Narrative Chart

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  • 8/11/2019 Narrative Chart



    05/31/07...2245...Pt 4 hours postoperative: awakens easily: oriented X3 but

    groggy. Incision site in front of L ear extending down and around ear andinto neck-approximately 6" in length - without dressing. No swelling or

    bleeding, bluish discoloration below L ear noted, sutures intact. Jackson

    Pratt drain in L neck below ear with 20 mL bloody drainage measured.

    Drain remains secured in place with suture and anchored to L anterior

    chest wall with tape. Pt denied pain but stated she felt nauseated and

    promptly vomited 100 mL of clear fluid. Pt attempted to get OOB to

    ambulate to bathroom with assistance but felt dizzy upon standing.

    Assisted to lie down in bed. Voided 200 mL clear, yellow urine in bedpan.

    Pt encouraged to deep-breathe and cough QH and turn frequently in bed.

    Antiembolism pads applied to both lower extremeties. Explanations given

    re: these preventive measures. Pt verbalized understanding.---------------

    Joe Schmoe, RN

    05/31/07...2255...Pt continues to feel nauseated. Compazine 10mg I.M.

    given in R gluteus maximus.----------------------------------------------Joe

    Schmoe, RN

    05/31/07...2335...Pt states she is no longer nauseated, remains pain free.

    No further vomiting. Pt demonstrated taking deep breaths and coughingeffectively.------------------------------------------------------------------Joe

    Schmoe, RN

    Example for NG insertion. 16 F NGT placed with ease through the

    right nares using clean technique after prep with cetacaine spray

    and xylocaine jelly for pt comfort. Placement checked perauscultation and return of gastric contents. 100 ml yellow liquid

    gastric contents returned immediately. NG connected to LIWS per

    order. Pt tolerated the procedure well and vital signs remain

    within normal limits.

  • 8/11/2019 Narrative Chart


    Prior to documenting the placement procedure, of course you would also need to

    document what the patient looked like ie: why they needed intubated, then any

    medications that were given to relax or sedate the patient. Don't forget the soft

    restraint documentation if you are using those. Most places require separate papersfor soft restraints or safety devices.

    For an ET I will usually chart this: 8.5 ET tube placed successfully after two

    attempts per respiratory or MD (whichever). Placement initially checked by

    positive breath sounds bi-lat and positive end tidal Co2. Stat x-ray ordered

    to confirm placement. Tube placed 22 at the lip and tube secured. Pt's SpO2

    now 98% and pt's color is pink, patient is warm and dry.

    Then you would chart either the patient is being bagged per RT or pt placed

    on a vent and be sure to document the vent settings. If there is anythingsuctioned from the lungs you would need to document the consistancy, the

    color and the amount.

    Narrative Nursing Notes:10/13/2010. 1735. Chief complaint: SOB. Age 28,Orient x3. HR 70 BPM (pacemaker), Respiration 20,BP: 100/60 mmHg, O2:95%. Dimished breath sounds, crackles in lower right lung. T 37.0 C. PT

    inserted, 600 mL of urine, dark yellow,clear, no odor. Unable to walkwithout assistance. Unable to move from chair to bed withoutassistance.Breathing with nasal canunli. O2is humidified. PT states nopain, 0 on pain scale, but 4-5 when pressureulcer is bothering him.Pressure ulcer on sacral area. Did not assess. PEARLA. Can respond tocommands.Hearing loss in left year. Motor responses are +2. No facialdrooping noticed. Skin tugor: dehydrated,cool to touch. Notable edema onlower extremities, Pitting on lower leg. Pedal purse difficult to feel

    07:30 Alert, awake, orientated to person place and time. Follows commands. Skin

    warm and dry. Respirations

  • 8/11/2019 Narrative Chart


    unlabored @18. Apical Pulse = 82, regular. Bowel Sounds absent. Hand grasps equal.

