Munoz All Relations Ch 3

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  • 8/12/2019 Munoz All Relations Ch 3


    All Relations Appear To Disappear, by Tisziji Muoz.

    Copyright 1989 by Tisziji Muoz. All rights reserved.


    Chapter 3

    Being Responsible For Love

    It is important to see and know how you unconsciously create

    disruptive, negative experiences in your life and in your

    relationships. Not being able to see the person you are with, orsee into the person you are with to the degree that you already

    know when the situation, regardless of the Love, is going to

    change, without having to fuss about it. Then you can really

    know the person. However, if you do not know when or if that is

    going to happen, you may neither truly know the person nor

    yourself. Genuine heart, mind and body sharing makes all such

    changes obvious and irrelevant. You are going to Be Here Now

    or are you going to have to go. I didnt create you, so lets just

    enjoy this relationship Now. Thank God we are together for the

    moment. And if this is great, maybe there are some greater ones

    waiting for me when I let this one go? Maybe there is a

    progression? Wow, this one was good, but hey, you got anythingbetter up there? Well, I am ready now. I am all cleaned up,

    waiting for the next one. I hope the next one is better. That last

    one was sure juicy. That is trusting in the process instead of

    using the process of change to upset your way of life, clog your

    circuits and destroy your relations. That is just one way it can

    happen. You have to consider if your real destiny is to be upset

    and broken hearted and a mere spiritually broken ego or if your

    destiny is to be Happy, Free and in Love with Life Itself?

    You can say, what do you mean by you? This lower-part you

    or this higher consciousness you? There are different yous in

    you. The body you is one you. The emotional you is another you.The intellectual you is another you. The spiritual you is another

    you. Somewhere along the line, you have to reckon with all of

    these yous or Is. Some people will bring about a different

    quality of your yous, from out of your large bag of yous. So

    when somebody asks you, who are you, it sounds like an

    astoundingly profound question. Who knows, right? Beats me.

  • 8/12/2019 Munoz All Relations Ch 3


    All Relations Appear To Disappear, by Tisziji Muoz.

    Copyright 1989 by Tisziji Muoz. All rights reserved.


    Dont know? Your guess is as good as mine because there are so

    many yous in everybody.

    What I am saying now is that there are probably a good number

    of other yous in you that other beings will bring out. Ideally,

    they will be at least as ecstatic and joyous as the other times and

    other beings you have enjoyed. You have to trust in the processof change, not only in terms of its negative returns but its

    positive ones as well. That is why it is important to keep things

    positive in a relationship when you see it is going somewhere

    else. You want the ending of that to be as sweet as possible so

    that the sweetness can then open up, bring about or lead into

    the next relationship. And you clear the waves for it.

    There are too many beings out here. Too many gorgeous, hot,

    juicy and powerful waste-organs out there. There are just too

    many of them out there. There is an infinite variety of them, in

    other countries too. All you have to do is go over seas and you

    have to fight some of them off of you. You have only to move

    around and circulate. Waste-organ flesh bag beings are operating


    Today, in this day and age, there is a lot of toxic waste in those

    waste-organs, and you have to be very careful about that.

    Clearly, you have to assume a new intelligence relative to letting

    the waste-organs determine how you feel, how you show up at

    work the next day, and so on. You have to be aware of the

    paradox that you, as Soul, are not the body, you are not the

    waste-organs, yet you are, to some degree. The waste organs are

    a temporary function of the body-being which is not only who or

    what a person or being is.

    What ordinary relationship brings is a temporary form of joy or

    illusory happiness followed by suffering because of a time-

    change and not wanting to let it go or not wanting to see it

    change or let it be. What that not wanting change or clinging

    to what was does is negate whatever illusion there was or is of

    Love. What is happening is contraction, withholding or resist-

  • 8/12/2019 Munoz All Relations Ch 3


    All Relations Appear To Disappear, by Tisziji Muoz.

    Copyright 1989 by Tisziji Muoz. All rights reserved.


    ance instead of expansion. Love is not resistance. Love is Being

    which is infinite expansion. That is why Love has been the

    object and God of all the great poets and mystics. It is so

    indescribable, it is so great. Real Love is not a thing that you or

    anyone can kill. It is not a thing that is limited to waste-organ

    activity. Love may find momentary expression through the

    waste-organs, butwaste organs, of themselves, have nothing to

    do with Love.

