The Rise of Napoleo n


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Page 1: Napoleon

The Rise of


Page 2: Napoleon


• Sent to military school at age 10

• Started in the artillery as a 16 year old lieutenant

• When the revolution broke out he joined the New Republic's Army

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His Accomplishments

• His legen began in 1795 when he put down a Royalist threat

• 1796 the Directory appointed Napoleon General of the French Army against Austria and Sardinia

• He soon swept into Italy and won a series of victories

• Soon he became the most famous general in France.

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Napoleon’s Coup

• Directory quickly loses faith of the people• In 1799, Napoleon takes control of France by force and assumed a

dictatorship• He became emperor by using the plebiscites-election where you

vote yes or no• He won with overwhelming support. France wanted a strong central

leader• Through a series of victories, Napoleon controls almost all of


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Reasons for His Success

• It is a citizens army

• Excellent mobility (good cavalry, strike-retreat)

• They live off the land

• They look good, very intimidating.

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His Domination of Europe

• By 1810, Napoleon’s empire stretched from the Atlantic Ocean to Russia

• As he marched across Europe, he eliminated serfdom, introduced religious tolerance, and spread the ideals of liberty and equality. (Influenced by…?)

• Napoleon thought that he was invincible

• At this time he set up universal laws known as the Napoleonic Code

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His First Mistake

• He cut off all trade between Britain and the rest of Europe

• Napoleon thought that this would cripple Britain.• The plan backfired when British formed a

blockade to stop all French imports• This hurt France and angered Napoleon’s allies

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His Second Mistake

• Napoleon misjudged the power of nationalism

• Nationalism fueled insurrection in Germany and Spain

• Napoleon lost over 300,000 men to Spanish and German guerrillas.

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His Third Mistake • Napoleon invaded

Russia because the Czar refused to stop selling grain to Britain

• He expect his larger army to defeat Russia inferior army.

• The Russians retreated towards Moscow and burned everything as they went (Scorched-earth policy).

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His Third Mistake Continued

• The worst winter in 100 years hit Russia• The Russian’s completely burned Moscow.• Napoleon lost over 400,000 men in his retreat.

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An Injured Napoleon

• Sensing that Napoleon had been fatally weakened, Britain formed a Grand Alliance against France.

• Goal: Take back land Napoleon conquered

• Within a year the allies had defeated France and exiled Napoleon.

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The End of His Reign• In 1815, he escaped

from Elba and returned to France for 100 days

• A wave of enthusiasm swept through France upon his return

• Thousands again joined Napoleon’s army

• When British and Prussian armies rushed towards France, Napoleon met them at Waterloo.

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Waterloo• After a long battle,

Napoleon’s troops retreated

• This ended Napoleon’s last bid for power

• The British exiled Napoleon to the island of Helena and he died 6 years later

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Congress of Vienna

• Goals– Restore balance of power– Restore as many of the old monarchies as possible– Compensation

• France was deprived of all territory conquered by Napoleon.

• Coalition forces would occupy France for 3-5 years

• France would pay indemnity of 700,000,000 francs.

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