PHI} Ll)C so 05 APPENDIX 05 BAa cAa TlNH HlNH QUAN TRl CONG TY , REPORT ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE (Ban hann kem theo Thong tu s6 155/2015/TT-BTC ngay 06 thdng 10 ndm 2015cua B6 Tai chinh huang ddn c/ing b6 thong tin tren thi truong chung khodn) (Promulgated with the Circular No 155/2015/TT-BTC on October 06, 2015 of the Ministry of Finance guiding the Information disclosure on securities markets) CONG TYCP THEP CONG HOA xA HOI CHU NGHiA VIET NAM . . . DANA-V THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Company name BQc l~p - Tl! do - Hanh phuc Independence - Freedom - Happiness s6:A.oD ../DNY No. Da N8ng, ngay 20 thang 07 nam 2018 ...... , day month year . BAo cAo TINH HINH QUA.N TRJ CONG TY NIEM YET REPORT ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OF LISTING COMPANY (6 thang /nam) (6 months/year) Kinh giri: - Uy ban Chimg khoan Nha mroc - Sa Giao dich Chung khoan To: - The State Securities Commission - The Stock Exchange - Ten cong ty niem yStlName oflisting company: CONG TY CP THEP DANA-V - Dia chi tru sa chinh/Address of headoffice.Duong 11B, KCN Thanh Vinh, Phuong Hoa Khanh Bac, QU9n Lien Chieu, Thanh ph6 Da N8ng -Dien thoai/ Telephone: 0236. 3841967 Fax: 0236.730718 Email: - V6n di~u l~/ Charter capital: 269.995.170.000 d6ng - Mll clnrng khoan/ Securities code: DNY I. Hoat dQng cua Dai hQi dang cB dong/Activities of the General Meeting of Shareholders Thong tin v~ cac cuoc hQP va Nghi quyet/Quyet dinh cua Dai hoi d6ng c6 dong (bao gom ca cac Nghi quyet cua Dai hoi d6ng c6 dong duoc thong qua diroi hinh thuc l~y y kien bang van ban)/ Information on meetings and resolutions / decisions of the General Meeting of Shareholders (including the resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders adopted in the form of written comments): Stt S6 Nghi quyet/ Quyet dinh Ngay NQi dung No. Resolution/Decision No. Date Content 01 89/2018/NQ-HDQT 29/04/2018 Dai HQi dong c6 dong thuong ~L ~~--~~r----

NAM cong ty 6 thang dau nam 2018...Da N8ng, ngay 20 thang 07 nam 2018..... , day month year . BAo cAo TINH HINH QUA.N TRJ CONG TY NIEM YET REPORT ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OF LISTING

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Page 1: NAM cong ty 6 thang dau nam 2018...Da N8ng, ngay 20 thang 07 nam 2018..... , day month year . BAo cAo TINH HINH QUA.N TRJ CONG TY NIEM YET REPORT ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OF LISTING

PHI} Ll)C so 05APPENDIX 05


(Ban hann kem theo Thong tu s6 155/2015/TT-BTC ngay 06 thdng 10 ndm 2015cua B6 Taichinh huang ddn c/ing b6 thong tin tren thi truong chung khodn)

(Promulgated with the Circular No 155/2015/TT-BTC on October 06, 2015 of the Ministry ofFinance guiding the Information disclosure on securities markets)


Company name BQc l~p - Tl! do - Hanh phucIndependence - Freedom - Happiness

s6:A.oD .. /DNYNo.

Da N8ng, ngay 20 thang 07 nam 2018...... , day month year .


(6 thang /nam)(6 months/year)

Kinh giri: - Uy ban Chimg khoan Nha mroc- Sa Giao dich Chung khoan

To: - The State Securities Commission- The Stock Exchange

- Ten cong ty niem yStlName oflisting company: CONG TY CP THEP DANA-V

- Dia chi tru sa chinh/Address of headoffice.Duong 11B, KCN Thanh Vinh, Phuong HoaKhanh Bac, QU9n Lien Chieu, Thanh ph6 Da N8ng

-Dien thoai/ Telephone: 0236. 3841967 Fax: 0236.730718 Email:

