My Conscious World Online Ver

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I believe the reason we are here is to unleash our dreams with control, using our conscience to understand how the natural cycle of life works to keep the planet in balance, respecting all the

resources and creatures for a self-sustainable and peaceful coexistance.

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Table of Contents

IntroductionWho am ISkills and EducationMy Reason for Change

Step One: My Personal Rehab Program for Unconsciousness

1. Shouldn’t we Have the Right to Question, Why we do What we Do?•Why we do what we do? (comic strip)

2. Re- Introduction to Consciousness:•Graphic of our Actual Cycle of Self-destruction•Regulatory Table of Good Human Behavior (exercise table sample)•Regulatory Table of Good Human Behavior (Exercise table)•Structure of a Healthy Human Society(graphic)•Actual Structure of our weak Societies•Graphic of Actual Human Behavior•Conscience Behavior of Human in the cycle of life•Natural Cycle of Life

Step Two: An Apology Trip

1. An Apology Trip2. Graphic of Eco-friendly Trycle3. Graphic of the Route of the Apology Trip4. Graphic of Flag representing Fauna5. Graphic of Flag representing Flora6. Free Humans Universal Political System (Flag sample)

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Step Three: A Prototype Eco-friendly Community (DETAILS RESERVED)

1. Eco-friendly Community2. Eco-friendly Community Graphics

• A. Structure of prototype city Step Four: Extreme Restructure and Temporarily Sacrifice Towards Hope (DETAILS RESERVED)

1. A PARALLEL SOCIETY•Some Proposals to Think About

2. Extreme Restructure and Temporarily Sacrifice Towards Hope3. Prototype City and Society based on Human Values4. Three dimensional Graphics Among Cities5. Uncontrollable Growing Population6. Universal conscious/ free-human passport

•Inside passport information7. Conscious Humans Universal Political System Flag

Step Five: INTEGRALISM: A path to a new universal political System. (DETAILS RESERVED)

My Hypothesis of the Universe 1. My Hypothesis of a Universe 2. Graphic of a Dream world, no borders, one purpose.

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Searching for a new and more exciting way of living like a personal and adventurous experiment, but at the same time, a very serious and conscious decision to find a balance in my life by having less and being more. Accepting the consequences and discontent of some in a humble and peaceful manner, but always with the strength and character arising from the conviction of a pure and noble cause.

Also, I understand the importance of keeping a peaceful balance with what we call reality, by being able to deal with what I consider old, unchanged and wrongful rules of society just for the benefit of this project. I will properly use the tools and technology we have created so far with the intelligence that we were gifted with; the same tools which we are unconsciously using to destroy ourselves.

In my opinion this decision is the result of a personal analysis of what, when and how we, as humans, lost our balance and control of our desires disconnecting ourselves from nature, disrespecting and taking for granted the beauty of our planet, contradicting ourselves when we DO, SAY, AND THINK in different directions. Contradictions, which I call “UNCONSCIOUSNESS.”

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Who I am

According with the only option I had as a child, forty years ago, I was named and registered as Michael Sanchez because my parents did not know better but to surrend me to the only system they knew. Therefore, I renamed myself Cato(Knowledge).

Twenty years ago, I started to wonder if everything I was taught had to be like that just because I had to repeat it as a vicious cycle of tradition. Where did all these concepts come from? All it took for me to open my eyes, was one single example of a concept, which didn’t feel right or make any sense to me at that time. Then, I became more analytical and started looking for different answers and points of view, by paying more attention to my inner feelings in the basics of nature to find new answers but keeping the obvious subjects such as math , science, and human values intact. Gradually, it became an unstoppable habit to use my brain and my conscience more than rules, putting myself in conflict with society starting with my closest friends and family. Later, I decided to keep those thoughts to myself and tried to do things the way I was told to be accepted and to be able to function within the system. That’s when I decided to come to the United States to find out why having material possessions was so important to society. However, when I finally obtained all those things that everyone dreams about, it was the emptiest time of my life. I had it all, but I was miserable. I felt like I was faking happiness for the satisfaction of others. Finally, I found myself forced to make a decision. I had the opportunity to be rich and stay ignorant, or to follow my conscience and all these thoughts that I was holding inside me for so many years. That’s how the basics of my human instincts helped me to make the right decision, “TO DO, THINK AND SAY,” all in the same direction, as my way to free my conscience from the rules.

