THE INTERottIO l ou N N A oj oI L 1ft VOL XXXVI STANFORD KY TUESDAY AUGUST 4 1908 NO 44 f THE TEACHERS INSTITUTE THURSDAY MORNING Music by the Institute with Miss Bo ¬ gle as organist The devotional period was led by Rev Yandlo and followed by hit practical talk on Character Build- Ing History was the subject of the morning session introduced and die ¬ Jir cussed briefly by Ireft Ireland follow ed by Prof Leslie Anderson on How to Teach history which waa the best ever given to tb institute After re- cess I the liwtttHte was given over to Mrs W T Latterly of Cynthlana t who spoke at length in tho interest of the State School Improvement League which she was successful enough to or ¬ ganize In our county Many visitors were present to enjoy the pleasure of listening to Mrs Lafferty To havo missed hearing her was to lose tho t + 3 treat of the institute The league offi ¬ cers elected are as follows Miss Mattie Paxton president vice presi ¬ dent No 1 Mrs H D Phillips vice president No2 MIsa Geogla Lewis vIce president No3 Mr Leslie Ander ¬ son vice president No4 Miss Kate Bogle secretary of League Miss Stella McClary treasurer Prof J W Ire + landA most interesting paper on Civil Government was read by Miss Annie Dunn and tho discussion continued by Profs Davis Anderson Lay and J H Wlnn Prof Ireland next gave us In ¬ tercet In its fullest truest sense end Its vital use in school success Irof E F Davis Principal of Crab Orchard Graded School on now to Secure In ¬ terest made us wide awake on this subject Some splendid remarks were given us for future help- FRIDAY Music by institute with Miss Claudia E tton as organist Devotional exercis ¬ es by Rev Barker Physiology was I the first subject introduced and it was briefly discussed by Prof Ireland Wm Coldiron continued tho discussion and gave some practical suggestions for the use of sunshine and other simple means for preserving the health of tho indi ¬ vidual Prof Ireland discussed tho at ¬ tendanco upon the present Institute and insisted that teachers are as respond ¬ ble for good attendance as pupils lire for punctuality in their schools Leslie Anderson read the report from the com ¬ mittee on resolutions Supt Singioton put the resolutions before the institute and they were adopted without a die renting vote Prof Ireland closed his capacjty as instructor with tho same quotation from the Chambered Nan tllltns as ho had begun with Supt Shgleton announced that tho teachers from each educational division would meet immediately after adjournment to organize the Teachers Association then he declared tho work of tho mall- S ¬ tute at an end Prof Coldiron dismiss ¬ ed the assembly by a short prayer at 1130 A M RESOLUTIONS I lit That we extend our thanks to the School Board of Stanford for the use of tho Graded School building dur i ing the week and also to the peoplo of Stanford for tho hospitality they have shown us while we were among them We thank tho pastors of Stanford for the part they have taken in the Instl ¬ rr tute and also tho ladies who so kindly I furnished the music We desire to ex ¬ press our gratitude to Supt Singleton I for the fight he is making for the cause of education in this county 2nd That wo endorse tho action of the last General Assembly in passing the County School District law which abolished tho cumbersome trustee eye¬ tem and created in ita place a system- atic ¬ organization for education In Ken ¬ tucky Wo especially approve of lha establishment of the county high school that bridges the gap between the rural school and the State University and af ¬ fords to the pupils of tho country dis- c ¬ v tricts equal opportunity with the city pupil for higher education We look forward to tho operation of this law as tending towards greater things educa ¬ tionally We pledge our loyal support ti the new law and insist upon its rigid enforcement3rd we heartily approve of tho great work that is being done by our two Stato Normal Schools in tho thor ¬ ough training and preparation of teach- ers C r better and moro efficient ser- vice ¬ intho public schools of our State We eneeurago a liberal patronage of these tchools as a means of raising the standard of education in Kentucky 4th That wo heartily approve of the SchoolI S ate We sincerely thank kite W T Lafferty of Cynthlana for her able ad ¬ dress upon this subject and also for her assistance In organizing the League in thi county We urge all true citizens to support the efforts of this League in lie attempts to better the condition o ourschoolsbtk believe the method em ¬ plod in conducting the present insti Srate t be supariarlo the