V... 70, Na 20,070. WA.8HINGTON. D. c. rUhSDAY, OC~TOBER 6. 188L TWO CENTS a ergs --- DAILY. =L' . W1th , AT T=H STAN l4ILDIDg . 11a I -- ii h8 Aims. 1ft i6 or no zna* $w.r Yew a 41- a M. LytswAN31, ? .vL am u; es. a POW S. ? It I" wrAa In ..rM M .al...1 .. D r sale \I wr/.r ca u nr ..ees.at, .t 1Y cwt. Week. ar v.r it rata. CoeMa at tl. ea.m.f any .w4 - ow Per van" _ WIM f. a p wre wled Slot iLYOI 1 I! ...d N the Pvas (mice a& Re.ib i ... DAL. = ..t.adi.s ataY setter. w All ate.I.ahecrieyeae meal M taY l" ad".af. ban of edemllaa. WAS" known on assemillow FINA'cCIAL wAMXOTOSA Asp Th 00 - C.C"TAL" SLOWUL ?Ympnry ad1e..: 105111.1. 'a s. as. .Dt a.salrfli.rtlw. w5A1 IT DOM as Tron6ft alm. Adr.:aisea..r. daarJi.a. ME 400L ewg 2 _. I.ra.. l aL.,, at c. 00ALl cayat1 rK1 r1 aaP ii s is .. il.M fwV*& d N a tlam. ja~ +" CAUJ. OOH WHIT! 103 ISTOS3A?11 3. J(1HH row-Ml. It,. Pi. L Wx. B. HOHIW.N. Ser....ry. 19 Wx. H. 0Uu/.Iy. iv...arw. 1$ $0? D1*I UTRD THAT THY. EQ[TITA$LH w /Inseam. Society 1. The moan." ..d uar orb More hers... tsa.a may aI.er cam.s" In 00 W.d4 1 - s a...n .archs and but Inr t .1Ml. Oh.s aaa sad 1 WE:.1ad YOU the "1rMt a...err In Year sae.. rw1..Mi A..at. 1 i .. L - - -- : M as the .[ce of HaiMI " a tie e lh0 "See O.Miar, 11w1. M aul I. caatt*W.pa 4 s" d y to dale thwfM tsti: tM ts.i .tack .M U Mold ; .wca .i alw be takesat e mthe M &thf...Ma Lama t: ad ?raw con. hai1i1a1r. elrr .1 Jtu and a it... W. IM-1 1i.: au. r Uw oic. at Ii. )ldM*y and Owi aa JIo. 7 C1.1,..a .... tl.wa. UL el::*Mcs ahaii be awn iha .al.wli.i me verb ..&..nb.r sic4 nae/w a n..a . of bw eaw.nyti. . A [yams d 10 1por a" of r. aawtt ealrcr.Gw1 w W we ta.auad at Me shoo f aekta. tl+ rnL. rwtl.a Trial root ofe.rM.l OWL' iluxrlos A.DW1H W fl ie.1 GA *AHICVLTH. M HUAJ Mind. S. AAAX*. 003400913 1 H o111CH DOOM 105 WT r. arm halides of a. wwN/afl.. less .M Oa... a.raer a. aa. l .. 1,y .sea moo awmA esmftn hr mw Who and a low M ma stow aw... tisMafa... dt ovum to a..." tl.lr...l..a ..)OH, Ile S. WAH>tRL 1wY.aL N E DE1051? OOY1A11 01 W ABHIDi6TO1. s H 005. MIN WT. AIIDlAW 105E AT& ..1.1.d 1g.O.tia1 as of 000M M JaaaarY °_.' 1017 awOSd,.d oriel r an Ccpa s Useftw I ,1L 'Isaract. tl. hW.ia.t. a" TsVST COMPASY 11 MI SM arfo .0.aaei.a AM. tM lw.mafe AACINGa D"IL Aad of a Y1s DAWwIT W3AI1L 55s x11.1.IUA UA DO'1 AiH Asa..a.ea - sdmoiai..r.Mr..-a.. aftl...- ttMmafsl...Ac aeitt.eof The a.Y.waf Hsw.q Weaver..rip.. aw.a..:w.. t. . ai .aY eada.aq R.a.s.e* atsa.Y deposits is some at TM ?a i.loesed aad alb... tatae.e.lb..... Leas asae0 ap..e smsmawsodwild...ic. a,. Safi aw-sl.m...1 ast.M sad .tier e.C.errlla Hraa.0ILYkA w A1:E mA sal heels of VALE. AM' La up.s da .odt is capk:oas .Moses wa1M.f d.e.si1NR. AmeHiflrt.a.Ms..555.51 pM amass 0M1.w-DeSf feat 11a.s t. 1asmsal.r pilemolfta s additi.a to ihimm 8rai.ra..M.. aced es. N 1Sth day .4 such awash. Ue 1M l.s haranw d.1 w waa stoats 'LID yeMme.Arst...coai and shoal dwe of sub steer si l.aleame.0NaduIsAasb s.1 Mahe Y.turrtaeat: 1Teew. at. HE11aA>,ti_. r. a.:YDHwI t ice nee.xn:s. Ot&al.i C. UW.?A 1fuL iNtitt x. Jo Wile Os..eL 1111+..'K. H. 1/HAtula SI00S A1.HiHT I- L_ IsYAHZ Lrrc. t. re: IP. Snyder. Leas. C. Hehtaeo, lll..rt tltart..t+aal AIY..w Mil... SPECIAL VarlCE. OFFICE O I COLUMBIA , Q. Oe1 ..... .M.tl" t s.b.kw.S td.. _ws..e. s sd e .ai.eraayw-.d w t i. "~ coullpow t.7 s W. creem 0.l.i.r p s"1 i'rari tt_ d i.t lwoil HeO w w9 some" of an t.r. tMi as --m em ar beftm W 3wm"wzot Alm "Lwow As p......1.aub1.a te the r.Y deft ft, -. N .mItt.Irrw+at.wftiOv w1S.I Strs M .....aw .dl_ N Lw. AM AM .Z.w =Yaw. newsiew, . s1sQS. Soaa B rl. _ nom. C. . a ... Et. V " L>W IL OLiAS! T...Y.A WIng tD OO117M U ..d mW r b.ab r sweet w 7..r vN1 umb ar.s. W. vatic aspa. s1b a.wAm balk eewr tour wdatiar MSTALlMMVING PAIXT..M aattl.bd to OW balm me no w, nges s..r"Wwvs..f. sOSONASD i sOLdow. wls+.sn car. a. .' ...a a...w. TRAJWK . w.. ew.q d ALL n GOLD TL= OL*TTBIB AND NOT ALL WATOOS Asti T DwrywattI..sII..o.*p.ld wlt N.waai.d'_ d my "w.. ..w. Sr.d.sb L... t1.aa.M aa.wwa uft So IL L 06sm mum, vim ma aI aMMMiwttwtt...s A. L SALTxorxm is.. B1AS00ASr a J5 AU=AGM WAsaM i reaft O.R Mods am r..4aa..NuW. !I laam l ..dswRtAEOYiLOS 1IISSACfs. W a M YOT Ill OiDt;s IIs.*....O ..a L...la. ad I. beat tw. Mm L&IsaIak aw to trd two alaapf .L I have wit. Novel' _ Me 11t .:.. 1A s..a.t "lleom .tiwa.a p". " o w _ wu 'rma pa. ave, A SASS. fiuw. J3ZOSTINS TA"4 * 1111 Z, .w Mm .Sa Winter Neveidem GPM LIStBBD On. ADD WIDDOW ULIIS A s"= > 9497 ILL rilJYt..M1r.e L/"I ..sdlr.L rll.. HAT,. Am ]Pu Af.a.r w ,Iy d DVNL*P'S W TOBL:Dwz AT. I.rt ...d..a. flee. a- -Is. 1.w w.,.... ..w so tae.. Lira. mincer &Wmeawle mBM.msam Our Is. P q.rY. 5I. A..IIT tMel.a wfti.ll ar AY wrb.di..Mw me" i.r.Is AWAIIM WW 1 " sump! 1att....a 11.rfwtL ttrsi m r...r1...i. outs Mv& M. J. R. nwIF ST.X.w..- w.tI...llt.s TAT. 0OT+OW B Awwd DOSSSTS AND 1<ATs wtaW ardvaa I. ld.lr ALL IayTl . ea..ev Awl Tams I. No DAmema in 305W GAS STOYS of w s aM 00 w seam wr vtll Ones Ota tt.rl..t Oar ilia MAU IILT s1S £ PI1..a sIIdANM sfcc--lr--lr--I-- VALBTh&T oN GAS LIYICT OOMPASL I '1 ttt..ati p.as.llw. tlt.a. d il. sBSr BOOT= atat ttba .ria . AM law - LBlsm 1tl7s.SA tww Lr.o S wsw BBt OioLLwlltle Br.a s .... T.... SPECIAL NOTrICE&. - atnAu as mwh~wTNE. 00..E .d . rHmmd me~e will be a dam 4u 1 maT~lDAYS ma~t~ =ttth~1 a 'J&D O A.ILD..lW hdareea.*sY oa THE LcaasA ETOE OR BXMIAJUXL Aowa.will be 1.14 by the Et ~j7~LD..Uahae of Morris"m. on W WID Ototre ims 1MEieilc* ue=AvieO , read Risae ul ell Is ewauna that Pgi flAT xim fo his I.l. eo ukn s tve hast a bnased el.-~ w t8 swl yasa '~mme'r Aveliasts e be or so J a. the I0L Dr. 4' lllx ADMN AS B MO ID ~~~~usi~ades~bidu tll u1 mL a mw. TUE EVE531T CARL ej-m mOW8t pow 1730 ad 1788 53 sa. am Ofl0 OF PAETN1EISB1. Mr. A. IL Proctor aid J. Ma.- UKe Rises, br to amoum that they hare formed a coparner- dob ta the purpoe of coache. beg a Gemeal Aral Este sall xandeome ocese have buns Acted up Is the new bmw o0? Mr. A. IL Proctw be hafr 13 -al te years or so beem actively etmael be the buyia8 amrsa- a ft s sid ato thisadty. Dr. J. Mfasibe Pwpete has bee aed with Merbs. Tyler R Rutherford for several years as anlerma to their real ertde do- 1met.t mad baa had avery or. pintuatty to thoroughly study the subjct of real adeles amd is well attached as to value of gropaty tn every locality. The knowledue of the arm cannot fal t. 1. of Reat b neit to thoe aking usotable rea les dto- vedmest. b tt y. PROCOR R raOTOR. 807 Oat' JAI aid Prctor. Mi $E5K0YA. I sese no alt at 101 141th . wv.. Saw dem sly ~ ~ ~ 3~ha.Zo . nE?. Mwehant Tau.. s-8! i101314& th a. .. Rlead In best atria art lov rss Othr wak sLBoot ha Job Printr t " )3.C. CLARK HA~ OPENEZD AN Cirle_ th_ ucta ofll t. aril4-la whsrs ~ - bavw oas thsuo1AI 8ORC. er ato butdealaspsre ae uedmadonly the aboat reues- ab~ei a speuany. are mass. tVrmea by yod will REELEWY RYU & WU~aOE MEG. CO.. 104284 th.a.f 4379 81at. w at TUE BE IDRICR OP TVBX PINE abb. CaU aid r4e amOI1b I.8AErPtt ad lE/vr. USI D m. tr. ?eabsdei -. sa 'Ilie e meelwvea a r. ..We wft have matow " SEAM L AUUDRI. Called tab ad detl ..12.1 TOOO PEACTICAL 3UMINEnsI ai d we tisemfao s "Or~m t b Appl i be,~ . I s b airn. leanly WW"T5 PMTEEN OF DAL ICRASE?. O cleanliness of fuel. SUll winht had meon. ar Indueaate I sawe that Yam cammee Word to pinots. I handle oas the beut salar oed l~idty for f amily a. If you din t merknow thest or coal you want drop m. aposai sadl I will ~ea -w heather pwmaeddvjswe mtbtscsry.s, el fo x. 38 Yet Uhatfoot' aZ sade ss B.. Q NcGUIEE SAY EWXINMD ci. 1tyha removed his ov rdt *A3N YOU IT IT ?" Ih ot you, as mtiasi a gaWes 3..iat> Iauravammt Oe. eW3 ADS 1x IT. AMwdI~t0tw .1h a~. SPECIAL N(YII. XnermnaE T O T it I A- at.stad . aA ty e s Irt TTH 04JRNE STONE OF ITiU .hop N th diecm EDENDAY. ober? at meet i e ta- Lo ra t. at . .aharp. P g,, ~TH ..mi er.m"*e:"ry- coxAs Co HOIC K AMD .S- .anhrdon Y o 80 70 u~fuY , * msanleielgata-r' -a. :T* t o clockd. . T m ke ir. a n hoir a e pate t et NaI the hanar ton He EN t Ha 1*m* atd at Ma.. Sundap. itoe 5.c6 "0oA"G AON LI CL E eUAND w...