Cover page With titles and logos of country, Ministry, Center, etc. National Locust Contingency Plan List of concerned ministries Version n°x of day/mm/year

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Cover page

With titles and logos of country, Ministry, Center, etc.

National Locust Contingency Plan

List of concerned ministries

Version n°x of day/mm/year

Locust Contingency Plan « Country »



Signature by relevant national authorities, for instance Ministry of Agriculture

With place, date, full name(s) and title(s) of signatory(ies)

Locust Contingency Plan « Country »

Table of Contents


Table of contents

List of acronyms ...................................................................................... 7

Preamble ................................................................................................. 9

Challenges related to locust issues................................................................................ 9

Bio-ecology of concerned locust species ....................................................................... 9

Preventive locust control strategy and crisis management ............................................ 9

Context ...................................................................................................................... 10

Presentation of the Locust Contingency Plan .............................................................. 10

Definitions ................................................................................................................. 11

Locust Prevention Contingency Plan (LPCP) ............................ 13

Table of Contents .................................................................................. 13

I. Presentation of the national service or center in charge of locust management ................................................................................... 15

II. Locust monitoring and control operations ....................................... 16

III. Locust prevention scenario(s): human, operational and financial means ............................................................................................. 21

IV. Return of experience (REX) and update of the plan ......................... 32

Annexes ................................................................................................ 33

Locust Emergency Contingency Plan (LECP) ............................ 37

Table of contents................................................................................... 37

I. Purpose, activation and implementation modality .......................... 39

II. Locust emergency scenario(s) : human, operational and financial means ............................................................................................. 42

III. National Coordination Body (NCB) .................................................. 47

IV. Return of experience (REX) and update of the Plan ......................... 49

Annexes ................................................................................................ 51

Locust Contingency Plan « Country »

List of acronyms


List of acronyms

In alphabetical order

Locust Contingency Plan « Country »




Challenges related to locust issues

Introduction on the risks associated to locust issues: food security and livelihood, social and economic impact, risks on human health and the environment, financial costs. Examples of last major crises can be provided.

Bio-ecology of concerned locust species

For Italian Locust (CIT), Moroccan Locust (DMA) and Asian Migratory Locust (LMI), brief overview on:

o Main bio-ecological features o Population dynamics and occurrence o Distribution

Preventive locust control strategy and crisis management

a) Preventive control strategy

The best way to manage locusts is prevention, i.e. the so-called locust preventive control strategy. It consists in appropriate monitoring of locust habitats at key periods of their development in order to allow early detection of high locust densities (thresholds to be defined acc. to the species) and appearance, and results in adequate early warning and early reaction. It aims at reducing occurrence and intensity of locust outbreaks and preventing their development into major upsurges.

Alternatives to preventive approach are curative or palliative responses implemented in an emergency context, i.e. when crisis already arose, which is not satisfactory. Preventive approach offers the following comparative advantages:

Reduced damage on crops and rangelands and therefore preservation of food security and livelihood of vulnerable rural communities: appropriately applied preventive approach allows reacting before significant increase of locust populations occur.

Reduced negative impact on human health and the environment: with a locust preventive strategy, control operations can be carried out: a) at an early stage of locust development, both in terms of biology (young hopper instars instead of old ones or adults) and population dynamics (local infestations instead of major outbreak; locust populations having not yet reached full gregarity); and b) ideally when there is no immediate threat on cropping areas. This enables to use slow-acting pesticides (such as Insect Growth Regulator –IGR-, which can applied in barriers against hopper bands, or bio-pesticides) which are less hazardous for human health and the environment than conventional pesticides, or small quantities of conventional pesticides (chemical compounds) on well-defined targets usually located in relatively remote areas, i.e. far from crops and inhabited zones.

Reduced financial costs: experience demonstrates that large-scale control operations are very expensive.

Locust Contingency Plan « Country »



b) Locust crisis management

The locust preventive control strategy does not fully guarantee the absence of major crisis. In particular, if the required surveillance and control measures are not implemented or partly or too late, they do not allow prevention and the locust situation deteriorates. In addition, locust invasion from neighbouring countries is also possible. A crisis situation can therefore occur.

As a consequence, it is important to be prepared in case such crisis occurs, especially because locust management does not involve technical and logistical aspects only but also institutional, organizational and financial ones. The management of a major crisis involves not only the service/center in charge of locust management but a number of other stakeholders. Preparedness is crucial: it allows mobilizing rapidly the required funds and means and thus to respond adequately to the locust crisis.


Information on legal background related to locust management as well as on contingency planning legal tools and emergency funds at the national level, if available.

Presentation of the Locust Contingency Plan

A Locust Contingency Plan is a framework, or a tool, which should help countries to prevent locust emergency or major crisis and, in case they occur, to respond timely and adequately. It should contribute to early warning and early reaction and as such, allow reducing the impact of locusts on food security as well as financial, environmental and social costs of the related locust crisis.

The plan should take into account various possible situations, which require either the implementation of a preventive or a curative or palliative strategy. It should therefore include two components, as described hereafter.

a) Locust Prevention Contingency Plan

The prevention component focuses on the implementation of the locust preventive control strategy by the service/center in charge of locust management at the national level. It is activated on a permanent basis, except in crisis period.

b) Locust Emergency Contingency Plan

The emergency component of the plan should allow the national stakeholders to respond timely and adequately to a locust emergency/crisis. Any locust emergency/crisis involves not only the service/center in charge of locust management but also other stakeholders at the national level and sometimes at the regional or international levels. The emergency plan therefore aims at clarifying the roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders as well as defining in advance the required means to cope with a locust crisis. It is a powerful tool for mobilizing quickly the required funds and means and it also provides with operational protocols to be activated when the crisis occurs.

Locust Contingency Plan « Country »




Definitions of locust situation levels (infestation, outbreak, upsurge, plague, recession and remission) and of main concepts related to contingency planning (Emergency, Crisis, Hazard, Risk, Vulnerability, Prevention, Early warning, Early reaction, Risk management, etc.).

