1 Benefice community newsletter for Rockhampton, Cromhall, Falfield, Tortworth and Tytherington Volume 12 Issue 2 February 2015 Musings from a snowy Canada The first thing that struck me on my return to Canada was that in Octo- ber the corn (maize) was ‘as high as an elephant’s eye’, but it has now been cut and the landscape has completely changed; in fact you can see for miles. Ontario in this area is fairly flat because the ice in the ice age was five miles thick. Now the corn silos on all the farms punctuate the skyline, not unlike the steeples and towers we are used to in the UK. I saw some of the behemoth harvesters and they look like some- thing from a sci-fi movie and quite scary as they fill a narrow country road, not that any of them rank with the narrowness of our lanes! The temperature in October saw me in shorts and T-shirt, needing a sun hat, but at the moment the temperature outside is hovering around minus twenty something, the sun is shining and to a West Country girl, the snow looks beautiful as I look out from a cosy warm housebut it is necessary to wrap up with hat, gloves and scarf to venture out. I have to say that as this snow fall is usual the roads are cleared with little disruption to traffic, the car parks likewise and the householders just get on and clear their driveways with snow blowers or good old fashioned shovels. As Warden of a beautiful old English, sometimes chilly church, my experience here is somewhat differ- ent.. we went to a sell-out performance of the Nutcracker at a truly amazing local Evangelical Church, full stage, lighting and sound systems, seating approximately 1,000 very comfortably down- stairs, another 500+ in the balcony and it was almost too warm! The many meeting rooms and ancil- lary space is so comprehensive, that when the local secondary school burned down, the whole school just moved into the Church for two years and carried on as normal. Imagine even Tortworth school doing that at St. Leonard/s, KLB or Castle would not even fit in the nave! The car park (car lot here), would accommodate four or five rugby pitches, locating our car in the gloom was interesting. This church is full each Sunday! The local United Church of Canada here in Sheffield village was built in the 1840s (incidentally, in 1832 they also built the house where I am staying). The church is a cosy delight with a basement meeting room and kitchen everyone in our Benefice would drool over. At present there is an interim minister appointed for two years who is also responsible for the church in the village a couple of miles away. Sharing his time, as in our Benefice, is not always easy and he is following a minister who had been here for seven years, was loved and respected by everyone, whether they attended his services or not. We attended a Communion service at Christmas, where we were made very welcome, but the lack of ceremony at the Eucharist was very foreign to me and I was not sure when the service had ended. The pews, I should explain, are semi-circles of benches in three sections with comfortable cushions. The choir, minis- ter and organist have a raised area with a small altar in front. I was fasci- nated by a little strip of wood with four small holes screwed to the back of the pews, I could not think what they would be for, (surely not peace pipes?). I am afraid I probably spent too much time speculating on that and not paying attention to the service, but then at the end at the end of the service I discovered, they just fitted the tiny glasses which hold the communion wine, or in this case fruit juice, which had been handed out by attendants on a special tray with similar holes! Hilary Legg (More details about the church on http://www.sheffieldunitedchurch.ca) SAFER INTERNET DAY TUESDAY 10TH FEBRUARY 2015 Let’s create a better internet together www.saferinternetday.org.uk

Musings from a snowy Canada · Digital Camera Talk Weds 11 th February at 7pm Digital Camera Talk for beginners, helping you to get the most out of your digital camera. Limited places

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Page 1: Musings from a snowy Canada · Digital Camera Talk Weds 11 th February at 7pm Digital Camera Talk for beginners, helping you to get the most out of your digital camera. Limited places


Benefice community newsletter for Rockhampton, Cromhall, Falfield, Tortworth and Tytherington

Volume 12 Issue 2 February 2015

Musings from a snowy Canada

The first thing that struck me on my return to Canada was that in Octo-ber the corn (maize) was ‘as high as an elephant’s eye’, but it has now been cut and the landscape has completely changed; in fact you can see for miles. Ontario in this area is fairly flat because the ice in the ice age was five miles thick. Now the corn silos on all the farms punctuate the skyline, not unlike the steeples and towers we are used to in the UK. I saw some of the behemoth harvesters and they look like some-thing from a sci-fi movie and quite scary as they fill a narrow country road, not that any of them rank with the narrowness of our lanes!

The temperature in October saw me in shorts and T-shirt, needing a sun hat, but at the moment the temperature outside is hovering around minus twenty something, the sun is shining and to a West Country girl, the snow looks beautiful as I look out from a cosy warm house,,,but it is necessary to wrap up with hat, gloves and scarf to venture out. I have to say that as this snow fall is usual the roads are cleared with little disruption to traffic, the car parks likewise and the householders just get on and clear their driveways with snow blowers or good old fashioned shovels.

As Warden of a beautiful old English, sometimes chilly church, my experience here is somewhat differ-ent,,.. we went to a sell-out performance of the Nutcracker at a truly amazing local Evangelical Church, full stage, lighting and sound systems, seating approximately 1,000 very comfortably down-stairs, another 500+ in the balcony and it was almost too warm! The many meeting rooms and ancil-lary space is so comprehensive, that when the local secondary school burned down, the whole school just moved into the Church for two years and carried on as normal. Imagine even Tortworth school doing that at St. Leonard/s, KLB or Castle would not even fit in the nave! The car park (car lot here), would accommodate four or five rugby pitches, locating our car in the gloom was interesting. This church is full each Sunday!

