Music is It Just Entertainment

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  • 8/13/2019 Music is It Just Entertainment.



    Music has existed even before the dawn of civilization itself, it was evident in the harmony in the

    sounds that existed in the nature, the rustling of the trees and the rivers, the soothing chirping of

    the birds and the melody of buzz created by the life in the forests. As humans evolved, so did

    music, it gained more momentum and expanded its horizons along with the expansion of

    civilization. Having its humble beginning from the hollowed animal bones and twigs, as stated

    by Wilford (2007) University of Oxford in England reported last week that improved

    radiocarbon tests determined that animal bones found with the flutes were 42,000 to 43,000

    years old. This is close to the time when the first anatomically modern humans were

    spreading into Central Europe.Hence proving that music has always been an interregnal part

    of our lives. But sadly with the advent of modern civilization, that is becoming more and more

    concerned with the monetary aspect of life, commercialization seems to have become the soul of

    all. And even music has not been left out of the trend; as a result music has, to some become a

    commodity that is churned out of the factory only for fulfilling the entertainment quotient of

    everyday life. Great songs are those that have attained the most success in the box-office.

    Therefore, some believe, that the impression music has on this generation is simply that of

    entertainment. My research was based on the hypothesis contrary to the statement made above.

    My survey investigated and proved, that even now, music has a lot to offer other than just plain

    entertainment and that it still meant a lot to its listeners and has actually evolved to provide

    mankind with a wider, newly discovered, modern benefits. ( Wilford, J. N., 2007, D4)

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    Table of contents

    1. Introduction2. Background3. Research questions4. Hypothesis5. Methodology6. Data presentation and analysis7. Summary of research8. Limitations9. Conclusion10.References11.Appendix

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    Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination

    and life to everything.


    As clearly mentioned by one of the greatest philosophers known throughout the human history,

    music encompasses a wide field of physical, emotional and spiritual quotient. It would be utterly

    nave to label it just as a form of entertainment without digging deeper into the subject. Music, a

    proven by history, has time and time again played major part in uniting people to overcome

    oppression. At times when everyone was enveloped with fear, music gave them the power to

    unite and stand up for themselves. It is a natural drug for healing and lifting the spirits of

    thousands of sad and depressed people every day. It helps them connect emotionally with

    pressing issues and subject matters that otherwise remain hidden. Not only are all of its benefits

    just spiritual and intangible, as scientifically proven, it has various physical benefits as well. It

    has a huge impact on the brain development of young children, it is said to help them express

    themselves creatively, which is one the major problems faced at that tender age. It has other vital
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    medical benefits as well, which will be discussed in details further into this paper. The amount of

    effort that musicians and music puts forth in eradicating the world of its pains and troubles

    cannot, in ant wise, remain silent. The amount of awareness that music has the power to generate

    for social cause and oppressing issues is phenomenal. Whenever we face a major disaster, it is

    the musicians with their music who are the first to the rescue. As they help raise awareness for

    help, and as history has shown us times before, charity concerts organized by these prominent

    musicians are the most effective tool in generating help for the affected. All in all, music has

    been a faithful friend to humanity since its very inception, and its helping hand has only grown to

    be more and more humble in bearing gifts. But the mindless commercialization of music, only

    with the greed of monetary benefits in mind, has been able to create tarnish in its image. It is

    giving the modern society the conception that music is just another plain form of entertainment,

    and in some extreme cases it has also been able to create a negative image, as music and music

    videos with obscene images and lyrics that goes against all social and moral values are been

    generated to please the taste of certain sick audience, and producers are exploiting the sexual and

    the general curiosity of the youth population, by producing provocation material with the sole

    intention of profit in mind, and paying no heed to the damage it dose to the conception of music

    in peoples minds. Even though these negative forces are gaining in momentum, but the positives

    are still exists and are evident.

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    As mentioned in the introduction, the aim of this research is to establish the various quotients

    that firmly establish the fact that music encompasses fields wider than just entertainment. To

    begin with, the most historically significant contribution or aspect of music is the role it played

    in uniting and rallying oppressed people to raise for justice. Of the vast number of examples

    available, the most historically significant example of this phenomenon would be the Southern

    Civil Rights Movement in U.S.A where music sole handedly help sustain and eventually grow

    the movement against racial injustice during the 1950s and the early 1960s. The most powerful

    song that took birth from that movement was the iconic we shall overcome, as professor Ward

    (2004) states, Perhaps the most celebrated of all the freedom songs is We Shall

    Overcome. The complex process by which this song was adopted as a kind of unofficial

    anthem for the movement.the song as we now know, has become a global anthem, there are

    very few language that the song has not been translated into. This only goes to show how

    powerful the song was its time of inception, as it helped one of the worlds most abused society

    stand up for their right. The lyrics of the song are still relevant to these days and are still able to

    steer up emotions within its listeners. (Ward, B., 2004,para. 2, People Get Ready: Music and

    the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s)

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    The more recent and relatable example for the people of Bangladesh, would be the Shabagh

    Movement, where the youths of the country united to stand up for what they believed in. and to

    keep them united and rejuvenated for more than a month, they used song to keep them awake

    and motivated nights after nights. A tactic that was applied by the people of this very country

    during the turbulent times of its war for liberation from the Pakistani forces, which is till date

    considered as one of the bloodiest independence ever witnessed by the world.