Locust Prevention Contingency Plan (LPCP)

Table of Contents


Locust Prevention Contingency Plan (LPCP)

Table of Contents

I. Presentation of the national service or center in charge of locust management ................................................................................... 15

I.1. Creation and mandate ...................................................................................... 15

I.2. Organisation at central and decentralized levels ................................................ 15

I.3. Partners and agreements .................................................................................. 15

II. Locust monitoring and control operations ....................................... 16

II.1. Locust monitoring and early warning ................................................................ 16

II.1.1. Field surveys: objectives, periods and concerned areas .............................. 16

II.1.2. Survey team mobilization ............................................................................. 16

II.1.3. Survey operations and data collection ......................................................... 16

II.1.4. Data transmission, analysis and reporting ................................................... 17

II.2. Locust control and rapid reaction ...................................................................... 17

II.2.1. Control operations: targets and methods .................................................... 17

II.2.2. Control teams mobilization .......................................................................... 17

II.2.3. Control operations ....................................................................................... 18

II.2.4. Data transmission, analysis and reporting ................................................... 18

II.2.5. Estimate of the maximum control capacities (ha/day & ha/month) of the national service/center in charge of locust control ..................................... 18

II.3. Mitigating and monitoring impact on human health and the environment ......... 19

II.3.1. Mitigation measures..................................................................................... 19

II.3.2. Monitoring measures ................................................................................... 19

II.3.3. Human Health and Environment Monitoring Team (if existing) .................. 19

II.4. Communication Plan......................................................................................... 20

III. Locust prevention scenario(s): human, operational and financial means ............................................................................................. 21

III.1. Human resources .............................................................................................. 21

III.1.1. Staff .............................................................................................................. 21

III.1.2. Training and refreshing courses ................................................................... 21

III.2. Equipment and transportation means ............................................................... 21

Locust Prevention Contingency Plan (LPCP)

Table of Contents


III.3. Infrastructures .................................................................................................. 21

III.4. Budget 21

III.4.1. Scenario 0 (annual reference budget): ... to ... hectares to be treated ....... 22

III.4.2. Scenario 1: ... to ... hectares to be treated ................................................... 28

III.4.3. Scenario 2: ... to ... hectares to be treated ................................................... 28

III.4.4. Focus on operating costs for locust survey and control teams .................... 28

IV. Return of experience (REX) and update of the plan ......................... 32

Annexes ................................................................................................ 33

Annex A 1. Maps ................................................................................................................ 34

Annex A 2. Check-list of equipment required for a survey team ...................................... 34

Annex A 3. Check-list of equipment required for a control team ..................................... 34

Annex A 4. Check-list of equipment required for a human health and environment monitoring team .............................................................................................. 34

Annex A 5. Standard Survey Form ..................................................................................... 34

Annex A 6. Standard Spray Monitoring Form .................................................................... 34

Annex A 7. Standard Human Health and Environment Monitoring Form ......................... 35

Annex A 8. Xxxxx ................................................................................................................ 35

Liste des tableaux du PPRA

Table A 1. Scenario 0: annual budget (summary of fixed and variable costs) ................. 23

Table A 2. Scenario 0 (variable costs): ... to ... hectares to be treated ............................ 25

Table A 3. Scenario 1 (variable costs): ... to ... hectares to be treated ............................ 28

Table A 4. Scenario 2 (variable costs): ... to ... hectares to be treated ............................ 28

Table A 5. Focus on operating costs for locust survey and control teams ....................... 29

Locust Prevention Contingency Plan (LPCP)

I. Presentation of the national service or center in charge of locust management


I. Presentation of the national service or center in charge of locust management

I.1. Creation and mandate

I.2. Organisation at central and decentralized levels

I.3. Partners and agreements

At national level

Ministries other than agriculture (i.e. health, environment, finances, etc.), services (meteorological, etc.) and partners (such as research institutes, non-governmental organisations, etc.).

At regional and international levels

Agreements with:

o Neighbouring countries - Indicate here any multilateral or bilateral agreements on locust issues (which can be inserted in annex or only mentioned)

o Research Institutes, etc. o FAO, international conventions, donors, etc.

Locust Prevention Contingency Plan (LPCP)

II. Locust monitoring and control operations


II. Locust monitoring and control operations

II.1. Locust monitoring and early warning

II.1.1. Field surveys: objectives, periods and concerned areas

Objectives, periods and concerned areas of national field surveys

For each kind of survey and by locust species:

o Early spring survey o Spring-summer survey o Summer survey o Autumn survey

Areas where surveys are usually carried out (maps) and mention of total areas (hectares) to be surveyed by locust species (When? Does it refer to a specific year?).

Joint or cross-border surveys with neighbouring countries

II.1.2. Survey team mobilization

Criteria to mobilize a survey team

Pre-established criteria according to the kind of surveys (incl. systematic/regular observations for instance in KAZ.), results of previous surveys (and kind/period of those surveys), weather conditions, security aspects (remote or desert areas, very rough terrain, mines, etc.), etc.

Standard survey team composition

Staff profile and numbers (plant protection technical staff, scouts, drivers, military escort if necessary, etc.) if already existing or ideal one

How are surveys carried out (ground and/or aerial surveys, etc.)?

II.1.3. Survey operations and data collection

Before departure

Preparation of:

o Teams (per diem, travel from permanent duty station, etc.)

o Transportation means (vehicles, motorcycles…)

o Equipment (fuel, positioning and communication equipment, survey and entomological equipment, camping kits, etc.)

Survey check lists can be provided in Annex.

During field survey

o List of recommendations, procedures, guidelines (incl. on security aspects): list to be provided

Locust Prevention Contingency Plan (LPCP)

II. Locust monitoring and control operations


o Pre-established itineraries within the areas to be surveyed?

o Data collection: which data and on how/which support?

Field observations + other sources of information (local populations, regional administrations, military forces, etc.).

Standard Survey Form (in Annex).

Automated System of Data Collection (ASDC).

II.1.4. Data transmission, analysis and reporting

Telephone, Fax, sms, email, etc.

