SECRETARIAT WORKING PARTY TASK-FORCE "ENLARGEMENT" THE COORDINATOR JF/bo Luxembourg, 10 November 1999 Briefing no. 45 NATIONAL PARLIAMENTS AND ENLARGEMENT / ACCESSION * The views expressed in this document are not necessarily those of the European Parliament as an institution. INTRANET: http://www.europarl.ep.ec/enlargement INTERNET: http://www.europarl.eu.int/enlargement EPADES: epades\public\elargiss PE 168.571 Or. EN

NATIONAL PARLIAMENTS AND ENLARGEMENT / ACCESSION4 PE 168.571 Number Title PE No Date Languages 31 Security and defence and enlargement of the European Union 167.877 30.10.98 DE-EN-ES-FR-IT

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THE COORDINATORJF/bo Luxembourg, 10 November 1999

Briefing no. 45



* The views expressed in this document are not necessarily those of the European Parliamentas an institution.

INTRANET: http://www.europarl.ep.ec/enlargementINTERNET: http://www.europarl.eu.int/enlargementEPADES: epades\public\elargiss

PE 168.571Or. EN

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The briefings drafted by the European Parliament Secretariat's Task Force on Enlargement aim to present in a systematic, summary form, the state of discussions on thevarious aspects of enlargement of the Union and the positions adopted by the Member States, the applicant countries, and European institutions. Briefings will be updated asthe negotiation progress. The following briefings have already been published:

Number Title PE No Date Languages

1 Cyprus and membership of the European Union 167.284/rev.5 21.10.99 All2 Hungary and the enlargement of the European Union 167.296/rev.2 01.02.99 All3 Romania and its accession to the European Union 167.297/rev.2 26.02.99 All4 The Czech Republic and the enlargement of the European Union 167.335/rev.3 18.10.99 All5 Malta and the relations with the European Union 167.350/rev.3 01.07.99 All6 Bulgaria and the enlargement of the European Union 167.392/rev.3 11.10.99 All7 Turkey and relations with the European Union 167.407/rev.2 17.06.99 All8 Estonia and the enlargement of the European Union 167.409/rev.1 08.10.98 All9 Slovenia and accession to the European Union 167.531/rev.1 08.02.99 All10 Latvia and enlargement of the European Union 167.532/rev.2 27.09.99 All11 Lithuania and enlargement of the European Union 167.533/rev.2 12.01.99 All12 Poland and accession to the European Union 167.587/rev.3 25.10.99 All13 Slovakia and accession to the European Union 167.609/rev.2 20.08.99 All14 Russia and enlargement of the European Union 167.734/rev.2 25.10.99 All15 The institutional aspects of enlargement of the European Union 167.299/rev.1 21.06.99 DE-EN-ES -FR-IT16 Controlling and protecting European Union finances with a view to enlargement 167.330 09.03.98 DE-EN-ES-FR-IT17 Environmental policy and enlargement 167.402 23.03.98 DE-EN-ES-FR-IT18 The European Conference and the enlargement of the European Union 167.410 03.04.98 DE-EN-ES-FR-IT19 Budgetary aspects of enlargement 167.581 12.04.98 DE-EN-ES-FR-IT20 Democracy and respect for human rights in the enlargement process of the EU 167.582 01.04.98 DE-EN-ES-FR-IT21 Enlargement and Economic and Social Cohesion 167.584 08.05.98 DE-EN-ES-FR-IT22 Statistical Annex on Enlargement 167.614/rev.6 13.10.99 EN23 Legal Questions of Enlargement 167.617 19.05.98 DE-EN-ES-FR-IT24 Pre-accession strategy for enlargement of the European Union 167.631 17.06.98 DE-EN-ES-FR-IT25 Co-operation in the area of justice and home affairs in the enlargement process 167.690/rev.1 30.03.99 DE-EN-ES-FR-IT26 Women's rights and enlargement of the EU 167.735 14.07.98 DE-EN-ES-FR-IT27 Enlargement and Agriculture 167.741 03.09.98 DE-EN-ES-FR-IT28 Switzerland and Enlargement 167.777/rev.1 08.03.99 All29 Enlargement and Fisheries 167.799 12.10.98 All30 Common foreign and security policy and enlargement of the European Union 167.822/rev.1 26.07.99 DE-EN-ES-FR-IT

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Number Title PE No Date Languages

31 Security and defence and enlargement of the European Union 167.877 30.10.98 DE-EN-ES-FR-IT32 The European Economic Area (EEA) and the enlargement of the EU 167.887 17.11.98 DE-EN-ES-FR-IT33 The PHARE Programme and the enlargement of the EU 167.944 04.12.98 DE-EN-ES-FR-IT34 The Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) and the enlargement of the EU 167.962 04.12.98 DE-EN-ES-FR-IT35 The indu strial policy and the enlargement of the EU 167.963/rev.1 24.06.99 DE-EN-ES-FR-IT36 Agenda 2000 and the accession process to the EU 168.008/rev.1 10.06.99 DE-EN-ES-FR-IT37 Enlargement and external economic relations 168.062/rev.1 08.09.99 DE-EN-ES-FR-IT38 The role of the European Parliament in the enlargement process 168.065 27.01.99 DE-EN-ES-FR-IT39 The social aspects of enlargement of the EU 168.115/rev.1 01.07.99 DE-EN-ES-FR-IT40 Nuclear safety in the applicant c ountries of Central an Eastern Europe 168.257 22.03.99 DE-EN-ES-FR-IT41 Public opinion on enlargement in the EU Member States and applicant countries 168.296 22.04.99 DE-EN-ES-FR-IT42 The Russian minority in the Baltic States and the enlargement of the EU 168.307 03.05.99 DE-EN-ES-FR-IT43 Energy policy and the enlargement of the EU 168.394 10.06.99 DE-EN-ES-FR-IT44 The transport policy and the enlargement of the EU 168.459 28.07.99 DE-EN-ES-FR-IT45 National Parliaments and en largement/accession 168.571 10.11.99 DE-EN-ES-FR-IT