    Even leading peace media activists Drew (2012) said that, I think the method of using art and

    music to involved the marginalized can be quite powerful, her experience in working for the

    equal rights of improvised women in Brazil has shown her that. (Drew, D., 2012, Para. 2, art

    and musics role inpeace building)

    Also the fact that music moves each and every one of us emotionally, up to a certain extent at

    least, cannot be denied. Hence it has the ability to affect us positively in our everyday life. It

    helps us escape the materialistic worries by providing us with a personal sanatorium, where we

    can assess the situation more deeply and sharply. It provides us with a strong sense of control,

    and hence makes us more confident in our everyday dealings and decision making ability. (

    Top10 Benefit of Listening Music,n.d. )

    Listening to music increases the Serotonin level in the humane brain, which is a type of

    neurotransmitter, the lack of which makes a person feel depressed. It also helps calm the sensory

    nerves of the human body, which helps reduce the level of anxiety, which may cause

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    sleeplessness or even anxiety disorder. Among other similar effects, listening to music is also

    known to help the brain function better by improving concentration, as famous scientist

    Albert Einstein once quoted, If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I

    often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.All these

    helps the memory quotient of the brain to develop better, boosts the confidence of the individual

    and helps them solve problems creatively. (Oak, M., 2012, Theeffects of music on the mind).

    Many scientist still consider music to be an evolutionary mystery, as the cause of its evolution

    still remains unsolved, but they altogether agree that music is actually a part of emotion of the

    human, it creates a social bonding and strengthens it among the fellow humans. (Boyed, R. S.,

    2003, the role of music in human life)

    The gift of music is also proven to be very beneficial to the young children, it is said to be a

    universal language that all of them can relate into. It especially boosts their brain power by

    stimulating parts of the brain that are concerned with reading, math and emotional development.

    Also the result of which is improved memory system. Also getting involved with music at an

    early age helps the young ones to be socially more confident and the overall confidence level

    increases. The quality of patience in the child also increases as music requires discipline, as

    through the process, they learn that. And as there is no end to learning, it becomes a process of

    constant learning and develops the brain further and fosters creativity, (Caron, S. W., 2010, 10

    ways music benefits children.)

    another important aspect is the music education itself, studies have time and time again showed

    its importance. It is revealed that schools with music education has a overall better performance
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    than schools that are without music education. And music education is not only arts education,

    rather it encompasses mathematics and other science fields as well, as to read music you have to

    be fairly creative and have a good mathematical knowledge as to be able to recognize the

    musical notes. (Levy, D., 2010, the importance of music in schools; Fogel, H., 2007, the

    importance of music in education.)

    music also has a vast range of medical benefits as well. Among the major physical benefits that

    music provides is its ability to reduce pain. Music is an effective therapy for pain, it is found that

    music can reduce pain by up to 21% and depression 25%, and that in some hospitals music is

    been used instead of anesthesia. Listening to classical music has also has the effect of lowering

    the blood pressure of the listener and music also serves as a heart medicine, as it si found that

    while listening to music the heart and the breathing rate are found to be operating at an optimum

    level. And latest research has further found that the phenomenon also helps increase the rate of

    post stroke of recovery. Not stopping there, music also gives a remedy for headaches and

    migranes, listeners of music faces a lower intensity of both. It aslo helps to boost up the

    immunity, as music creates a positive emotional experience. And as previously mentioned, music

    improves the intelligence, memory performance, concentration and attention in adults as well.

    Finally one more major benefits is that music helps better body movement and coordination by

    reducing muscle tension. . ( Top10 Benefit of Listening Music, n.d. )

    finally the contribution of the musicians and their music in generating awareness and helping the

    distressed through their music cannot be ignored. It is a known fact that whenever there is a

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    disaster of any sort, musicians always rush to help, by organizing benefit concerts that helps

    generate awareness for the cause as well as generate money to help that specific cause. One of

    the most prominent concerts was the Concert for Bangladesh, organized by the former Beatles

    member George Harrision, it is considered as the mother of all charity concerts. As it single

    handedly made the entire world aware of the mass genocide, rape and abuse that the people of

    now Bangladesh were facing. Such an act was not possible in any other wise at that time. What

    followed was a trend that generated enough positive power through music every time a major

    problem occurred, music was the brave fearless voice that was always heard. The success of such

    an event gave birth to many other events, some of the major of which were, the Concert for the

    people of Kampuchea, at London, which was aimed at the injustice the Cambodian people faced

    at the hand of their brutal leader Khmer Rouge, then there was the Live Aid concert that also

    took place at London and aimed at generating help for the famine affected people of Ethiopia, it

    was one of the biggest concerts in terms of magnitude, viewed by over 400million people over

    60 countries. Then just after 9/11 terrorist attacks, there took place the concert for New York.