lectare plan bfcaWeaf ltfrVnoa 1 clfcaPbeneltt j derived from it and we heartily re- IL ¬ commend that we have a single county Institute next year We extend toi Prof J W Ireland our present In- structor ¬ our sincere thanks and high ¬ est appreciation for the practical talks and helpful suggestions he has given us during the week Wo unhesitatingly recommend Prof Ireland to any county in need of ouch services as an excellent and energetic institute instructor We greatly desiro tho services of Prof Ire- land ¬ as lustructor next year Cth That the law In regard to at- tendance ¬ upon the Institute be enforced and that tho teacher who falls to attend the full session bo required to teach an additional day for each days absence or be required to forfeit salary for the number of days absent 7th That wo commend the workof our secretary Miss Stella McClary In giving an accurate and full account of the proceedings of the institute and we also extend our thanks to the editor of the INTERIOR JOURNAL for publishing same In his splendid paper Mrs Adam Carpenter and daughter Miss Laura of Danville visited the In- stitute ¬ Thursday Mrs George Walden of Danville heard MnJ LafTertys address C J Sipple of London was with us in the interest of the Sue Bennett Me ¬ morial School and the Jumbo Camp MeetingMr W Carnahan of Coving ton representing Ginn Co spoke to tho institute on Thursday morning School Improvement is the watch word of Kentucky fur tho present school year- ExTeachers Dr Shelton Rev Barker Mrs J C McClary and Miss Mottle Paxton were made honorary members of tho institute McKINNEY Dr Grider is building an addition to his dwelling Tho basement will be used for an office Prayer meeting at the Christian church next Wednesday night Subject is Sunday school lesson for the follow ¬ ing Sunday Mr S M Owens served as ring mar ¬ shal at both the Crab OrchardandStan ford fairs He filled this capacity in a most efficient and satisfactory manner Born to tho wife of Stroud Gooch a fine girl Mrs Winter Wright who has been visiting Mrs Green Moore has returned to her home In Lexington Mr Samuel Montgomery has just finished erecting a large hay barn on Stanford Avenue and la now ready to furnish the very best timothy and clo- ver ¬ hay at lowest prices- A movement is on foot to organize a law and order league for our little city Such an action ia certainly commend ¬ able and should receive the impetus necessary to make it a reality Quite a number of our peoplo attend ¬ ed the Lincoln county fair all of whom speak in high terms of tho magnificent display of stock and the generous hose peopleR and lone red out of nine shows at the Stan ¬ ford Fair with his string Mr Scudder refused 2000 for his threeyearold stallion by Rex Peavine lie took his famous bread winners to Lancaster last weekThe influx of lumber and spokes into this place during tho past week for shipment to various manufactories throughout tho country has exceeded any for the last six or eight months Lumbermen say they are preparing for a sudden Impulse and revival in business which must come in the next few monthsAmong those who went on the ex ¬ union to Mammoth Cavo Thursday 30th were tho following Misses Alice Gooch Nora RifTc Pearl Mobley Mrs A R Nunnclley Messrs J S Mobley Sam Beck Will Beck Will Dudderar John Beck and Watt Dudderar Dr C II Smith of Atlanta Ga was the guest of Miss Gertrude Gooch Miss Amelia McKinney of Louisville is vis ¬ iting A B McKinney Misses Mao and Alpha Traylor of Stanford are the guests of Mm Ashlock at the hotel Miss Maud Lay who has been visiting relatives in Parksville has returned home Miss Bcrta Murphy who has been very ill Is convalescing Mrs Samantha Rubble of Stanford is visit ¬ ing her sister Mrs F M Ware Pain will depart In exactly 20 min ¬ utes if ono of Dr Shoops Pink Pain Tablets is taken PaIn anywhere Remember Pain always means con ¬ gestion blood pressure nothing else Headache Is blood pressure toothache is blood pressure on the sensitive nerve Dr Sloops Headache Tablets also called Pink Pain Tablets qucklyandsatet coax this blood pressure away from the pain centers Painful periods with women get In ¬ byPennys Auntie Clara Smith who lived over halflieilifolttllavery died in Louis vlllo at the age of 105 NEWS NOTES An Ohio city Is to havo a Jim Crow theatreMrs Annie E Lynch who died at Plttsburg weighed 510 pounds Former State Senator Caswell Prew itt of Montgomery county is dead Ground was broken yesterday for the Interurban line from Lexington to Nich olasvillo Charles Humphreys and Harry Stem ¬ ley prominent men of Philadelphia were killed in an automobile