    @ 4L via nasal cannula. IV

    D5/1/2NS infusing @100 to R forearm via pump. Site clean and dry with no swelling or

    redness. Abdominal dressing

    dry and intact. Foley draining clear amber urine. Compression boots in place. TEDS in

    place. Bed in low position,

    call bell in reach, siderails CNS

    Documenting diet.

    The amount of fluid in CCs is recorded in the I&O sheet. In the narrative note document

    the type of diet, percentage

    consumed, and any pertinent information :

    08:00 Took 100% of low sodium, soft diet. Had difficulty swallowing chopped meat._M.

    Nurse, BCNS

    Documentation of complete physical assessment.

    Complete your assessment before 9 a.m. and before giving any medications or

    treatments. It may not all be

    actually completed at the same time, but document it in one paragraph making sure that

    any abnormal or

    critical findings are documented and reported immediately.

    Ask the patient specifically when he had last BM. In addition to stating of stating no

    complaints of

    constipation diarrhea or flatus, describe your patients specific status.

    0830 Awake, alert, oriented to person, place & time. Skin warm and dry. Turgor recoil

    brisk. Face symmetrical.

    PERRLA. EOM intact. Follow spoken commands. Mucous membranes pink & moist.Swallows without difficulty. Neck supple, trachea midline, carotids equal, no lymph

    nodes palpated. JVD (-) @ 45. Respirations even and

    unlabored, rate 16. Breath sounds clear bilaterally & A&P. Apical Pulse=72, regular.

    Abdomen soft, non-tender, bowel

  • 8/11/2019 Narrative Chart


    sounds present in all 4 quadrants. No complaints of constipation, diarrhea, flatus.

    States last BM yesterday evening.

    Urine amber, no complaints of burning. MAE without difficulty. Peripheral pulses 2+.

    Homans sign (-). Capillary

    refill brisk. Bed in low position, call light within reach.



    Documentation of hygiene care:

    Most institutions have a check-off list of nursing interventions for hygiene, such as back

    care, pedicure, Foley care,

    mouth care. However, they should be included in a narrative note. Also indicate how

    much of the care the patient

    did independently and any pertinent observations.

    09:30 Complete bath care given with mouth care, peri-care, Foley care, back care.__M.

    Nurse, BCNS

    Documenting ambulation:

    Describe gait, strength, amount of assistance needed, how tolerated.

    09:30 OOB to chair with the assistance of two staff members. Gait steady, but slow.Ambulated in hallway 5 minutes.

    C/O feeling tired., assisted back to

    bed________________________________M. Nurse, BCNS

    Documenting a problem such as pain:

    State the problem, what was done to solve it, and record result.

    10:15 States sharp pain points to LLQ of abdomen, 8 on a scale of 1-10. States gets a

    little better when lying on leftside. Respirations 20. Demerol 75 mg IM R ventral gluteal site by M. RealNurse, RN.

    Side rails

    position, call light in reach. M. Nurse, BCNS

    and the result (or evaluation of whether your intervention was successful):

  • 8/11/2019 Narrative Chart


    11:00 States pain 3 on scale of 1-10. Watching TV.__________________M. Nurse,


    Documenting a physician visit, a test, therapy, treatment, specimen:

    10:30 Dr. Jones in to see patient._________________________________M.

    Nurse, BCNS

    10:40 To x-ray via w/c for chest x-ray_____________________________M.

    Nurse, BCNS

    11:45. Sputum Specimen to lab.__________________________________M.

    Nurse, BCNS

    12:00 Abdominal dressing change. 8" midline, vertical abdominal incision well-

    approximated. Staples intact. No

    redness, swelling or drainage noted. Dry sterile dressing applied._________M. Nurse,



    Verify status of your patient and include safety check

    12:15 States pain almost gone, now a 1 on 1-10 scale. Husband visiting. Watching TV.

    Side rail

    reach, bed in low position.___________________________________M. Nurse,