I renounced to everything and instead of “having more” I wanted to “be more.” I found out, it was not that simple because I can not ignore the rest of society since everything has been built up in such a way that if you don’t want to be part of it, you will be called crazy, simply rejected, or left without options. So I’ve been searching for the way to be more and still being able to survive in this society, without creating conflicts or aggressions.

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Skills and Education Unfortunately, the circumstances, time, place and distractions where my life as a young child took place, did not allow me to take advantage and get the level of education I wish I had now. All I have is the rest of my life to try being as much as I can be.

Ten years of managerial experience, basic computer skills, bilingual with Spanish being my primary language. Inside sales and financing where I learned how to manipulate and take advantage of people in need as one of the basic rules of the system, making large amounts of money to buy unnecessary things, to fake happiness and fill up the emptiness in the part of my unused and half-asleep brain. I also have military experience, skilled in survival techniques and self-defense.

Once awake, I decided to start from the basics of nature by learning more about the animal welfare and animal rescues. I received a diploma in animal cruelty investigations, among other diplomas related to the animal field in order to respect nature and animals, as the basics to reconnect myself again with my human instintcs and values.

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My Reasons for Change

•Because I want to learn again to be human following the basic example of nature and its most simple creatures that with smaller brains are still doing their part and the right thing for the survival of our planet.

•Because its never to late to wake up and amend my mistakes.•Because everyday we have the opportunity to reinvent ourselves.•Because I’m not afraid or embarrassed to accept that I was raised and

trained for unconsciousness.•Because ignorance, superstitions, fears and smooth ways of financial

repression where purposely created by those with hunger of power.•Because I feel that I was part of a vicious cycle and a world ruled by

money, that trains humans to gradually become unconscious beings generators of waste.

•Because the concepts and values have been manipulated conveniently for the benefit of a few and we still allow it.

•Because the meaning of a concept like “greed” was disguised and renamed “capitalism” just to satisfy our uncontrollable desires to obtain unnecessary possessions without feeling guilt.

•Because the word “Socialism,” has been corrupted and used by dictators with egos of inmortal gods and does not include animals and nature.

•Or because communism has been disguised and distorted, as a new way of slavery in a capitalistic system disguised of socialism.

•Because it is easier and better to come up with a new word, instead of fixing what has been damaged. I came up with the NEW UNIVERSAL POLITICAL SYSTEM CALLED “INTEGRALISM.”

•Because animals give me an example of loyalty, because everything they do, they mean it. THAT’S WHY I ADMIRE THEM.

•I want to find the human connection with nature, in the same way that animals do in order to preserve the proper functioning of the natural cycle of life.

•Because I don’t want to keep wasting the potential of my brain, and I want to be conscious of everything I do at all times.

•Because all of the advances in technology, medicine, and science, we have basically extracted them or imitated them from nature and animals.

•Because being awake, in balance, and in control of my mind and body; makes me feel at peace. I know what I want and I have no fears.

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•Because I feel some type of ecstasy when all of my senses are connected with my mind giving me confidence.

•Because an adequate administration of our resources, control of greed and desires, it’s a good start.

•Because we can think of something different to avoid the outcome of what seems to be inevitable.

•Because I’m not going to sell my dreams and values for money. •Because we are obligated to follow the cycle of destruction offered by

these systems, as the only option of survival. •Because none of these systems are working, they are not sustainable or

self sufficient, and especially because they don’t practice what they preach. •Because they offer us two or three options to make us believe that we have

choices, but at the end they all are the same options based in the same fundamentals of greed.

•Because I am willing to sacrifice my own dreams and renounce to all the comforts and personal satisfactions.

•Because I am a man of peace and not a violent martyr, I wont fight against anybody, But my only weapon of protest and freedom will be my brain, to accomplish this adventure and my body to build it.

