jr MISOiVT' I .ii" vflsM. haa. 'our first page y sermon on the f Ferry, It ha been a unusual care, and, by U a .Aete nd perfect M posalbl. va br rtaleri as by far the clear- - eettl. (petition of the views, yet made tabUo, c -- i!rllKKraKK, M well et t,f thousandi of Um more enlightened of the "free loir feM. fib of IbelWth, on lb tubject of slavery, and walnrtrefW It an attentive perusal. It eon taint Me not lew stsrtling than novel, to very may of oar reader, and Meat too, which will generally be Morj! ( no Ion troe than norel aod start Un. aTtewwe Trial af Jea nrowm. Tn kot baste whb "bleb the tiUI of this on- - filtanate loan tu pranaad on, telle poonj ror tha lava of jastloe, as often claimed by oar tfeaUicn blende. Tbat Itaown was guilty 0BM of tba Crimea that we charged POT fclra,waiiMvtqu.tln. " " do JnMtltvn to""' h'm. "hil"t ne w tba rollcy funned enabled la le eondill nh was; wouo led, bloeJ-In- g, od corfjaed to Me bed. Mora than thl, tba question if bl tanlty baa been rebwd, and tboagt scoffed at by nconUerat anil wren Journals, It aMI a legitimate, pertinent qncetioe. Tooor tulnd, nenvta'a entire wsreywvasa heir evidence of inanity. We do not propoea todwcuaelbe drgrotieof ciutei cf insanity, but tbeia may htva iwen, and ua. doubtedly wire, caueea operating on nu minn, I that resdated blm. at leaat on tba lubject o ejarery, a monomania. TMa reitalmy couM tra beien the care, wbllet on all other (ab'et't ba mtgbt ba u teaaonable and correct aa other people. But, all tbla (tlda, tba nnrtaeonabla proclpl-Uac- y ' with which tba trial waa proaeed on, nndor th tirmiziUnoee, b wbat wa complain of. in- deed, It cannot ba regarded as mora than ona w ramoTed from tba coda of Judge I.tixii. A nas, prcatrata and belp'eaa, without friends or mean, acllng from hie conch a ihort delay to rnabla htm to call bit Mends to bis aid, and I male a little preparation to meat bU accusers In court of jnetkej, wbera ba la charged with Ufa and aaklriR tbtj too, e. m mmiv a tiMtir tilir'.i tn anthorl'v. and re aaalt Wbyrefuaed? Man it bacausa h was f feandf Wora tha people In the vicinity In any further cUnfiar from a littla delay t Did tba public weal demand an Instant facHfice? KotMng of I ha kind. There was, thara could be, no reason why Join Known hoaU haTa boon foroad to take bis trial ao pro. dplUtely, and without any proper means for to him a full, c1tr ar.d Impartial lnvaslt-CUo- n of tha whole matter. Wa are no adroeata or apologist for Joint Baown, or any other wrong-doe- r, but would glaoly aaa crime pnnUhed as it deserves bat thshotorand good tamo of our common coun- try required that llRowa's request for a short postponement shoull hva been craa'-od- , and wa cannot but feel that there was a fixed pur- pose on tha part of the authorities, from tba tint, to hang Urowh as speedily at possible, And thus make an example of quick Just'oa. If this ba to, wa prophecy a signal failure. Out- raged justice will summon thousands to her standard, wbo scorn to fear. It la, moreover, a matter of serious doubt whether tha State of Virginia hail a right to try Baowa at all, Inasmuch aa tba offences chart ed were committed within the grounds of the United States Government at Harper's Ferry, and the Jurisdiction of tbe Federal Government over these premises hsa lieen fully reognized by Virginia. In 1854, Hon. Cai.kd Ctram.va, then the) law Oflloar of tro Goverameul, tiawt tkU qnaatUn aa to Harper's Ferry before htm, and daUvered an able oplblon concerning the whole question, and con (Inning this view of the case. A Boston Journal quotea from Mr. Ccein.iu'a opinion, anrleayst uIt la rumored that ao family doee he new retain his opinions aa there eapr aai d, tbat ha la not unwil-hu-e u woeaeary, tosuatsln them before the Courts f Virginia." This constitutional question can undoubtedly Ik carried to tbe Supreme Court of the United Statee, on a wilt of error, and it should ba done; and, If any tesjiect be paid to the opinions of mankind, it will be, and sentence of Hrowh will be deferred until final Judgment in that can ba bad. The Aaverlran MlnUlrr la China. 'ot a littla speculation Is being Indulod in aa to bow and wbenMr. Wakh got to l'ekla. Th Veet Uiurroation on the subject would aeem to Jastlfy tba belief that be went there Imme- diately after tba battle at Telho, and was well i- -' matters but little bow ne reacuau r thara, though we do not credit many ot the sw-lia- a pat In circulation on tbat point. But that be It thara, and tbat onr relation with that Em- pire will toon be placed on a most satisfactory footing, wa make no doubt. Indeed we ahould be surprised if Mr. Ward should fall to accom- plish all that our people bare a right to expect under tha terms of the bargain between the Ce- lestial authorities aid Mr. Waitu'a predecessor. That Inglsnd feels Jealous of onr ponltlon tn China is evident from the uncalled-fo- r remarks of their journals) but It only proves that the course of policy pursued by tha American Gov- ernment In Its intercourse and dealings with auch nations aa China and Japan, la belter cal- culated to succeed than tbe overbearing policy pargued by our trans Atlantic neighbors. Whilst tba previous negotiations were going on, we were abused and denoutced fur not quarreling with China, bat then, as now, our true policy was not to quarrel. Indeed, we bad no ground for sa do- ing. And furthermore, It is e Ident, that China areas not to quarrel with this country, fron the fait, that at tha latltocf Tclho, the Americans rendered signal tervlce to tbe KnKlUh, and for ..which China might have said, "Your participa- tion In those proceedings is a sufficient justifica- tion for not treating you with that courtesy you otherwise would have been entitled to." Vet w e hear no complaint, but on the contrary, find our Minister peaceably and quietly pursuing the ob- jects of his mission with apparently every Ciclll- -j afforded blm that could reasonably be expect-- d. Whatever course may be pursued by the EngHah and Frenoh tow ards China, w e mutt paaatva and the trleuds of all parties. If flpgt.ivt gad Franca choose their own policy and act upon It, they at least cannot blame us for I doing the game, and If they find cause to regret I theirs, we have reason to be satisfied with our own. If their policy Is to destroy, ours shoull be to build up. I tar freaa llavaaa. Tu V. B. steamship Cahawba, from Havana, .eOlh. arrived here on Saturday looming. The aews Is not very important. It Is stated that the Ovrenutoetit of Bpaln, baa eanu!id, so far aa regards the Vatted tttatea Mails Btaamahlps the order Issued tnA'guat 'eat, requiring consular osrtlncatea to ao- - oomaaoy all cargo for Uavana, It however remains In force with all ether sU sours and sailing vessele. Tha locg lttigated eaae ot the American bark J. J. Cobb bad Uen dauldtd, and tha vtasel declared a daraUot, sot a slaver. OoveramentwlU not require United Btates Ball stremera to esUMt consular oer- - Hatcatae of manifests of cargo fur Cuban porta. Two Tee anil from Portland bad go uAo dULeulvy with re. pacttoeuatotnsduea. An Uavana letter of the 80th aaaya there la a report of a oonaptracy or sianatblug at tttrnT' having been disetrrered anvaigat oerteta aillttary ottoars and tbe aoldlery at Matauw. Various arreata are understood to have taken place, siafurtaliart.oulara have been irmttted to ieactttaa The otty waa very haalthj. araraMSaakstU with onehundrd nLrSbSJLs on kind ?i rratghta were ataady at last advised ZLuZttcbaat w Hew Votk waa at from four and Vha5 (o iil2a ba' per cent premium, J EUROPEAN AFFAIRS, I Arrival of the America. Three Days' Later Intelligence. BAiuna of rim orkat kastihis-isoxrixiTKL- r rosrrosKD. A. It., So. 8. Tba Kor.1 "" etranxhlp America, Car. M.ioote "'toh ''f1 MJZ,'. pont at I o'clock, P. M J ti Oil. d. arrl'! lex at a r ., or n .. ixi. M.virk.Oot erenln u ife oni.e R'h, armed uAtbn.i SJ?lr. left llalifaial 10 P. M:, on Thnra-,- "' Ht.n, wbeta aba alllbedue Satunla "w.e.o. Vl.Ur !3d, at P. U.. iff the Old HmkI of Klnal, It. M. tUamablp Aula, from el Tutk f.T UTtrjo.1. tn mm or mn ArurtcbtelrRTa-no- the 1'lh yil Tla prtnct1 tclt.tf of the lYeaty of reaoe betwen rranoe ami Auetr a, afi'ed by tin r.enlpnentlruH but n jet ntiftrJ by 11 two ttoTornmeiiU, a'a aa folio nt Auettta lti un Ueiil ardy, eoeit Mant'ia and e, and, aafaraatba fruntirr lltm, ni1 by pe- dal a enroa-atnn- to Pranoe, wbo tranafere tt te ritaloua aouulred la Lombard? era to ba lUl.ytbeoa H.rfernment. rwdmoal la to 4U00u flmlna, ainl ba re.ii-tb- le f. thnauftba rf tbe dbt i Monte . . U.,bard . Vimtia. maklrir the dubt in ' ,".!"T" t i I to8..dU.laSS00 r.. Tha lwo...rtlr .ere wl nnlta tbeir effort., in ora. r iiat raiorm In tlia A A ml n'at talk m atiould lie carried out bv the a. Mi i.....w.t...L....i. ...... a U..4. ETlwS .,. V..,a,.";rlrve.lVitbet"oK.ii7 ' rore,wholllae.letwithalthelrp - werlntberorma. tk d . ,... deratuiu of all the Btafa of lta'r. Viret a, under A"trau mlii, le tif.irm patt of tba l!iA.ftdeiatlon tutlflFhtiona will lie eiihanfffd at lthln fifteen daja. It at 1 frm tba I'.nrloli that agnofutiit, Maty temerdy an areptlflcaUnuof taa lilreram of ISe flat annainoa that Count Couaai a fiat aiornln atuoted with eprpUiy. pbjaolena weie attending him, oui mere were nine iijjnm oi mm rcoorcry. tub raoJtrto oowoaaHa. The Parle wye Inttmatea of lt own knowledge, that In a OorRteea aooeiel In irtno'pla by the Kngllah Qoremniei.t, tba only aiwera 1 1 l repre-arnar- d beeldee the grrat onea, will ba Piedmont, tha Pupa and Naplra. I'nder ctrtaln aeentuellt'oe, the adnileejonu Spain mlgbl lie neOooal, but Be- - den andPottuRalbarenoolaJina. The Indcprndenrr Btlgt ea)a that out of own- - J pllment to Nroim, Auatila pmpoaed that tha Cotigrna ahould elt la Paila, but tbla waa doo load, and tbe chauoea farorrd llruaeela. The poliry if Kngland in laaingpart in ina tin (peae aa tlng ranraaeid by the Prcee, and goner. .n, y,, r,,IMIlt, were eainet It. Tba Umlon itntt ana .raw are both averee to Eegland Join- - gnee on Italian aiiatra. lT' le-- 4 I'M- - taenia's onran) as- - eerte that tt were an Idle trifling writ, tha tnfluenoe of r.ngiana, ana me nofiea ot Italy, tn expert mat any Kngllah statesman at all worthv of the name would herald hla own reputation and the national honor tohlscareby enUrlng a CoDgreaeof wbloh tl a Laala may be In the execution of the Zurich hraty. The same Journal In another editorial, regard tha Italian eompilcatloua sa very aeebais, ant tha NarouoNasestnmelyembataastnr. lie baa undertaken tbe sptetal pmleetlon of tbe Papal and also ta Italian liberty, whJe Papal pow- er and Italian liberty are In open warfare. It la al- most orrtalnttiatU a Rimegia wilt be atteoked by tbe Pal troopa. II U al oertotn tha at the first met eoe t'i armea uitervexitnin tn toe uuouiee, toe trootie of OaeieeLM will sweep before them every vretige of Papal tula I'nder taeaetirtmmatanee, the intervention of Austria will ba anticipated. What peit would Prance tben play, and wbat eitenabm wouM the Italian qurs'lon tbenaaeuraef The IViaf concludes by saytrg tbat English statesmen will make cOuita to avert tbe dangere wtuoU threaten E- nrol. oaaiT narram. Tie directors of the Qreat Eaatatn held a meetliuj on Ik an), on the ISth, and Ills authoratlvaly an-- unced that the deartur of the venae! ha been pteijoned minm (fie, atd oruers given that all e mnnty leoelved be returned. No time wtu be flied for the transatlantic voyage until good progress has beou made In fitting out tiie ehlp In thorough oompletncaa, audacctardlng to aome authorltiea there la no likelihood of wis voyage being made be- fore next spring. The ship would remain at Holy- head about ten daje longer, and then go to Boutn-amtit- to complete her fictinge, after whloh a trip to Liabon la apok t n of. 11 Is stated tbat In bar pres- ent cmdlttunthe dlrrctora will not accept the ship from Mri Boorr Krassu. The Direotora of tha London and North Western Hallway Comeuiy gave a grand banquet at lIolhead to tne fnicvt.Fia Ji ii.e urea euy oiimmmj v- - k 10th. Tbe Marquis of Cbandiai presided, and among the guests were Mr. OLaaavoaa, Chaneeibir o' the Kxoheipier Bit Joint PaxiaoTON. and many tnfl a entlal in n in eianmetoe and politics. Tbe speeches wire all hopeful of tbe success of the great ship. Mr. Mclvsa, In tha course of his remarks, rulteratrd tbe statement that the Cunard Compaay are building a stramer oentlderably larger than the Persia, but not so large ss tbe Ureal haatem. Prince Nsrotsna. after mlnuty Inspecting the Creel Kaatern at llolybtad, lld a flying rtall to end Msuctx stcr, and then left In the steamer fi parts unk Down. Tlie funeral ot Konrar Brammoa bk plaoe at Weftnoinater Abbey i the Hist, In preeenoe of a great concourse of people, and with every demon-atratl- of respect. Tbe Abbey was eroerded, and tba attendance included most distinguished men of rank and rofi aslons. Mr. Bisruaasoai bequeathed A"o.00n to publio lretltutlona, at Newoaatle, Bunder-lan- d, Shields, and other towns In that 1 xality. Bu- siness waa suspended during a portion of the day of the funeral, and many dctnouatreUuua of respect took plsoe. Tbe Tra'oe CVonfcln save that Messrs Bsien-- Unas and Kobovsow, electricians, visited Ve'encla tida week , and set on foot a series of sxperiments on the Atlai.tlo cable. Eooouragement as to tba aue-ee- i the undertaking, laAh aa regarde the reeuact-tallo- n tif the old and tna lavtna of tha new eable.waa tn the aacemtat.t. Theee gentlemen fiamd rornn In tthe stele of the cable to dleeeuilnate new enoourage-incu- t to its friends. Liner. rnna Balur.lay. The Ditflv AViss city article, dattd Friday sveulog, revs Tha funds Lava expo-lieu- a sudden reaction. The market opened at a reduction of nearly ona quarter below the prtoee of yesterdsy, and after the ekiee of the Block Eichsnge, increased heavlneaa tirevallrd. The demand fur money waa active and it was dlrllcull even to get ths leet bills discounted lielow 8 per cent. No gold wss wltbdreen from tbe Bank, but large purahaene uf Australian, Including a portjm uf tbe sTIIIMM received per ship i 01 kablre, were made for eiperta-tlo- n. Tne fonlgn exchangua weie ateady, exospt bli s 00 Iklgiiun, whlca were rather lower. Ths Times announces another Urge Rusatan fall, me tliat of Mr. Onvacaannrr, an eminent rnanu'ao-tur- er at Moscow. Hi Uabilitma are AH '.0J sterling. It lareiastedthat hshaaoummittedaulcida. Tls wt athtr la very Mntry In Eug'and, and there Is considerable fiust and suow. It Is reported that ths Emperor refuttd tn grant an audience to a depute! lou from BJogua, but re- ceived thiee from the Uuchlea. Tha Sardinian Minister of Foreign ASaliS had left Parle for London. Tie Patis correspondent of ths London Iltrahl continues to point out ths unmensu naval armaments lu progress, particulatly at Toulou, where no less tlisu tatuty two lsrgs shijie are being oonstnictad. Tbe Bouree was dull and dWIIulug. Ths IUnttt tloa.d heavy en tie Slat, at C3f. sin. Tie proJttid Chinese eidJtion had been in the Council or Ministers It was proimeej tn dlepstch W WK men, but nothing definite was lbs trmja would not kiavs before the end of the The Parts eorrrsnident of the Iondon Tfows ssts hs Is still Informed that France has claimed her war tieneea from Baidiuia, and tba Sardinian 's inlSHion to l'atla Is supHerd to hsve refereucs to the ijueatkiu of the dubt as ell as ths Duchies. ivaiv. Msrshsl ViiUAwr Isreiairted ts hsve written to Naioi ion, sutrgoiitlrg ths ocoupatiou uf the ll-cbl- is by tbs 1'reuch trwia, tt prevent civil ar bieaking out. The NeaimUtan army on the Soman frontier, waa lnereaaing. It wss rumored that trorpa bad landed at Anoona. Considerabls sxcitement prevsliod in Piodmont, on sccount of ths eondltione of the Zurich tpnatv. The king ot Beralnta, In motiving a dqmUtln fnnn Jhe -- lutildpality uf Qenvva, ruiteratMl h's tntintlon ins cause or Italian indeiaudeuce to the itui.t of hi. power. He eipreaeed the hope that the; "lal.ee of lUly would U graut-il- . '""apisid'tit g tbe I4jp.in 77eraU ssys thst Us oWct of Ins SaidUilan MTIBater t. n Afiairt visiting Paris, U to ohuin ths Bti. rot's wa. sent, pending tho Cotiare. a, tu the occupaUiai of Oen- - tral Italy by ltedmi nUee ti.i, ami ths apimlnt- - tuent of Prince Caaiucaae aa HugetA uf lbs Duchies and Legatloua. Tba communal ouuncll of Milan tad voted 100 000 fraaca towards aasiuauii's subscrliUou for ths purchase uf uuaketa. It aaa repotted at Turin tliat In consequence of Neapolitan war abija having Ucn signalled in ho. tils attitude off ths onavt of tbs Knuagna, a Pied- - mooteae squadron had been ordered round Into the Adilatio II la aasertrd that there baa been a revolutionary movement of Pelerine, but that It wss suppraewd. One sturv saya one hundred and fifty rebels were ktl led. but tt laoks eonllnnatlon. Justice continued to be energetically carried out hi Parma. New arrests had taken piece. Tno la.1 determined on tbe destruction of the column on which the bead of Aavrri waa placed. It wss ssprcwd that ths sooctlvs strength of the new Sardinian army will bs 100 f 00, exclusive of the rifle eorps, and military merit e. la addaloo iv vuiw Hirouguout tue avamgaom eoout ew.ve netuinal guarda. Plnaticlal affairs In Naples are reprenened ai crtta" sal, au4 a loan of Xt.U0.0OU waa Siuksa of. Ths Corrrenondeneta Aulogrta that aunounoee, In OOBaeauantM uf iih.i.u.-.- T . ..7T. badntolvedW Uvt leouun. u arias. The sain, karnal appnoaa tha aetma uf lt Oirraramaat la tti araun.arato iunMMnir PJT ".ttb".