대중교통 전주터미널(고속·시외버스) 하차 시 고속버스터미널, 불교회관 시외버스터미널에서 1000버스 이용 남고사입구 하차 국민은행금암지점에서 429, 785, 752, 725버스 이용 국립무형유산원정류장 하차 190버스 이용 남고사입구 하차 기차역 하차 시 전주역첫마중길 정류장에서 1000버스 이용 남고사입구 하차 택시 이용(20소요) 국립무형유산원 55101 전라북도 전주시 완산구 서학로 95 경기전 Gyeonggijeon 풍남문 Pungnam mun 싸전다리 사거리 Ssajeondari Crossroads 전동성당 Jeondong Cathedral 전주교육대학교 Jeonju National University of Education 전주성심여자고등학교 Jeonju Sungsim Girls' Highschool 전주향교 Jeonju Hyanggyo 전주천 Jeonju cheon 남천교 사거리 Namcheongyo Crossroads 전주자연 생태관 Jeonju Ecomuseum 오목교 Omokgyo 전주한옥마을 Jeonju Hanok Village 전주한벽문화관 Jeonju Hanbyeok Culture Hall 남고사입구 정류장 Namgosa Stop 국립무형유산원 정류장 NIHC Stop 서편 West parking 동편 East parking 오시는 길 공연문의 및 예약 공연예약 : 국립무형유산원 누리집 www.nihc.go.kr 공연문의 : 063–280–1500, 1501 * 전석 무료 공연(공연 7일 전부터 예약 가능) Staff 기획연출 하윤아 무대감독 박준평 기계감독 라경채 음향감독 이재정, 장현석 조명감독 박재섭, 최영웅 하우스매니저 전소라, 서혜진 자가용 경부고속도로 동전주IC 호남고속도로 전주IC 이용 주차 서편 주차장 : 50동편 주차장 : 100*주차요금은 무료입니다. 70 2020년 6월 24일 수요일 저녁 7시30분 국립무형유산원 얼쑤마루 대공연장

Namcheongyo Crossroads NIHC Stop Ssajeondari Crossroads

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Special Performance for Commemorating
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Janggu Dance
Based on Choi Seung-hee’s Janggu dance, this is North Korea’s national dance reframed following the historical background. It is a representative dance piece that shows the beauty of Pyongyang with delicate facial expressions and elegant dance moves in a slow rhythm, together, with cheerfulness in a fast rhythm.
Jaenggang Dance
Modernizing Choi Seung-hee’s dance, Jaenggang dance is a North Korean national dance in which several dancers come out to, wearing metal bracelets on their wrists and making a “Jaenggangjaenggang.” Such an attractive dance accompanies with diverse Korean traditional rhythms.
<Jeonjangga>, <Susimga>, <Yangsando> in Seodo Sori
National Intangible Cultural Heritage No. 29
Seodo Sori is a folk song that has been handed down from Hwanghae Province and Pyeongan Province. Seodo Sori is a song that emphasizes the vibration of voice, so generally many instruments are not accompanied. <Susimga(Song of Anxiety> is a representative song of Seodo Sori, which expresses women’s sorrow, and <Jeonjangga(Song of War)> is drawing feelings of struggles during war, longing for a family with lament voice. <Yangsando> is triple time song with lyrics about love and longing for lover by introducing the scenery of Pyongyang, including Daedong River, Bubyeokru, and Neungrado.

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Boat Song, Holo Arirang(Arirang Alone)
Sohaegeum is a North Korean stringed instrument that was modernized in the 1960s and is now designated as a national treasure of North Korea. <Boat Song>, called as “Song of the Sea” in North Korea, is a folk song about the lives and joys of fishermen on the Korean Peninsula and is loved by many North Koreans. <Holo Arirang(Arirang Alone)> is a popular song that depicts the pain of the divided Korean peninsula, dreaming “We become one” from Baekdu Mountain to Halla Mountain. It is a piece that shows harmony of Sohaegeum.
The Lion Dance, Neokduri Dance in Bukcheong Saja Noreum
(Lion Mask Dance of Bukcheong)
National Intangible Cultural Heritage No. 15
Bukcheong Saja Noreum is a mask play performed on the Great Full Moon Day in the Bukcheonggun area: it has been playing on the fifteenth of the first lunar month every year, centering on the provincial government building area. <The Lion dance> is a mask play of the gods, praying for peace, as well as repelling evil spirits by walking around the village. <Neokduri Dance> is a dance in which women in Bukcheong region gathered at the Namdaecheon Stream and danced in a big circle, making it exciting.
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Girl on the Swing, Ryonggang Kinari
Modified Saenap(Tapyeongso), Jangsaenap is a North Korean musical instrument which was developed in the 1970s. Jangsaenap is widely played as a solo instrument because of its loud volume and rich expression. <Girl on the Swing> is arranged piece of North Korea’s representative modern folk song ‘Girl on the Swing Girl’ into Jangsaenap solo. As the musical instrument, ‘Jangsaenap’ was first introduced to the world through this song. It expresses the excitement and attractiveness inherent in Korean. < Ryonggang Kinari> is one of the most popular folk songs from Pyeongan Province and spread throughout the country. With ‘Kinari’ as the introduction, ‘Taryeong’ takes up important part, and even a powerful rhythm is unfold.
Kim Baek Bong Fan Dance
Five North Korean Intangible Cultural Heritage-South Pyeongan Province No.3
As a representative Korean modern dance, Kim Baek Bong Fan Dance was first created and performed by Kim Baek Bong in 1945. The philosophy of the dance comes out from various dance moves that consist of smooth curves and harmony of yin and yang, and the unique aesthetic techniques of fan dance that expresses Korean emotions deeply.
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Folk Song of South Hamgyeong Province / arranged by Jon Kwon
Meaning as round and round, it is a folk song from Bukcheong area in Hamgyeong Province, which is similar to Ganggangsullae in South Korea. “Dondolari” was arranged in various pieces for modern dance, pop music, and violin. Today’s arrangement version is the work of people’s artist, Jon Kwon, a pianist and composer of Pyongyang School of Music and Dance, and the Bocheonbo Electronic Emsemble.
Arirang Sonata
Korean folk song / arranged by Kim Cheol-woong
Arirang is a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, designated as National Intangible Cultural Heritage No. 129. The representative folk song for Korean, “Arirang,” is arranged by Pianist Kim Cheol- woong, who expressed the resentment of his life in consideration of the freedom of expression for North Koreans. It is his representative piece, which is touching audiences by performing at large and small festivals at home and abroad.