    After the terrible tsunami took place, the concerts for Asia were organized to raise money for

    the countries affected by the tsunami. Live Aid concert saw the return of Bob Geldof with

    another noble cause of eradicating the debts of all the poor countries of the world, a message that

    they conveyed to the G8 leaders through music. This time the magnitude of the concert

    mammoth over his previous attempt. Overall it gives us an idea of the great deal of noble

    activisms that can be achieved through music. ( Dymond, G., 2010, benefit concerts: an

    abbreviated history)

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    The main questions that my paper aims to evaluate are as follow. The questions aims to give the

    paper a direction to follow and concentrate the field as mentioned earlier, music is one of the

    widest fields of art, hence otherwise the objective of the paper would become scattered. Some of

    the questions has already been fairly strengthened through the secondary research work

    presented in the background section, and strong proof and reasons are achieved from there. For

    the other opinion related questions, a related survey has been conducted.

    1. The power of music to unite and rally people and its relevance in peace and conflictresolution.

    2. Positive effect on everyday life.3. Educational benefit and benefit of music to children.4. Medical benefits of music.5. Charity and awareness generation.

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    It is my expectation from the research, to find that music is not merely just a form of basic

    entertainment. Rather it is the widest field of art with countless benefits for mankind to attain

    from it. It sooths the emotional soul, gives strength to stand up for ones right/ any form of

    oppression, or that of a nation. It even transcends into the physical boundaries by proving to be

    of vital importance in ones development. Altogether it stands as a strong and faithful friend of

    humanity and cannot be degraded as just another form of entertainment.

    RESEARCH METHODOLOGY:To find the answers for my questions, I devised two major paths. Firstly to conduct a survey

    target to the general population, including musicians, to answer some of my question. And go

    through various articles, journals, blogs and various other credible online resources.

    The survey consisted of 31 participants, of which 10 were musicians.

    And for my secondary research I went through an array 40 various articles, of which 16 proved

    credential enough to be useful in my research.

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    As mentioned in the research question section, my research to establish whether music is just

    another form of entertainment or not, concentrates on the five main questions. For the primary

    research, the questioner was designed in the best fitted manner to establish the result of those

    questions. The relevant questions were designed in the most efficient and accurate known

    format, where the respondents were asked to rate their opinion on a scale of one to five. This

    reduces the time taken to complete the survey, thus getting better result from the respondent as it

    is less straining to answer the questions, and also it makes the data analysis much more easier

    and accurate. With the scaling: (1=highly disagree, 2=moderately disagree, 3=neutral,

    4=moderately agree, 5=highly agree)

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    1. The power to unite and rally people an relevance in peace and conflict resolution.

    Question: can music help people overcome fear and arise to face injustice, despotic rulers,


    As we can see from the graph that the general trend of the answer is that people mostly agree

    with the question, that music can encourage people to overcome fear and stand up for

    themselves. And as we can see that this feeling is much stronger among the members of the

    musician community. Yet the answer is same for both the cases.

    Question 2.










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    Songs aired by Swadhin Bangla Betar Kendra were a source of great inspiration and

    encouragement to the people during the War of Liberation. Have you heard any of those

    songs? If yes, how would you express your feelings?

    As we can see from the graph that there is absolutely no musicians that believe

    that the songs are not relevant any more. Even though there are people who believe that the

    songs does not mean anything anymore, but the maximum number of people still believe that the

    songs still have historical importance. And once again the trend is much stronger with the

    musicians, and most of them believe that the songs are still important and that it give them a

    sense of being in those troublesome and courageous times, spiritually.




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    Positive effect in every day life.

    Question 1

    A song can make one happy when you are gloomy.

    As evident from the graph, both the musicians and the non-musicians strongly believe that the

    songs have a very powerful emotional effect on us, as it can inflict a change in our emotional

    state. The majority of the people agrees to this fact.

    Question 2

    Can music help people overcome depression?

    0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00

    highly disagree

    moderately disagree


    moderately agree

    highly agree



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    Although most of the musicians agree to this question, but it seems that the majority of the non-

    musicians are not on the same track, a reason for this may be that they think while depressed,

    listening to music will make them more depressed. But it depends on the type of music that one

    hears. Hens still keeping in accord with the hypothesis.