-rB- L -- or, tban'oL. per orni irnata. . ... . ..,.f l.i.trinnM naraaeareeaMarjiK '"", ; - i, tuwrfa. at laMalnb-rra- j ' . -- ti- Breal.u.o.t.Moft..r. aataa. Tie Kir of Bdu about t t.rooaa tie aUilitefl ot the eerere puniehioetitl taflloted up ii iu.ee wbo quit tba latabliahed Obnrch. TCntlf, AH Paraia, Grand Ttxer, baa been dlaoileeml lie vaa to f euro e1ed br Manoaar Hcraiu. Faeo Frrtar1, It waa aleneifectett, wieild ladtetnlMied.-Tw- o of tha C'plaVira bad died at Kulely, A teeeal ettb Circaewen emlf ranta on b4 had teti wraoked. Two hundred and three Urea were Icit. C'owintrrlal lntetll-eae- a Lirnmnt Orrma Maaaar.fFrem tkt Brtkr' CtrrfEar.) The makt eboei an adtanoliK ten. deijiy, aiticiilar1y fijr all tliardMicri(iiMi4,uwinv tUitlielreoaioity tin nitdnlrngquaiitira of Anercau. paitk ular'y New Or eene awl M ibtle, thera had lm n an adtat re of Kd.Tbe ealea of tba wank, of all drecrlpthwa, fid up M.U"0 balee, of whloh epcuat-ir- fck lMO ImImi, aod np-Tter-e 1 mri, the mark et cloeinir auaIy. Tha eslea on Pndaf font-I-d op b.Ohu leika, of abith H.tlKI were for Tba maiket chaied it'1 at tba ffJIoartra ail'horlied qnotatonal New Orteana fair 7fcl rln, ml.llnirT U Morula fairTHl do. ml T I I t'land lair lit I do. miodlina It la Tbe atiick of oaton In rt, aucorotuff to tbe leat kiy ntuma, fmted up 61J000 belee, of whlon 878 WOmeteif Amrncendieri4or. LirianaH. PaaatHrrerra Mahar MKear Braena A Co. qii'e rliur dull at Mia. ft a S7a. tVbrat alao dun, no. 0. SI ate et. white. lie. Om i"l't, but flroii yellow, fJa. 6i a J. L"Xi, . rquaitor. aieaara. "JI ".? of Id. on wbeat "Al.S.. faoTiatoa Miaan Meeer. Rl.in. . """7; ntTA A Co. KimiAaneoa. flreaoa at Oo Jauia v Millaear aTni and othera, report beef quiit, bill atrady. Perk dull and tnactrre, but riilatira '"d tiy at a nduotum fni aaaiog p.loiw. He-- inna, S"S (TlllIIIIBJ ami vw - iauw which are araree. fallow firm! butchers. 61s. IiimitiM MASkSva .llaatao ltnAhera retmr' llrvnd' ati.fTa vrty cu I biitaViaily. lion stiady at & lis.(4 Aft in furbish tiaiaand rai a Biigr Arm, with a paitial atvancetf 01 Tea quit t, IJongmi la 6t Uif fee dull and weaker tn ptloe. Infttgiaalee aea ani- mated, and on talona maintained eith dimnultr. Lnaeet rakialu beittrdi-irieiid- . N'W Vork, a'U 1'ia. IVon At. Plab as mantive. Moaned oil SS. Woe quite. Tallow dull at 00a. (d. BiArits of PiKaatisi. The London Money market wss slightly mine arrtngrnt, but the supply waa Tbe bullion In tha rtaak of England had since its laet weekly return A'lunna. Iltr Fliltrr was quoted at oe. !1 dodara fie. i&. tag aa 7sa Id. Coiisnts clieed on Frldsy at M 0X fcr .tsAh rxom y and acvount. The Iilaei. Lrvisroou Returdey atrrnoon. Cotton I aa'es to- day, b,i CO balea, of which 1 6' bales were for siwou-latk- in and eimrt. alatkit cloned steady, llread-BturT- a quiet l"rt eteady. Pnerlstona dull, lietKia, Baturdsy afternoon t Kg Tsltgraplt 0onsi4ssoKaiC for money and aooouut, tbe market closing ouu. Aasstrsa Btooxa I)ail Baovnsas rrpirt U. B, fiveeVlhaOe. Maaeaobussas lives 10U Pennsylva- nia uvea 01 1VI7, heast. Itau. a Co. reiort the state of stacks active Rail, navl aacurltlra alow of sale, but ana'teted In prtoe V. B. slsee. 1H6H, KMSrtHt ditto fives. In large specu'atlve inquiry at a sight ailvsnoe in prtoee, the being MMeM. Alabama Uvea, TSaTIt SiMilatlona sins, rJaSIX Maryland fires, stale MaeaachusrtU flvea, loUafrl Ohio Usee, (TeSrs. Pennaylvaula Uvea, B"eM ditto, bonds of Wtl. eta Ml Tenoeeare alx-w- , HOaHti Ylnrlnla aixea, MX" 67)) ditto fivea, sBeH I Illinois Central aharea, tie tt discount t ditto, erven r cent bonds, 76TS t ditto aura, tl.lti ditto eevana. frrelend. SJaSoi Michlaan Cantial elabtbs, mill ditvi anaree, 41 1 New Yntk Central sites, BteAo t ditto aevrna, V3aMVt drtto aharea, toaTlt Erie, third mortgage, tbabt i ditto aliarra, tag I rename Batlroad botala of lfibt, lOlalM I oltto, 1H06, tlalM Pennarlvanla Ceu-tr- slscs, fiist niortgsge, (WaiiO. Its Lnodon rimes of Baturdsy repot ta sales of V. B. flvea, at M and Jlllaols Central sba.ee at 37 dlsobunt. Arrival of tba Narth Aaserlcaa. Four Days Later Intelllgenoe. 0 Father Poinl. Sov. 6. The iteamthlp North American, from I Jverpool, at 10 A. M, of tne 86th ult , asstd this point at 11. U P. M , to day, aa route to Quebec Tbe City of Baltimore, for New York, waa tn sail about an hour later, and the Vandarbtlt waa to leave Buutbampttai tbe same dty. Tha steamship Asia, from New York, arrived at Liverpool, at t P. M, of the 94th. rot iraioa uoMrxsswcs. Nutlilng bsd transpired In regard to the Zurich txuiieinuce saw a- - e . . .r.. .a tbeAmirica. Tbe summary of the treaty between Franca and Austria, sa telegraphed from Zurich, was published sxcluslvely la ths English Journals, but wss sutaequeiilly reproduced In the Pstltaud Vienna Jiittrnals witoout any guaranteea f sr Its authsallotty. At tba latest dates Count Omoasoo still survived, but had not been reetored to consoiouansaa, and there were no hopes of hla recovery, obiat aarrtnt. Arrange tnantt have been oixnpleted by the Cunard Company for all their ateamera runnlag between uvetpoia ana iioevm, o nisu utwoaiwu a por ot call, out and tome. The arrangemenU goei Into t fleet with the Cauda, leaving Liverpool en the Oth of November. Tbe London Ttmft, in rrauuahing oommodare TiMin1. Hkariatnli elative Cn the nramUnni at tbe --- -: x .: tt. 'i :: nioutn or tna r etno, dAorially eulogteee It. snd sera, u sny durance were ceded for the sets of the Urttlah Minuter and Admiral In tboaa distant reaions. at would be f.iund In tbe despatch, which It has had the plesaute of ptlutlng. Sir tisoBOB Qxxt Is understood to have been re- appointed Oovemor of the Caps of Oood II ipe. There la nothing new In regard to the Greet Eastern. Tba authorities of Bnstol were making t Sorts to get her to eum to thst pott after her projected trip to the Meditarvanian. Tbe new Earl of Jetsty, who succeeded to tbe Earldom on tbe aeatn ot uia lausr, on sua sa ot uotouer, un on tne 8 lib. Sir J. Dim Paci and Sraaaaa, the ex London tenkets, have been releaned from prison, after hav- ing underaooe four leers pansl servttuds. The stilke of the lindon builders continued, aod there were ltdicaUona tbat It waa beginning to tell seriously against tha men who refused to resume wotk. Tbe dividend waa dlmlnlabing, and a reaoiu-iU- n was adofed tu appt al to tbe publio for eupport, Reotnt rttuiue abow excuealve mortslitr amomr tha wtvea and famllk s of tbe operativee In tbe building traue, aua tnere was irar tnas soores ot innieui tier-ei- and young children were perishing fiom sheer wsnt The weather In Kng'and has been unusually se-- vi re fur the Susan. Heavy frotts prevailed, anl a consldsrable quantity of snow bad fallen. Paxuament is fuithtr prorogued to Dooeraber 15th- - rtaaca The Pa-I- s Cmsrtfu'fonel, In ao article signed by its principal editor, in reply to tbe aesertluos uf the English press, that tha pi 3 Icy of the Emperor has left a state of a ttlcat inoertituds tn Eurjpa, atatea tlie aim voawed by the E oror at the oeginnlug of the war, aud compered It with the advantagee galutd, and accuias the English journals of Incon- sistency. The Psris cneespnudsnts of the London Jouma'a genera ly indulge In glutuny forebodings. The writer for the lerahl statee plainly, that the Impression sstned ground that a rupture between Franee and Eug and waa laimlueut. Several provincial Jour liaia had pub tebed slmultaiieously, vtoleut aruolea afalu t England, which are kno- -n o ht-- e ben eup-pli- by a govrrnment ofiiclal. Eugland Is warned (hat the boor uf trial auHoaabes, which may put an end to her greatness forever. The Paris ourreeiMiudeut of tha London W as- serts that negttiationa were atlll g4ng on between the governments of Eogland aud Frauoe, tn order to neupletc the arranaetuenta for a Jurat expedition to China l while, on tlie other band, tbe eorreepoudent ot tle Iionduu Herald rt p. ats the statemsnt that tbe Ctlneee preparations are ausiiended. The MuniUur it I'arntes states tbat the Chlneve coo mender f the forts on tbs Felon, on tbe 114th i f June, bad rtcetvtd a btiltllaut rewaM frcm the Euitur of China, having bet n veined UenersHatino of ti e Chinese aru.Ua, and a maudaria of tbs highest C1NM 'ihe rsris Fliiur Market was firm. Wheat heavy and aales dilheult. The pilta uf braudiea had rlseu throughout Fral CO. The reci ut inuiidationa tn the BVnith of Franoe canard tuurh dau aire, U th to life ai.d propertv. lien Haout'aud Dr. Lsauisev liad avalladthsm-stive- s uf the amnesty aud returned tu Franoe. art i a. The clfflc'-'H-y bet ween Spain and Moroooo had rcactied a crude, tha Biiaiiwh Goverhment having formally aunouueed Its intsntlou'to commence hos- - tuniea. We have the following telsgtama from Madrid on this aubltat! XortriJ, lie Government baa deolarod to the tstts tn the ailtiag uf tbat It waa guiug to begin war with Mumuoo. The declarauou was reotaved allh great hiiUiuataeta. All Kuuoal parties luths Senate and the Cungetea have otferd their aujipiirt to the Minietry. Tue newspapers sxpress the samepalfligio feehug A fails journal aaeeits thst a declaration of war by Hiu agauut Murocoo has bten struugty urged by rrsuce. The Uudon Shipping Oattttt, of the 14th ssys I We hsis nasuntobtilisvs there lll tn no war Bjain atd Muroooo, the Mmra having made thervquind oisiceasli us. Aiuuuts from various (ortsig Sln, Uoweer, onntiuue tu speak of great iiriistiiiia fur ths war with Morocco, and that trou are ouilectliig In every tnirt fur oouvsyasce to Africa. A Perls dispatch saya, O'Doaaaubadaotua'ly set out for AMiw. Tt s Li ndou Times U of the opinion thst anv dan- - to Eunitie or to tea Uritlah Naeaealon of Glbral Etr from tha Spauleb entcrprtae sga'tat Morouoo la absurd, but an attack by Francs tn tba independence of Morooco, and an attemiA tb add tu territory to Algeria would Juetify the struugeat reiuunatraiuies lu bthalf of Euiope. The Dilg tvt thinks ths alliance bet ween Franoe and SpalU agalnat Storooei-- , or a any rate war aim uttenaoua'ytnrtateuad by both ioeirs sgalnslhar, ...J..n ba saalaarul wBMtjsaawlaVr ' eaae xhePaViTco of the fatly -- Vru-l Is as- - enred that M. Uat had tent a dispatch U eay that Rutland ! on longer opposed to tba atpedlttcn Bgsinet Morocco. rrttT. It wee repnrtad at Turfa Ihat Om. Daanaamta wouM aram rran fnan tba ntaMry ot fonlfn affatra, to ba aueoeetkil hj Onnnt VaToca. Tbe rennU of itturriioea at rVe-m- o ar oon I timed, tba unfile! between tha trope and Pt t.a.n on thentntb and laetwl Mil tha eleTenih. at a Pag lera, liver Palnvmnt quiet bad been reetored, but ! Pet imo ass In a stata rf siege. rarest a. O'tst preparations an ra being mads In Osrmany to ctlekrate the tksmtss rrstlval H'soooj. Ilssvtiva from Tanners state thst Mr. flsosos V liana a, the Vnibd States was prepsrlng to lesve for uirral-- r tsaing with him all hla hirae, Ao. lean i t. I that the Kpanlah foreeewouM make the ati k by rea and land, and afterwards occupy Terren and Tanjiers. Tho Fisnch eipedltumary corps eras resdj tottke the firkf. nti'i, Adrirt s fruta the Ilritish squadron In China repre-ae- the cme s a-- er.ff ring cruelly fn m npthaltma. Tbe Milf rvaeniiiaviasti prove tbat, la going to war with Motoooo, Hla la lbs instrument of Frni.oe. raoorrlat. .frvrrwet, Oct. SO A vtoiett etorm and high tea retidrttd It ini(ioe.hle to pul ue ptsenere and mat la on twawd the Notth Ainerlcsn sad City of Del tluiote tile morning II Ah veee Is are eoaaaqusntly detainei t Ii I'M Ignt or variy Tbutedty morning. Tbe gale tat tern very sevsre, ana etui eoaunues. ('emtnrrrtal latrlllarnre. Livtaroot. Crrrroa Maaxsr. The aa'ea of evlton f r U.e tbrra) davsln tha Uwrpool marktt were 1M.000 11. a, of which SLSnulators took 1 400 and exporters 4 on". Tne n srkrl cVed firm, and with an advan- cing t ndeticy for clean, but quotations were un. cbergi-- Bvava or Tssi.a Ths adrloes from Manchester are favorable. LivrsroiL Pastivrrra Masarr. Itionivn, Aravs A Co. rrjiort Pwur sterdy and unchanged) Wl cat edvancoo Id , with an improved demand I C rn quiet but atcaty, niAwithatandlrg an excessive tuiitiiy. I.ivssr4HiL Psovisiow Mtaarr. Rtoniansoa, Brant sa A Co. reirt lleef etva.lv t Purk steely I.rt ateaily at Slaiaie'ls. for all qnaktieai.Baoon dulls Tallow linobanired. IxiaiMia MiSsstaWbeat waa firm! holders de- manded an atvanoe, but It wsa not obtained. Bugar ateeoy lOt firm. Tta alow of ae'e, but pvleea unaittted. Tsllnw U. ti. Unseed oil lis. ftdaJV. Pig iron dull at Ilia M. IoitMiK Moniv Masarr. The money market was sightly mois etHngent Uoneiila 0'ievi) on Tuesday at K( a 96'(, for both murey and aeennt. Asian aa Barcsinaa Bsea were rsrea In Tysidon or lllluaa eentral abaree at 17V dlsoount Nee York eeit-a- l at TO a It and Erie railroad sinking fund binds of l'7o at IB a SO. lertler fraaa llav. tVlaw. In reply to the letter of L Mama Child, of Wayland, Mux., asking permission of Oov. WISH to visit Jons Ilaowir, In bli call, at Cbarleatown, Vs., to dress hla wonnds, nurse him, and soothe him In hit hoar of peril, the Governor says i Virginia and MaaaachuactU are Involve 1 In no civ- il war, and tha Constitution welch unites them In one sotifedsracy guarantees to yon privileges and a of a cliUea ot tbe United Bia'aa tn the State of Virginia. That Constitution I am sworn to support, and am, therefota, brunt to pmteet your pnvili grs aod taimimitlse at a eitisen of Meseeihu-aeti- a oomlng Into Vltglnla for any lawful and peeoa-- ut purjmsn. Coming, sa you propose, to minleter to the captive ta prison, yen will be met, tfoubtlece, by all our people not oaly In a but la a Cbrlatien spirit. You have tbe rlsht to visit Charlestoem, Va.. Madam I and your mission Detng mercful and humane, will not only tie allowed, but be respected tf not wel- comed. A few unenlightened and tnoonetderate per eons, fanatical tn their modea of theught and aottoa to maintain Juetloe and right, might neolsat you, or be diepiaed to do ao, and thla might auggeet the risking any estierlmont npon thepaoe of a sock'ty very much excited by the Crimea wtth whose chtr f author you seem to sympathise eo muehj but sUU, I repeat, your motives and avowed purpose are lawrui v : ana pteaiui, ana 1 ".7" asieratiara naetrned, do my duty ta protecting your tights In .TiSLt".0! '?ij,,,2i.'o0't V t mini " '"tr"' power. Jf '..P?B ?L ,"Ut. oonatltutlonal " obllgationa cannot be redeemed in her own limits to ths letter of morality as well aa of law) and If bar chivalry eenaot courteously receive a lady's visit to a prisoner, every arm whloh guards Uaoaa from rescue on the one band and from Lynch law on the other, will be ready to guard your perron tn Virginia I could not permit aa Insult even to woman In her walk of crerltr among ua, though It be to one wbo whetted knives of butchery fur our mothers, setters, daughters end babes. We have no sympathy with your aantlmente of sympathy with liaow, and are surprised last you ware 'taken by sui prise wben newt came if Captain Baowa'a recant attempt, lilt attempt waa a natural consequence of your sympathy, and the sirors of that sympathy ought to make you doubt Its virtue from the eflbct on hlawinduct But it la not of tbla tbat I ahould apeak. Wben you arrive at Charktstown, If you there. It "" - a, a. - w ...., 'm..