accident Three children of James Pike of Christian county after partaking freely of sausage became ill and one of them diedOcean freight rates on grain from New York to the ports of Continental Europe have heen advanced by the steamship lines The Mississippi Valley Medical Asso ¬ ciation has announced that it will hold Its 34th annual convention in Louisville October 114 and 1C In the Cumberland circuit court Cull Morgan was convicted of cutting the brands off of sawlogs and wan given ono year in the penitentiary- The arrest of three men in Brooklyn disclosed the fact that the Adams Ex ¬ press Company has lost about 100 000 through a series of trunk robberies James T Blair of Parkersburg W Va president of the Marietta Colum ¬ bus and Cleveland Railroad Company has been appointed receiver for the roadE H Harriman is said to be contem- plating ¬ the erection of a 50story build ¬ ing in New York to accomodate the general offices of all the railroads now under his control Mrs Ben Teal and Harry Mousley were held to answer to the grand jury at New York on the charge of attempt ¬ ed subornation of perjury in preparing evidence In the Gould divorce suit John Simenson and Louis Dabner know as the gaspipo thugs who committed a series of daring crimes in San Francisco following the earthquake and fire in 1900 wero executed at San Quentin The Receivers and Shippers Asso ¬ elation of Cincinnati has received word from President Roosevelt that the Att- orney General Is carefully looking into the matter of the protest against railroad freight advances John Larson crazed by drink shot and probably fatally wounded his em ¬ ployer J A Morrill and the house ¬ keeper Mrs May Balcoltn For four hours ho guarded his victims while Merrills blind mother sat helpless in tho room Larson finally committed suicide He was employed as a hand on Morrills farm near Batavia III Charging that the American Tobacco Company had caused it an actual mon etary loss of 500000 and had ruined its business by restraint of trade and unfair competition the Monarch Tobac- co Company of Louisville filed suit in the Federal Court for 1500000 as damages Tho Nail Williams To ¬ bacco Company and the Mengel Box Company are named as coconspirators Judgo Kohlsaat in the Federal Cir ¬ cuit Court at Chicago refused to sot aside the injunction preventing the Government from enforcing tho new whisky labeling regulations The Treasury Department has announced its intention to push the cose to de- cision by the highest court and mean ¬ time will enforce the new rules in ev- ery ¬ instance whero an injunction has not been made 1 Health Coffee is really the closest Coffee Imitation ever yet produced This clover Coffee Substitute was re ¬ cently produced by Dr Snoop of Ilaclno Wis Not a grain of real Cof ¬ fee in It either Dr Shoops Health Coffee Is made from pure toasted grains with malt nuts etc Really It would fool an expert whomight drink it for Coffee No CO or 30 minutes tedious boiling Mado In a minute says the doctor Sold by Penny > Drug Store p p e Congressman Joseph B Bennett voted to Increase his salary to 7500 a year That is more money than Joseph B probably ever saw in his life and to think that it might all be his for rattling around in Washington for a few months each year if the ungracious Democrats didnt intend to chase him to the tall timber next November Aint It a shame7Cynthlana Dem¬ ocrat Just Exactly Right I have used Or Ivjngs New Life Pills for several years and find them just exactly rlcht says Mr A A Felton of Uarrlsvllle N V New Life PlUs relievo without the least dls cbthfort Best remedy for constipa ¬ tion biliousness andmafarla 256 at Penny BTirugStdre The average missionary contribution for each HipJI in eSu schobWIs IiikHeg intile Episbopal1denominittdii- than any other JASON WESLEY The gentlemanly and efficient secretary of the Casey County Fair which will be held at Liberty Aug 26 27 and 28 HUSTONVILLE Emmet McCormack sold to James Yowell 15 1100pound cattle at 4Jc f L B Peck has sold his stock of mer ¬ chandise near McKinney to Mr Aus- tin ¬ who will continue the business Miss Cora Lipps has accepted a po ¬ sition with W B Davis Son at lIar rodsburgPine sand followed by a quantity of hand broken stone will be put on the roads near Mt Salem Our horSemen fared well at the Lan ¬ caster fair among the big winners be ¬ ing D S Carpenter and Josiah Bishop The South Kentucky Baptist Associa ¬ tion convenes at New Salem church on Aug 11th Delegates from all coun ¬ ties will attend The Chrisman farm of 90 acres near Moreland has been rented by Executor Dr E Alcorn to W W White of