The local United Church of Canada here in Sheffield village was built in the 1840s (incidentally, in 1832 they also built the house where I am staying). The church is a cosy delight with a basement meeting room and kitchen everyone in our Benefice would drool over. At present there is an interim minister appointed for two years who is also responsible for the church in the village a couple of miles away. Sharing his time, as in our Benefice, is not always easy and he is following a minister who had been here for seven years, was loved and respected by everyone, whether they attended his services or not.

We attended a Communion service at Christmas, where we were made very welcome, but the lack of ceremony at the Eucharist was very foreign to me and I was not sure when the service had ended. The pews, I should explain, are semi-circles of benches in three sections with comfortable cushions. The choir, minis-ter and organist have a raised area with a small altar in front. I was fasci-nated by a little strip of wood with four small holes screwed to the back of the pews, I could not think what they would be for, (surely not peace pipes?). I am afraid I probably spent too much time speculating on that and not paying attention to the service, but then at the end at the end of the service I discovered, they just fitted the tiny glasses which hold the communion wine, or in this case fruit juice, which had been handed out by attendants on a special tray with similar holes!

Hilary Legg (More details about the church on http://www.sheffieldunitedchurch.ca)




Let’s create a better internet together


Page 2: Musings from a snowy Canada · Digital Camera Talk Weds 11 th February at 7pm Digital Camera Talk for beginners, helping you to get the most out of your digital camera. Limited places




Cromhall No service 9.30am Rockhampton Eucharist 11.00am Falfield Eucharist & Baptism Tortworth No service 11.00am Tytherington Eucharist



9.00am Cromhall Imposition of Ashes & Said Eucharist 7.00pm Falfield Imposition of Ashes & Said Eucharist

Thursday 19th

9.30am Tytherington Said Eucharist





Tuesday 24th

11.00am Tortworth Said Eucharist


9.30am Cromhall Morning Prayer 9.30am Rockhampton Eucharist 11.00am Falfield Eucharist 11.15am Tortworth Morning Prayer 11.00am Tytherington Joint service at Baptist Church

NB Midweek services are liable to change. Please check with weekly pewsheet.

BENEFICE PHONE: 01454 260096 E-MAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]

Priest: Rev. Jenny d’Esterre Home: 01453 890384 Mob. 0754032 2744

When there is no service in your parish church,

please join with one of the other churches.



9.30am Cromhall Morning Prayer 9.30am Rockhampton Eucharist 11.00am Falfield Eucharist 11.15am Tortworth Service of the 5 Candles 11.00am Tytherington Morning Prayer at St James’

Thursday 5th 9.30am Tytherington Said Eucharist


TH 2


9.30am Cromhall Eucharist 9.30am Rockhampton Morning Prayer Falfield No service 11.15am Tortworth Eucharist Tytherington No service

Tuesday 10th 11.00am Tortworth Said Eucharist

Thursday 12th 7.00pm Falfield Embrace at St George’s



FRIDAY 6TH FEBRUARY An opportunity for toddlers and pre-schoolers to play, sing and informally hear stories about Jesus with their parents, grandparents or carers. (Cost £1 to cover refreshments)

‘Embrace’ Second Thursday each month at St George’s Church, Falfield, at


An invitation to the Christian Spiritual Life

We invite you to create the space where the life of God in us can be nurtured and brought to fruition; a time for you to embrace some of the basic disciplines of the Christian spiritual life

Page 3: Musings from a snowy Canada · Digital Camera Talk Weds 11 th February at 7pm Digital Camera Talk for beginners, helping you to get the most out of your digital camera. Limited places



Visiting Visiting is part of the Church’s Ministry. If you would like a visit from someone from the church, please call the Bene-fice Office and we will do our best to arrange it.

If you are going into or in hospital, You can help to make sure that the church team can respond as you would like us to when you are ill. It’s important that if you are admitted to hospital, you do three things:-

1. Make sure someone tells one of the min-istry team that you are going into hospital – ask them to pass on the message as appropriate.

2. Make it plain to the hospital staff whether (or not!) you would like a visit. This means that when someone rings up, they won’t have to spend time saying ‘hang on, ‘I’ll just ask him/her,’

3. Make it plain what sort of visit you would like: would you prefer a friend from the church or one of the visiting team or would you particularly like a clergy visit? If you want to be certain of a private, one to one chat, don’t be afraid to ask the hospi-tal staff if they will allow your minister to come outside normal visiting hours, so that they don’t take up precious time and space from your family.

For all Benefice Business Please ring

01454 260096 and leave a message

or email

[email protected]

The office will usually be open from 10.00am until 1:00pm on Fridays when messages and emails will be dealt with.

If you would like to make an appoint-ment to speak to Rev’d. Jenny; phone 01453 890384. You might need to leave a message and she will return your call as soon as possible as she is entitled to time off!

