Myth of Quran and Science

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  • Myth of Qur'an and Science

    Mohammed al-Amrani

    { 35 }

    "We will show them Our signs in all the regions of the earth and in their own souls until they

    Clearly see that this is the truth." (41: 53)

    Muslim scholars, scientists and students who are dealing with the subject of Quran and science or sunnah and science ought to be careful. It is futile, as a rule, to extrapolate

    human scientific knowledge on the Quranic verses inasmuch as human knowledge is at best hypotheses based on many assumptions. Karl Popper said science may be described as the art of systematic over-simplification. Though the Quran contains clear signs and clues of scientific nature, it is not a book of science and was not intended to be

    and the scientific community is largely repugnant to theological indications of scientific

    nature. The fitnah of science has reached its zenith in the 20th century, and though it

    helped some scientists go back to Allah (SW), the masses in the west at least, have

    realized that the Allah (SW) of science is a flip-flop and lost its appeal. One ought to be careful of the insidious spiritual and scientific defeat before the western culture which

    actuate some to run after every discovery to find its parallel or indication in the Quran or sunnah. The conflict between the Church and science ushered in the 15th century is still

    raging in the west and Muslims ought not repeat the devastating mistake of the Church

    which adopted the Ptolemic geography and model of the universe and eventually led to

    that pathetic chasm between science and the church in the west.

    Below will briefly review the status of the world we are living in a satirical questioning in

    a bid to show that neither science, nor philosophy nor the incumbent perceptions of

    religions would help mankind come out of this abyss. Needless to say that human

    scientific knowledge is progressive in nature and has followed a more or less linear

    progression over the course of history with an evident leap in the 20th century and a

    period of regression often follows. This outcome is normal inasmuch as it is in line with

    the nature of human beings. Contrary to his scientific progress, mans faith has not followed a linear progression rather an up and down periods. The Quran is clear that the religious history of the world has been a series of faith, no faith, or dubious faith or as the

    Quran calls it Jahiliyyah and Islam, then Jahiliyyah then Islam and so on. In general people have lost faith in the Allah (SW) of science, as well as lost trust in the Allah (SW) of philosophy and lost faith in the rotten clergy and the tens of religions? Lets

  • take a brief look at science, philosophy and religion.

    What is science? Is it what Karl Popper said science may be described as the art of systematic over-simplification. Not enough deductive reasoning? Is not the Allah (SW) of science a flip-flop? What is hypothesized today is refuted tomorrow! Is the big bang

    still valid or has been reduced to ash with the endless singularities and assumptions? Is

    the Inflationary model valid or is it simple Quantum Fluctuations? How about before the

    nano-second, what model should we have? Is not the background radiation, the Hubble

    constant and the Helium to Hydrogen concentration enough for the big bang? But there

    are the horizon, the smoothness and the flatness problem? What do the astrophysicists

    think: is the universe flat or curved? Questions of cosmologists: Did the universe begin

    from nothingness or from an atom or from something? What was that something? Was it

    neutrons, protons and electrons? Or nothing at all. What is going on with Physicists?

    Newtonian laws have collapsed or in their way to oblivion or still work in fixed space?

    What theory works in large objects and massive galaxies: maybe the General Relativity?

    But that does not work in the sub-atomic level: how about a quantum mechanics which at

    least work when tested? Maybe a unified theory to combine all three and all forces in

    one: call it String or superstring hypotheses? How far did evolutionists go with their

    search for intermediate fossil records? Did they find any? Did they manage to random-

    mutate a life of any form and cells to create a better one? Did they refute the Cambrian

    explosion? Havent evolutionists had enough time to account for the origin of life? Or still facing the same problem as Jefrey Bada confessed? Too bad the structure of the cell

    was not as simple as Darwin thought. Too bad an intricate and complex and marvelous

    world exist in the tiny cell. Or is it by chance again? Or as Fred Hoyle said in Nature The chance that higher life forms might have emerged by chance is comparable with the chance that a tornado sweeping through a junk-yard might assemble a Boeing 747 from

    the materials therein. Didnt Francis Crick say the DNA molecule is more too complex than ever envisioned and it could have never emerged by chance? Doesnt the DNA contain information that would fill a million page yet stored in a tiny little cell the size of

    a thousand millimeters? Would not all the books ever written by human kind over their

    entire history be stored in a few strains of DNA? How far did the genome project go? Or

    was it enough that Franciso Collins was re-born? Did they manage to create bacteria for energy? Or for bio-war? What did the deciphering of the human 3-billion DNA script

    do for humanity? Did it cure diseases?