Boyle County for 1909 for S445 Dr J C Bolin who has been prac ¬ ticing here for a year has decided to return to Somerset permanently He carries the best wishes of the commun ¬ ity with him The religious debate at Moreland be ¬ tweenev Cook of the Methodist church and Rev Burros a Seventh Day Adventist has closed The debates drew large crowds Miss Black Givens has rented her place for next year to Mr Ends for 350 Miss Sallie Hawkins and Mrs Frank Oglesby of Corbin are guests of Mrs John A Blain Miss Kay Snllee of Harrodsburg hos been employed by our board of educa ¬ tion as an assistant teacher tin Graded School here Miss Jane Ford of Lex ¬ ington is visiting Mrs G C Lvon Among the guests at Russell Springs are James Reid Doc Drye George Weatherford Dr 0 S Williams Judge James P Bailey J G Weather ford and W 0 Speed The balance of the party is composed of ladies who will leave later on Mr and Mrs G B Cooper of Star ¬ ford were with friends here Sunday Miss Josephine Goode of Louisville is with her parents here Miss Mattie Horton of Virginia is visiting her sis ¬ ter Mrs McKee Riffe Misses Macie Talbot of Paris and Virginia Lyman of Louisville are guests of Miss Angle Carpenter Miss Frankie Kauffman of Lancaster is the guest of relatives here The Remedy That Does Dr Kings New Discovery Is the remedy that does the healing others promise butfail to pertonn says Mrs E R Pierson of Auburn Centre Pa It is curing me of throat and lung trouble of long standing that other treatments relieved only tempo ¬ rarily New Discovery Is me so much good that I feel confident its continued use for a reasonable length of time will restore me to perfect health1 This renowned cough and cold remedy and tlroatand lung heal or Is gold at PennYsDrlig Store 50o and 81 Trial bottle free Robert Thurman a Russell county farmer shot himself through the heart No cause is assigned Heat prostrates the nerves In tho summer one needs a tonic to offset the customary hot weather Nerve and Strength depression You wilt feel better within 4ffhburs after beginning to take such a remedy as Dr Shoops Restorative Its prompt action In re- storing the weakened iv Is surpris ¬ ing Of course you wont got entirely strong in a few days but each day you can actually feel Hho Improvement That Urea lifeless spiritless feeling will quickly depart when using the Restorative Dr Shoops Restorative will sharpen a falling appetite it aids tllgcsUdnj it wilt Btrengttfoh the weak ened JKWneys1 and TJfiart > t simply rebuilding the w6rnoat nerves that these an ep 1 Teal it- afewdaysandbeconvce1 sQl by Penny Drug Store Four n HI Rousing Big Days At Danville AUGUST 56 7 and 8 1908 First Regiment Band of Louisville will fur the music There will be a Free Wild West Exhibition on the grounds including real In ¬ dians and daring broncho riders present ¬ ing hairraising acts The grounds will be alive with free attractions and side shows I 1 There will be a free balloon ascension each day Among tho attractions is a 8300 Roadster Ring a 8300 Sweepstake Sad- dle ¬ Ring and 850nnd 8100 premiums innumerable There will be 5 Big Trotting and 4 Running Races f- Oil the big track during the three last days with aggregate purses of 1050 The races arc exclusive of the regular catalogued events which amount to more than 2500 in premiums One admission ticket entitles the holder to e nil of the above big things JULY CLEARANCE SALE Summer Clothes at Almost Zero Prices 820 00 Mens Suits in the latest styles at 1398 16 50 Mens Suits in the latest styles at 1198 15 00 Mens Suits in the latest styles at 1008 12 50 Mens Suits in the latest styles at 948 10 00 Mens Suits in the latest styles at 748 7 50 Mens Suits in the Irtest styles at 548 84 00 Ie nlOx ford Shoes in nil leathers at S3 25 3 50 Mens Oxford Shoes in nil leathers at 2 98 3 00 Mens Oxford Shoes in all leathers at 2 48 2 50 Mens Oxford Shoes in all leathers at 200 3 00 Ladies Oxford Shoes in all leathers at 82 25 2 50Ladies Oxford Shoes in all leathers at 1 98 2 00 Ladies Oxford Shoes in all leathers at 1 48 1 TSJLadies Oxford Shoes in nil leathers al 1 38n s 1 50 Ladies Oxford Shoes in all leathers at 1 25 All Mfsseaapd Childrens Oxford Shoes go at prices like the above Come and see our goods before you buy Our loss is your gain SAM ROBINSON STANFORD KY Clothing Dry Goods Shoes Hats Caps La ¬ dies and Gents Furnishings Etc Casey Counnj Fair INCORPORATED J AT LIBERTY KY H of t xtf ALL 26 27 and 2S 2q01 t Ii i s j 3mIJ l 1 OFFICERS C H BARTLE D4R PrQsidentsbil J Treasrrr- 1Hn1 < 1 fn MUSIC BY STQ MW jjlTThi pp Liberal Premiums in lI Rings Yrjte for Catalogue vX f- t r