If you would like someone to bring Holy Communion to your home please ring 01454 260096 and leave a message. We are more than happy to do this.

Midweek Eucharists are held either on Tuesdays at Tortworth or Thursdays at Tytherington alternat-ing each week. Please see weekly pewsheet for details.

Visit the benefice website at www.croftt.org.uk to see the pewsheet, make a prayer request or visit Rev’d Jenny’s blog. You can also follow Rev’d Jenny on Twitter

This publication is dependent on donations and advertising to keep going.

One of the ways of making regular donations is by standing order. If you would like to make a payment using this method please contact our Treasurer, Mr Geoff Crosthwaite

• by telephone on 01454 294140

• by email at: [email protected]

• or write to him at The Barn, Townwell, Cromhall, Wotton-Under-Edge, GL12 8AQ.

Cheques, payable to Benefice Newsletter, may also be sent to our treasurer, Geoff Crosthwaite, The Barn, Townwell, Cromhall, W-U-E, GL12 8AQ or the editor.

Rockhampton Village Hall 100 Club December winners were :-

£15 Anne Marshall £10 Mary Davey £5 Margaret Watkins & Margaret & Dave Webb

Christmas draw winners were :- £75 Lyn Issac £25 Vera Cullimore £20 Patsy & Alec Hurley £15 Gill Whittaker

Digital Camera Talk Weds 11

th February at 7pm

Digital Camera Talk for beginners, helping you to get the most out of your digital camera.

Limited places mean that all tickets must be booked in advance, by contacting Thornbury Library 01454 868006 or email [email protected] £5 ticket fee payable on the night, all proceeds to charity.

Page 4: Musings from a snowy Canada · Digital Camera Talk Weds 11 th February at 7pm Digital Camera Talk for beginners, helping you to get the most out of your digital camera. Limited places


We are a family run business dedicated to providing the perfect environment for your cats to stay.

Set in a quiet, secluded countryside residence, this newly-built cattery has been con-structed to the highest standards and is fully licensed by South Gloucestershire Council.

For all enquires please contact Nicola on 07799805996




Try something new in 2015

Join Brownies

Through regular meetings, special events, day trips, sleepovers and holidays, Brownies learn new hobbies, ex-plore other cultures and get adventurous out-doors. Girls can also extend their knowledge and abilities by working towards Brownie inter-est badges covering many different hobbies and activities from Science investigator to Cir-cus skills

1st Falfield and Stone Brownies meet weekly during school terms and currently has space for new brownies.

Brownies are girls aged seven to ten who be-come a member of a Six and follow a pro-gramme called the Brownie Adventure. Brown-ies opens up a world of exciting challenges and the opportunity to try new things and to make brilliant friends.

If your daughter is interested in joining the unit or would like to be added to our waiting list please register your interest at www.girlguiding.org.uk/interested

For any other queries please contact Gill Bar-ber on 01454 413759, or email [email protected]

Alveston Local History Society

Alveston Methodist Church 7.30pm

Wednesday February 25th

Dr. Mark Lewis on


Visitors welcome: £2.50

Page 5: Musings from a snowy Canada · Digital Camera Talk Weds 11 th February at 7pm Digital Camera Talk for beginners, helping you to get the most out of your digital camera. Limited places


Painting & Decorating

Free estimates

Competitive rates

Fully Insured

Testimonials available

No job too small

Ian Street 07795 663991

[email protected]


Would you like to be a twin?

As Twinning Secretary of the Wotton under Edge Beaumont-le-Roger Society, I am writing to ask for your help.

Wotton under Edge is twinned with a town in Normandy, France; we visit them one year and the alternate year the Beaumontais come here. This year is our turn to travel to France and we go on Friday May 22nd returning on Tuesday 26th.

We travel by coach, or if you prefer you can make your own way by car.

I have been asked to find a family here for M and Mme Berthelin, who have two children of one and three. They would obviously like a family with fairly similar aged children. This is a fantastic opportunity to let your children experience a different culture and for the whole family to build a relationship with a family in France.

The Society is very informal, and we always welcome new members from all age groups, al-though we do get requests from Beaumont for families with children. Other than our annual ex-change to France we have about four social events throughout the year which gives an opportu-nity to make new friends from the area.

Lots of us have been visiting the same family for many years, and some of us find we visit each other apart from the official exchange weekend. We have members from all the surrounding vil-lages, so please do not be put off if maybe you don’t actually live in Wotton. The Society has been visiting Beaumont and they have been coming here for 28 years, so some very strong friendships have been forged. There is no need to speak French as when staying with a family sign language can work wonders.

Please feel free to contact me if you would like further details 01453 842446 or email [email protected]

Tessa McLusky

National Libraries Day Saturday 7

th February

Celebrate National Libraries Day by visiting Thornbury Library on Saturday 7th February, where we will be holding a day of special events and ac-tivities for all to enjoy.

