NAME Masthead/Colour/Font/Connotati ons Main Image/MES (Props, Costume, Lighting, Setting)/ Connotations) Feedba ! on "enre Maga#ine ideas o$e Luke Bodenham- http://lukebodenham.blogspot. co.uk/ He has studied the layout of other magazines and has pointed out to us what he likes about the dierent magazines and has used correct terminology. Masthead% ndependent- !ndie" seems to stand out more than some other fonts. Colour%& Fonts% #d$anced %ans %erif mages are eecti$e& has already decided what eect he is going to apply to the images- Black and 'hite for the front co$er. (enre: ndie/)ock *usic  + arget #udience: ,lder teen but may also li$e with pare ,$erall: think he has thou aspects of the magazine w seen a mock up of his mag be interesting to see how it think it would be good for h the colour scheme he is goi it will be able to show that understands the codes and of an indie rock music mag  amie labon- http://clabonmedia.blogspot.c o.uk/ He has studied the layout of other magazines and has pointed out to us what he likes about the dierent magazines and has used correct terminology. Mastheads%  Li$e or ,pen*ic. He has talked about how Li$e has a double meaning- Li$e music and li$ing your music/how music is your life. ,pen *ic- Li$e music and e$ents. Fonts% %ans %erif 0formal and professional1. Colour: Blue or )ed. Blue- onnotations of peace and tran2uillity& rela3ed magazine )ed-4sed a lot in music magazines. 5ibrant and eye catching. mages used are eecti$e& he has thought about the layout of the musicians featured on the front of the magazine well and has e3plained the hierarchy featured in one of his !mock-up"s"- Lead guitarist at the front etc and then he has taken the image so that you can still see all the members of the band as they are still all important. (enre: 6esti$al/,pen *ic m )ock& Brit pop-punk.  + arget #udience: 78-98 0ma #s they ha$e part time obs to spend money on gigs& m magazines. ,$erall: like how he has c alternati$e interpretation to head ,pen *ic and he is m goal to make sure that this is not seen on his magazine potentially be a platform fo of open mic e$ents that are necessarily linked to music.

Music Magazine Pitch Peer Feedback

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NAMEMasthead/Colour/Font/ConnotationsMain Image/MES (Props, Costume, Lighting, Setting)/ Connotations)Feedback on Genre and Magazine ideas overall

Luke Bodenham- http://lukebodenham.blogspot.co.uk/He has studied the layout of other magazines and has pointed out to us what he likes about the different magazines and has used correct terminology. Masthead: Independent- Indie seems to stand out more than some other fonts.Colour:?Fonts: Advanced Sans SerifImages are effective, has already decided what effect he is going to apply to the images- Black and White for the front cover.Genre: Indie/Rock MusicTarget Audience: Older teens- Have a job but may also live with parentsOverall: I think he has thought about the aspects of the magazine well, we havent seen a mock up of his magazine so itll be interesting to see how it will look. I think it would be good for him to mention the colour scheme he is going to use as it will be able to show that he understands the codes and conventions of an indie rock music magazine.

Jamie Clabon-http://clabonmedia.blogspot.co.uk/He has studied the layout of other magazines and has pointed out to us what he likes about the different magazines and has used correct terminology. Mastheads: Live or OpenMic. He has talked about how Live has a double meaning- Live music and living your music/how music is your life. Open Mic- Live music and events. Fonts: Sans Serif (formal and professional). Colour: Blue or Red. Blue- Connotations of peace and tranquillity, relaxed magazineRed-Used a lot in music magazines. Vibrant and eye catching.Images used are effective, he has thought about the layout of the musicians featured on the front of the magazine well and has explained the hierarchy featured in one of his mock-ups- Lead guitarist at the front etc and then he has taken the image so that you can still see all the members of the band as they are still all important.Genre: Festival/Open Mic music events. Rock, Brit pop-punk.Target Audience: 15-25 (male or female?) As they have part time jobs and are able to spend money on gigs, music magazines.Overall: I like how he has considered an alternative interpretation to his mast head Open Mic and he is making it his goal to make sure that this interpretation is not seen on his magazine (it could potentially be a platform for other types of open mic events that arent necessarily linked to music.)

Samuel Coley-http://coleymedia.blogspot.co.uk/He has studied the layout of other magazines and has told us where he got his inspiration from. Masthead: Shuffle- Different types of music in the magazine (connotation) and the idea of new modern music.Colour: Blue and Grey- relaxed with bright colours to make it stand out.Fonts:The images he has shown us a mock up of his front cover and the types of images he is going to use and why. He has also talked about how his images will have eye contact with the target audience to make it more personal.Genre: Chart magazine?Target Audience:11-25, living at home but have the money to buy luxuries.Overall: I think he has thought a lot about what he is going to include within the magazine, and how he is going to mess around with the lighting on the images to make it look like they are in the spotlight.

Ikei Durose- http://ikeidurose.blogspot.co.uk/Masthead: Off Beat- Off Beat= Unusual and different. Has considered a change in font.Colour: ?Fonts: ?Images used are aimed at a younger target audience. Has pointed out that she is going to edit the background on Photoshop so that there is not going to be a lamp in the background. Has clearly thought about the contrasting differences with the two images and the outfits included can change the style of the magazine.The genre of the magazine has changed from a chart magazine to a pop magazine as the images appeal more to the pop genre than a chart magazine. Overall, I think this will be a successful magazine.

Samuel Homer-http://samhomerasmedia.blogspot.co.uk/Masthead: Original- its unique to the genre. Has pointed out that with his final idea for his masthead he is going to make it more readable by editing it in Photoshop.Colour:Fonts:The images used are effective and go well with the genre its supposed to be (from looking at the images it seems like its supposed to be an indie rock magazine?)Genre: Chart magazine?Target Audience: Overall: I think he needs to be more specific with his target audience instead of aiming it at a large one (be more specific with age and the genre of the magazine). But overall I feel that his magazine will be successful.

Somayya Sheikh-http://somayyasheikasmedia.weebly.com/Masthead: Amalgamate- Colour: Dark champagneFonts: Sophisticated and simpleBlack and white images- sophisticated and professional. You cant see the face as it is the first edition of the magazine so it creates a sense of mystery around the new artist as well as the magazine- is the aim to break the codes and conventions?Genre: Chart musicTarget Audience: Teenage girls- 15+Overall: I feel that she has thought about how the magazine is going to look, it would be helpful to see the magazine mock up to see what its going to look like before she starts to make the actual thing, but I feel that it will be successful.

Harris Ul-haq- http://haarisulhaqasmedia.weebly.com/Masthead: A CappellaColour: RedFonts: Graffiti font.The images used are very basic, not very professional but he has said that with some effects he will be able to change the way they look.Genre: Rap musicTarget Audience: teenagers, 13-18/19Overall: He has thought thoroughly about what he is going to include in the magazine including the Coverlines, the Pugs and how it is going to look.

Leo Walsh-http://leowalshmedia.blogspot.co.uk/Masthead: White NoiseColour:?Fonts: Hand written fonts makes it more personal and professional.The images used look quite laid back and casual, but at the same time it looks like it appeals more to an indie audience. Genre: All styles of musicTarget Audience:18-28Overall: He has also thought thoroughly about the layout of the magazine in terms of cover lines, splash and the pug he is going to use. I think it will be an effective magazine, however he needs to consider what colour scheme he is going to use.