National reports.

FAO national and regional bulletins on locust situations and management.

Geographical Information System (GIS).

II.2. Locust control and rapid reaction

II.2.1. Control operations: targets and methods

Targets: o Eggs o Hoppers o Imagos

Selection criteria of pesticides, spraying platform and technology Types of pesticides according to targets, type of infested areas, efficacy, speed of action, impact on human health and the environment, presence of sensitive or protected areas, etc. If already stored: expiration date, quality of storage, analysis, germination test (for biopesticide formulated with conidia) EC and ULV technologies/sprayers. Ground (hand-held, backpack, vehicle-mounted, tractor-driven, other) and aerial (hang-glider, ultra-light aircraft, helicopter, fixed-wing aircraft, etc.) spraying platforms

Control methods and techniques According to selected/available pesticides and sprayers: Full cover/barriers treatments. Ground and aerial spraying.

II.2.2. Control teams mobilization

Criteria to mobilize control teams in the field

On which basis, where and when: criteria according to results of surveys (which ones?) and targets, Economic Injury Threshold, weather conditions, security aspects (remote or desert areas, very rough terrain, mines, etc.), etc.

Locust Prevention Contingency Plan (LPCP)

II. Locust monitoring and control operations


Standard control team composition

Staff profile and numbers (plant protection staff, spraying agents, drivers, military escort if necessary, etc.)

II.2.3. Control operations

Before departure

Preparation of:

o Teams (recruitment, per diem, travel, etc.)

o Transportation means (vehicles, motorcycles, trucks, tractors, aircraft…)

o Equipment (fuel, positioning and communication equipment, sprayers, pesticides, other control equipment, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), camping kits, first-aid kits, etc.)

Control check lists can be provided in Annex.

During control operations

o List of recommendations, procedures, guidelines (incl. on security aspects).

o Data collection: which data and on how/which support?

o Efficacy assessment

Standard Spray Monitoring form.

Automated System of Data Collection (ASDC).

II.2.4. Data transmission, analysis and reporting

Transmission means

National reports.

FAO national and regional bulletins on locust situations and management.

Geographical Information System (GIS).

II.2.5. Estimate of the maximum control capacities (ha/day & ha/month) of the national service/center in charge of locust control

Maximum control capacities to be indicated according to available human resources (maximum number of teams/staff that can be mobilized), spraying equipment and transportation means (vehicles, tractors, aircraft):

- Joint survey/control team: number of teams x ha/day = ... ha/day

- Control teams: number of teams x ha/day = ... ha/day

Daily maximum treated area = … ha/day

Monthly maximum treated area = … ha/month x maximum number of day (on average) in which treatment can be carried out.

Locust Prevention Contingency Plan (LPCP)

II. Locust monitoring and control operations


II.3. Mitigating and monitoring impact on human health and the environment

II.3.1. Mitigation measures

List of available recommendations, procedures, guidelines on:

- Spraying operations: implementation, follow-up, assessment - Mapping and respect of protected/sensitive areas - Withholding periods for staff, local populations, livestock and harvest - Storage, handling, transportation of pesticides - Cleaning and disposal of empty pesticides containers - Use, cleaning and disposal of PPE - Local populations information and awareness - Pesticide registration - Pesticide expiry date and analysis - Disposal of obsolete pesticides

II.3.2. Monitoring measures

Human health

Medical follow-up, first-aid kits, cholinesterase kits, available recommendations, individual health passport, procedures and guidelines.


Monitoring of locust control operations: how (regular and with which periodicity? After an incident –splash, spilling, over-dosage…-? Use of Standard form?)

Impact assessment (soil, water, vegetation analysis, pesticide residue sampling), if necessary remedial action and decontamination, etc.

II.3.3. Human Health and Environment Monitoring Team (if existing)


Criteria for team mobilization

When (before/during/after control operations ?) and where? As per pre-established workplan? In case of incident?

Standard team composition

Staff profile and numbers (incl. drivers, military escort if necessary, etc.)

Before departure

Preparation of:

o Teams (travel from duty station, per diem, etc.)

o Transportation means (vehicles, motorcycles…)

Locust Prevention Contingency Plan (LPCP)

II. Locust monitoring and control operations


o Equipment (Fuel, Positioning and communication equipment, Monitoring and sampling equipment, PPE, camping kits, etc.)

Check lists can be provided in Annex.

On monitoring sites

o List of recommendations, procedures, guidelines (incl. on security aspects)

o Data collection: which data and on how/which support?

Human health and Environment Monitoring Form.

Automated System of Data Collection (ASDC).

Data transmission, analysis and reporting

National reports.

FAO national and regional bulletins on locust situations and management.

Geographical Information System (GIS).

II.4. Communication Plan

Communication strategy to be inserted, with a list of main actions to be taken indicating: objective, targets (national authorities, medias, local populations, etc.), timing, responsible officer(s) of the service/center, etc.

Locust Prevention Contingency Plan (LPCP)

III. Locust prevention scenario(s): human, operational and financial means


III. Locust prevention scenario(s): human, operational and financial means

III.1. Human resources

III.1.1. Staff

List of permanent staff :

Table including profiles, titles and duty station of required and available staff (in order to show gap if relevant) as well as names and contact details.

List of temporary staff (seconded or recruited)

Table including profiles, titles and duty station of additional staff as well as names and contact details of potential staff to be temporarily seconded or recruited.

III.1.2. Training and refreshing courses

Review of available competencies, identification of needs and gaps.

List of training courses to be organized, indicating objectives, trainers, beneficiaries, frequency (an ad hoc basis, regularly, for newcomers or as refreshing sessions), timing, number of potential trainees by topic, etc.

Prioritization according to available budget.

III.2. Equipment and transportation means

The purpose is to maintain updated lists of equipment and transportation means, with indication of types, numbers, state (age, failure, maintenance), location/storage warehouse(s) (during and between locust campaigns), etc., thus contributing to have an overview of capacities, to identify gaps and maintenance needs.