Full details will be available from Thornbury Library and online at www.nationallibrariesday.org.uk

Page 6: Musings from a snowy Canada · Digital Camera Talk Weds 11 th February at 7pm Digital Camera Talk for beginners, helping you to get the most out of your digital camera. Limited places


Classes Weds 10.30am Cossham Hall

Weds 6pm Severn Beach Village Hall

Thurs 8.20pm Gillingstool Primary school

Booking essential at www.armstrongfitness.co.uk

The Churpel Society

presents Spotlight Publications

Written by

Emma Houldersham & Samantha Cartwright

Directed by Sue Baines

Choreographed by Debbie Llewellyn

Show Dates


, 5th

, 6th

, 7th March Evening Performance 7.30 p.m.

Saturday Matinee 2.30p.m. Tytherington Village Hall

Tickets on sale at Tytherington Village Hall: Tuesdays and Thursdays 7.00pm

Box Office: 01454 418553

Cancer Research UK Quiz Night

Thornbury and District Cancer Research UK Committee

QUIZ NIGHT with Fish and Chip supper

Friday 20th

March Manorbrook Primary School,

Thornbury 7.30pm sharp - so please be there at


Tickets: £10 per a person which includes both admission and a fish and chip supper.

There will be a Licensed Bar and Raf-

Twelfth Night Party

The CRoFTT benefice held a very successful bring-and-share party on 6th January to mark the end of the twelve days of Christ-

mas. This was a new venture to which every-one in the five parishes of the benefice was in-vited and all parishes were represented.

At the beginning of the evening a presentation was made to Eddie Gadsby by members of St George’s, Falfield, to mark Eddie’s decision to resign as organist, a post he has held for some forty years. The Rev’d Jenny and Jane Hath-way formally thanked Eddie for his loyalty over such a long time and a bouquet was presented to his wife, Isobel, for her unfailing support for Eddie in his duties as organist.

Peter and Jean Grudgings invite you to come


Saturday 7th February 2.00 - 4.30 pm



Phone: 01454 417321

Everyone is welcome to celebrate the New Year for the Orchard to grow with apples and pears.

Refreshments afterwards

Page 7: Musings from a snowy Canada · Digital Camera Talk Weds 11 th February at 7pm Digital Camera Talk for beginners, helping you to get the most out of your digital camera. Limited places




It will come as no surprise to anyone locally that the 2014 August Bank Holiday was a com-plete wash-out and with it the Traditional Berke-ley Agricultural Show.

As recently featured in The Gazette it was such a disaster financially that the organisers have had to embark on a fund-raising campaign in order to start planning for the 113th Show, scheduled for 31st August 2015.

We have had a good response from Members but need additional support. We have planned a number of events:

6th February Cheese & Wine Evening at Berkeley Castle

with Promises Auction

1st March Vintage Tractor Run

29th April Golf Day at Cotswold Edge Golf Club

To be arranged Cross Country Ride

Details of these and other events are available from The Secretary, Mrs C Carter, on 01453 543335 (mobile 0776 245 8397) or the Office at 22 High Street, Cam, GL11 5LE We are also keen to encourage more sponsors to support specific sections or classes within the Show e.g. Vintage Tractors / Dog Show / Rare Breeds / Horticulture & Handicrafts / Gymkhana / Heavy Horse Display / Cattle / Sheep / Main Ring Attractions ......etc. Opportunities are many and varied for individuals or organisations wishing to promote their busi-

ness whilst supporting a well-known and well-loved traditional Show. The usual attendance is of

the order of 10,000 and we are happy to discuss packages to include catalogue advertising

Page 8: Musings from a snowy Canada · Digital Camera Talk Weds 11 th February at 7pm Digital Camera Talk for beginners, helping you to get the most out of your digital camera. Limited places


2 Men Went To Mow Garden and Tree


Local Friendly and


Tree Surgery (NPTC Qualified)

All Types of Tree Work undertaken

Contract Grass Cutting

All Aspects of Garden Maintenance

Beds and Borders Maintained

Planting Plants and Shrubs Supplied

Pruning and Hedge Trimming

Garden Rubbish Removal

Fully insured

Tel. 07956 311901 or 07557 365661

Email [email protected]

Free Estimates

5 Alive online For those wishing to access 5 Alive online from a smart phone or tablet the QR code is now available and will give access to the Falfield web-site.

Recycle your Tassimo coffee machine pods

I have recently become a public collection point for the recycling of used Tassimo coffee ma-chine pods (plus their outer foil packaging) via the Terracycle.co.uk website. The scheme do-nates £15 to my charity of choice for every 10kg of pods I send to them. The charity we are collecting for is MyelomaUK, as we have a family member with Multiple Myeloma. (Myeloma, also known as multiple myeloma, is a cancer arising from plasma cells, a type of white blood cell which is made in the bone marrow.)

Currently, I don't believe we have the facility to recycle these pods in the Sort-it recycling cen-tre so this is useful for any residents who cre-ate this waste, but want less black bin waste. Terracycle use the pods to create other prod-ucts like plant pots and bins. See the website above for further details!