music be Exhibition ing with - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7xgx44s655/data/1391.pdf · VOL XXXVI STANFORD KY TUESDAY AUGUST 4 1908 NO 44 f ... tucky Wo especially approve

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THURSDAY MORNINGMusic by the Institute with Miss Bo ¬

gle as organist The devotional periodwas led by Rev Yandlo and followedby hit practical talk on Character Build-

Ing History was the subject of themorning session introduced and die ¬

Jircussed briefly by Ireft Ireland followed by Prof Leslie Anderson on Howto Teach history which waa the bestever given to tb institute After re-

cessI the liwtttHte was given over toMrs W T Latterly of Cynthlana

twho spoke at length in tho interest ofthe State School Improvement Leaguewhich she was successful enough to or ¬

ganize In our county Many visitorswere present to enjoy the pleasure oflistening to Mrs Lafferty To havomissed hearing her was to lose thot +

3 treat of the institute The league offi ¬

cers elected are as follows MissMattie Paxton president vice presi ¬

dent No 1 Mrs H D Phillips vicepresident No2 MIsa Geogla LewisvIce president No3 Mr Leslie Ander ¬

son vice president No4 Miss KateBogle secretary of League Miss StellaMcClary treasurer Prof J W Ire +

landAmost interesting paper on Civil

Government was read by Miss AnnieDunn and tho discussion continued byProfs Davis Anderson Lay and J HWlnn Prof Ireland next gave us In ¬

tercet In its fullest truest sense endIts vital use in school success IrofE F Davis Principal of Crab OrchardGraded School on now to Secure In ¬

terest made us wide awake on thissubject Some splendid remarks weregiven us for future help-

FRIDAYMusic by institute with Miss Claudia

E tton as organist Devotional exercis ¬

es by Rev Barker Physiology was I

the first subject introduced and it wasbriefly discussed by Prof Ireland WmColdiron continued tho discussion andgave some practical suggestions for theuse of sunshine and other simple meansfor preserving the health of tho indi ¬

vidual Prof Ireland discussed tho at ¬

tendanco upon the present Institute andinsisted that teachers are as respond ¬

ble for good attendance as pupils lirefor punctuality in their schools LeslieAnderson read the report from the com ¬

mittee on resolutions Supt Singiotonput the resolutions before the instituteand they were adopted without a dierenting vote Prof Ireland closed hiscapacjty as instructor with tho samequotation from the Chambered Nantllltns as ho had begun with SuptShgleton announced that tho teachersfrom each educational division wouldmeet immediately after adjournment toorganize the Teachers Associationthen he declared tho work of tho mall-



tute at an end Prof Coldiron dismiss ¬

ed the assembly by a short prayer at1130 A M


I lit That we extend our thanks tothe School Board of Stanford for theuse of tho Graded School building dur

i ing the week and also to the peoplo ofStanford for tho hospitality they haveshown us while we were among themWe thank tho pastors of Stanford forthe part they have taken in the Instl ¬

rr tute and also tho ladies who so kindlyI furnished the music We desire to ex ¬

press our gratitude to Supt SingletonI for the fight he is making for the cause

of education in this county2nd That wo endorse tho action of

the last General Assembly in passingthe County School District law whichabolished tho cumbersome trustee eye¬

tem and created in ita place a system-atic


organization for education In Ken ¬

tucky Wo especially approve of lhaestablishment of the county high schoolthat bridges the gap between the ruralschool and the State University and af¬

fords to the pupils of tho country dis-c


v tricts equal opportunity with the citypupil for higher education We lookforward to tho operation of this law astending towards greater things educa ¬

tionally We pledge our loyal supportti the new law and insist upon its rigid

enforcement3rdwe heartily approve of tho

great work that is being done by ourtwo Stato Normal Schools in tho thor ¬

ough training and preparation of teach-ers C r better and moro efficient ser-


intho public schools of our StateWe eneeurago a liberal patronage ofthese tchools as a means of raising thestandard of education in Kentucky

4th That wo heartily approve of theSchoolIS ate We sincerely thank kite W TLafferty of Cynthlana for her able ad ¬

dress upon this subject and also for herassistance In organizing the League inthi county We urge all true citizensto support the efforts of this Leaguein lie attempts to better the conditiono

ourschoolsbtkbelieve the method em ¬

plod in conducting the present insti

Srate tbe supariarlo the lectare planbfcaWeaf ltfrVnoa 1clfcaPbeneltt j

derived from it and we heartily re-



commend that we have a single countyInstitute next year We extend toiProf J W Ireland our present In-


our sincere thanks and high ¬

est appreciation for the practical talksand helpful suggestions he has given usduring the week Wo unhesitatinglyrecommend Prof Ireland to any countyin need of ouch services as an excellentand energetic institute instructor Wegreatly desiro tho services of Prof Ire-


as lustructor next yearCth That the law In regard to at-


upon the Institute be enforcedand that tho teacher who falls to attendthe full session bo required to teach anadditional day for each days absenceor be required to forfeit salary for thenumber of days absent