To obtain copies of the above briefings, please contact: Mrs E. Deguffroy, Luxembourg, SCH Room 602, Tel. (352) 4300-22906 / fax: (352) 4300-29027Task Force on Enlargement, Brussels, LEO 06D119, Tel. (32 2) 284 2381 / fax: (32 2) 284 4984Task Force on Enlargement, Strasbourg, IP2 447, Tel. (33 3) 8817-4408 / fax: (33 3) 8817-9059

INTRANET: http://www.europarl.ep.ec/enlargement INTERNET: http://www.europarl.eu.int/enlargement EPADES: epades\public\elargiss

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SUMMARY ..........................................................................................................................7

1. OFFICIAL POSITIONS ABOUT ENLARGEMENT ...............................................7


PROCESS ....................................................................................................................7

a) Main responsible body ...............................................................................................7

b) Powers of the main responsible body .........................................................................8


PARLIAMENTS .........................................................................................................8





IN THE PUBLIC .........................................................................................................9

ANNEX:National Parliaments and Enlargement (presentation country by country)

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Situation in the Member States:

Most of the Parliaments of the Member States have not yet adopted an official position onenlargement, the only exception being Germany. In both the present and the previousparliamentary terms the German Bundestag has adopted positions to support its governmentin the enlargement process. The German Bundesrat also adopted two resolutions, one in 1997and one in 1998, expressing support for enlargement. In most National Parliaments of theMember States, the issue of enlargement has been discussed several times, but only in theframework of other EU matters (e.g.: Amsterdam Treaty, Agenda 2000, etc.) and was nottreated separately.

Situation in the candidate countries:

A number of Parliaments of the candidate countries have already - in different forms –adopted positions on enlargement: for example Poland (resolution), Romania (appeal),Slovakia (declaration), while others (the Czech and the Hungarian Parliaments) have not yetdone so since the launching of accession negotiations.


a) Main responsible body

Situation in the Member States:

There are two general approaches in the Member States following the enlargement process. Inthe first one (see e.g.: French National Assembly or UK House of Commons) the generalreview and control is carried out by the Committee responsible for EU Affairs whichco-operates with and/or co-ordinates the work of the standing committees concerned with thedifferent matters related to enlargement. In the second approach (see e.g.: Austria, Sweden orBelgian Senate) the Committee responsible for EU Affairs and the Committee responsible forForeign Affairs/Policy share the tasks concerning enlargement.

1 A workshop on Enlargement and National Parliaments was organised by the European Parliament, theLithuanian Parliament, and the TAIEX Office in Lithuania from 24 to 25 June 1999. Officials from the NationalParliaments of the Member States and the candidate countries were invited to participate. In the context of thisseminar, the European Parliament circulated a questionnaire about the issue of Enlargement and NationalParliaments to all Parliaments involved.This interim paper is based on the replies to this questionnaire. The conclusions are drawn exclusively from theanswers of 35 Parliaments out of 39 Parliaments to which the questionnaire had been adressed. A final reportwill be submitted once all Parliaments have provided the necessary information.The main conclusions are summarised below (More detailed information concerning the situation in each of theNational Parliaments can be found in the table annexed).

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Situation in the candidate countries:

In every candidate countries there is a committee responsible for European integration affairs.Usually this is the body bearing main responsibility for the following of the enlargement(accession) process. In bi-cameral systems, there are such committees either in both chambers(Poland, Czech Republic) or there is one mixed body (Romania). Usually these committeesare in charge of nominating the members of the Joint Parliamentary Committees (JPC) withthe European Parliament, however - as an exception - in Poland other committees are alsoinvolved. The Foreign Affairs Committees are usually also following integration issues butnot as their main responsibility. In Hungary, most of the standing committees are alsosubcommittees which are especially responsible for accession matters related to the field ofwork of the standing committee.

b) Powers of the main responsible body

In the Member States and in the candidate countries, the main responsible bodies are thecommittees generally responsible for EU affairs. Additionally in a few Member States alsoForeign Affairs/Policy Committees play an important role.

Situation in the Member States:

The main power of the committees responsible for EU affairs is the general examination of allEU-related matters and the control of the National Government in EU (includingenlargement) affairs. Concerning enlargement issues, they also prepare or co-ordinate relatedreports/documents/pieces of legislation. They also keep contacts with the parliaments of thecandidate countries. In a few Member States (see e.g.: Austria, Belgian Senate, Sweden) theForeign Affairs Committees also consider the ratification of accession treaties.

Situation in the candidate countries:

Although there are differences regarding the level of their powers and method of work, thecommittees for EU affairs in the candidate countries are usually responsible for all externaland internal aspects of accession. They not only follow government activity in accessionnegotiations, but also monitor the whole national preparation process (especially legalharmonisation) for EU membership. As part of JPCs and as partners of relevant MemberStates’ committees, they play an important role in maintaining contact with EU institutionsand Member States.


Situation in the Member States:

There are no special provisions to ensure the flow of information concerning enlargement inthe parliaments of the Member States. They use the same channels and methods as in otherEU-related matters, i.e. the relevant units (secretariats and/or responsible committees) obtaininformation from government offices and EU institutions, and disseminate it to MPsaccording to the rules of the parliament.

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Situation in the candidate countries:

In addition to regular information from their governments (sent usually to the responsiblecommittees), most parliaments of the candidate countries have also special units in theirsecretariats responsible for informing MPs on EU matters. On the other hand, the tasks andactivities and the locations of these bodies vary from country to country.