    What about philosophers? What is new with them? Is it Existentialism still or still

    bounded to epistemology? Did their metaphysics come to a halt? Are they happy at the

    stage of linguistics? Why are scientists in war with one another and in war with

    philosophers who are in turn in war with each others? Is this all a-rage infracitidal

    diseases still grip them until they destroy any rival claimant? What is going on with

    astronomers? What is going on with the raging war between atheists or evolutionists and

    creationists or intelligent design? Is the illusion real or the illusion of the illusion? Can

    we break the spell or the totem and taboo? Hasnt the steady state model of a universe collapse or atheists are not convinced yet? Will they throw stones at the grave of George

  • Gamow? Where is Darwinism which Marx, Englez, Durkium embraced with love?

    Where are materialisms and the materialists? Didnt Trotsky, Lenin, Mao adopt materialist views and were responsible for the death of millions? No good mutation is

    possible in the lab? No new genetic transmission? Is not possible for a living cell to

    emerge from inanimate matter? Some bond or volcano or somewhere? What happened

    to their cherished accidental universe? No longer valid with the laws of probabilities and

    the anthropic principle? Is not life contingent and peripheral in the universe? Where are

    the Greek materialists? Where is Aristotle? Where is Hume? And the hallucinating

    Nietzsche? Any new model of the universe? How about Psychologists, and Neuro-

    Psychologists? What is new? Did they understand human nature and motives behind his

    behavior? What is going on with Psychoanalyses? Anything new there? Where is Freud

    and Totem and Taboo? Is not religion a mental disease? Some sort of neurosis? Or is it

    fundamental to his mental health and happiness as Patrick Glynn in Allah (SW): The Evidence claims citing results of studies and research? But havent experiments and studies shown it is healthy? How much loneliness, depression, fear, suicide, alcoholism,

    divorce, pain and suffering have to accumulate? How many millions in prisons and other

    millions in mental asylums though their libidos were satiated to the full and more? Man

    has no soul? Or is it a slip? Or just sexual impulses? Lets debase man to an animal living to satisfy his selfish desires? What happened to the future of an illusion?

    Have religious beliefs disappeared as man progressed? What about Skinner and his

    behavior school? Are all psychologists irreligious or agnostics? Are not people in the

    west miserable or as Gibbon put it long time ago: Crowds without company, dissipation

    without pleasure? How about western theologians? What is happening? Still fighting

    the nature of Jesus (S), his mother (S)? What is going on with original sin? Still valid?

    Is the Church still willing to go down to the level of the moral and spiritual decadence of

    their societies and bless gay marriages and illegitimate relations between men and

    women? What is going on in their war with the thousand and so dominions? What is

    happening with the economists? Any new theory to siphon and bilk the millions? And

    the million and more politicians? What is new? Lies after lies! Arent they but slaves to a gang of investors and corporations? And lets not forget the humanists? Is Huxleys world-view of no religion still their model? Are they seeking to establish a religion-free

    world? How about others? What is new with Muslims? Still producing religious sects?

    Still debating whether the Quran was created or not? Sill debating whether Jihad is valid or not and whether their rulers are Muslims or not? How far did their exegesis go?