• Because all of these reasons, and because ultimately by being part of these systems, I feel like one more of the growing cancerous cells that unconsciously is invading and contaminating the little pureness we have left in this natural and precious paradise. I HAVE DECIDED TO CHANGE.

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STEP ONEMy personal Rehab

Program for Unconsciousness

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Shouldn’t we Have the Right to Question,

(Why we do, What we do?)

I remember when I was a child life was exciting and everyday was beautiful, but as I grew up, that excitement for life and my connection with nature started fading gradually. The more I followed the rules of society, the less I needed to use my conscience. If the rules were right, why did I gradually learn how to lie and to take advantage of others in order to get a higher position in society? Its seems to me that I was training to be corrupt to survive.

I think that the structures of our societies and financial systems are based in greed, but on the other hand, our speech talks about equality and peace. This contradictions between the structures of the systems and our speeches make us hypocrites and liars that SAY, DO AND THINK in different directions causing the little conflicts that turn into big conflicts like WAR.

I wonder if all of us have the same common human instincts and values. Why, when we become part of the financial and political system, our lives have to be boring, monotonous, and all we worry about is making money to pay bills? why our bodies start developing early symptoms of depression, stress, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, cancer, etc.? just to mention a few of the consequences of a society built on foundations of bad habits.

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Why we do What we do?

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Re-Introduction to Consciousness

I decided not to be a part of this destruction and I stopped ignoring my contradictions between what I THINK, SAY, and the things I DO, understanding that real changes demand sacrifice eventhough sacrifices hurt. Therefore, I want to dedicate the rest of my life to redefine myself. I want to give the best of me to reconnect my mind and my body with the core of my human instincts to my conscience starting by DOING, SAYING, AND THINKING all in the same direction, and as my own way to avoid contradictions, I will develop a higher level of consciousness and better understanding of all the conflicts and suffering that we haven’t been able to find the answers for. I don’t know how far I’ll get, but if I don’t start now, I’ll be stuck in the same cycle of contradictions that causes daily conflicts and ignorance that increases the cycle of destruction.

As we know, we need to learn how to add and subtract before multiply. Also we know that to have a peaceful and harmonious relationship with others, I need to understand them first. But in order to understand others, I need to understand, accept and appreciate myself for who I am. To do so, I have to start by recognizing what my most basic human instincts are.

First, I feel the need to socialize with others, sharing the basic needs to survive, like food, water, air and shelter. Second, recognize that if I depend on those basic things I am part of them and they are part of who I am. Therefore I need to take care of those things in the same way I take care of myself, by protecting maintaining and preserving them. Now, i understand everything has the same level of importance when it comes to the proper function in the cycle of life.

I have heard people bragging in an arrogant manner about our superiority over animals. I have heard people SAY, ( “I love animals” or “ I love nature’), but the way we THINK is not reflected on the things we DO.

This is just one example of how we loose our connection among DOING, SAYING AND THINKING all of them going in the wrong direction. A disconnection that we choose not to accept, just to avoid sacrificing the comforts that we are so addicted to, like unnecessary things that create unconscious habits that keep us from making the necessary changes in our lifestyles that drive us into a cycle of self-destruction.

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Our Actual Cycle Towards Self-Destruction

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Twenty years ago I opened my eyes and begun to question all these contradictions. But finally I feel the strength and conviction to be able to practice the “DOING, SAYING AND THINKING” all in the same direction as a basic and personal formula for consciousness, Not before accepting, that like in every addiction program, I had to recognize that I had a problem. “I was addicted to unconsciousness.” and I had stopped using my brain long time ago. I became a slave of some rules, that were gradually implanted in my brain, making me in my adult life, a boring, monotonous, depressed, stressed, and sedentary human being hungry for excitement, acting against my own nature but that would do anything for money. Therefore, I believe that the manipulation of concepts, rules and superstitions were used to take advantage of my innocent childhood by a system that castrates human brains since our early stages of life. It begun in our own families with the spankings, then religion with its fairytales and fears to imaginary gods, and later with the punishments from the system as the last chance to surrend my brain and let them take control of my life.

This is the reason why I am combining all the little knowledge and tools I have acquired from others and from my own experiences to create my personal rehab program for unconsciousness.