Situation in the Member States:

There is no special scrutiny system in the Members States for controlling governments withregard to enlargement issues. Parliaments (especially through their committees responsible forEU-Affairs) use the same procedure they apply in other EU areas for scrutiny and exchange ofviews (attendance and questioning of government representatives in committee meetings,hearings of ministers, oral or written questions, etc.). It is of special importance monitoringthe meetings of the General Affairs Council and the European Council concerningenlargement matters.

Situation in the candidate countries:

Scrutiny of the governments in the Parliaments of the candidate countries usually takes placein the committees responsible for EU-Affairs, and also from time to time also in the plenarysessions. The form of scrutiny and exchange of views are similar to those applied in theMember States (attendance and questioning of government representatives in committeemeetings, hearings of ministers, oral or written questions, etc.). The EU-Affairs committees asmain responsible bodies usually follow both internal (preparation for membership) andexternal (negotiations) activities of the government. In the applicant states already inaccession negotiations, the negotiation rounds and the position papers are given specialattention.


Situation in the Member States:

In the Parliaments of the Member States, there are no special provisions or activities in thisrespect.

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Situation in the candidate countries:

In the applicant states it is mainly the task of the government to create a positive attitudetowards accession. Usually parliaments are officially not involved. However in almost all thecandidate countries, Parliaments have been supporting this process by special activities (likeorganisation of workshops and conferences, relations with NGOs and social partners).

* * *

For further information, please contact:Mr Thomas GRUNERT, European Parliament, DG II, BrusselsDivision 'Relations with the National Parliaments and Interparliamentary Assemblies'Tel.: (32) – Fax: (32) – e-mail: [email protected]

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National Parliaments and Enlargement (country by country summary)



Adopted officialposition onenlargement

Bodies following theEnlargementprocess

Powers of the mainresponsible body

Information onenlargementIn the Parliament

Method of scrutiny of NationalGovernment and exchange of viewsbetween Government andParliament on enlargement issues

Involvement ofParliament ininformation campaignto create positiveattitude towardsenlargement in thepublic opinion


Nationalrat AndBundesrat

There is no adoptedofficial position(however in theresolution of theBundesrat on Agenda2000 on November 20,1997 the enlargementprocess wasmentioned).

- Hauptausschuss inthe Nationalrat;- EU-Ausschuss inthe Bundesrat;- Foreign policycommittees of thetwo chambers.

The Hauptausschuss/EU-Ausschuss may givemandate to the ministerwho is member of theCouncil whereas theforeign policy committeesare involved whenincorporating internationallaw (the accession treaty)into national law.

The competent member ofthe federal governmentshall without delay informthe Nationalrat and theBundesrat about allprojects within theframework of the EU.

There is no special scrutiny forenlargement.The competent member of the federalgovernment shall inform bothchambers. The respective ministerusually appears before meetings ofthe Council to explain the status ofnegotiations and the Austrianposition.Interpellations, written questions,requests for urgent debate by MPs orparticipation in the question ortopical hour can be also used.

Parliament has not beeninvolved.


Chambre desReprésentants And Sénat

There is no adoptedofficial position.

- Federal AdvisoryCommittee onEuropean Affairs isthe main responsiblebody;- Foreign AffairsCommittee.

The Advisory Committeeon European Affairs canexamine any document itconsiders relevant, ask theGovernment forinformation, invitegovernmental or externalexperts, sendrecommendations to theplenary. The ForeignAffairs Committee ishowever responsible fordiscussing the ratificationof any accession treaties.

There is no special channelfor information onenlargement.In general senators areinformed about allincoming officialdocuments. Members ofthe Advisory Committeeare informed about allrelevant informationirrespective of its origin.This information is alsocommunicated to theForeign AffairsCommittee.

There is no special scrutiny, butenlargement is a topic discussed atevery pre and post European Councilbriefing given by the Government tothe Parliament.The normal exchange of views withthe Government can take placeduring discussions in committeemeetings or in the plenary sessionduring debates on legislativeproposals or on the occasion of aquestion asked by a member to aminister.

Parliament is notinvolved.

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Adopted officialposition onenlargement

Bodies following theEnlargementprocess

Powers of the mainresponsible body

Information onenlargementIn the Parliament

Method of scrutiny of NationalGovernment and exchange of viewsbetween Government andParliament on enlargement issues

Involvement ofParliament ininformation campaignto create positiveattitude towardsenlargement in thepublic opinion



No official positionadopted onenlargement butFolketinget has oftenexpressed its positiveattitude towards it.

- European AffairsCommittee.

The European AffairsCommittee is the mainresponsible body of theenlargement process. Hediscusses it in connectionwith the meetings in theCouncil of Ministers whenthe issue is on the agendaand gives mandates whenneeded.

Information onenlargement issues is givento Folketinget in the sameway as information onother topics.

The scrutiny of Government’s policyon the enlargement issue is carried onin the same way as in all other EUissues.The exchange of views takes place indiscussions with the minister in therelevant committees, questions anddebates in the plenary.

Parliament is notinvolved in suchcampaigns.



There is no adoptedofficial position, butthe Finnish Parliamentconsiders enlargementto be of main priorityof the FinnishEU-policy (GrandCommittee Report3/1997, 5.12.1997).

- Grand Committee;- Foreign AffairsCommittee.

The Grand Committee hasthe general responsibilityof all EU matters. It canrequest a report from theCouncil of Stateconcerning the preparationof matters in the EU or itcan deliver an opinion tothe Council of State(Parliament Act section54e). The Foreign AffairsCommittee has the samerights the GrandCommittee has, as far asthe common foreign andsecurity policy of the EUis concerned.