III.3. Infrastructures

The purpose is to have updated lists of infrastructures that can be used on a permanent or temporary basis for locust management, at central and decentralized levels.

Such list can include: central and decentralized offices, warehouses, research stations, laboratories, aerodromes and landing strips and any other relevant facilities. It can indicate: owners, venue/location, usual use, characteristics (size, storage capacity, etc.), state, etc. Specific attention should be paid for pesticide storage in appropriate warehouse. This should contribute to have an overview of capacities, identify gaps and maintenance needs.

III.4. Budget

This part is key for planning and resource mobilization purposes.

Locust Prevention Contingency Plan (LPCP)

III. Locust prevention scenario(s): human, operational and financial means


It includes a template annual budget which summarizes both fixed and variable costs (the later to be adapted according to the corresponding scenario).

In addition, this part comprises one or more scenarios, which focus on variable costs and can therefore vary according to the locust situation.

The Locust Prevention Contingency Plan should include at least one scenario, called “Scenario 0”, which is based on a reference annual survey and control plan, to be defined by each country.

However, if deemed appropriate, more scenarios (1, 2, ...) can be included, taking into account the hectares to be treated (thus increasing -or decreasing- infestations), provided that they are considered as being part of the prevention component of the plan, i.e. not defined as an emergency or crisis situation (in such case, the Locust Emergency Contingency Plan would be activated).

Last, this part includes a table describing the operating needs of the various teams required for locust management so that an average cost per team be available.

The objectives of such tables are to anticipate/plan the necessary human, operational and financial means in a given situation, depending on infestations and number of hectares to be treated. The existence of a pre-established reference budget should help mobilizing funds, from the Ministry of Agriculture in first instance.

III.4.1. Scenario 0 (annual reference budget): ... to ... hectares to be treated

The so-called “Scenario 0” is based on a reference annual survey and control plan, which is considered as the most likely to occur.

Locust Prevention Contingency Plan (LPCP)

III. Locust prevention scenario(s): human, operational and financial means


Table A 1.Scenario 0: annual budget (summary of fixed and variable costs)

Category of expenses

Description Amount (currency)/



RUNNING COSTS Plant protection service or service/ center in charge of locust management

Permanent staff costs

Property charges (incl. for electricity and water supply), renting costs, taxes, etc.

Maintenance of property assets

Maintenance of vehicle/aircraft fleet (incl. insurance)

Maintenance of material and equipment (sprayers, etc.)

Maintenance of computer stock

Stationary and office operating costs (incl. telephone and Internet subscription)

Documentation and communication costs

Annual training costs (refreshing)


Sub-total 1


Training costs

Vehicle/aircraft fleet

Technical equipment

New technologies

Office equipment




Sub-total 2

Locust Prevention Contingency Plan (LPCP)

III. Locust prevention scenario(s): human, operational and financial means


VARIABLE COSTS (to be modified according to scenario)


1. Equipment


Transportation means (renting)

Other equipment

2. Operating costs (per diem, fuel and lubricants, etc.) of locust survey and control teams:

Survey teams

Control teams

Joint survey/control teams

Human Health and the Environment Monitoring team

Logistics/Maintenance teams

Coordination/supervision team

3. Temporary staff (honorarium)

4. Training

5. Other costs

Medical expenses


Sub-total 3

TOTAL (1 + 2 + 3)

Locust Prevention Contingency Plan (LPCP)

III. Locust prevention scenario(s): human, operational and financial means


Table A 2.Scenario 0 (variable costs): ... to ... hectares to be treated

Description Needs






Unit cost



(e)=(c) x (d)


1. EQUIPMENT (pesticides, transportation means and others)

Pesticides (L)

EC sprayers

ULV hand-held sprayers (and batteries)

ULV knapsack sprayers

ULV vehicle-mounted sprayers

Trucks Purchase of vehicles should be inserted under investments. This would rather concern short-term renting of vehicles if needed.





Survey equipment

Telephones (and batteries)

Radios (and batteries)

Satellite phone (and batteries)

GPS (and batteries)

Camping kits

Protective clothing (PPE)

First-aid kits

Locust Prevention Contingency Plan (LPCP)

III. Locust prevention scenario(s): human, operational and financial means


Description Needs






Unit cost



(e)=(c) x (d)


Cholinesterase kits

Environmental Monitoring equipment

Other expendable equipment (lump sum for maintenance, repairs, fuel and lubricants, etc.)

IT equipment

S/Total 1


Survey teams

The unit cost of each team should be calculated separately – see Table A5 as a reference.

Control teams

Joint survey/control teams

Human Health and Environment Monitoring Teams

Logistics/Maintenance Teams

Coordination/supervision teams

S/Total 2



Control agents




S/Total 3

Locust Prevention Contingency Plan (LPCP)

III. Locust prevention scenario(s): human, operational and financial means


Description Needs






Unit cost



(e)=(c) x (d)



Field control officers

S/Total 4


S/Total 5

TOTAL (1+2+3+4+5) xxxx

Locust Prevention Contingency Plan (LPCP)

III. Locust prevention scenario(s): human, operational and financial means


III.4.2. Scenario 1: ... to ... hectares to be treated

Table A 3.Scenario 1 (variable costs): ... to ... hectares to be treated

If it is decided that more than one scenario should be inserted in the Locust Prevention Contingency Plan, the same table than above, but with adjusted means corresponding to a different locust situation and related number of hectares to be treated, should be inserted hereafter.

III.4.3. Scenario 2: ... to ... hectares to be treated

Table A 4.Scenario 2 (variable costs): ... to ... hectares to be treated


III.4.4. Focus on operating costs for locust survey and control teams

The below table, which focuses on operating costs for locust survey and control teams, should allow filling the scenarios. As the costs are estimate by team, it is independent from the envisaged scenario.

Locust Prevention Contingency Plan (LPCP)

III. Locust prevention scenario(s): human, operational and financial means


Table A 5.Focus on operating costs for locust survey and control teams

N° Concerned team Standard composition of a team and required inputs

Unit cost Number of required staff/

equipment/ inputs

Cost/ month




Scout (per diem) ***To be inserted only if rented

Driver (per diem)

Other staff (per diem)

Vehicle(s) required *** ***

Motorcycle(s) required *** ***

Fuel (l.)