Unfortunately, there is no magic formula to awake from Unconsciousness. To me it has been a combination of all the experiences in my life full of mistakes. My brain needed to feel excitement for life since all these rules didn’t feel quite natural. So, I left behind all of the teachings and traditions that I grew up with. And I started over by questioning why we do what we do, learning and documenting myself about the roots and history of our traditions to understand the true reasons for our current actions and finding out that my life was guided by the wrong ideas that don’t apply to my present or to my natural instincts as a human.

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In my opinion, the first diagram explains one of the many ways that psychologist and sociologist use to understand society and to teach individuals the proper behavior to function in our systems and basically what we as society SAY we should do.



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I believe that the foundation of a balanced society starts with family. Men are the productive side, as the head of household, but women are the nurturing part, being the heart of the family and ultimately of the society. They both are different, but with the same level of importance and cannot function without each other.

When the duties of women in our society were not appreciated because supposedly they were not important in a system based in materialism. Women themselves abandoned their role, competing for power with men, leaving aside the most important factors in the foundation of society such as the family values, like honesty, organization, administration, compassion, love, sharing, patience, kindness, etc. Curiously, women contradict themselves when they reject there own nature. Giving more importance to the production of money and at the same time, saying that they do not need men in their lives taking over mens roles and causing the disappearance of the values and the beauty of femininity needed in the foundation of our families as the base of our society. In other words, if society would DO as they SAY, and human values were the real foundation of our society, instead of money. Women should be the most important part of our systems and would not be competing with men in the materialistic role of production and family would become again the real foundation of society.

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Happiness(Main Foundation)MoneyWaste GenerationMaterialismAddictionsGreedViolenceSelfishness










In My Opinion:

We built our infrastructures, in the same way that we think. Always looking for the easiest way to satisfy our uncontrollable desires

The true values, which we claim are our foundation, do not really correspond to the way we act.

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Unfortunately, men are becoming less men, less productive and less responsible and women, less women. That’s how men and women are getting closer to each other as one gender loosing the natural attraction of the opposites.

In my opinion, the next diagram represents what we really DO. Its like all the roles in our lives as humans are a box full unreachable desires, contradicting each other in a desperate search for money and power.

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In my opinion, The next picture represents what we would do if we use our natural human instincts rescuing, respecting and re-evaluating the differences of the genders and the importance of their roles. I believe the next graphic represents a conscious human of any gender that SAYS, DO and THINK in one direction according to the human values, but including with the rest of the elements that affect our existence. That is why I decided to SAY, DO and THINK all in one direction connecting human behaviors with all the other elements, because everything I do is inevitably connected with nature and nature is constantly changing. If change is the only constant in the cycle of life, I need to adopt the same tendency.

Conscious Behavior of a Healthy Human in the Cycle of Life

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To achieve the balance and control needed in a dynamic and changing world, I need to develop my level of consciousness. Instead of focusing in having more possessions in such obsessive way that makes me loose control of my desires, like when we try to fill our emptiness with unnecessary material possessions, money and luxuries we don’t even need or use. A behavior I call greed, the greed that gives me the illusion of power that makes me feel more recognized and gives me a better standing in society. But now I want to be more, by developing a real and indissoluble power that I can get from knowledge. Knowledge that I can get just by looking deep within myself and nature. The kind of power I can get for free, that makes me feel human and helps me stay connected with nature.

Now, I cannot ignore all those things that in the past I took for granted and now I can say that I feel more conscious and more aware of all of my senses.

Therefore, I decided to be more grateful and promise myself to do my best, to stay connected with my conscience, respecting and protecting the pureness of nature and the humbleness of all the leaving creatures that we are suppose to share this planet with for our own survival as the foundation of my relationship with the planet and to follow the right direction in the Natural Cycle of life. .....

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Natural Cycle of Life

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STEP TWOAn Apology Trip

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I have decided to change my life to BE more since I can not change the world. To achieve this, I felt the need to do it starting with my relationship with nature and the animal kingdom. Now, I am more conscious and can not longer ignore my connection with them. First, I accepted that I have directly or indirectly mistreated them , abused them and destroy them. Now, I feel that they deserve an apology as my personal way for forgiveness, and to find peace in my conscience.