- V6n di~u l~/ Charter capital: 269.995.170.000 d6ng

- Mll clnrng khoan/ Securities code: DNY

I. Hoat dQng cua Dai hQi dang cB dong/Activities of the General Meeting of Shareholders

Thong tin v~ cac cuoc hQP va Nghi quyet/Quyet dinh cua Dai hoi d6ng c6 dong (bao gom cacac Nghi quyet cua Dai hoi d6ng c6 dong duoc thong qua diroi hinh thuc l~y y kien bang vanban)/ Information on meetings and resolutions / decisions of the General Meeting ofShareholders (including the resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders adopted inthe form of written comments):

Stt S6 Nghi quyet/ Quyet dinh Ngay NQi dungNo. Resolution/Decision No. Date Content

01 89/2018/NQ-HDQT 29/04/2018 Dai HQi dong c6 dong thuong

~L ~~--~~r----

Page 2: NAM cong ty 6 thang dau nam 2018...Da N8ng, ngay 20 thang 07 nam 2018..... , day month year . BAo cAo TINH HINH QUA.N TRJ CONG TY NIEM YET REPORT ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OF LISTING

nien 2018

II. HQi d[)ng quan tr] (Bao cao 6 thang/namj/ Board of Management (Semi-annuaVannualrepor~):

1. Thong tin v~ thanh vien HQi d6ng quan tri (HDQT)/ Information about the members of theBoard of Management:

Stt Thanh vien HDQT / Chirc Ngay b~t S6 buoi Ty l~ tham Ly doNo. BOM's member Vl)I d~U/khong con h9P HDQT dir hop/ khong

Positio la thanh vien tham d\l'/ Percentage tham dun HDQT/ Day Number of hop/

becoming/no attendance Reasonslonger member forof the Board of absenceManagement

OnglBa Mr./Ms .


Ong IMr Huynh VanChu 22/02/2008 6l. tich 0%Din


2. Ong IMrNguy€n Chi Chu 01105/2016 6 0%Kien tichHDQTThanh

3. OnglMr H6 Nghia Tin vien 3010612013 6 0%HDQT

BalMs Phan Thi ThaoThanh

4. vien 3010612013 6 0%SuangHDQT

I Ong/Mr Phan Xuan Thanh5. vien 30106/2013 6 0%


2. Hoat dong giam sat cua HDQT d6i voi Ban Giarn d6c/ Supervision by the BOD over theDirector (General Director): Thuong xuyen

3. Heat dong cua cac ti~u ban thuoc HQi d6ng quan tri/ Activities of the Board of Directors'committees: Thuong xuyen

4. Cac Nghi quyet/Quyet dinh cua HQi dong quan tri(Bao cao 6 thang/namj/R l . /D .. if h B d if D· (S If, l ~eso utzons ectsions 0 t e oar 0 irectors emi-annua annua reports :

Stt S6 Nghi quyet/ Quyet dinh Ngay NQi dungNo. Resolution/Decision No. Date Content

III. Ban ki~m soat (Bao cao 6 thang/namj/ Supervisory Board/Semi-annual/annual reports):

------IL ~.---

Page 3: NAM cong ty 6 thang dau nam 2018...Da N8ng, ngay 20 thang 07 nam 2018..... , day month year . BAo cAo TINH HINH QUA.N TRJ CONG TY NIEM YET REPORT ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OF LISTING

1. Thong tin vS thanh vien Ban Ki~m soat (BKS)I Information about members of SupervisoryBoard'

Stt Thanh vien BKS Chirc vu Ngay b~t S6 buoi hop Ty l~ tham Ly d~No. Members of Supervisory Position diulkhong con BKS tham du hQP khong

Board la thanh vien dV Percentage tham duBKS Number of hQPDay attendance Reasons

becoming/no forlonger member absence

of theSupervisory


BalMs Huynh Thi Loan Truong 30106/2013 0 0BanKi~mScat

Ong/Mr Huynh Duy Thanh 30106/2013 0 0Cuong Vien

BalMs Pham Thi Thu Thanh 30106/2013 0 0Suong Vien

2. Hoat d9ng giam sat cua BKS d6i voi HDQT, Ban Giam d6c diSu hanh va c6 dongSurveillance activities of the Supervisory Boardtoward the Board of Management, Board ofDirectors and shareholders: Thuong xuyen

3. Su phoi hop hoat dong gifra BKS d6i voi hoat dong cua HDQT, Ban Giam d6c dieu hanhva cac can b9 quan ly khac/ The coordination among the Supervisory Boardwith the Board ofManagement, Board of Directors and different managers: Thuong xuyen