Lubricant (10% fuel)

Vehicles maintenance (lump sum)

General operating expenses (lump sum)



Field control officer (per diem) ***To be inserted only if rented

Driver (per diem)

Other staff (per diem)

Vehicle(s) required *** ***

Tractor(s) required *** ***

Truck(s) required *** ***

Fuel (l.)

Lubricant (10% fuel)

Vehicles maintenance (lump sum)

General operating expenses (lump sum)

Locust Prevention Contingency Plan (LPCP)

III. Locust prevention scenario(s): human, operational and financial means


N° Concerned team Standard composition of a team and required inputs

Unit cost Number of required staff/

equipment/ inputs

Cost/ month



Scout (per diem) ***To be inserted only if rented

Field control officer (per diem)

Driver (per diem)

Other staff (per diem)

Vehicle(s) required *** ***

Motorcycle(s) required *** ***

Tractor(s) required *** ***

Fuel (l.)

Lubricant (10% fuel)

Vehicles maintenance (lump sum)

General operating expenses (lump sum.)



Expert (per diem) ***To be inserted only if rented

Driver (per diem)

Other staff (per diem)

Vehicle(s) required *** ***

Fuel (l.)

Lubricant (10% fuel)

Vehicles maintenance (lump sum)

Locust Prevention Contingency Plan (LPCP)

III. Locust prevention scenario(s): human, operational and financial means


N° Concerned team Standard composition of a team and required inputs

Unit cost Number of required staff/

equipment/ inputs

Cost/ month


General operating expenses (lump sum)



Logistic Expert or Accountant (per diem) ***To be inserted only if rented

Driver (per diem)

Vehicle(s) required *** ***

Motorcycle(s) required *** ***

Truck(s) required *** ***

Fuel (l.)

Lubricant (10% fuel)

Vehicles maintenance (lump sum)

General operating expenses (lump sum)



Expert (per diem) ***To be inserted only if rented

Driver (per diem)

Vehicle(s) required *** ***

Fuel (l.)

Lubricant (10% fuel)

Vehicles maintenance (lump sum)

General operating expenses (lump sum)

Locust Prevention Contingency Plan (LPCP)

IV. Return of experience (REX) and update of the plan


IV. Return of experience (REX) and update of the plan

The objective is to review and, if necessary, adjust the Plan on a regular basis taking into account the lessons learnt. This is crucial to keep the plan updated and thus relevant. To that end, the review process should be clearly stated: by whom (responsible officers), when (at which frequency/period of the year) and on the basis of which information (monthly and annual reports, bulletins, end-of-campaign meetings, campaign evaluations, constraints met, lessons learnt, etc.).

Locust Prevention Contingency Plan (LPCP)




Annex A 1. Maps ................................................................................................................ 34

Annex A 2. Check-list of equipment required for a survey team ...................................... 34

Annex A 3. Check-list of equipment required for a control team ..................................... 34

Annex A 4. Check-list of equipment required for a human health and environment monitoring team .............................................................................................. 34

Annex A 5. Standard Survey Form ..................................................................................... 34

Annex A 6. Standard Spray Monitoring Form .................................................................... 34

Annex A 7. Standard Human Health and Environment Monitoring Form ......................... 35

Annex A 8. Xxxxx ................................................................................................................ 35

Locust Prevention Contingency Plan (LPCP)



Annex A 1.Maps

This can include:

Map of the country within the whole region

Administrative map

Geographic, topographical and hydrographic maps

Vegetation map

Sensitive and preserved areas

Inaccessible areas (remote or desert areas, border areas, very rough terrain, mines, etc.)

Biotope maps

Traditional locust breeding areas, habitats and hotspots

Regional representations

Infrastructures used for locust management (warehouses for equipment and pesticide storage)


Hospital and health centers

Annex A 2.Check-list of equipment required for a survey team

To be inserted.

Annex A 3.Check-list of equipment required for a control team

To be inserted.

Annex A 4.Check-list of equipment required for a human health and environment monitoring team

To be inserted.

Annex A 5.Standard Survey Form

To be inserted.

Annex A 6.Standard Spray Monitoring Form

To be inserted.

Locust Prevention Contingency Plan (LPCP)



Annex A 7.Standard Human Health and Environment Monitoring Form

To be inserted.

Annex A 8.Xxxxx

Any other relevant Annex for the Locust Prevention Contingency Plan.

Locust Emergency Contingency Plan

Table of Contents


Locust Emergency Contingency Plan (LECP)

Table of contents

I. Purpose, activation and implementation modality .......................... 39

I.1. Purpose ............................................................................................................ 39

I.2. Activation ......................................................................................................... 39

I.2.1. Criteria .......................................................................................................... 39

I.2.2. Responsible body ......................................................................................... 40

I.3. Implementation modality ................................................................................. 40

I.3.1. Interministerial management ...................................................................... 40

Involved ministries ....................................................................................... 40

Other national partners ................................................................................ 40

International partners .................................................................................. 40

I.3.2. Need for a coordination body ...................................................................... 41

I.3.3. Anticipation and advocacy ........................................................................... 41

II. Locust emergency scenario(s) : human, operational and financial means ............................................................................................. 42

II.1. Human resources .............................................................................................. 42

II.1.1. Temporary staff ............................................................................................ 42

II.1.2. Training and refreshing courses ................................................................... 42

II.2. Equipment and transportation means ............................................................... 42

II.3. Infrastructures .................................................................................................. 42

II.4. Budget (according to the scenarios) .................................................................. 42

II.4.1. Scenario 3: ... to ... ha to be treated ............................................................. 42

II.4.2. Scenario 4: ... to ... ha to be treated ............................................................. 46

II.4.3. Scenario 5: ... to ... ha to be treated ............................................................. 46

III. National Coordination Body (NCB) .................................................. 47

III.1. Mandate .......................................................................................................... 47

III.2. Structure .......................................................................................................... 47