~.......oryra.este o ee a. t"'eir rn." . A :. Hall. .seVt 11411an 9ter .d a a 7:e pa. b , 1 n t Y tnO WE. aDaA ..block, toone mae apnsmg. the o p aUTU rneM D. dut gu been distolan d y E DtE- Kk-.n==5DE8Or ..-oIC.gM OD wo a ea ram h ae nestd tom al IN. datrk b9ow at7n0. Holeano of imorace Cl- AB e dto t L ullei tt he laE. -. f 3N . V.t lthtt sT. M D.t. ! WANORGTP E IP. CTODE O TE1. wwan o ada in oaml I rgCat hat- wo unae dway tem mbbr , bwa . a etme am A toherantij aniS TIea cOmn oO et t. at. ,at 16~ WAaHITN D. C. OCTOBERS LL61 The re .tae iven to ere ang enbe toS ra* if u. ua thoue.141 RhdeBld aeA. an hacific Tea omdopall. hat nes SOD 7the ata..It oMrDingwn aloewithmi at alga TA~XILOBINGTI LOENS A"OETE."C tWnoeahwillontne . Mto A nt heO Ae his wnaounteer. ewls s te turn t the oity mta moer nta andMr. in ua f all hthich n eest esie tr ae-ho atto d 11 ntse o se e Itigtar tite Den aterd L las to andothers Wde he wil mettae or Cptol at maker ea enolf ar w. ar a riti. JAMh N EBTE . ANOMPNT. DEs% 3 R CL1R BL 1th HIN . Ha821. tnedo tohcity eah ad he Mad ra m stocso N a. 13 clthtagther-I asbe h entee nto Balemi r a ad e L.aC. tat olh Oer. ande he e ad oiMtols . TnrIde 4s busirmness bwat 8t ist. n.e. tmwad ba wat da o, a ar. onlytae Lnts e se sam oe t e r oil an oreahr btrdi oss, eles Etn len ho ha. to a. nd A...; hsowu atetie haven stoain odrs reputis. apy oportunity to bsaua home in thia amiqpt methbohee ram, with windows onthresnti a Price 14, BAN. S-St 4Bhet sew. ETAILORNG LORE BA E." 081,E T TA an ter tsmrn-Og la.o. tyo ta uhrewsts and or priycr, which a oaerntaed the loweat will win ant re- nid for n that which we meat lair. i made-gw Winer aTa $ ml e nd orders We wil retain your trade aiter -ekp yeou o dew* St Mt or hue Oatslt its. M hn T COMPANY. an 1$ 8141th st am. BJUDST NOW. le everyody n the lathi rtns is ld now teln what elean tueneral "idt- ts"datocksof 1al5 and WterClothirthe rem kehuntil Pctoenarihm eahas in march 11 mtho d Eucpdv. adjetiae. Trade is inluie d lams by what is al them by what I. dams and we can only to ab wea - for yanreod Winter buinms, havIg the criteal buyer who purchase the das "a datidag we handle to determine *ow well we have sustained our resune.. for uroducim, the hedt Gothiag amld an wha4 iNnoRo 5125MB!. gag 434 th at. .w. N- S A IN UTODA TIAN andother tslorin-- -atsblmemt in the city. bacameswe are turniag out thaee at. neautes and mayt eatimfactory work oatile of New York and London. New cmeunse new Ideah and the aidn "Mfae'. in Na1D and Winer tAsmeenu h sod 5.iUss =ZEUN. Merchant Talir, -el 41 Sbt. maNwesw .T.....E -thuw. !toSTUDIO Now OPEN. i The recent atve impavovew sod my unrivaled faciltima will ep bla me to produce the Snpat uiatusma n Wmhblnatom. If not in America. ?mrsamal attemr gives all Wat. e....gggdis 9e,.s a a. 11tse ad saae adwta ste.ery as-td nestI tm. na ncgnal toismik Waubiagtn N. and 6emi .u..mN... e. a. ATOWuS ...... ............. d A NU C O N S .. . . ..... .. ........ * *. pr e s A TIT cOR E ... ... 9. ._. -. 4 t tAcT ION . A. ......... ........... . ... a BIN S. ........ ......... .....e e 3 CUIUOPODISTS ................... P.e 8 CIT Ti e. . ..................«..... a DTITE....................4 _6: EDUCATIONAL... ............ . I ZOU*$IONS. L. ............... .......Pose a FAMILY SUwLm ............. .. .P.seS6 IN CIAL ........................ ...... ... Ivy05 1 ........ «_........................fse S OR RUNT ( .........................a FOR RENT (eOmai ........................ae t ORUNT (Uoem) .............................9ase a o lIENT (Ranl...................... e FOR RENT (eUsAL ..............................Pass 9 1o3 RUNT A MaE.n...a .a ..................PegS aOR E ae..........................Ps 3 0BENT (L a ................... e 3 LOEGALE (OIES e...........................es 3 OR ALE (IN) .............. ..g e > NOR SALE (Umses anS Veima)........1e 3 LOR SAN(Pl/{ae)....................P.ase 3 1OELR (...R.. ......................Pue 3 N OEL........... .............. , ....Pa S LADI D..................... . 7 rMONE- WNTCED ............. . .....Pss a LEAL NOTION..............................Paee a LOST AND OUND.........................Pee 3 OMANUNI ...... .. .....................s 7 MEDICAL ..............................Pe 7 MIACELLANEOUSPa.........................gs MONEY WANTED AND TO AAN.««......Pae NEW PUBLICATIONS.............................a s e NOTARIE PUBLIC............................Peae S OCEAN ST INES......... . ..........Em 7 POTOMAC 1Ri1 BOATS.....................Pa 7 PIANOS AND OROA.. ............................ge PR BSA.......................pag 3 PRONTEDIONAL... ....................Pare 6 WAFTD (Lo....... ...........................Peas S RAIL O AD........................ e= 6 SPECIAL NOTIO0m ....................ae I *PMSIALNU. ....................ae SUBURBAN PROPETI... ........... ...mam 3 SUMMxER EORTS................... .Pa. WANTED ( )... ................ Pse 1 WAD Tal)...................Pase WANTED (Noamae)........................Pse2 WANTED(Mi a)..........................ae s WANTED (Eecme)..................us 3 WANTED (Stuatias)..............ass 2 W~aS A (Etm eom)a.................2se. Govmant R=nozw'r TonAT.-Interal rev- eOmn, 0664,486; estoms, 274.6817. A Taar INvwsreATIox.-Speelal Agent Ayres of the Treasury Department has- been detaled to assist ths Senate tarif committee, now in minion in New York, in investigating the subject of imported dress gooda. AN Anm Ponr Anaxnoxan.-By an order issued from the War Department the garrison at Fort Bennett, L D., will be withdrawn and the poet abandoned. The compay of inflan- try stationed at that point will sent to Fort Yates and the troop of cavalry to Fort Meads. A OaxAzrax Cowneosmen.-The collector of estomme at Platteburgh, N.Y., has forwarded to the Treasury Department the sum of S!, which he said came from an unknown resident of 2iontreal, Canada. It was deposited to the credit of eonsolenos. INSMaIoxaz. ENSAmTsNe OoNSmNC.- The Secretary of the Treasury has taken asaurs to have the United States represented at the tg of the international mom on emipatlon at Paris October 32- 94. The object of t-he e-mmim-la is to mace the co-op~at of the various governmeats .1 rope ntarily imiting the number of undeuirable emigreat to Amerian and else- where. A So.e.mrva vaprr.-The presmee of Mrs. ea-Gov. Cheney in the White House as te guest of Mrs. Harrioh Is regarded by aany as being mignilcant of 1he probable appointment of her husband as the -emr to Seere Procter. It is not e that anythngwi be announced befe Congre s but Mra. Che , it is said,l taking a preliminary look at W Lgto and ting .her mind made up as towhere like to live. Ixr ar. Ravasa Comr.acrsous.