My apology to Mother Nature, consists on riding an eco-friendly tricycle to the United Nations in New York. I will bring with me three flags that represent the importance of taking into account all the components that make life possible in our planet, and a hypothetical proposal for a new political and financial system. Because so far, I have been living in an unconscious world due to an unconscious system, based on selfish human desires, fears to change and religious fairytales. If this makes sense, I would think that the members of the United Nations should display these flags next to ours, at least to remind us that THEY ARE PART OF US, that they deserve to enjoy their lives with dignity and that the planet is not just for us.

I would like to suggest that there should be a permanent representative(NOT ME), someone that is able to speak out for them, their needs and rights. I personally think that the best person for the job would be MR. BOB BARKER. If this crazy idea makes sense to you, all those who say that love animals and nature should join their voices and make their own suggestions in the biggest pacific protest ever organized.

Only those who have dreamed of the impossible and took the risk, have changed history. I might not make a difference after this, but my conscience will be at peace and free to take my next step.

The next steps, I will keep reserved, but willing to share with those who agree with me and become interested in contributing to this project.

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The Route for the Trip

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Trip RouteHouston, TX: Sheldon/Highlands/Crosby/Dayton/Liberty/Hardin/ Moss Hill/ Rye/ Ace/ Livingston/ Woodville/ Jasper

Alexandria, LA: Burr Ferry/ Leesville/Gardner/Alexandria/Hollway/Walters/Janesville/Wildsville/ Ridgecrest/Vidalia

Natchez, MS: Crandfield/Roxie/Meadville/Bude/ Eddiceton/ Quentin/ Mcallcreel/ Lucien/ Monticello/ Lucas/ Prentiss/ Williamsburg/ Colliers/ Hebron/ Calhoun/ Laurell/ Sandersville/ Heidelberg/ Rossburg/ Pachutta/ Enterprice/ Meridian/ Kewamee/ Cuba

Cuba, AL: Bellamy/ Demopolis/ Faunsdale/ Uniontown/ Marion Juction/ Selma/ Brantley/Burnsville/ Autaugaville/ Montgomery/ Mount Mergs/ Waugh/ Shorter/ Tuskegee/ Society/ Marvyn/ Cradford/ Phoenix City

Columbus, GE: Geneva/ Junction City/ Howard/ Buttler/ Reynolds/ Fort Valley/ Warner Robins/ Danville/ Allen/ Dudley/ Dublin/ East Dublin/ Wrightsville/ Bartow/ Lousville/ Stellville/ Mattews/ Keysville/ Blythe/ Hephzibah/ Augusta

Burnettown, SC: Gloverville/ Warenville/ Aiiken/ Monetta/ Battlesburg-Leesville/ Lexington/ Columbia/ Capitol View/ Stateburg/ Sumter/ Elliot/ Lammar/ Darlington/ Dillon

Rowland, NC: Raynham/Lumberton/ Fayetville/ Eastover/Wade/ Godwin/ Dunn/ Benson/ Four Oaks/ Smithfield/ Selma/ Micro/ Kenly/ Lucama/ Wilson/ Elmcity/ Sharpsburg/ Rocky Mount/ Whitakers/ Endfield/ Halifay/ Weldon/ Garysburg/ Pleasant

Emporia, VA: Jarrat/ Stoney Creek/ Carson/ Petersburg/ Colonial Heights/ Richmond/ Ashland/ Doswell/ Ruther Glen/ Ladysmith/ Cedon/ Woodford/ Thornburg/ Massaphonax/ Fourmile/ Fredericksburg/ Falmouth/ Stafford/ Aquila Harbor/ Triangle/ Dumfries/ Mason Neck/ Alexandria

Washington, DC; White House/ Beltsville/ Laurel Park Race Course/ Harwood Park/ Baltimore/ Perry Hall/ Kingsville/ Benson/ Belair/ Hickory/ Popular Grove/ Conwingo/ Rising Sun