III.3. Mandate and main tasks of NCB Head and Units ............................................... 47

IV. Return of experience (REX) and update of the Plan ......................... 49

Locust Emergency Contingency Plan

Table of Contents


IV.1. During the emergency: collect of information .................................................... 49

IV.2. Outside emergency situations: review and update of the plan ........................... 49

Annexes ................................................................................................ 51

Annex B 1. Terms of Reference of the Head of NCB ......................................................... 53

Annex B 2. Terms of Reference of the « Evaluation- Anticipation » Unit ......................... 54

Annex B 3. Terms of Reference of the « Operations, Logistics et Transmission » Unit ... 55

Annex B 4. Terms of Reference of the « Human Health and Environment » Unit ........... 56

Annex B 5. Terms of Reference of the « Communication » Unit...................................... 57

Annex B 6. Terms of Reference of the « Administrative and Finances » Unit/service ..... 58

Annex B 7. Xxxxx ................................................................................................................ 59

Liste des tableaux du PNUA

Table B 1. Scenario 3 (variable costs): ... to ... hectares to be treated ............................ 43

Table B 2. Scenario 4 (variable costs): ... to ... hectares to be treated ............................ 46

Table B 3. Scenario 4 (variable costs): ... to ... hectares to be treated ............................ 46

Table B 4. Organization of the National Coordination Body (NCB) .................................. 48

Locust Emergency Contingency Plan

I. Purpose, activation and implementation modality


I. Purpose, activation and implementation modality

I.1. Purpose

The purpose of the Locust Emergency Contingency Plan is to organize and coordinate the national and, if necessary, international required means to address an emergency locust situation or crisis (i.e. when those included in the Locust Prevention Contingency Plan become insufficient).

To do so, this plan clarifies the roles and responsibilities of the various stakeholders. It informs in advance on the required means for a locust crisis. It defines all the actions to be taken for an efficient management of an emergency or crisis and it provides to the officers in charge of locust management a set of well-defined operational references and protocols to be applied. It is also a powerful tool for mobilizing quickly the required funds.

I.2. Activation

I.2.1. Criteria

At the national level, the risk related to locusts depends on the locust situation, which is by definition evolving: the shift from a recession situation to an outbreak and then an upsurge or major upsurge (and vice-versa) requires several years for the Italian, Moroccan and Asian Migratory Locusts. There are different steps corresponding to different situations which require appropriate reactions: from preventive control (during which the Locust Prevention Contingency Plan is implemented) to curative or even palliative control.

The Locust Emergency Contingency Plan must be activated when an emergency situation appears and before it becomes a crisis. The degree of emergency of a locust situation depends on two factors :

(a) the extent of the infestations (both observed and anticipated); and

(b) the capacities of the national service/center to manage population dynamics.

The emergency plan is activated optionally in case of locust emergency and necessarily in case of crisis (declaration of national disaster) and is implemented for the whole duration of the emergency or the crisis.

This part should include the criteria, adapted to the national context, for activating the Locust Emergency Contingency Plan, i.e.:

(a) The extent of observed and/or anticipated infestations; and

(b) The fact that the national service or center in charge of locust management does not have the sufficient human, operational and financial capacities which are included in the corresponding scenario.

In this case, the situation requires additional extraordinary means to successfully address and solve the emergency or crisis.

Locust Emergency Contingency Plan

I. Purpose, activation and implementation modality


I.2.2. Responsible body

The Ministry of Agriculture being the primary responsible body in charge of locust management, it is therefore the Ministry for Agriculture which should be entitled to activate the Locust Emergency Contingency Plan.

The mechanisms to activate the emergency should be defined here according to the national context – for instance, it can be the Minister of Agriculture, upon recommendation of the Head of the Plant Protection Department or of the Locust Center, recommendation of a supervisory board, etc.

If necessary, it is also the Ministry for Agriculture which should launch an appeal to the technical and financial partners and officially request support for the preparation, coordination and/or implementation of the emergency response, i.e. to mobilize financial resources and/or technical assistance.

I.3. Implementation modality

I.3.1. Interministerial management

While the Locust Prevention Contingency Plan should be implemented primarily by the service/center in charge of locust management, a locust emergency/crisis involves a number of stakeholders.

Involved ministries

The list of the ministries (and of the relevant department or services) involved in a locust emergency/crisis should be provided here and the roles of each of them specified: Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Health, Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, etc.).

An Annex, to be kept updated, should also provide the names of both the heads and the technical focal points of those departments or services, together with the necessary contact details (address, telephone, fax, e-mail).

Other national partners

All other national partners which can be associated to the locust emergency/crisis management should be listed, such as institutes, laboratories, non-governmental associations, private sectors, etc.

International partners

The international partners as well as the existing bilateral and multilateral agreements on locust issues should be indicated. This includes:

o Neighbouring countries;

o Regional and international organizations, such as FAO

o Other technical and financial partners/donors

o Institutes, laboratories, non-governmental associations, etc.

Locust Emergency Contingency Plan

I. Purpose, activation and implementation modality


I.3.2. Need for a coordination body

The Ministry of Agriculture is primarily involved in the response to any locust emergency or crisis. However, considering that an interministerial management is required, a specific National Coordination Body (NCB), led by the Ministry of Agriculture, would need to be created. This body would gather all concerned actors, independently from their origin (Ministry of agriculture, of other ministries, etc.), to ensure a coordinated management of the emergency/crisis and the availability of all required competencies (see Part III on the NCB).

Organigram to be inserted here: how does the NCB relates to the Ministries.

I.3.3. Anticipation and advocacy

In case of forthcoming emergency or crisis due to unfavourable development of the locust situation, the necessary time to gather all stakeholders, either at the national and/or international levels, and to obtain additional means should be taken into consideration.