The Council of State has tosend without delay anyproposal which has cometo its notice for an act orother measure what has tobe decided by the Councilof the EU to the GrandCommittee, the ForeignAffairs Committee, and thecommittees which areparticipating in matters ofthe EU (Parliament Actsection 54b).

There is no special scrutiny on theparticular issue of enlargement.

Parliament is notinvolved.

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Adopted officialposition onenlargement

Bodies following theEnlargementprocess

Powers of the mainresponsible body

Information onenlargementIn the Parliament

Method of scrutiny of NationalGovernment and exchange of viewsbetween Government andParliament on enlargement issues

Involvement ofParliament ininformation campaignto create positiveattitude towardsenlargement in thepublic opinion



In the AssembléeNationale theDelegation for theEuropean Unionpresented threeinformation reportswith recommendationsabout enlargement(about “Agenda 2000”report 425 06/11/97;about “AccessionPartnership” report 76906/03/08; about“agricultural andstructural pre-accessionaid “ report 94028/05/98).

- Delegation for theEuropean Union(main responsiblebody);- In a second phasealso the six standingcommittees accordingto the concernedmatter in a mannerlaid down by thearticle 88-4 of theConstitution.

The Delegation has toexamine proposals forCommunity instrumentsand shall either transmit itsanalysis with or withoutrecommendations tocommittees, or present aninformation reportrecommending, if it thinksfit, that a motion for aresolution should betabled. The motion for theresolution is prepared bythe responsible committee.

The information onenlargement issues isdisseminated by the usualways as the other matters.

There is no special scrutiny forenlargement.The exchange of views between theGovernment and the Parliament isfrequent on EU issues. Forms:auditions of Ministers of ForeignAffairs or European Affairs by theForeign Affairs Committee and theDelegation, debates in plenarysessions and other process ofquestions and control.

The AssembléeNationale is notespecially involved insuch campaigns, but itsinitiatives likesymposium and studiesare widely covered bythe media.



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Adopted officialposition onenlargement

Bodies following theEnlargementprocess

Powers of the mainresponsible body

Information onenlargementIn the Parliament

Method of scrutiny of NationalGovernment and exchange of viewsbetween Government andParliament on enlargement issues

Involvement ofParliament ininformation campaignto create positiveattitude towardsenlargement in thepublic opinion



The Bundestag adoptedan official position onenlargement inDecember 1997 (See:Drucksache 13/9418)In December 1998 thenewly electedBundestag supportedthe FederalGovernment tocontinue with theenlargement process(See: Drucksache14/181 and 14/514).

- The EU AffairsCommittee is themain responsiblebody.

The Committee has specialrights besides all the rightsof the other committees.For example it has thepower to state opinion onthe basis of anempowerment by theplenary or of an agreementwith the specialisedcommittees. So it can statebinding opinions on EU-items to the FederalGovernment.

The information ofenlargement issues isdisseminated through thework of the EU AffairsCommittee and its so-called European AffairsOffice, which inorganisational terms isintegrated in the secretariatof the Committee. It isresponsible for theadministrative side of co-ordinating the referral ofEU-items to theBundestag´s committeesand provides bothMembers andadministrative staff withinformation.

There is no special scrutiny forenlargement.The EU Affairs Committee exercisescontrol across the entire spectrum ofgovernment departments. Therepresentatives of the variousministries are attending the meetingsof the committee.Besides information through theministers or their representatives theCommittee is informed by theFederal Government“comprehensively and as quickly aspossible” of all initiatives within theframework of the EU which could beof interest of the FRG according tothe Law on Co-operation between theGovernment and the Bundestag inmatters concerning the EU.

Parliament is notinvolved.



The Bundesrat adopted2 resolutions(Drucksachen 904/97,637/98) expressingsupport for theenlargement process,emphasizing theimportance of theCopenhagen criteriaand the necessity oftransitional periods.

The European UnionAffairs Committee isthe main responsiblebody.

Council, Commission andEP documents areregularly received by theBundesrat and are alsoexamined if the BundesratEU Affairs Committeeconsiders it necessary.2 Members of theBundesrat participate inthe ad hoc enlargement-working group of theCouncil and report back tothe Bundesrat.

All EU documents arecirculated to the LänderRepresentations. Some ofthem are discussed in thesectoral committees and inthe plenary.

Governmental representativesparticipate in the committee andplenary sittings and provideinformation wheneverEU/enlargement issues are on theagenda.Governmental representatives engagein exchange of views and have toreply to the questions raised in thecommittee and plenary sittingsdealing with EU/enlargement matters.

Parliament is notinvolved.

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Adopted officialposition onenlargement

Bodies following theEnlargementprocess

Powers of the mainresponsible body

Information onenlargementIn the Parliament

Method of scrutiny of NationalGovernment and exchange of viewsbetween Government andParliament on enlargement issues

Involvement ofParliament ininformation campaignto create positiveattitude towardsenlargement in thepublic opinion


Vouli tonEllinion


Dail andSeanadÉireann

None of the Houses hasadopted an officialposition yet becausemany references andquestions about the EUenlargement have takenplace in the Dáil andSeanad.

- Joint Committee onEuropean Affairs;- Joint Committee onForeign Affairs.

The Joint Committee onEuropean Affairs considersand reports to the House ofthe Oireachtas.

There are two main formalways:

- through statements ineither or both Housesfollowing EuropeanCouncil meetings;- through the six monthlyreports by the Governmentto the Houses ondevelopments in the EU.

Meetings of the Joint Committee onEuropean Affairs is the usual forumon which debates on such issues takeplace. They are public and theverbatim record of the debates wouldin the normal course be publishedwith any report on enlargement.

The House of Oireachtashas not undertaken anypublic informationcampaign on EUenlargement.