Lewisville, PE: Landberg/ Toughkenamon/ Kennet/ Lenape/ W. Chester/ Chatwood/ Goshville/ Paoli/ Berwyn/ Norristown/ Gwynedd/ Montgomery/ Chalfont/ Britain/ Doylestown/ Buckingham/ Lahaska/ New Hope

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Lambertville, NJ: Mount Airy/ Ringoes/ Larison’s Corner/ Reaville/ Cloverville/ Neshanic/ Wood Tavern/ Mildstone/ E. Mildstone/ Middlebush/ New Brunswick/ Highland Park/Metuchen/ Elizabeth/ Newark


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Eco-friendly Community

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The size of this eco-friendly community will depend on the contributions of risk takers, fearless and free minded individuals tired of

these systems that do not work.

This experiment is an approach towards a different lifestyle, thinking about the future of human race but not for those just

thinking about power every two years with meaningless promises and manipulations.

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For many years, I was confused about a simple question; “Why are we here?”. So I have purposely asked the question to many people. Not surprisingly the answer was always the same “to be happy” Which is not even the answer to the question. People seemed to be automatically programmed to respond in the same way. Then, I asked how people can reach this happiness? And again the response was an automatic answer: “by doing things the right way,” according to our values.

Therefore, I started to wonder what would be the true answer to the original question, and why if people are suppose to be happy, all I see in people’s faces is stress, depression and anger. Shouldn’t our systems be designed to reach that goal?. If so, why does it seem that happiness is so hard to reach.? And why does it seem like we are purposely distracting ourselves from reality, pretending that things are going to get better.

Our societies are composed basically of government, religion, financial structure, education and infrastructures.

The structure of our societies should be build on the foundation of our core values. Therefore, any structure needs a solid and strong foundation. When the foundation is weak, the structure collapses. but if our principles are strong and solid values, we should use them, as the material to support the foundations for the structures of all of our societies.

The truth is that our societies are built on a foundation of happiness as our main and only principle (but happiness is not even a principle). As we all know, principles are the true human values from which others are arise. In this sense we can say that we are using happiness as the foundation of our societies, instead of as an outcome or end result. The foundation for our societies should be built, with our true values. If we start from happiness, we have nothing to work towards to.

I am not afraid to say that I don’t know what the exact answer to the question is. I can only make few hypothesis without assuming them as the only truth or make a religion from it, I believe that people do not even know the true answer to this question. What matters is that if I act according to my values and my conscience as the principle of my life by using my natural born human instincts, I should always achieve the goal of peace and happiness will come naturally. So……. my goal is to be at peace not to be happy! Because if I am in peace with my self,

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I am in balance with my thoughts, my desires are in control, and ultimately I am conscious about who I am and what my values are.

Now, I can decide which principles to use for the foundation as the base of a strong society, including a new approach of our infrastructures.

There is really nothing extraordinary, different or new about this. What is new, is the fact that I will DO something , instead of just TALKING. I believe that we have more tools and technology now, but we use them mostly to disconnect ourselves from nature instead of using them wisely to build self-sustainable infrastructures with control of population and territory as the best way to keep a conscious balance of our resources.

1. Education 2. Parks/Recreation3. Energy and Water Supplies4. Agriculture5. Transportation Facilities and Terminals6. Factories and Construction Development7. Waste Management, Recycling and Crematories8. Hospitals and Health9. Housing10. Administration Facilities and Downtown

Eco-Friendly Community Sections

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STEP FOURExtreme Restructure and

Temporarily Sacrifice Towards Hope(Details Reserved)

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I see how young people are discontent with the same not working systems, I have not seen, heard or understand what the proposals are.

I thought about a proposal toward a new UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUS POLITICAL SYSTEM that would start as a small project financed by our own corrupt systems as a way to ammend this mess and to start thinking about different options, this society could not be ruled by them, but put by the people.

All the details will be exposed at the right time and only to those who really are prepared to do, say and think in the same direction.

