Napoleon: Foreign Policy and Downfall

Napoleon: Foreign Policy and Downfall

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Napoleon: Foreign Policy and Downfall. European Conquest. Peace of Amiens between England and France (1802) Divorced after 1 year Napoleon begins disrupting- Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, and Italy Attempts to disrupt British supremacy in India-War ensues (1803) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Napoleon: Foreign Policy and Downfall

Napoleon: Foreign Policy and Downfall

Page 2: Napoleon: Foreign Policy and Downfall

Peace of Amiens between England and France (1802) Divorced after 1 year Napoleon begins disrupting- Holland, Belgium,

Switzerland, and Italy Attempts to disrupt British supremacy in India-War

ensues (1803) Battle of Trafalgar off coast of Spain England remains undisputed supremacy of the seas

European Conquest

Page 3: Napoleon: Foreign Policy and Downfall

Coalition against Napoleon resurrected-England, Austria, Russia, and Sweden

Napoleon defeats Austrians at Ulm (Oct. 20, 1805)

Defeated Russian troops at Austerlitz Treaty of Pressburg- Austria surrenders Italy Napoleon recognized as King of Italy


Page 4: Napoleon: Foreign Policy and Downfall

Prussia assumes Germanic supremacy Napoleon unifies Southern Germanies into

“Confederation of the Rhine” Napoleon named as Protector Ended the antiquated Holy Roman Empire Under Treaty of Pressburg, Germanic states

loyal to Napoleon remained independent

Consequences of Austria’s Defeat

Page 5: Napoleon: Foreign Policy and Downfall

Prussian Emperor Frederick William III remained neutral

Received Electorate of Hanover Prussian military leader, Duke of Brunswick,

attacks France Prussia’s army completely destroyed by

Napoleon Napoleon marches into Berlin as Frederick

William III flees

Prussia’s Fall

Page 6: Napoleon: Foreign Policy and Downfall

Treaty of Tilsit (1807)- Czar Alexander I seeks peace as Napoleon moves to invade

Napoleon accepted as master if Western Europe

Napoleon’s brother Jerome rules over Duchy of Warsaw and Kingdom of Westphalia

Russia kept control of Eastern Europe after promising to help in trade war with England

Russian Bear’s Alliance to France?

Page 7: Napoleon: Foreign Policy and Downfall

Restricted importation of British goods to Europe and key European goods to England

Berlin Decree of November 1806- blockade of British Isles

All French ports closed to Britain and her colonies

England retaliates by declaring all ships trading with France ripe for capture

Although meant to cultivate European economic independence from England, actually caused economic hardship for all

Continental System

Page 8: Napoleon: Foreign Policy and Downfall

Invades Portugal after Portugal refuses to join Continental System

Conquers Spain and places his brother, Joseph on the throne as King of Spain

Peninsula War- Spain rebels, with English help, and pushes Joseph out across Pyrennies

France’s distraction with Spain causes Austria to declare war yet again (April 1809)- Austria loses…again

Napoleon divorces Josephine and marries daughter of Francis II of Austria

Height of Power 1808-1812

Page 9: Napoleon: Foreign Policy and Downfall

Due to distrust of Napoleon, Czar Alexander I violates Tilsit and trades with Britain

France declares war on Russia Russian forces use scorched earth method Napoleon forced to retreat from Moscow Europe avenges itself! Battle of Natims (1813) Napoleon retreats to France, troops desert

his army, the Confederation of the Rhine collapses

“Never Start a Land War in Asia”

Page 10: Napoleon: Foreign Policy and Downfall

Napoleon abdicates and is exiled to Elba Congress of Vienna convenes- Bourbons

restored to power March 1, 1815- Bonaparte returns, but is put

down yet again at Waterloo June 18, 1815 by Wellington and von Blucher

Exiled to St. Helena Dies 1821- Murdered?? Natural Causes???

The Fall