Camera deiDeputati


Senato dellaRepublica

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Adopted officialposition onenlargement

Bodies following theEnlargementprocess

Powers of the mainresponsible body

Information onenlargementIn the Parliament

Method of scrutiny of NationalGovernment and exchange of viewsbetween Government andParliament on enlargement issues

Involvement ofParliament ininformation campaignto create positiveattitude towardsenlargement in thepublic opinion


Chambre desDéputés

There is no adoptedofficial position.

- The Committee onForeign andEuropean Affairs isthe main responsiblebody.

The task of the Committeeis to elaborate a report forthe plenary and proposemotions and resolutions.

The Committee on Foreignand European Affairs isresponsible for that.

The form of scrutiny is audition ofthe responsible Minister (nospeciality for enlargement).

Parliament is notinvolved.


Eerste Kamer AndTweede Kamer

Together with otherissues parliament dealtwith enlargement(ratification of theTreaty of Amsterdam,Agenda 2000,institutional problems)See e.g.: Officialpublication 25.731Tweede Kamer.

- Committee onEuropean Affairs ofthe Tweede Kamer(main responsiblebody);- Committee onOrganisations ofEuropeanCo-operation of theEerste Kamer.

Powers of a standingcommittee.Possibility to introducemotions on proposals orpositions of thegovernment regarding tothe enlargement process.

Letters of the Minister ofForeign Affairs or theState Secretary forEuropean Affairs aredistributed to the membersof the Committee onEuropean Affairs.Research staff of thecommittee gives additionalinformation when it isimportant.Staff is available forquestions of MPs.

There is no special scrutiny forenlargement.There are more or less regularmeetings in the Committee onEuropean Affairs of the TweedeKamer with members of thegovernment.There are exchange of letters betweenthe Committee and the government.Plenary debates and exchange ofletters are possible in both chambers.

Parliament is notinvolved.


Assembleia daRepublica

There is no adoptedofficial position.

- Committee onEuropean Affairs;- Committee onForeign Affairs.

Both committees have thesame power:review of the negotiationprocess.

Information isdisseminated throughmeetings with thecompetent governmentmembers and throughdirect information from theEuropean institutions.

There are monthly meetings betweenthe Secretary of State on EuropeanAffairs with the Committee onEuropean Affairs, where this issue isprofoundly discussed but there is nospecial scrutiny.

There are no suchcampaigns.

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Adopted officialposition onenlargement

Bodies following theEnlargementprocess

Powers of the mainresponsible body

Information onenlargementIn the Parliament

Method of scrutiny of NationalGovernment and exchange of viewsbetween Government andParliament on enlargement issues

Involvement ofParliament ininformation campaignto create positiveattitude towardsenlargement in thepublic opinion


Congreso delos Diputadosand Senado

There is no adoptedofficial position.

- Joint Committee forthe European Union(Composed by 25deputies and 17senators of the twochambers).

The Joint Committeecontrols and scrutinises theGovernment in EUmatters. The Committeeappointed a working partyto prepare a report anddraft motions orresolutions on enlargement(work is now under way).

One part of theinformation comes directlyfrom EU institutions(mainly from the EP); theother part comes from theGovernment. All theinformation is put at thedisposal of any interestedmembers and sent to all themembers of the JointCommittee.

There is no special scrutiny forenlargement.The usual control instruments can beused (questions, interpellations,hearings, discussion of motions, etc.)When the report of the JointCommittee’s working party onenlargement will be ready, it will bediscussed in one of the Committeemeetings and maybe in plenarysessions in one or both chambers.

Not very actively. That isa task performed mainlyby the Government.



Parliament has madeseveral statements onenlargement but it hasnever been treated as aseparate issue but inconnection with otherimportant EU matters.For example the reportsof the Committee onForeign Affairs to thePlenary (1996/97:UU13 and 1997/98:UU 20)are importantdocuments in thisrespect.

- Committee onForeign Affairs;- AdvisoryCommittee onEuropean UnionAffairs.

For the decisions of thePlenary the Committee onForeign Affairs is the mainresponsible body. Itprepares matters fordecision in the Plenarywithin its area ofcompetence (matters ofForeign Policy) includingratification of treaties.The Advisory Committeeon European Union Affairsholds consultation with theGovernment on matters onthe agenda of the Councilof Ministers.

Documents on EU matters(including enlargementissues) are disseminatedthrough two mainchannels:1. Information from theCommission through theSecretariat of the Chamberto the relevant andinterested bodies in theParliament2. Information from theGovernment through theAdvisory Committee onEuropean Union Affairs tothe relevant and interestedbodies in the Parliament.

There is no special scrutiny forenlargement.Procedures follow normal scrutinyroutines. (Consultation between theGovernment and the AdvisoryCommittee; in the enlargement issuenormally before meetings of theGeneral Affairs Council)Exchange of views: There areconsultations between theGovernment and the AdvisoryCommittee on European UnionAffairs (specially prior to Councilmeetings) or the specialisedcommittees. There are occasionallyreports and debates in the Plenary aswell.

The Swedish Parliamentsdoes not work withcampaigns to influenceopinions and attitudes.This is handled by thepolitical parties or by theGovernment.

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Adopted officialposition onenlargement

Bodies following theEnlargementprocess

Powers of the mainresponsible body

Information onenlargementIn the Parliament

Method of scrutiny of NationalGovernment and exchange of viewsbetween Government andParliament on enlargement issues

Involvement ofParliament ininformation campaignto create positiveattitude towardsenlargement in thepublic opinion


House of Lords AndHouse ofCommons

There is no adoptedofficial position.

House of Commons:- European ScrutinyCommittee (mainbody);- Several otherDepartmental SelectCommittees have alsodiscussedimplications ofenlargement.

House of Lords:- Select Committeeon the EuropeanCommunities (mainbody).