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Some Proposals to Think About(Details Reserved only for people with an open mind)

• Control of our Desires• Transition towards an integral, universal human system (political, financial

and social)• Rehab Program for Unconsciousness• Free human passport (sample)• New Curriculum on Education• Population and territorial growing control. • Back to agriculture• How to deal with drugs, obesity, violence, terrorism, etc. (a different approach,

as a transition to real change).• International sanctions on deforastation, undiscriminated exploitation of re-

sources and cruelty (same as they do with terrorism)• Circus and Animals• Natural Human Foods• Pesticides, Vaccines• Zoo concepts

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Extreme Restructureand Temporarily Sacrifice Towards Hope

I have some specific suggestions about a different approach to solve most of the problems that we are facing as a society. I rather have those details reserved because I do not want to sound like I know it all and also because I do not think that people are ready for these answers.

Besides, we are so afraid of change and sacrifice that unfortunately, I could almost augur that we will not make any changes until it is too late. Meanwhile, I am going to take the necessary risks, and prepare myself in a conscious way, as my way to enjoy life.

I wish that we as humans, woke up on time and accept without fear, that the world has change and the old policies that we are ruled by in the present, were written in a different time and based in different circumstances when the world had different needs and different challenges.

I wish that we all join together to transform all the existent constitutions and combine them into one new and single common system that understands the world now as one single territory without borders with a common language, a new fair financial system with one currency, putting aside the religious beliefs and use our human conscience as a common belief to fight against the challenges we are currently facing (hunger, poverty, war, etc) for a peaceful coexistance.

Since i cannot change the world, i decided to use my own life as an experiment to create a prototype community that simulates a new conscious way of living to show it as a little example of how all these ideas could work. This might sound crazy and not even be the answer, but at least, it is a different suggestion. Besides, it’s just an adventurous experiment that won’t hurt anybody. It might sound extreme, but extreme problems require extreme solutions.

Now that I am more conscious, I feel that I don’t belong to any specific place, es-tablished system or religion. I am just a human hungry for knowledge looking for someone to look up to, and even though there could be many people that agree with me. I am not going to hold my breath, waiting to get any support because all i need to change, it is just courage to DO, THINK AND SAY all in the same direction.

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Therefore, I became a peaceful man who prefers to be alone than being around the same type of people that I used to be. I want to heal myself from being like a cancer cell that is killing the planet. I hope that others come up with their new ideas better than mine and share them with me.

I am not looking for enemies or to attack anybody, I have to accept that those who have the control of power, weapons and methods of repression can simply focus on my past to destroy my future using their supposedly legal techniques, specially because I don’t have any money, and as we all know in this systems if you have money you can get away with murder, besides that, money is not the type of power that I am looking for.

As of matter of fact, those people with the power are the ones who could really make a difference and change the world if they really want to. Therefore, I want to exercise my rights as human. I think that if The United States and other “power-ful” countries such as China show the world and example of change, we have a better chance that the others will follow.

United States of America was created as a place where freedom and equality for all was the base of society. In my opinion, unfortunately corruption, greed, and desires out of control took over and I hope its not too late to retake those core values, that in paper sounds so good, but in reality not so much.

Also, this country is obsessed with movies of heroes saving the world, and being number one. Why not take that advantage of the leadership this country still has, and do it in real life.

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Prototype city and Society based on True Human Values as an Experiment (details reserved)

Now, I want to use those true human values that we talk so much about to built a prototype city with a prototype society system at least as an experiment to get myself out of this vicious cycle. It must be focused in the development of our conscience and reconnect our mind and body with nature in connection with the natural cycle of life. A prototype system that keeps our planet functioning properly, administrating all its resources wisely towards a sustainable society system of the future and respect for all the creatures in their natural habitats.

If I use my instincts consciously and I understand how the cycle of life works….maybe there wouldn’t be a need for rules of punishment because everybody will be rewarded just for using their conscience.

Greed, anger, depression, and emptiness will not have a place in our brains be-cause we are full of ourselves. Then there will not be need for drugs, alcohol, ad-dictions for sex and/or food etc.

Ambition, would still be a part of our desires, but an ambition for knowledge, arts, and development of our human values in connection with a strong and healthy body as a conscious way to keep the balance in our lives to build this new and more natural way of living.