- - , wealth's astiirney, abevif and Jailor, to eay whether you may sea and a ait on the prisoner. But whether you are thus permuted or net (ant yon will be If mv ad vice can prevail), you may rent assured tbat he wdl be humanely, la fiiliy and mercifully dealt by In pris- on and on trial. Texas Newa. We have Galveston" dates to tha 27th ult. Tha iVetrs sayt tbe work of repairing and finish ing up on tne uaireeton, Houston, and Mender on1 Kailroad U progreaslng most satisfactorily r. under the new organization, and the entire road from Virginia 1'olnt to Houston will be In fine running order by tbe time the bridge and draw aie completed, and the track laid from Eagle (j roT, ,0r, jt dtr. Veot 1'atw.V.iw of tba KOOOner Maltbt Iletts. died on the nlicht of tha 21th Inst., of yellow (svtr. There were eight detthi by yelbw fever, dur- ing the last two days. Ihe weather hag boon quite cool and searching. The TiUorupA learnt from a private letter that the yellow fever hat made ltt appearance In Uraturia. Ihe AvwfAerner tayt that trains of emigranti are eonitutly passing through Waco southward and westward. Tbe Uonham, Mc Kinney and Sherman papers tar the emigration In northern Texas, this fall, It heavier than tver known A oairrutBtAR from Ilempetcad writea as fol- low I to tha Uaireeton A'swr, In regard to the depredations of tha Indians on the frontier t More than one hundred Uvea bsva been taken. In J the last two years, hf tbe Indian foe, and property of Immenae value destroyed. Net a paper from the East and Notth but conies filled wtth tooounte of murders and robbsries. For e number ofyears many leugade aod dieaOVcttd Indiana from Tsxss, have taken refuge In tbe towne of Mexloo, adjacent to the Klu Grande numbers uf runaway negroes have alao tscsind Into tbat ouuntryt numerous Mexicans who have been driven out of Texaa fur high crimts, ere hovering ebout tbs bordsre for revenge, This tuuugrel race, without the fear of Ood or man, are our neighbors, and oruaa over lnt j Texas with Im- punity, and kill and steal. Ths prveinoeiif the regu- lar aruiy Cnaa not deter them In their designs, wsll kMartng thst they wl.l not bs pursued beyond the limits if tbs Mo Grands by this class of soldiery. Tbe military f.nta are not dreaded by the ledlana I many depredations have been oomultted In bearing ot the garrison calls, and In eight of the flag staff. TRtMIItDorjl tXCTTEMXJVT Aa ELKTaUBT Looaa lit ma STajtxTs, Thursday morning, a trt msndous excitement waa created In toe lower irt is Wiilliapisburgb, oaused by the elephant be- longing to Va aMntaOH'a v?venaerla bannlng en. rased and breaking loose from his keeper. A maa bad bet n employed to bring eome aoavinge to the mtnsgrrle, which were brought tn a wsguo. Ths man druva Into the tent, and whl'a unloading his wsgon ths elephsnt wasotiearved to grow reetloaa at the sight of tbs hives which had a white blanktA en. Tbs niau was advised to take his horss away, but before be could do ao the elephant advansed a fsw steps and knocked tlie man down with a blow of hla trunk, tsit seised the horse by means of his trunk and Injured him seriously. Ue next wised ths wa- gon, throwing II up in ths air and breaking It so ora. Ilia auger waa fully aroused then, and pro-e-n ding to the cage the prairie wolf smaabed It with his trunk, releealug him. Next lu his mad way waa the rage of a black bear. This cage was demolished but the bear waa chained up and could wt escape. Tbs c,s of ths sebra being next tn bU way, hs push- ed It tt rough the tent and clear through Ins wall of a small thanty at the back of the tent Then leaving the teul he got Into tho street, pursued by his keeper and hundroda of people, none of whom were aula to coaith the enraged elephant. lie did not molest lev sets by, but setmed to have a great averaion to boreea. which he would pursue aa rapidly aa he was able, bell g bouplud with a chain connecting hit tuake v 1th rue t f hla fore leers He waa flnallv driv en by tba Into the stone ysrd, corner of South Fourth snd Seventh, street!. Here a nuuilier uf workmen were engaged in dress- ing stipe, ard bad Just placed upon wooden home a huge atoue weighing about fifteen hundred t ins. lu attempting tu get out of thy Banna yard the elephant gut caiurht by his chain tu tbet atone whloh chocked him. Tbe keepers gradually approached him with chains to fasten bit legs, but it waa not till be bad ret eived ssverel severe blows with spears that hla eltenttra liutud be divrrted so ss to render It pos- sible to furthsr secure him. Finally, he wet tlr.wu do an upon hla Bide, where he lay for aome time bellowing aud thrashing about hint with hit trunk. Application was mads to fjjok and tavjder CiaupanlesNoa land I, who furnished the keepers with large bunks. Ons of theee was run through ens of hit ears and twisted round until the poor anl-u.- tould nut move bis heed from pain of the wouDd. Whtn be waa perfectly subdued, bs was bssvlly bound with chains, and taktn back to the menagerie Us Is almost covered with weunds from tbe hooks aud spears, and It It not dee li- ed safe to exhibit htm for a few days, nor would It ha ea' (or his keeper to approach within sight of him. It It a very fortunate eireiinistsnce that no peraua wet killed ly the elephant, or trampled to death la tt e eoufuaha of tsoere, aa It la the poor animal la the grtateel suBVrvr. This It the largest elephant tlat baa been exblblttdtn thla pert of the country, a ui ta the earns thst a fsw years linos caused such t svoe by escaping from bis cags at Usrlsm. These fits of anger, tils said, occur annually, and the keep-er- a have fur aome time been expecting eome Buck domunatratkio, and kept a mora careful watch over TELEGRAPH DISPATCHES The Harperi Ferry Inamrreotloo. Trial f Jakai Drawa sued otfcere. Otartftton, Kot. 1.-- 110 prisoner hat also been found guilty of both murder counts for tbe murder f the same persona. It was manifest that be eon d not be guilty of both. Baowa waa remand- ed to jail Mr. llstntM announced thst be was ready to pro-er- with toe trial of Corns who waa brought In. Tbe ceremony of pasalog htm between a file of arm--d men wee dispensed wtth. Coma took hla seat between Meeara OeuwrtD and lion, wbo appear aa bis consent. He seemed calm and composed. The rtmainderof lbs day waa epent tn endeavoring tn obtain a juty, but the paael wis not complete, when at five o'clock the Court adjourned. Iivrara bat. Cafrsiotni, Set. 1. The Court met at ten o'clock tbla morning. Coma wet bronght In. prrceeding to his trial, Mr. Oamwout stated tba points en which an arrest of judgment waa asked for In Ilaowif a case. In addition to tha reasons mentioned yesterday, he said, It had not bean proved beyond a doubt that he (Daowe) waa aver a citlsen ot tha United Btates, and argued, that tnason eouid nit be committed against a Plate, but only against the General Govern- ment, citing the authority of Judge Bmav, a'eo atattng thst tbe jury bed act found ths Jeieonev gul'ly of ths etlmsa as ebsrged In tbe Tbey had not responded to tbe offence charged, but fiuad baa guilty of Crimea bot charged. Ttey find him guilty of murder In tbe first degree, when the Indictment don't charge hint with tffaaoss eonatltoting that crime. Mi. UcsTia replied, quoting the Virginia sols, to ths i Beet thst tchnk-alltla- i ahould ni arrset tha of Justice. As to ths Jurladietlon ovsr tnsnon, tt wss sufflolsnt to ssy that Virginia had a law assuming that jurisdlctlca, and Ciwed cnnstllutes thst crime. Tt.afi.mtt vaai lid Ifca danlalai. Ui. ttanarw waa eiiaai lit diirlnw the inmmbil a 1 be Jury was sworn tnComs'e ease. The testl-tnon- y Is the same as already published, but ta mote brief. The examination or witnesses for tbe prose- cution waa not condaded at the alliurnsieni. Coos waived an examlnalkm before the Magis- trate's Court. CVwlaitotm, A'or. 2. Mestri. RusaatL and Biaaorr, from IkadoD, reached here Cook waa brouaht before the Mactatratea Conn. and waived an examination. Coma's trial waa No witntaeea were called for the defence. Mr. TJaanino opened fur the commonwealth t Messrs. Uotv and Obiswold followed fur ths defend- ant) Asnsxw Ucarss clisaid for the prosecution, The speeches were uf marked eMllty. Mr. GsisaoLD arkedfor several Insttnctlons to the Jury, which were all granted by the Court, and the jury rvtirea. liaovi waa then brought In, and the Court Iloust waa Immtdlataly thronged. The Court gave Its decision on the motion for an street cfjudgment, overruling the objections mads. In ths objection that treason cannot be ootnmltted against a Htste, be ruled that wherever al- legiance la due, treesnn msy bs oammltted. MieA of tba Btatee have passed laws against treason. The objections ss to tbs form of tne verdict rendered the Court also rrgarded as Insufficient. Ths Clerk then asksd Mr. Dsows If be had any thing to say why sentence should not be pronounced uton him. Mr naowa Immediately roe s and In a dear, dis- tinct voice said: "1 have, may It please the Court, a few words to say. In the first plane, I deny everything but what 1 have all along admitted, of a design on my part to free slaws. I Intended, osrtsln'y. to bars made a clean thing of tbat metier, at 1 did last winter, whan I went IlIo Missouri, and there took elavea, without the snapping of a gun on either side, moving tnem through tbe eountry.end finally leaving them la Can- ada. 1 daatgnedtc neve done the eametulng again, on a larger scale. That waa all that I Intended. I nevt r did Intend murder or tresson, or ths destruc- tion uf property, or to sictte or Incite slews to rebel- lion, or to make Insurrection I I have another o)eo-tlo- n, and that Is, that it Is unjust that I ahould sufler such a penalty, bed I Interfered In tha manner which 1 admit, ant which I adiaJt hat been fairly proved, for I admire the truthfulnees and candi of tha greater portion is the wlteeeara who have t etined In tbla case, lied I ao Interfered In behalf of tbe rich, the powerful, tbe Intelligent, the eo called great, or in rjeusii ot any m inetr inenoa, eunar mothsr, brother, slater, wife or children, or any p, xttt ciaas sudLred and saort&ced what I have In tins Inttiirence. It would Uv been all rtght,eve- - ry man In this Court would have oeemed tt aa act wotthv of reward rather than rjumahment. This Oouit soknowledgetn, as I suppose, the validity of the law of Ood. I tee a book kissed, which I sup- pose to be a Bible, or at lee the New TeaUmenxf which teaches me tbat alt things whatever I wculd tbet men ahould do to me I ahould do even eo to them. It teaches me further, to remember them thst are la bonds as bound with them. I enleavored te act up ts that lnatrocttutv. I say, I am yet too young to under-Ble- nd that Ood la any respected of persons. I be- lieve, tbet te have Interfered, aa I have done In behalf of Ule denptssd poor, Is no mors than right. Now, la deemed necessary that I should my life for the furtherance of the ends of Jus- tice and mligle my blind further, with tho blood of my Children, and with the blood of mllltone tn this Slave country, whose rights are disregarded by wick- ed, cruel and unjuat enactments; I aay let tt be dons. lit, uia eay uufe wmuruiuiei. t rent eutlaety Bat- - iefled wtth the treatment I have received on my trial. Considering all tbe circumstaooea, tt bag been more oaneroua than I expected. But I feel no conscious- ness of guilt. I have stated from the first wbat was my Intentions and what was not. I never bed any deelgn agalnat tbe liberty of any person, nor any dieposltlua t commit treason or excite slsves to re- bel, or make any general Insurrection. I never en- couraged eny man to do ao. but always dutoourared any Idea of that kind. Let me esy, also. In regard to the statements made by eome of those who were connected with me. I fear It has been stated by eome of them tbat I have Induced them to Jola me, but the contrary la true. I do not say this to Injure them, but ea regretting their weakness. Not ons but Joined sae of his own aooord, and the greater part at their own expense. A number of tnem I never saw, and never had a word cf oonvereatioa with till tbs day they came to me, and that waa for ths purpose I nave stated. Now, I have done. While Mr. Baowa was sneaking, perfect tranquil- ity prevailed, and wben he had finished, the Judge proceeded to pronounce sentence upon him. After a few primary remarks he said, that no reasonable doubt could exist of the guilt of the prisoner, and sentenced him to be bang tn puboo on Friday, the M cf Peoernber next. Mr, Baowa received bit sentence wtth compo- sure. Tbs only demonstration made was by the e'epning of ths hands of one man hi the erowd, wbo la not a restdsntof JtrTereost county. Tula wee promptly suppressed, and much regret la expressed by the cUUrna et lie occurrence. After being out an , the Jury came In wtth a verdict that Corn a waa guilty on all tha counts tn the Indictment. Hie counsel gave notice of a motion for arreet ofjudgrnentt as In Mr. Baowa'a case. The Court tben adjourned. Tan Ibla Haflread Arrldeat Chicago, Sot, .K terrible accident occurred on the Chicago and North Western Railroad, this fort noon. A train, consisting ot thirteen cava, fl'led with exaurslonlsts, from Fon du Lao for Chicago, ran off the track at Johneon Creek, eight milee south of Wattrtown, Wlsoonsln. Eight persons are repotted killed, and a aumber bally wounded. The namea of the killed, as far 'at known, are i M. 1. Tuoaaa, U, s. Marshal; Mr, Boatman and Gaoaoa F. Eauraaoit. Tbe names of tne liedly Injured, aa far aa ascer- tained, are I A. B. Bombstw, Indian Agent I T. L. Guxarr, Judge Futrr, Mre. Kanruao and Vaa Daism Brtlin all of Fon du Lac, ttflOBO DxsriTou. In addition to those previously reported killed, are the following t Jsweaa Mason, telegraph operator) T. L. Oiuurrt, and J. Snow, of Food du Lac; Joaa Lcno, C. Par se- en la, and L. Susbwood. of Ushkuah Dr. T. Mnisa, of Watcttosra. The Injured are aa folio ex i E U. Brass, tmtb lers ofTi Mrs. Lewie, Ins; bmken Mrs. Jsaia Xbbksv, leg broken ; Mis. Bslwi, of 0h-kos- ta tb legs broksn: Mr. Van Bcaxx 8s un, IVtl-t- of Ihs Foud du Lao rsss, skull fractured, and not exja-cte- to recover. Tte accident waa caused by the train running Into an ox. rVafrrfotnt, Wu., Not. I. A Ccroner-- t in- - wss hsUl this afternoon, upon the bodlss of Suest kllltd by the railroad accident yesterdsy, and a vtrdtrt tbat the accident wee unavoidable aud not the fsult ofaayperaon In charge of the train, was rendered. It Is stated by the officers of the road, that great pains havs been taken for tha purpose of Bvoldlng accidents, and tbat tba fatal train was running at a rate not exceeding fifteen miles aa hour, Aerldeat an New York Crntral Itatlread. AUxmw. Sot. 8. Between 11 and 12 o'clock last night a freight train, cunalatlng of 41 cars, ran off ths track at the entrance to the olty, on the heavy down gratis, and on reaching the corner of van woertBtreet,tue toooruotive,oneox tne largest on ths new!, wee overturned, and a general am sen up fullowed. Eight of the freight ears were flhtvsr-e- d to atoma, and their contents scattered about In all directlona. The remainder uf the train was mora or less Injured by toe eonouwdon. The locomotive wss vsry badly damaged. No Uvea were loat nor any one injured. The accident waa caused by Ice on the rails, rain having fallen a abort time prsvloue and froatn. The train aotueUy ran away from tbe engineer. All the breaks were down and still tbs momsnunt wee equal ta fifteen miles en hour. The engineer eeya It la fortunate the train run off where It did, at It would have been to check Its headway before entering the passenger deimt, where far more eorioua results would Lav fol owed. Dewtrartlve Klree. Km Orleans. Sot. 8. Seven touaiet, extend- - Irg from Washugton to Kth at , In the eta district, wire burnt last svenlcg. Ths burnt dUttlct waa thickly built over with email bulldlnga. Another square la now oa firs, but the firemen are powtrleaa from want of water. Asia Orleans, Hot. 4 J. It The toss by Us fire In the 4th District Is about a quarter of a million of dollars. Sixty dwellings are deetreyed. Tbs fire wee Ue work of aa lnoendtary. .Vets OrUttnt, Fot. 4 Ths firs tn the Fourth Dis- trict, yesterday, destroyed sixty dealings, involving a'oeaefttuO.OOO. fit. Leafs, As. 4 A b'ock 'of about 26 wooden teu mcnls ou Green St., between bill and 0th ste, known aa tba Robbers' Roust, aid composed of nolo rioue lttah groggerira etd disreputable dance bouars, were burned lait night, I'M lues Is about 10 004, Marytaael rauue BervJea. Rloten Controlling the Foils. Several KJOed a4 TTaaadeet. BaUittort, Sot. . 1 ha State election It now progreaatts;. There la agrees etmggtein ail tbe Wards sa tar aa heard from. The sd Ward nolle are Hooked by rowdies, and the police are doing nothing. la tte 10th Ward. TKae gitna, tbe Reform Judge, bee teen Intimidate le:d compelled to leave, end Mr. Kinairv, wbo waa appointed by acting Msyot Maro, and reketed by the Couaeu, has been re. appointed. The Reformers have been driven off. Jama Jansae, eon of Manion Jtrreas, eras shot la the stds and beaten over the bead by botjm steKwm ere whoen be had maltreated. In the 16th Ward, Ansa B Erie, Jr.. merchant, of No, N Ilaaovtr et, Kofi inter, waa shot In tbe temple and was dying a few moo ants sen. Gsoses Krta, who came to tbe rescue of his bngber, wsa shot dangerously. la the 14th Ward, there tea deeperste etinrgle. The resisted with anna. Soajiv Waive, alias Jas. Jobssou, a nototlout rowdy, was ah dead wtth a pistol ball Two other rowdies, named rtaaais ant lirrrr, were shot tn tbe lege. Bswbv grata, a Re- former, wsa shot in ths leg. Wa. Sritaa, a Reform- er, waa shot In ths arm and teg. In tbe llh Ward, TasotKiss Wonoatt, wee badly beaten. Dr. 0. RKSUBnen, a Bef urmer, was psrsosd by the captain of tbe Thunderbolt Club, with a drawn eword. Dr. R. took rtfuge tn a store, whsa tba rowdies broke ta toe windows, ard tried to capture him, but fortun- ately tbey were not aurcrsafnl. Judge Ones, of the V. A. District Court, met Bbe-- 10 CxseMsa In Ue street this forenoon, and told him In decided terms that ht wee to be accountable for all the blood that waa ebr d At a la Ire and lawyer be told tee Sheriff be had the authority, and that It waa hla duty to Interfere. In the ISth Ward tbe rowdlee took pnareenim of the pnOe and gave the Reformers notice to quit, a Reformer waa badly beaten. In tbe fifth Ward the Reformers were driven off at an early hour. A eon of Hon. Joairca VaatanT, waa beaten for attorn ting to vote. The first, second and fourth Wards are alalia preen-Btto- of the rowdies, to the total exe union of all who oppose them. In the Twentieth Ward tha rowdlee are knocking down and whom tbe t lease. Ths rowdies bsvs a swivel on the (round. In tbe 19th and 10th Warde gangs cf rowdies from Washington, fully armed, are aiding tbe Batlmore roughs. lathe 16th Ward, a boy baa been morta'ly wounded. Its wss shi t lu tha breast. There ta considerable talk uf a Vigilance cemnultee In the streets. aeooan basriTou. Willi E. Pxtmiti, Dsmccratto cindidate In the Third Oogrtsnlonal Dlatrict, la now lying at Baa-ee- Hots', tadly beaten aliout the head with a billy. Tbe outrage la said to have been perpetrated in the neventeentb ward. Mr. Kttajsho was shot this forenoon. Is dead. In the E'everth Ward, the stronghold of ths Re-- s, Mr. Otosoa M. Oru. made a speech, an- nouncing the withdrawal of Mr. Taouae, tne Reform candidate fur District Attorney, when tbe Reformers finding It Impossible to do anything, all withdraw, Tman tHsraTrti. Dr. Ronnrami, of the Central Reform Committee, came to tba 11th Ward polls and announced that the Reformers hat been driven from every Ward, exospt tbet and the 8th, and eouneallod the Reformers there to withdraw to avoid faitter bloodabed J whereuKm Dr. Taoase, Reform Judge, retired, and the ootttfwt wsa abandoned. Previously, the Rsfurms re through, out the dtr withdrew, leaving the polls la tie hands of the dominant party. There an numerous reports of minor outrages on the private vtebta otcttlsena tn sevtral wards. In ths Second Wstd, man named CnatLls BaaxABD, wsa abot la the hip. In the Fifth Ward, a man, tame unknown, waa drealfully beaten. The moat reliable aooount Is, tbat Mr. Psaavon wu assaulted at Oovanstown, the Ninth District of Balti- more county. One account saya he waa beaten by an IrUbman. It la difficult, tn the face of to many reports, to an Ive at the truth. Mr. Xtib, who waa reported dead at two o'clock, was still living an hour sines, but In a hopelese con- dition, aa a ball ts buried tn bis brala. Ths streets are nearly deserted except by the victorious party. The stores wore all olneed at dark. Tbe promleeor of tbe Exchange having been threetaued with aaeault, made a demand on the ally author ttiee for protection. room pixriTcn. BoUfmorr, Aoe. 1 . JT Ths Americans are Itjotdngevsr their victory. The Refomaere deny that an) thing that can be called an oleottoa has ta- - VSP1?