4. Hoat dong khac cua BKS (neu c6)1 Other activities of the Supervisory Board(if any):

IV. Dao tao v~ quan tr] cong tyl Training on corporate governance:

Cac kh6a dao tao vS quan tri cong ty ma cac thanh vien HDQT, thanh vien BKS, Giam d6c(T6ng Giarn d6c) diSu hanh, cac can b9 quan ly khac va Thir ky cong ty dll tham gia theo quydinh vS quan tri cong tyl Training courses on corporate governance which members of Boardof Management, members of the Supervisory Board, Director (CEO), other managers andcompany secretary was involved in accordance with regulations on corporategovernance: Thuong Xuyen

V. ,Danh sach v~ ngU'iri co lien quan cua cong ty niem y~t theo quy djnh tai khoan 34Dieu 6 Lu~t Chung khoan (Bao cao 6 thang/nam) va giao djch cua ngutri co lien quancua cong ty v6'i chinh Cong ty 1List of affiliatedpersons of the public company as specifiedin clause 34, Article 6 of the Securities Law (Semi-annual/annual reports) andtransactions of affiliatedpersons of the Company with the Company)

1. Danh sach ve nguoi c6 lien quan cua cong tyl List of affiliatedpersons of the Company

ST Ten t6 chirc/ca Tai Chirc S6 Dia Thai Thai Ly doT nhfulName of khoan vu tai Giay chi tru di~m diem Reason

No. organizati giao cong ty NSH*, s6 b~t diu khong son/individual dich (neu ngay chinh/ ia con ia


Page 4: NAM cong ty 6 thang dau nam 2018...Da N8ng, ngay 20 thang 07 nam 2018..... , day month year . BAo cAo TINH HINH QUA.N TRJ CONG TY NIEM YET REPORT ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OF LISTING


chung co) cap, Dia nguoi nguoikhoan Positio nO'l chi co lien co lien

(neu co) n at the cap lien h~ quan quanSecuriti compan NSH Addres Time Time

es y (if No. *, s of oftrading any) date of startin endingaccount issue, g to be to be(ifany) place affiliat affiliat

of ed edissue person person

1 Huynh Van Tan Chli 20089 l35 22/021tich 3496 nguye 2008HDQT ;27/04 n Van

12005 Linh,tp Da

CA N~ngTP DaN~ng

2 Phan Thi Thao Thanh 20088 l35 301061I SUO'I1g vien 1069 nguye 2013

HDQT ;28/04 n Van(Ph6 /2005 Linh,Tfmg tp DaGiam CA N~ngD6c) TP Da


..,H6 Nghla Tin Thanh 20002 87 301061.)

vien 2237 Tnrng 2013HDQT ;12/05 Nil(Ph6 /2000 VironT6ng g, tpGiam CA DaD6c) TP Da N~ng


4 Nguyen Chi Kien Thanh 20111 24 01/051vien 1584, Ti~u 2016HDQT l3/071 La, Tp

2000 Da

CA Nang

TP DaN~ng

5 Phan Xuan Thi~n Thanh 20091 34110 301061

----L- ~-r___

Page 5: NAM cong ty 6 thang dau nam 2018...Da N8ng, ngay 20 thang 07 nam 2018..... , day month year . BAo cAo TINH HINH QUA.N TRJ CONG TY NIEM YET REPORT ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OF LISTING


,-vien 4071 B~c 2013HDQT ;29/07 D~u,

/1999 Tp Da ,N~ng


6 Huynh Thi Loan Tnron 20002 71 30/06/g ban 5955 Hai 2013kiem ;27/12 Phongscat /2008 , tp

DaCA N~ngTP DaN~ng

7 Huynh Duy Thanh 20139 114 30/06/Cirong vien 6268 Pham 2013

Ban ;14/07 ro,Ki~m /2009 TP DaScat N~ngCA

TP DaNang

8 Pham Thi Thu Thanh 20135 39 30/06/Suang vien 6190 Blii 2013

Ban ;05/02 Vi~n ,Ki~m /2009 Tp DaSoat N~ngCA

TP DaNang

9 Tr§.n Mai Thi Be K~ 20132 Hoa 01/031Li~u Toan 7018; Khanh 2008

Tnron 15/091 Nam.g 2010 Q

LienCA Chieu,TP Da tp DaN~ng N~ng

Ghi chit/Note: S6 Gidy NSH*: S6 CMND/H9 chidu (d6i voi cci nhdn) hoac S6 GCN dang IcYdoanh nghiep, Gidy phep hoat dong hoac gidy ta phap If tuong duong (d6i vai t6chuc)/NSH: In case of individual: ID card/Passport No.; In case of organization: License of