-iThe total collections of the internal revenue during the lrat two month. of te presant Seeal year were 596,135,188, an increase of 0682,567 over the coleotions during the corresponding period of the previous hal year. There was an increase of *368,499 on spirits, a decrease of 787.412 on tobacco an increase of $328,899 on fermented liquors, an increase of .110,809 on oleomarga- rine and a decrease of 589.648 on maiellaneous artles. The aggregate receipt for August, 181 were 0811,68 lea than for August, iSIS A Now WATam Pnormav.-ProL Frank H. Bigelow has been appointed professor in the United States weather bureau, Department of Agriculture. Four new professorships were ereated by Congreson the transference of the signal omos to Department of Agriculture, to be devoted to the .evelopment of science in the interoets of meteorology and ths istohe Brat of the appointments. Prof. Biglow has been for two years an amsaitant in the Nautical Athe lrOtamet; ws vionsyaeromern the O. eraty Cordov., Argent.ne yubic., and was ser of mathematics astronomy in Colege. He has recently announced acme ne- portent dicoveries is solar and terrestrial N~var. Ourman-ommander Ohas. H. Beck- well, ordered to command the receiving ship Ut. Lomls. n---a-e Che, V. Gridley, or-- ,.uhe '.ederdto---.=.na--mfor,,..a.. tion 8. urgeon S. H. Dishmen, ordered to duty at headguarteraet marine earpe, Weeh- ington. lurgees N. MoP. Ferebee, ordered to the Atlanto, Paymnaster Jeha H. Steven- e, ordered as gtd=e==1 at the League Islan avri r vember 3. Surgeon K. C. Drennan, detached from the Atlanto and pansted three months' leave. Surgeon A. 1. ar der, tached from duty at marine hauamWastag- ton, and ordered to hold hesfin reedinma for ses mevies. P'aymusr Gee. N. detached frma d at the Leage Island and ordered to aceoato and then wi ordes, peassed Asehant Engineer A. 3. Ca.- nags, detached froa duty at the CoraeR Uni- verity, Ithasa, N.Y., and creered to the (36. dehed and onq whojaatno ed Oe. to dtyin the basonsef steam eaglnemeing. leadae otmml, ea., H. Mene et3se £. ilesus et New Cetaans and M Fiet of Nests. are atW1sd.--A . etI w O5 ecs, ; e W. m aser bof and the PeesW mtu akn .e g-seans an ,a to si nu n M a t. It isnet mlbey that any ss wb be abe to disseer ora earltay whm Mr. EMoion bssehseted 3r ae..mb peasian umE aier theNevember eummea uh it is beieed that he has aey nmsade 4 mind es the =ambie. n ist toumed by peltsisas that the -aitM. whieh te Preident new has a h is dispaml wE be dil. tributed with as eye is strengtheing his peitie wiM relation to a -smiiem. That Mr. Baimsiet appesebit s indaemes of appointments pout is shoews, t is dinmed, by his to huever thse he might aske at this time a itr the 30 vemsber oetless. U te raee- ended peltmi 460La int . th puioasws th~e-elei~ bas tofier faei.'st b Mapbi es e conventica and that bin Asot that quarter lies met is Mr. Daine's enz5eW! the momlnation, but in the dopsimr esmnmat in favor of the sestise et the Mae stat- sat regardlestMe t hsp ere is the moter. uL asuxa asme aeuesa. Mr. maim is doing eSSting to strengthem or to suetoai this seiment, se hMrisadesay, and it is underiseod that there will be me deonea- offered ti eto a beafet of that an ha arde in o r a s to overcome it. It is believed by the Politiciane that from this time ad the meet- of the convention Mr. Harrison will devote hlssU aesduousy to renig himaself is theem inalith. riere -tibie his the -tog b U upon As or more of the mhine str-=n- verything else will fall naturally his way. He had a little experience of this sort at the last national cen- vention. When the Califorata delegaticm veod for him the rest all came tumbling. Tam POST am Tsa wur. It is believed that he neweenbmplatesing the twoabie-appo-*--sa-adpuebayseme of the other appointments to strengthem him- self in New Englaad and on ths Paeif coast. Circum-a-ncee may ariae which will make the President want Mr. Milfer to remain in the cabinet, and of course if they should the Attora General would accom- modate hisfto Ithe President's interests, but the present expectation ot both the President and Mr.Mller is that the latter will retire from the cabinet teo on the beach. It is believed then that a California man, probl Mr. Estee, and Gov. Chewey of New IHampshire will be ined to the cabinet vacancies. It is by Sena-r Chandler that the appoint- ment of Mr. Owner would greatly ast him is his work for the at in New England and that Secretory Pester is of the same opanion. Tin a= or' Tun 021, Om*d'-na a Fair A w by the ish them- estees. It is tated at the Navy Department this morning that the anneuaeement contained in the published dispatch from Ottawa, to the effect that the Bitia .aler Otte hid b.ae mned by the U. B. g. Mohisa on aceount of an irregularity in her papers, is without the dightest feundason' Report. have been received at the department frem Commander Cotton of the Mohioe, showing that the Otto was seined August t for a vioai of the modes viveadit that shes takoen in Bering ma, twenty mase northweisof Unimak pa.. with a fall seling ats aid ferty-eight shins on board. It further appears that Ave days before the aitne Commander Cotton had received an oeiallbtter from Commander Turner, samior British naval aceer at Oua- lak, stating that be eensidered the Otto a just and lawful eapture for any vessel of war of either nation. Ne eeme arose In reference to her . The Ott was delivered two es I. r h r smAggg r. w. bgetabs Resolved That 1-s.ea- Amy ?samed Cang., There is nothing in the oeal dispatea-s re- eelved at the State -and Navy Departments from Chili to indicate any pr-uc-ed change in the sitesten there se far as the relations between Minister Egn and the junta are con- owned. The story eabled from Paristhat Bal- maceda is in hiding in the United S ases lega- tion at Batige is aba inaly discredited at the Department of State. Two eablegrams were received at the department from Minister Egan annoauneg the suicide et the ex-preident, and in additien the miniturs from European esatris set the same information oa m positive form to their gov ses.' the ways of diplomacy are sometime. a trige devios, it cannot be presumed for a m-ent that a of the representatives of the ower in atiago would unt in a fals e offet pin iguthe treattment of refugees alleted in in the Amserime eaion- t beleved no ucuse s ltion will be maade by the jstasta to their - -t eut ef upon abeolat hetofore bes eb- see .in dller wi.t....t.lof eb,. Ism The eiser San lmasese, whic ens to have dins- ts,1lparak.e stie touching altaelw is SWat e Wa pattrtoth way frm la74 s of her .e__ be. amedureaa endmo wham th semer re- Whe *cin esmr - emus - s Ne L ans 1 Unen In 40epinism df .0M.emphy, the nethg governor et Asm, who hast e ade his emanare.pe.sttoe astisr of ternt..d.r, aguiesture wIm gen sm* iris in impertee. among the induetilhl et at temitory. NIng he stte. is eaa the isemag weilS- preneig Inidsy, and whie i wIN e..es' te he en isepeutant hadmety, mn sis tlsmn wit he- tebelu The aeS'gvro into the UnIms, Ge ead inGmiee a,- hto scheel dea be made appaae at the jedhme he kmaemmed to Uper amm Marmisge Sesems hos bee ismid by the elah 0t as sest to as smusa. 