- - . .. .. . It wiu ue late Dt mre tne returns mwnw, huge number of ofliosve were votsd for on one ticket. In the Seventeenth Ward, the American ticket hsa an average of 840 votes, and the hlgheet Reform vote la 14. Baltimon, Sot. 8. Tbe Inquest on tha body uf Warm, the rowdy who waa abot yesterday la the 14th Ward, U concluded. Tha verdict of the Jury la, that be wee tilled accidental!' by a stray abot. There waa no evidence to show that Dcrtr, who was ar. rested on the charge of committing the act, had anything to do wtth It The returne from the State are very meagre, and eeem rather to favor tba Democrats. Frederick coun- ty (6th District) gives Hornsea, American, for Con- gress, about M0 majority a lees of 431. Washing- ton county gives llorrMaa to majority, Anne Arun- del county (6th District) gives Ucoass, Democrat, for Congress, Ut majority a gain of 69. Returne from Cecil and Howard counties show a Democratic gain In those counties cf four members of the ttouae and two aenatore. The returne Indicate that the " Democrats will have a majority In the House, but there la doubt aa to the Betiete. The returne from the city wards are not yet complete. The Americana will have about t vvnteen thounat d majority, which, of ooune, securvs thsir State ticket by a heavy majority. S far, there epprara to be no change la Ue Ooagree-elon- delegation. The Inquest on Xvia Is not concluded yet. The Central Reform Committee have held a meeting, in which they expressed their Indignation and distress at the murder of their respectable and excellent fellow ctttsen, Adam Baaua Krta, Jr., at the polls of tbe loth ward; and also resolved to at- tend hie funeral morning. Inviting all the lovers of law and order to unite with the faairal JJaltimort, Nonmbtr 4. Tha following Mem- bers of Congress are elected: Haxxis, Darn and WaaeTca, Americana, and Bra-wa- Kcniu and II cause, Democrata. This la ths same as at tho last Coogremlonal election, Tbe Btats Legislature sUr-d- s at follows! nouse SB Americans) 49 Democrats. Senate 8 Americana 11 Democrats. One District to bear from. Festal Arraagrsarau between tha Called rttatea aad Canada. Washington, Sot, 8. Tba Pottmatter Oene-r- sl baa eonchided an arrasgement eriU the Canadi- an Post Office Department, by which the malic are to ba treaspceted fur Ue weekly between Detroit and Ltvsrywl, via Portland, in Winter, and tbe river St. Lawrence in summer the service to commence by the trip of the first ateamsr outwsrd from Portland, on the Mth lnat. It it Intended to have the matla or such sa may be thereby expected, for and from the Weatem, NotUwest-rnvtn- d proba- bly arms of tne South western Btatee, lent in closed begs between Chicago and Detroit, on tbs ona stds, and Llrerpcol and London on the other and for this purpose the British Post Offloe Department hat Uen requesttd to osistltuts Chicago and Detroit exchange offices for the United States and British malla On Ut aide of Britain, Cork may alao bs consti- tuted aa exchange office. By the eohedule, tbe time between Portland and Chicago is to ne M hours, and wben the eervtoe eommenoee, thara will be an line of railroad Ue whole war. Thla will he a vety direct line between the Far West and Europe. Later fraaa Beaver City, Leavenworth, K. T., Sot, 3. Tbe overland express from Denver City arrived bars I eat night, brtaglrg advices of Ua twh ult, aud IT 0W tn gold dut on ootisignnicnt, In skies f U.0U) It th'. hanta of Ue paaaengera. Tbe wt ether at the mines continued unuauaHy fa- vorable. An election bad bsea held (fit offloers under the Frovialiiial Government. '1 be result wse n'4 definitely known, but aa far aa ascertained Brawl, had a majority for Oovemor. 1 Butts were being made Jf) induce the people to paitlclpate lu Ihe election for a delegate to Congress from Kansas, which takee plaw on tbe Btb instant, out tne project waa oppowa oy ins tocii pewrs. whicn anrua In favor of non tntsrvention tu A.B affaira, having but recently elected a delegate of their oern,wno ta expectea eo urge tne immeaiate orgaui. aation of the territory, Fraaa Waehlnglee. A tetter baa been received here, ststtng that Gen- eral Talis, for msny ytara Oovernor of Chihuahua, is shortly expected at El Paso, to oonsult with Judge Hat wiU reference to the oaistroctton of a railroad through Chihuahua, under the grant to Hear, uraao and othera, by tha Legislature of tbat State. Lieut. Mowtf le seriously UI at El Face. Trailing Match. rkiladelpkia, Sortmtoer 8. A trotting match took place In tbe Suffolk Park.between Patch-e- n and Brown Dick, Ua former winning tu three straight beete. Time :SVi, .MX, and Lancet waa advertised to trot also, but waa with- drawn. Ft are for tba Kaf.ty of Haata Fa MaOa. St. Ijmil, Sot, 8. Tha Watt port correspon- dent of Ue itrytiMtrait sayt that four Santa Fa malls are now due at Independence, and Uat serious appre- hensions are felt for tbe safety of both outgoing and InootnlDg parties. Ths same oorreepnndent also states, on the authority of the mall carrier between Council Gross and Fort Rllsy, Uat nineteen return- ing Pike's Peak emigrants have beea murdered by Ue Indiana no the plalne since tbe killing of Ue chief of Ue Krowea al Ue former plaoe, about tiro months ego. Injaartlwo granted la the ladla Rabbtr Caae. Chicago, Sot. 4 This morning, lathe United Stales Circuit Ccurt, Ue Judge decided tba India Rubber oasea, en motions made leal weak, agalnat between twtnty and thirty firms la tbla city, affirming Ua title of lloaaos II. Dar tt et , upjo the ground that Judge Ellas' late declaioo on final htarirga,t ntitled the oomplaiaaula to Injunction, un- til revered bj the Supreme Court Fraaa Albaay. AHany, Sot. 4. A commission de lunatico enqinrtnd baa been gi anted by Judge Oocun to enuulte Into tbe eondluon of Ue mind of Mre llUnDina Dcnurr, whose recent singular ai'posl. tiiin of proi-ert- has been before the Courts. Jodg Gcclb epiu.ted Judge WiLuaao, of Saratoga, Jaata tUaineroa, Esq., of Albauy County, and Dr, CartUi of Cohort, aa tha couiaUisloi, Arret af AUr. rarer sra, Botttm. Sov.tL Jonalt. B- - n.nr.. aod Anoint Btianr affas asnu7(ra terdayoa board tbe eatameblp mn!nmiSrSJ!m Thar are crutri ISJSZZ llMfrom tbe Nanaau Bank of Hrw vT forged check, purporting a Bonn a I alao for another forgery, to the araouatra - i", miw vmimmnaiiu nantDI I,ew xoew. Tbe cane was Investlgsted this afternoon la the PoUoe Court. Mr. Batons, paying teller of the Nsesau Bank, aod Mr. ALtxaamra V. Ron Samoa, lltrgrepher, of 3 Fulton etrett, N Y, appearing aa witneaarav- -. Rose wee discharged, ths evidence not ImrnneUng bun. Tbe further examination of Laaou and Btaaor wsa pottponed till Stturdsy- - Daralac af tha rranbrwke Cattaa Kiraa,1 Oneoorol, S, IT., Sor. t. Tba Pembroka Cotton Mills, at Buns a:k vUlarS veers deearoyed by fire Uils morning, togtther with a derailing, and tba ptcksr and count ng rooms on the rppoate sideef tb river. The kae le 1X0.000, rf which abrart g0 COO ta It eumd. Tte mil's were owned prlauipal, Ir by Meeers, Wsui A Minor, Tnoaas Hows, W. Romrsva and M. Pora, all of Do.ton. Meetly two bnndred and fity opera-ive- e are Urown out of em. )4oymnt by this calamity. Firm. Ktv Orleans, Sonmitr 3. A Art In Afollo street today deetroytd asven bulldmge, Loaste. 0X0. Acother fire on Chippewa street, deetroytd half a equate of smell boMdlrgn. Lose 1.000. 0roo, St-- . 8. IlictroRD chair factory, situatrd In West Sixth street, la this eety, wee dee-t-ro ed by tire but night. II waa Insured for tl.000, ruttturg Pa., Snr.S Tha btlck dwelling at'achrd to St, Paul's Cathedral, oooup'ed by Binhosi U'OoaaoB, was partially destroyed by fire this mom-le- g, lame about f i.000 fully Insured. Tha Kan e Election. SI. JWt, Sor. 2. A tpecja! despatch to tha JlrriwMb-ani- , glvee tlie official vote uf the recant elec- tion In Kansas, as follows I For the Constitution 1041 Agslnetthe CooatttuUwn tut Fur tbe llonaetrad Law , (ISA Agalnat the Homestead las ,, , 4 tTI Faar days Later fraea California. St. Limit, Sov. 7. Tba Overland mail, with San Francisco datee of the Itth Inst, arrived Iset n'ght Or at preparations were making to receive Otn. rVxnr. All Ue mlliUry eompaolsa end.sole'lers ts tho Mexican war would meet blm on bis arrival, and escort him Urourh tbe cttr. while all daaaaa of tbe perple were preparing to pay hla Ueir tribute of respect. Ths creditors of Cnorrixnrwe A Co, maO between California and Salt Lata, had at- tached their strck and other property for debts amounting to BM 000. II was feared thai toe ra alia wtiuld be enepended from thla eauee. The water oourses throughout Us stats are at tha lowest stage, and Ua miners holding claims In Ua beds of the Btreema were gathering itch harvests ot goZd. Oregon datee are to Ue nth cf October. Five hun- dred and fity emigrant wagone had arrived at tha Casosdee, Washington Territory. AdvleeefroinOspt. WaixesTs Ball Lakssxpeditlnu and Lieut. Metaaa'a Fort Benton wagon road sxpsdittoa aonounon Ue oottlaued prosperity of Us eonirnentfs. Cspt WaL-tt- n had rsndsred great servloe to Ue emigrants on tlie route. The Indleee were quiet, rir.tiah Oulum-l-- la dates are to Oct 1. Everything wse quiet at San Juan. The Britiik CoUmttl says It waa current- ly reported tbat a new Governor named Hows nay be shortly sipsoted. The shipments of gold (Tore. Victoria In September amounted to 110.000. The miners on Frew's River were dolngweu. Bustrsss at Baa Francisco wsa alow. There waa little doing from first hands except by auction. Salt a of India goods that way were quite heavy. Provisions were drooiiing. crushed Soger waa lie. per lb Cefft a was mere buoyant. Oendlee were Inactive. Dotneatlc Spirits were firmer. Spirits Tur. pcntlne waa tl per gai'on. Poor Hundred Lives Lost. Less af the Royal Charter, Montreal, Sor. 7. The following U taken front Ue Liverpool Dedrr Putt, of tbe ITU October "The public will Ir am this morning, with overtvhelmlng grief, that the splendid. TCssa-Lth- e Royal Charter, w aa tuteJly list, yesterdsy. In CUufih Red Bay, near Bangor. Tbe me'enchrly Intelligence, which reached us late lest night, wss brief, but ve fear tt la only too true Uat of upwards of four hundred persona who wars on board, only ten an said to have beea send Thtre lesime hope, howev,r, that this bl l a exaegetatloB. but under eay drtrarnaVaaoee, Ue long of Ife, It It to be feared, hat been Immense. The Royal Charter bad about half a million of gold on hoard, when the disaster took plaoe. I la not known, for the telegraph had oseaed la work, and eo eVatrtictlre had been Ue etorm along Ue coast, yesterday, that Ua Chaster and Blrkeu-tx- sd Railway bsd been destroyed tn two plaeee. At PenmanmawT, twenty of Ue dead bodies bad beea washed ashore. The bey la which the oelaetrophe recurred te two or three mUea to Ue west ward cC Puffin Island, In Aegtsesa. and six or seven muse ta the notUweet of Beeumeris. It has a shallow. Ban- dy beach for arvtral miles, wtth promontories at each end of Ue bey. Tbe country around la wild, and few houses are ebout. Disaster ta Kebert Waleraaaa. A'evt (Mean, Sor. 7. Tha steamship Robert Walenoan, frera New Orb-an- a for Malaeerda, run ashore est Ue 8th Inst , near Timbuliav'a Ia'aad. Tha passengers and crew were laved. The earing of tha atramer la doubful, Ue breakers being very heavy. Meats Expteetea Less af Twe lirtm. Sanduilj, Sot. 7. l'ropeiler Ohio, bound to Buffalo ftotn Cleveland, with a cargo of Ursa hun- dred and fifty tona of nurehanellaa, when ten milea off Long Pt4at be'ow Erie, 8unday morning, two) o'clcck, blew up, and sank In ten minute a There were seventeen persons aboard, of whom Titos. CoaaiT, second mate, ami Miocuaa. Danuaa, whrelsncan, were lost. The remalnbig fifteen persona drifted In a yawl boat without rare ta ahlgh aea with little clothing, fifteen hours, when the propeller Equa- tor picked Uem upend brought Uem to this port. The Ohio waa owned by Ue American Transporta- tion Co, It la said Uat there la no tnsuranoe. Tba New Mexlcaa Mall. St. Lonii. Sot. 7. The New Mexican maO of ths 80th of September, arrived last night via El Paso, and the overland mall coach, the Northern route hav Irg been abandoned tn ormarquenoe of Indian out-rag- ee along Ue line. The passengers and lettara leport the continuance of depredatlucis and murder on Us plaint by Ut Indiana. A letter from Tana, New Maxtor, to Ue trtnibtteaa, mentions a battle between the Vtah Indiana, assisted by Mexloans, and a band of Arrepahoes, at Ue crossing of the Del Nutte, ta which 8i of the latter were killed. Fraaa St. aleUaa. Hotion, Sor, 7. Tba ship Pearleta, from Cal- cutta, via St. Helena, bee arrived et this port, bring- ing advices from the Utter port, cf Sept it. There wsra no American vessele In port- - Two eleven, tak- en oa the coast of Africa, by a British cruiser, were In pott, and with their cargoes, had been condemned by Ue Admiralty Court. The name of one waa un- known, the other was the Stephen H. Townsend, of New Orleans, Cspt. Wuxn. P CetvesLV Cutset-to- n. Bishop of St Helena, wag expected to arrive In November, from England. Later fraaa DTerwraevHee, TexaaJ Sev Orltant. A'or.,7. The steamship Arltona, from Brewaarllia, Tsxss, on the M Instant, hat ar- - nvea nere. Cotnast end his bard continue Ueir depredations, threatening Ue Inhabitante with fire and eavord. Ontbegothult., thirty mea entered tte otty and fired one round, wheu they wtre dispersed by tba ertilliry, and fird. On the Itth, a hundred and twenty men with cannon and bowltter marched egaintt Coamut and drove Ue guard from bit bouse. Ttsytubsequeatly were mrpriied by an ambus-cad- e, and loat a cannon and howiiser, and finally wert entirely d"catcd. Four weie wuuuded aud nine kUltdJ Coanaas lost two, killed. Us aftsr-wai- ds stnt a letter demanding of the cttlaen of Bi owns vi He Uat they shoa d surrender Ue Sheriff andoUete to aave the city rtotn deatruottoo. A gen. era! panic prevailed al Brownsville. Toe ottyfwsa barricaded aad tranehee dug for defence. Aa sltscfc wss bourty expecti d. It waa repotted that after taking Brownerlua, Cob. rises would attack Bragos. The Mayor of Browne. vllle apieale to New Orleans for a hundred, men, aa Ueir cltixent are worn out, aodibe Rangers had not artivtd from Northern Mrxioo. Sixty fetona re- leased from Ue prist n at Victoria, bsd J feed Ua guctUla land, and Wert devastating tbe country, Fraaa Washlagten. rTaaaiaofoa, AW. 8. Captain LAvaixrmr, In a letter to Ue Secretary cf Ue Navy, dated Na- ples, October 14U. saya,tbat hs had taken tbe Amer. can Consul, Mr. NiotioLson, to Tunis, tn Ue steam- ship Wsbssh. It wss customary to salute the and French Consuls, whsnever.lhey arrived or departed, but no other such ctBoere were similarly be non d, but aa our treaty with Tunis placed our Consuls on a footing squal with thews of the moat fevored natlow, and tbla fact having beea si plained, tlie authorities cheerfully aoooidsd the ealote to both Cart. LsvatLMva and Consul NuwiLaon. Ths can Isgss of tha Bey were In walnrg et Ue land- ing, wbtie our offioars were reoeivsday persons of tba blghsst rank and eacortsd to Us Palace. Tbe inter- view waa very satisfactory, the Bey eaylng that he ahould t ndtavor to eutuvate the most friendly rela- tions wiU Ue United Btatee. Captain Lavatxavva adds I "I clearly that our wreeenoe aaa having a beneficial tfitct on ths new govern meat, with refetsnee to Ue poetttoa of our Consul. I em satisfied tbet Ue short trip ti Tunis will con- duce to the beet Intervals of the United Statee." (Meant Fire Engine Trhtl. TVey, K. Y. Kot, 7 A steam flre engine, buOt by Laa and Ltttran, of New York, fog tbe Bjutbwerk Iloss Osmpany, uf llaiadslphla, tad a public trial in tbla city to. day, In tbe preeenoe of Mayor Rsan. . A stnglsitrtam was thrown too feet, and two streams MO feet. Iealelaaa deatlaa, Kttt Orltant, Sot. 1th The slectioa here y, etd tiff quktly. In the 4U district, the hsve elect d cue member of the legislature, oae Justice of tba Frees, and out Slate Tax Collect- or In IU reel of Ua otty, the regular American tttktt it elected, by a largs majority. Th tleerala I'alveraky. Atumta, Co., Sor. 7. tlgitBT B. Jacko!i baa teen elected frtttdtat of Hut Ocorg CnlTtr-sii-

nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030272/1859-11-12/ed-2/seq-2.pdf · jr MISOiVT' I .ii" vflsM. haa. y 'ourfirst page sermon on the fFerry, It ha been a

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Page 1: nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030272/1859-11-12/ed-2/seq-2.pdf · jr MISOiVT' I .ii" vflsM. haa. y 'ourfirst page sermon on the fFerry, It ha been a


MISOiVT'I .ii"


'our first pagey sermon on thefFerry, It ha been

a unusual care, and, by U

a .Aete nd perfect M posalbl.va br rtaleri as by far the clear- -

eettl. (petition of the views, yet made

tabUo, c --i!rllKKraKK, M well et t,f thousandi

of Um more enlightened of the "free loir feM.fib of IbelWth, on lb tubject of slavery, and

walnrtrefW It an attentive perusal. It eon

taint Me not lew stsrtling than novel, to verymay of oar reader, and Meat too, which willgenerally be Morj! ( no Ion troe than norelaod start Un.

aTtewwe Trial af Jea nrowm.

Tn kot baste whb "bleb the tiUI of this on- -

filtanate loan tu pranaad on, telle poonj ror

tha lava of jastloe, as often claimed by oar

tfeaUicn blende. Tbat Itaown was guilty

0BM of tba Crimea that we charged POT

fclra,waiiMvtqu.tln. " " do JnMtltvn

to""' h'm. "hil"t ne wtba rollcy funnedenabled la le eondill n h was; wouo led, bloeJ-In- g,

od corfjaed to Me bed. Mora than thl,tba question if bl tanlty baa been rebwd, and

tboagt scoffed at by nconUerat anil

wren Journals, It aMI a legitimate, pertinent

qncetioe. Tooor tulnd, nenvta'a entirewsreywvasa heir evidence of inanity.

We do not propoea todwcuaelbe drgrotieof ciuteicf insanity, but tbeia may htva iwen, and ua.doubtedly wire, caueea operating on nu minn,


that resdated blm. at leaat on tba lubject o

ejarery, a monomania. TMa reitalmy couM

tra beien the care, wbllet on all other (ab'et'tba mtgbt ba u teaaonable and correct aa other

people.But, all tbla (tlda, tba nnrtaeonabla proclpl-Uac- y '

with which tba trial waa proaeed on, nndor

th tirmiziUnoee, b wbat wa complain of. in-

deed, It cannot ba regarded as mora than ona w

ramoTed from tba coda of Judge I.tixii.A nas, prcatrata and belp'eaa, without friends

or mean, acllng from hie conch a ihort delay tornabla htm to call bit Mends to bis aid, and


male a little preparation to meat bU accusers In

court of jnetkej, wbera ba la charged withUfa and aaklriR tbtj too,

e. m mmiv a tiMtir tilir'.i tn anthorl'v. and re

aaalt Wbyrefuaed? Man it bacausa h was f

feandf Wora tha people In the vicinity

In any further cUnfiar from a littla delay tDid tba public weal demand an InstantfacHfice? KotMng of I ha kind. There was,

thara could be, no reason why Join Known

hoaU haTa boon foroad to take bis trial ao pro.

dplUtely, and without any proper means for

to him a full, c1tr ar.d Impartial lnvaslt-CUo-n

of tha whole matter.Wa are no adroeata or apologist for Joint

Baown, or any other wrong-doe- r, but wouldglaoly aaa crime pnnUhed as it deserves batthshotorand good tamo of our common coun-

try required that llRowa's request for a shortpostponement shoull hva been craa'-od- , andwa cannot but feel that there was a fixed pur-

pose on tha part of the authorities, from tbatint, to hang Urowh as speedily at possible,And thus make an example of quick Just'oa. Ifthis ba to, wa prophecy a signal failure. Out-

raged justice will summon thousands to herstandard, wbo scorn to fear.

It la, moreover, a matter of serious doubtwhether tha State of Virginia hail a right to tryBaowa at all, Inasmuch aa tba offences chart edwere committed within the grounds of theUnited States Government at Harper's Ferry,and the Jurisdiction of tbe Federal Governmentover these premises hsa lieen fully reognized byVirginia. In 1854, Hon. Cai.kd Ctram.va, thenthe) law Oflloar of tro Goverameul, tiawt tkUqnaatUn aa to Harper's Ferry before htm, anddaUvered an able oplblon concerning the whole

question, and con (Inning this view of the case.

A Boston Journal quotea from Mr. Ccein.iu'aopinion, anrleayst

uIt la rumored that ao family doee he new retainhis opinions aa there eapr aai d, tbat ha la not unwil-hu-e

u woeaeary, tosuatsln them before the Courtsf Virginia."This constitutional question can undoubtedly

Ik carried to tbe Supreme Court of the United

Statee, on a wilt of error, and it should ba done;

and, If any tesjiect be paid to the opinions of

mankind, it will be, and sentence of Hrowhwill be deferred until final Judgment in that

can ba bad.

The Aaverlran MlnUlrr la China.'ot a littla speculation Is being Indulod in

aa to bow and wbenMr. Wakh got to l'ekla.Th Veet Uiurroation on the subject would aeemto Jastlfy tba belief that be went there Imme-

diately after tba battle at Telho, and was welli--' matters but little bow ne reacuaur thara, though we do not credit many ot the sw-lia- a

pat In circulation on tbat point. But thatbe It thara, and tbat onr relation with that Em-

pire will toon be placed on a most satisfactoryfooting, wa make no doubt. Indeed we ahouldbe surprised if Mr. Ward should fall to accom-

plish all that our people bare a right to expectunder tha terms of the bargain between the Ce-

lestial authorities aid Mr. Waitu'a predecessor.That Inglsnd feels Jealous of onr ponltlon tn

China is evident from the uncalled-fo- r remarksof their journals) but It only proves that thecourse of policy pursued by tha American Gov-

ernment In Its intercourse and dealings withauch nations aa China and Japan, la belter cal-

culated to succeed than tbe overbearing policypargued by our trans Atlantic neighbors. Whilsttba previous negotiations were going on, we wereabused and denoutced fur not quarreling withChina, bat then, as now, our true policy was notto quarrel. Indeed, we bad no ground for sa do-

ing. And furthermore, It is e Ident, that Chinaareas not to quarrel with this country, fron thefait, that at tha latltocf Tclho, the Americansrendered signal tervlce to tbe KnKlUh, and for

..which China might have said, "Your participa-tion In those proceedings is a sufficient justifica-tion for not treating you with that courtesy youotherwise would have been entitled to." Vet w ehear no complaint, but on the contrary, find ourMinister peaceably and quietly pursuing the ob-

jects of his mission with apparently every Ciclll- -j

afforded blm that could reasonably be expect-- d.

Whatever course may be pursued by theEngHah and Frenoh tow ards China, w e mutt

paaatva and the trleuds of all parties. Ifflpgt.ivt gad Franca choose their own policy andact upon It, they at least cannot blame us for I

doing the game, and If they find cause to regret I

theirs, we have reason to be satisfied with our

own. If their policy Is to destroy, ours shoullbe to build up.

I tar freaa llavaaa.Tu V. B. steamship Cahawba, from Havana,.eOlh. arrived here on Saturday looming. The

aews Is not very important. It Is stated that theOvrenutoetit of Bpaln, baa eanu!id, so far aa regardsthe Vatted tttatea Mails Btaamahlps the order IssuedtnA'guat 'eat, requiring consular osrtlncatea to ao- -

oomaaoy all cargo for Uavana, It however remainsIn force with all ether sU sours and sailing vessele.Tha locg lttigated eaae ot the American bark J. J.Cobb bad Uen dauldtd, and tha vtasel declared adaraUot, sot a slaver. OoveramentwlU not requireUnited Btates Ball stremera to esUMt consular oer--

Hatcatae of manifests of cargo fur Cuban porta. TwoTee anil from Portland bad go uAo dULeulvy with re.pacttoeuatotnsduea. An Uavana letter of the 80th

aaaya there la a report of a oonaptracy or sianatblug

at tttrnT' having been disetrrered anvaigat

oerteta aillttary ottoars and tbe aoldlery at Matauw.

Various arreata are understood to have taken place,

siafurtaliart.oulara have been irmttted toieactttaa The otty waa very haalthj.araraMSaakstU with onehundrdnLrSbSJLs on kind

?i rratghta were ataady at last advisedZLuZttcbaat w Hew Votk waa at from four andVha5 (o iil2a ba' per cent premium,



Arrival of the America.

Three Days' Later Intelligence.

BAiuna of rim orkat kastihis-isoxrixiTKL-r


A. It., So. 8. Tba Kor.1 ""etranxhlp America, Car. M.ioote "'toh ''f1 MJZ,'.pont at I o'clock, P. M J ti Oil. d. arrl'!lex at a r ., or n .. ixi. M.virk.Oot

erenln u ifeoni.eR'h, armed uAtbn.i

SJ?lr. left llalifaial 10 P. M :, on Thnra-,- "'

Ht.n, wbeta aba alllbedue Satunla

"w.e.o. Vl.Ur !3d, at P. U.. iff the OldHmkI of Klnal, It. M. tUamablp Aula, from elTutk f.T UTtrjo.1.

tn mm or mnArurtcbtelrRTa-no- the 1'lh yil Tla prtnct1

tclt.tf of the lYeaty of reaoe betwen rranoe amiAuetr a, afi'ed by tin r.enlpnentlruH but n jetntiftrJ by 11 two ttoTornmeiiU, a'a aa folio ntAuettta lti un Ueiil ardy, eoeit Mant'ia and e,

and, aafaraatba fruntirr lltm, ni1 by pe-

dal a enroa-atnn- to Pranoe, wbo tranafere tt teritaloua aouulred la Lombard? era to ba

lUl.ytbeoa H.rfernment. rwdmoal la to4U00u flmlna, ainl ba re.ii-tb- le

f. thnauftba rf tbe dbt i Monte. . U.,bard

.Vimtia. maklrir the dubt in ' ,".!"T"t i


to8..dU.laSS00 r.. Tha lwo...rtlr.ere wl nnlta tbeir effort., in ora. r iiat raiorm

In tlia A A ml n'at talk m atiould lie carried out bv thea. Mi i.....w.t...L....i. ...... a U..4.ETlwS .,. V..,a,.";rlrve.lVitbet"oK.ii7 '

rore,wholllae.letwithalthelrp - werlntberorma.tk d . ,... deratuiu of all the Btafa of lta'r.Viret a, under A"trau mlii, le tif.irm patt of tbal!iA.ftdeiatlon tutlflFhtiona will lie eiihanfffd at

lthln fifteen daja. It at 1 frm tbaI'.nrloli that

agnofutiit,Maty temerdy an areptlflcaUnuof taa

lilreram of ISe flat annainoa thatCount Couaai a fiat aiornln atuoted witheprpUiy. pbjaolena weie attending him,oui mere were nine iijjnm oi mm rcoorcry.

tub raoJtrto oowoaaHa.

The Parle wye Inttmatea of lt own knowledge,that In a OorRteea aooeiel In irtno'pla by theKngllah Qoremniei.t, tba only aiwera 1 1 l repre-arnar- d

beeldee the grrat onea, will ba Piedmont, thaPupa and Naplra. I'nder ctrtaln aeentuellt'oe,the adnileejonu Spain mlgbl lie neOooal, but Be- -den andPottuRalbarenoolaJina.

The Indcprndenrr Btlgt ea)a that out of own- -J pllment to Nroim, Auatila pmpoaed that tha

Cotigrna ahould elt la Paila, but tbla waa doo load,and tbe chauoea farorrd llruaeela.

The poliry if Kngland in laaingpart in ina tin(peae aa tlng ranraaeid by the Prcee, and goner..n, y,, r,,IMIlt, were eainet It. Tba Umlonitntt ana .raw are both averee to Eegland Join- -

gnee on Italian aiiatra.lT' le--4 I'M- - taenia's onran) as- -eerte that tt were an Idle trifling writ, tha tnfluenoe ofr.ngiana, ana me nofiea ot Italy, tn expert mat anyKngllah statesman at all worthv of the name wouldherald hla own reputation and the national honor

tohlscareby enUrlng a CoDgreaeof wblohtl a Laala may be In the execution of the Zurichhraty.

The same Journal In another editorial, regard thaItalian eompilcatloua sa very aeebais, ant tha

NarouoNasestnmelyembataastnr. lie baaundertaken tbe sptetal pmleetlon of tbe Papal

and also ta Italian liberty, whJe Papal pow-er and Italian liberty are In open warfare. It la al-

most orrtalnttiatU a Rimegia wilt be atteoked bytbe Pal troopa. II U al oertotn tha at the firstmet eoe t'i armea uitervexitnin tn toe uuouiee, toetrootie of OaeieeLM will sweep before them everyvretige of Papal tula I'nder taeaetirtmmatanee, theintervention of Austria will ba anticipated. Whatpeit would Prance tben play, and wbat eitenabmwouM the Italian qurs'lon tbenaaeuraef The IViafconcludes by saytrg tbat English statesmen will makecOuita to avert tbe dangere wtuoU threaten E-nrol.

oaaiT narram.Tie directors of the Qreat Eaatatn held a meetliuj

on Ik an), on the ISth, and Ills authoratlvaly an--

unced that the deartur of the venae! ha beenpteijoned minm (fie, atd oruers given that all e

mnnty leoelved be returned. No time wtu beflied for the transatlantic voyage until good progresshas beou made In fitting out tiie ehlp In thorough

oompletncaa, audacctardlng to aome authorltieathere la no likelihood of wis voyage being made be-fore next spring. The ship would remain at Holy-head about ten daje longer, and then go to Boutn-amtit-

to complete her fictinge, after whloh a tripto Liabon la apok t n of. 1 1 Is stated tbat In bar pres-ent cmdlttunthe dlrrctora will not accept the shipfrom Mri Boorr Krassu.

The Direotora of tha London and North WesternHallway Comeuiy gave a grand banquet at lIolheadto tne fnicvt.Fia Ji ii.e urea euy oiimmmj v-- k10th. Tbe Marquis of Cbandiai presided, and amongthe guests were Mr. OLaaavoaa, Chaneeibir o' theKxoheipier Bit Joint PaxiaoTON. and many tnfl aentlal in n in eianmetoe and politics. Tbe speecheswire all hopeful of tbe success of the great ship. Mr.Mclvsa, In tha course of his remarks, rulteratrd tbestatement that the Cunard Compaay are building astramer oentlderably larger than the Persia, but notso large ss tbe Ureal haatem.

Prince Nsrotsna. after mlnuty Inspecting theCreel Kaatern at llolybtad, lld a flying rtall to

end Msuctx stcr, and then left In the steamerfi parts unk Down.

Tlie funeral ot Konrar Brammoa bk plaoe atWeftnoinater Abbey i the Hist, In preeenoe of agreat concourse of people, and with every demon-atratl-

of respect. Tbe Abbey was eroerded, andtba attendance included most distinguished men ofrank and rofi aslons. Mr. Bisruaasoai bequeathedA"o.00n to publio lretltutlona, at Newoaatle, Bunder-lan- d,

Shields, and other towns In that 1 xality. Bu-siness waa suspended during a portion of the day ofthe funeral, and many dctnouatreUuua of respecttook plsoe.

Tbe Tra'oe CVonfcln save that Messrs Bsien--Unas and Kobovsow, electricians, visited Ve'enclatida week , and set on foot a series of sxperiments onthe Atlai.tlo cable. Eooouragement as to tba aue-ee-

i the undertaking, laAh aa regarde the reeuact-tallo- n

tif the old and tna lavtna of tha new eable.waatn the aacemtat.t. Theee gentlemen fiamd rornn Intthe stele of the cable to dleeeuilnate new enoourage-incu- t

to its friends.Liner.

rnna Balur.lay. The Ditflv AViss city article,dattd Friday sveulog, revs Tha funds Lava expo-lieu-

a sudden reaction. The market opened at areduction of nearly ona quarter below the prtoee ofyesterdsy, and after the ekiee of the Block Eichsnge,increased heavlneaa tirevallrd. The demand furmoney waa active and it was dlrllcull even to get thsleet bills discounted lielow 8 per cent. No goldwss wltbdreen from tbe Bank, but large purahaeneuf Australian, Including a portjm uf tbe sTIIIMMreceived per ship i 01 kablre, were made for eiperta-tlo- n.

Tne fonlgn exchangua weie ateady, exosptbli s 00 Iklgiiun, whlca were rather lower.

Ths Times announces another Urge Rusatan fall,me tliat of Mr. Onvacaannrr, an eminent rnanu'ao-tur- er

at Moscow. Hi Uabilitma are AH '.0J sterling.It lareiastedthat hshaaoummittedaulcida.

Tls wt athtr la very Mntry In Eug'and, and thereIs considerable fiust and suow.

It Is reported that ths Emperor refuttd tn grantan audience to a depute! lou from BJogua, but re-ceived thiee from the Uuchlea.

Tha Sardinian Minister of Foreign ASaliS had leftParle for London.

Tie Patis correspondent of ths London Iltrahlcontinues to point out ths unmensu naval armamentslu progress, particulatly at Toulou, where no lesstlisu tatuty two lsrgs shijie are being oonstnictad.

Tbe Bouree was dull and dWIIulug. Ths IUnttttloa.d heavy en tie Slat, at C3f. sin.

Tie proJttid Chinese eidJtion had beenin the Council or Ministers It was proimeej

tn dlepstch W WK men, but nothing definite waslbs trmja would not kiavs before the end

of theThe Parts eorrrsnident of the Iondon Tfows

ssts hs Is still Informed that France has claimed herwar tieneea from Baidiuia, and tba Sardinian 's

inlSHion to l'atla Is supHerd to hsve refereucsto the ijueatkiu of the dubt as ell as ths Duchies.

ivaiv.Msrshsl ViiUAwr Isreiairted ts hsve written to

Naioi ion, sutrgoiitlrg ths ocoupatiou uf the ll-cbl- is

by tbs 1'reuch trwia, tt prevent civil arbieaking out.

The NeaimUtan army on the Soman frontier, waalnereaaing.

It wss rumored that trorpa bad landed at Anoona.Considerabls sxcitement prevsliod in Piodmont,

on sccount of ths eondltione of the Zurich tpnatv.The king ot Beralnta, In motiving a dqmUtln fnnnJhe --lutildpality uf Qenvva, ruiteratMl h's tntintlon

ins cause or Italian indeiaudeuce to theitui.t of hi. power. He eipreaeed the hope thatthe; "lal.ee of lUly would U graut-il- .

'""apisid'tit g tbe I4jp.in 77eraU ssysthst Us oWct of Ins SaidUilan MTIBater t. n

Afiairt visiting Paris, U to ohuin ths Bti. rot's wa.sent, pending tho Cotiare. a, tu the occupaUiai of Oen- -tral Italy by ltedmi nUee ti.i, ami ths apimlnt- -tuent of Prince Caaiucaae aa HugetA uf lbs Duchiesand Legatloua.

Tba communal ouuncll of Milan tad voted 100 000fraaca towards aasiuauii's subscrliUou for thspurchase uf uuaketa.

It aaa repotted at Turin tliat In consequence ofNeapolitan war abija having Ucn signalled in ho.tils attitude off ths onavt of tbs Knuagna, a Pied- -mooteae squadron had been ordered round Into theAdilatio

II la aasertrd that there baa been a revolutionarymovement of Pelerine, but that It wss suppraewd.One sturv saya one hundred and fifty rebels were ktlled. but tt laoks eonllnnatlon.

Justice continued to be energetically carried outhi Parma. New arrests had taken piece. Tno

la.1 determined on tbe destruction of thecolumn on which the bead of Aavrri waa placed.

It wss ssprcwd that ths sooctlvs strength of thenew Sardinian army will bs 100 f00, exclusive ofthe rifle eorps, and military merit e. la addaloo

iv vuiw Hirouguout tue avamgaom eoout ew.venetuinal guarda.

Plnaticlal affairs In Naples are reprenened ai crtta"sal, au4 a loan of Xt.U0.0OU waa Siuksa of.

Ths Corrrenondeneta Aulogrta thataunounoee,In OOBaeauantM uf iih.i.u.-.- T . ..7T.

badntolvedW Uvt leouun. u arias. The sain,

karnal appnoaa tha aetma uf lt Oirraramaat la

tti araun.arato iunMMnir PJT".ttb".-rB- L --or, tban'oL.

per orni irnata.. ... . ..,.f l.i.trinnMnaraaeareeaMarjiK '"",; - i, tuwrfa. at

laMalnb-rra- j ' . -- ti-Breal.u.o.t.Moft..r.aataa.