7th That wo commend the workofour secretary Miss Stella McClary Ingiving an accurate and full account ofthe proceedings of the institute and wealso extend our thanks to the editor ofthe INTERIOR JOURNAL for publishingsame In his splendid paper

Mrs Adam Carpenter and daughterMiss Laura of Danville visited the In-


ThursdayMrs George Walden of Danville

heard MnJ LafTertys addressC J Sipple of London was with us

in the interest of the Sue Bennett Me¬

morial School and the Jumbo Camp

MeetingMrW Carnahan of Coving

ton representing Ginn Co spoke totho institute on Thursday morning

School Improvement is the watchword of Kentucky fur tho presentschool year-

ExTeachers Dr Shelton RevBarker Mrs J C McClary and MissMottle Paxton were made honorarymembers of tho institute

McKINNEYDr Grider is building an addition to

his dwelling Tho basement will beused for an office

Prayer meeting at the Christianchurch next Wednesday night Subjectis Sunday school lesson for the follow ¬

ing SundayMr S M Owens served as ring mar ¬

shal at both the Crab OrchardandStanford fairs He filled this capacity in amost efficient and satisfactory manner

Born to tho wife of Stroud Gooch afine girl Mrs Winter Wright whohas been visiting Mrs Green Moorehas returned to her home In Lexington

Mr Samuel Montgomery has justfinished erecting a large hay barn onStanford Avenue and la now ready tofurnish the very best timothy and clo-


hay at lowest prices-A movement is on foot to organize a

law and order league for our little citySuch an action ia certainly commend ¬

able and should receive the impetusnecessary to make it a reality

Quite a number of our peoplo attend ¬

ed the Lincoln county fair all of whomspeak in high terms of tho magnificentdisplay of stock and the generous hose

peopleR and

lone red out of nine shows at the Stan ¬

ford Fair with his string Mr Scudderrefused 2000 for his threeyearoldstallion by Rex Peavine lie took hisfamous bread winners to Lancaster lastweekThe

influx of lumber and spokes intothis place during tho past week forshipment to various manufactoriesthroughout tho country has exceededany for the last six or eight monthsLumbermen say they are preparing fora sudden Impulse and revival in businesswhich must come in the next few

monthsAmongthose who went on the ex ¬

union to Mammoth Cavo Thursday30th were tho following Misses AliceGooch Nora RifTc Pearl Mobley MrsA R Nunnclley Messrs J S MobleySam Beck Will Beck Will DudderarJohn Beck and Watt Dudderar DrC II Smith of Atlanta Ga was theguest of Miss Gertrude Gooch MissAmelia McKinney of Louisville is vis ¬

iting A B McKinney Misses Mao andAlpha Traylor of Stanford are theguests of Mm Ashlock at the hotelMiss Maud Lay who has been visitingrelatives in Parksville has returnedhome Miss Bcrta Murphy who hasbeen very ill Is convalescing MrsSamantha Rubble of Stanford is visit ¬

ing her sister Mrs F M Ware

Pain will depart In exactly 20 min ¬

utes if ono of Dr Shoops Pink PainTablets is taken PaIn anywhereRemember Pain always means con ¬

gestion blood pressure nothing elseHeadache Is blood pressure toothacheis blood pressure on the sensitivenerve Dr Sloops Headache Tablets

also called Pink Pain Tabletsqucklyandsatet coax this bloodpressure away from the pain centersPainful periods with women get In ¬

byPennysAuntie Clara Smith who lived over

halflieilifolttllavery died in Louisvlllo at the age of 105


An Ohio city Is to havo a Jim Crow

theatreMrsAnnie E Lynch who died at

Plttsburg weighed 510 poundsFormer State Senator Caswell Prew

itt of Montgomery county is deadGround was broken yesterday for the

Interurban line from Lexington to Nicholasvillo

Charles Humphreys and Harry Stem¬

ley prominent men of Philadelphiawere killed in an automobile accident

Three children of James Pike ofChristian county after partaking freelyof sausage became ill and one of them

diedOceanfreight rates on grain from

New York to the ports of ContinentalEurope have heen advanced by thesteamship lines

The Mississippi Valley Medical Asso¬

ciation has announced that it will holdIts 34th annual convention in LouisvilleOctober 114 and 1C