3.. ams.e efnhli.. d hb . sh.ht P. EmilS Diend hE 6hdmaT& Isad Theipe.41Ebmisdk ean Nd.; m ~mmpiT'aeMny 01 iss.d "u&ah**'"U fl~mame WIN a A. 3. I aawm '. C. Oe. M. Imae i 3te who was a member et hes eseaeve eseammitee that had a et ae wmsmnI that erty one G. A. D. mateal neampament tN OS and aMma. at 11 abestaamms-.ltse.. ws In Waatagtes yetesriy aleamee. Ue cmaed on merman 3dsem of as dMas' emmasset and Se Mr. 3dmn mat ed "e me- tie abeet the way to whch bw Mess ON en- tartaing he Oamed Army was maamged in Dose. CaL Ia is te pat AWa ea s amadwhsd ai et the Gamed Aty ad has been departm t a smmender et masm- setta, fe amps Tod ahned SIe Graed Amy me. in emma--e"- have igaied thenr A- tamoies et eCage to Washilgue. neat yearaud that theue is every t=&--im. that tme m asean I 18o wU be It geamiest CoLlame wes entertaied henmelttd Army mem at sevemlg and leIt we ef yea a IoM. tain for h went emhm- ot the of emrits eemmas had an intordmal emferemne at Wilard'. ast . Chairan Eds and Reos. T ak t W and Rege were present Thne pwwas anrly to talk ever the work ahedo the commnittee. and se acties s take. on any matter. The main thing te be settled now is the division of work emceg sub- eommittees and the constitution of aem- maittasa. Chairman Edsom stated to a Stan reporter that the citiaans' eemmittse is 3Best. was not organized antil December 4. Stil, as it is expected there will be maec more to do here, as the erowde will be greater, it is be- ieved there is tie to spare. The ealmaes made b Grand Armye and othere as to the probaJt numbers whO come o ike em- eampment grow as time advancees. Mr. Park of the execative commit who has been in so namamn with ( Army men n New York and Peasaylvania, mye at these will be an a-e-s e number viitse tromu those states. The Pemsylvania Railroad Companpy~s t to brhig frem forty to afT thoma.ma here from enaiva- ia alone. The i de-oft a em-tr. eats will attract thousands to the city who have me connection with the Grand Army. At the eon- forence last night the -stimatee aade of the probable number of Grand Army men and ve- Iurs varied from 30,000 to 400.00, but no ene et the igure less than 300,00. The Union teras' Union, which will come to their en- eampment hear at the am time, will turn eat, it is said, in large numbers. The order has a membership of from $6,050 to 0,000. Canir- man Eu.on has already given onsaiderable thought to the general features of the eater- tainmen. It is his view that Pennsylvania avenue should be illunaead at might as so street ever was illuminated beore and that the Capitol building sheeld be made as visible , by night as it is by day. Lembers of the .oemitt-e Viuk there ahould be every night em Pamascyvemia avenue nome special attractioe er emleteasn- ments to a' pleasure to rib crowds et ract- less sightseer. Grand Army me a daeply interested in the coming eanmpeen it eams to be the general - that win be the 'g-water mark the lrnd Army. There wllnver he moother sech e----pmet It wilt be the climax. The veterane se getog old and every year mere ad more d them join the silent army. am asman enacse. Mr. Harrison Digmnma will atend the meat- Ing o the itisseas' emenaeteonmanme temighi and ase the dutie ot secretary, to which oDee he was elseted lhst Thursday Mr. Dingsman ealled on Caireman Edso mean- ing and hotiSed Mr. idsam imermaaly that he would accept. He delayedl hoaseeptomi 'oOMsb etaMwihr .. -cn timme. am he wast doubt whetkhe eml assame the duties of the off.c withea toe great a acribce of his private businea. A TAL writ mnnany mamaN. Mr. Harrison Diugman was femmd in h ef Ae this aftermoon endnevering t get rid of a lot of weok which had .--.a-a-nd laswing h ans- for the ast aw days hem ihe .ity. "Yes," he mi in reply toe satien from a eras reporter. "I have infrmed the com- mittee that I would aesept as sia o cs- retary, nd In the emses tew dayeI expeet to be able to eontr asivelyqie. the work of preparaian. Per the ss a least, my eade will be here, Ae Atmge building and wha mere rem in needed for he .....ta., them- I erpe we e nget additamal quarters. The sue e of whelocetios is that itas naemels to -and cveniny -ea the emae et the "I re wemt "mBt Ithave a big ob eforeamams. But I16a.n that the werk ea bdoe wth help of the citiss cf Wd ta, who have chew. OR ewe -e--ea at this kind hew eempleta ad systamatle the deails o sesh an afair can be arranged. Iam suem that it wil be the desire of ai tu give the old ves mn a hespi table welcome to this aty and le em- sure a pleasant -- whl t heay e- mean with t. The e--Mml-se fo aitemptiug to rease this objeet win have the .e----es of the citiseas ad withseah a hoig I feel esmident that "More is ke-p-- e Taaw US r bol mianaam * L aute=paam et w Gma Army emesmp ment. to be held in this ity meat a, same f e masembess o the &At hrigade, sesed 4. visem, elfnh army eerps. are seing t held a m hoig atl g 3etd Hem at1 p.m., . d oa O ct .ort bi m l s to weh ic .a1o1d nn eg s Wdie.at idbrigade ar-n~i lae The Supresse Ceat cf the U rid se mt nest M--em y ser a tobe u .t"am. AN the jrdsas iti h o willbe pasamt. Ne deelsem wiB be ammed eam de and ane, the amatisse to eadualsanperm to gee Mae -e hoed, ae., as iert wE sheens to pay its reapeats to as Peadmt, to -.s...sa with its uual eustams. The next ey, Tmeay, the esert will begio the reguar eaB e ese em hedeshat, cf which thesease lU-hh embmer ever am Qe dsbt t has u~m a tema. These -s inye esses~ wE.e .a.a te Sot dess lag the preeamt tee nd a ethem were ademsed and st dawn tae , itbr 0 when teyr beTah in ede inwhichhaey wa- asumsa, saadvemsd me tobeheetisetda an-pertoemas Es== Cper, - et em s s pesad cf. the Dspimlm etiMge ha heem eme by eshema et m Ummsd Utaes et E thse sast citthe asa.m cis eta mmbeine.t QRege Qum atlemb was -a saQ e the I a d ambs se et @e a mm n sems The athmeinapei, with Gees all se the s eemsed am was pem t Goesm mci b. s M i e h ens 6 ssg sluemass anese assem sem*~ esmme 'REV*O UUBB rCASE big, 4kiWadu Wo Et UsMic Coin in's.N m SUMCIDS OF LYDIA MILLES. 3w Trn,~L a.. .S ~ . is -- Or ~ P~ ured hi e W iss~~ ths.Yat era freMs 6 med - "dos 01 thebr was ,qsb.ie. - &assumed dot he a ebb mmG- by emegemeat with the unm 3 l coo ant Mwm for Kedmeeday.No ememheI sail eo'oc. is the Sce4ch Ckhir. Dr. PecieDrown, pW01~O.W01UMwW br Vin. Thedepmlo. can.ey, . - us O.- egAfo Dr. Dtiggead ..ai the mer..d a be reedy i praenW en..e as November A. f daguejan thwe ememed re Swhether 3w tri aea bew I. d im the asose, ewem or S the church. Dr. 11rigge' fries fmeorel d latter. Thbe same.un idnru tos ees i fA emillee on gresio of he es wee eppoimid,. taerere as r. Noemer Alter ferm.l io had bees ..e~ beD. SO anpper f ridlwmboer p. buwseas,, Oct. 6.-ig Ros I a Wmoso - berg is dad. The dath at the hing eeemeed st? eeleoek tie smerm& Oe had boos Wb ter -sn time peat sad ,..tuffmy beoeims be- eea. oritiegi Shu e.aome awim rat ad- mrimidere ihis, tombeo I (ceh u..ledit -i.sdr King of Wuremab.g. ldees eem of the ISO eacceeded to th throee. June.3 II k followed the policy of IN fther an the hes. wig-HMuheee qedion, end focused ame 1 the senor .tow party in the doos. Bin mat,4 as July 11, lUM5. manned the Greed Dugemo Olge- d Bsii. her tothe troneV ld. Wilhelm, who will be Wilheilm din U. nephew ~~ ~ ~ ~ a Sew "hbeig eegr0 of S4~he and hW& Iovo u 3wfwmmat sthe f em01bm.ss mses trn s Ueipa L~ocos Oct t.-'The sibst fay Wf Heery Imrith, bat lard o the bmwer, weds of the Conj~s - en.d the gevmses bader in the hbe. Of esmeasm, who INe beet. a or =et V er:.i:?ueny a oloedmhlp..em 3ws Ymoun .g HAsti onbad am in Smeten. P.ez.aioonama Pa., October -The mmve- wish seas. ..wsvoies of the O3w.h. toning Bas's Na.onel Ulames emnee bae thiN m.rni then homed and Si dde- gein" amPresent fromr an part o Ms3w enby. !.[era the membling of the inningws as biine ds~id high a . t 3w 3siWWml whee w a - aemed by the 11.o Bow. the prome rof ede Mnabe. Amoniu MieH, whseew ahe..o 01 bbedyb loses w -ad by Bae !]sUtt Ber. !Mbher horde rter 01 . 3wei.be (the~., ewi dr. proddent 01 the .me, eoed and JhmeI, of .SO7 Wue deja ful in fewd ,e~r the &*p ta in Srwemer Ehi.