I have a collection bin for them outside my house (15, Watermill Close, Falfield), or they can just be left in my front garden. So far we are doing fairly well col-lecting the pods, but further donations would be gratefully received. I don't make any money from this, it is purely to raise money for the MyelomaUK charity.

Karen Verrall

Christmas Wreaths and Churchyard Flowers

Christmas wreaths on graves are a lovely re-minder of loved ones at this time of year, and you are welcome to place them. However, this is both a reminder that these (and poppy wreaths at Remembrance-tide) are the only arti-ficial flowers allowed in churchyards, and a re-quest that they be removed by Candlemas, Feb-ruary 2nd, (the end of Christmas) please.

Should you be unable to remove your wreath by then, the Wardens and those who look after our churchyards will gladly do it on your behalf.

Rev’d Jenny

New telephone scam

South Gloucestershire Trading Standards would like to remind residents to remain vigi-lant and suspicious of unexpected telephone calls.

Officers have been made aware that some residents within the district have received un-solicited telephone calls about crime preven-tion and alarms. The caller claims to be ring-ing on behalf of the local ‘Safe and Strong’ group.

South Gloucestershire Council’s Safer and

Stronger Community Groups DO NOT contact people unexpectedly by telephone to offer crime prevention advice or sell equipment

such as alarms. THIS IS A SCAM.

If you receive a call claiming to be on behalf of the Safe and Strong group please hang up immediately.

If a telephone number is recorded on the 1471 facility, please report this to Trading Standards by contacting the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 03454 04 05 06 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm).

Page 9: Musings from a snowy Canada · Digital Camera Talk Weds 11 th February at 7pm Digital Camera Talk for beginners, helping you to get the most out of your digital camera. Limited places


Severnside Ramblers. Join Severnside Ramblers for some fresh air and exercise, you will also enjoy some great views and hopefully see some wild life.

Join Severnside Ramblers on a ramble. Non-members are always very welcome.

For more information about walks in February2015 log on to www.severnside-ramblers.org.uk, or pick up a programme at your local library. A contact name and telephone number is given for each walk. We meet for Saturday and Sunday walks at Aztec West, Blue Zone Parking area, near the Management Centre, at the times shown for each walk, and share lifts to the start of the walk. Fri-day Walks, the meeting point is ALDI Car Park Bradley Stoke.

Please bring packed lunch and plenty of fluids.


Cromhall Chapel is pleased to announce the appointment of Rev. Christopher W Crocker as their Pas-tor.

Pastor Chris and his wife Rebekah are from Canada and have been living in Bristol since last August. They hope to move to Cromhall in the spring, as they wish to re-side in the village.

Contact details for Pastor Chris are:- Email: [email protected]

Tytherington Village Hall

Tytherington Village Hall will have been open for 20 Years in 2015 It has been proposed that we celebrate this event by having an evening meal with entertainment at the hall on Saturday 27th June, with all new villagers, existing villag-ers and ex-villagers invited to attend.

In order to estimate the likely attendance at this event please could those interested in at-tending email John Lewis at [email protected] Alternatively

contact any Hall committee member.

It is also proposed to take a Village Photograph this year, and Saturday 4th July 2015 has been suggested as a provisional date for this.

The previous two photographs are on display in the village hall.



Time & Meet-ing Point

Length of walk

Contact details

Sun 1 Feb

Tintern. Fairly hilly walk, with rewards of views over Tintern

9.00am Aztec West

8 miles

Gordon 01454


Fri 6 Feb

Old Sodbury – Tormarton. Almost ‘there and back’ walk through lovely Dodington Park to visit village of Tormarton. Steady incline but only couple of stiles. Opt pub at end

9.30am Aldi, Brad-ley Stoke

2 hours

Jenny & John

01454 777963

Sun 8 Feb

14 Locks – Newport. Lightly undulating field paths & canal tow paths & one opt climb to viewpoint near end. Interesting industrial archaeology

9.00am Aztec West



Andy & Chris 01454


Sun 15 Feb

Mendips. Farm & forestry tracks, drove roads & moorland. Few moderate climbs

8.30am Aztec West

13 miles

Janet & Mike 01179


Fri 20 Feb

Please check the web site for walk details


Sun 22 Feb

Please check the web site for walk details


Sun 1 March

Cotswolds. Farm tracks, field paths & some minor roads to the ‘Slaughters’. Few moderate climbs

8.30am 15 miles

Janet & Mike 01179


Page 10: Musings from a snowy Canada · Digital Camera Talk Weds 11 th February at 7pm Digital Camera Talk for beginners, helping you to get the most out of your digital camera. Limited places




Contact Number: - 01179 793104 Email:- [email protected]

SEE ALSO THE CHURCH WEBSITE: www.tytheringtonbaptistchurch.org

SUNDAY 1st 11am Joint Family Service at St James’ Val & Brian SUNDAY 8th 11am Communion Service & Sunday School Brian SUNDAY 15th 11am Morning Worship & Sunday School Brian SUNDAY 22nd 11am Morning Worship & Sunday School Brian

Our Childrens’ Club (“EXPLORERS”) continues to meet each Tuesday (term time) be-tween 4:00 - 5:30pm New children aged between 5 & 11 are always welcomed.

