

N 1995

demAgeGeneration GenZers: 1997-2012 214 11%Millennials: 1981-1996 457 23%

GenXers: 1965-1980 483 24%Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 745 37%

N 1899

xpid3 PID: Dem (no lean) 731 37%PID: Ind (no lean) 615 31%PID: Rep (no lean) 650 33%

N 1995

xpidGender PID/Gender: DemMen 300 15%PID/Gender: DemWomen 430 22%

PID/Gender: Ind Men 320 16%PID/Gender: Ind Women 295 15%

PID/Gender: Rep Men 314 16%PID/Gender: Rep Women 336 17%

N 1995

xdemIdeo3 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 565 28%Ideo: Moderate (4) 535 27%

Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 726 36%N 1826

xeduc3 Educ: < College 1255 63%Educ: Bachelors degree 472 24%

Educ: Post-grad 268 13%N 1995

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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020Respondent Demographics Summary

Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent DemographicsDemographic Group Frequency Percentage

xdemInc3 Income: Under 50k 1012 51%Income: 50k-100k 681 34%

Income: 100k+ 302 15%N 1995

xdemWhite Ethnicity: White 1614 81%

xdemHispBin Ethnicity: Hispanic 193 10%

demBlackBin Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 253 13%

demRaceOther Ethnicity: Other 128 6%

xdemReligion All Christian 968 49%All Non-Christian 100 5%

Atheist 86 4%Agnostic/Nothing in particular 841 42%

N 1995

xdemReligOther Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 119 6%

xdemEvang Evangelical 553 28%Non-Evangelical 762 38%

N 1315

xdemUsr Community: Urban 450 23%Community: Suburban 1016 51%

Community: Rural 529 27%N 1995

xdemEmploy Employ: Private Sector 624 31%Employ: Government 138 7%

Employ: Self-Employed 150 8%Employ: Homemaker 103 5%

Employ: Retired 507 25%Employ: Unemployed 206 10%

Employ: Other 135 7%N 1863

xdemMilHH1 Military HH: Yes 336 17%Military HH: No 1659 83%

N 1995

xnr1 RD/WT: Right Direction 690 35%RD/WT: Wrong Track 1305 65%

N 1995

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Morning ConsultRespondent Demographics Summary

Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent DemographicsDemographic Group Frequency Percentage

Trump_Approve Trump Job Approve 835 42%Trump Job Disapprove 1100 55%

N 1935

Trump_Approve2 Trump Job Strongly Approve 496 25%Trump Job Somewhat Approve 339 17%

Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 233 12%Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 867 43%

N 1935

Trump_Fav Favorable of Trump 813 41%Unfavorable of Trump 1102 55%

N 1916

Trump_Fav_FULL Very Favorable of Trump 518 26%Somewhat Favorable of Trump 295 15%

Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 195 10%Very Unfavorable of Trump 907 45%

N 1916

xnr3 #1 Issue: Economy 641 32%#1 Issue: Security 243 12%

#1 Issue: Health Care 396 20%#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 313 16%

#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 76 4%#1 Issue: Education 108 5%

#1 Issue: Energy 87 4%#1 Issue: Other 132 7%

N 1995

xsubVote18O 2018 House Vote: Democrat 796 40%2018 House Vote: Republican 651 33%

2018 House Vote: Someone else 87 4%N 1534

xsubVote16O 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 714 36%2016 Vote: Donald Trump 720 36%

2016 Vote: Other 138 7%2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 421 21%

N 1993

xsubVote14O Voted in 2014: Yes 1346 67%Voted in 2014: No 649 33%

N 1995

Continued on next page


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National Tracking Poll #200573, May, 2020Respondent Demographics Summary

Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent DemographicsDemographic Group Frequency Percentage

xsubVote12O 2012 Vote: Barack Obama 860 43%2012 Vote: Mitt Romney 509 26%

2012 Vote: Other 89 4%2012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 532 27%

N 1990

xreg4 4-Region: Northeast 356 18%4-Region: Midwest 458 23%

4-Region: South 745 37%4-Region: West 436 22%

N 1995

CMSdem8 Sports fan 1397 70%

CMSdem9 Traveled outside of U.S. in past year 1+ times 385 19%

CMSdem10 Frequent Flyer 226 11%

Note: Group proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. All statistics are calcu-lated with demographic post-stratification weights applied.


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384 Morning Consult