Na OC~TOBER Coin - Chronicling America...beg a Gemeal Aral Este sall xandeome ocese have buns Actedup Isthe newbmw o0? Mr. A. IL Proctw be hafr13-al teyears or sobeem actively etmaelbe

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  • V... 70, Na 20,070. WA.8HINGTON. D. c. rUhSDAY, OC~TOBER 6. 188L TWO CENTS

    Th av a ergs--- DAILY. =L' . W1th ,

    AT T=H STAN l4ILDIDg .11a I -- ii h8 Aims. 1ft i6 orno zna* $w.r Yew a 41-

    a M. LytswAN31, ? .vLam u; es. a POW S.

    ? It I" wrAa In ..rM M .al...1 .. D rsale \I wr/.r ca u nr ..ees.at, .t 1Y cwt.Week. ar v.r it rata. CoeMa at tl. ea.m.f

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    ..t.adi.s ataY setter.w All ate.I.ahecrieyeae meal M taY l"ad".af.ban of edemllaa. WAS" known on assemillow


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    CAUJ. OOH WHIT! 103 ISTOS3A?11 3.

    J(1HH row-Ml. It,.Pi. LWx. B. HOHIW.N. Ser....ry.

    19 Wx. H. 0Uu/.Iy. iv...arw.1$ $0? D1*I UTRD THAT THY. EQ[TITA$LHw/Inseam. Society 1. The moan." ..d uar

    orb More hers... tsa.a may aI.er cam.s" In 00W.d4 1 - s a...n .archs and butInr t .1Ml. Oh.s aaa sad 1 WE:.1ad YOU the "1rMta...err In Year sae..

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    verb ..&..nb.r sic4 nae/w a n..a. of bw eaw.nyti. . A [yams d 10 1por a"of r. aawtt ealrcr.Gw1 w W we ta.auad atMe shoo.f aekta. tl+ rnL. rwtl.a Trial root ofe.rM.l

    OWL'iluxrlos A.DW1H W

    fl ie.1GA*AHICVLTH. M HUAJMind. S. AAAX*.003400913

    1 H o111CH DOOM 105 WTr. arm halides ofa. wwN/afl.. less .M

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    Asa..a.ea - sdmoiai..r.Mr..-a.. aftl...-ttMmafsl...Ac aeitt.eof The a.Y.waf Hsw.q

    Weaver..rip.. aw.a..:w.. t. . ai .aY eada.aq

    R.a.s.e* atsa.Y deposits is some at TM ?ai.loesed aad alb... tatae.e.lb.....