Tie Kir of Bdu about t t.rooaa tieaUilitefl ot the eerere puniehioetitl taflloted up iiiu.ee wbo quit tba latabliahed Obnrch.

TCntlf,AH Paraia, Grand Ttxer, baa been dlaoileeml lie

vaa to f euro e1ed br Manoaar Hcraiu. FaeoFrrtar1, It waa aleneifectett, wieild ladtetnlMied.-Tw- o

of tha C'plaVira bad died at Kulely,A teeeal ettb Circaewen emlf ranta on b4 had

teti wraoked. Two hundred and three Urea wereIcit.

C'owintrrlal lntetll-eae- a

Lirnmnt Orrma Maaaar.fFrem tkt Brtkr'CtrrfEar.) The makt eboei an adtanoliK ten.deijiy, aiticiilar1y fijr all tliardMicri(iiMi4,uwinvtUitlielreoaioity tin nitdnlrngquaiitira of Anercau.paitk ular'y New Or eene awl M ibtle, thera hadlm n an adtat re of Kd.Tbe ealea of tba wank, ofall drecrlpthwa, fid up M.U"0 balee, of whlohepcuat-ir- fck lMO ImImi, aod np-Tter-e 1 mri,the mark et cloeinir auaIy. Tha eslea on Pndaf font-I-d

op b.Ohu leika, of abith H.tlKI were forTba maiket chaied it'1 at tba

ffJIoartra ail'horlied qnotatonal New Orteana fair7fcl rln, ml.llnirT U Morula fairTHl do. ml

T I I t'land lair lit I do. miodlina It laTbe atiick of oaton In rt, aucorotuff to tbe leat

kiy ntuma, fmted up 61J000 belee, of whlon878 WOmeteif Amrncendieri4or.

LirianaH. PaaatHrrerra Mahar MKearBraena A Co. qii'e rliur dull at Mia. ft a

S7a. tVbrat alao dun, no. 0. SI ate et. white.lie. Om i"l't, but flroii yellow, fJa. 6i a

J. L"Xi, . rquaitor. aieaara."JI ".? of Id. on wbeat"Al.S..faoTiatoa Miaan Meeer. Rl.in.. """7;ntTA A Co. KimiAaneoa. flreaoa at Oo JauiavMillaear aTni and othera, report beef quiit, bill

atrady. Perk dull and tnactrre, but riilatira'"d tiy at a nduotum fni aaaiog p.loiw. He--

inna, S"S (TlllIIIIBJ ami vw - iauwwhich are araree. fallow firm! butchers. 61s.

IiimitiM MASkSva .llaatao ltnAhera retmr' llrvnd'ati.fTa vrty cu I biitaViaily. lion stiady at & lis.(4Aft in furbish tiaiaand rai a Biigr Arm, with apaitial atvancetf 01 Tea quit t, IJongmi la 6t Uiffee dull and weaker tn ptloe. Infttgiaalee aea ani-mated, and on talona maintained eith dimnultr.Lnaeet rakialu beittrdi-irieiid- . N'W Vork, a'U 1'ia.

IVon At. Plab as mantive. Moaned oil SS.Woe quite. Tallow dull at 00a. (d. BiArits of

PiKaatisi. The London Money market wssslightly mine arrtngrnt, but the supply waa

Tbe bullion In tha rtaak of England hadsince its laet weekly return A'lunna. Iltr

Fliltrr was quoted at oe. !1 dodara fie. i&. tag aa7sa Id.

Coiisnts clieed on Frldsy at M 0X fcr .tsAhrxom y and acvount.

The Iilaei.Lrvisroou Returdey atrrnoon. Cotton I aa'es to-

day, b,i CO balea, of which 1 6' bales were for siwou-latk- in

and eimrt. alatkit cloned steady, llread-BturT- a

quiet l"rt eteady. Pnerlstona dull,lietKia, Baturdsy afternoon t Kg Tsltgraplt

0onsi4ssoKaiC for money and aooouut, tbe marketclosing ouu.

Aasstrsa Btooxa I)ail Baovnsas rrpirt U. B,

fiveeVlhaOe. Maaeaobussas lives 10U Pennsylva-nia uvea 01 1VI7, heast.

Itau. a Co. reiort the state of stacks active Rail,navl aacurltlra alow of sale, but ana'teted In prtoeV. B. slsee. 1H6H, KMSrtHt ditto fives. In largespecu'atlve inquiry at a sight ailvsnoe in prtoee, the

being MMeM. Alabama Uvea, TSaTItSiMilatlona sins, rJaSIX Maryland fires, staleMaeaachusrtU flvea, loUafrl Ohio Usee, (TeSrs.

Pennaylvaula Uvea, B"eM ditto, bonds of Wtl. etaMl Tenoeeare alx-w- , HOaHti Ylnrlnla aixea, MX"67)) ditto fivea, sBeH I Illinois Central aharea, tiett discount t ditto, erven r cent bonds, 76TS tditto aura, tl.lti ditto eevana. frrelend. SJaSoiMichlaan Cantial elabtbs, mill ditvi anaree,41 1 New Yntk Central sites, BteAo t ditto aevrna,V3aMVt drtto aharea, toaTlt Erie, third mortgage,tbabt i ditto aliarra, tag I rename Batlroad botala oflfibt, lOlalM I oltto, 1H06, tlalM Pennarlvanla Ceu-tr-

slscs, fiist niortgsge, (WaiiO.

Its Lnodon rimes of Baturdsy repot ta sales ofV. B. flvea, at M and Jlllaols Central sba.ee at 37


Arrival of tba Narth Aaserlcaa.

Four Days Later Intelllgenoe.0

Father Poinl. Sov. 6. The iteamthlp NorthAmerican, from IJverpool, at 10 A. M, of tne 86thult , asstd this point at 11. U P. M , to day, aa routeto Quebec

Tbe City of Baltimore, for New York, waa tn sailabout an hour later, and the Vandarbtlt waa to leaveBuutbampttai tbe same dty.

Tha steamship Asia, from New York, arrived atLiverpool, at t P. M, of the 94th.

rot iraioa uoMrxsswcs.Nutlilng bsd transpired In regard to the Zurich

txuiieinuce saw a- - e . . .r.. .atbeAmirica. Tbe summary of the treaty betweenFranca and Austria, sa telegraphed from Zurich, waspublished sxcluslvely la ths English Journals, butwss sutaequeiilly reproduced In the Pstltaud ViennaJiittrnals witoout any guaranteea f sr Its authsallotty.

At tba latest dates Count Omoasoo still survived,but had not been reetored to consoiouansaa, andthere were no hopes of hla recovery,

obiat aarrtnt.Arrange tnantt have been oixnpleted by the Cunard

Company for all their ateamera runnlag betweenuvetpoia ana iioevm, o nisu utwoaiwu a por otcall, out and tome. The arrangemenU goei Intot fleet with the Cauda, leaving Liverpool en the Othof November.

Tbe London Ttmft, in rrauuahing oommodareTiMin1. Hkariatnli elative Cn the nramUnni at tbe--- -: x .: tt. 'i ::nioutn or tna retno, dAorially eulogteee It. snd sera,u sny durance were ceded for the sets of the UrttlahMinuter and Admiral In tboaa distant reaions. atwould be f.iund In tbe despatch, which It has had theplesaute of ptlutlng.

Sir tisoBOB Qxxt Is understood to have been re-appointed Oovemor of the Caps of Oood II ipe.

There la nothing new In regard to the GreetEastern. Tba authorities of Bnstol were makingt Sorts to get her to eum to thst pott after herprojected trip to the Meditarvanian. Tbe new Earlof Jetsty, who succeeded to tbe Earldom on tbeaeatn ot uia lausr, on sua sa ot uotouer, un on tne8 lib.

Sir J. Dim Paci and Sraaaaa, the ex Londontenkets, have been releaned from prison, after hav-ing underaooe four leers pansl servttuds.

The stilke of the lindon builders continued, aodthere were ltdicaUona tbat It waa beginning to tellseriously against tha men who refused to resumewotk. Tbe dividend waa dlmlnlabing, and a reaoiu-iU- n

was adofed tu appt al to tbe publio for eupport,Reotnt rttuiue abow excuealve mortslitr amomr thawtvea and famllk s of tbe operativee In tbe buildingtraue, aua tnere was irar tnas soores ot innieui tier-ei-

and young children were perishing fiom sheerwsnt

The weather In Kng'and has been unusually se-- vi

re fur the Susan. Heavy frotts prevailed, anl aconsldsrable quantity of snow bad fallen.

Paxuament is fuithtr prorogued to Dooeraber 15th- -

rtaacaThe Pa-I- s Cmsrtfu'fonel, In ao article signed by

its principal editor, in reply to tbe aesertluos uf theEnglish press, that tha pi 3 Icy of the Emperor hasleft a state of a ttlcat inoertituds tn Eurjpa, atateatlie aim voawed by the E oror at the oeginnlugof the war, aud compered It with the advantageegalutd, and accuias the English journals of Incon-sistency.

The Psris cneespnudsnts of the London Jouma'agenera ly indulge In glutuny forebodings. The writerfor the lerahl statee plainly, that the Impressionsstned ground that a rupture between Franee andEug and waa laimlueut. Several provincial Jourliaia had pub tebed slmultaiieously, vtoleut aruoleaafalu t England, which are kno- -n o ht-- e ben eup-pli-

by a govrrnment ofiiclal. Eugland Is warned(hat the boor uf trial auHoaabes, which may put anend to her greatness forever.

The Paris ourreeiMiudeut of tha London W as-

serts that negttiationa were atlll g4ng on betweenthe governments of Eogland aud Frauoe, tn order toneupletc the arranaetuenta for a Jurat expedition toChina l while, on tlie other band, tbe eorreepoudentot tle Iionduu Herald rt p. ats the statemsnt thattbe Ctlneee preparations are ausiiended.

The MuniUur it I'arntes states tbat the Chlnevecoo mender f the forts on tbs Felon, on tbe 114th

i f June, bad rtcetvtd a btiltllaut rewaM frcm theEuitur of China, having bet n veined UenersHatinoof ti e Chinese aru.Ua, and a maudaria of tbs highestC1NM

'ihe rsris Fliiur Market was firm. Wheat heavyand aales dilheult. The pilta uf braudiea had rlseuthroughout Fral CO.

The reci ut inuiidationa tn the BVnith of Franoecanard tuurh dau aire, U th to life ai.d propertv.

lien Haout'aud Dr. Lsauisev liad avalladthsm-stive- s

uf the amnesty aud returned tu Franoe.

art i a.

The clfflc'-'H-y bet ween Spain and Moroooo hadrcactied a crude, tha Biiaiiwh Goverhment havingformally aunouueed Its intsntlou'to commence hos- -tuniea.

We have the following telsgtama from Madrid onthis aubltat!

XortriJ, lie Government baa deolarod tothe tstts tn the ailtiag uf tbat It waa guiugto begin war with Mumuoo. The declarauou wasreotaved allh great hiiUiuataeta. All Kuuoal partiesluths Senate and the Cungetea have otferd theiraujipiirt to the Minietry. Tue newspapers sxpressthe samepalfligio feehug

A fails journal aaeeits thst a declaration of warby Hiu agauut Murocoo has bten struugty urgedby rrsuce.

The Uudon Shipping Oattttt, of the 14th ssys I

We hsis nasuntobtilisvs there lll tn no warBjain atd Muroooo, the Mmra having made

thervquind oisiceasli us. Aiuuuts from various(ortsig Sln, Uoweer, onntiuue tu speak of greatiiriistiiiia fur ths war with Morocco, and thattrou are ouilectliig In every tnirt fur oouvsyasce toAfrica.

A Perls dispatch saya, O'Doaaaubadaotua'ly setout for AMiw.

Tt s Li ndou Times U of the opinion thst anv dan- -to Eunitie or to tea Uritlah Naeaealon of GlbralEtr from tha Spauleb entcrprtae sga'tat Morouoo la

absurd, but an attack by Francs t n tba independenceof Morooco, and an attemiA tb add tu territory toAlgeria would Juetify the struugeat reiuunatraiuies lubthalf of Euiope.

The Dilg tvt thinks ths alliance bet ween Franoeand SpalU agalnat Storooei-- , or a any rate war aimuttenaoua'ytnrtateuad by both ioeirs sgalnslhar,

...J..n ba saalaarulwBMtjsaawlaVr ' eaae

xhePaViTco of the fatly --Vru-l Is as- -

enred that M. Uat had tent a dispatch U eay thatRutland ! on longer opposed to tba atpedlttcnBgsinet Morocco.

rrttT.It wee repnrtad at Turfa Ihat Om. Daanaamta

wouM aram rran fnan tba ntaMry ot fonlfn affatra,to ba aueoeetkil hj Onnnt VaToca.

Tbe rennU of itturriioea at rVe-m- o ar oonI timed, tba unfile! between tha trope and Ptt.a.n on thentntb and laetwl Mil tha eleTenih. ata Pag lera, liver Palnvmnt quiet bad been reetored, but! Pet imo ass In a stata rf siege.

rarest a.

O'tst preparations an ra being mads In Osrmanyto ctlekrate the tksmtss rrstlval

H'soooj.Ilssvtiva from Tanners state thst Mr. flsosos

V liana a, the Vnibd States was prepsrlngto lesve for uirral-- r tsaing with him all hla

hirae, Ao.lean i t. I that the Kpanlah foreeewouM

make the ati k by rea and land, and afterwardsoccupy Terren and Tanjiers.

Tho Fisnch eipedltumary corps eras resdj tottkethe firkf.

nti'i,Adrirt s fruta the Ilritish squadron In China repre-ae-

the cme s a-- er.ff ring cruelly fn m npthaltma.Tbe Milf rvaeniiiaviasti prove tbat, la going

to war with Motoooo, Hla la lbs instrument ofFrni.oe.

raoorrlat..frvrrwet, Oct. SO A vtoiett etorm and high tea

retidrttd It ini(ioe.hle to pul ue ptsenere andmat la on twawd the Notth Ainerlcsn sad City of Deltluiote tile morning II Ah veee Is are eoaaaqusntlydetainei t Ii I'M Ignt or variy Tbutedty morning.Tbe gale tat tern very sevsre, ana etui eoaunues.

('emtnrrrtal latrlllarnre.Livtaroot. Crrrroa Maaxsr. The aa'ea of evlton

f r U.e tbrra) davsln tha Uwrpool marktt were 1M.000

11. a, of which SLSnulators took 1 400 and exporters4 on". Tne n srkrl cVed firm, and with an advan-cing t ndeticy for clean, but quotations were un.cbergi--

Bvava or Tssi.a Ths adrloes from Manchesterare favorable.

LivrsroiL Pastivrrra Masarr. Itionivn,Aravs A Co. rrjiort Pwur sterdy and unchanged)Wl cat edvancoo Id , with an improved demand I

C rn quiet but atcaty, niAwithatandlrg an excessivetuiitiiy.

I.ivssr4HiL Psovisiow Mtaarr. Rtoniansoa,Brant sa A Co. reirt lleef etva.lv t Purk steelyI.rt ateaily at Slaiaie'ls. for all qnaktieai.Baoon dullsTallow linobanired.

IxiaiMia MiSsstaWbeat waa firm! holders de-

manded an atvanoe, but It wsa not obtained. Bugarateeoy lOt firm. Tta alow of ae'e, but pvleeaunaittted. Tsllnw U. ti. Unseed oil lis. ftdaJV.Pig iron dull at Ilia M.

IoitMiK Moniv Masarr. The money market wassightly mois etHngent

Uoneiila 0'ievi) on Tuesday at K( a 96'(, for bothmurey and aeennt.

Asian aa Barcsinaa Bsea were rsrea InTysidon or lllluaa eentral abaree at 17V dlsoountNee York eeit-a- l at TO a It and Erie railroadsinking fund binds of l'7o at IB a SO.

lertler fraaa llav. tVlaw.In reply to the letter of L Mama Child, of

Wayland, Mux., asking permission of Oov.WISH to visit Jons Ilaowir, In bli call, atCbarleatown, Vs., to dress hla wonnds, nursehim, and soothe him In hit hoar of peril, theGovernor says i

Virginia and MaaaachuactU are Involve 1 In no civ-il war, and tha Constitution welch unites them Inone sotifedsracy guarantees to yon privileges and

a of a cliUea ot tbe United Bia'aa tn theState of Virginia. That Constitution I am sworn tosupport, and am, therefota, brunt to pmteet yourpnvili grs aod taimimitlse at a eitisen of Meseeihu-aeti- a

oomlng Into Vltglnla for any lawful and peeoa--ut

purjmsn. Coming, sa you propose, to minleterto the captive ta prison, yen will be met,tfoubtlece, by all our people not oaly In a

but la a Cbrlatien spirit. You havetbe rlsht to visit Charlestoem, Va.. Madam Iand your mission Detng mercful and humane,will not only tie allowed, but be respected tf not wel-comed. A few unenlightened and tnoonetderate pereons, fanatical tn their modea of theught and aottoato maintain Juetloe and right, might neolsat you, orbe diepiaed to do ao, and thla might auggeet the

risking any estierlmont npon thepaoeof a sock'ty very much excited by the Crimea wtthwhose chtr f author you seem to sympathise eo muehjbut sUU, I repeat, your motives and avowed purposeare lawruiv :ana pteaiui, ana 1".7" asieratiaranaetrned, do my duty ta protecting your tights In

.TiSLt".0! '?ij,,,2i.'o0't Vtmini" '"tr"'power. Jf '..P?B ?L ,"Ut.


obllgationa cannot be redeemed in her own limitsto ths letter of morality as well aa of law) andIf bar chivalry eenaot courteously receive alady's visit to a prisoner, every arm whloh guardsUaoaa from rescue on the one band and fromLynch law on the other, will be ready to guard yourperron tn Virginia I could not permit aa Insult evento woman In her walk of crerltr among ua, though Itbe to one wbo whetted knives of butchery fur ourmothers, setters, daughters end babes. We have nosympathy with your aantlmente of sympathy withliaow, and are surprised last you ware 'taken bysui prise wben newt came if Captain Baowa'a recantattempt, lilt attempt waa a natural consequence ofyour sympathy, and the sirors of that sympathyought to make you doubt Its virtue from the eflbct onhlawinduct But it la not of tbla tbat I ahould apeak.Wben you arrive at Charktstown, If you there. It"" - a, a. - w ...., 'm..- - ,

wealth's astiirney, abevif and Jailor, to eay whetheryou may sea and a ait on the prisoner. But whetheryou are thus permuted or net (ant yon will be If mvad vice can prevail), you may rent assured tbat he wdlbe humanely, la fiiliy and mercifully dealt by In pris-on and on trial.

Texas Newa.We have Galveston" dates to tha 27th ult.

Tha iVetrs sayt tbe work of repairing and finishing up on tne uaireeton, Houston, and Mender

on1 Kailroad U progreaslng most satisfactorilyr.

under the new organization, and the entire roadfrom Virginia 1'olnt to Houston will be In finerunning order by tbe time the bridge and drawaie completed, and the track laid from Eagle(j roT, ,0r, jt dtr.Veot 1'atw.V.iw of tba KOOOner MaltbtIletts. died on the nlicht of tha 21th Inst., ofyellow (svtr.

There were eight detthi by yelbw fever, dur-ing the last two days. Ihe weather hag boonquite cool and searching.

The TiUorupA learnt from a private letterthat the yellow fever hat made ltt appearance InUraturia.