Our MUSIC GROUP continues to meet each Tuesday (term time) at 6pm (until 7:15pm) where we shall learn new hymns & songs.

Everyone is welcome to join us.



TUESDAYS 4:00 – 5:30

5 – 11 YEAR OLDS












The Pied Piper

Thornbury Musical Theatre Group

Armstrong Hall, Thornbury, BS352BJ 7.30pm Wed 18

th-Sat 21

st Feb 2015

2.30pm Fri 20th/Sat 21

st Feb 2015

Adults £10/£12 Concessions £10/£8 Family Ticket £36/£30

Online box office www.tmtg.org.uk Mobile box office 07516270140

To avoid disappointment book your tickets now, either on line (no booking fee) or by phone.

Jazz with Jessica

Back by Popular Demand!

Jessica Radcliffe alongside a jazz quintet led by local jazz saxophonist Gareth Williams

at the Armstrong Hall in a relaxed Jazz Café setting

Friday 6th February 7.30pm

Bar available.

In aid of the Armstrong Hall Re-development Project.

Tickets: £10 each from Thornbury Town Hall or

by phone on 01454 412272.

Falfield WI News

In December our President Gill Spiller was treated to a surprise birthday party by her family so

Jenny Jones chaired the meeting. The Hey-wood cup was presented to Margaret Gover for her beautifully made Christmas card.

We voted to award one bursary this year to a member to attend a course at Denman College.

Dates for our calendars include a trip to the Swan Watch at Slimbridge Wetland and Wild-fowl Trust on February 11th and a meal after-wards, friends are welcome to this event, and an outing to the show "Wicked" in March.

We all enjoyed taking part in the hand bell ring-ing, even the shy ones, and by the end of the session were able to play some Christmas melodies for our very good teacher.

The New Year party in January was great fun as always with a delicious meal, games, quiz-zes and a lot of chat.

Our meeting in February will include a talk by Richard Cornock.


Monday February 2nd a speaker from The National Arboretum

on “The Wonders Of Westonbirt”

The Jubilee Hall, Alveston at 7.30pm Visitors welcome (£2)

Page 11: Musings from a snowy Canada · Digital Camera Talk Weds 11 th February at 7pm Digital Camera Talk for beginners, helping you to get the most out of your digital camera. Limited places


Cromhall Senior Citizens


Thursday 20th February

Cromhall Village Hall at 3pm

Contact Ann 294200 or Eva 299251 if you would like to be picked up

Brightening up our day at the Centre

A visit from the Freemasons brightened up the day recently at the West of England MS Therapy Centre in Bradley Stoke, which provides treatments and thera-pies to people living with Multiple Sclerosis and is the only centre of

its kind in the area, supporting people from across Bristol, Somerset, North Somerset, Bath & NE Somerset, South Gloucestershire and Monmouthshire. The Centre received a £1,000 donation from the Gloucester Masonic Charity Action presented to Terri McDonald, Head of Fundraising by Mike Newcombe, Charity Stew-ard and other representatives of the Masonic organisation.

“We certainly are in need of support especially in our Physiotherapy Department”, says Terri. “A person with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) can delay the symptoms and other neurological conditions by having regular physiotherapy exercise classes. If a muscle is not used for long periods, it will lose strength and may become painful (known as ‘deconditioning’). These difficulties cannot always be avoided completely; however by finding the right exercises, with the assistance of our qualified physiotherapists in neurology, the person with MS can remain active and lead an independent life for longer.

The Centre has grown out of the recognition of a gap in sufficient neurological long-term condition ser-vice and care support. Our membership is in-creasing and our treat-ments are heavily subsidised by the charity. The support from the Gloucester Masonic Charity Action will ensure our services are continually delivered of a high quality to the people who need our assistance”.

The Centre receives no government or NHS funding and relies solely on the generosity of trusts, companies, volunteers and the commu-nity. At present there is no government or NHS provision for individuals living with a lifelong neu-rological chronic condition for financial assis-tance to therapies and treatments to adequately manage their condition.

For more details about the centre and its work go to www.mstherapybristol.org.uk

Registered Charity No. 801155

Tytherington Parish Council

On May 7th local residents will have opportunity to vote not only for an MP but also for the District Council and if enough people stand, for their Par-ish Councils. In Tytherington vacancies are ex-pected on the PC so please consider if you would like to become involved. This is your opportunity to help in the day to day running of your village. No previous experience is necessary as the Par-ish Clerk is on hand to assist in all matters and training is available. The current Councillors and the Clerk are available to provide advice on this as well as all other matters relating to the Village. For contact details see the website at tythering-tonpc.org.uk or call Gill Brooks on 01454 416637. In the absence of enough people coming forward to form a new council it can mean that a village loses its independence and is combined with a neighbouring Parish for administration purposes.

The January Council meeting was attended by representatives of the Companies responsible for the Solar Power development at Tower Hill Farm. They informed the meeting that the start of con-struction was imminent. They promised to meet all of the planning conditions that had been set and asked to be informed of any concerns that residents had. They were pressed by the Council-lors and by local residents to meet the strong rec-ommendation of the Planning Control Committee to form a local Liaison Group before the work started.