    Leas asae0 ap..e smsmawsodwild...ic.a,.Safi aw-sl.m...1 ast.M sad .tier e.C.errlla

    Hraa.0ILYkA w A1:E mA sal heels of VALE.AM' La up.s da .odt is capk:oas .Moses wa1M.f

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    0M1.w-DeSf feat 11a.s t. 1asmsal.rpilemolfta s additi.a toannnihimm 8rai.ra..M.. aced es.N 1Sth day .4 such awash.

    Ue 1M l.s haranw d.1 w waa stoats'LID yeMme.Arst...coai and shoal dwe of sub steersi l.aleame.0NaduIsAasb s.1 Mahe

    Y.turrtaeat:1Teew. at.

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    iNtitt x. Jo Wile Os..eL1111+..'K.

    H. 1/HAtula SI00SA1.HiHT I- L_ IsYAHZ

    Lrrc. t. re:IP. Snyder. Leas. C. Hehtaeo,

    lll..rt tltart..t+aal AIY..w Mil...


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    StrsM .....aw .dl_ NLw.AMAM.Z.w=Yaw. newsiew,.

    s1sQS. Soaa B rl.

    _ nom. C. . a ...

    Et. V " L>W IL OLiAS! T...Y.A

    WIng tDOO117MU ..d mW r b.ab r sweet w 7..rvN1 umbar.s. W. vatic aspa. s1b a.wAm

    balk eewr tour wdatiar MSTALlMMVINGPAIXT..M aattl.bd to OW balmme no w, nges


    sOSONASD i sOLdow.wls+.sn car. a. .' ...a a...w.

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    N.waai.d'_ d my "w....w.Sr.d.sb L... t1.aa.M aa.wwauft So IL L 06smmum, vim maaI aMMMiwttwtt...s

    A. L SALTxorxm is..B1AS00ASr a J5 AU=AGM WAsaM

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    ..dswRtAEOYiLOS 1IISSACfs. WaMYOT Ill OiDt;sIIs.*....O ..a L...la. ad I. beat tw.

    Mm L&IsaIak aw to trd two alaapf .LI havewit. Novel' _ Me 11t .:.. 1A s..a.t

    "lleom .tiwa.a p". " o w _ wu 'rmapa. ave,

    A SASS. fiuw.J3ZOSTINS TA"4 *

    1111 Z, .wMm .Sa Winter Neveidem GPM

    LIStBBD On. ADD WIDDOW ULIIS A s"=> 9497 ILL rilJYt..M1r.e L/"I ..sdlr.L rll..HAT,. Am ]Pu

    Af.a.r w ,Iy d DVNL*P'S W TOBL:DwzAT. I.rt ...d..a. flee. a- -Is. 1.w w.,......w so tae..Lira. mincer &Wmeawle mBM.msamOur Is. P q.rY. 5I. A..IIT tMel.a wfti.ll ar

    AY wrb.di..Mw me" i.r.Is AWAIIM

    WW 1 " sump!1att....a 11.rfwtL

    ttrsi m r...r1...i. outs

    Mv& M. J. R.nwIF ST.X.w..-

    w.tI...llt.sTAT. 0OT+OW B

    AwwdDOSSSTS AND 1NOR SALE (Umses anS Veima)........1e 3LOR SAN(Pl/{ae)....................P.ase 31OELR (...R.. ......................Pue 3N OEL........... .............. , ....Pa SLADI D..................... .7

    rMONE-WNTCED ............. . .....Pss aLEAL NOTION..............................Paee aLOST AND OUND.........................Pee 3OMANUNI........ .....................s 7MEDICAL ..............................Pe 7MIACELLANEOUSPa.........................gsMONEY WANTED AND TO AAN.««......PaeNEW PUBLICATIONS.............................a seNOTARIE PUBLIC............................Peae SOCEAN ST INES......... . ..........Em 7POTOMAC 1Ri1 BOATS.....................Pa 7PIANOS AND OROA.. ............................gePR BSA.......................pag 3PRONTEDIONAL... ....................Pare 6WAFTD (Lo....... ...........................Peas SRAIL O AD........................ e= 6SPECIAL NOTIO0m ....................ae I*PMSIALNU. ....................aeSUBURBAN PROPETI... ........... ...mam 3SUMMxER EORTS................... .Pa.WANTED ( )... ................ Pse 1WAD Tal)...................PaseWANTED (Noamae)........................Pse2WANTED(Mia)..........................ae sWANTED (Eecme)..................us 3WANTED (Stuatias)..............ass 2W~aS A (Etm eom)a.................2se.Govmant R=nozw'r TonAT.-Interal rev-

    eOmn, 0664,486; estoms, 274.6817.A Taar INvwsreATIox.-Speelal Agent

    Ayres of the Treasury Department has- beendetaled to assist ths Senate tarif committee,now in minion in New York, in investigatingthe subject of imported dress gooda.AN Anm Ponr Anaxnoxan.-By an order

    issued from the War Department the garrisonat Fort Bennett, L D., will be withdrawn andthe poet abandoned. The compay of inflan-try stationed at that point will sent to FortYates and the troop of cavalry to Fort Meads.A OaxAzrax Cowneosmen.-The collector of

    estomme at Platteburgh, N.Y., has forwarded tothe Treasury Department the sum of S!, whichhe said came from an unknown resident of2iontreal, Canada. It was deposited to thecredit of eonsolenos.INSMaIoxaz. ENSAmTsNe OoNSmNC.-

    The Secretary of the Treasury has takenasaurs to have the United States represented

    at the tgof theinternationalmom on emipatlon at Paris October 32-94. The object oft-hee-mmim-la is to macethe co-op~at of the various governmeats .1

    rope ntarily imiting the number ofundeuirable emigreat to Amerian and else-where.

    A So.e.mrva vaprr.-The presmee of Mrs.ea-Gov. Cheney in the White House as teguest of Mrs. Harrioh Is regarded by aany asbeing mignilcant of 1he probable appointmentof her husband as the -emr to SeereProcter. It is not e that anythngwibe announced befe Congre s but Mra.Che , it is said,l taking a preliminary lookat W Lgto and ting .her mind made upas towhere like to live.

    Ixr ar. Ravasa Comr.acrsous.-iThe totalcollections of the internal revenue during thelrat two month. of te presant Seeal year were596,135,188, an increase of 0682,567 over thecoleotions during the corresponding period ofthe previous hal year. There was an increaseof *368,499 on spirits, a decrease of 787.412 ontobacco an increase of $328,899 on fermentedliquors, an increase of .110,809 on oleomarga-rine and a decrease of 589.648 on maiellaneousartles. The aggregate receipt for August,181 were 0811,68 lea than for August, iSISA Now WATam Pnormav.-ProL Frank H.