Ihe AvwfAerner tayt that trains of emigrantiare eonitutly passing through Waco southwardand westward. Tbe Uonham, Mc Kinney andSherman papers tar the emigration In northernTexas, this fall, It heavier than tver known

A oairrutBtAR from Ilempetcad writea as fol-low I to tha Uaireeton A'swr, In regard to thedepredations of tha Indians on the frontier t

More than one hundred Uvea bsva been taken. InJ the last two years, hf tbe Indian foe, and property

of Immenae value destroyed. Net a paper from theEast and Notth but conies filled wtth tooounte ofmurders and robbsries. For e number ofyears manyleugade aod dieaOVcttd Indiana from Tsxss, havetaken refuge In tbe towne of Mexloo, adjacentto the Klu Grande numbers uf runaway negroeshave alao tscsind Into tbat ouuntryt numerousMexicans who have been driven out of Texaa fur highcrimts, ere hovering ebout tbs bordsre for revenge,This tuuugrel race, without the fear of Ood or man,are our neighbors, and oruaa over lnt j Texas with Im-punity, and kill and steal. Ths prveinoeiif the regu-lar aruiy Cnaa not deter them In their designs, wsllkMartng thst they wl.l not bs pursued beyond thelimits if tbs Mo Grands by this class of soldiery.Tbe military f.nta are not dreaded by the ledlana Imany depredations have been oomultted In bearingot the garrison calls, and In eight of the flag staff.

TRtMIItDorjl tXCTTEMXJVT Aa ELKTaUBTLooaa lit ma STajtxTs, Thursday morning,a trt msndous excitement waa created In toe lowerirt is Wiilliapisburgb, oaused by the elephant be-longing to Va aMntaOH'a v?venaerla bannlng en.rased and breaking loose from his keeper. A maabad bet n employed to bring eome aoavinge to themtnsgrrle, which were brought tn a wsguo. Thsman druva Into the tent, and whl'a unloading hiswsgon ths elephsnt wasotiearved to grow reetloaa atthe sight of tbs hives which had a white blanktA en.Tbs niau was advised to take his horss away, butbefore be could do ao the elephant advansed a fswsteps and knocked tlie man down with a blow of hlatrunk, tsit seised the horse by means of his trunkand Injured him seriously. Ue next wised ths wa-gon, throwing II up in ths air and breaking It so

ora. Ilia auger waa fully aroused then, and pro-e-nding to the cage the prairie wolf smaabed It with

his trunk, releealug him. Next lu his mad way waathe rage of a black bear. This cage was demolishedbut the bear waa chained up and could wt escape.Tbs c,s of ths sebra being next tn bU way, hs push-ed It tt rough the tent and clear through Ins wall of asmall thanty at the back of the tent Then leavingthe teul he got Into tho street, pursued by his keeperand hundroda of people, none of whom were aula tocoaith the enraged elephant. lie did not molestlev sets by, but setmed to have a great averaion toboreea. which he would pursue aa rapidly aa hewas able, bell g bouplud with a chain connecting hittuake v 1th rue t f hla fore leers He waa flnallv driven by tba Into the stone ysrd, corner ofSouth Fourth snd Seventh, street!. Here anuuilier uf workmen were engaged in dress-ing stipe, ard bad Just placed upon woodenhome a huge atoue weighing about fifteen hundredt ins. lu attempting tu get out of thy Banna yard theelephant gut caiurht by his chain tu tbet atone whlohchocked him. Tbe keepers gradually approachedhim with chains to fasten bit legs, but it waa not tillbe bad ret eived ssverel severe blows with spears thathla eltenttra liutud be divrrted so ss to render It pos-sible to furthsr secure him. Finally, he wettlr.wu do an upon hla Bide, where he lay for aometime bellowing aud thrashing about hint with hittrunk. Application was mads to fjjok and tavjderCiaupanlesNoa land I, who furnished the keeperswith large bunks. Ons of theee was run throughens of hit ears and twisted round until the poor anl-u.-

tould nut move bis heed from pain of thewouDd. Whtn be waa perfectly subdued, bs wasbssvlly bound with chains, and taktn back to themenagerie Us Is almost covered with weunds

from tbe hooks aud spears, and It It not dee li-ed safe to exhibit htm for a few days, nor would It haea' (or his keeper to approach within sight of him.It It a very fortunate eireiinistsnce that no perauawet killed ly the elephant, or trampled to death latt e eoufuaha of tsoere, aa It la the poor animal lathe grtateel suBVrvr. This It the largest elephanttlat baa been exblblttdtn thla pert of the country,a ui ta the earns thst a fsw years linos caused sucht svoe by escaping from bis cags at Usrlsm. Thesefits of anger, tils said, occur annually, and the keep-er-a

have fur aome time been expecting eome Buckdomunatratkio, and kept a mora careful watch over


The Harperi Ferry Inamrreotloo.

Trial f Jakai Drawa sued otfcere.

Otartftton, Kot. 1.-- 110 prisoner hat alsobeen found guilty of both murder counts for tbemurder f the same persona. It was manifest thatbe eon d not be guilty of both. Baowa waa remand-ed to jail

Mr. llstntM announced thst be was ready to pro-er-

with toe trial of Corns who waa brought In.Tbe ceremony of pasalog htm between a file of arm--d

men wee dispensed wtth. Coma took hla seatbetween Meeara OeuwrtD and lion, wbo appearaa bis consent. He seemed calm and composed.The rtmainderof lbs day waa epent tn endeavoringtn obtain a juty, but the paael wis not complete,when at five o'clock the Court adjourned.

Iivrara bat.Cafrsiotni, Set. 1. The Court met at ten

o'clock tbla morning. Coma wet bronght In.prrceeding to his trial, Mr. Oamwout

stated tba points en which an arrest of judgmentwaa asked for In Ilaowif a case. In addition to thareasons mentioned yesterday, he said, It had notbean proved beyond a doubt that he (Daowe) waaaver a citlsen ot tha United Btates, and argued, thattnason eouid nit be committed against aPlate, but only against the General Govern-ment, citing the authority of Judge Bmav,a'eo atattng thst tbe jury bed act found thsJeieonev

gul'ly of ths etlmsa as ebsrged In tbeTbey had not responded to tbe offence

charged, but fiuad baa guilty of Crimea bot charged.Ttey find him guilty of murder In tbe first degree,when the Indictment don't charge hint with tffaaosseonatltoting that crime.

Mi. UcsTia replied, quoting the Virginia sols, toths i Beet thst tchnk-alltla- i ahould ni arrset tha

of Justice. As to ths Jurladietlon ovsrtnsnon, tt wss sufflolsnt to ssy that Virginia had

a law assuming that jurisdlctlca, andCiwed cnnstllutes thst crime.Tt.afi.mtt vaai lid Ifca danlalai.Ui. ttanarw waa eiiaai lit diirlnw the inmmbil a1 be Jury was sworn tnComs'e ease. The testl-tnon-y

Is the same as already published, but ta motebrief. The examination or witnesses for tbe prose-cution waa not condaded at the alliurnsieni.

Coos waived an examlnalkm before the Magis-trate's Court.

CVwlaitotm, A'or. 2. Mestri. RusaatL andBiaaorr, from IkadoD, reached here

Cook waa brouaht before the Mactatratea Conn.and waived an examination. Coma's trial waa

No witntaeea were called for the defence.Mr. TJaanino opened fur the commonwealth t

Messrs. Uotv and Obiswold followed fur ths defend-ant) Asnsxw Ucarss clisaid for the prosecution, Thespeeches were uf marked eMllty.

Mr. GsisaoLD arkedfor several Insttnctlons to theJury, which were all granted by the Court, and thejury rvtirea.

liaovi waa then brought In, and the Court Iloustwaa Immtdlataly thronged.

The Court gave Its decision on the motion for anstreet cfjudgment, overruling the objections mads.In ths objection that treason cannot be ootnmlttedagainst a Htste, be ruled that wherever al-

legiance la due, treesnn msy bs oammltted.MieA of tba Btatee have passed laws against treason.The objections ss to tbs form of tne verdict renderedthe Court also rrgarded as Insufficient.

Ths Clerk then asksd Mr. Dsows If be had anything to say why sentence should not be pronounceduton him.

Mr naowa Immediately roe s and In a dear, dis-tinct voice said:

"1 have, may It please the Court, a few words tosay. In the first plane, I deny everything but what1 have all along admitted, of a design on my part tofree slaws. I Intended, osrtsln'y. to bars made aclean thing of tbat metier, at 1 did last winter, whanI went IlIo Missouri, and there took elavea, withoutthe snapping of a gun on either side, moving tnemthrough tbe eountry.end finally leaving them la Can-ada. 1 daatgnedtc neve done the eametulng again, ona larger scale. That waa all that I Intended.I nevt r did Intend murder or tresson, or ths destruc-tion uf property, or to sictte or Incite slews to rebel-lion, or to make Insurrection I I have another o)eo-tlo- n,

and that Is, that it Is unjust that I ahould suflersuch a penalty, bed I Interfered In tha manner which1 admit, ant which I adiaJt hat been fairly proved,for I admire the truthfulnees and candi of thagreater portion is the wlteeeara who have t etined Intbla case, lied I ao Interfered In behalf of tberich, the powerful, tbe Intelligent, the eo calledgreat, or in rjeusii ot any m inetr inenoa, eunar

mothsr, brother, slater, wife or children, or anyp, xttt ciaas sudLred and saort&ced what I haveIn tins Inttiirence. It would Uv been all rtght,eve- -ry man In this Court would have oeemed tt aa actwotthv of reward rather than rjumahment. ThisOouit soknowledgetn, as I suppose, the validity ofthe law of Ood. I tee a book kissed, which I sup-pose to be a Bible, or at lee the New TeaUmenxfwhich teaches me tbat alt things whatever Iwculd tbet men ahould do to me I ahoulddo even eo to them. It teaches me further,to remember them thst are la bonds as boundwith them. I enleavored te act up ts thatlnatrocttutv. I say, I am yet too young to under-Ble- nd

that Ood la any respected of persons. I be-lieve, tbet te have Interfered, aa I have doneIn behalf of Ule denptssd poor, Is no mors thanright. Now, la deemed necessary that I should

my life for the furtherance of the ends of Jus-tice and mligle my blind further, with tho blood ofmy Children, and with the blood of mllltone tn thisSlave country, whose rights are disregarded by wick-ed, cruel and unjuat enactments; I aay let tt be dons.lit, uia eay uufe wmuruiuiei. t rent eutlaety Bat- -iefled wtth the treatment I have received on my trial.Considering all tbe circumstaooea, tt bag been moreoaneroua than I expected. But I feel no conscious-ness of guilt. I have stated from the first wbat wasmy Intentions and what was not. I never bed anydeelgn agalnat tbe liberty of any person, nor anydieposltlua t commit treason or excite slsves to re-bel, or make any general Insurrection. I never en-couraged eny man to do ao. but always dutoouraredany Idea of that kind. Let me esy, also. In regard tothe statements made by eome of those who wereconnected with me. I fear It has been stated byeome of them tbat I have Induced them to Jolame, but the contrary la true. I do not say this toInjure them, but ea regretting their weakness. Notons but Joined sae of his own aooord, and the greaterpart at their own expense. A number of tnem Inever saw, and never had a word cf oonvereatioawith till tbs day they came to me, and that waa forths purpose I nave stated. Now, I have done.

While Mr. Baowa was sneaking, perfect tranquil-ity prevailed, and wben he had finished, the Judgeproceeded to pronounce sentence upon him. Aftera few primary remarks he said, that no reasonabledoubt could exist of the guilt of the prisoner, andsentenced him to be bang tn puboo on Friday, the Mcf Peoernber next.

Mr, Baowa received bit sentence wtth compo-sure.

Tbs only demonstration made was by the e'epningof ths hands of one man hi the erowd, wbo la not arestdsntof JtrTereost county. Tula wee promptlysuppressed, and much regret la expressed by thecUUrna et lie occurrence.

After being out an , the Jury came In wtth averdict that Corn a waa guilty on all tha counts tn theIndictment. Hie counsel gave notice of a motion forarreet ofjudgrnentt as In Mr. Baowa'a case. TheCourt tben adjourned.

Tan Ibla Haflread ArrldeatChicago, Sot, .K terrible accident occurred

on the Chicago and North Western Railroad, thisfort noon. A train, consisting ot thirteen cava,fl'led with exaurslonlsts, from Fon du Lao forChicago, ran off the track at Johneon Creek, eightmilee south of Wattrtown, Wlsoonsln. Eightpersons are repotted killed, and a aumber ballywounded. The namea of the killed, as far 'atknown, are i M. 1. Tuoaaa, U, s. Marshal; Mr,Boatman and Gaoaoa F. Eauraaoit.

Tbe names of tne liedly Injured, aa far aa ascer-tained, are I A. B. Bombstw, Indian Agent I T.L. Guxarr, Judge Futrr, Mre. Kanruao and VaaDaism Brtlin all of Fon du Lac,

ttflOBO DxsriTou.In addition to those previously reported killed, are

the following tJsweaa Mason, telegraph operator) T. L. Oiuurrt,

and J. Snow, of Food du Lac; Joaa Lcno, C. Par se-en la, and L. Susbwood. of Ushkuah Dr. T. Mnisa,of Watcttosra. The Injured are aa folio ex i E U.Brass, tmtb lers ofTi Mrs. Lewie, Ins; bmken Mrs.Jsaia Xbbksv, leg broken ; Mis. Bslwi, of 0h-kos-

ta tb legs broksn: Mr. Van Bcaxx 8s un, IVtl-t-

of Ihs Foud du Lao rsss, skull fractured, andnot exja-cte- to recover.

Tte accident waa caused by the train running Intoan ox.

rVafrrfotnt, Wu., Not. I. A Ccroner-- t in--wss hsUl this afternoon, upon the bodlss ofSuest kllltd by the railroad accident yesterdsy, and a

vtrdtrt tbat the accident wee unavoidable aud notthe fsult ofaayperaon In charge of the train, wasrendered. It Is stated by the officers of the road,that great pains havs been taken for tha purpose ofBvoldlng accidents, and tbat tba fatal train wasrunning at a rate not exceeding fifteen miles aahour,

Aerldeat an New York Crntral Itatlread.AUxmw. Sot. 8. Between 11 and 12 o'clock

last night a freight train, cunalatlng of 41 cars, ranoff ths track at the entrance to the olty, on theheavy down gratis, and on reaching the corner ofvan woertBtreet,tue toooruotive,oneox tne largeston ths new!, wee overturned, and a general am senup fullowed. Eight of the freight ears were flhtvsr-e- d

to atoma, and their contents scattered about Inall directlona. The remainder uf the train was moraor less Injured by toe eonouwdon.

The locomotive wss vsry badly damaged. NoUvea were loat nor any one injured. The accidentwaa caused by Ice on the rails, rain having fallen aabort time prsvloue and froatn. The train aotueUyran away from tbe engineer. All the breaks weredown and still tbs momsnunt wee equal ta fifteenmiles en hour. The engineer eeya It la fortunate thetrain run off where It did, at It would have been

to check Its headway before entering thepassenger deimt, where far more eorioua resultswould Lav fol owed.

Dewtrartlve Klree.Km Orleans. Sot. 8. Seven touaiet, extend- -

Irg from Washugton to Kth at , In the eta district,wire burnt last svenlcg. Ths burnt dUttlct waathickly built over with email bulldlnga.

Another square la now oa firs, but the firemen arepowtrleaa from want of water.

Asia Orleans, Hot. 4 J. It The toss by Us fireIn the 4th District Is about a quarter of a million ofdollars. Sixty dwellings are deetreyed. Tbs firewee Ue work of aa lnoendtary.

.Vets OrUttnt, Fot. 4 Ths firs tn the Fourth Dis-

trict, yesterday, destroyed sixty dealings, involvinga'oeaefttuO.OOO.

fit. Leafs, As. 4 A b'ock 'of about 26 woodenteu mcnls ou Green St., between bill and 0th ste,known aa tba Robbers' Roust, aid composed of nolorioue lttah groggerira etd disreputable dance bouars,were burned lait night, I'M lues Is about 10 004,

Marytaael rauue BervJea.

Rloten Controlling the Foils.

Several KJOed a4 TTaaadeet.

BaUittort, Sot. . 1 ha State election It nowprogreaatts;. There la agrees etmggtein ail tbeWards sa tar aa heard from. The sd Ward nolle areHooked by rowdies, and the police are doing nothing.la tte 10th Ward. TKae gitna, tbe ReformJudge, bee teen Intimidate le:d compelled to leave,end Mr. Kinairv, wbo waa appointed by actingMsyot Maro, and reketed by the Couaeu, has beenre. appointed. The Reformers have been driven off.Jama Jansae, eon of Manion Jtrreas, eras shot lathe stds and beaten over the bead by botjm steKwmere whoen be had maltreated. In the 16th Ward,Ansa B Erie, Jr.. merchant, of No, N Ilaaovtr et,Kofi inter, waa shot In tbe temple and was dying afew moo ants sen. Gsoses Krta, who came to tberescue of his bngber, wsa shot dangerously. la the14th Ward, there tea deeperste etinrgle. The

resisted with anna. Soajiv Waive, alias Jas.Jobssou, a nototlout rowdy, was ah dead wtth apistol ball Two other rowdies, named rtaaais antlirrrr, were shot tn tbe lege. Bswbv grata, a Re-former, wsa shot in ths leg. Wa. Sritaa, a Reform-er, waa shot In ths arm and teg. In tbe llh Ward,TasotKiss Wonoatt, wee badly beaten. Dr. 0.RKSUBnen, a Bef urmer, was psrsosd by the captainof tbe Thunderbolt Club, with a drawn eword. Dr.R. took rtfuge tn a store, whsa tba rowdies broke tatoe windows, ard tried to capture him, but fortun-ately tbey were not aurcrsafnl.

Judge Ones, of the V. A. District Court, met Bbe-- 10

CxseMsa In Ue street this forenoon, and told himIn decided terms that ht wee to be accountable forall the blood that waa ebr d At a la Ire andlawyer be told tee Sheriff be had the authority, andthat It waa hla duty to Interfere.

In the ISth Ward tbe rowdlee took pnareenim ofthe pnOe and gave the Reformers notice to quit,

a Reformer waa badly beaten. Intbe fifth Ward the Reformers were driven off at anearly hour. A eon of Hon. Joairca VaatanT, waabeaten for attorn ting to vote. The first, second andfourth Wards are alalia preen-Btto- of the rowdies,to the total exe union of all who oppose them. Inthe Twentieth Ward tha rowdlee are knocking downand whom tbe t lease. Ths rowdiesbsvs a swivel on the (round. In tbe 19th and 10thWarde gangs cf rowdies from Washington, fullyarmed, are aiding tbe Batlmore roughs. lathe 16thWard, a boy baa been morta'ly wounded. Its wssshi t lu tha breast. There ta considerable talk uf aVigilance cemnultee In the streets.

aeooan basriTou.Willi E. Pxtmiti, Dsmccratto cindidate In the

Third Oogrtsnlonal Dlatrict, la now lying at Baa-ee-

Hots', tadly beaten aliout the head with abilly. Tbe outrage la said to have been perpetratedin the neventeentb ward.

Mr. Kttajsho was shot this forenoon. Is dead.In the E'everth Ward, the stronghold of ths Re--s, Mr. Otosoa M. Oru. made a speech, an-

nouncing the withdrawal of Mr. Taouae, tne Reformcandidate fur District Attorney, when tbe Reformersfinding It Impossible to do anything, all withdraw,

Tman tHsraTrti.Dr. Ronnrami, of the Central Reform Committee,

came to tba 11th Ward polls and announced that theReformers hat been driven from every Ward, exospttbet and the 8th, and eouneallod the Reformers thereto withdraw to avoid faitter bloodabed J whereuKmDr. Taoase, Reform Judge, retired, and the ootttfwtwsa abandoned. Previously, the Rsfurms re through,out the dtr withdrew, leaving the polls la tie handsof the dominant party.