    Question 3

    Do you agree that some music helps, especially youngsters, to be socially more responsive and


    0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00

    highly disagree

    moderately disagree


    moderately agree

    highly agree



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    As we can see, that even though there are people of the general non-musician population who

    disagrees with this fact, but the majority of all the people still believes that it does bring about a

    change in the youth.

    Educational benefits and the benefits for children.

    Question 1

    Music makes learning basic things like counting, etc, much more easily for children.

    0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00

    highly disagree

    moderately disagree


    moderately agree

    highly agree



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    Both the graphs are slanted towards the right, or are skewed to the left, meaning

    that the population mean or average lies towards the right. Therefore most of the people agrees

    with the question, that music does help children learn faster.

    Question 2

    Students should be taugh music as subject at schools, due to its proven learning and development











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    This graph has also a similar case, as the population is skewed towards the left so most of the

    people agree that music should be taught at schools. But the trend is much stronger with the

    musician community.

    Medical benefits

    Question 1

    Music, especially slow music helps release stress.









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    Although there are few people who do not agree that music can help release stress, they think

    that rather loud music can help release stress, yet for both the samples, it is safe to say that the

    majority of the people believe that it is effective in releasing stress.

    Question 2

    Music distracts pain, both physical and psychological.


















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    Once again the trend in answer is similar to the previous question. Most of the people believes

    that it is able to distract pain, which is also a proven fact, as we saw in the background section of

    the paper.

    Charity and awareness generation

    Question 1

    Do you think that Concert for Bangladesh by George Harrison in 1971 and LiveAid by Geldof

    in 1985 to aid starving sub-Saharan Africans really helped the cause?

    This is the first case that shows that the response of the non-musician population is stronger that

    the musician sample. The over all trend in answer says that it indeed helped the cause.













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    Question 2

    Is activisms by musicians like Bono from U2 in the fields of hunger, disease and poverty and

    dramatic reduction in child mortality rate are closely related if not directly?

    The graph tells us that most of the people are neutral about the effect, yet the people who believe

    it has a positive effect is stronger that those who think that it has no effect. So we can take that

    there is a very weak relation.














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    As we can conclude from the questioner survey, that most of the answers went in accordance

    with our desire of proving the hypothesis correct, that music is not just merely a form of

    entertainment, and even people agreed with that.


    Combining our primary and secondary research, we can conclude that our findings matches with

    our hypothesis, that music is not just a form or entertainment. We have found sufficient proof

    from our secondary research. Which sheds light into the numerous benefits that music can inflict

    upon us. Starting from giving us courage to stand for what Is right, to emotional or psychological

    support, educational and health benefits, as well as trying to make the world a better place to live

    in. we have found that music is somehow involved in each of the cases mentioned above and

    plays a vital role in it.

    Our primary research results reflect the trend found by the secondary research results. They both

    agree that music has a wide number of important benefits. And people also agree with that, but

    the agreement is much more stronger among the musician community. But in both the cases they

    match the secondary data.

    Therefore the data collected fully supports our hypothesis, as because music is not just a shallow

    field of entertainment, rather it has numerous layers that are still waiting to be uncovered.

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    Although our hypothesis has been proved, the major limitation of this study are that he sample

    selected may not represent the population correctly. As much effort was not exerted while

    forming the sample. And that people tends to be biased towards their opinion. So even if the

    answer is not what they believe they would answer in such a manner that their side of the

    argument is stronger. Other than that the last complication faced was the limited amount of time.

    Music is a vast subject as we just saw, hence it takes a long time to adapt.


    With all the data collected and the research done, along with the data analysis information from

    the primary research, we can conclude that music still holds the same values for us as it did in its

    golden days. That is it still is more than just a passive entertainment factor and is a integral part

    of our live and our culture. With the benefits of emotional support, courage, psychological

    support, medical and educational benefits. Music is not and never was just a form of


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    Boyed, R. S., 2003, the role of music in human life. Retrieved from


    Caron, S. W., Top10 Benefit of Listening Music, n.d. Retrieved from


    Drew, D., 2012, para. 2, art and musics role in peacebuilding. Retrieved from


    Dymond, G., 2010, benefit concerts: an abbreviated history. Retrieved from


    Fogel, H., 2007, the importance of music in education.
  • 8/13/2019 Music is It Just Entertainment.


    Levy, D., 2010, the importance of music in schools. Retrieved from

    Oak, M., 2012, Theeffects of music on the mind. Retrieved from

    music -on-the-mind.

    Ward, B., 2004,para. 2, People Get Ready: Music and the Civil Rights Movement of the1950s

    and 1960s. Retrieved from



    Wilford, J. N., 2007,Flutes Revised Age Dates the Sound of Music Earlier

    D4. Retrieved from

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