---.L ~,-

Page 6: NAM cong ty 6 thang dau nam 2018...Da N8ng, ngay 20 thang 07 nam 2018..... , day month year . BAo cAo TINH HINH QUA.N TRJ CONG TY NIEM YET REPORT ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OF LISTING

establishment and operation/Certificate of business registration/equivalent legal documents.

2. Giao dich gifra cong ty voi nguoi co lien quan cua cong ty; hoac gifra cong ty voi c6 dong16n, nguoi noi bo, ngiroi co lien quan cua nguoi nQi bQ/ Transactions between the companyand the affiliated persons or between the company and major shareholders, internal personsand related person of internal person.


ST Ten t6 M6i quan sf> Dia Thai sf>Nghi sf> GhiT chirc/ca h~ lien Giay chitrv di~m quyet/ IUQ1lg,ty chu

No. nhan quan voi NSH*, So' giao Quyet l~ n~m NotName of cong ty n&ay chinh/ dich voi dinh cua gitt co eorganiza Relations cap" Dia cong ty DHDC phieu

tion/ hip naicap chi Time of D/ sau khiindividua NSH lien transacti HDQT .. giao dich

I No.*, h~ ons . thong Number,date of Addre qua (nSu ownershiissue, ss cO,neu pplace ro ngay proporti

of issue ban on ofhanh) shares/fu

Number ndof certificat

resoluti es holdons/ after the

decision transactis of the onAGM/BOM

adopted(if any,specifydate ofissue)

Ghi chu/Note: s6 Giay NSH*: s6 CMND/H9 chdu (a6i voi ca nhdn) hoac s6 GCN dang leYdoanh nghiep, Gidy phep hoat a9ng hoac gidy to phap If; tuong duong (a6i voi t6 chuct/NSH*: In case of individual: ID card/Passport No.; In case of organization: License ofestablishment and operation/Certificate of business registration/equivalent legal documents.

3. Giao dich gitra ngiroi nQi bQ cong ty niem ySt, ngiroi co lien quan cua nguoi noi bQ voicong ty con, cong ty do cong ty niern ySt n~ quyen ki~m soat/ Transaction between internalperson of listed company and company's subsidiaries, or the company in which listed

t k t II"company a es con ro lnf!..power

Stt Nguoi Quan h~ Chtrc sf> Dia Ten Thai sf> IUQ1lg, GhN thuc voi vu tai CMND/H chi cong ty di~m ty l~ nam 1

o. hien nguoi CTNY Qchieu, Addr con, giao gifr co chgIaO nQibQ Positti ngay c~p, ess cong ty dich phieu sau Udich Relation on at noi cap do Time of khi giao No


Page 7: NAM cong ty 6 thang dau nam 2018...Da N8ng, ngay 20 thang 07 nam 2018..... , day month year . BAo cAo TINH HINH QUA.N TRJ CONG TY NIEM YET REPORT ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OF LISTING

I I Transact ship listed ID CTNY transac dich/ teion with compa card/Pass narn tion Number,

executor internal ny port No., quyen ownershiperson date of kiem , p

issue, soatNam proportioplace of eof nof

issue subsidia shares/furies, the ndcompany certificat

which es holdlisted after the

company transacticontrol on


4. Giao dich gifra cong ty voi cac d6i tUQTIgkhac/ Transactions between the company andother objects

4.1. Giao dich gifra cong ty voi cong ty mil thanh vien HDQT, thanh vien Ban Ki~m soat,Giam d6c (Temg Giam d6c) di~u hanh dff va dang la thanh vien sang l~p hoac thanh vienHDQT, Giam d6c (T6ng Giam d6c) di~u hanh trong thai gian ba (03) nam tro lai day (tinh taithai di~m l~p bao cao)/ Transactions between the company and the company that members ofBoard of Management, members of the Supervisory Board, Director (CEO) has been afounding member or members of Board of Management, Director (CEO) in three (03) years(calculated at the time of reporting).