The House of CommonsEuropean ScrutinyCommittee examines allEU documents includingthose relating toenlargement and reports tothe House on theirimportance. TheCommittee adopts reports,visits candidate countries.The House of Lords SelectCommittee on theEuropean Communitiesalso examines all EUdocuments and reports onthose raising importantmatters.

All Committee Reports arepublished, and areavailable in hard copyform and also on theHouse of Parliament web-site.

There is no special scrutiny forenlargement.Select Committees in the House ofCommons examine all areas ofresponsibility of the Government.In addition to Reports produced bythe Committees, representations aremade by Ministers in writing.Government Ministers may besummoned to appear beforeCommittees to give evidence.

Campaigns of this sortare not undertaken by theParliament.

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Bodies following theEnlargementprocess

Powers of the mainresponsible body

Information onenlargementIn the Parliament

Method of scrutiny of NationalGovernment and exchange of viewsbetween Government andParliament on enlargement issues

Involvement ofParliament ininformation campaignto create positiveattitude towardsenlargement in thepublic opinion



The National Assemblyof the Republic ofBulgaria has adoptedseveral acts concerningthe integration of theEU.

- The Committee onForeign andIntegration Policy;- The EU-BulgariaJoint ParliamentaryCommittee.

The Committee on Foreignand Integration Policyscrutinises all the mattersrelated to Bulgarianintegration to the EU,holds parliamentaryhearings on the Commonpolicies of the Communityand the National Strategyin the sector, holdsparliamentary control(parliamentary hearings ofMembers of Governmentas well as written reportssubmitted by ministries onmain integration policyissues), adopts non-binding recommendationsthat are submitted by thePresident of the NationalAssembly to theresponsible bodies beingsubject to parliamentarycontrol, holds jointmeetings with otherparliamentary committeesand delegations, maypropose plenary debates.

Information concerningenlargement issues isdisseminated throughdocuments sent by theChairmen of theCommittee on Foreign andIntegration Policy and ofthe Joint ParliamentaryCommittee together withtheir respective secretariatsto the members and otherCommittees.

On 10 March 1999 the Governmentadopted a Decree on the mechanismfor co-ordination of the activities onthe preparation of the Republic ofBulgaria for EU accession.The tools for the National Assemblyprovided for in the Constitution andthe Parliament’s Rules of Procedureare parliamentary hearings,parliamentary control, informationand exchange of views, written andoral questions and answers, writtenreports.

Members of Parliamentare the most activelobbists for EUintegration as it is a toppriority for all the partiesrepresented in theParliament.

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Bodies following theEnlargementprocess

Powers of the mainresponsible body

Information onenlargementIn the Parliament

Method of scrutiny of NationalGovernment and exchange of viewsbetween Government andParliament on enlargement issues

Involvement ofParliament ininformation campaignto create positiveattitude towardsenlargement in thepublic opinion


Chamber ofDeputies andSenate

There is no adoptedofficial position.

- EU-Czech RepublicJPC (Czech side iscomposed ofmembers of bothchambers);- Committee forEuropean Integrationof the Chamber ofDeputies;- Committee forForeign Affairs of theChamber of Deputies;- Committee forEuropean Integrationof the Senate;- Committee forForeign Affairs of theSenate.

The Committee forEuropean Integration ofthe Chamber of Deputiesshall monitor all theaspects of integration(including harmonisationof the legislation,economic and socialaspects, Phare, foreignpolicy aspects, the NPAAand negotiations, level ofinformation of the MPsand the general public).The Committee forEuropean Integration ofthe Senate shall monitorinternal and externalpolitical aspects ofintegration. (Internally:legislation, monitoring ofthe executive power,develop information of thepublic; Externally:accession negotiations,contact partnercommittees, monitorinstitutional changeswithin the EU).

Parliamentary Institute -Centre for European Lawand the ParliamentaryLibrary are the placeswhere the MPs can seekinformation on EU issues.

The Committees have the right torequest information and responsefrom a member of the Government ora head of other central offices. This isa procedure regularly used by theCommittee for European IntegrationAffairs. MPs can also put written ororal questions to the members of theGovernment.

The Ministry of ForeignAffairs is responsible forthis, but seminars andconferences on EUenlargement areorganised in theParliament.

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Bodies following theEnlargementprocess

Powers of the mainresponsible body

Information onenlargementIn the Parliament

Method of scrutiny of NationalGovernment and exchange of viewsbetween Government andParliament on enlargement issues

Involvement ofParliament ininformation campaignto create positiveattitude towardsenlargement in thepublic opinion


House ofRepresentatives

The House ofRepresentatives hasadopted relevantresolutions, calling thegovernment to do itsutmost for theaccession of Cyprus tothe EU.

- The Committee onForeign andEuropean Affairs;- The EU-CyprusJoint ParliamentaryCommittee.

The Committee on Foreignand European Affairs getsinformation from thegovernment on the acquisscreening, the accessionnegotiations and theposition papers. It gives itsopinion before the positionpapers are submitted to theEuropean Commission. Itmay also suggest to theplenary the adoption oflegislation that isnecessary for theharmonization of theCyprus legislation with theacquis.

All documents dealingwith enlargement are to besubmitted by thegovernment (ministries) toThe House ofRepresentatives.Government officials mayalso be requested toparticipate in the meetingsof the various committeesand to provide appropriateinformation.

The government is scrutinised on theissue of enlargement the same way itis scrutnised on any other of itspolicies.The exchange of views is based onthe regular meetings of the Head ofthe Negotiating Delegation for theAccession of Cyprus to the EU or ofany other government official(including ministers) with theCommittee on Foreign and EuropeanAffairs.

There is no need for sucha campain since 95% ofthe population and allpolitical parties are infavour of theenlargement of the EUand the accession ofCyprus.