Such ANTICIPATION should therefore take into account the time required to:

Mobilize high-level authorities in the Ministry of Agriculture;

Inform other ministries and any other stakeholders at national and, if relevant, international levels (for instance FAO);

Officially activate the Locust Emergency Contingency Plan;

Set up the National Coordination Body (NCB);

Mobilize financial resources;

Procure additional equipment, including pesticides;

Obtain operational support from various ministries and stakeholders (equipment, transportations means, etc.);

Mobilize additional staff, either by secondment from various ministries or recruitment;

Timely deliver appropriate training to seconded and newly-recruited staff;


With reference to mobilization of funds, ADVOCACY measures should be identified well in advance and in particular the procedures to ask for additional funds should be clarified. This should include how to request:

additional funds at the State level (relevant Ministries, Cabinet of ministers, Prime Minister, President, etc.), including access to any existing emergency contingency funds, and the approval process;

FAO assistance;

donor assistance;

neighbouring countries’ assistance (in the framework of which agreement...), etc.

Locust Emergency Contingency Plan

II. Locust emergency scenario(s) : human, operational and financial means


II. Locust emergency scenario(s) : human, operational and financial means

For each locust emergency/crisis situation, a specific scenario is prepared depending on hectares to be surveyed/treated. This means that the human, operational and financial needs are identified in advance, thus allowing early planning, resource mobilization and in fine the timely organization and implementation of field survey and control operations.

II.1. Human resources

II.1.1. Temporary staff

Taking into account the table of available permanent staff, the table of temporary staff needed in a given emergency/crisis situation needs to reviewed and adjusted according to the related scenario (number of hectares to be treated).

II.1.2. Training and refreshing courses

List of training courses to be organized, indicating objectives, trainers, beneficiaries, frequency (an ad hoc basis, regularly, for newcomers or as refreshing sessions), timing, etc. Prioritization according to available budget.

II.2. Equipment and transportation means

On the basis of the updated list of existing equipment and transportation means (prepared under the Locust Prevention Contingency Plan), needs should be identified in advance for a given emergency/crisis situation, i.e. a specific scenario corresponding to a certain number of hectares to be treated.

Particular attention should be paid to the equipment and transportation means that could be seconded by other department(s) of the Ministry of Agriculture or by other ministries in a locust crisis situation.

II.3. Infrastructures

In addition to the list prepared under the Locust Prevention Contingency Plan, particular attention should be paid here to infrastructures (at central and decentralized levels) that could be temporarily mobilized from other ministries in case of a locust emergency/crisis situation.

II.4. Budget (according to the scenarios)

The same tables than in the Locust Prevention Contingency Plan are used here but they are adapted to the various identified locust situations and corresponding scenarios. The number of scenarios is to be defined at the national level according to the context.

II.4.1. Scenario 3: ... to ... ha to be treated

The same tables than in the Locust Prevention Contingency Plan are used here but they are adapted to the various identified locust situations and corresponding scenarios

Locust Emergency Contingency Plan

II. Locust emergency scenario(s) : human, operational and financial means


Table B 1. Scenario 3 (variable costs): ... to ... hectares to be treated

Description Needs






Unit cost



(e)=(c) x (d)


1. EQUIPMENT (pesticides, transportation means and others)

Pesticides (L)

EC sprayers

ULV hand-held sprayers (and batteries)

ULV knapsack sprayers

ULV vehicle-mounted sprayers

Trucks In an emergency/crisis situation, both purchase and renting of vehicles could be envisaged here – to be specified.





Survey equipment

Telephones (and batteries)

Radios (and batteries)

Satellite phone (and batteries)

GPS (and batteries)

Camping kits

Protective clothing (PPE)

First-aid kits

Locust Emergency Contingency Plan

II. Locust emergency scenario(s) : human, operational and financial means


Description Needs






Unit cost



(e)=(c) x (d)


Cholinesterase kits

Environmental Monitoring equipment

Other expendable equipment (lump sum for maintenance, repairs, fuel and lubricants, etc.)

IT equipment

S/Total 1

Survey teams

The unit cost of each team should be calculated separately – see Table A5 as a reference.

Control teams

Joint survey/control teams

Human Health and Environment Monitoring Teams

Logistics/Maintenance Teams

Coordination/supervision teams

S/Total 2



Control agents




S/Total 3

Locust Emergency Contingency Plan

II. Locust emergency scenario(s) : human, operational and financial means


Description Needs






Unit cost



(e)=(c) x (d)



Field control officers

S/Total 4


S/Total 5

TOTAL (1+2+3+4+5) xxxx

Locust Emergency Contingency Plan

II. Locust emergency scenario(s) : human, operational and financial means


II.4.2. Scenario 4: ... to ... ha to be treated

Table B 2. Scenario 4 (variable costs): ... to ... hectares to be treated


II.4.3. Scenario 5: ... to ... ha to be treated

Table B 3. Scenario 4 (variable costs): ... to ... hectares to be treated


Locust Emergency Contingency Plan

III. National Coordination Body (NCB)


III. National Coordination Body (NCB)

III.1. Mandate

The mandate of the National Coordination Body (NCB) is to coordinate the response to the locust emergency or crisis which implies an interministerial management.

III.2. Structure

The National Coordination Body comprises the NCB Head as well as different specialized units. Each unit is managed by a Head of unit and includes responsible officers and relevant experts.

The proposed units are as follows:

« Evaluation- Anticipation » Unit ;

« Operations, Logistics et Transmission » Unit;

« Human Health and Environment » Unit;

« Communication » Unit;

In addition, there should be an « Administrative and Finances » unit or service, which also ensures the secretariat of the NCB Head.

III.3. Mandate and main tasks of NCB Head and Units

The mandate and main tasks of the NCB Head and Units are presented in the below tables.

Detailed Terms of Reference to be inserted in Annex.

