My MUN Procedure

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  • 8/10/2019 My MUN Procedure


  • 8/10/2019 My MUN Procedure


    odel United Nations Shikshantar

    Roll Call :- You can clarify your presence by saying Present And Voting or simply Present

    u are a powerful or affected country, you should say Present And Voting while if you are a b

    ignificant, you should say Present.

    Points :-

    Point of Pesonal privilege - This is a motion used to let the Chair and the speaker know that

    mething is bothering you (the speaker is too loud, too quiet, too fast, too slow or unclear). Whe

    shing to bring across a point of personal privilege simply raise your countrys name card and

    oint of Personal Privilege and the Chair will determine whether or not it is in order and s/he

    k the delegate to rise and state the reasoning behind his/her point. Points of personal privilege

    ways be taken into account before any other point.

    ocedure : Raise placard and say Point of Personal privilege.

    Point of Order - This is the motion used when you want to bring the Chairs attention to a

    eakers or another delegates mistake in or violation of parliamentary procedure. If a delegate

    eaks any of the rules or regulations stated above or in following sections, wait for the speaker

    ish his/her sentence then raise your countrys name card and say Point of Order. The Chair wil

    ermine whether this is appropriate or not. If appropriate, s/he will ask you to rise and state yo

    int, i.e., is it in order for the Delegate of Kuwait to do a cartwheel?

    ocedure : Wait for the speaker to finish his/her sentence then raise your countrys name card an

    y Point of Order.

    Point of Parliamentry Inquiry : This is a question directed to the Chair concerning parliamentocedures in regard to time and related issues.

    ocedure : Raise placard and say Point of Parliamentry Inquiry.

    Point of Information: This is a question a delegate might have for the speaker after s/he has

    ished his/her speech. A Point of Information can only be brought forth when the Chair has aske

    m (after a speakers speech, s/he may or may not agree to be open to points of information.) W

    Chair has authorized points of information, simply raise your countrys name card and wait to

    led on. Here are some tips to Point of Information:

    eproperetiquette and stayrespectful.

    ly ask ONE question when called on

    hedelegate hasnot answered thequestion to yoursatisfaction you may ask for a follow-up quest

    saying Request Follow-up. The Chair rarely recognizes these. Points of Information are not

    ed to make the speaker look like s/he has said something wrong; it is very helpful to an argume

    delegate agrees with the speaker but do it in a form of a question. E.g.Does the delegate of_______ not agree

  • 8/10/2019 My MUN Procedure


    otions in the MUN :-

    otion to establish the General Speakers List :

    eakers List: a list that contains the order of speakers in the committee. The specific way that t

    der is determined varies by conference. The Speakers List is the default format of debate and

    mmittee will proceed with speeches until a delegate makes a motion to change up the debate

    mat.The minimum individual speaker time in the GSL in 30 secs while maximum is 90 secs.

    ocedure : Raise your placard and when recognized, say, The delegate of Israel would like to

    motion to establish the General Speakers list.

    otion to move into Moderated Caucus : A type of caucus in which delegates remain seated and

    air calls on them one at a time to speak for a short period of time, enabling a freer exchange of


    n would be possible in formal debate.

    ocedure:- Raise placard and when recognized, say With the prior permission of the EB/Chair

    legate of Israel would like to suspend formal debate and move into a moderated caucus on top

    _________ with the total time being _______ (Minimum 10 mins, maximum 30 mins) and

    dividual speakers time being _________ (Minimum 30 secs, maximum 90 secs).

    otion to move to Unmoderated Caucus :- A type of caucus in which delegates leave their seats

    ngle and speak freely. Enables the free sharing of ideas to an extent not possible in formal deb

    even a moderated caucus. Frequently used to sort countries into blocs and to write working pa

    d draft resolutions.

    ocedure :- Raise placard and when recognized, say With the prior permission of the EB/Chai

    legate of Israel would like to suspend formal debate and move into an unmoderated caucus wi

    al time being __________ mins.