    If you truly love somebody, what difference does it make if you

    shake their hand or some other part of their body? What is the

    real difference? The part doesnt make the relationship any more

    than the relationship already is. Shaking a body part certainly

    wont make Love happen. You can love shaking somebodys

    hand or another part of their body, but that act is not

    necessarily what Love Is! Unless individuals who are engaged

    in the mechanical round of being in time and space in the illusion

    of painful or pleasurable relations or unless there is an awareness

    that is above the duality of all of that and the see-saw interaction

    of polar possibilities, it is going to be unnecessarily hard to

    survive in this dump-yard of the universe of experience.

    It is being said from all quarters now that there is too much toxic

    waste. Waste dumping is harmful for the body, the Earth body.

    That is an interesting point. Which Earth body? Everybodys

    Earth-body is a part of the planetary Earth-body. You have to

    start properly dealing with all of that in order to heal, you heal in

    order to deal with what you have left. I teach that a persons

    understanding can be expanded beyond their self-suffering. You

    can go or Be beyond that. I thought I was suffering just a week,

    a day or an hour ago. Now it is just a joke, see? Each being is

    recommended to participate in that Intelligence Awareness

    which is not always suffering. Each can presently participate in

    that Free Awareness which is not controlled by the waste-organ

    approach to life or negatively controlled by a relationship or con-

    trolled by anyone else.

    Such an activity of understanding, however radical it might

  • 8/12/2019 Munoz All Relations Ch 3


    All Relations Appear To Disappear, by Tisziji Muoz.

    Copyright 1989 by Tisziji Muoz. All rights reserved.


    appear to be, is appropriate and appropriate to the degree where

    it may even be Sacred, Sacred to the degree where it can save

    you from that psycho-emotional ruin which is a result of not

    having Spiritually Understood the true nature of the illusion of

    relations and their time-change karmas. Such non-understanding

    or ignorance causes suffering to the degree of self-destruction

    and being distracted from your real mission which is to BeHappy, despite the changes and flows of the universe which are

    basically self-destructive, sacredly or time-determinedly self-de-

    structive. Dissolution is what the universe is set up to

    accommodate, allowing things and beings to appear and

    disappear and perhaps reappear again. That is its process, and

    since that is the way it is, it must be sacred! It is sacred and

    Divine because it is what is actually happening. No body and

    its changes can alter the process. The process of change Is the

    Universe! Therefore, the process, if not the Universe, has got

    to be Divine, especially if being Conscious of the process

    leads to True Love, Freedom and Enlightenment. This is the

    Way the Spirit of God as Consciousness of Itself, by virtue of

    laws that are in no way touchable by human effort whatsoever, is

    operating out of or through this garbage-can planet and its


    The Earth is one of Its playgrounds. You dont look at it that way

    because you are too involved in the waste-organ level of life and

    what appears to be its infinite promises of absolute, exquisitely

    painful pleasure of ownership and possession. Oh, my

    goodness, oooh, wow! But that illusion is a farce. You can go

    through or even be that illusion until death and then say, What

    am I doing in this cold vacuum of void-space with no practical

    understanding of what is happening? You get caught up in the

    excessive over emphasis of waste-organ pleasure and the painful

    attachments which accompany it. And the law is, if one is

    talking about gravity, for the waste-organs to be operating,

    they have to draw, borrow or steal from the higher parts of

    the body! Therefore, there is an ordinary wasting of precious

    energy or fuel that need not carelessly or unconsciously happen.

    Such wasting should not happen at all.

  • 8/12/2019 Munoz All Relations Ch 3


    All Relations Appear To Disappear, by Tisziji Muoz.

    Copyright 1989 by Tisziji Muoz. All rights reserved.


    To the great degree that wasting is happening, it is no wonder

    that we have toxic waste, waste up here between the eyes and

    waste down there between the thighs. Everything is wasted. Most

    beings are having lots of fun getting or being wasted. They

    waste themselves and naturally, everything they do is relative to

    this waste activity. There is an Intelligence which, whenaccessed, enables this higher view to become a Realization to the

    degree that Free-Action or appropriately wise responses can be

    used to bring about Balancement to oneself, to ones

    environment, to ones human relations and ultimately to ones

    relation to the Earth-Mother.