4.2. Giao dich gitra cong ty voi cong ty mil ngiroi c6 lien quan cua thanh vien HDQT, thanhvien Ban Ki~m scat, Giam d6c (T6ng Giam d6c) di~u hanh la thanh vien HDQT, Giarn d6c(T6ng Giam d6c) di~u hanh/ Transactions between the company and the company thatrelatedperson of members of Board of Management, members of the Supervisory Board,Director (CEO) as a member of Board of Management, Director (CEO).

4.3. Cac giao dich khac cua cong ty (neu c6) c6 th~ mang lai loi ich v~t ch&thoac phi v~t ch&td6i voi thanh vien HDQT, thanh vien Ban KiSm soat, Giam d6c (T6ng Giarn d6c) di~u hanh/Other transactions of the company (if any) may be beneficial material or immaterial formembers of Board of Management, members of the Supervisory Board, Director (CEO).

VI. Giao djch c6 phieu ciia ngutri nQi bQ va ngu'(),i lien quan ciia ngU'Oi nQi bQ (Bao cao 6thang/nam)/ Transactions of internalpersons and related person of internal person (Semi-annuaVannualrepor~)

1. Danh sach nguoi noi b<)va ngiroi c6 lien quan cua nguoi noi b<)/List of internalpersonsd hei tffili d


an t etr a 1 late tpersons

Stt H9 ten Tfti Chirc vu S6 Dia chi S6 c6 Tyl~sa GhiNo. Name khoan tai cong ty CMND/ lien h~ phieu sa hfru c6 chu

giao dich (neu c6) H<) Addres huu phieu cuoi Notchung Position chien, s cu6iky ky ekhoan at the ?gfty Number Percentage

(neu c6) company cap, noi of of shareSecuritie (if any) dpiD shares ownerships trading card/Pas owned at the endaccount sport at the of the

-----,L- ~ ~r---

Page 8: NAM cong ty 6 thang dau nam 2018...Da N8ng, ngay 20 thang 07 nam 2018..... , day month year . BAo cAo TINH HINH QUA.N TRJ CONG TY NIEM YET REPORT ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OF LISTING

(ifany) No., date end of periodof issue, theplace of period

issue r

1 Huynh Chli tich 2008934 135 1.349.9 5%Van Tan HDQT 96 nguye 99

;27/04/2 n Van

005 Linh,tp Da

CA TP NangDaN~ng

Phan Ngiroi 2008810 135 4.333.4 16,05%Thi lien quan 69 nguye 99Thao ;28/04/2 n VanSuong 005 Linh,

tp DaCA TP N~ngDaNang

2 Phan Ph6 T6ng 2008810 135 4.333.4 16,05%Thi Giam 69 nguye 99Thao D6c ;28/04/2 n VanSuong 005 Linh,

tp DaCA TP NangDaNang

Huynh Nguoi 2008934 135 1.349.9 5%Van Tan lien quan 96 nguye 99

;27/04/2 n Van

005 Linh,tp Da

CA TP NangDaNang

Phan Ngiroi 2009140 34/10 0,05%Xuan lien quan 71 B~cThi~n ;29/07/1 D~u,

999 Tp DaN~ng


---'L~~ ~~~~==~ ~================~

Page 9: NAM cong ty 6 thang dau nam 2018...Da N8ng, ngay 20 thang 07 nam 2018..... , day month year . BAo cAo TINH HINH QUA.N TRJ CONG TY NIEM YET REPORT ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OF LISTING


Phan Nguoi 2000259 214 i.e 1,1%Duan,

,Thi lien quan 54Thuy ;26/08/2 tp BitLi€u 008 N~ng

CA TPBitN~ng

Phan Ngiroi 2000259 44/8 1,5%Thi lien quan 53 B~cThuy ;18/11/1 B~u,Van 999 Tp Bit

N~ngCA TPBitN~ng

Phan Nguoi 2000259 71 Hai 0,1%Thi lien quan 55 PhongThuy Ai ;27/12/2 , Tp

008 BitN~ngCA TP


Phan Nguoi 2001852 03 B~c 52.325 0,2%Xuan lien quan 45; B~u,Kien 17/12/2 tp Bit

008 N~ng

CA TPBitN~ng

Phan Nguoi 2013286 T6 60, 85.184 0,3%Xuan lien quan 76 p.ChinL('>c ;23/05/2 h

009; Gian,Tp Bit

CA TP N~ngBitNang

Page 10: NAM cong ty 6 thang dau nam 2018...Da N8ng, ngay 20 thang 07 nam 2018..... , day month year . BAo cAo TINH HINH QUA.N TRJ CONG TY NIEM YET REPORT ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OF LISTING


