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My MineralsTo enjoy the presentation click at the top of the screen on Slide Show and then on View Show. Links for further information are the end of the presentation.

My Minerals

Millions of people all over the world are suffering and dying from over 150 degenerative diseases including Heart Disease, Cancer, Alzheimers, Diabetes, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis and many, many more. Cancer rates are even soaring for the first time in Asia and are not expected to peak for at least another 10 years, or more. One half of ALL men and one-third of ALL women in the U.S. will develop cancer in their lifetimes.

Why is this happening and what can YOU do about it?

pH and DiseaseTo understand why some tissues in the body are deficient in oxygen and therefore prone to disease of all sorts including cancer, it is helpful to understand the nature of acidity and alkalinity. Cancerous tissues are acidic, whereas healthy tissues are alkaline.

Kidney Disease Breast Cancer

Lung Disease

Skin Cancer

What Causes Acidity?Since the Chemical Age of the 1900s, our entire environment promotes acidity: The air we breathe

The soil in which our food is grown The liquids we drink The food we eat The drugs and medicine we consume The stressful society in which we live Even the water we drink is full of harmful chemicals. For a review of your water, go here:

CLICK HERE FOR YOUR TAP WATERLook up your water by city or zip code. Be sure to review the Health Summary and health effects of those acidic chemicals.

The pH Scale The pH scale goes from 0 to 14 Water is 7 on the scale and is neutral Below 7 is acidic and above 7 is alkaline A drop of each point on the scale is 10 times more acidic Soft drinks are in the range of pH 2 which is 100,000 times more acidic than water the same as hydrochloric acid!

Our body has a unique pH buffering system that buffers both excess acid and base (alkaline) ingestions in our body. Excess acid is buffered by minerals that ultimately comprise our skeletal system. Herein lies the problem! Prior to the chemical age - to maintain proper nutrition and pH balance - we simply had to eat at least 2 alkaline servings of food and drink for every 1 acid serving. (serving size is generally the size of ones palm one inch high or 8 oz. of liquid.) Download Acid / Alkaline Food chart here: CLICK HERE FOR FOOD CHART

The blood, lymph and cerebral spinal fluid in the human body are designed to be slightly alkaline at 7.4.

At a pH slightly above 7.4 cancer cells become dormant and at pH 8.5 cancer cells will die while healthy cells will live.

But since the Chemical Age of the 1900s, all that has changed!

The Demineralization of Our Food Supply . . . The over-harvesting and toxicity of our farmlands has stripped essential minerals from our food and upset the pH buffering abilities of our bodies to deal with acidic conditions. A corresponding rise in degenerative disease has paralleled this reality. The problem of depleted soil and food was evident as early as the 1930s. . . . And its been trending down ever since! United States Senate document 264 is powerful evidence of this decline. This document is a MUST READ for anyone serious about his / her long term health:

Recently it was pointed out that, prior to this mineral decline, people could eat just 2 peaches and receive a weeks supply of beta-carotene. Today, because of demineralization, it would take 51 peaches to equal the same nutrient value!

Click here for Senate document

Other soil demineralization articles can be accessed through the archives at www.esnips.com/web/WaterofLife

Why is My Minerals ESSENTIAL FOR ME?Since the Chemical Age, our water and our produce have been chemically de-mineralized. Because of a depletion of essential minerals in our food which is evident by its lack of taste and natural color it is ESSENTIAL that we replace these ionic minerals to PREVENT excess acids and accompanying disease! Just as baking soda (alkaline) and water removes the damaging effects of leaking acid on your car battery, My Minerals restores these essential ionic minerals to maintain the buffering systems of the body to prevent acidosis and degenerative disease.

My Minerals is odorless and adds agreat-tasting spring flavor to your water. Just one small dropper treats an entire gallon!

For best results in is recommended that My Minerals be introduced into pure distilled water as other systems, including RO, are not as effective at removing all contaminants (see waterwise.com)

What does YOUR blood look like? . . .Most peoples diets are highly acidic and their blood cells are dying for oxygen:

Healthy BloodEach blood cell has its own halo of oxygen

Unhealthy BloodBlood cells are clumped together and starving for oxygen

My Minerals

can make a change from unhealthy blood toward healthy blood within 20 minutes of drinking!

Compare the Cost . . .Which is more affordable?Popular Organic Salad MixNumber of servings: 16 Cost: $3.79

Cost Per Serving $.23

My MineralsNumber of servings: 480 Cost: $19.95 for 2-month supply

Cost Per Serving $.04

My Minerals Commit Yourself!Since it takes approximately four months for your blood supply to replenish itself - for old blood cells to be replaced with new ones make a My Minerals commitment for AT LEAST 4 months. For those with health challenges, it is recommended that you increase the standard serving size. You will be amazed at how your body will perform and heal itself when excess acid is buffered from your system.

Think About It . . .Is it worth it to do all you can to take control of your own health rather than rely on the government or big corporations to do it for you? Start enhancing your water today with My Minerals ionic minerals . . . BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!

So . . . What Have You Learned?Degenerative diseases flourish in an acidic environment One-half of all men and one-third of all women in the U.S. will develop cancer in their lifetimes Healthy tissues are alkaline; diseased tissues are acidic At a pH slightly above 7.4 cancer cells become dormant and at pH 8.5 they die The Chemical Age of the 1900s replaced natural alkaline minerals in our soil and water with acidic chemicals and pesticides Acidity occurs in the air we breathe, the food we eat, the liquids and water we drink, the drugs and medicine we consume and the stressful society in which we live Most peoples diets are highly acidic (see acid / alkaline food chart) In our body excess acid is buffered by minerals that ultimately comprise our skeletal system . . .

Due to the over-harvesting and chemicalizing of our soils, essential minerals have been stripped from our food supplies Chemicalized plants and water DO NOT contain the foundational ionic minerals to properly alkalize our bodies to fight degenerative disease My Minerals supplies the missing alkalizing ionic minerals needed to balance our diet and nourish the defense mechanisms of our bodies to wage war on disease! My Minerals , in todays chemical world, is essential for our bodies as a water additive and is the most cost effective health product on the market: You cant afford to be without it! Each of us is spending hundreds of dollars per month on food . . .

Doesnt it make sense to reserve just $10 of that money to guarantee our bodies receive the essential minerals they need to fight excess acid and disease?

Over the past 60 years there have been fundamental changes in the quality and quantity of food available to us as a nation. The character, growing method, preparation, source and ultimate presentation of basic staples have changed significantly to the extent that trace elements and micronutrient contents have been severely depleted. This trend ... is still apparent .... Concurrently there has been a precipitous change towards convenience and preprepared foods containing saturated fats, highly processed meats and refined carbohydrates, often devoid of vital micronutrients yet packed with a cocktail of chemical additives including colourings, flavourings and preservatives. It is proposed that these changes are significant contributors to rising levels of dietinduced ill health. Ongoing research clearly demonstrates a significant relationship between deficiencies in micronutrients and physical and mental ill health. (PubMed.Gov, a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health)

Important Links . . .CLICK HERE To View Chemical Analysis of Your Tap Water CLICK HERE To Access Important Documents, Including:My Minerals How Does It Work? United States Senate Document 264 Mineralized Water Testimonials Published Med Papers Research Articles on Need for Minerals and Food Depletion Distilled and Bottled Water Information My Minerals Interview with Formulator August Dunning Alkaline / Acid Food Chart 3 Easy Steps to Permanent Weight Loss Lawn Chemicals, Genetic / Nano Modified Foods, and More

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