    Bigelow has been appointed professor in theUnited States weather bureau, Department ofAgriculture. Four new professorships wereereated by Congreson the transference of thesignal omos to Department of Agriculture,to be devoted to the .evelopment of science inthe interoets of meteorology and ths istoheBrat of the appointments. Prof. Biglow hasbeen for two years an amsaitant in the NauticalAthelrOtamet; wsvionsyaeromern the O. eratyCordov., Argent.ne yubic., and wasser of mathematics astronomy inColege. He has recently announced acmene-portent dicoveries is solar and terrestrial

    N~var. Ourman-ommander Ohas. H. Beck-well, ordered to command the receiving shipUt. Lomls. n---a-e Che, V. Gridley, or--

    ,.uhe'.ederdto---.=.na--mfor,,..a..tion 8. urgeon S. H. Dishmen, orderedto duty at headguarteraet marine earpe, Weeh-ington. lurgees N. MoP. Ferebee, ordered tothe Atlanto, Paymnaster Jeha H. Steven-e, ordered as gtd=e==1at the League Islan avri rvember 3. Surgeon K. C. Drennan, detachedfrom the Atlanto and pansted three months'leave. Surgeon A. 1. ar der, tachedfrom duty at marine hauamWastag-ton, and ordered to hold hesfin reedinmafor ses mevies. P'aymusr Gee. N.detached frma d at the Leage Islandand ordered to aceoato and then wiordes, peassed Asehant Engineer A. 3. Ca.-nags, detached froa duty at the CoraeR Uni-verity, Ithasa, N.Y., and creered to the (36.

    dehed and onqwhojaatno edOe.

    to dtyin the basonsef steam eaglnemeing.

    leadae otmml, ea., H. Mene et3se£. ilesus et New Cetaans and MFiet of Nests. are atW1sd.--A .

    etI wO5 ecs, ; eW.maser bof and

    thePeesW mtu akn .e g-seans an,a to si nu n M at.

    It isnet mlbey that any ss wb be abe todisseer ora earltay whm Mr. EMoionbssehseted 3r ae..mb peasian umE aiertheNevember eummea uh it is beieed thathe has aey nmsade 4 mind es the

    =ambie. n ist toumed by peltsisas thatthe -aitM. whieh te Preidentnew has a h is dispaml wE be dil.tributed with as eye is strengtheinghis peitie wiM relation to a -smiiem.That Mr. Baimsiet appesebit s indaemes ofappointments pout is shoews, t isdinmed, by his to huever thse hemight aske at this timea itr the 30vemsber oetless. U te raee-ended peltmi 460La int .

    th puioasws th~e-elei~bas tofier faei.'st b Mapbies e conventica and that bin Asotthat quarter lies met is Mr. Daine's enz5eW!the momlnation, but in the dopsimr esmnmatin favor of the sestise et the Mae stat-sat regardlestMe t hsp ere is the moter.

    uL asuxa asme aeuesa.Mr. maim is doing eSSting to strengthem or

    to suetoai this seiment, se hMrisadesay, andit is underiseod that there will be me deonea-offered ti eto a beafet of that an haarde in o r a sto overcome it. It is believed by thePoliticiane that from this time ad the meet-

    of the convention Mr. Harrison will devotehlssU aesduousy to renig himaself

    is theem inalith. riere -tibie his the-tog b U upon Asor more of the mhine str-=n- verythingelse will fall naturally his way. He had a littleexperience of this sort at the last national cen-vention. When the Califorata delegaticm veodfor him the rest all came tumbling.

    Tam POST am Tsa wur.It is believed that he neweenbmplatesing

    the twoabie-appo-*--sa-adpuebaysemeof the other appointments to strengthem him-self in New Englaad and on ths Paeif coast.Circum-a-ncee may ariae which will make thePresident want Mr. Milfer to remain in thecabinet, and of course if they shouldthe Attora General would accom-modatehisfto Ithe President's interests, butthe present expectation ot both the Presidentand Mr.Mller is that the latter will retire fromthe cabinet teo on the beach. It is believedthen that a California man, probl Mr.Estee, and Gov. Chewey of New IHampshire willbe ined to the cabinet vacancies. It is

    by Sena-r Chandler that the appoint-ment of Mr. Owner would greatly ast himis his work for the at in New Englandand that Secretory Pester is of the sameopanion.

    Tin a= or' Tun 021,

    Om*d'-na a Fair A w by the ish them-estees.

    It is tated at the Navy Department thismorning that the anneuaeement contained inthe published dispatch from Ottawa, to theeffect that the Bitia .aler Otte hid b.ae

    mned by the U. B. g. Mohisa on aceount ofan irregularity in her papers, is withoutthe dightest feundason' Report. have beenreceived at the department frem CommanderCotton of the Mohioe, showing that the Ottowas seined August t for a vioai of themodes viveadit that shes takoen in Beringma, twenty mase northweisof Unimak pa..with a fall seling ats aid ferty-eight shinson board. It further appears that Avedays before the aitne Commander Cottonhad received an oeiallbtter from CommanderTurner, samior British naval aceer at Oua-lak, stating that be eensidered the Otto a justand lawful eapture for any vessel of war ofeither nation. Ne eeme arose In referenceto her . The Ott was delivered two

    es I.r hr smAggg r.w. bgetabs Resolved That 1-s.ea- Amy

    ?samed Cang.,There is nothing in the oeal dispatea-s re-

    eelved at the State -and Navy Departmentsfrom Chili to indicate any pr-uc-ed changein the sitesten there se far as the relationsbetween Minister Egn and the junta are con-owned. The story eabled from Paristhat Bal-maceda is in hiding in the United S ases lega-tion at Batige is aba inaly discredited at theDepartment of State. Two eablegrams werereceived at the department from MinisterEgan annoauneg the suicide et theex-preident, and in additien theminiturs from European esatris set thesame information oa m positive form totheir gov ses.' the ways ofdiplomacy are sometime. a trige devios, itcannot be presumed for a m-ent that a ofthe representatives of the ower inatiagowould unt in a fals e offet

    pin iguthe treattment of refugees alletedin in the Amserime eaion- t

    beleved no ucuse s ltion will bemaade by the jstasta to their - -teutefupon abeolat hetofore bes eb-

    see .in dller wi.t....t.lof eb,.IsmThe eiser San lmasese, whic ens tohave dins- ts,1lparak.e stie touchingaltaelw is SWat e Wa pattrtothway frm la74 s of her .e__ be.amedureaa endmo wham thsemer re-

    Whe *cin esmr - emus - sNe L ans 1 Unen

    In 40epinism df .0M.emphy, the nethggovernor et Asm, who hast e ade hisemanare.pe.sttoe astisr of ternt..d.r,aguiesture wIm gen sm* iris in impertee.among the induetilhl etat temitory. NInghe stte. is eaa the isemag weilS-preneig Inidsy, and whie i wIN e..es'te he en isepeutant hadmety, mn sis tlsmnwit he- tebelu The aeS'gvrointo the UnIms, Ge ead inGmiee a,-hto scheel dea be made appaae atthe jedhme he kmaemmed to Uper amm

    Marmisge Sesems hos bee ismid by theelah 0t as sest to as smusa. 3..

    ams.e efnhli.. d hb . sh.ht P.EmilS Diend hE 6hdmaT& Isad

    Theipe.41Ebmisdk ean Nd.; m

    ~mmpiT'aeMny 01 iss.d


    WIN a A. 3. I aawm '.

    C. Oe. M. Imae i 3te who was amember et hes eseaeve eseammitee that hada etae wmsmnI that erty oneG. A. D. mateal neampament tN OS andaMma. at 11 abestaamms-.ltse..wsIn Waatagtes yetesriy aleamee. Ue cmaedon merman 3dsem ofas dMas' emmassetand Se Mr. 3dmn mat ed "e me-tie abeet the way to whch bw Mess ON en-tartaing he Oamed Army was maamged inDose. CaL Ia is te pat AWa ea

    s amadwhsd ai et the Gamed Aty adhas been departm t a smmender et masm-setta, fe amps Tod ahned SIe Graed Amyme. in emma--e"- have igaied thenr A-tamoies eteCage toWashilgue. neatyearaudthat theue is every t=&--im. thattme masean I 18o wU be It geamiestCoLlame wesentertaied henmelttd Armymem at sevemlg and leIt we ef yea a IoM.tain for h went

    emhm- ot the of emrits eemmashad an intordmal emferemne at Wilard'.ast . Chairan Eds and Reos.