3 H6 Ph6 T6ng 2000222 87 323.99 1,2%Nghla Giam 37 Tnrng 9Tin D6c ;12/05/2 Nfr ,

000 Vuong, tp Da

CA TP N~ngDaN~ng

4 Nguyen Thanh 2011115 24 0 0%Chi vien 84, Ti€uKien HDQT 13/07/2 La, Tp

000 Da

CA TP N~ng


5 Phan Tru6ng 2009140 34110 16.199 0,05%Xuan phong 71 B~cThi~n V~tTu ;29/0711 DAu,

999 Tp DaN~ng


Phan Nguai 2008810 135 4.333.4 16,05%Thi lien quan 69 nguye 99Thao ;28/04/2 n VanSuang 005 Linh,

tp DaCA TP NangDaN~ng

Huynh Ngiroi 2008934 135 1.349.9 5%Van Tan lien quan 96 nguye 99

;27/04/2 n Van

005 Linh,tp Da

CA TP N~ngDaN~ng

Phan Nguai 2000259 214 Le 298.34 1,1,%Thi lien quan 54 DuAn, 9

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Thuy ;26/08/2 tp DaLieu 008 N£ng

CA TP ,DaNang

Phan Nguoi 2000259 44/8 404.99 1,5%Thi lien quan 53 B~c 9Thuy ;18/1111 DAu,Van 999 Tp Da

N£ngCA TPDaN£ng

Phan Nguoi 2000259 71 Hili 32.399 0,1%Thi lien quan 55 PhongThuy Ai ;27/12/2 , Tp

008 DaN£ngCA TP


Phan Ngiroi 2001852 03 B~c 52.325 0,2%Xuan lien quan 45; DAu,Kien 17/12/2 tp Da

008 N£ng


Phan Nguoi 2013286 T6 60, 85.184 0,3%Xuan lien quan 76 p.ChinL<)c ;23/05/2 h

009; Gian,Tp DaCA TP N£ng


Huynh Truong 2000259 71 Hili 0 0%Thi ban kiem 55 Phong,Loan soat ;27/12/2 tp Da

008 N£ng .

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CA TPf)aN~ng ,

Huynh Thanh 2013962 114 0 0%Duy vien Ban 68 Phl;tmCirong Kiem ;14/07/2 Tu, TP

SoM 009 DaN~ng


Pham Thanh 2013561 39 Bui 0 0%Thi Thu vien Ban 90 Vi~n ,Suang Ki~m ;05/02/2 Tp Da

SoM 009 N~ng


Tr~n K~ Toan 2013270 Hoa 0 0%Mai Thi Truong 18; KhanhBe Lieu 15/09/2 Nam.

010 Q LienChien,CA TP tp Da

Da N~ngN~ng

2. Giao dich cua nguoi noi bl) va nguoi co lien quan d6i voi c6 phieu cua cong ty niem y€t/Transactions of internal persons and affiliated persons on shares of the listed company

Stt Ngiroi Quan h~ S6 c6 phieu sa hfru S6 c6 phieu sa htru Ly doNo thirc hien voi ngiroi d~uky cu6i ky tang,

giao dich nl)i bl) Number of shares Number of shares giamTransacti Relationsh owned at the owned at the end of (mua,

on ip with beginning of the the period ban,executor internal period chuy~n

person d6i,

Page 13: NAM cong ty 6 thang dau nam 2018...Da N8ng, ngay 20 thang 07 nam 2018..... , day month year . BAo cAo TINH HINH QUA.N TRJ CONG TY NIEM YET REPORT ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OF LISTING

S6 c6 Ty l~ S6 c6 Ty l~ thuong ...

phieu Percentag phieu Percentag )Reasons

Numbe e Numbe e for, increase,rof rof

decreaseshares shares (purchase, sale,switch,

reward. ..)

VII. Cac v§n d~ c§n luu y khac/ Other significant issues


(Ky ten va dong ddu)60 Sign and seal)

00 539,