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Bodies following theEnlargementprocess

Powers of the mainresponsible body

Information onenlargementIn the Parliament

Method of scrutiny of NationalGovernment and exchange of viewsbetween Government andParliament on enlargement issues

Involvement ofParliament ininformation campaignto create positiveattitude towardsenlargement in thepublic opinion



Parliament has notadopted officialposition onenlargement.

- Committee onEuropean IntegrationAffairs (mainresponsible body);- The Committee onForeign Affairs;- 15 among the 22standing committeeshave integrationsubcommittees;- EU-Hungary JPC.

The Committee onEuropean IntegrationAffairs has the samepowers as othercommittees have. Itfollows all aspects of theenlargement process andthe preparation of Hungaryfor EU membership. It hasthe right to initiate draftlegislation, to discuss thebills and amendments andto control the Governmentin integration matters. It isalso entitled to hear therelevant candidateministers and ambassadorsprior to their appointment.

The office for ForeignRelations of the Parliamentpublishes a weeklyperiodical (EuropeanNewsletter) for all theMPs. This papersummarises the actualdevelopments in the EUand in the enlargementprocess and also themeetings of the Committeeon European IntegrationAffairs. There is also afortnightly publication(European Analysis) forMPs specialised inintegration affairs. TheCommittee on EuropeanIntegration Affairsreceives regularinformation from theGovernment.

Senior officials of the governmentattend regularly to the meeting of theCommittee on European IntegrationAffairs. They are requested to makepresentations and answer questions.There are hearings of relevantMinisters as well. Members areinformed about the content ofnegotiation positions. Exchange ofviews takes place both in the plenarysession and in the committees. TheGovernment is obliged to submitannually a written report to theParliament about the implementationof the Association Agreement and theaccession process. The content isdiscussed and then adopted by theParliament.Interpellations and questions are alsopossible in the Plenary.

The informationcampaign is theresponsibility of theGovernment, butParliament in itsactivities is involved inraising public awarenessof integration issues. Itorganises conferences,sponsors “concours” andit is intending to hold apolitical debate on theissue. The Committee onEuropean IntegrationAffairs keeps closecontact with interestgroups. It also organisedworkshops for them.





The Seimas adopted onthe 6 November 1997 aresolution “On thepriorities of theactivities of the

- Seimas EuropeanAffairs Committee;- EU-Lithuania JointParliamentaryCommittee.

The Seimas EuropeanAffairs Committee co-ordinates the activities ofthe Seimas committees andcommissions related to the

A better informationdissemination is assuredby the fact that members ofthe Seimas EuropeanAffairs Committee are at

The European Affairs Committeeexerts the parliamentary control overthe most important integration issues.The Committee folows the draftingand implementation of the most

The Seimas EuropeanAffairs Committee isactively involved inmonitoring the draftingand implementation of a

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Adopted officialposition onenlargement

Bodies following theEnlargementprocess

Powers of the mainresponsible body

Information onenlargementIn the Parliament

Method of scrutiny of NationalGovernment and exchange of viewsbetween Government andParliament on enlargement issues

Involvement ofParliament ininformation campaignto create positiveattitude towardsenlargement in thepublic opinion

Government ofLithuania in accessionto the European Unionprocess”On the 17 March 1998it adopted a resolution“On implementation ofthe NationalProgramme for theadoption of the acqius”On 28 April 1998 itadopted a resolution“On the coherent co-ordination of theintegration activiteis inLithuania”.

issues concerning theintegration into theEuropean Union, submitsrecommendations to theGovernment on the EUrelated issues, exercisesparliamentary control overpublic authorities whenpreparing for and havingentered into thenegotiations formembership in the EU.

the same time performingduties of other committees’members.They are also members ofthe Seimas board.Moreover, on the initiativeof the European AffairsCommittee a plenarydebate on integrationissues is being held twice ayear.

important programmes and lawsrelated to the integration issues. TheCommittee may also invite theministers or senior officials to itsmeetings.Hearings of the government may takeplace during plenary sessions.Written and oral questions to therelevant ministers are also providedfor in the Statute of the Seimas.

special informationprogramme by theGovernment, which isthe responsible body inthat respect.The Seimas EuropeanAffairs Committee alsoorganizes meetings withthe representatives ofregional and localauthorities, chambers ofcommerce and other non-governmental bodies onthe european integrationrelated issues.



The Sejm adopted the“Resolution onEuropean Integration”on 20/03/98.

- EuropeanIntegrationCommittee (mainresponsible body);- EU-Poland JPC(Polish side iscomposed of 9deputies and 3senators).

The European IntegrationCommittee’s powersinclude giving opinions,holding hearings andputting questions to theGovernment. It has theright to table requests anddemands to theGovernment. It may givepolitical endorsement toSpeaker’s decisions andsupport experts’recommendationsconcerning legislation andamendments not meetingrequirements of the acquis.

Members of the EuropeanIntegration Committeereceive the position papersas confidential documents.All 33 members receive alldocumentation necessaryfor the meetings. It isordered in advance fromthe Government. Thisinformation may also besent to members of theJPC. Some materialreaches MPs from outsidethe Parliament.

The Government reports annually tothe Parliament on the implementationof the NPAA and on integrationrelated part of the budget.Representatives of the Government(in the level of under-secretary ofstate) attend the meetings of theEuropean Integration Committee on aregular basis. The Chief Negotiator isrequired for hearings twice perpresidency. The usual way ofmeetings between the Governmentand the Parliament is reportingfollowed by unlimited question time.Written questions are also possibleand answered within 30 days.

The EuropeanIntegration Committeeclosely follows theinformation policy of theGovernment. TheCommittee meets andinvites to its meetingsNGOs and socialpartners. There is nospecial EU informationoffice in the Sejm.