Following pressure by residents, supported by the PC, Highways Officers have agreed to con-sider new signs and possible speed limits to mod-erate the speed of vehicles on the many narrow lanes in the village. It is hoped that any new initia-tives will improve the general safety of walkers, cyclists and horse riders.

Page 12: Musings from a snowy Canada · Digital Camera Talk Weds 11 th February at 7pm Digital Camera Talk for beginners, helping you to get the most out of your digital camera. Limited places


Have you seen Minkie?

One of the late Jill Whittaker’s cats, Minkie, which is tabby and white, was re-homed in Falfield but disappeared and may have tried to make its way back to Tytherington where he is well-known. If you see him, would you please ring 01454 260385.

We’re fairly sure that he is capable of look-ing after himself if nec-essary but would just like to be sure of his whereabouts.

New 5 Alive Distributors in Falfield

Following a request in the January issue of 5 Alive for a distributor in Moorslade Lane, Falfield, Ian & Sue Salt in Moorslade Lane have kindly offered to undertake the monthly distribution.

Many thanks to them and all our volunteer distribu-tors for their efforts.




Min - 5.2 Max 14.4


Total in month 43.2 Yr to date 918.1

Rain Days in month 20 Yr to date 188

Air Frosts in month 20 Yr to date 36

Lat: 52.3.15 N

Long: 2.46.19 W

The above information recorded is taken from a basic weather station and from time to time some data can be corrupted leading to some inaccurate infor-mation displayed. Where possible this has been corrected but from time to time some inaccuracies may occur.

If you want to see a more detailed and accurate record of local weather then take a look at either of the following web sites www.alvestonweather.co.uk www.thornburyweather.co.uk

Tytherington Local History Group

Friday 13th February 7.30pm Baptist Schoolroom

‘Unbuilt Bristol’ with Bob Jenkins

Everyone welcome


Friday 6th March

Armstrong Hall starting at 7.15pm

£28 per team of four

Supper & raffle

For further information and to reserve your table please telephone Mary on 01454 412567

Please come along and support St Peter’s,

your local Hospice

St Andrew’s 100 Club Christmas Draw winner

The winner of the 100 club Christmas £50 jackpot is JORDAN McIVOR.

Many congratulations Jordan and our thanks for continuers support of St Andrew’s Parish Church.

Page 13: Musings from a snowy Canada · Digital Camera Talk Weds 11 th February at 7pm Digital Camera Talk for beginners, helping you to get the most out of your digital camera. Limited places


Thornbury & District Flower Club

Thurs 12th Feb

‘Strolling Through the Garden’

Jayne Morriss

Thurs 26th Feb

Workshop: Sally Taylor

‘Flower for Giving’

Thornbury Methodist Church Hall


Rural Arts South Gloucestershire present an evening

with Gypsy jazz quartet

Rockhampton Village Hall


Saturday 28th February 2015 at 7.30pm

Doors and Bar open 7pm

Tickets £8 are available from Roger Watkins on 01454 260 530

Joyce awarded British Empire Medal

in New Year Honours list

I expect most people saw the news of Joyce’s well deserved award in the local paper at the beginning of the year. But it doesn’t seem right to write this piece from the shop without adding our congratulations, as well as our thanks for all her years of service to the com-munity. Of course, Joyce’s honour is not just for her work in the shop since it opened but also for the 51 years of collecting for the Royal British Legion and her work for the Lifeboats. We are all so proud of her!

What about those New Year resolutions?

Thank you very much for the offers of help we have had to date. We still have some specific shifts that we need volunteers to cover on a regular basis.

These are:

• 7.00am – 8.30am on Tuesdays and/or

Fridays to help with newspapers and serve in the shop, once it opens at 7.30am.

• 8.30am – 10.00am on Friday mornings

– general shop duties.

Training will be given for any of these shifts so don’t be shy!

At the moment, Joyce is still covering the early shift on Tuesdays and Fridays – we should like her to enjoy a later start every day, especially during the winter months.

Can you help us make this happen? It would be great to hear from you!

TVSA committee

Bosom Buddies Thornbury Group

Wednesday 18th February

7.30pm Function Room, Swan Inn,

High Street, Thornbury, BS35 2AE

Christmas Collections

Thank you to those who attended the Nativity in the Barn and contributed £41 to the collection for the Salvation Army’s Christmas Appeal.

Worshippers at Tort-worth raised over £140 for the DEC Ebola Crisis Appeal during Advent and £35 for Marie Curie Cancer Care by adding their Christmas greetings to the board.

Many thanks to all who contributed.


Find out more about our range of FREE digital li-brary services, available 24/7 including eBooks, eAudio books and eMagazines. Ask at the library and staff will be pleased to help you. If you would like to bring your device with you we can help to get you started. To find out more information about these free services visit: http://www.southglos.gov.uk/libraries and select “Library e-resources”.