There an numerous reports of minor outrageson the private vtebta otcttlsena tn sevtral wards.

In ths Second Wstd, man named CnatLlsBaaxABD, wsa abot la the hip. In the Fifth Ward, aman, tame unknown, waa drealfully beaten.

The moat reliable aooount Is, tbat Mr. Psaavon wuassaulted at Oovanstown, the Ninth District of Balti-more county. One account saya he waa beaten by anIrUbman. It la difficult, tn the face of to manyreports, to an Ive at the truth.

Mr. Xtib, who waa reported dead at two o'clock,was still living an hour sines, but In a hopelese con-

dition, aa a ball ts buried tn bis brala.Ths streets are nearly deserted except by

the victorious party.The stores wore all olneed at dark.Tbe promleeor of tbe Exchange having been

threetaued with aaeault, made a demand on the allyauthor ttiee for protection.

room pixriTcn.BoUfmorr, Aoe. 1 . JT Ths Americans are

Itjotdngevsr their victory. The Refomaere denythat an) thing that can be called an oleottoa has ta- -

VSP1?- - . .. .. .It wiu ue late Dt mre tne returns mwnw,

huge number of ofliosve were votsd for on one ticket.In the Seventeenth Ward, the American ticket hsa

an average of 840 votes, and the hlgheet Reform votela 14.

Baltimon, Sot. 8. Tbe Inquest on tha bodyuf Warm, the rowdy who waa abot yesterday la the14th Ward, U concluded. Tha verdict of the Jury la,that be wee tilled accidental!' by a stray abot. Therewaa no evidence to show that Dcrtr, who was ar.rested on the charge of committing the act, hadanything to do wtth It

The returne from the State are very meagre, andeeem rather to favor tba Democrats. Frederick coun-ty (6th District) gives Hornsea, American, for Con-gress, about M0 majority a lees of 431. Washing-ton county gives llorrMaa to majority, Anne Arun-del county (6th District) gives Ucoass, Democrat,for Congress, Ut majority a gain of 69.

Returne from Cecil and Howard counties show aDemocratic gain In those counties cf four membersof the ttouae and two aenatore.

The returne Indicate that the " Democrats willhave a majority In the House, but there la doubt aato the Betiete. The returne from the city wardsare not yet complete. The Americana will haveabout t vvnteen thounat d majority, which, of ooune,securvs thsir State ticket by a heavy majority. Sfar, there epprara to be no change la Ue Ooagree-elon-

delegation.The Inquest on Xvia Is not concluded yet. The

Central Reform Committee have held a meeting, inwhich they expressed their Indignationand distress at the murder of their respectable andexcellent fellow ctttsen, Adam Baaua Krta, Jr., atthe polls of tbe loth ward; and also resolved to at-tend hie funeral morning. Inviting all thelovers of law and order to unite with the faairal

JJaltimort, Nonmbtr 4. Tha following Mem-bers of Congress are elected: Haxxis, Darn andWaaeTca, Americana, and Bra-wa- Kcniu andII cause, Democrata. This la ths same as at tho lastCoogremlonal election,

Tbe Btats Legislature sUr-d-s at follows! nouseSB Americans) 49 Democrats. Senate 8 Americana11 Democrats. One District to bear from.

Festal Arraagrsarau between tha Calledrttatea aad Canada.

Washington, Sot, 8. Tba Pottmatter Oene-r- sl

baa eonchided an arrasgement eriU the Canadi-an Post Office Department, by which the malic areto ba treaspceted fur Ue weekly betweenDetroit and Ltvsrywl, via Portland, in Winter, andtbe river St. Lawrence in summer the service tocommence by the trip of the first ateamsr outwsrdfrom Portland, on the Mth lnat. It it Intended tohave the matla or such sa may be thereby expected,for and from the Weatem, NotUwest-rnvtn- d proba-bly arms of tne South western Btatee, lent in closedbegs between Chicago and Detroit, on tbs ona stds,and Llrerpcol and London on the other and forthis purpose the British Post Offloe Department hatUen requesttd to osistltuts Chicago and Detroitexchange offices for the United States and Britishmalla

On Ut aide of Britain, Cork may alao bs consti-tuted aa exchange office. By the eohedule, tbe timebetween Portland and Chicago is to ne M hours, andwben the eervtoe eommenoee, thara will be an

line of railroad Ue whole war. Thla will hea vety direct line between the Far West and Europe.

Later fraaa Beaver City,Leavenworth, K. T., Sot, 3. Tbe overland

express from Denver City arrived bars I eat night,brtaglrg advices of Ua twh ult, aud IT 0W tn gold

dut on ootisignnicnt, In skies fU.0U) It th'. hanta ofUe paaaengera.

Tbe wt ether at the mines continued unuauaHy fa-vorable.

An election bad bsea held (fit offloers under theFrovialiiial Government.

'1 be result wse n'4 definitely known, but aa far aaascertained Brawl, had a majority for Oovemor.

1 Butts were being made Jf) induce the people topaitlclpate lu Ihe election for a delegate to Congressfrom Kansas, which takee plaw on tbe Btb instant,out tne project waa oppowa oy ins tocii pewrs.whicn anrua In favor of non tntsrvention tu A.Baffaira, having but recently elected a delegate of theiroern,wno ta expectea eo urge tne immeaiate orgaui.aation of the territory,

Fraaa Waehlnglee.A tetter baa been received here, ststtng that Gen-

eral Talis, for msny ytara Oovernor of Chihuahua,is shortly expected at El Paso, to oonsult with JudgeHat wiU reference to the oaistroctton of a railroadthrough Chihuahua, under the grant to Hear, uraaoand othera, by tha Legislature of tbat State.

Lieut. Mowtf le seriously UI at El Face.

Trailing Match.rkiladelpkia, Sortmtoer 8. A trotting match

took place In tbe Suffolk Park.between Patch-e- n

and Brown Dick, Ua former winning tu threestraight beete. Time :SVi, .MX, andLancet waa advertised to trot also, but waa with-drawn.

Ft are for tba Kaf.ty of Haata Fa MaOa.St. Ijmil, Sot, 8. Tha Watt port correspon-

dent of Ue itrytiMtrait sayt that four Santa Fa mallsare now due at Independence, and Uat serious appre-hensions are felt for tbe safety of both outgoing andInootnlDg parties. Ths same oorreepnndent alsostates, on the authority of the mall carrier betweenCouncil Gross and Fort Rllsy, Uat nineteen return-ing Pike's Peak emigrants have beea murdered byUe Indiana no the plalne since tbe killing of Uechief of Ue Krowea al Ue former plaoe, about tiromonths ego.

Injaartlwo granted la the ladla Rabbtr Caae.Chicago, Sot. 4 This morning, lathe United

Stales Circuit Ccurt, Ue Judge decided tba IndiaRubber oasea, en motions made leal weak, agalnatbetween twtnty and thirty firms la tbla city,affirming Ua title of lloaaos II. Dar tt et , upjothe ground that Judge Ellas' late declaioo on finalhtarirga,t ntitled the oomplaiaaula to Injunction, un-

til revered bj the Supreme Court

Fraaa Albaay.AHany, Sot. 4. A commission de lunatico

enqinrtnd baa been gi anted by Judge Oocun toenuulte Into tbe eondluon of Ue mind of MrellUnDina Dcnurr, whose recent singular ai'posl.tiiin of proi-ert- has been before the Courts. JodgGcclb epiu.ted Judge WiLuaao, of Saratoga,Jaata tUaineroa, Esq., of Albauy County, and Dr,CartUi of Cohort, aa tha couiaUisloi,

Arret af AUr. rarer sra,Botttm. Sov.tL Jonalt. B- - n.nr..

aod Anoint Btianr affas asnu7(raterdayoa board tbe eatameblp mn!nmiSrSJ!m

Thar are crutri ISJSZZllMfrom tbe Nanaau Bank of Hrw vTforged check, purporting aBonn a I alao for another forgery, to the araouatra- i", miw vmimmnaiiu nantDI I,ew xoew.Tbe cane was Investlgsted this afternoon la the PoUoeCourt. Mr. Batons, paying teller of the Nsesau Bank,aod Mr. ALtxaamra V. Ron Samoa, lltrgrepher, of

3 Fulton etrett, N Y, appearing aa witneaarav- -.

Rose wee discharged, ths evidence not ImrnneUngbun. Tbe further examination of Laaou and Btaaorwsa pottponed till Stturdsy- -

Daralac af tha rranbrwke Cattaa Kiraa,1Oneoorol, S, IT., Sor. t. Tba Pembroka

Cotton Mills, at Buns a:k vUlarS veers deearoyed byfire Uils morning, togtther with a derailing, and tbaptcksr and count ng rooms on the rppoate sideeftb river. The kae le 1X0.000, rf which abrartg0 COO ta It eumd. Tte mil's were owned prlauipal,Ir by Meeers, Wsui A Minor, Tnoaas Hows, W.Romrsva and M. Pora, all of Do.ton. Meetly twobnndred and fity opera-ive- e are Urown out of em.)4oymnt by this calamity.

Firm.Ktv Orleans, Sonmitr 3. A Art In Afollo

street today deetroytd asven bulldmge, Loaste.0X0.

Acother fire on Chippewa street, deetroytd half aequate of smell boMdlrgn. Lose 1.000.

0roo, St--. 8. IlictroRD chair factory,situatrd In West Sixth street, la this eety, wee dee-t-ro

ed by tire but night. II waa Insured for tl.000,ruttturg Pa., Snr.S Tha btlck dwelling

at'achrd to St, Paul's Cathedral, oooup'ed by BinhosiU'OoaaoB, was partially destroyed by fire this mom-le- g,

lame about fi.000 fully Insured.

Tha Kan e Election.SI. JWt, Sor. 2. A tpecja! despatch to tha

JlrriwMb-ani- , glvee tlie official vote uf the recant elec-tion In Kansas, as follows I

For the Constitution 1041Agslnetthe CooatttuUwn tutFur tbe llonaetrad Law , (ISAAgalnat the Homestead las , , , 4 tTI

Faar days Later fraea California.St. Limit, Sov. 7. Tba Overland mail, with

San Francisco datee of the Itth Inst, arrived Isetn'ght

Or at preparations were making to receive Otn.rVxnr. All Ue mlliUry eompaolsa end.sole'lers tstho Mexican war would meet blm on bis arrival, andescort him Urourh tbe cttr. while all daaaaa of tbeperple were preparing to pay hla Ueir tribute ofrespect.

Ths creditors of Cnorrixnrwe A Co, maObetween California and Salt Lata, had at-

tached their strck and other property for debtsamounting to BM 000. II was feared thai toe ra aliawtiuld be enepended from thla eauee.

The water oourses throughout Us stats are at thalowest stage, and Ua miners holding claims In Uabeds of the Btreema were gathering itch harvests otgoZd.

Oregon datee are to Ue nth cf October. Five hun-dred and fity emigrant wagone had arrived at thaCasosdee, Washington Territory. AdvleeefroinOspt.WaixesTs Ball Lakssxpeditlnu and Lieut. Metaaa'aFort Benton wagon road sxpsdittoa aonounon Ueoottlaued prosperity of Us eonirnentfs. Cspt WaL-tt- n

had rsndsred great servloe to Ue emigrants ontlie route. The Indleee were quiet, rir.tiah Oulum-l-- la

dates are to Oct 1. Everything wse quiet atSan Juan. The Britiik CoUmttl says It waa current-ly reported tbat a new Governor named Hows naybe shortly sipsoted. The shipments of gold (Tore.Victoria In September amounted to 110.000.

The miners on Frew's River were dolngweu.Bustrsss at Baa Francisco wsa alow. There waa

little doing from first hands except by auction. Salt aof India goods that way were quite heavy.

Provisions were drooiiing. crushed Soger waalie. per lb Cefft a was mere buoyant. Oendlee wereInactive. Dotneatlc Spirits were firmer. Spirits Tur.pcntlne waa tl per gai'on.

Poor Hundred Lives Lost.

Less af the Royal Charter,

Montreal, Sor. 7. The following U taken frontUe Liverpool Dedrr Putt, of tbe ITU October "Thepublic will Ir am this morning, with overtvhelmlnggrief, that the splendid. TCssa-Lth-e Royal Charter,w aa tuteJly list, yesterdsy. In CUufih Red Bay, nearBangor. Tbe me'enchrly Intelligence, which reachedus late lest night, wss brief, but ve fear tt la onlytoo true Uat of upwards of four hundred personawho wars on board, only ten an said to have beeasend Thtre lesime hope, howev,r, that this bl laexaegetatloB. but under eay drtrarnaVaaoee, Ue longof Ife, It It to be feared, hat been Immense.The Royal Charter bad about half a million ofgold on hoard, when the disaster took plaoe.

I la not known, for the telegraph had oseaed lawork, and eo eVatrtictlre had been Ue etorm alongUe coast, yesterday, that Ua Chaster and Blrkeu-tx- sd

Railway bsd been destroyed tn two plaeee. AtPenmanmawT, twenty of Ue dead bodies bad beeawashed ashore. The bey la which the oelaetropherecurred te two or three mUea to Ue west ward cCPuffin Island, In Aegtsesa. and six or seven muse tathe notUweet of Beeumeris. It has a shallow. Ban-dy beach for arvtral miles, wtth promontories ateach end of Ue bey. Tbe country around la wild,and few houses are ebout.

Disaster ta Kebert Waleraaaa.A'evt (Mean, Sor. 7. Tha steamship Robert

Walenoan, frera New Orb-an-a for Malaeerda, runashore est Ue 8th Inst , near Timbuliav'a Ia'aad. Thapassengers and crew were laved. The earing of thaatramer la doubful, Ue breakers being very heavy.

Meats Expteetea Less af Twe lirtm.Sanduilj, Sot. 7. l'ropeiler Ohio, bound to

Buffalo ftotn Cleveland, with a cargo of Ursa hun-dred and fifty tona of nurehanellaa, when ten mileaoff Long Pt4at be'ow Erie, 8unday morning, two)o'clcck, blew up, and sank In ten minute a

There were seventeen persons aboard, of whomTitos. CoaaiT, second mate, ami Miocuaa. Danuaa,whrelsncan, were lost. The remalnbig fifteen personadrifted In a yawl boat without rare ta ahlgh aea withlittle clothing, fifteen hours, when the propeller Equa-tor picked Uem upend brought Uem to this port.The Ohio waa owned by Ue American Transporta-tion Co, It la said Uat there la no tnsuranoe.

Tba New Mexlcaa Mall.St. Lonii. Sot. 7. The New Mexican maO of

ths 80th of September, arrived last night via El Paso,and the overland mall coach, the Northern route havIrg been abandoned tn ormarquenoe of Indian out-rag- ee

along Ue line. The passengers and lettaraleport the continuance of depredatlucis and murderon Us plaint by Ut Indiana. A letter from Tana,New Maxtor, to Ue trtnibtteaa, mentions a battlebetween the Vtah Indiana, assisted by Mexloans, anda band of Arrepahoes, at Ue crossing of the DelNutte, ta which 8i of the latter were killed.

Fraaa St. aleUaa.Hotion, Sor, 7. Tba ship Pearleta, from Cal-

cutta, via St. Helena, bee arrived et this port, bring-ing advices from the Utter port, cf Sept it. Therewsra no American vessele In port-- Two eleven, tak-en oa the coast of Africa, by a British cruiser, wereIn pott, and with their cargoes, had been condemnedby Ue Admiralty Court. The name of one waa un-known, the other was the Stephen H. Townsend, ofNew Orleans, Cspt. Wuxn. P CetvesLV Cutset-to- n.

Bishop of St Helena, wag expected to arrive InNovember, from England.

Later fraaa DTerwraevHee, TexaaJSev Orltant. A'or.,7. The steamship Arltona,

from Brewaarllia, Tsxss, on the M Instant, hat ar--nvea nere.

Cotnast end his bard continue Ueir depredations,threatening Ue Inhabitante with fire and eavord.Ontbegothult., thirty mea entered tte otty andfired one round, wheu they wtre dispersed by tbaertilliry, and fird. On the Itth, a hundred andtwenty men with cannon and bowltter marchedegaintt Coamut and drove Ue guard from bitbouse.

Ttsytubsequeatly were mrpriied by an ambus-cad- e,

and loat a cannon and howiiser, and finallywert entirely d"catcd. Four weie wuuuded audnine kUltdJ Coanaas lost two, killed. Us aftsr-wai- ds

stnt a letter demanding of the cttlaen ofBi owns vi He Uat they shoa d surrender Ue SheriffandoUete to aave the city rtotn deatruottoo. A gen.era! panic prevailed al Brownsville. Toe ottyfwsabarricaded aad tranehee dug for defence. Aa sltscfcwss bourty expecti d.

It waa repotted that after taking Brownerlua, Cob.rises would attack Bragos. The Mayor of Browne.vllle apieale to New Orleans for a hundred, men, aaUeir cltixent are worn out, aodibe Rangers had notartivtd from Northern Mrxioo. Sixty fetona re-

leased from Ue prist n at Victoria, bsd J feed UaguctUla land, and Wert devastating tbe country,

Fraaa Washlagten.rTaaaiaofoa, AW. 8. Captain LAvaixrmr,

In a letter to Ue Secretary cf Ue Navy, dated Na-ples, October 14U. saya,tbat hs had taken tbe Amer.can Consul, Mr. NiotioLson, to Tunis, tn Ue steam-

ship Wsbssh. It wss customary to salute theand French Consuls, whsnever.lhey arrived or

departed, but no other such ctBoere were similarlybe non d, but aa our treaty with Tunis placed ourConsuls on a footing squal with thews of the moatfevored natlow, and tbla fact having beea si plained,tlie authorities cheerfully aoooidsd the ealote to bothCart. LsvatLMva and Consul NuwiLaon.

Ths can Isgss of tha Bey were In walnrg et Ue land-ing, wbtie our offioars were reoeivsday persons of tbablghsst rank and eacortsd to Us Palace. Tbe inter-view waa very satisfactory, the Bey eaylng that heahould t ndtavor to eutuvate the most friendly rela-tions wiU Ue United Btatee. Captain Lavatxavvaadds I "I clearly that our wreeenoe aaahaving a beneficial tfitct on ths new govern meat,

with refetsnee to Ue poetttoa of our Consul.I em satisfied tbet Ue short trip ti Tunis will con-duce to the beet Intervals of the United Statee."

(Meant Fire Engine Trhtl.TVey, K. Y. Kot, 7 A steam flre engine, buOt

by Laa and Ltttran, of New York, fog tbe BjutbwerkIloss Osmpany, uf llaiadslphla, tad a public trial intbla city to. day, In tbe preeenoe of Mayor Rsan. . Astnglsitrtam was thrown too feet, and two streamsMO feet.

Iealelaaa deatlaa,Kttt Orltant, Sot. 1th The slectioa here y,

etd tiff quktly. In the 4U district, thehsve elect d cue member of the legislature,

oae Justice of tba Frees, and out Slate Tax Collect-

or In IU reel of Ua otty, the regular Americantttktt it elected, by a largs majority.

Th tleerala I'alveraky.Atumta, Co., Sor. 7. tlgitBT B. Jacko!i

baa teen elected frtttdtat of Hut Ocorg CnlTtr-sii-