    T ak t W and Rege were presentThne pwwas anrly to talk ever the workahedo the commnittee. and se acties stake. on any matter. The main thing te besettled now is the division of work emceg sub-eommittees and the constitution of aem-maittasa. Chairman Edsom stated to a Stanreporter that the citiaans' eemmittse is 3Best.was not organized antil December 4. Stil, asit is expected there will be maec more to dohere, as the erowde will be greater, it is be-ieved there is tie to spare. The ealmaesmade b Grand Armye and othere as to theprobaJt numbers whO come o ike em-eampment grow as time advancees. Mr. Parkof the execative commit who has been inso namamn with ( Army men nNewYork and Peasaylvania, mye at thesewill be an a-e-s e number viitsetromu those states. The PemsylvaniaRailroad Companpy~s t to brhig frem fortyto afT thoma.ma here from enaiva-ia alone. The i de-oft a em-tr. eats

    will attract thousands to the city who have meconnection with the Grand Army. At the eon-forence last night the -stimatee aade of theprobable number of Grand Army men and ve-Iurs varied from 30,000 to 400.00, but no eneet theigure less than 300,00. The Unionteras' Union, which will come to their en-

    eampment hear at the am time, will turn eat,it is said, in large numbers. The order has amembership of from $6,050 to 0,000. Canir-man Eu.on has already given onsaiderablethought to the general features of the eater-tainmen. It is his view that Pennsylvaniaavenue should be illunaead at might as sostreet ever was illuminated beore and thatthe Capitol building sheeld be madeas visible , by night as it is byday. Lembers of the .oemitt-e Viukthere ahould be every night em Pamascyvemiaavenue nome special attractioe er emleteasn-ments to a' pleasure to rib crowds et ract-less sightseer. Grand Army me a daeplyinterested in the coming eanmpeen iteams to be the general - that winbe the 'g-water mark the lrnd Army.There wllnver he moother sech e----pmetIt wiltbe the climax. The veterane se getogold and every yearmere ad more d them jointhe silent army.

    am asman enacse.Mr. Harrison Digmnma will atend the meat-

    Ing o the itisseas' emenaeteonmanme temighiand ase the dutie ot secretary, to whichoDee he was elseted lhst Thursday Mr.Dingsman ealled on Caireman Edso mean-ing and hotiSed Mr. idsam imermaaly that hewould accept. He delayedl hoaseeptomi 'oOMsb etaMwihr ..

    -cn timme. am he wast doubt whetkhe emlassame the duties of the off.c withea toegreat a acribce of his private businea.

    A TAL writ mnnany mamaN.Mr. Harrison Diugman was femmd in h ef

    Ae this aftermoon endnevering t get rid of alot of weok which had .--.a-a-nd laswing hans- for the ast aw days hem ihe .ity."Yes," he mi in reply toe satien from a

    eras reporter."I have infrmed the com-mittee that I would aeseptassia o cs-retary, nd In the emses tew dayeIexpeet to be able to eontr asivelyqie.the work of preparaian. Per the ss aleast, my eade will be here, Ae Atmgebuilding and wha mere rem inneeded for he .....ta., them- I erpewe e nget additamal quarters. The sue eof whelocetios is that itas naemels to-and cveniny -ea the emae et the"I re wemt "mBt Ithave a bigob eforeamams. But I16a.n that the werkeabdoe wth help of the citiss cf Wd

    ta, who have chew. OR ewe-e--ea at this kind hew eempletaad systamatle the deails o sesh an afaircan be arranged. Iam suem that it wil be thedesire of ai tu give the old ves mn a hespitable welcome to this aty and le em-sure a pleasant -- whl t heay e-mean with t. The e--Mml-se foaitemptiugto rease this objeet win have the .e----esof the citiseas ad withseah a hoig I feelesmident that "More is ke-p-- e

    Taaw U S r bol mianaam *L aute=paam et w Gma Armyemesmp

    ment. to be held inthis ity meat a, same fe masembess o the &At hrigade, sesed 4.visem, elfnh army eerps. are seing t held a

    m hoig atl g 3etd Hem at1 p.m., .d oa O ct .ort bi m l s to weh ic .a1o1d nn eg sWdie.at idbrigade ar-n~i lae

    The Supresse Ceat cf the U rid semt nest M--em yser a tobeu .t"am. ANthe jrdsas iti h o willbe pasamt. Nedeelsem wiB be ammed eam de andane, the amatisse to eadualsanperm to geeMae -e hoed, ae., as iert wE sheens topay its reapeats to as Peadmt, to -.s...sawith its uual eustams. The next ey, Tmeay,the esert will begio the reguar eaB e ese emhedeshat, cf which thesease lU-hhembmer ever am Qe dsbt t has u~m

    a tema. These -s inye esses~wE.e .a.a te Sot desslag the preeamt tee nd a ethemwere ademsed and st dawn tae

    , itbr 0 when teyr beTahin ede inwhichhaey wa- asumsa,saadvemsd me tobeheetisetda

    an-pertoemas Es== Cper, - et

    em s s pesad cf.

    the Dspimlm etiMge ha heem emeby eshema et m Ummsd Utaes et E

    thse sast citthe asa.m cis eta

    mmbeine.tQRege Qumatlemb was -a saQe the I a d ambs se et @e a mmnsems The athmeinapei, with Geesall se the s eemsed am was

    pem t Goesm

    mci b. s Mi e hens6ssg sluemass anese

    assemsem*~ esmme

    'REV*O UUBB rCASEbig, 4kiWadu W o Et

    UsMic Coin in's.N m


    3w Trn,~L a.. .S ~ .

    is -- Or ~ P~ aYmured hi e W

    iss~~ ths.Yat era freMs6med -

    "dos 01 thebr was ,qsb.ie.- &assumed dot he a ebb mmG-

    by emegemeat with the unm 3 lcooant Mwm for Kedmeeday.NoememheI saileo'oc. is the Sce4ch Ckhir.Dr. PecieDrown, pW01~O.W01UMwW brVin. Thedepmlo. can.ey, . - us O.-egAfo Dr. Dtiggead ..ai the mer..d abe reedy i praenW en..e as November A.f daguejan thwe ememed re Swhether 3w

    tri aea bew I. d im the asose, ewem orSthe church. Dr. 11rigge' fries fmeorel dlatter. Thbe same.un idnru tos ees ifAemillee on gresio of he eswee eppoimid,. taerere as r. NoemerAlter ferm.l io had bees ..e~ beD.SO anpper f ridlwmboer p.

    buwseas,, Oct. 6.-ig RosIa Wmoso-berg is dad. The dath at the hing eeemeedst?eeleoek tie smerm& Oe had boos Wb ter-sn time peat sad ,..tuffmy beoeims be-

    eea. oritiegi Shu e.aome awim rat ad-mrimidere ihis,

    tombeo I (ceh u..ledit -i.sdrKing of Wuremab.g. ldees eem of the ISOeacceeded to th throee. June.3 II kfollowed the policy of IN fther an the hes.wig-HMuheee qedion, end focused ame 1 thesenor .tow party in the doos. Bin mat,4 asJuly 11, lUM5. manned the Greed Dugemo Olge-

    d Bsii. her tothe troneV ld.Wilhelm, who will be Wilheilm din U.nephew~ ~ ~ ~ ~ aSew"hbeigeegr0of S4~he and hW& Iovo u

    3wfwmmat sthe f em01bm.ss

    mses trn s UeipaL~ocos Oct t.-'The sibstfay Wf

    Heery Imrith, bat lard o the bmwer, wedsof the Conj~s - en.d the gevmses baderin the hbe. Of esmeasm, who INe beet. a or=et V er:.i:?ueny a oloedmhlp..em

    3ws Ymoun .g HAsti onbad amin Smeten.

    P.ez.aioonama Pa., October -The mmve-wish seas. ..wsvoies of the O3w.h.toning Bas's Na.onel Ulames emnee baethiN m.rni then homed and Si dde-gein" amPresent fromr an part o Ms3w enby.!.[era the membling of the inningws as

    biine ds~id high a . t 3w 3siWWmlwhee w a - aemed by the 11.o Bow.

    theprome rof ede Mnabe. AmoniuMieH, whseew ahe..o 01 bbedyb losesw-ad by Bae !]sUtt Ber. !Mbher horderter 01 . 3wei.be (the~., ewi dr.proddent 01 the .me, eoed

    andJhmeI, of .SO7Wue deja

    ful in fewd ,e~r the &*p tain Srwemer Ehi.