Page 14: Musings from a snowy Canada · Digital Camera Talk Weds 11 th February at 7pm Digital Camera Talk for beginners, helping you to get the most out of your digital camera. Limited places


ADVERTISEMENTS: To advertise in this publication please contact Kay Rea, The Bungalow, Moorslade, Falfield. Tel:01454 260364 Email [email protected]

Children’s Day Nurseries

Full and part-time childcare

Open 51 wks/yr 8:00am ‘til 6:00pm

Large indoor and outdoor play space

Home-cooked organic food Qualified, caring staff

Fun themed room Nursery Education Grant funded

All Childcare Vouchers accepted Please contact us for further information Alveston Charfield

Tel: 01454 419419 Tel: 01454 269500 www.ncnltd.co.uk [email protected]








TEL: 01454 416109

MOBILE: 07771702201

Dry, Seasoned

FIREWOOD Please call


www. m-g.org.uk

Page 15: Musings from a snowy Canada · Digital Camera Talk Weds 11 th February at 7pm Digital Camera Talk for beginners, helping you to get the most out of your digital camera. Limited places


CROMHALL CHAPEL SERVICES www.cromhall.com Pastor: Rev. Chris. W. Crocker

SUNDAY 10.30am Morning Worship & Children's Sunday Club 6.30pm Evening Worship

WEDS 4th February at 7.30pm – House group Bible Study and Prayer at various homes

in the area. Please ring 01454 294065 for details.

11th, 18

th & 25

th at 7.30pm - Bible Study & Prayer in the Chapel Hall.

Sunday service speakers during February are :- 1

st (am) Pastor Chris; (pm) Derek Cleave.


(am & pm) Peter Glasgow. 15

th (am) Pastor Chris; (pm) Stuart Hobbs.


(am) Alan Tarling; (pm) Pastor Chris.

There is now a prayer box on the outside wall of the Chapel. If anyone has a concern they would like our small prayer group to pray for, please do drop us a line.

A warm welcome awaits you at all of our meetings

Alveston Gardens Association Jubilee Hall, Alveston 7.30pm

Monday 2nd March

Vegetables without Tears George Alway

Visitors welcome: £2



Join us at Thornbury Library for a special Rhyme-Time for families which include a child aged 0-4 years. FREE, and no booking required, just turn up!

Breastfeeding welcome and nappy changing facilities available (please take used nappies away with you).

Page 16: Musings from a snowy Canada · Digital Camera Talk Weds 11 th February at 7pm Digital Camera Talk for beginners, helping you to get the most out of your digital camera. Limited places


V{tÜ|àç UtÄÄ Three-course dinner, Live Band – Bits and Splits

Raffle and Silent Auction

Saturday February 28th 2015Saturday February 28th 2015Saturday February 28th 2015Saturday February 28th 2015 7.00pm for 7.30pm 7.00pm for 7.30pm 7.00pm for 7.30pm 7.00pm for 7.30pm –––– Carriages Carriages Carriages Carriages


Tortworth Court Four Pillars Hotel - Westminster Suite £50.00 per person

Dress: Black Tie or Lounge Suit

Contact Steph Pearce on 01454 260396/07779970114 Contact Steph Pearce on 01454 260396/07779970114 Contact Steph Pearce on 01454 260396/07779970114 Contact Steph Pearce on 01454 260396/07779970114 or email [email protected] email [email protected] email [email protected] email [email protected]

In aid of the Great Western Air Ambulance Charity In aid of the Great Western Air Ambulance Charity In aid of the Great Western Air Ambulance Charity In aid of the Great Western Air Ambulance Charity

Your magazine: How to send copy, adverts or gifts for ‘5 Alive’:


Where? News items should be sent to Kay Rea, The Bungalow, Moorslade, Falfield, GL12 8DJ Tel. 01454 260364 Email: [email protected] NB If you are posting copy, please mark the envelope ‘5 Alive’. When? Copy date is strictly before midnight on the 19th of each month, please, ready for typing on the 20th. The earlier we receive material the better, as it avoids the rush and lessens the risk of error.

In what form? If at all possible, please submit your material by e-mail (attachments should be in Word or Publisher format). There is then no need for re-typing, which not only saves time but also means there is less chance for inaccuracies to creep in. (We do, however, reserve the right of the editor to edit, and you may find that small changes are made for the sake of space etc) If you want to submit an advertising

poster or similar, it helps if it’s in black and white, as it reproduces more clearly. Charities wishing to advertise events should quote their charity number.

ADVERTISING: The deadline for requests and payments for advertising in 5 Alive is the 12th of the month preceding publication.

Enquiries about advertising should be directed to Kay Rea, The Bungalow, Moorslade, Falfield, Nr Wotton-under-Edge, Glos, GL12 8DJ. Tel. 01454 260364 Email: [email protected] Charges per issue are now as follows:

Business Rates Rates for businesses within the benefice Half page: £28 £18 Quarter page: £18 £15 Eighth of page: £10 £8

There is a 10% discount for advertisers paying for a year’s advertising in advance and 5% for those advertising 6 months in ad-vance

Cheques should be made out to ‘Benefice Newsletter’ and sent to Kay Rea (as above).