In the Cumberland circuit court CullMorgan was convicted of cutting thebrands off of sawlogs and wan givenono year in the penitentiary-

The arrest of three men in Brooklyndisclosed the fact that the Adams Ex ¬

press Company has lost about 100

000 through a series of trunk robberiesJames T Blair of Parkersburg W

Va president of the Marietta Colum ¬

bus and Cleveland Railroad Companyhas been appointed receiver for the

roadEH Harriman is said to be contem-


the erection of a 50story build ¬

ing in New York to accomodate thegeneral offices of all the railroads nowunder his control

Mrs Ben Teal and Harry Mousleywere held to answer to the grand juryat New York on the charge of attempt ¬

ed subornation of perjury in preparingevidence In the Gould divorce suit

John Simenson and Louis Dabnerknow as the gaspipo thugs whocommitted a series of daring crimes inSan Francisco following the earthquakeand fire in 1900 wero executed at SanQuentin

The Receivers and Shippers Asso ¬

elation of Cincinnati has received wordfrom President Roosevelt that the Att-

orney General Is carefully lookinginto the matter of the protest againstrailroad freight advances

John Larson crazed by drink shotand probably fatally wounded his em ¬

ployer J A Morrill and the house ¬

keeper Mrs May Balcoltn For fourhours ho guarded his victims whileMerrills blind mother sat helpless intho room Larson finally committedsuicide He was employed as a handon Morrills farm near Batavia III

Charging that the American TobaccoCompany had caused it an actual monetary loss of 500000 and had ruinedits business by restraint of trade andunfair competition the Monarch Tobac-co Company of Louisville filed suit inthe Federal Court for 1500000 asdamages Tho Nail Williams To ¬

bacco Company and the Mengel BoxCompany are named as coconspirators

Judgo Kohlsaat in the Federal Cir¬

cuit Court at Chicago refused to sotaside the injunction preventing theGovernment from enforcing tho newwhisky labeling regulations TheTreasury Department has announcedits intention to push the cose to de-cision by the highest court and mean ¬

time will enforce the new rules in ev-


instance whero an injunction hasnot been made

1 Health Coffee is really the closestCoffee Imitation ever yet producedThis clover Coffee Substitute was re¬

cently produced by Dr Snoop ofIlaclno Wis Not a grain of real Cof¬

fee in It either Dr Shoops HealthCoffee Is made from pure toastedgrains with malt nuts etc Really Itwould fool an expert whomight drinkit for Coffee No CO or 30 minutestedious boiling Mado In a minutesays the doctor Sold by Penny >

Drug Storep p e

Congressman Joseph B Bennettvoted to Increase his salary to 7500a year That is more money thanJoseph B probably ever saw in his lifeand to think that it might all be his forrattling around in Washington for afew months each year if the ungraciousDemocrats didnt intend to chase himto the tall timber next November

Aint It a shame7Cynthlana Dem¬


Just Exactly RightI have used Or Ivjngs New Life

Pills for several years and find themjust exactly rlcht says Mr A AFelton of Uarrlsvllle N V NewLife PlUs relievo without the least dlscbthfort Best remedy for constipa ¬

tion biliousness andmafarla 256 atPenny BTirugStdre

The average missionary contributionfor each HipJI in eSu schobWIsIiikHeg intile Episbopal1denominittdii-than any other


The gentlemanly and efficient secretaryof the Casey County Fair which will beheld at Liberty Aug 26 27 and 28


Emmet McCormack sold to JamesYowell 15 1100pound cattle at 4Jcf L B Peck has sold his stock of mer ¬

chandise near McKinney to Mr Aus-


who will continue the businessMiss Cora Lipps has accepted a po ¬

sition with W B Davis Son at lIarrodsburgPine

sand followed by a quantityof hand broken stone will be put on theroads near Mt Salem

Our horSemen fared well at the Lan ¬

caster fair among the big winners be ¬

ing D S Carpenter and Josiah BishopThe South Kentucky Baptist Associa ¬

tion convenes at New Salem church onAug 11th Delegates from all coun ¬

ties will attendThe Chrisman farm of 90 acres near

Moreland has been rented by ExecutorDr E Alcorn to W W White ofBoyle County for 1909 for S445

Dr J C Bolin who has been prac ¬

ticing here for a year has decided toreturn to Somerset permanently Hecarries the best wishes of the commun ¬

ity with himThe religious debate at Moreland be ¬

tweenev Cook of the Methodistchurch and Rev Burros a SeventhDay Adventist has closed The debatesdrew large crowds