    Anything new? What about their Sufism? Are the Mystics still committing sins in order

    to repent so they would taste Allah (SW)s mercy? Are they shying away from the society in caves or dancing in circles in closed quarters? Did some annihilate and

    succeeded in unifying? What about their despotic mionerrites rulers? Still slaves to the west? How about their populace? Still unable to discern whether Islam has vanished or

    still alive? And whether hijab is compulsory or not? And the Hindus? What is

    happening there? Any new gold-made Krishnas? What about the Jews? Still conspiring against the Gnome? Or is it because of their ugly bodies as Sartre in Anti-Semitism and the Jew told us? Still feeling mankind want to destroy them? Still

  • feeling a broken branch of the tree of humanity? What about western thinkers and

    philosophers? Has the west grown barren after the Magna Carta and the French

    Revolution? Any new ideologies after Marxism, Fascism and socialism collapsed taken

    with them millions of souls? Hasnt capitalism stifled and became a monarchy in the hands of a few? Hasnt the right to speak and freedom of speech, women liberty crushed the tired souls of human kind? Any new wars in the making?

    What about globalism? How far did that go? Hasnt the World Bank and the IMF ended up as corrupt institutions in the hands of a few capitalists? What about corporate

    America and major corporations around the world? No new mergers between banks? No

    plans to break the backs of the workers and throw them a few bones? Where are the

    usury banks? Not enough has been accumulated? Is not it enough one percent or less of

    the worlds population owe most of the wealth of the world? Where is the sold-out media? What is it doing besides vulgar propaganda? Where are the businessmen of

    prostitution, makeup and slavery? Where is the UN and its various branches? UNHCR,

    UNESCO, UNDP? What is new with those? What about its so-called millina program?

    Who is behind that nonsense? What about its programs to reduce poverty while it is a

    major cause of poverty? Still throwing millions of tons of corn and wheat to the oceans

    while millions die in hunger? Who is looking after the orphans and widows of war and

    violence? What is happening in the workplace around the world? Still gossip and

    intrigues? Some work others dont? Still promotion on merit of whom you know? Has not mankind created conditions of work that make it unpleasant experiences for the

    multitudes? What is happening in factories? Still the poor are buried there? What about

    factories producing arms of mass destruction? Still preparing the kill-all machine? Still

    planning most effective ways to kill your fellow man? What is going on with China and

    its quest for world renown? Is not time for those people to dominate earth at least

    economically? Or will it always be between the children of Sham?

    What is going on with our children? Still playing computer games and watching

    movies? Hasnt mankind drunk enough alcohol and consumed enough drugs? Is not time to wake up from a 4-century state of intoxication? What is happening with our

    women? Still imitating men? Still playing games with them? Still inventing and seeking

    ways to beautify themselves for him? Still wasting times in bars, dins and malls? Still

    looking for the perfect match who never existed? Still looking up to celebrities as their

    models? Havent they had enough music, enough makeup, enough nakedness? Still reading fiction non-sense? Still neglecting their duties? Not wanting the pressure of

    commitment, family and children? Still seeking fun and play and cool guys? Still not

    paying attention to Allah (SW) in their endless self-centered consciousness? Or have

    they despaired and ended up in broken hearts and minds? No longer sure what to do and

    what to believe? Still looking at the world as an ugly place of suffering and successive

    falls? Has their 6th sense malfunctioned and became a curse rather than a blessing with

    its unceasing quest for real meanings and hidden signs? What is going on in Hollywood

  • and Plywood? No more movie ideas except violence, horror and nakedness? Is the West

    declining as Oswald Sptringler claimed? What do we do with the cries of Mr. Dallas for

    a return to Christianity? Or the cry of Alexis Carrel in Man: The Unknown to more science to understand man? Do we listen to Cressy Morrison in Man Doesnt Stand Alone or to Huxley in Man in the Modern World. Should we contemplate our own destinies as an outlet for our zeal for religion as he proposed in Religion without Revelations or should we embrace science and live for science? Or should we seek to restore the Queen of sciences as William Durant advised us in Mansions of Philosophy? What does man make out of this jumble of pile? Where are the superstitions and myths? Can we find outlet in music as Bernard Lewis proposed? Or in