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Bodies following theEnlargementprocess

Powers of the mainresponsible body

Information onenlargementIn the Parliament

Method of scrutiny of NationalGovernment and exchange of viewsbetween Government andParliament on enlargement issues

Involvement ofParliament ininformation campaignto create positiveattitude towardsenlargement in thepublic opinion



The Senate ForeignAffairs and EuropeanIntegration Committeeadopted the“Resolution on thetasks before Poland inregards to thecommencement ofnegotiations onmembership in the EU”(18/03/98) and“Declaration on theoccasion of theEuropean Council’sinvitation of 13. Dec.1997 for Poland tocommencenegotiations”(18/12/97).

- The Senate ForeignAffairs and EuropeanIntegrationCommittee;- EU-Poland JPC(Polish side iscomposed of 9deputies and 3senators).

Information is donefollowing the requestsexpressed either byindividual senators or by astanding committeethrough the secretariat ofthe Senate Foreign Affairsand European IntegrationCommittee and theEuropean Integration Unitof the Senate Informationand Documentation Office.

In the Senate Foreign Affairs andEuropean Integration Committeeyearly programmes of work of theMinistry of Foreign Affairs and thegovernmental Office of theCommittee for European Integrationare scrutinised during the debate onbudgetary law.The exchange of views takes the formof questions addressed to theGovernment, in particular, the formof hearings of representatives of theGovernment. Members of theCommittee can also ask for writtenanswers.

Senate is not involved inany campaign. Fromtime to time Senatecommittees (and alsomembers in theirconstituencies) initiateorganisation ofconferences on questionsrelated to the Europeanintegration process.


Chamber ofDeputies andSenate

The RomanianParliament adopted anappeal on thebeginning ofnegotiations foraccession to the EU on24/11/1997.

- Committee onEuropean Integrationis the mainresponsible body(members from bothChambers);- EU-RomaniaJPC(members fromboth Chambers).

The Committee isresponsible for:- Monitoring theimplementation of theAssociation Agreement;- Harmonisation oflegislation;- Relations with the EPand national parliaments ofthe EU Member States;- Co-operation withrelevant Governmentoffices.

The information onenlargement isdisseminated by the usualways but the Committeeon European Integration isalso responsible fordisseminating informationon enlargement, mainly byorganising round-tables.

The usual control instruments ofparliamentary practice are used. TheCommittee on European Integrationhears government officials on topicsrelated to accession strategy.

This is a task performedmainly by theGovernment. HoweverParliament is involved inthe campaign. Number ofworkshops has beenorganised. TheParliament’s intention isto consolidate a dialoguewith the population aboutthe effects of accession.The Committee onEuropean Integration hasalso initiated and

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Adopted officialposition onenlargement

Bodies following theEnlargementprocess

Powers of the mainresponsible body

Information onenlargementIn the Parliament

Method of scrutiny of NationalGovernment and exchange of viewsbetween Government andParliament on enlargement issues

Involvement ofParliament ininformation campaignto create positiveattitude towardsenlargement in thepublic opinionparticipated in thenational campaigns onEU legislation promotionin different fields.



The Slovak Parliamentadopted the unanimousdeclarations onenlargement in favourof Europe the 10 th

October 1997 and the1st December 1998. Inboth resolutions itdeclared that the fullmembership ofSlovakia in the EU wasthe strategic interest ofthe state and was keypriority.

- EU-Slovakia JPC;- Committee forEuropean Integration;- Committee forForeign Affairs.

The Committee forEuropean Integration isresponsible for:- Monitoring andcontrolling the accessionprocess;- Monitoring institutionalchanges within the EU;- Making contacts withrelevant bodies from EUand associated countries;- Relations with theDelegation of theCommission to the SlovakRepublic.

The information onenlargement isdisseminated by the usualway as the other matters,through ParliamentaryInstitute, which is theinformation centre for theNational Council.

The members of the Governmentwho are responsible for issues of EUintegration are asked on an ad hocbasis to come to the relevantcommittees.Question Time and interpellationscan be also used for scrutiny andexchange of views.

The government ismainly responsible forsuch a campaign.



On 11 April 1996 theNational Assembly ofthe Republic ofSlovenia adopted thedocument “Positionsand DecisionsConcerning theRelations of theRepublic of Sloveniawith the EuropeanUnion, Italy and Nato”.According to thatdocument the objectiveof the Republic of

- The Commissionfor European Affairs;- The Committee forInternationalRelations;- EU-Slovenia JPC.

The Commission forEuropean Affairs shalldiscuss general mattersrelated to the Europeanintegration, issue opinions,recommendations and callsfor attention, oversee theimplementation ofharmonisation of theSlovenian legislation withthe acquis, co-ordinate theparent standingcommittees’ work relatedto the European

It is disseminated by theoffice of the President ofthe National Assembly.The main recipient is theCommission for EuropeanAffairs, which sends theinformation, when itconsiders it appropriate, tothe relevant standingcommittees.

All enlargement issues are scrutinisedespecially the screening procedureand the draft position papers.Relevant representatives of theGovernment are invited to thesessions of the Commission forEuropean Affairs to take evidence.

Slovenia’s responsiblebody for the informationcampain on EUaccession is theGovernmental Office forInformation. Through co-operation with thisoffice, the Parliament isactively involved in theinformation campain.

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Bodies following theEnlargementprocess

Powers of the mainresponsible body

Information onenlargementIn the Parliament

Method of scrutiny of NationalGovernment and exchange of viewsbetween Government andParliament on enlargement issues

Involvement ofParliament ininformation campaignto create positiveattitude towardsenlargement in thepublic opinion

Slovenia is to achievefull membership in theEuropean Union.