Locust Emergency Contingency Plan

III. National Coordination Body (NCB)


Table B 4. Organization of the National Coordination Body (NCB)

National Coordination Unit (NCB)

Units: NCB Head Evaluation- Anticipation

Operations, Logistics et Transmission

Human Health and Environment

Communication Administration- Finances-


Mandate : Approve the locust management strategy, ensure NCB supervision and coordination

Evaluate the locust situation, anticipate its evolution and propose adapted strategy and operational objectives

Identify control operations to be carried out, manage human and operational means required for field operations, coordinate field work and ensure data transmission

Ensure protection of human health and environment against risks associated with pesticides

Ensure appropriate information of authorities and organize relations with medias and other stakeholders

Manage human and financial resources (budget/expenses), ensure funds mobilization and provide secretariat

Main tasks : Strategy




- Locust situation

- Definition of the strategy, for NCB Head approval


- Forecast

Operations - Tactical and operational implementation of survey and control plan, as approved by NCB Head

Logistics - Management of field staff and teams - Coordination, availability and pre-positioning of transportation means and equipment - Etc.

Data transmissions

Human Health - Staff - Local populations


Communication with authorities

Communication with Média

Communication with other stakeholders

Human resources management

Budget management

Funds mobilization


Locust Emergency Contingency Plan

IV. Return of experience (REX) and update of the Plan


IV. Return of experience (REX) and update of the Plan

Like the Locust Prevention Contingency Plan, the Locust Emergency Contingency Plan needs to be evaluated, reviewed and updated regularly. This should be done on a regular basis in order to keep it as an updated, thus useable tool. Such review should also occur when a potential emergency/crisis is foreseen as well as after it has occurred.

IV.1. During the emergency: collect of information

During the emergency, there is no time to update the Locust Emergency Contingency Plan. However, it is important to collect the information which will serve to review and improve it after the crisis. The mechanism to collect such information should be explained here. For instance, it may be done by each unit of the National Coordination Body and/or collected by a designated staff.

IV.2. Outside emergency situations: review and update of the plan

Post-crisis evaluation

After an emergency/crisis has occurred, the implementation of the emergency plan needs to be evaluated to improve the management of any future emergency/crisis. The results and lessons learnt should be included in the emergency plan.

The evaluation process should be clarified as follows:

By whom?

In which situations/when?

In contact with which entities?

On the basis of which information (sources): information collected during the crisis as well as reports of NCB head and units, meeting minutes, communication support, survey and control forms, bulletins, field team reports, interviews, end-of-crisis meetings, etc. ?

Preparation of an evaluation report, identifying success, failures and lessons learnt?

Improvement of the emergency plan.

Update on a regular basis and simulation exercises

The process to review the emergency plan should also be done on a regular basis in the absence of crisis, with a view of keeping it updated (thus useable). Such process should be clarified as follows:

By whom (responsible officers)?

At which frequency and/or in which situations/when?

On the basis of which information (reports, evaluation, simulation exercises, etc.)?

In addition, during calm periods, simulation exercises can also be carried out, at a frequency to be defined. This allows testing the emergency plan, including the functioning of the National Coordination Body, in presence of all potential actors.

Locust Emergency Contingency Plan

IV. Return of experience (REX) and update of the Plan


Update as an anticipation of a foreseen crisis

When a locust emergency or crisis is foreseen, it is appropriate to update the plan as soon as possible. Such update will not concern the structure of the plan but rather allow to check that the information regarding staff, equipment, transportation means and infrastructures is up to date. The following should be indicated here:

By whom (responsible officers)?

At which frequency and/or in which situations/when?

On the basis of which information: reports, contact with other ministries, etc.

Locust Emergency Contingency Plan




Annex B 1. Terms of Reference of the Head of NCB ......................................................... 53

Annex B 2. Terms of Reference of the « Evaluation- Anticipation » Unit ......................... 54

Annex B 3. Terms of Reference of the « Operations, Logistics et Transmission » Unit ... 55

Annex B 4. Terms of Reference of the « Human Health and Environment » Unit ........... 56

Annex B 5. Terms of Reference of the « Communication » Unit...................................... 57

Annex B 6. Terms of Reference of the « Administrative and Finances » Unit/service ..... 58

Annex B 7. Xxxxx ................................................................................................................ 59

Locust Emergency Contingency Plan

Annex B 1


Annex B 1.Terms of Reference of the Head of NCB

Terms of Reference

Head of the National Coordination Body


Approve the locust management strategy, ensure NCB supervision and coordination

Main tasks :







... ...



... ...



... ...

Locust Emergency Contingency Plan

Annex B 2


Annex B 2.Terms of Reference of the « Evaluation- Anticipation » Unit

Terms of Reference

Evaluation- Anticipation Unit


Evaluate the locust situation, anticipate its evolution and propose adapted strategy and operational objectives

Main tasks :






... ...



... ...

Locust Emergency Contingency Plan

Annex B 3


Annex B 3.Terms of Reference of the « Operations, Logistics et Transmission » Unit

Terms of Reference

Operations, Logistics et Transmission Unit


Identify control operations to be carried out, manage human and operational means required for field operations, coordinate field work and ensure data transmission

Main tasks :



Data transmissions


Operations ...

... ...



... ...

Data transmissions


... ...

Locust Emergency Contingency Plan

Annex B 4


Annex B 4.Terms of Reference of the « Human Health and Environment » Unit

Terms of Reference

Human Health and Environment Unit


Ensure protection of human health and environment against risks associated with pesticides

Main tasks :

Human Health



Human Health


... ...



... ...

Locust Emergency Contingency Plan

Annex B 5


Annex B 5.Terms of Reference of the « Communication » Unit

Terms of Reference

Communication Unit


Ensure appropriate information of authorities and organize relations with medias and other stakeholders

Main tasks :

Communication with authorities

Communication with Media

Communication with other stakeholders


Communication with authorities


... ...

Communication with media


... ...

Communication with other stakeholders


... ...

Locust Emergency Contingency Plan

Annex B 6


Annex B 6.Terms of Reference of the « Administrative and Finances » Unit/service

Terms of Reference

Administration- Finances- Secretariat Unit/Service


Manage human and financial resources (budget/expenses), ensure funds mobilization and provide secretariat

Main tasks :

Human resources management

Budget management

Funds mobilization



Human resources management


... ...

Budget management


... ...

Funds mobilization


... ...

Secretariat ...

... ...

Locust Emergency Contingency Plan

Annex B 7


Annex B 7.Xxxxx