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I found this very interesting article and graphic. To me is simple math and we dont have to be rocket scientists to understand that everyday there is more peo-ple, and less resources.

Living It UpNational Geographic MagazineJune, 2011

Earth will soon be home to seven million humans. If you find that hard to fath-om, try grasping how many ever walked the planet. That’s American demogra-pher Carl Haub wanted to find out when, in 1975, he heard someone say that 75 percent of the people who’d ever been born were alive at that time. Dubious, he set out to disprove it, taking two main things into account: (1) the assumed dawn of humanity and (2) average populations at different periods of time. Using 50,000 B.C. as his starting point, Haub applied crude birth-rates-- the number of annual birthds per thousand people-- to each population set, then added them. His estimate? in 1975, 103 billion people had lived, but only 4 percent of them were alive at that time. Applied to 2011, says Haub, those numbers are 108 bil-lion, and 6.4 percent. Mind-blogging, indeed.-- Catherine Zuckermann

Uncontrollable Growing Population

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Each Grain represents 10 million people

7 billion live on earth now

140 million are born each year

57 million die each year

108 billion are estimated to have ever lived on earth

Uncontrollable Growning Population continued......

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Universal conscious/free- Human Passport (Sample)


next page..a look inside>>>

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Name: CATO (Knowledge)Place of Birth: Planet Earth Date of Birth: Contemporary Era (approx. 75, 000 years of Humanity)Latitude: 4.6260620

Longitude: -74.0815640

Elevation: 2,569 mts.Age: 40 cycles around the sunSex: MaleHeight: 1.73 mts.Weight: 74 KgEyes: BrownSkin: BrownRace: Spanish/ Inca (mixed)

Passport: No. 00001

Universal Free and Conscious Human Passport

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INTEGRALISMA path to a new universal

political System. (DETAILS RESERVED)

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IntegralismCAPITALISM: Theorically, favors freedom first, then equality.

SOCIALISM: Theorically, favors equality first, then freedom.

COMMUNISM: Theorically, favors equality first, but without freedom.

MONARCHISM: Simply a fairytale.

Therefore, “INTEGRALISM” : Connects our minds and bodies first, to become conscious. Then, integrates everything that is connected to us, such as (CREATURES AND NATURE IN GENERAL), with one common purpose to preserve our planet in a self sustainable way.

To be able to accomplish this more conscious world, we would have to sacrifice our short term comforts looking towards the future generations, and start a real change now with a transition from unconsciousness to conciousness.

I have my personal way to accomplish this transition. How would you make this transition?, do you have any ideas?

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My Hypothesis of Universe

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My Hypothesis of a Dream Universe

We don’t Know if this is the last diamond in the universe, but I think we should act as if it is. Sometimes, I wonder where we come from, but I never let myself become obsessed about it because at the end I always come back to earth and the core of my basic instincts with the little I have, and the little I know.

Sometimes I wonder if other beings have come before to planets like Mars, to experiment and created a being using the necessary components to survive in that environment. What if those beings did not appreciate the beauty of mars and worn it out just like what we are doing here on Earth. If we look at Mars now, wouldn’t that be the same kind of future for our planet? Well, At least to me, this makes a lot more sense than the other hundreds of fairy tales that we believe in today. Therefore, instead of criticizing anyone who may disagree with me about my fairytale, I stopped worrying about life after death, unknown subjects, and fears to superstitions, to concentrate in the facts of what we have and know.

So, since I am not afraid to say that I DO NOT KNOW yet how, why or where we came from, I decided not to judge anybody for not believing in my fairytale because at the end, that’s all it is, a fairytale.

I believe that humans are a combination of all the creatures in one powerful be-ing, and if I want to find the reason of why and how we are here, we should start by unleashing our dreams with control, using our conscience to understand the natural cycle of life and keep our planet in balance, for a long lasting survival of our species. Because our planet is like a rough diamond, hard to find and for us to shape without ruining its essence.

Meanwhile, our dreams should never stop and we should always keep trying to find other types of precious planets with different forms and components.

I can only imagine that the universe would be a peaceful interplanetary connec-tion system with one purpose: to enjoy with control and respect the beauty and diversity of all the different ways of living.

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