    meline of MUN :

    Roll Call

    Establishing Agenda : The order in which the issues before a committee will be discussed. Th

    st duty of a committee following the roll call is usually to set the agenda.The order of the agen

    equivalent to the order in which the committee topics will be discussed. This order is propos

    a delegate and voted by the committee. Any delegate can then start the meeting by putting forw

    motion to set the agenda. The delegate does this by putting up his/her placard and waiting to b

    ognized by the dais. Once he/she has been given permission to speak, he/she will say:

    hank you, Mr./Ms. President. The delegation of [represented country] would like to put forwar

    otion to set the agenda.

  • 8/10/2019 My MUN Procedure


    e president of the committee will then begin the voting process: Thank you, Delegate of Israe

    e Delegation of Israel has proposed a motion to set the agenda in the following order: the topi

    ez Crisis and the topic of The Cold War second. All delegations in favor of this order, please

    ur placard. All delegations opposed, please raise your placard. With 43 votes for and 3 again

    s order of the agenda passes. Through this process, delegates have decided in what order they

    ll discuss their committee topics. There are no abstentions in procedural votes.

    Passing a motion for Establishing the GSL

    After this, the Chair asks anyone who wants to speak to raise their placards and the Chair then

    ognises the delegates and their name is written on the list. YOU CANT TAKE YOUR NAME

    UT OF THE GSL. The individual speaker time is max. 90 secs. You can also increase/decreas

    dividual speaker time later.

    ocedure to increase/decrease the individual speaker time :- Raise your placard and recognised

    With the prior permission of the Chair, the Delegate of Israel would like to increase/decrease th

    dividual speaker time to _________ secs. (Max. 135 secs).

    Formal Debate begins.

    Moderated or Unmoderated Caucus may take place.

    Resolution Writing

    Voting on the Resolution.

    isis Situation:-

    crisis is something of a grave situation. E.g, a fresh massacre took place on the Gaza Strip. In a

    sis, the rules of the committee are changed. One is not allowed in or out of a room, and cant e

    mmunicate to anyone outside. One cant change their stand on a topic. All points are suspended

    en, each person has to issue a Presidential Statement.

    esidential Statement :- During a crisis, each Delegate gets a chance to issue a presidential

    tement. This a a separate stand taken by a Delegate on behalf of his country, corresponding wit

    untrys foreign policy. It should include a resolution for the crisis.

    solution :- Your goal is to pass the resolution. The resolution is a set of solutions for the probl

    hand. 2 or 3 or 4 groups or blocs of countries may draft a resolution together.You need a simp

    jority of countries (51% or more) agreeing on the resolution in order for a resolution to pass.

    olution has two parts; Substantive Clause and Operative Clause.

    aft Resolution :- A draft resolution is the rough unvoted resolution. It has three parts Heading,

    eamble and the Operative section.

    onsors :- The Countries which get together and draft the resolution. Max. 5 sponsors

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    gnitories :- The countries which want to debate on a resolution. It is not necessary that you sup


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    rmat of the Resolution

    Heading Includes topic, name of sponsors, name of signitoris.

    Preamble You HAVE to use the first words of the preambulatory code. If you dont do this, th

    use is scrapped. Always end the clauses with a comma. Preamble starts with verbs and ends w


    ) Operative Clause This always ends with a semi-colon.

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    NEVER annoy your Chair. 2) Before researchig, read your background guide and learn about y

    untry. 3) Anything you want to say can be passed by a chit. Really good chits can be sent via th

    . If you want to add your name to the GSL, send the chit to the Rapporteur. 4) We are marked

    speeches and 30% for chits. 5) Dont bluff a lot. 6) Dont raise stupid points of Personal

    vilege. 7) Speeches have more effects on the committee. 8) Write down your speech before

    eaking. 9) Make notes. 10) Be alert as to what other people say. 11) Keep a record of people w

    nervous and target them.