Miss Black Givens has rented herplace for next year to Mr Ends for

350 Miss Sallie Hawkins and MrsFrank Oglesby of Corbin are guestsof Mrs John A Blain

Miss Kay Snllee of Harrodsburg hosbeen employed by our board of educa ¬

tion as an assistant teacher tin GradedSchool here Miss Jane Ford of Lex ¬

ington is visiting Mrs G C LvonAmong the guests at Russell Springs

are James Reid Doc Drye GeorgeWeatherford Dr 0 S WilliamsJudge James P Bailey J G Weatherford and W 0 Speed The balance ofthe party is composed of ladies whowill leave later on

Mr and Mrs G B Cooper of Star ¬

ford were with friends here SundayMiss Josephine Goode of Louisville iswith her parents here Miss MattieHorton of Virginia is visiting her sis ¬

ter Mrs McKee Riffe Misses MacieTalbot of Paris and Virginia Lymanof Louisville are guests of Miss AngleCarpenter Miss Frankie Kauffman ofLancaster is the guest of relativeshere

The Remedy That DoesDr Kings New Discovery Is the

remedy that does the healing otherspromise butfail to pertonn says MrsE R Pierson of Auburn CentrePa It is curing me of throat andlung trouble of long standing thatother treatments relieved only tempo ¬

rarily New Discovery Is meso much good that I feel confident itscontinued use for a reasonable lengthof time will restore me to perfecthealth1 This renowned cough andcold remedy and tlroatand lung healor Is gold at PennYsDrlig Store 50oand 81 Trial bottle free

Robert Thurman a Russell countyfarmer shot himself through the heartNo cause is assigned

Heat prostrates the nerves In thosummer one needs a tonic to offset thecustomary hot weather Nerve andStrength depression You wilt feelbetter within 4ffhburs after beginningto take such a remedy as Dr ShoopsRestorative Its prompt action In re-storing the weakened iv Is surpris ¬

ing Of course you wont got entirelystrong in a few days but each day youcan actually feel Hho ImprovementThat Urea lifeless spiritless feelingwill quickly depart when using theRestorative Dr Shoops Restorativewill sharpen a falling appetite it aidstllgcsUdnj it wilt Btrengttfoh the weakened JKWneys1 and TJfiart >t simplyrebuilding the w6rnoat nerves thatthese an ep1 Teal it-

afewdaysandbeconvce1 sQl byPenny Drug Store


HIRousing Big Days

At DanvilleAUGUST 56 7 and 8 1908

First Regiment Band of Louisville will furthe music There will be a Free Wild WestExhibition on the grounds including real In ¬

dians and daring broncho riders present¬

ing hairraising acts The grounds will bealive with free attractions and side shows

I 1

There will be a free balloon ascension eachday

Among tho attractions is a 8300 Roadster Ring a 8300 Sweepstake Sad-



Ring and 850nnd 8100 premiums innumerable There will be

5 Big Trotting and4

Running Racesf-

Oil the big track during the three last days with aggregate purses of 1050The races arc exclusive of the regular catalogued events which amount to

more than 2500 in premiums One admission ticket entitles the holder toe

nil of the above big things

JULY CLEARANCE SALESummer Clothes at Almost Zero Prices

820 00 Mens Suits in the latest styles at 139816 50 Mens Suits in the latest styles at 119815 00 Mens Suits in the latest styles at 100812 50 Mens Suits in the latest styles at 94810 00 Mens Suits in the latest styles at 748

7 50 Mens Suits in the Irtest styles at 548

84 00 Ie nlOx ford Shoes in nil leathers at S3 25

3 50 Mens Oxford Shoes in nil leathers at 2 98

3 00 Mens Oxford Shoes in all leathers at 2 48

2 50 Mens Oxford Shoes in all leathers at 200

3 00 Ladies Oxford Shoes in all leathers at 82 25

2 50Ladies Oxford Shoes in all leathers at 1 98

2 00 Ladies Oxford Shoes in all leathers at 1 48

1 TSJLadies Oxford Shoes in nil leathers al 1 38n s

1 50 Ladies Oxford Shoes in all leathers at 1 25

All Mfsseaapd Childrens Oxford Shoes go at prices like the above Comeand see our goods before you buy Our loss is your gain


Clothing Dry Goods Shoes Hats Caps La¬

dies and Gents Furnishings Etc



ALL 26 27 and 2S 2q01t Iii s j3mIJ l1


C H BARTLED4R PrQsidentsbilJ Treasrrr-

1Hn1 < 1 fnMUSIC BY STQ MW jjlTThi pp Liberal Premiums in lI

Rings Yrjte for CataloguevX f-

t r