    chaos and anarchism as Chomsky said? Is it the end of history? Or the clash of

    civilizations? Or the West Last Chance? What do we make of the In the Shades of the Quran and Milestones? What perceptions should we have of Godhood, the universe, man and life? Didnt we have enough genocides in Stalin Russia, Mao China, Cambodia, Serbia, the Hutsey and Tutsey, Afghanistan and Iraq? Wasnt the Tsunami a clear sign? More earthquakes to shake us up seem to be a necessity? What do we do with the

    writings of historians and our literature? Should new Mongolians come and throw them

    all in the river and burn our libraries and universities? Is not Comparative Religion a

    myth or real? Was it polytheism, then ditheism and then monotheism? Where is Spinoza

    and his pantheism? Arent we returning to barbarism as was evident in Abu Gharib and the tens of Guantanamos and secret prisons spread across the world? Should we await a

    WWIII in which twice as much as 50 million must die in one go? Or a series of Nagasaki

    and Hiroshima? Lets blow up this planet and whoever survives can go to Andromeda or Triangulum and start a fire there. Or return to paganism as Nietzsche told us and worship

    Satans? Or we live in clubs of Skulls and Bones or re-organize in Messianic crowds. Is

    not history new and historians ever refute themselves: each with his own hypotheses,

    each according to his light and each to his tribe?

    What do our astrologists, sorcerers, soothsayers, fortunetellers who bilk the money of the

    gullible see for us? Is not astrology a pseudo-science? What do we do with the

    precession issue? What does the rise of Mars in Taurus or Sagittarius have to do with

    your birth? If the five planets happen to line up in the twilight then an eclipse follows

    and you are born? What does that mean to you and to the millions who were born at the

    same time as you? Good or bad omen? Arent we embedded in Orion-Cygnus and see through Sagatirus-Aqulia arm to see the Milky Way bulge are we embedded in illusions

    and deceptions? Is not time for the Church to announce a new Nicaea to settle its

    differences? Where is Draper to see how far the conflict between religion and science

    has reached? But since Nicaea is part of the territory of the losers, the Imams, mullahs,

    ought to meet there and settle their endless differences? It is as Allah (SW) has said in

    surah al-Maadah enmity implanted between them until judgment day and this verse is very true. Enmity between scientists and theologians, between religious apologists and

    theologians, dominion against dominions, church against church, scientists against

    philosophers, and those against each others. Philosophers are all a-rage with fratricidal

    mania and are never content until they have destroyed every rival claimant to the realms

  • and throne of truth? Dont these philosophies cancel each others out? Durant: Mansions of Philosophy? Is evolution a mass deceit kept alive by the scientific community to veil

    the fact of creation as Jonathan Wells said in Icons of Evolution? Didnt the Biochemist Michael Behe says Over the past four decades, modern biochemistry has uncovered the secrets of the cell. It has required tens of thousands of people to dedicate

    the better parts of their lives to the tedious work of the laboratory The result of these cumulative efforts to investigate the cell- to investigate life at the molecular level-is a

    loud, clear, piercing cry of design!. The result is so unambiguous and so significant that it

    must be ranked as one of the greatest achievements in the history of science Instead a curious, embarrassed silence surrounds the stark complexity of the cell. Why does the

    scientific community not greedily embrace its startling discovery? Why is the observation

    of design handled with intellectual gloves? The dilemma is that while one side of the

    [issue] is labeled intelligent design, the other side must be labeled Allah (SW) What is man unhappy? Why is this unique and wonderful array of 20 to 30 trillion cells some

    converge together to make marvelous organs such as hearts, hearts, hands, and legs.

    Inside each cell is an astonishing world of wonder. A delicate world of engineering,

    technology, precision and perseverance. With 3 billion letters making his DNA script,

    mans physical construction is beautiful and majestic: a magnificent art of tapestry. Each cell is made up of tens of molecules and each molecule is made up of billions of atoms.

    Inside the atom, in he sub-atomic level, is a wonderful work of a intelligence. Doesnt the structure of the DNA molecule that incorporates genetic information threw the theory

    of evolution into a great crisis?